#I am never picking hxh up ever again
lunarlaaad · 2 years
I need time away from hxh
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Hi! I have a question, you can ignore this if you want to but I’ve found myself really loving the way you write and the range of writing you can articulate as well. Speaking from someone who is nowhere close to that level of skill you possess, would you mind being able to explain your journey of writing, if you practiced any particular methods or anything else to get to this stage you are at right now? Unless you have been gifted the talent of writing from birth and didn’t need to try for much long or long enough to call it a journey. Could you also spare some tips and advice for someone who wants to start writing stories and what to look into/practice?
I love your work a lot and I am constantly waiting for the notification of your new posts, despite not being a writer myself I do love breaking down and analysing writing and your stories are always such good options for me to look into. Thank you so much for writing and sparing your time to produce such well done pieces of work — I felt extremely corny writing this, excuse me for this language, I promise I’m not a pimp!
i'm deeply grateful for all your kind words, thank you so so much 😭
i don't mean this in a self-deprecating way, but i've never considered myself a gifted or super incredible writer, i just get hype about story ideas and try to make them as good as i can. due to that, i start sweating when people ask for advice because i don't consider myself qualified... i do have a writing advice tag, but take everything i say with a grain of salt!! if it's fanfic literally all that matters is that you enjoy whatever you're writing.
i'm more than happy to share my writing journey though!! it's kinda fun to reminiscence.
i've loved reading and writing ever since i was a little lock. while thinking about this ask, it occurred to me that what i've always been the most invested in are the characters. i'd think about 275894275 different storylines with them. i didn't start writing fanfic until i was around 11 though, everything was handwritten. or in flipnote hatena.
i did a lot of fanfic writing from 11-14 buuuut then my interest in it kinda fizzled out. it wasn't until i watched hxh for the first time that i took it up again bc chrollo is that powerful. that's when i started conceptualizing HWR. i looked at my early writing folder, the first HWR fanfic i wrote was in 2016 when i was 15 ?? here's a cursed excerpt:
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anyway, once i started making googly eyes at chrollo, it was gg. i've been writing often ever since.
what's helped me the most is to focus on the elements i find interesting. for example, i like fleshing out my MCs, focusing on dialogue, and developing a universe around the main pairing. because i enjoy this so much it's (mostly) always easy to devote time and effort toward it.
so i think it comes down to finding out what niches you like and working with those. some writers prefer to write with heavy prose, others are more succinct, some writers like dialogue, others prefer to be more action based... etc etc. this does require a little time if you're completely new to writing, but you know yourself best. you'll eventually pick up on what part of the story you're most excited to write.
this isn't particularly mind-blowing or anything but i hope it helps some 😭 what completely Altered my mindset was when i realized i can be as self-indulgent as humanly possible. cringe is not in my vocabulary. write a MC where every single character is in love with them if you want. write a 100k word fic about your OC being isekaid into x world. post about your f/os, draw art of you with your fav, go ham.
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pannacottababy · 1 year
My first HxH fic and it's an....
X Reader!
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I am also questioning why my first HxH fic is dedicated to Chrollo instead of Feitan but oh well, the deed is done so have this.
So content warning: Implied nsfw, lots of angst, some sleep induced writing
Hope you enjoy!
There he lays, a real life painting of pristine beauty- a living, breathing proof that art can exist in real life. His breathing was slow and deep, and you can hear him snore a tiny bit.
"Moonlight Affair"
'Cute.' You think to yourself. It was not about to stop you from leaving him though. You agreed, this was just for one night- the last night you will ever let him in again.
You picked up your clothes and started to set the shower. Your clothes are draped over the handle and you feel the warm water hit your skin.
'Chrollo sure did paint my insides...' You start to look down at your body. There are some bite marks near your chest and thighs. It stings a little, but it was a testament of this "romance" you got yourself into. A blush spreads on your cheeks.
After a few minutes or so, you decide you are done. You told yourself you will not be entranced by Chrollo ever again. You noted that this would be the last. With a determined expression, you readied yourself to head out.
However... That promise you held to yourself was broken when you stepped out of the shower and you saw him sitting up on the bed. His eyes were so soft, it was almost pathetic.
"Leaving without me?" He mused, a smile spreading on his face. There was something about him that always draws you in again. You knew he was trouble ever since he took you on that one date.
He has quite a reputation, or so you have heard. You don't quite understand why he chose someone like you- a person that would not benefit him in any way.
"Is it a crime if I do?" You replied with an amused look at your face. You were standing in front of him with only a small towel on- who knows where this will lead the both of you?
"Such a shame you took a shower, sweetheart. I was going to ask if you wanted another round?" His hands were clasped together. The moonlight illuminated his hopeful expression. You can see his eyes twinkle a little.
"Hah, another round with you? Chrollo, you know that is not going to happen." You were prepared to leave and get dressed but Chrollo grabbed you by the hand.
"Sweetheart, you know you can't resist me." There was a sense of certainty in his voice. Now, that's a wild accusation, you think to yourself. You know you can live without him. You retrieve your arm and look the other way.
"Chrollo, we talked about this... I..." You start to fall silent and a frown is painted on your lips. Were you about to go through this again?
"Please, I need you." He speaks once more to break the silence. You know him well, if he needs you, he needs you.
You find yourself in front of him again. You sit down on the bed and sigh. "You know, I was thinking if you are only using me to relieve some stress." You can't even look at him directly in the eye.
"Relieve some... stress?" There was a puzzled look in his face. He tried to look for signs that you were joking but as he finally found none, he pressed his lips on your hand softly.
"You know I can never do that to you. I respect you too much to just want you for that. (Y/n), I think I may be... falling for you." He continued to hold your hand and looked at you with those dark eyes- oh, those dark, dark eyes.
If he keeps looking at you that way, you might fall into his arms once more- and God knows you were trying to avoid that.
"Falling for me?" You paused and your eyebrows furrowed. "Why?" Why do you fall into the same cycle of knowing you had enough to waking up in the same bed as Chrollo Lucilfer?
"I can't quite explain it myself. I know that I am devoted to my group, and I deeply care for them... I feel the same for you." You meet his soft gaze. You know how deeply he loves his group and yet... You know you can never compete with his obligation.
"You can't be serious." You sigh and put your hand away. "Chrollo, you know we can't. You have your responsibilities, I have mine. I can't expect you to love me as much as you love your group, I would just end up disappointed." You clasped your hands and looked the other way.
"What if I can promise you that I will love you equally?" He tried to bargain and turned your head to face him. His eyes were soft, almost pleading.
"You cannot. Your team always has to come first, and I understand that." You start to look away once more, blinking back tears. "I know that, I expected certain danger when I agreed to be on that date with you... Chrollo... I am afraid to lose you." A single tear streams down your cheek- a tear so pained and yet so full of longing.
Chrollo began to hush you and put you in his embrace. "Oh, sweetheart... How come you never told me any of this?" His hand starts to comb your hair with his gentle fingers. He knows just how to calm you down.
"I expected you to just be in it for the intimacy... I never would have expected you to fall for me. And to live with the fact that I could lose you anytime... It scares me..." You start to sob in his arms, your breath hitching.
"There, there, (y/n)." He starts to gently caress your back. "I know this isn't the time... but would you want a comforting kiss with that hug?"
"Are you kidding me?" You looked at him with tears streaming down your cheeks. "Of course I would..."
You two shared a soft, innocent kiss and he continued to hold you. "There, there, sweetheart. You won't lose me, I guarantee that."
"You better make sure of that." An empty threat was thrown his way. "Or I will personally dig your body and kill you again."
"Aren't we morbid?" He replied with a bewildered look on his face. You have never seen him this amused before.
"You kill and steal for a living." You raised your eyebrows and start to feel a little better.
"That is to be expected from me, (y/n). That isn't the case for you, sweetheart." He starts to chuckle, patting the space beside him.
You know you said this would be the last, but you guessed the shooting stars despised that wish of yours.
You two fall in comfortable silence for a while. As he holds you, you can see the love in his eyes. It was sometimes hard to believe that this heart you held in your hands is the very heart that exhilirates when there is bloodshed.
"I am serious though, keep yourself safe." You hold him by the arms, pleading. There was a tight grip on his arm, as you gave him the warning.
"For you, sweetheart, I may have the reason to." He laid both of you to bed. He began to cuddle you and you swore you never saw him glow like this before. "Now, let us get a good night's rest- maybe get some breakfast tomorrow. You can leave by then, okay?"
"Okay." You reply softly, laying in his bare chest. One thing you adored about Chrollo is he always surprises you with a new scent. Today smelled like papaya. You guessed he had a new lotion... or was it his bodywash? A little feminine, but you can work with that.
"Hey, Chrollo?" You inched closer to his side and wrapped your arms around him.
"Yes, (y/n)?" He gazed at you with a small smile on his face. His hands put away your stray hairs from your face. You can tell, in the end of the day, it was the aftercare that he most looks forward to. You don't like being spoiled often, but that is something you can never tell Chrollo.
"Just letting you know I will never leave you, as much as I say I will." You cannot bring yourself to say those 'three words' that you long to tell him but you hoped he got the message.
"I love you, too, (y/n)." He pressed a gentle kiss on your forehead and snuggled you up, kissing the rest of your face repeatedly.
"Chrollo, that's too much..." You start to giggle as you feel ticklish. He smiled, stopping and you look at him with a puzzled look. "What are you smiling at?"
"You said the same when I was inside you. Need I remind you who is in charge?" He replied jokingly with the biggest smile in his face.
"You know, despite laying nude beside you, I just can't take you seriously." You draped a leg over him. "Are you sure that your companions won't meet you tomorrow?"
"I know you said we can do breakfast and you can leave, but you can always stay for as long as your schedule permits." His hand gently grazed your cheek and he pressed a gentle kiss on your nose.
"I might be able to move around some things... But we'll see." You shrugged and grabbed the blanket to cover both of your bodies. "Now, let us rest, hm? We'll see what tomorrow brings."
This may be the first time you ever felt thankful to have known Chrollo.
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gr8stoneddragon · 4 months
How many works do you have on AO3? 46
What's your total AO3 word count? 661,297 (not including drafts or currently unpublished chapters)
What fandoms do you write for? Right now? Just YYH. But I've been wanting to write more HxH.
Top five fics by kudos:
Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction (HxH)
Tired Revenge (AtLA)
Demon in Training (YYH)
Frustration (AtLA)
Breathing Fire (YYH)
Do you respond to comments? I have been trying to be better about this more recently (since last year-ish) but now that I actually have regular weekly commenters, it can be hard haha. I've never had to deal with having so many comments before and I'm honestly so grateful. Love my readers ❤️
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't usually write angst tbh, but Absent Goodbye (AtLA) is about a character death so there's that.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The first one that comes to mind is Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction because that one actually has an ending hahaha
Do you get hate on fics? Nah. I somehow manage to join fandoms way late, after any and all ship wars have died, or just at the right time when they are starting to get popular and people just want more content.
Do you write smut? Yup. Though I actually find explicit content a lot harder to write than fluff. Doesn't mean I wont try.
Craziest crossover: Gosh. Have I ever written a crossover fic? I don't think so. I think all the crossover stuff I've done has been strictly roleplay.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Lmao, yes. With the person who tagged me and also my husband. @sokkarang
All time favorite ship? This is an impossible question. I am currently in YYH multiship hell, but if I had to pick some top non-YYH OTPs they would probably be:
KilluGon (HxH)
NezuShi (No. 6)
Tokka (AtLA)
TaiYama (Digimon)
Drarry (HP - don't come for me, I know)
I could definitely keep going but I'll stop there.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a really long Jet/Zuko High School AU fic that I doubt I will ever pick up again. I was so into it and had so many ideas for that fic when I was still rping in the AtLA fandom, but I've moved on for the most part and I'm not sure I could remember now what the end goal was for that fic or all the things I wanted to include. Which is sad but... it happens.
What are your writing strengths? I have been told that my character dialogue is very good, and I'm a really strong character-driven writer in general I think.
What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. Lol. Coming up with plot ideas is really difficult for me sometimes. And then when I do come up with an idea, they always seem to be novel length monstrosities. Writing one-shots, or anything I can actually finish within a week or so is just so fucking hard for me for some reason.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I'm always tempted to do this, but it does feel awkward at times, and as someone who is only fluent in English, I'm always afraid of getting things wrong.
First fandom you wrote in? The first fandom I wrote in was YYH, but that’s not the first fandom I published fic for. I kept a lot of my writing private for many years.
Favorite fic you’ve written? Oh lord. This is such a hard question. If we're talking fics that I wrote myself as a single author, I would have to say I'm really proud of Confession x Revelation x Satisfaction (HxH), Breathing Fire (YYH), and Shower, Interrupted (DRRR). But I am also completely obsessed with the long-running rps I have right now with people, and some of those get published on Ao3 as well.
Tagged by: @snarkyauthor
Tagging: @zuzsenpai
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rae-writes · 4 years
HxH headcanons
Feitan Portor x reader, Hisoka Morow x reader, Illumi Zoldyck x reader, Kite x reader 
prompt : “You’re Perfect” 
word count : 1.k 
warnings : implied smut, I guess? How your imagination continues the headcanons is up to you- 
Part 2 here 
Feitan Portor
Feitan was a quiet, distant type of lover 
Quality time together meant sitting beside each other in silence, just doing your own things
Which is what you were currently doing 
He had just come from a mission, he had a split, bloody lip and his bandanna wasn’t covering his face for once
So naturally, you were staring 
Honestly how could you not
But your sometimes frustratingly blunt boyfriend interrupted your gazing with a “Stop staring.”
You blinked, tilting your head, “why?”
Feitan scoffed, narrowing his eyes at you, “there’s nothing special to stare at so stop.”
The words came out of your mouth almost immediately, “Yes there is. You’re perfect.”
His eyes widened and he just stared at you with a type of disbelief that felt...sad 
“You’ve never treated me wrong despite everyone calling you a monster. The way you subtly grab onto me when we’re in public never fails to make my heart race. You’re usually really quiet, so it’s special to me when you open up and talk to me a lot when we're in private. All of my friends tell me I’m crazy for loving you and that I should leave before you hurt me but I know you would never do something like that. I wouldn’t have my life any other way; I truly can’t live without you Feitan. You’re just...perfect for me.” 
Standing up, you made your way to him with a smile 
The shock on his face didn’t disappear as he looked away from you with a baby pink color coated on his cheeks 
You grabbed his bandanna, preventing him from covering his face, and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek 
Feitan’s eyes found yours for a few seconds before he was picking you up, bringing you to the small bed in your shared “room” 
He was oddly quick to settle down and cuddle you close. Feitan didn’t say a word, but you could feel a genuine smile resting against your neck
The smile was soon replaced by open mouthed kisses trailing up your neck 
When he finally reached your face, despite the smile being gone, you could clearly see the joy in his eyes 
You leaned up, giving him a tender kiss in return but that didn’t seem to be enough for Feitan’s excited state 
He spoke to you in his native tongue, and while you didn’t understand what he was saying, the sound was still alluring 
Feitan leaned in once again, this time only brushing his lips against yours. If this was a game he wanted to play, who were you to deny your ecstatic boyfriend?
Hisoka Morow 
Hisoka was unabashedly getting dried off and dressed right in front of you 
So you unabashedly took the opportunity to stare at him the entire time 
You could practically hear the smirk on his face without even having to look at it 
“And just what might you be staring at darling?” 
The chuckle that echoed through the apartment sent shivers down your spine 
“And why’s that?” 
“Because you’re perfect.”
Hisoka just kind of froze, his eyes widening for just a fraction of a second before the smirk reappeared on his face, although this time it didn’t reach his eyes 
“Oh? You think I’m perfect do you?” 
You hummed, going along with his little game
“Yes. Some think your bloodlust is really off putting but I think it’s pretty hot, especially when it’s directed at someone who tried to fuck with me. There’s this certain look and tone that’s only reserved for me and I am certainly happy to be on the receiving end of them. You’d probably deny it, had I ever brought it up, but sometimes when we’re just laying next to each other, you start humming a melody with a really soft smile on your face which makes my heart explode every time. You’re absolutely perfect.”
You had a tiny smirk on your face when you finished because of the look he had taken on 
Hisoka’s usually narrowed eyes were wide, pupils completely dilated. His cheeks were dusted with a dark red and his mouth was slightly parted
He slowly stalked forward, only half naked, and picked you up by your thighs 
Soon you found yourself resting against the nearest wall with Hisoka’s mouth attached to your neck 
A breathy laugh escaped you, your hand coming up to card through his hair
Illumi Zoldyck 
Being with the eldest Zoldyck son was...challenging to say the least
Of course, you understood that he was definitely unhinged and unaffectionate because of his upbringing but sometimes it made you want to rip your hair out 
So you two were sitting on opposite ends of your couch, having just been in an argument
Although it’s more like “argument” considering Illumi will just stand there, emotionless in both look and tone when you’re trying to be serious and express your feelings 
And naturally, that hurt a bit (a lot) 
You’d never tell him but sometimes you felt like you were the only one in the relationship and that he didn’t actually care about you 
So while you were sitting in silence trying to calm down, your eyes wandered over to the man you loved 
You always thought Illumi was the prettiest thing you’d ever laid eyes on
“You’re staring.”
You made a small noise of confirmation and just continued to look over his features
He reached over, grabbing you and pulling you to his side 
The assassin’s mouth parted to speak, but before he could get the monotonous words out you spoke up-
“You know you’re perfect, right ‘Lumi?”
He blinked, visibly perplexed at your quiet exclamation 
“Despite how you were raised you somehow started caring for someone as useless as me. Whether what you feel is really love or...something else, I never really get tired of you being in my life. I don’t care that on most days, I have to wake up at an ungodly hour just to see you before you leave. It also doesn’t matter that you're gone for days to weeks on end as long as you come back to me. You’re all I have and I think you’re just...perfect. Exactly the way you are.” 
You couldn’t see his expression cause your face was now hidden in his chest but you could hear the way his heartbeat quickened and how the grip he had on you tightened 
It was quiet for a while before Illumi’s soothing, quiet voice filled the room, “I love you.” 
You couldn’t fight the smile that stretched across your face as you shyly looked up at your boyfriend 
His hand reached out to caress your jaw and the other shifted you atop his lap
“I promise I’ll start showing you more frequently.” 
Those words rocked you to your core. He was gonna try to go out of his comfort zone just for you? 
“Illumi…” his name was a breathless whisper as he leaned in to capture the sound with his lips 
Kite was, to put it simply, not one for a lot of fun 
While he wasn’t exactly stoic, he did take his work very seriously and didn’t care too much for horsing around 
However, by some miracle, you got him to go swim in a nearby lake with you 
And Kite actually let loose. He was laughing and splashing the water around with you- even playing Marco Polo much to your delight (although he kept winning every single time) 
After a couple hours you two were just floating about, having small chit chat 
When you finally stood up and let your feet touch the bottom, you were met with a serene sight 
Kite was floating on his back, long white hair sprawled out in the water like wings. His face was relaxed and dare you say angelic 
“Hey Kite?” 
“You’re perfect.” 
Those simple words made Kite lose his relaxed posture, standing up abruptly and staring at you with a slight blush 
You laughed, swimming closer to him, “I said you’re perfect.” 
“I know what you said I mean why would you say that”
You could sit and laugh for hours at the look on his face but instead you cradled the sides of his face in your hands 
“Because. I’ve always thought you were admirable, you know, not just anyone can come from where you did and get the chance to say they’re truly happy. Plus, I get the honor to be the one trusted with your heart. You really do amaze me Kite, whether it be your looks, your brain, or your personality, you never cease to amaze me. And I thought it was finally time I let you in on all those secrets of mine. So yeah...you’re perfect to me.” 
You’ve always lived for vulnerable moments with Kite but this...this would be the most cherished one. 
He was looking at you with such a soft look in his eyes, tears were even starting to form 
Wiping them away, you smiled. “Kite?” 
“I love you.” Those words were spoken with a breathless tone and maybe even a hint of desperation 
“I love you I love you I love you-“ his kiss was definitely desperate, but in a meaningful way. The needy grabbing of his calloused hands almost sent you into a frenzy 
You pushed him back slightly to look into his hazel eyes, which were filled to the brim with all different kinds of love 
Your breaths mingled together from the close proximity and you wanted nothing more than to show him all of your love. “I love you too.”
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kuwurapikaaa · 4 years
Candlelight || Chrollo x Reader
Title: Candlelight Spider Leg!Reader || Plays during York New arc One-shot || Genre: Smut || Angst Pairing: Chrollo x Reader Summary: In the middle of the night, (Y/N) found herself entangled in the web of the spider. Warning: Sexual content, Age Gap Word Count: 3,660 Note: This story is cross-published in AO3 and Tumblr. Yes, my next fanfic would be another Kite fanfic after that, it would be a Jotaro fanfic. I like supplying content for underrated HxH characters. I am currently on a blast right now and I can’t just stop at this point. I am also getting into a new fandom so it is a more of an excuse to my followers who only saw me write hxh fanfics lol
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In one hasty night, just like any other night. (Name) was carrying a candle and a stack of antique books to the head of the phantom troupe's room. Putting his books back to his bedroom became somewhat a routine for her. - Today seems like just like any other night. 
She just secretly reads his books. Steals five of them, but always, puts them back on their shelves as if nothing happened. As she opened the door, put the books in their respective places, to her surprise, Chrollo was wide awake. The candle's warm light illuminating his handsome face as he held a book with his left hand. His legs were crossed as he sat on a wooden chair. He's probably unable to sleep tonight.
He looks so hot and bothered. - She thought to herself as she bit her lip. She never had many wanton thoughts. It was rare for her to have those. She has been thinking about him since she read that one book that had a character that looked like him. She had been crushing on him since she joined the spiders.
At first, it was simply admiration, but right now, it’s a crush. - Chrollo made her feel like a schoolgirl hiding her feelings in front of a much older and hot guy. It’s like a junior falling in love with a senior trope, yet again.
The vision is something to admire. He looked ethereal at his current stance. His hair wasn't combed back like it did on most days. His ebony hair was a bit messy right now. He also doesn't wear his earrings, which is a surprise. Yet, said view also gave the young woman an eerie feeling about it.
Number nine bit her lip. Trying to make as little noise as possible. She is trying to avoid Chrollo seeing her so late at night. Just as unlucky as she is, the books fell. It was heavy and her arms were tired carrying it from her room downstairs to his room 2 floors higher. 
A loud thud was heard as the heavy leather-bound books fell on the cement floor of their base. Chrollo's attention was right at her. He closed his book. Fate is sealed. Fuck. He heard me. - She thought to herself, biting her lip harder. She tried to leave the candle on the floor and picked the book up.
(Name) is an enhancer. A simple person and a horrible liar. At this point, she doesn't know what to say to her leader. She was speechless. As if words were stolen from her mouth. "(Name), you're still awake." He was shocked to see that anyone was still awake at this time of the night. 
She looked into her watch. "I know it's already one in the morning. I just came to return your books." She smiled at him. She tried to make an impression on him. Since she is just a new member, it would be stepping over boundaries if she tries to have her usual boisterous speech.
"So you're the one sneaking and reading my books?" He asked as he went near her, she froze. Her body tensing each step he took. She nodded and swallowed thickly. Although she sees nothing is wrong with that, she could be wrong.
"I'm not angry at you, (Name)." He told her with his charming voice. He was looking at her in the eye. She avoids his gaze like it's the plague. But there's no escaping now. He's now against her as her body pressed to the bookshelf. The two lit candles in the opposing sides of the room and the pale moonlight was the only thing that was giving light to the scene.
His arms were around her. She was quite flustered. She never got in scenes like this, ever. It was rather her first time being in something like this. She doesn't know what to do as she is wrapped around the devil's fingers. The man was devising. It's hard to distinguish his genuine affection for his fake one.
Yet here she is, throwing herself into this. She knows what she's going to get, and it's something less than tasteful.
"Don't be ashamed, beautiful." Once he said that (Name)'s blush only deepened. Nobody has gone this close to her. Just by his voice, she can feel something underneath her panties. It was an unfamiliar feeling for her.
"Since you're here, I want you to take care of something." He continued talking. Then he went near her lips and sealed a kiss. His lips were surprisingly soft. She was shocked by his advancements. No one has ever done that to her. Her eyes were wide open. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders as the kiss deepened. She didn't even bother to fight it. 
Since day one, she always had feelings about him. He made her feel things she otherwise couldn't feel. Yet, it's a secret she kept for herself. Falling in love with the spider head is the best way to ruin the troupe. "I don't think this is right." She said immediately after the kiss broke. 
Still as charming. - Chrollo breathed, his gaze still locked to hers. He can just look at her like this the whole night if something isn't bothering him. Her gaze drifted south and what she saw shocked her. Chrollo's junk seemed bigger. - Not that she's looking at it all the time. She'd be bashful and hesitant if ever caught doing so.
"(Name)... Don't be so shy." He said to her in such a hypnotic voice. His playful hands removed the velcro on the nape of her neck. Her backless shirt was freed. Her silicone bra remained. She ended up being very flustered by his actions. - Speechless in fact.
Chrollo removed the silicone bra right away, he threw them in the ground. Her halter bodysuit remained as it was in her underwear. Her breasts now were out in the open. She was frozen, shivering. With the mixture of the cold air and the shock she is feeling, she couldn't move at all. He tucked her hair on her ears as he went down to her. His beautiful purple eyes were looking at her as his hands were pressed on either of her sides. They were near her bosom. Slowly brushing against them.
It is almost tickling her as it goes higher up into her sensitive nipples. His thumb encircling the area. She was shivering at every touch. With the cold air and his warm touch, it was truly a recipe for disaster. She was having goosebumps.
"Danchou... Please be careful. This is my first time." When (Name) said that his eyes were wide open. He was shocked to hear that a woman like her is currently experiencing her first time. - Secretly, no, openly, Chrollo likes it that his partner is a virgin. It's like he's twistedly religious. He would like to teach and somehow shape them.
"I will." He said with a smirk on his face. He unbuckled his belt and removed his black pants along with his underwear. Her eyes went wide as she saw his huge length right in front of her. It was long, and a bit thick. Probably seven inches long. It was standing and hard.
"Knees down." He ordered (Name). She kneeled to the cold cement. Then, he switched their positions. He was now the one against the hard wooden bookshelf. She had no idea what he was going to do to her. Then, he aligned his cock on her small mouth. She took it eagerly.
Her head was going back and forth as she tried her best to cover his length. It was long and could choke her. She was barely halfway into his shaft. Then, Chrollo all of a sudden, he pulled your head to his cock. Tears were dripping down her face as her eyes widely opened. She gripped her hands on his hips as she continued sucking him.
He was amused by how she was bobbing her head back and forth. Her cherry-colored lips surrounding his long length. He can hear sounds of her choking as she was struggling to get into the end of his shaft. She tried her best to cover the whole area.
His cock was reaching the back of her throat. Her right hand reached for his balls. Stroking it at the same time. - It was unfamiliar territory. He continued growling and gripping onto her hair. It was obvious that she was a virgin. She lacked many facets. In other words, she doesn't have any technique. "Good for someone who did that for the first time." He smirked at the young girl in front of him.
He pulled her off from his cock. Drool connecting her mouth and his length. She was quite flustered, avoiding Chrollo in the eye. Then, as he withdrew, he held her hand and went to the chair he used to sit in. "Come here." He said in such a soothing voice.
As soon as it was said, she followed suit. She was flustered as he could see her naked body properly in this area. Minutes seemed like hours. The only indicator of time was the candles placed everywhere in the room. The white candles slowly melted.
He held her legs as he started kissing her lips again. He stroked her back. She felt a bit ticklish as he started going to her neck. Doing butterfly kisses before finally sucking in the sensitive spot. She gasped and mouth left agape, he marked the area near her flower tattoo. It's sure to bruise up. Just as he was doing that, he was also groping on her sizable bosom.
Then, he pulled her leather pants down along with the rest of her stripe bodysuit. Her slit is now on display. Looking at it, she was rather well-groomed. Her pubic hair was well-trimmed.
She removed her stilettos along with her pants as she threw all those items in the same place as her silicone bra. She was flustered as she was already naked. Her spider tattoo in her left leg was showing. She was number nine. "Keep your shoes." He whispered to her. She wore her shoes again as he continued caressing her legs.
Then, he switched her position. She was now facing the bookshelves again, he continued touching her naked body. Her soft, milky skin. He admired every inch of her. 
He tucked her hair on her ear as he gracefully watched over the mark he created. Then, he puts his fingers on his mouth as he begins to insert them on her slick folds. She gasped once more as her wet muscle encapsulated his unfamiliar finger. “This is going to hurt a bit.” He said to her, assuring all the uncomfortable and painful feelings is all normal.
The fingers were unfamiliar, they were colder than the rest of her body. She was shivering from it. As it slowly moved up and down in her slit, an elicit moan escaped her lips. He was rather amused with her. She was more flustered than ever as she spoke, "Danchou… I… I like you." She said shyly. This moment got her feeling like a young schoolgirl confessing her feelings to her crush.
He smiled at her as he heard those words escape from her lips. Her mind right now is all mushed-up. She doesn't even know what she is saying nor thinking at this point. All she knows is that her danchou is making her feel so good right now. As soon as she adjusted with the two fingers he inserted, he added a third. Her cheeks are becoming very hot as he continues.
“Danchou… so this is what it feels like?” She asked him. He responded to her with a short nod.
His fingers still slip up and down making her feel so wet for him. Juices dripping on her legs. She was flustered as he continued his actions, she looked at him, her head turning to the left. His thumb was rubbing on her neglected clit. She bit her lip as she tried to lower her voice. He simply smirked at her as she became a sweaty mess. 
Then, out of shock, he pulled his fingers off her slick folds. He made her stand up again as he fully discarded his pants with his dress shoes. She had a better view of him like this. He stood up from the chair as he carried (Name) into the table. She sat on the hardwood as her legs were wrapped around his hips. He kissed her once again in the lips. Then, she removed the last piece of clothing from him. - His dress shirt.
As soon as she removed his dress shirt, she saw it. A mirror near the bookshelves reflected. #0. The legends were right. All the gossip she has heard from non-troupe members were correct. She is indeed toying with the spider head himself. - She never saw this moment coming.
She gasped as he aligned his length onto her. “If it hurts, grip me.” He said to her as her blue eyes opened wide. She bit her lips harder as the length entered her. She gripped harder on his back. Her manicured nails marking his back, marking half-moons on his back, where the iconic spider tattoo resides in.
Strangely enough, Chrollo has more tattoos than that. He also had one in his left arm, it was a huge dragon with many religious symbols and flowers around it. He and (Name) have a lot in common. - One of them is their unquenchable thirst for knowledge and their love for tattoos.
His length slid into her. Slowly and carefully. She yelped at the large size of his cock entering her. Unlike what she expected from men, “I’ll be gentle” he promised, kissing her lip as his grip on her waist tightened. Oh, it was expected from someone like him to say that.
Her tightness and warmth surrounding Chrollo’s cock earned a growl from him. (Name) also felt more comfortable moaning now. Her moan was rather quiet as she would like to contain the pleasure she is feeling. When his length fully entered, which took a while, instead of starting, he was stuck. Waiting for her to calm down, familiarize herself with his cock. Her tight grip on his back is getting slowly undone as her core adjusted to his length.
"It feels… uncomfortable…" She said to him, biting her lip. Still registering the unfamiliar feeling of her danchou's cock inside of her From her voice and everything, no matter how much of a slut she dresses, she has innocence. The fragile innocence that he is taking away from her.
“Is it okay now, (Name)?” He asked the woman against him. (Name) was speechless. She simply nodded to tell him that he was allowed to move. Her wet muscle has adjusted to his cock. Then, as he got the signal, he started moving his hips back and forth against her, slowly.
It elicited a much louder moan from the young woman. Her eyes went up, slowly fluttering up and down as the waves of pleasure were entering her system. Her hands were still on his back, still gripping it. "Danchou, please go faster." She ordered him as he moved in his slow and sensual pace.
He did follow her order. He moved much faster this time. His other hand went in her neglected clit, rubbing it with his thumb as he crashed his lip on her. - (Name) was overwhelmed by his actions. All the string of thoughts and doubts in her head were long gone now. 
"(Name)… So tight..." He remarked as he growled. He continued thrusting in and out. Her grip on his back tightened. She can feel her end is coming near. Chrollo finally found her g-spot.
"Right there… ah… Please!" She exclaimed mouth left agape as she whimpered. He continued his thrusts on her. This time, hitting her spot at each one of them. He started growling and groaning much louder too as he continued the way his hips rock against her. - She never knew a cock felt this good. 
His thrusts were now at a much faster pace, she mewled as he thrust his hips harder into her. "Ah… Ah… I think I'm going to cum!" She remarked as he thrust much faster into her.
As he knew the young woman in front of him was near her orgasm, he withdrew his length as he kneeled on the cold cement floor. He went near her slit as he was stroking himself while licking her labia as he began eating her out. - This is something Chrollo does not do with his partners. Although he would like to make (Name) an exception.
He stopped stroking himself as he started fingering her roughly. (Name) moaned the loudest as he was mercilessly pushing and pulling his fingers in her pink hole. His mouth moved from her labia to her clitoris. "Fufu-" she said, her swears were choked as he continued licking her clit and fingering her. Tears started running down her face as she continued to moan, louder than ever.
Her vision was covered with white as her orgasm finally came into her. "Ah... Ah…" She was incredibly speechless. Chrollo made her feel so good. She was glad that her danchou was below her, licking and tasting her precious juices.
She covered her face with her hands, all the shame she felt is coming back as she finally goes back to her senses. Cheeks hot and a sweaty body, then there is her danchou who is gladly eating her out. Licking every single drop of her orgasm like he was a starved man.
To her surprise, Chrollo's cock was still hard. - Tonight, it was obvious that her pleasure was the priority. But, how about his? "(Name)…" He said to her as he puts her legs around his shoulders. She kicked her uncomfortable five-inch stilettos to the ground. She had a sigh of relief as her feet could finally rest.
She puts her head on his shoulders as he moves her to the chair. He sat on there as he started thrusting in and out of her again. The young woman was already shaking because of the hypersensitivity brought by her violent orgasm. This time, he had no mercy with her.
She almost yelled when he entered this monstrous pace. She was at Chrollo's mercy as she held tight on him. His hips bucking up and down on slick slit. "Danchou… ah… your cock is… so big…" she cannot even form words at this point.
It's like she is being sent into heaven once again by Chrollo. Her vision is being clouded again as her back arches. He continued thrusting into her pussy until she had a second climax. She gripped harder onto his shoulder as she followed his pace. His groans got louder as he was close to his own. “D-danchou… ah...” She moaned with a sharp cry.
“Fuck!” He groaned as he was reaching his orgasm. (Name) yelped as she held much tighter on his shoulder. Spurts of white got inside of her. Her vision was filled with stars as she looked up in the ceiling. They tried to catch her breath as he withdrew his length from her. His cock went back to its soft state.
Then, she stood up. She was still quite sensitive. Her legs are shaking, cum dripping on her thighs. She sat into the cold and smooth cement. Her hands held her knees as she sobbed quietly. 
Chrollo stood up from the chair and got his blanket. He wrapped the crying woman in the warm fabric. “Why are you crying?” He asked her. His voice was very comforting, but it isn’t enough for her to stop sobbing.
“Please, danchou, don’t touch me.” She told him as she carefully removed his hands from her naked shoulder. He saw that his creation was there. A purple-ish red mark was on her shoulder, near her rose tattoo.
“I feel so overwhelmed. I feel used!” She exclaimed as she wrapped the blanket to herself. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying. Luckily, her danchou seems very experienced. He knows what to do when situations like this come around. He was the firsts of many women, he knew that a lot of them would cry during their first time.
“(Name). Please. Calm down.” He said to her with caring eyes. The stars twinkled in Chrollo’s eyes.
(Name) can never handle all the burden she is experiencing. What if her family knows? She knows that her beloved mom would react in horror. She would never have a chance of having a husband. (Name) always wanted a traditional husband. Even if she has her tattoos and dresses provocatively, she wants a husband who will accept and love her.
All that is thrown in the garbage as she can never have those things anymore. She can never have a husband anymore, all because she gave in with the call of the flesh. She gave in to his desires. It’s all my fault! - (Name) yelled in her mind. It was like an empty void, no matter how you scream, nobody can hear anything.
“I…” Before (Name) can even speak, she feels Chrollo’s tight embrace. She gasped as she rubbed his back. She was speechless as the hug is very comforting.
“I love you (Name).” He cooed into her ears as he started touching her hair, calming the young girl. - Danchou is so different from her expectations. She expected someone like him to be crude and hostile. Yet, here he is, with humility and culture. He truly is a gentleman straight out of a romance novel.
“Let’s clean you up.” He said to her as he picked her up, going to the bathroom. She smiled gingerly at him as she held onto him.
Danchou is so sweet.
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
Thank you nature
Character: Kite
Show: HxH
Reader: shortMale
Category: Nsfw/smut 
Warnings: sizekink mainly
Summary:After years of teaming up together for several missions, the tension between you and kite gets too much to handle.
Request open!
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It's the fourth day you stand down to guard with Kite in this new research. Something about a tiger evolving a new skill had brought your group together to observe it and analyze it's new behavior. It was a slow and quiet process that got any person bored if they weren't mentally prepare for it. But for you and kite it was one of the ways you both seemed to interact better. Neither spoke as you both got into a task, but lately that silent was slowly suffocating your lungs as the missions, days, and hour pass for you.
You don't know when it started, the brush of his hands against yours when he handed you things. His worried tone when you both encounter enemies, how in most occasions even though he always says if you can't keep up with him don't bother to follow. But quickly turns around to shield you from any attack. His hair gently touching you as he leans a bit too close, to his low chuckled that vibrated against your ears when he's the only one around to laugh at your jokes. Lately now just a simple glance of your eyes locking had your breath itching.
"Nothing still?" Kite's voice snap you back too reality as he lean over too look at the monitor clenching in your hands. He's hair falling slightly over your arm and hand. It tickled a bit, making your cheeks heat up at the proximity.
"Uh no, nothing yet" you mumble back, your eyes staring at him as he lean back to pull his hat to cover more of his face.
"at this rate we might not get anything, maybe we should move locations?" He hold into his chin as he stare back at you for confirmation. For a second you felt your eyes trail down to his lips, as soon as they looked down they snap back to the monitor to turn it off.
"yeah I think we should, i’m kinda getting tired of just standing put here" you mumble out as you stood up. Both of you were sitting near trees, which had you both hidden this entire time. He followed your lead on standing up, his looming body towered over you easily. Which normally in the start it pissed you off to a whole other level, because for a guy you were ridiculous short. Even though you were strong and could handle yourself, your height made people think other wise. Meanwhile Kite never really tease you or mention how short you where( he actually adored it.)
Looking down at you he had a lot of urges to pick you up randomly, but that would be too out of character. So the closest he has ever done too actually physically show it was his random Pat's in the head when you both finish a job. It follow no comment but a slight smile. In the start you didn't think much of it, but now it was something you itch in your weird quiet friendship with the tall hunter. You two where good friends, so you thought but the idea of actually admitting your feelings for him seemed impossible in any near future. But the feeling of bursting and screaming your feelings and desire where clearly taking over by the minute.
"let's head down north, I saw a cave over there" he suggested, you only nodded in agreement as you both started walking,your surroundings was mainly trees and bushes to no end. So when you both stop to the sound of something breaking not even Kite expected to be suddenly sliding down along with you down a narrow creak. He's arms instinctively wrap around you and pulled you closer as you slide down rapidly, your eyes squinting shut as Kite used his legs to stop the harsh impact, but not enough for you to not hit the ground and slide off his grip.
Both of you panted slightly at the scare, you look around the close gap area you both where stuck in. Your body was pressing against him as your hands grip on his white sleeves.
"you okay?" He finally breath out in his normal calm town.
"oh yeah totally, that woke me up for sure" you slightly joked, then the situation in hand woke up more in the position you where in. There was little space to move, and if you two wanted to get out it was going to take a while to even squeeze out. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that both his and your hips where press together along with your chest on his upper stomach. His hair was a curtain over you as his hands stranded you from above as he hold into the solid wall of rocks behind you.
It had your face bursting into a blush as you looked away, there was no way you will escape with out making this one awkward, you could feel your excitement growing by within you. Don't think anything dirty don't think anything dirty DON'T THINK ANYTHING DIRTY
"y/n I'm going to try and move too make it easier to get out" he suddenly warn in a quiet tone, his hot breath made you slightly light headed as you let go of his arms.
"uh okay, um uh just be careful..." You whisper out as you hold in a breath. Kite sudden movement had your eyes shutting open as his hips rolled against yours as you tried moving left. Oh fuck, you bite down your lip as he moved again slightly trying to shake his way out which just felt like a way worse idea. Your face felt like it was gonna explode by all the blooding going up, and it was not helping that you were getting hard. Heat was spreading over your body like rapid fire.
"K-kite hold on I don't think this is working-ah fuck" you hand flew over to cover your mouth. Even though it was a quiet moan you knew he heard it, he's hips had thrusted forward while he tried standing straight and you let it slip in mid sentence. Your head was glue down as you looked down at your own hard on, your legs felt weak and the embarrassment made it worse as you look at the tent in your pants. Now you where freaking out as he stop moving, you grossed him out you knew it, he didn't say anything but you knew he was staring down at you. Shame was eating you up as your legs shocked ever so slightly.
"Sorry, sorry I really am! Y-you are just s-so close and you kept moving and my head feels dizzy an-" you suddenly blabber out as you tried arching your back away as your hips moved away from touching his. You didn't even know what you where saying anymore but he's voice cut you off.
"...Did that felt good?..." He breath out, the first time you looked up at him. Only to be greeted with brown eyes looking at you in almost a haze as his pale skin was light pink. Kite's nen could normally warn anyone on how strong he is and scare them away but right now you felt like you were stuck in place as you stare at him. You felt weak on the knees as you slowly now focus how he's breathing was going faster and heavy as he lean closer to you.
"Y/n... I asked a question" he whisper out, and you felt like coming just then and there.
"y-yeah it did.." you breath out in a shaky tone as you didn't look away from him. A small hummed escape him as his hands trail down to your sides and grab you by the hips to pull you against him again. Feeling the friction between both your groins had you almost whimpering as you shut a eye close.
"let me...take care of that then..." he whisper out as his hands on your hips tighten as he's lips meet yours in a desperate sloppy kiss. His nose bumping against yours as he tried pulling you closer, you felt yourself melt into the kiss quicker than you expect, your thoughts going blank just by the fact that Kite was actually even kissing you in the first place. You expect something but definitely not this. It was also clear, he was very inexperienced by how sloppy the kisses where. But right now you didn't care, your hands tangle themselves in his hair. The kisses becoming more desperate and more in sync with both your actions, a light of passion and frustration built from it. Now apparent to you that you weren't the only one with desire for the other.
You let out a small yelp as he pulled you up and rested you against the wall, his thigh between your legs roughly rubbing against both your back and cock had you whimpering again as he pulled away from the kiss. He was staring at you with hungry eyes underneath that hat, his thumb rubbed against your swollen lips.
"y/n...you're such a good boy.." your body arch at his words, his hand trailing down to lift up your shirt and undo your pants so quickly your brain was still processing the heated kiss until you felt long finger rubbed against the tip of your cock.
"k-kite..ah" your hands grip on his shoulders as he planted more kisses on your face and neck side. "So small, I feel like I could break you if i’m too rough" he mumbled out between kisses and nipping. You pouted at this slightly, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer. "T-try me.." you mutter out, there it was. You felt him smile against your skin as his leg moved forward to grind against you as he pulled your pants and underwear down to your ankles. You hold in the breathy moans as he wrap a arm under your bottom to hold you still. Your erection had him humming in your ears as he place a finger on your tip. "You are quite cute like this.." he said to his own amusement, he never imagine seeing you make such expression. He never imagine he would ever get turn on the way he is right now just by a little of foreplay and you cornered.
His slender fingers wrap around you and gave you slow strokes as he planted gentle kisses on ear, he was eating up every little moan that escape you. Pleasure slowly building up on the pit of your stomach. Your voice only seemed to get louder in his ears as he pulled away his hand from your cock, bringing it up to suck two fingers of his. "Quite desperate are you?" He muse as he watch you effortlessly grind your hips up in a haze. So small you practically sit in one of his thighs no effort. You didn't respond as you lean your head against his chest, heavily panting as he lifted you up slightly.
"M-Mmh? What are y-" you caught yourself gasping and gripping on his sweater. He inserted a finger in. Your legs slightly twitching as he pumped it in slowly before putting another on in with easy. "Oh they slip right in, those it hurt y/n?" he mumbled out. "A-ah a bit.." you manage to breath out. A small hum came back as a reply, he kept working his fingers inside you. Twisting and pushing as far his long fingers could reach. It had you moaning and groaning against his sweater as he stretch you out. He quietly observe every little reaction of your body and voice, how you will clench around him when he push far enough, how you where somehow getting wetter as he kept pumping his fingers inside. It had him biting his lower lip in anticipation and trying to look for self-control as he watch you become undone under him. The way your voice kept calling out to him was about to make the man snap.
"k-kite, s-stop" you mewled out in between his fingers harsh harassment. Your eyes watering up slightly as you look up at him, he stop moving. "did I do som-" "no..no just put it in already, the teasing is a pain" you complain as your hands dived down to undo his pants. His protest where quiet down by your lips as soon as he tried stopping you. It was a desperate attempt to get too the point, but also to just quiet his worries away. A low groan escape him as soon he felt your hands against his cock. It was long and big as you expect, the little voices in your head slightly worried on how your small figure was going to take it in. You gave it a few slow pumps which had him hissing as he place his hands against your hips as you position yourself against him.
You shivered at the contact, his hips jerked up to press against you. Self control was slowly slipping out of his mind as he panted against your neck. "S-shit.." you gripped on his shoulder as he place mouth open kisses on your neck. "I'll be gentle.." he whisper out trying to reassure you. His hands slowly brought you down, the stretch slow mix with pain and pleasure. A shaky breath left pass his lips until he bottom out. The whole time you hold in you breath as you tried relaxing around him.
It took a few minutes, the whole time Kite kept placing gentle kisses up to your face trying to calm down both of your nerves. Between each nip of your skin and the feeling of heat invading each area you heard a small praise from him. A low groan escape you as shifted on him. "Y..you can move now" managing to breath out those words his hands grip on your waist again. He slowly pull you up before slamming you back down. Earning both a low moan from both of you. He repeated it, having you slam down on his cock until he had a steady pace as he thrusted into you. Each time earning high moans from you and whimpers as he hit each spot of your walls perfectly.
At this point you both seemed to have forget where you were. Not giving a care at all as he pull you closer to him as your nails dig on his sweater. Bending slightly and changing the angle had him hitting your prostate in the most delicious way possible. It had your eyes rolling back as you shocked on his hold. Your walls clenching around his cock drew a low groan from him as he felt you get close to climax.
"Kite! Oh fuck I'm close- s-so close ah oh god" He pull a hand behind your head as he drew you to another messy kiss. His thrust becoming frantic as he reach down your orgasm. Your body arching and spasing around him as he rode down his own before pulling out. His lips drown out your moans as he came. Your body stay stiff as your cum hit your own stomach. His legs finally give in and slide down with you still in his grasp too sit down. Both of you panted heavily as you lean your head against his chest.
Both of you stood still as you took in what you both just did. His hand drew up to push your sweaty hair off you face. "So....uh is it to late too say I like you now?" You blurt out while smiling up to him. He stare at you before letting out a small laugh as he look to the side. "No Y/n I like you too" he pulled you closer as he place a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help but smile out of relief. “thanks nature for this one right? this took too long” he almost cough up at your words. “Y/n..” 
"great, but how do we get out of here now?"
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amayawolfe · 4 years
HxH OC Fumiko Nakamura Story ~ Ch. 11 - Hisoka and Abaki
My Stories Masterlist  
Word Count: 2921
Warnings: harsh language, bullying, mild violence, blood
   Hearing the name of the resident town bully, you looked up at the boy that was now sitting up in front of you and glaring at you with a look of pure malice.
   "So it is," he snarled at you as he got to his feet. You quickly did the same in a scramble, your eyes locking with his. Upon standing, you noticed that Tsume's two lackeys, Kan and Maro, were here as well. Being large for his age, Tsume was strong in his own right. However, he never liked the idea of a fair fight and always had Kan and Maro in tow to make sure he had the upper hand at all times.
   Spotting two more people out of the corner of your eye, you turned you head ever so slightly to risk a quick glance. You needed to make sure these people weren't also on Tsume's side; because if they were, you would have little choice but to run. Five-to-one was a little more than you wanted to handle at this point in time.
   When you looked over to the boy and girl you quickly realized that these two were complete strangers. And they looked so... different.
   The girl had to be close to your age with warm, caramel brown skin and sparkling violet eyes. Her auburn hair was chopped short all round except for the right side which hung as a braid down to her collar bone. She was lean, but toned, and wore a halter top with intricate designs, harem pants in a color that complimented her top, and slipper like shoes. Shiny metal bracelets adorned her thin wrists, and she wore a fine chain choker as well as multiple earrings in each ear.
   This girl looked so strange to you, but in a beautiful and unique way. Shifting your gaze to the boy, your breath caught in your throat.
   His skin was nearly as pale as fresh fallen snow. His hair, which was longer in the front and sides but shorter in the back, was the same color as the wild raspberries you so often saw growing along the countryside roads and pathways. Appearing to look on the darker shade of red at first until the sunlight showed a hint of pink mixed in. Light colored freckles were splashed across his nose and the apples of his cheeks.
   He wore a simple short sleeved shirt with a card suit spade on it, pants that looked similar to knickerbockers, and the same slipper like shoes as the girl. He was also lean, but taller than the girl and looked to be just a couple years older than you. There were bandages scattered across him; one under his left eye, another his right cheek, even a few on his arms.
   What truly caught your attention the most about the boy was his narrow, amber colored eyes that shown like dark citrine in the light. Although, it wasn't the color of his eyes that caught your attention, it was the swirl of emotions within them.
   At the surface you could see anger and hatred, most likely towards the three creeps in front of you. However, there seemed to be so much more beneath that. It was a look so akin to the very same one you saw in the mirror every day. Sadness, internal struggle, loneliness...
   Suddenly you realized he was looking right back into your eyes with almost as much intensity as you were his. You wanted to look away, but found that you simply couldn't. Your ears and cheeks grew hot and your heart began to flutter like a caged bird.
   "It seems our old local freak has come to help out the new circus freaks," Tsume sneered. The sound of his irritating voice caused you to finally break eye contact with the boy.
   I see, you thought to yourself, so they're from the circus. Well, I guess that explains why I've never seen them before and why they're here.
   "I see you're being your usual jerk self," you said in a cold tone. Your muscles began to twitch and your heart was starting to pick up pace as your intuition told you there was a fight quickly approaching. The darkness inside you stirred in anticipation within it's cage.
   "What the hell did they do to deserve your ugly face to look their way?"
   "Tch," Tsume tsked. He appeared to ignore your insults, however the small twitch in his left eye showed you were making him angrier. "I just wanted to say 'hi' to the pretty girl. And when she ignored me I just tried to get her attention. That's when this pale redheaded freak decided to butt in."
   You glanced at the girl again and saw bruises already starting to form on her upper arm. White hot anger began to spark in your mind and the darkness began to pace within it's cage.
   "What the hell, Tsume?!" you shouted. "Just because your papa is mayor of this place doesn't mean you can go hurting or touching who ever you want!"
   "And who's gonna stop me? Your daddy?" He let out a cruel laugh. "The only thing that bastard is good for is drinking booze and beating the crap out of you. And from the looks of it, he did a pretty decent job of it last night."
   Tsume's goons giggled from behind their boss.
   "Yeah, you tell that freak," Kan jeered.
   You suppressed a growl that was trying to rise from your chest. Narrowing your eyes you snarled at him.
   "Get the hell out of here, Tsume, or else I'm gonna tell your mama how you've been treating girls again." Your gaze shifted to Maro and Kan. "And I'll be sure to mention the two of you to Tsume's mama as well."
   "Bitch, you better not breath a word to my mother, or else-"
   "Or else what, jerk ?" A toothy grin started to spread across your face. Your body began to feel hot and tingly from the sudden surge of adrenaline. "Your weak ass going to attack me again? Didn't learn your lesson not to mess with me after I broke your nose last time?"
   That did it. For the longest time Tsume was usually the one that had won the fights between you and him. But over the last few months, around the same time the darkness had began to emerge within, you had been the one coming out on top causing his hate for you to increase ten fold.
   "Shut the hell up, you stupid freak!" he yelled. Tsume sneered and charged at you, raising his fist up into the air to aim straight at your face.
   From that very moment, everything seemed to slow down. You watched as Tsume moved towards you, your eyes darted this way and that as you quickly picked out all his weak points and flaws. Scenarios quickly flashed and you calculated each best course of action until you came to the best one for the most likely scenario.
   {To slow.~}
   Just as it looked like he was actually going to make contact with your face your hand darted up and snatched his wrist.
 {Break it!}
 Squeezing it until you felt something snap, Tsume cried out in pain. You then pulled him forward while turning to keep his momentum and direction going. Releasing his wrist you continued your turn and swept your leg out to sweep his legs out from under him, causing him to become airborne and land face down onto the ground.
   You now saw that Maro had followed Tsume and was coming straight for you, lowering himself in attempt to tackle your midsection.
   {Crush him!}
   Instinct kicking in, you brought your leg straight up then down when he came into range. The back of your foot connected forcefully with Maro's head bringing him face down right into the dirt. The action instantly rendered Maro unconscious.
   Kan had started his charge just after Maro but skid to a stop just out of your range upon seeing his friends eat dirt. His eyes were wide and he was beginning to tremble.
   With the creepy, manic grin still on your face you tilted your head to one side.
   "You wanna play, Kan?" you giggled.
   Kan frantically shook his head from side to side and took a step back away from you.
   {Little coward...}
   "Aww, that's to bad,~" you pouted. You turned to face Tsume who was still laying on the ground, cradling his now broken wrist. His eyes grew wide and shone with fear and hatred as you approached him and squat down next time him.
   "You see, Tsume, you weren't wrong with what you said about my papa. However," you leaned forward menacingly, "you forgot to mention he's the best damn fighter in this area. And when you're his punching bag on as often as I am you tend to pick up a thing or two."
   Tsume snarled and spit a large, snotty loogie at your face. The projectile hit you right between the eyes and immediately started running down the side of your nose. Rearing back in disgust your hand shot up in desperate attempt to scrub the mucus off your face as quickly as possible. The action causes you to apply to much pressure to your already damaged nose and bursts of light span across your field of vision when a white hot pain shoots through your nose.
   Seeing his chance, Tsume swung a leg forward and kicked your own legs out from underneath you. The unexpected move causes you to land hard on your back, knocking the breath out of your lungs and leaving you gasping for air in a mild state of shock.
   "Get her now, Kan!" commanded Tsume.
   Kan, having seen you go down and Tsume seemingly regaining control of the situation, bolts forward to deliver a running kick to your vulnerable open side. But before Kan can deliver the blow, the red head boy charges forward and shoulder checks him hard sending Kan landing right on top of Tsume.
   "My my,~ ♦" the young man teased, an amused grin spread across his lips, "How rude, you seemed to have forgotten my friend and I have been here this whole time.~ ♠"
   The girl stepped up beside her companion with her hands balled into fists. A fire now burned in her violet eyes causing them to shine with ferocity. As you slowly climbed to your feet the girl took a fighting stance and glared down at your assailants.
   "You're out matched now, I suggest you take your friend and leave!"
   Kan had been stunned from the red headed boy's attack and was feebly moving around on the ground as Tsume had managed to push Kan off of him. Maro was still mostly unconscious, only barely showing he was coming back around with a few twitches of his limbs. Tsume himself was injured and had yet to even get back up on his feet.
   He glanced around and saw that the girl was right, there was no way he was going to be able to win this fight. Tusme gave Kan a rude shove.    "Get up, idiot," he spat his orders angrily, "Help me get Maro and let's get the hell out of here."
   The two bullies shakily got to their feet and collected their friend. Tsume was careful to hold his broken wrist close to his chest in attempt to keep it as stable as possible. Maro groaned as he was brought to his own feet. His head rolled to one side revealing his dirty scrapped up face. Blood was slowly oozing from his nose and one eye didn't seem to want to open all the way.
   "Did- Did we win, boss?" Maro mumbled aloud, still relatively stunned from his harsh impact with the ground. Tsume sneered.
   "Just shut up," he turned his angry hate filled gaze towards you. "This isn't over, freaks. I'll take care of you myself. Just wait."
   "Tch, what ever, asshole," you sneered, "Get the hell out of here."
   The three stumbled down the street, around a corner and out of sight.
   "Hmmm,~ ♣" the boy hummed aloud as his amber eyes hovered over where the trio bullies disappeared, "Why is it that simpletons such as them make such cliché statements? ♠"
   You hadn't heard the boy's comments as you were to focused on watching Tsume and his gang. Just as they disappeared from sight you suddenly became light headed and the world spun around you. Without warning, your knees grew weak and buckled beneath you. Luckily, the strangers had been close enough to you to catch you before you hit the ground.
   "Whoa! Hey! Are you alright?! Your nose is bleeding!" the girl cried out. She reached into her pocket, pulled out a clean hanker chief and gently held it up to your nose. "Do you think we should take her to see someone?"
   The boy leaned closer to your face and looked you over carefully. You swallowed hard as you felt your heart begin to flutter again while those eyes looked over your facial features so closely.
   "That's strange, I didn't even see her get hit.~ ♣"
   "That other boy said something about her dad hurting her... Do you think you should get her to the town doctor?"
   "It probably wouldn't be a bad idea. ♣ But first,~" his eyes moved to yours, grabbing as much attention as you could possibly focus in on him while the world swam and danced around you, "you really should tighten up your ten. If you keep letting that much aura slip away you'll pass out.~ ♠"
   You groggily narrowed your eyes at the boy in confusion.
   "Let what slip away? And, ten what?"
   The boys eyes flew open in surprise. He and his friend exchanged looks then he looked back down at you.
   "You mean to tell me you've been using nen and you didn't even know it? ♦"
   You could feel a look of complete confusion take over the entirety of your face. You blink several times, trying to understand through the foggy state of your brain just what this boy was talking about. Looking over at his friend you shook you head a little.
   "What is he talking about?"
   The girl had a look of surprise as well.
   "Uh, n-never mind that for now. "She licked her lips as she tried to think of something. A thought seemed to cross her mind. "Just, what do you normally do after something like this? You know, to calm down and help focus yourself?"
   "Uuhhh," you thought for a moment as you processed what she was asking you, "I usually feel so tired and dizzy after a fight; but, once I just breathe, and force myself to relax, I feel a lot better."
   "Okay, just go ahead and do that then. We'll stay here with you until you can get on your feet.~ ♥"
   The combination of the strangers' concern and kind words brought a warm smile to your face. You honestly could not recall the last time people besides your younger sisters having been this nice to you. And you honestly couldn't recall kids your age being this kind.
   You closed your eyes and focused inward. Taking slow, deep breaths through your mouth since you nose was clogged with blood. You focus on your heart rate and gently encouraged it to return to a steady rhythm. After a couple minutes your head began to clear and the world around you began to settle.
   Opening your eyes you saw that the boy and girl were watching you carefully and almost with awe. You felt your cheeks and ears grow a little hot. You looked down at the ground and found that you couldn't stop smiling.
   "Thanks, I'm feeling better now." You start to get to your feet and they didn't even hesitate to help you. They even each hold onto an arm until they are sure your steady on your feet.
   "Really, I'm fine," you assured them while still holding the now bloodied handkerchief to your nose. "But, I really do appreciate it."
   "It's our pleasure,~ ♥" the boy replied. "It's the least we could do for our rescuing heroine.~ ♦"
   You could feel the heat on your face spread and you just knew it was turning a bright red.
   "Is your nose going to be okay? It's still bleeding," the girl asked. "I'm assuming there is a town doctor?" You nodded a response. "We'll walk there with you. To be honest, we needed to go their ourselves to get some supplies for our troupe."
   "Alright, it's this way," you turn and start to head in the opposite direction Tsume and his friends went. The boy and girl quickly fall into step on each side of you.
   "By the way," the girl said cheerfully, "my name is Abaki!"
   "And my name is Hisoka,~ ♥" the boy added with a warm smile. You couldn't help but smile back as a warm, fuzzy feeling spread through your chest and stomach.
   "It's really nice to meet the both of you! Despite the circumstances," you added with a laugh, "Oh, and my name is Sadashi!"
   "Well, Sadashi, it's an absolute pleasure to meet you as well.~ ♥" Hisoka cooed.
   "Cool the charm, Hisoka, or else you're going to embarrass the poor girl," Abaki laughed. It was a bit late for that, you honestly didn't believe your face and ears could get any redder.
Next Chapter: Ch. 12 - ??? (TBA)
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648-649: "Making a Sortie! The Legendary Hero Usoland!" and "The Fierce Battle Coming to the End! Lucy vs Chinjao!"
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*looks into the camera like in The Office*
The fight between Luffy and Don Chinjao is finally over! I think after what happened, Luffy might have found a new friend. Law also made a stressful phone call to The Krusty Krab Sunny and ordered delivery of one ship to Green Bit.
Zoro and Franky have teamed up with Sol at Resistance HQ in Flower Field, and if Usopp keeps perpetuating his fantastic bullshit, the entire Strawhat crew will be elevated to God status in the Tontatta tribe.
Slightly worried about Law and the Strawhats stuck on Sunny but I’m seventy percent certain they will pull through and won’t be captured by any Donquixote family affiliates. (The thirty percent left over remains a huge, nagging doubt.)
Luffy’s Tough Love Fight Therapy
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The Colosseum showdown between Luffy and Don Chinjao picked up at the start of episode 649.
The action was fast and furious. Luffy pulled out all his quick moves: jet pistol, jet gatling, jet stamp gatling. All defended against by Chinjao. The crowd went wild. It was one of the greatest matches the Colosseum had ever seen! Some cheered for Lucy. Others cheered for Chinjao. The atmosphere was electric.
“You’re quite a fighter,” Don Chinjao said.
“Yeah, you’re strong too, as I thought,” Luffy answered. You know. Being honest as he is.
Don Chinjao totally overreacted. “WHAT U SAY? STRONG? U TRYIN TO INSULT MEH??”
Luffy was, quite rightly, bewildered. “Wtf, all I said was that you’re strong?”
Apparently, this was a grave insult to Don Chinjao. A huge kick in the ego. Chinjao had been much stronger before.
“I’m no better than a wolf without its fangs now. A skin-headed man without his drill. A brat like you can’t understand how miserable I feel living my life like this. I’m frustrated, disappointed and sad. But you can never understand.”
I laughed when Luffy yelled, “How can I understand? You keep messing with me without explaining anything!” (He’s just saying what we were all thinking, right?)
“You really want to know why I’ve become like this?”
“No, I’m not that interested.” (Lmao! We meet again, harsh Luffy.)
“Well, I’ll tell you before you die, since you insist.” 
Don Chinjao is one of those old dudes that is TELLING you that long and rambling story even though you have showed zero interest and have been glancing at your watch for the past half hour.
Suddenly, Luffy the Fight Therapist was unwilling and open for business.
According to Chinjao, Garp punched his head in thirty years ago. Literally. As in Don Chinjao once looked like Dan Akroyd from 90s sci-fi comedy, Coneheads. 
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That was until his resplendent, pointy napper met Garp’s fist.
The whole flashback was hilariously weird. Turns out Chinjao’s drill-like bonce was the only means to access his remote family treasure vault under an ice sheet. Once Garp took away the key, Chinjao fell into a deep depression. Heartbroken, he retired from piracy, a lifeless shell, just idling away time.
That was kind of sad. I felt for Chinjao then. He’s like the model of the old, proud working man who suffers a physical injury, can no longer work and slips into anger and depression. Since Chinjao knows and values nothing but strength, wealth and power, he cannot and will not see another way forward. Unlike Luffy, Don Chinjao got his ass beat and never found the strength to crawl out of the gutter and retrain.
Instead, he decided to lay the blame for his misfortune squarely at Luffy’s feet.
Luffy, naturally, was outraged. “Wtf are you talking about? Grandpa and I are different people. Look, mate. I’m busy. I’m gonna win Ace’s fruit at any cost and become the Pirate King. I have no time to be your therapist.”
Then Chinjao made two Big Mistakes.
Wow, Chinjao has Really Specific Taste
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Mistake #1?
Chinjao laughed off Luffy’s chances at becoming Pirate King. The reason was typical crotchety old man talk: “the media lionised you worst generation squirts and it emboldened you. But none of you are strong enough to sail across the sea *we* fought on. After Whitebeard’s death, I ain’t expecting much. The only guy who looks good is Blackbeard Teach.”
At the mere mention of Teach, Luffy’s eyes became two circles.
“If I had to pick one, it’s him. But anyway, if you’re only good enough to compete against me, just give up!”
Oh, Chinjao, I thought. Ohhhhhhhh, you just goofed. You goofed big time. You do not mention Teach in a positive light within Luffy’s earshot. You just do not. Teach was the asshole who captured Ace and handed him to the Marines. He shares Public Enemy Number One status with Akainu. Tell Luffy you believe Teach will become Pirate King and your fate is sealed.
Mistake #2?
Chinjao’s fighting style is kinda lame. People who spin during fights in shounen anime are always fodder (the one that sticks out is that spinning top guy in the HxH Heaven’s Arena arc.) This was not his mistake. It’s just a side thought.
The Teach comment pushed Luffy’s buttons. But what Chinjao said next was even worse.
“You’re not too bad but if a guy like Rayleigh chose a brat at this level as the flag bearer for this generation, he’s not as smart as he used to be. The Marines were smart when they squelched the most evil one of the lot: Ace. That man had demon’s blood in his veins. Do you think you can beat the Marine admirals, the Yonkou and surpass Roger? That’s impossible!”
Demon’s blood? Most evil one of the lot?
*cue Kill Bill red-mist music*
“Stop whining over one punch!” Luffy yelled, as he wound up a Thor Elephant Gun attack. “I can’t count how many times I got punched by Grandpa!”
When the attack connected and that spike popped back out of Chinjao’s head, I laughed like a drain. Luffy hit Chinjao so hard, he turned the clock back thirty years.
I’m sure Chinjao will be ecstatic. Take the L with good grace, mate. Your conehead is back! Go and wreak havoc on the high seas again. Recoup that treasure. The world is your oyster!
Up on the balcony, Bartolomeo still has not revealed his connection with Luffy. Cavendish is still throwing a strop. Bellamy is lurking in the shadows, clearly in two minds about his new assassination mission. And Burgess, thanks to Cavendish and his big mouth, knows that Luffy is Lucy.
Thanks, Cavendish.
(And Burgess really does walk around chortling and flexing all the time. He’s like an evil All Might.)
Thus the Legendary Heroes of Green Bit were Born
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This cast reunion based on Usopp’s total bullshit was so much fun.
I loved Usopp and Robin’s expressions when the Tontatta took them to their airport. They were starry-eyed. And so they should’ve been. It was a miniature version of a proper, fully-equipped modern airport. I wouldn’t be surprised if the place had Duty Free, passport control and Starbucks concessions.
But it was not a holiday destination Usopp and Robin were flying out to. The entire airport had been overtaken by a military operation. Cub, the yellow bee squad leader, and Bian, the pink bee squad leader, reported for duty. Usopp picked up the bee planes and kept saying, “I wanna show this to Luffy.” (They are such good pals, it warms my heart.)
Unfortunately, Usopp and Robin were too big to travel by bee plane, so they had to take the local number 20 bus to Dressrosa. The buses were cute, vulpix-like foxes with huge, fluffy tails you can sink right into for a comfortable ride.
While they made their way through the tunnel, Master Roshi - the pervy little Tontatta chief - emerged from Robin’s cleavage. He bore dire warnings. “I should tell you because you will risk your lives for our cause.”
Usopp was thinking, “I ain’t gonna die for you but go on...”
“Doflamingo has been causing our tribe a lot of pain recently, but our connection with him goes way back before the last decade. Nine hundred years ago!”
Then the narrator interrupted and I was like, “So you’re just going to leave it there when I was about to get Doflamingo family history? I am not at all mad about this. No, sir. Not one bit.”
The action cut to Flower Field, where Franky and Sol descended a secret stairwell. Said stairwell led to the Resistance Army HQ! Some soldiers ran up to Sol and addressed him as “Captain”, so Sol is a Big Deal in the Resistance.
Franky was like, “Why are all these small people swarming me?”
Sol explained. The Tontatta people were called fairies in town, how they moved faster than the human eye could detect and how they were immensely strong. Franky put two and two together and realised one of them stole Zoro’s sword!
And guess who reached Flower Field before Franky? Before any of the other Strawhats!
That’s right. It’s our boy Zoro. (So proud he learned to follow directions.)
Zoro, hilariously, had made himself at home and was watching Luffy vs Chinjao on the big screen TV. He was absolutely fuming. Why hadn’t Luffy told him there was a fighting competition? THE BETRAYAL. Will he get over it? Probably.
He must’ve been distracted by the fight, as he completely forgot 
Then some intelligence scouts ran up. They had a report for Sol. “We already know what our enemies and Sugar are doing!” (Sugar? Who dat?) “And with the battle close at hand, some legendary heroes have appeared at Tontatta: Usoland and Robiland. They have brought with them Luffyland, Zoroland, Namiland, Sanland, Chopperland, Fraland and Boneland.”
Franky and Zoro exchanged a Look. They knew instantly Usopp was on the bullshit wagon again.
“Um, I think I’m Zoroland,” Zoro said. (Lmao, better get into character quick.)
“And I’m Fraland. Nice to meet you!” Franky added.
It was round about then that Zoro remembered that Nami, Chopper and Brook were in serious trouble back on Sunny. He now wants to skip the battle (he doesn’t yet know about) and rescue the other Strawhats.
I wonder how this will go? Wicka did say she would let Zoro go back to Sunny once he’d taken her back to Resistance HQ. But Leo and the others back on Green Bit were suspicious of Robin and Usopp escaping. Will they let Zoro go or will he have to fight the battle first? Hmmm... I’m fifty/fifty about this.
God damn it, Caesar
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*curb your enthusiasm music kicks in*
Meanwhile, back on Green Bit, Law was under heavy bombardment. Fujitora took a step back in this episode and Doflamingo stole the limelight. The cool music from Enies Lobby (as I call it in my head. I have no idea what the real title is) played as Doflamingo pursued Law. 
As Doflamingo was about to land a finishing blow, Caesar shrieked, “OI, JOKER! Before you kill Law, I need you to take something back for me. Law took my heart and I don’t know what he’s gonna do with it!”
Doflamingo looked round like, “Wtf... are you talking about?” And while he was distracted, Law shambled his way out of trouble.
Doflamingo was furious. FFS, CAESAR. I bet he wanted to say that but couldn’t. Gotta keep your cash cow scientist happy..
Please send help. Our art teacher has locked us in class.
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Unfortunately, Law didn’t have time for a breather. He had an urgent phone call to make.
While Nami, Chopper and Brook were brought up to speed on the Humans Turning Into Toys situation by Giolla, the ship’s DDM rang. Chopper hilariously ignored Giolla and answered the call (she was maaaaad).
It was Law. He said, “Is that Nami-san?”
To my disappointment, Chopper did not answer, “No, this is Patrick.”
“I don’t care what’s going on over there,” Law said. “Listen carefully. I need you to sail Sunny to Green Bit right now. I wanna leave Caesar with you guys. No time to explain. Bye!”
Okay, so I added in the “bye” part. Law abruptly hung up.
I like how he has faith that Nami, Chopper and Brook will be able to handle the situation, but their weapons have been rendered usless by Giolla’s Art Art Fruit power. I have no idea how they’re going to get out of this one (and I’m keen to see Oda’s creative solution).
The shitshow that is Law’s current existence continued once he hung up. Doflamingo is Doflamingo. He caught up with Law again near the end of episode 648. With that slasher smile, he shot Law with a string bullet and demanded to know who Law had called for help.
Doflamingo must be confident he has Law where he wants him because he spilled the beans on his diabolical plan to snare Luffy. “Give me back Caesar’s heart already. It’s so meaningless for you to keep hanging on here. Strawhat has already walked into the trap I set. He’s fighting in the gladiatorial contest at the Colosseum. Tough contenders from all over the world come to fight in it. Outlaws only. It’s a deadly competition. When someone loses, it’s a one way ticket to hell! He will never come out of the Colosseum alive! It’s the end of your alliance, Law. Just give up!”
I wonder if Law will use the heart as leverage. Maybe he’ll give up Caesar’s heart to escape, regroup and stop Doflamingo the old-fashioned way: with Tontatta military might. (Doflamingo better not kill him off...)
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Don’t worry, Chinjao. Luffy will beat you until you feel better! :D
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starship-squidlet · 5 years
i like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.
Description: Leopika fluff, inspired by the song ‘I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it’ by The 1975.
A/N: So, I guess I'm getting back to my roots here by posting HxH fic again, considering it's how I got my start writing... Anyways, I've been rewatching Hunter X Hunter at the behest of one of the guys I work with, and basically it just feels like I'm in middle school discovering my favorite anime all over again and it's great. So have some Leopika fluff/angst (mostly fluff I promise) to celebrate! Also, I actually reread and edited this chapter, which I NEVER EVER do, if that tells you how I feel about this.
Disclaimer: I don't own Leorio or Kurapika, but I do own this story!!! Cross-posting to FF.net and Ao3 under ChocolatteKitty-Kat and to tumblr as maliciousbubbl3s.
(Word count: 1,499)
Leorio yawned and shifted slightly. He cracked one eye open to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand next two him. 3:34 AM glowed bright red in the dark of the room. Past the red gleam of the clock face, he could make out the shape of a large window, covered only by thin curtains, the streetlamps outside shining bright through the light fabric. There wasn’t much else in the room; Leorio knew the contents by heart. One bed, two nightstands, one wardrobe, one chair. Simple.
Outside, despite the hour, he could hear the sounds of city traffic. Nothing like it was during the day, to be clear--only the occasional vehicle passed the window--but there was still a steady flow to it. Behind him, Leorio could hear faint music playing. If he held his breath between the cars passing outside, he could even hear the soft breathing of the bed’s other occupant. He risked a glance over his shoulder, moving as little as possible.
Kurapika was curled up on his side, back pressed against Leorio’s. His legs were drawn up nearly to his chest, feet tucked under Leorio’s legs--honestly, if his feet are always so cold, why doesn’t he just wear socks to bed? Leorio grumbled internally--and his arms pulled in tight to his torso. Leorio moved further, trying to glimpse his partner’s face, before he finally gave up and turned over. He reached out and gently brushed shaggy blond hair away from Kurapika’s face, which was half buried in his pillow. The smaller man’s eyes were squeezed shut, and Leorio could tell that he was clenching his jaw. Leorio watched the rise and fall of his chest and noticed how rapid and shallow his breathing was.
With a sigh, Leorio settled back down, wrapping an arm around Kurapika’s torso to pull him up against his stomach. Kurapika let out a soft sound of protest, somewhere between a grunt and a grumble, but pressed himself back against Leorio. Leorio brushed a hand over Kurapika’s face, pushing his hair back out of the way, then reached down for one of Kurapika’s hands. He found both of the latter’s hands balled into tight fists and set at gently prying them open. It wasn’t actually hard to do, now that Kurapika had begun to relax, and once he was done, Leorio interlaced his fingers with Kurapika’s. A glance over his shoulder at the alarm clock showed that the time was now 4:02 AM; Leorio glared at the clock, but sighed and closed his eyes, hoping for sleep.
Less than two hours after he had fallen asleep, Leorio was awoken by the loud, incessant wail of the alarm clock, letting him know that it was already 6:00 in the morning. Groaning in protest, he rolled over and slapped in the vague direction of the alarm clock’s off button, finding it after only a few smacks. When the sound stopped, Leorio rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, relishing in the “quiet”--because the early morning traffic sounds and Kurapika’s soft music were practically silent compared to the scream of the alarm.
Finally, he groaned and sat up, moving carefully in an attempt not to jostle his partner, who, by some miracle, was apparently still asleep. Leorio left the lights off as he shuffled around, changing into his slacks and shirt before slipping into the tiny bathroom to brush his teeth. As he did so, he peered back into the bedroom and sighed in relief. Kurapika was still curled up in bed, although he had moved enough to pull all of the blankets around himself once Leorio got up. He looked more relaxed than he had in the night, for which Leorio was thankful. He didn’t ask about Kurapika’s nightmares, and Kurapika generally didn’t volunteer information on them, but Leorio, now that he knew what to watch for, did everything he could to calm the panic that tended to rise in his partner, even while sleeping.
Once he was finished in the bathroom, Leorio flicked the light off and slipped out into the main room of the apartment. It wasn’t much bigger than the bedroom, and was just as sparsely furnished--only a couch, coffee table, armchair, and small TV stand occupied the living area, and a tiny table with three mismatched chairs was shoved up against the blank wall in the kitchen area. Leorio turned on the light in the kitchen and set about making himself breakfast, keeping an eye on the time. When he finished, he turned around for the table, plate of eggs in one hand and coffee cup in the other, and had to stifle a shriek, barely catching himself before he dropped his breakfast on the floor.
“I thought you were sleeping,” Leorio grumbled, setting his food on the table.
Kurapika yawned and sat down across from him. He wore a t-shirt that was almost definitely one of Leorio’s--given how big it was on him--and a pair of loose joggers, and was shivering in the morning chill. “You make too much noise,” he shrugged, running his fingers through his messy hair.
“You slept through my alarm, but not through me making breakfast?” Leorio glared at the blond as he shoveled food into his mouth.
Kurapika paused. “Your alarm went off?”
Leorio rolled his eyes. “How is it that sometimes you sleep like a rock, and other times you wake up at the tiniest sound?”
Kurapika shrugged. “Is there more coffee?”
“Yes,” Leorio sighed, nodding back towards the coffee maker on the counter. “But you should really go back to bed. You were late last night. Do you have to go back to work today?”
Kurapika shook his head as he poured himself a cup of coffee. “I have the day off.”
“Finally,” Leorio teased. He finished off his eggs and chugged the last of his coffee, scalding the roof of his mouth in the process. He slipped past Kurapika--who was now, for some reason, perched on the counter next to the coffee maker--to put his dishes in the sink, and hurried back into the bedroom for his shoes, tie, and blazer. “So, you’ll be here when I get home?”
Kurapika took a sip of his coffee, looking thoughtful. “I guess,” he said finally. “I don’t really have anything better to do.”
“Thanks,” Leorio glared at him, pulling his jacket on.
“Come here,” Kurapika sighed, setting his coffee aside and reaching out for Leorio. When the taller man approached, Kurapika grabbed his tie to pull him close and adjusted it, then checked to make sure Leorio’s collar was folded down properly. “There.”
“Thanks,” Leorio grinned. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Kurapika’s forehead. “I’ll see you later?”
“Yes,” Kurapika chuckled, giving Leorio’s tie a final tug before releasing it.
“Good,” Leorio beamed. He hurried to grab his briefcase and opened the door. He took one step into the hall, then leaned back into the apartment. “Hey!”
Kurapika whipped around to face him. “What?”
“Get some rest!”
Kurapika grinned. “Doctor’s orders?”
“You bet,” Leorio winked. “See you later.”
When Leorio got home that night, he found the TV on, but the lights in the living room off. He shut the door quietly and slipped off his shoes, laying his briefcase and blazer on the kitchen counter before flicking the kitchen light on. He tip-toed over to the couch and peered over the back of it. Sure enough, Kurapika was curled up there, sound asleep, bundled up in a heavy blanket. Leorio smiled softly and brushed blond hair out of his partner’s face, using the motion to check Kurapika’s temperature as well. Satisfied that he didn’t seem to be running a fever, Leorio moved around the couch and picked the TV remote up off the table, flipping through the channels in search of something interesting to watch--Kurapika had left an infomercial channel on when he fell asleep. Once he found something, he sat down on the end of the couch, lifting Kurapika’s legs out of the way and placing them on his lap after he situated himself.
Almost an hour later, Leorio was starting to drift off himself when Kurapika finally began to stir. “Morning, sleepyhead,” Leorio teased.
Kurapika sat up and yawned widely, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it?”
“Nearly 8:30,” Leorio said.
“Seriously!?” Kurapika started. “I slept almost all day!”
Leorio laughed. “Your body must have needed the rest. I told you--you need to take it easy sometimes. You can’t always go at full throttle.”
Kurapika sighed and pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his head on the back of the couch. “Sometimes it feels like I can’t help it.”
“I know,” Leorio said softly, reaching out to rest his hand on Kurapika’s knee. “That’s why you have me. To remind you to slow down, and help you do it.”
Kurapika cracked a smile. “I guess you’re right.”
“You know I am!” Leorio grinned. “Now… what’s for dinner?”
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neioo · 6 years
Fanfic Rec! ( • ω • ) 
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Rules I’m constraining myself to: I’ve either had to read the fic more than three times and/or have thought about it years in the future. (This means I’ll have to leave out some other fics I really enjoyed reading and thought were well written) 
A bunch of different fandoms will be under the cut! (as I expose what I ship across the board too lol)
We’ll Meet Again by George deValier (usuk) (complete)
This is the first fic of george’s that I read, and I’ve read it multiple times, and it’s been integral in my shaping of characterizations within my own hetalia fics. I could include all of his works, but this one stands out the most. I also listen to the vera verse songs and get extremely nostalgic, so there’s that
WW2 AU. London pub owner Arthur Kirkland is driven to distraction by loud, brash American fighter pilot Alfred Jones. Unable to stop it, Arthur finds himself falling for Alfred’s charms… just as the pilot is preparing to leave for war.
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue… by anonymous (pruaus) (unfinished)
This fic is odd in the sense that I found it while suddenly getting on a pruaus kick, during which I followed a bunch of pruaus people on tumblr. Eventually, I would find out years later that I was going to the same college as one of these people and become friends with them. So not only does this fic have a nostalgic tie to it, I find the story brilliantly written with wonderful characterization, though it is in a weird format.
Inspired by the film 500 Days of Summer, I’d really like to see a couple meet and fall in love, but eventually one (or both) ends the relationship because they realise it’s not working/they can’t imagine spending their whole life with this person/what have you. I’d really love to see how the relationship develops, with the happy times and the eventual bad times as it falls apart, and then the hope of finding love elsewhere.
Redeemer by CocoaCoveredGods (L x Light, Mello x Matt, Mello x Light) (complete)
I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found this fic after 6 or so years. I can’t tell you how nostalgic is makes me for my death note phase, remember when I would read this in my mom’s office, minimizing the fic on a laptop I hope she never checked. The writing is phenomenal. The format on this site is wonky, but doable to read. (I’m even reformatting it myself right now). It’s mostly everything I could have wanted in a death note fic; it even inspired my own very complex death note AU back in the day. In some alternate reality, I wrote that instead of AWH. I plan to maybe make a personal paper copy for myself of this fic I love it so much. It is on the level of George’s stuff on how much it means to me.
The story takes place *after* Death Note ends, although the main characters have not died. Here the Yellowbox Warehouse is essentially the pinnacle of L's 6-year long offensive against Kira, who believes L to be dead, when he really isn't. L faked his death, and proceeded with the case behind the cover of his three top heirs, Mello, Matt and Near. Kira himself doesn't succumb to his defeat, but is instead rescued at the last moment by his nemesis lover who decides that a more apropos end to the God of the New World is not death--but redemption, in the form of a new case and a 5th so-called Kira, that L and Light must bring down together... or risk losing everything. Yes, there is actually a plot LOL Buuuut, this puppy has yaoi and pairing's aplenty. LxLight and MelloxMatt are technically the mains, but when you cut straight down to it, this is a story about Light and Mello and how they go from hate to need, from enemies to lovers, and maybe even something more...
and indeed there will be time --orginally by lawlietismyfavorite, but they have since deleted their account :’( (the fic is still on AO3, though!) (L x Light) (unfinished)
I love death note, okay? After the beautiful live action series came out (the recent japanese one not that fucking netflix shit), I felt the need to read some fanfic of the series again, and I found this. HOLY SHIT. It’s a soulmate AU that goes through the plot line of the manga/show and fuck. Light is Ace?? The writing is so good?? 
L is the greatest detective of not only this century, but of six centuries. And then there’s Light.
Between the Lines by Klitch (Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki) (complete)
I’ve read this fic about 5 times and have accepted it as canon for this stupid show
The first time Yata saw him the kid was sitting in the corner of the cafeteria all alone with his bought lunch spread out before him, painstakingly picking out the vegetables and stacking them according to color and size.
Picking up the Pieces by SilverThunder (Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki) (complete)
I really like K. It’s a weird show, and it has copious faults. Maybe I just really like that the characters have so much potential, and this fic (as well as the one above) truly expands on that potential. This fic is an excellent exploration of these two character’s relationships, there’s just the right amount of angst. I’ve read it multiple times.
A whole year, gone from his head just like that - and how many memories could you fit in that time, anyway? It wasn’t a question Yata thought he’d ever have to ask, but with so many things changed between Saruhiko and himself, he wasn’t about to leave it alone.
It just sucked that the new world they’d built was still so easy to break.
to be first, to be best by kittebasu (chanyeol) (iwaoi) (complete)
haikyuu!! is odd for me because I don’t care about it anymore, but I really like this fic, and I’ve read it about 5 times. The characterization is on point, and the story is extremely well written.
Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks“I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren’t I?”
Cat's Cradle by evocates (Fujioka Haruhi/Ootori Kyouya/Suoh Tamaki) (complete)
every new years eve, since 2011, my brother and I have watched Ouran High School Host Club. for the past 4 years, I have read and re-read this fic without fail in the days after
Kyouya had been able to see the red threads between people’s fingers since the day he was born. A song of fate, and the breaking of. Tamaki was a man who could never be predictable. Vague spoilers up to Chapter 63.
"Relationship Stuff" by arokitty, Ponderess (shinara) (complete)
This fic helped me realize I was asexual. It’s beautifully written.
"Relationship stuff" — that's what Yasutomo kept calling it on the occasions we discussed how things were going between us. He never failed to say it dismissively, as if it was an annoying plague he was forced to put up with. But even when I told him that he could opt out of it at any time, he did not pull back.
[lithromantic asexual Shinkai, aromantic asexual Arakita, quasiplatonic Shinara]
You Really Ought To Know by isengard (midotaka) (complete)
I really like this ship, and out of all the fics I’ve read of it, this is the one I adore the most (obviously enough to read it three times)
The Fates have an important message for Takao Kazunari.
A Gradual Fall by grassandcitrus (originshipping) (complete)
This maybe isn’t the best written fic, but it has a lot of heart, and for a ship that there is little content for, this fic served me well. It’s hard to write a realistic pokemon AU, but this feels grounded. For whatever reason, this ship still means a lot to me, so when I get in the mood for it, I’ll re-read this fic.
Meeting Wallace turned out to be a life changing event for Steven. He realizes that pretty early on. Other things, however, come with time.
The Punchline and the Resulting Silence by youremyqueen (thiefshipping) (complete)
from the author: “so i went ahead and wrote ygotas fic because, hell, if LK can record videos in which he vocally flirts with himself while playing video games, and then write gay porn about it, I sure as hell can write gay porn about it too.” yeah. 
In which Marik destroys many household appliances, Bakura naps doggedly, and they sometimes pretend - with very little success - not to be in love. (YGOTAS, thiefshipping. ridiculousness meets poeticism meets more ridiculousness.)
Six Days As Boyfriends by sitabethel (thiefshipping) (complete)
I just really like this ship and I have since I was a 14 don’t @me
In order to avoid talks of arranged marriage, Marik convinces Bakura to trick Ishizu into thinking that they're in love.
The Longest Job & The Smallest Favor by emanthony (hisoillu) (complete)
everyone in like march-ish of 2018: omg in the new update of hxh illumi says that he and hisoka are engaged!
me having watched 10 episodes of hxh 4 years ago and having a faint idea of the series: who?
me: *looks up fanfics of them*
me: *finds these two*
me: *proceeds to read them 15 times and gets obsessed with the ship*
Illumi is forced out of the Zoldyck estate and seeks a living arrangement with an associate. He's not altogether pleased with it.
Hisoka is a floor master at Heaven's Arena and has the unexpected pleasure of spending time with one of his oldest acquaintances. He doesn't share Illumi's frustrations.
A sequel to the Longest Job, another HisoIllu fanfiction.
Hisoka and Illumi have been living together for six months now without much trouble. But when Illumi's youngest brother goes missing, Hisoka manages to make the situation just a bit too complicated and much more fun.
Lessons in Etiquette by KnockKnockBadminton (promtis) (complete)
I knew nothing about this video game but for whatever reason decided to look up fanfic for it after seeing some fanart, and then because this one was so well written, I, again knowing absolutely knowing about this video game or the series it’s a part of, binged the entire 164k fic in like two days. I’ve also re-read it and convinced my brother to buy the video game as a result. He refers to them as the “leather boy band” and sends me updates about his play through lmao
Begins in high school. From Prompto's desire to befriend the sullen, bullied prince blooms a relationship even the Astrals themselves could not have foreseen. Basically fills in the gaps from Brotherhood to the fall of Insomnia. Some liberties taken.
say it like you mean it by spaceburgers (takuleo) (complete)
Ever since playing the video game, I loved the dynamic between these two characters, and this fic is a wonderfully crafted and fun to read AU staring both of them.
Wherein Leo is a transfer student, Takumi is overly competitive, and they're doing Romeo and Juliet (but not as the titular roles).
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allbluesanji · 3 years
🌻I have a few favs drama - girl from nowhere, a tale of thousand stars, cherry magic and nirvana in fire.
Oohh so many series and most I never heard of 😅 I did read I'll give you the sun and a few chapters of the raven cycles and six of crows but I couldn't get into it. I want to pick it up again but still haven't find the time to.
Also, s2 tgcf teaser!! 👀👀 there a few changes in hua cheng's design and he looks so good 🥰🥰 I hope they animated the gambling den scene because that my favourite scene from the book.
Another question time! an anime you will never watch no matter how many people recommend it and any favs anime op/ed?
excellent!!! ohh i've been meaning to watch cherry magic! it looks so cute :D
sahfbskg it may have been an excessive list tbh. i do hope you find some books you like though!!
yessssss i saw!!!!! i saw gifs first and my jaw dropped to the fucking floor. obviously he has to be h o t a s h e l l but holy shit!!!(/▽\*)。o○♡ you know that one line— one of xie lian's many (many) thirsty thoughts about his future husband— 'you can't make an emperor look like a peasant even if you dress him like one' type thing??? yeah. yeah. the animators know what they're about 10000% and i am here for it!!!!! and xie lian's awestruck voice softly going 'san lang' A H H H H
the gambling den scene is soooooooo good and iconic and maybe the flirtiest thing i've ever read in my whole life!!!! 'let's just hold hands together while i show you how to roll dice, gege' 'in front of nearly my entire body of constituents and like three heavenly officials' (you know sqx was having the time of their life hahahahhaha) and meanwhile xl is internally freaking out the whole time bc hua cheng is so absurdly attractive!!!!! and then he gives him a fucking half of a meat bun at the end of this farce!
i'm so so so excited for all of it!!!!☺️
but anyway! an anime i'll never watch? snk. how about you???
hmmm fave ops/eds would be the ed for vnc, the ed for jjk, all the bnha ops, the second season hq op, the op for hxh and the hunting for your dream ed, the last two openings for black clover, the mp100 ops, both steins;gate openings, all the fate openings, the second any opening, all the assclass openings, and the free! endings. what are some of yours?
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queenieships · 7 years
Questions 1-14 for the most recent one your reblogged!
Thank you for asking! Sorry it took a while lmao I got super lazy and distracted with it. Gonna put some of it under a readmore because it got particularly long!
1. When did youstart self shipping and why?
I mean I officiallystarted this blog I think… middle of last year? I can’t quiteremember the date off the top of my head but it’s been a while.However, I’ve been selfshipping for a very long time, justmentally! I kind of did that whole “Creating Ocs to ship withcharacters I liked and oh no those Ocs definitely aren’t based onme at all aha nope…”
2. How long have youbeen self shipping?
I think I’ve beenself shipping from a very young age! I remember being in primaryschool and being absolutely in love with Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugiand Axel from Kingdom Hearts (had a thing for red heads and fireapparently?) I genuinely must’ve been as young as 8, give or take ayear or two, so I’ve been self shipping and self inserting most ofmy life! 
3. Why do you selfship now?
I mean… it’sfun! And I mean, I fall in love with fictional characters withouteven meaning to. I just become very attached to them to the point Ican’t help but imagine myself with them! It’s also been a thingI’ve done for a very long time, a hobby, a habit, a copingmechanism – as a very creative but also very lonely child I thinkit was a huge way for me to feel like I was getting GOOD attentionfor once. I guess that’s kind of extended to adulthood. In ways aswell it helps me deal with some unhealthy situations I’ve had inthe past and it’s a way for me to explore and take interest intoxic and unhealthy ships in a safe and fictional environment. It’shelped me a lot improving with my art and honestly I officiallyjoined the self ship community because I was very lonely and had…NO FRIENDS.
4. Which of yourself insert characters is the most developed?
Probably myborderlands insert or my Newsies insert! I haven’t been toomassively focused on any other ship to develop my insert in thatuniverse very much and SOME of the universes I self insert in arequite difficult and elaborate when it comes to making characters forit (like in HxH)
5. Are your selfinsert characters 100% you or are they an exaggerated version ofyourself/leaning toward an OC?
I think it dependson the universe. Though I would say they’re exaggerated examples ofmyself, ideal versions or particularly troubled versions – All ofmy self insert characters look like me and have the same name and toa degree share my interests and talents – though I’ve also giventhem talents that I admire and really wish I had (such as singing,baking and sewing.)
6. If your selfinserts are closer to OCs what are some similarities they have withyou? What are some differences?
Lmao whoops guess Ikind of explained this in the one above? I guess something I like todo is depending on the universe I self ship in, I kind of pick a partof my personality that is a focus of that character. (For example, myNewsies insert is mostly centred around my social beliefs, mydepression and toxic relationship with my family and to a degree myfeeling of superiority. I’m actually very working class but you’llnotice most of my inserts are either very well off OR from thenicest, cleanest place in that universe they can be from – mynewsies insert is from a very wealthy family and my borderlandsinsert is from Helios.)
7. Do you have a‘type’ when it comes to f/os?
Yes but my type haschanged and shifted over time. There are definitely things I likethat kind of resonate throughout all of my F/Os. For example, almostall of my F/Os are confident to a fault. Most of them are also verymasculine, with a few exceptions. A character type I LOVE is therough delinquent with a heart of gold! (Seen in characters likeMondo, Metal Bat and Knuckle.) I also like perverted characters orones that show a lot of interest in women during the show/gamethey’re in (Examples being Scooter, Lance and Leorio.) I also seemto like people who have manual labour jobs or jobs that require themto be quite strong and get quite dirty and occassionaly kinda bruisedup (Examples being Scooter, Metal Bat, Scout, Hunk and Ellis who isnot yet on my F/O list but will be soon! A character I used to selfship with is Little Mac because I loved the idea of seeing him allsweaty and bruised up after a figh aha,,,)
8. Your top 3 OTPsamong your own selfships?
1. Me and Scooter!He is the problematic love of my life.
2. Me and Davey –although my focus has shifted dramatically from Davey to Scooter Istill definitely love this boy a lot
3. THIS IS SUCH ADIFFICULT PICK because honestly Scooter and Davey are and almostalways will be my top 2 BUT– my level of interest in my other F/Osshifts around so much? I’m even considering adding new F/Os thatI’ve become interested in recently, like… Mondo and Scout are thecharacters on the list I’ve shipped with for the longest but… Ithink maybe Leorio? I’ve always thought of Leorio and I as a reallygood couple, we’re so physically different and our personalitiesare such a good mix of getting along and clashing and I just!! idk Ithink number 3 is Leorio!!
9. Your top 5 OTPsamong others in the community?
@smoochesforseven and everyone she ships with. I love Moon so much and all of her shipsare wonderful though there is a soft spot for her and Newt!!
@better-than-nothin-kay and Rhys! We’ve spoken so much about borderlands and about her shipand honestly I love the female bodyguard dynamic it’s really cuteand they would physically look so good together!
@millizines andEarnest – I think this is like, the most undisputed OTP in thecommunity. I have never seen someone be so dedicated to their F/O andthey’re so genuinely in love with one another and have such aunique relationship!!
@momomochaccino andSandy (and spongebob!) – Seeing Momo so happy recently has beenamazing and witnessing what a positive impact the spongebob musicaland show has been for her is amazing!!
@peachie-doodles andLeonardo! Honestly seeing TMNT stuff on my dash makes me SO HAPPY andLeonardo has always been the one turtle I never really felt aconnection with BUT seeing someone so in love with him andappreciating him makes me really happy and makes me appreciate himmore as well! (also after speaking with her I realised that, althoughRaphael usually draws my attention because he’s big n buff andrough and tough but a total softy which FITS MY TYPE — Mikey isactually… my fucking boy?? I went around ready some fics andwatching some clips and like, damn. I really love Michaelangelo nowlmao, considering adding him as an F/O!!)
10. Has a roleplayblog for one of your f/os every interacted with you?
Lmao no. Honestly Iwould sob if that ever happened to me and I’ve seen other peoplegetting RP anons regularly in their asks and honestly I… reallywant it aha? I used to RP self ship stuff with a friend, where Iwould write as myself and the character she shipped with, and shewould play herself and the character I shipped with and!! it was!!great!! I would die to find something like that again.
11. Are you anartist or a writer in the community? Or do you do something elseentirely?
Um, both I guess! Iby no means think I’m a good artist but self shipping has reallyhelped me improve in a lot of areas. I highkey hate my style and atsome point I want to dedicate some time into developing it intosomething I can actually enjoy looking at. As for my writing, I’vealways been a talented writer – especially a few years ago. I waswriting frequently and everything I wrote was lowkey incredible.Nowadays, my writing is so few and far between and I am so stronglyout of practice it hurts and I feel almost embarrassed readingthrough any new fic I write. I’m hoping with time I can build myskills and confidence back up again!
12. Name a few ofyour favorite things about self shipping.
Honestly, myfavourite thing about self shipping is that I can feel like I havecompany regardless of how alone I actually am. Countless days spentby myself in my room and during lunchtimes back when I was at schoolcould be spent daydreaming about being loved and having adventureswith characters I enjoy! I always daydream a lot before I fallasleep, usually about cuddling up and spending the evening with oneof my F/Os before I fall alseep. Honestly without selfshipping Idon’t know what I’d do with my time. It’s such a huge thingthat fills up my day to day life and makes me happy, I genuinelydon’t think I’d still be here without it. 
13. Talk about apositive experience you’ve had with the community.
Honestly this iskind of hard for me lmao? I wouldn’t say I’ve had many hugelypositive or many hugely negative experiences overall. There arepeople I’ve found I get along with, there are some people that rubme the wrong way, there are some people I just haven’t spoken to! Ihaven’t really received any hate apart from someone being a dickabout my aesthetic commissions but I don’t really receive theattention I would like to either (is that bratty and selfish?Probably! But at least I’m honest about it lmao.) 
14. Finally, talkabout a few of your favorite self shippers!! (Honestly, talk about asmany as you would like!)
I don’t reallylike doing this because I’m afraid I’ll miss someone off andthey’ll feel sad about it or something BUT HERE’S A LIST OF PEEPSI SPEAK TO OFTEN AND CARE ABOUT AND TREASURE (note just becauseyou’re not on this list it doesn’t mean I don’t like you ordon’t enjoy your content! Just means this people I am particularlyclose with.)
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 <3 I really missed you, and it’s so great to hear you had fun! (and omg yes so ready to see all those beautiful pics)
Yaaayyyy join me in MCU feels hell. And oooh, you have a ship for the fandom now! Like, Stoki’s still my favorite Steve pairing but Stony’s really cool too…you know I ship almost everything XD (also am I the only person who sorta hated almost everyone by the end of CW? Like, of course they’re still my favs and there are still some cinnamon rolls, but, come on. Why couldn’t you all just get along ;-;)
Speaking of Illumi, do you know that Hisoka/Illumi is an incredibly popular ship in the HxH fandom? Probably because both of them are so horrible that they have like 0 friends other than each other. Nobody else wants to hang out with these losers. (Chrollo tolerates Hisoka and the adults in Illumi’s family seem to spend enough time with him to give him orders, but that’s about it.) It’s a trash ship with two trashy people and tbh I love it XD
So continuing with the eye jokes, imagine. Hisoillu version of Helpless. Hisoillu version of Satisfied.
“Look into his eyes and the sky’s the limit”
“Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame”
(I know you did thise one before but still) “But when I fantasize at night, it’s Illumi’s eyes”
just, I’m imagining animatics for this with the ‘camera’ zooming in on Illumi’s dead fish eyes every time the lyrics mention them. It’s hilarious and also mildly terrifying
(though I guess if we’re actually making a Hamilton AU Hisoka’s way more likely to do something like Say No To This…)
idk if I’d want to be a parent either really LOL. Kids are adorable but I don’t think I’ll ever be responsible enough to raise one…
If Ishida makes a plot twist or something about it being someone else pretending to be Hide I'm actually gonna get mad. Dude. Not only would that bring the Hide feels right back it’d just make absolutely no sense omg
(also you read the new chapter, right? So, let’s talk about Juuzou and that huge death flag)
I’ve heard of Soul Eater and considered reading it but it’s not really the kind of thing I’m into…artwork’s cute, though, and Death the Kid seems like an interesting guy so maybe someday XD
AGH I’M ACTUALLY SORTA JEALOUS BECAUSE WOW I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO WATCH THAT LEGALLY HERE IN KOREA. (unless I ask my dad for help but he doesn’t like manga/anime at all, so…) But yes, I’m really happy Lizzy finally got her moment this time! Now anime-only fans can’t complain about her being a ‘shallow’ character so hopefully there’ll be less fighting over Lizzy in the Kuro fandom :D
FINALLY. Fellow Death Note fan <3333 Who’s your fav? Do you have any ships? Are you done with the anime??? :D (also do you know…you picked a really interesting time to join the DN fandom. The American live-action movie just came out and it sucks so freaking bad, like I haven’t even watched it yet and just from the reviews/clips, here’s what I got:
-They turned Misa into this Harley Quinn-type character. Only without any depth.
-Light/Misa is an actual canon ship, like, it’s not abusive or one-sided like it is in the anime/manga, it’s just…a thing. Light loves Misa. Misa loves Light. It’s like every cringey high school romance movie ever, only with more murder
-They freaking bent the Death Note rules just so Light could get away with all sorts of ridiculous stuff
-L cries, L rants, L is overly emotional
-Light tells L where he hid a page from his Death Note. Light doesn’t deny being Kira. Light shows Misa his Death Note when they like barely know each other and she’s still a complete stranger to him. Light acts like an idiot.
-Oh sure, he’s Kira, God of the New World, but he still cares about going to prom with his girlfriend and making stupid faces as they pose for pictures
-So much unnecessary gore. Heart attacks are Kira’s thing, Light isn’t that emotional about his kills, he doesn’t care as long as the 'villains’ are dead, so why???
-Apparently Rem does not exist. Sayu doesn't exist either. Light’s mom is dead (probably so he can angst over her)
-Light Turner. Light TURNER. Out of all the surnames they could have chosen…
-And now, for the most unforgivable sin:
How dare they not include the Potato Chip scene)
And then random things: JJ and Light have the same voice actor. Yurio and Mello (imo…have you met Mello yet?) could be long-lost twins.
I’ve fallen into Steven Universe hell and now I’m imagining so. Many. Gem AUs. Have you ever heard of SU?
1- don’t stress about the messages, and come on, I’d never get mad at you over something like this! You’re way too awesome.
2-  I don’t really know what to say 'cause I’m bad at comforting people, but ugh, it sucks to hear that school’s tiring you out! Queen Luna’s gonna get through this, though. I mean, you’re great at so many things and you’re freaking smart and…this is awkward but maybe you understand Evans Language by now? XD Guess I’m just trying to say that I’m sure you’ll do great, and if you ever need someone to talk to I’m (almost) always free *hugs*
3- Um. So, other than tumblr, I think the only way I can talk with you right now is if we email each other? The email address I used this time is my real one (or rather, my dad’s, since I don’t have one of my own yet…) so maybe we can talk about this more through email and find a better way to contact each other? If that’s ok with you can you send me a message there?)
I’ve started college and have no idea what I’m doing
*slams head against keyboard* guess who managed to get sick. It’s only been a week since school started. Whatever, I’m still going to school, but I woke up breathing like a fish on land, bc asthma. Yay.
I’m definitely gonna upload the pics today!!
Okay, but one thing I’m wondering about, is How? Not in a malicious way or anything, I’m genuinely curious to why you ship Stoki (and where it began). Was it that redemption fic you told me about or did you ship it before? 
Tbh, I didn’t hate the characters in CW, I hated the situation. Because there’s so so much pointless conflict that could easily be solved if everyone sat down and talked like normal people. But nooo we have to go around attacking each other. ((ALSO CAP’S LETTER TO TONY, I AM DEAD))
I’ve already learned (and experienced) that shipping is a very weird and unusual thing, so I’ll be honest and say I’m not even surprised that ship exists. At least it has some basis XD
I’m actually tempted to go through the lyrics of the whole musical and find every single eye line there is, only to replace it w Illumi’s eyes.
Not only zooming in on the eyes, the word itself is louder than the rest XD man if only I could draw…
Tbh I’d say I’m responsible enough (HA, that’s more or less a lie), but I’m honestly way too irritated with the little ones to be able to have one of my own. My cousin recently celebrated her 3rd bday and I was stuck looking after her during the party, bc all the adults were talking among themselves and I swear to god, I haven’t moved that much since I had to run 2km for PE. Where do they get their energy. Not to mention the adults thought it would be a good idea to leave me w her, because I’d already drunk 3 glasses of wine (i was bored and not allowed to do anything other than stare at emptiness or look after a 3yo). Turns out my tolerance isn’t that bad after all.
Lol let’s be honest, Ishida would totally do that. He knows the fandom would riot and that’s the whole point.
All the death flags. Tbh I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s obvious that either Touka or Juuzou are probably gonna die and I wan’t neither (If I have to choose tho, I’d rather Juuzou survives.) Also Naki. HNNNNNNGH
I think you’d actually like the manga? It takes a pretty dark turn compared to the anime and deals with lots of mental issues (the whole theme of the later volumes is Madness). Also, lots of death XD Well, the artwork changes drastically, so which one are you talking about XD
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The girl in the coat (left first pic, middle 2nd) is the same person for reference. Death the Kid was one of my first anime crushes. The guy has OCD and is a total badass. 
MUHAHAHAHA I think someone uploaded the Lizzy fight to youtube so you can probably find it there, but I am in love. The animation is beautiful, so that’s also a huge plus. All in all, it was handled really well.
Death Note
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So last I’ve watched is ep 25, aka the one WHERE L DIES. And i am not okay. I am nowhere near okay. Nope. Not at all.
Oh i’ve heard all about the adaptation. Tbh I find the whitewashing hilarious. Setting the movie in America removes so much of the series’s logic, so why? L being the way he is is probably my favourite mistake. They took the best character and ruined him completely.  POTATO CHIP SCENE NOOOO But my question is: did everything go just according to the keikaku?
Have fun w SU! I’ve watched it for a while, but gave up at some point. I might pick it up again if I have the time ^^ Word of advice, watch out for the fandom, they’re among the most toxic ones I’ve ever encountered. One time, they almost drove an artist to suicide because she didn’t draw Rose ‘thick enough’. So yeah.
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What did I do to deserve you as my friend TT^TT Thank you so so much, those words mean more than you can imagine.
Um. Looks like we’ll be staying here, because I never, ever check my mail, despite getting school assignments there, so yeah. If we used mail, you’d probably get a response every leap year.
How does the education system work in Korea? Like, at what age do you start going to which school?
Also, I’ve told you about Mystic Messenger? I think you’d like the newest update, because damn, it’s creeping me out. Also, it’s in Korean, so + ((My thoughts during the prologue of the new route: Nani the fuck))
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akatsuki3519 · 7 years
Your top 5: favourite 'One Piece' characters, least favourite 'One Piece' characters, anime guys, anime guys that you would date (:P ;)), waifus, favourite opening songs, favourite anime endings, manga, favourite non-anime shows and favourite anime!!! That's quite a list!! Obviously, please feel free to pick the ones that interest you the most!! :D If I think of any more....I'll be sure to put them in your ask box!! ;)
Thanks so much for these, they’re great!!
Favourite One Piece characters: (I have SO MANY, but I think this is accurate! :P)1) Roronoa Zoro2) Monkey D. Luffy3) Trafalgar Law4) Jinbe - if he doesn’t join the crew I’m gonna riot, he’s just the best:’)5) Donquixote Rocinante/Corazon 
Least favourite One Piece characters:1) Blackbeard/Teach - one of my least favourite anime characters EVER, I can’tstand him!! I can’t wait to see him get his ass kicked…2) Akainu/Sakazuki - I hate him too, for obvious (spoiler filled) reasons…3) Trebol - he’s so annoying… >.4) Charloss - I wanted to just say the Celestial Dragons as a whole (except onefamily who shall remain nameless because massive spoilers) but that’s kinda cheating, so I picked my most hated one >:(5) Hody Jones (I just mildly dislike him lol)
Anime guys:1) Killua Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)2) Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice)3) Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)4) Makoto Tachibana (Free!)5) Rin Okumura (Ao no Exorcist)
Anime guys you would date: (this one was actually REALLY difficult, I changed my mind so many times and had to discount some of my faves for various reasons XD)1) Kiyoshi Teppei (Kuroko no Basuke) - he’s an actual angel 2) Trafalgar Law (One Piece) - okay, so he’s kind gruff and messed up but he’s actually a great person, even if he won’t admit it… :’) I was gonna say Roci but I figured Doffy would likely kill me so maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea lol3) Asahi Azumane (Haikyuu!!)4) Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)5) Sakuragi Rokurouta (Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin) - a bit of acurveball perhaps, I haven’t seen this show in quite a while and rarely talkabout it (partially because although it’s excellent, it’s very graphic and Ifound it very hard to watch), but I remember loving this character so much,he’s such a sweetheart and really looks out for the younger kids in the show
Waifu’s:1) Yona (Akatsuki no Yona)2) Nico Robin (One Piece)3) Celty (Durarara!!)4) Bishamon (Noragami)5) Machi (Hunter x Hunter)
Favourite opening songs: (okay so for both OP’sand ED’s, I took into account the video for the OP/ED as well as the song,otherwise it would have taken me days to decide!! >.1) Death Parade OP (Flyers by Bradio) - so, SO catchy! 2) One Piece OP 16 (Hands Up by Kota Shinzato) - the song never fails to cheerme up and the footage in the OP is excellent too (and spoiler free! :P)! I haveto mention that this is tied with OP 14 (Fight Together) though… sorry I knowthat’s cheating! XD I prefer the video of OP 14 (has spoilers though) but thesong of OP 16 so they kinda add up to me loving them both the same in the end!3) Haikyuu!! OP 4 (Fly High!! by Burnout Syndromes) - love the song and it’svisually STUNNING as well, the camera angles are phenomenal!! 4) FMA: B OP 5 (Rain by SID) - again, love the song and video 5) Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus OP (Enamel by SID) - and again, love the songand video! I particularly love how the credits are incorporated into the OPtoo!!
Honorable mentions: I feel the need to say I adore all the Durarara!! OP’s, bothNoragami OP’s, Akatsuki no Yona OP 1 and Naruto Shippuuden OP 6, I feel reallybad I couldn’t include them!! >.
Favourite ending songs: 1) Bungou Stray Dogs ED 1 (Namae Wo Yobu Yo by Luck Life) - beautiful melody and beautiful animation 2) FMA:B ED 2 (Let It All Out by Miho Fukuhara) - one of my all time faves!3) Parasyte ED (It’s the Right Time by Daichi Miura) - beautiful, beautiful song!4) Aldnoah.Zero ED 1 (A/Z by Hiroyuki Sawano, vocals by Mizuki) - I love all the music in Aldnoah.Zero, it’s composed by Hiroyuki Sawano after all :P5) Battery ED 2 (Wakamono no Subete by anderlust) - stunning ED… not so good show lol… this one JUST won out over Tokyo Ghoul ED 2 due to the video being gorgeous
Honorable mentions: Baccano! ED, Rainbow ED (first time I heard Galneryus and was blown away by the vocal range), Haikyuu!! ED 3, SnK ED 1, Kuroshitsuji ED 2, Higurashi ED 2, HxH ED 5, Durarara!! ED 2
Manga: (I’m excluding HxH because I’ve only read/amreading the Dark Continent arc in the manga lol)1) Akatsuki no Yona2) Noragami3) Ao no Exorcist4) Rurouni Kenshin5) Kuroshitsuji 
Favourite non-anime shows:1) Dexter - still haven’t finished it, oops…2) Masterchef - I’m obsessed with food/cooking programmes in general lol3) Daredevil - I really enjoyed the first season a lot! 4) Casualty - haven’t watched it in a few months… >.5) Game of Thrones - I’m only on like season 4 but I quite enjoy it tbh lol
I don’t watch much TV at all but I’m probably forgettingsomething… I also really liked Doctor Who when David Tennant was the doctor, notso much now though
Favourite anime: (I’ll probably change my mindtomorrow but anyway :P)1) Hunter x Hunter - this is definitely no. 1 anyway 2) FMA/FMA: Brotherhood - can’t decide, sorry… T.T3) One Piece4) Code Geass5) Kuroko no Basuke
Guilty pleasure anime! :P (one you sent me after this message! i.e. shows I liked that a lot of people didn’t. Therearen’t many of these tbh because I’m very selective with the shows I choose towatch, so I’m also gonna include ones I’m embarrassed I liked lol…)1) Sword Art Online - I really liked the first half a lot, and I also thoughtthat scene in the parking lot near the end was really good lol. I definitelydidn’t hate the second half of the series as much as some people… 2) Black Bullet - I really enjoyed this one okay lol3) Highschool of the Dead - listen, Ecchi aside, I thought this show was prettygood… the Ecchi was SO unnecessary though, it really annoyed me, it wouldhave been a great show without it!4) Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo ‘Shounen Tanteidan’ Yori - okay, so I gave this a 6 and gave it a pretty hard time when I reviewed it, my main thought after the last ep being ‘what was the point in that??’, HOWEVER… I really enjoyed and looked forward to it every week? So I dunno this is a weird one for me lol5) Kuroshitsuji II - PLEASE DON’T DISOWN ME GUYS I’M SORRY! XD This season was objectively awful, but I didn’t hate it for some reason…? I mean I definitely didn’t love it either lol… but I don’t think I had as strong a hate for it as the rest of the fandom… it was a really messed up season though, Alois creeped me out big time… 
Favourite anime endings: (the other one you sent me after this message!)1) Code Geass (R2) - there’s a S3 coming out so I guess you could discount this as the ending of the series now lol… but it was fantastic T.T AND I don’t think I had it spoiled for me beforehand! Massive plus! :P2) Kimi no Na wa - is this cheating? >.3) Hunter x Hunter (2011) - Yes, there are some loose ends (that are continued in the manga), but I think even as a stand alone show the ending was very satisfactory, I loved it!4) FMA: Brotherhood - just a really satisfying and complete ending! 5) Clannad: After Story - I was just so relieved it ended the way it did, I couldn’t have handled it otherwise haha… T.T
Honorable mentions: ACCA, Shouwa Genroku, Angel Beats!
And that’s it!! :D Thanks somuch for these they were such great asks!!
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elliotly · 7 years
tag! tagged by @lowercase-aesthetic thank you! answer the questions and tag people
1. Drink: apple cider 
2. Phone call: my mom 
3. Text message:
- sent: Wait i thought u were going away from Aug. 6th to 16
- received: If it’s July then sure!! 
4. Song you listened to: Purple People by Stop Light Observations 
5. Time you cried: yesterday I think? 
6. Dated someone twice: never 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: never 
8. Been cheated on: never 
9. Lost someone special: Uhhh like two years ago I think 
10. Been depressed: Hmm maybe a year and a half? 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: black, rose gold, dark blue
15. Made new friends: yes 
16. Fallen out of love: no 
17. Laughed until you cried: I doubt it 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes 
19. Met someone who changed you: yes 
20. Found out who your friends were: yes 
21. Kissed someone on your fb list: I don’t have Facebook ??
22. How many of your fb friends do you know irl: I don’t fucking have Facebook. as for Tumblr mutuals, I think 3? 
23. Do you have any pets: yes 
24. Do you want to change your name: sure 
25. What did you do for your last birthday: nothing (I’d just come back from a school trip so I was being jetlagged I guess?)
26. What time did you wake up: 6:51 am
27: What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: traveling to meet up with my mom for a cool vacation 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: four days ago 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish I were even more productive. And taller 
31. What are you listening to rn: nothing
32. Have you talked to a person named Tom: yes 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: currently? uh not knowing enough about myself. also, less vaguely, the fact that I’m wasting my eyes/time binge watching hxh 
34. Most viewed website: um? google I guess 
35. Mole/s: uh a couple on my jawline I think? And like a one on my wrist and a few on my ankle 
36. Mark/s: freckles, a scar on my wrist from cutting myself with my pinky nail by accident while I was flapping my hands for some reason lmao, random ones on my arms and legs from tripping all the time. I have some large ones on my legs. (my skin heals weird so I have a lot of scars.) also a circular birthmark on my side, as a kid I liked to think I was an animal that was shot in my last life 
37. Childhood dream: writer, paleontologist 
38. Hair colour: dark brown/black 
39. Long or short hair: short 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Hahah no 
41. What do you like about yourself: physically? I like my freckles and clear skin and most of my face 
42. Piercings: none 
43. Bloodtype: uh B something? Is that a thing? 
44. Nickname: none 
45. Relationship status: none 
46. Zodiac: Aries 
47. Pronouns: Any, I not-so-secretly do have a preference but I’m used to it all so as of yet idc 
48. Favourite TV show: um this is really hard. probably Steven Universe 
49. Tattoos: none 
50. Right or left hand: right 
51. Surgery: i had wisdom tooth surgery last year? 
52. Piercing: as I said before, none 
53. Sport: Haha none 
55. Vacation: ? like where I would want to go? somewhere with little light pollution so I can photograph the Milky Way 
56. Pair of trainers: I have these blue grey shoes I guess for P.E.
57. Eating: chicken 
58. Drinking: apple cider 
59. I’m about to: go downstairs to work on the Laverna puppet for OWAC 
61. Waiting for: July 13th 
62. Want: to stop stressing about little things 
63. Get married: Uh idk what this is asking. If you mean if I want to get married then sure why not 
64. Career: something to do with filmmaking
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes 
67. Shorter or taller: taller 
68. Older or younger: older 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I’ve been answering all of these in regards to myself btw. idk uh arms I guess? 
71. Sensitive or loud: ok I’m going to answer this one as what I like in people bc idk for myself, so sensitive 
72. Hook-up or relationship: idk relationship? idk though. if relationships in general, not just romantic, then def relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: again, idk for myself. As for other people, I’d say hesitant because if I ever do something rash I need to be kept in check bc I have little to no self control
74. Kissed a stranger: no 
75. Drank hard liquor: no 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 
77. Turned someone down: yes 
78. Sex on the fist date: no 
79. Broken someones heart: idk no i think 
80. Had your heart broken: no 
81. Been arrested: no 
82. Cried when someone died: yes 
83. Fallen for a friend: no
84. Yourself: yes 
85. Miracles: yes 
86. Love at first sight: yes 
87. Santa Claus: no 
88. Kiss on the first date: yes 
89. Angels: ehh idk I’ve never given that much thought
90. Current best friends name: can’t pick one sorry 
91. Eye colour: mines dark brown 
92. Favourite movie: fantastic mr. fox
I tag @infestedbanana @t-rex-tinyarms @slightlyraspberry @miscellaneousphoenix @hellofanpeoples
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