#I can't wait until this takes me only 5 minutes instead of 45.
amnotaqueen · 3 months
Who Is The Actual Disgrace?
This evening, I was sitting at the dinner table with my son. It takes him a while to finish eating because he is a picky eater, has to eat things a certain way, and seems to have some aversions to certain textures. So it is about 6:40 pm and I hear the front door open. My son (who is facing the door and can see the person)doesn't know who it is but happily greets the person. I hear a man's voice who is not my husband greeting my son, a voice I don't recognize. It only took the man a few seconds to come past the wall so he and I could see each other.
Now, every evening I do the same thing. I need to have a strict routine with my son to keep things manageable. Before dinner, my son and I take baths. Usually start eating dinner around 5:30 pm. He is wearing his pajamas and I am wearing pajamas or a night gown. My husband typically comes home sometime while we are still at the dinner table. So, he is very well aware of the routine. He knows that at the dinner table I'm not dressed for any company typically. You know how nighties and pj's can be. They can be kinda skimpy, see through. Don't cover much skin.
Y'all... When the unknown man came into my view to greet me, I was sitting at the table in some very, very short pajama shorts with one leg crossed over the other. The top I wore had no sleeves and I was bra-less. He said hey to me and I said hey back and smiled. But inwardly, I was not smiling. I was embarrassed. I felt the usual let down from my husband. He has absolutely no sense of honoring me, protecting me, or respecting me. He doesn't value me whatsoever. What husband let's men that his wife doesn't know just walk into their house unannounced at a time when he knows she usually has very few clothes on? Who... Who does that?
So, when the man left to do whatever he came to do, I started looking at my phone. Did I miss something? A whatsapp message? I looked. Sure. He had sent a watsapp message only 10 minutes prior to the man walking in. Now, I'm not a person who is attached to their phone. I turn certain notifications off because I can't have my phone ringing every 45 seconds. I don't immediately reply to a message most times. Might take hours before I even read a message. My husband also knows this. Best way to reach me in urgency is to call me. Two calls in a row and I know to pick up right away if I can.
Of course, I expressed my feelings. I told my husband as soon as he could see how I was dressed that he should not message me ten minutes before arriving in a case like this. He said ok, cool as a cucumber. I told him he should actually call instead to make sure he reaches me and I'm aware in a case like this. He said ok again, like it's no biggie. There was no apology made, not even a pretend apology. A few minutes passed and I thought of something else to add. I told him that another thing he could have done, at least,was to make sure he was the one to walk into our home first, to be sure that I was presentable. After all, I said, you know very well how I'm usually dressed at this time. Well, his response to my suggestion and comment this time was that I am a disgrace. He used the actual word disgrace. Me. Why? Well, because I didn't wait until his employee left before I even mentioned anything to him. So,right there, you can see the narc tendency to think of self above all else. He was unconcerned about the embarrassment he caused me. The man probably was embarrassed himself to see me sitting there like that.The issue is that his employee heard him get corrected by me.
I asked him if he actually expected me to sit there quietly until the guy left, as if I was fully aware that my husband was bringing another man to our house and I still chose to be sitting in plain sight of said man barely wearing anything, legs out, boobs flapping? What would I have looked like? THAT would have made me a disgrace. I told him, that HE was in fact the disgrace. Letting a man in his own home to see his own wife like that. He is the disgrace, not me.
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nathank77 · 5 months
3:52 p.m Edited and Added to 4:11 p.m
I fucked up and overslept why?
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So yea I took 1MG and couldn't sleep. I didn't even smoke weed before bed bc I didn't want to get high.... and I needed a fucking Hydroxyzine.... and I missed my fucking cardiologist. I'm so fucked, it could be months before I get my monitor now. I called but it's too late... I only woke up once at 9 a.m and peeded...
I hate that I struggle to fall asleep and that I have such bad circadian rhythm issues at this point that I can hardly make any appt if it isn't after 5 p.m... I hate that I can't fix any of my issues. I've had palpitations for days and I really needed to fucking go and I wake up at 3:30... 30 minutes later.
It isn't my fault I closed my eyes for over a hour and accomplished nothing... this is the issue. I should have prob taken Benadryl instead of a Hydroxyzine but it's too late now.
Idk how to fix anything, no one will help me all I can do is help myself.
Why can't doctors have 4 pms or 4:30s... why is everything so fucking early...
How am I supposed to fucking fix my circadian rhythm when I can't fucking fall asleep on a 1MG.... without keeping my eyes closed for over a hour...
Maybe it is a placebo but idk.
I don't even know If I should keep smoking weed. It seemed to make my thoughts more sloppy and then I mean I worry constantly... beyond that I see the fucked up creature more just too fucked to see the face or anything but I know what it is. And it didn't seem to help me sleep the other night...
I feel like such a fuck up missing my cardiologist appt... like what am I supposed to do. The 1mg felt like poop. I was barely tired at 7 a.m. I felt like i was on the 1/2 mg and I have to take it earlier on earlier appts so I can wake up early enough. Idk what to do anymore..
I'm not even scheduled and now i have to wait for them to fit me in, in a 3-3:45 p.m. I await the call feeling like a fuck up.
The last time I smoked weed was at 1 a.m and I didn't touch it before the Xanax... so I mean yea I didn't want to get high. Idk what to do. I am so fucking mad at myself. I really needed to be there.
I wish my circadian rhythm wasn't getting worse. Cause obviously it is. And why isn't xanax effective anymore, is it a placebo? Did she do the test wrong? Cause I mean... why wouldnt black hairy tongue heal, bacterial infection or yeast infection or Xanax? Yea Xanax prob isn't a placebo bc of black hairy tongue but I mean it's been fucking useless recently without other drugs and here I am using a Hydroxyzine with a 1mg..... and then it knocked me out until 9 a.m and I peeded and I was gone until 3:30..
Also I noticed my mental pictures with weed have been like, darker, Texas chainsaws massacre. And there was a dark room with a light.... and the light turned on it was a string light... so yea idk. None of it scared me and I love that shit but I want bright cartoon images. Maybe weed isn't going to work.. it scared me in the sense that they got darker and psychosis is dark and messes with your mental pictures.
I feel like such a fuck up. Why dont doctors have 4 or 4:30s... my testosterone shot is fucking Wednesday and I have to take another 1MG and I'll prob oversleep it's at 3:45.... I just can't cope, laying there with my eyes closed for over a hour and then ending up having to drug myself further just to hit sleep stage one...
Idk what to do anymore. I fucking hate how psychosis fucked up my whole life and now it could be until July or June for me to get another appt I'll sleep through. Disability is at 1:30 the 17th, my insomnia appt is at 3:15 Monday please tell me how I am supposed to lay there with my eyes closed for hours just to fall asleep without another drug and please tell me how I'm supposed to wake up on time when my stupid body won't fall asleep a little earlier.
Oh yea and I can't rely or depend on anyone, my mother was home i asked her to wake me up at 2 and she didnt i slept through my alarms and I can't depend on anyone to help me. It's all Nathan trying to do everything and me getting fucked cause I'm so alone and psychosis fucked up my entire life.
My only solution is trying to take my older Xanax mixing the biggest piece with the biggest smallest piece cause like it feels like a placebo at this point and idk why I'm not abusing it. I'll take that for me Testosterone shot...
Tonight going to be hard going back to a half MG... and yea I'm like dying inside thinking about what if they reschedule me and then I miss that one.... eventually they'll discharge me..... what if I miss my insomnia appt... the didn't have later than a fucking 3:15..
Disability only has 1:30s.... and I can't make anything on time. I feel like such a fuck up
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The thing I appreciate most about my job is that it pays weekly instead of biweekly, but that comes with the unfortunate consequence that my boss signs the paychecks before the final day of the workweek is over.
The pay period is Sunday through Saturday, but she prints and signs the checks on Saturday afternoon, so she assumes you clock in and out exactly on schedule. In practice, she wants you to clock in anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes early; I'm always scheduled from 9:00 to 5:30 on weekdays, but she has me clock in at 8:30 because the office opens at 9:00 and she wants me to get it ready beforehand. No big deal, I always get paid for those extra 30 minutes, but on Saturdays things are shaken up. I rarely work Saturdays, but when I do, it's always the afternoon shift, 4:00 to 10:00, and she still wants me to arrive early, 3:30 or 3:45, but by that time she has already printed my check for the week which assumed I clocked in at exactly 4:00 and clocked out at exactly 10:00. The office closes at 10:00, she expects me to start winding things down around 9:30, and most customers are in well before then, so it's usually not a problem. I'm usually out by exactly 10:00 because the last 10 or 15 minutes are so slow that I just sit and wait until I can leave, but that's not the point. The point is, she docks me as much as half an hour's pay per week when I work Saturdays, $6.25 just gone due to a rounding error. Wage theft is no joke, and if it happens again I'm gonna start clocking myself in earlier on the weekdays to make up for it. We don't have a punch clock, we have a sign in sheet which works on the honor system, but if she doesn't pay me for work I'm doing on Saturday, then I'm gonna make her pay me for work I didn't do on the weekdays.
We'll see who blinks first. I'm her only day shift employee, so she can't fire me without the whole business going belly up. I am invincible!
She's fired a lot of people for stealing from the register, which is, as you may imagine, a big No-No, especially considering she has security cameras up in the office. I'm not sure how they expected to get away with it, and none of her did. But I'm not a thief. I don't steal from anyone. I only add 5 minutes to my morning shifts at a time, and I never go over 30 minutes total in a week because that's the maximum amount she docks from me. Run the numbers and everything matches up, it's all square, I get paid for exactly how many hours I work, which is never more than 36, so I never get any overtime pay. C'est la vie.
I take home a little less than $400 per week after taxes, but she makes close to $2,000 a DAY in revenue; she has a ton of expenses, sure, running a motel isn't cheap, but she's saves a lot of money by running with a skeleton crew. One day shift employee (myself), one night shift employee, one on-call handyman, one part time handyman who only works a few hours a week, three maids (actually four, but one only works on Sundays, and I've never met her), and a new guy who she's training to replace her as manager but NOBODY likes him and he's a lazy asshole, so she's probably not gonna keep him on long term. Assuming everyone made $15 an hour (we don't), and assuming everyone gets 40 hours a week (we don't), that's only $5,400 a week. The real figure is WAY less than that, probably close to $4,000, while she makes close to $10,000 most weeks, and as much as $15,000 during the busy season. She can afford to pay us way more, and she could afford to hire more staff to pick up the slack around here, but she just doesn't want to.
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leejeongz · 4 years
first date with cravity
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🔅i hope you enjoy! thanks for requesting hehe🔅
serim: going on a run
When he first asked you, you weren’t really a fan of the idea. Arun for a first date? Has he lost his mind? But he somehow managed to convince you and you’re glad he did. He showed up at your house at dusk, he was wearing shorts and a plain white t-shirt, it was so simple but you couldn’t help but think about how good he looked. his hair was messy, he didn’t bother styling it because he knew it would just get sweaty and become messy anyway. You stepped outside, it was cold so you already had to complain.
“I’m freezing, can't we just stay in and get pizza?” you pleaded, a pout present on your face hoping your cuteness would persuade him.
“No, that’s not a good idea for a first date,” he started running before he’d even finished his sentence so you chased after him. You caught up to him and he lowered the pace a little.
“It’s so freeing to run. You can talk, but you can also stay silent. You can listen to music or you can just think about things. It's something that makes me happy” he confessed. Suddenly, you were glad to be sharing this time with him.
Soon enough you reached a park, where you stopped jogging for a bit to sit on a bench and rest a little. you’d forgotten to bring out water so serim offered you some of his. You wiped the top of the bottle that he had drank out of which earned a little laugh from Serim, “I don’t have any germs, it’s okay” He teased.
You drank a little and handed it back to him, not wanting to drink all of his water even though you could have drank a whole ocean at the time. He stood up in front of you and held his hand out, “We can walk back if you want? And when we get to your place we can get a pizza of your choice as a thank you for coming out with me!” he smiled at you when you took his hand, agreeing to his plan.
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allen: the zoo
You’d been planning to go to the zoo as friends for a while but you wanted to wait for a sunny day (that he had off,) which was clearly not going to happen any time soon. When the day finally came, you opened the door with a smile, and grabbed your bag as quickly as possible, not wanting to waste any time.
“Ready for our date?” he asked, knowing what your reaction would be.
“Date?” you looked in his direction, trying to not seem as eager as you actually were. You did both like each other, it was no secret, but he’d never labelled an outing as “a date” before.
“Yes” he replied, “do you not want it to be a date?” he asked, looking back at you making you avert your eyes. You shook your head and laughed, obviously this is what you wanted.
He drove you both there and opened the door for you to get out. He paid for your ticket to get into the zoo and walked over to the map, dragging you with him. You didn’t know at the time that he wasn’t going to let go of your hand all day, but you didn’t complain at any point so it’s okay.
“Where first, babe?” he asked, eyes darting all over the map to see if he could find the zebras.
“The zebras” you responded, they were your favourites so of course you were gonna say them. Unlike him, you had found them straight away and pointed them out to him as you said it.
“The penguins it is” he teased, heading in the direction of the zebras anyway.
You spent the whole day laughing with him and joking, teasing each other nonstop. The first serious moment you shared was when you bought his favourite sandwich from the cafe, he was so honoured that you remembered. From that moment on, he knew he wanted to ask you to be his as soon as possible, even if it was only the first date.
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jungmo: watching fireworks
Since it was november, it was the perfect time to take Jungmo to a bonfire, he said he’d never been before. Unfortunately, he had caught a cold and so going out in the cold weather wasn’t an opinion. He told you to go with your other friends if you wanted to go so badly but you wanted to go with him, especially since you’d both recently confessed you had feelings for each other. A few hours before the intended bonfire, he sent you a text asking if you wanted to come to his house that night instead of going to the bonfire, how could you say no to that?
That evening, you went to his house, taking a bunch of usual “bonfire snacks” so you wouldn’t feel left out. He invited you in and you both went straight to his room. Although this was your first time at his house, you felt so at home. He plonked himself in his window seat and patted the empty space next to him. You were kinda confused but he quickly clarified why you were sitting there.
“I was doing some investigating” he started, shuffling closer to you, wrapping one arm around you while the other pointed outside, “we should be able to see the fireworks from here, in that direction.” You smiled to yourself, he really thought this through.
The fireworks started and Jungmo hadn’t moved a muscle, only to let out a few gasps. Your head was now resting on his shoulder, you occasionally looked up at him, he was smiling at the fireworks in awe every time you did so. The fireworks stopped after around 45 minutes and you were both pretty hungry.
“Want a marshmallow?” you got up to grab your bag of goodies “we can’t toast them but marshmallows taste good as they are anyway” you offered him the bag.
“Better idea, how about we make some hot chocolate and eat some with that?” he asked, knowing you would never say no to that.
The next morning you woke up with a cold, you’d definitely caught it from Jungmo but oh well, it was worth it, you thought.
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woobin: ferris wheel
“That ferris wheel down by the beach looks so fun, can we go?” you asked him over text. He read the message and his face lit up, he was quick to reply with an “of course”.
The following afternoon/evening you met up on the front, about half a mile from the wheel itself. you walked together, his hand brushing against yours, he was still too nervous to hold it but you didn’t want to make the first move either. You finally reached the wheel and you stood in line, the sun was just setting and so the queue was quite long but you both knew it would be worth the wait. Not once did you run out of things to talk about, not until you got onto the wheel. you sat beside him and you both kept your hands in your laps, you were both too nervous to rock the little pod you were sitting in so neither of you moved. The views really did render you speechless, you’d never seen the city like this before, always talking about how bad it was, when really, it was beautiful. All Woobin could focus on was you, the sun hadn’t quite set yet and what was left of its light was shining on you, you looked so effortlessly beautiful that he had to capture the moment.
“Let me take a picture” he said, you thought he meant of the view but his camera pointed directly at you. “Have i ever told you how beautiful you are?” he whispered with a shy smile on his face.
“My turn” you exclaimed, taking out your phone to take a picture of him, one you knew you’d set as your background when you got home. “I want this moment to last forever, I love it up here” you said while putting your phone back in your bag.
“Me too” he smiled at you, drawing your attention away from your bag. He looked away from you at that moment, adoring the view that he hadn’t really paid attention to before now, absentmindedly taking your hand in his for the first time and resting it in your lap.
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wonjin: ice skating
he REALLY couldn’t skate. He was embarrassed to say it but he wasn’t going to let it stop you two from going on your first date right this second.
“Can we go ice skating?!” you asked enthusiastically. your friends all shook their heads in unison, saying they had to go home now or making up other excuses, all except one.
“Sure, I'll come” Wonjin put up his hand, scooting you friend over to stand by your side. There had always been a little chemistry between you two, and so your friends whooped a little. They didn’t know you’d already confessed to each other so it was quite ironic really. The group dispersed as you and wonjin made your way over to the rink. You paid and got your skates from the man at the booth before sitting and putting them on. You stood up and helped wonjin up too, it was understandable that he couldn’t walk on the carpet in them, especially since it was his first time, you gathered.
You stepped onto the ice and grabbed hold of the side, getting your balance before turning to see a struggling wonjin at the gate. You guided his hand to the side and grabbed his free hand. He looked so cute, struggling to even get onto the ice. His nose was red and it made you giggle a little.
“Hey, don’t laugh, it’s my first time” he pouted.
“I'm not laughing at you” you said, clapping slightly to see him finally on the ice before realising his hand was still yours. “You have a bright red nose, you look so dumb, Rudolph” you giggled with him.
He looked up from the ice for the first time in the past 5 minutes “I would laugh if I was you, yours is exactly the same” he laughed back, his feet slowly moving over the ice.
You both went around like this for a while, he had one hand on the rail and the other in your hand. That was until he felt confident.
“Let me see if i can do it without assistance” he gulped, only realising what he had just subjected himself to by saying that after he said it. You released his hand from yours and he reluctantly removed his hand from the side of the rink. You must admit, he was a little shaky, but a lot better than you could have anticipated when you first saw him getting onto the ice. You smiled in his direction as he skated away from you. He turned around and smiled back, he hoped you were proud of him, but that was an understatement on how you actually felt.
“Thanks for coming with me,” you said once you were off the ice, onto the safety of carpet in your own shoes.
“It’s okay, anytime. Spending time with you out there was real fun.” he held your hand and started swinging it as you walked away from the rink.
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minhee: painting pottery (for each other)
Although it was your idea, minhee wished it was his, he’d been thinking of the perfect date in his head for a while now. He wanted your first date to be special and was thinking about it since he confessed, but when you presented him with a leaflet for pottery painting, it was hard to say no. He thought about the date for the whole day before, imaging how cute it would be.
You arrived at the pottery place mid morning and had a tour of the factory, the whole while your arm was linked with his comfortably. You were both as interested as each other and any nerves you had for the date had disappeared.
“Time to paint!” the lady giving the tour announced. She showed you to a table for 4 and so you sat beside each other thinking another couple would join you but no one ever did. Since the pottery had already been made (neither of you trusted yourselves enough to throw it, even if it would have been fun) you got straight to painting. It finally gave you and minhee some time to talk, and that you did. Although you wanted to make this the best art work you’d ever done since you were giving it to minhee, you couldn’t stop looking at him while he spoke to you, his good looks were so distracting. He felt the same way about you too, he wanted to concentrate on his painting but he wanted to listen to you even more. The conversations you had were a little silly, things like “if you were a stuffed animal, what animal would it be?” but you felt so much more connected to him and you were both comfortable, despite all his teasing about your strange responses.
“This is for you,” he said at the end of your date, extending his arms out towards you to present to you his pot cutely. On it, he had painted something you briefly remember talking about.
“Minhee, you’re the best” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck with his pot now in your hands. You pulled back and grabbed the pot you’d painted for him from the table next to you, you really hoped he liked it now.
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hyeongjun: cat cafe
You weren’t exactly the biggest fan of cats, but you were the biggest fan of hyeongjun so any date he invited you to, you said yes. Recently, a cat cafe had opened in town and he really wanted to go and who better to take with him than you, the person he’d liked for years who had recently confessed their feelings for him.
You waited for him by the door, he could see you fidgeting and so when he greeted you, he did so with a hug to calm you down. “You smell nice” he bubbled “shall we go in?”
He pushed open the door and let you go in before he did. The waitress by the door showed you to an empty table and placed two menus on it. Admittedly, the cats nearby really intimidated you, you were scared of cats but for some reason you felt really off.
“We don’t have to stay,” Hyeongjun said, starting to get up, noticing your apprehension to stroke any cat that came close to you.
“It's fine, let’s just order, I think I'm going to have the chocolate cake and a strawberry smoothie,” you said with a fake smile on your face.
After a while, you started to get more comfortable. Hyeongjun admired how well you were playing with the cats and how you were keeping them entertained, even if at the beginning you were a little nervous. He took plenty of pictures and made sure to post a lot about your date on social media, he really wanted to show you off to his friends.
You finished your food and drink and left the cafe, thanking the waitress on your way out. You stood outside the cafe’s window, his hands were in yours and you were both staring lovingly into each other’s eyes, giggling a little, “I had a great date” you confessed “but next time can we please do something with less… felines?” you giggled.
“So we can’t go to Tashirojima island?” he joked, faking a cute little pout.
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taeyoung: waterpark
Even though you were going with other friends, Taeyoung still insisted on calling it “our date” whenever he spoke to you about it. The day of the date, he came to your house bright and early, sporting an excessively large gym bag. “I got us matching swimwear so people know it’s a date” he announced while welcoming himself into your house. He pulled a long sleeved swim shirt out from his bag along with a pair of swim shorts. “Go change! I'll change in your bathroom!” he said excitedly. You did as he instructed and put your clothes on top, ready to take off once you got there to save time.
You met up with your friends outside the indoor waterpark and went in together. After getting out of your clothes, you went out of the changing rooms and found taeyoung who was ready way before you.
“Rapids?” he asked with an excited look on his face. You nodded with the same level of excitement before departing from your group. The rapids were always your favourite part of waterparks, this specific one you could just swim around, no need for a ring. Taeyoung went in first, grabbing your hand to pull you into the rapids with him. You were having so much fun, his conversation with you made you want to never leave, but just while thinking about it he’d already pulled you out, heading towards a slide.
“This is um quite high,” you faltered while standing at the top, looking down at the large pool that you were to land in. The guy at the top told you to sit down next to taeyoung, ready to race each other, but of course, taeyoung being the best boy he is, he grabbed your hand so you could slide down together.
Although you didn’t really get to know him much more than you already did throughout the day, you couldn’t have asked for a better first date and you felt even more comfortable around him than ever before, you couldn’t wait for the next day you spent together.
(i feel like i use these gif for everything i write i’m so sorryyy)
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seongmin: pedalo
The lake nearby always had swan shaped pedalo boats in, but you never had any intention of going on them, not until seongmin wanted to anyway.
“Pleaseeeee” he pleaded down the phone, not taking no for an answer “we can get ice cream after.”
“Fine” you agreed finally “but you had better not splash me, that lake is dirty.” From the moment he put the phone down, you started planning your outfit for the following day, actually excited to ride the swan boats for the first time ever.
That morning you put on your planned outfit and checked yourself out one last time before heading to the lake. Seongmin was already there waiting for you to arrive, somehow you’d matched outfits without even knowing, a bit spooky, you thought.
He wasted no time getting on the pedalo, he sat on the left leaving you the space on the right, he knew you would feel the most comfortable on that side. For the most part, he let you steer, he put himself in charge of the conversation and led it while you both peddled at a steady pace. You talked about the unimaginable, the date exceeded your expectations and you started to fall for him more than ever. He really was the sweetest boy you’d ever met. He also stuck to his promise of getting you ice cream after, he chose your favourite flavour and let you choose a flavour for him just for fun.
“I had a really good day today” he spoke while wiping his mouth on the small napkin. You had to agree, your cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. “You look really pretty here and our outfits fit in with the surroundings, I’m gonna ask that lady to take a picture of us, if that’s okay?” he asked, hoping you’d say yes, which you did.
After the picture was taken, he sent it straight over to you (which is when you noticed you were called “y/n❤️” on his phone) before setting it as his lock screen.
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gifs aren’t mine
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kamilah-is-queen · 4 years
Hi. I know you're going through a tough time. But, if it helps distract you, I have a request for a fic. It's totally fine if you can't, you know. I was wondering what would Kamilah's reaction be when MC's in a tux. I mean, she's like in a Gala, waiting for MC, and then Lily or Adrian asks her to turn around, and she's completed whipped...
The Gala
Tagging: @ayushixo, @olivegh7, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @evexofxtime, @fundamentalromantic, @scarlet-letter-a0114
Bright lights.
The flashing cameras.
The screams of reporters, desperate to catch your gaze.
It was new, almost like a whole new world for Amy.
The world of the upper class as they called it.
Bzz, Bzz..
The distant yet familiar nose of Amy's Phone ringing filled her ears as her fingers danced across the keyboard. Her gaze remained on her laptop before she sent an email to Adrian reminding him of the Gala Kamilah was hosting later in the evening.
Amy found herself smiling at the phone as Kamilah’s name appeared on the screen, with Amy clicking the green button and putting the phone on speaker.
“Hello, Amy.”
“Hey Kamilah, what’s up?”
“Are you at the office?”
“5 minutes and I’ll be there.”
Just as Amy opened her mouth to reply, the line was cut and the screen revealed her wallpaper which was a picture of Kamilah and Amy standing in the Enchanted Garden.
“Odd, let’s see what she has to say.” Seeing as it was 3 o’clock, she decided not to leave for her lunch break but stay in the office instead. Whatever Kamilah had to say seemed relatively important, more important than a mid-day snack.
Kamilah’s hands shook as she stepped into the elevator, her trembling finger pressed the button ‘45’ as she stood back in the contraption.
“Come on Kamilah, you’ve asked her on dates before. This isn’t any different.” She said to herself, a way to compose her shaky nerves before facing her fiancée.
Kamilah found herself inhaling and exhaling, sighing in relief as she found peace when the elevator doors opened.
The slick marble floor was smooth under her heels, the sound of her shoes clicking on it seemed almost like a rhythm to a song. Amy’s head snapped up at the noise, her usual grin appearing when she looked Kamilah up and down.
“Hello my love. I..I wanted to ask if you would join me at the Gala tonight, I would love to introduce you to everyone and have some fun in the process.”
Amy’s jaw hung agape, “Me? At the Gala!?”
Kamilah nodded her head slowly, her fingers linking with Amy’s as she walked around to her chair, “Would you like to come with me?”
Without replying with an answer, Amy leapt forward into Kamilah’s arms, their lips meeting each other hungrily and with burning desire.
Both bodies molded together into one, with Kamilah’s hands around Amy’s waist and Amy’s hands around Kamilah’s neck.
Amy shoved her papers off to the side of the desk, making room for Kamilah as the vampire picked her up and set her down on the table. The young woman took it upon herself to please her fiancée this time, her fingers traveling down Kamilah’s curves to pull her closer as their kiss deepened.
“I take that as a yes then” Kamilah huffed after they parted, the desk a mess of scrambled papers and folders as Amy hopped down from her resting place.
“But what about my outfit?”
“I know a store, maybe you can check it out later.” Kamilah responded, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. Amy replied with a nod, gathering her files and the car keys before heading towards the elevator, “you coming?”
Kamilah shoved her hands in her pockets, looking at the ground for a few seconds before meeting Amy’s gaze once more, “I’m afraid not, I need to speak with Adrian.”
“Oh..okay, I’ll see you at the Gala.”
“Are you ready Kamilah?” Adrian’s comforting hand resting on her shoulder as they looked outside the limousine, the mass of photographers and reporters looked like a rabid pack of wolves, “Of course brother.”
The vehicle approached to a halt, the two passengers grinning at each other before Adrian stepped out, a flood of light in his wake. He extended his hand for Kamilah, her slender one fitting into his hand as the reporters held their breath.
As soon as she stepped out of the limousine, the crowd erupted into cheers, her usual smile plastered on her face as she waved to the crowd.
“Kamilah! Over here!”
“Ms.Sayeed, just one question.”
“Oy! This way!”
This was nothing new for Kamilah. She’d had this for most of her career, and was accustomed to it by now. She knew which reporters to avoid, and which to allow interviews with. She knew which camera angle looked best, and how the crowd fell for her priceless smile.
With Adrian’s arm around her shoulders, they walked the long carpet, pausing often to smile and take pictures.
As they approached the doors of the upscale building, Kamilah stopped for an interview, the both of them holding back.
“It’s so lovely to see you Ms.Sayeed!” The reporter exclaimed, her words a flustered mess. “Thank you for attending Jennifer.” She gave her the smile, the smile that had broken a thousand hearts and would break a thousand more.
“What a lovely Gala you have here, any lucky someone who is your plus one tonight?” The reporter winked, fanning herself as Kamilah let out a deep, hearty laugh.
“Yes of course, my fiancée Amy Parker will be arriving later tonight.” The pained expression on the woman’s face caught Kamilah’s eye, her forehead creasing slightly as her eyebrows furrowed.
“Wait..who's this arriving now?”
“Kamilah, you might want to turn and look..” Adrian whispered, his hand resting on her shoulder once more as his smile lit up on his face.
The press, including Kamilah stopped and turned towards the black Mercedes parked at the end of the carpet. Amy stepped outside in a black tuxedo, her hair in a ponytail and her white shoes making her look irresistible.
Kamilah couldn’t help but state in adoration, like everything around her seemed to fade away until it was only Amy in her sights. She turned to face Kamilah, a shy smile on her lips as the reporter snapped her fingers.
“Kamilah? Kamilah can you hear me?”
She jumped, before she strided over to a trembling Amy, her arm snaking around Amy’s waist as the crowd cheered for the couple.
“My goodness, you look wonderful Amy” she said, leaning close so only Amy was able to hear her whispers.
They walked past a grinning Adrian, who was still talking to the flustered reporter, “you look even better.”
“Here, have a drink.” She proposed, handing Amy a glass of champagne, the bubbly liquid finished within seconds.
“This party is amazing, I love it.” Amy’s head tilted up to see the grand chandeliers glistening in the light, the soft lighting creating a calm mood which was accompanied by soft music in the background.
“The night has just begun..”
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vqntaeyong · 4 years
Request are open !
so this is how it goes, you send me prompts or any scenarios + ur idol, optional: you can mention if you want to use ur name instead of y/n or just not mentioning anyone name means i will use you / i only.
a/n : pls read rules bfore you sending anything
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prompts : fluff
0. "i wanna be yours"
1. "i caught you simping"
2. "let me wash you up"
3. "can i sleep with you tonight?"
4. "take me home please"
5. "give me a kiss or i'll follow you everywhere"
6. "lets cuddle until you can't breathe"
7. "i'll buy you anything as long as you give me the whole you"
8. "i like you so much, you are the one who hasn't notice"
9. "i guess those kpop boys are more important than me"
10. "can you pay attention to me"
11. "play a game with me"
12. ur own ideas
13. "latenight snack?"
14. " dear my future wife, can you cook me smth?"
15. " 'other idol name' always got to spend time with you, you always forget me"
16. "i'm waiting until you want me"
17. " i'm always here if you need anyone"
18. "you are my fantasy"
19. "teach me how to dance please"
20. "take me to your mom"
21. "you need my help?"
22. "your belly bumps is so cute"
23. "will you let me be yours?"
24. "what if i say i'm?"
25. "you aren't telling me that you are pregnant right" (could be fluff or angst)
26. "you're drunk and i'm not accepting you confession"
27. "you are just jealous" (fluff / angst)
28. "don't mind me, i'm just trying to shoot my shot"
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prompts : angst
29. "i don't allow you to keep this child and i won't take resposibility"
30. "you never love me from the start"
31. "thats because you have a body of 12 years old"
32. "i prefer not knowing you"
33. "i knew from the moment i see you, i shouldn't fall for you"
34. "sleep well"
35. "we shouldn't have cross path"
36. "please don't leave me"
37. "she's/he's/they are just my friends"
38. "i don't want to associate with you anymore"
39. "you're my 13 reasons" (based on 13 reasons why)
40. "i don't see any reasons why i should keep you"
41. "body like a goddess, who would reject that, yes, thats the only thing i like bout you"
42. "fuck off"
43. your ideas
44. "if it all will just end today, i think i'll be okay"
45. "i'll think of the words you say"
46. "i have lost this love of mine"
47 "it's just a bet"
48. "i don't wanna see you again"
49. "loving you is hard"
50. "this is just a dream"
51. "i like her/him/they"
52. "you don't deserve anything"
53. "she/he/they make me happy"
54. "you're just cheap, i can find thousands like you"
55. "i was just playing"
56. "please don't lie to me"
57. "its too late"
58. "you're out of my league"
59. "its from the beginning isn't it?"
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prompts : smut
60. "how about i just impregnate you"
61. "how is that slut"
62. "oh, aren't you such a begger"
63. "i know you can be louder"
64. "you really are a slut huh, does the idea of getting caught make you really excited"
65. "i can't wait anymore"
66. "ride me"
67. "i'm going to mark you until you're covered by it"
68. "your parents bedroom are next door"
69. "shut up"
70. "open your mouth"
71. "i swear it will only take 5 minutes"
72. "not going to stop until i fuck your brains out"
73. "thats for ignoring me"
74. "whats the count baby?"
75. "will tie you up"
76. "relax and take a deep breathe"
77. "i will pull you hair till it fall out"
78. suggestions?
79. "i didn't say you could stop"
80. "you look so good babe, all wrapped around me"
81. "i know you could take more"
💌: more coming soon
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ohemgeeitscoley · 4 years
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Signed, Sealed, Delivered (1/5)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo (Reylo)
Note: Written for the Movie Exchange. This was a blast to participate in, and I’m so excited to share it!
Biggest thank you and love to @andyouweremine​ and @storiesofimagination​ and @notababoonbrandishingastick​ for reading along and cheering me on and pointing out the ways to make the story better. You guys make writing fun and I love you.
Read below or on AO3
This is not where Ben wanted to be in life. When he was a child imagining his future being a 28 year old assistant for a giant dick was not even remotely on the list of possibilities. 
But here he is spending his Friday night standing outside of a building with an annoying bouncer reminding him that the doorway was for members only.
The fucking doorway.
Ben could be a member if he wanted. If he wasn't too stubborn to touch his inheritance. But he wanted to make it in life on his own merits and not because of old money and his family's name.
Nights like tonight make it hard to remember any of it matters.
His mom has been on him more the last few months. He's been Snoke's assistant for two years. The last assistant had only had the job for a year before Snoke got him set up as a VP for a large hedge fund. 
Ben's been wasting his time getting Snoke food and encouraging him through drinking green juice for two years with nothing to show for it.
He knows he should take his mom up on her offer. Hell, he could call his uncle and get a position at his company and really no one would blink. 
But it matters to him. He doesn't want to rely on nepotism and to be in a position he hasn't earned.
He has an MBA. He didn't think it would be this hard.
Ben sighs, shoving one hand into his pant pocket and scrolls through the messages on his phone.
Most are from his mom. Reminding him that he is supposed to go home this weekend for a family dinner. As if he is going to have time for that. There are a few from Poe talking about a new guy he met at the bar and some random items Ben assumes are groceries Poe wants him to pick up whenever he heads home.
It's almost midnight and he's been standing on a sidewalk for 45 minutes. 
His boss finally walks out of the building and he's already harping at Ben about different things and Ben is having a hard time caring and paying attention. Snoke stops next to Ben, adjusting his tie, before running his hands through his slightly turning silver brown hair. 
“Alright,” Snoke says, unscrewing the lid from one of those God awful green juices he keeps buying, “do your thing.”
Ben responds immediately, listing off the first few better tasting foods that come to his mind. Snoke downs the drink and tosses him the bottle, like he has anywhere to throw it away, and heads toward the car that is waiting for them.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Ben asks, opening the door to the car.
“What?” Snoke asks, narrowing his eyes as he glances up from his phone to Ben. “What do you mean tomorrow? You’re going back to the office.”
No, Ben thinks, resisting the urge to grit his teeth. “Right. Of course I am,” he gets out, following Snoke into the car. “Do you want me to order dinner? Since we’re going back to the office?”
Snoke looks at Ben like he’s growing a second head. “I just drank my juice. You just saw me drink my juice.”
Ben did just see him drink his juice. Just like Ben has seen him drink several juices and then act affronted that Ben didn’t order him lunch or dinner twenty minutes later when he realizes he’s still hungry.
The car pulls away from the sidewalk and merges into traffic. It’s going to be a long night.
Rey loves her job. Really. She does. Being the assistant for Amilyn Holdo is an honor and a privilege. Amilyn is a force to be reckoned with and there is so much for Rey to learn from her. Not to mention the exposure. Rey is working in one of the best digital media firms in New York. Outside of Amilyn, Rey is surrounded by some of the best writers, editors, and photographers. She’s lucky to have the job. She knows how lucky she is.
However. It is almost midnight on a Friday and she’s been in the office since 6:45 and all she wants to do is go back to her apartment, curl into her bed, and watch a stupid movie and fall asleep. But Amilyn is still in her office on the phone and Rey knows that she can’t leave before Amilyn. It was never a spoken rule, that Rey needs to be the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. But that was because it didn’t need to be said out loud. It was expected.
Rey’s phone buzzes against her desk. Glancing down at the lit up screen, Rey scrunches her nose at the text notification from Kaydel. It’s text number twelve for the night. She was supposed to meet up with Kaydel and Rose for drinks after work. Rey hates that she has been such an absentee friend, but Amilyn had been throwing herself even more into work the last few months and Rey’s social life had all but vanished since then.
Amilyn’s door opens and she throws Rey a fitness watch.
“I need that up to at least 10,000 steps before I leave,” she says, already walking back into her office. “My trainer can’t think that I’m slacking off in between sessions. And order me dinner from that one place.”
Amilyn’s door closes before she’s done talking, her voice muffled. But Rey knows what she says and she knows the place that Amilyn is vaguely referring to because she is a good assistant.
No. She is a great assistant.
Rey opens up the restaurant's website and places Amilyn’s dinner order. Rey’s stomach growls, she isn’t quite sure when she ate last. Amilyn had needed her to take notes during her lunch meeting and Rey didn’t have a chance to eat afterward. Rey glares down at her belly for betraying her and adds dinner for her to the order before sending it out.
Her email pings with the confirmation of her order. The estimated time of arrival is 45 minutes.
45 minutes for two sandwiches at almost midnight seems ridiculous.
Rey calls the restaurant and bickers with them until they concede that the food can be delivered in 30 minutes.
Sliding Amilyn’s watch on her wrist, Rey stands up and stretches her arms before beginning to pace around the office. 
"What do you mean you can't take a credit card?" Rey's eyes widen as she starts going through her wallet even though she knows she does not have enough cash to cover the food. She's not sure she has any cash at all. 
Rey is sweaty and gross from trying to get the fitness watch up to 10,000 steps in 30 minutes. Rey had only managed about 4,000 and she feels like her lungs and legs are going to be burning for days. She still had another 3,000 to go.
"We're cash only on deliveries now," the delivery driver answers and he looks like he's contemplating getting ready to take the food and leave.
But Rey needs that food. She can't let her boss down at almost midnight when she said she was going down to the lobby to get her dinner.
"I have… I have Venmo? CashApp? I'll download any app you have actually." Rey offers, pulling out a checkbook. "What about a check?"
The guy rolls his eyes. "You think if we aren't taking cards, we are going to take checks?"
"It's not 1990, so the fact that you guys are refusing to take digital currency led me to believe you were stuck in the past." Rey huffs in annoyance, her brain spiraling trying to come up with another plan.
Rey hears the elevator ding behind her, but she's too distracted by the problem in front of her to pay much attention. 
"I can offer a contract for a small piece of my soul?" Rey jokingly offers. 
"Do you have the $32.50 or not?" He asks, clearly not impressed. 
"Yes, I do have the $32.50," Rey argues, "in any form of currency available to me that is not actually cash in my hand. Which was also nowhere on your website. This seems like a scam. Are you trying to pocket the cash?"
"I don't need this shit," he starts to put the bag away when--
"I have cash," a deep voice says from behind Rey. "I can pay."
Rey turns around quickly and looks at the man walking toward them. 
He's… large. In a fairly tall, very wide kind of way. His face is all sharp angles and his hair is long and dark… and it looks really soft. 
He's vaguely familiar looking. Rey assumes he works in the building too and that she's probably seen him at some point. She's surprised she doesn't remember him though, because he is extremely attractive. 
"You don't have--" Rey starts, before realizing the hot stranger is handing delivery driver money and grabbing the bag and he is stealing her dinner. "Excuse me, that is my dinner. Fuck. That is my boss's dinner."
The delivery driver leaves with a slight flick of his fingers to the other man before walking away.
"I paid for it," the food thief shrugs, "So it's my boss's dinner now."
"No, no, no, no, no," Rey breaths, her mind spinning to come up with a plan as she followed the man toward the elevator. "There's two dinners in there. One for me and one for my boss. I need my boss's dinner. I cannot get fired."
Something near sympathy seems to pass over his face. He pauses, his grip on the bag loosening. 
"And it's about to be my boss's dinner because I cannot get fired."
"Listen," Rey begins, chewing on her bottom lip. "What's your name?"
"Ben," he responds. "And I really need to get back to work."
"So do I, Ben," Rey holds on to the vowel in his name for a few seconds. "But I cannot go back without food. Spare a dinner. Does your boss really need both?"
"What did you get?" Ben asks, but he's already opening the bag before Rey can answer.
He pulls out the first box and hands it to Rey before he grabs the second box and let's the bag fall to the ground. 
Rey opens her box first.  It's Amilyn's steak sandwich with blue cheese crumbles and a lettuce wrap instead of a bun. There's a side of pita chips and hummus.
That means Ben has Rey's pulled pork sandwich, with the caramelized onions and perfectly toasted brioche bun. Not to mention the apple slaw and sweet potato fries. 
Rey's mouth waters and her stomach betrays her and rumbles. Her cheeks redden with embarrassment.  
"This is my boss's," Rey holds up the container in her hand. "Yours gets to enjoy mine."
"It's a pulled pork sandwich," he states as if the sandwich is personally offending him.  
"It's an amazing pulled pork sandwich," Rey shakes her head in disbelief. "Does your boss have something against good food?"
"Good?" Ben looks at the sandwich again. "This is a basic sandwich at best. Pork and onions? Sweet potato fries? I'll be the one getting fired if I bring him this. He is a man of refined taste."
"I can fix this." Rey drops to her knees, setting down the steak sandwich and holding out her hand for the container from Ben.
He looks amused when he hands her the box. Rey ignores it and goes to work.
She pulls the top bun off the pulled pork sandwich, trying not to inhale the delicious scent wafting from the box. She takes a handful of bleu cheese crumbles from the other sandwich and sprinkles them over the sandwich. Then she grabs a fork out of the bag and strategically places about a quarter of the apple slaw on top of the onions.  
She then gathers the rest of the apple slaw and puts them in her boss's container, followed by the sweet potato fries. The hummus and pita chips fit perfectly in the box next to the remastered sandwich. 
"There we go," Rey puts the bun back on top of the sandwich and closes the lid to the boxes. She stands slowly, holding out one box for Ben. "Viola, a culinary masterpiece."
"I don't know about that." He gives the container a quizzical look. "But you owe me at least $22 for this."
"What?" Rey scoffs. "That's more than my sandwich was to begin with and you took most of the toppings."
He shrugs. "I saved your ass. There's a tax for that."
"You're a monster," Rey glares at him. "But fine, deal. I'll bring it to you tomorrow, Ben."
"Perfect,  I'm on the 22nd floor…" he stops, tilting his head. "I don't know your name."
"Rey," she answers, a smug smile overtaking her face. "I'm on the 23rd floor."
He isn't impressed. Or if he is, he hides it well. The arrogance that rolls off of him is off putting. He walks away to the elevator, pressing the up arrow. "I expect you'll be there no later than 7. I have a life."
"Right," Rey snorts, picking up the bag he left behind on the floor. There was a wrapped pickle inside. Score. "Says the assistant getting his boss dinner at midnight. You'll get it when you get it."
Rey hits the button for the other elevator across the hall. She does not want to be in an elevator with him. 
The doors open for both elevators at the same time. Rey walks into hers first, turning around to see him step. 
"You'll be there by 7, or the interest will double," Ben chuckles.
Rey's mouth falls open. "Interest!" She exclaims, but the elevator door is already closing. "You never said anything about interest you ass--"
The door shuts.
"Asshole," Rey finishes in the elevator. "Absolute asshole."
Rey pouts as she takes a bite into the pickle. Interest. What kind of person charges interest on essentially stolen food.
She's still lost in her thoughts when the elevator opens and [boss] steps in.
"I'm going home," she says, pressing the button for the main floor. 
Rey barely has time to get out of the elevator before the door starts to close.
"I'll be in by 7 tomorrow," she adds just before the doors finally close.
Rey closes her eyes. "Here's your $30 sandwich that I just spent 40 minutes to get for you," Rey says to the vacant office. "And maybe tomorrow I'll pitch my idea about the positive effects of team sports for foster children and other disenfranchised  youth."
The majority of the lights are dimmed, leaving the normally colorful and bright walls dark and shadowy. Rey heads toward her desk, unwrapping the sandwich and taking a bite.
She presses the button on the side of her desk to raise it up so she can stand while she finishes eating. Glancing at the time, Rey groans. 12:17. 
By the time she finishes responding to all of Amilyn''s invites, it'll be 1. After the subway ride to her apartment and some much needed unwind time, Rey will be lucky to get three hours of sleep before she has to be back at the office. 
Her skin practically vibrates at the amount of caffeine she is going to need to order in the morning. And she's going to have to stop by an ATM to pull out cash.
Maybe even a bank. 
Because she is only giving Ben $22. Not a penny more.
The article Rey is reading when Kaydel and Rose come stumbling into the apartment has her close to tears. She wipes at her eyes quickly as Kaydel throws herself down onto the chair across from Rey. 
“Rey!” Kaydel shouts holding her arms up in a v above her head. “We missed you. You didn’t even respond to the last few messages I sent.”
“I know.” Rey grimaces. “I couldn’t get out of work. Amilyn had meeting after meeting.”
“It’s okay,” Kaydel smiles brightly at Rey. “I love you anyway.”
The best part of being best friends with Kaydel is that Rey knows without a doubt that Kaydel absolutely means everything she is saying. Kaydel doesn’t mince words. She doesn’t hide from the hard or uncomfortable things. She plows forward until the matter is addressed and resolved. And then she moves on.
“Well hopefully you can join us next time,” Rose offers, sitting on the arm rest of the chair next to Kaydel. “I need someone to try to help me keep up with her.”
Rey laughs, her eyes crinkling in the corners as she shakes her head. “We all know I cannot keep up with her.”
“Please,” Kaydel huffs. “No one can keep up with me. I am an unstoppable machine.”
“You need water,” Rose says, leaning over to kiss Kaydel’s cheek. “I’m going to get you water.”
Kaydel watches Rose as she gets up and walks into the kitchen. Rey hates the tiny bit of jealousy that fills her stomach. Kaydel’s whole face is lit up, her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are soft and warm and full of love. 
Rey wants that. 
She just doesn’t have time for that. 
Relationships had never been something Rey was particularly good at. In high school, she wasn’t secure enough at home to have time for dating. Planning on whether or not she could go on a date seemed trivial when she had to worry about whether or not she was going to have to switch foster homes if she didn’t prove her worth or caused any problems.
Then in college, Rey had been so focused on keeping her scholarships and her grades, she just didn’t have time. The fact that she had been assigned to be Kaydel’s roommate had been one of her only saving graces for socialization. 
Now, she has her job. She can’t even make it to drinks with two of her best friends. She eats dinner after midnight. 
Dating just isn’t something that is going to fit in her life any time soon.
“You should go to sleep,” Kaydel points out. The concern in her voice becomes apparent as she continues. “You look exhausted. When are you going in tomorrow?”
“6:30?” Rey debates out loud, tilting her head side-to-side as she thinks. “Maybe 7. I need to stop at an ATM, or maybe an actual bank, and I’ll still need to get Amilyn’s coffee and bagel.”
“Why do you need to go to a bank?” Kaydel asks, curling up her lips. “I can’t even think of the last time I went to a bank.”
“I need $22. Exactly.” Rey answers, shrugging. “It’s a… long story and we definitely do not have time for it tonight.”
“Tomorrow then,” Kaydel demands, her eyes narrow and Rey knows that she means business. “Dinner. Even if it’s a late dinner. You can catch me up.”
Rey nods giving Kaydel a tight smile. “Sounds perfect.”
Kaydel returns Rey’s smile before standing up and walking toward the kitchen. Rey leans her head back against the couch, sighing as she closes her laptop. The list of things Rey knows that Amilyn is going to want her to do tomorrow is daunting. Kaydal may have said that it could be a late dinner, but for Kaydel that was 7, maybe 8, not 11 or 12. 
Maybe Rey will be able to sneak off for a little bit though. Grabbing her phone and laptop, Rey heads toward her bedroom, debating going through Amilyn’s calendar to see if she can move anything around to guarantee her an hour or so around dinner to be free.
That’s when she hears Kaydal scream. 
Rey quickly tosses her phone and laptop on her bed before running toward Kaydel’s room. Flinging the door open, Rey’s heart feels like it’s about to beat out of her chest. “What the hell--”
The question dies on Rey’s lips when her brain connects what is happening. Rose is still on one knee and Rey’s not sure she’s ever seen someone look so happy. Until she looks at Kaydel, who is holding her left hand over her heart.
They are getting engaged.
“I said no,” Kaydel blurts, but the smile and happiness in her voice give her away. “I’m just kidding. I said yes. Of course I said yes.”
“You guys are getting married?” Rey asks in a breath. She’s not shocked by the news. Rose and Kaydel have been together for two years and they were both crazy about the other. But it still is forcing Rey to imagine what life is going to be like when Kaydel is Rose’s wife and not her best friend and roommate.
Which is selfish and wrong and Rey knows that, but despite a lot of counseling, Rey is terrified of being left alone again.
She pushes those thoughts to the side. 
Rose and Kaydel are going to get married. Her best friend. She’s going to be happy for them. She is happy for them.
Kaydel walks over to her, holding out the ring. It’s gorgeous and fits Kaydel’s personality perfectly with the medium-sized, princess cut diamond and the white gold color. It’s sharp and fierce.
“I’m so happy for you, Kay,” Rey whispers, pulling her into her arms. “I’m so, so happy for you.”
Ben walks into his apartment quietly, careful not to wake Poe up. It's already… fuck it's past two. He undoes his tie before sliding his suit jacket off and beginning to undo his pants to kick them off while he makes his way to the fridge. 
The fridge light is bright in the otherwise dark room. There isn't a lot in the fridge, Ben understands now why Poe was sending him a grocery list worth of texts. 
He grabs a beer, twisting the lid off and tossing the lid in the trash.
"Hey," Poe says, scaring the fuck out of Ben. 
"Shit!" Ben exclaims, slamming the fridge shut. "Jesus, Poe. Make some noise next time."
“I said hey,” Poe laughs. “I don’t know how much more noise you need me to make.”
“What are you even doing up?” Ben grabs two beers from the fridge and walks over to the living room, sitting on the couch across from Poe.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Poe says with a shrug, taking the beer Ben is holding out. “You’re home late.”
“Yeah. Snoke needed me to start on his kid’s science project.”
Poe stares at Ben before shaking his head. “You need to quit your job man.”
“It’s not that bad,” Ben winces at how defensive he sounds. “It’ll be worth it in the end.”
“You’ve been saying that for a while.”
Poe isn’t necessarily wrong. When Ben first took the job with Snoke he imagined that it would only be for six months, maybe a year. 
“Yeah, Ben finally says, nodding in agreement. “I have. The job has its perks though, so I’ll probably stay until something better comes along.”
Poe sighs. “Perks? Like what, working on a twelve year old’s science project until two in the morning?”
“I also made a guy cry for not being able to get a stain out of one of his shirts today,” Ben smiles. “Really helps make me feel good inside.”
“Find a new job,” Poe says, standing up from the chair. “One that doesn’t involve working until 2 am, doing a kid’s homework, and making someone else cry in the same day.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Ben twists his fingers around the bottle in his hand. “We’ll see.”
Rey looks down at her phone to check the time. 10:37. She missed dinner with Kaydel and Rose. Not that either of them were surprised when she told them that she hadn’t been able to move enough things around to make it. Rey hates how predictable and unreliable she has become to her friends.
It will eventually be worth it. At least, she hopes that it will be worth it.
She has exactly $22 on her. All in quarters. It might be a little dramatic, but Rey feels justified every time she thinks of the way Ben had mentioned adding interest on to the amount.
Rey sees Ben as soon as she steps off the elevator. He has bright markers covering his desk and a giant poster board in front of him. Logically, she knows that he is probably working on his boss’s kid’s homework, and she is grateful at that moment that Amilyn doesn’t have kids and that those kinds of tasks aren’t even on Rey’s radar.
That doesn’t stop her from teasing him as she walks up to him.
“Making electricity out of lemons?” Rey asks, leaning over the desk a bit to get a look at what he is writing. “How original. I’m sure you’ll get first place with an idea like that.”
Ben turns his head to the slide and glares at her. “You’re late.”
“I was busy.”
“You’ll have to give me a minute to calculate the interest for your… what three hour delay.”
Rey rolls her eyes, reaching into her bag to pull out the bag of coins. Ben stares at the bag for a moment, before looking back at her. Rey smiles, carefully stacking up the quarters until there are twenty two even piles covering his desk.  “$22 exactly. You’ll have to sue me for the interest.”
“Quarters?” Ben looks down at the coins on his desk again. His face is annoyingly void of any outrage or shock, but his voice sounds lower than it had been before. “I should sue you for being a nuisance.”
“You didn’t state any terms as to the payment method beyond cash.” Rey’s smile grows as she watches him begin to slide the coins into a drawer. 
“I suppose I made a mistake not clarifying that by cash I meant dollar bills,” Ben admits. “But I also mentioned interest and you had no problem ignoring that, so I’m sure you’d have ignored that part too.”
“Probably,” Rey agrees. “Consider it your good luck that I didn’t have enough pennies to make it work that way.”
“Oh and I’m supposed to believe you had 88 quarters just lying around your place?” Ben finishes clearing off the quarters from his desk and closes the drawer. 
“No, I only had two dollars worth of quarters that I could find. I went to the bank for the other twenty.”
“Of course you did.” Ben laughs, shaking his head. “Next time I’ll be more specific.
Rey drops the empty bag into the garbage can next to her feet. “What makes you think there’ll be a next time?”
“Just a feeling.” Ben turns around in his chair, opening a cabinet door on the desk that ran along the wall behind him. He pulls out a bottle of alcohol. “Drink?”
“I’m still working.”
“It’s past ten,” Ben points out, setting the bottle on his desk. “Have anything better to do right now anyway?”
Rey doesn’t. She really doesn’t. Amilyn is going to be on this phone call for at least another hour and then she will either go home or start reviewing some of the submissions that have been stacking up in her email.
One drink really wouldn’t hurt. Ben’s smiling at her and it’s a little unfair that someone as annoying and frustrating as he has been is also very attractive at the same time.
“I guess not,” Rey says, sitting down in the chair on the other side of Ben’s desk. “But just one drink.”
Ben doesn’t say anything as Rey reaches for the bottle, pouring what he is pretty sure is her third drink into her cup. It’s well after midnight at this point, and neither Snoke or Rey’s boss had called for them or needed anything.
It’s nice, talking to Rey. She’s cute and passionate when she talks about her job. Her face is a little flushed from the alcohol. Ben can’t quite remember the last time he just talked to someone that he wasn’t related to or wasn’t Poe.
“Anyways, that’s what I want to do,” Rey continues, and Ben tries to remember what she had been talking about before he got lost in his own thoughts. “I want to write articles that matter. The ones that people read and are inspired to do something because of it.”
“Have you submitted any articles to your boss?” Ben asks.
“No,” Rey holds onto the vowel for a few seconds and shakes her head. “I haven’t, God, I haven’t actually written anything since I graduated. I never have time. Amilyn’s schedule isn’t very forgiving. When I’m not working, I normally just want to sleep. Or to have a conversation with someone who can’t just tell me what to do and expect me to do it. I don’t even know what it is like to have a social life anymore. I think this is the longest conversation I’ve had in months.”
“Same,” Ben gives her a small smile. “I was just thinking that. My days and nights consist of making Snoke’s life easier and doing what he wants. It doesn’t even feel like my life anymore.”
“I can’t believe I’m about to admit this,” Rey squints her eyes at Ben, as if she’s sizing him up. She takes another drink from her cup. “Sometimes I wish Amilyn had a… fuck, I wish she had a life. A boyfriend? More family events or friend events to attend? But she has been avoiding them for reasons I’m not going to even get into, but God, I just imagine all of the things I could do if she were busy doing things that aren’t work.”
“You could go on a date,” Ben responds, tipping his cup toward her.
“A date,” Rey huffs, shaking her head. “I can’t even think of the last time I went on a date. I can’t even make dinner with my roommate to celebrate her engagement.”
Rey looks down at her cup, watching the liquid move around as she swirled the glass. “Engagement,” Rey repeats, eyes wide. “I have no idea what I’m going to do to be able to make it to all of the events. I don’t think Amilyn is going to care that I have an engagement party to go to if it doesn’t fit into her schedule.”
“Snoke is the same way,” Ben taps a finger on the desk. “I missed my parents 30th anniversary a few months ago. I asked for it off and everything. I was almost out the door when Snoke grabbed me and said he needed an analysis on some new proposal he received and his normal analyst wasn’t answering his phone, and he told me to do it.”
“I get it,” Rey nods. “It sucks, but I get it.”
“You’d think we’d be able to do something about it,” Ben points out, his eyebrows knitting while he thinks. “I have access to basically Snoke’s entire life. I’m assuming it’s the same with you and Amilyn?” He pauses and waits for Rey’s response, she nods and he continues. “So in theory we should be able to coordinate their schedules to give us a break?”
Rey tilts her head to the side as she ponders what Ben is saying. “I mean, you’re right. In theory that would work. But I have to be available for all things scheduled that are work related, and Amilyn doesn’t have much of a personal life these days.”
Rey sits up straighter, her eyes widening slightly, a devious smile pulling at her lips. “Ben. The answer is so obvious.”
“The answer?” Ben asks with a small chuckle. 
“To our problem,” Rey says as if it’s obvious. “We Cyrano them. It’s perfect. We know everything about them. We know their schedules, their favorite foods and restaurants. We know what drives them crazy and irritates them. We can do this. And then when they are with each other… we can be free, Ben.”
“I’m not sure I’m really following you here.”
“We set them up.” Rey rolls her eyes. “It’s the perfect plan.”
“You’re drunk,” Ben points out, nodding his head down to the mostly empty bottle between them. “That would never work.”
“You’re wrong,” Rey says with a pointed nod. “But even if you are right, which you are not, because you are wrong, what’s the harm in trying?”
Ben doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. He finishes his drink, setting his empty glass next to Rey’s. 
“Maybe,” Ben concedes, “What’s your plan exactly? I don’t know that Snoke and Amilyn have ever even met and they’ve worked in the same building for years.”
“Leave it to me,” Rey’s grin is big and wide. “I’ll come up with something.”
“I’m not saying I’m agreeing to do this,” Ben clarifies, watching as Rey stands up and stretches, her shirt pulling up slightly as she raised her arms. 
“I know,” Rey says, grabbing her bag. “But you will. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Rey places her hand on his shoulder and squeezes it gently before she walks past him and then she’s gone. 
Ben opens the drawer that they shoved the change into and he smiles to himself. He’s not quite sure what he’s getting himself into, but he does know that if Rey really does come up with an idea to set their bosses up, which is probably a really terrible idea, he’s not sure he’s going to be able to tell her no. 
Rey brings Ben coffee the next morning. She assumes he likes it black with too much sweetener, and when he smiles after his first drink Rey feels a little smug for being able to figure it out. 
“Let’s go for a walk.” Rey says, grabbing his free hand and tugging on it. “I have a plan.”
Ben let’s her pull at his hand and stands up from his desk. “I only have twenty minutes before Snoke’s meeting ends.”
“Perfect.” Rey drops his hand, blushing slightly as she walks in front of him toward the elevator. “Just enough time to get some steps added to Amilyn’s watch and to fill you in on my absolute amazing plan that you are definitely going to be impressed by and will agree to.”
Ben laughs, smiling as he gets into the elevator and stands next to Rey. “We’ll see.”
The sun is bright and the air is already warm when they step outside. Rey has to walk a little bit faster than normal to keep up with Ben’s long strides. 
“So, tell me about this plan that is apparently so wonderful that you’re absolutely sure I’ll agree to it.”
“Okay, so it’s the same plan as last night,” Rey admits, taking a drink of her tea. “But I’ve thought about it more and I know that we can do this.”
Ben sighs, shaking his head. “I don’t know, Rey. We can’t just magically make our bosses like each other.”
“Sure we can,” Rey argues. “We get them to meet. Then we listen to them and their cues and go from there. That’s the beauty of this, Ben, we will know if things are going a little wrong and can adjust the plan accordingly.”
Ben stops walking and looks down at her. “You really think this will work?”
“I do.”
“How do you propose we get them to meet?” Ben shakes his head as he asks the question and Rey can see the lingering doubt on his face.
“I… I haven’t quite figured that part out yet,” Rey responds, quickly holding her hand up as Ben opens his mouth, she assumes to argue with her. “But I’ve seen a lot of romantic comedies and I can figure this out. Just give me a minute.”
They start walking again, back toward the building. Rey finishes her tea and tosses it into a garbage can. 
“I’ve got it!” Rey exclaims, as they step into the elevator. “We just need to get them in a small space, stuck for a few minutes, so that they have to talk to one another.”
“And how do you think we will pull that off?” 
Rey shakes her head, glaring at him. “Why do I have to figure out all the details?”
“This is your crazy plan,” Ben points out, pressing the button for his floor, and then Rey’s. “I’m not even sure I’m fully on board.”
“You are,” Rey smiles. “So, help with some of the details already. Are there any rooms that lock from the outside? Maybe we can ask maintenance? Do you think they’d think that was weird?”
Ben laughs, tipping his head back against the elevator wall. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I hate that I have an idea. The elevator. If we can get them both in the elevator, we can get Creepy Threepio to stop it.”
“Creepy Threepio?” Rey asks, scrunching her nose up. “Who is Creepy Threepio?”
“He works in maintenance,” Ben laughs. “He’s, well, he’s a bit creepy. But I think he’d do it. I’ll ask him today and let you know what he says.”
“What did I tell you?” Rey beams at him as the doors to the elevator open. “You’re totally on board.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Ben pinches the bridge of his nose. “But I’m willing to give it a shot.” 
Ben steps out of the elevator while holding his hand out to stop the doors from closing. “Hand me your phone so I can give you my number.”
Rey pulls her phone from her back jean pocket and unlocks it before handing it over to him. She watches as he puts in his number and hands the phone back to her.
“I’ll text you the details later,” he says, dropping his arm and the doors start to close. “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”
The doors close and Rey grins sliding her phone back into her jeans. She can’t believe he agreed either.
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ryan-spinel · 4 years
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“Perri's Letter and Spinel's Revenge”
It was another boring day at school. Today I avoided Steven and Connie, at least until things cool down. Now Perri and I are walking to her house, later going to see Lexi. I suggested we go right after school, but poor Perri had a meltdown when that phone addicted bitch Sophie teased her about liking Lexi. Saying “A spaz like you can't date someone like Lexi Joel. You have a better chance at hooking up with your catnapping psycho of a friend.”
I would have said “go fuck yourself and stuff your mouth with a dumb jocks cock.”But I kept silent to avoid more trouble. Even though she's a threat to my relationship with Steven, she went too far attacking my wittle buddy. After today, she will pay.
“So. How you feeling bud.” I comforted
“A little better Spinel, thank you, for walking with me.” Perri lamented
She didn't seem any better, so I stopped walking and placed my hands on her shoulders. She jolted a little bit, she does that when someone touches her without her knowing, I need to stop doing that.
“Perri, please don't worry about Sophie. She will never bother you again.” I reassured Perri
“You don't know that Spinel, you can't just make her disappear.” Perry doubted
The truth is I can, and I will.
“Just, please trust me okay. She won't hurt you anymore.” I asserted, starting to get annoyed
“I-,hmm. Okay Spinel, I trust you. Now can we please go to my place.” Perri faltered, noticing me getting annoyed.
Even though Perri and I been friends for a while, there were times I lost my shit. One time in elementary 5, Perri had this cute green alien head chewy. Back then Perri would chew on the collar of her shirt, so Brooklyn got it as an alternative. Later, a boy by the name of Ronaldo ask if he could play with it. Perri didn't say anything, she looked away from the fat little shit. He started to get annoyed and grabbed her arm. When I saw tears running down the poor kids face, I said. “Don't touch my fucking friend, she doesn't want to share. So piss of you bitch-ass comic book reading fat pussy.” After I stand up for my nerdy buddy, the little shit started to ball his eyes out. So I got detention for the weekend, and then Grandmother Whitney put a bar of soap in my mouth. She's an amazing Grandmother, but if you push her buttons she can be a mean old hag.
We finally arrive at Perri's place, it's a cute little cabin-like house. With a more rustic style unlike my home, a traditional Japanese minka. Once we walked to the door, we were greeted by the outgoing Brooklyn Fitzgerald. A fierce and friendly soul, who looks out for her friends. She works as a lumberjack at the local saw mill, fell in love with the stubborn lawyer Pearl Harpor and once one first place in the wood chopping competition at the county fair. Brooklyn was always that person you feel comfortable around, she is a great role-model for Perri and always wants the best for her. She's like the cool aunt I never had, and the only adult I feel comfortable around that isn't my family.
“How you doing kids, I made a tray of onigiri for an afternoon snack.” Brooklyn greeted
“Thanks mom, we're here just to get a bite to eat, spinel and I are going to a study group at the library.” Perri replied
Perri doesn't lie often, but she's surprisingly good at it. It's scary if you think about it.
“Well okay Perri, but remember. Always have your phone, come back home before six, and don't walk in Black Hawk Clan territory.” Brooklyn directed
“Well of course mom.” Perri acknowledged while to two of us walk inside
Their house interior was like one of the those shacks in the movie Friday the 13th. Brooklyn kept it very well maintained, she may be a lumberjack but she's a amazing carpenter.
“I'll be back Spinel, I'm just getting some things from my room.” Perri called, going to grab the letter
“Alright Perri.” I concurred while eating some homemade onigiri
“So, umm. Spins, how's Perri doing.” Brooklyn worried, she's not always the serious type. But when she is, you need to listen and shut up.
“She's, okay. Why do you ask?” I denied, having a good feeling what she's going to say.
“I got a call from the school, saying that Perri had a meltdown.” Brooklyn took a deep breath and continued. “Spinel, I know your aware that Perri is a little different than the other kids. She thinks in a different way and does things differently.” Brooklyn fretted
“I think you are aware of this Spinel, but Perri has Autism.” Brooklyn said looking that she's not finished speaking.
I was aware that Perri isn't like other kids, that why I like her. I love that she would ramble on and on about robotics, AI and Elon Musk. I love that she has that burning passion to expand her learning, even if it's just one topic. In a way, Perri's like a little sister to me. I love her because she's unique, not mediocre like those bimbos at school. She's her own person and doesn't follow a crowd.
“There were many incidents that kids would tease her because she's on the spectrum. They would tease her for being jumpy, they would pick on her because she wouldn't play with the other kids. And let's not forget the time a student grabbed her over a god damn chewie.” Brooklyn bawled, on the verge of tears. Even someone as strong as her can feel defeated sometimes.
“I'm scared spinel, I'm scared that my little girl will get herself hurt. After the diagnosis her father couldn't take it and left. Saying that he wanted a normal child with a normal life. Pearl has a hard time dealing with Perri sometimes, but she still cares about her. All I ask is Spinel, please look out for her.”
“Brook, things won't be like this forever. There's a lot of people with autism and live great lives. Overtime they grow and learn how to cope, Perri's still a kid. She's going to be an amazing person one day. Building robots or something. The point is that sometime people outgrow these problems, it's sometimes doesn't bother them or they cope with it. Your very lucky to have a daughter like Perri. You just have to remember that every successful person had those days that they want to give up. But they keep pushing until they reach their goals. Just like Perri.” I monotoned
“You maybe right Spins, Perri has been growing up. It just seems like yesterday she didn't need her chewy anymore.” Brooklyn hoped
“See, everything's going to be okay. Sophie won't bully her anymore, I promise.” I concluded
“Alright Spinel, lets go to the library now. ” Perri intrupted
“Be safe girls, look out for one another.”
It took us 30 minutes by bus to arrive at the Black Hawk clan's main nest, I don't know why they would call it a nest but whatever. Their nest was a giant old warehouse outside of town, it had a barbed wire fence all around the headquarters. Like those fences you see in prisons. There was a giant chain link fence for the entrance, two bikers were guarding it carrying AK-47s.
“Yo what the fuck, you can't be-, ohhhhhh. It's the catnapper. What business do you have with the Black Hawks.” Thug one marveled
“Is that what they're calling me now, it was psycho bitch last week. We don't what any trouble, we just want to see the road captain.”
“Wait are you talking about, Lex. Hah,well Spins, we can't let you just see the road captain. You have to talk to the founder first, she decides not us.” Thug two announced
“Oh for the love of god.” I whispered to myself
“Well, can we see. Fucking, Jasper or someone.” I badgered
These biker act so tough and fearless. But really, their just a bunch of leather-wearing douches.
“Ahhhhh, if it'll make you shut the fuck up then sure. ” thug one complained
The two annoyed thugs opened the gate, Perri and I walk cautiously into the nest.
Inside the warehouse wasn't any better than the outside. On the left side, there was a bar with tables, chairs and stolen arcade game machines. The right side was their business operation, with safes, factory equipment and a security system. Every biker gang has their source of income. It can be drugs,weapons, cigarettes or anything valuable on the yami-ichi.
The Black Hawks are the kingpins in the drug industry, but they don't just sell any type of drug. They created their own drug that is booming in the Japanese black market. It's called Menohoyō, meaning eye-candy in Japanese. Menohoyō is made just like regular eye-drops, because it is eye-drops. The only reason why it's addictive and illegal, is because it's made of 45% of diethylamide. A main chemical component to make LSD. There's been cases all across the world, reaching places like Brazil, United States and even Russia. There has been many gangs and drug cartels trying to replicate this drug, but all of them failed. Today, the Black Hawks dominate the drug industry, even bribing politicians to keep their business running. It's greasy business, that's why I want Lexi to get out when she still has the chance.
In front of us are the three masterminds of the whole operation.
Jasper Alder, the founder of the gang. Sitting on an old puke green recliner and smoking a five inch Pyramid cigar. She was born in Tokyo and was a target for bullying because she has vitiligo. Due to the bullying she became a mean bitch, once she broke a kids arm because she called her giraffe. Later in life, Jasper got into bodybuilding and motorcycles. Causing her to follow the wrong crowd. She got involved in a lot of crazy shit involving rival gangs. Once she turned twenty-three, she created the Black Hawk Clan. She called it that because one day, her father and her were hunting hawks. A giant common black hawk attacked her father and scratched his throat, causing him to bled to death in the middle of the woods. Jasper manage to shot the hawks wing and flew off. For three nights she was searching that hawk. Later found it on the ground near an old Japanese Wisteria. Jasper chose not to put the bird out of its misery, instead she watched it bled out for three minutes. So long story short, she's twenty-five and runs a drug cartel now.
On her left was the president of the clan, Eleanor Monsoon. She was Jasper right-hand gal, those two used to rob gas-stations when they were teens. Eleanor was also known for her great grandfather being in the Imperial guard divisions during WW2. That's where she gets her fierce comanding attitude.
On the right was the Vice President of the clan, Persephone Windsor. Nothing to special about her, all I can say is she's a snobby bitch born in a very rich family, she supply's most of the equipment and weapons. She's a narcissist and a manipulator who will destroy lives to get her way.
“(Puffing a smoke) Well, I didn't expect to see the pip-squeak and the catnapper today. ” Jasper snarled while inhaling on her cigar.
“Let me do the talking Perri, I got this.” I whispered to Perri
“Hi Jasper, hows the gang and so. Also can we talk to Lexi.” I urged, trying to convince the butch
“(Puffing a smoke). Well Spins, if you have business with the road captain you have business with me. Now spill the beans crazy.” Jasper chided
“It has nothing to do with.Business. We want to see Lexi, because-”
“Because I want to get to know her better, and hopefully she'll get out of this dirty, greasy motorcyclist club you call a business.” Perri interrupted me and dared Jasper
Thanks a lot Perri, we're fucked.
“How dare you, a worthless pest like you speaking to the founder like-” Persephone chastised
“Wait. Hold on your saying you want to hangout and bond, with the black hawk clan road captain. Out of all the nerds at your snobby school. You choose an angsty, hot-headed, with drugged up parents and possibly slept with more guys than you know how many bones are in the human body. So tell be spaz, what makes you think a nerd like you, can ever be with someone as fucked up as Lex. Because honestly, you can do better.” Jasper insulted
I saw that Perri was starting to get upset, but instead being sad, she got mad.
“You, you don't know anything. How dare you talk to someone like that, your not any better you, you, you f-f-fucking clod.” Perri exploded
It would take a tiny miracle to get us out of this shit.
However, the three bikers looked at each other with confusion. There was a silent pause, until.
“...............Haaaahahahahahahahaha.hhaaaaaaahaaahahahaahahahahhaaaahahah.” The three clan leaders burst with laughter
Perri expression turned back to sadness, trying to hold in her tears.
“Hahahaaahhaa, is,haha, is that the best you got tiny,hahhahaha. That's fucking pathetic, hahaha. Oh look at me, I WUV Lexi, hahaha.” Jasper mocked
I could see Perri starting to sob, I wanted to say something but that would be a suicide mission.
“Perri and Lexi sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-” the three clan leaders laughed and mocked
“What the fuck is happening, it's like a fucking circus in here. ” Lexi interrupted
Thank God she's here
“Perri, Spinel. What are you guys doing here.” Lexi gasped
“We were going to see you, until these donkey's stop us from doing so.” I explained
Lexi then turned her attention to the brainy-baby.
“Hey, hey, hey. Perri, my dude. I'm here, it's okay.” Lexi tried comforting Perri
“(Whimpering) it's good to see you again rockstar.” Perri sniffled
“It's good to see you to buddy.” Lexi sympathized
Lexi then turned her attention to the three douches
“What the fuck did you three do.” Lexi accused
“Lex, know your place. You do not bark at me, or I'm sending you back on the streets like the runt you are. ” Jasper retaliated
“Well I guess you have to put be back on the fucking streets, because no one talks to my friends like that.” Lexi condemned
It warms my cold heart to see Lex care so much for Perri, it's so sweet.
“Ah you fucking bitch, alright. You can see your, friend now.(inhaling on her cigar).” Jasper said in defeat
“Come on Perri, is there something you wanted to tell me.” Lexi adviced
“One second Lexi.” Perri protested
She turned her direction towards me, running up to me and giving me a hug. It was a tight hug, like a bear hug.
“You are the greatest friend in the world, I'm so lucky to have met you.” Perri chirped
I still didn't understand this platonic affection, this is the second time in a row, and I don't feel anything. My heart feels heavy and silent, there's no emotion. Why am I like this.
But to make her feel better, I hugged her back.
It lasted for 3 minutes, everyone in the warehouse was staring at us. But I didn't care, as long as she's happy.
She finally let go and walk towards Lexi, both of them waving goodbye to me. I guess it wasn't such a bad day after all.
“Hold on Spinel, just a minute.” Jasper asserted
I spoke to soon.
“Even though I'm letting your friend hang with the road captain, you still have to do something for me in return. ” Jasper decided
“Jasper. I can't be your drug mule.” I stated
“Don't worry your panties off, your not delivering drugs. I've chosen something that you may like. Do you know Sophie Turner.” Jasper explained
“What about her.”
“She hasn't been paying her IOU's for the Menohoyō's she's been buying for her parties. She keeps saying “My dad is rich, I'll get your money, stop bugging me, bla bla bla.” So because of her I'm losing money, she's my top buyer in Akuma no tochi. So what I need you to do is, take her out.” Jasper offered
Well isn't that pure irony.
“I think I can do that Jasper, but I'm going to need some equipment.” I demanded
“Sure, anything. You just can't tell the clan was involved.” Jasper added
“I need a hacksaw, trash bags, bleach, cleaning supplies, nails and the key to the saw mill.” I listed
“Done. Go to our SGT at arms, Ruth. She'll get you what you need. Remember Spinel, this never happened.” Jasper concluded
Once I reached the exit, a familiar voice called out for me.
“Spinel, Wait. I want to talk to you!”
Well what do you know, I thought Ryan was the last person who would talk to me here.
“Listen Spinel, I did some thinking and wanted to apologize about yesterday. I took my frustrations out on you, it was wrong. I should have never called you runner-tits, your a beautiful, smart girl. One day, some very lucky guy will meet you. I'm sorry.” Ryan apologized
I didn't expect someone like Ryan to say that, it took a lot of guts to admit something like that. I respect that.
“I forgive you Ryan, no hard feelings.”
“Thank you Spinel, I'll let you go now. But remember, the Black Hawks have your back.” Ryan thanked
“Your welcome, I'll see you around.”
It is time, time to give that bitch what she deserves. Good thing I didn't give all that birthday cake to the meow-meows.
I finally arrive to Sophie's place, no ones home but her. I have everything I need to silence her for good. And it all starts with a piece of cake.
I walked to her door and placed a small pink box on the doorstep. I knocked on the door and hid behind a bush.
“Hello, is some out there. Justin you better not be fucking with me.” Sophie cautioned
“Oh, what's this. (opens the box) aww, it's a piece of cake. I guess Justin isn't a dick after all. ”
Sophie picked up the cake from the box and went back inside, without locking the door. I quietly snuck in behind her, when I found out that she took the bait. I always make the best cakes, thanks to Momma. But for this special occasion, I added my secret ingredient.
I saw her take the first bite, then the second, and finally the third. Until she took her fourth bite.
“Mmmh mhhhh- ACK,ACK. Gahh. Barf.” Sophie said while gagging and puking blood
That's right, the secret ingredient os nails. I placed a couple of small nails in the sweet-treat, hoping it would tear her esophagus apart.
“Aww, did poor wittle Sophie bit off more than she could chew.” I teased her while kneeling down beside her.
“Who's a spaz now bitch. I would have came for your ass later. But you had to pick on my wittle buddy. That's one step to far.” I rasped
I looked at her in disgust while watching her struggle to breathe. This was the first human I ever killed, I'm tired of releasing my pain on cats. Taking them from their owners, putting them in a bag, and slamming that said bag onto the concrete floor! Who ever knew inflicting pain on someone like her can feel so, pleasurable. Reliving. The pure horror in their eyes fills my desire, my desire to butcher these whores that stand in my way. I shouldn't have done this sooner.
“ACK ACK ACK, gahh. Fuck youu, you psychotic cun-(pukes blood). Barf. Huff, puff, huff, puff. Huff...ack....ack...ack.........ah.” Sophie cried her last words.
“Just so you know, it's homemade not store bought.” I joked
Well that took longer than I expected. I had to saw her in ten part, bag them, clean the floor, bleach the floor, dispose any evidence, take the body parts to the saw mill and shred them up. I also had to burn my cloths as well, at least I brought a spare set. But it all ended smoothly. I got my revenge, and now only five more rivals to go. Perri can now see Lexi anytime, I hope they worked out, they'll make a cute couple. Even though school sucked ass at least it ended on a positive note. Now time to go home, and great my amazing famil-.
“Hey. Spinel.”
Okay who could that be.
I turned around wanting to know whose behind me. And oh fuck I wish didn't. This day was perfect for Perri and I, and she's the last person I wanted to see, God damn it!
“Hello Spinel”
“Hello. Connie.”
To be continued
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heartbeatan · 5 years
Woman On Top (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 5
The set up in Hong Kong was fantastic. The promotional drama was in partnership with a new hotel and travel agency, and the hotel wasn’t scheduled to open until the drama aired. That meant, all parties involved in the project got to be the first people to experience a luxury stay and had free, unobstructed access to shoot the drama.
The hotel was connected via a tunnel to the nearby train station which led right to the international airport. The sight made you awe the moment you crossed into the hotel. The mezzanine more resembled the courtyard of a palace that had been converted into a market square. There was a pool with a cabana bar and lots of places to lounge. There was a restaurant whose seating stretched out into the space as if it were a patio. There were a few small service booths which aesthetically resembled shops. There was even a small waterfall, lampposts, and a plethora of leafy, green plants and trees throughout. All of it was encased by the hotel rooms which stretched 25 storeys to the sky where they met the full glass roof. It was like being outdoors without having to be outdoors. Even the hotel rooms themselves had balconies that peered down over the pool, the shops, the restaurant and all the other activity, but the rooms themselves were protected by tinted, one-sided windows. It was more than just a hotel – there was
"I can't wait to see what set came up with," you said to the director as you snapped a few photos for reference later.
You dropped your bags in you room and drank in the view of the buzz below, before you returned downstairs to enjoy it. You still had a few hours before everyone arrived and the work began, so why not enjoy the pool side cabana and imagine you really were on a vacation.
Jungkook would have loved this, the thought slipped into your mind. He was there, of course… Somewhere… But his words about turning your trip into a miniature vacation made you a bit sad that you couldn’t. As fate would have it, though, upon re-entering the mezzanine you saw who you had been thinking about. Jungkook was sitting on the restaurant patio with a cup of coffee and reading what looked like his script. He looked picturesque in his denim pants, a white, knit sweater, and his fluffy, shiny hair. You didn’t realize you had been smiling at the image until he looked up and met your gaze, and a smile beamed across his face too.
You lifted your hand and waved at him. He raised his to wave but he wasn’t the only one to wave back. You hadn’t noticed him yet, but Kevin was sitting just a few tables in front of you. He must’ve thought you were greeting him.
That was awkward, you thought to yourself as you scrambled to play it off as if he was the one you were greeting all along. You approached his table, and the gentleman that he was he stood up as you did.
“You made it,” Kevin grinned. “How was your flight?”
“It was great. No trouble,” you smiled back. “Can you believe this hotel, though?” you gushed as you gestured around the room.
“It’s something else, that’s for sure. I was just about to order brunch. Would you care to join me?”
You paused – only for a second, before you said “yes.” Your eyes had snapped up to Jungkook who was watching you intently over his script. You felt the recently familiar feeling of guilt stab your sensibilities. The week leading up to this trip had been so weird because of Kevin. But what else could you do? He was your peer and Jungkook was your secret.
You and Kevin talked while you waited for service – which took a little longer than expected (the hotel staff were still working out the kinks before opening day), but you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Jungkook was a few tables over but the energy between you felt like magnets that were being held apart. Eventually, your brunch party was joined by two other men in suits which put you slightly more at ease for Jungkook’s sake, but part of you still wanted to go over there and join him and reassure him of… something. But you didn’t.
The rest of the day was busy. So busy and when you thought it was over, a new task was piled onto you. Eventually, somewhere around mid-evening, you found a 45-minute gap where you could finally relax, so you decided to retire to your hotel room for just a minute. Your feet were aching from your heels, your skirt felt like a vice and your boobs were at war with your bra.
You crashed onto the bed and were dozing off almost immediately when your phone rang. You looked at the screen to see it was Jungkook calling.
"What are you doing?"
"Just lying down for a minute. My feet are killing me."
"Want me to come over and I'll rub them for you?"
You chuckled. He was still trying. “I thought we agreed you’d behave this week.”
“I am behaving,” he said, but there was still something mischievous behind his voice. “What are you wearing right now?”
You bit your lip trying to hold back the giggle that wanted to escape from you. You looked down at your red pencil skirt and white blouse and wondered, for a moment, if you should tell him the truth or tell him what he wanted to hear.
“Just what I was wearing today,” you replied trying to sound casual – as if he wasn’t affecting you right now.
“Mmm,” he hummed in satisfaction. “Good. You looked so fucking hot today.”
You scrunched your toes and your noes the way you did when his words made you giddy.
“What colour is your underwear?” he asked.
“It’s like a reddish, purple-ish.”
“Bet they look so fucking good on you,” his voice was beginning to thicken with every sentence.
“Would you do me a favour?”
“Perhaps,” you replied skeptically.
“Take your panties off.”
“We can’t right now, I have to be on set in a few minutes.”
“Then just humour me for the next few minutes. Take them off.”
You seesawed between stopping this before it got to far out of hand or continuing the way you really wanted to. You chose the latter, and hooked your hands under your skirt, pulled at your panties and slipped them off.
“Okay, they’re off. Now what?” you asked.
“You’re not lying to me, are you?”
“Good. Don’t put them back on for the rest of the night.”
“I can’t do that, Jungkook, I have to go to work.”
“Yes, you can,” he gruffed. His breaths became as thick as his voice. The sound of it made you rubbed your thighs involuntarily together.
If he was only here in this room…
“Why?” you whispered.
“Because you won’t let me have you that way. Let me think about you that way. Give me something to touch myself with.”
“You won’t see me though.”
“Go out onto the balcony.”
You huffed in pain as you peeled yourself from the bed. For a second you were a little pissed that Jungkook’s horniness and neediness was interfering with your break. Regardless, you approached the sliding door, opened it and stepped out onto the balcony.
“God, you look good,” he almost groaned as he said it, and it almost made you wet. That sound was his “I’m hard” sound.
“Where are you?”
“Straight across.”
You squinted across to the rooms on the other side, but you couldn’t see anyone. He must’ve been in his room behind the one-sided windows. Perhaps he was stroking himself right now as he watched you. You gave a slow, seductive twirl so he could get a good look at all your angles.
“Shit, baby,” he keened. “Please, let me fuck you.”
“We can’t,” you whispered back, paranoid that someone nearby would hear you and somehow figure out what was happening.
“I’ll be so careful, baby.” You were positive he was at least palming himself right now. Your mouth ran dry at the image. “And I’ll do it so slow, so no one will hear. But it’ll be so fucking good. You’ll have to be quiet.”
Fuck. A shiver trembled its way through your body and you hummed into the phone.
“I thought you might like that,” he continued his seduction.
“We can’t,” you said less convincingly.
“Then let’s do it over the phone.”
“I don’t have time,” but damn, did you ever wish you did.
“Ten minutes,” he let out another groan and you felt a wave of arousal flood between your thighs.
I could spare ten minutes, you rationalized to yourself.
“Okay, I- ahhhh!” you let out something that resembled a yelp as someone knocked loud on your hotel room door. You almost threw your phone off the balcony, but instead it landed with a smack onto the floor. “Shit!” you cried as you scrambled to pick it up. Luckily it looked fine. You could faintly hear Jungkook’s “Hello? Hello?” still coming from it. Another knock came at the door.
“Just a minute!” you shouted towards it before turning back to Jungkook on the phone. “Sorry! Someone is here. I’ll talk to you later.” With that you clicked off the phone and headed towards the door.
The grip who had been knocking at your door informed you that the schedule had been bumped up per the director, and within minutes you found yourself back on set. Tonight, wasn’t the actual shoot – since the scene required a lot of extras and a lot of coordination, it had been decided to do a dry run that night to save time in the morning. Jungkook wasn’t involved in the scene, so he wasn’t expected to be there.
Your panty-less situation wasn’t a huge distraction, since luckily your job didn’t require any jumping or bending, but it wasn’t like you hadn’t noticed the cool air sweeping over you, or the friction you felt when your thighs rubbed too closely together. But it somehow made you feel sexier. Every once in a while, though, your raw, naked core reminded you of why it was so – Jungkook – and you would become impatient, and desperate to get back to the room and call him for uninterrupted phone sex.
“Jungkook,” you heard Jiyi, the lead actress, exclaim. It made your heart stop beating for a moment and you panicked thinking perhaps you had verbalized your daydream about him and were discovered. But Jiyi wasn’t looking at you. She was looking somewhere behind you. You twisted around to look and sure enough, there was Jungkook, standing a few feet away. Not close enough to be standing “together,” but close enough that the magnetic force between you two was palpable once again. Especially now that you two had a (yet another) dirty little secret. Only he and you knew that there was nothing going on underneath your skirt. Only he and you knew that one flick of a wrist he could have you panting in pleasure. He could do it right here – maybe no one would notice his hand up your skirt. Or, he could take you into that alcove over there and with one pull of the drawstring of his sweatpants he could have you quivering.
With his hands dipped into his pockets, Jungkook stood calm and collected. But you were sure he wasn’t. How could he when you were slowly unraveling simply because he was here. Perhaps it wasn’t Jungkook you had to worry about breaking this week – it was you.
He started to move towards you and your body began to tingle with each step he took, until he was right next to you and you swear his body heat was warming your skin.
“How’s the dry-run going?” he asked casually, but the way the words rung in your ears you thought he was implying something more salacious. You were about to shoo him away for being so obvious until you realized that you were the one being obvious. People knew you and Jungkook had worked together before, so it would be weird if you didn’t speak. Just because you were speaking doesn’t automatically mean you’re sleeping together… even though in this case you were.
“It’s going great,” you replied, trying to add just the right amount of honey to your words. Two can play this game. “It’s always so interesting to see the scenes stripped down and bare.”
A smirk crossed Jungkook’s face at your unnecessary double-entendre. “When are you going to call it a night?”
“Midnight,” you replied knowingly – giddy at the idea that you’ll at least have phone sex to satiate you when this was all over. Jungkook nodded.
“I guess I’ll turn in then,” he said as he turned to leave – but not without darting his eyes so obviously towards the panty line that should have been over your backside. Your hand twitched as if you wanted to reach out and give him a playful slap – the way you would if you were alone – but you stopped it before you could.
By twelve-thirty, you were back in your room and nearly dripping from anticipation as you reached for your phone and called Jungkook. He didn’t answer and with each ring you thought you were going to die. Was he playing hard to get? You decided to play hard to resist.
You pulled off your shirt, stretched yourself over the bed then pointed your phone down towards your body – captured a picture that cropped in your bra-clad torso and red pencil skirt that wrapped around your waist. You then sent it to him and waited.
A few moments passed – although it felt like an hour – and you heard the cheerful buzz of a received message. You opened up the message to find a picture of Jungkook’s erection straining against his sweatpants. You salivated wanting it – wanting it to fill you and fuck you silly.
You up’ed the game by stripping down bare, rolling onto your stomach and snapping a picture of your naked back and ass. He replied with a picture of his hand down his pants.
You called him again. This time he answered – but instead of “hello” you heard a deep, guttural groan coming from the other end.
“Fuck,” he cursed. “How can you be so cruel? I want you so bad.”
“I want you too, baby.”
“Just say the word and I’ll be over in a minute. Please.”
“No – but we can pick up from right here. I’m so wet right now.”
“Mmm,” he moaned – and you were sure you could here the wet sounds of him stroking his cock. “If I was there, I’d take such good care of you. You know I would.”
“I know. You always take good care of me,” you said as you reached down between your thighs and began circling your clit. You let out a moan as you did.
“Are you fucking yourself right now?” he panted.
“Because, I’m the only one who can make you feel good. If I can’t have you, then you can’t.”
“You’re so used to setting all the rules, Y/N. Well, this is mine. Don’t you dare touch yourself when I’m not around.”
But you were so wet. So wanting to come. But – in truth – you were wanting for him.
“It won’t feel as good if it’s not me,” he punctuated. He was right. No matter how filthy his mouth got over the phone or how powerful your vibrator was – nothing compared to the feeling of his skin and weight over you, or his cock buried deep inside you. “Do you understand the rules?” he said mockingly.
You didn’t say anything for a beat. Part of you wanted to crawl through the phone and strangle him, while the other part wanted to crawl through the phone and let him fuck you the way he wanted too. But – despite his pleading - Jungkook had always been so patient and obedient of whatever you asked. So, with a small “yes” you complied.
This was going to be a long week.
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viinchester · 5 years
How/What to request
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Please comment or send an ask with the number of the prompt(s) you want + the character + more details you want to be included. I'm feeling really creative right now, so I might be able to do some of your requests.
1. "Did you bring us here to die?" - "Obviously." - "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."
2. "You.. You are-.." - "Beautiful? A genius? Immensely talented?" - "Dangerous."
3. "All that blood looks good on you, it really brings out your eyes."
4. "You keep on pointing that gun at me and blabber about how much you've been wanting to kill me. I'm beginning to doubt your commitment."
5. "Remove your hand or I will rip your arm off and beat you to death with it."
6. "I don't care if you're panicking - just do it quietly."
7. "How long have you been standing there?" - "Longer than you'd like."
8. "Keep your morals away from me."
9. "When did you become so smart?" - "Since I stopped listening to you."
10. "I remember kissing you.. Why do I remember kissing you?"
11. "I was just kind of hoping that you'd.. y'know.. fall in love with me."
12. "Well, that didn't end the way I expected it to, but at least nobody important died."
13. "You're going to have to tell people you're leaving eventually." - "Yeah, but how should I do it? Shall I shout it from the rooftops or send a mass e-mail?"
14. "I have never been so insulted!" - "You don't listen much then, do you?"
15. "What are you doing?" - "… Eating." - "We're being held hostage and you decide to raid the kitchen!?" - ".. They didn't say the fridge was off limits."
16. "Come over here and make me."
17. "I have a name and it's not sweetheart."
18. "I wouldn't miss you. Nobody would." - "..." - "No, wait! I didn't-" - "Fuck off, I hate you."
19. "I really wish you were never born." - "Well, me neither. But.. life be like that sometime." - ".. You're an idiot, you know that?"
20. "I'm dying and you can't do anything about it, so please just hold me. I don't want to die here alone.."
21. "You're bleeding! Where's your friend!?" - "Left me to die to save their own ass. Guess you were right, I really am not worth it."
22. "Did you really think I cared about you?"
23. "This is what I get from trusting you.. Everybody told me to stay away from you, but I ignored them.." - "Yeah, that was really stupid. You should've known better. And for the record: I don't regret anything."
24. "You lied to me! Everything you ever did.. It was all just a game to you!" - "You found out? What a shame.. I kind of enjoyed playing with you."
25. "This is a joke, right? Right!?"
26. "What are you doing?" - "Just what's long over due."
27. "I'm a monster." - "You know you're not."
28. "Listen, I believe there's good inside of you somewhere.. Just.. Just put that knife down, okay?"
29. "Sometimes you need to make your sarcasm more clear."
30. "Oh crap. That's your »I did something bad«-face."
31. "This never happened. Understood?"
32. "Can't you be happy for me for just five minutes?"
33. "You don't give a damn about me!" - "Frankly, I do give a damn about you, my dear."
34. "Innocent until proven guilty, my friend."
35. "You did what!?"
36. "I know I'm very drunk, but I want to kiss you so bad.." - "Excuse you?"
37. "Are you done?" - "Depends."
38. "I should hate you, but all I feel is love!" - "Well, I have that effect on people."
39. "I didn't do it." - "Then why are you laughing?" - "Because whoever did it is a genius."
40. "Was it really necessary to hit me with the corpse's leg?" - "Necessary? No. Hilarious? Yes."
41. "Oh, you're still alive." - "Don't sound so disappointed, I might begin to think you don't like me."
42. "Hold on, you died!" - "Yeah well, it didn't really stick."
43. "I think I'm having a feeling. How do I make it stop?"
44. "This is a beautiful place." - "What a shame you came from so far away to destroy it, right?" - "Not really."
45. "I don't like how that ended. Let's pretend it never happened." - ".. Life doesn't work like that." - "It does now."
46. "I didn't-.. I didn't mean to! This wasn't what I wanted!"
47. "Do you feel any remorse for what you did to them? For what you did to me?"
48. "Please, you have to let me make this right!"
49. "How long are you going to keep on blackmailing me?"
50. "This is going to sound controversial, but I think that went well."
51. "You know, you're adorable when you're mad." - "I could literally kill you."
52. "Well, this is a nice change of scenery." - "It's a prison cell." - "I was being sarcastic."
53. "Run! Run away as long as you got the chance!" - "Run away from what!?" - "From me!"
54. "Rumour has it, I make you nervous."
55. "I can't focus with your damn hand in my- ah.. Oh…"
56. "How are you mad at me, when I'm the one with the broken arm!?"
57. "Well, shit. I'll need a fucking lawyer."
58. "Are you enjoying the party?" - "Party? This isn't a party." - "Not until somebody almost dies."
59. "FUCK! You scared the shit out of me!"
60. "Don't. Move."
61. "You're bleeding on my carpet."
62. "Excuse me, but whoever stood you up is an idiot and a jerk."
63. "Call me that one more time and you'll see what happens."
64. "It's pitch black in here and I can still see you're blushing."
65. "Am I supposed to be scared of you?"
66. "Murder is kinda against the law, you know?"
67. "Bend over."
68. "Beg for it."
69. "I'll make sure you never see them again."
70. "If you relaxed, it wouldn't hurt so much."
71. "There you are. Did you really think you were gonna escape?"
72. "I love you, I love you so much and I'll make sure you feel the same." - "You-.. You are insane.."
73. "Let me out of here! You're a fucking psychopath! I won't ever bend to your will!" - "Now, why did you have to make me mad by saying something so inconsiderate?"
74. "See, now was that so bad?" - "We're in the hospital, you idiot!" - "Yeah, but we could be dead instead, so I consider us lucky."
75. "How do you even sleep at night?" - "Oh, just like a baby."
76. "It'd be a shame if I had to damage that beautiful face.."
77. "Stop struggling. It doesn't have to be painful."
78. "I killed my own blood. What do you think I could do to you?"
79. Person A is wrapped in christmas lights, their body bound tightly to the chair they're sitting on. Person B comes in and grins. "Oh boy, I must've been good this year."
80. "Why don't you ever listen to my orders!?" - "I don't like being told what to do."
81. "I'll go easy on you."
82. "You don't look like a professional criminal.." - "Oh sorry, let me just.. grab my Ted-Bundy-Mask and put on some bloody gloves."
83. "You don't have to stay. I understand."
84. "You don't have to fight me."
85. "Watch me."
86. "You make a sound and it's game over."
87. "I'm like 75% sure this isn't going to kill us."
88. "Uhm, I don't think kidnapping is legal.. So if you could just let me go, that would be great."
89. "Please, I'm begging you.. I will do anything!" - "Anything, you say?"
90. "Cooperate with me and nobody will get hurt."
91. "Shoot him/her. Or I shoot you."
92. "I'm not going to kill you, Y/N. You will kill yourself."
93. "Your life is completely in my hands, so don't test my boundaries."
94. "Why are you crying?"
95. "I could help you, but it will cost you."
96. "Oh, you mean you need.. this antidote?"
97. "Go ahead and pray. See what good that does for you."
98. "What did you do to them!?"
99. "If we get caught, I'm blaming you."
100. "Complain all you want, but hurry and help me hide the body while you're at it!"
101. Person A to Person B: "There's no way in hell I'm doing that!" *Five seconds later* Person B to Person A while watching them do it: "You were saying?"
102. "They don't make a card saying »Sorry for almost bleeding out on your two thousand dollar couch and completely ruining it«, so I got you this instead."
103. "I didn't ask you, because I knew you were going to deny. And I don't need your fucking permission to do anything!"
104. "I am the only thing standing between you and all those people out there wanting to kill you, so I strongly suggest you stop pissing me off."
105. "Why is everbody running around like the city's on fire? What did I miss?"
106. "Alright, so I'll do this ridiculous thing you asked me to do, but in exchange you'll have to come to family-dinner with me and pretend to be my boyfriend/girlfriend, because I've kinda been lying to my family about being in a relationship to get them off my back and now they want to meet my partner."
107. "That's a terrible thing to carve into a tree."
108. "This is definitely not as charming as you might think."
109. "But that wasn't the fucking question, was it?"
110. "You take me instead! Do you hear me? Give her/him/them back and take me instead!"
111. "You know I hear you talking, but I still don't have my coffee."
112. "Take one more step and I'll snap her pretty little neck."
113. "This is real. You're real, I'm real.. I need you to come back to reality with me."
114. "You shouldn't have seen that."
115. "Whatever you do, don't make a sound."
116. "I'd rather be spitting blood."
117. "You can't have her and it's killing you inside."
118. "I could hear you screaming, are you alright?"
119. "I was made to destroy. Not to fix or repare, but to break."
120. "I know how this goes. First, you buy me a drink, then you tell me how pretty I look and at the end of the night, you'll ask for my number."
121. "I'm drunk and I hate everything.. Wait, lemme correct myself, I hate everything but you."
122. "Put the gun down, please. You're starting to scare me.."
123. "I'm right here. I've been here all along. Please, just.. see me."
124. "Stop looking at me with pity in your eyes. Stop it. Stop fucking looking at me like that!"
125. "You took adventage of me when all I did was help you. Others would've left a long time ago, but I kept on believing in you. But you only ever saw me as an opportunity to get what you wanted.."
126. "You really don't know how to talk to women, do you?" - "There was no need to until now!"
127. "You already know how this will end. It always ends with my blood on your hands. I've come to terms with it, you should get used to the idea too. After all, you can't change destiny."
128. "If you want to keep me away, then tell me a lie that will hurt me so deep I'll never want to see you again." - "I love you."
129. "Go ahead, underestimate me. That will be fun."
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16 notes · View notes
now you've made me curious, what's that plan of hers that went wrong? xD
I still find this more entertaining than I feel bad about it.
okay well last year they suddenly started having small open airs with covid restrictions and I got two tickets. But because I didn't think there'd be any shows in the summer, I was on a tight budget. So I asked her "I have 80€ to get there, have some drinks and get back home, are you in?" She said yes. If she had said no, I would have asked someone else.
Then she proceeded to show me 95€ , 129€ and even more expensive tickets for the train just so we could take whatever train we please.
So I told her "No, I only have 80€". Then she showed me 89€ tickets and I called her to tell her she must have misunderstood...80 is my entire budget for this thing. This conversation lasted like 15 minutes before she finally understood it.
I offered that I would take the cheaper train early in the morning and she could just come later, I'd wait by the train station (this was like a 5 hour train ride) but she didn't want to ride alone, but also the cheap train was too early. So I told her it's either the cheap train or not together, there's no in between as I have already booked what I could afford.
Then she asked about a hotel.
And I said, I couldn't afford two train rides and a hotel with 80€ and I never said anything about a hotel. I was gonna sit in a McDonalds at the train station until the first train home. That was unacceptable and highly dangerous for her.
That's when I got kind of mad, she agreed to do this on a tight budget with me and can't agree on anything with me. She continuously put her comfort above my possibilties.
I told her she could stay in a hotel and come back home later, I don't mind riding alone as I'd be sleeping most of the time anyway, I'd sit at the McDonalds until the 1am train alone. I've done that plenty of times cause I usually travel on a tight budget because I go to so many concerts.
But she didn't want to and kept telling me how dangerous that is and how I was risking my life for a celeb I like and how that was way too early and she couldn't do it. Seriously...like...sitting probably less than one and a half hours at a McDonalds...not sure what crime show she lives in but it doesn't usually get you killed around a time when many trains are still leaving in a big town. After like her fifth comment, I got angry and told her exactly that, and that believing that was dangerous is a very exhausting way of living, I told her that I've repeatedly said I don't have more than 80€ and that she should leave me alone about that, I've spend many nights waiting at fast food chains for my train. Some train stations even have waiting rooms and security. She talked me into letting her book a hotel room for one night because I was simply exhausted by the discussion. Although I told her I wouldn't pay anything because we agreed on something else before and that she'd have to do all the planning around getting to the hotel/back in time. We also took the later cheap train which was 6am instead of 1.30 am.
Well first off we searched like an hour for the hotel because she can't follow google maps and she lead us through the sunny 30°C heat in the wrong direction for a while.
We got to the event in time though and she even got a photo with her favourite star there.
The event was super nice, my parents had given me 10€ extra for drinks and we had a great night. It was awesome to finally party again, and these small groups were so refreshing because they were usually people who really wanted to be there.
THEN...after the event...her highness didn't check the weekend train schedule and so we were stranged at the main station because the trains on the weekend don't leave that late. The train back to the hotel was 2 hour wait or something and the train I had originally wanted to take back home would've left in like 45 minutes. I found that amusing already because the train that was too late for her would leave before our train to the hotel.
But that's when she got irritated with me, with her lack of plan, with everything. She didn't want to wait 2 hours for the train, she didn't want to walk 50 minutes to the hotel but she also didn't want to say I was right with the train back home. I didn't leave anything at the hotel, if it wasn't that my train ticket was cheap because it was for one specific train, I would've left her there.
There were no more cabs either because it was past midnight and she couldn't get ahold of the cab service either.
Meanwhile I was live-capping this to my sister and the friend that knew how terrible the planning had gone because I found it super funny tbh. I was never less stressed because I had my ticket there with me and I was ready to buy a burger at McDonalds and wait for my train. I was also very happy for masks at that time because at least she couldn't see my constant smirk.
Anyway, she eventually got a cab and paid like 50€ xD this entire thing took more than an hour though and we could've just waited for the train to our hotel by then but whatever, I wasn't worried.
When we got to our room, we had less than 3 hours left to sleep.
I didn't sleep, I watched the videos I took of the concert and played with my phone until it was time to leave
We checked out at like 5am and then sat at the bus stop.
After like 25 minutes she goes "wait, today is Sunday. There are no busses until 8am". Our train was about to leave at 6.15am.
So I told her, either she finds a cab that get us there in time or she has to buy me a new train ticket as mine is only for this one train and I had a budget of 0€ left.
In the last minute she found a cab that drove us with 70km/h through the city to the train station...paid another 50+€ and had to RUN to the train.
She was in a bad mood throughout the entire train ride while I slept until we had to change trains and then until we got home.
When we said goodbye, she simply said "bye" and went straight to her dad who picked her up. She was mad because she couldn't sleep on the train. I happily went home, had breakfast, watched the recording of the show we attended on tv to search for us and then took a nap.
After that concert she didn't really talk to me and started being distant and answer less.
That's the big "weird" thing between us. And I still can't feel bad about it a year later. I asked her if she was willing to do this on an 80€ budget with me, she agreed only to try and make me spend more and more when I had told her a million times 80€ isnt my budget of choice but the only money I have left and I couldn't possibly make adjustments.
There may be a few things in our friendship I regret where I could've done something different but this day isn't one of it. If she desperately wants to do it her way even though it's not possible for me, and she ends up fucking up the planning...that's not my problem. Going seperately was inacceptable, going earlier was inacceptable, waiting for the first train was inacceptable. If I tell you I'm on a non-negotiable budget, you either make it work for you or you decline because you can't deal with it.
And that's why I'm mad at her accusations that I ended our friendship and not so much sad about this friendship ending. That was the perfect portrayal that only her comfort and her interest matter to her and everyone else has to move everything to adjust. This is a long text already but I spent HOURS, tons of messages and a long phone call trying to get her to understand I *can't* spend more and trying to get her to agree to go seperately and meet there. We're adults, it's a 5 hour train ride, we can just meet there. And lets not talk about how long it took until I finally agreed that she can get a hotel room for both of us.
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bristolpusher-blog · 6 years
Rainbow Six: Siege and why I love it.
History of Siege:
Rainbow Six: Siege is a tactical FPS game developed and published by Ubisoft (more specifically Ubisoft Montreal) during December 1st. The game is currently approaching the end of its third year and has reached around 35,000,000 (35 million) players, but it didn't start this way.
Siege's official gameplay trailer was shown at E3 is vastly different to the game upon release. The game trailer shows tactical and long rounds requiring large amounts of communication with little room for error, stunning graphics and interactive animation between the hostage and other players. No operators were shown indicating that originaly everyone would be the games current operator "Recruit" but with their own special loadout and no abilities with customisation likely being very limited.
The trailer ends with a standoff between a defender and an attacker firing shots with no answer to who won the round (probably to show that both sides are infact balanced and have equal chance of winning). You could even take a helicopter landing onto the roof which is badass (And probably would've saved us from the spawn peak craze, but more on that later) but alas the game changed vastly at some point during production.
(I can't really talk about the beta as not only do I think it's not really important to understanding the history of siege as it played almost identically to day one release but I also have never played the beta version of Siege, However I will link a video to a closed Alpha gameplay video)
1st of December 2015: Rainbow Six: Siege is released to the world with 20 operators (and everyone's favourite: Recruit of course) these included: SAS: Thatcher, Sledge, Smoke, Mute. FBI: Ash, Thermite, Castle, Pulse. GIGN: Montange, Twitch, Rook, Doc Spetsnaz: Fuze, Glaz, Tachanka, Kapkan GSG9: IQ, Blitz, Jager, Bandit
Giving two from each to the attacks and defenders. (Attackers left, Defenders right) Your starting team depended on your colour. Orange was Defence and Blue was attack with the teams rotating roles each round while maintaining their colour.
But the operators were locked behind walls of money called Renown. Luckily however this didn't effect the game too hard as within literally one match you had your first operator in that division. But the prices rose if you wanted to buy an operator in the same grouping. So if I bought SAS Thatcher all SAS ops would be more expensive (Unless using R6 credits the in game paid currency). My first operator was GIGN Montange a shield operator and my last was GIGN Rook who ironically became my most played defender so I just wish I'd bought him earlier. Each operator has a unique ability which changes the playstyle with limited resources that cannot be reloaded even in the terrorist hunt game mode which gives you ammo boxes.
Here's a link to a video containing all operator guns, and abilities:
A season pass system was also announced by Ubisoft the first being Operator Black ice giving us two Canadian operators: Frost and Buck and this is what I think makes Siege so unique from other tactical FPS. These operations unlocked cosmetic items, new weapon skins (Most noted is the black ice renowned for being the best skin in the game) here's a list by Ubisoft of all rewards for the pass.
The JTF-2 operators, Frost and Buck, the Navy SEALs operators, Valkyrie and Blackbeard, the BOPE operators, Caveira and Capitão, and the SAT operators, Echo and Hibana. 600 R6 credits, R6 icon charm, premium pass until December 1st 2016. However these operators were available to everybody if they purchased them with free renown they got from playing matches (Around 150 if you lose and around 300 if you win) these operators cost a large amount but its not impossible as I did it myself to unlock Capitao.
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In July 2017 Alpha packs were introduced. These unlocked through a sort of roulette wheel at the end of a winning game. The pack (if landed on a white bar you built up by playing games) contained cosmetic headgear and weapon skins until this season where Jager received a legendary uniform in Legendary Alpha packs. These packs are blind luck and you never know what they contain until you open them. If you have the season pass the pack percentage gets a 0.30% boost and when losing it goes up by 1.5% and when winning 3%. (Of course not including the additional bonus for season passes) these can be bought for varying amounts if Renown
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These season passes continue until this day with free content such as maps, cosmetics and operators being released. (8 a year) As of writing this Grim Skies (Year 3 Season 3) is ongoing and the game is definitely had a few bumps this season with the introduction of Clash who's nerf patch hasn't been released at the time of writing.
And now the siege history lesson ends and my opinion begins. I LOVE Siege. I play it basically every day and never seem to tire of this. But I don't think that's just because of me being some addicted fan boy. I think that the reason Siege has become so popular and developed such a massive community is because the huge comeback it had. It was originally a huge failure with players leaving in mass. Thousands of videos on youtube pointed out its massive flaws until instead of abandoning it... Ubi started work. Bug fixes, anti cheat, graphics improvement. You name it, if the community asked Ubi delivered and they still do to this day. Even refusing to change Tachanka despite his huge meme status as being terrible simply because fans love him that way even releasing a cosmetic bundle called "Lord Tachanka" a huge fucking meme amoungst the community that the devs love too which just shows how tight knit we are as a game. While they did take a while to do it during the big Hack period they fixed that for fans and announced they would do so even before the big Youtubers jumped in on it.
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Ubi revived Siege. And I can never really express just how thankful I am for that in words. I love this game and I can't wait for the next season or the next game.
Now it's time to talk about the gameplay Holy shit is this fun. When something goes well and your team just clicks you forget you're playing a game. You're a squad of 5 elite special forces soldiers who's training has lead to an unstoppable wall of fire as your tear through your enemy and it only gets better when the enemy does so too. The rush you feel when a 1v1 comes after a long gun fight is tense and nerve-wracking as you feel your whole team watching you or calling info on cams or drones (More on that later) winning is satisfying and losing is crushing but you still don't want to give up. Because you know that with the right team and the right strats you can wipe the floor with even the best of players.
Games tend to last around 15 minutes in casual with three rounds won being the win and up to 30+ in Ranked. Each round has a drone phase where little black RC drones race around the map looking for the objective while defenders quickly reinforce the room with defences such as metal wall reinforcments, barbed wire, deployable shields, nitro cells (C4 explosive) and your defenders personal gadget. You then have 4 minutes to either complete the objective as Attackers or wipe the enemy team and vice versa as defenders.
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There are currently 18 maps in Siege such as, House, Oregan and Presidential Plane with another map planned next season. My personal favourite is Clubhouse.
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On your gun you can add various attachments such as scopes, grips and compensators. But it's hard for me to talk about that since it's mainly personal preference I almost always use Reflex but most like the Acog scope. Here's a list of what attachments you should put on guns according to Varsity Gaming who you should check out for tips and info on actual mechanics such as damage drop off on guns.
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This brings us nicely to spawn peaking. Since defenders spawn 45 seconds prior to Attackers and there's fixed spawns Defenders began opening windows to shoot people as they exited a spawn area most prominently Jager and Bandit. This resulted in their Acog scopes being removed and eventually all Acog scopes from all 2 speed and 3 speed defenders giving a large advantage on the Attackers side as in long range encounters the 2.5x zoom of an ACOG will help massively. Here's another link to a video which marks all things removed or nerfed to the current date. It's still a sensitive topic today as spawn peaking still exists but you're much more likely to miss someone or get killed yourself when you do it.
10 years of content has been announced but people do still doubt it but personally I think it can be done. Considering we're about to enter year 4 and the game is only growing in popularity I see no reason why it's going to stop any time soon. Especially now its practically one of the biggest Esports perhaps only being outdone by League and Dota with Overwatch declining it its recent years.
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Not to mention the huge profit they overturn in cosmetics Ubi made pro league and elite skins, the later of which unlocks special MVP animations when equipped and winning as the largest point scorer.
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How to Play the game
Now let's discus the gamemodes. You have Casual and Ranked with Custom matches and Terrorist hunt being less of a central focus and an offline Situations mode for beginners to practice.
Casual matches assign random spawns, random defence points and has a cap limit of 5 rounds with a winner being declared after someone reaches 3 otherwise resulting in a draw which effects nothing and gives bad rewards considering you just both basically won.
Ranked gives you a choice of spawns, defence points and caps at 9 rounds with a winner either being declared at 4-2> or having to go to a 5 after it reaches 4-3. After winning a defence location defenders who won may no longer use that defence point until it reaches the overtime tie breaker rounds of 4-3 onwards where everything resets basically. Drone and round times are the same however for both casual and Ranked if an objective is being complete such as Hostage being extracted, Defuser is being/ is planted or Securing objective/contesting then like casual the timer will never end until someone either leaves the room or dies. If a user leaves a ranked match their space is never filled nd they receive a ranked match ban for 15 minutes which increases each time and leave penalty
All game modes feature a DBNO (Down but not out stage) where you will be knocked to the floor and a large + icon surrounded by a white circle slowly being ticked away by a red line creeping across will appear. Your vision will be impaired and movement reduced to a crawl. You will produce a blood trail leading the enemy to you if you crawl away. You can press and hold to stop movement but hold the blood in giving you more time to wait for a teamate to come help you up. Any damage you take will probably kill you and all revives (except Docs stim pistol and Finkas adredinal surge) will get you back up on 50 health and must be done when right next you the only exception to these rules is Zofia and Doc who can get themselves up if Doc has a stim left and Zofia needs no help at all and after a brief 5 second animation can get up on 1 health and continue to fight.
Gamemodes in Ranked and Casual are:
Hostage: Hostage must be extracted from defence point and taken outside to a red flare where you will extract him/her and win you can as with teammates kill the hostage instead of the minus 100 points and ban (and an additional -100) for killing two teammates like you may expect you're hit with an instant -500 points and an almost certain ban if you're not careful. And since Renown is given based off of points this will likely screw you out of any renown if you lose the match and don't receive the +2000 points for winning.
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In Secure area you must enter the room with the container automatically beginning to secure it simply by being in the room however. A loud siren goes off wherever an enemy enters with a large "Contested objective" appearing above the icon that goes through walls for both teams if a defender is inside and a "Securing..." if not.
On Bomb there are two sites near eachother [A] and [B] with Attackers having to enter the room and plant a single defuser given to one member at the start of the round taking 7ish seconds to plant and 40ish seconds to defuse the bomb entirely however the bomb defuser can be destroyed by the defence team by approaching it and holding the button to defuse with the same 7ish seconds needed to defuse however during this time the defuser still continues to tick down and can pass the threshold of defusing the bomb while a defender defuses resulting in an attacking victory.
All of these gamemodes are 5vs5
Terrorist Hunt:
Terrorist Hunt features a range of difficulties: Normal, Hard and Fucking impossible (Realistic). These missions can either be done alone or with a team. Depending on difficulty team friendly damage is reduced so I'd recommend Team play if you want a lot of renown for not very much work at all.
These missions have fixed objectives and must be done alone in single player. After completing all situations that teach you how to play you may take part in Article 15. A difficult mission in a realistic difficulty where you and 4 others must defuse 2 bombs inside the map Bartlett University with heavily obscured vision in yellow clouds filling the map obscuring enemies and the bodies that liter the ground.
Custom Games:
These allow modifiers for a 5vs5 with friends or less even allowing you to explore the map alone. You can change health, timers such as increasing defuse time, drone time, match time and the amount of rounds. You can even turn on pro league settings to have a tournament with your friends.
Siege has an in game shop where you can purchase the previously mentioned elite skins and various other items such as weapon skins, Pro league sets and weapon skins, charms and even the glorious Lord Tachanka sets.
Final thoughts and review:
Siege is in my opinion one of the greatest FPS games of all time. It has incredible fans, Gameplay is smooth and fun and most importantly tense. If I could play just one game with all of you then you'd know how big a difference one person can make each match, how much communication changes the game and how often friends tk each other for cheesy spiderman jokes.
I highly recommend you purchase it. Or play a free weekend. With a starter edition being so cheap right now especially when a sale comes on the only real reason to avoid the game would be the toxic team killers we have. But since the new tk ban changes I've been teamkilled only 12 times. 2 by friends, 7 accident and three being toxic players. That's not however saying it doesn't happen. But trust me. Your teammates will straight up slam the fucker who does it. I don't think I've ever been killed in a ranked match except by Mira mains who want their walls or accidents especially at the higher ranks. I hope this helped you either get a look into my perspective on Siege. Or perhaps convinced you to give it a chance or reinstall. Trust me. Give it a chance like I did and you'll never regret it.
Informative Siege Videos:
Siege Youtubers:
And of course the best Siege Youtuber of all time:
(This is my channel. Subscribe if you want I only upload for fun which I'm pretty happy with)
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay, well today was fine. I initially woke up at 9:45 to my alarm and played my game for a minute lol but then went back to bed because nobody was up yet. I woke up at some point after that (but before 10:45 when I had reset my alarm for) but don't remember exactly when. I ordered bagels which were delivered. my driver dude texted me and our family friend who coordinates these things (he used to own a limo company that said driver worked for but now works for the irs I think? wild) saying his wife and son had been diagnosed with covid on like wednesday but he didn't have any symptoms and asking if I still wanted him to come, I was slightly irritated he hadn't brought this up when I texted him Friday night about the flight time changing?? but I just asked if he had tested and he said no so I was like yeahhh (I mean tests have been hard to come by but still, I did a second at home this afternoon and tested negative again) I'd rather not because we just had an exposure too so our family friend ended up taking me to the airport at 3 because he didn't want my mom to have to do it...he's nice like that. so that was interesting. the security line took fucking forever but ultimately made it through without any issue. shake shack for dinner because somehow I'm always in the same terminal at laguardia (because there's only one shake shack), then the flight ended up taking off at like 6:42 (or that was the estimated time when we boarded) instead of 6 because of just residual delays I guess but I didn't really care as long as I got out of there lol. flight was uneventful but fine, when we got off the plane it was right by the security so short walk to the baggage claim, that was easy. It was cold AF and I was expecting a slightly long walk to the uber section now that o'hare has it only in front of one terminal (which is fucking stupid) but thankfully it actually spans from where you exit terminal 1 to where terminal 2 starts (which is never going to actually come in handy again because I'm always just in terminal 3 and have a long ass walk but whatever, I'll take it for tonight) and I think they changed the set up to where they're having them wait so it only takes like 5 minutes once you submit the request instead of like 15 like it used to so that's an improvement at least. got in the uber alright, interestingly enough it seems like this apartment is a shorter drive home from the airport despite not really being closer to it?? it's a weird set up with how the roads intersect but I think the explanation is that more of the drive is highway this way around so it goes quicker as opposed to a prolonged drive down a normal road, but it's definitely pleasantly quicker than I was expecting so that's nice. I grabbed my keys from the lock box and settled in a bit, and roommate eventually came out of her room where she was pretending to sleep and we chatted for a bit and watched kpop videos of course until she went back to bed. kitty was very happy to see me despite not initially coming to the door when I got in lol but she's been very affectionate so that's nice, I missed her. and yeah, I eventually showered, the fucking shower curtain pole fell down and I struggled putting it back and I'm pretty sure it fell again once I've been in my room but if it did I'm going to ignore it because clearly I can't put it back correctly. And now I'm here and it's 1 am, so I'm going to bed now! I just evaluated and realized I wasn't tired and concluded I hadn't taken my meds yet because I didn't unpack them yet, so I'm glad I realized that now at least. Goodnight friends. Hope you have a decent Monday.
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loving-villanelle · 6 years
An info dump & suddenly Calzona are golden again. My explanation is Vernoff always knew she could erase all the yrs of anger & shut up the name callers & hater with just a few lines. Didn't take a meaningful or sensible story. There's no Arizona but hey, you can't be sad or unhappy because there's Calzona again, even if I fired her. I hated the whole ep, super contrived.
Uhhh gonna stop you there because I am a Calzona shipper and I am very unhappy. The show could’ve told us Callie was single again episodes ago, instead they waited until about 45 minutes into the last episode that Arizona will ever be in. They had Arizona bad mouth her the entire episode. She was talking about their divorce and the custody battle and how she has to look back on their wedding day just to remember why she did any of it in the first place. Callie has been single but is still in New York why exactly? Her daughter was struggling so bad in Seattle and she went “ehh I have this job that I can’t just up and leave, even though that’s exactly what I did in Seattle.” I hate every single thing about this. The laziness, the last minuteness, the fact that they are ending up in NEW YORK when the only reason that place exists in the Grey’s universe is because of PENNY. 5 seconds at the end of the episode with a few cute text messages doesn’t erase anything for me. Like yay it was cute but I’m sitting here going what? Not OH MY GODDDD! I absolutely wanted and deserved way more than what we got. I understand they could only do so much without Sara, but come on. This was ridiculous and frankly insulting the way they handled it. I’ve seen 50 off screen reunion theories that blew what we got out of the water. God I am so glad to be done with this show.
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robloxfreeman · 4 years
I think ill do a follow up kinda to the whole dungeon dissapointment thing tho i'm probably just repeating myself here,
So it's such a shame that dungeons ended up being abandoned at this point and i don't really count more bosses and enemies being added well because im assuming they are a biproduct of the actual update and they only have to add them into dungeons, im not discrediting the work needed to add these enemies into dungeons but if i think adding an already existing feature into dungeons doesn't count as a dungeon update then ever since release dungeons had only ever gotten 1 actual update which whould be portals, anyway i think enemies and bosses aren't what dungeons need, they could've been but with how bosses are implemented they only hurt the dungeons? Why? First of all they really seem out of place, you're playing a stage that's supposed to be fast paced and beaten quickly which dungeons feel like that and you just come across a tanky guy who takes ages to kill, it ruins the pacing and that's what i dislike about them another is that they take a lot of stars, it limits what you could've added in the dungeons instead of a boss that ruins the pacing now also taking away the option of something else that could've been added instead, enemies on the other hand are sort of better but only at certain circumstances,they do take a bit less stars so that's a good thing, and if you have an enemy used as an obstacle in your way that's fine but if you have to go out of your way to find and kill an enemy that is not fine, it's annoying, and the lack of simple things that could be added to help with this is ridiculous, idk maybe add a mose where killing everything isn't a requirement that already makes a lot more options for people to work with, i had a big problem eith this before, i tried making a prison escape dungeon where you could just go the normal route where enemies in cells will try to kill you as well if you flicked all the levers but that already created a problem, if you don't kill those enemies then you can't win, so my supposedly punishment for flicking all the levers you see and freeing all the other prisoners to fight you already broke the dungeon, i also happened to add a shortcut where you could take a harder route but you get skip half the level but that also breaks the level too as you'd have to kill all the enemies to win, so basically i had to scrap all the enemies which made it boring until the shortcut which imo wasn't even supposed to be the highlight of the dungeon making what the dungeon could've been into a very boring level about slowly walking in tight places ocassionally have a guy throw rocks at you which you kill in like 3 seconds, you see what i mean? Not having to kill every enemy creates so many possibilities and seemingly such a simple option to add into dungeons, but it's not there and it will never be a thing ☹.
Disabling timer would be a less but also helpful feature, i think whoever ran the twitter account tho straight up denied how it would even be a good idea
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While i can agree this wouldn't change much it could make a slightly better experience for both dungeon players and creators if it were set to be the default option and you can make the timer thing optional, how you might ask? As a dungeon creator i had to wait a few minutes just to make a reasonable timer for my dungeons however some people don't, and because of that here's why some players could get a better experience, for an example imagine you were playing a dark mode dungeon with 4 other people and you find a dungeon where you just have to kill ned betty and run to the exit door, this also is the problem with scaling now the guy beat it in 45 seconds which gives you and your teamates 1 and a half mins to beat up a ned betty that's probably 5 times stronger than what the creator fought and still have to run to the exit in time, let me remind you that 4 playes doesnt actually means 4 times damage output so this dungeon is impossible to beat in this situation you get what i mean? So yeah for now that's about all i wanna say about dungeons you could expect me doing more sometime in the future.
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elanorsparkles · 7 years
tagged by: @snowcatmoon
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: I literally have my water bottle 6" away from me
2. Phone call: My dad
3. Text message: A friend from a church we used to go to
4. Song you listened to: uhh, my mom has had praise music playing all day?
5. Time you cried: A surprisingly long while ago. Maybe a month??
6. Dated someone twice: Never dated at all
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: ^^same as above
8. Been cheated on: Can't be cheated on if you don't get in a relationship to begin with
9. Lost someone special: Probably
10. Been depressed: Yeah :/
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: lol no
12. Glitter!
13. Pink
14. Blue
15. Made new friends: Online and irl :D
16. Fallen out of love: As I said earlier.
17. Laughed until you cried: Only all the time. I live for the lolz
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Since I'm not sure what this means, I'm going to assume not
20. Found out who your friends are: I guess?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I've. Never. Been. Kissed.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Gurl, I'm never on that site.
23. Do you have any pets: 3 mini goats, 13 chickens, and a dog :)
24. Do you want to change your name: Nah
25. What did you do for your last birthday: Oh boy. Well, I broke dress code to wear my favorite outfit. I had classes that day and long story short: I cleaned an Olaf waffle iron with a toothpick, and had a Banana Hold-Up in a hallway with two of my best friends.
26. What time do you wake up: 7 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Getting ready to sleep
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Classes to start again. I love learning, and I love people!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom?: Like, fifteen minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish my family were in a better financial situation so my little sister could do drill team without feeling bad, and she could go to the church she wants more often. It takes too much gas money right now...
31. What are you listening to right now: That one bug that sounds like a dog dry-heaving just stopped
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: A few
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: That confounded bug
34. Most visited website: Tumblr? Twitter? iFunny?
35. Mole/s: Yep. One of which is a beauty mark
36. Mark/s: Birthmark? A few. I have a reverse one where the skin is lighter instead of darker!
37. Childhood dream: Inventor
38. Hair color: Currently a blonde-ish red
39. Long or short hair: Short!
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Thank heavens,no
41. What do you like about yourself: Physically or character-wise?
42. Piercings: Basic ear piercings
43. Blood type: I'm not sure
44. Nicknames?: Most people call me Ela. Kori calls me CinderEla
45. Relationship status: Single
46. -Zodiac- MBTI: ESFJ
47. Pronouns: She/her
48. Favorite TV Show: I don’t know
50. Right or left hand: Right-handed, although as a kid, I used my left hand for sports
51. Surgery: I had my wisdom teeth removed
52. Hair dyed in different color: It's dyed right now, but I've also had pink as well as purtple hair
53. Sport: lol NO
55. Vacation: Ideal vacation or place I’ve been to?
56. Pair of trainers: *googles trainers* Apparently six? I somehow ended up with four pairs of tennis shoes (that's a story), one pair of Converse, and a knock-off Keds
57. Eating: Hopefully my mom's banana pudding soon
58. Drinking: Water
59. I’m about to: See if the guy who my parents invited over is here yet
62. Want: Tbh, money. I want to take care of my family, and be able to go to my friend's wedding and also finally meet my best friend
63. Get married: maybe someday
64. Career: Researcher in cognitive science while perhaps doing something like counseling
65. Hugs or kisses: From people in general? I'm gonna have to say hugs
66. Lips or eyes: For my future guy? Lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: Slightly older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach, I guess
71. Sensitive or loud: um, I don't know
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. I'm a dating-for-marriage kind of gal
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: IDK
74. Kissed a stranger: what the frick, no
75. Drank hard liquor: Not that I can recall
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope
77. Turned someone down: Kinda?
78. Sex on the first date: Heck to the no
79. Broken someone’s heart: Probably :/
80. Had your heart broken: Does breaking my own heart because I know he wouldn't be good for me count?
81. Been arrested: No
82. Cried when someone died: Yes
83. Fallen for a friend: Unfortunately
84: Yourself: I think so?
85. Miracles: Yes
86. Love at first sight: Sure
87. Santa Claus: I never believed in Santa
88. Kiss on the first date: NO
90. Current best friend name: I have many best friends...
91. Eye color: Blue hazel
92. Favorite movies: The whole Avengers saga (especially CA:TWS), Les Mis, LotR
(totally not tagging 20 people)
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