#I applaud them for the fan service
genshin-side-piece · 1 year
Between the Baizhu and Kaveh trailers, I would like to congratulate Hoyoverse on creating the sluttiest banner to ever bottom.
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outsideratheart · 2 months
Snippet - Anyone But You (Alexia Putellas x reader)
It was the most important night in football as players all around the globe gathered in Paris for the prestigious Balon d’Or ceremony. Despite being one of the front runners you really didn’t want to be there have just played the last game in the international break. This was now the third time you have been ranked high but having just lost out in the previous two years, last year’s being to Alexia Putellas. 
The moment your name is called though all irritated feelings disappear and proudness replaces them. You look into the audience and connect eyes with your sister Leah who was hands down your biggest fan, you could ask her and she would say the same thing. Even though Alexia had just lost, she too stood and applauded you with a grin on her face. You can only nod your head as your own sign of respect.
A couple of hours pass by and your social battery is all put empty. When Leah is having a little photoshoot with your trophy you see it as a perfect time to leave given that your younger sister is else wise occupied.
There was a chill in the air are you wait for your car service to arrive. Out the corner of your eye you see Alexia who is also waiting for her getaway car only she has a look a frustration on her face.
“¿Esta todo bien?” You took the small of amounts of steps so that you were by her side. Alexia sends you a soft smile as you make the effort to speak her language.
“I wanted to leave but the car is for the team and they are still in there” Alexia points back to the building.
“You’re staying at Le Grand Mazarin, right?” The Spaniard nods her head “Me too. You can share my car if you want” 
Alexia thanks you many times and by the time she is done your car is pulling up. 
Both of you watch the streets of Paris pass by you. The car journey is taking a little while longer due to traffic but neither of you seem to mind. You do find yourself stealing glances at the blonde, choosing to take in the sights of her instead of the french architecture.
Truth is you found her extremely attractive and looked forward to these awards shows because you knew she would also be in attendance.
It is when the car comes to a complete standstill for the fourth time that you decide to make a move.
You place your hand gently on her thigh as a way to get her attention.
“Do you want to walk the rest of the way?”
Alexia glances down at her shoes before asking you how far away you were. When you tell her that it’s only an half hour walk she accepts your invite whilst butterflies flutter in her stomach.
Yes, the hotel was only a short distance but somehow you are both walking the streets of Paris two hours later. You both talk about the pressures of your career, the love you have for your families and the kind of things regular people would talk about on their first date.
When you get back to your hotel Alexia invites you for a night cap in her hotel room. It is an invite that you do not decline. She, like you, had a room with a balcony that overlooked the Eiffel Tower. You never saw Paris as the city of love but with Alexia standing beside you, your outlook began to change.
“Can you believe that this is our lives?” Alexia asks you the unintentionally heavy question.
“Do you ever think about living a different life? Like you are destined for something more?” You answer her question with another question.
“We are Balon d’Or winning football players. What more are you talking about?”
“You wouldn’t understand. You are living your dream at Barcelona”
“And you are at Arsenal. It is your club just as Barcelona is mine”
But what if I don’t want it to be my club anymore? 
You don’t say that or at least you didn’t think you did.
“I cannot imagine you in anything but an Arsenal shirt” Alexia response lets you know that you did in fact say it out loud.
“I can’t either and that’s the problem” you shake your head as you rid you mind of the thoughts “Forget I said anything”
“I can make you forget about it” Alexia closes the space between you, her hand comes to your cheek before leaning in to kiss you.
She did in fact make you forget about football and the stresses you were feeling. 
When you wake up several hours later you do so with her arm wrapped securely around your waist. You feel vulnerable and exposed so you do what you think is best; you leave.
The walk from Alexia’s room to the elevator felt much longer than it did the night before and it makes you realise that you are making a mistake. You have an incredible night with the Barcelona Captain, the best night you have had in a long long while. You are filled with regret as you all but run back to her room only you find the door slightly ajar.
“You never do this Alexia. You slept with Y/N Williamson and she is-“
“It was a mistake. You know how these nights are and I used her as a distraction. It was nothing, a mistake and it shouldn’t have happened”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Last night you felt a connection with Alexia but clearly she didn’t feel the same thing. 
Paris wasn’t the city of love. Paris was the city of lust and severe disappointment.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
@notstinglesstoo replied to your post “The thing is, and I haven't gotten a chance to...”:
I saw someone not long ago say cr has always felt like a product to them vs D20 feeling organic and I protected my peace but I did want to ask them if they were brain dead
​Oh man I wanted to address this at length because I feel this. My posts have been centered, again, specifically on published journalists picking Daggerheart aprt critically and applauding themselves for doing so despite it being within a couple of hours of its release and therefore any analysis is necessarily going to be based on at best, a skim, when they just as frequently will claim D20 seasons/Kollok are flawless works of genius based on only a partial read, but man D20's got a fandom problem too. (and all of the following comes with the caveat of "I really enjoy D20, and Dropout, and while we're at it WBN and NADDPod which both are half D20 Intrepid Heroes cast, and think Brennan is a particularly brilliant GM, and also it's obvious that the D20 and CR casts are on great terms, and wish the fandom for D20 were more welcoming and enjoyable because I feel it wasn't like this when I first started watching, as a CR fan, in late 2019 and has since curdled into something really weird and bad.")
The first point is the obvious one: technically speaking these are both products. These are performers doing an art form; it is also a portion of how they make their money with which they can buy goods and services. Believing that art is inauthentic when the artist gets paid and acknowledges that is a thing that happens is a fucking libertarian position at best. Like cool, you think only people who are independently wealthy by other means can make art, because it's not real labor, my kid could paint that, etc etc.
The second point is also pretty obvious. I have pushed back pretty hard on the "uwu CR is just watching friends! it's like we're in their living room" mentality among the fandom, which has decreased, thankfully, but like...it did in fact start organically as a private home game, and they decided, when invited, to make it A Show For An Audience. D20 was created on purpose as a show for an audience. This doesn't make it bad or fake - reread the previous paragraph - but in terms of "this is an group of people who really played D&D in this world together even before the cameras were rolling," Critical Role literally is that, and D20 is not.
I think beyond that...my biggest issues with the D20 fandom are first, the level of discourse is abominable. The tag is almost always just shrieking praise and the most surface-level readings possible. I keep bringing up the "Capitalism is the BBEG" mug but it genuinely sums up so much of how I feel; people who want their existing beliefs fed to them as surface-level no-nuance takes. I mean capitalism is fucking terrible but I do not need every work I watch to have a character turn to the camera and say "capitalism is bad" to enjoy myself, and indeed it makes it harder due to the lack of subtlety and grace. For all D20 fans complain about how unhealthily parasocial CR fans can be (and some can be), I find that a lot of the most unhealthily parasocial "how dare they BETRAY my TRUST by having a ship I don't like or not speaking up about every single societal ill" ex-CR fans move over to D20 and then pull the exact same shit; it simply doesn't get called out. Every time D20 fans are like "we don't want to become the CR fandom" it's like "your toxic positivity and unhealthy parasocial behavior exceeds the HEIGHT of what I've seen in CR; the main difference is that CR started in 2015 when D&D was still shaking off the raging bigot dudebros and so in the early days it acquired more of those fans, whereas by the time D20 came around the landscape of who played D&D and watched Actual Play had shifted wildly, and you need to judge September 2018 D20 fans in parallel to September 2018 CR fans, not September 2015 CR fans."
I also feel, and I alluded to this in the post about journalism, and other people have said this better than I have, but the pedestal people have put D20 on does feel like a single...not even misstep, but just, difficult choice that doesn't capitulate to the loudest fans will bring a good chunk of that fandom crashing to the ground. And that includes the journalists. For all the fans of CR can still be obsessed with the cast to an unhealthy degree? The cast and company have put up pretty strong boundaries and have not budged. D20 hasn't, and I think the second they do - and I think it will be for their benefit as a company and a channel - a big chunk of their most vitriolic CR-hating portion of the fandom will viciously turn on them.
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poughkeepsies · 7 months
You asked so let me lay out the mental gymnastics I have done to reach buddie roomates
1. Not a single bts of that loft. I feel like we were getting loft bts all the time last year (also there were like so many loft scenes last year too so that might be why)
2. Built the biggest most expensive rolling stage thing of all time. I believe either they have to build new sets this year or rent the sets from fox = bucks loft didnt make the cut (pure spec on my part watch oliver post bts of the loft today on his ig takeover)
3. “Giving the fans what theyre asking for” in terms of buddie what the fans have been asking for (at least that I see the most and think the writers would be aware of) is buddie canon, trapped dads (which was mostly just finale spec but I do think could happen in cruise disaster), buck breakdown/therapy, buckley diaz fam content, death to bucks loft/buddie roommates. And buddie roommates not only captures 2 of those but is also my fav of them so my mind went there
4. Buck and eddie closer than ever / knowing each other on a deeper level than before (Im paraphrasing bc I cant remember all 20 devastating ryan quotes rn): from personal experience, you can be very close with someone, but living with them is a whole new experience and you learn things about people you never knew before. One of the most intimate ways to get to know someone imo
5. Kind of like a said with a newish audience, 10 ep season that includes 2ep big emergency and madney wedding, and also the fact I feel the show has never explicitly hinted at buddie (I dont count the s2 stuff tim has said was fan service and 601/612 felt like it but thats it) I dont think full buddie canon is on the table this season. But a great way to explicitly hint that buddie canon is happening at some point would be roommates storyline
In conclusion: there will probably be 30 loft scenes this season and Im dumb but one can dream
everybody take a look at this ask and learn. this is the exact kind of deranged unserious reaching that we've been missing in this fandom lately. I love you and I applaud you anon 🫵
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emptyjunior · 4 months
I know that tumblr feels a bit of superiority over tiktok, twitter, instagram and like they Should, holding on to a dash that is directly designed by you and your fellow bloggers gets infinitely more valuable by the day and we should be proud of keeping that (cause it Is something that needs to be fought for constantly!) but can I say I don't like the attitude that everyone else on every other app is dumb and they're all normies and we're the smart ones.
Like there are people who enjoy making video content! And they should have a place where they are safely able to do that. People should be able to discuss topics that are close to them like grief, sex, gender, they should be able to review scary movies and silly horror without any of that being watered down so that the app can still sell itself to advertisers. Musicians should be able to share their music without two distant corporations making deals that silence them and destroy their income. People should be able to share tiktoks criticising their government without a bill passing instantly to silence them
People should be able to use an app that is extremely beneficial to artists and fans without a megalomaniac buying it and finding ways to paywall every feature of a website that was already functional. Minors should be able to comment on the tv show they're watching without the replies being flooded with a robot sending them pornographic images.
People should be able to use the search function on their app without it being a literal AI chatbot?? They should be able to post art they care about and build an audience without it being scraped for parts. You should be able to just find things you're interested in without the person you want to see having to participate in a tier based subscription service to be able to be seen by you.
The users of these apps aren't 'foolish' because they weren't smart enough to try tumblr. It isn't a win every time they take a hit and their app gets marginally worse. It's sad!!! And it isn't right! Yes maybe they would enjoy it if they just abandoned what they're on and came here but they shouldn't have to! We shouldn't want them to! We should never want anyone to cede any space or resources to the hungry bastards that want to take advantage of people's online communities.
Like I'm not asking every tumblr user to get up in arms and fight for influencers on tiktok, you've got your own battles here and they've got theirs there but just reminding people that if you gloat about someone else's website getting suck-ier you are applauding the person doing that to them
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pbjelly90 · 4 months
I haven’t really gotten into the swing of blogging here and I probably have like 2 followers who aren’t bots 😆 but I’m rewatching BBC Sherlock and feeling an inkling to reread the original stories and it just has me thinking and wanting to ramble about Sherlock media and put it somewhere. What I’ve really grown to appreciate all these 20ish years of being a Sherlock fan is seeing every new adaptation put their own spin on Sherlock and all the characters in the canon. Some I’ve loved, some I’ve been displeased with, but it’s always fun to analyze and revisit and see what parts delight and what disappoints or leaves me wanting more. More thoughts below because apparently I had a lot to ramble about on this topic lol.
BBC Sherlock probably has one of my favorite Watsons, and he gets more focus here then a lot of other adaptations, and feels truer to the character to me than many others. Old adaptations like Basil Rathbone with Nigel Bruce used to have him be a bumbling fool type and I’m glad that’s in the past now. I also enjoy Lestrade in the BBC version and tend to prefer adaptations that get him along this vein, a trusted person on the force, exasperated with Sherlock and his methods a lot of the time, but also one of the most willing to put faith in him and believe in his abilities (and his integrity when it matters.)
Irene Adler adaptations like the BBC show or Robert Downey Jr movies are usually hit or miss for me, and generally I find they put too much emphasis on making her have romantic feelings for Sherlock for my liking. I applaud how they want to make her a more prominent character than one who only appears on page in one story, but romantic tension/interest feels so limiting as the way they choose to do it. There’s some merit to showing how she has to weaponize her beauty/sexuality in that time period at times, but they rarely dig deeper than that or give her more of her own storyline.
I’ve also found most Moriarty adaptations pretty lacking. BBC Sherlock’s became very popular, and Andrew Scott is a wonderful actor, but he always came off as far too gleefully chaotic and evil for evil’s sake to be that interesting to me as Sherlock’s foil. I feel like they went with a Batman versus Joker sort of dynamic there, emphasizing shock value, and I much preferred the mystery of him throughout the early seasons versus the reality post reveal.
Moriarty in the original canon only gets hinted at very late when Conan Doyle is setting up what he believed to be the end of the stories (before public demand and personal debts changed those plans), and therefore he’s always been more a mystery figure than an actual developed character in the original stories. But the building blocks are there for adaptations to take and mold and I hope we get to see more creativity here. Robert Downey Jr faces off against a version of Moriarty in the movies that I’d call Moriarty classic. Serviceable, but nothing new there really. Math teacher, formidable, crime lord, older, genius, check, more or less straight from the books.
BBC Sherlock was also missing Moran who I’d been highly anticipating, and fans kept speculating some unnamed sniper was him, but we never got confirmation. To me that was such a huge missed opportunity, for an adaptation that really highlighted the bond between Sherlock and Watson, how could you ignore the bond between Moriarty and his own “dark” version of Watson?
So cue Moriarty the Patriot, which felt like a series made just for me to fangirl over. It nails Sherlock and John, even if they’re not as much the main focus here as other series, and that’s just clearing the bar for me, my first criteria for any Sherlock media being “do they get John right?” They introduce a younger version of Miss Hudson, whom I also loved in BBC Sherlock, but this brings a fun new dynamic where she feels more like a loving sister to our boys rather than a favorite aunt like in the classic take. Still long-suffering, still the heart who keeps them in check and cares for them, and until John comes along, the only person really in Sherlock’s confidence. I hope we see more of her backstory in MtP (BBC nails this quickly with the mention of Sherlock helping to put her shitty husband in prison.)
Then there’s the MtP version of Irene, who’s the most creative take on the character I’ve ever seen. Is there some potential romantic tension with Sherlock still? Sure if you’d like to ship it, but thats far from her main storyline, she has so much MORE going on. Her own wants, her own goals, her own mistakes, her own plans, that whole first plot of hers is still one of my favorite arcs in the manga and a time when it truly differentiated itself for me from any other adaptation. And that’s not even getting into the Bond material yet, which as a Bond movie and book fangirl as well, was this series actually custom made for me?!?? Ya’ll really were deep into my brain for this one, combining M with Albert, bringing in Moneypenny, all of it. The manga blew me away with all of this and how it was handled. Moran, you better never betray Bond as agent 006 Alex Trevelyan a la Goldeneye. 😆
Before the meat of this, I want to take an aside to also say I love MtP’s take on Mycroft. BBC gives us our first more active Mycroft on-screen that I can recall, not just lounging in the Diogenes Club per canon, orchestrating everything at a remove, but more involved in looking after his brother and meddling when he feels necessary. He’s a huge drama queen in the first episode and I’m looking forward to rewatching the seasons again and seeing the brothers’ dynamic grow. But MtP takes this and instead of having our first encounter with Mycroft be with John alone, more removed from his brother still, we see the two fighting and squabbling and I just love them, your honor. I would like to see someone handle their parents better than the BBC version did, and idk if we’ll ever see them in MtP, but I do enjoy the tidbits we’ve gotten like Sherlock’s working class accent. They already used the name Sherringford/Sherrinford for their ancestor, so curious where they’d go with this. But Mycroft in general, his parallels with Albert, his guilt over their ancestor and role in the government? His relationship with his brother? Nailed it, more please.
Brief shoutout to Enola Holmes, she’s a bit Mary Sue/wish fulfillmenty, but I enjoyed her and her dynamics with her brothers vastly more than the sibling they shoehorned into the last season of BBC Sherlock. If you’re going to give the boys a sibling, that was a fun way to do it. Henry Cavill looks NOTHING like Sherlock is usually described, but he was fun and quite nice to look at lol.
Now onto the main thing I want to ramble about: MtP has the single best adaptation of James Moriarty that I have ever seen in writing or on screen. It’s no coincidence that this is the first adaptation I’ve seen try to dive into his backstory, figure out what’s the deal with his brother(s), which was a genius move taking that inconsistency with Doyle’s descriptions to make there be three James Moriartys total, and to give us a compelling reason as to WHY he does the whole lord of crime thing. Like fine if it’s just for money, control or power, and I can read/watch that story if well done, but this is the first time I’ve really seen a series take the building blocks Doyle laid out and really turn them into something more, to create something original and compelling. William and his brothers 100% deserve their main focus in the series, and its all the better for that perspective flip, as much as I love Sherlock and John. Sherlock and John are fleshed out already, most modern adaptations can get them right, but the Moriartys? That was brand new.
Not to mention, they gave William James Moriarty his Sebastian Moran, and nailed that dynamic as well. Normally I’d think if we finally got Moran he’d be my main ship for Moriarty, just as John was always my main ship for Sherlock, but somehow MtP gets me shipping them, but also William x Sherlock, Mycroft x Albert, Moneypenny x Moran, Irene x Hudson aaand I could digress for way too long here so I’ll leave it at that. Note to anyone writing future adaptations, GIVE MORIARTY HIS MORAN.
All of these MtP versions of the characters are so good that now they’ve ruined me for other Sherlock related media, I’ve found. I watched Ron Kamanohashi and loved it, but as soon as elements of Sherlock and Moriarty were introduced, I found myself badly wanting MtP to be the original canon they were drawing from and see those storylines reflected in the modern day setting of Ron’s story. That is now 1000000% my headcanon. Can we somehow get future Sherlock media to adapt some of the new ideas MtP introduced moving forward, and keep expanding on those concepts? Be inspired by them to keep exploring more of the characters once you’ve gotten the mains right? Maybe not, but a girl can dream. It’s a fun time to be a fan of Sherlock related media.
With all that rambling said, has anyone got any recommendations for other Sherlock books, shows, manga, etc? I remember The Seven-Per-Cent Solution was a very influential AU book back in the day for Sherlock fans and is supposed to present an alternate telling of the Holmes and Moriarty dynamic, so I may read that. Sometimes I branch off into Lupin media and I’ve read some of Arsene Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes as well. 😆 I enjoy silly Herlock in The Great Ace Attorney games although he definitely feels like a goofy AU version.
TLDR: If anyone has skimmed this giant post and has any other Sherlock media suggestions, let me know! Looking for some more unique takes on the characters and story.
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fictionalfantasist · 28 days
Wanda x reader fan fiction
Summary: Y/N is not a hero—just a stunt double, living in the shadows of others' spotlight. But when her path crosses with Wanda Maximoff’s, their worlds begin to collide in unexpected ways. Drawn together by fate, their bond deepens as they face forces neither of them fully understands. In the fight to protect what matters most, they’ll discover that when two worlds collide, the aftermath leaves nothing untouched—and everything at risk.
Chapter 4
The atmosphere on set was thick with tension. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air, the charred remains of the collapsed scaffold a grim reminder of how quickly things could go wrong. The crew was quieter than usual, their banter muted, the undercurrent of nervous energy replaced with caution and unease.
Y/N moved through it all, feeling the weight of everyone’s eyes on them. They weren’t new to dangerous situations—being a stunt double meant that risk was part of the job description—but this was different. The sense of control, the careful calculations that went into every stunt, had been upended. What happened wasn’t just an accident, and that knowledge buzzed under Y/N’s skin like static.
After being pulled back to set, Y/N had gone through the motions—resetting for another scene, running through the next stunt choreography, making sure all the safety checks were in place. But their mind kept drifting back to Wanda’s words, to the way she had looked at them with a mixture of concern and suspicion.
Magic. The idea gnawed at Y/N. They had always prided themselves on being grounded, practical—relying on their skill, their reflexes, their experience. Magic, on the other hand, felt unpredictable, uncontrollable. And now it was creeping into their world, complicating things in a way they weren’t prepared for.
They finished the next stunt—a relatively simple car jump—without incident, but even as they landed smoothly and the crew applauded, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling of unease.
Once the cameras cut, the director called a short break, giving the crew some time to regroup before they moved on to the next sequence. Y/N made their way over to the craft services table, grabbing a bottle of water and trying to let the familiar routine of set life calm their racing mind.
But the second they sat down, they felt someone’s presence beside them.
“Hey,” came a familiar voice. Wanda again. This time, she didn’t sound accusatory or intense—just concerned.
Y/N glanced up, giving her a crooked smile. “Couldn’t resist the snacks, huh?”
Wanda ignored the joke, sitting down beside them with a serious expression. “Are you okay?”
Y/N took a swig of water, trying to play it off. “I’m fine. You know me, I bounce back.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.” Her eyes were searching again, like she was peeling back layers they didn’t want exposed. “You’re shaken. I can feel it.”
Y/N sighed, leaning back in their chair. “You’re not wrong,” they admitted. “It’s… weird, you know? I’ve done hundreds of stunts, pushed my limits more times than I can count. But today—today felt off. I’m not used to things going wrong like that. And now you’re telling me there’s magic involved? It’s like I can’t trust what’s happening around me.”
Wanda nodded, her expression softening. “I get it. Believe me, I do. Magic is unpredictable, and it messes with the way you see the world. But that doesn’t mean you’re powerless.”
Y/N looked at her, eyebrow raised. “Kinda feels like I am, though. I’m good with stunts because I know what’s coming—I can calculate the risks, control my movements. But if there’s magic at play… how am I supposed to work with that?”
Wanda leaned forward, her gaze intense but not unkind. “You’ve got instincts, Y/N. You don’t need magic to sense when something’s off—you’ve already been doing that. What happened today, you knew it wasn’t right before it even went down. That’s not nothing.”
Y/N considered that for a moment. She had a point. The tension in the air before the rig exploded hadn’t just been nerves; it had been something else. Something they had picked up on, even if they didn’t understand it.
“Okay,” Y/N said slowly. “But if this isn’t just bad luck, what do I do? I’m not exactly equipped to deal with spells and hexes.”
“That’s where I come in,” Wanda replied, her tone firm. “You don’t have to deal with it alone. I’ve got a handle on the magic side of things, but I’ll need your help to figure out who’s behind this and why. You keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll make sure nothing else goes wrong.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smirk at that. “So now we’re partners in magical crime-solving? Great, just what I needed on top of my day job.”
Wanda laughed softly, the sound cutting through the tension like a balm. “Think of it as an adventure. And besides, I have a feeling you thrive on chaos.”
Y/N chuckled, the weight on their shoulders lifting just a little. “You’re not wrong there.”
They sat in silence for a few moments, the noise of the set humming around them but feeling distant. There was a strange comfort in sitting next to Wanda, a sort of unspoken understanding between them. For the first time since the explosion, Y/N felt like maybe—just maybe—they could handle this.
But of course, the universe wasn’t done with them yet.
One of the assistant directors rushed over, looking flustered. “Hey, Y/N! Sorry to interrupt, but we’ve got a situation.”
Y/N groaned inwardly, already bracing for more bad news. “What now?”
“It’s the next scene,” the AD explained, shifting nervously. “There’s a… complication with the wires. The team is saying the equipment is acting up. They’ve done all the checks, but nothing’s working right. It’s like the harnesses are… fighting them.”
Y/N exchanged a glance with Wanda, who raised an eyebrow.
“Fighting them?” Y/N repeated.
The AD nodded, looking increasingly anxious. “Yeah, like they’re moving on their own. It’s… weird.”
Wanda stood up, her expression darkening. “It’s not just equipment failure. Someone’s messing with this set.”
Y/N got to their feet as well, the tension that had briefly faded now roaring back. “Great. Just what we needed—more magical sabotage.”
Wanda looked at them, determination in her eyes. “We need to figure this out before someone gets seriously hurt.”
Y/N nodded, feeling the weight of the situation settle back onto their shoulders. “Alright. Let’s get to the bottom of this.”
As they headed toward the scene of the latest disturbance, Y/N couldn’t help but feel the shift in their role. They weren’t just the cool, sarcastic stunt double anymore—they were now part of something bigger, something more dangerous.
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zot3-flopped · 3 months
"it’s harder to think he cares about us, when he’s only engaging with us when we’ve paid for it" no but this (sensible) ask >> https : // alarrytale.tumblr.com/post/754470807589289984/maybe-im-weird-or-just-older-35-but-i-dont - and Marte derenged answer is the root of the problem with larries and swifties and many toxic fandoms. That's NOT how you're supposed to CARE. These artists are human beings (thus always worth of basic respect) capable of making art we can appreciate/be emotional about. They are still strangers, and own us nothing more that their art.
I've been a fan of Muse half my life and the lack of "fanservice" never stopped me from singing back at concerts, making memories to the tunes of their songs and having a 15+ years crush on Matt Bellamy and his voice. I always cry to Hayao Miyazaki movies, I'll be impossibly sad when he passes away, and I've never even been on the same country he is. I will mourn him and respect his passing as you would a stranger you've never met but who's WORK you've "met". His art means something deep to me, I'm grateful of for it and for his existence, I don't need to be "aknowledged" as fan. I felt like that when Heath Ledger passed away, when Chester Bennington did.
That's actually the miracle of Art, how it crosses all kinds of barriers, and it's clear to me that's the kind of carreer and legacy Harry is striving for. And I applaud him for it, cos' that's the HEALTIEST way of being an artist. He clearly had a prime example of toxic artist-fans relationship during 1D and he's been course correcting since then. Good for him.
Agree 1000%. Many of the older bands I like have zero social media presence, except to announce new music and tours, and that's absolutely fine.
Why is Marte so needy at the ripe age of 36? She says she doesn't like Harry's music or his shows so what does she like? Memories of when he came online as a teenager twelve years ago to chat with fans?
"I really think what set 1D apart and made them so successful was their social media presence and fan service."
No, Marte - Harry Styles and his talent, charisma, voice, and stage presence set them apart. She makes 1d sound like a bunch of Tiktokkers.
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chevelleneech · 12 days
I’m circling back to say I’m also happy Felix’s queer fans, particularly his non-binary and androgynous fans get to be into a Kpop artist who can no longer be shoved into the, “Wait until he says the words!” closet. It’s out there now, and no matter how other people feel about him, these fans can and have been encouraged by him to discuss his androgyny and unisex clothing choices.
I also want to say it sucks that so many people also have picked up on his androgyny for years, seeing as he has said before he enjoys wearing women’s clothing because they look good on him and allows him to express himself more, yet were harassed into not speaking on it, only for it to have been things he was genuinely feeling.
Which I’ve spoken on numerous times. Fans think they’re defending and protecting their faves, yet are not realizing just how upsetting it can be to read someone say its weird and disrespectful to speculate on their identity involving queerness in someway, just because they didn’t put it in a headline first.
Now, I’m not saying Felix is on the path to coming as anything, because who knows, right? But he also isn’t beholden to the same expectation as his fellow group members aside from Chan, so it’s possible he simply has more freedom to discuss certain topics. The same freedom some male idols seem to feel more comfortable in once they’ve completed their military service. So there are many complexities to the topic, main one being, Felix doesn’t have to be attracted to men to be androgynous. It’s just the matter of him likely being, given he’s also already said he has a type in guys and girls.
Point is, I applaud Felix greatly. I think he’s taking a big step in being in a popular idol group and stating he is intentionally presenting himself in a unisex fashion. He wants to look like whichever gender someone assumes him to be, both in the things he wears as well as with his body. He doesn’t think he’s manly, and to him short hair is less fun to have. So no matter how inconsequential some people may feel his words are, they are important.
Especially because idol fans have it in their heads that femininity and androgyny are wholly accepted in South Korea, refusing to listen to anyone who tells them it’s not. They ignore how many male idols leave the androgynous style behind as they get older. They even ignore how many female idols essentially come out and then backtrack or who have “masculine” clothing preferences, claiming these women are just tomboys or whatever the new term is, and that her crush on another girl was a friendship crush or jealousy.
Idols do not have it easy and cannot come out just because they feel like it, just because their industry capitalizes off of skinships and encourage men to lean into a prettier aesthetic. They do it, because sex sells. Yes, it’s a different sort of seduction, but it still sells. Which is why idols still to this day are looked at sideways if not flat out hated for being queer. It’s why fans are still able to claim any of them writing songs about queer sex, is them writing songs for their fans or from an outside perspective.
The majority of Kpop fans do not want their favorite idols to be queer, as it pops the bubbles they’ve built up in their heads. Even the ones where their fave is queer until they somehow meet them and become straight again.
That’s why Felix saying in clear words he doesn’t think of himself as manly and is striving for an androgynous/unisex look, is good. It doesn’t mean people can state for him he is non-binary, nor does it mean anyone should start assuming his pronouns (not that I’ve seen anyone do that), but it does mean his non-binary fans get to celebrate this win of sorts. They get to experience this new (to us at least) version of Felix who they can refer to in softer terms without anyone coming at them for “babying” or “feminizing” him, given his androgyny appears to lean more feminine than masculine.
Anyway, I’m dragging on, but I hope what I’m saying is coming across well. I make my jokes about my faves and analyze things until I’m blue in the face even if I don’t always post it here, but still. I think real people taking real steps to be comfortable in their skin, is a huge deal. Particularly when these people are famous or surrounded by (in Felix’s case, adored by) people who either pretend to love unconditionally or who are upfront with their bigotry and expect everyone to conform in the end.
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Now. I'm not very knowledgeable in terms of the greater ST fandom but I really believe that your singlehandedly holding up at least a small portion of the Steddie fandom. Especially with the way you always engage with other people's fan work through your tags. You share your own ideas on your blog, or add to other people's ideas, and when you can't do either of those you just ramble excitedly about stuff. That's Fandom Babe!
Thank you for your service! *salutes*
Anon I was feeling stupid about the Gareth post and here you are, rewiring my thoughts!!!
Truth be told though, I LOVE being a hype man, I adore getting excited about people posts and tags and art and edits. I want people to know how valued and important their work is!!! And how much of a difference it makes even if it’s to one person!!! Because before ST I was an outskirts reblogger who was scared to post because I thought Big Blogs were the only people posting and my ideas were pointless, there was no space for me and whatever I could offer has been done ten times before. And yeah, we are all rehashing the same ideas but it’s BEAUTIFUL because nobody’s takes are the same! Stories are told over and over again because it’s the person telling them that makes them new!!!! In whatever way they tell them!!! And I want people to know that there’s ALWAYS space for them!!! That they don’t have to be quiet and fawn over big names because fandom is for everyone but most importantly it’s for yourself to have fun!!!
Posting can be scary and I still get scared of hitting the post button so if I can lessen that anxiety in people in any way I WILL!!!!
Anon you are a true community Angel, it’s people like you that keep fandoms going and I cannot thank you enough for gracing my inbox, let me applaud you and share yoir kindness in my little corner.
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rawiswhore · 5 months
Triple H x Fem Reader- "Only Fans"
On a "Monday Night Raw" episode that aired at the beginning of 1998, after walking down to the ring with Triple H, you teased many of the male fans for fan service.
During this episode, you wore a very short towel that reached your upper thighs.
To tease the fans before the match began, you walked up the stairs that lead to the ring where you stood on the top step in front of the ring.
Because your towel was so short, you teased the males in the front row that you were going to show your vagina and bare ass under that towel.
With a smile on your face, your hands grabbed the bottom of your towel at the sides of your thighs and wriggled it around, but you didn't pull your towel above your ass.
You actually really were completely naked under that towel.
Did you need to grab the bottom of your towel to tease these male fans in the audience?
So many fans---especially male ones---were thinking they were going to see under your towel and see your pussy.
The male fans in the front row were cheering and applauding you, many of them whistling at you and pumping their fists.
Jerry Lawler with a smile on his face was happily shrieking on commentary thinking you were showing them something down there.
Honestly, many of these male fans in the audience were ugly---not to mention some of them were also underage, which would make you seem like a sex offender, but you aren't.
Even if you did pull your towel off to show off your bare ass, your pussy probably wouldn't have been exposed, even to the fans in front row.
Your hands let go of the bottom of your towel, and your towel managed to not fall off of you.
You then walked above the ring's apron and stopped in the middle, where you slightly leaned your chest on the top rope and poked your ass out.
While you poked your ass out in front of the fans, your vulva/vagina wasn't shown, nor were your ass cheeks.
You could've pulled a Terri Runnels where you lean your chest forward on the top rope, like she sometimes does if you've seen what she does.
But your towel was rather short and fans in the audience really did think you were going to show your ass and pussy.
Male fans in the front row cheered and roared, so did many other male fans in the audience.
Jerry Lawler was happily shrieking into the commentary table about you with a smile on his face.
He was jealous of all of those fans in the front row that saw you wriggling your towel and bending down on the top rope, he even thought you were showing the audience your pussy.
You were also filmed sideways when you leaned your body on the rope.
Some people watching this at home and maybe even in the WWF arena really do think you might be showing your cunt to the crowd.
You used to sometimes enter the wrestling ring with your body bent down ducking under the ropes while you wore just a very short towel, and people watching at home thought you were showing your twat to the audience.
Some people even at WWF shows thought you were showing your pussy to the audience.
You would rather tease sexy men in the front row like Rob Van Dam, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Scott Hall and even some other men who aren't wrestlers, but those men are off in other companies.
Triple H wasn't really jealous you were teasing these men with a towel.
Before Doja Cat arrived to the Met Gala wearing just a towel, you were.
(I bet if my female wrestling OC did exist in the Attitude era, there'd be so many people on social media saying how my female wrestling OC was wearing nothing but towels in public before Doja Cat was).
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austenpoppy · 5 months
i'm such a huge fan of all of your essays! 😭 you have the most insightful takes! i've been gathering up the courage to ask if you might be willing to post some of your essays in my new subreddit for Ron fans?
i want to help build a chill, friendly space for Ron fans on reddit as most other hp subs are hostile towards us, and i'd love spread more positivity about the Romione ship and all Ron ships in general across the hp fandom, so seeing these amazingly well-written essays and canon analyses from fellow Ron fans would be so awesome and fun for all of us on the sub!
if you're open to participating on the Ron sub i made or learning more about it, i can reach out to you over tumblr DM if you or other Ron fans you know might be interested in joining our Ron subreddit! ❤
You are a fan of my essays ? I've got a fan ? Me ?
It reminds me of when I first came on Tumblr in 2018 (Oh my God it's been six years already what have I been doing... and where are my Tumblr friends of 2018 at now ??) because I was starstruck by some @vivithefolle (who I later met in real life and who became a friend). Anon, don't be afraid of me ! You don't need to go on anon, I swear I'm not going to bite. I'm nothing special, you know.
This idea of a subreddit dedicated to Ron is amazing, of course, and I can only applaud you for your diligence and your service to the defence of our favourite redhead, unfortunately he still needs it (but one day I swear it'll pay off !).
I would really love to spend time writing specifically for this subreddit, but I am afraid of making a promise I can't keep. Life has been terribly busy this past year, and the last six months have been quite horrendous indeed.
However, I am certainly offering up any and all essays/short analyses/quote analyses I've ever written about Ron to you. You have my permission to use them as you see fit. And I'd love to be a part of the subreddit, too, not only to see what others write and support it, but also in the hopes of contributing once life hopefully settles down a bit.
Anyway thanks for the really kind message it definitely lifted my spirits and made me smile !
Do not hesitate to reach out, either, I generally do not reply right away (one of my many flaws... I try, I really do) but I always end up replying at some point (yes I'm also saying this for people awaiting a reply/Solstice Muse fanfics/other) !
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kindredhearts13 · 2 years
An Extremely In Depth Dissection of the Cleaning Lady, Episodes 6-8
Okay, I am sure I am going to inadvertently piss someone off by saying this, but it needs to be said: in a general sense, we’ve began to confuse romance with lust and sex. And while those things are not inherently exclusive and removed from each other, they all can and do also exist without each other. Television in the past few years, particularly shows surrounding younger characters tend to use sex as a cure all. A lot of times, it is contrived plot armor that, ironically, doesn’t actually add anything to the actual plot or story. It’s just used for sensationalism, whether it makes sense or not. Perhaps I’m in the minority of people that want earned interactions between two characters, or that want the ownership of a character’s sexuality to feel authentic to the character. there are many criticisms I’ve had and will continue to have about the show, but I will also be the one loudly applauding the writers and showrunners for letting the characters be authentic and human, and not simply doing what would be sensational or exciting with no genuine reasoning behind it. (i’ll discuss more of this below the cut.)
Let me be the first to say, I hope that the show never makes a major character decision purely for fan service. Because THAT is what kills a show. Let me use of one the most famous examples: Game of Thrones. Yes, that show was sensational in every bit of meaning- but the sensationalism was never the point of the show. The political drama and danger that it created was always the focus and always meant to be at the forefront. To the point that it dictated whether characters that we loved lived or not. It was when the showrunners lost sight of this and ran out of source material that the show shifted and became something unrecognizable. They gave into fan service with bigger battles, more sex, random out of character jokes that didn’t fit the person saying them and it tarnished what was once considered one of the greatest pieces of television we’ve had.
Whether or not we like it, whether or not we agree with every choice regarding two characters and their relationship, the show is not about the romance between Thony and Arman, That is a MAJOR part of it, but the actual show is about a woman trying desperately to save her family and the impact that has on everyone that comes into contact with her. Yes, it is technically an ensemble show- but there is ONE main lead- The Cleaning Lady- Thony. And the reason this show is so good and we care so much is in large part because the writers and showrunners understand what their show is about- as do the actors. Yes, there could be improvements and I’m sure they will come. But I do think we have to be realistic about what we’re going to see and support what we do have and do like so that we don’t end up losing it. Now that I’ve said my piece on that, let’s dive in.
This is going to be different than my typical dissections of the episodes. I feel that these last three episodes have all gone hand and hand in three parts of a whole. So, I’m going to be looking at all three and breaking down moments and thoughts that particularly stood out to me.
First, I want to discuss the pacing. As many of you know, I write fanfiction on the show. In fact, this show brought me out of a years long hiatus of writing any fanfiction at all. At the time, I was inspired to write because of the myriad missing moments I felt we had in the show- specifically between Thony and Arman. Now, while I do still find that I crave certain moments or scenes to give more context- I haven’t felt a pulled to write because I’ve found myself very pleased with how the story and its pacing has unfolded this season. I was, obviously, always a fan of the show- but this season, they’ve really found their stride and seemed to have really honed onto those quieter, more delicate moments that make the characters feel more real and personal. It’s something that I greatly appreciate and wanted to make mention of it before I speak on anything else. If the show is able to maintain this pace, I genuinely believe season 3 could be their strongest and potentially garner them more support from a larger fan base. 
To my pleasant surprise, Agent Garrett Miller has FINALLY arrived. It took a season and a half, but I can finally say that he’s a character I am becoming invested in and wouldn’t be opposed to seeing more of. Episode 8 was definitely his strongest episode, but I think that this last episode set him up for some really interesting development for the rest of the season.
I’ve said it before, but I genuinely think the biggest issue with Garrett’s character was never that he was a flawed FBI agent; rather, it was that he was so inherently rooted in his privilege on a show about people trying to make a way without privilege and protections. While it made total sense for him to not fully understand his privilege and agree with Thony’s point of view, it was a failing of his actual character’s design that he had a constant safety blanket last season, which led him to having no real consequences and coming off as extremely un-relatable. Last season, almost every personal (and professional) issue he encountered was handled within the matter of that episode. His ex wife that he cheated on didn’t want him around his son? He showed up at her house, made her laugh, and things were fine. He was supposed to be on a tight leash after his inappropriate behavior with a CI, but still did things without his superior or partner? He found some good intel, so they were able to overlook it. He gets someone deported and nearly gets Fiona deported, as well? He’s back on that “short leash,” but isn’t removed from any casework. Even him attempted smuggling of Thony across the border, his most selfless act last season, ended up impacting her more than him and he still suffered no true consequences. Not even with his boss and friend, who would’ve had every right to sever any personal relationship with him after that. There was nothing that actually made his character develop because he didn’t have to develop past the very clear safety net laid out for him. Then, this season, we met Maya- and it all changed. 
I was nervous about the introduction of Maya at first; thinking that we were just going to watch him win without actually deserving the win. Again. But to my shock, that didn’t happen. While it was sad Maya’s part in the story was reduced to something so small and we didn’t get to emotionally connect with her as much, outside of the lens of Garrett’s former lover, she did end up serving a greater purpose and meaning to the show. And not just for Garrett, but also for Arman. I wouldn’t say that Maya humanized Garrett, because he already was a believable human- just not a likable one; but it did ground him. Her presence rooted his character back into a sense of reality and served as an ongoing reminder of a constant consequence for his actions. She ended up in the messy situation she was in because of choices that he was a part of; and for once, this consequence isn’t just going away. Garrett is actually being forced to think and act differently, to take accountability, and face some hard truths about himself. I don’t know if it will last, but I certainly hope that it does. 
I enjoy the burgeoning friendship he has with Thony, and I think it would be increasingly interesting to see the push and pull of how he interacts with Arman in later seasons. I also really appreciated the way he was with Chris and Fiona. I don’t know that I would necessarily envision something romantic, but I would be incredibly curious to see a type of confidant relationship happen between Garrett and Fiona. It would be unexpected, but it would also have to be earned which would mean major growth for both of their characters to come to this place of mutual respect and understanding. I’m intrigued by the thought. 
I also appreciate the fact that he didn’t cross the line with Maya again, at least not physically. I worried that they would take the seedlings of growth we had and destroy it by having them be incredibly intimate with one another; but in reality, while you could feel the tension (and at times desire between them) we watched Garrett exhibit something that he isn’t known for: restraint. I genuinely enjoyed spending time with this version of him and I hope that we get to see more of this side of his character- because this is the side that’s going to make him feel more imperative to the show and the other characters. 
I am so glad that they have carved out more of this show and story for Chris, and I hope they continue to do so. I can truly see his character having such growth and a beautiful arc as we continue to watch him heal and struggle with that healing. I hope that they don’t just act like the whole Marco thing never happened, but I also want them to show us what it looks like when Chris feels like he’s regaining control of his life or actively choosing to live it. He’s so young, but so wise and he already exists as a type of anchor for the family. Fi choosing to not keep him as in the dark is something I wasn’t entirely expecting, but that I’m thrilled about- because it opens up a realm of possibilities. For example, with JD’s words last episode, one could wander if the next season of the show would explore these influences in Chris’s life. A JD/Garrett like presence vs an Arman. And while we know that Arman is a gentle giant, most don’t. And I can absolutely see Chris feeling powerful in the way Arman did by getting involved in this world. It would also serve as an interesting conflict for Thony and Fiona. 
Something that really struck me with Chris is just how much he genuinely loves Thony. They don’t have enough scenes together that are just the two of him, but she is clearly like a second mother to him. I would love to see more of their individual relationship more built up as the show progresses. Not only was Thony willing to take the fall for him, but Chris was going to take the fall for her. And from the beginning, he was able to see what Fiona could (or would) not- that Marco was hurting Thony. Again, I feel that with Chris getting older and being so perceptive of everything happening around him, that we are being led to more of his inclusion into Thony’s world. 
I don’t have too much to say here, save for the fact that I enjoyed the awkwardness and juxtaposition of their scenes for Thony and Arman’s. While the latter’s were tender and intimate, the former were cozy and innocent. Incredibly sweet and safe, and felt warm compared to the coldness of what Thony and Arman were facing. It made me happy to see the fun loving Fi from older days make an appearance and to watch her feel so at home in this new space. I don’t get the heat from her and JD that I do with Thony and Arman, but I do get the comfortable warmth that makes me curious to see more. (I still am toying with the whole Fi and Garrett getting closer idea.) Fiona deserves happiness and joy, and it was just nice to see some of that “normalcy” in the midst of so much turmoil. 
Now, here’s my beef with JD. He is NOT wrong. Jas does need to be kept safe and protected, they all do. And yes, Thony’s decisions (particularly concerning Arman) have cost her some of that safety they had last season. However, JD is extremely hypocritical in acting as if Thony, alone, has made some grave error in protecting her family. He’s concerned about Thony, who is actively working with the FBI; but wasn’t he complicit in keeping a secret from the FBI- himself? I just feel like he’s doing a lot of finger pointing for a man that just rolled back into town. And the suggestion that Fiona leave Thony, when it isn’t like she’s been the one truly bringing danger to their doorstep until now, makes me really disappointed in him. He had no concern for Thony, and I get it- again, he’s a Dad first. But if they are all a family, them that includes Thony. And he needs to think of her, too. 
I just want to say: THANK YOU WRITERS FOR LETTING NAVEEN ANDREWS DO WHAT THE FUCK HE DOES! I’ve said it from day one and I will say it again, let Naveen act and that man is going to act the house down. Robert is so terrifying and insidious and loves playing mind games, and I cannot wait to see him even more in action and wordplay next episode. He is becoming such a delicious villain. 
I think right now, we probably have the most interesting opportunity to watch the development of the relationship between these two. Something that I really appreciate about them is that they feel grown. They feel mature and adult, because they are. And they make decisions that are more calculated and thought out, like an adult closer to their 40s and less like one closer to their 20s. It’s something incredibly refreshing to see on television, and something that made shows like Breaking Bad (which I’ve often said has heavily inspired the style of this show) so intriguing. Part of the reason that I’m so excited about this pacing is due to the fact that we no longer have to do as much guessing with these characters and how they feel. It’s not so much that they’re saying exactly how they feel more than before- I mean, Thony and Arman are slow walking that communication bit- but rather, we’re getting to actually see it. We’re actively getting to watch the conflict they feel about their very feelings, and I love getting to see things like that- both as an actress who studies, does, and teaches this for a living but also as a viewer who gets to watch these people reveal themselves to us. Character work is my favorite thing, and I feel so much more connected to these two, in particular, this season than I did the last. 
While I’m sure to some it would’ve made sense for Thony and Arman to fall into bed by now and to say I love you, to me it makes perfect sense why they haven’t. Given the fact that the very nature of the show asks us to question what we view as strictly right or wrong, I highly doubt that the writers are afraid of Thony and Arman being perceived as cheaters. They wouldn’t have the show that they did with the subject matter that they do if they didn’t expect the audience to be more emotionally intelligent than that. We learned the very first episode that Thony feeling like things were out of her control sent her on a spiral of trying to make everything as perfect as possible to make up for it; so, why in there would she then do something that she would view as reckless when she’s trying so desperately to push out the recklessness of her life? 
That’s literally the point of her and Arman. He is something that is associated with this recklessness and lack of control that she has over her life, yet his very existence contradicts this stereotype he should represent because all he’s done is try to help her regain control of her life and feel free. He’s tried to be her anchor and she ended up becoming his.
What’s kind of magical about where they are right now is that Thony has allowed herself to view her relationship with Arman as something solid and not reckless, something that took the entirety of last season for her to do. She kept pulling back and walking away from him because she knew what not doing so would mean- and it would go against what she feels that she should be. Her own moral compass. Their interactions in Mexico opened the door for her to start considering what it might mean if she did accept what she was feeling and did allow herself to find comfort and solace in someone that accepted her exactly as she was; even so, she was still hesitant and pulling away. Her focus was then and still is Luca and her family; and though she’s starting to blend the line between Arman and her family as one unit (when she was having a panic attack in his car, she said to him: “Let’s go home.” then corrected it to, “I need to get home.”), she still is Thony. The perfectionist, the surgeon, the woman who has put everything she’s ever wanted and needed on the shelf for someone else. So, when we do finally see these two being so completely intimate, and sexual, and romantic all at once- it will be because she feels safe in that choice. Thony has no reason to feel safe in that right now. 
Arman is still married, even if his marriage is truly over. And he may love Thony but he isn’t ready to admit that to himself let alone to her. Admitting that would mean admitting that this life he’s trying so hard to win back from Kamdar, this world he’s given up his family for, isn’t actually making him happy. He’d have to confront Nadia’s insinuation that he’d never be fulfilled being the “hero” that Thony sees him as, and ask himself if that’s true. And if Arman is too afraid to tell Nadia that things aren’t right in their marriage, that he isn’t happy- why should be expect him to suddenly be more emboldened with the person that has literally captured his soul? Thony has come from a place of abuse in her previous relationship. A place where she was never enough, and never had the support she needed. while Arman has been there for her and showed her what that support has looked like, he also hasn’t shown her that she is enough. He iced her out when he went to prison and first came out; and now- even though he’s killed for her, he’s still making Nadia a priority. 
The other side of their relationship; however, is this level of understanding that’s passed between them. They don’t do a great job at saying exactly what it is they feel, but they have this way of silently understanding one another and that prompts more open communication between them and allows them to better understand the other’s needs. Outside of just noticing things about one another, like when the other needs comfort; they have this understanding that they aren’t just friends and that there is something deeper there. Or different, as Arman put it. Their worlds can no longer exist without each other, but they also are too afraid to intertwine their worlds the way that we all want them to. 
What I found most interesting about the scene where Arman returned the key card to Thony was that you could literally see the moment Thony shamed herself for allowing herself to feel. You could see her mentally calling herself reckless and stupid, and Arman trying to explain and fix things before she shut him down. Because she couldn’t face it, and she couldn’t fix it. And it broke my heart because we watched her be alone all over again and all I wanted to do was hug her and say “you are enough.” She took a very clear emotional step back in that moment, which was evident in how she delivered the news about Nadia to him in their final scene together. And I am so curious to see how they’re going to bridge that gap. Because in such a short time, she went from allowing herself to believe that she maybe would actually be able to find something real and genuine with a person that would love and support and accept her no matter the cost, to being hit with her reality- which is that Arman isn’t technically hers. And that line between their two families does, in fact, exist. That moment when the camera cuts to her after he yells at Garrett and uses the words “my wife,” was that first crack in that image Thony was building in her mind. And the keycard just shattered that little bubble even further. And it is delicious, regency era inspired drama that I am so excited to see unfold. 
This post is already ridiculously long (seriously, if you’re still reading- hats off to you), but let me close with saying this: When Thony and Arman do finally have their moment of pure passion and love and desire and romance, I am so excited for it because it will actually have been earned. This show is very much told through the lens of the female gaze, and because of that, I want Thony’s embracing of her sexuality to be authentic to a grown ass woman that is steadfast in what she wants. I want it to be empowering for her, I want her to feel safe and not regretful. I want her to associate it with her having control and power over her own body and desires, and not replaced with a few lightly satisfying shots that will be purely fan service. Thony deserves so much more. Her relationship with Arman deserves more. And I cannot wait to watch them reach that more. 
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rebelcourtesan · 1 year
I can't help but think people misunderstand what Vivzie meant that Hazbin will be women led. She meant Charlie and Vaggie are the main protags but she will give the other characters time to shine. I've seen users trying to contradict that claim saying Angel has a MV and comic but that's to give depth to one of her favorite characters. Viv doesn't want to spoil surprises involving Charlie and Vaggie in the official series
To be fair, Angel Dust is the most popular character with a more fleshed out background compared to the other characters. It good business since to use a favorited character as fan service and to draw more fans in.
Albeit, we did get an Alastor prequel comic and I think a Charlie prequel comic was in the works before A24 signed on with SpindleHorse. I don't know if that comic will ever see light of day or not.
The lead character in Hazbin Hotel is Charlie who is in a sapphic relationship with Vaggie. With the inclusion of Cherri and Niffty, Hazbin Hotel does have more female characters compared to Helluva Boss, and likely female characters we have yet to meet.
And how can we compare Helluva Boss which has a full season and four episodes released thus far to a series that's only had a pilot and an MV? You can't. That's not a fair comparison. Especially since most of the lore we've have regarding Hazbin Hotel is fan headcanons from years of fanfiction, fan art, and audio dramas.
Don't get me wrong, I adore all the fandom creators and applaud them for being the ones to keep the fandom afloat while we wait for the series. Yet, people are still jumping to conclusions about a show that has yet to air.
And how much story can Viv tell before the show actually starts? People kept begging her and people who worked on the show for information about the characters and pairings and I say, I wonder if they would rather she write up the series events in a public pdf file or do they want to watch the story unfold in a full animated tv series?
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dejwritesarchived · 1 year
honestly, the bar is set so low that Gege tends to skirt by because the others are much worse.
like i never watched One Piece but aside from the questionable designs for women, I never really hear anyone complain about their characterization?
but like, Gege is on thin ice. they're not great or completely groundbreaking and they could use a lot more depth, but god damn, at least they have some sort of self-motivation that isn't focused on loving a dude that actually hates them 😭
gege is on thin ice, but i feel like people applaud gege for not doing naruto route of his female characters or having your female characters be fan service like others when in reality i would rather a mangaka just say he don’t care for his female characters right then there. just ripped the bandaid off instead of just glossing over it which i feel like gege does. outside of maki and maybe nobara, what other female characters has been through development and actually been shaped as a character? that’s my problem with gege. gave us maki destroy her family as a here damn thing so people can praise them for doing the bare minimum for female characters. it should be a balance of what you putting in on your female characters and your male characters. jjk is suppose to end this year, i believe and we still don’t have that much information about that many female characters. mei somewhere in bed with her brother (and don’t get me started on her volume cover lol) utahime? where even is she? miwa? momo? where are they at? granted you can’t include all characters in an arc, but it’s like damn you’re introducing a whole character in love with fuckin’ sukuna for what? 😭 don’t get me started on how yuki is a special grade and was snapped in half like a KitKat. like i just feel like, you shouldn’t get praised for doing the bare minimum because one or two of your female characters compared to 5+ male characters have good development 😭
i have a hate love relationship with gege. i voted for the mha creator because i have beef with him because of that invisible girl official poster. that shit still leave a nasty taste in my mouth.
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arcadekitten · 2 years
‼️Black out hospital spoilers ‼️
Just finished playing black out hospital, and to keep it brief, I cried during the part where Vasilis is talking to Mary about "being the worst." I had no idea I was going to relate Vasilis so much (dare I say to simplify things; I kin them). Not only am I a janitor (+ relate to the fact that people also look down at you when your a janitor, the "white coats" as Vasilis calls them), but the writings in their diary were almost completely identical to my own writings in my diary (Did you secretly peek into my diary by any chance?/J) . Their behavior, personality, and quirks are literally a mirror to my face.
I relate to two other ocs of yours, but Vasilis REALLY took the cake with this one. I don't know what to say other than... thank you for making much a relatable character. I felt like they were able to put emotions that I have a hard time describing perfectly into words.
Not sure why I'm saying this anonymously since I plan to make fan art and be more detailed on why I think you did a fantastic job in this game, but I guess I'm a little embarrassed that I'm a "Environmental Service Technician." Regardless, I have tears welling up as I type this, I love your work so much!
Oh golly!! I don't think you should be embarrassed at all! Your job is monstrously important, and I promise it is very very VERY appreciated, especially by people who are a bit germaphobic like I am!! Know that I am applauding you every day and your work means the world to me and others!
I'm so happy you were able to see yourself in them!! It is so nice to know I have created something to make someone feel so seen! It makes me happy to create such a human connection through art like that!
Thank you so very much, I'm happy you liked the game and Vasilis and I once again thank you for the wonderful work you do!! ♡ Thank you!!
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