#I ain’t editing shit btw
nocasdatsgay · 9 months
Ch. 1 of From the Shadows the Beast will Rise
Masterlist here/ Prequel “Chokehold” Here
Summary: Eris gets a visit from Azriel months later and is summoned to the Night Court.
Rated: M
Warnings (I forgot 😅): sexual themes, Azriel’s past trauma, discussion of mor’s trauma,
AO3 Link Here | Chapter 2
**Also read below**
It had been months since their last encounter, but Eris knew Azriel was watching him. He could smell hints of evergreen from the shadows in the far corner of his room in the Forest House. They had followed him around all evening, except during dinner when they had the right mind to make themselves scarce around his father. Eris reasoned it was probably due to his lack of responses to the letters in his study. 
It was only when the smell got stronger he knew Azriel physically arrived. Anger flared for just a moment within. Azriel knew better than anyone the sensitivity of the wards on the house. However, Eris wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of a reaction. Instead he schooled his features and looked down at the book he was reading and flipped the page. 
“Are you going to hide in the corner all night?” He asked loudly, not bothering to read the text in front of him. When no answer came he sighed, annoyed. “I can smell you, idiot.”
Eris looked up to see Azriel step out of the shadows. He smirked at the displeasure etched into his features. Spymaster wasn’t used to being caught. Eris folded his page and closed the book, setting it to the side table. He let his gaze run quickly over the male in front of him. 
“You have a lot of nerve coming into this house uninvited,” Eris folded his hands together in his lap and lifted his chin. “Just because I let your shadows linger doesn’t mean you’re welcome to enter.” 
Shadows whirled around Azriel, more pronounced in the light casted from the fireplace. If Eris didn’t know any better, they seemed agitated as well. Azriel didn’t move, save for his wings twitching. 
He glared at Eris. “Rhys wants to know why you’ve ignored his summons.”
Eris scowled. “Rhys overestimates his importance. He also underestimates mine. I’m not his citizen to be summoned. Maybe he should start asking politely; requesting instead of demanding.” Eris slumped back in his seat and grinned. “He’s so used to ordering you around like a dog, he forgets what it’s like to actually communicate with someone of decent intelligence.”
Azriel stepped forward. Eris didn’t ignore the glance he casted to the roaring fireplace before focusing back on Eris. 
“You’re the one who begged for an alliance.” Azriel emphasized the word beg just enough for Eris to notice. He didn’t react even if trousers felt slightly tighter. “If you wish for Rhys to honor it, I suggest you stop being an entitled bastard.” 
“Did he send you?” Eris snapped in reply. “Or did you come on your own to waste my time? I assume it’s the latter since Rhysand is fully aware of the stipulations of our bargain.” 
Azriel crossed his arms. Shadows slid to the carpet, and Eris watched them creep forward. 
“Where is your bargain mark, anyway?” Azriel tilted his head. 
“I don’t have one.” Eris felt the cool touch of a shadow circling around his ankle. 
“Has to be somewhere your father won’t see it,” Azriel mused. Another shadow circled Eris’s other ankle. “Does he weld the knife himself? Or does he make his guards extract information from you while he watches?” 
Both shadows slipped up his pant legs. 
“Himself.” Eris answered honestly. Phantom pains from all the times he’d been questioned lurked in the back of his mind.  “It’s strictly politics. You should know; Rhysand would rather bloody your hands than his own. At least my father is willing to do that part himself.” If that stung, Azriel didn’t show it. “Call back your shadows.” 
Shadows slid down his legs again, slinking out his pants and back onto the carpet. His eyes lost track of where they went when they merged with the others. 
“Inside your left thigh.” A hint of smirk graced his lips. “Of course it’s somewhere slutty.” 
“Are we done?” Eris finally stood and straightened his jacket. 
“Only if you want to be.” 
There was sincerity in those Hazel eyes. An offer. It was nighttime. Besides some guards, no one else  was up at this hour.  Eris debated for a split second if he wanted to risk it. 
“Not in this house,” Eris replied after a moment, more softer than he intended. 
Azriel nodded slightly. “Rhys did send me. He was wondering if you were dead.”
Eris laughed, the hollowness of it evident. “My apologies then, for disappointing you both. All of Pyrthian will know if I die before my father. My brothers would make sure of it with their bragging.” 
Eris could have sworn there was a scowl on the shadowsinger’s face before he stepped back, disappearing and taking his shadows with him. 
Eris waited two days after Azriel’s visit to send Rhys a letter. The meeting in the moonstone palace three days after the response was just as tedious as he anticipated. There wasn’t much he didn’t already know. He knew from his correspondence with Jurian that Koschei sent a warning to Vassa. He knew already of the efforts with Day Court to research; Lucien told him of that weeks ago. 
He didn’t like his brother being the one in talks with Helion but vocalizing it would draw suspicion none of them needed. The only surprise of the meeting was the presence of the middle Archeron sister, Elain. She sat silently beside Azriel, watching him. Eris waited until the end of the meeting to put his amber gaze towards her. 
“You never explained why you’re here, little sister.” He loved the way she scowled at him and bristled at the sarcastic endearment. “Are you even still to be my little sister? I can never tell with the way you string him along.”
He heard a scratching of wood. Probably Feyre’s claws since she hissed at him. “Don’t speak to her like that.”
“Why not? We’ll be family eventually.” 
He turned to Rhys and Feyre and he smirked at his correct assumption. He felt Azriel’s glare and a shadow slip around his ankle. He kicked out his foot, shooing it away. He then felt a claw against the wall of his mind. He mentally sighed and opened a crack in it. It was Rhys who spoke to him. 
Why do you always cause problems? Elain is here for a reason. 
What reason is that? I thought her sole job was to ensure Lucien stays tethered to your court. 
Eris shut down his walls again when Rhys growled at him. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. They always acted as if they were above court politics; like they weren’t playing games of their own. Eris leaned back in his seat, debating if he should just leave them to stew. But Elain kept her doe eyes focused on him. He stared back.
She whispered, “Autumn blooms wilt without the sun.” He furrowed his brows at her but she continued. “They weep for the lost fox and the slaughtered hounds. They weep for the sunlight.” 
“Poetry?” He cut his eyes to Rhys and Feyre. 
Elain continued and a chill went down his spine. “Only out of the shadows, will the beast rise. Autumn blooms make the path. If they falter the beast shall fall to the depths. The blooms will be set ablaze and burn to ash.” She blinked and looked at him like she was just now truly looking at him. “Kill your father before he kills you, Eris Vanserra.” 
Realization settled over him. Eris’s eyes cut to Rhysand. A scratch in his mind told him Rhys was listening. 
A fucking seer?
Or poetry. Rhys physically smirked at him. Heed her warning Eris. Time is running out.
Eris could have lit his entire guest room on fire with the rage welling in him. Of course Rhysand was hoarding Elain away from his brother, not only for his allegiance but also her powers. A fucking seer. There hadn’t been one in Prythian since before he was born. 
He continued to pace the room, chewing on his nail while he thought. The other sister- the witch, she lost her powers. He never anticipated she’d accept his marriage proposal when he asked but he wished she had. A waste of power. He didn’t know how Nesta lost her powers- his informants heard whispers of Feyre nearly dying in childbirth and Nesta used her power to save her and the heir. Now Elain, with her own abilities, was at risk.
His informants also told him of how a certain shadowsinger was close to Elain. Too close. A flower pendant necklace purchased by him was telling enough. Probably an order from Rhysand to keep Elain occupied while putting just enough distance between her and his brother. It kept Lucien tied to Night Court without risking him taking Elain away. He scoffed loudly. Rhysand and his games, an annoyance to the world. 
Eris stopped, dropping his hand when he smelt the air change. He waited and turned to the opening of the bathing chamber. There stood Azriel, his shadows a frenzy around him and making him look more dark and broody than usual. Eris slid his hands into his jacket pockets. 
“And what do I owe for this visit, Azriel?” 
Azriel walked up to him. Eris watched the shadows try and reach out to him when he stopped within arms reach. 
“I told you to stop antagonizing Mor. I didn’t mean for you to start taking your shit out on Elain.”
“Does she know what you did in this room, Azriel? Does she know you rutted like a mindless beast atop her mate’s brother until we both came undone?” Eris sneered when a hand came around his throat. “You think I don’t know about that? You’re the one who pursues her knowing she’s mated. And knowing you like to fuck males. Don’t act angry about it now.” 
“I’m sick of your fuckin mouth.” He squeezed before shoving him back by his throat. “You’re the one who begged for a lesser male to choke you. Choke you until you came from that alone.” 
Eris coughed, stumbling back and throwing out his hands for balance. “I asked politely. That isn’t begging.” 
“You asked because I told you to. You think you’re better than me but you’d get on your knees and choke on my cock if I pulled it out. Do you even like females? Is that why you left Mor to die?”
That was the wrong thing to say to him. Eris felt his temp rising and he set his arms ablaze with his magic. 
“When will you brutes let that shit go?” Eris stalked up to Azriel, who took just as many steps back. “You found her, didn’t you? I smelt your fucking shadows even back then. I smelled them coming. If I took her, she would have been murdered by my father.” Eris let the rage blind him as he cornered Azriel against the wall. “I’m not the one who put a nail through her womb to make sure that bastard’s seed didn’t take. Stop blaming me for her father’s doings.” 
He would have kept going if the smell of pure terror hadn’t reached his nose, snapping him out of his rage. He realized several things at once. Azriel was utterly still, wings tucked tight and eyes glazed over. Shadows covered his hands until they were no longer visible. Shadows also circled Eris’s arms as if they could suffocate the flames dancing on them. Eris shook out his magic and stepped back, shadows disappearing with the flames. 
Eris always knew those scars on Azriel’s hands were from burns. He knew because he had burn scars of his own, just hidden. Azriel seemed to come back to himself but the shadows didn’t leave his hands. Eris glanced down at them. 
“Who gave you those scars?”
Azriel slumped against the wall, wings drooping in a slump. He blinked a few times before responding. “My brothers. I try to not,” he shook his head. “I normally don’t let it bother me. But the way your magic,” he stopped again, like he might be ill if he opened his mouth. 
“I won’t do it again,” Eris whispered. 
The shadows eased away from Azriel’s hand and Eris grabbed his wrist. Azriel jolted but didn’t yank his arm away. Eris knew he shouldn’t but he traced the scarring with his other fingers while he held up Azriel’s hand with his own. 
“For what it’s worth, I like your scars.” A confession he said so softly he wasn’t sure he even spoke it aloud. “What happened to your brothers? After they did this.”
Azriel snatched his hand away. “Nothing happened.” Eris cut his eyes to see Azriel scowling. “Don’t patronize me, Vanserra.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Eris straightened his posture, clasping his hands behind his back. “Stay away from my brother’s mate and we’ll call it even.” 
One of his shadows floated away and brushed against Eris’s cheek, wrapping around to file through his hair. Azriel’s eyes tracked it while he scowled. Eris pulled a hand from behind his back and lifted it. More shadows came and twirled around his fingers. 
“Something tells me jealousy isn’t necessary.” Eris shook away the shadows. “You should go. Keir will be here and the last thing I need is him thinking I’m in good graces with Rhysand’s inner circle. Unless you plan on fighting me as a cover.” 
Azriel rolled his eyes. “I don’t think Keir wants to smell how you react when I fight you.” Azriel then stepped back and slipped away into the shadows. 
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roseyrays · 2 years
# OC’S
Snow White/Enchanted
rin narra (twisted from the hunted forest & a tiny bit of queen narisa)
^ they’re personality isn’t like queen narisa tho, they’re more of a lively fella they just got queen narisa’s powers
ren narra (twisted from the hunted forest)
ryu narra (twisted from the hunted forest)
aldric luiff (twisted on snow white’s glass coffin)
volture twins (twisted on the voltures in snow white)
no name yet (twisted from prince edward)
no name yet(twisted from giselle)
Emmy Garcia
Ji Raun
Sofia Cruz
Marie Louiz
Taki Tarin
Alice In Wonderland
mae hart (based on the mad hatter)
alastor (based on the march hare)
aster aelia (based on rapunzel)
ernaline (based on eugene/flynn rider)
leveret coello (based on judy hopps)
nicolas rena (based on nick wilde)
gael gazelle (based on gazelle)
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
hi again, i’m the guy who requested hobie x trans vigilante reader and i LOVED IT. the details felt so true to his character and all in all it was an amazing read. you’re definitely one of, if not my favorite spiderverse writer. (btw, your spidersona sounds very interesting.) so, as expected, i have another request for you!
if you’d like, will you do a hobie x masc reader where they’re in bands? of course, hobie would be a part of a punk group, but maybe reader is in a metal one? they keep running into each other at shows and people think they might not get along, but they instantly get comfortable around each other. it’d be cute if they wore the other’s merch and showed up to some gigs. thank you :)
hobie’s punk, you’re metal (band edition)
hobie brown x masc!reader
had me gripping my knee, tucking hair behind my ear and kicking my feet fr ily tysm - if you’re planning to keep coming back (more than welcome <3) feel free to give me some kinda name to call you ! claim an emoji if you’d like or give me some kinda alias if you’d like, or remain anon, completely up to you !!
anyway such a slay idea thank you so much !
i’m gonna have to be a little brief w details cause i know hobie’s band is completely different in the comics and i have no fuckin clue what’s going on w this hobie’s band, no clue if gwen’s the drummer or what so mans being BRIEF but as far as i’m aware hobie does all of his gigs as “spider-punk” so secret identity still stands. i’m not gonna call him that cause he doesn’t like the name, but you know what i’m tryna insinuate
i’m a guy who can listen to all types of music so i enjoyed indulging in punk and metal music to get a better feel for this, so thank you !
i tried to do research into style, music and history so i hope this is half decent lmao
also wanna stress that i know there’s a shit ton of political stuff when it comes to punk and metal scenes, i ain’t touching it and i want none of you to ask me about it
warnings: none
pairing: hobie brown x masc!reader
requests: OPEN actually begging for them im stuck in a car tomorrow
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
AIGHT ! so you twos both belong to bands that are pretty prominent in london, and if someone doesn’t know one then they’ll eventually learn about the other
you both like to perform at these smaller gigs instead of going mainstream, and it results in you two bumping shoulders every now and again
now, it’s impossible to miss hobie since he’s dressed as a punk spider-man
the same can apply to you if you choose to also have a secret identity lmao
but it’s on sight
it’s a common thing for people to think that punk and metal fans are like cats and dogs (an expression, animals are lovely.) for some fuckin reason
so naturally, both of your fans had always speculated the day that you crossed paths
what would you do ? fist fight ? poke hobie’s eyes out w the 🤘 gesture ? dear god will hobie swing his guitar at you ?!?!
no lmao
it’s like two old friends meeting, you guys have definitely heard of each other before but not yet met, so you’re both pretty psyched to see each other in the flesh !
it’s more like a “Ayy! my guy!” kinda thing instead of typical london stabbing
friendly hug, accidentally get impaled on a spike, that kinda thing
if your fans are sane they’re just kinda like “oh dope lmao” instead of “NOOOOOOOO” because who tf would
instead, opens doors to unlimited possibilities
friendly rivalry ? i think so
depending on what you play/your role in the band, you can get competitive for funsies
if you’re both guitarists you’ve got this ongoing joke about who’s the better one, shows are dope whenever you two are competing cause you go above and beyond for the sake of bragging rights
you win, metal takes a lot more out of a man (from the research i’ve done metal takes more “skill” in a literal sense, way more going on w the cords, correct me if i’m wrong)
hobie insists there are no losers, of course (he doesn’t believe in losing)
hella friendly banter, nudges, cutely whiplashing each other w water at shows whenever you spot the other in a crowd while they’re performing
collaboration ? possibly, imagine that shit
speculation of you two dating ? no because hobie doesn’t like labels
i’m gonna let u decide if hobie is the typa guy to kiss whoever else is on stage w him
back to secret identities for a little- aight so we all know hobie’s identity is a secret because he’s this spider-lad saving london, a conversation starter fr
in the events that you bring it up, he’ll probably just brush it off and tell you to focus on your scene, not in a mean condescending way but because he’d rather talk about music together since it’s his passion
depending on where your guys’ relationship goes determined if he’d reveal his secret identity to you or not, same applies to you if you have a secret identity
but i’ll leave that up to you
back to the gigs ! if you two ever spot each other in the crowds, it’s on sight
wether you recognise each other as your alter egos or secret identities, you will be either drowned by the end of the gig or mercilessly stared at
don’t think hobie would bring people up on stage unless you’re both performing, it can be a super awkward thing, other people might be uncomfortable and also favouritism aint his thing
wear each others merch, see what happens
you don’t have a secret identity and you wear it casually ? will likely catch the eyes of the media and words will spread
i cant actually imagine hobie having official merch, i think he’d like it more if his fans just made things so there’s not that whole “poser” stuff i’ve been seeing (again if i’m wrong and band shirts have significance other than sentimental value let me know)
punk is about diy, so he’d love his fans all the more if the “merch” he had was super unique diy stuff all hand made by his fans :]
so hobie either makes you merch, or you make your own ! he’ll probably make his own merch of you band, too
absolutely wears it to gigs, why wouldn’t he ? how fuckin punk is that ammarite
trade guitar picks, do it
you’re both real comfortable around each other, it’s an honest treat to cross paths whenever you’re both at a gig and if you guys become friends outside of it, that’s all the better
slaps stickers on your instruments case while walking by you, they have accumulated overtime
a lot of friendly call outs at the start or throughout shows, shit like “this one goes out to y/n, he ate my fuckin sandwich” before playing or probably banter along the lines of “refund his show and come to mine instead, it just makes sense” if your shows aren’t free
i expect you to do the same
you are each others worse nightmare
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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screampied · 18 days
hiiii. so, first i just want to say that the feeling is mutual, because i’m always looking forward to your replies to my asks, like giggling and kicking feet typa shit!!!
second of all, i’ve realized that if you do a scream theme, it would be perfect because of your username?!?! ngl i wish i was creampied by billy loomis
i used to look at those people eating and drinking pumpkin flavored stuff and i would gag, until i realized it probably taste like a famous pumpkin candy in my country, so yes, pls try it and tell me if it’s sweet and good. i’m a very picky eater and i can’t stand pumpkin, unless is for decoration and eating bits and bits of the said candy.
also, yeah, fuck scream 5. it was awful, i love gale and dewey, it was so unnecessary what they did to them, and proceeding to fucking kill him??? ain’t no way, i punched my tv.
classics are truly the best. ngl, i don’t like new horror movies, they are always lacking something. i did, however, enjoyed the movie talk to me from a24, but i saw it more as the metaphor (drgs) instead of possession, so yah…
NOW SHUT UP HIP PIERCINGS? AND BELLY BUTTON? oh i know u a bad bitch, like i can’t help but stan more. ☝️
how was your day today, btw? i finished an edit for my theme that was pissing me off and now i’m just waiting for the one person i’m comfortable with to be online so i can show and be like “gimme ur opinion 🥺” and they are sincere af so if they hate it, imma kms, i see no other option.
oh, also, this week i got a hate anon and i kept laughing because?? it’s so random, people are really miserable and funny sometimes. it’s like a certificate that their life sucks, idk.
AND YES, i’ll be showing myself for you, probably on october 1st, like nosferatu coming from the shadows, hihi.
nut anon
omg ur so sweet, hugs 🫂🫂.
FUCK UR SO RIGHT. a scream theme bc it’s literally in my url what are the chances 😋 plus my username was even based off scream omg we’ll see. that’ll be so sexy ughhhhh october hurry.
im kinda scared to try pumpkin lowkey. im also a picky eater and i feel like ill puke 🧍‍♂️ like ive smelled it and its okaaaay i guess but idk if i can handle it paha. if i do try it, ill tell u how it goes trust.
good fucking bye i can talk a whole rant about how AWFUL scream 5 is. out of all the movies, it’s the worst in my opinion. the only thing i loved about it was the opening scene—jenna ortega’s portion, she made me continue watching it 🙂‍↕️ plus she’s mother, i love her downnnnn. AND UR RIGHT. !!!!! LIKE DEWEY ?????? i get he had to die at some point but his death was so stupid. like really. just say you hate him. scream 6 totally redeemed itself tho now that is a SEQUEEEEL. only thing i hated about scream 6 was the killer reveals. the motive was understandable but dumb . LOLLL im such a hater but man ✋🏽 do you think neve is coming back for scream 7, i hope so and they better give her the pay she deserves bc i miss my final gyal 😔
TEEEHHEEE THANK YOU POOKIE 💋 i bet you’re an even badder bitch <3 my day was good !!! i was busy out half the day sight seeing and going to a nascar race showing near me which was sooooo cool. a bird shat on my car window which was totally uncool 😒. SLAAAAY omg i bet it looks so good.
booo hate anons r so unserious. i remember i got one months ago and just rolled my eyes because you could be like … saving the world ✋🏽 or idk doing crossword puzzles instead of talking shit to a silly lil stranger on the interweb. ppl be bored ig. don’t let it get to u tho bae !!!! ur amazing mwah
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No, I am not over this shit.
People say that Tony should have forced a sit down between the Elite and Punk and hashed it out. First off, Punk and his people assaulted the Elite. And when they came back from suspension, they proceeded to bring back the company and redraw interest in their best of seven series with Death Triangle. What was Punk doing? Shitting on them. Refusing to go to WBD events which inadvertently cost him movie gigs ensuring that Punk would be working the rest of his life(btw Punk was having money problems hence why he ever came back to wrestling at all). When Kenny was working on a program with Will Ospreay in New Japan and doing business in AEW, Punk was shitting on Kenny on Instagram costing AEW business. The Elite ain’t say shit about shit. They worked. And when Punk did come back to Collision, the first thing he did was bar Hangman out of the arena and proceed to bury him for no reason. Then he proceeded to bury Page repeatedly on Collision until his one burial went too far as it was unwarranted. Page didn’t respond and Punk looked like a bitch.
Tony Khan offered Punk a big feud with Jericho. Punk wanted to embarrass the Elite and get over on the Elite. So he refused Jericho and focused on MJF. Yeah, when MJF got pinned clean by Dax and Punk came out with some rubber title? That was Punk trying to force a feud with MJF because Collision booked by Punk was hot garbage. He refused to compromise and get the biggest baby face in the company and make amends with the Elite without forcing litigation on them. Punk wanted to be on Dynamite but was forced in the corner that was Collision where his drawing power was diminished. His show sucked. And when the Elite resigned, Punk wanted to get himself fired and assaulted Perry after throwing him under the bus in the dirt sheets to get out.
Punk says the Elite versus CM Punk would have drawn but Elite did not want to work with someone who accosted them and was constantly hostile to them. Mind you, when Colt Cabana came to Punk to make amends and offered to do a program with Punk(a tag team with Page and anyone of Punk’s choosing), Punk would not speak to Cabanna without a lawyer present. And that’s the theme here. Punk was allowed to get his way but no one else was. He was never going to compromise on anything except the complete humiliation of the Elite. That’s all he would have settled for. Page and Young Bucks didn’t do shit and stop aggressing after All Out. Punk kicked out and talked down to Ryan Nemeth. Punk lost the confidence of the locker room who didn’t respect him.
Punk is a piece of shit. That’s all.
Edit: you know what. Here is a detailed summation of Punk’s AEW tenure and the little bullshit he was up to in a podcast.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
It is, once again, time to scream about sand duo: Songs of change edition.
First of all, I have a feeling Phil is going to yoink Wilbur. This has nothing to do with the ‘non-consensual body modification’ tag. Nothing at all. Anyway, I love that it’s clear that most of the adults do care, but in a “this ain’t my kid and I don’t really know what to do with him, but he’s still a kid” way. Like they are nice and they make sure he eats and has a simple job to feel useful (berries bring variety in food and they are sweet, which should help lift the mood).
At the same time, they are very stuck in the mindset the Wilbur is just a “dumb” kid and can’t actually be very useful to them. For example, he gets brushed off any time he wants to weigh in on conversation because he actually knows stuff. And even if he didn’t know anything, kid’s got no prospects. He’ll spend the rest of his life on a ship, he’s got to worm his way upwards somehow. They are denying him the opportunity to learn. And I’m getting too caught up in background characters without names. They strike the very good balance of “it takes a village” without any of them having kids or investment of their own.
Anyway, SANDDUO! I love how you write tiny Wilbur. He’s so clever, yet still a kid. He’ll use answer words he can and asks all the questions. He’s also a manipulative little shit when it comes to Phil. And the guilt tripping is working. Though getting hit and crying definitely helps too. It’s also interesting how Phil gets intrigued (read: invested and semi-attached) to second he realises that Wilbur is a smart kid.
Also, the fact that he saw Wilbur ag night meant that he was probably going to wait around for the next day and was keeping an eye on the cove. And then he had a crying kid and couldn’t leave. Also, yeay for Schlatt being protective. There’s no older teenager being annoyed at the preteen dynamic. They are friends. Schlatt definitely saw the berries and didn’t say shit. (hiding the berries was a dumb move btw, but he’s a kid and it’s literally just berries, not an entire fish or anything).
I’m interested to see where this ends up going. Though I have a feeling I should already start mourning the crew. If not because of Phil, then because they are still very much maroon with no way out.
LMAO yeah just ignore the nonconsensual body mod tag. it's definitely not important. I prommy :)
yes!! I didn't want the rest of the pirate crew to be stereotypically Evil but they're also not super nice and loving. wilbur's a kid so they're not gonna be cruel to him for no reason, but he's also not their kid so they're not soft on him. but with the current situation, they're literally all marooned on an island and are very stressed out so they mostly just want to get him out of the way. if the shipwreck hadn't happened wilbur definitely would've gotten opportunity to move up as he got older, it's just the circumstances of the adults literally trying not to starve to death that is making them even more dismissive of him than usual.
man I love writing tiny wilbur. I didn't plan for him to be such a little shit in this, it just happened and i love it so much. he's trying so hard to be manipulative and while he's definitely clever he's also 11 so he's not that good at it.
phil wasn't planning on actually hanging out in the cove the next day because he meant it when he said he wasn't going to see wilbur again. but he was definitely going to hang out in the water near the island just to listen in and make sure he was alright. he was planning on properly leaving after another day or two, he just said his goodbyes to wilbur earlier. then wilbur got hit and was crying and he was like "well shit I can't just leave now" so now he's attached to a random 11 year old human. congrats phil.
YEAHHH I wanted to strike a balance with schlatt between him being this older kid who isn't soft on wilbur or anything but they are definitely friends. they had solidarity on the ship with being the youngest members of the crew, so that's continued on with their current situation. even if schlatt is being treated far more like an adult than wilbur is, he still is gonna call out bullshit if he sees it: like wilbur getting slapped for stealing a few berries
(hiding the berries was extremely stupid. he literally had no reason to do that and given how stressed out the adults are while the reaction isn't okay whatsoever, it's understandable to a degree. all food is important, but also it was a handful of berries. like c'mon guys)
so glad to know you're enjoying spruce <33
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
The Musketeers Reaction: Friends and Enemies
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
You sure you don’t need to rest buddy? You’re huffing pretty hard
[Also, they had the horseshoe upside down; no wonder shit goes wrong  (Spoiler: shit goes wrong)]
I wouldn’t know which is which  😀
Ah! Your boo!  [Ma'am, do you really think I'd adore a person who steals and kills peop- oh.]  …. Yes  [You know what-  Just watch the show, woman]
[Also, btw... "d'Artagnan" is not pronounced the way they pronounce it.  It's not "Dart-an-yun."  It's "Dart-en-yaw" ish.  Rough phonetics because idk but it's roughly that]  Well now neither of those look even remotely correct. Gah damn ancient times  🙂 [Edit: someone mentioned that this might be intentional? To show he comes from outside the "posh" part of town? idk if that's the case, but it's an interesting theory]
[Hold up… ad.]  Okay!  [Bruh these ads are so long]  😂😂😂  [BRUH IT CHANGED TO CSI  Hold up]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  CSI said you ain’t cheating on it with the musketeers  [lkjsaldakfjadsf]
Wait, Peter Capaldi?  [Yup!]  Sounds familiar  [12th doctor]
[This is Athos]  😱😱  I already said he favors Daryl… right?  [Yes.  I think.  But ‘tis true]
Sir  [I love him]  No need to be rude to the water  [alskdjf It was ice]  Oh ☠️
[And this be Porthos]  Oh shit!  So these are the three musketeers?  [No… Those are the two Musketeers and d'Artagnan.  The third Musketeer ain't been along yet]  Oooooh
[This is Aramis.  He’s the third.  (And yes… he’s "that stupid")]  Well damn ☠️😂
Damn I need a corset… these cheap ass bras can’t compare  ‘Tis trueeee
[Also, to be clear… He's having an affair with the mistress ot the Cardinal.  One of the most important people in France.  The King's main advisor.  Just to put that in perspective.  That’s why Athos said “Tell me he’s not that stupid”]  Oh. Well SHIT 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😂😂😂  [Also, that's Peter Capaldi]  Yeah I recognized him immediately
How he not see him?!
Ahh the gang’s all together!
Ahhh, love  [“Or lust”]  Ye, lol  ["Oh look: a man, pretending to acknowledge the difference" - Ten Inch Hero]
[I love Athos]  😂😂😂
“Any lice or crabs?” ☠️
Why am I getting Izzy vibes off the Doctor?  [I mean.  You should… I’m getting them too alskdjf]  😂😂😂  [It’s the Cardinal tho… Since I'm assuming you don't wanna spell Richelieu every time]  Ye! I don’t ☠️☠️☠️ it wouldn’t turn out nice
Oh is that The Milady?  [I say nothing]
☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Adele tipping her hand here]  
Ack  [Technically, she was "undressed" in the first scene… Corset + petticoat = scandalous]  
Wellll… Cannnnn you trust her?
Well damn… This show is just crazy
Pause!  ADDDDD  [Is it an ad for Scream?  Because we might have the same on- MATTHEW LILLARDDDDDDDD]  NO *sigh* 🙁 [How dare]  FOUR FUKCING ADDDDSS  [Yup]  CRIMINAL MINDSSSS  [RUDE]  THE NEW ONE  [I got Star Trek tho so… I win]
OH I SEE WHATS HAPPENING!  le gasp… Imposters
That ribbon around her neck is giving the girl with the green ribbon vibes  [I seeeee!  *has no clue what that means*]  You donttttt knowwww that boook? 😱  [Nope.  WATCH THE SHOW]
Buddy.  You.  Really.  Came out.  WITH A BLOODY KNIFE.  [alskfdj Yup.  I never said d'Art was smart.  Well, wise, but shh; the rhyme was important]
[Love herrrr]
Ooooop he ded  [Buddy's not doing too hot]
[Ma'am fingering her ring like it'll take away her Impure Thoughts about d'art.  It will not]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[Get ready for this Inigo Montoya-ass shit]  😂😂😂😂
“You killed my father. Prepare to die!”  
"We weren't going to kill him"  [*simultaneously* "We weren't going to kill him"  "Weren't we?"  "Next time let us know!"]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[The way Richelieu’s eyes widen on "murder" tho a;lkdsfj]
They were like oh shit they drug us into this  [They're kinda idiots tho.  What kind of criminal goes around like "oh, yeah, here's my name and rank!  Come arrest me!"]  EXACTLY
BRUH [Ruh roh]  
[Pause!  Ad]  I got one too lol  [I think it depends on time stamp for PlutoTV.  We'll probably line up perfectly for the most part.  Also… Jeremy Renner!]  Oh, I got Renner too!  [Mayor of whatever it is?]  Yes. [Countttt!]  Midpoint?  [Oh.  Okay!  I forgot those existed…  DO ITTTTT]  😂😂😂😂
– – –
Jezebel: We could not live in these times…  Our bad luck would get the whole family executed with these rules ☠️
Wench: aldskjf That's true!  The trials kinda.  Suck
Jezebel: Also idk why I didn’t automatically think the guy was an imposter at the beginning lol… I was like oooof!  Is this like… are his hands tied and he has to do this? Orrr??
Wench: Nope :)  Athos was too busy drinking and getting a hangover and half drowning himself to be robbing and murdering.  Not that he would do it anyway, it must be said.
Jezebel: Imma go on and make the prediction that the Doctor Cardinal had hired the imposters
Wench: :))) I say nothingggg!
Jezebel: Really, that’s all I can think of rn! But I’m enjoying it!
Wench: OIIIII!  THE CHARACTERS!  You must at least address Athos, please, I beg.  (But also.  I'd appreciate you discussing the main four laksdjf)
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂 I definitely understand why Athos is your favorite
Wench: My beloved!  And you haven't even seen much yet
Jezebel: Lol!! And the other two are hilarious! Especially the flirty one! ☠️☠️
Wench: Aramis?
Jezebel: Ye
Wench: alkdsjflaksdjf  So... this is a show based loosely around a book.  When we get to endpoint, I'm telling you some Things, but I want to let you get the impression of the show first
Jezebel: And d’Art(I’m not even trying) is clearly young. His common sense is lacking ☠️
Wench: Precisely… Wait 'til I tell you about the book :) 
Jezebel: 💀💀💀💀  Also… I feel like this picture pretty much sums up the king ☠️☠️
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Wench: asdlkfj Accurate
Jezebel: And I love that Treville stands up for Athos! Instead of just believing he’s guilty
Wench: So, that's a thing... He’s kinda SPN Bobby.  And he’s basically father figure to the Three + d’Art (eventually known as Les Inseparables, or The Inseparables) and they are basically his kids.  (And I wanna say this is especially true for Athos, but I could be wrong with that bit)  So this is basically his son going off to be executed
Jezebel: Ahhh! 🙂 lol
Wench: Also… The music might sound familiar.  Not fully, but like in that haunting way where you think you've heard it before but can't place it?  That’s because the theme and (I think) some of the score was done by Murray Gold (aka the guy who did Doctor Who's score during the bits you've seen)
Jezebel: Both are BBC right?
Wench: Yes.  And you'll notice a lot of overlap.  You remember Mr. Blue Sky dude?  Elton?
Jezebel: Ack! Yes
Wench: He's a villain in a later season named Rochefort
Jezebel: Ahhh! I see 🙂  Also, I want to do the next episode like noon tomorrow if you can! So I’m not tired 😂😂 cause I’m enjoying this and I want to more consciously enjoy it lol!
Wench: Sounds good!
Jezebel: Ready?
Wench: Yup!
– – – 
Ooooop!  [Louis, panicking: "I am not panicking"]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[This mf]
Why would his body still be at the inn ☠️☠️☠️  [Why wouldn't it? lakdsjf]  B-because it’s an inn  [And?  Ya stick the dead bodies wherever there's space alkdsjf]  “Oh don’t mind the body… Scuffle this morning.  It’ll decompose in time.  All good.  Cheerio!”  [Basically!]
[Fun lil character scene!  And by fun I mean Trauma (™)]  Le gasp
The- He really left ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [alksdjflkdjf he did]
The womannnn!  Double crosssser
Oh shit.  They just all dead!  Tf?  [Yup!  Like I said: stick the bodies where ya can]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[btw... Musketeers = King's guard.  Red Guard = Cardinal's troops.  They're warring groups]  Ahhhhh! I see
Sir we know you’re in a massive library, so big there’s echo. But you don’t have to scream
Lol ☠️☠️☠️  [:))) I love Porthos and Aramis too!  It's not quiteeee to the same degree, but I adore them]  Yesss!  Flirt gives me Hook vibes. Just like he looks like him.  [Similar, yes.  There's some subtle difference or something (since I haven't hyperfixated on him) but yes]  😂😂😂
He turned into a dog
Oooop- [Constance, my beloved]  He’s been duped  [I really wanna know what happened to make her so friendly to Athos, ngl.  That was a really scandalous thing she just did]
Surprise is everything….  *two seconds later*  Surprise would have been everything
[Also, did I mention that Constance is badass?  Because she is]  No, you didn’t, but I love it
Get him d’Artinigo!  [... Ma’am]  That took so fucking long to type cause I couldn’t spell  Inigo. ☠️  [OH THAT'S- laksjdflkadsjf I thought it was just a typo]  😂😂😂
Well, shit
Ma’am! You were the one flirtinggggg and ring-twirling
[Heh heh heh.  You remember the formula for my faves?  Because um.  Heh.  Heh heh  Man be a bittttt uncaring about safety.]  *sigh*
Kid’s like yeahhhhh about before. Sorry  [He got an Athos Nod(™)]  🙂  [Athos Nod(™)s be important because man doesn't speak and he's gotta show respect somehow alskdjf]  That’s fair! ☠️☠️☠️ *sigh*
Ooooooof.  Well, damn, ma’am  [Yup]  DAMN  That’s dark af  [Yep]
Buddy… That’s your story now too
Ooooop- Bruh, he is just mordorring  [Makes you wonder why he needs Milady as an assassin]  Oh shit
Did he kill her with ol’ dude’s gun?  [I don't think so]
Oh shit  [Milady is such an interesting character, goodness]  I don’t .. are the priests allowed to say that ☠️  [They're not supposed to, but I guess they can] 
– – –
Jezebel: That shit was WILD! 😂😂😂  I really do like it tho!
Wench: GOOD
Jezebel: Poor Adele!
Wench: Yeah... She does get mentioned again, though.  It takes a bit, but she does.  She doesn't just get forgotten
Jezebel: My brain’s kinda all over the place… But poor Athos too!
Wench: You should go into more detail there :)  (Yes, I am going to try to sway you into Athos favoritism!  It's fine if you like the others more, but you need to know that this is happening.  My beloved!!!)
Jezebel: Loool!  Idk I really like Flirt!! 😂😂😂 but yeah I’ll probably fall for Athos before long 😂
Jezebel: Flirt, Aramis, same name different font… and spelling, shush
Wench: But nah, tbh, you might well end up liking Aramis better.  Most people do, judging by what I've seen in the fandom, but I admit it's not a fully reliable poll
Jezebel: I like his and Porthos’s relationship. Also idk. I say personality but I haven’t seen MUCH of it yet. I just can tell from what I’ve see I’ll like him. If that makes sense 👀☠️
Wench: Yeah, I get it
Jezebel: Also, married gal and d’Art are cute. Even if she is married and he is googly-eyeing priest killer
Wench: Constance is awesome, I agree.  And, tbh, Milady is super cool, even if homicidal
Jezebel: Fair!  Also… The cardinal can go suck eggs in hell with Izzy. ☠️☠️  And the king. Is a child. Like most kings are
Wench: It gets worse
Jezebel: And… Honestly I can’t think of more so share away about the book
Wench: OKAY SO.  First off, I need to explain introductions of each of the characters.  They changed this for the show, and, as I said in this post (here), I appreciate the new version but also mourn the loss because.  d'Art, instead of trying to avenge his father, is actually going to Paris to become a Musketeer.  On the way, he stops at an inn and, while there, a dude disses his horse.  Despite the fact that no, actually, he doesn't much like his horse, and has been bemoaning being stuck with it since he started out, he now has to challenge dude to a duel. Then, he loses.
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: Fast-forward to when he gets to the Garrison: he arrives just in time to hear Porthos/Aramis giving a report to Treville (which features the fact that Athos has gotten severely wounded in a fight, fun fact).  Fast-forward a little more, d'Art is mid-talking to Treville about possibly getting a job there when he sees the dude outside his window and is like... Damn this job interview; I must pursue the man who insulted the horse I insulted myself not two days ago.  (d'Art and his horse is a very "no one is mean to them but me" situation)
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: Anyway, in the process of trying to track down this dude, he: a) literally runs head-first into Athos (aggravating his, did I mention, Severe wound in the process) and refuses to apologize, thus getting challenged to a noon duel; b) runs past Porthos and discovers something a bit embarrassing, and then proceeds to taunt Porthos about it for no reason, thus getting challenged to a one o’clock duel; and c) after losing the guy he was trying to hard to follow (AND.  LITERALLY WHILE HE IS TALKING ABOUT BEING LESS HOT-HEADED. Because he’s realized he just got duel challenges from two Musketeers.) he comes across Aramis, accidentally exposes the fact that he’s having an affair with a married woman (not Adele), and thus gets challenged to a two o’clock duel.  And all of this while running down a single stretch of road ☠️
Jezebel: My little clueless buddy… At least show!him is not quite THAT clueless
Wench: OH AND.  They're all each other's seconds, so they all show up to Athos' duel and are like.  Wait.  Wot.  Buddy got in a fight with all three of us?  And it swiftly becomes apparent that yes, he did.  Within the span of fifteen minutes.  AND.  This is all forgotten because then the Red Guard show up and are like "Oh, hold up, you're dueling?  That's against the rules!  Let us arrest you" and it turns into a duel.
Jezebel: 😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️
Wench: Anyway... the book follows a different plot from the show, but I'm not sure I can fully enumerate how.  The Athos/Milady backstory is pretty accurate, but her fate changes between the two.  (And across the other adaptations, which I also might make you watch, just btw.)  I think Constance existed in the book but Milady kills her?  If I recall correctly.  (Very different plotline from the show, I'll tell you that now.)  Aramis, btw — as hasn't been developed in-show yet, but is hilarious — is both a womanizer and deeply religiously devout.  He literally goes over to a woman's house to teach her Bible study
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂
Wench: And they study the Bible by studying God's gift of each other's bodies
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: And.  I think the final thing that I haven't yet said.  The author of this book?  (The Three Musketeers?)  Is the same dude who wrote The Count of Monte Cristo.  He's one of if not my favorite author.  I read The Man in the Iron Mask too (which is the sequel to this book), but I hatedddddd it.  Not because of the writing, which was impeccable as ever, but because of what he did to the characters 😭
Jezebel: I’ve seen the one with Leo DiCaprio
Wench: Yeah, that's....  That's a story.  That's a very happy story.  Relatively.  If I recall correctly.  Only one of them dies.  In the book.  One of them gets exiled.  And the others.  All.  Fucking.  Die.  I sat there on the couch reading it and sobbing my eyes out because my dude killed off Athos' son, and then had Athos die of grief-tinged-old-age afterward.  The fucking pain.
Jezebel: 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ACK
Wench: He had a vision about it before the messenger even arrived btw
Jezebel: Ooooof 🥺🥺
Wench: I cried.  So fucking hard.  I legit did not recover for too long.
Jezebel: Well damn!! 😦 ack
Wench: Basically, in the book version, Aramis plots to replace the king with his twin, as was done in the film, but instead of it being successful, the king gets let back out of prison and takes over the throne again.  Aramis and Porthos go on the run, but Porthos dies in the process and Aramis is then essentially in exile, and d'Art dies in battle at the very end.  And Athos, as I said, has the above fate.  Still love Dumas, but he betrayed me with that
Jezebel: 💔💔💔💔
Wench: Anyway... comparably, the show is much lighter.  Is the good news!  And I think that’s all the book ranting I have.
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂
Wench: Next episode tomorrow?
Jezebel: YES!
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perfectangeldoll · 2 months
Btw dumb bitch people don’t like emma roberts because she’s a whole transphobe…you look real dumb tryna defend her on your stupid ass Reddit😂😂
EDIT: the fan behavior is actually crazy.. i never defended emma ever for being transphobic not once!! and what you’re talking about is from hella long ago and i don’t even got my reddit linked so i feel like i know who tf is sending this shit and what’s even funnier is all i said in that thread is emma has been getting hate for a very long time because of the domestic abuse thing between her and evan which is TRUE and which i’ve learned i think emma was the only one being really abusive but i don’t even keep up with her and i ain’t gonna defend some random white girl being transphobic because the truth is i don’t give a damn about some white bitch on the internet i liked her in ahs not her as a person because clearly she got some weird shit going on so go be a joe goldberg somewhere else hoe 😹😹
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omens-and-more · 4 months
The Brazilian anon on Bs blog is probably the one C threatened (told them she knew who it was) when they were sending NGLs to her. Btw, if you do send her ngls, she can see your location and Internet provider etc
the person was sending in the ngls was portuguese. she answered one warning them directly. i think the anon over on brandi’s tumblr ain’t even brazilian lmao just some random ass person. nothing they said you would need to be brazilian or even speak portuguese to know. as someone pointed out, the shit they are mentioning is all stuff c made jokes of on her live or were comments made by others on there. like the photoshop claim that the fake brazilian person is making seem like it’s some serious claim was c joking about sell shirts with the infamous mirror pic on it to her “fans” aka the people who were watching her live and running to brandi to tell her everything that was being said. and then joking that she would have to edit a lego man over him or edit his face out like the miley “7 things i hate about you” music video to avoid being sued for using his photo. not an actual shirt or photoshop she did just her and the people in the comments clearly joking about it and laughing.
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liliansun · 10 months
Naur bc how you gonna make the two quiet ones (sal and jeno) argue you KNOW it's not making it out of the DMs 🤡
Ans then on the opposing side you have mal and jaemin who show their emotions so clearly even if they try to deny it??? The duality, AND the fact that these jokers are all best friends w each other
I HOPE jaemin and mal make up but also?? I'm kinda hoping jeno and sal never recover OR if they do it's gradual bc i just know they're silent asf and keep their emotions in (and ik this bc even in etmy they were always focused on the others' feelings, not their own - but being focused on your own feelings is not a bad thing, kids) also i was wondering if jeno and sal would be quiet in the gcs, too
And renjun getting his head split in two bc of his friends :(( neowa is the perfect one for him bc she seems to be the one who he talks about a lot after y/n started dating haechan ykwim?
ANYWAYS when are we getting another chapter, queen? I'm dying to see what happens next!!
NO BC THATS WHAT MAKES IT INTERESTING,, they don’t say shit to each other in person other than bombastic side eyes and everyone’s like yeah we know the beef ain’t wagyu w them rn and then in chat they’re like “i hate you” “guess that makes two of us” blah blah blah and the cycle repeats
NO BC YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. when it came to the spin-offs (which wasn’t a original idea btw,, it literally was only hyuck bc i was in a writing drought and ts did her ver of speak now and i saw a hyuck edit and i was listening to enchanted and etmy was born right then and there,, i was like who would be good w who and i was like sal is a jen’s girl ((she is irl too but rn she’s ready to fight him bc of the smau😭😭 and so on and so forth)
NAUR BC I PROMISED EVERYONE A HAPPY. ENDINg. it might only literally be two seconds but hell,, a happy ending is a happy ending and no bc i think they’re gonna be quiet and not directly talk to one another
AND YES SOMEONE NOTICED IT,, purposely started doing that bc i wanted them to gradually have moments together till their story bc it’s gonna be by far the saddest and and it’s last 🥲
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luvrhyune · 1 year
oh? the binnie angst that destroyed lives? the binnie angst that caused two emotional casualties yesterday? the binnie angst that made me bawl at eleven pm on a wednesday night? THE BINNIE ANGST THAT HAD NO RIGHT BEING THAT GOOD????? >:( why do i like your angst posts so much!!!!
minchi is charm/lino btw!!!! we have a billion nicknames for each other we use out of habit i’m sorry if we (by which i mean me. i’m the culprit) ever confuse you zmansksjs and next question is!!!!! where do you draw inspiration from? looking at art or reading other works? music to set the mood? or just wrangling ideas in your brain until something sticks? - 🐿️
i just assumed minchi was puppy bc u call puppy minnie 😮😮😮 i really like the name minchi tho ANYWAYS IM GETTING OF TOPIC LMFAO — WHY DO YOU LIKE MY ANGST SM ITS ANGST ?!!??!! <///3 ALSO ALL UR NICKNAMES FOR EACH OTHER R SO CUTE 😓😓😓😓 i wish i was friends with youse 💔💔💔💔 my friends call me bitch & cunt & twat (all affectionately but then again i call them freaks & fucking idiots🤭🤭🤭)
NEWAYS MOVING ONTO THE QUESTION! i draw inspiration from a lot of things but majority of the time it’s from music or tiktok edits to be completely honest — though sometimes i get inspo from things that have happened in my life, hence heart breaker, strawberries & cigarettes and ain’t shit (i have had very terrible teenage years up until this point LOOOL) but yeah most of the time it’s music or tiktok edits :))
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letamthoughts · 2 years
NOPE (2022)
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2nd viewing
i really like it (? tier) 10/10
(Major Spoilers)
it's a damn camera that's just taking photos, hence its center's position allowing it to see everything that it sucks up and it Bird of Paradise-esque dance in curtain form mofo's probably not even trying to eat people, just doing what it's designed to we never see it dump flesh, though, just blood and non-cloth items so maybe both? it takes the shot and then eats? it ate the horse statue because it thought he was offering it like the other dude (or just the eyes) then it got pissed at the painful betrayal and we heard its roar for the first time before it attacked him and sucked up Ghost after that, it showed up to the show early af and ate everybody (possibly o'dude last considering his stare and the dirt increasing around him) so the chimp was set off from being frightened by the pop sound and Jean Jacket was by the pain betrayal? he named it Jean Jacket to say "this is your horse and your time for fame" since dad took it away from her (because she wasn't ready?) when they were kids and he got their first gig (that failed) funnily enough, main dude's first gig failed too sis definitely ditched home because of dad's rejection and didn't care about the ranch as a business we never really get to know them as people in their daily lives, especially her he's of the oldschool (on Lucky) and she's of the newschool (on some futuristic-ish motorcycle) the fact that JJ just wanted to take their picture, though lul so its internals are made of cloud and air? 🤔 Host committed suicide because he didn't want to endure the fame all over again ("dawn's coming"); like TMZ dude, they don't know what they're getting into maybe it turned to curtain form because it couldn't get somebody for the 2nd time and wanted to be efficient? (hold up, lemme get a better camera) interesting that it tried to turn back into disc form (iirc) after taking the giant balloon what if it's a probe of sorts? just taking photos and shit for somebody else? like the mosquitoes in Ben10? Host had two of those cameras, turns out
Edit: Just realized while typing up the Top of 2022 post that its curtain form was an oldchool/vintage camera that requires a dark cloth cape. Here’s an image of what I mean. They’re probably called “folding cameras” btw. Holy shit, that’s a theme. Its disc form is newschool (like the motorcycle) and its curtain form is oldschool (like a horse). Sometimes the newschool fails (like everytime its EMP-ass is around and when it fails to suck up somebody for the 2nd time), so it reverts to the oldschool (like using a horse to evade it or snatching a target up head-on). No, I ain’t explorin’ that any further than I just did. #NoEssay
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studiojeon · 3 years
bitterness in goodbye | jjk
this is part of my troubled outsiders series. sadly, you can't read this as a stand alone (meaning: feel free to check the previous parts ♡)
| summary | - You can’t help but feel a little sad when Jungkook doesn’t refrain from cuddling your arm after pleading to forgive him. You wish you could cuddle him instead, that he would lay his head on your chest as you play with his soft hair, but you recognize there are some things you just can’t have.
warnings: none (?) i mean chaeryeong insults jungkook which is an atrocity in itself but-
contents: we diving into the angst my friends. jungkook is an innocent, kind hearted soul, i promise. oc's got the feels (out oct. 1) for jk. idol!jungkook × student!reader.
author's note: I EDITTED THIS FROM MY PHONE DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING ANNOYING THAT IS? also, thank u for the amount of support i've been receiving lately, i appreciate everyone lots. feel free to ask away or suggest anything btw, i would love to write for any prompts you guys come up with. 💞💗💖💘💓💕
words: 1.57k
playlist: honey by halsey
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Four weeks later, the receptionist of your apartment complex hands you over a cardboard box with the hoodie Jungkook and you had talked about that day on the Han River. Jungkook kept pestering you to please please please send him your address for confidential purposes, which you knew had to do with his determination to literally provide anything that catches your eye right away. You assumed it was a sensitive topic for the boy whether people had purposefully taken advantage of his money before, so you didn’t dare to say anything when the man asked you for your size literally two hours after he dropped you off, scared to either reject his solidare intentions or piss him off for bringing unwanted memories back. In  your defense, your personality type keeps oscillating between INFP and INFJ so it’s only natural that you take extra care to make sure those around you have as much peace of mind as possible in your presence. 
As pretty and comfortable the piece of soft clothing is, an important factor is missing, something that you can’t recreate buying two of the same size and color, and that is Jungkook's escence and how good it looks on him in comparison to anyone else in the world. Meaning, you didn’t like it as much as you thought initially would. And it absolutely did not have to do with the fact that your short stature made you look like a toddler who stole their dad’s jacket.
Still, in order to show Jungkook how much you appreciate his gift, you bring it to work the next day, and the rest of the days after that, with the excuse that with winter rolling around you needed something to keep you warm in the office. Jungkook doesn’t miss the opportunity to confirm your assumptions regarding your appearance whenever he barges into your office randomly throughout the week, arguing that ”you look so adorable” and doesn’t stop for two weeks more, until he gets used to seeing you wearing something you shared with him. Which doesn’t help ease your growing romantic feelings for him whatsoever.
Because yeah, you liked Jeon Jungkook, just like every human being with eyes and sexual desires, except, you didn’t just like him in a superficial way, and that’s where the problem with him resides. Though you are sure everyone has fallen in love with the endearing boy at some point - especially the excluded and invalidated women of society - you can’t help but place some blame on you for allowing yourself to be swooned so goddamn easily. Your mom had said to you at some point to be wary of the way some men would talk to you when you grew up, their intention usually being getting inside your pants, which has happened to you more times than you'd like to admit. And with the argument that she knew you better than anyone, she claimed you would comply right the second someone talked sweet to you; you despised the fact that was the case with Jungkook (and Jungkook only), although he had never shown any sexual innuendos. What your feelings could do to your relationship with Jungkook and your rather chill lifestyle scared you to death, shiver me timbers and all that shit, having romantic feelings for someone else is embarrassing, especially when your chance with them has been scratched out the second you laid eyes on them.
Jungkook sits on your couch, legs spread on your thighs as you two pretend to watch some series on netflix. “I don’t buy for a second the act you’re putting on right now.” he speaks randomly after staring at your deep-in-thought state for a few minutes and laughs when you snap at him for not letting you overthink in peace. “What’s going on?”
Truth is, you don’t fucking know. A few hours before he arrived at your place (you had to pick him up at the dorm and sneak the both of you through the subterranean parking lot, because god forbid someone saw Jungkook arriving at some chick’s dorm on a saturday afternoon) you swore you would be able to conceal whatever emotional turmoil you had going inside of you without compromising your regular behaviour around the man, but when push comes to shove, it’s impossible to keep yourself from wondering how far you could go before that special someone found out what was going on inside of your head.
Jungkook’s phone rings in his pocket with some annoying tone he had downloaded illegally from youtube the same day the company had handed over the device as a gift for him (you still were a little bitter over how they neglected the rest of the staff but you also knew it was kind of impossible for the human kind to just gift a-thousand-dollar-phones to almost five hundred people out of solidarity). “Hyung?” he picks up, still wary of your unusual behaviour, concerned eyes looking at you. “No, uh- i’m with Yugyeom right now.” and your heart shatters into a million pieces.
You have been suspecting for a while that Jungkook is being hesitant to introduce you to his social circle. Although, you’ve tried your best not to take it personal, it is getting harder to resist the urge to ask him what the fuck is up with that. The fact that Jungkook had to lie about the person he was hanging out with broke your ego; he could’ve just said he was with a friend, right? You suddenly feel like you’re fifteen again, when the guy you liked would love you in the dark but pretend he didn’t know you in the light. 
Holding your tears back, you gently push him off and make your way towards the bathroom in the most nonchalant way you could. This is your fault for falling for the nice popular guy in the first place, you remind the reflection staring back at you. Still, as bad as it hurt, there was no way you were going to cry over a stupid boy, let alone when he was literally sat on the next room. He can go fuck himself if he thinks he can just toss this behind as if nothing ever happened.
You text Chaeryeong instead.
“chaery bom bom: i swear to god i gonna throw hands the next time i see the bitch.
chaery bom bom: like who the hell does he think he is? fucking squidward looking asshole.
chaery bom bom: he ain’t even that cute bub, you’ll get over him. i know jinyoung wouldn’t treat you like this”
You sigh. Chaeryeong has been enamored with the idea of you and his former company colleague from GOT7 since the day she met the guy (which was somewhere around ten years ago), and although he was all that, you didn’t like his quiet and cold aura, it intimidated the fuck out of you (Jungkook was the entire opposite of that).
You spray on some perfume just to have an excuse as to why you randomly ran to the bathroom when Jungkook’s inquiring eyes stare as you sit back on the couch, which is exactly what he does. “You done with your call?” you ask, bitter.
Jungkook frowns, a bit taken aback by the sudden question but still unaware of the way his words had made you feel, not even sensing the hostile change in your mood. “Yes, it was one of our managers. He was wondering if I could come back to reshoot some...-thing.”
Okay, now you kind of understand as to why he lied in the first place and to say you feel guilty is an understatement. “I supposed he backed down once you mentioned you were hanging out with Yugyeom.” playfulness makes its appearance on your tone and Jungkook rolls his eyes at you, tongue poking on the inside of his slightly red cheeks.
“Sorry for that” he moves closer and cuddles your arm, like a sad guilty puppy. “It’s just- I don’t want them asking questions''.
You understand. He is a very reserved and private person after all. It took you a bit to crack him open yourself. Plus, you kind of share that trait with him, you’d hate it too if people were constantly on your nerves for the people you decide to hang out with. 
And that’s all it takes to forgive him. Not very cash money of you.
“You better not pull that shit again, though” you shift in his hold and he looks up at you. One look into your eyes and he knows what you mean. “I’ll kick you out.”
After nodding, Jungkook resumes his concentration on the series you picked out for him. Due to your short attention span, you are very picky about what you invest your time in, especifically with audiovisual pieces of media, so Jungkook trusts you whenever you recommend something on very rare occasions. As a matter of fact, Jungkook was busy attacking your kitchen counters for snacks (which you didn’t have) when you mentioned Money Heist. “Munch on some grapes instead” you suggested to soothe his disappointment.
You can’t help but feel a little sad when Jungkook doesn’t refrain from cuddling your arm after pleading to forgive him. You wish you could cuddle him instead, that he would lay his head on your chest as you play with his soft hair, but you recognize there are some things you just can’t have.
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓬𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓸𝓸, 𝓲𝓯 𝓲𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾
character(s): izuku midoriya x gn!reader (x katsuki bakugou) 
a/n: gosh i love angst (quick note!! i edit to the best of my ability, however it’s easy to miss things, and i type 100 words per minute, so im sorry if i miss some things!) this ain’t a poly relationship btw, i don’t feel like i could write that well (no shame to people who do!! personally i feel like i would butcher it) 
reblogs are greatly appreciated! 
based off the song: it’s my party by lesley gore
summary: y/n realizes going to katsuki bakugou’s wedding was a mistake
genre: angst all the way shawties 
warnings: light cursing, heartbreak, alcohol, one-sided pining (reader), aged up/pro-hero au, sad reminiscing bc ahaha bakugou made us sad :’) and a crap load of references to the song, friend zoning (eesh) 
word count: 2,566
ik yall are waiting for a part 2 of brutal and part 3 of you’re not my boyfriend but this idea just struck i had to get it down pls 
- - - 
“let’s raise a toast to our finest lovebirds, my best friend and his wife, katsuki bakugou and ochaco uraraka!” kirishima took a sip of champagne. 
you lifted your beverage in unison with the others seated at your table but did not drink. you blinked down at the fizzing beverage. 
“we wish you all the best,” kirishima said. “you and your best buds have no doubt you two’ll be known as some of the most indestructible symbols of peace.” 
another wave of applause passed among the crowd. the last toast was finished and the music resumed. your entire table left you sitting. it wasn’t like you knew anyone here, anyways. nobody except for the few classmates bakugou was still in touch with. 
those people consisted of izuku midoriya, who was sitting at the table across from you, as well as across the dance floor. 
the lights twinkled up again, red, blue, and green flashing along the floor. 
you couldn’t deny it. bakugou in a red suit, uraraka in a wedding dress fell just above her knees, a red bow tied around her waist. you did not doubt that if you were to be sold as a healthy person on the black market, that dress would still be worth more than you. 
the only comfort you had was midoriya, who had greeted you when you came in, but the two of you had exchanged no further words. but he looked equally as miserable as you. 
uraraka and bakugou were perfect together. they looked happy. and you were happy to see bakugou happy. happy to see uraraka happy with him. 
bakugou dipped his newlywed wife to the beat of the music. her back arched perfectly into his large hands. 
what hurts the most was that, while you wished it was you instead of her on that dance floor, you knew it wouldn’t work out. 
not that you and bakugou wouldn’t have worked out. the two of you were a perfect couple! 
what hurts the most was that it was a wish, and in every near universe, you still didn’t have that ring. 
uravity and dynamight simply looked...happier. 
you stormed out, shaking. why was your katsuki kissing her? holding her when it should have been you? 
deep down, you knew you had no right. you and bakugou were barely a couple. throughout his years at yuuei, he’d calmed down immensely. so much that he could strike up a conversation with nearly everyone. as it turns out, introverted katsuki bakugou was a shameless flirt. 
the two of you exchanged flitting glances from time to time, but it was never anything serious. at least to him, it wasn’t. 
you knew he’d never taken the flirting seriously, and you also knew about his aching feelings for uraraka. how he covered his mouth whenever she walked by. how his voice raised just a bit, and how soft his eyes got. 
you shouldn’t have been surprised. he never even hinted that he might have had romantic feelings for you. 
the entire room erupted with applause as he kissed her. the katsuki bakugou, kissing someone? pfft, only in dreams. 
for some, the dream would be good. like uraraka, who had shamelessly kissed him back. 
for you, it was a complete nightmare. 
the blaring music, the lights, the balloons, the ‘happy graduation class of 1-A!’ 
you drowned it all out. you curled your knees to your chest. you had no right to be hurt. not at all. they were his emotions. you had no control over them. 
loneliness clouded over you. your chest screamed with longing. a longing to be held. be wanted by him. 
you were alone. nobody was coming to comfort you. nobody was- 
the door opened, clicking shut just as quickly. someone sniffled. 
your eyes flicked up from your knees. 
“y/n? i...i’m sorry, i had no idea anyone was out here...i can leave...”
“it’s alright, izuku.” 
izuku took a swig from a bottle containing something much heavier than champagne. 
that same tug in your chest came about. you were tired of seeing the billboards, the magazines. tired of seeing the unquestionably perfect relationship, perfect love bloom right before you. 
dynamight and uravity this! dynamight and uravity that! 
the music was loud enough, the lights were busy enough, and the people were ignorant enough to neglect your crying figure. 
this was supposed to be my party. he loved me first. 
“you okay?” you asked, swiping your nose. 
izuku looked back at the graduation party. “no, y/n. i’m not.” 
“then we’re both absolute shit.” you let him help you up. “why’re you crying?” 
“just...just uraraka.” 
“for me it’s just bakugou.” 
just as bakugou had calmed down during his years at yuuei, izuku had earned a sense of sarcasm. “are they just oblivious or stupid?” 
“goodness, izuku,” you joked, pressing a hand to your shuddering chest. “calling uraraka stupid?” 
he gave you a sad side-smile. you listened in silence as the upbeat music played on. 
“i guess we’re the stupid ones.” he sighed, chest heaving a little. 
“i guess,” you agreed. he pulled you into a hug, and you let the tears flow. your sobs corrupted your chest as you curled into his arms. “why? why did it have to be her?” 
“not all heroes end up happy, y/n.” 
you looked up at him, eyes puffy, sniffling. “why can’t we be part of that small portion of heroes who are?” 
izuku looked up, trying to neglect the water pooling in his own eyes. “i guess...well, not to be a narcissist—” he let out a breathy chuckle, “―but if you noticed, all the greatest heroes die with some kind of regret.” 
“maybe i don’t want to be a good hero.” you ignored his efforts to lighten the mood. 
“heroes don’t always get to choose whether they’ll be good or not. some things just happen.”
“i’m sorry, izuku.” you swiped at your eyes. “you’re hurt just as badly as me. i don’t want to make it—” 
“hey.” izuku gently pried your hands away from your face, fingers ghosting over your wrists. his emerald eyes gleamed as they stared into yours. “don’t invalidate your feelings just because of me. we’re both hurting, but that doesn’t mean i won’t listen to you.” 
your sobs came back again, and you fell into his chest. 
bakugou spun uraraka, laughing gently as she twirled in his arms. his eyes lit up whenever he saw her. they twinkled. he sparkled. his smile was dazzling. and he was everything you never had. 
you were a heartbroken mess, even after all these years. there was a list of all the reasons you were mad at him, and yourself. 
your sobs were almost uncontrollable, and at this point, you were shocked nobody came to check on you. not that you cared very much. even if you were making a small effort to hide your face, it still would have been nice to feel a touch on your shoulder, someone perhaps shaking you gently to make sure you were awake. 
not that you’d tell them what was wrong. you just wanted to know somebody cared, and to have the option to talk to somebody if you needed to do so. 
but here you were. cheesy, upbeat fifties music echoed along the walls of the room. bakugou had secretly adored artists from back then, and you’d often catch him dancing and singing along to long-forgotten oldies. 
if you weren’t his best friend, you would have blown off coming here and binge-watched ‘my best friend’s wedding’ and sobbed. 
your head was down, forehead leaning on the backs of your forearms stacked upon each other. tears were streaming down, your shoulders shuddering with each weak breath sucked in and released. 
until bakugou chose you, you had no reason to smile. at least not now. by no means were you desperate. love sometimes did that to people. made them look needy, look unwanted. 
you’ve had plenty of options in the past, but the one person who you wanted didn’t want you back. didn’t even care. 
since the graduation party, uraraka and you had been a bit tense. a part of her felt like she knew how you felt, and how bakugou mattered to you more than anyone in the world. 
after the first year, she began abandoning izuku and ignoring his emotions towards her. after she and bakugou found each other, they had already known they would settle with one another. 
you and izuku had never been close, but you were both good friends and were there when you needed one another. 
he had walked you through your pain of senior year, and you’d helped him reach a lot of his goals, too. but bakugou just didn’t seem to care anymore. not even about becoming the number one hero. he looked at uraraka like she was his goal, his new dream, the reason he was happy. he looked at her and saw that he had the world in his hands and wanted to keep it that way. 
you? you were pluto. exiled from the rest of the planets. exiled from the rest of his options, when you used to be his first. 
you and izuku backed away from each other. you’d both been crying for quite a bit. how long it had been, you were both unsure. 
uraraka now stood at the door. you peeked into the window, leaning back a bit and catching glances of the blonde, who was currently being clapped on the back by his friends, congratulated for ‘getting the girl’. 
“are you guys okay?’ uraraka asked. 
“would you cry, uraraka?” 
she tilted her head. “what?” 
you pushed yourself off of izuku. “do you think you’d cry if you saw me kissing him, too?” 
“what’re you―” 
“you would cry, too! you would be sobbing!” you stabbed an accusatory finger at her. “you were my friend! you knew how i felt, and you’re kissing him?” 
uraraka’s eyes widened. “i...i’m sorry. it all just happened, and i—”
“shut the hell up, uraraka. you ruined this party. for me and izuku.” 
perhaps you went a bit far, but in your heart and your mind, you knew she deserved it. she knew. uraraka had known. 
izuku gave uraraka a sympathetic look before pressing a hand to your back and leading you away. 
it still came as a bit of a shock that uraraka had let bakugou invite you to their wedding. gosh. little, domestic bakugou, sealing invitations and batting his eyes at his oh-so-sweet wife so he could invite his best friend. 
little domestic uraraka sweetly kissing her fiance on the cheek and pouting as she said, “how can i say no?” 
it was disgusting, and everything you wanted to have with him. 
you allowed yourself to be selfish this one time. after all, you deserved it. you’d endured hours of bakugou blabbering on about how sweet uraraka was. everything you weren’t. 
you took the bottle to champagne. your ankles were aching as you stumbled out of the room. your vision blurred, becoming foggy with tears. not one person stopped you. you guessed because nobody noticed. 
like graduation night, you slumped down right outside the doors to the party, the music, lights, and laughter muffled. the only difference was that you had a bottle of champagne and the man of your dreams was gone. for good, this time. 
“i wish she noticed me. it was like, after first year, the uraraka i knew just vanished.” 
you nodded. you and midoriya were wandering the streets, cool air brushing down your neck and on your face as cars passed. 
“uraraka was so sweet, but she lost feelings so fast and...ugh.” midoriya ran a hand through his hair, ruffling his curls. “i’m still a bit...baffled. i know people change, but she and kacchan both switched up so fast.” 
“i don’t want to say they’re jackasses, but they’re kind of jackasses.” 
izuku rubbed your shoulder as you leaned on him while the two of you walked. “don’t say that.” 
“sorry,” you breathed. 
“no more being sorry. being sorry all the time leads to shit like this.” 
you chuckled. “yeah, it does.” you sniffed. “did i take you away from the party? you can go back if you want.” 
he shrugged. “’s all right. i don’t mind.” 
“do you want to be here or would you rather be in there?”
“out here with you. i can’t be there right now.” 
“me too.” 
“let me guess.” 
you looked up and scoffed softly. 
“this was supposed to be your party?” 
you nodded. “my party, my groom. i’m not supposed to be crying at my party, am i?” 
your friend shook his head. “not at all. cheer up, y/n.” 
izuku slid down the wall, sitting beside you. he rested his arms on his knees, twisting open his own bottle of champagne. “you look like a mess.”
“and you look like you need anger management.” you smiled. 
he grinned back. “do i now?” 
“yeah, you do. you should have seen yourself sitting there. all alone, the one person drinking something that wasn’t the fifty-thousand yen drinks.” 
“54,795.75 yen, to be exact.” 
you raised an eyebrow. “you’re insane. you kidding me? why do you know that?” 
“i was the weird kid who took notes on everyone in the class. of course i would know this. i’m offended you think i wouldn’t.” 
you tilted your head back in laughter. “gosh, izuku.” 
there was a pause. comfortable silence filled the space, broken by you sigh after gulping down your drink. “so they’re gone?” 
“i’d rather not dwell on it.” 
“how old are we now?” 
izuku gave a breathy chuckle. “twenty-five.” 
you smiled. “really, now? and i thought i would be married by now.” 
“me too. ‘s a shame.” 
“how about, if we’re both still not married by the time we’re forty, we get married to each other, adopt three children and we become hot parents.” 
“yeah, we can have a mini hero agency.” 
“that’s horrifying. but i agree. having a mini hero agency would be pretty amazing.” 
“i’m glad you agree with me, izuku.” you brushed a curl from his eyes. 
“can’t wait until i’m forty,” he smirked. 
“me neither.” 
“maybe by then we would have forgotten all of this?” 
“we’ll be fighting a villain, and we get our memories erased, and then we fall in love because we wake up beside each other in the hospital. we’re both equally confused.” you peppered him with jokes. “it’s a journey we will go on together.” 
“can’t wait until my memory gets erased.” 
“do you wanna get out of here?”
izuku shook his head. “it’s their wedding. we can’t. we shouldn’t.” 
you gave him a silly look. 
“you’re always such trouble, y/n.” 
“if you hate it, then wipe that stupid grin off your face.” 
izuku’s features softened. “maybe i like it. but only sometimes.” he took your head and lead you out, leaving his drink behind while you took yours. 
a single tear rolled down your cheek. he didn’t erase all your pain, nor your feelings for bakugou. it wasn’t what you needed, no. 
you just needed a friend. a real one. one that wouldn’t steal your dream from you. and that’s what you knew you had right now. 
besides, things could happen in the future, right? 
you smiled, and let the cold air touch your skin. 
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romiantic · 3 years
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝒂𝒐𝒕 𝒙 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓-𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍!𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ࿐ྂ
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彡 ❛ 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐬 ❜
彡 𝗳𝘁. connie + sasha + jean
彡 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff + crack
彡 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: language
彡 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: my sister showed me an edit of Connie and Sasha with song tongue tied by grouplove and it’s been stuck in my head ever since then. literally so cute <33
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⤷ The four of y’all were doing definitely dubsmash videos in the middle of the hallway. Y’all all planned to pretend “to go to the bathroom” but instead was hitting that where’s Alexis Texas 😜
⤷ Roasting sessions EVERY. SINGLE. DAY !!!
⤷ Never a day where you and Connie are going at it or it’s usual you + Sasha vs Connie + Jean
⤷ Y’all heard Connie rap good ONE TIME and thought he was gonna make it big (news flash: yall ain’t makin it out the hood)
⤷ Assigning Jean and Sasha as bodyguards while you’re his assistant
⤷ You and Connie definitely have a matching durag collection, sometimes you two accidentally wear the same durag. Jean tried to fit in and wore one once and yeah…..
⤷ Eren was on his HEAD that entire day
⤷ Matching tattoos was something y’all definitely planned on having !!
⤷ I’m thinking a cute puzzle piece that connects together or matching hearts on you guys wrist or finger
⤷ April Fools Day is a national holiday that is reserved for the four of you and the four of you only. Nobody can pull out stunts like the four of you
⤷ Did it result in detention and almost suspension? Yeah but it was worth it seeing Levi’s reaction every year
⤷ Late night Walmart run and 2 AM IHOP dates !!!
⤷ Most of the time, y’all don’t even need anything from Walmart. You guys just go there to enjoy and have fun (cart races, toilet paper forts, playing on the displayed Nintendo switch, etc.)
⤷ I don’t know why but I have this feeling that you and Connie tend to battle out who can apply a wig the best
⤷ And who is your test subject exactly? Jean himself. How? We don’t know.
⤷ Elite Barbz in the building !!
⤷ You and Sasha once ran a shared nicki fanpage back in middle school (jean had one too btw)
⤷ You, Connie, and Jean were DEFINITELY the ones instigating every fight. Why? Yall got the most information out of everyone so you egg on till someone fight
⤷ FaceTime group calls almost every weekend and most of the time it’s yall talking shit about each other or bullying eren
⤷ 80% of the groupchat usually consist of reaction memes, voice messages, and/or screenshots
⤷ All four of you alwaysss played video games with each other. It’s fun but can get very competitive real quick
⤷ Most of the time, they end with bets made and people losing money
⤷ Jean and Connie STAY flirting with your mom every time they come over. Always on some “Ayo Mrs/Ms. *insert last name* wassup witchu 😩? You out here lookin finer every time I see you”
⤷ Did I forget to mention that all four of y’all always fought over who was who in Mindless Behavior? Yes you guys used to listen to boy bands together (mainly cause of you)
⤷ Cause I think I did
⤷ Holidays with the four of you are always so fun !!! On V-Day, you guys would see who would outdo each other or if one of you guys don’t have a valentine, the other three would be your valentine
⤷ Halloween would be such a mess though, Connie and Jean convincing their way for some more candy meanwhile Sasha ate like half of her bag
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blackweebtrash @lilsparkyswife @tsumusitadori @myhoodacademia @asaincy
if you would like to be added onto the taglist, fill out the form on my navi !!
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彡 it’s like 2 AM and I am TIRED
彡 also I highlyyyyyy recommend listening to the song !!!
彡 hope you guys enjoyed 🤍
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐏𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝟗:𝟏 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗄𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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devilshavemanners · 3 years
✭Blissful Summer Fun w/ Gojo✭
✭You and Gojo have been married for a lump some of years and this summer mark your anniversary. He was big plans for almost everyday of this summer.
✭P.s I’m not good at fluff, and I didn't spend to much time editing and I put beach time when I meant pool times sooo lemme alone. I had too much fun, like to much
Summer Mornings
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Sharing a bed is fine, but when it’s about to be a scorching 90 degrees outside, it’s quite uncomfortable
Gojo loves to be close to you and likes seeing his arms wrapped around your small frame(he's CLEARLY taller than you)
On movie night, he would get the fluffiest pillows and comfiest blankets and snuggle up with you. (AC ON BLAST)
It’s all fun and games until he puts a horror movie on and you keep sliding closer to him until your able to hear his heartbeat HE BIG BRAIN😫
You usually something light, like one of his shirts and pajama shorts(yours)
He walks into the bedroom, WITH LONG SLEEVES ON, DURING SUMMER
Your not an early bird but you feel like one
This Man. Your Man. Never wakes up before you
But when he does this mans doesn’t say shit, he just 👁3👁
You sit up in your bed snatching off the silky sheets. The sunlight was peaking through the shades. You looked over to your left and you saw his deep blue eyes staring back at you. “EEK!” You screamed falling back off the bed. Those blue eyes staring you down were somewhat terrifying. You regain your balance and move on top of the bed. "Really, no warning?" He sits up, smiling with a boyish smirk. "You mad," he says in a challenging tone.
Beach time
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He doesn’t show off too much, he just opens up his button-up shirt and shows off his abs, see nothing much
You were all and most swimsuits but his favorite task is to pick out the cute “girly” ones
You’re his biggest flex, if he can show you off he will 
He loves the ones with texture and he likes how it shows off your curves
The floral pattern reminds him of an innocent girl, your not one, and he enjoys seeing that
Wants to play all the beach/ pools games if possible, mans might invite Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara
If he does then that makes 4 working brain cells
Nobara would comment on what you’re wearing and then comment on how lewd it looks, Yuji would just complement you, MY FUCKING HEART, and Megumi would treat you as he usually would.
“____ is Marco, Gojo would shout backing away from you. He always does this bs btw… You gave a thumbs-up as you closed your eyes. Before you could utter the name Marco, Yuji and Nobara begin screaming to the top of their lung “Polo”. Something was off about it all because they know how to play the game.” Are you trying to help me or what,” you opened your eyes only to see a shadow of a man-like figure. Your dearest husband Gojo was jumping in the water, on top of you. Shouting at the top of his lungs, “ RIP MY WIFEY,” which was soon followed by Nobara, Yuji, and Gumi in a sing-song tone says “AYEEEE”. You were practically drowning. Before you came up for air you saw Nobara, Yuji, and Gojo with cheesy grins on their faces. “I’m gonna go hang out with Megumi.” You noticed him chilling under the umbrella in a lawn chair
Late Night Dinner Dates
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 You’re his biggest flex. Remember that.
He likes to keep things fun so usually, he’ll tell you to close your eyes and he’ll dress you. Sir Sir SIR
The feeling of his fingers grazing your body makes the whole room heat up.
On dinner dates, it’s just whole stuff. No playing footsies. No sexual jokes. No taking a picture of your panties and showing them to you.
He wants to eat outside with a good view, when there is a sunset he enjoys staring at your beautiful sun-kissed cheeks.
Order what you want, he’s rich. He mostly doesn’t care.
Sometimes if you have a beach view then you two will go and dance on the sand to whatever background music
Bad at dancing? So is he. STIFF WHERE STIFF WHERE.
He would pick off your plate and think he’s slick about it. Your not, just ask
“ .. and that’s how my day went, and yours,” you said, swinging the glass of wine around in your hand. No response, just him staring. “Gojo ?” you questioned moving your head side to side. “Stop all that damn moving, I'm trying to admire the artwork”. You froze from the sudden compliment. “I could stare at your pretty face all day, and I will,” he says, picking up his wine glass. “Your personality, the way you uphold yourself, YOU”, he raises his voice slightly with excitement. Your cheeks felt warm and like they were on the fire. “Awe, my little cutie is getting flustered.” You try to respond but can't think of the words. "Your personality shines brighter than that face of yours, don't think you just pulled me because of your looks," he ruined the mood.
Bathtime for two
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There’s no such thing as “I’m taking a bath” it’s WERE taking a bath
You can take showers alone all day long until someone is horny(not you)
He loves bubbles and he likes hiding in them because …. Well… he just blends
Unlike most men he likes the extremely fruity femmie soap smell (bi-curious)
If the water ain’t the perfect temperature, he’s not getting in, instead he sits and puts until you fix it.
You sit in front or behind. Depends on who washing who's hair
"Gojo, can we get out?" No.
The water was a little too hot this time, when you took your morning bath with your husband. You weren't home alone but the house was silent. Gojo had already took a hot shower and was currently drying himself off. You opened the bathroom door with your bathrobe and tied tightly around your waste. "Whatcha doing there sweetheart," he said, focusing this attention. "I was gonna take a bath but-. You were cut off as soon as your heard the bath water running. Your speedy love had already got it ready. "Really, you just got out of the shower." Ignore. "It's all about bonding with you sweetheart, I like feeling you against me, heartbeat to heartbeat, skin to skin, y'know." Shit, he's too good
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