#I adore ragatha very much
loverofpiggies · 7 months
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So uh I'm absolutely in love with the Amazing Digital Circus you guys
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lesbian-rook · 7 months
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my favorite new pair of tumblr sillywomen <3
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chromatic-corrosion · 7 months
(part 1) Character/Show information found on Gooseworx's tumblr
I went into Gooseworx's tumblr and made a list of all the info found on there so far.
Caine named himself before deciding that it's an acronym that stands for Creative Artificial Intelligence Networking Entity (he thinks it makes him sound professional)
‘’[Caine] does not have an age, as he is an AI.’’
Apparently, Caine is likely the best singer out of everyone in the circus.
Caine would own a circus peanut shotgun.
Caine can’t grasp the concept of irony.
Caine is not affected by “this statement is false”
if Caine could remove his clothes, there’d be nothing underneath. His clothes are his body.
Caine constantly gives silly nicknames to everything.
Caine would only bite his eyes or tongue if he thought it’s funny. Otherwise, they clip through his teeth
the restaurant that Caine was in with Bubble is “one of Caine’s special realms.”
Bubble speaks in reverse once in episode 3.
Bubble is a much simpler AI created by Caine
Apparently, Bubble is the biggest slut.
Bubble is ‘’Caine’s little hype man’’
Bubble likes being popped.
Bubble is a boy
Pomni’s hat is a part of her body
Pomni does not like being touched
Pomni’s first design looked liked a frog
Pomni’s reaction to herself in the mirror isn’t a positive reaction
Apparently, Pomni’s hair is black.
Pomni is good at accounting.
Ragatha gives the best hugs
Ragatha has been in the circus the second longest.
Ragatha likes horses.
Ragatha can see through her button eye
‘’There’s a particular character who hasn’t been revealed yet who’s practically a self-insert.’’ (He’s the mean one…Jax?)
Nobody likes Jax
Jax doesn’t have a tail.
Jax deserves to be trapped in the circus the most
There’s nothing heroic about Jax.
Jax is morally the worst character in the show.
Jax didn’t enter the circus at the age of 14.
Jax didn't react well when he first entered the circus
Jax is afraid of corn because it reminds him of something called 'the farm’. (this turned out to be a lie)
Jax mainly bullies the girls because he has issues he hasn’t worked out with himself yet.
Gangle likes to draw, specifically anime.
Gangle can walk on water, but only during a full moon. (this turned out to be a lie)
Gangle’s favourite anime is Azumanga Daioh.
Gangle has a body pillow with a character on it.
Gangle watched One Piece, and her favorite character was Chopper.
For some reason, when Gooseworx was asked to describe the next character (who we now know to be Kinger), she used the word ‘’dad’’
Kinger is not British.
Kinger is the tallest and oldest
Kinger knows how to play chess.
Zooble almost gets no screen time in the first two episodes
Zooble has a 'zooble box’ of extra parts in their room, and it has no end.
Zooble does not like hugs
Zooble has been in the circus the second shortest.
Zooble is very grouchy and irritable.
Zooble would smoke weed.
Zooble is the worst at giving hugs
Zooble is constantly trying out different parts.
Zooble was a tattoo artist at one point.
Zooble most likely dyed their hair in the real world.
the Sun & the Moon
The Moon (and the Sun) is an AI "like bubble"
the Sun can talk too
The black queen chess pieces name is Queenie
Queenie being a black chess piece and Kinger being a white chess piece has no relevancy to their relationship. It’s only a design choice.
Queenie and Kinger aren’t siblings.
multiple characters
How each member of the cast would react if you called them 'adorable’.
Ragatha: oh! Thank you so much!
Jax: Well that makes one of us.
Gangle: oh…
Pomni: Uhhhhhh… thanks I guess?
Zooble: Shut up…
Kinger: Heh! 
Caine: You’re absolutely right!
Bubble: *says every slur*
Jax is the youngest member of the circus, with Zooble being the second youngest as they are half a month older than Jax.
Nobody in the circus is truly sane
the ages of all the humans.
Pomni - 25
Jax - 22
Ragatha - 30
Zooble - 22
Gangle - 26
Kinger - 48
The performers can feel pain
Every character has a reason for the way they act.
We’ll get to see the characters' rooms eventually.
Ragatha can play the cello and Zooble can play drums
None of the characters have bones, but they do have a visible skeleton when they’re being electrocuted.
There wont be any singing, only instrumental songs
There are “many” that we don’t know of.
The typical episode length will be 21-25 minutes.
There won’t be any romance
‘’the entire show is about exploring these characters on a much deeper level.’’
Abstraction can’t be undone.
The abstracted all look the same
Someone asked who was closest to abstracting besides Kinger, in response Gooseworx said ‘’You wouldn't believe me if I told you.’’
“This show isn’t going to be very suitable for young kids, especially in the later episodes.’’
Future Episodes
There’s “technically” a worm in episode 2.
There is an episode that heavily features Kinger.
Some episodes are a '1’ on the horror scale, some are a '6’. all of the following
"If it were to get made into a full season, yes each character gets their own little episode."
all of the following episodes in one word.
On 7th of November, Gooseworx said "the plan is eight episodes total, one season".
Note that some of this info may have changed since posting. Some may change during the course of the show, and some may be jokes and lies. Please let me know if there's anything I missed!
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Hey Val!
So (if you've seen it) what do you think of episode 2?
Here's some thoughts!
When will Gangle know happiness... 
Kinger was adorable as always. I like how the others can rely on him when they're feeling emotionally vulnerable. That scene with Ragatha and her self-doubt, and how Kinger reassures her? I'm glad he has these moments of clarity. Old man even tries to help Pomni, even if he's bad at it. He's so well intentioned. <3
Jax is a terrible person. He was already very bad before, but somehow got worse. No care for his companions (Pomni and Gangle mostly), no care for the NPCs (he was very eager to see them die horribly). There's some indication Jax might have cared about Kaufmo, but overall, his attitude is so dissonant. It's hard to understand what's really going on inside his head.
I like that Ragatha didn't hold any grudges over Pomni abandoning her in episode 1. Ragatha is just so sweet. Constantly worrying for Pomni's well being, being considerate enough to try to cheer up Jax of all people. She makes a huge difference in this group, like a glue that keeps everyone together.
LOVED Gummigoo. Yeah I wasn't prepared for him. I didn't know what to expect of him (he looked like a serious bad guy type?), but what we got was so good. Loves his two gummy gator friends (wants to preserve their minds from the weight of self-awareness). His connection to Pomni, the way they could relate, it was all believable and palpable. Nice guy.
Pomni herself was my favorite. Compassionate, empathetic, expressing her thoughts calmly and sincerely. Determined, inventive - trying to find ways to get herself and Gummigoo out of that place. 
I think the fact that she spent most of these two episodes physically separated from everyone else was no coincidence. Pomni was disconnected from them. The dream sequence at the beginning? A reflection of her own doubts and fears. That she's nothing, or that no one in the circus would care if she was gone. So she, either intentionally or by happenstance, distanced herself. 
I'm super happy that the episode ended on a hopeful note. Pomni found that her companions would care for her and remember her, and so it turned her views on her head. She's not alone. She has people that she can rely on.....
(The Kaufmo funeral was very touching too, especially with Zooble organizing it. I've seen jokes that no one cared much that he died in episode 1, so seeing otherwise was pretty cool.)
I hold no ill will against Caine, and this is coming from someone who really really liked Gummygoo (literally screamed a big NOOO when he poofed). It's a little concerning how feral people are getting about Caine.
Speaking of Caine, I need understanding between them, I need it SO bad. He keeps making these little decisions that impact the human characters. Especially Pomni. And he's not even aware of how much it hurts them, or that it's harmful at all!!
The way some of them are so dismissive (Zooble waiting for him to go away), annoyed, or only see Caine as a bot that fixes things when everything goes wrong... it makes me think they've tried to reason with him before, and it didn't work, so now they treat him like the machine he is to them.
As of now, Pomni understands him as much as everyone else does. She's frustrated, she's livid, and she has every reason to want to punch his teeth in. But after episode 2???? Considering how sympathetic Pomni was with Gummigoo, an NPC/AI himself???? I have a little hope that Pomni can actually get through to Caine in the future.
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nobody-nexus · 10 days
Finally... It's Here...
After being silent for a bit, I've got enough art to properly show off this AU that I've been DEEPLY working on...
I give you... The Amazing Digital Dance Rush AU.
Or- just Dance Rush for short
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Dance Rush is an AU where the TADC cast is thrusted into a rhythm game instead of a sandbox game- this game making humans step into the shoes of performing idols, all working both against and with one another in order to get to the VERY top. Pomni is the newest idol for the game, and she now is determined to drop the whole pyramid of overworked misery while trying to figure out how the inner mechanisms of this place work, even if the truth is more horrid then one might believe....
This AU uses a lineless style as a way to make it feel almost cell shaded in a sense, but also as a new way to keep this AU fresh. The setting is neon Vocaliod and sci-fi esc in nature, giving off a feeling of futuristic but simple all the same
Now let's-
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Pomni is our protagonist and the last to join the game. Inspired by DDR, her performances are based on dancing choreography by using her flexibility and quickness to adapt to her advantage
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Ragatha is one of the six idols that Pomni meets as she tries to get more used to the world. Inspired by Project Diva, Rags is all about audience participation- her lovely optimism and charm making chants, encores, and singing along a breeze
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Jax is the 'top' of the leaderboard, and another idol for Pomni to meet. Inspired by Just Dance, Jax's main this is... well... thirst trapping. He uses his body, dance moves, and other various body motions to make the crowd to wild
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Gangle is one of the more unhinged members of the idol life. Inspired by Crypt of the Necrodancer, Gangle uses music to tell her stories. Her fans adore every moment (with her comedy mask of course)
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Zooble is another idol, and the one that came before Pomni. Inspired by Beat Saber of all things, they're most known for their transitions and transformations, leaving their fans amazed by the grungier singing voice mixed with the eye catching transitions
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Kinger is the idol who has been here the longest yet is the second to last on the leaderboard. Inspired by oddly enough Rhythm Heaven, he has the best singing voice out of the cast. This results in his medium fanbase adoring him
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Caine. The real top of the leaderboard, and the most powerful idol in the game. Inspired by OSU- his perception of how performances should feel and hear is truly unmatched. How could one compare?
Because I love this AU so much to the point where I have FAR too much information on it, I made myself an askblog ALL about this AU in perticular, and one I'll be reblogging every answer for
The askblog is @theamazingdigitaldancerush and I hope you go ask your questions for it there instead of in my main blog as to not clog up TOO many things
I hope the wait was worth it cause lineless is difficult to do all together. Plus I haven't even touched the NPCs yet- however that's a post for another day
I can't wait for you to see what I do next ^^
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
I saw your requests open and I am in dire need to ask: Could you do some headcanons of Caine with a shy child reader?
I absolutely love your writing and saw a few others with stuff like that and I just need to word vomit how adorable of a situation that’d be. I feel like Caine would be ECSTATIC to have a child playing the game! It’s literally perfect for kids! He’d be over the moon about showing them around and chattering nonstop, only to find they’re…gone?!? Turns out, the situation is very overstimulating and adding a terrifying and loud ringmaster to the mix doesn’t really help. Queue the confused yet frantic search for the hiding newcomer, and Caine’s bafflement on how to handle the situation after. Just this over-excitable AI trying to connect with this little shy bundle .u.
Caine with a Shy Child Reader
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TW: Crying
Type: Headcanons
A/N: The reader is about 9 years old. Obviously platonic only. Spoilers. You specified headcanons so I did that, but I also have a fic in the works that goes more in-depth. Thank you for the compliment!
Caine is, as you said, ecstatic to have a new, younger member of the circus. The youngest he's gotten before that is Jax, who was born in the first half of the year and was aged twenty-two. So, getting a member as young as nine in was quite the surprise.
And compared to the now second most recent member, Pomni, it seemed you had a much better transition. You didn't say much--or anything, really--and although it made some of his jokes flop (why didn't you respond?), he took it in stride.
After giving you a tour of the world of the digital circus, he dropped you off back inside to announce the day's activity. Turns out, you would be playing a fun game of hide and seek, with you being the seeker. But as Caine went to point to you, he found you gone. Very strange, considering before that you mostly stood there quietly shaking.
Caine, however, didn't quite understand what was going on. Gooseworx confirmed he's just clueless to how humans work, and so he assumed you must have just been very excited to get started. Because you got a head start, Caine decided to send everyone to look for you.
Gangle was the one to find you. You were hiding behind a set of curtains backstage somewhere crying. She had a lot of empathy for you in that moment, and although she's not very good at comforting people, she tried to make you feel better by resting a hand (or ribbon) on your shoulder.
However, the comfort was short-lived, as soon the rest of the group caught up to you. Everything got overwhelming again, and you started to cry. Gangle gave up on trying to comfort you as Ragatha took over. She was much better at the job, and managed to get you to tell her what was wrong.
You explained you were scared of being in the circus. Understandable for everyone. But you also explained being scared of Caine. You said having a loud set of teeth talking to you was overstimulating (or, in your words, "made you feel bad"). The others had known your silence wasn't one of comfort, and quickly understood Caine was clueless to this, too.
Once they told Caine, he was confused. But he wasn't harsh about it per se. He was disappointed you didn't like his game or self-described fun personality, but he tried to be nice about it. But don't get me wrong; the show is about the characters facing their traumas, so you'll definitely unfortunately have to deal with many more unpleasant-at-best moments.
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finns-tword-blog · 7 months
ALRIGHT just hear me out. We all appreciate the fact that ticklish!Jax is just SO MUCH CUTE, this purple rabbit is just an adorable lee
But can we rate the fact that he's just proffessional ruthless ler? Just imagine this violet meanie using his tickling techniques to annoy Ragatha for his own pleasure
But sometimes, he can use it to cheer her up instead
I think you understand me. Can we get ler!Jax and lee!Ragatha content please? 🥹🩷
Also, LOVE your artstyle very muchhh🫴🏻❤️
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i can't imagine him doing ANYTHING that would cheer up someone but. come onnnn :)
- this is a SFW tickle blog, so no funny business in the notes -
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Summary: you create a lettuce and carrot bouquet for Jax, as he is a rabbit.
Warnings: none, other than the fact it's a Jax x reader.
A/n: I.... He eats lettuce.
You smiled as you picked the Lactusa, getting lettuce from your room. You had become close with the purple.. Intruder, who would peep into your garden, and then quite a few plants would go missing. You didn't mind, as the pranks on you had died down from such an exchange. At least that's what you thought it was. You continued pick out the Lactusa, getting just the right peaces.
You eagerly ran from your room down the hallway, attempting to find Jax. You had a bunch of lettuce in a small bouquet, with a carrot on top. You thought that would be adorable and very fitting for.. The rabbit after all. You chuckled, until you found pomni.
"Hey! Pomni! Have you seen Jax anywhere? I desperately need to find him!" She shook her head, staring at herself in the mirror again. She always does that for some reason. Poor girl, you sighed, before heading off into the other hallway and seeing ragatha and Jax having a conversation. So you waited, and waited, trying to block their voices out so it wasn't exactly snooping. Eventually their convo was done, and you peeked around the corner. Maintaining eye contact with Jax for a minute, you ran out and stood in front of the lanky fella.
"Hi.." You started, storing the bouquet behind yourself. Oh {BLEEP)it y/n, don't get nervous now! You thought angrily.
"Hiiii sweetheart." He chuckled. Looking behind you with a raised eyebrow. You shook your head, smirking.
"So, this is kind of awkward." You chuckled, and then suddenly Jax had spun you around to the point you and the bouquet were in his arms.
"Hun, if your gonna confess to someone like me, don't leave yourself open." He smiled, and winked, setting you down whilst walking away with the bouquet. You stared for a hot minute, before a heavy blush rose to your face along with a big ol goofy smile.
Later, you walked into the main room, you saw Jax sitting on the stage you were headed towards. You weren't sure you could face him right now without being a flustered mess so you ducked behind the wall and just watched as he carefully deconstructed the bouquet to get the carrot, even going as far to take a piece of lettuce and rap it up like a burrito. You chuckled, and began to walk back the other way. It was good to know he was enjoying it that much.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
do you think you can do the amazing digital circus with a reader who likes to sing a lot you don't have to but i think it would be neat
TADC cast x reader who likes singing!
I'm still on mobile rn my apolocheese <\3 my cramps are getting a little too wild today and sitting up at my computer hurts sm 😭😭
Hope you enjoy anon!
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I feel like he would sing with you! Little duet! I can actually see caine having a pretty decent singing voice, imo, bro can project it and he has the confidence
Oooo if you want this to be romantic you guys sings love songs together.. SOBS.. I love
Obviously he calls you his muse
Again if this is romantic, you guys serenade to one another
Oh? You sing?
She doesnt know what to make of it, but I think she would enjoy hearing you every once in a while
Doesnt ask though, since I feel she would think she'd be intruding..
Now if you want to sing for her? I think she'd be flattered! A little awkward about it, but she wouldnt deny the offer !
I think she would be a singer too! She strikes me at the type to sing to herself while shes cooking or cleaning! Or at least, cooking before she got trapped in the digital world... but bubble cooked.. unless the food was popped into existence..
Ykw for fun purposes lets say you guys can cook food in the digital world, ragatha sings and I can definitely see you two having a little mini concert while working together!
Humming, too. She absolutely adores it when you hum while doing her hair
I did a similar post earlier today ! You can find it here !
Bonus hc I just got flashes with the vision of him and y/n doing the "anything you can do I can do better" song thing
Miss that old trend, so much
Similar to caine I think he would sing with you too! Maybe I'm biased but I feel like he would have a pretty solid singing voice too!
Loves older romantic songs, but I also feel like he would like some songs by the amazing devil.. songs like battle cries, especially since I like to think he plays up the king thing for show + I hc he tends to exaggerate his stories to have more drama and flair, like grandfathers do when they're telling a story to their grandkids
I hc that he hums to himself to try to keep calm, so I think you humming to him inside the pillow fort would work wonders for him
Consider: you guys form a little punk band together
Too out there?
Honestly I can see zooble being into music pre-digital world, dont know what instrument they'd play but I think if they ever made any music with you as the vocalist it would stir up some cloudy feelings; almost as if they're back at home
No other ideas I'm just thinking about this now
Very similar to pomni in terms of not wanting to ask you to sing for her due to feeling pushy or demanding or what have you
I feel like gangle does poetry sometimes, so if you wanna make her stuff into songs she would be absolutely honored
Though please ask before snagging her sheets ! Asking for permission is key!
Will likely never sing with you, especially if theres an audience, she would just freeze up and go quiet if you try to get her to join you
Shes content with getting lost in your voice
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oneshlut · 7 months
Hello! May i request a yandere romantic!jax x obsessive girly fem!reader:3 one shot? (Preferably on the longer side)
a little background info,
reader is obsessed with the fact that she wants him to love her so much, she finds out he's crazy for her, and instead of what Jax thinks she's gonna do, she's over the moon! Immediately kissing and she can't keep her hands off him. Ofc Jax eats all the affection up, !!
A/N: ooh, first yandere request! (also i loveee writing long oneshots,) thanksies for the request!! hopefully you like how i portrayed the characters and what not :D (also, i swear i have nothing against ragatha, she's one of my favorites, im VERY sorry)
Down The Rabbit Hole (Yandere!Jax x Fem!Obsessive!Reader) [Oneshot]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Toxic Relationships/Tendencies, Possessive/Obsessive Behavior, Stalking, Mentions of Bl0od (in the form of black ooze/glithces), Murd3r (in the form of abstraction), etc.
Summary: Jax finds himself pleasantly surprised that you adore his crazy-loving tendencies. One day, he thinks he goes too far, but you react in a way he never could begin to think you would.
Word Count: 2,254
Another day passed. Another day, spent all with Jax! That's how her mindspace was. She spent most of her day with Jax, and knew of her growing feelings. She knew these feelings were growing by the day, and didn't mind at all.
However, this didn't pass by everyone. No, almost everyone knew about this obsession of hers. Nobody wanted to speak up about it though. Some, like Zooble and Caine, were entertained by her lovesickness. Others, though, were concerned for her. Such as Pomni, Gangle, or Ragatha.
She didn't mind. Not at all. Her feelings were her own, and she didn't even care about how other people thought about it. She was crazy, and she knew it.
Deep down? She was glad she had put on the headset.
She was getting the best of him, wasn't she? Jax paced around his room, circling and circling and circling and--he skidded to a stop. What is wrong with him..?
The day she put on the headset, the day she entered this reality, he felt an immediate change. Like a spark, sending an extra heartbeat straight through his spine. Seeing her did something to him, but he doesn't know what.
He's becoming different. He swears his vision took on a new shade of red. Was this the mainframe, or was this him..?
All he knows now is that he wants you.
And.. it felt good. He loved how it felt to love you. Jax's past frown slowly faded away, melting into a lovesick smile. He stared at himself in his vanity-sized mirror. If he was lucky enough.. maybe, you could be his.
Jax jumped up suddenly, hearing the sound of a knock at his door. He steadied himself, latching onto an object just about to fall, and took a deep breath. Why now..?
He moved to the door to open it. Lay behold, in front of him was... you. His heart practically jumped out of his chest. Oh no no no--he couldn't let you see him like this! Jax needed to compose himself..
"Hey, sweets. Uh, wh-what's up?"
"Jax! Hey, I was looking all over for you-!"
You invited yourself in, feeling a bit of flush on your face due to the nickname. He was always a tease like that, but it caught you off guard every time.
Jax watched as you inspected his room. You were never in his room, were you? He kept the sly grin on his face steadily, but it was practically an inch away from turning into an adoring smile. You were going to be the death of him.
You, on the other hand, had no problem hiding your crush. You think? He didn't seem like he was getting any hints at your loving gaze or anything.. Jax actually looked really spaced out. Staring at you. You flushed up, stammering out a response.
"Uhm.. J-Jax?"
That seemed to snap him out of his trance. Could he really help admiring you, though? Before he could dig into that subject more, he quickly returned his playful facade.
"Hah! Sorry, toots--long day, I guess.."
He laughed half-heartedly. You chuckled with him, but something about Jax was putting you off.. Maybe it was his unusual posture--or the look in his eyes when he.. stared. He also wasn't teasing that often today. Strange.
You brushed it off, continuing to chat with him. You shouldn't have. You knew something was wrong. Maybe you'll confront him about it later.
Jax didn't understand why he acted this way around you. Can't he just be normal? ..Whatever. You were still here, and that's all that mattered. So, for the time being, he simply relished in your presence.
Eventually, you had to leave to your room, noticing the lights were dimming, signalling the day was ever. It helped keep track of some sort of time. And keep people sane with a morning/night type schedule. Jax hated seeing you go. He wanted to keep you. He wanted you to be his.
But not everyone gets what they want. So he leaves you be, so you can get your well-deserved rest. Didn't want you abstracting on him, did he..? Hah. Heh.. Hm.
Listen, I know it sounds bad, but all Jax wanted to do was keep you safe! He stood outside your room, leaning lovingly on the door frame. Stalking and protection are two completely different things! He stared at the photo on your carved brown door, his pupils black, though now, with a hint of dark red. A color of blood.
He's not too worried about himself mentally anymore. Jax was already sinking in the shallows, he can go a bit deeper, can't he..? After all, it felt so good to be utterly obsessed with someone, to let loose.
Jax could hear your soft breathing, the sound of ruffling sheets, your content sighs.. He was lucky the walls were so light. God, there was something really wrong with him, wasn't there? He chuckled lowly, making sure not to disturb your rest--He was sure you were just so peaceful and soft and dreaming restfully in your room, he didn't want to interrupt that, did he? Of course not. Hahah! Imagine how you'd react, seeing him like this? He's sure you'd be disgusted. He doesn't care, though. He laughed under his breath again, his grin multiplying tenfold. He breathed in deeply, his exhale shaky with overwhelming emotions as he began clutching the doorkno--
"Jax-? Wh.. What are you doing..?"
Ragatha. He looked back slowly, sending her a piercing glare.
She felt her stuffed legs suddenly go weak. What's up with him? Is he sick? Why was Jax outside your door in the first place? Why does he look so.. vile?
"Oh-hoh! Ragatha, shouldn't you be in your room right now? It is nighttime, isn't it..?" He picked up his sly look he previously dropped again to avoid suspicion. Jax sighed internally. Shit.. he just had to get caught, didn't he?
"Why are you out of your room?? Are you.. Are you snooping on her?!" Ragatha snapped, waving her stitched arm in the direction of your door. She wasn't really angry, but rather shocked.. and a bit disgusted.
She was starting to get on his nerves. He couldn't let her wake you, could he? Ragatha was always a bit of a nuisance, and now she was trying to get between you two. He wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let you hear.
Jax grabbed onto Ragatha's plush jaw, preventing her from making any further noise. All that was heard now were muffled cries for help. Luckily, they were just quiet enough to not be heard. He no longer felt empathy, tears streaking her cloth cheeks and making their way down to Jax's palm.
"Dollface, I know we've never really been the bestest of friends," Ragatha's eye squinted at his now teasing voice. "..but just this once, I need you to be silent. Alright?"
Ragatha shook her head up and down violently, her strands of red yarn quivering under her shaky form. He let go, and she stumbled back, keeping a shaky hand on her previously covered mouth.
"But if this gets out to the others, I will f(__)king butcher you."
Ragatha, still shaking, took this as her sign to leave. To run. She ran back to her room, closing the door lightly to not irritate Jax.
He sighed deeply, taking one last look at your frame in the door, before returning to his room.
The next day, everything felt off. Everyone felt off. Even Caine, who announced there wouldn't be an adventure today. Maybe that was why--people were on edge because there wasn't an adventure? You didn't really know, but you could feel the heavy air that crowded around the circus.
You hadn't seen Ragatha most of the day, either. When she did come out of her room, all you heard from her were either short answers, hums, or pure silence.
So, there was Ragatha. And then there was Jax. Now, Jax was a.. weird situation. Mixed, to say the least. One moment he'd just.. stare. Look through you. The next, he'd be extremely playful--sometimes even flirty. Not saying you disliked the flirting.. heh, but, uh.. it was definitely a change.
Perhaps permanently changed. This thought didn't come to you, but it did come to Jax.
First hearing the cancellation of an adventure announcement in the early morning, only one explanation came to him. Ragatha.
It could've been his now delusional mindset, or the evidence of Caine's hesitance, but every part of him was telling him that Ragatha must have told Caine about the night before.
Of course she would. She's not easily threatened, is she? Jax couldn't let word get out he was utterly crazy about you. What would you say to him? Would you still talk to him? Would you leave him..? No, he wouldn't let that happen.
Ragatha was always such a chatterbox. He'd make sure she wouldn't make a sound again.
Three knocks. Surprisingly, finding a weapon wasn't too hard. Found in his room, a comically large hammer, spiked at the hit-point of the weapon.
The door opened slowly.
"Jax, please.." She shuddered. "I don't know what you want from me, just tell me, I.." Her eye became glossy.
"I'll do anything."
Jax's grin expanded. He chuckled under his breath, closing the door behind him, and looking up to meet Ragatha's petrified gaze.
"..Well, dollface, if you'd like, I could abstract you in a much less painful way." Her gaze widened.
"I could repeat to you over and over again.. how there's no point to anything, you'll be stuck here forever, and there is no escape, until.. well, until ya lose your mind!" Jax teased. Ragatha didn't seem up for it. "Slow, but painless."
Ragatha swallowed. Beads of sweat dripped down her digital head, was he serious? What is fucking wrong with him?!
Jax walked forward, causing her to take a step back. His hammer dragging across the floor, making a tear in the carpet from its spikes. "Buuut, then again..~" He spoke in a sing-song voice.
"I don't really have the time."
Jax pushed Ragatha to the ground, pressing a foot on her to keep her down. He didn't have the energy to deal with her screams right now. She tossed and turned, her cries echoed throughout the room.
He swiftly pointed the spike of the hammer to her throat. She let out a soft whimper, swallowing, and breathing heavily.
"Please.. don't..."
..Leave no room for empathy.
Jax swung the hammer directly under her neck. She yelled out in pain, though, the scream quickly faded into the echo of the room.
The space on her chest, once plush, was now sickly, black, and glitchy. He could almost see something neon glowing inside, but he didn't care to look. Abstraction always looked the same anyways.
He looked down to see the same thick, black, gutty blood on his hands. He swiped it off cleanly. It came off his fur pretty swiftly. Jax wiped the muck off his face as well, before returning to his room.
Actually, if you were being honest, you were a bit worried for Jax. His sudden mood swings were strange, but now you haven't seen him in a few hours. Being as he's normally in his room, if nowhere else, that's where you headed.
The halls were silent. There was always some sort of ambiance. Whether it be echoed music or sound effects, there was always something there. You couldn't even hear your own footsteps now.
You passed by Ragatha's door. Something about it seemed.. off. But you were reminded of your original intent, passing by Jax's door.
You were about to knock, before you heard muttering coming from inside. Was he talking to someone..? You leaned into the door, the muttering now becoming audible.
"What is wrong with me..? I never wanted this to happen--No, no, I did the right thing, if she found out, then.. Maybe it was worth it? For her..?" For who-? "I.. I did what had to be done. She'd never talk to me again if she found out. And now.. I can have her. Keep her.."
He began chuckling. This chuckling evolved into a manic laughter. And when it died down, you heard him sigh, and.. he spoke your name, softly.
Your heart jumped out of your chest. Was that all.. about you? You felt a heat rise to your face. You couldn't help but wonder how that worked in a digital world.
You knocked on his door.
Shortly after, Jax opened the door to greet you.
"Oh. Uh. Hey, sweethea--!"
"I.. were you.. talking about me..?"
"..Sh(_)t. Listen--I get if.. you'll hate me after this. Buuut.. yeah. I-I don't know what's going on with me but.. all I know is that I want you, and--"
Without thinking, you immediately jumped into his arms. Saying you were overjoyed would be an understatement. Knowing he was obsessed with you as you were with him? Were you dreaming?
Jax, on the other hand, was shocked. Not for long was he frozen, though. His first reaction melted away into his classic cheeky grin. This time, a hint of obsession in his eyes as he embraced you.
Then you kissed him. Then, he was over the moon. You pulled away, viewing his lovesick eyes with pure joy. Jax didn't regret anything at all. You were just pulling him deeper, encouraging him to keep up his behavior. And he was all for it.
As long as he could keep holding you like this, he would do anything.
And now, you're his.
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ccaramel-llow · 7 months
Can I request tadc reader where they're very sweet and nonchalant with people even when they're mean to them?
TADC! Cast x reader
Warnings ; Cussing, Bullying, Jax, Not proof read, Obsessive behavior, Death threats, Holding hands before marriage? smh.
Genre ; Fluff + Romance
Pairings ; Queenie/Reader, Kinger/Reader, Kaufmo/reader, Pomni/Reader, Ragatha/Reader, Zooble/Reader, Caine/Reader, Jax/Reader
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, The competitive x The sweetheart.
, She's overprotective of you and cusses out anyone who's rude to you.
, Beautiful scary guard dog x The kind sweetheart, Literally punches anyone if they made you cry
, She never does it in front of others although, She makes sure your distracted because she doesn't wanna lose you.
, Gets flustered as you boost up her ego if you complimented her when she finished one of caine's bullshitty challenges
, Always gives you a kiss on the forehead and tells you how proud she is of you and how much she loves you after finishing a challenge.
, She likes to hear you rant about stuff you like and nods her head whenever you make a statement
, She adores hugs, Hug her pretty pretty please :3
, Tries to teach you how to defend yourself but fails, And when she does that literally just makes her pull out a resting bitch face.
, She know's when something's up with you. So if your showing any signs of negative behavior, She tries to comfort you by telling you how strong you are.
" You're trying Lovely, But I'm afraid you're also failing. But that's okay, You're perfect to me in all ways possible. Now may i please have a hug from you my dearest? "
, He literally glares at anyone who makes fun of you, He feel's bad for your well being and tries to defend you but fails.
, Drags you to his impenetrable fortress just for him to distract you from negative thoughts when your sad, He distracts you by playing with your hair as he asks you what kind of stuff you like while cuddling
, Hold's your hand when Jax bullies you and when Jax is gone he attempts to try and comfort you.
, He doesn't understand why you're so nice. He always thinks you would get mad and start lashing out but you never do. You just reply with a soft, Kind compliment.
, Stares at you with lovey dovey eyes every time you're near him. He compliments you when you're next to him. He fiddles with his hands while looking at you too.
, Shy loser x Over sweet loser
, Death glare's at anyone who attempts to make fun of you until they go off, He's always pissed when someones mean to you and starts ranting on how you dont deserve such bull shitty treatment.
" (Name), You gotta learn how to fend for yourself!- Yeah you're right actually i suck at fending for myself too. BUT STILL!- You need to actually fight for yourself!... I give up never mind lets just go." drags you to his impenetrable fortress
, Literally says an offensive joke about anyone who bullies you and then it starts a cat fight.
, He asks if your alright all the time after being yelled at, Bullied, Etc.
, Smooches your hand while cuddling in his room to comfort you if you say no.
, He paints you!! He gets flustered when you ask why he drew you. He uses "B-because you're super kind!" As an excuse with a wobbly smile because he knows he sucks shit at lying.
, When he found an exit, He got so excited because he could show you and you'd be so proud of him!! And you were. And you didn't even take it as a joke.
, He loves how you genuinely love his humor, Even if it's dark.
, Definitely doesn't dream about you both getting married.
, Whenever you laugh he starts to get sweaty and nervous, Because your laugh sounds so genuine that it truly makes him happy, It makes him even more in-love with you.
" Wait.... You... Love my humor? R-really? Uhm.... Of course i'll say more jokes!! F-for you!!"
, She's so confused. But she finds you so beautiful.
, Why are you so kind? Are you even real? Are you perhaps an angel sent from heaven to guide her?
, She always freaks out around you and blushes a shit ton.
, Glares at anyone who disrespects you and harsh-fully insults them to the point where the bully bawls their eyes out.
, Asks if you're okay after being insulted and holds your hands as she tells you how great and sweet you are if you say you aren't to reassure you that you're an amazing person.
, She likes to bring you with her while she tries to find a way out the circus, You being her all-time favorite person.
, She drop kicks jax and runs away with you if jax tries to bully you.
, She nods at every statement you say, Not really caring about how stupid your idea is but following it anyways because she's so happy that she gets to be near you.
" (Name), (name)!! Would you like to uh.. Uh!-... COMPLete-! this challenge with me?"
, She's just like you! You're just like her!! You two are basically soulmates sent from heaven.
, Though, She gets mad often and you genuinely are a nonchalant person who's usually calm all the time.
, She defends you from jax and glares at anyone who dares to harshly pick on you.
, Drags you away from the toxic person and asks you whats on you're mind today to distract you from negative thoughts.
, Likes to smooch your cheek after you finish a challenge, Ranting about how proud she is of you.
, Ragatha tends to be passive aggressive when people are being rude to you, For example she says a comment that sounds nice but is extremely offensive to the victims ears.
, Likes to take you to her room so she can braid your hair.
, This Ambiguous fuck attacks ANYBODY who messes wit you.
, They comfort you by ranting angrily at you by saying how pretty, Handsome, Sweet and cool you are.
, Will try to teach you how to fend for yourself. But then fails.
, They like to receive attention from you, For example compliments, Praise, Or hugs.
, Cheer's you on when you do something not giving a dog's ass about what others think of it.
, Shit talks the person who talked smack about you.
, Get's in trouble daily for you.
, They like to drag you to their room so they can rant about stuff as they slowly get flustered on how you look and listen to them so intently.
, They also get nervous around you, Pretending that you dont exist and usually pretends to cough to cover up a compliment, When you ask what they said they just said they coughed.
, Likes to rant about you while your listening.
" (Name), You let that little- you know what...? Come on sweetie were gonna do some defensive training. "
, He literally teases you alot.
, Bullies you but he knows when he goes too far so he stops.
, Bullies the person who talked bullshit about you as if he wanted them dead, because he does.
, Will say death threats to the person who bullied you. Not including himself.
. Can And will throw a fight just because someone criticized you.
, Calls you "Sugar" because of how sweet you are. And also calls you his saint for personal reasons.
, he likes to ask you for a lot of stuff, But plot twist, He asks for kisses, Praise, Etc.
"Hey toots, Mind kissing me right here?~"
, Bitch was confused on why you were so calmed when you first arrived, But soon later developed feelings for you after the first 2 year's you stayed.
, He honestly was surprised you lasted this long but then remembers he shouldn't because Hoo Hah exists.
, Is VERY chatty when your around him. He likes to rant about stuff while you're just there listening to him speak gibberish.
, Glares at anybody who shit talks you and sends them to the cellar with a sheer look of dissapointment.
, When your sad he takes you to your room and your both just cuddling while your sleeping and under big fat soft blankets and he plays with your hair.
" How dare you criticize my dearest you li-"
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Likes + Reblogs are appreciated.
i spent 2 hours on this bitch smh
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spookyghostbunny · 7 months
Throws this fic at you then runs
The circus members couldn't help but to feel sorry for their new little jester. Everybody who enters the digital realm has similar reactions, but Pomni was a constant walking ball of anxiety. You couldn't blame her. The overly bright colors alone were enough to drive anyone insane.
Ragatha was absolutely furious. Jax had played yet another cruel prank on her, and she was out for revenge. On her way to confront the prankster, she spotted Pomni's picture. Poor Pomni. Even her own door displayed how fearful she was. It made Ragatha's digital heart ache more for the girl.
Completely forgetting about Jax, she lifted her hand and delivered a few hesitant knocks. "Pomni! It's me, Ragatha! I was uh- wondering if you... wanted to talk? I understand if you don't! That's completely cool, and I respect if you didn't want to! You don't really know me, and you probably want to be alone-"
Ragatha's rambling was cut off when she noticed a pair of nervous colorful eyes staring up at her.
Were Pomni's eyes always that cute?
Ragatha flushed and shook her head. "Oh! Hey, Pomni! M-may I come in?"
Pomni nodded, leaving the door open for the doll as she went back inside. Ragatha followed, sitting down on the bed next to the smaller girl.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Ragatha tried to strike up a conversation. "So! How... How are you doing?"
Pomni glanced up at her before looking back down at her hands. "I- I don't know anymore... I'm still convinced this is a t-terrible nightmare.... Sh-shouldn't I have w-waken up by n-now?" Ragatha could feel Pomni trembling beside her.
Ragatha's eyes soften as she puts a hand on Pomni's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok, new stuff. I understand how you feel... We all do. You'll get used to things eventually and-"
"BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET USED TO THIS! I WANT TO LEAVE- NEED TO LEAVE! I CAN'T STAND BEING HERE A SECOND LONGER!" Pomni curls up into a ball, hiding her face in her arms. "I just want to go home..."
Ragatha was surprised by Pomni's outburst. Each word sent another sharp pang through her heart. Not wanting to make things worse, she quickly thought of ways that could help her friend? feel better.
A silly idea popped into her mind. Hmm... This might just work.
Carefully as to not startle her more, Ragatha pulled the jester onto her lap. Pomni looked at her with a mixture of confusion and surprise. "R-Ragatha?"
The doll smirks, forming her hands into claws and wigging them above Pomni.
The anxious jester squeaked when she realized what was about to happen. "Wait! Ragatha- Nohohoho!" She immediately giggles when Ragatha starts scribbling her sides. She weakly kicks and squirms, but she doesn't put up much of a fight.
Ragatha's smirk melts into a fond smile. This was the first time she saw a genuine smile on Pomni's face. And her laughter is adorable! The doll just had to hear more of it. "Aww! Is the newbie ticklish?~ Tickle tickle, Pomni!~" She teased, moving down to squeeze Pomni's hips.
Pomni's giggles turned into full blown laughter. "Nahahaha! D-dohon't tehehehease!" Pomni cried, hiding her blushy face in her hands. She was actually starting to feel a bit better. It felt nice to laugh and let go after feeling so many negative emotions.
"Why? Does it make the tickles worse?~"
"Yehehes!!" Pomni squeals, lightly bapping at the doll's plush arms.
Ragatha just laughed. Pomni was truly adorable.
5 minutes later Ragatha slows her tickling until she finally comes to a stop. She holds Pomni close, rubbing away the phantom tickles. "How are you doing now, Pom?"
Pomni snuggles against Ragatha, still feeling very giggly. "Fihihine.... Thank you."
"Anytime, new stuff."
They sat there cuddling and enjoying each other's company for a while.
Suddenly, Ragatha remembered something important. "Wanna help me get back at a certain rabbit?"
For the first time, Ragatha saw some mischief in Pomni's colorful eyes.
(You don't wanna know how difficult this was to write)
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kasssscali · 6 months
🎀🍨Can we have some Jax and ragatha headcanons with a reader who is like a Disney Princess(you know, cute and shiny dress, tiny crown, beautiful signing,etc)
Take your time to make it ! 🧸🌷
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Your presence is a joke to Jax at first, out of all the things he laughed at the others for. Yours by far was the funniest to him.
The constant bullying was a lot for you, especially on your first day
Jax would take the tiara off the top of your head and hold it way above your grasp
what makes it worse is that Jax is way taller than you, he’l even put the tiara on himself and cross his arms turning away
he’s amused by your pathetic attempts to grab it
”oh come on princess! You wan’t it? Come and get it!”
Even when you two become official he will still pull that old ‘stole your tiara haha’ trick
it takes him time to be affectionate, but he’ll start grabbing you by the bow on your dress pulling you closer to him
he still comments on your appearance a lot and makes those stupid Disney jokes about singing animals around you
but secretly he adores all of your features, he hates that he finds every inch of you mildly attractive
he’ll never say it to you
but the small actions of wrapping his hand around your waist, and holding your hand when you want him too shows you enough
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Ragatha adores your appearance
but she also has a lot of questions, she is very mindful of others and she’s a little nervous about making you uncomfortable
she tries every appropriate opportunity to bring up her subtle questions
“Can you like… y’know… talk to animals and stuff?”
it’s a little bit awkward when Ragatha asks you questions, you either try to avoid them or answer them with much honesty as you can to avoid further questions
your kindness is what is attractive to her the most, unlike Jax Ragatha won’t hesitate to show affection with her words
once she’s comfortable enough to do it, she’ll have constant praises and is the one begging to hold your hand a lot
Ragatha does tend to ramble about random stuff a lot, so you might have to snap her out of it
or you can listen to her ramblings, it would mean a lot to her if you were just willing to listen
expect a lot of kisses on the cheek
Ragatha loves your dress and will compliment on it a lot, she’ll lift up your dress asking even more of her questions.
”OH! I have to know what fabric this is! I love this color…”
lifting up your dress might reveal too much of you want revealed so be prepared to answer her questions right then and there
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clownhousemargarita · 2 months
Can you do a zooble x shy male reader
"A bunch of nothing." -- Zooble.
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------- Summary: You adore your partner, and all you want to do is kiss them. But you aren't sure how.. Pairing: Zooble x MALE! Reader Warnings: A little angst, identity issues. Enjoy. --------
Ever since you got here, your head felt like it was constantly spinning. Whenever your brain decided to have a lovely reality check, you found yourself dizzy, unable to focus your eyes. You weren't sure how to react to anything, nothing could have prepared you for this. But, you had to do what you can. You found yourself trying to make comfort in people, someone who didn't show so much of the same emotion as you so it balanced out well. You couldn't stand Jax, he was a little shit. Pomni had found her cure in Ragatha, and you knew Ragatha couldn't handle another person to fall into a mental void with. Everyone else you seemed to find no connection, except for... "Zooble!" The objectal mess turned around at the sound of whatever their name ever was. You waved at them, a worried look always had been plastered on your face. They hummed at you, finding you a better guy to talk to then whatever Gangle had been crying about. "Do we have to be out here?" You asked, fidgeting with your fingers. They didn't even feel like fingers. What did fingers feel like again? "Dunno, I'm pretty sure we have some f&%k a$$ adventure that Caine's going to put together soon." They said very monotone. As they usually do. You hummed, your back that naturally hunched over beginning to hurt. Somehow. They pondered for a minute, before speaking. "If we run away right now, I don't think he'll find us." Zooble whispered, their non symmetrical eyes squinting at you. You're face flushed happily, nodding quickly. You took their crab hand, rushing away from the group and wherever Caine would appear. Once you two had gotten far enough away, Zooble spoke, "Dude, I'm tired. I think." They groaned. You giggled, finding some colorful blocks to rest against, dropping the room idea. "What was Jax talking to you about?" You asked, breathless. Zooble shrugged, "I have no idea, I zone out when he talks to me." You laugh, shifting to lay your head on Zoobles' lap.
Their eyes had changed, you had studied their distorted face to understand when they smiled. It's hard to tell your partners emotions when they were a bunch of 3D clay. "You know what I wish?" You begin, looking up at them as they did the same to you. Their eyebrow perked up. "That I could kiss you." Their eyes went wide for a moment, before letting out a quiet huff and turning away from you. "Major bummer." They muttered. "I'm serious." You whine, shifting to your side. "I am too. It's a bummer." They shrug, still not making eye contact with you. You sat up from their lap, now sitting on their lap instead of laying on them. "Can I help you, sir?" Zooble tilts their head, clearly now frustrated. "Why'd you get angry?" You asked softly. "Because, what am I supposed to do about that?!" They exclaimed, leaning into you angrily. You sat silent for a moment, usually you were a shy guy, but around Zooble you found yourself to be a bit more bold because you knew they wouldn't judge you like you feared. You leaned in, kissing what would be considered their cheek. "Did you feel that?" You ask, it was clearly a dumb question but a curious one. "I should slap you." They leaned back against the wall, their face flushed like you haven't seen before. What you meant by, 'flush' it was more that the triangular face they had had went from pink to red. You ignore their remark and lean in to kiss another part of their face, eventually spiraling to kiss all over their face. Their odd hands found themselves at your waist. "I know you look messy but I love kissing you." "I have no mouth." "Improvise." "I'm a mess." "We all are, I don't even remember my real name." "Yeah, but, I'm a bunch of nothing." "You're still something." "Not like you." "Because you're not me, you're you." "I don't know who I am." "I...don't either." You both sat in silence. You felt Zoobles grip on your waist become tighter. You leaned in once more and kissed where their mouth would have been. "Not much we can do about that." Zooble nodded in agreement. "Thank you." You hear them mutter. "Thanks for letting me kiss you without getting actually slapped." Zooble chuckled, which you barley ever heard. "You stopped me before I could."
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entrailseer · 4 months
Care to Share some Ragatha x Pomni headcanons?
HOOO doggy i haven't gotten one of these asks in forever!!! but i've got some new headcanons for you, inspired by the information that gooseworx has fed us.
specifically that pomni sucks at cooking!!
It's well known in the circus that Pomni is absolutely terrible at cooking, but her lack of skill doesn't stop her from trying to make things for Ragatha every now and then.
No, don't worry, she insists! Really! Besides, Bubble doesn't mind her using the kitchen. Even if the only thing that Pomni doesn't manage to mess up is... well, nothing.
Every culinary mistake under the sun, Pomni's probably made them, much to her dismay. Her sauces are broken, her pastries are under-baked, and she's somehow managed to mix up salt with sugar.
But, Ragatha finds it adorable that Pomni wants to cook for her. The only problem she'll run into is when Pomni asks her to taste the food.
She'll try to be very nice (LIE) to make her girlfriend feel good, though. Mainly because Pomni just beams when she hears that Ragatha likes what she's made, and Ragatha loves seeing her girlfriend be so happy. So she'll keep complimenting her, even if it perpetuates the endless cycle of Pomni making bad food and Ragatha having to say it's the best thing she's ever had in all her time of being at the circus..
In all truth, though, Pomni should just stick to accounting.
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nobody-nexus · 7 months
More Sinful Circus stuff!
I forgot to show Sun and Moon's designs, who in this are guards that make sure none of the prisoners like murder one another. They have admin powers, meaning in this both the sun and moon are stronger then Caine which is funny to me
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Sun is very much rules are rules no matter how ridiculous they are. Her favorites are Gangle and Ragatha because they're the MOST likely to listen to her, whilst Jax literally never listens- so she's constantly pissed at him
Moon is the more 'good cop' of the two- willing to bend the rules a LITTLE but not by much. She has a crush on Caine because she adores his crazy demeanor and creative personality, but hates Pomni due to how dangerous she can be- especially around others
Also here's the sexualities, genders, and ships (+ a brotp) within this AU! (Keep in mind the sexualities, genders, and ships are NOT CANON to the official material ^^)
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Surprise surprise, the first one is Ragapom. THEY ARE MY COMFORT SHIP. Pomni is a transfem lesbian whilst Ragatha is just a bisexual mess. Their ship dynamic is very simple: Easy to fluster x calm mommy gf. Ft: Masochism! Ragatha's kind of in denial of finding Pomni's murderous side hot buuuut she does find it hot. Especially when she growls
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Next is Jax x Zooble, which I call Bad Rabbit. Like NO ONE in the prison expected this. They just one day became a thing and told NO ONE ELSE about it. They're partners in crime who smoke weed and take ibuprofen together honestly. Like they insult one another a lot, but it's their form of love... Also they support each other's chaotic adventures and behavior
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Caine x Moon- one of the two only straight people in the circus fell in love with authority. I'd like to think that Moon's like the ONLY one that can calm down Caine's madness by a little bit- and Sun HATES that they love one another. The coders do nothing about it cause they don't care, but Sun VERY MUCH CARES (Caine isn't aware Sun doesn't approve)
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GANGLE AND KINGER ARE BESTIES YOUR HONOR. We love two atutistic people just existing with one another. Gangle will keep Kinger company in his 'kingdom' while she doodles. Kinger 100% treats Gangle like a daughter, even giving her a princess like role- complete with a paper crown
Like I said in the first post- if you have any questions about the Sinful Circus AU- my inbox is nice and open! I'll happily continue making stuff involving this AU! I was thinking the next thing I discuss is a more in depth look on how Abstraction works and what the monsters in this AU do. Stay tuned for that ^^
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