#I could say more
bidisasterevankinard · 4 months
Buck breakdown meta(+ a little bit of divorce 2.0 era)
“Did you know you were clinically dead for three minutes?” - “Bobby” from Buck’s coma dream or Buck’s part of the brain that always helps him to find the answers (6x11)
“Buck, you died” - Maddie(6x12), Bobby (6x14)
“You died, Buck” Eddie (6x12)
Before I started this meta I remembered these three (well, technically four but how you can see Maddie and Bobby said the same thing) times someone said in real words what happened with Buck, what exactly he experienced in his life, how he lost it. Because it wasn’t just “an accident on the job”(Buck 6x14), not even a near death experience Buck had in his life before(and not once), because Buck is indeed a good “friend” and “old acquaintance”(Buck 6x15) with death since he was born (as a donor to dying child) and not just “for a moment” how he believes. But I haven’t remembered Buck himself (not a coma Bobby), especially after he woke up and “started his healing” (the lyrics of the song right before we see Buck after hospital in 6x11) saying it. And I really thought aha, you sneaky boy, you haven’t really recovered as you never even said “I died”. But he actually said it once, but, to whom do you think he said it? 
To his sister who raised him as a parent and said “Buck, you died”? No. 
To his father figure who he knows was praying to God sitting in his room, thinking  his another child is dying and he can’t AGAIN do something? To the man who was cradling him like a baby to put him on a gurney and wanted to take it easy on him in 6x14 because “Buck, you died”? No. 
To his best friend, to whom he ran to hide from his sister’s fussing? To the man on whose couch he fell asleep seconds after sitting on it? To the man who tried hard to support him, how Buck supported him during his breakdown? No. 
He said it to the woman he never met before (btw Natalia is cute and it’s not her bashing post. so DO NOT DO IT IN TAGS PLEASE), just a matter of factly, when helped her with her injury because he heard that she is “death doula”(but before it, he tries to say it in the other words)
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But even to her he says it ONLY THIS ONE MOMENT. When they met again he spoke about his death experience in the pattern we saw before.
And this pattern is : “When i woke up,” “I woke up in a world” “I recovered” “accident on the job”,  joking with Maddie, “it’s all a gift” or with Eddie not even himself in 6x12 talking about HIS death experience. With Eddie he asks about shooting, but Eddie makes it a conversation about “You died, Buck”.
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Buck doesn’t like when people talk about death, showing him their grief, so he tries to talk about his new life. He jokes, or moves the conversation to the point of talking about his new life, new possibilities for him, about how he processes he is still here, but NOT HOW HE DIED. Buck refuses to process that he died. Yeah, it happened, he knows everyone grieved him, but he refuses to talk about how it changed him and others. He just wants to accept changes not to “act” like an “old same Buck”(Buck 6x15) for everyone, but to be a new Buck. And who is perfect to make him think about not his death, but about how many new experiences he can have, if not the person who is amazed by his death, who thinks it is “cool” he had the opportunity to experience it and get back, if not the person who never grieved him? Natalia wasn’t around to see him dead, she wasn’t the one who saved him. And Buck knows his family had to see him like that and act to save him, but he can’t think about it. He concentrates on good things, on being alive, on moving forward, to see “what’s next” for him. And he refuses to look and speak about what happened before it, to really move from it. 
But I think we all remember how Maddie said that Buck is more than good at pretending that he is ok(4x4). Remember how in therapy he said “You said, I hide my true feelings from others. You might be right”, but then what happened? Oh yeah “new Buck 3.0” and him forgiving his parents for going to therapy with him. Because he hides it not just from others, but from himself too. Acting as Buck 1.0, 2.0, etc. Buck knows how to repress his feelings and move on to a new stage. How to act as a new Buck, not just for everyone, but for himself too. How to believe he is ok. 
And he for years was mistaken or even hiding a lot of his feelings, so it’s not hard for him to play like he moved on. And on the way to make everyone, except one person who till the last moment (cemetery seen) tried to make Buck talk about his death. Who was the last person to say it to Buck, who used death, and died, in one conversation right to the point till Buck with his words “She sees me. like she really sees me for who I am and what I’ve been through. I think she might even see more in me than I see in myself” almost stopped him. He stops for a moment. Tries to play with Buck on his rules, tries to wait for Buck again how he did in 6x12, but tries one more time to make Buck talk about death.
“You cheated death”
But Buck speaks about life. About lightning. About his new life being a gift.
“My life could have ended right then and there,but it didn’t. That has to mean something, right?” (Buck looks at Eddie because even closing himself he still need Eddie)
“It means you are one lucky guy”(Eddie does’t not look at him)
“Yeah, well, I don't think I’m gonna get that lucky again.”
“We, maybe you don’t have to. Lightning doesn’t strike twice at the same place.”
“Which is why I have to make the most of every single moment. Because from here right now out it's all a gift”
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And after that, Eddie, who thought he could give Buck the same “shoulder to cry on” and “sit with you” while you experience bad moments, stopped doing it. He looked at Buck and saw the man he saw, the man he thinks doesn’t need his help. Because Buck doesn’t look affected as Eddie expected him to be. Buck overplayed Eddie with his tires to prove he is ok. Eddie believed him. But also he heard that he is not that Buck needs to feel ok. He needs not that Eddie expected he would need (talks about his death and Eddie’s help), but someone else living with Buck his life and Eddie understood that Buck doesn’t need him at all.Not in the way he needed the man a year ago, crushing his room. And the feeling of loneliness he started to experience while he gave Buck time to come to him, before Buck pushed him away when he wasn't ready in the cemetery, just became all consuming. Because now Eddie believes Buck never needed him, how Eddie needs him. But the thing is, Buck needs him. He just pushed Eddie from him, because he feels that it’s dangerous to look at his death, because he doesn't want to be a burden, because he doesn't want to run in a circle of “someone loves me when I’m in pain” he did all his childhood. He doesn't want to experience love when he is broken, so he closes his death deep inside him, in a box. But we know how boxes explode if it’s too many things inside. 
And let’s think that Buck has in his box: childhood of neglect, truck bombing, tsunami and embolism, well and shooting, ambulance hostage situation, Bobby shot, Maddie almost killed by Doug, the secret about Daniel being revealed, and then his real death. All it packed neat inside him, never spoken about. And after shooting we never heard him talking about therapy again. So Buck acts as a “new Buck” ALL THE TIME. Buck 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 it’s a proof. And he is just ready to be another “new Buck”, but others don't, because to see the new Buck they should fully grieve the old Buck. But Buck doesn’t want them to grief, he wants to joke and move on and that’s why he is feeling like he should stay “same old Buck”, act the same, but IT’S A PROBLEM. Because old Buck can’t help to mask the pain and fear from the death he experienced. Old Buck never looked at his life as a “gift”. This old Buck can’t help Buck to hide under this mask of everything being fine. And let’s nor forget how old Buck tried hard to find HAPPINESS. OLD BUCK WASN’T HAPPY. But the new Buck should be. He is still alive. His life has ended yet. But has he found his answer for happiness after death when Lev did it? No. 
Buck's answer for happiness wasn’t shown, which means he tries to be happy, but he still doesn’t know HOW. And on the way he pushed his best friend from him, starting their as we call it in a fandom “divorce era 2.0”. Because it is what Buck does when he feels trapped (lawsuit waves at us). When Buck thinks he needs other things, not that others try him to do, speak about, heal properly before move on, not just “rush with his head first”, he pushes everyone from himself (yes yes boy with abandonment issue does it, but it is easier this way). In the lawsuit it was easier to blame Bobby, right now he ofc doesn’t blame Eddie, but he also doesn’t want Eddie to constantly talk about his death. So he pushed Eddie from himself. 
So Buck can’t hide behind old, and new Buck is not something his family is ready to see, and it’s still an act. Buck is on the edge of breaking, and I’m sure in 7s it will happen. After Bobby's near death or maybe something else, but it will break him. 
Now Eddie. Eddie, who already felt kind of alone, started his journey of trying to find someone who makes him feel not alone anymore. Who will make him feel enough. Because for Shannon, for Buck he wasn’t(at least it’s how he sees it). 
That’s how he sees the cemetery. Buck pushes because Eddie is too much for him at this moment, because he isn't ready (something something “you need to move on. I did.” Eddie himself pushed Buck from himself when he wasn’t ready, but he thought if he would make Buck talk NOW Buck wouldn't break like him.) Buck wasn’t ready to be supported by Eddie, because he never was supported like that (Eddie wasn’t in a place to really support him after the fire truck. don't even start. Eddie was deep into his grief and “suck it up and move on” era to really support Buck on this deep mental level). But Eddie was finally in the place to give this support, and he felt like it’s not enough. So he dates, he meets Marisol. He opens himself to the world and new opportunities. Maybe even starting something serious in season 7, when Buck goes deeper and deeper in his own grief and pain of losing the life he had, of losing the part of himself, of not knowing who he is right now, how he should act. 
Now we add Bobby’s and Athena’s water related near death experience and … BOOM. Buck is broken, a crying mess. Because he feels grief and fear of losing people he loves so hard, and he can’t imagine who they felt, and he can’t even say what the fuck is the answer to happiness. He doesn’t remember his death, but he remembers his coma, he remembers how he woke up, he remembers old him, but who is new Buck? To this we also add that he feels that his best friend pushed him away, not understanding he did it first(because he did it subconsciously trying to hide from his feelings).
Buck will break in season 7, because it's long overdue. He has so many things he never “allowed to feel it” before moving on. They can’t just stay forever inside him. “At some point that box is going to blow open. And take everyone around you”. Eddie was ready to support Buck and eventually in season 7 Buck would need it and Eddie would see that Buck needs him, he never allows himself to ask, to see what and who he needs. Buck always tries to look at himself through other people's eyes, still tries with Natalia. Maybe look at himself thought Eddie’s feel help him to see something new
Why I also see the possible divorce era 2.0 it’s because we started and continued 6s with domestic Buckley-Diaz scenes but scenes 6x13 Buck wasn't even talking about Chris. So I see it as a possible proof of divorce era, but after new stills I’m not so sure anymore
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Now I thought of something fluffy that make my heart burst
So you're chilling with lil bird xiao on ya
And you're singing to him to sleep
But the moment xiao falls asleep
Your lil birdie poofs into ACTUAL FUCKING XIAO
you at first are panicking until you see xiao start cooing and trying to snuggle up to you
So you end up just having a sleepy xiao on ya until he wakes up
So you end up just having a nice cuddle with xiao
That is until xiao wakes up and nearly has a panic attack due to still thinking you'll freak out
From raccoon anon 🦝
xiao is probably used to his human form and likely found being a bird for you awkward at first simply because he wasn’t used to it. his limbs were in the wrong spots, his joints were different, everything was so odd.
and sleeping is already an activity that he doesn’t partake in anymore. he meditates at night, if he takes a break at all.
but with you…
his eyes droop when he’s curled up with you under the leaves, his mind slows to a crawl sitting under the sun with you. it’s so easy to rest with you.
he tries to be careful, he does, but when he sits on your knee and watches you practice with dendro… it’s so peaceful. so calm.
so… so quiet.
when your bird falls asleep, you don’t think much of it. when the wind seems to blow w bit harder, ruffling his feathers, you double check nothing had blown away before continuing your practice.
when your bird is gone, and it’s a human head resting in your lap instead, you notice.
you startle, dropping the small stick you’ve been working with, the wood landing in the blue strands of a yaksha’s hair. he looks… peaceful, when he’s asleep, his head resting where your bird once was.
so he… was your bird? you knew adepti had different forms, but now…
oh god, you’d been feeding an adeptus bird food.
there’s more to unpack, about the likelihood that he was sent as a spy, about the repeated kindnesses he’s shown you, about the fact that xiao felt comfortable enough around you to not only sleep, but to unconsciously reveal the secret he was unable to spill while awake. a lot to unpack and think about, but you’re not equipped to unzip that suitcase.
so you pick up your stick, and sprout a flower, feeling satisfied with how it looks in his hair.
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it's about loving unconditionally, straying too far from the love in your home, remembering that love and falling from the stars back into the arms of your parent, making friends, war sucks, war is bad, war kills and kills our children and warps us, it's about grief and love and loss and how those things or intricately intertwined-
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artist-issues · 1 year
It occurs to me that some people have a warped view of Shadow the Hedgehog.
There’s like two versions of him. 
There’s the impression people (including some SEGA creators) have of Shadow the Hedgehog, which started somewhere on or after 2005, which I will be referring to as
1. Shadow’s shadow
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He’s dark but it’s cringey because he’s trying so hard to be dark, and you get the impression that only 10 year old boys and 14 year old girls think he’s actually dark. He has a gun, just to prove to monkey-brain children used to fun Sonic ring-collecting that he’s bad. He cusses because cussing is edgy. He never does anything good unless it’s to prove he’s a better hero than Sonic. He’s over-the-top cruel or emo because that’s all he represents, and picks fights to defend his own pride like a bad version of Season 1 Zuko.
The problem with this version of the character is that somewhere down the line, even SEGA thought that Shadow’s shadow was all the Shadow the Hedgehog that everyone wanted to see. Or they just forgot that none of the above character traits have anything to do with the original character, at all. And so they started putting him in the new games like that.  But that’s not the real Shadow. That’s just Shadow’s Shadow, a lame guess at who the character is based on his black and red design and snippets of things which people who never played SA2 heard about the character.
The real version of the character, which sparked the original popularity, is
 2. Shadow the Hedgehog
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The original Shadow the Hedgehog was popular because he was the new character in a game that brought emotional Lore to the Sonic games. He debuted in Sonic Adventure 2, and he wasn’t even the only new character in that game, which is kind of one of the things that was awesome about him: he wasn’t supposed to be The Cool One™ in the franchise. 
He was supposed to be a one-off character. Think about that: not a character that just hit every out-of-proportion-fanservice trait, not a character that they kept bringing back over and over to entice weary fans. 
He was just a new story element, presenting interesting themes that worked as a great foil for Sonic himself, then dying in an emotionally impactful way, making the SA2 game interesting and memorable for it’s story.
That is what was originally so popular about Shadow. Yes, he was really cool, and he did check all the “Dark Version of Your Beloved Main Character Trope” boxes, but he was ALSO a really well-rounded character that didn’t feel like he was just a hook to get fans interested. He had depth.
In fact, it could be argued that he brought depth of story to the series in a way that hadn’t been done since...well, Knuckles the Echidna. Sonic’s first-ever “rival” (who was not a robot.) 
And Shadow brought depth of story MORE than Knuckles, because Shadow came around in the era of Cutscenes and Dialogue which provided a medium for this little thing called Flashbacks. Yeah, Knuckles’ first, pixel-y appearance brought in story elements like The Master Emerald and visuals that hinted at lore, like a Shrine.
But Shadow? 
Shadow the Hedgehog appeared and was instantly the audience’s window to look through and see things that had never been seen before, which fleshed out Sonic’s whole canon and world. Things like:
The Government (woah, the Sonic world has a President and a unique military organization?)
Eggman’s family (woah, they’re actually going to tell us something about where Eggman came from?)
Chaos Powers (woah, the Chaos Emeralds actually do something besides just turning characters “super?”)
A story structure like this, where a new character also served as a way to examine deeper parts of Sonic Lore, had been used in the game’s predecessor, Sonic Adventure 1. But that new character, Chaos, was just presented as a mindless, silent villain with a blank face who turned out to have feelings right before he disappeared forever. Shadow is not like that at all in his first appearance.
He starts the game acting kind of like a genie who’s been let out of the bottle, offering to grant Eggman wishes. He offers Eggman a mysterious bargain. He seems totally evil and in possession of power over the Chaos Emeralds that allow him to rival Sonic. But during the story, there start to be hints at something underneath it all. 
He keeps flashing back to a scary/sad combo of scenes involving a little girl. He mentions that he’s after revenge. He talks like a Shakespeare character when he villainously monologues, but he also ends most of his levels with “I’m the coolest!” and smugly talks smack with Sonic during their fight scenes. He seems totally focused on his mission one minute, then, any time he encounters Sonic, appears to get completely distracted and eager to compete, like a 18 year-old athlete.
All this contrast between a lofty, broody villain personality with a hidden fun, competitive showboating personality made the audience DESPERATE to know where this Shadow guy came from and what made him tick. It helped that other characters, like the government spy and Eggman himself, were teasing at a mystery in his past, too.
Then when you DO find out the why behind everything Shadow does, there’s been such a buildup that it’s satisfying. 
I mean, it sounds really weird to hear that Shadow the Hedgehog is an artificial creature created by Eggman’s genius grandfather on a space station to bring hope to the Earth below, but was warped by a desire for revenge when the Government tried to kill him and wound up shooting the little girl who was his only friend and sealing him away for 50 years, instead. But it ONLY sounds that weird if you didn’t play the SA2 game and get to know Shadow as he was intended, bit by bit, reveal by reveal.
 Because SA2 Shadow had reasons for being broody and angsty. 
And he wasn’t ALWAYS broody and angsty. In fact, he was a master manipulator! When he was around Eggman, he was confident, smooth, and articulate, like a Shakespearean villain. When he was around Rouge, whom he did not trust, he was silent, firm, and to-the-point. Only by himself was he angsty--and it never lasted long. 
And when he was around Sonic? 
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Oh boy. That is my FAVORITE thing about Shadow. Because when he was around Sonic, it’s like I said. He would stop being focused on his revenge-mission and stop being focused on whatever he was doing with Eggman and he would just turn into this competitive, flashy guy. I mean, yes, it would’ve been hard for him to stay focused on the mission because Sonic was actively trying to get in his way--but the thing is
Shadow starts to be his real SELF around Sonic. Even while they’re fighting. Because you get the sense, as the player/audience, that if this big trauma had not happened in Shadow’s past, he would have been Sonic. In personality. Sonic and Shadow are both highly competitive, love thrills, and love a challenge. They are also both heroic. Even while Shadow is a villain, he winds up saving Rouge the Bat from death by explosion, just because it seems like he can’t help himself. And remember, he was created to be a savior of the world anyway.
So combine Heroism with Competitiveness and you have someone who is very close to our fun-loving, cool blue hedgehog protagonist. But then the human race he was sworn to protect destroyed his home, murdered his best friend right in front of him, and locked him away as a dangerous weapon for 50 years. 
Shadow is not what you get if you take Hot Topic and throw it on top of Sonic the Hedgehog. 
Shadow is what you get if you took a bunch of Flickies murdering Tails the Fox right in front of Sonic while Green Hill Zone burned in the background. 
And then, at the very end of Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow realizes that he didn’t promise Maria (his best friend who was murdered) revenge. He promised her that he would protect everyone on Earth. So very much like Ben Solo (RIP) you get a quick snippet of who Shadow the Hedgehog really is when he’s not burdened by all the Baggage. 
In a handful of cutscenes and well-performed in-game dialogue, you hear that his voice is a little lighter. He physically transforms from black to white.
He’s focused on destroying the evil threatening the planet, but he also says kind little things like, “Sonic, you need rest! Let me give it a try!” and “How are you doing, Sonic?” and
in one in-game clip of dialogue, he even says that he thinks SONIC might be the Ultimate Life Form. 
Shadow’s Shadow, the lame ironic tropey interpretation of Shadow, would never say something like that. He’d cuss in a low-voiced rasp and dramatically try to blow the head off of anyone who even joked about it. But the thing is, at this point in the story, you are seeing Shadow as he is: a lab-created being who’s probably only lived around a year, consciously, and was still figuring out what he even is before going under. The only reason he was ever anything but a good-natured, gold-hearted hero was because of the trauma and revenge-induced worldview. When all of that is stripped away and he starts seeing his purpose and his whole history clearly, he is this slightly naive, open-hearted, mission-driven, contemplative foil to Sonic.
Then he sacrifices his life and dies. And the end of the game is all of the characters, good and bad, united for a scene where they each contemplate who they are and what is right and wrong.
And that’s the effect he had on players, too. He was such a deep, interesting character who was not edgy (even though his backstory was more violent and dark than any other character’s) that they loved him desperately. And SEGA brought him back.
Of course, they brought him back with amnesia, and that probably would’ve been fine, except it spiraled into the Shadow’s Shadow version of the character that got his own video game and worsened everything.
But that’s besides the point.
The original Shadow the Hedgehog, the true, real version of the character, was absolutely the best part of the franchise at the time. And basically, in conclusion, SA2 Shadow is the BEST Shadow.
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ilovejevsjeans · 11 months
Honestly people are so stupid. As if this was a bad weekend for Dan. Bad luck with track limits and Lance’s red flag and those fucking Haas’ (which are so fucking wide that everyone struggles to get passed them) and he could very possibly have had points yesterday and today. His pace this weekend was ridiculous for the worst car on the grid. Purple sectors and faster than the fastest car on the grid at one point. 
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butchdonne · 1 year
please tell me about bonnie and clyde? i've never heard of it before!
so it’s a musical based on the historical figures bonnie & clyde. the ones who were young and in love and attractive and robbed a bunch of banks in the 20s and 30s (depression-era usa so understandable) and have since become sort of mythologised ‘american heroes’ even tho they were. yk. criminals. and also had a fairly toxic and abusive relationship tbh
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^ that’s them irl
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we have lots of photos and records of them because their story was highly publicised and also because bonnie wanted to be a movie star they would like. give autographs to people while carrying out robberies and stuff <3
but the musical is soooo good – i’ve been to see it twice!!
it heavily romanticises the pair. like it’s not accurate at all. but who cares
it’s unbelievably sad tbh. and it does that thing where it makes their death seem inevitable by beginning with their death, winding back and then ending on their death.
uhh so i don’t like the broadway cast as much as i like the west end cast – clyde is played by jordan luke gage (who has also played jd from heathers and romeo from & juliet btw) and frances mayli mcann (although i saw lauren jones instead of frances both times i went) but like. LOOK AT THEM
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love <3333
ok i have a post with a bunch of videos of the west end cast performing songs from it because the official recording isn’t out yet and i prefer jlg’s clyde to jeremy jordan’s clyde so here
but yeah it’s an incredible musical and i think it’s still on in the west end? can’t remember if it’s the arts theatre or the garrick theatre but it’s one of those two
also ik i talk shit about the broadway cast but DO listen to the official recording on spotify because the music genuinely slaps so hard. like it may take a few listens because i didn’t even like it that much at first but yeah (it may also take context tbh like some of them i like more because ik what was happening & how they were staged and stuff)
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drumlincountry · 28 days
Planning to watch Challengers for the 3rd time in 4 days tomorrow 👍 alloaro Tashi Duncan btw.
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 1 year
☕️ Armand and Marius: what do you wish we got in canon that we didn't, and what are you grateful for that we did? ♥️
If trying to be normal while demonstrating brevity were a TikTok challenge, this would be you throwing down the gauntlet for me to fucking trip on lmao
𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝕴'𝖒 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗: That it even happened at all The Venice era The (probable) reunion at the end (even if it did happen off screen page) Marius being a contrite Armand simp in QotD Armand blowing up at Marius for turning B&S (as he damn well should have)
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖜𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖙: On screen (page, whatever) reunion at the end A fucking apology
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introverted-ghost · 1 year
I love my colour coded ninjas who have had more than one show made about them one of which started in 2012 and it started off with just four guys who were absolute dumbasses and their teams eventually gained two more members one of which was a girl and also they’re not all human
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jiajima · 2 years
One Piece is so slow, grueling sometimes
but when is gets good, and I mean REALLY good, when all the details just twist into place, each and every arch
reason one piece lasts is how creative each arch is comparatively, to each other, the darwinism of islands in the most INSANE SEAS with FUCKING WEATHER that is incomprehensable and islands that fly in the sky, or ones that exist underwater, all exhibiting unique ecosystems and creatures
the underlying political themes of each island stands to influence the characters strongly and Luffy will TEAR IT DOWN if any of his friends get hurt, even the ones he just met, our boy HATES the world government, HATES bad guys, HATES seeing his friends cry
it’s such a relief to reach the end of each arch, I mean in the heart, when everyone eats, drinks and celebrates, a central theme to every story, because when you save an entire country from genocide, it’s nice to eat and cry with your friends
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silly-ez · 1 year
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dyospeaks · 2 years
I think it's worth talking about how strongly Matteo used color theory. The red wine, the red scarf, the red lights towards the end. There's always a sense of passion unfulfilled when you see red, so it's more a heartbroken color than one of passion.
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rinwhore · 2 years
hello im here to say that I miss our best boy. I miss the best boyfriend. I miss our soft person/character. I miss him so much. I miss the man of my dreams. I miss our boy who deserves all the love in the whole fucking universe. I miss our pretty boy
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I have a friend who hates Peeta so much, because they only watched the movies. They said that Peeta is a weakling and a stalker etc.
What key point or best qualities of Peeta's I should tell them so they change their mind? Thank you 😊
(Please don't answer with, "they should read the novel, it's so good!", I've tried many times, fail every times 😑) @curiouspeetamellark
While I can sit here and type up a response, I do think @shewakesupwiththesun laid out top notch points.
I will also refer to this kickass post I saw the other day.
At the end of the day, we can lay out a list of points for why we like/dislike a character, but it might not necessarily sway another person to change their stance on the topic. And that's okay, it's human nature. What I think is more important is having thoughtful and open-minded discussions on the matter, and if you have to agree to disagree by the end of it, then it is what it is.
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metalst · 2 years
hellooo zorry fer azking again
opinionz on the robot mazterz from MM11?
Alzo 😭 /lh
HIII no worries!! took me a little to get the time to answer this, so sorry for the later response aough
I really like the robot masters in mm11 design wise, I feel like they all have such fun and interesting designs. I also appreciate the level of detail they went into for the flavor text, especially mentioning Dr. Cossack in Tundra man's, and just in general giving more context for the world.
My favorite 11 bot is probably Acid man... I love his design and his whole mad scientist thing... and he deserves to be in the tube I'm so happy he can live his dream...
the others are all really good too though, its one of the games where it is hard to choose a favorite just bc the quality of robots is so high.... love them.....
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lesbianraskolnikov · 1 month
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he is rather charming indeed
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