#I couldn’t stop freaking out over how cute those two are
jocysoto · 10 months
This episode was so sweet and amazing. I was watching it with my 10 year old cousin in the room. He teared up and had to wipe his eyes. When Miyo had her scene with her sister he told me he felt a lump inside. When the episode ended he told me it was the first time an anime had made him feel so happy.
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https-florals · 1 year
thought that i was dreaming when you said you loved me - j.m.
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summary: if there was a contest for the world’s stupidest teenagers, you and jj would take first place.
word count: 3.1k??? i got a little carried away
warnings: a little language. 
a/n: childhood best friends to lovers, a little argument, tiniest bit of angst. WHOLEEE lotta fluff. reading it back, im starting to wonder if it really flows together or if it even makes sense, but i think its cute and i liked writing it!! as always, likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated. i adore you all!!
“Can I crash at your place tonight?” JJ blurts out the question, almost like he’s scared of the answer.
The two of you are headed away from a long day of surfing, your hair tangled and a little crunchy from the saltwater. You probably would have stayed out later, if it weren’t for how nasty the waves were getting. JJ had gotten pushed under and scraped against a reef, and you had slipped and landed facefirst into the side of your board, both of your accidents resulting in some pretty nasty cuts. Some old 2000s playlist is playing through the aux, and you’re driving while JJ holds a can of beer to your busted lip. 
“Or..” he swallows. “Maybe until your parents get back? They’re outta town for like another three days, right?
You give him a sidelong glance and push the can away, your lip numb from the coldness. JJ isn’t the type to ask favors, so you’re a little taken aback. You don’t ask questions though; you just nod. “Yeah, that’s fine.” You pause, and then grin, saying, “You scared my daddy would run you off with a shotgun if he was home?”
He huffs and shoves the corner of a towel into your face. “Your lip’s bleeding again, dumbass. And no. He just scares me a little.”
Swatting him away and laughing, you go back to the subject of him staying at your house. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You can stay as long as you need. Plus, that gives me a chance to make sure you don’t let those cuts get infected.” You gesture to the raw skin on his torso. 
“I don’t need you to take care of me,” he scoffs, but the way he runs his hand over his side and winces isn’t lost on you. 
By the time you pull into your driveway, it’s started to rain. Beams from the sunset hit the droplets just perfectly, and a rainbow stretches over the cut. It’s so pretty, and if your neck wasn’t so sore and if JJ wasn’t so cut up you would’ve taken the opportunity to pull him out in the rain and force him to dance with you. But he is trying to pick up the cooler and the towels and take it all inside himself, so you run around to the trunk and nudge him away. “Stop! Just grab the towels, you’re too bruised up to lift that.” Wedging yourself between him and the trunk, you set the cooler down on the gravel.
“C’mon,” he sighs, saying your name entreatingly. “No bruise is gonna mess with these.” JJ flexes and grins, and you glare at him.
“Never do that again. If you want to keep me as a friend, you will never flex in front of me again.” You’re only half-joking.
He fake-yawns and stretches, making sure to flex again when you look back up at him. “I know, you can’t even stand to be around a sex god like me.”
You look at him, jaw dropped in faux horror, and shake your head. “That’s it. Maybank, you can go stay at the Chateau.”
“I’ll tell John B you just couldn’t keep your hands off me,” he teases, leaning against you and making kissy noises into your ear.
You are giggling between fake gags, pushing him away gently. “Get your shit and go inside, freak,” you laugh as you tug the cooler into the garage.
Kicking your sandals off by the door,you grab some antibacterial soap, and then check under the sink for peroxide and bandages. 
When JJ comes inside, you’re diluting a little cup of the peroxide with water. Pushing that and the soap towards him, you say, “Go shower and flush the cuts out with that-” you tap the cup- “then scrub with the soap. It’s gonna hurt like a bitch, but it’ll get worse if it gets infected.”
He frowns, and takes them. “Okay, nurse.”
You both take fast showers, and soon the two of you are back in the living room. You’re wearing borrowed boxers and a big tshirt, and JJ has on the clothes he left last time he came over. Your mother always insists on doing your friends’ laundry, and thank God she does. 
“Sit on the couch,” you instruct JJ, pouring some antiseptic onto cotton pads.
“I can do it myself,” he huffs, but he doesn’t make any more complaints when you climb over him and straddle one of his legs. In fact, he’s staring at you with a kind of awe in his expression. 
“Lift your shirt up,” you command, looking at him with a stony expression.
He rolls his eyes, but obeys, hands a little shaky as he pulls up the fabric and you begin to clean the wound.
JJ hisses at the stinging, his muscles contracting and shifting under your fingertips.
You shush him and readjust so you’re sitting a little higher on his thigh rather than his knee. “Breathe, JJ.” Mentally, you’re telling yourself to breathe too. You’re just helping your best friend. Your heart shouldn’t be racing like it is.
One of his hands balls into a fist, and the other lands on your waist, grasping the worn fabric of your tee. His eyes are squeezed shut, and his lips are parted as he tilts his head back and groans.
You’re shameless in the way you’re staring at him. Maybe you shouldn’t find him in pain so very attractive, but- you’re just observing. You’re not even paying attention to what you're doing anymore as you wipe the cotton haphazardly over his cuts; you just watch the way his jaw tenses and relaxes. He opens one eye, and you jump slightly, heat infusing into your cheeks.
“Distracted?” he teases.
You scoff in response, bandaging up his cuts and climbing off of him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
JJ doesn’t press it any further; he just smirks and leans back onto the couch.
It’s getting late, the cloudy sky turning deep, dusky amber with the setting sun. It’s still raining, harder now, and JJ has the weatherman on TV as you throw together a quick dinner. It’s a three course meal of pizza pockets, some sliced up cucumber and ranch, and a pack of oreos split between the two of you. After some bickering, you settle on a movie to watch together. It’s some old rom-com JJ is obsessed with it, and you have never even heard of it. 
You’re still whining through the first twenty minutes; saying, “A Christmas movie? It’s not even Christmas!”
He shushes you, putting his arm around your shoulders and giving you a playful thump on the head. “It’s got John Cusack in it. Everybody loves John Cusack.”
Sure enough, by the end of Serendipity, you decide you love John Cusack. “I feel a little bad for his fiancée,” you yawn, slumped against the blond boy beside you. There’s no point where you aren’t touching: shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. “I still don’t understand why he’d just leave her.”
You do understand actually, but you would listen to JJ explain the plot a thousand times if it meant you could stay this close. His hand is on your shoulder, fingers playing with the collar of your t-shirt as he talks about fate. It’s a little poetic, in fact, it’s the most serious you’ve heard him in a while.
“The whole idea about having someone destined for you is just really beautiful, you know. Like someone out there is supposed to love you no matter what. Like, the universe doesn’t give a shit about what you’ve done or where you come from. It’s just in total agreement that you deserve to be loved.”
You’re resting your head on his bicep, watching his expressions as he talks. His blue eyes are like lights across the water, his mouth serious. 
“That just seems so… I dunno, fair. Like that’s how it’s supposed to be.”
“J, you know that the universe doesn’t have a say in whether or not you’re worthy of love, right?”
He’s a bit caught off guard, looking you in the eyes now. “What?”
You adjust so you're facing him, legs criss-crossed on the couch. Hands in your lap, you wring your fingers as you begin to speak. “I just want to make sure that you know you…” you pause, and breathe. “You’re worthy of love, JJ. Destiny doesn’t determine that.”
His gaze softens for a split second, and he unconsciously rubs his side, the one bruised. But, then the mask is back up quicker than you can snap. He scoffs, moving his arm away from where you're leaning against it. “I know that. None of the Pogues are getting more love than me,” he smirks, but its a little half-hearted. 
“I’m serious, JJ. I’’n not talking about fucking around,” you sigh. 
He says your name a little rough, a little annoyed. A plea for you to stop. This isn’t a conversation he wants to have with you. Especially not right now. “Don’t start with the mushy shit,” he coaxes, rubbing a hand over his eyes.
You stand up, your temper a little hotter. “It’s not mushy shit! It’s the truth, and I’m not gonna sit here while you feel sorry for yourself, acting like you don’t deserve every single good thing.”
“I’m not acting sorry for myself!”
You’re on a roll now, and JJ can’t stop you now. “You so are! You won’t let anyone get close, cause you’re so scared that they’re gonna hurt you.”
He stands up quick, almost knocking you back. You stare up at him, his face a mere handbreadth away, but you don’t back down. “I’m not gonna bet on a race that I know I’m gonna lose,” he says, voice low.
“Love isn’t- it’s not- you can’t win if you’re more afraid of losing!” You’re not even sure if you’re making sense at this point. You don’t really know what sparked this little flame in you. Maybe it’s your PMS, or maybe it’s the rain making you antsy.. Maybe it’s the years or worrying, all the times he has done something reckless and stupid and kept you and your friends up all night. Maybe it’s the blatant disregard for his own wellbeing, or the way he ignores your questions about new cuts or bruises. Now, everything is spilling out, in words, in tears. “You never even give it the chance!”
“It’s just not in the cards for me, okay?”
You start to hit his chest, but he grabs your wrists and holds you steady. “It’s just how it is, and I’m okay with that,” he says, trying to infuse a brightness into his voice.
You snatch your wrists away, and yank your blanket up off the couch. “I don’t know if you’re- I don’t know, blind or just plain fucking stupid.”
His eyebrows furrow as you walk away from him. “What?”
“I’m going to bed.”
He says your name quick and a little strained, but you don’t turn to look at him. You disappear down the hallway, leaving JJ to slump on the couch, alone.
It takes no more than twenty minutes for the blond to come slinking into your bedroom. JJ whispers your name as he cracks open the door, but you don’t answer. He can't tell if you’re really asleep yet, so he just slides under the covers next to you, like he used to when you were kids. You still have the same full bed, and your sheets still smell like salt water and coconut shampoo. When your breath hitches as his hand comes to rest right by your back, he knows that you’re awake. 
“Do you really think I’m stupid?”
“Yeah.” You don’t move, voice muffled against your pillow. 
JJ lays parallel to you, almost painfully close, but not touching. “Come on, talk to me.”
You huff and roll over to face him. “Why aren’t you sleeping on the couch?”
“It’s scary as hell out there alone. Y’all got too many windows.”
Just like that, any animosity dissipates. “You’re supposed to be the man, JJ. S’posed to protect me.” You’re clutching a stuffed animal to your chest, and you push it into JJ’s. It’s an old battered dolphin pillow pet, and his hands close instinctively around it. It’s sat on your bed since fourth grade, and the stuffing isn’t as fluffy as it used to be. He remembers when you first got it. “Mr. Melon’s feeling a little flat,” he comments.
You nod, but are silent, watching the tendons in his hands and the bones of his knuckles. In fact, you’re a little shocked that he remembers the stuffed animal’s name.
“Remember when we used to have sleepovers like, every night?” JJ asks, a little laughter in his voice. “I never understood why your mom was so happy to have me over on school nights.”
There’s a twinge in your chest. You understood. Even during the worst of you and JJ’s childhood arguments, your mom would coax you to invite him over, and she’d patch up his cuts and wash the dirt and blood stains out of his clothes.
“I miss our sleepovers,” you sigh. The two of you have scooted closer together subconsciously, the only barrier being Mr. Melon.
JJ nods, and asks, “Why’d we ever stop?”
You smile. “We got old, J.”
He sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry.”Who cares? We’re old now, and look at us. Having the time of our lives. We could be ninety and still be the funnest people in the OBX.”
“Most fun,” you correct with a grin.
“Hey, y’know I have a shitty English grade,” he answers, playfully punching your upper arm.
“My mom was scared I’d fall in love with you,” you comment, a little off-subject with a shaky smile plastered across your face. “She always said I’d fall head over heels, and that you’d be the biggest heartbreaker in the county.”
JJ’s face gets serious quick, faux solemnity all in his eyes. “A real concern,” he says, deadpan, “For mothers everywhere.”
“She was right about you being a heartbreaker! Remember that poor touron from the other weekend?”
He scowls and shakes his head. “I made it very clear that it was a one night type of thing.”
It makes you think of your argument from less than a hour ago. If love was in the cards for any of the Pogues, it had to be JJ. Girls tripped over themselves just so he would notice them. But, you laugh, shove him in the arm, and switch the subject. “Remember when you fought John B in here and broke my lamp?”
“Wasn’t that like, what, fifth grade?” 
“Yeah. It was my favorite fairy lamp, and you bumped into it and her head broke off!”
You're both giggling, the tiredness setting in. “He called you a bitch! That was a big bad word back then,” JJ laughs, blond hair tangled and messy as it falls across his pillow.
Your eyebrows quirk up. “You call me a bitch all the time now.”
“That’s different,” he waves his hand to cut you off. “But then? I couldn't let him mess with my girl.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you kick yourself mentally for being so damn cliche when you feel it.
The two of you keep exchanging stories, thunder rolling and the lightning lighting up your room every few minutes.
“So, old-fashioned slumber party with the whole gang tomorrow night?” JJ proposes, his goodnight, his eyes barely open.
You nod and smile, then you do your best Pogue handshake the two of you can manage while lying on your sides. 
Your eyes drift close, and after a few minutes of silence filled with JJ’s breathing and the sound of your heart, you say, “My mom was right about another thing.” JJ takes a moment to process, cracking his eyes back open to look at you. Yours are still squeezed shut because you're scared to look at him. “About me falling in love with you. It was inevitable.” You’re shaking, but it has to be said. You have to at least get it out there.
His mouth goes dry. 
The silence is killing you, but you don’t dare look at him.
“Like destiny,” he finally says, tripping over the first word.
A warmth spreads through you, heat in your cheeks and heart. “Exactly like destiny.”
When you finally get the courage to look at him, he’s staring at you like you’ve peeled back your skin and revealed solid diamond underneath. Awestruck, maybe a little fear in that deep blue.
You can hear your own heartbeat, and your breath is shallow and short. His, in contrast, is deep and slow.
“She was wrong about one thing though.”
You wait for his answer, lips parted as you watch his gaze go from your eyes, to your lips, and back to your eyes, down to your lips again…
“I could never break your heart.”
Your cheeks heat when he traces a line from the end of your eyebrow, down your cheek and jawline. It’s a ghost of a caress, almost like you’re some holy relic that he thinks will heal him.
You start to backtrack, feeling a little embarrassed, a little scared “J, you don’t- don’t have to say something you don’t mean.” 
JJ draws his hand back so fast you jump, and he sits up and scoffs. “You think I’m bullshitting you?”
Your stomach drops as the sudden shift in emotion, and you nod hesitantly.
His jaw clenches as he turns his face away from you, and when he looks back at you his lips are pressed into a firm line. You’ve seen this expression only a couple of times, and only when JJ is on the brink of tears. In fact, his eyes seem a little glassy when he starts to speak. “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life,” he snaps. 
JJ waves his hand to cut you off. “No. It’s my turn to talk.” His voice does that thing where it gets a little higher, stress peeking through the cracks in his pitch. “Y’know how you called me blind earlier? You’re the blindest person ever! Everybody else sees the way I look at you except you!” he cries. His hands push anxiously through his hair. “It’s been you. Always you. As long as I can remember.” The way he’s looking at you practically sets you on fire. You can see it now. All those years of childhood crushes, pining and overthinking are evident in his eyes, like a storm at sea. “You-” his voice breaks fully now, and he covers his mouth with his fist before breathing and continuing. “You were the first person who made me feel like I was someone. Like, loved. You really made me feel loved.”
“Always have, always will,” you blurt out.
That’s when the dam bursts, and JJ begins to cry. You sit up and throw your arms around him, and his hands grasp your shirt like you’re a lifeline. He’s murmuring your name like a prayer, over and over like he’s trying to do penance. Before you can even begin to console him, he kisses you quick and soft. 
“Is that okay?” It’s so sweet, a side of JJ you hadn’t seen since you were little kids. Since before you had burdens and before the world got scary. 
“More than okay,” you whisper back, utterly melting against him. When he kisses you again, you can feel him smile, and feel the dampness from his eyes on your cheeks.
JJ can’t believe that you’re kissing him back, and he wonders if he’s dreaming. When your hands shift into his hair, he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. It has to be fake.
Almost like you can read his mind, you pull back. “I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” you assure.
His smile is so wide, you think it’ll get stuck like that. “You’re gonna have me around forever,” he says. “That’s a promise.”
“It better be, Maybank. I kinda like you.” You cuddle up against him, head on his chest, grinning profusely.
“I guess I really do have to tell John B you couldn’t keep your hands off me,” he jokes.
“Shush! You’re gonna ruin the moment!”
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srjlvr · 9 months
,, is that seat (=are you) taken? ”
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IN WHICH jake’s being forced by his friends to sit on a roller coaster next to a pretty girl he saw in the amusement park.
non-idol!jake X fem!reader | g fluff , crack(?) | wc 1.3k+ | w second hand embarrassment , mentions of food , clowns , scary rides. | not proofread | ✎ ᝰ (‘a note from jo’) . i thought about this while being in my favorite amusement park! the ending is so bad honestly im so sorry in advance
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it was an event day at the amusement park, people such as influencers and wealthy families were invited to enjoy the scary rides and free food.
“please, i can’t go there alone!” your friend begged you for hours. “no way! you know how scared i am of rides!” you scoffed.
“i’ll be with you on every ride i promise!” at this point she was already holding your hand while kneeling. “fine”
“jake! you promised you’ll come with us!” his friend jay claimed, “promised when? i can’t remember that part” jake shrugged.
“that one bet we made and you lost then begged us to spare you” sunghoon who was busy playing on his phone suddenly spoke, “we let you off under one condition which is to come with us to an amusement park”
jake rolled his eyes, “please don’t force me to-“ “a deal is a deal” jay pat jake’s shoulder.
you stood by the gate, lots of clowns and food tracks were exactly on the entrance, “i’ll just stick here with the clowns and the food” your legs took you to that way, but your friend was quick enough to stop you.
“no way” she dragged you, “we’ll be going to the viking first!”
“i hate you for making me do that” you said as the safety bars went down, “you’ll enjoy it don’t worry”
you sat at the right end, you’re faced to those who sit in the opposite side. there were three handsome boys, each one of them is more scared than the other.
the boy on the left looked so done while the other two grabbed each other tightly while shouting.
“jake! stop grabbing onto me you have sunghoon on your other side who’s just as scared as you!” you heard one of them shout.
the boy in the middle, which you assumed was jake, kept laughing while sticking to the other boy, which you assumed was sunghoon.
the three of them looked really cute, but jake is the one that caught your eye. especially his “please stop!” shouts and the fact that right afterwards he proceeds to laugh and rest his head on his friend’s shoulders is what made you smile without even noticing.
“y/n is everything okay?” your friend asked you while the ride kept on going—you completely forgot about that part.
“yes im fine!” you shout back. you took her hand and held her tight, “don’t make me do that thing ever again!” you added while shouting nonstop.
your friend couldn’t stop laughing at your cuteness, and apparently, she wasn’t the only one.
the boy who was sitting on the opposite side glanced at you, you were so cute and adorable to look at.
while being freaked out, he took a few moments to stare at you. you were busy shouting and tightly closing your eyes while he completely forgot about the fact that’s he’s sitting in one of the rides that he hates the most.
he giggled and chuckled to himself looking at your annoyed figured while your friend was busy laughing at you.
“finally! this hell is over” you whined but your friend only smirked, “let’s go to that roller coaster!” she pointed at the scary looking ride.
you gulped heavily, getting all stressed and worked up, “no!” you shout.
your friend however, couldn’t care less.
“jake what was that on the ride?” sunghoon asked him. “what do you mean?” he tilt his head in confusion.
“you couldn’t stop staring at the girl that was sitting at the opposite direction!” jay claimed.
“she was pretty cute” he admitted and giggled. jay and sunghoon looked at each other with a wide smirk on their face.
“you got yourself an amusement park crush” jay put his hand over jake’s shoulder, “is that even a thing-“
“let’s follow them to the next ride” sunghoon dragged both of them after cutting jake.
your friend excitedly jumped up and down as you were waiting in the short line while you glared at her, fiercely shooting your imaginary laser eyes on her cheerful face.
“we’re going to have so much fun!” she clapped.
you were too busy to whine and scoff to notice someone was actually talking to your friend from behind.
“jake, this is your shot” sunghoon prepared jake and massaged his shoulders, “you can do it”
“hey! im jay, this is sunghoon and jake” jay spoke to your friend, “don’t mind these dummies” he rolled his eyes.
“our friend jake here seems to be interested in your friend!” he then whispered, “is there a chance you could help him out?”
you friend nodded and smirked, “leave it up to me”
the only one standing in the line was you and your friend, the three handsome boys you saw back then, and two more couples—which means the roller coaster was technically all for yourselves.
only eight seats were occupied as you and your friend sat down. you put your safety belts on and looked over your friend, who suddenly stood up.
“y/n! i have to go now! i totally forgot something in the viking and i have to get it before someone steals it!” she panicked, “go on the ride without me”
“wait no! i’ll go with you!” you tried to get out—but you completely forgot the safety belts were already locked, “i’ve got to run! i’ll go on the ride with you as soon as i get back i’m so sorry!” she said as she left you there, with an empty seat next to you.
“now’s the time!” jay pushed jake towards you and clapped.
you were slowly starting to panic and lose it, until you noticed a figure standing next to the empty seat.
“um…..” he scratched his nape “are you taken….?”
the figure was the cute boy from before, jake if you recall.
sunghoon, jay and your friend who were secretly watching from afar cursed him and shook their head in disappointment.
“did you really just made me skip this ride just to watch this guy awfully flirting with my friend?” your friend asked as jay and sunghoon begged for forgiveness.
“wait no!” jake awkwardly chuckled “i wanted to ask if that seat is taken”
you looked around and to your surprise, all of the other seats were empty as well.
“no, but there are plenty of empty seats…” you raised your eyebrow.
“yeah i know” he awkwardly giggled, “i—uh i like the place you’re sitting in like you know it’s not the first seats and it’s not the last seats it’s somewhere in the middle yeah”
you awkwardly nodded and signed him to sit next to you, “i’m jake” he said.
“i’m y/n” you chuckled.
you tried to let go of the nervousness, not only you’re sitting next to the cute guy you just met, you’re about to experience hell itself.
as you slowly arrived to the highlight of the ride, you held jake’s hand and he quickly shot his glance at you, “i’m sorry i’m just so scared” you said but all he did was to hold your hand tighter.
soon enough, you were already shouting your lungs out, holding tightly onto each other and closing your eyes as tight as you could.
“y/n i have a confession to make” jake suddenly shout, “what is it?” you answered back in between your shouts.
“i really meant to ask you if you’re taken” as he finished his sentence the ride stopped.
“what” you quietly said. jake’s eyes widened as he tried to find the words to explain.
“no, i’m not” you added and he breathed out.
“you actually caught my attention ever since i saw you on the viking” he smiled, “my friends planned all of this, i apologize that it happened to be on this hell of a ride”
you giggled, “it’s cute”
“are you up to spending the rest of the day together? just to get to know each other” he suggested.
“yeah, let’s do that” you interviewed your hands and got off the ride.
your friend stood there, speechless and betrayed while jay and sunghoon laughed their ass off, “i can’t believe he managed to do that” sunghoon hit jay while laughing.
“it’s all your fault” your friend rolled her eyes, “but at least she won’t whine about the fact that she’s lonely all the time”
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••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
Here’s a smutty little oneshot while I’m working on the next chapter of Worlds Apart. I hope you enjoy! - Love, Kiki  ♡  
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 |  Eddie Munson x female cheerleader!reader (virgin!Eddie x virgin!reader)
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | It’s been two weeks since you and Eddie decided to stop sneaking around and start behaving like every other couple at Hawkins High. Only that you’re not. And after overhearing a group of cheerleaders’ especially cruel gossip about your relationship, Eddie’s insecurities, nourished by all those years of bullying, hit home despite all of his attempts not to let people’s vile words get to him. This time though...he feels like they might be right. Because why would a girl like you ever fall for a guy like him? And when Eddie realizes he made a mistake...he can only hope it’s not too late to fix what he broke. Based on this request: Maybe one where reader is a cheerleader and popular but only wants to be  with eddie but he is insecure because he's the school freak and  overhears mean gossip? Angst w a happy ending?
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 | angst with a happy ending; soft, sweet smut; virgin!Eddie x virgin!reader; insecure Eddie; a Pride-And-Prejudice-style confession in the rain  
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 11k  
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | SMUT (only read if you’re 18+ years old!), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), p in v
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.  
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 & 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ♡
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Eddie hadn’t wanted to eavesdrop. He truly hadn’t.
But he’d heard your name, and then his own, and now he was standing here, around the corner in the empty hallway, forced to listen to the voices of the three cheerleaders and the ugly things they were saying about you and him. He couldn’t muster the mental strength required to walk past them now and face their scrutiny.
He was a rat in a trap.
“…nearly got a heart attack when I saw her jump out of that rusty old van of his last week,” one of them remarked, “Like, I can’t wrap my head around the thought that they’re dating. Barf me out, that’s disgusting.”
“She’s probably just pitying that freak, anyways, and doesn’t know how to get rid of him. Like one of these flea-infested strays you feed one time and they’ll start following you around. He looks like one of these as well.” Eddie didn’t need to see her face to know she was scrunching her nose in disgust. He was used to that kind of reaction. “Oh god, do you think she’ll bring him if I invite her to my Spring Break party?”
“You probably shouldn’t risk it.”
“Probably. I’m a bit sorry for her, though.”
“Why? It’s on her if she’s screwing around with the scum. I always thought she’d end up with Steve Harrington, to be honest. They would’ve been such a cute couple before he graduated.”
“Don’t they always hang around?”
“I mean, yeah. As far as I know. She says they’re just friends but can you imagine rejecting Steve Harrington to end up with Eddie The Freak Munson?”
There was a beat of affirmative silence, before the second girl said, “I don’t get what she sees in that creep.”
“Maybe she fucks him to get a drug discount.”
“Or maybe he’s got some hidden talents,” the third girl jested.
Eddie could nearly feel how she was grimacing with disgust. It was dripping from her voice like poison.
“A freak in the streets and in the sheets?”
“Urgh, stop it!”, the first one giggled, “Don’t make me imagine it. I wanna scrub my eyes with bleach.”
“He probably always fucks her from behind so she won’t have to see his ugly face.”
There was a fit of giggles mingling with the sound of a locker door being slammed shut, before they finally left. Their footsteps were echoing through the silence that settled over the hallway as they walked away in the other direction, clearing Eddie’s path to the exit – but he was frozen in place.
His back against the wall, he let his head fall so his messy curls would hide the stray tear that was rolling down his cheek, as he squeezed his eyes shut to fight the feeling of nausea in his guts while the cheerleaders’ voices rang in his mind, like a broken record, playing their cruel words on repeat.
She’s probably just pitying that freak, anyways, and doesn’t know how to get rid of him.
I always thought she’d end up with Steve Harrington, to be honest.
He probably always fucks her from behind so she won’t have to see his ugly face.
It had been two weeks. Two weeks since the two of you had decided to stop sneaking around and act like every other couple at Hawkins High.
The news of one of the cheerleaders dating Eddie The Freak had spread like a forest fire when the two of you had walked into the cafeteria together, hand in hand.
Eddie had known it would cause trouble – he just hadn’t anticipated how much the whispers and vile comments would hurt him. He was used to them, had been used to them as long as he could remember.
He was used to being eyed warily, glared at, picked upon and bullied because he was different, and he’d started wearing being different like a shield.
What hurt him was how people had started talking about you.
And the fact that Eddie knew, deep down…that they were right. That you deserved someone better than him.
Someone you could bring to parties and kiss in the hallways without being laughed at or shamed for it. Someone who played basketball instead of D&D, who wouldn’t graduate at his third attempt. Someone who looked like Steve Harrington, not like himself.
Someone who wasn’t a freak.
You’d known something was wrong when Eddie hadn’t shown up at your place for movie night as he usually did every Friday evening.
And when you’d sought him in the hallway the following Monday before classes, he hadn’t even looked at you before darting off in the other direction.
But if you were being totally honest with yourself…something had been wrong ever since you’d stopped hiding your relationship from the shark tank that was Hawkins High.
Things with Eddie had started out perfectly, all these months ago. The perfect love story, like the ones found on TV and between the pages of sappy romance novels.
Your craving for a chocolate milkshake and Eddie’s hunger for fries had led to a chance encounter at Benny’s Diner in the middle of a Saturday night a few months ago, and the night had ended with the two of you sharing milkshakes and fries until the good-natured but tired Benny had kicked you out by closing time at three in the morning.
When you’d parted ways in the parking lot with smiles as bright as the full moon in the skies above, the unspoken agreement had been struck to repeat whatever had happened that night. And one week later, when you’d shown up at the diner again, this time in the hopes not for a milkshake but the metalhead you’d always simply known as Eddie The Freak…Eddie had been there already, waiting for you with one of his dazzling grins and the confession that he’d hoped you’d show up again.
Benny’s diner became a sanctuary, and the milk-shake-and-fries-dates with Eddie an unspoken agreement. Away from the halls of Hawkins High where people would have stared, gossiped, about a cheerleader and the Freak talking, laughing together – when talking to Eddie and laughing with him felt like the most natural thing in the world. Like breathing. With Eddie, you realized that the corset you’d strapped yourself in could be loosened. Allowing you, for the first time in years, to actually breathe. To be yourself, just like he was, without saying something wrong, being judged. With Eddie, sharing fries and milkshakes at Benny’s little dinner under the cover of Saturday night when there was no danger of bumping into anyone at school because they were all busy partying, you felt more like yourself than you had in a very long time.
And the Saturday night diner dates had morphed into lunchbreaks spent in the shadow of the bleachers or on the little clearing in the woods behind the sports field, hidden from prying eyes; into movie nights and hikes through the woods until one clear, cold night three months ago, Eddie had finally kissed you underneath the starry night sky outside of The Hideout after one of his gigs, his skin soaked with sweat and his voice hoarse from singing and playing the guitar all night. It had been the picture-perfect first kiss.
And one single kiss had turned into many.
Stolen kisses in empty classrooms, fleeting touches and lingering glances in the hallways whenever the two of you passed by each other, heated make-out sessions on the couch of the trailer he shared with his uncle.
And the crush you’d been harboring for Eddie had turned into so, so much more.
Into love.
Not that giddy kind of infatuation of High School sweethearts, but actual love. The kind of love that had you plan your future together, far away from shallow-minded little Hawkins and its gossips.
But where movies and romance novels ended…real life went on.
It wasn’t enough anymore to share stolen kisses when nobody was looking, to see each other every day in class, the cafeteria, the hallways, so close yet parted by that invisible line neither of you had known how to cross – because as soon as the two of you set foot into Hawkins High, you were still a cheerleader. And Eddie was still The Freak.
Until, two weeks ago, the two of you had decided to end the secrecy and behave like every other couple at Hawkins High did.
You’d been prepared for the havoc the two of you would cause, the stares and whispers and bullying, but…you’d been tired of hiding. And you’d thought Eddie had been, too. That he was secretly scared you were ashamed of being with him, when all you wanted to do was shout it from the rooftops that you were in love with Eddie Munson.
That the reason Eddie had never made a move towards Third Base – and had gallantly thwarted all of your attempts to change that fact – had been rooted not only in his genuinely sweet, gentlemanly manners, but a deeper-rooted hurt about you still keeping your relationship hidden.  
But now, two weeks later, it was obvious that something was wrong.
Eddie was avoiding you. And with every step you tried to take to close this strange new distance between the two of you, it felt like he took three steps backwards. Away from you.
By the time Friday had arrived, the vague sense of doom which had started to grow in your chest over the past two weeks had grown into fully-fledged panic.
And you finally had enough of Eddie’s dancing around you.
It was a game day, the whole of Hawkins High a sea of orange and green as everyone sported the school’s colors in anticipation of the basketball game which would take place that evening. Everyone, except for the members of the Hellfire Club, you noticed with a small smile as you entered the cafeteria for lunch break. They’d donned their matching Hellfire shirts for their own game that night, the ones Eddie had designed a few months ago, on a paper napkin at Benny’s Diner.
With his messy dark curls long enough to brush his shoulders, the ripped jeans, the leather jacket and denim vest and rings, the tattoos decorating his skin, Eddie Munson always stuck out in a crowd – but today, in the sea of green and orange – from shirts to scrunchies, from banners to ribbons – he stuck out like a black swan in a pond full of white ones as he was lounging in his usual place at the head of the Hellfire Club’s table. The smile on your lips widened at the sight of him, gesticulating as he replied to something Mike had said. But the giddy feeling in your chest died and withered as realization crept back in that he’d been avoiding you the whole week. The whole past two weeks.
A group of sophomore girls walked past you, a few of them glancing at your cheerleader uniform with various expressions of timidness and awe, and you gave them a little smile as they passed.
Ever since you’d started dating Eddie, most people had stopped throwing you awning gazes and shy smiles in the hallways. Instead, there were now whispers trailing in your wake; some more hurtful than others, but that’s what you’d expected.
Four more months, and you were out of here. You both would be. Rid of ugly whispers and disgusted glances, of people treating you as if the stain dating Eddie The Freak Munson had left on your reputation was an infectious disease.
It hurt. Not because you cared what people thought about you – but because nobody outside of Hellfire seemed to see Eddie the way you did. They couldn’t look past the tattoos, the ripped denim and leather, the unkempt exterior, to see the heart of gold, all the sweetness and kindness underneath that shone from every single one of his radiant smiles.
The smile, though, was wiped from Eddie’s face as you walked towards the Hellfire Club table, the usual exhilarated mood at the table snuffed out like sunlight covered by rainclouds – the same rain clouds dimming the light in Eddie’s eyes when his gaze met yours.
It felt like a knife being plunged into your chest.
You’d hoped for him to give you one of his dazzling smiles when his eyes landed on you, to jump up and kiss you and whirl you around like he always did, but he stayed frozen in place, still as one of his D&D figurines as he watched you approach with a mix of surprise and…something else. Something you couldn’t quite decipher. It scared you.
The silence which had settled over the Hellfire Club’s table seemed to grow more tense when you came to stand beside Eddie, your weary smile into the group, at Gareth and Jeff and Dustin and Mike, answered by uneasy sideways glances flitting between you and Eddie, whose expression had turned into an unreadable mask so unlike him it hurt.
“Eddie, can we talk?”, you said quietly, fiddling with the hem of your cheerleader skirt just to give your hands something to do.
Eddie didn’t even look at you as you uttered the words. His eyes scanned the assembled crowd in the cafeteria, the sideways glances thrown your way, before he said, “Yeah. Sure. Outside?”
Up until now, there had been this tiny sliver of hope that it had all been a misunderstanding. That all your deep, dark fears of losing Eddie, nourished by these past days of sudden radio silence until the tender saplings of anxiety had grown into weeds threatening to suffocate you from within, were irrational, that Eddie’s sudden distance could be rooted in a harmless, reasonable explanation. A misunderstanding.
That if you called him out on it, it would turn out you’d just been paranoid. But judging by his reaction now, it was obvious that wasn’t the case.
Your heart seemed to cease its beating, to freeze over and plummet to the floor all at the same time as, like caught in a trance, you followed Eddie out of the cafeteria and into the silence of the abandoned hallway outside. He didn’t take your hand like he usually did. Didn’t press a delicate kiss to your cheek or your knuckles, didn’t play with the green satin ribbon in your hair matching the cheerleader uniform. Didn’t pull you into a spontaneous little dance, twirling you until your head was spinning and tears of laughter ran down your face.
The air between the two of you was frozen like Lover’s Lake in December when he came to a halt, the silence of the abandoned corridor around you suffocating as Eddie finally turned to face you. It was strange, so utterly unfamiliar to see that there was not a single spark of the usual humor, the usual gentle warmth in his dark eyes as he looked at you now.
“Shouldn’t you be at cheerleader training rehearsing for the game?”, he asked, his voice as hollow as his gaze.
“There are more important things than cheerleader training,” you began, voice softening as you took a tentative step closer to him and added, “Eddie, talk to me. Please. You’ve been avoiding me for two weeks now. And…and I need to know what’s wrong.”
The way Eddie shrunk back from you when you reached out to grasp his hand hit you like a punch to the gut.
“Did I do something wrong?”, you said quietly, letting your hand fall to your side.
Something in your voice, in your eyes, though, snapped Eddie out of this strange detached state, and with a shaky sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezed shut as if he was in pain.
And it dawned on you that you’d already lost him.
“I’m…I’m sorry,” he breathed, his own voice choked with emotions, “But this doesn’t work.”
“What –“
“This,” he exclaimed, waving at the space between the two of you, “It doesn’t work. You’re a cheerleader, and I’m a freak. And I��m tired of playing pretend.”
“Don’t,” you said quietly, voice strained to its breaking point with the lump that was forming in your throat, the tears stinging in your eyes and threatening to spill because you knew, could feel where this conversation was heading. It felt like being strapped to a train hurtling towards a glaring abyss. “Don’t call yourself that, Eddie.”
“But it’s true. I’m a freak. And avoiding to say it doesn’t change it. I’m tired of pretending I could be more than the guy tagging along with you through a little phase of rebellion before you tire of him and settle down with one of the Steve Harringtons of this world.” He drew out Steve’s name into a lilt, his voice dripping with disdain.
You reeled back. “Tell me that’s not what you think.”
“It’s what I know.”
Anger started rising in your chest now, mingling with the panic and pain already churning there like a maelstrom threatening to drag you under.
“What you know,” you echoed, voice trembling. “When did I ever give you a reason to believe that, Eddie? When?”
“You’re a cheerleader.” The way he said it, as if that was all there was to you…it made you sick.
“So, a pair of pompoms and a short skirt determine my personality? You, of all people, should know not to judge a book by its cover. And especially not a book you’ve already read.” It came out as a whisper as you tried to swallow back the tears.
“That’s…that’s not what I’m saying.”
“Then what are you saying, Eddie?”
Don’t. Please don’t do this.
Your tongue couldn’t form the desperate plea your heart was screaming at him.
With his voice so uncharacteristically quiet and detached, Eddie said, “I’m saying good-bye.”
There was a shellshocked daze clouding your senses as your body went numb, the sensation spreading from your chest to your fingertips as you waited to wake up with sweat-soaked sheets tangled around your legs and the relief of knowing this, right now, had just been a horrible dream and that Eddie would be waiting at your front door to pick you up for school with that beautiful smile on his lips.
The shrill sound of the bell piercing the silence of the hallways to announce the end of lunch break was dulled in your ears, a scratch at the edge of your perception.
It was curious, how the shattering of a heart didn’t make a single sound when it could be felt so clearly, caused a pain that ran deeper than any blade could pierce.
There was no time for you to react, to beg him to tell you what had happened in the span of a few days to end things like this.
The hallways flooded with people leaving the cafeteria for their afternoon classes, and Eddie was gone.
Walking away down the hallway, the familiar sight of the DIO patch on his denim vest and dark curls fading into the sea of orange and green as he walked away from you.
Just like that.
You didn’t remember how you’d gotten to the bathroom, or how long you’d been cowering in the stall, on the dirty, grimy tiles, hugging your knees as sobs ripped through you, the numbness in your body fading as pain took over.
Real, physical pain in your chest, as if your heart had actually shattered into a million tiny shards that were now scraping at your insides, tearing you open while the damn tears wouldn’t stop falling.
Eddie was your first love, your first everything.
And part of you had always – foolishly – clung to the belief that things would always stay that way. That Eddie Munson wouldn’t be your first heartbreak, too. That the plans you’d made for the future would become reality.
You couldn’t figure out what had happened.
Did it even matter, if something had happened? Was that better than Eddie simply falling out of love?
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
Eddie’s head snapped up at the sudden sound, and a sigh escaped him as he saw Dustin, hands on his hips as he was standing in the doorway to the room Hellfire shared with the theatre club. The boy’s expression in the shadow of his cap was a mix of shock and anger.
“You’re not even going to argue?”, Dustin challenged.
“Would you go away if I did?”, Eddie replied. His voice was meek and coarse from crying. He was tired. So fucking tired and miserable.
“I won’t go anyway. I heard what you said to her.”
“You spied on me?”
“A High School hallway isn’t exactly a place for private conversation,” Dustin quipped, locking his hands in front of his chest now. The kid definitely needed to get his ego in check.
“Dustin –“ Eddie began, but the boy was already stalking towards him with a grim determination on his face as he said, “No. Let me speak. I’m pretty sure you already know what I’m about to say. Hear me out. You’re a fucking fool. You know why? The sweetest, prettiest girl of Hawkins High gave you her heart, and you threw it away because you’re so deep in your little bubble of moping and whining…about what? That she obviously loves you?”
“She never said that.”
Dustin threw his hands in the air, clearly exasperated now. “Did you? Did you ever say it to her?”
There was a pause as Eddie stared at Dustin, before the boy went on, “That’s what I thought. Why do you think she loves you, huh? For your popularity? Your good grades? Your flowery smell?”
“I get it Henderson, thank you. No need to rub it in.”
“No, you don’t get it and that’s the problem. Are you a Jason Carver? A Patrick McKinney? A Steve Harrington? No!”
“I’m already literally on the floor already,” Eddie said quietly, lacking the strength to even feel indignant, “Why do you keep kicking me, kid?”
“You’re an Eddie. And that’s your selling point! The girl took a single look at you, in all your weird glory, all revved up and jumping tables and selling drugs –“
“Wait, how do you –“
“You carry that stuff around in your lunchbox. Do you think she didn’t know there would be gossip and bullying? She did, of course she did! Yet she took one look at you, at Eddie The Freak, and decided you were worth all that trouble.”
“You don’t even know what happened,” Eddie muttered, raking a trembling hand through his curls. “You don’t know what people are saying –“
“You’re the one who taught me to not be bullied into giving up what I love and now you’re sitting here, hiding and moping around after doing exactly that. You threw her away like the notes for a failed D&D campaign. Or did you really think you were letting her go because you’re such a hero? You’re not a hero, you’re a coward. You’re running away. And while it’s okay to run away from danger or graduation or whatever, it’s really fucking stupid to run away from someone who loves you.” Dustin paused, letting his words sink in, before he added, “If I were you, I’d be on my knees and begging for her to forgive your utter and devastating stupidity and take you back. So…” Dustin cleared his throat, straightening his spine as he stared down at Eddie, who was still miserably cowering amid the scenery for the theatre club’s next piece, “Eddie The Freak. Get up from the floor, wipe your eyes, blow your nose, and get your girl back.”
With these words still hanging in the air, Dustin turned to leave, but Eddie’s voice rang out to hold him back.
“Henderson. Wait.”
Dustin turned, watching as Eddie slowly climbed back to his feet. Taking a steadying breath, he righted his leather jacket and he raised his chin, before he announced, “You need to tell the others that Hellfire’s cancelled tonight.”
“Wa –“
“There’s a goddamn important balls-and-laundry-baskets game I need to attend.”
Eddie could only hope it wasn’t too late already.
You’d never been so miserable in your life like you felt right now, dancing and jumping and smiling that wide fake smile as your muscles went through the movements of the choreography like a sleepwalker.
The cheers and voices in the gym blurred like the faces around you as every second made it harder to fight back the tears threatening to spill all over again.
You didn’t need to be a genius to know you were walking the flimsy tightrope over the abyss of a mental breakdown.
You only needed to get through the next two hours.
And then you could break down and cry your soul out.
Two hours.
“Watch your step!”, the hiss of one of the other cheerleaders tore you from your thoughts as you spun just in time to avoid bumping into her, your mind catching up with the steps of the choreography just in time to correct the little misstep and twirl – and time froze for a few heartbeats as your eyes locked on a pair of umber ones, staring back at you from the entrance to the gym.
He was standing in the shadow of the bleachers, hair tousled and hands shoved into the pockets of his ripped jeans as he watched you, the ghost of a sad little smile tugging at his lips that made him look like a lost puppy.
And despite all the hurt and heartbreak, despite the cruel things he’d said, your stupid little heart leapt in your chest like a bird in the confinements of its cage, ready to burst free and flutter right into his hands.
In the months since the two of you had started dating, Eddie Munson had never, not once, attended one of the “balls-and-laundry-baskets games” since they always took place on Fridays, at the same time as Hellfire Club, and it was sacrilegious to ever postpone Hellfire – but now here he was. And he was watching you the way only Eddie had ever looked at you. Not simply looking at you, but seeing you.
His gaze left that familiar prickling sensation in its wake on your skin you couldn’t get enough of as your surroundings blurred like watercolors because the only thing that mattered right then, the only thing that ever mattered, was that Eddie was here.
It took a few heartbeats for your senses to snap back to reality, for you to realize that the music had stopped and cheers rose all throughout the room as you struck the final pose, applause following as the cheerleaders of Hawkins High left the field to make room for the game which would start any minute now.
But as you walked with the others towards the spot at the edge of the field reserved for the cheerleaders, you couldn’t wait a single second longer.
You needed to know why Eddie was here.
A few of the other cheerleaders threw you dirty glances as you broke formation, pompoms still clutched in your hands, and raced along the bleachers towards the exit, heart racing and mind going a mile a minute.
But the blind spot between the exit and the bleachers was empty when you reached it. Eddie was gone.
The applause rising in the gym at your back rang in your ears in time with your racing heart as you darted out of the building and onto the parking lot.
Night had fallen already, and the soft drizzle from earlier had turned into a full-blown spring storm pelting down on you, biting the bare skin on your arms and legs as you squinted into the rain-soaked darkness, scanning the parking lot for the familiar sight of Eddie’s rusty old van.
It was still there, parked at the edge near the fence separating the premises of Hawkins High from that of the Middle School. Which meant Eddie was still around somewhere.
Not caring about the freezing rain, you raced towards the old van, weaving between the rows and rows of parked cars filling the for now abandoned space as the shrill noise of a whistle seeped out of the gym to fill the night, the noise of cheers, but you couldn’t care less about the game.
Just as you reached Eddie’s van, moving to squint through the driver’s side window to see if he was inside, someone called out your name. The voice was so beautifully familiar, the cadence like a melody you knew by heart, its soft lilt your favorite tune in the world as your heart soared and plummeted to the ground like a stone at the bottom of a well all at the same time.
You whirled around, coming face to face with Eddie.
He was absolutely soaked.
His mess of dark curls was plastered to his pale face in wet tangles, and rain was dripping into his face, running down his cheeks like tears as he held your gaze and stammered, “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you –“
“What are you doing?”, you cut him off. The words came out harsher than you’d intended for them to sound, but…you couldn’t help it.
He looked like a lost puppy as he watched you with those damn doe eyes, wide with a silent plea. “I didn’t want to interrupt, I just…I wanted to see you,” he replied quietly, “And that was stupid because you obviously don’t wanna see me right now, I get that, I really do. So, uh…I decided to just wait here until after the game and…talk to you.”
He’d started fiddling with the rings on his fingers. Like he always did when he was nervous.
“I thought you already said everything you needed to,” you said.
It was getting more difficult to hold back the tears with every second.
“Fuck,” Eddie breathed, rubbing a hand over his face, fingers carding through the rain-soaked curls plastered to his forehead – and it was the familiarity of this nervous little gesture that finally broke the dam.
The tears started falling down your face to mingle with the cold rainwater, and your vision blurred as Eddie cooed, sounding as desperate as you felt, “No, no, no, no, please don’t cry, sweeth- please don’t cry, okay?”
“What else am I supposed to do?!”, you shot back, your voice already breaking like your heart had.
You wiped your eyes with the back of your hands, the stupid pompoms you were still clutching tickling your face, before Eddie gently pried your hands away from your face, taking the pompoms from you so you could swipe at the tears and the rain on your cheeks.
The gesture was so tender, so Eddie, that the tears only started to fall harder.
“I was stupid”, Eddie breathed, eyes on yours, pleading, “Really goddamn fucking stupid. Because I got scared.”
“Of what?”, you whispered.
“Of this.” Eddie waved the pompoms between the two of you. Under different circumstances, it would have been hilarious, seeing Eddie the metalhead absolutely soaked like a cat that got lost in the rain gesture heatedly with a pair of wet pompoms.  
“Of…of not being enough,” he finished, taking a trembling breath that told you he was barely holding back his own tears. His bottom lip was trembling when he added, “I…I’ll wait here. Go back to your game and I’ll wait here and if you decide to hear me out – and I know I don’t deserve a single goddamn second more of your time but I’m begging you to grant it anyways – then I’ll be right here, ‘kay?”
The pouring rain was the only noise filling the deafening silence which settled over the two of you as Eddie waited for your reply.
And while your heart screamed at you to break the silence, to take his hand and tell him to never let you go again…your head told you not to.
He’d hurt you. He’d been the reason why you’d cried your heart out at the floor of the High School bathroom for the past few hours.
“I gave you my heart,” you whispered, “And you took it and smashed it on the floor of that fucking hallway. And then you left me there. Without any explanation. Just like that.”
It was hard to speak through the force of your tears choking you, the pouring rain all around drowning out your frail voice.
“Nothing has changed in the past hours, Eddie. I’m still a cheerleader. I’ve always been a cheerleader, and you’ve always been a freak. It was you who started to reduce us to that. It was you who made clear that I’ll be the one to break your heart while you were just doing the exact same thing with mine. That’s not fair. And I didn’t deserve that.”
And with tears falling down your face in hot rivulets that mingled with the cold rain, you turned to go back inside. You didn’t even have the strength to grab your pompoms back from him. It didn’t matter, you couldn’t go back to the game anyways, to cheering with a smile when you were soaked and freezing and numb and sobbing, with your breaking heart that was still screaming at you to stop and run back into his arms.
“I love you.”
Eddie’s words, spoken with such quiet fervor, froze you in your tracks.
“That night you walked into the diner for milkshakes and we first talked? It wasn’t just a lucky coincidence,” Eddie said, his voice nearly breaking underneath the force of his own emotions. “I…At the start of the school year, last summer, I got the bats tattoo.” You could hear the soft rustle of fabric as he raised his arm, clad in the sleeve of his leather jacket, but you didn’t have the strength to turn around yet, to look into those big brown eyes that would bring you to your knees.
“I doodled these bats on my chemistry homework a few days before that and I decided they looked metal so I got them tattooed and the next day in class – you were sitting beside me that day – you told me the bat tattoo was bitchin’,” Eddie went on. You didn’t need to see his face to know his own tears had started falling. “You told me that you’d seen me doodle them the other day and it was cool I got them tattooed and I was, like, a hundred percent sure you were poking fun of me. I waited for you to say something mean because that’s what people always do and you were a goddamn cheerleader and I was actually kinda scared out of my mind of you. But you didn’t mock me or laugh at me or call me a freak. You smiled. Really, genuinely smiled. And I never recovered from that.” He laughed; a low, disbelieving laugh as you felt your own tear-soaked smile tug at your lips as you remembered that day.
“I thought it was the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen,” Eddie continued, “Like sunshine. I started watching you after that day. At lunchbreak, class, in the hallways…it was so annoying. Because there was no way you’d ever talk to me again. Like, no way. Zero chance. But that grip you had on me ever since that day was insane. Like, you probably could have asked me to join the cheer squad and I wouldn’t have hesitated a single. Goddamn. Second. To put a ribbon in my hair and start cheering for Jason fucking Carver if you’d asked me to.”
His low, incredulous little laugh floated through the air.
Your favorite sound in the world.
And a broken little laugh ripped free from your own in response, mingling with more tears as your heart fluttered in your chest, with love and…hope.
“And when I saw your car in that diner’s parking lot six months ago,” Eddie went on, having a hard time speaking through his own tears, “I knew if I left that goddamn High School without shooting my shot and finally talking to you, I’d be the most stupid fucking dumbass in history. Going in there, walking up to you and saying hi was the one brave thing I ever did.”
Eddie paused, swallowing back his tears before he added, “And leaving you there in that cursed hallway today was the most stupid thing I ever did. So…I guess what I’m trying to say, what I’ve been trying to say for a while now but have been too chicken to actually say is…I love you, Y/N. I love you with all my cynical heart. And I’m sorry.”
In the rain-soaked silence that followed, you finally turned around to face him.
Eddie’s eyes, these beautiful dark eyes, were set on you, blinking against the rainwater running from his soaked hair and down his face, the tears in his eyes. He’d never looked so lost and desperate as he did right now, in the pouring rain, waiting for your reply.
“I was scared as well,” you said softly.
He tilted his head. “Of – of me?”
“You got a reputation as cult leader, satanist, freak and drug dealer. But you were always doodling stuff in your books and on your notes and I spent whole classes just watching you doodle. It always looked so cool. And I remember the day you doodled the Hellfire logo and showed up with the shirt a week later and I was so intrigued by that, the passion you put into the things you were doing. Drawing, D&D. Guitar. I saw you design your band’s logo as well. I felt like a weirdo, staring at you like that during classes,” you added with a soft chuckle, “But honestly, I couldn’t look away. You were sitting right in front of the window in Mrs. O’Donnell’s class, and the lighting always painted your hair in different shades. On rainy days it was ink-black, like the sharpie you used to draw. When it was sunny, it was all shades of chocolate. And you always smile when you’re drawing, that sweet small concentrated smile while you’re poking out your tongue. That was when I knew that the guy beside me in English Lit wasn’t the same menacing freak people made him out to be. And I was drawn in. And when I saw you got those bats tattooed, I shot my shot. You grinned, the most dazzling grin …and you never talked to me again until that night we met at Benny’s diner.”
For a heartbeat, there was only the pitter-patter of rain as you stared at each other, all the unspoken things hanging in the air between you until you finally broke underneath their weight.
“But what if you get scared again?”, you choked out. You weren’t sure Eddie would even hear your frail voice against the downpour of the rain pelting down on the asphalt, the parked cars, but he had.
The sad-looking, rain-soaked pompoms still clutched in his hands like a lifeline, Eddie sank down onto his knees, right in the middle of the parking lot in the pouring spring rain, utterly soaked and lost, and his eyes never left yours as he said, “Please, let me explain. Not rationalize, just…just explain. Five minutes. And then you can…you can leave, slap me, strangle me, whatever is it you wanna do.”
The sight of Eddie, kneeling on the wet asphalt of the parking lot, blinking against the rain that was dripping from the wet mess of his curls plastered to his face as he stared up at you, the plea in his huge dark eyes, the holding the soaked pompoms front of his chest…it was just so Eddie that the wave of affection overwhelmed you, stealing the words right off your tongue.
You gave him a curt nod, locking your arms in front of your chest as you waited for him to explain himself.
“In these two weeks since we stopped sneaking around, people have been horrible,” Eddie began. “It’s painted a target on your back. You never said anything about it but you didn’t need to because I know how most of the other cheerleaders have started treating you. That your friends stopped inviting you to parties…and the reason why you’re on this crashing downfall is me. And the thing is…maybe they’re right. Maybe I don’t deserve to be with you. Maybe I’ll never be good enough. Just…what do I have to give you? It’s my third attempt at goddamn graduation. Shit, I’m selling drugs. I’m a weirdo. And you…you’re beautiful, and kind, and you’re insanely clever. And…what kind of future do I have to give you, other than some tiny, crappy apartment and milkshakes at an even crappier diner for date night? You deserve someone who can give you all the fancy stuff in the world that you deserve. Someone you can kiss in public without people being disgusted. Someone who’s not me. Someone who’s not a freak.” There was so much venom in his voice as he spat that word, so much bitterness and disdain.
And just like that, everything made sense.
Eddie hadn’t left because he didn’t want to endure the bullying and gossip and whispers any longer.
He’d left because he actually believed them.
He believed that he wasn’t enough.
He believed the bullies, with their cruel jabs and their nicknames and their vile gossip, were right.
Because…if you’re being told the same thing over and over again, all your life…of course you start to believe it.
“God, Eddie,”, you breathed. “I’m…first of all, these people talking shit about us are not my friends. They’ve never been. You are. You’re my best friend in the world. And instead of just talking to me about the things bothering you, you just started to shut me out. No explanation, nothing. Because if you’d bothered to tell me about what’s going on with you, I could have told you that…that you’re all I want. That crappy little apartment with you is all I want. Milkshakes at some shitty diner are all I want. Because it’s with you. I don’t care about fancy stuff or gossips as long as the person beside me is you. Nothing else matters, and nothing else will ever matter. I love you, Eddie. And I’m sorry it’s so hard for you to see why.”
You’d crossed the distance between the two of you, standing right beside his van now.
There was a heartbeat of silence as the two of you stared at each other. Beneath the soaked strands of his hair, the dark chocolate brown of his curls turned into midnight black by the rain, Eddie’s dark eyes were brimming with tears as they rested on you.
“You…you love me?”, he breathed, his voice trembling, barely audible over the noise of the downpour.
He sounded incredulous. Bewildered.
It tore your heart to ribbons, to realize Eddie truly didn’t see how anyone could be in love with him when he deserved all the love in the world.
He must have seen the answer in your eyes already – because he didn’t wait for your reply.
Eddies hands came up to cradle your face before his lips crashed on yours in a kiss so desperate and fierce that it made the parking lot, the rain, the whole world around you blur as each and every one of your senses came alive to narrow in on Eddie.
On the feeling of his lips against yours, his thumbs brushing away the droplets of rain and tears streaming down your face as he gently angled your head to deepen the kiss, pressing closer while your fingers buried in the mess of his soaked curls at the nape of his neck to draw the softest of moans from his throat.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie breathed into the kiss, his lips chasing yours, “I’m so fucking sorry, sweetheart. I’m not gonna run again. I promise.”
You knew he meant it. With all his heart.
Your hands buried in his soaked curls, you pulled him closer, and Eddie obliged happily, pressing himself against you while your back thudded against the hood of his van.  
One of his hands roamed down your waist, to your thigh, as he helped you sit on the metal of the hood, not caring for the rain soaking your skirt as you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer, and the sweetest noise tumbled from Eddie’s lips as you bucked your hips against his, your crotch meeting the growing bulge in his pants to make him groan into the kiss as his tongue grazed your bottom lip.
You didn’t care about the pouring rain or the hard metal of the van’s hood beneath you. Nothing else mattered but Eddie’s lips on yours, his arms around you.
The cold of the spring night was melted away by the heat of Eddie’s body pressed against yours, the blissful burning sensation his kisses sent through you.
His arm snaked around you, hand settling on the back of your head to support your weight as the other slipped underneath the soaked shirt of your cheerleader uniform, fingertips drawing small circles on your wet skin as his tongue danced over yours, his intoxicating taste of chocolate and the faintest trace of cigarettes mingling with the rain and the salt of your tears invading your senses and sending your mind spinning like sparkling, frizzing champagne injected straight in your veins – only better. So, so much better.
Intoxicating and dizzying in all the ways only Eddie ever could make you feel.
With each kiss, so ravenous and greedy and gentle and sweet all at the same time, Eddie was placing all the pieces of your heart back together, mending what he’d broken.
Rain and darkness became your guardians, shielding you from the cruel, prying eyes of the rest of the world as you sunk into Eddie’s arms, rolling your hips against his with more vigor this time, and his answering groan, vibrating through your own body to stoke the embers glowing in your core into flames, drifted into the rain-filled dark of the parking lot.
The sodden skirt of your uniform had ridden up with the movement, and Eddie’s hand left your waist to roam down, exploring the side of your thigh, fingertips warm against your cold skin as he started to toy with the waistband of your panties, thumb hooking around the fabric as you pressed closer in a silent plea for him to follow through and remove the damn thing –
“Wait,” Eddie breathed, pulling away to assess you, and concern took over his expression.
“We need to get you somewhere warm before you catch your death out here,” he said softly – and only then did you realize you were, indeed, shivering. Tremors were racing through your body as the freezing spring-rain soaked through the fabric of your cheerleader uniform, running down the bare skin of your arms, your legs, plastering the fabric to your body and settling on your skin with biting intensity.
“Oh,” you replied, mind still caught up in the blissful haze of his kisses.
But when Eddie moved to gently pull you down from the hood of his van, back towards the gym with him, you called out softly, “No. I don’t want to go back in there right now.”
Eddie tilted his head, confusion still written across his features before his eyes lit up with an idea. “Then the van it is. Come on, sweetheart. Gotta warm you up.”
“You did a pretty good job with that already,” you teased as Eddie ripped open the doors at the back of the van, helping you climb inside with a gallant little bow before following you, pulling the doors shut to lock the two of you in the peaceful solitude of the car.
The band equipment which was usually occupying the cargo space was gone, leaving room for the two of you.
Eddie knelt in front of you as you sat, already grabbing one of the scratchy old wool blankets stacked in the back he usually used as padding to keep the band’s equipment safe from his maniacal driving style.
“C’mere,” he said softly, unfolding the blanket as he scooted closer, and your heart fluttered happily in your chest at the tenderness with which he wrapped the blanket around your shoulders, using the edges to gentle swipe at the mix of rain and drying tears on your cheeks, drawing a soft smile from you before you grabbed a second blanket.
“Your turn,” you instructed, gesturing for Eddie to shrug off the sodden combination of denim vest and leather jacket. The shirt beneath was plastered to his chest, and you inched closer to put the blanket around his shoulders, carding your fingertips through the wet strands of his bangs falling into his forehead – and Eddie reached out to gently catch your wrist.
“Are we…”, he began but drifted off timidly, and sadness flooded his umber eyes, as if he were scared to voice the question dangling in the air between the two of you.
He swallowed, gathering his courage underneath your own soft gaze before he said quietly, “Do you still want me?”
Affection washed over you at the anxiety in his gaze, the soft tremble of his bottom lip, and you gently freed your wrist from his grasp to lace your fingers with his.
“You’ve always been the only one I wanted, Eddie Munson.”
The smile on his lips was radiant, dazzling, warming you from within as he slowly pulled you towards him, onto his lap, his hands leaving yours to settle on your hips beneath the blanket wrapped around your shoulders like a cape, the warmth of his palms seeping through the sodden fabric of your shirt.
And with an intensity in his dark eyes that burned right through you in all the best ways, Eddie murmured, “I’m a goddamn dumbass.”
“You are,” you agreed with a soft giggle, “But you’re my goddamn dumbass.”
“Where were we?”, he grinned, nuzzling your nose, that radiant smile still on his lips.
But you bit your lip, scanning his face, before you timidly asked, “Is that why we didn’t…make it to Third Base yet?”
The little wince in reply didn’t escape your notice, but before your heart could sink again, he said, “At first, I wanted to take things slow and do it right and be a gentleman.”
“And then?”
“Then I got scared. Because…I’ve never, you know. I was scared senseless I’d do something wrong. I’m…I’m not confident. I’m just really good at playing pretend. I mean, I’m confident when I play D&D or my guitar but I feel like these are the only two things I’m actually good at so…”
He drifted off again, averting his gaze.
Your hands came up to cup his cheeks, and you gently tilted his head to make him meet your gaze before you murmured, “What happened in those two weeks, Eddie?”
He meekly shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to fight his tears, and your heart bled for him – and raged, about all the bullying and the cruelties he must have had to endure for them to lodge as deep as they obviously had.
“You can tell me,” you pleaded softly. “You know you can tell me, right?”
You could tell he was fighting the tears, the shame – and had you been able to set fire to the whole damn town for treating him like this, making sweet, caring, kind Eddie believe the ugly, vile things they were whispering about him, you would have burned this whole Hellhole to the ground.
“You also know you don’t have to tell me,” you added, brushing away a few soaked curls from his cheeks. “You can tell me when you’re ready. Okay?”
He gave you a curt nod, swallowing against the lump in his throat.
And into the silence which followed, filled by the soft pitter-patter of the rain on the van’s roof, you placed the softest, delicate kiss on his cheek before you breathed, “I love you, Eddie Munson. For the way you light up every room with your smiles and your laugh. For seeing people, instead of just looking at them. For choosing kindness when it would be easier to just be rude. For caring about all the lost little sheepies.” Your words coaxed a timid little smile from his as he watched you, your fingertips playing with the sodden dark curls framing his face, “For caring. For being unapologetic and yourself even if you don’t think you’re brave, because sadly, being yourself in a world like ours and a town like Hawkins is the bravest thing one could do. And for giving others the courage to do the same. For giving me the courage to do the same.”
“Chances are,” he quipped, that tender smile playing on his lips, “That no matter how weird you are, I’ll still be the weirdest one in the room.”
You chuckled softly, before your expression grew stern once more. “I mean it. I love you, for more reasons than there are raindrops falling outside. And I’m sorry people don’t care enough to look at you, because if they did, they’d love you just as much as I do, Eddie Munson.”
“I don’t care if people love me,” he breathed, leaning closer, his lips hovering over yours, “I only care that you do. Nothing else matters.”
And his lips captured yours.
The kiss was sweet, slower than the ones you’d shared in the rain, yet it had lost none of its fierceness.
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer as you buried your fingertips in his curls once more, relishing the low moan the motion coaxed from Eddie’s lips, the sensation of his soft, soaked strands gliding through your fingers, rainwater running down your palms as you sunk into the kiss.
And with each movement of his lips against yours, you could feel his doubts melting away alongside your own.
Something had changed, in the way he touched you, you realized.
Something you hadn’t consciously realized had been there before.
Where the caress of Eddie’s hands had been restrained by hesitation before, it had grown bold. Where his kisses had been careful, as if he’d always feared to do something wrong, to overstep and scare you away, there was no more holding back now.
It was like a dam had broken, and you happily let the tide sweep you away, immerse you in the way his hands roamed over your sides, slipped beneath your cheerleader uniform to explore every inch of you, painting gentle patterns on your wet skin like he used to draw his little doodles into his books.
You could feel him smile into the kiss as you uttered the softest of moans when he drew his fingernails up your spine, making you arch your back and roll your hips against his, the already soaked spot on your panties rubbing just right against the tent in his pants, and the shudder running through Eddie made the heat in your core blaze just as much as the sensation did.
“I need you,” you whispered, “If – if you want –“
“God, you have noooo idea how much,” Eddie cut you off with a soft chuckle – one that morphed into a sweet groan as you rolled your hips against his again as he eagerly met your movement with a buck of his own hips, his teeth gently grazing your lips as his hands roam down to the outside of your thighs, dragging his nails over your feverish skin to leave trails of sparks in the wake of his touches, nerves flaring like sparklers as your body came alive beneath his hands.
And it felt like your heart would burst out of your chest with nerves and exhilaration and love and arousal as Eddie’s thumb hooked around the waistband of your panties for the second time that night.
“These need to go,” he breathed into the kiss – a question more than a statement, asking for permission – and you replied with an eager nod.
“Then get rid of them,” you crooned, the heat in your core, the need for him, putting a low rasp into your voice you’d never heard there before.
And with the sound of tearing fabric filling the rain-laced silence of the van, the panties were gone, and you pulled away from the kiss to gape at Eddie.
Who looked just as surprised as you did.
“I’m…sorry,” he said, the sudden timidness in his expression not quite matching the way his pupils were blow, the black nearly eclipsing the umber shade of his irises in the half-dark in the van’s back, the dim, murky light of the parking lot’s streetlamps seeping through the windshield shedding just enough light.
“Did you just rip my panties?”, you giggled, and the guilt in his eyes grew as he replied, “Uh. You wanted them gone.”
“That’s hot,” you grinned. “Very metal.”
His relieved exhale filled the air before he kissed you again, one hand coming up to the nape of your neck as his other hand dove underneath the hem of your cheerleader skirt once again, fingertips gently wandering up the inside of your thigh, painting burning trails of pleasure over the sensitive skin, and the filthy sound you made when his thumb gently flicked over that spot at the apex of your thighs where you needed him most made you gasp in surprise. But before you could pull away from the kiss, before you could even think of feeling embarrassed, Eddie crooned into the kiss, “That was hotter. I hope there’s more where that was coming from.”
You smiled against his lips, and another groan bubbled up your throat as he repeated the motion, the pad of his thumb drawing slow circles over your clit, spreading the wetness that was pooling between your legs – one which had nothing to do with the rain and everything with him.
“Is this good?”, he whispered.
Yes, you wanted to reply, so good. But the sensations of burning pleasure the caress of his thumb was sending through you was stealing the words from your tongue and every rational thought from your mind until there was nothing left but the raw, all-consuming need for more, more, more.
Eddie seemed to understand, though – and your hips moving in sync with the caress of his fingertips over your soaked heat, you angled your head to trail kisses along his jaw, down the column of his throat, inhaling his intoxicating scent of leather and cologne and him, of the rainwater soaking his beautiful dark curls while your hands wandered down to slip beneath the hem of his shirt, caressing the soft skin beneath and relishing the sounds your kisses, your touches, conjured from his lips like the sweetest melody in the world.
“God, sweetheart,” Eddie breathed, and the rasp in his voice, darkened by his own arousal, did nothing to quench the need burning in your core, “You’re so fucking perfect.”
“So are you,” you whispered against his neck, feeling him shudder softly with the sensation of your hot breath fanning over his skin as his fingertips worked you into blissful oblivion.
“I need you,” you rasped, fingertips travelling down towards the waistband of his jeans, following the soft line of his happy trail before you stilled above the buckle of his belt, waiting for his permission, and a smile curved your lips as his hands left their previous position to undo the belt and help you free him.
Your gaze locked on his as your hand wrapped around his throbbing length, a barely suppressed groan ripping from his throat…and a sudden fit of nervousness gripped you.
And of course, Eddie – attentive, gentle Eddie – didn’t even take a split second to see the flicker of nerves which must have crossed your gaze, because with overwhelming tenderness in his gaze, his hands came down to grasp yours, lacing your fingers as he whispered, “We don’t have to do this now, sweetheart. We got all the time in the world, ‘kay?”
“I want this,” you said, your voice more vehement than you’d intended for. “I want all of you, Eddie. And I don’t want to wait a second longer, so if it’s what you want, too…”
The smile lighting up Eddie’s face even in the half-dark was the sweetest one you’d ever seen, so filled with love and tenderness and devotion for you that it made your heart sing as he said, “I don’t think there’s ever been anything I wanted more than…not just that. Just…you.”
For a heartbeat, you just smiled at each other.
Perfectly at ease in each other’s presence, just like it was supposed to be, like it had always been before you’d stopped sneaking around those two weeks ago.
“There’s just one more thing I need to do first,” you said softly, climbing to your feet, hunched so you wouldn’t hit your head on the van’s roof as you felt for the little button embedded there, and a triumphant little huff escaped you as you turned on the small ceiling light before you positioned yourself back on Eddie’s lap, straddling him – and froze as you saw the utter terror in his expression.
“Eddie? What’s wrong?”, you inquired softly, tilting your head.
“I – I’d thought we’d be leaving that off,” he replied hollowly.
And for the first time, you felt gnawing, gut-wrenching insecurity.
“Don’t you…want to see me?”, you asked timidly, heat rising in your cheeks, but the terror in Eddie’s gaze grew as he blurted, “NO! I mean, yes! Jesus, yes! I want to see you. It’s…you don’t have to see me.”
The way he spoke the words in a broken whisper, shattered you all over again.
Because it dawned on you what he might have heard in the course of his life to warrant such raging insecurity. In the course of the past two weeks. You could imagine it too vividly.
And your heart bled for him all over again.
“I don’t know how anyone could ever have perceived you as anything else,” you said quietly, taking his face in your hands, a silent plea for him to look at you, “But you’re beautiful, Eddie. Not just handsome, not just hot, but beautiful.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but you cut him off when you fiercely added, “Like, that was the first thing I thought when I saw you for the first time, in Mrs. O’Donnell’s class. The only seat that was free was the one beside you and you looked at me with those stunning dark eyes and I was so, so nervous because I’d never seen you up close before and my heart plummeted three stories into the damn basement when I did because I knew I’d have the hardest time of my life not to ogle you like some creep. I mean, I did,” you snickered, “But very subtle.”
“You did?”
“God, yes. I memorized every detail. I’ll be getting my diploma in four weeks but I already graduated from the Eddie Munson Color Scheme School. I memorized the exact shades of your hair and the exact hue of your eyes before I ever told you the bat tattoo looked amazing. And I’m a little ashamed to tell you that my…my mind went a little bit into the gutter when I watched you draw your doodles, which, by the way, wasn’t about the doodles but your hands.”
There was a timid, bewildered little smile on Eddie’s soft lips as he watched you bite your lip.
“You…you’re not making that up?”, he inquired.
“The exact. Shade. Every little detail. It took me a week to memorize you better than I ever did my own damn reflection in the mirror so it’s safe to say I was crushing on you way before you started crushing on me.” Your expression softened as you placed a kiss on his cheek. “But I’ll turn the light off if you don’t want it. I just wanted you to know that whatever you heard…it was a lie. You’re beautiful, Eddie Munson. And maybe one day, I can help you see that, too.”
You made to rise from his lap and flip off the light, but Eddie’s hands grasped your waist, keeping you in place as he leaned in to kiss you.
And this time, there we no more interruptions. No more insecurities.
Just love.
“I love you, sweetheart” Eddie whispered into the kiss as he aligned himself with your entrance as you lifted your hips, heart racing with giddiness and love and the tiniest flutter of nerves – and with his beautiful umber eyes on yours, brimming with all the love mirrored in his voice, the tenderness of his touch as his free hand settled on your cheek, you slowly sunk onto him, burying him inside you, stretching you inch by tiny inch as you sunk down, breath hitching in your throat at the sensation, the tiny little sting of pain that didn’t escape his notice as he stilled. For a moment, worry took over his expression. “Wait, did – did that hurt?”
His voice was strained with a suppressed moan.
You were quick to shake your head. “No. Just a little sting. Don’t you dare stop,” you whispered with a smile.
You could sense how he wanted to protest, make sure you were okay when you were more than okay, and you met his lips in a kiss that was fierce enough to swallow all of his concerns as you settled in this new position. The sensation of him buried inside you knocked the air from your lungs and the strength from your body, delirious with the feeling of him as close as he could ever be, two pieces of a puzzle falling in place, and your eyes fluttered close with the flood of sensations.
“You good?”, Eddie asked, his fingertips caressing your cheeks, his voice strained with his arousal as he waited for you to adjust to him – and your mind went blank when you rolled your hips, your whole body turning into a live wire with the sensation bolting through your nerves, with Eddie’s blissed-out moan filling the interior of his van as he slowly rolled his hips to match your rhythm, his lips finding yours as his arms wrapped around you, your own hands burying in his mess of sodden curls.
It was better, so much better, than anything you’d ever imagined.
“Don’t stop”, you whispered as he gently thrust up, his hips snapping against yours, grazing that sweet spot deep inside of you to make you throw your head back as currents of pleasure zapped through your body, building this glowing, white-hot pressure in your core with each thrust.
“God, you feel so good,” Eddie murmured between moans. His breath prickled on your lips before he caught them in another kiss, open-mouthed and sloppy and sweet at the same time as you got lost in the moment, the raw, radiant bliss Eddie was making you feel, the sensation of your bodies melting together so perfectly, as if you were made for each other.
The sweet noises tumbling from his soft lips mingled with yours in-between kisses while his free hand began to trail your spine, the side of your neck, gently tilting your head to give him access to your throat. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin over your racing pulse as you cried out in pleasure at the throbbing ache building in your core, driving him deeper into your throbbing heat with each of his thrusts, each roll of your hips to match his pace, your heart pounding as fast as the rain still pelting down onto the van’s roof.
“I love you”, Eddie whispered, “I love you so much.”
The dark, rasping timbre of his voice engulfed your senses as his hand snaked beneath your skirt once more, fingertips dancing over your clit to draw the most sinful sounds from you with the skill you’d watched him play his beloved guitar so many times, building that glowing pressure in your core until you thought you’d burst with it.
With a final cry of pleasure, your climax washed over you, swept you away in a white-hot wave of bliss that made stars explode in your vision, your fingers tightening in his hair as you could feel him come undone alongside you at the feeling of your walls clenching around him, your name tumbling from his lips as he rested his forehead against yours.
There was only Eddie, buried deep inside you, making you feel as if you were flying as his hands found their way to your hips to help you lazily ride out your climaxes together.
And with the softest sigh bubbling from your lips, you collapsed against Eddie, face buried in the crook of his neck while his hands came up to caress the sides of your face, placing the softest kisses on the crown of your head as he murmured, a little timid all of a sudden, “Was…was that good for you?”
You raised your head to give him a blissful little smile, caught up in the daze of your afterglow. “God, this was so much better than good, Eddie.”
“Good,” Eddie grinned. “This…this was amazing. Like…I figured it would be amazing but this was…this was so much better than I even dreamed of and I dreamed of this, with you, more times than I’m comfortable admitting.” He let out a breathless chuckle of his own that mingled with your giggles.
He looked positively blissed. His curls, only just beginning to dry, were a wild mess, his pale cheeks dusted with a soft blush, and his umber eyes were wide, filled with so much joy and love that you felt a lump in your throat as he mirrored your grin with the most radiant, dazzling smile of his own.
“So, uh,” he grinned, nuzzling your nose, “I wanted to ask that over chocolate milkshakes at Benny’s diner but I figured now’s just as good a time as any, so…wanna go to prom with me?”
You reeled back, gaping at him. “Like, prom prom?”
“Um. Is there, like, more than one?”
The alarm in his eyes made you laugh. “No, I mean. You. Eddie Munson. Going to prom?”
“Well, since we’re official and the plan still stands to turn heel and get the Hell outta here together as soon as we get those diplomas, I thought I could just as well do something…weird for one night.”
You laughed, and Eddie joined in, his hand grasping yours to guide it to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on your knuckles.
“Uh, you didn’t reply yet. Getting a little nervous here, sweetheart.”
“Only if you attend in your best leather jacket.”
You could visibly see him deflate with relief at the thought of not having to wear an actual tuxedo, and your smile turned mischievous as you drawled, “And only if you help me pick out the dress you get to rip off of me afterwards.”
“That’s a deal I can live with,” he grinned, before his expression softened once more.
“I love you, sweetheart. And as long as you’ll have me…I’ll stay. Promise.”
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marthawrites · 4 months
A Not So Hidden Secret
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Modern Rhaenyra Targaryen x fem reader
Word count: 2.6k+
About: Rhaenyra discovers something in the bedroom that you, admittedly, forgot about, but didn't want her to know about!
Includes: This is mostly porn with some general plot to set things up. So, SMUT. Featuring established relationship, soft dom Rhae vibes, praise, sex toys (nipple clamps and vibrators) pushing reader out of her comfort zone, minor pain play, reader receiving oral sex, overstimulation, after care, fluff
Note: Hello lovely reader! Rhaenyra's age isn't specified in this fic, so you can read it with either "younger" (milly alcock) or "older" (emma d'arcy) Rhaenyra. I wrote it with older Rhae in mind, but how you read it is up to you! Reader is non-descript. As always, please enjoy!
“When were you going to tell me about these, sweetling?” Rhaenyra asked as she came out of your shared bedroom and sat on the couch with you. Casually, she pulled your foot into her lap so she could idly trace over the lower portion of your leg. She held something in her hand and if you could see her you’d see a sly little grin on her face. 
Her soft voice–filled with amusement–barely registered as you read your book. Turning the page, you didn’t bother to stop as you asked, “hm?”
She’d sat down on the opposite end of the couch where you laid to read, and you felt the cushions dip as she shifted over you. Straddling your hips, she pushed the book down so your attention was on her and not whatever silly who-done-it you were currently reading. “I said, when were you going to tell me about these?” She held up a small clear plastic bag and realization hit you.
Oh hell–the nipple clamps!
“Where did you find those!?” You half-squeaked, face hot with embarrassment–and maybe a teeny bit of guilt for not telling her.
Rhaenyra’s eyes danced with curious humor. “They weren't hidden. I went to wear some of your fluffy socks I like and they were right on top of your dresser.”
It's true. They weren't hidden. 
Yours and Rhaenyra’s relationship had been going strong for nearly two years now, and when she invited you to move in you practically screamed with joy. She was an absolute delight and treated you so well–and you, her! She lived in a beautiful townhouse in upscale King’s Landing that Viserys likely pulled a couple stings to make happen. But, Rhaenyra had always been his favorite child and there wasn't anything he'd skimp on for her. You’d been living together for almost six months. You didn’t hide anything from her–you had no reason to–and she didn’t hide anything from you. But these damn nipple clamps?
You looked between her eyes as tension coiled in your belly. Heat still lingered in your cheeks and you hoped she couldn’t see it. Biting your lip sheepishly, you said, “I can explain!”
She smirked. She had a dimple in her cheek and it was on full display. “Something I’m quite eager to hear about.”
You ran a hand down your face covering the giggle her words elicited from you. “Okay okay, so…,” you started, looking up at her as demurely as you could. “Remember when I bought that toy a month or so back?”
“Mm-hm,” she answered, dimple deepening.
“Well when I checked out apparently I spent enough to earn a ‘free gift’ if I wanted. So, I thought, what the heck! and clicked yes. I was hoping for maybe a tiny vibe or something, ya know? One of those cute ones that looks like lipstick or something,” you giggled again, blushing deeper. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed talking to your girlfriend about this sort of thing–you both loved toys!–but sometimes you did feel a wave of embarrassment talking about them outside of the bedroom.
Rhaenyra hummed in acknowledgment. “I see,” she said. “And when you opened your box and saw these… did you try them on?” Her voice was lower, now, a feminine husk that tickled along your senses in the most wicked ways. Amusement still glinted in her eyes, too, and made them all the more lovely. 
You shook your head, exclaiming, “no! They freaked me out a little, honestly!” You wish you would have thrown the stupid things away. Or at least hid them! Tension shuddered up and down your spine. Warmth began to slowly spread outward from your center, and you were glad you weren’t straddling her. If you were, she'd know exactly what she was doing to you. Being beneath her gaze like this shouldn't affect you in such a way, but… it did. “I haven’t even opened them!”
She laughed. Lowering, she kissed you and purred, “and here I thought I ruined a surprise you had for me.”
With her lips on yours any teasing retort you might have said flew out the window. The initial playfulness of her kiss shifted to something deeper, hungrier. Breaking away from it, you pouted, “sorry for disappointing you,” with a tiny grin of your own.
One of her hands pushed up beneath the front of your shirt, causing the material to bunch the higher she went. She felt your ribs hitch and she hummed against your mouth, delighted. Going higher still, she palmed over the swell of your sports bra covered breast and that hum turned into an appreciative moan. “I know a way to make it up to me,” she suggested, fingers splaying wide as she brushed over the fullness of your breasts.
Your breath started to come quicker and the liquid warmth between your thighs grew needier. “Oh yeah?” You asked, spine arching up into her touch. Your own hands pushed up the tops of her thighs until your fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her biker shorts and snapped it teasingly against her waist.
“Yeah. You can try them on now. For me. You’ll let me clamp those pretty nipples, won’t you?” Her voice might have tilted slightly with the question, but there was no question about it.
Yes, yes, yes.
Biting your lip, you nodded as you looked up at her. “Okay, yeah. Let’s do it.”
The expression she gave you was purely feline. Rolling off you, she offered you her hand. “In our room,” she said, tilting her head in its direction.
A trail of strewn clothes littered the space between the living room and bedroom, and Rhaenyra didn’t even bother to close the curtains as she stepped right between your legs when you sat on the edge of the bed. The townhouse was two-stories high and with the position of the window, as well as the arrangement of your room, there was an extremely low chance of anyone seeing anything. She looked down at you and traced the back of her hand over your jaw before sliding her thumb over your mouth. “Those eyes are so pretty looking up at me like this,” she cooed. “My perfect girl.”
Shivers filled your body at her praise. “Nyra…,” you whined, blushing yet again, doing your best to not turn your face away from her in flustered embarrassment.
“My sweet girl still feeling shy about her little secret?” Rhaenyra asked as she opened the plastic bag, pulling the chained clamps out. It clanked softly in the quiet room. “Ooh, these can get really tight,” she said as she showed you the pinch of the clamp. “Let’s loosen those a bit, yeah?” She asked amusedly as she twisted the screw looser on each. 
The tips were covered in a brightly colored smooth rubber, and you assumed it was for the comfort of the wearer. Anticipation fizzed in your belly as you watched Rhae. She only wore her underwear, as did you, and it somehow made the setting all the more intimate.
“There,” she breathed, testing the tightness on the tip of her pinky. “Ready?
Gulping–and unintentionally squirming–you nodded. “I am.” Still sitting, you leaned back on your hands and the position allowed you to easily arch your spine as you offered your breasts to her. You watched as she clipped one on. You gasped. Once she clipped the second on you gasped sharper. 
Leaning down, Rhaenyra kissed you softly. “Good girl,” she whispered against your lips. “How do they feel?”
You looked down the front of your chest, and Rhaenyra took the moment to inspect her work, too; electricity charged the bedroom’s air. Your nipples were pinched tight and the very tips of them buzzed. “Feels weird,” you giggled, still trying to wrap your head around the strange sensation. “It doesn’t hurt-hurt but it sort of hurts.” You realized how silly it sounded as soon as you said it. “Think they’ll fall off?” You asked, shimmying your shoulders in a way that sent your tits swaying just slightly. The little chain rattled and somehow that made you feel all the more dirty about it.
“Fuck,” she hissed beneath her breath, watching. “God, you have the sexiest tits. Can’t believe you let me clamp them. You are the loveliest gem,” she said before she was on your mouth again. The kiss was immediately hot and heavy, desperate in a way that made you sink your fingers into her half-messy updo, stray little curls framing her face. With a soft moan she pushed you back, careful to not disturb the clamps or chain too much. 
Laying on your back, you wrapped your legs around Rhaenyra’s waist and kissed her with fervor. “Think I want them off now,” you admitted, really starting to feel the pain of them.
She hushed you. “Shh, no, not yet, sweetling. You’re doing very well. They hurt?” 
You nodded, looking up into her desire glazed eyes with your softened doe eyes.
“Let me show you how sweet the pain can make the pleasure,” she said, expression turning sweetly wicked. Without giving you any time to ask questions or protest, she slid down the front of your body until she laid between your thighs. In a single sweeping movement she tugged your panties off; those things didn’t stand a chance. She groaned as she saw how wet you were, how ready your body was, how responsive you’ve been to this new experiment. “Fucking hell, love,” she rasped. “You could take my strap right now without any prep. You are so fucking wet.”
A hazy fog already began to settle in your brain. Anticipation, emotions, and sensations sent your hips squirming in need. You made a little sound in response to her words, but no actual words came out of your mouth. She hadn’t even started on you yet and already she rendered you to an unintelligible mess. 
Her arms wrapped around your thighs and positioned you just how she wanted, and she instantly dragged her tongue up the fullness of your center. She lapped full lazy licks up your slit, catching and kissing your clit at the top of each stroke, before doing it all over again.
And again.
Your hands flew down to her hands squeezing into your thighs, and you squeezed atop them as she devoured your pussy. Too much. It was already too much. How was it already too much? “Oh my god..!” You breathed, gasping, a tight coil of pleasure already threatening to snap in those low muscles of your belly. “H-holy fucking shit…!”
Rhaenerya planned to murder you. Truly.
She moaned into you and didn’t stop. She gently drew your swollen clit into her mouth and slid her tongue over it, feeling your thighs begin to shudder around her. She alternated between licking and sucking–even kissing the bud when she thought you needed to catch a full breath–until your hands were in her hair.
“God! N-Nyra..! I’m gonna co-,” and before you could finish whimpering out those final words, she shattered you. Orgasm rolled over you in warm waves of bliss. Still, she never stopped, and you rode it out until it threatened to crest into a second peak and become painful. 
It was then, and only then, that she stopped and looked up at you, panting almost as much as you were. “You taste so fucking good. Stay right here, I’m not done with you yet.” She slipped off the bed and walked over to your dresser, going right for the drawer you kept all your toys. Picking out a vibrator she knew you loved–its width and shape always making quick work of you–she smiled like a succubus. Crawling back between your legs, she once again didn’t give you time to protest before turning it on. “Don’t even think about taking those clamps off.”
You opened your mouth to say something in retort but the second you did you felt–and saw–Rhaenrya begin to push that big vibrator into your clenching, soaked, needy fucking pussy. Your eyes rolled closed when she seated it fully inside you. Tension instantly returned to your core and you barely covered your mouth in time to muffle an overstimulated cry. The muscles of your abdomen flexed and tightened, hips stuttering, as bliss threatened to push you over the edge. 
God you fucking loved this thing. 
“If only you could see yourself right now,” Rhaenrya cooed as she watched you from below, able to see not only your saturated cunt as she pumped the toy in and out of you, but also see up your belly to your breasts, and your blissed out face above those. “You are so lovely. So perfect. So fucking sexy and dirty.”
“P-please! Too much. Too much,” you gasped, still shuddering and clenching on your vibrator.
She smirked like the devil himself as she leaned forward and began to lavish your clit with her tongue and lips once again. She held the vibrator inside you, keeping it in place and not letting it squeeze out from your clenching depths. Nor did she pump it in and out of you. She simply kept it there. Deep. Buzzing away inside your perfect walls on one of its highest settings. She let all those inner muscles do the work as she ate your clit.
If you thought the first (or was it two?) orgasm was too much, this one really was. A strangled cry left your throat as blinding pleasure pulsed through every single nerve-ending in your body. Molten lava consumed you. You were weightless. Formless. Your hips spasmed beneath her and you thought you might actually pass out.
Carefully, with one final kiss to your clit, she pulled the toy out from your overstimulated center. She turned it off and dropped it on the bed. She moved to lay beside you, kissing your cheek. With a much softer expression, she asked, “you okay?”
You hadn’t realized the intensity of your last orgasm caused more than physical release to flood you. Tears had gathered in your eyes and slid down your temples. It’s not that you were sad–not at all–but the sensation had been that intense. You couldn’t remember the last time this happened! The tears were short lived and as soon as you wiped them away, no more came. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you answered softly, voice thicker and more horse than you expected. “Holy shit. I’m more than okay,” you laughed, honestly dumbfounded at how your body could still be weightless and tingling. “I’m honestly fucking amazing right now.”
“Good,” she answered with a little giggle of her own. “I’m going to take the clamps off now, okay?”
You nodded, slowly coming back into yourself.
Once your nipples were free of the clamps, she tenderly kissed each one. “You did so, so very well. I’m beyond proud of you my sweet, perfect, lovely girl,” she said as she nuzzled soft kisses at the corner of your mouth, your cheek, your neck.
You tickled her face with kisses too, soaking in all of her sweet lovey words. “Pretty sure my soul is still coming back to my body, but, once it does I am so tackling the fuck outta you,” you proclaimed fiercely, wanting to give her even a fraction of what she had given you.
That got a laugh out of her. “Take your time, sweetling,” she winked. “I’m half starved. I’ll go order us dinner and be back in for said tackling. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect,” you agreed as you watched her walk out of the bedroom in only her panties, searching for her phone to call something in from one of your favorite restaurants.
By the time you were done giving thanks to your girlfriend for all the pleasure she gave you, dinner was cold on the front porch. But, even with that, it was still one of the best damn meals you'd had lately.
After dinner, you found your book on the couch again, and Rhaenyra flicked on the latest show she'd been binging–both of you sharing one really big, really soft, blanket.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
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inknopewetrust · 2 years
Oh, Baby, it’s Halloween
Summary: you and Eddie raise a baby… only you’re not a couple and the baby isn’t real… and now Tina’s Halloween party changes the trajectory of your lives forever. Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader [WC: 10k] Warnings: language, discussion of drugs, idiots in love, you all have been too kind which makes me nervous to post this. Quick Links: Masterlist | Part One | Part Two
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“What about this one?”
From the other end of the rack, Gareth held up a pair of pants high above his head. Eddie took in the look carefully before shaking his own.
“No holes, remember? I literally just said that like a second ago.”
Who knew picking out clothes for Halloween would be so hard?
“I don’t know why you even have to dress up. Most of the guys will just throw on a leather jacket and call it a day. Greasers from the fuckin’ Outsiders or some shit,” Gareth mumbled as he put the pants back in the lineup of the other hundred pairs on the rack.
Hawkins thrift had a hefty supply of men’s pants with and without holes because the rich and fortunate changed fashion quickly.
Small blessings for those living paycheck to paycheck.
“That’s practically what I wear every day,” Eddie sighed, sifting through the opposite end where a pair of Levi’s in vomit green disgusted him. “And I just have to look the part, alright? It’s one night.”
“Look the part,” his friend snorted, “you’re just trying to impress her. You could wear a potato sack and if she liked you in that, impressing her would be the least of your problems.”
“Is that so bad?” Eddie stopped browsing and stared down at Gareth.
“What? Trying to impress her?”
“Yes,” Eddie answered bluntly causing Gareth to breath in deeply.
To Gareth, no, it wasn’t a bad thing. High school was a zoo and for freaks like Eddie and himself everything was like walking in a glass cage. They were oddities; stickers on pristine windows that said ‘kick me’ and ‘dunce.’ He figured long ago that happiness was something not given or sought, but uncovered from personal discovery and self-preservation.
Eddie walked a tightrope.
One week ago he was assigned a partner that Gareth had passed in the hallway intermittently and thought, ‘oh, she’s cute,’ but Eddie never mentioned her. He didn’t talk about girls the way the jocks or preps talked about them; he didn’t ogle often at the cheerleaders in their little skirts because Eddie’s doctrine told him it was rude—even if he was as hormonal as the rest. He harbored those feelings like a scared little boy and now here he was, with Gareth in Hawkins’ only thrift store, trying to find the perfect pieces for a Halloween costume on a Thursday afternoon for one girl.
Gareth wanted Eddie to be happy. The curly-haired sophomore just didn’t trust people to not play a game with his best friend. He didn’t want to see the person he looked up to most be the laughing stock of high school because he fell head over heels for you.
“No,” he answered honestly, “it’s not a bad thing. I mean,” Gareth snorted, “if Katie Yang told me tomorrow she loved me, I would run off in the sunset with her and never return.”
Eddie barked a laugh. It would never happen. He was pretty sure his fellow senior member of Hellfire swung a very different way—but he couldn’t let Gareth’s dreams of marrying her falter. It would make Gareth too sad to even participate in Eddie’s campaigns.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie went back to searching, “she’s my Katie Yang.”
“How about these then?” Gareth held up another pair and for what Eddie needed them for, they were perfect. He left his spot at the end of the rack, snatching them from his friend's hands and grinned.
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“Click got me with a pop quiz today,” Nancy whined as she leaned against your locker early Friday afternoon. She had her chin tucked against her chemistry textbook and trapper keeper.
“I don’t know anything about the War of 1812!”
“Does anyone know anything about the war of 1812?” You countered yet her disappointed face did not lift. Yes, some kids knew what had taken place but Nancy missed the lesson. She missed the lesson yesterday because all she was thinking about was how the relationship between herself and Steve was bullshit.
Bullshit. The exact word that you had used to describe it before Eddie swept you away.
“Linda Fischer did! And that Buckley girl that plays the trumpet? She knew all about it; answered nearly every question when it was over.”
“Maybe it’s because they have no life and just study all the time?”
Nancy scoffed, “I study all the time too and look where that got me.”
“It’s just one quiz, Nance,” you swapped your red calculus notebook for the blue history one. Bilbo was perched inside of your locker as you went about collecting your things for the next hour. “I don’t think your grade will suffer.”
Steve’s booming laughter echoed in the hallway.
“Doubt it,” Nancy muttered bitterly as the clang of lockers being hit sounded behind her. Steve smiled radiantly as he tossed a baseball in his hand—it was October, in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere Indiana, and he still managed to find and toss a baseball for fun.
“Doubt what?” He smacked his gum loudly as Nancy turned to copy the way he leaned against the lockers beside yours.
“Click’s pop quiz on the War of 1812,” you cut in before Nancy could. Everyone was required to take Junior American History and everyone remembered that pop quiz well… simply because everyone failed it.
“Oo,” Steve scrunched his nose, “Click is one haggard old broad, isn’t she?”
“The most haggard,” Nancy sighed. Steve peered over her shoulder and tipped his head at Bilbo.
“How’s the baby?”
“Baby is doing just fine, Steve. Just fine.”
“Yeah, mine too,” he winked as if what you said was a joke when it was far from it. Bilbo had mellowed out quite well, actually. It felt like a glitch in the system in many ways but the doll barely made a noise anymore. Two or three tantrums a day made life with Bilbo Munson-L/n a breeze.
“And Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson? What’s he like as a partner?” Steve questioned, “you seem to get on well.”
“Why? Because I’m nice to him?”
“I’m nice to him!” He took your words defensively, “doesn’t mean he isn’t a freak.”
“He’s a good partner, great, even. And you are not nice to him. Last year, you and Tommy would shoot spitballs at Hellfire every day until Higgins told you to stop.”
“That was Tommy’s idea.” He still went along with it. The amusement Steve still felt from the prank made your stomach turn.
“Eddie’s actually trying. We’re doing rather well I’d like to think.”
“Tell that to Tammy and Greg when he didn’t do his project in O’Donnell’s last spring. He nearly cost them their own grades.”
“Well,” you gripped the door to your locker. As you did, your thumb grazed that picture of you and the boys as Star Wars characters a few Halloween’s back. “O’Donnell’s a bitch. She has it out for everyone.”
That’s exactly what Eddie had told you.
“Yeah, right,” Steve said in disbelief, “he put you up to this? Makin’ everyone believe he’s actually gonna graduate on time like the rest of us?”
“Steve,” you huffed. He was angry he wasn’t succeeding at project parenthood and you and Eddie were. The fact that he and Nancy had barely spoken two sentences to each other that entire week also increased his belligerence.
“We’re all managing the best we can. Eddie’s a good partner. It surprised me too but here we are, almost done, and he’s done nothing but stay true to his word.”
Well, mostly. You tried to forget about the school day on Wednesday.
“He giving you free weed or something to get him a good grade? I heard he’s gonna deal the party which means it’s only gonna be fun for an hour before everyone is high and annoying.”
“Hey,” Nancy narrowed her eyes at Steve, “why is everything a deal? If she says he’s a good partner, then he’s a good partner. End of story.”
“So, you’re defending Munson now too?” He rose his eyebrows high beneath his three strands of hair that fell onto his forehead. “Jesus… it’s the literal apocalypse. Apocalypse!”
“I’m not having this conversation with you.”
Done with Steve’s antics, Nancy turned her body away from Steve and back to how she was originally standing. Inside, her mind was fighting every physical urge to apologize and revert back to her timid self of one year ago.
But she could feel the way your demeanor changed when Steve began cutting on Eddie. You were her friend—best friend—and Nancy Wheeler would be dammed if her boyfriend was going to make you feel that way.
Steve was growing. However, he was far from perfect.
“Nance, come on…” Steve complained as he rested his head on her shoulder. She ignored him the best she could at the moment.
“Are you going to the game tonight? Last one for the year,” football game. Nancy’s wide eyes were hopeful that she wouldn’t be stuck standing by a wild Steve and the popular kids she didn’t like.
“No,” you shook your head, grabbing Bilbo out of the locker and shutting it. “I’ve got Bilbo and I have to study for that Spanish test from last week when I get home.”
“You had Bilbo yesterday! What happened to Eddie doing his fair share?”
“He has Hellfire tonight and when we went through our plans, I told him I would take the doll when he had his club. He swapped Sunday so if you aren’t hungover from the party, we can get breakfast or something.”
Steve wrapped his arms around Nancy’s waist, pulling her tightly against him as she breathed out heavily.
“Fine,” she grumbled, “but you’re picking up the tab.”
“You’re really going to study for a Spanish test on a Friday night?” Steve asked, brow quirked and judgmental.
“Tell me, Steve,” you shut your locker, “with Halloween and all of my other homework on Sunday, when would I have time to study for the test? Some of us do study and I know that might surprise you.”
“Ouch,” he winced, pouting as Nancy tried to wiggle from his grasp, “You’re being mean. I blame Munson. He’s corrupting you.”
“Blame away,” you began walking backwards from the two lovers as the clock ticked rapidly toward the end of passing period. “I rather like the person I’m turning into.”
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“Have you thought about your costume yet?”
As you stepped out of Clay’s calculus class, Eddie snatched the homework (that the teacher had been passing out not a moment before) from your hands.
He had left Click’s history class five minutes early to catch you before Nancy drove you home. To make frivolous conversation, he asked about calculus and joked about you getting a tutor which left him burned when you told him he should get a tutor too—for all of his classes.
A few hours earlier, he had seen Nancy and Steve snug as a bug beside your locker as the hair’s arrogant attitude turned two faces sour. Eddie had observed it in passing; walking out of the lunchroom with the rest of the Hellfire members he shared it with only to pass your locker without you noticing because the two lovebirds held your attention.
The look on your face then was different than it was now. Relaxed, gratified. Another week was completed and Halloween was tomorrow.
“So…?” You waved a hand in front of his face. Eddie was staring into space; the kind where you don’t realize it because your thoughts are running either a million miles per second or not moving at all.
“Hm?” He asked, standing a bit straighter after realizing he hadn’t answered your question.
“Have you thought about your Halloween costume yet?” You questioned again as you slipped another notebook into your backpack.
“Got it yesterday, actually,” Eddie’s grin made your stomach flutter. He had that devilish smirk that made the football players angry as he stood on tables and jeered at their dull ignorance of being jocks.
“And it is what?”
“A surprise,” his eyes flicked to the pictures in your locker and this time, you caught him looking. Backing up a bit, the hand that wasn’t holding your backpack by its handle traced the edges of the pictures and plucked them off one by one from their spots.
“This one is from the Fourth of July last year,” you motioned for Eddie to take it and he did. “Nancy’s mom had us take all the kids to the fireworks at the fairgrounds.”
“Ah, the fireworks,” Eddie recalled, “pretty sure last year I graffitied Mayor Kline’s garage door the same time those were going on.”
“You didn’t,” you put the other picture in your hand up to your lips, hiding your mouth in bewilderment that he would openly admit to that. That shit made the news.
“Oh, but I did,” Eddie declared in a whispered excitement. The way he scrunched his nose at your disbelief made you beam from underneath the picture. “In big fat letters: if you repeat a lie enough, it becomes the truth.”
“In protest of Kline’s decision to build that mall? He was going to sell Forest Hill’s land, right?” You removed the picture from your mouth as the reality of his act of political artistic expression came to full realization. Eddie didn’t do things like that just to get a rise out of people. He did it because he hated the guy and without protest, who knew where he would be living at the moment.
“Yes, ma’am,” he held his chin out proudly, “saved the people of the trailer park. Local hero and all…” he boasted with a smile before handing back the first picture.
“So, you and Wheeler have been friends for a bit?”
“Since we were little,” you nodded your head and stuck that picture back onto the metal locker. Eddie took the second one you offered. “Our parents went to school together and I guess they’re not in the same tax bracket anymore but Karen Wheeler and my mom still get together every Sunday to talk shit about Nancy’s dad.”
“Not yours?” Eddie snickered.
“No,” you dropped your backpack on the ground and faced him fully, “my parents get along just fine. But these little dweebs,” you pointed your finger at the boys in the photo, “are the same ones from the car the other day.”
“This one,” he pointed to Mike, “is Wheeler’s brother.”
“Mike,” you gave him an ‘uh-huh,’ “and this here is Will Byers—who I don’t babysit,” you looked up at him, “and these two… these two are the worst offenders of them all.”
Eddie hardly doubted that. Two cheeky smiles hanging onto your shoulders as your arms wrapped around theirs. A curly haired Han Solo and a grinning Luke Skywalker.
“Dustin Henderson and Lucas Sinclair. I’ve babysat them since I was like… eight.”
“You’re good with kids then?” He quirked a brow, genuinely asking.
Every second he could spend getting to know you better he grasped tightly.
“I guess,” he looked back at the picture and saw the joy on those kids faces. They were happy to be there; they were happy to be in your presence and he couldn’t blame them in the slightest. “It’s as good as a job as any but I don’t know if I’ll ever want my own. Maybe if the right circumstances present themselves I’ll change my mind.”
“But they’ve got nothing on Bilbo, right?”
“Oh, no,” you laughed and grabbed the picture back, “Bilbo runs circles around them. Doesn’t talk back, does his homework on time…”
“Are you going to bring Bilbo to Tina’s? Not really sure Sandra Dee would be seen carrying a baby.”
“My dad offered to make sure any tantrums would be dealt with. We are free to live our lives as childless parents,” you joked and Eddie imagined this Halloween but also a hundred more. “You can pick him up when you drop me off.”
Childless or not. A part of him couldn’t imagine it without you.
“You have,” Eddie cleared his throat, eyes darting around the hallway before landing back to you, “you have really nice parents, by the way.”
“Thanks,” taken aback by his honesty, “I mean, I think they’re just like everyone else’s but yeah, I guess they’re nice.”
“Not everyone’s parents would have let me stay at their house all afternoon,” he shoved his hands into his jacket’s pockets and leaned against the lockers with a slouch. “Some of us drew the short straw in that department.”
Eddie never talked about his home life. You knew of Wayne because he worked at the plant with your dad, but no one ever really talked about it. In sixth grade, he was out for a week because his mom died. The teacher passed around a card for you all to sign yet no one said a word when he returned.
“Well,” you shrugged to pretend it wasn’t as heavy as it seemed, “the families we’re given don’t have to be the ones we choose. These kids,” you pointed to the picture you just put back, “are my family even if we don’t share any blood.”
“You know,” Eddie gazed at you with tender eyes that you wouldn’t have caught if you weren’t in tune with your own emotions. “You’re a little too smart for your own good.”
You laughed, grinning from ear to ear as you leaned down to grab your backpack again. “Not at math, though.”
“No,” Eddie shook his head. He ducked his head, feeling the heat creep onto his neck until it found its way on his cheeks. His hair hid what you couldn’t see. You grabbed your science textbook and Bilbo before closing your locker. When he willed the tint away, he watched the way you adjusted the bag on your shoulders with one hand as you held Bilbo in the other.
“I guess not math.”
“I’d rather have the emotional intelligence anyway,” tossing your head in the direction of the door, Eddie animatedly sprung himself from the lockers and back into the emptying hallway. Two cheerleaders nearly ran into him and he lifted his arms like he had been caught for murder.
Emotional intelligence. If you had stronger, clearer emotional intelligence you would have taken the initiative to ask Eddie out. You would have realized your crush on him was firm and unyielding enough to warrant an actual date.
But the “not date, date” of Tina’s Halloween party loitered between the two of you. Neither had mentioned the “not date” besides the costumes you were going to wear that wouldn’t match.
As you navigated the halls together to exit the building, Eddie walked beside you and every so often, his arm would brush yours. Not on accident.
“Dustin and those kids, they’re in middle school?”
“Eighth graders…” just the thought that next fall they’d be in high school made you feel really old. “They’ll be coming here next year.”
“I’ll have to tell Gareth about them,” he said, “maybe when I’m gone he can recruit them for Hellfire.”
“You gonna graduate on time, Munson?” You smiled, knocking your shoulder into the arm that kept grazing you. As dramatically as Eddie could, he stumbled and rubbed his arm like it hurt.
“That’s offensive, you know that?” He feigned insult. “If I don’t, I’ll just welcome them myself. The lost sheepies are the ones that are easiest to catch.”
“Lost sheepies,” you repeated softly. Eddie pattered his way back beside you.
“They’d probably like you a lot,” you told him when he returned. “Will would take a minute to warm up to you but I think Dustin would cling to you. He likes the… weird ones.”
“First I’m not gonna graduate on time and now I’m weird?” Eddie threw his head back. “You’re killin’ me today with this defamation.”
Defamation. ‘Where the hell did that come from,’ Eddie thought to himself.
“I don’t think you being weird is a bad thing, Eddie,” Eddie. Not Munson or anything else. It was something he’d never tire of hearing. “You just embrace it. Weird is cool—even if Billy or Tammy or Carol don’t think so.”
“You’re pretty weird yourself, mama.”
The end of the hallway was quickly approaching and Eddie jogged forward, opening the door for you and holding open.
“Thanks,” you told him, “for both the… compliment and the door.”
“It’s what fellow weirdos do for each other,” at the end of the walkway, Eddie realized he was going in one direction and you the other.
The end of Friday had been reached. Only the Halloween party was left.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then, yeah?” He asked as if the answer wasn’t clear. You nodded, head giving an enthusiastic bob you’d be thinking over later.
“How will I know what to look for if you don’t tell me what your going as?” You shouted as he walked toward his van. There wasn’t a part of you that cared what other people thought anymore.
Carol and Billy get fucked. There was only one life you’d remember and you’d be dammed if Eddie wasn’t a part of it in some way.
“Don’t worry, mama,” he turned around and kept walking backwards. A smirk playing on lips like it always belonged there. “You’ll recognize me.”
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“Okay,” Nancy came trotting back into her room from her mother’s closet, “here,” she tossed a small red scarf into your lap as you sat on her bed.
“What’s this?”
“The ascot I said I’d give you,” she said like it was obvious. Nancy fiddled with the black tie on her shirt in the mirror above her dresser.
“Nance,” you called over to her, catching her eyes, “have you ever seen Grease?”
“Of course I have.”
“Then you’d know that Sandy doesn’t wear an ascot… just red shoes.”
“No,” she objected, “she definitely wears an ascot.”
“Tell that to Olivia Newton-John,” you got up from the bed and went straight to her closet, pulling it open to reveal a small stack of VHS tapes at the bottom. Grease was the fifth one down and on the back, Danny and Sandy at the senior carnival fun house was plastered on the back.
You handed it to her on unsteady legs as the red heels you wore were beginning to become unforgiving. One night, just one night.
“See,” you told her, “no ascot.”
“I swear to God she had one,” Nancy looked in wonder before handing it back to you. “But you’ve got the shirt and leggings and belt. That’s good enough.”
“No jacket though,” you sat back down on her bed.
“Maybe there’s a reason you couldn’t find it,” she giggled to herself like a schoolgirl.
“Oh, yeah?” You questioned. All this dancing around… you didn’t want Monday to arrive and end with Eddie never speaking to you again. Wishing upon a shooting star, whatever confidence you could muster tonight would have to manifest itself into reality.
Project Parenthood was not going to end on your watch without you asking Eddie Munson out on a date.
That was what you came to terms with Friday night.
You just hoped he didn’t think you a fool for believing he might actually say yes. You also didn’t take Eddie to be the kind of guy who’d be embarrassed that a girl asked him out. What if he wanted someone to be forward? What if he liked confidence and strife over classic gender roles being challenged?
The guy was as non-conformist as a person could get.
“Well, maybe Billy Hargrove would lend me his,” you joked and she dropped the tube of mascara she had just picked up back on the dresser.
“Billy Hargrove?” She spoke in a harsh whisper as her hand searched for it again. “What the hell—“
Nancy took one look at you and saw the mischief all over your face. It was a joke. You were joking. You wouldn’t let Billy Hargrove touch you with a ten foot pole.
“I think if Eddie Munson heard you say that he would keel over.”
“I think if Eddie Munson heard I had a big fat crush on him he’d keel over.”
Nancy thought it was nice to hear you admit that.
“Die from excitement or die from embarrassment?” Nancy laughed as you fell back against the bed. Her pillows sounded a “poof” as you laid against them.
“Hopefully not that latter.”
“I don’t think he would die from embarrassment… if my opinion means anything,” she returned the wand to the tube before sitting down beside your reclined figure on the bed. Nancy took your hand in hers and squeezed it.
“Eddie is the strangest, weirdest person I think I’ve ever laid eyes on but if he can make you happy, then that’s all I want for you.”
“Even after what I said about you and Steve the other day? You still want me to be the one to ride off into a sunset?”
Nancy shrugged, looking down at your hands entwined. “Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. Maybe Steve just isn’t the one.”
“But he’s the Joel to your Lana.”
“Tonight, yeah,” she sighed, patting your hands with her free one, “but the bullshit has to stop. I just don’t know how to tell him.”
“Nance,” you fidgeted your hand out of hers and sat up on your elbows. Nancy’s room full of cream colors and pinks was juvenile while her experiences and feelings were far from it.
“It’s true though, isn’t it? It’s been two years and sometimes I feel like I don’t know him at all. Where his mind is at, concerns… I try and get him to open up but he just won’t. How am I supposed to be a good girlfriend when all he wants to do is party and hang with friends on the weekend?”
“This has to be your decision,” you told her candidly, “and perhaps after tonight you’ll feel differently.”
“We still on for breakfast tomorrow?” Nancy got up from the bed and went back to her dresser. “That way I can tell you all about it because Eddie’s taking you home.”
“Yeah, we’re still on.”
“And then you can tell me all about how Eddie is actually, surprisingly, a good kisser,” she laughed as you stuffed your head into her pillows.
“You really sound like Barb; you know that?”
“No, no,” Nancy shook her head, putting up a finger in the mirror, “Barb would say, ‘you really think Eddie Munson would be a good boyfriend? Don’t you remember when he hotboxed weed in his van at lunch last year and Chief Hopper had to tape off the parking spot because little kids were accidentally given a second-hand high?’ That’s what she’d say.”
“And then she’d ask if he made it to second base,” you grinned, turning over to stare at her ceiling. “Only to be followed with a very loud ‘eww, I can’t believe you did that!”
“I miss her,” Nancy said fondly, “she wasn’t the biggest fan of Steve but she’d want me to be happy. She’d want you to be happy to so,” she gave you that knowing look, “you’re gonna put on some red lipstick and drink a couple beers and by the time Eddie Munson knows what’s hit him, he’ll be so in love no other girl could compare.”
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That was the first word that popped into your mind when you thought of the scene around you. It was nine-thirty, there were cars parked sloppily on the grass and students scattered everywhere. The music was blasting from Tina’s stereo so loudly it might burst your eardrum by the time the night is over and it helped none that the one thing you wanted to find was missing—somewhere in the house or the yards but not beside you.
Third wheeling with Steve and Nancy wasn’t fun when they argued on the ride over.
You sat in the back of Steve’s BMW wishing to be sucked into the seat only to never be seen again. Nancy’s attitude shifted from excited to upset and Steve was just being an asshole about the whole “parties are fun and we’re going to stay the entire time” conversation that started the argument. Those feelings lingered when the car parked, when the three of you made it inside, and then when you found yourself stuffed into a corner beside a curio cabinet.
“Oh, God,” Nancy mumbled when Billy Hargrove—alongside Tommy Hagen and the rest of the goons who couldn’t separate themselves from the freshest meat—clocked the three of you standing away from the entry way’s makeshift dance floor. “Don’t start anything,” she told Steve who looked in the direction she stared.
Besides the crushing weight of the party on your shoulders, stepping out of your comfort zone in a Halloween costume that Nancy picked out for you made your hands shake with tension. The confident thoughts of earlier running out of your mind the second everyone started looking at you like a fish out of water. A couple guys whistled, the girls judged. There was no happy medium at a place like this.
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington,” Tommy gloated as Billy challenged Steve. He pulled off his sunglasses and Nancy turned around to you.
“Let’s go get a drink, yeah?” She asked with pleading eyes. You glanced at the group of hot-shot boys—their gazes watching you and Nancy like pieces of meat for taking and it made your skin crawl.
“Yeah,” you let Nancy hook her pinky through yours as the two of you trekked past groups of your peers quickly getting drunk and eating scattered snacks in the kitchen. A couple, whom you didn’t know, were swapping tongues beside the stove.
On the counter beside open bottles of booze, a bowl fitted with dry ice and a ruby liquid sat being consumed by a boy in a toga. He chugged a red cup down before filling another one and doing the same. That was ‘pure fuel’ or the one drink that could send anyone to that drunken bliss with so much as a sip. Nancy peered into it like a mysterious lake.
“Do you want any?” She picked up two red solo cups, offering up one for you but you looked around for the fridge instead. Behind you, next to the two making out, the fridge was left cracked open.
“No,” you walked the small space to the fridge and grabbed a cold can of Pabst Blue Ribbon out of it. It was a party; Tina was going to buy the cheapest beer she could. “And I wouldn’t suggest you drink a ton of that either.”
“Why?” Nancy contested, swiping the cup into the bowl. “Aren’t we supposed to have fun? Get drunk and make stupid mistakes while we’re young? Just be stupid teenagers for one night.”
She was still pissed off at Steve.
“If you’re going to drink that,” you cracked open the can in relief when one of your nails didn’t break, “try to know your limit, alright? I don’t want to babysit you over the toilet later.”
“Deal,” she chugged the cup over the bowl as Steve rejoined the two of you. He began protesting her actions immediately and she replied by using his words against him—the same ones he used to argue to stay at the party. Nancy filled her cup again, slammed it, and wiped the excess of her face before leaving the two of you in the dust.
“You say somethin’ to her?” Steve turned to you with an accusatory glare. “She’s been weird all week.”
“She’s been weird or you’ve been ignoring her?” You countered unexpectedly.
“I haven’t been ignoring her.”
“I’ve seen you with Tammy Thompson more times than I can count this week and every day when Nance takes me home, you don’t kiss her goodbye.”
“We’re partners, remember?” Steve scoffed. “You should know that more than anyone. Where is the freak anyway? I can smell the weed; I know he’s here yet he’s not with you…” He was mad too. Steve and Nancy both angry at each other made everyone else in their paths feel the scorching ire of their pain.
“He’s not my date, Steve… He’s my partner, remember?”
Rolling your eyes, you brushed past him and left him in the kitchen alone. A quick escape through the door that led to the backyard let the cool breeze meet your face and the sting of Steve’s words fell from you. It was a rather nice October night. It was just cold enough where jackets could be enjoyed but the Midwestern urge to remain strong in the breeze left many without one. There was a bonfire raging in the back and friend groups scattered on the lawn.
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Katie Yang was sitting around the bonfire when her eyes caught the door to Tina’s house open and close.
Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull—not from the smell of weed surrounding her, but from the fact that Eddie hadn’t been lying.
An hour ago, Eddie rolled up to Tina’s with a backpack full of drugs yet that wasn’t what everyone talked about as the fast murmured rumors made their way through crowds of students like tidal wave. With the three other members of Hellfire that had been invited because they were seniors, the whispers surrounded them first before someone had the will to approach them.
“Shit,” She didn’t know their name, “did you hear about Munson?”
“What about him?” Katie asked them and they threw their head back, hair going a wild as they screeched.
“He’s dressed as fucking Danny Zuko! And not the cool one!”
“Danny Zuko…” Katie trailed off, furrowing her brows as she tried to place the name. “From Grease?”
Eddie was musical, yes, but he didn’t like a ton of musicals.
“You’re joking,” one of the members of Hellfire said before moving through the living room crowd and peeking out through the blinds of the closest window.
“Holy fucking shit!”
He stuck out like a sore thumb. He was wearing the classic all black, tight jeans with a white cardigan sweater embossed with a red ‘R’ sewed into the side. Eddie’s hair was pulled into a ponytail and while he didn’t wear the look often, some of the drunk girls in the yard were ogling him like they’d jump his bones in an instant. When he came inside, the students gawked before realizing their weed had arrived and while they jested with Eddie, their words didn’t hit him. Katie could see the way their words brushed off his shoulder and he kept looking at the door.
So, an hour after that she saw you walk out of Tina’s house dressed as Sandy, Katie had to bite back the first remark that came to mind. She picked a couple blades of grass off the ground as Eddie rolled papers next to her on a tree stump—the glow from the bonfire lighting his work.
“Why’d you decide to go as Danny?” Katie proposed, watching you lean against one of the columns and drink the rancid PBR like it was water.
“Why not?” Eddie replied but focused solely on the ratio of weed to paper in his lap. Every time he put a rolled one down next to him, someone would swipe it, light it, and disappear before he could complain.
“Didn’t take you for a man who’d grovel for a lady, that’s all.”
“I don’t grovel, Yang,” he quipped and she smiled, folding her arms over her bent legs and laying her head on it.
“Besides, you see me crawling now?” Eddie motioned to the papers in his lap. “Little miss Mary Jane is the priority right now.”
“You sure about that?”
Eddie heard the way she crooned, her eyes flicking from his own to the house. His heart skipped a beat. The knowledge that if he looked now, he’d see you there—perhaps not even looking in his direction—but available for him to admire for a time. Since the moment you told him you were going as Sandy, he dreamt, daydreamed, about what you’d look like. How the vision he conjured was nothing compared to the way you’d embrace every part of yourself in an outfit like that.
“I can roll, if you want,” Katie suggested as he contemplated throwing the weed on the ground and forgetting all about it. He did admit once that he’d consider going sober for you. Before he could even object, she took the baggie from beside him and put a hand out for the papers.
“Gareth told me all about it,” she admitted. Eddie couldn’t even be mad. “Go get that girl, Munson. It’s not every day your dreams come true.”
All he could muster was a tight smile for her.
There were a lot of people in the yard. Every face blurred the brighter the fire got; some littered in the grass, others standing, a few on stools or stumps. Your feet were aching as you gripped the banister to relieve the pressure. A half drank PBR clutched in one hand as you stared down at your feet. Eddie sauntered over to the house as you shifted your feet. His quiet steps against the grass not alerting you that he had been sitting in the backyard at all.
Eddie planted himself a foot away from the deck in front of you, swallowing his fears and trying to embody the voice of surprise that mimicked the exact moment in the movie. A little accent, a little bit of the ‘ol greaser swagger.
Just a guy, seeing a girl, and absolutely smitten in the way in which she looks.
And only Eddie could get that smile to creep onto your face.
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The not date, date was simple.
It had taken you an entire hour to find Eddie on a property no bigger than the Wheeler’s and the moment you heard his ‘surprised’ voice, you knew the evening had changed for the better. For two hours, you sat beside one another and just talked. He talked about his hobbies and joked about his nerdy interests while you detailed your own and he listened as intently as you had for his. In his stupid letterman cardigan and his stupid ponytailed hair, Eddie sat beside you on the deck—backs against the railing as you sat on the wood floor—and admitted that he hadn’t ever planned to wear a costume in the first place.
“So,” you knocked your heeled foot against his converse, “where in the world did you manage to find that sweater?”
“This old thing?” He pulled at the lapels, “I have a bunch of them in my closest. What? You’ve never seen me wear these before?” He lived for the giggle that left your lips. Painted in a candy red, it was hard not to look right at them.
“Oh, yeah,” you faked support for his lie, “all the time, Eddie. It’s your best look obviously.”
“That’s what I said!” Eddie cackled, drawing a can of beer to his lips. “Gareth helped me. His sister used to watch Grease all the time so he had a pretty good idea of what I was looking for.”
“I’ll have to thank him then,” you moved your hands to sit in your lap, fingernails making a small clicking sound as they met before looking over at him.
You leaned your head in as he would have done. “Because he helped you pick out those jeans.”
For a second, Eddie was stunned silent. His lip quirked, eyes sparkling and wide with utter fascination that you had just explicitly flirted with him when he had been planning to make all the moves on Halloween. It was his moment; his situation that he grasped tightly and ran with because if it wasn’t him, he felt it would slip through his fingers.
But you had just given him hope that his feelings may have not been one sided. That your kindness and acceptance of him wasn’t misplaced in pity but instead in attraction.
“Well,” he said lowly, “then I guess I have to thank Wheeler then, too.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because she told you to dress like this and I think you just walked out of a fantasy I didn’t know I had.”
The surge of butterflies hit your confidence like the wolf blowing down the house made of sticks—wavering for a second before standing tall again. Eddie had a blush dusting his cheeks yet he didn’t hide from you; a tightrope growing thicker for every word shared, every sentiment revealed and accepted.
“I guess I should dress like this all the time?”
Eddie nudged you playfully, appreciating that you reciprocated it and swayed back toward him. “I think I like the way you dress everyday a little bit more.”
“Yeah, me too. Kinda miss those rings… you're not ‘Eddie’ without them. Or the vest, leather jacket… any of it.”
He looked down at his ringless hands only to agree. There was a nakedness to his appearance without them. He had his necklace, but no bracelet, no rings, no chain, no handcuff belt, and it felt different even if it was just a costume.
“I am surprised you chose this Danny to dress up as.”
“Mhm,” you nodded, “I guess it’s ironic for me too.”
“Ironic?” He questioned. “How?”
“When Danny and Sandy realize they like each other,” you spoke carefully to find the right words. From the time you’ve spent with Eddie over the last week and two days, he listened to everything. He remembered much more than he let on and he read people, their emotions, and their words with caution; “they change themselves only to fall back to who they were because no one has to change to be loved.”
“Do you remember when I said you were too smart for your own good?”
You laughed, glancing at him for a second too long before biting your lip. “You don’t have to stop being ‘Eddie’ for people to like you. I’m more than content with Eddie Munson “rockstar” than I am Eddie Munson “letterman Danny Zuko.”
“Wow,” he said, drawing out the word slowly, “did the girl next door just say she liked me?”
Only Eddie would joke about it. And only Eddie could make you feel good about admitting it.
“Well,” he said when he let the thought process through him, “you should know that you don’t have to be “hot girl Sandy” for me to like you either. I am more than content with “head in a book” and “Bilbo’s mama” than I am “leather bound in red heels.” And as he did whenever he wanted to invade your personal space more than sitting close, he leaned in, down to your ear, “but before you run off and never wear this again, indulge me?”
You turned your head at his words. He was so close. The smell of his cologne mixed with two cans of beer, one joint, and three cigarettes right beside you—arms touching, head barely two inches from yours. If this was a fantasy and he had begun the conversation two hours before with one of the most iconic lines from the film, all you would have to do is embody her like Nancy had told you and reply in kind.
Eddie could see the cogs turning in your head. Thoughts on how to go about it racking every part.
“Come on,” he leaned back, scrambling to his feet so quickly he almost knocked over his can. Eddie extended a hand, helping you stand before leading you back to the closest end of the deck. He let go of your hand and held them out in front of him as if telling you to stay before backing away.
“Okay, wait, wait, wait!” Eddie dug into the pocket of his white sweater and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Tapping one from the pack, he held it up as an offering with enthusiastic eyes.
“Trust me, alright?”
You nodded, hands laid out along the railing of the deck on either side. The temptation was biting at him; the way you were effortlessly drawing him in. Closer and closer until he couldn’t breathe because he was so consumed by you that all he needed was one… little… taste.
He lifted his hand toward his face, showing you what he wanted. Eddie had the unlit cigarette between his pointer and middle fingers, pulling it away from his lips untouched.
“Open your mouth a little bit,” he said and watched as you followed his direction with no complaint.
Eddie stepped closer, hand going over your right arm that was outstretched to lift the cigarette toward your lips and inching the filter forward. You watched his eyes drift down, taking in the way your lips looked so different yet all the same coated in that red lipstick.
“You ever smoke before?” He asked lowly; voice an airless buzz against your face.
“Once or twice,” you admitted and he nodded, hair pulled back in a ponytail by a black scrunchie you could barely see. The sounds of Bon Jovi’s Runaway playing loudly around you.
“Then indulge me in this,” he replied as he let the filter land between your lips and let his fingers go. The cigarette teetered there between the red as they held it; Eddie not pulling back as he dug into his pocket again and pulled out a lighter.
“Still alright?”
You hummed around the stick and his knees nearly buckled at the sound. But he had to keep his cool. Eddie had to be suave; Eddie had to be tempting.
His thumb sparked the fire and it burned bright between you. The reflection of the blaze shining in both of your eyes and captivating, if only for a moment, the seconds before the brink.
Eddie held the flame to the other end and when it lit, he backed away quickly. He bit down on his lower lip, nodding for you to do it and briefly, you felt a little ridiculous as the scattered students of Hawkins high disappeared around you. Their presence not important compared to the one dressed as letterman Danny Zuko.
The butt sizzled and flashed its angry red. You had yet to breathe it in. Eyes watching his every gesture as he stood there, waiting expectantly for you to make the move. He made his, you make yours, and then he would have to go again. A game of chess with two idiots in love.
Your demeanor changed when you breathed in the stick for the first time. Once or twice his ass, Eddie thought as you didn’t even lift your hands off the railings to grab it away from your lips—just held it there between them as the smoke escaped from the sides.
‘If he can make you happy, then that’s all I want for you,’ Nancy’s admission playing loudly in your head that balanced the rapid thumping of your heart.
If you hadn’t known Eddie held a candle for you before, the way he was looking at you now was enough. If his admission wasn’t enough, his eyes were. Utterly captivated by the way you stood—confident and seductive. Hip slightly jutted out, your heeled feet helped bend one leg and the image was perfect. Seared into his brain forever as the moment he realized that you were the one in his dreams.
A fantasy where he was the strapping Aragorn—a hero, courageous and strong, with his Arwen—timeless and headstrong, kind and forgiving.
Your eyes broke away from his stare and out to the yard. The cigarette’s smoke left your lips again. Eddie rose both of his hands into a prayer position; fingers meeting and resting against his lips right under his nose. The anticipation was killing him.
In an instant, your eyes returned and what he saw sent him to an early grave. He met his maker and was cast away like Icarus as you adjusted the way your posture presented you from the top of your head, out your fingers, and through your toes.
Sandy to Frenchie to Rizzo be dammed. You embodied something greater than them all and he was lucky enough to be at the receiving end of it.
And then you said it.
You indulged him in a fantasy he didn’t even know he had until you told him what you were going as.
“Tell me about it,” manicured fingers took the cigarette away from your lips and the smoke billowed into the night, “stud.”
And like Sandy does in the film, you dropped the cigarette and put it out with your shoe, arms going back to the decks railing and looking back at Eddie. Checkmate.
However, Eddie couldn’t have you get the checkmate. He couldn’t have you be the one to end up on top when he had been planning this for days. Since the moment he shrieked outside of Gareth’s window that he had a crush on you—fully formed and not a silly grade school one that made him want to tug pigtails and call you names. Eddie shook his head, dropping his hands from their position and drew close. He caged you into that spot and with the permission in your eyes, one of his hands grazed your side.
A brush of knuckles along the fabric of your shirt, belt, then pants, before his palm became certain. Running along the same track his knuckles had just traced before settling on your waist.
“Indulge me one more thing,” Eddie’s breath barely hitched when you rested one hand on the arm he had around you and the other gripped his sweater. He took his other hand and rested it on your jaw, thumb caressing a spot as his fingers gingerly held your head.
“Let me take you out. On a real date where I can bring you flowers,” he smiled the same time you did, “and your dad can tell me to have you home by nine but I’ll have you back at nine-o-five because I can’t stop kissing you in my shitty van.”
You pulled him closer, hand clutching his sweater tightly to keep him to you. “You beat me to it.”
“Yeah, mama?” He smiled, eyes consistently trained on your red lips. “You gonna ask me out?”
“I can’t,” you could barely function with the way your heart leapt, “I’ve already got a date.”
“So, that’s a yes?”
“Yes and are you gonna kiss me, Munson? I don’t think I can—“
Eddie didn’t let you finish. He pressed his lips to yours and you accepted them eagerly. His gentle touch a haven as the deal was sealed. Your hand that rested on his forearm moved to his hair, tugging out the scrunchie because if you were going to kiss Eddie, all of him had to be part of it. He reveled the feeling of your fingers weaving into his hair; lips threatening to grin as he got his girl and you got your boy. Nervousness subsiding, all that was left was the tenderness of being two people in love.
No longer two idiots in love; no longer two fake parenting partners.
But a pair fit like two puzzle pieces made for one another.
And when Mr. Allen collected the dolls on Monday, he revealed that each had a floppy disk inside their plush bodies that recorded the number of tantrums and minutes passed between them until soothed. As it turned out, you and Eddie had the best times in the class and in all of Mr. Allen’s years of teaching, Eddie Munson was the first one to prove him wrong. The ‘A’ on top of his assignment sheet at the end of that week became his most important achievement at the time.
Not because he managed to care for a fake baby, but because in the end, he walked out of the class hand and hand with you knowing that everything—no matter what would happen in his life—would be okay.
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[Mario Bonus Round Sound: Oh, Baby, it’s Real]
The early morning sunlight trickled into the room from the breaks in the blinds. Everything was sterile; light woods and itchy fabrics, the bed wasn’t comfortable but it was better than the chair. A bag sat in the corner unzipped and its contents unflatteringly pulled out of it. There were fast food wrappers on a tray table with empty cups sitting on the windowsill ready to be basked in sunlight.
Eddie had never been more tired.
The chaise was a second option because he couldn’t have the bed and he would never ask to have it anyway. The chair had grown increasingly unworthy of his attention after sixteen hours of pacing and sitting, pacing and sitting. He could barely keep his eyes open. The kind of tired that Eddie was feeling made everything sluggish; his body laid out on the green piece of furniture, his hand skimmed the cold tile floor as the sounds of a tile cleaner passed by the closed door.
If someone asked eighteen-year-old Eddie Munson where he thought he’d be at thirty, sitting here, in a hospital in Los Angeles would not be his first assumption.
Mega rockstar? Hot-shot guitarist with the best hair? Those were more probable than this.
But he let the whirring of the machine act as white noise. However, in the life that he wouldn’t trade for anything, quiet never lasted long.
“Mr. Munson?” A hand shook his shoulder, nudging the sleep he wished for into the back of his mind to be dreamt of another time.
“Mr. Munson,” the voice called again. Eddie cracked an eye open and saw the nurse give him a small smile, pity for the obvious tiredness that drooped from his face. “I’m sorry to wake you but there are visitors outside and I didn’t want to bring them in because of…”
She didn’t need to say it. People posing to be friends or family just to get a picture or a story. It was something he had to deal with, yet never got used to. It wasn’t natural nor normal to have to hide pieces of a person’s life because people felt entitled to every piece of them. The price of fame was high; the balance of privacy and publicity was a difficult seesaw.
Eddie sat up, the nurse pulling back and waiting for him at the door. She had seen many people walk through these halls, sit and stay by their partner’s side during the most life changing moment they’d ever have and Eddie was no different than the best of them. As he past the bed, he rubbed a foot covered in a yellow blanket and hospital grade sheets gently before exiting the room.
“I put them in a room down here because they were adamant that they were family,” she told him, her glasses swinging on her scrubs and hair graying at the roots. “One young man was particularly vibrant in his language… Claims he’s her brother but I don’t think they look anything alike.”
Eddie chuckled, squeezing the woman’s shoulder as she pointed to the door that she had huddled them all in. “I think I know exactly who that is actually.”
“If you bring them in the room, have them try to be quiet. You don’t see much silence up here and I’d rather give the opportunity for peaceful rest.”
“Will do,” he said but deep down, he felt that silence wouldn’t last if the gaggle of people he believed to be beyond the door to the other room turned to be true.
“Congratulations again,” she said and left him in the hall.
Eddie could hear the chatter beyond the threshold; bickering and the distinct sound of plastic wrap around flowers and balloons crinkling through the air. His life had changed so much from 1984. Each year more difficult and challenging—unprecedented and terrifying but here he was, an established adult man with his life (sort of) put together. Everything was clicking into place and most of it stemmed from the moment Steve Harrington and a girl named Lisa drew two names out of Mr. Allen’s bowls from home.
He walked through the doorway and saw fifteen smiling, giddy faces beaming back at him with balloons, bags, and flowers in their hands. Dustin was holding a teddy bear, El, Max, and Lucas were carrying bags of food for everyone to eat for lunch.
“Surprise!” They shouted in scattered exclamations of excited cheers.
Eddie had never been so happy to have a family—one of his own and one of his choosing.
Dustin was the first to barrel into him, throwing his arms around Eddie and hugging him tightly. It set off a chain reaction in the room. Arms and bodies squished, Eddie couldn’t tell if it was Hopper, Wayne, or your dad who rubbed the top of his head like he was a dog. Either way, the love was felt; the love was absorbed and it spread further into the hospital than just that little room. Fifteen connected souls bonding over something new.
“Congrats man,” Steve extended a hand, grasping Eddie’s with a firm grip as Robin hung off his shoulder. “Never thought I’d see you like this. But it also confirms that you and Y/n do the deed and I don’t like thinking about that.”
“Yeah,” Eddie chuckled tiredly. They could see how drained he was. Only the older ones in the room could relate to how Eddie was feeling. “I didn’t think I’d ever be here either.”
“But you know what?” Nancy piped up from beside Steve. “I never had a doubt that you’d be a good dad.”
“Thanks, Wheeler,” hearing that from Nancy meant a lot. Dustin popped up again from beside Nancy, tucking himself in between her and Eddie. He still had that bear clutched in his hands.
“Can we meet him?”
El looked excitedly at him, “can I hold him!?” It was her first time doing something like this.
“Only if you keep your trap closed,” Eddie warned Dustin, face serious as it could be. “That nurse will kick my ass if you throw a rager in there, alright? So keep the volume low…” Eddie stopped, thinking on it for a second. Fifteen people all at once would be like running a race on a Hawkins street with a million other people. “And we’ll go in groups. Grandparents first, then godparents, then everyone else, ‘Kay?”
“Eye-eye captain,” Dustin saluted him but kept on Eddie’s heels as everyone exited the empty room to transition to one with two. The door was left cracked open, the quiet nature of the room wanting to be left undisturbed had to be broken.
They had traveled all this way for this moment.
“Let me go in first,” Eddie told them, the older adults giving him fond smiles because he was taking it as seriously as they hoped he did. Maybe that project parenthood assignment had left a lingering impact on him. Maybe Eddie Munson had just matured into the person he always wished his parents were and wasn’t going to screw it up because life could be unkind sometimes. “I’ll come get you.”
Fifteen people who hailed from Hawkins were left in the hallway as Eddie re-entered the room. He tried to keep his footsteps quiet but in the end, it was useless because the second he turned the small corner that blocked his view of the bed, you were sitting up with the television remote in your hand. Across the way, Grease played silently on the screen.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him as you tried to keep your voice low. “Did something happen?”
Eddie shook his head, walking straight over to the side of the bed where he took your hand, kissing the back of it before rubbing his thumb against the back of it.
“We’ve got a party bus of visitors from Indiana,” he said, looking over you to the plastic bassinet that was positioned beside the bed. Wrapped in a white blanket—in a perfect swaddle—was his little boy. “They’re all waiting outside the door and won’t take no for an answer,” he joked.
“My parents out there? Wayne?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, thumb still running across the back of your hand. “I think your mom has already cried. Her eyes are kind of puffy.”
“Don’t tell her that,” you muttered, taking your own look at the little bundle. On the sticker behind his little head, one last name, un-hyphenated, was written in black ink behind him. One family, one unit.
But his name wasn’t Bilbo.
“Can they come in?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “just tell them to be quiet.”
Eddie smiled at you. Even in his tiredness, he could never hide the joy in his eyes. He was proud, eons beyond it in reality, but you had given him something he’d never dreamed of. A family. He would always have Wayne but now he had your parents, he had the kids, he had friends beyond Corroded Coffin and the people he worked with.
“I love you. You know that right?” He ran his free hand over your forehead, brushing the hair there and bending down to leave a kiss.
“You tell me every day,” you smiled, “and I love you too.”
“Then I guess he should meet his grandparents, huh?”
And when Eddie brought in your parents, Wayne, Hopper and Joyce, the sight brought you back to the first time Eddie ever stepped foot in your house.
How your dad watched reruns on the T.V. while you peeked out the blinds for him. He had known it then that Eddie was your forever. An arm wrapped around the man he considered to be the closest thing to a son he’d ever have, your father smiled at you the moment he saw the look in your eyes. Your mother skipped you completely and cooed at the little boy.
“Oh, baby,” she whispered at his chubby little face, “you have the best parents in the world.”
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Tag List (Closed):
Thank you all for reading and supporting this fic series. I hope you enjoyed the last part and will stick around for any other Eddie writings I may do in the future. If you have been tagged in the tag list, I would humbly ask that you like and reblog to support but I also love reading and interacting with comments! I just love to hear from everyone so chat away—I want to know your thoughts.
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0sincerelyella · 7 months
Aw love the new Joe content girly! Please can we get one where you and Joey b go to some sort of ~Hollywood party~ and it’s just really cute and people/the internet love how cute you 2 are together! Idk something along those lines
Red Carpet MVP -Joe burrow
Summary: Joes up more an MVP! most valuable partner according to magazines, and every news instagram on the planet
notes: EEE this is so exciting!! i love your energy thank you for requesting:) i also made up everyone’s dates names so
i have bunches of requests i apologize if this is rushed
all my y/n characters are going to be og bengals fans bc i am biased
the dress she wears on carpet: (ik its prom dressy just bare with me)
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the suit he wears: (the shirt is cut all the way to the bully button and he has no tie, going scandalous lol)
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Hours and hours of searching for an outfit to be the plus one on the red carpet is tiring. y/n was stressing out more than she had ever stressed out before. she wanted to impress joe, but more importantly impress all the eyes that would be on her and joe all night. the two had been dating for awhile but just now gone public, so the media is all over them like travis kelce and taylor swift.
she didn’t want to be too simple, because she was dating with THE fashion nova, joe burrow. but she also didn’t want to be too over the top, or overpower the spotlight that is one hundred percent made for her MVP.
Joe had asked her to pick a purple dress, feeling the mood to rock an all purple suit on the carpet, to which she happily obliged. and after hours of deciding she finally chose her dress.
it was light purple with ripples all to the bottom, she felt as if she was going to prom again, doing a spin in her dress as she watched the mirror she smiled. she couldn’t be happier than in this moment.
not even minutes later, joe knocks on the door and lets himself in. “are you ready ba-“ he stops in the middle of the door way, his under shirt was cut low, and the suit curved his body in a perfect way. his hair was longer, shaggy, and pushed to the side. he looked to y/n in shock
“you are the most stunning woman on the planet” he says, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer. “thank you mr. sheisty” she says with a smile
he laughs, taking her hand and gesturing a quick spin. “i love you” he says, dipping her and kissing her lips. “i love you too” she states, standing up and walking out of the door.
the limo ride there was quiet, mostly joe calming y/ns nerves and y/n freaking out even more. once they arrived to the venue, joe stepped out of the vehicle, holding the door open and putting out his hand, allowing his beautiful girlfriend to get out of the car, he linked arms with her after shutting the door and they made their way down the carpet
many football players, old and new, were already sitting around the carpet chatting, intervening, mingling. y/n observed the scenarios in-front of her and took a deep breath. “Joe joe! who is this? she’s gorgeous!” joe smiled, pulling her closer. answering their questions simply “my girlfriend” and continuing to walk through the carpet
interview after interview she was asked more questions than joe, but he didn’t mind. he knew how much getting in the spotlight would help towards her anxiety, and he didn’t enjoy spotlight much so it was a win win.
joe had met up with ja’marr, and some of the other boys, and y/n stood with their dates. “hi y/n!” ja’marrs girl said, a large smile on her face. her name was ruby and she and y/n were very close considering how much time joe and ja’marr spent with eachother. “hi rubes!” she smiled, pulling her into a hug. paparazzi stood around taking pictures of them
even as joe mingled with other teammates, and y/n mingled with their girls, joes hand never left y/n in some way. wether it was around her waist or holding her hand or even on her shoulder. paparazzi was loving it, taking pictures of his hand every place he put it. he opened doors for her, he held her close, he kissed her head even when she wasnt looking at him.
“i love you” he’d whisper, as soon as each of his friends began to talk to others and they were both free for even just a moment.
so many football players who she grew up watching were on this red carpet, and when joe left his friends to mingle with more people that’s when the anxiety started. “oh my goodness!” she squealed, her feet stomping on the ground excitedly. joe smiled at his girl, following her line of sight and meeting with her all time favorite football player
Aj green
“he retired? he’s here? why’s he here, joe i’m gonna freak out”
joe smiled, every time he had mentioned already meeting aj green y/n would freak out and have her tell him every detail. so when he heard aj would be at the red carpet, he just had to surprise his favorite girl.
“Aj!” joe called, y/n ran behind him, her stomach churning. “i hate you i hate you i hate you” she whispered only making joe laugh more. “hey!” aj said, walking up to them. “this is
y/n, my girlfriend” he smiled, stepping aside so y/n was in front of them. “hi…” y/n said, biting her tounge to keep herself from fan girling out.
joe introduced the two together more, and y/n was a giggling giddy mess.
paparazzi was eating them up, the cameras staying on them the whole night.
on instagram the world was freaking out. from loving their outfits, to screaming about how gentlemanly joe is, to freaking out about the way he looks at her. the world loved it.
after the party and the carpet, joe and y/n sat in their living room, scrolling through posts and comments laughing and smiling. “i love this” y/n smiled. “they love you” joe said, motioning her chin to face him. “but i love you more” he whispered, pulling her in to kiss her.
he was really the most valuable partner
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jeridandridge · 10 months
Only Girl
You go on a Schemmenti family vacation and have a very important question for Melissa.
As soon as the plane touches down in Italy your anxiety sky rockets. In a jewelry shop 45 minutes away from the hotel you’re staying in, the engagement ring you bought for Melissa sits. Thanks to her cousin Joey you were able to find the most perfect ring and order it so you could propose early on the vacation.
You can’t help but lean over kissing your girlfriends cheek. “You’re so cute.” You giggle looking at her beaming smile.
“I’m so happy.” She squeezes your hand.
In the airport everyone grabs their luggage and Joey gives you a discreet thumbs up after checking his phone.
It takes two cars to get everyone to the hotel, you with Joey, his kids, and Annette in one car while Melissa, her nana, Uncle Tommy, his sons, and Kristen riding in another.
“Take a load off, y/n.” Joey laughs. “We’re not even at the hotel yet.”
“I know I know.” You nod. “I figure if I freak out now while in a separate car I’ll be fine the rest of the day.” You laugh nervously.
“Wait what’s going on?” Joeys son Anthony chimes in.
You twist in your seat looking back at the kid. You’d grown close to Melissa’s family over the past two years, especially Anthony. “I’m asking Mel to marry me.” You smile.
“No way!” Bianca, joeys daughter smiles from the back.
“Way.” You laugh. “So I need you guys to keep it quiet until dinner tomorrow night.”
In the other car as you all get closer to the hotel, Melissa’s nanna, Maria, sits grilling her granddaughter.
“Cara, when are you going to ask that girl to marry you?”
“What? It’s a good question!” She defends with a shrug.
“Nanna, we’ve talked about it but we’re in no rush. She knows how I feel about it.”
“You should bag her before she runs off.” Kristen grumbles. Maria reaches over to smack her other granddaughter.
“Careful, Kristen don’t make me knock those fake nails off a ya.” Melissa glares.
Family vacation is off to a great start.
At the hotel everyone gathers their things and files into the gorgeous lobby. You couldn’t stop looking around, the curved architecture of the ceiling holding you in a trance.
“Tesoro,” Melissa laughs reaching for your hand, “Ready to see our room?”
“Yeah, this place is beautiful. It’s not like the tourist traps I thought I’d see.” You smile following her to the elevators.
“They built it in the ‘60s, it was a hot spot for artists.” Melissa informs you with bright eyes. You can’t help but smile at the redhead as she goes into the history of the hotel.
You look at the cage style doors pushing them open when you reach the floor. “We’re in 1201.” Melissa reads off the card.
You feel a giddy excitement as you walk down the hall, your hand finding the small of Melissa’s back when she opens the door. “I think it’s time for wine on the balcony.” You grin kissing her shoulder.
“You read my mind.”
Unpacking your bags for the almost two week stay you pull out an evening dress for the balcony and dinner later that night.
When Melissa changes you let out a whistle when you see her red dress. The sight of your girlfriend smirking at you in a gorgeous room over looking the water with the sound of the waves crashing have you in a euphoric state. it couldn’t get much better than this. “Now I’m really in Heaven.”
“Sweet talker.” Melissa comes over wrapping her arms around you resting her head on your shoulder as you get out of your jeans and tshirt. Turning your head you meet her lips in a soft kiss, getting lost in her hold on you.
“If we start something now we’ll never make it to dinner tonight.” You smile resting your head against hers.
“I’d skip a meal just for you.”
You let out a giggle resting your hand on top of hers before moving to step into your floral dress. “We can’t do that, I don’t wanna piss your nanna off.”
“I hate when you’re right.” She teases letting go of you. “I’ll get the wine.”
Slipping into your dress you adjust your hair and opt to go barefoot up the one step to the private balcony that overlooks the sand and water. Melissa hands you a glass before pulling you onto her lap in one of the chairs. Smiling like an idiot you wrap your arm around her neck pulling her into searing kiss with a hum.
Breaking away you rest your forehead against hers. “There’s no where else I’d rather be than right here.” You whisper.
Melissa beams, warmth radiating through her chest. You were so special to her and she was so happy to share this family trip with you. She strokes your cheek with her thumb meeting your eyes.
“I love you, angel.”
In that moment you realize that your decision to propose on this trip was the best idea you’ve ever had.
“I love you.” You grin clinking your wine glass against hers.
You two sit in comfortable silence together, sipping your wine and stealing kisses as you watch the sun dip into the waves below. When the bottle of wine is polished off your phone chimes, a text from Joey letting you know that he made it back from the jewelry shop.
“What’s Joey sayin?”
Your eyes go wide and immediately turn the phone off. “He said the car is almost here.” You smile recovering easily.
In a few minutes you and Melissa get to the lobby where Maria is talking to the concierge and everyone else is hanging around. You squeeze Melissa’s hand jogging over to where Joey and Anthony are waiting.
“Hey, y/n! I got it right here.” Joey says quietly.
“Perfect! Perfect, I think I’m gonna do it tonight. After dinner. I can’t wait anymore.” You beam.
Anthony jumps up squeezing your arm. “Do it!”
“Okay, okay,” you laugh, “keep it chill remember?” You say quietly, discreetly taking the ring box from Joey.
“Pockets!” You beam turning in your dress heading over to Melissa and Kristen.
“There’s the only person on the planet that can stand my sister.”
You smile wrapping your arm around Melissa’s waist. “You know Kristen, I’m having such a good time even your D - attitude isn’t gonna bother me.”
“Ha! Alright, Melissa. I like this one.” She points at you before going to Maria.
“Wow, it only took two years.” You roll your eyes when Melissa starts to laugh.
“Cmon, hon. You don’t have to sit by the wicked witch of the east coast.”
Not long later you’re seated with everyone on a gorgeous patio with wine in hand. Everyone’s laughing and having a good time and you couldn’t be happier sitting across from your love. Giving her a wink as you sip your wine you pay attention to uncle Tommy sitting next to you.
“Hey, Joey and Annette let me in on your plan. I’m really excited for you two.” He smiles.
“Thank you, Tommy.” You give him a grateful nod. “I just need to ask Maria for her permission and I’ll be set.”
Tommy looks at you with a smile of approval patting your shoulder. “Going for the head of the family, I like it. I’ll get Melissa out on the dance floor with the kids after dinner that way you can talk to Ma.”
“You’re the best, Tommy.” You smile patting his arm.
“No no, Melissa cut the hair off my doll first THEN I drew on her face in permanent marker.” Kristen explains through a laugh.
“You girls made my blood pressure go up.” Maria laughs along with the table.
You catch Melissa’s eyes across the table giving her a warm smile just before Anthony and Bianca come up to her. “Mel, come dance with us!” They drag her out to the stone walkway where a few others are dancing to the classic Italian guitar.
While Melissa goes off to dance with the kids you make your way over to the other side of the table, your hand over the tin box in your pocket.
“Maria, can I speak to you for a sec?” You beam.
“Of course, cara ragazza. Are you having a good time?”
“Absolutely! It’s beautiful and I’m so happy to be here with all of you.”
Kristen rolls her eyes downing her wine. “Out with it, pipsqueak.”
You shoot her a glare you reserve just for her, almost a frenemy type situation between you two since you started dating Melissa.
Maria takes your hands ignoring her other granddaughter.
“Maria, I love Melissa and your family and I would really like to have your blessing so I can ask her to marry me.”
The older woman’s eyes well up as she squeezes your hands pulling you into a bone crushing hug. For such a small woman you felt like she could break you.
“My dear girl, yes you have my blessing.” She smiles holding onto your shoulders when she pulls back. “I’ve never seen my grand baby so happy. Not since she was a cosa giovane. I see how you look at her and how you treat her. She’s deserved someone like you for a long time.” She all but weeps wiping her eyes.
Listening to Nannas words you look out to the dance floor seeing Melissa laugh and spin with her young cousins, the fairy lights from the patio making everything look like a dream.
“I’m lucky to have her. Thank you, Nanna.” You smile hugging the woman again.
“I’m too old for that!” Melissa laughs coming back to the table. “Nanna, are you okay?” She asks, smile immediately falling.
The older redhead waves her off drying her eyes. “I was having a nice heart to heart with y/n is all. Nothing to worry about.
You smile at the redhead, Maria winking at you.
You’re extremely excited now, still nervous but grateful to have the blessing from the most important person in Melissa’s family. For the rest of the evening you relax enjoying everyone’s company.
“Baby, let’s go down by the water for a bit.” You suggest wrapping your arm with Mel as you two get out of the car.
“Yeah? Wanna walk in the sand like a mushy couple?” She beams at you.
“Exactly.” You grin. Looking over your shoulder Joey gives you a thumbs up before you two break away from the group heading out the back to the beach.
Full from dinner and more wine, you hold Melissa’s hand as you two walk barefoot in the sand down to the glistening shoreline.
“God look at that moon.” You beam wrapping your arm around her waist. The ring box in your pocket sits against your thigh as you two walk across the cool sand, practically burning a hole in the fabric.
“It’s the perfect night.”
You hum pulling her closer. “I think it could be even better.”
She gives you a curious look and before she can say anything else you’re kneeling in front of her pulling the ring out of your pocket. Melissa looks at you with a gasp, her eyes going to the gold band that holds a green sapphire surrounded by other diamonds. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen, and it was now hers.
“Mel, I want the movie nights, family dinners, parties, the vacations, and the opportunity to introduce you as my wife. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” You smile with tears in your eyes. “Marry me?”
Melissa beams through her own happy tears pulling you up and wrapping her arms around your neck.
“Yes! A million times yes, Tesoro.” She laughs holding you tight. You keep your hand on her lower back and the other holds the ring box as she cries into your hair. For a moment, time freezes and it’s just you two and the water.
“Hell yeah!!” You hear whoops and hollers from up the beach causing you and Melissa to separate just enough to look over to see your entire group, and most importantly Maria crying tears of joy. Even Kristen gives a thumbs up your way.
You can’t help but laugh seeing Tommy and Joey smoking cigars in celebration.
“You think they’re happy?” You tease your fiancé keeping your arm around her.
“I think so.” She laughs holding her hand up for you. “Do I gotta put it on myself?”
Biting your lip you take the ring out and shove the box back in your pocket before sliding the band onto her finger.
“Beautiful. It matches your eyes.” You beam bringing the back of her hand to your lips. Bringing both of her hands to your cheeks she pulls you in close.
“I love you, Tesoro.” She whispers pulling you into the most loving kiss you’ve ever experienced.
“Did she say yes?!” Anthony yells making you laugh against Melissa’s lips before she pulls away with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Yeah I did, kid!
Melissa’s ring
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
so we can all come to the general consensus that levi is a classy, boujie ass man. We all know he despises messes and making them even more. Everything must be spotless..
that is until it comes to fucking you..and then he becomes the nastiest man alive.
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themes: black !fem maid reader, dom levi (with hints of ocd) thigh riding, degradation (use of slut and whore) pet names (kitten, princess, sweetheart) spit kink, throat fucking, use of sir and daddy, mentions of anal sex and masturbation, there’s a lot of other stuff too. Minors, you’re not welcome.
📝: not sure of the word count but this is a little drabble because levi is on my mind heavy.
oh yes, (y/n), his gorgeous little housekeeper turned personal whore, who he fucks at will and abandons all of his neat freak tendencies for. The absolute vision of beauty strutting around his huge estate with those long legs, plump ass and perky breasts swaddled up in that cute uniform. A skirt about three inches too high…
just barely covering that backside. Enough for him to daydream about bending you over and breeding that pretty pussy as he worked away at his desk.
damn you and the urges you drummed out of him. It was so unbecoming of such an accomplished man. Having vivid wet dreams about his help like a prepubescent teen? It was embarrassing! But not shameful enough to stop him from enacting on said desires..calling you into his office and answering with quite the request when you so sweetly asked:
“Is there something I can do for you, sir?”
and indeed it was. Waving you over with a finger, the normally stoic stock broker, who had amassed millions from his trade, requested for you to join him as he looked over some paperwork. It was no secret, at least to you how Mr. Ackerman felt;
all but obvious when you caught him one night in his study, stroking his cock and moaning your name..loud enough for you to hear him from the other side of the door. It was so fucking hot! This multi-millionaire, busting a nut at the sheer thought of you.
god, he must’ve sounded so pathetic but he could care less. He was sexually frustrated…having been long time single and not looking in the slightest. Granted, he could pay for it if that’s what he chose but purchasing pussy wasn’t really his style. Especially when he had it in house.
being the dutiful and diligent employee that you were, you’d gladly come and assist. How so? By letting him use your slutty mouth as a flesh light and draining his cum down your throat. It was such a mess; that warm nut splattering his bare thighs and your exposed tits. Mixed fluids all over the carpet and chair…but you’d be happy to lap it up.
if he didn’t know any better, he would’ve sworn he saw heaven that night. So naturally, it couldn’t stop there. When the other staff were away, you two would play: having the nastiest, most disgusting sex ever. Complete polar opposite of his public image.
just like that very moment: when you’d obey and come sit atop his lap. That ass brushing his crotch and your clothed cunt slowly straddling his thigh like a helpless puppy. As busy as he was, he needed a distraction..only the kind you could provide. “Kitten, I’m just feeling so fucking tense right now. Work’s got me stressed. ‘Think you can help me out?”
uttering that precious pet name he had adorned you with. And like always, you’d fulfill his wishes with bells on. Once you had worked yourself into an aroused frenzy; dripping through his black slacks and wetting his skin. Practically whimpering when he hoisted your shirt and began groping those beautiful breasts.
even deciding to shove a hand in those panties and press against that swollen pearl..tracing tiny circles and massaging it.
“Y—yes. Whatever you want, sir!” And what Levi craved more than anything was to put you atop that desk, fold your legs behind your head and pump you full of dick until you came everywhere. So fast forward and that’s exactly what came to fruition..
papers and whatnots shoved to the floor, pushed to the wayside and your body was the only thing that remained. Rocking back and forth as he stuffed that sweet spot, stretching it open. “G-ahhh. That’s it, just take this dick, sweetheart…your only job right now, it’s what you’re best at. I don’t even need you to think..” Not to say you didn’t do exceptional work at the other duties but something about the way you tightened around that cock was something special.
gripping at the sides as he jolted you around, making you toss your head back and release a yelp when he so casually decided to shove his all of those thick inches into the deepest part of your throbbing heat..even pressing down when he started bulging and touching your cervix with his tip.
“Hhhngh! It feels so good, sir. Oh shit!”
“You’re making such a mess on me, kitten. Surely you’re going to clean this up, right?” referring to the milky puddle of cream spilling from your little hole, onto his shaft and the mahogany wood underneath you. Mocking the fact that you couldn’t help your body’s reaction..it was all but inevitable to nut all over his dick when he fucked you this good.
but it’s when you don’t answer his question fast enough, because you’re too busy screaming that he snatches (y/n) up by the center of those beautiful curls and forces your head up; making you meet his gaze. Oh, he turns into such an unhinged feign when he’s inside of you. Unable to control himself and ends up pounding your pussy like a brutish animal…so damn hot.
that’s when Levi shoves three of his perfectly groomed digits into your mouth and begins finger fucking your jaws, turning you to a drooling mess..that dumb, slutty expression on your face making him lose it. The trail of saliva trickling down your chin and chest filling his mind with all types of filthy, perverted ideas. “You answer me when I speak, slut. I hate being ignored..”
it’s then that he reluctantly pulls out and goes to the front to fuck that throat. But not without drumming out some of your squirt with him and letting it splatter his barely buttoned white dress shirt. You’re getting your fluids all over him and his workspace…it’s so disgusting, so nasty…and exactly what he wanted!
“I’m sorry, sir..I just—“
but your excuses are of no consolation to him. And instead, he fills your mouth with his dripping erect. Immediately pumping it between those pretty, plump lips of yours. But not without lubricating the inside with his own trail of saliva.
he’s so conflicted…on one hand, he hates the idea that his office is now in disarray. He’s the type that needs to maintain a spotless environment at all times..on the other? Watching you taste the sweet remnants of yourself as he sloppily throat fucks his little slut; strings of saliva bubbling and dangling all over the place. Not to mention the way your nimble fingers toy with that clit because you’re just feigning to feel him inside of you again…
it was the most divine thing ever and he didn’t give a fuck how filthy things got..it was a mess well worth it! “Oh fuck, kitten…I swear you bring out the worst in me. I know it’s not right but I just want to keep pounding this throat until you suck me dry..I want to do all the nastiest things with you, babe. Daddy just wants to give you all of his nut..in here, in that beautiful pussy..”
mindlessly rambling as he tosses his back onto his shoulders, trying to regain a semblance of self restraint. The ever so poised Levi Ackerman has never spoke so vulgar and vile words to anyone but it’s something about you. He’s gently stroking your cheek as you gaze up at him with those big doe brown eyes and fluttering lashes, suckling on his tip like a piece of candy. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll train that cute little ass next. How’s that sound?”
earning him a fateful nod. “That’s my good girl..always doing whatever the fuck I tell you. Exactly why you get whatever you want from me..” his cock twitches once more when you squirt all over those fingers and display the dripping mess mid air. Feeling the vibrations of your moans around his base.
raking a hand through his hair, he proceeds..sucking his teeth and trying to maintain his composure but it’s fading fast. In all honestly, he’s losing his goddamn mind. Like a feral creature in fucking heat, Levi just keeps thrusting upward, getting faster until sweat begins to head around his forehead. As with the rest of his sheen slicked body. He can’t believe that you’ve both been going this hard. Losing track of how many times he’s watched you climax now but it was damn sure time to add his own to the mix.
those heavy, full balls colliding with your hairline were just begging to be emptied and of course, with the assistance of those warm jaws, you were bound to taste his cum in a matter of minutes, if that. Releasing one of those heavy, loud grunts, the normally less than vocal businessman coiled his thumbs around your throat and palms to the back of your neck and fucked your skull with all he had. You could see how desperate and deranged he was..
“C’mon, princess. Swallow this nut for me, okay? Suck this cum out of me like I know you can. Just drain me already..fuuuck.”
never having seen him so vulnerable like this. All of it: the language, the filthy dialogue between you two and the disgusting mess of bodily fluids..it’s all your doing. Only you could drum up such a scene from him. But none of that matters now, and with your tongue scaling the underside of his shaft, you grant his wish sooner rather than later.
with one final twitch, breath catching in his windpipe..Levi releases an extremely loud groan as well as those sought after strings of semen. Pouring every last drop of his warm liquid into the back of your welcoming throat. “Ohhhh, fuck! Take it..take it all from me, baby..” Bubbles and escaping droplets are pooling down the sides of your face and after a full minute of pumping, he finally pulls his sensitive, overly stimulated cock out of your mouth. The tip is practically glowing red, emitting all types of mixed fluids from it.
at that moment, he’s so delirious and spent but feeling prideful all the same. You’ve just swallowed every drop of his cum as if it were nothing..a sign that he had trained his little whore very well. “C’mere..” When you finally come to, you’re greeted with a peck to the forehead, followed by a deep, sloppy kiss from your boss and lover. He has no shame shoving his tongue inside of your mouth after just getting the nastiest head possible.
“You did great, kitten..thank you for clearing my head up. I needed that…” making you grin from ear to ear, your cheeks burning and face twisted into a smile. That white and clear liquid painted all over that beautiful brown complexion like a canvas and undoubtedly, you were his work of art.
chuckling, you’d find the strength to make it onto all fours, teasing that ass in the air; subtly twerking. You were really something when you got going. “It’s my pleasure, sir. Always..” muttering so sweetly as you leaned down, akin to the pet he had been calling you, and lap up your own puddle of juices; gliding that tongue pad across the surface before glaring back up at him..who was already hard as rock once again and in awe of how utterly slutty you got for him..and decided that one round wasn’t going to suffice!
“…matter of fact, let’s just take the rest of the day off. I think we could use a little more time together.”
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 6 months
Secret Santa | Bucky Barnes (5th Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this pic!)
We’re almost half way there! I hope I’m not boring you guys 😅 ya girl had a lot of fun writing this one!
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics!
Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year. It’s a time to be with family, friends and the people who love you. It’s a time where people give back to those in need. It’s a time where the world seems like there’s magic in the air.
It’s also a time where one can express their true feelings towards a special someone.
Though that seems like it’s easier said than done.
My fear of rejection has always held me back ever since I first met you. You have always been so constant and loyal and patient and loving… It's no wonder why I fell for you. You are a true beauty, anyone with common sense could see that. I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell you how I feel ever since I realized how important you became to me.
Every year, Tony likes to throw a big Christmas party filled with multiple people who I don’t really care so much for, if I’m being completely honest. Soon right after that event, he’ll throw a small one reserved for family and friends only. There, is where we have our annual Secret Santa and every year I’ve been waiting to draw up your name.
This year, I finally did.
I held onto your box carefully in my hand, making sure I don’t accidentally misplace it while I anxiously fidgeted with my free one as I looked for you in the small crowd. I spotted Steve and Nat chatting at the mini bar while she served him a drink. Bruce was too busy talking to Tony about some new science experiment he’s been working on and wanted his input. Sam chatted away with Thor while playing a losing game of darts against Clint. Why he chose to go against him, I’ll never know.
It seemed like everywhere I looked, the one person I wanted to see wasn’t there. I bit my bottom lip as my eyes continued to search around the room.
“She’s not here yet.”
“Yeah, I know I just – …” I looked to my right and saw Wanda standing next to me, a knowing smile on her face. “Who are you talking about?” She just chuckled and raised a quick eyebrow. “You know who.. Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Your thoughts were just so loud and I had to come over and help quiet them down.”
I bowed my head in embarrassment. “Sorry.” She shook her head. “Don’t be. It’s kinda cute seeing the White Wolf fawn over a girl.” My head lifted back up quickly as she continued. “We never get to see this side of Bucky. It’s a nice pace from the constant brooding and staring contests you and Sam get into.”
“We do not – ”
“Yes you do, but that’s besides the point. Your girl isn’t here yet so I took the liberty of calling her and asking where she was before coming to talk to you. She’s a few minutes away.” She gave me a small smile as I returned one back to her. “So um with that being said.. how long have you..?”
She held her hand up to stop me from talking. “A while. You’re not exactly quiet or subtle with your thoughts.” My face must’ve been crimson red as she just laughed. “Oh my God..” I covered my face with my hand and shook my head. “I am so sorry about that.. um.. you – you haven’t – ”
“Don’t worry, Bucky. I haven’t told anyone, so your secret is safe with me.” She made a motion of locking her lips with her fingers and throwing away the key. “It’s not mine to tell anyway.”
“Thank you.”
She glanced around the room and softly hummed to herself. My thoughts must’ve been too loud and now I’m just paranoid at how long she has heard me. “I didn’t say anything before because one, I wanted to spare you the embarrassment and two, I was too busy freaking out about the fact that you’re in love with my best friend and I’ve been wanting you two to get together since forever.”
I laughed at the absurdity and held your gift close to my chest. “I’m not sure what to say. I’m embarrassed either way.” She turned her head towards the entrance and smiled. “You should fix your tie, Mr. Barnes. Ms. Y/L/N is straight ahead.” I followed her gaze and felt the literal wind get knocked out of me.
There you stood in a dark red dress that hugged your curves perfectly. The v-neck accentuating your assets in the best way possible and the way your hips swayed side to side as you walked more confidently my way made my brain short circuit. You look absolutely breathtaking. “You got this, Bucky. I’m rooting for you.” Wanda spoke as she left my side to meet you halfway to greet you in a hug.
I watched as the two of you started a short conversation. My gaze drifted up and down your figure. You seemed to outshine all of Tony’s expensive decorations as you chatted away with your friend. I guess you seemed to notice the way my feet were glued to the floor and you suddenly made your way in front of me.
“Hey, you.” You smiled and opened your arms, your gift bag swinging back and forth in your hand. “Hey, doll.” I smiled and embraced you in my arms, your perfume overwhelming my senses and becoming intoxicating. I want to dive my face deeper into your neck until I can figure out that sweet scent of yours.
God, what is it you wear that makes you smell so heavenly?
Pulling away, I noticed the gift in your hand. I motioned over to the bag and asked, “Who’s it for?” You lifted it up and proudly smiled to yourself. “Okay, don’t tell, but it’s for Thor. For a guy who’s so easily amused by everything, it was surprisingly difficult to find something.” You looked down at the box in my hand and pointed. “How about you? Who’s your secret Santa?”
“Uhh haha it’s.. It’s a secret.” I watched as your mouth hung open in surprise and couldn’t help but chuckle. “What? That’s not fair! I told you who I got.”
“That’s on you for answering! The whole point of a Secret Santa is to keep it a secret.” You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms above your chest. “I can keep a secret!” I hummed and shook my head. “Apparently you can’t.” I laughed and looked down at the box in my hand. “And besides, this gift is going to someone really.. special.”
I missed the way your face slightly fell by me being too busy looking at the gift that’s actually meant for you. “Well, I’m sure whoever it is, will love it.” Noticing the slight change in your tone, I glanced up and saw you smile up at me. “I know I would.” I could feel my heart wanting to beat out of my chest at the thought of you opening your gift and you finally realizing how I feel.
I quickly glanced at the box and debated if I should just tell you that it’s yours, before Thor made his way over to us and greeted you in a giant bear hug. “Miss Y/N! You finally made it!” You laughed in his embrace as you hugged him back. “I was beginning to think you would be too late to try any of the Asgardian deserts I brought with me. The tiny human of ants seems to enjoy them.’
“Oh, well if Scott is eating, I better quickly grab something before it’s all gone.” You smiled as you turned your attention back to me. “I’ll see you later?” I nodded and smiled, raising my hand up as if to say ‘go’. “Yeah, sure. Of course. You’ll know where to find me.” She nodded and followed after Thor. “Of course, I can’t help myself too and have eaten more than I’d like to say.”
“Okay, now I definitely need to grab something before you eat the rest!” Your laughter faded away as I stayed rooted in place. I know you’re friends with everyone here and I would never tell you who you can and can’t hang out with, but a selfish part of me just wanted one evening where we wouldn’t be interrupted and I could just tell you everything. The weight of the box in my hand suddenly felt heavier than before.
I sighed and made my way over to the mini bar. I sat the present on the counter next to me and looked up at Nat. “What’ll ya have, soldier?” She asked and raised an eyebrow. “Just a beer, thanks.” I leaned my head against my hand as I kept my gaze on the counter. She placed the opened bottle in front of me and I reached for it and took a swing.
“You doin’ alright there?” She asked once I placed the glass bottle down. “Mmm..”
“Very talkative tonight, are we?” She sighed and placed her hands on the counter, leaning forward. “What’s up?” I met her gaze and sat up. “Nothin’. Nothin’ I just.. it’s nothing.”
“Doesn’t seem like nothing.” She stated and tilted her head to the side. “Does your brooding have anything to do with a certain long red dressed girl sharing a whatever that is Thor brought?” I pinched my eyebrows together. “What are you talking about?”
“Your crush on Y/N.” She said simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “How do you know about that? Wanda swore she wouldn’t tell anyone!”
“She didn’t.”
“I didn’t.”
I heard two different voices at the same time as Wanda sat down on the seat next to me and Nat stood, smirking. “I figured it out on my own.”
“Oh c’mon..” I groaned and took another gulp of my beer. “You, sir, outed yourself.” Wanda spoke while holding her hands up as if to say it’s not her fault.
“So, now that that’s established, I’m gonna go out on a wild limb here and say that based on how close you’re keeping that gift box of yours near you, she’s your Secret Santa?”
“Nat, please, don’t overanalyze me. It’s bad enough Wanda knows my exact thoughts on how I feel. I don’t need you to tease me about it.”
“Hey, I’m not Tony or Sam. I won’t tease you about it ‘til the end of the earth” She joked. “I know how to keep my mouth shut.” I looked to my side and saw Thor’s arms around you, clearly enjoying and thanking you for your gift as you smiled against him. Seeing how happy you looked with him made me second guess if I should just quickly run out to go find something else to give you.
What if my gift was too personal?
“You have nothing to worry about, Buck. Trust me. Because it’ll be from you, I just know we’ll be hearing about it for weeks.”
That’s kind of what I’m afraid of.
Wanda nudged my shoulder and smiled. “C’mon Barnes, Steve told us how much of a charmer you were back in the days. You tellin’ us you can’t sweet talk our Y/N and show her your fun flirty side that I know is deep down inside?”
I chuckled nervously and shook my head. “Heh I – I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I’ve asked someone out on a date.”
They both shared a look that made me feel like I was out of the loop on some kind of inside joke. They seemed to be having a whole conversation in their heads as I sat in between them. Nat's eyes motioned over to me as Wanda tilted her head at me and I suddenly felt like I was being watched and very much exposed.
“You know, you’re both acting as if I can’t tell you’re talking about me.” I raised an eyebrow as Nat waved me off. I chuckled to myself and brought your present closer to me. I know my gift isn’t much and I might make a fool out of myself, but it was give me so much pride to see you show off –
“She won’t reject you.” I looked up at Wanda and furrowed my eyebrows together. “Just.. trust me. She won’t turn you away, in fact she might be very flattered and is dying for you to do something and, oh I don’t know.. make a move?” My eyes slightly widened as I looked back and forth between her and Nat as she just nodded her head.
My gaze found you leaving Thor’s arms and walking over to the back door, opening it and disappearing behind it. “Merry Christmas, Bucky.” Wanda said as I stood up, getting ready to go towards you before stopping my movements as something clicked in my head.
“You..?” She nodded her head. “I couldn’t figure out what to physically give you and I couldn’t go another day hearing you two pine over each other. So I thought of the next best thing, giving you the confidence to go get your girl is the best gift I could give you.” I gave her a smile as she swatted her hand back and forth as if to push me away and laughed. “I can’t wait another minute. Go!”
I quickly grabbed your present and started walking backwards. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face. “Thank you, Wanda! I owe you big time!” She waved me off as I turned around and made my way towards the door you just walked out of a few moments ago.
I firmly held the box in my hand and took a deep breath. I reached for the door handle and opened it, leaving the warm atmosphere of people chatting away while soft Christmas music played in the background and followed you outside.
The sound of the door opening and closing caught your attention as you quickly turned to see who now stood out here in the open with you. “Bucky.” You smiled at me. “What are you doing out here?”
“I could ask you the same thing..” I slowly walked closer and noticed small goosebumps on your skin as you tried to ignore the cold air. You hugged yourself, trying to keep warm as the wind blew your hair away from your face. “.. Coming out here without a jacket. Don’t you know how cold New York gets during winter?”
I unbuttoned my jacket as you shook your head, holding your hand up as if to stop me. “Bucky, no. I’m fine, really.” I slipped off my sleeve and switched the present to the opposite hand to slip off the remaining sleeve. “Mm-mmm, if my momma could see me now and see that I didn’t offer up my jacket to a beautiful girl to keep warm, she’d smack me on the back of my head and tell me off.” I chuckled and placed my blazer on top of your shoulders.
You brought it closer to your body and softly smiled at me. I can’t quite tell if the pink on your cheeks is from me or the cold, but I’d like to think it had somethin’ to do with what I just did. I couldn’t help the giddy feeling I had in the pit of my stomach of you wearing something of mine. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to.”
“What if you get cold?”
“Doll, don’t you worry about me one bit. I’ll be okay, I promise you.”
We both smiled at each other as you gripped onto my jacket to help shield you from the cold. “By the way, you didn’t answer my question earlier. What are you doin’ out here?”
“Well, Thor suggested we bring out the karaoke machine and I needed to find a way out from embarrassing myself.” You laughed as you turned to look out at the night sky. The moon seemed to shine against your skin, highlighting how soft your features are. It makes you look like a goddess, that you’re too beautiful to even look at.
“Ahh, we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”
“Tony would’ve recorded it and had blackmail over my head for years! Poor Thor, doesn’t realize what he’s gonna get himself into.”
I laughed and wondered if anyone is tipsy enough to join in or if it’s gonna be a solo concert by our one and only God of Thunder. Here’s hoping he at least has a decent voice. “Ahh, he’ll be okay. He’ll have fun regardless.”
You softly hummed as you took a quick peek at my hand and noticed the present I’ve still yet to give. “I um.. I actually saw you walk out and was wondering if I could steal a little bit of your time? Without any interruptions.” You looked up at me and smiled. “Well… it looks like it’s just the two of us out here. I don’t think anyone is gonna come outside into the cold.”
“You did.”
“That’s besides the point.” You laughed and subtly glanced down at the present once more before meeting my gaze. “Somethin’ you wanna talk about?” I cleared my throat and raised my arm up to scratch the back of my neck. “Yeah, actually um.. I’d say it’s pretty important considering it’s about you.”
“Oh? Okay uh.. what’s goin’ on?”
I took in a shaky breath and held up the box in my hand, extending my arm towards you and watched your eyes slowly widen. “Merry Christmas, doll.” You hesitantly reached for the box and looked down at the pretty wrapping before tilting your head and meeting my eyes.
I nodded.
You softly smiled and started unwrapping your gift, the sound of the paper ripping made me hold my breath in anticipation as I watched your reaction once you popped the small box open. Your lips parted as you took in my gift and I waited for any sign of discomfort or disappointment. You reached in and pulled out my dog tags, your thumb running along the metal engraved with my name.
“You’re always playing with them whenever I’m not wearing it and.. and I saw you slip it on once when you thought I wouldn’t notice. I just thought.. I thought that maybe you’d like to keep them safe for me.”
You stayed silent as you continued looking at my necklace in your hand. I tried analyzing your reaction, but my nerves wouldn’t let me be rational and my mind went straight to you not liking your gift. Suddenly feeling very exposed and cold, I quickly tried to rush out apologies if your present wasn’t something you would want.
“I’m sorry if it’s kinda shitty. I just figured you’d want it since.. I can just take it back and get you something else if that’s what you – ”
I went to reach for the necklace but stopped in my movements at your sudden exclaim. My necklace held tightly in your hands against your chest, your body slightly turned away as if to protect it from being taken away.
“I – I mean..” You looked down at the piece of jewelry in your hands and held it up so it now dangled in front of the both of us as I waited to see what you would do. “I’m known to keep things safe..” You bent your head down and slipped the necklace on, as it now lay nestled against your chest.
You looked down and reached your hands up to it once again as you smiled. “Especially when it’s something as special as this.”
I smiled, finally feeling a sense of warmth spread across my face as I watched you admire something of mine and wearing it with pride. I slowly walked closer to you and lifted my left hand up, reaching for the necklace. My fingers ran through my engraved name, metal meeting metal, and softly smiled looking up at you.
“It looks better on you.”
I watched as your eyes crinkled with happiness in them and your smile continued to grow as I let it fall back against your chest. I reached up and pushed a strand of your hair away and placed it behind your ear as your head tilted towards my hand. I hesitantly held it centimeters away from your cheek as you lifted your hand to place on top of mine, bringing it down so I could feel you against me.
I watched you hold onto me and close your eyes, sighing in content. I slowly rubbed my thumb against your cheek as I studied every feature on your face, not sure when or if I would get this opportunity again. We were standing so close that I was almost so sure you could hear my heart beating erratically against my chest. “If you’re gonna kiss me, Barnes, you should do it before the moments’ gone.”
My lips parted in surprise as your pretty little eyes opened and met mine. I saw you glance at my lips for a moment as you slowly leaned your body in closer towards mine. I bent my head down and brought your face closer to mine. Your breath fanned against my cheek as you fluttered your eyes closed, letting out a soft, “Please..”
Who am I to deny you a kiss?
I closed the distance between us and connected our mouths together, your cold lips finally meeting mine and everything felt like it was slowly falling into place. Your body fit so perfectly in my arms and your perfume engulfed my senses once again. My shoulders raised up slightly in surprise once you brought your hands up to the side of my face and reached behind my neck, bringing me closer to you.
“Mmm..” I moaned against you when I felt your fingers comb through my hair and gave it a slight tug. You smiled into our kiss and held me there, as if there was any other place I’d rather be right now. I slid my hands down to your back and felt the fabric of my jacket you still had on.
I couldn’t feel the cold breeze blowing against me or hear the music coming from inside Tony’s house. I couldn’t focus on anything but you. Now that I finally got a taste of your lips, I knew I was in trouble. You slowly pulled away as my lips chased after yours, not wanting this moment to end just yet. You let out a giggle and pressed one more kiss before leaning back so you could look at me.
“Wow… merry Christmas to me.” You laughed and rolled your eyes. “Oh my God..”
I looked at your lips and felt myself wanting to go in once more so I could feel you again, but before I could lean in, you lifted your hand up and placed your finger against my lips. “We should head back inside. You may be okay out here in the cold, but I am not.” You chuckled as I lifted my hand up to grab yours and puckered my lips, giving your finger a little kiss.
“I could always find a way to keep you warm.”
“Bucky..!” You blushed and turned your face away from me as I laughed and held you close to me. “Okay, okay, okay..” I smiled and held your hand in mine, intertwining our fingers together as I looked down at my dog tags around your neck. Warmth spread all over my chest at the thought of you walking back in and showing off your gift to everyone. “C’mon doll, let’s head back inside.”
You held onto my jacket tightly against you as we both walked back inside, hand in hand. “In case I wasn’t clear earlier about my gift..” You spoke right after I closed the door behind us. “I really love it.”
“And in case I wasn’t clear about my intentions earlier..” I smiled and brought your hand up to my lips, placing a sweet kiss on top. “I would love to be able to call you mine..”
You smiled back at me and nodded.
I don’t care how much teasing I’ll get from Sam or Tony because in the end, I got the best gift I could ever get.
“I would love that.”
I got you.
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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pinazee · 8 days
Gus’s dad may have killed an old guy
Gotta gif right outta the bat! Liams run here! So cute!
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I tell you what, i love the Shassie friendship here because yes, Shawn is going to mess with him by getting him something he hates for christmas, but then he’s also going to casually convince Jules to invite him to her family dinner because he knows he’s lonely.
Ohmygod i missed this part somehow! Gus forcing a vision see it! see it!
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So a few things about the Gusters and how that plays into Gus’s character.
If they thought Shawn was a bad influence, then why let him hang out at his place all the time? Obviously they couldn’t just refuse to let him see him anymore but why not have him over at your place so you can keep an eye on him? Plus, Henry’s a cop… its complicated is all I’ll say. I think it had more to do with the fact that Shawn was just too much to handle as a kid. He strikes me as the type that needed to be constantly stimulated (i might go into more detail about young shawn in a later ep. Possibly when i try to narrow down their origin story). And Gus apparently agreed with his parents, so i have to believe part of him blames Shawn for how his life turned out, which is a little unfair.
I love the juxtaposition of how they treat Gus compared to how henry treats Shawn. Gus was heavily sheltered and coddled, whereas Shawn was being hardened for reality. Both are overprotective to a degree, except you’ve got Gus’s parents putting up foam guards on all the corners of their furniture until he’s 18, and then you have Henry who probably taught shawn how to swim by throwing him into the deep end of a pool when he was three. Weirdly, i think of the two, Henrys way was a little better, because even though he was a pretty shit dad, he, for the most part, didn’t try to shield Shawn from the world. In fact he was taught to observe it, to understand it.
This ep made me wonder if Gus was born sick. It would explain why they act like he has a “Delicate health and weak disposition”, why he didn’t have that many friends growing up, why they didn’t want him to go to that school. His parents are so overprotective and stuck in the mentality that he is a feeble child, that i think thats what made Gus so terrified of everything, but on the flip side, sparked his need to know how things worked, and why he has such a wide variety of interests. Shawn also does this, though. He never told Gus Henry killed his dog (henrys a canonical dog killer lol and i think he accidentally killed one of shawns pets too in a later ep. How many pets have to die before its no longer considered accidental???) and just in general he’s looking out for him whether emotionally (agreeing with him that he is definitely happy with his life at the end of 9 lives) or physically (standing between him and a gun in the same ep)
But they should be concerned that Shawns Psych business put Gus’s life in danger on multiple occasions already but that wasn’t discussed. So I have to assume Gus hasn’t told them those bits yet because he knows they’d freak out and make him stop.
Ernie freaking Hudson and Phylicia freaking Rashad! Which is even funnier when you remember Gus/Dulé keep getting referred to as Bud
I love that they’re a family of super sniffers and it bonds them. shawn seems to really get a kick out of seeing it too (probably because a family enjoying each other is so foreign to him 🙃)
U-turn Singleton everybody! I love when Gus has a little thing to go with his nickname!
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Gus was really about to kick lassies ass! Dulé is killing me in this ep!
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Gus being very subtle as always
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P.S I LOVE HIM SO MUCH (but he definitely cheated)
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blues824 · 1 year
Upper moons and Muzan x Plutia/Iris Heart! Reader. She is a CPU (Here's a link to know: Link )
Maybe Muzan and the Upper moons freaking out of her as Iris Heart.
I did not include Hantengu and Gyokko. Female Reader.
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Muzan Kibutsuji
He most definitely did not appreciate your tendency to slack off and skip training or meetings or anything like that. The only reason why he can’t really punish you is because you have enough power in just your voodoo doll to throw him into the next room.
As for Iris Heart, there was one time where you both were on a date in a nearby city and a demon slayer had seen Muzan. You dealt with the slayer very quickly in your goddess form, and said nothing more about it besides the fact that those pesky little killers enjoy killing as much as you do.
This definitely threw him in for a loop because he never knew about your goddess form. Is it possible that you could grant him the power to conquer sunlight? He would be furious if you could, considering you both had been courting for a while now.
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This man would definitely run off with you whenever you didn’t feel like doing work. He even accompanied you and ran away from his cult just so he could dote upon the one who actually made him feel true emotions. You were his beloved gift, so of course he would take the time to cherish you.
The first time he saw Iris Heart was when one of Douma’s worshippers walked in on you two cuddling with each other. Out of surprise, you transitioned and killed the poor human. The demon that was just lying beside you let out a few giggles at how violent you were.
He did not know that his beloved Y/N was a goddess! A true goddess, at that. He was worshiped as a child of the gods, but not as a real god. Since the two of you were together, it solidified his followers’ belief in him and his powers.
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He doesn’t agree with your tendency to just run off and skip out on your tasks, but he can’t exactly stop you because of your voodoo doll. It was powerful, and could kill even the strongest of demons. However, he would totally hoist you over his shoulder and carry you back.
Once, as you both were taking a small stroll through the forest, a demon slayer had sprung out to attack. You smiled as you transitioned into Iris Heart. You cooed at how cute you thought it was that the slayer believed he had the power to defeat you. You then proceeded to kick the poor slayer in the stomach and send him flying.
Oh, this man knew he was in love. You were strong, you were beautiful, you were his. Honestly, as long as you stay with him for eternity, he doesn’t even need to conquer the sun. He has all he needs as long as you’re by his side.
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I feel like she’s the kind who at first didn’t like slacking off for the sake of looking good for Muzan, but as she got closer with you she found herself going along with you whenever you skipped out. You both sat in the fields and played with each other’s hair. She got to ask about your voodoo doll as well.
There was one time where a demon slayer tried to attack her at the brothel, but you quickly turned into Iris Heart and stopped the slayer. Daki felt like the damsel in distress from the stories she heard, and was half-tempted to jump into your arms so you both could ride (walk?) off into the sunset.
You were her knight in shining armor, both literally and figuratively. Since you were a goddess, you could go out whenever you wanted. You can’t exactly grant the power to allow them to walk in the sun, but you could do tasks for them when they couldn’t.
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Depending on the day, it’s a 50/50 chance that he would either go with you and ditch the Castle or drag you back. You don’t get work done either way, though. He usually wants you in his arms because he can be a bit possessive and jealous.
The first time he got to see Iris Heart was when Muzan was being particularly harsh. He even  made a threat towards your lover, so you turned into your goddess form and questioned the audacity that the demon lord had to do such a thing. Gyutaro was most definitely surprised at how quickly your attitude changed.
You got along quite well with his younger sister, and you treated her like your own. He loved seeing the two of you hang out, but the two siblings would often get into arguments about who got to have you for the next few minutes.
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neuvistar · 1 year
there was this one momeny where isagi was abt to be kicked by a particular guy and then he was kinda saved by chigiri, and bachira came n started cracking his knuckles n he was probs abt to beef w the dude cuzzz 😍😍 like he was like “if you wanna go, i’m down” LIKEEEE 😍😍😍 he’s soooo..
— 🍨
MINOR SPOILERS EVERYONE <33 oh my days. i’ve started the manga a few days ago n yk continued on from where i finished in the anime n now i’m very far into it LMFAO so so fast! i think i know what you mean, it was with shidou right?? I THINK I SAW THAT. I WAS FREAKING OUT HE WAS RLLY GETTIN READY LMFAOO <33 he’s so cute, he deserves a writing from me! here you go 🍨 anon, didnt even request for it but it’s fine i love my anons!
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— featuring . meguru bachira x fem!reader
— warnings / content warnings . sfw. cringe warning cringe warning waha!! bachira bein there for you how sweet of him, a lil bit of she/her pronouns, perhaps reader is hinted to be a lil shorter in height, hints of violence but i promise it’s not that bad ૮꒰⸝⸝´ᜊ ˋ⸝⸝꒱ა, um kinda ooc maybe?? IDK i gave up halfway and this may be a lil short n terrible but oh well it’s ALRIGHT i’m tired overall sfw content, not much warnings woohoo !! tell me if I should add / missed a few things ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა
ੈ‧₊˚ “i’ll be willing to do anything to protect you”
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frustrated. bachira was frustrated at the sound of chuckles and loud chattering from the men he was a few feet across from, gosh.. do they have to be this loud? it was just a few minutes after his game ended, he was exhausted and these two people weren’t helping at all, he grew more frustrated by the second. he glanced at the two for a good two minutes, cocking a brow. now hang on.. those were the guys that were speaking ill about you!
“the lady that gave him the bottled water? she’s his girlfriend?! quite the taste meguru bachira has.”
“nuh uh quit lying to yourself, she doesn’t look too pleasing. if anything, i’ve seen better looking women. see now, i don’t even know why bachira picked someone unattractive like her, i thought he’d have a better taste when it comes to women.”
“well it appears he doesn’t”
bachira’s heart dropped to his stomach, just what the hell were they on about? he bit the inside of his cheek, running his fingers through his hair before crossing his arms clearly upset at what the two guys had to say about you. he was getting even more and more frustrated by the second, who are they to tell him if his partner looks attractive or not, that isn’t their decision to make! fuck.. he couldn’t take it anymore. bachira stood up, making his way over to the two boys talking ill about you. “ahem.” the duo looked at each other then back at him, letting out a few laughs here and there. he’s basically told everyone around him about you, so much even people know about you both but these two guys don’t seem to get it. bachira knew how sensitive you were, he knew how quick you can take insults to heart, he wants to take matters in his own hands at times and protect you.
“to me, it seems as if you both seem to have the guts to talk ill about someone you don’t even know personally, thinking i wouldn’t hear what was running in your mouths.” he glared at the two, taking a step forward towards them.
“shit dude why are you so angry, can’t take a joke?”
“yeah, we were just joking. you’re getting all aggressive n defensive for nothing”
bachira’s body tensed, clenching his fists. did they really have to edge him on even longer? he was losing his patience, he wanted to tell these boys to scram already. unfortunately, the duo did not speak my further, attempting to walk out only to be stopped by bachira himself. “listen here, if i ever hear you both run your mouths about her once more, i’ll show you how aggressive and defensive i can get” “trying to sound all tough are ya? what are you going to do huh?” he smirked, cracking his knuckles. “guess we’ll have to find out.”
— buuuwwep !! ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ꒱ྀིა
“meguru!” you ran up to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his neck as your nose picked up his scent, lips curving into a smile. “missed you so much, y’know that?” he grinned, hands resting on your hips, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. you’re too sweet.. even though his mood changed when he saw you, he still can’t help but repeat whatever those guys said about you in his head, he exhaled lowly and grabbed your hand, kissing it before holding it tightly against his own. tilting your head and looking up in curiosity, you couldn’t help but sense something unusual about your boyfriend, “something the matter, meguru?” bachira tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
“ah. . nono it’s nothing, how about we go cool down with some ice cream? it’s kinda hot, isn’t it?” “of course, let’s go” deep inside of his heart, he couldn’t help but feel upset for you. who do those people think they are? they think they can just walk in and talk ill about someone as sweet as you are? most people have no human decency, he thought. he cant let you know about anything, he was willing to block all kinds of negative things from you, protect you from anything that tries to harm you in any way.
“if i’m being honest i never expected her to even get together with bachira, she doesn’t really suit him.” a voice can be heard from the opposite direction from where you and him were walking, he sighed to himself. if only he could protect you from everything, but sometimes he can’t always be your knight in shining armour, and that’s frustrating to him. if only he was always there by your side, he wanted to be by your side, he wanted to always be there for you but he is aware he can’t always be there beside you, someday he knows that you’ll overhear something from others.. someday and somehow. but regardless of anything, bachira is willing to prevent you from hearing ill things about you, he is willing to do anything to protect you, for you and you only.
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This is so rushed omg i’m so sorry it’s late at night i’m losing my mind ૮ ྀི◞͈ ˔ ◟͈ ྀིა — Maryse
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hoesplay · 1 year
Can i request bachira confessing to his crush then taking them out on a date? Hehehe, thank you~
𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒 𝕄𝕖𝕘𝕦𝕣𝕦 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦
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𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨! 𝘐'𝘮 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪-𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘐 𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 :) 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘔𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘶 𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 :<
word count: 2272 genre: fluff (with a little angst in the middle) tw: cursing, slurs, a little bullying
The moment you appeared in Bachira’s life, he couldn’t get you out of his head. Day and night he would think about your pretty eyes, your kind smile and how you seemed to shine so brightly. The two of you share a somewhat cozy relationship; far from friendship yet accompanied by laughter and playful banter. He tried dropping a hint to you; whether you took it is still unclear to him. Deep down, he knew it’s more complicated than that. No matter how sweetly you looked his way, you were part of different cliques in school. You were so beautiful and beloved by everybody, while he was the weird, lonely kid playing soccer with his imaginary friend.
He had a habit of dropping cute notes in your locker. It started one day when he wrote his feelings for you on a piece of paper during class. He didn’t want to throw it in the trash and mock this warm feeling bubbling in his chest, so he slipped it among your belongings in a moment of courage. The reaction you had was priceless, holding the note close to your chest with a content smile. That gave him the determination to give you something on a daily basis, whether it be scattered doodles on a ripped page from his notebook or a small flower he snooped from a bush on his way to school. He would hide strategically so he could witness your expression when you opened the locker to see the little surprise. School didn’t seem to suck so bad anymore.
Bachira’s crush on you grew as the days went by and the more he waited, the more frustrated he would become. He just wanted to tell you how he feels, hold you in his arms and place his lips on your face. He wanted to go on fun dates with you and to see you cheering for him anytime he was on the field. He talked with his mother about this and with her advice, he mustered the courage to tell you. His plan was to drop a note in your locker again to set a meeting and then just go with the flow. If he started to overthink his words, he feared he would lose the balls to confess. The day came and he was already a nervous mess. His palms were sweating, and the thought of rejection terrified him. He neared your locker, stopping in front of it to take a shaky breath. This is it.
“What are you doing, freak?”, a high-pitched voice made him stop in his tracks. He recognized those girls as your “friends”. He never liked them in particular, they were mean and only seemed to have a superficial relationship with you as a social standard. Before he could gather his thoughts to answer, one of the girls took the piece of paper from his hand, giving it a nasty look. Her pal looked over her shoulder to read the note. His ears hurt from the booming laughter that followed. “Oh my God, you are the creep that leaves those notes in (Y/N)’s locker, that’s hilarious!”
“You’re awful! That’s none of your business!”, the boy tried to fend for himself, but to no avail. The hysteric screeches caught the attention of more people on the hallway, including you. Bachira’s shoulders slumped; he felt cornered with no way to escape. “Hey, (Y/N), we caught your secret admirer! Look at this note.”, you approached the scene, but before you could even read what was written, the girl ripped the piece of paper and threw the tiny scraps in Meguru’s face. “You’re disgusting, creep. On what world do you think you had a chance to date her? Fucking retard. Go play football with your nonexistent friends and stop pestering us.”, all the students that gathered at the scene started laughing. Other guys shoved him, calling him slurs. The boy froze in his place, humiliated by this entire shit-show. Meeting your stunned eyes, he felt a knot in his throat and his chest tightening. He couldn’t help the tears rolling down his face with an ugly sob, as his heart was shattering.
The truth is you saw this day coming. Your friends kept teasing you about your secret admirer. You had a hunch it was Meguru, after all you couldn’t help but notice how he looked at you. It was so obvious, with his rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes whenever you would catch him staring. You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel your heart jolt anytime he elbowed your sides with a bright grin on his face. You kept all his little gifts in a box hidden in your closet, gushing about the sweet words or the goofy drawings. Whenever you had a bad day, you would just re-read them and move on. You knew the by heart. You didn’t make a move before, afraid of the social repercussions. Now you had to decide between your peaceful school life and defending the outcast.
“I like you, too.”, you said softly, but loud enough to be heard. “Say SIKE now.”, one of your friend inquired, but your lips were shut, looking straight at Bachira, who seemed to still be processing your words. “What the hell, are you mad?! Are you really gonna date this weirdo?”, the girls around kept pestering you. Unfortunately, your fuse was short-lived and you soon lost your temper. “Why are you all still here? You gathered around like some dirty street rats. Come on, scatter! Shoo!”
You didn’t do much to disperse the group formed, on the contrary; they seemed stuck in their place. You took the opportunity to grab Bachira’s wrist and drag him out, leading him in a more private place. Only then you realized what you’ve done, your ears reddening from the embarrassment. The boy left a lighthearted giggle. He couldn’t believe what just happened. “That was so cool! (Y/N), you’re so awesome! Did you see their faces? They looked so dumb!”, the relief flooding his veins was exhilarating. His laughter became progressively more awkward as you remained silent. He was alone. With you. You just said you liked him. His face heated up, trying to catch the look in your eyes. “Do you want to go on a date with me?”, he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. You accepted his offer with a small nod. All the humiliation was forgotten. When school ended, he ran home excitedly, hugging his mother tightly, and spinning her around. He couldn’t stop grinning. He finally had a date with you. He even got your number. He couldn’t wait for that day to finally come.
The date came around painfully slow, Bachira thinks. School hours were ten times longer and practice was too short to help him cool his head completely. When the time came, he was late, to the point where you were wondering if he was coming. He didn’t sleep a wink, because of how excited he was. He wanted to beat himself when he saw you waiting in the shade, scrolling absent-mindedly over your phone. You looked so pretty with your hair neatly styled and your casual clothes, despite the small pout adorning your features. A part of him hoped that seeing you like this is a privilege that he earned. He made his way to you with a pounding heart and a cheeky smile. “You’re late.”, you stated, as if it wasn’t obvious. He was panting lightly, so he most likely ran. You exhaled sharply giving up on scolding him properly. Afterall, you have been waiting impatiently for this day to come, and you wanted to make the most of it.
You had no idea what the plan was. When you asked him, he said that he’ll improvise as you go. As you followed his lead, he stopped in front of a small café. “I know it’s a pretty cliché place, but it’s my first time coming with someone besides my mom. I’m really excited to be here with you.”, he giggled uncontrollably. You weren’t opposed to the idea anyway. You set at a table near the window, imagining life stories for all the peculiar passersby. The waitress interrupted your chatter to bring your order. Of course, he recommended you the pineapple pie, that he was shamelessly devouring in front of you, but you refused it in favor of another item on the menu. Concentrating on the delicious food, you missed when Meguru took a glimpse of your focused face, before cutting a piece of his pie. “Say aah~”, his voice interrupted your thoughts, as he held the fork close to your mouth. Your first reaction was to stumble back embarrassed, denying his offer. You always cringed when you saw couples on the street showing affection publicly, or being sickeningly sweet to each other. You never imagined you would find yourself in such a situation. “Come on, don’t be shy. Aah~”, you gave in when he struck you with a bright smile, from ear to ear. He seemed to enjoy this a lot. Leaving behind the creeping heat that was rising to your cheeks, you complied to his actions. He placed the fork carefully in your mouth. As soon as you tasted the piece, he laughed. “That’s an indirect kiss!”, he exclaimed as you almost choked on the food. The pie was good, so you took that as an opportunity to change the subject.
His next destination was the park nearby. You found out that Meguru is the person you can talk to regardless of topic. You were a little afraid at the beginning that you would be too nervous to have a proper conversation, but he held a calming aura around him. He didn’t interrupt you, waiting endearingly for you to finish your idea, so he could add to the subject. The walk was refreshing and in that moment you thought you could even walk around the world as long as it was by his side. He found a way to not so sneakily take your hand in his, holding it as if it was glass. You tensed at first, the act catching you by surprise. “Does it bother you?”, you shook your head, squeezing his palm in reassurance. His palm was slightly sweating; so, he was nervous too. He intertwined your fingers, bringing them up so he could kiss the back of your hand. Cheeky bastard, thinking he’s so smooth.
You were having way more fun than you thought you would. You spent some time at the playground he dragged you to, playing like two children with no parent supervision. You didn’t realize when the sky got darker, until a rain drop that landed on your nose made you jolt. Your time was cut short by an impending rain. You didn’t check the weather, and by the looks of it, neither did Bachira. If you could make the rules, you would have stayed there a couple more hours listening to the guy’s silly stories told with crazy gesticulations. He took your hand to dash so you could find cover. “What should we do?”, you asked absent-mindedly looking at the pouring sky. It would have been a nice atmosphere, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were cold and a little bit tired. Bachira is known for many things, but having bright ideas isn’t one of them. As the lightbulb shone above his head, he gave you his jacket to hold above your head. “We can share.”, he said, crouching in front of you so you could get on his back. No matter how much you would argue, he was stubborn. With an exasperated sigh, you climbed on him. Taking a hold of the back of your knees, he took off running, to get you home faster. You squealed in surprise, not expecting the sudden sprint.
The whole scene was a mess. You were trying to hold onto his back while also covering the both of you. The jacket did little to nothing to protect you from the rain, but it didn’t really matter right then. You were laughing the entire way, as if you were on a kiddie ride, exclaiming at any sharp turn. His back was warm and he smelled like cologne and a little sweat. Thank God your home wasn’t that far away. Nearing your place, he stumbled a little, so you decided he did enough cardio for today. As he let you back on the ground, you were both panting and laughing, adrenaline pumped in your blood. You looked in his eyes, calming down from your high. Caught in his trance, you got closer unconsciously, before feeling his lips on yours. The kiss was sloppy, teeth crashing each other, but his lips were smooth and still tasted a little like pineapple. He was holding you close, cupping your cheeks in his hands and you could feel his heart beating rapidly against his ribcage. Hearing your pulse in your ears, you wrapped your arms around his waist as you swallowed his giggles.
Bachira is unlike how your classmates described him. You had a hunch he was more than meets the eye, but you didn’t expect to enjoy his company this much. He is no weirdo. He is just a kid with a huge passion. You kinda envy him for finding something he loves so much. He had a lot of love to give and deserved just as much. Your superficial friends might not agree with your decision and they might even turn against you, but you don’t regret anything. Nothing else matters.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨! :)
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alexsoenomel · 1 year
I Like Your Mind (Sam Winchester x Reader fluff, part 2)
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Summary: A short story about how you started seeing Sam in a brand new light aka liking him. Part 2: losing your damn mind 
You can read part 1 HERE
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1063
Note: Another oldie from me. Tbh not my best work but hey...it’s cute...I think.  Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)
Ever since that night you couldn’t stop thinking about Sam…Your mind was just Sam, Sam, and Sam. Why? You didn’t know. It just kind of happened. You were already really good friends. Would it kill him to be more than just friends?
Ever since that night things got a little bit awkward between the two of you. Of course Sam was completely oblivious and you were too busy freaking out. Every time he would talk to you, you would blush or just nervously play with your sleeves and rings. Every time he’d get close to you, your heart would just stop. He was so smart and generally a very good person with a kind heart and soul. Just being friends with him was a blissful torture, you didn’t want to end but at the same time you wanted more.
These thoughts had kept you up almost every single night. “Does he like me? Should I just tell him? Why?” All of these questions and no answers… You had known him for almost 10 years, why would your brain decide to fuck you up now? The world was a mess and you were in love…or something you couldn’t explain. One night, as usual, you couldn’t sleep. It was almost 2am and you craved ice cream and cuddles. You could only have one…
Ugh Christ .    
You left your warm and lonely bed, put a sweater on and went to the kitchen. When you got your vanilla ice cream you noticed a light in the living room. Someone was watching TV…
You secretly wished it was Sam but your luck wasn’t working…instead you saw his brother with a bottle of whiskey and left over French fries in his hands, wearing his dead guy robe, lost in the world of dr. sexy…of course. Dean was like a brother to you, he was your rock, you just had one tiny problem that was slowly driving you crazy…Sam Winchester was his brother.
“Hey.” You said and sat next to him. “Can’t sleep?”
“Nope. What’s up with you?”
“Just craving some ice cream.” You took a big spoon and shoved it in your mouth.
“At 2am? You look like a sad puppy. Spill it out.”
He had seen right through you. Even though you knew how to hide your feelings pretty well during the day, at night was a whole different story. When the Sun goes down, your mood is low and your thoughts are restless…
“Nothing just life…”
He looked at you with a “don’t bullshit me” expression on his face as he took a sip of his deadly drink. “Did someone die?”
“Did someone banged then dump you?”
“For fuck sake Dean no.”
Then it hit him…
“What?” You said feeling the anxiety kicking in.
“I forgot you like my brother.”
“Scoreeeeee.” He was such a child sometimes.
WHAT?! “How do you know?”
“When he came from his morning run all sweaty yesterday, you were drooling. You were more than obvious…”
“Crap. It’s not my fault your brother is perfect.”  A sigh left your lips as you felt the embarrassment now kicking in. You just ruined everything. Those stupid feelings were now going to ruin everything you had with Sam and your ability to hunt like a true professional. Love makes us do crazy things and sometimes those things get the best of us.
“First of all, no and second, why don’t you just talk to him?”
“I don’t want to ruin everything. He’s my friend, my family I don’t want to fuck it up over a lame little crush.”
“Dude…” Dean laughed.
“He likes you, you idiot.”
“Yeah sure.” You said now feeling like complete shit. Dean maybe thought Sam had more than friendly feelings towards you but you knew better. It seemed far too unreal.
“You don’t believe me?”
“He told me (Y/N).”
You froze completely. It was like someone poured a mixture of euphoria and anxiety in your brain and not so gently mixed everything up and confused you. “He- he did?”
“Well not directly but he asked me if something is wrong with you because you have been acting strange lately around him.”
“That doesn’t prove-“
“I also caught him checking out your ass multiple times.” He cut you off.
“I still don’t believe you, I’m going to bed.”
“Good night you ass.” 
“Good night idiot.” You said and gave him a peace sign before you left the room and went to bed.
You had finally managed to get couple of hours of sleep without any problems. You haven’t had any bad dreams…or any dreams at all; it was just a blissful black hole your brain was in. You didn’t mind it really, besides your dreams were most of the time more fucked up than your entire life. 
As you lazily opened your eyes, you noticed only darkness. You had to pee. First you looked at clock that said 5am. “Two hours without waking up? Nice.” You thought as you left your room to go to the bathroom. Your eyes were half closed and you were still in clouds. Once you were done, you thought you went to your room. As you laid on the bed you thought it was yours, you noticed something moving. The covers were warm as you thought for a split second “Why does my bed feel different?” You were too tired to answer your own question so you decided to ignore it. You maybe went to Dean’s room by mistake, he was two doors next to you and between the two of you was Sam’s room. You snuggled against the warm body and fully closed your eyes. As soon as you started to drift the body lying next to you moved. You felt strong hands wrapped around you pulling you closer to him. Something was off…
“(Y/N)?” You heard his voice as he whispered into your ear. But it wasn’t Dean.
“Sam?” You were wide awake now. Fully aware of what just happened your brain wanted you to just leave, but your heart…”I’m sorry I missed my room.” You said lazily. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No.” He said and placed a kiss on your neck. As his lips touched your skin you could feel yourself blushing in pinch black. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too Sammy. Good night.”
“Good night.”
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“Alright, I’m making an executive decision because if I let you do any work we’ll get out of here in 5 minutes,” Y/N said as they rolled their eyes.
“Pookie bear isn’t the entire point of escape rooms to escape the room?”
“In the reasonable 2 hours provided, darling”
“It’s not my fault this room isn’t hard enough to escape from”
“Just stand in the corner and look pretty”
“But Y/N, sweetheart, how could I take your job?”
Sending a playful glare his way, Heizou finally stands back and lets you get to work with a joking pout (he’s happy to just have an excuse to look at your pretty face).
an hour easily passes by with heizou's quick comments and jokes, and he’s almost impressed by how stubborn you are to complete the puzzles by yourself.
“…Should I be jealous with how intensely you’re staring into that painting’s eyes?”
“I just know the next clue is hidden somewhere on this painting I just don’t know where,” Y/N complains. “It has to be this painting, all the others have had puzzles in correlation to them and this is the only one left!”
“Aw does my cutie pie need some help?”
“You can help me by using some actually bearable nicknames”
“No promises, but give me a kiss and I’ll consider”
You don’t bother with a response and throw one of the many bracelets you have on (courtesy of heizou) at him. He catches it like the little shit he is.
“Come on you got this! Just this puzzle and you officially have completed an escape room by yourself”
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“You’ll do it next time pookie bear”
“Heizou, darling, I will break up with you if you don’t stop with the insufferable nicknames”
“You would never sweetie”
“You’re right, who else would buy me boba?”
Heizou doesn’t respond and takes your hand into his before pulling you close. The two of you walk in a comfortable silence, just enjoying being together out in public. Eventually the two of you arrive at Heizou’s favorite boba place where he tells you to sit down while he gets into the line.
He soon returns with two large bobas in hand ((me personally i love taro)) to the sight of you smiling down at your phone.
“What’s got you smiling so wide darling?”
“I just found the cutest boots ever, and they’re on sale! My followers are going to freak out over this find”
“Well what are you waiting for, show them to me. Those are cute, you said they were on sale?”
“Yeah, it’s that fashion influencer luck helping me out once again”
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“Thanks for taking me out, next time I’m paying for everything”
“We’ll see, my irresistible charm will make you distracted enough to forget that promise”
The two of you stare into eachother’s eyes before Heizou starts to lean in. Just as his lips are about to reach yours, the two of you are interrupted by the loud ringing of his phone.
“…Do you seriously have Cupid by fifty fifty as your ringtone?”
“Barbara asked me to and I couldn’t say no”
“That’s fair enough, Barbara is my favorite of the professional disasters”
“…I should probably call her back”
“You should, I’ll call you tonight?”
“Yeah! Yeah sounds good”
Heizou turns away from your doorstep ready to walk home.
“Oh come back here loverboy, you seriously think I’m gonna let you leave without a kiss goodbye?”
Heizou, being down bad, turns around as fast as humanely possible and runs back up to you.
0.45 going on a cute date vs being friends with childe 🥲
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Synopsis: you are a fashion youtuber with an immense following and one of many series on your channel is “Fashion Police” where you help people find their personal style! Heizou is a very popular true crime youtuber, as well as a co host for his podcast “professional disasters” with childe and his children. tired of how horribly heizou dresses (they’ve given up on childe) his friends sign him up to appear on your show. and the fact that heizou has a big crush on you? just makes it better. too bad no one told them you two are already happily dating <3
taglist: @aikaxx @amoguz @duckyyyx @nillajhayne @theblueblub @m3gitsune @hotgirlshit5 @eimivalla @lxkeeeee @hikaru-exe @heelift-pd @scarletttcroww @sunsethw4
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