#I can’t believe people
jancysmixtape · 2 years
The Twitter side of the Wednesday fandom is insane. People are trying so hard to make Tyler seem like some sort of predator… saying he’s 18 and that she’s 15 so he’s a predator.
Wednesday is 16, Tyler is at the most 17. Can people, PLEASE, just hate a ship just to hate it? You don’t have to make up some problematic reason on why u dont ship them.
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itsanotheridiot · 9 months
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crowleylesbian · 9 months
“crowleys gonna reject aziraphale in s3🥺‼️” crowley would walk on his hands and knees 1000 miles through a desert of broken glass for just the chance to hang out with aziraphale. be serious.
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cometrose · 4 months
zhongli is so fucking funny when hes avoiding people like venti last year and neuvillette this year he can’t catch a break he moves like they’re his ex husbands 😭
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thealogie · 3 months
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The way good omens fans post like they are being paid by the anti gay sex lobby. Like at this point there’s so little separating them from a Florida PTA meeting
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bixels · 2 months
Cozy Glow is such an interesting litmus test for die-hard bronies. I was checking r/mlp to prep a post and there’s a discussion post about how she deserved what she got and. How do I tell bronies that children should not be tried as adults. How do I tell bronies that psychopaths and sociopaths deserve human rights and treatment and support. How do I tell bronies that cruel and unusual punishments are bad. How do I tell bronies that the death penalty is wrong. How do I tell bronies that a ruling body should not have absolute say over putting someone to death, least of all a 6-year-old child.
These are all my recent google searches.
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Wow, can’t believe that the Tin Can Bros invented gay people.
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It would be so funny if, instead of recording a heartfelt message, Jason just called Bruce a bitch one last time
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morganbritton132 · 9 months
Eddie filming a tiktok before one of the soccer meets (maybe like day long blitz tournament) in a cheerleader outfit. Phone set up before he came downstairs, catching Steve scrolling on his phone, filling his water, checking the time and reminding Eddie they had to leave. And Eddie’s like, pretending it’s normal while Steve is just blinking at him.
He threatened to do it, and they all assumed he had forgotten but no, Eddie’s middle names are ‘committed to the bit’ (family name)
I think it’s infinitely funnier if Steve doesn’t notice that he’s wearing a cheerleading uniform for like, a while.
Eddie sets the camera up in the kitchen since Steve spends the majority of his time before a game in there pacing, and then he just stands there in the middle of the room. And waits. And Steve does not notice. It’s like:
Eddie: *standing in the middle of the kitchen in a red and gold cheerleading uniform*
Steve: *walks pass to double check the schedule on the fridge to make sure he has the time right*
Steve: *walks pass while putting on his jersey*
Steve: *walks pass to fill their cooler with drinks and sandwiches*
Steve: *walks pass to refill his water bottle*
Steve: *walks pass to triple check the schedule*
Steve: *walks pass looking at his phone*
Steve: *walks pass while texting Robin*
Steve: *walks pass to look at the schedule again*
Steve: *walks pass while reminding Eddie that they need to leave in fifteen minutes*
Steve: *stops right next to Eddie to read an article about Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner*
Eddie: Babe, do these shoes match my outfit?
Steve, looking away from his phone and directly at Eddie’s shoes: If you’re going to have your legs out then you need to put sunscreen on them because you… *finally notices*
Eddie: 2,4,6,8 who do you appreciate?
Steve: …This outfit
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shadowgasp · 1 year
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my tlovm s2 theater viewing in a nutshell
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paulic · 6 months
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“I am very saddened to hear that my ex-bandmate, Denny Laine, has died. I have many fond memories of my time with Denny: from the early days when The Beatles toured with the Moody Blues. Our two bands had a lot of respect for each other and a lot of fun together. Denny joined Wings at the outset. He was an outstanding vocalist and guitar player. His most famous performance is probably 'Go Now' an old Bessie Banks song which he would sing brilliantly. He and I wrote some songs together the most successful being 'Mull of Kintyre' which was a big hit in the Seventies. We had drifted apart but in recent years managed to reestablish our friendship and share memories of our times together. Denny was a great talent with a fine sense of humour and was always ready to help other people. He will be missed by all his fans and remembered with great fondness by his friends. I send my condolences and best wishes to his wife, Elizabeth and family. Peace and love Denny. It was a pleasure to know you. We are all going to miss you. Love, Paul”
Paul’s post for his former friend and bandmate, Denny Laine, 5th of December 2023
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tinylittlelilac · 1 month
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Very fun birthday present for my sister!! We are amagi bro fans together :]] WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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aprityormarj · 2 months
Leona clubwear ssr fic
Synopsis: Leona, after a very tiring day from spell drive decides to be a clingy cat to his s/o
Tw: clinginess, leona is taller, a bit of possessiveness I guess?, no beta, bad grammar 👍
Author’s notes: yes I wrote an entire fic of leona that’s 1,232 words long while being a jack simp just to mess with @aivy-saur
Leona just wanted to take a nap today. He had to deal with extremely rowdy and uncooperative students in his club today, he was really annoyed with how some of the guys who were so full of themselves weren’t listening to him at all?! Leona made them do double the work out after a horrible practice game because of them. All of those things almost ruined his day, the saving grace for leona was the fact that his number 1 fan was watching.
How could his mood be soured when you cheer him on while watching, wiping his sweat off when he sits beside you to watch his club mates, and offering to get water for everyone while looking all cute like that. He desperately wanted to see his little herbivore again since club hours were over, he even forgot to change clothes.
He spots you not too far away, you were talking to Jack and Duece as they were both working out nearby to train their endurance. You notice jack’s fur suddenly standing up as he looks at something behind you agitated and before you could even turn around two hands touch your shoulders quickly pulling you into their chest, jack calms down and Deuce gets shocked at how fast leona suddenly appeared. You can feel his tail playing in between your thighs to greet you, his strong yet gentle grip on your shoulders, and how you could feel his chest with the back of your head, damp from practice. He combs your hair away in order to leave a kiss on the top of your ear, you can hear tiny groans escaping his throat while all of this happens. “Herbivore… are you busy…?” He sounds so uncharacteristically soft and gentle, you could even say innocent.
Jack and Deuce look at each other awkwardly, as if 2 little kids seeing something they shouldn’t have “um… we’ll just go now… we wouldn’t want to disturb leona…” said Jack, Deuce nodding as they both walk away flustered from what they just saw. You wave to them goodbye and before they’re even gone leona starts to wrap his arms around your armpits to draw you into a closer hug, kissing your jawline this time whilst he rubs his head on your neck. Unfortunately for leona you turn around to tell him how you still have some errands to do, he slouches down to your level and pouts, his tail swaying erratically out of annoyance, you promise him that they won’t take long to finish as you cup his face, which he uncharacteristically again leans into your touch like a clingy house cat. You can see the mess that is his damp hair he he rubs it against you, his cheeks feel surprisingly really soft as they glisten from his sweat, and his his pupils are massive orbs, almost consuming the emerald greens in his eyes, and yet none of this was able to prepare you for what’s gonna happen for the rest of the evening.
You 1st start to walk around campus to return some things with leona’s hand in yours, but he isn’t satisfied enough so it ends up with his hands on your shoulder, leaning in really close whenever you stop walking. Due to how close Leona was he would accidentally make you trip sometimes, but he catches you every time you fall though though, and then he would lift you up a bit to hug you and then place you down shortly after. If you ever tell him off about how he’s way too close, he would just pout and still continue to be super clingy regardless of what you say. If you ever need to take a restroom break, or do any activity that needs you to have your personal space he will begrudgingly let you go, although the moment you’re out of the stall he is back on your shoulders even while you wash your hands he is sticking to you like glue.
Finally when you were done with your errands and was about to go back to your dorm until leona stopped you “stay at my dorm room again… please..?” Well he’s been very adamant on sticking by your side today and also very affectionate, so might as well just say yes to the poor prince’s request. His tail stands up in approval of your decision and happily walks (pushes) you towards his dorm room. When you enter his dorm, the 1st thing he does is hug you, leaning his entire body weight on top of you causing you to fall down on your bed with his on top of you, chuffing and kneading against the bed, you comment on how uncomfortable his hugs were since he was still sweaty. In the current state leona is in right now he is way too lazy to take a bath or get a shirt to change himself, so the smart kitty decides to just take of his shirt, it’s a good enough compromise for him leaving you flustered in the process, he doesn’t really mind since he does find you cute when you’re all flustered like that. The orbs in his eyes grow even more, consuming the emerald colors in his eyes, completely turning round and black. He carries you around his bed in order to adjust both of you better, leaving kisses on your skin while doing so. He places you down gently and hugs you wrapping you with his arms and legs. He gently leaving licks and bites on the skin of your face while chuffing up a storm. He mumbles about how cute his little herbivore is and how much you make him happy, he can’t help but rub his face against your body while making all of the noises that a lion can make. He may not say it but he’s definitely head over heels for you and you alone and this is his way of saying it. You want to sit up in place to get a better view on leona, but instead he tightens the hug you’re in and gets up closely to your ear “stay… mine… my herbivore is mine… and mine alone…” he then grazes his teeth against your ear and chuffs again, chuffs that are only reserved for your ears. He wipes your arms down with his hands, he loves the feeling of your goosebumps, honestly he loves any reaction out of his little herbivore.
Welp I guess you’re trapped in his arms now and I don’t think you can overpower this cat man sadly 🧍‍♀️
When you wake up the next day, he’s still clinging onto you like glue so you can’t really rise up as well until he wakes up. When he wakes up though he noticeably gets a bit embarrassed (though he’s trying to hide it) “Herbivore… I’m sorry about how… clingy… I was yesterday…” he notices your smile and your red tinted cheeks which causes him to smirk and come closer to your ear again in a sensual manner, his tail wiping against your arms “unless you didn’t mind any of it…? I’d be happy to do it again all for my future princess~”
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katieshook02 · 20 days
“I hate it here so I will go to, secret gardens in my mind”
the secret gardens in mind:
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pommunist · 3 months
With everything we learned during these past 24 hours, I hope that as the QSMP moves forward and implement the changes Quackity talked about, we, the audience can keep in mind a few things :
-Be kind and be patient with the admins, especially those in the roleplaying and writing department. Sure, some things have been frustrating as a viewer, but we know that they are very hardworking and didn’t have much control on the way some things happened.
-Listen when some communities use their voices to raise constructive criticism about issues that they think the server face. Things cannot improve if people don’t have the space to point out problems without facing hate.
I truly hope things will improve, that the admins can work in better conditions and have the efforts and love they put in the project be recognised. This can only bring positive change for everyone’s experience with the QSMP, including ccs and viewers.
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shima-draws · 4 months
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THAT right there, ladies and gentlemen, is a LOVE CONFESSION
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