#I am hurting
chef-alta · 1 year
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yall ever just...tenderly brush your hand over your homie's heart before sacrificing yourself for him
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fortpeatdata · 10 months
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[230813] 4 amigos on their last day in Singapore
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ngtventhusiast · 8 months
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An attempt at copying gege so I can rewrite jujutsu kaisen
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youwearlavenderwell · 7 months
i really hoped we’d get to explore Stede and Izzy’s relationship further, after all the lingering glances and soft eyes they were giving each other this season.
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gothipgirl · 14 days
2 Things:
1. Can the elevator become for Chenford what it was for Meredith and Derek, please?
2. The parallel between 6x06 and 6x10?! "Don't do this, why are you doing this?!" To "You don't have to do that/this"?!
Also, Tim's "Yeah, I do" sort of reminded me of how he said "No, you let me finish, alright? This is very hard for me to say". Like, he needs to speak his truth?!
@karihighman I don't have Twitter (or X) but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this on Shop Talk!
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identitty-dickruption · 8 months
still thinking about the person who said my utopia “sounds like Australia” not even one week after the disability royal commission
I need the world to know that Australia is nowhere near my utopia. I love living here and I probably will live here until I die. but. it’s not a utopia when children are literally tortured in special education units. it’s not a utopia when people are left to die because a carer was never trained on particular disabilities. it’s not a utopia when community programs are cut because the NDIS has chosen to focus on individual funding. it’s not a utopia when disabled Australians fear for what their lives will look like once their networks of affinity are no longer available
I’m a disabled Australian, and honestly I’m quite fortunate. I’m mostly middle class, I’m about to finish a university education, and my disabilities are mild to moderate. but I’m also terrified. not because I know that one of my disabilities is progressive, but because I don’t know what I’ll do once I struggle to transport myself. I’m terrified because my NDIS application was denied because I needed to get a form signed by someone who would charge me $1250 for the pleasure, and I couldn’t afford that. I’m terrified because I know that the services that would actually benefit me have either been defunded or put behind a big barrier that says “NDIS”
this is not a utopia. we have so so much work to do. but first, we have a whole lot of mourning to do. this isn’t a utopia, and way too many of my disabled siblings have suffered for it
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wickjump · 3 months
if i die assume my back actually killed me im in agony. wtf. i am in so much pain THIS ISNT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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melodicwriter · 3 months
Coming up with a really banger angst fic idea
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Realizing you actually have to write it and you’ll experience insane amounts of agony in the process
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eyesontheskyline · 3 months
I've been trying to wait until my thoughts on this are coherent enough to be fic, but here I am keysmashing here instead, because I'm distracted writing several other things and can't stop thinking about how easy it was for Barnes to convince Emily that the right thing for the team was for her to leave.
I know what she did with the recording was genuinely shady, but this is Emily "I have a Glock levelled at your crotch" Prentiss, who somehow acquired flashbang grenades and shot Fahey's eardrum out without a second thought. How many times since starting as Unit Chief did she make some kind of "this is against regulations, it's on me and I'll take the heat for it" statement? She focuses on that one thing because it's the one Barnes feeds her and her brain is just so ready to hear the story that they'll be better off without her.*
She's just so used to leaving and starting over, and then her time at the BAU has only reinforced that it's the right thing for her to do. Quitting instead of spying for Strauss finally won her Hotch's trust (which she then had so entirely that she was the one driving him to work post-Foyet even though he is stubborn and self-reliant af and was able to drive himself); she took off after Doyle on her own and it wasn't a success but she didn't stop believing it was the right choice; Hotch and JJ faked her death and sent her away after the Doyle fiasco. It's muscle memory by the time she walks away at the end of S7 before even trying telling the truth in therapy first.
As far as we know, Reid asking her to stay and fight for them was the first time anyone put up a fight and asked her to stay since Hotch's "I want you on that plane with me", and when she's asked to stay she stays. She's just so ready to put herself on the line for everyone else and it doesn't occur to her that she deserves that in return.
It just hurts my heart okay :')
(*related: Barnes tries the easy cons on all of them - hey Rossi you're kinda old, doesn't retirement sound good? Hey Alvez you like tackling people, don't you wish you could be more of an action hero again? Hey JJ don't you wish you could be in charge instead of Prentiss, you've been here all along? And Emily is the one it worked on because she's the one she isolated from the group, and feeling like a lone wolf who doesn't deserve anyone is her weakness and heeeeeeeelp)
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cosmic-kaden · 1 month
Today is a hard day for me. A day where I feel like I am undeserving of love. My texts this morning just brought back memories of what was said to me
"You're too difficult" "You can't love anyone because you don't love yourself" "just be positive and you'll feel better" "You're too hard to love" "I'm seriously asking you if we can see other people sexually" "it's a burden to be around you" "if you wanted to be dead you'd of done it already"
Today I am broken. I feel unworthy and I feel like maybe my f/o may think these things that were said to me irl when it gets bad, when I distance, when I am quiet, when I reply with one worded answers or have suicidal thoughts seemingly out of nowhere.. when I'm paranoid and think everyone including them are out to bring me harm.. when I can't stop crying or thinking I look disgusting.. when I don't feel like a real person...
Today I am not okay and have been so incredibly kicked down and sad and I don't know how to make it stop.
Today I am unworthy and unlovable. Today I am hard to love and to be around..
my throat hurts and I can feel the tears welling up as I type this..today I am nothing..
Please don't rb. (Mobile isn't letting me into my settings. This is personal please dnr)
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000marie198 · 1 year
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The trust in his eyes. The deep, hopeful unbreakable trust...
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ethaninthewilde · 8 months
just binged a show that has absolutely ZERO fandom presence and no season 2 and i am losing my MIND
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turbulenttrouble · 10 months
I cried just a bit more when I saw Crowley drive at a surprisingly slow speed at the end.
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15-lizards · 1 year
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yourstormthlaylirahh · 5 months
I am UPSET ok
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gelchiisbones · 2 years
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This Fucking Song
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