#I always forget how to spell his last name lol
coolshadowtwins · 4 months
Here’s me and my friends stupid nicknames for the MDZS characters. (The Untamed was how we watched it first, so these are based an that)
Wei Wuxian was almost always just called his name, mostly because Jiang Chang yelled it often enough that we remembered it lol
JC and JYL were “Wei Wuxian’s brother” and “Wei Wuxian’s sister”, respectively, though they got their own names pretty quickly for some reason.
JZX, when we are introduced to him, was being an asshole to JYL. So his name was “Bitchass (derogatory)” for a good part of the show, until he got his act together with her. Now he is “Bitchass (affectionate)”. In turn, his father tends to be “Bitchass Dad”, his cousin is “Bitchass Cousin” and Jin Ling is sometimes rarely “Baby Bitchass”. The last isn’t used a lot because Jin Ling is a relatively easy name to remember.
On that note, all the father sect leaders are “Daddy Jin”, “Daddy Jiang”, and “Daddy Wen”.
WWX said Lan Zhan enough for us to get his name. His uncle is just “Uncle Lan”. Lan Xichen is, funnily enough, “Hot Lan”, because his actor was determined to be the hottest by @rinonline.
Wen Qing, in the subtitles, were referred to as “Lady Wen”, so that was the name we used. Wen Ning, as such, was “Lady Wen’s brother”. They both got their actual names quickly tho.
When NHS first appeared, he was sneaking a bird into class. So for that episode, and that episode alone, he was “bird guy”. The next episode, he was being a dumbass with WWX, and so for that episode alone he was called “The Dumbass”. Every episode after that, he was called “Fan Guy”.
Meng Yao was easy to remember, but then we called him Mung Bean and that stuck for some reason lol. JGY is rarely used. NMJ was just “Fan Guy’s brother” for the longest, until we were being stupid with the names and ended up morphing ‘Mingjue’ into ‘Mango’. So now he’s Mango.
We never remember LSZ’s name, and so he’s just ‘A-Yuan’, like he never grew up lol. LJY is ‘Jingyi’. Short and simple. Together they are the ‘Baby Lans’.
MXY is just ‘Mo’. That’s it lol
Surprisingly enough, the Yi City crew don’t really have nicknames. We actually use their names.
I almost forgot Su She, which is absolutely not surprising. I forget him constantly. We say ‘Sushi’ which isn’t much a difference, but just know that is the spelling we mean.
I think that’s all the characters? I feel like I missed someone lol
But to recap, Jin Ling’s parents, Bitchass and Wei Wuxian’s Sister, get killed by Wei Wuxian (mostly by accident). This leaves him the care of Bitchass Dad and Wei Wuxian’s Brother, until Mung Bean kills Bitchass Dad and takes over for himself. Mung Bean has two sworn brothers, Mango and Hot Lan. Mango has a younger brother, Fan Guy, who is plotting to kill Mung Bean for Mango’s death. Hot Lan also has a younger brother, Lan Zhan, who is not planning Mung Bean’s death but will be an active participant in it. Lan Zhan is in love with Wei Wuxian, who has gone rogue in order to protect Lady Wen and Lady Wen’s brother. Wei Wuxian does get killed though, probably by himself, and comes back in Mo’s body. At this point he meets Baby Bitchass, A-Yuan(again), Jingyi, and the rest of the Baby Lans. Eventually, he goes to live with Lan Zhan, much to Uncle Lan’s annoyance.
I hope this has entertained you.
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woofwoofwolf · 1 year
Go home, Hobie Brown
Hobie brown x reader
Part 2:
Notes: Alt reader, Aro Ace spec reader but this fic is still romantic in nature (bc im aro ace and this is wish fulfilment, so dont come for me if this doesnt line up with your lived experience), fluff, reader has anxiety over liking Hobie and he teases reader for it a lil, reader remains GN but might have a writing bias towards fem, nicknames: babe and sweetheart, Hobie and reader are adults, use of (y/n), no phonetic spelling of Hobies accent, brit wtitten by a European sue me
The type of alt space the reader belongs to is up to you. Alt meaning alternative, as in subculture spaces. I'm alt myself so this comes from experience. Get stared at a lot lol
Pls dont repost anywhere thx ✨️
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There was a rush to the exit of the classroom. You were always slow packing your intricately decorated book-bag and were one of the last to leave.
"Thank you professor, have a nice rest of your day."
"See you on monday, (y/n)." The professors always knew your name, despite having so many students. Another curse or blessing (depending on the situation or your point of view) of dressing alternatively - people never seem to forget you.
You opened the door but immediately slammed it shut again, causing the professor to look back up at you.
"Oh. Hehe... sorry..." you turned back to the classroom. No other exits. Maybe you could jump out of the window?
But before you could reconsider your escape plan, the originator - or should I say instigator - of your panic and embarrassment entered the room with the heavy steps of his well-worn boots.
"Hey there," said Hobie Brown, as confident as always. "What are you up to,"
You felt an unwanted warmth crawl up your neck. You had always told your friends that romance wasn't for you and that you weren't going to date anyone just to 'find out.' You weren't ever ashamed of not ever having been attracted to someone before, but man, were you ever unprepared to have a crush as an adult.
You met Hobie through Gwen. From the moment he met you, it was as if a switch flipped inside of him. He decided that he liked you and that he wanted you. He had told you so right away.
"You single?" You were sure he didn't even know your name at that point. He liked the way you expressed yourself, and although you usually hated how people would pretend to know what you were about only from the way you dressed, it was like Hobie actually understood you in just a glance.
You felt it right to tell him that you didn't do dating, but it wouldn't leave your throat. Never had you been confessed to before, and you didn't know what to even say.
He started showing up places, more and more, he became an unpredictable part of your circle. You didn't know how to process him.
"Let's match pace together. You feel me?" He'd say.
"No, I don't, actually,"
But slowly, you did. It felt as if your slow and monotone life started to pick up some speed, all the while you felt more in tune than ever. You wondered if the pace of his life had slowed down a bit in return, but you were too scared to consider what he might specifically be feeling for you and why. You doubted he wasn't being genuine, but you had no idea why he insisted on you.
You'd bicker with him (oh. It was so fun to bicker with him- wait were you flirting with him?), but when Gwen asked if you wanted her to tell him to leave you alone, you told her not to. Which only further fanned the flames of Pav's incessant 'shipping' of the both of you.
And so, you realised that for the first time in your life, you felt something for someone. And you were completely unprepared to tackle it.
"I can't believe it, coming to see me while I'm at uni."
Your eyes shot back and forth from Hobie and the professor who looked at the both of you with sparkling curiosity. Even the small remainder of the otherwise consistently disinterested students were all looking at you. Dressing alternatively, you were used to people staring, but now you just felt embarrassed, as if even talking to him was the equivalent of making out in the middle of the room.
"You told me when your classes were yourself," Hobie reminded you with a little smirk, picking up on your embarrassment.
"No but-" you huffed. "this is harassment-"
"You know, I'll leave if you tell me to?" He teased, back straight, hands in his pockets. "You can say it, sweetheart. I believe in you. Say 'Go home, Hobie Brown'!"
You glared at him, yet no sound dared to leave your throat.
"C'mon babe, say it," he leaned forward challenging your gaze.
Both of you held it there for a couple of seconds. A pin could drop in that classroom and everybody would hear it.
Finally, after that afore-mentioned warmth reached your cheeks and had become visible to all, you broke.
"You like dunkin'?" You muttered, walking towards the door. You swore you could hear some students chuckle or gasp, and you wanted to get out as quickly as possible.
Hobie whistled and followed, just a few steps behind you, never actually invading your personal space until you were ready, "Asking me on a date? Now, that's bold,"
"It's not a date. But you ARE buying. I want a smoothie. And a donut, of course."
"Taking advantage of me now babe?"
"And why shouldn't I? If you're going to cling to me like a magnet, I might as well make use of you." You briefly stopped, and Hobie nearly walked into you. You peered up at him, batting your lashes. "You know I really don't know what you see in me. Maybe you better run home while you're ahead."
"Depends," Hobie said, ecstatic every time you took his bait. "Will you be going with me?"
Two fics in one day??? What is going on. Anyways hope you enjoyed, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, don't be shy to talk to me lol
You know as someone who's aro ace spec, I find an escape in fictional characters and the idea that they could be the ones to finally sweep me off my feet and get me to feel some type of attraction. It sounds cringy and emberassing, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If you're like me then I hope this scratched some kind of itch for you lol.
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six-white-venus · 9 months
if you ever see him, there is just one thing you would like to ask him:
how do i forgive?
because you've been trying, lord knows you have. it's been a year. he never loved you. it's as easy as that. why can't it be as easy as that?
you recently came across a letter you wrote him after he left, one where you're begging him to come back. you tore the paper copy into shreds a long time ago, but this one must have escaped your notice. you remember his response to the message. a thumbs-up emoji.
"whose name will i call, a thousand times over?" it said, "who will I call my love, my love, my love- exasperated, scandalised, laughing? who will I call?"
it's been a year and you know the answer to that question, more or less. no one. you will call no one. you will sit and stare at the paint peeling off your wall, that ugly, powdery blue that has started making your skin crawl. you will sit on the cold kitchen floor till your mom pulls you to your feet and brings you tea. you will call no one. you will make yourself forget.
except, it's not that easy.
he pops up in every mundane aspect of your life. the other day you found a keychain you bought him a month before his birthday, a month before he left you. you give it to someone else because why waste money? it's not like he lives in it.
(but he does, he does, he does.)
he is dating someone you used to know. you don't care. you want to throw up. you just want to ask: how do I forget?
a friend recently asked you, "do you think you had a savior complex, when it came to him?" you said you didn't, but maybe that's not the whole truth. maybe you did have some sort of twisted need to save him in every single way possible just so that he'll love you.
i would help you stitch yourself up. i swear i won't scream when you gut me like a fish. i will feed you soup and keep you warm. i won't sob when you knock my portion to the floor. you bleed. i do, too. no, you're right. i don't bleed as you do. I'll never understand. i am so sorry. i love you. do you love me?
after a week, you receive two texts:
lol kys ily <3
you are so happy you could sob.
he does none of this now, apparently. he smiles instead of smirking. he cradles things. he tends to wounds. he calls her baby. he says, "I love you so much." the whole thing, all spelled out. how crazy is that?
and you just want to ask: how do I stop caring?
he always held you between his teeth. there was nothing gentle about it. the bite marks on the back of your neck still hurt and you could swear it still bleeds. your mom says you're imagining it. you must be.
but here's the thing! you have people who hold you in their arms now. they are so gentle, so careful with you. you didn't cry, not once, under the clutch of his canines but now in their arms, all you do is cry. it's so strange. and you really are happy. it's so much better than what it used to be. you wake up and he's not the first thing you think of, not anymore. you dream that he apologises to you (you forgive him every single time). you go to therapy. you don't remember the last time you cried over him. you are loved, but not by him. you never were.
it doesn't matter, because you know what love feels like now. it is popcorn and nacho cheddar cheese seasoning and mutton curry. it tastes like tea and chips in an orange package and instant noodles you made with your best friend the day before she left for college. you know love now. you know happiness.
but in moments like these, you can't stop yourself from thinking that if you see him again, you would like to ask him one last thing:
how do you stop missing being held between one's teeth?
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esther-dot · 1 year
So I was reading a bunch of your anon asks about R/L (not spelling out names so this doesn't show up in searches lol) and I agree with that anon that said the fandom forgets that GRRM is not some woke author. Way too many metas are written on the premise that he wrote this series with the sensibilities of a 20-something millennial and not a 50 year old man who conceived most of these plot points in the 90s. The refusal for certain fans/theorists (not including you in this I find your analysis and critiques very good and thoughtful) to call out and critique Martin's deeply problematic elements frustrates me to no end. It's okay to say certain things did not age well and the R/L/E dynamic is chief among them. Giving R's wife a gratuitously sexually violent death and a gratuitously gruesome death to her baby and toddler did not age well. Then proceeding to shit on her by having her husband's family's loyalists state that she was sickly and not good enough for him did not age well. Then proceeding to spend five books with those same characters depicting R as the Westerosi Prom King/Football Quarterback/Prodigal Son with basically zero substantial or significant pushback did not age well. I keep on seeing people say, 'Well, no it's because it's all a part of George's Big Plan and Reveal and an example of the the POV trap so don't get preemptively mad at him.' The defense of him essentially being 'No, you guys don't get it...he's going to perfectly execute the story that only exists in mine and his head for 12 years and counting and then you will see how he always meant for R to be a POS and for R/L not to be some star crossed lovers romance.' Yeah, no. I'm not giving him credit for an unfinished story and the fact that some of his fans do this is baffling. We're at this point that even if Martin does reveal R was even a little morally grey, a subset of the fandom will continue defending him like their lives depend on it because they are so married to their headcanons because Martin has not provided any actual content in over a decade (the show whitewashing did not help either). I'm not even going to broach the subject of the white feminist pickmes in the fandom that do everything and anything to defend Lily White Lieanna from any accountability and pushback from her complicitness in what happened because that's a whole other can of worms. LOL. End of my rant I guess. lmao.
My aunt who is around the same age as Martin, wanted to watch Saturday Night Fever with me (I had never seen it). She remembered and loved the music, the dancing, the costumes, the pain of these characters who were trapped and looking for an escape. There were all these good things she wanted to share with me, but I was shocked by how casually they threw in a rape, and how cruel the protagonist was to the girl right after it happened. I could not understand how my liberal, well educated, very up with social norms, aunt wasn't as appalled as I was when she'd last seen it. But she had watched that movie when it came out, hadn't seen it since, so her reaction to it had been fixed in that moment. Like a time capsule.
That happened years ago, but anytime a discussion about R/L and what Martin would/wouldn't do comes up, I think about that, and I try to draw a line between my sensibilities and what he actually wrote because as you and my other anon point out, R/L was conceived in a certain moment, in a specific milieu, and it isn't the one we're currently in. So, while I certainly don't think Rhaegar is the guy that Targ fans believe him to be, I no longer believe Martin intends us to take the other extreme.
Rhaegar called the place where he took Lyanna "the tower of joy," and Martin would have to want us to think Rhaegar is a truly sadistic bastard if that's what he called the place he repeatedly, forcibly raped Lyanna. Considering what Martin has said about how he wants to write morally grey characters, how he has written Cersei, Tyrion, the Hound...I just don't buy that that's where he's going, not anymore.
More broadly, I’ve read a lot of literary analysis, I know how easy it is for people to write really, really interesting essays that I love, but in actually, have absolutely nothing to do with the book/poem etc that it’s discussing. It’s a beautiful thing that we each experience art uniquely, but it does mean we have to be careful when it comes to actually believing what we takeaway from something is the same as what they put in. There’s also a danger in thinking loving the art means we understand the artist’s mind. The same mind can produce something I love and something I hate. Experience that enough times and you realize, you can’t put parameters, a would/wouldn’t, on where they’ll take things.
And, even hardcore Martin fans acknowledge the racist issues with his writing, criticize how he sexualizes little girls...I don't think any of us need to defend him. We all know that these are issues with his writing, we may not agree that they will manifest in the worst way going forward, but it's possible. Unfortunately.
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all prime numebrs for the fic writer ask! 💛😊
I will pretend you spelled numbers correctly lol. thanks for the ask!!
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
I want to say 12. I published 6, I’m currently working on 2 different ideas for the naddpod gift exchange so I’ve started both and will be making a full decision tonight or tomorrow (lmao), and then there are a couple I just decided to not publish and a couple I’m always working on but will never actually commit to finishing because I can’t come up with a satisfying ending.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
That I can allow myself to do the things I want to do and go back and fix the other stuff later. I had previously only done this with a fic that included a bunch of time skips and that was why I wormed around the document but I did this with one fic that I consider my magnum opus and it worked. (I like to write dialogue more than scene descriptors so I wrote all the dialogue back and forth and then went back and added names and descriptors and everything else and it was so much more fun)
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
Naddpod. It was just naddpod. I’m thinking I might break into d20 next year but I make no promises, naddpod is so fun to write for.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
Hardwon Surefoot. Moonshine Cybin. For some reason I find them easiest to write even though getting Moonshine’s voice right was incredibly daunting every time I wrote her. There’s just so much to play with and it was very fun. Plus the Hardwon being alive reveal rewired my brain.
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
how to think about you (without it ripping my heart out). God that was a doozy to write. It was my first foray into doing something multi-chaptered and I did have it finished before I even began publishing it but doing the daily updates and my every chapter mini edits took so much time that it was so much fun to finish. Plus I thought about the idea for truly so long before I started writing it that it was very relieving to finally finish.
13. What fic was the easiest to write?
Fools Rush In (Idiots, However, Take 200 Years). This is the fic I mentioned for number 3. I wrote all the dialogue in basically one pass because it’s a long, drawn out conversation that lasts an entire day. I immensely love writing dialogue and the back and forth, hitting what Hardwon and Moonshine would say and how they’d react was easy. And then, even though I was dreading the descriptors, they came so easily because I could picture them so perfectly. It does feel weird to say that my longest fic to date was the easiest to write but it was.
17. What are your go-to writing snacks?
Doing that classic ADHD thing where you hyperfocus and forget to eat all day and then start shaking and put fistfuls of m&ms in your mouth while waiting for chicken to heat up. But when I remember to snack, Smartfood popcorn.
19. Share your favorite opening line.
“You love me?” (Fools Rush In (Idiots, However, Take 200 Years).) I knew I’d open this with that before I finished the previous work in the series. I enjoy getting straight to the point.
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
This was a hard goddamn choice but here goes:
“Look - “ She paused, took a deep breath, and started again. “Can I make a suggestion? You two know him better than I do, obviously, but this might be a time where you give him some space. I know that’s not really what you three do, but he’s going through one of the worst days of his life. And you are, too, but he’s incredibly in his head about it right now. I think maybe if you give him a moment to work out his own feelings, he’ll be able to articulate them to you. And you will then be able to assure him that you need him. Besides, your MeeMaw will take great care of him, Moonshine.” (The Void of an Absence)
Alanis is speaking here. And I wanted her to be pragmatic without seeming insensitive while also staying relatively true to the character she is in the show. I ended up with this slightly more emotionally aware Alanis than we’ve seen but she does switch straight to business afterwards, and that is kind of how Murph RP’d the scene with her and Hardwon. But I overthought it a lot. I’m pretty okay with its final version, but mostly because I got to sneak a “tell me your feelings and I’ll tell you that I need you” reference in there.
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
Obviously the two crew for creating characters that so thoroughly destroy and entertain me, and the people who got excited when I said shit like “I have a terrible idea that’s going to hurt” and responded with “do it.”
Fic writer asks list - ask
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 days
HAHAHAH imagine the first chapter of pursuit starts with “I wanna be the very best that no one ever was, to rizz then is my real test, to date them is my causeeeee” LMFAOO
LMAOO you forgetting but you also being the one to make his team sends me (i would so do this) ASH AND CHARIZARD I love that dynamic that would be so funny imagine it’s just lazy on lazy hate crimes like “no bitch you move and do it” “no im sleeping”
LMAOOO Karasu has beef with her now yes whenever you have doodles do show!! Obv no pressure to make any LOL I just love seeing the crumbs
Wait lowk Barou yayoi spinoff this angst…/hj barous and karasus>>> on that note I had to remember that reader doesn’t inherit the Barou last name because when I looked at the funeral graphic I was like wait do we need to distinguish which one and then I remembered the whole cousin thing and also how cousins don’t always share the same last name but anyways NOOOSHSJS IM CRYING JN MY FEELS “my ex sending my brother the love he could never give me” goodbye (lowk the move from romantic to platonic love makes this even deeper bruh I wasn’t planning on sobbing rn)
DAYCARE WORKWR KARASU WAITTTT esp if his talonflsme has flame body (if I get pokemon teams wrong do correct me because I think the team listing got buried somewhere and I have bad memory as we’ve established) lowk I like this idea too it’s like he’s proving himself to yayoi but not limiting himself to just the gym leader like breaking the mold yk…..just makes him more extraordinary (in his terms LMAO) like proving himself without needing to be gym leader…..im ngl I jumped to far and read “he cooks eggs” and I was like he does WHAT but anyways
OH LMFAOAO I somehow thought there was a specific meme so I looked it up to no avail but REAL and LMAOOOO DOOFENSHMIRTZ(spelling??? Idk man)
HAHAH no it’s ok they can take the slander (i always find it really funny how even Nagi himself is like this shorty…in ref to Isagi HAHA and ig by implication Reo since he doesn’t really disagree when Nagi calls Isagi that) THE BIG HANDS imagine they do that thing where you measure hand sizes oh god but also one slap from them and you’re stepping into your grave LMFAO (they would never but ykwim)
STOP MIRAVERSE MUKTIVERSE (im abbreviating this to MVMV/MMV) actually goes too hard it all fits too well within the pokemon au SHSHSH white butterfly Hiori and reader him waiting at the safari zone in the house she described raising the pokemon she listed from her childhood dreams bye…now instead of white butterflies white butterfree/beautifly (I can’t lie im a beautifly enthusiast so id pick that over butterfree but wtv floats your boast yk just needs to be a butterfly)
IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF THE TABIEITA ONE IS TOO FUNNY but IVE SEEN THE SAE ONE LMAOAOA finally accurate rep of him omg wait I’m gonna go stalk this artist more I didn’t realize they drew tabieita
LMAOO me rn thinking I’ve said one too many LMAOs and tossing in LOL and HAHAHA (I lowk hate hahaha because it HAS to be in caps or else it looks passive aggressive unless I do like four “ha”s or more but that looks excessive ughhhhhh) in too deep we’re entering my LMAO keyboard smash zone now (I’ve sometimes sandwiched sentences with LMAO too) but enough about my LMAOs
LMFAOAOOOOOOOOO IM DEADDDDD imagine we’ve been talking about peregrine this entire time and I’m just like “WOW she knows all the details about the whole plot does she know the author??” Isagis life is too boring he needs angst to spice it up fr wait I love how Isagi kinda projects Barou into reader and struggles with his loss/disappearance you made him like 10x more interesting in like two seconds damn….QHESTIONING IF THE WRONG ONE GOT TO LIVE omg that goes HARD I love complex feelings like this go off!!! Barou’s death fr doing numbers on everyone like talk about catastrophe of a lifetime (wait side note but this almost kinda parallels MLP and how the mane six get their cutie marks like one event tied them together forever and ig in this case it’s Barou’s death?? SHSHSHS don’t ask me why I made this connection)
Karasu bfb about to be the household Karasu fic trust but no fr there’s no way I’d be able to tell from reading the request prompted fics like if we weren’t talking I would’ve just thought you liked a bunch of characters LMAOO
WAIT WHAT I HAVENT STUDJED YET I paused writing this and scrambled to check ok thank god it’s not up quite yet I need to type faster omfg but RAGGHHH POKEMON THEME LETS GOOO wait on that note would you prefer to write something for a fav or not or are there any characters you aren’t as inclined to write for atm because if so I’ll keep it in mind while deciding because I’m indecisive so (imagine I say Isagi /j I wouldn’t prefer that anyways) good thing I’m in my chronically online hours rn and saw this
- KARASU ANON that wasn’t supposed to be all caps but I’m too lazy to fix it now oops
HELPPPP THE NOT THE THEME SONG (AIKU'S VERSION) SDLKFJHSLDKJ i'm crying omg there needs to be an aiku spinoff that's just him and his arbok spreading rizz and pokémon knowledge HAHAHA
LMAOO besides arcanine whimsicott and reuniclus i feel like nagi's team is kinda irrelevant in terms of our discussions...goodra does get mentions every now and again plus it's SO nagi that i remember that one but rip clefable and snorlax forever second place HAHA that's the exact vibe i was imagining or like reader throws out her gyarados in a battle so nagi whips out snorlax for some reason and snorlax is just sleeping meanwhile nagi's like "BRO IT'S Y/N WE HAVE TO LOCK IN" but snorlax does NOT gaf FKLJHKLSF
all of the foreign/professional players knowing one another is so fun tbh reader in that au definitely would team up with charles to bully kaiser when they play bm so he def fits!! or imagine rin has to get internet culture lessons from shidou and charles so he can keep up with reader's references but he's so unenthusiastic about it so he brings zero energy to the table (his first choice in tutors was karasu but he can't ask karasu for help because karasu's his biggest opp since reader likes him/is friends with him)
KARASU HAS INSANE BEEF WITH EVERYONE IN THE CORE FOUR i actually can't decide why he'd have beef with tullia because she's...not unproblematic necessarily but too focused on bullying otoya to do anything to karasu HAHAH maybe he has beef with her because she beat him in a battle when they first met (four baby birds vs a fully grown lanturn is not a great combo) and he never gets over it (it's mostly like a joke grudge he holds ofc but he would be the one)
no because i've been thinking about barou x yayoi (baroi?? shoyoi?? i'd say barasu but that could get confusing as a ship name because of tabito)...they kind of give mrs l/n x toji vibes from pomegranate ink but opposite!! okay but yk how we have reader and co and it's reader + tullia + karasu + otoya well imagine barou's group was himself, yayoi (who had to do on field training before her parents gave her the gym), isagi, and then aiku occasionally dropping in (aiku serving more of a manshine trio vibe than anything tbh) KLSJFDS the angst there goes INSANE okay wait lowkey isagi and yayoi reunion could go crazy maybe they haven't spoken since barou left because they don't know what to say to each other and isagi's avoiding her because barou told him about his illness but not yayoi and the guilt of that is crushing to isagi (love triangle dare i say?? yayosagi canon because barou's gone??????)
yess he has a talonflame w flame body that's actually where i got the idea of him and the birds looking after (NOT cooking) the eggs!! honestly i think it would be cute too like after beating yayoi and getting her badge as well as being at reader's side when she takes down team x he realizes he doesn't NEED to prove anything to anyone ykwim?? like as long as he's happy it's okay if people consider his existence "mediocre" (because i'm sure people would find it crazy that he goes to be a daycare worker/owner when he could very easily be a league official) because nothing lese really matters...character growth/development we love to see it
HAHAH no there's no specific meme unfortunately but the doofenshmirtz cracked me up so ofc i had to share (lowkey i can imagine otoya in that fit SDJFHSDL)
no because reo calls bachira a banged freak those two are BOTH evil reo is just more outwardly nice so nobody knows what insults he has brewing in him LMAOOO omg isagi is like one of the shortest in bllk besides kurona and kiyora so ig calling him shorty isn't necessarily off the mark (chigiri's a little taller than him but that one low quality panel of the manshine trio where chigiri looks tiny next to reo and nagi cracks me up HAHA)...nah because if i ever got to compare hand sizes with karasu or barou i would BUST i feel like barou wouldn't even understand what it so he's just like "uh ok" if you ask but you KNOW karasu is 100% aware of it he'd be so smug too LMAOOO once again in the words of isagi "this guy...is a villain!" or wtvr he said
MIRAVERSE MULTIVERSE IS REAL wait kalos doesn't have beautifly (they have butterfree) imagine the beautifly when they were kids was just one of yayoi's many gym pokémon that happened to be out and about BUT once he gets the safari zone hiori puts in a special request to have beautifly placed there because of that specific meeting SLDFKJD too many possibilities fr
THE SAE ONE HAD ME CACKLING THE WAY HE PASSES CHIGIRI TOO truly the sae the world needs...the tabieita one was so silly but so them HAHA sadly i am typing this from my laptop (hence the zero emojis too) so no tik tok this time around but next time trust i will lock in (call me nagi battling reader fr) and send smth!!
PLS i always throw in either an LMAOO or a HAHAH or a key smash to break up my trains of thought or the classic...or the !! and ?? because i feel like normal punctuation makes it feel sm more formal like a business professional email or smth when we're literally just besties giggling and chatting yk
I'M CRYING THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT i was like didn't i show you the drafts of earlier chapters did you think i just pulled those out of my ass??? haven't you seen my masterlist before?? but anyways i get what you were saying now HAHA
no because i have this vivid vision of isagi snapping and going full on-field on reader and she gets upset/starts crying (bonus points if karasu pulls up to comfort her #notthestepbrotherbutthebrotherthatsteppedup) and he immediately feels so bad that he starts apologizing but he just knows barou wouldn't have lost his temper in that situation (barou especially pursuit barou strikes me as someone who gets irritated super quickly but rarely if ever GENUINELY angry) and he already has a complex because he could never beat noel noa hence why he's an elite four candidate whereas barou was supposed to be the next champion so he's basically isagi but better (throw in some yayoi picking barou over him [not that isagi ever confessed he just assumed yayoi would want barou so he didn't say anything and surprise she ended up going for barou]) and yet isagi's the one who's left and barou's gone
PLS not the main six that's literally reader and co + manshine trio (otoya is spike the dragon) truly though barou's death/disappearance leads to so so much happening like it's insane how that one event changed the entire government...mr mikage and the government would've gotten away with their nonsense for much longer if barou literally just didn't leave for his journey or told his family he was ill and came home for his final days SLKDFJLSH ofc they still would've been exposed by the mutiny plot that the gym leaders and elite four members made but considering that plan wasn't meant to be executed for a WHILE who knows if it actually would've been effective or if they would've just murked noel noa and threatened the others into submission
KARASU BFB TAKE OVER REAL AND TRUE and okayy that's good HAHA sometimes i end up liking a character after i write for them too which is another can of worms (like kiyora i barely cared about him besides acknowledging that he was pretty pre-wicked game but now i fw him!! he's not a top top fav but he's cool)
LMAOO BRO YOU CAN'T STUDY YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHICH TYPES ARE WHICH TROPE YET HAHAHAHA and no i don't really have a preference for any character!! whatever strikes your fancy...almost hoping someone requests isagi so i can redeem myself and actually write something long for him /hj...i'm limiting the slots to twelve (two full teams) this time because i want to have time to be able to write pursuit and the oaeu and the other requests i still have to do (EEK) but i have no idea who if anyone will actually join so don't stress too much about getting in on time i'll make sure you get a spot (imagine that one drake audio that's like "don't worry...daddy's home") just make sure to send the request in a separate ask so i can respond to it w just the story hehe...anyways i fell asleep instead of posting the completed event so i will be finishing up the post and getting it out now hopefully!!
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bishiglomper · 7 months
Oh something funny about my friend
I've always called them fae, they have a funky multicolored house secluded at the edge of a tiny town 10 minutes away, a room with a bunch of fairy art, they have a tree that expels these flowers or pollen that looks like tiny fairies; very ethereal. She's into witchy and mystical stuff and her hair is always maroon, so I'm not sure her natural color is... ive seen it brown? Her husband was bald. I always thought he looked like a gnome with his beard.
But she has 2 very red headed fair skinned girls. Named Willow and Silva. Everyone has always referred to them as 'the reds'. Not twins but close enough they look it.
My friend was telling us that if not for one of the girls having a birthday close to hers, everyone otherwise forgets. So the joke is she just doesn't age anymore. And honestly I don't think she has and I've been acquainted for like 12 years I would have pegged her for my age.
But on top of those she was like 'did I tell you I'm officially fae now?'
BTW I had only recently, like the last year told her that I believed they were fae. She just did this exasperated sigh. like that is NOT the first time shes gotten that lmao
Anyway she went to get her last name changed after her divorce and they misspelled both her first and middle name.
She got the first name fixed, she said she was too old to relearn how to spell her name lol
Her middle name was FAYE
And they misspelled it to FAE.
So it's official now 🤣
She's trying to embrace it like someone's told her it was just meant to be. I mean woman does tarot she gotta admit when shit comes together like that 👀🤣
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megamans-ask-blog · 1 year
Intro thing
Hi I’m Mod Haru or Harpuia I always forget how to spell this mfs name even though I love him. God dammit. Anywho, He/She/They for me I’m genderfluid and couldn’t care less anyway <3
Here for fun and as a kinnie because uhhhh your mother that’s why. I do most of the modding itself along with Mod Blues and Mod Zero so Technically we’re the bully busters (WE EAT STRAIGHT ROCKS -Mod Zero) (And we will fuck shit up -Mod Blues) (LMAO?! I LEAVE THIS FOR TWO SECONDS TO EAT-)
Anyways Ignoring the chaos I inevitably brought onto myself by drafting this last night UHHH I also happen to be an artist so I might post doodles here sometimes
~Mod Haru
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
hi! sorry for disappearing, i was feeling a bit down and then i 🫠 for a little while after that. yes, nfsw is a massive no but like you said there are other topics that shouldn't be discuss about. it actually is but a person will either get upset or find it rude, depending on their mindset but i suppose it's both like a double edged sword. those relationships def are treated as inferior but the friendships that turn into relationships are probably criticise most esp if the parties been friends for years but you can't force feelings to come out at an acceptable time if it ever happens 🤷‍♀️ that's true, a relationship need to be stable before progressing more.
it is a bit unfair esp if the newer users become massive fans, there are playthroughs on youtube but from what i've seen, it is a bit jumbled up and all over the place. i'm assuming you must have a lot of weapons then? oh i see, are they both mobile based? fans want a nintendo switch port for GI. it is a bit of a random topic lol. that's true and it would be super hard too, the spellings for my mum and her siblings overlaps a lot, they have double e in all their names. it's been a cool topic to talk about but it's finished now 🤣 that sound like an awkward situation to be in, i hope your teachers never thought that for like signed permissions slips for school's trips 😭 did you guys ever have problem with telling which one is your mail/posted package considering the initials thing. ah my dad and my names spelling are very similar (we have the same letters expect for one that isn't in mine) along with the initials so someone accidentally gave my option of voting to my dad because they skimmed through our names 😂 i did asked my dad if this was planned regarding our names and he said no.
also, i saw a short animated of koko accidentally confessing to inupi and it made me wonder what happened to inupi in the bonten timeline and his relationship with koko.
oh don’t worry, i’m glad that you’re back & feeling better again! <3
yup, agreed
yep. my ex & i tried to love each other romantically and force the feelings, aaand it did not work out lol. in hindsight i’m amazed we managed to go 8 months lmao. funny story too bc we’re both aroace now so it was double stupid. we also didn’t talk at all for 2 years (bc i had them blocked afhjfhg) but we started talking again last week and it’s going great now that we’ve both grown and realised that we’re way better off as friends so i’m not too upset abt our past mistakes anymore lol. anyway, lesson learnt, forcing relationships or love does NOT work out, no matter how desperately you want it to. also agreed, relationships definitely need to be stable to move on bc if they’re not it just keeps getting harder to somehow make them stable (again).
yeah, true. i mean yes.. to be fair i’ve been playing for a really long time and for most of that i’ve been playing it daily so,, hoyoverse (i think i called the company mihoyo in my last reply? they used to be called mihoyo but changed their name to hoyoverse idk a year or so ago but i keep forgetting adhjf) now releases all of their games for both mobile & pc, and i think gi, hi3rd, and hsr are for ps4 & ps5 too? honestly not sure, i play them all on pc. ah yes, the switch port... i used to be kinda excited for it but i’ve lost hope for getting one soon (if ever) bc we were promised one two and a half years ago and nothing’s been done ever since 💀
funny thing my dad is a teacher at my school so he knows some of my teachers a bit & even is friends with one lol so i never really had any problems with our signatures after explaining why they’re so similar. idk abt other places but on the post here there’s always your full name so we never had problems with that. tho i’ve had a bunch of other teachers from my school text me on teams thinking they were texting my father bc our usernames on there (bc school) are almost the same afhjgfjshd
ah lol, that seems annoying
oh i think i know which animation that was bc i think i’ve seen it too! i personally hc that they went no contact or at least barely have any contact even if they’re both not really happy with that (especially koko) but they think it’s for the best. i just think inupi wouldn’t want any associations with criminals and koko wouldn’t want inupi to have associations with criminals bc of him either, so... tho that’s pretty sad afhjggfh but imo the most realistic version of them in bonten
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sugarylawliet · 3 years
no good for me (light yagami x reader)
i’m back lol
> warnings: smut, degradation, spit kink, inappropriate use of the death note, VERY toxic relationship, song fic kinda, lyrics are in bold and italics, based off of diet mountain dew by lana del ray
> tag list: @ygm1slt @cradiot28
❛ you’re no good for me, baby you’re no good for me ❜
Nothing on this earth scared you more than the man you were about to see; the pretty boy brunette flaunting good grades and a picturesque family life whose facade of ambitious, respectful young man was a mask almost no one could see through. Some people felt dread at the thought of spiders or snakes, felt fear in their stomach imagining the paranormal, shadow ghosts or criminal stalkers invading their comfort zones. None of these perfectly rational fears scared you the way Light Yagami scared you. There was no fear to be had at the thought of something undesirable creeping its way into your privacy or comfort zone, because Light had manipulated his way into your comfort and trust long ago. He was scarier than a murderer ready to kill at an urge’s call, his blood lust hid in shadows behind his golden boy facade, his words were tools and his touches were negotiations. You couldn’t trust a single thing that came from his mouth, you often questioned your own sanity. Light Yagami had a terrifying grip on you, and it was exactly what he wanted.
Your eyes scan over the text Light had sent you for the millionth time, the words almost ingrained in your head at this point.
Come to my house. We need to talk. 
You were sure he kept his words vague on purpose, yet another tactic to keep you at his disposal out of pure fear. You weren’t exactly sure if you loved Light anymore; what was your definition of love at this point? You loved him, yes, but was it out of obligation? Was it survival instinct?
It was true, in the beginning you had loved Light purely and truly. You believed his ambition was justice, to make the world a better and safer place for you. But as time went on, “Kira doesn’t kill innocents” began racking up more and more exceptions, and as the twisted justifications spilled from his mouth, so did the gaslighting. Over and over, his sweet words convinced you to keep coming back. His empty promises were a drug and you were addicted. 
His text, you were sure, was a reference to this fizzling out of your love for him. He could sense it, and surely he must have found out you were planning on leaving. You weren’t planning on revealing that he’s Kira- that would cause more commotion you were not interested in being a part of- no, you simply wanted to move states, get away and forget about Light Yagami, forget about Kira and Ryuzaki and Ryuk and everything that has overtaken your life. However, if he did find out your plans to skip town, you may just have to reveal that he’s Kira for safety measures.
❛ you’re no good for me, but baby i want you ❜
Hestiently, you opened the door you had been staring at blankly for what felt like hours. Light had been staying in an upscale hotel during the investigation, so maybe the other tenants could hear you if you screamed for help; the overdramatic thought brought you comfort. 
You walk in the room, closing the door behind you. You’re met with the sight of Light’s back as he sits in the rolling chair across the room. In the absence of any words, without even seeing his face, you know he’s mad. Every slight change of Light’s emotions could strangle a whole room by tension alone; his aura manipulated the feeling in the air, which served as a helpful alarm to know when he is upset. And man, is he upset.
You open your mouth to greet him, but he cuts you off, spinning around in his chair to face you, “Don’t talk.” You nod and close your mouth. Why do you even listen to what he says?
“I knew I couldn’t trust you. From the very beginning I knew you would run that pretty little mouth of yours. I know you’re planning on leaving. And then what? Telling the first news outlet you see that I’m Kira?”
“No Light,”
“I said don’t talk.” He stands up from his chair, “If you tell everyone, you’ll also have to tell on yourself. Imagine what everyone would think of you if they knew...You knew I was Kira and you still dated me, you defended me, you kept my secret, you even got on your knees for me. Are you gonna tell that to the media? That you let Kira fuck you?”
You purse your lips, restraining yourself from talking back. You knew it would only make things worse, but you couldn’t stand the way he talked down on you and expected you to take it. 
“Come here.” He motioned to his desk and you followed, sitting on his lap per his instruction. He placed the death note open on the desk, handing you the pen. With one hand gripping yours and the other on your hip, he began to guide your hand, the pen spilling out the first letter of your name on the pages.
❛ do you think we’ll be in love forever? ❜
“N-No, Light, you can’t do this, please.” You begged, your heart rate quickening as you realize what he was doing. It can’t end like this, it just can’t.
“Shhh, just write. That’s it, baby. This is what bad girls get, you see?” His death grip tightened on your hand as he spelled out your name, the last letters leering closer and closer before you could register the implications of what he was doing. This was it, this was really it.
Light lets his free hand wander up to your jawline, pulling your face closer to yours and enveloping you in a kiss as he wrote the last letter of your name. You shake your head with a whine, however he disregards your concerns and runs his hand on your upper thigh. 
“What’s the matter, Y/n? Don’t wanna spend your last moments with me?~” His nose kisses your neck, and the soft, sensual gestures almost make you forget your life was quite literally slipping away at every second that ticked by. 40 seconds. You had 40 seconds to do something.
You jump off of Light’s lap, reality rushing to your lungs as you felt your world closing in. Your pants become heavier, harsh air ripping through your throat as if they were the last breaths you would ever take because, well- they were.
Your head felt buzzing and dizzy as you fell to your knees, crawling towards Light who had spun around in his chair so his back was facing you; completely apathetic. After all you’ve been through together, after all you’ve done for him, nothing. Nothing at all. 
You crawl closer, grasping towards the notebook Light held in his hands, your weakness limiting your reach as anxiety stole your clearness of mind. He only  chuckles at your meek attempts to save your own life. Your head was racing as your nervousness blacked out everything in the room except for the little black notebook your boyfriend had a death grip on; ‘I’m running out of time, I’m going to die, I need the death note, I need to cross my name out, I need it I need it I need it I-’
“Goodbye, Y/N. You were fun to play with for a while.” Light kisses your nose with an arrogant smirk, peeling your hands off from his lap and wrists before checking his watch, signaling your last few seconds. 
You quit your pitiful attempts to grab the notebook and instead push yourself further and further away from Light until your back hit the wall, lacing your fingers tightly in your hair as you cried your last moments away. 
“5, 4, 3 2...” Light spoke.
“No no no no no, please god,” You cried out, squeezing your eyes shut in preparation for the pangs you would soon feel in your chest.
You breathe. You let the air flood your lungs; it shouldn’t be possible. You dare to open your eyes, revealing the same scene. You, pathetically on the floor with tears down your face, Light before you in his chair with his head thrown back in a maniacal laugh. 
He tossed the death note down to you, like a dog being thrown a bone. You frantically grab it and flip to the newest page, your name scratched out with two thick lines. 
You were alive- no, he let you live.
❛ hit me my darling tonight, i don’t know why but i like it
“Well?” Light asks expectingly, standing up from his chair and kicking it to the side of the room. You look up at him questioningly, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as tears still brimmed your eyes from the just-curved anxiety attack.
“No ‘thank you’? I spared your life even after you betrayed me- lied to me. You’re so ungrateful.”
“I, I-” You found it difficult to shape your words with your hitching breath. You inhale deeply, eyes closed, calming down, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Light.”
Why were you even apologizing?
“I’m so sorry, please, just take me back. I’m sorry.” The words spilled from your mouth so quickly simply because they felt right. You needed to apologize, you did wrong, you need to be good. You wanted him back more than anything so you can be good.
❛ scary, my god, you’re divine ❜
“That’s right,” Light smiled, his voice softening unnaturally, “Now, how about you come over here and show me just how sorry you are.”
You hesitate for a second before crawling over to him. You sit obediently with your legs beneath your thighs on the floor in front of him.
“Mm, that’s my babygirl.” He pets your head affectionately, coherencing a smile from you. Despite everything he’s done, he always knew how to reel you back in. You needed the approval. You needed his approval.
You look up at him with puppydog eyes, to which he cocks his head to the side. “You know what I want.”
Nodding, you slowly unzipper his khaki pants and pull out his cock. You run your hand up and down, pumping it slowly. 
“Don’t be a fucking tease” Light scoffs, raking his fingers through your hair and forcing your mouth down onto him. That sweet, caring demeanor was gone in barley a second- of course it was. What were you expecting? It was a thinly veiled facade and you fell for it everytime without exception. 
Light groans, pushing your head further onto him as you try not to gag. You feel the tip of him hit the back of your throat as he thrusts into your mouth faster. “God, Y/N, you take my cock so well. Hah, if only the media could see you now. Poor little Y/N wants to run away from big bad Kira, meanwhile here she is on her knees for him, sucking him off like the dirty slut she is.”
He lets out a deep sigh before pulling out of your mouth. “Be useful for once and get on the bed.” He commands, bringing you to your feet with his strong grip on your hair and pushing you in the direction of the bed. You obey, sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for his next instruction.
Light slinks over to you, standing over your figure as his delicate fingers dance up your inner thigh. He takes off your skirt and slowly rubs your clit through the fabric of your panties.
“Mmm, Light, more...” You buck your hips up to meet his touch, his movements were agonizingly slow and you needed more friction.
“More?” At once he removes his hand from between your legs and grabs your face, your jaw in between the tight hold of his thumb and forefingers. “You want more, huh? You don’t get to make demands of me. You really think i’m gonna give you what you want after that stunt you pulled? Hah, I’m not letting you off that easy.”
You let out a whine, bucking your hips again asking to be touched.
“Aww, poor baby...” Light cooed, “Open up.” You obeyed, opening your mouth before Light brought your face closer to his, spitting in your mouth. “Now swallow.”
You do, earning a smirk from Light. “Mm, good girl. Good girls get rewarded.”
He pulls your panties aside before dipping two slender fingers inside you; wasting no time, he pumps them in and out frantically.
“Oh god Light, fuck,”
“You’re so wet for me Y/N, you like this, don’t you? I knew you would, such a dirty whore. You like when I treat you like this? You like being treated for the slut you are? God, you probably got wet when I almost killed you. It makes me hard, having you under my thumb like this, under my control...”
“Fuck Light, it feels so good, I’m close...”
Quickly, he removes his fingers from you once again, earning a cry from you at the loss of heat. “Please Light, I need you so bad,” You beg.
“What did I say? You’re still not forgiven for that stunt you pulled. Don’t whine.” He wraps his hand around your throat, pushing you down onto your back.
He fully pulls his boxers down, aligning himself with your entrance.
“Beg for it.”
“Please, please light, god, I need it so badly. I want you.”
“Hmm, yeah? You’re so desperate for my cock? I’m not convinced.”
“Please, Light, I’ll never be bad again, I’ll never mess up again. I need your cock so badly, I need you to use me. Do anything you want.”
“Mm, that’s more like it,” Light remarks before pushing into you, earning a loud moan. HIs thrusts were slow, no doubt teasing you.
“Oh, Light, please, faster...”
“More demands? God, you’re such a needy slut. Fine.” His grip on your throat tightens, pushing you further into the bed as he snaps his hips into you without mercy. His pace is relentless, quickly finding your g-spot.
“Fuck, Light. It... it feels- fuck,”
“Hah, stupid slut, what’s wrong? Cat’s got your tongue? Or is it me fucking you so hard you can’t even think straight, can’t form sentences?”
His words only egg on your approaching orgasam, “Hmmph, it- it feels so good. I’m gonna...”
With that, Light pulls you up slightly by your neck before slamming you roughly back into the bed, thrusting into you with speed. “Cum, show me how sorry you are.”
You obey, releasing with a loud moan of his name. He finishes soon after, roughly letting go of your throat. “Clean yourself up. You look like a fucking mess.”
You slip your panties and skirt back on as Light sits apathetically at his desk, his focus buried in paperwork. You heart skinks to your stomach. 
Once you finish dressing, Light allows you to leave, informing you of the Kira case work he had to finish and opening the door for you. 
“And Y/N,” He catches your attention before you step into the hallway of the hotel, “Let this be a lesson. Don’t ever try to leave me again. You’re mine.” He grabs your jaw and kisses you tenderly- but you weren’t stupid. You knew the motivation behind it, and let you still kissed his soft lips back and let yourself melt into him. 
“Goodbye,” He remarks after pulling away, “Behave yourself.”. The door slams in your face. 
You can still feel his cum dripping from your heat daring to spill out of your panties. The hallway was empty, allowing reality to rush to you at once. Your senses only seem clear when you were alone- with Light, you didn’t see with your own eyes or hear with your own ears.
You let your back touch the door of Light’s hotel room, slowly sliding down until you were sitting on the carpeted floor. Your life was broken pieces and you cut yourself picking up the glass shards, relishing in the fact that your boyfriend liked the way the blood looked on your pricked fingers.
❛  hurt me and tell me you’re mine, i don’t know why but i like it. ❜
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relaxxattack · 3 years
Someone's probably asked you this before but how long did it take you to plan out the plot for knifetrick? What did you do to come up with everything and do you have any tips for other writers who are struggling to put together their own fics?
after checking out my history lol,
it seems i did serious brainstorming and research for about a week before i started writing.
what happened first was that i had in my head the funny idea of ran failing to kill jackie and them getting tax-benefit married (to make ran feel guilty and admit his plot)
and once i realized i wanted to make it into an actual story, i had to change some of it and come up with plot and reasoning.
the first thing i did was ask my followers for song requests, lol. i asked specifically for “songs about futuristic settings or being married to/loving your assassination target”
i listened to a lot of that music to get my brain juices flowing. i had to put together a couple of Reasons for why things happened. i also knew i couldn’t just write the fic on the assassination alone, or else ran would have nothing to distract him and be the overarching plot, lol
the music helped me picture scenes and concepts. i then just jotted down a bunch of stuff i thought would be interesting to happen (possible scenes)
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a couple thoughts on this image— for one you can see that i originally wanted to name my fic after a movie. i looked up ones where assassins grow endeared to their targets and fail to kill them. but i realized i didn’t want to name the fic after a movie in case it was controversial or something, so i ended up going for a song instead. ALSO, as you can tell, some of these points got dropped! again, this was just brainstorming for things i wanted to include
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the next thing i did was ask for ranjack classpects, lol. for those unfamilliar with classpecting, it’s sort of like personality types for really sad nerds (/lh). aka, hogwarts houses but more complicated.
@dyketubbo wrote some INCREDIBLE classpects for ran and jackie. it was based off what we knew about their personalities (which wasn’t much) but it also helped us infer a lot MORE about their personalities by figuring out where they could go or how they probably think in their minds.
if you don’t know classpects you can probably do this with personality types. or, just, figure out your characters personality some Normal way. i wouldn’t know.
there was a lot more brainstorming i did (where i came up with ms. laramie, scoots, and clementine) and tried to come up with a basic plot of what would happen and what they would do. during this i did some research on a proper three-act story structure so my plot would hit just right.
during all of this, i watched a bunch of spy and futuristic flicks (not too intensely, just had them on in the background to absorb the vibes).
i then made a plot map once i figured i knew what was gonna happen
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(the last few chapters are on the other side of the paper, so you don’t get to see them haha)
a lot of this stuff got switched around or dropped completely as i was writing. honestly, the details don’t matter too much— the FLOW of the story is what’s important.
i’m very flexible with my scenes— literally what happens in a chapter is completely up in the air until i FINISH the chapter. sometimes they’re entirely different from my original ideas. it’s not too important to me what exactly happens, as long as it makes sense and i like it and it fits in with the rest.
in my mind, the events themselves are not as impressive as the characters in them. as long as i’m still developing the characters the way i need to throughout the story, and they eventually get to the plot points i need them to, i don’t worry too much about the specifics! as long as they’re fun.
i also didnt write chapter-by-chapter— i mapped the plot first, and then drew little dividing lines where i thought it would be good to end the chapter after. chapters are useful to me as pacing tools, but i didnt want the plot to seem too episodic by Planning it as chapters.
after i wrote the plot map, i did research on deserts, cities, and fantasy politics for DAYS. (i also watched videos on how fantasy militaries should work.) i ended up not using most of that information i came up with, but the parts that do leak through into my current writing do wonders to make the world feel real and alive. each character has a personality and a life, they aren’t just there to be background characters for ran and jackie.
then, i re-read a few books by authors who really inspire me. to get their narration voice fresh in my mind and feel really inspired
eventually we got to where we are now— i write the chapters and i post them!
as i’ve mentioned, i’m very flexible with my plot— so while i’ve foreshadowed certain things since the beginning, some parts of the story have only come perfectly together towards the end. and i have @shrugofgod to thank for that!
my wonderful editor is always willing to chat with me about what scenes and bits work and are most satisfying story-wise. of course lyssie also EDITS my chapters after they’re drafted — to make them more polished, and also ask me questions about things that are going on to clarify them.
many thanks to lyssie shrugofgod for making the story so much better :D
because my chapters have a tendency to get away from me and do whatever they want, if there’s certain plot things i need to hit in a chapter, i’ll outline the chapter before i write it.
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also, recently, (after coming up with one too many REALLY COOL scenes and lines in my head while cleaning, but then completely forgetting them later) i’ve implemented a protocol for myself to jot down anything that comes to mind WHEN it happens so i don’t forget.
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these are unprofessional and have spelling errors and all that, because i just wrote them really quickly, often while doing the dishes or laundry, lol.
so in conclusion:
um yeah that’s how i write knifetrick! i’ve never done this much work for any other fic though, so don’t feel like YOU have to. i did so much research for knifetrick because it was very out of my wheelhouse.
at most all i think is necessary for a good story is a plot map, and a hell of a lot of inspiration. (i got mine from music, movies, books, and drawing ran and jackie a lot, haha!)
make sure you’re having fun with your plot. writing won’t always be fun, but you should at least like your PLOT. because if you don’t then you won’t be inspired or enjoy it at all!
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spencersawkward · 3 years
hi babe! i love your blog sm. could u write or recommend a lil blurb abt spence and reader having sex for the first time as newlyweds🥺 like soft dom spence maybe?
summary: honeymooning in Paris, Spencer and Fem!Reader spend their first time together as newlyweds. 
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, dirty talk, use of the term “sir,” soft dom!Spence, breeding kink. 
A/N: sorry this was longer than a short blurb lol i got excited! i’ve been dying to write a smut blurb lol. one of my like go-to fantasies for like newlywed Spence is that you two are still kind of in a happy daze from the wedding.
you’ve just gotten to Paris, and you’re standing by the bed with a brochure of places to visit. there are a few museums you wanna see, but you know Spencer also has a whole list of bookstores to hit-- and then there’s walking along the Seine, basking in the Parisian sun with your husband. 
“I’ve set aside the Louvre for tomorrow, but I’m assuming we’re gonna need at least two days--” you start to say, but Spencer comes up behind you and presses his lips to your shoulder. you sigh. “Spence.” 
“what?” he breathes over your skin. 
“don’t you wanna do something before dinner?” you hold the brochure up in your hands, but he deftly plucks it away and sets it on the bedside table. 
“I wanna do lots of things before dinner, sweetheart.” he smirks. you want to point out the missed opportunities, but his lips pressing soft, sensual kisses to your neck and across your shoulders are making you forget everything. 
Spencer’s fingers wrap around your waist and he spins you to face him. 
“I haven’t been inside you for too long.” his eyes are darkened with lust. he’s got his stubble and the way his pink button-up sits on his body does things to you. you’ve been craving him since your wedding, but things have been so hectic that you haven’t had a chance to give in. 
“change that, then.” you raise an eyebrow. 
moving like animals, you tear off each other’s clothes and meet every few moments to kiss and feel each other. he’s right: it’s been too long. 
Spencer runs his hands over your naked body and pushes you onto the bed, climbing on top without a word and starting to suck at your neck. he sinks his teeth slightly into your jugular, moaning at the way you arch your back. 
“you’re all mine, now.” he slips his fingers between your bodies, finding your clit and circling it with ease. you moan and squirm at the way he understands your needs. 
“mhmm.” you nod. 
“look how wet.” he shows you his fingers, which are glistening with your essence before he slides them into your mouth. you suck at them, moaning. Spencer wraps his hand around his cock and starts to pump it, rubs it against your pussy. he removes his hand and dips down to kiss you deeply, then slowly pushes into you. 
your mouth drops open, always taken aback by the way he fits inside your body. Spencer groans loudly, drops his head down on your shoulder. 
“always so fucking tight,” he grunts. you gasp when he pushes your legs further apart so he can get deeper. “you like that, pretty girl?”
you nod. he threads his fingers through yours to push them into the pillow, panting into the crook of your neck while he starts to thrust inside. 
“S-Spence, oh my god.” you whine, wrapping your legs around his waist. he loves the sound of his name off your tongue, picks up the pace. 
“I’m gonna make you cum so many times tonight.” he gets excited and begins to rock the bed slightly. you reach up and touch his jawline, turn his attention to your face while you watch. you love to see the pleasure in his eyes, the building of his adoration. the memory of how he looks between your legs, those eyes staring intently into yours while he spells your name with his tongue, always brings you closer to the edge. 
“thank you, sir.” you’re grateful for him, and he smirks. 
“and then I’m gonna use that pretty mouth.”
you nod vigorously. 
“you excited to suck my cock, baby?” he asks. 
“yes, sir.” 
he thrusts particularly hard, the headboard slamming the wall. “good.” 
“it feels so good, sir.” you start to shift your hips up to meet his rhythm, writhing while he holds your hands down into the pillow. he loves imposing on your body, loves hovering over you. 
“so... fucking tight, princess--” he gasps, sweat causing some of his curls to stick to his forehead. “can’t wait to fill you with my cum.” 
“please.” you beg. 
“gonna get you pregnant as soon as I can.” he’s getting closer, ruthless with your body. you’re struggling to hold back the moans in your chest, barely able to respond.
“you want my kids, baby? gonna let me fill you over and over till it’s dripping?” he kisses you quickly. 
“fuck-- yes, sir, please!” you arch your back again. “I’m gonna cum, Spence--” 
he takes away one hand to go down and aggressively circle your clit. it doesn’t take much before you’re crumbling before him, squirming and clenching repeatedly around his cock. it’s enough to push him over, too, and he lets out a guttural, low moan as he shoves in to the hilt and releases. 
“right there-- oh, fuck.” he whimpers and spills inside, the warmth spreading through your body. his pace slows as he rides out the high, and you cling to each other tightly. he doesn’t release the other hand until you’re both ready to collapse. 
he rolls over next to you, laying on the bed. 
“how are we always so good?” you grin. he chuckles, turns his head to look at you with a truly happy smile. 
“emotional connections have been proven to cause stronger, longer-lasting orgasms.” 
you can’t wait for tonight.       
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Disasters and Detentions
Request: “Hi! Can i please request A fred weasley x reader (I love my boy fred lol). With the angst prompt 16 and fluff prompt 12 and 9 please? Tyty i love your writing!”
(”Why do you care?”/”Oh my God! you’re in love with him”/”God, you’re so fucking cute”
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word count: 1.9k (I got excited or whateva)
A/N: These were suchhh cute prompts to work with, I really love writing the twins in a school enviroment it gives me good vibes :) ALSO this is so long but like I said before, the twins x fluff = a dream.
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The Triwizard tournament was all anyone had been talking about recently, and while you could admit it was an exciting year for Hogwarts with the Yule Ball too, you couldn’t help but get tired of everyone’s eagerness – even those too young to participate.
You sat with your friend Hermione, completing work, and simultaneously watching as students in their sixth and seventh year entered their names into the goblet, each time admiring the flicker of the sapphire blue flame.
“Isn’t he dreamy” Hermione commented, gazing at Cedric Diggory who had just placed his name into the Goblet, receiving a warm welcoming from the inferno, indicating acceptance.
“I guess” you said, looking up towards harry noticing he had the exact same grin on his face as yourself. You both knew exactly what Hermione was trying to do and by the looks of Ron it had worked.
You understood why all the girls would swoon over the older, prince charming-like Cedric, but you had someone different in your thoughts…. much different.
Suddenly the room was filled with clapping and cheering as if Gryffindor had just won the Quidditch Cup.
“YESSS” you heard the raspy laughs of what could only be Fred and George, running into the hall with a test tube each. The way the light hit Fred’s copper hair as he ran towards the goblet had caught you in a trance. His Hazel eyes, his bright smile and pale complexion… it was all you could focus on.
Suddenly you were met with a hand being waved across your face which disrupted your line of sight and snapped you back into reality.
“What on earth has gotten into you” Hermione asked, with a puzzled expression on her face.
“uh, nothing just tired” you replied in an attempt to draw as little attention as possible to what was actually distracting you.
“Well lads, we’ve done it” George announced to the mass of applause “cooked it up just this morning”, as soon as you heard Fred’s voice you couldn’t help but swoon at the sound, gaining another weird look from Hermione.
“It’s not going to work” Hermione sung, in a rather condescending manner.
Before you knew it, you were inches away from Fred, who had accompanied his brother in lowering himself to yours and Hermione’s level.
“Oh yeah?” Fred asked, patronisingly back whilst leaning an arm on your shoulder. You weren’t sure what to do in that moment other than freeze and try not to make any eye contact. You could feel your palms get sweatier by the second and your breathing start to increase at a stupidly rapid rate.
“And why’s that Granger?” George then asked, with sole focus on beating Hermione in this sort of battle of ‘who’s right’.
Strangely you thought could feel Fred’s eyes, looking you up and down, which only caused your body to tense up even more than it was before.
You zoned out completely every word that Hermione spoke, only being able to pay attention to the arm that rested on your shoulder and the lips that were inches away from your face.
“Ah but that’s why it’s so brilliant” Fred said, this time you had gained some confidence to look slightly in his way to which you were then face to face with his mischievous grin.
“Because it’s so pathetically dim-witted” George over emphasised in Hermione’s scolding face, causing you to giggle like a schoolgirl.
God, how pathetically dim-witted of you.
Fred and George looked at each other before rising to their naturally giant-like height in high spirits of just winning an argument against Hermione Granger.
Whilst putting a thumb over the test tubes to shake them you couldn’t help but kind of worry about Fred. It was such a strange feeling, you knew how much of a prankster both him and his twin were, but the potion was dangerous, and not nearly as dangerous as if they managed to enter the tournament itself.
“I hope he’s alright” you accidentally mumbled under your breath, causing a slightly aggravated Hermione to snap back.
“What, Fred? Why do you care?” she replied, meeting your gaze focusing on Fred.
There was silence for what seemed like forever, you didn’t know what to say and didn’t want to make it obvious, “I don’t I just, uh, I made one of those potions myself at home, nasty things” you settled with.
Yet, you were forgetting who exactly you were talking to, they don’t call her the brightest witch for her age for no reason. Hermione looked at you, who then looked at Fred, who seemed to be looking in your direction and suddenly the light bulb inside her turned on.
“Oh my God! You’re in love with him!” Hermione gasped, giggling in the process.
“Shh Hermione!” you attempted to reduce the chances of anyone hearing the truth, especially that of Fred.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George”
“Bottoms up” the twins sang in unison which helped distract Hermione from the information that she had just heard. Fred and George proceeded to jump into the ring of fire that guarded the Goblet, letting out a very confident “Yesss” that got the crowd going once more.
Putting their names in the fire seemed to actually work, gaining a repeated and very smug “Yeahhh” from both the twins – yet there’s one thing you had learnt during your time at Hogwarts, and it was that Hermione was always right.
Instantaneously there was a flash of blue light and before you knew it both the twins were rolling around on the floor with white beards, rather resembling Dumbledore himself.
You couldn’t help but really belly laugh at their stupidity as the crowd chanted “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
“Detention! The both of you!” McGonagall’s voice went straight though you, yet you continued to laugh at the twins’ misfortune as she attempted to separate them.
“And I suppose you find this funny miss Y/L/N” McGonagall’s eye caught your line of sight, “then I shall see you in detention with these two buffoons”
You groaned at the thought, which seemed to only antagonise her further “Oh and since the three of you are in Gryffindor, 10 points from Gryffindor” she spoke in a high tone, which earned a groan from the majority of the room.
Later that day you had found yourself in the detention hall with both Fred and George, alongside a few other misbehaving students. Don’t get me wrong, you had sat through your fair share of detentions, it was just that this year you had promised yourself that you would try and reduce the amount of time you had to spend with Professor Snape.
After what felt like an eternity, Snape put his head down to mark some work and you felt like you could finally breathe.
A paper bird landed onto your desk, bringing you back into the real world.
The note simply read:
‘I’m sorry for getting you into trouble’
You turned around discreetly to be met by Fred, who gave you a gentle smile, and in turn you were holding in quite possibly the biggest smile you have ever had before.
“God, you’re so fucking cute” you mumbled to yourself whilst reading the note, but before you knew it Fred’s message started to disappear, and the ink began to write the last words you spoke.
Of course, Fred had used magical ink. “oh no no no” you began to panic quietly, frantically trying to think of a spell that would erase the words on the note. Yet, your anxious mind only hindered your time and the note began to transform into a paper bird and fly behind you towards Fred’s seat.
You started to sink into yours, literally face palming at the thought of Fred reading those words. You were so embarrassed that right then and there you had sworn you just wouldn’t open your mouth for the rest of the year.
Since you hadn’t got another note back and you hadn’t turned around to check, you prayed that the paper bird had just got lost on the way back to him.
Once detention had finished you collected your books and rushed out of Snape’s classroom, faster than you ever had before.
“Oi! Y/N! where you off too?” Fred’s voice unexpectedly called after you, causing you to freeze in your tracks.
“Just uh, the common room” you replied without looking back to face him, maybe everything was alright after all, and maybe Fred really hadn’t seen your note.
“Great, I’ll walk you”, you heard Fred’s footsteps get closer and closer to you, before finally gaining the courage to face him in hopes of his cluelessness.
“Oh by the way, this is for you” Fred opened his two hands to reveal a paper bird, pecking at his palm, “couldn’t have gave it to you back then of course, Snape was watching me like a hawk” he laughed before allowing the bird to flutter into your hands.
Your heart sank at the thought of opening the note, with a sick feeling in your stomach.
I had no idea you felt that way, but in that case… You’re way cuter’
You giggled slightly, feeling a sense of relief yet still feeling extremely anxious. Fred Weasley thought you were cute. You couldn’t believe it.
Finally looking up from the note, you noticed Fred’s hazel eyes staring longingly into your own, and you couldn’t look away.
You watched as he lifted his hand to your cheek, pushing back the hair that draped slightly over your face. The brush of his fingers on your skin felt so soft and warm, yet your gaze remained. In that moment you felt no sickness, no heart sinking, and no anxiety… just butterflies in your stomach and a sense of serenity.
“Is this okay?” Fred asked, and with one nod from you he began to lean in closer, causing you to slowly press onto your tip toes to make his job a little easier. This time he lifted his right hand to cup your face completely.
Upon instinct you closed your eyes, feeling your face be lifted towards his. You could feel the warmth of Fred’s breath grow closer, placing your hands on his lower torso where they would naturally reach.
The moment was perfect, and without a second thought your lips met Fred’s in a soft exchange. The initial kiss allowed you to linger for a moment, digesting the feeling of not only his face against yours but his fingers entwined in your hair.
Your lips were left cold but sweet as you breathed into Fred, causing him to place a second kiss on your lips returning the warmth you had just felt. This time you felt the corners of Fred’s mouth curl into a smile which made you do the same.
Pulling away slightly and starting to land on the heels of your feet you began to open your eyes slightly, seeing Fred’s adorable smile with his eyes closed. He began to pull you up again ever so slightly, eyes still closed.
“Hang on, just one more” he seemed in a trance, and giggling you put your hands around his neck to which he lifted you gently. The third kiss was as good as the first and second, and with that you were placed onto the ground, spiritually and physically.
You and Fred giggled at each other when finally opening both your eyes to see each other again. You felt Fred’s hand snake down your arm to meet your own hand, locking his fingers between yours.
You looked down at the floor and bit your lip at the afterthought of the moment, gripping Fred’s hand tightly as he let out a heavy breath.
“I bloody love detention” Fred announced as you walked hand in hand towards the common room, giggling.
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xxreader-writerxx · 3 years
Already Won
Word count: 2.1k
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Cursing, angsty, Cheating Mentioned, Blood Mentioned, Knife Kink Mentioned, Reader nearly cuts finger off, Panic Attack-ish (Fred), Poor Plot, Snogging at the end, and Abandonment Issues
A/n: This isn't amazing it was just to kick my arse into writing again lol, fighting writers block atm
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House
I'm cutting vegetables in the kitchen for dinner when I hear the door unlock. I smile to myself and grab the coffee I made, reheating it with a quick spell. "Baby! Did you get the creamer while you were out?" I ask, turning the corner. "I was supposed to?" I hear a different voice than what I was expecting respond. "Oh its you." I say plainly, annoyed by the sight of my ex boyfriend Draco. "Hey darling. I missed you." He says, walking to try to give me a hug but I push him away disgusted. "Didn't I dump you like what five months ago? After you cheated on me with Pansy?" I ask, turning to go into the kitchen. "Your still on that? I'm back so everything can go back to normal!" He says and I scoff. "Nope." I say when I hear the door open.
"Baby, the witch down the street ran out of creamer but, I got coffees down the street. Then I dropped them on myself trying to get inside." I hear Fred ramble. I walk out chuckling and see him stripping as he walks into our room. "The coffee burns." He says, still distracted by getting clean clothes on. I walk over with Draco tailing behind me. "Honey, someone's here." I tell him and he whips his head around, grabbing his shirt to cover himself. "Shit. Sorry sorry.... Not sorry what the hell is he doing here?" He asks, seeing Draco. "Figuring it out myself- Oh my god Freddie, how hot were those coffees?!" I ask, seeing a burn mark forming on his shoulder.
"I wanted them to be hot enough to make it home." He says sheepishly. I walk over, grabbing the burn medication I conjured after discovering having Fred Weasley as a boyfriend means a lot of burns to heal. I pull down the sleeve and rub the ointment on. "Ow..." He moans and I nod sadly.
When I finish I put a bandage on him and take his hand. I bring him to the fridge and grab a lolly. "Suck on this while it heals, it'll cool your body." I say and he winks, placing the lolly on his tongue. "While I suck on this why don't you- Why are you still here." He says, breaking his flirty behavior to look at Draco who is glaring at Fred. "Name's on the lease." He says with a smirk. "You're kidding. He's kidding." He says looking at me upset. I freeze trying to think of a solution when I finally sigh. "He's right..." I say, I shove my face in his chest and he glares at Draco angrily. "You are going to leave." He says through gritted teeth. "Where would I go huh?" He asks, still cocky. "Do I give a shit? No. Now your things are in the hall closet, take those bags and leave." He repeats, keeping me against him.
"I don't remember your name on the lease." He says with a smirk and Fred nods. "Yeah but I have my initials on-" He says as he start to raise my shirt trying to reveal the initials he cut during an exciting night two days ago. I slap his hand and he looks at me cheekily. "Anyways, I guess you can stay in the guest room and I'll go unpack." He says and I grab his jacket before he can leave the kitchen. "Fix it." I say sternly and he groans. "I'll stay in the guest room." He mumbles and I nod promptly.
I wake up next to Fred and look for whatever woke me. I get up realizing its 5:37 and shake Fred softly. "Baby we need to get ready for work. I'll go make breakfast." I whisper and he nods into the pillow, golden ginger hair surrounding his freckled face softly. "Baby, if we told George what happened he'd understand, let's sleep in." He offers and I sigh. "If I had another owner to take care of my shop then I would jump in your arms but..." I say and he groans nodding.
I make my way into the kitchen to make us omelets when a figure makes me jump. "Fuck." I mutter as Draco takes a sip of his coffee. "Honey?" I hear from behind me and I turn to see Fred fiddling with his tie. I walk over smiling to myself at his loose tie and messy hair. "Stupid Blood Traitor can't even tie his own tie." I hear Malfoy mumble as I tied Fred's tie, getting angry I nearly behead Fred on accident but he stops me with a soft hold on my hips. "Here's the thing, Malfoy, I'm doing this... To do this." Fred says smirking pulling me in for his signature kiss. I sigh into the kiss almost forgetting about my troubles until they cough to signify they're still there.
"I'll make our breakfast, you work on tea?" I ask and he salutes cutely. I start chopping up onions when I feel myself get enveloped in a hug, Fred's face snug in my neck. His lips threateningly close to my neck, butterfly kisses every now and then. "What are you up to?" I giggle as his hands tickle my sides. "I just love you..." He whispers and I smile. "I love you more." I whisper and he kisses my cheek. "I'll cook the omelet, you go watch your program. It's on." He whispers and I turn, placing my hands on the counter behind me. "I can take care of the food. Don't worry about me." I whisper back and he kisses my lips softly. "Please? When else will your show be on this early?" He asks and I smile. "If you insist. But at least let me cut the peppers." I say and he nods.
I'm cutting dough in my café when I hear the door open. I smile warmly, keeping my eyes to the counter. "Hello! I'll be with you in a moment." I say when someone pushes my chin up softly. "Hey darling." Draco says and I groan. "Malfoy, I'm not your darling anymore. I'm dating Fred." I state, my entire body growing warm with anger. "I know, I know... But I wanted to try and win you back." He states, holding up a gold necklace. "You think I can be bought?" I ask, seething with anger. His face looses color as he shakes his head. "N-no! I meant this as a sorry-" He begins but I slam my knife down. "Get out."
I walk into the twin's shop, unusually tired, I see George and walk over lazily. "Hey- What the hell!?" He asks and he grabs my arm, tugging me to Fred's office. "Where are we going?" I ask lazily. "FRED." He yells banging on the door. Fred opens the door angrily but the anger turns to worry when he lays his eyes on me, or to be specific my finger. I cut it, deep. "Oh look at that..." I say and he scoops me up. "Oh god oh god..." He mumbles as I lay my head on his shoulder. "You smell nice." I whisper and he shakes his head. "What the hell happened?" He asks and I frown. "Draco came to my shop and gave me this." I say and I show him the necklace and he looks at it upset as he buckles me into the car. "You've lost a lot of blood..." He whispers, tearing up a bit. "I'm fineeee." I tell him and he kisses my forehead softly. "Just stay awake..." He whispers and I nod softly.
I wake up in a hospital bed and Fred is holding my hand. "Baby?" I ask roughly, my throat burning from sleep. "Thank god." He exclaims, holding me close to his chest. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?! You don't understand how happy I am to see your eyes open." He tells me, clutching my shirt tightly.
Ever since the accident Fred kicked Malfoy out and I got someone to take over the shop while I heal. Fred's been clingy since because he says he nearly lost me and every time I remind him it was only a bit of blood loss but he always responds with "same thing". Malfoy has been sending flowers, expensive gifts, and baskets each with a note begging me to take him back. I laugh at every package because they come from Pansy's apartment. Now its two months later both me and Fred going strong, and Malfoy hasn't given up.
I walk into the house back from groceries with Fred nowhere to be found. I hear shaky breathing from our room. I walk in and see Fred in the corner crying silently. "Freddie?" I ask and he hides his face in his arms. "I'll be out in a minute." He whispers and I sit next to him on the floor. "What's wrong?" I ask and he cries again. "Nothing, don't worry about it." He whispers and I tug his hand to wrap around it. "Tell me..." I whisper back and place my free hand on his cheek. He leans into my hand, closing his eyes happily. "I love you..." I tell him and he sighs. "I'm sorry." He tells me and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Did you break something?" I ask and he laughs, wiping his nose. "No... I'm sorry I can't provide for you." He tells me and I finally am able to sit on his lap, his hands resting on my hips as he places his forehead in the crane of my neck. "What?" I ask and he digs his head further. "Malfoy gets you all these fancy gifts and I know I'm not enough. I don't have diamond necklaces, my flowers are always picked, and he has so much to offer... And I'm here being the idiot who has a joke shop instead of a stable job. Its a matter of time before he finally wins you back and I would understand, who'd want me over Malfoy..." He cries into my neck and I run my hands through his hair softly.
"No... Baby I don't care about jewels or money. I love your flowers, how you tell me why each one reminded you of me... I love you Freddie.... I could never be won by Malfoy wanna know why?" I coo into his ear softly. "Why?" He asks, looking up at me with his soft hazel eyes. "Because you've already won. A million times, you've won. When we became best friends at 8, when I saw you on the bus, when you left school, when you moved in with me after my break-up, not letting me ignore help by saying you needed a place to stay because George and Angelina were moving in when we both knew you could live at the burrow... Every day you have won me. How can I prove that?" I ask and he smiles sweetly. "You just did... I love you so so much." He whispers and I smile, kissing his nose.
I hear the doorbell ring and he looks towards the door upset. I groan getting up and open the door. Draco is there crying holding flowers. "Please." He whispers and I go to slam the door but he stops me. "I know I don't deserve it but please give me another chance. Weaslebee could never care for you, not like I can. So please take me back." He says and I get angered by those words. I grab his collar and shove him back. "Do not talk of Fred that way." I say and he scoffs. "You know he won't. I have money we can land on, he doesn't. So cut the bullshit and take me back." He spits and I punch him right in the nose. "Leave. And I don't mean my door, I mean my life Malfoy." I tell him as he doubles over, flicking him off.
I walk back into my house and find Fred smiling at me, eyes still puffy but I couldn't care less, he's beautiful. "I love-" Is all he can say before I grab his collar, pulling him into a long kiss. He leans into it after recovering from the shock. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me to wrap my legs around his torso. He sits on the couch, pulling me flush against his body. "I love you so much..." He mumbles as we take a second to get air. "I love you more." I say, diving to attach my lips to his. He pulls away after a while and smiles, moving hair from my face softly. I smile back, a giggle escaping my lips. "What?" I ask and he kisses me softly. "I guess I did win." He whispers and I kiss him again.
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caramelcal · 4 years
Request:  Luke x reader? Luke tries to distract reader throughout the day (like he did to Julie) especially when she tries to talk to Nick? Which reader gets mad about and starts to ignore Luke (because she’s been trying to distract herself from her growing feels for him) and he eventually poofs into he room to talk to her about it?
Word Count: 2k
a/n: hi! sorry this took so long, instead of sitting down and working on one fic i’ve been working on five at the same time. incredibly stressful, i’ll try not to do that again lol especially considering it meant it took me ages to write them all...also someone pls give me something to name this lmao ty, and thank you for the request! 
also just in case anyone asks i will not be making a part 2 sorry ! :(
disclaimer: I do not condone the use of my work/writing without my permission. The only place this has been posted is on my (rosemoonmist) tumblr account. This has not been posted on any other platform either. If you see any plagiarism of my work please let me know! <3 People work hard on their fics, so don’t steal them ty.
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“So y/n I was thinking,” Luke starts, popping up out of thin air beside you whilst you walk along the corridors. At his unannounced presence beside you, you jump and let out a surprised squeal, gather attention from other students.
Looking around, you notice all of their stares and a blush coats your cheeks. They couldn’t see Luke, you knew that, so they thought you jumped at nothing and your squeal definitely didn’t help. Your head ducks down in embarrassment, trying to avoid the gazes of the students as you start to hurry to your locker.
“Y/n! I’m trying to talk to you here? Hello!” Luke shouts, following your quick, embarrassed walk to your locker. He leans against the locker beside you, arms crossed over his chest, “Y/n, stop ignoring me please.”  
“You know Luke, normal people don’t sneak up on others so you definitely shouldn’t,” You mutter quietly, trying not to attract any more attention from those near you. You had already embarrassed yourself enough, you definitely didn’t need to be caught talking to yourself.
Luke watches you as you get your textbooks from your locker with soft, hazel eyes, shrugging his shoulders before he speaks again, “I don’t see what’s wrong with coming to share my ideas with you.”
“When you practically ambush me in the middle of the halls and embarrass me in front of my classmates then there’s something wrong,” You whisper harshly towards the teenage ghost, who gives you a playful smile in return.
“Don’t worry about it, I think your little scream was cute,” Luke tries to playfully comfort you, but you only end up more embarrassed. Ducking your head, you clear your throat, not meeting Luke’s eyes, “Plus, if I don’t talk to you then who is? Flynn and Julie aren’t here.”
“I have friends other than Julie and Flynn, you know,” You replied with a small smile, rolling your eyes at the boy whose eyes go slightly wider in amusement.
Leaning closer to you, he whispers, “Yeah, one of ‘ems behind you right now.”
With that he pulls back, his amused smirk going wider when he sees your eyes widen in panic. At least he’s getting some enjoyment out of this because you certainly weren’t. It was almost as if you were unfrozen, whipping around after several moments of doing nothing and just standing still to see him there.
“Heyyy y/n,” He says, trying to mask the slightly judgmental look he is giving you but you notice. At this rate, you just want the ground to swallow you whole, melt into the floor or just disappear.
“Nick! Hi,” You say, feeling your throat close up as you look at him. You try to keep your eyes on him, but they quickly stray when Luke appears behind him.
“You alright, L/N?” Nick asks, looking at you strangely with concern etched into his voice.
Waving your hand about weirdly, you nod your head wildly, trying to act natural but very much not. Luke glances at you with a judgmental glance, one that he wants you to see as you laugh, “Of course I am! Why would I not be?”
“I don’t know, you’re just acting a little strange.”
“Me? I’m always strange,” You try to wave it off, hoping that soon enough this nightmare would be over and you could go back home. This has to be the most embarrassing day to ever exist, for anyone. You would give anything just to disappear right now.
“Uh oh,” Luke’s voice sounds from behind Nick, his voice teasing as he looked at you with a smile, “has someone got a crush on Nick?”
“What! No!”
Your eyes snapped over to Luke, his smile growing wider. You know that he’s messing with you, but you couldn’t let him believe you had a crush on Nick of all people. No way. You already liked someone else, Luke, so to let Luke believe that you liked Nick was not going to happen. Your eyes hesitantly look back towards Nick, where he looks at you with a confused look.
You know that you can’t explain you were talking to a ghost, he’d think you were even crazier than you actually were. Giving him an awkward laugh you rub behind your neck, “Sorry, Flynn is across the hall and is trying to be distracting.”
“Flynn isn’t even in scho-”
“Sorry, Nick! Nice talking to you but I gotta go, bye!” Cutting Nick off quickly, you wave your hand before whirling around, walking in the opposite direction. A pair of shoes caught themselves up with you, and you knew who it was. The black and white vans were kind of a giveaway.
“I think that went well.”
“Shut up, Luke.”
. . .
Thankfully, your bad and embarrassing day didn’t get much worse. You managed to get through your first classes without Luke trying to annoy you anymore, which meant that you didn’t embarrass yourself even more and when it came to lunch you holed yourself up in the library. Being in the library meant that there was no one around to embarrass yourself in front of.
Your last class rolled around and you were trying to get your head down and do your work so that you could go home and forget that this day ever happened. It wasn’t going to get much worse than it already is considering the day was practically over, so you were just waiting for the time to pass by.
“Y/n, psst,” You hear a voice whisper from in front of you, making you look up. Maybe you spoke too soon, because there Luke is, sitting on the desk in front of yours, that was thankfully empty.
You knew that Luke just liked to talk to people other than Reggie and Alex from time-to-time and you were normally a good option but not in school. And especially not after the embarrassment that happened earlier on in the morning; that’s why you ignored him.
However, it seemed that Luke really wanted your attention and was willing to do anything to get it. Whether it be constantly talking to you, distracting you from doing your work, or humming new songs, he seemed to be doing anything to be annoying.
“What do you think about this one, n/n?”
Often, you were used to Luke just using your first name, so the sound of your endeared nickname falling off of his lips effortlessly caused your heart to flutter. Luke frowned a little, he knew you were listening, he could see you press your pencil down a little harder on your paper every time he spoke, almost as if you were trying to restrain yourself from answering him.
A smirk lit upon his lips, he knew exactly what to do. Jumping off of the table, he made his way over to your desk, taking the pencil out of your hand. Your eyes went wide but you knew you couldn’t make a big deal about it, imagine they seen you jumping after a floating pencil.
Looking up at Luke, you mouthed ‘Luke, put the pencil down’ with a glare, but Luke simply smirked at you. At this rate, you thought that Luke was just trying to get you grumpy. He brought the pencil down to your level to tease you but you caught onto it, tugging it closer to you.
Luke didn’t seem to want to let go, finally glad to get your attention but it shouldn’t have been a good thing, because he was just angering you even more.
Finally managing to yank the pencil off of Luke, you heard a voice whisper beside you, “Hey y/n, are you planning on actually doing any work, or are you gonna continue to cast spells with your pencil?”
The day definitely couldn’t get worse after that.
. . .
After that, you were determined to ignore Luke by any means necessary, even if he stole a pencil and let the class believe that the class was haunted. Thankfully enough, Luke realized that he shouldn’t push your buttons anymore and left you alone. On your walk home you practically wallowed in self-pity and embarrassment and found yourself swallowed in a hole of blankets and pillows watching a movie when you got into your bedroom.
You did not want to go back to school, and you found yourself dreading it more and more with each passing moment. After Luke realized how embarrassed you were the first time, he should've stopped, but he didn’t. Maybe he just liked to torture you and embarrass you in front of all of your peers.
It was a well-established thing that you liked Luke, not that he knew, of course, you knew he didn’t like you back like that. And after today, you struggled to believe he would ever see you as more; it was like he didn’t care about your feelings.
“Y/n, there you are,” Speak of the devil, “I need opinions on these new lyrics-”
“No, Luke. I’m busy.” You snap, eyes keeping on the screen. You hoped that he took the memo and stopped talking and left, but he didn’t, they never do.
Walking towards your bed, Luke sat beside you and grabs the remote that was tucked in between two blankets, holding it up to you, “No you aren’t, you’re only watching a movie. I’m sure you could stop it for two seconds.”
“What if I don’t want to?” You reply sassily, reaching for more popcorn that sat in the small bowl in front of you.
“What’s up with you?” Luke asks, his voice slightly annoyed as he looks at you. He seems confused like he’s completely oblivious to everything that happened today.
“What do you think is up with me?” You ask, finally turning to look at him, e/c eyes meeting the hazel ones you were so fond of.
Luke stares back at you with the same intensity, eyes looking over your blanket-covered figure before realization dawned on his face. Yet, with the realization, annoyance seemed to follow closely behind, “Is this because I embarrassed you in front of your crush?”
“I don’t have a crush on Nick!” Your voice is slightly louder than you had intended, but you don’t bother to apologize anyway.
Maybe you were both overreacting, and you were getting a little too defensive but you couldn’t help it. Luke didn’t seem to listen to you, you had already told him you didn’t like Nick, couldn’t he just listen to you for once in his life?
“Why are you shouting? I’m just asking a question,” Luke says, his voice calm. You had never expected the day where Luke would be the voice of reason between the two of you but here we are.
Eyes looking back up to meet Luke’s, a frown falls onto your face. Sighing, you feel guilt pool in your stomach, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted at you.”
“It’s alright, y/n. I shouldn’t have embarrassed you in the first place. I’m really sorry,” You’re pretty sure that’s the first time you have ever heard Luke apologize to anyone, and you’re surprised at how sincere he sounded. Maybe Luke does care about your feelings more than you expected him to.
Soon enough, the calm and comfortable atmosphere you have created in the room because uncomfortable as you both sit in a silence. You don’t know what to say, or what to do but thankfully, Luke saves you from that.
“Listen, I- uh,” Luke hesitates to speak, feeling nervous when your attention is turned back to him. His gaze looks down at the bed before glancing back up, looking very fidgety under your gaze, “I’m sorry for what I did this morning. I don’t know I just seen Nick, and I thought you guys liked each other and I didn’t like it so I embarrassed you in front of him and that’s not okay.”
“You didn’t like it?” You ask with a smirk, quoting what Luke said as your smirk goes a bit wider. Noticing your words, Luke’s eyes go a little bit wider as he starts to stutter but you quickly end his stuttering, “Were you jealous, Patterson?”
It takes him a few moments to respond, your full body turning towards him when you begin to tease him. You had hoped that he was going to get embarrassed in front of you but that doesn’t seem to be the case. 
“Maybe I am, what are you gonna do about it?”
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harpyloon · 4 years
i’ll catch you
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x fem!Reader
Summary: "Up close, Y/N could see the familiar freckles splattered all over his nose and cheeks. He was towering over her like he always did. She used to be the little second year Hufflepuff always idling by the entrance to the Great Hall hoping to bump into the famous Charlie Weasley. Studying on the Quidditch pitch, watching him behind her textbook, captaining the Gryffindor team. Climbing the beech tree by the lake again and again, hoping Charlie Weasley would somehow walk by once more to offer her a hand..."
☞ Curse Breaker reader x Dragon-tamer Charlie Weasley
Warnings: Fluff, sprinkles of angst, dragons (duh), mentions of a dead animal, mentions of dragon eating dead animal (lol), post-war timeline (although not that important)
WC: 4.5k+ , Part 2 coming soon!
Read on AO3
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Beautiful rays of golden sunlight were peaking through the blinders of Y/N's cabin. It was going to be a lovely day with the perfect weather to seek out a bit of adventure, and although she was sure she had countless other affairs to address before kicking off with her assignment the next day, a blathering Bill Weasley was not one of them.
"Are you even listening?" his tone was way beyond impatient. "You know what? Don't answer that. I know for a fact that you never pick up anything I say. Ever."
Y/N rolled her eyes as she busied herself with stuffing her socked feet inside a pair of brown chunky hiking boots. She didn't plan on going very far. Her colleagues were currently lounging in the dining hall about five cabins down, sipping piping hot ciorbă, munching on breakfast toast, and relishing their only foreseeable off day before the start of the big dig tomorrow. Some were even dozing off still, earning as much sleep as they could to compensate for the long nights to come.
It's true what they say about grumpy Curse Breakers. But nobody realized that they just spent too much time with their eyes wide open.
"You know, Bill," Y/N mused, "you always call me the drama queen. What does that make you then?"
The floating head over the fire scoffed, "A concerned superior."
"Well, there's nothing to be concerned about."
"Where are you headed?"
"I'm going for a walk."
"No walks," ordered Bill, his face stern.
"Everyone's out and about today!"
"No walks for you."
Y/N laughed. "Oh yeah?"
Bill sighed. He knew trying to be hard-nosed was futile. "No walks alone at least."
"Are you sure there's no bun in Fleur's oven yet?" Y/N teased. "You're sounding more like a papa bear with each passing day."
She heard a soft melodic laugh within the fire where Bill's head was when suddenly, another floating head appeared right beside his. This time, all blonde and very French
"There iz no bun yet, mon cher. But I think he az been practicing fatherhood with you." Fleur gave Y/N a wink. "I 'eard zer are many 'andsome men in Romania. With a leetle beet of exzploring yo—"
"There will be no exploring," barked Bill, sending his wife a warning glance, which she ignored.
"—you might find someone az adventurous az you are," Fleur beamed, "And very macho."
"Darling," Bill sighed, "is this necessary?"
With a flying kiss to Y/N, Fleur was gone.
Shrugging on a light parka, Y/N gave Bill a knowing look, "You see? Your wife said I could use a macho man."
"Oh please. You're in a Curse Breaker camp."
"Hey, there are loads of macho men here."
"Macho enough for you?"
Y/N wrinkled her nose but ignored the question.
"Well, William," she said, emphasizing Bill's full name, "I, am a Curse Breaker in the middle of the Southern Carpathians." Stuffing her wand through her belt loop, she looked at him with finality. "And I am not passing up this opportunity."
"Remember when they assigned you to Egypt with me and you went on exploring? Your exploring is bad luck, Y/N, and I did not assign you to Romania to bring bad luck."
"Excuse you, the Egypt Goblins loved me."
"Goblins don't love wizards," retorted Bill.
"I think they were particularly fond of me."
"You Reductored an entire bloody Pyramid!"
Y/N was losing her patience. She wanted to sift through the mountains in the morning sunlight. Discover hidden caves and wade through cold springs. She had her breakfast way earlier than everyone else for this sole purpose.
"I promise I'll be good."
"Take Weiss with you."
Y/N glared. "Absolutely not."
"Take someone."
"I'm walking out on you right now. Don't forget to put out my fire."
"I'll see you later!"
"I have to tell you—"
Without looking back, she waved at Bill and stepped out into the crisp Romanian morning.
The skies were bright and cloudless, the sun slowly rising up east. The Curse Breaker camp in the middle of the Transylvanian Alps was in for a late morning. It was quiet, apart from the whispers of the forest beside them; chirping birds, singing crickets, and the distant sound of a nearby stream.
Trudging up the rough pavement towards the foot of the nearest hill, Y/N felt an ounce of guilt seep through as she marveled at the scenery before her. Bill was the reason she got the Romania assignment. She wasn't half bad a Curse Breaker. From an outsider's perspective, some would even call her brilliant. She's aced all her missions in her first year on the job—way ahead of all the others in her year, and was even able to crackdown a dark magic-infested tomb in an assignment she co-lead in Egypt. She was quick, smart, and as brave as the career entailed.
Only one thing stood between her and a good reputation in Gringotts. Her impulsiveness.
She couldn't help it. Y/N's successes partnered with tragedies—accidents; her brilliance came with sheer will and almost violent haste. The problem is you can't think twice Bill would always say. Not everything is done in a snap, Y/N.
Bill Weasley was the only senior Curse Breaker with enough patience to supervise her. It must have been fate or a miracle that had him in temporary assignment at the London Gringotts when she graduated Hogwarts. If she were received by anyone else, or if he were back in Egypt instead, she didn't think she'd ever make it out into the field. Or worse, last a few months.
"I'll be good," she mumbled to no one in particular. Or maybe she hoped that Bill would hear. She'd floo him again later.
Trekking up the slope with hands snuggled warm inside her faux-fur-lined pockets, Y/N inhaled the fresh earth surrounding her. This was her calling. Nature. Adventure. The unknown. She was fantastic with spells and jinxes and once thought of becoming an Auror—but Aurors spent too much time indoors, on desks, drowning in paperwork and tailing dark wizards. She knew in her heart she wasn't born to enforce the law.
On the opposite side of the hill was a deep gorge between two towering mountains and a long serpentine stream. Elated at the sight, she followed the gentle flow of water over the rocks. Without thinking (because when does she ever), she slipped off her boots and socks, and despite the chilly morning, prepared to wade the ice-cold water. She dipped one toe in for good measure—a pause.
That couldn't be right.
Submerging one whole foot into the water confirmed her confusion. Strange. Almost all waterways in Romania led to the Black Sea, if not the Adriatic. Why was it warm?
This isn't the bathing stream she thought. The senior Curse Breakers back at camp had instructed them of assigned fresher areas where warming charms would be cast. She didn't remember this gorge being part of last night's tour.
Ankles deep in the water, Y/N trailed the soft currents. It was deliciously warm. A deliberate contrast to the icy breeze left by the trail ends of winter. It was supposedly mid-spring, but the winds still gave her the chills.
She took no notice of how far she was going, the water neither rising nor falling. If she were to guess it must've almost been half an hour given by the direction of the sun. The warm water and small pebbles were therapeutic beneath her feet. The walk didn't tire her at all.
Finally, the chasm's end came to view. Heart beating with excitement, she hastened her pace, dampening the legs of her trousers that she attempted to roll up. But just as her feet crossed the lip between the two mountains flanking her, she felt the oddest sensation: it began at the top of her head, traveling down her arms to her toes—as if a big fat raindrop landed on her scalp and entered her body.
She glanced at the clear blue sky. There was no cloud in sight for miles.
And then, it was suddenly very humid.
"What the..." she glanced back through the gorge. Nothing was out of order and nobody was in sight. Looking down at her feet, her surroundings were now as warm as the water she stood on. Her parka felt too thick.
Again, strange.
Trying to shake away her curiousness, Y/N trudged on.
All is well she chanted inside her head. All is well and the wind just blows differently on this side of the alps.
But no matter what she told herself, ripples of unease still disturbed Y/N. She was beginning to sweat and it wasn't just her nerves. The wind didn't blow differently on this side of the mountains because there was no wind. It was dry, dank, and very very warm.
To rattle her nerves even further, the water she was wading on was getting hotter as she went on that she had to leap on land once again. But as soon as her bare soles made contact with the grass, she yelped in pain.
The earth was burning. As if it bathed in the sun for too long. As if she were in the middle of a dry desert. She knew the feeling, she's been to Egypt. But why the bloody hell would Romanian soil feel this hot? Moreso in the heart of the Southern Carpathians?
Locating a jutted-out slab of rock, Y/N hopped over to sit and gather her bearings, drying her damp feet and staring at her boots and socks. She didn't want to slip them back on. The heat was intense. But it was either the boots or the sizzling soil.
She shrugged off her parka after lacing up her boots and was grateful for her reckless choice of wardrobe this morning. She opted for a ribbed shirt under her jacket—instead of a sweater—in urgent intention to get away from a nagging Bill. Now it served her well. It wasn't as thin as she would have deemed appropriate for the current temperature, but at least her neck and arms could breathe.
Gazing over the expanse of the clearing she emerged in, she suddenly became aware of the lack of green in the area. The grass was almost a withering brown—crunchy and dry. Trees weren't scattered about like the thick oaks all over the Curse Breaker camp; instead, they were clumped, almost systematically, in relatively rectangular patch formations. As if deliberately rooted as such.
Muggles Y/N thought. It was only them who had the peculiar habit of reorganizing nature.
Tying her parka around her waist, she treaded the clearing, the grass crisp beneath her boots, and approached the nearest cluster of trees. She wondered if this were one of the areas they'd be digging up. Senior Curse Breaker Digby Youssif oriented them of specific crackdown areas to look forward to in the next few months. Although almost all wizarding families were well-accounted for in Romania, there were still trifling amounts of intel on hidden vaults under protective spells cast by untraceable ancient tribes.
Y/N loved digging assignments. She was particularly fond of discovery. And if Ancient Runes was Hogwarts' least-loved lesson, she rather enjoyed Professor Babbling's classes. Well, most of the time. It was her pride and joy to have snagged an 'Outstanding' for her O.W.Ls—
A sudden gust of wind whipped through the trees ahead of her. On instinct, Y/N drew her wand from her belt loop. Nothing was so dangerous about the wind. But it felt so...
The sound came out of nowhere, she thought it was imagining it. A steady drumming beat. Powerful and humming. An engine? she thought. But that was impossible. They were told that the area was blocked off from muggles for the duration of their stay. She paused in front of a towering ashtree. The sound was growing louder and louder. Nearer. She didn't know why but she was compelled with the need to hide.
She felt ridiculous, clambering up an ashtree and settling on its thickest branch. Her superiors back at camp were clear that the mountains were safe, its perimeters were secured for their dig. Curse Breakers always made sure missions wouldn't come across outside interference.
Then why was her heart beating so fast?
The drumming sound was growing nearer. Behind her—above.
Peering at the sky through the leaves, a massive dark figure swooped overhead and landed with an earth-shaking thud on the clearing right in front of her tree.
Y/N felt like she was going to choke on her own spit when a deafening, earsplitting roar echoed through the mountains.
Fully grown, enormous, and vicious-looking, the beast had emerald scales that glinted in the morning sun. Its body was bulky, way stockier compared to the common dragons in textbooks. It had a massive head that seemed even larger than its body, and on it sprouted two long glittering golden horns. Its claws had the same golden color, and it was rearing onto its hind legs, hunching over a figure... chewing...
All the breakfast Y/N had only hours before felt like rising up her throat. An enormous dragon only meters in front of her was chewing on a dead animal, clearly having his own meal. And there she was, perched on an ashtree, ready for dessert.
Don't panic she told herself, but feeling green. She's never faced a dragon on a mission before. They tackled them in her first year on the job—Curse Breakers didn't really need training, the task calling for hands-on work—but never in her life did she ever think she'd have to face a real dragon.
I don't have to face it Y/N thought, I just have to stay here until it flies away, and run back to camp.
Wiggling up to a squat, she eyed the neighboring branch a few feet to her right which was higher up and positioned behind a thicker cluster of leaves. It didn't require a jump, but more of a really careful split; hugging the trunk tightly, she stretched her right foot across, shifting her weight to her right leg, her arms choking the tree trunk in a death grip, legs spread wide midair—
Y/N didn't fall. Thank Merlin she didn't fall. But she lost her momentum in surprise and panic, her left foot sliding from the previous branch, making her push off the trunk in haste, throwing her weight across completely. She grabs a dangling thin branch above her at the last minute, her body tilted towards the forest floor.
A forest floor where a man now stood, peering up at her curiously.
She was breathing hard, her heart thumping erratically, both from the fear of falling and being heard by the dragon so close by.
"Er—esti bine?" the man asked. Y/N saw that he had his arms out as if braced to catch her if she fell. When she didn't answer, the man spoke again, "Ai nevoie de ajutor?"
She blinked down at him. "What?"
He chuckled. She hated it. It hurt her pride. "I said, do you need any help?"
He was loud. Too loud. She righted herself on the branch, pulling to lean back on the trunk behind her. Then risking a peek, she checked on the dragon who was still munching on the dead cow with gusto.
She looked back down to find the man with his eyebrows raised at her, his face painting amusement. It was impossible not to take note of his red mane pulled into a low bun. He looked awfully familiar... and he was going to get them killed.
"Could you," she whispered as loudly as she could, "keep your voice down?"
The man snickered once more, showing no effort of lowering his tone. "Why?"
"Are you blind?" she wanted to strangle him. "There's a bloody dragon!"
The redhead glanced at the scaly beast and heaved out a sigh. "Okay. Yeah, you're right. It's way past breakfast. He's missing nap time."
Y/N looked at him incredulously. He shrugged, "But what can I do? He slept in this morning. Lazy beast." Looking back up, he asked, "Want to meet him?"
He's mental she thought. That had to be it.
But the redhead only laughed. He keeps laughing. He must've noticed the stupefied expression on her face because he simmered. "Give him a minute and you can come down. It's already his fifth haul so he's bound to get dozy and fly back to the nest." He started walking towards the clearing when he paused and turned back, "Although, you can come down now. I promise he won't eat you."
Y/N watched as the man walked up to the feasting dragon—she was peering behind the thick tree trunk, using it as a shield. He's insane. Drawing a wand from a sheath attached to his calf, the man aimed a stunning spell right by the beast's tail.
"Alright, Darius, I think you've had enough," he called. He kept his distance, a good few meters away, but his gait was calm, almost lazy.
The dragon glanced at the man, its fangs bloody. Y/N wanted to grab the redhead and run. But it was a crazy thought, and she was rooted on her spot on the tree branch, frozen in fear.
The man gave a sharp whistle and the dragon grunted, smoke coming out of its nostrils. It ignored him and continued to munch on the cow.
Another stunning spell was aimed right by its claws and the dragon emitted a low growl. Y/N didn't know if she was imagining it but the creature seemed sluggish on its feet, swaying... almost drowsy.
"Off you go," said the man, "up." He sent one more stunning spell right in front of its snout. It was a clear miss, purely intentional.
The dragon heaved a loud angry roar. But instead of diving for the man like she expected, it started flapping its wings, gaining momentum. Y/N held onto the tree trunk tighter so as not to be swayed by the sudden rush of winds the creature was yielding. And then with a strong push off the ground, up it soared, growling low in its throat, and was out of sight.
Y/N's legs felt like jelly slugs, but her arms refused to let go of the tree trunk. What in Merlin's name just happened?
She gave a short yelp, coughing on her next breath. "Excuse me?"
The man was back, now by the foot of the tree once again. "Come down."
"How do you know my name?" she demanded.
He had a really handsome smile. A really familiar, handsome smile...
"I should be offended," said the man. "Come down." There it was again, that smile. "I'll catch you."
I'll catch you.
I'll catch you....
 "Come on, Y/N, I'll catch you!"
"No you won't!" said Y/N. Her cheeks were wet with tears.
She was perched on the beech tree by the Black lake, her legs dangling above the shallow water. She had attempted to retrieve her Spellman's Syllabry textbook that Cassian Loxias chucked up the branches for fun.
"Yes I will, I promise," consoled Charlie. "I'm a prefect, remember?" he gestured to his badge, "I'll make sure you're safe."
Sniffing up snot that was escaping her nose, she hiccuped softly against the back of her hand. "Our prefect doesn't do that very much."
Charlie chuckled. "I'll make sure to have a word with Professor Sprout about her Hufflepuff prefects."
When he saw the horror on her face, he held up his hands, "It didn't come from you of course. Will you come down now? I swear I'll catch you."
Y/N looked into Charlie Weasley's eyes and saw nothing but pure candor. Biting her lip, she said, "Do cross your heart, or hope to die?"
He traced a cross right above his chest. "Cross my heart, or hope to die."
 "Y/N. Y/N?"
Y/N blinked.
Charlie Weasley. Charlie dragon-tamer Weasley. Charlie the hot brother Weasley—
"Are you still breathing? Do you need me up there?"
Trying to gather her bearings, Y/N extracted herself from her hold on the tree trunk, went down onto a squat, and leaped off, landing on the crunchy grass with a thump.
Charlie raised an eyebrow at her as she dusted her trousers, "I see you don't need catching anymore."
She took in the man before her. "Charlie Weasley."
His grin was dazzling."Caught on, have you?
From up close, Y/N could now see the familiar freckles splattered all over his nose and cheeks. He was towering over her like he always did. She used to be the little second year Hufflepuff always idling by the entrance to the Great Hall hoping to bump into the famous Charlie Weasley. Studying on the Quidditch pitch, watching him behind her textbook, captaining the Gryffindor team. Climbing the beech tree by the lake again and again, hoping Charlie Weasley would somehow walk by once more to offer her a hand...
There were so many things she could've done, seeing him again for the first time after all these years. He was gone as soon as he graduated Hogwarts, flying to Romania to study dragons. Everyone always thought Charlie would be going Quidditch pro, being captain and seeker. He had the build, the skills, and the charm. Hogwarts alone had fan clubs in his name and rumor had it that the Falmouth Falcons were just waiting for him to finish seventh year.
But others didn't see Charlie as Y/N did. They didn't see him hoarding books on care of magical creatures in the library. They didn't notice him sneaking off to Hagrid's on the weekends, taking Fang for walks or feeding the Blast Ended Skrewts in the garden. Nobody paid attention to the copy of Fantastic Beasts And Where to Find Them that Charlie practically glued to his side. Only Y/N did. And now that she thought about it, she didn't like that she knew so much. It made her feel like a creep.
So instead of hugging him in delight like she actually wanted, she took a swipe at his shoulder.
"You git," she hissed. "You scared me to death! How did you do that? I thought taming dragons was impossible."
"It is. Most of the time," Charlie shrugged. "Darius is a Romanian Longhorn. Mostly harmless compared to the others especially when he's full. Not that difficult to send him back to the nest when he can barely stand on his feet."
"Harmless? I could've been dessert!"
Charlie laughed. He was still always laughing. "You look delicious, yes, but I'm not letting Darius have you."
What the fu—Y/N inhaled slowly, cautiously. Then exhaled through her nose. She didn't know how to respond. Seeing him again after so long, without warning or preparation, was messing with her senses
"It's good to see you, Y/N," he said and walked closer. Close enough to tugged at her braid. She didn't know why he did it, but he looked like he just had to. "You look good."
Y/N's heart was beating rapidly once more, but this time, for all the wrong reasons. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Charlie gazed back into her eyes as if seeing her for the first time.
"Too long."
Again, she didn't know how long it took her to reply, but she cleared her throat, "How—did you know it was me? The first time?"
Charlie's eyes were still roaming all over her face. "No. Not until you spoke."
Y/N must've held a questioning look because he added, "I'll never forget that voice."
He was saying such strange things. Were they strange? Or was it just because he affected her so?
"Then why didn't you say anything?"
"Well, you wouldn't come down, would you? I see you still have a thing for trees."
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"I didn't know the dragon reservation was in the alps," she said. "Do you know we're camping nearby?"
"'Course I do. You lot are beside dragon territory for a reason."
Excitement and fear raised Y/N's nerves. "What are you talking about?"
Charlie bit his lip. "You'll see."
"Are we digging in the reservation?"
He was walking out into the clearing now, beelining back towards the opening of the gorge.
"Charlie!" Y/N jogged to keep up. "Are we?"
He only smiled, "Patience, darling."
Darling. He used to call her that all the time even when they were back in Hogwarts. She always tried to ignore the fluttering feeling her chest made when he used the endearment, reminding herself that he must've used it on everyone else, not just her.
"Why did no one back at camp tell us anything?"
"I probably should've kept my mouth shut," was his only reply. They were crossing the two mountains flanking the stream, and as soon as they cut through the border, Y/N felt the same sensation she did when she went through the clearing. But this time in reverse, it was as if the raindrop was sucked back up.
She glanced up at the mountains. "Did you feel that?"
"Shield spells," explained Charlie. "To keep the muggles out. Temperature charms as well to regulate the reservation climate. Although the dragons do enough of their warming on their own, it's for precaution."
They walked up the stream, tracing back Y/N's previous path.
"Are you bringing me back to camp?" she asked.
"That, and I have to see Digby. Iron out tomorrow's schedule."
"So we are digging inside the reservation," Y/N didn't know if she was more thrilled or afraid.
Charlie glanced at her, "You heard nothing from me."
Studying his features as they strolled, Y/N couldn't help but admire how much Charlie Weasley grew up to be. He's always been lean and strong, especially with being an athlete back at Hogwarts, but now he seemed so much larger than life. Red tendrils were escaping his low bun and framing his chiseled face, there were a few scars on his nose and one under his lip. She shouldn't have been able to see it but she couldn't stop staring. He was big. Stockier than she'd ever seen him; hands wrapped in gauze and rope slung over a hook on his hip.
Charlie Weasley, dragon-tamer.
And he was staring right back at her.
"You have to take me to see more dragons," Y/N breathed. She didn't know where her voice went. It was all airy and she didn't like it. She hoped he would assume it was because of their walk.
Charlie stopped, deep brown eyes boring into her own. He was panting slightly too. Maybe it was the walk.
"Okay," he exhaled. "Promise."
"Cross your heart?" she almost whispered. Almost.
Two fingers traced a cross over Charlie's chest, his gaze not leaving hers, "Cross my heart."
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