#I am JOKING this is a JOKE I am doing the FUNNY HAHAS
tickle-bugs · 2 years
Entering my insufferable era (I have seen zero episodes of stranger things but I want to write a Steve x Eddie fic)
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
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thatuselesshuman · 2 months
One time someone said "I want what they're on" about me and my friend turned to them and said "What? The spectrum?" and I personally think about that a lot
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hot take maybe but the “gays can’t do math” meme is literally just the combination of the two harmful stereotypes “gay = feminine” and “feminine = can’t do math” and it bothers me that people are so willing to brush it off as a joke
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underwaterdemise2 · 11 months
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No words
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tratserenoyreve · 2 years
oh sure, when chongyun goes on tangents about the dangers of evil spirits and the importance of exorcizing them it is considered humorous and endearing, but when xiao, conqueror of demons-
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bluberimufim · 6 months
Damn, I haven't written anything since last year
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castrotophic · 3 months
every tumblr account is secrelty me. this is because i made up tumblr in my little head. thanks you for coming to my ted talk 👍hope this helps
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mokeonn · 2 months
I have crawled out of my "only doing art studies pit" to craft a piece so full of love, and I shall now post that piece before once again disappearing to cry over anatomy
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mossyflowers · 6 months
I'm regretting the trig post. People stop getting on my ass about not liking trig challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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signalhill-if · 4 months
Fun fact: a lot of the story ideas I have came from the world I designed for an Apocalypse World game, and at the time I was reading @attollogame and loved Sysba and wound up making a character with a similar premise of being a god banished to live in a human body. That character took on a life of their own and became like everybody's favourite NPC. But they were really specific to that game's story at that point and were very fultifaceted, so when I started writing Signal Hill (which has a totally different plot) I decided to split their role in the story into two different characters, Yvette and Aldrich.
In other words, if you trace it far enough back, 1/3 of my main cast is just Sysba from Attollo
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megas-x-l-r · 6 months
Goes on someone’s self ship blog. “Wow guys isn’t it crazy that I’m self shipping with a character you don’t conveniently see being self shipped with aren’t I WEIRD isn’t it FUCKING WEIRD.” Close blog.
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thedandelionthief · 7 months
Current mood is just failing at life in general
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Judge not a man by the color of his skin, but rather by the image on his Conscientious Objector.
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01tsubomi · 9 months
sometimes your favorite song is by the idol group you see every time you go to tokyo but they haven't released it to streaming and they're quite obscure (not to mention taping performances is extremely NG in jpop idol culture) so the only time you have a chance of hearing it is when you go watch them perform and it's like not even guaranteed that it'll be on the setlist every time and then you find out it's actually by a disbanded sister group of theirs and they also didn't release it to streaming but they did put it on youtube in a 20 minute long video that features their entire first mini-album except for some reason it's the absolute worst quality vocals you've ever heard on a professional recording as in not the mic quality but the actual singing quality as in it sounds like a group of friends doing karaoke not even professional singers just some friends with no retakes no autotune touchups not even re-recording the lines that are off rhythm but it still means you kinda get to hear the song in your apartment. but is it even really the same song as the one you hear when your favorite member gets the solo in the chorus and walks from the back of the stage out towards the audience between the rest of the members as if parting the sea. is it
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cirrus-silly · 2 months
Having an honest to god freak out about my finger brushing up against the lid of a jar containing canned goods and now I’m freaking out about botulism because I don’t know if that can was properly canned or how long it’s been there but god I’m so freaked out I am on the verge of crying please god anyone help me I’m so fucking scared I don’t know what’s real and what isn’t I can’t tell if I’m okay o t I can’t shake these feelings I can’t I m so scared
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