#I always feel like I'm going to get laughed at for how petty my problems are
llatimeria · 11 months
why are upstairs neighbors the way they are. i know this is long but can somebody please . please read this and give me a reality check
the last few people who rented the apartment above us were annoying too but it pales in comparison to whoever lives there now. Every single fucking day, usually in the evenings or late afternoons, they do ... Something. it could be sex or some kind of exercise or any other number of things. It's just a lot of THUD THUD THUD THUD THUDs on and off for half an hour to an hour and a half. Today it started at 8pm and lasted til 9 but the last time I made a note of the time it happened around 3pm as I was trying to do homework.
It feels like the whole ceiling shakes. I swear sometimes it fucks with the air pressure in my ears, which is really hard to notice until it's driving me insane, like a grain of sand in my sock. It's started to stress out our dog, which just makes her start barking (and she's clearly barking at the ceiling), but her barking is in itself overstimulating, which stresses us out more, which she picks up on, which just makes her bark more because she's baby and doesn't like it when her dads are anxious.
The thudding alone can be enough to overstimulate us, but combined with the barking and coincidental other neighbor noises that don't usually bother us, it's... Extremely draining. We're both neurodivergent people with PTSD. Loud, unpredictable noises don't really mix well with us. On more than one occasion my partner's had full blown anxiety attacks bc of the combination of sudden loud noises (a known trigger for them) and the overstimulation (another known trigger for them). We like. Actively can't keep living like this. lmao. I cannot stress enough how it is every day and never quite at the exact same time so we can emotionally prepare for it, and it's not like we should have to prepare to exist in our own living room anyways.
Anyways I just need to purge all of my anxieties and get a reality check about this. Help
We could just be stupid and unreasonable and should just grow up and get over it, and will be fully confronted with that if we do anything.
We might just open ourselves up to harassment (or becoming the butt of a lot of jokes) because we're the whiny neighbors who have nothing better to do than complain
Even if we are being reasonable, it doesn't really make a difference, because if our neighbors think that we're not, they could harass us anyways
They could make a noise complaint about our dog out of spite ("why are you mad at Them when it's Your dog that barks")
Maybe we're also extremely annoying neighbors and we'll look like huge assholes/idiots if we complain about anyone else (implausible, but again. Small dog)
What if we try to contact them and they interpret it as an attack on them. We think one of the people living above us is a very large, heavyset man we've seen around the apartment complex, and we don't want to put our feet in our mouths if he's literally just vibing (or worse, excercising to lose weight) and we just totally humiliate him by telling him his mere footsteps are overstimulating down here. I don't want anyone to feel BAD. (And we're also not totally sure the guy we've seen is actually the guy above us, we just know they showed up around the same time)
We did actually try bonking the ceiling with a broom a few days ago and they obviously heard it because they stopped for a second, laughed, and started doing whatever it is more loudly, but what if that was entirely a coincidence and they didn't notice at all
What if they interpret any message we send as a passive-aggressive attack rather than just trying to let them know how loud they're being
And what if we do actually come across as passive-aggressive towards people who aren't us and we just make everything worse by bungling our communication attempts. It wouldn't be on purpose, but again it doesn't matter because some people interpret everything as an attack regardless
They could generally just fuck with our lives and make us miserable forever with no recourse if we fuck this up, too. like. We LIVE right BENEATH them. They know where we live and probably the layout of our apartment, since it's probably identical to theirs. They could probably figure out which car is ours. They could report our dog barking, or just come up with any number of fake/minor complaints. They could stalk us, vandalize our shit, intentionally make more noise or make louder noises and intentionally try to overwhelm/trigger us, or any number of things. Even if they got in trouble for it, that doesn't really matter because I just don't want it to happen in the first place.
And, worse, what if we try to get them punished, but it turns out we really were the aggressors the entire time according to anyone normal, and we just get our entire lives deservedly wrecked instead
i don't know what to dooooo
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serxinns · 5 months
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You hated them... you hated them all they were just too overbearing! The flirting thr kissing the unwanted touching everything and whenever you told them to fuck off they'll just coo and baby you saying "thats very mean! Darling! "
They kept always crowded around you it's no surprise there Iida always insisted on study dates every chance you could get your mom would always pressure you to join her private tea party and insist it would be just the two of us the way she said it creeper you out so you would always make excuses or just awkwardly walk away leaving her confused and a bit pissed. Denki is always on your ass whether it be teasing or playing around he kept clinging to you like some puppy it was Cringe honestly...
Izuku yapping about heroes even if you weren't listening, Kirishima and Shoji trying to show off by flexing their muscles, Mina or Hakagure always gripping your arm too tight or hugging you until you couldn't breathe and you had to hit them harshly on the back and they dared to complain about it Aoyama guy always trying to stuff your face with cheese even tho the smell of cheese makes you nauseous, ochako was ok untill she started making me go bake with her and suprise suprise! Momo joins her and it always turn into some competition about anything which takes the fun out of baking
You couldn't even talk to your other friend in PEACE shinsou was your go-to friend ever since your classmates started being overbearing you would rant for hours about them and he'd listen heck he let you chill in his dorms for a while or longer you couldn't be asked for a better friend, but back to the story you were just peacefully talking to shiso at lunch until bakugo and his petty little gang came over there everyone smiling at me expect bakugo ofc just glaring at me like I did something wrong, "is.. there a problem?"
"You damn right it's a problem! Your sitting with hyno shit over there!" He said pointing at Shinso "Bakubro that's not very manly!" He said in a stern tone but you had a feeling he wasn't scolding him, "what everyone's trying to say come sit with us y/n you don't have to be alone!" Mina said in a fake sickly sweet voice I swore I saw her eye twitch a bit but you didn't back down easily "im not alone tho I got shinso and I'm fine where I'm at you can eat your lunch and have fun without me" the squad got silence and awkwardly walked away but sending one final glare at shiso
Another time when you were talking with Kendo and Monoma at 2nd you kinda disliked Monoma or thought he was some crazy lunatic just because he kept ripping on your classmates but the 2 of you weirdly got along mostly because of your distasteful experience with your classmates, if the two of you weren't ranting about how your classmates were, the two of you would talk about hero stuff (mostly monoma bragging about being the best hero) or just talking about your interests and laughing at Monoma's antics and chaoticness
Kendo on the other hand made you feel like you had a friend she knows how overbearing and overwhelming your classmates get, so she would try to pull you away as best as she could despite the glares, snarls, and scowls she swore she heard from them she still wanted to help you one day you were dragged by hakagure and Mina to go to their room to play games but Kendo quickly grabbed the back of your shirt with paint hands to pulled you away "sorry gotta borrow them for a sec!" And quickly ran off
"Thx kendo I was about to snap at them and cause a scene" She smiled at you "No problem! I felt you were uncomfortable and had to do something ugh those classmates never leave you alone huh?" You chuckled your so grateful to have a friend like Kendo "anyways let's hurry and go to this "awesome" place monoma keep spamming my phone about" you playfully rolled you eyes and walked with Kendo
Meanwhile your classmates glared at the window Cleary pissed off it "seems like those pest need a lesson.." izuku said voice laced with vemon
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eluxcastar · 9 months
idk if we're meant to req this way but Pantalone Dottore and Capitano (separate) with #6?? please we're starving out here ri
Opening up to their s/o
── ୨୧:pantalone, il dottore, il capitano x reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: more of this prompt more comfort drabbles spins
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff but I would maybe not call it straight fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, literally none of these people effectively communicate, kinda vague on purpose
୨୧﹑words :: 1.3k
Opening up for the first time.
is nobody feeding you?? I mean I know I've been slow but anon honey are you ok 😭
sorry this has taken so long as I said medical issues I swear I'm back to not starve you I've been thinking of this since I received it actually because you said you're starving. to everyone else, I'm getting off my ass
prompt list
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── ୨୧:pantalone
Pantalone is not typically emotional. He is prone to fronts and lies, and he is not enthusiastic about the idea of sharing his feelings with you. It's not in his nature to be emotional, though Pantalone feigns such things and uses it to hide things from you. Playful with you each time you question him, he'll evade it and convince you, to his satisfaction, that everything is fine.
You hardly believe him, as is the case with many of the things he says. His well-crafted exterior hardly masks his stress once caught off guard, crushed under the pressure of maintaining the image of a well-groomed and high-class businessman.
The people he associates with disgust him, as do their actions and worldviews. They were raised in a world of glamour and decadence where he's belittled, new money in a sea of people living off of old money. It never seems to get to Pantalone until it does; the outbursts of anger are what follow. It's fine, he always says. He just needed a moment.
But nothing will ever be enough, he realises, your arms so inviting as you stand by the chair at his desk, running your hands through his hair, only a month after you made it official you were dating. Pantalone's poker face was pretty while it lasted, but his messier sides were always lurking just around the corner. To hold his head in your arms and console him through his pent-up anger is therapeutic to him, a labour of love for you.
His composure is fragile at times as he dances on the occasionally very thin line between put together and on the verge of smashing his wine glass in frustration right in front of an acquaintance. It's certainly not pretty, and he makes his fingers hurt at times from how hard he fights to refrain from doing it, but it keeps the very thing he works so hard for—his reputation.
Pantalone got so far, but it still amounts to nothing, even when he's the wealthiest man in the world. Nothing matters in the face of a reputation lingering, a poor man pretending to be rich, new money already too big for his britches. You don't care about his reputation, and you're not caught up in appearances. He likes that.
He likes how you laugh as you tell him that's junk, rich people crap, aristocratic bullshit. It feels comforting, like home to laugh his problems off as the pettiness of others. It's nice to let go of such a serious outlook.
── ୨୧:il dottore
Dottore's idea of sharing with you very much involves deflecting, avoiding and dancing around the many problems in his life, not eager to rely on a person when he could solve the issue himself. If you never need to know, you never start worrying and never dwell on it. He never has to face the problem properly.
For small things, that doesn't seem so strange. Dottore can quickly move on without them bothering him too much because that's the natural way of dealing with minor inconveniences, short of being ironically dramatic. Something goes wrong, and he can solve it within fifteen minutes. It's like water off a duck's back. Other times, Dottore will wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, and his greatest worry is how to make sure he doesn't wake you up as he slips out of bed.
No matter how often you tell Dottore to tell you what's wrong, he tries to assure you it's nothing, insignificant or a temporary setback. It's not that, as evidenced by his troubled face. It doesn't shake his lies. He'll run off and try to fix it all himself just as he always has, previously stemming entirely from the fact he had to, now purely by habit. If it ain't broke, don't fix it (it's broke).
So to hear him open up is…strange, though you are used to long-winded rambles reminiscent of a raving madman. He talks quickly sometimes and expects you to follow to the best of your abilities. Whether you can or not is another question. It is different, tired and spent from a day of hard work, hands raking through his messy blue hair as words fall from his lips as quickly as they enter his mind, barely coherent sentences of every inconvenience big and small he faced.
In a way, he hopes it's so hurried and jumbled you'll hardly catch half of it, though you sit by his side and debate between rubbing his back and not startling him with the sudden touch. It feels like the release of every little thing he bottled up overflows, and he doesn't want to speak once he settles, quiet. He looks at you with such exhaustion in his eyes, and you touch your hands to his face with as much caution as you can muster. He lets out a sigh the closest filled with the closest to relief he can get.
It is not perfect; he is an imperfect man. But it is his first step, and he can be nurtured.
── ୨୧:il capitano
Capitano doesn't intentionally hide things at a glance. He's usually very open with what he says, but some things slip his mind, and he's hardly keen on speaking from an emotional standpoint. Everything is objective, a piece of news and not a conversation about what happened. Someone fell down a ravine. What happened? They died. And his reaction? It happens all the time.
Objectively, that measure is correct, but it ignores the fact that people are people. He never wants to acknowledge being part of something because Capitano can tell you things without needing to. You notice it but avoid bringing it up, wondering maybe if that's just how he copes with it all. The years of death and bloodshed will weigh down on him, but if he doesn't bring it up to you, he'll have a reprieve to retreat to.
It's not good enough, but people never are. Everyone has their vice, and perhaps Capitano's vice is separating himself from who he is in battle once he returns home.
He never had a single point at which everything came crashing down, and the world felt bleak, but a series of small moments where Capitano let it slip that he mourned each loss with unimaginable care. Capitano remembers their names and keeps items to memorialise them. Somehow, that's not unthinkable with the way he keeps his regiment running like a well-oiled machine, every person there to better it in some way. He picked those people by hand.
Capitano paces when he thinks. He paces more than usual around the room in circles on a particularly rough night. He suffered a great setback, as it was put. You try everything you can think of to get through to him, from asking him to talk to you to telling him to sit down. He insists on just being preoccupied.
Coincidentally, that gets you the furthest as he tries to push you away with excuses.
He's preoccupied. Why? He had a difficult mission. What happened? People died. And? And what? There shouldn't be more, yet it unravels, the loose thread of his stoic composure suddenly coming apart. He knew them by name; it hurt to lose them, and he wishes to personally deliver their belongings to their families as soon as possible. That's it. That's enough for him to curl up on the couch and quietly accept that you finally got him to say something and that it was pleasant to have it be less of a burden to carry such things.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Can we hear your thoughts on Leona! Yutu?
Since Leona died fighting the Phantom, Yutu obviously wouldn't have met him, and I'm wondering about your ideas between what Leona became after NRC, how the loss of Yuu affected him, Leona's death, and Yutu's opinion of him before and after meeting him. I had an errant idea of Leona having Died a Hero's Death and then when Yutu meets him it's like, "THIS is the guy my parent was willing to spend the rest of their life with???"
Anyway yeah. As a Leona Simp, I would much appreciate anything you write.
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Does he like cats... you know I have always sort of seen Leona has having a petty rivalry with Grim because he thinks he should be the King Cat, so the image of Leona! Yutu lying in a field with a bunch of cats is sort of a perfect contrast. I like it: Leona! Yutu absolutely loves cats and they love him.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. You can find even more stuff for it on my masterlist under the series section.
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Leona and and his position in the kingdom's line of succession... Based off my understanding of what we see in the Tashmina event I think the Savanna would prioritize protecting their royal family over a lot, something that pissed Leona off. He went to fight the King of Beast's phantom because he saw it as a problem he made and that he needed to take responsibility for sure, but also because he had no faith in his brother to do anything meaningful about it. I want to say that his brother wanted to enshrine Leona as a hero for his sacrifice, but that this decision was very unpopular with his advisors so he was buried in the Elephant Graveyard without much fanfare. He is an extremely popular figure with the hyenas, as is Ruggie. They see him as restoring the Kingdom's honor in a way by defeating the false king, something no other country in the apocalypse can claim, but things are still rough since they can't rely on tourism anymore and the blot has been making the weather really unpredictable, leading to bad harvests and starving people.
If Yuu was Leona's... losing them wouldn't have a noticeable affect on him but it was a massively crushing blow. We know he hates his unique magic because turning things to sand is a curse in the Savanna, but did it really have to be his own family this time? The family he got in spite of himself, the one fucking person who chose him no matter how much he snapped at them and tried to convince them to see him for what he was; a worthless dead end that would only hurt them. And what's worse is he knows that whoever took them had his brother's cooperation.
"Couldn't let me have this one fucking thing could you?" He's laughing as he says it and not even the irritation in his sister in law's eyes makes him back down. "Stuff it. I ain't stupid enough for whatever line you got fed and I don't care about your justifications. You're gonna have to live with this one on your own, Falena. Just like I have to."
He refuses to talk to his other family after that. No matter who is asking or making demands, taking Yuu and Yutu away from him is just one step too far. His brother probably thought that Yuu would be allowed to come home and that's why he let them go, but that's not exactly an excuse Leona would be willing to accept from anyone, let alone the supposed leader of a state. He almost feels relived when the blot phantoms start wreaking things, Leona might just want to sleep until you come to wake him up again but fighting things gives him an excuse to get his mind off things. Dying is a relief, he doesn't have to deal with Idia's whining or living without you any longer than he already has. His only regret is that he had to take Ruggie with him.
I really love this fanart and head cannon fima11 had of Leona's hair being light when he was born, and the color getting darker as he grows, so the idea of something similar happening with Leona! Yutu when he's born is really sweet. Leona's hair sort of resembles a mane, it'd be cute if Leona! Yutu's did the same. And genetics are already so weird I don't think any earth doctors would like too much of it.
Leona! Yutu is a sleepy boy. His hobby is napping and his favorite place in the whole wide world is his bed. He has a bad habit of laying face first in his pillows because he snores pretty loudly and he doesn't want to wake anyone up, which sort of makes him look like he has passed out as opposed to just settled down for a good snooze.
Because he is being raised by a single parent in the human world and not a bunch of gossipy servants hired by emotionally neglectful royalty, Yutu is significantly less entitled than Leona is. He has good sense with his money and can work hard, he just has a bit of a problem with resting bitch face that leaves people thinking he is rude. And to be fair? If someone is testing his patience then he really can be. Apple didn't fall far from the tree, Yutu is absolutely brutal when people test his patience.
Yuu's memories of Leona don't exactly help with his perceived behavior problems, they recall Leona's catty personality and how rude he could be, but that he was so remarkably clever and so very strong, that they were in awe of him sometimes. I think they would mention that he struggled with depression due to a difficult upbringing and feel a need to make sure Yutu felt appreciated and like he could do anything he set his mind to, no matter who he was born as. Yutu just takes that to mean that being a bitch runs in the family and he fully intends to ride that excuse to the bank.
It's a nice thought but Yutu feels a bit conflicted by it. He has no doubt that Yuu will always love and support him, but other people? Yuu might be able to ignore what their neighbors say about them but Yutu can hear them loud and clear. They think Yuu's amnesia is an act, and that he's a weirdo freak. Not to mention they don't have any money so even if he wanted to be a doctor or something like that going to school would be a bit of a pain, even with his grades. He finds school to be boring, and even when he gets bullied by one of the coaches in to taking up a sport because of how strong he is it doesn't help much.
I could see him being very into space and astronomy because he feels like he doesn't belong in your world. He knows a lot of downright stupid stuff about UFO sightings and aliens even though he doesn't believe in them. He is SO DISAPPOINTED when Twisted Wonderland turns out to have no conspiracy theories to talk about, can't think the moon landing was faked if you never had one after all. If the world wasn't literally ending he would be pushing for the Sunset Savanna to win the space race, c'mon guys it is in our name everything the light touches totally expands to the stars-
Like the other beastmen Yutus he maintains his instincts, even in your world. He is extremely territorial about his things and especially your home. Like Cater! Yutu, he has strong feelings of nostalgia for your world, but unlike him it has nothing to do with the monsters or hardships. Lions just tend to stay in the same place for a long time so moving to entirely different world and ecosystem makes him feel weird, even if he prefers his beastfolk body to his human one.
Gets put in Savanaclaw by the mirror. He might like space but his preferred type of argument is rearranging someone's dental work before asking them to explain themselves. He'd be terrible at defending a thesis.
Leona! Yutu's place in the Sunset Savanna hierarchy is tricky. I think, as Yutu is his brother's child, Falena would want some sort of relationship with him as he does clearly love his brother. What makes that hard is that as far as the government is concerned, Leona is dead and that's the end of his part of the family line. Acknowledging that he had a son could further destabilize the already tense political situation in the Savanna since Leona's sacrifice is already a point of conflict between the royal family and a portion of their people. While Crewel has no problem telling Yutu about his father since he has a right to know, the fact that he is technically a prince is completely hidden from him for a long time.
We haven't really played with this idea yet, but I sort of like Leona having a ghost that hangs around his grave sometimes. Idia arranges for Yutu to go there on a day he thinks he'll be hanging around and while Yutu doesn't get to talk to his father he does get to see him and the look of pride in his eyes when the grumpy lion realizes who he is. Leona gets to pass on and be with Yuu while Yutu gets a lesson from his cousin about the concept of the great Kings living on in the sky and how the past lives on in him. Because while Cheka understand his dad's concerns like hell is he not going to meet his favorite cousin. His enthusiasm is really exhausting to Yutu, he appreciates the fact that someone has nice things to say about his dad but he isn't too sure how much he trusts this guy.
Oh right one more thing, I don't want to say each of the Savanaclaw boys would pass their magic on to their Yutu's so if we ever get around to Jack he won't, but Leona should pass on King's Roar to his kid. Causing a drought might be considered a curse but I want to say Leona! Yutu wears it with pride. He loves his roar and that despite all the effort put in to erasing Leona from existence he still lives in him. His head is fit to wear the crown, no matter what anyone says.
Leona clocks what Yutu is the instant he steps out of the portal. It's all in the kid's scent and what runes he used to make the jump. He takes some time to think about what it could mean and comes to a few conclusions. Firstly, if he has a kid with you then he will always have some sort of relationship with you, no not in the yandere possessive way (mostly), he just knows enough about himself and his wants to know that having a kid would not be something he did by accident. If he did that at some point in the future it would be because you were going to stay with him forever and he actually believed that. Something that clearly did not get to happen because of how protective Yutu is of his parent.
Yutu was a bit confused if he should go about interacting with his dad or even ask about him so you can imagine his surprise when he stops by Ramshackle to see Leona half asleep on the couch.
"Oh sorry Yuu isn't here-"
"I know." Leona doesn't even open his eyes, and is he seriously wearing his shoes on the couch? Yuu would kill him for that it's so unsanitary.
"Um. Ok I'll just leave you be the-"
"Why'd you travel back in time?" Oh Leona's eyes are open now and there is something about that stare that's nailing Yutu to his spot and tempting his tail between his legs. His dad must notice because he laughs and shakes his head. "Seriously? If that's all it takes to scare you shitless we really are fucked."
Leona doesn't outright say he knows he's his dad, but Yutu gathers that's probably the case from the difference in his attitude around him compared to everyone else. There's a degree of coldness and severity to Leona when he's giving orders that really isn't present when he's talking to him about overblots or his theories about who is responsible for the bad future. He's almost playful about it, like he is messing with a cub. Which Yutu supposes that he is but still, he doesn't like being treated like a kid. Something he very much regrets telling Leona because holy shit his dad is strong just like Yuu said he was.
I think Leona would make him play chess against him a lot. You can learn a lot about a person by playing chess with them, and since it's something Leona really likes to do he would enjoy sharing it with his son. I think he would also get a kick out of seeing Yutu get really competitive with him about it. Maybe there is some lion in this kid after all.
Leona also makes a subtle effort to teach him about how the court of the Sunset Savanna works. I think Leona would sort of enjoy the fact that his kid didn't grow up as royalty just because it meant he was free of the pressures that he had, but hate everything else he learned about Yutu's childhood. It inspires him to think a bit deeper about how he is going to address this when Yutu is born in this timeline, though he is admittedly lacking on solutions beyond refusing to die this time. He must have been really far gone to even consider making a heroic sacrifice that's not like him at all.
He does get the appeal of his father sort of? Sure he's lazy, but he is extremely intelligent and clearly a lot more knowledgeable about literally everything than Yutu thought he was. When they're working together he sees a very impressive person and reliable leader. When he sees Leona interact with you he has questions. Why do you let him pick fights with you so often? Yutu can tell he's making heart eyes at how you fight back but that's because he's a beatman himself so he can read his body language. And he's not crazy about how he orders you around because if his father is a Prince... wouldn't that mean by marrying him you would also be royalty? He is so confused...
Meanwhile Leona isn't rushing things just because he knows you return his feelings at some point. He wants you to choose to be with him of your own free will, wants the feeling that comes with knowing you did that and he is willing to play the game to get that. Every milestone he reaches is so much sweeter for knowing that he got you on his efforts alone, crappy attitude and all.
The reveal to Yuu, much like the reveal to Yutu is extremely mundane. Leona invites you to spend the night with him sometime after you get together and he asks you while you're curled up on his chest and he's holding you just a bit too tight (not because he's afraid you'll run, not at all) how you would feel if you could never go home.
"A little upset." Because you had resigned yourself to the possibility a long time ago now. There's a chance you're only in Twisted Wonderland because you died in your world anyway, might as well be grateful you're still kicking. "And if you stayed and things went bad here, would you still be alright with that?" You don't hesitate at all to his surprise. "I think I'd be safe if I was with you." Well he really hates to prove you wrong but you still deserve to know.
Leona is weirdly quiet in his anger. He roars sure, but that's to exert control. When he's mad he just gets smug and says a lot of hurtful stuff. He leaves the screaming to Yuu, and I could see a Yuu that got with Leona only to learn they didn't get to spend the rest of their life with him doing a lot of screaming. Preventing the apocalypse is a team effort now but first Yutu and Leona are getting scolded for not letting Yuu in on the secret sooner. Leona is down bad horrendous and Yutu wants to die, he hates making you mad.
If I had to make a list of characters I would trust to find a solution to an apocalypse, Leona would actually be pretty close to the top. He is going to bitch about it the entire way, but if he were given the facts before things went too sideways, I think he would be able to make a good plan to set them straight. And there is no way anyone is going to tell him that he managed to have something as precious to him as Yuu taken away from him and not have him do something about it. He'll swallow his pride and take his licks when he has to, but not on this. Never on this, whoever thought he'd just roll over and die is going to shatter in his hands and be like dust on the wind. He really hopes they have enough sense to be prepared....
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clus444 · 2 months
Love and Deepspace p2
Sylus x Black!reader (Ofc anyone can read)
I stand by this ending lmao. But i really didn't know how to end it. Anywaysss, enjoy!Slightly edited! ---------------------------------------------------
I groan as I shift my head to my window. I blink a few times to get the blurry spots out of my eyes.
"What the...," I sit up and huff," What," I zombie walk my way to open the window. I feel a light breeze pass through, close my eyes, and breathe in the air. (So dreamyy)
*Cawk Cawk* Mephisto hops up and down to get my attention. It's impatiently waving a paper between his little but sharp beak.
"It's too early for this amount of attitude," I grasp the paper from his beak, a little harsher than intended. The paper is an off-creme color, folded and wax-sealed, red with a crow-shaped pendant in the middle. Mephisto taps his beak on the window cill and turns his face to the side to focus his eye.
I hide the smile threatening to come out at Mephisto's actions. Despite his butt face of an owner, Mephisto can be good company. I stand up with my left knee cracking a little(It's a real problem.)I go to my kitchen, go straight to my drawers, and grab a quarter I had. I return to my bedroom and put the coin on the window sill," Now get off my property."
  I sit on my bed and open the letter.
   -You've had time to calm down. Now, unblock me.
   P.S. Forgiveness does not change the past, my love, but allow it to enlarge our future.
Rendition of Paul Boese
I scoff at whatever I just read. Space? I have no proof, but over this past week, I have felt someone's eyes on me when I'm walking home from work, or when I'm on a mission with Xavier, don't even remind me of when I had to meet up with the twins to get my stuff.
  I'll drop dead before I admit this to them but I will miss them. They always made me laugh, included me in things so I wouldn't feel left out, and picked up the pieces from some of Sylus and my earlier fights.
  I go through my morning routine, trying to give myself time to feel hungry to eat some breakfast. I'm going to get over Sylus. Whether It's to get under someone else or egg Sylus's house to get some petty revenge for my heart. I finish up in the bathroom and head downstairs for a light breakfast of fruit loops. I decide to be extra, adding strawberries and a little honey on the side.
  When I finish I almost cross the hallway to the living room but stop when a knock sounds. I head for the door and look through the peephole. Annoyance crawled up dug its way into my ass and burrowed in my head. " What do you want," I question Sylus's smug face at my door. He stops leaning on my door and walks me back into my house, closing the door with his foot as a locking sound catches my attention.
   He backs me to a wall," You took too long to unblock me. I wanted to apologize the right way, but you just...," he trails off looking me up and down. I shiver under his gaze but fix him with a glare. He smirks as he leans down and brushes our lips together. I turn my face away from him.
   "Do I look like a pawn shop? You can't just flash me a pretty smile and think I'll give you my jewels," I push on his shoulders to get some distance. He backs up with a puzzled look on his face," Wouldn't I be the pawn dealer since I give you all of my money, or are you the pawn dealer because I want..." He trails off but quickly follows up by moving his hand to cup my heat.
   Now...I never claimed to be the world's strongest soldier. I also value the saying actions speak louder than words. So! Just as anyone else, who could deny being princess carried to my bed, laid on my back, and shorts hastily off. He pushes my legs apart and up. He kisses my thighs before backing up and smacking my cheek. I yelp as I glare at him, a warning on the tip of my tongue.
   He leans down to my pussy and presses a kiss to my folds, where my clit lays. His tongue slides out of his mouth and softly licks my clit. I roll my eyes as I threaten him in my head, to not tease for long. He smirks at my shiver and looks up to connect eyes. He slowly licks up from my hole up to my clit. My hip buck as my breath gets caught in my throat." I'll give you three reasons to forgive me," is all he says as he blows on my clit and starts lightly sucking it. I push my hips down towards his mouth as he hungrily eats me out.
     My legs clench around his head and I hear an annoyed huff before he wraps an arm around my hips to pin me to the bed. He stations his other hand on my thigh and pushes down so, my folds part and show my flowing juices. "Be good for me, kitten." He dives back into my flowing abyss. My back arches as I whimper," Jus'...like tha'," I moan. He feasts with a hunger I hadn't seen in him before. He pulls back and takes his hand on my thigh and uses it to draw quick circles on my clit.
  " I neglected my poor kitten and instead of licking her wounds clean, I poured salt in them," I'm wet enough that he's able to slide two long, thick fingers into me. He pumps slowly before picking up speed and curling his fingers towards my spot. "ahh...ha," my mouth hangs open as I feel my peak coming strong. A pressure building in my lower abdomen. He takes his fingers out before sucking the liquid on his fingers. His eyes close in pleasure and takes them out.
   He starts drinking from my hole like a man that was left in the middle of nowhere. "P-pleasee... D-on't stop," I cry out as he attacks my clit. My body tenses as my peak hits me. My body spasms against him but Sylus just grips tighter and continues to swirl his tongue on my clit. I whine and whimper, "S... stylus." I begin squirming and my hole clenches around nothing. He pauses his minstriations," Color? If you want to stop I will, I can make it up to you in other ways." I suck in deep breaths.
   I blink at him and think about it. While yes, I would like to get head and possibly fucked into the sheets. The problem is still there and the haze of sex is covering it. "Green... But as much as I want to continue. I want us to talk it out," I feel a sense of vulnerability in the air. I shift uncomfortably from it but don't shed away from his eye contact. My heart picks up speed as he lets my legs down. He rubs my thighs and sits beside me on the bed," Let's talk kitten."
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luimagines · 4 months
it didn't answer my question but it was delightful to read nonetheless!!!!!
i meant like.. yk how you mentioned that the chain would doubt human reader more bcs theyre human?? then you said a situation when reader would save sky and sky would be like "nope readers got this fym they dont??" like what situations would happen with the others to make them also be like "nvm readers got this"?
(hopefully this makes sense HELP)
-person who asked about the human reader scenario thing
I've had to think about this for a while so I'm that this took me so long to answer. ^.^*
Twilight: Given that he has no problems with humans, Reader's problem would just winning him over as a person. He finds that he adore them just as much when he first introduces Wolfie to them. They gasped and instantly started complimenting and petting him, much to the horror of everyone else. They couldn't resist giving him kisses and telling what a good boy he was- not recognizing him a wolf. Twilight figures that if Reader likes animals, they're not all that bad.
Sky: His opinion was already mentioned when they got separated from the group and he hurt his ankle, unable to move on. Reader picked him up and carried him on his back until they were able to meet up with the group again. Their stamina and determination impressed him. From there he disregarded the other comments and assumptions about Reader, coming to their aid when they needed him to.
Wind: Being in the middle, Wind didn't really have much of an opinion. Not to mention that his age leaves him more vulnerable to going with the crowd and what the majority says. But there's a moment where his age also leaves him vulnerable as any small boy would. Reader finds him rubbing away the tears when the adventure become too much and lets him cry on their shoulder. They don't make a big deal out of it and help to hide the fact that he broke down from the other heroes. Wind's ego was bruised at being caught, but he's glad that Reader took his pride into account, knowing how much he wanted the other boys to view him as a equal. He'll remember that.
Wild: Reader was willing to eat anything Wild threw their way. they weren't picky and even willing to help make new recipes for Wild to make. They cooked together, sharing stories around the cauldron and laughing about how similar they were, even if they were still so different. Wild doesn't know/remember he's part human, but he knows he's different. Reader was always different so Wild doesn't think they'll see him as anything other than himself- and when they manage to choke down the dubious food he playfully tossed their way. He realized that was an invitation for the biggest prank war of the century. This'll be fun.
Legend: This boy near the end is just petty. At first Reader would meet his sass tit for tat. But after a particularly difficult day, Legend tries to get into the verbal sparring before Reader frustratedly tears up, hands clenched into fists and shaking from the restraint they hold over themselves. They yell at Legend, calling him out on his crap and saying that they're sick of his attitude and they don't understand what they did for him to fight them so much. It occurs to Legend that they were not on the same page after all and the verbal sparring was actually Reader attempting to defend themselves against his barrage of attitude. Reader takes off and Legend gives them time to cool down. He feels bad. He's self conscious enough to realize that he's the one at fault here.
Four: I think he's the simplest to be won over. Obviously, Reader has questions about the weapons he'd make in the forge. Even is Reader doesn't necessarily have the knowledge to meet him toe to toe in blacksmithing, they'd no doubt knowing someone who does. They mention techniques and Four was able to go on and on about his love and his passion with someone who actually listened. It doesn't seem like much to Reader but that sort of connection rewired something in Four's brain. Four may have grown up surrounded by bias but he's the fastest to simplify that Reader, at least, isn't defined but what others have told him.
Warrior: Is always watching them like a hawk. If they're up to something he's going to be the first to know. Because of this long time observation sting operation thing he sees all the little things that Reader does when they think no one is looking. Little by little his bias and hate his chipped away and before he knows it, when Reader is threatened, he's sprinting to come to their aid- worry gnawing at his bones on the off chance he doesn't get there in time. It's only after Reader is tended to and no long in any danger that he realizes the implications of his actions. He wants to hold on to what he thought he knew... but he finds that the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that Reader had already proven a lot of the rumors wrong. He owes them an apology.
Hyrule: As one the least trusting of the group, he would have spent a lot of time avoiding Reader just on principle. But then he gets a bad hit. Sliced right across his abdomen. He's bleeding out. There's a lot of blood loss. He's worried about the curse. The monsters. Hyrule. Reader is suddenly above him, pinning him down, refusing the very concept of him losing more blood. They're covered in the crimson liquid quickly. Despite not able to feel or use magic, they patch him up. They stich him together again. Through sheer force of will they refuse to let him die. They don't take advantage of his weakness. They don't use his blood for anything he would have thought they would. He passes out with his life in their hands and a debt to pay.
Time: Is skeptical of new people as a rule. But he never really believed the rumors of humans anyway. He just never had a personal experience with them and he knew better after everything he's gone through to make that call without have first hand information. There was a moment where they were about to check in to an inn but Reader was denied access. To avoid a fight, they stayed with Epona in the stables for the night. Time was furious with the concept. The next day, after herding them away from the others he asks why they didn't fight back. Why didn't they stand up for themselves? Reader explains that's just how it is between Hylians and humans. They don't expect anything glamorous when dealing with them. They say that being the bigger person comes at a price but they're not willing to sacrifice their head for the sake of someone who doesn't know them and will never see them again. Time isn't happy with this answer. It's not right. And isn't it a hero's job to fix what's wrong?
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spaceofentropy · 6 months
Thank you, @ihni , for the baton! Without further ado, here's my contribution to the Harringrove Relay Race!
It's a little fic (that I'll post on ao3 later, when I'm awake and cosplaying as a functioning human) and that is very cleverly (not really) titled...
A Pirate's Life For Me
Billy's always known he wasn't lucky in life and this, right here, is the culmination of it all.
Not even two months at sea, working his ass off for a meager pay in the hopes of earning enough to exstinguish the debts his father and Chrissy's father put on their shoulders before dying, and his ship gets captured by pirates.
Worse: captured by the Dread Pirate Roberts, who has a reputation as a great swordman and a ruthless bastard who doesn't leave survivors.
Billy did his best in the fight, but he's just a farm boy turned deck swabber, his swordmanship goes very little further than "the handle goes into your hand, the pointy part goes inside the enemy". So now he's kneeling, hands raised, on the deck of the Panthaira, along with the rest of the surviving crew and passengers.
Well, with all the survivors except Captain Loman, who's huddled against the main mast. The Dread Pirate Roberts is crouched in front of the captain and talking to him in a low voice while the captain clearly draws his last breaths, shirt painted a vivid red with the blood gushing from the puncture wounds in his chest. Loman was a petty tyrant, so Billy is not exactly bawling his eyes out at the prospect of the captain being gone soon. It's just the principle of the thing that counts. The Panthaira has been captured, and, to put it mildly, Billy is fucked.
There are too many pirates keeping them under threat of more stabbing, and also no damn place to go even if he were able to escape the ship. They're in the middle of the ocean, nothing but water in every direction for hundred if not thousands of miles.
So Billy stays where he is.
And looks either at the back of the Dread Pirate Roberts or at the slow rising and falling of Loman's chest.
He waits and hates how his arms are getting heavier and heavier by the second. Soon, he'll be dead and, back home, Chrissy will have to mourn her best friend too, not just her parents.
Captain Loman's chest at last goes still and Roberts extends a careful, gloved hand to close the man's unseeing eyes, before turning towards his prisoners in one swift, elegant movement.
Robert's dressed all in black and wearing a mask, just like the stories say. He has long brown hair tied in a low pony tail, and dark eyes that sweep the crew and passengers of the Panthaira like he can weigh the wort of each of them with just one look.
Billy lets his hands fall down, tired of this charade. If he's gonna die anyway, what good comes from obeying? Might as well die with some feeling left in his arms.
Someone shouts at Billy to raise his hands again and he just ignores him. Roberts is walking their way, his steps slow and his attention pointedly fixed on cleaning blood off the blade of his sword.
Somewhere behind Billy, a woman starts weeping. One of the crew members pleads for his life. Another offers all the money he's got to be spared.
Bunch of cowards.
Roberts stops in front of Billy, ignores everyone else.
"You're not pleading," he says in such a voice and cold tone that the people around them fall silent, too scared of what's happening.
"I don't plead."
"Aren't you scared, boy?"
"To death."
Roberts grins. It makes the moles on his cheek dance.
"Should I bestow on you the sweet mercy of death, then, or not?"
Billy licks his lips and grins back.
"You should let me live, sir."
"And why should I make an exception?"
That's the true problem. Both Billy and Roberts know it, judging by the predatory look in his eyes.
Why, indeed.
"True love?" Billy tries.
Roberts laughs.
"She must be an exceptional lay, to make you believe someone will let you live only so that you'll be able to bed her again!"
"Wouldn't know, I've never wanted to fuck my best friend. Is there truest, purest love than the one that's never been tainted by lust or carnal needs?"
The Dread Pirate Roberts laughs even more and then shakes his head.
"Unbelievable," he says in a stage whisper. "What's your name, boy?"
"Well, Billy, I find myself in sudden need of a personal attendant." Roberts pauses for a beat, cocks his head to the side. Predatory is now an understatement for the look in those dark eyes. "Do a good job and one day you'll be able to return home to your best friend. Do a bad job, and your friend will never see you again. Are you interested in the position?"
Billy grits his teeth and never lets his gaze waver from Roberts.
The decision is so simple he doesn't even need to think about it. He nods and Roberts smiles.
Billy doesn't know what's in his future, but he'll do all he can to survive whatever Roberts throws his way and then return home. His best friend is waiting for him.
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And with this, my installment of the race is done and it's time to head over to @liverditty in an hour for his contribution! I can't wait to see what he created for this beautiful event! In the mean time, thank you for reading, fair tumblr users, and thanks for organizing this, @harringrove-relay-race ! ❤️
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Hii! First of all, congrats con 600 followers, you deserve that and so many more, I'm literally in love with your work :) I was wondering if I could request a San scenario with the following prompts (from the lists you reblogged):
“Urgh, why do you always insist on doing nice things for me?” “Because I enjoy it.”
“Can’t you just accept when people do nice things for you?” “No, I can’t.”
“The only reason why I’m letting you get away with shit like this is because I like you, you dense fucking cabbage.”
I was thinking kind of best friend au, but they both have feelings for eachother, BUT, they're both in denial about it. You can decide how the rest goes, thank you so muh in advance!! ~
yELLS thanks sweetheart 🥲 in love with my work whAT 🥹💕 thank you for being here with me! I love this request so here is your SAN-ario 😄 ps: look up the definition of mon petit chou I dare you
Mon Petit Chou- Best Friend!San x Gender Neutral!Reader
Word Count: 2282 | Best Friends to Lovers | Warnings: language, mention of drinking but no actual drinking lol, slightly suggestive?
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You weren’t sure when the fuck this all started, just that you hated it with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
Your life had been peaceful, safe, mundane even, and so help you if you’d ever complained about it you were going to invent time travel just to go back and smack yourself one in the face for it.
Somehow, against all common sense, bro or whatever codes, and hope of joy you’d developed feelings for your best friend. The two of you had known each other for the past four years, meeting in your final year of high school at the dance of all places. Neither of you dated then, so you were there in a state others perceived as ‘alone’, each of you seeing it as with friends, with the while school, and leaping into the fray of energetic dancing. And that was how you ended up doing the cupid shuffle together and, for some reason, the old YMCA routine. You’d shook and jumped to Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off and the legendary Amor Fati by Kim Yeonja, all the simultaneously memed and beloved songs you could dream of. Some people assumed you were a couple and you two burst out laughing as you told them you’d literally just met. Like, you exchanged names after they said that.
San was easy to talk to, especially after seeing each other in sweaty teenage abandon first. He was no pressure, no butterflies- until now, for some forsaken reason, when your heart had decided to abandon all reason and beat like a mother when San pulled you into a hug or smiled that dimpled smile you’d looked at countless times- why was it special now?
Sure, you’d always acknowledged he was good-looking, but in the way people talked about celebrities outside their preferred gender- just acknowledgement, nothing deeper. But suddenly you found your brain rushing out from under you like a yanked rug, wondering what his lips would feel like against yours.
And dammit, you were dead-set on never finding out.
Making a move at that point would be platonic suicide, torpedoing the best friendship you’d ever had, and frankly you’d lost too many with age, time, distance, drama to do it again. And not with San. Even if it was like life’s Master Ball and you only got one forever friendship, it was going to be San. You’d already aimed and pitched, and no petty, new, frustrating as all get-out feelings were going to knock that off course.
If only San got the memo too.
Maybe it was simply a matter of increased awareness thanks to your nascent problem, but it was like he’d grabbed the knob full force and dialed all the charm and sweetness to eleven, sensing your pulse skyrocketing for a thousand tiny reasons you wanted to shoot down like clay pigeons.
It was chilly the other afternoon? Here, take his jacket. You forgot your sunglasses? Did you want his? What ring size were you? Here, compare to his- go on, just see if it fits. And by jove, you will never carry a single remotely heavy object again if Choi San can help it.
“Why do you always insist on doing nice things for me?” You groaned, head rolling to fix your best friend with a look.
“Because I enjoy it,” he replied simply, contentedly, the most plaintive of smiles on his face as he tilted his own head down for a brief respite on your shoulder.
Curse him and his adorable love of affection. “Well, ah, what can I do for you?” You spluttered, indignant at no one but yourself.
“It doesn’t have to be a transaction. I know you’ve had people around you make it seem like it is, but you don’t have to repay me. I know you’d help me if I needed it, too.”
Biting back a response about you surprisingly not actually needing him to carry your shopping bags, you just sighed and thanked him, shuffling along the mall tile with slightly less relish. He’d always been like this- selfless, kind, loving, and you’d always loved those things about him.
So when he sat you down at the food court, gingerly resting your bags on the shiny public-eatery metal seat adjacent to yours as he scooted yours back, what else could you do but smile and thank him? San asked you what you wanted for lunch, and you told him you didn't mind, to which he shot back that he didn't either. Then you told him to pick, and he told you to pick, and you both bickered playfully back and forth until you got tacos.
Ugh, just like an old married couple.
"Can't you just accept when people do nice things for you?"
"No," you crossed your arms in mostly-mock-obstinance, "no, I cannot."
"I swear, you'd make me pay you back if I bought you a candy bar," San rolled his eyes playfully, fixing you with a fond smile.
Because if you're always paying for me when we go out, you wanted to say, I can pretend it's a date. I can get it in my fat fucking head what it would be like to have you as my boyfriend and never get it back out.
"Money is designed to be exchanged for goods and services," you actually said.
"This isn't a service," he replied, putting an arm you didn't care was sticky with sweat around your shoulders, extending the water bottle toward your hand, "it's me caring about you."
Hot from exertion as you were, you instantly melted under the warmth of his half-embrace, accepting the water bottle. "And you know I appreciate it. I'm just not used to getting cared for."
"Then I'm not doing my job!" Your best friend exclaimed, eyes glinting. "I'm always going to be here to take care of you, so get used to it!"
"I think I started figuring that out when you brought three different blankets and a plushie the first time I watched a movie with you," you told him with a teasing smile.
San's smile fell almost into introspection, getting a bit more serious, which you didn't expect. "You joke, but I mean it, (y/n)."
Almost against your will, your head nodded solemnly, though your own smile couldn't fade, in fact it widened dumbly as a side effect of your hammering heart. "I hope so."
And then, as if he hadn't said something so infuriatingly sweet, San patted your shoulder, stood up from his squatted position, and took your water-bottle-free hand in his, pulling you up, too. You could have sworn he gave your hand a squeeze, but it was so brief, maybe you imagined it.
"Alright, so are we dancing or what?"
Sometimes you wished you guys drank more. That you could hit the edge of blackout and do something you'd barely remember, nor regret, and butt so hard against the line it finally broke and reformed in less questionable territory. That some alien substance in your veins could be blamed for anything dubbed unthinkable, and you'd have already rehearsed any laughter necessary if San wanted to make middle-school ew, gross jokes as if your lips transmitted cooties.
But San was a lightweight, and neither of you enjoyed that scene. The two of you were more the types to get coffee twice in a ay and laugh too hard at stupid things like the word guava on a caffeine buzz.
"We're fun enough even without alcohol," San often joked to you.
So the drama-flick drunk confession, intoxicated makeout, was out. Best not to duplicitously offer a drink in exchange for-
"(y/n)? I think it's all done," San's voice cut through your mental spiral.
You almost had to shake your head out of it, vision having faded to a zoned-out blur, obscuring even the shape of his wide, tank-topped shoulders as he had bent over your car.
Now he was at your side, wiping his hands on a cloth like some sort of professional mechanic, not just your best friend who insisted you didn't need to pay someone like that just for an oil filter and a change. A change which had cost him the dove grey of his garment, something you could hardly help asking why he'd wear such a light color of for that.
"San, your top, it's all stained!"
As he tossed the rag aside, he tilted his head down, bobbing it in recognition of the black smudge marks. "Well, at least it wasn't expensive."
"I think I know how to get it out if you want. You could always go get a new-"
Before you could even finish your sentence, he was stripping, yanking the top off from the bottom hem and leaning against the knob of your garage door. Despite the clear invitation to go inside and, you know, do exactly what you just said you were going to do, surprised crossed your (very warm) face, effectively sealing you to the concrete floor. The only process your brain could perform in that moment was trying to figure out if you had the world's best or worst luck.
"Oh, uh-" Trying not to stare, your eyes very pointedly searched San's face.
Your best friend frowned slightly, expression halfway to the innocence you were used to, and somehow that almost made it worse. "What?"
"Just," you hesitated as you accepted his now inside-out tank top, skin-warmed fabric heating your hands, too, which you glanced down at beneath San's intent gaze, "didn't expect you to be this comfortable is all."
San crossed his arms, face falling first in shock, then shaping up into almost dark amusement as a different, more incredulous smile rose to his sharp features. "Are you kidding me?"
Oh, no. You made it weird. This was it. Or maybe he just thought you were doubting his friendship, which he shouldn't. Everyone knew unironically doing the YMCA bonded people for life. Or sharing blankets. Or...ah, crap. Not now. "No, it's great, I'm really glad you trust me. I trust you, too, you know. Maybe I don't show that enough, but that's why you know so much about me, and I really appreciate you-" Your rant suddenly fell short as your eyes betrayed you, drifting down slightly and absolutely ramming your train of thought into a wreck. "You know, always being there for me and being so thoughtful and pretty much being my favorite person ever-"
“The only reason why I’m letting you get away with shit like this, with seeing me like this," he motioned over his, well, quite fit torso, "is because I like you, you dense fucking cabbage.” The moment the words left San, his face fell into his hand, out of frustration or embarrassment it was hard to say. Probably more the latter, knowing how sweet your best friend was. He didn't use strong language...well, almost ever.
Train wreck take two. Not a single word rose to your mind, only sensations, for a solid three seconds, during which all you could do was stand there wide-eyed, venture a step towards San, two steps. Finally you spoke, feeling like an idiotic teen sitcom character as your dumb response left your lips. "You like me?"
"Yes," San sighed, posture deflating a bit against the doorframe, "I'm sorry. Sorry for the language, and just...I hadn't really planned on how I was going to say it, but it definitely wasn't like that. You deserve way better than that. I just... sometimes I feel like you like me back, but then I wonder if you're pushing me away. And you have every right to do that, especially if I've messed up our friendship, I can just-"
You cut him off, harnessing the motion of his lips for greater purpose against yours. San responded instantly to the kiss, hands cupping your face and pulling it deeper into his like you were air and he'd spent his whole life underwater. Your arms wrapped around those broad, bare shoulders, hands resting at the back of his neck.
"Wait, you like me?" Ok, you felt better about how dumb you seemed, as those were San's first words out of the kiss.
"Yes, you, what was it? Ah, yes. 'Dense fucking cabbage'," you quoted back at him with a merciless grin, arms tightening their grip ever so slightly.
"Oh, no," he winced, "that's going to stick forever, isn't it?"
"Yep," you breathed, leaning in for another kiss, the feeling of San's lips a hundred percent better than you could ever have imagined, so much warmer and realer and this time sweeter, sliding against yours like he was coaxing it out of you.
This time, upon pulling away you gave the side of his face a light, playful slap, enjoying the touch of his sculpted features against your palm.
"You're stuck with me now, mon petit chou."
San shook his head at the return of your devious grin, and you reveled in the blend of utter bliss and what did I get myself into painting his face as his hands snaked around your waist, twirling you in a little impromptu dance and dipping you down.
He smiled lovingly this time, sending your beating heart melting and surprise turning to joy across your own face. "As long as you keep being you and you'll let me do nice things for you now- no, scratch that, spoil you."
Keep being you. Holy shit, what a balm for the soul.
Cocking a brow, you shot back, "You spoil me and I embarrass you? Hardly sounds fair."
"All's fair in love and war," San responded, eyelashes fluttering.
You most definitely forgot to wash his top after that.
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majaloveschris · 8 months
I just want to say: I understand people are upset with him and this situation, and I agree, he went along with this stuff so he's as equally to blame, but can people just stop the pettiness? It's so childish at this point. I get it, you're mad, you're exhausted. Not saying your feelings aren't valid. So save your energy, focus it on other things, and just go. People are being so aggressive, and spending time just posting and laughing at how he's losing followers and whatever else. The reality is, you don't have to be here. You can still watch how it ends from somewhere else. You can watch how it ends without posting or being so passive aggressive.
Also, it's funny how people know he probably had to go along with it because he signed it. How people know he was probably trying to get out of it, and couldn't. How people know there were things he probably had to do because he signed it and couldn't get out of it. Okay. You're team PR, so you know what probably needed to happen that was outside of his control because he signed a contract. But then people will go posting aggressively and act like he's doing these things for fun. We know he's not (those of us who are on the pr side). But people acting all high and mighty like they've never made a mistake in their entire...I don't have a word for it. Like Eva-knits said, some people here only know how to criticise. It's obvious he's trying to move forward. So just let him. It's what we've been waiting for, for things to start moving forward. It's like people complain about the negativity and don't realise they add to it.
What I don't get is why people who say they don't like him anymore care about how this ends? Most of these people even say that they don't care about this being PR or real since he is out there with her by his side and associating with someone who is everything he's ever been against. So for these people, this being PR doesn't make a difference. There are people who would be willing to "support" him again when this ends, and if he shows he doesn't like them. But why stay if you already decided that no matter what happens, you don't like him anymore and you don't want to support him anymore? I'm not saying that's okay; it is. I get why people don't want to do it, and they have valid reasons. I get why people walk away; what I don't get is why people stay if they don't like him and if they are only hating on him.
I don't think most people who post or care about his stats are laughing at him. One of my dearest friends, Anne, is usually the one doing that, and I can assure you she doesn't do it to be petty. It's kind of sad to see how this whole situation gets worse and worse, and those numbers aren't about him having lesser and lesser followers, but more about people turning away from him and how damaging this whole situation is actually for him.
To be honest, it's a tough situation for all of us. And there are a lot of people who switch back and forth between this being PR and not, and we can't blame them for that. I do believe this is PR; I do believe he wants to get out of this; and I also believe he doesn't do this out of fun. You can see on his face that he doesn't want to be there, and I think his body language also says it all. But I also understand those who can't decide. And I think the things you've mentioned are because of that.
As I said before, calling him out is important, but I don't agree with the way some people do it. Body-shaming and bullying him isn't the right way to do so. And it's also getting common that no matter what he does, people always find some problem with it. He should be talking about this and that, but when he does, people call him "performative" and say, "How dare he talk about something like that when he is married to Alba?" But when he says nothing, that's a problem too; that's "performative" too. Some people don't like him anymore, and whatever he does will be bad and not right for them, which is because of Alba. Because he "married" someone like her. And that means, he is like them right? For me not, because I think this is not real, but still..
That's how the fandom is now. Everybody is getting more and more exhausted, but I still think that distancing yourself from this would be the best action if he bothers you this much. It isn't worth it. He doesn't deserve the body-shaming comment, and your support deserves a better candidate.
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How do you think the M6 would react to a lying MC? Whether it’s to them or some one else is up to you or how extreme the lie is. Thank you, Arcana Headcannon Jesus <3
The Arcana HCs: M6 and the lies MC tries to tell them
~ oh boy, i did not expect being called Arcana Headcannon Jesus to hit my religious trauma like that, that was a vibe check lol
considering how in the stories MC tends to omit the truth at worst and be painfully blunt at best, i'm going to write them as a terrible liar just as a personal design choice. and also because it makes me laugh. thanks for the prompt, anon, i hope it makes you smile! - brainrot ~
You can totally read his handwriting
You love it when he writes you love letters, they warm your heart, but truthfully you can only make out maybe a quarter of the words on the page
But you can't tell him that because you don't want him to feel like all that beautiful poetry went to waste
At least you think it was poetry
You're running some errands, does he need anything?
Ah, a list of obscure medical devices. Which may or may not be available. And he wrote it down for you, how sweet!
You're so busy trying to decipher the ink blotches that you don't notice his smirk
He totally believes you can read his writing, and all the words on the paper are totally not made up medical jargon
He never says anything because he lives for the moment he can bend over your shoulder and murmur the words he wrote into your quickly reddening ear
You don't mind the questionable objects they bring into the shop without warning at all
Nope, not the bidet-shaped flamethrower
Or the screeching rattle he replaced the shop's front door bell with that makes every incoming customer jump
Or their favorite painting containing colors that the human eye was not intended to see, prominently hung on your kitchen wall
Or the jar of kool-aid pickled garlic, which he still can't open even though it's been slowly emitting a toxic stench for the last month, and which he refuses to part with because he hasn't been able to try it yet
They love you, but they love pranking you too, and seeing your reactions makes them giggle
He would never cause you any harm though
Which is why their collection of poison spitting cacti stays in a pocket realm, next to the void that wouldn't stop teaching the stove salamander explosive curse words
You know royal etiquette like it's second nature
You know all the titles there are, you never get things like pontifex and praetor and procurator mixed up
The table place settings make total sense, who wouldn't use a slightly different type of fork to eat every kind of dish?
And nothing entertains you more than petty politics, nothing at all
In fact, you don't even find Nadia's highly accomplished family remotely intimidating
They're perfectly normal people, just like you, and you are just like them, every move is graceful and your clothes are always pristine
Nadia adores your spirited approach and will happily move purposefully slowly at the dinner table so you know which fork to grab and how to eat the complicated dishes that get served
According to her, you know what you're doing better than anyone else does
You can reach and lift anything he can, no problem
You just need a little more time, but you'll get it
You can get the fallen tree split up for firewood and carted into storage, no biggie
Okay so the sun is setting now and you started before lunch and it never takes him longer than half an hour, but you took a lot of breaks okay
But if he wants to spend time with you that badly, he can help a little
Now you just need to lift those bowls down to eat, you've got this, you're a good climber
You never develop any suspicions around why daily necessities always end up on the top shelves, or why Muriel is so open to you helping with outside chores
He likes being needed
The face you make when you're frustrated is adorable
And he loves that you will never admit it
Please, you can absolutely keep up with her energy levels
Walking to the palace to get a shopping list
And trekking down into the city and through the floating market, the center marketplace, and the south end market to get everything
All to climb back up countless stairs with all your purchases
And walk through all the hallways to give everything to the multitude of requesters
And then back to the cottage for the evening
So you can cook the big evening meal and sweep and mop the floors and spend a few hours weeding the garden
And then all the way back out to the Rowdy Raven for a night of drinking and dancing
And then all the way back home so you can go to bed
She never pressures you to join her, but she always invites you
Hey, she likes spending time with you and you're cute when you're flushed
You believe all his tall tales, they're so realistic
Dove to the depths of the ocean and defeated a giant minnow? Totally
Took out a thousand trained killers with one swipe of his mighty gauntlet? Mmmhm
Climbed to the top of the highest mountain to pluck some stars from the sky, which is how he got these diamonds? Of course
He can go days without eating or drinking and never crave sustenance? That tracks, he doesn't have a gluttonous bone in his body
He knows he can be narcissistic sometimes, but he's not *that* delusional
But he likes seeing your little smile as you indulge his fantasies, because you do it out of love and not mockery
And maybe he likes pretending just for a minute that what he's saying is true
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hysteria-things · 3 months
sfw :)
on and off matt who likes to explain some random video game or movie lore to u and sounds 100% serious about it as if its real
on and off matt whos 6 months or a year younger than u (idk he just gives off the vibe of being younger 😭)
on and off matt who listens to u vent about ur problems and always has the best advice for u
on and off matt who sends u cat videos saying "us?"
on and off matt who likes to spam u tiktoks of random funny things or animal videos he sees on his fyp but its never cute couple videos which makes ur bf so unique 😭
on and off matt who prefers being little spoon and being ur baby during cuddling
on and off matt who likes to ask u for a kiss after saying "lets go" humbly after getting a victory on fortnite
on and off matt who loves ur cooking and fucks that shit up LMAOOO
on and off matt who does the laundry and cleaning for u
on and off matt who takes care of u as a moody mess on ur period
"i love u please dont ever leave me"
"oh u dont want me to leave u?"
"gotcha, won't leave"
on and off matt whos always in ur comments after u post urself on instagram or tiktok
on and off matt whos always in ur photo dumps
on and off matt who's very clingy and loves ur personal space
"give me a kiss"
"give me a kiss"
"matt ur pissing me off"
"one kiss"
"*smooch* okay get the fuck out"
*proceeds to shimmy away*
on and off matt whos always doing something stupid around u
*tries to handstand and ends up making a picture frame fall off the wall*
"*gasp* matt-"
on and off matt whos always attached to ur hip anywhere u go (ex: shopping together as u push the cart)
*holds up a bra and acts as if hes got it on* "think these are my size?"
"matt those are d cups"
"??? no these are bras"
"no- ykw, okay!"
on and off matt who squeezes ur tits and goes "honka honka" 😭😭
on and off matt who gets jealous and petty when u tell him about all the guys who tried to get with u after u guys broke up
"oh and- *yap yap yap*"
"hm right"
"and then- *blah blah blah*"
"hm right. so u wanna know how that makes me feel?"
"like idgaf"
on and off matt who sees it coming everytime u hit him with a "ykw? we're over"
"shi, alright, can i get a kiss before i leave tho?"
on and off matt who has patience with u and refuses to yell at u back everytime u guys argue
on and off matt who has to deal with his girl friends trying to flirt with u (tara yummy and madison beer) but he prefers it rather than some random dude doing it
on and off matt who hearts ur stories or posts even after u guys break up
on and off matt who lowkey stalks ur social media over and over after u guys break up
on and off matt whos still cool with ur parents and siblings after u guys break up
on and off matt who daps up ur dad and side hugs ur mom in front of u after u guys break up and they invited him over for dinner without being aware of it
on and off matt who helps ur younger sister with her school homework even if he kinda forgot some things he learned in school and calms her anxiety while she stresses out about it
on and off matt who yaps about superhero lore with ur younger brother and is actually so engaged in it that he forgets hes actually here for u
on and off who always has to be warned whenever u whip out ketchup in front of him 😭😭
"look away im gonna put ketchup in my plate"
*immediately freaks out and covers his entire face* "are u done?"
"yep all good :)"
*sighs in relief as if he just faced the hardest thing in the world* "man. thank u"
on and off matt who gets severe separation anxiety to the point he makes u pee with the door open while he either lays in bed waiting for u or stands in the doorway while u get lecture him about this behavior 💀
"😐 i'm not laughing"
on and off matt who burps in ur face despite the fact that he hates chris doing it 😭
and lastly to top it off, whatever this is...
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mewtwoandme · 1 year
Welp, some last-minute plans were made, so I'm gonna be away for the weekend. I won't have much time to work on stuff. So how about we play a game? >:3
The majority of you know how this works, but in case some of you are new or new-er to this, here's the rules:
(I will be using numbers instead of emojis for this one because there are a lot of questions) Send the number of the question and the name of the character you want to ask.
(Example: Mewtwo #24)
These are the following characters that will be available for questions:
Amber (be specific with either "child" or "teen/adult")
Blu (be specific with either "child" or "teen/adult")
I'll also include my most common non-canon characters:
(Be specific with either "child" or teen/adult" for these 3)
Alrighty! Now, with all that out of the way. Enjoy yourselves and have fun! ^^
Do you have a driving dream or goal? What is it? How far would you go to achieve it?
What's the one thing that makes you angry? What's your temper like? How do you respond to people who make you mad?
Have you ever experienced desperation? How has it affected you? What do you do when something you need is out of your reach?
Do you believe in fate or destiny?
What's the greatest challenge you have overcome? How do you feel about it?
How well do you sleep? Do you have problems such as nightmares/sleep paralysis/insomnia/etc.
Do you have any comfort items?
If you had to pick one song to listen to for 10 hours straight, what would it be?
What is your pain threshold like? Will a stubbed toe take you down, or does it take something much more drastic?
Are you a binge watcher, or do you prefer to stretch shows out? What kind of shows do they like?
If you could only have one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
Favorite food/drink?
Sweet or savory?
How do you like to unwind after a long day?
Would you consider yourself a lone wolf or a social butterfly?
Do you enjoy praise?
What is a secret you know but haven't told anyone
What are your quirks?
What mannerisms do you have when shy or nervous?
What is the most impulsive thing you've done?
Can you recall a time when you have been the most scared or fearful?
What would cause you to be petty or say something hurtful?
Would you consider yourself reckless or too cautious and/or paranoid?
Are you good or bad at lying?
What's a misconception people often make or think about you?
What's something people would find surprising about you?
What's something you get told all the time?
What is something people always tell you to do more of?
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn't true?"
How often do you put on a "happy face" when you're really not feeling it?
When do you think you began putting your guard up so much?
What do you find yourself justifying to people when no justification is needed?
Are people shocked when you stand up for yourself?
What emotion motivates you the most when you're feeling down?
Are you okay with disliking someone?
How do you cope with being betrayed?
What is your favorite way to channel your aggression?
Which parts of yourself do you still seek validation for?
What would you say is your biggest problem when communicating?
How do you make decisions? Would you say you rely on trusting your instincts and heart, or fact and logic?
How much respect do you have for authority?
What are your morals/ethics? Do you follow your moral code strictly?
How introspective are you, and how much do you self-reflect?
What event drastically changed your life? Do you resent that event, or are you glad of it?
How optimistic are you? Do you appreciate the smaller things in life?
Are you forgiving of yourself? How about others who have wronged you?
How do you deal with illness or pain? Would you soldier on with a broken arm or leg, or can a common cold put you out for days?
What is your fighting style?
Words or actions?
Are you the type of person who laughs when someone falls? Or would you rush to help?...or would you just walk past them with no reaction?
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the-meat-machine · 1 year
On page 5714 of Homestuck, when Jane is bopping a bunch of enemies with the lollipop juju, the cherub-looking dudes turn into Lil Cal looking guys, with the red blood ones looking just like him and the green blood ones having green lipstick and cheeks + white bowtie, instead of red and black respectively. And, Jake's Caliborn-esque symbol turns into a Lil Cal-esque symbol.
I feel like this means SOMETHING about Lil Cal, but I have no idea what. Sending this to you because I consider you the Lil Cal Expert. This is absolutely haunting me.
For those who don't remember, anon is referring to this:
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Okay, so, before you sent this ask, I hadn't thought too much about this. I figured this was just reinforcing the conceptual link between cherubs and Lil Cal by implying that Trickster Mode cherubs look like Lil Cal.
But I think we can go deeper. Specifically, I'd like to think about what it would mean for Lil Cal to be a juju that's patterned after a trickster-mode cherub.
Bear with me - I'm not sure how much of this is obvious and how much isn't, so I'm just going to go through everything.
Cherubs are connected with Lil Cal
This one is fairly obvious. From a Doylist perspective, Lord English's design deliberately draws elements from Lil Cal's design, and therefore cherubs in general resemble Lil Cal. And of course, Caliborn's soul becomes entangled with Lil Cal's. Even the name Lil Cal is a clear connection.
Cherubs are connected with Trickster Mode
Again, fairly obvious. It's Calliope and Caliborn's combined jujus that cause Trickster mode. All of the Zillyweapons the tricksters create are tied with ridiculous cherub lore. Et cetera.
In addition… I'm going to quote from Hussie explaining Trickster Mode to Caliborn:
Furthermore, [Trickster Mode] could only be seen as a boon from an asocial species. You never have to deal with other people. So if you lick a magic lollipop that flips a switch in your brain that says "all my problems are solved," I guess maybe that's fine for cherubs, but if you're a human you haven't actually solved anything. By the same logic it's not much of a boon to a human's physical journey either. Using an item that lets them start maniacally powering from point A to point B isn't doing them any favors.
This seems to imply that Trickster Mode would be a better power-up for cherubs, who generally don't have to worry about petty things like "fucking up all your interpersonal relationships in a drug-induced mania". It also implies that cherubs may be physically more able to handle Trickster Mode than humans, who seem to be exhausted once it wears off. Like maybe this is a cherub power-up that isn't really meant to be used on humans.
There's also the matter of the energy that tricksters draw on to fuel their antics… but I'll get to that in a bit.
Lil Cal, specifically, is connected with Trickster Mode
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As noted in the ask, Lil Cal motifs show up in several places during the Trickster Mode arc. The cherubs in that one flash turn into Lil Cal lookalikes, Jake's skull symbol turns into Lil Cal's head - plus Dirk's Trickster Mode outfit is based on Lil Cal's outfit.
The implication here is that Trickster Mode cherubs look like Lil Cal. Or to put it another way: Lil Cal looks like a Trickster Mode cherub.
And maybe we could stop there. Cherubs, Trickster Mode, and Lil Cal are all connected, so making the trickster cherubs look like Lil Cal could just be a fun visual way to reinforce those ties in the reader's head.
But on the other hand… Lil Cal could, in a way, be an embodiment of cherub Trickster Mode.
Here's where we get more speculative.
Lil Cal has trickster-like traits
What little we know about Lil Cal's "personality" reinforces the impression of him as somehow trickstery. As Calsprite, he literally does nothing but laugh, all the time, always. As a puppet, he shows up throughout the comic, appearing and disappearing in a way that's almost playful and yet also deeply unsettling. And "unsettling playfulness" is pretty much the essence of Trickster Mode.
So far, so good. This all feels like even more reason why Lil Cal makes sense as a representation of a trickster cherub.
Let's go deeper.
the enigmatic forces presiding over all that is eternal (or, what if ALL the rainbow glowy shit is connected)
Here we're going to take a bit of a detour. Ok, maybe it's more of a full-on dialectical road trip. It starts, as all the best things do, with cherub sex.
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Here's a quote from Aranea's explanation of cherub reproduction (typing quirk removed for readability):
While dueling in such a monstrous form, their energy is inexhaustible. The transformation taps into the cherubs' latent connection with the enigmatic forces presiding over all that is eternal, and permeating all those endowed with immortality. Normally this power is only accessible to them during mating. In this form, they are only able to be injured by one another, and are otherwise indestructible.
The important part here is that cherubs have an innate connection to a power that imbues immortality, and this power is visually represented as a flashing rainbow energy.
This force is also almost certainly the power underlying both Caliborn/Lord English's immortality and god tier resurrections.
I'll start with the god tier resurrections, because it ties directly in with where Caliborn gets his immortality.
Here's a comparison between the god tier clock and the stock image that it was based on:
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Of note here are two changes that Hussie made: 1) The angels (or should I say cherubs) on top have much larger wings. 2) The animals flanking the clock face have been changed to have crocodile heads that resemble the heads of cherubs when they're in their mating form.
All of this is to say that the god tier clock has very deliberate connections to cherubs. This, combined with its apparent function (resurrecting god tiers who have died, conditional on their death being neither heroic nor just) suggests that god tier resurrections are fueled by the same "enigmatic forces presiding over all that is eternal" as mating cherubs. We also get to see that flashing rainbow energy again when it activates:
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Caliborn's reward for defeating Yaldabaoth appears to be the god tier clock itself. When Caliborn destroys it, he absorbs the (rainbow, flashing) energy it emits, rendering him unconditionally immortal. As a cherub, Caliborn is the perfect recipient for this boon - he already has an inherent affinity for this sort of power thanks to his species.
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Ok, so what does this all have to do with Trickster Mode?
You know what else is associated with flashing rainbow energy? That's right: Trickster Mode.
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I know, this may seem like a stretch, but also bear in mind that the exact pastel rainbow flashing colors that the tricksters talk in (and that show up when Jake, Roxy, and Dirk transform) are also seen both when one of the cherubs transforms into its mating form and when a cherub hatches from its egg (compare the text colors to the colors around the red cherub below). So, we've got more connections to cherub energy here.
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My theory is that Trickster Mode taps into the same well of energy that powers cherubs' transformations during mating. In this case, the point is less the immortality and more the "inexhaustible energy" that mating cherubs have.
This would track with Trickster Mode being a power-up that's much better suited to cherubs than humans - cherubs are inherently connected to this energy and are built to withstand it. It also would give an added dimension to the tricksters' obsession with sex and babies - they're imbued with mating energy!
Under this view, Trickster Mode would be "intended" as a power-up that would grant a cherub all the power and energy they normally can only tap into while mating, presumably without needing to transform into a giant snake or waste all that energy on a years-long sex battle.
If this theory was correct, it might imply that someone in Trickster Mode would be unkillable for the duration of the transformation. There's no proof of this, which is the main reason I consider this theory to just be speculation rather than something I think was definitely intended in canon. Still, there's also no proof that tricksters aren't immortal, and would anyone really be surprised if you tried to kill a trickster and they just grinned at you and kept on going? It seems like it would be in keeping with the trickster power set, is all I'm saying.
Lord English as a perma-Trickster?
Now, as I mentioned above, as of the end of Homestuck Caliborn already has forged a permanent connection to "the enigmatic forces presiding over all that is eternal", making him unconditionally immortal and also giving him some really annoying-to-look-at eyeballs. But that in itself still doesn't grant him all the power Lord English has. He doesn't seem to, for example, have limitless energy or the ability to shoot rainbow laser beams out of his mouth.
So here's where my theorizing becomes even more improbable. I don't really think this next part is an "intended" reading, but I still think it's an interesting possibility to consider.
Lord English inherits traits from most of the souls inhabiting Lil Cal - Caliborn most obviously, but also Equius's muscles, Gamzee's honking, etc. But here's the thing: Lil Cal - as in, the juju itself - is also an ectobiological component of Lord English. It's not unthinkable that Lord English could inherit traits from Lil-Cal-the-juju - which, remember, is patterned off of a Trickster Mode cherub.
So my theory here is that Lord English is basically in a permanent Trickster Mode-like state, thanks to inheriting traits from Lil Cal. This state could be what grants him his absurdly massive amounts of power and the aforementioned rainbow-mouth-laser abilities.
After all, what does Trickster Mode do? It flips a switch in your brain that tells you that all your problems are solved and grants you huge amounts of energy to go do whatever your id desires most. And what would Caliborn do if he had unlimited energy and no obstacles left to stand in his way? I think the answer is obvious: Fuck. Shit. Up.
Lord English is basically Caliborn's id writ large and given limitless power to spend fucking shit up for all eternity. And really, what more could a cherub dream of?
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pacifymebby · 4 months
Did you know there was issues in your relationship all along or are there things you didn't realise until towards the end? I've followed you for a few years and from the little bits you'd shared on here your relationship sounded perfect at times. Was there a big change or were things not as good as they seemed all along?
I've been thinking about this alot lately, especially because I scrolled back through my archive not long ago looking for old fic related content and stumbled across loads of old asks from around 2021 when we were really happy together, and those asks paint such a perfect picture of everything, and it's weird because I can hardly remember that year now... But I do know I was that happy and that we were a really beautiful couple. I think he just changed a lot and slowly enough I didn't really see it until it was way too late...
But idk, I really do believe we were as good as I used to talk about us being back during that first year of being together together. Then idk, maybe towards the end of 2022 things were a bit, not rocky, but I definitely started to have doubts... The thing was there were so many other miserable things going on that I could put the doubts down to anxiety and circumstances rather than anything being wrong with the actual relationship... I always had an excuse for why things were the way they were... And he was still there for me in ways I guess my family weren't seeing... And also so many of the things that I had doubts about were like, I kept telling myself they were me problems, or that I was being petty and shallow... Stuff to do with like, physical presentation, or the way he'd speak to me sometimes...
And then yeah, late 2023 I think I knew we were on a losing streak, we had these arguments that should have been petty little squabbles that we came out of as adults... But instead he'd be really shitty to me about them, and they'd almost always circle back to being about how bad his mental health was, id say something like "hey, pls remember you said you'd apply for that course because we're supposed to be moving in together and you're meant be moving out your family home..." And he'd get super angry and then be like "this is the kind of thing that makes me want to *insert dramatic graphic description of whichever suicide method he fancied that day"
And like, he'd make me feel bad for questioning small things like if he didn't brush his teeth and I said hey maybe you should brush your teeth today, then he'd make really snide bitchy comments to me or go back to the "this is the kind of thing that makes me want to kill myself" thing again.
And idk, I'm really understanding of mental health, my job means I'm really trained in understanding it, and my own experiences of it mean I can be very understanding, but like because of that I Know that what he was doing was abusive. And like he would often use my mental health against me if I tried to raise the issue and be like "you shouldn't treat me like this.."
And then obviously even when things were bad, 2022 and 2023 were pretty heavily littered with good moments. And moments when he made me feel loved and treasured...
Then again there was a night we were out last year, we'd been drinking with our mates all day and there weren't enough seats so I had to sit in his lap, and it was all fine but after awhile I'd worried if I was too heavy and then when I asked him if he was alright me sitting there or if I was too heavy he thought it would be a funny thing if he dropped me as a joke. But he let me fall on the floor in front of our mates to get a laugh out of the boys and idk, I think I was upset with him for that but he turned it on me and pretended like he hadn't realised it was mean... And I believed him, and I just think that if my dad had said the things he said to me today about why he had started to go off B, then I'd have realised so fucking fast that my dad was right and that actually I needed to leave and stop wasting my life.
And this all makes everything so painful because it's like wow my best mate of like nearly 8 years wound up treating me like I was his fucking disposable vape or something:/
I think the shit part of the breakup has finally hit lol
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realized some very very glaring problems from my first "relationship" a decade ago.. and realized i was groomed.
sorry for the dumb vent. i want to say this since i've been thinking about what had happened for a long time. i think at least one person should hear this story. please for the love of god, do not click keep reading if you don't want to know. (by the way dni if you think older minors can't groom younger ones!)
i met her when we were both in middle school; i was just starting and she was about to graduate. but when the.. grooming thing.. started, i was 13 and my groomer was 16, going on 17, so technically legal (like, the fact she liked me, not the fact she's a pedophile), just really immoral, but i was also dumb and naive, pretty much 10 mentally, and yeah.. that bumps the immorality scale from an 8 to a 11.
i didn't actually ever actually like her. we found out we both identified as female and lesbian at the time after she asked what my sexuality was, and i guess she considered that confirmation that i was safe to go after. (i believe the interaction went similarly to this: (out of nowhere): "so, what's your sexuality?" "what?" "like, what genders are you attracted to?" (me, very clueless): "ohh, i'm lesbian!" "oh, yeah, me too! how old are you, again?" "13!" "soo.. i guess that means that we could date." i laughed that off, since i trusted her, and, platonically, loved her, and also had no clue what she was implying; i thought she was joking. she wasn't.)
a few months after, she confessed that she liked me, and i am nebularomantic; it is difficult for me to differentiate platonic love from romantic love because i'm neurodivergent as fuck; so in the 20 seconds it took to respond, i looked into my feelings towards her that i realize now were platonic in entirety. i didn't want to upset her, she was one of my best friends. so i managed to manipulate myself into believing i liked her, and i said i did, too. "soo, does this mean we're dating?" she asked. "..uh i think so," i replied.
after that, we considered each other girlfriends, and, as i mentioned, there was a 3-almost-4-year age gap, and as i also mentioned, i was dumb and naive. she'd always comment about how she.. "loved how innocent i was.." i have no idea how i didn't look into what she said more.
she'd also bring me to hang out with her older sister, who i actually don't know the age of, but i believe was in her early 20s. since i'm introducing a lot of people who go by the same pronouns, i'll, from now on, be referring to my groomer as blue and her sister as bug. random-sounding, yes, but those were the names i called them by when we played online games.
i did not like bug. she was mean and petty (and i'm pretty sure did some very illegal things behind our backs), but, unlike blue, didn't try to hide it. she made it clear that she hated me; she actually broke us up twice, which i am thankful for; the first time, where she was directly responsible, we got back together after a week, and the second time, it was forever, but she only played a small part in that one. i'm not going into the details involving bug because they are not relevant.
the actually relevant parts though. we had been "dating" for a few months, and she had turned 17. i was browsing through the internet when i realized i had an incoming message from a forum thingy we used; it had a PM feature, and none of us had cellphone service (i didn't even have a cellphone), so we used that in place of texting, which i know now was not safe at all, we shouldn't have done that. it was from blue. it read: "i want to break up. i get a bad feeling when we're together. can we please forget this and be friends?" YES, BITCH, YOU SHOULD "GET A BAD FEELING WHEN WE'RE TOGETHER", YOU'RE A FUCKING PEDOPHILE. (censored cause i'm scared of the mods-) iiiii snapped! (well, snapped the most a stupid 13-year-old could) i replied something to the effect of, "yes, we can freaking break up, burn in hell!" (complete with fake swears!) and deleted her from my friends list, blocked her on all platforms i could have and went to school in a mess. (it wasn't this simple but i don't wanna talk about bug and her involvement in this)
that should have been the end of it. we had "broken up", she was in high school so we couldn't bump into each other at school, and i had cut contact. but then, a week later, i got a friend request on the aforementioned forum from bug. i was in a disastrous state. i had started to depend on her before this, in a way that wasn't healthy. i thought i had a girlfriend, after all. ..why wouldn't i be overexcited about it..? so.. i accepted. i knew it was something about the "break-up." there was no way it couldn't have been. then, bug messaged me. "heyy.. *blue* wants you two to get back together. *blah blah blah*. i know what happened, and what she said, and she says the bad feeling is worse now. it wasn't you."
and i knew by now, i forgave people too easily. i had had fights with all of the people i considered friends, and forgave them when it was clearly their fault. i had come to realize that. and i wanted to get back together, too. but i knew that i shouldn't forgive her this time, so i mustered all the strength i had, which wasn't a lot, and typed, "no. i won't get back with her. don't contact me. tell her that."
so yup. toxic, pedophilic relationships!! yay..
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transpersian · 9 months
That anon is unbelievable. 💀 Like yeah, people can do/say/wear whatever they want in their own homes, but it's also common fucking knowledge that you alter your habits a bit when having guests over so that they're comfortable. This might differ some between households, but there are common boundaries that most people expect to have respected when they're a guest in someone's home - such as not seeing their host in the nude (or partially nude) with no warning or consent.
That's just basic fucking decency that Poppy apparently lacks. It sounds like she didn't even provide a heads up that this was something her guest should expect during this visit. A 42y/o with a background in social sciences should not need to have normal human behavior explained to her. At best, she's a shitty host who bullies her 18y/o guests for being asexuality after daring to express a minutae of discomfort.
Even if we remove her victim's age and orientation from the equation, it isn't much better. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people, when accidentally seeing a platonic friend in a state of undress, are going to feel awkward and instinctually look away. It isn't just out of personal discomfort, but out of respect for the other person's privacy and dignity as well! Not that Poppy would understand caring about that.
I can believe that first encounter was an accident. But Poppy's immediate response to her guest having a completly normal fucking reaction to this scenario being to get offended and then mock its sexuality is so incredibly telling. It's clear that the second time was intentional as hell, for no other reason than to be petty and provoke more discomfort as punishment for Poppy having her ego shattered by an 18y/o that didn't want to see her topless. Pathetic.
Disclaimer: I'm all for destigmatizing breasts being uncovered in a nonsexual manner. But - just like cis male chests - there will always be contexts where they are presented sexually. "Free the nipple" doesn't suddenly mean it's you're no longer capable of inappropriately exposing your breasts to someone. Intent and context are key. A cis man walking around in nothing but his underwear while an unsuspecting guest is in his home has the same potential of being inappropriate/uncomfortable, regardless of breasts being involved or not.
Ah, a sensible anon! Thank you for writing, anon.
This is another one of those asks that I don't really feel a need to respond to most of; it's just a solid articulation of how obviously horrific and callous this behavior is to any decent human being with a proper grasp of boundaries, compassion, and consideration for others.
But it also highlights something that I think is glossed over a lot: while the problem is always relevant, what's truly telling is how people react to being told they've hurt someone.
Do they show concern and want to understand how their actions affected the other party? Or do they get defensive, going so far as to, perhaps, dismiss the person's concerns entirely?
Or even better, let's set aside the nudity, the location, the terminology used, etc for a second and ask this:
Why are so few people talking about Poppy's attitude towards Dormiyu's "weird asexual shit" and how flagrantly acephobic it is?
What mental gymnastics are we pulling to make that okay, along with how her and Zena laughed about it together? In front of Dormiyu?
But yes. Behold, my "massive hate campaign" is now being used to... checks notes Boost and defend a teenager who's accusing a 42yo of sexual impropriety and bigotry, while her fans are bulldozing in here with superstar arguments like "technically the dictionary says that isn't flashing" and "if you're in my house, I'm allowed to be nude around you, it's my house."
And these are the same people telling me that I look insane and ridiculous?
Yeah, they hold no power here. We'll see how it all washes out in the end.
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