#I also have a tattoo of his paw print and a symbol from one of the books from the Old Kingdom series
magitekconveyor · 3 months
Cat pics please
Yeah I'll go ahead and pay the cat tax.
This is Mogget. Yes he's named after the character from Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series.
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qhoaaaa · 5 months
Milo with piercings and other features I imagine he has (and some hcs with Sweetheart hebehebeeheb)
He has them Dahlia piercings (lol) look them up they’re so cool
Has piercings on his ears, a few studs as well as a nose ring
Definitely buys different kinds of earrings and stuff to decorate his ears depending on the event
Brow piercing, especially on the right brow UGHH
They’re all gold colored, he also has some regular silver and black, has a few green colored studs as well
He’s gotta own a few gold chains (as a gold chain haver myself lmao), he keeps them in good condition
Sweetheart got him one as a gift and he teared up, kept asking them how much it was and they only said for him to not worry about it(it was expensive) - he wears it everyday and night and even in the shower
His neck sometimes gets nipped by the metal and when Sweetheart sees him bring a hand to rub at it, they ask, "Why don't you take it off?" And he says, "Eh, I don't wanna... it's from you, sure as hell I'm not gonna take it off."
Symmetrical beauty marks under his eyes (Sweetheart absolutely LOVESSS them, kisses his eyes a lot because of them), and on his cheeks too (genetics are INSANEEE)
Sharp canines,,, yesssss
Few patterned beauty marks on his shoulders
Most of his skin is just bare and smooth but Sweetheart loves when they see his beauty marks on his shoulders or his face when he’s taking a shirt off or resting
His back has a few long scars from sparring with the other wolves when he was younger, he didn’t want them healed fully, let them scar as a learning experience, Milo lets Sweetheart massage them or put a balm on them so the tissue doesn’t get weird, he feels all mushy (in a good way) when Sweetheart unexpectedly kisses down his scars (he makes sure to tell him it feels good too AWGWGW)
Really REALLY soft hands
Chest tattoo, it’s a singular design he made up himself (drew it and everything), it’s probably a symbol that’s important to him/his mother and his way to honor her, he has accompanying designs on his fingers
Tattoo of Sweetheart’s name on his nape (tell me that this wouldn’t look nice,, I’ll wait)
(Off topic but I saw a post where Marie and Colm have tattoos of Milo’s first paw prints of when he shifted for the first time and he would def do the same if he and Sweetheart have kids)
He and Sweetheart get ring tattoos on their ring fingers when discussing getting rings (I love that audio), they wear the actual rings on their thumbs
My personal opinion but he would not have grills ❌❌ (never liked those but to each their own !)
He has golden eyes (all wolves do and it’s just a variety of shades but his are golden golden and they’re so pretty, he wears brown contacts/Unempowereds see brown to cover the color)
Sweetheart has smile lines, they popped up after meeting and getting with Milo, Milo ADORES them
They used to hide their smile before meeting Milo, needless to say, they smile widely now, teeth and all and its the cutest to him, seeing that smile is how Milo knows that they're comfortable and relaxed and having fun
Theyre at least 6'3 , buff and curves THEY GOT IT ALL
Sweetheart works out at the gym semi regularly and Milo practically drools when he sees them and their muscles , they have long legs(LEG MUSCLES TOO) and he's all over them
Sweetheart loves his arms, no reason, they just do
They like to feel up and down his upper arms and his shoulders, he likes the touch
He has super curly black hair, got it from his mom (we love you Mama Greer) while most of his sisters have straight/wavy hair like their dad, no facial hair
He’s just reaaaaaalllllyyyty hot in general ouughhhhh 🫣🫣🫣
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theunknownmasks · 29 days
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Get to know Lulu
what's your phone wallpaper: Red fox laying in a forest. I blame Kenshin [Rurouni Kenshin] and Kurama [Yu Yu Hakusho] with fox button icons
last song you listened to: Subaqueous Funeral by Worm and Take Me Back To Eden by Sleep Token
currently reading: The screen cause my ass hasn't read in a few months
last movie: Megamind for the billionth time
what are you wearing right now?: Black t-shirt with Venom on the front, black shorts, and a tuxedo cat
how tall are you?: 5'6''
piercings / tattoos?: I had my ears pierced once when I was a baby but removed them when I was a teen and they healed over. I technically have 4 tattoos but 1 is a cover up. So fucked up music note with my grad year that was covered up by a cracked skull spilling music notes with roses around it and torn parchment paper beneath with my grad year written in it, Lion King tattoo where Simba's paw print is in his fathers paw print but watercolor edition lmao with 'He lives in you' which was dedicated to my favorite Disney movie and also because I lost my father when I was 10, lastly a Code Geass tattoo. It's a semi 3D purple Geass with Lulu under the symbol as I rp Lulu and my nickname is Lulu.
glasses / contacts: glasses.
last thing you ate?: microwaveable mac and cheese with a salsbury steak and a snickers ice cream bar and sangria wine XDD
favorite color: Fucking PURPLE
current obsession: Lilith, Lucifer, Stolas, Daenerys Targaryen, Egyptian stuff, nerdy game stuff and DnD
do you have a crush right now?: Yes but they're not interested in a relationship at this moment.
favorite fictional character: are you kidding me right now? Being a multi-muse I'm all over the place. I can't pick just one. Definitely Lucifer and Stolas at this time but Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, Mama K (Karlach), Shadowheart, Astarion, Minthara, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaenerys Targaryen, Drogon
last place you travelled: Fucking work but actual travel is Michigan.
tagged by: @gctchell RED YOU SWEET BEAN YOU
tagging: YOU! But I'll tag a few don't feel inclined to do this if you don't want to bbies <3 @immolatiism, @zestials, @ofgrce, @blitzs, @rebrnlove, @kuxi-n
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do you write for uvogin? if so
“The more you struggle, the harder this is going to be.” with uvo :)
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I do indeed, nonny, and I really hope this doesn't disappoint because I'm not going to lie, I found him very hard to write.
Warnings: Forced branding, Forced relationship, Needles (in a tattoo gun), Implied kidnapping. Not edited. Female pronouns are used for Reader.
Word Count: 444
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It was no secret that York New was a city that never slept. No matter what time of day it was, no matter which part of the city, there was always something open and something to do - whether it be going to a club, a restaurant, or even a mall. There was no shortage of entertainment or thrills.
It also had its fair share of tattoo parlors, surprisingly.
And while you weren’t one who was against tattoos, you were the type who only wanted to get a design if it meant something to you. The names of your parents on your wrists, a paw print of your childhood pet  - all of these had significant meanings behind them that you genuinely treasured having on your skin.
So it was no wonder that the fight you were currently putting up was one of the biggest you had ever done in your life.
“The more you struggle, the harder this is going to be.”
You could only scream at Uvogins words as he held you down on the stainless steel table by pinning your arms behind your back. You thrashed on your stomach, muscles burning and aching from the strain as you tried as hard as you possibly could to worm away, but it felt like you were being pinned down by a boulder.
“With how you’re holding her down, I won’t be able to get at the stencil placement.” Came the borderline bored statement from the artist - a person who you wished a painful death upon for participating in your torture.
Good, you thought. It had taken them over twenty minutes to put it on in the first place, and you didn’t want that fucking thing. You didn’t want to be permanently marked with a mimicry of Uvogin’s spider tattoo, and you certainly didn’t want to go along with the sick symbolism behind it.
He said you were his, but you were doing anything and everything in your power to make it clear that you were not. No tattoo, no claim, and you would die before having that mark etched into your fucking skin.
Uvogin chuckled deeply, bending your arms awkwardly upwards so your lower back was now exposed to the artist.
The buzz of the tattoo gun whirring to life made your struggles renew with vigor as genuine panic began to fill your system beside the rage.
“I’ll kill you for this.” You seethed. Your eyes were wide and wild, a few strands of your hair sticking to the sweat slicked skin of your face. You looked positively feral and it was a sight that made Uvogin grin all the more.
“You can certainly try.”
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© absolute-flaming-trash 2022. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
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💭💍🖊🎻🩹💯🌴 for both tobias and klara pls :3👍
THANK UU!!! 🤍 details abt ocs ask game
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
Tobias is an ENFP which, well, yeah definitely fits him :') Easy-going, optimistic, never shuts up, hides his feelings and a huge people-pleaser (against his own good). That said, Toby also tends to prefer using thinking more than emotional side bc he's used to do that more often :3 His enneagram is 2w3 which also suits him somewhat well? Without the preference for things staying the same, guy needs change in his life and is surprisingly adaptive.
Klara is an ENTJ - energetic, self-confident, stubborn and loves her to-do lists and planners. That said, she's a more "healthy" kind of ENTJ that isn't scared of showing her feelings (in safe places, that is) and isn't cold or arrogant. She's a 3w4 hehehe <3
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
Klara has two navel piercings, ear piercings & nipple piercings :3 She'd definitely want to have more and those that are more visible, but the problem is that she sadly works in a serious office job so that isn't allowed :/
Toby's not into piercings bc while he is fine with needles he is Not fine with whatever they're using to make them. No he hasn't even had his ears pierced sbdbfnfbffk
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
Tobias has two tattoos, one of which is a set of very small cat paw prints on his stomach. It's based on him walking out of his dorm one day feeling very awful, and seeing these little paw prints in the snow made him feel really happy 🥺
The second one is related to a bet he lost skdkfbfkfkfk He and his lab buddy were betting on one test result and he lost, so he had to get a tattoo of the last compound he mentioned in his thesis, which was...dimethyl sulfoxide 👍 It's on his right shoulder and he kinda likes it tbh &lt;;3 probably spooked Phin w it when he dragged his body out of the hope or smth LMAO
Klara has many, also mostly on the parts that won't be visible in an office environment. She has a big one that starts on her hip and goes to the ribs, a wreath-like thing though instead of laurels there's leaves of coast redwood. Then there's a flying relict gull on her right hand, and a black-billed gull on her left hand. Then there's Saturn & stars on her left thigh, and a small heart on her lower stomach. Some others too but I haven't decided on them yet :'3 Girlie likes her tattoos.
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Klara plays several instruments very well, but she's mostly fond of bass guitar <3 She played in a band during her first years at university :3 she ran out of free time to do so later on bit still plays it every now and then!
Toby always wanted to learn but didn't have the chance to do so due to too busy childhood/teenage years. After that he just wasn't really that interested anymore tbh 😭 He wanted to learn play piano!
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
Tobias definitely has lots of problems w his lower body due to professional figure skating 😭 He basically did it several times a week (no he didn't want to, he hated it :/) for like 10 years and bc of that 1) has broken some bones too many times and 2) his joints are fucked. badly. Now our poor guy is constantly haunted by knee problems, hip problems & gets his ankles strained very easily :(
I don't think Klara has any disabilities other than having tension neck pain often.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Comes from a family full of corporate workers that have high status in those ccorporations, and she also works in one of them. That said if you look at her bookshelf there's a few anti-corporate books, some of which are even almost "banned". She personally says that she works there only bc it is possible to change them from the inside (definitely not working).
Goes through one to-do/planner journal in like a month, always has a big supply of them somewhere so they won't end. Doodles a lot next to her to-do lists :3
Has a collection of crop tops and sports bras she likes, and wears them very often <3
Knows how to swim but is very scared of bodies of water where you can't see the bottom 😭 If you take him to the beach he will keep at least six ft distance from the water.
Loves coffee but would never drink it black. Can't drink tea without milk either (green tea is an exception).
Really loves going on long walks to think about things. Often buys a croissant and a coffee during them, as a treat.
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
They're both not really good at it but they definitely can keep some alive!
Toby is less good at it, especially if something requires getting his hands dirty, but he is good at remembering how to water them. Klara has more knowledge abt plants and thus does everything else ajdjjxckxkxk
They have a few plants at home, a big monstera and a few cactuses.
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par-vollen · 2 years
So I've posted about my OC, Olive, here and there but I haven't actually introduced her. 
Olive is my MC from @absentia-if. Absentia is an interactive fiction game where you play the role of a school teacher who was ripped away from everything you knew and loved when you were abducted on your way home from work 5 years ago. After your escape you have to navigate a world that left you behind and piece together clues to figure out who your abductor is. 
There are 5 gender selectable LIs to choose from. I'm choosing Kade - your spouse you left behind when you were abducted. You also get to have a dog.
Full Name: Olive Lewis née Moore
Nickname: She goes by Ollie/Oli with the people she loves and considers family. She hates being called Liv/Livy and will not respond to it. 
Age: Unless there is a concrete age chosen she was 26 when she disappeared
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Birthday: Undecided, born in September unless a concrete birthday is chosen.
Sexual Orientation: Bi/demisexual, though it’s not something she neccessarily knows about herself.
Body Build: Pre-absence she had an athletic build full of muscle from all her outdoor hobbies. She lost much of her muscle tone in captivity and has to work to get it back. 
Height: 5’3
Skin colour: Tanish
Hair style: 
Loose curls (2b)
Pre-absence - long brushing just past her waist. She usually kept it braided or a low bun. She had been talking about getting cut and had asked Kade if he thought she'd be cute with a bob cut. She had never cut her hair so short, but she wanted to donate her ponytail to charity (something like wigs for kids) and raise pledges among her friends and coworkers.
Post-absence - pixie cut. She doesn’t want it to be grabbed. 
Hair colour: 
Dark/medium brown with grey. Pre-absence her hair had natural highlights from her always being out in the sun. 
Eye colour: 
Dark green
Distinguishing Features: 
She has dimples when she smiles
Light freckles on her face and body
A faint scar running through the right side of her upper lip from when she was thrown off her bike while mountain biking when she was 14. She cut her lip on a broken branch but was otherwise unharmed. 
A scar from when she had her appendix removed.
She has 3 tattoos. A paw print just above her left ankle , two sunflowers on her inner right forearm, and an apple surrounded by blossoms on her left shoulder blade.
Some headcanons:
Some headcanons:
Olive would leave Kade silly little love letters and doodles on sticky notes hidden around the house in weird places for him to find. 
He was still occasionally finding them months after her disappearance, each one breaking his heart more than the last. 
Olive knows the language of flowers and she sometimes uses them to express how she's feeling when she’s having difficulty being open. (for example Kade might find a blue pansy pressed in one of his favourite books, Blair might come home from work and find a bouquet featuring zinnias in a vase on the dining room table) Olive never gives somebody a flower without taking the flower’s symbolism into account.
When she and Kade moved into their home together Olive devoted the first spring and summer to building a beautiful flower garden. She used to help her mother in the garden growing up and ever since she was a little girl Olive wanted her future home to have a big flower garden featuring sunflowers and she was determined to get it. She poured herself into researching plants, soil, and gardening zones eager to make her garden the best she could. She tended to it year after year and expanded it as she learned, creating a truly incredible garden. 
Kade does his best to maintain her garden now, but he doesn’t know half as much about gardening as Olive, and it hasn't been truly beautiful since she's been gone. He makes sure he replants sunflowers year after year and brings cut ones to her grave.
One of the ways Kade can see Olive healing, at least in the spring and summer, is through their garden. Even from the beginning it shows how far she has come that she can finally pick back up something that used to make her so happy. The garden flourishes when she is, and it declines when she's not. When he notices the garden is struggling or that she's not tending to it like she normally would, he knows to reach out to her and remind her he's here for her, and he's not the only person who is. He also puts an effort to help her in the garden, not necessarily on his hands and knees in the muck as it rains like Olive sometimes is, but enough that it's their garden now not just Olive's anymore. And for the times she's out there in the muck and rain he's got a warm drink and towel heating up in the dryer waiting for her inside.
(Gardening is one of the hardest hobbies for Olive to pick back up because it requires her to feel like she has a home again. She doesn't want to put down roots (literally) if she's going to be leaving. While it might not be something she would pick up fully again during the game as it depends on how Kade's route progresses, I could see her starting to help her mother in her garden and growing some sunflowers in a pot later on in the game, but before they're together again.)
(Any houseplants have always been Kade’s responsibility- Olive always manages to forget about them. That didn’t stop her from sometimes buying them though 😅 She’d try naming them to make her remember to take care of them but it rarely worked. She had a christmas cactus that she got as a gift from one of her students that she managed to keep alive - its name is Fred.)
(Lavender was one of the first things she planted in her garden at the request of Kade.)
Olive had set up a little seed bank on her and Kade’s front fence where she put extra seeds she didn’t need for other people to take because she wanted everybody to have the opportunity to garden. She had been in the process of helping build a community garden at her and Blair's school when she had been taken. She had intended to move the seed bank she had on her fence there once the garden was complete so it could reach more people.
Now that she’s back she gets to see the community garden not just completed, but flourishing, and the positive impact it's had on the community in those 5 years she was gone. She wasn’t around to complete it, but other people cared just as much as she did and it makes her very emotional in a bittersweet way, but mostly sweet. Kade and Blair had moved the seed bank to the school after the garden had been completed and the community has it filled with a huge variety of plant seeds. The seed bank is where Olive gets her first seeds when she starts gardening again.
(Olive had been thinking about getting a little beehive as her next summer project after the community garden was completed, but still had to talk to Kade about it.)
Morning had always been Olive’s favourite time of the day. She’d always wake up early, usually before the sun is even up, and just revel in the calm and quiet, a sacred moment for her to be alone with her thoughts before the chaos of the day begins. She’d get to enjoy watching the sunrise and the animal activity in her garden through the window as she made her and Kade a good breakfast every morning. She always tried to have it ready for when Kade wakes up, not out of a sense of obligation, but because it's a small, simple thing she could do to make him happy and helps start both of their days off well. In return he’d make both of their drinks because she likes the way he makes it best. He doesn’t do anything special, but she insists it tastes better when he does it.
Post escape mornings are a much more conflicting time for her. Stillness and quiet that used to make her feel calm now bring her anxiety and a feeling of loneliness - she had 5 years of being alone with her thoughts. Getting Ghost helps make mornings special for her again, using her morning to focus on him. Her mornings now start with getting him fed, a training session, and taking him for a morning walk or jog before coming home to prepare human breakfast. 
When together again Olive still wants to make her and Kade breakfast every morning, even if she doesn't always have it ready by time Kade wakes up anymore. I don’t imagine Kade would mind that at all.
(Breakfast food and baked goods are the limit of Olive’s skills in the kitchen. She tried to bake something every Saturday to bring to the Sunday family dinner. Olive helped with prep work for dinner, but it was usually up to Kade to do the seasoning and cooking.)
Hunting and fishing is something Olive did since childhood with her father and/or grandfather. She didn’t go hunting and fishing as often as an adult with a busy life, as it was more about the bonding experience for her, but when she did she used it as an opportunity to support her community by giving any surplus to the local food bank or soup kitchen. Outside of hunting she would never hurt animals if she could help it, being the type that catches spiders in cups to put outside instead of squishing them. She feels guilt with every snail crushed by a poorly placed step on a rainy day. (She wanted her students to develop empathy for all creatures big or small. Every living being is important, you can’t just hurt something because you thought it was insignificant.)
After her escape Olive never hunts again. She has no moral opposition to it, she just understands what it feels like to be prey far too well to ever feel comfortable killing again. 
Olive keeps little bags of lavender in her pockets because she likes the scent - she finds it very calming and helps with her stress. She started the habit because as a teacher she couldn’t wear perfume and kept up with it outside of the classroom because she ended up liking it more. The lavender would come from her own garden.
Post-absence you can tell when she’s upset and trying to hide it because you can suddenly smell lavender; she’s squeezing the little bags in her pocket as hard as she can like they’re stress balls. 
Often, especially in the beginning of her recovery, Olive is kept up at night thinking about all the people in the world that are currently in the position she had been in. Alone, scared, and feeling abandoned while waiting for a rescue that may never come.
When together again, She and Kade have a lot of late nights with tea as he holds her and runs his hands through her hair. Sometimes, during these moments she tells him things about her time in captivity, but mostly they sit in silence as shes comforted by the warm mug in her hand and the sound of his heartbeat as she lays her head on his chest, often finally being able to fall asleep while listening to it knowing she's not alone anymore. 
Post game Olive is able to regain her sense of self, agency, and power by doing all she can to help people like her (both living and deceased) be brought back home. She gets heavily involved in charity for missing people donating her money, time, and labour. Ghost helps her in this because through him she gets involved in dog training and cadaver dogs specifically. There are times she's travelled across the country with Ghost to participate in searches for missing people as a volunteer. Cold cases are particularly important to her, as she was one, and she reaches out to the families of missing people volunteering her services. She can't say this work makes her happy because it's often grim and heartbreaking, but it's satisfying and allows her to take back the narrative of her life. Horrible people exist and there is nothing she can do about that, but she can help the people they’ve hurt because she’s not helpless anymore.  
You can read more about Olive here.
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izzy-b-hands · 7 months
sleepover saturday! do you have/want tattoos? :0
Ahh thank you! I'm sorry the reply is so late; I just got a notification from Tumblr now!
I have 20 (if I'm not forgetting one fajkfdlasfj) tattoos total rn. I few for different bands/songs/movies, but also a couple of pieces of flash art that I really liked from my favourite tattoo artists in ND!
While I'm holding off on more tattoos for now, until I'm in a more financially stable place (I've made progress and have gotten help that I'm incredibly grateful for, but now I'm at the stage of needing to earn and save on what I have as much as possible, so not quite tattoo time yet), I have a lot planned that I'd like to do at some point in the future.
At least two for Izzy, including his north star/x tattoo; one for Frenchie, one for Roach, and one for Jim. I have one tattoo planned to commemorate my move from ND to CT, and I need to get one for my cat Nisha (she's alive and well in ND, but I've always wanted her paw print as a tattoo.) I've said for years I would get a dethklok related tattoo as well, and I've been pondering the Gears symbol for that one (I know other fans already have it, but I like that connection.) I still need to get my rat for the Boomtown Rats on the music side, to go with my Ghost-song related rat lol.
I'm also keeping my eye out for any sailing/naval history sort of flash artwork that might be available from local shops as time goes on (I've always wanted a design like that, and I figure the shops in this area and closer to the coast might actually utilise some historical sailing tattoo designs in flash themed that way. Plus, it might be the safest design for the very next tattoo I get, since it'll be my first time with a new artist in an entirely new area, where I don't know much about the local shops/scene yet.)
(on that note, if anyone has tattoo shop/artist recs for the Northeast area of the US, please let me know!)
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offbranddrpepsi · 2 years
Do you think any agents have tattoos (other than reyna, and brimstone who I think we've both seen to have tats)? Where? I'm my mind I can't decide if sova would have tattoos or not -sparkle
Ps. I made that side blog and am working on a piece to post there that's inspired by one of your posts, should I @ you or nah?
If you wanna @ me thats fine but also you absolutely don't have too! If you just tag it with the valorant tag i will probably find it anyways but if you do @ me i'll reblog it here! I actually think a fair amount of the agents have tattoos with most being smaller end or hidden under their clothes so below are the break downs of what tattoos i think everyone has!
Brim: i think he has to have the day his best friend died tattooed somewhere on his body as well as maybe a memento tattoo somewhere, that may be what the tattoo on his upper arm is since i don't believe we have seen it
Reyna: ontop of what she has i think she has her sisters name somewhere along with her sisters favorite flower/a flower she associates with her sister. I also think her tattoos she has are somewhat based around marks that appeared on her when she used her powers so she got tattoos over them to make it look more pleasing
Breach: He HAS to have something Norse on his body or something celtic just SOMETHING
Raze: probably has something really nerdy related to explosions as well as some dumb tattoos she got as bets that are just half ass jokes or memes
Cypher: Probably has several meaningful phrases in arabic tattooed on his body, he comes off as someone that has all his tattoos hidden OR has a noticeable one that is now hidden due to his clothes. I fully expect him to have his wifes name and childs name as well as their wedding and birthdates. I also imagine he has the all seeing eye tattooed somewhere on his body or some sort of eye tattoo. He also may have prayers on his body.
Chamber: He has his tour de force tattoos which i semi count because we don't know about the application process but we do know its his two guns. He was in the military and military guys typically get tattoos because fuck it why not so i imagine he may have some tattoo in french thats a really small phrase just hidden probably on his rib cage or leg that he thinks is now stupid/tacky he may even have one of those basic white girl ankle tattoos if you know what those are
Fade: i THINK fades paw print on her shoulder is a tattoo if not a scar from her powers or something like that. I also think she probably has some tattoos mimicking the henna on her hands as well as maybe an evil eye back piece that goes across her entire back
Killjoy: Very simple video game/league of legends tattoo maybe on her wrist/arm. doesnt have many if she has any
Phoenix: boy has a crown somewhere or a phoenix on him, maybe a pair of angel wings on his back stylized to match his fire
Jett: Similar to Raze i think she has a few dumb tattoos/memey ones that she got as bets. I think she my also have a really small but detailed flower tattoo matching her theme/color palette
Sova: I think sova has to have either a variety of nature tattoos probably referenced from photos hes taken OR some really intricate owl tattoo or archer tattoo, there is an owl and an arrow SOME WHERE on this mans body
Omen and Kay/o: they do not have flesh im sorry but i feel Kay/o would have similar tattoos to brim if he could while Omen would probably have VERY elaborate but dark themed tattoos in grey scale
Sage: she probably has a very dorky heart on her ankle as well as some symbolic tattoos relating to her time spent mastering her powers. I think if she ever lost one of the agents she would also get a tattoo to represent them
Viper: This bitch has a snake some where but a very small stylized snake. I think she may also have the names of people shes failed to save somewhere or worked into a bigger piece so she always carries a reminder of them. As a teen i think she got a dorky science tattoo she hides/got removed
Yoru: this mother fucker probably is covered at least on his back/chest. Variety of familial, cultural, and just some of his interests. A lot of his work does fit his family/cultural background and i feel he may also have cherry blossoms woven through out his tattoos.
Neon: i don't think neon has any tattoos mainly because shes anxious about getting them as well as how her powers may affect them. The marks on her skin are radiant related so i don't think they are tattoos, if they are artificial i imagine they are dermal implants to help channel/limit her powers or are something that gets stuck onto her skin/put into some sort of implant.
Skye: she is someone else i don't see as having any tattoos. If she does they are probably very simple stick and poke tattoos or ones she got after she joined valorant. Like sage she would get tattoos to remember those she has lost
Astra: Astra would have many space/astrological tattoos on her body but all small ones. Stars here and there, simple planets etc
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aceghosts · 3 years
Show You What All That Howlin's For
Rating: Mature
Summary: New Junior Deputy and Werewolf Blue Murphy moves to Hope County. Unfortunately, an old enemy from their past reappears.
A No Cult/Werewolf! Blue AU.
Warnings: Warning for graphic descriptions of violence, injuries, and death. There is also description of a dead body. Things do get kind of spicy at one point, but it doesn't go too far into NSFW territory. The Seeds also may be slightly out of character due to this being a No Cult AU. Please let me know if anything else needs to be tagged.
Words: 9,607 words.
Ships: Joseph Seed/Deputy Blue Murphy
Author’s Note: Title comes from Lera Lynn's Cover of TV on the Radio's Wolf Like Me.
Also, I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing this!
Wind whipped through their fur as Blue Murphy raced through the forest of Hope County. Their paws barely touched the forest floor, only making a soft thumping sound every few seconds. Ever since moving to Hope County a few weeks ago, Blue had taken to exploring the untouched nature. Tonight, they were exploring the small island at the center of Hope County. Blue made sure to give the Church in the middle of the island a wide berth, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t explore the rest of it. Hope County, untouched by modern life and remote, was the best place for a werewolf.
As they made a sharp turn around one of the trees, Blue spotted the reflection of the moon on the dark lake. Howling happily, they sprinted towards the lake. The idea of diving into a cool lake on a warm summer night sounded awesome. Without thinking, they burst out from the tree line, racing towards the water. The bank leading into the water was soft, leaving faint wolf prints behind. Blue dove into the crisp water, splashing it with their paws. They pulled their lips back into a wolfish grin. After all, no one was around to see them. Who said they couldn’t have a little fun?
Getting down, Blue rolled in the shallow part of the water, legs kicking out wildly. The ice-cold water was a direct shock to their system, soaking their fur completely. Just the way Blue liked it. Getting up on their paws, Blue shook their fur, droplets flying through the air and creating cascading ripples in the water. To their right, they heard the sound of someone laughing as the water droplets hit the lake. Wait? Laughter? Blue stopped, freezing mid-shake. Their eyes slowly moved to the right as they finally caught sight of the human. “Please, do not let me disrupt you, my child. God’s creatures should take joy in his creations, especially something as incredible as this,” The man spoke, a smile on his face. A hint of mirth shone in his blue eyes. Damn, Blue could get lost in those eyes.
Fuck,Blue wanted to disappear into the ground out of embarrassment. If they were in human form, they would have been bright red, sheepishly smiling at him. Pining their ears back, Blue sniffed the air for other humans. Pine trees, fish, freshwater, the scent of the man, and other humans. However, the other humans were farther away. Werewolves and Humans didn’t always have the best track records. Blue knew they were technically supposed to stay away from strange humans in their wolf form.
“I have no intention of hurting you. We can both enjoy the nature provided by the Lord,” He said before wading closer to them. Blue stood still, muscles tensed, and ears still pinned back. They watched him warily as he drew closer, ready to run at the slightest provocation. He stopped a few feet away from them, speaking again. “I meant what I said.” Blue tilted their head, taking a better look at the man. They noticed his hair was wet, clearly enjoying the water as Blue had. His chest and arms were covered in scars and tattoos, religious tattoos. Around his right hand, they noticed a rosary, an interesting choice of accessory. The symbol on his belt buckle seemed familiar. Blue remembered seeing it somewhere; they just couldn’t remember where.
The man continued to watch them, curiosity plain on his face. He didn’t seem like he was going to hurt Blue. He seemed a little strange, which wasn’t always bad. Their ears perked forward as they took a step closer to him. Blue heard him inhale in anticipation, his eyes widening in wonder. Another step. His scent invaded their nostrils. The man smelled like those strange flowers in the Henbane, the lake, smoke, and a few other smells. Blue kind of liked it. Finally, they stopped within touching distance. “May I touch you?” He asked, his voice soft as if he was trying not to scare Blue.
Blue wagged their tail eagerly, ears pointing forward in excitement. Why not? They were technically supposed to leave, but what were the odds that Blue would see this guy again? Practically none. He didn’t seem like the type of guy to get in trouble with the Sheriff’s Department. Might as well make his year. He stepped closer, his shoulder the same height as Blue’s shoulder. They lowered their head as he reached out, his fingers gently touching their fur. He started to stroke their head, his touch kind and gentle. Blue sighed contentedly, tail wagging faster. “Your fur is….” He drifted off as he continued to pet them. Blue’s fur, a mixture of grey, white, and russet brown, was nothing special. Except for their size and eyes, Blue could be mistaken for an average grey wolf. They once knew a wolf whose fur was such a startlingly white color; he could blend in with the snow. They were ordinary, just regular, old Blue.
Looking them over, the man frowned at their left shoulder, noticing the deep scars. Long deep gashes covered their left shoulder, pale and pink streaks of scarred skin. Blue’s fur never managed to grow back, a permanent reminder of Him. The man reached toward their shoulder. “Those scars are deep. Have you faced something terrible and come out the other side changed?” They shifted away from his hand, uncomfortable with anyone touching the scars. Hell, they still hated thinking about those memories. He frowned, tilting his head. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to remind you of something so horrible.”
His hand returned to their head. “How fortunate I am to see one of God’s most magnificent creatures.” His hand moved to scratch behind their ear, Blue’s favorite place. They leaned against him, sighing happily. The man stumbled beneath their weight, plunging him and Blue into the water. Blue yelped as the ice water hit them. They scrambled up to their paws, whining nervously. Oh, fuck! Blue hadn’t meant to hurt him. Their ears lay back guilty, tail tucked between their legs, as they watched him climb to his feet.
“I’m fine. You only caught me unaware,” He said, smiling warmly at them. Blue’s ears perked up again, tail wagging a thousand miles an hour. They gently nudged his shoulder with their cold nose, a way of communicating that they were glad that he was alright. The man titled his head, searching their eyes. “You are most expressive for a creature, especially those unique eyes of yours.” In wolf or human form, Blue’s eyes remained the same steel blue color.
Determined to get his mind off their eyes, Blue shook their fur, playfully showering him with water. He laughed in surprise, his arms coming up to block some of the water. When they finished, they howled in amusement. He shook his head, the corners of his mouth twitching up in a smile. “You really are an incredible creature.”
“JOE!” Someone called off in the distance. Blue’s ears swiveled towards the sound, a low growl erupting out of their throat.
The man, or Joe, sighed in disappointment, clearly unhappy for this to end. “You should leave. That would be my brother calling for me; it is time for me to attend to my flock again.”
Impulsively, Blue licked the side of his face before bounding out of the water and into the forest. They could hear the sound of his laugher fade out as they raced further into the forest.
Pratt pulled the police cruiser into the small Eden’s Gate compound on the center island, the same island Blue explored the night before. Blue and Pratt were responding to a trespassing call, unusual but not rare. For the most part, Hope County and Eden’s Gate got along in peace, with incidents few and far between. Blue smiled crookedly in excitement as they never had the chance to interact with Eden’s Gate before. They looked forward to this, after hearing the stories around town, especially Nick Rye’s dramatic retelling of the Great Mac & Cheese debacle. Blue remembered patting his back in comfort as Nick recounted the story, slightly drunk and weepy.
Putting the cruiser into park, Pratt turned the ignition off. “Let’s hope we can get this over quickly,” He said, unbuckling his seatbelt. Blue got the impression that Eden’s Gate was more of an annoyance than a threat to the Sheriff’s Department.
“Eden’s Gate can’t be that bad,” Blue replied, unbuckling their seatbelt. Pratt only rolled his eyes in response as he opened the cruiser door.
As they opened the door, a familiar voice spoke, “Deputies, welcome. We appreciate you responding to our call.” Frozen as they stepped out of the cruiser, Blue looked over their shoulder, catching sight of Joe, the guy from the lake. Or more accurately, Joseph Seed, leader of Eden’s Gate. Their eyes shifted, catching sight of the same symbol on his belt buckle. Fuck. How the fuck did they not put two and two together? Ducking down behind the cruiser door, Blue tried to think of a way out. Where were Sharky Boshaw or Hurk Drubman Jr. when you need either of them to cause trouble? “Deputy Pratt, I don’t believe I have met your colleague.”
Fingers gripping the ledge of the cruiser door beneath the window, Blue peeked up to find several pairs of eyes on them, all looking confused. Shooting Blue a ‘WTF’ look, Pratt hissed, “What the hell are you doing?”
“I-um-dropped my keys,” Blue replied, thinking quickly. With a sleight of hand, they managed to make it look like they dropped their keys on the ground and picked them up. “Found ‘em!” They replied, popping up to their feet. Holding their keys out for everyone to see, Blue shot everyone an embarrassed, crooked smile.
Shaking his head, Pratt introduced Blue. “Deputy Murphy. Excuse them; they’re new.” Blue closed the cruiser door, slipping their keys back into their pocket. They headed towards the group.
“I hope Sheriff Whitehorse is thoroughly vetting the candidates Hope County gets. I would hate for there to be a decline in quality of service,” John stated, looking distastefully at Blue as they reached the group.
Jacob chuckled. “We don’t need them making more trouble for anyone.”
“They’re probably nervous about being new! Leave them alone,” Faith responded in Blue’s defense. She smiled sympathetically at Blue.
Joseph shot Jacob and John both a glare, tutting his tongue. “Both of you be nice.” Taking Blue’s hands in his, Joseph spoke again, “Welcome to Hope County, Deputy Murphy. Please excuse my brothers; they’ve forgotten their manners. If my children and I can help you feel more welcome in any way, please let us know. We want you to feel like you belong here.”
Blue nodded, a slightly red tinge on their cheeks. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Seed. Thank you for the offer, but everyone in Hope County has been really kind to me so far.” Well, except Hurk Drubman sr. but Blue suspected he was openly hostile to everyone.
“Please call me Joseph.” Blue nodded as he released their hands. Instead, his hands came up to their face, cupping their face. He tilted their face up as if to get a better look at them. Joseph’s touch was gentle, hands calloused from hard labor. They could feel the faint sensation of the rosary on his right hand. Behind the yellow aviators, his eyes searched their eyes, recognition burning within them. “Something seems familiar, Deputy Murphy. Something about those eyes of yours.”
Blue’s face turned an even brighter shade of red. Oh fuck. Nadia always said it was a miracle that Blue didn’t blow their secret immediately. “I don’t think so. I would remember meeting you,” They replied, winking at Joseph.
“I would hope so,’ He murmured, still searching their eyes, ‘I’d know I’d remember meeting you.”
Pratt rolled his eyes, coughing to interrupt them. “Are you going to tell us about the trespassing incident, or are you going to make eyes at my partner all day?”
Joseph released them, Blue missing his touch already. He turned away from Blue, motioning for the deputies to follow. “Please follow me,’ He said, before throwing a glance over his shoulder at Blue, ‘I’m sure Deputy Murphy and I will have more opportunities to talk.”
Blue stepped into the small Church, swallowing nervously. It had been a long time since they set foot in a Church. After they left West Virginia at 18, Blue stopped going to Church, and never looked back. They scanned the empty Church, eyes settling on Joseph in the front pew. His head was bowed, clearly in the middle of prayer. Shit, Blue hadn’t meant to interrupt him. “Deputy Murphy,’ He called from the front of the Church, ‘I should be done in a moment. Please come join me.”
“Sure.” They replied, shoving their hands in the pocket of their jeans as they walked towards the front. Blue had just gotten off a shift at the station when Joseph had called, inviting them over. Reaching Joseph, Blue stood beside the pew, closing their eyes. They just enjoyed the silence, the peace of it all, while he finished.
Joseph finished, getting up from the pew as Blue opened their eyes. “If you need to finish your prayer, Deputy Murphy, I can wait,” He said, holding out his hand.
They reached out, taking his hand in their hand. “I wasn’t praying, just enjoying the peace,’ They replied, following him towards a back room of the Church, ‘And you should call me, Blue. That’s what all my friends call me.”
“Is that what we are?” He asked, tossing a curious look over his shoulder at them.
“I’d like for us to be friends,” Blue said as he pulled them into the small back office. The room was tiny, the large desk slightly overwhelming it. Evening sunlight streamed in from the windows, giving the room a bright feeling. They took a seat in one of the wooden chairs in front of Joseph’s desk, the other chair in front of the desk slightly angled towards them. On the desk, sat a steaming white teapot with two white teacups, some sugar, and honey.
“I would like for us to be friends, too.” He said, pouring tea for both of them. “I hope you enjoy tea; Faith makes an excellent blend.”
“Tea is fine with me. I really appreciate you inviting me over.” Blue reached for the sugar, dumping several spoonfuls into their tea. Joseph raised an eyebrow as he sat down next to them. Smiling sheepishly, Blue said, “I have a terrible sweet tooth.”
Joseph smiled gently. “We all have our own quirks.”
Blue and Joseph took a sip of their teas, with Joseph a fan of the blend already. Blue preferred coffee, but they thought the tea tasted good, especially with all the sugar they dumped into it. The pair sat in awkward silence, drinking their tea softly. Unable to take the silence anymore, Blue’s curiosity got the best of them. “Is there a reason you called me here?” Shit. It came out harsher than they meant.
He placed his tea on the desk, turning towards them. “I hoped to get to know you better, Blue. To make sure that you were settling into Hope County.”
“Thank you. I’m enjoying Hope County,’ They said, placing their tea down on the desk and turning towards him, ‘Everyone has been really kind to me so far. I’m making friends, especially with Grace Armstrong and the Ryes. Plus, you guys, here at the Project, are all really kind too.”
“Yes, I’ve heard from members they feel comfortable approaching you for help. I’m glad you seem to be settling in. I feared you might feel isolated.”
“Not at all,’ Blue paused, ‘but why do I get the feeling that isn’t why you really invited me here.”
Joseph’s right hand came up to cup their face, his right thumb stroking their cheek. “I swear, Blue. I know those eyes of yours.”
They laughed, trying to play it off. “My eyes are blue, Joseph. It’s not strange for people to have blue eyes.”
“That isn’t it,’ Joseph leaned in closer, his face only inches away, ‘I have looked into your eyes before.” His eyes, hidden behind yellow shades, searched their eyes. Blue saw a flicker of recognition as his thumb stroked their cheek again. “I remember. You and the wolf at the lake have the same eyes. Both so expressive; I always feel as if I know what you’re thinking”.
Shit, they couldn’t have Joseph piecing this together. “What wolf?” They asked, playing dumb.
He sat back, his hand releasing their face. Instantly, Blue missed his touch. “It’s nothing.” He looked away from them, slightly saddened.
Blue reached out, placing their hand on his shoulder. “No, I wanna hear. Tell me.”
Joseph looked back at them, slightly surprised by their insistence as they released his shoulder. “A few weeks ago, I enjoyed some alone in time in the lake behind the Church after nighttime baptisms. While I was out in the lake alone, a wolf joined me under the light of a full moon. They did not notice me at first, perhaps they were having too much fun in the lake. I have never seen anything like this wolf before; it was truly the most magnificent creature. I never seen a wolf so large, with such beautiful fur,’ Joseph focused on their eyes again, ‘and expressive eyes, just like you.”
Blue blushed a faint red on their cheeks and ears. Even though the compliments were for Blue in their wolf form, they couldn’t help the warm feeling in their chest. Hudson and Pratt were right; Blue did have it bad for Joseph. “I’d like to tell you I have the ability to turn into a wolf, but I don’t. You’ll be the first person to know if it happens,” They joked. Blue didn’t want to lie to Joseph, but it was best for everyone that things turned out this way.
He laughed, a charming sound to Blue’s ears. “I know you and the wolf are not one and the same. However,’ Joseph trailed off, getting lost in the memory for a second, ‘It was incredible, a true miracle of God. This wolf even allowed me to touch them, far more friendly than any wild animal I have encountered. They even had a scar on their left shoulder; it was the only place they would not allow me to touch. My heart hurts for whatever hardship they went through.”
Blue’s stomach twisted as the scar on their left shoulder tingled. They didn’t want to think about Him. Not now. “You know, you’re not supposed to touch wild animals, right? With Wolves, you’re supposed to keep eye contact, while making yourself appear larger and moving slowly away.”
Joseph tilted his head. “You know a lot about them.”
“I was a Park Ranger in Rocky Mountain National Park before coming here. My job involved knowing how to deal with wild animal encounters.”
“Thank you for listening to me. My Brothers and Faith thought I might be hallucinating the whole situation. It brings a weight off my shoulders to know that someone believes me.” Joseph smiled at them softly, and Blue smiled back. It wasn’t hard for them to believe Joseph, considering Blue was the wolf in question.
“That’s what friends are for, Joseph. I’m happy to hear you out anytime.” Blue took his left hand in their hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
He squeezed their hand gently back. “Thank you,” Joseph whispered, his thumb rubbing the back of their hand. “And, I would be happy to listen to whatever confession you might need to make.”
“Thanks.” Oh, Blue had it bad.
Summer continued into Fall as the days grew shorter and the leaves turned orange. Blue continued to respond to Eden’s Gate calls as Joseph usually asked for them. He was always there with a smile and a hug. While Blue was there, he would always rest his hand on their shoulder or graze their arm, his eyes always on Blue. Hudson and Pratt teased them about the extra attention, insinuating that Joseph had a crush on them. Blue didn’t tell them about the times he invited Blue for dinner or tea/coffee, just the two of them.
On a dreary October day, Blue and Hudson stepped out of the police cruiser, red and blue lights flashing behind them. The pair navigated down the narrow path until they reached the clearing in the forest, surrounded by crime scene tape. Crime Scene Analysts, from the next town over, were already at the scene, helping Hope County collect evidence. “I don’t like the look of this, Rook,” Hudson said nervously as she and Blue approached the crime scene.
“Agreed.” Whatever happened had Sheriff Whitehorse spooked. He glanced over at Blue and Hudson with a mixture of relief and concern.
A Crime Scene Tech handed them each a pair of gloves and booties. Sheriff Whitehorse held up the tape as Blue and Hudson ducked under, finally getting a good look at the grisly scene. Blue breathed in deeply, assaulted by a storm of smells. Death. Flesh. Chemicals. Another Werewolf. Their eyes widened, a chill running up their spine. Jesus Christ. Anyone but Him.
They’re back on the CU Boulder campus, walking back to their car from Norlin Library. As they head towards the parking garage, red and blue flashing lights catch the corner of their eye. Turning towards the scene, Blue investigates, noticing the other curious onlookers. They move towards the front of the group, growing nervous with each second. As they reach the front, Blue breathes in, and for the first time, they smell Him. And it would not be the last. After all, Alice Casey was just the beginning. Four more girls would end up dead before He came for Nadia.
He should be dead; Nadia and I killed him. Blue’s hand came up to their left shoulder, resting on the scar He left. Sheriff Whitehorse touched their other shoulder. “Are you okay, Rook?” He asked softly.
Blue nodded. “I’m fine. I’m just used to Nature being the culprit. I don’t think I’ll be able to-‘ they gesture to the scene, the carnage, ‘get used to all of this.”
“Take the time you need, Rook.” Sheriff Whitehorse patted their shoulder before walking over to a waving Crime Scene Tech.
Blue finally took a good look at the woman, sadness and guilt overwhelming them. They walked over to her, only thinking she shouldn’t have died this way. She should have died, after a good life, surrounded by her loved ones. Kneeling by her left side, Blue could tell instantly the marks were made by another wolf. Her throat was ripped out by His teeth, reminiscent of the other victims on the CU Boulder campus. Slash marks decorated her abdomen, deep and painful. They were clean and brutal, efficient only in the way a werewolf could be. Out of the corner of their left eye, Blue caught something shiny. Maybe, she-? Shit. A cold feeling washed over them as they recognized the symbol in her hand.
They swallowed the lump in their throat. Oh fuck. “You notice something, Rook?” Hudson asked, jerking them out of their thoughts.
“She’s from Eden’s Gate,” Blue stated, pointing towards her hand.
“WHITEHORSE!” Hudson called. He excused himself from the Crime Scene Tech, rushing over to the pair. “Rook figured out our victim is with Eden’s Gate.”
He nodded. “Nice catch, Rook. Think you’d be able to ask Joseph Seed if anyone is missing? He’ll be more willing to talk to you.”
“I’ll call him now.” Blue said, standing up. They walked away from the body, pulling their gloves off. Stuffing the gloves under one of their arms, Blue pulled out their cellphone, dialing Joseph’s number.
Joseph answered the phone, breathing a sigh of relief. “Blue, God must have known I needed you. One of my children, Samantha, is missing. We have not been able to find her this morning, and her sister, Magda, said Samantha was not in her bed.”
Turning towards the body, Blue asked, “Joseph, what does Samantha look like?”
“Blonde hair.” Check. Although, her hair was dyed with rusty red streaks from the blood. “Green eyes.” Check. Now, clouded with mist after death. “Fair skin.” Check. Her fair skin looked paler, a deathly white. “She always wore a symbol of Eden’s Gate around her neck.” Oh fuck. The bloody pendant she held in her hand. “Blue? Blue, are you still there?” He asked, worried.
“I’ll call you back, Joseph. I have to go.” Blue said, their voice hollow.
He paused. “Yes, I’ll keep a lookout for your call.” Joseph said, clearly realizing something was deeply wrong. They pressed end on the call, running their hand through their hair. Fuck.
Between Joseph’s description and the Sheriff Department’s analysis, Samantha’s identity wasn’t a mystery for long. Pratt and Blue, along with the Coroner, Dr. Douglas, headed to the main Eden’s Gate compound to tell Magda that her sister was dead. Blue thought Pratt should take Hudson, but Whitehorse overruled them, citing Blue’s previous experiences with death notifications. They already called Joseph at Dr. Douglas’s request, telling him to gather Magda somewhere quiet, and that he and John should be present for the conversation. Blue also mentioned that Dr. Douglas thought that anyone else who was close to Magda should be there.
When they arrived at the compound, Pratt pulled through the gate, parking the police cruiser. John and Jacob stood outside, flanking the doors of the Church. The other Eden’s Gate members watched them carefully, aware of the tense and gloomy mood. Even the light grey sky above seemed to be mourning for Samantha. “John. Jacob.” Blue greeted them both with a nod.
Pratt nodded a greeting as well. “Thanks for meeting with us.”
“Magda is lucky to have such a caring community looking out for her.” Dr. Douglas held his hand out, shaking John’s hand. “I’m the Coroner. I’ll be able to answer some of the more detailed questions she may have.”
Jacob grunted; arms crossed over his chest. John nodded. “We appreciate you taking the time out to inform us. Please follow me. We should tell Sister Magda as soon as possible.”
Uncrossing his arms, Jacob opened the door of the Church. Instantly, Blue heard Magda’s wailing as she sat in the front pew, terrified for her sister. Faith sat with her, arms wrapped around Magda as she wailed into Faith’s chest. Joseph, kneeling beside her, had his hand on her knee, comforting Magda. He looked over as the group walked down the aisle, relief apparent in his eyes as he met Blue’s eyes.
When the group finally reached Magda, Joseph spoke, “Magda, I’m afraid the Sheriff Department has some bad news.” He squeezed her knee, a reflex of sympathy.
She looked up at Blue, Pratt, and Dr. Douglas, heartbreak written all over her face. “No. No! NO, NOT SAMANTHA!” She howled in grief, her hands covering her face. Faith hugged her tighter, tears bright in her own eyes.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Magda,” Blue started, a lump in their throat.
“We found Samantha this morning in the forest of the Whitetail Mountains,” Pratt continued.
“I’m sorry, Magda, but your sister is dead. I can answer any questions you have about her death,” Dr. Douglas said, reaching over and squeezing her shoulder. He stepped away after a few seconds.
She wailed harder, crying so hard she could barely breathe. Blue reached out, their hand coming to rest on her right shoulder. Magda’s head whipped up, eyes burning with anger. “We don’t know who did this yet, but I promise you that we will do everything to find your sister’s killer.” I know I will. I won’t let Him kill anyone else, even if I have to rip his throat out with my goddamn teeth.
Magda’s left hand grabbed their hand, squeezing painfully tight. “Promise me that you’ll put that bastard in the ground.”
Guilt burned rose in Blue's chest as Pratt cut in. “We will do everything in our power to solve this investigation.”
“Promise me,” Magda said. Bloodlust burned in her eyes; she wanted vengeance for her sister, an emotion Blue understood. Her hand gripped tighter as if she was daring Blue to look away, to let her down.
“I will,” Blue stated. They would not allow what happened in Colorado all those years ago to happen in Hope County again, even if it meant Blue dying.
A while later, Joseph escorted the three out of the Church. “Deputy Pratt and Dr. Douglas, do you mind giving me a few minutes to talk with Deputy Murphy privately?”
Raising an eyebrow, Pratt sighed. “You have five minutes before I leave without you.” He looked directly at Blue.
“I’ll be there.”
Pratt nodded, guiding Dr. Douglas towards the cruiser. As Blue turned to him, Joseph pulled them into a fierce hug, burying his face in the crook of their neck. His fingers gripped the back of their shirt tightly as if he was holding onto Blue for dear life. Joseph trembled against them, clearly shaken by what had gone on in the Church. They returned the hug, rubbing his back gently. “I’m sorry, Joseph. I know how much you care for your people.”
“Thank you,’ He said, breath soft on their neck, before looking up at Blue, ‘but I’m more worried about you.”
“Me?” Blue asked, surprised.
He nodded. “Inside. When Magda made you promise to find Samantha’s killer, I could tell that you meant your promise. That you would do everything in your power to do what she asked.”
“I meant it, Joseph. I’ll find the person who did this.” I already know who did this and I’m going to put this fucker in the ground.
Joseph released them from the hug, his hands cupping their face. “Blue, please-,’ He said softly, blue eyes full of concern behind yellow shades, ‘Promise me you’ll be safe. I don’t want to…”
Their hands drifted down to his hips. “I can’t promise that I will be safe, Joseph.”
He sighed, resting his forehead against their forehead. “I know,” Joseph spoke, a note of desperation in his voice. His eyes searched their eyes for any sign that they would do what he asked. But Blue knew exactly what they had to do, and what it nearly cost them the first time.
Boulder PD and CU’s Campus PD were no help. To them, the killings stopped just as mysteriously as they had started. What little evidence the other departments had, they sent copies to Hope County. Blue even called Nadia, their best friend and the person who helped Blue take Him down the first time, hoping she heard something. Before the pair got off the phone, Nadia said, “I hope you kill the fucker, Blue. No one else should have to be his victim.” Meanwhile, during their nights, Blue searched the county in wolf form trying to find him. It frustrated them to no end; They should be able to find Him. Back as a Park Ranger, they used their tracking skills to locate missing persons. However, he continued to evade them, much to Blue's dismay.
Two weeks after Samantha’s murder, Blue drove their cruiser home from work, back towards their small apartment. They planned to take a short nap before heading out to search more. Their cellphone rang, deafening in the silent cruiser. Answering, Blue said, “Hello. This is Blue.” They struggled not to yawn afterward.
“Blue.” Joseph sighed in relief on the other end. Was he hurt? They gritted their teeth, resisting the urge to growl into the phone. If He went after Joseph, Blue would do more than just kill Him. “I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“We haven’t found anything yet. Tell Magda I’m not letting go of this.” They relaxed, knowing that Joseph was safe. It had been a while since they had been around Joseph outside of work. Blue missed him, more than they should. But searching was more important right now.
“I didn’t ask how the case is going. I asked how you are.”
Blue frowned. “I’m fine.” Maybe a little sleep deprived, but Blue could sleep once they caught Him.
Joseph was quiet on the other end. “Blue…,’ He trailed off, clearly worried for them. “Would you come over to my place? I fear you may be overworking yourself; I am worried about you.”
They swallowed; that was a bad idea. Whenever they went over to Joseph’s, they rarely wanted to leave. “Joseph…”
“Please Blue. At least, let me see that you are doing well.”
Fuck. Unable to say no, Blue relented. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”
As they pulled up to Joseph’s cabin, he opened the door, stepping out into the night. They put the cruiser into park, turning it off and getting out. Joseph rushed towards them, pulling them in for a tight hug. Blue stood stiffly, trying not to breathe in the scent of him. Unfortunately, they caught a brief whisp, burying their face in his chest. Blue breathed him in again, their arms wrapping around him. Their fingers dug into his jacket tightly, a sense of comfort and want overtaking Blue. “I’m so happy you came.” He said, releasing them.
“Yeah, me too,” Blue said, letting go of him reluctantly. “But I should really-.”
He shook his head. “No,’ Joseph said, taking their hand, ‘Come inside with me. Sit down for a few minutes.” He pulled them towards the cabin, Blue tiredly following along.
This was not a good idea. Blue should be out searching. “I-.“
Before they could protest, he had led them through the door of the cabin, closing it behind the pair. Shaking his head again, Joseph released their hand, only to hold his hand out for their jacket. “Don’t. Can I take your jacket for you?”
Blue shrugged their uniform jacket off, handing it to him. Joseph hung it up on the small coat rack with a few of his other coats. They watched him as he headed towards his kitchen. In the kitchen, one of the windows was open, a soft breeze flowing in. “Do you want anything to eat? Maybe a cup of coffee?” Joseph asked, playing the gracious host.
They shook their head. “No. I want to know why you called me here.” Blue needed to leave soon. Every second they were here was another second that He had to attack someone.
Joseph had only taken a few steps away from Blue. He turned around, looking at them with concern. “I’m concerned. How many hours of sleep are you getting?”
“Enough,’ They replied with a casual shrug, ‘You didn’t call me to check up on my sleep habits.”
He frowned, approaching them again. Joseph cupped their face in his hands, his right thumb gently running over their lips. “Perhaps, it is selfish of me, but I missed you. I did not realize how much you had become a part of my life until recently. I thought-“ Joseph stopped himself, unsure of whether he should continue.
“You thought what, Joseph?” They asked, their hands coming to rest on his hips.
“I thought that you had come to need me just as I needed you.” Joseph admitted quietly, leaning down to capture their lips. His kiss was soft and gentle as if he was afraid that Blue didn’t want him.
They should pull away, do the responsible thing and leave. But Blue didn’t want to leave, and they needed Joseph just as much as he needed them. “Fuck it,” Blue murmured into the kiss, pushing him backward until he hit the wall. Joseph let a surprised ‘oof’ as Blue slotted their right leg between his legs. They pressed their body close against his, pinning him to the wall. Blue’s left hand came up to his face, grabbing the aviators on his face and tossing them away. “I wanna see those pretty eyes,” They said with a crooked smile, before kissing him again. It was fierce, something desperate and hungry. Blue’s left hand returned to his hip, an animalistic want overcoming them.
Joseph moaned into the kiss before Blue let him gasp for air. “I-‘ He stuttered, his mind empty of words for a few seconds, ‘I want you, Blue. I need you.” His hands released their face, coming to rest on Blue’s shoulders. In those blue eyes, Blue saw the same animalistic want in his own eyes.
“I need you, too,” They said, placing a kiss on his jaw. The scruff of his beard gently tickled their lips. Blue kissed him more, trailing down his neck. They felt the pounding of his pulse beneath their lips as he let out a breathless moan. Nipping at where his neck met his shoulder, Blue grinned wolfishly as they managed to drag a pleasured whimper from him. Their hands moved from his hips, going towards his jacket. Blue helped him pull it off as they leaned back giving him some room to yank it off.
When his jacket was off, Blue nipped his neck again, earning another needy whimper from him. He sounded so goddamn wonderful as Blue’s hands went for his shirt, furiously unbuttoning it. Joseph kissed the left side of their neck, scruff tickling their neck. He continued as Blue let out a breathless laugh. Continuing to their shoulder, Joseph pushed back the collar of their uniform shirt. His eyes widened as he noticed the wicked scar that decorated their left shoulder. “Who did this to you?” Joseph asked, his tone concerned. Recognition briefly crossed his face.
Blue stopped with his shirt. Taking his chin in their left hand, Blue dragged his gaze away from the scar. “Joseph, I don’t want to think about the man who gave me that scar. All I want to think is about you. Tonight, it’s about you and I.”
He nodded as Blue released him. “I don’t want you to think about him either. I want you to think about me,” Joseph replied, his voice heavy with need. His face was bright red, eyes focused hungrily on Blue. Joseph leaned down, kissing the scars on their shoulder.
“Good,” Blue purred in his ear before continuing with his shirt. Their lips found his neck again, leaving dark marks. By tomorrow morning, everyone would know who Joseph was with. Blue pulled his shirt out of his pants, finishing with the buttons. They reached for his belt, Joseph breathy with desire in their ear.
As they started on his belt, a soft breeze wafted from the open window in Joseph’s kitchen. Their eyes widened in horror, their body tensing beneath Joseph. Oh no. Please, not Him. Their eyes shifted towards the window. Shit. In the dark of the forest, they made out the shape of a wolf: two bright green eyes piercing the darkness.
Blue is back in the parking garage on CU’s campus. They skid around the SUV, only to find Nadia on the other side. She is on the ground, crawling away. Her archery equipment is scattered around her, just out of reach. He is approaching Nadia, his large form bearing over her. Blue remembers His snarls, the way He slowly moves as if He’s teasing Nadia. As if He’s fucking enjoying this. They remember whistling a sharp note to catch His attention. As He looks back towards them, Blue whips their backpack off before throwing it at him. They kick their shoes off, transforming and destroying what they were still wearing in the process.
Blue released Joseph’s belt, stepping away from him. They kept their eyes on the window as the wolf turned, disappearing into the forest. “Blue?” Joseph asked, gasping. Blue didn’t look at him, turning and sprinting out his front door. They ran towards the edge of the forest, where they had seen the wolf. Blue stopped at the edge, unable to follow. Fuck.
“Blue!” Joseph called behind them. They turned to find Joseph watching them, face red and eyes wide with desire. Yet, there was a hint of fear and confusion in his face too. Glancing over their shoulder, Blue didn’t see the wolf. Their gaze returned to Joseph. He knew Joseph was important to Blue. That would make Joseph a target, and Blue would rather die before they let Him touch Joseph.
“You need to go inside. Lock your door and pack an overnight bag. Call John or Jacob and tell them you’re staying with them for a while,” Blue commanded, pointing towards the cabin. They knew how crazy they must have sounded, but they would not let Joseph or anyone else get hurt.
“What are you talking about?” Joseph asked, confused.
“You can’t stay here. Just trust me on that,” Blue said, stopping a few inches away from him.
“Please tell me what is going on. Please just trust me, Blue.” He reached out for their face, only for Blue to move away. They tried not to wince at the hurt on his face.
“Go inside, Joseph.”
His shoulders dropped, looking down away from Blue. “Let me get you your jacket,” Joseph said, quietly, heading back towards the cabin. They followed him, keeping their distance. He grabbed their jacket, handing it towards them. “I apologize if I did something wrong. I never wanted to-“
“You didn’t. Trust me,” Blue said softly, taking the jacket from him.
Joseph looked at them, heartbroken. “I hope you have someone you can trust to talk about this with, even if you won’t let be me,” He said, before closing the door.
Blue swallowed thickly, standing there for a few seconds. They stared at the closed door before heading back to their cruiser. This was for the best. Joseph deserved someone normal, someone, who didn’t turn into a gigantic ass wolf.
For the next few days, Blue patrolled Joseph’s empty cabin, thankful that he took their advice. However, they still couldn’t find any scent of the other werewolf, afraid he might return. Plus, work was tense over the last few days. Everyone at the station was surprised when John Seed asked for Blue not to come along. When she went to accompany Pratt to the main compound, Hudson asked, “Rough Breakup?” Blue shook their head and didn’t say more. They respected Joseph too much for that. While it hurt, Joseph would be safe and that was all that mattered to Blue.
Blue pulled their truck into a hidden place off the road, deciding to search Holland Valley that night. They didn’t want anyone stumbling across their truck and calling it in. As they placed the truck into park, their cellphone rang. Picking it up without looking at the caller ID, Blue said, “Hello, this is Blue.”
Joseph sighed nervously on the other end. “I was not sure that you would answer my call, but I need your assistance. Magda, Samantha’s Sister, is missing. I thought you might be able to….” He drifted off.
“Have you called Whitehorse yet?” Blue asked a sense of urgency to their tone.
“John should be calling him and the rest of the deputies. I’m out looking for her. We all are.”
They froze. “Wait, are you in the forest, Joseph?”
“Yes, but-“ Blue heard the faint sound of a woman screaming in the background. “Head to John’s ranch. He will be able to give you more information. I need to see if that is one of my children.”
“Fuck,” Blue snarled as he hung up on them. Putting their phone down and hopping out of the truck, Blue stripped, leaving their clothes in the backseat of the truck. Shifting, they raced towards the directions of John’s ranch. When they drew closer, Blue drew in a deep breath, catching Joseph’s scent. Following his scent, they heard Joseph yell, “Stay back!”
As the clearing came into focus, they saw Joseph holding a pistol, pointed at Him. Magda was behind Joseph, on the ground, having pushed herself up on her hands. Joseph stared the wolf down as if he meant to put himself between Magda and that monster. Blue darted into the clearing, leaping at the other wolf. They slammed into His side, knocking Him away from Joseph and Magda. Blue bit into His side, their claws finding purchase in the other wolf’s black fur. The taste of copper filled their mouth, and Blue released Him, knocking Him away. Looking at Joseph, they barked a warning, hoping he would get the hell out of there.
Out of the corner of their eye, they noticed Him shaking his head, before climbing to His paws. They moved, placing themself between the other wolf, and Joseph and Magda. They growled deeply, baring sharp, bloody fangs at Him. Blue’s fur stood up on their back, ears pinned back against their head. Behind them, Joseph said, “Come with me, my child.” The sound of footsteps followed a few seconds afterward.
He pulled his lips back, a wolfish grin. His green eyes seemed to shine with a violent joy and a desire for revenge. As Blue watched Him nervously, the other wolf started to move, circling Blue. They moved with Him, not wanting to let the other wolf get behind them. Both wolves growled, something deep and primal. There was only one way this fight would end, and both would fight till the bitter end.
The other wolf made the first move as He leaped at Blue. His fangs shone brightly in the moonlight as He aimed for their throat. Blue ducked underneath, moving faster than He might have anticipated. What they lacked in size or strength, Blue made up for in speed. He turned around, taking another stab at Blue. They rolled to the side, His fangs coming dangerously too close for comfort. He snarled, anger bright in his green eyes.
Again, He attacked. As Blue leaped out of His path, His fangs sank into their left back paw. The other wolf yanked Blue backward, slamming them onto the ground with a heavy thump. Blue yelped as they landed, a momentary daze crashing over them. He climbed over them, His large form blocking out the moon. His mouth opened, leaning down towards their throat. They regained focus, unwilling to let their fear control them. Blue pushed him off with their hind legs, knocking him backward. They took a deep breath, regaining their bearings.
He and Blue scrambled to their paws, eyes fixated on each other. The other wolf moved first, running towards Blue. They rushed towards Him, meeting Him in the middle. Both wolves reared on their hind legs, a furious mixture of swiping claws and snapping jaws. He brought His paw down, leaving shallow scratches on their right side. Blue locked their teeth on His left ear, a tearing sound as they ripped part of it away. He screeched in their ear, desperate and angry.
BANG!The wolves separated, jumping away from each other in shock. Blue glanced over their shoulder to see Joseph at the edge of the clearing, pistol aimed at the other wolf. He pulled the safety, ready for another shot. “I will ask this of you once as the Shepherd of this flock. Leave my flock and I in peace, including this soul.”
The other wolf huffed in amusement, again baring His fangs in some sort of grin. Blue could see His muscles tense beneath the black fur. He leaped at Joseph, determined to kill him. Without thinking, Blue crashed into Him, a whirlwind of fur, fangs, and claws. As He and Blue tumbled away from Joseph, the other wolf dragged His claws down Blue’s right side, leaving deep, red gouges to match the shallow scratches already made in their greyish-white fur.
Blue managed to push Him away for a second, a weakened cry escaping from them. He was on His feet again, going for them. They dodged His attack, striking His chest with their claws. They left marks, but it was clear Blue wasn’t hitting as hard as they normally would.
They scrambled to their paws, a pained whine escaping them as they got up. Joseph’s eyes focused on Blue, widening at the sight of their blood-soaked fur. “My child…” Joseph observed, horror clear in his voice. It was time to end this fight, once and for all. Blue needed to make sure that Joseph and the others would be safe.
Focusing on the other wolf, Blue took the offensive, rushing towards Him. Their jaws snapped as He reared back, swiping down at them. Blue dashed towards the side, managing to snap their jaws onto His hind leg. The other wolf swiped again, this time hitting them on the left shoulder. He hit deep enough, reopening old wounds. Yelping, Blue released Him as the other wolf jumped away. BANG!Another shot rang out, nearly hitting Him.
His gaze settled on Joseph, now angry rather than annoyed amusement. Knowing this was their moment, Blue leaped up, burying their fangs in the back of His neck. He bucked beneath them, Blue clamping down tighter with each movement. They dug their claws into the forest floor, shaking their head as they tried to disorient Him. His paws barely touched the forest floor as Blue forcefully shook him. Disoriented, He screamed, trying to weasel His way out of their grasp.
He stilled in their mouth, the only sound of Blue’s heavy panting in the silent forest. They released him, his body slumping to the ground. His green eyes stared up at them, vacant and hollow. His body morphed, turning back into his human form. In death, his skin was still pale, probably much paler now. He was older than Blue, but not by much they guessed.
Joseph came over to them, casting one horrified glance at the other werewolf. “My child, you are hurt,” He said, holstering the gun. Joseph’s hands reached out, touching their right side.
Blue looked at the wound on their side, adrenaline starting to wear off. Shit, that was a lot of blood. They stumbled back a few steps, before collapsing on their left side. Joseph rushed over to them, fear clear on his face. “No. No. No. No,” He murmured, his hands tracing over their wounds, unsure of how to help them. “You can’t leave now. Not now.”
They groaned in pain, their muscles starting to shift beneath their fur. Normally, Blue could control when they shifted, but when they were this weak, they had no control. They cried out as the normally painless process began, returning to their human form. Their bones and muscles shifted with no regard to their wounds. As they finally returned to their human form, Blue shivered, bare in the night air. “Blue?” Joseph asked, confused and slightly horrified.
“I need-‘ They groaned, consciousness starting to wane, ‘help.”
Joseph yanked off his suit jacket. He covered them with it, scooping Blue up into his arms. They let out a whine of pain as he picked them up. “I’m sorry,’ He said, pressing a kiss to their forehead, ‘We’ll get you to a hospital.”
“No. No hospital,” They begged, the world starting to go dark around them. “No hospital.”
“BLUE!” He screamed as the world went dark around them.
Blue breathed in deeply, smelling a familiar scent. They were surrounded by softness, presumably a bed. Blue felt warm, a sign that they were still alive. Their eyes fluttered open, the blurry room coming into focus. This wasn’t their apartment; it was too sparse to be. Blue started to push themself up, trying to piece together where they were. “Let me help you sit up,” Joseph said, coming to their side. He helped them sit up, fluffing the pillows behind them and looking relieved. Taking a seat on the bed next to them, Joseph continued, “You should rest. We are very lucky that Dr. Morgan is gifted as he is.”
“Where am I?” Blue asked. This wasn’t a hospital, which was a small mercy. Blue noticed they were wearing someone’s shirt, sniffing it, and finding the shirt smelled like Joseph. Well, that explained a few things.
“My home. You were here a few nights ago. Do you remember?” He asked, taking their hand in his left hand. They did remember that night in vivid clarity, a faint red on their cheeks. “I thought…”
“I’m fine. Trust me, I’ve been through worse,” They replied, squeezing his hand. Joseph’s eyes narrowed, concerned by their statement. Shooting him a small, crooked smile, Blue asked, “You weren’t hurt, were you?”
Joseph shook his head. “Thanks to my mysterious protector,’ He said, his right hand coming up to cup their cheek with Blue leaning into his hand, ‘I am alive and unharmed.” The room grew silent, and Blue knew what they had to do. Joseph deserved the truth, especially since he’d saved their life.
“You do not have to tell me, Blue. If this is a secret you must hold, I understand.” Behind the shades, Blue saw the desire to know, but he respected them too much to press.
“Joseph, I’m the wolf from the lake.”
“I managed to put that one together, Blue. I realized it was the same wolf when I saw the scar on your shoulder.”
“Well, I’m not technically a wolf. I’m actually a werewolf,’ They said, watching him carefully, ‘And, I didn’t become a werewolf after my encounter with the werewolf that attacked you. I was born one.”
Joseph’s eyes widened, clearly surprised by this revelation. “You were born a werewolf?” He asked faintly.
Blue nodded. “Got it from my mom’s side of the family. Didn’t make my first transformation until I was 17. Most wolves take their transformation in their early teen years. I was kind of a late bloomer.”
He sat there silent for a moment. “That’s….”
“Weird?” Blue shot him a teasing smile.
Joseph shook his head, the corners of his mouth twitching up in amusement. “No, incredible.”
Their blush deepened as they looked away. “I thought you might think I was crazy or that you might hate me for being a werewolf. Werewolves and Humans don’t have the best relationship.”
Joseph’s hand moved to their chin, forcing Blue to look at him. He leaned in close, pressing his forehead against Blue’s. “I watched you transform from a giant wolf into a human. I cannot disbelieve what I have seen with my two eyes. As for hating you, I could never hate you.”
Blue kissed him, hungry for all of Joseph: his scent, touch, everything. Grabbing the lapels of his blazer, Blue pulled him closer. They nipped at his bottom lip, finding entrance.
He pulled away after a few seconds, pushing Blue back onto the pillow. “Rest. We can catch up on that later.”
They frowned as they released him, already missing Joseph. His hand pushed back the collar of the white shirt, revealing the bandage on their left shoulder. “That scar was from the other werewolf, wasn’t it?”
Blue nodded. “Yeah, he attacked my best friend, Nadia and I.”
Their shoulder burned, a reminder of the painful memory. Blue is back in the parking garage, pinned beneath his paws on their stomach. His fangs dig into their shoulder, ripping the flesh. They scream, a strangled, odd sound between human and wolf. “HEY ASSHOLE! GET OFF THEM!!!” Nadia shouts, her glare fierce. Blue looks up to Nadia let an arrow fly loose. She strikes Him in the side. He stumbles backward off Blue, and they scramble to their paws. Blue leaps toward Him, slamming their good shoulder into His side. He stumbles backward more, tumbling over the parking lot railing.
“Blue,” Joseph gently said, looking concerned. He cupped their cheek again, rubbing his thumb across their cheek in comfort.
“Sorry. Just remembering. He gave me the scar, but Nadia and I killed him. Or at least, we thought we did. I didn’t know he was back until he killed Samantha. He also showed up at your cabin that night a few days ago.”
“Is that why you behaved so strangely?” Joseph asked concerned.
“Yeah,’ They bit their lip, knowing Joseph deserved a proper apology after that, ‘I’m sorry for the way I acted that night. You deserved to know, especially since it was your home. Trust me, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
He sighed, relieved. “I thought I had hurt you. I thought you didn’t-“
“No, not at all. And trust me, the moment I’m better, I plan to continue where I left off.”
Joseph shook his head, a faint red on his cheeks. “When you are better,’ He was silent for a moment, before asking ‘Are there other werewolves here? Are they like you?”
Blue shook their head. “As far as I know, I’m the only werewolf here. Even if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be allowed to tell you. It’s not my secret to tell,’ They looked away briefly, Joseph’s hand coming away from their face, ‘Most of the werewolves I’ve known are peaceful people. They’re just trying to get through life like everyone else.”
“It must be a lonely experience to be the only werewolf here.”
“I have friends.”
“And me.”
Blue smiled at him. “Yeah, I do. And you have me too.”
He leaned forward, kissing them on the forehead. “You should get some sleep.”
“Stay?” They asked as he helped them lay back down again.
“Always,” He said before giving them another kiss on the forehead.
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fatalcarnaged · 4 years
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⌠𝐎𝐎𝐂 : 𝖧𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗈 𝖣𝖺𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 !! 𝖬𝗒 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝖤𝗅𝗅𝖺, 𝖨'𝗏𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗋𝗈𝗅𝖾𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖻𝗈𝗍𝗁 𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗉𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗐, 𝖨'𝗆 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝖾𝗑𝖼𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗉 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗇𝖾𝗋 !! 𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅 𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝖽 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗉𝗅𝗈𝗍 !! ⌡
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We welcome ( ROSALIE ANN AMARI ) to this Wicked Little Town ! It’s said they look a lot like ( PHOEBE TONKIN ), and are said to hold the ( MISTRESS ) mark now. They tragically died from ( SHOT IN THE HEAD BY A TRAITOR IN HER CREW ) at only ( TWENTY FIVE ) years old, but I think ( SHE / HER ) will fit in well here in the end as they’re ( BISEXUAL ). They’re really into ( SPANKING & TEASING ), but not so much into ( ANAL & BODILY FLUIDS ), which probably means they’re also ( FEARLESS ) and ( DANGEROUS ).
FULL NAME: Rosalie Ann Amari NICKNAME(S) / TITLE(S): Rose, Rosie, Roro ( her childhood best friend ) - Whore, Bitch, Slut, Worthless ( her father ) - Salie, Annie, Amari, Vixen, Bad ass ( Lucifer, the man who trained her ) AGE: Twenty Four ( verse dependent ) BIRTHDAY: July 12, 1995 GENDER: Female PRONOUNS: She-Her
PLACE OF DEATH: Miami, Florida  ETHNICITY: White and European American NATIONALITY: French, Bulgarian and Australian
RELIGION: Spiritual ( Modern spirituality is centered on the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” It embraces the idea of an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality. It envisions an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being. )
OCCUPATION: Taco Bell Employee ( former / childhood job ), Bartender ( former / after Juvie ), Leader of the Antonucci family Mafia ( former career ). LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, French, Bulgarian, Latin, Spanish and Portuguese ACCENT: Mixture of French and Latin
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FACECLAIM: Phoebe Tonkin ( main ) Danielle Campbell ( younger )
HAIR COLOR: Brown ( has had blonde, red and black hair )
HEIGHT: 5′ 7″
WEIGHT: 123 Pounds
BUILD: Slim but she’s strong
SHOE SIZE: 8.5 ( US )
TATTOOS: She has a tattoo of the word joy tattoo on the side of her wrist on her right hand and she got that in honor of her mother who passed away when Rosalie was born, she also has the word balance on her right foot as a reminded to keep herself balanced despite all the murder and abuse in her life, she also has a heart outline on her right hip that’s in honor of her best friend that passed away. She has a rose tattoo against the side and slightly under her left breast in honor of her name, she also has a lotus flower tattoo against her right shoulder in symbol of her spirituality, the last tattoo she has is a small paw print tattoo behind her left her that stands for her Siberian Husky dog that she has.
PIERCINGS: She has both her earlobes pierced three, she has a Industrial Piercing on her right ear and two Helix Piercing piercings on her left ear, she also has her belly button pierced and she has her Rook pierced on her left ear and also she has a Conch Piercing on he right ear, she also has her right side of her nose pierced and her last piercing is her septum pierced but she never wear both her septum and nose piercing, she barely uses her septum piercing but when she does is if she’s out at some event.
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THE PHOENIX : someone who has come back after a devastating event and ‘risen from the ashes.’ they can be considered remarkable and resilient. they can be similar to “the clean slate” except they most likely accept their past or pretend to.
THE HEDONIST: someone that lives purely to please themselves; they are charismatic and often philosophical because of their lifestyle, they tend to be adrenaline junkies and thrive off of the feeling of their blood pulsing through their veins; a synonym is “the sybarite,” or “the voluptuary.”
THE BROKEN BIRD: a person who has a troubles past, who has been traumatized or might still be which resulted in them becoming stoic, cynical or even bad-ass ; damaged, broken inside who hides away behind a mask and distance themselves emotionally.
THE CHIEF: someone who tends to take the lead in situations ; a bossy person ; a leader.
THE INDEPENDENT WOMAN: a woman who is strong and a leader ; a girl who doesn’t need a man ; can be seen as a feminist, but not necessarily ; can be a business woman.
THE VAMP: a girl who sleeps around a lot.
THE BLACK SHEEP: someone that is shunned by many, particularly their family; they are rebellious and do what is told not to; adamant about being different, but isn’t accepted; often treated differently because of what they do interchangeable with renegade or outcast
POSITIVE TRAITS: Adventurous, Adaptable, Brave, Cautious, Charismatic, Capable, Confident, Educated, Independent, Intelligent, Observant Dominate and Strong NEGATIVE TRAITS: Cold, Cunning, Dangerous, Daring, Dark, Fearless, Feisty, Harsh, Impatient, Jealous, Mischievous, Murderous, Mysterious, Naughty and Sarcastic GOALS/DESIRES: To rid the world of all the horrible, sick and twisted individuals FEARS: Being alone and clowns HOBBIES: Painting, Piano, Murdering and Singing LIKES: Animals, Music, Art, Singing, Sex and Drinking DISLIKES: Dishonest people, Liars, Pedophiles, Abusers and Bad Banners
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FATHER: Tagus Amari ( deceased )
MOTHER: Anne Marie Amari ( deceased )
PET(S): Mako ( Male Siberian Husky Dog - former pet ), Sasha ( Female Egyptian Mau Cat - former pet ), Paco ( Male Cockatoo Bird - former pet ), Aleta ( Female Sugar Glider - former pet ), Ares ( Male Ball Python - former pet ) 
CHILDREN: Annette Rose Amari ( deceased , she only lived a year after her birth )
MYERS-BRIGGS: Commander Personality (ENTJ, -A/-T)
ENNEAGRAM: The Challenger
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KINKS: Oral ( receiving and giving ), Spanking ( receiving, giving to the woman ), Hair pulling, Scratching, Biting, Foreplay, Teasing, Sex Toys, Collars, Whips, Restrains, Bruising, Submission, Daddy!Dom, Making Love ( slow and intimate ), Semi-Public Sex, Blindfolds, ( If it isn’t on the anti-list then she might be opened to it, she’s very experimental. ) ANTI-KINKS: Anal, Bodily Fluids, Blood play, Vomit, Child play ( or talk ), Animals, Fisting, Burning, Humiliation, Knife Play,  Bestiality,  Severe pain, Mental Abuse, Gore.
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( hello !! her dossier is still being written but I will give you a quick summary, Rosalie’s mom died during childbirth and her father turned into a physical, emotional and sexual abusive man towards Rosalie and that is what it was like her entire childhood, she has scars to remind her of the many many horrible things that he did to her, she did a lot of drugs and slept around a lot with both men and woman to try and just feel something other then pain. Her first murder was her father. One day when she was fifteen she had enough and she had a mental break and she ended up stabbing her father twenty five times and that was the first time she found the high of killing a horrible person, the high of seeing his blood on his had, she was only sentenced with two years in juvie because she pleaded insanity and with the amount of abuse the court accepted her plea. Once she was out of juvie she found herself not knowing where to go or what to do, she had gone to a bar to make a phone call and when she left, a man had grabbed her and tried to have his way with her in the alleyway and that’s her second murder, she slit his throat with a piece of broken glass near a dumpster and that’s when she realized that she was going to be her own justice, she was going to rid the world of horrible and disgusting people, on her path of murders she would meet a man who would train her in fighting, street smart and everything she needed to know to run his business, one of the biggest mafia’s around, she became the boss and she never allowed anyone to cross her again that was until one man ruined everything, there was a traitor in her mafia and he got her alone and shot her in the head and she woke up in hell. Once I get more of a feel for her then I’ll be writing her full dossier  )
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
.:: in-character questionnaire
✨please repost, not reblog!
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‘default’ scent is kind of a light blend of grass, body odor and whatever deodorant he’s wearing. he’ll also sometimes carry faint traces of whatever animal form he’d just reverted out of, if their body naturally produces certain scents.
pretty often! even on ‘light-crime’ days, gar enjoys being outdoors more than he enjoys being indoors, and sitting still isn’t something he’s very good at. chances are he’ll come back to the tower with some kind of mess on him, be it mud, grass stains, salt water, sand, tree sap, etc. the boy loves adventures and being active.
he also enjoys the occasional bath + bath bomb combo and will just wallow in the water while listening to an audiobook or podcast for as long as the water stays warm.
not currently.
gar won’t get piercings due to his nerves and anxieties around needles. 
he DOES, however, get a silver-ink lotus tattoo on his left arm a few months after his 20th birthday. he gets it to cover a scar he received that year since the lotus is a symbol of growth through the world’s struggles and becoming a better person. ...it’s a long story.
lol a lot. depends on his environment. his ears will typically twitch and swivel toward sounds going on around him (sometimes this is voluntary, other times they just automatically react to a sudden noise). he definitely has a lot of nervous twitches, be it knee bouncing, fidgeting with anything he can get his hands on, scratching at his neck/chin/shoulders, tapping his fingers on table surfaces, etc etc. these body movements will get increasingly apparent the longer he’s forced to stay still.
boxers and an old, but clean, t-shirt. 
his ‘cool patrol’ jacket. it’s a faux leather jacket (black) with paw-prints on the shoulders, cropped to just above the bottom of his ribs, and has a howling wolf on the back with the phrase “raised by wolves”.
lie in bed for several minutes, watching the world outside his window until he decides he either really has to pee or he’s hungry enough to go find some food. sometimes he’ll reply to text conversations he’d been having the previous night before he passed out, too, or check his social media feeds for the latest dank memes.
depends on the mood he went to bed in.
if he was in a positive mood, he’ll generally starfish all over the place and adopt weird, uncomfortable looking positions with one leg hanging off the bed, an arm propped against the wall, etc etc. 
if he was in a negative mood, he’ll curl up so his back is against the wall and will generally hug a pillow or his stuffed shark, deep blue. if he’s sharing the bed with someone (and they’re comfortable with it) he’ll cling to them one way or another, be it by just holding their hand or hugging one of their arms.
a bit rough, nails are usually either chipped or slightly pointed (sometimes he forgets to fully form his human nails after changing back from a pawed predator). his hands are pretty lanky and bony and never without some kind of callous or small cuts and nicks. like i said, he spends a lot of time outside. he enjoys climbing shit more than nathan drake does.
i don’t?? fickin know, depends on what he last ate or drank? this shrimpy mint-lookin’ boy and his bad puns and awkward dork brain.
TAGGED BY: @karaoftomorrow​ (this is a trillion years late THANK YOU) TAGGING: idk who hasn’t done this so if you want it come and get it
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trendingtattoo · 5 years
Amazing Hand Tattoo Designs For Men And Women
Hand Tattoo Designs for Men & Women
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Tattooing is an art. People love to get a tattoo because of various reasons. Some get tattoos for displaying their love for someone, for some tattoos are just for fashion and style, whereas, many get it to show their support to a group or community. Well, whatever the reason be, tattoos are the way to unveil your true personality to the world. Any tattoo you get should match with your personality, should have relevance with who you are, whether it’s a tattoo on neck or a hand tattoo.
Though a tattoo can be placed on any part of the body, wherever you choose to, but tattoos on hands are most common amongst tattoo lovers. Hand tattoos are for those who want to have a tattoo that is visible easily, as hands are one of the most visible parts of our body. Also, not to mention hands and their movements while doing something or talking reveals too much about our personality. For instance, when we shake hands or move them while talking to people or crowd, we always make an impression with our hands. So, a hand tattoo can be a great way to leave a lasting impression!!
Hand tattoos are incredibly beautiful and amazingly stunning, and a skilled tattooist can always ensure a great artwork on your hand. Hand tattoos can be etched in varied shapes and sizes, based on your choice and hand tattoo design. Any design from a butterfly to an intricate mandala can look great as a hand tattoo.
Here is a list of top hand tattoo designs for you….. Don’t miss to see them all, you might find your favorite in the list…. Have a look!!
1. A beautiful white butterfly on your hand
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Butterflies are cute, I think cutest. And when they are tattooed they look mesmerizing. White tattoos are rarely seen, for, many people go for the darker shades. Yet, white butterfly tattoo will look amazing, especially when it is well-made. The delicate white wings of the butterfly look even more enchanting. White butterfly tattoos are very much feminine, nature-inspired and look striking on dark skin tone.
2. A pine tree on your hand
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Pine trees, found naturally in the northern hemisphere make for a wonderful nature-inspired tattoo. This can be done in just black ink or you can get the tree inked in its natural color on your hand.
3. A poppy flower on your hand
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Poppy flowers have long been used as a symbol of sleep, peace, and death. However, red poppies are a common symbol of remembrance of soldiers who have died during wartime. A perfect tattoo design for your hands. Good design for soldiers! Get a red poppy etched on your hand, it will look mesmerizing.
4. A cute bumblebee on your hand
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Bumblebees look cute when tattooed ☺. A bumblebee tattoo on your hand or on your wrist in black ink will look stunning. Bumblebee tattoos makes for a perfect small tattoo design for those who do not want to flaunt big art works on their body.
5. An autumn leaf on your hand
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A subtle autumn leaf drawn on your hand will make for an eye-catching tattoo. This one will be in color and looks amazing on your hand. This is for those who do not want to go for big tattoo designs and just want to have something simple from nature. Get this in color, it will look original.
6. Henna-inspired tattoo on your hand
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Henna-inspired tattoo has it all. This tattoo will have everything from beautiful leaves, flowers to other elements required for making a perfect henna-inspired tattoo on your hand. And intricate design that looks beautiful. Have this design on your forearm, you will never need to get a henna work on your hand, and this tattoo will take care of that part too. ☺ ☺
7. A captivating moon on your hand
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For all the moon lovers, simple moon will do the needful. Get a beautiful moon inked on your hand and see how people will react on it. You will love the compliments, as they are also going to be as beautiful as your tattoo design.
8. A rose on your hand
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A rose tattoo on hand is for those who do not want to flaunt big artwork on their body. You can have any colored rose on your wrist or hand with leaves on it. Simple yet beautiful, this one makes for an insanely beautiful girl tattoo.
9. A tropical sunset on your hand
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A tropical tattoo – for all the beach lovers! With all the elements creating a tropical scene, like a palm tree, boat, water, and the sun is setting, it will make for an eye-catching tattoo design on your hand. This will look like a pencil sketch. Get it either in color or just in black with shades.
10. Paw prints on your hand
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Paw prints on your hand or wrist will look stunning. This makes for a simple tattoo design, but looks really very, very cool! The design had only few paw prints in black and the tattoo still looks enchanting and captivating. Good for those who don’t want to have a bigger tattoo design.
11. A name tattoo on your hand
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You may be thinking what’s so special in it, but trust this one looks so beautiful in italics…. You can get your name etched on your hand maybe in your or in different languages. It makes for an eye catching tattoos!!
12. A music symbol on your hand
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A perfect design for the music lovers, especially for the ones who breathe music. Music symbol tattoos make for tiny tattoos. Specifically for people sensitive about music, who knows how to express their love for music without showing it off on a large scale to the world! A small symbol of music note on your hand will look super cool and stylish.
13. A quote or phrase on your hand
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Quotes or phrases make for really wonderful tattoo designs. They look stunning. There are many quotes though, but you choose the one which you think represent you the best. You can get a quote on your hand in italics or in running font. Moreover, you can choose quote in any language, the only thing you need to take care is to know the meaning of the quote particularly.
14. Heart on your hand
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This one is a delicate tattoo design …! It is for those who wants to have a little more than a heart. This tattoo can be etched alone or along with a line stretching from the endpoint of heart and at a little distance the line will break and will have a small gap. This design looks really cool.
15. A phrase or quote with a miniature birds on your hand
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Phrases or quotes make for a perfect tattoo designs. If you have any quote in your mind which you want to get inked on your hand, then that’s a perfect idea. Because of the uniqueness and elegance quote or phrase tattoo carries, many people go for a quote. If also like any quote specifically, get this with a miniature bird on your hand. It will look cool!!
16. An angel on your hand
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An angel on your hand will make for an eye-catching tattoo design. Angels are however common tattoo designs, but believe you me they never lose their charm, come what may. If you also love angels and want one for yourself too, then get the one on your hand, it will look mesmerizing.
17. Roman number on your hand
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If you have some lucky number, which you want to get inked on your body, then don’t wait….go for it. Roman number look really cool when tattooed on the inside of your wrist. They really make cool tattoo designs. Roman numbers stand for grace, elegance and boldness. Getting a roman number tattoo on your hand will leave people awestruck.
18. ‘FAITH HOPE LOVE’ on your hand
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This one lies under the category of a chain Ambigram tattoo. It has three words arranged in a way that they will form a shape of a diamond. Each word when viewed from different directions, will form the other two words. This one makes a classic tattoo and very creative. Ambigram tattoos make for a great tattoo designs and look perfect on hand.
40 Ambigram Tattoo Designs
19. Your loved ones name on your hand
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For those who want to flaunt their love and care for the person they love, be it mother, father, wife, partner, etc. Just their name etched on your forearm will tell everything about the love and bond you share. If you also love someone get his/her name etched.
20. A crescent moon encompassing trees on your hand
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Another beautiful tattoo design for hands is – a crescent moon encompassing trees. A beautiful tattoo for those who love moon in any way. The design looks very pretty and enchanting. Get it in black.
21. Just the initials on your wrist
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Some people do not go for the complete name, rather they prefer to get the initials of their loved one’s name etched on their wrist, chest or neck. If you also want to flaunt your love for your love, get her/his initials etched this time.
22. A compass along with a World Map
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For the travelers, who are born to explore everything in the world! A beautiful compass along with the world map will make for an amazing tattoo design on your hand. The design has everything the direction and the destination ☺ ☺
23. A pair of feather on your hands
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Well, if you want to have a tattoo in pairs, then a pair of feathers on both hands will make for a perfect tattoo. You will have one feather each arm. A cute tattoo design for hands.
24. An outlined heart on your hand
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If you are looking for a sweet and cute tattoo design on your hand, then this is the one to go with. This little outline heart looks really sweet, simple, and adorable. Perfect for those who want to have a tattoo but do not want to flaunt it to anyone.
25. A sun on your hand
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A beautiful tempting sun on hand, whether outlined in black ink or a colored looks great. Sun really makes for a cute tattoo designs for everybody. Simple yet beautiful!!
26. A heartbeat on your hand
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Heart beat tattoo looks mesmerizing! You can have this one in the form of a bangle and the heart between the beats, it will look amazing….. The tattoo can be done either in black color or in the combination of black and red, however you want.
27. An Egyptian architecture style tattoo on your hand
This hand tattoos are for those who are inspired by history. Egyptian art and architecture has always been famous for its excellent buildings and monuments. You can choose any design for your architectural style hand tattoo from this style of architecture. And not to mention the Pyramids. You can also get a beautiful pyramid etched on your hand along with the design.
28. An intricate mandala on your hand
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Mandala heart tattoo really looks wonderful, mandala designs are intricate and beautiful. Hence a mandala design done inside the heart also looks as beautiful as any shape mandala design. You can have this in black and white ink.
29. Greek revival architecture style tattoo on your hand
An architectural movement style tattoos are inspired by the style of ancient Greek architecture, particularly the Greek temple. The tattoo with Greek revival architecture have varying degrees of thoroughness and consistency. If you admire the Greek architecture then this designs can be yours!
30. A tattoo for your tommy on your hand
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For all the pet lovers! Dogs are the most loyal and faithful animals, and if you think your tommy deserves some reward in return of its faith and loyalty and if you love your dog so much and want to show off your love or honor your favorite dog. Then this design is for you, you can get a tiny dog tattoo on your hand. It will only have the outline in black color and it will look amazing.
Pet Tattoo Ideas for Pet Lovers
31. An armband on your hand
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An armband as the name says looks like a band on your arm as they encircle your arm just like a band does. Armband tattoos look elegant and graceful complementing your well-toned arms. A great choice for all, from a regular gym-goers to a college girl. You have a myriad of options when it comes to armband tattoo designs, as they come in numerous designs, which include floral patterns, wrath, Polynesian, barbed fence, name armbands, and tribal patterns. You can associate an armband to people you love, or to the memory of someone who is no more etc.
32. An orchid flower on your hand
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Orchid flowers make for an insanely beautiful tattoo. Orchids come in a wide range of colors, they mostly appear to be hanging from a thread off of the stem. These highly coveted ornamental flowers represent love, beauty, luxury, and strength. Like a flower, orchid floral tattoos also look amazing.
33. Stamps tattooed on your hand
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Stamps tattooed on your hand will simply represent your love for travel and will signify the countries that you have already traveled. You can get stamps from as many countries as you want etched on your hand. Or you can get those ones which you have already covered so far, or the ones you love the most, up to you!! ☺ ☺
34. A latin phrase ‘Soli Deo Glory’ on your hand
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The meaning of this Latin phrase is Glory to God alone. The phrase will look mesmerizing of your hand. If you also believe in the glory of God then definitely this one is for you. The tattoo will not only look unique, but also will add charm to your beauty.
35. A feather with birds on your hand
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Just imagine cute little birdies along with a feather etched on your hand. Yeah, the design looks stunning! The design will have many small birds giving appearance as if coming out of the feather. Just try it out in color or black.
Feather Tattoo With Meanings
36. A landscape in a circle on your hand
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This one will be a colorful tattoo, as it has a lake, mountains, trees, sparkling water, and a beautiful moonlight. Actually a painting but tattooed on your hand. This tattoo looks beautiful, it is done inside the circle but if you want, you can get it without an outline too. A very beautiful and colorful tattoo to go for. Also, you can have variation in it, by simply adding a flying bird with trees and mountains, your tattoo will become extraordinary.
See More @  55 Amazing Hand Tattoo Designs For Men And Women
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fangirlinglikealoon · 5 years
Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
I was tagged by @i-like-hockey-a-latte, thank you 🥰
Nickname: I don’t really have one but one of my friends sometimes calls me Miiuli and when I was a little kid my friends used to call me Mipu
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 176,6 cm which is something like 5′9, almost 5′10 (google says it’s  5 feet 917⁄32 inches and that just looks so funny)
Hogwarts House: Pottermore says I’m a Gryffindor
Last thing I googled: My height in feet and inches 😅
Favorite musicians: Stam1na and Mokoma are my two forever and ever loves but lately I’ve been really into ISÁK and Alan Walker. My taste in music varies a lot, from metal to EDM to rap to pop to hc punk
Following: 452 it seems but I guess I should go through those because I’m quite sure there’s a bunch of in-active blogs there since my dash is quite quiet 😅
Followers: 339 :o Thanks you guys for following me 😘
Do you get asks: Sometimes yeah but not that often. Hit me up with them asks if you ever feel like it!
Amount of sleep: I don’t know, around 8 hours maybe
Lucky number: 62, 20, and 9
What you’re wearing: A tank top, camo cargo pants and a loose-knit cardigan
Dream job: To do what Mark Lazerus does 😂 No but for real I’d love to write about hockey or movies for a living. I occasionally get to write about those in my current job but I’d love to focus on either of those two
Dream trip: Go to Chicago and see a couple of Blackhawks games
Instruments: I don’t play any but if I did it would be a bass
Favorite songs: Ooo this is a difficult one. Umm.. Eloonjäänyt by Stam1na, When Love and Death Embrace by HIM, Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin and Part of Your World from Disney’s Little Mermaid
Languages: Finnish, English, Swedish (I understand it better than I speak it), and very little French
Random Fact: I’ve wanted tattoos since I was like 10 years old and had to wait 8 long years before I could get any. My dad got his first around that time and we had plenty of tattoo books and magazines at home so I went through those and started dreaming of getting tattoos myself. I got my first one a few months after I turned 18 and nowadays I have 6. The first one is the tribal S-logo of Slipknot. Then I took my first cat’s paw prints, after that came a mermaid (it’s based on Ariel but with different colors) with a Stam1na lyric on top, then a rooster from Mokoma’s Punainen kukko EP’s cover, then a quill with the word Always underneath it and the A is the symbol of the deathly hallows, and the most recent one is the face of Kerrigan from StarCraft II. I have a whole ocean-themed sleeve planned on my right hand under the mermaid and a flower thing with Tinkerbell and a hummingbird to my right shoulder blade and but I just gotta save money for those ‘cause it’s not gonna be cheap 😂 I also wanna take a hockey tattoo one day but I’m still working on ideas
Aesthetic: I have absolutely no idea 😂😂
I should tag 21 people but I’m a lazy-ass human so I tag all of you just by saying so: YOU’RE TAGGED! 😁 Go ahead people and do this if you feel like it and let me know if you’ve already done this, I’d love to know more about you guys :)
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addie-bear · 5 years
[ @addie-bear @chances-r-high @royal-iris ]
The tattoo had taken quite a bit of time, and the trip to and from K'elemi wasn't exactly a short one. But Addie knew that was thr place to get the best work done for tattoos, and she wanted to make sure thing one was absolutely perfect.
When she got home she'd went straight to bed, but she woke up the next morning to get some training out of the way. Chance's new serum had healed her completely, but she still had to build up a lot of her old muscle on her own. Which she didn't mind. Training always seemed to help clear her mind if any negativity in it.
When Chance woke up, he saw all the signs that Addie had made it home safe. He heard a ping on his tablet, signaling his secretary giving him his schedule for the day. He had some extra time this morning, and so decided to visit one of the many holodecks on the Metallah.
It was still an ongoing job, having him, Iris and Addie move in, and also moving out everything that represented Dwicky. But slowly but surely the place was looking more and more them. Their bedroom was decked out in various splashes of red, lilac and blue, with a huge window where they could see every and any nebula or planet they passed by. Diana chirp from her large, round bed in the corner, stretching before trotting up to Chance and telling him hello.
“Good morning, Diana,” he told the cougar, giving her scratches behind her ear. She purred in response.
Chance got dressed in a tank and some jogging pants, showing off his bright red tattoo on his right arm. The first time the staff saw it they were a little taken aback, but he told them he had it for a reason. And lately...it felt even more special to him. Currently he could already see the stares he was getting from his hair. To others it looked like a plain rainbow, but he knew it wasn’t.
Especially since normal rainbows didn’t typically have pink.
As he walked into the holodeck, he watched as his mate easily beat two of the holo-villains, causing them to disintegrate. He grinned and leaned against the door. “It is really good to see you up and about again,” he said with a grin.
Addie could tell her movements still weren’t as quick as they once were. At least without using her adrunel. It was disappointing and mildly annoying. She needed to get faster. She couldn’t keep relying on her adrunel. Her body had suffered so much damage from the poison and the coma, and she knew she couldn’t just keep adding to it.
She jumped when she heard Chance’s voice, turning around to look at him. It was rare to see him in something that showed off so much of his skin, and she couldn’t help but look him up and down.
Then she noticed the hair. “That’s...quite a combination of colors,” she said. It was impossible not to smile.
He shrugged. He’d given the hair dress specific instructions, which they’d followed perfectly. Now his entire quiff was covered in six colors. a bright orange, a deep purple, navy blue, dark crimson, sunflower yellow, bubblegum pink. His publicist had tried to tell him that it might be a little “too loud.” He told her that she must have never been around Irkens. There was no such thing as too loud.
“You should see my ears,” Chance told her, coming closer to show off the bar in his left ear. One side was gold and the other was gave off a purple and orange shift. There were also two tiny gages in this lobes, both with prints of gears on them. “Though I think you still win.”
Addie snort, holding out her right arm to give Chance a better look. “I do plan on adding symbols for everyone else but...for now I think this is good.”
The new tattoo was one long sleeve, with a colorful aurora and stars as the background. Cascading along the aurora were several symbols, all representing one of the family members she’d lost. A glass of red wine for Uncle Red, a violet soda can for Purple, a dark blue paw print for Uncle Dib-beast, a pink lollipop for Uncle Zim, a sunflower for Uncle Keef, an orange band-aid for Mika, a light blue Ferris wheel for Xander, and then right at her wrist was two rosebuds side by side, one gold and one purple.
“That’s why it took me so long to get home,” Addie told him, running her fingers over the designs. “It took...quite a while.”
“I can imagine,” he said, reaching out and touching it himself. “It looks amazing.”
“Thanks. I kinda wanted it to be an extension of my rose, you know?” She gestured toward the back of her right shoulder, where Chance knew her first tattoo was. “Like I said I plan to add more.”
“Yeah, I know,” Chance said. “You sure you’ll have the room?”
“Yes,” Addie insisted.
“I don’t know, you’re parents do adopt...like everyone.”
“They do. But I don’t think I’ll run out of room. The symbols aren’t that big.” She puts her arm down and grins up at him. “So what brings you here, High Chancellor?”
There was something about the way Addie said his new title that made Chance shiver just a bit. And suddenly he was noticing how much skin she was showing and how form-fitting her leggings were and how her hair looked so sexy tied back and frazzled like it was. “I, uh, had some free time this morning. Figured I’d get some training in. It’s been a while, after all.”
Addie nodded, giving her mate another once over. He really looked so good in a tank top. “I have an idea, then,” she said, twirling the quarterstaff in her hands. “How about we spar. We can get back into practice together.”
“Huh. That’s...a pretty good idea,” Chance said, walking over to where the the sparring weapons were. He found a couple of sparring swords and twirled them in his hands before turning back to Addie. “You sure you’re up for this, Admiral.”
“Oh, you cut off one guys arm and you think your a badass,” Addie teased.
“I mean it was pretty badass,” he replied with smirk. He got into a fighting stance. “Ready?”
Addie positioned her feet, holding the quarterstaff out in front of her. “Bring it, boss man.”
Chance wasted no time charging forward, swinging one of the sparring swords with quick precision. However, Addie was just as fast, blocking with her quarterstaff. Her eyes flashed with a certain mischief.
“That the best you got, Lucky Star?”
“We’re just getting started, Songbird.”
The next moves were smooth and calculated from both sides. It was obvious they’d become extremely familiar with each other’s movements, able to see the other’s attacks coming and being able to counter them perfectly. At one point Chance made to make an upward swipe only to have Addie lean back in an elegant dodge before twirling her quarterstaff to hook on the offending sword and throw it from his grasp and flinging it across the room.
“Sure you’re not going easy on me, High Chancellor?” Addie asked in a teasing tone, pointing on end of her quarterstaff at him.
Chance chuckled. “We both know that if I pulled that shit, you’d already have kicked my ass.” He observed her for a moment. It was hard to analytical with either of his mates, with how goddamn attractive they were, but if he wanted to win this he knew he’d have to turn that part of his brain off. At least for now. Once he’d found his weak spot, he lead with a fake hit from his sword, before hooking his foot behind her ankle and tripping her to the floor. “The real question is...are you going easy on me?”
Addie huffed, but soon she was grinning up at him with full teeth. A quick swing of the quarterstaff and Chance’s other sword went flying away, and then another knocked him off his feet. He grunted at the hard landed. Addie rolled over on top of him, using her weapon to pin his shoulder down. “Never, Lucky Star,” she whispered, leaning in to his face.
Chance stared up at Addie for a moment, easily getting lost in those emerald green eyes. She was absolutely perfect. Beautiful, intelligent and a complete and utter badass. He was already panting from their session, his blood running, and seeing her sitting on top of him with that look on her face only set his body more aflame.
He leaned up and closed the distance between them, one of his hands finding its way around being pinned to come up and cup her cheek. The other one reached downward, running up along her thigh.
Addie wasn’t the least bit surprised by the kiss, breaking it just long enough to toss the quarterstaff away. Her hands found their way into Chance’s hair, pulling him closer so that she could deepen the kiss. She inhaled sharply as their tongues began to glide against each other.
Chance struggled to breath, his hands beginning to roam across Addie’s body. One squeezed a shapely hip while the other wrapped around her waist and back. The temperature of his body continued to rise as their kisses became more heated, and he felt himself become hard. “Addie,” he murmured almost pleadingly between hot kisses, unsure if they should stop or move locations or if this had even been his mate’s intention.
Addie smirked at the sweet sound of her name, breaking from Chance’s mouth completely to trail Chance’s neck with wet kisses and licks. When she got down to his collarbone she gave it a light nibble. “Do you have any idea how badly I want to just rip this shirt off of you?”
Chance inhaled sharply at the attention to his neck, lifting his chin to give Addie more access. He’d accepted long ago that he was the most submissive one among the three of them, and he was fine with that. He’d do anything for his Tallest and his Princess, even beg. He let out a small moan from being nibbled. “I...I would prefer if you didn’t do that. The staff might ask questions.”
“The staff should mind their own business,” Addie said, biting on Chance shoulder a little harder. “Besides, we both know you like showing off who you belong to.” She trailed back upward, biting on his ear.
Chance moaned louder at the attention and at her words, unable to help how his hips lifted up off the floor. “I...I do,” he breathed, both of his hand taking hold of Addie’s hips.
Addie went back to assaulting Chance’s neck with tiny nips and butterfly kisses. “Is there something you want, love?” she asked, rolling her hips to meet Chance’s desperate movements.
“Fuck,” Chance groaned, his grip tightening on Addie’s hips. “Addie, please.”
“Hmm? Please what, my Lucky Star?” Addie teased, her hands slipping down to the hem of his tank top.
“Please...god, I want you, please.”
Addie grinned victoriously, giving Chance one last love bite beneath his chin before lifting up his tank top and tossing it aside. Chance wasn’t particularly hairy, but he did have a bit of a happy trail from his belly button. Addie took a moment to admire her mate beneath her before sitting up to give herself room to pull his jogging pants off.
“You’re so pretty, Chance,” Addie told him sweetly, taking a moment to quickly pull off her own clothes. The air in the room felt cold against her sweaty skin, making her want to get even closer to her mate. She grazed her teeth and lips along his chest. She really meant it. His hair was impossibly soft and his eyes were the brightest, sky blue and his smile seemed to light up a room. He truly had no idea how glad she and Iris were that he existed.
I would say that he’s the only thing Dwicky ever did right...but Dwicky doesn’t deserve any of that credit…
“You’re, uh, you’re pretty easy on the eyes, yourself,” Chance said. What an understatement that was. Addie had always been pretty to him, even when he refused to admit it to himself. And it seemed every time he turned around she only became more ravishing. Right now she looked like a goddess, sitting above him, naked, the light from the ceiling cascading her in ethereal light. He could spend forever looking at her, counting every freckle on her body over and over again.
Addie leaned down and kissed him deeply, her hand trailing down to wrap around his cock. Slowly she stroked him up and down, savoring the desperate little sounds he made.
“Addie,” Chance hissed as he broke away from the kiss. He couldn’t help of how his hips jerked upward, wanting more of the feeling. “Addie, please.”
Addie chortled a little. “I suppose I should indulge you before someone sees the High Chancellor in such compromising position.”
She carefully moved herself until she was hovering over Chance’s member, taking him into her body just slow enough so it wouldn’t hurt. She moaned once they were completely joined, her claws digging into his chest a bit. Once she was settled, Addie lifted her hips just a bit before moving back down. She gasped and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Fuck, I missed this.”
Chance moaned loudly as Addie took him. She was hot and wet, the muscles inside her gripping his cock like she owned him. Honestly, he couldn’t argue that she didn’t. His hands moved to her waist, fingers pressing needily into her ivy colored skin as he moved his hips up to meet her movements. “Me, too. God, me too.” He sat up a bit, giving himself more leverage to thrust up into her.
“Chance,” Addie moaned, her claws digging more into his chest, her head tilting back.. She already felt that tightening with her lower abdomen, spurring her to ride Chance faster.
Chance took advantage of Addie’s exposed neck, leaning up nibbling along her jaw. “Fuck, Addie, you’re...you’re perfect. You’re so amazing. I love you so much.” He increased his pace as much as he could, using his grip on Addie’s hips for leverage.
Addie swore loudly in Lazurothian as her orgasm hit her, her hips rolling with the waves of it. She called out his name a couple times before the feeling finally subsided, leaving her chest heaving and her mind foggy.
Chance came right after her, the feeling of her muscles squeezing around his cock sending him over the edge. He buried his face into the crook of her neck as he moaned his release, his arms wrapping around her to cling to her lower back. He held her there for a moment before he broke into a light chuckle.
“You know...someone could have walked in on us.”
Addie giggled breathlessly. “That would have been a little awkward for everyone, wouldn’t it?” She looked down at him and their eyes met, both reflecting just how much love and devotion they held for each other. She leaned down and kissed him softly, running her fingers through his new, multicolored locks. “I want you forever,” she told him in Irken.
Chance kissed her once more and cupped her face as he replied, “I am forever yours,” in Irken. Then he added in English, “You truly are one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”
“Okay you guys will NOT believe how dumb this team you’ve given me are, and I THOUGHT I WAS BAD AT CODING! Really, it’s ridi-” The taller Irken paused in the doorway, his outrageous flamboyant expression of exaggeration had immediately fell flat. Now, he stood there awkwardly still, wide eyed and silent.
It probably took a good minute before he began blinking profusely, and babbling nonsense about how he was told he could find them there, as if that had any relevance to the situation. It didn’t take long before he turned away completely, hiding his face in his tablet, as if that could make him unsee the attractive curves of Addie or the fact that Iris finally knows what Chance’s dick looks like.
He continued to stare for a long time, blushing furiously, before trying to jump back to the topic at hand. At least, it was the topic that he thought he wanted to be at hand, but his eyes kept peaking over the tablet to look at his mates entangled with each other.
“So uh…. If you’re both done, can the High Chancellor PLEASE assign me people who AREN’T imbeciles? Like…. I mean, only if you’re done….”
Addie and Chance both jumped at the door opening, but upon seeing Iris they immediately relaxed. They watched as he began to rant and rave about his coding team that was helping find the collider, before he trailed off and stared. Addie bit her lip, trying very hard not to laugh at the reaction. Chance blushed furiously, but even he would admit there was something funny about this.
“Well, if that’s the case,” Addie said as she got up and began gathering her clothes, tossing Chance his own before redressing. “Then I guess you need my help. Who better to help with codes than your dad’s protégé?” She looked over at Chance. “Alright with you, High Chancellor?”
Chance finished getting dressed as well and snorted. “I’m surprised it took you this long to ask, honestly,” he said. He made his way toward the door, giving Iris a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I have to shower and go back to work. You two have fun.” And then he exited.
Addie continued to bite her lip, making her way over to stand by Iris. She then gave him a very sly look. “See something you like, My Tallest?~”
Iris’s mind had run rampant at the rapid fire conversation his mates were having without him, as he stood awkwardly trying to keep up with said conversation. His mind was preoccupied with trying to file away certain images for when he was…. More alone, and less swamped with collider work. Certainly, it’d warrant him actually seeing what kind of bed the Metallah had. Sleep wasn’t exactly the first thing on his mind recently, not with all the stress the week has been causing him.
The kiss was expected, but what he didn’t expect was Addie’s immediate advances. Honestly, he should have, he really, really should have. They have been both trying to tag team him all week it felt, and he was torn between wanting to tease them and wanting to run away from them. It was hard work, denying them basic mate privileges. All in a day’s work when you have a code to complete, honestly. Plus, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it.
In a way, it was his kind of Salvis, not that he really needed to be wooing them any more. It was obvious they all belonged to one another, but the game of cat and mouse was something he could never get tired of.
“I saw plenty, but I think what we should be discussing currently is….” Even as he tried to derail the subject, his eyes did a once over on Addie, thinking about how she was naked literal minutes ago. “The fact that you have plenty of work already, and helping me code shouldn’t be on your list of such things. I would like to kindly decline your offer to help, since I find that such a thing would….”
Again, he found himself trailing off, his eyes going back over her body. Iris knew it was obvious he was staring, and he SHOULD feel more conscious about that fact since he normally would, but the whole situation had been more than jarring to say the least. He didn’t think he could tear his eyes away even if he tried.
“I would find myself being very distracted.” The admittance caused him to get flustered again, looking away once more. Mostly at his tablet, down at the copy of the code he had been trying to crack. Definitely, he couldn’t have any more distractions, but the thought was there and it was tantalizing.
Addie watched him for a moment, still struggling not to laugh. He was very obviously flustered, and also obviously staring at her over and over again. She let out the smallest of giggles before leaning up and kissing him. “Nonsense. I don’t have that much on my plate. Also finding that collider is a top priority, especially since it could lead to us finding Dwicky.
“I’m gonna go shower and get changed. Meet you in the computer room?” She gave him another kiss before heading for the door. She lingered for merely a moment to turn around and add, “Unless you feel like joining me?” She walked away before he could give an answer. He probably wouldn’t join her, but it was fun getting one good tease in before leaving.
The first kiss had him almost licking his lips, and he had to physically force himself not to. Having her comply to code related things had eased some of the obvious sexual frustration from his shoulders, however. It didn’t take long to snap back into work mode, most likely due to the fact he was a workaholic, but he was also just as ready to snap back into being flustered the moment her suggestion had been made.
The tall irken had stood there awkwardly fidgeting for a moment, debating his options very heavily, before giving up any chances at intimacy altogether. Honestly, it really was tempting, every last bit of it. However, Addie was right. The collider took top priority. Straightening his uniform collar and shoulders, he double checked the room behind him real quick. Once he made sure there was DEFINITELY nothing left behind, especially no damning evidence that they had been having sex in there, he turned the lights off and closed the door behind him.
Back to work, and this time he had a date in the computer room, where he totally would not be staring at Addie every couple of minutes. No, not at all. Absolutely not.
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mirroredglitch · 6 years
RFA + Saeran meeting a heavily tattooed MC
Felt like doing some headcanons. Didn’t feel like working on the ones in my askbox, so, here’s one I just... was really interested in doing, haha.
Was not expecting this at all
All he can see initially is the ones on your arms and legs, and he thinks he can see some creeping up onto your neck?
Can’t deny that he’s interested in seeing if there’s more underneath your clothes, but, can’t bring himself to ask for fear of the beast coming out
Having been in a gang, he’ll admit that he was interested in getting a couple tattoos of his own at one point
Really admires you for having the courage to go through with this sort of thing
Once you two have been together longer, he enjoys leaving kisses all over your body, appreciating the art that you have decided to adorn your skin with
Also maybe considers getting a tattoo of his own again
His favourite tattoo of yours is the one you get of a small bit of lyrics from a song he sings in one of his musicals, the scripture of it is really pretty and he’s honoured to know that you want that on your body
“Woah! All your tattoos are so cool MC!” he sort of just blurts it out without thinking
Immediately apologizes for it, hoping he hasn’t made you uncomfortable somehow
You assure him it’s okay and sort of laugh it off, you’re pretty used to these sorts of reactions
He spends a lot of time admiring each and every tattoo he can find on you, the art of these are all so nice!
He’ll also shyly admit that he wouldn’t mind getting a tattoo of his own someday but that he’s worried about
Mainly he’s just worried about how much it’ll hurt, poor baby
If he does end up getting a tattoo, you end up going with him and he holds your hand the whole time
It’s just a small one, but he’s proud of himself for it and you help teach him all the best aftercare methods for healing it
His favourite tattoo of yours is a small one on the inner part of one of your wrists of a butterfly. He’s not sure why that one is his favourite, he just thinks it’s really pretty
Interestingly enough, Jaehee is more interested in hearing the reasons behind all the different tattoos than in the tattoos themselves
They’re of course all very nice to look at, but, she wants to get into your head and understand why you picked certain pieces to go on your body.
And, wait? Is that Zen’s signature hidden among some of the larger tattoos?? Signature tattoos are a thing??
Gets very flustered when you tell her you’d love some of her handwriting on your body as well once you two have been dating a while
Was very against getting any tattoos on herself, but, after learning that tattoo artists could do some with handwriting, ended up digging up some old letters she remembered her mom had written
Totally gets an inspirational quote in her mother’s handwriting as a way of remembering her, awww
Her favourite tattoo of yours is the intricate wings you have along most of your back, which you explained to her was in honour of a very close friend of yours who had passed away
Really doesn’t understand your fascination with tattoos, seriously
He thinks some of them look interesting, but?? Those are permanently on your body?? What purpose do they serve?
“They don’t serve a purpose Jumin, I just like them” you’d have to explain
He’s still confused, but, accepts that they’re a part of you and winds up loving how intricate some of them are
Is absolutely not getting one of his own, and is very adamant in telling you so
“Jumin, no one’s forcing you to get one, relax”
His favourite tattoo of yours is one you have a cat on your hip. Is also fond of the cat paw prints you have along your shoulders, too, and likes to trail kisses along those ones when the two of you are getting intimate
Wasn’t surprised at all when he got to finally meet you in person since he’d seen them on the CCTV feed
Really admires them, actually, often finding himself trailing his fingers over them
Also really interested in hearing your reasons behind getting some of them
Really just likes listening to your stories, because some of them are related to your childhood and he’s so interested in hearing about that since he didn’t get much of one
Likes to go with you when you get more, because he loves being able to hold your hand during the painful parts
Also may have gotten a couple himself. Small things to connect him to you and to Saeran.
He can’t pick a favourite on you though, he loves all of them equally. (Although, he does find himself giving extra attention to the infinity symbol you got tattooed on your ring finger after you two get married.)
Also already knew because he had been watching you for a while
Is really self-conscious about his Mint Eye tattoo, so, he can’t help but wonder if you have any that you regret as well
“Of course I do, but, they can be converted into other works very easily, so, I don’t mind.”
He ends up expressing great interest in this and you help him work on some ideas
In the end though, you help him to decide that he doesn’t need to connect the tattoo with Mint Eye, it can just be considered this cool thing he has on him
Really respects you for having so many vastly different pieces of art on your body, even if you regretted some of them
Totally gets more tattoos once he’s more confident, and you two often will get new ones at the same time
His favourite on you though is this absolutely beautiful set of vines that are tattooed all along one arm, adorned with different flowers. Like, it takes up your whole arm, and he admires the dedication it took to get something like that and it looks absolutely amazing on you.
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urgh I keep going back and forth on tattoo placement and that's not SUPER GREAT considering my appointment is in less than a week (and this was the only appointment I could get with this artist until he comes back from hiatus in October, so...I could reschedule if I had to but I'd really rather not, especially because I really want to get the paw print tattoo while Scully's still alive and although he seems fine right now, renal problems can be unpredictable).
because, okay, I want the paw print somewhere on my calf, that seems to be a good spot for beginner tattoos and having his paw print near my foot is kind of nice (like he's always walking with me), plus it'll be easy to see when I want to but also easy to cover because I wear pants like 95% of the time. and on the rare occasions I wear shorts or a skirt, it's typically in a vacation context where it doesn't matter if I have a visible tattoo. BUT part of the reason I want this artist is, I want a little bit of blue watercolor-style background for the paw print to make it more interesting, which also makes it less subtle, so it would be pretty obvious unless it was covered, and that ought to be fine since I really do wear pants almost always BUT WHAT IF AT SOME POINT I MOVE OUT OF ALASKA, IS THE THING.
a good part of the reason I have no plans to leave Alaska is I don't actually want to live somewhere warmer, but if I DID for one reason or another, it's completely possible I would want to wear skirts to work sometimes so I don't melt, and if I moved for some reason there's no guarantee I'd be able to get another job that would be cool with tattoos and casual clothes. so, okay, higher on my leg where most of my skirts would cover it? but then it would almost never be visible. anywhere that's not arms or legs, same issue but even more so. actual foot? hell no, that's a bad beginner spot and if it's hot enough to wear a skirt to work it's hot enough to wear (nice) sandals, so that doesn't even help. well, okay, shoulder, since that's also supposed to be a good spot and it would be covered even by short sleeves? but then I couldn't see it as well/easily when I want to, and I still want it on my leg. and then I go in circles again.
and then I also want to get a tiny little semi-colon tattoo, which I originally thought of as a good trial tattoo just to see how I'd deal with the process on something very small, but the shop I'm going to just charges by the hour so the receptionist recommended getting both at the same time and I'm determined to get Scully's paw print even if it hurts, so, I'm just kind of taking the plunge with both? and I want the semi-colon on the inside of my wrist, where I can see it whenever I want to because it's for me but it'll also be easy to cover when I'm wearing long sleeves which is most of the time, and I like the additional symbolism of having it there. (not that I've ever considered slitting my wrists, my most concrete suicidal thought was a bottle of Ambien, but...again, symbolism.) BUT, similar issue, it'll be highly visible whenever I'm not wearing long sleeves, which means it could also be a problem if I leave Alaska and end up having to get a more business-formal job (which I would not actually want, but I'm a millennial, I'm not gonna get anywhere expecting I'll be able to get the type of job I actually want). well, I could put it under my watch band, but then it's always hidden. ideally it's going to be very small and unobtrusive in the first place so I suppose I could get it in a light color so it's less likely to be noticed, but that might not look very good. I could wear a bracelet if necessary, but I never wear bracelets because I don't like them. (are there more cuff-style bracelets that I could tolerate wearing regularly? I guess...probably? but that might also be a heat issue and/or look weird? like, there are wrist cuffs specifically designed to hide tattoos but if you're consistently wearing something that screams "I'm hiding a tattoo" isn't that nearly as bad in a stuffy business environment as the tattoo itself?) I could do it a little higher on my inner forearm but that only solves the specific problem of incidental exposure when a long sleeve rides up, which is only a small part of the potential problem, and that would make it harder to cover with a bracelet/cuff/whatever. so, put it somewhere else? BUT I WANT TO BE ABLE TO SEE IT WHENEVER I WANT TO, AND ALSO SYMBOLISM, and also a tiny semi-colon would look kind of silly on a larger spot like my shoulder.
on the OTHER hand, the semi-colon is probably not that big of a deal in general because it'll be tiny and therefore relatively easy to cover up with makeup if necessary, and probably the paw print could also be covered with makeup if I really needed to. but I would rather not need to! and again, both the locations I want should be fine for the life I have now, and I don't plan to leave Alaska, but of course it's possible I might have to at some point for one reason or another so it's probably good to keep that in mind. (also, like, climate change is a thing, so even if I don’t move, it might become an issue.) and also I'm probably overthinking this because obviously loads of people get tattoos with way less forethought than this and don't necessarily end up regretting it, and saying "fuck it" and going for it is pretty much the only way I ever manage to make myself do anything cool, but then again this is permanent so a lot of forethought is probably good and the fact that many people do get impulse tattoos doesn't make that a good thing, and AROUND AND AROUND IN CIRCLES I GO
and, you know, me going in circles about placement is maybe an indication I should wait? but see above re: urgency, and I doubt waiting longer is going to accomplish anything except overthinking it more because that is what I do, additional time rarely makes me more certain about anything, it just means I keep going in circles until I finally say "fuck it" and do the thing. BUT IT'S PERMANENT SO I SHOULD BE CERTAIN. BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO BE CERTAIN.
people who actually have tattoos: HELP. @turianosauruswrex @seidrade and I’m totally blanking on anyone else I know with a tattoo
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