#I actually love how it turned out???? 😭
moonstruckme · 2 days
rooomate james. 😭😭 literally obsessed w himm!!
Me too I love him (and you!) sm <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 808 words
You don’t recognize James’ car until he shouts at you. 
You give a little jump, turning midair to find James smiling out the rolled-down window. 
“Want a lift?” 
“God, you scared me!” You backtrack and open the passenger door. The seat looks to have been tidied in a hurry, receipts and takeaway containers tossed into the backseat. “How’d you even know I’d need a ride?” 
James refrains from responding to give you an expectant look. You roll your eyes and buckle your seatbelt. Satisfied, he puts the car in reverse, setting his hand on your seat to look behind him as he backs out of the parking spot. 
“You weren’t home when I got there,” he says, “and then I remembered on Sundays you usually get off at eleven, so here I am. Is Art not with you?” 
“No, he wasn’t working tonight.” 
James doesn’t seem too disappointed by this. He pulls onto the street. You watch him, looking almost unconsciously for signs of wear and tear. 
Now that rugby season is in full swing, he’s gone not just during the day for training but sometimes overnight for away games. You’ve been alone in your apartment for the whole weekend while he played in London and then Bristol. It was weird. You think you’ve accidentally grown used to having James around. You don’t fancy yourself a very tactile person, and the urge to hug him isn’t terribly strong, but it’s there. 
“How was work?” he asks you. 
“It was fine. How were your matches?” 
“They were fine,” he imitates you, grinning. “No, it’s like I said. Winning the second one’s always better than winning the first and losing the second. It’s nice to end on a good note.”
He’d texted continual updates while he was gone. You sat on your couch, pretending to yourself or perhaps to some invisible, judgemental observer that you were watching TV when really you were entirely focused on James’ texts. You imagined him sitting in his hotel room doing the same, or maybe in a pub with his teammates, smiling at his phone each time you responded. 
Your imagination has become terribly overindulgent lately. 
“Honestly, I was pretty disappointed you weren’t home when I got there,” James says, a familiar teasing lilt to his voice. “I was hoping to come in and catch you wearing one of my jumpers and staring tearily at a framed photo of me.” 
You roll your eyes, but your face burns. You did use his shampoo, once. In your defense, you’d run out of yours, but you thought that it wouldn’t be so bad to smell like him, nice and fresh and comforting. It had foamed more than you expected. It did smell really nice, but it made your hair feel dry (boy shampoo always does that, you’ve no idea how James’ curls seem to thrive under such poor treatment) and you felt silly about it for days, lovesick in the most derogatory sense. 
Didn’t stop you from sniffing your hair occasionally, though. 
“You weren’t gone to war,” you reply. “And where would I get a framed photo of you?” 
James looks affronted. “I assumed you already had one. How did you get through the weekend without even a photo? You brave, brave girl.” 
“I actually threw a rager,” you deadpan. “Rented out your room to six people traveling through with the carnival and let them invite over all their friends. Did loads of hard drugs.” 
“Well, we all have different ways of coping.” He reaches over to squeeze your shoulder consolingly. You pretend goosebumps don’t skitter all the way down your arm from the brief touch. “And what a marvelous job you’ve done covering up your escapades!” He exclaims as you pull up in front of the apartment. “I haven’t come across the cocaine dust on our bathroom counter yet, so you must have really done a thorough cleanup.” 
“Keep looking, it’s around there somewhere.” 
James laughs. You’re slower getting out of the car than he is, and by the time you emerge he’s in front of you, pulling you into a hug. You think your bones liquefy. He’s warm and strong and he smells like his shampoo, both arms squishing you heartily before he lets go with a little laugh. 
“Sorry,” he says, bringing his hands to your upper arms, “I didn’t even ask. I just missed you, you know?” James has this look on his face, smile brilliant and eyes wide open. So saccharine sweet you almost can’t look at him. “Guess I got used to having you around.” 
You do your best to smile back. “Yeah, me too.” 
He squeezes your arms before turning to go inside. “You smell like Italian food, too. I don’t suppose you’ve cooked anything recently that’s still in the fridge? I’m beginning to think about second dinner.” 
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bluedew · 3 days
(PART 1) turns out that reading did pop up!! which means i get to make more, hooray!! this is a mixture of intuitive reading and some cards, and it was in my drafts for a while so. please tell me if this resonates!
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some trigger warnings for most piles. some of them deal with slightly heavy topics. if you're not in the right headspace to read this, don't. i will be blunt 😭.
cards: strength, the empress, the fool, nine of pentacles.
people tend to view you as someone who despite not having it all 'together' doesn't really seem to care about that. this can be in a good or bad way; either you're calm and collected in a dire situation, or when something bad happens you tend to escape it. you're an airhead; you're also naive, and you view the world through rose-colored glasses. you might be a young soul. despite all of this, you're clever and you have good intuition; before letting your emotions cloud your sense of vision over, trust your gut. it's your best friend in such situations. you're picky with who you consider being close to you. you're not the type of person to consider family immediately your closest people; in your opinion, people must show they are worthy of your energy before being let into your inner circle. you're lovable, but people don't really know your true self, which makes some hesitant to tell you the truth as they are scared of what the real you thinks.
cards: queen of swords, the lovers, judgement, justice.
you're a calm soul, usually. there's not much that can irritate you, other than a lack of fairness. you're not the type of person to immediately vouch for a family member if they're actually wrong, which can make some of your family members view you as stubborn and not a good person; don't be afraid of this. (pile 1 had similar messages). stand by your truth; you're blunt, honest, but despite all of this there's a cadence to you that is rare to find in others. you have a bright spark to you; you're the type of person people see at gas stations or stores and think about months later. to the people who crush on you and fall in love with you (yes, they exist 🙄 you're not unlovable) you feel like home. they want to sink into your arms and lay there. you give so much love, but you must be wary of where you put it. don't give it to the wrong people, because you will lose all of yourself if you do. sometimes this is needed; you're like a phoenix, rising from the ashes.
cards: the world, the emperor, strength, king of cups.
you are literally the sun! the word 'leap' is important for some reason. you're this golden, golden person; people feel like you're stable and they can lean against you. don't let the wrong people lean against you, though. you have a good sense of self-respect, and you know you're a bad bitch and you deserve the UTMOST BEST. (if you don't know this yet, you're gonna know it soon hon). you're a lil bit intimidating, because you are soooo soooo bright and also people who are insecure of themselves often project against you. sometimes you seem like you don't give a fuck, though, and you use this to hurt people; you have to be careful, especially if your loved ones are more sensitive and emotional than you. tell them how much you love them. they love you too. also, it seems like this is the pile with childhood pains; you were not deserving of them and never will be. you seem to have started the path of healing, which is good. keep healing, keep shining. for some reason, if any of you have watched the outsiders, this pile is giving johnny vibes.
cards: the hierophant, queen of wands, the devil.
on the outside people feel like they dk a lot about you. you could be a private person, or you're extremely selective with who you let in. on the inside, you're a very soft person. delicate, which is why you're very careful with who you let in. you're like a sunrise; you bring beauty to the day. you have some angelic qualities to you, but if you're angry you tend to victimize yourself because you were never taught how to deal with emotions properly. you like giving advice to people, but you really need to listen some of your own hon. i feel like this pile really likes using material things to escape their thoughts, but sometimes you have to confront them head on. also, everyone has the ability to heal and grow. you don't have to stay in pain just because it's all you know (or think you'll know).
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mviswidow · 3 days
in search of silence
Eloise Bridgerton x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: r is in an abusive marriage, angst, el to the rescue, some fluff at the end
Summary: Eloise and R are childhood best friends. When a new season begins, they find themselves reunited for the first time since R has entered her marriage that was set up by her parents.
Prompt: could i request a fic with childhood bestfriends eloise bridgerton x f!reader. eloise and reader stopped talking to each other as often because reader got married and one day eloise catches reader’s husband being mean to her (this can be physically or verbally) and eloise defends reader and they rekindle their friendship/old feelings for each other.
sidenote, ive always loved your mcu women fics and im SO glad you’re taking requests for eloise now 😭😭🫶
A/N: thank you anon!! for both the request and the compliment. i love eloise sm this was so fun to write
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Muffled shouting stole Eloise’s attention when she escaped from the ballroom of this week's ball that she had been forced to attend with her family. She hadn’t wandered far enough to no longer be able to hear the string quartet playing, but the sound of a deep voice yelling angrily was hard to miss as she passed what she assumed was a drawing room.
Though Eloise knew she should not eavesdrop, she found herself unable to mind her business and stopped in her tracks, gravitating closer to the commotion.
“I am through with you,” Your husband shouted, face red with rage.
The moment his hand had clasped forcefully around your wrist to drag you into a room with him earlier, you knew what was coming for you.
“James, please - someone will hear,” you responded in a hushed voice, thoroughly embarrassed at the thought.
“Let them! Everyone should know the bitch of a wife you are,” he spat.
You knew better than to talk back to him, and yet, “I’ve done nothing to you at all! You’ve no reason to -”
A heavy-handed slap to your face was sure to silence you. You could feel the blood rushing to your cheek, and your hand rose shakily to cradle the side of your face. Hot tears brimmed your eyes as you breathed deeply to steady yourself.
“I’m leaving.”
“Please -” you forced yourself to say, a feeble attempt to calm him down, lest his temper worsen on his way home.
“Enough from you! I-”
The door burst open and you felt as if your heart was about to leap out of your chest.
You were astounded to see Eloise standing in the doorway, her lips in a tight line. It had been long since you’d seen her last. She was beautiful, as always. For a moment you forgot your present situation until you noted the fire in her eyes. She was furious, but she kept herself composed, “Is everything alright in here? I heard quite the commotion from outside as I was passing by.”
“We are quite fine.” He turned back to you and after a moment, he spoke, “I’ll send the carriage back around for you once I arrive home. I cannot stand the sight of you at present.”
“Lady Bridgerton,” he said curtly. Eloise barely had time to register the fact that James was walking towards her and stepped out of his way just in time.
“Lord Anderson,” she managed out, deciding to forgo her polite curtsy. She had deemed that he did not deserve it.
You both jumped at the sound of the door slamming upon his exit.
Her head felt as if it was spinning. She’d recognized your voice from outside the instant you spoke. The thought of this being the reality of the marriage your parents had arranged for you devastated her. She wouldn’t let herself imagine how horrid it was for you when you were actually at home.
Your cheek still burned from being slapped and there was no doubt in your mind about it being tinged pink. You were beyond mortified and the relief of James finally having left had tears falling down your face rapidly.
As much as you wanted to take in Eloise, who you hadn’t had a moment alone with since last season, you were lost in your mind. You dreaded your impending arrival back home and prayed that your husband would be fast asleep.
After a few more seconds you pried your eyes away from the bookcase you had been staring at and settled your gaze on Eloise.
She somehow looked more stunning than you had remembered her to be and your heart squeezed painfully. Her hair curled carefully over her shoulders in such a familiar way and it reminded you of how you used to twirl her curls in your fingers whenever she would rest her head in your lap.
The Bridgerton made her way over to you carefully. The concern on her face was evident and you knew by the way her eyebrows were crinkling together that she had much to say.
She stopped when she was just a few feet in front of you. For once, she seemed unable to form a proper sentence.
You were sure she couldn’t find the right words. You weren’t sure how you should navigate this situation yourself, but you had had enough of the silence, “I’m sorry you had to hear all of that.”
Eloise shook her head immediately, “You have nothing to be apologizing for.”
There was another lull of silence. All either of you could do was look into each other’s eyes. Hers looked so sad. How you hated to see them so.
“I assure you I am quite alright.”
“There is no use in lying to me, Y/n/n.”
Your bottom lip trembles at the familiar nickname and she hurries closer, engulfing you in a hug.
She felt you trembling as she held you against her. “I’m here,” she whispered, arms wrapped tightly around you.
It was not long before sobs racked your body and all she could do was rub your back and occasionally give you a few words of reassurance. Eloise felt her heart splitting into pieces the longer you cried.
You were certain that you would give anything to stay in her arms forever. There was nowhere in the world where you felt safer. Her chest radiated warmth and you took comfort in the very familiar scent of her perfume.
Once you’ve calmed slightly, you apologize again, “I’ve missed you terribly. And I have been the furthest thing from a friend to you. I’ve allowed James to drive the people closest to me out of my life and I won't stand for it any longer.”
“I can’t have you getting in trouble because of me,” she shook her head.
“Oh, hush, El,” you chuckled wetly. “I’ve been in trouble with my Mama countless times because of you.”
She knew you were joking to make light of the situation, but she found nothing humorous about it. Especially not as she reached up to wipe away the tears on your face.
“How long has it been this way?” she inquired, speaking with a gentle voice.
“A handful of months. He’s become rather frustrated by the fact that I have yet to produce an heir for him and his displeasure with me grows stronger by the second.”
Eloise’s face scrunched in indignation, “That is ridiculous.”
“It’s fair enough - that is why he was searching for a wife in the first place.”
“It’s unacceptable behavior from him regardless of that fact,” she was quick to rebuke. She took your hand in her own and squeezed gently. The feel of your skin against hers made her heart race.
“I’d like to get out of the house tomorrow. Do you think your mother should have my head if I busied you the whole day?”
“Not at all. She’s missed you quite a lot as well,” Eloise smiled.
Your heart fluttered at the admittance.
“Will you be okay tonight?”
“I will. I’m sure he’ll drink himself to sleep the second he arrives home.”
You could tell Eloise didn’t like the sound of that, but she said nothing.
She was grateful that you wanted to spend the day with her tomorrow, not only because she would be eager to see how you were but also because she’d missed your company so very much.
Almost two fortnights later, you’re riding in a carriage to a ball with your husband sitting across from you. He grows tired of waiting for you to finally come to be with child. Intercourse with him is nauseating and at this point, you’re praying that your courses don’t come next month for a multitude of reasons.
The ride is sour, as you’ve just had a nasty argument, ending in you being pushed into a table. Your right arm ached still, but you were sure that nothing was broken.
You were excited to escape from your husband and find your dear Eloise the moment the opportunity arose. Your feelings for her made you ever so giddy when you were around her. You felt almost childish at your eagerness to leave your husband and find your friend, but you had been swept into this marriage on your just first season out, which was only last year. It barely gave you any time to enjoy balls with her without courting.
Running around with Eloise at the last ball felt so normal, oddly enough. It was incredibly refreshing to spend the better part of the evening with her, sipping on champagne and cracking jokes. Even though you knew it was slightly improper as you were now married and should have been at your husband’s side, listening to him boast about his fortune and how impatient he was to have an heir with whoever would listen, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. It did anger him, however. You had learned so after the last ball when he reprimanded you for almost half of an hour about your behavior as if you were his child and not his wife.
You’d decided to behave for the first hour, at least. It frustrated you so to listen to James drone on to his acquaintances, but you knew it was what needed to be done since he was already on edge from his earlier outburst.
The Bridgertons arrived after you, and you spotted Eloise immediately. You couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face when you saw the way her eyes lit up when she caught sight of you.
You squeezed James’ arm absentmindedly out of the excitement you felt. When he looked down at you, you played it off by giving him a look that should have been directed toward Eloise.
That had seemed to satisfy him well enough and he returned to his conversation, allowing you to return to observing your favorite Bridgerton from afar.
Eloise’s hair cascaded over one of her shoulders and two strands of soft curls beautifully framed the sides of her face. Her dress was blue, as it usually was, and it was embellished with embroidered flowers.
You could hardly peel your eyes away from her, but you forced yourself to redirect your attention to your husband once more.
After what you deemed an appropriate amount of time, you excused yourself to find more pleasant company.
It seemed as if you had run into almost every Bridgerton before her, though. You greeted all three of her present brothers before finding Violet and Agatha in conversation and curtsying to both. Violet even extended a hand to squeeze yours for a moment, happy to see you.
As soon as you began a conversation with her and Lady Danbury, you were accosted by Eloise, who gripped your arm excitedly. You winced briefly, now bruised from your earlier encounter with the table of your drawing room.
You relaxed your expression and the pinch in your brow was gone once it settled in that you were in Eloise’s presence, she still noticed your discomfort despite your futile efforts to mask it and found herself glancing down at your arm.
Her nostrils flared at what she saw, she had half the mind to find Lord Anderson at that moment, but she looked back up to you and saw the bright grin on your face and melted, a smile of her own growing quickly.
She swiftly looped her arm through yours and began to pull you away, wanting you to herself, “If you don’t mind, I’m going to steal Lady Anderson away. I’ve hardly had any time with her all week.”
The older women chuckled and shook their heads, recognizing this familiar routine that the two of you had been accustomed to last year.
“Have a nice time ladies,” Violet smiled, not even bothering to remind Eloise to attempt to fill a few spots on her dance card. She knew how the girl had missed you, and didn’t have it in her to task force her daughter away from you. Violet rather appreciated how cheerful Eloise happened to get whenever you were around, especially at balls, where genuine smiles from the young lady were scarce.
Eloise guided you to a corner of the ballroom, not failing to make a stop at the refreshment table and hand you a lemonade. You were relieved to be by her side at last. There was nothing you had desired more in the past week, where you had only been able to promenade with her once, as James had been irritable.
The longer you were around her, the more you felt the pressure on your chest relieve itself. You were able to breathe so easily around Eloise. You suddenly became aware of the fact that her thumb was passively rubbing your arm and you had to blink a few times, not sure if you were dreaming it.
You ached for her to touch you more. You’d once attempted to imagine that your husband’s hands were hers, but they were far too rough, and you gave up quickly.
Your mind wandered for a moment, but before it could stray too far, you snapped yourself out of it.
“You’re awfully quiet tonight,” you pointed out, turning your head towards your best friend. It was quite unlike her.
She tilted her head in a shrug, “You seem as though you could use a little quiet.”
“You know me far too well, Eloise,” a smile returned to your lips, something she never failed to do, and you shook your head. “But please, if there’s anyone I’d like to hear ramble, it is always you.”
Eloise scoffed in mock offense, “I do not ramble.”
“You do, too,” you teased. “I like it.”
She chortles in response and the two of you hold eye contact. She looks at you with a fondness that you recognize yourself often directing toward her.
Eloise breaks it for a short moment to glance down at your lips.
When she does it once more, you’re suddenly overtaken by instinct and put your lemonade on a serving tray, taking hers and doing the same.
Eloise is interrupted by you taking her gloved hand in your own and dragging her out of the ballroom. She doesn’t miss the way you check over your shoulder for your husband, who is heavily occupied, drinking and joking happily with his friends.
You begin making your way into the gardens when you hear Eloise chirp up from behind you.
“We shouldn’t be out here,” she says, not quite like she means it.
You roll your eyes, “Then it’s a good thing you’ve never cared for rules, isn’t it?”
“I suppose so,” she couldn’t be offended, it was true, and it was exhilarating to be truly alone with you for the first time in such a long while.
You stopped when you’d reached a dead end and you were sure you were not only alone but completely hidden from anyone looking outside.
Eloise tried to stop her mind from racing. She couldn’t be sure of why you had pulled her out of the ballroom. She waited with bated breath to find out, trying to suppress the excitement she felt. You could just be in search of fresh air, or actual silence, which required you to be far enough to hear the music no longer.
Your breathing quickened as you stood in front of her. She took note of it, and against her better judgment, let her eyes flicker to your chest. Then up to your lips, which were parted slightly. Her eyes lingered, before finally meeting your own.
While you badly wanted to tell her everything on your mind, you could hardly form a proper sentence, “El…”
You could hear her breath, ragged from nerves as she took a step closer to you.
There was a question in your eyes. You were grateful that you did not have to utter it. She knew.
She told you that she knew with the glassy nature of her eyes, the parting of her mouth, and her breath fanning across your face as she brought herself closer.
You closed the distance, pressing your lips to Eloise’s. The gentle kiss did not take long to turn eager, almost desperate, both of you feeling free from the sole secret you had kept from each other.
Her lips were soft and warm. They were everything you had dreamed of.
You lost yourself in Eloise, your hands finding their way to her jaw. Your body felt as if it was being lit from the inside when she pressed you into her with a firm hand at the small of your back. Your head almost spun from the contact of her chest against your own.
Despite not wanting to, you pulled away the slightest bit to catch your breath. You did not miss the way she chased your lips.
She had never looked more beautiful. Your heart swelled as she began to smile, which turned into a breathy chuckle.
You shook your head as you joined her with a giggle and let your arms wrap around your neck, hugging her tightly.
“I love you, El. So much,” you whispered.
You felt her breath hitch and her arms tightened around your waist, “I love you too. So very much. It pains me so to watch you from across a ballroom when I want nothing more than to be by your side.”
All of a sudden, your reality came flooding back to you.
“You deserve so much more than that brute that calls himself your husband. He should be honored to spend the time with you that he does. He is a fool for not seeing how precious you are.”
Tears welled in your eyes as she spoke, “I wish I had never married, El. I’m miserable.”
“I know. I’m not sure how much peace this brings you, but you should know that I am here for you, at any time of day or night. You could barge into the Bridgerton house in the late hours of the night and I shall be ready to dissolve your worries with my charming wits and whatever biscuits we can find in the kitchens.”
You found yourself laughing, as you always did in Eloise’s presence, “Thank you.”
“It is my pleasure,” her lips quirked up.
“What are we to do now? About us, I mean.”
“We’re going to have to find a way to get you out of that house of yours however often we can. And if Lord Anderson lays another finger on you I will sic my entire family and Lady Danbury on him. We’ll see how he likes that.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I’d say I’m known for being ridiculous, you shouldn’t be surprised,” she raised a brow playfully before looking over her shoulder. “I highly doubt anyone is missing us in there…”
“What might you be suggesting, Miss Eloise,” you ask, feigning innocence.
“I think you know quite well what I suggest.”
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trippinsorrows · 2 days
with me + part fourteen
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authors note: this one is loaded, and there are some hints/tidbits spread throughout, but also.....please don't hate me. 😭
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: fluff, language, suggestive themes, angst
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 12k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @yolobloggers @southerngirl41 @msbigredmachine @wanderingreigns
Bianca: Hi. I know you asked for space, and I will respect that. I just want you to know I talked to dad. I made him be honest with me, and I know the truth now.  I completely understand if your decision is that you want nothing to do with me. But please know, I had no idea, and I would love the chance to be in your life. I am not our father.
Bianca: It may have started with him, but it can end with us.
Rereading the text for what must be the 18th time, you feel just as conflicted and confused as you were when you first received it a few days prior. It’s been a bit easy to ignore it, to let it sit unanswered as you focused on getting as much work done as you could before leaving for Vegas. 
Thankfully, as the game is on a Sunday, you, Callie, and Alexis got an early morning flight to Vegas where you were met by Joe at the airport. After Callie had her sweet meltdown at seeing Joe again, the three of ya’ll met up with the twins, Trin, Kaylah, Jon’s wife, and the rest of the kids at the hotel.
You were a little nervous about Callie meeting her other cousins, as you know kids don’t always get along right away. But all anxiety is melted away the minute Callie and Jon’s daughter, Ellie, bonded over a common love of Disney. It’s a wrap from there, so much so that Callie feels comfortable enough to be left with them while you and Joe leave to get your tattoos.
Your current location. 
“Let's play a game.”
Joe’s suggestion is greatly appreciated because it pulls you away from hyper-fixating on this text and just what to do with said text. However, it’s also questioned because what the hell kind of games do people play at ya’ll’s big ages?
“Joe, we are too damn old for games—but what is it?”
He laughs at your quick change of tune. He must know that inner competitiveness never really goes away, even if you haven’t been in that competition space in literal years. “I'm gonna show you a house, and all you have to say is either you like it or not. But, you can't ask any questions.”
“A house? Like an actual house?”
“Yes, baby. An actual house.”
His sarcastic tone doesn’t help. Asshole. “And I can’t ask you any questions about a literal house we’re thinking of buying?”
Pouting, you murmur, “This game sucks.”
“Okay, Callie.” He messes around on his phone, giving a couple touches before he hands you his phone.
You nearly drop the damn thing, mouth ajar in awe. “Joe, how much—”
“No questions, remember?”
Sucking your teeth, you continue to scroll, each photo evoking another level of wonder. The house is stunning and huge. A literal mansion with landscape and design that looks like it was ripped right out of a luxury HGTV special. Swiping through the photos, each allow you to see that the beauty is not only matched but in many ways exceeded on the inside. A massive kitchen with two ovens, spacious bedrooms, almost equally large bathrooms, movie theater room, a separate building in the humongous backyard that you could easily see Joe turning into a personal gym, and so much more.
You really focus on the outside photos, eyes softening. “She's always wanted a backyard….” It's so easy for you to imagine Callie running around freely, swinging on a swing, maybe even helping you tend to a garden you see more than enough room to plant.
You can see yourself in this house.
“I like it,” you finally answer. There's no need to lie to him, and you're pretty sure he could tell you love it based on your facial expressions alone. “Now can you tell me how much—”
Sitting up, you shove on his shoulder. “Come on, that's not fair.”
“Leati.” You can't remember the last time you called this man by his first name. Years, most likely. You used it sparingly, far and few in between, mostly reserved for moments like this when he was pissing you off. 
“You can complain all you want. I'm not telling you shit.” That only irks you more, and he’s indifferent to your obvious irritation, which pisses you off even more. If anything, he sounds almost amused at your frustration. “I'm gonna ask the realtor to arrange a tour. You can ask her then.”
Suspicious, you accuse, “your ass will probably tell her not to tell me or to lie.”
It’s the fact that you know that’s something he would do too. “So my name wouldn’t be on the house? Is that what you’re saying?”
At that, he looks your way, clearly confused but mostly offended. “Of course, it would. Your name will be on everything. I just can’t give you too much information now because you’ll push back and say it’s too much.”
“So, it is expensive,” you conclude. He sighs, heavily. “Joe, we don’t need anything too extravagant or over the top. You know I’m not materialistic like that. I don’t want you feeling like you have to—”
“How many times do we have to have this conversation?” There’s a hint of irritation in his tone, but it’s not entirely unwarranted. Joe has told and showed you multiple times that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you and Callie. It’s just you being…..well, you. “Anything I do for you, anything I do for Callie is because I want to. You should know by now that I’m a man who won’t do anything he doesn’t want to.”
Sitting on his words, you answer, “I know.” And you do, you’re just so damn slow in actually accepting this. “I’m sorry, I just—I’m stubborn. You know this.”
“Yeah, well get un-stubborn.” His hand on your thigh gives a teasing squeeze but before you can inquire about just what kind of alone time you two will have over this weekend, a man walks out, heavily tatted, dressed in semi traditional Samoan attire and wearing a friendly smile.
Joe stands up to greet the man, introducing him as Mike. It’s a name you’re familiar with as you recall eons ago when Joe would rave about his tattoo artist and the man’s insane talent. 
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N.” It’s both strange and welcomed hearing Joe introduce you as such, like it’s almost too good to be true, even if there’s not an ounce of reluctance in his voice.
“Nice to meet you,” you greet, accepting his handshake. “And for getting us in on short notice.”
He waves it off. “Joe’s always welcomed here anytime and as his girlfriend, so are you.”
It stands out to you just how many people speak so highly of Joe. You've always thought he was a genuinely nice guy, but hearing it co-signed by others definitely shows what a gem you’ve got. “Great design choice, by the way,” he compliments, directing his next question toward you. “Joe mentioned you were a bit nervous about the placement….”
“I think I’m good now,” you answer. Tattoo pain is temporary, but placement is forever. You especially don’t want to “settle” for something that has so much meaning. “Same placement as his, but he can go first.”
Mike laughs, clapping his hands together. “Sounds great. Let’s get started.” 
You’d completely forgotten how extremely frustrating it is to get ready to go clubbing, and understandably so given at your big age, that’s not really a thing. However, Alexis absolutely refused to accept your decline to go out with her and even convinced Trinity and Kaylah to tag along. 
The bitch even took it upon herself to bring an outfit for you, knowing you definitely didn’t pack for this kind of outing. 
And while the dress is definitely fire, it’s a pain to get on given the cutouts and need to clasp the chest part. Not to mention, your arm is still a bit sore from the tattoo. Granted, Callie’s excitement at seeing how both you and Joe got her name tatted on you was more than worth all the pain. 
This dress though….it’s not worth shit.
“Fuck.” This was so much easier two bra sizes ago, but between trying to hold them together and clasp the hook on the dress, you’re just about ready to call it a night before the night can even truly begin. Settling frustration aside, you grab the robe off the counter and slide it on as you stick your head out the door. “Babe?”
His deep voice replies seconds later. “Yeah?” 
“Can you come help me with something real quick?”
“Mommy,” Callie groans, and you can only imagine the scowl on her face. She loves spending time with her daddy. “We’re playing.”
Your lips curve into a smile, assuring her, “it’ll only take a second, baby.” 
Joe walks into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. “What’s up?”
“I need you to clasp my dress for me,” you explain, removing the robe and holding your breast with your forearm. “I’m gonna hold them up, and I just need you to—what?”
His eyes slowly travel up and down your body, but his overall gaze reeks of confusion and a level of disapproval. “Where’s the rest of it?”
You’re not stupid, very much aware of what he’s asking. But, you’re also stubborn, a fact he’s well aware of given the fact that you talked about just that this morning. “The rest of what?”
His answer is simple. “Your outfit.”
Muscle twitching in your jaw, you attempt to divert the conversation. “Come on, everyone else is almost ready—“
“I’m serious.” 
Huffing, you slap on that sweet, teacher voice and bring your hands to his chest, allowing your breast to fall open and freely. It doesn’t miss you how his gaze moves downward and lingers. “Joe, I love you, but you met me post-college. Trust me, this is tame compared to what I used to wear clubbing. And we both know I’m gonna wear what I want, regardless, so I just need you to swallow that annoying ass male pride, which I know you will, because you love me enough to do so, and just strap my titties down for me, okay?” Leaning up to kiss his cheek, your finger moves in a figure eight down his body. “Besides, when I get back tonight, you get to rip this same dress off me, bend me over this very same counter right next to us, and make me watch as you fuck me, hard, from behind.”
Your sex drive has always been on the higher end, but it’s been even more intense in the past couple days, and while your last few intimate encounters with Joe have been more loving and sweet…..that’s not what you need right now. 
You need this man to fuck you in the way only he can. Choking, spanking, biting, a tad bit of degrading, hips bruised from how tight he holds you with backshots that have you speaking in a different language. The whole nine yards. 
Your words paint such a vivid picture that’s clearly too far out for his comfort as his hands move to your ass, squeezing roughly. “And what’s stopping me from doing just that right now?”
God has a cruel sense of humor because before you can even fix your mouth to respond, the very reason why makes her presence known. She knocks on the door with all the irritation in her little body. “Daddy, are you almost done?”
Eyes twinkling with mischief as you step back to hold your breast together, you remind him. “that is why not. You’re on daddy duty tonight.” Joe doesn’t say anything and instead finally hooks it for you. “Thank you.”
“At least pull it down in the back or something,” he grumbles and actually tries to pull down the back of the dress.
“Baby, I have an ass. It’s gon’ shift right back up as soon as I move.” Sure enough, one step is all it takes for it to roll up just a few centimeters below your ass. Unlocking and opening the door, you beam at Callie. “He’s all yours, baby girl.”
“You look so pretty, mommy!”
“Thank you, baby.” You lean down for a kiss on her cheek right as Alexis walks in. Callie goes to lead Joe back into the “living room” area as Alexis welcomes herself into the hotel room. You’re not even gonna bother asking how she got a key. Her dress, unlike your all black little piece, is sparkly, short, and strapless. It’s very much Alexis.
She gasps. “Girl, that dress is fitting and your boobs are sitting.” 
Winking and lifting your breasts, you laugh, complementing, “you look amazing.”
“Duh. I’m me.” She brushes her shoulders before peeping past you to say hi to Joe and Callie. “Hi, future brother-in-law and part time child.”
All you can hear is Callie asking Joe what a part time child is as Alexis grabs you by your wrist and starts dragging you toward the door. “Come on, Trin wants us to do a TikTok before we leave.”
Instantly, you’re scowling. “A TikTok? Girl, we are too old for that.”
“I swear, you act like you’re 75 sometimes,” she dismisses, walking you out the room and across the hall to the other room where Jimmy and Trin are staying. You’re still impressed how they all managed to get rooms not only on the same floor but literally all across each other.
Must be a rich people thing.
Walking into the room, you see Trin and Kaylah are dressed a bit more modestly then you and Alexis, not as much skin showing but still very much giving club vibes. 
Compliments are again exchanged among the four of you, but Kaylah is the first to say, “girl, I’m surprised Joe didn’t have nothing to say about your outfit.”
Chuckling, you inform, “he tried, but he knows I don’t play that. I’m a grown woman. Imma wear what I want. Besides, I know how to shut him up.” 
What’s implied doesn’t need to be explained but not according to Alexis who of course blurts out, “that’s right. Sitting on your man’s face will do it every time.”
“Please excuse her. She ran out of her Lithium.”
“Ehh, they tried that. Didn’t work for me.” It’s the fact that she’s probably dead serious too. “Okay, now which trend are we doing, Trin?”
Trinity's smile, like everything else about her, is bright and beautiful. “I was thinking the Wanna Be one by Meg and Glo.”
Instantly, you know Alexis is sold. “That is my damn song.” She then points to you. “This one needs to go last though, because when I tell you that thing moves like water. This bitch can twerk like Megan.”
One thing you’ve never been is a liar, so you can’t find it in you to call bullshit on Alexis exclamation. You’ve always been super flexible, courtesy of cheer, and twerking has always come a bit natural to you. But, it was really when you started hitting up the strip clubs in college and made acquaintances with the strippers that you learned all of the tricks. 
However, it’s also been years since you last stepped out on the town, and your joints start to hurt from just sitting too long, so the hype may be a little bit undeserved after all.
“That was also before I had a baby, Lex.”
Alexis brushes off your downplay. “She can even do the hand thing. You know, where you put your hand in between your ass cheeks while you still shaking? Iconic.”
Studying her closely, you realize why she’s so amped already. “You pre-gramed, didn’t you?”
She presses her lips together and then goes into denial. “I plead the fifth.” Laughing, she tugs on your arm. “Come onnnn.”
“Fine.” Caving to Alexis is typically the best outcome because the bitch is relentless when she wants something, especially when she’s already tipsy. 
However, Trinity seems just as excited as she directs the three of you to the bathroom where she already has the phone propped up and everything. 
It ends up being a fun time that reminds you so much of those days back in college where you and Lex and a few other girlfriends would spend a damn near hour taking the “perfect” photos for the “gram” and even longer to come up with a witty caption. You even show off a little bit of your twerking skills, nothing too crazy, much to Alexis chagrin. 
Arriving at the club and being escorted to the VIP section, courtesy of Alexis, the ladies order a round of drinks while you settle for a simple bottle, never glass, of water. After your whole fiasco during Christmas, you can’t see yourself sipping even a glass of wine for a while.
It’s a nice blast from the past but also suddenly a bit irritating with how noisy and boisterous everything is. The club is packed, and you’re grateful to be seated up and away from everyone else. While Alexis starts to get her buzz going, Trin partially surprises you by asking for your approval to upload one of the videos to TikTok and a photo to post on Instagram. It’s only partially surprising, because Trin has always been a real one. 
You agree and even helping her with a caption. 
Something bout’ that melanin ✨
Pulling out your own phone to check in on Joe and Callie, you’re surprised to see you have a bunch of IG notifications. This leads to you realizing that Alexis, at some point, posted a couple of photos she made you take on your profile. She even took it upon herself to come up with a caption that makes you both chuckle and shake your head. 
ya favorite athlete’s favorite athlete 😌
It’s not a huge deal to you, as you’d went ahead and made your Instagram private again a couple months prior. It’s a feature you toggle on and off, knowing that only the people you want knowing and seeing your page would even know how to find you. However, with Joe being back in your life and having a few posts with Callie’s face in them, you lean on the side of caution and just plan to keep it private from here on out.
It’s the comments though that really make you pause. 
@user1 omg y/n!!! That body been giving, sis! 
@user2 HA! Always was that girl. Still that girl. Miss you, cuz!
@Mariaaahhhh___92: This really how you wanna do this?
@BigLexPurr: Say it louder for the BITCH in the comments before me. I mean, in the back. 😃
@user3: If only I looked like that after having my baby lmao You look amazing, Y/N!
@RomanReigns Damn straight.
With all the swiftness and quickness, you block Mariah, not needing or wanting her and Alexis to get into a whole spat under your post. But Joe’s comment is definitely one that takes you for surprise, and you wrestle with whether or not you should acknowledge it but eventually decide to do so with a simple reply. 
@yourusername @RomanReigns 😘
You make a mental note to roast his ass for being in your IG comments like that but put your phone away when WAP comes on. Of course, it’s only appropriate that the four of you rap along to every iconic, spiritual lyric spit by Meg and Cardi. Alexis even influences you into doing a little twerk on her that she absolutely captures on Snapchat.
You don’t even need to ask her to know she’s gonna waste no time in sending that over to Joe. How she managed to get him to accept her add on Snapchat is something you’ll never understand. 
“I need some more drink, but I don’t want to get up,” Alexis whines, shooting you the puppy dog eyes.
“Gee, why don’t I—”
“Thank you, friend!”
Shaking your head, you make your way out of the VIP and through the crowd to the bar. Placing the order, you wait patiently, praying that what you know is bound to happen doesn’t happen. A waste of a prayer, because that unwanted happening appears in the form of a crooked smile, bad haircut, and height that can’t exceed 5’9.
He just leans back against the bar, as if waiting for you to, of all things, acknowledge him. That makes you laugh aloud. The fucking irony. 
You decide to take the lead and dead this thing before he can run whatever play he thinks will work on you. “No, I don't want or need you to pay for my drink, and I don't need anything put on your tab. I'm good.”
His smile doesn't deter. If anything, he looks even more intrigued. This was always the part you hated about clubbing. Men who can’t seem to conceive that you “playing hard to get” is actually and really just complete and utter disinterest.
“Oh, you more than good, ma.” His gaze resting on your chest much longer than what's appropriate is both irritating but expected. Men see titties and lose all sense of self-control, the little that some actually do possess, that is. “I'm just trying to see how good.”
You were over this conversation before it even started, hence your readiness to put an end to his fruitless hopes and your irritation.
“My man is 6’3, 287lbs and fights niggas for a living.” Tone both bored and casual as you list off basic facts, you ask, “He's home right now watching our 6 kids. Still wanna do this?”
It's the way his eyes go wide that makes it hard for you not to laugh. That should definitely do the trick. “Naw, I'm good. You fine, but you ain't that damn fine.”
“That's what I thought.” Taking the Martini from the bartender, you saunter your way back over to your section and hand it to Alexis.
“I take it homeboy was trying to take you home.”
Chuckling, you nod. “But, I handled it.”
“Oh, I'm sure you did.” She then turns to the group. “This one was always vicious when turning down bums at the club.”
“Cause sir, why are you talking to me with your uneven fade and height that starts with a 5?”
Trinity and Kay fall out laughing, but you’re dead serious. You’d been called arrogant a couple of times, but it never really affected you because you know you just have standards and refuse to settle.
And clearly…..it worked out.
“I really wish we could do this more often,” Kay suddenly shares, and it takes you a bit by surprise. There was a level of trepidation regarding meeting Josh’s wife. You know they’ve been together since they were in high school, which means there’s a good chance she knows Joe’s ex-wife. A chance they could be friends.
And if she’s anything unlike Mariah, she wouldn’t want to chop it up with the woman who slept with and had a whole baby for her friend’s husband. But so far, Kay has been nothing but kind, a bit on the quiet and reserved side. It’s an interesting dynamic considering Josh is anything but. 
“Do you live in Florida too?” Alexis suddenly asks, sipping her Martini. When Kay nods, Lex slaps you on the arm. “Well, this one will be moving there probably before the end of summer, so maybe ya’ll can link up more often.”
Intrigue paints both Trin and Kay’s faces, as the former asks, “seriously?”
“Yeah, umm, Joe and I were actually looking at a house earlier.” A thin layer of excitement re-emerges as you reflect on the photos you saw. You really do like that house, but it feels so much like a dream, like the expensive houses you look at and critique on Zillow knowing damn well you can’t afford them. 
And you can’t, but he probably can. 
You know he can, or he wouldn’t be showing you in the first place. 
“How do you really feel about moving?” Trin questions. “You still live in your hometown, right?”
“I do.” It’s a valid question, one you, if you’re being honest, sometimes go back and forth on. You know you want to move and ultimately will, but there are still some moments where you feel a bit unsure. It’s to be given, you’re sure, as change can be difficult. “There’s a lot of things I’ll miss, like being away from my mom, but….I want to be with Joe, and it’s what’s best for Callie.”
“She really is a sweet child. You did an amazing job with her.” 
Kay’s compliment warms your heart. “Thank you….that means a lot to me.” Callie is your pride and joy, so to hear others speak highly of her, of how you raised her thus far will always be the best kind of compliment. 
“You’re a teacher, so you’re off for the summer, right?” Trinity suddenly asks. Nodding, she continues, “you and Callie should go on the road with Joe this summer then. Maybe not the whole summer, but a portion. It’ll be fun. I’d love to have ya’ll, and you know he would too.” 
It’s a suggestion that you find yourself actually considering. Outside of PD, which can be done virtually with some prior arrangements, there really would be nothing stopping you from tagging along. Callie would be ecstatic, and something tells you Joe would too. 
Kay then shoots Trinity a look that you can’t quite decipher. “isn’t he….” 
As if awareness dawns, Trinity mutters, “oh, shit, I forgot.” 
Understandably curious, and always uncomfortable with being kept out of the communication loop, you inquire, “what?”
Trinity looks a bit nervous but then answers casually, “Oh nothing, I just forgot they’ve, uhh, gotten a little strict now about family coming on the road. Something about it being too distracting for the wrestlers.”
Alexis seems as skeptical as you are. There’s something they’re not saying. “Isn’t he literally like the face of the whole company? I feel like if he wants them there, then they’ll be there.” She has a fair point. “Look how he takes time off to come fly and see them.”
That actually brings on a question you’ve been wondering about for a while. Directed to Trinity, you ask, “do you know if he gets in trouble for that?” Trinity looks a bit unsure of how to respond, and you know immediately it’s because she’s trying to figure out how much to say. “The truth, please. I can handle it.” 
With a heavy sigh, she relents, “Jon mentioned Joe said something about them talking with him, but I get the sense Joe told them to fuck off. Professionally, of course.”
You’re not sure how to feel about this. The last thing you want is for Joe to risk all of his hard work for you. And you know it’s more for Callie than anything, which you get, but he still has contractual obligations he needs to fulfill.
“I can tell you this…..they can say what they want, but Joe doesn’t play about you and Callie, so he gon keep hopping on flights as much as he needs to.”
“He was really happy when he found out about Callie,” Kay adds in a soft tone with a kind voice. “I remember overhearing him talking with Josh, and he told him, “she’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
Crying in the club definitely wasn’t on your agenda for this trip, but here you are, trying to blot your eyes with the back of your hand. “Ya’ll, I didn’t wear waterproof mascara. Don’t have me out here looking like a racoon scaring folks off.”
Alexis chimes, “Joe won’t mind. It’ll keep him from coming up in here beating some poor soul’s ass for trying to holler at you.”
Kaylah snorts. “She’s not too far off. All them fools are super protective and territorial.”
“I’m just trying to figure out when ya’ll are gonna stop being selfish and slide one of them my way. It’s obvious they fertile as hell, so there’s gotta be an eligible cousin or uncle or something.”
It’s the fact you know that Lex is dead serious. Thankfully, Travis Porter comes on and that’s enough to bring all of ya’ll back to your feet like you’re 21 all over again. And that’s the dominant and recurring theme of the entire night: dancing, laughing, talking, Alexis being unhinged. 
Wash, rinse, repeat.
The four of you end up returning to the hotel shortly before midnight, the perfect time as somehow, the guys got all of the kids down for bed and were just waiting to make sure you all returned safely. 
Sitting around one of the hotel rooms, you all just chop it up, sharing various stories, no one really tired enough to call it a night.
“See, that’s the thing that people don’t realize. Ain’t a whole lot of difference between Joe and Roman. Uce been had that dog in him.” Jon starts off, sitting up as he explains. Somehow the topic landed on when they were growing up and how Joe’s always had “parts” of Roman in him. “Like one time when we was kids, we was playing a basketball game and he showed up late talking about “aye, let me join.” We tell him, ‘sorry man, we already started.’ He takes the ball, chucks it over in the neighbor's yard, talking about “ain’t nobody playing now.”
There’s a chorus of laughter, but your jaw drops open as you look at Joe, an easy task as you’re perched on his lap. “Did you really do that?” It’s almost inconceivable to see this man do something like that, especially as a child. “Joe, that was mean as hell.”
It’s the fact that he doesn’t deny it and simply shrugs. “Should have let me join in.”
Covering your mouth and shaking your head, you go to scold him for being such an ass, regardless of how long ago it was. But, Alexis soon adds in her two cents, looking your way. “I don’t know why you looking shocked and disappointed, you weren’t much better when we were in college.” She then directs her attention to the group. “So, we were cheerleaders, and Abby Lee Miller over here was a total nightmare during competition season.”
Gasping, you sit up, Joe’s big arm locked around your waist to keep you on him. “I was not.”
She rolls her eyes and takes a drink before admitting, “girl, I love you, but you were a bitch when you were in competition mode.” This is the first time you’re hearing this, so of course, it takes you by surprise. You won’t deny that you could be a bit…..intense during the season, but as captain, there was a shit ton of responsibility on your shoulders. Someone had to take the lead. “There’s a reason we had a whole group chat without you called, ‘Deliver us from Y/N’.”
“You had what?” This is news to you. As far as you were concerned, you had a great relationship with your teammates. It’s why your head coach let you take charge so much, especially in your junior and senior years. “Because I was doing my job?”
Alexis continues, ignoring your questions which is both annoying and predictable. She loves to tell a good story. “She’s the reason I’m hoping and praying Usher doesn’t perform More. It was the song for our Nationals routine, and when I tell you she was on us like goddamn slaves. That routine was hard as fuck, and she ain’t care one bit. It was hella good, like she choreographed the shit out of it, but it was so technical and draining. Bitches in the corner vomiting during practice, and she like ‘get a bucket and keep it pushing.’”
All eyes land on you, waiting for a response, but it’s hard to retort the truth, so you settle on justification. “Okay, that was their fault. I told ya’ll not to eat an hour before.”
Alexis claps her hands as everyone else around laughs. “I rest my case.”
“No wonder ya’ll go together so well,” Josh mutters, taking a drink of his beer. Kaylah slaps his arm but doesn’t say anything in disagreement. 
“What I’m hearing is it’s gon be a two night A&E special. First night? Surviving Joe. Second night? Surviving Y/N.”
Jon’s delivery is really what sells it. You can’t even hold back your laughter. Leaning back into Joe’s chest, you lift up both hands to flip them off. “Ya’ll not gon’ keep talking about my man.” Partially joking, partially serious, it’s not missed upon you how Joe’s deep chuckle in your ear is followed by his fingers innocently moving against the outside of your thigh. 
“You and your man was clearly out here terrorizing people,” Trinity laughs with a shake of her head. “That’s so crazy too, because you don’t give off that energy, Y/N.”
“I’ve calmed down a lot since I had my daughter.” And it’s the truth. Along with age and an extreme respect for your field along with your professional reputation. “But yeah, college Y/N…..she was something else. A little bit of high school as well, but mostly college.”
Alexis makes a sound and then blurts out, “tell em’ about the time you bust that stripper in the head with a bottle, and she had to get 75 stitches.”
Understandably so, there’s a round of shocked expressions and questions following Alexis so casually dropping one of the wildest experiences you had in college. 
You hear Jon ask something about if you have a criminal record, but it’s really Joe giving you that ‘you gon explain?’ look that makes you cave. 
“Oh lord, I can’t believe I’m about to tell this story.” You turn to Joe, warning. “You’re not allowed to hold it against me either.”
“Let me hear it first, and I’ll let you know after.” You know he’s joking, but still, you hit him on his arm. He’s supposed to hold you down, no matter what. Aggravated assault and all.
“Okay, so were at the strip club—”
Jon can’t help himself, asking, “damn, you got down like that?” 
He has no idea.
“You gotta remember, we were cheerleaders, so we spent a lot of time with the football and basketball teams. And they asses was always there, so we would tag along cause why not? I always had a good time. The food was good as hell too. Anyway, I was dating a football player at the time—”
Alexis slaps Joe on the arm. “She’s always had a type.”
“Yeah, ‘ain’t shit’, clearly.” You grab Joe’s jaw, clarifying. “Except for you, baby.” He mutters his approval, and you continue, “so, I was dating this dude, and he was cheating on me, which was fine. I wasn’t really into him anyway. But, turns out the girl he was cheating with was one of the strippers there and a classmate. I don’t know how the stupid bitch didn’t realize who I was before that night, but whatever. I guess she caught feelings for him or something and saw me as the problem? Mind you, I was dating him before he even started fucking her, but she called herself trying to step to me. And she was talking shit, which I didn’t necessarily care about because one thing I’ve never and will never do is fight over a man. Any fight I ever got into was because they said something about my mama or someone else I love.”
“How many fights you done—” Trinity elbows Jon who grunts and then mutters for you to keep going.
Chuckling, you do so, “so she calls me a bitch….okay, but then calls my mom a bitch, and at that point, I’m seeing red. Cause now my food is cold, I was about to get a lap dance that’s not gon’ happen cause now I gotta beat her ass, and all over some wack ass dick. But now she done bought my mama into it….absolutely not.” A beat. “I didn’t hit her first, because I never hit first, but I did say some slick shit that I knew would provoke her.” You decide to leave out exactly what you said given how graphic it was. “And she hit me, but then this other bitch joins in—”
“And that’s when I get involved,” Alexis chimes, raising her drink high and proud. “Because what you not gon do is jump my motherfucking best friend in front of me.”
Laughing, you continue, “so Alexis crazy ass is beating her friend, I’m on this girl, but then she calls herself trying to stab me with the heel of her shoe or something cause obviously I’m winning—”
“This some WorldStarHipHip shit if I ain’t ever heard—” Trinity hits Jon for his interruption and motions for you to continue going, clearly and deeply invested in the retelling of this wild ass night.
“I’m mixing on this bitch, cause one thing about me, I know how to fight. I just choose not to do it.” And it’s true. Fighting is a last resort, always has been for you, but make no mistake, you know how to throw down. “Anyway, I snatch the shoe out of her hand, grab this bottle of Hennesy I see near me and smash it over her head.”
“And it was lights out.” Alexis says dramatically. “That bitch was laid out like a crime scene. Patrick Star headass.”
Wiping the tears from your eyes from your laughter, you continue, “so someone calls the cops. They show up, and I’m starting to get nervous thinking she’s gonna press charges, because I bust her head open. She had to get stitches and everything. But I had made friends with the owner of the club—-that’s a whole other story—and basically, he refused to provide her with any video footage, made sure no one said anything about what happened, was friends with the cops, and they just chalked it up to a bunch of drunk girls being stupid. And I got off.” Clapping your hand to signify the end, you rest back against Joe. “The end.”
There’s a slightly understandable moment of silence before Kaylah calmly asks, “How drunk were you?”
That’s an easy answer. “Oh, I wasn’t drunk.”
“So….you did all that sober?” Trinity asks, like she needs to just make sure she’s following correctly. 
“Yup.” You pop the ‘p’ and look over at Joe who’s all of the emotions, primarily, amused, surprised, and strangely turned on. “Wild times.”
Jon is the first to speak after that. “Man, I always knew I liked you, Y/N. Your ass a little crazy, but I fucks with it.” 
Laughing, you explain. “You gotta keep in mind, I was like 19 at the time. I was young and definitely dumb in a lot of ways. I’ll be 32 this year and have grown a lot. I have zero desire to put my hands on anyone. I have a child and a career. I may be tempted, but I’m not going to actually do it.  I have too much to lose”
“And that’s why she has me.” Alexis lifts her drink. “I don’t have much to lose cause I’m rich enough to get off. Plus, she’s all boring now. You see how early we’re back. Back in the day, we’d club hop until like 4 in the morning. At least up until Junior year,” she gestures to you with her outstretched thumb. “That’s when this heifer had to get all studious on me.” 
“4.0, Summa Cum Laude.” You make a little pose and laugh. “I just got my shit together, and clearly….” you lean back to look at Joe. “ —it paid off.”
Obviously, you’ve never attended a professional football game, let alone the fucking Super Bowl, but even knowing that, you’re partially surprised by just how many damn people are there. It’s absolutely jam packed, and you’re suddenly grateful for the security detail that escorts the group of you to your seating area.
Joe holds Callie and keeps your hand in his which impacts you in a strange way that you can’t explain. This whole trip has been him being unabashedly open about you and Callie, and you’re starting to think that’s the part that’s still a bit difficult.
For three years, you felt like some secret he kept hidden and stored away, so to be so “displayed” so publicly is such a stark contrast you’re still trying to sit with. It’s not a bad adjustment, just an adjustment nonetheless. 
The section rented for the group is surprisingly spacious enough for everyone, and you and Kaylah immediately go delegating, having the kids all in the back rows with the men front and center to see the game they’ve been praying for all year. You knew Joe was a huge 49ers fan, hence your not being entirely surprised when you found a box at your apartment door with a bunch of 49ers apparel for you and Callie to pick from for the game. He also, in true Joe fashion, sent you both sneakers with the 49ers team colors of black, red, and gold. 
And one look at Callie as she interacts with her cousins, you can’t deny how adorable she looks, especially as they’re also sporting the apparel because of course his whole family are also fans. Granted, you can’t deny how adorable she looks all decked out like her daddy. You took a more subtle approach, agreeing to the letterman jacket and sneakers, combining them with the 49ers long sleeved crop top and stretch black pants.
There’s a lot of getting everyone settled and you warning Alexis not to make a damn fool of herself, which apparently she’s also dead set on. Something about needing to be ready to be either a consolation or celebration prize for whatever player she was going home with tonight. 
When the game starts though, it’s absolutely fascinating watching how intently focused the men are, not wanting to miss a single second. You’re suddenly really grateful you’d briefly spoke with Callie about how this game was very important to Joe, so his attention may not be on her as much as she wants but that’s okay because he’s just a little busy. She responded well, and you can see how helpful it is for her to be around not only other kids but her cousins.
The ease of their connection and ability to play together is something you’re so grateful for, so happy to see. It definitely makes you even more excited about moving, about her being closer to family. 
That thought reminds you to ask Joe when he wants to talk to Callie about that, about moving. It feels like something the two of you should do together. 
Ironically, you’ve never really been a huge football person, so your interest in the game and who wins is pretty slim to none. You’re there for a good time and, most importantly, Usher’s performance. Kaylah seems to be on a similar wavelength, so while the rest are deeply invested in arguably the most important game of the year, you two engage in casual dialogue. 
She gives you some much appreciated tips on the area, specifically regarding school systems and other resources for Callie. She mentions a dance school her daughter also attends classes at, and that immediately catches your attention cause Callie has given some indications she wants to do ballet. And while you have your reservations, it’s mostly been because of financial reasons.
Not that daddy warbucks over there won’t handle that for you. 
There’s also a lot of photos and videos that get taken to commemorate this moment. Most of which are headed by life of the party, Alexis. You’re grateful though, happy to have her here. She even catches your attention when Callie maneuvers her way over to Joe, tugging on his pants leg for him to pick her up. You start to bring her back by you, but you end up watching Joe pull her up, kissing her cheek as he patiently tries to explain the game to her.
It brings a warm smile on your face, and you use your phone to snap a photo of them. It’s from behind, but the lighting, the way Joe is pointing and Callie following his line of vision, there’s something about it so wholesome and moving.
You set it as your lock screen. 
By the time halftime rolls around, the men are all in great moods given their team is so far dominating. However, you and the rest of the ladies present are in a great mood for entirely different reasons. 
The minute you hear the opening chords of Caught Up, you’re in a completely different world, similar to the happy space of attending concerts in your teens and college days. Alexis is definitely your number one hype woman, but really, Trin and Kaylah are just as lit. The guys are definitely enjoying the show as well, but Usher has been that man for you, so he’s your only focus. 
It only gets exponentially better, and the minute he starts to perform Yeah joined by both Lil John and Ludacris, you and Alexis are shouting out every single damn word of Luda’s iconic verse. 
It’s definitely a moment you’ll absolutely never forget.
Unfortunately, the halftime show seems to be a bit of a climax as the third quarter progresses, and the tide seems to start turning in favor of the Chiefs. Similarly, it’s not missed upon you how the younger kids seem to be slowing down. Callie is definitely ready for bed and understandably so. It’s been a long day and is way past her bedtime. After a brief discussion with Joe and Josh, it’s decided that you and Kaylah will take the younger kids back to the hotel, especially since you both have very little interest in how the game plays out but respect the guys needing to stay. 
And Alexis wild ass most definitely stays behind for….obvious reasons.
Joe, of course, doesn’t let you and Callie leave without a hug, kiss, and telling you both he loves you. A tradition of sorts now, definitely one you’ll never get tired of.
Security escorts the smaller group of you to your vehicles, and by the time you’ve reached the hotel, the younger kids are tapped out. You manage to get Callie out of her clothes, into her jammies, and bonnet on her head before she passes out in her bed. 
Kaylah has a similar experience with her kids, the two of you plopping down on the sofa together. 
“I hope they pull the win. I don’t know if you’ve ever been around Joe when the 49ers lose, but he’s not pleasant. None of them are.”
“I get it,” you chuckle. “I’d be pissed if I paid all that money to see my team lose too.”
“At least we had our good time seeing Usher’s fine ass.”
Laughing, you slap hands with her. “I know that’s right!”
As the laughter dies down, Kaylah gives you an earnest smile. “I hope I’m not being too forward, but I really am glad you came on this trip. I’ve heard both the twins and especially Joe speak so highly of you, and they definitely weren’t wrong. More importantly, I think you’re really good for Joe. I haven’t seen him as happy as he is with you and Callie since we were in high school, really.”
“Can I be honest with you about something?” Her kind words make you feel comfortable enough to be forthcoming with her. “I was a bit nervous you wouldn’t like me.”
Her eyes widen. “Me? Why?”
“I guess…..I worried you would feel a sense of loyalty to Joe’s ex-wife, and given how we got together…..
She nods. “I can understand that, but…if I’m being honest with you, I’ve probably had more meaningful interactions with you in these two days than I did in all of the time they were together. Don’t get me wrong, Jadah was super nice and chill, but she never really interacted with us like that. She mostly kept to herself.”
“What was the deal with their marriage?” It feels a bit off asking her, but given she’s known them for so long, she of all people would be the person to ask. “I know….I know he told me they only got married because she was pregnant and that….that she miscarried.”
It’s when you say that she gives you a strange look. “Y/N…..they didn’t have a miscarriage.” Before the shock fully wears off and you can ask her what happened then, she explains in an understandably sad tone. “It was….it was a stillbirth. She was 8 months pregnant.”
Your stomach…drops. That….that’s not what you expected to leave her mouth. Not at all.
Thinking back to that brief conversation with Joe, he never really specified what happened. Just made sure you knew Callie didn’t have a sibling. You’d just assumed a miscarriage is what happened. 
But a stillbirth….your brain can’t even begin to comprehend the heartbreak they must have experienced. To be in a headspace that you’re welcoming your first child for the better part of a year only to have it so cruelly ripped away in such a horrific manner….it’s devastating.
“I didn’t….”
“He didn’t tell you?” You shake your head, and she offers a sad smile. “I’m not surprised. Joe seems very open with you and obviously trusts you a lot, but that….I know that messed him up real bad.” 
Just like finding out he’d missed out on almost five years of Callie’s life. You’re starting to understand more and more why he came at you so hard initially, it was more than warranted but most likely pulling from his prior trauma as well. 
Kaylah continues, explaining gently, “I don’t know…I don’t know if it’s a good idea to push him too much on discussing it, YN. He’s never even really talked about it to the twins, and they tell each other everything. I’m sure he’s never fully processed it. Then again, I don’t know how you can ever process something like that.”
Hearing this has suddenly entirely soured your mood, and you have no ill feelings toward Kaylah. Just the opposite. You’re grateful she felt comfortable enough to be honest with you. You just wish the truth didn’t have you with this dull ache in your chest.
The 49ers loss hits you harder for reasons completely different than actual fans. It makes you sad for Joe, a sentiment you were already struggling with, to be honest.
Anticipating he’ll be looking for some sort of distraction, especially with Callie knocked out for the night, you try to get your shower finished before he makes it back to the hotel. It’s a wasted effort, because not only does he make it back before then, but he scares the hell out of you when his hulking frame joins you from behind under the steaming hot water. 
But before a single word can leave your mouth, his lips are on you, and you know instantly that he plans to take his emotions out on you in the only way that’s most appropriate. 
Joe fucks you against the shower wall, on the bathroom counter, in the exact way you promised him the night before but couldn’t follow through on because you were tired. He’s rough, rougher than you’ve had him in a while, and while it’s exactly what you wanted, it also saddens you that you know he’s disappointed. 
It’s just a game, yes, but there’s something about a loss at this level that makes it hit deeper. It also doesn’t help that you were already feeling a tremendous amount of empathy toward him after finding out about his loss. 
Body completely used and thoroughly fucked, the end of your sexscapade finds you both, naked and worn out. Your body is draped upon his as his finger moves around lazily across your back.
It’s a comfortable silence when he asks, “was I too rough with you?”
Lifting your head, you give him the strangest look. How long has it been since ya’ll really fucked? He’s clearly forgotten how you get down. “Did you seriously just ask me that? This is me, Joe..” Laying your head back on his chest, you remind him of your only rules in the bedroom. “Unless I’m bleeding or passed out, never too rough.”
Laughing, he flicks your arm as you kiss his shoulder. Changing gears a bit, his expression softens. “Thank you for coming, for bringing her.” 
“You never have to thank me for that.” You remind, because it’s the truth. You’d escort Callie to Siberia if that’s where he was. “But we do need to figure out when we’re gonna talk to her about moving.”
He seems to also remember this is a thing, asking, “how do you think she’ll feel?”
You have to take a second to think about his question. It’s something you’ve definitely considered. Callie has only known your town. That’s her home. What would it be like to uproot her? You finally settle on the best, honest answer you can muster. “I think she’ll be a little sad to leave her preschool friends, definitely my mom but what she wants more than anything is to be a family, so she’ll be happy.”
“Does she know we’re together?”
“I—I don’t know actually.” It’s not really something you’ve thought about until this very moment, just kinda assumed that it was a given. “Well, shit, maybe we should tell her that too.” 
He chuckles. “I’m sure she’s probably put two and two together.”
“Probably so.” Callie is definitely one smart cookie, and it wouldn’t be too far fetched to assume she’s realized you and Joe are dating. “Oh, and going back to moving, it’s Florida. Disney is in Florida. That’ll definitely be a selling point for her.”
Joe’s hand moves up and down your side, soothingly. “We’re going the week of her birthday, by the way.” 
Peeking up at him, you double check what’s really obvious but also still so surreal. “To Disney?”
“They let you off for a whole week?” That’s a stunner, for certain. “Coming off a Wrestlemania win? Damn, just how heavy is your pull now?” 
“What?” He seems confused by your question, like he doesn’t understand what you’re saying. And that’s puzzling to you because there’s nothing confusing about what you’re asking. You know enough about WWE to know how this works. He’s gonna retain at WrestleMania and be subsequently thrust deep in promos and segments. “Oh yeah….I’ve got it handled.”
Waiting for more is a waste of time with this man. He can be so coy sometimes. “You’re not gonna tell me anything more, are you?”
“Ass.” His elusive behavior is becoming both familiar and given but still annoying nonetheless. Regardless, you take your turn, switching topics a bit. “Have I told you how proud of you I am? Cause I am. So so proud of you, Joe. I always knew you could do it.” You lift up, biting down on your bottom lip as you push some of his hair back. “You’re gonna hold the record for most main events at Wrestlemania. Beating Hulk’s record. Thee fucking Hulk Hogan. And once you whoop Ken doll’s ass, you’re gonna have the third longest title reign in WWE history. Do you know how amazing that is?”
His hand is on your hip, making soft circles. “It’s not everything….”
Scoffing, you dismiss his dismissal. That is quite literally everything he ever told you he wanted. “The hell it isn’t. I remember every conversation we ever had about this, Leati. Your worries. Your hopes. Your dreams. This is what you’ve always wanted and worked your whole life for.” He’d always been so open and vulnerable about where he ultimately wanted his career to go, the burning desire he had to make it happen, and to see him do just that means the world to you. It should mean the world to him.
But there’s something off about his tone, and you can’t quite make out if it’s because he’s still reeling from the loss or something else. It almost feels like everything you’re saying is going in one ear and out the other because it no longer means that much to him. You know that can’t be the case. Not with how long he’s been grinding and working his ass off. 
His tone and expression are both appreciative as he shares, “I don’t think you’ll ever understand how much your support meant to me. You always knew the right thing to say.”
You lean down to kiss him, nice and slow. “I’m just really good at that shit.” Biting down on your bottom lip, you slowly start to snake your hand down his chest. “I’m really good at a lot of shit actually.” Whatever is bothering him, you know one way to help.
A really really good way.
Chuckling, his jaw clenches when you try to wrap your hand around him, fingers unable to connect from his width. He’s already hard for you. “You lock the door?”
You’ve never been so grateful for hotel rooms with bedroom doors that lock.
“Of course.” There’s no time wasted in moving so that you’re on top of him, reaching to align him just right so you can sink down on your favorite pastime. 
“My turn….”
Someone knocking on your door, loudly, at 11am, just hours after you land back in town wasn’t on your agenda for the day.
You, Callie, and Alexis caught an early morning flight that was difficult for everyone giving how crazy busy the weekend was, but especially for Callie who was already sad at having to say bye to her dad again and was still tired from lack of adequate sleep. 
You’re especially happy you chose to take today off and keep Callie home from preschool. You definitely need time to recover.
But life has a way of lifing. You’re immediately annoyed, looking beside you to see that Alexis is also stirring in her sleep, mumbling something about ‘fuck off.’ Sighing loudly, you stare at the ceiling, almost ready to leave whoever it is outside. But then they knock again, and you know this isn’t someone you can avoid. 
Even if you’re very tempted. Reaching for a robe, you pull it on and tie it around your wait, sliding your slippers on to make your way to the front door. Not even bothering to look through the peephole, you rip it open, ready to curse someone out when you see who it is.
Alyssa’s striking blue eyes are the first thing you noticed followed by the shine of the police badge attached to Officer Austin’s uniform. 
Why the hell is a police officer and one of the town’s social worker at your door?
“Hi….” You have to clear your voice, sleep weighing it down with coarse grit. “Is…is everything alright?” Panic briefly sets in. “Is it one of my students?”
This is the part of being a teacher that guts you, when a child is being harmed or at risk of being harmed and you have to make a call that does both a lot of good and a lot of bad. Alyssa has been the social worker you’ve worked with the most, but this is definitely the first time she’s come to your house about a case.
“Y/N…..” Her expression is grim, and you realize quickly that whatever it is is not good. Not good at all. “We received a report against you.”
“A report?” Your hand is gripping the door so tightly, you’re certain splinters are going to embed themselves into the pads of your fingers. But it’s a much better feeling than what’s starting to grow in the pit of your stomach. “What—what kind of report?”
There’s hesitation, and you understand why when she clarifies. “An immediate danger report.” 
“No.” Your stomach drops. “Alyssa, you can’t—-you can’t be serious.”
Your head is absolutely spinning. This…this can’t be right. A social worker and police officer cannot be standing at your door saying that someone called DCFS on you and made a report that not only is Callie in danger, but she’s in immediate danger. 
You’ve had the unfortunate experience of being the one to make reports, working plenty with Alyssa and the local police to navigate these cases. And it’s in that experience you’ve learned the definition of an immediate danger report and what it requires.
The immediate removal of a child from the accused home and custody.
They want to take Callie from you. 
Officer Austin speaks in an equally sympathetic tone. “Trust me, Y/N. I’ve known you since you were a little girl, and this makes me sick to my stomach. I hate it. I know it’s all lies and a waste of time and resources, but you know the law. We have to—“
However, you’re focused on Alyssa as you know the police are only brought along in case the situation becomes hostile. You have no desire to get physical with law enforcement, but you will get down on your hands and knees if that’s what it takes to keep your baby with you. “Please don’t do this. Alyssa, you know me—“
“I do, and that’s why I arranged where she’ll be released to your mom for custody and I got a hearing scheduled with the judge for you on Wednesday. It’ll only be three days—” If it wasn’t for the pending mental breakdown, you’d be more appreciative. You’d much rather Callie be sent to stay with your mom instead of put in emergency foster care.
You’re not sure if you’d be able to live with that. 
“Oh my god…..” You feel like you’re going to pass out, suddenly aware of Alexis' presence as she too asks more questions about what’s going on and who made this report. She’s, understandably, pissed. But, her last question is a no brainer. 
There’s only one person you know who would have a motive to do something like this.
“Three days without speaking or seeing my child! You know how attached she is to me, Alyssa!” It’s also in your experience with these types of situations that you know zero communication is allowed between the child and parent being accused until the emergency court hearing takes place. 
Three days without being able to speak to Callie….pain like this should never be allowed to be experienced. It’s a nightmare turned into reality. 
She truly looks remorseful, and you know she finds this just as ridiculous as you. “My hands are tied Y/N.”
Voice low, you finally ask, “what are the accusations?” If an answer was given to Alexis, you didn’t hear it, and regardless. You need to ask for yourself.
You repeat, no room for argument or refusal in your tone. “What…are the accusations, Alyssa?”
She swallows, answering in a low tone. “Child endangerment. Specifically….you’ve been accused of leaving Callie unintended to meet men for sex, and the accusation that made it immediate danger….is that you plan to prostitute Callie.”
It takes everything in you not to projectile vomit right on the spot, as you move your hand to your stomach, bent over. There aren’t enough words to describe your disgust and revulsion. 
Alyssa starts to provide more basic information regarding getting Callie back, but it's a waste of time.
You know this. You’re more than well aware of how this process works. Just never in a million years did you think you’d be involved in one of your own.
Absolutely defeated and crushed, you ask, “let me talk to her first, please.”
“Of course.” 
Alexis stays behind to follow up with additional questions that you’re partially paying attention to, but the majority of your focus is on staying upright. You could throw up and pass out on cue at this very moment. That’s how overwhelmed you feel, but the second your shaking hand opens Callie’s door, it’s an even bigger battle.
She’s still sleeping. 
Your sweet, innocent child is still sleeping, probably trying to recover from all the festivities from this weekend. And you have to wake her up. You have to wake her up to undoubtedly break her heart.
“Oh God…..” Hand on your stomach, you take three, big, deep breaths to settle your nervous system. Callie can’t see how much of a wreck you are. That’s only going to make it worse.
Sitting on the side of her bed, you clench and unclench your hands to minimize the shaking before gently pushing on her shoulder. “Calista, baby, I need you to get up.” It takes a couple of times, as you knew it would because you know your child like the back of your hand. The child who you would never do anything to endanger or any of the other egregious accusations made against you resulting in this nightmare.
Eyes blinking open, you chuckle at the pout on her face.
“I’m sleepy, mommy….”
“I know, baby.” You clear your throat, playing off the way emotion catches you, almost exposing the seriousness of this moment. “But…mommy needs you to get up. You….you’ve gotta go by grandma, okay?”
She looks at you, still with that pout and very much still partially sleep. “Can we go later?”
“No, baby. I—” This is inarguably one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do. “I can’t go with you.”
And this is when you see her pout deepen. “Why?”
“Callie….” Hand on her face, you try to ignore the sound of your heart shattering. “You’re not gonna see mommy or be able to talk to me for a couple days, baby.”
And you knew, you knew before even opening your mouth that her eyes would begin to water that telling her this harsh but necessary truth would cause the reaction you’re starting to see. Her face is reddening, mouth dropped into a permanent frown.
It tears you apart to do this to her. “Baby, please don’t cry. It’s only for three days and—and you’ll have grandma, and—and auntie Alexis will visit you, and I’ll make sure daddy talks to you as often as he can—”
“But what about you? You’re my mommy.” She rubs at her eyes, crying harder. “Why are you leaving me?”
Pulling her into your chest, you swear to her, “listen to me, Callie, I will never ever leave you. Okay? The…the people who make sure little kids like you are safe and taken care of just want to make sure I’m a good mommy to you, o-okay?”
“But you’re the best mommy,” she cries into you, and a sob leaves your throat at that. Callie’s heartfelt tears, the fear and confusion in her little voice. It rips your heart to shreds. You hold her as long as you can before helping her get dressed and
gather a little backpack with a few items. 
You know she already has mostly everything she’ll need at your mom’s already.
Everything except you. 
Alyssa allows you to hold her as you walk down to the police car, but it’s when Officer Austin opens the door and Callie begins to cry, asking him, “please don’t take me from my mommy!” that you break again.
It’s impossible to keep your composure with your four-year-old child begging not to be taken from you. Pulling it together, you kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear, reminding her that you love her, and that you’ll see her again before she knows it. It’s the best you can do, it’s the only thing you can do. 
Setting her down on the ground, you crouch in front of her, placing both hands on her cheeks. “Ms. Alyssa and this nice officer are gonna bring you to grandma right now, okay? I promise I’m gonna get you as soon as I can, baby, and no one will ever take you away from me again, okay?” 
She doesn’t say anything, face still full of heartbreak. She hugs you again, holding on tight. “I love you, mommy.”
Voice cracking, you whisper, “I love you too, baby.”
Eventually finding the strength, you break away and stand up to see Alyssa wiping a tear from her eyes. She then forces a sad smile and takes Callie’s hand, leading her into the back of the police car. Even being buckled in, you see Callie continuing to look back at you, sadness morphing with helplessness. 
And that’s the last view you’ll have of your daughter, looking hopeless and confused as to why this is happening. 
But you know exactly why this is happening. 
And you know exactly what you need to do.
Alexis watery eyes are a brief view you have before dashing up the stairs and throwing open your apartment door. Shaking hands manage to grab you car keys off the kitchen island as you head back for the front door only to find that you can’t march out because Alexis is standing in front of the door. 
“Move out my way, Alexis.” 
“Y/N. You’re upset. Okay—”
Snapping, you shout at her. “Move! Now!”
She doesn’t hesitate to match your energy. “Not until you fucking calm down!”
Snapping, you scream. “She just got my child taken away from me, Alexis! Don’t tell me to calm down! I’m gonna smash her fucking face in!”
Never…..never in a million years did you think Mariah could be capable of something like this. That she could be evil as to call DCFS on you, make up lies so horrific that it sickens you to even think about them, and have your child ripped away from you. Damn what this has done to you. What about Callie? Was she even thinking about how traumatic this would be for Callie?
She’ll be thinking about it when you stomp her head into the fucking pavement.
“Hey! You have every right to be upset, okay? But, this is probably what she wants! She knows they’re not gonna find anything on you, but you go over there and beat her ass, it puts the spotlight on you and then gives them a basis to question your fitness.” Alexis is such a sound voice of reason right now, but it’s hard to heed when your literal heart has just been ripped from your fucking body. “You need to focus on doing what you need to do to get Callie back, okay? Call Joe—”
You hadn’t….you hadn’t even thought about him. How can you explain this to him? Explain to him that your child, the child he just found out about not even six months ago is now technically in custody of DCFS because of your friend. Is that even forgivable? Beyond that, how crushing is that going to be for him?
Eyes watering, you shake your head, volume a few octaves lowered. You feel like you’re about to have a panic attack. “No, I can’t—-I can’t tell him.”
Alexis steps to you, placing her hands on your face, centering you. “Yes, you can, and you will. He needs to know, and you need support right now. I’m here for you, of course, but that’s the man you love. You need him.” Her expression then darkens. “And don’t you worry about Mariah. I got that hoe. Believe that. You don’t have to put a hand on her. Imma do it for you.” 
Alexis words do both everything and nothing for you. Granted, you’re not sure if anything will be substantial enough short of having your child returned to your custody or all of this being some sick joke. 
You’re not even sure when Alexis walks away to grab your phone until she’s reaching it to you. “Call him, sweetie. I promise you he’s not going to blame you. He’s going to be upset for the same reasons you are: because this is all bullshit. But please, Y/N, just….call this man.”
Finally taking the phone, she nods with a small smile. She then goes to remove her earrings and pull back her hair. “I’m gonna go curb stump this hoe.”
Alexis goes to the back, and you just stare at your phone. You once thought calling Joe to tell him about Callie’s existence would be one of the hardest phone calls you would ever have to make. 
God, you were so wrong. 
Trembling fingers tap on the phone to bring up his contact, and with tears streaming down your face, you hit call.
Whether for better or worse, he doesn’t answer, forcing you to leave a voicemail message. 
“Hey.” It’s a fruitless and meritless effort to keep your voice strong when you feel anything but. “I–I need you to call me as soon as you get a chance….please.” Hitting end, both you and the phone drop on the floor. On your knees, you finally release the sob you’d been holding in for the past twenty minutes. Moments later, Alexis is besides you, comforting you.
Not that it does any good. 
There is no good left.
Only pain.
103 notes · View notes
kurishiri · 3 days
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I read this hellhole of a route to find out more about Alfons
this post is a like a semi-detailed dump of information which may be updated below the cut on Alfons, and a bit on his relationship with others like Elbert, Roger and Kate, that can be seen from his main story. I guess it’s made for those who want to learn more about his character (and for my own silly note taking), or are curious about him, but may feel upset at cw: a lot of explicit dub/non-con scattered throughout the story, especially in the first half or so. So yes, there are spoilers about Alfons and his route under the cut!
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the gist of why Alfons is the way he is (constantly going out at night, drinking in the afternoon, etc.) is because of his curse and his tragic fate
his curse is the mirror curse, which gives him the ability to change others’ perceptions if he touches the nape of their neck, in exchange for being forgotten
in other words, he’s destined to die without leaving any trace in the world
once he dies, his memory will be “forcibly” erased from people’s minds and in written form, but objects may still remain; in other words, he himself is treated as an illusion by his curse
Alfons was born in the east end (aka the slums) as a “nameless” orphan, though it’s implied his parents named him such before abandoning him
as long as he could survive, he took up any identity, with his current one being a “noble” so that he could stay by Elbert’s side
at first, this was likely for survival and living off Elbert’s money, and then some sense of guilt may have played a role in his sticking to Elbert’s side, saying that he couldn’t make him “go crazy” though Elbert said when they first met, Alfons said what he needed to hear
anyhow though he tries to keep his distance, it’s implied Alfons had let Elbert into his heart and Elbert can tell when Alfons is lying, but this may have been a subconscious thing on Alfons’ end as he naturally spent a lot of time with Elbert
I think Alfons does genuinely care for Elbert, in his own way (I guess he thinks of him like a bit of a troublesome “childhood friend”); when he was intending to leave a final farewell, he wrote a note to Elbert, and Elbert alone, wishing him to live a good rest of his life
he was subjected to a lot of manual labor as a child, by the orphanage he stayed at
though he was corporeally punished sometimes, he mentioned dissociating so that he didn’t feel the pain of the punishment
while being worked to the bone, though, he managed to befriend a cat
legit this cat actually had a chokehold on his past — it had a lot of significance in Alfons’ backstory
so basically child Alfons is like “at least I can love this cat” and he hopes the cat will remember and love him
the fact the cat might remember him was what kept him going; this is important to remember
because sometime later after he got kicked out of the orphanage, he was out polishing shoes and that’s when he met child Roger, who is a little older than Alfons
in exchange for being paid, Alfons agreed to let Roger research or experiment a bit on Alfons’ curse. Since at the time, Alfons didn’t know how to activate his ability, they sorta experimented with that
in the end they figured it out and Roger ended up eating shoe polish because Alfons said “this shoe polish is your fav food” 😭
but Roger was excited to meet another cursed one and he got a bit too carried away by casually telling Alfons what his cursed fate was: he is destined to be forgotten
this hits Alfons really hard and he wants to go back and check on his cat
yeah well it turns out this cat was actually the director of the orphanage??
the cat had apparently died a little while ago while Alfons was still in an orphanage, probably taken out by the director, and he couldn’t take that reality and so he basically uses his ability on the director to act as his cat, or he simply just dissociates from reality
(so that’s why there were rumors floating around that the director of the orphanage had turned into a cat, and why he was kicked out I think; there’s quite a bit of unreliable narration on both ends throughout the story just because of the nature of Alfons’ curse)
it is here where Alfons first says this little catchphrase he says at the end of his route preview: “if you can’t take your reality, then you can run away from it. And if you can’t run away from it… you can just go crazy.”
he has these thoughts like “it would’ve been better if I didn’t check on the cat, if only I could’ve kept dreaming”
but anyway that is why Alfons doesn’t like Roger, even now. Though he’s a lot more.. reserved about it I guess because he’s now a “noble”
when Roger first presented this info Alfons was really emotional
at present Alfons goes to the east end at times to give people there an illusion or a dream, something that’ll make them feel better
he uses his ability without caring what happens to him — because what’s the point?? He’s just going to be forgotten in the end
he claims he’s doing this for entertainment, just as he hangs around Kate for entertainment, but she suspects he does this kind of thing out of kindness (though it may be like a twisted type of kindness)
after all, it seems like Alfons uses his ability for others, when others need it, like when they’re suffering
Alfons doesn’t confirm nor deny Kate’s theory about him, but Kate feels this is the “truth,” and Alfons calls her “straightforward” and a fool
however he seems to hold respect toward Kate for being able to face reality, no matter how harsh it is because this is something he couldn’t do himself
and he is pretty self-deprecating about it too, since he can only give them a “temporary escape” and he believes that is the extent he can give due to his fate and the nature of his curse — he can only have “fleeting relationships” with people like Kate, encouraging her if she ever needed an escape, she could come to him, but that was all he would be willing to give
or, that is all he thought he could give, as he also thinks himself as unable to love others (though by the time he tries to actively push Kate away trying to convince her that her feelings are a misunderstanding, he likes her back)
he just doesn’t want to be close to her, nor does he want her to be close to him, because Kate would end up forgetting about him anyway, so he tries to push her away by doing bad things to her
in fact, he values his life so little — he would disappear completely for Kate
and he also believes he can’t feel love, but he admits to having this feeling of wanting to make Kate despair, perhaps so that he can carve his presence into her while Kate tries to find a way to maybe change his tragic fate
he likes cats but has complicated feelings toward them due to his past, but he sometimes goes out and feeds strays
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factual-fantasy · 1 day
29 asks! Thank you!! :)) 🦝
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@abaroo @ditzyclown (Referencing this post)
XDD I'm not sure! Evil Grim seems too hot headed and mean to have any real bond with a trainer.. though Evil Sylvester belonging to some pompous rich butthead that treats him like gold seems likely <XDD
As for their good sides,, I haven't really decided if they have one at all. They are supposed to be "evil" versions of Grim and V after all..😅
And I'm also not entirely sure they'd even be friends.. since Evil Sylvester thinks that Gengars as gross, and the two of them have no respect for each other.. it seems pretty unlikely that a friendship would bloom.. 😔
...However.... 👀 That's not to say they couldn't go through some kind of character development and some kind of bond would form..
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XDD Kermit you're so chaotic
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That sounds like a ton of fun actually! :DD Now I just gotta find some of those wheels and challenges- <XDD
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(In response to this post)
Aw man... poor little cookie.. <:(
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I've been thinking a lot about making a master post for my Pokémon stuff, Undertale stuff, Octonauts stuff, etc.. But I just haven't gotten around to it. 💀💀 But I'll keep thinking about it thanks to your ask :00
As for evil Grim and V, I'd love to draw more of them! Maybe even evil/opposite versions of the others.. I just don't have any more ideas for them.. 😔😔😔
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@khoiazo (Referencing this post)
XDDD couldn't have described their vibes better myself!
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It just makes me really uncomfortable <:/ I prefer comments instead :}
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Such a cute littol puppo!! 😭😭💞💞💞
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I'm not familiar with many dog breeds.. but I can say that they both have the dumb and happy golden retriever energy <XDD
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I haven't really thought about what other eeveeloutions he might encounter.. but I imagine a potential encounter with an Umbreon would be very similar to the Espeon encounter.
Maybe he saw the glowing eyes of an Umbreon peeking out of a bush a few feet away.. He froze in shock, recognizing the scent to be an eeveeloution. He looked away for just a second and when he turned back, it was gone..
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I'm thinking that over years and years of being together they just naturally built this rock solid friendship and trust. They've had multiple experiences where their friendship was tested but it never broke.
I'm also thinking that a key factor in their friendship is them having the exact came sense of humor XDD They're both idiots
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@minnesotamedic186 (Referencing this post)
XDD I see what you mean!
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I've seen fanart of it floating around, the game with the.. cat.. slug.? Critters right? :00
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I haven't actually beaten all the gyms yet- <XDD I've been spending most of my time drawing instead of playing Violet.😅
As for struggling with the gyms, I haven't struggled with any so far! AND THATS NOT ME TRYING TO SOUND COCKY- Most of the fun I have with Pokémon is the collecting part. So for the gyms I just use a type advantage and over level my Pokémon by like 10 levels and plow through the battle.. <XDD
I will say however, the water type gym challenge totally stumped me. <XDD For some reason I just couldn't figure it out and googled the answer in the end.. 😔😔😔
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A looooooot of patience and re-drawing <XDD (Also thank you!! :}}} )
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I have seen some of it, :0 but I don't know all the new characters they added.. <:0
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Not at the moment no.. I'm still on break from the fandom 😵‍💫
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<XD I'm not the first person to think of Tweak dying her hair, so go right ahead! :))
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XDD I see the resemblance!
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XDD No they're not infinite- But I was thinking that they can stretch shockingly far thanks to his mystical fairy typing XD How far that is exactly? I haven't really decided.. 🤔
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I'm glad you love them! And while I wouldn't usually agree to this,, I'll give you the go ahead to cross stitch the lads XDD
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@mimiocto (Sent after this post)
Aww! Sylvester needs a positive interaction after that frighting Espeon encounter <XDD
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Ooo! :DD How fun! I should look into getting one too.. 🤔
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(Refencing this post)
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fanaticsnail · 17 hours
Sending love to that anon who is on the Yandere Doffy cruise with me, but also how dare you make it angsty 😭😭 but also, I love that. Make it fluffy then make it angsty! A perfect concoction. And then Snail adding the Impel Down? How about you just let Law take my heart instead and crush it, it would hurt less 😭😭
Following that Reader gets ill idea, you know who is the only doctor in the world who can help Reader if she gets ill?
You know WHO is the only one who can probably completely heal Reader?
Ohohohoho the plot thickens!
Would Doflamingo actually ask Law to heal Reader? Law's is the only fruit that can do it. Doflamingo just realising that would be so fckn AMAZING. The shock, the internal conflict, the fckn anger that Law is the only doctor left who has the HIGHEST chance of healing Reader...
This could be pre-Dressrosa Arc, hell this could be the reason Doflamingo surrenders during Dressrosa Arc because Law heals Reader right in front of Doflamingo, who is literally holding her while she has a fever. (I know, very unlikely but hey, let Doffy be desperate, as a treat.)
It could be that after he beats Law in their first fight after Law wakes up Doflamingo takes him to give a diagnosis on Reader, and Law is shooketh.
Also, add Reader being a mother figure to Law, being kind to him and thanking him and apologizing for Doffy and she is so sorry and Law is getting reminded of his mom now and is literally having a lump in his throat and this 26-year-old grump is about to CRY as he looks through Reader's medical charts left by the other doctors and all check-ups.
Maybe Law's doctor mode just TURNS ON. He isn't even thinking it, he offers to help with his Devil Fruit but in exchange Doflamingo has to surrender or at least let Reader go.
Doflamingo is not on board. He's gonna force Law to use Room if he has to.
Luffy is on board (if it's Dressrosa Arc), bless his soul, he even says he'll kick Law's ass if he harms Reader since he is reminded of watching Ace die or reminded of Nami being sick and him being helpless.
Would Doflamingo accept the deal? Yes? No?
Knowing Doffy he'll go like "I'll just force Law to heal her." in his Big Brain Moment™
And the Impel Down addition, ugh, fuck, my heart.
But Law healing Reader and Doflamingo's internal struggle and pride... OHOHOHOHOHO. I am laughing evilly.
We are further sinking into the Yandere Doffy hole here.
No, don't send the ladder. We like it here.
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Okay, I love this so much. This is gonna end up as a series, I can tell. It's going to have to be. Yandere Doffy with a reader who doesn't want to be with him, getting sick and finally seeing a way towards freedom with Law offering it to them, AND DOFFY JUST MOURNING FOR HIS LOVE WHO WANTS TO LEAVE HIM. JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
I freaking love the Yandere Doffy train going on in my ask box. This is getting me all giddy and giggly. I love this so so much. I'm in the hole next to you, bestie. I'm taking notes.
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I am also digging the fact we're all like: "yessss bring Law into it. Have the tables turn."
You: "You have always been so kind to me. Even as a troubled child, you had the potential of turning out like either brother. He'd be so proud of you, your heart mirroring his even now."
Law: "You offered me no reason to harm you. You were one of the few that made my childhood bearable there. And... Thank you. All I've done, I've done in honour of Cora-san and to spite Doflamingo."
The Heart Pirates: "What the hell? Don't we hate Doflamingo? Why are we healing his spouse?"
You: "And where do I factor in? The honour or the spite?"
Law: "Both and neither. I honour Cora-san in offering you this kindness, and I spite Doflamingo in knowing you're released from his charge and allowed to make your choice to remain here or flee. It's up to you what you do."
The Heart Pirates: collective "ohhhhhh"
I love this so much. I can't wait to write it. Thank you for another Yandere Doffy prompt, it's fuelling me.
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vermilionsun · 2 days
Hi hi! I’d like to ask for some hcs for Ais, Vere and Leander (separate, if 3 charas aren’t allowed then just Ais and Vere, please!) who’s s/o has a tiny dog (like a toy poodle size) and the doggo just adores the LIs? Thank you :]
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Toy Poodles are so cute 😭
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✩ Ais raises a brow as the little puppy comes up to him wagging its tail.
✩ He looks down at the puppy and chuckles before looking back at his s/o. “Yours?”
✩ Ais looks slightly confused but he squats down bends down and lets the puppy sniff his hand before picking it up from the ground and holding it in his arms, running his hand through its fluffy fur.
✩ The puppy barks and wiggles around in his arms, rolling over onto its back, panting happily as he pets it. “Hm, it's cute… What's its name?”
✩ From that day onward, Ais found himself enjoying the puppy's company, even though he wouldn't show it. He'd secretly feed it treats behind your back and even play with it when you weren't looking, still keeping up his nonchalant facade.
✩ He was over at your place a lot more now, the puppy had grown attached to him (and so had he).
✩ The puppy seemed to absolutely adore him, following him everywhere like a little shadow and always coming back to him for affection and cuddles.
✩ Ais even started referring to it as 'his' puppy when he didn't think you were around, but again, he'd never admit it to you directly.
✩ Ais found himself talking to the puppy, though he'd pretend he was just "mumbling to himself", asking it how it's day was and telling it secretly how cute he thought it was. Despite his rough exterior, he had a soft spot for the little ball of fur.
✩ Princess, despite her initial dislike of it, actually softened up a bit upon meeting the puppy. She'd watch from a distance as Ais interacted with the puppy, often joining in on the fun.
✩ Ais would occasionally let the puppy sleep beside him, pretending he didn't mind the extra company.
✩ He even started giving it little nicknames.
✩ If you ever caught him, he'd quickly turn away and pretend he wasn't doing anything.
✩ “I've only known it for a day and a half, but if anything happened to it, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
🗡 Leander's eyes light up as he sees the puppy
🗡 “Well, aren't you just the cutest little furball. What's your name, little one?”
🗡 He crouches down to the puppy's level and gently sticks out his hand for the puppy to sniff. “You are just the cutest little thing, aren't you? Is it okay if I give you a pat?”
🗡 The puppy starts bouncing around his feet, its ears flopping around. “You're quite the playful one, huh?” Leander chuckles and pats the puppy gently on its head, careful not to be too rough, scratching the puppy behind its ears. “Oh, you like that, don't you? You're a little bundle of energy, aren't you?”
🗡 Ever since that day, Leander and the puppy became i n s e p a r a b l e.
🗡 The man fell completely in love. Absolutely smitten. He treats the puppy like royalty, like his own child.
🗡 The puppy would follow him everywhere and Leander would dote on it constantly, spoiling it with treats and toys, playing with it, taking it for walks, teaching it tricks. and even including it in his daily activities.
🗡 Leander's s/o would often find them curled up together, the puppy napping in his lap as he worked, or them playing tug-of-war with a favorite chew toy in the back alley of the Wick.
🗡  He loves showing off her skills to everyone, proudly calling it his little "accomplished companion."
🗡 Leander finds himself more lighthearted when he's around the puppy, his usual demeanor softening in its presence.
🗡 Leander even began weaving the puppy into his magical practices, using it as a source of inspiration and energy that allowed him to focus his power more effectively.
🗡 He would talk to the puppy as if it understood him, telling it about his day and his troubles, finding solace in having someone to talk to, even if that someone had four legs and a wagging tail.
🗡 “—nOT IN FRONT OF MY CHILD–” *covers its ears with his hands*
🗡 Now you have two entities begging for your attention with puppy eyes.
✦ Vere's attention is immediately stolen by the adorable ball of fluff.
✦ "Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing? Look at you, all tiny and precious!"
✦ He crouches down to get a closer look, his gaze studying the puppy with genuine affection. He reaches out his hand, making soft clicking noises to get the little puppy's attention.
✦ "Come here, you adorable little fluff ball. Let me see those big, beautiful eyes."
✦ The puppy, sensing Vere's energy, begins to wag its little tail and bounce around excitedly. It looks up at Vere with glossy eyes, its tiny tongue sticking out as it lets out a melodic yip.
✦ A soft chuckle escapes Vere's lips, heart melting at the sight of the little canine. "Oh, you're just so full of life, aren't you? Just a little bundle of joy and cuteness." He extends his hand further, gently patting the puppy's head and stroking its soft fur.
✦ Vere becomes enamored with the little puppy. He takes every opportunity to shower the tiny canine with affection.
✦ The puppy, in turn, becomes incredibly fond of Vere. It becomes his constant companion, eagerly bouncing by his side whenever he's around, jumping on his lap whenever he sits down, curling up against his chest for cuddles and naps, licking his face.
✦ “See darling? It’s obvious it loves me more!”
✦ Vere spends countless hours playing with the puppy, rolling around on the floor, tossing small toys for it to fetch, engaging in lighthearted wrestling matches and even trying to teach it a few tricks.
✦ During quiet moments, Vere would sit with the puppy in his lap, gently petting and scratching behind its ears. The pup would bask in the attention, nuzzling against him and licking his fingers affectionately.
✦ As time passed, Vere's usual aloofness and reserved demeanor melted away whenever the puppy was around. He would find himself laughing more often, his icy demeanor replaced by a softer, more carefree attitude
✦  He seemed to forget his own troubles in the presence of the puppy's innocent exuberance. Late-night strolls become a regular occurrence, with the puppy trotting alongside him, its paws pattering against the pavement.
✦ One day, Vere finds himself sitting on the floor, surrounded by a chaotic mess of toys and snacks. The puppy is sitting right in front of him, nibbling on a chewy toy and playfully tugging at one of his shoelaces. As Vere watches the puppy's antics, a sense of contentment washes over him. He realizes that he never had something so pure and real in his life before. The puppy doesn't care about his past mistakes or hidden truths. It simply loves him.
✦ “Ah, yes, this is my partner in crime. Don’t you dare touch it or not even Kuras will be able to heal you.”
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nightcolorz · 3 days
truly on board the armand meta train this evening but you mentioned in a post earlier about how the amc iwtv fandom reacted to the depictions of SA with Claudia in s1 and how it was responded to with sensitivity, and then in s2 this does continue- but only for her. The amount of people i have seen on various platforms (mostly show only fans) believing that Armand was lying about his own sexual trauma and repeated assaults for his own gain (again seemingly for some fan’s need to have a clear villian)
It just feels really horrible that a fandom that reacted in such a way to this sort of material in the first season concerning a female character who was underage (if only physically), then goes on to deny, belittle, and even romanticise and sexualise the same sort of trauma that happened to a male character who was also underage (and also mentally as well as physically.) Especially because Claudia’s trauma was only added by the show, which makes it no less valid- but pointing out it was not in the books like Armand’s explicitly was.
I think what im trying to say with that is that Armand’s sexual trauma was already explicitly canon and adapted from that book canon to the show, whereas Claudia’s was a show invention yet is treated a lot more sensitivity and is being believed more (again, i think this is due to show watchers seeing anything Claudia says as objective truth as it is more through the eyes of Daniel- who is of course always completely right and fair (/s) compared to Louis and Armand who of course must always be twisting the truth in some way from their own gain)
Anyway i have gone on a bit but I would love to hear your thoughts on the show’s audience reaction to Claudia’s SA and trauma in comparison to Armand’s
ooo yes I love this question, I’ve thought about it before. the double standard there is honestly pretty upsetting to me. I think part of why the fandom treats Claudia’s sa differently than Armand’s is definitely partly bcus of what u said, how Armand is assumed to be never truthful and Claudia is considered always truthful, which is applied by some ppl to everything they say and do with no nuance. I think a part of it is also a broader fandom issue where male sexual assault isn’t considered as serious/valid/wrong etc as female sexual assault is. so you’ll find people in fandom spaces who believe and discuss how sexual violence against women is a sensitive subject that needs to be treated with care, then go and treat male sexual assault in fiction like it’s sexy, or funny, or not so serious. because of the bias of course that exists with real sexual violence where male victims r often less likely to be treated seriously, believed, etc then female victims. when u think about it, considering the pretty prevalent socially ingrained belief that men can’t be sexually assaulted or that sexual assault against men isn’t as serious as sexual assault against women combined with a chunk of the fandom’s tendency to interpret everything Armand does or says as malicious or deceitful, it makes sense that this would be a prevalent take, but god it’s so disgusting, I hate it.
Armand’s history of childhood sexual abuse is extremely important to his character, as u said it was in the books, and the reason it was adapted so faithfully is because u *can not* remove it or change it without completely rewriting Armand and changing a lot of his fundamental characteristics. So frankly, it’s so fucking stupid to see people saying he’s lying, as if that would not be a character assignation so drastic it would be absurdly stupid for any writer to come up with. It would be like, idk, saying Claudia lied about being turned into a vampire when she was a child and that she actually was over 18, or some shit like that. Like genuinely be so for real 😭. And I mentioned it in another ask but I can’t say it enough, it’s repulsive to insist that a fictional sexual abuse victim who’s history of sexual violence is actively incredibly impactful to everything he does is “lying for sympathy”. Like y’all need to realize that u r making disgusting implications about real victims of assault and u sound like actual freaks. Also u sound dumb lol, like USE UR BRAIN, how would Armand be lying or using his trauma to manipulate when he is clearly actively acting due to his trauma 😭
So many people who were talking about how sexual violence against women is super sensitive and the show needs to treat it with more care, making sure to add tws on their posts and to make respectful disclaimers and such, are now taking another character who was sexually assaulted and saying he is lying or manipulating or their making jokes about it because they see him as some villain only worthy of ridicule and nothing else. It’s gross!!
I think another part of it is probably how a lot of people only see victimhood as real or valid if they perceive the victim as none-complexly “good.” Since Claudia is perceived by the fandom as always in the right she is a real victim who deserves respect, and since Armand is the villain who’s in the wrong he is faking it or smth. In reality people who have experienced trauma, especially childhood sexual abuse as intense and horrible as what Armand went through, are very flawed!! And having flaws or being a bad person, especially when said flaws r very tied to the trauma itself, does not make someone in any way less of a victim!!
Armand was taught to believe that he is an actual object, he grew up in a dog eat dog world where there r men with power who use weaker people to stay in control and there are slaves who the men use for whatever they please, and he internalized that this is how he will always has to live bcus this is how the world works. Assad zaman literally said Armand doesn’t know what love is bcus he’s never experienced it 😭. Armand models every relationship he has after his relationship with Marius, who literally raped and abused him as a child, because he was the first person who ever loved him 😭 and armand is always chasing love because he has never truly felt it and doesn’t know why he feels so empty. Marius taught Armand that love is using someone for their body and hitting them when they disobey u. Of course he’s fucked up! Of course he sees his relationship with Louis as a transactional power grab where he’s either the master or the slave before he sees it as loyalty and trust and companionship, of course he betrays him ‼️. And like 😭 everything wrong with Armand and all of the fucked up shit he does can be tied to his trauma . Come oooonnn 😭🙏 he is not lying 💀 he’s not trying to manipulate Louis or “gain sympathy”, Jesus Christ.
the petty, book purist part of me is so annoyed that a somewhat irresponsible rape plot line that was added without as much care as it should have been, especially considering it wasn’t necessary to the character or the story and wasn’t in the books, is being treated with more validity and sympathy and respect then a male characters childhood sexual trauma that has shaped every aspect of how he functions and behaves. And that’s petty 😭 but like, I can’t say I’m wrong for being off put. This is genuinely mf gross.
thank uuuu for the ask u r literally the best ahhhh!!! I hope this was interesting, I’m a lil brain fried rn lol
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chaostroberry1 · 2 days
Hi! Can I Request a dom! Poseidon and or Hades x female sub!wife reader who is sweet/shy, and kinda oblivious, and they just got married and are trying to navigate their life together as newlyweds. I think logically they would have na age gap as well because I believe (could be mistaken in Poseidon’s case) that their wives were younger than them in the myths. If you could make them dotting towards reader too (bit colder than the depths of the sea/Underworld to everyone else), I just really want a sweet obsessive take on their relationship without them being too ooc if this makes sense. Kinda like they fell for reader and they fell harder almost Yandere level obsessed with her. I really loved your Hades x male reader but really want to see you take on this if it’s not too much to ask. I hope my word vomit makes sense.
This is such a cute idea 😆 thank you!
Note : hades and Poseidon are not romantic/ or shipped to each other! ⚠️ I do not support incest. They are only romantic towards reader, but not each other. Cus they are brothers. They only have love towards their darling.
Hades + Poseidon × reader headcanons.
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- tbh, how on earth did you bag not one, but TWO of the strongest gods there is? That's crazy...😭
- not only did you get hades, but Poseidon??? Now you must have accomplished some sort of feat to earn him. Or you were just very loved by the gods. Let's all nod our heads in agreement.
- Considering that there are two of them, gotta say that you take turns being with each of the two.
- it's not very tiring, at least you get a free ride to the underworld and the sea each time you are transported. For example, one day you go to hades, the next day you go with Poseidon. Easy.
- but, it's not always like that. They've insisted on taking you into their own place. but to make things fair, you'd be staying in a completely different home.
- actually, you know what? To make things funnier, what if you were Odin's daughter/daughter figure? You'd be staying with him instead. You have your own room in his place, away from those...bastards..or that's what he liked to call it.
- Like imagine the faces of your beloved darling's when they find you missing. Now that? That really sent them berserk. Harsher and colder than usual, and absolutely will not stop until they found you. Until they did. In Odin's place.
- Bro they all had a staring challenge I swear on my left toe. Like imagine Odin's face when he opens the door to find two gentlemen standing there pissed. And he just responds with "what can I do for you?" With a bitch face.
"I'm here to look for my wife"
"OUR wife, Brother."
"same thing."
- Odin took that personally.
- he was about to say that you weren't there, until you immediately showed up. Your presence filling the room to be more breathable and fresh. You ran over to them happily, embracing them with open arms.
- but let's just say you were pretty oblivious to the death glares they all pointed at each other, a silent warning not to touch you.
- but now let's move on to random ass headcanons I thought about.
- one time a guy called you cute and you never heard from him again. I wonder what happened..
- naughty time with these two is literal heaven. You'd be full in all holes bruv. Do not lie to me, I know what y'all are 🙄
- there would be times where they both have to combine their interests to pick out a dress for you. Believe me, your room is full of so many gifts from both the gods. Trinkets, dresses, jewelry, fancy useless stuff that you find pretty. ANYTHING.
- I can just imagine how sweet and nice they are towards you. someone else tries to talk to to them, they are as cold as the deepest depths of their realms. The moment you enter, they turn their whole personality 360 degrees from what they just displayed earlier.
- and no they will not take flirting from others lightly. A nymph approaches Poseidon? He'd be like, "I'm not interested." Hades?"I'm busy, kindly do not disturb me."
- they aren't really fond of wearing rings, but they do anyway. It's proof of their hold over you, and how they love you lots. You cook for them (or at least you try) and clean around the place.
- you were literally housewife material, maybe a mother one day. At least they hope.
- and as long as you stay, they won't inflict too much harm on anything or anyone. Unless it did smth to you. Let's not talk about it though.
- and yeah.
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After waiting the entire day for this and then melting in the kitchen making dinner, I can sit down and talk a bit about Muse.
1. The crossword puzzle was a really fun idea, although seeing some people actually writing Smeraldo Garden Marching Band seemed far-fetched to me, I guess that's the pre-release track! I love that this and other clues are indicative of an ongoing project with the same team, but also a nod to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Reading the song description makes me wonder how much did Jimin take inspiration from that song/album.
2. A wide spread failure in trying to come up with Jimin's latest favorite food and choosing to jokingly say that it's tteokbokki by JK only to be revealed that that is indeed the correct option is perhaps the funniest thing today. And a reminder from Jimin to not forget who is his cook 🤭
3. I'm happy to see Jimin's level of involvement in the album, from writing to producing credits. I admit I was among those that thought a second album that doesn't have that much of a personal story component like Face, could take a different route. But it seems that Jimin really thrived in that music camp he set up at PDogg's place. It's rewarding to be able to have an interest in someone who is putting that much attention and work into his music.
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4. I'm down for the aesthetic he's going for. Yes, it's '90s nostalgia, a tried method time and time again, but I think it will turn out alright. If Like Crazy as a synth pop track with heavy 80s sound influence turned out the way it did, I'm confident Muse and Who will be interesting. I also love the cassette tapes. Perhaps one with the title track will be available after the release?
5. As I've said this many times before, I'm not a fan of collabs. JK's solo path cemented that for me. I'm of course open to give a try to all the tracks on Muse, it goes without saying, but my interest in having any focus on the collab aspect is zero.
6. Jimin's mbti is CUTE 😭
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Listen, I'm still not over ep 11 yet. AND THEN THEY GIVE ME THIS I- *muffled screaming*
Anyways, welcome to my crack posts. =D
Warning: long post 😊😅 (I somehow took even more screenshots than last time 😭)
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I knew something like this would happen hehe
Don't lie, Peem, he'd already won your heart the moment he said "Na, krab" with those puppy eyes
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I love how despite thinking they're enemies up till this point, Tan immediately jumps on the ship the moment he learns it exists.
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Fang: cute. <3
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Q: cutee. <33
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Shy babygirl Peem has my whole heart 🥺🫶🏼
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Yeah? Anyone specific you want to draw a portrait of, Peem? Someone from Engeering, maybe? Someone who confessed to you in front of all your combined friends just last night? No? 👀
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This smile. This goddamn smile. I get you, Peem, I totally get you.
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Q peeking in small into the bag is so accurate 😭
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As I'd said in my previous post: "Right in front of my salad?!" and "Something very LGBT just happened to me o.o"
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I love nose boops hehe
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[Phum: I have to go to class.]
You actually go to class?! *pikachu meme face*
Q's face perfectly expresses my feeling, and I'm definitely saving these as meme pics
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Peem's plan to be hit on backfired so fast so hard 😭
Poor boy went into shock 😭
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Peem is never hearing the end of this from Q. Never.
I love their friendship though. Besties forever. <3
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Toey looks so excited here 😭🫶🏼
He's definitely over the moon that his two beloved hias finally realized they like each other (and of course he manifested this wdyem)
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Throwing stones from inside a glass house, huh Q?
You're just as bad as, if not worse than Peem.
*shaking my head fondly* these boys are so whipped for their baes
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This ep gave me a lot of meme pic ehehe
Why so surprised, Peem? You were the one telling Phum to flirt on you, why so shy now huh?
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Oh, Aunt Pui knows. She's just trying to help her nephew get a nice boyfriend hehe
Also- learning the family business early on? Nice move, Phum.
I'm pretty sure Aunt Pui will accept Phum as family the very instant they start dating.
Actually- she probably already has.
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What will you be tying next? The knot?? (I am so so happy I can make that joke and actually mean it now.)
Oh, and I love love love their dynamics. I'm always looking for verse because I don't like active power dynamics, but this show really delivered on it. There's always a push and pull, but throughout, they're equals. Yes, even through that slave era (remember how exactly Peem came to be his slave?). It did start off with a slight imbalance, but it evened out pretty fast (because Phum is incapable of not being the cutest clingy little puppy for more than ten minutes and Peem is weak for it).
PhumPeem/PeemPhum is giving me so much that I'd thought I'd almost never get from BLs (there are a few other examples, I think, but this is probably my topmost).
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I don't know if y'all have noticed, but Phum is deliberately soft and is often using polite pronouns for the last two episodes.
It's just... they're so pretty 😭
This scene is just >>>
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Phum is 200% committed. Other upcoming BL romantic interests, please take notes.
Jokes aside, what started out as a potential red flag (even two years ago, this relationship would have been very very different) turned into the greenest flag (with a side of childhood trauma).
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Did he just-
He almost confessed!!! So close!!
Also- please give me them as boyfriends already, I'm on my hands and knees. But can you imagine what they'll be like when they actually start dating...?
I CAN'T WAIT. GIMME NOW. *grabby hands*
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This scene made me speechless. Ep 12 was full of beautiful, absolutely stunning scenes, but this was what took my breath - his cute smile that lights up his whole face, his "Pai, krab" and the sheer relief when Peem asks him if he wants to go.
For a moment there, he thought Peem would leave, just like all the people in his life. He knows it wouldn't be permanent, but it's hard to get rid of such an old, deep-rooted fear.
But Peem, unknowingly, immediately waves it away by asking him if he wanted to come with. The only thing is... I don't think it was that unknowing.
I'll end part 1 on this note. Part 2 will be posted soon!
If you've reached this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a doughnut 🍩
And here are my previous We Are posts.
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paradiseprincesss · 18 hours
hi!! if ur requests r still open could we get a fic w robert fischer based on deja vu by olivia rodrigo? like maybe reader and robert had like a summer fling but to her it felt like more ykwim 😭 ive kinda been in the mood for some angst lately LOL
btw i love ur fics i start tweaking a lil whenever u post 💀💞
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do you get deja vu? | robert fischer
hi anon, first of all thank you! you're so sweet, i really hope you enjoy this & i apologize that it took me so long to post it. i don't know why but i kept revising this fic over and over again. i wanted it to live up to your expectations LOL.
summary: sometimes we don't realize how much things meant to us until we no longer have it.
warnings: smut, p in v, angst, lovers to strangers, robert fucks up lol and now he's forever sad, mdni 18+ only
word count: 2.3k
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the city of malibu was breathtaking; every moment spent here was somehow better than the last — how could a place be so beautiful? as you sat in the passenger side of robert's brand new luxury vehicle, you took in the beauty that you were residing in, whilst robert was taking in the beauty of you.
you weren't totally sure how this whole thing happened — but god, did it mean everything to you.
robert had approached you in a bar while you were out with your girlfriends in the city, offering to buy you a drink. one look at his face and you were agreeing because honestly; who would turn down a man like him?
after your friends encouraged you to keep talking to the handsome stranger, who introduced himself as robert, you two just clicked. conversation flowed effortlessly between the both of you, and soon enough, the two of you were going on your first official date.
it was safe to say that robert had charmed you completely, he had you enamoured with him — infatuated, truly. he was a true gentleman, classy and organized, not to mention that he came from money. after a handful of very upscale, fancy, and luxurious dates, the two of you had began seeing each other regularly.
neither of you had put an actual "title," per se, on what you had going on between the two of you, but at this point in time — you didn't see the harm.
so that's the story of how you ended up in robert's luxury car, speeding down the roads of malibu whilst he took you on a weekend getaway here. far, far away from the city you two both resided in.
"i'm craving ice-cream," you said to robert while the two of you were stopped at a red light, "strawberry, specifically."
"what, like right now?" robert asked with a small chuckle, sighing as he admired your breathtaking beauty underneath the heat of the miami sunshine.
"yes, like right now."
"okay, let's go get some then." robert decided, his baby blue eyes melting your heart as a smile tugged at his lips.
true to his word, robert drove the both of you to a nearby ice-cream shop, and got you your strawberry ice-cream — one spoon for two. that afternoon was spent sharing laughs, sweet kisses, and the strawberry ice-cream that you'd been craving.
even though robert came from money and had more than you'd ever thought someone could have, it wasn't his wealth and status that snagged your heart. it was him, just good old robert fischer. not his money, not his materialistic things, not his cars, no — just who he was.
robert was caring. he was so considerate, listened to you, and was always there for you when you needed him the most. it felt like he was yours, and you were his — and that's how things should've been.
that's how the story should have ended.
but you know what they say; all good things have to come to an end at some point.
"robert," you said breathlessly, "take this dress off of me, please."
"sweetheart," he whispered against your ear as he unzipped your designer dress, "you're so beautiful, you know that?"
"i love—" you paused, suddenly hyperaware of the words that were about to leave your mouth, "i love that you took me here."
you weren't sure if you should've said it — i love you, that is.
robert and you had been seeing each other for the entirety of the summer by the time he'd taken you to malibu, but again; to you it felt like more than a fling. you just weren't sure where he stood with this whole thing between you and him.
"anything for you, sweetheart. i'd do anything." robert replied softly, turning you around as he slipped you out of the dress.
stood in your lacy, white, la perla lingerie along with matching jimmy choo's and stockings (courtesy of robert, of course), you face him with a blush. "how does it look?" you ask shyly, to which robert smiles and sighs happily in bliss.
"you..." he whispered, trailing off for a moment, "you're just so perfect — how are you mine?"
"mine, and mine only, sweetheart. don't ever forget it."
you'd soon come to never forget it — just not in the way you'd hoped.
robert took your hand in his gently, guiding you to the huge, king-sized, luxurious bed in his miami penthouse. no hotels over here; this is robert fischer were talking about — he owned homes down here.
you found your way into his bed, laid up in the pile of silk pillows, as robert found his way between your legs with his hands wrapped up in your hair. he kissed you passionately with a hunger that you'd never seen from him before.
you took your time helping him out of his suit, being dainty and deliberate with your movements — maybe you felt like being a tease tonight. after you'd gotten him out of your clothes, your lacy bra was long gone, but his hands wandered down to the scrunched lace of your underwear.
"may i?" robert asked sweetly, his eyes darting between your pretty face and perky breasts, causing you to blush profusely.
"y-yes," you whimpered, "i can't wait anymore."
"god, when you say things like that — i don't think i can either, sweetheart." robert groaned softly, finally pulling down your white lace panties.
up until this point — you and robert hadn't actually had sex yet. you thought it was sweet; special, even. you thought he really liked you, that he didn't want to sleep with you until you felt ready. obviously, you took this as a sign that he deeply cared about you as a person, in more than just a "fling" way.
as his cock stretched you open perfectly, you arched your back and let out a soft moan, as did he. he started to move in and out of your soaking cunt gently, truly taking the time to make sure you were enjoying this as much as he was.
his cock was thick — it had you feeling fuller than you'd ever felt before from previous partners, and it felt like his cock was made for you. with the way it stretched your pussy out perfectly, hitting every spot just right, bringing you closer and closer to the edge with each thrust he gave you.
"so beautiful," robert praised through gritted teeth, "and so tight, fuck."
"r-right there! mmph!" you moaned softly as his cock brushed up against that spongy spot inside of you, causing your cunt to clench around him.
"right there? is that it, sweetheart?" robert cooed, making you nod feverishly.
"yeah," you said breathlessly, "right — f-fuck! gonna cum!"
"thaaaat's it, my pretty girl. drench my cock so i can fill you up with my cum." he encouraged, causing you to see stars as you came around his length.
your pretty little noises pushed robert over the edge a minute or two later, his hips snapping into your cunt as he fucked his cum into you. as you looked up at robert, he had a small smile on his face and his cheeks were dusty. you returned the smile, and he sighed as he pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in his embrace tightly after he'd pulled out.
he whispered your name to you softly, causing you to stare up at him with admiration and love. "yeah?" you say softly, intertwining your hands with his as the two of you cuddled in between the sheets.
"i never want you to leave," he said, voice saccharine, "you mean so much to me, sweetheart."
"i—" you stammered, unsure if this was a good time to say it; but you figured it would be. especially after what he'd said to you, after the way he made love to you. "i love you, robert."
you smiled to yourself, but frowned when you realized you were just living in a memory — something that only existed in the past now. reality hit you like a freight train as you were brought back to your current situation; in the same bar you'd met robert at once months ago.
you weren't in miami with him anymore — you didn't even know who he was anymore; perhaps just a fragment of your past. you hadn't spoken since the end of august when the both of you had gotten back from your weekend getaway.
things had changed since then.
it was the middle of a bleak november evening, and the cold weather was depressing. summer had left as quickly as it had come.
"are you okay?" your friend asked as you sipped on your martini, looking as beautiful as ever — but for nobody in particular anymore. "that's your third drink, you sure you there's not something you want to talk about?"
"actually, there is," you say, turning to her as the two of you sat in a secluded little table in the corner of the bar, "doesn't she look familiar?"
as you pointed across from you, your friends eyes trailed along until they stopped at a woman who looked eerily similar to you.
she wore the same type of clothes that you did, down to the brand of high heels. her hair was the same colour as yours, so were her eyes, and not to mention she looked like she could be you if you didn't look too hard.
"looks like you found your doppelganger." your friend joked, nudging your arm but to her surprise, you didn't laugh — nor did you come close to even cracking a smile. "are you sure you're okay?"
"look at who she's with." you say bitterly, and your friend looked back at the woman to see that she was now accompanied by a man — a man who she knew as robert fischer.
at first, when robert walked into the bar on the crisp autumn night, you had to do a double take to make sure you were really seeing what you thought you had seen. once you'd confirmed it was him, you were about to grab your purse and drag your friend out of the bar with you — until you saw who he'd come with.
the woman hanging on his arm was a walking reflection of you; it was like everything was all reused. you silently hoped that maybe you weren't just another one of those girls who he pretended to care about; just saying whatever to get into their pants because they were just his type and nothing more.
but this woman couldn't just be his "type" — she was a mirror image of you.
"is that—?"
"yeah," you answered your friend, "it is."
"didn't he tell you that you guys couldn't see each other anymore because of his fathers passing?" she asked you, to which you nodded, throwing back the rest of your drink.
"i told him i loved him and he told me he didn't feel the same. after everything we did together and everything he said. after he called me his and his only — the thing with his father was just some excuse."
"what a piece of shit," your friend scoffed, "but it seems like he might still be thinking about you — i mean, it looks like he's looking for you in every other woman."
"do you think he gets deja vu when he's with her?" you suddenly ask, causing your friend to laugh softly.
"probably," she tells you, "i mean, who's to say he isn't going out with her just to feel like he has you again?"
"do you really think so?"
before your friend could answer your question, you heard your name being called as you both peered over at the sound. at first, your heart dropped because of the familiar voice that had called out your name — but when you looked over at him, you almost flatlined on the spot.
he hadn't even realized you were at the bar, and that's when it hit you — she even had the same name as you, which made everything ten times worse? or awkward? or weird?
"oh shit," your friend said with shock, "she has the same name as you, too. you can't tell me my theory isn't true now."
"my god." you whisper, feeling at a loss for words in this very moment as you watched the two of them together.
he had his arm wrapped around her waist the same way he used to do with you, but the way he looked at her was completely different. there was something missing in his once lively, baby blue eyes — he seemed so blank. like he was there but also, he wasn't really.
you overheard fragments of their conversations; they were talking about the songs you two used to listen to together, and he told her all about how those were "his favourite songs." you also heard him tell some familiar jokes — the same jokes you two used to laugh about.
back when he was yours for the time being.
"i'm going home, you coming?" you ask your friend, swallowing hard as you felt yourself become teary-eyed.
"yeah, yeah, i'm coming."
as you both made your way to the exit, you took one last look back at robert and his new girl, just to get one last glance — but when you looked back at him, he was already looking at you.
time stopped for a minute, and you'd sworn you'd never seen someone look so full of regret in all your years of living. every time you thought he was going to look away, he didn't. he continued to look at you as if you were otherworldly — as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing in that very bar.
but you reminded yourself of the heartache he caused you.
so, with a heavy heart, you walked out of the bar as you turned away from him, letting him relive the past and linger in the feeling of deja vu.
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@girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
@xanaxiii @nocturnest @psylrd @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones 
@oceanstem @futurefamousdeadmusician @jonathancraneslittlepet @dolleyednymphette @kpopgirlbtssvt 
@ll4n4 @ilovetoxicfictionalmen @the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby @wiseyouthinfluencer 
@aprilsfrog05 @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed @5tud10-54r4h @franzine-xii @stsrfujid
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itszygoart · 17 hours
Dude I've been waiting for eons for someone to respond to me 🤣 thank you! I'd love to see more of Adam just genuinely smiling, I'm helplessly obsessed 😍
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i actually love how this sketch turned out 😭😭
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papaya-twinks · 7 hours
kika!! love all your writing 💕 i have a req if you’re not too busy. how about oscar and former best friend reader. where they were part of the logan-oscar-yn friend group and oscar and yn were super close and they both liked each other. but then oscar starts dating lily, who is basically yn (yn is an engineer and stuff) also no hate to lily, just needed to choose someone, and then angst or fluff, ending is up to you! also, i’m thinking smau or written for this. sorry this is so damn long 😭 it’s hard to describe what i’m thinking 💀 have a great day!! ☺️
Warnings: angst, fluff
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x fem!reader
A/N - I’m using Lily Zneimer (no hate to her, she’s adorable), but in this, she needs to look like the reader, so, she doesn’t look like what he actually does, make her up as you feel if you get what I mean. 
Oscar was very much in love with you - it was obvious to anyone and everyone except, well, you it seemed. “Mate, I’m tried of this,” Oscar groaned as Lando rubbed his face wearily. “Mate, tell her how you feel,” Lando said slowly, repeating the same phrase he’d been saying for the past ten minutes. “I can’t, I’m not ruining our friendship if she rejects me,” Oscar mumbled. 
“I can’t do it for you, can I?” Lando sighed, “maybe she’s just oblivious,”. Oscar sighed, shaking his head. “More likely, she doesn’t feel the same way,”. Lando sighed, rubbing his cheek at his teammate. “Evidently, loving her is stopping you from loving anyone else,” Lando said, “if you don’t wanna ask her out and just pine for her, there’s not point,”. 
Lando was right, staying there and just waiting as if a miracle would get you to suddenly fall in love with Oscar wasn’t gonna happen. Not in this world.“Y/N, I wanna introduce you to someone,” Oscar said, walking up behind you as you pulled your headphones off. You were sitting at the pit wall, going through some data, but you looked up, seeing your best friend. 
“Alright,” you followed him as he lead you into the mass of engineers - to a girl. She was beautiful - quite similar looking to you, actually, wearing the same McLaren top and headphones. “Shes an engineer, and my girlfriend,” Oscar said, studying your face for a reaction. You had to physically refrain your face from dropping at the last word. Girlfriend. 
Your best friend who’d never ever dated anyone, the one you had a huge crush on, was dating someone. “So?” Oscar asked, as if asking for approval. “Hi,” you said to her, “you’re very pretty,”. She nodded with a small blush - she was very gorgeous actually. That’s what made it hurt even more. “She’s the same as you, basically,” Oscar said. Wow. Ouch. 
You nodded, before turning to go back to the pit wall, mumbling a ‘bye’ quickly and walking off. “I’ll finish this,” Lily gestured to the pile of work. In truth, Oscar didn’t really like Lily. He was effectively channelling his feelings for you into hurt. It was wrong, he knew that. He was leading her on, basically. But he couldn’t resist. 
“Mate what have you done?” Lando asked, approaching Oscar as Lily walked away. “Hm? Nothing,” Oscar said, frowning to his teammate. “You’re dating Lily,” Lando said, “Oscar she’s exactly like Y/N,”. Oscar turned to Lando. “I’m doing what you said,” he said, a small scoff leaving his lips. “I didn’t say date Y/N’s duplicate!” Lando groaned, “mate, you’ve fucked it all up, haven’t you?” 
Oscar snorted, walking away, but Lando’s words rang in his mind. You’ve fucked it all up. He had, hadn’t he? He’d gone and torn apart your potential feelings for him, if you had any, and dated someone who was just…you. If you did like him, in his mind, it would hurt, right?  But dating you…there’s no man as terrified as the man who stands to lose you. 
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caption: Oscar Piastri seems to have a girlfriend, and research has been done to confirm she’s an engineer for McLaren, Lily Zneimer. Just like Y/N, it seems 🤔
user1: wtf, he’s just dating a y/n dupe 
user2: this is bullshit wtf is he doing 
user3: is he cheating on y/n 
-> user4: they weren’t dating, they were best, but there was defo smthn more to it 
-> user5: how did he miss the way she looked at him!?
user6: L move from Piastri. 
You read the comments, all of them seemingly hacking. Your own feelings, before turns in your phone off. “Hey, you okay?” a voice said behind you. “I’m alright,” you turned to Lando, shrugging. “Met Lily, yet?” he asked. You nodded, slumming at his words slightly as you plastered a fake smile on your face. 
“She’s just like you,” Lando said quietly. You nodded,d unsure of what to say as he started again, “worryingly like you, Y/N,”. You looked up at his words, cocking your head, slightly. “What does that mean?” you raised an eyebrow. “Figure it out,” Lando said, with a curt nod, before walking away, leaving you alone to think. “What the hell…?” you muttered.
“Mate, if you don’t fucking talk to her, I swear I’m gonna fucking…” Lando groaned as Oscar huffed. “I’m trying! What do I say? I’m dating your dupe?” Oscar rolled his eyes. “I don’t know! I’m playing full time therapist for both of you, and half time F1 driver, I’m done, Oscar!” Lando slammed his phone down. “Look,” he said, picking up once more. “Everyone says it’s a shit move,” he showed Oscar the countless posts about it. 
“I just dump Lily? What if Y/N doesn’t wanna date me?? Oscar said, groaning. “Oh she does. Definitely,” Lando said. “Dump Lily after a week,” Oscar mumbled. “And you’re sure I should?” he asked weakly. “Positive,”. Oscar walked into the garage, seeing Y/N dupe Lily standing at her usual desk. “Need to tell to you,” he muttered as she frowned, looking up at him “I-I think we should…break up,” he added. 
He raised an eyebrow at her expression, not in the slightest confused. “For Y/N?” she asked, a small smile on her face, “I know. I’ve seen how you look at her,”. He was moderately surprised at her reaction as he looked at her, eyes wide. “Just slide me Lando’s number,” she added with a laugh as Oscar chuckled. 
“Y/N, Y/N,” Oscar said, grabbing your arm as you walked down the pitlane. “Oh, hi,” you said, voice monotone. “I broke up with Lily,” he looked almost proud, confusing you ever more. “Why?” you asked, weary still. “Just…I…” he trailed off, realising he needed to admit his feelings now. “Got you,” he mumbled. 
“So you broke a girl’s heart for me?” you asked, tone almost condescending as he looked take aback. “No, no, she was okay with it,” he frowned, still holding onto your arm. “That’s likely,” you muttered, pulling your hand out of his grasp as he his eyebrows creased together further. “What are you doing?” Lando asked, almost sarcastically at Oscar. 
“You dumped Lily…and just went and told her?” Lando scoffed as Oscar flushed. “Sorry I’m not a playboy,” he muttered as Lando rolled his eyes. “Listen, mate, you’ve done nothing but hurt her, why can’t you see that maybe you’re hurting her even more,” Lando gestured to you as you turned your head out of Oscar’s sight.
You stepped back from the Aussie, towards Lando as Oscar blinked. “How am I hurting her more..?” Oscar asked. “Go,” Lando said, pushing you softly back to the pit wall. “You just admitted you dated someone because she was just like Y/N,” Lando said slowly, “what can that insinuate? That, maybe, Y/n wasn’t good enough?”. 
Oscar gulped at his words, his eyes wide. “She is, she’s good enough,” he said quietly. “Then tell her, for fucks’ sake! And maybe the play boy has good advice for once,” Lando muttered as Oscar looked at him sheepishly. “Listen mate, I didn’t mean to call-,” he started but Lando shook his head. “Shush, go to Y/N! Go!”. 
Oscar nodded vigorously, jogging after you as you walked to the pit wall, mind clouded with thoughts. “Y/N!” Oscar said once more, making you slump slightly. “I just…I-I…” he gasped for breath for a second as you gazed at him, almost unimpressed. “I need to say…” he said. “I’ll wait,” you said, almost sarcastically as he panted. 
After a few seconds, he looked up, gulping slightly. “I dated Lily coz I was afraid of asking you to date me and I didn’t know what to do, because I was scared I’d ruin out friendship by asking you out so I asked Lily out and-,” word, he sounded like a high school kid with a crush. “Oscar, stop talking,” you groaned, shaking your head. 
The small squeak he let out when your lips connected to his was muffled slightly, his eyes wide before squeezing shut. “Now go give Lando a few hundred,” you snorted, “we owe him for the therapy,”. 
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coziescorner · 2 days
Rainy Days w/Them
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✦ A/N: I’ve had this thought in my head for soooo long now 😭 glad I finally got to write it
Hope you enjoy! <3
✦ Contents: they finally have their day off but it starts raining! no pronouns mentioned, fluff, modern au, ~1.2k words
✦ Includes: Wriothesley, Tartaglia, Navia
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✦ Wriothesley:
of course the one day he has off work it’s thundering and raining cats and dogs
he’s disappointed since he wanted to go out and do things with you in the city
but you help him realize you can still spend time together and have fun indoors!
you go to the kitchen to prepare his favorite blend of tea and reach in the cabinet for two mugs/teacups
while you’re busy with that Wriothesley comes up from behind and wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face in the crook of your neck
“Whatcha making?”
“And it’s my favorite blend. Mm, you sure do your research don’t you?”
you bring the tea over on a tray to your shared bedroom and pull the comforter over yourselves so you’re nice and warm
instead of going out and doing things you two decide to binge a movie/show you’ve been meaning to watch for like months now
in some ways, Wriothesley actually prefers this to going out
loves that he gets to be alone with you in the comfort of your own home
and can cuddle as much as he wants
has his arm around you for most of the movie
notices you’re wearing his hoodie that you stole a few days ago and his heart just melts
if it’s a really sad movie you guys are watching he might shed a tear or two bc he’s comfortable enough with you to do that
if it’s a scary movie he probably won’t be too fazed by it but if you’re scared he’ll hold your hand and keep his arm around you
will also let you bury your face in his chest if that helps not that he minds
is secretly into rom-coms but won’t show it
some conversations during the movie and it’s either about how good/bad the movie is or something completely unrelated
at the end of the movie he’s probably pretty sleepy
you both lay down for a nap with the big fluffy comforter over you
big spoon
loves pulling you close to him and keeping his arm wrapped around your waist
holds you like a teddy bear 🥺
is comforted knowing you’re close to him
softly kisses the top of your head before he dozes off
if you’re still awake you can feel his heartbeat
you eventually fall asleep too with the rain still pouring outside
last thing you hear is him mumbling your name in his sleep
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✦ Tartaglia:
honestly isn’t too bummed about the rain
doesn’t get to see rain often where he’s originally from since it only snows
he decides to make the most of it so he convinces you to go outside with him
before you know it you two are running in the rain together getting absolutely soaked
but he’s laughing and he looks so happy so it’s worth it
he’s holding your hand and running through puddles with you and he looks SO PRECIOUS
he’s so happy around you
at some point you guys are dancing in the rain and he’s spinning you around
he finally decides to stop and go back home when he sees you shivering
bends down and kisses you on the cheek on the way back
as soon as you get back inside he takes you to the bathroom and dries your hair off with a towel
ruffles your hair and instructs you to take a warm shower
“What about you? Aren’t you going to dry off?”
“Ah, it takes more than a little bit of rain to bother me!”
“But you’re shivering…”
refuses to dry off
turns on the heater and goes to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for the both of you
once you’re done in the bathroom and in some dry cozy pajamas you notice that he got water all over the house since he’s still sopping wet
you pull him aside and make him change into some dry clothes
you’re drying his hair with a towel and he looks up at you with the cutest puppy dog eyes you can’t stay mad at him
sits on the couch with you and hands you your mug of hot chocolate
the hot chocolate is delicious btw
knows just the way you like it! (might add whipped cream, extra chocolate, a peppermint stick, etc. depends on your preferences)
the two of you bundle up in blankets and cuddle
he’s looking out the window and watching the rain pour down when he feels your head rest on his shoulder
notices you fell asleep and rests his head on top of yours, smiling
truly wouldn’t have this day any other way
Tartaglia is sick and sniffling the next day
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✦ Navia:
so sad about the rain :(
really wanted to take you on a picnic today!
instead you suggest doing some baking with her to pass the time
is actually really excited since you don’t bake with her often!
pulls out the all the flour, sugar, eggs, etc. so fast
if you’re already a skilled baker then prepare for her to hit you with a challenge
if you’re more of a beginner she’ll do a simple recipe with you or walk you through on how to make her signature macarons!
has a great time either way
flour everywhere by the end of it
melts when your hands accidentally touch when you’re cleaning
you’re both blown away by the taste of the dessert you two made when you taste it
probably ends up being your lunch
most of it is gone by the time you guys are done eating it
since Navia isn’t huge on leftover foods she suggests sharing the rest with friends while it’s still fresh
you pack the goods up and head out!
if you decide to walk to your friend’s house then she’ll bring her favorite umbrella
one of your hands are holding the dessert and the other is holding Navia’s hand
she is such a sucker for hand holding augh my heart
actually finds this walk really nice
so reassuring if you’re insecure about the taste/quality of the food
“I hope they like this…”
“Oh, don’t be silly! Anything made with the same amount of love and care we put into this is bound to taste delicious.”
but if you decide to drive she’s cool with that too
she’s such a passenger princess
you turn on the car and the heater and start driving
she plays her favorite music and hums along!
likes placing her hand over yours on the armrest in between your chairs
you only have one hand on the steering wheel a majority of the time bc of this
no matter the way you two decide to get to your friend’s place, they still love the dessert you made!
when you get back you and Navia cuddle and watch tv for a while before making dinner together <3
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✦ A/N: Thanks for taking your time to read this! Have a great day!
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