nothingbizzare · 5 months
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Kites in the blue sky like fish in the blue water
Inspired from that one time when I got by accident in a wind festival and saw gigantic whale kites
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teruthecreator · 1 month
toichiro for ask :3
i know youre doing this to fuck with me but i will try to take this as seriously as i possibly can. just to prove you can never break me
Sexuality Headcanon:
it’s fucking toichiro man
Gender Headcanon:
it’s fucking toichiro man
A ship I have with said character:
josetoi is the classic and that’s basically it. just two guys fucking around in their weird sexually charged antics.
A BROTP I have with said character:
i once had a toichiro character study i was playing with that was gonna involve a scene with reigen and toichiro having a pretty candid, honest conversation about life and i’ve always thought about it. i think reigen could pretty easily cut through the bullshit and be real with toichiro, and as much as toichiro does not respect reigen he can appreciate his brutal honesty.
A NOTP I have with said character:
seritoi sucks and we all know this
A random headcanon:
i don’t know if this is a headcanon, more so just my general thoughts on how i’d think his Imprisonment would go. i don’t think he is ever formally Let Out bc my understanding of his imprisonment is it’s something a lot more dubious than just a typical criminal being apprehended by the cops situation (i see the esper branch as working oftentimes Outside of the jurisdiction and general rules of the government, therefore having their own means for capturing and subduing perpetrators). toichiro was never formally arrested in the books, more that he just kind of fell off the face of the planet and is assumed to have either left the country or be dead. toichiro Could feasibly just leave the containment facility and walk free—there are no legal laws keeping him there. it’s just that, well, they would probably try and stop him if he Did try to leave and that would involve probably beating and/or killing him. plus, i think it’s more of a personal penance for toichiro. he knows he can leave but chooses to stay because he feels this is what he deserves after all he’s done. but, eventually, as toichiro proves to be a good inmate, the facility starts giving him more freedoms. it kind of becomes like a nursing home? where people can check him out for a day or a couple of days at a time, provided he isn’t needed for any missions and is escorted by an agent (most often joseph, who was assigned to his case). he sees the outside world quite often, between his missions apprehending rogue espers with joseph and the gang checking him out to attend big parties and shit. but he also gets the typical prison visits and calls from shou and whoever feels like seeing him. he never becomes able to Leave the facility, but he’s made his peace with that and enjoys his life for what it is.
General Opinion over said character:
world’s funniest and yet saddest anime villain. i used to think about toichiro A Lot, especially in terms of writing him. i think it’s funny how closely you can compare him to teru in the way he talks and his worldview, because it means a grown ass man was having the same powertrip as a Literal Fourteen Year Old. but also that’s like. sad! tfs has a lot of toichiro in it and i got rlly good at writing him and the ways he manipulates people. i don’t think he’s a fundamentally evil person or anything. i just think he kind of sucks and has the capacity to change. mob psycho is literally all about giving kind of shitty people the capacity to change. and i openly welcome the idea of toichiro growing to become a different person post-wd. he’s a fascinating little critter and also just generally hilarious
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toichirofish BLAST
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c-c-cherry · 2 years
HELLO you may recognise me as the artist that drew that one whole scene from chapter 7!! thought i'd drop in to say:
FIRST OF ALL midterms are the pain ever, i wish you all the best!! stay hydrated <3
SECOND OF ALL thank you for taking the time to leave such a long and heartfelt reply on my post asjcjkdj it made me really really happy and giddy for the rest of the day i'm so glad i managed to portray the characters and envision the scenes the way you intended us to! your writing is absolutely gorgeous and i hope you're doubting its quality less, because it is top tier.
speaking of your writing i was tempted to talk about why i really loved the fic in the post itself but felt like it was really long already 😭
so here i am, this may be long, i apologise in advance for my rambling, in this essay-
i love how everyone turns to teru because he's reliable and he's smart but he's just a 14 year old who's had to be his own adult for way too long and he's just trying to figure things out, too. I LOVE HATE THE WAY HE TRIES TO FILL REIGEN'S SHOES, I LOVE THEIR FATHER-SON DYNAMIC
and shou oh my god i love that he tags along, that he's included but feels like an outcast in their group, the way he's there because he cares but he thinks he doesn't really have the right since he's not as close to reigen. HES SO ALONE BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO INTEGRATE INTO THEIR CIRCLE, SO HE KIND OF HANGS AROUND THE EDGE AND GOOD LORD I WISH THEY'D JUST PULL HIM IN
in conclusion i want to hug them all. i haven't felt this many emotions in so long cherry you did amazing and trust me you're going to keep doing amazing, because you are you
if you read all the way here thank you for bearing w me 😭😭 i hope you're doing well, you said you recovered from a mystery sickness recently? take care ok, we support you!! <3
Hello Bloo!! I’m so sorry it took me this long to finally reply. Life is life, and now I’m here! But just know that I’ve been rereading this ask consistently because it makes me so happy that my work can…make people think THOUGHTS? In-depth thoughts that they want to share with me?? It still barely feels real to me that people are liking my silly self-indulgent fic where I make the business man suffer. So thank you! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it, and thank you again for that deliciously-crafted fan comic! :)
I'm sparing your poor souls from a Cherry ramble under the cut. But for those who wanna peek inside my silly head:
As for what you’re saying about the fic itself…yeah HAHA. You’ve got it down. As someone who’s completely desensitized to their own ideas and the execution of said ideas, I don’t know how obvious all my little underlying themes and ulterior plot lines have been, but your interpretation of it all is pretty spot on. I’m a sucker for forcing characters to face their own truth via IMPOSSIBLE circumstances and then dragging every other character into a whirlpool of chaos and conflict and confrontation in turn. It makes it all the more fun >:)
I’ve been trying to write the characters carefully so their dynamics blend or clash or do anything else that I please, and that means letting them roam free and interact with each other while keeping their special character quirks. I love writing Mob constantly on the verge of guilty instability, Seri having to step his ass up despite his confidence not yet being 100%, Shou and his mysterious ways that are SO worth exploring because he's such a complex character despite not appearing a lot in canon, Ritsu’s impulsive, fear-driven, 13-year-old antics (and that dreaded stop sign), and of course, Reigen and all his pathetic self-loathing. In fact, ALL of them have been incredibly fun to write because ONE has amazing, fleshed-out characters that interact so well together. BUT I’ve been surprised with how much I’ve loved writing Dimple and Teru especially. Dimple’s not hard to write at all for me, but his interactions with the other characters in writing are ADDICTING, and I didn't expect that. I will say this forever, but I want Dimple in more fics because of the POTENTIAL. LET THE FART CLOUD HAVE THE SPOTLIGHT!! As for Teru—you can ask anyone who was around for the first few draft chapters of AH—I was very hesitant to write him at all. I personally think his character is very hard to nail, and I’m honestly surprised at how much the audience has taken to his role and his little moments within the fic—that encouragement and influence definitely made him appear more than I originally anticipated :)
I could ramble for hours about every character and all their inner complexities that I'd love to explore in this work and others. But I will stop myself here hahaha.
Thank you for this sweet little breakdown of what you’re enjoying in AH so far. It makes me feel very happy :) And thank you all for all the support! It really means a lot.
As for my mysterious sickness from a few weeks ago, it has vanished! Student life is crawling with unknown bacteria. It's like you're in daycare all over again, or perhaps a medieval plague ward. Now all I have to do is battle the turbulent trials of finals :’)
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incorrect-kubokai · 2 years
(some) Saiki k characters watching mob psycho 100
✨This post was brought to you by: my mp100 brainrot!!✨
Kaidou: he would watch it and like it a lot, especially the fight scenes. Has merch and his favorite character is Ritsu (he swears he understands him #emocore). He once told Saiki he would like to be an esper and Saiki was like: . Unimpressed. and offended. Plays the intros to hype himself up alone in his room bc THEYRE BANGERS.
Saiki: He would act like it's whatever but he enjoys it a lot. He read the manga before the third season aired so he knows what happens but has been trying to avoid people from finding out bc he wants everyone to experience it spoiler-free and I think that's beautiful. Lowkey wants to be friends with Mob because he's quiet too and a good kid (wants him to introduce him to stim toys to help him deal w his emotions). Doesn't like Reigen much bc he's so EXTRA and sees how he wants to take advantage of Mob but grows on him when he sees Reigen does care abt Mob and how he makes the rat man a better person. Rolls his eyes at Mob when he gets nervous around girls bc "they're corrupting him, that's not him. Stop polluting his mind, he only wants to play with cats and drink milk" (that's so funny to me). He applauds Reigen for being -surprisingly- the only one with a brain cell when a middle schooler has to fight a 40 y/o man bc it is pathetic.
Aren: he has cried watching this show at least TWICE, okay?? believe me. Was introduced by Shun and he thinks the show changed his life for the better (don't we all). Likes how Mob has changed the people around him and he's one of those people who would beat the crap out of you if you say something mean abt the style of the manga/anime or disrespect Mob and I love him for that. Likes the Onigawara arc and his growth bc he reminds him of himself (both punks who got friends and became less better ppl). Wanted to beat the shit out of Reigen during the separation arc but after he saw the rat's real (and empty) life he thinks he's pathetic. Still cried during the "I've known all along, the truth about my master is..." bc he's human. "Shun, there's no way Teru is straight. Look at him, how he looks at Mob. This is crushing on your best friend 101, believe me, I know about this" He sees Teru's true colors, and even though he doesn't ship TeruMob necessarily, he still thinks Teru has a big crush on Mob (which I thought everyone already knew but ok).
Nendou: "that flying fart is funny" "why's that guy naked". That's all.
Hairo: HE'S A FAN OF THE BODY IMPROVING CLUB LADS, he is an honorary member at this point. Just watched the show for them and loves Mob, always proud of him for giving his best.
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veggieboxes · 2 years
ok that adult teru post and in the tags you have some thoughts about him and his relationship w adulthood PLEASR PLEASE PLEASE TELL Us those THOUGHTS PLEASE. sorry i just i want to know i love teru hahaa
my god. you are unleashing my analysis brain. ok.
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i have a lot of thoughts in general on the "main cast" around mob (reigen, dimple, teru, and ritsu) in general LOL + how they all intertwine with e/o but i do really like teru bc of how nebulous his backstory is.. ONE pretty much just gives us this:
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(this dude is fucking 14. did he start living alone at 10????)
+ the fact that he started living alone bc of the claw attacks. everybody else has pretty straightforward backstories (except for dimple i guess, but he doesn't really follow the traditional rules of all the human characters), but teru's situation is so fucking strange. and it's never elaborated upon.
but i do think that it's very obvious that he turned out the way he Did pre mob meeting just bc he was forced to take care of himself and survive from an insanely young age. skipping childhood to become an "adult" is really the only option for him, which ultimately leads him to creating a social hierarchy at his school because gaining a position of power is "just something adults do." that plus the fact that he needs some way to prove himself to others that he's worthy of attention and praise because he can't get that validation from his parents. so the next best thing is his classmates!
from my viewpoint, a lottt of teru's behaviors boil down to doing what an adult "should" be doing / the ideal successful adult figure. which is also why he fits himself in those traditional heteronormative and masculine roles via. dating women and fighting men. this stuff helps reinforce the social hierarchy, but also creates the illusion that he's capable of being in functioning hetero relationships as people are expected be in as they grow older. teru wants to stand out, but in a "socially acceptable" way -- the way that will guarantee him praise from others.
the whole facade obviously crumbles after his encounter with mob. he's knocked off of his pedestal, being stripped of his dignity (and other things...) in front of the carefully constructed ecosystem he created with himself at the top. bigger pond, bigger fish! so once that's gone, teru really has nobody else to prove himself to or get worship from. at the end of the day, all he really has is himself to gain acceptance from. and with that, he can become an actual functioning human being and not a weird, disfigured, carefully chiseled mimic of what he thinks is the ideal adult.
obviously, remnants of this system pre-yassified teru put up is still present and we see that with teru still getting lots of gifts from girls who are kinda scared by him. but we don't really see how teru interacts with his classmates or vice versa in everyday life past that. i do really enjoy the idea of black vinegar's shadow leader coming back with a complete 180 personality. and a wig to match that change.
but all that aside, teru coming to the realization that he doesn't have much if you take away his psychic powers lets him become a kid again. not hardened by life or jaded, not held up to these wild expectations, not expected to take care of himself emotionally (which isn't kid-exclusive, but teru just never allowed himself to share that burden to begin with). i mean, he's always been a kid -- just in the way he tries to appear mature -- but he can let himself grow in his own, much healthier, way.
i think that's why teru's character in particular inherently has so much gay subtext, because the audience sees his character go from "traditional masculine figure" to... basically the opposite of that. and if the traditional masculine figure is defined by the role in heterosexual relationships, then the opposite would be homosexuality.
well, that and his general attitude towards mob. and teru's fruity ass fits. i'm not sure how he had those in his closet and thought, "yeah! i'm straight!"
and that's my two cents! my concluding statement: god, i hope we get the series of animated spinoffs ONE mentioned as a hypothetical.
i love mob's story to death, but i'd love to see more explorations into the other characters because they're usually pushed to the sideline development-wise after their respective arcs are over. i do love the omakes for this reason though lol
anyways, thanks for reading my intro to mob psycho 101 essay :-) sorry this is stupidly long. but also? i could write an analysis like this for every secondary character because i care about them so much.
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paintalyx · 3 years
hey can you maybe recommend some of your favourite fics please!!
aaaah, i'm a little behind on asks because of college but i saw this and i couldn't help but scramble to respond as soon as i found the time!!!! i'm super flattered that you're asking me for fic recommendations, but you didn't specify any fandoms or genres so i can't guarantee that any of these will be your cup of tea (feel free to shoot me another ask if you'd like to elaborate though!!!!). i'll try to be as diverse as an unapologetic angstlord can be, so here we go:
(note: while i did my best to add cws, it's still possible that something slipped past me, so please be mindful. as a rule of thumb, i'm not going to add warnings for stuff that's already depicted in canon material)
campfire in your chest (haikyuu!!, canonverse, tsukkiyama-main & kagehina-side)
Kei realizes in their second year of high school that he's probably been in love with Yamaguchi since they were ten. However hopeless he might be in handling that situation, Kei prays he's at least not as hopeless as Hinata and Kageyama. But he just might be.
four tags for you: pining, slow-burn, friends to lovers and unresolved sexual tension. this one's a classic, an old favourite of mine. i remember reading it on lunch breaks in high school while daydreaming about my crush and getting frustrated with tsukishima because "dammit, at least one of us needs to get it together and that won't be me anytime soon". also, once your done with reading this, please do yourself a favour and spare some time to check out the companion piece to this fic, "stay, stay, stay", which can be summed up simply as "meanwhile, kagehina".
a soft place to fall (jojo's bizarre adventure: vento aureo, canon divergence, narancia/trish); cw: major character death
“This is my wound, too,” Narancia softly says, eyes shadowed by so many dark lashes. He presses down over her pulse, and Trish’s heart jumps to meet it. “And this is my heartbeat. I can be brave because you’re brave.”
In the ten days between Corsica and Sardinia, Trish learns about her new power, reflects on the past, and finds her reasons.
this deserves so much attention!! i love the writing style, the character interactions— everything just feels special and different! it's been a hot minute since i watched part 5, but i have distinct and fond memories of reading this fic. it really did trish's character justice and, as a sweet bonus, it successfully got me hooked on this adorable pairing.
count the days until they blur, then keep on counting (mob psycho 100, canon divergence, gen); cw: torture, child abuse, imprisonment, starving
What Teruki wanted was power, right? What he wanted was to hurt people? Even if he didn't, he's got it now.
okay, this *may* seem bad, but it's hands down one of my all time favourite reads, not just as a fanfic. it has a happy end (worry not!), reigen being a reluctant disaster dad and teru— god, i love the way he thinks, feels, *copes* and changes as a person over the course of this fic. it shows all sides of him, the good, the bad and the ugly. he tries, he struggles, he relapses and recovers. some works just stick with you forever, and i'd be lying if i said that this one didn't change my life. like, i thought that it was the bee's knees the first time i read it and i was so mad that it had to end that i talked my friend's ear off about how unfair it was (though upon re-reading, when i was older and capable of understanding things a little better, i decided that the ending was perfect as it was). it's definitely not a work that i would recommend to someone sensitive, but i think i've established myself as someone who enjoys meaningful angst.
storm shelter (genshin impact, canon compliant, gen); cw: animal death
Three different times, over the years, Diluc and Kaeya are trapped together in the snow.
i'm a sucker for unconventional sibling dynamics and messy, conflicted feelings and this fic *provides*. it's clear that diluc and kaeya care for each other deeply, but they're both stubborn dumbasses about it (mihoyo, let these two talk again, i'm begging you). though the scenario in each snippet is somewhat similar, pov shifts to kept things fresh and prevented the story from becoming repetitive.
being a wingman is a full time job (genshin impact, canon compliant, chiluc)
“What are you doing in Mondstadt?”
“You didn’t show up this week!” Childe says. “Aether brought Hu Tao instead. She really handed it to me, but it just wasn’t the same.”
“You…” Diluc stops. “You came all the way to Mondstadt just because I didn’t show up?”
Kaeya discovers Diluc has a crush and, despite not being on the best of terms with his estranged brother, takes it upon himself to be the ultimate wingman.
this isn't among my favourite pairings for either party, but rumour says that if you say "oh, chiluc is just a crackship" enough times, you'll start shipping it for real so here we are. boy, where do i start?? a lighthearted, humorous fic every once in a while is good for the soul, basically a requirement. obvious idiot/oblivious idiot is a trope that i don't think i'll ever get tired of, but making the entire story be told from wingman's pov adds some extra spice to it.
a cheap imitation (durarara, canonverse, shizaya); cw: graphic depictions of violence and gore
“Attached to your neck is a collar that will inject a poison into your jugular vein two days from now. Forcibly removing the device will also trigger the poison. Somewhere on this island is the antidote.”
His hands reached up to his neck and he felt the cool metal of the collar.
“Live or die. Make your choice.”
god. these two are so disgusting and problematic, i love them. this fic pulls no stops. the author really looked at these two dumbasses and said "yeah, the only way they'd ever get along realistically is in a life or death situatio— wait," and we gotta appreciate that. well-thought-out survival stories are a very specific niche that i've always enjoyed, so adding familiar characters into the mix can only get me more intrigued. author also snatches all my uwus for appealing to my inner neat-freak and consistently finding different ways to give the boys hygienic products. if you want drama, tension and survival with some humour sprinkled in for the ~flavour~, this is a perfect read!
i admit i got a little carried away, but honestly??? who wouldn't when talking about something as wonderful as taking something that someone has poured their heart and soul into adding onto it out of love and passion??? i'm totally setting myself up for psychoanalysis with these recs, but tastes are subjective. i hope you'll find something of interest!! ^^
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justphilia · 5 years
Mob Psycho Characters Playing Minecraft (Headcanons)
He starts with creative mode, just to get the gist of it, before finally heading into survival but on peaceful. Then he’ll do survival easy mode and just stay on that tier forever, until he feels more confident to up his game a little higher.
Only played because Telepathy club was playing and he heard the word “Mob” and was like; “Did you call me?” and the club goes “nah fam, it Minecraft.” “what’s Minecraft.” Boom he plays.
Most likely to have a farm with a lot of cows
Has a dirt house/villager’s house on the first night and stops at just that.
Not much of a great builder
Takes forever to get diamonds
Dies often, but not too much. Just often enough for him to lose a few good iron pickaxes.
Always goes to bed once it’s night.
Most likely to have a pet cat
He just plays for fun, when he’s bored and stuff. So he doesn’t go as far as to defeating the ender dragon. He’ll travel to the nether though, just for potion making
But he does play a heck more when Teru’s around, or when the Telepathy club invites him.
He awaits for a frog update
Jumps into survival hardcore right off the bat after watching one play through
Most likely to have a villager colony and farm
Makes a wooden house with windows and stuff on the first night with a furnace and a crafting table and a bed. The essentials. But he won’t stay in one house often and will move a lot
He can build, but he’s pretty amateur at it, he’s a fast learner though so he could easily replicate houses he see online
He’s the type of guy that never stops mining until he finds diamonds, which means he makes sure he’s at 13-11y in coordinates, has a shit ton of extra pickaxes, and stacks upon stacks of torches. Once he finds them goodies, he heads on home and repeats the cycle
He’ll defeat the ender dragon if he’s bored enough or when someone challenges/pays him to.
Same goes with The Wither
Will skip Minecraft sleep very often and will only go to bed when the phantom starts attacking
Most likely to have many many pet dogs, each one of them have name tags.
When he dies, he gets mad for a few hours, then jumps right back in. He doesn’t die all that often though, so he won’t rage quit.
He gets the minecraft books later on and you can see him reading it under his table time to time
He starts off with easy or normal without much knowledge on the game, probably only played because Shigeo introduced him to or Shou bugged him about it.
He’ll have a farm, but just for resources. Won't have much animals, mostly crops. He’ll live next to a village if there is one.
His first house will also be a dirt house, he’ll improve it overtime and add more levels and decorations. It can get very pretty in the end and he’ll be content to just stay and keep adding more to his house.
Not the best builder, but good enough for people to compliment it. He feels especially proud when Shigeo likes them, so he’s keen on building better and more.
He plans before he mines, calculates how many torches he needs and plans out what he’s exactly looking for, even calculates how many hunger bars each food item will fill before taking it with him.
If he gets really into the game, he’ll defeat the ender dragon, wither and head on into the nether. Not in that order though.
Will sleep if he doesn’t need to do anything
Most likely to have pets, perhaps a cat, or a dog, or a parrot. Only one though.
When he dies, he accepts it and moves on. Though, that would rarely happen.
Recently got into a forced Minecraft marriage with Shou. Is it forced if he enjoyed it though?
This bitch really just gonna jump right into survival just to flex on Shigeo.
Duh, of course he’ll have a farm. Will probably talk to the animals.
His first house is either borrowed from a villager or built with wood, but it’ll definitely not be a simple ass wooden house. It will be a nice fucking mansion, just watch him, he will. He’ll fight all the mobs he needs to just to built this mansion right off the bat, doesn’t even care if the first night he sleeps roofless.
Really good at building, because he wants to compete with Ritsu for fun and boast about it to Shigeo. Shigeo would just clap and be like “Wow so cool.”
“Thanks, made it myself, I can make one for you.” Shigeo declines, he’s an independent man, which makes Teru a mixture of disappointment and oh-my-god-you’re-adorable???
He doesn't plan when he mines, he just estimates and half ass some stuff before he struts into the cave. Sometimes he gets lost, but that’s perfectly fine.
Will defeat every mob boss and mob ever to show Shigeo he’s very powerful.
Doesn’t sleep, fights the phantom instead. Will sleep if Shigeo asks him to.
Most likely to have a pet cat, but he doesn’t mind dogs.
When he dies, he’s an angry baby and makes up some excuse as to why he’s dead. “I was distracted, didn’t see the lava. Whoops I guess ha ha no big deal.” But it is a big deal, he lost his diamonds, he wants to give it to his boyfriend but he cannot. Because he died.
Has yet to marry Shigeo in Minecraft.
Plays because he is a gamer. Survival hardcore ftw. He only plays multiplayer with Ritsu these days, never single player because he has been playing Minecraft his whole childhood and it gets boring on his own.
What’s a fucking farm? I take my food from my Minecraft husband.
Sleeps in a cave, but if Ritsu’s done with the house, he joins his bed with him and sleeps under a roof.
But he’s really really good at building, probably the best next to Serizawa. If you gave him the resources and time, he can recreate Seasoning City.
A concerning miner, jumps in with just torches and a pickaxe and somehow still survives (mostly because Ritsu always goes looking for him)
Could probably easily defeat the bosses because he has already done it so many times
Will only sleep when Ritsu is, which is almost all the time.
He owns every kind of animal.
He dies too many times because he really doesn’t mind, it makes Ritsu mad and that’s what keeps him going.
Shou was suffocated in sand.
“S H O U.” Ritsu yells at the boy next to him.
Was the one that proposed to Ritsu, invited everyone to the wedding; including Serizawa and Reigen.
Played while he was still hiding in his home, so he knows everything about the game when he finally played it with Reigen or the kids.
He loves farming, even the animals, it’s oddly calming to take care of something that won’t die unless he hits em.
He always collects resources first before he actually starts building a home, so he always sleeps in a cave or a villager’s house.
After years of experience, he became really good at building, he use to spend time recreating maps from other games. But he says Shou is better than him, the boy disagrees.
Yeah he mines, but he’s wary of dying when he heads into the cave, so he always brings too many torches. 
Makes sure he is very very prepared before defeating bosses
Always sleeps in time, because Reigen said so. Well, because Reigen advised it, what a hypocrite am I right?
Doesn’t have pets, and even if he does, he always make them stay put at one place.
Doesn’t die all that often, almost not at all.
He pretends to not be good at the game when Reigen’s around, he mostly lets the other do what they wanna do because he loves watching his husband play.
“Serizawa! Look, I made the zombie villager back into a villager!” Reigen pointed, Serizawa smiles and nods. He already knew how to do that, but Reigen’s discovery makes it feel he discovered something new himself.
Bro this woman is so experienced to a point everyone consults her for tips.
She’s building up to find aliens in minecraft, even though they don’t exist, but she’s convinced they’re an easter egg or something.
No, she doesn’t farm. She takes em from the villagers, but she has a few beehives here and there.
She’s only mining to find diamonds as a peace offering to minecraft aliens.
One time she thought the Wither was an alien.
One time, she thought the phantom was an alien.
One time she thought the ghast was an alien.
Has died multiple times because she is careless, but she is never upset about it. Always jumps right back into the game immediately.
Parrots are her pets, because they f l y and d a n c e.
One time she thought the creepers were aliens.
She has this summoning circle made of redstone and torches in case there really are aliens.
She believes in herobrine and sometimes tries to summon him.
She thinks the aliens made the temples in minecraft.
Other Characters
Minegishi has so many bees and flowers and crops it’s almost covering the whole map.
Takenaka plays because it’s very quiet and calming
Shimazaki cannot play. He is blind.
Shou’s old resistance team use to play with him, now they sometimes play together as a trio when Shou is playing with Ritsu.
Mukai and Tsuchi play because Mukai wanted to, she has a lot of armor stands in her house.
Tsubomi does not play, she played once and didn’t enjoy it all that much, but she’s perfectly happy watching her friends play.
Emi roleplays in minecraft.
Mezato doesn’t play, but she likes watching minecraft videos on youtube, mostly the theories.
Everyone in the awakening lab plays, Kurosaki is fantastic at mining because she always knows which way are the mobs and which way are the diamonds. Asahi is an arsonist.
Minori once got invited by Shigeo to play, then she proceeded to buy minecraft and everything in it to impress him. Shigeo only congratulated her once. Contemplating buying the whole of Mojang, but she’s a good girl now so she won’t.
Hoshida plays to impress Tome. Too bad, son, she’s not into you.
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katyatalks · 5 years
MP100 “Characters & Such Official Guidebook” - Interviews ENG Translation
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The Characters & Such Official Guidebook was released mid-April 2019 as a guide for all things related to MP100 season 1 & 2. The guidebook also includes interviews with the voice actors of the main five characters (Mob, Reigen, Dimple, Ritsu, Teru), followed by interviews with Director Tachikawa, Series Coordinator Seko, Character Designer Kameda & finally with ONE himself.
Contains a bunch of interesting trivia and conversations (eg. Tachikawa and Kameda looked at fan art before they began the anime, an alternative past for Reigen was once considered, plenty of references to S3 & broccoli arc.) This is a pretty long read, so please enjoy!
Original thread on Twitter here. TN = Translator’s Note "Bold denotes a direct quote of a question,” & “italics denotes a direct quote of an answer.” I’m a little bit inconsistent with where I decide to give full question and answers rather than summaries here...
On being asked how he approached voicing Mob during the audition, he says that he went for something flat as Mob doesn’t really inspire “main character” vibes in him.
He takes it as a compliment when he is told that he’s like Mob as a person.
Initially he didn’t think too much of himself in the role as Mob but after being told by co-stars just how well his voice and performance suit the character, he began to believe it too.
On being asked what’s so charming about Mob, Itou says his honesty, and that he doesn’t take a negative viewpoint. Brings up that when Mob is against a foe, rather than “are you my enemy?” he’ll ask “what are you doing here?”.
Itou’s favourite character is Teru, as he thinks the way Teru behaves with his powers originally is the most realistic in terms of standard human nature.
He says the same thing applies to Shou & Touichirou.
The fact that Mob is different is his strength; the fact that he doesn’t think of his powers as anything special. He gives credit to Reigen for Mob thinking this way about his powers.
“At first, Mob-kun suffered because of his powers. But then he meets shishou, who tells him that his powers are just one part of him - this is linked to why Mob-kun is so charming now.”
Mob considers “you shouldn’t use your powers against people” a given fact.
Itou originally found it difficult to know how far he should go adding emotion to Mob’s voice.
Since MP100 is the first show Itou has been a regular & leading part for, he wanted to be the first person in the recording booth for episode 1, and as a result ended up arriving 45 minutes early.
Asked about his favourite scenes from S1 & S2, he mentions the scene that’s stayed with him is when Mob first appears in S1E1.
Has a few scenes he mentions as favourites; he loves the whole Teru vs Mob fight, but especially when Teru is shouting while using his powers as he recalls the passion Matsuoka [Teru] had when recording it.
He mentions when Mob saves Ritsu in S1E8, also mentions that’s something they covered in the stage play, and that it makes him emotional thinking about it.
Says he loves the scene when Mob shouts “Shishou!” as Reigen is ‘killed’ by Sakurai in S1E11.
Mentions S2E1 as well. “Mob-kun doesn’t express his emotions much, but he does then. Showing his powers to another while crying. I remember being glad when I first read the script for episode 1 as it’s a scene I wanted to do. I think of it as the moment Mob-kun starts to change.”
When asked about the stage play, says he thinks the Mob he portrays in the stage play is slightly different to the one he portrays in the anime.
Asks the fans to please continue to watch over MP100 and Mob’s growth, and it would be good if we could all continue to support MP100 as much as we can, from a stage play angle as well.
Sakurai says if he were to have powers he’d probably use them to commit wrongdoings with.
Asked on his impressions of Reigen, says he sees Reigen as an “unbalanced person”, but thought he was mysterious in season 1.
Thought of Reigen as a fraud and not a good person in S1, but with S2 we see his uchizura (private, more ‘real’ self) and real emotions, so his feelings re: Reigen changed from S1 to S2. “It was hard to know who he was, back in season 1.”
“So you felt pretty strongly that he was simply a fraud?” Sakurai; “Well, he lies to people, but at the same time he does actually put some work in (laughs). Clients go home feeling refreshed, so he definitely gives a good massage.”
Calls Reigen eloquent, and that the things that he says are sound. Calls him a good speaker. Brings up his speech to the “claw guys” (likely referencing S1E12). “He can be irresponsible, but he’s got a mysterious intelligence.”
Says that from the middle to the end of S2 there would be as many as 20-30 people in the studio.
Asked about his favourite episodes S1+S2 inclusive, says S2E1 and that the transition from the end of S1 to S2 is smooth with it. “A really fantastic episode”, “you can also see signs of Mob’s growth.”
“On that note, when Reigen hears that Mob got a girlfriend...” Sakurai; “It’s a shock (laughs). His mind goes blank. ‘There’s no way Mob managed to get a girlfriend,’ is what’s running through his mind. He doesn’t celebrate it. Actually, it’s an upsetting thing for him - since Mob would be all over her, Reigen’s business would end up in trouble (laughs).”
Sakurai describes the “Shishou and Deshi” relationship that Mob & Reigen originally have as something that’s quite fabricated and disregards a lot of truths.
“Reigen was an adult floating in limbo for some time, and starts a business in a calculating move. And it starts going well once he meets Mob in their chance encounter.”
“The nickname ‘Mob’ signifies him as a boy without a presence, and yet it’s from that point that Mob starts to grow, and something like a desire for recognition sprouts within him.” [TN: This appears to be implying that Reigen began the ‘Mob’ nickname.]
Sakurai considers Reigen arc 1) a story in which Mob's popularity skyrockets 2) a story in which we see a more raw side of Reigen and start to like him more.
On being asked if there’s any part of Reigen that he sees in himself, starts off with saying that he tends to give out advice to those younger than him (he’s in his 40s and implies he can’t compare himself to someone who’s young in their 20s). Then after knowing what’s running through Reigen’s head in S2; “I suppose we do overlap in one way or another.”
Sakurai says he was very much one of the “mob” (a nobody) in his 10s.
Finally, asked to give a message to fans; “I’d like to do a Season 3, so please continue to love Mob Psycho 100.”
Asked about his thoughts on MP100, Ootsuka says that the art style of the manga caught his eye - he thought it was fun that the anime doesn’t lose the style of the manga while making it more stylish.
Finds in modern manga, the trend is an ordinary kid will get powers by some chance & the adventure starts from there, but found it interesting that in MP100 Mob has had powers since he was tiny & the adventure begins after he comes crying to Reigen with “I don’t know what to do”.
Also enjoys how Mob isn’t exactly the “main character” type. Thinks that it’s a breath of fresh air in the shounen manga genre.
On being asked about Dimple’s charm, Ootsuka; “He’s bad, but you can’t hate him.”
Says that Dimple is ugly but that’s fun, since most of the time mascot characters are cute.
When asked what was running through his mind when preparing for the role of Dimple, he says “dishonesty, slyness.” Acting as if he’s smarter than people but he actually isn’t.
“Speaking of dishonest/sly adults, I feel Reigen is a different type.” Ootsuka; “I’d say Reigen is more dishonest/sly than Dimple... nah, actually they’re about the same. (Laughs)”
When asked if there was anything he finds difficult about playing Dimple, he says that with other acting jobs he finds it hard to play a character where he can’t connect, but “there’s a similar kind of guy to Dimple that lives inside me. So I just go, ‘oi, come out’ (laughs)”.
Says he thinks we all have a bit of Dimple in us.
Ootsuka is also the narrator in MP100. Said that originally he felt there was a difference in the way he played Dimple & the narrator, but that difference kind of became smaller.
He was told to no longer put on a voice that sounds similar to the person Dimple is possessing for season 2, which disappointed him as he wanted to put on a Mob-like voice for when Dimple possesses Mob in S2E4.
Discussion of how director didn’t like Hoshino’s [Serizawa] original takes as they were too silly. [TN: this is mentioned again by Inoue [Suzuki] and Hoshino [Serizawa] in this interview.]
He recalls bursting into laughter over Iwasaki Hiroshi’s performance as Ishiguro in S1E12.
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“Reigen becomes able to see Dimple as well in the last bit of Season 1, so he gains another conversation partner.” Ootsuka; “Reigen and Dimple, they both view the other as unnecessary (laughs). So the back-and-forth they have with that in mind is pretty fun.”
Asked about his favourite scenes or episodes, he says the end of S1E3. Dimple’s “Great morning, isn’t it, partner?” line really stuck with him.
Compares Dimple to a dog by Mob’s side.
“Dimple has the kind of face that you just might want to slap (laughs).” Ootsuka; “Well, that’s why I was careful to not give him a too audacious manner of speaking.” Says the interesting thing about his line of work is really having to think about how to say lines.
Also voiced Dimple for the live action adaptation [TN: AKA Netflix ver]. Says it was fun but found it a massive shame that he wasn’t able to bounce lines off of anyone.
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“I really didn’t do much in middle school. I was just a chuunibyou (laughs).”
When asked to give a message to MP100 fans, “You guys wanna see more, right? There’s still more to adapt, isn’t there ;) (laughs). So, we can make a sequel to S2 a reality if everyone works together. A ‘if you speak up, then your dreams might come true!’ vibe (laughs).”
He makes a sneaky reference to Broccoli Arc and wanting to see it animated.
On being asked his initial thoughts on MP100, Irino states he originally thought it was a lighthearted jokey manga based on the art style and the way the story was introduced, so he was surprised as the story progressed.
States that Ritsu is a relatable character with the issues that he faces (eg wanting something that’s out of reach so hiding your want).
Asked about anything that was difficult to perform as Ritsu, he states his two-sided nature; his general honour-student self and the other side of him.
Says that when Ritsu enters into his darker side, rather than playing some kind of bad guy Ritsu is simply more frank with how he expresses himself. “He lets the emotions in his heart be heard one by one.”
Irino is asked if he personally admires Mob, to which he replies that he’s jealous of the fact that Mob is so unbeatable.
He says Ritsu must also have the experience of looking at Mob and thinking something like, “Compared to him, I’m just...”
States he himself, Ritsu, and just about anyone has likely yearned to become something overwhelming, but we don’t believe in our ability to achieve that.
Following this, interviewer comments that Mob carries feelings of unease in his heart even though he’s so unbeatable. Irino comments that something fun for him with MP100 is that Mob doesn’t really realise how unbeatable he is.
Something that Ritsu admires about his brother is that he doesn’t show off the fact that he’s unbeatable.
“Even with powers, there’s plenty of things you can’t do.” Irino; “Such as not being able to confess to the girl you like (laughs).”
“Seems like even if he abused his powers he’d still be able to turn heads.” Irino; “Because he’s charming - that’s something good about him. That’s why everyone loves him, and why he gives off main-character-of-a-shounen-manga vibes.”
Asked about his favourite scenes/episodes from seasons 1 & 2, Irino says around when Ritsu's powers are awakened in season 1. He found it interesting to watch how his heart becomes disturbed.
"He finally obtained the thing he'd been longing for, but everything around him that was once so calm gets thrown into disarray."
He also liked it when Ritsu stands atop the telephone pole in S1E7.
Speaking in terms of Power Rangers & character colour association, ever since he was a kid Irino has admired characters that are more blue or black rather than red.
Interviewer comments that Ritsu holds the ‘blue’ role in MP100.
After Mob & Ritsu reconcile, Irino states that he feels Ritsu has come to understand his brother more.
“How should I put it; Ritsu is overprotective, or there’s a side to him that’s too fussy over his big brother...” Irino; “but that kind of brotherly love is pleasant to see.”
“In Season 2, Ritsu and Shou go through a joint struggle.” Irino; “Shou’s father has tremendous powers, and he has one fear with that; he doesn’t know when his father will go on a rampage. Their circumstances are similar, in that sense.”
“Truth is, in parts MP100 is quite like your typical shounen manga.” Irino replies that there’s a bunch of great lines in the manga, and importance hidden within casual words.
Following this response he’s asked if there’s certain line(s) from MP100 that have stuck with him, to which Irino replies quite a few of Reigen’s. “During the last part of season 1 when he marches into Claw’s hideout, you get to hear a lot of his thoughts. It’s hard to tell if he’s being truthful with the things he says or if he’s lying, and on top of that he says quite a few important things. That unbalance is interesting.”
“The broadcast of season 2 has already come to an end...” Irino replies that he’d like the MP100 anime to continue and adapt the manga to the very end.
“I’m sure all the fans feel the same way.” Irino; “Everyone worked together as one to create the MP100 anime. For it to continue, we need your support; so please continue to give that to us.”
Asked his initial thoughts on MP100, Matsuoka says it was that it’s a piece that you can easily empathise with; regardless of if you’re in primary school, middle school, high school, an adult, an old man or woman...
Matsuoka thinks of the anime as something you watch and go, “I’ll try my best tomorrow, too.”
Matsuoka voices both Teru and Tokugawa in MP100. He was first offered the voice of Teru, and then it was decided he’d also voice Tokugawa.
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It’s brought up that Tokugawa appears earlier in the show than Teru. “They’re two very different people, so in that sense performing both roles was easy. If they’d been similar characters I think there would be some confusion.”
Regarding Tokugawa, Matsuoka describes him as being quite firmly in the “student council” role with how strict and resolute his character is, in a way that Matsuoka himself very much isn’t.
Describes him as a cool-headed person, but given the way he interacts with Kamuro and is able to persuade him, says he has a hot-headed element to him as well. Matsuoka uses this as an example of how MP100 shows us the multifacetedness of human nature.
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Regarding his other character, Teru; describes him as the personification of ‘chuunibyou’. “I think of him as the embodiment of the answer to the question, ‘if you had powers, what would you do?’”
One line he still remembers from S1 is Teru’s “Muscle training? Studying? That’s for ordinary people!” Matsuoka says that there’s a part of him that agreed with that line, and he says that if he were to get powers he’d likely be as conceited as Teru was.
States that Mob’s “From my perspective you’re just ordinary” line also stuck with him.
“From S1E5?” Matsuoka; “Yes - and then Teru replies, 'shut up!', and strangles Mob.” He says that he was really able to project his own emotions during this part and mix them with Teru’s own.
“People can’t change so easily” - Matsuoka says the things that Teru was saying to Mob, he was also saying to himself, like looking in a mirror. Uses this as an example of Teru’s own multifaceted nature.
Matsuoka says that the original Teru we see (who the interviewer describes as having a "poisonous nature" & putting on airs) is simply playing the role of what he considers to be an 'ideal' person, but then that comes away and we're left with the real Teru.
Interviewer makes a joke that Teru gets his personality trimmed along with his hair.
Is asked about Mob & Teru's rivalry, and says "No way, no way - there's no way they're /actually/ rivals." Says the power difference between Mob and Teru is way too big for that to actually be the case - "compared to Mob, Teru is ordinary."
Calls MP100 a work from which you realise "Everyone is a hero, and everyone is ordinary".
Asked on his opinion on MP100 season 2; says that there's more moments that get to you emotionally than season 1. Brings up S2E8 as an example (when Mob's house burns). "Say if that was actually Mob's family who burned in there... I think he'd destroy the world."
Asked about his favourite scenes from season 1 & 2, he says (as previously mentioned) the part where Mob says “From my perspective you’re just ordinary”. He also likes when Teru says to Onigawara, "it must be sad to be ordinary."
He likes the whole of S1E4, and calls Dimple a "famous-saying-production-machine".
Continuing on the topic of Dimple, interviewer says that Dimple is an ally, but teeters between good and evil. Matsuoka; “Setting aside his actions for a moment - the things that he says are essentially evil (laughs). He tries to tempt Mob and the other characters.”
He is asked if he has anything to say to fans of MP100. Matsuoka; “Season 2 is over, and now you’re holding this Character Guidebook in your hands. The fact that we’ve reached this point is thanks to the support of you all, the fans.” [...] “Season 2 brings an end to the grand fight between Shou and his father, but as those of you who’ve read the manga know, Mob Psycho 100 doesn’t end there. The giant broccoli is yet to come (laughs). I personally would like to do the whole of Broccoli Arc. As for when we can do that, I don’t know - I don’t even know if it’ll be possible to do it - but I’d like to believe that we’ll do it. I think that if you all believe in it too, then it’ll become reality.”
On being asked why he decided to work on MP100, Tachikawa; “Naturally, it was because of how charming the characters are.” There’s a lot of main characters who hold immense power, but Mob doesn’t want those powers, which is rare - this is why he finds Mob charming.
He compares and contrasts to Reigen - “[He] has no powers, but puts on a bold front and deceives people… well, that’s a misleading way to put it (laughs).” He thinks Mob and Reigen’s combo is amusing as a result.
He’s asked about MP100s character design, to which he describes Kameda drawing up a whole bunch of ideas. There’d be designs that were similar to ONE’s, and designs that made Mob a bit more handsome, “since at the time, if you looked at Mob Psycho 100 fan art on the internet, there were plenty of depictions of Mob being all sparkly and good-looking.”
“But looking at that, Kameda-kun and I decided we both wanted to go for something more akin to ONE-san’s art. When we showed ONE-san the rough sketches of the more handsome designs, he said ‘they’re attractive - I'm good with that’, but Kameda-kun and I replied ‘no, no - ONE-san, your art leaves more of an impression than this, so let’s go for something more like what you draw.’”
Tachikawa wanted to include the more ‘catchy’ kinds of stories in the anime. He brings up that Mob and Reigen dressing in women’s clothing and infiltrating the school happens in Volume 7 of the manga, but they decided to bring that to S1E2.
Asked about convos that happened with ONE regarding scenarios in the anime - Tachikawa mentions how in S1E11, there’s a segment where a younger Mob and Ritsu are lost in a forest. “I expressed to ONE-san that I’d like to witness why Mob respects Ritsu, to which he gave this idea.”
“In the manga, what Reigen did before he began S&S isn’t shown to us, but we get an implication of his past based on a line he says to do with businesses. I said the following to ONE-san; ‘An insurance salesman, or water marketing?’, to which ONE-san replied ‘water marketing.’”
Also mentions that Tsubomi coming to S&S in S2E8 wasn't something they adapted from the manga, but something ONE specifically created for the anime because Tachikawa expressed he wanted to see that kind of scenario, and then ONE added it as an omake to the manga. [TN: This is mentioned again here.]
He thinks he would have had the choice to handle both the screenplay and the series coordination but decided to ask Seko to handle Series Co-ordination instead.
He is in charge of the screenplay for S2E6-7 (Reigen arc). It was decided that Tachikawa would be in charge of storyboards for S2E7 before it was decided he’d handle the screenplay.
“Do you feel you have an emotional attachment to Reigen?” Tachikawa; “Yes, I do (laughs).” Calls him a character surrounded by mystery back in S1, and other than his courage and the occasional line that would resonate with Mob there’s a lot about him that’s unclear. “But with S2E6-7, we step into his uchizura (more private, “real” self). It’s interesting to see who a character appears to be on the outside, and their uchizura.”
Tachikawa finds stories in which someone falls to their lowest point and then recovers charming - thus, Tachikawa was charmed by S2E6-7 which depict Reigen’s fall and his subsequent recovery. Says that Ritsu and Teru also go through something similar (fall and recovery).
He loves when you can feel the humanity of characters. Says that when you show character development the charm of that character increases, and so does the popularity of the whole work. “I suppose it’s not just me who likes that, it’s all the fans, too”.
Makes a point of mentioning that all the characters have reached a turning point by the end of season 2, apart from Dimple.
Asked on his opinion of Mob, he says he relates to him and he was the type of kid in school to be in a position removed from everyone else. “He’s a character I really like, though I’m told by others that I’m ‘Reigen-ish’ (laughs).”
“I think there’s a few ways you could take ‘Reigen-ish’...” Tachikawa; “To put it another way, ‘shady’. Kameda-kun made that clear to me (laughs). As if I’m feigning friendliness.”
Tachikawa handled the rough layout of the illustration cover (Kameda finalised it). “It’s something I could imagine happening that wasn’t shown to us during S2E8. I thought to myself, it would be nice to show Dimple, Reigen and Ritsu working together for Mob’s sake. A theme of season 1 and 2 is Mob’s growth, so I thought the marathon episode would fit as a cover for this guidebook. As a result of his growth, he’s got people gathered around him…”
“I think Reigen would’ve run with them on the first day they trained together, but then he’d start using the bike instead. Since his muscles hurt (laughs).”
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Asked to give a message to fans, he says that all the support from fans gave them a lot of energy throughout the production of seasons 1 & 2. Tells the fans to enjoy the OVA.
SEKO HIROSHI [Series Co-ordinator]
Asked on his thoughts of the MP100 manga, Seko; “it’s a work in which the characters are all charming. This is a misleading way to phrase it, but they’re a hopeless bunch; yet, the way ONE-san deals with them is very warm.”
“They’re not just characters, they’re much like us - nothing but human.”
Asked about how he wanted to deal with coordinating the series; “At the time of season 1 discussions, the most recent volume was around 9. I’d read up to that point and thought that if the anime is covering 12 episodes, then we should reach up to the fight with Claw’s seventh division in volume 6. My thought process from there was, ‘in what way can we make it so season 1 ends there?’, and with that I began.”
Asked if there was anything he fussed over, “making sure to not tar what makes the manga so charming. For example, when Mob reaches 100% for the first time in S1E3, that’s a highlight of the story, and I wanted to keep it that way.”
Reason for the movement of the high school infiltration from Vol 7 of the manga to S1E2 was to help build up to Mob’s 100% in S1E3.
The “student council” part of the manga spans S1E6-7 of the anime. The decision to condense it was due to the anime having only 12 episodes.
Reigen & Mob’s initial meeting being portrayed in S1 is brought up; “In a screenplay meeting with Tachikawa-san, we discussed depicting their initial meeting from Mob’s point of view, whereas in the manga it’s from Reigen’s. It comes up a little later in the manga but we thought it would be good to show their meeting in S1. And, if we ever got the chance to make a S2, we’d have the scene again much like it appears in the manga from Reigen’s perspective. So they wouldn’t be entirely the same scene.”
To being asked if there were any requests from ONE regarding the screenplay of the anime, Seko; “We had a discussion in which he said that while the final part of S1 has a serious atmosphere due to the fight, he didn’t want it to end that way. For that reason I proposed that we could end S1 with the tsuchinoko segment. I think ONE-san is uncomfortable when there’s nothing but seriousness.”
Seko says he had a feeling that they’d get a season 2. Much like season 1, he finished off season 2 in such that way as to give off the impression that there’s more to come.
“Did you struggle figuring out how to start S2E1?” Seko; “Regarding that, I’d already decided that if we were to make a S2 we’d start it off with Wriggle Wriggle.”
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A deliberate choice was made to start off S2, and finish S2, with the broccoli (Mob receives the broccoli seeds at the start; broccoli becomes the giant broccoli at the end).
The interviewer describes an important part of S2 as being “hold your emotions dear to you”.
Seko; “Wriggle Wriggle is a pretty silly story, so I thought having a pleasant story after that would keep the balance. I think that balance between silly and serious is representative of what Mob Psycho 100 is.”
“Season 2 has one more episode than season 1, making it a total of 13 episodes. Could you tell us why?” Seko; “The original plan was 12 episodes. Had we kept to that, the scene in which Mob’s house burns would come at the end of part A of episode 8. But Warner Bros. producer Matsuda-san said, ‘I’d like that to come at the end of the episode.’ However, doing that would mean we’d have to give the battle with Claw that follows that a squeeze... so Matsuda-san said, ‘let’s go for 13 episodes then.’” [TN: This is mentioned again here.]
“Are there any scenes from S1 & S2 that you feel an emotional attachment to?” Seko says when Reigen is invincible in S1E12. “The scene in which he scolds the 7th division embodies what Mob Psycho 100 is all about.”
Says that in typical shounen manga the situation would be resolved with a fight but MP100 isn’t like that. “The things that Reigen says are completely justified, realistically. The things an evil organisation does are a crime; the clothes that they wear are weird... (Laughs)”
“Speaking of Reigen, a phrase of his that leaves an impression in S1E11 is, ‘When things get tough, it’s okay to run away!’” Seko; “In conventional shounen manga, there’s the belief that the protagonist shouldn’t run away, but with ‘it’s okay’, ONE-san’s personality shines through. Reigen is truly an intelligent person. The things he does are questionable, yet he has common sense that comes out at strange times.”
“You can’t sum up his character in a single word.” Seko; “I think he’s a respectable person, but he also cons people (laughs).” He enjoys the back and forth Reigen has with clients, and his stinginess and the way he edits ghost photos. “He’s both eloquent and skilled, which is unbearable (laughs). Despite that, he doesn’t rip people off with what he charges. You get the idea that he’s got some sense of ethics, which is calming.”
“He’s simply a difficult character to understand.” Seko; “Honestly, at first I couldn’t understand him at all. It was difficult to think of things that he might say when creating scenes that weren’t in the original manga. But when it became clear to me that he has morals, it all fell into place. I’ve forgotten when exactly this happened - it was at some point near the start or middle of season 1 - but I came to understand the kind of person Reigen is.”
Speaking about Mob, “He’s introverted, quiet and bad at socialising, but he has this immense power inside him... when you hear that, some other works will probably spring to mind, but when you read MP100 you realise this is different. Mob is Mob[.]”
“It’s interesting to see a character as powerful as he is work very hard at training his muscles.” Seko; “And his incentive for that is that he wants to be popular (laughs).”
Seko was in charge of the next episode previews (which Reigen would announce in a meta-ish way). He says that he ran out of ideas of what to end them with by season 2 so they start repeating a little.
Asked to give a message to fans, he says thank you for watching S2 and look forward to the OVA.
KAMEDA YOSHIMICHI [Character Designer]
Asked his thoughts on the MP100 manga, Kameda says he didn’t have much of a clue what direction the story would take upon finishing the second volume. “After Claw gets introduced the story takes on an action-like atmosphere so I thought it would carry on that way, but then the story starts digging deep into uchizuras. I was surprised at that. That’s a true-to-life middle school boy being depicted.”
Kameda says that he took on working on the MP100 anime after reaching the part of mob psycho that explores uchizuras. “The way I felt was, ‘I want us to make a season 2, so we can definitely animate this part. I’m doing season 1 for this purpose.’ (Laughs)”
“What were your first thoughts with the character design?” Kameda; “In the manga there aren’t really any illustrations that are coloured. Even the front covers of the volumes aren’t too expressive with how they use colour. The way lines are drawn is dependent on colour, so the first decision to be made was on that subject, while checking my choices with ONE-san. In the manga, Reigen’s tie is black. But in the anime Mob is painted all black, so I thought it’d be a bit too heavy to leave his tie that way. Reigen was the only one with a coloured illustration in which his hair is painted yellow, so based on that I tried creating a whole bunch of tie patterns - purple, green, blue, pink, etc. ONE-san wanted to go for a blue tie, but I thought that was too salary man-ish, and didn’t give off fraud vibes. The final decision was made based on a colour necktie that the average person wouldn’t buy - it would be pink, wouldn’t it.”
Asked if there was anything difficult after colours, he describes having difficulty trying to figure out how to convert ONE’s style to the screen. “It would’ve been interesting to leave his art as it was for the anime, but it seemed like it would’ve been very difficult to do so.”
Describes ONE’s talent as being the way he applies shadow, calling it very real.
Interviewer follows on this by asking anything else that marks ONE’s art as ONE’s, to which Kameda replies the shape of ears, and describes his struggle trying to replicate the way ONE draws them.
Kameda would correct the ears drawn by the other animators to try and match ONE’s style. Leading on from this the interviewer mentions hearing that Kameda would touch up any cuts that caught his eye. Kameda; “Around 10 cuts an episode.”
Calls Mezato a favourite character of his, to the extent that he volunteered to do the part that she appears in S2E13 (and did so).
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Says that S1E5 was the only episode in S1 he didn’t touch, which Fujisawa Kenichi was animation director of. “The character design in that episode is a little different but I thought that episode would be better off with Fujisawa-san’s style.”
Kameda proposed the scene that happens at the start of S1S1 (Mob fighting the “evil apparitions”) by saying he wanted a depiction of a middle school boy fighting with his powers as our start, but he actually proposed it in anticipation of the kind of action we’d see in S2E5. [TN: I think it’s been a rumour for a while that the start scene is from Mogami arc and this sorta confirms that the line of thought there is correct]
The first episode in S2 that they started drawing production work for was S2E5.
When Kameda watched S2E5 what he was most surprised by was Part A of the episode (ie. Mob’s day to day life), rather than the action scenes. “The layout is good, as are the use of bugs as an expression device[.]”
Kameda speaks of S2E7 as a part of Mob Psycho 100 so important to him that if it didn’t exist he wouldn’t have chosen to work on MP100.
He fussed over the press conference and Reigen’s expression(s) when he talks to Mob by the river at the end of the episode.
Interviewer mentions that we don’t see Reigen’s face in the manga when Mob calls him a good person, so seeing it in the anime leaves an impression. Kameda; “we struggled with that cut, but we struggled with Reigen’s expression when he’s walking alongside the river more so. Originally his expression was hidden as he approached, but when the camera pulled in close you could see his face.”
We end up seeing his face the whole way through. Kameda calls Aoyama Hiroyuki (who animated the whole end segment) a “super(hero) animator”.
Kameda makes an edit to Reigen’s expression upon being told by Mob that he’s a good person, with respect to the expression Reigen pulls in the final volume, “when [he] lays bare his real emotions to Mob.” [TN: This appears to be implying Reigen was originally drawn with tears in his eyes that were removed to make sure that the scene in which Reigen finally cries maintains its impact.]
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“The performance by Reigen’s VA, Sakurai-san, was amazing... and I loved Mob’s ‘By the way, Shishou. Happy birthday.’ Itou-kun’s way of speaking is so gentle... I can’t quite express the feeling properly, but hearing him say those words, I was brought close to tears.”
Kameda is asked if there’s anything that proved a lot of work, to which he says, “Hmm... there’s a lot of characters in MP100, aren’t there. (Laughs)”.
Describes that he designed ~90 characters for S1. “I thought I’d get to relax a little for S2, but in the end I ended up having to design around 90 more. (Laughs)”
“Some of the main character designs that were established in S1 changed a little for S2, didn’t they.” Kameda; “Ritsu changed a little with S2. In S1 he had a bit of antagonism toward Mob, so I had the hair that frames his face be a little longer to try and hide those emotions.”
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“A character’s state of mind is something that can be expressed through their hair.” Says that Ritsu’s hair gets a refresh in the final part of S1 when he’s talking to Kamuro in the park, to represent that the “demon plaguing him is gone”.
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He’s asked if there are any characters in the huge cast of MP100 that are memorable for him. He mentions Tarou and Hanako as two characters that were fun to draw as they set the trend for the other “guest characters” in the show.
Also says he likes Mitsuura as a character with high energy who was fun to pose, though he’s unpopular with the animators due to the patterns on his clothes being a pain.
“I’ve mentioned this here and there before, but I really love Shinra Banshoumaru. The reason why I was the animation director for S2E2 is because it’s his entry episode (laughs).”
“Why did you want to draw Shinra Banshoumaru so much?” Kameda; “Because he’s chubby!! The swell of his cheeks, his tummy, his large butt... I’m obsessed (laughs). I was so charmed, thinking, ‘I want to make him even bigger and move him around!’”
He’d do things like add extra belly sways to the storyboards. “I didn’t intend to go as far as I did, but I think I went overboard in a lot of ways (laughs).”
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Asked to give a message to fans, Kameda; “I’m happy that you all continue to involve yourselves with Mob Psycho 100. Since we’ve come this far, I want to finish off animating what remains of the MP100 manga. A television season 3 - no, wait, perhaps even a film...? Please be sure to continue to support Mob Psycho 100.”
[TN: this marks the fourth mention of a MP100 film I’ve seen from Kameda, and also marks him as the only member of production staff interviewed in this book to explicitly state anything to do with season 3.]
ONE [Original Author]
He is asked how Mob Psycho 100 came to be. ONE; “I love psychic powers as a theme, so I thought to myself, in what way can I make the most of that theme? How can I add colour to it? Through that thought process, I incorporated puberty, stress, ‘being used’, complexes, unrequited love, ‘shishou’, lies, the dual nature that exists in many things, and so on… then, the protagonist; a passive, introverted person, but someone who is able to become the eye of a hurricane, someone who through the influence of their relationships changes, grows… it was with that foundation that I began developing the plot, and through that process I solidified the setting; this protagonist would have their heart burdened by a buildup of stress and the shift of their feelings, and after passing a certain boundary they’d explode, and their powers would run wild… I thought it would be nice if the manga was a little strange, with the buildup until the boundary crossover being shown to the reader via a numerical percentage value. Ideas for titles included things like, ‘Mob Psycho’, ‘Psycho Helmet’, and ‘Mob Psycho 100%’.”
He is asked to recall how he felt when the MP100 anime was confirmed. ONE; “I was delighted. A lot has happened in relation to Mob Psycho 100, but for me the anime has been the thing to make me the most happy.”
He is asked what he hoped for with the anime, to which he replies the happiness of the fans, and for MP100 to bring a smile to the faces of the staff working on the anime.
What he looked forward to was the way the voice actors and animators would approach the characters, and how they’d flesh out the MP100 world as a result.
“What kinds of conversations did you have with director Tachikawa?” ONE says he doesn’t really remember their initial conversation(s) but he knows that he told Tachikawa that he has the freedom to be as creative as he wants. “I didn’t want to be a nuisance.”
He recalls being told by series coordinator Seko that he may need to shift around a few of the chapters to make the story in the anime flow a little easier.
Asked his thoughts on Kameda’s character designs, ONE; “Amazing. I’d resigned myself to the fact that the characters would get an overhaul for the anime and become more handsome, but Mob has remained Mob, Reigen has remained Reigen. Their anime designs are charming. I was moved.”
He says he holds several pages of character designs drafts that Kameda drew up dear to him, and mentions that the Body Improvement Clubs designs were perfect from the get go.
ONE says that he feels blessed with the amazing voice actors giving depth to the characters, describing how when they’re given voices it feels like they’re alive, and regrets that he didn’t go to recording sessions more.
“How did you feel when season 2 was announced?” ONE: “Season 1 was amazing, so I expected there’d be a season 2.” Describes Tachikawa and Kameda’s hard work, to which he responded with his own. “It was around the time that I was ending the manga, so I buckled down to finish it.”
He looked forward to seeing how the anime would deal with adapting the more “drama” feel of season 2, with human emotions being explored.
He describes his process with writing problems and their solutions in MP100. “Mob & Reigen each have their own way of dealing with a problem, so I’d say, ‘this is how this problem would generally be dealt with’, and from there I’d explore different ways of solving that problem.”
“I let the characters start thinking for themselves - that kind of delusion awoke within me. Like, ‘Hey, Reigen, I’m going to sleep, so think it over for me.’ With that, it became easier to plan.”
He is asked his thoughts and feelings on the anime; he states he doesn’t really watch anime but was reminded of how interesting it can be, and the power of anime as simple entertainment. “I was able to recognise anew just how amazing the production team is. [...] I felt so grateful that they chose to work on Mob Psycho 100, devoting their precious time to really putting their all into the production work. It’s how I’ve felt with every episode. Right now I’ve watched up until the end of S2E5, but I’m already running out of tissues.”
He is asked anything that’s left an impression on him during the broadcast of MP100; “The amount of correspondence I’d receive from overseas Mob Psycho fans increased with the anime broadcast.” Says that it’s amazing that even with a translation foreign fans are able to laugh at the same things, be moved by the same things, etc.
Finally, he is asked to give a message to the fans who purchased the guidebook. ONE; “Thank you for always supporting Mob Psycho 100. The way I see the situation regarding Mob Psycho 100 as a work is as something that overlaps with Mob’s own development. Mob Psycho’s value as a piece of entertainment greatly increased with the powerful aid of the anime, and with everyone who offered a hand, gave their opinions and support, and reached out. I’d always thought to myself, ‘I want to create a manga that’s able to influence those who read it in some way, if only even a little,’ but as it turns out it’s Mob Psycho 100 that has become what it is now thanks to all of you. I’ve still got my eye on what Mob Psycho 100 will become in the future. Nothing would make me more happy than for all of you to continue enjoying Mob Psycho 100.“
Thank you for reading!
Posted on twitter here.
ONE & Director Tachikawa’s comments on the main five are here.
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impassiveesper · 4 years
[ I haven’t talked about the Medicos Autumn Festival merch silhouettes even tho it is the spooky month and the season to do so, so while I’m here rbing trash about those Halloween outfits, please enjoy the full take. ]
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Mob. My babie boy. You did it.  Puffy pants were a great choice Mobert, very cute. Great fit, cute little ruffles, I can tell you thought really hard about this. Suspenders? Great. Somebody absolutely helped him put that together. There is no way he dressed himself. It is possible Teru dressed him. 
Reigen looks no more or less about to falsify his taxes than usual. True to character even in costume. He bought the whole thing as a set. He picked it up on a whim and everybody else based their costume on his.
Proud of Serizawa for having the courage to wear a costume. He didn’t know he was going to be wearing a costume, Reigen just sort of handed it to him. He’s comfortable conforming with the group. His horns are cute, I bet he insisted upon them. Those other horns might catch on something or hurt somebody, can’t have that.
Teru isn’t aware, but this is possibly the most fashionable combination of items he has ever managed to put together. Like wow he’s color coordinated for once. Teru would not be satisfied with a premade costume, so he hunted for the perfect pieces to make up this ensemble for weeks. The only reason he isn’t an absolute fashion disaster as usual is because he had his heart set on matching with Mob so he stuck to the chosen color palette religiously. He’s going to wear those pants regularly. He did not buy a single piece that was not gay enough to worm its way into the rest of his everyday wardrobe.
Ritsu doesn’t want to be here. Ritsu deadass looks like the adults are making him go. Ritsu ‘Are You Insane Like Me, Been In Pain Like Me’ Kageyama is only going to this event because onii-san really wants him to and this boy has one (1) critical weakness.  This fit is trash. He had the shirt and jacket already in his closet. The pants and shoes are borrowed, but only because Shigeo cornered him and dejectedly asked if he really was going to wear his gym shoes instead of matching colors with him. Ritsu will under no circumstances appear to be having fun.  Not even during moments when he is having a lot of fun.  No, it does not count if he smiles politely for Shigeo, and if you see him do that no you didn’t. He will consider lethal action if you succumb to Shou’s attempts to bribe you for a photo. Every one of these measures is both a threat and a promise.
Dimple’s having a great time and I’m happy for him. 
Every one of them looks like absolute shit in some capacity or another but shockingly few of them are not cohesive considering the range of pieces involved here. Fricken bats. I love Halloween.
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wingsonghalo · 5 years
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So anyway as an apology for not having my TeruMob fic completed yet please enjoy these random snippets of TeruMob I wrote for @ittybittytoostormy and got way too attached to Transcript below if you’re having trouble reading the images (thanks tumblr). It says “today” in all the timestamps but these were written on the 21st (not that that matters)
WingSongHaloToday at 11:36 PM would Mob also describe him as handsome if he were summarizing events? I think he would
StormyToday at 11:36 PM this is supposed to be mobs story so yeah absoltuely
WingSongHaloToday at 11:36 PM "Teruki Hanazawa, my kind, talented, and handsome friend"
StormyToday at 11:37 PM absolutely something he would say!
WingSongHaloToday at 11:37 PM Teru sobbing in the bg like I'm only one of those things you angel
StormyToday at 11:37 PM ogfomgfomgogm
WingSongHaloToday at 11:41 PM Teru losing Mob in a crowd would be hilarious
"Excuse me, have you seen my friend? About this tall, dark hair, handsome round face, brooding eyes always lost in thought, a lithe but yet sturdy body--" "Hanazawa-kun, I'm right here" "oH KAGEYAMA THERE YOU ARE AHAHA" the people Teru was asking are just like "him??"
WingSongHaloToday at 11:49 PM Mob would be so confused if he heard Teru describe him as handsome to other people tho he'd be like "I thought you were just trying to make me feel better that one time, but... do you really think I'm... handsome?"
"Well of course!" Teru says immediately. "Why, I'd have to be blind not to see that! Your deep red eyes set under those dark brows, that jet-black hair, the gentle yet powerful slope of your cheekbones--"
"I mean, people always tell me I'm kind of plain," Mob interrupts, his cheeks feeling warm.
"Well they have no taste," Teru hmphs. "Anyone would be lucky to be on the arm of one such as you, Kageyama!"
"I guess you must know what you're talking about," Mob guesses, "since you're so handsome, Hanazawa-kun."
Teru walks into a street sign.
StormyYesterday at 11:51 PM oh my gosh that sso sososo cute iomfgfgggggg
WingSongHaloToday at 12:02 AM "M-Me?" he chirps when he catches up with Mob again. "H-Handsome? I? Teruki Hanazawa? Haha, whatever makes you say that?" His eyes are shifting around like he's looking for onlookers, but Mob only sees a couple birds sitting on a wire nearby.
"Have people never told you?" Mob asks incredulously.
"No, um, that is, they have," Teru admits, shuffling his feet. "But. I wondered... why YOU would say that."
A brief silence follows.
"Ha," says Teru suddenly, "haha, that's! Never mind! It's not important!" He sounds like he's about to run off or something. Mob decides he doesn't want him to go.
"Your hair is really pretty," he says, and Teru freezes, his shoulders jumping up to his ears.
"It's really pretty, like gold thread," he repeats. "And your face is much more angled than mine. Your eyes are big and a really striking color, almost like..." An image of Tsubomi flashes through his head, but somehow he feels the comparison would not be welcome, so he merely flushes and drops his gaze to his feet. "A-almost like s-sapphires," he invents. "And... you're much more athletic than I am, even though I train really hard. Your arms are more muscular, too." He glances back up at Teru.
His friend is looking at him and clutching his heart, his mouth hanging open like he's just been spooked into a heart attack by a Halloween decoration, only his face is beet-red, so Mob isn't sure he can call this fear. It's more like surprise, he supposes. "S-S-Sapphires," he mumbles weakly, so quietly that Mob is pretty sure he wasn't meant to hear it. The blond clears his throat and seems to collect himself a little. But just a little. He still looks pretty shocked. "You... notice my arms?"
Mob tilts his head. "Why wouldn't I?"
Teru makes an odd sort of squeaking noise as his mouth flaps, like his jaw is on a rusty hinge. "O-Of course," he says when it starts making noises again. "Well. Er. Th-thank you. For, um. Thank you." He's so pink he almost matches his sweater. "I'm... I'm very happy you think of me that way." The way he's eyeing the ground, the way his feet are pointed inward to each other as he shuffles his feet, the way his thumbs are tapping one another as he fidgets with them... Mob has another startling revelation:
Hanazawa is cute.
"I think you're cute when you're embarrassed," he blurts out, because he's curious how Teru will react.
Teru gasps and goes even redder. "I-I," he stammers, and bites his lip. His eyebrows settle into a line, as if he's made up his mind about something, and he takes a determined step towards Mob. He then manages to stumble on absolutely nothing, which is strange because Teru is very athletic and Mob has never seen him stumble on anything.
"Are you okay?" Mob asks as he helps pull Teru to his feet.
"I have literally never been better in my whole life," his friend says.
Mob smiles. That's nice to hear.
StormyToday at 12:06 AM hey this new fic is also a new fav thisi s SO CUTE WING OMGGGGGG i love it i love them
WingSongHaloToday at 12:07 AM I'd die for them I'm grinning so wide I love them so much
StormyToday at 12:07 AM mhmhmhmhh me toooooo so purea nd good
WingSongHaloToday at 12:08 AM so after that Teru would just fish for compliments wearing a new outfit he'd strike a pose and ask "How do I look, Kageyama?" He sends him a wink. "Do I get your heart fluttering?"
"Uh-huh," Mob says honestly. Teru slips on a dropped article of clothing and nearly falls headfirst into the wall
StormyToday at 12:10 AM i just put my hand to my heart that is so sweet it hurts omgfgfggggggg
Today at 12:12 AM
"Should I wear this one," Teru asks, holding up a blue shirt in front of his chest, "or this one?" This time he lifts an orange shirt up to chest-level.
"Hmm," says Mob, considering that. "The blue one." He smiles, and decides to use a line he'd heard his mother say to Ritsu before: "It brings out the color of your eyes."
Teru wears nothing but blue for two weeks after that
StormyToday at 12:14 AM oh my goooooooosh i love this so much its so purea nd good and sweet
StormyToday at 12:15 AM YES
WingSongHaloToday at 12:24 AM "Hey, Kageyama," Teru says as they're walking along in the mall one day. He's leaning close, his words warm against Mob's ear, and a prickly, pleasant feeling Mob can't quite identify tickles his spine. "I think that girl over there is looking at you."
Mob glances over in the direction Teru had looked. Sure enough, there's a girl looking them over. Her face goes pink and she looks away, trying to blend herself into the crowd.
"I don't think she was looking at me," Mob says. "I mean, who would bother to look at me when someone like you is around?" He walks a few more steps before realizing Teru is not beside him, and he turns to look for his friend. "Hanazawa?"
Teru is standing there looking like someone had just given him a soccer trophy (at least, Mob assumes that would be what he would look like. He has never seen anyone receive a soccer trophy). "You're so kind, Kageyama," Teru says. His voice sounds oddly choked.
"Are you all right?" Mob prompts him as he walks the few steps back to rejoin him. "Don't get lost, okay?"
Teru shoots him a smile that makes the pit of Mob's stomach warm. "I won't," he says, and wraps his hand around Mob's.
It feels... nice. Safe.
Mob finds himself smiling, and he looks up at Teru, not knowing what else there is to say.
"Stay with me," Teru says as he starts to pull Mob along.
Well, of course, Mob thinks. He would be happy if he could always stay with Hanazawa.
He wants to say the words aloud, but something holds him back. They feel too honest. Mob's been doing his best to be honest lately, but these words are honest in a way that makes him a little scared for reasons he doesn't quite understand.
"Right," he decides to say, and pours all the other feelings into the single small squeeze he gives to Teru's hand.
StormyToday at 12:26 AM that is so damn sweet omg ;_; theyre so so adorable i love this so much Wing
StormyToday at 12:27 AM it feels VERY canon to me yes
I hope this makes up for not having my TeruMob fic out yet gomen
(more of this conversation, where I continue this scenario a little bit, available if anyone’s interested idk kasdlkjf)
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nie7027 · 5 years
Dad!Reigenweek day 5: Colours | Dreams
Here is day 5! This time shorter but I wanted to explore with a new style fo this prompt. It’s the first time I write like this and I must say it was fun 
I feel a little bad because this day was supposed to be dedicated for Mob but as I said I had fun 
(sorry Mob, one day I would write a piece that actually centers on you and Reigens relationship)
This is obviously based on the mp100 season 1 ending and I lowkey referenced my fic College funds (just a reference, you dont have to read it)
So i hope you enjoy it (pay no mind to my british spelling or the fact i confuse Ritsus and Mobs aura colours)
Reigen’s life had been gray and dull and boring. Working a dead end job at some nameless sales company.
The walls, the computers, everything had been gray. Even his serious looking suit had been gray. 
The only speck of colour in his life had been his pink (his favourite colour) tie but it hadn’t been enough.
He quitted.
Blue was the color of the child’s aura drowning the whole room and Reigen himself  when he saved Reigen’s steamy hot cup of tea from the imminent disaster.
Blue had been the shorts and t-shirt the child had been tugging at, fidgeting while trying to explain his strange situation and how Reigen could fit in it. How he could help him.
Nobody had ever asked him help.
Blue, but another shade, a lighter shade had been Mob’s little brother bag when he introduced him to Reigen.
Ritsu was his name.
Ritsu had been unabashedly scowling at him while Reigen rambled, trying to come up with something to funny to say, something to make Ritsu warm up to him when out of nowhere the kid kicked his shin.
Colourless were the kid’s tears streaming down his face when his older brother scolded him while Reigen cried on the floor. The kid had a good kick.
Years later in a white tiled underground base Reigen would realize that Ritsu’s aura (since when did he have powers?) was that very same shade of light blue.
That day he saw too, for the first time, the oily yellows and greens coming from a kid furiously fighting for his life.
Later Teru’s green and yellows would fill Reigen’s crowded apartment each morning, trying to hurriedly prepare breakfast, when both of them would be running late to their respectives errands (highschool for Teru and work for Reigen) all because they overslept. 
They had gone late to sleep later after marathoning B rated movies again. 
They had done it daily since Teru moved in some months ago.
Purple and orange had wildly crashed in his life. 
Well the purple actually was calm, soft. It hadn’t been Serizawa’s fault that the circumstances surrounding them when they met had been wild...well it had been (like who joins to a terrorist organization on accident?) but now he has gotten better.
The orange definitely was wild in itself. Loud. Boisterous. Rowdy.
Always sneaking in his office, hoggin the couch and hollering in laughter. Falling asleep and leaving half finished drawings that Reigen would tuck closely in his bookcase, waiting for the next time he came over.
Green filled his office too.
Be it a snarky spirit who couldn’t shut up, always with a insult at the tip on his tongue (or a wise advice in the rarer occasions Reigen needed some comfort) or all the alien trinkets and stickers Tome would forget in her haze after a long day of work.
Sometimes even black would be there too, mixing with his other kids colors and inviting him to some of his tennis matches trying to not make a big deal out of it, sassing him and using Reigen’s thoughts against him if he dared to imply otherwise.
Nowadays Reigen had almost the full spectrum of colors in his life 
And even though pink was still his favorite colour he would be lying if he said he didn’t had a special place in his heart for certain blue.
Why? Because it had not only stopped gray from overtaking Reigen’s life but it had brought the full rainbow with him.
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kittykatz009 · 4 years
5 Shows and Some Questions
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
I was tagged by @icameheretowinry. Thanks again Nikki!
As much as I love FMA, I think I’m not going to include it in this go around lol
1. Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun 2. Sailor Moon 3. Shaman King 4. Soul Eater 5. Mob Psycho 100
Who is your favorite character in 2? Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn for SURE. I have loved her ever since I met her in the series when I was a little kid! 
Who is your least favorite character in 1? I’m not entirely sure? I think it may be Aoi? I just don’t know enough about her yet to have a real opinion on whether or not I like her. She’s a sweet girl and friend to Nene, but I just haven’t seen enough of her. 
What is your favorite episode of 4? I think it would have to be when Maka uses the black blood to fight Crona. That was just a fantastic fight scene that I adore. 
What is your favorite season of 5? I think I would have to say season 2. I love how much more impressive the animation got, and the mini-arcs that happened. Also, I love 100% ecstasy Mob with my entire soul. (Season 3 will be my favorite though. Whenever that will be)
Who is your favorite couple in 3? I really love Yoh and Anna. But, if I had to choose one who isn’t the main, I really love Li Pi Long and Tao Jun. I think their relationship evolving the way it does is very interesting.  
Who is your favorite couple in 2? Not a couple, but I really love Hotaru and Chibiusa. Those two are adorable together and I am glad they found one another. 
What is your favorite episode of 1? So far? I love episode 12 the most. Without getting too spoiler-y, I like that it is setting up for a possible season 2. 
What is your favorite episode of 5? I love the Teru versus Mob fight in season 1. I love how it becomes the turning point for Teru from being the conceited asshole he is to becoming an overall good person(TM). 
What is your favorite episode season of 2? I don’t know the episode specifically, but season 3 when Hotaru becomes Sailor Saturn!!
How long have you watched 1? It just came out lol.
How did you become interested in 3? My best friend thought I would enjoy the manga and when I read it, I became addicted and tried out the anime. Then, I remembered vaguely seeing episodes on Saturday morning on 4Kidz when I was in 4th grade lol. 
Who is your favorite actor in 4? I really love the VA’s for both Soul and Maka. I think both the English and Japanese VAs were really able to get into the characters and make them come to life.  
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Oh ouch. Why would you do this to me? It will always have to be 2. Sailor Moon is my dearest and oldest watched show. But I love all 3 so much. 
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 3 since it is a longer show lol. It has like 70 something episodes where 1 only has 12 lmao. 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Soul. I would love to rock that pinstripe suit all day every day. 
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Actually, it probably would! Shaman King focuses on ghosts and the supernatural, and Soul Eater is supernatural by default. I’m sure it would work. (I also may have started a fanfic of a crossover years ago lmao)
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? Nene and Sakura I think. They both have their reasons for making their bonds with the supernatural, so I think they could really find a common ground. 
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? If we’re going by the anime only, Mob Psycho 100 has a better storyline than Shaman King. Shaman King deviated too much from the source material and changed some very important things, whereas MP100 follows the manga almost to a T. 
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? I love both of the openings of Soul Eater with my entire heart, but Sailor Moon definitely wins for me. It is such a classic that even people who haven’t watched Sailor Moon can recognize it!
Tagging: @wingsonghalo @toastytoaster22 @strawberrymilkmob @ittybittytoostormy @fffend and anyone else if you’d like!
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ashleysonchu · 6 years
Mob Psycho Ⅱ OP Production Tales ① (English Translation)
***Please Note: This is a translation of a post uploaded by Yuzuru Tachikawa, the Director of Mob Psycho 100 II. All content and writing belong to him. All I did was merely translate his words. 
***Link to the original post: https://note.mu/memine_/n/n9b7713ff11c9?creator_urlname=memine_
***Hello! I actually had to take down the artworks, for Bones requires one to not re-post its art. However, you can go into the above link and look at the actual artworks as you read my translation. Sorry about that. Otherwise, enjoy!
This is Yuzuru Tachikawa, the Director.
This is a secret story behind the opening production, but it is something like a production memo. Since I was forgetful, I decided to publish it to note in a recording-my-work meaning. I’d like to write ② soon.
This time around, there was no time, and I thought “it would be really bad if I got power-down,” so I worried a lot about that. It was really a useless time, I’m sorry lol As a result, I decided to back off the previous concepts of “surprising pictures full of supernatural ability” and “surprise box,” and additionally include “visual illusion” to the concept.
By the way, the key visual theme is also “visual illusion,” but I’d like to put that together and address it at another opportunity.
I thought that Zoetrope, which is also the origin of animation, would be good for decorating the beginning, and soon this cut came floating in my head.
This is also the cut that I finished writing for the first time.
At first, I was going to handwrite this scene, but no one wanted to do it (maybe it’s natural), so we abandoned it and changed to CG.
But I think that was good as a result. We ordered CG with a cheap, LEGO-like image, but actually it was the initial vitual fighter that came up lol
I adopted it because I was laughing at that Low poly CG after coming back from a long break, and so it became the present form. It was the CG’s ad-lib that made even the buildings dance in the background. Thankfully.
By the way, I really wanted to make it appear to move with illusion, but it was difficult with animation frame rate (24k), so I reflect on that I should have worked with 30 frames. Well, still I do not know if it can be realized because I think that we need a rather sophisticated calculation. I wonder if someone will make it three-dimensional at the Ghibli Art Museum ~ ~
Rubik’s Cube
I wanted to make even a normal character introduction mob-psycho-like, so I used a classical toy motif. In this cut, I thought I would contribute to the illusory feeling by depicting an aspect of this cube as a 3D solid, and handling the next cut as a 2-dimensional piece, but in the first place, the animation itself is on a flat surface, and so the effect in that sense was not there lol
I thought about how many times the cube had to be turned in order for the face to change, but to fulfill that condition, the movements became pretty simple, so I just preferred the fun of the picture rather than the reasoning behind it. Thank you, GAUGE-san!
In addition to Mob and Reigen, Mr. Kameda also drew for me Ritsu, Teru, and Dimple. The details have changed variously from the original storyboard.
Slide Animation
There are various names to it, also called optical animation, but this is a technology that has been there from quite a long time ago. It is also used for children’s picture books, so I got my inspiration from there.
This cut is actually made visible by motion illusion. Since the animation did not work unless the specific conditions were satisfied, when we did the test, we found that the animation was only established in 9 k cycles. So, we timed the drawings and matched them with the passing speed of the bar.
The actual processing displays all of the movements in motion and makes them silhouette-like. And then we put the bars as a mask on the movements—we’re doing something like that. (This may be meaningless…)
This cut became the most tiring cut to draw in this OP. We divided 40 domino characters into 3 animators, and we also divided the passing objects and the speaker-like emotion explosion to multiple animators.
Domino alone—since one character collapses with 8 cuts, it becomes 8 × 40 = 320 cuts. Well, that’s calorie high.
When I said that I wanted characters to collapse in drawing, I got an angry phone call saying “Are you insane?,” but I pushed forward with my guts lol I wrote “If we divide it in two rows, we can pass-fall the stopping picture” or something on my storyboard, but that was a lie lol
I think that this Domino scene became a lively and luxurious-feeling scene, thanks to the drawing style. When the characters fall, I put a specific reaction to each character. If you do not mind, please look closely.
It is regrettable that a part of the drawing cannot be seen due to the previous character collapsing, but as we delayed the Domino, the matching with music became weird, so we reluctantly (we were sobbing) made it this timing.
Because the city gathered in the back, it was necessary to divide the drawing of the city. I think that this is a cut that became a burden for various sections, such as drawing, art, and shooting.
This will continue in ②
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mob-likes-milk · 6 years
Can I get an imagine of Teruki's crush (gender neutral) seeing him without his wig, and he's self-conscious about the bald spot. Please make it fluffy! 😊👍
rumors seek insecurities
Pairing: Reader x Teruki Hanazawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Tumblr media
Summary: (Fluff) After the meeting with White T-poison, Teruki changes radically; he loses his past admirers but gains knowledge of his situation. His long-time crush, (Y/n), starts to be close friend with him, aware and proud of his progress. He wishes to always be besides them, but an event will make him doubtful of his confidence.
Warning: mentions of rumors & humiliation.
Word count: 2040
A/N: I got quite carried away on this one, I still hope it’s okay! (I really wanted to develop their relationship beforehand) I really hope you’ll enjoy! ♡
The rumors spread atan alarming speed since the curious news of debris floating up in the sky wasbroadcasted for the whole archipelago to know. Seasoning City was the heart ofnumerous supernatural events journalists would investigate on, but never getanswers to. Some citizens were aware and feared these happenings, but somedecided to see them as usual and not give them a second thought. It was thecase for most of Black Vinegar Middle School’s students, as one of them showedto be someone with superhuman powers; his force and capacity were unbeatable byanyone. Teruki Hanazawa was someone who you shouldn’t mess up with. Nobodycould compete the mysterious power he held; making him the most appreciated andcharismatic student of the whole school, if not of every other Seasoning City’sacademy.
His time ofacclamation was held until the delinquents started to soil his reputation,talking about how “White T-poison” played with his little game and made of hima complete fool. They all declared the strongest individual roamed around SaltMiddle School’s ground, someone with so much force he could eventually be thecause of the incident every resident of the town were concerned about. No onepresent at the scene of the battle was able to give clear answers; they wereunconscious for the most part of it, but they could affirm Teruki was laidbare, both figuratively and literally.
The main element everyonefocused their attention on was the obscure and powerful student of theneighborhood school, but nobody took notice of the sudden changes of the formermost popular teenager. He was left alone by most of his admirers, a lot of themclaiming he was just someone full of himself, ahypocrite who only wanted to show off his impressive, yet not the mightiest,capacities. His whole situationfelt unfair and completely impulsive; the amount of backlashes he receivedcould be considered harassment for (Y/n)’s eyes.
Teruki and they wereacquaintances since elementary school, occasionally telling the other greetingsand having short discussions over the small amount of school’s topics. Despitethe polite behavior the young boy displayed to them, (Y/n) never felt the urgeto know them more than a classmate. The usual cult of appreciation the otherspresented to him made them recede from learning more about their personality;his action resumed it well enough.
But the moment theysaw people loath on him, they started to make efforts for him; they noticedchanges on his personality nobody tried to apprehend. They saw him maturing up;being cognizant he is just a human; a powerful one, but still someonelike everybody else.
Ever since theystarted to initiate more discussions with the young teen, their relationshipgrew exponentially; in less than a few weeks, the two past acquaintances werealready close friends. This change did contributed greatly on Teruki’s attitudeand actions; him who has a tremendous crush on the student ever since they meetup years ago.  He obviously hid theseloving emotions away from their sight, trying to cautiously make his way intotheir precious heart by his thoughtful decisions and his elegant look.
It was still surprising to see such a suddenmodification on his physical appearance after the famous event, his hair wereabnormally long on the top of his head; the mass of hair relating to a messyhaystack. People around him would noticeand accuse the rumors of him losing his blonde, silk hair during the well-knownbattle; this eccentric hairstyle being the one of a wig.
(Y/n) didn’t listen tothese warnings; they knew better than worry for something as insignificant as ahair loss problem.  They like theirfriend for who he is, and even so, his porcelain face is still the most pleasantone they ever lead their eyes on.
               Thestress forming through the day was slowly cleared away into one of appeasement;the soft temperature of a spring afternoon was nothing but gratification forboth of the middle school students. The sound of their shoes faintly hittingthe pavement put rhythm in the comfortable silence; the last stroll of the daywas a time of relaxation after enduring classes over classes. (Y/n) looked attheir friend from the corner of their eyes and gently smiled; they felt greatthey did the right choice to help Teruki through his isolation, the boy beingmore fascinating than they would have ever imagined.
               Theyoung boy noticed the friendly stare and adorable grin adorning their featuresand felt his heart pounding slightly harder inside its cage, he softlyreturned the gesture.
“Hey, do you think you will be ableto come at my apartment tomorrow? We can finish that group project if you’dlike.” Teru’s appeasing voice broke the silence, his friend’s expressionchanged into one of slight surprise, before their grin reappeared.
“Sure, I think I can ask my parentsfor th-“
(Y/n) was cut short bya cyclist riding straight at them at a dangerously high speed. The young student swiftlystopped their saunter and tried to save their friend from a potentially harmfulhit by pushing him. The bodies of the students thumped against the concretefences of the aligned houses, a painful sensation rapidly spreading insidetheir already drained figures. The silhouette of the man and his bike fadedinto the horizon, mumblings of an unfazed sorry vanishing into thin air.
The back of (Y/n) felta soaring ache, the tough surface of the wall scratching against their darkuniform. Glaring the way the cyclistdisappeared, the student whispered cuss words under their halting breath. Theirheart was pulsating at an agonizing fast pattern, making them feel suddenlydizzy. They breathed in and out calmly trying to evacuate the sudden rise ofadrenaline, glancing back at their close friend.
Their eyes widened atthe sight in front of them; the large amount of blonde strands on top ofTeruki’s head was now laying on the concrete ground, revealing his previouslyhidden bald scalp.
His sky blue orbs shotopen when he saw their startled expression, the unusual lack of weight on hishead alarming his now troubled mind; he knew what happened. Shame started toeat him whole, his deepest fear executed without he had the chance to stop itfrom happening. A burning feeling spread through his bruised body, the pain from the previous fallfelt like nothing to this hurtful and self-destructive sensation; he knew that now, he will never beable to be with them, all because of this disgusting truth he had to hide fromtheir dearest eyes for weeks.
Disgraceful warm tearsblurred his vision, he tried to hide the bald spot with his arms but he wasaware it was futile. He tried to push himself against the grey fence more andmore, hoping he could disappear through it if he made enough effort. (Y/n) sawthe distress of their friend and rapidly sat up; their legs flinched due totheir wounds. They cautiously staggered to his shivering form; even if therumors revealed to be true, it wasn’t a problem for them; their thoughts abouthis beauty stayed just as clear as before.
“H-Hey, Teru, look atme, please…” They pleaded, trying to find his delicate eyes behind hisdefensive arms. His body seemed to shake more furiously, the tears he held intopouring down his cheeks, crimson red from the humiliation. They kneeled downand stretched their hand to maybe appease his stressed form, but he seemedfrightened to even feel their touch; their fingers felt like scalding utensilsprepared to melt his pale skin if they dared to make contact. (Y/n)’s armretreated, a frown of deep worry now showing on their features. They had to dosomething, anything to help their friend.
“You, you shouldn’tfelt ashamed of this.” They tried to reason him in a whisper, concern showingin their voice. They glanced to the side, noticing the long wig still on theconcrete ground. “I don’t think it’s awful, or disgusting, what you’relacking.” They continued and looked back at his tense frame. They chose theirwords wisely, sometime taking pauses between sentences to take a refreshing andmuch needed breath. Teruki’s soft blue eyes opened calmly, their constant shakeof fear subsisting with time.
“I-I still thinkyou’re beautiful, inside and out, and I won’t trade you with anyone else.” Theyexplained, glad to see his stunning face completely again. His eyes shinedwith slight happiness, were they true to their words? Was he as important tothem as he always considerate them? He deeply wished it, his fist clenching hispurple blouse in anticipation.
“You’re actuallysomeone I think is really h-handsome.” A timid smile tugging on their rosylips, they couldn’t hold back the genuine compliments back anymore. “I don’tmind your imperfections at all, since I have quite an amount for myself.” Theylet a laugh escape; it felt embarrassing to tell their insecurities to theirprecious friend.
They had a moment ofsilence. They looked back at each other to find the answers they wished tofind. The (e/c) orbs were fascinated by the baby blue ones, sparkling into amix of citrine and rose quartz hues. The evening sky reflected into his iris, theshining of the tears not shed gleaming around. (Y/n) was completely mesmerized.
“I-I’m not the one tocompliment like that, but your blue eyes are p-particularly pretty.” A delicatered color spread across the young student face, a feeling of embarrassmentdisplaying after admitting one of their thoughts. The face in front of themturned the same glow, a delighted smile forming after hearing their words.
Teruki embraced hiscrush in a swift motion, taking their upper body in a strong, but affectionategrip. Some lukewarm tears escaped his tightly shut eyes, a feeling of gratitudeand relief taking over his senses. His friend was taken aback when they feltthe wet sensation on their shoulder, some worry showing. They made up theirmind to think it wasn’t something to doubt about, and reciprocated the tenderhug back. The shaking lips of Teruki tried to mumble his appreciation, but hewas too overwhelmed to say it correctly.
“-T-thank y-you… somuch…” He tried to speak, his hiccupping hampered his speech.
“-You’re welcome.”(Y/n) replied calmly, their hand wandering on his back; soft rubbings carefullysoothing him. They felt another smile form on his features; the sensation onhis warm cheeks being pushed made his crush relieved.  They both wished they could stay like that,but time was flying off.
They parted away fromthe sweet embrace, grins adorning their crimson faces. The blonde looked backat the wig, stretching a hand out to retrieve it with an indescribableexpression.
“You know, it’s okayif you need to wear it for the moment. Hair grows back anyway so there isnothing to worry about.” (Y/n) reassured, the hesitation he had about his appearanceslowly faded away, a smirk displaying on his features. He put the wig up on hisscalp once again, trying to balance it up so it won’t fall another time; his friendchuckled at the unusual sight.
They suddenly wonderedif he still felt the harm of their past fall, maybe he had bruises covering hisarms and back as well. They thought about what they could do to help, and decided to spendmore time with him; it was the best choice to be made.
“Teru, are you okay?I-I mean, is your back still hurting?” They asked in a shy tone, a warm feelingof affection spreading through them. He looked back at them surprised, before testinghis back, giving it random pushes. They knew what the answer was when they heardthe young boy muttering laments. They let a playful grin play on their featuresbefore taking his stiff arm in theirs.
“Well, I guess I’ll needto take care of those!” They cheered while giggling.  Their friend felt his heart skip a beat afterhearing their melodic laugh, a tender smile arose from their hidden feelings.
“Haha! Sure!” Terukireplied, glad he fell for the right person.
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pundeserving · 5 years
Teru week days 1 & 2
“Ugly…. ugly… gross…. smells like mothballs… ugly…” Ritsu boredly shuffles through one of the thrift shop racks, not giving much of an effort to find anything he likes. He still can’t believe Teru convinced him to come here, so he’s been acting like a bit of a brat for the past few hours.
“Aw come on, Ritsu. You have a jacket just like this one!” Shou points out, appearing from around the corner and shoving a dingy yellow hoodie in his face. Ritsu scoffs, shoving Shou’s arm away.
“Sure, except mine doesn’t have a big clown face on the front.”
“Wow, way to be picky! I’ve never found any clothes with my face on them. Honestly you should be grateful!”
Teru shares a bemused look with Mob as the two younger boys start tearing wildly through the cramped shop, Ritsu in angry pursuit at Shou’s heels, seeking revenge for the remark. Luckily they’re the only ones who seem to be out thrift shopping today, and really his friends probably only agreed to tag along to humor Teru on his birthday. It’s a perfect gift, though, being able to spend time with his closest companions while doing something he enjoys. Teru pointedly ignores the sounds of an entire rack of clothing falling over in the far corner of the store, turning his attention back to the rack of unique sweaters he’s been perusing with Mob. He’s sure if any damage is caused (that can’t be undone psychically) Shou will spot the bill.
“Isn’t this one nice, Kageyama-kun? It comes with lights!” Teru nudges Mob a bit to distract him from the sound of Ritsu’s muffled cursing from just out of view.
It takes a second, but finally Mob studies the mess of a sweater with a small head tilt, before asking, “Is it for… Christmas eve or…?”
“What? No it’s just for whenever. Though I suppose it would work well for a holiday date.”
Teru smiles softly, returning the sweater back to its rightful place. He’s been hoping to find something special to wear since it is his birthday after all, and maybe he’ll even find something Kageyama-kun is impressed with.
Mob remains steadfastly neutral to seemingly every option, though. The only solace Teru gets from this is the fact that Mob is still standing closer than usual, and even seems to be responding with more than his typical noncommittal humming.
“Oh! Hanazawa-kun this one is cute…” After a moment of silent browsing Mob presents a jacket with a dog face on the front, similar to one of his own, though in different colors, and likely a different breed of dog. Teru takes a fraction of a moment to fantasize about coordinating outfits with his best friend before coming back down to earth.
“I love it, Kageyama-kun! Maybe we could-“ His thoughts are cut short by the sudden chiming of his phone. “Shoot, I could have sworn I had that on silent… sorry Kageyama-kun, just a moment,” he mutters, fishing his phone from his pocket with a flourish. He doesn’t bother checking who’s calling before answering- after all it’s probably just one of his friends (acquaintances, really) calling to say happy birthday.
“Teruki! Hello.”
Teru’s blood runs cold the moment he hears the voice. It’s one that often haunts his dreams, one that he can only seem to catch by flat voicemail greeting. He feels like he’s been punched in the gut, breathing out a labored, “...Mom?”
As if sensing the shift in atmosphere, the thrift store suddenly seems to grow silent, the aisles closing in around him.
“Yes, it’s me! I was just calling to let you know that your father’s contract was renewed. Isn’t it great news? Oh, we’ll probably be moving to a new city of course, since the business is expanding. Just wanted to give you a heads-up. We’ll send you the new information once we get settled in.”
“Uh- oh okay.” All thoughts seem to be absent and he can’t even begin to form the words he’s been practicing for months for next time he was able to finally get ahold of her. His mind is scrambling, begging him to choke out something, anything, really.
“Oh shoot, sorry, Teruki. We’re about to head into a meeting. Just be on the lookout for that information. We’ll probably send it with your next rent check. Okay, toodles!” The line cuts off into a dial tone before he can even say goodbye, and Teru can feel his stomach wedged tightly in his throat. God, she hasn’t called in… months, at least. And it had to be on his birthday of all days. He tries not to let it bother him that she didn’t even mention it because, let’s face it, she probably forgot again.
He doesn’t realize that he’s been frozen for a few moments, listening to the sound of the dead line. He knows if he tries to call back she won’t pick up. Nine and a half out of ten times she won’t. Regardless of the day or the time. He could disappear and she’d never even notice probably.
“...ru? Teru??” A soft voice tethers him back into the moment, along with a hand placed gently on his arm.
“Are you okay?”
Mob is looking at him, eyebrows drawn together in subtle concern. It takes a lot out of Teru to calm down enough to not totally break down into tears, but damn it this is his day and he’s not going to let anything ruin it.
“Yeah. No, yeah I’m fine. It wasn’t anything important.” He may appear calm, but there’s still a small waiver in his voice. Mob’s eyes soften even more as he gently slides his hand down Teru’s arm, stopping to grab onto his fingers.
“If you wanted to get that sweater then I’ll buy it for you. As a gift. But we should probably hurry because Shishou was going to meet us for dinner, remember?”
Teru nods, letting Mob pull him by the hand up to the register. That’s right, he has plans. Plans with people who care about him and remember special days. People who answer every time he calls, no matter how silly the reason or late at night it may be. He has a new family and his mom has no idea. And as far as he’s concerned she’ll never be a part of it.
It’s a beautiful day, he realizes as they step back outside. His hand is still firmly in Mob’s comforting grasp and at some point while he wasn’t paying attention Ritsu managed to sneakily hook his arm with Teru’s free one. Shou’s rambling on about all of the food he’s going to eat and how he’s totally going to beat Teru this time because he was so close when they last went out to dinner together.
Teru finally allows himself to smile again, taking in a deep breath before reaching into his pocket and turning his phone off for the rest of the evening.
[i decided i wanted to participate in these prompts bc terus my favorite boy, so i wrote a little something for the first and second days using the prompts: thrift shopping and phone call (sorry for weird formatting but... tumblr. i may upload these to ao3 though so hopefully it will read better there. also this one was a bit rushed bc of work and blah blah blah)]
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mimikyufriend-moved · 6 years
Title: Still Developing
Fandom: Mob Psycho 100
Pairing: serirei
Words: 2618
After a year and a half, I finally went and wrote a fic to go with this post.
I’m not very experienced with creative writing but I had fun with this! I hope you guys like it and any constructive criticism would be appreciated :]
To clear up any confusion, Keiko is a character that shows up in the Reigen manga and Amane is just someone I made up.
“You have to see my kids!” Reigen exclaimed as he fwipped out a chain of photos from his wallet.
All the photos were clearly taken with a disposable camera: Mob wincing from the flash… Ritsu scowling and covering his face… Teru with a serious case of red-eye… an extremely blurry Shou… somehow the quality kept getting worse.
“Oh they’re all yours?” the client said, more exclamation than question. About ten middle schoolers, understandably, seemed like a lot.
“Well I just mentor some of them, although I do consider them all part of the family.” Reigen folded photos back into his wallet as he asked, “So now, which course are you interested in?”
The client took a moment to think, “I guess I’ll take the all-out course.”
“Ah, good choice!” Reigen smiled as he took the 12,000 yen. The client had indeed chosen the most expensive course, all according to plan.
 “Are you still telling clients we’re your kids?” Tome strode into the room, placing her school bag down on one of the sofas in the office, “That lady I just passed by seemed a little overly friendly.”
“Well I-”
“You know someone’s going to see right through you one day. They’ll wonder why a 29-year-old single man has adopted so many middle schoolers and you won’t have anything to say. You won’t be able to get out of that one. You’ll be revealed as some weirdo who hangs out with a bunch of teenagers.” She walked up to Reigen’s desk, placing her hands on top of it and stooping down to eye level. “And that’s why you should pretend to be married to Serizawa, it would clear up a lot of questions.”
Reigen stared, eyebrows raised, as Tome stood and put her hands on her hips, looking satisfied with herself. Ever since she’d started officially working at spirits and such, she’d been trying to make little “improvements” wherever she could. Tome also just liked to mess with Reigen. Waving his hand dismissively Reigen said, “That’s not necessary. And I’m pretty sure that would raise a lot more questions.”
Tome narrowed her eyes at him, still looking smug, “Uh huh, sure. Well you should at least use a better picture of me! I’m only half in frame in that one. If you're going to use me for profit, I should at least get a say in how."
“I’ll think about it if you- “
Creeeak, the door opened and in walked Serizawa. “Hey everyone,” he said with a warm smile. Suddenly Reigen’s heart was caught in his throat.
Tome smirked at Reigen as he gave her a look that said don’t you dare.
“H-hey Serizawa, it’s been a slow day so there’s not much to do. I think Tome needs help with her homework, though.” Reigen was hoping to distract her, but on second thought maybe it was risky to put the two of them together.
“Sure! I need to study for a quiz today, so we can help each other.”
“Only if Reigen helps me with my salt aim later!” Tome yelled as she and Serizawa found a space to sit and work.
Crisis averted? Reigen turned back to his laptop and continued “working” (browsing twitter). He started tapping his foot subconsciously as he kept glancing toward Serizawa and Tome every few minutes. At some point, Serizawa’s eyes met his and he smiled awkwardly as he started tapping his foot faster. Oh, that’s definitely audible. Serizawa didn’t seem to notice, though, and smiled back before continuing some math explanation he was giving Tome.
Serizawa was always willing to help wherever he could, it was… admirable. He said that Tome and he helped each other equally and that explaining concepts to each other helped them both. You could tell that he really cared about her and that he wanted to see her succeed.
It went on like this for a few hours until Tome suddenly got up and said, “Oh it’s almost time for my date with Keiko.”
“You ready for your first date?” Serizawa asked.
“I think so…” Tome wrung her hangs together.
“You’ll do great! I’m sure you and Keiko will have a good time together.” 
Reigen gave a thumbs up as he said, “How could you go wrong with my signature romance tips?”
“You just read a trashy magazine article to me.”
 “It’s the thought that counts, right?”
  “Alright, I’m gonna head out. See you guys tomorrow.”
“Wait, before you go,” Reigen got up and crossed over to Tome, placing his hands on her shoulders, “About the photos… you know I actually do care about you and everyone else right? I told that woman that I consider you all part of the family and I meant it. I know I’m not the most open person, but I just want you to know that I care about you and want the best for you.”
Tome rolled her eyes and brushed him off.  “Yeah okay dad,” she said sarcastically as she reached for the door.
She paused a moment, then turned around to envelope both Reigen and Serizawa in a hug. “Yeah I care about you guys too.”
Serizawa patted her head, “Good luck on your date, make sure to let us know how it goes.”
“Okay, I will.” She smiled and left.
Serizawa turned to Reigen, “Well that was sweet.”
“She’s certainly full of surprises.”
“Seems you’re full of surprises too.” Serizawa said, catching Reigen from the corner of his eye.
“Don’t give me that look,” Reigen chuckled, “It’s just that… I’ve messed up before with Mob and I… I want to be a better friend and mentor and… all that. You know?”
“I can understand that.”
“Yeah so… anyway, you have to go to class soon don’t you? How much more time you got?”
“You think you can get rid of me that easily? Well… you can actually, it is time for me to go.”
“Well dang. Good luck with that quiz today, I know you’ve got it.”
“Thanks.” Serizawa reached out to touch Reigen’s shoulder. Reigen instinctively went in for a handshake. Serizawa redirected his hand and they shook hands. “Okay, well… see you in a few hours.”
“See you!” Why did I go in for a handshake? What even was that?
 Serizawa stepped out into the day, taking in the fresh air and sunshine. It had been spring for a few weeks now, but it still felt so good to be done with winter. The world was in bloom again, and he felt like he was finally blooming with it.
He had grown a lot thanks to support from his new friends. Just a little over a year ago, this level of independence wouldn’t have felt remotely possible to him. He finally felt like he could be proud of the person he was becoming.
Serizawa started to hum, tapping his fingers on his bag as he walked. The tune wasn’t really based on anything, but it felt nice to make a pleasant sound. He was honestly feeling pretty nervous about the math quiz he’d have to take in class. Humming helped distract him from the urge to pull out his hair.
Lost in thought, mentally going over what he remembered from his notes, Serizawa made it to the train station before he knew it. He took a seat on his train and pulled out a chain of photos, similar to the one Reigen showed to clients.
Even if I don’t don’t do well, I can always do better next time. There are still people who love and support me. The photos we a nice reminder of what was real and important to him when he was feeling overwhelmed. It would’ve been easier to just keep pictures on his phone, but he found that keeping a tangible item was more helpful for him.
Feeling reassured, Serizawa put the photos away and pulled out his notes to go over again.
 Meanwhile, back at the office, Reigen paced around the room. Occasionally he would absentmindedly push a book into place, straighten out a picture on the wall. The place was already clean, but he needed something to do with his hands.
Eventually he plopped back down at his desk with a sigh. He ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath before reaching into the bottom left drawer and pulling out a manila envelope. Inside were several smaller envelopes containing various pictures: some trips he'd been on, documentation of his transition, more pictures of the esper kids and Tome. He opened the last envelope.
Reigen actually really enjoyed photography, he just didn’t have a nice camera. He also thought it was a good idea to show clients the pictures with more "character." He thought he’d gotten pretty good at framing the shot just right and with his editing skills he could come up with some nice results if he wanted to.
Inside the envelope, among the Kageyama brothers, awakening lab kids, and everyone else were a few pictures of Serizawa. They were mostly candid shots: him studying, laughing at some joke, dozing off after a long day. There were also some pictures of him posing with the kids. He really did look like a dad, maybe Tome was onto something...
Reigen gently touched Serizawa's smile in the photo. Oh I'm really in it, huh. Tome can tell... Serizawa probably knows too. Maybe he just doesn't know how to let me down easy.
 "Hey that wasn't so hard, was it?" Amane, a friend of Serizawa's, asked him. Class had just ended.
"Guess I was nervous for nothing." The quiz had been much easier than expected.
"It may have been easy, but that's still a win in my book!" Amane said with a big smile and a thumbs up. Serizawa smiled back, then gathered up his stuff and joined her in walking to the train station. They walked in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. Eventually Amane broke the silence. "You seem a lot less anxious this semester, what's your secret?"
"Well, uh, therapy. Also - this is going to sound silly but... I keep a bunch of pictures on me to... y'know... remind me of what's really important. It reminds me that the things that worry me are only temporary."
"That's great! Is that why you’re always taking pictures with your phone?"
"Yeah, I've really gotten into photography lately. I don't know if I'm any good, but I like to take pictures of my friends and birds and flowers and all kinds of stuff.”
At this point they had made it to the station and checked in before finding a place to wait for their train.
"I think having fun with it is the most important thing. Do you mind if I look?"
“That’s fine.” Serizawa said, pulling out his stack of pictures and handing them to Amane.
She looked them over while Serizawa watched nervously. “These are wonderful Serizawa!”
“You think so?”
“Definitely, and I see that picture of me turned out great,” she said, using her free hand to frame her face as if she were posing for a photo. This elicited a chuckle out of Serizawa. “Who are some of these other people? Who’s this kid with the bowl cut.”
“Oh that’s Shigeo, we call him Mob, though. He’s a good kid, we use to work together. He was one of my first real friends if you can believe it.”
“He sounds sweet. What about this sweaty guy?”
“Haha, that’s Reigen. He’s my friend but I also kind of work with him? He’s done a lot for me... I wouldn't even be here without him,” Serizawa absentmindedly touched his face. “He's a good man. He doesn't believe it sometimes, and he definitely isn't perfect, but he is - he is a good man."
"You really care about him, huh?"
"Of course! He's my friend, I just wish he could see the him that I see."
"I feel the same about my wife. The people we love never seem to see themselves the way we see them."
"Oh," Serizawa whispered to the ground, a slight bit of color tinging his cheeks. "Oh..."
 Hearing sounds near the door, Reigen quickly put away his pictures. He went to go open the door, but Serizawa came in before he could reach it.
“Hey,” Serizawa said, a nervous energy affecting his tone.”
“Hey! How’d that quiz go?”
“Oh, it was easy. I’m glad I put in extra time to study but I didn’t really need to.”
Something else is on his mind?
Bzzt Reigen’s phone buzzed in his pocket. “Tome texted in the groups chat.”
“I forgot to charge my phone, mind if I look?” Serizawa said as he came up behind Reigen’s shoulder.
“S-sure” Reigen said, repositioning his phone so they could both read off of it.
Tome: date went great :D I just walked Keiko home and I’ll tell you guys all about it tomorrow
Tome:ty for the advice! even if Reigen’s was bad :p
Reigen started typing.
Reigen: hey at least you knew what not to do from me
Reigen: glad it went well! can’t wait to hear about it
Reigen handed his phone over to Serizawa
Reigen: hey it’s seri :) I’m so happy for you! I knew you could do it d(OuO)b
“She’s growing up so fast, isn’t she?” Serizawa said as he handed Reigen’s phone back.
“She sure is.” Reigen turned and their eyes met, their faces mere inches apart. With a slight gasp he said “I think I’m in love with you.” The words had escaped his lips before he could think.
“Nothing! What? I didn’t say anything.” Reigen looked away and tried to cover his face as if that would help. Oh god what have I gotten myself into?
Suddenly he felt a hand cup his chin as Serizawa turned Reigen’s face to look at him. Serizawa’s hands were so warm and soft and gentle. It took everything Reigen had to not melt into a puddle right there on the floor.
"You really feel that way?” Part of Reigen thought he heard a bit of hopefulness in Serizawa’s tone, but maybe that was just wishful thinking.
Reigen could barely hear over the pounding of his heart as he stammered out “Maybe? Well… yeah. B-but it’s ok if you don’t feel the same! I-”
“Oh,” Serizawa said quietly, “W-well I do feel the same. I, uh, kind of just realized I did in the last hour. I don’t really know how this is supposed to go… would it be ok if I…” and suddenly his face was very close Reigen’s.
Reigen had been staring in shock, scarcely breathing through this. Without thinking, he leaned in so hard he almost broke both of their noses.
“Aw jeez sorry ah… sh-shit.” Reigen tried to regain his composure. “I don’t really know how this goes either, but could we try that again?” He tried to smile confidently but the pain in his nose was making his eye twitch.
Serizawa smiled playfully as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Okay, but if this keeps up you might have to start paying my medical bills.” And he leaned in close again, a bit slower this time.
When their lips touched it felt like the world had stopped around them. Reigen felt Serizawa’s thumb rub against his cheek as he ran his hands through Serizawas hair. It felt so good, so right, so ethereal, so- and suddenly it was over.
“Wait, are you okay? Sorry I didn’t even a-”
Reigen laughed as he threw his arms around Serizawa’s neck. “I’m just fine,” he said as he pulled Serizawa close again.
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