#I could see it working under a certain scenario but I don’t know which one that is so
crepegosette · 1 year
Oh now i gotta know what you think about SpUk
eh, the ship’s fine. Not really my thing, but its fine, I can see why people like it. It just ain’t enough to tickle my fancy if you get me. Its completely valid if you ship it tho 💯
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Imagine GER just finding darling and bringging them to Giorno out of nowhere (as a first meeting, Giorno not knowing darling beforehand)
My stand brought in a stranger and I end up obsessed with them?! That’s a wild thought for Giorno honestly.
Also don’t ask me how this devolved into a weird mix of headcanon/scenario either
I’m seeing somehow, some way, GER anticipated Giorno’s potentially developing feelings for you. He’d be so bewildered his own stand brought him a person, it’s so unexpected that the two of you end being confused not quite sure what to do at first. Since Giorno is the head of the mafia now, he has all sort of potential issues that could arise in it, thus leading you into danger.
There’s really no time in being upset at his stand, there really isn’t a point either. The blond decides to profusely apologize firstly, and he’s not quite sure how you got here. He puts on the gentlest smile he can muster deciding to guide you through this confusing situation. Ironically all of this worrying about you, probably leads to an obsession.
He of course has Mista help him through this, and to no surprise his jaw is wide open when Giorno straight tells him his stand brought you there.
You are eventually taken home, with seeing little of the estate Giorno was staying on. He distracts you as much as possible with casual conversation, he even rides home with you, knowing that’s still a compromising position on both his and your end. He’s certain you’ve accepted what happened and will likely keep it to yourself. The blond could likely leave it be, if he drops it now everything would be fine…
He doesn’t end up dropping it however, it starts off slow, with him keeping an eye out for any increase in crime in your area. Small little excuses that Giorno tells himself needs to be addressed. He ends up figuring out where you work, maybe stages a few people around other local businesses. Unbeknownst to you, you were now under the protection of the mafia.
Any criminal issues, or even abusive behavior is abruptly addressed and taken care of, it’s almost frightening how quick it happens. You’re rather unnerved at how some people look the other way when you walk by. Especially those you might have had a hard time with. There’s a few times you feel like you’re followed, but nothing comes of it. But hey that little garden you had bloomed to life so much, it looked like something out of a fantasy.
You had a feeling who was responsible for all of this, aside from the garden. (You had no clue Giorno was behind helping that flourish). What were you supposed to say? You couldn’t exactly call the police? And you knew people would just tell you to keep your head down. Did you do something wrong?
Ah your heart was starting to palpitate from panicking, one of your coworkers asked if you were alright. You tell them you think you need to go lie down, luckily they were understanding and happy to cover the rest of your shift. Leaving you to walk home shortly after lunch, your eyes casted down on the ground.
Nothing would happen…it would be okay. Yeah, just breathe….
Getting home your hands tremble while putting your key into the keyhole. A click and turn later you rushed inside, until you spot something in your kitchen. It wasn’t there this morning, at least not in the state and type of flowers that were there.
A vase that you usually put cut flowers in, which before you were left for work were in a sad, wilting state, and needed to be composted or thrown out, were replaced by a gorgeous bouquet. There was even a butterfly on one of the petals, slowly opening and closing its wings. You couldn’t really keep your eyes off it either…
It was beautiful, but it sent a sense of dread through you rather than comfort they usually would. Who ended up placing those there? They seemed to know what they had been doing with how they were cut.
Poor butterfly, did it accidentally get trapped in here too? You could at least relate to the feeling of being trapped. Free to roam but enclosed in a strange space at the same time? Was that really freedom?
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lale-txt · 8 months
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❈ 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐰/ 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 & 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐠𝐧)
@bas-writes asked: That was supposed to be a joke but I can't get it out of my mind after our extra conversation 😭😂 Could I request Gojo or Geto (still can't decide sorry aklskdd) taking bath or shower with their tall afab s/o - or rather, attempting to because when the average height is like 185cm nothing possibly can be easy 🤭 Thank you! ❤
a/n: ngl this drabble sent me into a deep dive of how certain parts of a shower are called because somehow i forgot them in all three languages LMAO it ended up being a short drabble and only slightly suggestive at the end, but the scenario was just too funny for me to take the full blown nsfw route asdfhjks but i hope you'll enjoy it anyway! thank you for your request, Bas! you're always giving me such fun prompts to work with, hehe.
word count: 637
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“Uhm, excuse me, personal space?” 
You let out a small huff when someone squeezes into the shower with you, basically cornering you with his tall frame. It’s not like you were small to begin with, and yet Gojo still could rest his chin on top of your head if he wanted to–and right now there was almost no other choice than to do so. This shower wasn’t built for a person above average height, even less for two of your kind.
“You didn’t seem to mind me in your personal space last ni–OI!”
Note to yourself: Shower head aimed directly at his face can make Gojo shut up for an approximate span of two seconds. He’ll never get rid of the house cat accusations, huh?
Gojo grabs your hand that’s holding the cursed tool and gently nibs at your neck (again with the cat behavior…) before he puts the shower head back where it belongs. He’s not bothered by your protests and reaches to adjust the temperature of the water from a pleasant medium high to something that could best be described as close to boiling, filling the already too small shower with so much steam you practically go blind. Not much of a problem for the Six Eyes though.
“You could have just waited till I got out of the shower, you know?”, you grumble, trying to find your shampoo bottle but continue to grab anything but said bottle, maybe because Gojo is everywhere your hands reach out to in this cramped space. He hums, a deep sound in his chest that was close to purring, his big hands running over your body playfully with his chest pressed against your back. 
“But Ichiji texted me that he’s already waiting for us outside, even before I got into the shower. I’m just being time-efficient here”, Gojo coos and presses a kiss on the back of your neck. His wet hair tickles your skin while his hands sneak around your waist—a moment of defenselessness, leaving him unprepared for you abruptly bending over to grab your shampoo from the ground and pummeling your boyfriend out of the shower with the sheer force of your arched back.
Freedom never tasted sweeter than in this moment; to finally move around somewhat freely in your shower again without bumping into this brick of a man. Sure, you still had to duck slightly to stand under the shower head, but at least it wasn’t getting blocked by another giant. You love Gojo, with all your heart, but you learned very early on in your relationship that showering together wasn’t this romantic and cute scenario for you two to enjoy–it was war.
The shower curtain gets dramatically pulled aside and once the hot water steam sets slightly, you see your butt-naked lover with his hands on his hips, bright blue eyes on you, probably thinking of a hundred creative ways to make you pay for your crime. You would be intimidated if he didn’t look like a soggy wet Norwegian cat which makes you bite back a laughter forming in your throat.
“Don’t come back in here, I swear, this shower is too small for–”, you threaten him with a laugh, already reaching for your weapon–the shower head–again. 
With one big step Gojo is back in the shower with you, cornering you once more, his mouth finding your neck and trailing kisses up to your ear before he bites it gently. He chuckles quietly at the small noise you let out and you know he won’t stop until he charms out many, many other sounds. Something tells you that you won’t be getting out of this shower anytime soon and you make a mental note to send Ichiji a gift basket for putting up with your demeanors. It probably won’t be the last time.
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evansbby · 9 months
What would Steve do if Omega went and got a job behind his back after she completed college? 😂 like Rosey is in school so she becomes the assistant of someone in her field especially if her boss was an alpha 😏 (imagine if her boss was Ari 😂😂)
I don’t think omega does anything without Steve’s permission 😭😭
But you’re inside my head bc ofc I’ve been thinking of scenarios like this!!! I can imagine them having a fight over it bc she really wants to get a job bc she feels restless at home now that Rosie has started preschool. Steve wants to have another baby and omega says she wants to try working first. Steve is super against this and doesn’t want her to work at all, especially now that he’s the senator and they’re in the public eye— he wants his wife to be a mother and housewife first and above all. So he puts his foot down.
Then omega goes behind his back and just starts applying for jobs for the heck of it… just to see if she’d be accepted. She applies for one job which she’s UNDER-qualified for and she gets it which makes her suspicious and she realises all these places only want to hire her bc of her last name (Rogers) and the fact that she’s the senator’s wife.
SO THEN she starts applying using her maiden name and she keeps getting rejections 🥲🥲 Turns out nobody wants to hire an omega in a job “more well suited for alphas.” This makes her really sad. THENNN I can imagine her getting finally accepted to a job at a female-run publishing house as a publishing assistant and she’s sooo happy! She tells Steve, and explains how she only has to go in two days a week and the rest is work from home.
Steve is… not thrilled. In fact, he gets angry bc how dare she apply with her maiden name bc that’s not her surname anymore. And how dare she go behind his back because she’s not allowed to do that. He asks her how she plans to do this job when she gets pregnant again because he DOES plan to get her pregnant again, like, as soon as possible.
Omega says she would like to wait another year before having another baby, so she can gain experience working. Steve is NOT having it (he’s in especially a bad mood bc of work stress and all that). So he just slams the door and leaves and sits and stews in his home office. Omega gets paranoid that he hates her and will leave her (although not that much, only a little bit bc she’s healing now) so she tells him she’s sorry and she won’t accept the job and she loves her family and loves him and if it makes him that upset, she’ll sacrifice the job to do what he says bc she knows that marriage means you have to sacrifice certain things.
But then STEVE (who has calmed down) feels bad bc he hates how sad she looks and he knows she’s been through so much and how could he really deny her from this happiness? There’s an internal war going on in his head because on one hand, he’s her alpha and his word is law and he shouldn’t be made to feel bad for putting his foot down. Tons of his friends and family keep their omegas under very tight control. He doesn’t want to be seen as lenient! But then he ultimately decides he doesn’t care, and that he wants her to be happy.
So he does a thorough background check on this publishing house, and is secretly pleased that the staff is all women (that’s a big deciding factor in letting her work there). And turns out, it helps him gain public favour too, bc Senator Steve Roger’s wife is not only the perfect submissive housewife and mother, but she is also a working woman! So Steve gets praised in the media for allowing her to work.
AJDJSKAK idk if this is canon bc although I like this, I also love the idea of omega being a traditional housewife and having baby after baby with Steve 🥹🥹 so let’s just call this a brainstorm idea draft whatever, but not officially canon! But not unofficial either! What do you guys think??
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avocado-writing · 10 months
i absolutely ADORE the little universe you've made for the light the dark and the spaces in between and i don't really have any specific requests, all i'm requesting is whatever work in that universe that you've already come up with or if you do get an idea for something for my favourite throuple this is an excuse to post it hihi
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Notes: first of all, fav throuple? 🥹 I’m asking for your hand in marriage. Second of all I got an ask about reader being nonbinary in this series but this fic explicitly discusses them being AFAB (but GNC, could be read as trans or not). set in TLTDATSIB verse, ish, the time period is a bit wonky (14thC ish) — consider this an au where reader follows aziraphale to France after their initial meeting, finds Crowley there too and everyone is pointing at each other like that Spider-Man meme going !! Immortal!!!
words: 2k
rating: T (sex references, mild peril)
pairing: crowley x reader x aziraphale
tags: TLTDATSIB, polyamory, Fem/Masc!Crowley, Fem/Masc!Aziraphale, GNC!Reader, historical, jousting
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“Are you sure? It’s terribly dangerous.”
“Aziraphale,” you sigh, “I don’t do it because it’s safe.”
“Well why do it at all?” she whines, grabbing onto your hand beseechingly. Crowley looks up from where she’s been admiring her reflection in your armour. You turn to her for support, instead she shrugs. 
“I don’t know. For glory? For honour? To prove that I can?”
Aziraphale glares at Crowley to join in but is met with the same reaction. It seems that Crowley is determined to stay neutral in this scenario. How annoying. Just like a demon to find the most awkward solution for both parties.
You tie the linens around your chest a little tighter. Under your full plate it should be difficult to tell the shape of your body but you don’t want to take any chances. Aziraphale pouts and you sigh, turning back to her to take her hand in earnest.
“My darling, I’m not like either of you. When they look at me, they will only ever see one thing. I can’t change my body around and be whoever I want to be. I have to take these measures to be viewed as anything other than what I was when I came squawling from my mother.”
You cup her cheek and she nuzzles into your touch. 
“Besides,” you add, wickedly, “am I not good at wielding a lance?”
You grin, thinking back to the three of you laying together last night. Aziraphale harrumphs and Crowley laughs at her.
“They’ll be fine, angel,” she finally pipes up. Aziraphale doesn’t seem certain but finally relents, letting Crowley adjust her surcoat and take her hand.
“Good luck,” Crowley says, but the smile on her face suggests she doesn’t think you’ll need it. You give her a wink.
“With my two ladies cheering from the crowd, how could I lose?”
You give them both a kiss goodbye before Crowley finally wrestles the angel away, likely to get her a drink and a pep-talk before the tourney starts. As they leave, your squire begins to enter, his face turning beet red as Crowley ruffles his hair.
“Hello, Oliver. Make sure our good knight doesn’t fall from his horse, will you?” she says as she goes. Oliver tries to form a sentence, fails, and winces as Crowley sways away. 
A tiny slip of a lad, you took on Oliver not only for his immense courage despite his small stature, but because you both shared a secret - one which you uncovered when accidentally walking in on him changing. You’d recognise a bound chest anywhere. You thought no less of him for it, and told him he needed not beg for your silence: you’d keep it gladly.
“Sire, I’m here to help you finish dressing,” he states, when he finally manages to get a handle over his own tongue. 
“Well timed, Oliver. Help me with this breastplate.”
He heaves and helps with the leather straps, buckling you in place. You’re swelteringly hot. Ah well, time for that to get even worse when you ride out into the sun. You take a moment to check yourself over, only noticing Oliver’s quietness when he fails to point out one of your pauldrons is loose. You furrow your brow and turn to him.
“What’s on your mind, lad?”
“Might… Might I ask a question, sire?”
“Me saying no has never stopped you before,” you jest, but when you see him scuff his foot against the floor, you drop down to be able to look him in the eye. “What’s the matter, Oliver?”
“Your ladies… you’ll fight for them both, yes? For their honour as one?”
“Yes, I will.” You don’t go into great detail about your relationship but you trust Oliver with the truth. He sees Aziraphale and Crowley clucking around you like hens before a joust all the time anyway, and the boy isn’t a fool. He can do the arithmetic of it.  
“And they’re happy with that arrangement?”
You laugh a little, but put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Those two love each other as much as they love me. My life would not be a happy one without them both in it, and they feel the same.”
Sacrilege, but really, little in this room would be considered holy by the church. And besides, you have an angel as one of the willing participants of your relationship. You think it’s probably fine.
Oliver nods. He seems to understand, but still appears like something else is weighing on his mind. You really do smother your smile this time.
“Oliver,” you tell him, gently, “I also think that you might be a bit young for Lady Crowley.”
He blushes.
You can barely see with your helmet on, so you keep it under your arm for the time being. You cut the figure of a man well enough anyway so for the moment there’s no need to worry about your face being on show. In fact, you’ve gained a reputation for being quite handsome.
Handsome but very spoken for. Apparently there was a lady discussing giving you her favour to joust, and Crowley spilt wine all over her skirts. Then again, she did the same when a knight rode up to ask to fight for Aziraphale’s honour, and suddenly found that his helmet crest had inexplicably burst into flames. 
Crowley knows how to mark her territory.
You run a hand over your horse’s nose, humming a soothing little note as she nickers and whinnies.
“I know it’s hot, girl. Let’s give them a show and then we’ll both get out of this damned armour.”
You saddle up, letting Oliver pass you your helmet and your shield. You ride as a freelancer so neither of them are burdened with some noble’s crest; instead you ride under your own: a pair of wings, one white, one black. A little nod to the two who matter the most to you.
You ride onto the field as horns herald the start of the joust. You know a few of the knights competing, and are well aware of your first opponent - Kenelm the agile, a man you’ve faced several times over and are at equals wins against. He nods at you from his steed, hailing the crowd as he’s announced. You look across the seating, and see Aziraphale and Crowley in the front row. Where they always are, whenever you compete. With an ineffable inevitability.
“And, riding under his own banner, Sir Kerkylas of Andros!”
Even with her glasses on you know Crowley is rolling her eyes at your chosen pseudonym. You ride up to the pair of them, grinning.
“Be careful,” Aziraphale begs for the umpteenth time. She passes you her favour: a little ring, golden, set with a pair of wings on it. 
“I will be,” you say, kissing her hand, then quieter: “You do remember that I can’t die?”
“Yes, but we don’t know if dismembering will do you any good!”
Crowley reaches over to present you her token, a pin embellished with a silver snake. You stow both in your saddlebag. 
“I’ll buy you a drink if you take the helmet clean off his head,” she whispers. 
“You’re on,” you agree. Crowley reaches out to caress your face, then stops and retreats abruptly.
“Better not lay that on too heavily. I think I might kill your squire.”
A glance over your shoulder reveals that Oliver looks like he might combust. Taking mercy on the poor boy, you nod your goodbyes to the two of them and ride up to greet Kenelm.
“Ken! Didn’t think I’d see you back in the saddle so soon after that humiliating defeat in Dover.”
Kenelm rolls his eyes but holds his tongue.
“Ah, Kerk. Sorry, didn’t see it was you. I was blinded by the pomp of your armour. I forget that you need to compensate for something.”
Ha, if only he knew. 
Despite the ribbing the two of you exchange a smile.
“Good luck, Ken. And remember, aim the lance at me. Poor Cynisca was dreadfully irritable after last time, when it seemed you were trying to skewer her flank.”
He grimaces at being reminded of the faux pas before putting his helmet on and readying himself. You trot to your side of the tilt where Oliver is heaving up your lance. 
“You’ll win,” he says confidently, “Kenelm always rides worse the earlier it is in the day. If you can get a solid enough hit in, it’s over, one round.”
“I hope that your faith in me isn’t misplaced, Oliver.”
You helmet up, resigning yourself to see what little of the world you can through the frog-lip, and clutch your lance. It’s heavy but you’re used to it by now. 
An expectant silence settles over the crowd. Aziraphale buries her face in Crowley’s shoulder.
“Oh, I can’t look–!”
The flag is waved, and you charge.
You reflect on how Crowley never bought you that drink. She insisted that knocking a man clean off his horse didn’t count as taking his helmet off. A technicality, flimsy at best - but Aziraphale was too relieved at your victory to argue either side. You went on to place second at that particular tourney, the fire of it inciting you to ride to victory in your next. 
You stopped for a while after that. It was doing Aziraphale in a little, and you loved him too much to keep his nerves that frayed.
But, nowadays, reenactments are becoming somewhat of a fad. Usually you find them a little gauche, and it’s more than a bit uncomfortable to relive some aspects of your past, but you never truly lost your love for jousting. So you allow yourself a little vice in it. Your heart aches whenever you’re reminded of Oliver, but you kept tabs on his family, and his descendants are doing quite well. One of them lives in London and works for a charity helping LGBT youth. It seems fitting. 
Plus, Aziraphale is a lot calmer about you jousting this way. 
“Are you alright?” you ask the man you just took off his horse. He looks a little winded and gladly takes your help getting up.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Think it’s just my pride that’s bruised. You’re really good at this!”
You beam.
“I’ve had practice.”
You exchange socials so that he can follow up with any questions he might have, then turn to take your horse back to the tent the organisers have set up for you. Aziraphale and Crowley are waiting. Your angel has an ice-cream for you, which he passes over before tucking into his own.
“Who was he?” Crowley sniffs, peering over your shoulder. You roll your eyes.
“Just some kid interested in the sport. Stop being jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” he says, jealously.
“You did marvellously, my love,” Aziraphale interjects. You smile at him.
“Thank you, darling. I can be a fiend with a lance when I want to be. Even if I am a little out of practice.”
“Hmm, not out of practice as of last night,” Crowley says and Aziraphale chokes on his soft-serve. It’s good to know that even after seven hundred years, your sense of humour hasn’t changed a jot.
“Oh, and,” you say, reaching into your bag, “your favours. Returned to you after they brought me luck.”
Aziraphale slips his ring back on, Crowley affixes the pin to his jacket. Your hands linger on each other’s, as they usually do.
“Let’s go get a drink.”
“You didn’t remove his helmet, so I’m not buying.”
“Oh, you utter bastard.”
taglist: @angiestopit@dazed-soul@smile-eywa@staygoldsquatchling02@underratedboogeyman@specter-soltare@candlewitch-cryptic@cool-ontherun-world@emilynissangtr@willbedecided@cool-iguana@bdffkierenwalker @ilyatan @civil-groupie@foolishprincipalitee
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wonryllis · 3 months
please give writing tips too
sure love! everyone’s different so in no way would the same things work for all but these are some tips that have helped me improve and just you know expand my horizons.
feel free to add your own points to this to help people more!!
001. READ READ AND READ (I CAN’T STRESS ENOUGH ON THIS BUT THIS IS THE MAIN KEY). be it fics, or novels or normal story books even non-fiction. reading will help in expanding your vocabulary and grammar, and give you an idea on how to build words in different kinds of scenarios. how to set the mood and what kind of details will have the most impact.
002. for expanding your vocabulary i would suggest searching up words you come across and don’t know the meaning of. don’t skip them, search them up and try understanding what they mean and look through what other words have similar meanings(synonyms)
003. CONSTANTLY PRACTICE WRITING. even if you’re not going to post it anywhere, just try writing a little bit on different themes. in that way you will be able to find out more about your writing style and flair as well as what points you need to work on.
004. STOP HESITATING TO REWRITE. there’s hardly anything one gets right at the first shot. and the same goes for writing. rewriting pieces will help you figure out what you should’ve added that you didn’t the first time and how changing the order of words or adding new literary devices(metaphors, similes, anecdotes etc) can make more of an impact.
005. DON’T BE AFRAID TO EXPLORE DIFFERENT GENRES. just 100 words can also help with experience. search up different genres that interest you and try coming up with a short scenario if you can.
13 points more under the cut!
006. TRIAL AND ERROR. don’t be let down if you fail to write a specific type of au, theme or trope. it takes certain amount of time and experience to be able to write different genres or anything as such. you need to have exposure to that topic to be able to create imagination on it.
007. with that being said, when you pick up a certain trope, au, theme or any topic you want/plan to write on: DO PROPER AND A LOT OF RESEARCH. trust me, it helps a lot.
008. as well in relation to the point above when writing a story, make sure to plan a rough outline. what kind of characters you’re going for, what events are going to define your story, how do you want the ending and the beginning to be. what your protagonist(s) is going for, what all they would be facing throughout and such.
009. SET A MORAL/POINT OF VIEW YOU WANT TO CONVEY through your writing. it helps you have a basis, a particular aim and drive behind what you wish to leave an impression through. it could be anything complex like dark themes of toxicity or even anything as simple as comfort. you just need to know what you’re writing for.
010. for inspiration i would suggest, LISTENING TO SONGS. any song you’re listening to, try thinking of a story behind it. for example let’s take taylor swift’s “no body no crime” go through the lyrics, the vibe and think what type of story could have this as background music. or what kind of a story could have that type of no body no crime summary?
011. KNOW WHEN TO SHOW THINGS RATHER THAT TELLING THEM. too much of anything is never good. when writing, it’s important to keep the balance between descriptions, narratives and dialogues. try thinking what are the things that would be better when described, for example the relationship between your characters: it’s something which is better shown than told. like how they treat each other, how they see each other, their dynamics in general is not something that can be told through a big lengthy dialogue or JUST one paragraph(short drabbles being an exception)
012. an additional point to the one above would be, try keeping yourself in the reader’s position and see what pulls you in more. what makes you feel the emotions better.
013. PICTURE THE SETTING YOU WANT TO WRITE ON. close your eyes and think of any type of place that you would like to write the story in. a suburb? or an abandoned city for an apocalypse? this will help in brainstorming for ideas.
014. INTO THE CHARACTER’S MIND. this is a very important point. explore the world within the mind of the character, something that defines them. THIS IS ANOTHER BIG KEY TO IMPROVE, pull your readers into the character(s)’ mind, show them the fears, the memories, the feelings, the thoughts, the hopes and dreams. it helps them understand the character and get into the story.
015. when using dialogues keep in mind that the DIALOGUES SHOULD ALWAYS BE MEANINGFUL AND REALISTIC. unnecessary talks aren’t often attractive so write what is necessary, needed. even with humor, excessive fun is not always impressive. and short but impactful dialogues always literally always leave the best impression.
016. CHALLENGE YOURSELF. try starting off strong since the very beginning. strong meaning starting off with words that leave a lasting impression. or words that pull you in with intrigue.
017. LEARN TO PACE YOURSELF. first of all it’s okay to take a break. actually its very important. pushing yourself beyond limits would never give positive results. know when you need to stop, cause being tired is not going to give better ideas or better word building. let yourself go into writer’s block, don’t fight it. you’ll come back better than when you’re forcing yourself to stay put and continue.
018. and last but not least. KNOW THAT IMPROVEMENT TAKES TIME. don’t be disappointed or discouraged if you are not good today. not being good today doesn’t mean you won’t ever be good. keep trying and with little to little progress over time, you will see yourself getting there. don’t lose hope🤗! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
thesis— if it’s something mike thinks will hurt el, he would never do it.
“she didn’t look fine.”
that was when he felt lost, powerless, frustrated, and resentful about his relationship, and caught up in those emotions. all things he could very well be when kissing will in a heat of a moment, especially if he’d just found out his real feelings are requited.
okay so this is actually a very interesting point to make because rink-o-mania is pretty much our only example of el trying to start conflict with el (other than the body scene in s1 but that wasnt really about el so i dont count it)
rink-o-mania’s events are very interesting because, in terms of mike, i think two major things are going down in his head regarding el:
1. one thing mike holds to himself is that violence should only be used in defense of others.
we never see him use it for himself, and the only time he ever instigates violence is in the gym with troy after watching will get made fun of (which is a great example of how his will isn’t absolute and it has bent for will in the past, so i won’t deny that the cheating scenario is possible because of stuff like this). later on, what we see from mike is that he recognizes el’s situation in rink-o-mania, and in general, as something he understands and has experiences but he never went so far as to hurt someone
here’s the thing though: mike didn’t hear angela’s comment about hopper. with fighting for will, we see that there’s some leniency to this internal rule he has and he’d probably be a lot more understanding of what happened if he knew that what caused her to snap wasn’t the being pushed down and teased but rather having her dead father made fun of. i’ve talked about it before, but mike’s route to understanding others is through connecting their experiences to his own. mike saw himself in el at rink-o-mania but he doesn’t understand how she’d resort to violence, but if he knew about what they’d said afterwards he’d be able to recognize much more clearly why she snapped the way she did
2. el had broken this preconceived image mike has of her.
a lot of mike’s admiration and dedication to el comes from the way she was able to protect him and his friends in s1 and that her sense of justice seemed to match up with his own but she was a superhero who could do the things he found himself unable to. in doing everything i just said above, she broke that image of herself in mike’s mind because mike doesn’t really know her. he’s living in an image of her, which may have some truth to it, but he also internally holds her to very high standards as a result.
when he goes to make amends with her (before it turns into a fight) he’s not really asking about rink-o-mania. it sorta seems like he’s brushing that part of the day under the rug, but he does ask why she felt like she had to hide her genuine situation from him. i think he tries to move past it because he eventually gets over his own initial reaction
what all that means is that a certain part of mike’s morality took the forefront when he saw what el did because she also broke his internal concept of who she is and why she does things the way she does. the extremes she went to with angela were not even things he would go to with troy, but in el’s world the scale of violence looks so incredibly different that their interpretations of such a thing aren’t even comparable.
because all of this lines up for mike to be willing to be bitchy with el, i don’t really see a situation like you described where cheating would work. a different type of morality took the forefront at rink-o-mania alongside his image of el being cracked, but that wouldn’t be the case in a situation with will
i did say earlier, however, that we have seen mike break his own code over his love for will. that, imo, is a better example of him falling into the hands of emotion. so it’s definitely possible, but we have seen mike choose el’s happiness over a potential relationship with will before at the end of s3. he’s had chances to be with will before when he thought his feelings were requited but when el kissed him that possibility flew out of the window (and i know this doesn’t make sense if you don’t follow my posts but it’s an entirely separate analysis that i’ll gladly make if you’d like). i just don’t think we’ve been built in the direction of canon cheating and i think mike’s internal pressure to make el happy has been around so intensely and constantly for so long it would be sort of strange for it to just break because of his own desires when we know that isn’t something that motivates his actions
BUT again i could see it as a possibility if the writers did things a little differently
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gashotbox · 10 months
hi, i (22/F) am here looking for some advice: i am someone who doesn’t personally have a eproctophilia but my boyfriend does. he told me about it some time ago and i was more than happy to indulge his kink as he does mine.
recently though, he asked me to “surprise him” with something. something that he didn’t tell me about or to do in the first place. and i’m gonna keep it 100, i have no idea what to do. i feel like i’ve already done everything. but i really want to make it special because i love him so much and this is the first time i’ll be seeing him because he’s been away for work for a long time.
thoughts?? feelings or suggestions??
really i’ll take anything, i just need to understand a bit more about this since he can get really embarrassed talking about his kink and it’s hard for me to get specifics out of him.
thank you for your time and i hope you have a nice day :)
ok huh!! everyone is really diff in receiving kinks + the specifics of what they like or so i cant promise anything for sure BUT i can throw a few ideas around.
- getting yourself gassy nd sitting on his lap. classic and simple and almost a sure-fire turn on (cmon.. gassy vibrations rumbling the crotch😵‍💫. think of it as just.. regular grinding but w a little extra flavour). any other body part should also work, even grabbing his hand and putting it to your ass or sitting on his arm. if you’ve discussed the face with him/you’re brave enough, then go for it!
- if you’ve alrdy done that, i’d guess farting on his clothes could get him going. try when you know he‘s watching you, just having one of his shirts obviously stuffed underneath you as you rip ass.
- lying bare assed on the couch/bed; stomach down ass up. 100% guarantee.
- taking a bath together and ripping mad bubbles under the water (bonus if you are supremely gassy during this situation. i think it works best then. also considering the context you’re already naked so, just some food for thought.)
- gassing him out in any confined space. i.e, trapping him in a dutch oven (farting under the blankets and pulling it over his head) or hotboxing the car. i think ykwim with this one kdfjej.
if you’re comfortable, perhaps telling him to get under you or start.. you know. huffing. i get that this could be embarrassing (for both of you!) but dialogue is kind of a shortcut to getting people horny. combining it with any of the above scenarios is optional but u cld try it out if you want. maybe discuss what he likes abt this with him to get a greater understanding.
- sorry that the scenarios are kind of basic; not sure of your limits considering this isn’t your kink and all. which props for u for taking your bfs kink so well and being willing to indulge him! that’s sweet.
how to get gassy: inulin works fucking wonders. you can get inulin powder, and it’s almost 100% certain to make u gassy as hell. if u don’t wanna go that route - eating lots of fibre is very important! ALSO, an extreme scenario is doing all of those things and holding in the insane amounts of gas for the rest of the day w/ a plug. unplugging when u get home, and being absolutely ready to fire - but i get that thats kinda a Lot esp for someone without the kink so! just something to think about.
if u ever need any further advice i’d be happy to help! forgive me if i’ve listed things you’ve already done AA i’d be a lot better at giving tips if i knew some specifics on what your bf likes/dislikes or already done. hopefully this helped u out a little bit and i’m glad you felt chill enough to ask <3
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God you really have me analyzing your replies with the muse games and to general anon questions 😭 See, I feel like I thought it was obvious that Beomgyu likes her. I was sure with it from Chapter 1 and it felt like you were throwing in little hints. Idk, the fact that he wants to return the favor so badly alone is enough to convince me, most men would take it as a miracle to have a girl who gives out good handjobs without wanting anything more 😂 I mean, he either really cares for her that he gets so hurt not being able to make her feel good too (though that wouldnt explain the jealousy) or he loves her and he feels rejected 🤔
But then with every reply you stomp on my certainty and now Im filled with so much doubt I don’t know whats true and whats not youre really playing with my head and heart here 😭 But ive read a lot of your responses to questions and I feel like you drop big hints. The way you said “whyd you pull out a line straight from the next chapters” when someone said getting under someone to get over someone never works out…hmmm 🫢 Either she cheats or she breaks up with Yeonjun.
I dont think gyus going to turn out to be a sleazy guy who knows she likes him and just likes the attention which is why hes acting out, it just doesnt align with what I’ve read at all imo. Theres a certain breed of gyu characters i think might pull something like that but NOT my jj gyu 😭!!! I really think he likes oc and im willing to bet 50 on it. I just dont think its going to be a happy ending with a glittery cute pink bow to tie it up all together 🥲
Im curious mort, has there been anyone so far who sort of guessed the jj ending and the characters motives?
Yeah it could be that he likes her and really wanted to give her pleasure too or could be that he's horny and wanted to eat pussy 😂 also could be that she is making him feel like he's just a dildo for her to use. She tell him what to do, what he can't touch etc while giving herself free reign to do whatever she wants with him.
I mean i too wish he likes her because unrequited love hurts even if I'm the one writing it 😭 and secretly in love gyu who was pining for you all along is just delicious. But we'll have to wait and see if he really likes her and if they'll end up together or not.
Yes one person actually guessed exactly what's happening 😂 can’t remember if they guessed the ending too or not. They may have guessed the over all who she ends up with but no one guessed how it happens (though that's a very specific scenario and hard to predict so I don't expect anyone to guess it lol)
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hellyeahheroes · 1 year
Entitlement of the Rich
Recently the whole RPG community has been shaken by a very convincing leak concerning neat year’s upcoming new edition of Dungeons & Dragons. The leak is a draft of updated Open Gaming License, that details which parts of the 3rd and 5th editions of the system could be used by other publishers, free of charge. This OGL is used to allow 3rd party publishers like Kobold Press, MCDM, Green Ronin or the Dungeon Dudes to publish their own content using the form of d&d rules. While the game mechanics cannot be copyrighted, this OGL allows other publishers to use terminology and reference things like classes or monsters from official WotC products. Most prominently, it has been used by Paizo to develop both of their big games - Pathfinder and Starfinder - that make them currently second biggest company on the market and Wizard’s biggest competitor.
The leaked version of OGL 1.1 contains language that would do a lot of potentially extremely damaging things. It talks about “authorised” version of OGL, which could potentially be used to bypass perpetural, irrevocaible nature of OGL. Theoritically, by declaring previous versions “unathorized”, WotC force everyone using it to switch to OGL 1.1. Worst case scenario it could even affect unrelated games, liek Traveller and FATE Core, that designed their own OGLs by basically coping WotC’s OGL.
Moreover, the language used in OGL 1.1 also forces people using it to report their profits to WotC and pay off 25% of revenue if you made over 750 thousand on the product based on d&d, while giving the company right to redistribute and resell all products based on their license with no financial compansation or even recognition of original publisher. It also expand what is considered as licensed this way to everything deriverate of d&d, including OSR games based on older editions, like Dungeon Crawl Classic or the Whitehack.
There is a lot of debate over how legitimate this leak is. Whenever it is not a hoax. And if not, if it is actually what Hasbro and Wizards’ plan to do. Some claims in the document, like one giving WotC rights to all content based on D&D across all media, something OGL is not designed to cover, leads credibility to a theory that if it is legitimate, it is merely a first draft by executives, that no one from legal department has touched yet. Because a lot of the things it tries to do would probably get demolished in the court of law.
I subscribe to the “executives’ christmas wishlist no lawyer looked at yet” idea. Because I could see a corproate execs not realizing how such thing is bound to drive people away in huge numbers. A process we do see already happenning, with many fans declaring switch to other systems, boycott of WotC products or sailing under jolly roger, if you know what I mean. Only a big, rich guy in a suit who doesn’t actually work on anything the company is selling would act as if the company could try to backstab major part of the community and fans would stay with them for “brand loyalty”.
It does fit a certain pattern I noticed among billionairies and corporations that I do not think is talked about before. Such things as Elon Musk bitter anger when people massively leave Twitter or merely stop posting, culminating in him making it harder to delete your account but also getting it deleted if you don’t regurally log in (the conservative idea people will be converted to right if you force them to interact with fascists without ability to retaliate nonwithstanding). Or Netflix acting suddenly upset people are sharing their accounts for convenience, as if that wasn’t one of intended uses originally. Why it would cost all major contributors to global warming literally pennies to stop destorying the planet, and instead they spend much larger sums trying to discredit the whole concept of climate change.
At some point the rich forget that they’re supposed to try to get our time and money. They feel entitled to it. Once you adopt this mindset, all things click in place. Of course Elon Musk is mad people are leaving Twitter, he thinks we owe it to him to stay on his platfor. Of course Hasbro and Netflix cannot entertain the idea that people would jsut drop them, in their perspective we should be gratefull they allow us to pay for their shit. Of course polutters would rather spend more money to keep polutting than less money to stop, they think they simple deserve to not have anyone tell them how to spend.
I find this very eye-opening as a way to reframe actions of the rich capitalists. A lot of idiotic shit they do makes much more sense, once you realize they don’t do it out of just simple greed, but because they geniuelly beleive thy’re “too big to fail” and thus the world should just fold the way they demand. And it is why it’s so important to oppose them at every opportunitty. You give these fucks an inch, they’ll take your country.
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 9 months
Flavor of Love matchup! Ikemen Vampire Edition!
This one is for @astralmysteria ! I’m so happy you came back for another matchup! I thought about this for a very long time. Ikemen Vampire is a rather angsty game there’s a lot of dark events, but I find it to be interesting. I always suggest people start with Issac’s or Arthurs route before they go any further. Certain routes like Vlad, Charles, Jean or even Dazai’s are very heavy in emotions. So, I think starting with something fluffy is better before you dive headfirst into the angst that is ikemen vampire. That’s just my thoughts, on to the matchup!
Congratulations, your best friend is Leonardo da Vinci!
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Leonardo’s a courageous man who knows what he wants. When he has an idea, he’s one to see it to the end, even if it fails. During times of struggle, we often see Leonardo as a backbone, someone we can trust. So, I trust you’ll do the same for him. Be there for when he needs to talk out his thoughts all the small or big ones that keep him up at night. Be there for those crazy times when all he wants is to cause mischief or attempt a new theory. However, you’re going to have to pull away from all the comfort to yell at him when he needs it most. Keep Leonardo grounded, though, it won’t be often.
When you fall in love, Leonardo will be there to give advice and trust his advice. If he sees, you in trouble he’ll pull you out with a smile on his face. After all everyone knows Leonardo is a good man who you can trust, which is why he is loved by many.
The only thing you can’t count on Leonardo for is to keep his room clean, he’s extremely lazy. No matter how many times you yell at him to clean up his room it seems that’s the one task he fails to do. In the end your friendship is going to be a comfortable one between two people who lean on each other.
In fact, your relationship will boost your own self confidence as Leonardo may force you to face certain parts of you. Yet, if things get too intense don’t worry about running away because Leonardo is very observant as he’ll put things to a stop before it’s too late.
Look out because Theodorus van Gogh/Dazai Osamu is your lover!
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(Dazai is the character on the left, Theodorus is the character on the right)
Hmm, this was quite a troublesome part on my end, I was struggling between two suitors for you. Option one was Dazai and option two was Theodorus, very different options but I sway more towards Theo. That’s not to say Dazai isn’t in the equation, rather I see Dazai as someone attracted to you, but will never state it out. In fact, he’ll see you as someone unattainable and that he’s unworthy of such a person. That’s as far as I see your relationship pursuing. Of course, none of this is set in stone, so if you chose to, you may actually end up pursuing him, but only if you wish to.
Under the circumstances you do make the choice to pursue Dazai, expect a rather long journey to him. Falling in love is easy but getting him to the finish line is more difficult than you could imagine. Dazai’s not one to say he’s done to deserve any of this, even after you become a couple. When you’re together it’s not overly romantic either, which is just another reason for him to watch you from the sides. The only way to see him slip is when he shows true care towards you when the two of you are alone. From there you’ll start to notice more of his actions.
After learning more about this mysterious man, read his works. You’ll be quite surprised to see how Dazai feels about his life through his books. Since you’re already in too deep at this point, talking to Dazai about everything is the last step.
Moving on to Theodorus, I see your romance forming from the classic friends to lover's scenario. During the first week Theo and Vincent will be trying their best to make you feel comfortable. After all, being trapped in an unknown place is quite unsettling, so it’s perfectly fine to feel uneasy. Although Theo has a strong front, he’s actually a soft marshmallow under all that. Paying attention to your actions and taking note when you feel uncomfortable will only prompt him to do more for you. In a way Theo will be taking you under his care with Vincent.
At one point you may find yourself helping out Vincent and Theo’s painting business. Perhaps as an assistant or even as a model for an upcoming painting. Whenever you’re with him, you’ll be having so much fun the day passes by in a flash. That’s not to say there won’t be overly long days. Getting to know Theo on a personal level might take some time as he’s not one to say everything all at once.
Once the two of you start dating, be prepared to get your heart swarmed by Theo. He’ll shower you in kisses and sweet words of love to the point you may feel like you're drowning in love. Even though he always seems to be pulling you by the leash, you’ll find yourself being the one holding the leash.
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bluefox777 · 1 month
Steven universe Rant? Thoughts? Fic idea? I don’t know either read it or don’t…
So I have been rewatching Steven Universe and I just got to the bismuth episode. But I realized that when Steven got home injured and told the gems he needed to tell them something. I think that conversation has a lot of potential for fanfics and what ifs scenarios. Cause in the show they don’t go into what was said they just show the gems putting the bubbled bismuth with the other bubbles.
BUT what was that conversation actually like?! It’s obvious from garnet and pearl’s reaction to reuniting with her that they cared for bismuth deeply. The entire episode supported that they were all very close and were quite upset when she went missing. So why would they leave her bubbled? The other bubbled gems were originally collected to try to cure them and they eventually gave up. Now they were collecting them to keep the earth safe because they were unreasonable and dangerous. But Bismuth wasn’t corrupted and with all of the gems on Steven’s side they should have been able to keep her under control enough to try and talk it out. I’m not saying it would have worked. I’m just surprised that despite how much they cared for her they didn’t even try to work things out.
I can’t help but feel like based on all of their characters there is some real potential for drama, angst, and disagreement on how to handle bismuth. I feel like Garnet might have split apart during this conversation. For multiple reasons but one being because either sapphire knew and didn’t tell anyone or she genuinely didn’t see it coming. In which case based on the later episode with cat Steven sapphire would have reacted poorly to not seeing something so important coming. And if she didn’t tell anyone why? Was it because she just wanted to enjoy seeing her friend as long as she could or was she uncertain about it in some way and didn’t want to speak up without being certain.
Ruby probably would have had a FIT feeling betrayed by Rose for not telling them about bismuth and by Bismuth for not informing them of it once she was back and attacking Steven essentially behind their backs. I also feel like she would have wanted to talk to bismuth to either tell her off or demand answers.
I feel pearl would have been in a bit of denial that bismuth would go that far or that she was a danger to others. Or at least tried to convince the other gems to try and let pearl talk to bismuth to try and sort things out or fix them herself. I don’t think it would be as straight forward as just informing her that bismuth was bubbled now and needed to stay that way.
I don’t think amethyst would have as big of a reaction to this as the others but I do think she would have said something to the effect of “I told you” or “I KNEW IT”. Since she did find Bismuth suspicious in the beginning. And if any of them had tried to argue to unbubble bismuth to talk to her I think amethyst would have been the biggest voice to disagree. Not only due to her lack of relationship with bismuth but also because she would want to protect Steven. She might worry that garnet and pearl would be too emotionally involved to make the right decision. I think even Steven might have been possible to convince to let bismuth out to talk but amethyst would not let it happen to protect him.
Even if they were all convinced to leave bismuth bubbled in the temple. What was their plan? Were they really going to leave bismuth bubbled forever just for the crime of disagreeing with and feeling betrayed by rose? Or were they hoping to try to convince her later? What if they had just unbubbled her regularly to try to convince her and bubbled her again if she refused to cooperate? After all unlike the other bubbled gems bismuth was still cognitively aware and could potentially be reasoned with. Not saying this would be a good idea as it would be kind of cruel and likely wouldn’t be helpful but it’s an interesting thought.
I also can’t help but wonder about the potential for one of the gems to come back for her later. Either to try and convince her themselves or to just let her go, or even just to try and talk to her and she escapes. What if in one of these ways she was unbubbled what then? Would bismuth become a villain? Maybe constantly trying to kill Steven? Or just causing problems because she was not well adjusted to modern life after being locked away for 5000+ years.
If bismuth did have a grudge against Steven or even all of the crystal gems would there have been a possibility of her teaming up with Jasper? What would that have looked like? Even without fusion involved that would essentially be the best soldier working with the best weapon smith. That could have been a crazy team up! And if fusion was involved that would have been even crazier!
Both Jasper and bismuth are built, made to look sturdy, strong, and big. So them fused I feel like would have to be huge and stacked. Bismuth’s rainbow hair plus jaspers arm and face stripes would have looked cool. Would her hair be dreads or jaspers voluminous locks. She would have to be deadly looking but well balanced due to both of them being hands on fighters.
I don’t think bismuth was ever shown to have a weapon that comes out of her gem like the others. So I’m not sure what weapon this fusion would have other than just jaspers helmet. But one idea I had was that maybe a fusion with bismuth instead of creating a new weapon combing 2 weapons maybe it upgrades the other gems weapon. And because bismuth uses shapeshifting a lot to make her self a weapon it would allow a fusion with her to draw her weapon from any part of her body instead of just her gem.
So for Jasper she could have an upgraded helmet, or full armor, or could move her armor around as she fought. It could turn into a gauntlet when punching only for it to reform on chest or shoulder to protect against an attack or a boot when she kicks. I don’t know but I thought it was an interesting idea.
But all that to say now I am feeling really interested in looking into fics or possibly writing a fic about the Bismuth conversation. Also because I can’t draw like at all I would love to see any art people have made for a Jasper bismuth fusion.
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
157, 158, 159, and 160 are just phenomenal episodes, and I have a LOT to say about them. So... let's get on with it, I suppose.
It was mostly rambling this time around
This tape was left on my desk. I don’t know by who, but to my mind, there are three options. Martin has left it here to let me know that whatever the situation is with Peter Lukas, it is entering its final act, and he needs my help. Alternatively, Peter may have left here to… goad me into action? Or just to gloat, to highlight my helplessness at everything. Or Annabelle Cane is trying to manipulate me into thinking it’s one of the other scenarios.
I think it's the third one, like, this is his final mark. I think Annabelle left it there. I don't think it was Martin or Peter, but it could have been. I'm pretty sure it was Annabelle.
Combined with its extremely disturbing symptoms, which caused the skin and muscles to become loose and malleable until they sloughed completely off the body, leaving only a skeleton and organs… well, she was certain that it was the product of an otherworldly evil, and called me.
Good lord! That's disgusting!!
His heart was exposed. It was beating fast, so fast, despite the awful green decay that seemed to be eating at it.
THAT'S HORRIFYING!! :D < loves body horror
Like that's so disgusting, oooh, I should have drawn for this episode. I might be able to lure my scrunkly into tma again with the promise of body horror.
There were a few: a woman melted into her now crimson bed; an old man whose bright eyes still stared out of his skull, watching the television, though the rest of him lay pooled on the floor. And in all of them, the frantic beating of their decomposing hearts.
Oh god, that's horrifying. How are they still alive?? Are they made to be still alive? Are they conscious as their body decomposes around them and they are helpless to stop it, for without muscles they're immobilised? This is just... horrific. 10/10
The sick were pulling themselves out of their houses, crawling, dragging themselves towards some other place, leaving bits behind on the rough pavement as they did so.
That is a disgusting mental image that has just entered my mind. Rotting people dragging themselves across the pavement, leaving streaks of blood, flesh tearing and ripping off, until they can't move, and they lay there, helpless, on the pavement, as their heart continues to beat.
He was sat upon a most dreadful throne, formed from a dozen, two dozen bodies mixed together like putty. Eyes staring out like horror-stricken stars twinkling in the night, and their hearts beating for all to see. A moaning came from that awful seat: voices trying to scream through things that weren’t their throat. And it is a sound I shall be glad to leave behind me when I go to my rest.
i like this a lot!
I have dragged those other afflicted I could find into the parkplatz, laid them at the feet of that appalling throne, and taken the last gift of that generous construction site: a dozen cans of petrol. I will sit upon that seat and release these poor souls from their suffering, and hopefully make things simpler for the ECDC cleanup crews.
That's also an amazing image in my head. Hats off to Adelard Dekker for having a really cool death scene.
For all that, though, I cannot regret at the time I have spent seeking it. I have done my duty, and none may ask more of me. I am proud of the work we have done, and it has been an honor to do it alongside you.
Oh, I'm sad now.
I'm not sure what to say. Just pointing at it.
Goodbye, Gertrude. May you find your rest where no shadows are cast, and no eyes may see you slumber.
This is a great last line of a statement, and a great last line from a character. Goodbye, Adelard Dekker. He was great. He was doing good.
GEORGIE No, Jon, you’ve done enough! ARCHIVIST I just need to talk to her – GEORGIE What don’t you understand? She mutilated herself to get out of that place, and there is absolutely no way I’m letting you involve her again.
Yet another situation where I can understand both sides but have only been on one side! Yayyyy! That side being Jon's side.
I'm not saying Jon shouldn't have gone to Melanie, I mean, Melanie never said that Jon couldn't go to her, but I understand why Georgie wouldn't want him around her. It's not Jon's fault that Melanie was at the institute - like ever - but, I understand where Georgie's coming from. Like it's a whole bloody mess, I understand being in Jon's position, I understand cutting yourself off from people and then wanting to reach out and having no one to reach out to. I haven't been in Georgie's position, but I do understand wanting to protect the people you love.
I don't know. It's difficult. Should he have taken the hint and not gone to them? Sure. But it's a difficult time. I'm just... not going to pass... that much judgement. Because in this specific scenario, I don't think anyone's more wrong than the other. The Admiral is the most right though.
MELANIE Jon… don’t. Please. ARCHIVIST No, you’re right, I’m sorry. You alright?
Not associating with someone... means not associating with someone. If someone tells you to go away or to stop bringing up stuff they want nothing to do with... you should respect that. And I get that Jon's in a difficult situation, but I think the same applies.
He's handling it well. I sure hope nothing in this conversation is going to break my heart or anything.
MELANIE (Laughs) My therapist isn’t happy about it, you know. Unsurprisingly. Tried to have me put away, but they, um… they let me come here. It’s – it’s been good for me though I feel alright. I’m – I’m not scared anymore.
I'm happy for her, alright, I love Melanie. I'm glad she's doing better. I really am.
MELANIE It’s – it’s okay. He’s welcome… as a friend. But that’s it. ARCHIVIST Right. MELANIE But you’re not after a friend, are you, Jon? ARCHIVIST I need an ally. MELANIE Then I can’t help you. ARCHIVIST I suppose not.
I hate it. I hate it so much. I hate that they could have been friends, that they were so bloody close, but Jon didn't need a friend, and Melanie couldn't go back, and the world ended, and I just hate how they could have been friends, could probably have been good friends, but circumstances were like "fuck you".
This podded cast, I'm telling you.
ARCHIVIST Look after yourself. Both of you. MELANIE You too. Good luck, I guess. ARCHIVIST Thanks.
it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine i'm soo normal about this
i wish they all could have made it out. but that's not how it works. and honestly, with everyone's knowledge of the whole situation... i'm not sure if there was a way to prevent it.
it being the eyepocalypse.
ARCHIVIST I need to know what’s in there. What’s at the center? I-it’s important, Martin – I need to know. HELEN (Gleeful) That’s a shame, because I’m afraid I’m not going to tell you! ARCHIVIST What? Why not? HELEN Because I have a good enough sense of what’s going on to know that it will be much more fun without my involvement! (The end of her words are almost lost as she laughs.)
that's gotta sting. especially, ah, well... especially knowing that she knew what she knew.
ARCHIVIST What? You – you said you were going to help! HELEN I am. ARCHIVIST I don’t have time for this. (Compellingly) What is at the cen– [Something changes. There’s a high, unsettling metallic sound and the sound of a knife (or something like a knife). Helen is threatening The Archivist.] HELEN (Threateningly.) No. We’re not playing your game. Now don’t forget how sharp I can be, Archivist. Perhaps here, now, you’re powerful enough to learn what you want from me, but if you try, I promise you I will resist. And only one of us is going to survive the attempt.
Oh... god. Just, like, he didn't trust her, or he thought he didn't trust her, and she was still able to betray him.
I love this moment, just "don't forget how sharp I can be, Archivist", and it's just like oh god, this is what she is, she's not your friend, she's not going to help you get to where you need to go, and you knew that all along, didn't you? Why are you surprised, it's hardly a betrayal when she threatens you with... whatever it is, when she threatens to kill you, when she lets someone end the world through you. You always knew what she was.
Why did you let her hurt you? You always knew what she was.
Reasons why Helen is my favourite variant of the Distortion part 10789
HELEN Run home, Jon. Find a victim on the way. Chaos is coming and I think you’d best be ready. ARCHIVIST Just tell me what’s going on. Please. HELEN Bad things, Archivist. Really bad things.
Shut up shut up I can't stop thinking about the end of this. Just, knowing something's coming, not knowing what it is, not knowing what's happening, alone in the tunnels, stabbed in the back by a monster who tricked you into believing she was a friend - you knew what she was, why did you let her. I can't stop thinking about him just completely alone and afraid and knowing only that something bad is about to happen.
Hhhhh Jonathan Sims <3
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Vampire!Mykola with a vampire hunter!s/o [thoughts]
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Now vampire!Mykola I imagine is hard to actually hunt. On one hand he does all the things that would warrant him to be hunted. Killing livestock and people, thievery, general malicious acts, and so on, but on the other hand he’s all too good at completely blending into the crowd and disappearing for weeks on end. This makes having any form of contact with him outside of fighting one another to be a tricky task.
I feel like a relationship between him and a vampire hunter would probably come from scenarios in which they were forced to work together for one reason or another, such as there being a bigger threat, a common goal, or simply needing a different skill set for a certain task. This would spark a sense of respect, maybe even a camaraderie of sorts. 
It would lead to Mykola eventually showing himself more, “accidentally” running into the hunter. Only ever in public however, or places where it wouldn’t be a good idea for them to attack him, such as the pub or when they’re out buying food, or things of the like. Now he is there with the intent to talk to them, but also to test them, see what they’re like when they’re not fighting, when their guard is (mostly) down.
Now when Kolya is actually with his lover the overall dynamic doesn’t change much, he’s still a vampire, they’re still a vampire hunter. What does change however, is the intent.
Mykola is, despite what some may say, an incredibly smart man, and he’s aware that for the town to still trust his s/o they need to keep up the act of hunting him, and they have to come close to actually getting him too, otherwise there’s also the risk of the people picking up on the fact that hey, this hunt has gone on for a suspiciously long time.
Now his lover may not have any intent to hurt him anymore, and vice versa, but they will have to cause some damage to keep up appearances. A stab wound here, scratches there, a carefully placed booby trap, and so on. Don’t worry however, never too deep and never in a spot that could cause major damage, and Mykola will always be there to patch his s/o up afterwards (or to be the one getting patched up, in which case he’s awfully whiny about it). 
I feel like once he’s in a relationship with his s/o he’s also somewhat more tame too, less trouble caused in town and all that. He’s not worried about himself as such, it’s more his way of protecting his lover if that makes sense. Yes he’ll still be out there causing some chaos but he’ll take to drawing less attention to himself, because if he becomes too big of a nuisance it’ll simply place more eyes on his lover, as the towns people begin to question why exactly he hasn’t been dealt with yet. It’s the exact same reason as to why he keeps up the hunter-hunted dynamic.
Speaking of being hunted, any good town has more than one vampire hunter, so I imagine Mykola has had quite a few hunters after him. Now he’s not scared of them, lord no, but he’s not idiotic enough to just straight up fight them either, which leads to two main options. The first being that he’d enlist his lovers' help to deal with them. Being a hunter themselves means they’d know all the little secrets, the ins and outs of it, so he’d use that information against them to gain the upper hand. The other option is his lover dealing with the others themselves, under the guise of having information to share and needing to meet with them in a private location. Such a request from his s/o raises no suspicion at all, and the disappearance of another hunter is nothing unusual either.
I can also imagine neither of them being bothered with the other hunters either, leading to Mykola seeking refuge at his loves house, as that is the last place the others would ever look for him, the safest place he could possibly be.
Going off protection Kolya is also definitely not the only vampire about, and I imagine he’d be quite a fan of watching his love kill others of his kind, he likes watching them work. This being said however there will be times where he insists on them letting him handle it. This could be because he simply has a grudge against the other vampire, or they’re an extremely strong one, and he doesn’t want his lover risking themselves like that.
Now on a softer note I think a relationship between vampire!Mykola and a vampire hunter can, at times, be surprisingly domestic. Patching each other up as stated before, but I also see him being a fan of things such as cooking together. Now he only needs blood to survive, yes, but I imagine him to still enjoy the taste of proper food, and so when he has time he’ll join his love in the kitchen. He’s playful about it of course, I can already see all the flour that’ll have to be cleaned up, but it is something that he keeps close to his heart.
I also imagine him to be a big fan of holding them. He’s cold, very much so, and his lover is extremely warm, so when he can he’ll have them in his arms. I think a big part of the appeal about it is the trust, and he’ll find amusement in how that’s the same person who’s tried to kill him on several occasions, the exact same person he’s tried to kill too.
Now actual dates with him are going to be tricky to a degree. He is, of course, a master of disguise and obviously enjoys the theatrics of such a thing (I see him being an especially big fan of taking his lover to masquerade balls), but sometimes he does prefer to be without that mask. This leads to a fair bit of sneaking around. Kolya knows a lot of secret little areas he’s more than happy to take them too, such as a spring deep in the woods, or a certain rooftop in which the sunset looks particularly nice from. 
Be warned though, sometimes Mykola’s version of a date is hunting other vampires together. He can make it romantic though don’t worry! Did you want their heart with or without flowers?
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peoniesandsmiles · 10 months
get to know me ask game
thank you @solo-silenzio for thinking of me 🌼
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag some people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
(I always have painted nails and you won't catch me going outside without lipstick (never a full face of make up though I can't stand foundation because then I don't look like me). I used to have redish hair but now I dye my hair close to my natural hair colour. The sun hates me, I systematically burn it's a disgrace and painful.)
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
(I can speak French, English, a little bit of German if I focus on my decade old lessons and I'm back learning Polish . I love cooking I find it so relaxing. I love singing but I sound like a flayed cat. I have not actually read a whole new book series this year but I read a couple that start a series so I'm saying it counts.)
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
(I'm forever alone and it's starting to weigh heavily on me. I often give advice that I have absolutely no business giving given my situationship and my crippling anxiety. I'm so thankful for @thegreywarren ❤️)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
(I love the sound of the rain. My soul aches every day I don't see the ocean. I like hiking as long it's something chill I'm really not the sporty kind.)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
(I am a mom friend which is funny because most of my friends are actual real life moms. I am a hopeless romantic so I have to believe true love is out there. One of my colleague is mexican and dear god how I love her and her cooking.)
Tagging @freemyse0ul @crushpdf @izacore and @thegreywarren if they wander this way and feel like doing it :)
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demonbanisher · 2 years
Squeals in excitement about this one. Here’s the Master List if you want to read more.
A Visitor
Addie had been crying all night. Sirius tried burping her and feeding her and changing her diaper and her clothes. He’d tried singing to her and rocking her. He’d checked for a fever or any bumps and bruises and nothing helped. He knew deep down that she wanted her Dad, which was making him worried.
After Addie was born, Sirius wanted to continue to spend the full moons with Remus. Certain that without Padfoot’s calming presence he’d end up hurting himself more, which the last few moons had definitely proven right, even with James there. But Remus didn’t want to leave Addie with Lily and James, or the Longbottoms, or even his mum. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust them. He just didn’t think it was good for Addie to be away from her parents so soon. He thought one of them should be with her in case something happened and Sirius knew that this too was the product of the moon. Of Remus’s own remembrance of that fateful night when Fenrir had crawled through his window, so he hadn’t argued.
But now, he’d spent the last twelve hours with a very cranky and overtired baby and he was worried, really worried, that somehow she knew something was wrong with her Dad.
He’d finally gotten her to settle, if not sleep, when the doorbell rang. Confused, Sirius got up to answer it. Remus would just apparate back and if not he had a key. He opened the door one handed to find his brother standing there instead. 
The moment of dumb shock was broken when Addie started crying again, clearly upset that the person at the door wasn’t her Dad.
“Fuck,” Sirius mumbled as he wandered back into the house leaving the door hanging open.
“Um, can I come in?” Regulus asked from where he was still standing on the other side of the threshold like a vampire.
“I really don’t have the energy to argue with you right now so stay or go, just shut the door behind you.”
Regulus tentatively stepped inside and glanced around the messy living room where Sirius was currently overturning pillows as he looked for something.
“Where’s Remus?”
“Last night was the full moon,” Sirius said, failing to hide the bite in his voice. The annoyance that in the years between his brother had been allowed to forget, but his frustration was short lived in the presence of Addie’s continued screams. “Can you help me find Beans?"
“He’s this stuffed hippo James got for Addie. He’s blue or maybe purple, you know how my eyes are.” 
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Regulus said as he helped Sirius overturn the living room. Out of all the possible scenarios he’d dreamt up for today, this was certainly not one of them. “Here,” he said as he found a stuffed leg sticking out from under the couch and produced Beans.
“Thank you,” Sirius said as he handed it to Addie who clutched onto it tightly as she continued to wail. He then proceeded to pull his t-shirt off, transferring Addie to the other hand so he could get it off the one arm. He then pulled at the snaps on her onesie until he could wiggle her out of it, with her shrieking louder when he had to tug Beans out of the way. Finally, she was in nothing but her diaper and Sirius pressed her and Beans to his chest and she started to settle. Her sobs turning into soft whimpers. Since that first day at the hospital this was the only thing that worked every time to calm her down. 
With a sigh he flopped back onto the couch. “She wants her Dad,” he offered as explanation.
Regulus just looked at him in confusion as it was clear to him that her Dad was holding her right now.
“I’m Papa. Remus is Dad.”
“Why are you here, Reg?” Sirius asked and he didn’t miss the way his brother flinched at the question.
“Remus sent me this,” he said as he pulled a photograph from his pocket. Sirius looked at it to see it was a picture of him feeding Addie. There was a solid crease line in the middle as if someone had kept folding it shut only to decide they needed to look at it again. “He told me he got hurt pretty badly when Addie was born.”
“Yeah, he almost died. I mean he did die for a minute.” His eyes lost focus somewhere in the distance as the sound of ambulance sirens filled his ears again and then Addie wriggled against him and Sirius was pulled back to the present as he began to rub circle into his back.
“I’m sorry. I should have been there.”
“Yeah,” Sirius said, too tired to pretend anymore. “You should have.”
“Listen Sirius, I - I don’t know what to say. I could tell you that I was upset when you left and I decided that the best way to deal with my pain was to make sure you were hurting as much as I was. I could say I was mad that you were able to walk away so easily and I wasn’t, but I don’t think any of it really matters. I don’t think any of it makes up for the time we lost.”
Sirius was silent for a moment. “Why weren’t you at the wedding?” he asked softly.
Regulus looked down at his hands. “I was.”
“Bullshit Reg. I spent the whole night looking for you. I would have known if you were there.”
“I wasn’t going to come and when I finally decided whatever grudge I had was stupid… I was too late. I got there and they were already stacking chairs.”
If what Reg was saying was true then that meant that Sirius had spent his wedding night crying over someone who had been a few flights of stairs away.
“I figure missing that ruined any chance I had at fixing whatever went wrong between us.” He was quiet for a moment. “Was it a good wedding?”
Sirius nodded, the memory tinted bittersweet as it always was. The joy of being with Remus mingled with the longing for his brother’s face to appear in the crowd. “He looked so beautiful. He still does.”
Regulus smiled at him for a moment before casting his eyes downwards again. Sirius wondered if they were thinking of the same thing. Of the last letter that Sirius had sent shortly after the wedding, about how it wasn’t fair to either of them for him to write anymore. The one that wished him well. The one that said goodbye. 
“Do you want to hold her?” Sirius asked. 
Regulus looked at him nervously. “Are you sure?”
Sirius shrugged. “If she starts screaming bloody murder you just hand her back to me.”
Regulus nodded. “Okay.”
Sirius got up and carefully passed her over to Regulus, showing him how to best hold her to make sure she was supported but that his arms wouldn’t get too tired. 
Once she was situated, Regulus glanced down at her tiny face that was gazing up at his with curiosity. “She has your nose.”
Sirius murmured his agreement. “And Remus’s eyes.”
When Remus apparated back into the apartment on crutches a little while later, he was apologizing the second his feet touched the floor. “I’m so sorry love. I tried to get a note out to you from St. Mungo’s but I think they suspected something with it being the full and all and James - “ the words died in his throat as Regulus pressed one finger to his lips. 
Remus took in the scene before him. His husband sound asleep on the couch and his estranged brother-in-law holding his sleeping daughter against his chest. 
“Hi,” Regulus whispered.
“Hi,” Remus said, as he hobbled over, still a little stunned.
“Um, I think I’d like to be Uncle Reggie if that’s alright.”
Remus smiled. “I think that would be perfect."
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