#I completely missed this quest in my first playthrough ha
mightymizora · 11 months
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Also my new favourite thing to do is go around the city and decide who is a Banite.
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maybecoffeemixed · 9 months
7.8/10, kieran doesn't actually kill us.
Seriously though, I enjoyed it!! Since I don't actually own the game (we poor), I watched a no-commentary playthrough so there are plenty of things I very likely missed, including optional dialog, side-quests, and whatever that thing with the professors is (still lookin' for a video without some guy over it), so I can only comment on the bits I saw! That being said, here we go.
First of all, the BATTLES!! Despite not being able to play them myself, they looked SUPER fun!! I screamed when I saw Lacey's tailwind/lightscreen prankster whimsicott, and even MORE so when I saw it was sashed! I loved the usage of competitive items, and the fact that all their teams weren't completely mono-type, each having one exception to their type (Lacey's excadrill, Crispin's Exeggcutor, Amarys's Reuniclus, and Drayton's Sceptile) that they DIDN'T terrastalize was lovely touch!! Amarys's fight was super hype in particular, despite having an over 20 level advantage, the person I watched still nearly wiped to her! Her trick room AI does appear a bit goofy, but it's a small flaw. Finally, Kieran's battle... I personally adore a good rain team, but unfortunately Kieran's politoed was frozen at the start of the battle, and remained that way all the way til the end, so I can't honestly say how difficult it looked. The one thing I will say is that before the indigo disk was out, I created a hypothetical team for Kieran, and I CALLED that Grimmsnarl!! Literally even the focus sash. If anyone's curious, here was the hypothetical team I made. I'm a nuzlocker, not a competitive player, so it very well may be shit. Apologies in advance.
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Next is the characters!! Every design slapped as always, and I enjoyed their personalities! Lacey was adorbs, Crispin was fun, and Amarys might just be one of my new favorites! As for Drayton? Let me tell you, I was side-eyeing him the whole time the MOMENT after he said THIS to Kieran.
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After all the hype around dokutaro/peechikeen (now know as pecharunt, apparently), and all the speculation that Kieran would fall victim to its influence, him saying "that's just peachy" made my rat brain go into overdrive. In the end, I think it was just Legends Arceus giving me Volo flashbacks.
Now, the main event... KIERAN! Let me tell you, he gave me GOOSEBUMPS. Every time he appeared, I could feel a chill run up my spine, and his battle had my heart RACING. ESPECIALLY his breakdown at the end of it! One of the best times I've had in a good while. The animation, his reaction, all of it was GREAT!! It was so refreshing to see him not immediately heel-face turn.
Unfortunately, though, what happened after that all disappointed me. I admit I got too attached to the Dokutaro Posession theory, buy it was still disappointing for Dokutaro (I know that's not its name, leave me be) to not play any role in the main story. It felt like a natural conclusion to what the game was setting up, I thought he'd throw the master ball at terapagos, it'd fail, and he'd become so overwhelmed with everything that has happened that he'd succumb to Dokutaro's control and we'd have to fight the Dokutaro-Kieran with Terapagos's aid. That's not what happened, and I felt a bit sad. His recovery from his breakdown was still set up nicely and had some atleast sufficient justification, but it still felt like too-little too-soon. It felt more like he just gave up all together rather than defeated his demons. He'd never be as strong as the player, and that's that, which is a sour note to leave off on.
We see that he legitimately has nothing. All the other students left the MOMENT he was defeated. No one came to help the kid who was clearly having a panic attack. The BB league cares about him, sure, but I wouldn't consider them his friends. They all thought Kieran getting defeated would "fix" him, and even when he clearly wasn't any better after being defeated, they didn't do anything to assist him. Sure, sometimes when someone has climbed so high, you gotta let them fall, but once they do, you can't just leave them lying on the ground. You need to be there to lift them back up before they start digging.
This isn't an attack on the BB league at ALL. Like I said, I really enjoyed their characters! In fact, this reaction is part of the reason I like them so much. It adds depth.
I just wish that Kieran DID start digging, and that it led to something bigger. Even if Dokutaro wasn't involved, I atleast wanted the final battle with him to be that big thing, and not just a turtle that can't do anything but throw out weak earthpowers.
Though the biggest failing to me is that Kieran apologizes to us, but we don't apologize to him. We as in the player, and Carmine
Kieran's actions are his own and I'm not saying he shouldn't have apologized, but he wasn't solely culpable for how things turned out. We and Carmine purposefully lied, kept a secret that was dear to him, and were the straw that broke the camel's back. Even if we the player didn't apologize, Carmine should've!! Her treatment of Kieran heavily impacted him, and he mirrored her abuse (Kieran telling Carmine to "Shut it", just like she did to him, for example).
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was in the wrong here. Kieran took things too far, Carmine behavior is a serious problem, and the played character was complicit.
I'm not demonizing anyone here, I am the number one Carmine defender after all, but everyone needs to take responsibility. Not. Just. Kieran.
I relate heavily to both Kitakami siblings, as both an elder sister with younger siblings who she's accidentally mistreated, and as a little sister with an older sibling who treats me like I'm lesser.
I've lashed out at my older sibling, and while my reaction wasn't proportional, it doesn't mean my emotions weren't justified.
I have severe genetic anger issues (that I'm now thankfully medicated for), and have unjustly taken them out on my younger siblings.
Carmine needs to apologize too, or the cycle will just continue. Maybe she already did and I missed it, or maybe it happens in the post-game. However, if she didn't? It makes me feel unresolved.
Anyways, that all I gotta say on it!! Hope someone enjoyed this overly long rambling!!
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(P.S. I still don't trust dragon boy. "Thats just peachy" my ASS, you know something ya toothpaste haired cunt. Why did they request to bring ya along to area zero anyways, ya plot relevant FUCK.)
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wretchedelights · 9 months
A Spoiler-Free Guide to Dodging Marazhai's Romance Bugs
This info is based on the state of the game as of Hotfix 1.0.89. A lot of this will hopefully become irrelevant as Owlcat puts out more patches.
EDIT 10/01/2024 // 8PM ET - clarify companion quest info, correct info about post-recruitment scene, and add missing known bug info about doin the dirty for the first time
EDIT 11/01/2024 // 2PM ET - further changes to info about post-recruitment scene
I've seen a lot of people struggling to successfully romance Marazhai in Owlcat's Rogue Trader CRPG, due to Owlcat continuing their time-honored tradition of launching their games with an obscene amount of bugs.
After a lot of troubleshooting, I was able to successfully finish a sub!Marazhai romance with the "good" romance ending, and I ended up having a pretty good grasp on how the whole thing works. So I thought I'd share what I've learned to save others the trouble. This info should be good for both sub!Marazhai and dom!Marazhai.
If you don't have it already, Toybox is highly recommended. You can get it on Nexus Mods. It will help you make sure things are progressing as expected, and fix some things if they get messed up. However, it's not necessary at this point if you're careful, the only thing you need it for is to fix some flags to get some really minor extra dialog.
If you choose to use toybox, you can see the tree + flags for the dialog you're currently in by clicking the "Dialog & NPCs" tab. You can also make flags show up directly in the dialog boxes in game with the "Preview" settings in the main tab. "Dialog Results" will show changes to flags + etudes that will happen if you choose a given dialog option. "Dialog Conditions" will show the conditions required for a dialog options to show. I kept both checked for my whole playthrough for peace of mind.
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There are some toybox flags + etudes that are important to Marazhai's romance. (flags are just values like true/false/a number, etudes are... properties set based on flags I guess? idk exactly). You can browse etudes in a tree structure in the "etudes" tab. If you need to change the value of a flag, do that in the "Search 'n Pick" tab.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai should be flagged as "Active". If it says "Completed", something has gone wrong.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Domination and Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Submission. These determine Marazhai's attitude. If "Domination" is "Active", you get dom!Marazhai, if "Submission" is "Active", you get sub!Marazhai. You have to stick to one or the other, or Marz will be unhappy with you.
Flag - Ascention. This flag needs to be, I believe, minimum 4 by the time you get his final romance scene in Act 5 to get the "good" romance ending. It's pretty easy to get Ascention points as long as you play along with Marazhai, respect his uh... culture, and stick to your dom/sub role.
Etudes - Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination and Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Submission. You can safely ignore these, they don't actually affect the romance as far as I can tell :)
Regarding Marazhai's Companion Quest
Doing the sub!Marazhai route will lock you out of a certain outcome for Marazhai's companion quest. I don't think this is a bug, because narratively, it makes a lot of sense that this happens. However, the outcome you get locked out of could be considered the "ideal" outcome (though I also think this is debatable, and I was happy with my outcome/ending for my sub! Marazhai). You can get a good romance ending regardless of the outcome of this quest.
The flag related to Marazhai's personal quest is called TempestCounter, and you need it at 5+ for the "ideal" outcome. All TempestCounter points are based on whether Marazhai's dom or sub etude is active, outside of the points you get from the errand mentioned below. dom!Marazhai adds points, sub!Marazhai removes points. Which is why sub!Marazhai locks you out of an outcome.
Act 3 - Post Recruitment Scene
There are two versions of Marzipan's post-recruitment scene. The "Normal" version currently has a bug with dom/sub points, but you can work around it.
Normal - this is what most people see. There is an opportunity to get a dom or sub point in this dialog, but it's bugged so they're flipped. If you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog option, and if you want your RT to be sub, pick the dom-y option.
Dogmatic party members starting drama - There's some confusion about what exactly triggers this. My recommendation to get this version of the scene: make sure you recruit Ulfar before you recruit Marazhai, and if you have Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for the Act 3 location, make sure you put them back in your party ASAP (they will get temporarily removed from it), so that they're with you for the event where you recruit Marazhai. To be safe, bring one of Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for Act 3. This dialog also has an opportunity for a dom or sub point, and is not currently bugged. ALSO it unlocks an errand that will lead to a little bit of extra dialog, and potential TempestCounter points.
Act 3 - Marazhai's Possessions
You'll get an act 3 companion quest for Marazhai where he asks you to help find some stuff he has stashed away. Eventually, you find a specific item he's very excited about. Make sure you let him keep this item. There's also an opportunity to get a dom or sub point here, but the flags are flipped again. So like last time, if you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog, and if you want to be sub, pick the dom-y dialog.
Congratulations, this is the last flipped dom/sub flag situation you need to worry about! (at least, I'm not aware of any others)
***Also MILD SPOILER WARNING due to flag name***
I guess this is really only a spoiler if you're familiar with 40k lore but... anyways... This scene should probably start etude MarTookAgonizer, and should also probably start either PlayerTriedAgonizer or PlayerTriedAgonizerOnMar (depending on what you did). Start the appriate etudes manually for some fun little bits of bonus dialog later :)
Act 4 - First Void Jump With Marz
In act 4, during you first void jump with Marazhai, he'll cause... problems. You'll ultimately have 3 ways to deal with this:
Let him do whatever tf he wants. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination to active. Currently bugged, prevents completing the quest associated with this event and prevents romance progression.
Compromise? Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Sybarite to active. Confirmed to work for both dom!Marazhai and sub!Marazhai romance paths
Lock him up. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> submission to active. Immediately breaks the romance. Used to work with romance, but according to patch notes was causing Big Bugs so it just ends the romance now. It should get restored in a future patch, but for now, DO NOT PICK THIS.
Act 4 - Sleeping with Marz the First Time
There is a known bug where after you sleep with Marazhai for the first time after going for a "walk", you get dom!Marazhai flavoured dialog no matter what. The sub!Marazhai flavoured dialog for this doesn't even seem to be in the game. So... nothing you can do about it, but it won't break your romance. It will just seem a bit off if you've been doing the sub!Marazhai route.
Side Content - Equipping Super Cursed Item
This doesn't affect the actual romance in any way, but it's a bug you can experience if you have an active romance with Marazhai. There's a side planet where you can loot a SUPER cursed item, that warns you that you won't be able to take if off if you equip it. If you try to equip it anyway with romanced Marazhai in the party, you'll get a special interaction with him over it. Unfortunately, it's bugged, and as a result the item will be stuck on your character but with providing any benefits, so it effectively just removes one of your equipment slots, which is super annoying. Do recommend saving and then trying to equip the item just to see the scene though :)
Companion Quest Journal Bugs
You may notice Marazhai's optional Act 3 errand and his Act 4 companion quest not getting removed from the quest log. Don't stress it - if you've done what's required by them, you're good. The quest/errand is done, the journal entry is just stuck because it's bugged.
Aaaand that's pretty much it! There used to be a few other bugs affecting Marazhai's romance but they've since been patched. Now it's mostly a few issues early on, and then smooth sailing once you get past those.
General, non-bug-related tips for succesfful romance:
Don't be a coward, Marazhai respects wholeheartedly embracing Drukhari culture and will break things off if you don't
Stick to your established dom or sub role
Play along with Marazhai's shenanigans
Keep in mind that you really can't be a good person while completing this romance path
If you have any questions or need clarification on anything don't be afraid to ask! I'll do my best to help.
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in-progress fnaf theory!!! now that ive established fnaf has a space on my blog... :3
prototype freddy.
thats some weird shit right??? well actually no he very well could be perfectly explainable and heres how (in other words i see a lot of confusion over him anddd my brain connected some dots i would like to share!!)
(at the very bottom is tl;dr!!!)
gonna explain the some base info first, but i am assuming some level of understanding of sb and ruin during this however so if ur new to either this might not make sense, sorry :( im gonna ramble a bit so get comfy
princess quest is the canon ending, based on evidence from ruin. this theory is reliant on that
ok so!!!! lets talk about the Vanny option (at the doors, 6am) as choosing this option is mandatory to reach both the vanny ending and the pq ending
when the option is selected everyones least favourite Freddy Gets Trashed cutscene plays, regardless of doing pq or not
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so!! the damage to him, which is from this scene, happens regardless of vanny ending or pq ending, we just only get to really see it in the vanny ending
heres a good look at that
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and now i want you to take a good stare at prototype freddy (especially the arm and torso!!)
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the damage is, while a little more extreme (which could easily just be from how much time has passed between sb and ruin) near identical
and his head is missing, which circles back around to the pq ending, in which gregory takes freddys head with him!! small issue- the damage
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which is rather clearly completely missing from him in the pq ending. well luckily i can explain this too :3
there are very obviously time gaps in the pq ending cutscene. what we are shown is not *everything* thats happening there. link to a video of the cutscene,,
he leans out the window, takes a look at the staff bots deactivating- and then it cuts to him, standing near the exit, vanessa waiting for him at the door, freddy already in a bag. shit has CLEARLY gone down off screen in that time jump because 1. shes waiting for him and not freaking out, 2. gregory isnt scared shitless of her and freddy trusts her (you cannot convince me freddy would trust her automatically, even if he did at the start of the night. he KNEW that she was vanny,
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or at the very least that she was connected with it,
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and he still literally instructs gregory on killing her. this is a screenshot from a pq ending playthrough.)
so!! they fixed freddys head
what better way for gregory to trust vanessa than her helping to fix the one consistent friend & safety hes had in that whole place?? besides, at this points its mandatory that hes done the power upgrade plus roxys eyes and either montys or chicas parts, so hes got SOME experience at least, not to mention that repairs seem to be intentionally incredibly simple in design (probably so they dont have to get employees with actual qualifications... lets be honest, makes sense considering the company we're talking about.)
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however-- the damage done is something considerably different than before, and doesn't have a built-in routine, which does pose some entirely new challenges, and before he atleast had some direction from hand unit.
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so of course, vanessa who is an **actual employee** probably comes in handy here!! especially considering the fact freddy himself would be 'dead' for most of it-- since thats what happens at the end of the vanny ending cutscene, he shuts down
anyways its entirely believable that this kid would want to get his new father figure fixed first and foremost (hes gone out of his way just for freddy before, and vice versa) and that she would want to help him in any way possible after yk, being murderous.. and entirely believable that this would be possible to do. and, it explains the level of trust shown in the cutscene :)
and the course of action with 'ok take his head off', it makes sense the rest of his body wouldn't be salvagable, with it beyond either of their qualifications (since vanessa is a security guard and not a technician) and most importantly, probably impossible for either of them to actually move. and vanessa was literally talking shit to him headless earlier, not to mention gregory having to reattach it- theyre both familar to some degree with the idea of him working without his body connected
tl;dr: prototype freddy isnt another model or some weird shit, its just his leftover corpse lmao couldnt be me
PLEASE please join in the discussion; this theory is NOT foolproof and while i could explain how the prototype mark and present in his chest wouldve gotten there, ive got many reasons why and nothing concrete to say which one of them is accurate!!! (if anyones interested, i can reblog with my current ideas on that ^_^)
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chaoslifeforme · 2 months
It has so many beautiful cgs, funny moments (and really horrible angst either in the past or present and future depending on your choices). And the characters are so sweet and interesting. So many moral quandries. Just oh my god I have to recommend it. (Today was the last day of the sale though).
I can't gush enough about "Bewitching Sinners" by Miss Xero. I already got 26 hours out of it, that was all the routes (including the one horrible bad end I went against all my morals to see). I will definitely play more, and I've added at least 4 of the cgs to my wallpaper rotation.
The story for Bewitching Sinners is just so good. I literally did not feel the need to complete a romance route in my first playthrough. (And romance routes are usually necessary for me to get enough detail to connect with a character).
But with Bewitching Sinners I felt connected to every character I interacted with more than 3 times. Also, even though I was using a guide I was still discovering huge, game changing choices in my sixth playthrough.
The side quests you do or don't do affect how the main plot happens. There's kindness, curiosity, and honesty meters that affect what dialogue is available to you.
Just speaking with the random people around campus can give you more dialogue options/ quests. Also, there's a fun fishing mini game.
I'd say Bewitching Sinners is a good example of mixing styles too. It sticks to the normal UI, except some important moments will switch to comic style and return to usual User interface fairly quickly/ just for a choice.
TL:DR- Bewitching Sinners is awesome. I did 8 routes, 4 romance, three other endings than the true one, and one without romance. The true ending for the main story is the best and the romance or lack of romance will change it.
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rumbutt · 1 month
Souls Quests
So I saw a meme post that I didn't want to hijack that lamented the fact that to "complete" the various NPC quests in Souls games you can't go in blind. I don't like this mentality with regard to the quests in the games.
In reality, when you get "locked out" of a questline in a Souls game, that quest has been completed. Instead of looking at the quests as a video game completionist checklist instead look at it as a story. This is the story of your character's journey through the world. And your actions have consequences.
It's kind of hilarious that this is a complaint about Souls games when many games that advertise that based on their narrative "choices matter" typically end up having little or no consequence to player decisions, and people complain about this. Yet in Souls games, when you make a choice that results in a character becoming hostile, killing another NPC, or dying themself; and these consequences potentially affect other quests as well, and prevent you from getting certain items or endings? This is somehow a bad thing.
I really don't get it.
Here's a thought: play the game. Make your choices, see the results. Now play again: different character, NG+, whatever floats your boat. Make different choices, see different results. Look up things after your first blind run, or try to discover everything yourself.
One of my favorite Souls memories is desperately trying to figure out some way, any way to save Greirat in Dark Souls 3.  I discovered that you cannot, but over the course of four playthroughs I attempted a plethora of methods to save him.  It was great.
Souls to some extent delivers on promises other games make and yet fail to live up to, and people complain about it.  Instead, stop being afraid of making mistakes and missing out and make whatever decisions you think are best.  Maybe put a little roleplaying into your dark fantasy action roleplaying game?
Because I think that’s pretty fun.
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ego-osbourne · 7 months
Oblivion Group
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Something I planned on finishing for a ref but I did that that where I put too much effort into the sketch layer and now have zero motivation to do the lineart layer
Ignoring that, though! I drew this not long after I’d finished my first playthrough of Oblivion! God a little story idea going on, maybe I’ll write it — it’s not super high priority though as I’ve already got TDI to focus on.
Still, though, in the main trio we have Glarthir (yes I’ve latched onto him that hard, his quest makes me so fuckin sad), Sweetheart (my HoK who misses his girlfriend), and ofc Martin (yes that is Mehrunes’ Razor. I thought it’d be funny).
Glarthir and Sweetheart are most often seen traveling together while Martin hangs back in Cloud Ruler Temple, but there are many missions where Martin is able to sneak away and come along with them. Glarthir, despite his build, insists on being a heavy fighter. His “battleaxe” is really just a waraxe made for orc warriors much bigger than him. He at first got it for home protection, but now carries it around as his weapon of choice on travels. He can cast magic, but just. Really. Likes the axe. He’s also supposed to have antlers, but I had drawn this before I made that headcanon for him.
Sweetheart is the speediest of the three, and prefers a type of “gun and run” tactic. He holds a powerful shock spell that he lovingly named “Heart Attack” that damages on touch. His nimbleness allows him to slip away before the enemy can get a counter hit on him. He’s also a thief, though much prefers to steal in plain sight than try and sleuth around (he was the distraction while his girlfriend was the sneak, before the Crisis separated them). He wears glass armor stylized like actual glass pane artwork. Bc that’s cool.
Martin is much less of a fighter compared to the other two, but does do his best to play defense. He and Sweetheart shake hands about always getting asked “are you alright?” due to their Resting Wet Cat Faces, and they’d much rather talk their way out of a situation than fight through it. Sweetheart, with the best of intentions, raided a Mythic Dawn encampment for the Razor specifically to bring it back to Cloud Ruler to gift it to Martin. Jauffre and Baurus were… less than stoked. The very weapon that killed Uriel Septim and many emperors beforehand—quite literally dubbed the “Kingslayer”—was not a very good gift to give to the last remaining emperor. Martin thought otherwise, and uses it for defense against Daedra (due to it’s unique ability to instantly banish Daedra with one cut). He has is wielding arm completely armored to protect against any accidental nicks, for it’s other unique ability involves producing a wound tenfold the damage of the actual cut.
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leofrith · 7 months
hii so i‘m way to invested in everyone‘s baldurs gate plays. can we see your tavs? I would love to see them haha😭
YESSSSSS i will happily take any excuse to talk about my tavs. 🥰 i'm sorry this took so long. i wanted to have their Lore™ a little more set in stone before answering this, but then i proceeded to make uhhhh 2 more tavs and a durge. 🤡
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i am listing my characters in the order i created them. they're all good/neutral aligned because being mean in video games makes me break out in hives. aaaaand this is going under a read more because it got really fucking long. 🥴
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marqwyn stoneheart
race: human
class: eldritch knight fighter
background: soldier
romance: gale
my first tav who i adore. ❤️ i stole her name from the very first character i created for a now abandoned dnd campaign (though she's nothing like og marqwyn). she's a former flaming fist who left their service due to the corruption she witnessed there. after leaving the city she became an independent soldier for hire—but she's a terrible mercenary because she's a bleeding heart who will help people because they need it, regardless of whether they can pay her or not.
she has dragged the party into many an unnecessary brawl because her charisma is literally in the negatives. we love a girl incapable of talking herself out of Situations. she also used to have two brown eyes before deciding to get herself volo'd during a brief moment of desperation-fuelled insanity.
her backstory has changed a lot since i first made her, mostly because i didn't really have anything in mind when i started playing. 😬 i also had no fucking clue what i was doing when i first started and it certainly shows (tons of missed content, didn't take enough long rests, completely missed lae'zel for the first ~30 hours of gameplay, have done quests in an extremely questionable order, etc.).
i romanced gale with her because the wizard had me by the jugular the second he opened his mouth, and buff wife who hits things with her big sword and her squishy wizard husband who casts counterspell is something that can be so personal. that being said, i do want to rework her character and do another playthrough with her, probably romancing wyll, because her playthrough is a mess.
i will now dip into the alternate canon that lives in my brain in which my next three tavs are allowed to coexist, so just stay with me here and trust in the vision ajgjsdgf
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meadow moonwillow
race: mephistopheles tiefling
class: storm sorcerer, bard of the college of lore
background: entertainer
romance: karlach (or enya in the canon that exists in my head)
i made her specifically for my karlach romance run, because best girl deserves a little sunshine to match her own. meadow was born to play gigs in dive bars, but was cursed with a natural talent for magic. 😔 she'll use it because it's useful in a fight, i guess, but she'd much rather insult people to death. if there is shit to be disturbed, she will disturb it.
her and gale are best friends, because i think having some friendly spell caster competition with his bestie who (begrudgingly) lets him teach her wizard spells would be good for his mental health. her and wyll butt heads a bit at first, mostly because meadow's way of trying to comfort people is through humor, and her attempts to make him feel better about his new devil form come off as insensitive (inspired by the way i accidentally insulted wyll at the tiefling party in my meadow playthrough by joking that i was jealous of his horns. king i swear it was meant as a compliment!! 😭). eventually they become really close, which is certainly a necessity when you're both going on a vacation to hell with no set end date.
also my choice of name for her definitely has nothing to do with the fact that i am in the middle of watching the sopranos. definitely not.
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landric sparrowsong, "the wrath-bringer"
race: human
class: oath of vengeance paladin, tempest domain cleric of ilmater
background: sage
romance: gale
his backstory is probably the one i've thought about in the most detail, mostly because he's a walking tragedy and i live for that shit. 🧍🏻‍♀️
he was once a school teacher and wasn't much of a fighter at all before his little village near baldur's gate was razed to the ground and his wife and (or so he thinks 👀) daughter were killed, at which point he took up his oath of vengeance. his favourite pastimes now include self-sacrifice and violently murdering evildoers, hence the "wrath-bringer" epithet.
he has been alone—mostly by choice, because he can't lose any more loved ones if there is no one left alive that he loves—for over a decade by the time he's infected, but the forced proximity means the companions very quickly get under his skin. he's very protective of meadow especially (when they're both in the party at the same time in the universe that exists in my head) because she reminds him of his daughter.
he is god's favourite sacrificial lamb, and is consistently the first to go down in a fight (inspired by me, constantly getting him killed by taking far too long to figure out how to play a support class). naturally i paired him with gale because i think the idea of a guy finally opening his heart to the love of another after over a decade of self-imposed solitude out of fear of being hurt again, only for gale to decide to take on a suicide mission just as they're finally realizing their feelings for one another, is soooooo good and tragic. ☺️
he has a soft spot for children, but being around them makes him sad and withdrawn (for obvious reasons), something that the companions notice pretty quickly once they get to the grove and see his cold exterior totally melt around the kids there. he carries a journal which he adds to often, either little blurbs or sketches of people he meets in his travels, ever observing from afar as an outsider.
he was actually a war cleric of mystra when i first multiclassed him because the idea of this man finding solace in his goddes during the worst years of his life only for that same goddess to tell the first person he's truly loved in years that he needs to kill himself is sooooo. anyway. but i decided to change it because war domain just wasn't doing it for me and also have you seen ilmater's whole deal?
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also if he bears a close resemblance to my favourite unromanceable assassin's creed npc, that's just a coincidence (lying).
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enya sparrowsong
race: human
class: beast master ranger/circle of the land druid
background: urchin
romance: lae'zel (or meadow in the canon that exists in my head)
enya is landric's very alive daughter. i made her in the character creator with no intention of actually doing a playthrough as her, which is a lie i tell myself every time i open the character creator. 😔
ideally she would not even be filling the role of tav at all, but that's obviously not an option for an actual playthrough. she spent her childhood hunting and gathering in the wilds and later pickpocketing her way through the darkened alleys of baldur's gate to survive. in the version of her backstory that lives in my head, she eventually caught the attention of jaheira (by trying to rob her), who then took enya under her wing. the harpers became a family to her, and she is with them in the shadow lands when we meet them at last light in act two. also depending on my mood on any given day, enya and meadow are either bitter exes or couple of the year.
she is generally very abrasive with most people she doesn't know well (her and lae'zel are very perfect for each other), but has a soft spot for animals and orphans. she likes her solitude and it takes a lot of effort to earn her trust (there's a reason she's survived alone as long as she has) but once you do, she's ride-or-die.
she has a raven companion and her preferred wild shape is a wolf, but i've also had a lot of fun using her wolf wild shape and a wolf companion for twice the mauling in combat (and twice the torment for shadowheart—thank you sam for pointing out that she would fucking hate this 😭). i also like to think that she's been helping shadowheart get over her fear of wolves.
her relationship with her dad is deliciously complicated!!! but that's for another post.
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race: high elf
class: necromancy wizard/gloom stalker ranger
background: haunted one
romance: astarion
i haven't played as her much yet, and she's my first durge so i don't really know a ton about that whole background. but her brain is currently scrambled egg and she doesn't remember her past so i figure it's fine if i don't know anything about it either.🧍🏻‍♀️
she's trying so very hard not to kill people, and making up for the lack of murder by being incredibly rude to everyone she meets [astarion approves]. i named her idunn because i like the name but also in large part because i think associating the dark urge with the norse goddess of rejuvenation and vitality is really funny.
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aelius lucilius
race: drow half-elf
class: light domain cleric of selune
background: acolyte
romance: shadowheart
he's my newest tav and the one i've played the least, so i'm still working out his backstory. i honestly just really wanted to romance shadowheart as a selunite, which is working out great so far because the shar is already out of the bag and now she loudly and openly hates his fucking guts. 🤪
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maykitz · 9 months
Is there even any development with Astarion where he becomes less shitty/annoying? I completely missed him in my first playthrough and in my current I have him as a companion but he's kinda not doing it for me.
shitty, as in bad person? kinda. his personal quest culminates in whether he goes full evil or sort of stays as he is but moves on from his personal issues. but due to the nonlinear way you can complete quests i highly doubt they wrote a lot of differentiation for everything else in act 3 where he'll behave differently depending on whether you in particular are pre-quest/ending a/ending b. i didn't notice anything changing at least, but i've only tried one ending. the epilogue should be different though.
annoying? no. he's always going to be uppity and bitchy and so hypocritical it's unreal. if you romance him he'll make you the exception but that's it. he loves if you're sadistic and selfish (to anyone but him and sometimes karlach), act cruel to slaves you encounter or buy one yourself and be cruel to them, big fan of animal cruelty also, etc, but will cry for sympathy every single cutscene about how hard he had it as a slave and scream and throw up if he has to do 1 thing he doesn't like. and unfortunately the game offers very little opportunity for your character to push back and have some kind of backbone without being actively hostile, a sort of friendly rivalry just isn't really possible. your reply choices are largely either "swagever loser" or "yes daddy". generally all companions' personalities are set in stone and you can only take or leave them. some can be made worse by encouraging bad traits in their ending. but it's not really build a bitch out here
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generalluxun · 6 months
My TotK experience and how it shaped my TotK shipping.
I'm writing this out because I got static on a random post for mentioning my headcanon, and I figure my own blog is a safe place to write it all down and get my experience in one place for better or worse. I'm a mutishipper by temprement, so you can and should ship what you like. Do not think by outlining my experience and thoughts I am trying to invalidate your own. Totk and BotW are both games with amazing emergent gameplay. The written narrative is only a fraction of the tale as you write your own version of events by what you choose to do and in what order you do it.
My wife is a huge Zelda fan. I enjoy the games, but she is the one who keeps them coming in. She's got a Triforce Engagement Pendant(try putting that on a ring!) we saw the Symphony of the Fates on our wedding night(and our first not-date years before) Zelda is a thing.
So I played BotW, and I played TotK. I enjoyed them both! At the end of BotW I was sure Zelink was a cute sure thing. I was happy! (My wife was frustrated Zelda didn't tell Link how she felt 😆)
Then we played TotK. Six years later, Zelda and Link are spelunking and boom the game yeets Zelda away. Couples-time, we barely knew ye. Now, both my wife and I play our own separate saves. We generally avoid spiling for each other, and we play quite differently. (In BotW I went right for the castle, found the basement, and ended up fighting the Stalnox that protected the Hylean Shield with 4 hearts. In TotK she mapped the entire underground early on)
My TotK experience began with me making a bee-line for Gerudo town after talking to Purrah/Robbie and exploring the castle a little. I liked the Gerudo plotline in BotW and wanted to see what was going down over there these days.
The Gerudo plotline is definitely fun (uh spoilers I guess?) Seeing Riju grown and trying to be a strong leader was awesome. (I have a headcanon she's still short because she met Link. She knew exactly how tall the strongest warrior in all of Hyrule was, and so why get any taller than that?)
I completed the temple, got my first sage power, and now several things converged.
1)Okay, so Riju's crush on Link in her Diary is cute. Not unique, everyone crushes on Link!
2)I decided to explore after completing this quest. Checking out the corners, completing my map, gaining some shrines, etc. This means I spent a lot of time with Riju as my only sage. We crossed Hyrule and back time and time again, checking on people, visiting old haunts, and fighting enemies way past my weapon's abilities thanks to her lighting.
3)Riju is the most interactive of the sage powers. Activate the power, and then you have to actually work with her to trigger it. It's not temperamental like Yunobo's either. Riju will hold ready for you for quite some time. It's also very versatile. Explode enemies, blow up mining points, and one of my favorites- Light the underdark. There's something deeply intimate about being surrounded by darkness with only your partner's power to light the way for you.
It made Riju one heck of a travel companion. Just having someone *anyone* along with Link, him not being alone, felt so good after being alone in BotW. The Warrior of Light and his Sage companion. Little tales wrote themselves, like an epic saga.
Still, Zelink was still a thing, right? Then You run into Link's old home in Hateno. It's changed, definitely. You find Zelda's lab. You find her Diary. -Now, here I know the Japanese version has a very different tone, but I didn't have that version so I only got the English- reading Zelda's words painted a picture of a close bond, but also not a classical 'ship' one. Combine this with some of the other tidbits and memories collected on the journey and it just painted a very different picture for me(and my wife) There may have been dialogs we missed too, it's a vast open world game, and this is a retelling of my playthrough, not a comprehensive thesis based on all the lore available on a wiki.
This Zelda, being Aro/Ace. Or at least if not, being so immersed in her work and duty that something like a traditional relationship isn't on the radar for her. She's got her Science. She's got her Kingdom. She's got her curiosity. These things Matter to her. A romantic relationship? Just didn't feel like it did.
Link is still the most important person in the world to her. He's her Knight. He's reliable, supportive, dedicated, brave. He's as vital to her as her own two hands. A respectful Link could easily be seen accepting this role. Zelda's vital to him too. He cares for her and will always be there. It's his duty, and his passion. The two are inseparable. They're just not a *couple*
So, where does this leave us? Link and Zelda will travel together always. Riju is Queen of the Gerudo and cannot just leave her people. She's also someone who my TotK Link spent time with (in my writer's brain the sage-mirages actually sent impressions back to the Sages in their dreams, and as time went by the link between the two could be two ways, like a form of active astral projection in a crisis)
So a RiLink relationship that is built on respect and trials together, but that understands the duties placed on both just seemed cute. He's still with Zelda, she's still with her people. She'll eventually end up with a hero's child, and the one male ever allowed into Gerudo town will be able to visit his future child and maybe even pave the way for a more open Gerudo society in the long run.
Zelda and Link are still constant companions day-to-day though. She's the Queen(eventually? Still princess?) he's her Knight. Their relationship is still built on respect and shared hardships(much like RiLink) They're just not an 'item'. They're liege and retainer.
I did the 'Wait how old is Riju?' thing as this was starting to come into focus, because she was young in BotW 😅 She's 17... I think? Fantasy setting, it seemed fine to ship. I mean, everyone thinks Mipha crushing on Link is adorable, and she saw him first when he was a little tot! 🤣
So, that's it really just kind of laying out my ship and why I think it's cute. I welcome any and all comments provided they're couched politiely.
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therisingphoenixden · 9 months
So, I was feeling kind of rough at the end of last week and decided to dip into my stash of comfort video games.
What did I pick?
The first Pillars of Eternity game.
Longish ramblings about why I love this game under the cut!
I feel like I have very weird tastes in comfort games because Pillars of Eternity is not at all what I'd call a cozy or comforting game. In fact, it's quite bleak in a lot of places. But it has amazing depth to its lore and story that grounds you while also pulling you in, wonderfully written characters that make the world of Eora feel alive, gorgeous music (if you watch Critical Role, especially during campaign 2, you'll recognize a lot of the music in the game), and several very unique races to use as your player character in addition to the usual standards of dwarves, elves, and humans. The dialogue system lets you shape your character even further with race, class, stat allotment, and your reputation and personality scores opening up different paths to pick from.
The story also deals with questions surrounding faith and religion, the nature of the soul, and features heavy reincarnation themes. If you know my love of Morrowind, you know that this kind of stuff is my catnip.
Combat-wise, I play on story mode because I'm a story-first kind of player. I'm also usually very exhausted and am up very early in the mornings on weekdays. But even story mode can be a bit of a challenge when you prefer to roleplay as a character and not what the "best" race/class combos and builds are for Path of the Damned mode. Granted, I'm overleveled for where I am in the story (both in base game and in White March 2), but it's still enough of a challenge for my permanently exhausted mind to enjoy. You still have to think tactically so your party isn't overwhelmed, which tickles the part of my brain that grew up playing rts games.
I'm currently dawdling with completing act 2 on my fire godlike cipher, Xiuhitl, just because I missed playing around in the world of Eora so much and I'm not ready to hit Twin Elms and proceed to the endgame yet. I'm taking options that I haven't before and discovering quests that I completely missed in my first few playthroughs of the game. It's almost like playing it for the first time all over again, especially since I haven't played in a while. I remember some of the major story beats, but not all of them, and I'm not ashamed to admit I got lost once or twice because I think the last time I played was during lockdown. But I prefer to say it's a testament to the game itself where I get drawn in and turned around because I wanted to read the ambient dialogue or listen to the bard in Stalwart sing.
The real adventure is the journey - not the endgame. And in a world that's still very magical while maintaining firm and believably realistic roots, why would you want the adventure to end so quickly?
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orinthered · 6 months
Dragon's Dogma having only one save file may be a design choice (I know of at least one major thing you're referring to), but in actual practice, it just means that some people are objectively going to lose progress or have very negative experiences with the game
To that point, I started a new DD1 file before DD2's release and I ran into an issue where I just kept freezing on random load screen, right as it was autosaving, so my save file kept getting corrupted. Lost like 5 hours of progress from the start of the game, had to do it all over again, then it happened again in a different spot. The only reason I was able to make any meaningful progress until I figured out the issue was by making manual backups
I'm honestly terrified of the same thing happening with Dragon's Dogma 2 and have actually been stopping my play sessions periodically just to make a manual backup, then loading back in. Not even including the in-game event(s) that can royally screw your playthrough, that is a completely unnecessary fear that the devs have chosen to create, which is particularly egregious considering the mountain of performance and crashing issues people have been experiencing due to poor optimization
People who want to save scum or simply want the security of backups are always going to find the means to do so regardless of what the devs intend. I mean, DD1 had a mod that automatically backed up your save file and it was already retooled for DD2 literally on release day. To inconvenience all players purely for the sake of encouraging a specific play style is, quite frankly, insulting to peoples' time. Plenty of games manage to create compelling exploration experiences and interesting points of consequence and tension without tying any of it to some random, severely limiting mechanic or design choice
I say all of this as someone who's currently 40 hours in and is loving the exploration (which evokes that first time experience of playing Breath of the Wild), but who absolutely abhors the notion of having to repeat a 20+ minute long trek because I got to a quest area to save an NPC from some monster and the NPC ends up falling in the water literally as soon as I arrive, causing the game to auto-save because the quest is now "complete" (failed). Or, suddenly all of my pawns have swan dived into a river due to pathfinding issues or climbing movement quirks, causing me to waste time, rift crystals, or ferrystones to recuperate. Or, being forced to automatically talk to a passing NPC/pawn during a fight, causing my escort NPC to draw aggro and die while I'm trying to mash out of the dialogue menu
Defend the vision of players needing to pay attention and sit with their consequences all you'd like, but small, dumb shit like that is honestly infuriating and it happens way more often than it should
i get that this is annoying but i also think that if the ability to savescum existed in the game, everyone would do it. would i necessarily complain about multiple saves in a game like dragon's dogma? probably *not*, but i would miss the experience of being forced to engage with the game in a way i would not if i had access to multiple saves. i found myself missing this in baldur's gate 3 — because i had the ability to savescum things like rolls, i never played with the consequences of failing rolls.
is that a failure of those game systems? yeah. larian wants you to engage with failed rolls, but how many players do you know actually do that? who don't just press f9 when they get a shit roll?
you can dislike these systems, that's fair. but dragon's dogma fills a lot of niches that other games do not. one of these niches is a one-save system that forces you to engage with the game by making you play the game with your consequences, or suffer some really annoying backtracking with the inn save system. i do not think that every game has to appeal completely to every person. if you think dragon's dogma is insulting to your time, that's fine. if you think the execution is bad (which i could argue for, even though i really like what dd2 does) that is also fine. not every aspect of the game is gonna be a hit, god knows there's a particular section of dd2 that i think was a real miss (those who've beaten the game know exactly what i'm talking about) but i mean... there are reasons for it, infuriating or not. that is also part of the experience.
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bananastarion · 6 months
Random bg3 confessions:
I fucked the Emperor in my first playthrough, back when only 5% of players had done so
Rolan has accidentally died in various ways in all of my playthroughs, I'm determined to keep him alive in my current one but we'll see :/
I let Astarion drain me of all my blood and kill me because it's hot and I get to punch him after
My characters all let Astarion drink their blood every night because it makes me (and Astarion) happy, and most of the time I don't even bother to remove the debuff
I got a rare achievement in my first playthrough by sparing Sazza's life three times
On my good!durge run, I still got the slayer form anyway by completely cheesing the game
I cut off Gale's hand in one playthrough and sent him off to die alone in another, despite him being one of my favorite characters
I cannot fight with Gale to save my life. Idk if it's a wizard problem or a me problem, but in battle he is constantly dying and missing every attack. Instead of playing on tactician mode I just play with him in my party to up the difficulty.
I regularly breakup with Astarion to hear all his dialogue, then quickly reload a save
I can't bring myself to kill any cats in this game, so I turned on nonlethal when fighting the gremishkas
I am not above save scumming if I'm determined to have something epic happen, like I reloaded countless times to get the displacer beast to side with me
I slaughtered all the people in umberlee's temple in my first playthrough since I lost access to their quest thinking that's how I get the wave mother robe- turns out you can't get it that way.
I went through my whole first playthrough having no fucking clue who Wulbren Bongle is because I failed to rescue the gnomes at moonrise (accidentally)
I skipped the entire mountain pass and a big chunk of Lae'zels quest in my first playthrough
In one of my playthroughs I broke my paladin oath to side with Glut and slaughter all the myconoids, apparently too naive to figure out that there was in fact a "wrong side" to pick in this situation (astarion approving should've been a big hint)
I was too dumb to solve the chess puzzle, so I just blasted my way through the whole thing
Likewise, I just googled the answers to the brain puzzle in the oubliette even though it was pretty simple because I'm lazy
Having a naked statue of Astarion in my camp has become tradition
When I first got Astarion's confession scene, I squealed and kicked my feet like a schoolgirl. I'm 30
I started romancing Wyll in my first durge run, knowing full well I was going to pick Astarion again in the end. I felt so bad turning him down
Even tho most of the characters I play are good aligned, that doesn't stop me from greedily robbing every last little thing from every home and establishment I find like the Grinch. By the end of the game I have more gold than I could ever conceivably spend on anything
I'm pretty sure I got Kagha to redeem herself, solved the problem at the grove, but still slaughtered her in the end anyway with no consequences simply because I didn't like her
I have still never ascended Astarion, or given any of the characters their bad ending (except for killing Gale)
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felixcloud6288 · 1 month
I did an all-CPU Dokapon playthrough where each CPU was based on the Golden Deer girls from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Hilda: Ditsy, Pink, Warrior
Marianne: Normal, Blue, Magician
Lysithea: Arrogant, White, Magician
Leonie: Meanie, Red, Thief
All the CPUs were set to sneaky difficulty and I just watched them play and pretended that the actual FE characters were playing it. The game ran for 84 weeks.
Early on, Hilda seemed to have no idea what she was doing while Lysithea was just picking fights to level up. Marianne meanwhile opened up by killing Leonie and stealing a town from Hilda.
Leonie stole a Magma from Lysithea who then hired Risque the Bandit to steal it back. Then Leonie stole it again.
Leonie completed the first chapter quest by delivering the quest item...after she stole it from Lysithea.
Hilda was the first person to become a Darkling. She spent the entire time harassing Leonie and managed to get herself and Marianne to first and second place.
Lysithea was the second to become a Darkling and she distributed death and mayhem equally to all the other players.
Marianne completed the chapter 3 quest only because Hilda decided to intercept Leonie and stop her from completing it.
Lysithea used a Mystery spell which set traps around the map. She then walked onto one and got blown up.
The second time Lysithea became a Darkling, she spent the entire time harassing Hilda. The moment she turned back to normal, Marianne killed her with a field magic.
The first time Marianne became a Darkling, she didn't try to accomplish anything. She lucked out on Dark points and managed to steal a castle on her second day, but she never took any towns or attacked anyone (I headcanoned that she was too nervous to be mean to everyone)
At one point, an invisible Hilda used a field magic that summoned everyone to her location. While they all had to fight, she was able to casually walk away. Leonie beat Lysithea and was about to beat Marianne until Hilda used a field magic to put Leonie to sleep, giving Marianne the win.
The second time Marianne became a Darkling, she stole two castles wrecked everyone's scores, and killed everyone. (My headcanon is everyone was cheering at her doing an amazing job)
Hilda killed Leonie. Then when Leonie came back to life, Marianne forced a blackmail on her that killed Leonie on her next turn.
Marianne, Lysithea, and Hilda got in a three-way fight to escort the demolition man (Marianne was escorting him at first). Lysithea killed Marianne but by the time Hilda and Lysithea finished fighting, Marianne had recovered, rejoined the fight, and won control of the Demolition man back.
While Marianne was escorting the Demolition Man, Leonie was doggedly pursuing her but could never attack Marianne because Marianne kept landing on non-combat spaces.
Hilda got put to sleep by a Wabbit and Leonie used it as a chance to kill her. A few turns later, Hilda got put to sleep by another Wabbit and Lysithea killed her.
Lysithea got lost in the Tower of Rabble. Hilda entered it later and Lysthea immediately blasted her with field magic that almost KOed Hilda. Hilda then ran away from the tower.
Leonie encountered Dr Exiles twice in a row while in the Underworld.
I saw a very rare interaction where Leonie lost to Roche while having 0G. Turns out Roche has a unique dialogue when that happens where they basically say "Huh? You don't have any money. Oh well."
Lysithea was the first to reach the final boss, spent a week whittling his HP down and then MISSED the finishing blow and was forced to surrender. Marianne then rolled exactly what she needed to challenge the final boss and stole the kill.
Final rankings:
1st: Marianne - 26,969,759 G
2nd: Lysithea - 8,731,631 G
3rd: Hilda - 5,242,569 G
4th: Leonie - 4,553,531 G
Lysithea would have won if she hadn't missed that final hit. I was imagining Hilda and Leonie cheering and chanting as Lysithea rushed to finish off the boss before Marianne got there and they started screaming when Lysithea missed the final blow. She was totally sulking when Marianne got the exact roll she needed and was salty through the entire end of the game.
But don't worry. Lysithea apologized to Marianne after and congratulated her for winning.
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moonvigilant · 11 months
i think it has been long enough so i can say this, bg3 ending spoilers ahead
bg3 only has one (1) ending, every other 'ending' is just non-standard gameover
and the 'evil' playthrough isn't complete as well
the one (1) ending is where you tell the netherbrain to commit die, and the gate prevails once more, if you try to do anything else you get:
try to take the brain for yourself and conquer the world? illithid gamer chair, fade to black
same as 1 but you do it for bhaal instead? illithid gamer chair, fade to black
try to save the world but you didn't resist bhaal? well too fucking bad he takes over regardless of of your choices, and there's four of them, first three will result in him taking your body, which doesn't even work in the cutscene because right after he does the game cuts to you rushing to karlach LMAO
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4. 4th choice will let you kill yourself before bhaal could take over, which honestly goes pretty hard i won't lie i just wish it lasted more than 20 seconds
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every other 'variance' is not even part of the ending to the actual 'plot', they are character endings i.e. lae'zel going to war w vlaakith or not, sending wyll and karlach both to avernus, etc
this is why i was also thinking they just didn't cook 'evil' playthrough enough because if you are evil most choices actually don't matter
unless i've missed something, which i very much could have, when i killed isobel (through killing aylin) i couldn't find jaheira anywhere, not even a body, the game implies that she's '''''retired''''' instead of killed off so i assumed i could find her in act 3? nope just literally nothing, friend who was watching me play was confused as well
and from what i've heard minthara doesn't even have her own personal quest, unlike halsin, which is bonkers, i don't even like her but i hope all minthara enjoyers out there get what they want
volo criticizes you for being awful and then... just peaces out, never to be seen again
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i will give them that if you are a paladin durge, sarevok actually makes a comment on it
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and of course the interaction with helsik in general
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it's upsetting that they imply ascendant astarion could make a difference, but of course it doesn't
and then allying with gortash also makes no difference my guy just gets snapped regardless
idk, if i have to put how i feel about an evil playthrough in an easy way, it would be "it's unserious" because it is lmao they clearly are trying to nudge you into being 'good' which is fine and all but i just wish being 'bad' made more sense without the game trying to guilt trip you back into being 'good' because even with my complains i still had a lot of fun, just wish they have real 'alternate' endings
end rant, i just wanted to get this out of my system
and maybe we will have a proper durgetash ending in bg3 definitive edition *gets shot*
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sorypsoid · 1 year
Anybody else just totally fucking up their first playthrough of baldurs gate? So far I have:
Died two seconds in because I saw that a spaceship lamp had a health bar and thought "Wonder what happens if I break that."
Became paranoid after the immediate death and failed to approach any warp portals for several hours of game play because they looked scary and dangerous. Only later learned that this caused me to miss picking up a character and I still haven't gone back for him because who has time for that and hell he's probably dead by now anyway.
Made it into the underdark severely under-leveled by abusing astarions lockpicking skills and skipped a vast majority of the quest lines topside, missing 2 other characters in the meantime. Literally thought the whole game was just going to be me, wyll, shadowheart, and astarion the whole time and was wondering when all these other characters people are fangirling over were supposed to show up.
When I finally do run into Laezel or whatever the fuck her name is she gets one shotted in a fight after a cutscene because she's still level one and starts the battle in the middle of a bunch of high level assholes. I restarted like 5 times to see if I could somehow prevent this outcome to no avail so I gave up and turned around to deal with some other bullshit. I guess I will have to come back at some point but if she does again I'm letting her stay dead.
When I did finally complete the druid grove questline and had the party at the camp I got turned down by astarion who is the most pathetic man alive, thus shattering my self esteem.
Failed every potential roll when trying to find out what the fuck is up with the weird ox in the druid grove. This mystery haunts me more than any other.
Last but not least have hoarded so many items that every character is one trinket away from becoming encumbered at all times.
Literally the only thing I've done right is get the achievement for playing fetch with Scratch. Everything else is a shit show.
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