#I also wanna share the theories I come up with in my sleep
lala1236 · 5 months
So...it's me again and I want to encourage our enthusiastic fandom to keep creating more content for artw, even if Storytaco keeps starving us of content! I encourage everyone to create edits, make more bots on Chai and characterai and write fan fiction! We can't die yet!!!!
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
hiiii i learned your name Aiden!!! How are you? Hallow i’m the sugu angst anon, sadly not asking for angst because poor sugu need a break and i love him so much so he deserves the whole world, i wanna thank you for writing my requests 🫶
and if you wanna consider 👀 perhaps an au where sugu didn’t spiral into the whole monkeys thing and so he is a teacher just like satoru? and he’s dating reader whose also a teacher, and they’re in a secret relationship that got revealed and gojo feels betrayed LMAO, anddd that’s all, hope you’re doing great! 🫶
Angsty Anon, how are you!? I love your requests, it's always a pleasure to write for you 💙💙 and yeah, I'm Aiden! I'm only now realizing I've never properly introduced myself on here, so, I guess this is my official introduction lol. And of course, I would love to consider Sugu as a teacher, that's so cute!
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Starring Suguru Geto, in a slightly softer world.
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Have you ever heard of the multiverse theory? It gets switched around and misinterpreted a lot, but the basic premise of it is that for every possible outcome, there is a universe that follows it. So, for example, if you're on a walk one morning, and come across a fork in the road, you may choose the left path. When you do this, another universe is created in which you choose the right path, and yet another still where you didn't go on any walk at all.
As such, this implies that there are some fundamental truths across all universes. Every universe you encounter will have stars in the sky, and a force of gravity will keep everyone down. You won't find a universe where atoms aren't the building blocks of life. You won't find a universe that doesn't have a sun in its center. And you won't find a universe where Suguru Geto is a morning person. 
He all but yells into his pillow as his alarm sounds off at 5:45 AM. He considers violence, a possible war crime against his phone for committing the egregious sin of waking him up before the sun is even up. He considers aggressively turning the alarm off and going back to sleep, letting the world continue on without him as he becomes one with his comforter. 
And in the end he does none of it. He turns his alarm off like a normal person, and forces himself out of bed at the truly ungodly hour of 5:45 AM. Why you ask? Because class starts at 7 AM, and the kids he teaches are relying on him to show up and be a model jujutsu sorcerer, just like they are for all of the other teachers at Jujutsu High. And just as it is a fundamental truth that Suguru Geto is not a morning person, it's a fundamental truth that he would do absolutely anything for those he loves. And Suguru loves all of those kids, even if they can get a little annoying at times. 
He’s falling asleep while brushing his teeth when he gets his first text of the day from you. A short and sweet “Good morning sweetie 💜” to give him the motivation to push through his morning routine. 
He sends “Good morning to you too Darling 🖤” to you while smiling, finishing up brushing his teeth before mentally preparing himself for the arctic plunge of a shower he’s about to take to finish waking himself up. 
Once he’s dressed and as awake as he’s going to be at 6:00 AM, he goes to check on Nanako and Mimiko out of habit. Of course, he finds their shared room empty, considering they moved into the dorms a week ago when school started. 
“Right.” He grumbled to himself, shaking his head. At this point, it feels like he’ll never get used to them not being around. He wondered how Satoru adapted so quickly when Megumi moved into the dorms. Then again, Satoru seemed to be made for adaptation, meanwhile, Suguru had always struggled more with change. 
Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, A car horn blared through the quiet suburb. “What is he-?!” Suguru snapped at the air before rushing outside and into his friends car.
“What the hell are you doing Satoru?!” He asked, suddenly very awake.
“Letting you know I’m here.” Gojo smiled as he pulled out of Sugurus drive way and onto the road.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but could you not have just texted me?” Suguru grumbled, “You’re going to wake up the entire neighborhood!”
“My phones dead.” Satoru shrugged. He had a habit of passing out while scrolling tik tok and forgetting to put his phone on the charger. 
“And I suppose knocking on my door was out of the question?” Suguru asked. Gojo clearly did not see the issue with violating air pollution laws, and it was starting to irk him.
“In the rain? No way dude!” He laughed. It was at this point Geto looked out the window. Well shit, it was raining. He was so focused on just getting to the car he managed to miss it. 
“It’s like, barely raining.” He argued with his friend. The white haired main beside him just shrugged.
“Hey man, you’re lucky I give you a ride at all,” Gojo reminded him, “I could just teleport to school.” Suguru would have tried to argue with that, but he knew better than to enter an argument on the losing side. He just sighed and shook his head.
“Whatever man….thanks for the ride.” He added at the end.
“You’re welcome!” Gojo smiled. Suguru sighed as he got comfortable in the seat, leaning against the window. The main reason he got rides from Gojo was so he could take a nap on the way to the school. It was a long drive, and the thirty minutes he spent passed out in Gojos car went a long way to making him not an asshole to his class in the morning. It felt like his eyes had been closed for all of two seconds before Satrou was waking him up, letting him know they had made it to their destination. 
“Good morning Geto, good morning Gojo!” You greeted the men as they joined you in the teachers lounge. Suguru smiled warmly when he saw your face, familiar and bright, even at 6:30 in the morning. 
“Good morning L/n.” Geto yawned as he rushed to the coffee pot in the room, still half full.
“Morning L/n!” Satoru beamed as he sat next to you. Normally, the three of you were on a first name basis, but a professional setting calls for professional dialect. “So, you two do anything fun on your weekend?” Gojo asked. Geto looked at you from the corner of his eyes, seeing how you handled this situation. You would have stolen a glance at him, but Gojo would have definitely noticed that.
“Eh, not much really,” You shrugged, “I went and visited my parents, and mostly just tried to catch up on reading.” That was definitely, 100% not what you were doing this weekend. In actuality, you had spent the entire weekend with Suguru. The two of you had seen a movie, checked out his favorite soba shop, and spent the vast majority of the time cuddled in his bed watching horror movies to get ready for ‘spooky season’ despite the fact in was, indeed, April. 
But you couldn’t say any of that to Gojo. You and Suguru were co-workers, your romantic relationship wasn’t just discouraged and taboo- the employee handbook strictly forbid it. As much as the two of you wanted to tell your shared best friend about the beautiful relationship you’d found, you couldn’t. Mostly cause Satoru couldn’t keep a secret to save his ass.
“Cool! What about you Suguru?” Gojo smiled as he looked to his best friend, deciding for now that professional language was for the birds.
“Eh, I mostly stayed in. I re-watched the scream movies.” He shrugged as he drank his black coffee.
“Isn’t it kinda early to be watching horror movies? Or, I guess late?” Gojo asked. 
“It is never too early for spooky movies.” You said, jumping to Getos defense maayybe just a little too quickly. Gojo raised his eyebrows at you. 
“So I see were feeling a little defensive.” He pointed out. 
“Not defensive, I’m just saying. It’s always horror movie time if you’re not a coward.”
“Hey, I-”
“Uhh, Sensei?” Itadori asked as he popped his head into the door. Immediately all attention went to him, and silently, you thanked the pink haired boy for saving your ass.
“Hey Itadori! What’s up?” Gojo asked, all smiles for his student. 
“I could really use your help with the algebra assignment from last night,” Itadori explained, “I don’t think I really grasp…well numbers.” He explained. Gojo chuckled and shook his head, but didn’t argue cause he, like Geto, knew better than to argue with the truth.
“Yeah Kid, no problem. Let’s go to the classroom.” Satoru said, getting up and letting Itadori lead the way. There was a heavy silence that filled the room after, both of you listing to Satoru’s footsteps until they vanished. Once they were gone, you both let out a deep breath.
“Well that could have gone worse.” Suguru chuckled softly.
“Yeah, that was my bad,” You sighed, “I swear, he looks into the littlest of things.”
“That’s Satoru.” Suguru confirmed with a nod, “Always suspicious of something. Somethings never change.” He shrugged. You looked around, making sure the coast we clear before standing up to give Suguru a quick hug. 
“Ain’t that the truth.” You chuckled. Suguru smiled as he held you close, his mind wondering off to the other things that never seemed to change. The school, sorcerer society as a whole, the way he felt for you- even all the way back in high school. He had a crush on you even before you saved him, and it only intensified after.
Of course, as far as you’re concerned you didn’t save anyone that day in the graveyard. You just talked some sense into an old friend. You would never know just how close to the edge Suguru was that day. How could you? All you knew was that his faith was shaken, and he needed some reassurance. 
He could still go back to that afternoon in his mind like replaying a movie. He could still see the gray skies of fall, heavy with dark clouds. He could still smell the rain water and grave dirt hanging in the air. And could still sense the confusion he felt when you brought him to your best friends grave. He had never met the girl, she had died to a curse long before you enrolled in Jujutsu High. So why were you bringing him here now?
“This is where my friend lies,” You explained to him what he already knew. “It’s been a few years now, but I still think of her every day.”
“I’m sorry for your loss Y/n.” He said the only think he knew to say.
“Suguru, why are you a Jujutsu Sorcerer?” You asked, suddenly looking at him with overly intense eyes that made him feel so small. Why did he was he a Jujutsu Sorcerer? He didn’t fucking know! Especially not anymore. He used to know. But, he lost that direction. After Riko died. After Haibara died. He didn’t know what the point to any of this was anymore.
“Why are you a Jujutsu Sorcerer?” He asked back, not so smoothly dodging the question. You just pointed at the grave.
“For her. And for you, and for Riko and Haibara. For everyone I have loved and will love, I do it to protect them.” You explained it as if it was just that easy. And maybe it was. For you.
“How are we protecting them exactly?” He asked, eyes narrowing in suspicion, “Please, tell me just how exactly we protected Riko and Haibara?” He questioned.
“We protect them in death.” You shrugged, “Honor what they would have wanted. Do you really think Riko would want you to waste the life she so desperately wanted because of her death? Do you think Haibara would have wanted you to throw away all of your potential because some higher ups fucked him over? Or do you think they would want you to live your life to the fullest, and work hard to see that potential fulfilled?”
“I think they would want us to fight for a fundamental change in the system. For a world without curses.” 
“Suguru, you and I both know that’s not possible.”
“But it is,” He argued, saying things out loud he had only thought up until now, “Humans are the only ones to produce curses, you know.”
“So what? You’re just going to kill all humans?” You scoffed at the absurdity of the idea, and he genuinely felt a little embarrassed. “What would that fix?”
“Well, there would be no curses, for one.” He pointed out.
“And what would that achieve?”
“We wouldn’t have to watch our friends and family die at the hands of disgusting curses!” He argued, frustrated that you couldn’t see his vision.
“No, we would just have to watch them die at the hands of other sorcerers, right?” You pointed out. “A world without curses doesn’t fix the cruelty that created them. Curses aren’t what killed Riko, and removing them won’t bring back Haibara.”
“No, Humans killed Riko.” He could still hear that god forsaken cult, clapping away as if a little girl hadn’t just been slaughtered. No, worse. Clapping away because a little girl had just been slaughtered. It was all he could hear late at night. You sighed and nodded.
“That's true. She was killed by a human, who was raised by sorcerers.”
“So are you trying to argue that actually sorcerers are the root of all evil?”
“No Suguru, I’m trying to argue that there is no “Root of all evil.” That it’s all just beings that exist. There are bad humans, of course. Just like how there are bad sorcerers. Everything that exists exists with some good and some bad. You can’t just fix the world with one final, fucked up solution.”
“I just don’t see the point in trying to save people who historically treat us like were fucking disposable!” Suguru snapped, hating that it was starting to seem really hopeless. Were you right? Was there really nothing he could do?
“Sugu, I think you’re getting caught in the details. You’re not seeing the forest for the trees.” You sighed. “ Yes, the Star Cult was full of the most fowl people. And yeah, a lot of humans do treat us like shit. But there are just as many humans who are kind to us. Humans who see their children's cursed techniques as blessings, not curses. Humans willing to die if it means being there for the sorcerers they love and standing by them. Humans like your parents, and my best friend. Humans that are worth protecting.”
“So we have to protect them all just because a few are good?”
“Would you protect a bad person to save me?” You asked. He hadn’t really thought of it like that. It was a moral question he wasn’t ready for, and struggled to find an answer to.
“I mean, I guess I would.” He finally said. 
“Exactly. That’s kinda the point of Jujutsu Sorcery for me. It’s not to protect the world- that’s too monumental of a task even for Satoru Gojo. It’s to protect the ones I love and care for.”
“And what about when we can’t protect them?” He could feel the tears prickle as his eyes now, a stinging that demanded attention. He rubbed his eyes in a futile attempt to make it go away.
“Then I live to honor them, in a way I think would make them proud. I understand where you’re coming from. Heartache is a hell of a thing to battle, and witnessing a young death changes a person. But, continuing to perpetuate that hurt, won’t make it go away. Especially when it comes to such grandiose ideas like “kill all humans!” it doesn’t fix anything. It just hurts the people around you, both with us and departed. I mean, is slaughtering a billion strangers really worth ruining the people closest to you? The ones who love you? Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru.”
He didn’t know what to say. But that line rang in his ears. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. It drowned out the clapping in his mind. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. It played louder than Yuki telling him that humans were the only ones to create curses, and that he knew what he believed. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. And it was what was playing in his ears as he stared at two kids in a cage. Scared, alone, neglected. He felt it then, his hate rise up like bile in his throat, threatening to slaughter him. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru. Please, don’t let your hate kill you Suguru.
He took a minuet to breathe. Was killing this village really going to do anything? It would feel good, yeah- righteous even. But there were a million more like it. And he couldn’t single handedly slaughter them all. Not without hurting You, Gojo, Shoko, Riko, Haibara, and his own mother all in the process. Were a billion strangers worth the people he loved? 
“You know, if you don’t want these girls in the village, there’s a better way to handle it.” That night he adopted Nanako and Mimiko. Sure, he may not be able to save every Jujutsu Sorcerer in the world. But at least he could save these two. A few weeks later, that village burned to the dirt in a forest fire, so maybe karma was real. 
The bell ringing broke his train of thought, and snapped him back to the real world. You smiled as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “See you at lunch!” You winked to him as you grabbed your bag and made your way to your classroom. He smiled softly as he watched you go. 
“Yeah, see you then.” He said, making his way to his own classroom. 
Suguru swore up and down his class wasn’t hard. It was classical literature, if ya just read the book, and did the assignments, he was pretty generous with the A’s. It was why conversations like this were always at least mildly amusing to him. 
“I just don’t understand why you’re being to difficult about this” Nobara argued, “It’s just a few points!”
“Nobara, rounding from a C to an A is not a few points. It’s an entire letter grade.” He gently reminded her. 
“Yeah, and what’s an entire letter grade if not just a few points?” She argued back. He sighed and rubbed his temples. Nobara had always been a forced to be reckoned with, and was always determined to get what she wanted.
“Look, Nobara, I’ll compromise with you. You know the big report we have coming up on Fires on the Plain?”
“I do.” She confirmed.
“If you do really well on it, And I mean really well, I need you to make at least an A on it- I’ll bump your grade to a B+” That was where her grade would be at anyway if she made an A on the report, “Sound good?” Nobora grinned like she got away with something.
“Oh yeah, I could do that in my sleep!” She declared, and Suguru had to hold back a laugh, “You’re on Sensei!” She grinned, muttering a soft ‘sucker’ under her breath as she left the room. Once she was gone, Suguru let his chuckle out. It was always fun tricking his students into accidentally taking their studies serious. 
“Whats got you giggling?” You asked from his doorway, a small smile creeping onto your lips from the sound of his light laughter.
“Oh, nothing,” He said with a wave of his hand, “Just my students thinking they’re gaming the system by-” He pretended to check his notes- “Doing the work.”
“Let me guess, Nobara?”
“It was Nobara.” He confirmed, and you both let out a small giggle. You walked into his classroom and leaned against his desk facing him. 
“Very on brand for her. So, have you thought about dinner tonight?” You asked. He smiled and nodded, getting out of his chair to come and wrap his arms around your waist. Was it risky? Kind of, everyone was out to lunch, sure, but that didn’t mean that you two weren’t out in the open. He couldn’t help it though. Whenever you were around, he had to have his arms around you. He didn’t spend almost 6 years chasing your affections to not hold you whenever he could. 
“I have actually,” He smiled, “I thought we could cook something together tonight? I found a new pork belly recipe that seemed right up your ally.”
“Oooo, another night in! How exciting!” You giggled. And you meant it too. While to most people, a night in was a boring everyday thing, Jujutsu Sorcerers weren’t blessed with the luxury of having a night at home promised to them. They weren’t even guaranteed the simple pleasure of coming home at night. So, a night in to the two of you was fun, exciting, and unquantifiably valuable. 
“I thought you’d be excited,” He smiled lovingly at you. You look so precious in his arms. He couldn’t believe something as beautiful and pristine as you found any value in him. That you had found him worthy of the time it took to save him. Suguru wasn’t a religious man, but he thought maybe he could believe in angels if they were half as perfect as you were. He had no idea what he did to earn the right to have you as his angel, but he was so fucking happy he did it.
His swelling emotions got the better of him, and he leaned down to kiss you. A warm current flowed between the two of you, the familiar taste of cinnamon coffee filling your senses as you melted into him. He was comforting and safe, and in his embrace you were almost convinced nothing bad could ever happen. 
“OH, I KNEW IT!” Of course something bad had to happen. The two of you scrambled away from each other, looking at Gojo like two teenagers that had been caught making out in your parents car. It was actually embarrassing. “I KNEW YOU TWO HAD A THING!”
“Satoru, It’s not what it looks like!” You panicked.
“Yeah, It’s not like that, Y/n just…had something on her face! I was wiping it off.”
“With your mouth!?” Gojo scoffed.
“...Yes?” Someone, take away Suguru’s lying privileges. Your face hit your plam at the lame lie, and Gojo rolled his eyes.
“I’d asked if you guys thought I was dumb, but clearly you do! Why would you keep this from me?” He all but whined as he fully entered the classroom.
“Well Satoru, it’s…well..” You tried to think of something to save his feelings.
“There are celebrity tabloids better at keeping secrets than you Satoru.” Nevermind Suguru, go back to lying.
“Hey, that’s not true!” Satoru said on his own defense, “When Shoko started smoking again I kept that secret!”
“Shoko started smoking again?” You gasped.
“...fuck.” Satoru whispered. 
“See Satoru! That’s what we mean.” Suguru sighed, seeing his job flash before his eyes. 
“It’s still not cool!” Gojo pouted, “My two closest friends in the entire world fall in love and they won’t even tell me! No wonder you guys haven’t wanted to hang out on the weekends. You’ve been together, haven’t you!?” You and Suguru looked down in shame. Maybe it wasn’t exactly fair to keep him completely out of the loop. 
“Do you guys hate me?” Gojo asked, the betrayal he felt seeping into his voice. 
“No, Satoru, we love you!” You assured him.
“You’re our best friend, of course we love you!” Suguru confirmed, “We just also like being able to pay rent!”
“Paying rent is so important!” You nodded. 
“I wouldn’t tell anyone!” Satoru insisted, “I would never do anything to put your livelihoods at risk! I thought you guys would have known that.” He pouted. 
“We do know that,” You sighed.
“Do we?” Suguru whispered, just for you to swiftly pat him to remind him to behave.
“We were just being cautious. I’m sorry we hurt your feelings Satoru.” You apologized as you went to your wounded friend, patting his back for comfort. Suguru joined you on his other side.
“Yeah man, I’m sorry. We’ll try and keep you in the loop about more things, okay?” Suguru promised. Satoru sniffled and nodded. 
“Okay…I forgive you guys.” He said, looking up and smiling at the two of you. “So when do I get to come to date night?”
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Not being capable of saying "I'm sorry"
So that did the trick for me.
I wasn't shipping them until I realized that there was something in there. Between them, I mean. Something so strong that would survive Review and his infamous:
"No acid - Your dish needs acid - My behavior was not OK - Yes, chef. Last check is ready whenever - Family style? - Two tops - Booths?- Window on the side... Yeah-" And she not stepping into that kitchen until Carmy basically gave her his blessing. She didn't move when Rich said: "Syd, quit fucking around! Grab a can opener." That silent eye contact and his smile were soooo telling, before he started offering her his dream, before he shared with her his whole future.
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INSTEAD OF JUST SAYING/TEXTING: "I'M SORRY, I APOLOGIZE". Because admitting something was wrong and apologizing for it, are two different things. And committing to never doing it again, is yet ANOTHER completely different thing.
I have posted my theory about Storer being a converted Sydcarmyfan here before and I also heard that JAW and Ayo said that while they were shooting S1 any kind of a romantic plot didn't cross their minds at all. And I believe them.
What Storer and Calo did was create a character like Carmy who can't talk about his feelings and lives in constant denial of them, bottling them up to the point of complete shutdown, which is a trauma response. Hence, all his symptoms such as Panic attacks - Sleep disorders, etc. So that set the basis to do whatever they wanted with Carmy moving forward and what they did in the very last ep of S1 was to make him fall for Syd, which I also covered here. I actually think it started here, but on a totally subconscious level. He started his slow-burn journey in Braciole. He really began to get the idea when he slept with Claire and Syd crossed his mind in such an intimate moment, which is what I think the common blue cinematography implied.
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And by the time we got to Omellete, he was 100% aware of his feelings for Syd, after the panic attack.
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That took him to open up under the table, in the best way he could.
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Took him a whole season to use his words, he's just getting started. That table was just a warm-up.
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And let's not forget the costume jacket - again, no words-, which also hints that Syd has been on his mind for a long time, like I said, on different levels, but still...
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So now that he's getting "verbal" maybe he will learn to actually say he's sorry and apologizing with words and also actions, after getting out of the walk-in. That walk-in was also a space to reflect about his feelings for Syd that he had been putting in the freezer to deal with at a later time. But how much longer can he keep them in there before they start to rot?
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I wanna say, not more than 5 to 6 more eps. Tops.
I'm talking about coming clean about how he feels, using words like a grown-up and all. Not about a full-on Sydcarmy development.
What I'm saying is that there's a reason why Storer and Calo created this leading character like this, non-verbal, intense, and talented with his hands, and the whole show revolves around his arc.
Sydney is the plot twist, he is the plot.
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tachimichishrine · 10 months
I swear no one does Higuchi justice like c’mon I’m BEGGING to be her cute wife that cooks for her whenever she comes from the Mafia. The chokehold she has on me is just *mwah* she’d be so sweet
also love your tachihara fanfiction it’s my dinner everyday <3
<never been crazy abt higuchi but writing for her just,,, it did smth ok- GAH HOW IS THERE NOT A SINGLE FIC OUT THERE FOR HER?? also you're so sweet ill be sure to feed u properly huheeheheh... thank you for your service to the tachi community btw, all the best w your writing n future fics ^w^ >
higuchi ichiyo x wife! reader
warnings: i attempt fluff again ; this is so short idk why, apologies my liege ; this is fiction bc there's no way i could cook smth and not poison my wife/ burn the house down in the process ,,, ; tw bath!! (/j it's all just fluff) ; l e s b i a n s ; love language is phys touch deal with it ; itty bitty cursing ; lowercase intended ; NOT proofread
you knew not to panic in such situations. waking up to disheveled sheets that had turned frigid, indicating that ichiyo had been gone too long. you allowed yourself to sleep in, given that you had the day off and decided you'd just lounge around, take a break and plan something nice for your lover in the meantime.
a stress-free period, but all you felt was anxiety when you dialed her number and got sent straight to voicemail repeatedly. this time, you decided you might as well actually leave a message when the line rang for too long.
"'chiyo, honey, call me back when you get this. just wanna make sure everything's okay, alright? I miss you already, love y-"
"who the hell is this?"
you'd been anticipating the automated voice so much that it barely registered that you didn't actually hear it this time, and a quick glance at the screen confirmed that you really were on call with someone on the other end of the line. the voice was raspy, definitely not hers, so you echoed back the question.
"um, who are you?" you challenged with a hand on your hip that they couldn't see.
except, instead of a response, you heard some distant voices on the other line, one rather hyper as it babbled something you interpreted as 'akutagawa-senpai!'. a few noises ensued along a brief chaos you couldn't see, and suddenly the phone was put back to someone's ear as they panted. you could recognize that heavy breathing anywhere.
"hey, hey, 'chiyo, what's going on?" you spoke softly, hoping she was alright and not trying to scare her.
she stuttered nervously. "sorry, I'm so sorry, I must've dropped my phone somewhere and akutagawa-senpai picked it up and-"
"woah, was that the akutagawa you're always talking about?" you couldn't believe it; after being with her for so long, you'd only ever heard stories about the people with whom she worked. you agreed that the kind of place where she operated was dangerous and it was better not to get yourself involved, so she kept you separated from everything she did. you appreciated the thought, but sometimes you felt a little frustrated that you couldn't meet the people in her life— you didn't even think they were aware ichiyo was married.
a tired sigh confirmed your theory. "look, [_____], I'll call you back when-"
"higuchi, who is that?"
akutagawa seemed to be speaking again, and quite frankly you didn't like his tone. if you were on speaker, you'd set him straight but for now you just listened to ichiyo ramble a response while not actually answering the question. he sounded tired of the bullshit and eventually the line was cut off harshly. something told you that you won't be able to call this number anymore.
music played on the speaker as you hummed, tray of baked goods getting pulled out of the oven by your gloved mitten. the smell filled out the rather small place you shared with both your wife and sister-in-law, but the latter was out for the week on some kind of trip and left you all alone. you'd gotten used to ichiyo's erratic lifestyle, sometimes disappearing during the day and barely making it home at night. she sounded exhausted when she did arrive, so you didn't mind taking care of the little things.
proud of yourself, you put the assorted goods in various plates and left them on the table, waiting for her to come home. you couldn't call her, obviously, since it appears her boss had pulverized the device out of rage. you'd be worried if not for the fact that, based on her stories, it seemed this was a regular occurrence and she didn't mind it. you'd feel jealous of the man if it weren't for the fact that she fawned over you much harder in all the days you'd known her. she knows what she wants and does everything to get it, you'll give her that. by nature, ichiyo was incredibly caring and it was difficult to hold that against her
something was in your hands as you lounged on the couch, passing the time: a book, your phone, anything to keep your mind occupied. the sun had set and you were getting impatient, as nighttime meant she was going to be out until the early hours and might even come home with a particular scent on her clothing that resembled blood and death. how a person so sweet, so feeling could get into this kind of business was beyond you, much less how she could last thing long. she once told you that the only reason she could keep her mind this long was coming home to your soft kisses and pampering.
a clicking of the front lock and the creaking that ensued signaled that you were about to do that once more, and you strolled over to the entrance with an excited smile.
"welcome home, 'chiyo, how wa-" you caught yourself off when you saw a splatter of crimson along her cheek. your lips tugged downwards into a frown as a reflex, and you sighed gently once you saw her expression. she seemed so conflicted, not about whatever crime she'd done but about making you worry so quickly. "hey, hey, it's okay, c'mere."
with that, you pulled her into your embrace and set a kiss on her hair. it still smelled like that shampoo you'd bought her, a subtle vanilla and chamomile that reminded you of her. her entire body slumped into your strong arms, and she let you drag her across the house, shedding her shoes, meticulously pulling the elastic out of her hair to let her messy bun fall into a bob, then helping her out of her unbuttoned jacket. you pulled her body into yours as you laid down on the couch again, but this time with her head shoved into your chest, which was one of her favourite things to do.
"wanna talk about it?" you asked, dumbly, one of your regular antics. of course she wanted to talk about it; she did an awful job keeping things to herself anyways.
so, you listened carefully while she recounted stories with fake names to keep you protected and vague details in certain places, specific in others. she didn't seem hungry, so you just skipped the food for now and dragged her to your bedroom. you were about to throw her pajamas and get her to change so you could just lay down in bed for the evening, but the burgundy was darkening on patches on her arm and you couldn't help but stare at it.
"—so akutawaga-senpai showed up and I felt a little stupid but he-" you interrupted her by grabbing her shoulders and giving her a little shake.
"honey, can we clean off... that..." you danced around the topic, but she knew exactly what you meant when your eyes kept darting to certain areas of her skin. she nodded and you gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. "I'll run the bath and we can scrub it off. keep going, I'm listening."
she continued speaking as you did exactly that and eventually both of you were stripped and laying down in the tub. she was sitting in between your legs, with her back resting on your chest and head leaning back to rest on your shoulder. you traced her body, rubbing into certain patches until her skin was back to its beautiful glow. the warmth of both her and the water was too comforting, and you stayed longer than needed, your fingertips turning raisin-like in protest. despite this, you leaned down to kiss her up and down her neck while you gently massaged her flesh from her thighs to her hips, her stomach to her breasts. if she wasn't so tired that she eventually ran out of steam and stopped talking just to revel in your embrace, you might've handled her a little differently. yet, at this moment the only desire you had was to pamper her.
"ichiyo..." you breathed out slowly, lips grazing her ear while you kissed her again and spread out your fingers over her stomach. "mmmmn... 'missed you... i love you s'much..."
god, you would break her if you kept this up. so long together that you finally managed to put a ring on it yet she still fangirled over you like you were her high school crush. even as you pulled yourselves out of the sanctuary of steam and warmth in order to actually eat, she blushed every time you left a quick peck on her cheek or rubbed noses while chuckling softly.
she fell asleep in your arms, with her leg on top of you pulling you close like her very own plushie. it was hard not to smile at her once she began snoring and murmuring something about akutagawa during her slumber.
hand in hand, you snuggled up in big jackets in the middle of the night to fend off the frigid breeze. holding onto your fingers wasn't enough, and ichiyo was fully clinging onto your bicep as you walked with her in the empty streets of yokohoma.
"this s-sounded so m-much more fun when w-we were inside... warm... by the f-fireplace.." her teeth chattered and she pulled herself closer into you.
"you were the one who suggested getting something from the café," you retorted with a chuckle, opposite hand brought up to tuck her hair behind her ear that was starting to turn pink from the cold. you rubbed your thumb along her cheek which was going through something similar, then sighed with a cloud of hot breath. "alright, honey we'll head in. i think there's another one on this street, we can just stay there and warm up before we go back, mkay?"
she would feel a bit ashamed about being so demanding if you hadn't pulled her in tighter and looked at her so lovingly. she had such an impossible time never believing she was capable enough at the mafia, and that discomfort disappeared as soon as you whispered sweet nothings into her ear and made her feel like everything was alright.
you turned your bodies together, door jingling as you stepped inside and the air blowing down from the heater hitting you. you realized that she was right, it was too damn cold outside, as soon as you felt the contrast of the inside. you turned towards your lover with a quick look to see if her body was as relieved as yours, but she was staring at something intensely on the horizon, like she'd seen a ghost.
you followed her gaze, and it fell on a man with tuffs of white in his hair standing next to a woman, slightly shorter but with noticeably long stands of black veiling the sides of her face.
"do you know them?" you whispered, and she jumped a little. part of her wanted to drag you outside, but she couldn't lie to you or keep things no matter how much her common sense told her to.
"that's... they're..." she was struggling to say something, anything, but you noticed she was letting herself get flustered. in these kinds of situations, you liked to interrupt her with a kiss to bring her back to earth from her constantly overreacting mind.
she pulled away before your lips could touch.
she'd never done that before.
you knew better, that this was probably a question of her not wanting the pda right now or maybe it had something to do with the duo standing over there waiting for their drinks, but it hurt nonetheless when you saw her squint her eyes shut and shake her head.
"that's akutagawa," she whispered as an explanation, and you felt simultaneously irritated and relieved, the former due to the fact that it confirmed that she hadn't told her boss that she was in a relationship, much less married. you understood why but it didn't sting any less.
"who's the girl?" you followed up, trying not to think about it too deeply. "is that.. uh... gin?"
she nodded meekly, and it was impossible to stay mad for long when she was so cute. you slid your hand around her waist, turning her around so that her back was to the pair and they wouldn't recognize her while she spoke to you. your voice dropped so low she could barely hear it. "should we get out of here so they don't see us? I'm not that cold, I can wait outside if it makes you more comfortable, honey."
how could she ask you to do something like that when your words were so caring, so honest? she took a deep breath and shook her head once more. in one impossibly fast motion you found yourself on the other end of the shop, standing in front of the man.
"akutagawa-senpai!" ichiyo exclaimed just a bit too loudly for this time of the day and the serenity of the empty café. she bowed her head down, speaking incredibly quickly. "I don't mean to interrupt your evening but it's come to my attention that you don't know that I'm married and this is my wife her name is [_____] and she's wonderful and-"
"'chiyo, he won't be able to understand what you're saying," you laughed softly, cutting her off as you placed your hand on her back reassuringly before addressing her boss with a respectful nod. "it's nice to finally meet you, akutagawa-san. I've heard a lot about you."
he barely bothered to acknowledge you, but the slight twitch in the spot that should've housed his eyebrows signaled that he was shocked. your smile grew wider when you looked to his sister who was sporting the same look. you pulled ichiyo against you from her hip as if to prove that she was indeed yours, and spoke slowly to explain snippets of the current situation. gin listened carefully without a word while the man tried his very best to seem completely uninterested.
as much as you wanted to learn everything there was to know about ichiyo's other side, eventually his drink was ready and he barely excused himself as he walked out. you watched him do so, and gin nodded to you and said something about how nice it was to make your acquaintance in a meek voice before quickly following him out. you waved, and noticed akutagawa watching you do so warmly before burying his face in his coat and scampering off.
"well," you giggled, turning back towards ichiyo, "that wasn't so bad. she's cute and he's an ass, but I trust your judgement in people."
you could practically see stars in her eyes; she rambled to you the entire walk home - during which she didn't complain about the cold a single time and was nearly bouncing off the sidewalk - about how much he clearly loved you based on his expression (apparently the fact that he didn't try to kill you on the spot was a sure sign of his support). she was so excited she even suggested bringing you with her to the port mafia tomorrow, but you stopped her and told her to slow down for just one second. you loved that she was so passionate about her emotions, but you wanted to talk and think this through before you did anything.
for tonight, though, you let her radiate with happiness as she jumped on top of you, making the mattress creak while she climbed up to sit on your lap and curl her fingers around the fabric of your shirt. your hands on her hips, she sat down with her knees bent on either side of you like a frog and leaned so you were chest-to-chest. she tickled your skin to draw out soft giggles while she peppered you with kisses, littering you with her best efforts to repay just a fraction of what you did for her. you rubbed her thighs in long, loving motions and brought her up so she was sitting on your hips instead. you wanted her closer, and she was happy to oblige as she kissed your lips.
"[_____]," she said, smiling into you, "I'm so lucky..."
you cut her off with a press upwards and a firm grip. "shhh, don't say anything. I love you, you love me and that's all we need."
she murmured your name that night in her sleep instead of akutagawa's.
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saintobio · 3 months
saint!! i just want to thank you for writing these stories and sharing them!! your works are actual masterpieces!! i love reading everything to do with them & i love reading the theories in the comments.
for bc ughhhh seeing your explanation of how a guy could be with someone for years and not feel ready for marriage until the next one is so true… the ‘right person, wrong time’ hurts with bc so much more because they both knew they messed up, but the ending was still so sweet since both of them got closure and have moved on. i feel like it’s one of the happiest endings ive seen in one of your fics.
and sy omg!! the miscommunication is actually killing me, if they just talked this whole thing could probably be cut in half!! they care for each other way more than either of them care to admit, but labeled sleeping together a mistake??? maybe the first time but not the second 😭😭 and sy12 sneak peek KILLED ME!! because again, the miscommunication, her pushing for them to forget it happened was so sad!! i’m scared to see what will happen in sy but im also so glad you chose to come back to it and share it with us.
i hope everything is going well with you, that the start of summer has been good to you so far, and that life & the weather is treating you well!! thank you for being so amazing <333
thank you lovely!!! i always read ur tags and comments and i stg they always have me cryingggg :’) i appreciate you sm <3 summer has been going well yep, i hope things are doing great for u as well!!
for bc yeah i think they call that the taxi cab theory or something similar? and it hurts. i don’t ever wanna be subjected to that. but i agree, a realistic ending is considered a happy ending in my dictionary so… ahahah
sy would definitely have ended in 4-5 chapters if they had just talked and not let their pride win over, but then again, certain traumas can’t be overcome overnight 🥹 also yeah bahahaha i’m here to tell yn thats not a mistake babe u let gojo hit it twice 😭
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*drops this and sprints away*
so I'm not in the fandom anymore but 11 year old me had a theory and I just wanna share it to anyone who still might be in this fandom because I was recently going through my old notebooks
*clears throat* the theory is George is the main character.
So as we knew, George would dream so much he couldn't distinguish dream from reality
What if the whole server was just a big dream?
This also comes from the fact that George was the one who created the server, or at least the idea of the server.
(I forgot the interview but it was originally supposed to be called the George SMP- or they might have been joking idk)
So basically I thought there would be one last huge event, almost like the finale of season 1 where the server exploded, and George would wake up.
He would wake up and l'manburg would not have been created since he last went to sleep when Tommy first joined.
Anyway, that was my theory
Adios amigos
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utterentropy · 10 months
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Heart sleep headcanons because Heart's a massive comfort to me and I wanna come up with sleepycore stuff for him.
•When he sleeps, the little moon on his halo sparkles softly, and the light coming from the orb on each of his rings (plus halo) starts to dim.
•He sleeps with his childhood stuffie, Dragon, which is, you guessed it, a dragon. Dragon has mint green fur and dark green/cream accents, and soft but worn fur due to years of use; he was given to Heart by Cameron (Whole in our AU, just letting y'all know this AU is like CRAZY canon-divergent) when he was just a little idfant as the doll was passed down from Cam to Heart after he was emancipated and had his own home.
•His wings will softly flutter in his sleep, in the same way a dog will whimper and its legs will jerk.
•He shares his dreams with Mind! They both are talented lucid dreamers and remember their dreams very well, all these abilities coming from their species being distant relatives to dreamons (what dream creatures are called in my universe!).
•I like to think that while sometimes he snores, he tends to make a hooting sound when he sleeps, almost like a mix between an owl and a cat trill!
•He loves to sleep with lots and lots of blankets and pillows, and loves to sleep with his head covered by the blanket. He physically cannot sleep without weighted blankets, similarly to how he cannot be comfortable and at ease without wearing a hoodie, so he sleeps as if he's being held all of the time.
•Mind in our (nkgrimmie and my's) AU always wakes up at 5AM sharp to take a shower, and Heart often wakes up to the sound of him leaving his room to go rinse himself off. Heart finds the sound of him showering relaxing, and likes to hear Mind kinda do his thing before dozing back off to sleep.
•Speaking of Mind, Heart and Mind love to cuddle (in a familial way ofc). Mind holds Heart in his arms and Heart clings to him and uses the former's muscle as a comfy place to rest his head. Sometimes, when something bad happens (*looks at Soul*) or just when the day's been long, Heart enters Mind's room, and Mind sighs, and they have a nice little cuddle at night. It brings me joy knowing these two are so close in my AU. :)
•Heart is a bit of an oversleeper and sometimes Cameron/Soul goes to wake him up but he really isn't feeling it, so he just smiles a bit and leaves him to rest, most likely repositioning Dragon in his arms.
•Heart also gets extremely tired as a trauma response, but trying to keep things wholesome so I'll cover that another time. :)
•Due to sensory issues (ADHD), Heart sleeps with his blindfold off and leaves it by his cotside. It gives his eyes a nice break and ensures a good night's rest, given how much Heart values his sleep as the best part of his day.
•Heart has a semi-large collection of pyjamas in his closet that are washed at least kind of regularly (most likely thanks to Mind). They often have star/space themes to them, as does Heart's blanket, pillow, and cotsheets, and he loves to relax in his pyjamas while watching YouTube, namely Game Theory/Film Theory, Markiplier, CrankGameplays, and Alan Becker, as well as just generally nostalgic YouTubers for him. :)
•Before cot, Heart likes to sit on the porch and stargaze. It tends to tire him out, and they live in a semi-rural part of town decently away from light pollution so they (HMS/W) can actually see a pretty good amount of space from there. Sometimes Mind joins him on the porch and watches alongside them, and Heart gets to geek out a bit about stars while slowly falling asleep; and then can be carried inside and tucked in. :)
There's ABSOLUTELY more, I'll most likely make a pt ii when I can. :)
Enjoy my little comfort headcanons on the little tired boy. <3
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certfieddilusional · 1 year
It would kill you to try? Javier Peña x Female reader. part 1
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pairing: javier peña x female reader with latin roots.
chapter/ content warning: a little angsty but also a tiny amount of fluff, cute worried peña, swearing, not entirely faithful to the plot of the show.
English is not my first language so, sorry if you find any mistakes.
I intend to make a series out of this but who knows.
summary: You joined The DEA three months ago & after spending most of those days doing calm investigation work at the office, it’s time to face the real danger and go undercover along with Peña and Murphy to follow one of Escobar’s sicarios’ journey. But something unexpected happens that changes the work relationship you have with Javier. And that indifference you used to have between each other seems to unravel into fire,prejudice and something deeper.
Everything seemed like any other day at the office. The room was canonically silent apart from the typical office sound effects. Like papers being passed, coffee cups landing on desks and the sound of telephones ringing. The first day you were introduced to the team and most of the employees, things were also the same. And you started to wonder if it was your effect on being the new girl and people restraining themselves so they wouldn’t scare the shit out of you. But every day after that morning seemed to unravel in a similar way. The office environment wasn’t anything crazy. And that morning, three months later, was sharing a lot of similarities with the one of your very first day in Colombia. That was until Peña showed up and the room exploded.
You knew the effect he had on people. He was that kind of person that looked intimidating and at the same time everyone liked and disliked extremely. There was no in between with him. Which automatically pushed you away. He was everything you weren’t. Charming but demanding. Secure but careful. An asshole and every girl’s fantasy. Girls at the office wanted him and dudes idolized him or totally despised him. Too much for you. You liked people who felt real and he didn’t. Is not that you disliked they guy, you just didn’t bother to interact with him.
Something inside of you told you it was probably the safest option.
You were in your desk hearing the whole conversation while reading one of the reports about one of Escobar’s sicarios. Trying so hard to concentrate you gave up and focused your attention on him. He was wearing his usual office attire, dark colored shirt with short sleeves, leather jacket and orange aviator sunglasses hanging from the collar of the shirt. Three undone buttons showing a glimpse of his natural tanned skin in a triangular shape. You got it. He was handsome. In the words of one of your female colleges “He has a vibe”. But something about him felt so dark to you, it made him instantly uncomfortable. He was talking with other guys, leaning in front of Murphy’s desk who hadn’t arrive yet. The rest were trying to make fun of him about an unmentioned event that happened the night before. But giving the context and the fact that it was Peña they were talking about, you could vaguely picture what that could’ve been.
“Did you even get any sleep?” mention one of the boys in between laughs.
“I still can’t believe it, he literally just arrived and he had two around him like bees to honey” followed another one in the same tone.
“Did you kicked her out to come to work or is she still sleeping?”
You heard about the stories. The hookers and controversial places he had the reputation to visit. Even about the way he found all of those informants so easily. But you chose to never actually believe those theories. You’ve worked in offices like that one before. People tend to put people on pedestals and create this whole narrative around them to keep up with the boredom. And even though Peña looked like he could play that part very well, you didn’t wanna fall into the easy stigma. Also the fact that he wasn’t actually engaging in the conversation gave you a bit of hope. He was about to break his silence when Murphy showed in the room.
“We gotta leave immediately. They found one of Escobar’s sicarios location, it looks like they have something in mind. We need to have a look.” Javier didn’t seemed surprised about the information and quickly he reincorporated from his position, ready to leave.
“Wait. You.” Murphy quickly redirected his gaze towards you, catching everyone’s attention “Boss says you’re ready to come with us this time.”
“Me?” you asked petrified on your seat “Now?”
“Congratulations agent Gomez, you’re gonna stop being the ghost of the office!” said jokingly one of the agents from the previous chat with Peña.
“Not really that funny” mentioned Murphy politely like always “Don’t worry, it’s just a fast inspection, we’ll be in the car”. He looked at you with reassuring eyes but you couldn’t feel anything but dying inside.
You knew where you were getting yourself into by accepting this job. You knew the up’s and down’s of doing what felt right to you. You joined because of the range of justice not being taken seriously in a country like Colombia and also, the feeling of being close to home in some way, after so many years out of the continent. Part of you was pissed as hell of having to wait months stuck in that stinky office to finally get to the place you always longed for, for so many years. But another, the one that was always terrified and could smell danger from yards away, was in constant state of anxiety. You couldn’t help but wanting to cry a little in that precise moment. But you stood up. Because you couldn’t. You didn’t have time to cry or making excuses. This was duty. And also you wanted to shut down those bastards from before.
Murphy left first and Peña stayed there waiting for you to be next. “Are you coming or what?” he directed towards you, gesturing for you to go after him.
You couldn’t recall him actually acknowledging you like that. You crossed words before, but it wasn’t a big deal. Now things felt real, he was talking to you like you were finally a part of the team. Someone to consider a piece of the puzzle.
“I- I have to go to the restroom first, I- I’ll join you in the car” you disappeared rapidly from the room without giving him any chance to agree.
Now inside of the tiny cubicle, your lungs struggled to fill with oxygen and you managed to splash a bit of cold water into your face. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you looked as pale as ever. Maybe you were actually the ghost of the office. Maybe that was the role you were born to play in that terrible theater full of criminals and confident pricks. You managed to control your breathing by repeating fake affirmations in your head. ‘You’re here for a reason’ ‘you deserve to take this chance’ ‘if they can, you can’. Not believing a single thing. You managed to go back to the now, empty hall, towards one of the untouched phones on one of the secretaries’ desks, Marzia, you used to talk to her in between breaks. With shaky hands you pressed your fingers into the digits until you heard the tone.
“¿Hola?” answered the person on the other line in confusion.
“Mami, soy yo” (mom, it’s me) you quickly responded.
“Y/n what’s going on?” she asked sweetly.
“It’s time” you said “I’m going on an expedition with the other agents.”
“Oh, honey, that’s amazing! Are you happy?”
You took your time to respond. You couldn’t help it, tears started to build up in your eyes.
“I don’t think I can do it, mamá. Tengo miedo.” (I’m scared) you admitted in a sigh trying to sound as strong as possible. “I’m not made for this shit, I’ve should’ve stayed home”.
“But you didn’t, mi amor. And there’s a reason for that” tears were already surrounding you face as you rapidly wiped them in case someone showed up in the hall “You wanted this. You always go after what you want.”
Another sight.
“What if what I want it’s not meant for me?” you sadly asked. Not actually wanting to know the answer.
“Have you try?”
“Well, I guess I’m about to” you laughed through the tears.
“Then you go do that. You try and then, you’ll see. Lo hacemos y ya vemos, ¿si? You’re being part of something so important because you are important, my love. Remember that.”
“Te amo.”
“Yo también, go.”
You quickly hang up and wiped the rest of the tears. Blindly hoping your waterproof mascara was strong enough and your nose wasn’t too red to give away your unstable state.
“You good?” Peña’s deep voice interrupted your recovery moment making you jumped.
“Yes!” he scanned your face with his rounded commonly known puppy eyes while nodding with his head. You hoped for the love of god he had just arrived and wouldn’t notice any drama going on “Yes, let’s go”.
Thirty minutes later you were there, at the back seat of the car, following that man’s lead and trying so hard no to freak out at every little detail of the scene. Murphy stopped the car at the same time the objective stopped his, close enough to have a good sight of the man but far enough to not get noticed by him.
You played the stalker card before. This wasn’t new to you, so why were you this nervous? Something about being in that car make your stomach ache. You knew this man was dangerous as heck. If you three got caught they wouldn’t hesitate to at least try to shoot in your direction. But there was also the presence of those two agents by your sides. You barely knew them, but to be honest, you were still surprised they weren’t fired already. Giving their methods and the crazy shit they’ve done to get to finally end Escobar’s business. You respected them in some way, at least they were committed. But you also didn’t trust them at all.
“There he is.” said Murphy catching your attention, that instantly focused on the man getting out of the car “Who the fuck is he waiting for?”
“Prolly one of the other two bastards” followed up Peña adjusting his glasses “or maybe Escobar” he suggested in a sarcastic tone.
“Wouldn’t it be crazy if he randomly showed up?”
“That’ll make you excited.”
“No as excited as Gomez, right Gomez?” asked you Murphy this time, turning to look at you from the driver’s seat with a light grin.
You would die there at the spot if that happened.
“Um, I dont know if excited is the right word.” You tried to explain politely with a funny tone, trying hard no to give away that fact that you would actually hate it more than a whole afternoon under the Colombian heat or another late shift at the office.
“Well, it’s your first expedition as a DEA agent. It’ll make it more memorable for sure. Don’t you think, Peña?”
Peña looked at you from the rear-view mirror slightly lifting one brow.
“It would sure shut some mouths.”
He didn’t sound friendly at all.
“So how long have you’ve been a cop?” asked Murphy focusing on you again.
He was being too nice and you realized maybe they both could notice your nervousness. Even though you didn’t exactly loved talking about yourself with people at work, you gave in to ease the tension and thanked him in some way for trying so hard to make small talk.
“I started three years ago” you mentioned and waited for the reactions.
Both of their eyes widened.
“And you’re in the DEA already? wow, impressive.” You could tell he was actually being honest.
Peña didn’t say anything.
“Thank you.”
“Anyways, is not as excited as it seems. Believe me, it can piss you off most of the time. But I guess it’s better than handling those pricks at the office that often.”
“They are not so bad, Murphy” interrupted Peña.
“That’s cause the idolize you, idiot. Which makes them even more stupid.”
You were glad he also understood. Peña was about to open his mouth to rebate that, getting closer to Murphy, when you suddenly spoke again.
“He’s moving” you mentioned in a dry tone, gesturing at Pablo’s sicario with your head.
They immediately went back to their initial positions, staring at the man that quickly entered the apartment buildings in-front of him. Peña seemed to get a little tense at this action, taking off his glasses and running his hands through his thick dark hair.
“Okay” said Murphy getting rid of his seatbelt and opening his door.
Your cool totally dropped.
“Where the hell are you going” asked Peña in a demanding tone.
“We’re going after him. We’re losing him and this could be our only chance.”
You could feel your hands shaking again.
“Are you insane? He’s probably surrounded by now. We’ll be dead in minutes if we leave this car.”
Javier’s comment didn’t help with your anxiety slowly raising up. You could swear he rapidly looked at you through the rear mirror again, but maybe it was just a reflex.
“Well then I go first and you two cover me. I’m not wasting our only chance to get him” insisted Murphy.
“I don’t think so, Murphy.”
You were surprised by Javier’s words and you couldn’t help but let go of a sight.
He noticed.
“Excuse me?” said Murphy outraged.
“This was not the plan. We were supposed to check on him, in the car. We don’t have resources to go after him just like that, you know what happened last time we tried something like this.”
You remembered that day, almost two months ago. They got suspended for a whole week. The office was a mess. “But if you wanna go, we’ll need a getaway car and a getaway driver. Do you have a license?”
He directed to you this time looking directly to your eyes. No glasses on, not puppy eyes but a look of concern.
“Not yet. I’m working on it, though.” You responded a bit embarrassed.
“You’re a DEA agent and you don’t have a license?” Murphy asked you this time with frown eyes. Almost not believing it.
You and cars didn’t exactly got along pretty well. But thanks to your impeccable curriculum and expedient, they managed to let that slide with one condition.
“Well, they said I could get one here.”
“In Colombia? Do you even speak Spanish?”
“I was raised here”.
“Have we talked before?” interrupted Peña again with a playful look.
“Once or twice.” You replied a little offended by the sudden question, realizing he actually didn’t notice you at all before that day.
“I think I would’ve remembered…” he murmured this time more to himself than the rest, looking at you up and down.
“So you’re from here” reassured Murphy still not quite believing it.
“Well, I was born in Spain but we moved here when I was like nine, so, yeah, something like that.”
“Well that’s nice.” Said Javier. He seemed weirdly happy about your roots.
“Okay, love birds. We’re loosing the objective. Let’s fucking go, Peña.”
You hated that Murphy could also tell all you did and even more the fact that he only acknowledged Peña. Making it clear you weren’t even an option to continue with his plans. But liked he could instantly change the tone of the situation.
“We need a getaway driver just in case and she doesn’t have a license. Plus, it’s her first, I don’t think she wants it to be THAT memorable” stated Javier.
He had a point.
“You’re being such a pussy right now.”
“I’m just trying to risks as less lives as possible. You go after him if you want, I’m staying in the car.” He ended by sitting straight, totally ignoring the blonde.
“Since when do you follow instructions so correctly?”
“I’m doing it for once. Shouldn’t you be proud?” answered him in a goofy tone, still not looking at him.
“Agh, fuck you.”
Murphy slammed the door close and started jogging towards the entranced of the building, patting his gun through his pocket.
Silenced was installed in the inside of the car after that. Only your breaths, yours and Javier’s were heard. He stayed there, one elbow resting over the passenger’s window, fingers on his mustache. You noticed what he did. You knew Murphy was the responsable one, not him. Something had to really stop him of going after his college and complete the mission in his own way. Not the right one. The right one didn’t feel enough for him.
You just couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. It didn’t feel fair.
“Thank you” you said softly.
It took him a while to process you were actually talking to him.
“For what exactly?” he questioned you. Gaze still on the window.
He was waiting for you to open up. He didn’t like half honesty.
“I have the feeling you know.”
He shifted on his sit. And it was clear he heard your phone conversation before. You were glad he didn’t say anything on the spot. He played the whole thing in a very discreet way. You didn’t need more of him, not even some words of comfort.
But he gave them to you anyways.
“Look it’s none of my business but…you’re here for a reason” he started, looking at you again, eyes on the mirror “…not everyone gets to be here. Specially not after only three years in business.”
You felt your cheeks burning a little. You were slightly embarrassed about this unknown man, with a questionable reputation that barely knew of your presence half an hour ago, lecturing you about your stupid fears.
“You have to have something, you just gotta grow into it, chiquita” you laughed a little at the sudden nickname, he sounded like a dad. “Start acting up”
“Is that what you do? You act it up?” you asked jokingly trying to blow away the intensity.
“Sometimes I overdo it. That’s why today I’m staying in the car.”
You both chuckled and that was it. Murphy reappeared breathing heavily in exhaustion, sweat running over his forehead. Peeking through the window of his seat.
“I lost him”.
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jadedrrose · 2 years
A Coincidence
This is my @onepiece-blorboexchange’s Secret Santa event gift to @owlight! I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy it, Owl! <3 Happy Holidays!!
Warnings: Lots of fluff, gender neutral reader, though AFAB is implied (reader shares the girl’s quarters with Nami and Robin, but it’s mostly bc who would wanna sleep with all the crazy Strawhat boys? Def not me)
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This entire plan was so nerve wracking, you thought you were going to explode. In a good way? Maybe. You also felt giddy and excited, a blush rising to your cheeks every time you thought of what you were going to do tonight.
You wanted to propose to Robin. Rather, you were going to. But being on just a ship, there wasn’t much room to escape your girlfriend; you knew she was catching on and would maybe even figure it out if she ended up talking to you. So far, today you hadn’t really seen her. You wondered what she was up to.
The plan so far had gone smoothly. You had to confide in Sanji about the plan, as you wanted him to make a special dinner for just you and Robin. You requested that he make her favorite meal, sandwiches. But of course, you thought just a sandwich was too simple. So you’d asked your crew mate if he could make a sandwich board, where the two of you could have multiple types along with many toppings to choose from. You’d also requested a cake for after dinner.
Then you had to talk to Nami. You wanted Robin to dress nice (not that she didn’t already) for the dinner. You’d asked that she come up with some reason to get her dressed up. Nami gladly accepted your request, but not before squealing and getting excited at your news.
Then, there were the ones who couldn’t know. At all. Luffy, for one. The guy couldn’t keep any secret, even his own. If you or anyone else let it slip to him that you were going to do a surprise proposal dinner, he would scream the words back at you in excitement, therefore letting the whole ship know.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him, but Zoro. He tended to be a bit forgetful (especially with the way he’s constantly getting himself lost), and would probably accidentally say something.
The other boys, you weren’t really sure. Franky could keep a secret, probably, but you had no real reason to let him in on it. You didn’t need to tell Usopp because you were certain Nami would be gossiping about the whole ordeal with him. But you didn’t really mind. Brook? He’d end up spying on you or Robin the rest of the day and ruin it. You weren’t too sure about Chopper. Much like your captain, he was childish at times and would probably say something by accident while fooling around. But you did trust Chopper, a lot. In the end, you decided to just forget about telling anybody else. Two (three?) people were enough, especially with all of you confined to the ship.
Then you needed to somehow set up the scenery without exposing the whole thing. You figured you’d tie it all into Christmas since the holiday was only a few days away. Nami ended up helping you with that. The two of you set up a table in the garden, putting red and gold dishware on it on top of a satin table cloth. Nami put decorative lights and ornaments on her trees, and you placed light up-garland around the entire garden. When the two of you finished that, you then needed to come up with a way to get yourself ready, since all three of you shared a room. Nami decided on asking Robin to go up to the bath with her so they could just have girls time, and when Robin would inevitably ask why you weren’t joining, Nami would say that you were too tired and went to take a nap. It sounded good in theory, you just hoped Robin would actually say yes to the bath in the first place.
You briefly went into the kitchen to see how things were going. Sanji was mixing the cake ingredients, prepping it for baking. You eyed over all the ingredients poured out onto the counter, pausing on the sugar. “Don’t add too much in, you know she doesn’t like it very sweet,” you told the cook.
“Yeah yeah, geez, y/n, you act as if I’ve never even met her before. I know everyone on this ship’s exact tastes, what they do like, what they hate.” He replied as he mixed up the batter.
“Who have you supposedly never met before?”
Your eyes went wide at her voice. Her warm, gorgeous voice. One side of you panicked over what she may have overheard, the other side swooned over the idea of hearing her say vows to you, in that perfect voice of her’s. Shaking your head, you turned to see her.
“Oh, Robin! Coincidentally enough, it was you,” you spoke, trying to save yourself. “Sanji’s making everyone a cake for the holidays, and I just wanted to make sure it wouldn’t end up being too sweet.”
You glanced over to Sanji who just hummed, seemingly surprised at how quickly you recovered there.
“How kind of you, my love,” Robin praised, a smile on her face.
You blushed, becoming flustered all over again.
“What are you doing in here anyways, Robin?” Sanji asked, seeing you struggling to control your face.
“Oh, I just came in to grab some coffee. I’ll be out of your way in a couple moments.”
“Ah, I don’t mind, Robin-chan. You could never get in my way.” Sanji mused.
“Have you forgotten that I’m y/n’s? You don’t need to continue with the silly talk,” she giggled.
You thought you were going to pass out. Normally you wouldn’t react to her remarks like that, but given your plans for tonight, and just how head over heels you currently felt, everything she did or said had a stronger effect on you.
“Well. I’m going to go shower quickly,” you said, thinking of any escape. “I’ll see you guys at dinner, or whenever we next run into each other.”
“Okay, y/n. See you then,” Sanji said, winking at you. Of course… it did just look like him normally blinking, but you could tell the difference at this point. His winks always lasted longer and his face was more expressive.
“Bye, my love,” Robin spoke as she stood near the coffee machine, watching you closely as you left the room with a wave in her direction.
You were able to shower and get ready without any interference. Everything about the more difficult part of the plan was going smoothly by some miracle. You knew that you were running out of time before Nami and Robin would be back from the bath, so you hurried when getting yourself ready.
You did your normal routine just with a few extra steps added in so that you’d be all dressed up for the occasion. You put on an outfit that you’d picked out for this specific night on the last island you’d all stopped at. Looking yourself over in the mirror, you tried to control the sweat forming on your brow.
“It’ll all be fine,” you tried convincing yourself, “Everything will go smoothly…”
But what if Luffy got to the food before you and Robin could? What if Zoro had stolen all the available alcohol and left you with not even wine to share with your girlfriend?
The ‘what ifs’ kept popping up as you left the room and went to the kitchen to meet Sanji. He was already waiting for you so the two of you could get the food taken up to the spot you’d prepared.
You must’ve checked over the table thirty times before finally deciding everything looked neat and fancy. Then you sat down, and began to wait for Robin.
You fiddled with the ring that sat in your pocket, hoping she’d at least like it. You’d looked over all the jewelry she owned and tried your best to find something that you knew she would love. Even if you were pretty confident, you still had some self-doubts.
Then, you heard it. The chatter of her and Nami speaking to each other as they headed up to the garden.
“Oh, what’s all this?” Nami exclaimed, pretending as though she hadn’t helped you set it all up.
“It would seem the garden’s been decorated,” Robin observed. Then her eyes landed on you.
You smiled at her sheepishly, feeling a deep blush creep onto your cheeks as she gazed at you.
“Hmm, seems real romantic. Guess I better leave you two alone then!” Nami said, waving to you and running off. Though you had a feeling she’d be watching.
Robin sat down across from you, a smirk on her face. She was wearing a black lace dress over a deep colored purple long sleeved shirt. She also had some black heels on, making her even more tall than she already was.
“You did all this?” She asked, folding her hands under her chin.
“Yeah… wanted to make a nice dinner for us. Well, Sanji made the food… I set it all up,” you explained. “Shall we eat?”
“Of course, I’m starving anyways.”
The two of you ate, and during that time you noticed Robin had a smug look about her. Like she knew something was up.
You knew that if she kept looking at you like that, you’d eventually break. So it was best to get on with the plan before you were a nervous sweaty mess.
“Uhm, Robin?” You started, getting her attention.
“Yes, love?” She smiled at you through her wine glass.
“Well,” you started, realizing you hadn’t prepared a speech. “You know I love you. Really, I have since we met. Even if you were technically the enemy then,” you giggled. “But, considering that was years ago now, I figured it was time we uhm… took the next step?”
“What do you mean by that?” She asked. But you could tell she’d figured it all out by now. She was simply playing along.
“Robin,” you pulled the ring from your pocket and took one of her hands, placing the ring into it. “Will you.. uhm, m-marry me?”
Damnit. Why’d you have to stutter?
It didn’t help that she started giggling. Her other hand lifted to her lips as she continued to laugh, shaking her head.
“Oh y/n, of course I will. But it’s such a coincidence,” she spoke, moving her free hand down to her skirt, pulling something from her pocket.
A ring. That was clearly of your taste, clearly meant for you.
“I had the same idea, darling. In fact, I was going to ask you tonight, too,” she smiled. “But I decided to wait it out once I caught you and Sanji in the kitchen earlier.”
“Y-you knew?” You stammered, face turning red.
“Of course I did,” she giggled. “But it’s so endearing. That you did all of this, just for me. Thank you, y/n.”
As you recovered from the shock that she knew all along, the two of you exchanged the rings and slid them onto each other’s fingers. It was then that you heard a squeal from not too far away, seeing Nami jumping up, Usopp beside her, clapping.
“Oh those two…” you rolled your eyes. “Of course they were spying.”
“That’s alright, I don’t mind,” Robin said.
A moment later, Nami was up in the garden, ushering for you and your now fiancée to come on down for cake.
The whole crew was waiting for the two of you, and they all jumped to greet you with hugs and words of congratulations.
“Woohoo! Let’s have a banquet for this!” Luffy shouted, using his power to wrap his arms around both you and Robin.
“But Luffy, we just ate!” You protested, squished between him and Robin.
“Then eat again!”
You rolled your eyes at your captain’s antics, as he let go finally.
“I think it’s time for cake, then,” Sanji said, presenting the cake you’d requested. “Robin-chan’s favorite, and of course, y/n’s too, since Robin had asked me to do the exact same thing.”
You turned to Robin then.
“Did you?”
“Yes,” she confirmed. “It seems we had the exact same idea of a proposal. I’ll take it as a sign we’re meant for each other, hm?”
You blushed, shyly looking to your feet. “Yeah… I suppose we are.”
The immature bunch of the boys all started yelling out things like “ew, get a room!” but it was all lighthearted fun. You could only imagine how they’d act at your wedding, now.
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mazyb0i · 7 months
Other RnM fans?
Rick n Morty fan creator/artist here, trying to make friend brohs with ppl who are also obsessed with the show. I have a hard time reaching out due to my anxiety. (proshippers DNI)
tldr; you're also a neurodivergent queer artist nutjob that makes crackpipe art an shitposts, heavily kins a character at one point or another, and we should be friends because we can be insane together LMFAO
Fav show ships: BP x Rick all day, (I love flesh curtains, and their dynamic is just so yes... I...) Morty x Alaska (i named the vat of acid gf Alaska because the Alaska trip..) Summer x that one girl... Morticia X Jessica, Rickcest/ Rick selfcest is aight, I obsess over Miamicop. I think selfcest in cloning / multiuniverse theory is harmless, but don't come at me with any of that proshipper/inc3st/rickorty shit. I will block you, report you, and put you on a DNI beware list; this is a threat & a warning. That shit is never EVER ok.
if we become friends/wanna know about;
I'm diagnosed Audhd, I'm a transmasc demiboy, I like to be referred to as nonbinary and a transgender male with He/They pronouns. Panromantic Demisexual.
I'm a rick kinnie, just means I identify with rick, in another universe I could be him XD, I relate to him, we share the same personality literally (ENTP 7w8); he's my self identifying comfort character. But my big interest with this show/comic is probably due to some kind of autistic hyper fixation and imprintation.
Hobbies: Crafting, Digital illustration, Fursuit /Costume making, Youtube, 3D designing, Making silly video skits, Writing, Character design, Shit posting, Creating ai voice bots for fun n fandom purposes (will make le memes), Trying to be a youtuber like Imbrandonfarris and Britany Broski, collecting stuff, VRchat, Collecting fluffy soft shit like stuffies, pillows, blankets, and hoodies. I SLEEP IN A NEST OF ALL OF THESE
Personality?: Chaotic, Unhinged, Tired and fed up with this shit, All the Energy AND NO ENERGY, I'm so tired please god help me, i'm an enigma. Ambiverted. If ur looking for a cool crazy cat dude broh who draws weird ass digital art and is always tired but jacked on coffe, adderall, and Naproxen i'm your guy.... :'}
I do alot of art and have alot of burnouts due to my adhd- I've been told I'm  innovative, clever, and expressive. I can jury-rig your glasses easily with a paperclip if you're screw comes out and loose frames causes the lens to pop. I'm very detail and idea-oriented, i come up with thousands of ideas, questions, and theories. Because of this, I tend to come up with one idea after another without actually going forward with plans and actions because i get so overwhelmed with my massive brain XD
Even tho I'm socially awkward, I love people, I want to make friends. I like being alone a lot but I hate feeling lonely. :C When I get to know you I'm very very chatty; as long as I'm not too tired or piled with heaps of assignments. I would say I'm pretty laid-back and easy to get along with, I get so stuck up in my personal world up in my head that I lose sight of important things around me, I blame the adhd. I'm an observer, I like to watch and see how things happen, I am a very hands on person.
I'm constantly learning, i love science with a passion. I got hyperfixated on evolution of different animal clades a while back. I am immensely curious and focused on understanding how the world operates and functions. I'm looking for mental and intellectual stimulation, lettuce skip casual conversation about wheather- whats your favorite dinosaur? (fuck ignore my dyslexia) and before you say a pterodactyl let me stop you right there- they aren't dinosaurs. if you like understanding the world through learning various things about science, technology, or culture, I'm your guy. but I'm also just a silly hoo hoo aah smart ass.
god this is finally done... I've been writing this for an hour......
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misskattylashes · 1 year
Jet Skis On The Moat - an analysis
So, given that Glastonbury proved, to me, that Jet Skis on the Moat has some sort of significance to Alex, given his rant about wanting a hole filled with water so he could make a splash, then starting the Star Treatment ‘rap’ on I Wanna Be Yours with ‘I Just wanted a Jet Ski for the Moat’. Following on from @blacktrickle’s Sculptures analysis that it is about wanting to come out, and Jet Skis is a sort of follow on from that…I am going to do my own analysis.
Of course, as usual, with Alex, this is all supposition, he could literally be singing about anything. Or just have thrown some words together and thought they were pretty. But hey, deciphering his songs are good fun. So, I am going to throw my hat into the ring.
Jet Skis on the Moat
They Shot it all in Cinemascope
As though it’s the last time
You’re gonna ride
Okay, so the idea is that Jet Skis on the Moat is meaningless in itself, but it symbolises this ideal world Alex wants to live in with his lover. An idea that is as far-fetched idea as having a jet ski on a moat.
Showstoppers Anonymous
Come over here and give your buddy a hug
So much for deciding not to let it slide.
This is where my theory comes in that this song is possibly about being reunited with Miles
Showstoppers Anonymous – the whole EYCTE tour was showstopping. We saw a completely different side to Alex, the shows were wild and outrageous, like nothing you’ve seen before.
Come over here and give your buddy a hug – this could be taken two ways. Part of the TLSP shows was the hugging between Miles and Alex, but it could also be related to a reunion. Alex and Miles’ relationship started out as friendship and I would like to think they will always be buddies.
So much for deciding not to let it slide – I think this is Alex talking to himself. Possibly at the end of the EYCTE tour, he promised not to let their relationship go. But instead, he let it slide. Possibly through fear of coming out, or mental exhaustion or his commitment to the Monkeys to produce another album (I will analyse TBHC another day).
Is there something on your mind
or are you just happy to sit there and watch while the paint job dries?
When it’s over you’re supposed to know
Is there something on your mind? Or are you just happy to watch while the paint job dries? - Paint job = something that is covered with paint. Something that is covered up. Could the something on his mind be the fact that he is bisexual, but he is happy just to sit back and let it all be covered up.
When it’s over you’re supposed to know - there will be a time when it is all over for AM, or he doesn’t feel the pressure to maintain his sex symbol status and can be his true self.
Lights out on the Wonder Park
Your saw tooth lover boy was quick off the mark
That’s long enough in the sunshine for one night
The Wonder Park could represent the shared memories. Saw-toothed means something that rises and falls and is alternate. This could represent Alex’s bisexuality. ‘Quick off the mark/That’s long enough in the sunshine for one night’ could this mean he instigated sex quickly and they had a one-night stand? The majority of the EYCTE tour took place in the summer, and it is when I believe their relationship was at its most intense. To sleep together for one night would be a reminder of that sunshine.
Didn’t recognise you through the smoke
Pyjama pants and Subbuteo cloak
You know that it’s alright if you wanna cry
This paints quite a sad scene. It could be Alex talking to Miles or Miles talking to Alex. The line Pyjama Pants and Subbuteo cloak, conjures up the image of someone who has perhaps let themselves go a little, living in their pyjamas, the Subbuteo cloak could be something as simple as a green blanket they have wrapped around themselves. The home is filled with smoke (both Miles and Alex are smokers).
You know it’s alright if you wanna cry - Self explanatory.
Is there something on your mind
Or are you just happy to sit there and watch while the paint job dries
Ad when it’s over you’re supposed to know
Jet skis on the moat,
The shot it all in cinemascope
As though it’s the last time you’re gonna ride
Like Sculptures of Anything Goes, where Alex dreams of his life with his lover in the last verse, but the last line is ‘I’ll Sing A Tune’, in other words he goes back to the life he is living where he sings and pretends to be something he isn’t. Same with Jet Skis. After his reunion with Miles, he goes back to his life of dreaming of a better future.
As I said, this is all supposition, but after Glastonbury, I maintain my idea that this song means something personal to Alex.
I would love to hear your thoughts...
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thepalaceofmelanie · 8 months
Martell Week- COTD: Oberyn Martell
Tag: @elvinaa @adriennegabriella @morby @candycanes19 @wingsoftheangels @tashastrange89
(A/N: Okay so we had a House Martell music task...well, I want to do that for just Oberyn. So the first ten are songs with my reasoning, while the last ten are certain lyrics that fit him without my reasoning. Plus, this helps me get a playlist for Oberyn started for use. Enjoy the ride! Also am working on Day 2 and 3, so hopefully I can get those done tonight.)
1- “Unholy (Japanese Version)” by: Shayne Orok, Curserino & Ali Orok
Reasoning: Alright, pick any version of Unholy; I don’t care if it’s the OG to a cover or whatever else, this version screams Oberyn. It’s slow and sensual and sexy, to say the least, I recommend this song for any smut/lemon playlist.
2- “Oberyn” by: Daenerys and Targaryens
Reasoning: Please, do yourself a favor! Go and listen to this song. It’s so fun and a bit funny but it’s about him! So enjoy fellow Oberyn fans.
3- “Letter To A Friend” by: Robert Gromotka and Chiharu Bley Violoncello
Reasoning: I feel this would be his theme song back in Dorne. More so when he’s in the Water Garden writing poems for his daughters. It’s just something that would make you think of him feeling calm for lack of a better term.
4- “Bow Down” by: I, Prevail
Reasoning: Basically, this song is could be his theme song when trying to avenge his Sister and her children. I did have this one down in the lyric area but switched it because, of how it just works more so as a whole.
5- “Crossing Over” by: Five Finger Death Punch
Reasoning: So, after watching the Bills game, I was trying to think what else to add and remember this old gem. This song is about loss and grieving and well, he lost Elia. Also you could use this song for Ellaria as well, when the second verse.
6- “Adrenalize” by: In This Moment
Reasoning: If I had to give Oberyn’s “infamous for his sexual appetite” as the wiki puts it, a theme song, it would be this. It’s hard, heavy and well a sex song.
7- “Tonight” by: Fozzy
Reasoning: “Then everyone is missing half the world’s pleasure. The gods made women… and it delights me. The gods made men… and it delights me. When it comes to war, I fight for Dorne. When it comes to love — I don’t choose sides.”
8- “One Of The Girls” by: Jennie Kim, Lily-Rose Depp, and The Weeknd
“We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight
We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight, oh”
9- “Emperor’s New Clothes” by: Panic! At The Disco
“I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
(Finders keepers, losers weepers)”
10- “Love You To Death” by: Type O Negative
“In her place one hundred candles burning
As salty sweat drips from her breast
Her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying
They say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, get”
11- “Hangman” by: Rev Theory
“Take your places please
You’ll need to sit for this one
It’s a simple plan
With a mangled conclusion”
12- “Go Girl” by: Pitbull
“I party like a rockstar
Look like a movie star
Play like an all star
Fuck like a pornstar”
13- “The Whims of Fate -King Side” cover by: FamilyJules feat Kuraiinu
“Give into another vice
See where it might lead
Come on, let's just enjoy the spice
Life and feel so free
Give into temptation”
14- “So Far Away” by: Staind
“This is my life
Its not what it was before
All these feelings I've shared
And these are my dreams
That I'd never lived before
Somebody shake me
'Cause I
I must be sleeping”
15- “Young Gods” by: Hasley
“He says, "Ooh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges
I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon
There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs
And if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight"”
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mariodreemurr · 5 days
I love you and petal, she’s so cute! Are the markings around her eyes just her fur or are they bags? I noticed in one of the pics you shared one of the markings is missing 😭 was that just an animation error?
Thank you so much!! 💖
Also, I love how you brought this up, because it gives me a chance to infodump/theorydump about my F/O!! (Tap the button to see it)
So, the way I see it, the darkness around her eyes are not just her fur color (per se) or eye bags, but they are periorbital dark circles.
These are, essentially, dark blemishes of skin around the eyes and are primarily caused by aging, stress, and fatigue. I have these as well, and I’ve definitely have had a lot of stress in my recent life. I personally headcanon that Petal has been through a lot in her life as well, not to mention the fact that she is mom-coded, so she is somewhat old. So my dark circle theory isn’t too farfetched at all, I believe.
I wanna bring up some interesting facts, though. There’s a lost 2016 pilot of KINAC that featured a sort-of “beta design” for Petal, and we can see here that back then, her “eye fur” is much more “visible,” so to say (idk the right word for it, RIP). It’s very possible that it was changed to make the difference more subtle.
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And just to show y’all how Petal looks with actual eye bags, here is her having not gotten any sleep the previous night.
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But here’s something more interesting: in one episode, Petal became a zombie (yes, this actually happened), where her dark circles inexplicably vanished!
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This isn’t an animation error, either. This “dark patch of fur” isn’t even there for the entirety of her being a zombie. In fact, the circles come right back the moment she returns to normal:
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I believe that the last two facts disprove the ideas of the “dark fur” being her actual fur or eye bags. Instead, they are dark circles, again most likely due to aging or stress.
I think the circles enhance her design a lot. Sometimes there are extremely subtle things about a character that just makes you love ‘em even more. But she is just extremely adorable. As one of my selfshipping friends stated exactly, “she’s got this cute, kinda sleepy look to her.” It makes me wanna hug the hell out of her.
I love her so damn much, y’all…
(But to answer that last part, that may have very well been an animation error. I hope this answers everything!)
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olymphianblood · 1 month
since im not gonna coment on the horrible take on the main tag bc people already made beautiful written posts depicting my feelings about it and was glad that i wasnt the only one feeling angry abt it (also its 3 am and i should sleep) im gonna share with you all my phan conspiracy theory (without the tags bc i dont wanna bring hate to the main tag and revive something from 3h ago) but i'll make another post with it to make up to it and feed the fandommetrics) people say that the japhan 2019 was a honeymoon/anniversary trip but i personally believe they got engaged there instead. it was post tour and post coming out and i think it was a moment for them to finally feel free and happy together and i think in the high of it all one of them proposed and theyve been engaged since then. they got rings when they came back but they dont use bc i dont remember who rn said they dont like to wear rings or accessories in their hand (aside from all the 'trying to maintain the plausible deniability' thing) also dan was still navigating who he was and wanting to do other projects out of the dan and phil brand so he didnt want the attention to be on his relationship w phil again
anyways. i have to wake up for class in 4 hours peace and love phannies <3
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isleofair · 1 year
For the ask game, 80!
I wanna give you a free space as well like you did for me. So answer however many or little you'd like, your choice~ 💚
I hope you have a great rest of your day!
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Thank you so much!!! 💚💚💚💚
Now I have to try not to answer too many of these... 😅
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I daydream for AGES. I know that a story is the right one to write in that moment if I can't stop writing it in my head at any given time of the day (but especially when I'm trying to sleep).
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
I can only give vague hints to a close person or two, and even that is usually more than I can deal with: once I've shared something about a fic I'm writing, I feel like I've created expectations (even though that's probably not true) and it makes me anxious. I almost got stuck on a story because of this once, so I try to be careful about it now. (Also, I don't like spoiling stuff in advance. 😅)
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I do enjoy research, but sometimes I fall too far into the rabbit hole and I drive myself half-crazy. The answer to the second part of the question is most definitely Stereoscopy. (Which, for the record, is also the answer to all of the "which fic is your favorite/the one you're proudest of/the hardest to write/etc. questions.)
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I think mostly it's the character who gets to discover/realize/learn more stuff throughout the story/chapter, so I have more of a journey to go on. Although, of course, sometimes, only one POV can possibly make sense for the story I want to tell (Stereoscopy from Nathan's POV would not be even half as much stupid, frustrating fun, for example 😏). (And sometimes, er, I kind of need some scenes to be in Keith's POV because, well, Nathan would not share my personal reservations about calling a spade a spade, if you know what I mean. 😳)
34. How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
In theory/intention, not too much. But in actuality, pretty much every single time, I look back at what I've written (or am writing, even, now) and have a moment where the "Gee, I wonder which of my deep-seated issues this is an extremely blatant way of trying to deal with" hits me over the head like a freaking cartoon anvil.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I really try to be, not so much about the foreshadowing, but definitely about the symbolism (although I think I only do it in either too-cryptic or too-explicit ways). I love using metaphors/similes/etc. and I really try to keep them consistent throughout a story, or to draw only from a single image/concept for a scene; but sometimes I stray because another one comes up, maybe for just a single line, that just seems so beautiful/fitting to me, and I'm not very good at killing my darlings.
And that's six questions and a very long post, so I need to stop! Thank you so much for giving me a chance to ramble about my writing! I hope your day is wonderful, too!!! 💙💙💙
Here's the ask list if anyone wants to ask or reblog it for themselves!
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tentakilly · 8 months
Day 3 of insane SCP theory’s. The Red Knight theory.
This a theory that I’ve posted online before but I wanna share it again. Also I don’t know a whole lot of the Scarlet King’s lore so if I’m missing anything please fill me in. Also disclaimer. Please don’t take this entirely seriously it’s just a fun thought I had. The Red Knight theory came to me way over a couple years ago when I realized that the Scarlet King and Zalgo have very similar lore. My theory is that Zalgo is one of the sons of the Scarlet King that was cursed to bring his father to our reality. His mother was whatever wife/daughter birthed heroes and he was destined to take down his father. But he failed. “A demon in black armor sleeps beneath a castle of glass. Beneath the armor six mouths sing in foul tongues. Apocalypse comes when the seventh joins the choir. He comes”. The famous “He comes” is a warning of what is to come and he’s doing that as many ways as possible. Corrupting media, possession, anything to warn us of what is to come. “Ok but what about his(Zalgo’s)army of children”, I’m very glad you asked because his army is a last resort. Think about it. Outside of like status and being Genghis Khan you generally don’t have a whole army of your own descendants. An army of your own children was probably a plan he came up with on the fly in case someone/something else couldn’t beat the Red King in time. That way earth would at least stand a chance. The original purpose was since lost to time due to corruption and history being lost. If y’all have anything to add please do and again don’t take this to seriously it’s just something fun to think about.
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