#I am so glad good lord this took forever.
I Would Have Killed You
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Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
Astarion x Tav, Astarion x Asexual!Tav, Astarion x OC, Astarion x Evie
A/N: This took forever, but hey! It's done. This is also my first experiment in using third person instead of second person when writing for Evie (Ace!Tav), so let me know if you want to stick with this or switch back to how it was before.
Warning: angst, blood, dissociation, Astarion being bad at emotions, heavy kissing
Summary: Astarion is reminded of the person he was before the tadpoles and what that means for his and Evie's future.
Word Count: 4.1K
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It was so easy. Astarion almost felt bad for the little tavern mouse waiting at the door.
He had been instructed to bring a bard to the palace. His master gave no explanation and Astarion knew better than to ask. 
He had found this one playing at the Elfsong. They were a newcomer to Baldur’s Gate. No friends. No connections. Nobody who would miss them. 
He gestured them into the hallway, plastering his most practiced smile. 
The mouse gave him a tentative nod in return as they looked up and around, taking in the space.
 The entryway succeeded in its intended effect, dwarfing all who stepped foot into its open maw. The walls were lined with deep reds contrasted against gold finery before pushing down a dark hallway. The only light came from a handful of candles and the clouded night just outside the windows. Of course, it didn’t look any more inviting during the day. Sunlight had not touched these halls in centuries. 
Astarion guided them forward, placing a hand on their shoulder, just in case. 
He tried not to worry. This was a new kind of trap he had put together, one improvised in the moment. It was rare for his lines to fail him so completely, but he had managed to salvage the conversation with the promise of employment. He was fairly certain it would work, but hardly the guarantee getting on his back would have assured. 
Words drifted in his ears, something clever to disguise nerves. 
He replied with his usual flattery; a few words assuring them how they were the best he had ever heard and something about his master being entranced. 
He could hear their heart hammering as their eyes flickered from window to window, never focusing on one thing for more than a few seconds. Searching for an exit perhaps. 
He kept his footsteps measured, quick to engage them in banal conversation. Couldn’t have the scurrying off now, not when he was so close. 
A pair of double doors forced him to pause before turning to his offering. He said something he supposed was encouraging as they gave him something akin to a smile. At the very least their breathing was less shallow. 
It was good enough and with a grand gesture, he opened the doors, revealing a table set for a lamb to slaughter. 
Foods of various kinds covered the entire surface. The noise of smells bombarded his nose, sickly sweet and ripe as rot. Steam from vegetables and freshly prepared meats choked his lungs. Candles littered every surface. He could feel his eyes start to burn, whether from the smoke or brightness, he couldn’t be sure. All the same, he didn’t need his senses to feel his master’s smile as the lord rose to his feet.
Astarion gave a bow, followed quickly by the mouse. 
It didn’t escape his notice how resolutely they maintained their gaze just left of his master’s shoulder and not the feast in front of them. 
“I am glad to see you have found your way,” the master said, his voice decadent. “Please, join me.”
The mouse hesitated, caught between proprietary and something else. Astarion didn’t know how he missed it. Gods knew he had seen it in the face of his “siblings”. He wore it himself often enough. Little thing was starving. 
A sense of calm came over him. He had been worried over nothing. Desperation was just as secure a motivator as lust. 
Still, the mouse did try to maintain some dignity; something about not being able to accept such hospitality without earning it. 
His master raised a hand in dismissal. “Nonsense. If Astarion’s praise is anything like truth, you will more than earn a meal here.” 
It was the excuse they needed as they took deliberate steps to the lord’s side. 
“Astarion. You will join us.”
It wasn’t a question and he wasn’t in a position to make it one. This held the promise of being wholly painless. Whatever game his master was playing, he would do his part. 
Astarion spoke his thanks and took a seat on the master’s other side. 
The mouse tried so hard. They waited patiently for the master to start the meal before serving themselves, careful not to overload their plate. This was an audition after all, they couldn’t risk making a bad first impression. Of course, it did nothing to quell the hunger in their eyes. Each bite was brought carefully to their mouth with such slowness it appeared painful. 
Despite himself, Astarion had to admire their restraint. He wondered what they would do differently if they knew this would be their last meal. 
He did his part to appear engaged. He moved food on his plate around and pretended to take a drink of wine, mindful to not let any pass his lips. 
It would all be over soon. He would return to the kennels tonight with food in his stomach and the skin remaining on his back. He would not give the master an excuse. Besides, his lord seemed occupied assaulting the bard with questions. 
Astarion tried his best not to listen. If the master wished to play with his food, there was little he could do to stop him. His part was done. The mouse was nothing to him. Sure, some of their conversation had been stimulating, but it did not make up for their fundamental stupidity. They deserved what was coming if they allowed themselves to be caught in such an obvious trap. So what if they were starving? What did they know of true starvation? Let them rot in a tomb for a year, unable to die. That would teach them to accept anything too good to be true. 
“It is good to see you fed,” his master said. “If I may be blunt, you seemed near faint when you came in.” 
The mouse gave an embarrassed look, answering with a self deprecating affirmative. 
“Perhaps now you may give us a proper performance.” 
They nodded, rising to their feet with more confidence than what they came in with. Astarion supposed a full stomach would do that. He wondered idly if that somehow made a difference to the quality of the blood. He knew his master too well to assume he was granting the little snack a kindness before their death. Perhaps fear spoiled the taste. 
The bard took a position on the small podium just to the side of the dining table, pulling out a well kept violin out of a travel worn case. 
“Let us see if your songbird lives up to expectations,” his master said, the words coming as light as a knife pressed against his throat.  
Astarion’s spine stiffened, forcing himself not to swallow. 
So, that was the game. Each of his siblings had received similar instructions no doubt. Find a bard in the city, any bard. He didn’t know the prize for finding the best, but he had a fair idea of what the punishment would be for bringing the worst. 
His offering held their violin across their chest, ready for the lord’s request. 
“Whatever is your favorite,” his master replied. 
Astarion held his breath as the bard let go of theirs allowing strings to fill the air. 
The first handful of notes came like a caress against his cheek, so careful and warm he nearly flinched. It didn’t shy away, and slowly he felt himself relax into its touch. 
They were good. He had gotten an idea at the tavern, but that was for the unwashed masses of the lower city, not the private dining room of a palace. If anything, the change in scenery made their playing all the more potent. 
The music slipped past his ears, boring deeper and deeper until he could feel it in his very bones. He found himself unable to look away. It compelled him back into his body and to the ever present here and now. Each note came as a release, an inspiration to keep living long enough to hear the next. If only they could play forever, perhaps they would never die.
There was something so familiar about it. Not the melody, but the phrasing, the shape of the notes as they whispered unknowable nothings into his heart. He knew that voice. 
A smile spread across the bard’s face, content and lost in the music, wholly unaware.
Oh Gods. Evie.
Fear clutched his chest. He tried to open his mouth, but his lips remained placid. He felt the muscles strain with the effort and yet not so much as a twitch appeared on his face. He pulled at his arms, his hands, legs, neck, anything. He couldn’t move. His skin remained an impassive shell, trapping him inside his own body. 
Bile rose in his throat. Cazador found him. It was the only explanation. Something went wrong with the tadpoles. The bastard was in his head. 
To his horror the song came to a close. 
Evie held her position as every good performer would, not even opening her eyes as the remains of the strings echoed into nothing. 
A slow clap came from behind him filling the sudden stillness. How he didn’t flinch was beyond his comprehension. 
She smiled in appreciation, giving a graceful bow. The triumph in her eyes made him want to wretch. 
Run. Please, my love. Run!
“Beautiful,” Cazador said. “A truly remarkable songbird. It’s a wonder you were so eager to share Astarion. If it were me, I would keep her all to myself.” 
Astarion felt the shell bow its head in respect.  
“Far be it for me to deny you, master,” it said. 
“Indeed.” Cazador then turned his sights to Evie. “I would have this settled tonight. Join me in my study so we may discuss the terms of your employment.”
“Oh…thank you,” she said, the uncertainty clear in her tone. “Will Astarion be joining us?” 
“That will not be necessary,” Cazador said, his tone quickly losing its patience. “As it stands, Astarion has his own duties to attend to.” 
Evie wavered, her eyes darting between him and the double doors. 
This was their chance. Control of his limbs was out, but Astarion wasn’t about to give up. He dug in deeper into this mind. Surely the tadpole hadn’t been removed. It was just dormant, something. If he could just make contact. All he needed was a wriggle. The second he was free, he was going to tear the bastard’s throat out! 
“I thank you for the offer, my lord,” she said. “But if it’s possible, I would like a day to think about it. If we could meet tomorrow morning–.” 
“Do you think I make this offer lightly?” Cazador snapped. “If you wish to return to the streets in which you were found, you may. You are impressive, but do not think I cannot find another.” 
Evie’s eyes widened, her hands clutching her violin tighter against her body. 
The decision was written all over her face. She was still so hungry. 
The shell’s aloof expression faltered. Brows cinched together as its mouth turned into a line. 
“Oh go on little mouse. Off to the slaughter with you.”
Astarion froze. That wasn’t Cazador. 
“I apologize, my lord,” Evie said. “I did not mean to offend. Of course, I am honored by your offer. I will gladly join you.”  
A smile spread across Cazador’s face, one made of teeth and condescension. 
He rose to his feet, gesturing to a side door leading out of the dining room. 
Evie’s heartbeat came hard in his ears. Still she packed away her violin, preparing to follow Cazador wherever he would lead her. 
Astarion’s throat tore with the effort to scream. His nail dug into the walls of his insides, pulling and grasping at flesh. He didn’t know how this was happening and frankly didn’t care. Anything beyond the beating of Evie’s heart was meaningless. He needed to get out. He didn’t care if he had to claw out of his own skin.
Evie all too soon joined Cazador’s side. The bastard placed a hand on her arm much as his own had before, guiding her out of the room to certain death. 
There was only one option left. Instead of turning inward to the tadpole that, for some reason, had abandoned him, he pushed his thoughts outward. 
Master. Please. Don’t do this. Hear me. I’ll do anything. I’ll bring you hundreds, thousands more. Whatever you ask of me, I will do. Just let her go. Please.
Cazador paused, turning his head slightly over his shoulder. 
“You may go, Astarion. Make sure to clean this mess. And take the tray with you.” 
The shell turned its gaze to the one closed tray left on the table. The faint smell of death and something else sickeningly familiar hit his nose. 
“Not as festering,” it thought idly. 
No, he thought. He was thinking these things. He was the one doing this. He was the one killing her. 
He didn’t even look up as the pair of footsteps left the room, the door closing behind them with a decisive thud. 
Like an animal he pounced on the tray, throwing the top aside to dig his hands into the fat, putrid rat waiting for him. 
His teeth tore into its stomach, tainted blood mixed with other bile filling his mouth, but still he drank. It was a drop of water to a dying man, not nearly enough and only meant to serve as a reminder of absence. Still, he could not deny himself. This was more than he had in a week. 
His victory would no doubt be short lived. Cazador would find some way to punish him later for some imagined transgression, but at least tonight he wouldn’t suffer. 
Evie’s heart disappeared behind the door. He almost wished it would stay that way. Silence would bring him the gift of denial, but since when had he ever been lucky. 
Somewhere far away, he heard a cry of fear transform into pleas for help, then mercy, and then just pain until even those fell to nothing. 
He couldn’t speak, but gods did he scream. 
In a sudden jolt, he was upright, darkness invading his vision blurred at the edges by orange candle light. 
He was breathing hard. His heart didn’t race, but his limbs trembled all the same. In some attempt to calm himself, he raised a hand to his brow pushing back the hair that had fallen across his forehead. 
He paused, a sudden wave of relief washing over him. He had moved his hand. He was in control. His limbs, his breath, his body was entirely his own. A quick focus inward assured the rest. The tadpole was safe and sound, wriggling away. 
The room around him started to come into focus. He was in the Elfsong. A quick glance revealed the rest of his companions fast asleep in their beds. For once he was grateful to hear Karlach’s snoring. He couldn’t be anywhere else. 
His eyes turned to that one candle burning just beside him. 
Evie had insisted, claiming she couldn’t sleep without one. It was a lie, of course. Astarion knew well enough she could fall asleep standing on her head if pressed. The candle had been for him; another small kindness to add to the ongoing list. 
A slight shift in the bed refocused his attention, turning to the other laying beside him.
“Astarion? What’s wrong?”
Her voice was low and thick with sleep. Her eyes were barely open and her hair was a complete mess on the pillow. Now would be the perfect moment to tease her, to kiss her and slip back beneath the sheets, but he couldn’t bring himself to do any of it. He was too focused on the rise and fall of her chest and the steady rhythm of her heart. 
“Astarion?” Evie repeated, concern now slipping into her voice as she turned more decidedly toward him. 
He shook himself out of his head, slipping a practiced smile to his face. 
“It’s nothing darling,” he assured. “Go back to sleep.”
“Can’t, I’m up now,” she said, stretching herself further awake. 
She held her arms open to him.  He knew he didn’t have to. It wasn’t a demand or even an expectation; merely an invitation, one he didn’t have the strength to decline. 
He fell into her, wrapping her in his arms and burying himself in her neck. He let her scent fill his lungs, chasing away the lingering rot with the life of her blood and subtle musk of her skin. Her heart pressed against his chest so close he could feel it echo inside him like a memory. He felt her fingers card through his hair cradling his head against her in gentle assurance, as if she wasn’t holding a monster who could drain her dry with just the slightest parting on his mouth. Gods, what had he done to deserve this?
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, her breath soft and warm against his ear. 
He didn’t answer right away, pressing his lips against her neck as his mind turned searching for the right thing to say. Words continued to evade him as he moved his touch further up, catching the underside of her jaw, her cheek, the edge of her mouth, the tip of her nose until finally he landed on her lips. He kissed her softly, just a brush really, any more would be too much. 
Another thing to add to the list, the solace in knowing he didn’t need to do anything else. No performance. No seductions. Just this. 
He pulled back, cupping her face in his hand. 
Her eyes were so soft, even as a crease worried her brow. He knew that was for him too. There was a time he would have scoffed at that look, dismissing it as pity instead of the care it was. Now it just made him ache. 
His lips found hers again, kissing her long and deep.
He loved her.  He knew that now. He had a suspicion he had known for a while, but couldn't allow himself to see it.
The word didn’t disgust him as it first might have done, but gods did it terrify him. His dream revealed more than one truth. He knew now the things he’d be willing to do, the parts of himself he’d be willing to sacrifice to keep her safe. By all accounts he should be cursing her name, but he just kept kissing her. 
He couldn’t stop. His lips found new purpose, touching and tasting any inch of skin within reach. Nothing bad could happen just so long as he kept touching her. He’d hold her forever if he could, absorb her into his skin and keep her safe there. Nobody would hurt them ever again. 
“Astarion?” His name came out in a choked breath, pulling him back to himself and to her. 
He pulled back, going rigid in alarm as if he’d just be dunked in a tank of cold water. Somehow he had turned her beneath him, his body pressed between her legs and against her whole body. He pushed himself onto his hands, shame sinking into his stomach. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quickly. “Are you alright?”
She shook her head, but it was plain enough by her expression to see she was overwhelmed. He could hear her heart hammering in his ears and cursed himself for not checking in sooner. 
“I should have asked,” he said. “I wasn’t trying for more. I just–.”
“I know,” she assured.  “Just needed to catch my breath. You know that thing mortals do.” 
Some of the tension in his shoulders eased. He could take a bad joke if it meant she wasn’t truly hurt. 
Her hand found his cheek, simultaneously gentle and rough to the touch. He leaned into her, indulging in the sensation. It centered him in a way he couldn’t put into words. Something about the callous and healed cuts of her fingers made the reality of her all the more potent. 
“You did nothing wrong,” she said firmly. “But I do think you need to talk about it.” 
He let out a short sigh, knowing there was no side stepping the conversation and kissing his way out was now firmly off the table. 
He fell back onto the bed, mindful to keep his distance even as his body yearned to have her close. He couldn’t even bring himself to look at her, instead focusing on the darkened wood ceiling. 
“I killed you,” he said. There was no softer way to put it and he didn’t have the inclination to try. “I handed you over to Cazador without a second thought, all for a rat and a night’s respite.” 
A mirthless laugh escaped his throat. Gods what a mess, but what else did he expect? This was still his life, for lack of a better word. 
“Why do you trust me?”  he said, the words slipping out before he could stop them. 
She remained silent for a long time before he caught the glimpse of a shrug out of the corner of his eye. 
“Well you did ask me very nicely.”
“I’m serious,” he pressed, turning his head toward her. “I would have killed you. The moment we met, I lied to you and held a knife to your throat. That doesn’t exactly inspire loyalty.” 
Her lips pressed into a thoughtful line, remaining agonizingly silent. He was tempted to use the worm, if only to get a glimpse of what exactly she was thinking.
“You’re right,” she said, carefully.  “And I didn’t trust you, at first. But, that was then. This is now.”
Her hand found his, slipping between his fingers and giving them a gentle squeeze.
“You’ve saved my life more times than I care to admit, for a start,” she continued. “You’ve stayed with me when it would have been more convenient to leave me behind. You’ve allowed me to be honest with parts of myself the world kept telling me to bury away. And because of this.”
She moved forward, closing just enough distance just to press the barest kiss to his lips. It caught in his chest, imprinting itself somewhere inside him no one else had managed to find. 
“You’re still a scoundrel and a rogue,” she whispered, “but when it matters, I know you’ll be there. At least, you have been so far.” 
The promise came so easily to his lips, but it was the truth, one he felt more deeply than he realized until that moment. He wasn’t going to let her slip away. The world didn’t get to do that to him.
As if somehow sensing his thoughts, Evie moved closer, pressing herself against his side and draping her arm across his chest. 
He took the offer, pulling her more securely into his arms. The fever had broken, but he would not deny himself relief from the symptoms. He contented himself with the warmth of her body and the perfume of her hair in his nose. He really did need to ask her what exactly she used. He’d buy the whole supply. 
She tried to stay awake. He could feel her fingers trace nonsensical patterns into his skin. It didn’t last long. Her movements still and soon enough her body fell completely slack against him. 
He pressed a kiss against her forehead, lingering on the peace of the moment as a new resolve filled him. 
Cazador would die, that much he knew for certain the moment he stepped into the city. He wasn’t going to spend the remainder of his life looking over his shoulder. He would have his revenge and tear that bastard apart for everything he had ever done to him, made better still by ruining his long awaited ascension and taking that power for his own.  
He knew Evie’s hesitations. She’d expressed her doubts often enough, questioning if it was worth the price. He could understand why, after all it was her compassion that had allowed him to hold her like this, foolish as it was. 
What was a little more blood on his hands if it kept hers clean. His “siblings” were no better than him. He’d be doing the world a favor. And in exchange, no one would ever control him again. No more pain. No more running. Nobody would touch him. He’d be free and Evie would be safe. 
Once he ascended no force in the world would be foolish enough to try and take her from him. And if Evie agreed to become a vampire herself? If he could give her just a drop of that same power, not even time could touch her. They could have eternity. All it would take was a few meaningless deaths. 
He wouldn’t let her trust in him come to nothing. He would keep them safe. Forever. For good. 
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 11 months
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the oscars
Pedro Pascal x f!reader
summary: pedro pascal and his wife take on the oscar’s as she is nominated for her new movie
a/n: this was my first time writing fan fiction bitchessss obviously it’s not the best
PART 2 is up now bbs <3
the night was young, you were in the living room of your shared home with Pedro getting glammed up by your team for the Oscars. As they finished up the last touches of your makeup and hair, you went into the bedroom to get into your dress, looking into the mirror "damn I look good." you said "fucking right you do" the voice of your husband Pedro said behind you "mami you look breathtaking." he says as he grabs you from behind staring at you lovingly in the mirror, he lightly kisses your temple just as, "CARS HERE!" your assistant yelled. "let's go bebe" you say grabbing his hand and walking to the car.
As you guys pulled up to the Oscars red carpet, you could hear the fans screaming along with the paparazzi. you two stepped out of the vehicle hand in hand, everyone was going crazy, as you made your way down the red carpet taking photos with your Pedro you heard one of the paparazzi guys say " Y/N are you excited to be nominated for your new movie ?" "I am beyond thrilled to be nominated for the movie "No Hard Feelings", my castmates and I worked so hard on this movie, and I'm so glad people really enjoyed it" Pedro gave your ass a squeeze while taking pictures, with that all you could do was laugh. you didn't think you were that nervous for the Oscars. Making your way inside, you head STRAIGHT to the bar "I need a drink before this shit starts, I don't think I can go up there without liquid courage" Downing your drink in one go, Pedro laughed.. he grabbed your hand and walked towards your reserved seats.
while sitting there fidgeting with your husbands wedding band on his finger you thought going through the list of awards is gonna take forever. That was until your name was called and your character Maddie from the movie was displayed across the big screen. "why does my head look so big? i mean seriously out of all clips from the movie”you leaned over giggling at Pedro all he could do was shake his head and laugh. "your overreacting, your head is a perfect shape baby, you will always be beautiful to me." " AND THE AWARD FOR BEST FEMALE ACTRESS GOES TO..." you legit felt like you were gonna throw up. "Y/N L/N for Maddie in no hard feelings!" you looked at Pedro with your jaw dropped, he was smiling cheek to cheek
“i’m so proud of you, go baby go accept your award!" as he gave you a steamy quick kiss
the song from your movie "Maneater (live) by Andrew Barth Feldman played at 1:24" played in the background. holding onto your long dress you walked up the stairs to the stage, thank the lord you didn't trip and eat the ground. is all you can think in your head. "congratulations y/n, do you have anything you would like to say" smiling you take your award and start speaking into the podium mic "fuck, IM IN SHOCK.. am i allowed to say that?” the people back stage shake their head no. “no? wow okay, well first I would like to thank my husband pedro pascal, and my kids alexis and antonio without them I wouldn't be where I am today, I would like to thank the cast and all of the crew it took to make this movie, I would also like to thank my manager, publicist, and my assistant, lastly i would like to thank my fans, you guys are my everything i love you all so much. WHEW now i'm ready to get drunk and shake ass at the afterparty" The whole crowd laughed and cheered as you made your way down the stairs with your award heading back to your seat. "i love you cariño" pedro says as he grabs your face and kisses you deeply.
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eletricheart · 6 months
Hey, can you do a Donna beneviento x long lost child, he/she is a bsaa agent (member of the hound wolf squad) that has a mission on the village and got captured then the lords were surprised that he/she has Beneviento last name and then it turns he/she is Donna's child and they met and then Donna try to say sorry for abandoning him/her and eventually the two make up. Also make the story longer if you may plsss
Purple Hyacinth
(Donna Beneviento x child!reader)
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*pinterest: hideandsiek
Word count: 1703
I am so sorry this took so long😭i tried my best to make this good so it'd kinda make up for the time but idk, hope u like it😔🫶
ps: i changed a few things but not like the main idea yk, lmk if its okay😔✌
ps: pls lmk any spelling mistakes😬
It was your first official assignment at the BSAA, there would be no “babysitters” on the field with you, which you were glad. It was supposed to be simple, go in, gather information on the cult’s activities and get out.
Of course there was some danger to it, such as getting caught by the village leader leading to endless torture and experiments. Just light consequences if you make a mistake.
You arrived at day time, a few hours past the morning sermon. You believed that pretending to be a lost traveler during the day was less suspicious than at night.
You took mental notes of everything you’d see, the architecture, the clothings, language. Soon enough you knew exactly what to say and to whom.
However, your good luck couldn't last forever. And that's how you find yourself trying to argument your way out of Heisenberg's factory.
You knew he wasn't fully in agreement with Mother Miranda, from what the villagers said.
Unfortunately for you, he needed a favor from the priestess, hence you now being dragged to the Lord’s meeting.
Donna didn't recognize you at first, in all honesty the dollmaker was barely paying attention to the meeting, choosing to get lost in thought while staring at the ground.
However, you had a birthmark near your right eye, noticeable enough that the moment Donna looked up she knew it was you. Suddenly the room felt as if it closed on her, her breathing started to get inconsistent, her hands tightened around her dress while Angie quietly tried to calm her down.
You weren't supposed to be here, you were supposed to be safe, she tried so hard to keep you safe.
The minutes passed in a blur, the Lord’s voices were almost unintelligible, until Mother Miranda ordered Lady Dimitrescu to choose your fate. Donna was quick to rise to her feet and quickly whisper a request to the priestess, who distrusted her eagerness to keep you but accepted nonetheless.
You were born four weeks before winter, so quiet and pale that for a moment Donna worried you were sick. You brought a joy that she hadn't felt in a year since her parents died.
Until winter arrived, and then suddenly you were both trapped inside the Manor.
The voices became too much, her fear was too loud. There was so much death in this house, Donna feared you would be just another victim of it, so she let you go.
The Lady spent the entire winter loving you the best she could, memorizing every laugh, every cry.
The Duke was the one who helped in getting you to a good foster home, away from Romania, away from her, away from her curse.
During that year, spring didn't reach the Beneviento Manor
Present day
The walk to the Manor was quiet, especially since you knew of the dollmaker’s ability, annoying her would do nothing but get you killed.
However, you remained observant, noticing how anxious Donna seemed, even though she was in her territory and you presented no threat.
Once approaching her house you chuckled at the sight of a few daffodils blooming. Donna quickly stopped in her tracks and turned to stare at you.
You smiled awkwardly. “Sorry, just saw some daffodils.”
The dollmaker nodded slowly, scanning the garden looking for the flower. “It means rebirth.”
You made a noise of agreement. “I was just thinking of a song.”
Donna made a low “oh” and continued her walks towards the house.
It took two weeks for you to talk to each other. Donna was overwhelmed with the need to care for you but simultaneously afraid of telling who she really was and end up with you hating her. You, on the other hand, carried on the mission, quietly investigating the house and its inhabitants, Donna’s constant disappearance only made it easier.
It wasn't a long conversation, just small talk during dinner, but for Donna it was everything.
Only one week later and you overheard a phone call of intruders. Your first thought was a rescue team, you hadn't found out much regarding the village’s routine but knew enough of the Lords.
You had been with the BSAA since you were a child, they picked you up in an orphanage claiming you had great potential to protect the world. You believed in them, they were the only family you knew.
Therefore, you took your chance and ran away from the Manor in the middle of the night, trying to find the team.
Donna noticed a few minutes later, rushing off of bed, praying to every god that nothing happened to you.
She found you in a clearing, sitting on the floor surrounded by who Donna believed was the intruders. You barely moved when she approached you, slowly sitting down beside you.
There were tears streaming down your face, your gaze locked in the bloodied knife in your hand. “They came to kill me.” You said, not turning to look at her.
Donna took a deep breath, keeping her hatred for those men hidden while trying to comfort you. “Mother called me to warn that they may stop by at the Manor, they always do this when one of their spies fail.”
You turned to look at her, trying to hold a sob. “But I didn't fail, I swear I didn't! Why do they not want me anymore?!” You could barely breathe, the tears were flowing freely, the knife long forgotten while you held yourself. “Why does no one want me? What did I do?” Your voice no louder than a whisper.
Donna could feel her heart break at every tear that went down your face, she knew it wouldn't be fair to tell you now, so she pulled you close and held you while you cried.
Afterwards you willingly stayed with Donna, being more talkative towards the woman, even sometimes participating in Angie's game.
Even though the dollmaker was definitely happier, her anxiety still took a toll on her. The other Lords and Miranda kept questioning why she’s protecting the girl, even you were confused but decided not to test your luck by asking her.
It was during a sunny day when Donna decided to tell you the truth. You were both under a tree, you were laying with your eyes closed and your head in her lap while she read a book.
You looked so peaceful that she almost gave up but she couldn't keep this hidden forever, despite the others attempt at secrecy, she knew they were already investigating.
Donna gently tapped your shoulder, silently asking you to sit down, to which you did.
The dollmaker took a deep breath, picking her nails as a way to destress and strongly avoiding your gaze. “I-I was just wondering if you’ve ever wanted to meet your mother.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise but quickly turned into confusion. You had never told her your past, in fact it took you weeks to tell her your first name. “I’m sorry, what?”
Donna could feel her heartbeat getting faster, she still refused to look you in the eyes. “Mother was investigating…” The dollmaker thought back into lying, shaking her head. “That was a lie, I’m sorry. I just-I-”
You stopped her mid sentence and held her hand. “Breathe. It’s okay, you’re okay.”
Donna quickly nodded, wiping the tears that started to fall. “I’m your mother.”
You furrowed your brows, trying to control your breathing. “You’re lying.”
The dollmaker shook her head, gripping your hands tighter. “I’m not, I swear. I-I was so scared I didn't want to let you go but it was the only option I had. Please, please, don't hate me.”
You felt confused, you stared at her for a while, hoping that it’s just a stupid joke, but it wasn't. And then you felt betrayed, sad, angry. You wanted to scream at her, to forgive her, to cry. But you did none of it, you only removed your hand from hers, and wiped the few tears that slipped. “No.”
Donna’s eyes widened and before she could say anything you spoke again. “I’ll pack my belongings and leave.”
You rose to your feet slowly, afraid that your legs might give out, and walked towards the Manor.
The dollmaker quickly followed you, gently grabbing your arm and turning you around. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Just-I-please give me a chance.”
You scoffed. “Why? No offense but I don't want to be abandoned for a third time.”
You tried to release your arm but Donna kept her hold. “I know you have no reason to trust me. But let me prove myself to you, I won't make the same mistake, I promise.”
You stared at her hands trapping your arm. “Your promises mean nothing to me.”
Donna nodded, attempting to not break down in front of you. “I know.”
You took a deep breath and looked at the woman in front of you. “I can't take it again, so please don't ask me to stay just so you break me again.”
“I won't.”
You waited a year to tell the others since you needed more than a few words to believe the dollmaker and officially meet her family.
Alcina was extremely happy to have another child in the family, even though you constantly reminded her that you were an adult.
At first Karl was awkward, especially with being the one to have kidnapped you. Sometimes Donna regretted the time she introduced you two, most of it was when you’d show up back home covered in coal.
Moreau was glad to have a new friend, but mostly confused as to when Donna had a kid.
And Miranda…well she tried to kidnap you once she found out the pregnancy was during the cadou’s implant. However after a lot of talk and some threats she agreed to only a few blood samples.
For all the following years, wherever you were she was. Donna took her promise to never leave you quite serious, of course you both learned boundaries after a while.
Even though you were an autumn child, you brought spring back into her life. And in return, she gave you a family.
requests are open but know that i may take a week to six months to answer them🤪: masterlist
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Good evening wonderful fandom! SO glad to have a new ep to do some quick thoughts on. I missed our babies. As stated few weeks back the gif library is a turd right after an ep. So quick hand made ones till summer. Off we go.
6x04 Training Day
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Lucy saying she’s fine as she consistently does all her fidgety tells screaming she is anything but LOL Tim picking this up too love it. Smart man saying what he does about “being fine.” They cute with her saying 'Does he want her to be upset?' He's so good at making her laugh in this moments. Makes my heart happy. Till John appears.... Way to jump in on their moment Nolan. Of course the man makes it worse…She was laughing before you got there John…Tim's face when she takes off. Like if I could punch you Nolan...
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Oh Lucy... Definitely hitting her hard she’s still a patrol officer. Tasks that didn't used to bother her as much are. Ugh my girl. This is rough. You are anything but fine my friend…Poor Lucy last thing she needs is more alone time with her thoughts at a scene that'll take forever to wrap up. Not only that but babysitting puke…I think our girl is headed toward quite spiral that has yet to happen. Tim is gonna do his best to keep her sane but I have a gut feeling we are headed there. I could be wrong but just how I'm feeling.
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Lucy killing me softly watching Juarez and Nolan get recognized on Tv. Mmm I am loving Tim coming to pick her up yum yum. Lucy mentioning almost getting that call... Damn nothing going her way today. Or lately... Think her only sanity at this point is that man next to her. Tim of course is picking up on it immediately knowing her mood is linked to Primm. Knows his girl so well. Stating she was hoping could've proved him wrong with catching a call like that.
I love this scene. Lucy telling Tim about her crappy day and Tim giving her perspective. Saying she could be the big hero tomorrow. Not only that but making her smile as well. Look at him building her up like it’s second nature. Cause it is. Damn I love these two. Him basically leaning on her and bumping her shoulder with his telling her not to be too greedy hehe That Lucy smile of his loud and proud. Making her beam as well. She loves this man next to her so much.
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Oh my lord this entire scene had my heart racing. What an absolute BAMF our girl is holy hell. Tim would've lost his mind seeing this. Hell I did. I screamed when she got hit and my dog ran from the room LOL The looks on Harper/Lopez's face when she went down oh my goodness. The absolute panic on their faces. Right there with you ladies. This was a huge risk she took to prove herself. One like I said Tim would’ve lost his mind at seeing.
Lucy was definitely being the big hero this entire scene oh my lord my heart was pounding. What a way to impress Harper and Lopez but give me a damn heart attack. That scene in the ally with the brother..... I was worried when he didn’t stop she was gonna have to shoot him. Giving me 5x19 flashbacks. I think she is going to CARRY this with her for a long time. Being an empath is no joke. Our girl one of the finest even at her own detriment.
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I was hoping for some insanely worried Tim and they DELIVERED. Like that man couldn't breathe till he set eyes on his girl. Oh my damn lord. The way he ran to get to her. Man on a mission doesn’t even stop to check in with Grey. By-passes them completely. Only wants to get to Lucy. His hand on her head had me reeling everyone. It's the gentle way he caresses her hair I'm squeeing. Also his non stop touching.
Trying to ground her by letting her know he was there emotionally and physically. Rubbing his thumb up and down her her collar bone. The sweet squeezes. I'm a puddle.. The way this man has transformed because of her still blows my mind. The sweet comforting touches. I'm losing my mind. His adorable attempt at a joke telling her she didn’t have to take the hero suggestion literally. Ugh Lucy breaking my heart into million pieces. Saying she doesn’t feel like one.
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Melissa you deserve all the awards madam I’m crying. Her little pre cry when he says they'll deal with it my damn heart. Killing me. I love how Tim's hands have not left her for 90 percent of this moment. Protective Tim was very much present in this scene with Wes. Grey was too being like dude let us take the win. Feral Tim having Wes back it off for tomorrow. Wade being the sweet man he is says that's ok. Lucy is going to be anxious about all this. I would be stressed about him succumbing to his injuries now that Wes said that. Read the room Evers lol
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Gah Tim telling her let’s go home. Then we get another glorious hug where he encases her in his arms. Protecting her emotionally from this situation. Lucy burying herself in his embrace. Wrapping her arm around him tightly to ground herself again. She needed to fall apart in his arms before they left. THIS IS SOO GOOD. Annnnnnd another head kiss I’m dead I am writing these thoughts from the grave.
Oh my word this season has delivered in spades both friggin crap. I’m out of breath from this episode in the best way. Also whoever does the music needs a raise I say it time and time again. But that song was perfection against the backdrop of this final scene. Was telling D earlier I already need to change my header to it.
I love this hug SO much it's insane. Sure I'll write a novel on it this summer. Having everything that's going on plus this I think our girl is hurtling toward a breakdown of some sort. Some actual UC/detective feelings coming with it. Cause our girl is anything but fine. I'm so excited to see where we go from here S6 has every bit worth the wait. I cannot wait till next week
Side notes -non Chenford
Yay Aaron progress in therapy. Back to active duty ha his heart rate going up for her too cute.
We finally get Nyla’s new hair style. Loving it
Adore the idea of Tim being one to take Aaron back out. Ain’t no one better.
Mmmh love hard ass TO Tim in metro uniform yummy. Does things to me. Aaron thinking he got this TRAIN but there is panic there.
‘Train is leaving the station officer Thorsen.’ Mmmm He does impress Tim for this first call. Yay Aaron haha
Giving Aaron only 9 minutes before bouncing him back to being a rookie oh my lord Timothy. I love you so much.
I do adore watching Tim watching Aaron do well. I’m sure there is a part of him that misses being a teacher. You can see it in these scenes. The pride and excitement he gets when Aaron is doing well. Aaron doing little fist pump and Tim shaking his head I’m dying.
Also How can Tim make leaning against a chair look so sexy? I want to be the chair he is leaning against in this scene with the wife LOL
Glad he passed Tim's TRAIN test. Glad they took their time getting him back out there. Was realistic
Feel free to comment any and all thoughts. I welcome them. See you all next week!
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claymoresword · 2 years
I Choose Her | Chp: 7
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of known death eaters from one of the richest and oldest wizarding family. Are you prepared to abandon everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: lots of angst, reader and hermione are soulmates actually
Note: Apologies for the wait, life has been kicking my ass but i finally found enough motivation to write this chapter and i think its a good one 👀 i actually had this chapter outlined even before i started this story so yeah i'm glad it's finally here! i hope you enjoy and let me know what you think :)
also thanks for all the love shown on this story so far i really do appreciate all of u <33
taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich
(comment if u want to be added)
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You pleaded, she hasn't spoken a word to you in nearly half an hour.
"Baby, please. Say something. Look at me."
Your girlfriend was sat at the edge of the bed, facing away from you.
"My love.." You make one final effort and relief overcomes you when Hermione finally turns around.
"Do you actually?"
Hermione blurts out and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Do you actually love me? Or am I just a way to past the time? You're abandoning me to serve the Dark Lord now that you have no longer have interest in me."
Deeply wounded at Hermione's accusation, you scoffed.
How could she think so little of you?
"That is not how it is and you know it. My feelings for you are true, Hermione. Everything I'm doing, I do for you."
It was her turn to scowl.
"What does that even mean? Please y/n explain to me exactly how becoming a death eater would work to my benefit." Hermione stands up, raising her voice.
She is understandably upset, losing your own temper would only do more harm.
You remained silent. Hermione's expression grows colder the longer you took to respond. You quickly stood, grabbing your wand. You could say the words 'i love you' a million times over and it still wouldn't suffice. Words aren't powerful enough to express the true contents of your heart.
You needed to show her.
Hermione watches you intently, her eyes welling up with tears, awaiting your next move.
"Expecto patronum."
You say, with a swift movement of your wand. A blue glow appears, circling the room before settling in between the two of you, the bright glow morphs into the shape of an otter.
A discovery you had made merely a few months after recognising your feelings for Hermione. Your own patronus had changed, mimicking hers.
The love you felt for her was true. The one thing you are entirely certain of.
Hermione is crying now, she doesn't attempt to hide her sobs. A sharp pain in your chest, you despised being the cause of her sadness.
You quickly made your way over, wrapping your arms around her. She knows now. You've surrendered yourself to her completely.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Hermione's voice trembling as she suppresses another sob.
"You are the only thing that matters to me."
You admit truthfully and you feel your girlfriend's grip on you tighten.
"My parents knew this. If I don't join the death eaters, they promised that harm will come to you. I can't have that."
Hermione takes a step back to meet your gaze and you release her from your embrace. You watch as realisation overcomes her, too overwhelmed to say anything in response.
You reached out, placing your hand against her cheek, wiping away the fresh tear.
Hermione leans into your touch and you continue to hold her face in your hand as you spoke again.
"I was never afraid before I met you."
Another tear falls and Hermione shuts her eyes, her face contorts as if your honesty physically wounded her.
Your girlfriend quickly leans in, crashing her lips against yours. You kiss her back deeply.
You craved to have her lips on yours forever. If only the two of you could stay in this moment together, without the impending threat of what's to come.
"I can't lose you."
Hermione says, after disconnecting the kiss. Her hands move to grip the collar of your shirt holding you close as if you'd dissipate right then and there if she didn't.
"You won't, I swear this to you. I need you to understand that my true loyalty, it lies with you. I have no faith in the dark lord."
Hermione's gaze softens, her hand moves to the back of your neck, she runs her fingers through your hair soothingly.
You will do everything in your power to preserve what you have, you want to feel her like this until the end of your days.
"What I'm about to tell you is going to sound insane but I need you to bare with me. I have a plan." Hermione's throws you a skeptical look.
Your girlfriend was never one to be easily convinced.
You take Hermione's hand, placing a soft kiss against it peering at her. A shameless attempt to sway her.
"Do you trust me?"
Your girlfriend is not budging.
An amused expression on your face, you lean forward placing a quick peck on the corner of her mouth. You tilt your head, planting several kisses against Hermione's neck, earning a giggle from her.
Her hands resting on your shoulders she shoves you lightly and you lean back, meeting her gaze.
Hermione looks at you in a way that makes your heart flutter. In moments like this you'd be foolish to question whether the feelings you have for her are reciprocated.
She reaches up, running her hand through your hair again.
"Ofcourse I trust you."
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You were sat in the great hall, picking at your food. You felt too sick to eat. After sending the owl to your parents telling them about your decision to join the Death Eaters, you basically felt too sick to do anything.
Looking across the room you find your girlfriend engaging in conversation with Harry. She seems to have felt her eyes on you as she quickly catches you staring.
You nod at her as silent reassurance and she gives you one in return. Lifting your hand up slightly, you gestured to your ring. Hermione smiles before lifting up her own hand. The bond appears, stretching from her table to yours. The light only visible to the two of you.
Quickly biting your lip to hide a smirk.
"Good girl." You mouthed jokingly, watching as Hermione rolls her eyes at you. You swear you could see a hint of blush forming across her face.
Your moment of bliss was interrupted when someone harshly places their hand on your shoulder startling you.
Blaise chuckles at your reaction setting his plate of breakfast down next to you. Pansy sits to your right and Draco joins soon after, sitting across from you. He's now blocking your view of Hermione.
"So, when is your initiation?" Blaise asks as he shoves a piece of toast in his mouth.
"My parents will decide that. I should hear back from them soon." You reply before going back to fiddling with your food.
"This is great. Things are finally changing y/n, I can feel it. It's beginning. The dark lord will rise." Pansy states and you suppress the urge to vomit all over the table.
You shift your gaze and see Draco looking just as if not more miserable than you. Head resting in his hand, he makes no effort to acknowledge the conversation.
"You alright?" You ask, nudging his arm.
He merely nods, flashing you a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.
"Just had trouble sleeping last night."
You grow more worried. You wish Draco would just talk to you.
"I know a spell that'll knock you right out. Next time you have trouble sleeping just come find me, I'll help you out."
You grimace at the obvious innuendo. Will she ever give it a rest?
"Right, thanks Pansy I appreciate that." Draco says blandly before picking at his own plate.
You watch as Pansy slumps in her seat, upset that she didn't get a bigger reaction out of him.
"Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom."
You stood up abruptly, making your way to the Slytherin common rooms instead. You couldn't be expected to pay attention in Divination at a time like this.
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You had spent the entire day in the common room, napping for half the day, the other half was spent going over every detail of your plan in your head.
It was ideally the place to be as nobody ever hangs about during school hours. You'd also ignite less suspicion hanging around there instead of your room.
Although, you had to Obliviate the Prefect that threatened to report you to Snape. Attending classes was truly the last thing on your mind.
You glanced at the clock, 8 pm. Most students should be in the great hall finishing up their dinner. You decided to head up to your dorm, you needed a change of clothes before grabbing a quick bite. Truthfully, your only objective tonight is to see Hermione again.
Making your way down, you soon noticed the stairway was empty. It was past dinner time and it didn't make sense to you that nobody was walking the halls.
You soon hear commotion coming from outside the closer you got to the front of the castle.
Speedily walking out the doors you spotted a large group of people seeming to have gathered to look at something. You begin to hear sobs and recognised that people were crying. A sudden pit in your stomach, you pushed yourself through the crowd and braced yourself for what you were about to see.
You find Harry, leaning over as he cries over Dumbledore's body. Your breath catches in your throat. The headmaster is dead.
How did this happen?
Rapidly making your way further up to the front, you soon spot your girlfriend.
"Hermione." You say, settling behind her.
She turns to look at you, wasting no time she pulls you into a hug. You wrap your arms around her as you struggled to comprehend the situation.
"Where have you been?" She whispers as she removes her arms from the back of your neck.
"I'm sorry."
The only thing you could bare to say.
Hermione doesn't question you further, she stands next to you and leans her head against your shoulder.
You watched as Harry did the same to Ginny, crying as she held him. Your own hands quickly wrapped around Hermione's waist holding her close.
You looked up, spotting the dark mark in the sky. Pansy was right, the Dark Lord has risen.
This really did feel like the beginning of the end.
The notion only urged you to pull Hermione in closer.
Professor Mcgonagall lifts her wand in the air, casting the light spell.
Everybody soon followed, Hermione lifts her wand in the air and you do the same. The dark mark in the sky disappearing, engulfed by the lights being casted at it.
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"Do you think Draco would've done it?"
You were stood behind a pillar at your girlfriend's request. Awaiting the right time to approach. She insisted on convincing Harry on your behalf, you knew better than to question her.
"No, he was lowering his wand. In the end it was Snape. It was always Snape." Harry states, venom in his voice at the mention of the Professor.
Hermione begins to read from a piece of parchment and you step forward to listen. Entirely forgetting that you were supposed to be hiding.
Stopped in your tracks as Harry and Ron stare daggers at you. The dark haired boy rushes over, before you could react he had you pinned against the wall, his wand at your throat.
"Stop! Harry, she had nothing to do with it!" You hear the panic in Hermione's voice.
"Why didn't you warn us? I'm sure you knew Malfoy wanted to kill Dumbledore but you didn't say anything!" Harry threatens, his wand pushing further into your neck. You wince at the pain but refused to break eye contact.
"I knew nothing. If I did I would've stopped him."
"Look, I don't have to stand here and convince you of anything."
You grabbed his hand attempting to pry it off you but he holds you firmly in place.
"She knows! She knows about the hocruxes. She can help us. Y/n has a plan she told me it herself. Just listen to what she has to say, Harry." Your girlfriend exclaims.
Harry looks at you for a confirmation and you only raise your eyebrows. Flitting your eyes down to his hand still grabbing your shirt.
"If you'd kindly unhand me Potter, I can tell you all about it."
Harry finally removes his wand and releases you from his grip. You reach your hand up, rubbing at your neck which is now sore.
The trio listened intently as you walked them through your entire plan. You'd essentially be helping them from the inside, it was dangerous but it was a risk you were willing to take.
All 3 of them stayed silent for a moment before Harry finally speaks.
"How do you know all this?"
"Let's just say my parents aren't exactly discreet." You simply respond.
The four of you fall into a silence again.
"How can we be sure that you'll remain loyal to us once you swear your allegiance to him?"  Harry asks again, a fair question. You couldn't blame him for being skeptical.
"Yeah, why should we believe anything you say?" Ron adds.
You stared at him before answering.
"Because I'm your best shot at defeating him."
Ron is taken aback by your bluntless.
You shifted your gaze towards Hermione, taking her in as she was.
"And because I have too much to lose."
You admit earnestly.
Ron's expression shifts, though you did not recognise the look he is giving you. Perhaps it was empathy.
The ginger haired boy merely nods, before turning to look at Harry.
"Fine." The dark haired boy finally says.
You smirked knowingly. How much it pains the chosen one to turn to you for help.
"So we're in business." You quip, holding out your hand.
Harry shakes it in agreement.
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beansnsoup · 10 months
just an idea I’ve been workshopping since I saw the movie
luigi x reader where the reader is a goth prince/ss who took up residence in the dark lands after bowser’s defeat and despite the victorian vampire aesthetic, they’re actually really sweet and rather romantic.
Vampire Kisses
Summary: Due to Bowsers' defeat, someone else had to take over ruling the darklands, and the fill-in just so happened to catch Luigis eye.
Relationship: Platonic with romantic attributes
Character: Luigi
Warnings: fluff, gn reader
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Princess Peach knocked at the large door of the revamped castle in the dark lands, she had recently heard news of a new ruler and civilization and she wanted to give them all a nice welcome.
"Do you think they're even here?" Mario asked the princess, she sighed out, "Why wouldn't they be? We've already ran into so many of the villagers, I'm sure they wouldn't leave their people right after being pronounced the new leader."
Luigi wasn't too keen on the idea; he had an obvious hatred towards the area for obvious reasons but came anyway since he and Mario were pretty much the heroes - and plumbers - of The Mushroom Kingdom.
The door finally opened, they were all greeted by a man in a black Victorian suit, "Yes?"
"Oh, um, hi, we're here to see the ruler."
"May ask why and who you are?"
"Yes, I am Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom and I wanted to come introduce myself. This is Mario and Luigi, they're some of our kingdoms bravest."
"I see, come with me."
The man led them all further into the castle, the lighting was getting darker and darker with a few candles scattered throughout the corridor. Luigi shakily looked around at his surroundings, seeing this as just another bowser situation.
Finally the man stopped at the near end of the corridor and opened the door for them all, "Lord Y/N?"
"Princess Peach of Mushroom Kingdom and her," He paused, "Knights, are here to greet you."
"Let them in."
The man gave them all an approving look and moved out of the way for them to make their way in. Peach guided Mario and Luigi into the room where you slowly walked out of the shadows.
She sent a petite bow your way which you returned, "Thank you for stopping by, Princess."
"It's no trouble at all, I felt it was only right."
"And who are these people behind you? Are they really knights; shouldn't they be wearing armor?"
Peach laughed, "No, they did help us defeat bowser, our kingdom is forever grateful."
You also laughed with her, "Well I'm glad that's cleared up, I had never known of knights that wore such garments."
When you laughed Luigi caught a glimpse of you smile, it was a beautiful smile, but it was the shape of the teeth that irked him, he looked over at Mario to see if he saw the same thing.
"You're very good at flattering people." Mario stated, causing you to laugh again. "I'm Mario, it's a pleasure to me you."
You sent an approving nod his way and looked over at Luigi, "So you must be,"
"Oh, I'm Luigi." He mustered out in a shaky voice, you noticed this, it wasn't the first time something like this has happened, this is why your family has always had a door greeter or hasn't participated in certain royal occasions.
One wrong move and you're proving to people that you're a monster that should be chained and locked up away somewhere.
You pursed your lips, considering different ways to approach it, deciding to just ease the tension. You sent a big smile his way, "I come from a line of vampires, it's a blessing yet a curse."
Marios eyes widened, Peach kept a calm look on her face while giving Mario a slight nudge to act professional. Luigi surprisingly softened up, becoming enticed by your aura, he gave you a sweet smile back.
"Would you all like to sit down? I can have us some tea made; it probably was a long trip over here." You asked the each of them.
"No, it's okay, we don't want to be any trouble, we just wanted to come make sure everything was fine over here!" Peach replied, you had to admit that you were a little hurt by the subtle rejection until Luigi chimed in,
"I wouldn't mind tea, if it's not any trouble, besides we just got here, let's sit down and get to know each other."
You rang the house bell in kitchen to call up some tea, "Now we wait" you said before walking back and forwarding them to the lounge chairs near your desk.
"It was amazing, thank you." Peach said as you walked them out, "Thank you for coming, it really made my day." You smiled.
Mario sent a small wave goodbye and walked out with Peach; Luigi stopped before reaching outside the door.
"It was nice meeting you, I enjoyed it here."
You've never had some speak this way about you, unless it was your family, "It was nice meeting you as well, I'll expect you back, you know?"
"You can count on it."
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the title was a little bit of false advertising so sorry, lmk if yall want a part 2!!
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aj1dordinary · 9 months
Chuffed to Bits
A/N: Y’all it’s finally happening, the story is moving along and the love interest is introduced. Also it gets a little angsty, but not too much. When I write, emotions are like whiplash so hope that’s cool. Enjoy!
you sat shrouded in darkness. you found out moments ago that walking was useless as the scenery never changed. every now and again you could hear whispers and know who they were coming from. johnny, kung lao, even liu kang as they wished for your steady recovery. you would answer, but your response echoed out into the unknown. that was until it started to get brighter, and brighter, and —
“5 more minutes, please.” you groan and roll over on a soft surface.
“she’s awake. go alert lord liu kang and the others.” an unknown voice said.
you grab the sheet that you were wrapped in before pulling it over your head in attempts to block out the blinding light peering down on you.
you heard a rush of footsteps barge into wherever you were staying, before the same sheet was ripped away from you.
“hey! i was using tha—“ you were silenced with a warm and fairly tight embrace.
finally coming to your senses, you blinked a few times to clear the gunk from your eyes. blurry vision began to clear, transforming silhouettes into familiar figures.
you first addressed the grown man who hugged you tightly like a toddler.
“johnny, you’re gonna break my ribs at this rate,” but you hugged him back with the same fervor.
“3 days. You left me by myself for 3 days and you know I need adult supervision!”
“3 days?” you question and it seemed like liu kang had answers.
“y/n, i am glad that you are alright. tell us, how do you feel?” liu kang stepped forward.
“honestly, probably the best I’ve ever felt in forever,” then the reality of johnny’s words hit you.
“Something like that.” kenshi’s voice resonated.
you damn near scramble off the bed to reach his side.
“kenny! are you okay?” you grab his arms and forcibly turn him around to get a good look at him. you place your hand on his face when you still see the fabric across his sockets.
“do you even take care of yourself?” he chuckled, before grabbing your arms and lowering them. “honestly though, probably the best I’ve ever felt in forever.”
you scrunched your face up, dissatisfied with his response. “but your eye—“
“johnny finally gave me sento, and it has restored my vision, in a way.”
your face straightened out and a wide grin took over instead, you pulled him in for a hug also. “that’s amazing!”
a cough broke you out of it. you turned to the source and saw kung lao whistling and looking around the room. you narrowed your eyes and smiled before walking over and entering an embrace with him also. with your face smashed into his chest, you mumble, “and to what do I grant this occasion?”
“i carried you back all the way like your knight in shining armor and I—
“I think it’s time that we fill you in on what has occurred since your last encounter.” liu kang finished.
in your embrace with kung lao, raiden had come behind and placed a hand on your shoulder, “i’m glad you’re ok, y/n.”
you pull away from lao slowly before you opt to walk beside liu kang. also among the group, you spot syzoth who you wave at before he disappears with baraka and a demonic looking woman.
“well considering we’re back at the monastery, I’m assuming that we snuck back fairly well.”
“um, no.” johnny interjected.
“of course not, without me nothing gets done without a show.” you sigh dejectedly.
they filled you in on how they ran into quan chi and his warriors and with the help of an ex-demon, ashrah, made it out alive. but that wasn’t all, and you had to roll your eyes as johnny made the sound effects for each scene. furthermore, when they made it back to the outworld mainland, had to fight through general shao, li mei, and other member of the army who labeled them as terrorists. only then, did they make it back to Wu Shi before they got you and Kenshi some help.
“well, after you killed those hunters—“
you stopped in your tracks, a bad habit, which caused raiden to bump into you. he catches you before you tumble. you place an arm on his chest to let him know you were ok, but the raging headache said otherwise.
“please don’t remind me.” you whimper.
“okay…” liu kang accepts, but his face scrunches up as he thinks of another way to bring up your new condition.
“how about you tell us how you ran into them the first time?” raiden offers. since he was not there, he needed to be filled in as well.
“i was in the forest trying to meditate as liu requested as a part of my training. but my attention span is only so long so I gave up after a while. heard trouble and went looking for it i guess. got me into an altercation with a big ass tiger. long story short, i guess I let their big game hunt get away.”
“is that why you looked so frazzled when I found you?” raiden asks.
you give him a look and he mutters a “sorry.”
“so you saved a big house cat and got rewarded for it?”
“would this be a bad time to have you look in a mirror?”
johnny and kung lao spoke at the same time.
as you rounded the corner, Kenshi faced you to a mirror that hung on the wall.
“johnny, I so quit.”
you huddled under the covers as a storm raged outside. it was a true reflection in how you felt on the inside.
upon the discovery of new appendages, you damn near fainted on the spot. this had to be a trick, but as you pulled at them and felt pain, you knew you were condemned to life as a furry. the tail grew from your tailbone and was striped as a tiger’s would be. the triangular ears that moved like a sonar through your locs took in too much noise. your nails, which had been short and brittle for most of your life, had grown long and were sharp in a natural stiletto style. you were reduced to a house cat.
as the thunder boomed in your sensitive ears, you thought back to liu kang and geras’ conclusion.
“it seems like what johnny speculated is true. though I am a god, these forests have been around just as long as I have. there is no telling what is lurking in them. in addition to kung lao’s knowledge of his culture, it is very possible you encountered a spirit who wished to reward you for your tenacity and courage.”
“I did not consent to this.” you whined as you tried to flatten your ears on your head, but they kept popping back up.
“i don’t know, I think it’s kind of cool.” kenshi reached out to run behind your ears. but tigers don’t purr. so to everyone’s amusement and to your displeasure, you chuffed. the minute the sound came out, you slapped his hand away.
“do I have to lecture you about touching black people’s hair?!”
“so what now?” you turned to liu kang who was not doing a good job at hiding how funny he thought your new tendencies were.
“tame the beast.”
so much for that as you trembled as the lightning struck outside. you were formidable earlier in training, as for liu kang who suspected a much larger threat approaching, training was never over. in addition to new appearances and tendencies, it seemed you also took on a few other aspects like strength, agility, and speed.
it wasn’t until you were paired up with kung lao for the umpteenth time that things started to go awry. with your new abilities, kung lao was going to push you to your limits and that he did. he left almost no time to recuperate which left you feeling vulnerable and weak. that was until you felt a tug at your tail and pain shot up your spine as you wailed. it happened all too fast as the wail formed into a growl and rage filled your head. you were present mentally, but you could tell physically you had changed. you look down to see kung lao terrified between your han-, paws? you did not move, not wanting to scare anyone else. kung lao shuffled from beneath your still form. you did not look at him but could sense that he wanted to say something. you couldn’t look at anyone knowing they were most likely looking at you in fear or scrutiny, like you were a bloodthirsty monster. so you ran.
you went to the forest to cool down, slowly feeling your size shrink back to normal. a low grumble made itself known overhead, a storm was approaching.
“y/n! have you guys checked over there?” your ears whirl over to make out the location and the person, johnny. seemingly joined with raiden and liu kang.
“perhaps she is closer to the temple, it’s about to rain.” liu kang declared.
“i’m sure she just needs a little time to process everything.” raiden said in order to convince johnny to come back with them. johnny let out a defeated sigh before his footsteps got farther away. a raindrop hit you on the cheek, though you almost couldn’t tell with your tears.
you didn’t want to get rained on, surely as a cat, it would be the last thing you wanted. so with your agility and soft footsteps, you leaped from tree to tree, eventually from rooftop to rooftop before you made it back to your assigned room undetected. just as you entered, it started to pour which is where you are now.
under the sheets, left by yourself to face the storm.
knock, knock.
whoever it was didn’t wait for a response before slowly opening the door. however, once all the way open, let out a somewhat excited sigh at the sight of a lump under the covers.
“johnny is going crazy right now and we left a blind man to try and calm him down.”
kung lao, though you didn’t respond. however, your stomach did when the smell of food wafted into your now superior nostrils.
“you missed dinner, so I was gonna leave it by the door, but the wet footsteps told me you might be here.”
“you? not devouring the plate on the way here? maybe you’ve gained some self restraint after all.” you mumble as your face was smashed into the pillow.
lao chuckled before approaching the bed.
“could you atleast look at me when I say this?”
your tail swirled with interest and you raise your face out of the pillow just enough to peak at him.
“all the way.” he crossed his arms. you sigh before picking yourself up and pushing back the blankets. your tail snakes around you for self comfort before you look at him.
“i’m sorry.”
“not your fault.” your eyes went back to the floorboards, already feeling the tears well up.
“but it is. i accidentally pulled your tail and caused you to lash out. i totally would’ve understood if you scratched me to ribbons.”
“don’t say that! that’s the last thing I would’ve wanted!” you throw yourself back into the pillow.
“okay, okay. wrong phrasing. all i’m saying is that I take full responsibility for the way you reacted. i’m not hurt by it, no one else is hurt by it, so you shouldn’t be.”
you felt the bed dip and the plate clink against the nightstand.
“you know, my mom always did tell me if I kept messing with the cat, I would get scratched.”
“shut up.”
another loud boom of thunder had you grasping for the covers again.
“can you tell raiden to turn this thing off.” you try to jest as if you weren’t scared.
kung lao didn’t respond, so you turn your face to see what was up. he was staring at your hand which had his shirt bunched up in it instead of the covers. you squeak and push him off the bed as you pull back the covers and get under them again. not only scared, but embarrassed.
“I should probably leave and let you eat. raiden’s gonna question where I am if I don’t get back by curfew.” he stumbles over his words.
“you’re gonna go out there?”
it was coming down so hard that you couldn’t even see out the window. the wind was howling and the sky was dark. it was a really bad storm.
another growl from your stomach made you reach for the plate king Lao brought you. the bite mark in the chicken let you know lao’s self restraint was not as strong as you had thought it was. you still began to eat anyway.
“yeah, maybe not.”
“stay here.” “ok.”
the benefit to being the only woman in a monastery was that you got almost an entire wing to yourself.
you finish as kung lao finished making a pallet on the floor from the extra cushions he found in the closet.
he was just about to lay down when you threw a pillow at him.
“what was that for?” he feigned pain as he rubbed his head.
“are you seriously sleeping on the floor?
“yeah. why?”
“your back’s gonna be in knots in the morning.”
“as a thanks for bringing food, you can get ‘em out in the morning.”
“see I was gonna offer you a spot in the bed, but your mouth ruined it.” you end the conversation by turning away from him and getting real comfortable under the sheets.
“nope.” you cut it as you sigh contentedly.
you hiss through your teeth and roll over only to be met with his form towering over you with a blanket and a pillow in his grasp. to makeup for the stutter in your heartbeat, you roll your eyes, but move over nonetheless.
the bed dips again but much heavier since he put his entire weight on it. you can feel his back touching you as he respectfully turns the other way. the storm is still going strong outside and there is a comfortable silence between you. surely, you thought, kung Lao is the type to go to sleep fast as your ears flutter hearing his breath even out.
but then another flash of lightning through the window followed by a bang of thunder makes you quickly toss the other way, now staring at kung Lao’s back. he must’ve felt the shifting because he sleepily reaches a hand back, feeling for you, before he pulls you closer to him. for comfort, you place an arm around his middle.
you’re still as you process your next move. he’s definitely sleep again, his back expanding and collapsing at an even pace. you find yourself matching the pace. he’s extremely warm too. you try hard to not press into him further as if you were attempting to steal that quality from him. you nose is close to the back of his neck and you can smell the hint of soap, but also the musk of the earth that reminded you that he was a farmer before this life.
you hadn’t even noticed how low your eyelids had dropped or that the storm was passing, giving way to the night sky and the stars. you decided not to fight against the drowsiness before succumbing to sleep. kung Lao had that stupid smirk plastered on his face even in his sleep as he heard and felt the reverberation of chuffing behind him.
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
You're Mine (Pt. 3 Yandere Dio Brando x Reader)
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Small Summary: Your family gave you to Dio in exchange for money and riches. Dio took a liking to you even though you would reject him and even fight him so he wouldn't touch you. He began to have a liking for that.
Small mentions: SPOILERS, f!reader, manipulation, toxic relationship, Yandere Dio, ownership, biting, marking, possessiveness, suggestive praise kink
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Why?! Why am I the only one that lives?! He killed those girls like it was nothing. Why?!
I was the only one that didn't throw myself at his feet. He's had countless women and he choose me, the only one that wasn't as interested in him as the others were. He sucked their blood and disposed of their bodies. Where do I go? Where can I hide? I need to escape him before he gets to me.
"Where are you, my princess?" Dio called for me, his voice echoing throughout the mansion, "You can't hide from me forever." I knew I couldn't go far from him, the last I heard was that Enyaba was teaching him how to stop time. I don't understand what she meant by that, but I know I'm in danger with each passing second. He may have stopped time a few times already and maybe watching me now.
Why can't you just let me go, Dio? I rejected him and would even fight against his hold at times, and yet... he still wants me. What makes you want to have me? I don't want to be here I need to escape. I made my way towards the front door opening it, the sounds echoed throughout the empty mansion.
"I see you're trying to leave me," His voice sounded closer I turned around, and he was standing at the top of the staircase, "You can go, but you won't get very far." When I opened the door there was a bird... a falcon to be exact. It stared at me with what I can sense was murderous intent. A chill went down my spine as I made eye contact with it, "I won't hurt you... just let me pass." The bird opened its mouth, and no sound was heard but I knew something wasn't right. I quickly shut the door, there was a loud thud that followed. That bird must be one of those things with supernatural powers.
I looked at the stairway, Dio was no longer there. "Where did he go?" I said to myself as I looked around and couldn't find him. If I were to somehow make it out that bird would come looking for me or he'll send his men to come and look for me. He's watching me I know that, I can still feel his presence nearby. 
I walked up the stairs, I excepted my fate being with Dio. I stood at the entrance of his room, "Princess I've seen you've given up on trying to leave, why's that?" I was now sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around me as he placed his head on my shoulder. "I don't have anywhere to go... and if I did leave you would punish me for it." He tightened his embrace a bit, "I would punish you for leaving me... I must know, why do you want to leave? Didn't your family bring you to me? Were they not drunks and only cared about money? My love, you're better staying here with me." 
He kissed my neck leaving a trail of kisses on my shoulder and back. I closed my eyes to hold back any tears. "I promise, I'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated." Before I know it, I was now pinned onto the bed with Dio hovering over me. "Now, now, princess don't cry." He wiped away a tear that slid down my eyes, I hadn't even noticed the tear had escaped my eyes, "I won't be rough with you this time around. Think of this as a gift from me to you." He gently placed a kiss on my lips. "Lo-lord Dio-"
"I want you to call me just Dio. Now that you're mine, formality is not needed from you. I want to hear you say my name until you can't anymore." My heart raced as he was now forcibly kissing me. I was glad it didn't go beyond that.
On that day I became Dio's property. I'd try escaping a few more times after and he always found me and punished me. I gave up and was now by his side when he needed me and when he didn't need me. "Good girl. You've learned your place. You're all mine and no one else's."
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Request for One-shot are open!
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strangedreamings · 2 months
S2E6 (spoilers abound)
Do we have to see Jaehaerys' body in the opening credits every week now?
Hi, Jason! Glad to see you're just as full of yourself as ever. He doesn't want to make a move without Aemond and Vhagar. Wow, and here I thought Tyland got all the brains.
"I am the Prince Regent, not a dog to be called to heel." Honey, you're both, and the sooner you can accept that, the happier all of us will be.
Ironrod suggests marrying Alicent to the Red Kraken (the current Lord Greyjoy). Dude, who do you think you are, Otto Hightower?
"The longer we wait, the more chance (Daemon) will prevail." No, no, keep waiting -- Alys and the curse of Harrenhal will drive him completely mad soon enough.
"My uncle is a challenge I welcome, if he dares to face me." I don't know how to break this to you, Aemond, but this crush of yours is not reciprocated.
Aemond fires Alicent from the Small Council and is a misogynistic dick about it. Alicent accuses him of still being angry about losing an eye. Honey, you're the one who wanted his nephew's eye taken in revenge, where did you think talk like that would lead?
Corlys wearing his Hand of the Queen pin. It looks good on you, dude.
Ah, the Sowing of the Dragonseeds. Rhaenyra's desperation for additional dragonriders is going to get a bunch of people killed or maimed.
The Small Council knows she is reaching and for fucking once, I agree with them. Maybe they'd take her seriously if she didn't sound like she was talking to her younger children.
Ser Steffon has so little Targ blood in him that it's not going to matter. Rhaenyra, this is such a dumb idea.
"Then perhaps the gods will favor us." Not unless the writers are going off-book (again).
Hi, Daemon. Which dead family member are you going to see tonight?
And he's back in the throne room, lovely. "The Heir for a Day" shit again? That must be really pressing on Daemon's conscience now that Viserys is dead.
Speaking of, hi, Viserys! Good to see you in (relative) health again. I hope HBO is paying all these cameo actors well, they all seem to be having a blast tormenting Daemon again (who looks truly devastated right now). HBO, you'd better be getting Matt's For Your Consideration campaign ready for next year's Emmys.
Ooo, a Rhea mention, even if we don't see her! I'll take it.
It's entirely possible that none of this is actually Alys or the curse's doing -- Daemon's conscience has more than enough fodder to torment him with. He hurt his brother, all three of his wives, and his daughters. It's about time all of that bothered him.
"...Stop watching me." And you still think you're fit to take KL by yourself? You're never leaving the Riverlands, Daemon.
"Daemon Targaryen asking for help?" "Counsel." He's losing his mind one night at a time but dammit, he's still got his wit.
"In three days' time, the winds will shift." Grover Tully is gonna die.
It's so dark in this cave that I can't tell which dragon that is. In the book, Steffon attempts to ride Seasmoke. Oh, it is Seasmoke. Thank God somebody said his name because he looks nearly black in the darkness.
"Do not show fear." Too late, Steffon is freaking the fuck out.
Just burn/eat him already, the tension is driving me nuts.
Is that dragontamer seriously just holding a long stick? Against a giant fire-breathing flying reptile?
Finally! Holy shit, that took FOREVER.
The Hull brothers are so goddamn hot. But don't think I didn't notice, Ryan, that the first person we see after Seasmoke's little barbecue is Addam. :P
So, is this madam TRYING to start a rebellion or what? "And his rightful heir denied her seat." Yep, she's trying.
"You have forgotten to fear me." You're going to have to do more than slap him, Rhaenyra.
Oh, the madam is working for Mysaria, got it. This really could work.
"This becomes you." Yeah, a sword in her hand so she can actually do her own fighting. Too bad nobody taught her how to use it.
Didn't the French Revolution start because of a famine? The smallfolk don't care who's on the throne as long as their bellies are full.
Oh Dear God, Otto as Hand to Aemond? Well, at least those Small Council meetings won't be boring.
Aemond's going to smother Aegon II with a pillow, I just know it. Aegon whimpers when he sees Aemond and you can't blame him. TGC is killing it with the agony, he needs a For Your Consideration campaign too.
"I remember nothing." I don't believe you and, unfortunately, Aemond doesn't either.
Rhaena and Joffrey come across a scorched area but they're in the Vale, who could've done that? Now she's in Aegon III and Viserys II's nursery with the boys and a baby dragon that I assume is Aegon's Stormcloud. Cute little dragon.
"You hate it here." Jeyne, you're not doing a damn thing to change her mind.
"Wild." So, are we talking Grey Ghost, the Cannibal, or Sheepstealer? Fuck, I guess this means the Rhaena-Nettles fusion rumor is true, if the wild dragon is Sheepstealer.
Rhaenyra is sending care packages to the people of KL. I fucking LOVE this!
Dammit, I don't want to like Gwayne Hightower but the actor has been making that fucking difficult. "He's kind." The delivery of that, you can tell Gwayne knows that's what Alicent wants to hear.
Rioting in the streets over Rhaenyra's care packages. Okay, maybe this was a bad idea, but it's certainly sowing rebellion.
Larys was born at Harrenhal? That explains SO MUCH. Him aligning himself with Aegon II is interesting and he's right, Aemond wants to kill his brother. Let's see where this goes.
Daemon's vision again. Looks like Aemma's death, great. I truly think Daemon loved Viserys, he was just too self-centered to express that love properly.
"Lord Grover is dead." Called it! Oh, Alys absolutely fucking killed him.
Addam and Seasmoke. Seasmoke misses Laenor and he can presumably tell that Addam is Laenor's kinsman (half-brother).
Is Seasmoke LAUGHING at Addam?
Holy fucking shit, I did not appreciate that jump scare!
Mysaria's backstory is fucking dark, even for GRRM.
Well, this is a ship I never thought I'd see on this show. I don't ship it but I'm sure there are fans out there who are absolutely thrilled right now.
Rhaenyra on Syrax, there's something we haven't seen in a while.
They're ending the episode there? We know it's Addam on Seasmoke, this isn't exactly news to the audience. Bah.
Preview for next week. "With these dragons, peace will be restored." *laughs from having read "Fire and Blood"* And they call Helaena a Dreamer.
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pardi-real · 1 year
[AKNK] Butler in Wonderland / Chapter 4 - Tea Party in the Forest(?)
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...I somehow managed to shake off the advances of the butterflies as they tempted me in the 'forest'.
I indirectly asked Lucas to point out where my next destination would be.
It seemed to be the Conservatory.
Clack… clack… clack… *walks there*
[Devil's Palace, The Conservatory]
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Berrien: "Well, well, well... Welcome to our tea party.  No invitation is needed, we'll welcome you warmly."
> "Oh, Berrien."
Berrien: "Berrien? Well, who could that be? I am 'The Hatter'... The host of this tea party. By the way, would you mind if I ask you your name?"
> "My name is (name)."
Berrien: "(name), is it ♪? What a lovely name. Fufu… Well then, let me show you to your seat. I am sure the rabbits and the mice will welcome you."
> "Rabbits?" > "Mice?"
Lono: "Ooh! Mr. Hatter, is that a new guest?"
Berrien: "Yes. This is Lord (name)."
Teddy: "So you're Lord (name). You have a very wonderful name! Hehe… Today is my lucky day to meet such a wonderful person!"
Haures: "Yes, indeed. Today's gathering was a celebration for 'Nothing Happened Day', but... I can't say it was a 'Nothing Day' when I met such a wonderful person."
Fennesz: "Well, then, shall we make this tea party to celebrate 'Meeting Lord (name) Day' ?"
Berrien: "Yes, let's do it ♪ What a great idea.  Here, Dear (name). This seat is available."
Following Berrien… no,... The Hatter's lead... I took a seat between two mice.
Berrien: "Fufu… We have plenty of good tea for you...."
Lono: "Dear (name)! We also have homemade tea cakes. Cakes, cookies, scones... All of them are proudly made by me. Feel free to eat them!"
Teddy: "Dear (name)! This pastry goes well with coffee, too. If you are interested... I can recommend some beans for you!"
> "Thank you, everyone."
Perhaps this is part of the recreation. I did as they recommended… I enjoyed the delicious snacks and drinks to my heart's content.
[After a while]
Berrien: "Fufu, Dear (name)... How was our Tea Party?"
> "It was very delicious." > "What a wonderful tea party."
Berrien: "That's good to hear... ♪ I'm glad you were pleased. If only Lord (name) was willing... I would invite you to a tea party every day."
> "Every day?"
Berrien: "Yes... depending on your mood and physical condition, I can offer you a cup of tea 365 days a year, at any time of the day. I carefully select the best tea leaves... That is why, Dear (name)... why don't you stay in this world forever...?"
> "Eh…"
Lono: "That's right! I will prepare you three meals a day, plus snacks! Every day I'll make the best meals... Please don't go anywhere!"
> "Err…"
Teddy: "As long as you stay here... You have nothing to worry about, Dear (name). I'll be by your side, Dear (name), protecting you..."
> "What's wrong with everyone suddenly?"
Haures: "Hm… Apparently, they want Lord (name) to stay here forever."
Fennesz: "What do you think? Lord (name). Will you answer their wish… and stay in this world forever.?"
> "Even if you say that…"
Of course I also want to fulfill their wish, but… If I answered 'yes' here, I feel like that would be the end of the story. In order to move the recreation forward... I have decided to make up my mind.
> "But I have to go back to my world."
Berrien: "I see…  That's too bad."
Lono: "Mr. Berri… no, I mean Mr. Hatter. I think your feelings are showing too much on your face."
Teddy: "Well… I can understand how you feel, though."
Lono: "But this is supposed to be a fun  recreation! Come on, smile, smile!"
Berrien: "Whoops… I'm sorry about that. My mind is clearer, I'll try again… I, I see ♪ That's too bad ♪ Well then… I have to help Lord (name) to return to their world. Mr. 'Full-moon Rabbit', please return the jewel you have."
Haures: "Hmph… I don't have a choice. Well then, Lord (name). Could you show me the ring?"
> "Understood."
Haures knelt down in front of me and took my hand....  He took out a red heart-shaped jewel and placed it in the ring.
Haures: "This will do.  Now… if you place the other jewel in, you'll be able to remove the two rings, and you should be able to return to your world."
Fennesz: "The only… problem is…  The one remaining jewel… is not here..."
> "Eh, is that true?"
Fennesz: "Yes. The truth is, the 'Red Diamond' I had… Had been taken away by the 'King of Spades'. "
Berrien: "Wh-what did you say…!? By that terrifying 'King of Spades'...?"
Lono: "Wo-woaaah! This is bad! It's impossible to get anything back from such a selfish king…!"
Teddy: "Dear (name)! Please don't even think about 'I'm going to meet the King of Spades' !"
The butlers seem to be deliberately trying to stop me, telling me 'Don't go to see the King of Spades'.
So, it seems that I am going to meet the 'King of Spades' after this. I decided to ask where the next target location was, since I've found out the rundown of this recreation.
> "Where is the King of Spades?"
Lono: "W-what!? Do you really wanna go see him…? You're so brave… But I can't tell you...! If I let Lord (name) go to the Backwoods... Something terrible will...!"
> "You mean the backyard...?" > "Over there, huh. Thank you."
Lono: "Oh, shoot! I just let that slip~!"
Haures: "...Just a little bit, I feel like we're being too unnatural, though."
Teddy: "Even so... I can really feel that you are giving  your all on your acting. I'm sure we can all learn from you, Mr. Rabbit!!"
Fennesz: "Th, That's right… Mr. Mouse."
*Waves* Berrien: "Fufu… well then, please be careful, Dear (name) ♪"
> "Yeah, I'm going."
I left the tea party venue, and headed towards the backyard as guided by them.
Note: they suddenly say Dear (name) here, but it's the same "name-sama"/Lord (name) as before. I can't decide on how to TL -sama.
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rinusagitora · 9 months
Eau de Vie Poire
Fandom: Bleach Characters: Toushirou Hitsugaya, Karin Kurosaki, Momo Hinamori, Kisuke Urahara, Jinta Hanakari, Ururu Tsumugiya Pairings: HitsuKarin Words: 3.8k Summary: Karin got into college and Toushirou's had an okay growth spurt, so they're doing pretty good as far as he's concerned. What better Christmas present is there than boning your girl for the first time? Warnings: ABSOLUTELY shameless smut. AO3: works/52817095 A/N: HKGE 2023 gift for PinkDreamTiger on twt!
Momo's complaints become fog in the wintry air. "Lord," she says, "it's bitter today! Ugh, if spring doesn't spare us this torment...."
"You're all pink," he teases while elbowing her ribs. "Frostbite will soon take your nose."
"What? Lord, you're so mean," she hisses. "At least I don't have some freakish tolerance for this weather! Your eyelashes have frosted and you're fine with a light coat!"
He deserved that.
But he doesn't have any acerbity left inside of him. Sousuke took his sister from him for so long, destroyed reality, and replaced it with his mechanizations. It drove Momo mad for a few months. Their relationship wasn't repaired for years. But they're together again, brother and sister. It's all he wants now.
She stops outside of the Senkaimon and hugs him. "I love you, Toushirou, my brother," she says while cupping his cheeks. "I do hope you enjoy your vacation."
Toushirou hugs her. "I'll miss you, Onee. I hope you and your husband enjoy New Year's."
"We will. I'll see you next year."
"Yeah, see you next year."
It only takes him a few minutes to emerge in the World of the Living. He's met by Kisuke Urahara in his shop's otherworldly basement. Toushirou still isn't sure how he feels about Kisuke. He always gets the jeebies from Kisuke, but what unknown doesn't give anyone the jeebies? His girlfriend seems to like Kisuke and his company well enough, anyway.
"Hello, Hitsugaya-kun," Kisuke says while unfurling his fan. "Are you traveling with Jinta and Ururu today?"
"It's Hitsugaya-taichou," he says. "But yes. We agreed to go to Karin-chan's together. We're doing a gift exchange at her place."
"Ururu told me about it," Kisuke says. He claps his fan shut on his palm. "I'm just glad you all have each other. Our kids never had real friends before you and Karin-chan, you know."
Toushirou smiles. This is one of the reasons he can't bring himself to entirely hate Kisuke and his family. Yes, he's old, but living in the body of a boy forever has made him feel like a boy lost in a sea of far more experienced elders. But Jinta, Karin, and Ururu have made Toushirou feel less of an arbiter and more of an actual fucking person.
He slips into his gigai and meets Jinta and Ururu upstairs. She hugs him.
"Happy Christmas, Toushirou-kun," she says. Jinta proceeds to clap him on the back.
"Hey, man, how goes?" he says.
"Am I too early?" Toushirou asks.
"Naw," Jinta replies. "We ain't even doing, like, dinner."
"We are, she's just ordering pizza. Well, pizza and ribs," Ururu says.
Toushirou laughs. "Good by me." He definitely won't turn his nose up at home cooking, but the discovery of pizza altered his entire worldview for the better.
Apparently, it'll just be the four of them. Ururu tells him that Ichigo and his wife are seeing her family. Isshin and Yuzu are in Okinawa. Originally, Karin was supposed to join them, but couldn't schedule it around her classes. Which is fine by him. Toushirou isn't Ichigo's biggest fan. Ichigo was weird when Toushirou first started dating Karin. Were it about him being in his eighties, whereas Karin only turned eighteen in May, Toushirou would completely understand. But Ichigo seems to think Karin is in jeopardy in Toushirou's custody like he's going to deflower her. Toushirou knows he isn't a force to be reckoned with, but he's seen how Karin treats hollows and he's pretty sure Karin would snap his spine without a second thought and step over his corpse.
Karin waits outside the gateway of the Kurosaki home while tapping away on her iPhone. Once they're closer, she stands, waves, and hugs each of them.
"Hey, guys," she says. When Toushirou is kissed by her, he gets butterflies. "C'mon in. I know it isn't, like, homemade, but we don't want a repeat of the last time I tried cooking, do we?"
"I'm fine with 'za," Jinta replies.
"Agreed," Toushirou says. He's not one to turn his nose up at home-cooked meals, but the discovery of pizza altered his entire worldview for the better.
Karin dishes everyone a slice before taking a seat on the floor and adjusting her shorts. "I hope it wasn't too much trouble coming here during the holidays," she says.
"Not at all. Shit's always slow in winter. No one wants to go out when it's cold outside." Toushirou's shoulders bob while he folds his slice. "The real question is how it's going on your guys' end. I imagine the holidays are much harder as a student."
"I expected it to be harder. I'm not saying it's breezy or anything, but I'm able to pump out what I gotta to make time for myself." Karin proceeds to take a huge bite. Jinta kicks her foot under the table.
"At least you've got prospects," he says, sighing. "I think I'm doomed to work at my dads' shop for the rest of my natural life."
Toushirou cocks his eyebrow. "What? He didn't forge you guys' documents or something?"
"We haven't asked. It feels... ungrateful," Ururu says.
Jinta sighs. "Yeah. I mean... they've done lots for us." He kicks his legs onto the coffee table. "Asking 'em for a way out just feels like a massive fuck you, y'know?"
Toushirou pats his shoulder.
"Aaanyway," Karin says, "I got everyone's presents here! Hang tight. I'll grab them."
Jinta practically inhales the rest of his slice. "Hang on, I'm coming. I saw something huge in there earlier."
"I can carry it," Karin laughs.
"It's not heavy, it's just huge. You're gonna roll an ankle, man."
Toushirou stands, takes Ururu's plate, and grabs another slice for each of them. "Your brother's matured a lot."
"He has," Ururu agrees while she takes her plate. "I think having you and Karin has helped. Being konpaku divorces you from humanity, but..." she trails off while picking up her slice, and smiles. She's pretty while ruminating. Not the same way Karin is pretty. Toushirou is pretty sure Ururu isn't interested in dating men anyway. Rather, Ururu's pretty in the way serenity is pretty. The kind of pretty that makes him envious. "But having you guys makes us feel normal, y'know?"
"I do."
There comes a crash and a storm of colorful language, some of which Toushirou hasn't heard before. Jinta and Karin can be spectacularly creative with their vernacular. Toushirou and Ururu share a bemused glance before setting their food aside and journeying upstairs.
"I told you it was cumbersome," Jinta barks while he and Karin squat to pick up a dented present wrapped in red and white paper.
"Oh, shut it, dumbass! If I didn't have you to contend with, I could've done this so easily!"
"Quit arguing," Ururu groans. She strides between them and lifts it with ease Toushirou isn't sure he could accomplish with any meaningful results. Another reason to envy Ururu. It just seems to embarrass Jinta and Ururu, however.
Toushirou helps carry the rest of the presents downstairs. Karin pushes aside the table before setting the pile down and sorting through them.
"Um, okay, these two are your's, Toushirou," Karin says while she passes a pair of boxes in peppermint and pink wrapping paper. He can tell you almost instantly these were wrapped by Jinta and Ururu respectively.
It's better than Toushirou's brown paper, at least.
Karin passes out the rest of the presents before they begin opening them. Of course, Ururu starts with her enormous present, peeling off the striped paper, popping open the box, and sliding out a foam structure. She gasps and applauds.
"Oh my god, how did you get this?" she gasps as she pries a massive assault rifle out of the foam. Toushirou's jaw hits the deck.
Jinta merely sniffs with a snide smirk. "Oh, I made it. Although, Dad helped with the smaller parts. But I did the heavy lifting. He just read the instructions. We tested it and everything so it's a fully operational killing machine."
"That's a really thoughtful gift, but my dad would kill me if he found out we had a gun in here," Karin hisses. Ururu slips it into its sleeve.
Jinta receives a pair of gauges from Karin and gushes about how long he's wanted to pierce his ears, a pair of reflective sunglasses Toushirou found for him a couple of months ago, and apparently, Ururu bought him a baseball signed by someone famous as Toushirou is fairly certain sent Jinta straight to Heaven. Ururu's remaining gifts are necklaces he bought at a flea market and a pearl-handle knife from Karin. Toushirou becomes increasingly concerned by the amount of weapons Ururu has amassed today alone.
Karin makes Toushirou open his presents next. Jinta and Ururu bought him a spectacular tapestry of dragons.
"The authenticator-guy said it's a relic from the seventeen hundreds. We saw it and it was so you," Ururu explains.
"I'm surprised you could even afford this," he says.
"The vendor owed our family a favor, so he was happy to discount it," Jinta says while he rolls it and drops it into the tube.
Karin is beaming when he opens her present. It's a ring box with a trio of rings. By far, his favorite is the dragon head in silver. Hyourinmaru is even pleased, purring within him like a cat.
He's never considered accessorizing, but this changes his mind with this.
"Oh, wow," he says, slipping them onto his fingers and watching them glint in the overhead lights, "this is... these are spectacular, babe."
"I'm glad you like them," Karin replies. She's practically glowing and it's making him flutter. "I was worried they wouldn't be your thing, but Ururu said they'd still be nice decorative pieces, if you so chose."
"I love them," he promises.
He loves her more than anything, he thinks.
Eventually, they begin chatting. Jinta and Ururu excuse themselves later in the evening, leaving him and Karin alone in the home. Perhaps it's the hormones of nascent manhood, but it gives him ideas that set his heart pounding.
Karin slips onto his lap and folds her alabaster legs one over the other. His hand lays on her thigh while she kisses him.
Can she feel his heart pounding? The thought makes him paranoid.
"I'm glad you got to come today," she says. Her elbow lays on the cushion and she sets her temple on her fist. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," he replies. Her eyes are steel gray but somehow soft. He could swim in them like mercury. "I love you."
Karin kisses him. Her arms fall around his shoulders. It makes him inflate. She laughs while he adjusts his hips. It makes him worry he's inadequate.
"What?" he says.
"Nothing," Karin promises. Her hand falls down his neck and chest while they resume kissing. Her lips are soft, and her tongue laps at his lips.
Frenching once sounded unappealing, but as Karin presses past his teeth, he wants to smack his past self for being a goddamn fool.
They fall onto his back. Toushirou's fingers find her knees and pull them towards his pits so her pelvis lays flat on his lap. She giggles.
"What?" he croaks. Karin kisses his jaw and hums.
"You've just got wood."
"I-Is it, like, small or something?"
"Not at all." Karin sits up. Her nails scrape down the front of his shirt and it makes him buck. He wants to take it off so he can feel it on his skin entirely uninterrupted. He's stopped when Karin's fingers loop under the hem of her shirt. He's so excited he's almost sick. Almost. When she whips off her shirt, revealing a sports bra pressing her tits up and in, he salivates, but she's far from finished.
"H-hang on," she says. "This is always the hard part..." It takes her a minute to pull off her bra. Her shoulder pops as she pulls it off her bulbous chest and she grunts while pushing it over her head. Her breasts fall over her ribs, nearly reaching her navel. Her nipples are milk chocolate on her breasts. He reaches to pet its peak with his knuckle, and throbs under her pussy when meeting her soft flesh billowing around him.
"God, you're gorgeous," he remarks airily. It's like a dream here.
Karin smiles. "I figured you'd enjoy yourself."
She dips and kisses him again. Her hair falls around their face and he hugs her, flattening her breasts against his, drawing his fingers up and down the dimple of her spine. She hums and purrs.
"I should probably take you upstairs," he says. He kisses her neck before digging his teeth in. Karin's moan echoes against the walls. "This can't be comfortable for your back."
"Okay," she says.
It's a little awkward trying to stand up with her in his lap, but he's able to carry her by the backs of her thighs while they giggle and race upstairs. Toushirou fumbles with her doorknob before Karin reaches behind her and opens it herself. He stumbles inside and falls hard onto her mattress which squeals like a rodent beneath their descent, but she kisses him and keeps her legs loop around his hips, grinding his length against her while he's tongued.
"Sweet lord," he shudders. There's no way he can keep up like this. Her crotch makes his underwear sticky with precum, and he can already see himself driving into her pussy while her eyes roll back in her head and her tits rock like the tide.
Toushirou sinks to his knees in front of the bed. Her legs pull his shirt up to his pits until Karin apologizes and unhooks him. He whips it off and tosses it to one side.
With her legs open, Toushirou unties her shorts. Karin lifts her hips up while he pulls them down past her knees. He kisses the inside of her knee while she pulls her feet out and she giggles.
The exterior doesn't look like anything he imagined. He knows a lot of girls shave, but he didn't anticipate there there being two sets of lips, let alone the inside lips are longer than the outside lips. He pushes it apart with his thumbs and finds two holes, which makes way less gross than peeing and fucking with the same hole. When he kisses the exterior, it's a little prickly, on the outside, but the inside is smooth, plush, and wet. Toushirou is reminded here that he genuinely has no fucking clue what he's doing, but he hikes her legs over his shoulders, draws his tongue up and down the inside of her lips, and hopes for the best. 
It's a strange taste. Not something he dislikes, but not something he's going out of his way for. Now, the way she shudders and slips her fingers in his hair is something he'll be coming back for time and again.
Karin says, "You're too low," and her fingers slip under his chin. She lifts him to an inflamed piece of her cunt. "Concentrate on-- oh god," she says.
He gets the point. Toushirou eagerly laps at the swollen hood of her clit and wants so badly to stroke himself but finds himself lacking while multitasking. He can come later. Right now, he just wants to see Karin squirming in ecstasy.
"Yesss," she says while pushing him by the back of his head against her. "Oh, baby, you're-- oh god," Karin's side curls towards her hips. One of her hands covers her mouth while she moans. He grabs her wrist and pries it off her. Instead, she props herself on her elbows and shakes. "Oh, that's good honey, that's good..."
He could purr like a cat now. Her approval has always given him stirrings, but this makes him drip.
"Keep it up, just like that," she says. He picks up the pace and she smacks him. "I didn't say faster, I said to-- ohhh, you're a quick study, Toushirou, you're a-- oh my god--"
She falls onto her back and her legs extend. He knows she said to keep doing as he was, but he pushed up her hood with his thumb to reveal the head of her clit and rubs it with his tongue. She pushes him hard against her, fingers splayed against the back of his head like she palms a basketball, and pleads, screams, for him to keep going until her breath is gone and all that's left are long moans. She writhes as he rides through her climax, milking it for everything, for every appraisal he'll receive once she finishes.
She pushes him off her cunt and he catches strings of her orgasm before licking his lips. She bites her lip with a heady gaze. "That... that was... wow," she says. His chest swells and he smirks. "Go rinse your mouth out. We're not finished."
Toushirou wants to keep the taste a little longer, but he's beholden to Karin's orders, functionally enslaved to her whims. He rinses his mouth before blotting his face dry and staring at his erection in the mirror in the bathroom. There's a wet trickle meandering towards his sac. He's got no idea where this is going but likes it. She could collar him and he'd be damn grateful.
He returns to Karin's bedroom to find her on all fours with her ass in the air. Toushirou runs his fingers through his hair and turns away with a string of swears.
He definitely could've seen this coming, and it's something he wants, but this is his first time. He knows from whatever gross boy-talk from the academy and the office that men don't last long. She's way out of his league and this is probably the most terrifying thing to end tonight would be to come prematurely. And, yeah, she's come already, and he's definitely going to come, but it seems unfair to take a pounding and not get anything out of it.
Karin finds him outside the door. Her eyebrows are upturned. "Did I come on too strongly?" she asks.
"What? No," he replies, "I'm just... really, really close to finishing and it's... it's embarrassing."
"Don't be embarrassed," she says. Her palm glides across his shoulders. "It's... I mean, I've fingered myself, but it hasn't really gone anywhere. This is for you, honey. I wanna fuck you."
He blows air through his lips. He knows she doesn't mean to, but there is something spectacularly seductive about how it's said. Maybe it's the candor.
He kisses her before she pushes him inside. Karin pulls him onto her like a blanket. They part from their kisses, only briefly, so Toushirou can feel for her entrance with the head of his cock in hand. He thinks he's found it for a moment and slides forward, but it's only her lips and she laughs when he slips onto her pubic bone. It makes him hot with shame.
"Hey, it's okay, here." Karin folds her knees to her chest. It spreads her and gives him better access. Toushirou is easily able to slip inside of her.
The clinical technicalities are easily described. She's soaking wet and pillowy. The feeling, on the other hand, is ineffable. He moans as warmth and relief and need overcomes him, and inadvertently gyrates. Toushirou has to anchor himself on his forearms on either side of her head and take a breather.
"Are you okay?" she asks.
"Better than okay, I'm just trying not to come just yet," he says as he lays his forehead on her breast. The hum Karin utters gives him the impression she's impatient and his performance anxiety returns.
He kisses her with tongue and slowly rolls his hips forward. Her splayed hands run down his spine and onto his buttocks, where her fingers and nails dig crescents into him. He pushes his weight onto his hands to free his bottom side of his weight for thrust. The friction of pistoning into her is ecstasy. Toushirou moans, hard, basking in her. Karin's hands float onto the back of his shoulders and she joins in Toushirou's noise-making. He parts to see her eyes have shut.
"Harder," Karin tells him, and it sends electricity down his spine. Toushirou picks up the pace and the sound of clapping flesh-on-flesh and the squeal of her box spring.
"God, yes," Karin hisses. Her arms fall back, so Toushirou pins her legs up by the backs of her knees and resumes. His back and abs burn, but god, does he feel great. He feels his orgasm build and coil inside of his pelvis. "Oh, don't fucking stop, Toushirou, you're-- oh god," she continues while writhing. Karin founds herself while her eyelids flutter. Her gorgeous, steel-gray irises have rolled into the back of her head.
The visage makes him snap and he shakes. For a moment, his rhythm stutters while ejaculating. It's like high tide overcomes him, an orgasm better than whatever mediocre results onanism gives him. But he can't stop. At minimum, he wants the bragging rights to making her come twice in less than ten minutes, and be able to prove it to a skeptical audience.
For the second time that night, Karin tremors and chokes and utters long, deep, hoarse moans, as musical as her squealing bedsprings. She's shivering around him, milking his cock, and it's like a dam breaks.
He tries to keep pace while spilling into her, so Karin's orgasms can be as good as his is, because it's magical. It's the best thing he's felt in years.
It ends. He falls onto her mattress and pants like he ran a marathon. Karin swings her arm over him and kisses his eyelids.
"You're a fucking Olympian," she giggles while turning onto her back. He likes how her breasts jiggle.
"I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did," he confesses while rubbing his cheek against her pillow. Her praise makes him flutter inside. "The fuck did we wait so long to do this?"
"Oh, I would've been so bad."
"The great part of owning a pussy is the impossibility of being bad in bed from what I've been told."
She laughs. "Fair enough... let's wash up. I need to run out for some morning-after pills."
He looks down at his flaccid penis. "Does this even, like, work like that?"
"Good point. I'm not sure... I'll ask Urahara-san. Can you start the bath for me while I call?"
It feels weird to talk to Kisuke about their sex life, but there's no one else to ask, so he starts the bath. She comes back a few minutes later and pulls her hair tie out and shakes out her hair. She's beautiful like this, he thinks. He'll never understand why men complain about their wives. Karin kisses him, tells him he doesn't have any potency, and Toushirou's pretty certain he wouldn't care either fucking way, because this woman is the one of his dreams.
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ravynous · 2 years
HI RAVY u got any angst reccs yknowyknow
fic recs for twisted wonderland ✨ angst edition ✨
▌| note: i am SO GLAD you asked, i've been waiting for this moment my whole life. also, limiting this to my fave fics only bc i’d be here all day if i included everything i liked
ALSO ALSO, some of these accounts does have nsfw, so like, i advise you to look through their descriptions first (as usual), BUT i’ve also linked the fics themselves (which hopefully works)
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@/kaleidoscopewonderland - don't leave me (scarabia)
@/coralinnii - legend has it (vil) ; legend has it (lilia)
@/twstbaby - trouble at the market ; food for thought (leona & floyd)
@/arent-i-the-fairest - for your sake ; who are you?
@/mymainwastoocluttered - you make my head spin ; sudden soulmates (vil schoenheit) ; are you lonesome tonight? (floyd & jade)
@/treysimp - stuck forever (deuce, slight angst)
@/zgvlt - (all of these have light angst) a reverie until recently ; i blow out the candles in front of my wish 
@/rggie - diasomnia as royal au tropes ; “let’s break up” with the housewardens
@/traumxrei-archive - passing time in your arms (jade)
@/two-gays-in-a-trenchcoat - the taming of the eel (floyd)
@/kaiijo - kill my feelings, kill my soul. kill everything i am (rook) ; the second lead
@/faeryarchives - so this is heartache (azul) ; don’t leave me
@/pinkanonwrites - nightmare (leona) ; old flame as nrc staff (lilia)
@/fairestwriting - helping mc ask out their vice dorm leaders (riddle, malleus, azul, vil) ; childish promise of marriage (deuce, ace, jack, ruggie, vil)
@/stormgardenscurse - the aftermath
@/mobagehelllocal -  “wendy?” “hello peter pan” ; lucky ending ver i & ver iii (I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH, YOU HAVE NO IDEA)
@/harfanfare - snow white and juliet (neige, tw for suicide )
@/twstoric - no one to catch (jamil, leona, vil) ; missed connections (jamil, leona, vil)
@/writer-akihiko - mc running away (dorm leaders) ; mc overblots (first years)
@/twistedr0se - reunited (idia)
@/waxandroses - despite what we thought, and what we wanted (jade) ; all we had, all we ever will be (jade)
@/twistedwonderlandimaginesblog - wanting to break up (vil) ; dying in their arms (malleus, leona, vil, azul, rook)
@/twstmemories - eight (cater)
@/wolken-himmel - accepting mc’s confession to spite kalim (jamil)
@/raven-at-the-writing-desk - all eyes on you (jade, jamil, ruggie)
@/apompkwrites - the royal draconias
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▌| note: good lord, i have a lot. I’M SO SORRY I TOOK LIKE, 2 HOURS ON THIS SKMKSMFM
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yen-yay · 1 year
Honeymoon Knight (Bastien)
Part 2 / 2
[Yay] = Insert Name
After a while…Bastien and I came to the temple. One of the legends of Kalliste.
"He who is given the Hwadong in the temple of the goddess is blessed with good fortune.”
The temple of the goddess is the setting for this legend.
Bastien was standing in the temple of the goddess with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
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Thank you, [Yay]. Thank you for staying with me all this way.
I am so happy to be able to spend this day alone with you…
I was very happy. I was very happy to spend a peaceful time with my precious partner.
I was so happy to be with you. Being with [Yay]…I could feel the happiness in my heart. I am so sad that today is over.
But I...I will continue to be by your side, [Yay].
I will continue to be next to [Yay]...I will protect you.
Mrs. [Yay]…Please accept this bouquet of flowers.
Saying that, Bastien…held out a bouquet of soft pink flowers.
The fluffy and distinctive flowers gave a gentle impression. It is a very pretty bouquet.
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Pink starches. The language of the flowers is "everlasting.”
Mrs. [Yay], you are the one I want to protect with everything I have. 
My body, my heart, my life…
Everything I am…
I swear I will devote myself to you forever. In my life, which was nothing but a sword,...Who brought light to my life…None other than…[Yay], it's you.
No matter how long I have to live from now on…I will live…All of me belongs to you, [Yay].
So, please…Please…Please accept this bouquet. I am...
I'm thinking of you all the time.
I will be next to you at all times.
And I will protect your... I will protect your body, your heart, your life... everything. I promise to make you happy.
Bastien did not look away... Bastien looked me straight in the eye.
I gently…I accepted Bastien’s bouquet.
Bastien is very important to me, too.
Hmph, hmph…Lord…
No, [Yay]…Thank you for accepting me.
Thank you for accepting my feelings. Thank you for allowing me to continue to be next to you…
Thank you so much. Right now…I am happy from the bottom of my heart. Everything I am belongs to you. From now on…I promise to take good care of you, [Yay].
I will make you happy.
Saying this, Bastien…This man said he will take care of me for the rest of my life…I'll take care of him forever…
He looked into my eyes and smiled softly.
It was a gentle smile that made me think so.
Well, Mrs. [Yay]…
I'm sorry to leave you…I think it's time for us to go.
I understand.
On the way back from the temple, I was resting in the flower garden... Bastien called out to me. I took the bouquet of flowers that Bastien had given me…I ran to him. Bastien got on his horse…and quickly pulled me up on the horse.
He is also riding a white horse... Today he was like a prince from a fairy tale.
Hmm…? [Yay], what's wrong?
Bastien, you look like a prince.
A prince...?
I'm a prince?
Because you're so cool.
Hmph--". I see.
[Yay], I'm sure…even though you know I'm not cool. 
But still I’m really glad that you still think I’m cool. I'm really happy.
I'm not like the hero of a fairy tale... I'm not a perfect being...
Still, I can make you...I want to be the one who can make you happy.
If I can make [Yay] happy...If we can be together forever...
I am the happiest person in the world.
Well... let's get going. [Yay], lean your body with mine.
Okay, okay.
I leaned against Bastien…
I leaned my back against him.
Hmph--. Then let's go.
Bastien gave the signal, and the white horse slowly…slowly started to walk.
It seemed that he was going to take the long way around on his way.
Bastien must be...Bastien must be hoping that this happy time will last for a long time.
Let's go slowly, Bastien.
… …Oh, yes, I will. Hey, [Yay]...
Honey…What's up?
Bastien put the reins together in one hand and…With his other hand, he caressed my bouquet.
I wish this day can last forever.
(I cried a lot, I hope you enjoyed)
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I’m checking in on this space every day, but haven’t had a lot of words to write.
My dad is still here. It’s weird waiting on death. I’m spending quite a bit of time with him but life also gets in the way and it’s never as much as I would like. He’s declining but still up and walking around at home, and eating and drinking. We can no longer go out to eat with him. He often needs to be fed food if it requires utensils. These are things that have changed over the past month or so.
Summer school ends for me this week. I’m planning to submit final grades on Saturday and then take some real time off.
Ms. 6 turns 18 in about two weeks. It feels oddly empowering. She has been lording a lot over us for the past ten months. In some ways, her being 18 means we have more power and it’s messed up, but I’m grateful. I think she’s super depressed but every time I broach the subject with her she vehemently denies it and shuts down the conversation.
My mom is celebrating her birthday this weekend. I know we all feel the lasts with my dad. There is a lot of sad.
H and E both have summer jobs. One has a lawn care business and one is walking dogs. We have also gone on the list to be a foster home for kittens with our local animal shelter. So far no calls.
Baby is slated to begin play-based therapy this summer. I am holding out hope that it will be helpful. I’m not sure what else to try. He’s in a morning basketball camp this week and next. Then we are moving onto swim lessons.
NB wrapped up daycare for good last week. He’s moving into all day 4k in the fall. Holy smokes—are we done paying for daycare for forever?! Feels like a major win!
Our kids finished school last week. DS completed his driver’s ed class. He doesn’t even need to take a test at the DMV. DH and I can just say he took the class and did his hours with us, and boom! He gets a drivers license! He’s probably not quite there yet, but he’s close. I had him drive home from the Milwaukee on the interstate the other day and he did great. I need to see if he knows how to parallel park. He seems like a decent driver but still wants a lot of coaching from me and it is a lot for him to attend to at once. I’m unsure if that’s the ADHD or just inexperience, but thinking about directions, turn signals, accelerating vs braking, etc. is a lot for him to keep in his brain at one time.
DH is working a summer job at a fancy resort as a banquet server. Someone tipped us off that there is good money to be made in tips. The hours are great for summer: 2-10pm. They trained him as a server and bar tender. Busy weeks are just beginning and his first paycheck is tomorrow so we will see what happens. I’m glad he has some money coming in and glad it works in terms of the schedule.
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A Recipe for Disaster (Chap. 11/FINAL!)
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | Pt. 7 | Pt. 8 | Pt. 9 | Pt. 10 | AO3
hooo boy, here's the end!! sorry about the wait, i really said 'here have two chapters back to back' last time then took forever to get this one out.
there were really only a few snapshots i wanted to capture post-movie but for some reason had a hard time putting it all together, but here it is!!! i hope you all love, and thank you for reading!!
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Hopper, Dustin, and Wayne had pulled Steve into Wayne’s office a couple days after the wedding; They all explained to each other their sides of the mystery of one Edmund Muñoz.
Steve explained the whole foot-stomping thing: “At the ball, he told me his name was ‘Eddie. Just Eddie.’ and I accidentally stepped on his foot. He told me I could step on his foot anytime, so that’s what I did when he arrived at the palace.” to the delight of the other three.
Wayne talks a little about how Eddie’d been raised. “I tried my damndest to get him out from under the thumb of that father of his, but even after he grew up, it was like his father could do no wrong.”
“I wish I knew he was your nephew sooner…he could’ve been like a big brother….”
“I wanted to introduce you both as soon as I married your mom, son, but my brother wasn’t having it.” Wayne shakes his head in exasperation.
“That man is the absolute worst.” Hopper gripes, face dark. “Steve, the incident at the review of the guard was the Viscount. The stable boy they had walking beside Sandy was paid off by him in order to scare her with a fake snake. I called that bastard out on it directly after.”
“Eddie came t’talk to me about it the next day, too. He told me he was through dealing with his father then, and apologized for not getting his head outta his ass sooner.”
“And it was the Viscount who called the media and told them they’d be at the lake?” Dustin asks, mostly just to confirm.
“Yep.” Hopper nods solemnly. “Speaking of which…really Steve? You’re smarter than that.”
Steve’s face is on fire. “He’s charming and drop-dead gorgeous. Sue me.”
In the months between his almost wedding and his upcoming coronation, Steve doesn’t see hide nor hair of Eddie. 
Chrissy told him, the next time he saw her, that he’d been laying low while The Court of Public Opinion™ ran its course and he was out of the forefront of their minds.
“I’m only supposed to tell you that he’s laying low.” She had said. “But I am also going to tell you that he does not. Stop. Talking. About. You. It’s frankly ridiculous.”
His face turned red at that, and Chrissy moved to follow Robin (now officially her girlfriend, good job Robin) when Steve stopped her “Tell him I’m thinking about him, too?”
She nods, but says “That’s disgusting.” in a completely flat voice, this time actually walking away.
“Not in that way!” he called after her. Well. Not always like that.
In the end, The Court had decided they liked him; his intrusion of the wedding being seen as swoon-worthy to the masses, but some still hesitant about him trying to usurp the throne from the long standing Renaldi family.
Now, two months to the day from Joyce and Hopper’s wedding, it’s Steve’s coronation day. 
He will be King of a whole-ass country later today.
He’s sitting on the edge of the throne, feet flat on the floor, elbows on his knees, and his chin resting on his folded hands. He looks over to his side where Concrete had made himself comfy on a frankly ridiculous sized bed for one (admittedly large) cat. “What do you think, Lord Concrete, d’ya think I’ll make a good King?” Steve asks aloud, mostly just glad that his cat was in his presence for once.
“Indeed you will.”
Steve snaps his head to his right and sits up straight as the source of the voice rounds the column next to him.
“Eddie.” Steve breathes. His arms and legs threaten to hurl him forward to the other man, but he manages to stay seated. 
“If I might be so bold, I would like an audience with His Royal Highness?”
Steve fights back a grin, plays along, gesturing to the space in front of him. 
“And what is your dilemma young man?” Dustin would be proud of his own perfectly crafted haughty voice.
Eddie smiles, his eyes twinkling. “You are, in fact.” Eddie sinks to one knee, bracing his arms on his upright one. “I am in love with the King to be, and I am inquiring as to if he loves me too.”
Steve's brain shoots into the stratosphere. Love. Love? He loves him? Eddie loves him?
He manages to come back down in about a second and a half, “Do you have a chicken for my table?” Steve muses.
Eddie looks surprised at that, but smiles quickly. “Uh, no. My kitchen was fresh out of chickens.”
“Oh, well..” Steve sits back on the throne, pretending to weigh his options.
It takes about another second and a half and he’s hurtling forward, Eddie rising to his feet to meet him. Both of them lose their breath when their chests collide.
“You love me.” Steve whispers, still disbelieving, into Eddie’s neck.
“I love you, Steve.” Eddie whispers back.
Steve pulls back just far enough to see the other man’s face, “Kiss me.”
Eddie beams. That same smile from their night at the lake. “You got it, sweetheart.”
He does. The same sparks and fireworks that were present in their first ‘barely a kiss’ crackle and shine brighter now. Eddie’s mouth is soft against his, and they both sigh when their tongues meet.
Eddie’s arms tighten around his waist and suddenly he’s being lifted, their lips separating in laughter as Eddie spins them both in a circle before he’s set on his feet again.
“I love you too, Eddie.”
Eddie’s heart is beating a mile a minute. 
No, faster than a mile a minute.
He can’t believe he’s here. After all the bullshit he’s done in his life, he, Edmund Muñoz, is attending the coronation of the Crown Prince of Genovia.
Okay, being here, he can believe; he’s a respected member of this society, and probably would’ve been invited anyway, but he’s here and counted amongst the most valued friends and family of said Prince. His boyfriend.
He takes in the people around the room: Jim Hopper, former head of palace security is standing at the bottom of one of the ballroom’s staircases, not for work, but because his wife, the current Queen, will be entering on that side and he will be there to greet her.
The Crown Prince’s right hand lesbian man is standing at the bottom of the other staircase on Eddie’s left, his childhood best friend on her other side because they’re dating now (and are Genovia’s hottest couple “Suck on that, Eduardo!”).
The Prince’s ex-fiance would be at the side of her new beau if he wasn’t the head of the palace’s photography/PR division and running round shooting everything, and if she didn’t also already have her hands full writing down every single thing in front of her, now that she was the one leading the Palace’s press releases.
There was a gaggle of seven seemingly mis-matched teenagers standing front and center of the rest of the stuffy other dignitaries that were invited, as Prince Stephan’s personal guests.
Michael, crown prince of his own country and almost brother-in-law to the King-to-be, is hand in hand with his boyfriend Will, one half of the formerly mentioned Jim Hopper’s Wonder Twins. His sister Ellie has one hand locked with the Prime Minister’s son, Dustin, and the other is hooked onto the elbow of her best friend and up-and-coming chef extraordinaire, Maxine (“Mark my words Maxine, you are going to be bigger than Fieri.” “Call me Maxine again and your next batch of brownies will be laced with asbestos…but thank you, Eddie.”). Max, who in turn has her other pinkie hooked onto young Lord Lucas Sinclair’s. Then finally, Lucas’ sister Erica is pretending not to care about the event happening around her (but even Eddie can tell she’s excited).
The Party. Their Family. This weird gaggle of royals and non-royals all brought together by Steve in some way or another.
Eddie’s pulled out of his thoughts about his new family with the loud battering of a drumline drumroll starting up. The band members positioned on either staircase start playing, and there they are.
Queen Joyce looks regal, as always, this time with the addition of the Genovian crown jewels on her head. She’s in a beautiful maroon colored dress and cape that she swishes out of the way when she turns to step down the stairs.
But Steve, his Steve. He’s gorgeous in an ivory pear tree suit and maroon, fur lined, cape. Despite how nervous he must be, he doesn’t look it. He looks confident, radiant as he strides down the steps.
“He looks extraordinary.” Eddie says to no one. 
“They both do.” comes a blubbering voice from slightly behind him; turning to look, it’s Murray, sobbing. Eddie smirks and shakes his head, turning his attention back to the prince.
He reaches the bottom of the steps, and Eddie’s fingers twitch, itching to reach out for him, to grab his hand. Instead, he smiles crookedly at his boyfriend in the fleeting glance he gets before he has to step by as rehearsed.
Steve steps up to the throne and gathers the cape from behind him to turn and sit in front of his people.
Once he’s seated properly, the archbishop starts in on his scripted spiel, and while speaking, moves to Joyce, standing at Steve’s side, and gingerly lifts the Genovian crown jewels from her majesty’s head, and places it atop Steve’s.
Another person in ceremonial garb brings in the orb and scepter then, laid carefully on a large ceremonial pillow. They kneel on the step in front of Steve, who reaches forward and lifts both easily.
The speech ends with two very important questions. “Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Genovia, according to the statutes in Parliament agreed on, and the respective laws and customs of the same? Will you, in your power, cause law and justice and mercy to be executed in all judgements?”
“I solemnly promise so to do” Steve’s voice does not waver.
The archbishop moves aside, and Steve turns his head first to Joyce, then to him. Eddie tries beaming a message into the other man’s brain when Steve’s brilliant hazel eyes lock with his chocolate brown. “I love you, you look amazing, you are perfect, you’ve got this, I love you so damn much.”
Eddie can feel what Steve tells him in return. “I love you too, Eddie. I can’t wait to kiss you stupid.” and seals it with a wink
Okay, maybe that’s just what Eddie wants to hear.
Steve stands and the band starts up once more, playing the Genovian national anthem. And even though he knew it was coming, Eddie had to fight back a laugh at it being Wayne who’s leading the gathered guests in singing.
They all sing, and in the last lines, Eddie watches Steve take a few steadying breaths.
The last note of the anthem ends, and immediately the majordomo bangs his staff twice. “Presenting his Royal Majesty, Stephan Artur Renaldi the Third, King of Genovia.”
That evening, after dark, Steve and the rest of his family retreat to the palace grounds to make the coronation official.
“You’ve got this, sunshine.” Eddie encourages, giving his side a squeeze with the arm he has hooked around Steve’s waist before he moves to stand beside Wayne and Dustin.
Steve accepts the bow from his trainer, this time tipped with a flammable end.
“The ceremonial shooting of the flaming arrow through the coronation ring.” the majordomo bellows once Steve’s arrow is lit.
He takes a deep breath, focusing on the tower and ring in front of him, and Eddie’s words filter through his mind as he takes aim.
“Use your mouth as an anchor.”
Steve touches his fingertips to the corner of his mouth.
“Lower this elbow..”
He feels the ghost of Eddie’s fingers dragging down his arm as he does.
“..and relax this hand.”
At least now he can hold Eddie’s hand whenever he wants to. ‘Yep, still corny.’ he thinks to himself.
The arrow flies, and the ring erupts in flame.
Steve smiles in surprise and turns toward Eddie, only the find the other man already heading to him, scooping him into his arms.
“You did it! I’m so proud of you, Stevie.”
Steve relaxes into Eddie’s arms and breathes a sigh of relief, taking in the sounds of his family cheering around him.
One year after his coronation, under what they are now calling their tree on the palace grounds, site of multiple picnics, long nights, and slow dances.
It’s during one of those slow dances that Eddie pauses, says he needs to say something.
As soon as he starts talking, Steve knows what’s coming, and his eyes burn with unshed tears immediately.
“One year ago, I brought you here; one year ago I knew I wanted to be with you until the end of my days. I may have fallen for you when we first danced together at the ball, I may have loved you every day since, but it was that night that I knew my life would never be even a fraction of what it could, without you in it.” Eddie sinks to one knee, much like he did the day of Steve’s coronation, this time, he had a small box in his hand “I am so in love with you, Stevie, will you marry me?”
Eddie opens the box and Steve's laugh comes out a sob. It’s his grandmother's ring, the one he’d proposed to Nancy with.
“Joyce was in on this, wasn’t she?” Steve is surprised his voice is as clear as it is, his throat tight with emotion.
Eddie grins up at him, mischievous as always.
Steve sinks down to Eddie’s level, the other man’s unoccupied hand coming up to help brace him on instinct. Kneeling in front of his fiancé, Steve says “Of course I'll marry you.”
Eddie’s face flashes briefly to relief, a blink-and-you’d-miss-it reaction, then he’s snapping the box closed and diving forward to capture Steve's lips with his.
“Mph!” Steve is struggling to kiss him, fighting back elated smile after smile, when Eddie lowers the two of them down to the ground below
While Steve is definitely not opposed to the feeling of Eddie atop him, he’s got other plans.
Steve flips the two of them over easily, straddling and pressing his hips into Eddie's in 0.5 seconds flat.
He lays himself down along Eddie’s torso and latches onto his neck. Between sucking kisses into Eddie’s throat that will ensure he’ll be wearing his hair down until they fade completely, and Eddie’s flustered gasps at his ministrations, Steve says “Nuh uh, I want my ring first, Muñoz.” before setting in on attacking his lips.
Eddie smiles beneath him and shifts, reaching down to his pocket again. He produces the box, managing to get his hands between them enough to open it to Steve.
Steve smiles, and sits up onto his heels, plucking the ring from the box and sliding it onto his finger. Eddie follows him up and locks his arms around him. 
Steve drapes one arm over Eddie’s shoulder automatically, attention still on his left hand. He’s struck by the realization that his grandmother’s ring on his third finger now sits comfortably beside the only other he’d been wearing, his grandfather's signet ring on his middle.
“It really is beautiful.”
Eddie’s is pressing his own kisses to Steve’s face and collarbone. “Only on you, sweetheart.” he purrs.
“You think it’d look better if it was the only thing I was wearing?” he asks nonchalantly, still looking at the diamond on his finger, and reveling in how quickly Eddie freezes beneath him.
In the next second, Steve’s laughing at how quickly Eddie’s got them both up and is nearly sprinting them back to their horses.
Their wedding a year later, of course, was a huge to-do and Steve goes all in with planning. Starting later that same night (early morning?) that Eddie proposed.
For a good month after his appearance in the independence day parade, Martín had all manner of inquiries about his adoption. Inquiries that the team that worked there took with extra caution. Luckily they did, because about 80% of those just wanted to be the ones to adopt Prince Steve’s favorite, and the other 20% (sadly) just were not good fits for him.
After that, the inquiries stopped. Until Steve decides to foster him, applying to adopt him fully on his own not even a month later.
The adoption is made official the day after Steve and Eddie get married, making him every bit their son, and therefore every bit the new heir apparent to the throne of Genovia. The now-six-year-old Martin absolutely adores ALL his Aunts and Uncles, but if you ask him, his Aunt Max is his most favorite (a fact that both makes Max want to cry, and also scream in joy from the palace roof).
There had been quite a few public visitations since Steve had become King (at the first of which, he’d grinned as he announced: “There better not be any chickens in those baskets.”), now that they are married, Eddie would be joining him at the next one.
It was at this first visitation together, between one citizen taking their leave and the next taking their place, that Steve leaned over to Eddie at his side.
“We’re two for three, my love.”
His husband makes a noise like the breath had been punched from his lungs at that, his face morphing into a glowing smile, turning to Steve. “We are, aren’t we?”
Steve reaches for Eddie, who takes his hand immediately, turning it over and pressing a kiss to the back. “It’s better than I imagined.”
After 20 years of marriage, and 22 years on the throne, the official portrait of King Stephan Artur Renaldi III and his Prince Consort Edmund Théo Renaldi (“No way are you calling me King anything, Stevie, I stand by what I said at Jopper’s wedding.”) is commissioned. 
Crown Prince of Genovia, Martín Tomás Renaldi (who has grown to be quite the looker, unsurprisingly taking every bit after his father) is included for one copy of the painting, for Steve to keep in his personal study, but the official painting that’ll be hung beside Joyce and Bob is only he and Eddie. Eddie is standing behind Steve, a ringed hand on his shoulder, and Steve’s arm is curled up at the elbow to thread their fingers together.
They are both a bit older, only a few streaks of gray to their hair, but soon, the portrait is finished.
They’re in attendance when it’s hung in the throne room, much to the confusion of the palace staff tasked with hanging it.
“That’s it.” Steve says when the staff takes their leave.
“Hm? What’s ‘it’, sunshine?”
Steve grins “That’s all three.”
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Okay, last couple notes:
I had Steve change the name he'd be known as when he became King, not for his ass of a father, but the grandfather he never knew
With the naming conventions of the British Monarchy as a guide though, I think he'd officially be King Stephan II since his father never became King, our Steve is only the second Stephan to take the Thone, but the Third of that name in actuality (does that make sense?? lmao).
Of course Eddie would drop Muñoz ASAP, and THANK YOU @henderdads with helping me decide on his middle name!!!!
Martín Renaldi?? Crown Prince of Genovia???? skldfaslkdfjsalk
And finally, again tagging @henderdads because this whole re-write/AU wouldn't exist without her encouragement on my original post (where it was originally Mia!Eddie and Nicholas!Steve), and would be seriously lacking in other places without her input!!! Cass, ILYSM!!!
Last round of tags!! @sadcanadianwinter @hopefulslothcollecter @steveshairychest @sidebarre @resident-gay-bitch @kaspurrcat @melkene @livewondrousss @steddieasitgoes @mightbeasleep @princessstevemunson @totallybitchin @potentialheartofdarkness @spectrum-spectre @munsonfamilyband @knitsforthetrail
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sorry i know the post is ancient but. "the monster is mary keay" as a descriptor for mag4 is SO perfect i am going to put it on a t-shirt
like yes, YES!!!! you get it. the monster isn't the freaky book, actually, it's not the looming shadow of jurgen leitner, it's mary keay
i just. needed to give you some quick appreciation for that line because it's PERFECT and will live in my head rent free forever now.
the monster is mary keay, and she has on some level always been a monster, though distinct in many ways from most of the monsters in the show.
also your immediate read on gerry too is Perfect. he is in fact wonderfully good and always doing his best to help, i was slightly saddened to realize you never got around to analyzing mag12 in the same style but, i get it, it's a lot of work lol
just wanted to throw this quick appreciation your way :3 have a great day/night! 💖
thank you so much!
sorry it took me a while to answer, I've never got one of these before. I did those reviews in the the time between graduating college and getting my current job so I had a lot more free time on my hands. I would love to get back to writing reviews, maybe for Xena: Warrior Princess, but they are a lot of work.
I am super glad you liked my work, it feels really good to know my thoughts and readings where interesting. I was doing it as 1 review than on to the next episode and it made actually going through the archives really slow. the magnus archives was an amazing experience and I don't know how so many people survived a release schedule without being able to binge it, lord knows I'm going through it with the protocol now.
thank you for the kind words have a lovely day
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