#I better see a scene like this in the show
dcxdpdabbles · 8 hours
Heyo! I've been loving the content! Especially new management, that was a phenomenal read. Was wondering if you had further thoughts or scenes on it or on the Single Dad Au? I think the only story I like better than these two is congratulations, it triplets!
Adore your work! Phenomenal!
Damian did not trust Daniel Fenton.
The man pretended like he wanted nothing from his Father besides his heart—not his wealth, not his influence, not his company, and not even his vast amount of skills.
Even Damian's mother—who was in love with Father for a time—could not conceal the knowledge that marrying Father would elevate her position in Grandfather's eyes. There was a time when Damian believed love—the romantic type—was not real, that it was unnecessary.
Since his arrival at Wayne Manor, he's learned to acknowledge that love does exist, but he still believes it's never unconditional. He knows that Fenton has to be after something. He attempted to find the answer, but as loath as he was to admit it, Damian had not detected any hit of what Fenton was after.
His hours of surveillance on the man only showed him that Fenton enjoyed writing for his silly little book series- a fantasy novelist how quant- but was self-published and did not attempt to get father to fund him
. Fenton also spent much time with his daughter but seemed happy to support her in anything she wanted as long as she put in the effort, so he was not after Father influenced her. Fenton had no interest in Wayne Enterprises, often looking a tad bored whenever Father spoke of it- not dismissive, just lost- which meant he wasn't after the company.
He discovered that Fenton lived modestly despite having a decent amount of funds. He was middle class and seemed rather happy to stay in the middle class.
Damian would have looked deeper into Fenton, but Father had caught on to his surveillance and had forbidden him from scaring away his lover. Knowing that he required backup, Damian had called a sibling meeting.
He was expecting better results than them just speaking about the benefits of Fenton and Father dating. They should focus on how to defend Father's heart once Fenton's true intentions become visible.
It wasn't that Fenton didn't love Father- or getting there- but he would have a darker side to him that Father was unprepared for. Damian was sure of it.
He just needed to find it.
That's why he approached the man's daughter. Indeed, she would open the opportunity to get closer to the man after his father without using his training to follow Fenton. Father could not fault his brilliant walkabout.
Damian was just not prepared for her to be more tolerable than the regular fools in Gotham. She was a fellow artist with a love of nature and travel.
She took him to different parts of Gotham, where they could find animals and wonderful buildings to draw. Dani also always shared her music—he didn't want to listen, but it allowed him to build a profile on her—and he found she also had an application for classical covers of pop music.
Dani also seemed so unbothered by anything. She moved as if she had never been weighed down by any issues. She was weightless but not lost. Seeing someone so at peace with themselves was odd, so Damian sometimes forgot why he was spending time with her.
Sometimes, he just relaxed with her and spoke to her, and really, she was far better than the fools his Father took in.
Dani one day asked if he would go with her to the mall. She wanted some new clothes, and Damian found that her style was rather artistic. This style also caused many stares from those close to their age.
He watched as she walked through the street, owning it with her presence and powerful, unchained personality. Then she acted like she didn't even care, though she definitely knew it.
That is why when she offered to help him buy an outfit, Damian agreed with far too much enthusiasm before she finished. He even wore it out of the store, feeling...like he got close to her unchained freedom. He kept glancing into the reflection of mirrors, a rish of glee at how great he felt in clothes that he would have scoffed at.
He also appreciated how people gawked at them as if they were the most fascinating thing they had ever seen. Damina enjoyed following beside Dani's stride, grinning up at her as she told jokes.
"Dude, it's crazy to think that if our Dads get married, we'll be siblings," she says one day, and Damian startles. She leans over, helping him adjust the beanie she got him, a more blurt red of her own, and Damian's eyes go very wide as she grins at him.
Damian's eyes go very wide.
He hadn't even thought of that.
He races home after she takes him to a slam poetry night, snapping her fingers with that interesting, peaceful, fully in-the-moment-without-stress personality of hers.
Damian kicks the door to Father's office and shouts, "Father, you must marry Daniel Fenton at once!"
He misses that Fenton is also there, sipping from a teacup. He'd never seen Father look that embarrassed before, either. Though Fenton seemed rather pleased, which helped his new quest of making Dani his new, much more enjoyable sister that left him in awe.
She promised to take him to her favorite store for more pastel goth outfits next week, too. Once her father marries in, they might turn it into a weekly thing.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 days
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Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll down for its corresponding message on what you would be canceled for when it comes to your reputation.
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Pile One 🚫
I’m seeing a scenario where a person that’s known for being in a group, decides to go solo. I see that you’re the kind of person who loves the feeling of being in partnerships or in community with others but you’d rather deal with loneliness than compromise the love that you have for yourself. The way that you wield your independence makes people very upset with you. It really feels like people have a nasty habit of trying to humble you so when you show them that they can’t, they want to convince other people to go against you because that’s the only way that they can feel some control over you but you make it vain by not caring so much about if you’re the villain or victim in someone else’s story. If a person believes the worst about you, then there is no need to vindicate yourself because most likely it’s because they already didn’t like you and just wanted a reason to feel secure about their vitriol towards you. You tend to outshine others in some way and people think that you do this on purpose or with sinister intent, but naturally you’re just highly magnetic. The things that make you unique are what make people heavily drawn to you. I’m seeing that people could have the tendency to try to gate keep you, you could be seen as the underdog in a situation or someone who isn’t as known at first until you outgrow your situation and gain this massive attention and support. This also could upset a lot of people because they liked you better when you were down, possibly out of envy or because they feel you’re similar to them so you gave them this feeling of comfort and validation so your ability to obtain this much recognition makes them feel left out. The way people act towards you could trigger imposter syndrome inside you but it’s important to recognize that you truly are talented and you deserve the praise for your skills and hard work. The good things about yourself that other people see whether they want others to notice or not notice, are real. Star qualities are embedded in your dna, you were never meant to burn yourself out because others are threatened by the way that you shine. This reading is supposed to be generally about your reputation, but I actually see potential for this pile to become famous, especially in the music industry.
Pile Two 🚫
It seems like somehow this pile is usually at the scene of the crime. You could feel like time just isn’t on your side. Maybe you guys have capricorn and aquarius placements or saturn is somewhere significant in your chart. A big reason why people would cancel you, is because of who you associate with. Some of you may already know this and are trying to work on it but a lot of you need to hear this message which is to be more selective with who you hang around with because you will keep being caught up in the crossfire in a battle that’s supposed to be meant for someone else. You’d be canceled for always being neutral in an issue that you shouldn’t be silent about. It honestly feels like a lot of your issues come from what you say or don’t say. I’m getting that there are moments where you don’t know when to read the room, for some it’s out of ignorance and naivety but for others your lack of self awareness turns to stupidity which will make others deem you as problematic. Be mindful of who and who isn’t your friend. Some people will passively let you make certain mistakes for their own entertainment or because your demise benefits them. These hurdles in your reputation will also teach you to be cautious of the ways you’re hurting yourself to save others who wouldn’t do the same for you but your rough beginning in learning how to be tactful and poised will make you more recognized and appreciated for your growth. Your mistakes will leave an imprint, but it’s important to not stay in embarrassment from it and to move on because at some point people’s reaction to it will change from disapproval to people seeing how iconic you actually are because of how strong and authentic your character is and your capacity to mature. Some of the negative hits towards your reputation do not have anything to do with what you personally do to others. Some people may cancel you because they feel like you win too much or that you have too much. People may be too harsh on you if you’re young when they shouldn’t because you’re still learning and you should be allowed to enjoy your youthfulness because time waits for no one. I can see people trying to scapegoat you by bringing up real world issues that are out of your control to criticize you because you look luxurious or too comfortable. I feel like your words are also twisted a lot by others too which can be severely annoying.
Pile Three 🚫
People consider you to be very controversial. What you do or what you say is turned into a think piece by others. I can see people trying to diagnose you with something that’s far from the actual truth when really you just want to have fun and a good time. Whether you are wrong or right I can see a lot of people defending you a lot but they could be part of the problem too as well because maybe they also try to put labels onto you or put you on a pedestal that you don’t want to be on. You would be canceled for not doing the things that people want you to do in your career which can either turn out really well in the end or be bad for you. This could push you into hermit mode where you’re not interested in being known by just anyone but the people who you can relate to. I see a lot about you not being able to go through personal matters in private because somehow everything is on display. People in this pile can be older or have experienced mature themes and lessons intensely at a young age or have experienced parents trying to pressure them into being child prodigies for success. What I say will probably irritate you too but I’m actually seeing that as much as it’s good that you’re having fun, most of the destructive and impulsive behaviors that you do come a lot from not being able to have boundaries or moderation with things in your youth but it doesn’t mean that you’re finished or that your life is over yet. If I could describe what people see when they view you as notorious, it would be like a bull inside a china shop. It could even seem like you’re going backwards but you’re trying to find yourself and you will. I see your reputation being a highlight for people who are coming of age or think of you whenever they’re in nostalgia. Whatever that you create in this lifetime will be timeless and healing for others in some way but could have them missing for your presence again as if you’ve made a symbolic cartoon series, album, piece of writing, or even an acting role that does exactly what it needs to do but people still hope that one day you come back to make an extension of it or at least give an update on what you’re up to in your life. People could see your opposition as something that resonates with them spiritually.
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 days
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Word count: 2.4k
Pairing: nico hischier x female reader
Genre: heavy fluff, smut
Warning: sexual content, 18+ readers only
Note: not me becoming a nico girl after writing this 👀🙈
The front door to Nico’s house opening slowly as he’d taken what seemed like forever to unlock it. A nervous smile on his face as he led you inside. Soon the room coming into view as he stepped aside.
Flower petals scattered across the floor, tea lights all around, illuminating and setting the scene for what was continuing an already romantic evening for the two of you.
Nico had surprised you with a date night to your favorite restaurant on the water. Plenty of wine while he advised you to order anything and everything you’d wanted. When asking what the special occasion was, he responded “a man doesn’t need a special occasion to spoil his girl”. Which earned quite the blush from you, and certainly made your heart skip a beat.
The two of you had been together for a little over a year now and things seemed to only get better and better. Nico quite the romantic, always trying his best to make up for his schedule that can often prove difficult when it came to making time for you.
You told him that elaborate dates and gifts weren’t necessary, because you knew what you were signing up for when you started dating, but this was Nico. He loved to spoil you, treat you to the finest things in life. It was what made him happy; never asking for a thing in return, because that wasn’t why he did it.
So now here you were, in the entryway of his house, rose petals and tea lights setting the mood. Your face luckily already permanently blushed from the multiple glasses of wine you’d had at dinner. A smile stuck on Nico’s face as he tried to gauge your feelings, not sure if you were excited or nervous, or both.
“Do you, do you like it?”
The nervousness in his voice making you slightly giggle, a hand caressing his cheek as you kissed his lips. “Of course! I love it baby! But you know you don’t have to do all this for me!”
He took your hand as he pulled you further inside, letting you see that the roses continued up the winding staircase, surely creating a path all the way to his room. “I know, I just, it’s been hard lately with the season getting so crazy. I just want to be sure I take time when I can to do little things like this to show you how much I love and appreciate you.”
His thumb brushing over your cheek as he traced your smile. “Well, this doesn’t seem like a little thing. This is a lot of work!” He giggled as he looked around the room. “Yeah, and I’m sure you’d never believe me when I say Jack helped.”
“Jack Hughes did all of this? I am thoroughly impressed!”
Nico pulled you into his chest as he placed a kiss on your lips, his hands holding tight to your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. “Well, hold your critiques, cause there’s more!”
His voice practically a whisper as his lips brushed over yours with each of his words. His fingers tangling with yours as he led you up the stairs. Giving you a reassuring squeeze of your hand as the two of you reached the top, then unexpectedly pulling you towards the bathroom.
No surprise the bathroom was fully lit with tealights, rose petals everywhere, and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket accompanied with 2 glasses.
“Okay, now I’m definitely impressed by the work of Jack.”
Nico was thankful his teammate could pull through and make his vision come to life. The nerves and stress now worth it to see your reaction and the smile on your face.
“So then, what’s on the agenda?”
Playfully running your fingers over the buttons of his dress shirt you smirked, knowing Nico probably had been thinking about this all night long. Explaining his nervous shaky hand when holding his wine glass at dinner. Or the way he’d been subconsciously bouncing his knee in the car while driving home.
Though now he seemed more relaxed, things clearly going according to his plan.
“I thought we could cap off the night with a nice bubble bath, enjoy some champagne. As if we didn’t drink enough at dinner. And then just relax, talk, I feel like we hadn’t had a night to do that in awhile.
Just relaxing and talking seemed hard to believe with the elaborate set up Nico had curated. But, you weren’t going to spoil what he had in mind.
While you left to discard of your dress you’d worn to dinner, Nico drew the bath. Making sure to put extra emphasis on the bubbles for you. He then lost his own clothes before climbing in to get comfortable as he waited for you.
As you re-entered the bathroom, your hair now up in a messy bun and all that covered you a robe. A smile immediately on Nico’s face as his eyes met yours. He’d seen you naked plenty of times, but this moment felt different. Almost like he should look away to give you privacy as you joined him among the bubbles.
“What’s the matter Nico, boobs make you nervous?”
Your feet playfully rubbing his leg as you got comfortable in the water. “All boobs? No. Your boobs? Yes ma’am.”
Nico opened the champagne, handing you a glass before toasting to the two of you.
“This is nice. I feel we really needed a night like this. The season has just been, tough to put it plainly.”
Nodding your head as you sipped from your glass you couldn’t agree more. This season compared to last year, just seemed different. Tougher, more taxing, on both you and Nico. But you’d been there by his side through all the ups and downs.
“I know, I feel like it’s been tougher on you than me of course. But, we’ve definitely been through the ringer this year.” An expression of you can say that again plastered across his face as you could see him reflecting on it all.
“I mean, yeah I’m the one out on the ice. But you’re the one I come home to at the end of the day. The one who massages me or gets me ice baths when I can barely walk. The one who cheers me up after a tough loss. Or unfortunately the one who gets the brunt of my anger sometimes when I’m unhappy with a result. Which, you know I’m sorry for every time that’s happened. I hate that I’ve ever taken something out on you.”
Brushing your leg against his as if to reassure him, you shrugged it off. “It’s okay, I don’t take it personal. Sometimes you just have to blow off steam. I get it. Plus, it doesn’t happen often. So every now and then I can manage.”
“Well still, I am going to be better about that. I feel like you’re so good at always taking care of me, and sometimes I don’t always return the same things.”
Nico motioned for your hand to pull you to his side of the bath, positioning you in front of him. Your back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. Peppering your neck with kisses as his legs entangled with yours.
“I love you so much baby.”
A soft moan escaping your lips as his words nothing above a whisper against your ear. Sending tingles down your spine as you smiled. “I love you more Nico.”
One of his hands abandoning your waist as it trailed up your body to tilt your chin towards him, his lips devouring yours in a kiss. The taste of desire and champagne on his lips as his other hand explored your body under the water. First making a point to give attention to your breasts, Nico wanting to get his hands on them since you got into the water. Loving how the bubbles tastefully hid them from his gaze.
Your tongues fought for dominance as his hand now moved south, his fingers tracing the curves of your skin before his legs helped to spread yours. Giving him access to your core.
A breath moan of his name leaving your lips as your head fell back against his shoulder.
“It’s my turn to take care of you baby.”
His tone was dominant, but reassuring. The idea of Nico in control turning you on even more. You couldn’t remember the last time he’d be the one to take charge, usually it was you in control as you took care of him after a tough game. Which you very much enjoyed. But you weren’t going to turn down the opportunity to see Nico in his element.
Nico’s favorite thing was taking control, making sure he pleasured you to your maximum. Never wanting to leave you wanting more.
You could feel him growing hard behind you as his fingers dipped into you, feeling how wet you were for him. A smirk plastered on his lips as he loved knowing that he did that to you. Trying to grind yourself against him, his other arm dropping to grab hold of your waist.
“No no, I’m taking care of you, remember? Don’t worry about me.”
A slight whine coming from you, Nico knew that was always a challenge for you to not reciprocate and try to please him. But he enjoyed being able to tease you and make you squirm by taking away that option for you.
Relaxing in his grip, as you’d surrendered to him having complete control, your eyes slowly shut as his two fingers were working wonders. Nico knowing exactly where to touch you, how to move, what speed you liked. And you were already well on your way to your peak.
“Talk to me baby girl, does that feel good?”
Nodding your head as you bit your lip, nervous to speak as you could feel your breath catching in your throat.
“So fucking good Nico, fuck-“
His fingers quickly pulling out of you as you gasped. Instantly needing his touch back, but he clearly had other plans. A smirk on his lips as he pulled you back in for a kiss.
“Come on baby, I need more of you. But this bath really isn't big enough.”
He climbed out, wrapping a towel around his waist before grabbing another one and helping you from the water. Doing a quick attempt at drying you off, knowing that he wasn’t trying to waste much time on the act. Needing to get you into his bed immediately.
As he finished getting the water from your skin, he picked you up and carried you to his bed, earning a surprised giggle from you in the process.
Gently laying you down he pulled the towel from your body. Beginning to kiss the exposed skin as he moved from your neck down to your core. His eyes flashing up to meet yours, “you’re so fucking beautiful baby.” A shy smile on your lips as your hands tangled in his damp hair. Chills traveling across your body as you felt his breath against your clit.
His fingers dipping back into you, now accompanied by his tongue as it traced your folds between giving sole attention to your clit.
Your legs subconsciously squeezing against Nico, feeling yourself already so close. Back arching off the bed as expletives poured from your lips, fingers pulling at Nico’s hair, earning a low groan from him. He took your reaction as a sign to keep going, not slowing down as your body now slightly shaking beneath him.
“That’s it baby girl, show me how good I make you feel. Cum for me.”
The pace of your breathing rapid as your legs shaked, Nico feeling you tighten around his fingers as you came. His tongue not ceasing as he licked every inch of you clean.
Pulling him up to face you, your lips crashed onto his, tasting yourself on his lips immediately soaking your core once again.
“Mmm, you taste so good baby.”
His hand dropped between you to stroke his cock before he traced your slit, feeling how wet and ready you were. “Can’t get enough of me huh?”
A cocky smirk now on his lips as he saw the need and desperation on your face.
“Please Nico, I need you.”
Your words like magic as that was all he needed, thrusting into you without warning. Both of your moans filling the room as he waited, adjusting to the feeling of you as your fingers gripped at his biceps. Legs wrapping around his waist, needing him deeper, wanting as much of him as you could have.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me.”
“Always am.”
Winking at him you pulled his lips to yours by his hair. If he was the one taking control and fucking you tonight, you could at least try and maintain dominance when kissing him.
His pace picking up as his thrusts were strong and hard. Nico needed this, to have his way and fuck you however he needed. But you happily obliged. Lips breaking from the kiss as your head fell back, moans the only thing you can manage as you felt yourself nearing another climax.
“Nico, fuck. Yes, please don’t stop. You feel so fucking good.”
Nico’s thrusts now sloppy, not able to fully keep up his pace as his low grunts let you knew he was close. His hands gripping your hips, surely leaving bruises but you’d worry about that tomorrow. Fingers pulling at the sheets as your back arched from the mattress while he worked you through your high. The quickly pulling his cock from you as he stroked himself through his own. Your chest rapidly rising and falling with sharp breaths, watching as he finished on your stomach with needy moans. Soon collapsing next to you as he tried to catch his breath.
“Fuck, baby….I love you so much.”
Brushing his hair from his face you smiled, “I love you more.”
After a few seconds he stood up, grabbing your towel from earlier to clean you up, before lifting you from the bed.
“Baby! What are you doing?”
“Taking care of you also means aftercare baby, gotta clean you up.”
He kissed your lips as he carried you back into the bathroom, his eyes falling on the tub still filled with bubbles and a champagne bottle that must’ve gotten knocked in during your fun earlier.
“Maybe we opt for a shower?”
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ewingstan · 3 days
I do wonder how much the perception of cape culture in the fandom would have changed if Wildbow hadn’t made the story so Brockton Bay centric.
The story of Worm (and Ward to an extent) has alluded to the fact that Brockton Bay is notably an exception when it comes to cape violence and brutality, with Taylor shocked that a Ward she met had 3 fights in 6 months. And how several Wards and Rime had no idea what she was talking about in regard to “counting coup”.
We see this with Victoria too, when she’s shocked about the Majors not seeing any action in 6 years and Tristan being overwhelmed with the amount of violence in the Fallen Raid despite being a hero for a few years himself. Foil also mentions how most of her career was really calm until March would occasionally poke her nose in things.
Mal posted some Ward updates! While I understand her pov, I do disagree with her:ilebow has also stressed, pre-Ward, that Brockton Bay was not indicative of the wider cape scene as a whole but rather a domino of things going wrong due to outside factors.
If Wildbow had extended interludes to show the dynamics of other, average, cape cities or had Taylor be in a city where things were so much calmer that she found it disturbing… well, it’s hard to say how things would change, but I think it would have made it far more clear that Taylor and Victoria’s life experience should not be applied across the board.
Or maybe nothing would have changed. Just spitballing an idea based on your let’s read so far.
Brockton Bay may be exceptional to an extent. But maybe just in the sense that it had so much happen to it before it was abandoned. Madison and Ellisburg only needed one bad day. Several countries in Worm were just straight-up destroyed.
The Bay may have been a notably large hub of nazi capes. But they were part of an internationally-connected network of capes with similar agendas. Hell, the Fallen mostly operated outside of Brockton Bay. Most of the exceptionally violent groups like the Fallen, the Slaughterhouse Nine, Heartbreaker, the Teeth, etc. were roaming problems. Yes, Brockton was unique in that it was hit by all of them, but the world was full of those types of groups. There were similar groups of enough importance on a world stage to get an invite to the cauldron meetings that we only get the barest details of.
But the most important thing is that the low-level fights Victoria's specifically nostalgic for was itself always worse than she's remembering. It wasn't a bunch of kooky characters clashing with straightmen heroes. It was a bunch of very desperate people trying to survive in a system that found them either expendable or better off dead. Even without all the specific things that hit Brockton Bay, Rachel probably would've ended up in the birdcage. Victoria would've kept relying on Amy to fix up the crooks she broke, assuming she never ended up accidentally killing someone. Both of them would continue living under the crushing responsibility and isolation that came with their cape personas. Vista would've ended up as maladjusted as a marketable celebrity child soldier would always end up being. People like Dinah and Lisa would keep being hunted for their skills by more powerful forces. The Taylors of the world would keep getting bullied, the Mr. Gladlys would keep looking away. The rot would be same.
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dastardlydaemon · 3 days
okay then. now comes the time for me to share my thoughts on the B&C turn of events or rather the part of it with daemon's scenes.
we start off with daemon off to carry out some action after clearly being seen missing from the funeral that the rest of the fam was attending.
row row rowing down the sea to get to king's landing. the man has got on his crime cloak so you know he's ready to deal some chaos. but can we also appreciate how this man can waltz in and out of KL virtually undetected? (let's not forget this was his city. the city he was born and raised in and he does know it like the back of his hand. also he does know the inside of the keep and flea bottom too. which makes me think he could sneak in anytime viserys banished him if he wanted too because he's just that defiant but anyway.) especially with how the greens think they're safe since their giant dragon vhagar has been patrolling the skies.
he offers a tribute. because he knows you've got to grease the hands that will do your bidding but also you can see that the guard knows it's him, his commander. the guy who created the gold cloaks in the first place. and even though he's not their "current" commander, he's still revered as "the commander," which says a lot.
daemon says: never gone for long. which alludes to the relative ease he can come in and out of the city when he so chooses.
also, throwback here to otto and how he made the point that daemon had 2000 strong men under his command and that they were all loyal to him and that made him well, scary. it seems like the Hightowers forgot that bit though. because this particular guard quickly shows his alligence by saying "fuck the hightowers" once he's prompted in that direction.
how did he know this particular one would be the one to say that? he probably got intel on it before approaching him because he's got mysaria and her network at his disposal once again. he has to do this right and he would not leave room for errors since that would mean getting caught and he can't afford that. pretty sure daemon sought him out on purpose at this point.
so we know this is blood and once he says the magic words to daemon he then proceeds to open the door and then takes daemon into the city under the guise of taking a prisoner. this is well done if it weren't for that telling targ hair sticking out of daemon's hood as he's being led forward but okay let's ignore that. it's dark and people can't see right anyway. then they met the dude who shall henceforth go down in history as cheese since he was the red keep's ratcatcher.
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the plan was to get aemond. since that's who rhaenyra wants. so daemon tells him to go after him and gives him the deets. easy enough job. yes? one would think so except we know aemond went off on his merry way somewhere else and that did put a damper on things.
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and that is where cheese asks a good question. an important question and the decisive question. and it's here we get a good long stare from daemon (that was honestly chefkiss and well done matt smith on such a fab performance!) and then cut scene.
so based on that only, it is obvious that of course, he did give them a backup plan. and this is why things went the way they did. and as my good friend dori @vhgr pointed out. what happened with jaehaerys wasn't a mistake. it was the backup plan. if you don't find aemond, kill the heir. since earlier during the episode, we saw daemon telling rhaenys off for not ending aegon and his line then and there.
daemon wanted to hit them where it hurt. just like they did to rhaenyra. do I want to talk about the execution of that scene between the two blathering fools? maybe another time.
for now, I wanted to point out that the whole thing was a plan A and if not then plan B sort of thing that was orchestrated by daemon and put into play by blood & cheese. and it was not the comedy of errors I had thought it was initially after the first viewing of a very jam-packed episode. so honestly I blame the packing of the episode for how it went down and not the execution because the show is always going to be different than the books anyway. i mean we've established that much by now.
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neunhofferart · 1 day
hi heidi!! same question to you: any scenes that ended up getting changed/cut out that you wanted to see in the final cut?
Almost everything in our show gets changed even just a little bit before it gets shipped to animation, and I'd have to say that overall, I feel that most of the changes are for the better-- even stuff I was a little sad to see changed at the time.
Like initially I was on team 'Let Darius be REALLY moody but maybe just change that goofy 'it's what you all do' line!' in episode 1 but after struggling to make that work and seeing how the reworked first episode turned out/was received, I came around.
Beyond that, a lot of the cut or edited scenes from season 1 were simply things that multiple people already felt weren't the greatest for pacing/didn't quite work for the story or the characters. Like sometimes you get handed a scene and as you're working on it you go 'actually I hope this part gets changed' or 'I like this idea but it's hard to make it fit here.' Stuff is constantly being refined by everyone as it goes down the pipeline. Even calling the collection of things we cut 'deleted scenes' isn't quite what most of them are-- most of them are just different versions of the same scenes.
But let's see... I miss the version of episode 1 where Darius originally let all his voicemail messages play, because one of them was from Mateo! Presumably he was trying to get in contact with Darius to give him Brooklynn's phone, and I always thought would have been a great easter egg for people watching the show over. But having Darius just delete everything without listening was seen as a better character choice by Aaron-- and it IS funnier/says more about him.
(There is actually a different easter egg that was ADDED by Z and Aaron into the first couple of minutes of the show which I don't think I've seen anyone catch yet. It's something else that only clicks if you've watched the show already, but it is also very easy to miss if it's not pointed out haha).
Probably the LARGEST thing I miss that was cut/changed from Season 1 is this moment at the end of episode 10 that @riannimation originally boarded for the final standoff with the Handler-- she was originally supposed to take off on ALL FOURS like 'a creepy cheetah' and she did this crazy horse girl jump over the fence surrounding the warehouse after the raptors??
It was a BONKERS scene and Rianna really killed it, but I think there was just a lot of trepidation over whether it turn out too silly in the final animation, so it was changed. Rip.
But uh... Yeah! Ask me again when Season 2 comes out ehe.
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namelessdumbass · 2 days
Rite Here Rite Now
It was amazing and funny. Copia girlies and boys fucking won!
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I expected different outcome, tbh. Tobias managed to surprise me and also made me a tiny bit sad (reasons will be explained in the spoilers below).
The film consists of like 95% of concert footage and 5% of off stage/plot stuff. The quality of sound and editing is just 🤌 I expected the live of Twenties to be good and gosh Ghost delivered. And Mummy Dust...Tobias let Mary Goore out! But i honestly prefer Terzo's version (CaD) better. Sorry not sorry haha. Ghouls/Ghoulettes footage. Everyone who loves them will be very veeeery well fed!
Dance Macabre live...i was'nt wrong when i called it a satanic gay party 😁
The movie is worth watching and i do hope Ghost releases it as soon as possible for all those who were not able to go.
The spoiler free review ends here. Don't read further if you don't want to spoil it for yourself. And please, don't copy them and paste it everywhere for the sake of ruining other people's fun! Seriously, don't fucking do that!
If you accidently clicked here, don't worry! spoilers will be below and you still have a chance to avoid them :)
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Movie starts with Saltarian who tells fans to record for the first 2 minutes, to show how happy they are etc and posted a qr code for fans to upload those recordings. I guess it will be put up on RHRN website. We'll see. There were also photos of fans who attended LA ritual. I fucking loved the person who showed up in a giant Plushia suit. I LOLed! Then fans were asked to put down the phones and enjoy the movie. The beginning was narrated Star Wars kinda style (a little bit) with the small recap of the chapters and about Copia's worries that he might die. And yes, it literally began in space lol. The movie is basically is like what we saw in small snippets Ghost posted earlier. Plot mixed with a really good show.
And the plot: -Short footage of Copia and Ghouls arriving. ALmost the whole set was the same as any other concert from Re-Imperatour + a few awesome exceptions. -Dews does that annoying thing with guitar, Rain stops him, takes his pick and throws it into the crowd and Dew...he freaking showed him YouSuck sticker on the backside of his guitar. Peak Dew moment! -Copia asked the right question about the Clery. He also does not quite understand what it does, why and where it goes. I suppose Tobias decided to thicken the Ghost lore a bit and will have more clarity in the nearest future. -Remember when Copia jumped at the end of the Watcher in the Sky? He ended up in one of those stage boxes (for equipment or something) and is taken to the stage B. While he's carried to it by Kevin he has a chat with Nihil's ghost. Nihil says he recorded not 2, but 3 songs. That probably means that we'll hear a new one. (UPD: the new song we heard during the credits, "The Future is a Foreign Land" is Nihil's 3rd song! Confirmed by Tobias himself in a new interview). He also tells Copia to breath in deep and then farts. -On the Stage B Copia sings "If You Have Ghosts". 3 Ghoulettes played piano and violins and the 4th one did the haunting ghost-like opera vocals. It was beatiful. Copia kissed her hand. -He then wore boxing robe and went next to crowd. Almost the whole scene was shown in the trailer. -Btw, remember that silly moment when Nihil's eyes were crossing? Well, Kevin was also included in that staring contest. -Twenties live. The skeletons, the performance and one of those skeletons who crawled between Dew's legs...that's hot. -Nihil calls Copia "son". Copia calls Nihil "Dad". Cardi will insult him later, don't worry. -Nihil/Seestor cartoon during MOAC. Yes, that's when Sis hit him with the car. Basically it's what happens after "Kiss the Go Goat" mv. Sister leaves and Nihil runs after her. "I'll never let you go". They end up kissing in a coffin on a graveyard , later Nihil wakes up naked in a bed in a motel and we see Sister leave. -There was a moment in a movie when we see Ashley (stage crew) bring Copia a new pair of shoes and put the on on his feet. Tobias, goddammit what the hell was that? :D -Seestor was a in wheelchair all the time -She and Nihil encouraged Copia throughout the whole movie and gave him a piece of advice. -About the baloon from the poster. Copia flies on it after finishing the set...or he imagined that because a few moments later after Nihil/Seestor flashbacks he ends up on the floor and watches Seestor die. All of the Ghouls and Ghoulettes also stood right next to her. -Copia has a twin brother -Copia didn't die and became the head the Clergy (Father Imperator or something like this). He found out about his new position from a letter Seestor left for him. -New song during credits (credits show dictators, assassinations, wars and the use of nuclear war). Years 1984 and 2024 mentioned. The song is not heavy. -Ghouls/Ghoulettes real names mentioned in the credits -Funny post credit scene with Copia. He had no piant on and had a new cool drip (with black jacket and red and black cross). Seestor is also a Ghost now. Tobia's children cameo. They're also Ghosts. -Papa V is teased the same way Copia was teased in a chapter 1. They even used the same music (Pro Memoria). No face reveal. Either he will be revealed in new Chapters or at some point during the new tour???
-aaaand my biggest disappointment: no footage of Primo, Secondo and Terzo. Literally ZERO.
I mean, Nihil is a Ghost, Seestor also became a Ghost, even Tobias' children made a cameo as Ghosts, but nothing for previous Papas? Really?! The same could have been done for them, but i guess Tobias doesn't care about them anymore :( And it hurts. I know that's my fault that i had so many expectations and hopes, but holy shit :( As a newbie who never saw previous Papas, i'm so sad i'll never get a chance to see them and there won't be any new footage of them. Being Terzo widow is so hard. Guess that's why i'm a bit salty Copia lives (sorry, guys, i like him, but i also hate him haha)
And yes, as it turned out the twins theory from Square Hammer was true...but not for Terzo 😭
I enjoyed the movie nevertheless. It's fun and kinda gives you an opportunity to see the band "live" if you've never been to a ritual before. And yes, the movies was'nt just about Papa IV and his fate, i believe it was also Tobias' message for us to enjoy the life rite here rite now! As i said, Copia's girlies and boys truly fucking won. Congrats, lads, your Papa lives and will live! I bet that feels amazing. Thanks for reading! P.S. since you know the plot, don't spoil it for the others please.
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whiskeyghoul · 2 days
7 || She blinded me with science || [Spencer Reid x Goth!Reader]
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First part, Previous part, Next part
A/N: Okay this is mostly just fluff to lead up to more things. Anyways, reader getting out of the lab dungeon! Yay! Also Spencer is definitely the type of person to get overwhelmed by feelings and get too into his head with everything. So here is a chapter of just the inner musing of the ‘oh my god I am going too fast.’ and ‘I really want to do more with them. What if I scare them off.’ type of things. Because he already realized his feelings but he is too blinded by them to see yours. Not proof read once again oops.
WC: 3 K
Tags: Fluff, just pure fluff, idiots in love, mentions of things from the past, reminiscing.
Warnings: None.
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Spencer POV
Spencer had decided that he’d finish the week by staying home. So when he arrived at Quantico on Monday morning, two coffees in hand, he felt refreshed in a weird way. Where at the start of the week before he had felt terrible, tired, aching. Now he had a slight lightness in his step. The satchel hanging off of his shoulder was heavy, filled with his paperwork that he had done at home. He had spent that Friday actually working on it, feeling better than he had before that.
When you had come over that last Thursday, he had listened to your apology. Realizing how much of an impact on your life your ex had. He just hoped that it was over now. Because when he thought about you, being hurt, stalked. It made something inside him so angry. That when you had sat across from him at his dining table he just wanted you to stay close to him forever. So that he could be the one to keep an eye on you. It felt possessive. Which he hadn’t felt before. Not about a person at least.
About his favorite book, yes. Or his personal mug. About the chess set he had gotten from his mother years ago. Yet you were the first person to stir up similar feelings inside of him. He had almost even invited you to stay over that night. Which was moving way too fast considering you had just hurt his feelings immensely about a week before. Yet seeing you, in that big ragged hoodie, completely disheveled, vulnerable. He needed you close. He also wanted to kick Tommy in the teeth if he ever ran into him. For hurting you. For being a dick. He’d never felt like intentionally hurting someone like that. But you did something to him.
Spencer walked to the frosted glass door, knocking quickly before stepping in. He watched as you sat up at your desk, eyes meeting him, your concentrated frown turned to a smile. The way the crease in your brown relaxed at the sight of him made his heart still for a moment. He hadn’t thought that the sight of him was enough to make you smile. Wanting to immerse himself in that feeling. If only for a moment. “Morning Spencer.” Your voice was chipper that morning. He noted you looked put together, happy, carefree. Though that is what getting rid of a stalker usually does. He walked over, knowing he couldn’t stay long but wanting to spend as much time with you as he could.
“Good morning.” He returned with a smile, handing over the coffee that had kept his hand warm on his walk up. You gladly took it, taking an immediate sip. “You are a godsend.” You spoke with a smile after placing the cup down. “Because of the coffee or is there another reason for this compliment?” He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips as he took off the purple scarf he had worn on his way over. Draping it over the back of one of the desk chairs. “Both. I couldn’t get coffee this morning, I was in a rush since I got new evidence in.” You said, and got up from your chair, ready to show him whatever you got in. “Look, this is so interesting, they found a butt load of money on the victim. It was found at the crime scene, there was powder that could either be used for tracing or could be some drugs. Maybe it’s cocaine, maybe it is a poison absorbed through the skin.” You continued, holding up the evidence bag with a few hundred dollar notes.
“What’s the other reason?” Spencer asked. You blinked, just a little confused. “For the powder?” You questioned in return. “For the compliment.” Spencer answered and you blinked again. Doe eyed and a little embarrassed. Clearly you had changed the subject because you didn’t want to tell him the true reason. “Ehm… well, you- you look really good.” Your face had gotten tinged red as you stammered over your words. Spencer smiled. Without even thinking he leaned slightly down. Planting a tender kiss on your cheek. He couldn’t not, seeing your pinkened cheeks, the urge to kiss you was almost unbearable. But he could hold back enough to just press his lips on the apple of your cheek. Your skin was soft and warm against them. The smell of your perfume once again wafting up into his nose. It was a quick second of a move but he would keep that moment in his memories forever. 
When he pulled away you looked still as flustered as before. “What was that for?” your voice was sweet, not even a hint of apprehension in them. You feigned confusion, he could see it in the way your eyes looked at him with a slight twinkle. Only one brow quirking up and a lopsided smile that you tried to hold back. “You look really good too.” Spencer answered, his cheeks feeling just the slightest hint of warmth. He watched you, the way your bottom lip got caught between your teeth as you struggled to keep from smiling too much. He wanted to keep that look all to himself. His hands aching again to pull you closer to him, to let himself melt into that cherry scent. To never stop kissing those sweet lips. He could stay in the lab forever with you if you would let him. Or if his boss would. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket before the sound went off. The ding of a text message that was probably sent by one of his colleagues wondering why he was later than usual.
“I think you need to get to work too.” You spoke with a hint of disappointment. A sigh crossed your slightly parted lips. “I can come back for lunch.” Spencer spoke quickly, so ready to return to you even when he hasn’t left yet. “You always have lunch here, I am sure you must be sick of the lab.” You quickly protested. How could he be sick of the place where he gets to spend time with you. It was a preposterous thought. Nothing like that would have ever crossed his mind
“What if I come to you for lunch? Would that be okay?” you asked. “Are you sure? I mean… I would love that! If you want to of course. But isn’t this your space? I get it if you don’t want to go somewhere else to have lunch. Though if you do want to. I can show you my desk. Penelope would also be happy to see you, I’m sure.” Spencer rambled, until he realized he was rambling. The last word trailing off. He knew what you were doing, you were trying to make him comfortable. Even though he wasn’t uncomfortable in the lab. Yes, it was a bit of a walk, but he never complained because it meant you two would have lunch together. But he did realize he always came to you. And maybe, you had felt bad for making him come down every time. Though, you never asked him to besides the first time. After that it was all on his own accord. “I think I should broaden my horizons outside of the lab.” You joked, the giggle following your words sounding like a melody to him. “Right. Then, I would love to.” He smiled, his face feeling suddenly hot with embarrassment. His phone went off again. 
Spencer watched as you placed your hands on his shoulders. The feeling sent tingles down his spine. “I will see you at lunch then. Thank you for the coffee, pretty boy.” You quickly moved up onto your toes and placed a peck on his cheek. Mirroring what he had done to you. So casual. A peculiar kind that bordered on domestic. He locked that thought away for now. Not wanting to open that can of worms when he had just known you for a month, maybe less. It had only been 2 weeks since your first true kiss, in the museum. God he was moving quick, he might even scare himself with the rate at which these feelings grew inside of him. He realized he loved you, but saying that now would be too soon. You spun him around , his out of control thoughts quieting down, before giving a light push towards the door of the lab. Just as the notification sound went off for a third time.
When Spencer made his way to the bullpen of the BAU and took a seat at his desk he heard Derek whistle. “Got a little honey I see. And so early in the morning, how does he do it ladies and gents?” The man sidled up to his desk as Spencer bent down to put his bag on the ground. He looked back up to Derek with a little confusion, until he realized. His eyes went just a little wide. He had been so dazed by the fact you kissed him so quickly, and then shoved him to get to work, he forgot to check his face for what most likely would be a deep red mark on his left cheek. “You got a little something right there.” Derek pointed to his own cheek with a grin.
“Just because you can’t get it doesn’t mean you have to make fun of me.” Spencer sassed, grabbing a tissue and wetting it with water from his bottle, wiping at his cheek to remove your lipstick stain. Even though it hurt him slightly to remove the lasting mark you left on him. “Oh I am not making fun of anyone. I am proud. You return back after a week of absence due to a broken heart with what is clearly a sign that she’s still into you.” Derek explained, hands up in a defensive pose. Though he still had that grin. “Or you moved on to someone new really quickly.”
Spencer looked at the stain on the tissue, it was still vaguely kiss shaped. “We made up.” He said softly, a little embarrassed again. He knew Derek truly didn’t mean any harm with his words, they were teasing, like the older brother he never had but wished he did. “Good for you.” Derek said as he patted his shoulder before returning to his own desk. Spencer sat down, stuffing the tissue in his pocket before he went to work on filing the paperwork.
Spencer kept looking at the clock, hoping, praying they wouldn’t get a case until after lunch. Maybe that was a selfish thought, wanting the murders and the kidnappings to wait for his own gain. He knew that if they were needed they would fly out within 30 minutes. But lunch with you was important. So every few minutes he looked at the clock. Every time the elevator made a noise his eyes would flick over. The clock crept nearer to 12 pm, then when it hit 12:15 on the dot the elevator doors opened. And there you were, white coat foregone, two small bags in your hands that he supposed contained your lunch. You looked around the room a little nervous.
Spencer got up from his seat, waving you over with a smile. You lit up once you saw him, walking over quickly, boots thudding heavy against the linoleum of the bullpen. “Hey.” Spencer said with a smile, feeling a little too excited. “Hey.” you said in turn with a big smile. “I eh… got lunch for the both of us. If that’s not overstepping.” You said, holding out one of the paper bags. “I texted Penelope, she said you liked BLT so I truly hope you do.” you spoke quickly and Spencer grabbed the bag with a smile. The fact that you went out of your way to get him something he liked, to text Penelope, it made his heart swell. “I do. Thank you.” He said and motioned for you to take his seat.
As he did Spencer looked around the room for a second, a slightly surprised look from Emily, a confused one from JJ, and Derek just smiled before giving him a thumbs up. A sudden reminder that he never told Emily or JJ, and he was lucky David and Aaron sat in their own offices. He could not handle getting dating advice from David right now. You sat down in his seat as Spencer pulled a free chair over, sitting next to you. Closing a few books to make space to put the food down. “Sorry, it’s a bit of a mess.” He apologized but you simply smiled. “It’s okay. I like it, it’s your apartment but in desk form.” You commented, looking over the things on his desk.
He felt a little embarrassed by the few knick-knacks that were on there. The post it notes stuck to any service as reminders of things to do. He watched as you picked up the picture frame, a photo of his mom and him in there. “That’s my mom, Diana…” he said, as he watched your intent look. “She looks nice. You have similar bone structure.” You commented. Spencer let out a soft chuckle, “No one has ever commented on our bone structure before.” He said it softly. His mom was still a little sore of a subject, he knew the situation wasn’t likely to change, his mom would just get worse. But he wasn’t ready to tell you about that part just yet. Maybe soon. He did need to tell his mom about you. He’d probably have to tell her multiple times, he just hoped she would be happy for him. “But you do!” You quickly retaliated, turning the picture to him, “all these angles, the big eyes.” you tried to reason and Spencer only chuckled more. “Didn’t you come to have lunch?” He asked as he started to unwrap the sandwich that you got for him.
“And maybe to snoop a little.” You confessed as you quickly took a bite of your own sandwich. Spencer’s eyes widened slightly, just a little surprised and amused. “Shouldn’t snooping happen without the other person’s knowledge?” He asked, taking his own first bite of the sandwich. Somehow, it tasted better when you were around. You shrugged dismissively, though a small smirk played along those blood red lips. He thought about it, about kissing you right there in the bullpen. Looking pretty in his chair, at his desk. Though he’d probably never hear the end of it from the entire team. He didn’t really care. There was that possessiveness again. Wanting to show you and him were a thing… though you never really said you were a thing. “It feels wrong to snoop on you.” You admitted, sheepish grin and a slight nudge of your shoulder against his. This is what happiness felt like. The sadness of the last week is quickly forgotten, just by having you pay attention to him again. He was weak for you.
“I appreciate the informed snooping.” He laughed softly. “I’ll make sure to only snoop when you know.” Your reply made him smile more. The both of you finished your lunch, eating and talking, until Aaron walked in. “Round table room, 10 minutes.” He stated it coolly, only inferring to Spencer that this could be a serious case. Spencer looked at you, a little apologetic. He didn’t want to leave. Wanted to finish lunch in all peace with you. “I’m sorry.” He apologized as he started to pack up the half eaten sandwich back into the paper it came in. At Least he’d be able to finish it later. “It’s okay. It is your job.” You answered, standing up before a look of realization came over you. It confused him for a moment as you looked at him with your lips parted. “What?” he asked, brows scrunching slightly. “You left your scarf in the lab. I wanted to bring it. I’m sorry, I can go get it.” You rambled. “That’s okay, no need. I can pick it up when we get back.” He assured. It was sweet how you thought about it. Wanting to return his scarf when he had to leave. Maybe to make sure he wouldn’t be cold.
“Alright… You’d have to come back soon, be safe.” Those words made his heart skip a beat. It was sweet. How you cared, made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. “I will.” He said with a nod. He wanted to bend his head down again, to kiss you and not care about his friends in the room. Instead of giving in to the urge of wanting to kiss you, he pulled you into a hug. Wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. He felt your arms wrap around him. Warmth taking over him. He pressed his nose into the crook of your neck, taking in a deep breath. Emitting your scent to memory. The feeling of you in his arms tucked away for when he needed to remember it. He almost didn’t want to let go. You were the one to pull away first. Spencer reluctantly let his arms drop back to his sides. “I’ll see you soon.” you said it softly and with a smile. He nodded his head, “I’ll text you every day.” he answered before gathering his things and heading to the round table room. A quick glance back to see you still standing at his desk, a small wave goodbye before he left to go do his job.
He just hoped it wouldn’t be a long one.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 days
I'm aware this is random timing but I've wanted to analyze this scene ever since I saw it and I was rewatching the Frontiers cutscenes so I decided "why not now" lol
This scene right here.
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First of all, I'd like to say that Sonic & Tails's interactions throughout this entire game are IMMACULATE. And while I've seen some people complain that Tails "wasn't concerned enough" at the fact that Sonic was so clearly sick, this scene begs to differ.
It also shows, in both a good way and a sad way, how well Tails knows his big brother.
The entire time before, Sonic's been (for the mostpart) going around with a front. Pretending he's fine and brushing aside everyone's worries about him to turn the focus instead on THEM and THEIR problems, not his. ESPECIALLY with Tails. And this little fox knows probably better than anyone that Sonic doesn't like it when people fuss over him. So he's been playing along. Doing his part, doing the best he could in his digitized state, staying busy and all the jazz.
And sure, a couple times before this, Sonic was acting more tired than usual around Tails, but Tails didn't point it out. And he still doesn't point it out here, but his expression and body language say it all.
Now the corruption's getting worse, and Tails is just about done pretending along with Sonic that everything's fine. This time, unlike the last two times when Sonic had defeated a Titan when Super Sonic had flown down to find Amy and Knuckles, Tails is the one who runs to find him afterward.
He's clearly very worried, especially when Sonic barely acknowledges his presence and is really just doing his best not to keel over at this point. Tails reaches out in a vain attempt to touch him — whether to comfort him or help him up, I'm not sure — but still cannot touch him at all for obvious reasons. He pulls back and just watches him intently with this deeply sad, almost regretful look on his face. The End starts talking again and Sonic lifts his head a little to listen, while Tails just quietly shakes his head as he looks at him. As if he's saying, "Please don't do more, please just take a rest, I want you to be okay." 😢 Or it could just as easily be a sad sort of understanding, a resignation to what Sonic does, like, "I want you to rest, we both know you need it, but I know you, I know you'd sooner run yourself to death before you let us stay trapped any longer. And I can't do anything to stop you." 💔
And then, after having his fists clenched in obvious distress, Tails tries to reach out again, one more time. Almost unconsciously, as Sonic looks up to where the voice is coming from. Almost like he does want to stop him. He opens his mouth for a moment, too, like he wants to say something, but bites it back at the last second.
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Then he pulls away again. His face is nothing but sadness and worry. Sonic tries making a quip at The End's new instructions, but he's still so clearly exhausted.
It's also interesting how Sonic won't look at Tails this whole scene, until Tails asks in that tiny, scared voice, "Sonic?" and he stands up, tells him to hang tight, reassure him they're almost done. Trying so hard to play the part of strong older brother even here, when Tails can so easily see how sick he is. 😔
Their dynamic will always be so fascinating and sweet to me. Even in these darker, more painful moments, the familial love they have for each other is beautiful. 💙💛💔
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vulpixisananimal · 3 days
(You breathe in, and out.)
(You let the pitter pater of rain fade into the background. The rustle of the trees, the wind through the branches, all fading away. All untill, you hear it. An ocean. The steady sound of waves coming in, and out. It sounds like your breathing, or your breathing sounds like the ocean.)
(You're leaning against the Favor Tree. Not the one that shaded your body, no, the one that made it's home in your mind. The sky was lightless and beautiful, with stars dotting the night. Looking down, you could see the beach, the black sand beach with water crashing against the shores, and seagrass sprouting from the dunes. A few paces away from where you stood, was a staircase that lead down to the shore. And to your side was a ladder leading up the tree.)
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(Well? You don't have all day. Come out.)
(You knew there where others here, maybe they were just too tired. Maybe if you did something they'd show up to stop you. Loop, maybe. Maybe if-)
(What do you want.)
(Finally. Loop the star, the sponsor, the stagehand. They jumped from the top of the tree to join you at it's base. What a pleasure it is to finally meet you.)
(Don't lie to me, Null, trying to lie in our own head is just insulting!)
(You're right, it's not a pleasure. But it was about time we finally met properly.)
(Loop looked angry and took a step towards you. You stupid little THING. You KNOW you've been avoiding me because of that absolute IDIOCY you put our body through!!)
(You won.)
(BUT AT WHAT COST!!! We had a heart attack! We were bedridden for a week!! Stars, are you an IDIOT?!?)
(You got things done. We got out of Jouvente alive.)
(What's going on? A new voice. You look, it was the host themselves finally gracing you with their presence. They were climbing the stairs up to the favor tree.)
(Good to meet you, Siffrin.)
(. . . Null, right? He came towards you and Loop. What's with the yelling.)
(You were trying to get through to this idiot just how DANGEROUS messing with time IS!!)
(You knew what you were doing, Star. You huff. Perhaps if you-)
(PERHAPS WHAT!!! I'll Kill you!! That's what!!)
(Loop, please-)
(Then try it, star. I'll kill you right back. You reach for your knife, you knew it was there.)
(FINE THEN!! You lunge at Null, ready to kill.)
(You try and stop Loop and Null fighting.)
(Loop grabs you, you fight back, stupid star!)
(You feel dizzy.)
(S-stop fighting!)
(I'll kill you! I'll kill you so we don't have to suffer!!)
(You feel your body getting sick.)
(You'll have to try, Star. I'll kill you right back-)
(You feel a bang on your head.)
(You feel a bang on your head.)
(You watch as Mal Du Pays strikes Null and Loop, getting them to stop.)
(You're both causing us more harm than good. I could feel it from my room.)
(Your head hurts. Stars, it was a migraine. All the fighting in your head was, was just too much.)
(Just breathe, Siffrin, breathe. . .)
(Breathe in. . .)
(. . .)
<And out. . ..>
{Do you feel better?}
(Yeah, yeah, better. Still headache, but, better.)
<I am sorry for causing a scene.>
[Causing a scene? You've given us a massive blinding headache!!]
{Stop. Find yourself. Say who you are. Then continue.}
<Okay. . .>
(. . . You're Siffrin, okay. You can see yourself standing at the staircase.)
[You're Loop. You're leaning against the tree glairing at Null.]
{You are Mal Du Pays. You are standing. Making sure they do not fight.}
<You are Null. You are glaring back at Loop.>
{Hmm. That worked.}
<What did you do, shadow?>
{None of you pay attention, do you? It was a grounding technique Odile had taught us you all were stupid enought to ignore.}
[Oh how kind of you, Mal~ To give us this fine, FINE gift!]
(Loop, is there something going on? You walk over to the favor tree and sit at it.)
[Yes! Yes there is!]
<It's me. The Star doesn't like me. We're too alike, naturally.>
[I'll kill you I swear~]
(You sigh. Listen, Loop, you get it. It's, it's rough. You still remember that night, that heart attack. You really, really don't want to deal with that again.)
[Stardust, respectfully, you are a naive idiot~]
{You agree. You trust too easily.}
(What do you mean! Null's a part of our mind too!!)
{And he's reckless.}
<Again, I got the job done.>
{You did. I commend you. However you put our body in danger beyond what is reasonable.}
<I did better than you, you got hit, didn't you?>
{You are aware of your own faults.}
[Getting along well, it seems~]
(You sigh. Ok, you get it. Maybe Null shouldn't be trusted with full body controll, but they still deserve a chance.)
<And what about Ramos?>
(You look away.)
{Ramos will betray you. Ramos will ruin our life.}
<They are a strong fighter, what makes you think they are now an ally?>
[And you trust them, just like that!?! Really, Stardust, that's just silly~]
(You know.)
(You know, ok! You know you shouldn't trust Ramos!! But what were you supposed to do, not give them a chance?!? Look at what we did!! What we said to our family!!)
<That's different.>
(HOW is that different!! What we did was worse!!! We nearly ended the world and all Ramos did was change a few blinding memories!!)
{We only have so many memories left.}
(Do you think about ANYONE but ourself!?! That's Isabeaus friend! They have regrets!! We should give them a CHANCE!!!)
[. . .]
<. . .>
{. . .}
(What, do you think we shouldn't have been given a chance?)
{. . . No. Where I in your familys position, no.}
<We're stuck like this untill we die, now. That's what we wanted, right? What you wanted?>
[. . .]
(. . . Anything to add, Loop?)
[. . . You got your happy ending. So what.]
(. . .)
[No, I'm not going to tell them. None of us are.]
<Afraid of being rejected?>
[Of course not!]
<Afraid of being accepted, then. Pathetic, hiding behind a star because you fear that which could give you happyness. Maybe you don't want it anyway.>
[SHUT! UP!!!]
(Stooooooop your head already hurts enough. Please.)
{You feel a hand on your bodys shoulder.}
{Quick as lightning you slash with your dagger and bolt into awareness. It's raining, your dagger nips the hand that grabbed you, you look up-}
{Oh. Mirabelle, and. . . Ramos.}
{Mirabelle was holding the gash in her hand. It wasn't deep, and started healing it.} "A-ah- o-ow- I-I'm so sorry I'm sorry I, I was trying to, t-to wake you up and you weren't responding s-so-"
{You was surprised, so you acted accordingly.}
{Quiet, Ramos was walking up to you both. They looked nervously at you.} "A-are, are you alright? Mira?"
"I-I am, it, i-it just stings a little bit! I-I'm sorry Siffrin."
{You have your bored expression on. You rub a fist on your chest. "Sorry." It's what you were supposed to say.}
"I-It's fine. Uh, M-mal?" {You nod, you notice Ramos shuffle back a little bit.} "O-okay, okay. I'm really really sorry b-but, but something happened!! A-and, and we had to, h-had to make sure you were o-okay and, a-and-"
{You stand up, Mirabelle wouldn't have risked waking you if it was something simple. She's hyperventilating.}
[Do the brething thing with her, that'll help.]
{Ugh, fine. You nudge her to get her attention, she jumps and is about to stutter out something, but you hold up a hand to stop her. And you pat your chest with both hands. "Breathe with me."}
{You breathe in. . .}
[. . . And out.]
[You smile at- oh! Hmm! You were in control now! Well, might as well take advantage of it.] "Feel better, Mirabelle~?"
"Y-yeah, yeah I'm better- o-oh!" [She looks up at you, surprised.]
[You playfully bow.] "Lovely Loop at your service~"
[She giggles at that.] "I-is, is it that easy to switch? Between you all?"
"Oh not at all!" [You say jokily.] "I suppose the breathing did the trick though. Now, how can I help you today, Housemaiden~"
"R-right." [She had her serious face on.] "T-there's, there's a serious situation! I-it's Isabeau, he, h-he-." [She looks over at Ramos.]
[Ramos must have realized what she wanted them to say, and looked away from you.] ". . . . It's mind craft, again. Isabeaus being effected by it."
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zepskies · 14 hours
The Boys S4: Is it just me or...
Okay, anyone who knows me knows I love this show. And I don't mean to be overly critical, but...there's something missing for me in season 4. 🤔
Episode 4 brought me back in a bit more this week, but I have thoughts and just wanted to get them out. Which of course you don't have to agree with, if you so choose to dive below the cut. 😂
So here we go! Highlights and lowlights (and **spoilers**): ⤵️
Sorry in advance for my slightly stream of conscious-style thought process.
Lowlights (so far):
Kimiko x Frenchie: Violently pushing down something you built up for 2.75 seasons? Because "being more than that/family" can also be romantic? Why do you hate the fans, Kripke? 😂
The political "satire" is getting a bit old for me. A lot of the same jokes over and over. However, the problem of taking out Victoria Neuman is a very intriguing conundrum (and Bob Singer sweating over it while trying to keep supes out of the military/law enforcement is keeping me hooked).
THAT Rob scene: lmfao come on now. This was for gross shock value and nothing else. Even the exploding dick and Love Sausage in S3 served a narrative purpose. (But I enjoyed the footnote commentary while watching it on Prime: Rob B. apparently wants to remind everyone that he's a Shakespearean-trained actor. 🤣) I’m actually more disappointed that he didn’t have a more meaningful role in the show, because he really is a fantastic actor and I was looking forward to seeing what his character would bring. (Not that lmao.)
Overall, the season just feels...emptier than seasons 1-3? Maybe that has to do with the lack of Soldier Boy's gravitas as a new antagonist, and connecting the entire narrative and various conflicts of the season -- all while shedding light on the grisly past of Payback, Grace Mallory, and Stan Edgar. Stormfront also brought that ante up in season 2 in a similar way, all while shedding light on Vought's sordid history with the creation of Compound V.
We're missing the layers here in season 4. Now, this could just be because we haven't seen the full season yet as well, but that's what I see so far.
I think it also has to do with the odd dynamic the boys side is in right now. With Butcher on the fringe of the group, and the others splintered off on their own side plots, it feels like the supes' side of things are more...for lack of a better term, "unified" in the narrative.
Which I realize is probably to reverse parallel the state of each side in season 3. But it just feels "off" to me somehow, since we're supposed to be just as invested in the boys side lol.
Butcher and Ryan: Butcher's doing his best there now, and it soothes my heart.
Ryan's slowly seeing the consequences of his choice to join Homelander. In fact, I'm wondering where Ryan is in episode 4. Hiding in his room?
The Khan Worm that appears to be inside Butcher is both frightening and intriguing. I wonder if this is the key to saving his life? Or just another lovely side effect of taking V24 long term. 🐛
JDM (Joe) and Butcher: All their scenes were golden. And that subtle John Winchester reference? Being willing to train up his son to be a killer? Being able to grieve at his son's funeral, knowing he "saved the world?" *Chef's kiss* 🤌🏽
(And if Butcher or Joe end up being the one to break Soldier Boy out of his cryo coffin, my fangirl heart will freak TF out. 🤣)
The way that Homelander is noticing his age is fucking hilarious. Bet you wish you had that life longevity from your father/sperm donor, dont'cha? 😂
But also the way Homelander "confronted" his past in E4 had some truly WTF/Holy Shit™️ moments, in a good way. As in, I'm once again afraid of this unhinged psychopath--kind of way. 😅
A-Train continuing to struggle internally with the place he's fought so hard to keep in the Seven, versus recognizing the evil around him, his own complicity, wanting forgiveness from Hughie, and wanting a true connection with others (namely his family).
It's interesting that Hughie's mom is being brought back in at this time. And even MORE interesting that she seems to be the one who gave her ex-husband Compound V. Her story of why she left her family seemed so normal that I actually got a little suspicious of her. But now, even more so. 🤨
M.M. doing his fucking best. (Except for the way he suddenly had a change of heart about Butcher in E4. Not sure about that one.)
Tila effing Swinton voicing Ambrosius. PLEASE. My Queen. 😭🤣🤣
I actually had more lowlights before I watched episode 4. There were some really interesting moments that literally had me gasping in shock (this time in a good way), more so than in the first 3 episodes. However, I still think seasons 1-3 were stronger from the get-go.
But even with my lingering reservations, now I'm actually more so looking forward to getting into the meat of the season in this second-half coming up. 👏🏽
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anxious-witch · 3 days
On Charles, Edwin and Crystal's relationship with violence and how it does(and doesn't) solve their peoblems, and the inherit privledge of considering non-violence can always be the answer.
Before I get to it, sorry I cannot for the life of me find the post that talked about DBDA's relationship to violence aka that it shows that there is always a better solution and how most of the problems are solved through other means. It is a really good post, so if anyone knows it, please send me the link so I can put it here.
Anyway. What I wanted to say is that while yes, I partially agree, I don't think that's quite correct. Or not always. The series definitely makes a point of saying that things should be solved by other means whenever possible, but I think we see 3 instances where that isn't true. The first meeting with The Night Nurse and Charles, Crystal meeting David in the woods, and in part, Charles getting Edwin out of Hell.
Before I get to breaking down how each one was necessary, I think what kind of bothers me is the reaction Edwin and Crystal have to Charles attacking the Night Nurse. Not so much the inital reaction because I understand that they both have trauma connected to violence, but them insisting his reaction was extreme slightly...irks me?
I understand it from Crystal-she had a lot on her plate in the past few weeks and she just got out of abusive rs. Not to mention, she doesn't know Charles and Edwin for that long. But Edwin? My god did I wanna shake him.
Like, don't get me wrong, I love Edwin to death and the fact that he is flawed is part of that but I wish it was acknowledged that his disregard for self defense and to be able to not only refuse violence, but in many cases when Charles steps in to protect him to not even move aside because he knows Charles is there for what it is-a privledge. The fact that he never had ti physically defend himself ever since he got out of Hell is a privledge because Charles does it. And to no small personal cost. I don't think Charles likes to be violent. He doesn't revel in it, and we actually see him break down several times over thinking he is a bad person because he uses violence to defend himself and his friends.
Does he sometimes use it impulsively? Yes, as seen in the episode with the Devlins'. And he pays dearly for hi error, being stuck in a loop that's directly related to his own trauma.
But in some situations, there was no other answer. The Night Nurse would have made him and Edwin relieve their trauma until they gave in. Crystal couldn't help and in that moment, neither could Niko. Charles' violence gave them more time, which gave Edwin and then Niko, more time to think of a peaceful solution. Of a bargain. But it would not have been possible without Charles kicking her off the cliff.
For the scene with David in the woods-yeah, sure he didn't solve the whole problem of David altogether, but he did A) male him fuck off for the forseeable future and B) helped Crystal feel safer due to the fact he defended her when she was powerless. With the violence, he gives her time to gain her powers back, to come and resolve it directly when she feels safe and confident enough to do so.
We see it once again when he goes to save Edwin in Hell. Yes, they get out of Hell by running, but when Charles initally suggests it, Edwin is terrified. "If I run it chases me," he says and he doesn't move. So what does Charles do? He throws a bomb at the Dollhead Spider. Which once again, gives them time to run and escape and perhaps more importantly makes Edwin feel safe.
Violence is considered bad for a reason. But I think who and why someone uses violence is very important. A bully throwing a hit for fun and a victim throwing one back to defend themselves aren't the same. They cannot be the same. And bullies, no matter the form they take, sometimes only understand violence.
I am not saying go ahead and kill someone for bullying you. But I am saying that sometimes, the teachers don't listen until you throw a punch back. Problems should always be tried to solved peacefully, but if you think every problem can be solved non-violently, I think you had the privledge to never have to do so.
Charles takes on the burden of being a protector, of using violence as means of protection and I really hope that's acknowledged at some point. Because while yes, Edwin obviously has his own talents, Charles does his job at a great personal cost. And sometimes, while violence cannot solve the root of the problem, it can give you more time and space to get to the root. And that's okay, as long as you don't lose sight of why are you using measures you are using.
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petrichoraline · 3 days
this to me was the best tanfang scene in the whole show and nothing else comes close. we get to see tan isn't actually clutching his pearls anytime fang is outspoken about his feelings, he actually seems just as used to hearing it as fang is to hearing tan proclaim his love. and that is because to tan every little gesture or act of love fang shows is just as clear as shouting it from the rooftops. he is used to being adored. back when fang called him "babe" he had a bigger reaction cause it's something out of the ordinary but expressing gratitude and being direct doesn't bring anything close to surprise. partially because the situation is more serious so tan is choosing what to give big reactions to more carefully but mostly because none of this information is new to him, it's just spelled out.
i like fang's vulnerability and the way he wishes for phum what he has with tan. I think there might have been a moment where he felt guilt for having this support when his brother didn't, maybe that's somehow related to why he didn't start dating tan back in hs. and maybe that night at the bar he saw phum with peem and felt better about going home with tan.
we see these two constantly grow in their relationship and their love for each other continuously blossoming. the ending where ran pushed for fang to be louder, fang did comply (and confirmed hes just shy and not embarrassed by tan since there was literally no one there); he was quick to tease tan back as usual but forgot tan would actually broadcast his love on national television if possible.. they're just both so unapologetically themselves, tan as an unwavering pillar and fang as the quiet lover
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littlespoonevan · 15 hours
i think it's funny that there's a sort of inevitability to buck and eddie becoming a popular ship when you look at the start of s2. and it's not because they're two attractive guys or because of their chemistry or even because of what their relationship becomes later on. it's because of how eddie is introduced and folded into the narrative
with abby gone, there's a void in the show
maddie slips into her role at dispatch, taking over that 911 operator pov and offering the compassionate and clever perspective abby brought to the emergencies she dealt with
eddie, on the other hand, takes on her role in buck's life
abby is the person buck spends the most time with on a one to one basis in s1. abby is the one he talks to and who also confides in him when she's struggling. abby is the one he makes a conscious decision to step up for at the end of s1.
with her gone, it would make sense narratively to introduce a new love interest for buck. instead they introduce his sister (a dynamic we understand already exists, even if we don't know it yet) and his new coworker/best friend (and rival for approximately 20 mins lol) and everything abby was to buck and was for buck basically gets transferred to eddie. this is the person he's spending time with now, this is the person confiding in him, this is the person he can show up for over and over again because he wants to
i remember when i was watching the show for the first time back in 2021 i was trying So Hard not to get sucked in to buddie so i was very much watching as an outside observer. and i remember watching those first 4 or 5 eps of s2 and thinking, 'oh yeah i see why this is a thing because if this was a man and a woman all of this would be hinting to them falling in love down the line'
and even all these years and rewatches later it still reads like that!!!!
so much of those first couple of eps is orchestrating moments to establish buck and eddie's dynamic:
buck reassuring eddie during the earthquake that chris is fine before bringing eddie to pick him up at the end of the night (vs. say, buck helping abby look for her mom when she's goes missing and reassuring her, until he brings her to the hospital once she's found - significantly their first meeting and the thing that changes things between them).
and then buck taking eddie to the hospital when pepa calls about isabel's accident, giving bobby a head's up about eddie bringing chris to the station, discussing eddie's struggles with maddie bc he wants to help, calling carla to help eddie with childcare (all a direct parallel to bobby's encouragement he step up for abby and the way he did try to do that before she left)
those first few eps tell us eddie is Important to buck and he is personally invested in trying to make eddie's life better/more manageable (and on the flip side, they obviously need to create connections between eddie and the other characters if they want us to root for him. and with bobby and athena together, hen with karen, and chimney about to meet maddie for the first time, the only person missing a counterpoint is buck)
and none of this is me saying the show intentionally put eddie in abby's shoes (they definitely didn't) but from a purely logistical perspective of making eddie buck's primary new scene partner and when you consider the show didn't make the effort to establish ali as a new viable rival to what abby was for buck, it's like, of course people are gonna latch onto eddie and buck's relationship instead!!!!! of course this is where we were gonna end up!!!!!! what else did you expect!!!!!!
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lovemadethemdoit · 2 days
Hey!! A little prompt idea if you’re still doing them!
Jake shows up at Bradley’s door to apologize after the scene he caused in the briefing room. Bradley apologizes for breaking Jake’s heart years ago. And maybe there’s a hopeful ending?😁
Bradley’s just tapped out of Mav’s text telling them to meet at the beach the next day when his door bell rings. He freezes for a moment, frowns and listens.
He hopes it’s not Mav.
After his run-in with Hangman earlier, Bradley really doesn’t need another reason to lose his shit today. The day’s been long enough.
When a strong knock on his front door follows, he drops the phone on the couch and heaves himself up with a sigh.
He rips the door open and comes to face with eyes he knows well. It’s the last person he’d expect to be standing there, on his front step.
Hangman is clenching his jaw. He looks like it’s the last thing he expected to be doing, too.
“Hangman,” Bradley says when Jake doesn’t say anything.
That seems to do it. “Let’s cut this Hangman and Rooster bullshit for a moment, Bradley” he says, pushing his way inside.
“Well, come on in, Jake,” Rooster replies in the same attitude, already closing the door behind his visitor. He follows Jake to the living room. “What do you want?”
“Came here to say–” Jake swallows. “To say, that was a shit move. Bringing your dad into it.”
“Sure was.”
Jake nods once, like that’s done now. Bradley would roll his eyes if he didn’t understand the single threads Jake is made up of completely. "You gonna apologize?" he can‘t help but ask. He ticks up an eyebrow and crosses his arms, knowing how much Jake hates it.
Jake‘s jaw goes tight again, his eyes squinty. "Are you?"
Bradley frowns, ready to get angry again. He didn‘t do a damn thing wrong– but then he sees Jake lift his chin, and he knows what Jake is talking about.
They stare at each other and Bradley‘s breath catches when Jake‘s the first one to look away. Jake should never be the first to back down from him.
"I am sorry," Bradley says quietly, earnestly, waiting for Jake to meet his eyes again.
"For what?“
"You know what for–"
Jake groans, rolls his eyes to the ceiling as he interrupts him. "You always do this, Bradley." He throws up his hands, scoffs. "Never once did you–"
"For being a shitty boyfriend!" Bradley yells, because they never could let each other finish their sentences when they were fighting. "For breaking your heart," he adds, almost in a whisper.
But Jake‘s heard him. He‘s frozen in place, mouth open, like he can‘t believe Bradley actually said it.
"Why did you?" Jake asks, finding his words again.
Bradley shrugs. "I wasn’t ready. You deserved better."
Jake huffs out a laugh, shakes his head a little. "I was fine with what we had."
"Rose-colored glasses, babe." The nickname slips out. Bradley watches Jake‘s jaw tremble at that.
Jake shakes his head, looks around the room. His eyes find the picture Bradley‘s put up. The one he‘s been staring at for years, happy at the memory and regretful at the same time. It‘s not of them. No one would know its meaning, but Jake knows the view. It was one of their better days.
"What you said…“ Jake says, still looking at the framed photo. "That was in past tense."
"It was."
Jake closes his eyes. Bradley watches his chest expand, slowly, deliberately.
"When you‘re not dropping literal bombs, you have such shitty timing, Bradley," Jake sighs, frustrated, but his shoulder’s drop a little. „But…"
"If we make it through this – and it‘s a big if, darlin' – I might…" He trails off. Bradley‘s heart sings, hearing the pet name fall off Jake‘s lips, realizing what Jake’s implying. Even in the midst of what he‘s referring to, his heart flutters with hope. "Yeah?"
Jake shrugs. "Just because you stopped loving me, doesn’t mean I ever did."
Bradley shakes his head, wonders how they got here. His breath just got punched out of his chest with Jake‘s casual way of offering up his doubt of Bradley‘s love for him. "It was never that, Jake," Bradley says vehemently, taking a step closer.
Jake mirrors him. Eyes him, like he‘s considering how much of a truth it is.
Bradley lets Jake watch him. Is thrilled that Jake‘s willing to.
"I‘m sorry," Jake says after a moment, almost absentmindedly. Then he blinks and straightens up. "For bringing up your dad."
Bradley nods. "Thank you for saying that."
"Well," Jake says after another pause of them just staring into each other’s eyes. "If you fly a little faster, we may just get to pick up that other thread of conversation.“
Bradley smiles slowly, hopefully. "I‘ll take that into consideration."
"You better." Jake takes another long look, before he slips past him, making his way to the door. Bradley considers reaching out for a moment, pulling Jake against his chest and tasting those lips that always seem to get him into trouble again.
But it‘s not the right time. They need their heads in the game, one-hundred percent.
He lets himself fall back down on the couch, his eyes drifting to their picture. "Promise you, sweetheart," he tells the quiet room.
He has a conversation to have.
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biwitchenergyz · 3 days
Making Aegon ii a rapist was a poor decision.
TW! Discussions of sexual abuse
Besides a few book lines about young Aegon being known to grope people (WHICH I AM NOT DEFENDING AND I FIND TO BE DISGUSTING) there was no real reason to make him a rapist besides making everyone team black.
The first introduction we have to adult Aegon is right after the scene with Dyana which hints that Alicent has dealt with Aegons victims before. By making this Aegons first scene they erase any sympathy or connection anyone could have towards him (myself included before reading the books). TGC did an amazing job at playing Aegon and he is the main reason I’ve begun to like Aegon again but the writers constantly prove to be his downfall. They make it canon that he is a rapist whose bastard children are forced to fight in pits that he frequents instead of showcasing it as Team Black propaganda. They attempt to do a 180 in season two by showing him as a loving father and a relatively good guy but the damage from the first season (and the lack of any good screen time with his children) is already done.
Personally, I think an introduction for Aegon would be better if we got rid of the scene with dyana and make Aegons opeining scene be Alicent searching for him only to find him sneaking back into the palace likely coming from the brothels. This hints to his misbehavior while also allowing for his character to be interpreted better. I think that dyana (and victims in general) can be really important representation to see on HoTD but the way it was done demonizes Alicent (a victim of SA) while also giving very little importance to the plot other than making Aegon a monster. We could have used that representation in the first season when Mysaria asks Daemon if he wants her to get another blonde Virgin for him or Aegon could have been shown to make maids uncomfortable in his youth. There were many different options, it would have been interesting to show young Aegon as a groper (similarly to his cannon character) but have Alicent lecture him or smack him over that behavior. It would still be a canon portrayal and it could also give the same option for people to dislike him while leaving room for Aegon to grow up and stop that awful behavior.
The only way for there to be two teams, green and black, would mean that Aegon isn’t portrayed as the worst man possible. Nobody can defend a rapist, nobody SHOULD defend a rapist, so the shows only intention is to make us team black but by advertising the show as two sides they make it easy for team black to send hatred towards anyone who strays from the acceptable view. So basically I think with the way the show uses victims and then drops their plot lines is really crappy and they make the leader of the other team a complete piece of crap only to try to turn it around with little to no genuine character growth. Aegon is funny, has no real political understanding, a total drunken frat boy and he really shouldn’t be king because he didn’t want to in the first place. But making him a literal offender fails because instead of choosing Rhaenyra because she has the legitimate claim and the most political understanding, you leave it with the decision of who would you prefer this absolute girl boss or a (possibly pedo) rapist?
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