#I am also having a good evening I just reached a bit of a stumbling block
unstoppable force of self-insert making meets immovable object of name deciding
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reiincarnatiion · 11 months
shadows of destiny | azriel x reader | part two
summary : jealous but confused azriel, yearning shadows and sexy lucien and sexy reader ;)
a/n: 💗 WOW. SO MUCH SUPPORT ON THE FIRST PART BROOO GUYS I JUST OFCOURSE HAD TO WRITE PART TWO and def will have part 3 i guess? ngl i am an angsty writer so im not good at writing happy endings HAHA rip for u all.
this is so addictive ive already written 3 stories in a span of like three days HAHAH 💗
also most azriel stories i read are never from his perspective so im keeping it from his perspective to change things up! he is def a bit out of character because i havent read acotar for a while rip but enjoy! thanks for the support and let me know your thoughts !! also this isnt proof read cuz ya girls lazy >.<
read [ part one ] !!
"What are you two doing?"
Lucien and you both looked up, shocked (but not really) , to find Azriel standing in the middle of the dance floor, clad in his black silk shirt and pants, with swirls of tattoos peeking through, his collarbone on full display. Fae moved gracefully around him, dancing and making out, carefully avoiding the famed shadow singer.
He stands in front of you two, just as you two had begun your pathetic attempts to drunkedly dance. Your short dress had ridden up to the top of your thighs, pressed against Lucien's pants, and Azriel knew it was entirely inappropriate. He observed as you raised your eyebrows and looked down at him.
He couldn't fathom how you two had crossed the line from friends, but he knew it was wrong. Over the eons, he had seen you with many men, but they had always been strangers to him and the Inner Circle. They had never been serious.
Were you and Lucien serious? The club fell silent to him,  as he awaited your answer.
His shadows swirled around his feet, urging him to intervene. Some even attempted to caress your legs, but Azriel swiftly reeled them in, refusing to acknowledge how soft and sweet-smelling they might be. He couldn't bear to know how apparently tempting they were.
Azriel clenched his jaw as you gazed back at him with your kohl-lined eyes, their newfound seductive power nearly breaking his stoic demeanor.
He bit the inside of his cheek to quell the sudden effect your look had on him, not wanting to indulge in such thoughts; they could only lead to trouble.
"Uhhh... Dancing?" you drawled back finally, rolling your eyes in a way that he would have only have liked to see in bed with you, behind you, with his hands wrapped in your hair as he-
He blinked, the deafening thumping of the music returning to his consciousness, as the rush from his panicking shadows ebbed away, calming his racing heart.
What was he doing? Why did he even come here? A wave of guilt washed over him as he tore his gaze away from your captivating eyes, only to hear you laugh and giggle as Lucien whispered something in your ear, drawing you closer. A giggle Azriel had never noticed was so adorable and sexy at the same time.
Azriel shook his head, trying to make sense of the overwhelming emotions within him. It didn't make any sense. You were like a little sister to him, an integral part of his family.
Stupidly, he realized that he didn't know why his shadows urged him towards you, nor did he understand the sudden waves of jealousy coursing through him.
"AZ! SO NICE OF YOU TO FINALLY JOIN!" a voice screeched, breaking the tension that had enveloped him and the couple in front of him.
They weren't a couple, but they looked like one, and he couldn't stand it. He didn't know why he was acting this way, but he knew one thing for sure: he didn't like it.
He didn't like how Lucien's slender fingers gripped your waist with such familiarity and intent.
The voice that had called out before now manifested next to him as Cassian stumbled over, dragging Nesta along. Their interlocked hands taunted him once more, but Azriel forced himself to look up at Cassian.
"BROTHER!! LET'S DANCE!!" Cassian howled, reaching them and clumsily starting to move their bodies to the rhythm, grabbing Azriel's shoulders to mimic their motions. Azriel stumbled back, desperate to escape the situation, but Cassian persisted.
"Leave me alone, Cassian," he mumbled, brushing his brother's hands away with his gloved ones.
"Why don't you ever dance with us?" Cassian whined, oblivious to Azriel's attempts to withdraw.
Azriel burned with annoyance, returning his attention to you and Lucien. But then, a tender voice spoke out behind him, and he knew it was Feyre even before turning around to see Rhys drunkenly laughing with Cassian as the other couple joined.
“Az, what are you doing, staring holes into Lucien and Y/N,"
"I--" Azriel faltered, trying to make sense of his emotions and jumbled thoughts. "It's just wrong."
He blinked, wondering why he had even gotten up in the first place.
"They're just drunkenly dancing; Elain is fine with it. You don't have to defend her honor here, Az," Feyre assured him, patting him on the back before returning to her mate.
Azriel stood still, smoothing out his pants and running a hand through his tousled hair. The club's hazy atmosphere seemed to envelop him, and he realized that the fae wine he had consumed tonight had hit him hard. Perhaps he had gone too far this time.
"Yes, yes, of course. I just thought Lucien should respect Elain..." he answered hastily, though he knew Feyre had already left. Shadows informed him that Rhys and Feyre had retreated to their more secluded spot again, and Azriel felt a pang of envy.
A couple of fae rammed into him, slightly spilling their drink and apologising in a haste as they realised who they had just knocked into. He glowered down at them and shook his head, stalking back silently back to the booth.
He walked back to the booth where Elain was still seated, nursing a pink drink.
"What was that all about, Az?" she asked innocently, though her doe eyes betrayed her knowing nature.
"It was nothing."
"You were clearly distraught, Az."
"My shadows sensed something was wrong, that's all, Elain."
"Lucien and Y/N?" Elain asked gently, her hand reaching for his gloved hands.
Azriel looked down at her delicate skin brushing against his black leather glove and he felt a sudden overwhelming contrast between the two. He removed his hand from hers, realizing how mismatched they were.
Cassian and Nesta complemented each other perfectly, a match made from the Cauldron itself. Feyre and Rhys shared a love and trust so profound, it was interwoven within their powers.
But what did he have with Elain, other than a forced interest in gardening and her white and pink flowers?
"They're just dancing, it's fine," he told her, his voice numb. He couldn't help but look back at you and Lucien, still writhing against each other on the dance floor in ways that supposedly platonic friends shouldn't.
Lucien's hands were still firmly on your waist as you both gyrated, laughing and singing along to the music. You'd blame it all on the alcohol the next day, if asked about your actions. Azriel knew that, just as he'd experienced countless nights where Cassian or Rhys had kissed him during similar inebriated moments.
Beside you two, Nesta and Cassian mirrored your movements, seemingly unfazed by the intimate nature of your dance. The club's flashing colors continued to shift and flash all around Azriel, in strikes of pink, blue and green but all he saw was red, and he did not
read part three here dearies !!
taglist for shadows of destiny : @allyjoe755 @impossibelle @t0uch-starved-h0e @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @marina468 @cassan1306
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rustingcat · 8 days
“So… how's the risotto?” Lena asked from behind her glass of overly expensive red wine. The quiet between them felt palpable despite the hums of conversation of the restaurant around them.
“Eh, good. Good.” Kara nodded with half a smile as she shoved another spoonful in her mouth to prove her point.
It was far from convincing, and Lena knew it wasn't about the food. “Alright, why does it feel…”
“Weird?” Kara finished her sentence with a small chuckle as she swallowed her bite.
“Yeah.” Lena smiled. At least it wasn't just her that felt that way. “It wasn't like that last time.” She signed and put down her glass.
“To be fair, last time we didn’t realise it was a date,” Kara pointed out.
“Is this what we should do then? Pretend like it's not a date?” Lena asked with a hint of worry in her voice. They only just made the big step. She didn't want things to return to the way they were.
“I don't know, I kinda like holding your hand.” Kara gave Lena’s hand a small squeeze while flashing her a warm smile.
“To be fair we did that before we decided to give this whole dating thing a try.” Lena visibly relaxed, giving kara a small smile in return.
“I also don't want to stop telling you how smart and beautiful you are.” Kara continued, basking in the rosy colour that appeared on Lena’s cheeks.
“Well, you did that before too, if I remember correctly.” Lena bit her lip in an attempt to suppress her growing smile. It was amazing how fast Kara can make her relax.
“Your memory is as amazing as you are, so I doubt it could betray you now.”
“Kara Davners, are you flirting with me?” Lena raised a sharp eyebrow as she took a sip of her wine.
“Should I stop?”
“Don't you dare.”
The silence that followed wasn't awkward anymore, it was warm and calming with the joy of something new.
“Then are you from tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see.” Kara finished with a wink and an over confident smirk.
“Oh dear lord! No.”
“You don't like that one? I have more.”
Lena chuckled. God, she loved that woman. “Just eat your risotto, darling.”
Hand in hand, Lena and Kara exited the restaurant into the cool evening breeze of the city. Kara didn’t even ask before wrapping her blazer around Lena’s shoulder who smiled gratefully in response.
“Such a gentlewoman,” Lena remarked.
“I try,” Kara shrugged and captured Lena’s hand once more with her own.
“Well, this is me.” Lena bit her lip as the couple made it to her building’s entrance.
“Shall I walk you to your door?”
“If you insist.”
“I am a gentlewoman after all.”
They greeted Bill the doorman on their way up who wished them a nice evening with a smile.
They stopped again once they reached Lena’s door.
“So, a date or not a date?” Lena asked with a small smirk.
“Date, definitely a date.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I really want to kiss you right now.”
Lena answered by cupping Kara’s face and connecting their lips. It was wild to her how much she craved it already. They only kissed once before, and it was already one of her favourite things in this world. Their tongues connected and Lena let out a small whimper as heat consumed her entire body in seconds.
“Would you like to come in?” Lena asked breathlessly while Kara moved l to kiss her neck.
“I thought it was a third date kind of thing?” Kara smirked, whispering her words into her ear.
“Would coffee and whatever in my fridge work for a third date then?” Lena bit her lip while eyeing Kara’s swallowed kissable lips.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think it would.” Kara barely nodded before crashing their lips back together.
They stumbled into Lena’s apartment deeply consumed by one another.
They never got to make that coffee.
Well, not until the morning after.
You can also find this on AO3
Huge thanks to @sssammich for pushing me out of my comfort zone to come up with this ficlet! Thank you for your help, darling♥️
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jyoongim · 4 months
Hi! Do you only do romantic pairings for Alastor? I was hoping to request something platonic so if that's not your things please ignore me!
I just wanted a fic to see Alastor confessing to reader that they are in fact a very dear friend to him (with the same energy of a sweaty palmed anxious school boy confessing to his crush) I just think it'd be adorable.
(I also just like imagining his fluffy wittle ears going flat against his head due to nerves without him even noticing) (god if evil why so fluffy)
Answer: I haven’t written many platonic (only one) but i am not against trying to do so. This is VERY short, but i still think it was cute
If you laughed, he was going to kill you was your thought as you watched Alastor clumsily stumble over his words.
What had gotten into him?
The Overlord was usually calm and confident. 
But now he has the aura of a sinner sitting in the holiest of holies.
Alastor was nervous; anxious and jittery, All that charm and wit out the window now that he is trying to tell you something.
From anyone else’s point of view, this would like that the sinner is about to proclaim his love for you and run off, but it was not that at all.
Alastor had invited you to dinner and hoped that he could show you how much he appreciated you being his…friend.
Yes. Friend. Like Mimzy girl tried to use pookie and Rosie.
Alastor considered you a dear friend and he wanted to tell you that.
But here he was, hot and sweaty like a boy telling his sweetheart she was beautiful,  it almost made him want to disappear.
But Alastor was not a coward.
”My dear, I arranged for us to have dinner to show you how much I appreciate you” ok so far so good.
You smiled, tilting your head ”oh? But I haven’t done anything special to raise such an occasion”
Your eyes swept over him, concern building on your face. You have been around Alastor long enough that you know when he’s feeling a bit uneasy. Sign #1? his ears.
The tuffs of red, which usually stood proud, are now flat to his head.   They’ve been that way since he started talking.
“Now now you don’t have to have done something special to be appreciated…let’s call it more like a ‘thank you’ ”
”Thank you? For what?”
He cleared his throat, eyes darting away from you, taking a deep breath “For being a friend to me” he said lowly, radio filter gone.
Your eyes widened. A soft smile cracked your face as Alastor looked away,  frustrated and blushing.
You giggled causing him to look at you, ears perked 
“Oh Alastor! Is that what you’ve been nervous about? Haha”. You beamed at him, reaching across the table to grab his sweaty hand to smooth him.
”We have always been friends. I know YOU like to decide such things, but we’ve been friends since you killed that creep”
Alastor blinked, and before your very eyes his charm was back,
He gave a toothy smile at your touch. You were one of the few people allowed to do so and it didn’t repulse him.
He found your touch to be quite soothing. He doesn’t remember when he started considering you a close friend, but he know that you don’t care if you ramble about different topics. He find it endearing that you are very jumpy, but don’t quiver at the sight of him, you’re stubborn and always give him a piece of your mind.
He first thought you were insufferable, but somehow you were always right by his side.
His favorite thorn.
He felt a soft hand petting his ears, and glared at you
You laughed “For someone in control, your ears sure do tell alot”
Oh he was sooo going to kill you.
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moonrisecoeur · 3 months
romance — leon kennedy
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author’s note: i am sick this is actually a really cute fic. although i might be a lil mentally ill. this fic is for @ovaryacted so i hope u like it nic :3 feeling re6 leon vibes hehe !!
wc: 4.7k
content: detective leon x psycho reader, fem!reader (reader wears a dress and is referred to femininely), no d/s dynamics but reader is slightly more in control, lots of pet names (sweet girl, pretty girl, princess, my girl, sweetheart, sweetie, pretty wife), talks of marriage, unprotected sex, blood as lube. reader is like actually insane but leon loves her.
warning: this fic is dark content, containing moderate amounts of blood and gore depictions, along with discussions of murder, torture, bodies, weapons, etc. please read with caution and take care of yourself.
"i'd love to see you in a beautiful dress," he says softly. 
“i would look pretty just for you.”
leon chuckles and squeezes your hand again, it's funny how he can go from fearing you to becoming utterly enamored with you in a matter of moments.
"i have no doubts about that, sweetheart," he replies, "now come here."
“what… have you done now, princess?” he stumbles, because when you said you look good in red, he clumsily thought you meant you were going to wear a red dress for him. 
“the guy was asking for it, lee,” you tell him, taking a step closer to reach out to him, but he steps back, “are you… afraid of me?”
“kinda. i also just… i don’t want you to get blood on my work clothes,” his smile is always gentle towards you. there’s no reality where detective kennedy can get mad at you, though. he adores you too greatly.
your eyes drop from focusing on his soft, warm gaze, to trailing down his body. he really does make himself pretty for you. black blazer and black dress pants on top of a red wine button down, top two buttons left unbuttoned because obviously the s in leon s. kennedy stands for slut. or maybe selfless? sensitive? submissive? who knows?
either way, you have the eyes of a predator. he knows you know that, yet you make no attempt to ease his mind, to tell him, ‘oh, it’s alright baby. i would never hurt you’ because neither of you are sure if that’s true. 
“blood on your clothes, huh..?” you murmur, almost distantly, like your mind was somewhere else.
“we, uh, have dinner reservations, baby. why don’t you get cleaned up and we can go? i don’t think… the restaurant would appreciate blood all over their chairs and tables,” he looks away, and then back to you. your eyes are hungry, but he tries to keep you focused, “baby, you got rid of the body, right?”
“well.. not necessarily… i wanted to dismember him myself,” you pout, like you were asking for something a lot less gruesome. like, ‘leon, could we please get ice cream after dinner?’ but instead you were asking something a little bit more on brand for you. he doesn’t even know why he’s surprised.
“just… okay, whatever. just c’mere and kiss me, sweetie,” he welcomes you into his arms again, refusing to even pay any mind to the viscous scarlet liquid that saturates his velvet suit, your hand staining his neck and you reach to rest it on the back of his neck. he stopped caring about the mess and wrapped his arms around your waist.
you kiss him feverishly, stained hands and tainted souls clashing together. leon was rotten before you met him, corrupted and dark. you feel a bit more comfortable with the fact that you have not ruined him. there was nothing good about him to ruin. he lies, fabricates and destroys evidence, forces confessions, truly a brutal guy. 
and yet, for the pretty thing that clutches onto him, only feeling truly happy in his arms, he is comfort. he’s safety and goodness. he is everything that’s right in her world. your world.
you are awful. but so is leon. that is why he loves you so dearly. if people like you both are even capable of such emotions.
your dress is carmine and if leon didn’t know any better, he’d think you were a victim of a heinous crime, but he does know better. and he knows there is not a single scratch or bruise on you.
leon holds you close to him, hands wrapped around your waist, giving you his complete soul, enjoying the warmth of your embrace and the familiar feel of your lips pressed against his. he squeezes you tightly and runs his hands along your hips, his touch smooth and gentle. 
leon is your complete opposite. your touch is forceful and aggressive, but leon is gentle. all your body knows is his softness. you are erratic and violent, but leon is composed. 
as you continue kissing him, leon's breath becomes heavier and his heart beats faster. he pulls away for a moment, panting gently as an expression of pure joy and relief crosses his face. leon leans down again, this time capturing your chin between his fingers as he looks into your eyes, soaking in the sight of you.
“you… are beautiful,” his voice echoes, low and full of an adoration even leon can’t wrap his head around. scarlet covers your figure, and all he can see is utter beauty. 
“you got anywhere to be, detective kennedy?” you smile as you address him professionally, but it’s only teasing. your hand is moving to help him shrug off his suit coat and he thinks he might be here a bit longer than he thought. you throw it onto the table.when your hand starts moving to help him take off his jacket, his eyebrow raises in interest, and his eyes follow the movement of your hand until it touches his shoulder and starts undoing the buttons.
"no, nowhere in particular," he says casually, watching his coat get thrown to the side. you’re careless. that is expensive velvet, and your red hands definitely just ruined it. it’s alright he muses, he’ll just replace it. 
the coat, he clarifies to himself. he’ll replace the coat. not this memory with you. 
"excellent," you tell him, crimson fingers tangling into his blonde hair, “i wasn’t going to let you leave anyway.”
"i figured as much," he chuckles playfully, enjoying the feeling of your fingers digging into his scalp, massaging the tension away. leon's body relaxes against yours, savoring the feel of you pressed against him. he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer.
"i've been working way too hard today," he sighs, and he sees the soft pout that comes to your face. it’s gotta be the cutest thing he’d ever seen, "don’t look at me like that, baby. i just didn't get much of a chance to relax. it’s my job, princess.” leon squeezes you tightly against him, the warmth from his body radiating against yours.
“how does your brain work for that long?” you shake your head, “i feel like i would start losing it with how long of days you work. you shouldn’t have to work so hard, lee.”
"i swear, i was staring at the same case file for like, ten hours straight," he sighs. "i can't look at those numbers and words anymore."
"i bet," you mumble, noticing the way the blood is drying up in his hair and on both of your clothes and skin, "you look like you're the murderer now," you chuckle, "i think i'm going to have to lock you up."
leon lets out a laugh, looking down at himself and noticing the dried blood caking up in his hair and on his suit, "i bet i do," he chuckles, "i look like i've just come from a crime scene."
leon looks up at you, his eyes shining mischievously. "then i guess you'll have to arrest me," he teases, "do you have the handcuffs ready?"
you laugh, mostly because you know he’s making shitty jokes, but also because you might enjoy restraining him a little too much, “oh yeah, except the jail cell is my bedroom.”
"well, you're the officer who has to bring me in," he says with a smirk, "i don't think i'll be resisting arrest too much."
“oh, shut up, dork. just kiss me,” you groan to him, pulling him in by the hips. his white button up dress shirt being stained by your red hands feels indicative of what you’ve done to leon. it’s not like he’s perfectly pristine, he’s been a corrupt cop for years, but… you have only made him worse.
it's as if he's addicted to the touch and affection of your hands, his body becoming hot with desire. he enjoys the way you press against him, your red hands staining his shirt and staining his soul. your fingers dig into his hips forcefully as you pull him in close to you, your tainted hands staining his clothes as you do so. you've definitely made him even more corrupt than he was before you came into the picture, and he's loving every second of it.
you pull away to whisper to him, in his ear, wet blood covering his skin and his clothes, "i love you."
now, he’s known for a long time that you love him, even if that love is twisted and tainted. as blood drips down the both of you, he wraps his arms around you more tightly, burying his face in your neck as he whispers into your ear.
"i love you too, princess,”  he whispers back, not caring about the dried blood coating you both, "also, wait, where is your victim? did anyone see you? please tell me you were careful, baby."
"i destroyed his body parts already, don't worry. no one saw me."
"thank god.. or should i say thank you?" leon replies with a cheeky grin. to him, you are god. you are a religion. you are a deity who visits him in his dreams and treats him like her beloved human pet. he looks at you for a moment, his eyes trailing over your body, the dried blood of your previous victims making you look even more beautiful to him. god, you are so fucking pretty to him.
"though, i do need your help destroying evidence.." your fingers draw sweet little hearts onto his back once you throw his dress shirt off entirely, but he's certain your bloody hearts left literal, physical drawings on his skin. you are so fucking deranged and he adores you.
"i can help you with anything," he murmurs, leaning his head down to plant kiss after kiss on your neck, “that’s what i’m here for, baby.”
every trace of your blood-stained heart has been embedded and melded into his skin, like a stain that can never be washed out with bleach. he loves his psycho princess.
"but i don't want to think about that right now," you lean your head on his shoulder, "i just wanna be here with you.."
leon nods, enjoying the feeling of your head pressed onto him, the warmth from your body radiating gently, "i know, i know, baby," he says softly, "no worrying right now, just you and i."
after a moment of peace and calm, you perk your head up suddenly, a contemplative look on his face, "do you think... will i ever go to prison?"
leon chuckles, shaking his head as he continues stroking your hair, "no, you won't," he replies confidently, "not as long as i'm around, and i'm not going anywhere. i'll always keep you safe and make sure you're never caught."
leon feels the weight of your worries melt away from you. he enjoys being the one to calm you, tame you in a way. you are a monster, but with him, you’re his sweet girl with her.. mildly disturbing hobbies.
"you’ll be okay," he says gently, "i mean, if anyone does find evidence pointing to you, i'll get rid of it before it can even be used. i'm not going to let anyone come between us.”
“you’re stuck with me forever, princess. i’ll make sure you never spend even one night in a jail cell. only the most comfortable living arrangements for my baby.”
you chuckle, pressing sweet kisses to his neck, “you’re the one that’s stuck with me. who knows? maybe my thirst for blood will include you some day.”
leon laughs, his body trembling slightly at your sweet kisses against his neck, he doesn't even want to think about the possibility of you deciding to kill him one day, but he also knows that it's not an impossibility. he swallows the lump in his throat and decides it's better to just push that thought away for now.
the worst part is… he knows you’d enjoy it. you’d watch the light slowly leave his eyes with glee. makes him nauseous.
"maybe," he says with a teasing tone, but it’s impossible to miss how his voice shakes, "but i'm more valuable to you alive, sweetheart."
“i know, i know.” you giggle, hands digging into the waistband of his fancy velvet slacks, “i just like playing with you. you get so nervous.. it’s cute.”
leon grins in return, but a hint of a nervous chuckle escapes his lips when he feels you start unbuttoning his pants.
he feels his heart rate start to pick up, both from anticipation and a little bit of anxiety, “you like playing with me huh…” he says in a lower, somewhat panting voice, “don’t play with your food, baby. do what you gotta do.”
you smirk, pushing him down onto his office chair, the same one you bought him a couple months ago when he was complaining about his old one. you sit yourself down on his lap, hands resting around the back of his neck, caressing him so sweetly. god, if leon closed his eyes, he could pretend this was normal and you were normal and you were both just two young lovers that adored each other. 
his hands grasp your waist and keep you close, as he's afraid you'll leave him. you can't leave him now. not after all he's done for you, to protect you, to save you from yourself. he's ruined himself for you, he's destroyed evidence and burned bodies and lied and lied and lied for you. you can't leave him now.
his psychopath. his monster. his sweet lover. him. you belong to him. 
he doesn't understand why you're so gentle with him, but you are and he's grateful, so he doesn't push the subject. when your hands pull at the waistband of his boxers, his eyes become soft and glassy and he rests his head back against the chair. you may do what you please with him at this point.
leon lets out a contented sigh as he relaxes back into the chair, his head leaning against the backrest as he gazes up at you. you are… breathtaking. a beautiful dove covered in her victim’s crimson blood.
your touch is soft and delicate, much different from the usual roughness that you've had with your previous victims. yet he can't complain that you're choosing to be so gentle with him, letting him keep this illusion of you being a normal person, just for a moment.
"can i have you, lee? right here, right now?"
it's almost amusing how normal that question sounds to him. after all this time, after everything he's done for you, after all the murders he's covered up for you, the bodies he's burned and the evidence he's destroyed... it almost makes him chuckle to hear that sentence. it’s remarkable, honestly. you’re vicious and violent and cruel… and you’re asking for consent? how adorable.
"of course," he says softly, his tone slightly pleading and desperate, "please. take me, baby... i'm yours."
you smile sweetly, though the sweetness is undercut by the blood on your face. he would almost assume you're possessed by something demonic if he didn't already know you were evil to begin with, "you make me so happy, baby." you muse gently, "you keep me safe, protect me when i mess up... i'm gonna be your perfect little wife someday."
leon chuckles softly at your words, but there's a part of him that's a little bit terrified. in his mind, he knows that this isn't the beginning of some fairytale romance, and that your intentions aren't quite pure, but he chooses to ignore those thoughts. he's already fallen down such a dark path because of your influence, so what's stopping him from falling a little bit deeper and going all the way down into this fucking madness with you?
"i'll protect you from everything," he replies, his fingers gripping tightly around yours, "nothing will ever hurt you again, my sweet wife. i’ll keep you safe and happy, always.”
"we should get married in a big, beautiful chapel. i don't need a lot of people there, i just want to be there with you."
leon grins, "you'd be happy with just a small wedding?" he asks with a hint of surprise in his voice, "i thought you'd want something big and extravagant to show off to everyone."
“all i need is a pretty dress and you,” you whisper to him.
leon chuckles, brushing your hair out of your face with his hand, his fingers slightly trembling. a part of him can't help but wonder how this would all end: would it actually end happily? with you two walking down the aisle to an altar, exchanging vows? or would it end up with his body buried deep in the woods?
he forces himself to ignore those thoughts, for now he should stay focused on the moment. you look at him so sweetly, so earnestly, so he decides to trust your intentions with him for now.
"i'd love to see you in a beautiful dress," he says softly. 
“i would look pretty just for you.”
leon chuckles and squeezes your hand again, it's funny how he can go from fearing you to becoming utterly enamored with you in a matter of moments.
"i have no doubts about that, sweetheart," he replies, "now come here."
you smile as you lean in to kiss him again, hands finally resuming their movements to get into his underwear.
leon lets out a soft groan, his muscles tensing as he feels your hands slip through the fabric of his underwear, pulling out his cock for you to play with, or so he assumes you’ll do. you play with it like it’s a toy, something you can just have fun messing with while he sleeps or before you fuck him. he uses the verbage of ‘you fucking him’ because this is in no way him fucking you… even if it’s his dick. at some point that dick attached to his pelvis became yours.. 
he wraps his arms tightly around your waist as you begin to caress him. he's just so vulnerable to you, he's yours in every aspect of the word, physically and emotionally. yours, yours, yours.
"i'll be gentle, i promise. i'm just gonna stroke your cock, nice and slow.." you murmur. your touch is warm but teasing, and when you notice the tension in his body, you can't help but giggle, "i can't go too quickly just yet.. can't make you feel too much too soon."
leon chuckles softly, a part of him enjoying this teasing routine. he knows that eventually you'll give him what he wants, so he doesn’t mind waiting. whatever his girl wants, she gets.
"i know" he says panting slightly, "just take your time, princess..."
it's just so hard not to adore him, so malleable and soft, you could mold him into anything you want.
leon's eyes are starting to get hazy, his breath hitching in his throat and his body trembling. your touch is so delicate yet so powerful, it's making his entire body quiver. he’s not even on the edge but he feels like he is. both of your hands jerk him off so slow and sensual, and he knows the only reason they’re moving so smoothing is because your hands still have wet blood on them… which means you’re practically using that guy’s blood as lube and… this is so fucked up. you are so fucked up. you are awful and he can’t wait to make you his wife.
leon’s not necessarily the most submissive man alive, but he does listen well and you always get what you want, so take that as you will. he's always been so easy to mold into whatever you want him to be. he's followed along like a loyal dog, doing everything you ask of him. he's done such despicable things in your name, knowing that at the end of the day, you'll love him enough to keep him by your side.
he feels your thumb massaging his tip and he suppresses a nervous whimper, eyes fluttering closed as he takes in the feeling of your touch. you’re too much of a tease, but leon is patient.
“promise that you’ll always stay with me, lee. promise that you’ll never leave,” you whisper. he doesn’t know why you expect such a deep answer from him when his brain is becoming more and more mushy by the second.
“i promise," he whispers back, still panting slightly from pleasure. “i'm never going to leave you. i'll stay by your side for as long as we're alive. i'll never stop protecting you, loving you"
“i will sink my claws into you and never let you leave,” you growl.
he leans his head back against the chair again, a smile creeping on his lips as he lets out a shuddering breath. "i'm all yours, princess, and i have no desire to be anyone else's."
just as he starts to get close to the edge, riding the fine line of pleasure, you pull your hands away from him. you feel bad for denying him, but you're only doing it so you both can finish together. leon lets out a soft shiver as you tug your hands away, your teasing just making him more and more desperate.
he lets out a tense, groaning sigh as you pull your hands away, a small whimper escaping his lips as you did so. he's so close, but you're not quite ready to let him cum yet.
leon tries his best not to show his disappointment, the build up has been intense and it's frustrating to feel himself denied, but he knows you love it. you love making him desperate, making him beg.
he concedes: this is what you like, so it’s what he likes. 
but his disappointment is quickly brushed away as you get up off of him to take off your beautiful bloody dress, and your undergarments too. for all of the blood on your face, neck, chest, and arms, the rest of you is mostly untouched, and he finds the difference rather amusing. your stomach and thighs look so soft and innocent.
he gazes at you lustfully as you remove your clothes, his breath catching in his throat as he stares at your naked body. he can’t think, can’t breathe, his eyes going everywhere they’re not supposed to. he can only try so hard to be a gentleman. 
"you.. are going to make me your wife," you say, voice carrying an air of certainty. you are not suggesting. you are telling him what's going to happen, and he will obviously obey, “you’ll buy me a pretty ring. nothing expensive, don’t waste your money on something stupid like a diamond. and you’ll take me on a beautiful honeymoon, and we’ll spend every moment of those days together just fucking like rabbits. understood?”
marriage was never something he considered until you called yourself his ‘pretty little wife’ to be honest, but with the way you're demanding it now... it's something he'd easily give in to, "okay" he finally manages to whisper back, "anything for my beautiful wife."
you smile gently, settling back onto his lap, pussy aching for the cock in front of you, so desperate to fill you up, “you ready, baby?” you ask.
leon nods, his eyes fluttering briefly at your words, “yeah, i'm ready," he mumbles, his breath already short and his heart beating so hard he's surprised that you can't hear it.
you slide him inside, giving yourself a moment to adjust. leon can't help but find the slight discomfort in your face cute.
you moan gently, resting your hands on his shoulders, "o-oh, ah..."
he can hear every soft sound and breath that escapes your lips as you begin to move, and he can't help but let out a soft groan as well. his hands grip tightly around you, tightening every time you moan or gasp.
leon holds onto you for dear life, he knows he's already so close to finishing, he could really blow any second, but the longer this goes, the longer this moment lasts, the more intense it gets. you’re going to kill him one of these days. 
"l-lee.." you gasp, hips rocking back and forth, almost circular motions.
"oh god.. baby..." he lets out a tense moan as you ride him, movements gentle but somehow still so overwhelming.  his fingertips dig into your shoulders as he tries to keep himself restrained, but he's at the very edge of his control.
every movement sends a jolt through his body, his muscles flexing and releasing with everything he's got to keep himself from finishing before you.
“leon…” you groan again, and he never really realizes the effect he has on you until your body is trembling as you ride his cock. your voice isn’t quite begging, but he almost hears it like that. it sounds like a love confession wrapped up in his name. he doesn’t see it until all of your defenses are down, but you love him so helplessly that it must be scary. 
god, he wants to hold you in his arms forever and never let you go. protect his serial killer for the rest of her days.
he lets out another tense, breathy moan as you start to move even faster, you're pushing him to the limit. every sensation that he feels is so intense, he can hardly handle it, it takes every ounce of self-discipline in his body to keep himself from finishing early, but that’s what you get for edging him right before. you put him at a huge disadvantage.
“wait for me..” you whisper, “wanna cum with you..”
he nods his head, his eyes squeezed shut as a trembling breath escapes from his lips. he's trying his hardest to wait for you to finish, the urges and sensations within him are overwhelming and he feels as though he might explode at any moment.
and he does unfortunately, just a moment early, but it kick-starts your orgasm so for the most part, you’re both gasping and moaning and breathing fast and shaky and helpless together, hands grasping at any skin they can reach as you’re pulled ever closer to him. he sticks his head into the crook of your neck as your pretty pussy squeezes around him. he feels breathless and helpless, holding you like he’d die without you. he feels your heavy breath and your hands tightly gripping him, you must be completely gone, orgasm hitting you in waves that squeeze every drop of cum out of him.
you’re his, he realizes. completely, utterly his. you need him. you can’t go on without leon and there is nothing more pleasing than being your lifeline. your face makes that cute little pout, dried bloody fingers making his shoulders red, but this time it might just be his blood. your nails are digging into him, but he can’t blame you. you’re too lost in pleasure to realize what you’re doing.
once you both start to slow and calm down, breathing returning to a more normal pace, you lean down to rest your head on his chest. 
after a moment, you ask him, “are you really gonna marry me?”
“mhm,” he hums, fingers brushing against your head, licking his thumb to try and rub off the dried blood on your forehead, “i'll get you a ring and get down on one knee and everything.”
“what will our wedding be like?”
“whatever you want, princess,” he closes his eyes, “i don't have a single care in the world about what flowers you pick or if you want to invite people or if you just want it to be us two and an officiant in the empty wedding chapel. i just want to call you my wife. my sweet, pretty wife. my girl. my only love.”
you giggle, nuzzling closer into his chest, “detective kennedy. my husband,” you grin cutely, “my leon. mine.”
burgundy drips from his fingertips as he brushes them against your cheek, “yours.”
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theostrophywife · 1 year
here in your arms.
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author's note: couldn't resist writing for my little foxy boy. this is the twin to this request.
eris preferred to sleep alone.
at least, he used to. when it came to his bedchambers, the autumn court heir abided by one simple rule: he could invite whomever he pleased to bed, but they were not to overstay their welcome by any means. it was a good rule and one that he had upheld for centuries. until you came along.
eris wasn’t even sure how it happened. the most likely scenario was that the two of you had stumbled into his bed after a night of drinking and debauchery, taunting and teasing one another as you were wont to do. you were the one person at court whose sarcasm rivaled his own. ever since you where children, you had kept eris on his toes with your sharp wit and fiery personality. you challenged him and though he'd never admit it, the future high lord was absolutely soft for you.
perhaps that was why he hadn’t objected when you had fallen asleep on his bed, blankets greedily wrapped around you while you cuddled with his favorite pillow. you looked so serene laying there, still dressed in your ridiculous ball gown with your hair loose and unbound, fanning around you like a waterfall and framing that beautiful face eris had come to memorize.
he had simply crawled in beside you, his eyes heavy from the alcohol and his thoughts flowing like honey. the last thing he remembered was your hand reaching for his, weaving your fingers together.
the autumn court heir convinced himself that it would only be that one exception, but then he laid in bed the next night, tossing and turning. unable to sleep without the warmth of your body next to his or the soft breaths that lulled him into sweet dreams or the way that you reached for him even when you were unconscious.
he thought he could will it away. eris had survived centuries sleeping alone, so there was no reason for him to suddenly crave a bedside companion. he didn't need anyone to cuddle with. night after night, that's what he told himself. until two days passed, then three. finally after an entire week of fitful sleep, eris admitted the plain, ugly truth to himself.
you had utterly and completely ruined the male.
so he pushed aside all of his pride and walked to the other end of the forest house where your bedchambers were located. you had opened the door to find the rumpled, weary redhead glaring at you with accusation.
"what have you done to me, woman?"
you yawned, pulling your robe on tightly. "i have various schemes and plots against you at the moment, so you'll have to be more specific than that, pumpkin."
eris sighed exasperatedly and marched right into your suite. you shut the door behind him, watching with an amused smile as your friend paced in front of the hearth. "yes, eris why don't you come on in. it's not like you were interrupting my sleep or anything. of course, midnight is a perfectly reasonable time to drop in unannounced."
the eldest vanserra rolled his eyes. "i can't sleep!" he whirled around, folding his arms in a regal, yet disdainful way. "and it's your fault. it's been an entire week and i cannot take it any longer."
"and how, pray tell, is your sudden bout of insomnia my doing?"
"because," eris stated matter-of-factly, "ever since that night that you fell asleep in my bed, i haven't been able to get your damned lily soap scent out of my sheets. my room is too quiet without your obnoxious little snores and my legs are perpetually warm without you pressing those frozen icicles you call feet against them."
"let me get this straight," you said with a snort. "you marched all the way across the forest house, just to insult my soap, my snoring, and my cold feet."
"as future high lord, i am allowed to voice my displeasure with court subjects."
"as your loyal subject, i am also allowed to tell you to kindly fuck off."
eris bit back a smile. "i'm being serious, y/n. i cannot lose any more of my beauty sleep. it is absolutely maddening."
you rolled your eyes. "then stop being an insufferable twat and sleep with me."
the redhaired male opened his mouth for another snarky retort, but you merely tugged him towards the bed. you peeled back the covers and gestured for eris to make himself comfortable. he did so, albeit looking a bit peaked as you slipped in beside him.
“oh, you look positively virginal eris.” you said with a chuckle. “fret not pumpkin, i have no plans on ravishing you. now come cuddle before i come to my senses and send your sorry arse back.”
eris scrunched his nose in feigned annoyance. “you’re such a bossy little fox. you are aware that you’re speaking to the heir of the autumn court with such insolence, aren’t you?”
you tugged him to you, pinching his cheek as he laid against your chest. “i wouldn’t have to resort to insults if the big, bad future high lord had the balls to simply ask for what he wanted.”
“and what do i want?” eris asked, shifting to face you as you ran your fingers through his luscious hair.
“to be babied,” you declared. “admit it, pumpkin. you just want someone to play with your hair and cuddle you at night and give you all the kisses.”
“you’re wrong,” eris declared, his lids fluttering shut as you snuggled against him. “i don’t want just someone. i want you, little fox.”
you smiled. “well, i’m already playing with your hair and cuddling you so all that’s left is —“
eris took your face in his hands and pulled you down to him. his lips were velvet against yours, playful and teasing just like the male you were kissing. butterflies erupted in your stomach as eris clutched you closer, his breath warm against your cheek as he deepened the kiss, filling you with the taste of freshly picked apples and rich cinnamon with a hint of mint toothpaste. eris pulled away reluctantly, pressing his forehead against yours.
amber eyes full of heat pierced through you as you smirked. “it took you damn well long enough.”
eris rolled his eyes fondly before pulling you against his chest. “you absolute menace,” he said, kissing the top of your head. “you’ve finally pierced my wretched heart. it feels as horrifying as i imagined.”
you buried your face against his neck, smiling against his skin. “good night, you insufferable drama queen.”
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hoasvuon · 11 months
(2:21 AM)
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you had tried to reason with yeonjun for the past ten minutes, telling him that he didn't need to come over to take care of you, and that you'd be alright with just a bit of rest.
"baby i'm fine, i promise. it's just a little cold, i'll be alright", you insisted over the phone.
"yes you might be fine now, but what if you get worse in the middle of the night? i have to be there in case something happens!", yeonjun retorted back.
you sighed softly, knowing that he wouldn't listen to you, but you still felt guilty that he was also up so late worrying about you. after all, he had his own life, and coming over to take care of you so late in the morning wouldn't be good for either of you.
but no matter what you did you couldn't stop tossing around in bed. not only were you sick, but you didn't even have anybody to fuss over you. although that was mostly your own fault. after all, your loving boyfriend had asked if you needed anything to which you responded that you would be fine with a good nights' rest. 
looking at the clock, you sadly realized it already was 2:21 in the morning, hours past when you told yourself you would go to bed. you suddenly regretted your decision telling yeonjun not to come over. you decided that if you were going to be awake anyways, you might as well for yourself a glass of water from the kitchen, to help with the sore throat.
stumbling outside with your blanket wrapped tightly around your body, and your phone in your hand, you began making your way to the kitchen. you had barely made it to the kitchen counter before you noticed your phone light up with a text from your boyfriend.
i know you said that you would be ok on your own but I can't help but worry. do you want me to come over?
you thought about it for a second and decided that if there was going to be any day that you gave in to your desires, it would be today. uou quickly texted back that you wanted him to come over, and set your phone down on the counter.
looking at your phone, you saw that he had read the message immediately. however, that wasn't surprised you. suddenly, you heard the sound of your apartment door unlocking. 
turning around, you were met with the face of your boyfriend as he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist before nestling his head in the crook of your neck. 
"my babyy is sick. what do I do?" he mumbled, while rubbing up and down on your back.
laughing, you responded, "were you just waiting for me to text you that you could come?" before lightly tapping his head.
"no ... maybe ... yes" yeonjun said sheepishly, before his eyes caught your half finished cup of water on the counter.
"see ! look, you're drinking cold water, what if you got sick again? this is why i was worried. i have to be here to take care of you.” he said.
turning your body around, he began walking with you to your bedroom, though it was a bit of a struggle considering he was still attached to your back, like a koala. 
finally, the two of you made it to your bedroom where he laid you gently in bed before getting in himself. 
"no matter what I'll be here for you. so don't worry about me and just get better. I love you" he whispered gently in your ear, before wrapping his arm around your frame and pulling you in closer.
looking up at him as you were laying on his chest, you begin to notice more little things that made you fall in love with him along the way. The way his eyelashes fluttered as he closed his eyes, the rosy tint to his checks from having stood outside your apartment door waiting for you to text, the way his hair barely grazed his eyes as you reached up to brush it away. the way he subconsciously would pull you closer in your sleep, as if you would run away from him if he didn’t hold you tight enough. most of all, you noticed how calm your breathing had become, and how you fit perfectly in his arms.
maybe one day, you’d pluck up the courage to tell him exactly how much he means to you. but for now, all you want to worry about is getting better, as soon as possible, so you can pepper yeonjun in kisses as thanks for taking care of you and worrying about you. after all, it was 2:35 in the morning, and you thought to yourself that maybe being sick wasn’t so bad, especially when you had someone who loved you taking care of you.
author's note: hihi flowers i am also !! currently sick :( so i wrote this drabble just now in my sick, delirious state at 2 in the morning ,, how nice would it be to get cuddles and headpats while you're sick ? i'm simply self-indulgent i suppose ,,, ! this hasn't been edited/proofread, i'll get back to doing that at some point when i feel better ! <3 thank u for the support on my first post !!
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devilfic · 11 months
❝right place, right time❞
V. curiosity killed the cat.
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parts: previously / next plot: when else would you get a chance like this? pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: surgeon!reader, secret identities, slow burn, suggestive content, you're awfully nosy aren't you. words: 6.2k.
a/n: trying out something new with headers. also, hey! it's been three months! I did not realize! I am so sorry!
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If you were to recall any other time you'd stood in the middle of your apartment, blindfolded, while a strange man you didn't know undressed for you, you'd come up a little bit empty. You were failing to accept that there was ever a time at all, let alone one happening right now.
But you can't look. You have to listen to the shuffle of clothing, the small grunts and heaves of breath, the maneuvering about your home that carries a breeze to your heated skin. Seconds pass where there is no movement at all, not even an exhale, and then, "C'mere."
You stumble forward and immediately bump your shin against your coffee table—the good shin, the one that isn't cut up in ribbons—earning a sharp "tsk" from your guest that has you flushing. You reach up to your makeshift blindfold and tug it off.
To say you were... probably not supposed to see this was an understatement. You're distracted by two trains of thought, the first being his upper body. Batman is half-sitting on the edge of your kitchen table while his under suit hangs from his waist. Every line and curve is sculpted like a meticulously maintained statue. You follow the deep divots of his collarbones, the swell of his chest, the soft yet defined skin of his torso with each ripple a sign of his strength. His cowl is still in place, and even his gloves remain.
And also, though you'd never tell him this, he looked pretty damn good.
The second thought is that he has more pressing concerns than an old gunshot wound. There are bruises littered all across his upper body, signs of fights that were too heavy-handed. You tried to imagine the force it would take to really, really hurt him under that armor. How a bullet had passed through what should be impenetrable.
The first time you'd had his skin exposed to you, it had barely been anything. A cut hole in his suit, just enough room to focus on the blood and the flesh. You hadn't even thought about it.
Now, beneath all the broken, mottled skin was the evidence of the last three years at work. Between the muscle and size of him, you were beginning to understand why he didn't take his health as seriously as you did.
Batman watches you, head tilted to the floor. One arm props him up on the table and his other hand rests over his knee. His upper armor lay discarded on the table behind him along with his utility belt. He doesn't blink as you approach, doesn't bother saying anything first. He has an intense look on him at all times and it's no different now. Even if he's trusted you enough to bare this part of himself to you, you could see the tension in him. He was prepared to fight if it came down to it.
You don't want that. You clasp your hands in front of you, shrinking yourself down like you were facing a fetterless beast because that's the best approach you've got, "Can I touch you?"
His eyes dilate. He hadn't been expecting you to ask that. You'd already touched him before without asking, had shared plenty of touch before. He moves the arm holding him up so that you can get a better look.
There is a small patch of raised skin on his side that you're delighted to find free of stitches, healing over. You press a finger to the area beneath the healing wound, feather-light. "It's looking a lot better," you begin, glancing up, "though I wish you'd keep it wrapped a little longer." You try not to let your fingers wander too much, regardless of the mind they had of their own, "How'd the bullet break the Kevlar? From what I've seen, that's pretty tough stuff from a distance."
Batman grunts when you press into a bruise on his rib cage, apparently the freshest of them all. You apologize, but he pays you no mind, "There wasn't any distance. They got close and kept shooting until it broke."
"Not to be morbid, but why didn't they just go for the head?"
Batman huffs again, though it sounds more like a laugh this time, "You don't think they tried?"
The image of him on the ground and a gangster with a gun towering over him, fighting to get in a lethal shot springs to your mind. You imagine his hands gripped around the barrel, forcing it from between the eyes, down and away until they just starts letting off every bullet in the mag until- "Oh."
He grunts again.
Despite the fact that he'd come close to death, he hardly looked bothered. You'd lived a life like that, and there wasn't a day that went by where you weren't baffled by the sheer stupidity of your youth. Maybe if you'd been smarter back then, had more self-preservation, you would have stopped much sooner.
Now look at you. A man with a gun threatens your life once and suddenly your whole world is thrown off kilter.
You're not actually looking at his bullet wound anymore. You're looking at his bruises. "You don't have doctors, right? So what happens when you... break a bone? How do you explain all this to an ER nurse?"
"I never said that."
"Well, no. You just brooded and ignored me. Which I took for an answer."
"I don't go to hospitals. If I can't fix it myself, I find someone who can."
You remember the other part of that conversation, when he'd mentioned someone looking at his wound, "That person that checked you out last time?" Batman hums. "Are they like me?"
"...No." You think that's all he'll say, having given you more information than perhaps he'd have liked to, but he surprises you, "Not a doctor, but knows what to do. From experience."
That doesn't narrow down the picture of Batman's Nightingale at all. After all, any number of people in Gotham had knowledge like that just from living here. You also figure if he's lasted this long, they must know what they're doing, "I guess you don't really need me fussing over you after all."
He doesn't need to dignify that with a response, and if he were to, you'd expect him to agree. Perhaps throw in an "I told you so" if he was feeling particularly jovial. You don't expect the sincere, "I think you have the right after saving my life."
You laugh, "By that logic, you should be up my ass about taking care of myself. Scratch that, the whole city's ass."
"I am. Or I would've taken your invitation."
"How many times do I have to say that was a stupid move before you let it go?"
"It's only been half an hour. It's not even cold yet."
"I'm sorry, okay? I can't help..." You falter. What could you say? Your feelings bigger than your vocabulary, if you tried to imprison them in words, you worried they might scare him. Might scare you. The truth was that you trusted him. And his insistence that you shouldn't didn't stop you. "I told you when we first met that I believe in what you do for Gotham, that I want you to keep doing it. I meant that. It's why I fuss and why I left the window open, why I keep hoping you're there and why I hoped you'd come save me that night. I believe in the Batman and I believe that even underneath that, you're a good person. Am I wrong?"
Batman keeps your gaze. You'd give anything to know what he's thinking at any given moment, but especially now. Your desire to be understood comes at the cost of being exposed. You realize that in this situation, he knows so much more about you than you may ever know about him.
That kind of realization is terrifying. You can't take it back now.
Your next realization is that your hand is touching his stomach, more comfortable in its place than it reasonably should be. It'd been hovering there since he'd started telling you about getting shot, warm from his warmth. You don't immediately pull away.
Your hand moves with him when he draws in a breath, "It's not something you can call yourself."
"You're a good person. There. I said it." You tip your chin up in defiance.
"You don't know me."
Then let me, you want to say. "Then prove me wrong."
A tick passes. Then, Batman stands to his full height. Your hand naturally falls away as he zips his suit back up to the neck, then his hand goes for the shirt you'd discarded. It shouldn't shock you the second time, but you shiver when he pulls it taut around your head once more, careful not to catch your hair in the knot.
You listen for the growing familiarity of his grunts, the heavy effort of pulling his armor back over his body, the click of his utility belt about his waist, and then you await the return of his cowl but the noise stops there. Your hands hover in front of you with nothing to do, too afraid to remove the blindfold early but too afraid to break the tense silence.
So you stand there, back to him, waiting for him to give you the okay. You can feel his eyes on your back (all over, really) and a trickle of humiliation works its way up your spine the longer it goes on.
You hear noise again a minute later, though it's not the sound of him putting his cowl back on. It's his boots. He's walking toward you.
You're anticipating something, a touch or a whispered final farewell. A sillier, nervous part of you is anticipating his breath on the nape of your neck. Bending his head down. The heat of his chest against your back. You imagine him dipping his mouth to the curve of your throat and the image sends a tingle up your spine. You're not expecting your hand taken hostage and something slipped into your palm. It feels small and round along the sides. When you allow your fingers to collapse around it, it feels flat. Batman doesn't release your hand until you're holding it properly.
Then you hear him put on his cowl. Then you hear him leave.
Yanking off the blindfold, you're shocked to find that there's a phone in your hand. A flip-phone. It's a prepaid, a simple one you'd find at any bodega up and down your street. You try to imagine Batman of all people, in civilian clothing, walking into one of your neighborhood's haunts and buying this for you.
You flip open the phone and find that in the contacts list, there is only one: "For emergencies only".
Huh. Batman just gave you his number.
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You do not hear from Bruce Wayne for a week.
After the papers are signed, you're told rather abruptly that he'll be flying overseas. Business, Alfred had said, and that you'd be expected to be at Wayne Manor the morning of his return for a checkup if you weren't called to Verona before the week's end. If your head hadn't started swimming with the idea, you would have had the wherewithal to be excited about it.
But seven days come and go and you're eventually standing in the penthouse, poking and prodding the man of the hour while Alfred watches on from afar.
Bruce is an obedient patient, if not a little robotic. Every answer is a "yes", "no", "just a little bit". He's in perfect physical health from what you can tell, from what he allows you to see with all his clothes on. The most of note is his visible tan, and halfway through the examination, you can't stop yourself from commenting on it, "How was Italy?"
It's the first question that isn't about his appetite or sleep, so he's not as quick to answer, "Fine. Warm."
"Must be nice. Did you enjoy the beaches?"
Alfred snorts so loudly that it redirects the attention of both of you, but he has his nose deep in tax statements when your eyes find the butler. Bruce looks a little annoyed when he answers you, "I didn't go. I was in meetings most of the week."
You frown, "It's that sunny in Verona?"
"Any sliver of sunlight has him turning colors." Alfred no doubt knows from humiliating experience, and while Bruce doesn't look very pleased, you're just thankful the butler feels in good enough spirits to joke with you. Perhaps now that the contract had been signed, he'd resigned to his fate that you were here to stay. At least until Bruce's mysterious interest in you dulled his rose-colored glasses.
You try to picture Bruce basking in the sun—the kind of sun that didn't find itself on this side of the world—and all you see are scenes right out of Baywatch, so uncharacteristic that you shake your head just to get rid of them.
"Any concerns?" You ask, and then you're reminded to look down at his hands in his lap. You can't help yourself from asking, "What about those?"
Bruce follows your line of sight to the scarring over his knuckles, dimmed some due to the tan. You watch his face the entire way, hopeful to catch him in a lie. He turns over his palm, looks at you through his lashes, and says, "No, I... I fight. On purpose. It's a hobby."
That catches you off guard. You thought someone with his bank account would be into golfing.
Bruce nods over in Alfred's direction when you don't respond, "Mixed martial arts. Alfred will tell you. He's been teaching me since I was ten."
Sure enough, Alfred is watching the two of you over the rim of his glasses, "Just the basics." He confirms.
It adds up, though you can't help questioning it, "Isn't that kind of a violent hobby? Seems pretty dangerous for the future CEO of a major corporation."
"It was self-defense first, then a... hobby." Alfred spits the last word out like a rotten tooth. "Trust you aren't the first to mention it, and surely won't be the last."
You frown, "Just so you know, I'm a general surgeon. Brain damage isn't my forte."
Bruce doesn't answer. He doesn't get the chance. Dory barely has a chance to announce the arrival of guests before they're flooding the living room with balloons, streamers, flower arrangements, and more. You're taken aback by the sheer extravagance. Was it someone's birthday? You look at Bruce for an answer, but it's Alfred who shoots up to welcome them in. You hear him instructing a group of musicians to a corner of the room that you've only now realized has been cleared away of the antiques that once held space there.
A man rushes past you, carrying a folded banner in hand, and another immediately follows with a ladder that almost knocks your things off the end table. You catch your bag and hold it to your chest.
"I'm sorry, the crew for the party is here early." Bruce sounds almost disappointed.
"For the mayor. I'm hosting a celebration tonight for the mayor's new deal passing." Bruce rolls down his shirt sleeve once he unwraps the blood pressure monitor and hands it back to you, rolling his shoulder as you begin to pack up.
"That's awfully kind of you." You comment, glancing at the array of gold and purple being carried in. "I should get out of your hair then-"
"Would you like to come?"
There he is again.
He had such a nervous energy about him all of a sudden. Someone with his power and prestige should believe they have the world in the palm of their hand (because he does), but every time he locks eyes with you, it's like it all falls away. In your presence, he's just a man and you hold all the power.
"I wouldn't want to intrude."
"You wouldn't. It's... supporters, donors, friends. Politicians and some press too but nothing too formal." Bruce must notice the way you shrivel because he's quick to add on, "There'll be wine. From Italy. And champagne. Not from Italy, but it adds variety."
If you didn't know any better, you'd say he wanted you to come.
And it wasn't that you weren't intrigued. You admired the mayor, and being a part of something like this was a once-in-a-lifetime offer. Donors meant money-makers like Bruce who, if going off their politician of choice, would be looking for causes to fund. You could practically hear your boss's heart break at even the idea that you'd turn this down.
It wasn't lost on you that your new position with Bruce Wayne had made you, accidentally, a spokesperson for the hospital. Missing the opportunity to milk the pockets of a few more billionaires would be a waste.
And Bruce... really seemed like he wanted you to come.
"Mr. Wayne," Dory's frail voice calls from the top floor, peering over the railing, "I need to speak with you about precautions for tonight."
Dory hurries back down the hallway without another word, and Bruce grows distracted. You think that he's forgotten all about convincing you to come to the party, but he turns to you one for one last second, "It's at eight. If you'd like to come."
And another thing: you'd have a good reason to snoop around Bruce Wayne's house.
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"Nothing too formal" your ass.
You'd had the good sense to spot a rich person lying out of their ass and had dressed as nicely as you could for the occasion, clearly a good decision.
The gathering of guests are all comfortable an hour into the party and a few drinks in, too. You immediately sneak yourself a glass the moment Dory lets you in the door. Bruce is knee-deep in conversation with who you recognize to be a councilwoman, and you catch Alfred observing the party from the edge of the room while hired servers tend to the guests. Mayor Reál is sat on a couch with a glass of champagne in one hand and her suit coat thrown over the back. She's got a line of guests leaning in to hear her recount some story about a diplomat from out of town. You wouldn't have a chance to speak to her tonight, you feared.
Somehow, you find yourself gradually floating in Alfred's direction.
He pays you no mind, not obviously anyway, but he does start speaking once you're in earshot, "Master Wayne invited you?"
Your lips purse. You try not to take his words as the insult they sound like, though his emotionless stare past your person doesn't help his case, "I debated coming. He seemed to want me here."
This gets him to look at you. Then, he turns away again, scanning the party for any signs of disorder. You noticed the tension in his shoulders almost immediately. Even if he didn't want to be friendly, that wouldn't stop you, "I can only imagine how nerve-wracking this must be."
Alfred furrows his brow. "I beg your pardon?"
"Letting strangers handle your fine glasses. God forbid someone trips."
A few moments of silence pass between you and your throat threatens to close up thinking your joke didn't land, but eventually, Alfred huffs, "That would be Dory's concern. That woman is very serious about the dishware."
Dory didn't look it. Greeting everyone with bright smiles and instructing them into the main room, she was more relaxed than Alfred was. "Then what's yours?"
The butler looks down to the side at you, but doesn't bother turning his head in your direction. He clearly didn't want the chance to miss anything, but the guests were behaving. "Someone ending up where they don't belong."
Perhaps that was why he was guarding the staircase with his life. Upstairs, you imagined, was where Bruce slept. Perhaps it was where the late Mr. and Mrs. Wayne had slept once upon a time too. If anyone were to disturb their belongings, you imagined this would be the last time a party was held in the penthouse.
But that got you thinking, "Do you hold parties often?"
"No. Never. This was all Master Wayne's idea, though I can't say it wasn't sudden."
Never was a strong response. Emily knew his shut-in status more intimately than you, but from what you saw, he did just fine on TV. He's got that interview smile on right now, cordial and fair. He laughs at the right times and makes sure to nod often enough so that his conversation partners know he's listening. He looks completely normal when you're not around. Excruciatingly normal. A picture of a proper businessman, billionaire, and bachelor. A man who should have been hosting parties weekly like the Gatsby that was expected of him.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
The way he tip-toed around you was the only proof you had that all of this was just as weird as it felt, that he knew this setup was out of the ordinary. That there was more to this than he or anyone else was telling you. A near-death experience had ushered him into the light of day and had put you right next to him. Maybe this was his version of Eat, Pray, Love.
A crash is heard from some distant part of the house and you see Alfred visibly tense. He looks uneasy to abandon his post, but you set your glass on a windowsill and take a step up the stairs, "I can keep watch until you get back."
Alfred looks skeptical, though another crash is all that's needed to convince him. He holds out a hand to the upstairs, "No one is allowed on the second floor. Understood?"
You nod, just shy of standing to attention and saluting. He rushes off without further convincing.
Your eyes naturally find Bruce again.
He's now in conversation with Mayor Reál and three other politicians all vying for his attention, though it's only she who seems to actually hold it. It's painstakingly obvious that they've seen what his dollars can do, and getting an endorsement from the newly emerged billionaire would do their campaigns wonders, but Bruce doesn't seem convinced of them.
And, if you were honest, it was a good sign.
Despite how little you were yet to understand about him as a person, you did know these politicians. You'd seen their campaign ads and the thinly veiled attempts at distracting from their shady pasts. Many of them had been in office alongside Mayor Mitchell. Many of them had rebranded, denounced him entirely after the Riddler debacle, if only to save face. There was no doubt in your mind that most of them had known about it, if not had their fingers in the pie.
Batman had promised you he wasn't corrupt. You had to believe him. You had to take his word for it.
Reminded of the caped crusader, your hand falls to your pocket to feel for the phone nestled there. Ever since the Batman had given it to you, you'd kept it charged and on you at all times, anxiously waiting for a call or a text or something.
But you hadn't seen or heard from him in a few days. If he was out there, he at least wasn't getting hurt, and that should have overjoyed you. It should have. It just... could also mean something else.
You slip the phone out of your pocket and confirm your suspicions. No messages, no missed calls.
The phone should have put you at ease, reassured you, but all it did was make you restless. Waiting for it to ring, wondering if it had and you'd missed it. You force it back into your pocket before you can fuss over it anymore than usual, and that's when you catch the sound of metal clanging against metal. It's distinct. It's coming from the second floor hallway.
You rush up the stairs none too carefully, cursing that you couldn't take them two by two, and when you finally get to the second floor, the banging only grows louder. A glance back at the party assures you no one else is following.
It takes a turn down another hallway before you see a drunken couple standing at an iron gate, one holding their heels and drink in hand and the other positioning a fire poker over the latch. As soon as you spot them, the one with the fire poker drives it into the padlock on the handle and snaps it right off.
"Hey!" You call, and the two of them look to you, giggling like school children. The one with the fire poker puts it to the side, flashing you with a too-straight smile that is meant to put you at ease. It does nothing of the sort. "You can't be up here."
"Sorry, we were trying-" She hiccups, giggling into her hand, "-we were trying to get to the roof, but this place is fucking huge."
The closer you get, you realize that the gate is sealing off an elevator shaft. There's only one button, however, and it points downward.
Sweeping the broken padlock off the floor, the couple shuffle out of your way. "Well, this isn't it, but I'm sure if you ask the nice British man downstairs how to get there, he'll tell you." And then, for good measure, "And don't tell him you were up here or you're never coming back."
The two of them look sober enough to understand, but they're still enjoying themselves as they make their way back downstairs. You watch them go the entire way. If they didn't heed your warning, you'd get the brunt of his anger over this.
You set the padlock down on a nearby table and pick up the fire poker, unsure where they would've snatched it from. You only hoped they hadn't sneaked into any of the rooms to get it.
And then, you wonder where the hell this leads to.
There's the elevator at the front door, the one that each and every one of you had arrived in, but when you pull back the iron gate and peek inside, there aren't any floor numbers. There's two buttons: one that goes up, and one that goes down.
The inside shakes when you step in. For a moment, you wonder if it had been locked because it was out of order, and your heart drops to your stomach thinking that it might drop down a height of sixty stories all at once, but it steadies eventually. It's clear it hasn't been changed, just one part of a fitting antique carved into the other world that is Wayne Tower.
There's a weak white light that buzzes overhead and those two buttons. Curiosity itches.
Whatever was down there, whatever this thing led to, the Waynes didn't want anyone to find it. The "precautions" Dory had mentioned came to mind.
But if they didn't want anyone to find it, why throw a party here where two stupid drunks could wander off and break into it?
You're sure Alfred didn't imagine anyone would come at it with a fucking fire poker, but it had been that easy.
Your eyes burn into the button. That'd be so easy, too.
If you gave into your desire, allowed yourself to push it and someone found you, you'd be fired. You could be stripped of your license for violation of patient privacy, enough HIPAA rules broken in the time it takes to satiate your curiosity. Wayne Enterprises would sue you into oblivion. Jersey would no longer be a question. Nothing would save you.
But there was something down there that you needed to see. You knew it. Felt it like claws burrowing into the wrinkles of your brain.
Your finger twitched at your side and you saw Bruce's face in your mind, all sad eyes and something hidden beneath his skin. He'd wanted you to come, wanted you to work for him—clearly against Alfred's better judgement—and he would trust you not to go any further. Even though he doesn't know you.
Some indignant part of you thinks that isn't your problem.
That same indignant part of you, the part that had convinced you to run with wolves as a teenager, gave in.
The elevator kicked up, so loud you worried everyone in the party could hear it, but then it began its descent with its steady whirring. You held on tight as it dropped floor after floor after floor after floor.
It must've been twenty years or maybe a minute and a half. The elevator comes to a shaky stop. A door outside the gate slides open, revealing... darkness. Absolute, all-consuming darkness.
The meager light above you does very little to light your way as your heart jumps into your throat, regret bubbling up in your chest. You can hear small chittering sounds from within the darkness and dripping like leaky pipes. You're hesitant to pull back the gate, more than eager to leave this a mystery unsolved. You're not entirely sure that if you were to step out into the abyss, you wouldn't fall into Hell's mouth.
But then, light fills up the darkness.
Giant, white stage lights flicker on one by one straight ahead and the first thing you see is a car covered by tarp, elevated on a platform at the heart of the room. There are tools laid haphazardly around the ramps, as if whoever had left them there had abandoned them in a hurry. You can't see much else from this angle except a grungy, muddy mountain bike with its helmet hanging off the handle.
A garage. The big, scary void was a garage. Your heart falls back into place with a dusting of shame crawling up your neck.
You're about to take yourself back to the penthouse when you startle at the sound of a voice—no, voices—echoing off the walls of the garage. None of it makes sense at first; the discussion starts up like you'd just walked into earshot, as if they'd been talking the entire time and you'd only just started paying attention.
You touch a hand to the gate and peek further into the room, pushing it back to let you out. You're cautious, eyes flitting to and fro to find the source of the voices, but all you see are tables and computer screens and a TV just a ways away from you, having flicked on with the power. Seconds later, you recognize the voices. Newscasters. News 7 WGOT to be exact.
What really captures your attention is the darkness that hadn't been chased away by the lights. There are sconces all along the walls that keep the main area lit, an area you realize looks an awful lot like a subway terminal, but they cease at the cutoff of the platform. The lights are bright enough to show some of what lies ahead: train tracks.
You step further into the room, examining the peculiarities: a car engine here, a microscope there, subwoofers packed on top of subwoofers, tables and desks and computer screens everywhere.
A desk near the center of the room catches your eyes next. There are radio transmitters, files, and lamps scattered about the surface. None of it resembles the pristine study upstairs, what you assumed was Bruce's personal base of operations. No, this desk looked lived in. The two or three empty mugs lined up by a table leg tells you as much.
What kind of business could a CEO get done down here? The place smelled of mildew and you could feel the vibrations of trains running above ground.
Your eyes flicker over a leather-bound journal and a handful of folders, your eyes catching on names that only sort of tickle your brain. Names you've heard recently. Names you've heard upstairs. Did he have files on everyone at the party? The level of detail wasn't surprising, not for someone with his kind of position. You doubted he would take a chance on anyone that he invited after last year.
You brush a thumb over one when you catch a name that you don't recognize as quickly. Ironic. It belongs to you.
You snatch the file without thinking, flipping open the cover to see your headshot scanned off your medical ID badge, but there are other photos. One of you and the rest of your department, another of you mid-handshake with the Dean of your alma mater. Publicly available stuff. Except for one you've never seen before. It's candid, though the heavy beating of your heart in your ears is making it hard to determine when it could've been taken. It looks recent. Somewhere outside of Gotham General. You were still in scrubs, completely unaware.
With these types, it wasn't unusual to hire a private investigator before hiring on a complete stranger, let alone one who managed your very life and well-being. You kept telling yourself that, swallowing down the rising unease in your gut, when you made the mistake of turning the page.
There was a picture there that no one should have access to. Your fingers shook as they ghosted over the black and white image, the shock in your eyes, the barely captured tremor in your jaw.
Every single feeling came rushing back to you all at once as if you were 16 again. Standing still in an alleyway. Watching her blood splatter the concrete. Staring down the barrel of the same gun as it turned on you, promised you would be next.
Some names were redacted, but you could tell from the first few lines of the police report beneath your mugshot that it was exactly what you feared it would be. He shouldn't have this.
Panic rises in your throat. You can't keep the nausea down, the growing urge to vomit up your last two drinks onto the paper. Maybe you'd ruin it completely and then... and then...
It still happened. You couldn't change that.
The entire terminal rattles and pulls you out of your shock. A train was passing right above you, sending bolts and screws clattering to the ground. You accidentally drop the file and one of the screens flickers on.
There were four different feeds—camera feeds. CCTV. One of the living room, one of the kitchen, one of the foyer, and one of the second floor. All four wink away, replaced by new angles, and you realize with a chill that one of them is pointed down the hallway leading to the elevator. If these were recording... if Bruce watched back the feed...
You tremble in place, waiting as the feeds are replaced with new ones. You wait for one that would confirm you had stepped into the elevator, had come down here. You wait for the killing blow.
But it doesn't come. There's one camera in that hallway, pointed at such an angle that, really, there's no way to tell if you got on or not. It's all you need to put your file back and rush out of there.
Your teeth are chattering as you climb back into the elevator, shut the gate, and let it take you back to the penthouse, but your mind isn't with you right now. It's back there, years ago. It's reeling. It's thinking he knows, he knows and this all must be a trick. He hired you and he knew. He knew and he let you in his house, let you find that couple, let you think you had a choice to get this far because he knew the truth and the truth was that you would take a chance like this because it took one night and her brains blown out of her head and Bruce would be waiting to arrest you because you never changed-
The elevator comes to a stop. Your name is called in that same moment, and you quickly hurry off the elevator and shut the gate just in time for Alfred to appear.
You probably look incriminating enough, all wild-eyed, but all Alfred does is release a deep, deep sigh. Then, he walks over to you and examines the broken padlock and the guilty weapon in your hand. You hadn't realized you still held it. You've turned the metal warm with how tightly you grip it. "No one got on, yes?" Is all he says.
You nod.
Alfred seems to think that's enough. He holds out a hand for the fire poker and you eagerly hand it over, "I met your friends a moment ago. They've been sent home. I'm afraid letting them onto the rooftop would've resulted in a lawsuit."
It takes you a second to register that he's joking, a second longer to laugh with him, however shaky, "They got as far as breaking the lock before I stopped them."
"Lucky as they were. This elevator's broken."
You blink, "Is it?"
"I'm afraid so. That's why we keep it locked. Who knows what could've happened if someone had stepped inside?"
You did.
"I believe Bruce was looking for you," Alfred offers, and you notice the slight edge to his voice. The forced smile on his face is all it takes for you to be certain, "It appears the mayor would like to hear about your work at Gotham General."
It's an out. You'd be stupid not to take it, "Right. Thanks. Good luck with the... door."
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sunraies · 1 year
a smut where rafe is streaming but reader (she/her) gets horny and is teasing him behind the camera and the conversation get to the point/topic about onlyfans 🙈 AAAAH IM SORRY BUT I DREAMT OF THIS LAST NIGHT AND I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT AHAHAHHAA 🙈 help me out here please 🫶✨ thank youuuuuuuuu
I tried, only proofread once as always with smut
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings- +18 MDNI, smut, fingering, reader teasing Rafe. Dirty talk.
As requested above. Rafe is on a live stream, and you distract him.
Throwing the book down on the bed and kicking the blanket of your legs. You sighed in frustration. You had just read some absolute filth and had a million thoughts running through your head with no Rafe to help you.
You could sort out your little problem yourself, but ever since you began dating Rafe, it wasn't the same. You often found it just made you need him more, and that made you even more frustrated.
His voice and laughter carried from the spare room, his streaming room of your shared house, as you dug around in the bedside drawer. You smiled at the buzz of your bullet vibrator before it suddenly stopped.
"Fuck" you cursed at flopped backwards on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, contemplating life. You knew your own hand would be no good. "Fucking asshole" you muttered to yourself.
Once you heard his laugh again, you sat up suddenly and came up with a plan to get what you wanted. Stream time be damn, you needed Rafe.
Rafe started his streaming career three years ago. He had started with videos of the crazy shit he and his friends would get up to. From yacht parties to setting off fireworks on the Country Club golf course.  People ate up the crazy rich lifestyle.
Over time, and as his fan base grew, while the videos became wilder, they also became calmer. Sometimes, he could sit live in front of the camera and just chat. They still loved him.
"Yeah, so we won't. We won't be. " Rafe stumbled on whatever he was explaining as you stood in the doorway. You had caught his attention the moment you leant against it.
'Hi baby,' you mouthed, stood in only his white shirt and lacy black lingerie.
He shook his head, trying to regain focus on what question he had been asked. He was thanking all the gods that the camera was the other way round so no one could see how, drop dead gorgeous you looked.
"So, as I was saying. Top won't be sticking a firework up his ass, again. " He tried to explain as comments flooded the screen, everyone wondering what had suddenly him so distracted.
You sent him a wicked smirk as you trialled a hand down your body, right to the panty line. His eyes roamed your body with your hand before they snapped up to yours, daring you to do it.
"What am I looking at?" He read a comment aloud before smirking."Well, I'm looking at the most gorgeous site on the planet"
You felt your cheeks heat up, but didn't want to back down as your fingers slowly dipped below the panties and began circling your clit. You bit your lip so as not to moan while your other hand cupped your breast, playing with your nipple through the thin fabric.
"Yes. It's my girl. " He kept eye contact with you before raising an eyebrow as you frowned. He knew it wasn't giving you any relief.
His followers knew of you. He never kept you a secret, but your face was never in his videos. He wanted you to have some privacy, but sometimes you were in a photo or in the background of a house video. Most of them seemed to love you, too.
"Come here, baby." He held a hand out to you
You hesitated before walking over and allowing him to pull you into his lap. He covered you the best he could and made sure that your face was cut out. Luckily, the only part visible was your torso.
"I think I'm needed for something. But you'll have a new video by the end of the week. " He spoke to the camera again. "Three words, foam, pool and party"
He reached over to stop the stream before comments asking for only fans videos with you and saying how amazing you looked, caught his attention.
"What do you think, baby?" He whispered in your ear, squeezing you tighter, his hand holding you thigh. He made sure your legs weren't visible as his thumb brushed against your lace covered core. "Would you join me on only fans?"
You knew he had one. It was something he often got you to help with, but you had always been behind the camera.
All you could was nod before he placed a quick kiss on your neck.
"She said yes." He smiled at the camera. "Maybe there'll be a video up later. Bye"
He quickly shut everything down before humming and kissing your neck again, peppering from your jaw to your shoulder with kisses.
"Would you really like that, pretty girl?" He gently run his fingers over your folds, feeling how soaked you were. "You like the idea of people watching while I make you come undone"
"Yes, Rafe." You breathed, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as he forced your legs open wider. His hand  harshly played with your clit, making you jolt forward.
"Let's get you warmed up, baby." He continued to tease you before slipping in two fingers, pumping them slowly. You gasped and rocked into his hand while his other hand played with your breast.
"I want them witnessing how you scream my name and to hear you cry when you desperately want to cum. My good girl" 
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crienneoftarth · 8 months
Wildest Dreams pt. III
Larissa Weems x inexperienced!fem reader
notes: pls don’t ask why it took so much less time to write this chapter… im sure you can guess. once again, ive never written smut so… im doing my best. also i am not here for realism, but for fun. so if shit does not make sense, that’s not on me tbh lmao
warnings: THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY SMUTTY. 18+ only! mommy kink, oral (cunnilingus), strap-on, reader is SO subby (a bit of self insert mayhaps)
🖤 part I, II, and ao3 🖤
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As you straddle her thighs, you suddenly become very aware of how wet you already are for her. You wanted her so badly and now she would definitely be able to tell. It was impossible to hide, especially after she began to kiss you again and you couldn’t help but buck your hips, aching for a moment of contact. The older woman chuckles at your eagerness in between kisses.
Her voice lowers into almost a grow and she grabs your hips tightly, “I can feel how bad you want me, my thigh is soaked from your grinding…”
Just her saying that made it even worse. In that tone, her accent, it was too much. You try to hide in her neck out of embarrassment. “I-I’m sorry, Larissa…” You were basically out of breathe at this point but you tried to hold yourself still.
You feel her long fingers and nails snake their way into your hair before she whispers, “Don’t be sorry, pet. Keep going and don’t stop until I say so, understood?”
Whimpering softly as you nod, her fingers now tugging at your hair and her lips trailing kisses down your neck. “No… I need to hear you say it… Use your words for me, darling.”
“I understand, Larissa.” You manage to say, as you feel her other hand coming up your thigh and your hips begin to grind against her, once again.
The blonde can’t help but moan at the sound of her name, “Mmmm… I do love hearing my name coming out of your pretty mouth, but I would much prefer mommy… Can you do that for me?”
“Y-yes, mommy. I’ll do anything you ask!” Your hips begin to move faster, needlessly begging for more contact. Larissa’s lips are still on your neck, slowly leaving red lipstick and purple marks on your skin. The blonde hums into the crook of your neck as her fingers reach your lace panties, “Such a good girl, I suppose it’s time for me to reward you for being so obedient.” Suddenly her fingers pull your panties to the side before plunging one finger into your core. You cry out as she fills you and begins to thrust her palm against your swollen clit.
Larissa hasn’t stopped nipping at your neck even as she’s fucking you, “Will you take another finger for me, sweetling?”
“Yes, mommy-! Please…” You were already so close to cumming but you waited for permission. Larissa eagerly pushed another finger inside, moaning at the feeling of your slick folds taking her so easily.
“‘Rissa… M-mommy, I’m so close already…!” You stumble on your words, completely out of breath as your hips vigorously move against her hand.
“Oh, is that so, darling? Well I’m not sure I want you to cum quite yet. I have other plans for you.” She snickers as she pulls her fingers out of your aching core. You let out a whimper as her nails graze over your clit, your eyes are practically full of needy tears as you realize that she’s stopped.
“Don’t worry, pet. If you keep being good, I’ll finish you off.” You watch as she slowly brings her fingers that were just inside of you to her faded red lips. Your eyes meet as she sticks out her tongue, licking your juices from them, before pulling them into her mouth and letting out a deep moan. After a moment, she pulls them out with a popping sound.
“Fuck, you taste divine. I wouldn’t expect any less from such a beautiful woman.” She leans forward and pulls you into a deep kiss. Her tongue pushes its way into your mouth, the faint taste of you on her tongue causes you to moan. You pull away from her lips and take her hand, pushing the same two fingers in your mouth. The blonde smiles and closes her eyes as your tongue dances around her long fingers. After a moment, she pulls them back out and gently kisses you.
Your pupils fully dilated with lust and yearning, you ask what she would like for you to do.
Larissa giggles softly, “So eager to please, hmm? So adorable. Here… I want you to do something for me now, alright?”
You nod obediently. Your legs were weak and shaky but you managed to get up off of her lap and sit on the soft mattress next to her. She grins and stands up in front of you. Turning around, she loops her fingers around both straps of her dress. She glances back to see you staring with your mouth practically on the floor. You blush as she laughs at you, before facing away again and slowly pulling her dress down her delicate curves.
The pale blue dress falls to the floor and you realize that the older woman wasn’t wearing anything underneath the entire time. You blush thinking about how close you were to her and you were none the wiser.
You studied each of her silver curls that laid gently over her shoulders and back before tracing the rest of her pale curves. You could stare at her forever and memorize every freckle, wrinkle and line. The tall woman turns around in her heels and gives you another moment to take in your new view of her body. She giggles as you inhale sharply at the sight of her. “Do me a favor, sweetheart? There’s a… Treat for you in the bottom drawer of the nightstand there.”
You swallow roughly before leaning over the bed, reaching the bottom drawer she mentioned. Your mind went through the million things that could await you as you slowly opened it, revealing a blue silicone dildo that was already attached to a harness. Your eyes widened and you looked over at Larissa, who had a devilish smile on her face. “Bring it here, won’t you, my darling?”
Your face was hot as you walked over to her, dildo in hand. “Thank you, sweetling. Now, go ahead get those clothes off for me, alright? I’ll help you into this.”
Your eyes grow big while she takes the toy in her hand, slowly stepping out of your skirt and removing the blouse you were wearing. She examines you closely as you strip before leaning over to help you into the harness. You step into it carefully and she pulls it up over your legs, adjusting the straps tightly.
“I-I’ve never worn one of these… I’m not sure I know what to do…” You say nervously as she stands back up in front of you. You try not to look at the toy protruding from your pelvis, embarrassed at how you look to her.
She gently takes your face in one hand, “I know you’ll be perfect. And if you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, please, don’t hesitate to tell me. Okay, sweetheart?”
You kiss her hand and nod, “I’ll be okay, I’m just nervous.”
“I’ll teach you, you’ll be a pro in no time, I promise.” She giggles and pulls you into a kiss. After a few kisses, she steps back and lays back onto the bed. You blush at the sight of her spreading her thighs for you. You still couldn’t believe you had even gotten into this situation at all, let alone with such a goddess of a woman. You were shy but tried to be as confident as you possibly could, to please her. Climbing onto the bed, she smiled at you as you got in a comfortable position between her legs.
“I want your tongue in me first… Will you do that?”
“Of course, mommy. Anything for you…” You had been waiting all night to taste her and now she was spread just for you. You could see that she was dripping onto the sheets, just the sight of her like this was enough to send you over the edge. Laying on your stomach in front of her, you kiss down her thighs and leave little nibbles as you approach closer to her center. She was already moaning and whimpering at the feeling of your teeth against her soft skin.
Her fingers tangled themselves in your hair as you started to gently lap up her wet folds. After a moment of teasing her clit, she pulls your head closer. “Y-your tongue… Feels so good, darling. I want to feel it inside me. No more teasing.” She tells you sternly, trying not to beg but you could tell she was on the verge of whimpering for you. As much as you wanted to teaser her a little longer, you did as you were told and your tongue made its way into her warm center. Her thighs quickly tightened around your head as your tongue explored her, you pushed them back apart without thinking of the possible consequences. All she could do was moan at your sudden change in confidence, “That’s a good girl… You feel so fucking good.”
Her hips began to buck against the motions of your tongue and the vibrations of your own moans against her. She pulls up your head, both of you out of breath and her wetness glistening on your chin, “Put that cock to good use for me now, okay? I know you’ll be perfect for mommy.”
You climb up to her lips to kiss her and she licks the juices from your face, before pulling you into a kiss. One of your hands makes its way to her hardened nipple, gently squeezing as you begin to kiss down her chin and neck. You take the other nipple into your mouth as you continue to gently pinch the other between your fingers.
“Baby… Fuck… I want you inside of me so bad…” She lets out in between pornographic moans.
Your tongue flicks her nipple before biting down and she cries out as your teeth graze the sensitive skin. “Fuck me, right now…” she orders, roughly pulling the toy to her cunt. “Put your fucking cock in me now!”
You waste no time and do as you're told, pushing the toy inside of her slowly at first. The moan she lets out once you’re fully inside of her makes your body shiver. You take a moment to get used to the motions, watching her every reaction to your movements, wishing you were actually inside of her and feeling her walls contract around you. You can’t take your eyes off of each other. Even as she squirms underneath you, her eyes stay locked onto yours, glossed over with lust.
She wanted every inch of the toy you were pushing into her eager cunt. “More, darling… I can take it, you can be a little rough with me…” She says breathlessly, chuckling softly, her breasts moving to the rhythm of your thrusts. You want her to cum so badly, you want to please her, so you move your hips harder and faster against her. The sound of your bodies hitting each other gets louder as you continue to push deeper inside her.
“Oh my god… I knew you would be so good at this. Fuck, you feel so good inside me.”
You watch as her beautiful blue eyes roll back into her head and her back arches as you move into a slower rhythm, leaning over and burying your face into her neck. She drags her fingernails down your back and you cry out. “Don’t whine. I didn’t tell you to slow down, pet. You don’t get to stop until I say so.” She sternly growls into your ear. You quickly return to speed, you could never refuse what she asks of you.
“Good. Fucking. Girl. You don’t get to stop until I cum all over your cock, understand?”
“Y-yes, mommy… I won’t stop, I promise…” You manage to say and continue pounding into her. The feeling of the harness pushing against your own clit made it difficult to not orgasm yourself, but you knew you would be punished if you let yourself cum before her. But maybe you wanted to be punished by her… Maybe you wanted her to throw you over her knee and spank you until tears spilled down your cheeks and your ass was completely red. Maybe you wanted her to tie you to the bed and made you watch her fuck herself without letting you touch her. The thought of her disciplining you and absolutely ruining you causes your entire body to quiver.
Then you hear her. She screams out your name as she’s on the verge of orgasming. You never wanted anyone else to say your name ever again, it belonged to her.
You belonged to her.
And you both knew it.
You lean back upright so you can witness her beautiful face as she cums for you. Your hands steady her hips as you keep thrusting as deep as you can into her dripping cunt. Her hands grip the sheets on either side of her as she cries out, screaming endless profanities. You were honestly impressed with yourself that you could make her feel this way with your inexperience. But you had no time to get cocky before you realized her back had arched off of the bed as she reached climax… At last, it had happened so fast and yet it felt like hours.
The cock was pushed out by her contracting walls, causing her to let out a whine when it came out of her. You looked down and saw the soaking mess you made of her and you licked your lips with delight and desire.
She smiles at you and between heavy breaths she says, “I appreciate your enthusiasm, sweetheart, but I do believe it’s time for me to thank you properly.”
⋆ ✩₊˚ ʚ♡ɞ ˚₊✩⋆
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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I'm on Fire
biker!Eddie x fem!artist!reader
Part 4
🚨MDNI, 18+Only, implied smut, eventual smut, angst, sexual tension, adult themes, alcohol consumption, cheating (not on reader), biker!Eddie, biker!Steve, mutual pining, slow burn, mention of violence, brief use of Y/N (again, sorry).
Word count: 6.8K
Series Masterlist
In part 4, you meet another one of Eddie's dear friends, Robin Buckley, and get invited to a barbecue. Eddie tries to cut ties with a messy part of his life as his feelings for you grow. Your time with Eddie gets cut short again when the darker elements of his lifestyle comes calling. I've purposely left out physical details about your roommate Katie, so that you can picture her however you want.
A/N: I am so honored by the enthusiasm some of you have shown for this, and please know I think about you all the time as I write it. Also, I've barely been posting here a month, and I'm always open to any tips or suggestions. Love to hear what you thought and what you'd like to see happen 👀
It’s a good thing Eddie left with Charlene because he didn’t have to see how tipsy you got, stumbling out to the car at the end of the night, shoes catching in the gravel, babbling to Jeff how much you loved him and how glad you were that he was your friend.
“Girl, you better tell me everything that went down,” Jeffery said as he got in behind the steering wheel and helped you snap your seat belt together, because your aim was awful. “What did Charlene say to you?”
In the 8 months that he’d known you, Jeff had never seen you like this. Sure, you had a bit of that eccentric, scatterbrained artist way about you, but you were always professional and, if something someone said ever got to you, you never let it show.
“Charlene WHO?” You asked, and then you laughed hysterically, tossing your head back against the seat, as if what you’d just said was the most hilarious thing ever.
Jeff coughed out a laugh, looking over at you, wishing he had a tape recorder to play this conversation back for you on Monday.
You took a drink from the water bottle in the console, swallowed a few times, and then told him the story, as best as you could remember it, as Jeff maneuvered the car out of the long country road and back to the freeway.
“Who was that girl you were talking to?” Charlene asked Eddie as they drove off into the night. They were in a sleek, black utility vehicle this time, complete with heated leather seats.
“A friend,” Eddie told her. Not to minimize the crush he had on you, but he didn’t know what else to call you. If you were someone he was dating, he would’ve said that, but whatever the two of you had barely qualified as anything yet.
She reached over to squeeze his leg right above the knee, and tried to slid her hand further up his thigh, but he pushed her away. “I’m not in the mood,” he grumbled.
“Well, I didn’t mean to break up your little romantic moment, or whatever it was,” Charlene shrugged and looked out her window to the cars passing by on the freeway. “I just didn’t want you to make a fool out of me in front of my friends.”
Eddie had his wrist high resting on the steering wheel and he looked over his arm at her. “You don’t own me, you know that, right?”
Charlene adjusted her skin tight dress and began to fidget with one of her gold bracelets. “I own the things I pay for, and you were supposed to be mine for the evening.”
Eddie worked his jaw in silence, realizing in at that exact moment that he was done being her little bitch. Her attention and the money had been flattering, and the sex had been exciting the first couple times, but he could barely stand to look at her anymore, no matter how gorgeous she was. The radio was on low (Head Like a Hole by NIN) and he wondered about what you’d asked him earlier, about why he never called. He should’ve called to thank you for the painting, that was true, but the days of the week started to blur together, and he never saw Steve to ask him for your digits. Plus, what would he say to you? He was admittedly more of a hands-on type of guy, and not great over the phone, but he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for you, if you needed him to.
“You’re coming in, right?” Charlene cooed, noticing that he wasn’t following her into the house after he parked the car in the garage.
Eddie shook his head, lighting a cigarette, about to head over to hop on his chopper that was hidden along the side of the house. “I told you, we’re not doing that anymore.”
In response, Charlene rolled her eyes and gave an exaggerated groan, digging in her purse to pull out a wad of cash. “Well, here then,” she shook the handful of hundreds at him. “Take your money. That’s all you care about, right?”
Eddie had to scoff. Money was all he cared about? Her manipulation techniques were first rate, he had to give her that.
He hollowed his cheeks to take a long pull off his smoke. “Nah, keep it,” he said on the exhale, a plume of white smoke exiting pursed lips, turning his back on her and flipping his collar up on his leather jacket. “Save it for your next bodyguard. I’m done.”
One of the garage doors was still open, but Charlene seemed to forget and raised her voice. “Eddie, wait! I’m sorry!”
Her voice seemed to echo through the entire street, but Eddie kept walking until he disappeared around the corner of the building.
“You can’t just walk away from me like this!” She added, but he was already revving his bike and shifting into gear.
You’ve had a couple doozy hangovers in your day, but a red wine hangover? They were the god awful worst. You got up to hydrate and eat something early in the morning, and then you went back to bed.
Later on, you sat on the couch with some tea and your eyes half open and the hood to your sweatshirt over your head like a shroud while Katie told you how expertly Steve had rocked her world the night before. Apparently, before he fucked her 8 ways to Sunday, he took her to one of the new bars on the outskirts of town where a band was playing, and there were two of her old students there who recognized her.
After the show, she gave Steve road head, and then they ended up doing the dirty in the back seat of his car like teenagers.
“What is happening to me?” She asked you, feeling all sorts of sore and stretched out. “This is not how I saw myself acting at this age, but I can’t say I hate it. How was your night?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you said with a shake of your head, the movement making your temples throb. “Tell me more about Steve. What’s his deal? Does he have family here or?”
Your mind kept flashing back to the look on Charlene’s face, and how sloppy you’d been in the car with Jeff, and it made you want to cringe and bury your face in your hands.
“He didn’t mention his parents, but he’s got a little kid. A son named Oliver,” she used the remote to change the channel on the TV, but the sound was on mute. “The mom isn’t in the picture anymore, though, I guess she split when he was just a baby.”
Your eyes snapped open to full awareness, recalling that Steve had similar eyes and hair coloring to Eddie, and you pictured the photo of that doe-eyed toddler taped to the dash of his tow truck.
“How old is he? Steve’s son, I mean?” You asked, the opportunity to put new pieces to the Eddie puzzle together snapping you out of your malaise.
“He just turned 5 last month,” Katie said through a yawn. “And you will never guess who Steve lives with,” she held her breath there for a few beats, suspended, waiting for you to pull a name out of the air without any hints. You couldn’t even begin to try; your brain was about as active as smashed peas.
After reading your vacant stare, Katie continued, bobbing her chin with each word, “Robin Fucking Buckley.”
Katie had been interested in both men and women since you’d known her, and Robin was a woman she’d met when she first moved to Hawkins after college, and had an instant crush on. The crush never went anywhere, though, because Robin was in a relationship at the time, and Katie had not yet come out as bisexual, so she wasn’t sure what to do about the feelings she was having, but you vividly remembered hearing how she gushed over her.
“They’ve been raising Oliver together,” she continued. “He told me about Robin after he and I had sex though, so then it made me feel weird and I didn’t tell him that I used to daydream about being with her.”
“I can’t believe what a small world it is here,” you mused, suddenly wishing the phone would ring, and that it would be Eddie, and he’d say, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” But, that didn’t sound like Eddie, did it? It was more likely for him to bring a spare tire by and mow your lawn while you were at work. Superficial words of adoration? You weren’t sure that was his thing.
“Are you planning on seeing Steve again?” You were curious for selfish reasons, because Steve was your only current link to Eddie.
“We talked about the fact that we’d rather this be a fuck buddy thing than something serious, but he did invite both of us to a barbecue they’re having at their house on Sunday.” She smoothed her lips together and stared at the carpet, her eyes getting glossy from not blinking. “I’m not sure how weird it would be for me to see Robin again, though. I really had it bad for her.”
Sunday was a day away, and you hoped that your hangover would be gone by then, because it didn’t feel like it was dissipating any time soon.
The little boy with the thick head of wavy, golden brown hair screeched, “uncle Eddie!” as he ran toward him at full tilt, and then dove at his shin and wrapped is arms around his legs.
Eddie bent down to latch his hands under the tiny monster’s arms and swung him up in the air. “What’s going on, big man?” He adjusted the kid at his hip like it was second nature, like he was born to be Uncle Eddie.
Robin Buckley was just shutting the door to her car in the parking lot of Munson’s Garage and following behind Oliver at a stroll, grinning as she watched the two of them together. She pushed her sunglasses up into her blue-streaked hair, and the hoop piercings on her eyebrow and lip glinted in the sun. Eddie had just dismounted his bike and was taking his helmet off to hook it on one of the handlebars.
“Can you watch him for a bit?” Robin asked, her hands in her back pockets. She had on a Bikini Kill t-shirt on under a red and black flannel and holes in the knees of her jeans. “I have to run some errands, but Steve can pick him up in two hours.”
Eddie was actually just in the middle of rushing to several different places trying to get a project finished, and had a billion things on his mind, but Steve and Robin and Oliver always came first; they were his family.
“Oh I think I can manage that,” Eddie turned to Oliver, and Oliver put his hands on Eddie’s cheeks, smooshing them in a little. “What do you think, Ollie, wanna have some beers and play some poker with me?”
Oliver nodded, ecstatic, his mouth open.
“Ha ha,” Robin bent forward to brush some hair out of Oliver’s eyes and planted a kiss on his cheek before stepping back. “Maybe Uncle Eddie will make you some of those butter noodles you like.”
Oliver said, “airplane,” and Eddie scooped him on his belly with both arms so he was horizontal, and spun around in a circle a few times. Uncle Wayne saw them from the office window and was already headed over with his arms out.
Eddie lowered Oliver to his feet and said, “go say hi to uncle Wayne,” to which the boy took off as fast as his legs could carry him across the pavement. Eddie reveled at the joy on Wayne’s face as he bent down to hug the kid tight, and then took his hand to walk him back to the office. There was a TV in there with a bunch of cartoons on VHS just for Oliver, and some of the building blocks and toys he liked to play with.
“How is he?” Robin asked. Wayne was too far away to hear them, but she waved.
“Same,” Eddie cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the lump he felt there. “I don’t think the chemo is doing jack shit, but what the fuck do I know.”
Robin knew how much of a toll Wayne’s illness was taking on Eddie, but it made him uncomfortable to talk about it, so she didn’t push him.
“So, when are you coming to the barbecue tomorrow?” She asked as they made their way over to the shade of the awning just under Eddie’s apartment.
“Shit, that’s tomorrow?” Eddie frowned like he was working out a math problem, scratching the stubble on his jaw. “Why did I think it was next week?”
“Because dingus probably didn’t remind you like I told him to,” Robin dropped down into one of the plastic chairs with an ‘omph’. “There will be plenty of food, just bring some beer, or whatever alcohol you want to drink.”
Eddie sat down on the picnic table bench across from her, elbows on his knees. “I’ll bring beer and burgers, but I can’t drink that much for a couple days, Fight Night is next weekend.”
Robin dropped her shoulders and gave him a look. “Please tell me you’re not getting in the ring this time?”
“I have to,” Eddie shrugged, leaning back to plant his forearms onto the top of the picnic table, stretching his chest out. “I won the last one, remember? Winner always gets challenged.” He brushed something invisible off of the front of this work shirt. “But this will be my last fight for a while, Rob, I’ll forfeit if I have to.”
“Good,” she snorted her approval. “You and Steve are getting too old for this shit. We’re all getting too old for recreational activities that could possibly end up in broken bones and hospitalization.”
“No one is putting me in the hospital, I promise you,” he raised his eyebrow at her, confidentially.
Changing the subject, Robin shifted in her seat and narrowed her eyes. “What do you know about this chick that Steve has been talking to lately? You met her, right? Her name is Katie something.”
Eddie’s heart raced at the mention of Katie, but for other reasons. “Yeah, her and her friend saved our asses that night that we almost got pinched by the cops.”
“Okay,” Robin nodded. “What else do you know? Steve said you’d met her before?”
“What’s with all the questions? I don’t they’re as serious as---”
“Because, Edward, he went ahead and invited her to the barbecue, a complete stranger, without running it by me first. You know I don’t like Oliver to be exposed to every transient piece of ass he has a fling with, especially if they’re just another bar fly who tries to sneak a line of coke off the tank on our toilet like last time.”
Eddie knew she had a point; although Oliver wasn’t biologically hers, Robin had been helping to raise him since he was 7 months old, and she had turned into a fierce momma bear. He lost his train of thought for a second because if Katie was coming to the barbecue...then maybe….
“Earth to Eddie?” Robin clapped her hands together once.
“Yeah, sorry,” he shook his head as if to clear it. “First of all, she’s employed, she’s a teacher at the high school. English or Geometry or something.”
Alright, Robin liked the details so far. Dating a woman who had gainful employment was an improvement for Steve.
“I guess I sold her weed years ago, before I moved away, but I must’ve blacked a lot of that time out because I don’t remember her. I knew her brother Danny though, and he was a nice kid.”
Robin was biting her lip, drumming her fingers on the arm rest, taking in the information, and then she decided to change the subject, cocking her head. “What about you? Seeing any one special these days? Anyone you’d want to bring with you tomorrow?”
Eddie ran his fingers through his hair a couple times, pondering if he should tell her about you, but then decided against it. He didn’t want to answer a bunch of questions and, more importantly, he didn’t want to jinx anything.
It was one of those picture perfect days for a barbecue; the sun was out, but the temperature was mild, and all of the cherry blossom trees along the street were blooming. Steve and Robin’s house was located in a neighborhood that had a reputation for being a sketchy, but the yards were all well kept with little gardens. The house itself was Easter egg blue with white trim, a front square of lawn that was neatly edged and mowed, and then a driveway along the side that led to the back patio. There were three motorcycles parked on the street among the other cars, as well as that black Chevelle you saw at the garage.
“He’s here,” you breathed, balancing three dishes of food in your lap as Katie turned the car off and you both looked around. “I know he’s here. Wait, please take me back home.”
“Forget it,” Katie laughed. “We talked about this. The safe word is ‘pineapple’ if one of us is having a really awful or uncomfortable time.”
You tilted your head so that you could look up at the house. “What if he brought that Charlene lady?”
“Eddie might be a little oblivious at times, but I don’t think he’s an idiot,” Katie assured you. “Besides, that bitch does not want to catch these hands.”
“How well did you say you knew Robin?” You asked, stalling.
“We worked together when I had that warehouse job back in ‘89 or ‘90. We barely spoke ten sentences to each other, and exchanged a few goofy looks. I doubt she’ll even remember me.”
Oh, Robin remembered her, alright. You could tell by her face when she caught site of the two of you walking up the driveway from the living room window.
Robin gasped and ducked behind the curtain, pressing her back against the wall next to the bookshelf, out of sight.
“Steve!” She hissed, trying to get his attention in the kitchen, waving him over. He was bending down to grab another beer out of the refrigerator, talking to one of his buddies from the bar he bounced at from time to time.
He stopped what he was doing and came over with a look of concern on his face, his eyes scanning around for what might be bothering her.
“What is Katherine Clayton doing here?” She asked in a tense whisper.
Steve peeked around the curtain to catch a quick glimpse of who she was talking about, just as the two of you disappeared up the driveway around the corner of the house.
He was shaking is head, confused. “That’s Katie. What are you talking about?”
Robin’s eyes widened. “You had sex with Kathrine Clayton?” And then, as the realization sank in that Steve had done the deed with one of her long-standing secret crushes, she groaned and headed for the bathroom so that she could sit on the floor in there for a few minutes and regroup.
“Wait!” Steve whispered after her. “Please tell me you didn’t fuck her too?”
“I wish!” Robin yelled, just as she shut the bathroom door and he heard it lock.
Eddie was at the grill cleaning it off, his back to you, and your eyes locked on those unmistakable broad shoulders in a black t-shirt that had Megadeth tour dates half covered by his long hair, dark wash jeans cuffed at his boots, and a blue handkerchief hanging out of his back pocket. One knee bent out to the side; wallet chain draped over his thigh. Muscular triceps flexing under various colors of tattoo ink.
“Pineapple,” you said under your breath. A tape deck and two speakers were on the steps as music by Soundgarden blessed the event. You scanned the other 10 or so people there and didn’t see Steve, but another guest in one of the lawn chairs greeted you with a tilt of her beer.
The sound of the greeting made Eddie turn his head nonchalantly, but then once he saw it was you, he dropped what he was doing and spun around, wiping his hands on a rag as he went.
“Where should I put these?” You asked, referring to the stack of side dishes in your hands.
“Here, let me take them,” Eddie came over and bent down a bit to get his hands under what you were carrying, and his fingers fumbled on top of yours for a few seconds before the pass was complete, hard edges of his rings grazing the underside of your palm, both of you letting out a few goofy laughs. You had a low cut shirt on and you were delighted to find his gaze hovering on your cleavage more than once.
“This way,” he inclined his head for you to follow him over to a long table by the fence, his mouth kicking up on one side in a grin.
Steve’s head was still reeling over the fact that he accidentally slept with a girl that Robin had a crush on when he came out to welcome Katie with a hug and ask her what she wanted to drink. Steve was in full biker attire with his leather cut on over his t-shirt, leather pants, and his sunglasses on with his hair slicked back.
“Whatever you’re having,” Katie shrugged. “I’m easy. But, you already know that.” It was a joke, but under the circumstances, it made Steve feel worse. There were very few women on the earth that Robin admitted to having crushes on, and he managed to bury his cock inside of one. The sex had been fucking amazing, too, but he tried not to think about that.
Steve and Robin crossed paths as she was coming out and he was going in to get Katie a beer, and then Robin made her way over to greet her, trying not to let the disappointment read on her face.
“Long time no see,” Robin quipped, sliding a hand into the front pocket of her distressed, baggy denim.
“I can’t believe you remember me,” Katie balked, sincerely shocked.
“Whatever,” Robin looked down at the ground shyly and flexed her toes inside her Converse. “I used to use the water fountain on the other side of the warehouse just so I could get a glimpse of you in those daisy duke shorts you used to wear.”
Wait, Katie’s brain raced, was Robin insinuating that she used to have a crush on her too? That whole time??
“I know it’s been 6 years, but I still have the shorts,” Katie assured her, winking as she took a sip of her beer.
You were about to walk over to grab one of the folded chairs leaning up against the house, but Eddie told one of the guys to get up so that you could have his chair. You were about to protest, but the young dude with a full sleeve of tattoos popped to his feet and went to find another seat before you could get the words out of your mouth. Eddie wanted you to sit next to him, and that was that.
Eddie was still standing, about to ask you what he could get you to drink, when the screen door slammed open and a little dark haired boy came down the steps with Steve. “I’ll push you on the swings until uncle Wayne gets here,” Steve cooed in a very daddy voice.
“I owe Wayne big time for watching him tonight so that I could get drunk,” Robin said across the patio to Eddie.
“Are you kidding?” Eddie put his hand on your shoulder as he talked, casually showing ownership to everyone else at the party. “He loves hanging out with little big man.” You peeked at his ring-clad fingers that cupped your shoulder out of the corner of your eye and your stomach exploded with butterflies.
Oliver went over and hid behind Robin’s legs, and she introduced him to you and Katie. “He’s really shy around new people,” she said, tousling his hair. “But once he gets to know you, he’s a chatterbox.”
The little boy locked eyes with you curiously from behind Robin’s pant leg and continued to keep a silent watch on you until for the next 30 minutes until Wayne picked him up.
Everyone sat in an informal circle, and you were introduced to each person at the party, most of their names you forgot as soon as they were said to you. You found out that Steve was a tattoo artist, as well as being bouncer at a bar, and a couple of the guests worked with him and brought their significant others. One of the women was Robin’s ex, who she was still good friends with, and a woman she knew from the coffee shop she worked at. You also met one of Eddie’s bandmates Gareth, the only other original member, and his wife. You drank your first beer on an empty stomach and Steve encouraged you to tell your version of what happened that first night you all met at the Hideout. Eddie discouraged it, wanting to forget most of that night ever happened, but you continued. A few things you said made everyone laugh, and Eddie clapped his hand on top of yours at one point to squeeze it, giving you a wink and a little bitten-lip half-smile as he did so. You turned and met his eyes, the chemistry of your cosmic pull sparking little glints at the corners of your mouths; the unspoken hope of something new, something special.
When it was time to eat, Eddie asked you how you liked your burger, and when you told him you were a vegetarian, he startled you by clutching at his chest dramatically, pretending that you shot him in the heart, dropping his shoulder back. “Burgers are one of the things I do really, really well though,” you were sitting in the chair closest to him as he worked on the patties for everyone else.
“What are the other things you do well?” You were being coy, feeling a slight buzz as you sipped your second beer.
He looked at you over his shoulder and playfully raised his eyebrows a few times. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Eddie was having a hard time restraining himself from not bending down to kiss you with how adorable and flirty you were being. The only thing stopping him, besides not being sure you even wanted him to kiss you, was the fact that every single relationship he’d had with a woman for many years had been purely sexual, and things always escalated quickly. He was tired of sticking his cock in warm bodies he barely knew. Or worse yet, warm bodies he had grown to despise, like Charlene. He was tired of riding this hardcore persona every minute of every day. He wanted you to see the geeky side of him, the devoted, adoring side of him that he never let out of the bag because he didn’t trust himself to be vulnerable.
“Will you look at that,” Robin whispered to Katie who was in the chair to her. Her eyes were trained across the way at how close in proximity Eddie and you were. You were both making each other laugh, sneaking in whatever opportunity you could to touch each other, if only a brush of the elbows. “Did you know about this?”
Katie leaned over in her chair, putting her head to her shoulder. “It’s been brewing for a couple weeks now,” she told Robin. “Y/N has had a really rough couple years. She hasn’t shown interest in anyone since she moved here.”
“How come I’m always the last to know these things?” Robin asked, indulging herself with a deep inhale of the cinnamon spice smell of Katie’s hair, and then she turned to look at her, and the two of them shared this moment when their faces were extremely close in proximity for a heartbeat before they both jumped apart.
Just as the sun was starting to set, they lit the scattered tiki torches and the hard alcohol came out. Robin was the first one to throw back a shot, followed by Steve and Katie. The crowd thinned out by half, and you walked over to talk to Katie and grab a can of beer. He came over as you were about to pull the tab open and he stopped you, holding out his hand.
“Shotgun one with me?” He asked, his cheeks rosy, and his full pink lips inviting.
“Yasssss,” Robin overheard and stood up to get her own can with a hop in her step. “Steve! Shotgun with me!” Robin was definitely feeling the alcohol, and it was a happy sight for Steve because his best friend worked tirelessly every day to take care of him and Oliver and to keep their lives organized. He’d be running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to raise Oliver and work two jobs if not for her.
You looked around, and then down at Katie, who shrugged her shoulders.
“I’ve never...I don’t know how,” you laughed, hoping he wouldn’t think you were super lame.
Eddie winked, “I’ll teach you, Princess,” and then he held up the beer in his hand and explained how to hold it as he used the metal teeth from one of his keys to punch a small hole in the aluminum, and some of the beer misted his neck.
You watched how Steve shotgunned his, and you hoped it didn’t activate your gag reflex in some embarrassing way.
Standing in the grass behind where Robin and Katie’s chairs were, Eddie kept eye contact with you as he brought the punctured hole in the can to his mouth, lips wrapping around, and then he tilted his head back and flipped the tab so that the liquid went shooting down into his throat. You watched his Adam’s apple jerk up and down as he swallowed, some beer seeping out the corner of his mouth.
He made a refreshing ‘Ahhhhhh’ sound when he was done, and then he took your beer can to puncture it in the same way.
“Ready?” He asked. You weren’t, but you said yes anyway, liking the way his mouth kinda hung open, waiting for your answer.
He took hold of the back of your neck as he brought the can to your mouth, careful not to spill any of it on you. After a preemptive, nervous swallow, your hand replaced his on the can and you closed your eyes tight just as you flipped the tab and it hissed, shooting the cool liquid right over the back of your tongue and into your throat.
Some of it came out of your nose as you bent over to cough, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, snorting at how it tickled in your nostrils. With his hand still clutching the back of your neck, Eddie pulled you close and said, “good girl,” in your ear in a low octave that made your pussy twitch.
Once your coughing spasm was over, you tilted your head up, and suddenly his fingers were cupping under your chin, his thumb swiping from the corner of your mouth over your bottom lip to catch a drop of beer left there.
It hadn’t meant to be a sexual gesture, one that made the blood run to his cock, but it became so in the time it took for his thumb to make it from one side of your mouth to the other, and one of your hands went to rest on his waist.
A few feet away from you, Steve screamed, “bullshit!” and the group broke into laughter at something Robin said.
Stolen from his reverie by the jolt of reality, Eddie lowered his hand from your face and dropped his chin to his chest. “I’m sorry about the other night,” he said, gnawing a few tiny bites on his lower lip. “The whole thing that happened at the art show.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” you told him, sincerely, moving your hand from his waist to crook your finger into one of his front belt loops.
When his eyes lifted to yours, it was from under his lashes and his heart swelled up a bit at the way you were looking at him, like he really hadn’t done anything wrong. He felt like maybe, if you could forgive him for some of the things he’d done, then perhaps he could forgive himself.
“I don’t work for her anymore,” he confessed, crushing his can flat on his leg with a violent crunch, and then taking yours to do the same, before tossing them in a pile with the others. “I quit.”
The joy it made you feel probably widened your eyes a bit, but you tried to contain any visual tells as best you could. “It’s probably for the best.”
Inside, the phone started ringing. Robin had to turn the music down to make sure it wasn’t her mind playing tricks on her. Normally, they’d just let it ring, but with Oliver at Wayne’s, Steve ran inside to pick it up.
“So,” Eddie took a deep breath and took hold of your forearm, working along with finger stokes you might use on a guitar. “Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?”
You were hanging on his every word, but just then Steve leaned out from the screen door. “Eddie! Phone for you.”
Eddie made a face. “Is it Wayne?”
Steve shook his head. “I have no idea who it is, man. She just said it was urgent.”
“I’ll be right back, okay?” Eddie gave your arm one final squeeze. “Don’t disappear on me.”
You watched him go into the house, and then you turned to look at Katie who was taking another shot with Robin and another guest, and you realized that you needed to keep your wits about you because you would be the one driving Katie’s car home, and it had been a while since you’d operated a stick shift.
There was an open window to the kitchen on the side of the house, and you made sure no one was looking before you made your way over there to creep up beneath it and see if you could eavesdrop on what the phone call was about.
“How did you get this number?” Eddie barked into the receiver after he picked it up and found out who it was. The person on the other end said a few things, and then he added. “Don’t ever call here again.”
Robin turned the music up and some of what he was saying was drowned out, but you kept getting bits and piece as you strained with your ear just below the window. “….you need to stop….stop acting like it was more than fucking….go spend time with your husband….”
But then he was in the middle of saying something else when he got cut off abruptly, as if the other person hung up. Eddie slammed the phone onto the cradle of the receiver with a curse and it made you jump. After only a couple seconds, the phone shrilled again, and he picked it up before the first ring could finish.
“WHAT DID I TELL YOU?” he growled through gritted teeth, frustration burning in his chest.
But then, his tone changed, “oh, hey, sorry Bones. I thought you were someone else. What’s up? Yeah, Steve’s here he’s busy….this is Eddie…..how much…..yeah I’ll be there….”
You heard the phone click back onto the receiver again, gentle this time, and you came around to find Robin and her friends belting out the lyrics to Jealousy by Gin Blossoms as it played on the stereo.
“Tomorrow we can drive around this town and let the cops chase us around...
the past is gone, but something might be found to take its place….”
What the fuck happened to this night? Eddie wondered to himself as he stood just inside the kitchen with his back to the door, clenching his fingers into white knuckled fists, trying to calm himself down. He had finally worked up the nerve to ask you on a proper date and every single ghost from his past had to come back to bite him in the ass. First Charlene, who was threatening to show up at his place, and now a favor for the Coffin Kings. Not a favor out of the goodness of his heart, of course, he would be getting paid a decent amount, but still---horrible timing. He snatched his leather jacket off the hook in the alcove near the back door and puffed his cheeks out on a heavy exhale loaded with emotional exhaustion.
“Bones just called,” Eddie told Steve as he jumped down from the porch stairs and started punching his arms into the sleeves of his leather. “They need some last minute extra protection for that run they’re doing tonight, and I told him I would.”
“Shit, I’ll go too,” Steve told him, putting his half empty beer down on his chair. “Are they paying the same as last time?”
Eddie was buttoning his cuff, but his eyes shifted to Robin form under the curtain of his bangs; she was standing behind Steve shaking her head. “It’s just me tonight, man. You stay here with your family.” Also, Steve was clearly inebriated, and these runs with the Coffin Kings always had the potential to be dangerous work. Eddie promised Robin a few months ago that he’d keep him from taking part in them as much as he could. Not only did Eddie need the money, but he needed to blow some steam off.
After the interlude with Steve, Eddie’s eyes roamed until they landed on you, standing there talking to Robin’s ex, Stephanie. You felt the heat-seeking missiles of his warm wood stare and turned your head.
You blinked both of your eyes in a double wink, an endearing, bashful wink, and ….god...he wanted to rush over and pick you up, to feel you wrap your arms and legs around him, to nuzzle his face in your neck and carry you off somewhere.
Eddie flipped his collar as he walked over to where you were, standing half in the darkness of the driveway and half in the glow of the tiki torches around the lawn.
“Walk with me?” He asked, and then he stretched his fingers down, crawling across your palm to intertwine them with yours, watching your face the whole time to make sure it was okay.
He had long strides, so you had to trot down the pavement after him on the balls of your feet, clinging to his arm as you went. You could hear the party continue on behind you as you sucked the crisp air into your lungs and took in the leather and Old Spice and tobacco vanilla of Eddie’s scent. You felt so safe with him, the safest you’d felt in a long time.
Nothing could worry you except all of his little secrets, and wherever he was sneaking off to this late at night.
He let go of your hand so he could swing his leg over and mount his bike, and then he pulled his helmet from the handlebars, his eyes never leaving you. “I’m sorry to bail like this,” he shifted on his feet so that that the huge black bike with the airbrushed bats on the gas tank rocked the other way, enabling him to boot the heavy kick stand out of the way. “I’ll have to make it up to you one of these days.”
“I’d like that,” you said, watching him strap his matte black, bare bones helmet on. You didn’t know what he was about to go do but something compelled you to say, “be careful,” just as he revved the chopper to life, spitting out its fierce grumble like a mechanical dragon.
He thought about kissing you. If something happened to him on this run and he met his fate living on the knifes edge, he didn’t want to go with any regrets. But he lost his nerve and the moment slipped away, and then he was twisting his fists on the handlebars and backing the bike up into the shadows of the unlit street.
He lifted his fingers to you in one last wave as he went, sailing into the darkness, and eventually becoming it.
Part 5
taglist 💗: @unfocused81 @manicmagicmayhem @dream-a-little-nightmare @ms1oftheboys @tlclick73 @corrodedcoffincumslut @kelsiegrin @nope-thanks @falling-solar-system @lofaewrites
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Kili x reader angst where they're courting so reader has in the braids and beads et. But reader gets taken during a fight as a prisoner and they punish her by cutting off her hair n such and she's so apologetic and guilty to kili when he sees but he just sees red because whoever they were fighting violated his love (cuz in dwarf culture that's cruel). Angst comfort mega combo
Pairing: Kili x Reader
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Angst. Comfort. A bit of fighting and a bit of trauma but thats it.
A/N: Moving from one city to the other really takes it out of ya. Anyway! I am now back and writing again. Omg I LOVE this request so much! Much fluff. Much feels. :3
Also I am now taking requests so go ahead and send me stuff. You can find my rules here. Please send me stuff to write!
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You couldn’t help but feel giddy. More then once your hand would raise to the newly formed braid in your hair. It rested beside your left temple and you could still feel the warmth of Kili’s fingers where he had braided it not even a few hours ago. It felt strange to have a new braid, but one you were more then proud to wear. The bead and braid both signified your status with the Royal Family. But more then that. It told the world that you and Kili belonged to one another.
Placing the last of the packs onto the cart, you gave a small nod to the driver who stirred the ponies into motion and began carting the now loaded goods back to Erebor. You had been traveling with the tradesmen to exchange goods with a nearby village. Your ailing father had not been able to make the trip, and being his only child, the duty had fallen on your head. Two members of the Royal Family, namely Thorin and Kili had decided to accompany the party in hopes of forming some alliance with the village Master.
It had been the night before that Kili had requested your presence. You had been confused at his strange behavior. Normally, Kili would be full of words and he never had a problem to articulate them. That night though, he had been stumbling over his words and when he had finally caught on to your confusion, he had simply held the bead out to you.
To say you were shocked would be an understatement.
It was true your feelings for the young prince were rather strong and deep, but you had never imagined that his ran just as deep as yours. Tears had filled your eyes, but you had blinked them away before reaching up to pull down the hood of your cloak. Kili had stepped closer, his fingers reaching out to take a section of your hair which he then began to braid. The two of you were silent as he expertly attached the bead with his family crest at the end of the now finished braid. The silence made the moment all the more intimate.
As soon as it was done, you gave him no warning before you had jumped into his arms had embraced him tightly. The small clearing now rang with joyous laughter as he spun you around, before setting you down and sealing the moment with a kiss.
You were so lost in reliving the memory of last night that you did not notice the strange dwarf approaching you from behind. Not until it was too late. 
Fleeing was not an option, as several dwarfs began to attack the ones she had come with. You could only struggle helplessly as you and several other dwarfs were thrown in the back of a cart and the thieves made quick work of escaping, taking whatever loot they had gathered, and whoever they had captured.
Including you.
It had all happened rather quickly.
The dwarfs had taken several hostages, including you, but it had taken next to no time for the soldiers of Erebor to be dispatched to rescue everyone. However, the few hours you were held hostage was enough for a few things to transpire.
One of the kidnappers was tormenting an old dwarf, kicking him around to make him walk faster. Not being able to sit quietly, you had snapped at the abuser, prompting him to turn his attention to you. He had told you to shut up, before turning back to his previous task. You had picked up a rock and thrown it at his head, the small projectile meeting its mark.
Only once his attention turned to you, did you realize that perhaps you shouldn’t have done that. He marched over to you, before yanking you away from the group of kidnapped dwarfs huddled together for safety. You had kicked and screamed the entire time, yet your cries fell on deaf ears. Multiple kicks were aimed at your torso and face, yet they did not hurt as much as when the dwarf yanked at your hair.
Once his greedy eyes landed on the bead Kili had gifted you, his lips pulled into a menacing smile. Pulling out a wicked looking dagger, the dwarf carelessly chopped off the braid Kili had so lovingly braided. You barely noticed as the steel of the blade cut across your forehead, you cried in despair as the braid with the bead was thrown in a nearby fire where it smoldered to nothing.
It was only seconds later that the warriors sent to rescue you fell upon the enemy emitting blood curdling war cries. Yet you barely noticed as you continued to stare into the depths of the small fire, tears filling your eyes, as you mourned the loss of something so small, yet so significant.
Feeling a warm hand being placed on your shoulder, you glanced up to see Dwalin looking down at you with a kind and gentle expression. Slowly, you allowed him to guide you to where his pony stood waiting. He helped you onto the animal, before getting behind you. You barely noticed anything and anyone around you as the triumphant rescue party began to trek back to Erebor with the kidnappers in tow.
To say Kili was beside himself with worry would be an understatement. The moment he had realized what had happened, and that you had been one of the dwarfs kidnapped, he had wanted to take the first pony and run after you. His uncle, however, had other ideas. Fear of this being a plot to draw the royals of Erebor out in the open, Thorin had decided to send his best warriors, led by Dwalin, to retrieve you and the other dwarfs. Still it did not stop Kili from screaming at his Uncle to let him go, neither did it stop him from telling Fili off for siding with Thorin.
His heart felt as if it would beat right out of his chest. His mind raced with thoughts of you. Every single moment you had both shared, before being replaced by the sight of you broken and hurt lying somewhere out in the open. For hours he paced the ramparts of the mountain, looking over at the horizon, to try and catch a glimpse of the returning warriors.
It was a few hours later that he heard the distant call of a horn. All over the mountain horns began to blow, signalling the return of the rescue party. Kili was the first one at the gates, straining to catch a glimpse of you as the small band of dwarfs approached. Dwalin rode at the very front and reached first. He was quick to dismount, before moving to help lift your trembling body from the back of the pony and set you on the ground.
A wave of dizziness overcame you, as you swayed on your feet, yet the feeling of two familiar arms wrapping around you and supporting your body, was able to give you a little strength. You raised your wide eyes to look at Kili’s face. The sight of him, looking so worried and relieved, broke whatever shred of control you had as you collapsed against him and began to sob over your loss.
“I’m sorry, Kili. I am so sorry. I-I lost the bead you gave me. T-th-they cut my braid and I tried to save the bead but they threw it in the fire. I-I c-couln’t-” Here your strength seemed to fail you as your knees collapsed underneath you. Luckily, Kili was there to catch you. Wrapping his arms more firmly around your frame, he pulled you close. Briefly the world around the two of you disappeared as he comforted you.
His face was buried in your hair as he whispered sweet nothings and reassurances in your ear. Tears streamed down your cheeks and onto his clothes as the trauma finally registered in your mind. So far you had been focused on protecting and helping the other captives. But now? With Kili’s arms around you, you simply could not hold yourself together. Your body shook with each sob as Kili pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
The Dwarf Clan that had decided to attack the citizens of Erebor were more then a little nervous now. They had no idea who you were. No idea that you were the betrothed of a Prince of Erebor. Each dwarf shuffled nervously as Kili finally raised his head to look at each of the dwarfs in turn.
His eyes held a rage that made his hands tremble as his gaze swept over the villains. They would pay. Every single one of them would be held accountable for the horror they had inflicted upon his beloved.
“My son?”
His attention was briefly diverted by the presence of his mother. Behind her stood his Uncle and brother, alongside many other dwarfs who were greeting their own loved ones that had been kidnapped. When they had arrived, Kili had no idea. Dis reached out to gently extract you from his embrace. Kili moved to protest but a look from his mother had him stay silent. “I shall take care of Y/N. See her injuries are not severe.” Her eyes flitted to the captured dwarfs. Kili could see fury in his mother’s eyes as well, mirroring his own. But he knew Y/N needed to be taken away. He had no desire for you to see what he was about to do the captured dwarfs.
Nodding, Kili reached out to press a kiss to your forehead. “I will see you soon, my heart.” He whispered to you in Khuzdul. You raised your tear-stained cheeks to meet his gaze as Dis gently pulled you away. You followed the motherly dwarf after a parting look to your betrothed.
Once you had safely entered the mountain, Kili turned his attention back to the Dwarf Clan that had dared take you from him. He glanced at his brother and Uncle. The former’s anger was equal to his own, since he considered you family and hated to see you hurt and in despair. His Uncle simply raised his hand and spoke. “They will be punished however you see fit, sister-son.”
The dark look that crossed over Kili’s features had the Dwarf Clan regretting what they had done, and praying he would show some leniency.
As soon as you had returned to your chambers, Dis had shooed your handmaidens so that they may prepare a warm bath. The older female dwarf had held you close to her side as the handmaidens prepared the bath for you. Though as soon as everything had been laid out and she was in the large tub, you spoke.
"If you don't mind, Mother, I want to be alone."
You didn't want be in anyone's presence at the moment, wanting to grieve the small yet significant loss on your own. Dis seemed to understand the reasoning behind your words and gave a small nod. Once the handmaidens had departed, Dis leaned down to press a motherly kiss to your brow.
"If you need to speak to anyone my dear, let me know." With a parting smile she left.
You had no idea how long you sat in the tub for. Her hand hung around you, unbound and free, floating in the warm water. Taking a small breath, you submerged completely in the water, closing your eyes as you allowed the warmth of the water to envelope your tired aching body. You could've stayed down in the cocoon of safety forever, but you needed to breath.
Emerging from the depths, you took a deep breath.
You didn't know for how long you sat in the water, feeling utterly numb and refusing to let yourself acknowledge what had happened. Perhaps it would be wise to simply move forward from the event.
Pretend it hadn't even happened.
It wasn't until you started to shiver from the now cold water that you stepped out of the bath, and wrapped a warm thick robe around your body. Water trickled from your hair, leaving a small puddle as you walked towards the vanity. Your fingers brushed against the handle of your comb when your gaze shifted to look in the mirror. The sight of your empty eyes, and the lack of the braid Kili had so lovingly put in your hair was the breaking point.
A whimper echoed in your chambers, followed by the sound of sobbing as you let loose the pain and horror. It finally sank in just how frightened you had been. Terrified. And amidst what had happened, you had lost something so so so precious.
The thought only made you sob all the more harder.
You didn't hear the door to your room opening, didn't catch sight of the pained look that overtook Kili's features as he ran to gather you in his arms.
"What is it my heart? What hurts?" He asked, checking you over to make sure there was no serious injury. You shook your head, just clutching to him. It took a little while before your sobs subsided and you calmed down enough to take a deep breath and speak.
"I'm sorry." The word hadn't even left your mouth before Kili cut you off. "You need not be sorry for anything my love. Nothing is your fault." His hand gently caressed the small area near your forehead where your braid had hung just this morning. You averted your gaze, shame coloring your cheeks, but he grasped your chin, and gently turned your head to look at him.
"I ran into Mother on my way hear. And she gave me something." So saying, he reached into a pocket and pulled out a small bead. It was beautifully crafted, and she could see the skill behind it despite the tears still welling in her eyes.
"My father gave this to my mother, when they were betrothed. And now she wants you to wear it." Your eyes widened and you shook your head. "Kili, I couldn't this is your father's gift to your mother." You said, leaning away from him slightly.
He smiled. "She considers you a daughter Y/N, she offered this to you. But should you feel strongly about it you can wear this for a few days while I create another betrothal bead for you." He said, his fingers already grasping a new section of your hair. You were silent as he began to braid your hair anew. With each lock of hair intersecting, you could feel your soul being pieced together once more.
Finally, Kili clicked the bead into place, and smiled at you. "Just as beautiful as ever." He said, his eyes meeting yours.
An involuntary giggle fell from your lips at his shameless flirting. One of the many traits that had won you over. "Thank you Kili." You closed whatever space was left between the two of you and pressed your lips to his.
His fingers buried in the hair at the back of your head as he returned the embrace. It was sweet, slow and seemed to sooth whatever leftovers the both of your had. And as he held you, you couldn't help but feel safe and loved.
"I love you, Kili." You breathed against his lips. You could feel him smile gently in response before he whispered back his response.
"And I you, Y/N."
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l3viat8an · 1 year
i am the BIGGEST Asmo simp omg- theres never enough content for him :< i love him sm...
So i was hoping to ask for something!! honestly... any Asmo content is good content.... Maybe MC had accidently eaten some strong, ovary churning aphrodisiacs that has her burning and sobbing for Asmo to rail her/them into the next realm?
I dont really have specifics but god i love asmo- i just wanna see some good toe curling, back arching, eye rolling, cum filled smut with him that isnt like- three words long yk? 😭
also may i be known as ✨ or ✨🌙 anon?
Nsfw content MDNI
Hiiii ✨🌙 !! Sorry this is late and I’m not sure how  toe curling it is, but it is over 1k words so hopefully it’s okay lol CW:  possible typos I’m sorry and dyslexic AFAB reader, Sex- I mean duh lol tiny bit of overstimulation (reader reserving), some nipple play and that’s it I think!-
You’re not even sure when had happened, one minute you were helping Solomon with a some potion experiment and a puff of pink, sweet smelling smoke filled the room.
The next you’re waking up in your bedroom back at the HoL burning up and feeling needy.
You blink slowly as you sit up trying to remember how you got home and you can’t, only vaguely remembering that Asmo said he’d be home tonight and God now you hope he is.
Stumbling from your bed, you make your way down the hall and to Asmo’s bedroom.
Before you can knock, the door is swinging open and Asmo is standing in front of you dressed in nothing but a pink silk robe.
Asmo’s hair is a little messy and his eyes are glowing softly as he takes in your flushed skin, and uneven breathing, he moves to wrap his arms around you.
"I've been waiting for you sweetheart~ Solomon told me what happened but he wasn’t sure how soon you would wake up.” he murmurs as he bends down to nuzz your neck, one arm around your waist as he pulls you into his room "Come in and let me help you feel better~”
You walk inside and he closes the door behind you, moving back a step to let you breathe but that doesn’t help, his room smells so wonderfully like him, clean, sweet and perfect.
He takes your hand and leads you over to his bed, he turns and sits down on it before tugging you on top of his lap. He strokes your cheek and kisses you.
Asmo's kiss is slow and deep, he nips at your bottom lip until you open up for him and let out a needy whine. He laughs into the kiss, “So, needy~” before his lips move down your neck as he gently nips and sucks on your neck, his actions making you gasp and dig your nails into his shoulders, “Asmo, please….” He looks at you, his eyes hazy with lust and he shifts you around a bit, his hands move to help you tug ‘n slide off your clothes.
"Your skin is so soft." You hear him say in a honeyed tone as his hands roam your body, "I love it~”
You can still feel his lips on your neck, as his warm breath washes over your skin.
You let out soft moans and your body jerks at every, teasing touch he gives you until he reaches your breasts, cupping them gently in his hands. His thumbs tickle your nipples as he looks you in the eyes and says, "Extra sensitive too, this will be fun~”
You try to reply but are cut off when his squeeze your breasts, nimble fingers still, teasing your nipple and playing with them for a minutes enjoying your flushed face and soft moans.
The feeling is electrifying and you whine for more. Asmo let’s out a soft giggles at your reactions. One of his hands leaving your chest. To travel down to your neglected pussy his fingers teasing your lower lips for only a second before he’s touching your clit and you moan his name, “A-Asmo m-more please….need more of you~” Asmo giggles again and pushes two fingers into your wet pussy. His thumb still rubs your clit as he works you with his fingers and a much, louder moan leaves your lips as your body starts to tremble.
You feel hot and tingly all over and your breathing is strained as your orgasm approaches.
You keep moaning his name, almost like a prayer and he keeps finger fucking you through your first orgasm, “Heh, so cute for me~ cumming all over my fingers, good job sweetie~” He removes his hand and you hear him giggle as he says, "My sweet little toy~ so good for me~ But we’re far from done.”
Still sitting in his lap all you do is nod, still wanting more of him, whatever he’ll give you.
He moves to stand and when you grab at him he only smiles at you, “I’m not going anywhere without you sweets~ I just need you laying down.”
You move off of his lap and shift so you’re now laying down on the bed looking up at him with a small pout on your lips.
Asmo stands beside the bed for a moment pulling off his robe slowly and letting you see his own flushed skin and how hard his cock is.
His own hand moves to stroke, his neglected cock
You watch a little bead of pre-cum run down it and lick your lips, making Asmo smirk in response. He really is beautiful. The thought lingers in your mind for a second and then Asmo is kneeling between your legs as you stare at his erect cock. It makes you want him, need him more.
Slowly almost teasingly so, Asmo moves up your body again, placing warm kisses and little nips up your legs until he reaches your stomach, his lips still dancing across your skin as he rubs his cock between your folds and you feel the head slide inside you.
And fuck he’s big, even after an orgasm it’s still a stretch, but it feels amazing and you moan with pleasure as he teases your skin with his lips. He leans up a bit when he bottoms out, watching your face for any discomfort as he gives a few gentle thrusts.
“You really were made for my cock~ taking me so well everytime~” He praises as he starts moving his hips in faster, harsher thrusts.
One of his hands moves back to playing with your clit and urging you to cum again, now that he’s inside you, “Come on, sweetie~ don’t you want to cum around my cock?”
You nod and babble out how you, do, of course you do, you want that so bad and Asmo relishes in your voice and how needy you sound.
Asmo presses a quick kiss to your chest, right above where your heart is, it’s such a soft gesture compared to the way he’s fucking you practically stupid on his cock.
You feel yourself cumming again around his cock and Asmo praises you “So, so good for me~ awww sweetheart~ did it feel that good~?” His voice is breathy as he tries to hold back his own high, “Think you can give me one more? Want you to cum with me this time~ how does that sound?” Asmo almost sounds like he’s begging and how could you say no, he’s still rubbing your clit hoping to pull one more orgasm from you and it’s working, “A-Asmo…gonna -hah~ gonna cum, s’too much….” you beg and Asmo speeds up his movements, leaning down to kiss your lips. “Then cum for me~ come on, let’s cum t- mhh~ together.” His sentence is cut short with a moan, as you feel his hot cum, filling you up as you cum again, practically screaming his name.
You both sit there panting for a minute then slowly, you feel Asmo start moving his hips into yours again and look at him a bit confused, he just smiles down at you and places a quick kiss to your lips, “Heh~ oh sweetie don’t tell me you thought we were done~”
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sosappyjoos · 1 year
Ooooh, well since you love Yunho.
I'll guess I'll request a yunho smut please?
Thank you 🙏
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Good Kisser-Jeong Yunho
↳Pairing : Jeong Yunho x f!reader
↳Warnings: MDNI! Seriously, dont! Smut, making out, brief mention of vomit (reader pukes on Yunho, but it's not mentioned too much), fingering (f. receiving), dick bulge, dom!Yunho, public sex, f!orgasm boss yunho, office romance, jealous and possessive Yunho, pet names (Sweatheart and baby), praise kink, Wooyoung and Yeosang are in the story but Y/N's friends and co-workers, mention of San. (pls let me know if there's anything else I should add)
Word count: 5,519
Summary: Reader gets drunk one night and talks bad about her boss Jeong Yunho, who ends up taking care of your drunk mistakes that night, including making out with him. But instead of being fired, you find that he's become rather possessive and a bit jealous about your interactions with some of your male co-workers.
Genre: enemies to lovers(?), office romance.
A/N: Aghhh this is my first ever fanfiction and actually my first time ever writing smut. This is unedited, so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes. But this was so much fun to write, and thank you @whatudowhennooneseesyou for the request. I hope you enjoy it. And maybe part 2?👀 Let me know if you want it. Also if people could please reblog this, that would be so helpful to help it get more attention and help me to continue writing amazing requests like this for everyone to enjoy. Anyways, enjoy!!
“Fuck you, Wooyoung,” you cried out drunkenly. “Why did you introduce me to this damn job?”
“uh-huh I got it, I’m sorry,” Wooyoung tried calming you, looking around the busy restaurant apologetically.
“I work… I work over time every night, and I don’t even get to have a lunch break,” you raised your arms clumsily in exasperation, standing up from the frustration building in you. “And everyone” You started waving your arms, at the indication, slightly stumbling. “Piles their work on me since I’m the "newbie." Their work isn’t even my job, I’m a secretary. What am I? Some kind of intern? I'm not even that new! I've been working here for 8 months!" You pointed too yourself, eyes wide. "But you know what?!”
Wooyoung cringed, looking behind you, quickly tugging on your arms trying to get you to sit down. “I get it, I know. Now sit down before you fall.”
You thankfully cooperated. “The worst of them all is Jeong Yunho,” You attempted to say in a hushed tone, but it was still loud. “That bastard really gets on my nerves." You sighed, your bottom lip sticking out in a pathetic pout. "Yea, he’s my boss. But does he have to give me so much work to do?! I can’t even go on any dates because I don’t have time! It's his fault that I'm still single!” You cried. Wooyoung tried covering your mouth, but you quickly shoved his hand away, glaring at him. “He’s always so abrupt, and strict.”
“I understand. Just quiet down, huh?” Wooyoung continued trying to calm you, looking anxiously from you, to something over your shoulder. But you were so wasted you hardly even noticed how nervous he seemed.
“He hardly even talks to me, too! He just tells me what he needs with a few short words and then ignores my existence!" "Does he not realize I'm human? I'm a human being! It's so lonely sitting at my desk where no one but him is around," you whined. "He’s just a mindless working jerk!”
“Y/N, be quiet, huh?” Wooyoung now hissed through clenched teeth. 
“Ugh,” You quickly stood up again. “And stop looking behind me, it’s so annoying!” Standing up that quickly wasn't the wisest move you made that evening, as you quickly lost your balance and began to stumble backwards. Wooyoung’s face distorted to a face of shock as he stood up reaching for you. Your eyes widened and you let out a small yelp before feeling an arm wrap around your waist, stopping your descent to the ground. The realization was a bit slow for your drunken state, but you finally looked up at who had miraculously caught you. Your eyes narrowed and you quickly stood up as straight as you could, your feet still fumbling a bit, your heels clacking loudly against the floor. 
“Jeong Yunho!” You yelled at the man himself as he continued holding onto your arm, stabilizing you. He watched you carefully as you pointed your finger to his face. “You’re a fuckhead!” you giggled at the made up insult. Yunho’s eyes widened with shock at the nickname before chuckling to himself with a smirk on his lips. You slumped a little bit against him, suddenly tired. Yunho looked at Wooyoung, who was watching the scenario you had gotten yourself into with a cringe on his face.
“How much did she drink?” Yunho asked him.
“More than usual,” Wooyoung told him shrugging. “I guess the stress really got to her. What brings you here, Yunho?” Wooyoung asked, a slight smirk on his face. “Did you come because of my text?”
Yunho was silent for a moment. “Why did you both decide to drink on a week-day?”
“We weren’t here originally to drink. We were just eating,” Wooyoung sighed, leaning back in his seat. “But Y/N just kept drinking more and more. I’m sure you can guess why from overhearing her earlier?” He raised any eyebrow at Yunho, scanning his expression. Yunho pressed his lips together, swallowing. He avoided Wooyoung's eyes for a moment. Wooyoung stood up with a grunt before clapping his hand on Yunho's shoulder. “I have to get going now. The guys are wanting to go clubbing.”
“On a week-day?" Yunho asked. Wooyoung simply shrugged, giving a lazy salute with his two fingers. "Aren’t you going to take her home?" Yunho called after.
“That’s your problem now! See you later lover boy,” Wooyoung waved at Yunho and walked out of the restaurant. 
Yunho sighed, annoyed. He held you close to him, as he bent down grabbing your bag and jacket from your chair. He started to make his way to the exit when he was stopped by one of the staff. “Excuse me sir, but the meal over there still hasn’t been paid for.”
Yunho scoffed, and shook his head, knowing Wooyoung left the bill to him. “That little shit.” He mumbled, before quickly paying and walking out of the restaurant. The cold air bit at your exposed face and arms, making you whine. The sound was oddly rather sexual, making Yunho's cheeks warm in the cold weather. He cursed his mind for thinking such thoughts, looking up at the sky, trying his best to ignore any such thoughts. He pressed his lips together, before wrapping your jacket over your shoulders. You suddenly stood up straight, stumbling like an uneven bowling ball, singing a tune that Yunho didn't have a chance at recognizing with your offkey singing. He huffed a small laugh, holding your wrist to keep you out of the way of others and the street.
With some difficulty he guided you to his car, and you didn't make it any easier for him to help you inside. And once you were inside, of course that was when you fell asleep. Yunho let out an exhasperated sigh sitting in the drivers seat. He rested his hands on the steering wheel, looking over at you peacefully sleeping next to him. You had a small pout when you slept, and Yunho found himself smiling at how adorable he found it. He straightened up and stopped smiling as soon as he noticed though. He now debated on where to drive. He'd tried to get your address from you earlier, however that conversation wasn't exactly productive. He'd tried calling Wooyoung, but was sent straight to voicemail. He debated his options, before shifting the gear in his car. “My house it is, I guess,” Yunho mumbled. The drive was quiet, and thankfully, getting you out of his car was not nearly as difficult as getting you in. You had simply flopped over his back, making it easy for him to carry you into his apartment.
But when he was almost to his bedroom door, he horrifyingly heard a gag from you! He hurriedly opened his door, but before he could reach the bathroom, he felt an uncomfortable warm wetness over his shoulder, and a very unsatisfying "Bleugh" from you. You had vomited over his white button up, and he felt unbelievably uncomfortable, his shoulders slumping in defeat with a heavy sigh. This wasn't the kind of thing he'd been expecting on a Wednesday night.
He carried you into his bathroom, leaving you seated on his sink counter. You kicked your feet playfully as he got out a spare toothbrush he'd gotten from a dentist visit. He put some toothpaste on it, and coaxed you into opening your mouth. You cooperated giggling drunkenly. As he began to brush your teeth, you looked up at him with doe eyes. He was once again cursing his dirty mind, and tried his best to not imagine something very different from a toothbrush in your mouth. He closed his eyes a moment trying to reset his mind before he resumed helping you brush your teeth, quite thoroughly.
"This is ridiculous," he mumbled to himself. And he really felt that way, it was a simple task that you could probably do yourself, but here he was helping you brush your teeth, while you smiled obliviously. After your teeth were sufficiently cleaned, Yunho helped you down from the counter top, and guided you to his bed. You sat down, passively looking around at his room.
Yunho took the opportunity to gingerly take off his shirt, grabbing an oversized gray t-shirt. But before he could put it on, a pair of arms swiftly wrapped around his waist, pulling him back harshly. He fell back on his bed, a startled yelp managing to escape him. And there you were, hovering over him, your eyes seductive. You ran a hand through your hair, out of your face, letting it fall gently to the side of you.
You smiled, leaning down close to his face, your lips a breath away. His eyes widened, and he swiftly grabbed your arms sitting up, avoiding the impending kiss. You groaned at the sudden separation.
“Y/N calm down."
“I'm calm,” You smiled, your hands cupping his face. You leaned in to kiss him, this time too swift for him to stop you. His eyes remained wide for a moment, before easing into the kiss. The kiss was slow at first, your heart was beating quickly, and your cheeks felt even more flushed than usual because of the alcohol. Yunho gently held the back of your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His other hand held your waist and began to slowly trail up through your shirt, both of you pulling to deepen the kiss. You began to descend your hand down his chest, before reaching the bulge in his pants. You firmly palmed it, making him moan. However, the action brought Yunho back to reality as he realized the situation. 
Yunho pulled away from the kiss abruptly, shocked. You were also shocked but from the abrupt pause. He held your shoulders back as both of you breathed heavily from the make out session. His eyes sparkled as you looked at them, and seemed to hesitate before he avoided yours, distancing himself with you. You reached out for him again, but he caught your arms holding them away from him. “Y/N, you’re drunk.” He shut you down. Your eyebrows furrowed, a protest on the tip of your lips. But he stood up with a deep breath, still avoiding eye contact with you. “You can sleep here on my bed tonight. You have work tomorrow, so rest well.”
He swiftly left the room, and you simply stared at the door. Your head was fuzzy, and your eyelids felt heavy. After waiting a moment in case he returned, you finally laid back on the bed, hardly anything running through your drunk mind as you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to your alarm ringing which also triggered an excruciating headache. You groaned, reaching for your phone on your dresser, only there was no dresser as you reached. Your head popped up from your pillow, confused. You squinted around the room you were in, only to see it was not your room at all. You quickly sat up a gasp escaping you, your phone still ringing as flashbacks from the night before came into your mind full swing. Not only had you totally bad-mouthed your boss and he potentially heard it, but you also called him a childish insult right to his face. And to top it all off, you had made out with your “Fuckface” boss after puking on his shirt. You groaned mortified at yourself as you quickly stood to look for your phone, seeing it surprisingly neatly charging on the dresser, with a green sticky note on it. You shut off the blaring alarm, slightly relieving the mind splitting headache you were suffering from. Then you looked at the sticky note. 
“I set an alarm for you on your phone so you'd wake up in time. There’s some new clothes for you in the bag on the dining table along with some food to help with your hangover. You can take a shower if needed. and the toothbrush you used last night is still there, it's the purple one. I sent you where the closest subway station is too. Don’t be late -Fuckface”
You once again groaned seeing the horrid nickname you’d given him written at the bottom of the sticky note, crouching down. “I’m done for,” you chuckled in disbelief, letting yourself simply fall to the floor. “My career is over, my life is over-” you let yourself just whine, absolutely mortified. But remembering the warning against being late to work, you checked your phone, relieved to see that you had time to get in the shower as Yunho had said. You tried pushing your embarrassing night out of your head, so all that remained was your terrible hangover. You got up and walked into the kitchen to see some porridge and a glass of water on the table, along with the bag of clothes Yunho had left. You stared at the bowl of porridge for a moment before slumping down in the seat, eating it quickly. It was tasty, and you couldn't help but think about how thorough Yunho was even outside of work. After showering and getting dressed, and applying what little make-up you had in your purse, you hurriedly left the house. 
The subway station was really close which made things even less stressful for this morning. And even though you still had a bone to pick with Yunho, you were thankful for how easy he had made it for you this morning. It wasn’t like he was the worst boss out there of course. He was just… very very particular about his work, so much so that it didn’t seem like you could hardly do anything “right” according to him the first 3 months of working for him. You were shocked you hadn’t been fired before during that time as it truly seemed nothing was up to his standard. But finally you had gotten the hang of things a bit, and were able to do some things right. It was even more difficult when your co-workers kept giving you tasks that weren’t even for secretaries, let alone a personal one. They all treated you like an intern, and it felt insulting. But you clenched your teeth and did the work anyway, overworking yourself to the bone. 
You took a deep breath in front of your work building, mentally preparing yourself to go inside and face your boss. The same boss you'd most definitely offended, and most definitely kissed last night.
“Good morning,” a bright voice said behind you, and a skipping wooyoung stopped at your side, a giant grin on his face. 
“Good morning, my ass!” You scowled, glaring at Wooyoung. He inched away from you, a . “Why the hell did you leave me to Mr. Jeong, you asshole!”
“I had to leave!”
“But that’s my boss you left me with, drunk! Who I bad mouthed too!”
“Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he pouted. 
You pressed your lips into a thin line, nodding a bit. “Well, I guess you could say something like that,” you mumbled. 
“Ladies first,” Wooyoung indicated for you to enter the building first. 
“Then I insist you be the one to go first,” you smiled sarcastically. Wooyoung squinted at you, before walking inside, you following close behind, your shoulders sagging in reluctance.
“So, what ended up happening last night?” You both stepped into the elevator
“I’d really rather not talk about it.”
“That bad huh?”
“No, it was worse than bad Wooyoung. All I’m going to say is don’t be surprised if I never come to work again after today,” you sighed, walking out of the elevator together. 
“You’re exaggerating,” Wooyoung squinted at you. 
“I wish I was! I really fucking wish I was.”
You approached your desk which was just outside of Yunho’s office. The lights seemed to still be off inside his office, meaning he still wasn’t there. You let out the hundredth sigh already today as you slumped down in your chair.
“It’s over,” you once again mumbled to yourself, remembering last night's events. The way Yunho's lips were so soft but strong against yours, and the way he held you so close to him. The way his fingers brushed against your skin.
You sat up abruptly though, shutting down those thoughts before your face turned bright red. "All I can do now is try to convince him to let me stay," you mumbled, straightening some papers you had on your desk.
And there he was right down the hall, Yunho's steady foot prints approaching your desk. You quickly stood up, ready to greet him. You bowed to him with a polite “Good morning Mr. Jeong,” as he passed by, opening the door to his office. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, thankful he passed by so quickly.
“Ms. Y/N,” Yunho called, and your head snapped up to him. He was holding his door open. 
“Come inside,” he simply said, walking into his office. 
“Yes…” you groaned, your shoulders slumped as you walked through his office door.
“Mr. Park wants to reschedule our upcoming meeting to the 27th, adjust my schedule to fit him in,” Yunho said nonchalantly, taking off his suit coat and resting it on his chair. 
“Ah, yes. I’ll quickly do that for you…” You said slowly. You furrowed your brows. 
“Oh, and be sure to remind team 1 we have a meeting today to talk about the upcoming project.”
“Of course,” you affirmed. You couldn’t help but feel a little bit confused. He’s acting the same as always. You stared in a bit of disbelief at him. He settled into his seat, opening a manila folder. He looked up at you, puzzled.
“You can leave now.”
“Ah, right.”
You quickly rushed out of his office and into your own space, looking at his calendar for the 27th. You shifted a few things around, but thankfully there wasn’t much scheduled that day yet. You also sent out a reminder to Team 1 about the meeting that would be held in an hour. After that you scanned your emails, thankful for the distraction. 45 minutes passed of productive work before you stood up, and began getting the meeting room ready, setting out water bottles, folders and snacks on the table for everyone.
“Y/N,” you heard Wooyoung call. You turned around to see him at the door, smiling as always. 
“What do you need this time?”
“I’m just setting up the presentation,” he shrugged, bringing his laptop in, and setting it up to the big screen at the front of the room. Wooyoung was the team leader of Team 1. You already knew by now that Yunho and Wooyoung were actually pretty close, but you didn’t mind. You’d known Wooyoung since high school, and you’d gone your separate ways after during college, and a few years after that you'd gotten back in contact. You were thankful he’d introduced you to such a big job, but Yunho’s constant corrections of every little thing, and abrupt demands and assumption that you knew what he was thinking 24/7 was still exhausting. The powerpoint was open at the ready. Wooyoung walked over to you, as you were restocking one of the snack baskets. He reached over to pick up one of the mini packages of almonds. “Can’t you bring better snacks than these?” You rolled your eyes, attempting to snatch it out of his hands, but he quickly lifted his arm so the snack was out of reach.
“These are fine. Besides, Mr. Jeong likes them right now,” you sighed, once again trying to reach for them. 
“Ah, your prince charming last night?”
You grunted, huffing the hair out of your face as you continued to reach for the snack. Wooyoung let out an annoying giggle which was only getting more and more on your nerves. 
“Ahem,” someone behind you interrupted. You stopped, spinning around to see Yunho, leaning against the glass door frame. He had an eyebrow lifted, and his jaw was slacked. He stared at us, unamused. 
“Oh Yunho!” Wooyoung greeted finally lowering his arm. You quickly snatched the snack out of his hands and bowed to Yunho. You then started filling the snack basket again, but you could feel Yunho’s eyes still on you.
“Is everything set up?” Yunho finally asked Wooyoung. 
“Yes, everyone should be here in just a minute.”
The meeting had started out fine, but Yunho quickly began analyzing the imperfections and holes in Team 1's product plan, seemingly extra irritable. Poor Wooyoung was a mess trying to reason with Yunho and keep up with his frequent “attacks.”
“Apparently he also woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Wooyoung mumbled to you, packing up his laptop. 
Well, once again, it was something like that. You patted Wooyoung's shoulder encouragingly. “Come on, it wasn’t that bad,” you tried. “And it’s good he’s bringing attention to these things early on so it runs more smoothly when we finally start on the project,” you reasoned. 
“Y/N,” Yunho said sternly. He walked up to you and Wooyoung. “I need you to copy 70 of these and distribute them to all team members personally. After that I need you to plan and schedule the Breakfast Banquet in June. I expect it to be half-way finished by today. Oh, and I also need you to contact Mrs. Lim about the advertisement set-up, and have her change the place to somewhere more… exotic.” Yunho piled. You had gotten out your tablet halfway, frantically typing down everything he had told you, precisely. “Oh, and bring me some coffee and some lunch. Make sure it’s something refreshing.”
“Yes, I’ll start on everything right away,” you said, as he began walking away. 
“Ah, and if this is too abrupt and strict for you, then… so very sorry,” he gave you a sarcastic smile, before walking away
Your jaw dropped as you watched him leave. So this is about last night. You closed your mouth, letting out a scoff.
“You regretting what you said last night yet?” Wooyoung teased. You slammed the papers Yunho had handed you onto the table, and gave Wooyoung a scathing glare. Wooyoung took the hint and quickly left you seething.
The next day you came to work with very prominent dark circles under your eyes. The additional work Yunho had piled on you had proven to be very difficult and you left work way later than usual, absolutely drained. You were thankful it was now Friday, impatient for the weekend. 
“Woah! What happened to you?” Were Wooyoung's first words seeing your face at your desk. You glared at him. "You look like shit."
"Thanks for boasting my confidence there," you said in a monotone voice. “I worked overtime last night,”
Wooyoung pursed his lips. “Couldn’t be me. I went clubbing with some girls. Yeosang and San came with me,” he bragged. This only made you more annoyed. 
“Clubbing. On a weekday?” you let out an annoyed chuckle. “Wooyoung, you better get out of here in 3 seconds or I strangle you.”
Wooyoung gave another smile and quickly walked away from your desk. You sighed holding your temples. You heard Yunho step out of his office, and you quickly stood, bowing to him. He pursed his lips gradually approaching your desk. 
“The Breakfast Banquet planning looks good so far. You can slow down on the project now over the next few months. And Mrs. Lim called with the new location for the ad. It fits well,” Yunho told you awkwardly.
You gave your best smile. “Glad to hear it.”
He nodded, walking away slowly. 
“Glad to hear it,” You mumbled, mocking yourself. “More like that’s what I better hear!” Your phone pinged and you glanced down at the message. It was an announcement of a team dinner with team 1 that you were invited to. You smiled, excited for ending the evening the right way.
“Y/N!” You looked up and spotted one of the members of Team 2, Han Yoonjung approaching your desk, with a big smile. Your own smile faltered. Yoonjung was one of the main perpetrators of passing off her work to you. And she always made it practically impossible to say no to.
“Hi, Ms. Han,” you greeted politely. 
“Oh come on. Call me Yoonjung, I don’t mind,” she smiled. “Hey, so tonight my boyfriend made some plans to go out to dinner that I totally forgot about. Problem is I have a bit of a project that I need to finish before tomorrow. Would you be able to finish it for me?” she asked. 
You paused for a moment, already annoyed. “But I actually have a bit of plans tonight. There’s a team dinner.”
“Oh those are lame anyways. Always so stuffy and boring. I'd actually be doing you a favor helping you get out of it,” she dismissed. “Please?”
You hesitated on what to say, wanting to refuse more firmly while still being polite. You opened your mouth to speak, but someone spoke before you could. “She said she had plans tonight.” You looked at Yunho as he approached the both of you. 
“Oh, well I was just asking for a bit of a hand to help,” Yoonjung tried to excuse herself. 
“Doing a full project for another worker is hardly a bit of a helping hand. That's quite literally doing their job for them," Yunho explained. Yoonjung was about to speak again, but Yunho beat her to it. "I can’t say I’m impressed that you keep handing off your work to my personal secretary,” Yunho raised an eyebrow. Your stomach jumped. Yes! Help me out of this for once, please! I stayed here way too late last night for you not to stand up for me!
Yoonjung shrank down. “I was just asking since I wanted to go to dinner with my boyfriend and-”
“And I don’t see why Y/N would need to take responsibility for that,” Yunho interrupted, sternly. Yoonjung swallowed, her cheeks red. “I also know this isn’t the first time you or others have asked. Y/N is a personal assistant, not a crew member on one of your teams. Her job is very different, and important for me." Yunho said. His defense was giving you butterflies, which in a way felt pathetic, but you couldn't help but feel a little giddy. "Y/N doesn’t accept work from anyone else, unless it’s been pre-approved by me. I hope you spread this to your co-workers as well,” he told her in a firm yet gentle manner, making sure to stay professional. You looked down at the ground, swallowing a victorious smile. 
“Yes sir,” Yoonjung affirmed. Yunho gave her a short polite smile before she walked away. 
“Thank you, Mr. Jeong.”
“Of course. And it's true, you shouldn't be accepting work from others unless I approve, so don’t hesitate to call for me,” Yunho smiled. He then lifted his hand which held a coffee. “You seemed tired so I got you some coffee.”
You blinked in shock, and then finally grabbed the coffee. “Oh. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” he dismissed, walking away into his office. You held the back of your hand to your cheek, trying to cool it. You couldn’t help but smile as you sipped on the beverage, and sat back down at your desk.
The restaurant was loud with all your co-workers from Team 1 talking and laughing. You were also thankful to be participating in the fun.
“You seem more energetic since Yunho’s additional tasks yesterday,” Yeosang said. He was sitting across from you taking a sip of the water in front of him.
“Oh. It wasn’t so bad,” you dismissed, taking a bite of food. 
“Yea right,” Wooyoung chuckled. “Your dark circles were practically sagging to our feet this morning.”
“Stop exaggerating,” You shoved him. It was true that it was a lot of work, however your mood about it had significantly improved after talking with Yunho. You felt a bit pathetic for feeling so happy over such simple things like him praising you, or defending you against co-workers shrugging their responsibilities on you. But it did make you happy, and you took the optimism gladly. Suddenly there was a rush of shocked conversation around you. You looked up and saw Yunho’s tall and lithe figure walking into the restaurant. Wooyoung and Yeosang waved him over and he approached the three of you. He sat down next to you smiling. He looks so cute. You thought. You may have not always been a fan of Yunho, but you weren’t a liar. He was obviously a very attractive man. So attractive it was sometimes hard to be mad at him. You made eye contact with him and your stares lingered for a moment, before you both looked away. You chewed the inside of your cheek, unsure what to do with yourself now. 
“You made time to come. We’re glad to see you,” Yeosang clapped Yunho’s shoulder.
“I thought it wouldn’t hurt if I came,” Yunho shrugged, taking a drink.
Everyone was enjoying their time eating, drinking and talking. As Yunho, Wooyoung and Yeosang talked and goofed off, you couldn't help but smile along. You were getting a bit tipsy, and decided to dismiss yourself to the bathroom real quickly. You stared at yourself in the mirror, pinching your cheeks a bit trying to remain as sober as you possibly could. Your cheeks were already a bit flushed, and the pinching didn’t help at all, but you couldn't get drunk tonight. Not after that fiasco a few days ago.
You walked out of the bathroom, and there Yunho was leaning against the opposite wall. He walked up to you, a shy look on his face.
  “Listen,” he starts, chewing the inside of his cheek. “I’m sorry for piling all that work on you. I understand it was a lot, and it was petty of me to get back at you.”
You sucked at your teeth taking in his apology. “Don’t worry about it. I’d have to work on all of it eventually, so it was a good head start. Besides, I said some pretty terrible things about you.”
“Guess we’re even now,” Yunho said. 
“Well actually, about that other night-” You started, but Yunho shifted uncomfortably and interrupted you.
“I think we should get back to everyone, don’t you think? Wooyoung and Yeosang will definitely eat all of the meat if we're not there.”
“Oh. I guess so.”
You both started walking back to the group, but before you could be in view of the others Yunho leaned down trapping your head behind a busy booth, whispering in your ear. “You’re a good kisser though.”
Your cheeks flushed and your heart was throbbing as you both sat down. Yunho hid a smile as he sipped on his drink.
“Y/N, were you able to get that guy's number last weekend? I left before seeing you actually do it,” Yeosang asked. You sank down in your seat, embarrassed for some reason.
“No… He left before I could ask,” I said shyly. 
“Come on, you hardly go clubbing with us and you missed this one opportunity to get a guy's number,” Wooyoung whined. “Why don’t you come clubbing with us again this weekend?”
You glanced over at Yunho, his tongue was in his cheek, and nose slightly flared. “I think I’ll actually pass,” you said.
“Then should I be the one to get your number and show you a fun time?” Wooyoung teased.
You fake gagged. “Wooyoung that’s just not right,” you said. 
“You’re right,” he shivered at the idea. 
Yunho quickly stood up now, swinging his suit jacket over his shoulder. “I have to get going now. Wooyoung, make sure to use the business card.” He quickly walked out of the restaurant. You frowned at his abrupt departure, you'd slightly been hoping to talk more.
“What was that about?m He looked pissed.” Yeosang mumbled. Wooyoung and Yeosang dove back into conversation, while you were lost in thought. What did Yunho mean exactly, by being a good kisser? Why would he say that to you? Was he wanting to forget that night, or remember? You couldn't tell what he was hoping to achieve by complimenting your kissing skills, and it was killing you.
Your phone pinged, dragging you out of your thoughts. The message was from Yunho.
I’m down the street by the bus station. Meet me there in 5 minutes. 
Your heart leaped and you quickly exited the message so Wooyoung’s nosy ass wouldn’t see. You waited for a moment, before standing up with your bag and pulling your long coat on. “Hey I have to get going now. I’ll talk to you guys laterm though.”
Both Wooyoung and Yeosang protested as you left, but you simply waved and walked out the door. You pulled your jacket closer around you, your hairs rising from the bitter cold. You walked at a quick pace to the bus station Yunho had mentioned. You didn’t understand exactly why you felt so giddy. He probably forgot to give you some business file, but for some reason the thought of seeing him in private made your stomach feel jumbled, especially after he had suddenly complimented your kissing skills earlier.
 You arrived at the bus station and looked around. There was an older man, drunkenly sleeping on the bench, but Yunho was nowhere in sight. You felt the giddiness start to dissipate and your shoulders started to slump when you suddenly felt a hand grab your wrist. You turned and saw Yunho quickly pulling you to a dark small alleyway making the giddy feeling come back full swing.
He pushed you against the brick wall, arms holding the wall on both sides of your head. He stared at you for a moment. His eyes sparkling from what little light there was around, but his eyebrows were still raised with an air of sternness. You were breathing heavily, your heart beating quickly from the unexpected turn of events. Finally he leaned down to you, kissing your lips with vigor. You kissed him back matching his intensity. He held your head, and tilted into the kiss, deepening it, now holding your waist with his other hand, pulling you closer to him. The wetness in your panties was inevitable at this point, especially as he placed his leg between yours. He broke away from the kiss, and you briefly worried he would stop like he had last time you’d made out. Instead he spoke in a hushed tone.
“I thought I gave you so much work you didn’t have time to date? You were going to give your number to some guy at the club?” He then started to kiss down your neck, the hand at your head now traveling down your leg. 
“I thought of it, but decided not to after remembering how much I wouldn’t have time for him,” you breathed out.
“Ah, is that why you decided to flirt with Wooyoung instead?” Yunho nibbled at your collar bone.
“Wooyoung and I don’t flirt. He’s basically a brother to me,” You sighed, biting your lip. Yunho moved his hand to the inside of your thigh, traveling up your skirt. You got a run of shivers from his touch along with the cold. 
“And?” Yunho asked, his lips once again at your neck. His long fingers were now brushing the hem of your panties. 
“And I’d never date him,” you told him.
“Good girl,” Yunho said, finally placing his hand over your clothed pussy. He could feel how wet you were, soaking through your panties. He stopped kissing your neck and looked at you now, smirking. “You’re so wet for me, sweetheart,” he hummed. You let out a shaky breath, trying your best not to moan. You gripped onto his arm as his two fingers pushed aside your panties, smoothing over your slickness. “Were you wet like this the last time we made out?” he asked.
You couldn’t even respond, just desperate for his deeper touch. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you closed your eyes, trying to enhance what you were feeling from his fingers. “Your little pout is so pretty, baby. Do you want more?” he asked. You only nodded. You could hear him breathe out a chuckle as he slipped his two fingers inside you. He let them slowly reach up, and slowly pulled them out once more, making you almost moan, but you quickly covered your mouth, choking back the demonstration of pleasure. 
Finally he began to slowly pump his fingers inside you, trying to subtly find your g-spot. Finally, his fingers reached it, and you trembled a little bit, letting out a small whimper. Yunho gave a sly smile. “Found it.” Now that he found it, he was intent on using it as much as he could. As he massaged your g-spot he used his thumb to rub your clit. You were trying so hard not to moan with every pump now, and could only let out small quiet whimpers now. “You’re staying so quiet for me baby, you’re doing so well,” Yunho now whispered in your ear.
“It feels so good,” you whispered back. 
“Better than wooyoung, or that guy could ever make you feel, right?” He asked. You only nodded now, unable to speak. There was tension building up in your stomach, and you held tight onto Yunho’s wrist, feeling your orgasm on its way. “You got it sweetheart. Cum nice and sweet for me.” he encouraged, feeling you start to clench around his fingers. Your relief was hanging on by a string as he fingered you even more rigorously, and he rubbed your clit even harder and faster. Finally your breath hitched as that string finally snapped, and your body shook a moment from the intense orgasm. You barely stifled your moan, but your legs started to lose strength. Thankfully Yunho held you up with strong arms. “You did so well,” he whispered, kissing your forehead. 
“Hey, we should all go for a second round!” You heard Wooyoung's voice approaching from down the street. You quickly looked at Yunho, frightened to be seen in this state. Thankfully he understood your look. The sad part was his fingers leaving your insides, as he used his other hand to spin you away from the outside view of the alleyway. His tall figure blocked you completely from outside view. 
“Haven’t you had enough to drink?” You heard Yeosang reason, very nearby now. Yunho’s head tilted, listening intently. You could see the group's shadow begin passing by in random conversation. 
Yunho gave you a seductive glance, sticking his two fingers which were inside you inside his mouth, sucking. You stared at him, turned on once again. He took the fingers out of his mouth leaning down to you. “You really did cum nice and sweet for me,” he whispered after the group had passed. 
You rolled your eyes, an inevitable smile on your lips. You stood on your tippy toes, giving him a kiss, which he gladly accepted. You broke the kiss, and he looked at you curious. “Am I really that good of a kisser though?”
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bluewhitehues · 3 months
Hug| Kim Mingyu
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Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: fluff, comfort,strangers to lovers, romance
Pair: idol kim mingyu ×fem reader
Part 11
Later that night after your confession, you had the dinner, a little more dancing and a few more kisses until both of your hearts quenched their thirst and made up for all the times you couldn't kiss.
"You know...you really made me emotional today and it's not just the confession part, but the whole date, all the preparation you did that too all for me...you're the first girl to take this much efforts for me cause normally everyone just expected me to do everything,I was the one who used to take care of others always but you ..you care for me so much, from the start you've made me feel special...how did I even get you? I really am a lucky one..." he had finished saying it with a kiss. He talked to you so sweetly in such genuineness,his voice full of emotions you just felt the urge to protect him and love him forever.
"I'm glad I'm your first in atleast something" You had joked.
He chuckled saying,"And this one's the most important for me trust me." The way he looks into your eyes is really something cause it doesn't leave a doubt for anything, you know he's being honest, you can see it.
You couldn't ask him to stay over this time as well, so he went back ..you both slept while talking to each other on call.
Next day you don't get to meet each other as his schedule was packed and he was so tired.
"Heyy" You greet him when he calls you, it's a video call ...he's lying in bed looking sleepy and you're also sitting on your bed.
"Hii baby ...did you eat?"
"I did but you look so exhausted...are you ok?"
"Mhm so tired my eyes are closing, I just thought I'd say good night to you ..sorry I couldn't meet you today." He says snuggling in his comforter.
"Don't say sorry it's OK just take care of yourself..go to sleep, we will talk tomorrow ok? Do you have early morning tomorrow?"
"Mhm 9 o'clock" his eyes are really closing.
"Ok baby go to sleep, I'll sleep as well ..good night." You say giving him a flying kiss.
"Good night " He says taking his phone to his face kissing the screen.
You giggle at him saying bye.
Next day you wake up early and make some breakfast. You decide to go to mingyu's apartment to meet him.
It's 7:30am when you reach there. You ring the doorbell.
"Hyung can you open the door it must be the staff." Mingyu shouts from his room.
Wonwoo replies him with a "yeah."
Wonwoo opens the door to you," heyy...yn " wonwoo says surprised at first then welcomes you inside. You reply him with a hii as well .."Come in mingyu is in his room getting ready." He says pointing at the room with a smile.
You smile back at him. "Okayy thank you wonwoo."
You go to mingyu's room knocking on it, "yes come in why are you knocking." He says because it's either wonwoo or their manager nobody comes here like this.
You crack open the door,peeking your head in a little bit ...and....he is only wearning his pants, that means his whole upper body..is bare.. and damn you think, he really is mistaken cause you're definitely the lucky one here. His hair slicked back with the gel he was applying, silver heavy chain on his neck ..it's a deadly sight.
"Hey? Yn ?" He says looking at the door,eyebrows furrowed confused and surprised at first but throws you the biggest smile later.
You take a overall look (that would be so decent but you totally checked him out in those 3 seconds) and then cover your eyes with your hand. Now blushing cause it's the first time you're seeing him like that.
"Hiee surprise" You say as normally as you could.
"Oh that's convenient, covering your eyes after checking me out." God you can hear the smirk in his voice and he's walking towards you fuvk.
"I did not do that..and please wear a shirt first ahhh" You shriek when he pulls you inside, with your other hand. You stumble towards his chest. Your head bumping into his chest.
"Nah take a closer look" He says with a teasing voice.
"Shut up..I'll go if you don't wear a shirt right now."
"First admit that you did check me out come on you shouldn't lie like that." He says teasing you again, his hand still holding yours. He's totally having his fun with you.
And you know there's no escaping this now so you say, "fine I did check you out, so what you're my boyfriend." 'And you looked good you're hot' you kept it silent for now cause you know he won't leave it alone if you say it now.
He chuckles finally leaving you to go wear his shirt. "Mhm that's more like it."
He buttons his shirt and comes to you taking your hand off your eyes, placing it on his chest,pulling you closer. Tipping your chin upwards when you slowly open your eyes. He smiles at you whispering a little "hii" And tucking the hair strands behind your ear.
You lean more into his touch. "Hii" You reply going a little closer to him and of course he left the top two buttons open showing his chest and the damn attractive chain. You groan looking up at him, "what you're trying to seduce people or what?"
"Don't know about people but I definitely want to seduce you. And the way you checked me out earlier i think it already worked." He says smirking again.
You narrow your eyes at him huffing," You're such a cocky-" He chuckles before cutting you off with his lips on yours.
It's hurried at first as if you both are starving, him pulling you in, holding you tightly with one hand on your hip and other on your jaw. And god you're still not used to this, you don't think you ever will be.
He's nibbling on your lips, the speed turned slow now. And you're trying not to make any weird sound. You're gasping when he's teasing you with his tongue. "Fuvk I don't think I can ever get enough of you." He whispers pulling away from the kiss. "I just said the same thing in my mind." You whisper back. He smiles pecking your lips.
"Btw did you wake up early for me?" He asks
"Uhm yeah i brought breakfast for us , for wonwoo too."
"You did? You didn't have to baby why'd you? You have a long day ahead,you should've slept more."
You jump into his arms wrapping your arms around his neck, he catches you instantly.
You hug him tightly "but I missed you so much and you looked so tired yesterday I wanted to see you. " You say pulling back pouting at him.
He pouts back at you, "aww I missed you too my baby" You make a crying face and he's kissing you all over your face.
"I'm sorry I wish I could spend more time with you" He says with a defeated expression.
You shake your head,"It's OK I just want you to take care of yourself and I'll be ok." You say smiling at him.
"You're so sweet." He says smiling down at you pecking your nose.
You laugh, "let's go eat breakfast or you'll get late."
Then you go outside where you placed the food, mingyu calls wonwoo to eat. He thanks you for the breakfast. You all talk for a while before it's time for them to leave.
"You can come with me to the shoot? It's still early for your work" mingyu says looking at you.
"No what'd I do there I'll just go to work early it's ok."
"But I don't want to let you go yet, I want to spend more time with you please? " He says pouting at you.
But you're nervous it'll be like so many people there and it's the first time everyone will see you as mingyu's girlfriend.
"Won't there be so many people? " You say nervously looking at him.
He squeezes your hand,"No I promise I'll take care of you, also the members are there as well you can talk to them,they'll be happy to meet you."
"Uhm ok if you say so ..I haven't met seungkwan and seokmin in a long time."
"Cool then." Mingyu smiles big at you.
When you reach to their shoot you're nervous walking behind mingyu, you even hesitated on holding his hand because you thought someone will notice or spread rumours, but he assured you these are all the people he trusts and nothing will happen, so here you are.
It's 8:45 am and there are few members yet to come, but seungkwan,seokmin,jeonghan,seungcheol, hoshi,minghao are there and as soon as seungkwan spots you there's a huge smile blooming on his face.
"Ah what? Look who's here." He says making you giggle.
"Heyy how have you been?" You ask approaching him for a hug.
"I'm good I'm good" He says hugging you. "You're glowing huh look at that happiness on your face, mingyu hyung must keep you so happy." He says pulling back wiggling his brows teasing you.
You laugh and glance at mingyu who's smiling softly at you. "Yeah he does, he makes me happy."
"And you make me more happy." Mingyu says pulling your fingers enveloping your hand in his.
You greet everyone .
You hug seokmin as well he teases you both about how you two had said you were going to be friends and all.
"Well it didn't work what can I say your friend is charming like that." You say glancing at mingyu with a teasing smile. He raises his eyebrows with a shy smile on his face.
"Oh am I?" He asks.
"I'm not repeating that again." You say ignoring mingyu and dk bursts out laughing along with seungcheol. You laugh too and mingyu huffs.
"Great now my girlfriend's bullying me too." You laugh at him.
Then chan enters, "uh? Yn? Hii"
"Oh you're here ..hii how are you?" You say hugging him smiling at him.
"I'm good, it's nice to see you here..how are you? This hyung isn't troubling you right?"
Mingyu narrows his eyes at chan and you laugh, "No he's not."
Mingyu pulls you with him when they call him for the make up. You go there sit beside him, talk to him for a while and that man refuses to leave your hand.
When you tell him you have to go he whines. Then he hugs you tightly, " I'm going to miss you real bad." He murmurs in the hug.
"I'm going to miss you too baby."
"At night I'll come meet you at your place no matter what." He says pulling back.
"Ok" You nod smiling at him. He really wants to kiss you but there are people here and he knows he won't be able to let you go if he does kiss you so he bids you goodbye with a pout on his face.
You pull his cheeks saying bye to him. You tap chan's shoulder where he's sitting while getting his make up done, telling him bye ,while he turns around shaking your hand "go safely take care." "Yes yes I'll" You smile at him.
After saying bye to everyone you leave. Mingyu has told their driver to drop you off he doesn't listen to you when you refuse.
You text him when you reach at work. The day goes by as usual, till evening arrives you feel more tired than usual and you have this weird feeling that can mean that your periods are here. And it's true you manage to go home somehow. You're so exhausted, hungry and you feel so sick. After arriving home you freshen up and then pass out on your bed. You're so out of it that you don't hear your phone ringing.
Mingyu called you two times and you didn't pick up either one,so he gets worried about you cause it's so early for you to sleep. He leaves for your apartment and calls you again, you manage to pick up this time.
"Hey thank god you picked up I was so worried ..are you ok?" He asks frantically.
"Mhm I'm not" And your voice is so small,you sound so exhausted cause the cramps are starting to kick in again.
"What happened are you sick?" He asks worried.
"It's my periods" You whisper.
"Oh baby ...I'm on my way to yours, do you need anything ?did you eat? "
"No don't need anything..and I didn't have any energy to cook" You say.
"Okay don't worry baby I'll be there with the food and meds ok just 10 mins."
And he's there in ten minutes. You get up from the bed taking yourself till the door,thinking you should just give him the extra key to your place.
You open the door and he looks at you. You don't look like you, you're so exhausted and pale.
"Oh my baby." He coos at you coming inside taking you in his arms.
"You should've called me, its past your dinner time" He says rubbing your back taking you to couch.
"Didn't have the energy for that and thought you'd be busy."
"I'll manage to get to you no matter what, please tell me from next time ok? I don't want you to be in pain like this that too alone." He says worried.
You smile at him replying with a small "ok".
He makes you sit on the couch, brings the plates from kitchen and now he's feeding you.
"Did you eat?" You ask him.
"I didn't, I'll eat after you eat and take the pills."
"Uhm enough I don't want to eat." You say stopping him from feeding you.
"Babe you literally ate just five spoons? Thats not enough come on a little more."
He makes you eat a few more spoons and gives you the pills. You lie down on the couch.
"What are you doing let's go inside sleep on the bed." He says and you shake your head.
"No we will go after you eat, don't worry I'm ok" He argues but you don't listen to him pretending to sleep closing your eyes, so he sighs and eats. You smile at him opening your eyes. You love to watch him eat, you tell him that much so he smiles at you.
After eating he cleans up everything, he scoops you up in his arms amidst your protest.
"You don't need to do this much I can walk."
"Shh you can but I don't want you to, you're in pain you need to rest." He says pecking your head.
You sigh burying your face in his neck.
"You smell good...I can just fall asleep like this." You tell him nuzzling in his neck.
He chuckles,"Ok baby we will cuddle till you sleep, if that's ok with you."
"It's more than ok with me, you feel so warm ..I don't even need a heat pack."
"Oh I see the medicines are working already..or is it me? " He asks looking at you wiggling his eyebrows.
You smile, " It's definitely you ...I love you." You say again burying yourself in his neck. And his heart flutters when you say that.
"I love you too baby." He says placing you on the bed and getting beside you on the bed.
He pecks your forehead turning to your side. Your eyes are closed. You place your hand on your stomach rubbing it, he covers your hand asking if he could do it instead. "Mhm I'd love it." You say sleepily, taking his hand and putting it under your shirt on your stomach. He smiles pecking your cheek and rubbing your belly. He's so warm and you feel so safe around him, you love the feeling of him close to you.
So you turn on your side snuggling into his chest. He pulls you gently to himself with his hand around your waist. He's rubbing your back now. You fall asleep in his arms and he just can't take his eyes off of you, he pecks your head a few times before falling asleep smiling at you.
You just fit so perfectly in his arms, he feels at home. With you he feels at home. And your feelings are no different than his. You haven't felt this safe with anyone till now.
Mingyu wakes up before you because of his phone ringing, he makes sure to not wake you up and goes to freshen up, he luckily finds extra toothbrush packets in your washroom cabinet.
Then he goes to make breakfast for you. He cuts a few fruits, prepares warm milk for you because you drink it every morning. And he makes some rice and some soup.
You wake up to the space beside you empty. You get upset for a second thinking if he left but then you hear sounds from the kitchen, so you know he must be making breakfast..you smile before going to freshen up.
You go to kitchen where he's stirring the soup.
"Hey how are you feeling baby? Sorry did I wake you up?" He asks after noticing you.
"Mhm I feel better now and no you didn't wake me up." You say backhugging him.
"That's good to hear...I really loved sleeping next to you and cuddling you by the way ...we should do it more." He says smiling.
"I think I loved it a little more...I haven't felt that safe like ever.. it was like I'm home."
He turns around at that.
"That's crazy cause I felt the exact same baby I even said it to you when you were sleeping." He says with big eyes.
You giggle at that,"You did?"
He nods at you pulling you in a hug.
"Uh are you going to work today ? " He asks pulling back from the hug.
"Nope I took a leave, I always do if it's my first or second day..it's the worst." You say making a face.
He nods, " You did good baby ..you should rest." "Let's go eat I made it yummy." He says taking the food towards the table. He makes you eat.
"Thank you for the food it's so good." You tell him while eating.
"I'm glad you like it ..eat a lot baby." He says smiling. You talk here and there while you eat. After finishing you give him the keys to your apartment. He gets all giddy saying he's getting upgraded as your boyfriend, you laugh at him.
"Also next time bring some of your clothes to keep here so you don't have to go shower at your place." You say pouting at him.
"That'll be done today itself I love it and next time when you go to my place you should do it as well." He says looking all excited. You giggle at him.
"You'll be ok right? I wish I could stay to take care of you." He says looking at you with a sad expression.
"Come on it's not that bad, you already took care of me. I'm better now just a little body ache nothing else..I'm going to rest the whole day, I'll be ok you go."
He gives you a kiss on the lips before going. He promises to visit later.
At 1PM
Gyuuu❤️: Don't cook I'm bringing lunch.
You: Babe you don't have to, i promise I'll order something and eat.
Gyuuu❤️: shhh I'm already on my way
Just like that he manages to take care of you even when he's busy. He comes with the lunch, eats with you, goes back to practice, at night comes back to your place scolds you because you made food on your own, then you both eat and now you're on the bed sleeping, looking at each other, his hand is on your waist, yours is in his hair playing with it massaging his scalp.
"You're literally spoiling me gyu ...you were so busy you didn't have to do this much today."
"I'm always busy Babe I'm used to it and taking care of you is my responsibility I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend. This is not spoiling you, you're yet to see what the real spoiling is" He says smiling at you.
"I'll treat you like a queen, you'll see it." He says stroking your cheek smiling at you.
"Well i can't wait to see that then." You smile while blushing.
He pulls you in for a quick kiss before the night continues to grow amongst your chatter till you both fall asleep.
Part 12
A/n: This is it for today hope you all like it🩷🩵
Updates are late because my exams are approaching. I'll see you more often after that. There will be one more last update may be idk there's nothing much in my mind rn.
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violentnewmarley · 11 months
“Please Angel?”
Bill Kaulitz (2007) x fem!reader<3 (smut/freaky)
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Disclaimer, I am in no way a writer this is all just for fun so if my grammar and spelling isn’t the best I apologize… also I have a habit of overusing emojis so if it bothers u pls lmk so I stop😇
warnings?/content: soft!dombill/pleasure!dom but also kinda sub??, nipple play?, p in v, unprotected seggs, f!nger!ng, praise, aftercare, lots of petnames, Idk nothing too bad
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• you and bill have been dating for a a few months and both dicide it’s time to turn it up😝😝 SORRY LMAO. both reader and bill are basically down bad and there isn’t much of a back round story, just kinda simple and sweet :)))
you and rockstar bill kaulitz have been dating for around 5 months. it was hard for you too to get privacy, usally being crammed on a tour bus, so when the band stays at a hotel for the night😵‍💫? you and bill have made out and maybe messed around a bit, but neither of you had ever done the freaky… until now ⁉️
you and bill stumble into the door of your hotel (room 483😉) both out of breath laughing - you had just raced to see who could get to the room fastest and you won obvi (he was just complaining not even trying🙄) After placing down both of your bags You waist ZERO time and grab bill by his hands, leading them to your waist, kissing him eagerly. (You both knew something was boutta happen in this hotel room 😘)
you place one of your hands on his jaw and the other on his hip, slowly moving it down to his belt. Bill pulls from the kiss and looks at you with lust in his eyes, his hands still resting on your waist “bitte liebe” you begin kissing him more passionately as you walk backwards onto the bed, lips still connected. he crawls on top of you, his hands rest on either sides of your head while yours are behind his neck.
he starts kissing down your neck to your chest whilst his hands move up and down your body, slowly grinding himself down against you.
he slips his fingers under the strap of your tank top, lightly tugging, “this is okay?” you nod up at him and he slips your tank top off (your ho has are out now) your lips meet again as his hands move from your waist to your breasts (IDK WHAT TO CALL THEM HELP😭) massaging them gently before trailing kisses down lower to your chest. he places hickeys around your nipples, then lightly starts to suck on them, humming while he does so and softly biting at them. you grab his hair and pull on it, only encouraging him more.
After a few minutes he removes his lips from your breasts and kisses your nose gently, smiling down at you as you smile back, he lays his body weight down on you continuing to look up, admiring your beauty. “ I love you billy” “I love you too y/n, this is what you want- right?” “Yes baby” you smile at him, “ you want this too?” He softly says mhm as he nods his head happily, kissing you again.
You pull at the bottom of his shirt helping him pull it over his head, and you start to run your hands up his chest making him lightly whimper, “your so cute” you mumble in between kisses.
you continue making out a few more minutes until his hands reach your shorts “I’m gonna take these off okay?” You nod your head as he pulls off your shorts and panties, moving his middle finger down to your clit. he rubs gentle circles and slowly starts to speed up, lips brushing up against eachothers as you moan into his mouth. “Does That feel good baby?” You stutter trying to make out a response “yes bill please don’t stop” he grins at your words and moves his middle and index finger down to your hole (what am I supposed to call it stop.💀) he then slips his fingers inside of you, curling them up as you start to grind against them, it doesn’t take very long until you feel yourself loosening up. “I-I-im gonna cum” you announce 📢 he leans his head to your ear, “your so pretty like this schätzen.” he speeds up his fingers while still hitting your g-spot, you quicky reach your climax (🤮)
he licks your wetness off his fingers, and leans down to sloppily kiss your lips. (UPSTAIRS🚨) he bites on his lip as he looks into your eyes, “can I go inside?- please Angel?” You think the names cute but can’t help but laugh, “yes billy u can” u say laughing softy, “what?!” He give you a shy look, “nothing, your just so perfect to me” he kisses your lips and then sits up, un buckling his belt, slipping of his pants and Boxers, he gets closer to your body. “because you deserve it”.
leaning in close, you move your hand to his throbbing cock (I’m so sorry💀) and gently rub his shaft, your thumb grazing over his tip. He lets out a loud moan and grabs your hands, Intertwining his fingers with yours. Now leaning down over you, while his tip rested against your wet folds, “if you need me to stop tell me liebe, okay? I want to make you feel good.” “I will” you say kissing him gently. “Okay good~ I’m gonna go in now okay?” you nod your head, “mhm”
he slowly pushes his member inside of you. Both of you gasp and gently whimper as he adjusts his pace, as you both get more used to the feeling he speeds up, pushing his cock deeper inside of you. he burries his head in the crook of your neck and places Desprate kisses on your jaw, whispering soft words into your ear,
your so tight ~ my pretty girl ~ my everything ~
after a few mins🙄⁉️ :
“I cant anymore-“ he slurs his words as he picks up his head, forehead meeting yours, “cum for me bill” he slows his thrusts and cums inside of you, letting out a loud moan, leading you to cum around his dick, both of your juices??? (😟😖) spilling out of your pussy, covering your thighs.
He pulls out and falls beside you, you quicky pull him in laying on your side, legs intertwined, with his head burried into your chest. Both breathing heavily feeling flustered from the new experience.
“I love you so much” you say kissing his forehead, he looks up at you with tired eyes and a lazy smile, “I love you too my angel.”
you guys clean up after or wtv idk who cares 🙄😭 this is my first smut so lmk how I did. I’m taking wtv requests people may want :)
💟 @fishinaband @mikalame @rebeccaconiglio
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