#I can look at replies to it when I wake up!
peachesofteal · 13 hours
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader
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Simon's short term rental is almost claustrophobic.
He tries to stay out of it, tries to keep himself busy. Active. After a week since you asked him to go home, to give you some space, he noticed he's lost weight. The thick of his ribs, his stomach, his thighs, has thinned out, cutting his bulk, exposing more muscle.
The grief feels more fresh than it has in years. Talking to you, telling you, has dredged up long buried things, agony and regret, pain that steals his breath and leaves him paralyzed. He forces himself not to think of it, but it still finds a way to creep in. To make him feel torn apart, turns him into a ghost.
He walks a lot. Walks to the store. Walks to the pub. Walks to the park. Sometimes he sits on the bench and watches mums push their buggies, wondering if it's something you might enjoy, if you were feeling better. Wishing he had made more of an effort to get you out of the flat, into the sunshine.
He's still walking to your building at night, standing under the tree, watching the lights flicker on and off. Your windows stay lit longer now, periods of sleep more infrequent, leaving him to worry that you're not getting enough rest, not taking care of yourself.
He walked all morning into early afternoon today. Tried to quell the nausea swirling in his stomach, tried not to watch the clock, or count the seconds. Tried to brace himself for the bittersweet he knew was coming.
>Hey, I'm going to be leaving pretty soon for work, and could be gone for a while. Could I see Orion before I go? Spend some time with him?
Your reply still rings in his ears. Short. Torturous.
But he doesn't blame you. He did it the wrong way. You have a child, his child, to protect, to take care of. Of course, you should be concerned. Maybe he should have found a better way to tell you. Maybe he shouldn't have told you at all.
A large part of him, the instinctual part, considered refusing you, when you asked him to give you some time, and he still hasn't made a decision about what he will do in the long run.
It would be so easy, to hide you away. To take you in the middle of the night, wake you up in a brand new home, high in hill, in a whole new country across a border.
When the knock on his door finally comes, he crams the overflow of emotion coursing through his heart into a teeny tiny box, and prays he'll be able to keep a lid on it.
"Hey." Orion turns in your grip, looking for Simon's voice, and you smother a wince at the shift in his weight.
"Hi." You look through him. Past him. To the left of his elbow, at his shoulder, the floor. Anywhere but his eyes.
"Thanks for letting me spend some time with him." Your lips go flat, but you shuffle the baby into his arms, managing to avoid skin to skin contact. It makes his stomach hurt worse than it already did.
"Of course, you're... you're his dad." You peek around him, trying to get a better look of the flat. "Do you uh, have stuff for him?"
"I went to the store."
"Okay. Well, good." You hand him the bag next. "I wasn't sure what you had so there are a few changes of clothes in there, just in case, and some bottles. They should probably go in the fridge. Diapers, some toys. Just in case... I didn't want.... I wanted you to have everything you might need." It's thoughtful of you, and he wants to smile, but you won't look at him.
"Thank you." You nod.
"Alright well, I'll come pick him up later? Just text me I guess, when you're ready. Hopefully he'll take a bottle."
"I can bring him-"
"No, that's okay." you cut him off sharply, shaking your head. He frowns.
"Why not?"
"I- I don't mind, coming by to get him."
"But if it's dark..."
"I can manage." You snap, and he purses his lips, but says nothing.
"Alright well, see you later then." You make some noncommittal noise, and then step closer, mouth pressing to Orion's cheek.
"Bye baby, love you." You finally look up at him, really look, and he holds his breath when he sees it all in your eyes. Pain. Confusion. Worry.
He did that.
The evening goes too fast. He manages to get Ry to nap, and drink over half a bottle, a huge win, but spends most of the time just holding him, walking him in circles in his flat, trying to memorize the feeling of his baby in his arms. He's fussier than usual, crying anytime Simon tries to put him down, which he doesn't mind, but concerns him. Is he like this at home, with you? Is this why you've been up more at night?
Still, it's over too soon, and when you're knocking on the door again, he stands on the other side a few seconds too long, wishing he had more time.
He's always wishing he had more time.
"How was he?"
"Good. More fussy than usual, but I got him to take most of a bottle. Is he doing alright?"
"He's been like this, the past few days. He's either going through a growth spurt, or developing some late colic. I hope it's the growth spurt." Oh no.
"Well, I'm here if you need anything. If you want me to take him at all." You nod.
"When uh... when are you leaving?"
"Two weeks or so. Once the guys get back, they'll have a few days debrief and then... we'll be off."
"Okay, well. Just let me know, when you want him again?"
"I will." He kisses Orion's cheek, whispering in his ear how much he loves him, before passing him to you. You have to reposition your posture to support his weight, and he winces. "Are you okay?" You blink at him, skeptical and surprised.
"I'm great Simon. Really peachy."
"Look, I know I really sprung-"
"Sprung? Is that what you're calling that? Simon... you blindsided me. You... you-" He holds up his hands.
"I'm much more careful now. I've learned a lot of hard lessons, and I would never, ever allow anything to happen to you or Orion." His shoulders slump, and he drops his eyes to the floor. Ashamed. Grief trying to work its way, trying to break him down just as it has all these years before. "I've learned from my mistakes." There's a long, uncomfortable since between the two of you, one that Orion fills with fussing, and then your voice cracks.
"Simon, that wasn't your fault.... I'm not... I'm not upset about... that. Or anything, that happened to you. I mean, I'm upset but not at you for that..." You take a deep breath. "I am upset for you, that those things happened to you, that you've been through such trauma, such horrible things." Tears wet your cheeks, but he doesn't move. Doesn't breathe. "I would never hold that against you. I'm upset about your job. And the danger it puts us in. I'm upset that I didn't know that you'd been gone for weeks, possibly months at a time. I'm upset that you promised me you'd be here, and then never mentioned the super secret task force that will... take you away from us." Orion cries, and you bounce him back and forth, finally looking Simon dead in the eye, facing him head on. "It feels like you've been lying to me, for weeks now. I thought we were in this, together, that we were- we were building something, together. Now it just feels like... I could lose you at any second instead. That Orion could lose his father, grow up without you." The last word rips from your lips in a sob, and you shake your head as he steps close.
"You will never lose me. Do you understand? That will never happen." He vows it, swears it, forces it out into the universe as a covenant, but you only shake your head again, sadly.
"You can't promise that."
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cyberteez · 2 days
watermelon in the rain - p.seonghwa
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pairing ⋆ p.seonghwa x f.reader
rating ⋆ m. 18+
genre ⋆ fluff, smut
wc ⋆ 1.6k
summary ⋆ your picnic date with seonghwa is washed out by rain, but that doesn't stop him from making the best of it.
warnings ⋆ explicit smut, sub!reader, softdom!seonghwa, praise, fingering, oral(reader receiving), hwa eats watermelon off of reader, reader is sticky, not entirely proofread
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the fun picnic the two of you had planned had been rained out by an unexpected downpour of rain that showed no signs of stopping for the rest of the day. you sat on the counter, swinging your legs as you pouted from the rain. while the rain would normally be welcomed, it ruined your planned fun. a whole spread of snacks and other foods had been prepared and you were proud of it. seonghwa took notice of your sour mood and came to stand in between your legs, wrapping his arms tightly around your torso. you frowned into his shoulder but hugged him back.
“we can always have a picnic in here,” he suggests, kissing the side of your head.
you lean back and stare at him blankly, replying, “and how would we do that?”
“go get dressed in that cute outfit you were planning on wearing and I’ll get it set up.”
the smile that fills his face makes your heart warm and you nod, hopping down from the counter to make your way to the bedroom. in the minutes that you’re getting ready—and you’re moving slower than usually to give him time— you think about how he could turn the living room into a picnic. you can hear objects moving around the room which piques your curiosity, and as you finish getting ready, you sit on the bed, waiting for him. he joins you a few minutes later, peeking in the bedroom to see you scrolling on your phone. when you look up, he’s snuck in and began getting changed into baby blue shorts and a pale pink button up to match his hair. he motions you to follow and you comply, unable to see past his tall frame as you walk into the living room.
what you see before takes your breath away. the furniture is pushed against the walls, and in the place of the coffee table is a picnic blanket with the food you had prepared laid out and looking pretty. candles lit the dim room and surrounded the area, and you wondered how the fuck he managed to whip this out so fast. you swear your heart stopped beating for a few moments and all you could feel was a warmth spreading from your tummy to your outer extremities. however, when you turned to look at seonghwa a look of surprise crossed your face. he stood there awkwardly and apprehensive, unsure how you felt about it.
“I know it’s nothing compared to the one we had planned today, but I thought it’d be nice.” he’s nervously playing with the sleeves of his shirt, pushing them back and fiddling with the ends.
the words leave your mouth faster than you think them as you exclaim, “this is so much better than what I had planned...”
eyes becoming all squinty from smiling so widely, he gently grabs your hand and leads you to the blanket.
“come on, baby, let’s eat.”
your heart is pounding in your chest as he pulls you into his lap on the floor and you’re sure he can feel your heat. he knows how it affects you but does it anyway, enjoying the way you blush and become shy at his outward affection.
most of the food was gone by this point save for the bowl of watermelon. empty plates are strewn across the blanket but you don’t mind as you’re leaning comfortably against his shoulder with your legs spread out in front of you. he mindlessly plays with the hem of your shirt and talks nonsense about a game he was playing with the members the other day. you’re nodding along to his story, eyes closed when he stops talking.
“you’re falling asleep, aren’t you?”
“no,” you mumble your reply.
“sure..." he huffs, "I can think of something that’ll wake you up.”
you roll your eyes and sit up, testing the waters. “oh yea? what’re you gonna do?”
the next thing you know your back is on the ground and he’s got you in a kiss that practically causes your pants to fly off. it’s rough and sloppy, his hands harshly cup the side of you face and his crotch presses between your thighs. you kiss back with the same intensity, hands flying to his hair and tugging at his roots, causing him to moan deliciously into your mouth. you’re trying to not let him get the upper hand but you’re no match as he has much more energy than you. he tastes like the food you’ve been eating, though you don’t mind. you’re tapping his shoulder to breathe and his lips work their way down the column of your throat, nipping and sucking harshly, giving you the opportunity to breathe but you’re still struggling from the sensation of his lips. any tiredness in your body has been replaced with heat and surprise, effectively waking you up. just as soon as he’s pounced on you, he’s pulling back to kneel above you, a cheeky smile lining his lips.
“told you I could wake you up.”
mouth agape, your leg comes to kick him in the side. he’s giggling and sitting back more, moving plates out of the way before he yanks your hips towards him.
“I’m thinking about dessert, how about you?” your eyes widen at his words and audibly swallow.
“I’m down for whatever,” you reply, eyes shaking slightly as his hands come up to push your shirt back.
soft, open mouth kisses are pressed against your stomach, occasional nips and sucks following. you watch him propped on your elbows, eyes becoming hazy as he continues to push your shirt up, exposing your chest. he nips at the exposed skin of your breast, humming a kiss along your collarbone. breath shaky, one hand comes up to stroke him head, pushing his long hair out of his eyes. seonghwa smiles up at you before leaning back to rest on his feet. you watch as he brings the watermelon closer to the both of you, the cool ceramic grazing your side. he picks one up and placed it between his lips, leaning back down to capture yours in a soft kiss. you smile into the kiss, accepting the watermelon and the sweet taste lingering on his lips. he does this a few more times, hands roaming your body. when his teeth toy at your bottom lip, your back arches slightly in a moan and he does it again. a mock gasp leaves your throat as you playfully hit him but it wavers when you feel his hands come to cup your breasts.
“so pretty,” he murmurs as his hands travel down your body once more.
they settle at your hips, squeezing them gently. it’s silent for a few moments as he just sits playing with the band of your pants. the silence breaks when you feel a tug at them, questioning eyes meeting your own. you nod and lift your hips, allowing him to slide your pants off. he sighs when he sees your thighs, running his palms up and down them, also giving them some squeezes.
“you know how much I love these?”
he asks it to no one in particular, but it leaves you a mess of butterflies. he plucks another cube of watermelon from the bowl and sets it on your stomach, watching how it moves up and down as you breathe. seonghwa leans forward again, warm breath fanning your stomach and presses an open mouthed kiss to the area, sucking the watermelon into his mouth. he licks the remaining juice on your stomach before placing more cubes on your thighs. you almost squirm but don’t want the watermelon to fall and make a mess so you stay still, breathing erratic while he eats the fruit off your body. your legs clench together in order to provide some needed friction which only spurs him on. he presses more kisses to your thighs, prying them open and getting closer to your core. through your panties, his nose brushes against your clit which causes you to let out a soft whine, fists clenching when he places a wet kiss there.
“can I take these off, love?”
you let out an earnest yes, making him giggle a bit before shimmying them down your legs. his finger swipes up your folds, circling your clit. it’s not enough but it has you whining and trying to press against him for more. he complies and flattens him tongue against you, dragging it up slowly and sucking harshly. your back arches and you let out a shaky breath as he works you with his tongue and fingers. he always knows exactly what to push and where to press to get you making the prettiest noises, your vision going hazy for a few moments. he easily works you towards a leg shaking orgasm, thighs clenching around his ears while you let out mewls and cries. when he keeps going you cry out from the sensitivity but it’s relaxes by the overwhelming pleasure. his fingers bring you to another release before he’s finished, coming up to kiss you. you can taste yourself on his lips, but more importantly you can taste the watermelon he ate off you which almost has you begging for him to do it again.
lazy eyes stray from yours, soft complaints of stickiness falling from your lips. he nods and retrieves a damp towel, wiping away any juice residue and cleaning your inner thighs from your climax. he rests by your side after putting your clothes back on, mindlessly playing with the edge of your shirt once more as he tugs it down your chest. he resumes his tale of the game he played with the while you nod and laugh every so often at the debauchery.
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biblio-smia · 2 days
massaging wherever is sore with waking up to partner tracing divots in spine with remus lupin please 🙏 (plz have remus be giving the massage im just a bitch with a sore body 😭)
incredibly real. first ever remus lupin fic please be kind <3 | part of v's 1000 follower celebration
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you feel skin against yours before anything else, warm fingers circling your skin. you wonder how long the small motions of his fingers have been keeping remus entertained. his attention, usually fickle, always seemed to be captivated by you.
remus's touch against your spine pauses as you stir, a change in your breathing giving you away. remus can't help his smile as your eyes flutter open to see him, long hair a mess on his head. you always wondered how it was possible, if there was some creature stopping by in the middle of the night to tangle his hair while he slept.
"good morning," remus hums against your skin.
"you woke me up."
"not on purpose."
you pull away from remus, giving him a look while he holds back a grin.
before remus can trap himself against you again, you turn out of his loose hold and stretch, groaning at the ache that has settled into your muscles. remus frowns as you wince - sleeping cuddled up against remus's chest was only ever comfortable until the morning.
remus's hands, never able to stay away from you for too long, find yours.
"it's just my shoulders. they're a bit sore." you shake your head dismissively, pulling yourself up. remus sits up alongside you, pulling your legs back into bed when you try swinging them over the edge.
"let me help?" remus's thumb swipes over your thigh gently, palm resting on your knee, eyes looking up at you in a way he knows you can't reject.
you nod once and remus disappears from your line of sight to sit behind you, hands gently coming up to your shoulders. you're thankful he can't see you now as heat rises to your face, trying to relax as remus begins massaging your shoulders.
"like that?" remus asks softly, pressing into your muscles with his thumbs.
"mhmm," you reply, not trusting your own voice to speak.
remus works diligently, using various methods to try and soothe your muscles, checking in with you to make sure he's not being too rough.
remus can't help swinging around to press a kiss on your cheek, raising an eyebrow at the temperature of your skin and you know you've been caught.
"am i flustering you?" remus all but laughs, a teasing tone in his voice.
you roll your eyes and scoff as remus tries to turn you around.
"get off!" you try to swat his arm but remus is used to this - he pins you easily, laughing now as he kisses all over your face to test his theory.
"bad news," remus grins cheekily, pressing his lips against the tip of your nose quickly. "i think you're in love with me, sweetheart."
"i don't think so," you counter. "you're the one who can't keep his hands off me."
remus considers this, the motioning of your head towards his hands currently attached to you. remus tilts his head and hums, letting go of you in favor of placing his hands on your face, still warm.
"you may be right about that," remus admits, running a thumb along your bottom lip. "but how could i?"
you can't help but be affected, both by remus's words and the swipes of his fingers. your patience wears thin and your mind remains greedy, pulling remus in for a kiss.
he's gentle with you, as he always is, kissing you as softly as he can, lips barely pressing against yours.
remus grins once you've pulled apart and your fingers instinctively push some strands of hair out of his face. he leans down, lips leaving kisses at the corner of your jaw.
"i told you!" remus whispers in a sing-songy tune, his breath tickling your skin. you laugh, pulling remus flush against you. before he can worry about hurting you your lips are on his again.
remus feels dizzy, senses so completely full of you. he's left breathless by the fervor with which you kissed him and, by god, you've left him speechless.
a teasing smile lays on your lips as remus pants to try and catch his breath, your fingers tracing patterns against the nape of his neck.
"something caught your tongue?
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unknownmystery22 · 2 days
CARE FOR YOU -Lewis Hamilton
Summary: Lewis helps you through a horrible shark week.
Warning:period,blood,fluff,cramps, crying,pain.
A/N: this is my first time writing an actual one shot. Not proof read
Requests are open !
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As soon as you woke up in the morning you knew it was going to be a shitty day. You could literally feel the blood. You clean up yourself, change the sheets and go to have your breakfast as usual. Lewis had left early for a team meeting but would be back before lunch.
As soon as you go to make yourself breakfast you feel a sharp pain in your stomach indicating your periods is going to be horrible this month. But the pain wouldn't go down you don't think you can hold anything down in your stomach. You just get a protein shake from the fridge (courtesy of lewis) and go to your bedroom to wallow in pain.
As time passed by the pain just got worse now it was only the cramps but every single joint in your body was aching. You couldn't even get up to take some painkillers. You literally started crying. Roscoe cuddled up to you feeling your discomfort. That is how Lewis found you.
Lewis was back home and immediately noticed something was wrong as the house was quiet way too quiet. "Love, I am home" He called out to you but no response. He went towards the bedroom and finally saw you. You were whimpering in pain and Roscoe was doing the best he can to ease your pain. He immediately came up to you "Hey love, what's wrong?"
You couldn't even answer you just whimpered and pointed towards the calender. Then it clicked Lewis it was your time of the month. "Is it real bad this time ?" You just nodded. He immediately kissed your forehead and got to work he noticed the shake bottle by your bed and realised you haven't eaten since morning.
He immediately gets a few of your favourite fruits, water bottles, heat pack and a painkiller. He comes back and feeds you the fruits even if it takes some convincing. He then makes you take a painkillers.
He finally lays by your side with Roscoe on your other side and cuddles you. His one hand holding a heat pack near you stomach. "Thank you for everything" you said. He just smiled at you and replies "No need to thank me love anything for my girl"
"I love you lew" you said sleepily
"Love you too baby girl, go to sleep I will be right here when u wake up" He replied smiling to himself at how peaceful you look.
Lemme know how was it !
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 21)
When they landed they didn't bother going back to the party, they would explain things to Thad later. Right now they were going to pick up Tera from the nursery, nervously hand in hand as one or both of them occasionally let out light laughs at the utter high they were both on.
If Uzi was an outsider looking at them, she would have been disgusted, they both were looking at each other with half-lidded expressions, giggling like naughty children, and look like at any moment they'd be kissing again.
But she wasn't, now she was an insider, and honestly? She couldn't give less of a fuck what people thought of them, they could all bite her.
Mrs. Rayn didn't greet them, but she may have been sleeping in the back, so they quietly went into the side room, where the pillbabies were kept and found her in a little bundle, sleeping peacefully and curled into a blanket.
They both looked at each other before gently picking her up to not wake her, and made their way out of the nursery, N leaving a note to let Rayn know they'd come to pick her up.
Tera was tucked in her arms as they both made there way back to N's apartment, but N's hand only went down to hold her waist as they walked, not ready to let go of her yet.
It was late enough that most drones were asleep, but Uzi had the distinct feeling neither her nor N would sleep for several more hours, they had a lot to talk about.
Namely, what they were calling this.
And then they got inside, shut the door, and almost immediately N was wisking her off her feet, picking her and Tera up bridal style and wasting exactly zero time taking the both of them to the bed, he hadn't said anything either, being almost dead silent.
“N?” She whispered, still trying her best not to wake the baby even though there were plenty of examples that proved the girl could sleep through an earthquake.
He was too busy taking his tie and jacket off to reply apparently, leaving him only in his slacks and an off-white dress shirt that had been underneath the suit. Uzi felt her face-no, whole body heat up in flush. Surely he wasn't thinking…
“N.” She said a little more firmly, placing Tera on a pillow as she fidgeted her hands, blush growing as he unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt, before pausing and sighing to himself.
“Oh. Yeah? Sorry, the layers were starting to make me overheat.” He turned back to her curiously, before looking confused at her extreme blush.
“Uh- Wh-whats that look for?”
Uzi held her head as she quickly tried to terminate any thought processes that were leading down a less then innocent path, this was N, not just some dude. Of course he wouldn't…
“You carried me to the bedroom.” She said slowly, trying to imply but not outright saying anything, N just looked more confused.
“And started to strip.”
He looked at her for a moment, squinting, before it seemed his processors suddenly caught up with exactly what she said, he looked down, top unbuttoned just enough so that his core could breathe, before they were sharing their fluster.
“Oh! I-I didn't- I wasn't trying to… uh… come on to you? Or anything, I just- I wasn't thinking.” He stammered, tail flailing wildly behind him and hands up in defense, if he was struggling with overheating before, he definitely was now.
It was weird. He'd been naked in front of Uzi before and had thought nothing of it. There was nothing to see, not really. But somehow now after what had just happened, he felt himself feeling… exposed.
Uzi laughed lightly through her own embarrassment, being able to embarrass N like this, in such a unique way, had her almost giddy to do it more.
“I mean yeah, it took you like a month to kiss me. Guess you can't be that smooth.” She teased, turning her face away but continuing to look at him from the corner of her eye, his flush grew worse, and he opened his mouth to say something, but it seemed all his mouth could do was open and close uselessly.
“I… I can be smooth!” His voice cracked, and he grumbled at himself, causing Uzi to laugh again before kicking off her boots and near yeeting her spiked bracelet across the room, turning on the light next to the bed so that she wasn't relying entirely on the light given off by N's visor and tail.
“I'm screwing with you, I know you can be.” She replied, humming before checking on Tera, who was still fast asleep. She smiled down at the pillbaby, lightly petting the soft casing, and Tera let out a pleased trill.
She felt a weight join her on the bed in close proximity, and she looked back over to her uh… best freind? boyfriend?… best boy, and gave him a once over, he still had a pleased smile on his face, but had fallen silent again, it was uncharacteristic of him really, to have so little to say.
“Are you good N?” She asked, putting a hand on his leg to give him some sort of comforting touch, it was still strange, being the one doing the comforting, but with N, she didn't hesitate.
“Yes. Yeah! I'm… I'm so good.” He replied almost breathlessly. Although the contact brought heat to his face again. He really needed oil, and soon, or he was sure he'd start steaming from all that had happened.
“I just am a little uh… starstruck? I guess? and a lot happy, and just everything?” He admitted, sheepishly scratching the back of his head, Uzi idly wondered where he'd picked that up from, as Thad did the same thing at times.
But she did get that, she also felt a little… overwhelmed. It was part of the reason they'd left, suddenly a whole bunch of loud young adults and inevitable drunken brawls didn't sound so… appealing.
“So… are we…?” He left out the last word, but pointed between himself and her rapidly, causing her to laugh and yet still look away, now a habit to hide her fluster even if now she didn't need to.
“Uhm… if-ah if you want… to… be…” She stole a glance at him, but immediately turned away once she saw the smile on his face. “With me.” She finished, gulping as lead settled down in her internals.
He laughed before pulling her into a hug, kissing her cheek before sighing, pressing their visors together with a tap. And a zap, as another streak of electricity passed between them.
“Of course I do.” He smiled although she was barely able to see it with how close he was, she found herself smiling as well, brought in by how sincere he sounded.
“T-then yeah. We c-can do that.” Somehow this was more nerve-racking then the several kisses they'd shared while airborne, maybe they were still aided by the oil that had long worn off by now, or maybe they'd been too caught up in the moment to think about it.
“Zizi?” Tera's sleepy voice came staticy and low from her voice box, a single purple eyelight open and looking groggy from the pillow. Uzi was immediately called to attention (and definitely not because what was left of her soft core turned to mush, no) and moved to cradle her in her arms again.
“Sorry, we didn't mean to wake you Jellybean.” the nickname slipped off her tongue and she heard N let out an airy breath in amusement, but didn't say anything, just rested his head on his shoulder and purred like a motorboat.
“She's a little warm again.” She hummed as she felt the warmth radiating from the droneling, whitch was probably the real thing that had woken her up, as she didn't seem to mind noise very much.
“Can you-mmh!” She turned to where he was resting on her shoulder and met his lips, him holding her there for a moment, as her eyes fluttered shut.
He pulled away with a chuckle, love on full display in his eyes, she didn't know how'd he'd hidden it nearly as well as he had if this was the way he was looking at her now, like she was… a deity.
“Told you I could be smooth.” He laughed at her fluster before getting up to go get a bottle, but his tail betrayed him, wagging at ludicrous speeds, even as she watched him actively try to grab it to make it stop.
She found herself giggling fondly, like she had been since they'd left the party. But being able to hear it in the absence of anything else in the room, made her realize how… not like her it sounded.
It was her. But she couldn't even remember the last time she laughed like it, or even if she ever had, she almost didn't recognize it. She felt herself blush, N had really brought this out of her… hadn't he?
He came back into the room a moment later with a grin, taking a swig out of the giant container of oil Uzi had made him put of one hand and having a tiny bottle in the other, he sat it down beside him as he sat back down and handed her the bottle
She sighed, almost a little wary of putting the siphon into her, her side had started to ache after so many things had been prodded into it, as well as the weight of Tera’s casing hanging off her and her rolling and pulling putting pressure on her frame.
“You're hesitating. Is it starting to hurt that much?” N asked softly,
“Y-yeah, but it's not like I have a lot of choice. She's going to need filtered oil until she has a filter of her own… and that's going to be awhile.”
“You said she needs a toddler body anyway, do they have filters?”
“Nah, it's still a little too small, next one would be a child body, I think kids normally get that at… 6? That's kinda where my experience ends to be honest.” She admitted, before taking a breath. She pulled up her dress slightly, enough to open the panel on her side and guided the siphon in, a full body wince as the sensors there lit up angerly. Although they felt less like sensors and more like… nerves. Huh
She gritted her teeth, the sensation only getting worse as she filled the bottle, thank robo-god this only took a minute or so.
When it was blessedly over, she took the siphon out and was able to breathe again, the stinging needles in her side turning into a dull ache once again that would just fade by the time Tera would need it again.
“Thank you.” N said slowly, almost as if he was hesitating, he pressed his cheek against her own, his hand running over where her side panel was gently before he pulled his hand away, clearly not wanting to linger.
“Huh?” She blushed as she fed Tera her needed meal, the pillbaby closing her eyes and relaxing as she always did.
“Tera can't say it, so I will. Thank you for giving her oil even though it hurts.” She felt herself smiling, the pain already receding slightly, he was still warm and weirdly enough that was somewhat soothing the pain.
“It's… fine really. Someone has to.” Tera finished, giggling softly but still obviously sleepy, blinking slowly.
“But that didn't have to be you. You're really good with her, I think I've said that like twice now- but I still mean it.” He replied, clearly not letting the his gratitude get waved off.
“She's my daughter… but I. I-uhm” He suddenly stopped, like the words got trapped in his throat as he found the courage to say them.
“I think she's yours too?” He finished quietly, almost wary of what she might say, and she felt that feeling again, the fizziling of her gut that wanted two different things, to have him be right, to call Tera her daughter, hers and his, and to not be involved at all.
But really what was the reason she wanted to distance herself? Her reputation? Scared of being seen as soft and squishy and weak? She was none of those things, she knew she was none of those things. She'd done so much over the past four months that was so insanely crazy. So what was stopping her?
Or was it the fact she was scared that if Tera was hers, that it would somehow harm her? Would people make fun of her for being Uzi’s daughter, labeling her as a freak and a weirdo and a lost cause just because her name was attached?
Or would it bring harm in a more physical way? Her solver was a powerful tool, but she didn't have full control of it at all times, she could snap, go feral and hurt her, or worse.
“I-I” It was her turn for her words to get clogged, feeling like molten lava coming straight from her core, she didn't expect the tears, and she didn't know where they came from or even why. But they did come.
“I want her to be.” She finally finished, the words coming out more watery then she'd expected them to be.
She felt N pull her into a hug that enveloped both her and the now sleeping child cradled in her arms, his face nuzzling her hair as she continued to let tears fall down her visor, they weren't accompanied by sobs, nor did she truly feel sad. But she couldn't stop, she was worried and stressed but hopeful, so hopeful. And she really, really wanted that hope to mean something this time, and not come blasting back in her face. As it had time and time again.
“I've got you.” She heard N say gently, and if anything that made them fall more rapidly, she nuzzled into his neck, letting those feelings that had been building up wash over her like a wave and what followed was… relief.
“Sorry, I'm not sure where that came from…you were trying to make me smile not cry.” She mumbled after gathering herself for a moment, he just chuckled.
“It's alright, maybe that was a little much after today…”
Uzi found the short cable she was using to charge Tera on the nightstand, leaning back to grab at it and quickly hook them together, she sighed as N still refused to let go even as he had to shift to accommodate the movement.
“I think it would be too much for anything right now.” She replied, feeling sleep mode tugging on every fiber of her synthetic being.
“Bedtime?” N asked, before yawning and making himself laugh tiredly.
“Bedtime.” She replied, a yawn of her own taking her down onto the bed as they lie next to each other, she felt his tail curl around her protectively, and smiled as his arm came to pull both herself and Tera closer, essentially trapping the droneling between them in a snug hug.
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formulauno98 · 2 days
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Yacht Girl Summer - Chapter Two / Friday - George Russell x Reader, Toto Wolff x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Nothing spicy yet. This is going to be a slow burn and if you're uncomfortable with the idea of two-timing don't read this.
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction. No use of Y/N and minimal descriptions because I want everyone/anyone to be able to enjoy this.
As your alarm buzzed at six, stirring you from your deep sleep, you almost regretted agreeing to Friday’s early start. Blinking away the remnants of dreams, you slipped out of bed carefully, trying not to wake George as you padded to the bathroom.
Showering quickly, you then slipped on a crochet bikini and a breezy linen shirt and shorts co-ord, hopefully suitable attire for a day of exploring. By the time you emerged, George was still in bed, his breathing slow and steady. Dipping down onto the bed, you gently stroked his hair, “George, wake up, it’s already six thirty.”
Disorientated, he stirred, “Huh…”
Smiling, you kissed his forehead, before raising your voice slightly, “You wanted to come explore no? Well, get out of bed lazy boy!”
“Aghhh.” he said, pulling the duvet up over his head, “I feel like you’re my Mum.”
Giggling, you lay back down, pulling the duvet back down to reveal his face and snuggling into him, “I hope not.”
“You don’t really,” he said, leaning forward to kiss you.
“Glad to hear it,” you said, before sitting up abruptly. In your mixed-emotion state, you’d been avoiding getting intimate with George and mornings like this were the prime time for it. Luckily time was on your side this morning and if George didn’t get moving, you’d be left behind. “You need to get ready, you have twenty-five minutes.”
‘Ugh.” groaned George, sitting up, “Sure. If you want to go ahead and get breakfast I don’t mind. I will be quick I promise.”
“If you’re sure?” you asked, “I’ll see you in a bit then.”
– – –
As you made your way back to the deck where you’d dined the previous night you were greeted with a surprise. Toto was already there, sitting alone at a table laden with pastries and fruit, sipping coffee and gazing out at the horizon.
"Good morning," you greeted him, feeling a little more confident after chatting with him the previous night.
"Good morning," he replied, a warm smile lighting up his face. "Missing your partner in crime? Is he doing his hair?”
Laughing, you nodded, taking a seat across from him. "You know him too well. I thought I’d make the most of the morning instead of sitting there watching him fluff his hair.” glancing around at the picture-perfect morning light you added, “It’s so beautiful out here.”
Toto nodded in agreement. "It truly is. And the water looks calm so we will easily get to the coves. If you’d like we could perhaps also try some snorkelling?"
Your eyes lit up at the mention of snorkelling. "Ooh yes, I love snorkelling. Is it any good around here?"
Toto’s smile widened. "It can be, normally when it’s calm like this you’ll see more. When it’s rough the water is cloudy and everything interesting hides away. Do you snorkel often?”
"Whenever I get the chance," you replied, reaching for a croissant and adding absentmindedly “George is less keen though…” 
“I’m sure we can convince him otherwise,” said Toto, winking at you and taking a sip of coffee as right on cue, George appeared, looking groggy but cheerful. “Morning sunshine.”
“Morning boss.” retorted George sarcastically, pulling out a chair before sitting beside you at the table, “What are you guys talking about? You look shifty.”
“You.” you said, with a smirk, “We were talking about snorkelling and how you’re not a fan but we’re going to convert you.”
George huffed slightly, “Fat chance.”
“Why not?” interjected Toto.
“It’s dull.” George said, “It’s just floating on top of the water, getting excited if a little fishy swims by.”
Rolling your eyes at your boyfriend’s words, you replied, “Let’s see. There might be more than a little fishy according to Toto.”
Just as George was about to respond, with likely a sardonic response, John arrived, taking the seat opposite Toto. 
“Morning campers,” he said cheerily. “Have I got time for a croissant?” he asked Toto.
“Of course.” said Toto, “I said seven but we can leave at any time. The crew have packed everything for us.”
“Good good,” said John, rubbing his hands together as he surveyed the breakfast table in front of him. The conversation quickly turning to racing as George and John immediately started vying for Toto’s attention, their animated chatter dominating the breakfast table.
Finishing your croissant, you focused on your breakfast, feeling the familiar pang of isolation. You’d been having a nice chat until John came along. Noticing the change in your demeanour, Toto shot you a concerned look, but there was little he could do with George and John in full flow.
– – – 
After finishing breakfast the four of you regathered on the deck, ready to board the motor launch to the cove. The weather was perfect and you couldn’t wait to get in the water later. Toto had advised it was a quick journey and he wasn’t wrong as no more than ten minutes later you were pulling up to the most glorious, secluded cove.
“This is beautiful!” you exclaimed, probably the first time you’d gotten a word in since John’s arrival.
“Blimey.” said George, “It actually is.”
“Wow.” was all John managed to add, the quietest he’d been all morning.
Nestled along the rugged coastline, the rocky cove was a hidden gem. High cliffs sprinkled with patches of delicate wildflowers enveloped a perfect crescent-shaped beach, sheltering the cove from the wider world. Pine trees topped the cliff, the view picture-perfect.
“How did you find this place Toto?” you asked, turning to find the Austrian grinning away, clearly pleased by your reactions.
“We like to get out and explore.” he said, gesturing to the crew member who was steering the motor launch, “We found this place a few years ago and now we come back every year.”
“Amazing,” said George, falling silent as the last part of the approach was tricky, requiring careful navigation over jagged rocks.
Upon arriving you disembarked carefully, George helping you clamber out of the boat in a surprisingly gentlemanly fashion.
“Thank you,” you said, dropping his hand as your feet touched down on the sandy beach before you. It was rare to find sand on this rocky Italian coastline and you couldn’t help but be impressed.
Following Toto’s lead you made your way down the beach a little, where he, John and the crew member were already popping down an assortment of blankets alongside your coolers.
“This is nice.” said George, catching up with you, “I wasn’t expecting it to be this nice.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, “I’m glad we woke up early.”
“Me too.” said George, pressing a kiss to your temple, “This is the life, am I right?”
Nodding, you both reached the blankets and settled down on the outer edge, George and John making sure they were right beside Toto.
Steeling yourself for another morning of being ignored you were surprised when Toto offered you the first choice of drinks from the cooler, “Would you like anything to drink?” he asked kindly, gesturing at the box behind you.
“Oh, I’m okay thank you,” you said, not wanting to drink anything just yet. “But thank you for bringing everything, I’ll definitely have one later.”
“What about me?” asked George indignantly.
“Ladies first.” said Toto, still peering at you intently, “Would you like anything to drink George? John?”
Smirking at your boyfriend’s quirks, you met Toto’s eyes knowingly as George and John began to debate still versus sparkling water. Those two could chat about anything and you were surprised to see that Toto seemed to be much quieter. You resolved that maybe he was the strong and silent type.
Lying back you settled down, admiring the crystal-clear turquoise water in front of you, the motor launch vaguely in the distance as the crew member took it back to the yacht.
You were just starting to get comfortable when your peace was interrupted by a phone loudly buzzing.
“Sorry everyone,” said John, getting up gingerly from the blanket to answer his phone, “I’m going to have to take this, surprised I have a signal.” starting to wander down the beach a little way, he suddenly turned back and added,  “George, I might need you on this call too.”
George nodded, clearly eager to help and you were left alone with Toto once again. Sighing, you turned back to look at the sparkling water, wishing you could escape the growing sense of loneliness.
Toto interrupted your musings, his expression thoughtful. "If it is who I think it is, that call will take some time, while they’re gone, would you like to see something special?" he asked. "There’s a hidden waterfall not far from here."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Yes, I’d love to see it, but maybe I should check with George."
George overheard and waved you off with a distracted smile. "Go ahead, guys. I’ll catch up with you later."
Intrigued, you followed Toto as he led the way along the rocky shore and up a narrow twisting dirt path into the clump of pine trees, falling once again into a comfortable silence. The route was tricky and Toto was very gentlemanly, holding his arm out to help as you clambered over the rocks and tree roots. 
“Almost there,” he said encouragingly, “I think you will like it.”
– – –
After a short hike through the pine forest, the sound of rushing water filled your ears and you emerged into a secluded clearing where a small but beautiful waterfall cascaded into a clear rocky pool.
"It’s amazing," you whispered, captivated by the natural beauty.
Toto smiled, his eyes twinkling. "I thought you might like it. Come, we can get closer.”
Following Toto’s lead, you followed him as he carefully picked his way up the rocks. 
“Here we go,” he said, stopping on a large, flat piece of rock and plopping down to sit.
Settling beside him, you were hit with cool mist from the waterfall, the perfect remedy to the heat of the hike.
“This is perfect,” you said, allowing the mist to hit your face. 
“Good right?” he said, grinning in a surprisingly goofy manner. He was quite endearing when it came down to it.
Once again you sat side by side in comfortable peace and quiet. Toto was most definitely not like George, who would have been in the waterfall by now. As you sat, you couldn’t help but sneakily study Toto’s chiselled features. You’d never really looked at him closely but he was arguably a handsome man. Tall with broad shoulders, his arms looked like he was a man who hit the gym and knew what he was doing. Coupled with his big brown eyes, a charmingly lopsided grin and ruffled hair, you were suddenly hit with the realisation that you had the hots for your boyfriend’s boss.
“You mentioned last night that you love the great outdoors,” Toto said, turning to you. “What’s been your favourite place so far?”
Caught off guard by the question, and hoping he hadn’t caught you staring, you took a moment to think. “That’s a tough one.” considering his question for a moment, “ I think Iceland was one of my favourites, it’s like nowhere else on Earth.”
“Ah yes, Iceland is beautiful,” Toto agreed. “It’s on my list of places to visit again. So you get out into the wilderness often?”
“I try to,” you replied. “Whenever I can get away from work. I hate being stuck indoors.”
Toto nodded. “It’s important to take that time for yourself. The world is too beautiful to stay in one place.”
You smiled, feeling a connection with Toto at that moment. He seemed to understand your need for escape and adventure, something George didn’t.
“How about you?” you asked. “Do you get much time to travel outside of racing?”
“Not as much as I’d like,” he admitted. “But I make the most of the opportunities when they come. I try to escape whenever I can but it is not always easy.”
“I can imagine,” you said, genuinely impressed. “But it’s good you can sometimes, I wish I could do that more often.”
Toto’s gaze softened as he looked at you. “You should. You’re young, life is short, make the most of it.”
You nodded, feeling the weight of his words. “That’s true, well this trip is making the most of it so far!”
He smiled a warm and genuine smile that made your heart flutter. “I’m glad to hear that, we can get out some more over the coming week.”
As you sat there, the waterfall’s mist continuing to cool your skin, you realized how different Toto was from George. He was quiet, considerate and genuinely interested in talking to you. Not at all the imposing businessman you had thought he would be. You were sure he had that capability too but on a human level, he was nice.
– – –
Having spent a short while continuing to swap stories of your travel adventures and snapping some photos of the waterfall, you and Toto called time on your excursion and made your way back down to the beach. Glancing at your watch you were surprised to see that you’d be gone for almost an hour. Time had flown and you knew George would be wondering where you had been.
Sure enough, when you finally returned to the sand, George’s demeanour had changed. He seemed visibly put out by the time you had spent with Toto and immediately became extra affectionate, pulling you into a tight embrace and snuggling up to you as you joined him back on the blanket.
“How was the waterfall?” he asked, clutching onto you for dear life.
“Beautiful,” you said, “Here, let me show you some photos.”
Before you had the chance to whip out your phone, John once again interjected, asking George about his diary. Typically, George turned his full attention to John, ignoring you save for a tight arm around your waist, almost possessively.
You felt uncomfortable with George’s sudden display of affection but also guilty for enjoying your hike with Toto. With mixed feelings you reluctantly put up with it, lying in George’s arms as he chatted business with John and Toto for the rest of the morning.
Despite George’s strange reaction, the day had turned out to be a lovely one, having had a lowkey lunch on the beach before returning to the motor launch to go snorkelling. Clearly wanting to impress you, George had even joined in and begrudgingly admitted that he had had a good time.
As the sun began to set, you couldn’t help but feel conflicted. Although snorkelling had been fun, the hidden waterfall had been the highlight of the day, a brief escape from the turmoil of your relationship woes. Talking with Toto one-on-one, you felt like your own person again and you couldn’t help but have felt a little disappointed that you didn’t get to chat much with him for the rest of the day.
As you lay in bed that night, George’s arm draped over you, your thoughts drifted to Toto and the connection you had felt. The trip was far from over, and you couldn’t help but wonder what the next days would bring.
Taglist: @prettiest-at-the-party
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thelovelywriteress · 2 days
➷ Night without pillow
▶︎sᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ xғ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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╰┈➤ After so much nagging you are finally in Sakura's home. Now what events this beautiful or funny night at his home will take?
Sakura was pretty nervous to have you in his home. No wonder it take you so much time to make him take you his home.
You were pretty excited and Sakura almost hated it. He told you there is nothing special about his house, so why are you smiling like some kid in amusement park?
You enter his house and fact word that your mouth was 'small'. Sakura almost hit you but then you added 'cosy' too and now that cutesy word is stuck in his mind.
It was small apartment but you still happily look around while Sakura just gaze at you from main room and soon you joined him too.
"Finished your tour?" Sakura ask in sadistic manner but your next sentence just made him almost exploded due to flusteration.
"Was just looking around at the place I got to live after marriage." Oh boy, I am suprise how he didn't just choke after your blunt reply.
"W-What marriage?"
"Don't you know idiot, people who become couples later married each other too. You are just so innocent Sakura-chan!"
Of course he know that's what couples are supposed to do but many break apart even before reaching twenty. But still his heart flushes at the thought of you being his wife. He would die to experience that part of life.
Soon night arrived and the question he despised the most, came up.
"Do you got some extra pillows?"
"Actually I don't have pillow at all."
Sakura hide his face feeling ashamed. He didn't even have such a basic thing, what else will you expect from him now?
You, on other hands was confused. Did he have any problems taking pillows? You did question him but he simply replied never own one.
"Why you poor child?" You tear up and hug him with your hands continuously patting his hair for comfort.
Sakura was blushing message. He can never come embarrassment he get from your physical affections.
"Don't worry we will spend whole night talking without any sleep and then we wouldn't need pillow anyways!"
Sakura was confused but he let out a brief smile. When it comes to talking no one beats you and now you need to make Sakura feel interested, you will definitely do your best (talking).
You both side against wall, under window as you started to told him about some cat you saw on roadside two days and so on. You didn't even notice but then you heard light snoring.
As expected Sakura had fallen sleep. You quickly take a glance around empty house, pulled his head on your shoulder and then put your cheeks on his soft hair and with this you both fall sleep under the shade of moonlight.
At morning you wake before Sakura. He was still sleeping but now he even had his hands wrapped around you. With tinted cheeks you smile at his gesture.
You was about to pat his head when you realised about if he never owned pillow, he probably never even sleep on one. And for some reason a embarrassing solution also came to your mind that made you almost awkwardly giggled to yourself.
Sakura wake feeling his head being stroked and his face on something. . .soft? He fully grasped the situation he was in and break down with his face red as tomato.
His face was on your chest and for some reason you didn't seem to be mind,"Oh? You wake." You nonchalantly ask,"What the hell?" He yelled as you scold him for being so loud in morning.
He quickly take his head up, questioning you about previous position you was in. He knew you were nonchalant but this was too much!
"You said you never owned pillow . So this means you never sleep on one. So I decided to make you rest on softest pillow around."
You said with the wink as his face remained red. With a quick giggled you again pulled his face against your chest as he almost scream while you just ruffle his hair in amusement.
After that he was afraid to spend night with you alone. . . .and especially if their weren't any pillows around."
Yeah guys so I have watched first episode of Wind Breaker and safe to say fall for our mc at first sight. 😌🫶
Like Sakura is literally my type of boy. Can resist a punch but no a kiss?🤭 Definitely.
Okay so at same time I am watching Fruits Basket too and he reminds me of Kyo too!😗
Maybe I will write about him or someone else from series too, I don't know (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
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theodorenmyth · 2 days
Modern AU idea on where reader is trying to do househusband work, but literally mattheo is needy and needs attention from his beloved. Reader tries not to fall for the tricks but it just ends up with him falling for it
Distracting Love
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Pairings : Mattheo Riddle x M! Reader Summary : You're determined to keep the household running smoothly, your fiance, Mattheo, has other plans. Every chore is a battle against his playful distractions and endless need for affection. Despite your best efforts to stay focused, his charms and relentless love keep pulling you away from the tasks at hand. As the day unfolds, you realize that sometimes, giving in to love's distractions is the most important chore of all. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : Nothing! Word count : 1.3k+
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You wake up to the soft hum of birds chirping outside the window, the early morning light streaming in through the curtains. It's a perfect day to get some housework done, you think, stretching lazily in bed. You look over at the sleeping figure next to you and smile. Mattheo, with his tousled dark hair and peaceful expression, looks almost angelic when he's asleep. Almost.
Slipping out of bed quietly, you head to the kitchen to start breakfast. The familiar sizzle of eggs hitting the pan and the aromatic scent of freshly brewed coffee fill the air. You hum a little tune as you work, feeling a sense of contentment in the quiet morning.
Just as you're setting the table, you hear a soft, sleepy voice behind you. "Morning, love."
You turn to see Mattheo leaning against the doorway, his hair even messier than before, and his eyes half-closed. "Good morning," you reply with a smile. "I made breakfast."
He makes his way over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. "You're too good to me," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You laugh softly and pat his hand. "Someone has to keep this place running."
After breakfast, you start on your list of chores. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming—the usual. But Mattheo has other plans. As you load the washing machine, you feel his arms snake around your waist again.
"What are you doing?" you ask, even though you know exactly what he's up to.
"Just missing you," he says, nuzzling into your neck. "Come back to bed with me?"
You chuckle and gently push him away. "I can't, Matty. There's too much to do."
He pouts, looking up at you with those big, brown eyes. "But I miss you," he repeats, his voice taking on a pleading tone.
"Mattheo," you say firmly, trying to resist his charms. "I need to get these chores done."
He sighs dramatically and releases you, but not without planting a lingering kiss on your cheek. "Fine," he says, sounding like a petulant child. "But don't be surprised if I keep trying."
You shake your head with a smile and continue with your tasks. Mattheo might be needy, but you’re determined to stay on track.
As you start vacuuming the living room, Mattheo appears again, this time with a mischievous grin on his face. "Need any help?" he asks, though you can tell by his tone that he has no intention of actually helping.
"Matty, I'm fine," you say, trying to focus on the task at hand.
He sits down on the couch and watches you, his gaze never leaving you. You can feel his eyes on you, and it’s distracting. After a few minutes, he starts humming a familiar tune. It’s the same one you were humming this morning.
You try to ignore him, but he’s relentless. He starts singing softly, his voice low and seductive. "You know, we could be doing something a lot more fun right now," he says, winking at you.
"Mattheo," you warn, but there’s a smile tugging at your lips.
He stands up and walks over to you, his eyes locked onto yours. "Just a little break," he whispers, taking the vacuum from your hands and turning it off. "Come on, love. Just for a bit."
You sigh, knowing you’re losing the battle. "Fine. Just for a bit."
His face lights up, and he pulls you into a kiss, his lips soft and warm against yours. The vacuum is forgotten as he leads you to the couch, his hands never leaving your body.
"See? Isn’t this better?" he murmurs against your lips.
You can’t help but agree. Being in his arms feels like home, and for a moment, you forget about all the chores waiting for you.
After a while, you pull back reluctantly. "Okay, break's over," you say, trying to sound stern.
Mattheo pouts again but lets you go. "You're no fun," he teases, but there’s a playful glint in his eyes.
You laugh and give him a quick peck on the lips. "I promise, once everything is done, I'm all yours."
He grins. "I'll hold you to that."
You return to your chores with renewed energy, determined to finish quickly so you can spend more time with Mattheo. But he’s not done with his attempts to distract you.
As you’re folding laundry, he sneaks up behind you and wraps his arms around you once more. "Need any help with this?" he asks, his breath warm against your ear.
"Mattheo, I swear, if you don’t let me finish these cloth—" you start, but he cuts you off with a kiss.
"Just a little help," he murmurs, his hands wandering.
You try to stay focused, but he’s making it very difficult. His kisses trail down your neck, and you can feel your resolve weakening.
"Mattheo," you say, trying to sound stern, but it comes out more like a moan.
"Yes, love?" he asks innocently, his lips curving into a smile against your skin.
You sigh, knowing you’re defeated. "Fine. You win."
He laughs softly and kisses you deeply, his hands pulling you closer. "I always do," he murmurs.
The chores can wait, you decide. Right now, all that matters is being with Mattheo. His neediness might be a bit much sometimes, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. As you lose yourself in his embrace, you realize that this, right here, is what makes all the work worth it.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Mattheo’s persistence is unwavering as the day goes on. Each task you start, he finds a way to interrupt, always with a smile and a kiss.
By mid-afternoon, you’re trying to clean the bathroom. Mattheo leans against the doorframe, watching you with a smirk.
"Are you going to help or just stand there looking pretty?" you ask, rinsing out a cloth.
He steps into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. "Looking pretty is hard work, you know," he jokes, slipping his arms around your waist yet again.
"Mattheo," you sigh, but you can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips.
"Okay, okay," he says, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "I’ll help. What do you need me to do?"
You hand him a sponge and point to the sink. "Start scrubbing."
He takes the sponge with a dramatic sigh. "Yes, sir," he says, but there’s a playful twinkle in his eyes.
You work side by side for a few minutes, and you’re pleasantly surprised to see him actually cleaning. But then, out of the corner of your eye, you see him dip his fingers into the soapy water and flick it at you.
"Matty!" you exclaim, laughing as you wipe the suds from your face.
He grins mischievously. "What? I thought we were having fun."
"You’re impossible," you say, shaking your head.
"But you love me," he says confidently, leaning in to kiss you.
You roll your eyes, but you can’t deny it. "Yeah, I do."
The rest of the day goes by in a blur of laughter and stolen kisses. By the time evening rolls around, the house is finally clean, and you’re exhausted but happy.
You collapse onto the couch, pulling Mattheo down with you. "There. We’re done," you say, snuggling into his side.
He wraps his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. "Told you it’d be more fun together."
You smile, closing your eyes and letting the warmth of his embrace wash over you. "Yeah, you were right."
He chuckles softly. "I always am."
You laugh, too, feeling a sense of contentment settle over you. The chores are done, and you’re exactly where you want to be—in Mattheo’s arms.
As the sun sets and the room fills with a soft, golden light, you realize that no matter how much work there is to do, nothing is more important than these moments together. Because at the end of the day, all you need is love.
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mymindcreatedthis · 2 days
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Sharing a bed 18+
Kyra Cooney cross x Reader
Word count: 1,551
Summery: Reader and Kyra are roommates for camp. They get to the room and come to find out that there is only one bed and forced to share a bed. (Ps sorry this is a short one. This was one of the very first fan fics I did. When I first started writing fan fics 😂)
Warning: Smut, Teasing, Masterbation, Dirty Talk, unprotected sex, Creampies,
*Kyra’s pov*
Me and one of my teammates have been texting back and forth all day. Talking about life, soccer and then we start talking about Camp.
Me: Did coach send out any details about camp yet?
Steph: No not yet, but I heard we are getting a new girl this camp.
Me: Oh really? Who is the new girl.
Steph: The girls name is Y/n. She's kind of a no body, Coach went and saw her last year. She'll be joining us for camp tomorrow. I gotta go for now, I'll see you at camp tomorrow.
Me: Okay, I'll talk to you later.
Steph: Talk to you later.
My phone pings and it's a message from coach.
Coach: Hello Kyra! Hope everything is well, I'm texting you to inform you that you'll be rolling with Y/n this camp. I'll fill you in on the rest of the details tomorrow at camp. Your flight is at 6 am tomorrow, have a good day.
I sigh, I swipe up and turn my phone off. I toss it to the side, I've never met this girl so this is gonna be awkward as hell. I get up and start my packing and getting my things ready for camp. Once I'm done packing, I set my things off to the side. I grab my phone.
I go to our team's website. I find Y/n's number. I memorize her number and type her number in and text her.
Me: Hey Y/n. It's Kyra Cooney Cross I just wanted to reach out and tell you that I'm excited to meet you tomorrow and can't wait to see what you have to offer the team.
Y/n:Hey Kyra! Thank you for the welcome message. Can't with to meet you and the team.
Me: Can't wait to meet you either.
I put my phone on the charger, I set my alarm and go to bed. My alarm wakes me up, I turn it off and start getting ready. I put on sweats and a sweatshirt, i brush my teeth and hair. Once I'm done getting ready, I make sure I have everything. I grab my things and leave my apartment.
I make my way to the airport. I get to the airport and go inside, and wait for my flight. While waiting for my flight I look over and see a girl sitting by herself with her headphones on.
I be polite and send her a smile, she smiles back. My flight gets called, I sit in my seat and the mysterious girl sits next to me. After a 4 hour plane ride, we land.
I get my suit case, I leave the airport I wave over a cab. I catch a ride to the hotel. I thank the driver, I pay them. I grab my things and get out of the car.
I make my way into the hotel. I smile and greet the girls and coaches. Coach informs us on camp, we are dismissed and go up to our assigned rooms to get settled in.
I get to the room and see the same girl from the flight standing outside waiting for me. I smile at her and she smiles back.
"You must be Y/n." I say.
"Yes that's me." Y/n says.
We shake hands, I unlock the door and open it. We go inside, we set our things down off to the side. We look around the room and come to a realization.
"Um why is there only one bed?" I ask confused.
*Y/n's pov*
"Beats me." I reply.
"Hold on I'm gonna go talk to coach." Kyra says.
I nod, she leaves the room and comes back 10 minutes later. “All the 2 bed rooms are taken. This was the last one available." Kyra says.
I shrug. "I can sleep on the floor you can take the bed."
Kyra nods and gives in. We went out and hang out with some of the girls. We get back to the room around 12 am.
Kyra gets ready for bed, she brushes her teeth and gets in bed. I flip off the lights and lay down on my make shift bed on the floor. I pull the blankets over me and lay there staring at the ceiling.
15 minutes go by and Kyra speaks up. "Are you sure you don't wanna sleep in the bed with me?"
"Yeah it's okay, I promise." I say.
"Get your ass up here rookie before you fuck up your back." Kyra says.
I give in and get in bed with her. I didn't notice it until now, I had a massive boner. I begin to get nervous, nervous that Kyra would move and accidentally feel my boner poking her ass. Or Kyra noticing my boner over my blankets. What would she do? What would she say?
I turn, and lay down on my side. I was facing her back, I scoot back a bit putting a gap between us. Suddenly Kyra scoots towards me, I feel my boner poke her ass.
Y-Y/n, what's touching my ass?" Kyra asks.
I get nervous. "Ugh nothing." I reply.
Kyra’s breath hitches. "D-Do you have a boner?" She asks.
"Y-Yeah." I reply.
"Um okay...I don't know what to do." Kyra replies not knowing what to do in this situation.
"I'll rub one out real quick." I say.
"O-Okay." Kyra says.
A couple of minutes go by and I give up as I'm having a hard time getting a release.
"Y-You're still hard. I can feel it poking and rubbing against my ass." Kyra says.
"Nothing is working, it won't go away." I say.
I hear Kyra moving around. "Pull it out."
I slide my shorts and boxers off and toss them off to the side. Kyra turns on the lamp, Kyra wasn't wearing her sweats and panties anymore.
She was lying on her side with her ass towards me. She lifts her ass cheek up a bit. "Put it in."
I run my dick through her folds, once my tip is wet enough I slowly slide my dick deep inside her. Kyra moans, I let her take a moment to adjust to my size.
"Shit, you feel huge inside me." Kyra moans.
"Tell me when to move." I say.
Kyra moans and nods. She takes a moment. "M-move."
I start thrusting in and out of her slowly.
I pick up the pace and go a bit faster than before. The only sounds in the room were my balls slapping against her skin and our moans filling the room.
"Shit, you're really tight." I moan.
"F-Faster." Kyra moans.
I pick up the pace and go faster and faster.
"Shit...right...there." Kyra squeaks out with each thrust. After 10 more minutes I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Where do you want me to cum?" I ask.
"Just cum inside me." Kyra says.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yes." Kyra replies.
I moan and continue to fuck her going faster and faster. A minute later I feel my balls tighten "I'm gonna cu-" I'm unable to warn her in time.
Creampie #1:
We both moan as I shoot my load deep inside her. Kyra moans and cums all over my dick. I help Kyra ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her.
Thick cum immediately pours out of her and drips down her thigh and onto her bed.
"Wanna keep going?" She asks.
I blush darkly and nod. My dick was still covered in cum, I slowly push my dick back inside her and start thrusting in and out of her.
I grab onto her hips, my balls slap against her skin as I thrust in and out of her.
"Fill...me....up." Kyra squeaks out with each thrust.
I go faster and harder. Kyra moans. "Yes right there! I'm gonna fucking cum."
I go as fast and as hard as I can. By this point Kyra was screaming my name as I pound her pussy. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
I feel my balls tighten. "I'm close." I moan.
"Me too, don't stop." Kyra moans.
Creampie #2:
We both moan as I bust my load deep inside her. Kyra moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I continue to pump her full of cum. I hold onto her hips as the last of my cum oozes Inside her.
I pull out and cum immediately pours out of her and drips onto the bed. I kiss her, Kyra is surprised but kisses back.
"Fuck you gelt good inside me." Kyra moans panting.
I blush darkly. "You're really good in bed."
We both lay down panting and trying to catch our breath. It was now 3 am, luckily we don't have anything going on tomorrow. So we can sleep in tomorrow morning. Kyra lays in my arms, I kiss her head and cuddle her.
"I think we'll get attack with questions by the team tomorrow morning." Kyra says.
I chuckle at her comment. "Yeah we will."
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chateaaa · 2 days
☆ Home - T. Giyuu
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synopsis: Giyuu Tomioka as your mentor
pairing: Giyuu Tomioka x fem! reader (platonic)
warnings: fluff, Giyuu self doubts lol
request: Heyyy could you write smth for like giyuu x teenager reader (platonic). Like reader meets giyuu after the hashira meeting about letting nezuko live (yk what I mean?) and she just goes whenever he goes like a puppy, cuz she admires him so much and want to become his tsugoku, and the hashira and giyuu reaction to this? Like they suprised that someone looks up to him? If ya don't want to just ignore this (Sorry for my English btw😭)
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❝ Time is slowly tracing his face, But strangely he feels at home in this place ❞
- Giyuu Tomioka who refused in making you his tsuguko, thinking that one refusal is enough but no. you followed him everywhere for 9 days till he finally agrees.
- Giyuu Tomioka who was very hesitant to make you his tsuguko, he would probably have self doubts thinking if he could really teach you.
- Giyuu Tomioka who reluctantly agrees on making you his tsuguko, having the plans of quitting his spot as a hashira and giving it to you (he still thinks he's a fake pillar)
- Giyuu Tomioka whose training is very harsh, he can't help it if he wants you to survive demons
- Giyuu Tomioka who is very cold and strict around you.
- Giyuu Tomioka who asked you "why do you want to be my tsuguko?" and when you replied how you admired him, he had this bubbly and warm feeling coming from his chest
- Giyuu Tomioka who grows fond of you after a few months of becoming the water hashira's tsuguko.
- Giyuu Tomioka who finally introduces you to the hashiras as the pillars (Mitsuri, Shinobu, Rengoku and Uzui) kept pestering him that his tsuguko that he keeps on telling about is fake and he is delusional.
- The hashira's reaction were literally 😧 because how did Tomioka get a tsuguko that is so good?!?
- Some hashira's even offered you to be their mentor and quit being Tomioka's disciple, but when they heard your reason on why you want to be with Tomioka's side, Giyuu blushed (NOT ROMANTICALLY) because finally someone was defending him from the hashira's relentless teasing.
- Giyuu Tomioka who would come out of his shell and gives you small trinkets from his mission ranging from sweet western candies to cute hairclips.
- Giyuu Tomioka who can't help but worry over you when you go to a mission, thinking the worst things possible and he can't even protect you because of his hashira rank.
- Giyuu Tomioka who takes pride when someone compliments you, his tsuguko but when a hashira compliments you, he feels a small surge of jealousy (he thinks they will steal you from him knowing he has a tsuguko that's good)
- Giyuu Tomioka who uses your name against Shinobu when so goes —
"Ara~ Tomioka-san you don't have friends do you?"
"I have, Y/n is my friend"
"hoho what are you talking about? are you seriously thinking that your tsuguko is your friend?"
- yeah that hurt giyuu a lot, after that interaction he became very stern and stiff around you, and when you bring that up, he then asks if he can be your friend you agreed of course!!
- Giyuu Tomioka who asks you for help when wanting to give Sanemi some ohagi (spoiler, it did not go well)
- Giyuu Tomioka who smiles when you make his favorite food, simmered salmon with daikon.
- Giyuu Tomioka who takes you out of town once in a while and treats you with every sweet possible.
- Giyuu Tomioka who finally accepts you as his little sister.
- Giyuu Tomioka who finally talks about his past with you, he shared how his older sister died by the demons, he shared how sad he felt when sabito died and how he thinks he's a fake hashira.
- Giyuu Tomioka who would always risk his life for you.
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- PostWar! Giyuu Tomioka who sobs uncontrollably after he wakes up from his coma and sees you alive and well after the battle with Uppermoon 3
- PostWar! Giyuu Tomioka who appreciates it when you stitch and saves his very torn haori after the war (with the help of nezuko)
- PostWar! Giyuu Tomioka who you and him lives together and adopted 8 cats (i headcanon that dogs hate giyuu but cats love him)
- PostWar! Giyuu Tomioka who is very thankful you came to his life because you have given his useless life a new meaning, his life has turned into a new chapter when he met you, where he experienced the joy and laughter of having a little sister, his new home <
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Tashio Secrets! Giyuu Tomioka actually gave Y/n a matching sword hilt with her favorite color !
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DAMN THIS WAS SO LONGGG, but i literally had fun writing this, thank you so so much for requesting, i blabbered so much on this work lol!! HOPE U ALL ENJOYY!! TYSM FOR READING
i might make a sanemi or obanai headcanon like this, idk you guys can request!!!
- cheatea ☁️
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smuttyazrael · 2 days
Can you maybe do a smut where sirius is fucking female reader in his padfoot form while readers brother james is hilding her open and licker her up and maybe also fucking her while sirius fucks james as padfoot or in human form? Only if your comfortable
Loving Jamie
Word count: 885
Summary: James's sister loves her brother James. James wants to share that with Sirius.
Warnings: Sexual intercourse, fingering, beastiality (sorta, I don't really classify it as personally because its still a human with human thoughts even if he turns into a dog.) anal, oral, threesome, incest.
"Jamie!" You yell getting home from hanging out with your friends. Both of you are home from Hogwarts. Mom and dad are at work. Last you saw Sirius was over as well.
You run up the stairs calling his name. Your short black skirt bouncing as you go. Your tits are bouncing around your red crop top.
"In here, Y/N" you hear your brother James yells from what sounds like his room. You walk to his room and walk in. You see him sitting on his bed reading and a black dog lying on the bed napping.
"Jamie! How was your day?" You squeal bouncing on to his bed waking the dog. "Sorry puppy." You pet the dog beside you.
"It was calm. Sirius and I planned some pranks for back at Hogwarts then we talked about when Remus and Peter get here. Remus will be coming for the full moon. So you need to be good." James tells you.
"I will be. I hope Remus will be okay for the full moon." You say with a frown on your face.
"He will be, princess." James replies while getting up.
"Where you going?" You ask concerned.
"Gotta pee." James turns to tell you as he's walking out the door.
Slowly the dog starts nudging you. You can feel its cold nose press against your belly. You laugh rolling onto your back. He walks aroud the bed sniffing you will you giggling at the snorts and sniffle noises he is making.
He reaches your pussy and bats his nose against you clit. You moan. "Puppy. Silly puppy." You say patting his head thats in between your legs.
The dog shoves his nose into your pussy. You let out a gasp. The dog starts licking your pussy and this causes his nose to rub your clit. You grab on to the sheets moaning loudly.
"Puppy. You can't do that." You gasp out between moans. The dog just keeps licking and you get slick with your juice. The dog licks faster rubbing your clit faster causing you to moan louder.
"Getting your pussy licked, Princess." You hear James say. "Does it feel good?" He comes and whispers in your ear. He pulls your top above your tits and rolls your nipples in between his fingers.
"Yeah, Jamie. It feels so good." You moan out. "I'm gonna cum, puppy!" You yell out your pussy tightening over air. You feel empty as you cum squirting your juice for the puppy to lick up.
The puppy licks it up happily. James leans over kissing you. "Jamie, I need more." You beg him as he pulls away.
"You want more. Greedy little princess." James says pulling away.
He pulls his pants off. His hard cock hiting his abs with a thwack. He pushes himself in between the puppy and you. He rubs his cock around your pussy gathering you slick. He then thrusts into you. You and him both groan out. The puppy behind James. He groans out.
"Lick my balls." He says. You give him a confused look as he thrusts into you. "Puppy is licking my ass."
He suddenly moans out and you see the puppy above James's shoulders. You look down and see James's cock thrusting in and out of you and puppy's cock thrusting in and out of James. You moan. All of a sudden you see Sirius on top of James. You jump in shock. James moans as he sinks deeper into your cunt.
"Fuck James. You feel amazing." Sirius says thrusting in and out of James. "Play with her clit."
James reaches down flicking your little bean and sucking on your tit. Your nipple rolling between his teeth. He switches sides. Causing you to clamp down on him cumming hard with a scream. He yells out cumming deep into you coating your walls in his cum. Sirius groan cumming with him, into James's hole.
Sirius and James roll off of you. James pulling out of you. You whimper missing the feeling. "You want Sirius's cock baby girl?" James asks panting beside you looking into your eyes. You nod.
Sirius climbs over James and flips you over. He lifts your butt so it is in the air and thrusts into you in one hard thrust with his wet cock. He pounds you into the mattress. Your tits bouncing with every thrust. Your clawing the mattress moaning like an animal. He reaches down and rubs your clit. You feel the coil in your belly tighten. Your moans become a higher pitch. Sirius just smirks at James. You cum clamping down on him milking him as he cums. He groans and pulls out after. He rolls off of you into the spot James just vacated.
"How was that princess?" Sirius asks you while panting still.
"Thank you Siri." You say cuddling up to his chest. Not having anymore energy. He wraps his arms around you.
"Lets all get some sleep we need it." James tells you all.
You just nod against Sirius's chest. Closing your eyes and falling asleep almost instantly with Sirius's and James's cum dripping out of your pussy. Sirius rolls you two over so he is spooning you. He plays with your tits as you sleep, helping him calm down enough to fall asleep as well.
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dany-is-my-queen · 1 day
Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader, Alicent Hightower x reader
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: When dragons of green and dragons of black dance, you have to choose the color that suits you best.
Note: @nnightskiess have not forgotten, hope I don´t make you suffer before the series resumes 😣
Note 2: Thanks everybody for the patience!!! Lots of love.
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"It will be okay," you heard the whisper, but the voice was unrecognizable, heightening your alertness. The fire intensified, burning your skin like never before.
You wanted to scream, use your voice to provide support, but in vain. "Y/N," you heard, but where was it coming from? "Y/N," louder now.
"Wake up," you finally managed to open your eyes; Alicent was by your side, concerned. "We need to bring down that fever," she said, trying to get up, and you snapped out of the trance.
"Is Rhaenyra okay?" you asked abruptly.
Alicent hesitated for a moment, then looked away. "Is Rhaenyra okay?" she echoed your question; cursing internally, you took her hand before she could stand. “I was worried about you, I am," she replied.
You squeezed her hand, then brought her hands to your face. Suddenly, a sensation took over your entire body. Silverwing was back. You needed fresh air to decipher the message of that nightmare.
Alicent looked at you with more confusion; you quickly got out of bed, dressed, and gave her a fleeting kiss, but it felt cold. Before she could even react, you found yourself in the dragon pit, facing a youngling who seemed unfazed by your dragon's presence. You regarded him with genuine curiosity.
"Are you new here?" you inquired sincerely. He turned to meet your gaze.
"Not entirely. My name is Addam, my lady."
"They can sense fear, so I advise against exposing yourself if you're not prepared," you advised, soothing your dragon with a gentle stroke.
He chuckled innocently, gesturing towards the cave adjacent to yours. "I haven't quite earned Seasmoke's utter trust yet, but we're making progress."
You furrowed your brow, prompting another laugh from him. "Why the surprise? Don't I have the demeanor of a dragonrider?"
You detected a hint of a familiar gaze in him, reflected in his eyes. "And your second name?"
"Once Rivers, now Velaryon," he declared firmly.
"Did you manage to tame my brother's dragon?" A touch of sadness tinted the conversation. "Whose son are you?"
"I believe it's time we speak to our father."
A few days had passed since that disorienting morning, the unsettling dream, and the revelation of your "brother." You were grappling with a sense of disorientation, and encountering the girl you once held dear was becoming unbearable. Joffrey's arrival in the capital added to your uncertainty, leaving you unsure if his anger towards you would dissipate. You abandoned everyone while intending to be with everybody.
Despite Corlys's attempts to engage you in private conversation, you rebuffed him, as it reminded you too much of your mother. Did she know? If he did, did he share his secret too? It was a burden you couldn't bear to confront at the moment.
Upon entering the room, only Daemon and Rhaenyra were present, apparently engaged in a heated argument.
"Your Grace, did you summon me?" you asked calmly to her, while Daemon sighed in annoyance upon noticing you.
"Here comes your whore," Daemon directed his hatred towards you, never having liked you. What a surprise.
"You will refer to her with respect, am I clear?" Rhaenyra ordered him.
"I've told her a thousand times that you're no longer interested in her, that you chose my brother's widow over her, and that she's the one who has you wrapped around her finger, that she should have forgotten about you a long time ago. You filthy traitor.”
You couldn't contain yourself and stooped to his level, simply recalling the kind of man he has always been and how he forced your sister Laena to stay and perish in a place foreign to her home. Laena deserved someone much better, just like Rhaenyra.
"Why don't you go back to Pentos and stay there for the rest of your days? Here, you'll never be more than a second son, a prince consort, and a first-rate oaf," you spat angrily. He grazed his sword with his hand, gripping it tightly, so you did the same with yours.
"I should have ripped your head off when I had the chance or pierced Dark Sister through your skull like I did with your pathetic, deviant brother. You disgust me just like he did," he confessed to the crime that haunted you for far too long since all the incidents at Driftmark, which instinctively led you to draw your sword in a flash before he or the Queen could react. He was stronger and taller than you, but you managed to bring him down to the floor, threateningly placing the blade at his throat. He just let out an insolent chuckle without attempting to defend himself.
"Oh, fret not, don't want you to be upset with my dear wife afterwards. She had nothing to do with it. We were going to let him go with his fifth-rate knight, but I figured he might do something stupid, as people of your kind often do. So I took care of it," he concluded, recounting his story with the corresponding details. You brought the sword closer to his neck, scratching it slightly.
"Go ahead, thrust it, I dare you," he began. Your body felt on fire, along with your anger and helplessness. You wanted to end him there and then, that cunt was a killer. “Oh, right, you don't have it in you. Could it be that you're reluctant because you'd rather shield Rhaenyra from glimpsing your less flattering traits? Are you afraid she won't love you the same way?"
"Y/N, please stop. I didn't know, I would have never allowed it. The plan and what we agreed upon with Laenor was to escape free of all burdens and responsibilities. If I could go back, I swear I would change it, I would change my decisions. He dithered because of you, he didn't want to leave you behind, nor Laena. I'm so sorry," she sincerely spoke with her voice filled with honesty. "You're better than this."
"But you're not better at fucking her," he murmured arrogantly. That's when you had enough, and with the hilt of Nightrider, you struck him, rendering him unconscious. You couldn't bear to hear any more poison coming from his mouth.
"Y/N… listen," Rhaenyra tried to get your attention, but you weren't interested in hearing her now. You stood up and left the room without uttering another word. Whatever she said next never reached your ears. "Don't walk away from me..”
After Haelena's little one got murdered, the whole funeral ordeal, and all those revenge promises, Alicent ended up at the lake on the outskirts of King’s Landing. She was decked out in this white dress, her eyes carrying regret and fear. She knew things were about to go downhill fast; her mind was stuck on snapshots from her youth—like that time with you on Silverwing, cradling their tiny ones for the first time, holding her mom's hand exploring castles near the Hightower.
You came up, giving her a hug from behind, understanding her need for space but also getting she didn't want to be left alone, especially now. You trailed her quietly, wrapping your arms around her slim waist. The mist lifted, the water thickened. Your face found its way to the nape of her neck, planting a shy kiss; she felt the warmth of your lips, defying the chilly air.
No words were traded that time, and none were needed. Just being there for each other was what you craved at that very moment, just feeling.
The early mornings persisted in tormenting you, and the same phlegm-filled scene was all that your retina perceived after witnessing the decapitation of the primary traitors to Rhaenyra, among them Otto. Your loyalty seemed to have lost its value; no one knew which side you were on, and a sense of unease pervaded your being. Doubt inundated your thoughts, and it inflicted more damage on Alicent than anyone else. It had to cease.
"Y/N…" she called out to you, finding you in the corridors. However, you chose to ignore her, as you had in the preceding days, even after her father's demise. "Will this continue in this manner? You no longer sleep in our room. What has occurred? Please, talk to me," she insisted. Nevertheless, you persisted in disregarding her. You had to act in accordance with what felt right at that moment. "We don't know where Aegon is or if he's well. My father has been beheaded, my children are distant, and Helaena scarcely leaves her chamber. I have no allies here. I feel like I'm losing you too." Her voice broke, accentuating your growing indifference, if that were even possible.
"Tell me why you're trying to conceal it if you have something to say."
You loved Alicent; there was no doubt about that. You loved her enough to spare her from this situation. Or were you merely succumbing to the same cowardice as years ago, when you sought her out solely because Rhaenyra had labeled you a whore?
"I'm sorry about your father," you murmured, still unable to articulate your thoughts.
"She did this, Y/N. She's here to seize everything, not just the throne but you as well. Will you allow it?"
Your countenance reflected an acute internal conflict. Alicent clung to the hope that what followed would be erroneous.
"Do you still love her after all she's done to us? Has she twisted you to her will once again so swiftly?" Each question was infused with pure pain, yet she desperately needed to hear you confess.
Your silence only served to confirm it; you had become mute.
"We've become a love that inflicts pain," you finally articulated.
"Is that all you have to say?"
"Aemond could return at any moment; you need to speak with him."
"So he forgives the lives of the usurpers?" she asked incredulously, displaying annoyance.
"We don't desire more deaths, Alicent. She is our rightful queen—" before you could complete the sentence, you felt Alicent's hand on your cheek. It was impulsive, born out of desperation, driven by jealousy, perhaps a culmination of various emotions; yet, she did not regret it in that moment.
You regarded her with surprise, but it was not unexpected. You had behaved like an immature 16-year-old girl, and she was unwilling to endure it again.
Rhaenyra was acutely aware of the imperative to persistently fortify her position within the heart of King's Landing. The lingering skepticism among a considerable number of individuals, who still refused to acknowledge her as the rightful queen, was more than mere whispers. It extended to some influential figures within the court, casting doubt on her legitimacy.
Simultaneously, Rhaenyra grasped the precariousness of abandoning the capital. The impending return of the middle Green brother signaled an imminent counterattack to reclaim the city. Aemond's unpredictable nature made it unclear how he would navigate the situation. Entrusting one of the Greens' scarce dragons to him, coupled with his lack of finesse in delicate matters, heightened the uncertainty.
The ensuing events took an unforeseen turn as the young prince and his dragon loitered on the outskirts of the city, in a secluded village where Vhagar had been observed for several weeks. Uncertainty loomed over Aemond's course of action, but Rhaenyra was wary of potential surprises.
"The Prince is in close proximity. His dragon incessantly circles the vicinity," reported the maester. Rhaenyra's countenance betrayed no overt concern, yet a flicker of resentment tinged her gaze at the mention of Aemond. It was only a matter of time.
"Let's pay my half-brother an unanticipated visit," Rhaenyra declared. Her gaze met yours, and it was evident that her directive for you to accompany her was not a matter of choice but a command. "And lady y/n, you're coming with me."
Your immediate acknowledgement underscored the non-negotiable nature of the order. "Yes, Your Grace," you replied succinctly. "It's prudent to intercept him before he reaches the city. The devastation he has wrought on remote villages, even among his allies, could escalate significantly if he arrives here."
"Exactly. I must engage him away from the populace. His intent is not only to seize my throne but obliterate what is rightfully ours," she concluded.
Daemon's audible discontent with being excluded was met with Rhaenyra's response. "Silverwing surpasses Caraxes in size. Moreover, your presence is essential here in case the usurper decides on an unforeseen return," she retorted, her tone dry and definitive. With an arrogant sigh, Daemon exited the chamber.
As you approached the Dragon Pit, you beheld her getting ready to mount Syrax, and your thoughts drifted back to that initial encounter.
"Who can understand the heart of a dragon?"
Another dragon emerged, and your alleged brother Addam, offered a timid smile as he mounted it—a moment reciprocated with your own nod.
The journey could've been briefer, but precautions were taken to avoid the townsfolk's prying eyes, where rumors of Aemond's presence lingered.
Out of the dragons' sight, the trio headed to a tavern to strategize. The plan seemed dubious to you, but you complied with the Queen's orders nonetheless.
Rhaenyra donned a chestnut wig, attempting to blend in inconspicuously, a stark contrast to her usual visibility. Addam, an unknown face, posed no issue, and you kept your hood up, adopting an Essos accent for authenticity.
"Ale, please," you asked the provocative waitress, whose intensity wasn't lost on you, making you slightly uneasy.
The Queen intervened, ordering "Water only" once the waitress was out of earshot. Perplexed, you questioned her choice.
"Here with a purpose. Can't afford distractions," she emphasized. Addam, sensing tension, lightened the mood with a jest.
“Can we indulge in a bit of enjoyment?”
“No.” She said stiffly.
Having received complimentary shots, the Queen, annoyed, paid and swiftly ushered you out. Adam stayed behind, kind of aware of the underlying dynamics.
In the rented room, the Queen discarded the wig, sipping wine. Perplexed, you questioned her abrupt change.
"Why the sudden shift? Now you are driniking," you remarked, gently yet seriously.
Concerned about potential espionage, she warned about the waitress being a possible spy. Frustrated, you defended the harmless encounter, asserting your commitment to the mission.
"I don't know why you're acting like this. We're not teenagers. What's gotten into you?" you queried.
Regretful, she apologized, admitting her lapse in judgment.
“I understand. We need to stay focused and vigilant,” she agreed, nodding. “We can’t afford any slip-ups”
“I've come to negotiate with Aemond," she disclosed, surprising you. In a moment of hope, you acknowledged the possibility of averting further bloodshed, honoring Luke's memory, Jace´s memory.
Taglist: @nnightskiess @loveislove4 @evattude @lethal-minds @sophiexoxsblog @claymoresword @tired-ninfa @glorioushamsterqueen @barbicent @newcaptainofsquad9 @pindoris @oh-thats-cute @rxscpctals @laenordeservedbetter @voniikg @toot-is-tired @letlovee-in @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valenciavv @the-camilucha @joliettes @itssecret2109 @i-nail-jello-to-walls @cone-fused-mind @livingdreams97
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billluver0124 · 1 day
"Even My Bones"
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synopsis: bill falls inlove with y/n after meeting her at a gas station, a month later; after a moment of passion something is revealed about her.
WARNINGS: cannibalism, blood, makeout scene
authors note: this story is inspired by the movie 'bones and all', i immediately thought of a plot after watching the movie. but this story does get gorey, so please scroll of you are uncomfortable reading. thank you to @rottinglilys for helping me with this story<3 enjoy my lovies, mwah!
BILLS POV: it was like yesterday when i met her. i was at a gas station, my brother tom waiting in the car as i bought myself a pack of skittles and a pack of cigarettes. then there she was, the love of my life; i didnt know it then but i know it so much now. she looked different then other girls, her eyes were as big and doey as a deer, her smile was as bright as the sun. there was something unique about her, she was almost inhuman-like, but so beautiful. i caught myself watching her every move as she walked around the station..
i walked into the gas station, using the amount of money i had left to get myself some snacks and water for the journey that was to come. "that'll be 13.74 please" the cashier told me, i gave him fifteen bucks and he gave me the remaining change, and the stuff i bought of course. i thanked him, before catching a glimpse at the boy who was staring at me the entire time; and leaving to continue my walk. (the rest of the story is now in third person !)
bill mentally slapped himself for not talking to her at the gas station, but he shook it off as he walked back to the car, continuing his drive with tom back home. "why do you look so gloomy?" tom asked, with small concern. "nothing, im just tired" bill replied, giving tom a small smile as he continued to drive him and tom.
after bill dropped tom off at his house, he now drove the route to his house. when he saw her again, walking on the road all by herself, with nothing but a backpack. "hey!" he shouted, catching her attention. "are you okay miss?" "uhh yea, im okay" she replied, not very sure about her answer "well, why are you walking alone? its late and its not safe at this hour" bill asked, concerned for her well being. y/n looked around the area, the boy was right, it did look pretty dangerous out here in the dark "w-well, d-do you think you could gimme a ride?" y/n asked, slightly nervous about her surroundings. "yea, come in" bill opened the passenger side door for her, allowing her to come in. she puts on her seat belt as they continued the drive. "you live around here?" bill asked, y/n looking at him for a small moment before answering "actually i dont, im not from here" "where were you gonna stay?" bill asked, curiousity filled his senses. "i was just gonna sleep at a bus stop" she said nonchalantly, bill turned to look at her once again, wide eyed "are you crazy? nonsense, you can stay with me at my place!" "n-no, you dont have to-" "i insist, no pretty girl like you should stay alone like that" bill immediately blushed after he realized what he called her, y/n blushing to herself as she took the compliment. after a small moment she spoke..
"im y/n" she looked to him as she spoke, bill replying soon after "im bill, its a pleasure to meet you" y/n softly smiled. sitting in a soft and peaceful silence the rest of the drive home. they finally reached his house, bill leads her inside, helping her take off her beat up sage green converse and hanging her backpack on a hanger. "you can sleep in my room if youd like, i dont mind sleeping on the couch" "no, its your house, ill sleep on the couch" y/n insisted, not willing to negotiate anything else. and thats what happened, y/n slept on the couch...for most of the night. bill wakes up to the sound of y/n panicking, he rushes out of the room and holds her in his arms "you're okay, everything's okay" he soothes her as she cried in his arms, after she calms down a bit she speaks "i-i had a nightmare.." bill softly smiled at her, even in such a panicked state; she was still so beautiful to him "do you wanna come sleep with me in my room?" "i-is that okay with you?" she asked, bill smiled even more "its more than okay with me" bill takes her to his bed, holding her in his arms as they both slept. he knows he shouldnt move this fast with her, he didn't even know her for gods sake! but something about her was so, addicting. A month goes by, bill and y/n began to know more about each other, both sharing their feelings in the process, sharing a few intimate nights with each other too. bill knew she was the one, the missing puzzle piece in his life, the filling of the void he had for so long. bill knew it was always her. and y/n felt the exact same. they loved each other.
bill held her waist as he kissed her neck, hearing her sweet moans for him. he smirks, going back up to her lips; their tongues dancing with each other in one anothers mouths. y/n had her hands in dreads, melting in his addicting touch. "god i love you so much" bill groaned, "i love you too" y/n moans back.
then all of a sudden, y/n had this violent urge of hunger, her skin began to crawl as she drooled for bill. she needed to feed. she goes down to his neck, mumbling an 'im so sorry' before sinking her teeth in bills neck. bill yells in pain as a response.
BILLS POV: "liebe! stop, i-its me!" i cried, trying to push her off but she was too strong. i felt another wave of pure agony as i watched her dig her nails into the flesh on my chest, feeding it into her mouth, another scream of pain as my response. but after a moment, something made me accept this. it was her beauty, she was literally ripping me apart and eating me. but even with my blood all over her...still, she looked so beautiful. "i love you y/n" those were my last words, the last things i needed to say as i watched her, tear me apart piece by piece. consuming my existence, eating my entire body... even my bones. Y/NS POV: after i ate him, i snapped out of my trance and realized what i just did. i just killed...and ate the love of my life. he was my everything, my soulmate. and i just ripped him apart and consumed him so selfishly. what is wrong with me?, there was nothing but a pool of blood and his hair, his beautiful black hair with white dreads, that was the only thing i had for memory of him. i got up to go to the bathroom, catching my reflection in the mirror. i looked so disgusting, his blood was all over me, there were pieces of him stuck in my teeth. all i could do now, was cry. i felt myself falling to my knees, screaming out all my regret in cries, why did i have to be like this? and out of all people... why did it have to be bill?
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khaleesiofalicante · 17 hours
A Blessing - LDV Ficlet
Contrary to his brother’s belief, Rafael does not have a stick up his ass. 
Does he have standards? Yes. Does he have a system? Absolutely. 
Does he have crippling anxiety that whispers in his ear that he must do everything according to his system to meet his standards? You bet your ass, he does. 
But he doesn’t have a stick in his ass, thank you very much. 
That would make it very difficult to do some of the things he does, such as sitting on the carpeted floor of his father’s office and read through and review a dozen different campaign strategies before midnight. 
Dad didn’t ask him to do it. Dad certainly didn’t ask him to do it before midnight. 
But Rafael’s system did, and his standards insisted. 
He has to listen. Not abiding by his system and compromising his standards would be a colossal mistake. A mistake that will result in everything around him crumbling down. 
People might even die. Who knows?
Rafael looks up at the voice and smiles. “Hey, Maia.”
Maia is dad’s campaign advisor. If things go as planned and they make it into the White House – the very thought of which sends a shiver down his spine – Maia might even lead the White House Communications Office. 
Dad met Maia in college. Rafael knows the whole story. 
He first thought that it was a bad idea to employ your friends. But dad always says that its greatest strength – surrounding yourself with people you love and trust. 
Maybe Rafael finds it complicated because he doesn’t have many friends. He is not very good at making them or retaining them. But it’s fine. 
He has a system. He has standards. His system says that to achieve his standards, he should have at least three good friends by the time he turns 30. 
He is still 21, so he should be fine. 
“It’s late,” Maia points out, as if he doesn’t know. He didn’t know actually. But it’s fine. “Did you eat?”
Rafael points at the half-eaten box of takeout on the floor. “Is dad done with the meeting?”
“Not yet,” Maia replies. “But he asked to check if you want to go home. It looks like it’s going to storm tonight too.”
“I’m not done with these yet,” Rafael points at the files scattered around him. 
“You can come back here and do them tomorrow-”
Rafael shakes his head immediately. “I have to finish today. Before midnight.”
Maia eyes the documents with uncertainty, as if it’s not a realistic goal. Then she nods and walks away. 
Wow. That was easy. 
He really thought she might put up a fight about it. 
But the thing is, Maia is super smart. She’d never do something if she knows there is someone out there who can do it better and quicker. 
Ah shit. Of course she called in big guns. 
“What’s up?” Rafael asks casually. 
“I’m taking Max home and you’re coming with me,” Bapak informs, and it doesn’t sound like Rafael has a choice.
Rafael turns around and looks at his brother who has been passed out on the couch for the last two hours. Poor thing must be exhausted after all that training. 
Max has his own system – about what he eats and when he sleeps and how he exercises. If Rafael listens to his brain, Max listens to his body. 
Rafael will never understand how someone as impulsive and reckless his brother could practice such discipline. He wishes his brother would apply that commitment to something a little less intense – something that doesn’t require him to wake up at four in the morning and sacrifice chocolate. 
“I’m not done, bapak,” Rafael points at the campaign files. “I need to read all of them and then organize them for Maia.”
“You know the election is next year, not next month?”
“That’s only twelve months. Not enough time!”
“When I said you should take a break after college, I didn’t mean camping out in your father’s office,” Bapak shakes his head.
“Dad needs all the help he can get,” Rafael says a little seriously. “Also, if all of us leave now, he’ll probably feel like we abandoned him.”
“I will not fall for your manipulation,” Bapak huffs and then frowns a little. “But I suppose I could send Max home with Elyaas, then stay here and help you.”
“No, I have a system!” Rafael all but wails. “I have to do it my way. It’s the most efficient way.”
Bapak sighs at that. “Darling, you’re not going to finish all of this on your own.”
“I can if you stop talking to me,” Rafael points out. 
“Alright,” Bapak puts up his hand, always knowing when to concede. “But if you don’t come home with your father, I will lock the front door.”
“No, you won’t,” Rafael replies, not looking up. 
“No, I won’t,” the man sighs at that. “Will you wake your brother up and ask him to meet me in the lobby. I’ll get the car to come around.”
When Rafael pokes his brother in the tummy, Max immediately wakes up and sits up straight – as if he is in the army or something. He frowns at his Apple Watch and then frowns further at Rafael. “You interrupted a really nice dream.”
“Were you dreaming in French?” Rafael makes a face. “You were mumbling.”
“No,” Max huffs and then makes a wistful expression. “Do you know if the prince will attend the Olympics next year?”
“What prince?”
“The Prince of France, Rafael, who else?” Max rolls his eyes. “It’s happening in Paris, remember?”
“Ah,” Rafael replies and then shrugs. “I don’t know. He’ll probably be at the opening ceremony.”
“I see. I see,” Max nods seriously. 
Rafael chuckles at that and shakes his head.  “Bapak is going home. Meet him at the lobby.” 
“You’re not coming?” Max yawns. 
“I can stay if you want,” Max offers. 
“No, I’m good,” Rafael replies. “You go home and sleep properly.”
“Okay,” Max yawns again. “I need to go home and take an ice bath anyway. Coach says we need to get used to cold water because Paris is going to be cold as shit in February.”
Rafael truly worries about his brother sometimes. All this training stuff is getting a little out of hand. He should probably mention it to his parents. 
But he needs to stick to his plan for now. One task at a time. 
He immerses self into campaign strategy from the Obama campaign, focusing on grassroots organizing. He has no idea how much time has passed when he hears a knock on the door. 
“I’m almost done,” Rafael lies immediately. 
He has seven more campaign strategies to read up on and its quarter to midnight. He might have slightly miscalculated the amount of time that he needs to read through these files. 
It’s not his fault. Whoever wrote this was extremely thorough so he can’t help but take his time with it, digesting every crucial detail to better understand their own campaign for next year. 
“Yeah, you’re going home,” Dad informs.
“But I’m not done,” Rafael points out. 
“We are closing the office,” Dad counters. 
“Can I take these home?” Rafael gathers up the files to his chest. 
“It’s too sensitive, Rafe, I don’t think so,” Dad replies. 
Rafael chews his lip. “I wanted to finish this today.”
Dad sighs at that as he walks over and crouches next to Rafael on the floor. “The world is not going to fall apart just because you didn’t finish this today.”
But it will. It might. 
Rafael doesn’t know how to explain it to his parents or anyone else. If he can’t finish his tasks for the day, then it will up with his tasks for tomorrow and then it will go on like that until everything turns into a shitshow. 
And the next thing you know dad will lose the election and it will all be Rafael’s fault.
“I just want to help,” Rafael says quietly. 
“I know,” Dad puts a careful hand on his shoulder. “But you’re not helping right now, you’re holding everyone up from going home.”
“Right,” Rafael swallows. “I’ll come home with you.”
His brain is screaming at him to shut up. 
You’re doing it wrong. You’re doing it all wrong. You didn’t finish your task! You’re going to mess everything up!
“Hey,” Dad says gently. “Would it help if I give you a new task to accomplish?”
He knows. Dad always knows. 
“Yes, please,” Rafael replies immediately. 
“Could you drop Anjali home?” Dad asks. “I think she’s going to take a cab, but you know how I feel about those.”
Oh shit. 
Is this what people mean by digging your own grave? Probably. 
But it’s still a task and Rafael is happy to do it just in case it will quieten his brain a little bit. 
“Okay,” Rafael nods and packs his things up. “I can do that.”
“Great,” Dad smiles and turns around. “Ah, Anjali. Good news. Rafael will drop you home.”
Anjali narrows her perfectly manicured eyebrows. “I didn’t ask to be dropped home.”
“Yes, well, it’s late and you know it’s not safe for a young girl to-”
“So, the solution is to be chaperoned by a man?” Anjali asks in amusement. “It’s interesting how the problem and the solution both happen to be men.”
“Anjali, it’s past midnight and I haven’t had enough whiskey for this conversation,” Dad pinches the bridge of his nose. “Now please go home and we can talk about how much the patriarchy sucks tomorrow, okay?”
“I’ll hold you to it, Mr. Lightwood,” Anjali gives a little salute. 
Dad rolls his eyes fondly and gives Rafael a nod before leaving the room with his jacket and keys.
“I just like fucking with him,” Anjali informs to no one in particular. 
“Lucky,” Rafael mumbles under his breath. 
“Sorry?” Anjali frowns. 
“Nothing,” Rafael clears his throat. “We should probably leave before it starts raining.”
“Okay,” Anjali replies as she picks up all the files on the floor. 
“Dad said to not take them home,” Rafael says quickly. “They’re sensitive.”
“I know,” Anjali rolls her eyes. “I wrote them.”
“Oh,” Rafael blinks. “Um. They’re…They’re really well-written. I liked how you had pointed out the key learnings under each strategy and noted the potential risk factors too.”
Anjali gives him a look at that. “Don’t flirt with me.”
“I wasn’t!” Rafael squeaks. 
He was. He totally was. He just didn’t think she’d clock it.
They take the elevator quietly, Anjali carrying half a dozen files in her arms and Rafael trying not to nervously pull at his jacket.
“You scared of elevators or something?” Anjali asks. 
“No,” Rafael swallows. “I just…I don’t wanna get caught in the rain.”
“I can still take a cab.”
“No,” Rafael shakes his head immediately. “I have to drop you home.”
It’s a task. He has to finish it.
“You have to drop me home?” Anjali scoffs. 
“I just meant…I promised my dad I’ll do it,” Rafael tries to explain.
“Your dad is very annoying sometimes,” Anjali informs as the elevator opens. 
“Why do you work for him then?” Rafael asks curiously, voicing the question he’d always wanted to ask her. 
“Because working in the White House will look great on my CV,” Anjali shrugs. “Make it a little easier to make my way into the Supreme Court one day.”
“I just didn’t think you’d want to be a secretary,” Rafael points out. 
Anjali looks over her shoulder. “You think about me, Santiago?”
Rafael flushes at that. “I just meant-”
“Nothing wrong with being a secretary,” Anjali tells him. “Especially if you’re working for someone who knows what they’re doing.”
Rafael smiles at that. “I’m glad to hear that. My dad speaks highly of you too.”
Anjali’s stilettos come to a screeching halt as she whirls around and jabs him with a long, red acrylic nail. “Tell me everything.”
Rafael chuckles at that as he spots his bike and walks over to it. “You should consider your options though. Just in case we don’t make into the White House next year.”
“You don’t think we will?” Anjali frowns. 
“We will if we follow our strategy and do everything exactly as we’ve planned,” Rafael points out. “But, you know, things don’t always have to plan.”
“That’s what losers say,” Anjali scoffs. 
“I just like a good backup plan,” Rafael shrugs. “There are plenty of judges in New York you can work with. Or you can work in the DA’s office.”
“The District Attorney is a cunt,” Anjali says very matter-of-factly. 
Rafael chuckles at that as he takes out his keys. “You know, you’d get along great with my brother.”
Anjali groans at that loudly. “No offense, but that boy gives me a migraine every time I talk to him.”
Rafael chuckles again. “Well, you’re gonna have to put up with him a lot if we make it into the White House next year.”
“When we’re gonna make it into the White House,” Anjali corrects him. “And when we do, you and your doubtful ass owes me a set of new highlighters.”
“Textsurfer Classics or the Zebra Mildliners?” Rafael asks as he climbs onto the bike, chuckling at Anjali’s expression on the mirror. “What? I know my way around stationery.”
Anjali scowls at that before climbing in behind him. "I told you not to flirt with me."
Rain pours down on them just as they make it to the Lower East Side, just a couple of minutes away from the Williamsburg Bridge, close to where Anjali lives. 
“Do you want me to pull over?” Rafael loudly asks over his shoulder. 
“We’re almost there. Let’s just keep going,” Anjali shouts in his ear. “I think it might get worse if we wait.”
Rafael nods and tries to go a little faster. He senses Anjali shift behind him and watches her remove her jacket and drape it over the slides close to her chest. 
“Anjali, you’re going to get sick!”
“I need to protect files!”
“Don’t you soft copies?”
“Don’t be stupid. Of course I do.”
“We’ll just get more printouts.”
“But you already annotated most of this.”
Rafael pauses at that. “It’s fine. I can do it again.”
“Are you crazy?”
“Just shut up and get me home.”
By the time they get to her apartment building, they are both drenched, Anjali worse than him. Rafael considers giving her his jacket, but it’s of no use. 
“I told you,” Anjali tells him, teeth chattering a little. “It got worse.”
“Shit,” Rafael sighs, looking at the rain that pours down the street. Bapak will kill him if he tries to ride his bike in this rain. 
“You can stay at mine until it calms down,” Anjali shivers a little and walks over to the elevator.
The elevator ride is quiet and cold. Anjali’s apartment is even quieter and colder.
It’s everything and nothing Rafael expected. 
He’s known her since he was in high school. Dad’s friends with Anjali’s father and they met at a fundraiser and Rafael’s been obsessed with her even since. 
He likes to think he knows her well – mostly by observing her. Because the thought of talking to her terrifies him. What if she thinks he is just another dude trying to hit on her? Even though he is fact just another dude trying to hit on her?
“If you don’t stop that, I’m going to punch your judgy little face,” Anjali glares at him. 
“What?” Rafael coughs. “Your apartment is, uh, lovely.”
“I know it needs cleaning,” Anjali rolls her eyes, putting away four empty cups of chat on her coffee table. 
“I’m not judging. I know you’re super busy,” Rafael says carefully. “Although…You could get a cleaner?”
“Pay someone to clean my house?” Anjali snorts loudly. “My Amma might just disown me.”
Rafael chuckles at that and shrugs. “Well, I don’t mind.”
He does. He minds a lot. But it’s rude to tell someone their house is messy and it’s beyond stupid to say that to the girl of your dreams. 
“I’ve only got one bedroom, so you’re gonna have to take the couch,” Anjali tells him, walking over to the couch and picking up a bunch of things off it. Why is the laundry detergent on the couch? Never mind.
“That’s fine,” Rafael replies. “Can I have the files back?”
“Aren’t you going to sleep?” Anjali demands incredulously.
“I can’t sleep in new places anyway,” Rafael shrugs, which is only half a lie. In truth, he can’t sleep when he knows she’s right there, too close and too far at the same time. 
“You need sleep,” Anjali frowns at him. 
“I need the files,” Rafael corrects. 
“Well, you’re not getting them.”
“Why not?”
“Because I was planning to work on it tonight, okay?” She huffs in response. “You don’t get to interrupt my routine.”
“Your 1 AM routine?” Rafael raises an eyebrow. 
“Don’t be a hypocrite,” Anjali rolls her eyes. “Bathrooms on your left. I can give you some clothes to wear if you want. I have some of my dad’s shirt-”
“I don’t mind wearing yours,” Rafael tells her. “I’m sure I can pull it off.”
Anjali rolls her eyes at that before walking off to her bedroom and returning with a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain burgundy t-shirt. “Let’s see if you can pull it off.”
Rafael tries not to scream. “Is it okay if I use the bathroom first?”
“Yeah, I need to clean up here anyway,” Anjali sighs and glares at her own living room. 
Rafael quickly heads to the bathroom and gets changed, trying not to have a panic attack the entire time.
It’s fine. It’s fine. He can handle this. 
Just go out there and be normal. 
Don’t do anything weird. Don’t say anything weird.
Just be normal. Be chill. 
When he walks out of the bathroom – dressed in Anjali’s clothes, ah! – he finds the girl leaning over the now clean coffee table and setting down the files. 
“Do you need help with that?” Rafael asks. “I’m sure we can finish it soon if we do it together.”
Normal. Chill. Nothing weird. All good. 
“I guess that makes sense, thank you,” Anjali sighs at that. “Give me a minute. I need to get out of these wet clothes first.”
“Do you need help with that?” Rafael asks again before can stop himself. 
Anjali stills at that before slowly turning around to face. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
Run. Jump out of the window. Save yourself. 
She walks over to him and cocks her head. “What did I tell you about flirting with me?”
“Uhhh,” Rafael replies eloquently. 
“You and I?” Anjali says slowly, and Rafael can’t help but focus on the water droplets running down her neck. “It won’t work.”
“Why not?” Rafael asks stupidly. 
“Because I will be part of your father’s permanent staff very soon.”
“If he becomes President, you mean.”
“Why can’t you be delusional for a minute and believe that he can actually win this thing?” Anjali demands in frustration. 
“Someone has to keep all of you on your toes,” Rafael hears himself reply. “Besides, the only thing I’m delusional about is thinking that you like me as much as I do.”
“Well, that depends,” Anjali hums quietly. “How much do you like me?”
“Enough to fantasize about a world where my father doesn’t win and I can ask you out on a date,” Rafael chuckles. 
“But you love your father,” Anjali says in confusion.
“Very much,” Rafael nods. “But-”
“But what?”
“But I want to kiss you so bad, I think it’s starting to drive me a little insane,” Rafael sighs tiredly. 
Anjali looks at him incredulously. “I think you might be crazier than your brother. I can’t believe he’s the sensible one.”
“You take that back!” Rafael gasps. 
Anjali chuckles at that and shakes her head. “This would be a big mistake, Rafael.”
“I hate mistakes,” Rafael tells her. 
“I know,” She smiles a little. “Which is why I don’t want be one.”
“You would never be a mistake, Anjali,” Rafael bites his lip. “You’re a choice. One that I desperately want to make.”
Anjali looks at her hands and groans a little. “This would be a lot easier if you were an entitled jackass who happens to be my boss’ son.”
He knows. 
He knows there is something here. 
He’d never in a million years talk to her like this or flirt with her when he can if there wasn’t something. He’s seen it. He’s felt it. He knows it’s the same for her. 
But he also knows it won’t work out. She does too. 
Not when everything will be complicated after next year. 
Of course there is a simple solution to all of this. 
Anjali could simply not work for his father. But he could never ask her that. He’d never do that. 
It’s not fair. It’s not right. 
How could you love someone and not want the best for them? How could care about someone and not when them to have everything they deserve and have dreamed of?
He can’t do it. He won’t do it. 
Anjali’s dreams are more important than his feelings. He will always stand by that. 
“Sorry,” Rafael chuckles wearily. “I could try to be an entitled jackass who takes advantage of his father’s secretary. Ask you to bring me coffee or grope your ass.”
“If you ask me to bring you coffee, I will dump it on your head,” Anjali tells him menacingly. “Although I’m partial to the groping.”
“Amor, don’t play with me,” Rafael shakes his head, feeling an ache in his chest.
 “I’m not,” Anjali whispers quietly. “I…I’m not, Rafael.”
“Oh,” Rafael exhales, all the air in his lungs leaving him at once. 
“Maybe it doesn’t have to mean anything,” Anjali says carefully. 
“It’s you,” Rafael tells her in a whisper. “It will always mean something to me. You’re too amazing for it to be anything less.”
“Stop being nice about this!” Anjali groans loudly. “You’re making this difficult!”
“I’m sorry,” Rafael laughs. “Fine. I’ll be mean to you. Your paragraph spacing is shit.”
“You take that back right now-”
“Ow! Okay! Okay!” Rafael laughs again, pushing away when she tries to him hit him again. But he doesn’t let go of her hand. He doesn’t want to. “Can I kiss you?”
Oh, there is no going back now. 
Anjali’s dark eyes shut close at that. She sighs and shakes her head. “You shouldn’t.”
“Right,” Rafael swallows. “Sor-”
“But I want you to,” Anjali confesses quietly. 
“Really?” Rafael can barely himself. 
“Maybe a kiss is okay,” Anjali says slowly. 
“Yeah,” Rafael agrees, trying not to pass out with each passing word. “Just a kiss.”
“Just a kiss.”
“And then we get back to work.”
“Of course.”
“We’re professionals,” Anjali tells him. “We can control ourselves.”
“Totally,” Rafael nods. Then there is quietness. He swallows again. “So, does this mean I can now kiss-”
When she leans forward and kisses him, he knows it’s all over. When he feels her fingers in his curls, he knows there is no going back. 
He’s thought about this moment so many times that it’s kind of embarrassing. 
He’s thought about Anjali kissing him and his head exploding – and not in the fun way. 
He had expected his brain to scream at all sorts of things. 
Stop! Warning! Red alert! Danger! Stick to the system! Where are the standards? Stop this at once!
But he hears nothing right now. 
His brain, for the first time since he can remember, is quiet. 
It’s almost as if it’s got nothing to say to him. It’s almost as if it knows he’s got more important things going on. 
As if it knows nothing could possibly be more important than Anjali. 
Most of it all, it doesn’t feel like what he thought it would feel like. 
A mistake.
It doesn’t feel like a mistake. In fact, it feels like a blessing. 
A blessing.
Something he shouldn’t regret, but something he should be eternally grateful for.
A blessing.
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theotherbuckley · 1 day
I’m such an addict for Eddie meets Buck 1.0. I’ll take anything you can give 💞🦛
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(also asked by @bucksbignaturals and @cal-daisies-and-briars)
I should really go back to writing this.... This is a fic that I came up with where basically post-lightning strike Eddie wakes up the next day in 2018 LA where he meets Buck 1.0 at a bar and decides screw it I'm not wasting this chance to be with Buck when currently we don't know if Buck is alive. I'm also writing it with @diazsdimples!!
I've probably shared this already but here's a slightly NSFW snippet under the cut in case.
Buck slams Eddie against the door, hungrily kissing him again. Eddie barely has time to react before hands start drifting down his chest leaving a tingling buzz in their wake. Bucks hands move lower, creeping under his shirt. 
“Off, off,” Buck demands into Eddie’s mouth, tugging at the hem of Eddie’s shirt.
“As you wish,” Eddie jokes, reaching down to do just that. Buck slaps his hand away.
“Wait, no, let me,” Buck says, and of course Eddie lets him. He has no idea why the fuck he’s here or if any of this is real, but boy, is he enjoying it.
“So fucking hot,” Buck says, staring at Eddie’s body. A deep red blush blooms across Eddie’s cheeks, spreading down his neck. “Pretty, too,” Buck chuckles.
Eddie definitely does not whimper as Buck latches onto his neck and sucks a mark. Eddie hopes that 2023 Eddie gets to keep that mark. Buck continues nipping at Eddie, moaning as he does like he’s the one who’s getting pleasure from this. 
“Ah— your t-turn,” Eddie says, panting as Buck grabs his ass and squeezes. 
“Hmm?” Buck says, pausing his ministrations momentarily to look Eddie in the eyes. Fuck, Buck’s eyes are gorgeous.
“Clothes off. Now,” Eddie practically growls.
“Yes, sir,” Buck replies, smirking. 
Eddie is not to blame for the shudder that runs down his body.
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feverishly-kpop · 1 day
Ateez - Flu - Part 10 (Final Part)
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When Hongjoong woke up he felt as if he was coming to from a coma. He hadn’t slept so soundly in a long time, but within seconds he wished that the coma would pull him back under. This flu was wreaking havoc on his body.
He sat up, confirming that Yunho was still asleep before stepping out of his room. All that hydration had left him in need of the washroom but, to his surprise, he found the door closed. Knocking quietly, Hongjoong listened for a response but did not receive one. After another knock met with silence he entered and nearly jumped out of his skin when he found Jongho lying on the washroom floor with a long-dried face cloth draped over his eyes and forehead.
“Jongho” Hongjoong whispered, nudging the maknae’s shoulder as he sank to the ground next to him, too exhausted and poorly to keep standing. Jongho stirred slowly and reached up to toss his compress aside but made no effort to respond to Hongjoong. “What are you doing on the floor, Jongho-ah?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Jongho responded in the most Jongho way possible, which is not at all what Hongjoong wanted to deal with in the middle of the night while his head was swimming with fever.
“I’m sick, Jongho” Hongjoong responded flatly. “I’m sick and had to use the washroom but here you are, laying in the damn floor. Your turn.”
Jongho sighed before responding. “I woke up with a headache so I got up to take my temperature.”
That was enough to send Hongjoong into hyung mode immediately. “Why didn’t you wake Seonghwa?”
“I can take my own temperature, hyung” Jongho quipped back before continuing. “I’m running a fever” he added nonchalantly. “And the floor was cold, so I just laid down with a cool compress. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. This situation was so very Jongho. He was about to inquire about any other symptoms when the door flung open again, this time by Yeosang who nearly face planted, tripping over Jongho’s outstretched legs, as he barreled toward the toilet to be sick again. Jongho reached out an arm to pat Yeosang’s back in silent support but was too weak to do anything beyond that.
It took Yunho less than a minute to appear in the doorway, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Hongjoong sighed before speaking up, realizing that everybody would be looking toward him to take control despite him being as sick as the rest of them and it being 3:30 AM.
“Yunho-ah, what are you doing out of bed?” He asked, willing his voice not to break as he spoke.
“I heard somebody getting sick. Now I feel queasy again” Yunho replied weakly, sounding half asleep. Hongjoong’s eyes darted to Yeosang, who was still draped over the toilet. He was out of ideas until Jongho acted quickly, reaching over his head and tossing the waste paper bin toward Yunho’s feet. Yunho muttered a weak “thank you” before taking the bin into the hallway and sitting down outside the washroom door. A wave of guilt and pity washed over Hongjoong as he heard his dongsaeng getting sick in the bin but there wasn’t enough room for a fourth member on the washroom floor and he sure as hell wasn’t about to get up from his cozy spot next to Jongho.
“It’s alright. You’re going to be just fine” Hongjoong slurred, unsure if the sentiment was directed more strongly to the others or to himself.
Seonghwa woke up to muffled sounds coming from the washroom followed by the sound of retching. For a split second he contemplated rolling over and going back to sleep before he heard another set of feet pattering toward the washroom. Knowing that eldest-hyung duty called, he sat up in bed quickly - perhaps too quickly - his head quickly hitting his pillow again before he even realized that he needed to lie back down. He suddenly felt a shift of pressure in his sinuses.
He was sick.
Unfortunately, so was somebody else based on the cacophony of sounds emanating from outside his closed door. With a deep breath he sat up again, much slower this time, and headed toward the door, bracing himself for what he may find when he opened it.
Seonghwa almost stepped on Yunho as he closed the bedroom door behind him. He knelt down in front of him, giving a light tug on the waste paper basket that Yunho was nearly falling asleep in. Seonghwa placed a hand on Yunho’s cheek, quickly realizing that he was no longer able to very accurately feel for a fever now that he too was running one of his own. Despite his own body being feverishly warm now, he could still tell that Yunho was feeling even warmer.
“Yunho, love, you’re feeling very warm again” Seonghwa said quietly, noticing now how sore his throat was. “Did you forget to take your medication? You haven’t been running this high since it was prescribed…”
Yunho shook his head in response. “I didn’t forget. I didn’t want to take it. It makes me feel funny…”
Seonghwa cut him off, trying to mask the frustration he felt rising in his chest. “You know what else makes you feel funny? A high fever. You seem to be feeling really funny now, hmm? The medicine isn’t optional, Yunho. It’s…” Seonghwa stopped abruptly when a wave of dizziness struck. In the moment it took for him to center himself he took in how absolutely pathetic Yunho looked sitting on the hallway floor. There would be a time to discuss this, but that time was clearly not now. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before speaking up again.
“Sweetheart, why are you out here in the hallway anyhow?” He asked, his tone much calmer than a moment ago.
“Because they are in there” Yunho said with some effort, indicating vaguely toward the washroom.
“Who? Who’s in there?” Seonghwa asked but Yunho was already beginning to doze off again. There was nothing Seonghwa could do about that at the moment. He couldn’t lift Yunho on a good day, and his running nose suddenly reminded him that this definitely wasn’t a good day. Making a mental note to wake Jongho to have him help Yunho off the floor and back to bed, he slowly opened the washroom door.
So much for that mental note.
Seonghwa felt close to tears. He was in over his head. This flu had done the impossible, taking out eight grown men in the span of a couple of days. Admitting defeat, he unlocked his phone, texting a manager:
“Sorry to wake you hyung. But we need you.”
When the manager arrived, not even an hour later, his jaw dropped as he surveyed the scene.
Seonghwa had miraculously gotten everybody off the floor and into the living room. Jongho sat at one end of the sofa, his head resting in his hand as he shivered too violently to make sleep possible. Hongjoong, on the other hand, was curled up into the maknae’s side, having had no trouble at all finding sleep again. Yeosang was stretched out across the middle of the couch with blanket haphazardly draped over his legs that threatened to fall to the floor at any slight movement. Yeosang had left almost no space for Yunho, though Yunho didn’t seem to mind curling up in a tight ball in the small amount of space he did have, in a way that seemed physically impossible for a person of his stature.
The manager almost instantly jumped into action. He had years of experience wrangling his own sick kids in addition to sick ATEEZ members, but he struggled to recall a time when seven of the eight were sick at once.
“San, Mingi, and Wooyoung?” He asked quietly, turning to Seonghwa. Seonghwa finished his thought on his behalf.
“Sleeping. Hopefully” Seonghwa supplied helpfully as he stood with his arms crossed across his chest.
“I’ll be honest,” the manager said after a few moments of thought. “I’d like to take anybody with a fever to the hospital. This flu clearly is nothing to mess around with.”
Yeosang piped up at that. “I don’t have a fever, so I don’t need to go” he announced, his tone laced with pride despite not even opening his eyes as he spoke.
The manager turned to Seonghwa, wordlessly looking to fact check Yeosang’s statement. Seonghwa nodded slowly. “He’s telling the truth. I checked his temperature a few times yesterday afternoon and before you got here. Normal temp, somehow.”
Yeosang pulled up the blanket as he snuggled deeper into the couch, content that he’d be able to stay home, but Seonghwa wasn’t finished.
“No fever, but he’s vomited several times. I think he should go.” Seonghwa’s words cut Yeosang like a knife.
“You can’t just change the rules like that, hyung” Yeosang responded with a huff. Seonghwa couldn’t help but smirk at Yeosang’s petulance.
“Well I can. You’re going to have to come with me, kid. I’m sorry” the manager said in response, slowly pulling Yeosang’s blanket off and folding it before stuffing it under his arm. While he was clearly not happy about it, Yeosang sat up, resigned to his fate. “Fine, but it’s still not fair” Yeosang said with a pout.
Yunho was the next to speak up, although his voice was muffled, barely audible as he spoke into the couch cushion.
“What was that, Yunho?” The manager asked as he knelt down in front of him, his voice gentle, knowing that Yunho always needed a little extra care and comfort when he was sick.
“I don’t need to go. I don’t have a fever” he repeated, a little louder this time. The manager sighed, laying a cool hand over the nape of Yunho’s neck. “I don’t think that’s quite true, is it? Hmm?”
Yunho ignored him, relishing in the comfort of his touch before his hand warmed from the contact with Yunho’s fevered skin.
“And your hyung said you were throwing up again? Is that true?” The manager questioned, brushing Yunho’s hair back from his face. Yunho only shrugged. “Let’s get you up, nice and slow” he said, taking his time untangling Yunho’s limbs one by one.
“I don’t see the point in playing games,” Jongho said as the manager helped Yunho sit up. “I have a fever. It’s not high, but it’s a fever. But I also don’t want to end up like that” Jongho said bluntly, gesturing toward Yeosang and Yunho’s end of the couch. He didn’t have to elaborate further. Everybody knew what he meant by that. “So if I have to go, I’ll go.”
The manager signed internally, relieved that at least one member wasn’t putting up a fight.
“Oh, and I mean I’m sure it goes without saying,” Jongho added, level headed as always. “He’s going to have to go.” Jongho looked down at Hongjoong, who had remained fast asleep through the entire conversation.
The manager nodded as he pulled Seonghwa aside. “I’m going to go ahead and take these four.” I’m sure it’s going to take some time to get them checked in and settled.” Seonghwa nodded as the manager continued, pinching the bridge of his nose, a clear indication of his current stress levels. “Call me once the other three are awake. If they wake up still feverish, which they will be, I’m sure, I’ll come back and get them.”
Getting Hongjoong, Yunho, Yeosang, and Jongho packed up and into the van with the manager went about as well as Seonghwa had assumed it would. Four overnight bags, four sick men who struggled to take more than a few steps without needing a break, a frazzled manager who was growing more and more concerned by the minute that their van would get towed before they had everybody loaded up, and Seonghwa, who was putting on the show of a lifetime, not wanting to tip anybody off to how sick he was.
Seonghwa drew in a sigh of relief as he put the last of the members’ bags in the trunk, feeling out of breath and weak. Just as he was about to slide the door closed Yunho broke down in tears.
“Hyung, my pillow” he said between sobs. “I forgot my dog pillow.” Seonghwa felt about ready to go upstairs and throw the damned pillow out an open window and hope for the best, but he smiled instead, ruffling Yunho’s hair and assuring him he’d be right back down with it.
Seonghwa all but collapsed against the stone pillar at the dorm building’s entryway as the van pulled out of sight. The sun was beginning to peak out, a reminder that San, Mingi, and Wooyoung would be waking soon and he’d be repeating this entire process again.
The energy to go back upstairs was alluding him until a woman emerged from the building. A nurse decked out in scrubs, clearly on her way to work for the day. She looked down at Seonghwa, sitting miserably on the cold concrete in his pajamas.
“Are you okay, honey?” She asked kindly. Seonghwa could feel his cheeks heating up even more than they already were from sheer embarrassment. “Did you lock yourself out?”
Seonghwa shook his head, hopping up regrettably fast to his feet and pulling his key out of the pocket of his sweat pants. “I’m just fine, thank you” he said with a tired smile. “Eventful morning is all.”
The woman smiled as she continued to the parking garage. “Hope the day turns around for you” she added over her shoulder. Seonghwa flashed a friendly wave, knowing that it would only get worse from there.
Seonghwa had managed to get another hour or two of sleep on the couch before Mingi woke up.
“It’s so quiet…” Mingi grumbled, running a hand through his hair as Mingi collapsed heavily at the other end of the couch.
“Well, it’s just you, me, San, and Wooyoungie here right now. And San and Woo are still asleep” Seonghwa replied, tip toeing around the matter at hand.
Mingi simply raised his eyebrow, sensing that his hyung had more to say.
“Listen Mingi,” Seonghwa resumed, uncharacteristically frazzled. “Don’t shoot the messenger but manager-hyung was here this morning. He put his foot down, anybody running a fever this morning has to go to the hospital.”
The silence hung heavy for what felt to Seonghwa like an eternity before Mingi replied.
“Well, I’m not going” Mingi said with a shrug. Seonghwa closed his eyes, his head pounding uncontrollably.
“Mingi, I’m sorry but it’s not up to you. Fuck, it’s not even up to me” Seonghwa said but Mingi remained unmoved.
“I’m not Yunho and I’m not Wooyoung. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself…” Mingi was cut off by Seonghwa.
“Mingi that’s mean and uncalled for” he said firmly.
Mingi sighed, relenting. “I didn’t mean it that way. It came out wrong. But I really don’t need to go. My fever is hasn’t gone up.”
“But it hasn’t broken?” Seonghwa asked, locking eyes work Mingi in a way that made it clear that the debate was over.
“No, it hasn’t broken” Mingi replied, rolling his eyes like a spoiled teenager.
“Pack your bag with anything you’ll want at the hospital. You might be there overnight so pack accordingly.” Seonghwa was too tired to scold Mingi when he threw the pillow at the end of the couch to the floor and stormed off to his room, slamming the door behind him, causing the pain behind Seonghwa’s eyes to pulsate.
If San and Wooyoung hadn’t been awake before, they certainly were now. San emerged from his room, promptly laying down on the couch and using Seonghwa’s lap as a pillow. They were both silent until San spoke up.
“Wooyoung was talking in his sleep. Asking for his mom” San said with a sigh, covering his eyes with his forearm. “I’m tired, hyung.”
Seonghwa’s heart broke at the fatigue in his voice.
“I heard you tell Mingi we have to go to the hospital. I packed my bag and started Wooyoung’s but…” San’s statement was cut off by a spell of harsh coughs. “I’m sorry, hyung. I felt too weak to finish.”
Seonghwa stroked San’s forehead, trying to comfort him before helping San sit up and laying him back against a pillow. “When did you get so big, my little Sannie-ah?” Seonghwa asked lightly as he draped a blanket over his dongsaeng. “I’ll take care of Wooyoung and get him packed up and ready to go.”
Wooyoung was still burrowed into Yunho’s bed when Seonghwa entered. Tears stained his cheeks, confirming to Seonghwa that he, beyond a doubt, was still running a fever. Seonghwa silently took the bag that San had started packing for Wooyoung, to Wooyoung’s own room, adding a cozy sweatshirt that would keep him comfortable in the hospital, as well as his headphones and a few hair clips, knowing that Wooyoung would get restless if his hair was in his face.
He pulled his phone out and sent a text to the manager as promised:
“The kids are up. Ready to get them to the hospital when you are.”
The process passed in a blur this time. Seonghwa could tell his fever was up, leaving him feeling like his head was floating as he went through the motions. He left the bickering with Mingi to the manager, confident that he had done his part earlier that morning. San, always feeling like he had something to prove, slung his own bag over his shoulder as well as Wooyoung’s, and headed down to the van, that, once again, the manager was convinced would get towed if they took much longer.
Seonghwa pulled the front door closed, the last one out, carrying Wooyoung on his back after it had become clear that Wooyoung was too dizzy to walk. With the last of his dongsaengs safely buckled into the van, Seonghwa turned to go back inside. It was becoming more apparent that he had a finite window of time to get himself back upstairs and into bed before his body gave up.
The manager was about to pull away when he rolled the window down. “Hwa” he called out, putting the van back in park. “Hongjoong texted me. He’s sharing a room with Yunho. He said Yunho is asking for you.”
Seonghwa tensed at that. He meant it with all the love in the world. He adored each and every one of his dongsaengs with his whole heart and he’d do anything for every single one of them without so much as a moment of delay.
But, in the most loving, caring, concerned way -
Not a fucking chance, Yunho.
And with that, that finite window of time closed on Seonghwa.
“I know you’re exhausted. Being a dad is a lot of work, isn’t it?” the manager said with a good-natured chuckle. “If you want to come for a bit I can bring you back in a few hours.”
Seonghwa felt his breath coming faster.
“I can’t breathe” he mumbled, losing his balance and tripping into the side of the van with a thump.
He was now coughing, gasping for breath. It all happened in slow motion. He looked into the window of the van, seeing Wooyoung sleeping with his head in San’s lap.
That sounded so fucking good right now.
“Hwa!” He heard a voice call out. Strangely it sounded somehow far too loud but also so far away, simultaneously.
“M’ tired, hyung” Seonghwa said with a final sigh, giving in to the immediate need to sleep.
It took no time at all for Seonghwa to realize where he was when he came to. The stark white walls and ceiling, the ambient sound of beeping equipment and the overwhelming smell of sanitizer that, even completely congested, was still evident.
Yep. He hand landed himself in the hospital with the rest of the members.
Eight makes one team and all that, I guess.
Seonghwa couldn’t help but feel bitter for a moment. He had made sure everybody else had a soft blanket packed in their bag but here he was, covered in one that felt like paper.
He closed his eyes again, the pain behind his eyes no match for the bright fluorescent lights overhead. That’s when he heard the voice of his manager talking to somebody outside his door. The voices were muffled, which was further compounded by the fact he couldn’t seem to hear very well out of his right ear, but he was able to make out a few words.
“Private room.”
He turned his head, cracking his eyes slightly. He did have a private room. He sighed in relief at that. No members bothering him when all he wanted, no, needed, to do was sleep.
“Bruised shoulder.”
Yeah, that checked out too. His shoulder felt tender where he had made contact with the side of the van before he…before he fell asleep? Passed out? What exactly had happened?
And the last thing he heard before the door opened:
Before he could process that a nurse appeased his bedside. He opened his eyes for a moment as she laid a hand over his forehead. It felt far more heavenly than a simple touch had the right to feel. She looked familiar.
“Sorry that the day didn’t turn around.” She stated as she slipped a thermometer probe under his tongue. So that’s where he recognized her from. The parking lot earlier that morning. It beeped in a matter of seconds.
Seonghwa tried to sit up to get a glance at the reading on the box-like device in her hand but was gently pushed back.
“What’s my temp?” He asked, his voice surprisingly gravelly. She sighed with a sad smile, as she injected something into his IV line. She was silent for a moment, concentrating on dosing Seonghwa with the right amount of medication.
“You’ve got a fever, honey” the nurse replied as she released the IV bag and stepped across the room, grabbing an ice pack and wrapping it in a cloth before draping it over Seonghwa’s brow. He could see her lips moving but couldn’t make out what she was saying. She even picked up the thermometer again and showed him the reading but his eyes couldn’t seem to actually make it out. Couldn’t be too bad he supposed. Or maybe, more so, hoped.
That’s right.
“You’re going to feel sleepy. Don’t fight it” he heard the nurse’s voice.
Fight it? After sleepless nights, dealing with endless crying, puking, fainting, sweating, sneezing, coughing, and arguing? No, fighting it didn’t even cross his mind.
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