#I am not in either fandom I just got them mixed up because they seem so alike
wildhannimal · 1 year
I kept seeing all this stuff about Welcome to Night Vale and thought it was this weird Argentinian show I watched last year called Kirlian Frequency. I guess the latter could be something for fans to enjoy due to a similar vibe?
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versegm · 4 months
Coming out of my self-imposed tumblr ban cuz this is the third post I see along the lines of "man we gotta jump ship" so here are some other ways to be social/do fandom/ect. I'm not gonna call them "tumblr alternatives" because I won't lie to you these are gonna be very different experiences from tumblr. But if you use tumblr as a way to meet new people/post your thoughts/do fandom/keep up with folks, then maybe one of these is worth looking into.
I don't use Cohost so idk if it's good or not, but all the people who use it tell me it's A Whole Lot Like Tumblr. Got pretty mixed reviews on this one, people seem to either love it or hate it, either way you could check it out it's free.
My main bitch, so I can actually talk about it.
Lots of cool privacy features
Porn is allowed
Website has been consistently getting updates and listening to the userbase
No ads because it's user-funded
Being user-funded means the website is frequently struggling with money
This one isn't really a social media, it's a host for websites.
You can do whatever the fuck you want here
You have to code it all yourself
If you didn't immediately skip this rolling your eyes, here are some ressources to get a blog running with minimum efforts, and a cool zine to figure out what to put on your blog.
Ye Old internet way to find new peeps in your fandom. It's a list of fans. I'm listing thefanlisting.org here because it's the biggest hub of fanlistings out there, but there are plenty that aren't listed so if you've got a topic dear to your heart it might be worth googling up "[fandom/ship/character] fanlisting" and see what turns up.
It's literally just adding your name to a list of fans. Low spoon effort.
If you want to talk to any of the people on the fanlisting you have to actually manually contact them via email or website or whatever they provided for contact. High social anxiety effort.
Anyways that's all I got chief. You probably already heard of half of those and the other half might have made you go "hey wtf that's not at all what I use tumblr for why would I need these" and the answer is it's not my problem. I discovered these when looking for ways for me personally to do social media so if you do social media differently sorry I can't help ya. But hey maybe you'll discover something new who knows.
Preemptive answers to things I am sure will clog my notifications for years to come:
None of these are like tumblr! Look bestie this is like the fifth time people consider abandoning tumblr at this point you have to make your peace with the fact that there is no other website like this one.
The websites you mentioned are nearly empty there's no one in my community here! Bro if you want a website with lots of people you don't need me listing off where you can go you already know where people are going (aka: Bluesky) If you're so scared to be alone then invite your buddies to move there together so you can chat together idk. Be the change you want to be in the world.
I'm not gonna use these. Then you've got my blessing to not use these. I assure you you don't need to reblog this post just to tell me you won't use these. I don't care.
Anyways. Peace. Dunno how many people this is gonna be useful to, but if you wanted to branch out of the usual reddit/bluesky/twitter, hopefully this will help.
Bunch of pillowfort invite codes under the cut since I got a bunch. Sorry I got no cohost as I said I don't use that one.
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nightgoodomens · 2 months
Asks under the cut
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It kind of looks like GT liked the game while it was serving her and the moment she got the agent she dropped Anna and the Poly image. She wasn’t exactly kind to Anna during it either, let’s be honest. It’s nothing new, she doesn’t like putting attention on others if she doesn’t have anything out of it. And recently she seems to just… diss or crap on everything good concerning DT.
I think this post was created by MS because a lot of thought went into it. However! I am very curious to see what AL will do now. If she’s smart, even for pure self serving purposes, she will side with DT and MS as it looks like GT lost it. But we will see…
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Yes he was in an open marriage with Amanda for many years.
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I did wonder that too. Fell in love on the set… or everything quiet until the show is released and all done and dusted? I think if there were certain plans, they have fallen apart, so we will see what the new plan is. Neil makes me think that he wouldn’t mind them getting married on the set if they wanted to, to be fair 😂
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I think she didn’t display this much nastiness even just a few months ago. She liked to pull the attention to herself and diss DT, but not constantly so… blatantly. There was a mix of nice with nasty, not just nasty. But I mean their relationship started by her stalking him until he gave in and she called him a great asset so… I always thought it was creepy as fuck.
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Because then it was self serving as she hoped for an agent. She got an agent - promoting them doesn’t serve her anymore. Oliviers were meant to be about her yet fandom reminded her who they are here for. I think getting humbled stung. Plus DT was growing more and more miserable for a while now while she was using him more and more and I have a feeling that he snapped and left so now she’s lashing out.
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Underlining, just in case people didn’t grasp the concept, that she put the bare minimum in the post about him on purpose.
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I don’t think it was Ty. Technically blinds are not good because PR usually reacts by burying them aka hetero show made out of Oliviers. And I think Ty likes David so he wouldn’t do it to him. I think it was Georgia… and I think they found out.
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I think let’s breatheeeeee because it all might go sideways still 😅 I am all for excitement while things are happening because it’s fun but don’t put your hopes up for what might happen. I think it’s 50:50 between separation announcement and no no no we luvvvv each other truuuuuly.
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That’s the sweetest message ever, thank you! 😂❤️ I’m all for unhinged 😏
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Ohhhh I hope he’s surrounded by all the friends and his husband and has the best fucking party ever honestly. Massive cake, alcohol, music, and let’s celebrate the man 🥳
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
More Than Just A Pretty Face
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
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Masterlist - Join MyTaglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians, part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​ which features a ton of awesome creators and runs all year! Go check it out if you haven’t already!
Fandom: Bridgerton
Prompt: Hera; The Queen, Women, Family
Summary: Benedict runs into a woman who might just be the love of his life at a friend's underground artist party, but things might get complicated outside the walls of the artist's haven and in plain sight of the rest of the world.
Word Count: 3,745
Category: Fluff, little bit of angst maybe? Not *really*...
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Benedict smiled to himself as he stumbled down the dimly lit hallway, people crowding in on either side of him. He was absolutely sober as far as substances went, but drunk and giddy on the feeling of being surrounded by so many artists, living lives happily as themselves and nothing more. No expectations of families or the Ton could reach them here, and it was a thrill like none other to join them any night he could.
After making a quick pit stop to grab himself a drink (he didn’t want to spend the night completely sober, after all), he continued to wander the hallways, looking for a place to pick up a paintbrush. This was one of the few locations he felt completely free to do so, with no outside pressures to weigh on him, and he’d be damned if he didn’t take advantage of it.
He swung through the doorway of a salon towards the back of the house and, as he’d hoped, found a circle of canvases around a few models in the middle. He started for an open canvas, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what one of the other artists had painted on theirs.
The light and colors seemed to jump off the canvas, representing the subjects in a more abstract and yet equally beautiful way. The brushstrokes and blending combined into a unique style, truly unlike anything he’d ever seen before.
“This is… incredible,” he breathed, having drifted unconsciously over to stand beside the artist, getting a better look at the canvas in the process. He blinked a few times, trying to shake the stupor, then turned to face the person responsible for the masterpiece before him.
His breath caught in his throat as he made eye contact with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
“Cat got your tongue?” asked the woman with a raised eyebrow. She surveyed him critically, not looking entirely friendly, and his heart stuttered a little in his chest.
“I… I’m sorry,” he said. Was he stammering? He hadn’t been nervous around a girl since the time when Anthony had been his only sibling!
“What do you want?” she asked, continuing to stare him down mercilessly. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, trying to gather himself as he looked between her and her artwork.
"I’m terribly sorry to bother you,” he said, clearing his throat and gaining just a hair of his regular confidence back. “I just couldn’t stop myself from coming over when I saw this masterpiece.”
She turned to him with a scowl, but it quickly changed to a look of surprise when she found him referencing her painting.
“You came over here because you liked… my painting?” she asked, her tone an equal mix of suspicion and pleasant surprise. Benedict raised an eyebrow and gave her a lopsided smile.
“Well what else?” he asked, a slight teasing tone to his voice.
The woman glanced down, unable to completely hide a smile that broke onto her face before she looked back at him. “I… historically, when strange men approach me, it’s nothing to do with my skills or who I am as a person.”
Benedict shot her a roguish smile, all of his normal comfort and confidence finally returned. “Fortunately for you I suppose, even the most beautiful woman in all of existence can’t quite outshine this incredible painting.”
She stared at him, her eyes dancing with light and mischief as a smile again tugged at her lips. Despite her best efforts, she was clearly fighting a losing battle to remain stoic and critical.
“The most beautiful woman in all of existence?” she challenged, humor in her tone.
“I’d certainly say so,” he said, beaming at her and feeling a swell of pride at how flustered she seemed to become. “I’d have to go sing the news of who I’d just found to strangers in the streets, but it’s been overshadowed by the news of having found the most wonderful painting in the whole of existence.”
She laughed, and the sound sent jolts of electricity racing through every inch of his body. They shared a smile, and any doubts Benedict might have had about the truthfulness of his statements evaporated. They were facts, and nobody could change his mind.
“Well come on then, you flatterer,” she teased, patting the seat next to her. “If you’re here it means you’re an artist too, so let’s see what you’ve got other than a prolific affinity for flattery.”
He beamed at her as he took the seat next to her, securing a paintbrush and artist’s palette of his own.
“I can’t promise I’ll live up to anything like what you’ve painted, but I’ll certainly do my best.”
She shrugged. “Art is subjective. Anyone who tries to make objective value statements is a fool.”
He laughed, feeling lighter than he had in ages.
“I suppose you’re right.”
The pair spent the rest of the night and even the first few hours of the morning painting, laughing, and talking together side by side, making art and more importantly enjoying the creative space and their time with each other. Despite his initial moment of being tongue-tied, Benedict couldn’t believe how easy it was to talk to this woman, like they’d known each other for ages and not just a few hours. He knew his brothers would mock him, but with each passing second he could feel himself falling deeper and deeper in love.
When the time came to say goodnight and for each of them to go their separate ways, his heart broke a little in his chest. Still, he said goodbye all the same, both of them promising to meet again the next time one of these gatherings happened. Benedict resolved with his entire being to make it happen, no matter what, and even that was barely enough to actually get him out the door.
For the next week, Benedict found himself completely distracted by thoughts of the mystery woman he’d fallen in love with in a matter of hours. He hardly thought of anything else, and his head was even more in the clouds than usual, much to the annoyance of his siblings. Anthony finally managed to snap him out of his daydreaming long enough to drag him to a long-awaited ball that had been the talk of the Ton for quite some time, although Benedict had done his best to avoid the commitment.
“The Queen herself is going to be there, along with plenty of high-ranking, eligible young women who only come out for the absolute highest society events,” lectured Anthony as the Bridgerton carriage approached Lady Danbury’s house, where the ball was to be hosted. Benedict sighed and stared out the window; he’d already heard this speech a thousand times. “Now that Kate and I are married, it’s your turn to start looking for a wife.”
Benedict rolled his eyes, knowing just how much it would irritate his brother.
“Suppose I want to die a male spinster,” he said, deciding to have some fun bothering Anthony. Anthony, as predicted, glared and sighed heavily through his nose, which immediately lifted Benedict’s spirits. He gave his brother a mischievous grin, and then it was Anthony’s turn to roll his eyes. Benedict’s fun was cut short, however, when the carriage at last arrived to the ball. Now he’d have to suffer through endless pleasantries and vicious Mamas trying to set their daughters up with him for the evening, with no support from his brother.
As predicted, the start of the night was incredibly boring. Benedict grabbed a drink as soon as he was in the door, and spent the next hour or so ducking every social encounter he could. He hovered on the edge of the room with Colin and Eloise, until finally, Anthony tracked him down and dragged him by the elbow back into the main room.
“The Queen just came out with her daughter,” Anthony hissed into his ear as they moved through the crowd. “You need to at least make an introduction.”
“Anthony, I don’t even know where to begin explaining to you how much I do not want to court the Queen’s daughter-”
Benedict had been in the middle of hissing back a terse response to his brother when he caught sight of the woman Anthony kept shoving him towards. Y/N, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and the best artist he’d ever met, stood next to the Queen in an absolutely magnificent dress, chatting politely with a suitor she didn’t appear to have much interest in. His heart stopped dead in his chest and his legs almost gave out under him. Anthony, unaware that Benedict’s world had suddenly stopped spinning, continued to push him over, until Benedict fell forward, almost knocking straight into the woman he’d spent every spare moment and then some thinking about.
She turned to him in surprise, her face lighting up for a brief second at the sight of him before her courtier’s mask quickly dropped back into place. Even that brief crack in the polite, vague interest was enough to make Benedict’s heart stutter in his chest. He just kept staring at her, still a little dumbstruck, until he heard someone clear their throat from his right.
“Mr. Bridgerton.” He turned to find the Queen herself staring down at him with raised eyebrows. He quickly righted himself and tried to regain his composure. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Y/N disguising a laugh as a cough, and had to resist grinning and shaking his head.
“Your Majesty,” he said instead, dropping into as low a bow he could. He stayed down for longer than usual, and when he finally straightened, the Queen looked grudgingly pleased.
“I assume you’re also here to speak to my daughter, now that you’ve paid your respects, like every other unwed man in this room?” she asked, a slight tone of amusement to her voice (much to Benedict’s relief).
“I…” he glaned at Y/N, slightly unsure of himself, but when he found her smiling back at him that confidence immediately returned. He turned back to the Queen, back straight and a smile on his face. “Yes, M’am. I’d love the chance to speak to her, if you’d allow me and if she’d have me.”
The Queen gave him the smallest smile of approval, then turned to her daughter.
“Well, Y/N? What do you say?”
Y/N smiled slightly at Benedict, then sighed dramatically and flapped her fan around before dropping it back at her side.
“I suppose,” she said, flailing dramatically a bit more before taking his arm with a smile. “Mr. Bridgerton, shall we?”
Benedict beamed back at her, his whole body feeling like it was about to combust in the best way possible. They strolled off through the room, walking rather quickly towards the exit to the garden, where they might actually get a bit of privacy. Anthony beamed approvingly at Benedict as they went, and Benedict made sure to shoot him a glare in response.
Every man in the crowd they passed gave Benedict a look to put his pointed scowl towards Anthony to shame, jealous venom rippling off every one of them. Benedict completely ignored them all. He was in heaven, and no one could ruin it if they tried.
Quickly, the fresh air of the garden washed over Benedict, and he took a deep breath in before letting out a contented sigh. He slowed his pace, Y/N slowing to match him as they transitioned into a relaxing stroll.
Once they were far enough away from the ballroom, definitely out of earshot of any nosy, problematic courtiers, Benedict turned to Y/N with an arched eyebrow.
“The Queen’s daughter?” he asked. She turned to him, a slightly accusatory look on her own face.
“Says a Bridgerton son, a member of one of the most prestigious, talked-about families in the Ton.”
“First of all, you and I both know talked-about often does not equal prestigious,” he said. Memories of everything to do with Daphne and Anthony as they went through the creation of their marriages flashed through his head. What nightmares. Entertaining, but nightmares. He shook it off, then continued, “And second, being the second son of a notable family is distinctly different than being in line for the throne, as well as the most sought-after woman in all of England.”
She gave him a small smile, the first he’d seen from her that was tinged with sadness, none of the light or attitude he’d come to enjoy seeing from her to be found.
“Surely you can see why I wanted to escape it all for a bit, then. Most wanted woman for my position and the power I offer a husband, and maybe my looks. Nothing else. Nothing of substance.”
Benedict felt as if an arrow had been shot straight through his heart. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at Y/N, who came to a stop a few steps later to stare back at him curiously.
“Have you truly been made to feel this way?” he breathed, his stare never leaving her face. He remembered her mentioning something of the sort when they'd first met, but not with so grave a tone. She hesitated, giving him a scrutinizing look similar to that one a week ago before she'd realized his more innocent and sincere intentions, then finally sighed, apparently deciding to give him her trust for a second time.
“It’s more than being made to feel that way, Benedict,” she said softly. “I can see it and know it in every interaction I have with suitors who approach me.”
“Y/N…” Benedict took a step forward and reached for her hands, his heart squeezing at her words, but then thought better of himself and stepped back. He took a deep breath, then met her eyes, doing his best to convey nothing but absolute sincerity. “I almost didn’t come to this little party tonight, for the same reasons. My brother finally forced me to come, and now I’m very grateful he did, although I’d never tell him that.”
Benedict shook his head, momentarily distracted by the idea of how obnoxiously smug Anthony would be if ever told he was right, then managed to refocus on Y/N and the issue at hand.
“What I’m trying to say is… every time I come to one of these things, especially now that Anthony is married, I have nothing but piranhas and sharks circling me, trying to convince me to marry them or their daughters. I have money, and I’m the next closest thing to the head of the Bridgerton family, and that’s all anyone ever seems to care about.
“I can’t pretend to understand exactly what it’s been like for you, since I have quite a bit more autonomy than you, both as a man and as a second son. But I can imagine what you mean when you say you’re usually looked at for superficial traits and what someone stands to gain from marrying you, and nothing else. And if I’ve ever played a part in making you feel that way, then I am truly, deeply sorry. You deserve far more than that.”
Benedict watched Y/N, his heart absolutely hammering in his chest. He wasn’t even sure what he was hoping for, but her reaction felt incredibly important to him all the same. She glanced down, lips pursed, then met his eyes again with a small smile and that twinkle in her eyes that he’d come to love so much. He could’ve collapsed on the spot from relief and happiness.
“I can happily tell you, Benedict, that you’re the first man I’ve met in a long, long while who doesn’t make me feel that way, and never did. So… thank you, for that.”
He beamed back at her, his heart soaring and making him feel as though he was floating.
“Well, I’m very glad to hear it. Perhaps, if you’re interested… I could do more of that?”
She raised an eyebrow at him, a small smile playing on her lips as she took a few steps closer to him.
“And what exactly do you mean by that?”
He grinned, leaning in closer to her. His whole body burned, and he thought he could see a bit of the same excitement on her face.
“Well, as much of an honor as it would be for me to be allowed to court you the traditional way, it can be a bit… boring. As two fantastic and creative artists, we should be able to do a bit better than that, don’t you think?”
Her smile took on a bit of a giddy quality as she continued to look at him, and Benedict felt himself getting sucked into the same energy, riding high as he continued.
“What say you we have another artists’ rendezvous next weekend, at that same mutual friend’s house? We can find an empty room—surely there will be one in the entire house—and then draw, paint, and talk to our heart’s content. You can tell me about your favorite artists and things to do when no one else is forcing you into courtly activities, and I’ll tell you my favorite ways to upset my siblings and about the time my brothers and I almost stole the neighbor’s dog thanks to a game of dares that got wildly out of control.”
“I would like that very much,” she said, beaming back at Benedict. He swore her light put the shine of the sun to shame, and the warmth emanating from her made him completely forget the cold of the night air in the garden where they spoke. “But I have to ask… what shall we do in the meantime? After all, next weekend is an awful while to wait.”
He could’ve done cartwheels right then and there. Instead, however, he controlled himself enough to smile back at her and speak.
“Well… what would you like to do?”
She grinned, then glanced around their surroundings. Once she seemed satisfied that no prying eyes were watching too closely, she grabbed his hand and pulled her to him, linking her arm through his to return to the way they’d been walking before.
“This is going to be quite forward of me,” she warned, smiling all the same as they resumed their turn about the garden. Towards the far end, they turned back before getting improperly out of sight of any other people, making a slow, steady return towards the party they’d so badly needed an escape from.
“I’d expect nothing else from such a bold, strong woman such as yourself.”
“Well… what if, on top of our unusual form of courting that you so brilliantly suggested… we did the normal, proper society courting as well?”
Fireworks exploded in Benedict’s chest, but he did his best to tamp them down and sound somewhat put together when he responded.
“Do you mean regular courting as in… publicly spending time with each other, after I call on you to make clear my intentions to get to know you and, perhaps eventually… propose?”
Now she seemed to be the nervous one, fidgeting a bit as they got closer and closer to returning to the party. Benedict watched her with a smile, enjoying this brief role reversal.
“Well, I mean, that is… if you’d be interested in that. Of course there’s absolutely no pressure, I wouldn’t want to make you feel like you had to-“
Benedict came to a stop again, taking Y/N’s hands and pulling her to a gentle stop with him. They were only a few steps from the doors of the ballroom now, in clear eyesight of many guests of the party as Benedict smiled lovingly at this wonder of a woman he’d somehow lucked into meeting.
“Y/N… I can think of no greater honor than being allowed to court you publicly, perhaps with the intention to propose. Despite the fact that I will hear endlessly about it from my brother, I am quite confident you would be worth it.”
Y/N beamed back at him, joy clearly written all over her face. The two shared the purest, happiest smiles and held each others’ stares for a few more beats, then finally, Y/N cleared her throat and moved to take Benedict’s arm again.
“Of course, any potential proposal would hinge on our non-traditional method of courting going well,” she said as the two of them at last headed back towards the ballroom.
“Obviously,” Benedict agreed, ignoring the jealous looks of the other suitors around him and the smug expression he could see on his brother’s face even from across the room. “I could never shackle myself to someone without knowing she would be more than a pretty face to stand next to me, with whom I’d have nothing in common.”
He shot Y/N a mischievous sideways look and found her beaming back at him. Then, at the sight of Anthony quickly crossing the room, either to speak to him or to try to speak to Y/N (and either way ruining the moment), he spun to speak to Y/N again.
“So, in the name of proper courting… may I have this dance?”
“Of course you may,” she replied, a happy smile still on her face. He took her hands and they spun onto the dance floor together, then once they were chest to chest to begin the routine, she whispered so only he could hear, “And don’t think I didn’t realize you asked me to dance in order to avoid your brother.”
Benedict gave her a quick wink, then twirled her out from him in the opening moves of the dance. They were a bit sloppier than everyone else around them, which earned them both some disapproving looks from their family members, but neither of them cared.
They were both happy and having fun, and after spending so much of their time in court absolutely miserable, they deserved this. Although they couldn’t spend the entire night together, no matter how much they both wanted to, they took the moments they could and found solace in the fact that they’d be together again soon, and in a place where they’d be in private, enjoying each others’ company for hours with no interruptions. It was too early to declare it to anyone, his brother and Y/N included, but Benedict had fallen completely and totally in love, and he couldn’t wait to spend every possible second in his future with the woman he felt certain was his soulmate.
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decepti-thots · 5 months
hello !! wish you a good day !
if you don't mind, I would like to know your thoughts about ratchet's and drift's age. I'm feeling hyperfixated on age in general, but these two keep me extremely confused. I like the concept that drift is waaaay younger than ratchet, but does it just come from fanfiction ? some places tell me that they're the same age, and some say that drift is actually elder than ratchet ! so, what do you have to say about this ? thank you ((:
That is indeed a fanon idea, and one that doesn't really work with what we know of canon! We don't have specifics on their ages in relation to each other, but we know that Drift and Ratchet were contemporaries, because of the fact that they ran into each other well before the war, with both of them clearly having been around for a while already. While there's no reason we couldn't assume, with what we know, that Ratchet is overall older- there's not really a way to make him much older relatively speaking. He's clearly not like, Cyclonus' contemporary, or anything like that, which would probably be what would be needed for him and Drift to have a meaningful gap in age or experience.
I do seem to recall there being confirmation Drift is older that Megatron in the canon- so yeah, he's not super young.
I believe the idea that Drift is actually the older of the two is something Roberts tweeted when asked, IIRC. He seemed to think there was something in MTMTE/LL itself which did make this canon (rather than word-of-god) but I don't believe anyone could ever work out what he seemed to be referring to? Regardless, if you see people say that Drift is older, they're probably referring to this word-of-god statement. (Unless there's something which proves Ratchet is not older than Megatron..? God, I can't keep this shit straight, they're all vaguely contemporaries, it doesn't matter as much given how long they live who is a few hundred years older, lmao.)
As to why fanon casually assumed Drift was so much younger for ages... combo of 'Ratchet calls Drift 'kid' as a nickname' (which is probably Ratchet acting creakier than he really is as usual and being mildly condescending, lmao) and 'fandom tropes just Assume ships with their dynamic are old guy/young guy' stuff.
EDIT: aha! I misremembered slightly; got myself mixed up. The word of god confirmation was for Drift and Megatron, apologies anon. Here's the thread:
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I am... not sure if there is an actual way to 100% infer this from the text tbh, I'm not quite sure what he means now I think about it, but it's in line with everything else we see so I'm not inclined to quibble. Drift's older than Megs and Rodimus (who are of course around of an age with each other, as per EC), which I think probably just puts him around Ratchet's contemporary if you look at the other context clues there. No big difference of note, either way.
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silverstudios · 27 days
Veldigun/Human oc!
Okay so- The oc won the vote thing but unfortunately she is saying No to being drawn out- and so instead I will type her out and hey, maybe the fellow artist of the fandom can help me. Putting this under a read more cause I am gonna ramble.
Okay okay okay- I should mention this oc thing happens many years after the main doai story- In this case, the sitcom story line where alex turns into a velgiun (I promise this is relevant)
Her name is Beatrice- but everyone has always called her Bee. She's 17, has black hair, brown eyes, small in size (4'11), and her fashion sense would likely be kinda cottage core but if cottage core and pastel goth mixed. Crop top jean jacket with flower patterns along the edges, honey pot dangling earrings, A novelty bee backpack, so on and so forth.
She's quite energetic and friendly, although she's not the most popular kid but she's alright with that. She's got her friends, she's got her brother, she's got her moms, she got her mysterious (Yet wealthy and loving) god father (Who she's never seen face to face, only ever phone calls and once they tried zoom but he couldn't figure out how to turn the cam on.) She's hoping to study to be either a botanist or a biology once she gets to college age, which her scientific family loves.
She also has a fasciation with the super natural, with ghosts and ghouls and cryptids. This is...less than popular with her parents, and her god father seems to hate it, always trying to suggest and recommend different interests to have or to focus more on her main interests. It's not like she wants to upset them, it's just that....learning about creepy ghost stories and haunting old legends just- feels right. She can only assume the distain is because of those old Smiling snatcher stories, but those happened like- 23 years ago? She didn't get why everyone was still so hyper focus on those old rumors...
Well- after her school bus, heading to a field trip out of town, got body slammed by something massive and blue, she'd wake up maybe a hand full of miles away, head pounding, heart feeling just about ready to breach from her chest....And patches of her skin turned black as night with pale yellow strips, a tail with a stinger on the end and a pair of stripped wings that had torn apart her jacket to escape.
And well- I do want to keep the rest quite but I hope this caught your attention. This is basically what happened when I saw alex turning into a velgigun and I went- Hm, I want to make something like this but with a twist. Guess you all will have to wait and see what that twist is :D
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cinematics123 · 1 year
So… there is a lot. And I will probably save some of it for a more focused/personal Buddie post.
First, if you were on the Buddie train (and I am) you were not wrong. Secondly, despite no Buddie, this was an excellent finale. Even the pacing was mostly on point. It was… good tv. If they were going to get cancelled (and they thought they were) this was the canon ending. We’ll call this CanonA. Let’s look at the CanonA ending.
For many of our mains, the firefam, it’s a good ending. Bobby and Athena are both healthy and get their cruise. Maddie and Chimney are planning their legal escape from the IRS wedding.
Hen and Karen story picked back up a thread about a baby, which is very interesting, but… we didn’t really get anything else on Denny and his Dad? Is that story line… done? Are they ok? It seemed like there was more conflict because of how the hospital scene let Nathaniel in but with some real distrust. It feels like they dropped one (meaningful) thread to grasp at another. It’s good, but not great.
Buck’s ending is more mixed; Eddie’s is downright tragic. Buck’s CanonA ending is that he got close to the answer and got the wrong one. Any wonder that his math power crapped out on a date with Natalia? People have said that growth in the show is non-linear. People don’t always learn, people don’t always grow. Buck makes the same couch mistake he did with Taylor. In CanonA, Buck may never know how close he got to that special ending. Instead in CanonA, instead of finding happiness, he goes down the Lev path from 6A. Happy-ish. Girlfriend, maybe kids, life gets busy, maybe finding the meaning at the end. Not bad, but not what “The Age of Absolutely” was about either.
Eddie’s is… tragic. We’ve gotten trickles of Eddie’s real story, but 6B confirmed so much fandom speculation. Though he had met Shannon before, they got together senior year, right into kids and marriage - and Eddie runs away for at least 2 deployments. He bails. He later dates Ana, sees the ready made family - and breaks up with her. He is putting wanting a wife and mother over his heart - that’s canon.
Eddie fawning over Buck in the poker scene and all of 6B is equally canon. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I believe their last deep talk together is… about how Natalia sees Buck. Eddie says the experience had to have changed Buck. Not only does he see Buck… but implies something has changed between him and Buck. With Nat and Buck dating, Eddie rushes to find anyone to date - and basically ends up with Ana2 (instead of Chris’ teacher, she helps him find glue for his project).
It seems like… Eddie’s realized that while he sees Buck, Buck… doesn’t see him. And Buck is not seeing Eddie in that scene. In a kind of parallel to “Buck is in the room”, Eddie needs Buck there too… but this time Buck goes the other way and Eddie doesn’t say a word. Instead, Buck goes… and Eddie goes back to his heteronormative fantasy. Despite saying he wants to get better “for me” he’s after a wife and mother for Chris, Chris is even there with him on the date phone call. It’s not just lack of progress, Eddie got to the very threshold of opening himself to Buck - if only admitting it to himself. Instead back into the closet. That’s Eddie’s CanonA ending. It’s grim. It doesn’t “get better” for Eddie. He gets to the edge and chickens out.
If you think you were misled that Buddie was a romantic plot, you’re right. When looking at our firefam, Buck and Eddie were constantly paired alongside the other couples. We didn’t just see them through a romantic lens, that was how they were presented. In the CanonA ending, there is not even a last scene with Buck and Eddie tighter as friends, it’s Buck&Nat and Eddie/Chris talking to Marisol. The pairing of the two as a couple/family is broken. In itself, that’s sad. Them laughing over beers or Buck being there encouraging Eddie on while he talked would not have broken the “coupling” lens. They deliberately chose to do so.
So much like how Eddie reaches the point of understanding only to hesitate and withdraw back into heteronormativity, so does 911 on Fox. It clearly got to the point of understanding Buddie as a couple, presenting Buddifer as a family, and then… pulls back and gives them last minute female love interests. Like Eddie, it chickens out and loses out on giving Buddie CanonA happy ending. Instead what it gave then was… realistic and everyday bad relationships. They got close, but in a case of life imitating art, like Eddie it settles for being convention and traditional at the expense of its own growth and happiness. I hope 911 on ABC does them better.
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madrone33 · 1 month
I finally listened to Hadestown! 🎉
Starting with the Original Cast Recording, ‘cause might as well do it in release order. Loved it! Groovy music. Snickered. Cried. Wrote down my reaction as I went, so if you're chill with rambled thoughts and observations, here you go lol
(Soz for any typos, I was touch typing most of the time, and I've edited it but probs missed stuff)
Road to Hell (Live)
Oh it’s JAZZY. Huh. Didn't expect that, but I am living.
I like how at the start they’re simulating a train’s chugging.
Those call and response harmonies tho *chef's kiss*
Kinda reminds me of Udad.
Oh that’s Hermes!
“It’s a sad song” he says, while singing the boppiest of bops.
I like that “suitcase full of summertime” line.
“About someone... who tries.” Oho, we’re gettin into it now! *rubs hands together*
Also, I completely get now why Jorge said that first draft of EPIC: The Musical Hermes was like Hadestown.
Livin' It Up on Top (Live)
That’s a smooth transition👌
Persephone’s voice is really cool. Kinda rough texture?
Oh I didn’t realise Persephone and Hades would be having a turbulent relationship in this.
Oooh Orpheus’ voice is smooth.
They’re all so happy huh. Welp, you know there’s gonna be a crash in their future.
Orpheus seems really grateful for Persephone’s... graciousness? When he said that she'll always fill their cups and they'll raise them to her and stuff. Theory: either she’ll have a soft spot for him later, or he’ll feel betrayed and blindsided by the more cold side of her later.
All I've Ever Known (Live)
I don’t know anything about Eurydice, but is this her song?
Ah yeah Orpheus is singing, so it must be.
Oop. Foreshadowing.
Way Down Hadestown (Live)
Hermes is back!
“Bored to death” HA
“Graveyard” wow the puns/metaphors are going hard XD
I can’t tell who’s singing lmao. This is like when I listened to Hamilton for the first time. I’ll need lyrics, or familiarity RIP
The coins as the percussion/tambourine is a nice touch.
Hades’ voice is DEEP.
They haven’t mentioned gods yet, I don’t think? Just the Fates, right? It sounds more like a mining operation metaphor for mythos right now, hmm.
Epic II (Live)
King of diamonds and spades - like the playing card suits, but also like the mining operation.
It’s the La la la la thing from Wolfy’s animatic! Almost. A different rendition - I bet I'll hear that later 👀
Why is it called Epic II? Where’s 1? Am I missing something?
Chant (Live)
Oh they’re doing overlapping meodies!!
Ah wait this is Eurydice now, gotta go back a few seconds to catch that. I keep getting her mixed up with Persephone 😅
Oh now we’ve got Eurydice and Orpheus relationship troubles? Huh, I kinda assumed they’d be the perfect couple till her death.
And a semi callback to her song, nice.
Hay Little Songbird (Live)
DAMN his voice is deep!
Is this Eurydice??
Is- Is Hades seducing her? To work for him of smth? Ummm.
Not the canary!
That shaker sounds like a rattlesnake, and it does not bode well for a little bird.
When the Chips are Down (Live)
Oh hey I was right! It is a metaphorical rattlesnake!
Does she choose to go to the Underworld of her own volition? I thought she like- died.
Gone I'm Gone (Live)
She does??
Ouch. She sounds so resigned.
Is this a metaphor for her starving to death? Oof.
The harmonies!!
Wait for Me (Live)
“Six feet under” oh yep.
“Lay low, stay outta sight” - getting Hamilton's Stay Alive vibes.
“Don’t look back” ah. FORESHADOWING.
Ohhh the River Styx being a high wall is so smart!
“And don’t look no one in the eye” I must be too deep in the Odyssey related fandoms, because I'm seeing puns where there are none lmao
Poor Orpheus, but I mean, he was kinda being a bit… naive? If he didn’t prepare for winter and just went off in his own head to make songs?
Why We Build the Wall (Live)
Free from who?
Enemy? 👀
(Yes, I'm aware I'm being led into asking all the questions he wants me to ask, but in my defence, it's very effective.)
Oh huh. Wasn't expecting it to be poverty, tho maybe I should've.
Him calling them “My children” plus the chanting is uh. Why does this sound like cult propaganda?
His voice sounds like the Ozymandias poem guy.
Also giving Frollo “She ran, I pursued” vocal vibes.
“Behind closed doors” - ominous.
Ha! Ok nice subversion.
Our Lady of the Underground (Live)
Persepone is a drug dealer XD
That’s a strange note on “there’s a crack in the wall”
Oh no, am I supposed to remember all these band member names? *crying*
Way Down Hadestown II (Live)
Bringing back motifs I see.
The pickaxes as percussion is cool.
Oop, Eurydice is getting a bit of a wake up call.
Chant II (Live)
Ooooh does the ‘backdoor’ Hermes meant, mean that Orpheus doesn’t have to ‘die’ to get there? ‘Cause he didn’t sign anything, which is a metaphor for him not actually being dead in the myth, so he can still leave.
“Hungry for the underworld” - the pomegranate?
And now Eurydice and Orpheus are singing half the La la la la tune each as if to each other from across the Underworld!
Ooh I LIKE those slant rhymes! "Young man, you can strum your lyre, I have strung the world in wire."
Oh this is where Orpheus sings his plea!! I know this is a thing because of Udad's Underworld Blues lol.
Epic III (Live)
The harmonies 🥺
Oh! It’s that part from Wolfy's animatic :O
I’m tearing up bro.
Just thinking that Eurydice was so upset with Orpheus for focusing on writing his song about Hades and Persephone, but it's that very song that is giving him a chance to sway Hades' mind. But on the other hand, if he'd focused less on the song, he never would've had to use it, y'know?
Word to the Wise (Live)
Ha the Fates(?) doing Hades’ inner monologue like, yeah bro u screwed yourself.
Uh oh this is probs where Hades comes up with the ultimatum. Wait no don't-
His Kiss the Riot (Live)
Those strings are creepy.
Belladonna? Oh the poisonous flower.
Did he call Orpheus the Jack of Hearts?
That acordian is awesome.
Fuck, I knew it.
He sounds like the guy who does the creepily ominous monologue in Micheal Jackson's Thriller.
Promises (Live)
Oh huh. It’s my theory from the 2nd song but it's Eurydice feeling betrayed that the world isn't always plentiful and not Orpheus?
Those strings are gorgeous!
Oh! A duet!
When the couple actually works out their shit:
“I do” omgggg!
Wait for Me II (Live)
Aww that’s nice. Persephone and Hades are gonna try too!
Oh no not the “wait” like in Hurricane-
Doubt Come In (Live)
Oh noooooo
... Oh god
Road to Hell II (Live)
Hermes sounds so sad but resigned. Like, 'Oh well. I knew it would turn out like this, but I'd hoped.' Which like. SAME.
The instruments stripped away so it's only silence and one voice is so good.
I can just imagine Orpheus collapsed shell shocked on stage as Hermes not unkindly pushes him to go on.
That reprise and ending is so fucking good AHHH omg no regrets. Some regrets. Whatever, it was good.
... Time to listen to it again with lyrics :D
And then I'm gonna listen to the Original Broadway Cast Recording!
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bloodywolfwings · 2 months
So my brain is being weird today and after a short convo with someone, my brain is refusing to let this go for some reason. Anyways, I'm going to to be taking about the shipping in this fandom because why not and I want an excuse to talk about slendytubbies ships lol. If I seem out of it, it's because my brain is barely functioning and it's 1 am for me lol.
To start with, why is there always some type of cheating? I can point to a few stories where cheating is involved and I really don't understand why, you can write a story about romance that doesn't include cheating. It also becomes a bit more confusing to me if it involves the main four because they've known each other for most likely their whole lives, so why not just talk to each other you multi coloured jellybeans??
This is more of a nit pick I don't like with ships involving either Tinky or Dipsy, like why are they being a the least inappropriate and for Tinky (I don't know or remember if this has happened with Dipsy), I'm going to be some of the depictions feel... Uncomfortable for one reason or another, like he's about to actually hit someone.
So, what about the girls? I'm going to be honest, I hate people make them jealous to the point they want to kill someone. I don't know shit about how break ups feel but wanting to kill someone over it feels very extreme. It's like dealing with an ant hill by blowing up the lawn.
Now this is the part where I'm just going to rant about Tinky X Po and Laa-Laa X Dipsy because why not and my own self indulgence because I actually ship them (I'm weird, I'm aware). I also have never been in a relationship too.
Like why not explore how the fuck they even got into their relationships? Would they even realise that they were in love because they don't have anyone to learn from other then Noo-Noo and he's a robot vacuum who probably doesn't feel true emotions.
Po seems to be good at fixing machines so why not Tinky helping Po to fix something or him asking Po about it. If you want to do something with Tinky, why not him having a rough day for one reason or another and Po just checking up on him.
Also some infected BS because why not (might/will contain headcannons). Tinky is probably going to be a mess because in this context he not only killed his two friends he's known since his whole life but also his gf who he's also know since childhood. He probably might be scared of himself afterwards because "if it can happen once, it can happen again"
Po is also going to be a mess because she just saw her friends murdered by her bf and then she was killed too. So she probably doesn't fully know what to feel because yes she killed her bf but she also knows he wasn't in control of his body. I can see this being more confusing if she did end up killing people because now she knows exactly what it's like from the other end.
How they would probably sort this out would be interesting, because it could be a simple as them just talking to each other about everything.
Now for Dipsy and Laa-Laa, this one is probably going contain the most headcannons tbh. To start of with, why not Dipsy and Laa-Laa talking about what's bothering them, Laa-Laa helping Dipsy to find his hat, Dipsy with her ball or just random things they find interesting.
As for the infected stuff well, it can either be angst, fluff or a mix of both. Given that their are two routes where you kill Laa-Laa you could make it so that a headless Dipsy just stumbles across her body but is either too out of it to realise what it is or he's just freezes in place in stunned horror.
Them getting used to their new infected bodies with Laa-Laa being blind and Dipsy (mostly like due to obvious reasons) having some type of nerve damage along side a few other problems. I often image these two just cuddling whilst sleeping.
This was longer than I expected, um, have a piece of ship art I drew lol
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stardustdiiving · 9 months
I would read your zhongxiao codependent yuri Like, I do generally picture them as a vaguely father/son dynamic BUT THAT IS NOT CANON. It's just as much fun to view them through a romantic interpretation! Idk why people can't view the same characters in different kinds of relationships without being weird about it.
Anyway I love your vision and would love to hear more about it lakdjs
THANK U SO MUCH Im not sure if I’m gonna write zx in the future since I’ve tended to be shy about posting my stuff relating to them for over a yr now, but I did post this fic with them last year while trying to get a hold on how to write them (mind the tags it’s pure angst omg). I was too shy to tag it as ship since it didn’t feel shippy enough, which is kind of funny to me in hindsight bc I reread it and am like. Man I think only a zx shipper would write this NUFNVJVJV
Post got kind of lot Im gonna go on a tangent about them under the cut
Honestly my theory for why ppl r very set on the father/son interpretation is everyone’s immediate thought on to how to make the power imbalance between them seem less uncomfortable is to apply a parental interpretation to it. Which is fine ofc, I get it, but the way ppl push it as canon a lot kind of grates on me a little bc they’re usually incredibly passive aggressive and pushy even if u clearly designate ur post as ship OTL
Also not really a fan of the characterizations either since ppl tend to treat Xiao like a moody teenager Zhongli has to reel in (this is hilariously reminiscent of the post I made about how ppl handle scaramouche and nahida a bit ago haha). And idk I just feel kind of polarized about the headcanon overall bc I associate it with people being really uncomfortable and frustrating about zx
I just like how there’s sort of an imbalance to them, some zxs like them being more fluffy and functional but I sort of like it where it’s not like, entirely dysfunctional but I’m prioritizing a specific kind of character study over romance. This tends to be how a lot of my ships go ngl I just sometimes enjoy the intensity/intimacy of romantic feelings thrown into the mix if it makes it interesting but I’m not often interested in a lot of my ships following more standard romance plots(?) I guess? Unless it’s specific ones. Which sounds clinical when I put it like that but this is just bc I am very aromantic NHFBVJVJ
When I say codependency in zhongxiao honestly it’s sort of a theoretical(?) codependency—not sure how to word it? I think Xiao would be really fucked up if he didn’t have Zhongli in his life suddenly but I don’t think his relationship with getting attached to people invokes what people would majorly think of when they think of codependency in a ship I suppose. It’s moreso I just feel Xiao could be at his worst with dehumanizing himself in comparison to other people with Zhongli, because said mental state is driven by how he feels about debt, service, and duty which are very closely tied with devotion and how he would feel about someone he considers his god and leader, as well as someone who saved him
It’s fun this is paired with Zhongli who generally knows how to work with Xiao kind of understands the self destructive depth Xiao’s loyalty/devotion comes with. Also fun they have been around each other for a very long time and Xiao as one of the adepti is familiar with the past I think Zhongli appreciates having around. They work but it’s also a case where Zhongli is in such a position of power over Xiao its kind of very delicate situation that’s hard for both of them to navigate. Which is fun to explore. I esp love contrasting it with other Xiao pairings (actually i think i still have that xiaoven fic up on my ao3 where I tried to convey a specific interpretation of them in a similar exploration vein too)
I totally get why people wouldn’t like it (I feel a lot of my opinions on xiao ships just clash with a lot of fandom consensus so bad all the time And it’s just bc I’m like this I’m not even trying to be contrarian or anything. HELDINCJD) but I just tend to handle shipping in a specific way. It’s not I don’t enjoy fluffy or lighthearted zl and xiao stuff I actually enjoy it a lot I just like there being layers. This makes it feel more impactful when I think about how Zhongli looks out for Xiao in canon or how Xiao gets like textually flustered talking to him (lantern rite 2023 was so tailored to my tastes it’s not even funny)
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danstupidaushit · 1 year
Cruel, Cruel World (Negativetale Danmaged)
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Alright so, this is kinda hard for me to talk about it, but this was supposed to be one of my biggest projects. I really am a fan of negativetale, and always thought the au was really underrated despite having an entire coming depicting one of the routes being done, and, at least in my opinion, having a very interesting way to depict it's concept that, at first can seem like something you'd see in an underfell take, but it's so different that, i practically fell in love with it And with this project, i really just wanted to try and bring the au back to today's fandom, wanting to of course update some of the concepts from the original au, while also trying to keep most of the aspects that made the original au my favorite. But oh well, the thing ended up getting kinda mixed opinions, as i even got called out for being "unintentionally transphobic" for uh, making mettaton a girl ig?
But nonetheless, let me skip all of this babbling and go on to explain about the au itself. So, the original negativetale is about how the monsters have violence ingrained into their species, and have since being enthusiasts on it after Asgore made up a rule about wanting only the strongest monsters to prevail in the underground before he would be able to free them and break out another war against humanity. And in Cruel, Cruel World, i going with a similar idea, by basically simplifying it to "What if the monsters were as evil as the legends told?", and with that, i went on to conceptualize the world, as Cruel World focuses on taking all of the good traits of the characters, and spinning them into making them eiter monstruous or actual bastards instead of the goofy people they were in original undertale.
To better explain what i mean, why don't i get in detail about the characters?
Frisk: I don't have anything to say about them, they are just as emotionless as the og frisk lol
Flowey: Had gone through the similar process as the original Flowey, but instead of becoming a bastard like the original Flowey because of having no soul, he immediately grew depressed and truly emotionless after noticing the situation he was in. He doesn't do much, doesn't say anything, and kinda just stands around looking down, with a dead stare stamped on his eyes.
Napstablook: Here, instead of being depressed by the fact his life has become kinda miserable, he instead became irritated to the point where he lashes out his own problems on others, gaining more of a smug kind of personality as he began to pester around with some of the weaker monsters he can find, using the advantage of being immortal as a ghost in his own favor to be even more of a pest to the people around him
Toriel: She's one of the characters i decided to not turn into an actual asshole, but actually make her unintentionally evil. Basically, instead of her being mother like and accepting, she's very terrified of everything and everyone, including Frisk, as she would actually reactivate the puzzles in the ruins in order to slow you down from getting to her house after she ends up discovering a human fell down. And her appearence in the ruins would end in a fight where she believes she's getting cornered so Frisk can kill her, thus quickly fighting back as the fight can only have 2 outcomes, frisk can either manage to explain that they mean no harm, or do nothing and leave her scared enough to try and throw an all out attack on them, leading to such attack missing frisk, hitting the roof of the basement and sending it down, covering up Toriel in debri, killing her in the process.
Sans: Sans has the same mentality as the original sans, being very nihilistic, but using it as a way to just not take life seriously anymore. But, instead of being the chill guy that he is in undertale, sans here uses that reason to just be a straight up unempathetic ignorant, he doesn't care about anyone and will actively try to drag people down with his crude and tasteless humor. He doesn't like frisk at first, and will even try to beat them up to kill them the first time they meet, but becomes later on some kind of "friend" to them, not one that can be trusted, but at least one that won't kill you if given the chance. Frisk cannot kill him directly in any of the routes, despite fighting you in the Pacifist route, but it would be revealed that Paps killed him moments after he left you when your fight with him ended.
Papyrus: Also dubbed as Mr. Papyrus instead of The Great Papyrus, is a megalomaniac criminal who decided to take on the crime scene after he was expelled from the Royal Guard for being too much of an annoyance to the other members. He terrorizes the citizens of Desertown (The snowdin replacement) and believes the entirety of the Royal Guard are a bunch of cowards for not being able to handle him and his evil schemes (Something he uses to fuel his ego even further). He doesn't necessarily likes sans, and in facts gets easily irritated by the way he acts, being also the reason for why sans is missing an eye and has a crack on his head. If not prevented, Sans will end up taking the chance for when Papyrus gets tired during your fight with him to get him out of guard and kill him up on the spot, but if prevented, Papyrus will be able to dodge Sans attack and immediately scold Sans away, saying he will deal with you later, allowing you to continue.
Undyne: She's the result of one of Alphys' most successful attempts at making a "super soldier", having been heavily experimented on after volutaring herself to the "UNDYING Project", which lead to her being mutated into an almost mindless beast, being now put as the head of the Royal Guard with the only goal in her mind being to serve and follow Asgore's orders at all costs. She's basically a gigantic animal, she doesn't have much of a consciousness anymore and will go to any length to try and kill Frisk. She can either end up dying by being thrown in the lava in hotland if Frisk decide to cut the rope bridge where she's standing, or can be spared by simply continuing to run away and hide inside Alphys' lab
Alphys: She's the "Actual" head of the Royal Guard, and also the left hand of Asgore, having the entirety of hotland in her palm for her to control. She's cold, remorseless and only cares about the progress she makes in her own projects, having a strange fascination in studies related to DNA mutation and cyborg related projects, explaing why she went on to create the Undyne we see now. She can either be killed by allowing Mettaton to grab her and explode both of them, or can be saved by fully destroying Mettaton after Frisk's fight with them, reaching the expected results of Frisk's partnership with her, and thus, having her allow her to get out of the core and continue on your journey.
Mettaton: Mettaton was an attempt of Alphys at creating an AI to help her better administrate the Core, but the AI ended up going rogue after Alphys could not fully brainwash the monster soul she used to give consciousness to her AI. Mettaton would have to role of an annoyance because she's extremely interested on getting to know the human, leading to her eventual fight in the core's "core" (lol), where she would reveal that she had been building a robot body for herself in an attempt at leaving the "cage" that was the Core and going on to fulfill her dream, which was to be a television celebrity. Tho, because of the appearence she decided to take, having been taken out from the corny anime Mettaton had found in the internet, and the way she decide to run he first show, she's booed to the point she decides to go on with what her public wants, and give them the violence they so ask, almost killing herself in the process (the fight is basically that, her fighting Frisk because she wants to give the violence the audience wants). The thing can either end with Frisk destroying Mettaton fully and deactivating them, finishing up the contract they had signed with Alphys, or actually fake out their death so Alphys can attempt at grabbing the remainings of Mettaton's body, only go be grabbed by her and blown up by her, killing both Mettaton and Alphys in the process. Yeah, she doesn't really have a good ending either way lol
Asgore: The point of his character was that there isn't much known about him, just that he's the king of the monsters, wanting to lead an army of only the strongest for when he manages to break the barrier and start another war with the humankind. He's cold, silent, and the embodiment of pure cruelty. The only ending where he comes out alive would be the Neutral route, where, due to his fight being impossible, Frisk would have to give up their soul for him, and with that, he would absorb all of the 7 human souls and break out the barrier, causing a second war between the monsters and humans to break out.
Characters like Asriel and Chara would not have any actual role in the story, judging there would not be a fight against Asriel or an Omega Flowey, and neither would Chara revive at the end of a genocide run. The replacement however for the Asriel fight would be a fight with Asgore, which i will explain in the next sections.
The AU would have 3 routes, much like the original having a Pacifist, Neutral and Genocide fight
The Neutral route would consist of Frisk going crudely and letting most of the main cast characters die out by the unconventional means i've listed before, ending with Frisk not being able to win Asgore and having their soul taken away by him as another war of the monsters going against the humans would break. The Pacifist route would be based around Frisk impeding most of the main characters from dying, with the only exceptions being Sans and Mettaton, which would lead to the monsters helping Frisk out on their battle against Asgore in an attempt at overthrowing his government of a tyrant. This would lead to Asgore go on to absorb the six souls he had already acquired as a last effort of winning the fight, making the route truly end with a fight against a now version of Asgore with god like powers (His design would be something much more akin to Omega Flowey than Asriel, the same being applied to the way his fight would roll) The Genocide route would have Frisk killing out all of the monsters by themselves, and purposefully letting the main characters get killed, ending with a talk with Sans where he would thank you for taking care of everyone, saying that he despite being an asshole himself, knew the dangers that the monsters could bring if they continued with the way they were treating life, and most importantly, the mission they were trying to achieve. After the talk, Frisk would get on a last fight with Asgore, to which they would be able to defeat him and leave the underground, fully putting an end on the so said "evil" that lurked in the depths of the Mt. Ebbot.
And, i think that's all i needed to say primarily, now i feel like it would be cool if i put out some notes and fun facts:
Papyrus design is heavily inspired by the old concept of Papyrus from undertale, and also the character Dedan from the game OFF (at least, design wise) All of the scenarios would have their aspects reverted, as for an example snowdin instead of being a snowy forest, would be a hot desert called Desertown, and waterfall would be a bunch of tight caves surrounding a volcano rather than a bunch of flooded caves, called Magma Lakes. The reason Mettaton is actually female instead of male in Cruel World is because they are a Trans Woman. Ghosts are depicted as genderless in the original undertale, and they in fact only get the gender they feel most comfortable identifying as when they manage to succesfully fuse themselves with a body (Mad dummy being an example of that, as they went first by they/them, but started going by she after becoming Mad Mew Mew). With that being said, i believe the same happened with mettaton in og undertale, they were a genderless ghost but started identifying themselves as a man after they became the mettaton robot. So basically, same happens here, but mettaton transitioned into a woman instead of a men lol After i had somewhat finished with this AU, i was actually planning on updating my other Negativetale AUs to use Cruel World as their base, but judging i've lost the courage to continue Cruel World, the same came to be for the others. I don't know, i feel like stuff like Swapnegative and Negativefell could use well being based off Cruel World but, oh well. Uh, i guess that's it? Idk if i have much else to say Sorry for not having the courage to continue this, i really wished i could try and bring negativetale back with a fresh new coat of paint but, ig this au stuff doesn't really always work the way i'd expect, but that's alright.
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iced-coffeebean · 1 month
Had this sitting in my drafts for a hot second and I'm bored while I wait for the college week to end soooooooo I decided to work on this <3 _______ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
I'm not really sure tbh.
I've been in the Hetalia fandom since for a good while now but I never really gave the micronations a second thought. But as of recently, I've just been SO intrigued by them.
I got attached to Molossia cause he's a micronation in Nevada and I'm a Nevadan so I guess close proximity to him geographically??
I figured, "You know, since he's a micronation from my state, I should probably put in an effort to try to get to know him." So I began to do a bunch of research and stuff and I eventually started vibin with his character and then I was just "...Jesus christ, we are practically twins-"
Slowjamastan is another muse of mine because of his connection with Molossia. His possible backstory and upbringing is also just a really interesting thing to unravel so. He is in the brain at all times too ❗️❗️❗️
He's a relatively new character but he's already managed to snatch my heart <3
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Anything I just don't really vibe with or that makes me uncomfortable. Usually, dead dove items unless I'm going INSANE and I want to emotionally wreck people but yk.
If you really want to know, you'd probably have to ask me 1 on 1 and I'd tell you. Just tell me your list and I'll tell you if I wouldn't vibe with it or not.
I also don't really like Russia all that much so I try to avoid writing him or mentioning him if possible. It's probably the Latvia kinnie in me but Russia gives me the ICK and Russia enjoyers also seem to spook me just a bit. Usually the people I've been around that like him don't end up being the best of lads so... Sorry </3
I'm also not a big fan of horror so, don't expect that much from me either </3
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I'm not really sure tbh. I like the aspect of building out a character is possible and seeing them go through changes and such.
I really like writing AUs for things.
I also love writing Molossia and his relationships/interactions with other micronations, Slowjamastan in specific.
I'm slowly opening up to Ladonia and he already has a lot of canon interactions with him and even seems to be on really good terms with him so that I'm taking that and running with it.
I love werewolf AUs SO MUCH but I haven't yet to write one. Hopefully one day <3
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
They come to me in dreams-/j
Joking joking but tbh, I just exist tbh and they come to me.
I normally do a lot of research on characters and adapt their way of being/personality into how I think would fit for them based on the info I got for them.
For characters I'm really passionate about, I try to consume as much of their canon content as possible while reading fics available about them and trying to get into their shoes, yk?
I try to BE the character for a hot second to understand them better. It just helps thing imo.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
I need it. There are very few times I've tried writing things in silence but I don't usually get very far </3
I always try to listen to music or songs that fit the mood of what I'm writing. It just gives inspo and drive for the writing <3
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
I usually do things in the moment but depending on who I'm talking to, I try to better plan things out when I respond so I sound like a normal human being rather than the feral, impulsive mf I am.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I love shipping <33 It makes things fun but I do enjoy characters and interactions between characters without the need for romance.
I just like how you can play around character in ways you probably couldn't before when you add a dash of romance or romantic uses into the mix.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
I'm some variation of Iced-Coffeebean on social medias and I usually go by Coffee. My 2p name (for shits and giggles) is Tea <3
I jokingly call myself *insert kinnie name* kinnie on discord.
I'm also called Mythos due to that being the main DnD character I play.
So I go by Coffee, Tea, and/or Mythos <3
I'm 19 but sometimes I feel like I'm a 28-year-old stuck in a teen's body from how hyperindependant I am and how that makes me stress over everything and makes me hella overthink. I'm surrounded by people that are older than me but act so childish and it makes me wanna rip my hair out sometimes </3
I'm an Aquarius <3
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
I also love navy blue, grays, tans, blacks, and lavender!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Shooting Star by Owl City is an ALL TIME BANGER But I have top 5 songs that are ROTTING my brain rn (no specific order):
Pedastal by Aiko
Roméo by Pierre De Maere
Zari by Marina Satti
Luktelk by Silvester Belt
Daughter of the Sun by Aiko
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Breathless (1960) by Jean-Luc Godard
Had to watch it for my film class. It was okay.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
La Casa De Los Famosos for a reality show I've watched recently. Aside from that, probably either YGO or Hetalia. I don't remember. It's been a second.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Appetite of a People-Pleaser by Ghost and Pals cause I'm going feral </3
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
I'd honestly kill for some pupusas de queso con chicharron. That with a non-alcoholic sangria and MMMM.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Probably Spring or Fall.
As Nevadan, anything that isn't 116 F/46.6 C is WONDERFUL. But anything lower than 45 F/7.2 C is COLD for my desert ass </3
So naturally I enjoy the months that aren't actively trying to kill me. I've only seen snow twice in my lifetime in my city so if it starts snowing (despite me liking the idea of snow), I'd actually just combust into flames and explode.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I guess you could say that @starfishes-and-watercolors is my Tumblr bestie <333
We met via AO3 and then chatted on here before moving to Discord. But she has seen the best and worst of me fandom wise and IRL wise.
She helped me stay motivated with YGO GX content, specifically Anikishipping content or Shou/Syrus content. She just deals with me being a Hetalia thot now but yeah, I still really care about her and I'm glad to have met her.
______ I was tagged by @heta-micronomics
Tagging: @starsmadeinheaven, @starfishes-and-watercolors, and @stardust-revolver
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waywardmillennial · 1 year
Heyyy I have so many thoughts and feelings about Steven and his shows/content right now and I would love to hear alllllll your Steven thoughts! (if you want to share obvs)
I hope you are doing okay and I am sending you so many virtual hugs right now! <333
oh my beloved Noa *hugs back* 💜 I appreciate this question and I also look forward to hearing all of your thoughts too. I just got done drying all my tears from the final Worth It trailer and I have a jumbled stream of consciousness to share - and it got a bit longer than I anticipated so settle in.
First, the ending of Worth It is a bit of a surprise, but I also understand and accept it. They really do know how to dig the emotional knife in by ending the trailer like this though T_T
Tumblr media
Same, Steven. Same.
Interesting to note (as I write this) Steven hasn't shared the final trailer on his socials. The last that he said about WI was his comment about feeling overwhelmed on March 2nd. Makes me want to send him a virtual hug.
It was so weird how the timing of this announcement came at the same time as the Mystery Files news on Watcher - so I've felt like I've been sad while most of the fandom is celebrating. I hoped after announcing Survival Mode that the next show might include Steven, and that's not the case (and the Worth It news felt like an extra gut punch on top of this). I know we had both talked about trying to focus more on Steven in 2023 (to try to get him on the trending celebs by the end of the year) and now it's looking like that might be a bigger challenge. I jokingly said in one of my discords that Watcher is becoming the Ryan and Shane network, but it's sort of true? And as someone who is a huge fan of Ryan and Shane, and their dynamic, I am happy. But I can also be sad about the lack of Steven content. I contain multitudes.
I wish that Watcher would focus on a show that really highlights and includes all three of them (not just WW+ on patreon). Maybe that's too difficult to coordinate with all of their schedules? But it would be nice. I have seen some great ideas floating around the internet, like a travel style show where all three of them explore a city. Steven could show the boys local food, Ryan could be entertainment or local history, and Shane could find an off-beat tourist spot for them to explore. I don't know - just a thought. They all seem competitive in different ways, so maybe a game show style would be fun too.
I would also love to see a Steven and Ryan show, or a Steven and Shane show. I think there is some untapped chaotic energy in either of those pairings.
Okay, this might sound bad at first - but let me finish before you yell at me: It kinda seems like Steven is the third wheel of Watcher - BECAUSE - Ryan and Shane were making their content together and came over as a package deal, and Steven didn't have that built-in report with either of them from the 'feed. This isn't really Steven's fault. However, Watcher continuing to lean into the Ghoul Boys pairing so hard isn't helping to bridge that gap. I feel like they could do more to mix it up (also, like only Ryan and Shane going on the GMM and Smosh collabs was a little sad to me. I'm always gonna be "but what about Steven Lim" basically as often as I can).
NOTE: I do not think this makes Steven less important than either Ryan or Shane. Watcher would not be here without Steven and his business sense behind the camera, and I love all of the shows he has put on Watcher! Steven is an integral part of this channel and it would not be the same without him.
That's why his last season of Dish Granted worries me a little bit. That has always been one of my top three shows on Watcher, and I'm glad Steven has a solo show like that. But in the latest season he took such a big step back from cooking for a lot of the episodes, it felt like he's trying to phase himself out. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it, when really they're just trying to get the audience used to other faces before they premiere their own shows -- but when you pair this with the lack of new Steven shows, and him being so quiet about Worth It ending, it makes me a little anxious. Side note: I woke up with the intense desire to make a playlist of all the Watcher One-Offs and collabs they've done, and found a Steven Lim collab I hadn't seen before. I don't even think Steven ever promo'd it on his insta? He is sort of a private guy, when compared to the other Watcher founders -- remember how this fandom wasn't exactly sure when Steven's bday was? lol -- so maybe he's just a quiet little guy, and doesn't mind taking a backseat for a while.
All that to say, I know Steven is a grown man and he doesn't need me to worry about him. I get it, but I'm just an anxious person by default. Steven's content is always so relaxing and wholesome and a good time, that it's a bit scary to think of not having it as much anymore. Plus, I think that he's such a creative, thoughtful, and funny person who deserves to be seen by lots of people and feel appreciated for what he contributes to the channel (I was so excited when his Steven Eats Through Korea for 24 Hours Straight video jumped to one million views faster than most new Watcher shows do, and is still sitting at more views than the last season of PH). I hope that he sees that, and I'm sure he does because he strikes me as the founder who looks at their numbers more than the others.
I will always be here, yelling about Steven Lim's achievements, and hyping him up as much as I can. And I hope that we'll see more of him on Watcher soon!
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loulines · 1 year
I got my anniversaries mixed up.
Not that it matters. The thing on June 21st was something I confessed to someone which started a series of things that made me end up in therapy. Still ironic.
My fandom anniversary is about a week later. Can't really remember when exactly anymore.
Again, it doesn't matter.
I survived my first ever therapy session, that's what matters.
Normally I wouldn't write about it, in fact I haven't really felt like talking about the details for the couple of days, not even to my friends. My family doesn't even know I went there.
The only reason why I want to publicly speak about it is because I know there are many people like me who are struggling and on the verge of breaking apart, but they're too afraid to start therapy, or procrastination and executive dysfunction are kicking their ass. I can only hope to inspire at least one person.
I'd rather not talk about how I even got to that point aside from the thing I mentioned earlier because this should stay private. But it was that and also years of other unfortunate events that shaped me into the miserable wreck I am today.
I've been considering starting therapy when things were still somewhat "not great not terrible", but since I was terrified of talking to anyone, I did everything I could to not find a specialist.
Then, when I actually seriously considered getting the appointment, I have already done things I was even more scared to talk about with a stranger because therapist or not, the last thing I needed was to have someone confirm that I did morally wrong and unforgivable things...
And of course living in a hell of a homophobic country doesn't help either.
Hundreds of mental breakdowns later, and buckets of tears I've cried, my irl friend told me that I should really look for someone to help me. My first reaction was of course, "no way I will do it," but then she told me that she's looking for a therapist herself too. And she told me about her ways to look for someone.
So eventually I spent some time on research, wrote down some names and then left it like that without making an appointment.
It was fine. I did the first step anyway and that was what mattered. A few days later I was getting out of another meltdown and then I just... I grabbed my ipad, went back to the list and made an appointment with the therapist that "seemed" to be the best for me.
And that was it.
I almost started crying while I was signing up because it felt like I was making a life changing decision. And idk... Maybe because I finally agreed with myself to get the professional help I've been avoiding so much in the past.
On the day of the appointment I was stressed AF but it hit the catalyst 15 minutes before. I thought I would pass out and I don't know if it was my nerves or the heatwave or both.
And then it happened. Again, I don't want to share any details. Some things got clearer right away and made me feel calm now, the rest is still confusing. I definitely need more sessions. I might attend them feeling less stressed though. Hopefully.
I don't want to draw any conclusions now. I don't want to examine myself in search of finding immediate changes in me and my POV... That's gonna take a while and just because I've been feeling slightly better for a few days and not s**c*d*l (as usual) doesn't mean I'm already fixed. I'm not. I'm still beyond broken and more than confused.
Tbh I know absolutely nothing about mental health. All the attempts at trying to understand what is happening to me or others were only making things worse. I used to think I can DIY my own therapy without stepping out of my comfort zone. I cannot.
Had I started therapy earlier, say 8 months earlier, maybe I would be in a very different situation right now. And the people that were affected by my mental fuck up would be as well. Maybe things would be so much better now. I will never know. Time can't go in reverse, what's done is done. The only thing I can do now is to trust a specialist and hope I chose the right one.
And wait.
For days, weeks, months, maybe years...
Until life is good again.
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channeleven · 2 years
My Problem With Ed, Edd n’ Eddy’s Fifth Season
Okay, this isn't the first time I ever talked about the fifth season, but chances are it was a very rough take that I will only now put right. I used to be a big fan of Ed, Edd n' Eddy, well I still am, though I don't tune into old episodes. The show is over, the fandom is surprisingly well behaved, and I believe the show is superior to the shit people latch onto these days, for one thing it's not corporate, and no I'm not gonna explain what I mean by that.
But it's not all perfect, obviously. Nobody is reluctant to bring up any of the show's shortcomings, but there was one hangup I have with the show that persisted for so long. It seems like a petty thing to complain about, but the last season of Ed, Edd n' Eddy was so... not good, it actually convinced me that I just wasn't a fan of the show, when that is not the case.
To be fair, I'm not saying one season is better than the other, bad episodes are evenly spread out between seasons, and this wasn't necessarily out of Danny Antonucci's control, he went along with what seemed to be right, I mean aside from going digital, go drawn or go home. I really don't like the fifth season, and I feel it not happening would be inconsequential, and it seems I may not be alone with that, as most EEnE diehards actually liked my Tumblr post with the same opinion, and a common consensus is that it has some good episodes, some bad ones, or they're just happy to get more out of their favorite show.
I'm gonna go over why I don't like the fifth season of Ed, Edd n' Eddy, and why I believe it is expendable.
My Experience
I watched Cartoon Network during the early-2000s, so I was able to catch episodes of the fifth season when they were out. I have seen plenty of the older seasons' episides, I played Candy Machine Deluxe and Spin Stadium whenever I could, and I was basically ready for the long ride with the show.
When I saw the episodes new, I'll admit, I did like some of them, even those that would go on to be criticized later on, but even as a kid, something about most of the episodes felt... off, and this had stuck with me ever since then, to the point I found myself avoiding reruns of episodes I didn't like.
So no, I'm not doing this just for some contrarian cred, even as a kid I didn't like the fifth season that much, and that hasn't changed frankly.
Last Season Curse
People have often used the term seasonal rot to note shows that gradually began to crumble in its later years, and yes, I know this point is used ad nauseum, but for ever common complaint lies a kernel of truth. For every final season, it often reflects a lessened budget, like with ChalkZone or Real Ghostbusters for instance, or a creative director change, like the Chris Savino seasons of Dexter's Laboratory and PowerPuff Girls, not counting the Games era of Ren and Stimpy because let's be real, they didn't need John Kricfalusi, well, after he made the charaters. It's not always gonna be bad, but if you've been watching the show for a while, you're bound to pick up on a few differences. Seasonal rot does not always mean a show's last season sucks, it means this is a sign that either the creatives were worn to the bone with it, or the networks wanted it off as soon as possible, with a creative change only occurring if the original one steps down.
Danny was with the show all the way to the end, and that was for the better, he was always around to direct the episodes, but the one time he didn't during this season, we got what is often considered to be the worst episode of the entire series, or at least one that lands somewhere in the top five.
Some of the spirit of the previous seasons has been kept intact, but it is mixed in with some very noticeable tweaks that take away from that experience, often trumping what made the show so popular in the first place, and falling into the same trap that most shows do with new writers going off of notecards or struggling with ideas or stripping character personalities away.
The Little Differences
Now what do I mean by spirit? I mean the slapstick comedy in an otherwise normal setting. Danny, or someone, has said they avoid the prospect of characters growing up to preserve the timelessness of the series, which makes sense. The summer setting may also play into the timelessness by ridding any prospect of time moving forward, this shit could happen in the span of a few days or so and none would know the difference.
So obviously I object to the school setting.
I'm not gonna go all Mario fan on this, but I do have my complaints. That timeless setting, by implying that summer is over and having the kids go to school, it sorta takes away from the timelessness the writers were going for. If the show got more seasons, maybe we would've seen the parents, then you realize The Eds are Coming and Mission Ed Possible did the latter to a degree, Rock a Bye Ed doesn't really count as it was some depiction of Jonny 2x4 for the sake of the plot.
It's such simple things that were unfortunately cast aside, and so close to the finish-line too. Now look, I know this may sound like I'm making a big deal, fine, but I dunno, what do these changes add to the show at large? Granted, it's not just throwing in new characters on a whim, I like how creative they got to avoid showing any new characters, but if anything this marks a contrast between this and earlier seasons because you rarely saw any other instances in the older episodes. Keep this in mind.
The football episode shows the best and worst of making use of a limited cast for so long. While the Lemonbrook football team are depicted by shadows, we see shots of a crowd barely shown in, with the Kankers singled out. It just looks awkward, but like, did we need a football episode in Ed, Edd n' Eddy? That episode sucked balls, I'm sorry.
Our Friends in Name Only
And of course I need to get into how the characters feel just as off. To its credit, the characters have more consistency than other characters from shows that slipped into its terminal days, either that or they were more subtle about it. About the only major change I noticed was Ed, who turned out to be far more annoying than he was in the past, either because he tends to speak louder or may have lost more braincells than we were led to believe.
The big problem with the characters, at least for me, is the writing. The stories they are put into either drive them to over the top extremes rarely or never seen in previous seasons, and of course those on the lower end suffer the worst. Nobody likes Sarah, and of course she pulls a devastating fast one in "The Ed is Falling" or whatever the sky is falling episode name was. It's a Sarah plot without anything more to make it stand out, basically the 55% people don't take away from episodes like that.
And I gotta ask, why are Sarah and Jimmy in the same grade as everyone else? Otherwise why have them go to school if you're gonna treat it like it's still summer? It's almost as if this makes no sense even by an over the top cartoon's standard.
All I can say about Kevin is that he is a contributing factor to Smile for the Ed being seen as one of the worst episodes in the show, and yeah, seeing it brand new as a kid, all I can say is you had one job. On the other hand, maybe this was Danny's way of messing with the network, showing them what would happen if you separate him from the show. If that's true, that is clever, but it may've worked far too well.
But the one character I feel that suffered the worst because of the writing, was Edd. Much like how the season convinced me I didn't like the show, this season convinced me I didn't like Edd. The biggest draw here is when Edd smugly leaves Eddy to suffer for what he did or was associated with, even being involved with most of Eddy's misfortunes, or at least the no neck chump business. If you want to quit, just do so Edd, you're supposed to be the smart one right?
You may think 'oh, you see though, it's his way of showing he has backbone, just like in Momma's Little Ed.' And I can understand where you're coming from, but Eddy deserved it at the end, more importantly because he targeted Edd directly.
Really, the best way to compare Edd in most season five episodes is Sorry, Wrong Ed, the similarities are astounding, namely Edd's I don't give a shit about a guy I'm possibly friends with. If this was to set up some big argument, like in Big Picture Show, it wouldn't work because what set him off there was Ed and Eddy screwing with him during the journey to Bro. If it was as you thought it was, the series proper would've ended with Edd joining the Cul De Sac kids, arguably darker than the fourth season finale, because at least there the trio was still in effect.
It feels like sometimes the writers had it out for Eddy. We had some more brutal takedowns by the Kankers, even his own friends would turn against him, something was definitely not right with this, but what do I know?
The Core Element
I'd like to touch upon the slapstick real quick, I'm sure someone is gonna bring that up as a consistent element to the show. Yes, the sight gags and slapstick are here, but compared to those in the older seasons, even these feel off. Sure, they do happen, but... best way I can put it is that the older seasons had some slight restraint, pulling it off when you'd least expect it or having a really good gag pulled. Somehow, the fifth season feels even more cartoony, with faces and gags done that I would have never expected to see in older episodes.
It doesn't feel like they were included because they suited the series they were part of. In this season, it felt like they were included for the sake of being included, but it's as if the writers forgot their own work, or the network demanded more of it that we go overboard most of the time.
Check out an old episode, then one of the fifth season episodes, and tell me if you see something similar.
Its own
Interestingly, it was here that the show transitioned to digital animation, so me going on about the little differences hones in on how alien this season feels compared to others. With the gag execution, the treatment of most characters and the common setting, you can remove this season from the show and, really, what harm would it do? Anything new that occurred had done so in this season anyhow.
But you may be thinking, well without the fifth season, we wouldn't get Big Picture Show. Okay, maybe you have a point, but by then Ed, Edd n' Eddy was still very popular so I'm sure we would've gotten the movie regardless of the fifth season occurring or not. Especially so, since the movie occurred in the Summer, when the older seasons did. The use of digital animation in it helps make the spectacle more believable and feel like a grand finale. For one thing it looks better than The Loud House Movie, possibly even the Casagrandes Movie.
The fifth season has similar animation to Big Picture Show, and that dulls the spectacle aspect just a tad. The fact the fifth season throws in a new setting placement and hints of other characters ruins the mystique the movie would offer, in terms of the Eds exploring the world outside of the Cul De Sac, seeing small hints of new people, especially Bro at the end. Now, of course the kids make peace at the end, so that is a good thing at least, but we could've come to that without the fifth season.
If anyone was gonna bring up releasing the movie earlier because there would be no new content between when the movie came out and the fifth season did, how about a compromise? They could waste less time on a, quite frankly divisive season and just produce the holiday specials and participate in CN Invaded, new content in small increments, building up to a grand finale. I won't say some traces of the fifth season's writing didn't get into this movie, but at most it feels like the spirit of the older seasons was kept. Hell, even the over the top gags make more sense as this was a TV film with higher ambition than the previous seasons.
And I'm sure someone is gonna say if we didn't have season five things would end on a very dour note thanks to Take This Ed and Shove It's ending. But let's be real, you can wonder about that. It's not tragic, just a sarcastic yearn for lost youth, by this point everyone was on good terms and just got old. People say the last episode of the fifth season was a good finale, but honestly it felt kinda forced, and it was as if Danny gave an exasperated sigh of relief that he was finished with it. It was like a wet fart basically, especially since, lol, that wasn't even the last episode, and I don't mean Big Picture Show, I mean the lost episode that came from the proposed sixth season, of course they were planning more, but something happened and we never got it. Maybe somewhere, it was because the fifth season was such a groaner that people feared what other seasons would entail.
Final Thoughts
I understand Ed, Edd n' Eddy is a heavily respected show, and I can certainly agree with it. But even as a kid, I didn't like the fifth season's episodes very much. It felt like the show in name only, and it made me feel like I wasn't a fan of the show anymore. It has in quality what it has in expendability, and had this never come out, beyond the holiday specials, I think it would've made Big Picture Show a hell of a lot more satisfying.
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devilcatdarling · 1 year
Hollow, Ghost
7, 12, 13
Hope you don't mind that there are many of these :>
Ok so I did #12 and #13 for Hollow in another answer recently so be sure to check out the "#Hollow Knight Asks" tag for my page! I'll do #7 for Hollow here since I've not done that one for them yet and then the rest for Ghost!
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
- Hollow: it's a tie between them walking out of the temple in Embrace the Void and them going batshit on Radiance in Dream No More. They get so little screentime in game so the absolute bad bitch energy of "I win and there's nothing you can do about it" in both of these endings made me go feral and I (accidentally) slammed my Xbox controller down during their two seconds of (half) onscreen time in ETV and the poor controller still makes a rattling sound to this day lol. The fact they gave us a canon ending where Hollow lives and actually staggers out. Yes I know DNM is more popular but ETV is the cope I needed mentally for the "you thought you'd seen the last of me! Surprise! I survived through all this shit and will live while the gods responsible roll around in their graves" and will gladly grab and run with it like the feral little rat that I am
-Ghost: shade lord Super Saiyan transformation complete with happy meal snacking Radiance and then Godseeker as desert because she talked so much shit. Something about the entire ETV ending timeline where Ghost looks at the other solutions and says "nah" and goes through so much so they get to smack the Radiance around like a squeaky dog toy is my favorite thing for them. I literally yelled "YES GET HER ASS! YOU TELL HER!" when they go for Radiance and then I just dissolved into ungraceful incoherency when they snatch Godseeker up like the last Pringle chip in the can. Ghost got what Ghost deserved lol
12. what I like about the way the fandom portrays them
Ghost- I like the specific flavor of fandom Ghost where they're this absolute force of (controlled) chaos. A bundle of fully-capable-of-mass-destruction God wrapped neatly in this tiny potato form and they are quiet and observant, giving little ability to read them as they observe the world. An enigma. They give off this older-than-time-and-knowing-beyond-comprehension feel and yet at any moment they want to they're going to whip out the nail and smash some shit to see what it does or buy an overpriced new lantern or charm they don't need because it's sparkly and looks cool. I love the carefully calculated balance between "This is an ancient force capable of swallowing gods and unleashing hell upon the unfortunate and it's face and body language gives nothing away" and "this is a shiny button that says Do Not Press and I'm going to press it anyway because I can and ooooo is that a rotten egg? I need it right now"
13. what I don't like about how the fandom portrays them
Ghost- ehhh probably when people make them TOO overly emotional and openly expressive. So little is elaborated about their backstory that there's nothing that really bothers me too bad, though I like when they have a careful balance of some childlike wonder in the world, mixed with this muted sense of an ageless otherworldly creature with a quiet way of doing things. Ghost is kinda an enigma in that we don't really know WHY they are the way that they are. They seemingly hatched with Hollow and are a clutchmate so they're definitely not a "baby" in that sense, but physically Hollow matured into adult form whereas Ghost apparently didn't. Is it because they needed something external to promote growth into an adult molt that they were deprived of? Are they even Hollow's past hatchmate or just the Shade god of the abyss condensing itself into a form tied to the Hollow Knight's greatest regrets to allow it to move more freely? Either way they clearly have a will and certain desires, but it's muted in such a way that just really seems to fit with their mysterious persona and when people make them too openly clingy and visibly expressive in their motivations it kinda turns me off. "What are they doing and why?" As they do things with little elaboration and explanation fits better for them imo
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