#create meaningful chaos
Bilbo planted the seed.. it grew into a beautiful tree.. his little nephew Frodo was very fond of this tree and could always be found reading neath it
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mintcakeart · 2 years
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howdy gang it’s been a while. have some art of one of my favourite creators @icaruspendragon based on this tiktok they posted a few months back. i’m a sucker for linguistics and literature and they have some really amazing thoughts on the subject, particularly around fanfiction and the effect on the the internet on the evolution of language, that i could listen to for hours, as well as amazing musings on grief that really spoke to my personal relationship with grief. i’d urge anyone to check out her tiktok because it really is amazing, and she has a book coming out in the near future that i am so excited to read. create meaningful chaos today
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gooseontheinternet · 2 years
lately my mental health has been very good and so as a treat to myself I have been leaving asks on peoples blogs just saying “i like your shoelaces”
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
being married to erik lehnsherr would include
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• erik is EXTREMELY protective of you. he uses his powers subtly to ensure your safety, like redirecting bullets or stopping potential threats without you even noticing.
• when you’re driving he will use his powers to move a car over if he thinks that they’re drifting into your lane.
• as his partner, you have a significant role in his plans and strategies. your insights and ideas are crucial, and he trusts you implicitly with major decisions.
• balancing erik’s often ruthless methods with your own moral compass can be challenging. you constantly strive to find a middle ground, helping him see different perspectives while understanding his deep-rooted convictions.
• erik loves to shares his vast experiences from different historical events, giving you a unique perspective on history and the evolution of mutant-human relations.
• being with erik means constantly learning and evolving. he encourages you to hone your skills, whether they’re related to your powers (if you have any) or other talents.
• despite his tough exterior, erik shows his softer side only to you. his love for you is profound and unwavering, and he cherishes every moment spent with you.
• you both enjoy challenging each other intellectually. debates are a common occurrence, and they often end in mutual respect and deeper understanding of each other's viewpoints.
• erik shows his love in small, meaningful ways, like always having your favorite tea ready or ensuring you have a warm blanket when you’re cold, using his powers to fetch things without you asking.
• you both share a strong commitment to the mutant cause. whether it’s through activism, helping mutants in need, or fighting against oppression, your relationship is a powerful force for change.
• despite the constant battles and responsibilities, erik always makes time for private getaways with you. these retreats are a chance to relax, reconnect, and enjoy each other’s company away from the chaos.
• the two of you often host gatherings for the mutant community, providing a space for mutants to connect, share their stories, and support each other. these events are filled with a sense of unity and purpose.
• trust is the cornerstone of your relationship. despite the challenges and dangers, you both have unwavering loyalty to each other, knowing that your bond is unbreakable.
• erik respects your independence and ensures that responsibilities are shared equally. whether it’s managing your home or leading missions, you both contribute and support each other’s strengths.
• if you have children, erik is a fiercely protective and loving parent. he’s dedicated to teaching them about their heritage, powers, and the importance of fighting for their rights.
• i mean come on, it’s basically canon that this man is a girl dad. look at the way he treats wanda and lorna compared to pietro.
• he occasionally shows off his abilities in small, romantic gestures, like creating intricate metal sculptures for you and arranging a metal flower bouquet that never wilts.
• your house is adorned with thousands of metal flowers he's crafted for you.
• he's also made countless pieces of jewelry for you as well.
• he made your wedding ring himself. <33
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
Fandom is so nice to Jiang Cheng's inferiority complex because in reality every single thing he gets accused of is something Wei Wuxian is better at than him.
Jiang Cheng killed Wei Wuxian? Nope. Didn't even get close. Wei Wuxian's own spirits tore him apart before jc could even get there. wwx:1 jc:0
Jiang Cheng tortures people? We get two and a half rumours and a mention from jin ling that jc has 'captured' demonic cultivators before, but who is also apparently confident that just letting wwx run off will kill the issue even though those earlier rumours said ~no one who sandu shengshou captured was ever seen again~
The word jiang cheng uses when he tries to talk big game about 'beating the truth' out of Wei Wuxian's is a word that carries the context of pestering someone to do their homework. Doesn't exactly strike fear into my heart.
Wei Wuxian? Excellent at torture. A prodigy. Did you fucking see what he did to Wen Chao? Dude didn't have fingers anymore because wei wuxian made him eat them. He ripped out his hair, burned his skin off, and then stalked him for several days just to prolong the pain. He forced Wang Lingjiao to bite Wen Chao's dick off and then made her shove a stool leg down her own throat! 10/10, no notes. Absolutely horrifying.
Meanwhile Jiang Cheng's idea of torture is getting a dog to bark at Wei Wuxian for a few seconds. Weak, unoriginal, I bet fairy was literally wagging her tail the whole time. 2-0
Jiang Cheng made the entire cultivation world believe Wei Wuxian was up to no good on the burial mounds and ultimately orchestrated his downfall? lol. lmao, even
It's a big thing in certain corners of the fandom to really zoom in one one particular phrase at the end of chapter 73, where after wwx and jc have their staged duel to make the world believe they hate each other jiang cheng tells everyone wwx has defected and become "a public enemy'' or "an enemy to the cultivation world" or whatever the translation you're familiar with decided upon.
(As an aside, something I really like about this line is that the last half of it is almost exactly the same, like verbatim, as what wwx told him to say. like, the chapter is really hammering home just how much jc is speaking from a script here. wwx tells jc to say "今后魏无羡无论做出什么事,都与云梦江氏无关." and jc says "今后无论此人有何动作,一概与云梦江氏无关" the only meaningful difference is that he says 'this person' instead of wwx's name)
I've seen it said that this bit, the use of 'enemy' was said without wei wuxian's approval, that jc deviated from the script just to hurt his ex-shixiong for leaving him. And that this is what caused all the other clans to turn against wei wuxian. Regardless of if this is what jc and wwx discussed, or if jc had malicious motivations for it (considering my conclusions above, you can guess where i fall) it doesn't really matter, because the novel tells us when the clans completely freak out and become convinced wei wuxian is out to get them (though of course they've been wringing their hands about it since the literal day wwx ran off with the wen, months before jiang cheng visited) very neatly in chapter 75!
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It's when they find out about Wen Ning.
And how do they find out about Wen Ning?
Because Wei Wuxian took him on nighthunts! And they kicked ass!
...Wei Wuxian, my man, why are you on nighthunts??? Why are you showing off your incredibly cool sentient fierce corpse buddy, who is way better and stronger than all the other fierce corpses, in front of the whole cultivation world??
Whatever his motivations (extra money, maybe?? they were strapped for crash) I can only draw the conclusion wwx had already given up on appearing calm or non-threatening and didn't care if the clans thought he was a threat, because they'd believe whatever they wanted anyway. Which he seems to clearly be aware of the whole time.
Regardless, we know that this is what created the myth of the Yiling patriarch. It's literally when the title first shows up!
Even if you really believe jc was secretly plotting against wwx in chapter 73, he's clearly doing a shit job of it because nothing he said made anywhere near as big an impact as this. Flopped!
The other point people use to argue Jiang Cheng caused wei wuxian's downfall is Jin Guangyao's speech in Guanyin temple about how jiang cheng could have saved wei wuxian if only he stood by him. Setting aside that jin guangyao is trying to get into jiang cheng's head here, and isn't necessarily saying what he really believes (though it very well might be! who knows with a character like jgy. assuming he's always lying is just as misleading as assuming he's always saying the truth) the fact is, if you read the speech closely, what he's talking about is not the 'public enemy' line, he's talking about the bond between them. The fact that people wanted wei wuxian out of yunmeng jiang, because the two were too powerful together.
He's talking about that one time Jiang Cheng very publically kicked wei wuxian out of the sect!
Which, unbeknownst to Jin Guangyao, was in fact Wei Wuxian's idea the whole time.
final score: 3 for you wei wuxian, you go wei wuxian! And nothing for Jiang Cheng bye.
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hsjazebel · 5 months
Passion in Tokyo*
Word count: 2280
A/n: just a japanrry fic
Content warning: smut, 18+, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy kink
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Tokyo welcomed us with its orderly chaos and its frenetic beauty. As we walked through the crowded streets, Harry seemed to have a secret hiding behind his playful smile. I couldn’t figure out what he was up to, but his excitement was contagious and it made me feel like I was in the middle of an amazing adventure.
Every place we visited seemed to be carefully chosen by Harry, and every look, every gesture, was full of meaning. I wondered what he was up to, but I didn’t dare ask him, fearing to ruin the magic of the moment.
When we finally arrived at the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, the golden light of the sunset tinged the surrounding landscape with warmth. Harry seemed engrossed in his thoughts as my heart pounded as I waited to find out what he had in store for us.
As we walked through the garden, the rustling of the leaves and the sweet scent of the flowers created an enchanting atmosphere. Harry held my hand gently, but his gaze reflected silent determination. I wondered what he was thinking as we ventured deeper and deeper into the heart of the garden.
At a certain point, we came to a romantic little bridge that crossed a quiet lake. The sunset light danced on the water, creating golden reflections that illuminated our path. Harry stopped in front of the bridge, his gaze scanned the horizon with a mixture of emotion and serenity.
My heart began to beat faster in my chest as I wondered what was about to happen. It was as if time had stopped, leaving just the two of us in a moment suspended in eternity. With a sigh, I turned to Harry, ready to face whatever fate had in store for us.
The tension in the air was palpable as we exchanged meaningful glances. Harry took a deep inhale and knelt in front of me, revealing a small box hidden in the palm of his hand. My heart leapt in my chest as my eyes filled with tears of joy and wonder.
“Y/n,” he said, his voice shaking, “ever since I met you, my life has changed in ways I never imagined. You are my light, my smile, my everything. I can't imagine spending a just a moment without you by my side. I would like to ask you... would you like to marry me?"
My hands trembled as I opened the box, revealing a gorgeous, sparkling ring. My words were lost in the tumult of emotions overflowing inside me. With a bright smile, I nodded slowly.
Harry looked at me with eyes bright with hope and love, and my breathing deepened as I watched him. The words hung in the air for an infinite moment, before they finally came out of my mouth with a sweetness I didn't know I possessed.
'Yes, Harry,' I replied with a trembling voice, 'yes, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.'
A smile of joy lit up Harry's face as he stood up and hugged me tightly. The weight of the box in his hand became a tangible sign of our commitment to each other, a symbol of our love that would last forever.
The sunset colored the sky with shades of pink and gold as we exchanged sweet promises and whispers of love. In that moment, the world around us seemed to disappear, leaving us alone in our universe of happiness and hope.
After accepting his proposal, the air around us seemed charged with electricity, as if every single molecule was impregnated with our newly recognized love. The erotic tension between us was palpable, a wave of desire that grew with each heartbeat.
We looked at each other intensely, without words, but with a profound understanding that went beyond verbal expressions. It was as if we were reading each other, revealing our innermost desires without having to utter a single word.
Slowly, our mouths came closer, attracted by an irresistible magnetism that bound us to each other. The first contact was delicate, a light touch that sent shivers along my skin. Then, the kiss became deeper, more passionate, as if we were to merge our souls into a single entity.
My hands ran down his body with a firm determination, exploring every curve, every line, as if I wanted to memorize every single detail of him. I felt the heat of his skin under my fingers, and my body burned with desire as I abandoned myself completely to him.
His lips were soft and hungry, devouring mine with an uncontainable passion. Our breaths mixed in a frenetic rhythm, as if we had to share the same oxygen to survive. It was a kiss that exuded desire, union and promises of endless love.
Our tongues intertwined in a sensual dance, exploring every corner of each other's mouths with insatiable curiosity. Every moan, every sigh, was an expression of our unquenchable passion, a language that only the two of us could understand.
In that moment, in the heart of Tokyo, under the starry blanket of the night sky, we had united not only as lovers, but as soul mates destined to walk the path of love and passion together.
After that intense moment of passion, Harry took a deep inhale, his eyes still burning with desire as he looked at me with affection. “Y/n,” he whispered huskily, “I think it's time to go to the hotel.”
His voice was full of promise and anticipation, and my heart was still beating fast in my chest as I nodded slowly, unable to speak due to the intensity of the emotions we had just shared.
With a knowing smile, we walked hand in hand towards the hotel, our pace impatient and full of expectations. Although the city around us was still in turmoil, our world was reduced to that moment, that place, the promise of a night of passion and shared love.
Once we arrive at the hotel, Harry gently closes the door behind us and turns to me with a look full of desire.
“How about waiting for daddy like a good girl on the bed?” he tells you in his usual low tone of voice.
You nod without saying anything and head to the bedroom that was separate from the rest of the suite.
You undress to just your underwear, already knowing that Harry will appreciate what you've done.
You wait what seems like a lifetime when Harry finally makes his way into the room. He has two glasses of white wine in his hand and has unbuttoned the first 4 buttons of his shirt, revealing some of his tattoos on his chest.
“I see you've been a good girl, waiting for dad only in your lingerie that he bought you” she tells you, letting out her usual mischievous smile and handing you a glass of wine.
You both take a sip from your glasses, then Harry takes yours from your hand and places both little holes on the nightstand next to the bed.
“I think it's time to celebrate.”
He lays you flat on your back and starts running his hands all over your body leaving wet kisses here and there.
“You know,” he says, they detach their mouths from your body, “when I bought this I already imagined how it would feel on you, but seeing it in person is a completely different thing. You're a fucking goddess.”
You stand there in silence, letting out a moan every now and then, it feels like your brain has turned to mush, the only thing you can think about is Harry.
Meanwhile he got dangerously close to the area where you need him most, and slowly takes off your black lace panties.
He inhales deeply as he uses his hands to open your legs. “You always smell good to me don't you? And always so wet! Who made you so wet?”
“You… it was you”
But Harry doesn't seem happy with your answer, giving you a light slap on the inside of your thigh. “I didn't hear, who made you wet?”
“You daddy, it was you!”
“Good girl,” he tells you, leaving a wet kiss near your crotch. “Since you were a good girl I think you deserved a present.”
With the help of his thumbs he opens your pussy lips, and smiles when he sees your clit already erect and smooth with your excitement.
He doesn't wait a second longer and dives into your pussy, licking your clit first, making tight circles with his tongue, and then he draws licks that go from your hole to your clit.
Harry was so good at giving head, the best you've ever been with. The little grunts he let out when he tasted your nectar straight from the source turned you on even more.
With his hands you grab his hair and pull him closer to you as you ride his face.
In the room the only noises that can be heard are your moans and the wet sound of Harry's tongue meeting your pussy.
He moves his mouth away from your center and you moan at the loss of contact. “I think she's ready to take daddy's cock now, don't you?”
“Yes, yes daddy, I need you, I need your cock.”
Smiling at your words Harry quickly strips off his clothes and you can finally see his cock, standing with the red tip already dripping with precome.
“How do you want me, pretty girl?”
“I want to be on top.”
“Go pretty girl, ride me.”
Harry sits on the bed with his back against the headboard of the bed, spreading his legs slightly and stroking his cock.
You slowly sit on his cock, it was big and long and despite the several years you were together at the beginning you always had a little difficulty taking it.
“Such a tight pussy for daddy, isn't it? You always hold me so good.” Harry tells you, looking at the place where the two of you are connected.
When you sit on his hips, with his cock buried deep inside you, both of you moan enjoying this moment of intimacy.
After you adjust to the size of him you start to move on top of him, placing your hands on his pecs for leverage, but Harry takes your left hand and kisses your ring finger, where the ring is placed.
“You look so beautiful, riding me naked with just this sparkly ring. I still can't believe you said yes to me."
You smile at his words. “I will always say yes Harry, today, tomorrow and always”
He crosses your left hand with his, and with his other hand he takes you from behind the neck and dives on your lips, bringing you to a kiss full of love and passion.
He feels your hips start to slow down and he can tell you're getting tired, so he places your hips flat on the bed and meets your hips with upward thrusts.
You moan into his mouth in response, and he brings his hands to the cheeks of your ass, first leaving two smacks, and then taking a cheek in each hand and starts railing you harder.
“God, you feel so fucking good” he moans in your ear.
The sounds in the room were highly pornographic, the noise of your wet pussy being pummeled by Harry's cock was the only sound that could be heard, other than your moans and a few grunts from Harry.
“I feel your pussy squeezing me, are you ready to come for me love?” he tells you gently, a stark contrast to the thrusts inside you.
“Uh… yes, I need to come, make me come daddy please, I want to come with you” you whine.
“You know what the rule is, love, you come first. So come on, let me feel that pussy coming holding me so hard.
With three more thrusts from Harry you finally feel your orgasm hit you like a train. Your legs begin to tremble and you feel the muscles in your abdomen contract.
“Just such a beautiful girl, cumming so hard on daddy's cock. Do you want me to fill you with my cum? Is that what you want?"
You nod frantically as you catch your breath. “Yes daddy, I want you to fill me with your cum, I want to feel full.”
And so after a few more thrusts you feel Harry's hot sperm filling your insides, and you stop with your head on his chest listening to the pounding rhythm of his heart. Our breaths mix in a relaxed rhythm, as we enjoy the stillness after the passion.
“You are so special to me, Y/n,” Harry murmurs in a soft voice, his fingers gently stroking my hair.
I hold myself closer to him, his warmth wrapping around my body like a security blanket. “And you mean everything to me, Harry,” I reply with a tender smile. “I couldn't have imagined a better night.”
We get lost in our thoughts, relaxed and fulfilled by the deep connection we share. The air around us is filled with a sense of peace and serenity, as if the whole world had stopped to allow us to enjoy this moment of happiness.
With a delicate kiss on the forehead, Harry holds me even closer, and I close my eyes, completely immersing myself in the feeling of being loved and protected in his arms. In that moment, there is nothing but the two of us and our love, an island of calm and happiness amid the chaos of the outside world.
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f1daydreamers · 8 months
𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐬 [𝐌𝐕𝟏]
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gif credits: @overtake
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Summary: Seeing your boyfriend play with his nephews stirs emotions inside of you. While it may be the first time you and Max have acknowledged it, it may also be the last.
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, like one mention of alcohol, mentions of an unknown future, parenthood, lmk if I've missed anything!
Word Count: 1.0k words (3 mins reading time avg)
The sun dipped below the Monaco skyline, its rays streaming through the expansive windows of the apartment you shared with Max.
In celebration of his successful '23 season, you both agreed that throwing a rather modest dinner would be the perfect way to bring everyone together after a demanding year.
You'd dumped the last of the dirty plates into the sink, thanking Vic as she was already some steps ahead of you, cloth and disinfectant spray in hand as she wiped down the table.
Casting a quick glance around, you confirmed the absence of any stray cutlery, leaving only everyone's respective cups.
However, both your mind and your movements abruptly hit pause, as if your heart had taken the reins, softening at the sight of your boyfriend playing with his nephews, attentively listening to every word they were saying, whether it was meaningful or mere babble.
You smiled as Luka got up and wrapped his small arms around Max's neck, his hand rubbing up and down his little back.
Your eyes even threatened to well up a bit at the wholesome scene. As you brought your fingers up to your face, Max's gaze lifted to meet yours.
You fake-coughed, pretending to shield your mouth, averting your eyes and busying yourself, desperately trying to regain your previously lost train of thoughts.
Max couldn't help softly smiling to himself, but his moment of retrospect was interrupted by a few taps on his cheek from his nephew, who was determined to recapture his uncle's attention.
As the evening progressed on, you constantly found your mind plagued with thoughts that unravelled a potential future with him, one that included the laughter and chaos of children.
Yet, a persistent counterargument resounded in your thoughts, reminding you that neither would be ready, both still traversing the barely begun stages of real adulthood.
The internal conflict tugged at your emotions, creating a fine line between the yearning for a future adorned with parenthood and the sober acknowledgment of the unadorned present. As the dinner gradually transitioned into an intimate gathering with hushed conversations among the group that remained, you politely excused yourself.
Max's arm, once comfortably wrapped around your body, now gracefully descended onto the sofa behind you. With your hand placed flat on his thigh, you leveraged yourself up, slipping out of his gentle grasp.
He let maybe five, ten minutes pass by, granting you some alone time should you have needed it.
But eventually, he placed his beer bottle on to the corner table, crossing the lounge before pushing open and then shutting one of the doors to the apartment balcony.
Lost in thought, your mind had barely registered the sound, your body jolting when his hand pressed into the slight dip of your waist.
You sighed when you recognised the touch a few seconds later, turning your head to meet Max's rather sympathetic eyes.
"Sorry," he quietly apologised. You shook your head, dismissing the need for one. Turning to face him, you wrapped both your arms around his torso, gently resting your head against his chest - a hug he warmly welcomed.
"Want to tell me what's going on in that big brain of yours?" He asked, and you could practically sense the smile creeping onto his lips. He had an uncanny knack for knowing when you needed to unload your thoughts, and his intuition was always eerily accurate. You sighed, feeling his grip on you loosen as you pulled away. Leaning against the railing behind you, Max took one step closer, then another. Pursing your lips, you realised how pathetic this may possibly sound when vocalised. "Just watching you with your sister's kids. It got me thinking, I guess."
Your boyfriend already had a strong inkling as to where this was heading, but he patiently granted you the time and space to elaborate.
He arched an eyebrow. "Thinking about what?"
You lightly shrugged, pressing your bottom lip up to your top. You hesitated for a moment before the next words left your mouth.
"You know, family and stuff. Kids."
Max studied your face for a moment. "Kids, huh?" He said with a knowing smile.
You avoided eye contact, answering with a simple, "I don't know."
He chuckled softly. "Is 'I don't know' code for 'I do know but I'm scared to share my answer' because you think I don't know mine?"
Caught off guard, you silently cursed that eerie sixth sense of his, tensing as you looked up into his eyes. They were light, despite the depth of the topic.
You frowned. "Well, do you.. want children, I mean?"
There was a warmth in his gaze, one that offered you comfort. He looked over your face, his shoulders slumped as if the walls of undiscussed territory had crumbled without much of a fight.
"With you, yeah."
Your frown deepened, but this time, a different emotion flickered in your eyes.
His admission was unexpected, and a pleasant shock washed over you. The corners of your lips twitched as surprise softened into a tender smile. For a moment, your gaze lingered on his face, searching for any sign of jest or hesitation, but you didn't find any.
"If you're ready, then so am I." He added.
And just like that, the hours you spent wrestling with your own thoughts now dissipated into the evening breeze. You held back the surge of emotions within you, searching for the right words.
"Really?" you managed, but not without a quiet sob escaping at the end.
Max chuckled, rolling his eyes as he pulled you into him, embracing you for the second time tonight.
"So fragile," he teased, and you smiled despite the tears streaming down your face.
"Shut up," you retorted, your voice a mixture of laughter and tears.
There was a moment's quiet before your boyfriend spoke. "On second thought, why do I need a baby when I've got one right here?"
It was your turn to roll your eyes now, your voice muffled as you tried to argue.
"Babies cry a lot more."
"Hmm, between you and a newborn? I'd say it's pretty even."
You lightly slapped Max's stomach with your hand; his laughter eventually melting into a warm smile, and he pressed a lingering kiss to the top of your head.
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selencgraphy · 25 days
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PAIRING: loki laufeyson x f!asgardian!reader
TAGS: bestfriend!loki, idiots in love, loki using magic, canon divergent, fluff, some cursing
A/N: oh man i wrote this sooooo long ago too. it's an old one that i deleted bc i was revamping my acc but i went back to reread it and realized i just had to bring it back! happy reading <3
masterlist || request box <3
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He hummed in response. "If you could go anywhere in the Nine Realms," you started, "where would you go and who would you take with you?"
After a long day, the two of you had settled in the grass behind the palace, taking the time to relax, enjoy each other's company, and stare up into the sky. He turned to face you with a small grin already painted across his face. "What are you smiling about?"
"You already know my answer. Well, half of it anyway."
"Oh come on, don't be like that! Just tell me."
He took a second to think about it. Another grin grew on his face. He leaned in as if he was going to whisper it to you and said, "Why don't I just show you?"
With that, he shot up and put out his hand. As soon as you took it, he pulled you close to him. "The Bifrost is quite far for a walk, why don't I just..."
As he spoke, suddenly the two of you already seemed to have made it to the entrance of the Bifrost. "There."
"I don't think I'll ever get used to you doing that."
As time had passed over the years, Loki had become better at controlling the magic that Frigga had shared with him. One of the things he learned was how to conjure fireworks which he always used to make your day. Teleportation was his latest feat and he took advantage of it. When you both entered, you were greeted by the gatekeeper, Heimdall. "Your royal highness. My liege."
"Let me guess, you saw us coming?"
He hummed in response. "What can I do for the two of you today?"
Loki turned to you and gave you a quick smile before he approached the gatekeeper, whispering something into his ear. Heimdall quickly nodded and inserted Hofund to open the Bifrost. As you moved towards the entrance of the portal, Loki turned to you, grabbing your hand. "Hold onto me, love. I don't want you to fall out by accident now, do I?"
Before you knew it, the two of you were gliding up through the Bifrost, the colors glistening all around you. A look of astonishment growing on your face which made Loki's heart swell in his chest. Suddenly, you were on solid ground again, burn marks from the Bifrost scorched into the ground beneath you. "Loki," you started, taking in the new environment. "Where are we?"
"Midgard," he replied, a small smile on his face. You were speechless. You never imagined Midgard to be this… beautiful. When you learned about the Nine Realms, Midgard had been described as a place unappealing to visit and that the Midgardians were rude creatures that don't know how to do anything but create chaos. You always joked that it was the perfect place for Loki with him being the God of Mischief and all. But this? Wherever Loki had taken you seemed to be the complete opposite.
Unlike Asgard, the seemingly end of their world wasn't just space, it was water and in the distance was a beautiful skyline of orange and blue. As you took in the sight before you, Loki couldn't help but admire how amazed you looked. He had taken a trip here once before with his brother, Thor, so he was less taken aback but seeing the look on your face made this visit feel more meaningful—not that it wasn't already. Breaking the silence, Loki leaned in and whispered, "Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Loki, this is-"
As you turned to face him, he offered his hand, asking for you to take it once more. "Come on," he insisted, "There is so much more that I want you to see."
The second your hand met his he quickly turned around and set off in a sprint, dragging you right behind him. Over the sounds of the crashing waves, you yelled, "Loki! Where are you taking me now?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course I do but what does that have to-"
Before you could finish you found yourself in another environment once again. "Fuck, Loki!"
All he did was laugh back at your shock at the teleportation. He continued to run with your hands still interlocked but as you took in more of the sights of the new area you realized it resembled the area behind the palace just immensely larger. A field of grass with flowers everywhere, only a massive tree in sight. Both yours and Loki's hair flowing in the wind as you sprinted through the field.
Once you came to a stop, the both of you took a second to catch your breaths. Taking a seat next to the tree, you took a similar position like how you were laying back on the field in Asgard, Loki quickly following suit. Suddenly, he turned and took you into his arms and began to violently tickle you. "Loki, stop! No," you squealed.
Coming to a stop with the tickling, he continued to hold you in his arms. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"Just for being my friend for so long and allowing me to bring you here. I thought you would have left me when you found out that I was, well, not Asgardian."
"Of course, Loki. You think I'd pass up the opportunity to be friends with a prince of Asgard?"
He sat up, jokingly displaying a shocked expression on his face. "Is that the only reason you're friends with me?"
You quipped, "Why else would I be?"
As he took his place back onto the ground next to you, you went on to say, "I'm glad we're friends too, Loki. I can't imagine being best friends with anyone else."
"Not even my brother?"
"Not even your brother," you ensured.
Staying in silence for a second, he quickly broke it and said, "I know we just got here but there is one more place that I want you to see."
Taking your hand once again, you expected him to teleport immediately but he quickly added, "Close your eyes."
"Hmm and why should I?"
"Just trust me."
Reluctantly, you shut your eyes and you felt the two of you teleport. Immediately new sounds and smells filled your senses. With your eyes still closed, he helped you up and guided you to his desired location. "Just a little bit further and... there. You can open your eyes now."
Once your eyes opened, you were met with buildings and lights underneath you. "Wh- Where are we?"
"This is something the Midgardians call the Eiffel Tower. It's this triangular shaped structure similar to the palace but much less attractive."
"Oh, please," you laughed as you lightly shoved his shoulder. You leaned over the railing, further taking in its beauty, Loki taking his place next to you.
"You asked if I could go anywhere where I'd go and with whom," he started without breaking his gaze downwards to the buildings. When you turned to look at him he continued, "I don't care where I end up as long as it’s with you."
"You sap!"
"Hey," he retorted. "I'm being serious."
"I know," you whispered, blush creeping into your cheeks at the sentiment.
You took a second to take in the sight before the two of you before Loki spoke again. "How about you?"
"Where would you go and with whom?"
Meeting his gaze, you leaned in, closing the space between you. "Anywhere as long it's with you," a smile growing on your face as you basically repeated his answer back to him.
"Oh, who's the sap now!"
The two of you laughed it off and continued to look onto the city in front of you. "Hey, the sights here on Midgard are fascinating but just you wait until you taste their food."
Your eyebrows raised in intrigue. “Really?”
He nodded and offered his hand once more, already glowing in green with magic. "Can't we just walk down?" you whined.
A mischievous grin grew on the god's face. "Now where's the fun in that?"
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Logan and Wade’s Headcanon on Receiving a Love Letter from Their Shy, Gender-Neutral Crush:
Like always my requests are open!
Logan, despite his gruff exterior, would be deeply touched by the love letter. He’s not used to people being so open with their feelings toward him, and the sincerity of the letter would mean a lot. However, his first reaction would be awkwardness—he’s not great with words, and he’d struggle to express just how much the letter affected him.
Logan would immediately feel protective of the shy crush, recognizing the courage it took for them to give the letter and then leave quickly. He’d want to make sure they know their feelings are safe with him and Wade. He’d be thinking, “You didn’t have to run off, darlin’. We’re not goin’ anywhere.”
Logan would try to hide how much the letter touched him, but anyone who knows him well would notice the slight softening in his demeanor afterward. He’d probably carry the letter around with him, reading it in private when he needs a reminder that he’s loved. The fact that someone sees beyond his rough exterior would mean the world to him.
Logan isn’t one for grand gestures, so his response would be subtle but meaningful. He’d likely seek out the crush later, quietly reassuring them that he and Wade appreciate the letter. He might offer a quiet, “That letter… it meant a lot to us. You mean a lot to us.”
Wade would be over the moon the moment the letter is handed over. He’d start gushing loudly, praising the crush for their bravery and creativity, while also trying to read the letter out loud in his usual dramatic fashion. “Oh my God, this is the cutest thing ever! You’re so freakin’ adorable!”
Beneath the excitement, Wade would be genuinely touched. Despite all the chaos in his life, someone taking the time to express their feelings in such a sweet, vulnerable way would hit him hard. He might make a joke to cover up how emotional he’s feeling, but deep down, he’d be overwhelmed with affection.
Wade’s mind would immediately start racing with ideas on how to respond—most of them over-the-top, but all with the intention of making the crush feel loved. He’d want to do something grand to show them how much their letter meant, like creating an elaborate surprise or organizing a date that’s as unconventional as he is. “We gotta do something HUGE! Like, rent-a-pony-and-declare-our-love-from-a-rooftop huge!”
Despite his wild ideas, Wade would also want to make sure the crush doesn’t feel overwhelmed or scared off by his enthusiasm. He’d tone it down (a little) when they’re around, being as welcoming and reassuring as possible. He’d probably say something like, “You know you don’t have to be shy around us, right? We’re all in, sweetheart.”
Together, Logan and Wade would balance each other out. While Wade is all excitement and grand gestures, Logan would keep things grounded with his quiet, reassuring presence. They’d both want to make sure their crush knows that the letter was received with nothing but love and appreciation.
They’d make a point to find their crush after the initial shock, making sure to communicate that they both feel the same way. Logan might be more reserved in his approach, but Wade would take the lead in making sure their crush knows they’re loved by both of them.
Receiving the love letter would strengthen the bond between Logan, Wade, and their crush. Both Logan and Wade would be more attentive, more protective, and more affectionate, each in their own way. They’d want their crush to feel secure in the relationship, knowing that their feelings are deeply valued by both of them.
The letter would add a new layer of intimacy to the relationship. Logan and Wade would both make an effort to show their appreciation, whether through words, actions, or just being there. They’d want their crush to feel as cherished as they made them feel with the letter.
Overall, Logan and Wade would be deeply touched and appreciative of the love letter, each showing their gratitude in their unique ways—Logan with quiet affection and Wade with enthusiastic, over-the-top gestures. Together, they’d make sure their shy crush knows just how much they’re loved.
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piastree · 8 months
Take a Chance with Me | OP81
oscar piastri x reader (fc: huh yunjin)
— Part 3
Previous Part Next Part
Summary : They are a couple caught in the chaos of a love filled with randomness and quirks. Their relationship is marked by funny and unpredictable moments, where each day feels like a new adventure. Despite frequently engaging in amusing and spirited bickering, beneath the banter lies a deep and meaningful romance. Disclamer: This is a story created for fun without any hate towards anyone. This work exists in a realm separate from the original canon. Characters may be divergent from their established personas. So, just enjoy the rollercoaster ride.
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liked by user1, user2, and 95,390 others
f1updates spotted chart-topping sensation Sierra Turner hanging out in the McLaren garage at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Having a blast and sharing some race-day tales with the McLaren driver, Oscar Piastri!
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user hold up, sierra turner in the mclaren garage?! this race just got a whole lot more interesting
user sierra always bringing the good vibes wherever she goes! McLaren garage just got a major upgrade<3
user y/n, better keep an eye on your man
user lmao y/n's the one catching all his attention
user OMG, sierra talked with oscar??? my two worlds collided
user this is what dreams are made of! sierra, lando, and oscar, the dynamic trio we didn't know we needed
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tagged oscarpiastri, landonorris, mclaren
liked by landonorris, mclaren, oscarpiastri and 505,397 others
sierraturner this was all one day. Thankyou for having me❤️ @/mclaren
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user sierra turning the race into a concert❤️
mclaren thankyou for coming, Sierra!🧡
sierraturner the pleasure is mine! I'm truly looking forward to another invitation
user sierra interaction with landoooo?? I LIVE FOR THIS
user whoa mclaren garage is filled with beautiful women!! imagine 2 gorgeous women y/n and sierra at the same place
landonorris great to see you here! Thanks for coming to the race
sierraturner looking forward to the next year races!
user is someone notice she seems to be getting cozy in Oscar's garage???👀
user i think u should stop overanalyze ://
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liked by yourusername, mclaren, sierraturner and 174,041 others
oscarpiastri Last day of term completed. Podiums, a sprint win and your 🧡 made 2023 awesome. Big thanks to all the papaya crew
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quadlock incredible year! So proud to be on this journey with you 💙
ausgp What a first season! You’ve done Australia incredibly proud, mate! 🇦🇺🧡
user our rookie is no longer a rookie
user Good job lad, you proved all the haters wrong 🧡
sierraturner congratulations on an amazing first season 🧡
user wow have you officially become his fan?
sierraturner yes, no doubt
user it's time for you to move @/yourusername
yourusername added a story
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Congratulations on completing your rookie season! Proud is an understatement❤️
oscarpiastri you know i love u right yourusername i know❤️
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, landonorris, sierraturner and 75,407 others
yourusername me n my girlies
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user please let me be part of the group
user can i be one of your girlies…. or perhaps your only girl….. by that i mean your girlfriend and wife i will treat you right buy you flowers and make you breakfast every day my queen
yourusername oh, you're sweet. Lucky for me, i've already got a wonderful guy who showers me with love, flowers, and foods. But i'll remember your offer in case i need a backup🤗
oscarpiastri no need for backups here and definitely no substitutes allowed, mate🙄
yourusername possesive😩
user LMAOOO Y/N never crossed my mind seeing the two of them bickering on comment section
yourbff let's schedule another round!
oscarpiastri she's already booked
yourbff possesive much?😌
oscarpiastri i'm just scared you won't bring y/n back in one piece
yourusername silly hahaha
user Hold up, sierra liked y/n's post? Is this a friendly vibe or a hidden agenda?
user plot twist in the making
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liked by f1updateswags, user, and 25,477 others
lovingwags the street is buzzing with rumors of Sierra trying to get Oscar's attention, stirring up tension with y/n. Whose team are you on??
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user why are we even comparing and picking sides when oscar is clearly with y/n? let's respect their relationship u weirdo
user sierra and oscar would make such a lovely couple<3
user can't we just focus on supporting each other??
user dear y/n please just leave oscar for sierra
user you are so sick🤮
user lmaoo stop making unnecessary drama😭
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liked by lovingwags, user and 45,454 others
f1wagsupdates y/n is currently enjoying a christmas holiday in Oscar's hometown. A heartwarming videos captured her sheer joy while playing with Oscar's nieces. Credit to @/blahblah
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user y/n looks so happy spending time with Oscar's family in Australia! What a heartwarming sight🥺❤️
user while the rumor mill is working overtime between them, y/n stays unbothered too busy being happy to get caught up in the drama
user no wonder they've been MIA since the winter break kicked in. Enjoy the holiday, you two!
user can we talk about how absolutely stunning and genuine y/n looks in this video?
user her beauty shines so effortlessly in this video. Oscar is so lucky😭😭
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tagged yourusername
liked by yourusername, lilymhe, sierraturner, and 75,407 others
oscarpiastri exploring the town with my favorite dork
user did you just take a break from the track for a romantic getaway in Japan??? wow
user the cutest couple in the paddock<3
user the 5th photo is so cute because she seemed confused loll
user probably because she thought oscar was behind her, and then it hit her like, 'Oh, Oscar's still up there'😂
mclaren enjoy the off season, Oscar & y/n!
user admin is absolutely rooting for both of them🧡
user seated for oscar & y/n's honeymoon phase
user the unbothered queen & king❤️
Notes: Btw, I'm planning to create more parts for this AU, so if you enjoy reading it, you can look forward to some new chapters ahead. Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist. Thankyouuuu
402 notes · View notes
*rewatching Sherlock*
Seriously tho why does not one talk about the Blind Banker episode?
That is literally one of the only episodes that booglesnoop cumsquatch aka Sherlock Is wearing jeans
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
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Do Not “Tidy” My Autistic Spaces
I see order in what you see chaos
It helps me feel calm
It is part of autistic culture
Each item is SO meaningful to me
It doesn’t have to make sense to you
It is very meaningful to me and if you disturb the order I created I will become distressed
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Genius (5) - Supermassive Black Hole
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Cairo Sweet x female (G!P) Reader
Summary: It was such a cliché, a reunion she didn’t expect to ever happen, let alone six years after she last saw you. It was supposed to mean nothing, a bit of nostalgia, maybe a brief catching up while waiting for class, it was supposed to be a small wave of nostalgia, not a tsunami that disrupted her entire life. You were her opposite, and as hard as she tried she couldn’t resist your pull.
Story masterlist / First part / Previous Part / Next part
Word count: 4.3k
-I thought I was a fool for no one, ooh baby, I'm a fool for you-
Why did she push you away when you were kids? She thought that would make her parents love her, that being more like them would make them proud of her, make them pay attention to her. Eleven-year-old Cairo wanted their love so desperately she decided to push away what she had to try and obtain what she might get. Why did that… why did that sound familiar all of a sudden?
But she couldn’t tell you any of that, not because she couldn’t admit it to herself, no, she could, she understood why she did it. She didn’t want to admit it to you. Because, sure, she could tell you the reason, but you might ask for more, and then she might have to tell you that you were on her mind all these years. That she missed you so much, that she wanted to see you. And then what? What realization would she have to face if she gave you the answer you sought? So, she remained silent, masking the apology she wanted to utter with defiance in her eyes.
“This is ridiculous,” you gave up, sighing out of frustration and just walked away. You walked away from her this time, and she felt like an invisible hand was squeezing her heart, threatening to pop it like a balloon.
But she didn’t call out to you, she didn’t say anything, she just watched you go.
She couldn’t focus that night, not on writing, not on anything Winnie was saying, she was just lost in her own thoughts. None of them made sense, there wasn’t any order, or logic to them, they were random, unorganized, and she hated it.
“What’s on your mind?” Winnie’s voice eventually did reach her, not quite piercing through the chaos of thoughts in her head, but it did reach her.
“Nothing,” she sighed, trying to focus on the girl. “Everything. I don’t know,” it felt like her mind was pulling quotes from dozens of books at the same time, mixing them together and creating a mess she couldn’t make sense of.
Winnie pupped the lollipop out of her mouth with a resounding pop. “Is it Mr. Miller? You’ve spent some time with him now, how’s the seduction going?”
Cairo remained silent. A lingering meaningful gaze here, not moving her hand when he occasionally put his hand on it. Leaning in just a bit closer than necessary when he lit her cigarette. It was a dance, on that felt forbidden, and she could see the shift in his own eyes. He was looking at her, nothing vulgar quite yet, but he was looking.
“It’s. going,” she chose not to share more than that, she started it, she wasn’t a coward, she would finish it.
Winnie remained silent. “You don’t look happy about that. Is it Y/N?”
Winnie was being too perceptive, but Cairo imagined she wasn’t doing a good job hiding it, as she felt the corners of her mouth twisting downward at the mention of you.
“Do you like her?” Winnie persisted, getting up from her spot on Cairo’s bed and moving to sit next to her. “Cairo, if you want her you need to stop what you’re doing with Mr. Miller,” she didn’t even wait for confirmation.
“Weren’t you the one talking about wagyu beef? Older men harvesting virginity and all that?” and now she was telling Cairo to give up on Miller and go to you?
Winnie rolled her eyes. “That was different, that was before I realized you had a thing for biker girls,” Winnie tried to joke, to nudge her and get her to laugh or at least smile. “Okay, one biker girl, the point stands, I you want her, like really want her just go for her. Forget wagyu beef.”
Did she want you? Was that what she wanted to turn your relationship into? And if it didn’t work out where would that leave your friendship? Did the fact that he noticed her more than anyone else ever did really mean so little? Now that everything was moving, when all he likely needed was just the right circumstances?
“Cairo, this is changing you,” Winnie kept talking, trying to stop what she set in motion unknowingly filling Cairo’s head with thoughts that weren’t there before, the thoughts of her first time not being painful, the idea that she could get that with someone older, and now she was trying to take it back.
“It is changing me,” she admitted, and she knew she was changing, she had the idea she now desired, a madman’s love, a love so passionate it could not be contained, a love so strong it would bring her to ruin, a love that would eclipse any other she felt or would ever feel.
Winnie grabbed Cairo’s phone and before Cairo could even register what was going on Winnie had unlocked it. “What are you doing?” Cairo demanded, getting up to go after Winnie as she began pacing around the room.
“Getting Y/N’s number.”
“Stop it,” Cairo demanded, grabbing Winnie’s forearm just as she sent the number to herself.
Winnie’s eyes widened and for a moment Cairo wondered how mad did she have to look to make Winnie look at her like she was now. Worried, and even a bit afraid.
“Don’t you dare call or text her,” she ordered, her voice shaking as she did. Winnie couldn’t contact you, she just couldn’t. She wasn’t allowed to.
“Okay, I won’t,” she relented and Cairo finally let go of her forearm and snatched her phone.
Cairo started all of this. She was seducing her teacher. She was going to experience something, she was going to get her madman’s love.
Another Monday, another shitty way to start your week with Miller’s damn class.
“Censorship creates a vicious cycle, we’re taught from young age to accept certain norms, the rights and wrongs of society. It’s the death of writer’s ideas, and thus the reader’s ideas as well. It’s taking away the freedom of thought and speech,” he droned on, stopping by Cairo, the back of his hand brushing against her arm.
“They are separate,” you spoke without raising your hand, and he took a few steps back to take a look at you.
“Not to a writer, to a writer the thoughts become words on the page, they are given a form, and not in this context. When we are taught from young age how to think it becomes intricately connected to the way we express ourselves,” he explained his reasoning and you felt Cairo’s eyes on you.
“Thoughts are private, we cannot be held accountable for thinking, it is the absolute freedom that cannot be taken away, precisely because no one can be sure of what we think. Speech is, as you said, a thought that’s given a form, written, spoken, or expressed in another way. It is a right, and a responsibility,” you leaned forward, your hands resting on the desk, open, relaxed, you had no need to move them.
“To conform to the norms of society?” he challenged, and you gave him a hollow laugh, turning away from both him and Cairo for a moment.
You looked back at him, eyes filled with fierce defiance. “Please, if that was the case you’d be teaching a much smaller class. The society is meant to be critically observed, changed in response to injustice,” you stated.
“And thus, censorship should be seen as an issue, because it is used to cover the injustices,” Miller leaned back against the table. “Just think of how many women had to publish their works under a pseudonym, or how often works that even implied anything outside of societal norms had to be edited to conform to those norms.”
“You are equating rights of entire groups with ideals of a bygone era?” you raised an eyebrow, hardly believing what you were hearing.
He raised his hand in defense. “Certainly not, but-“ he paused, collecting his thoughts. “But, censoring of those ideals of the, as you said, miss L/N, bygone era, takes away our ability to judge them for ourselves. To start a conversation.”
“So, your idea is mere discussion?” you held back a laugh.
“Of course,” he had the guts to say after how he’s been acting with Cairo.
“Yet every idea, no matter how pure, taken to an extreme can be twisted, corrupted until the very basics of what made it good no longer apply, and such corruption needs to be removed,” you weren’t backing away, you ignored the looks of the handful of students that got interested in the conversation, you ignored Cairo’s piercing gaze.
“Every? Freedom of speech included?” he asked. “It has been said that one man’s vulgarity is another’s lyric. And it is one of the highest forms of hubris to assume one person gets to decide what it right and wrong and enforce it on others,” he crossed his arms over his chest, shielding himself once more.
“You sure you have the right to speak of that? Teacher?” you bit your tongue, refusing to let your emotions get the better of you.
The tension in the classroom rose to nearly unbearable, his defensive posture, his eyes, filled with surprise at being all but accused, wandering from you to Cairo
The bell rang breaking the tension and making the students get up to leave. You collected your things and stepped outside, sighing as you did so.
“Y/N,” a fairly cute, blonde girl you shared a couple more classes with, Emily, called out to you and quickly caught up with you before you could get out of the class. She held a pencil you let her borrow on Friday in her hand. Oh, you actually forgot about it. “Here, thanks again for letting me borrow it,” she smiled a bit shyly at you and tucked a strand of her hair back.
You smiled back and took the pencil. “Don’t mention it, Emily,” you put the pencil inside your bag.
“We’re heading in the same direction, wanna go together?” the girl offered, and you shrugged, seeing no harm in doing so.
“Sure,” she was nice and you had no reason to be hostile toward her.
“Keep glaring and you’ll make her combust,” Winnie teased as Cairo glared at the girl as she was walking away from the classroom.
“If only,” she grumbled, annoyed. Who did that girl think she was, taking your attention after what happened in the class.
“Cairo, could you come by after classes?” she heard Miller asking once only her and Winnie could hear him.
Cairo looked inside, to where you just sat and narrowed her eyes. “I’m sorry, I made plans,” she decided, she certainly wasn’t in the mood to play any seduction games.
He looked surprised. “Right, of course,” he stammered and Cairo just nodded her goodbye. The blonde girl was no longer in her line of sight when she turned once again.
“You’re so jealous,” Winnie laughed, and that was the last drop, she made her way outside the school, ignoring Winnie’s protests.
She wasn’t jealous. What did she have to be jealous of? A blonde that met you maybe a month ago? As if that could compare to what you and Cairo had. The key word was had, as her brain cruelly reminded her. You no longer had that. Without thinking much, she dropped her things off at her house and went into the forest to clear her mind.
What were you thinking? Speaking like that in the class? What made you speak up for the first time in Miller’s class and well, that was one way to speak up for the first time. Ideals of a bygone era. She figured she was seduced by them. By Winnie’s talk of older man harvesting virginity. It wasn’t just that though. It all went back to madman’s love, for how mad would someone her age have to be to love in such a way.
Was it the way Miller touched her that made you react? It was just a brush of the back of his hand, intentional, no doubt, as it remained there, but by now she was used to the closeness. They sat side by side on the bench smoking, and it was certainly physically closer than just the back of his hand. But it still, maybe set you off, just like his attempt to hold her hand did last week.
And then, as she walked, as she went deeper into the forest, as she went to the exact same place where the rose bush she found all those years ago grew and was crushed was, as she went to the place she didn’t go to in years, she froze. Again. a rose bush. Again, an old tree fallen over it.
It was happening again, the same image, the same scene, the same outcome, haunting her, repeating again and again and driving her into madness. She had no one this time. Not one person who could drag her away. Alone. Meant to be crushed like the lone rose bush in the forest. Meant to be crushed by the old, by her parents, her teachers, her village, suffocating in a place fit only for ghosts, an unforgiving place that refused to let anyone be different. To be crushed by the place she was abandoned in and the people in it.
Her nails dug into the dirt beneath her, and she just now noticed she dropped to her knees down to the harsh forest floor. Maybe she should just stay there. She felt too weak to get up anyway, too dizzy and numb at the same time, her breathing too erratic, uneven, panicked. Yet all she could focus on was the scene that kept repeating.
You were finally close to the end of Verne’s book, just another ten or so pages, but you felt sleepy, and the rain softly falling wasn’t helping you stay awake. Your phone suddenly buzzed, breaking your concentration and making you groan as you leaned your head back. Whoever was calling you wasn’t giving up, that was for sure. So, to spare both you and the caller you grabbed your phone, noticed it was a number you didn’t recognize, and picked up.
“Hello?” you said.
“Hey, is Cairo with you?” it took you a moment, but you recognized it was Winnie, her voice laced with worry and clearly on the verge of panic.
You immediately sat up. “No. Why?” you asked, you didn’t have a reason to worry just yet. Maybe she just got too into one of her books.
“I’m at her place, it’s unlocked, her bag is here, but she’s nowhere to be found, and we were supposed to hangout tonight," Winnie told you and you could hear her pacing around.
“Okay, okay, just calm down. Let’s just go and look for her, do you want the forest or the village?” you were grabbing your biker jacket, since it was waterproof, as well as the keys of your house and already heading outside.
“The village, and thanks, I appreciate this,” Winnie said.
“Of course. Call if you find her before me,” you said and when she agreed you hung up and tucked your phone into your pocket and ran into the forest. You had to hurry, it was getting dark, and the rain made the ground slippery, the more it took you to cover the forest the higher the chances of getting injured, or plain and simple lost would be. So, you ran, as carefully as you could through the forest, yelling Cairo’s name.
‘Where are you?’ you shouldn’t have parted the way you did. ‘Why can’t you answer your phone?’ you should have tried harder to get to her. ‘Are you okay?’
“Cairo!” you shouted as loud as you possibly could, your yell getting swallowed by the trees and the rain.
Somehow, for the reason you couldn’t explain, you remembered her sob from all those years ago, you remembered that sound, the reason for her sorrow back then, that tree and the bush of wild roses and you just took off, running in that direction as if somehow drawn to that location.
Her body trembled, physically she felt cold, but deep down she didn’t feel anything. Her body felt like nothing, like the least important part of her, like it no longer mattered what happened to it. Her mind and soul were what was important, and the rain couldn’t hit those. The loneliness did, however. It froze her mind and soul in a way cold rain and the darkness that slowly consumed everything around her could never accomplish.
She desired a madman’s love, the ruins of it, the decay, she desired to be entirely consumed by it, yet here she was, not only without a madman’s love, but without love in general.
“Cairo!” her mind must have been playing tricks with her, she heard you shouting her name, and that just couldn’t be true. Why would you be there?
“Cairo!” this time it was closer, and her eyes widened as she caught glimpse of you in the distance, just narrowly missing her. Another old tree, just waiting to fall between you two.
“Y/N!” she cried out, calling after you and trying to get up, but her legs had gotten too numb to get up so abruptly and she stumbled, digging her palms into the muddy ground beneath her. There was no way you heard her, you were too far, you just narrowly missed her, she was once again too late to reach out to you.
Same mistakes. Same haunting images. Everything was happening again.
“Cairo,” she heard footsteps, running toward her and raised her hand, seeing you, your hair and face wet from the rain, water dripping from your jacket and relief washing over your expression. “Are you okay?” you ran up to her and without a moment of hesitation grabbed her shoulders, pushing her up slightly and looking her over. “Cairo, hey, hey, answer me!” your gloved fingers moved her hair from her face and she couldn’t take it anymore, she just fell into your arms, hugging you and clinging to you. She took several deep breaths, finally feeling like she could properly breathe.
“How did you know?” she asked, judging by how wet your hair was you were out for a while.
“Winnie called me,” you whispered as you softly rubbed circles on her back. “Give me a second,” you pushed her away for a moment and she felt what little warmth she regained fading away. You took your jacket off and put it over her shoulders.
“Y/N, wait,” she tried to argue, she didn’t want to let you get a cold, but you just pressed a finger over her lips.
“Don’t argue. Can you walk?” you asked as you helped her get back on her feet.
Cairo nodded, this was already enough, you were already doing more than she could have asked for, but even as she began walking back home you kept her close, supporting her and holding up some of her weight as she leaned onto you for support.
And then, just as the two of you got twenty feet away from where Cairo was kneeling, a lightning struck the old tree and both of you flinched as it cracked and fell, right to where you and Cairo just were. You just saved her life, because there was no way she would have moved if you didn’t arrive.
She felt you freezing and she wondered what was going through your mind. Did you realize what would have happened to her if you were even a minute late, and in the way you pulled her closer she felt that you did think of that scenario just now. Of finding her underneath a fallen tree.
You called Winnie to tell her you found Cairo and that you brought her back home as she was taking a warm shower. You considered leaving, but maybe it wasn’t the best idea to leave Cairo on her own right now, so, you stayed, a towel you borrowed from Cairo hanging from your neck. You needed to change, but you weren’t sure you could go back home and come back here before Cairo was done.
You were waiting in her room and you noticed how much darker it got, less light seeped through the windows than when she was a child. Well, people changed, and you guessed seven years was a long time. As you sat on the chair you brought up from the kitchen and waited you caught sight of a familiar book. ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ sat on the table next to a book written by Henry Miller, ‘Under the Roofs of Paris’ the duality of those choices didn’t escape you, but you didn’t move, you weren’t about to stoop to Miller’s level and look through Cairo’s stuff.
A few minutes later, she came out, dressed in her pajamas and with a towel around her head. “You should change,” she noticed now that the shower cleared her thoughts a bit. “And take a shower, the rain was dirty,” she said it as if she expected you to do it at her house.
“I will, I just wanted to check if you were okay and I’ll leave,” you told her, already getting up. She looked fine now, but you still looked her over, you didn’t notice anything wrong, any injury or anything that she needed help with.
“Do it here? Please, you were out looking for me, and the rain is falling even harder now,” at least the part about the rain was true, the weather was getting worse. “I’ll find some clothes that fit you,” she promised, and you nodded with a sigh.
“Okay,” you saw her smile and you couldn’t argue anymore.
When you stepped into the shower you just let the water wash over you, to erase the image of the tree falling right where Cairo was, to wash away the worry and fear as you ran through the forest, desperately looking for her. Everything turned out fine, in the end and you found yourself no longer caring about the answer to your question.
It no longer mattered why Cairo pushed you away, what was happening now mattered much more, and you weren’t going to waste it just because she didn’t want to give you your answer.
When you stepped outside in the shirt and trousers she gave you that were a bit too big for her, you saw her already in her bed, and she turned to look at you, her still slightly damp hair sticking to her skin. “Hey, how are you doing?” you approached her and knelt next to her, only now realizing how stupidly tall her bed was.
Cairo looked at your hand, resting on the edge of her bed and then at your eyes. “Better now. Thank you for looking for me.”
You shook your head. “Don’t thank me for that, you asshole. I’ll scold you properly later,” you promised, luring out another smile from her.
“Do you want to read together?” she asked, moving to the side as if offering her bed to you.
Maybe it wasn’t the smartest decision, but you nodded, getting in the bed next to her and getting comfortable as she opened the book that somehow became the most tangible reminder of your past. You settled down and took a deep breath, and you realized your mistake, as Cairo’s scent invaded your senses.
“Can I start?” she asked and you nodded, focusing only on her voice as she began reading the book.
Cairo woke up around noon, alone in her room, and more importantly, she missed school. Almost two whole days, that was strange for her, yet she doubted anyone would notice. She wondered when you left, well, she woke up when you got up this morning. The two of you fell asleep about two-thirds into the book. Nothing happened during the night, neither of you subconsciously moved like books so often depicted, she didn’t wake up tangled up with you, or holding your hand, or anything. You just happened to sleep three feet apart because her bed was so ridiculously big.
She stretched a bit and got up and as she opened her window she heard a sound she wasn’t used to coming from her backyard. She looked out through the window and saw you moving some pots she didn’t recognize. “Y/N?” she called out and her heart skipped a beat when she saw you looking up.
“Come down here! I want to show you something!” you yelled, a wide grin on your face.
“Give me ten minutes!” she told you and rushed to the bathroom to get ready. She couldn’t remember the last time she rushed this much to get changed and ready for the day, it certainly didn’t happen since she was a child and had all day free to play with you.
She barely even remembered the last time she purposely went to her backyard, yet here she was, walking over to you as you finished whatever you were doing. When she stopped next to you she saw the pots, five of them, filled with earth, and stems from the wild rose bush stuck in them.
“If I did everything correctly at least one should sprout roots,” you said as Cairo, speechless for once, looked between you and the roses. “I noticed the crushed bush, so I went back after getting everything I needed,” you said softly.
Cairo felt a tear sliding down her cheek as she jumped into your arms, ignoring any dirt that may have gotten on you. All the unwanted tension between the two of you seemed to fade away as you got over your surprise and hugged her back.
Taglist: @deimaisgail @bee-keeping @marvelous-disaster @jmwetterlund @tekanparadiae
@alexkolax @ioveyouyouloveme @aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh @autorasexy
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Astro Observations from the Deep Sea #4
~Taurus houses edition
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♀⟶11th house Taurus approach to friendships is pragmatic. They seek out individuals who share common interests and values, forging lasting and meaningful connections. While their social circle may not be vast, they hold a deep appreciation for the relationships they cultivate.
♀⟶12th house Taurus possess a serene and forgiving nature when at ease, which is complemented by their strong work ethic in a comfortable environment. In times of emotional challenge, they may grapple with bouts of depression.
♀⟶2nd house Taurus are gifted with a natural talent for handling money, and their reputation for dependability in financial matters precedes they. When it comes to investments and savings, they have a realistic and grounded approach. Yes, they can be a tad stubborn when financial advice is offered, but that stubbornness has often protected their wealth in the past.
♀⟶10th house Taurus+Virgo Rising harbor a deep-seated drive to achieve professional goals, often displaying intense focus on their work.
♀⟶While 3rd house Taurus may enjoy the occasional short trip, they find comfort in staying close to home for their business endeavors. Their warm and outgoing personality endears they to friends, family, and neighbors alike. Their relationships are a source of joy and fulfillment, and they make sure to keep in touch regularly.
♀⟶8th house Taurus may currently experience emotional discomfort, stemming from a sense of disharmony and insecurity in their life. This unease may have surfaced during challenging experiences with loved ones, awakening possessiveness and inflexibility within they.
♀⟶For 5th house Taurus singing is more than a pastime; it's an expression of their soul's deepest desires. They take their time to savor and create the finer things in life.
♀⟶In social circles, 9th house Taurus are the reliable friend who approaches situations with a level head and offers practical solutions. Their down-to-earth nature and commitment to success are their secret weapons.
♀⟶While they're open to new perspectives, there's a firmness in 3rd house Taurus beliefs that can be both reassuring and unyielding. Precision and attention to detail are their allies, making they a natural fit for fields like finance and mathematics.
♀⟶While 9th house Taurus might take a bit longer to reach their goals, they're unwavering in their commitment to their own pace, finding fulfillment in the progress they make. Their steadfastness is a guiding light that helps they surmount any obstacles that cross their path.
♀⟶4th house Taurus inviting personality makes they a beloved family member, and they take immense pride in creating a cozy haven that reflects their earthy and sensual nature. Loved ones bask in the tranquility they provide.
♀⟶Practicality and pragmatism are 2nd house Taurus guiding lights when it comes to managing their finances. Security and convenience are their companions on this monetary journey.
♀⟶Although 9th house Taurus path may meander before settling into a clear direction, they have an unwavering belief that they'll eventually uncover a practical solution that suits they. While stepping out of their comfort zone may not be their forte, when they do, they navigate new experiences with straightforward gusto.
♀⟶6th house Taurus begin their tasks with a deliberate, measured stride, often at a slower pace than others. Stress and tension are strangers to they, as they possess a calm and worry-free demeanor even in the face of challenges.
♀⟶The driving force behind 8th house Taurus actions is a strong desire for material possessions and pleasures, fueled by a thirst for power and control. Yet, this material focus can sometimes lead to chaos and destruction, leaving they feeling anything but secure.To overcome these inner struggles, they must find a source of security within theirself that cannot be easily taken away. By releasing their grip on material possessions, they can begin to lessen the negative impact of possessive tendencies.
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♀⟶The accumulation of possessions, particularly in monetary terms, is a significant measure of success for 10th house Taurus. Careers in financial realms, such as accounting, stocks, bonds, or banking, hold great potential. Additionally, their artistic and creative talents could provide financial gains or enhance their reputation.
♀⟶Change may be met with resistance to Taurus Rising, but it's essential to keep an open mind. New ideas and experiences can enrich their life's tapestry in ways they can't even fathom. Trust their instincts, honor their values, and they'll continue to craft a life that's not just well-integrated but deeply fulfilling.
♀⟶Artistic expression flows through 3rd house Taurus effortlessly, and pursuits like music, painting, and sculpting call to they like old friends. Consider nurturing these talents, perhaps even pursuing a formal education in one of these fields.
♀⟶7th house Taurus from 10º to 19º possess a magnetic ability to attract supportive companions who share their drive and ambition. Their partnerships and friendships often stand the test of time, offering mutual benefits.
♀⟶Once they establish theirself in a profession, 10th house Taurus value control and are unlikely to change career paths. Work and relaxation alternate in their life, and they possess qualities such as purpose, resistance, tolerance, narcissism, and mistrust.
♀⟶12th house Taurus invites they to transcend the material world and delve into the realm of the subconscious. To ensure a harmonious life, it's crucial to steer clear of legal issues and negative conflicts with others. This is especially significant if they've achieved financial success, as envy and undermining behaviors may surface. Even in matters of the heart, jealousy can rear its head, potentially causing turbulence. It's vital to approach relationships with honesty and openness to maintain equilibrium.
♀⟶While 11th house Taurus may encounter challenges in finding their place in society, their sense of security and fulfillment is derived from personal relationships. They select their associates carefully, recognizing that the right friendships can pave the way for wealth accumulation and promising opportunities. Their approach to building and nurturing relationships is a key factor in their overall happiness and success.
♀⟶10th house Taurus+Cancer Rising possess a capacity for hard work, but they also treasure leisure time, enjoying holidays and entertainment.
♀⟶When 7th house Taurus from 20º to 29º make a commitment, they do so with a profound dedication. Even in challenging times, they remain resolute in maintaining strong bonds. Their environment and surroundings greatly influence their relationships, and they deeply appreciate those who uplift and support they.
♀⟶Time spent with friends is enriched by creative activities that bring 11th house Taurus joy and fulfillment. Their friendships play a crucial role in their journey toward success, as they understand the power of collaboration and mutual support.
♀⟶7th house Taurus from 0º to 9º commitment to nurturing close relationships is unwavering. Remember to strike a balance between their needs and those of their partner, fostering openness to compromise.
♀⟶In matters of the heart, 7th house Taurus are a believer in the slow burn of love. Quick flings and superficial attractions do not satisfy their soul. They understand the importance of taking their time to build a meaningful connection that transcends the physical realm. However, be mindful of their inclination to hold onto a relationship even when its flame flickers. Their attachment can sometimes hinder their growth, especially if the connection wanes in the realm of intimacy. Their sense of security is most profound when they're in the company of a dependable, loyal partner who cherishes commitment as much as they do.
♀⟶6th house Taurus unhurried approach, while it may take longer to accomplish tasks, bestows upon they a daily routine steeped in peace and enjoyment. Yet, this leisurely pace can impact their physical health, leading to extended recovery periods from illnesses and colds.
♀⟶7th house Taurus colleagues find solace in their calming influence. Patience and common sense are their tools for resolving conflicts, making they a cherished team member. Their dedication to long-term relationships extends beyond the personal realm, as they value love and affection above all else. Marriage, in particular, is a sacred commitment they approach with utmost seriousness.
♀⟶If solitude and isolation beckon to 12th house Taurus, consider pursuing a spiritual path, such as joining a monastery or embracing religious beliefs. While they prioritize security, they may not always invite it into their life as readily as they should, which can create an illusion of instability.
♀⟶6th house Taurus resilience and high resistance to ailments are remarkable. Their body can handle demanding physical activities when necessary. It's worth noting that their hearty appetite and fondness for rich foods can sometimes lead to overindulgence.
♀⟶11th house Taurus objectives are pursued with patience and planning, driven by the knowledge that hard work and determination will lead to their desired outcomes. Along this path, their close friendships provide not only support but also opportunities for growth.
♀⟶A harmonious home is 4th house Taurus top priority, and they express their creativity through the art of home decor. Music, a cherished companion, fills their family life with harmony, and they love sharing this passion with their kin.
♀⟶2nd house Taurus desire for wealth is fueled by an appetite for luxurious and valuable items. They may occasionally indulge in impulse purchases, but overall, their approach to money is practical, and they excel in business. With their financial acumen, quick monetary gains are well within their reach.
♀⟶4th house Taurus are a nurturing cornerstone of their family. Cherishing traditions and the comforts of home, they embody the essence of warmth and reliability.
♀⟶10th house Taurus charming demeanor and sensual allure make they stand out in professional circles. While they maintain close friendships, it's essential not to rely too heavily on them for their sense of security.
♀⟶9th house Taurus dedication to their studies has yielded academic success, and they've developed a wealth of patience and persistence through worldly experiences.
♀⟶8th house Taurus> possess a remarkable ability for stillness, which serves as a valuable coping mechanism once true healing begins. In matters of intimacy, they approach emotions directly and calmly, viewing sex as a physical and sensual connection. To build lasting sexual bonds, it's crucial to first find comfort within their own skin and gain a profound understanding of theirself.
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♀⟶As 4th house Taurus age, tranquility and relaxation hold even greater appeal. Their natural intuition for financial and real estate matters is a precious gift to their family. Accumulating wealth and valuable possessions to provide for their loved ones is a legacy they proudly carry forward.
♀⟶Taurus Rising loyalty and commitment to both relationships and possessions are a testament to their admirable character. They prioritize authenticity, and fulfilling their obligations is a sacred duty. In their heart, there's an unshakable stamina and endurance, especially when it comes to those they hold dear.
♀⟶Learning something new may take time to 3rd house Taurus, but their commitment knows no bounds. Once they embark on a learning journey, they see it through to the end, retaining the knowledge for life.
♀⟶10th house Taurus+Leo Rising please consider learning to delegate tasks to others rather than taking everything upon theirself.
♀⟶Childhood memories for 4th house Taurus are filled with love and joy, motivating they to recreate this atmosphere for their own family. Safety and security are paramount, and they thrive in spacious, nature-connected environments.
♀⟶While 5th house Taurus may initially be captivated by a luxurious lifestyle, they're not one to remain stagnant. They seek new experiences once the initial excitement wanes. Their pleasant personality and positive outlook make they a magnetic presence in social settings, and their artistic talents earn admiration from peers who share their interests.
♀⟶Taurus Rising approach to life is deliberate and methodical. Every decision, every step, is taken with utmost care and consideration. Their inner world is a place where every thought, every feeling, is carefully weighed and placed in its proper position.
♀⟶Trusting their intuition has served 2nd house Taurus well, yet expanding their financial knowledge, especially regarding institutions like banks and brokerages, could open new doors to prosperity. Their heart beats with a deep passion for the arts and entertainment industries, promising potential financial success.
♀⟶There's a natural sensuality within 5th house Taurus that draws others like moths to a flame. Their steady and deliberate nature exudes a magnetic charm, igniting passion in those fortunate enough to cross their path.
♀⟶7th house Taurus seek someone who not only supports they but also shares their unwavering sense of loyalty. While financial success is not the sole factor in their quest for love, it certainly holds an allure. The ideal partner for they is sensual, someone who can sustain a long-term relationship built on trust and commitment.
♀⟶Taurus Rising possess a remarkable moral compass, a guiding star that steers they towards what truly matters in life. Stability and dependability are their constant companions, and they're motivated by the comforting embrace of material security. But, oh, the siren song of comfort can be alluring, and they must take care not to become too complacent in their cozy nest.
♀⟶3rd house Taurus communication style is engaging, and their words carry a weight of thoughtfulness that captivates those who listen.
♀⟶5th house Taurus childhood was likely filled with moments of indulgence and relaxation, shaping their preference for a leisurely approach to creative pursuits. When it comes to children, their nurturing nature shines through. They may have high expectations, but they are always balanced with their kind and caring demeanor.
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straystarr · 21 days
From the Start; lmh
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in which you end up getting partnered with the bad boy but it turns into something meaningful. (Somewhat strangers, to friends)
a little soft, a little boring, but comforting (at least I hope)
Blank minds were accompanied by bored expressions and still your professor ignored the dull atmosphere as her words drowned before reaching your ears. Philosophy of sex and love — while immersive in its contents and literature, it was oddly scheduled in the evening of the day. Naturally, you were drained, ready to crawl into bed and sleep the day away. Showing no interest was not your intention, in contrast, this had to be your favourite class of your crammed university schedule. Your days were filled with due dates after due dates. Exam after exam. One long lecture to another. Life was repetitive at the moment. And one can only enjoy the repetition  for so long.
You couldn’t help but allow your pen to draw minimal doodles onto the loose leaf sitting in front of you, anything to keep you sane. It was obvious you weren’t the only numb soul as the room seemed to be suffocating due to cumulative body heat and exaggerated exhaustion.
You were pulled away from your pointless observations, the door to the class swinging open, disrupting the scattered peace in the room as heads lifted at the sudden noise. Your eyes caught a glimpse of his dark clothed figure before you swiftly turned your head back towards your notebook, already anticipating the reactions around you. 
If it were any other late student, every person in the room would have nonchalantly returned to their business, carefree of the lives outside of their own. Instead, waves of whispers brewed as he confidently made his way towards his designated seat, which happened to be right beside your own.
He gave no attention to the soft chaos his presence ignited, but his plain eyes glared at anyone who daringly gazed for more than expected.
Something about Lee Minho always had people on the edge of their seats. Whether it be the countless rumours surrounding his reputation or the way he detached himself from any social setting. 
You never understood it really, the way people obsessed over him. He was popular, for all the wrong reasons. It was either romanticising his ‘cold’ personality or scowling at his existence. How he became known as the bad boy will always remain ridiculous to you. 
Some claim he spends his nights at clubs, some say his personality speaks for itself, others believe only people involved in illicit activity would stain their skin so “excessively”, thrown off by the tattoos visible when his arms were out in the open. Stereotype after stereotype was all it was. You found most of these reasons to be baseless, filled with the flaws of people's own beliefs and values. 
Sure, he wasn’t the friendliest person, but that doesn’t justify the shit he received on a daily basis. Even if what people said was true, what did it have to do with them? He was just living his life. And still, people managed to bury him six feet under. 
He never seemed bothered by the distaste he received, rather amused, a smirk flourishing on his lips with every new story created in his name. Even when all eyes were on him or when assumptions about his life were brought about in conversations, he always stuck to himself, never talking to anyone, a facade of oblivion hanging above his head. 
The only people you’ve ever seen welcomed into his own little world were his group of friends, specifically, Han Jisung and Bang Chan. But even then, he remained conserved, only giving small reactions in contrast to their big personalities. You always wondered how they got along. Jisung was known to be a social butterfly on campus, always waving, always laughing, a person one can’t help but be drawn to. One time, he mistook you for someone else and gave you a back hug, spending the next five minutes on his knees profusely apologizing for touching you. Chan was more laid back, but he enjoyed the company of other people. He always lightened the mood with his cheerful and calm persona.
Their relationship took the concept ‘opposites attract’ and played it into reality. It was comforting knowing such a friendship existed in a complex world. 
“Can I borrow a pen?” The request came from your right, somewhat hidden in your professor's speech about Vrangalova’s association of love and commitment to sex. You met eyes with him, face stoic and reserved, expectant of your generosity. It wasn’t the first time he had asked you for a pen, and it wouldn’t be the last time you held one towards him. “Thanks.” He muttered, eyes already gone from your sight. You smiled in response, even if he couldn’t see it. It was moments like this that solidified your liking towards him. 
In a way, you cared for Minho, watching from the sidelines, stealing little glances whenever he was in the room or catching yourself frowning every time his name was carelessly thrown around. It’s not that you had a crush on him, or that you pitied him, but it’s the same way you get concerned when you see a friend stumble. You flinch as you imagine their potential pain. You hope they're ok. And then you move on with your life. It is possible, and it does happen — caring for someone you know nothing about. The same way you can hate someone you know nothing about. 
You sucked in your bottom lip as your pen tapped a rhythm onto the table. His body became clearer in your peripheral, bringing the rhythm to a pause. His thigh slightly brushed against yours, sinking into the chair with his body shifting into a comfortable position. And like clockwork, the wave of gossip diminished as time passed by, and your eyes only continued to fall, forcing you to use all your energy to keep them open. 
“I’ll be ending the lecture early. But I am assigning a group paper since it seems as though you all would not be able to complete one on your own, judging from the lack of enthusiasm. To make things simple, your partner will be whoever is sitting to your right. All you need to do is research……” Her voice echoed into the air as you hesitantly moved your head to the right. Your eyebrows trailed up in surprise due to the set of eyes already directed at you. 
Minho raised his hand to his cheek, resting against his fingers as he cocked his head to the side. “Y/n, right?” An unconscious smile bloomed upon hearing your name, to which he straightened his posture. Your smile threw him off. He could always guess a person's intentions by their smile. It’s either genuine, or it’s not.  And he almost always received the latter. But with you, that wasn’t the case. He found himself fascinated at how quickly the smile came and left. It was an authentic reaction.  
It was new to him. And he simply didn’t know how to react.
“You know my name?” 
“I’ve been stealing your pens for a whole semester. How can I not?”
He was talking more than he was used to. What should have been a yes or no answer turned into an invitation to continue the conversation. And he again, didn’t know why. The side of your lips dropped at the sudden coldness glazing over his face but you thought nothing of it as you nodded and began to pack your things. “We should start the project tomorrow, are you available?” Standing, you twisted your head to look at him once again to which he just nodded before pushing himself off from his seat. 
Your fingers curled under your notebook, instinctively tightening your hold to no avail as he seized it from your hands. A sound of confusion choked from the back of your throat, prompting the questioning look you sent him as he began to write something down. Bringing his head up, he processed your stare, an unexpected wave of caution flooding his system as he placed the notebook back in your hands.
“My address.” The awkwardness he displayed was fresh compared to the certainty he previously held in his actions. “Unless you’d like to work on campus, I just assumed you wouldn’t since everyone is camping out here with the semester coming to an end—” Your shoulders vibrated from the amused giggle in your throat.
He was rambling, and you quite enjoyed it.
His nostrils flared upon hearing your stifled tune. It was odd, he found himself trying his best to ignore the urge to smile along with you. It was barely a success as he patiently waited for you to speak, a hand coming to rub his warm ear. “Maybe we can head to your place together after class tomorrow?” You advised, bag already over your shoulder and coat hanging from your arm, you were eager to leave. But the quick interaction with the stranger who always had your attention lined your thoughts amidst the fatigue. “Yeah— yeah, that works.” He said with a curt nod. Twisting in place, your hand flew in the air, fingers waving ever so slightly.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
His lips fell apart, watching as you marched your way out of the room. He couldn’t read your mind, but he so badly wanted to. Because the many questions swarming in his head just about drove him crazy. You were weird. At least in the sense that he didn’t mind your presence. He didn’t mind how easy going you were or how you made him conscious of himself. He didn’t mind that you laughed at him or how he so easily talked to you. You intrigued him. You had ever since you were paired to sit together. And it scared him. He always wanted to talk to you — really talk to you, none of this pen borrowing bullshit he settled for even when his pencil case lay untouched in his bag. 
And now that he has, your voice echoed in his head like a soft melody, to which he paused the tune, frightened to dance along to the beat. 
“Are you feeling any better?” 
“I think so.” He managed to moan out. 
You turned your head away from the screen of your computer, waist twisting in place as you caught ahold of his weary eyes, soon widening at the sudden eye contact. It was a few hours after class had ended. You weren’t really keeping track. But you were constantly checking up on the boy who lay on the couch you leaned on.
“You sound like shit. And you still look like shit.” Your observation fell on deaf ears, your eyes blurred against the rays of the white screen staring back at you. “I’m fine.” He sniffled, buried in the blankets you had wrapped around him with care.
And to think a few hours ago, you were frustrated with him, having travelled from University to an unknown area with the only hope that the address messily written in your notebook would lead you to Minho. The frustration grew with each second you loitered in the apartment's hallway. You didn’t want to assume anything when Minho never showed up for class. So you took it upon yourself to find out what was going on.
And there you stood, a deep sigh collapsing along with your eyes as your knuckles came in contact with the door one last time. Pulling your hand away, you clicked your tongue against the top of your mouth, analyzing the options you had left. God seemed to take pity on you as the door swung open, sending you staggering backwards, hand over your chest with your eyes now wide open. 
Although his face was barely visible with the hood that covered his head, his feline eyes peeked through the fringes of his hair naturally covering his forehead. The scowl on Minho's face melted upon recognizing your startled figure. Tucking his hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants, his body fell onto the doorframe. He was very much surprised with your visit, but his blank stare intimidated you into thinking your efforts may have gone to waste. 
Guilt crawled into his skin, unsure whether to explain himself or let you assume what you wanted. He would usually give less than a fuck, but with you — with you, he didn’t know what to do. A sigh of relief was given as you felt somewhat reassured by Minho’s presence. 
Readjusting the bag hanging over your shoulder, you paused as you felt the reassurance being replaced with confusion. You were ready to bombard him with the questions clouding your mind. Why wasn’t he at school? Did he expect you to finish everything yourself? Did he really not give a shit? Did he not like you? 
But the wandering questions were easily dismissed upon noticing the way Minho couldn’t seem to hold himself up, continuously leaning against the door frame. It wasn’t until frail sniffles came from the boy in front of you, his head tossed to the side as if to silence himself. It was then you noticed how his cheeks were painted in a harsh shade of pink, the way he tried to softly clear his throat, the shadows under his eyes. 
“I couldn’t go to school today and I didn’t know how to contact you—”
“You look like shit.”
The statement shot through his already weak state, but he wasn’t offended. Instead, a loose chuckle caressed his tongue as you smiled in return. You began to rock on your feet, unaware of what to do or say. Minho observed your actions, carefully stepping aside as his hand pointed towards the inside of his home. He didn’t approve of what he was doing, but he didn’t necessarily oppose it either. He was just as lost as you were.
Your body failed to move, eyes blinking while you began to comprehend his gestures. “What? You didn’t come here just to check up on me.” Dropping his hand to the side of his body, Minho raised an eyebrow, eyes glazing over the words that barely made their way out of your mouth.  “I think you should use this time to try to get better, I’ll just finish the project—“ “I can’t let you complete it by yourself.”
Your eyes fixated on the back of his head as he trudged into his home, leaving you to gawk at his figure, hesitation confronting you as you consciously entered through the door frame that separated you from the outside world. Minho watched as you observed the surroundings. It was nothing like you’d imagine, but also seemed to fit him very well.
The living room consisted of a brown leather couch and a circular glass table. Nothing seemed out of place, every decoration he had with a purpose. “Why hello there.” You crouched down, hands fluffing the cat that arrived at your feet. You directed your gaze to Minho. “I didn’t take you for a cat dad.” Minho picked up the cat at your feet before placing him on a cat tree tucked away in the corner of the room that you failed to notice. “I have three.” He managed to say. 
Nodding in awe, you set your bag down onto the wooden floor in front of the table, your body sinking as your jeans hit the cold ground. Burrowing his eyebrows, Minho gazed at you with curious eyes. “You can sit on the couch?” You lifted your head as you set your laptop on the table, a smile growing on your face while your hands strung your hair into a loose bun.  “I prefer the floor.” Your causality ignited a comfortable atmosphere to which he found himself drawn to. His feet carried him towards the couch behind you as he slumped onto it, his sick body hindering him from acting any further. The simple fact that you spit out about yourself traced through his mind, unknowingly settling in the depths of his memory. 
“You can rest for now, I’ll let you know when I need your help.” Your focus was directed towards the screen of your laptop, completely oblivious to the boy whose lips were ever so slightly curved into a smirk. “That’s not how it’s supposed to work.” A string of coughs followed his response, much to his dismay. “Yeah well, we have underlying circumstances so just listen and I don’t know, heal?” There it was again. That light tune that so easily infiltrated his thoughts. The sarcasm laced in your voice only humoured the smirk on his face, somehow guiding it to curve into a light smile as he continued to stare at the back of your head. 
How odd it was for him — for him to do as he pleased, not having to shelter himself into the colourless character he lived. How odd it was for him to lie there on a random Friday, a mere stranger on his living room floor as he tried to get some sleep. Well, at least he knew your name. He liked your name. And he was so at ease with the person linked to the name. “Why did you want to work here?” Your question halted his thoughts. “I don’t like public places.” He said with eyes closed. You absently nodded, fingers typing away. “Why don’t you like public places?” He remained quiet for longer than anticipated. “I don’t really like people.”
Silence corrupted the air, bringing your chest to slowly rise in contrast to its previous pattern. 
Your eyes soon landed on his face, as your head twisted in place, focus no longer directed towards the gleaming screen of your computer. It occurred to you that the line of questioning was heavy, too heavy and you were in no position to ask him such heavy questions. Especially with his weak state. Minho opened his eyes, his gaze trailed on the ceiling, avoiding your hard stare as the two of you shared the understanding that explanation was to follow. Although you were aware of the reason.
“I'm sorry.”
The apology was louder than a whisper but not quite full in tone. You inhaled, slowly turning back around as the hot air left your nose. The tapping of your fingers began again, spelling out a sentence that lacked your attention. “Why do you prefer the floor?” Your fingers hovered over the keyboard, nonchalantly resuming as your shoulders moved up and down in oblivion. “I’m not sure. I just find it more comfortable.” He hummed in acknowledgement, making an effort to rise from his place but immediately groaning while trying. 
“Now what happened in the span of a day that you went from being all healthy to barely being able to move?” You asked, still typing away on your computer. Minho sighed, embarrassed and hesitant to explain the ridiculous events that occurred the previous night. But with the way your expectant eyes gleamed in the dark room, his lips betrayed him. “Jisung made me dance in the rain last night because you apparently only live once.” His voice was barely a whisper towards the end but that only solidified the giggle shaking your body. Minho smiled, conscious of the highs and lows of your laugh and somehow harmonizing with the one coming from his sore throat.
You listened to Minho’s laugh, fully aware that this was the first time you had heard it. It was pretty and contagious. And you couldn’t help but think about how nice it would be to hear it more often. “So you’re telling me, you’ve lived every girl's dream.” Your cheeks were full with pressure from the grin on your face. Minho’s smile melted into a smirk. “Jealous much?” You nodded before standing up. “Very much so.” 
Minho found himself searching for you as you made your way out of his sight. But soon enough, you returned, a bowl in one hand while you kneeled beside him. You hesitated before laying your hand flat against his forehead, falling to his cheek. “I think you have a fever.” Minho weakly hummed, unsure what to say. So he continued to watch you dip a towel into the bowl, lifting his bangs up before placing it on his forehead. The cool material felt nice against his hot body, prompting him to close his eyes.
He felt vulnerable. He was vulnerable. Never would he allow someone so physically close to him unless it was his friends. But here you were, hand to his cheek with no ounce of refusal in his gut. You were as close as anyone could get with him, and it only took you a few hours to do so. Perhaps that’s why he continued to speak, susceptible to you in ways he couldn’t quite understand. “People let you down.” His voice was frail, but you caught his words. “It's like they’ve pieced my life together without even asking me about the details.” He didn’t need to ask whether you understood what he was referring to, because with the way your face slightly fell, he knew you weren’t immune to the rumours. 
“People suck.” You left the towel on his forehead, turning away as you settled back down in front of your computer. “We make assumptions in order to help us understand the world. Even if our assumptions are ill-mannered. What makes sense to us, protects us.” You paused, now looking at him. “I’m sorry you’re experiencing the consequences of other people’s actions.” You spoke quietly, your bottom lip slightly pushed forward.
Minho said nothing, offered no expression of regard. Instead, he cleared his throat, letting his eyes fall shut. You bit your bottom lip, unsure how to interpret his nonchalance and choosing to continue whatever you were typing. “I’d like for you to hear about them.” Your fingers lay still against your keyboard. “The details.” The breath you were holding blew past your lips, subtly. “Well, you can tell me all about them while I finish up this paper of ours.” You stated, a smile threatening to break out on your face, a low murmur of acknowledgement coming from behind you. 
“How many pages have you done?” 
“How many do we need done?”
Minho’s eyes shot open. “I— what have you been typing this whole time, I thought you had this shit locked and loaded.” You swiftly faced him, arms crossed over your chest. “I’m sorry for being invested in our conversation.” Your tone was entirely satire and he could only groan in disbelief. You both stared at each other, your face relaxing while his lit up, smiles breaking out as laughter filled the air.
“Should we ask for an extension?” Miho forced himself up, now sitting against the couch. “I emailed her the minute I opened my computer.” You shrugged, reaching for the towel that was now lopsided on his forehead. Minho could only stare at you with wide eyes. “Why’d you stay?” You tilted your head in confusion, as if it were obvious why you had been here for the past hour or so. “I wasn't going to leave you here to rot.” His lips parted slightly. 
He had your voice paused in his mind, replaying it to familiarize himself with your tone. He liked you. This he knew. And was more than willing to accept. It was new for him to welcome someone so eagerly into his small world, but with the way you dipped the towel into the bowl of water and casually placed it back onto his forehead, he knew a new friend would do no harm and probably more good than he deserved. His soul welcomed your presence. Something he’d never come to regret.
“I’ll invite you next time.” “Next time?” You continued to pat the towel down, retracting your hand and making eye contact. Minho nodded. “When Jisung asks me to dance in the rain with him.” You blinked slowly. You didn’t think much of Minho when you first sat beside him in class, other than his obvious physical attraction, you knew nothing but his fabricated reputation. And yet, here you sat in his living room, worried and cautious over him while simultaneously laughing and enjoying his company.
You were unaware that he would soon become someone you’d think the world of, someone who’d make you laugh a little harder and feed your soul. Until then, he remained the boy who borrowed your pens, had a pretty laugh, and was sick from dancing in the rain.
“I’d like that.”
AN: A gentle or not so gentle reminder that this is written fanfiction. xoxo
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nickeverdeen · 21 days
Heyloo! How are you doing? :) Here to ask for headcanons (The Umbrella Academy fandom) fem!reader being married to Diego while being best friends with Klaus. Like, a female, non-addict, a little smarter version of Klaus and married to Diego (btw season one and she has powers that can make her make other people see and hear shit. Idk if you've seen Twilight but one of the Amazona girls has that there.)
Thank you I hope you and your loved ones are doing phenomenal! 🫶
Being Diego’s wife and Klaus’ non-addict best friend with the ability of creating hearing manipulation and illusions
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Diego is fiercely protective of you, always keeping a close eye on your surroundings to ensure your safety
Diego loves to train with you, not just physically but also to help you refine your powers
He sees it as a way to grow closer
While Diego tries to maintain his tough exterior, he’s incredibly affectionate with you when no one’s watching, often whispering sweet nothings
You and Diego share a lot of playful banter, often teasing each other about your quirks
He loves when you can match his sarcasm
Diego always supports your decisions, even when he doesn’t fully understand them, because he trusts you deeply
Diego is big on small, meaningful romantic gestures like leaving you notes or surprising you with your favorite snacks
Though he tries to hide it, Diego gets a bit jealous when he sees other guys getting too friendly with you, even if he knows you’re just being kind
Sometimes, your sparring sessions with Diego turn into flirtatious encounters, ending in laughter and kisses
You and Diego are a power couple when it comes to solving problems, often thinking of creative solutions that blend his physical skills with your mental ones
After a long day, you and Diego often have late-night talks in bed, discussing your plans, fears, and dreams
Diego finds great comfort in your presence, especially when he’s struggling with his emotions or the weight of his past
Diego has deep respect for your powers and often consults you for tactical advice, knowing how valuable your abilities can be
While Diego isn’t big on public displays of affection, he has a habit of always keeping a hand on your back or waist when you’re out together
You’re Diego’s emotional anchor, helping him keep his impulsiveness in check and reminding him to stay grounded
You and Diego share responsibilities equally in your relationship, whether it’s in battle or day-to-day life, reinforcing your strong partnership
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You and Klaus often wear matching or coordinating outfits, much to Diego’s amusement (and occasional frustration)
You and Klaus have countless inside jokes that no one else understands, often bursting into laughter at the most inappropriate times
Whenever Klaus wants to throw a party or cause some chaos, you’re the first person he calls, knowing you’ll add to the fun
You’re Klaus’s go-to person when he needs emotional support
You help him stay grounded and avoid falling into old habits
You and Klaus love to play harmless pranks on Diego, especially using your powers to mess with his senses
Your shared dark and quirky sense of humor often leaves others confused, but it strengthens your bond with Klaus
Klaus knows he can tell you anything without fear of judgment, making you one of the few people he truly opens up to
You and Klaus have deep, sometimes philosophical conversations about life, death, and the beyond, often leaving both of you introspective
Klaus occasionally asks for your help to amplify his abilities, combining your power with his to create truly bizarre experiences
While you’re a little smarter and more grounded than Klaus, you enjoy indulging in his reckless ideas, finding them a refreshing break from reality
You’re fiercely protective of Klaus, often stepping in to shield him from harm or from making bad decisions
You and Klaus frequently go on spontaneous adventures, whether it’s exploring a new part of the city or trying out an absurd new hobby
Your connection with Klaus is so strong that you can almost communicate telepathically, often knowing what the other is thinking or feeling without saying a word
Whenever there’s a night out, you’re always Klaus’s partner in crime, ready to dance, sing, and enjoy the night to the fullest
Klaus often brings up cosmic and existential topics, which you humor and contribute to, sometimes causing Diego to roll his eyes
You regularly practice your powers by creating illusions for Diego and Klaus, using them as test subjects for new tricks
You sometimes use your powers to play harmless pranks on Klaus and Diego, like making them see or hear something strange
When Klaus is particularly distressed, you use your powers to create comforting illusions, like a peaceful meadow or a warm embrace
Klaus loves how your powers can blend with his, especially when communicating with the dead, making you an even stronger duo
Occasionally, you use your powers to create playful illusions to entertain the other members of the Academy, bringing some lightness to their often stressful lives
You use your powers tactfully, often helping Klaus avoid bad situations by creating distractions or misleading people
You never hesitate to use your powers to protect Diego, Klaus, or anyone else you care about, creating powerful and terrifying illusions to ward off threats
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