#I am the main character
sage-green-kitchen · 6 months
If someone called me right now and asked if I wanted to run through the halls of a haunted castle in the middle of the night in a ball gown while holding a candle I would probably say yes, safety concerns be damned.
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babygorewhore · 10 months
“That male character wouldn’t-“
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highonjen · 3 months
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gm heres some pics of me from the other day looking stelllaarrrr ✨
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hazellevessque · 1 year
Girls don’t want boyfriends girls want to pick strawberries in the rain
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caitkaminski · 7 months
I haven’t played yet but is this a bad time to point out irl I have the Cancer constellation tattooed on my arm lol
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cozmicglo · 11 months
I have decided I am the main character
That’s all
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wetbananapeel · 1 year
On the bus listening to The Fray looking out the window dispondantly while it rains
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notenderlaith · 1 year
I keep taking up little side projects and helping people out around my college campus and I've been doing it just for funzies and for my mental health but people have been spreading the good word about me. So now I have this good reputation and I end up getting more opportunities and fun things to do. To keep track of all these things I have a check list with mini checklists to break down the task, and when I complete a task I mark it off so I don't get confused. Also when ever I'm done and I give them what ever it was I was doing for them I get a little gift of some sort. And now I realizes that I am doing irl side quests.
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flittermousemoth · 2 years
So, if both of my parents are white and boring then was technically extracted from vanilla...
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Do y'all know how annoying it is having BOTH an inferiority complex and a god/superiority complex?
Like one moment I think I am worth less than the dirt beneath peoples feet and I shall never succeed at anything
And then the next moment I think I am god and nobody could ever compare to how amazing I am
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a-map-of-gays · 2 years
Easily one of the most main-charactercore moments I've ever had is walking down the street in the pouring rain while Precipitation by bears in trees blasts on my headphones
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imeaniguessthatsfine · 7 months
father, I know you are likely working and can’t actually answer your phone, but it’s me your child with questions that—despite it being 10pm and can’t actually solve till at least morning—need immediate answer bc i will keep ruminating about this till morning otherwise
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cursedlemon · 9 months
i don't get people who are like 'youre not the main character' cause like you literally are? you're the one living your life? i am my main character like why the fuck would someone else be the main character? no shit im not the main character in someone else's life because they'd be their own main?. especially if you think of the concept that everything is a simulation, then someone would've literally chosen you as a main?, or that you are the only real thing and everything else is a figment of your imagination? in that case you're definitely the main.
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fullofsilly · 1 year
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Oh yeah I do art too
I made this pixel art to pay homage to one of my favorite places on this Earth, a bridge near my home and I needed to do a big project to stop myself from throwing myself off said bridge. So yeah Enjoy
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valerianteaa · 1 year
my toxic trait is hearing a song and going "oh i bet if they'd listen to it it would remind them of me"
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the-nefarious-vampire · 11 months
"you only say you're autistic because you want to feel special and different" actually finding out i was autistic made me feel significantly less special and different. before i was autistic i was Strange and Unpredictable in some sort of Unknowable way which Surely meant i was Predestined for Greatness (like storybook character). now im just some fuckin autistic guy like any other. i significantly prefer it this way btw
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