#I also have a normal Eggman but the duck-
farasen · 4 months
Russian dub yapping
It's my turn to rant on the Russian dub. So, as I previously mentioned, dwk cannot be found on any official sources or streaming services. Therefore, they're not written down at any VAs role list, which means all the following may turn out to be false (although I'm 100% sure on most of them).
Leon (also Michi and this guy with glasses from the Cool kickers)
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One of those who I'm 100% sure, because the actress' voice is pretty recognizable. He was voiced by Irina Grishina, an actress and a voice actress. She also voiced Helga from Hey Arnold! in some seasons, Nelson from The Simpsons and younger Tommy from The butterfly effect. Also Pixel and I guess Ziggy at some point from LazyTown.
Jojo, Natasha and Raban (plus background characters)
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Also 100% sure on this one. They're voiced by Olga Golovanova, and, yknow, it's the voice that you call your "childhood voice" because this actress voiced quite a lot of movies and cartoons so she has quite many characters. For example, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle from My little pony, Daphne from Scooby-Doo, Rhonda from Hey Arnold!, Lady from Lady and the Tramp, Mercury from Sailor Moon and many many more.
Deniz and Markus (also Paul and some other background characters)
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Another VA that I'm sure in - Prokhor Chekhovskoy. Also a recognizable voice actor with a lot of background. He voiced Frodo from The Hobbit, Jaskier from Netflix The Witcher series, Ted from The Lorax, Tobias from TAWOG, Marty from Back to the future, Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes show. He also voiced video games characters, like Ralph from Detroit: Become Human, as well as some from League of Legends and Dota 2.
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Now to the ones I'm not really sure about. Marlon is supposedly voiced by Irina Kireeva. She's a quite popular actress, but I think she specializes more on films and games. It's Ashley from Mass effect, Zarya from Overwatch, Romka from Russian novella Tiny Bunny, Eivor from Assassin Creed and more.
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Also not sure about him, but people say he's voiced by Daniil Eldarov. He voiced BBC's Sherlock Moriarty, Knuckles and Eggman from Sonic Boom, Captain America in many Marvel movies, Luke Skywalker, etc.
Who voiced her? Shit if I knew. The only one on whom I couldn't find anything, even though I'm pretty sure I heard her voice before. But so far I have nothing on her, if I find out I'll make an update maybe.
Okay, so we're done with that, but may I comment on the quality?? Even though I think rus dub is one of the best dubs for dwk, there are still some errors. Like there were a few times when the actor just changes for one phrase for no reason and you're like wtf?? And it's always Marlon for some reason idk
Like, the first is his normal voice and the rest is.... whatever this is
Also the way they pronounce Kevin (yeah it's English version of names for us) differently every fucking time. Sometimes it sounds like [e] and sometimes it's more like [ye]. It's not that bad but it's kinda annoying.
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tails-boogie-board · 2 years
It's my 100th post! It means nothing but I'm sentimental so have some baby!Tails. This one is a bit older, it takes place before the other Chaotix one with Charmy. It also explains why he and Sonic were there in the first place
"Nope." Vector said, casually throwing out Sonic's only real lead. "We aren't investigating anything this weird and last we saw him, he was normal. No idea what happened to him."
With a huff, Sonic dropped the orange box on Vector's desk anyway and rolled his shoulder. It was some machine, with Tails' logo in the corner and more importantly, a sticky note with 'vector chaotix tomorow. grab tweezers' still stuck to it.
"Which was?" Sonic asked.
"About 2 days ago." Vector said, and the timeline matched up, "Tails was helping us out. The car got... uh"
"The cops took it!" Charmy announced from the floor, not looking up from his crayons.
"It wasn't the cops." Espio said, sharpening a kunai.
"Uh, yea they were. They had badges 'n everything."
"That didn't make them the police."
"But when we pretended to be cops, we had badges."
Vector sighed, looking up from his desk as the two argued behind him and gestured to the lump of technology.
"It got impounded when we were helping out with Eggman. Tails was givin' us a hand getting it back."
At his name, Tails flew up to the desk to hover next to Sonic. He was holding his drawing close to his chest, but eyed the machine hungrily.
"They always take stuff!"
Vector scooched to the side to give the kid room to land, but Tails just circled curiously.
"He was supposed to stop by yesterday, but we figured something was up." Behind him, Charmy was slowly rising to be taller than Espio.
"That doesn't always mean they're cops, Charmy!"
Tails looked between Sonic and the table and then down at his paper. He dropped to the ground and walked over and Sonic dropped to a crouch instantly.
"What's up, buddy?"
Tails' big eyes got even bigger and he stared up at his brother in awe and Sonic smirked. Rocking on his feet, the kit used his paper to hide his smile before he shook himself down to the tips of his tails.
He pushed his drawing at Sonic, not looking away and Sonic inspected the back of the paper for a second longer than he wanted to admit before he took it.
"Hey! Remember what I said, if you throw crayons, he can throw kunai."
And Sonic had seen enough blueprints in his life not to recognize it, even if this one was in crayon. It was for some kinda plane and Sonic's grin softened, Tails never really changed. There was arrows pointing to potential improvements, probably.
His own name grabbed his attention, and on top of the plane was him, with Tails in the cockpit. They were both smiling and he was pretty sure that it was Angel Island in the background, and the Master Emerald wasn't the large red dot on it.
He looked up from the paper and Tails bashfully ducked behind a Tail. Sonic pulled him into a one arm hug and after a second, mused his fur, it was still kit soft. Tails squirmed to get away and Sonic leaned into him, holding him down with his weight, the drawing safely in the air.
The kit dropped to the floor and Sonic followed, hitting his quills on the desk.
Tails. baby. shorter. Right.
"No! No one throws anything, capache?"
He groaned and there was a victorious giggle above him. Sonic rolled over onto his back, picture clutched to his chest. Tails was hovering above him and shot him a thumbs up before he finally fell to temptation and landed on the desk. Taking a moment to collect himself, Sonic looked at the picture again and at the one star in the clouds.
Rolling to his feet, Tails bare twitched an ear. He was busy messing with the thing -though it was technically his so Sonic figured it was fine.
Vector had Charmy under one arm and Espio's wrist in another and they were both arguing. Vector's headphones slipped and bass filled the air and Charmy yelled louder in response.
The desk beeped and all noise stopped.
Sonic's shoulders hiked and he was a step away from grabbing Tails and bolting before he caught up to himself. Tails looked surprised too and pulled away from the machine. A green light was on, but otherwise it looked the same.
"It's doing some weird stuff." Charmy said, floating closer.
Tails pressed the button again and the light turned off.
Espio leaned in close and looked at the machine, Tails pressed the button again and the light flickered on.
"I assume it is some sort of an EMP or it causes some equal disturbance."
Charmy laughed, "Bet it would take off the boot, no problem."
Vector pushed Charmy away and nodded at Tails who cheerfully turned the machine off.
"Hey Sonic, up for some fun?"
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Tails and Sonic as horror monsters would be kind of terrifying. With Amy, you could at least *try* to fight her off if only barely, Eggman is too busy toying with you to kill you directly, and Knuckles is simply looking for emeralds and would leave you alone if you got all of them.
But Sonic and Tails not only CAN kill you, but basically can't be stopped short of delaying them. Sonic due to his sheer speed and Tails because of a combination of speed, strength, and his own intelligence. They're fully aware you're at their mercy and live so long as they allow it and you follow their rules, but that could always change as the game goes on. Sure - Tails might start out just giggling and picking you up to drop you to your death, but he could just as likely start sniping you from above with his blaster later on. Or trailing you from the skies and you have to duck into buildings to avoid him rushing you down from above and cutting you in half with his tails.
And Sonic might start out just tailing you then speeding away from your light, but as you progress he might just start following behind at a slow but steady pace, calm smile set on his face. The flashlight only dazes him for a few seconds and no longer drives him off when he's like this. Your only choice is to run. He could catch you instantly, but he's in no hurry.
I’ve always thought they’d be really good horror characters, setting aside sonic exe (which has managed to bring me much discomfort) and I’m glad someone else sees em this way!
I’m thinking Sonic after a whole would try to mess with your head. You keep looking for something that isn’t there. You hear him but he’s just not coming. You think it’s a glitch, but nah. Eventually he does show his face. Don’t look away from him because that will allow him to get closer quicker. He tries to lead you further from your goal. He also works with Tails to get traps inside the buildings so he can watch you struggle to free yourself as he gets closer.
Tails eventually becomes a homing missile, coming to either deliver devastating damage to your chest with his tails, or to ram you against a wall. You can flash him! But he will scream. Find the nearest hiding spot because Sonic is now upset.
Eventually Tails can come into the buildings, but he doesn’t attack unless approached. He just wants to help Sonic with traps. He doesn’t put them outside because he doesn’t see the fun in a stationary target.
I’m thinking the game will have 3 routes:
- get out and only think of yourself
- Help Knuckles and no further
- Figure out the mystery and help return the characters back to normal.
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iamapoopmuffin · 2 years
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I like Sonic Heroes a normal amount I swear-
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Modern Sonamy in a life and death this may be the end scenario where Sonic is finally forced to confront his feelings for Amy that he knows have been there for years. He plans to spend their final moments telling her his love but they are saved at the last minute. Afterwards he tries to go back to the usual but realizes he doesn't want to have any regrets and not have Amy know the truth. So he tries to figure out how to to tell her but the message isn't coming across until he gives her a kiss!
Watch Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests - Ep.1 timestamp: 47:51 to hear my thoughts on this prompt back when I was first thinking about it! (Sometimes my thoughts change, so don’t be too disappointed if my processes changes a bit over time!)
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN, so do not submit them until you see the post about the ‘grand reopening’ announcement or see that the ‘ask box’ tells you they are open. THEY ARE NOT OPEN AT THIS TIME.
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(Art found here: x Please support the original artist!)
The gravel scooted and crumbled away from her hand as Sonic and Amy slammed against the side of the rocky wall, trying to dodge the intense heat of the magma from within Egg-Canyon-Mountain where they were attempting to sneak in and take the Chaos Emeralds back from powering a large and terrible machine.
The Machine right now didn’t matter though, because just before they were to remove them, Tails radioed that the machine was self-destructing, and it was all a trap.
Eggman had fled knowing the Chaos Emeralds would just pulse away from each other and become shooting stars in the daylight sky, and he’d have to find them all over again once the reactor malfunctioned sufficiently enough to flood the canyons with magma.
“Sonic, it’s only rising!” Amy was momentarily kidnapped when trying to reach the machine’s first Chaos Emerald slot, where Eggman used her to force Sonic to battle him and his new incredible robot, but it was all to buy time for his fatal trap.
Laughing as he exited, he dropped Amy and made a snide comment about ‘Dying with the one you love’ being a last mercy he’ll give... to Amy that is.
Even while dangling in the clutches of Eggman’s hovering robot’s metal talons, Amy couldn’t have judged well enough the machine’s overheating and powering up processes. It was truly unexpected, but completely within Eggman’s bounds...
Squished between the rocky layer of steep, vertical terra and a sweating Sonic, Amy was sandwiched between the thought of how they were gonna survive this.
“It’s not as fast as you, though!” She looked back over to him, seeing his eyes were fixated on the molten rock slowly rising to them on the thin strip of raised pathway they had against the side of the canyon, finally having made it out of the caverns...
This didn’t look good... Sonic was hot and panting to keep his body temperature regulated. With some degree of knowledge in health and medicine from treating his wounds and injuries all these years, she could tell he was too hot to run at full speed like usual without the proper coolness to not overheat himself. Not just that... but she was added weight... he’d never be able to scale the mountain’s straight drop at top-speeds if he had to carry her too...
She was nowhere near fat but still... this wasn’t looking too good for her.
Without missing a beat, she finally closed her eyes and pushed her nose to the wall, breathing in a dusty and dirt-filled breath of self-sacrifice and spoke aloud an unforgivable sentence. “If I hadn’t insisted on coming with you... to spend more time with you... in hopes that you would fall more in love with me if I was just as into adventure as you were... then you’d be able to run up this wall and get to the top safely.”
He turned his sights back to her, a frown apparent as she was speaking negatively, and he hated that. “Since when were you doubting?” he was always trying to play it cool, and as she took a sorrowful peek back to him, she couldn’t help but gently smile in her grief at seeing his cheery and confident smile.
“We’ll get out of this.” he assured her, “I need you to hang on, though. No more talk about what should and shouldn’t have happened. Can you get up on my back from here?” He looked back at the rising lava, apparently having a plan now.
She nodded, deciding it best not to bring up the inevitable, since her Sonic could do miracles!
... At least, this time, she couldn’t let him fall to his untimely death because of her persistence... 
She spun and he caught her to help her keep balance on the strip and then she tied her arms tightly around his neck as he began to slowly climb.
However, looking down at the speedily approaching magma filling the veins of the large expanse of rock with blood-colored fury and heat, and then looking up to see not a speck of the other side or even the sky as it was just a long, never-ending stretch to half the sky... she felt her heart sinking again.
He really could go faster without her, and looking down again, she saw the strip they were moments ago being pushed up against was now being reached and submerged in the melting rock...
Liquid fire... Was this the story of when Sonic had to face Metal that first time? She remembered him telling the story of reaching for Metal him’s hand before he whacked it aside, refusing to be saved by the one and true hero: Sonic.
There was only ever going to be one Sonic The Hedgehog... but there could be others that would love him just as much... though her grip tightened at admitting it, and ducking her head down, unable to produce tears in the steam of the ripples of heat rising up the cavern.
If they didn’t die of one slip-up or not moving fast enough, they would surely succumb to heat-exhaustion or heat-stroke.
Sonic felt the slight tug on his chin as though her grip around his neck had tightened in a desperate attempt to hold on, and although already straining to climb with someone else and his body feeling like a sauna plus a volcano at his feet, he really didn’t want to believe Amy was giving up on him.
“Amy..!” he called, having an instinct of what she was thinking, “Don’t do it!”
Amy’s head jerked up, “S...Sonic...” She was amazed he had caught on so quickly to her thoughts... her emotions... “B-but,... I-!” she wanted to convince him to let her do it, to let her allow him to run up the rocky wall and save himself.
“We’re getting out of this together or not at all!” he finally blurted out, taking Amy aback as he twitched to reach another hand out for another piece of rock that could be firm enough to give him a sturdy hand-grip. “Erk... ugh... ha... ha... Do me a favor, Amy... ha... umph!” he reached back and threw her up, shocking her as she cried out his name. “And quit acting like we’re dead already!”
She hit against a leveled path that slightly crumbled under her weight, making her kick her legs to scoot quickly back against the wall as Sonic was then able to Spin-Dash to a higher level, reaching down a hand for her. “Hurry!” he called, as she looked back to gasp at the lava not taking any ‘rest-stops’ so to speak. “There might be a cave that tunnels up from here!”
That was a sensationally good idea, except for one problem... if they went back into a tunnel and it went downwards.... then the magma would pinch them in on both sides... and their wouldn’t even be left unmelted fossil remains of them...
But right now, up was good.
She spun around and got up, reaching for his hand and having him struggle to hoist her up as she got her foot on the wall just before the magma rose and splashed against where she was just sitting. “Ah!”
“I-I’m fine.” she squinted an eye as she was grateful the splash didn’t burn her. Her feet were fine, she hadn’t been exposed to it.
He pulled her up and the two just breathed heavily in the others arms a moment.
“You... can out run it... Sonic.” Amy spoke again, only hearing a grunt of annoyance from Sonic as she did so.
“Quit... fooling around... Amy.” his hold on her had loosened so much... she knew he was growing tired. First having snuck in and destroyed some robot scouts on the way down, then Eggman’s battle, and then rushing out before the magma overwhelmed them... Then climbing up such a perilous wall with her on his back... “Do you... see any tunnels..?”
She didn’t even look, she just pulled his forehead to her own, holding it there with her own, sweat-soaked white gloves on either side of his cheeks... saying her farewells in secret. “I know I’ve never voiced it before... but... I...”
Sonic blinked his eyes, before grabbing her arms, their gloves sticking to their skins and making a light blue, see-through effect through the shiny oils on both their exposed skin. Their furs were wetted and they’d be too slippery to attempt to climb again.
This was it.
Sonic lightly moved her to the wall, showing in his face his unbelief at her distrust all of a sudden that he could save them both, but beyond the hurt expression... there was a look she hadn’t fully seen before.
He pinned her slightly as he willingly put his forehead to hers and shut his eyes, trying to keep his breathing normal. “I know.” he stated, then with a shaky voice... “And you’ve always known too.”
She was frozen in that heat-soaked moment... Sonic finally dropping his own tall walls for a brief moment as they could hear the slushing of the magma rising to where they were.
They both looked back, Amy over his shoulder and Sonic to look at the impending doom before them.
“You had to know.” He chuckled out loosely, exhausted now emotionally too, “I gotta at least leave you with some comforting closure.”
“Of that?” Amy thought that the sweetest thing, but also grossly inappropriate for the timing.��“Why did you wait till now to tell me?”
“Validate you. I never said anything.” He smirked, even now, trying to keep things light.
She wanted to kiss him, but felt that that would be an even greater sentence, and she’d be framed as the worst timing for romantic advances in history.
Even worse than his...
Sonic smiled to her before something glittery flicked light into his eye and caused him to squint it a few times repeatedly. Turning to find out what the strange source was, the two’s mouths opened at the entrance of a metal bunker impeded into the wall... not seen without the glow of the rising magma.
“An elevator!” The two exclaimed, seeing a mining device next to it. Sonic quickly scooped her up and pushed her in, “Going up!” he pressed the button but she didn’t want to part with him, the Elevator could be slow or worse, the mechanism below could be melted away by now.
“Sonic!” she cried out, agreeing--somewhat--with Eggman that she’d rather die in the arms of her beloved than alone in a small elevator meant for hauling metals up to the top of the canyon. And who knew where this actual thing landed! Maybe it wasn’t the top?
Sonic gave her a thumbs up and signature wink as she could see the lava splashing against the sides of where he was, “Noo!!!” as the chute shut tight and started cranking her upwards. She flung her back to the opposite side of where the tin had shut and felt the heat and the moment consuming her. ‘Sonic... do you mean that..? Do you really... love me?’
Sonic was tearing up the ground in his wake as dust spiraled behind him and he almost flew up at supersonic speeds through the canyon. All the while, he narrowed his eyes to the straight path the elevator was meant to take, making sure it reached the top. ‘Faster... Faster... Faster...!!!’ his eyes widened as his teeth clenched, seeing the lava building up and never stopping, not even for a moment, in consuming the rock beneath it and yet, his eyes trained to fixate on the metal pole that meant the chain was still hauling Amy up. “Endure it just a little longer,... Amy...” his eyebrow furrowed before bowing as he tripped by not watching where his feet were going. “W-woah!” he noticed he had reached the top and was falling now, having pressed his foot to air which had started the tumble. He gripped frantically to the edge of the large landscape and was able to get enough wind in his heels and strength left in his fingers to stop his falling... he had made it... he’ll be okay.
But that wasn’t enough.
He heard the metal bending and cranking, as though slowing the rising, treasured container of it’s load from coming up. The metal was beginning to tilt and loosened itself from it’s bolted railing and started to dip like a bending fish hook towards the flaming sea...
“No!!” Sonic leaped up and raced to the pole, “Amy!!!” He reached out and bent to grab the wall and the bending metal, using himself like a stretched chord to keep the metal from bending further, suspended between rock and the pole as he could feel the jolting of the chains continuing to crank up, but slower than before.
‘I have to straighten the poll out... or Amy will never make it!’ he was running out of juice and energy... but strength rose in him as he thought of her... He couldn’t let her down... he couldn’t let himself live knowing she was still in harm’s way...
He was mellowly delighted that she was accompanying him on this adventure. Though he never showed it, he enjoyed her hammering swings and ricocheting off robots to stop dramatically in front of her and strike a pose, knowing she loved it when he showed off. He couldn’t naturally give slight looks and charming flares to the dudes, it would be weird, but he enjoyed the moments he could when Amy was around.
True, sometimes, he felt he couldn’t fully be himself around Amy or she’d overly fawn after him... but even then... he could see and feel how much he meant to her.
He never felt the need to be more for her, even though he knew he probably should act a bit more gentlemanly here and there, which he did, but never overdid it to avoid getting exploited by Amy’s constant yearning for more attention from him.
He was never upset when she insisted to tag along with him for a journey or perilous undertaking. He just always knew he needed to keep an ear and eye out to make sure she was safe at all times... other than that? It was just fun to have her around, constantly praising him. Though... he didn’t like her ‘pampering’ behavior when she’d rub his hand too much if he punched a tough-made robot... he still didn’t mind the doting every now and then.
Clenching his abs, he finally scrunched his body enough to bend the pole somewhat back into a straighter line, causing the chain to move quickly with each thought he had for Amy and how he was determined to saving her life.
She had saved his... after all. If she had self-sacrificed herself... he would have... never... ever... forgiven himself such a lost.
Amy was almost about to collapse at the heated panel beneath her butt and feet, fearing the lava had caught up with her, until there was a jolt and she stopped fully. “S...Son...ic...” The chute opened and a sound like a swift wind brushed through her small compartment and gave her somewhat relief,... but not as much as cool hands that gripped her firmly at her sides and pulled her out.
When she came too, Tails and Knuckles were standing over her and Cream was attending her.
She remembered a similar scene with Cream... when she had almost drowned in the water when Eggman attacked back in Chris’s world... what... where was Sonic?
“I..” she could barely get a word out, and Cream kept dabbing the cool cloth on her head and adjusting the cooling pads under her back, on her sides, and over her stomach.
“Don’t worry, Miss Amy.” Cream spoke out, cheerily but with a worried and loving look in her eyes, but showing signs that Amy was going to be alright. Her little heart pattered quickly as she stopped a moment and reached back as though forgetting something, putting a flower by her side. “Mr. Sonic said to give you this when you woke up! He said you deserved to see some life after all the dull rock you were exposed too.”
And the pitch black of the heated tin chute... he must have felt awful about that being the only other way to get them out of there alive.
She had no idea about the pole that threatened to snap and dip her into slowly into a melted death... but as she got better, Tails told her Sonic had gone after Eggman, and she gathered that Sonic hadn’t told any of them the extent at what they had gone through.
‘He’s keeping up appearances... he doesn’t want to trouble or worry them more than he already has.’ she concluded, thinking that noble and brave... somewhat.
She wanted to tell them, so badly, about everything... but silently accepted Sonic’s assumed wishes.
She also didn’t want to worry anyone... but... Oh, she wanted to tell at least one soul about the encounter!!!
Sonic had... he had really... ohhh!!! Her heart was overjoyed!
But... when she came to see him...
As per-usual, he was up atop a windy place, looking over the nature he spent his whole life preserving and protecting... admiring it’s beauty and natural power.
With a kind and neutral smile on his face, he suddenly turned to see Amy walking happily up to greet him.
Seeing his gaze, she paused a moment and halted, putting her hands together and in front of her, trying to look feminine and delicate.
“Hello, Sonic.” she greeted, blushing as her eyes closed and she giggled to herself lightly.
“Amy,” he nodded to her, a true picture of boy coolness!
She squee’d, “When are you gonna act like how you really feel at seeing my cute face?” she cupped her cheeks and turned away as if ‘trying’ to be modest about it... but then blinked her eyes when Sonic responded in a way she wasn’t expecting.
“Huh? I am acting the way I always do, Amy.” He folded his arms, looking more... puzzled... than she thought he should have.
“But- ah.... uhh...Ohhh!!!” she did her signature whine and shook her once -delicate- hands in a fury of frustration down at her sides. “That’s not how you feel at all!” She contested, but he didn’t seem to want to fight as his smile slightly fell.
Her eyes came back to his neutral ones and looked somewhat pleading to return to a place they once were... or at least... had just gotten to. “Why are you being like this..? After everything we went through on that ridge...”
He just quietly stared at her, before lowering his head and closing his eyes, shaking it softly back and forth. “I think you were misguided, Amy. The heat had gotten to us and we... said things we didn’t actually mean to express.” he then looked up at the sky, as if trying to dismissive the topic further. “Of course I care about you, Amy,... But I can’t say it’s to the extent that you’re hoping for. To where I suddenly run into your arms, or something mushy like that... heheh.” he had a bead of awkwardness like a sweat drop slide down the side of his face as his mouth squirmed it’s lines to show how uncomfortable with this he all was.
Amy felt her heart chip away just like the pebbles of the rocky wall... as though she was trying to climb the wall he had pasted up again after only just placing it down back then...
“You’re... You’re not being fair...” she wanted to call him cruel, but she knew that was a lie. She wouldn’t lie... whether to herself or to him.
But this...
This hurt so much.
“What’s wrong with liking me?” she finally had the coolness of the earth to allow tears to peek out from her eyelids, but never fully emerge. Her body quivered in the cold, but she ignored it, too angry and hurt to care. “You can’t just press restart every time you show me how you feel, Sonic The Hedgehog!”
Her outburst caused a sharp bolt of lightning to split Sonic’s core in two. His heart ripped as though torn about how to follow something that dramatic and genuine up... He’d had hoped for the social norm again... but that seemed a bit too late.
He flinched back and then relaxed, scratching behind his head, “I guess you’re right, Amy... I’m not being very fair to your feelings... but you can’t blame me for being hesitant about my choices...”
She was sniffling, and he realized she probably didn’t have it in her to say more right now. Sighing, he walked down to her and smiled tenderly, kindly opening his arms to invite her to hug him.
“Let’s just say... I don’t really have a way with words.”
“They’re enough for me...” she hiccupped through her tears now pouring out. “You’ve always been enough for me. Every part of you, every inch and every word ever spoken and act ever done has been enough... when will you get that? When will you learn that whatever you choose to do for me... for my sake... knowing how hard it is for you to express that freely and openly like you did in that moment... it’s always been enough to shake me.” she fell to her legs, bawling now as Sonic awkwardly stood there and blinked, realizing she was going to break down.
“H-hang on, just a second, Amy!” he was shaking his hands out to get her to stop crying and calm down, but her tears and wailing didn’t cease, she was already emotionally compromised and it made him feel like a bigger jerk than ever before.
“Alright, enough already... I get it, Amy...” His face quite literally seemed to deflate on itself as he lost the energy and will to keep up the persona. “You heard what you heard, and I never said I wanted to take it back... just that I can’t always do that from now on. I didn’t want to lose you... that part is, and will always be, true.”
Amy took her hands away from her eyes to see the resounding truth that was on his face. “I... I don’t want-” she hiccupped, a cute and gross reminder that she had been holding all this in for some time now since Sonic’s first departure. “to lose you... hck, either...” she sniffed.
Chuckling at her appalling sense of self-preservation or even an idea of self-image in this moment, Sonic kindly wiped her eyes with his finger and looked to her as though slowly backing the wall up and away from her, but not fully putting it down yet. “I can’t promise I won’t lead you into dangerous times, Amy... but I can say that I will never leave you behind in those moments. Not ever.”
She pouted, “You shoved me in a dark chute.”
“T-To save your life!” he gestured out to her, his arms out either side of her and extended as though to plead his case, “You were right, Amy, I couldn’t have carried us both up, it was the only way!”
She continued to give him a hard look of judgement.
“You gotta believe me, honest! You knew it was the only way!”
“...It was still scary...”
“You survived!” his words almost smacked the idea as though fanning it away, but he never dared to say ‘quit complaining’ as he could tell she was just riling him up.
She smiled, unable to help it. She enjoyed seeing emotion out of him, even expressed in ways like this. She batted his chest, secretly snuggling into it, “You’re the worst, Sonic The Hedgehog! You make me cry and smile at the same time! No one does that...” she muttered the last part out, and it was almost cute... almost.
Sonic rolled his eyes, “Come on, give me a break, Amy...” It almost sounded like he was complaining, but it was to keep up with her playful antics. “Forgive me this one time?”
“I forgive you every time.” Amy mumbled into the side of his chest.
“...Forgive me for being a dunce?”
“I forgive you for that all the time too.” she continued to play, making sure her mouth’s movements and the vibration of her words could be felt in into his chest too.
There was silence...
“Forgive me for... this?” his hands suddenly caught her up and her lips were silenced for a time that for her--seemed to last eternity.
When his kiss parted he was gone with the wind, as though unable to stick around for the aftermath.
She was frozen in disbelief before shouting out in a type of ‘hoorah!’ for her success, but also...
Sonic did know the perfect timing for a romantic advance... he just didn’t always have the words or courage to say it~<3
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sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 25
The story continues, and we’ll be doing a bit of a character moment in this one, I’m trying to think about how to introduce it, but honestly it may just be better to jump right in...
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    “You’re lost, aren’t you?”
    “Just means no one can find us easily!” With a cheerfully raised finger, Rosy drew forth a groan from Draw.
    “Just what is wrong with you, you weirdo girl!”
    ~Draw didn’t have to keep calling me names, but it was starting to feel like a nickname by now. But he wasn’t wrong either. I was lost.
    ~It wasn’t the bad kind of lost though. I had collected a lot of Rings while running to the rescue of the odd little creature that called for help, so I could always make a Ring Gate to leave at any time. Though I guess that could make me more lost. But really, Draw and I are fine!
    ~Somewhere under the pretty mountains, the winding caves and tunnels had led us into an amazing place! Water shimmered like the night sky underfoot and massive crystals grew out of the walls. And… well out of everything. There were trees growing everywhere too, but not enough to feel like a forest. The occasional cloud drifted by overhead as well blocking out how the cave walls themselves looked like the night sky. Fireflies and other glowing bugs looked like shooting stars as they sped about, and it was all really well-lit to as the crystals glowed and made it kind of like it was daylight. Of course, all the floating platforms and grass lined tunnels boring into the fake night sky made me want to go exploring, but I couldn’t leave Draw behind and he was tired of the piggyback ride I was giving him.
    ~Admittedly, I was getting kind of frustrated too. The weird little creature we rescued was avoiding me and kept hiding behind Draw whenever I tried to look at it. If I looked out of the corner of my eye though I could see it letting Draw look at it before it noticed me and hid again though. It was really starting to ruin our walk through these pretty caves.~
    “You don’t suppose it doesn’t like me, do you?” Rosy asked as she tried to lean back to catch sight of the tiny flying creature before it ducked behind Draw again. Her cheeks puffed up in response and Draw laughed at her expense.
    “Keep making faces like that and it definitely will be!”
    “Ooh~! This isn’t the time to be mean Draw,” Rosy chastised her koala companion. “Someone stuck it and all of its friends inside of those robogolems–”
    “Autogolems,” Draw interrupted Rosy with his name for the clockwork golems.
    “And that reminds me too much of that mean old Eggman from back home,” Rosy continued, her cheeks growing even larger at Draw’s correction.
    “I still don’t get the name. It just sounds like you like food too much.”
    “Ooh~! It’s not like that at all!” Rosy whined thrusting her hands down at her side coming to a stop. “He really is a mean old man and shoves animals into his robots. He wants to shove me and my friends into his robots too, and if not for Sonic he would succeed too! He’s really scary, even scarier than Ix.”
    “If you say so,” Draw shrugged and put his hands on the back of his head. Looking over his shoulder he spotted the glowing creature staring at him and smirked. “She really is a weirdo, isn’t she?”
    The creature nodded its head, which comprised the entirety of its body, and Draw’s smirk grew even larger. “Oh, so you can understand us. Shame you don’t have a mouth to talk with. –Gya!”
    “It can understand us!” Rosy excitedly tackled Draw as she tried to get a look at it. Naturally, it ducked away and Rosy’s face started to grow red as she puffed her cheeks up even further. “Ooh~! If only I could make Ring Bonds like Sonic and Ix! Then we could get over this problem and talk, and you could tell us why you’re following us even though you seem to be so scared of me! Why didn’t you go with all of your friends anyway when we freed them?”
    Rosy’s tone and demeanor became much more sympathetic as she directed a more curious question at the creature, but it simply continued to hide from her. With a sigh she stepped away from Draw and reached into one of the sleeve puffs of her leotard.
    “I’m really trying to be nice and just want to help, but maybe I should just ask my cards. They seem to be able to hear you so maybe… Though it’s a little hard talking that way.”
    Looking back, Rosy saw the creature peak out from behind Draw and looked right at her. Her face lit up with joy believing she finally got through to it, until it shook its head in denial. Absolutely crestfallen, Rosy whined her disbelief aloud. “Why~! I don’t get why you’re being so mean! I’m just trying to help!”
    With a defeated sigh Rosy slumped to the ground, her legs forming an awkward “W” shape as her rump hit the ground.
    “You’re not actually giving up, are you?”
    “No. I’m just taking a break,” Rosy looked up at Draw summoning back up the positivity from her endless supply. “I just need to take the time to think of how to get through to it and help it realize I just want to help and be its friend.”
    “It could just be you?” Draw suggested earning a new cheek puffing look from Rosy. He was not ready to be dismissed so easily though and offered a bit of help in his own way. “When I asked it if it agreed that you’re a weirdo girl it nodded in agreement.”
    “What~!” Rosy whined in further disbelief. “It thinks I’m weird too? Ugh! You two should just make a Ring Bond you’re already so close.”
    Flopping onto her back and kicking her legs out before letting them flop down, Rosy stared up at the faux night sky of the cavern. It looked beautiful to her, and the Rings spinning on the ceiling made her think of holding one as Sonic held it opposite of her. She could see the depths of his green eyes and had a terrible feeling of yearning for him.
    “Ooh~! What am I saying? Only Sonic and Ix can make Ring Bonds and neither of them are here. Though I’d definitely rather have Sonic here.”
    “I’d rather have your golem,” Draw shared his opinion curtly. “Then I could destroy it and we could go our–”
    Draw did not finish his thought as the Ring-colored creature flew out in front of him and shook its head. “What? You think I should keep traveling with this weirdo girl?”
    The creature nodded and Draw wrinkled up his face. “You’re turning out to be a bit of weirdo too.”
    “Don’t call people names,” Rosy reminded Draw and was promptly ignored as the creature shook its head.
    “Well, talking like this isn’t normal either.”
    The creature nodded in agreement.
    “So, what do you want to do about it?”
    Looking around a moment, the creature bobbed in the general direction of a string of Rings that was within reach for Draw. Tilting his head, Draw took a guess at what the creature wanted to do.
    “You want to try one of those Ring Bond things?”
    The creature nodded and Draw grew even more curious. Rosy also grew curious and sat up. “It wants to try? Can it really do it.”
    “Dunno,” Draw shrugged, but the insistence of the creature as it flew in circles around him, always stopping for a moment to align itself and his line of sight with the nearby Rings, seemed to assure it. Draw however frowned. “I guess this thing wouldn’t know that Rings are taboo.”
    “Well, it shares the same color as one,” Rosy laughed not knowing what else to really say to demonstrate it. She knew nothing about the creature, despite how much she wanted to learn. Now though she had an opportunity and stood up, dusting off her bottom as she did.
    “Why not just try?” Rosy attempted to prompt Draw into giving in to the creature’s request. “At most nothing will happen, and you won’t even collect the Ring. Though if you do, I could always give you a good slap and knock it back out of you!”
    “You’re just saying that because you want to get back at me for always calling you names!” Draw panicked at Rosy’s playfully mischievous toothy grin.
    “May~be,” she winked at him teasingly making him take a panicked step back.
    “In that case no way! Those things are taboo and cursed anyway. And knowing you’d hit me… I definitely don’t want anything to do with them!”
    “Come on!” Rosy pleaded but Draw shook his head fiercely.
    “Ooh~! You’re just helping out. I promise you it won’t hurt at all!”
    “And why should I believe you? You just want to hit me!”
    “No I don’t. I was just teasing you a little. It’s only fair with how often you call me names.”
    “Well, you’re a weirdo girl! Of course I’m going to call you names!”
    “Ooh~! That does it!”
    “Wait, what are you…?”
    Taking another step back as panic started to fully set in, Draw watched Rosy’s hand as golden motes of light formed before giving way to the sudden appearance of a Ring. “Helping!”
    With a frustrated shout Rosy moved to throw the Ring and Draw turned and bolted. Rosy was ready though and threw the Ring so it would come down in front of him. Her bad mood was serving her especially well as she glared at the creature and prompted it to chase after Draw. Even more impressively, her throw resulted in Draw’s pumping fists to accidentally reach out for the Ring as it came down in front of him.
    “Oh no~!” Draw cried out as he could not stop himself.
    As his fist collided with the Ring, the creature smashed into it from the other side, staring directly into Draw’s eyes as long as it could. As the two touched it, the Ring stayed a moment and glowed brightly before dispersing into a flurry of golden motes. There were far more than would normally appear from a single Ring being collected and they swirled around Draw and the creature before being absorbed into them both.
    As the spectacle ended Draw looked down at himself in horror, his hands shaking with disbelief. “What did you do to me?”
    “It’s a Ring Bond! You two really made one! I can’t wait to find out what it shared with you!”
    Excited as Rosy was though, she stopped short of taking a step forward as sounds in the distance caught her attention. Turning her head to follow the sounds that made her ears twitch she paused a moment before speaking. “Voices?
    “Wait here Draw,” Rosy instructed the mortified child. “I’ll go check it out while you figure out what our little friend shared with you~✩”
    “It is not my friend!” Draw shouted after Rosy, who had already bolted off with a wink. Draw could never keep up with her speed and felt helpless. Though not entirely.
    Turning his head Draw gave the creature an angry glare. “So, what dd you do me?”
Scene 25 · CLEARED An Elusive Companion, to be continued
And how’s that for a little surprise. I’ve introduced yet another character that can create a Ring Bond! There is obviously more going on, but I’ll save the answers to those mysterious for next time.
I hope everyone enjoyed and I hope I’ll be able to keep entertaining you! Thank you!
Special Thanks to Cutegirlmayra Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song – What Makes the Sky Blue – Tsutomu Narita – Granblue fantasy Original Soundtrack: Promise
Fair Use Disclaimer
Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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l-sincline · 4 years
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 4
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
He had walked Amy back to her booth that night, thanking her for her service on his arm, and claiming that he’d come back if he ever needed anything else. She’d offered for him to come by any time to say hello and thanked him for the dinner, but with his personality she quite frankly doubted she’d ever see him again. She’d turned to walk into her booth, and by the time she’d looked over her shoulder to see which direction he’d already disappeared without a sound. She wondered how he did it.
Anyways, she was feeling quite refreshed this morning. Smiling at every potential customer that passed, fixing minor defects on ProjScreens for free, finally talking to someone outside of work had done a world of good for her. Amy could tell it had cleansed her mind and relaxed her a bit, and she felt a bit more like she had when Tails had co-owned the booth with her. She didn’t know how long this feeling of security and peacefulness would last, but she intended to take advantage of it for as long as she could. So, she put up her ‘be back soon’ sign and stepped out of her booth to go and visit Whisper.
The rusty bell jingled as she pushed open the creaking wood door, Whisper’s weapon shop bustled quietly with activity. A few children stood staring at an impressive sword like weapon in a glass case, and a few seemingly more serious buyers turned a base model of a blaster over in their hands.
“Amy! Come on behind the counter.” Whisper’s damaged voice reached Amy’s perked ears as the mechanic turned to look at the weapon maker and quickly headed to get behind the counter.
“Hey Whisper, sorry I couldn’t do this last night.” She apologized as she walked around the counter to stand in front of the wolf mobian.
“It’s quite fine, I understand being exhausted. I caught a glimpse of the piece you were putting back on, it looked very different from anything I’ve ever seen before.”
“It was pretty strange, but enough about my work, what have you got for me?” Amy redirected the conversation as it twisted to be on ‘Myst’s strange cyborg arms. She was sure he wouldn’t want them to be a topic of conversation, even if she didn’t know him that well, she could tell that much.
Whisper merely nodded in response before reaching under the counter and pulling out the model. As it was, it looked a lot like the metal ‘bag’ structure she’d been picturing.
“It’s made out of aluminum, so when you finish it I’m assuming you’ll make it with perhaps cobalt or some other lightweight strong metal, but this is the base form.” She explained. “The strap is here-“ Whisper popped open a compartment and the strap fell out. She continued to speak as she hooked it on to a loop on either end. “-it has magnetic fibers in it, so when you want to be able to go from using it as a weapon to using it as a bag quickly, it can just attach itself to the outside, as long as your metal is magnetic.” Whisper hung the bag over her shoulder to demonstrate how it looked. When she dropped the bag from her shoulder, she pressed a button on the top and the handle of the hammer shot out the other side. Whisper grasped it by the handle and twirled it a few times before stopping to grip it with both hands in a strong stance. “And here’s the finished product.”
“Wow...” Amy breathed out in awe as Whisper lowered it and handed it to her. “I can’t wait to work on it!” She smiled. “Beautiful work, Whisper, really.”
“I’m glad you think so.” She smiled back. “I can’t do lunch today, unfortunately, but something tells me you want to get to work right away.”
“Right- I’ll see you later, Whisper.” She smiled as Whisper waved a quiet good bye.
Amy weaved through the stands displaying weapons and out onto the busy, outer ring streets, where she dodged mobians walking quickly past her to get back into her booth and put away her ‘be back soon’ sign. She set the model down on her desk and quickly got to work on it, now eagerly hoping that no one would bother her for the rest of the day so she could get it done as soon as possible.
After a few hours of replicating pieces of the aluminum model with cobalt she had almost finished forming the head of the hammer, but it was then that she realized there was an odd silence coming from outside the booth, accompanied from a familiar hum she didn’t quite like to hear. She turned to see the mobians in the street parting the way, parents tucking their kids away, others ducking into alleys to be out of the line of fire of the devilish thing- a Robotnik Robot, easily most common to the outer ring, where people were less likely to be able to defend themselves against the flying robots, and where the government didn’t care to check up on often. The white and black robot hovered off the ground, it’s one beady red ‘eye’ shooting off a beam that it used to scan the crowd. This was normal- it was looking for someone, maybe a citizen had gotten ballsy and kicked one and the Doctor wanted his revenge. It wasn’t as much of revenge as it was an excuse to spill some blood though, she supposed. What she didn’t find normal was when it stopped on her. She hissed in pain and shielded her eyes at the sudden bright light of the robot scanning her.
Subject: Amy Rose
It spoke emotionlessly and Amy froze- what did that mean? Usually it just scanned subjects and moved on- why had it said her name?
Amy Rose, you are the last Mobian in contact with Project Shadow, reveal his whereabouts immediately.
What? Amy shrunk back a bit and found herself grabbing the aluminum hammer, it might fall apart if she used it, but she would still have all the pieces at least.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Amy shouted.
Amy Rose, reveal the whereabouts of Project Shadow.
It repeated with no care for her testimony.
“I don’t know about any ‘Project Shadow’!” Amy shouted again, angrier this time, desperate for the robot to hear her and give up.
Amy Rose will be: Terminated.
She gasped as the robot came shooting towards her, eye beginning to shine as if it were ready to hit her with a terrible blast. In a moment of adrenaline, she spun on her toes and lifted the hammer with both hands. By the time she’d made it all the way back around again, she swung as hard as she could, and BANG- home run.
The Robotnik Robot went flying back out into the street as she followed through and the hammer poised back up behind her head again. It’s white body clanked to the ground and skidded, creating a horrible screeching noise before thunking against the wall of the building opposite of her and powering down. Amy breathed heavily in fear as she lowered the hammer and dropped it to the ground, the reality of the situation coming back to her senses as the mobians in the street slowly stopped staring at her and began carrying on with their day. A couple kids scrambled to tear the broken robot apart for parts, and she clutched a hand over her chest.
What. Was. That.
She had never, never in a million years, ever been targeted by Robotnik robot. At first she thought it might’ve been because he had found out Tails had used to work here- but Tails was no ‘Project Shadow’ unless he had suddenly changed drastically in the last twenty four hours. It seemed that ‘Myst’ was her only viable culprit for the ‘Project Shadow’. Amy picked up the aluminum hammer off the floor and placed it back on her work desk, amazed it hadn’t fallen to pieces like she’d thought it would. She sat back down on her stool and pulled out her ProjScreen.
Her first search was ‘Project Shadow’
The web showed it as nothing more than some Projection vlog channel of a kid who had no more than ten subscribers.
She looked up ‘Robotnik Project Shadow’
Same kid as before, except it seemed he had made a video ranting about the Doctor, seemed like it might be amusing, just not right now.
She tried ‘White Cyborg Arms’
Most of what came up we’re just arms taken from androids modeled after white colored mobians- cats seemed to be the most common, though she also saw what appeared to be a bird- and a few were actually pictures of Mobians with white cyborg arms, but none of them were what she had looked at only a few days ago.
Then ‘Cloaked Cyborg’
And now she was getting somewhere. The first article that came up was from about two months ago, and the headline read ‘Blue Blur goes head to head once more with the Cloaked Cyborg’ she clicked on it and was met with a gut wrenching picture.
It was the Blue Blur, just as handsome as everyone claimed, right in the middle of kicking her familiar mysterious customer in the cyborg arms with his cyborg legs, through the shadow of the hood he wore she saw the gleam of clenched teeth, it seemed that his shoes were skidding on the ground as well. Something told her he would have flown into a wall right after this picture. Her stomach churned- the man she had met did not seem deserving of this treatment, but then again, she hardly knew him. What had he done to get to that? She read the article quickly, the most she got out of it was that the people were lucky to have the Blue Blur to save them from wrong doers like the Cloaked Cyborg- but it still didn’t tell her what he had done. Clearly he had some sort of connection with Robotnik, she was almost one hundred percent sure that it was the doctor himself who had made ‘Myst’ those arms now. He had also apparently done something to get on the Blur’s bad side, and by extension Tails, which meant that it was good she never showed Tails the arm, but bad that she’d let a fair amount about Tails slip to ‘Myst’. Amy groaned and powered down the ProjScreen. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of all this. She didn’t like that she couldn’t find what ‘Myst’ had done anywhere on the web, but a part of her felt like she was betraying Tails by not immediately contacting him to tell him what had happened. Her unease swirled in her mind as she clenched her hands into fists in her lap. For now, it seemed that it might be best to just not say anything at all. She didn’t have to lie to Tails if she just didn’t talk to him, and with any luck, ‘Myst’ would not reappear at her booth anytime soon. She felt like she was trapped in a web, but all she could do was toss the ProjScreen to the top of her table and start working on the hammer once more.
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skull001 · 5 years
Friday... It was like 7:30 PM and thought I could take a quick 10 minute nap but was so exhausted from work that next thing I knew was waking up at 3:00 AM. And since there is not much to do to pass time, I decided to do something about it: write.
One of the things I always liked about the Sonic franchise is it's characters. It's not only that they have very appealing designs that combine cute traits with a touch of coolness, but also their well defined personalities. Saddly, I often see people get the wrong idea about them... and it's not just the fans (particularly the fandumb who misinterpretate them into something they are not out of spite) but even the people who are supposed to be professionals who for some reason struggle to get the hang of characters that at first glance seem to have simple personalities.
Today I'm just going to focus on the main cast besides Sonic: Eggman, Tails, Amy and Knuckles.
Dr. Eggman IMO is a character that was always meant to be a cartoony villain who is as goody as he is dangerous. While in Japanese manuals he calls himself a scientific genious of evil, the truth is that Eggman is for the most part, just a very selfish and immature fellow who happens to also be the most brilliant mind in the entire world.
The reason why Eggman is so dangerous is that he pursues his selfish desires such as building an entire amusement park just for himself (and to absolutely share it with no one else) without ever thinking of how he puts everyone, himself included, in great danger by handling forces that he can't expect to control. He is like a very spoiled manchild who is playing with fire in a tinderbox.
While he considers evil, it's also important to note that Eggman is not exactly what I would call sadistic (except in the Archie/IDW comic) since he never is shown to enjoy the suffering of innocents that are caught on his schemes... Eggman simply just doesn't care, but I believe that if he were to be conscious of how his actions affect others, he might at the very least hesitate on going further with his plans because despite being a trouble maker, Eggman is not a monster and in some occassions has shown to still have redeeming aspects that do surface from time to time.
Another interesting aspect about Eggman is that despite him boasting about how great it is to be him and acting all smug, he might actually be a character that feels lonely. In Sonic Unleashed, this point was brought by Chip and think there is validity to it because in the next game, we're introduced to his two assistants Orbot and Cubot, who ever since have kept company to the doc, though as expected, he treats them awfully (but never in a cruel way) just like a bully would to their henchmen. Perhaps Eggman does want to have friends, but because of his selfish and self-centered personality, he drives away anyone who might want to try to come close to him. Heck, the only reason he and Amy remained Fuzzy Puppy buddies in Sonic Boom was that for once, Eggman stopped acting like a spoiled brat and returned the stolen figure after Amy threatened to stop being his friend.
Tails (aka Miles Prower). Tails is a character that has suffered a lot in recent games because of what I mentioned at the start of this wall of text: simple characters who are misunderstood.
This is a character that is meant to be the kid of the group, and as such, he would be the one who experiences doubts and self-confidence issues because while you have strong and experienced characters like Sonic and Knuckles, or the self-made heroine that Amy Rose eventually grew to become, Tails is just the youngest member of the group who for the longest time relied on being by Sonic's side to have the confidence to do things.
Tails has a talent when it comes to tinkering with machines which seems to bring him great joy (I imagine it's the kind like when I build sci-fi model kits), and is always seeking to gain the acknowledgement from his friends by showing to them his latest inventions. At heart, Tails is a gentle child who is the exact opposite of Dr. Eggman because while the doc uses all his talents and resources for self-serving purposes, Tails wants for his inventions to help make life easier for others. However, often his inventions have flaws/bugs that the boy oversees because of his child-like enthusiasm, and this can sometimes cause troubles (like in Sonic Boom's "UT" episode) that causes for Tails to sink into his own doubts.
One thing that I feel is very important to take into consideration is that Tails should never be the kind of character that guilt-trips the audience into feeling sorry for him. When one feels empathy for a character, it's often because they struggle and show very humane and relatable emotions. Tails being confused about what went wrong is IMO a very sincere form of showing his doubts and him trying to correct them is his form of struggle. A trap writers could fall for is to make the other characters act mean to him which is something I feel should be avoided because it cheapens the whole thing.
Amy Rose. With Amy, the thing I liked and always believed is that out of all the characters, she is the one with the most potential... And what annoys me is the way Sonic Team fails to deliver on it by all of the wrong reasons.
I always loved Amy because she is one of the characters that to mee feels the most "real". Amy is a very energetic and bubbly girl with an endless supply of optimism that always makes her see the best out of any situation. She also has quite some flaws too, like being impulsive, quick to jump into conclussions, can be a bit feisty, etc... IMO, this makes Amy feel closer to the normal people and believe that in the Sonic franchise, she serves as a bridge between Sonic's bigger than life adventures and the normal, everyday life. But if there is one thing that this character has that won me over, is her compassion and empathy for others. Sure, every character can show that too because it's a basic humane quality. However, none of them takes it to the length that Amy does because what makes Amy unique is that her compassion and empathy also extends towards the bad guys. You see, Amy is the kind of character that believes that everyone deserves to be happy in life, and because her insight makes her realize the sadness experienced by those who lost their way and deviated into a dark path, she will try to make them realize the inner good that they forgot existed or did not know was there. Where Sonic saves the world, Amy saves bad guys from themselves.
Funny enough, Amy herself is a character that I am very sympathetic for because unlike Tails and Knuckles, who from the very start of their careers had the full support of Sonic Team and always received a preferential treatment, Amy is a character that had to start literally from zero to get where she is now... and even then, sometimes it feels like she is often left behind by the developers who overlook the many things that she as a character can contribute to the main cast, what she herself can accomplish as a hero, what she can add as a playable character... And it's this one-sided form of exclussion that feels so unfair, based on dumbass ideas like "she wasn't part of the Genesis trilogy" that has resulted in so many missed opportunities... From SA2 not continuing her character development by giving the spotlight instead to Knuckles (who didn't even contributed to the plot in any meaningful way and was just there for the sake of pandering to his popularity), to being robbed in Forces from being the leader the IDW comic showed (and which previous games hinted she would one day become) to Mania not having her in the game despite already haven proved to be a great addition in Sonic Advence, giving her spot instead to a couple of literal nobodies. Even the animated mini-series would had also forgotten all about her had it not been for Tyson Hesse, who likes the character and always wanted to feature her and insisted until he got the green light to go ahead with what I feel is the most special episode of the Mania Adventures mini series (and the oerfect Christmas gift for me).If only Christian Whitehead and Takashi Iizuka had been more like Hesse... Cowards. No, I'm not even fucking sorry for calling them that.
Sometimes, as an Amy fan, it's so very hard to have any love for things like the immensely popular "classic trio" (the concept, not the characters involved) because how this has resulted in Amy always getting the short end of the stick. This is a character that IMO should had been right up there along Tails in terms of importance, not being sidelined or excluded over crap "reasons".
And finally, Knuckles.
Oh Knuckles, where do I begin. Despite how sometimes I may sound harsh towards the character, I have to say that I do like Knuckles because as a character, I believe he can be one of the most entertaining and relatable of the franchise, but because Sonic Team are a mixed bag themselves (they create wonderful character designs and give them unique personalities for the most part, but God if they can be clumsy when it comes to handling them) I feel that Knuckles is the opposite of Amy in that he is a character that fell victim of his popularity, where Amy on the other hand is a victim just because she wasn't introduced in a certain trilogy of games.
As a character, Knuckles feels like a mix between Donald Ducks short-tempered personality, and Daffy Duck's jealousy towards the main character. Indeed, Knux can be quite explosive with his temper, especially if it involves unwanted visitors laying their filthy casual paws all over the master emerald, or when facing unexpected obstacles (I know how this feels... I too hate when my work is affected by factors outside my own power. XD) which in animation, were hilariously captured by Tyson.
Knuckles relationship with Sonic on paper is that of a friendly rivalry... Not because Knuckles is this supposedly good, close friend of Sonic, which I still believe he is not (Tails has a reason to be a close friend, Amy has a reason AND had to struggle and insist until she finally got there... Knuckles though, he was never given one, although it's never too late to start working on it), but rather, because Knuckles was never a bad guy... He simply was some echidna with a very honest and naive sense of what is right which Dr. Eggman took advantage of to pit him against Sonic and Tails. Even if Knuckles was thankful to Sonic for helping clear the mess and recover the master emerald, I believe that deep down, Knuckles still resents having not only been tricked by Eggman, but also being beaten by Sonic... and not just in the literal sense of having been KO'd in Kombat, but also in the sense that Sonic did what he was supposed to do: retrieve the master emerald. This IMO is a wound in Knuckles' pride that never truly healed.
And this brings me to what makes Knuckles so sympathetic. Knuckles is the least brilliant mind of the group. He us also stubborn... A literal knucklehead. And yet, Knuckles is aware of this and in more than one occassion has expressed his frustration and regret for how easy he can be taken advantage of... How could someone not love Knuckles and just want to give him a good hug? This is why I was so very moved when the Archie comic had a heartwarming moment where he and Amy have a talk during a journey to retrieve the shards of the master emerald. Ian Flynn did a great job IMO at humanizing Knux by having him open up to Amy and talk about the things that trouble him, from Sonic being a teased, to his doubt to whether he is worthy of being the master emerald's guardian... And how Amy not only reminded how despite his mistakes, he never ever gave up. And when their adventure was over and succeded in their mission, Amy gave Knuckles that hug he deserved and needed so badly to make him feel appreciated.
They are all wonderful characters when they are done right, and why it so frustrates me so very much when they mess up with them because people, like the unintelligent mass of meat that they are, will always jump to the laziest and easiest conclussion, which is why they all have been given negative stigmas that have been so hard to shake off.
I really wish that these characters were made not only justice, but also to be handled by competent people that can understand what makes them themselves, who understand how they are suppose to act like and provide something that actually rewards their fans instead of punishing them (I'm looking at you Sonic Forces!). Funny how it's cartoons like Sonic Boom, the very last Archie comics and the IDW comic that has been delivering the things I always wanted while the games struggle and fail to deliver. This is why the idea of the next game worries me because I really don't have much faith in Sonic Team doing anything that has not been done in the last games: Sonic only, Tails's character being further butchered while Amy and Knuckles are glorified extras. How can I even have the least faith in them when their track record speaks so loud and clear? Only way the next game will give this characters the care they deserve is if the story is writen by either Ian Flynn or Tyson Hesse. They're the only ones that deliver what Pontac, that other guy and Sonic Team themselves failed to do.
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sonicrevival · 5 years
Ultimatum- Chapter 4 of 5: Raid
Oops, I’ve been slacking on the upload schedule here. Life’s been weird.
Still, here’s the next chapter:
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18500557/chapters/44004604#workskin
Sonic: Revival- Ultimatum Chapter 4 of 5: Raid Emerl and Silver stood back as Sonic, Tails, and Amy hugged Sally tightly, as Nicole floated over to join the two of them. “Not joining the group hug?” Emerl asked. “Oh, I had my turn already. Besides, no body,” Nicole replied, her avatar growing to normal size. “Is she safe now?” Silver didn’t avert his eyes from the quartet. “Yes, she is. Eggman’s programming has been purged from her systems, and the bomb has been completely disarmed. I think it’s safe to say this crisis is at an end. Or at least, it’s not a crisis anymore,” Nicole explained. “There’s still the matter of restoring her to normal, but I think I have a solution for that.” “You do? Those mods seemed pretty extensive. I’m not sure we can reverse them…” Emerl mused. “Yeah, I can’t imagine Eggman would keep her original parts after he removed them. I mean, I haven’t seen much of the guy, but he seems like that kind of monster,” Silver added. “True, but if we super-charge her repair systems, then we can just dismantle the ‘upgrades’ and let her fix herself!” Nicole beamed. “Will that work?” Silver tilted his head. “In theory, yeah,” Emerl nodded. “My repair unit does the same sort of thing for me, I was basically a skeleton when Nicole woke me up.” “Okay, next question, how do we do that? I mean, I’m gonna guess it’s not as easy as plugging her into the wall.” The grey hedgehog shrugged. “No… It will need to be a much more powerful charge… this needs to be completed quickly, and for injuries this extensive, I’m not sure if even Emerl’s core will be enough…” Nicole shook her head. “Fortunately, I think I might have a solution,” Sally walked over, followed by the others. “I couldn’t keep from overhearing, but I know that Eggman has another Chaos Emerald within the Death Egg. If we can recover that and combine its power with the one inside Emerl, that should do the trick.” “The Death Egg’s that big stupid-looking space station that’s landed in the distance, right?” Emerl asked, jabbing her thumb in its general direction. “That’s correct,” Tails nodded. “Are you guys in any condition to attack that thing?” “We don’t have a lot of choice, do we?” Sonic asked. “If we don’t go for it now, we might miss our chance, and that’s not an option.” “Alright then,” Emerl shrugged. “Group up, I’ll warp us in.” “Actually, you’ll have to settle for getting us close,” Sally shook her head. “Eggman has the whole thing shielded against teleportation.” “Well, alright then.” *** Having closed the distance within seconds, Sally led the impromptu party into the Death Egg. With Eggman several miles from the station and with no functioning technology to hand, the Robian squirrel still had full security clearance, and was able to simply lead them through the door. Of course, once they were inside, the security systems detected the presence of the rest of the group, deploying an array of sleek, white-armoured guard robots emerging from concealed doors within the walls, aiming automatic arm guns at them. “These are new,” Sonic commented, crushing the cranium of the nearest robot, bouncing to another, then another after that, leaving a trail of non-functioning droids in his wake. “Wow, more terrible robots,” Emerl’s fist tore through another, ripping out the core of the machine, slamming the shell into the squad behind it. “Isn’t this guy meant to be smart?” “He’s also insane,” Tails replied, cutting the legs and weapon arms away from the robots, as Amy batted them away with her hammer. “According to records, he has actually stopped his minions from claiming victory over Sonic because he wants to do it himself. These likely aren’t meant to be that dangerous, and were probably made to just slow Sonic and tire him out before Eggman would confront him personally,” Sally explained. “Of course, he isn’t here now, so that’s only going to work in our favour.” “Well, can’t complain about that,” Silver waved his hand, scattering the remainder. “I can,” Emerl growled, jogging over to the door. “I want a good fight, and so far, I haven’t had one.” “Maybe wait for that until we’re not on a time limit. We have to get this done before Sally’s charge runs out,” Nicole smiled slightly at her new friend’s grumpiness, then glanced at the control panel. “Hold on, I can get this open.” Before the lynx could make her move, however, Emerl slammed her fist into the sliding door, punching it clean off of its tracks and propelling it into the room on the other side. The hologram paused for a moment, shooting Emerl a look as she huffed and stomped through the doorway. “That door was tougher than the robots.” “They’ve known each other for a matter of hours and they already bicker like Sonic and Sally do,” Tails sighed. “Hey!” Sonic yelled. “I mean, he’s somewhat right…” Sally mumbled, scratching the back of her head slightly. *** Progress through the station wasn’t much different after that. The robots posed little threat to the group, even with four of them tired and a fifth barely able to fight in her current body. Sally continued to lead them toward the core of the station, where their quarry lay. As Emerl tore another set of doors away from their mountings, they stepped into the core chamber, the Emerald casting a blue light from pillar in the centre of the room, wires and cables extending out from it and disappearing into the walls, floor and ceiling. “There it is!” Amy beamed. “This looks too easy…” Silver mused, eyes flicking around the room. “You’re right, there’s something in here…” “Welcome, Sonic! I hope you’re enjoying your tour of my wonderful Death Egg!” “Eggman!?” “Unfortunately, this is a recording, and I’m not around to share some scintillating conversation with you. Poor timing on your part, of course. Still, I knew you would seek out the core of the Death Egg once you found it, and the Chaos Emerald therein, and I couldn’t leave it unguarded, so I hope you’re ready for a fight! Allow me to introduce the greatest of the Metal Series and Mecha Sally’s partner in crime… Mecha Sonic, kill him.” The base of the pillar opened, steam pouring out as the shape of a tall, broad-shouldered robot, vaguely in the shape of a hedgehog, appeared through the fog. An orange-red visor lit up, a bar of identical colour crossing its chest. It took a step forward, clanking heavily on the metal floor, as the cloud parted, exposing its blue armour. “Hedgehog: Priority One.” Its engine roaring into life. “Oh, that’s not good.” If Sally could’ve gulped, she would have. “That is actually not an awful design… Alright…” Emerl cracked her knuckles, dropping into a low stance, her arms wide, fingers spread. Her third optic opened, and her eyes narrowed, as if smiling with anticipation. “Let’s go!” Both robots launched forward, boosters carrying them over the ground. Emerl drew her fist back, winding up for a heavy punch… only for the newcomer to juke around her strike, accelerating past her and toward the rest of the group. “Hey!” “Scatter!” Sally commanded. She and Amy jumped to the sides, as Tails and Silver took off. Sonic lowered himself, and returned the charge in kind, curling up as he launched forward. His spinning form hit the robot’s forearm, only to bounce off, slamming into the back wall. Grunting in pain, he looked up to see a metal fist aiming straight for his face. His head ducked to the side as Mecha Sonic’s punch crumpled the wall where it had been just a moment before. “Hey, excuse me!” Mecha Sonic’s head glanced over its shoulder, just in time to see Emerl’s backhand crash against its temple, denting the armour slightly. The machine staggered and was seized in a cyan aura, suddenly disappearing across the room and crashing into the pillar. “You okay?” Emerl asked, as Sonic peeled himself off the wall. “Yeah. Seems like it’s fixated more on me than on the nearest threat, and I don’t think I can take another fight like this, so I’ll keep its attention, and you guys beat it down!” He straightened himself up. “Guys, hurry! I can’t hold it back much longer!” Silver shouted, visibly straining against Mecha Sonic’s strength. Nodding, Sonic launched himself forward, boosting into the paralysed robot, driving it through the generator. Mecha Sonic’s back scraped against the ground, kicking up sparks, as Sonic sprang off of it and began to run away. “Catch me if you can, tin-grin!” He jeered. It rolled onto its front, preparing to stand up, just as Amy brought her hammer down on its back. Its arm swung out, knocking her legs from under her. Rolling up into a spiked shell, it launched itself off the ground, homing in on Sonic. He just managed to evade it, leaving it to crash into the floor, cratering it. Uncurling, it reached out for him, as he turned on his heel and kicked the robot in the face. With a dull clang, Sonic stumbled back, clutching his foot, and received Mecha Sonic’s fist in his gut for his troubles. Hurled across the room, he thudded against the wall for a second time, wheezing for air. “Okay, bad idea,” He groaned, as Mecha Sonic stood up, stomping toward him. Its hand retracted, the barrel of a gun extending in its place, pointing it at him. It opened fire, but the bullet never found its mark, squashing against the forearm of Mecha Sally, the Robian glaring daggers at it. “Unit: Mecha Sally. Stand aside.” It spoke flatly. “Never.” She carefully moved herself forward, stance low. “Unit acting in violation of protocol and given orders. Unit has turned traitor. Unit will be destroyed. Priority system disabled.” It thrust its arm forward, fist reforming as the royal moved to dodge. The new weight threw her balance off, however, and she stumbled awkwardly, the attack just scraping against her armour. Unsteadily, she caught her balance for a moment, leaping forward to kick it. Her attack falling short, she felt the robot’s foot crash into her stomach, throwing her back against the wall. “Sal, are you okay!?” Sonic helped her stand. Even with the beating he’d already taken, he had elected to focus on her. “Agh… this body’s all wrong… the strength, the weight, none of it works.” She groaned. “I’m not sure how I’ll be able to fight like this…” “Well, you can’t be doing as badly as us,” Sonic smiled weakly, trying to steady himself. As if to illustrate his point, Tails’ attempt to slam his namesakes into the droid’s armour was halted when it grabbed hold of the attack and swung him into the floor. This time, it didn’t stop there, however, and brought up its foot to stomp on him. “Hey, get away from him!” Sonic yelled, boosting into his newest mechanical counterpart. Unsuspecting and balanced on one leg, Mecha Sonic was unable to prevent itself from being lifted off the ground and slammed into the column once again. Jolted for a moment, it raised its arms over its head, then swung them down onto Sonic, knocking him to the floor. It kicked him away, straightening up. As he scraped to a halt near Sally and Tails, Sonic spotted Amy charging toward the robot. Leaping up, she swung her hammer straight down toward its head, but it sidestepped, hand coming up to grasp the head of the weapon, stopping it dead with a loud clang. It twisted, swinging her into the remains of the column, then reached out with its free hand, grasping her neck. It roughly drove her into the floor, tearing the hammer from her grip in the same motion. Sally sprinted as best she could toward the Mecha Sonic. Despite her lack of agility with the awkward, heavy body, she was still in better shape than most of the others, and even if fighting was almost impossible like this, she could at least take hits that they couldn’t. Mecha Sonic’s head snapped toward her, and it threw Amy straight at her, forcing her to halt her charge and catch the hedgehog. The robot turned, hurling the stolen hammer into Silver, breaking his aura. Rolling into its shell again, it revved up and launched into the falling hedgehog, rebounding away and striking Sally’s back. Landing, Mecha Sonic turned to face the fallen group as its chestplate slid open, a squat barrel emerging from within. Sally gently set Amy down, forcing herself upright in time to see a harsh red light building within the newly exposed cannon. At this range, all of them would be hit by the blast, and most of them were unable to dodge. Raiding the Death Egg had been a bad idea, Sally decided. They could’ve gotten another Emerald, rather than just running in when most of her friends were running on empty. Just as Mecha Sonic braced to fire, Emerl landed behind it, wrapped her arms around its waist, and flipped it backwards, suplexing it headfirst into the floor. The cannon fired, a storm of plasma erupting from its open torso, completely destroying the central pillar and tearing through the wall of the chamber. Righting herself, she kicked it away, metallic spines scraping against the ground before it flipped over and came to a halt, lying on its front. “Nicole, jump into Sally. She needs you more than I do right now,” Emerl stated, squaring off with the Mecha Sonic as it stood up once again. “Are you sure?” “Yeah, she can barely fight, maybe you can help her. I’ll be just fine,” She nodded, punching her fists together. “This is just what I’ve been waiting for.” Both robots charged at each other, as Nicole nodded, retreating from Emerl’s systems and returning to Sally’s, settling in. “Is this a good idea? My processor is already rather taxed,” Sally asked, feeling the AI uploading herself. “I have an idea, actually. Your body isn’t suited for the way you normally fight, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do something with what we have to work with. I will just need to do some power re-routing, though…” Nicole replied. “Like Emerl said, you’d function a lot better with just the one pair of cannons and swords, though I suppose you only have one of those now. The others are relatively useless and just taking up energy. Once that’s done, I’ll just be aiding your muscle memory.” “Right, right…” Sally flexed her right arm, the blue blade extending from it. “Let’s try it...” Emerl ducked under Mecha Sonic’s first punch, driving an uppercut of her own into its midsection. It staggered, torso spinning at the waist as it stepped back, arm clubbing against the side of her head. Reeling away, she grunted slightly. “Huh, felt that. Nice,” Emerl charged, her engines firing, drawing her fist back. Mecha Sonic responded in kind, palming the Gizoid’s punch aside and slugging her in the chestplate, launching her back. Bouncing off the floor, she tumbled over, slamming her hands into the ground to bring herself to a halt. Mecha Sonic rolled up, spinning toward her. Emerl revved herself up, surging forward to meet its charge. Both robots rebounded off of each other, homing in again. The bladed shell dug into Emerl’s curled form, flicking her back and forcing her to unroll. Mecha Sonic opened again in the same moment, engines roaring to life as it barged into the smaller robot, driving her into the wall. Pressing its forearm against her chest, it flipped out the gun in its free arm once more, the barrel widening and pulling back to expose a small missile, which it aimed right for her face. Before it could fire, the larger machine jolted, rearing back as something sliced into its back armour. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Emerl activated the laser beneath her crest, blasting it back, drawing her feet up and kicking both of them into its torso, sending it crashing to the floor. Sally flew up beside her, balancing carefully on her own engines. “Thanks for the save,” Emerl nodded to her, peeling away from the wall. “It’s tougher than it looks. I’m surprised that it’s one of Eggman’s.” “You’re welcome.” She smiled. “Nicole’s rerouting power from the useless weapons to the sword and arm guns, so I should be able to help.” “Alright, let’s finish this thing and get that Emerald!” She grinned, folding out her chainblades, and launching herself at Mecha Sonic. Sally followed, activating her left arm’s cannon. She curved around, opening fire from an angle where she wouldn’t shoot Emerl. Standing upright, Mecha Sonic raised its arm to shield itself from Sally’s gunfire, dodging Emerl’s diving thrust at the same time. It brought its elbow down sharply onto the Gizoid’s head, stopping her flight short as her face met the metallic floor. It turned, firing the missile at Sally, but a precise shot, aim guided by her AI comrade, destroyed the rocket. It exploded before it had even gained a lock, cutting off Mecha Sonic’s vision of her. Taking her chance, Emerl jumped back to her feet, slashing across its shoulder. It rounded on her, throwing a punch at her face, meeting the flat of her second blade with a tooth-grinding shriek. She chopped her free blade down, but it grasped her wrist, forcing her weapon away Seizing her chance, Sally lunged through the smoke, aiming her sword for the robot’s arm, slashing at its elbow. The arm buckled backwards, and Emerl wrenched her blade free, cutting across its midsection. The sword ground against its armour, but didn’t penetrate it, and Mecha Sonic rose up again, backhanding both of them aside. It leapt after them, grabbing Emerl’s ankle and slamming her into the floor, before hurling her away, into the wreckage of the central pillar. She stumbled to her feet, blades folding away as she shook her head, trying to clear her vision. As she steadied herself, a bright blue glow caught her eyes, filling her sight. As the light grew more intense, she raised her arms to shield her optics, but even with that, she felt the light pulling her in. Emerl stepped carefully closer to the light, spotting the source. Lying amongst the rest of the rubble sat a glowing blue gemstone, radiating boundless power. It must’ve been the Chaos Emerald they were looking for, freed from the generator. She wasn’t sure why, but she swore the glow shouldn’t be this intense… even though she didn’t recall ever seeing a Chaos Emerald in the past… More than that, it called to her. She stepped closer, slowly edging forward. Mesmerised by the Emerald, she carefully reached out for it, fingers closing around the stone, lifting it from the floor. Outside, Sally dodged away from Mecha Sonic’s fist. Considering how much of a fight this robot was putting up, she was starting to wonder why she had been sent out, and Mecha Sonic kept within the Death Egg. She supposed there was a certain logic to keeping a powerful sentinel within the base, but it was more likely that Eggman just wanted to taunt Sonic by using her. It pressed its assault, as she sidestepped it, slashing the sword across its back. As it turned toward her, she spied a gap in its plating, and buried the sword inside. Mecha Sonic let out a mechanical growl, as it folded its missile launcher into place once more, aiming it at Sally’s feet. The missile speared into the ground, exploding and hurling both robots apart from each other. Mecha Sonic landed on its feet, but Sally landed hard, forcing herself to stand as her opponent stalked toward her. Bringing her cannon arm up, she opened fire, shooting the larger robot in the chest. It paused, the beam holding it back for a moment, before it forced itself forward. The delay was enough for Sally to stand upright, however, and she moved to strike at the damaged area of its shoulder once again. Mecha Sonic’s hand caught the blade, and even with the boosted power, the armour on its palm held firm. Sally tried to wrench the sword free, but it wouldn’t budge. Its grip tightening, the cobalt droid shattered the weapon, leaving her with nothing but her guns and her fists. The cannon in her right arm locked into place, and she lifted off from the ground, firing a sustained beam from both arms into Mecha Sonic. Its arms crossed in front of it, planting one leg behind it to brace, shielding itself from the brunt of the blast. In an instant, it dodged to the side, leaping into the air and curling into its shell once more, diving toward her. Sally aimed the cannons at it, opening fire once again, but her beams deflected harmlessly off of the armoured ball, not even slowing its flight as it crashed into her, grinding against her plating as it bulled her across the room and rammed her into the wall, rebounding away to let her collapse to the ground. Sally groaned, straining to rise from her position, warning lights flashing across her HUD, Nicole pleading with her to get up and flee, but her body refused to obey her. Something had been jarred loose, and her systems were no longer responding. Mecha Sonic loomed over her, staring down at her, no emotion readable in its visor. It aimed the missile launcher at her head once more, when a shockwave rippled out from the wreckage in the centre of the chamber. It turned, just as a blue light flooded out from the ruined core. For a moment after touching the Emerald, the wrecked generator was quiet. Then, power exploded from the Emerald, energy streaming out from between Emerl’s fingers, enveloping her in a cyan aura. Automatically, her chestplate opened, exposing her core, as the Emerald almost flowed into the depths of her chest cavity, before the armour slammed shut again, the aura flaring up more violently. Her eyes widened, but all she could see was the Emerald itself, floating in front of her, before it was washed away by fire. She blinked- That was odd, she didn’t have eyelids, how was she blinking? But as her eyes opened again, she found herself above a burning city. Black towers and pyramids stretched as far as her eyes could see, flames consuming them, people fleeing, a flash of red metal streaking toward her. Her hand reached out, for a moment it looked wrong, too thin, without the joints visible, but she blinked again and it looked normal. “Wh-what..? What the hell…?” She gripped her forehead, squeezing her eyes shut, and shook her head. The screams stopped, the heat of the flames faded, and she felt her feet touching the floor once again. She was back in the Death Egg, wreathed in a warming blue glow. The Emerald was no longer in her hand, but she felt its power within her, flooding her, filling her… making her stronger. Stepping out of the rubble, all three of her optics fixed on Mecha Sonic. She slammed her fist against her open palm once more, popping her neck as it turned away from Sally, squaring off against her. “Alright, let’s try this again.”
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sqgt-blog · 7 years
Classic Sonic Levels Ranked: #50 - 46
50.  Sandopolis – Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Video by MegamanNG
It says something that 3&K’s worst zone still isn’t bad, but is just ok overall. Sandopolis is your typical Arabian desert zone, and one of the zones that has the most different Act 1 and 2. Act 1 is an outdoor level with pits of quicksand, blocks that you can push onto conveyors and ride, Oil Ocean-esque sand slides, and bungee cords. It’s a slow paced act, but a fun one, and it’s a nice change of pace after the very speedy Flying Battery. The boss is also a neat puzzle boss that thankfully doesn’t take too much thought to figure out, and it thematically fits with the level. Act 2 is the nadir of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This act is set inside a pyramid, and features many of the same gimmicks as Act 1, on top of a lightswitch gimmick that lights up the whole pyramid. Going too long without grabbing one will slowly darken the pyramid again. Not long after entering the level, you’ll be attacked by ghosts, which are harmless when the lights are on but begin attacking you when the lights are out. Surprisingly, this is actually easy to deal with. Act 2’s real issue is that it drags on far too long, and has some annoying sections such as the infinitely looping sandslide puzzle and rising sand sections. Honestly, it would rank a lot higher if at least the looping puzzle was trimmed.
49. Casino Street - Sonic 4: Episode 1
Video by bdcool213
Casino Night—I mean Casino Street is the second zone in Sonic 4. The funniest thing is that if you look closely at the Ferris wheels in the background, they say “Sonic the Portable,” which was Sonic 4’s working title back when it was just meant to be a little mobile game. In general, Casino Street is just ok, it’s not bad but it never particularly feels great. Act 1 is the most similar to Casino Night. If you haven’t noticed how off the physics are at this point, you will here, since a lot of rolling tricks possible in Casino Night aren’t here. Act 2, like Lost Labyrinth, is completely different in the console in mobile versions. The console Act 2 is a level with more cards than Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. By spinning around cards with your speed, you can match them up and earn prizes like rings and dozens of lives. There are also card platforms that will flip and drop you, and you can homing attack a deck of cards to run along them in one of Sonic 4’s only true setpieces. This is the first level where you have to mind bottomless pits, but it’s easygoing enough where they’re not really an issue. The mobile Act 2, on the other hand, is a gimmick level: Sonic is trapped in a pinball machine and the only way out is to win 100,000 points. It’s easy, but I can’t imagine trying to time attack it, and there isn’t much depth to it. Act 3 features the cannons from Carnival Night, which you can now tilt before you fire yourself out of them. The level design seems to go out of its way to waste your time as much as possible, and you will fall down and have to redo sections, making it a resounding meh. The boss is, as expected, the same one from Casino Night, now with an extendable claw. In pinch mode, he’ll electrify himself and bounce all over the arena like crazy, which would be dangerous if he didn’t leave himself open long enough for you to beat him before he attacks with it.
48. Ice Mountain - Sonic Advance
Video by TheRealSonicFan
Sonic Advance’s ice AND water level. The best thing about this zone is the soothing music in act 1; Advance in general has a great soundtrack, but that’s expected of Sonic. Also, because Advance 1 only has six regular zones, Ice Mountain has two Special Springs. There are admittedly some zones in Advance 1 that aren’t really that memorable. They’re all well designed, but some lack the spark needed to become a truly great level. Ice Mountain, while fun, is one of them. The boss, on the other hand, will cement itself firmly in your mind. It’s the hardest boss in the game when you’re playing as Sonic, since the only way for Sonic to both hit the boss AND get a breath of air is to awkwardly climb the icicles Eggman drops from the ceiling. If you use the cheat code that gives you an AI Tails partner, you can also fly Tails into him repeatedly and kill him quickly.
47. Oil Desert - Sonic 4: Episode 2
Video by Cyberman65
Sonic 4 Episode 2’s zones tend to combine elements from other classic zones, unlike Episode 1’s which would wholesale copy a famous zone from 1 and 2. Oil Desert is a cross between Oil Ocean and Sandopolis, though it leans more towards Oil Ocean with sand. Act 1’s gimmick is sandstorms, which appear every now and then to gently blow you backwards or forwards. There are also lots of ramps with Scarabesque badniks at the top ready to roll bombs down. The sandstorms aren’t an issue until the very end of the level, an awful section where you need Tails to fly you over a gigantic bottomless pit while dodging spikes and Orbinauts with flamethrowers. Getting the Red Star Ring here is incredibly frustrating and you will die many times trying to grab it. Act 2, the one with the dying ducks music, is designed around Oil Ocean’s oil slides. Thankfully, nothing else from Oil Ocean appears, and it’s a pretty standard level. Act 3 is actually a pretty cool level, featuring the return of Sandopolis’ rising sand sections. There are three such sections in the level. They feel difficult but not overwhelming so, and they’re also nice and quick. In between these sections are some high speed sections with upper paths that are difficult to stay on. It’s honestly one of the better acts in Sonic 4 as a whole. The boss is also extremely creative. Eggman puts together a giant Eggrobo out of scrap and slowly climbs up a shaft. He is only vulnerable when the head opens up, at which point you can attack Eggman. The cool part is that blocks constantly fall from the ceiling. These include normal blocks, spike blocks, and bomb blocks. You have to climb on these blocks, almost like a weird Tetris platformer, in order to reach his head. When he has one hit left, he’ll escape to an above ground section where you can knock him over with the rolling combo to deal the final blow. This boss is much better in the mobile version, since the eight hits he takes in the console version takes way too long. In the mobile version, all bosses take 3-5 hits, which makes all of them flow much better.
46. Aquatic Ruin - Sonic 2
Video by MegamanNG
Alongside Chemical Plant Act 2, Aquatic Ruin is the only water zone in Sonic 2. Aquatic Ruin, while not the best water level in the series, is arguably the definitive one as it introduced the layout that later water levels would copy. Unlike Labyrinth, there is now a distinctive upper half, which is dry, and lower half, which is underwater. Failure to stay on the quicker top path means you’ll fall into the water and will have to find a way out. The water sections are a bit too annoying though. Pillars always seem to fall and either crush you or block your path, and in the odd chance you come across a ramp spring to bounce you above water, it’ll take a few tries to actually bounce high enough since they rely on your momentum. This is something Hydrocity in 3&K would directly improve upon.
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zoomswish · 8 years
On “Multi-Tails”
One of the things I wanted to do on this blog was talk about Sonic Boom, so I guess a good place to start would be by writing up a few thoughts/opinions about the most recent episode (”Multi-Tails”). ***Spoilers ahoy***, naturally.
It was a fun silly little romp. I enjoyed it, but I’ve gotta say that I’d kind of hoped for something with a little more substance for a Tails-centric episode. Oh well.
Things I liked:
- Sonic being so quick to stand up for Tails when the town turned on him at the beginning. - Sonic being concerned about Tails and attempting to take care of him when he (quickly) realizes something isn’t quite right with his buddy. - Knuckles having a positive/helpful role instead of getting in the way or making things worse. - Eggman making a dick size joke. - The ending riffing on the moral in a similar way to “I Can Sea Sonic’s Fear From Here” (in that one, paraphrased, “How does it feel to be over your fear” “What? That made my fear ten times worse!”, in this one, “All I needed was my friends!” “Your friends made it worse...”)
Things I was ‘meh’ on:
- The way the gang treated Tails’ introduction of his ‘latest invention’. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve defended their attitudes before because it usually seems to be in good fun, and Tails’ constant “Lookit what I made!” probably does get annoying after a while, but I dunno... it seemed genuinely a little mean-spirited this time. - The inconsistency of the clones and their supposed ‘stupidity’. So, they’re totally distractable, but can sit in a circle and play Duck Duck Goose without a hitch? They run into walls, but can order a meh burger no problem? And asking ‘why’ all the time isn’t a sign of low intellect... smart kids are the ones to question everything. I dunno. A silly thing to be irked by, I guess, and if the goal was to make them really annoying, then mission accomplished I guess? - Tails built a cloning machine. I mean, even by his standards, that’s... pushing it a bit. No one even seems impressed. No montage to show him building it, either. It’s just there. I fully expect to suspend my belief in a silly show like this, but there’s a point where that suspension snaps, especially when no one even acknowledges what a frickin’ big deal it is. (And why is it able to replicate him physically but not his ‘intelligence’? How is he ‘splitting’ himself into five when they’re all the same size as him? If their bodies are all identical to the original, pre-split, surely their brains are too? How does any of this work, Tails? How?! ... Ahem.) - The actual animation/rendering quality in this episode was whack. I’ve seen other comments about this, so I know it’s not just me. My theory is that rendering all of those two-tailed foxes running around caused the reduction in quality - so hopefully it will be back to normal by next ep. - I was hoping for a slightly more satisfying ending where Tails would get to do something with the gang as just himself and hear from them that they like him just as he is (maybe a joke about one of him being more than enough), but eh. It wasn’t a bad ending. Just a tad abrupt.
So yeah, some personal pros and cons. Probably the thing I appreciated most about the ep was how it showcased clearly what I keep saying to people who think that Tails is too arrogant, vain or full of himself in Boom. He’s not. When his inventions and experiments go wrong, he’s mortified and does everything in his power to fix his mistakes. He takes failure very personally and is extremely hard on himself about getting things perfect and not letting his friends down.
I also liked how his ‘solution’ basically exemplified the problem with his original flawed method. “I didn’t think this through... oh! I’d better create more of me using a method that I totally didn’t think through either... what could go wrong?” He’s imperfect, like the rest of the gang, and I really appreciate that about him since all-too-often the genius in the gang is always one step ahead of the game and can do no wrong.
Honestly, it was a great premise, but I was personally kind of underwhelmed with the execution. And now it’ll probably be a while before Tails gets another episode that revolves around him. Oh well. It was still a funny episode and I enjoyed watching it. 
Okay, done.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Here's a fun AU idea. I was thinking instead of tarot card reading Amy has vivid visions of the future. However whenever she gets a good vision dizzy spell when she gets a bad vision terrible sometimes debilitating headaches and she doesn't control what she sees. This makes her a person of interest to Eggman, G.U.N., and other world governments so they constantly try to capture her and use her power for their own gain. If she tries to force a vision it hurts her. Sonic is very protective of Amy
*feels tired today, just re-reading prompts to get ideas -sometimes new- or get excited about who’s next in line*
Thinking in my head, ‘I’m just not feeling well today, but I do have some ideas.’ The very next thought to encourage me, ‘You write your best when you’re tired.’
Me, directly after that thought, ‘...Darn it, you’re right.’ *proceeds to write all and every emotion in vivid detail* (lololol)
I know myself too well.
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PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN. No, you cannot beg nicely for me to take your prompt until they are open again, sorry love, them’s the rules. BI
Slightly gonna alter your request for the benefit of something I think may be a stronger storyline, I hope you still enjoy it, Precious Anon! \(:D)/
There was a rift in the chasm of space time, an unfathomable amount of power was being expelled and pulled, creating real and alternative timelines.
In order for Sonic and the gang to face these anomalies, Silver suggested that someone with the potential of mental abilities and the like should try and connect with the magnetizing force that keeps tugging and shoving on time, rewriting it and creating all these alternative realities continuously. Destroying and recreating decisions and parallel worlds would have a chaotic effect on the universe, but no one seemed to be able to connect to the unseen force, and Eggman didn’t seem to be anywhere in sight either.
Everyone was troubled... there was this silent fear that we’d be rewritten in seconds, that we’d cease to be who we really were in this very moment.
I stood by as my friends talked heatedly about their options, they each had tried but none had succeeded in connecting to that ‘force’.
I always felt I had magical properties to myself, if we could just connect to the dimension where this force started from, we may be able to help on our end.
I fidgeted, knowing Silver and Sonic were butting heads since Silver’s main priority was the future, while Sonic’s was the here and now.
Some found hope in this rewritten time, making Shadow and Eggman actually allies once again... Shadow hoping the past could be changed, and Eggman for his obvious reasons of defeating Sonic and taking over the world.
Both were absent and nowhere to be found.
As they continued to grow more and more harsh in how they spoke with one another, I felt the longing to end the conflict, and looked over to the Master Emerald.
It was the only thing that wasn’t being rewritten, some clue to connecting to the other dimensions...
Everyone had called out to it but nothing was working. I felt something swirl in me like an engine, seeing my beloved Sonic turning so angry and Silver ignoring him sent me into a rage myself, but I kept my lips in a fine line and held my fury back.
‘Friends shouldn’t talk to each other like this, or get in each other’s faces with such heavy glares...’ I knew in my heart that if I joined in, I wouldn’t part the two, but only get caught in their crossfire of differing ideals.
Both were stubborn, and both weren’t looking at the bigger picture.
Without a way to communicate with the alternative timelines, our decisions wouldn’t help us get any further to contacting the other dimension, and not just that... but we wouldn’t progress at all. We’d just be going around in circles...
“You can’t seriously think that sitting around waiting for some magical tether from the other dimensions is going to get us out of this time loop!” Sonic’s voice was full of presence and experience, he was a well-traveled hero, and knew the best options to weigh in moments like these... but Silver continued to fight back.
“If we advance unknowingly and without caution into the stream of time, we could easily be just as trapped in it’s nonsensical clutches as we were before! For some reason, the Master Emerald’s location is the only place in time where the effects of the rewritten world aren’t effected! If we give up this position, no one might be able to tell us what’s going on!” Silver swung an arm out, stepping up and going toe to toe with Sonic, refusing to back down from the argument. “I know you think charging into the time-stream might give us answers, but it’s a risk that holds so many unlimited possibilities that it’s fruitless to venture in! You’d just be trapped and the rest of us possibly waiting all eternity for you to choose the right path to even get out to another dimension!”
That part we knew was sound and right, that unless you pick the right choice every time, the time vortex would just pull you somewhere else. Without knowing the other dimension’s choices, we’d never be able to coordinate this... even Tails said something along the lines of a uniformed pathway that could get them all to the center of this strange force...
Otherwise, we’d be trapped... forever.
“You’re leaving us as sitting ducks to whatever’s happening! It’s going to put us all in danger!” Sonic was beyond listening to reason, however. My darling could never just sit by while we all feared for our lives and the world’s future.
The two stood so close, it looked as though their foreheads would touch, and I could tell Sonic was about to make a stand so great that Silver would be forced to let him go...
I couldn’t stand the thought of losing Sonic in a time-loop forever. In being stuck on Angel Island’s alter for the rest of eternity till someone figured out the correct choices...
I felt my whole being flood with tingles and expectations, with exactly what I was going to do and how my very soul wouldn’t allow me to watch as everyone would lose themselves diving into a puzzle that had no way of being solved without aid.
That was the last straw for me. Seeing Sonic pull himself away from Silver and walk over to the Master Emerald, “I’m done talking. Taking action is the only way we can succeed against this catastrophe.” He spoke so manner-of-factly... he was going to touch the Master Emerald and dive into the vortex... wasn’t he?
“No...” I held my hand out, seeing the Chaos Emeralds all glow as he was fusing with them to create the miracle known as Super Sonic... but I couldn’t- I couldn’t banish Sonic to an eternity of never-ending wandering through an unescapable maze!!!
“Soonniiccc!!!” I charged forward, making him flinch and pause a moment as he turned to look back at me, but by then, I had already reached forward and interfered with the Chaos Emeralds giving him power.
Instead of him turning Super, I felt my hand touch the Master Emerald, and all time seemed to freeze. I gripped the Master Emerald with my arms, widening the span of how far my arms could reach, and shook my head against it. “I can’t let everyone panic and waste away our precious friendships over this... this... whatever it is! Please, Master Emerald! Do I have the potential to set things right!?” I dipped my head down as the power overwhelmed me. Time slowly began again, as I was moving at normal speed, everyone around me started to move as though slowed considerably.
“Is this..?” I looked up to see Sonic’s hand slowly reaching for me, and his surprised expression at stopping him. “Chaos’s... power?”
I was shot back as my eye-sockets glowed a bright green, and through some vision or other, saw what looked like my younger self, also getting driven from the Master Emerald.
The original world... the first universe... Somehow, by the two of us acting and making a decision in unison, or maybe she had made it previously... I wasn’t sure, we were able to finally find a bond and connect in some magical way to where I could see that dimensions choices.
I felt my bare back slam against the graveled dirt of Angel Island and skid aggressively to a halt as it scratched my back and left me feeling weak.
Time returned to normal, I guess? As I heard my friends cry out my name and rush me.
I could numbly feel hands on me, shaking me as my eyes struggled to lift up, and were just waving open slightly.
My head hurt, I was dizzy and couldn’t see anything at first clearly. It was all a blur, before Silver’s and Sonic’s voices rang out the most.
“What happened!?” Sonic’s voice was full of authority, as though ready to take action if something need be done.
“She... I’m not sure, but the Master Emerald fused it’s time capabilities with her. You saw it, right? Her whole body was vibrating so quickly... like....” Silver was interrupted by Tails just then.
“Like she was merged into all the different dimensions... she was moving faster than the time strain!” Tails’s excitement meant only one thing...
“So... she had the potential then, out of all of us, to carry the connection.” Silver’s reserved tone must have meant that he felt validated in what he was so adamantly defending earlier. “Now that she can guide us through the time vortex, we might be able to reverse whatever’s happening, and return time and space to normal again.”
Sonic looked over at Silver, then down towards me as I still felt my breathing was low and drained, I couldn’t speak no matter how much my lips parted to try. It was like I was still adjusting to being in one dimension again, instead of flying through to see my other self’s choices.
“It didn’t need to come to this point...” Sonic spoke gravely, but it seemed to trigger and enrage Silver as he shot his head to look back at him, then stood up, defiantly.
“If you hadn’t acted the way you did, we may not have gotten this path. We have a real way to succeed and get through this now, Sonic! Why are you still so against me!?” He tightened his fists and thrust them forward, showing how much he was holding back his mixed emotions...
He was somewhat humble enough to admit that if Sonic didn’t rebel against him, that I wouldn’t have done what I did... but on the other hand, it still seemed like Sonic was opposed.
“I just meant that it didn’t need to be this way.” Sonic shook his head to Silver, remaining somewhat collected from his earlier clenched jaw demeanor. He put what felt like the warmest touch out of everyone’s onto my arm, and looked back to me, “It didn’t need to be so fueled...”
Somehow... I knew he was speaking to me.
He must have meant he wished it wasn’t so emotional to where I was put in a rough spot, choosing between losing the love of my life or sacrificing myself into the time vortex... I would have jumped, if Sonic jumped too... at least then, we could be trapped together. He wouldn’t have had to be alone in that endless maze...
Well, maybe he wouldn’t have thought those exact wordings of it, but... it did help to think he may have seen it as an act of true love.
I gained strength from his hand resting on my arm, and slowly began to wobble and lean myself up.
Everyone saw my arms gain strength again and push from under me, and immediately swarmed me again to help, perhaps unaware if I was conscious enough to have heard their discussion.
They called out to me, and I nodded, showing I was here and alert, but drained somewhat.
The pounding in my head subsided and I gripped it, “I... I saw her.” I stated, “I saw the original dimension this all happened in... I think I can do it again.”
Sadly, I couldn’t just ‘summon’ the answers. Something had to trigger it, which began another frustration as we all held one another’s hands and jumped into the void.
The first rewritten stories were perplexing. A shadowy figure that swarmed with dark matter looked strangely in the silhouette of Eggman, but instead of targeting Sonic like usual, he kept coming after me.
“U-wah!!” I leaped out of one of his dark matter missiles as everyone was getting scattered from me, as though this figure didn’t want me to receive any help.
“Amy!” Sonic called out, darting from the after-effects of the missiles, for when they landed and exploded, a space of black, glittering galaxy expanded out in a small radius and tried to suck us into another story to lose our progression.
He rolled and finally slid under the shadowy Eggman, confusing him as he pulled up on his Eggmobile and Sonic round-house kicked him away from me.
He reached to grab me, and as I went to reach for him as well, my eyes glowed again the color of the Master Emerald and I saw the other dimensional me.
She was young and looked like my younger years of first meeting Sonic. Sonic was younger too, and reached out in the same way Sonic was doing now. Was this... the corresponding choice?
Could I only see these moments when something unified happened? Were we making the same choices our other selves were or are making right this second?
I couldn’t tell, but I could see that after that Sonic and little me took the other’s hands, she summoned her hammer and spun to whack a younger looking Eggman away and send him flying, then everyone gathered and they took the right route... where it looked like the world was splitting apart and floating rapidly in a spinning and drifting away appearance.
When I came back, my head hurt and I looked to see that while unconscious, my friends were defending me from the shadowy figure of the Eggman lookalike.
“W-we have to take the right path!” I shouted out, my head pounding and debilitating me from summoning my hammer.
I had to though, if I didn’t, time would rewrite and we’d have to start with a new scenario and from scratch. Everyone was depending on me to guide them... I had to fight through the pain!
I struggled to lean up, feeling my body tense like cracking through uncooked spaghetti, but my arms finally cricked into position and I summoned my hammer.
“HAAA!!!” I grabbed Sonic’s hand which, when he noticed I was getting up, hurried to reach out to me again as I felt him pull me forward and swung my hammer into the momentum of his helpful pull.
The Shadowy Eggman went flying, and though Silver thought the left looked more safe from the twisting rapidly pieces of land in the galaxy on the right side, I urged him to trust me.
Sonic and I... we were so amped up in the moment... we didn’t realize that we never let go of one another’s hand...
G.U.N was in this memory or story, whichever it was, and they were after a shadowy figure of Shadow The Hedgehog.
However, Shadow seemed to be targeting me, as though wanting to destroy me.
This continued to baffle Tails and Silver, but Sonic was more protective than I’ve ever seen before, unselfishly throwing himself in the rippling blackness of Shadow’s silhouette, but was defenseless against how much more powerful this Shadow appeared to be.
It was reminding us all of when Shadow first awakened, and Knuckles tag-teamed with Sonic to give me enough time to try and trigger my memory.
I tried to do various things and put myself into situations to see if anything would trigger the correct course’s vision, but nothing was working and I was growing frustrated with myself.
Face it, there was a lot of pressure, and I felt that every minute I wasted was another second Sonic and Knuckles had to suffer under the fake G.U.N shadowy forms and the Shadow look-a-like.
Finally, I hit my head with a rock as a last resort but was quickly pulled away by Tails, “Amy!”
“Stop it, that isn’t helping!” Silver quickly intercepted too, yanking the rock out of my hands.
“I... I don’t know what else to do...” I admitted, feeling I was losing grip of my faith in myself... I may have been able to spare Sonic before, but now..?
Was this completely out of my control?
“Anytime now, fellas!” Knuckles called out as we both turned to see Sonic and Knuckles shoving themselves against Shadow’s dark, rippling body that almost looked like wavy flames under a watery scope. He was taking steps forward, which caused their feet to grind against the earth in an attempt to hold him back.
Then G.U.N appeared behind us, and we were surrounded... When the bullets began to fire, my eyes widened and the light of the Master Emerald grew from my eyes.
My other self was rescued once more by Sonic, but he was hit by those odd galaxy alternating bullets. He fell by her side and twitched, making her get up and cry over him as the bullets expanded holes in his form, and as he looked up at her, the holes overtook him and he turned into a rewritten, shadowy figure that reached for her.
She gasped and was pulled away by another, younger Knuckles with a cowboy hat on, who said something I couldn’t hear as my visions didn’t have sound, and threw her to a smaller Tails, who caught her and flew with her into another portal as the two left the other Knuckles behind with the shadowy images of Sonic, G.U.N, and Shadow...
“NOOO!!!” I came out of the vision and turned to where Sonic was coming at me, already having jumped and about to reach me.
I knew if I didn’t let these events happen, we’d be trapped, but every part of me wanted to jump into Sonic’s arms and push him back, let myself be the one that was swallowed up in the rewritten darkness.
But by then, I knew it wasn’t--and shouldn’t--be called a rewritten reality.
It was erasing reality! There seemed to be a hive-mind I picked up on, the force was controlling my friends and Eggman, G.U.N even! 
Not just that, but I didn’t know if we’d be able to save Sonic. I thought nothing could overcome Sonic... I was so torn, but as I focused on his eyes... so determined to get me out of harm’s way... I couldn’t find it in my heart to move.
He was shot and rolled along the ground with me as he I held him, tears spraying from my eyes in an army of resistance. I clung to him, crying out his name as he flinched and tried to fight against the erasing darkness that would soon overwhelm his being and turn him into a mindless drone to whatever force was trying to take over time and our known reality.
“Noo!!!” I screamed out as Sonic told Knuckles to take me from him, and as he turned to fight Shadow, was fully overcome and went limp. “SOOONNICCC!!!”
Knuckles had ripped me from him and threw me to Tails, instructing him that he’d stay behind to look after Sonic while Tails and Silver got through to the next part or stage of this timeline.
Silver had to grip my head and take my line of sight off of Sonic’s shadowy form as it turned almost like a zombie towards me, tilting it’s head as the drones somehow knew I carried the Master Emerald’s power to connect to the other dimension.
“Amy! Listen to me!” Silver began, but I felt I had died inside. My voice escaped my lungs and there was nothing left in me. I... had become motionless... I didn’t stop Sonic... I... I didn’t deserve him...
What kind of woman, who claimed to love her hero so full-heartedly, would have froze up when the time to save him drew near?
“I don’t deserve him...” My headache couldn’t match the absolute obliteration of my soul and heart from within me. Like those rapidly twirling away pieces of the world we had journeyed through moments before. “I... Sonic...!” I didn’t deserve to call myself Sonic’s destined love... if I couldn’t even protect him when I knew what was about to happen.
“He was too fast, Amy, there’s nothing you could have done.” Tails held me closer to him, seeing my shaking eyes and the pain in trying to speak when I felt my entire ribcage had collapsed and took the compartments of my lungs and lifeforce with it.
“Amy, please, remember, this can all be rewritten.” Silver had placed his two hands to the sides of my face, seeing how broken I was and failing to grasp this reality.
My head twitched up, but I was hollow inside.
“You have to tell us what to do. What did you see? Where do we go?!” He urged, trying to be kind, but... “We can’t save him now! He’ll be alright, you have to trust in your vision! Please, Amy! The more time you spend silent the more time Sonic has to suffer!”
What was the point..? Without Sonic... Without him, I-... I had no meaning to my life anymore. Sonic was everything to me... he was my whole world... a reality without Sonic... in a universe where I couldn’t see him smiling... couldn’t hear his laughter and teasing expression... A world without his warm touch...
My mind went back to when Sonic had placed his hand to my arm, his words... “It didn’t need to come to this point... It didn’t need to be so fueled...”
My eyes blazed with a new purpose. I wasn’t just going to save my dimension. I was going to save my Sonic!
I cried out and struggled to get Silver’s hands off my face, then pointed Tails to the portal that was opening behind us. “There! Go! Now!”
I saw and witnessed first hand the torment the other dimensional, more tender, younger and naïve me struggle to gain the strength to continue forward, till her and her friends found sanctuary at the end.
By this time, I had spent all of what I felt was in me, and fell to my knees as I had fought the dark entity known as World Keeper, who was polluted by the filth of negativity in all the worlds... that hive mind was just swallowing the world in despair, and without ever being hit by it, I felt it more than ever too.
Then it slashed it, and I felt the darkness swallowing me as my color turned black with the light glimmer of inky stars within it’s slick obsidian...
I fell back and couldn’t feel myself hit the ground, I couldn’t feel anything anymore but emptiness...
As it overtook me, I wondered with my last, conscious thoughts if the other dimensional me had saved Sonic... was this the end of our universe? Or just the entrapment of one dimension?
“Don’t give up!”
“You have what it takes, use the power of the Chaos Emeralds!”
“I didn’t blast this stupid filth out of the sky only to be controlled into an everlasting misery by it!!!”
“I’m not staying stuck in this feeling forever! Come on, Amy! You can do this-grraaahh!!!”
Drifting into the blackness of the void, I suddenly felt four strong hands trying to force me upwards towards the light.
It slowed my decent, until Silver and Tails were able to reach out and grab me, and my last vision surfaced with the dizzy spell.
Rosy... she was also drifting into despair before Robotnik and Sonic reached through their own controlled misery by the World Keeper and used the last of their hope to push her out...
I tried to strain as best as I could through the dizzy, blurry vision and move my hand up towards them.
Her vision and mine suddenly conjoined, and I saw younger Tails flash continuously between Silver and my dimension’s Tails too.
I spoke out to her... “We can still save everyone...” I encouraged, “We... can’t give in... to hopelessness!”
I felt our hearts merge into one, felt our power soar as though we were evolving into a new creature that had it’s life sparked into existence again.
Newly hatched into this feeling of easiness, peace, and strength beyond my understanding... I grabbed Tails and Silver’s hands and swung out, the darkness that was once overcoming me suddenly burst with light and the seven Chaos Emeralds floated around us.
“Ah! She didn’t fuse with them!” Silver blurted out, seeing them swarm both him and Tails too.
“She... was storing them!” Tails exclaimed.
I guess I had become somewhat of their server and carrier... there power was just kept safe in me... through the Master Emerald and my unique connection to the other me.
We fought and as we did, I touched the ground and brought my friends and all the dimensions who had succumb to the negativity out from the inky blanket of darkness and restored their light and hope through the power being expelled from me.
No longer was I a guide.
I was a redeeming light now.
Sonic, Shadow, and Silver all burst into Super form, and together--with all the other worlds we loved so dearly too--we put an end to World Keeper and with me and my other self touching his chest as he was about to fall back into the his own making of the void, he immediately returned to a smaller form of another being.
Sonic suddenly cried out, “Chip!” and darted into the void after him.
I waited... weeks and weeks did I wait for him...
I clung to my chest as though clinging to my heart, refusing to let it break, and keeping it all together again.
I didn’t have visions anymore, but I could feel something... Something like the despair of the void was created from that feeling of loss and loneliness when Chip’s essence left the core of the earth and became free roaming in space...
Tails said he had a theory, that Chip’s body was still with Dark Gaia, but his power had escaped in longing to reunite with Sonic, his friend, again.
Traveling through space and time without a body, it became depressed, and expelled it’s world-bending powers to try and find Sonic... ending up losing itself and taking all worlds and dimensions it was searching through down with it.
A comet of bright golden light shot down through the cosmos, and I eagerly dropped everything to race out my door and pursue it, I knew from the green, red, and white lights that covered the world that Chip’s soul and powers returned to their slumber... and brought back Sonic safely to us as well!
“Sonic..!” My heart could barely contain it’s joy as I raced over the hills to follow his light... before having it sink and my hands fling up to the sides of my face when I saw him hit the water off in the distance of the sea. “No, Sonic!!! You can’t swim!!”
The distance was too far, but I swam anyway, feeling my exhaustion from having traveled miles and miles already on land before seeing him fall into the ocean.
He was covered in a light I assumed was Chip’s planet power, and I held my breath and swam down to him, heard a voice in my mind calling to me...
“Sorry for all the trouble I caused, Amy... Take good care of Sonic from now on. I won’t be lonely without him anymore... I know I may never see him again, especially when I wake up many, many years from now... but even still, the moments I had with him in the void of space and time, and with our time facing Dark Gaia, will always be in my heart... Thank you for letting me see him, one last time...”
The floating ball of light around him slowly brought Sonic up to me, and when I entered it, I took a deep breath and fell limply over his body, floating with him up to the surface.
He opened his eyes and smiled at me, winking without a word but it still gave me so much comfort and peace.
It was as though he was saying everything would be alright now... and Chip’s remaining spatial power set us down on the shoreline... as the waves met us as we took a much deserved rest on the cool sands... the sun rose up and the sounds of helicopters and people were surrounding us, but we remained sleeping soundly next to one another...
Sonic’s warm hand... laying gently over my stomach...
Mine upon his heart.
G.U.N’s windy interruption causing us both to sneeze as Silver appeared and held out both his hands to stop them from investigating, explaining as we drifted off into our dreams~
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Paparazzi - Sonamy
It should have been a normal day, by all accounts.
Amy was waiting for Sonic in the Chao Garden, happily humming a tune and playing with the Chao by taking one of their pudgy, teardrop arms and spinning it up and around as though as they were both dancing.
The Chao loved it, seeming to roleplay a ball of sorts and the dashing prince trying to dance with Cinderella, as many other Chao seemed to vie over playing the parts next, tumbling over her shoulders and pawing at her hands to get her to lift them up and twirl them in pairs as well.
She giggled at their enthusiasm, “The duke, and the duchess!” She took another pair of arms and twirled them as well, these two being flying types, they gently fluttered their wings and closed their eyes, playing the roles well and then bowing to each other after she let them go and they did a figure-8 together.
“The prime minister and-” she stopped when she felt a brisk wind, and excitedly got up and turned around, “And my Sonic!”
He stood a little uneasy, but smiled as though feigning something. He was reluctant to have her hug him but didn’t protest her abrupt embrace, looking as though he really didn’t want to spoil her mood.
“Playing with the Chao again, huh?” He commented, smiling sheepishly down to one and bending his eyes as it came right up and tugged on his socks, wanting some affection too. He wiggled a finger to lightly tickle it’s head and then swirled the slight tip of his head around his finger from above before pulling up and seeing Amy’s excited expression again.
“They sure do they love pretend.” very motherly, she put her hands behind her back and looked to them, seeing them all cheering for Sonic and Amy to play as well. “I guess before our date, we could humor them, yeah?” She blinked her eyelashes towards him flirtatiously, but he again acted as though something was wrong but trying to hide it.
The two flying Chao took back to the skies and also grabbed Sonic and Amy’s fingers, lifting them up to lightly host Sonic and Amy to the top of their toes.
Amy giggled into her hand and then softly twirled, showing Sonic the game.
He sighed, but kinda awkwardly seemed to enjoy the silliness as he turned too, making the Chao cheer.
“The king and queen!” Amy sounded off, and the Chao gave an applause.
After letting go of their fingers, the two flying Chao took to each other and twirled as one, inspiring other Chao to partner up and try a silly “waltz” impersonation as well.
“So cute!” Amy cheered, her hands pressing together at their endearing whimsy. “I remember when I was that young... always dreaming of my true love~” she seemed to be referencing Sonic and he ducked his head and scratched his nose, looking away.
“I really don’t want to say this...” He admitted, but tried to toughen himself up, patting his cheeks to get himself to ‘man up’ and tell her. “But Amy, there’s something you gotta-”
“Look!” Amy pointed to a blue speed Chao, dancing with hops and jumps to a rhythm it made up, dancing with another Chao. “It acts just like you!”
“What?” Sonic was momentarily distracted, “I dance nothing like that!”
“Oh, you’re just jealous that he has better footing then you do.” Amy joked, moving up to his chest and placing her shoulders to it, “Well, if you’re so inclined, why not prove me wrong? We can go dancing for our date today!” she thought herself so sly and raced ahead towards the fountain, looking in it’s reflection to ‘spruce’ herself up before believing she was going to be swept off on another fantastic outing with her hero.
Sonic gulped, pulled at his quills, and turned away from the sight. “Aw man, get it together! You have to tell her! It’s the only way she’ll understand!” he softly gave himself his reasons through the prep-talk, but looking back at her, he felt his heart sink at how happy she was right now... and how upset she’ll be if he told her.
“Stay strong...” he repeated to himself, and walked back up to Amy. “Amy, it’s kind of important I tell you what I heard and saw the other day.” he began, lifting a foot to the fountain as it caught Amy’s attention, her head tilting and turning to look at it. She was fixing her quills, but slowly looked up to Sonic, pausing as she noticed how he hid his mouth with his hand as though in strange thought, and spoke as though trying to upfront but indirect.
She raised an eyebrow, “Right now?” She smiled then, turning playful, “Why not tell me on our date!” she lightly hopped to his side and took his arm, pulling him back towards her as he swayed with the action.
“W-wah-o!” He caught himself and looked back into her eyes again. Sighing, he placed a saddened hand to her own on his arm. “We can’t... Go on dates anymore... not like this.” His voice definitely seemed to be conflicted, and Amy’s eyes blinked to a low-riding dispute as though she couldn’t understand.
“Is it Eggman?” Amy asked, about to give her reasons why that didn’t matter but he shook his head and held up his hand from on top of her own.
“N-no, it’s not that. I...” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from her and down towards the ground. Instinctively though, he held the arm she was grasping like a gentlemen, crooking it for her to have a better grip of. “I saw some photos... someone took of us on our last date. It’s kinda... all over the city now.”
“Ah!” Amy’s enthusiasm skyrocketed again, her mouth opening wide into a grin. “That’s wonderful!”
“W-what!?” Sonic was amazed at her response, turning back to her a little dumbfounded.
“Hehe, what are they calling us? The cutest new couple to emerge this year!? Ohh! Did they call us the Fashion Couple of the week? Oh-oh! Maybe we’re on Celebrity’s hottest new pairs!”
Her hands flopped around like a teenage girl and Sonic just shook his head, moving since her hands weren’t spazzing while on his arm anymore and put his hands to his hips. On his face, a clear expressive groan, but no sound to follow it.
He looked a little annoyed she didn’t understand, and looked away, grumbling, “Scandal... actually.”
“...What!?” Amy had to process that a moment before flinging her hands back behind her and having her mouth drop open this time, bewildered but also shocked at the news. “How could they say that!? You won’t even let me hold your hands across the table without worrying I’ll see you blush.”
Sonic’s whole body spiked up, “I do not!” he defended, but as Amy ‘aww’d his cute reaction, he coughed into his hand and played it off. “W-we-well, regardless, seeing as I’m kinda a hotshot and you’re my friend, it’s something I’m not comfortable with and-”
“Friend?” Amy gave him a funny look and he started sweating, shaking as he saw Amy’s fiery aura rising.
He made small whimpers as though wanting to say something, unable to change from his position of ‘coughing into hand’ when Amy’s hand flexed out as though threatening to summon a hammer.
“Friend..?” she continued.
After a few more attempts to speak, Sonic finally broke out of his intimidated fear and held his ground, putting his closed-hands up to his sides to show his determination at saying what he had too. “E-either way, Amy! We can’t be seen by the public eye anymore! That means... I can’t take you on a date today.” He straightened out, more of the usual, typical hedgehog boy she was used too.
He closed his eyes and relaxed his body, his head down as though ashamed he had to break the news to her.
“Once they caught wind of it, they started saying some things that I don’t agree with it. Especially about us. I won’t bother relating all the things I heard people talking about, it’s all fake news anyway, but I worry it could hurt who we are and what we stand for... I don’t want to see you misrepresented by people who don’t understand your feelings, Amy.”
It was kind. It was considerate...
But Amy wasn’t having it.
“OOOoooOOOh!” she let out her infamous whine and summoned her hammer, turning away from Sonic and bashing it around furiously in the air. “Who do they think they are!” she shook her fist up and bent her head down, “Spreading lies about my Sonic and I, will they!? Making my man feel the need to hide his appreciation for the well-deserving woman that I am!? Aughh!!!” She took a few, powerful steps and smashed a small but decently sized rock on the ground, causing the other Chao to freak out and fly away. “I won’t forgive them! I’ll make them pay! They’ll rue the day they came between me and my Sonic!”
At her declarations, Sonic just pulled back away from the scene a bit and looked the other way. “Stop it, Amy... you’re embarrassing me and frightening the Chao...” He didn’t know how else to respond to her, but was used to her flip-floppy emotions by now. “Anyway, I’m really sorry about all this. I know you were looking forward to today, too.”
From behind Amy, her rage seemed to rise and then fall all at once, and she turned back to Sonic, her eyes showing her ranged emotions.
“Why should we let them win? You promised me a date today and who are they to say you can’t keep it!?” She puffed up her cheeks, flushing red as her anger was quickly turning her to glossy eyes... but she wouldn’t dare cry in front of Sonic.
Instead, still frustrated and fuming, she kicked the now pebbles of the remaining rock she crushed. “It’s not fair! And I won’t stand for it!” she defiantly placed a foot down as her eyebrows shook. “Whoever disrespects my man’s honest intentions disrespects me!” she was really getting riled up, and Sonic poked his head into her frame to try and wave his hands out in front of him, looking a little already defeated as he knew he couldn’t calm her down now anyway.
“Amy, Amy... it’s not that big of a deal.”
“We’ll go somewhere else then! Somewhere no cameras or rude people will follow!” she stood proudly with a fist to her hip and her pointer finger wagging in the air their new plan, but Sonic felt he was getting roped into her antics again.
He shrugged, shaking his head. “What are ya gonna do?” he seemed to realize he wasn’t going to change her mind.
“Here’s the plan!” Amy swung back to him, shaking him up and pulling him down to her level as she gave him a held wink and whispered her idea. “We’re gonna go on the run! Just you and me! We’ll make sure no one sees your adorable girlfriend getting you all flustered.” she poked and wiggled her finger into his cheek and snickered at her go-hard-go-lucky scheme, but Sonic just felt his face being pushed and squished and tried to lean out of it, unable to as he struggled by rocking back but she would pull him with her arm over his shoulders back to her side again, continuing to brew her plan further.
“B-but where do you think we can go that they won’t follow, Amy?” Sonic was still uncomfortable with the idea, but knowing nothing could stop Amy once she put her mind to it, decided the sooner he got through this date the better.
“You leave that to me!” Amy encouraged, then let him go and lightly pushed him forward, having him try and catch his balance again as he stumbled forward and looked back at her. “You’ve been all over this world and back, only now you’re telling me you can’t even think of one spot that the paparazzi can’t get us?” She looked at him skeptically, “With all their lies and tabloids trying to fancy-up our innocent romance... I can’t believe you’re not trying harder to save our marriage!” she seemed to be idolizing something and half-daydreaming, but then turning to scold Sonic as he looked at her confused.
“I mean our relationship! That’s what I said.” she folded her arms, blushing and pouting to the side as Sonic scratched his head.
“Hmm...” Sighing with a bit of a grunt at her obvious fib, he just let her carry on and took her up in his arms. “Sorry to make this awkward, Amy...” He seemed sincere enough, and Amy just happily held her arms around his shoulders, like how they normally would go running together.
“Don’t you worry, Sonic The Hedgehog! Little articles like that won’t stop me from marrying you!”
Sonic cranked his head slooooowwwllly her way.
“I-I mean, um, dating you! Haha!” She nervously corrected, but he lowered his eyes to her, showing he wasn’t amused by her imaginations. “... Okay, okay! Hang out dates...” she grumbled the ‘politically correct’ terminology and Sonic smiled at her acceptance of it.
“Hang on!” satisficed that she at least understood him enough to agree to keep prying eyes out of their conduct together, he took off towards where Amy had previously designed to take them.
But while racing around, popular news-drones chased them everywhere. They tried for a picnic retreat but the drones flew up with camera flashes. Sonic dived to save Amy as she gasped and then sped off with a serious look of annoyance to find another location.
They tried the deserts, basking in the sun on beach chairs, but the drones flew speedily by and took a shot, photoshoping it and printing out a picture of them sharing a chair and acting like a spoiled hero with his woman laying beside him and an arm wrapped around him.
The two were shocked out of their chairs.
“I-I-I didn’t know they could do that!” Amy gasped, realizing they could completely fabricate their relationship. “This... this is not good...” her fingers flinched against the sides of her cheeks as her eyes shrunk at the covers of magazines spreading falsehoods about her being some... some...! 
“I’m not a trophy wife!” she bashed the drones and 10 more flew over to take pictures of her violent act. “Ah!” she cowered from the bright lights and kept swinging.
“Amy!!!” Darting from his own paparazzi drones, he dove in and grabbed her, protecting her by jumping out of the encircling camera drones and taking off.
Amy clung to him, looking back and seeing, just like printers, the drones having photoshopped Amy’s violence on Sonic, the header reading something along the lines of how she was forcing the greatest hero into submission, and how you can dominate your famous man into being your one and only.
“Ah! That’s awful!” Amy felt her chest tighten, “I would never do something like that...”
Looking back at her face, seeing how scared she was to lose face and be framed for something she wasn’t, Sonic’s righteous indignation also flared up. He scowled, wanting to say something but keeping it silently to himself.
The two tried to lose them in the bushes, but as the drones looked around, dived in and starting taking pictures of them trying to get away, showing instead that the two were ‘rendezvousing’ in the brush of nature’s finest temptations... each other.
“That is so blown out of proportion!” Amy smashed another drone and pulled out the original photo from inside it’s round body, “We look terrified!” the originally showed them pushing back to avoid the drones in the bush.
Sonic just grumbled, seeing another robot about to take a picture and jumped up to spin dash it, “Come on..!” he extended his hand, and suddenly... Amy’s imagination got away with her.
As she took his hand, him pulling her towards him, she imagined him and her running away to elope, and her jealous suitors pursuing them in raging envy.
“Oh, Sonic~” she blushed and swooned, closing her eyes as she fanaticized and had her hands up to her cheeks, the two photos flying off in the wind behind his incredible speeds. “I’ve always wanted to run away with you~”
They hid in the snow, as the drones flew by and fought the winds, one scanned a pile of two snow heaps. Deciding nothing there was interesting, took off.
Their heads popped out of the snow, Sonic having some snot dripping frozen from his nose and went to sneeze as Amy’s bundled two hands shook in fury.
“Ahhh, come on..!” Amy tiredly drained out an exhausted cry, “At first this was refreshingly new, d-d-due to them not shooting at us like Eggman’s robots of course!” she looked to make sure Sonic wasn’t accusing her of over idolizing a situation again. “Ehem, but now it’s just tiresome! Why can’t we just explode them all..?”
Sonic folded his arms, showing a disapproval. “They’ll photograph that we’re destroying the right to say as they please... or something like that.” he had a sweat drop of uncertainty fall from the side of his face. “You know how these people get, that’s why I wanted nothing to do with them.”
She realized his plea and sighed, “I give up then.” she kicked the ground and sat down beside him, getting out of the snow and leaning up against his shoulder. “Sonic... we can’t just give up... right?”
He remained silent.
“What about our relati- I mean... our friendship.” she made the fish-lips as though upset she had to call it that. “They’re insanely persistent! But... I wasn’t wrong for wanting to spend more time with you... personally having you here with him is already a dream come true! Ah... But... I can understand if you’re growing sick of me.”
She was all dreamy and suddenly, realizing he didn’t like that, went to trying to be a bit more modest.
“I get it now. I’m something that could be an embarrassment upon your image and virtues... without me, you wouldn’t have to worry about this with Tails or Knuckles... I don’t like hiding the truth, but if that’s how you feel you can still hang out with me then... then...” She lowered her head, her eyes covered in dark shadows as her shoulders bounced slightly, clearly not liking what she was saying or accepting, and having her fingers dig slightly in shakes into the snow, showing her resentment at these things.
Then... all at once... Sonic’s hand gently and without delay, reached out to place itself upon Amy’s trembling and gripping for anything solid in her life hands... quieting some fears and reassuring her, being comforting.
She looked at his hand, startled, then up with sparkling admiration into his own.
He was so calm, smiling to her.
“Forget about being tagged for property damages.” Sonic joked, getting up and stretching out, “Hmm uh, hmm uh,... If we’re gonna get these guys... hu ho, hu ho, then we better start with luring them to us first.” As he did his exercises, he then took a deep breath out and offered her his hand, winking to her. “Let’s make it a clean hit, so they can’t crop and cut anything this time.”
Her heart grew so large with love for him, she just jumped up and embraced him, littering his face with her tears. “Oh, Sonic! Sonnnnic!”
He just chuckled sheepishly at her.
Later, the drones were still looking as Amy cried out, “Oh, Sonic, I’m soooo cold!” The drones quickly turned in the direction of their voices.
Sonic and Amy were hiding behind some trees, as Amy cupped her hands around her mouth to let the sound carry, “Hold me in your arms and never let me go~”
The drones paused a second, as though not believing it.
“They’re not buying it.” Sonic whispered, before raising his voice up. “I got something better in mind!” and then swooped a leg under Amy.
“H-hey!” she cried out, as he made her trip and fall down. “Offph! Sonic! What’s the big idea!?”
With that, the drones looked flustered, sparking and fritzing out in the air as they had anime blush marks over their camera lenses. They flew over to the trees, their apertures tensing and unclosing as though to show interest when a human’s eye dilates, looking to Amy in the snow as Sonic came out of hiding and rammed one of them with his fist, crushing their face and sending them flying.
“I’ll give you a show.” Sonic smirked, turning to the others. “Now, who’s up next?”
“Batter up!” Amy got up from laying belly-first in the snow, and wacked one that was distracted by Sonic, shaking in fear as it went to attempt a picture, and was bashed away by Amy’s hammer.
“You want hot and spicy?” She turned to the next drone, “Take a quick peek at this!” She whipped up her hammer as though a boxer spinning around his arm and laid a huge grand-slam with her hammer’s hilt into the drone like a saber.
It toppled in the air a few times before finally falling down. “Ah!” Amy noticed the insignia was Eggman’s, and realized who the freelancer was that was taking pics of them. ‘Oh no!’ she looked back to Sonic, still spin-dashing some of them in multi-hits. ‘If he finds out this was Eggman trying to ruin his happiness... he’ll think he can’t ever be with me again!’ she looked uneasily towards the trashed robot. ‘It does make sense though... I can’t let Sonic know about this... Not yet, at least.’ she took her hammer out of it and bashed the logo further into the snow.
‘No wonder those creeps were saying bad things about Sonic and I’s relationship! O-or friendly hang out sessions!’ she grew furious, racing around and beating up some more. ‘Eggman is the only one who could keep up with me and Sonic’s whereabouts! He’s been sitting back and making millions on exploiting our love! I-I mean- ohhhh..!’ she stood side by side with Sonic. “Let’s let them have it!”
He could tell she was riled up, but actually liked it.
“On your count, Amy!” he joined the fun. In unison, Amy swung her hammer and Sonic jumped back to reel his fist back.
“Counter strike!” Amy saw the drone rise up to dodge Amy, but she lifted her hammer up to match the direction of where it dodged, and Sonic held nothing back to slam his fist into her hammer’s other side to launch her swing with even more force--blasting back the force of air with it--to completely obliterate the drone where only a few minor pieces were actually sprayed like darts out into the trees trunks.
Another drones turbines kick up and blast the snow away as it retreats.
Sonic charges after it, following it by scaling up a tree as Amy looks around at the bear ground.
The robots’ had Eggman faces being exposed everywhere.
Amy’s eyes shook, “Oh no... oh no, oh no, oh no!” she quickly fell to her knees and tried to pile more snow over them, spreading them out but the heat of their explosions caused the light bundles of snow she was trying to put over them to melt in a few seconds. “Stop, stop, stop!” she felt her emotions getting the better of her and hammered the drones down into the ground, but the one she was working on wouldn’t budge. Yes, it dented it’s metal in, but the ground was too solid for it to pierce below and hide itself by Amy burying it.
When Sonic flung down, Amy knew it was already too late... he was too fast to expect herself to hide anything... and wondered what horrible fate lay in store... now that he knew.
She wouldn’t look up at him.
She knew he must have seen them. There was no way to hide them.
He stood there for a long time... ‘Oh! I knew this was hopeless! Now Sonic will never go on another date with me!’
She felt the tears, but held them back. ‘No... I can’t let him see this affect me... I’ve worked too hard to let Eggman, the press,... anyone stop me from being with him!’
As she lamented, silently trying to hide her crying, Sonic walked through the bare, frozen, and solid ground.
He bent down and showed her a thumbs up, just under her vision.
“H-huh?” She looked up with tears that frosted to look like she was crying crystals, as they glittered like stars, and watched as he closed his eyes and gave her the brightest smile she had seen on him to date.
“Nice teamwork,.. Amy!” It was a light acknowledgement, but when he said her name, it was so wonderfully pleasing to her ears, so soft and full of charming reciprocation.
He needn’t say those famous words... as long as he always said her name with such flare and devotion.
It filled her with such profound hope, that it inspired her to reach out to him.
A little startled by her reaction, he couldn’t resist hugging her back, and she held him as he picked her up and carried her to warmer climates.
(Based this one off of Sonic X!Sonamy a bit, can you tell? ;)b )
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh here's a prompt idea: Movie!Sonic meets Game!Sonic and they marvel at how different they both are. Amy finally catches up after chasing Sonic and is heaven seeing two Sonic's. Movie!Sonic having never met another hedgehog let alone one as forward and open as Amy is enamored and Game!Sonic is conflicted if he's happy a version of himself is loosening up but worried Amy will take too much of a likening to him. So like a sprinkle of jealous Sonic but we know where Amy's heart lies.
You’ll find my response to this prompt here: The pajama blogs 24:25
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After a dimensional rift is created by Game!Eggman, the game counterparts are flung into Movie!Sonic’s world.
After some zany fun and shenanigans', the two finally realize the ‘double-ganger’ wasn’t ‘Shadow’ or ‘Metal Sonic’ at all, but actually a different Sonic!
“Woah!” Before Game!Sonic could even say anything, mimicking Game!Sonic’s actions a second as they both think they’re staring in a reflection behind a fountain’s waterfall effect, Game!Sonic is the first one to to actually say something. “You’re-! The other me! Oh, this is awesome!” Zips to his other side, as Game!Sonic is amazed but kinda used to these things by now?
So he simply smiles, opens his mouth to say something but then Movie!Sonic continues to zip around him and lift different parts of him up.
“I saw you save that rich Chris kid from falling off that tower. I also save people from towers, long story, quick spark notes, they’re now kinda my mom and dad. Oh~ Buckles! Shiny, but why a buckle? Do you not know how to tie shoes? Me neither. Do slip-ons exist in your world? What’s your world like? Never really knew mine. Were buckles ever in season? Trendy? Why are your arms the color of your skin and why is your quills a solid form, do you compact them with gel? That’s a lot of gel. Why is your blue darker than mine but my fur tanner than your... again, skin? Why do you shave? Also, you look a little like a two-eyed cyclops-HEY!”
Game!Sonic, rolling his eyes at the young energy, swipes the Chaos Emerald from Movie!Sonic’s quills and moves away from him, waving a finger.
“Thanks, that’s cool, weird. Buckles are always cool. No, okay, yes but no, exciting and beautiful, that’s a shame. Always and forever, because they are, no gel, all natural, I guess I get more sun while you get more bleach, and nice joints, stick-figure.”
Game!Sonic waited a second... looking a bit confused and/or offended... before giving off a goofy grin and simply stating, “Touche.”
“Do you know what this is?” Game!Sonic pointed to the Chaos Emerald.
“No idea, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” Game!Sonic teased and hugged himself, “But in all seriousness, that weird, pudgy Eggman with the wild stache has been trying to snatch it from me like Chilifries!”
“Always the chilifries.” Game!Sonic shook his head and looked up as though relating hard with that, “Well, It’s important. I need 6 more of these... and wait, was Eggman ever NOT fat?”
The two stared at each other a second, and then Movie!Sonic looked away and puckered his lips back as though not wanting to say anything to the look that Game!Sonci gave him.
Turning around, Game!Sonic winced and spread his mouth back, showing his teeth and an expression of ‘uh oh’ at the voice and figure coming towards them.
However... when Movie!Sonic turned around...
‘I know a girl who's tough but sweet She's so fine, she can't be beat Got everything that I desire Sets the summer sun on fire.’
As the song played, Amy’s quills swished around as she ran, her dress also scooted to one side and her smile lit up the world. She winked, but it was really just her ducking from the reflection of the water glaring her eyes and then jumped into a starstruck Movie!Sonic.
Game!Sonic looked down at them.
‘IIII~ Want candy~ I~ Want candy~’
“Oh! I’m so glad I was able to find you again, Sonic! Hehe! You can’t separate two fated lovers!” She squee’d, nuzzling in as Movie!Sonic’s eyes were a bit loopy but he shook himself free of the music and looked greatly conflicted.
On one hand, this is totally awesome.
On the other hand, fated lovers?!
“What just happened?” Movie!Sonic gently tried to get her off but her grip was ferociously strong. “Emm! Lady! I-It’s very nice-! Ah! To meet... you...toooooo!” He finally gasped for air when he got her off of him, but Game!Sonic just snickered into his hands.
“Amy, meet Other Sonic from this dimension. Then meet again.” Game!Sonic introduced them before giving a sarcastic look to her when he pointed back to himself.
She had to study them a second but then flew her hands up by her face, getting up off the ground she was sitting down on. “Oh my rings! I’m so sorry! Are you alright?”
She leaned over Movie!Sonic, “Wow! Now that I look at you... you really do look young!”
“And I’m fluffy too.” Movie!Sonic zipped back up, shaking himself off as he suddenly turned poofy from the friction in his quills.
“Ah! Haha!” Amy pointed and got lightly zapped, then clapped as though easily-amused by his antics. “He’s so cute!”
Game!Sonic had to do a double-take, folding his arms as she said that...
“You’re even taller than Sonic!”
Then pouting.
“And you’re uhh... As pink as a gumball!” Movie!Sonic thought fast, scratching behind his head in his nerves and leaning one foot out and up towards her, then skidding it on the ground to then move closer to her, where he had placed it. “N-not that I like gumballs.” He saw Game!Sonic’s expression and immediately grew nervous, shaking his hands out in front of her, “They get stuck in your teeth, but the sugar is nice.”
Amy just giggled, “Amy. Amy Rose.” She offered him her hand and instead of taking it... though reaching out for it, he looked over his shoulder at Game!Sonic and stood back, bowing to her instead.
“You must be a secret princess or something from your world, right? Is he here to protect you or something?” Movie!Sonic threw a thumb back towards Game!Sonic as she giggled into her hands, then swayed back and forth as her hands intertwined and laid at her front.
“Hehe, he’s a charmer... for sure!”
She then noticed the Chaos Emerald in Game!Sonic’s folded arms as he groaned at how sweet they were being to one another.
“Oh! A Chaos Emerald! I almost forgot! I was trying to tell you I found one, but I lost it to that Metal silver robot...”
“That’s gotta be Metal Sonic!” Movie!Sonic suddenly stated, “I saw him come through the portal when you guys did!”
“Two Metal Sonics? Oh no...” Amy cupped her face, worried about their own world’s Metal Sonic... “But it definitely looked funny...”
“Yeah, Dr. Robotnik is a funny sort of fellow.” Movie!Sonic thought she meant the doctor...
“Umm...” Amy looked confused, about to correct him but Game!Sonic stuck out his arm.
“It’s nice to stay and chat like old pals, Amy, but we could use a direction on where he went with that Chaos Emerald.”
“Oh, right!” Amy immediately gave them the locations, and as they sped off, Movie!Sonic kept showing off for Amy instead of actually trying to get the Chaos Emerald.
It was annoying Game!Sonic, “Hey, focus, man!” he cried out as Movie!Sonic was too distracted to realize that the robot was shooting straight at where he had dived to catch the Chaos Emerald.
“Oh no!” Amy covered her eyes, but then threw her hammer, “Just kidding~” she jumped into the battle and saved Movie!Sonic.
He was deeply embarrassed after that, and found he was becoming lamer and lamer the more he tried to impress her, being clumsy and the like.
With all the flattery too... Game!Sonic started to worry about Amy.
“Hey, ease up, will ya?” He finally told Movie!Sonic. “You’re making me look bad here...”
“Wait, really?!” Movie!Sonic shook his head pretty quickly, “I thought you were being cooler than me! That’s why I tried so hard to make a good impression!”
“What? Dude, I know you haven’t known Amy for very long, but she’s not someone to judge that fast. She’s got a good sense of character, and she knows you’re just nervous, loosen up and quit trying so hard. You’ve gotta be naturally cool to be a Sonic.” he dusted himself off and gave him his typical Sonic smirk and wink, pointing out his thumb and index finger and tucking it up under his chin. “If you believe it, then you are it.”
“Ohhh... Attitude. Got it!” Movie!Sonic stopped trying so much to impress Amy and went back to the mission, only concerned about his image looking pathetic around her.
Later, it was clear Amy was favoring Movie!Sonic, trying to get his attention in normal ways again, but he absent-mindedly disregarded her each time.
Feeling ignored, Amy went to Game!Sonic, asking if she had insulted or hurt Movie!Sonic on accident, and wanted to make things right.
“Gee, you’re really worried about how he sees you, huh?” Game!Sonic was pitching up a tree-tent to sleep under, tying a rope below the tree as Amy nervously fidgeted.
“I just don’t understand! I didn’t do anything to make him feel like I wasn’t be polite or kind enough...” she twiddled her fingers, but then, just as Game!Sonic was gonna tell her the truth, she embraced him from behind.
“I’m glad you’re not like that Sonic... at least, when I talk to you, you hear me out, right?”
He suddenly had a crooked smile on his face, and all honesty went out the window.
His ears curled as though horns and patted Amy’s arm. “Oh, of course, Amy! I would never treat you so poorly...”
She sniffled, and he beamed even more.
“Tell ya what, maybe you should stick with our universe for a while... make you feel better.” He patted and stroked her head in a condensing way, smirking at his own devious plans.
Amy was now very dismissive of Movie!Sonic, causing him to wonder what he did wrong. She was a bit vicious in her absolute disregard for him, not like his unintentional way with her.
Discussing it with Game!Sonic, he put two and two together and realized he had turned her against him.
It sparked a rivalry, a figurative tug-o-war before Amy finally saw them both work together to help her when she was surrounded by Eggman’s robots, threatening to make her a lab-experiment.
“This Dr. Robotnik is nuts!”
“Wasn’t he always?” The two said at the same time, fist-bumping and chuckling, as Game!Sonic let Movie!Sonic carry her back to camp.
After that, they didn’t let Amy get in-between their fun, and they sort of bonded over it.
Amy... was still confused, but was now fighting for both their attentions, as they led her on thinking they were ‘just too busy’ but secretly just liking her work for their attentions instead of the other way around!
Oh, but she got back at them!
By the end, they had two nasty bumps on the head to prove it!
“Phew! That was fun, but maybe... I don’t think I’ll be seeing her again.” Movie!Sonic lightly rubbed his large bum on his head before... “Oh great...” His eyes shrunk as a yellow fox he now knew was ‘Tails’ arrived and with him... a new rosy pink hedgehog...
And the hammer thumping on the head never ceased from then on in~<3
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh I read one of your dark sonamy prompts a while ago where Amy dies and it leads to a future where Sonic turns bad. Is it possible you could continue that prompt by showing Sonic's decent into madness upon realizing Amy's gone?
So I have Amy die a few times lololol but let’s see, I think you mean this one (x) and not this one (x) where it’s implied she and the rest of Sonic’s friends have died. Ya’ll and your angst feels needs So anyway, this should be fun! :D
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(The original artist x is @strawberryminto, please support her!)
In the future that had been changed... in order to understand the demented tragedy of the downfall of a hero’s peak... we must first traverse the universe back to before Silver’s interference...
Back to when...
She couldn’t be saved.
“Sonic! Stop!”
Amy’s cries echo the underground cavern walls as the radioactive magma continued to boil. He could feel the heat on his face as he kept going, never daring to give up on a friend.
“Grr…!!!” He continued to pull on them, homing attack to maybe shred a bit of resistance, but the sparks only gave off a faint struggle against him. Nothing was working, and Sonic began to see Amy’s hopeless demeanor, the wear in her eyes, and his mind began to wonder what awful setup they put her through to capture her.
So what if Eggman was being mind-controlled?! He would deal with that bozo once Amy was okay.
‘And she would be okay... she had to be okay...’
He was so lost in his thoughts as he tried to keep calm, but it was clear from his hurried efforts and sweat from the heat that this wouldn’t be enough... He stopped only a moment to stare down at her, panting before gritting his teeth.
She was helpless... chained and beaten down into this cage...
“Sonic...” she had seen his gaze, “Sonic, it’s not gonna budge!” she urged him to save himself, but he couldn’t even fathom that.
His mind was stuck on each bruise that showed through where the quills weren’t able to hide... his fur grew blacker in blinks as he kept thinking of each hit that must have worn her out to this pitiful state... her eyes... so full of something he still couldn’t quite grasp.
She could barely look over at the counter, taking her beautiful, longing eyes off of him to see her doom ahead... 25…24…23…
‘No... No!’ he banged against the cage again, ‘Don’t give up, Amy. It’s me, Sonic! I won’t let you-!’ he couldn’t even think of the possibility of failing her, but with each sound of the timer, he turned more aggressive and animistic to try and get her out.
All those robots he happily trumped over, thinking it would be just a typical adventure, another walk through memory lane... 
Then he saw it, with a double-take, her eyes...
Began to cry.
“Sonic!” she lunged forward with what looked like the last of her strength, gripping the cage as though this was her last chance to get through to him.
His eyes must have frightened her, but he wasn’t aware of how his fur was shifting so frequently between dark blue and his normal shade...
He slumped against the cage, realizing her faith in him that he thought would never cease had finally given way... and he couldn’t stop staring at her. At the girl who was letting this happen..!!!
‘Without the Chaos Emeralds… I-...’ Sonic knew the situation was desperate now, Amy couldn’t save herself and he didn’t have the power to break the cage open. This wasn’t a game... this-!
“…Sonic…” Captured by her look, he was frozen a moment in it. Was this... love?
As though as carefully as a fairy, she gently slid her fingers through the small slits between the cage... but the clanking of the chain paused her from being able to fully reach him. Her bracelets blocked the rest of her hand from being able to squeeze through, but she was reaching for him... And he wanted so desperately to take away that fear and longing in her eyes.
‘I’ll hold you.’ He told himself, but couldn’t move. She slowly lifted the hand up the cage to place it in front of his eye and slide it down to cup his cheek. ‘I’ll make sure to dry your tears, you have nothing to fear... why can’t I say this? Why can’t I-?!’
“I can’t let you die in vain.” In defiance of his denial, she suddenly pushed his face away. “Sonic! Sonic, you need to live! You need to free Eggman! Save and preserve this world from that man’s mind control! And Sonic… Oh, Sonic…” 
‘Amy..!!!’ he shoved his face back into the cage, trying to get as close to her as he could, gripping the bars up, as though believing his normal strength could keep them up by him...
As though a tender goodbye... Amy took one last, courageous breath.
Something in him broke.
“Always remember… I loved you more than life itself.”
His eyes widened, as though her hammer had swung and broken every fragile belief of happy endings he had ever conceived in his mind.
Like shattered planes of glass all lined up together, and having the swinging hammer rotate and smash through them all in slow-motion... the dawning of what was about to happened began to sink in.
‘No... NOOOO..!!!!’ his eyes widened, ‘Amy!!!’ he couldn’t speak, his throat felt constricted and his chest tightened.
His form burst with his emotional state, fully converting him as he was about to grab her and if the cage went down... so would the captain and his ship, so to speak.
A true Romeo... as the mind-controlling man had said.
However, Juliet was more than worth it.
He’d have rather died with her that day than live in the reality that was yet to come...
But arms flung over him, gripping him back into life but not into any comfort.
“No.. No!!” he finally found a voice when he heard the counter begin to fall to the single digit numbers. He tried to throw the hands off, not even hearing what they were saying or noticing who they were as he watched the last of Amy’s hope... her sigh of relief that he was able to live, and her continual crying at knowing she couldn’t come with him.
Then, as though an even greater blow to his heart, she withdrew to the back of the cage, making sure that even if he broke free and returned to her side... he’d still be unable to reach her.
She breathed heavier... knowing what was to come before ducking her head in her clinging arms to the bars, and crooking her neck to shut her eyes at the next, hopefully painless second.
She suddenly shoved herself against the cage, as finally the dark chaos power blasted even more, seeing that not only was she seeing this as the end, making it even more impossible for him to keep trying to save her, but also making the outcome happen that much faster.
She was giving him no hope, and that wasn’t Amy... it wasn’t like her!
“AMYYY!!!” Sonic’s darkness began to spread out like a pulsing aura, almost freeing him to die alongside her but then a powerful blow slammed into the back of his neck.
Seeing the blackness consuming his eyes... Something hoisting him up and forcing him away from a decision he had already made... he heard the last strands of his heart give way.
The image of Amy... falling slowly off the edge of the radioactive magma pool below the underground cavern...
He heard no explosion. In fact, the first thing he saw when he awoke was Tails and Knuckles standing over him. “Ugh...” He clutched his head, feeling a massive headache... and something else... what else was there?
“A…Amy?” he looked around, but...
In a wild spin, he was up with the weightlessness of the wind like a tornado, spiraling to land on his feet and panicking, called for her again. “Amy? Amy!? AMMYY!!!”
Sonic turned around.
Tails had been knocked down along with Knuckles, but Knuckles got up first and helped Tails to his feet next.
They both looked so sorrowful... so afraid.
Sonic slowly turned his eyes to them, focusing on their expressions.
“Where is she?”
They remained silent, breathing as quietly as they could as though not sure what to say first.
Knuckles turned his head away, “Sonic... We couldn’t...”
“She... Oh, Amy!” Tails covered his eyes, unable to control his emotions and began crying profusely, sobbing loudly.
Knuckles kept a hand on Tails’s shoulder, but looked off behind him, standing upright with his head towards Angel Island. “There was nothing we could do... We... We have to stop Eggman...” Knuckles was unaware of the mind-control situation, but his shoulders bounced and his voice cracked as it was clear he was starting to sincerely cry as well.
Even he couldn’t remain strong in this mess.
Sonic’s face seemed to break, his anger was replaced with an empty look of horror as he stumbled quickly over to a tree, using it to hold himself upright. “No...” his mind raced back to her expression, longing for him to save her, losing the faith that he could... “Amy...” He gripped the eye that she had skimmed, then grabbed his quills in his anguish and tugged on them, causing physical pain to himself.
“NOOOO!!!!!!” His form shifted to black fur, his eyes bursting white. “SHE CAN’T BE GONE. I’LL SAVE HER.”
Tails and Knuckles slightly looked passed their own heartbroken states to look towards him, having heard of that form before but never truly seeing it.
He slammed his fists repeatedly into the ground, causing it to crumble away as he rose a bit in the air with each powerful hit, as though his power was so immense in his fury and grief that at one point, his fist couldn’t reach the falling ground beneath him.
He was going to let himself fall, but Knuckles flew out and grabbed him, pulling him back. “We didn’t save you to make her sacrifice be in vain!” Knuckles knew he had to get Sonic together, even if he wasn’t himself. He landed and shook him up as Sonic’s eyes returned to him and his fur turned a darker blue.
“Let’s just take down that guy and find a way to get the Chaos Emeralds! I’m sure-! I’m sure there’s a way to-!” Tails got up too, bundling his fists but then losing hope and falling back to his knees again, “I failed too... I failed her!” he began crying again.
Through the efforts of Knuckles, Tails and Sonic were able to compile themselves enough to get back up and fight another day...
However... When Sonic and the Mind-controller were alone... Sonic shifted and held the Mind-controller over his own experimental, chemically enhanced magma fuel by his throat.
As he struggled, Dark Sonic’s eyes remained expressionless, before speaking the unthinkable. “I’d like to find out... if there’s a way someone could survive your concoction.”
The man’s eyes shrunk in fear, “You wouldn’t do that... you’re a hero!”
Sonic never took his eyes off his released hand. He heard the cry and the shrieks from being melted down almost instantly, but his hand remained up and loosened... He didn’t even look down... but lowered his hand and waited to see if even the creator of this death could save himself.
When Tails came in with the Eggman machine to cool the magma from never hurting anyone else, Sonic walked along it, looking for any sign of life.
They all spoke: Eggman, Knuckles, and Tails while Sonic tuned them out, searching for anything...
There was a piece of magma that looked like gold was melted... two blotches... and his knees fell when he realized... Her bracelets...
He breathed hard, as though something was constricting his chest and trying to stop his heart.
“Sonic?” Tails turned to see his panic attack, and quickly called Knuckles to help him.
Sonic was pulled away from the spot,... and thankfully... Tails and Knuckles didn’t see what had triggered him.
Sonic, in his depression and after the attack, was so drained of life that he slept for 3 days straight... Waking up in Vanilla and Cream’s home, he wouldn’t eat anything, and wouldn’t even smile to Cream...
To avoid being rude, he told Cream he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and patted her head as he walked out.
Wandering through the forest, he ignored the constant calls from Tails, asking him when he was ready to go hunt down the Mind-controller, seeing as he was no where to be found...
But Sonic had a different mission.
Eggman’s paranoia caused him to start right away on the elite, defensive robots and base improvements, but he wouldn’t be able to move fast enough...
While Sonic walked towards Eggman’s base, his expression dead-set on a dark revenge... he suddenly stopped as something like a screeching tire cracked in his ear and mentally paused everything he was doing.
His weary eye turned to the forest trees... seeing faint mirages of a red dress, hearing familiar giggling that would blur and sweep from his eyes like flickers off of water.
“Amy..?” He was almost in a dream-like state, trying to follow the imaginary sounds of laughter and fleeting sight of the dress spinning out of view as though his eyes couldn’t catch it in time.
He kept following it, growing in speed as he didn’t realize his whole being had turned blood dark black... and his eye sockets as glowing white as the moon...
He came upon a city as the voice suddenly cried out in pain.
“AMY!?” he cried out, rushing into the city as the car’s lights seemed to flash and blind him in his hysteria.
He felt so desperate... “I’m... I’m lonely.” he thought that might pull her out from hiding, the flickers of her intensified and lead him into traffic, as he spun around in circles trying to catch her... his head turning which way and westward in a hope to spot her.
“Why are you playing around with me like this!? Stop it!” he sent a blast of dark chaos power towards a building, people who once were in awe at spotting him so far into the public were suddenly shrieking out in fright.
As the large building collapsed, Sonic flung around to it, shocked by the fires that started from it. “Amy... I knew I didn’t fail you...” He saw her through the fires, and almost like a zombie, began to walk towards them. “I knew... I knew you’d make it out safely...” He stumbled into the fires, grunting out at the pain of their heat but kept crawling through them, the smoke making out her figure with the flickers of red and white from her dress...
“Save me!” her voice seemed to cry out in his mind as he reached for her. “Sonic, I’m scared! Come find me!”
“I am... I’m right here...” He was slowly succumbing to the lack of oxygen before a crane lowered down and scooped him out of the flames. He went limp in the construction machine’s grasp.
His weary, delusional gaze looked down to see Amy in the cage, smiling up at him. She outstretched her arms.
“...I miss you...” He cried, fainting then in the clasp of the machine...
He slept for several more days, but that wasn’t the last time he destroyed something... soon it was cities, as though Amy’s image was playing hide and seek with him. He never noticed the thousands of people frightfully fleeing him, only the flames that seemed to hold her image in them.
He became obsessed with destruction, for it was only in those flames that he thought he could see her again, and would try to pull her out or even join her in them.
Tails finally suggested maybe the Chaos Emeralds, hoping to stop Sonic’s rising pyromaniac tendencies and self-suicidal attempts by walking in the flames...
However, Knuckles stated that without a body... it was impossible.
But this didn’t stop Sonic... he brought back Chaos... threatening him to revive Amy which was not something a God of Destruction could do... and obliterated Chaos...
In terror at what Sonic had done, Knuckles tried to stop him, and was caught up in Sonic’s insanity and destroyed.
On his way to Eggman, Tails tried to reason with him and plea for his friend back... but when he mentioned that there was nothing that could be done about Amy, and to let her go, and that this image he kept following after wasn’t her... he was destroyed along the path to Eggman.
Shadow was harshly wounded when he finally stood face to face with Sonic, but by then, Sonic had already destroyed Eggman’s base... him inside it... cowering at how far-gone Sonic had become.
“You’re a murderer!” Shadow cried out, gripping his half-blasted arm that had flesh starting to show due to its damages... and half his stomach’s side was badly injured from just the battle alone.
Sonic was fully unable to speak now, his darkness having taken over all assets of himself.
“You refuse to believe she’s gone forever... You destroyed Chaos after finding out that without a body to channel his power through, it was pointless to try and bring back a soul through any other means!” Shadow gripped his other, healthier fist... unable to use Chaos powers anymore due to Chaos’s absence, the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald were useless in trying to stop Sonic now!
“You refuse to let her go, so you destroy the rest of the world with her!? You don’t think I know what that’s like?!” He rose back onto his feet, as Sonic’s ghostly black form watched him... no expression.
“She saved me once... I know she can’t be here to save you, but her words may... I must fulfill my promise... my debt to her. She saved me from becoming you!” he summoned all his strength, “I know that people fight over the most trivial things. Some people may be selfish,... But they're basically good. If they try their best and never give up on their wishes... They always have a reason to be happy. That's why you should help them out... Saving them is a good thing!” He repeated her words to him.
Dark Sonic’s eyes turned to a imaginary flicker of Amy’s dress... and as he turned to pursue it... Shadow spoke and stopped him again.
“You look for her... don’t you?”
He tilted his head down.
“You can’t make out reality anymore... I look for Maria too.” He closed his eyes, feeling the pain of admitting that. “But I know she can’t be returned to me. I know that Amy would be mortified to see what you’ve become! You forsook your own friends!” he swiped out his hand, falling back to a knee in his injuries. “Ugh... hah... hah... you won’t destroy me... I’m the Ultimate Lifeform... but ... you came pretty close.” he retreated, dashing away as Sonic turned to a new voice...
“I need your help.” The false Amy peeked as though a blur out from a tree, his entire world like a sketchy blur of jagged lines. “Hehe~ Sonic..! Where are you..?”
He began to walk towards the ghost of his memories... sending a fire in their wake.
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
#NotAPrompt saddly:( Anyways hello hope ur having a good! So from an amazing writer to your fellow beginner writer. How do you organize ur ideas or outline it before you start a sonamy story?
Thank you and great question!~
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When you start any story, there needs to be a written Outline, or spine, of a story. Loglines also help to organize a clear direction for your story– example: Sonic, a free-spirited and adventurous hedgehog, and his friends must collect all 7 chaos emeralds to stop Eggman and a released, ancient god of destruction from threatening their world. - Logline I made up for Sonic Adventure. A logline is one sentence that clearly establishes a character and conflict.
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Once you have some ideas, let’s say maybe you have the middle worked out or the exciting incident, you then create an Outline. Act 1, Act 2, Act 3. Act 2 should be the longest and biggest portion.
In my prompts, I usually hurry through Act 1 to get you to the exciting incident and then smoothly transition through a wrapped up conclusion.
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Act 1 should be small, almost equal to Act 3′s plot points. Act 1 is you introducing the normal life before something twists it around, the conflict. The conflict is the starting point to Act 2, where you begin the rising action.
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(the most simplest form. There are other arcs, such as ‘Character Obstacles’, ‘Character Tragedy’, and ‘Character Hero Story’. There are a few more too, but those are the ones I write the most of :)b There’s even a romantic one! Look them up and find your favorites in your own stories, comics, or movies ;)b)
For example, in my lastest Sonamy story, the turning point for the characters was when Amy also got sick with Sonic. This changed the normality which was that Sonic was originally sick, and now, the conflict begins of how are they gonna hide from the robots while both being squished together sharing leaves and turning ditzy in their sickness? I then lead that to Act 3, where silliness does ensue but they end up having a memorable, although disgustingly funny, platonic moment together that turned sweeter and even romantic as the conclusion unfolded. (Prompt: x)
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Granted, this story is NOT a work of art haha XD I was inspired to make it, but the plot to it was extremely simple, which is why no real ‘action’ takes place and it’s all character emotion that drive the plot forward.
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Many ways a character can express or subtly hint at their emotions. Sometimes they’re impulsive and transparent, wearing their hearts on their sleeves. (AMY) Sometimes their shy or subtle, opting to mask their emotions deep below the surface until they can’t help but ‘leak’ their emotions out during the climactic reveal and ‘breaking point’ for their character or plot summary. (Sonic.) Sometimes their so out of it, or not even in tune with their own emotions that they play them off and go cynical with it all. (Sometimes, I see this as Classic Sonic, but not always.), there are many more. Find them all! lol
As for my bigger fanfictions, I do make a summary, which is the full story condensed into a page or so worth of ‘notes’ as I refer to them. It’s not as neat as labeling Act 1-3, but it does give me a basic outline.
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For Example, you can’t use your summary outline for your summary to your story. Your summary should have the reader asking questions so they’ll want to engage with the story. Instead, your Summary Outline should look like this:
Sonic and Amy, during a normal fight with Eggman, suddenly mention a tough topic for the both of them that causes some bickering and tension. When the tension accelerates beyond normal teasing, the two end up accidentally losing their tempers and hurting each other. Eggman, deciding drama’s not what he wanted today, sends a fully-armed attack at them while their distracted, thinking it a good opportunity to catch Sonic off-guard. However, though Sonic looks like he’s about to get whammed by the ambush, Amy pushes him out of the way and they survive. Amazed, Sonic rushes over to her, “Amy! W-why… Why did you jump in the way like that? I don’t get it… Weren’t you mad?” He hovers over her as she weakly squints an eye up at him (NOTE: This part is getting more detailed, can you tell? It’s the climax of the story and should have much more detail and notes going on. Even dialogue that can be rewritten or changed. It’s okay to have notes like this for your most dramatic scene, and keep the rest of it generally swift, but try not to go too vague. If you do, you may forget how you wanted to write that part, and that’s NO GOOD! -Sonic reference, lol!) “S-Sonic… Don’t you understand?!” She wobbly gets up to lean up into his face, “No matter how mad you may make me, or how awful our bantering gets, I will still love you no matter what!” (Exciting Incident, Amy’s confession, which will lead to a reaction in not only Sonic but the audience. This is the height of the climax and when things start to go down, but Sonic’s climax is right after this– example: ) Sonic, taken back by her words, suddenly smiles, “I can do no wrong by you… can I?” Amy smiles, and when Sonic realizes she’s not teasing or messing around this time, loses the smile and has his eyes scan her for any sign of humor. When none is found, he embraces her, “…Thank you… Amy.” (This is the point you begin the falling action, which is also the beginning of Act 3, which starts at the ending of the climax and continues towards the resolution, the lasting effect or result of the climax. What has now changed for the characters? What is their new reality? In Drama, there needs to be a few players: Victim, Villian, and Rescuer. Rescuer has to lose every time, then the dynamic will change to Victim as a Villain, and Villian as Victim. This then turns into ‘Creator of the drama’ which is neither victim nor villain, to two supports, ‘Challenger’ Sonic then turns to Eggman, cocky and snarky as usual, but this time, with an arm around Amy’s shoulders. They fight together and beat Eggman, still lightly joking with one another, but not as bad as before. Eggman is confused, defeated, he asks what happened. Amy and Sonic confidently look to each other, and together, wink slyly and say, “Friends fight together!” Before Sonic says, “Doesn’t mean they’ll leave ya if you have different opinions then them.” He smiles to her as she nods and continues his sentence for him, looking to him with love and admiration. “It just means you’re two different people, and that’s just fine by me! Otherwise, the world would be so boring!” (The lesson is usually delivered towards the end of Act 3, maybe not as strongly as this was. Sometimes, the lesson can be subtle and should be too. You don’t want to write ‘on the nose’ unless you’re writing for children very young, but in my opinion, Children are super smart too and pick up on a lot! My advice is to write strongly and powerfully even if it’s just for children audiences. They’re smarter than you think!) “And dull!” Sonic remarks, as the two of them laugh. Unable to comprehend their strange mood swings, Eggman grips his head and ducks down, frowning profusely, “Ahh… Now I have a headache…” (
And by the end, your audience will have understood the climb your characters took to reach that resolution, and they–themselves–reach a conclusion to their emotional relief. (People hate cliffhangers so much because you leave the Audience suspended in their need for closure, but that also addicts them to your story… so Authors can’t help but use it XD But we hate having it used on ourselves!!! Curiosity doesn’t kill your story, only your cat! And the satisfaction of knowing brings it back ;)b)
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Was it hard for your characters to reach a conclusion?
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Did that help? Lol This plot I made was rather simple, but I hope it taught it some stuff I like to think about when making a story! :D Drama is SO IMPORTANT! Remember to think of their character cores as well, what traits could create conflict in them and in others? What traits could help them learn and cope through that trauma? These are all important, and Romance usually has a ‘revelation’ or ‘impulsive excitement push’ around 10-15 pages/minutes when writing or watching a romance plot. I call it the ‘push’ because you can tell the writer is trying to nudge the two together. In film, you see them get bumped up against each other and then apologize but the girl moves her hair as a distraction and the boy looks away, but both are nervous and awkwardly blushing. That’s another ‘push’ in my book towards the romantic subplot.)
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(Then they notice their cute, they keep seeing each other, la-de-dah, even AMY wanted this to happen!)
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(Remember, this is Amy’s ‘day-dream’ sequence, it’s interesting how she thinks of Sonic, versus how he actually portrays himself. Useful info for writing Sonamy XD)
Alright! How’d I do? What Sonic and Amy stories will you create, my precious Anon friend? Good luck! And I can’t wait to see the success you find!
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