#I couldn't understand what she was saying/yelling but I know that tone. I don't want to say it triggered me but. let's be real it did.
running-in-the-dark · 2 months
oh, and also - the people in the apartment above ours moved in a couple days ago. they have a baby. their bedroom is above mine. sooo I've been woken up by a crying baby several times a night for two days now and I...... really do not like it. there's many reasons I don't want children but crying babies are like number 2 on the list.
plus last night the woman yelled at her partner for like an hour. at 5am.
I haven't actually met these people yet but I've got to say I do not like them so far.
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vanteguccir · 3 months
Left alone | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where, after a difficult week, Matt takes out all his stress on Y/N, causing great damage to their relationship.
Warning: Fighting, yelling, cursing, dark thoughts. ANGST!
Requested?: Yes, by anons and @ivoncheetooo1239
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
Part 2
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"I don't know where you want to get with that, Matt." Y/N sighed, closing her eyes tightly for a few minutes before opening them again, keeping them fixed on the road in front of the car. She had her head resting on her right hand, and her elbow braced next to the passenger door window.
Matt, as usual, had gone to pick up Y/N from work after her shift, but he was surprised to have to wait for an hour in the car for his girlfriend to finally be released, as her boss had demanded that she had to work overtime.
Despite being wrong, Matt felt furious.
His week was more than hectic with the start of sales of the 6 million clothing collection, as he and his brothers had to spend hours autographing photos of themselves that would go with each order. In addition to - by Nick and Chris's choice -, the three of them were the ones who hand-packed the first ones, which resulted in Matt having to stay awake until late hours, and waking up early everyday to fulfill his other tasks.
With all that, having to sit in his car for an hour, with only his phone and in such an uncomfortable seat seemed to increase his irritation, and he couldn't help but start an argument with his girlfriend, feeling like a pressure cooker about to explode.
"I'm just saying that you don't stop at home anymore. You just work all day, as if it was your number one priority in life. And now you've started this nonsense of working overtime!" Matt accused, gesturing exaggeratedly with his right hand while keeping his left one on the steering wheel.
"It's not like I asked to work overtime, Matt! You and your brothers have worked in a grocery store once, you know how it works-"
"Don't you dare bring up Chris and Nick's name. They have nothing to do with your lack of responsibility within a relationship." The boy took his eyes off the road momentarily, giving her a cold look that sent shivers running up her spine.
"Matt, you're being ridiculous! I understand your week has been tiring-" Matt cut the girl off again, shaking his head nervously.
"No, you don't know nothing, Y/N!" His tone was arrogant, a tone that the girl didn't remember ever hearing from him. "I'm exhausted because of my own work, and I still have to come and pick you up every day! And now you make me stay stuck in this car for an hour, waiting for Miss Perfect here to decide to leave." His voice gradually increased in volume.
Y/N could already feel the sensations of the ugly crying that was about to come, taking a deep breath and counting to 10 in her head.
"Then don't pick me up anymore, Matt! You were willing to come every day after my work just until some days ago, but if it's so hard for you now, don't come anymore." Y/N replied, her tone lower than her boyfriend's but still carrying much stress.
"How can you be so ungrateful?" Matt shouted, slamming his hands against the steering wheel violently.
"Matt, look, I'm sorry- Hey, keep your eyes on the road!" Y/N ignored the pang she felt in her heart at the brunette's words, fear rising through her veins as she saw the car move further away from the main road, as a result of his lack of attention.
Her eyes were wide as she raised her hands, ready to grab the steering wheel if necessary.
"You know what? I'm done." Matt spoke through gritted teeth, turning the car sharply to the right until it stopped on the side of the road.
"What are you doing? Matt?" Y/N asked, her breath coming out shakily as her eyes traveled down the dark, deserted street, to her boyfriend's face, which seemed to be covered in a gray cloud of hate.
"I'm done with this. If you don't want to take responsibility for your own mistakes and don't understand the seriousness of this relationship like I do, then maybe it's not worth the effort." He unlocked the doors, crossing his arms and keeping his eyes fixed on the road ahead, his nostrils flaring as a result of his hard breathing.
"M-Matt, don't do that." The girl tried, swallowing hard.
She reached out her hand towards him with the intention of gently touching his arm, but Matt pulling away roughly, as if she were a plague, made her stop abruptly for a few seconds, her hand slowly lowering.
“I need to think, Y/N.” He shook his head, resting his elbows on the steering wheel and laying his head in his hands, closing his eyes tightly. "Get out." He demanded sharply.
Y/N's eyes widened, her heart stopping momentarily.
"W-what? Are you crazy? Look at the time, Matt. How am I going to-"
"Get out." Matt interrupted her, not once looking up. His tone was flat and cold.
Y/N looked at him for a few more seconds, as if waiting for him to apologize and say it was all a sick joke. But that never happened.
She quickly pulled the car handle, grabbing her purse and getting out of the passenger seat. The cold night air hit her body with force as if needles were piercing her skin, eliciting a strong shiver from her members.
Her hand pushed the door hard, closing it, the sound echoing like a dull thud. Her eyes watched the car restart not even a second later, screeching away.
Y/N remained still for a few seconds - or minutes -, watching Matt's car disappear into the distance, her hope of him turning around slowly disappearing.
"Come back." Her voice sounded so broken, just like her insides. "P-please."
She spun around, taking note of the street completely deserted of cars or humans, the only source of life being the streetlights.
The girl quickly hooked her purse onto her right shoulder, crossing her arms tightly around her torso and beginning the steps of the long walk she would have to take to get home - if she even could call that place her home anymore. The possibility of Matt kicking her out after the events made her legs tremble.
Her throat started to hurt from the crying that she was still holding back. The emotions rising in her chest were like bile in her throat; It burned and hurt like never before. Her heart felt like it was being crushed by a human hand, and it didn't take long for loud sobs to escape her lips, her eyes stinging from the hot tears in contact with the freezing wind.
It was minutes of walking without stopping, her feet ached from the tension in her body, a result of the intense cold and the several times she turned back, checking if she wasn't being followed.
The familiar street soon took over her blurred vision, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. Thick tears were still rolling from her eyes, but her sobs had stopped, being replaced by small sniffles.
Y/N shuffled down the sidewalk, passing the houses neighboring hers, before finally stopping in front of her front door. Her hands, practically frozen by the cold, opened her purse in a quick movement, rummaging through the smaller pockets, looking for the key.
She closed her eyes tightly when she couldn't find it, vaguely remembering just throwing it in the glove compartment of Matt's car that morning since she was in such a rush and still eating her breakfast.
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she fished out her phone, cursing under her breath when she noticed that the battery was almost all gone. Just her lucky day.
She quickly unlocked the screen, going into her contact list and clicking on Chris's one. The boy answered on the second ring, surprising Y/N.
"Y/N? Thank God, where are you guys?" Chris's voice sounded relieved. Y/N frowned, her mind creating thousands of horrible scenarios as to why Matt hadn't gotten home yet.
The path she took, which took her almost 30 minutes of walking - or more, since she was walking slowly due to the cold - would not even take 15 minutes by car.
"C-Chris, open the door for me. Please." Her voice was broken, her teeth chattering as her body felt the temperature drop even more now that she stood still.
"Are you out there? Alone?" He asked exasperatedly. The sound of his bed shuffling sounded from behind, probably the result of him getting up.
"Yeah... Just hurry, please." Y/N repeated, her tone completely vulnerable.
The line went dead at the same instant. Her right hand - which was holding the device - moved away from her ear quickly, her eyes only finding the negative battery icon.
She threw her phone into her purse again, her eyes prickling with new tears that wanted to flow. Her mind created terrible thoughts about herself and her day, and all she wanted most was to sleep and perhaps never wake up again.
The sound of keys sounded on the other side of the door seconds before it was abruptly opened. Chris's figure appeared, his wide eyes carrying immense concern as they roamed Y/N's body, seeming to search for any injuries.
"Oh my God, you're freezing." He confirmed when he noticed her shaking, gently pulling her inside, before closing the door again. He rubbed his hands over Y/N's arms, which, even though they were covered by the fluffy jacket, were still extremely cold.
The warm air from the heater inside the house welcomed the girl's body gracefully, surrounding her like a thin blanket. She sighed, closing her eyes momentarily.
"Where the hell is Matt? I thought he was going to pick you up." Chris asked exasperatedly, helping her take her purse off her shoulder, hanging it on the rack next to the door.
Y/N felt her eyes fill with tears again at the mention of her boyfriend's name. An ugly sound of choked sobs escaping her throat caught Chris's attention, who stopped his movements and turned his eyes to her.
"Oh no, what did he do?" His tone was gentle as he approached, pulling her into a tight hug as he watched her shake her head in denial repeatedly, her lips trembling. "Let's go to my room, you need a hot shower and fresh clothes."
Chris slowly stepped away, keeping one of his hands on Y/N's shoulders, guiding her through the kitchen and down the stairs towards his own room.
The door was already open - being left like that when the boy rushed after receiving her call -, the two of them just passing through it before Chris closed it, keeping the hot air trapped between the four walls.
"Go take a shower, I'll get you some new clothes from your closet, okay? There's a clean towel in the cabinet under the sink." The boy indicated, watching his sister-in-law nod weakly, a low "thank you" escaping her lips before she could enter the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
It didn't take long for Y/N to step out again, already dressed in the Fresh Love sweatshirt set that Chris placed on the sink - just by putting his arm between the door and the frame.
Even though she wanted to melt like hot water and go down the drain just like her tears that fell imperceptibly, her feet hurt too much to support her weight for even another minute, begging for a rest.
Chris was sitting on the right side of the bed, his back against the headboard and his legs above the duvet, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone, seeming to be waiting for her.
The sound of the bathroom door closing attracted his attention, and he quickly locked his cell, putting it on the bedside table before tapping the empty space next to him, silently calling Y/N to sit there.
The girl walked to the indicated side, lifting the duvet and sitting on the mattress, staying in the same position as Chris, but with her legs covered.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asked calmly, watching her closely, trying to read her expressions, but seeing only an ocean of pain in every line of her face and eyes.
"Matt left me in the middle of the road." She swallowed hard, shaking her head while closing her eyes tightly. "We had a fight. My boss demanded from me to work overtime and I forgot to tell Matt, so he ended up waiting for me for an hour in his car. He was tired from the day and the week, and I think the stress built up on both our sides, and he just started yelling at me." Y/N shrugged, sniffing momentarily, trying to hold back her tears.
"Wait, he left you in the middle of the road, alone and in the cold? To come home walking?" Chris's eyes widened, a look of disbelief occupying his blue orbs as he tried to process the information.
"Yeah." The girl's voice sounded low and vulnerable, her head lowering and her eyes focusing on her hands above the duvet, feeling embarrassed by her boyfriend's actions. "I tried to intervene at some point, but he was so mad." She took a deep breath, biting her bottom lip hard, the pain almost numb next to the one she felt in her heart. "I don't know what I did wrong, Chris." Her voice broke, a dry sob escaping her throat.
"I'm so sorry for my brother's actions, Y/N." Chris sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "I promise you did absolutely nothing wrong. Don't let those thoughts get the best of you."
"I just... Maybe I'm not really giving our relationship enough credit. Or maybe I'm not enough to fit into Matt's life patterns and busy days." She douted, playing with her fingers as a nervous act.
"Why don't you try to get some sleep? I imagine how tired you are and it's late. We can talk about this tomorrow, but try to clean your mind for now, okay?" He suggested.
Chris helped her lay down after receiving a nod of agreement, adjusting the duvet over her body. The girl moved her head, laying it on his left thigh, seeking comfort. He quickly put his hand on her hair, stroking the area calmly, lulling her into sleep.
After making sure she was already dreaming, the boy moved her slowly - so as not to wake her -, laying her completely on the mattress before getting up. He sat down in his gaming chair, crossing his legs on the seat.
Chris closed his eyes tightly, massaging his temples, trying to reduce the tension there. His eyes remained on Y/N's figure, caring for her sleep like a worried older brother, longing to have the power to erase the entire event from the girl's memory.
Matt would hear from him when he arrived.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @il0vebeingdelulu @sturniolowhore @mimi-luvzyu @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @domizzzsstuff @sturnizd @hearts4chris @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @leah-loves-lilies @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @rootbeerworshiper @junnniiieee07 @iammattswife
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lovelyiida · 6 months
"You know what they say about secretaries."
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SYNOPSIS: as the years went by... bakugo realized that he was the last to get married. the days grew cold and the nights turned lonely. bakugo wants to marry, but he doesn't really feel like falling in love. at least he has his trustee secretary!
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❥ WARNINGS: implied fem reader, aged-up! Pro-hero MHA characters over the age of 27, vulgar language, suggestive wording, and content.
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"A what?"
The revelation hit like an unfathomable wave, leaving Katsuki in utter shock and embarrassment. His words slipped out uncontrollably, and he hung his head low, attempting to collect himself before facing his parents' reactions.
With just a grunt escaping him, the blonde struggled to conjure up a somewhat plausible response. "Just… don't freak out. I've been meaning to say this for a while now, just couldn't find the time."
Deep into his face, palms buried, he rubbed his eyes, attempting to shake himself from the grave he had unwittingly dug.
"How long have you guys been dating? I mean, we're happy, right?" Bakugo's father sought assurance from his wife, but all he received was a long stare.
"Um, I've known her for a while, I guess—"
"Ya' guess? What's that supposed to mean?" Mitsuki interjected, a little disheveled from the news, trying her hardest to take things step by step.
"Please, let him speak," his father interjected.
Another loud pause set into motion, catching Katsuki off guard as he had not anticipated bringing up the topic of you that day. "We were talking, then we started to hang out, started to go out, and the rest was history—"
"What happened to not having time to do anything, since you're, y'know… putting our safety first?" Mitsuki quipped at the hero.
"I can still go out and find love; I'm not some sad and lonely prick!" Katsuki yelled. "If it makes you feel any better, she's my secretary. Still ass-deep in my work."
Katsuki's response earned a scoff from his mother. "I just don't understand why you couldn't tell us about this, of all things. These matters are very important. You didn't even ask for our blessing, Katsuki," she said.
He could tell by the tone of her voice that she was hurt, almost feeling a sense of betrayal. One of the most important moments of her son's life has passed and she wasn't a part of it.
"I want to meet her," she says, Katsuki's breath hitches.
Katsuki swallowed hard, the weight of the situation sinking in. He lifted his head, meeting his mother's gaze, and nodded hesitantly.
"Yeah, uh. I'll bring her over sometime soon. You can meet her, ask whatever the hell you want," he mumbled, trying to keep the conversation under control.
Mitsuki folded her arms, a mix of concern and curiosity etched across her face. "You better not be hiding anything else, Katsuki. We're your parents; we deserve to know what's going on in your life."
Bakugo's father, still trying to process the information, chimed in with a more composed tone. "Son, we just want to understand and be a part of your life. If you're serious about her, then we should support you. But communication is key. You can't just shut us out."
Katsuki sighed, "Yeah, I get it. I messed up, I'll tell her you wanna talk"
His mother's expression softened slightly, though traces of concern lingered. "Good. We're not here to judge; we just want what's best for you."
The tension in the room began to ease as the family started to navigate this unexpected revelation. As the married couple soon go their separate ways, Katsuki storms out of the house. Heading to his car, he jumps in with force.
"Fuck, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Looking out towards the distance he lays back into the seat with a drafted sigh. The blonde thinks hard about the decision he's made. He didn't want to rope you into the situation though he didn't have a choice. The old bats wouldn't get off his case (Katsuki self-sabotages quite often).
How the hell is he gonna break this down to you?
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"He went to see his mom and dad?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
The redhead nods nervously, his hand reaching over to fiddle with the closest plant in range. The room falls into an awkward silence, and you find yourself shrugging in response. "Okay? I just don't understand why he couldn't tell me that..."
A thought crosses your mind, "It would've saved me a lot of trouble," you muse to yourself.
"It was so sudden, Ms. L/n, we had no idea—" Riot's explanation gets cut short by the sudden buzz of his phone. With a jolt, he quickly grabs it and stares at the screen. His eyes scan the messages with vigor as he quietly reads the words to himself. You can't help but be curious, "Is that Dynamight?" you ask.
The redhead's eyes shoot up to you for a split second, and then he continues reading. With a quick sigh, he places his phone down and puts his hand up against his temples, squeezing with firm resolve. "Uh... yeah, that was him."
Concern flickers in your eyes as you press further, "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah! everything's fine; it's just Monday, y'know?" he says with an offputting chuckle. Your eyes narrow at him for a split second before scanning the room to check the clock.
"Well, thank you for your kindness, Mr. Riot, but I should get going. I have a meeting with my queen-sized bed." You chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood. Giving the office cat one more affectionate pet, you rise out of your seat with ease and turn towards the door.
Red Riot's voice booms through the room, causing you (and the cat) to jolt in surprise. "Dynamight's on his way; he really needs to see you," he says quickly. As you blink to process the information he just shared, you can't help but let out a defeated sigh. "So close," you whisper to yourself. Releasing the doorknob, you turn around, putting on your best business-coded smile.
"Sure, just tell him I'll be in his office." Turning back around, you head out the door and walk through the proclaimed hero's office. It's striking to see how night and day the two offices are. The aesthetics shift from sleek and black to relaxed and colorful.
Even the attitudes of the workers differ; they actually seem like they want (or at least don't mind) to do their job. The atmosphere is palpably different, and you find yourself absorbing the contrasting energies as you navigate through the hero's domain.
As you traverse back to the boss's office, you smoothly enter his main office, somewhat savoring the familiar ambiance as you feel a little bittersweet about being back at the office. You begin to unpack your things and get straight into work.
One hour passes, the minutes ticking away in a rhythmic dance.
Two hours pass, each moment blending into the next, creating a seamless continuum.
Three hours pass; you tiredly watch the passage of time marked by the silent ticking of the clock on the wall. A rather substantial chunk of time has passed since Red Riot mentioned that Dynamight was on his way. And you're mad as hell.
You completed everything you needed to an hour ago and decided to sit and wait just for good measure.
But now, impatience gnaws at you. Huffing, you quickly gather your things and head out of the office. Taking the elevator down to the parking garage, you aimlessly walk towards the chauffeur, the air heavy with anticipation as you slip into the sleek vehicle.
You know you're not exactly allowed to use the chauffeur, but fatigue has settled into your bones, and you simply don't feel like dealing with the hassle of taking a cab back home. As the chauffeur skillfully maneuvers through the city's nocturnal labyrinth, you find solace in the gentle hum of the engine.
Finally dropped off at your apartment, you collapse into the welcoming embrace of your bed.
Another couple of hours have passed since you left work. Glancing at the clock, a sense of worry creeps in as 10 pm emerges. "Must've been a serious conversation," you ponder. Out of habit, you pull out your phone and mindlessly text your boss.
TO: Dynamight (BOSS)
Riot told me where you were.
Next time… just tell me not to come in.
Placing the phone down, you continue watching mind-numbing daytime TV reruns. "I wonder if he thinks I'm some joke," you say aloud. Anger quietly simmers in your stomach as you shift your feet around, attempting to find comfort in the folds of your bed.
Not even five minutes later, Dynamight answers your text.
Picking up your phone, your eyes widen at his text.
FROM: Dynamight (BOSS)
we need to talk.
Oh, this is serious…
Jolting out of your bed, a rush of adrenaline propels you to the window, where you cautiously peek outside. There he is, waiting at your door. Surprisingly, he looks a tad bit nervous, perhaps uneasy?
Shutting your blinds, you slip on your house shoes and stomp towards the door. Opening it with a swift motion, you look at the hero. He meets your gaze, appearing tired and somewhat defeated as you begin to let loose on him.
"You need to be more considerate of people's time and what they're going through! Do you even know what I went through today? Well, I ended up in your buddy's office today, okay—"
"Please, L/n… just let me in," the blonde's voice rasps at you. Blinking, you notice how unfazed he looks as you stop your scolding. Quietly cursing under your breath, you hold the door open for him to come in.
As the blonde enters your place, he takes off his shoes and sits at the dining room table. Your boss's demeanor today is unusual compared to how you've seen him before. He looks almost vulnerable to you.
"You want anything to drink?" you say quietly. The blonde rolls his neck and then looks you in the eyes. "Got beer?" he says. You quietly nod and go into the kitchen to get him a beer.
"Get yourself one too; you're gonna need it," he says, the last part just below a whisper. You hum in agreement and grab the beers. Sliding one to him, he grabs it and cracks it open with vigor.
You watch as your boss quickly gulps down the contents, as you only take a small swig. Placing your drink down you look at him concerned.
"What did you need to talk about?" you say softly.
"Um… listen," you watch as the blonde shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He lets out a deep sigh, placing his hands into his pockets, and his head hangs low.
"So, I talked to my parents today—"
"I know that—"
"I was talkin' to them, you know… how parents are. They get on your ass when they need to, and they were definitely on mine. My mom said some things, and I got upset. I started to blabber a whole bunch of shit for no reason—"
"I'm having a hard time figuring out what the issue is. So you're being held accountable?" you say, confused. You watch as he clenches his fist and closes his eyes, trying his absolute hardest not to explode in anger right then and there.
"As… I began to ramble, I brought you up, and I told my parents that you're my girlfriend… we're engaged." He says defeatedly, a long pause of silence goes by as you stare at your boss, absolutely dumbfounded.
Jumping up from your seat, you start to pace around the kitchen in anger. "I can't even look at you right now— are you serious?" you turn towards him, eyes wide, and lips turned upward in anger.
"C'mon, it's not that serious—"
"Not that serious? Are you messing with me?" you say outraged.
"L/n, please just sit down so we can talk this out—"
"Talk this out? No, I don't wanna say anything to you. God, how could you do this? It's like I'm not even a person to you; like I'm just a toy that you continuously beat against a hardwood table over, and over, and over—"
"L/n!" Dynamight's voice roars over yours, and you flinch at the sound. The rhythmic sound of your breaths huffing is the only sound that penetrates through the air.
"Okay, fine. We can talk, but I'm not sitting down," you say sternly, which makes the blonde roll his eyes. You hear him mumble a quiet "whatever," which almost sets you right back into another frenzy.
Fighting the urge to escalate, you take a deep breath and continue to pace, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife.
"My parents want to meet you tomorrow, is that okay?" he dares to ask. You wanted to say something witty, something that would tick him off, but you started to go into deep thought.
"Give him a taste of how he's treated you, Y/n; the time is now."
Turning to face him, you look at him with no emotion. "Okay, that's fine," you say. This throws your boss off guard, "uh, are you sure? You seemed pretty against it literally three seconds ago—"
"No… I think it's fine. I know we talked about taking things slow, but it's whatever," you say defeatedly. You watch as the blond takes his hands out of his pockets and places a box out and in front of you.
"You'll need this," he says.
Eyes tracing down from his hand and onto the box, your stomach drops to your ass in a heartbeat.
An engagement ring.
"I'm not forcing you to put it on right now, but just have it on before I see you tomorrow," he says. You aimlessly nod, eyes still glued to the ring. You hear your boss stand from his chair with a screech and walk towards you.
"You don't need to memorize my favorite color or whatever the heck—just be present and actually act as if you're interested, please?" he pleads with you. You hum with a silent nod.
"I'll let myself out," the hero mumbles.
After a few moments, you hear the door close and the sound of his car speeding off into the night. The room is left in silence, filled with the weight of unexpected developments and the promise of an imminent meeting with Dynamight's parents.
Sitting back down at the table, you grab the velvet box. Opening it, you can't help but let out a gasp. The ring is absolutely beautiful, looking way too expensive to be just a regular engagement ring. Taking it out of the box, you can't help but marvel at its beauty.
"I always thought later in my life I would be proposed to a little bit differently…" you chuckle to yourself, unable to help feeling a little bittersweet at the moment you're currently experiencing. The unexpected turn of events, coupled with the striking beauty of the ring, creates a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within you.
Sighing, you place your head down on the table, feeling the cold wood press against your skin. Closing your eyes, you didn't know what to think or feel—you were just there.
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"What the hell are you wearing?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why do you look so… fancy?"
Currently sitting inside your "fiancé's" car, you're being berated once more for no exact reason. "I just thought that since I'm meeting your parents and all that I would dress nice," you say unbothered as you fix up your makeup in the passenger mirror.
"Plus, I bought this a year ago; m'not letting it collect dust."
You hear the blonde let out a drawn-out sigh, before you knew it, you felt a surprisingly soft hand wrap around your wrist. Looking over, you see him stare at the ring on your finger.
Swallowing your spit, you look over at his hand.
No ring.
"And where's your ring?" you say sternly. "It's right here," he mumbles as he reaches into his armrest. "I was gonna put it on but… I didn't know which finger to put the stupid thing on," he says.
You chuckle at his words as you grab the box from his hand and open it. He chose a pretty nice ring for himself also. Taking the ring out of the holder, you grab his hand and slowly slip the ring on.
"There," you speak softly.
"Thanks," the hero mumbles before quickly snatching his hand away from your grasp and placing them on the steering wheel. Quickly driving off.
Looking at the sights, you see the transitions from the bustling, busy city life to a quiet suburban city. You watch as the hero drives around the town, memorizing every turn and every stop.
Sometimes he would tell you a story about him from childhood whenever he would see a certain park or store. It was nice.
But that "nice" feeling in your body soon turned into anxiety as you watch the car turn down a neighborhood road. The neighborhood is nice, beautiful homes with nicely trimmed grass. This is a place you'd see yourself growing up in if your family actually had the money to.
As the car slows to a stop, you park outside the home of your boss's parents. Swallowing your spit, you nervously play with your ring before looking up at the blonde.
"Hey," he says, and you lift your eyebrows in response.
“Call me Katsuki.”
Your eyes widen at the thought of already starting a first-name basis. "Okay, you can call me Y/n," you say. Katsuki nods at your words, "nice name" he mumbles (he's too bashful to be authentically nice).
"Thanks, you have a nice name too," you say.
A beat passes before you then watch the blonde hop out of the car and walk over to your side. Opening your door, he holds out his hand for you. Looking at his hand for a moment, you press your lips into a line before grabbing it softly.
Interlacing your fingers with the pro-hero, you didn't know what waves of emotions were going through you at the moment. You felt like a high school girl going on her first date.
You notice once more how soft his hands were. Who knew hands that were known to brutally fight against evil and maintain justice and peace in the city were so...soft.
Taking your other hand and placing it on his arm, the both of you walk side by side to the front door. As Katsuki rings the doorbell, you squeeze his hand.
"You'll be fine."
You silently nod before hearing the door unlock. As the door swings open, you're met with a man with brunette hair and glasses who looks exactly like your fiancé. Thus, none other than his father, of course.
"Oh, hello!" he says pleasantly with a soft smile. Unraveling yourself from Katsuki's grasp, you reach out to shake. "Hi, Mr..." your brain paused for a moment.
"Bakugo, Mr. Bakugo, dear," he says with a chuckle. Shaking his hand, he gives you a firm shake before letting you go. You smile as you revert to resting your hands at your center.
"Or you could call me Dad, or Mr. Dad—"
"Please, old man," Katsuki groans. This earns a quiet chuckle out of you.
"Please come in," he says awkwardly, motioning you to follow. As you step into the house, you can't help but quietly speak as you feel the warm touch of Katsuki's hand ghosting around your waist.
As the both of you settle in, you can't help but look at every corner of the house. The modern home was everything you thought it would be. Sleek design yet a homey color palette; you wish this was your childhood home.
Your eyes grazed over framed photographs capturing moments of joy from the pro-hero's childhood. A part of you still didn't believe you were seeing the things you were seeing today.
As you move through the house, Katsuki's father engages in casual conversation, sharing anecdotes and stories about their family. The initial nervousness begins to subside as you find yourself being drawn into the easygoing charm of the Bakugo family.
The living room, adorned with plush furniture and warm hues, invites you to take a seat. Katsuki, still by your side, maintains a protective presence that brings a sense of comfort.
"Dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you make yourselves comfortable?" Mr. Bakugo suggests with a warm smile, leaving you and Katsuki alone for a moment.
The two of you find a spot on the couch, and as you sit together, the air is filled with a mix of anticipation and the gentle hum of family life. Katsuki's hand finds yours again, offering silent reassurance amidst the subtle excitement of the evening.
"He's nice," you mumble softly at Katsuki, which earns a humorous scoff from him. "Yeah, he's too nice, maybe he actually took his meds today," the blonde says. You silently mouth an "oh" before looking around the room some more.
Suddenly, you catch a glimpse of Katsuki's mother in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the meal. She also looks just like him; you watch as her eyes match up with yours. Before you could politely bow or smile, her eyes were off of you.
Looking back down into your hands, Katsuki immediately tells that something is off. "Hey, don't mind the old hag; she's just in her feelings." You breathe in, trying to register your emotions and the "old hag" quip.
"Yeah, but I mean, she has every right to act the way she's acting. If I didn't know my son was getting married—let alone had a girlfriend until it's basically time for them to say their vows—I would feel a type of way as well."
Katsuki rolls his eyes as he attempts to place his hand on your thigh. But you turn away from him with a frown. Before the blonde could say anything else, "Mr. Dad" comes walking through.
"Hey, kids, the food is ready," he says with a smile.
You nod before looking back at Katsuki. As the both of you walk towards the dining table, Katsuki pulls out your chair and helps you sit down. As you settle down, you hear a quiet scoff in the distance. Already gathering that scoff was owned by his mother.
Looking down, you stare at the food placed before you. The aroma wafts through the air, and you can't help but smile. "Wow, this looks amazing! I haven't had a home-cooked meal in so long, thank you."
"No need." Looking up, you notice another figure sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Hello, Mrs. Bakugo," you say with a soft bow.
Nothing in return.
Looking over at Katsuki, you could sharpen a dozen kitchen sets with the look he just gave his own mother. The tension in the room becomes palpable, and you find yourself navigating the delicate balance of emotions while trying to enjoy the anticipated family dinner.
As the family gathers around the table, you notice the strained atmosphere between Katsuki and his mother. The unspoken tension hangs in the air, creating an undercurrent that makes you tread carefully with each bite.
You exchange glances with Katsuki, silently acknowledging the situation of family dynamics. Despite the awkwardness, you decide to break the ice by engaging in conversation with Mr. Bakugo.
"So, how did the two of you meet?" he asks. Looking over at Katsuki stuffing his face with rice, you look back over at his father with a bashful smile.
"We met at work; I'm his secretary," you say with a chuckle. Katsuki's dad lets out a chuckle along with you. You also notice that his mother is chuckling too. As she looks into your eyes with a mischievous smile, her eyes glaze over at her husband.
"You know what they say about secretaries…"
"Which is?" you look over at Katsuki, throwing mental daggers at his mother. She swallows her food and chuckles, "I'm just saying! Clearly, you have a type."
"Keep pushin' me; old dirty hag," Katsuki spits venom with every word that comes out of his mouth. Your eyes widen at the vulgarity of the words he chose. Placing your hand above your mouth in shock.
"Or what? Little bastard—"
"Okay!" Mr. Bakugo yells out.
All eyes snap towards him.
"Mitsuki, do you have any other questions for Y/n?" he says anxiously.
A moment of silence passes before she speaks again.
"Where are you from?" she asks.
"I'm from (hometown)," you respond.
"I'm a college graduate in hero analysis and communications."
"How old are you?"
"27, ma'am…28 in (birth month)."
"How many kids are you willing to have with my son?" she suddenly asks. This makes Katsuki and his father choke on their food, sending you aback, and a warmth grows on your cheeks.
"Oh, what? It's not like they haven't had sex before!" she argues.
"Well, what? You're celibate?" She questions; you look over at Katsuki before quietly nodding. "Oh wow, I guess he's really in it for the long haul." Mitsuki sips her drink before going on another brigade of questions for you.
By the end of dinner, things were…okay? You believe you made a good impression on Mr. Bakugo. His mother, on the other hand, was a whole different case.
Soon, you and Katsuki were in the kitchen washing dishes while the older couple sat on the couch to converse. The clinking of dishes serves as a backdrop to the muffled conversation in the living room. The warmth of the water and the shared task provide a brief respite from the earlier intensity.
As you scrub a plate, Katsuki breaks the silence. "Sorry about that, she can be a real pain in the ass."
You look over at him, a small smile playing on your lips. "It's okay, I can handle it. Besides, I'm getting to know your family."
He grumbles in response, his usual tough exterior softening for a moment. The rhythmic sound of washing dishes continues, and you can't help but feel a sense of unity, even in the midst of familial complexities.
"It's not okay; she's never acted like that towards a guest ever, and it's you of all people," he says. You can tell through the tone of his voice that he's genuinely upset. You watch closely as he washes off some scum from a knife with his fingers.
"You didn't deserve that—god, she can be such a bitch—ah, shit!" Katsuki curses as he holds out his finger. He didn't realize, through his fit of anger, that he'd cut his finger.
Your eyes widen at the sight.
"What's going on in there?" You hear Mitsuki yell out.
"K-Katsuki?" You stumble with your words.
"Damn it, sorry," he mumbles.
"I'm fine, there's a first aid kit under the sink."
Quickly grabbing the kit, you come to his aid. Carefully bandaging up his finger. "Katsuki, I promise I've gone through worse. This is only a nib in the bud," you reassure him.
Finishing up the bandage, you place the first aid kit back under the sink. Looking back up at the blonde, you softly smile, placing your hand on his arm before glancing back over.
As you look over, you see Mitsuki staring into your soul, but this time neither of you breaks contact. "Did you guys want to stay for dessert?" Katsuki's father follows up.
The both of you look over at him, and you begin to speak, "Um—"
"Nah, early patrol and an interview tomorrow," Katuski speaks as he sneaks an arm around your waist. "Mm, yeah. That also translates to a lot of paperwork and notes for me," you attempt to make a joke to lighten the air.
This earns a chuckle from the father, "Well, let us lead you out."
As the four of you head towards the door, you watch Katsuki from the corner of your eye get a pat on the back from his father and a thumbs-up, mouthing "I like her" before he slips away from him.
Before leaving, the both of you turn and bow. "It was nice seeing you both for the first time. I hope to come here more often; the food was great."
"Anytime Y/n, the pleasure is ours."
As the both of you turn away hand in hand, you're stopped by a gasp of your wrist. "I'd like to give you a couple of words," says Mitsuki.
"Whatever you say to her, you can say to me," Katsuki says sternly. His mother rolls her eyes, "Oh, please go to the car; I'm not gonna bite her head off!" She complains.
You give Katsuki an assuring glance before letting him go to the car. Facing his mother, you expect the worst. "Yes?" you say.
She lets out a sigh before she speaks, looking at you with almost a pitiful look. “I don’t know if you’re a good fit for my son yet, but I can tell you care for him. And that’s what matters the most.”
She then places her hand to touch yours, lifts your hand, and observes your ring. "Y'know I was staring at this the whole night? I just can't believe it."
Staring down at the ring, you nod your head in agreement.
"Me either."
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— lovelyiida
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sharksupermacy · 10 months
glided lily
glided lily- minji x 6th member! reader
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synopsis: have you given enough?
genre: angst, overworking, intrusive thoughts, reassurance, unhealthy work habits, miscommunication, no good isolation, a bit of fluff at the end, hidden secrets, doubts
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you knew that this cycle would have to stop.
exhausted, as sweat was dripping down your nose as you sat down in the practice room alone and looked at your phone. you closed your eyes pinching the bridge of your nose, realizing it was 3:30 am. 72 missed called from all of the members total, 342 unread messages.
but what caught your eye was the latest message from minji, 'can we talk?' those words set something off you making your mind race with thoughts, so you called up the only person you knew that could help you deal with this. your sister.
c'mon... c'mon... pick up, pick up is what you thought while dialing up your sister lily hoping she would be awake.
"hello?" your sister groggily replied as she had been on a schedule for her comeback.
"can i crash?" you said in a uncertain hushed voice as you hear your voice echo in the practice room.
"sure. let me just ask haewon," lily said as she went quiet for a minute and came back on the line following up with, "she said sure. come over and we can talk about how crazy vanilla is for a while since i don't have a schedule tomorrow."
you laughed softly at lily's joke appreciating how your sister always knew how to make you laugh. "thanks lils, be there in 20 minutes. just got to tell my members," you said in a much more certain tone both of you hanging up saying goodbye.
you didn't scroll through the messages of the group chat with the newjeans member just sent a simple text of 'staying with my sister, dw i will see you guys tomorrow at practice.'
not looking at your phone anymore your gathered things throwing on your mask and hat. soon walking out the hybe entertainment in the direction of nmixx dorm and ringing lily again to let you in.
knocking on nmixx dorm door, the first thing you see is lily as the feeling of calm washed over you as collapsed into her arms. "hey. you okay?" lily questioned as she brushed the hair out of your face noting how hot you had felt when she touched your skin. "have you been over working yourself again?" she asks while bringing you into the dorm while you still clinging on to her.
mhm is the response you managed to get to lily as you still hugged her burying your face into her shoulder. that was until you had heard another voice a bit far off into the living room "is that y/n, lily?" haewon yelled from the living room as she was curious if you had arrived. you winced a little at the volume slowly taking off your shoes and walking towards the living room to greet haewon and jiwoo before heading to lilys room where you would crash for the night.
"does your member know about... the thing?" lily probed you wanting to know if you had told them about it.
"no. they don't need to worry over me more as it is. i'm already causing to much trouble for them," you had stated looking down at the wooden floor which you had sat down.
"ok, but please do tell them soon. i'm worried what you'll end up doing to you and your relationship with the girls if you keep this secret away from them," lily responded with a little concern in her voice.
you always hated how lily was right sometimes. "soon," is the word you would always say to your sister when she say something like this as you two settled in for the night.
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on the flipside minji would always wondered why you would never talk to her about your family only mentioning that you were sisters with lily, and that you had a younger sister. why you always constantly overworked yourself or whenever you two fought about over anything you would constantly avoided her until she told your sister about it.
she just couldn't understand why you could no tell her anything she was your leader, and your girlfriend. even though both of you had no doubt that you love each other she couldn't help but feel insecure because you couldn't trust her to help you with your problems.
here she laid in her bed as she was still worried of your safety. wondering why you had gone to nmixx dorm again, was it the overwhelming amount of the messages from the girls telling you to get home? no, it couldn't be because the last time that happened you came home claiming you had lost track of time because of your phone dying. was it you being frustrated by the choreo? surely not, because she had just saw you during practice nailing it perfectly; even teaching hyein how to do the point choreo.
she couldn't rack her brain of the possible things that could... oh. the text she sent asking you if you could talk to her, did you mishap misinterpret the text. she only sent that message as it been just a few days that she had last had a alone time with her girlfriend. only phrasing the message incase of an off chance of someone snooping through both of your phones.
these are the thoughts that plagued her mind as she grabbed a pillow from your bed hugging it as she slept. a last thought that came between her mind 'will 'us' really work out?'
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it was 11 a.m. when you woke up from the best sleep you had in a while, realizing you had been moved to the couch instead of being on the floor. staring at the floor, blanking out for a bit before calling out to your sibling, who responded with silence. turning to your phone, you realized that there was a sticky note on it that said, 'hey, y/n! its your bestest sibling here; me and the girls have early practice and won't be back until later. haewon says to feel free to stay a bit longer. Make sure you get to practice on time. oh! btw theres a sandwich in the fridge! ;) - lilyyyyyy'  you smiled at the messy handwritten note, going to the fridge to eat the sandwich that lily had made you. you ordered food for the girls and waited until it came, putting it in the fridge before leaving the nmixx dorm. 
stopping at the local cafe nearby, you went in and ordered drinks for your members as you tried to find a way to apologize to them. walking into the practice room 15 minutes before the start of practice, you were met with a figure. minji. "why were you out so late yesterday?" was the simple question she asked with so much authority that it struck fear out of you. 
"i-uh," you always had a habit of stumbling over your words before trying to answer, especially in situations where you were scared. so with the combined pressure of the fear of disappointing minji, and the pressure of her staring down at you, you did the only thing to do when faced with confrontation: run.
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a/n: idk it feels lowkey incomplete but i have no idea rn how to complete it. hopefully, i can complete it later... but no guarantee. anyways the fact get up is 30 second long is a crime. oh, pt 2 of k. coming soon.
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joelsdolly · 7 months
Hey would you mind writing hazelxautisticreader but the reader has selective mutism and pj gets mad at her for not speaking to her? Not sure if that really made sense, sorry if it didn’t
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notes: I love writing angst so ty for this request! sorry this took so long but here it is!! also I do not have selective mutism so I am so so sorry if this is wrong in any sort of way!
word count: 0.4k
warnings: some cursing! light angst, plus not proof read
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having selective mutism it was hard finding people who could be accepting about it, if you were lucky people would understand how you feel and would be calm and collected like a person with decency would.
but you weren't always lucky, PJ was not the most understanding person to say the least. she had been making dumb and rude remarks the whole time you had been out, hazel had been noticing her anger towards you and was not happy about it, she tried to ignore it for as long as possible, but when PJ decided to raise her voice at you she couldn't ignore it
'holy shit leave her alone' hazel yelled back at her, pj's eyes widened at hazel's tone and volume, you looked at hazel front the corner of your eye, trying not to smile. the girl you had liked for years had just defended you, of course you were freaking out!
PJ still complained about how you caused "trouble" to the waiter while ordering, like she even cared, she just wanted a reason to talk shit about you, in front of you. after her and hazel went back and forth for another couple minutes, you and everyone else sat there in silence, when PJ was fed up she rushed back to her car.
everybody said goodbye and went home, just in your luck hazel was your ride meaning you'd get to spend not only more time with her but more time alone with her. you sat in the passenger seat of her warm fancy car, there was a calm low volume music going on while she apologized on PJs behalf, 'i really am sorry I don't know wh-' she was cut off by your hand on hers, she took her eyes off the road for a split second to look at you, you nodded with a small smile on her face, she didn't have to apologize for PJ so why let her continue ramble?
by the time she pulled up to your house it was almost dark, getting closer to night by the minute. you stepped outside her car and let out a breath you didn't know you were keeping in, you walked up to your front door and she closely followed behind you. she put her hand on your shoulder and turned you around, her sudden action startled you but her soft gaze comforted you immediately, 'i uhm wanted to tell you that uhm-- you're really cool, like I'm the sense that I like you, like like you'
your mind racing at a million miles as she said that, it took you a second to register but instead of responding you leaned in trying to insinuate you wanted her to kiss you, 'can I kiss you?' she whispered so close to you her lips were ghosting yours, you nodded and she waisted no time connecting her soft lips with yours, you smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around her neck, what a cheesey kiss.
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lokisprettygirl · 3 months
Utopia (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x female reader) (Non Canon AU) (18+)
Read chapter 4 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 5
Summary: Life gets chaotic and feelings get mangled post your rescue from the island.
Warning: 18+ sex ,death and destruction that comes from a ship wreckage, smut, sex, menstrual sex, unprotected sex. Some inconsistency with ship sinking, i researched as much as I could
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You couldn't help but listen in on the muffled sounds of shouting that were coming from the room next to you and you felt guilty even though you had done nothing wrong. They were not in a relationship, they were not even dating the moment you two had gotten stranded on the island so you had done nothing wrong but that didn't mean you felt any better about it.
“Almost ten years ..we have been together and you are doing this to me now?” Lily screamed at him and her tone made him snicker bitterly.
“10 years right? And half of those years we spent apart because you wanted to break up every fucking time you couldn't handle our relationship” Lily scoffed as Daemon raised his voice, in the decade of them being with each other, even though Daemon saw other women whenever they were on a break, she never really felt threatened because it never lasted long, they were just mindless flings but you threatened her.
She was worried you'd replace her in his life. That you'd become the love of his life, his muse, his own.
“I'm allowed to take time away from us when I'm not feeling well Daemon..that's how a healthy relationship works” She yelled at him again, her voice laced with frustration as if this conversation wasn't really required.
“Yeah? Is that what it is? Or you just take off whenever you want to fuck someone else?” As soon as he said that Lily began to cry profusely and he didn't want to hurt her like that, he cared about her, a part of him of course carried emotional attachment towards her or so he thought but he also couldn't deny no longer that he felt something for you, his feelings for you were becoming increasingly difficult to push aside.
As he stepped towards Lily in an attempt to comfort her and prevent the situation from escalating, she began to strike him in the chest. Despite her outburst, he managed to remain calm and restrained her hands, pulling her into an embrace. He held her tight, allowing her to release all of the pent-up emotions that she had been holding onto.
“Just calm down okay?” He mumbled softly to her, he didn't even want to argue with her anymore, the time on the island has made him realize that life was too short and unpredictable to turn the same pages over and over again in the hope that story would somehow lead differently the next time..
“Please don't hurt me Daemon..i love you..I love you so much ..you know that”
Her eyes welled up as she spoke to him so he wrapped her arms around her again and didn't say anything, however his silence spoke more than his words ever could. Once she was asked to leave for staying outside the visiting time he walked into your room and you were pacing back and forth already in stress and worry. As soon as you saw him you began to ramble all your thoughts out loud.
"Look, I don't want to stand in the way of whatever you two have. I don't want to be the reason it's destroyed. I'm OKAY with us just remaining friends.”
You said to him, not really realizing how this would affect him. He was on the fence with Lily but not with you, with you he knew how he felt.
“Really? So we just forget everything we have done in the past five months?” he asked you as he crossed his arms in frustration, his brows were crinkled and jaw was clenched in anger.
“That was us being there for each other when we had no one” your eyes welled up with tears as you didn't really understand what he wanted and you didn't want to be his rebound girl again.
“Fine…If you say so”
That was the last you had heard from him for a while actually.
In the month that followed, you were faced with plenty of challenges, from dealing with lawyers for the compensation claim to then managing your newfound fortune that you had no clue where to invest. You also needed to take some time for yourself in regular therapy sessions. You weren't prepared at all to go back to the life you were living before all of this transpired.
Media had been on you and Daemon as well, everyday a new press reporter wanted to interview you, sometimes together which both of you denied, a documentary crew had approached you as well and it was a lot. Life was a lot these days and amidst all of this chaos you didn't have Daemon by your side which really pissed you off.
If he felt something more than just friendship for you then he should have told you that.
“Come on..get ready” Emma mumbled as pulled out a dress from your closet and threw it at you.
“I don't want to go, em” you groaned as you spoke to her. She wanted to take you to the Karaoke bar, Daemon and the rest of the group would be there too and he was the reason why you didn't want to go, well not really, you did want to go but how dare he just cut you off like that? Sure you were being a bit mean to him but you just wanted to keep your conscience clear.
“He's miserable too you know” your ears perked up as Emma said that.
“Daemon..he's not happy, he misses you alot” you rolled your eyes in fake pretense as if her words weren't making you all giddy inside.
“And you know that because?”
“Because Aemond told me, they were drunk one night and he almost wept because he felt that he had lost you” Emma said as a matter of fact and it was hard to believe her words but the possibility that Daemon was miserable without you was heartwarming. Because you were absolutely miserable without seeing his stupid face.
“You're lying”
“I have no reason for that,” she retorted.
“What about Lily?”
“She wants him back..but he's not willing to do so again, like he tried but he's not able to”
After pretending that you didn't want to go some more you eventually got dressed but before that you made sure to remove every hair on your body because you hadn't done that in the past six months.
When you reached the bar the group saw you and you noticed how Lily wasn't happy at all by your presence.
You looked at Daemon and you thought he'd look away but he kept his eyes on you and you had to smile eventually making his lips curve in a smile as well.
“Y/n should sing, she's the only one of us who had never done this right?” Lily chimed in so you shook your head and chuckled.
“I don't sing..like at all” you responded as you chugged on your drink and looked around the group hoping that someone would rescue you.
“Oh come on..don't be such a party pooper..she should sing..right dae?” she spoke again and you really wanted to smack her gorgeous face.
“Go on..you're amazing you know?” Daemon said out loud and Lily's expressions faltered, you weren't Amazing at all, he was just being nice because you'd often sing to distract him whenever he had one of his migraine attacks on the island.
“Come on y/n” Lily gave you a smile so you chugged on your drink and decided to fuck it all, nothing mattered to you anymore. Sure she was trying to humiliate you and make you feel uncomfortable but you won't allow her to win this one.
As you stepped up to the microphone and the music began you recognised the Ellie goulding song immediately so you took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the worst,
“We ..we don't have to worry about nothing..we got the fire and we burning one hell of a something”
You began to sing and felt a bit off key in the beginning but as the song progressed you got the groove. You heard the group hooting for you and Daemon was smiling throughout your silly performance and Lily? Well, the only reason she wanted you to sing was because she figured you'd humiliate yourself in front of everyone but that wasn't happening.
“We’ll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky, cause we got the fire, fire, fireeeee and we gonna let it burn burn burn burn–”
The crowd applauded as you finished your performance, you had never done anything like this before but the time on the island has really changed your perspective on life. Once all of you were drunk enough you couldn't help but notice that Emma and Aemond were getting really cozy with each other and that piqued your curiosity..
As you excused yourself away from the group to grab a drink Daemon followed you and you couldn't help but glare at him, you were pissed.
“You're ovulating” you crossed your arms as he said that.
“That's what you want to say to me after a month of ignoring me?” you turned towards him and he stared you down. His gaze was unreadable.
“You didn't try to get in touch either..dance with me” You stood there, stunned, as Daemon suddenly took your hands and pulled you closer to him. His words caught you off guard, but there was a part of you that was thrilled to be asked. It was weird seeing him without the beard but you noticed that he had grown the stubbles again when he preferred to keep it shaven before, you also noticed that he hadn't cut the length of the hair short.
“You smell so sweet darling..close aren't you?” he mumbled as he pressed his nose against your neck and took a whiff.
“You're such a caveman”
“You know you can always call me to relieve your pain” he smirked as he mumbled in your ear.
“I don't need it anymore” you retorted and for some reason that managed to wipe the smug expression from his features.
“That hurts me”
“I'm not trying to hurt you Daemon--” your voice softened as you realized you were hurting him indeed.
“You're hurting me..you didn't even listen to what I had to say that night”
“What about Lily?”
“Why do you care so much?” his teeth gritted as he spoke.
“Because I don't want to hurt anyone”
“Except me..the man you lived with for five months”
“Because I had no choice” he huffed as you said that. You were saying things to him that you didn't really mean at all.
“You had a choice, you came after me, remember? You chose to endanger your life for me while she took the first boat out of there and didn't even think of me. You want me to spare her feelings? I am trying..but darling -” he cupped your cheeks and pressed his thumb below your chin to make you look at him, his ragged breath washed over you and all you wanted was for him to kiss you but you could also feel Lily burning a hole in your backs.
“Never mind” he let go of you and stormed out of the bar, leaving you all speechless and turned on and guilty at the same time.
Daemon took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up as he got inside the car and drove away. The last few weeks had made him realize that his feelings were not frivolous in nature, he might have gotten attached to you because of your situations and conditions on the island but that didn't mean what he felt for you wasn't real. Despite his attempts to resume things with Lily, every time he even looked at her, a reminder of you would flood his mind. It was as if you were always there, always present in his thoughts and emotions.
Daemon knew that his feelings for you were real and that they meant something to him. It was a realization that had come to him slowly, but it had become clearer and clearer with each passing day when he wasn't able to sleep with you at nights or kiss you first thing in the morning.
Daemon felt a mixture of emotions, but above all, he felt a sense of longing for you.
Later that night he received a text from you that you wanted to see him at your place and as much as he wanted to play hard to get he drove to your place and when you opened the door you were still in the sexy little dress you had on before. You grabbed him by the collar of his dark gray full sleeves t-shirt and pulled him inside.
There was that annoying but ridiculously hot smirk on his face that frustrated you alot.
“I don't want to hurt you daemon” you mumbled softly, your fingers were still clutching on the round collar of his shirt so brought his hands up and ran his fingers on your forearms.
“You shaved”
“Mmm do you like it?”
“You know I dont give a fuck about body hair” the tension between you two was palpable as you spoke to each other. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and you really wanted to feel him up close.
“You're a dirty boy”
“You like that” he mumbled against your lips before he kissed you passionately, tongue swirled into your mouth as if he was starving for a mere taste and you hoped that he was, because you definitely felt that way.
He picked you up by the hips and stopped kissing you momentarily to look into your eyes as you mumbled against his mouth.
“I have a surprise for you” you mumbled softly so he chuckled “An apology if you will?”
“Okay show me”
“Walk me into my bedroom” you pointed towards the bedroom so he took the lead with you still in his arms. As he stepped inside the first thing he noticed was the candlelights all around the room, the orange hue reminded him of the fire he used to ignite every evening on the island. His heart nearly leaped out of the chest when he noticed the bed of leaves on the floor right next to your bed.
“Ohh you sweet sweet thoughtful girl” he mumbled as he laid you down on the floor right on the top of leaves. “Apology accepted” he mumbled softly so you cupped his cheeks and kissed him feverishly, you climbed on top of his lap and wrapped your legs around him, his hands roamed over every inch of your skin, a gasp escaped your throat as he laid you down.
He took your underwear out of your dress and you moaned as he suddenly rode your dress up, pulled your legs apart and placed his head right between your thighs.
“You really shaved all over didn't you?” he asked you so you bit on your lower lip.
“Now hair won't get into my mouth”
“Shut Upppp you're so so dirty …goddd Daemon” you tried to pull away but he grabbed your thighs and held you still.
“Why are you so squeamish? It's just hair”
You were going to give a sly remark but as he placed his lips on your nether lips the words died in your throat.
“Really had a dream about you like this sweetheart” you smiled and ran your fingers through his hair as he sucked on your clit, arousal dripped into his mouth as he turned you on with every flick of his tongue.
“You dream about me?”
“All the time..some more vulgar than others but my thoughts mean well i promise”
“I dream about you too”
“Mmmm I know that. You blabber in your sleep baby. As much as I'd enjoy making you quiver in my mouth I really need to feel your cunt around me…can i?” his voice came out all breathless as he climbed up on top of you, you had felt something sharp in his pocket before but now wasn't the time to have that conversation.
As he slid up you nodded and proceeded to take your clothes off as quickly as possible, he had seen you naked more times than you can count in the past five months so it didn't really matter..
“Thank the god”
You gasped and were rendered speechless as his thick cock entered you, you had been waiting for this for months. It was a torture to have him so close but still not have him all into you.
“Feel so fucking perfect around me love..if only you were bleeding” he whispered in your ear and his words made your face warm.
“What's with you and my periods?”
“I don't really know..i can't…I can't make sense of the ways you turn me on”
You grabbed his arse and squeezed his plump cheeks as he thrusted in and out of you slowly, every thrust was slow and calculated, he wanted to feel your cunt restricting him, he needed you to suffocate him and he wanted to last as long as possible.
“Fuck ..y/n..oh love”
As he chanted your name between his shallow thrusts it reminded you of that drunken night when he had taken her name when he was inside you, things had changed since then.
When he eventually came you almost passed out from the sheer intensity of your own orgasm that mirrored his. Took you both a while to come out of the trance..
Even on the island he made sure to take care of you after every sexual experience you had shared with each other, it was harder to do so there but in the privacy and comfort of your room he was able to treat you like a princess. Once you returned to the bed he grabbed his pants and took out something from the pocket. Your eyes had teared up immediately at the sight as he wrapped the shell necklace around your neck and it was as if you could smell the earthly whiff of the island for a moment there. You had seen him making this but you didn't know it was for you.
“Romantic at heart aren't you?’ you teased him and his face flushed in response.
“Shut your nozzle before I take it away” you giggled like a cheshire cat as he kissed the tip of your nose.
“I love it ..thank you”
He laid down next to you so scooted closer to him. You wanted to stay in the bliss you felt in the moment but you knew sooner or later you'd have to have the conversation.
“10 years is a long time to be with someone Daemon”
“On and off..but I see what you mean..the truth is not lost on me”
“I know you care about her still and don't want to hurt her”
“I don't but I don't want to hurt you either..are you going to tell me that those five months we spent together haven't changed you at all?” he asked you so you sighed.
“Of course it has..that's not what I meant”
“Shhhh now” he caressed your head so you sighed deeply this time and fell asleep in his arms.
The next morning when you woke up your body hurt, not because of the sex but because of the hardwood floor, it wasn't the same as sleeping on the sand or maybe you were just complaining because you could afford to complain now that you weren't stranded on an island thousands miles away from civilization.
“Daemon” you called out his name but he merely groaned in response like he always does “you can sleep on the bed” you mumbled again but when he didn't budge you leaned down to kiss his temple and got up.
An hour later while you were in the kitchen he walked in naked, and that didn't surprise you either because you were used to seeing him this way after you both bathed in the sea. You snapped out of your thoughts when he pecked you on the lips.
“Morning love”
“Good morning..breakfast is almost ready”
“I'll go wash up then” you nodded as he said that
“I placed a new toothbrush in the bathroom” you mumbled softly so he gave you a smile. When he returned he immediately hugged you from behind and the position really felt like something you could get addicted to.
“This is the first time i have cooked since we returned”
“Mmm why aren't you cooking love?” he asked as he nuzzled his nose between the crook of your neck. He was being so soft with you.
“Why aren't you singing?” You asked him so he nodded as he understood your plight..
Your jobs were the reasons you were on the ship, that had attached a negative connotation to what you had experienced, it was really difficult to go back to your normal lives. The memory of what you had been through haunted you, making it hard for you to concentrate on the routine tasks that had once come so easily to you.
“I really want to fuck you while you're wearing just this” he caressed your collarbone and you couldn't help but moan in response as he pointed at the shell necklace, you had honestly never had a man be so interested you in such physical ways so his words sometimes caught you off guard. Was he really this attracted to you that he found nothing wrong with your body? You hoped so.
“And then what? Will we ignore each other for one month again Daemon Cavemon?” you joked so he chuckled in response.
“Not my plan..I need you and you need me”
“Mmm what are you saying then?”
“Let me take you out on a date, let me treat you right and show you that I'm more than that uncivilized caveman you are used to seeing” you couldn't help but giggle as he said that, however him asking you out officially did give you butterflies.
“Don't get me wrong..I do enjoy your caveman side, he saved my life on that Island” he smiled as you held his chin between your thumb and forefinger.
“Aren't you sweet first thing in the morning?”
“I try”
“I'll pick you up at seven, yes?”
You were excited for the date, six months ago you never could have imagined that you'd see the day when your crush would ask you out on an actual date but a lot has happened in those months, your lives had changed and for better or worse, it had changed together.
You put on a beautiful black dress, wore your most expensive perfume and did your makeup after a long time as you wanted to look your best, not that it would have mattered to him, he had his lips all over you even when you looked your worst.
With a smile on your face and bated breaths you sat down on the couch and waited for him, and then you waited some more but he never showed up. He didn't show up to take you out on a date that night.
Note: Why do you think he didn't show up?
@mcufan72 @123forgottherest @shuichiakainx @stupidthoughtsinwriting @tmlbdv
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simplymarr · 2 months
Chapter four.
warnings: none (yet).
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I spent all weekend trying to guess what i had done, where i comitted a mistake. Over-analyzing each phrase, each word and tone used. I couldn't grasp it and i was losing my mind.
An then of, course, it was the shame. Why do i felt this way? I mean, he was just my professor. Professor Vincent Renzi. Two days a week. Nothing else. Maybe my mistake was thinking we could talk about everything we wanted and that he would understand. That we could be just friends.
"Yeah no, that's bullshit". Claimed Justine, interrumpting my train of thoughts.
Justine was my roommate and best friend. We could talk about everything as i trusted her like a sister. I mentioned the whole situation with Mr. Renzi to her and, with her usual histrionic personality, she pointed a few things to me.
"First he flirts with you and then he acts like nothing happened?" She said, with big eyes.
"He was absolutely not flirting with me" I interrupted, quite nervous just thinking about it. I mean, just the thought of it made me shiver.
"Well, let's just put it this way" Justine sat at the blue couch in the living room, taking a softer tone. "First, he complemetns your thesis, tells you you're brilliant. Then he offers to drive you several times and acts like you both know each other for years, and then he just completely dissappears?"
I sat in silence, thinking. Justine continued.
"I'm afraid you might not be the wrong one here, y/n". She let the words sink in the air as i just sat there in silence.
She was right. Fuck, she was right. All this confusion, all this twisted games weren't my fault. It was his.
Next week arrived and, with it, Mr. Renzi's class. I didn't t want to call him Vincent again.
The classroom cold as every winter morning. My fingers were nerviously tapping on the wooden table as i waited for him to start. I was going to wait patiently until the end, until he was all alone. A strange anger mixed with angst took over me, a build up tension that he had to resolve, one way or another.
The bell rang.
I slid over each seat until i got to his desk where he was picking up his books. He turned back surprised to see me. The two of us now alone.I looked at him with big eyes and started speaking, praying that he wouldn't fail me the rest of the year.
"Can i ask what happened to you? why do you act so different all of the sudden?"
He hessitated for a minute before asnwering me. "I don't know what you're talking about, y/n. Please, let's drop this." His accent getting harsher as he is getting, for the first time, nervous.
"Bullshit, you know exactly what i'm talking about" The words coming out of my mouth like knifes. "First you drive me home and everything's fine and then you just stop talking to me?". I looked at him waiting for an answer. a real answer.
"I won't do this right now. Not here." His tone firm. He wasn't joking.
"Vincent, plea-"
"I'm still your goddamn professor". He said, almost yelling. Big blue eyes pierced at me.
I couldn't articulate any word. I just looked at him as i could feel the tears behind my eyes, threatening to come out. My head buzzing with all the words i wanted to say but couldn't.
I left immediately, and as i walked down the stairs i heard him calling my name, trying to stop me. This was such a stupid idea. What did i thought he was going to say? What did i expected?
I stepped out of the building once again, almost running, wanting to escape from all that happened. Tears finally rolling down my cheeks, pink nose and lips.
A couple of blocks later i could hear a car getting behind me. I kept walking without looking back. The car kept on near, almost stepping by my side. I didn't need to look to know who it was.
The window opened. "y/n, let's talk, please".
I didn't answer, i just kept on walking on the freezing sidewalk. He, again, tried to reach to me.
"y/n, please. I'm sorry for what happened".
I stopped almost instantly. "Do you mean in the classroom? or all that nonsense you pulled last week?
"Just me explain it to you".
I hessitated, looking at him. His looks quite concerned, the strands of silver hair falling on one of his eyes. His cheeks also seemed pink, like he was freezing too.
"Please" He insisted.
I opened the door and got into the chevy.
Silence again. Like the first time.
He was driving with both hands, his gripping on the steering wheel harsher than usual. He kept his eyes on the road as he spoke:
"You're right, okay? i was an idiot. You are on your right to be mad".
I kept on listening in silence, also looking at the road.
"I-i just...i don't know how to explain it. I can't do this, i can't be near you this way." he stuttered a bit as he tried to explain himself.
"But why? what's the problem? i thought you enjoyed talking to me.
"I do, believe me i do. It's just-" he kept looking at me as i was letting my words come out in confusion.
He parked near the bus stop.
"Vincent, please, I don't really underst-"
He didn't let me finish the sentence, as he grabbed my face with his cold hands and kissed me firmly.
His eyes closed, perhaps trying to feel it was all just a dream. I just stayed still, eyes gently closing as i was losing myself in the kiss, beggining to understand the reason of my ache. He tasted like sweet coffee, maybe cigarettes but not too invasive. Our mouths began to move slowly, with precaution, like if we were tasting each other's limits. The tip of this tongue softly touching my lower lip with each movement of his lips. I could feel his nose brushing into mine, both cold as the windows began to glisten with heat. One strand of my hair fell and he put it behind my ear, using that hand to hold my cheek.
Gently he broke the kiss, opening his eyes to look at me as we both grasped for a breath. I couldn't believe what just happened.
"Now you understand?" He said, almost whispering, with a shy smile.
"Yes, now i can" i thought to myself. Not only his feelings, but mine.
next chapter soon
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film-in-my-soul · 6 months
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Everybody's Talkin' | 2,273 | beetlesandstars / @beetlesandstarss
Summary: "This is just– bullshit!” Eddie yells. You’re bullshit. Oh. Eddie’s face changes then. Goes from livid and scared, to something worried, regretful.
Between The Lines | 2,486 | hitlikehammers / @hitlikehammers
Summary: “We need to talk.” Wayne wonders if this is the tone of voice the kid uses to fight the monsters they don’t talk about. “Say again?”
bet. | 2,835 | starryeyedjanai / @starryeyedjanai
Summary: "You need me to, to kiss you?" the guy asks, and this was a bad idea, the worst idea Robin's ever had. There's no way he's going to agree to this. "So, my friend-" he stops, looking back at Robin - she waves at them. He's trying so hard not to blush as he turns back to the guy and says, "She bet me that I couldn't get a guy to kiss me since it's my first time here. So I was wondering if you would kiss me, so I can win the bet." He's steeling himself for rejection, for this guy to tell him to fuck off or maybe have mercy and let him down gently by telling him he's taken. But he just smiles, tilting his head at Steve. "Why me?"
Indecent | 2,991 | NotEvenCloseToStraight / @not-close-to-straight
Summary: Steve was adorable wearing Eddie’s clothes. He was stupidly sexy wearing Eddie’s clothes. Steve was unfairly breaking Eddie’s brain wearing his clothes and it was just downright indecent. “Steve.” Eddie swallowed hard and lowered his voice. “Steve, go change.” “What?” Steve’s nose wrinkled when he frowned. “Why?” “Go change.” “But I’m comfortable.” “Go. Change.” “Eddie, I don’t understand--” “PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM OR SO HELP ME!” Eddie planted his feet and pointed violently at the crop top. “SO HELP ME STEVE HARRINGTON!”
Please see below for more recommendations!
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something so pretty | 3,087 | cranberrymoons / @cranberrymoons
Summary: Eddie raises Steve's hand to brush a kiss over his knuckles, then catches him around the waist again, swaying them back and forth to the rhythm of a Bangles song coming from the radio. “I said you look pretty, and I meant it. Deal with it.” Steve feels a reluctant smile pull at the corners of his mouth. “Really?”
abyss kiss | 3,145 | beetlesandstars / @beetlesandstarss
Summary: Steve stands as if frozen, letting everything churning inside simmer to a slow boil. He wishes suddenly, desperately, that he’d stayed with Robin. He doesn’t know when they’re meant to regroup. He doesn’t know anything. A shuddering breath leaves his lips, in such a rush he feels light-headed. He puts a hand on the wall, trying to plant his feet, trying to fucking think, but the world is turning too quickly, and he’s spinning, spinning, spinning–
Doing it for science (not really) | 3,181 | corrodedbisexual (mishabawlins) / @corrodedbisexual
Summary: The last thing Eddie expected to see in his life was Steve Harrington, comfortably laid back on his bed, fidgeting with a condom wrapper.
Flagging Your Attention | 3,391 | starsdontsleep
Summary: Eddie spots a scrap of material sticking out the back of Steve’s pocket during a party and he has to know; is the guy he desperately wants actually flagging?
Black Dog Sin | 3,668 | grumpyhedgehogs
Summary: Vecna raises Eddie to bring about ruin to those left in Hawkins. Things don't go as planned.
Your skin and bones turn into something beautiful (You know I love you so) | 4,209 | ChristinMKay / @transmascsteveharrington
Summary: Steve Harrington is born with a scream on his lips and so much love in his being that his body is covered in it. An abundance of moles, freckles, and birthmarks are speckled across his skin, painting him in constellations and stardust and affection. The nurses and doctors are congratulating Steve’s parents as they place him in the arms of his mother. They say he is blessed. Lived so many lives filled with people who loved him so much that the press of their lips against his skin had to echo through time and leave a mark.
and i don't want the world to see me ('cause I don't think that they'd understand) | 4,499 | mcdynamite
Summary: Steve Harrington has had a lot of sex. He's not, like, trying to brag about it, or anything. Frankly, he's not even sure it's something he would want to brag about in the first place. It's just an objective fact. The sky is blue. The Earth is round. Water is wet. And Steve Harrington has had a lot of sex. Which is...well, a little bit bizarre, considering the fact that he's not entirely convinced he actually enjoys it most of the time.
Apple Pie (Baked Just Right) | 4,635 | ParadimeShifts / @paradimeshifts7
Summary: Outside, Eddie is standing on his front step, his hair tied loosely back in a knot, clad in nothing but a pair of jeans and a faded t-shirt. And balanced in his hands is…Steve guesses it’s supposed to be a pie. The crust is all fucked up, looks a little like the puckered expanse of Eddie’s hip. It’s the most beautiful pie Steve’s ever seen.
color me in danger | 4,755 | SolariaLunar21 / @likewolveswerunwild
Summary: The first time Eddie remembers a major change in the color of his meter he’s 11 years old. For most of his life the bar on his wrist has sat firmly in the green sometimes on very rare occasions darkening to a green blue color. That is until that day when he’s 11 and he watches it change to yellow for the first time.
Play It Cool | 4,972 | BoudicaMuse / @spinmewriteround
Summary: The title of the video reads “CORRODED COFFIN AT LIVE NATION ARENA COVERS…” The band name sounds vaguely familiar, and he thinks they might be some mid-level rock band, or maybe they're punk. Not Steve’s thing at all, he couldn't name one of their songs with a gun to his head. Whatever they’re covering is cut off, but he can guess. "I'm really not in the mood for this." “Trust me, you’re going to love it.”
breakfast in bed (kisses for me), love can make you sing | 6,307 | luxeberries
Summary: The first thing he registers is Eddie. The second thing he registers is Eddie is wearing his sweater. The third thing is Dustin Henderson, sitting on the kitchen counter. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
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Bad News First, Eddie | 9,618 | alittleoff
Summary: "Bad news, good news? I don't know man, the news is I could have loved you." Steve talks to Eddie Munson's headstone in the cemetery. Life goes on, sorta.
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The Courtship of Eddie Munson | 10,437 | AnnetheCatDetective
Summary: After a couple of terrifying but illuminating trips through the Upside Down, Steve is determined to be the best boyfriend ever to Eddie. Sure, there are complications-- Eddie's recovery is going to be a long road, and it's not easy to court a guy who's unconscious. They never actually got to have a first date or even talk about their expectations for their new relationship. Eventually they'll have to figure out how to come out to the people close to them about it. But he knows he has Robin in his corner, and Eddie's uncle Wayne is surprisingly accepting, so he's confident they'll get through the bumps in the road. They've dealt with worse, right? The complication Steve didn't account for? Eddie's got no idea they're together.
exeunt ; enter stage | 10,576 | stardustcoral / @stardustcoral
Summary: Nancy inhaled slowly as she took a meaningful step towards him. Steve's eyes flickered back over to her instinctively, and he got a firsthand view of how her face had crumpled, eyes wide and shining and worried. "Steve," Nancy said, slow, gentle, quiet, like she was trying to calm a cornered wild animal. "None of us said those things." Steve's mouth opened, words piling on the tip of his tongue: what, so I was just hallucinating, then? he wanted to ask, nearly did ask, and then he realized—heart stopping in his chest and the floor very suddenly feeling like it had been ripped out beneath him—that was exactly what was happening. Steve's jaw shut with a click. "Oh," Steve breathed shakily. Oh, fuck.
Anywhere, Anytime | 10,853 | AidaRonan / @aidaronan
Summary: Eddie wakes from a nightmare about the bats. Again. About a week ago, Steve Harrington gave him his number with instructions to call if he needed anything. Said number is tacked on Eddie's wall under his Anthrax poster. 555-9878 -Steve H. But it's 3:17 a.m. and Eddie probably shouldn't call. Definitely shouldn't call.
It's Not a Big Deal | 11,708 | AidaRonan / @aidaronan
Summary:Eddie survives, but his entire life is locked away in the Upside Down forever (his books, his DnD stuff, his guitar.) Everything that wasn't on Eddie when Steve carried him into the ER, gone. So naturally Steve starts giving him things. Handing Eddie back those little outward markers of who he is.
Meet-Cute in the Metal Pit | 14,926 | pez_the_platypus
Summary: "You were in theatre in high school, weren't you," Steve said, but he was charmed nonetheless. "Was it the eloquent prose or grand gestures of chivalry that gave me away?" Eddie simpered. "Actually," Steve reached out without thinking, wrapped the one loose tendril of Eddie's hair around his finger, and gave it a sharp tug, "It was the hair."
All That You Ever Wanted From Me Was Sweet Nothing | 15,283 | t1red_gay
Summary: “'I’m in love with you,' Eddie says, so casual, like it isn’t 3PM on a Tuesday in the middle of a Family Video in Bumfuck, Indiana. Like they’re somewhere else, like he’s someone else. Like it’s nothing extraordinary."
The Worst Mixtape Ever Made | 17,999 | nbfutureboy / @futureboy-ao3
Summary: “It’s a gift, so you gotta listen to the whole thing, okay? I think-- I think it’s got what it takes.” There’s an art to making a mixtape - and Steve Harrington has decidedly ignored all semblance of art in creating a mixtape for Eddie Munson. Too bad Eddie’s fascinated with how impressively terrible his song choices are.
and it all comes down to you | 18,638 | heartofwinterfell / @nancywheeeler
Summary: Eddie Munson’s no hero. Too bad the universe—or whatever’s gonna be left of it—didn’t get the memo.
November Paramedic | 25,662 | BackyardOwl
Summary: Eddie has had his fair share of fantasies, but none of them involved fucking a paramedic. Until two years ago. That's when the "sexy men at work"-calendar got added to his porn stash and orgasms as he knew them changed forever. All the men in the calendar are hot, but none of them hold a candle to the paramedic. He's got this look in his eyes, this slant to his mouth. Like he knows he's the hottest guy in it. And everything is fine. Everything is great. Eddie's been single forever and he has no idea where he's headed in life, but he's fine. At least until he's collateral damage in a bar fight after a gig, and none other than his sexy November-paramedic arrives to treat his wounds.
hold me now, i need relief | 25,805 | ToEdenandBackAgain
Summary: It’s probably going to go down in history as the worst kiss Steve Harrington ever got, but Eddie doesn’t give a fuck. He isn’t going to get another chance so he’s working with what he’s got. It’s less of a kiss, and more of a slide of lips, wet with blood and tears but he feels Harrington’s grip tighten on the back of his shirt and he pulls back. He reaches up with the hand he can still feel and pushes back a strand of hair that had fallen in Steve’s face, smearing blood along his temple as he does. “Sorry. Couldn’t die without knowing what that felt like.”
I've seen your face before, my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am | 26,952 | HMSLusitania / @hmslusitania
Summary: At the end of it all, to fix everything, the Hawkins crew had to go back to 1983 and prevent the first gate from ever opening. After that, they've got a chance to lead normal lives -- from November 1983 onward.
Blood on My Name | 28,448 | VTHX (V_Haley)
Summary: Tuesday, November 8th, 1983: Steve un-dies in hell.
The Enormous Upside to Losing Everything | 35,886 | Stressed_Depressed_Lemonzest
Summary: “Oh for fuck’s sake,” that mysterious someone cursed, “Why don’t you watch where you put your goddamn feet-” They seemed to recognise him and stopped in their tracks. Brown eyes blinked owlishly at Steve as he in turn took in the sight of Eddie Munson. “Harrington,” Eddie greeted, voice a mixture of surprise and suspicion. “Munson,” Steve returned.
don't go wastin your emotions | 51,650 | kissesforcas
Summary: "Steve 'the Hair' Harrington, a rage-filled barbarian, who knew?" Eddie says, like its a compliment, like Steve has ANY idea what that means. "Uh, I knew. Obviously." Steve says, wisely, even though he clearly didn't. "Anyway, do you think we could eat a demobat? Or would we turn into some kind of monstrous freak? I'm starving, and Dustin's cheese crackers are not enough to get me on my feet again." "What difference does it make to me if I'm a human freak or a monster one?" Eddie shrugs, and Steve butts his shoulder up against Eddie. It's meant to be brotherly, maybe friendly, but it's too soft. Felt like something he might have done before slinging an arm around a girl's shoulders. "You're not a freak." Steve says, and finds he means it. Eddie's eyes, when he looks at Steve, are curious. "No?" "No."
Call My Number (and Call Me Yours) | 53,663 | novacorpsrecruit / @novacorpsrecruit
Summary: “Fire department is on the way. Stay on the line with me, okay?” A buzz of a radio came over the headset. “Fire station 3 responding.” “Damn,” Eddie whistled. Chrissy looked over at Eddie. “This guy’s voice is hot.” Chrissy’s eyes grew wide. The voice cleared his throat. “Just wait until you see my face. It’s not too bad either.”
the lathe | 82,547 | palmviolet / @palmviolet
Summary: "This time, do it right. This time Eddie won’t bleed out in his arms, in anyone’s arms. This time, Steve will do it right."
Master Reclist · Personal Masterlist · Blog Nav.
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ryloriee678999 · 2 years
I’m To Blame (Wandanat X Reader)
Summary:  An AU where instead of Clint and Natasha at Vormir, it’s you and Natasha. Wanda’s still angry about the outcome. 
Warnings: Angst, Unhappy ending, Arguing, implied suicide
A/N: This is purely self indulgent angst.
The wrong person died that day.
“She jumped and you let her!” Wanda said quietly but the sharp tone never left. You knew she would have yelled if it wasn't for her strained voice. 
What started as a small argument quickly elevated when Wanda mentioned Natasha. The two of you rarely spoke about what happened during and after the events of fighting Thanos. You were heartbroken about the sacrifice Natasha gave to save the world, Wanda was equally as crushed when she heard the news. But months later, it wasn’t brought up until now.
‘It wasn’t my choice.’ You look down, not wanting Wanda to see your expression. Finally, it’s silent after what seems like hours of arguing, you finally had enough silence to think. You couldn't help but ask the question that was burning a hole in your head this entire time. “You wish it was me and not her, don't you?”
You step forward, Wanda looks away guiltily when she hears your question. “Wanda?” you call out to get her attention back, your voice faltering in the process. “You wish I sacrificed myself instead, right?” you ask again, emotionless this time. “I mean I get it, she’s better than I ever was. A better superhero, a better girlfriend. She stayed when I didn't, I understand.” 
You look at her with a defeated expression, you realize how you could never undo your mistakes, how you could never make Wanda feel the way Natasha made her feel. Wanda stayed silent, it gave you the answer without any words. Instead, she stepped towards you to caress your cheek in the softest way possible. Your tear filled eyes lock with her emotionless ones.
“Maybe you should leave,” she finally says. 
Your heart ripped at the words, a pathetic whimper left your mouth. This time it wasn't your choice to leave, it was a suggestion, a suggestion made by the woman you love the most. You can barely come up with a response because what is there left to say? She wants you to go.
“Okay,” you respond, it's barely audible but she hears. 
When you leave the house, there’s nowhere left to go. Both of the women you love are gone and there's nothing you could do about it. You stay parked in the driveway, not wanting to go to a motel close to her house or back to the somber compound. You don't know how long you’ve stayed in the car until the dim light from the kitchen went dark. 
Everything was sort of hopeless at this point with nowhere to go and Wanda wanting nothing to do with you. Possibly there was a second option, an option where you could be with at least one of your loves. 
The car starts shortly after the thought. You back out and head towards the highway knowing what you’re going to do next.
At least she wouldn't have to fear I’d come back again.
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lizzieislife94x · 4 months
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Birthday Present (e.o)
Requested ❤️
LizziexG!P Reader
Another new one shot for yall enjoy. Always open for Requests to keep the one shots updated so don't be shy no judgements here 😊
Y/ns POV:
I wake up with the smell of eggs and bacon a smile appearing on my face as my gorgeous girlfriend walks on with a tray of of breakfast "wow what's all this for baby" I smile my morning voice a little raspy "it's my baby's birthday so I wanted to make breakfast in bed before the madness of today starts" I groan a little taking the tray as lizzie sits beside me her hand resting on my arm "I love our friends and family but do we have to have a party I hate attention on me I'd rather spend the day with you just going for a meal and being with my love" she giggles and leans forward pecking my lips "sorry baby they want to celebrate with you but don't worry I have great presents for you when they leave and it's just us I think it will help you unwind" she smirks biting her lip I can't help but giggle as I eat my breakfast lizzie cuddling into me.
5 hours later:
"Baby please tell me you're ready people will be arriving in like 5 minutes" I hear lizzie yell from the bedroom I take one final look at myself in the mirror and walk out "how do I look" I say looking at lizzie as her jaw drops "babe it's just smart dress pants and a shirt it's nothing special" I laugh walking towards her my hands resting on her waist as I kiss her head "no you look fucking sexy god damn if we didn't have people arriving any minute I'd be ripping those clothes off you" I bite my lip feeling a twitch in my pants "behave baby or I won't be able to go see people" she let's out a groan as we walk downstairs the house slowly filling with our friends and family I greet everyone as they arrive and thank them for coming after an hour the party is in full swing people people talking from both our familys, music playing some people outside talking I can't help but smile we've been lucky that both our family's get along amazingly and enjoy being the others company "hey baby here you go" I'm snapped put of my thoughts by lizzie handing me a beer I take it and laugh slightly "babe it's only 4.30pm are you trying to get me drunk" she smirks as she sips her drink "maybe now drink my love " I don't argue and join my girl in having a drink as the party continues.
7 hours later:
"Thanks for coming" I yell a little to loud as the last of the guests leave lizzie giggling beside me as we close the door and head inside as I go to start cleaning lizzie calls my name making me turn as I turn  she pushes me making me stumble back falling onto the chair that was behind me "wh.." before I can question her she walks towards me slowly "shhh baby you got your gifts from everyone else now it's time for mine" I laugh and hold her waist as I pull her closer "but baby you got me a watch and new pant suit" I whisper "that was the first part of the gift time for the second part that I couldn't give you infront of everyone" I moan at her tone and nod my head she turns her back and turns on some sensual music as I bite my lip watching her hips and ass sway "fuck lizzie" I moan out as she sways her hips walking towards me "now now babygirl we both know that isn't my name is it" I shake my head as the member in my pants grows hard "words y/n words use your big girl words" I gulp and watch at she starts to dance against me "so..r..ry mommy" she bites me ear and whispers "that's better baby" I close my eyes as she grinds against my dick her clothes coming off slowly as she gives me a lap dance my hands holding her waist "please mommy wanna be inside you so hard.." I practically beg "oh I know baby mommy can feel your dick getting nice and hard but have a little patience or I won't let you fuck me ill make you watch as I fuck myself all night understand" I whine but agree as she wraps her arms around me her tits in my face as I try to take her nipple in my mouth "awh poor baby you wanna suck mommy's nipples" she questions as I nod furiously "please mommy" she smiles sweetly and guides her tit to my mouth "since its your birthday and you've been a good girl all day" I moan as her nipple slips into my mouth and start to suck like there's no tomorrow she continues to grind against me as she moans above me "mhhh fuck that feels good baby youre such a good girl" she moans out as her hands slide down my body to unbuckle my pants "let go of mommy's nipple so I can get rid of these clothes" I instantly let go and watch as she removes her panties and makes quick work removing my pants and boxers "there we go look at that dick standing so proud for me" she smirks as she puts her legs at either side of me sitting slight making my tip tease her soaking pussy "so wet mommy" I whisper looking up at her as she kisses my jaw "you wanna be inside mommy, do you want me to sit baby" she moans into my ear "please.. want to be inside mommy"
I groan as she sinks down on my dick both of us moaning loudly "fuck mommy so tight and wet" I moan wrapping my arms around her resting my head on her shoulder "all because of you baby you get me so wet baby I love the way you stretch me out" she pants as she shifts slightly "do you want mommy to fuck you" she asks making me look into her eyes "yes mommy" and with that she starts to bounce up and down slowly on my dick my hands sliding to her waist to her her move "yes fuck mommy don't stop wanna fill your tight pussy " she starts to bounce harder and faster at my words as her tits bounce in my face both of us moaning loudly "fuck baby so fucking big you want to fill mommy's unprotected cunt" she questions her eyes locking onto mine "yes fuck wanna fill your unprotected pussy mommy please" I pant as I feel the knot ready to snap "please mommy gonna cum please can I cum" I ask as she bounces faster the sounds of her wet pussy making  it harder to hold back "not yet baby I want you to cum with mommy hold back do fucking close" she screams as her bouncing becomes sloppy both of us moaning sweating messes "fuck baby I'm cumming cum with me cum inside mommy" she cries out as she slams down on my dick with on final thrusting shoot my load deep inside her as her body slumps down on mine "I got you baby" I whisper as I wrap my arms around her holding her close as I continue to cum both of us breathing heavily staying in eachothers arms, after 10 minutes she sits up and holds my cheeks kissing me gently "happy birthday baby I love you" I smile against her lips "I love you too so fucking much" we both giggle as I get up and carry her to bed.
AN: these might not be great as I'm just getting back into writing but I hope you enjoy, I hope yall have a great day/night my beautiful people to the people who constantly vote and show love to these thank you it means alot to me! Drink water and stay hydrated babes 💗  word count 1.4k
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dianawinchester03 · 1 month
Season 1, Episode 22 - Devils Trap
Series Masterlist
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My heart dropped when I saw the fearful expression on Deans face. My mind running to the worst that could possibly happen. Dean hung up the phone, a stoic look on his face. "They've got dad" He tells us, panic taking us all over. "Meg?" Sam asks stunned, anger building in him. "What'd she say?" I ask, taking a deep breath as I try to calm myself down.
"I just told you guys" Dean says firmly, his face growing red with panic. "Okay.....okay" He takes a deep breath, running a hand over his face. Dean then goes over to the nightstand, picking up the Colt. He then shoves it in the back of his pants. "What are you doing, Dean?" Sam asks him confused as Dean picks up his bag. "We gotta go" Dean says urgently, packing up all our stuff.
"Why?" I further question as Dean throws on his jacket, "Because the demon knows we're in Salvation. Alright? It knows we've got the Colt. It's got Dad and it's probably coming for us next" Dean says, trying to control his breathing. "Good. We've still got three bullets left. Let it come!" Sam says. "Listen, tough guy, we're not ready!" Dean snaps at his brother.
"Okay?! We don't know how many of them are out there. Now, we're no good to anybody dead!" He further exclaims, buttoning up his shirt. I sigh, nodding in agreement. He takes my jacket and hands it to me, I quickly take it and throw it on. "We're leaving. Now!" Dean bellows, his tone filled with authority.
Third Person POV
The Impala and Harley rush down the stretch. Y/N has her headphones jacked in her ears, on a call with the boys who're in the car as they drive. "I'm telling you guys, we could've taken them" Sam says a bit irritated. "What we need is a plan." Dean responds firmly. "Now they're probably keeping John alive. We just gotta figure out where. They'll wanna trade him for the gun" Y/N blurs from over the speaker phone.
Sam shakes his head, huffing. "What?" Dean groans at Sam's expressions. "Guys, if that were true...why didn't Meg mention a trade?" Sam points out, his mind swirling with images at his possibly dead father. Dean couldn't think of an answer, "Dad...he might be-" Sam goes to state the obvious but Dean and Y/N cut him off. "Don't!" They growl in unison.
"Look, I don't wanna believe it anymore than either of you...but if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the Colt. We can still finish the job." Sam states firmly. "Screw the job, Sam!" Dean snaps angrily. "Dean, I'm just trying to do what he'd want. He would want us to keep going!" Sam argues.
"Jesus, would you quit talking about him like he's dead already, Sam!?" Y/N pipes up irritated from over the phone. "Thank you!" Dean yells in agreement. "Listen to me, everything stops until we get him back. Do you understand me? Everything!" Dean orders in a tone of authority. Sam just sighs, bowing his head. He nods sadly, "So how do we find him?" Sam asks softly.
"Maybe we go to Lincoln. Start at the warehouse where he was taken" Dean suggests. "Come on, Dean. You really think these demons are gonna leave a trail?" Sam scoffs. It dawns on him, "You're right. We need help" Dean agrees. Sam is surprised but goes with it.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
The Impala and Harley drive into the familiar yard, a broken sign overhead stating, 'Singer Auto Self Service'.
Bobby takes up two flasks, "Here you go" He hands Dean one. Dean takes it and examines it, "What is this, holy water?" He asks Bobby, "That one is. This is whiskey" Bobby smirks, taking a sip from his flask. Dean cocks his eyebrow in amusement. "You still got a liver, Bobby?" Y/N jokes. "Partially, still waiting on my transplant" He retorts jokingly, handing it to her.
She takes it smiling, taking a swig from it. "Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything" Y/N says gratefully. Looking over at Sam, who's by Bobby's desk doing research, "To tell you the truth, we weren't sure if we should come" Dean says honestly sighing. "Nonsense, your daddy needs help" Bobby reassures him. "Yeah, but last time we saw you. I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot." Y/N points out.
"Cocked the shotgun and everything" Dean snorts as Y/N shakes her head smiling at the memory. Bobby sighs, "Yeah, well, what can I say? John and F/N got that effect on people" Bobby says. "Yeah, I guess they do" Y/N sighs her heart panging at the mention of her father. Bobby looks over at her sympathetically. "None of that matters now, sweetheart." Resting a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry about your father, y/n/n" Bobby says sincerely. Tears well up in her eyes again but she fights it off. Giving him a tearful smile, "Yeah. Me too." She sighs. Bobby gives her a small smile, then taking his hand off her shoulder. "All that matters now is that you boys get your father back." Bobby says firmly.
"So did you really shatter does car windows with your mind, kid?" Bobby asks her curiously, cocking his eyebrow. Dean looks over at her concerned but she shrugs. "I think so. All I know is, when I saw-" She begins but stops, her heart begins to pain. She clear her throat. Dean and Bobby's faces gloss over with sympathy at this, "Its okay, you don't gotta-" Dean goes to assure her but she cuts him off.
"It's fine, we gotta talk about it at some point" She says firmly. Dean nods and she turns back to Bobby. "When I saw wh-...what happened, I felt a power literally surge through me. I imagined Kate being away from Dad. I can't put it into words, but next thing I knew. She was flying through the air into a car. And after....after dad was gone. I wanted to punch everything in sight and it happened again" She explains sadly. Looking down, she tries to not allow the tears to flow.
Dean and Bobby share a look of pity at this, "Maybe it's gotta do with your mom. F/N always said your momma was a powerful woman, she could do those things and more" Bobby suggests gently. "I don't know" Y/N sighs, looking down. She chuckles dryly, "It's funny. He always wished I was like mom, he even admitted to hating the fact that I was so much like him." She huffs, shaking her head.
"But then him dying is what somehow brought out whatever powers mom gave me. It's a fucked up circle" She looks down, sniffling back tears. "Your father didn't hate you, Princess" Dean assures her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I know" She sighs. "We'll figure it out kiddo, I promise." Bobby assures her with a small smile, patting her on her shoulder. She nods, offering feigning a small smile.
"Bobby, this book...I've never seen anything like it" Sam says amazed. Bobby walks over, taking a seat on the table. "Key of Solomon? It's the real deal alright" Bobby responds. "And these—uh. These protective circles, they really work?" Sam asks him, pointing to the printing of a protective circle symbol in the book. Y/N peers over the table to take a look at the book. "Hell, yeah. You get a demon in one, they're trapped. Powerless. It's like a satanic roach motel" Bobby explains, making Sam and Y/N chuckle at the simile.
"Man knows his stuff" Dean says proudly, walking over to them. "I'll tell you something else too. This is some serious crap you kids stepped in" Bobby states. "Oh yeah? How's that?" Y/N asks curiously, crossing her arms over her chest. "Normal year. I hear of...say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops" He ballparks. "Yeah?" Dean urges him to further explain.
"This year. I heard of 27 so far." Their eyebrows raise at the skyrocketing number. "You get what I'm saying? More and more demons are walking among us. A lot more" Bobby points out lowly. "Do you know why?" Sam asks. "No, but I know it's something big. Storms coming" Bobby shakes his head. "And you kids and your daddies...you are smack in the middle of it" He finishes. The three young hunters share a look of terror.
Y/N began to feel that heat rising in her body, now creeping up to the back of her neck. Her breath hitches as the pain grows. Suddenly, Bobby's dog begins barking loudly out of nowhere. "Rumsfeld" Bobby mutters in concern, getting up from the table quickly to go check by the window. "Ow!" Y/N yelps in pain, clutching her neck. Sam jumps up from his chair at this.
"You okay, Princess?" Dean asks her concerned, placing a hand on her lower back. Bobby opens the peepers to see Rumsfeld chain was broken, "What is it?" Sam asks Bobby. "Something's wrong" Bobby says urgently. That's when his door was kicked in, broken down by Meg. She strolls in, a angry look on her face as the four hunters look at her in shock. Dean clutching his flask of holy water.
"No more crap, okay?" Meg says angrily, Dean narrows his eyes at her. Undoing the cork on the flask to throw the water at her but she waves her hand in the air. Sending Dean flying into a stack of books, "You bitch!" Y/N growls as she and Sam shield Bobby, keeping him behind them protectively. "I want the Colt, Sam. The real colt. Right now" Meg orders in a low tone, moving slowly towards them.
"We don't have it on us. We buried it" Sam lies quickly, both him and Y/N shielding Bobby closely, moving back as Meg moves closer. "Didn't I say. No more crap?" Meg says irritated. "I swear, after everything I heard about you Winchesters and L/Ns. I gotta tell you, I'm a little underwhelmed" She chuckles ironically, still moving closer as they move backwards.
"First Johnny tired to pawn off a fake gun and then he leaves the real gun with you three chuckleheads" She mocks them. "Lackluster, man" She scoffs. "I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you?" She smirks cockily. Dean then emerges from the behind her. "Actually, we were counting on it" He says smugly.
Meg turns around, cocking her eyebrow. Dean then looks up to the ceiling, Megs eyes follow his gaze to see a Devils Trap engraved into the ceiling. Megs cocky grin drops, "Gotcha bitch" Y/N snaps back, a smirk on her face. They then got a chair and bounded Meg to it, tying her hands and her feet. Sam, Dean and Y/N sat across from her on the table, outside of the trap.
"You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask" Meg says in a coy tone. They glare at her, not responding. Bobby emerges from the living room with a canister of salt in his hands. "I salted the doors and windows. If there are any demons out there, they ain't getting" He informs them. Dean nods, getting up to stand infront of Meg.
"Where's our father, Meg?" He asks her firmly. "You didn't ask very nice" She smirks. "Where's our father, bitch" Dean smirks back. "Jeez, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" She retorts in a snide tone, feigning a fake gasp. "Oh I forgot, you don't" She smirks. Deans nostrils flare at this, "Hey, you think this is a fucking game?! Where is he?! What did you do to him?!" He shouts fueled with rage, getting in her face, pressing his hands on the chair handles.
"He died screaming. I killed him myself" She says proudly. A dark look on her face. Tears well up in Sam and Y/N's eyes at this, pure fury in Deans. He backhands her harshly at the side of her face. Her head snapping to the side, She gasps, looking up at him with a smile. "That's kind of a turn on, you hitting a girl" She smirks. "You're no girl" Dean grits his teeth at her but she just smiles widely.
Bobby's realizes something and gets up, "Dean" He calls out to him, ushering the three young hunters into the living room. Dean gives her one last glare before going into the living room. "You okay?" Y/N asks him concerned. "She's lying. He's not dead" Dean says firmly. Y/N sighs, understanding how this could all he stressful for the boys. "Dean, you gotta be careful with her. Don't hurt her" Bobby warns him.
They look at him confused. "Why?" He asks Bobby. "Because she really is a girl, that's why" Bobby says. "What're you talking about?" Sam asks confused. "She's possessed. That's a human possessed by a demon. Can't you tell?" Bobby states lowly as if it's obvious. They look back at Meg stunned. A dark smirk on her face. "You're trying to tell us there's an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there?" Y/N asks, pointing to Meg.
Bobby nods as Dean looks back at Meg, "That's actually good news" He breaths out relieved. Bobby then gave Sam a book with a exorcism incantation. The three younger hunters step closer to Meg, Sam with the book in his hands. "You gonna read me a story?" Meg says smugly. Dean glares at her with hatred along with Y/N. "Something like that. Hit it, Sam" Dean orders Sam, a smug smile on his face.
Sam then begins to recite the incantation in Latin. Meg huffs, "An exorcism? Are you serious?" She shakes her head cockily. "We're going for it, baby. Head spinning, projectile vomiting. The whole nine yards" Y/N retorts in a snide tone, referencing the movie. Meg then grunts in pain, shaking slightly. Sam stops the recital as she breathes heavily, looking over at Dean and Y/N.
"I'm gonna kill you" Meg grits her teeth at Sam. Then turning back to Dean and Y/N. "I'm gonna rip the bones from you body" She threatens menacingly. "No, you're gonna burn in hell. Unless you tell us where are dad it" Dean shakes with anger, but Meg smirks. "Well, at least you'll get a nice tan" He snaps back, looking back up at Sam. Indicating for him to continue. Sam then begins to recite the incantation again, Meg shaking with pain.
Huffing and grunting, "He begged for his life with tears in his eyes" She taunts the boys, grunting in pain. "He begged to see his sons and y/n one last time. That's when I slit his throat" Meg continues to taunt them, gritting her teeth in pain. They all look at each other nervously. Flames of fury in Deans eyes and he leans down towards Megs face, "For your sake, I hope you're lying. Because is it's true, I swear to God. I will March into hell and slaughter every single one of you. So help me god" Dean growls at her, shaking with anger.
And by the sounds of it. That was a promise he was gonna keep. She just smirks at them as Sam continues to chant the incantation. Wind builds in the room, pages from open books flipping on their own. Meg grips onto the chair, shaking and grunting. "Where is he?" Y/N asks her angrily, getting down to her level.
"You just won't take dead for an answer, can't you?" Meg grunts painfully. "Where is he?!" Dean yells. "Dead!" Meg yells back. "No he's not!! He's not dead, he can't be!!" Dean screams back, tears building up in his eyes. Sam looks on at the interaction, looking at his brother and y/n in concern. "What're you looking at? Keep reading" Y/N snaps at him.
Sam shakily starts reciting the incantation again. Meg shakes again in pain, the chair begins to move around on its own in the circle as she screams. "He will be!!" Meg yells. This catches their attention. "Wait! What?!" Dean puts his hand out, stopping Sam from reciting the exorcism. "He's not dead" Meg breathes heavily. "But he will be after what we do to him" She snaps back snidely.
"And how do we know you're telling the truth?" Y/N asks. "You don't" Meg smirks. "Sam!" Dean and Y/N yell, indicating for Sam to continue. "A building, okay?! A building in Jefferson City" Meg blurts out. "Missouri?! Where?! Give me an address!" Dean demands. "I don't know!" Meg cries. "And the demon. The one we're looking for. Where is it?" Sam asks. "I don't know, I swear!" Meg pleads.
"That's everything. That's all I know" She breathes heavily. Dean and Y/N clench their jaws angrily as they look at her. "Finish it" Dean orders Sam firmly. Him and Y/N pacing menacingly around Megs chair. "What? I told you the truth!" Meg yells betrayed. "I don't care!" Dean shouts back. "You bitch, you promised" She narrows her eyes at Y/N. "I lied!" Y/N shouts in her face, leaning down. A look of hatred being exchanged between the two.
"Sam" Y/N looks back up at Sam. Sam hesitates. He doesn't move or say anything, "Sam!" Dean nudges his brother. "Read" He orders. "Maybe we could still use her. Find out where the demon is" Sam suggests. "She doesn't know" Dean says. "She lied!" Sam argues. "Sam, there's an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there and we've gotta help her" Y/N argues back.
Bobby emerges from behind them. "You're gonna kill her" Bobby tells them. "What?" Dean and Y/N ask in confusion. "You said she fell from a building." Bobby points out, looking back at Meg with pity. "That girls body is broken. The only thing keeping her alive is that demon inside" He tells them lowly. "You exorcise it, the girl is gonna die" Bobby explains.
"Listen to me, both of you. We are not gonna leave her like that!" Dean insists. "She is a human being" Bobby defends. "And we're gonna out her out of her misery" Y/N retorts. Bobby's face drops, Dean then turns to his brother. "Sam, finish it" He orders Sam. Sam looks over at Bobby and then back to Meg, who's still in pain.
He then looks back to his brother and y/n. "Please. Finish it, Sam" Y/N pleads. Sam sighs, looking back down at the book. He begins chanting in Latin again. Meg begins to shake, her eyes turning black as she groans. When Sam finishes the recital, Meg screams, throwing her head upwards, a large black cloud of smoke escaping from her mouth as she screams.
They look on in horror as this happens, her head falling back down when it's over. Blood then begins to leak out of her nose, dripping into the ground. She raises her head slowly as she bleeds from her mouth. Groaning in pain, "She still alive" Y/N gasps. Bobby runs out of the room. "Call 911. Get some waters and blankets" Dean tells him. Y/N leans down and begins to untie her hands gently.
Along with Sam and Dean. "Thank you" Meg says gratefully, straining herself to speak. "Shh. Shhh. Just take it easy, alright hun" Y/N says gently. "Come on, let's get her down" Y/N says to Dean. On three, the two lift Meg up gently. Meg crying and grunting in pain. When she touches Meg, something surges through her body. It's almost as if she could feel the pain Meg was feeling, but not physically, she could feel it in her soul. Tears begin to well at her eyes when this happens.
They rest her gently on the ground, Y/N lays her head on her lap. "I gotcha. I gotcha. It's okay. It's okay.." Y/N says gently as Meg gasps, more blood dripping through her nose and mouth. "A year" Meg says weakly. "What?" Sam asks gently. "It's been a year" Meg responds again, her voice straining. "Shhh, shhh" Y/N shushes her gently, pushing Meg's hair away from her face. "Take it easy" Sam gives her a gentle smile.
"I've been awake for some of it" Meg says weakly, taking a deep breath. When she says this, a thought crosses Deans mind. "I couldn't move my own body" She admits, the three hunters look at each other in terror. "And things looked- It- it's a nightmare" She groans. "Was it telling us the truth about our dad?" Dean asks her. Sam and Y/N look at Dean in disbelief.
"Dean" Y/N says in a warning tone. "We need to know" Dean defends. "Yes." Meg croaks weakly. "But it wants you to know....they want you to come for him" Meg tells him. Dean nods slightly, relief washing through his body. "If Dad's still alive, none of that matters" He responds. Bobby comes walking back into the room with water and some blankets.
He hands Dean the water, they slowly raise Meg up a bit, holding the glass to give her a sip. She chokes slightly, coughing. "Where is the demon we're looking for?" Sam asks Meg. "Not there. Other ones. Awful ones" She responds, breathing heavily. "Where are they keeping John?" Y/N asks her. "B-by the riv- River" Meg stutters, blood spluttering out of her mouth. "S-sunrise" She stutters again. "Sunrise? What does that mean?" Dean asks her.
But she doesn't answer, Y/N's feels her pulse. Her heart dropping, "What does that mean?" Dean asks her again, more urgently this time. "Dean..." Y/N whispers, looking back up at Dean. "She's gone" She tells him, Deans face dropping as they hold the dead girl in their hands.
Still at Bobbys house, "You better hurry to and beat it before the paramedics get here" Bobby tells them. "What're you gonna tell them?" Y/N asks him concerned. "You think you guys invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out" Bobby scoffs sarcastically. "Here, take this" He hands Sam the Key of Solomon book. "Thanks" Sam says gratefully, taking the book.
"Thanks for everything" Dean thanks Bobby gratefully. "Be care, alright?" Y/N pats Bobby on his shoulder. "You kids just go find John. And when you do, you bring him around, would you?" He tells them genuinely. "I won't even try to shoot him this time" He chuckles, they crack a small smile before nodding.
They make their way to the door, opening it to make their way out. Dean turns back and gives Bobby one last grateful look before locking the door behind him.
The Impala and Harley are parked by some train tracks. Dean and Y/N by the truck, cocking up weapons as Sam is leaning over the roof of the car, reading the book Bobby gave him. "You two been quiet" Sam points out, breaking the silence. Y/N and Dean look up at him, "Just getting ready" Dean responds dryly.
"He's gonna be fine, guys" Sam assures them but they don't answer. "He will be" Y/N says softly to Dean. He looks down at Y/N with a stoic expression, his face softening when he sees the genuine gentle smile on her face. "Let's hope so" Dean sighs, shaking his head. Sam sighs, turning a page in the book. He finds a symbol that could help them, taking out a pen he wipes the dust off of the Impala trunk lid and begins drawing.
Deans gaze snaps over to him, "Dude, what are you drawing on my car?" Dean asks him irritated. "It's called a devil's trap. Demons can't get through it or inside it." Sam responds calmly. "So?" Dean scoffs as Sam goes over to the other side of the trunk to draw one. "Basically turns the trunk into a lockbox." Sam responds again.
Dean wipes the symbol a bit, looking up at Sam annoyed. "So?" He scoffs again, irritated. "So we have a place to hide the Colt while we go get Dad" Sam states as if it's obvious. "What're you talking about? We're bringing the Colt with us" Dean says. "Can't. Dean. We only got three bullets left. We can't just use them on any demons. We gotta use them on the demon" Sam points out.
Dean looks like he's about to punch something. "No, we have to save your dad, Sam" Y/N pipes in. "We gonna need all the help we can't get" Dean spits angrily going over to Sam. Y/N notices the look on Deans face and puts her body between the two, just incase Dean tries to get aggressive. Sam sighs, closing the book. "Guys, you know how pissed Dad would be if we used all the bullets? He wouldn't want us to bring the gun" Sam puts it plainly.
"I don't care, Sam! I don't care what Dad wants! Since when do you care what Dad wants?!" Dean yells angrily. Y/N jumps slightly as his raise of voice, looking between the two boys nervously. "We wanna kill this demon! You used to want that too!" Sam retorts loudly, gesturing between him and Y/N. "Hell, I mean you're the one who came and got me at school!" Sam further argues, this makes Dean chuckle dryly as he continues.
"You're the one who dragged me back into this, Dean! I'm just trying to finish it!" Sam yells getting closer to Dean. "You're a selfish bastard you know that!?" Dean bellows getting closer to Sam, Y/N's had enough at this point. "Okay! That's enough!" Y/N snaps, placing her hands on their chests, she pushes them apart roughly. The two men's gazes snap down at her surprised.
"You're brothers, man! Your father is missing. So instead of turning on each other, keep your heads in the damn game and let's go find John and kill that son of a bitch demon who ruined our lives, god dammit!" She lectures angrily, her voice cracking. They both sigh, their heads dropped in shame. Both nodding. "She's right" Sam sighs. Y/N turns to Dean, "Sam's also right, they're expecting up to bring this gun. They get the gun, they will kill us all" Y/N explains.
"That Colt is our only leverage and you know it, Dean. We cannot bring that gun. We can't." Sam further stresses. "Fine" Dean says plainly. "We're serious, Dean!" Y/N snaps seriously. "I said fine, Y/N!" He snaps back. Taking the gun out from his jacket, he takes it and rests it inside the trunk. Sam goes over and locks the trunk, not before mouthing a quiet "Thank you" to Y/N. She nods back, mouthing "You're welcome" to him as they hop in the Impala and Y/N hops on the Harley.
They walk along side the river bank, Dean has his bag sling against his shoulder as they walk. Dean notices something and stops Sam and Y/N, "Hey, hey. I think I know what Meg meant by 'sunrise' ". He tells them, nodding to the buildings across the road. A sign in-front with some kids and adults playing in the yard, 'Sunrise Apartments'.
"Jesus. That's pretty smart" Y/N mutters kinda impressed. "I mean, if these demons can possess people, they can possess almost anyone inside" She points out. The boys nod in agreement, "Yeah, and make anybody attack us" Sam adds sighing in defeat. "Yeah, so we can't kill them. A building full of human shields." Dean says. "They probably know exactly what we look like too. They could look like anybody" Sam says.
"Man, this sucks out loud" Y/N groans. "Yeah, tell me about it" Sam sighs. "Alright, so how the hell are we gonna get in?" Sam asks, an idea flashes across Deans mine. "Pull the fire alarm. Get out all the civilians" He suggests. "Okay, but then the city responds in what, seven minutes?" Y/N points out. "Seven minutes exactly" Dean confirms. "It's the best we got" Sam says shrugging.
The three share a look, discuss a foolproof plan and Sam crosses the street.
Sam opens the gate leading to the building, making sure there's no one around. He inches to the fire alarm but moves quickly when he sees someone coming. He walks up, waiting for the person to leave and then walks back, quickly pulling the fire alarm. The bell rings throughout the entire building,
Approximately seven minutes after, the apartment is swarming with firefighters. People rushing out of the building. Dean and Y/N approach a firefighter, pretending to be concerned civilians. "Hey, what—? What's happening? Is it a fire?" Y/N feigns a panicked tone whilst talking to the firefighter. "We're figuring that out now, ma'am. You and your boyfriend just stay back" The firefighter says calmly, ushering them out of the way.
"Well, we've got a Yorkie upstairs. And he pees when he's nervous" Dean tries to explain, lying in a panicked tone as the firefighter ushers them back. "Sir, ma'am. You have to stay back" The firefighter says calmly, ushering them away from the truck while Sam, who's behind them, sneaks behind the fire truck. He makes sure no one's around and begins picking the lock.
Sam, Dean and Y/N are upstairs now. Dressed in firefighter gear. Their helmets and masks over their heads to conceal their identity. Dean scans each apartment door with the EMF as they walk through the halls. "I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up" Dean admits as he scans door. "You never told me that" Sam says shocked.
"I knew. He only told me because I told him I wanted to be a musici- Ughh!" Y/N begins to say but she whimpers in pain when the burning feeling in her body returns when they approach apartment 33. The boys look over at her in concern, "What wrong, princess?" Dean asks her gently. Placing a hand on her lower back. "It's definitely in there" She says gritting her teeth in pain.
The EMF meter then starts going off red like crazy at the same time. They all look at each other in concern. Dean then knocks the door harshly, "This is the fire department. We need you to evacuate the premises!" He shouts loudly through the door. They give each other a nod when they hear the lock from the door being undone.
Y/N kicks it in harshly as soon as it's opened, a woman screams when she's knocked off her feet. They instantly begin to spray her and the man inside of the room with the holy water they had in their spray guns they stole from the truck. Both the woman and man screaming in pain from the water. Dean grabs the woman who's tossing trying to fight Dean off but screaming from the holy water.
As Sam punches the man. Incapacitating him, Y/N opens the closet door and Sam tosses the man in. Knocking over a clothes rack. She locks it back so he can't escape, "DEAN!" She yells for him to toss the woman in also. She opens the door quickly and Dean tosses the woman in. Him and Y/N bar the door with their bodies as Sam rushes over to his duffle he tossed on the floor.
"Hurry up!! Hurry up!!" They yell for Sam to do quickly as the two demons bang relentlessly at the door. Sam pulls out the salt, he the. runs to them and makes a half salt circle around them in-front of the door. The banging then stops, they all pant for breath as they pull off their helmets, stripping off their gear.
Sam picks up his duffle after they strip their gear off, "Come on" Y/N says quickly, creeping over softly to the room. They follow behind and open the door slowly to see John Winchester sprawled across a bed, unconscious, looking beaten to hell. Tied to the frame. "Dad" Dean says quietly, his heart hurting from the sight.
They rush over to John as Sam looks on. Y/N puts her ear to John's nose to check on his breathing and checks him pulse. The burning feeling returns when she does this but she assumes it's from the demons from earlier. Dean and Sam look at her fearfully but she nods. "He's still breathing. But his pulse is weak" She informs them.
"Dad, wake up!" Dean shakes his father's body. "Dad!" He yells. Dean takes out his knife boots quickly to cut off the ties but a thought runs across Y/N and Sam's minds and they stop him. "Wait. Wait!" They say urgently. "What?!" They ask them confused. "He could possessed for all we know" Sam says. "Are you two nuts?!" Dean stresses, Y/N stops him. "Dean" She says gently. "We gotta be sure" She adds.
"Are you getting that pain you get when demons are around?" Sam asks her. "Yeah, a bit. But it could just but the other demons from the closet." She tells him nodding. Sam then pulls out the holy water from his bag, unscrewing the cork. Dean looks pained as Sam throws the holy water on John's unconscious body. John has no reaction to this but he moans softly from pain.
"Sam?" John whispers lightly, looking up at the kids in shock. The light from the window shining on his bloody face. "Why are you splashing water on me?" John asks confused. Sam looks over at Dean and Y/N, they all smile lightly from relief, "Dad, you know?" Dean asks John concerned. "They been drugging me" John croaks. "Where's the Colt?" He asks them.
"Don't worry, Mr. Winchester. It's safe" Y/N assured him. "Good kids" John says softly in pain. "And how many times have I told you, sweetheart. It's John" John says firmly with a chuckle. Y/N smiles a bit, "Sorry, John" She chuckles lightly, as Dean cuts John out of the ties. Y/N helps Dean lift John up but he's too heavy, "Goddammit, what have you been eating" She groans, John weighing her down.
John laughs a bit painfully, "That good stuff from the diner" He chuckles as Sam comes over to help. "Here, take this. Let me" Sam says, handing her his duffel to help Dean lift John to his feet. She takes at, switching positions with Sam. "Fuck!" Y/N groans, the pain increasing in her body. Sam and Dean go to walk out of the room with John. "Don't!" Y/N stops them but it's too late.
A firefighter and man knock the door in. Their eyes black. "Come on. Get back back!!" She yells at them, fearful looks on their faces. They rush in with John on their shoulders as Y/N quickly locks the door, as soon as she does this. An axe comes knocking through the top of the door in the middle. She takes the salt out of Sam's bag as the boys open the window to go down the fire escape.
She makes a salt line quickly on the floor infront of the door, "Y/N, let's go!" Dean shouts for her, she tosses him the bag and jumps through the window. Not before making a salt line at the door. They all make their way down the ladder, Y/N last. Dean helps John down down as the drop is steep, gripping him at his waist.
John grunts when he jumps down, Sam following behind and Y/N last. Y/N walks ahead, making sure no one is around as Sam and Dean hold John up. When she looks to her right, she's tackled to the ground by a demon. Stunned by the attack, the demon hands a right hook in her face. "No!" Sam and Dean yell fearfully.
They quickly place John on the ground, rushing over to pull the demon off of Y/N. Dean lands a harsh kick across his face but one look and the demon sends Sam flying back over to John, into the wall. A nasty cracking sound in Sams right side break as he lands on the floor with a hard thump. The demon then sends Dean flying into a car windshield, similar to what Y/N did with Kate.
Y/N is still dazzled by the attack, Y/N spits some blood out onto the ground, so the demon takes his time, landing multiple punches across her face. Bleeding through her nose and mouth, she tries to fight back by the demon is too strong. The burning feeling in her body increasing. "Get off of her you bastard!" Sam yells, nursing his bruised rib, ready to charge at the demon again but he's cut short.
That's when a bullet goes flying straight through the demons left temple and out his right. It falls to the ground besides Y/N, a black smoke oozing out of the bullet wound. Sam watches on in shock to see Dean wielding the Colt, Dean rushes over to Y/N "Y/N? Princess?? Come on" He says gently, helping her to her feet. She gasps for air, winded from the attack as they look down at the dead demon.
Sam looks at his brother with disbelief. "Come on. Come on. We gotta get out of here. Sam, get dad!" Dean orders Sam. Holding up Y/N, he hoists her up and lifts her up bridal style. She looks back the dead demon, on the floor with blood oozing out of his temples, stunned at what just happened.
Later that night, they're all now at a cabin hiding out. Sam and Y/N are lining up the windows with salt. Dean comes out of the bedroom after putting John to bed. "How is he?" Sam asks his brother. "He just needed a little rest, that's all" Dean replies dryly, wiping his hands. "How're you, sweetheart?" He asks Y/N concerned, taking a seat at the table. She looks over at him, her eye bruised with a busted lip.
"I'll survive" She sighs deeply. Deans heart drops painfully at her beautifully bruised face. "Hey, you guys don't think we were followed here, do you?" Sam asks them. "I don't know. I don't think so" Y/N responds shrugging. "I mean, we couldn't have found a more out-of-the-way place to hole up" Dean adds. "Yeah" Sam and Y/N sighs in agreement.
Y/N gives Sam a look that says, 'Beat it' but he looks at her confused. Looking back between her and Dean, he now realizes the tension. Nodding understandably, "I'm uh- I'm gonna go check the back door. See if we salted it" Sam clears his throat, looking between Y/N and Dean before excusing himself awkwardly to check the back doors which he has already salted.
After Sam walks off, Y/N nervously walks over to Dean who's sat at a chair by the dining table. "Hey, uh...Dean. You um-" She begins, scoffing a bit painfully. Dean looks over at her with a concerned expression when she settles next to him. "You saved my life back there" She says softly. "So I guess you're glad I brought the gun, huh?" He retorts jokingly but she rolls her eyes.
"Charming, I'm trying to thank you here" She turns her head away, huffing a little irritated. Dean smirks slightly. He then places his hand gently on the side of her face to turn it back to him. Her (e/c) eyes pierce his emerald orbs, her once agonized face contorting to pained one when he brushes his thumb gently on her swollen eye. "You're welcome" He whispers back, mesmerized by her beauty.
She allows her eyes to flutter shut, slightly rubbing her cheek against his hand. Feeling comforted by his touch. Her heart is pumping out of her chest. She then rests her hand against his. "Y/N?" He says quietly, "Yeah?" She responds, opening his eyes. "You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there" Dean says, his tone filled with shame and guilt.
"You didn't have a choice, Dean" She assures him softly. He sighs, removing his hand gently from her face. She winces from the loss of contact, "Yeah I know. That's not what bothers me." He admits. She's a bit confused by this, "Then what does?" She asks curiously. "Killing that guy, killing Meg...I didn't hesitate. I didn't even flinch." He says shaking his head.
She gives him an encouraging look for him to continue, "I mean, for you, Sam or Dad, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just...uh..It scares me sometimes" Dean admits, his voice dropping, his eyes glued to the floor. "Dean..." She says gently, placing a hand on his thigh comfortingly. His eyes flicker back to her with a pained expression, his eyes glancing down to her lips.
Her breath hitches when she notices this, her eyes glancing down to his. The tension is so thick, a knife might break if you try to cut it. Dean licks his lips and Y/N does the same, the two begin to inch their lips towards each other but, "It shouldn't. You did good" John says encouragingly as he emerges through the room door. Dean and Y/N pull back quickly from each other, startled as John look at them with raised eyebrows.
They clear their throats awkwardly as Y/N is trying not to turn beet red in the face. "You're not mad?" Dean asks his father. "For what?" John asks him. "Using a bullet" Dean states as if it's obvious. "Mad?" John scoffs. "I'm proud of you" He says smiling.. "You know. Sam, Y/N and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But you— You...you watch out for our families. You always have." John says genuinely.
Dean and Y/N share a look at this. A bit surprised by Johns calm demeanor. "Thanks" Dean says gratefully. Still a bit uneasy. Y/N cocks her eyebrow suspiciously at John but then the lights then begin to flicker in the cabin and they all look at each other nervously. John moves to the window as Sam emerges from the back. "What's going on?" He asks fearfully.
"It found us. It's here" John tells them quickly. "The demon" Sam mutters fearfully. "Sam, Y/N. Lines of salt. Infront of every window, every door" John orders them. "We already did it" Y/N tells him. "Well, check it. Okay?" He says firmly. "Okay" Sam and Y/N responds. Doing exactly as John says. Leaving Dean with his father in the room. "Dean, you got the gun?" He asks his son. "Yeah" Dean responds, still unease.
"Give it to me" John orders. "Dad, Y/N tried to shoot the demon at Salvation and it vanished" Dean informs him. "This is me, I won't miss" John further presses. "Now, the gun. Hurry!" John insists, his hand out for Dean to give him the gun. Deans face drops, looking down at the Colt in his hand and back up at John. He notices the hesitation on Deans face, "Son, please" John pleads as Dean glares at him.
Dean backs away from John, realization finally dawning on him. "Give me the gun, what are you doing Dean?" John huffs irritated. "He'd be furious" Dean states. "What?" John spits annoyed. "That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn't be proud of me. He'd tear me a new one" Deans voice cracks painfully when he says that. He then raises the gun and cocks in John's direction.
"You're not my dad" Dean grits his teeth angrily, clenching his jaw. 'John' stares into the barrel of the Colt in horror. "Dean, it's me". 'John' pleads. "I know my dad better than anyone. You ain't him" Dean snaps. "What the hell has gotten into you?" His father says angrily. "I could say the same thing. Stay back" Dean orders. Y/N and Sam emerge from the back, horror etched on their faces when they stumble upon Dean aiming the Colt at 'John'.
"Dean. What the hell's going on?" Sam asks stunned as they look between the father and son nervously. "Your brother's lost his mind". 'John' scoffs. "He's not dad" Dean states roughly. "What?" Y/N asks in disbelief at the fact that her suspicions might have been right from the start. "I think he's possessed. I think he's been possessed since we rescued him" Dean growls. "Don't listen to him, Sammy and y/n/n". 'John' cuts in, raising his voice.
"Dean, how do you know?" Y/N asks Dean in a low tone. "He's- he's different" Dean stutters. "You know, we don't have time for this. Sam, Y/N. You wanna kill this demon, you gotta trust me". 'John' says angrily. Sam and Y/N look between him and Dean. "Sam. Y/N. Please" He pleads. Without hesitation, Sam and Y/N step behind Dean, taking his side. "No...no" Sam says, shaking his head.
Y/N narrows her eyes at 'John', who huff shaking his head. "Fine, if you three are so sure. Go ahead. Kill me" He whispers painfully, tears welling up in his eyes. His head drops to the ground as Dean looks at his father with tears in his eyes. "I thought so" John says in a deep voice, now looking back up at the three hunters with yellow glowing eyes, a dark smirk on his face.
Their eyes widen in horror, Sam and Y/N go to attack but a force throws them against the wall harshly in a flash, then doing the same to Dean. Which results in the gun falling out of his grip and onto the floor in-front of the demon. They all grunt in pain, gasping for air as the demon possessing John Winchester, takes up the Colt. "What a pain in the ass this thing's been" The demon wearing John chuckles as he examines the gun in his hand.
He then looks over at Sam and Y/N. "It's you, isn't it?" Sam groans painfully as his father looks back at him, a smirk on his face. Eyes still glowing yellow. "We've been looking for you a long time" Y/N grits her teeth angrily, groaning from the force crushing her. "Well, you found me" John responds cockily. "But the holy water..." Sam points out, groaning in pain.
"You think something like that works on something like me?" John scoffs. He then moves close to Y/N, a curious look on his face. "Though I gotta say, I'm surprised Little Miss Jennifer Love Hewitt here felt me possessing John" He smirks, leaning in closer to her. She grimaces as he moves slowly, pressing his lips to her ear. She whimpers in disgust at this.
"Get off of her you son of a bitch!!" Dean bellows angrily, groaning in pain. "You're more powerful than I thought, sweetheart" He whispers lowly as she squirms in repulsion. "I'm gonna kill you!" Y/N growls angrily as the force thuds her against the wall. The demon pulls away with a amused expression, "Oh, that would be a neat trick." He chuckles arrogantly.
"In fact. Here" He smirks, putting the gun down infront of them on a table. "Make the gun float to you, psychic hottie" The demon mocks her. She glares at him as he turns to Sam. Her eyes attached to the gun. "What about you, psychic boy? Got any juice in ya?". 'John' smirks at Sam darkly. Sam groans as the force presses him more into the wall.
Y/N's eyes are still focused on the gun as 'John' chuckles, walking over to Dean. "You know, this is fun. I could've killed you a hundred times today, but this-  This was worth the wait" He lets out a breath, staring out the window next to Dean as Dean grimaces from the pain. He turns to Dean with yellow eyes, "Your dad, he's in here with me. Trapped inside of his own meat suit" The demon says proudly.
"He says hi, by the way. Oh and he is pissed about you using that bullet to save your little girlfriend" The demon smirks. He then leans in with a nasty smirk on his face, his eyes flicker to Y/N and back to Dean, "I gotta admit. I would too. She's a hot little thing" He wolf whistles lowly, chuckling darkly. Dean tries to rip out of the grip to maul him, grunting. Y/N's stomach churns, "Please don't say that with John's mouth!" She groans in absolute disgust.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU SICK FUCK!" Dean growls enraged. "John's gonna tear you apart. He's gonna taste the iron in your blood" The demon adds menacingly. Deans face contorts to a pained expression, "Let him go. Or I swear to God-" Dean growls. "What? What are you and God gonna do?" The demon cuts him off snarkily. "You see, as far as I'm concerned, this is justic." He walks closer to Dean as he glares at him.
"You know that little exorcism of yours? That was my daughter." The demons grits his teeth at him. "Who, Meg?" Dean questions. "The one in the alley....that was my boy. You understand?" He says lowly. "You gotta be kidding me" Dean scoffs, grimacing in pain. "What? You're the only one that can have a family? You destroyed my children. How would you feel if I killed your family?" The demon asks rhetorically.
Sam, Dean and Y/N's eyes twitch angrily at this but Y/N still has her eyes trained on that gun. Trying anyhow to move it, focusing for that power she felt that night to come back. It moves a bit on the table and she gasps lightly, Sam notices this too, his mouth slightly agape. "Oh, that's right. I forgot, I did" The demon says humorously with a smirk. Dean glares deadly daggers at him. "Still, two wrongs don't make a right" The demon says with a smile.
"You son of a bitch" Dean mutters enraged. "I wanna know why. Why did you do it?" Sam grunts. The demon turns to him, "You mean, why did I kill Mommy, Auntie M/N and pretty little Jess?" The demon retorts. "Yeah" Sam grunts in response. He then turns back to Dean, "You know, I never told you this, but Dam was gonna ask her to marry him. Been shopping for rings and everything" He continues to taunt them as he walks back towards Sam.
"You wanna know why?" He gets in Sams face. "Because they got in the way" He puts it simple in a dark tone. "In the way of what?" Sam growls. "My plans for you and y/n/n, Sammy.  And all the children like you two" The demon smirks and Sam glares at him. Y/N's jaw clenches angrily at this, her eyes still trained on the gun. "Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Because I really can't stand the monologuing" Dean groans, his tone sarcastic.
The demon laughs and turns back to him, "Funny. But that's all plan of your m.o. isn't it? Masks all that nasty pain. Masks the truth" The demon taunts Dean further, getting face to face with Dean. He clenched his jaw and narrows his eyes at the demon wearing his fathers meatsuit. "Oh, yeah. What's that?" He asks sarcastically. "You know, you fight and you fight for this family, but the truth is...they don't need you. Not like you need them" The demon spits.
"Sam, he's clearly Johns favorite." He tells Dean who glares at him angrily. "And y/n..." John scoffs a laugh, his hands on his hips as he shakes his head. "That piss-poor of an excuse kiss you were about to lay on her, come on man. She'll never see you the way you see her. It's pathetic. Her father would've never accepted you and neither would she" He laughs even louder, his shoulders shakily.
"Fuck you!" Dean retorts enraged, his nostrils flaring. Y/N's gaze breaks from the gun at this, her eyes wide with anger and shock. She grits her teeth at John. "That girl could flatten you like a pancake if she wanted to, son." The demon laughs maniacally. "Even when Sam and John fought. Or when Y/N and F/N butted heads, it's more concern than they've ever shown you." The demon pesters him further.
Dean smirks lightly, "I'll bet you're real proud of your kids too, huh?" He asks ironically. "Oh, wait, I forgot. I wasted em" His tone is low, a dark look in Deans eyes as he smiles smugly. The demon backs up, his demeanor still calm. His yellow eyes light up a bit and Dean screams loudly in pain. "DEAN!" Sam and Y/N scream. "No! Stop!" Y/N pleads, her heart aching as Dean screams.
Blood begins to ooze from his chest as wounds form. "Dad! Dad! Don't you let it kill me!" Dean pleads for his father to fight through the possession. He begins to fade, bleeding from his mouth. "Dean!!" Sam and Y/N scream painfully. "Please! If you let the three of them go! I'll do whatever you want!" Y/N offers pleadingly. The demon stops his attack on Deans chest and turns to Y/N with an amused grin. Deans head drops, falling in and out of consciousness.
"And what can you give me?" He asks curiously. "Loyalty. Respect. The works. Oh, and it'll hurt them a lot more than just killing them" Y/N says in an enticing tone, gritting her teeth. "Y/N are you fucking stupid?!" Sam bellows. "Shut up!" The demon snaps at him, then turning back to her. "You said I'm more powerful then you thought right? Imagine what I'd be if I train under you" She whispers enticingly.
The boys are terrified at her offer. Refusing to believe she'd betray them like that, just to save them. "Is that a promise?" The demon smirks. Y/N smirks back when she sees the gun move again on the table. "Not a chance in hell, bitch" She snarks angrily. Using her mind, the gun flies into her hand and she breaks out of the demons hold, swiftly pistol whipping John's face. His eyes flicker back to John's regular eyes for a bit. Y/N cocks the gun at the demon.
"You kill me, you kill Johnny. And Dean would never forgive you for that" His eyes are now yellow again. A dark smirk on his face. "I know" She growls, aiming for his knee. She shoots him in his kneecap. John falls to the ground as the bullet would looks as if lightening and black smoke is coming out of it. Similar to the way it killed that demon Dean shot earlier.
The hold the demon had on Sam and Dean breaks, their backs sliding off of the walls. Dean falls to the floor, gasping for air as he chokes on his blood as Sam falls to his knees. They rush over to Dean. "Dean. Dean!" Sam runs over to his brother. "Oh god, charming. You lost a lot of blood" Y/N gasps, handing the Colt to Sam.
She places her hands on his face, her heart breaking at the sight of Dean in pain. "Where's dad?" He asks her weakly, grunting in pain. "He's right here, sweetie. He's right here" She assured him, nodding through the tears in her eyes. "Go check on him. Go check on him" Dean breathes out. Sam does so, getting up from besides Dean.
He walks over to his unconscious father. "Dad? Dad?" He calls out to him. John eyes open in a flash, "Sammy! It's still alive. It's inside me. I can feel it" John grunts, Sam's eyes widen in horror. Y/N's head snaps in the direction of Sam and John, her eyes wide as she cradles Dean in her arms. "Just shoot me. You shoot me. You shoot me in the heart, son!" John orders him. Sam cocks the hun tearfully.
"Do it now!" John screams. "Sam, don't do you it. Don't you do it!" Dean yells. "Sam, you gotta hurry. I can't hold onto it much longer!" John pleads grunting, Sam is hesitant to shoot. "Just shoot me, son. Shoot me!" John yells, Sams nostrils flare, choking back his tears as he shakes anxiously. Not able to make that choice, "Son, I'm begging you, we can end this, here and now. Sammy!!" John bellows.
"Sam, no!" Y/N pleads shaking her head. Knowing that if Sam did this, it'll haunt both boys forever. "You do this! Sammy!!!" John grits his teeth, pleading with his son to listen to him for once. But Sam lowers the gun, John screams as the black smoke rushes out of his mouth. Sam looking on in horror as the black smoke drifts into the floorboards of the cabin.
Dean and Y/N sigh in relief as John falls to the floor unconscious. Alive but unconscious.
Sam is driving the Impala down the road, Dean in the back and John in shotgun as Y/N drives her Harley side by side the Imapla. Dean groans in pain, the blood still on his mouth. "Look, just hold on, all right? The hospitals only 10 minutes away" Sam assures them. "I'm surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn't you kill it?" John asks him angrily.
"Had it been, y/n/n. She probably would've followed orders" John adds. "No she wouldn't have" Dean pipes up from the back seat, grunting. John sighs, "I thought we all saw eye to eye on this. Killing this demon comes first. Before me, before everything," John says firmly. Sam looks at his brother pained in the rearview mirror. "No, sir. Not before everything" Sam responds firmly.
"Look, we still got the Colt. We still have the one bullet left. We should start over, alright? I mean we already found the demon once-" Sam goes to say but is cut off when a truck comes barreling into the passenger side of the Impala head first. Y/N's eyes widen in terror when she hears the crash, her head turns but her reflexes weren't quick enough to speed up and dodge the car.
It came barreling right into her as the car is pushed away by the truck. The truck controlled by the possessed driver. Her body rolls, bones breaking with snarly sounds. Luckily she had her helmet on, “Dean..” Is the last thing she croaks as she falls unconscious at the last thud to her helmet she received from the bike itself. The car was completely trashed along with her bike. Sam, Dean and John, in bleeding messes. Along with Y/N, unconscious, battered and broken.
Authors Note: And with that, Season 1 has come to an end🥹Bitter sweet moment for me I must say. I am so excited for season 2!!! I am apart of the John Winchester hate club so I don't feel too bad about this😂But boy are we in for a ride for the next few episodes, much love and appreciation to everyone reading. I hope everyone enjoyed and is having an amazing weekend🫶This chapter is edited by the way, safe safe sweeties MWAH 💋
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@hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor
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wandamaximoo · 8 months
You Don't Have to Pretend Part 2
Paring: Dark!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: TW, Eating Disorder, Dark wanda, a few swear words, previous kidnapping, mind control
Summary: wandas intentions become...clearer
Word Count: 1.3k
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Part 1 Part 3
Wanda's Pov
I brought y/n to my cabin that was protected magically, just like the hex from west view but better, far better. I knew once I explained everything to her, she'll understand. If she doesn't, well then I can teach her a lesson.
I laid her carefully on the bed not that it would matter If I was rough cause I used magic to knock her out for a few hours but I didn't want to hurt her, I also removed the small diamond ring that bitch tried to claim her with.
After I made sure y/n was comfortable I pulled a blanket over her body and took out a book to read while I waited for her to wake up, I can't wait to have the life I've always dreamed of especially with her
Y/n's Pov
I woke up dazed and with a thumping headache. my hand flew to my head as I sat up, but I quickly realised that I wasn't in my home or at work. "wh- ..what the hell.. Where am i?" I stammered a little, then I noticed a familiar figure sitting in the corner of the room looking at me with a soft smile "Wands? Where's Kelly?" I asked, severely confused. What the fuck even happened?!?
"Don't worry about that bitch, my sweet." Wanda said in a sickly sweet voice, far too sweet to be the Wanda I knew, and she called my fiancée a bitch. I looked down and noticed my ring was missing too
"Wanda," I said slowly, "where is my ring?" I questioned, sitting myself up in the soft and unbelievably comfortable bed.
"It's gone" She said simply and shrugged nonchalantly and then got up, placing her book aside on the set of drawers beside her.
"Gone?! Gone where?!" I asked panicking far more, the ring wasn't that expensive sure but it was special to me
"Relax baby," Wanda lightly pushed me back down into the soft bed and I couldn't help but sigh a little "I'm gonna make you something to eat, you liked my paprikash, right?" Wanda asked me, I nodded slightly before I moved to get it off the bed again "Ah ah, you stay, you've had a long day. I'll explain everything after you are fed, promise.." Wanda smiled scrunching her nose up a little before she kissed my forehead and left the room.
I did end up getting out of the bed. I looked around the room for at least 10 minutes to try to find my ring but alas I didn't find it. I also didn't have my phone or anything else in my pockets like I used to have.
"what are you doing?" Wanda asked, I spun around and there she stood, with a sickeningly sweet smile spread across her face
"I need to call my fiancée Wanda, you know, to tell her I'm alright and that I'll be home soon" I explained to her, Wanda hummed and sat on the edge of the bed "where even are we?" I asked her, she looked at me with her beautiful green eyes
"Home." She told me softly, then she stood up and tried to get closer to me. I backed away "Don't do that y/n, you love me now." she told me with a low tone and a dark glint in her eyes.
"I don't know you anymore-" I whispered "And I definitely don't love you, Wanda." I snapped at Wanda. Her eyes went from foresty green to menacing Scarlet red in a matter of mere seconds
"You do love me y/n, you are the only one I have ever needed, and you need me, can't you see?! I did this for us!" She yelled angrily as my back hit the wall. She closed the distance that was between us and took my hands in hers "Please My sweet… don't make me use my magic on you.." She half pleaded, but I don't think she really cared what she had to do, I shook my head repeatedly
"This isn't right, Wanda," I whispered, looking away from her. She squeezed my hands a little
"Look at me y/n.." she said softly. When I didn't, she removed one hand from mine and lightly gripped my jaw, forcing me to look at her. "When I say something, you do it." She grit out but then quickly smiled
"Wanda, let me go, I have a life you can't just take me" I told her pulling my hand out her grasp she frowned taking my hand and placing it over her heart making me severely confused
"This heart, it only beats for you y/n, I'm never letting you go, I wish you'd have just compiled, but I guess you really are just my silly baby." She said, taking her her hands up to my temples
"This isn't love, Wanda!" I told her with a spark of confidence she pulled away her hands, and I felt relieved for a moment
"You love me. Not her." Wanda spat angrily taking out my ring from her pocket
"My ring!" I tried to grab it off her, but Wanda shoved me down, and I hit the floor with a gentle thud thanks to her magic, keeping me from actually hurting myself.
"It's so small, and you, my love, deserve the best." Wanda grinned before the ring melted into nothing, I gasped in shock
"You're crazy!" I screamed at her with tears in my eyes
"I'm not crazy." She glared irritated. "You told me I always had someone y/n. that someone was always going to be you, I've seen the multiverse my Darling. We are meant to be." Wanda explained before a new ring appeared in her hands, it was a silver ring with a large red Ruby, she then took my hand and slid it onto my hand… I have to admit it is a beautiful ring..
"Wa- the multiverse?" I asked, registering her words properly now
"Yes, I'll do anything for you, my love. Just give in." Wanda whispered in my ear
"I can't" I whispered back squeezing my eyes shut and covering my ears, I could hear her sigh and pull me up
"You want this y/n, deep down you know it" Wanda growled slightly before she placed me down on the bed, I could hardly even be mad at her, sure, she melted my ring and kidnapped me but she's only been gentle and- what am I saying?!
"Stay out my head, wanda." I murmured to her. She only tilted her head and pretended to be confused, but I saw the glint in her eyes. She knew exactly what she was doing.
What would kelsy no it's… what's her name.. why can't I remember her name? We are supposed to get married in the summer no, no it was spring? Autumn.
"Y/n?" Wanda said drawing me out my thoughts, wanda now had a bowl of paprikash in her hands "you need to eat" She smiled softly but I shook my head and crawled back
"Why can't I remember her name?- it's started with a k, right?" I said unsure of myself
"Just give into it baby, you'll feel better after.." Wanda smiled and I nodded slightly before I let her feed me her paprikash, giving in isn't wrong…she wants me she loves me, how can I deny that?
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gl1tter-claire · 5 months
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐨 𝐱 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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🧸𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝘆: Things got very bad after Jackie's death, you couldn't take it anymore, you couldn't stand the fact that your sister had died, you had hopes that after Laura's death there would be no more deaths, but apparently you were wrong.
✦𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: very angst
𝗻/𝗮: Sorry if there are spelling errors, it's because English is not my native language
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You never thought that your sister's argument against her best friend would become one of your greatest traumas
few hours before his death she promised you that the two of you would get out of there alive and that you would have a really good future together, you would graduate and be a writer and she wasn't very sure what she wanted to be but she was sure that she would always I was going to be by your side, accompany you everywhere and as long as she was alive you would never be alone
after the argument Jackie had with Shauna you tried to go after her and tell her to go back to the cabin but she didn't pay attention to you
“please Jackie you have to come back you can't just leave” you said quickly running after her trying to catch up with her
“No, leave me alone, understand that I never want to see Shauna again in my life” she said angrily
“please come back maybe you can work things out with shauna” you said trying to convince her
“ok...” You said with a sad tone because it really hurt you when he yelled at you
After that you returned to the cabin, you gave Shauna a dirty look as you entered the door
After a few hours you saw Natalie pass through the door and enter the cabin. You didn't go to greet her like you always did and that seemed very strange to her. She thought you were already asleep but when she looked at the small space in the cabin where you always slept. and she saw you sitting with teary eyes, she immediately approached you and asked you why you were crying
“Hey, what's wrong with you, why are you crying?” Natalie said in a worried voice
“nothing, I'm just worried about jackie, I just don't want something bad to happen to her”
“Don't worry, it's sure to be there, and now if we sleep a little, don't worry” Natalie said as she laid you down next to you, hugging you
“Okay” you said a little more carefree
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The next morning you woke up to Shauna's heavy footsteps, you were barely opening your eyes when you heard Shauna's screams, you were very worried and wanted to know why Shauna was screaming with so much sadness in her voice, until you heard Shauna scream Jackie's name. and you ran out to see what was happening, you expected the worst but you wanted to continue thinking that Jackie was alive and was going to keep her promise of having a happy future by your side
you left the cabin and saw the dead body of Jackie, your own sister, the one who promised you that you would both get out of there alive, your sweet sister who always supported you and never left you alone, as soon as you saw her corpse you couldn't believe it, You wanted to think that that wasn't Jackie, but Shauna's sobs saying Jackie's name confirmed it to you. You felt like your world was collapsing and the impact of seeing Jackie's body was so great that you fell to your knees and began to cry uncontrollably. You wanted to go see your sister's body but the girls held you down so you wouldn't go because they thought it would be more traumatic for you
“LET ME GO!!” you said desperately
“ Y/n please calm down,” Natalie said, trying to calm you down.
“LEAVE ME ALONE I NEED TO SEE HER” you said shouting and crying at the same time
You were able to free yourself from the girls' grip and ran towards Jackie's corpse
“Jackie, please wake up, you promised me we would make it out alive, please wake up,” you said, crying and screaming uncontrollably
“Come on y/n, you're going to freeze if you stay out here” natalie said trying to separate you from Jackie's corpse
“no, leave me alone” you said with your head resting on Jackie's torso as you cried and held her hand
After Natalie convinced you to go into the cabin You entered the cabin and collapsed on Natalie's torso.
“I can't handle my life anymore, Natalie,” you said, crying.
“hey look at me okay look at me, okay, we'll get out of here alive and we can live together wherever you want, okay, just please hold on and don't do anything bad to yourself, please” Natalie said as she grabbed your face in her hands and made you look into her eyes
“Natalie promise me that if I die you will continue with your life and you will be happy.”
“I can't promise you because I know that we are both going to get out of here alive and we are going to have a future together,” said Natalie, trying to convince herself that there is a possibility that both of them will get out of there alive.
“Natalie, you have to accept that there are chances that I won't get out of here alive.”
Natalie's hair stood on end after you said that, she couldn't imagine a life without you, without the love of her life.
“No no no no, let's get out of here alive okay” she said scared.
“Well, I hope it's true,” you said with hope
An hour later Natalie had to go hunting with Travis, you said goodbye to her and with a kiss on her cheek, when you turned around after saying goodbye to Natalie you realized that Shauna was still crying for Jackie
“You're a fucking bitch, you cry to my sister and you were the cause of her fucking death, I hate you, JACKIE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU” you said yelling at Shauna with anger in your voice
You told her it only made Shauna's mood worse and made her cry more
Shauna just lowered her head and didn't even try to defend herself
“Hey, just because you're mad because your sister died doesn't give you the right to act like a bitch with Shauna” Taissa said
“I can't believe you're trying to defend a murderer like Shauna,” you said angrily.
“Y/n Shauna didn't kill Jackie and you know it well, plus Shauna didn't know it was going to snow.
“Fuck you taissa” you said only to then run out of the cabin,
You sat on a large log that was lying on the ground and you began to cry, wishing that at that moment you would also freeze to death. You could feel the cold passing through the fabric of the clothes you were wearing. A few hours passed and you felt increasingly cold. apart from the fact that the sky was already getting dark
The cold was horrible and you felt that because of the unbearable cold you were about to faint, you just closed your eyes and hoped you would never wake up again
“Please, God, let me die,” you said, whispering.
The cold covered you and you felt your body trembling uncontrollably. You didn't know if you were going to die, but you did know that what you wanted
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Natalie returned to the cabin and looked for you, then she began to search more thoroughly until she even went up to the attic to see if you were there, but there were no signs of your presence, she looked for you throughout the cabin and couldn't find you
“Hey girls, have you seen y/n? I looked for her throughout the cabin and she's not there"
The girls stayed silent, trying to think of how to tell Natalie that you had run away and you didn't come back
“She's gone Natalie,” said Lottie, referring to you.
“Yes, and she hasn't been back for hours,” Van continued.
Natalie got really scared when Van said that.
"is seriously? and none of you have gone to look for her?” Natalie said angrily.
“It's just that Lottie said that we had to give her her space,” said Shauna.
Natalie remained silent as she glared at Lottie.
Natalie ran super fast to look for you,
She didn't see any traces of you anywhere and she was starting to worry.
until suddenly she saw your face in the snow, she began to cry when she saw you under so much snow, she thought that you had really died, she quickly dug you up and examined you to see signs of life in you, unfortunately for you your heart was still beating and Natalie noticed it, for the first time Natalie had hope for something, and that something was that you were still alive, she picked you up from the cold snow and carried you in her arms princess style, as soon as they arrived at the cabin everyone was worried about you, barely You arrived, the girls put you on the floor and tried to warm you up when they saw that you didn't wake up, they put you in the bathtub with hot waterin , heated by Shauna, who surprisingly, despite the horrible things you said to her, she tried to help
When you finally opened your eyes you saw Natalie asleep next to you sitting in a small chair that she had found. When you saw her you thought that maybe it wasn't so bad not having died
Natalie woke up because she felt someone looking at her, she turned her head and saw you with her eyes open and she was very happy, so much so that she even kissed you
“Sorry, I think I got a little carried away,” he said, happy that you were still alive.
“Don’t worry, I liked it,” you said quietly.
When you noticed how red she turned you laughed and then kissed her, when they ran out of air they separated from the kiss, leaning their foreheads against each other
“I thought I was going to lose you,” Natalie said.
“And I thought I was going to die, but if I don't, it's for a reason, right?” You said thinking about the fact that you almost died from hypothermia
“Maybe,” Natalie said, kissing you again
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The morning after you apologized to Shauna for treating her so badly
“Hey, I'm sorry for being a bitch to you,” you said with regret in your voice.
“I forgive you,” Shauna said.
“Why did you help me if I was mean to you” you said confused.
“Because even if you don't believe it in you, I see a part of Jackie and it's not only because of the resemblance you have to her physically but also because of your personality,” Shauna said, looking at you intently
The only thing you could do at that moment was hug her and cry on Shauna's shoulder.
“I miss her so much” you said with tears falling from your eyes.
“Me too,” Shauna said, also crying.
You stayed on Shauna's shoulder for a few minutes crying.
“You're so similar to Jackie,” Shauana said, holding your face to look at you in more detail
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After a while Taissa discovered what Shauna was doing with your sister's corpse, they all decided that the best thing was to cremate Jackie's body.
You didn't even know that they still hadn't gotten rid of your sister's body,
They gave you a few minutes to say goodbye to Jackie.
“Seeing you dead still surprises me” you said, speaking to Jackie's dead body.
“I think it's time to let you go, Jackie,” you said with sadness in your voice.
After a few minutes, Shauna finally burned Jackie's body.
As you watched her dead body burn, you thought about all the good times you had with Jackie, and you also remembered the promise she made to you a few hours before she died,
You could no longer bear to see the burned body of your late sister and you ran out to the cabin, you started crying until you fell asleep.
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fizzing-imagines · 1 year
Kiss it better | Billy Hargrove x Plus Size! Reader
Warnings: This is PURE SMUT, MDNI
Words: 1.8k
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"You're always hot, but you don't look well right now." What a way to start a conversation. "What's up, sweet thing?". "Charming.", you scoffed while still trying to fix your hair. "Sorry, sweetheart." He wrapped his arms around you back and placed a kiss on your cheek. "Billy, this is really sweet and all but I feel ugly as shit today and really need to fix this." You wriggled out of his arms to continue fixing whatever was wrong with your hairstyle. At this point you couldn't even pinpoint what was wrong with it. Everything was wrong today, from your hair to your makeup, your clothes and especially your stomach. You were confident on most days, but today was just awful since you woke up. "You look as beautiful as any other day.", he said while watching you. To Billy, you were always beautiful and he didn't understand how you couldn't feel that way. And he's actually never seen you like this - this insecure, so unsure of what to look like, so desperate to fix something about your appearance that wasn't fixable because it looked just like every other day. "I know that I look the way I do every day, that's not really helping." Maybe fixing your lipstick would help? Nope, as you tried it you realized that you made it worse. "Maybe it would just be easier to go on a diet like everyone has been telling me for years, or maybe I should start dressing like everyone else does. Who knows, I look hideous right now." Yes, you were rambling at this point but this is what days like these did to you. "Calm down, Jesus.", Billy mumbled while leaning against Gareths closed locker. "Charming.", you said once again while rolling your eyes at him. "Well, what do you want me to say?", he said back, in a louder tone this time. You didn't know an answer to that because you didn't know what you wanted to hear. But what you knew is that his tone made you furious. "Don't yell at me.", you said back, now with a raised voice as well. "I'm not yelling!" Ironically enough, he yelled that.
Heads turned to watch the two if you bicker back and forth for a while which just made your insecurities worse. "You're being unreasonable!", he yelled once. "Then break up with me, for fuck sake!" Once those words left your mouth, you stared at each other in shock. It's what you've been thinking about all day; why he was with you in the first place. But neither of you expected it to just burst out. You were so surprised at your own words that you just closed your locker and left for the nearest bathroom. Billy stood there for another minute, trying to cope with that you said to him.
He didn't see you for the rest of the school day, even when he waited outside of your classes. Billy couldn't know that you've skipped your next period and went home afterwards. At least not until he asked your english teacher, who was rather confused that he didn't know that about you. Why didn't you come to him? His mind started reeling with thoughts of you leaving him, the only person who loved him leaving him, and he just couldn't live with that. At the end of the school day, he dropped Max off at Lucas House and drove to your place. Your father opened the door, glad to see him because you've been crying ever since he picked you up from school. He was at a loss on what else to say or do to make you feel better.
"She's just been sobbing, I don't know what to do anymore.", he explained while walking to the staircase with him. "I know she hasn't been feeling well all day, but never like this.". While Billy didn't feel guilty, he felt like he had something to do with this. His first comment probably even made this worse. "I'll try my best.", he said to your father before going upstairs. Once he arrived at your room, the sobbing was already coming through the door. Now the guilt hit him. He knocked at your door, only to get a "Go away, dad!" He sighted. "It's Billy." Your silence made him interpret that it's okay for him to come in. As he opened your door your boyfriend saw you laying on your bed, face pressed in a pillow and out of your clothes from earlier. After what you said earlier, it stung like a bee that you weren't wearing one of his shirts. "Hey, baby.", Billy said while walking over. You could feel the mattress going down a bit as he sat down next to you. Carefully, he started stroking up-and-down your back. "Talk to me, what's going on up there?" You turned your head towards him. "I just feel so ugly, and I can't always take people calling me a fat pig on a daily basis. And I don't even know why you're still with me when I look so hideous!" You sobbed between your sentence and started crying again like a little child. Billy pulled you into his chest without saying a word, where you continued sobbing while curling up to him. "That's a lot to think about.", he mumbled after a while. "I would never leave you, even if you looked like an ogre." He kissed your forehead. "I wish you could see yourself how I see you." He kissed your cheek. "You're the most precious person to walk on this earth." He kissed your lips. They were wet from your tears and snot, but he didn't care. "Let me show you how much I love you, my sweet thing."
He got up from your bed to lock the door to your room. Afterwards, he kneeled down at the edge of your bed and pulled you closer to him by your ankles. His head was placed between your thighs, one of your legs rested on his shoulders "I'm gonna make sure you never doubt how much I love you. Okay?" He looked up at you through his beautiful, long lashes and you couldn't resist. "Okay.", you whispered.
Billy started kissing the leg that rested on his shoulder from the ankle upward, making sure to get every inch of your skin under his lips at least once. Once he got up to your inner thighs, you could feel a pool of wetness forming in your panties. A small whimper left your mouth, earning a "Shh" from Billy. "Your dad's home, you can't be loud." In response, you grabbed the stuffed bat Billy gifted you to have something to bite down on. "Good girl.", he whispered before getting back to working on your tights. Small kisses made a trail up to your panties, which were soaked at this point. "All this for me, my sweet girl.", he whispered while pulling down your underwear. Billy would've loved nothing more than to eat you out like a starved man, but this was about you. So he started peppering kisses along your outer pussy lips before getting to your clit. Slow, long licks ran over it, causing a shiver to run down your spine. Then, his lips finally met your clit. He started sucking on it in a slow pace, so slow that it made your mind fo crazy. You placed the stuffed bat on your lips and muffled your moans by biting down on it. His tongue started moving faster, and with no warning he let two of his fingers slide into you slowly. Billy knew you better than anyone else, inside and out. Especially the inside part came in handy now, as he immediately found the spot that made you go wild. With his fingers working their magic and his lips sucking on your clit, it didn't take to much time for you to feel a familiar knot in your stomach. "Fuuuck.", you groaned inside the stuffed animal. Billy looked up at you through his eyelashes, and the sight was just heavenly. The way you had to bite down on the stuffed animal he gave you, how you furrowed your eyebrows, the sweat on your forehead. You're so beautiful. So beautiful, just for him.
His tongue started flicking your clit now, desperately wanting you to cum for him. See the beauty of you that only he was able to see. One more flick, one more push, and you were gushing. The bat worked wonders in quieting down your moaning, although he would've loved to hear it. He kissed your pussy while you were coming down from your high, then pulled his fingers out to suck off your juices. "So good.", he said after pulling his fingers out of his mouth.
Billy got back up on the bed and pulled you into a kiss. A long, passionate kiss. He made sure to pour all of his love into it, desperately wanting to let you know just how much you mean to him. When he pulled away, he kissed your cheek once again. "I'll never leave you. Nobody could love me the way you do." Your boyfriend grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. "Can I do one more thing?" His eyes looked so beautiful right now. How could you resist? You nodded your head in agreement, causing him to get up from your bed and walk over to your closet. Billy had a collection of his shirts and sweaters in there, so he grabbed one and walked back over to you. He pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you completely naked, before putting his over your body. Once he was done, he laid down on the bed with you. "Much better.", he whispered before kissing your temple. "Look at you, so beautiful. Just for me." You remained quiet while enjoying his presence. "I hope I made you know just how beautiful you are." He looked down at you, how your body pressed against his own, how your leg was draped around his own, how your forehead found comfort against his neck. "You did, Billy.", you whispered. "Thank you." The two of you remained silent for a while before your boyfriend started talking again.
"You gotta tell me who called you those things." You looked up at him with a questioning look. "Whoever called you a fat pig. Who did it?" His eyes were filled with rage, you could see it. "Those swedish exchange students.", you mumbled. Billy just nodded his head before laying it back down on your pillow. "They've been annoying me since they got here anyways." You knew what he was planning, but you knew you couldn't stop him. He'd yelled and people over you before, he'll gladly go as far to punch people. Just for you, he would.
Sure enough, he was expelled for two weeks the next day for beating up those two students.
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You're just like an angel pt3
@freeingrebels here's part 3
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You woke up to find yourself in a bed inside a small room. You looked around the room to see it was pretty bare, only having the bed itself and a few draws all in a sanitized white. You could see a small screen on one of them and decided to inspect it, the image shown on it was Miguel. His spider suit was replaced with casual clothing and a soft smile plastered his face as he held a young girl with a woman smiling beside him. The door opened and you threw your head to the left to see Miguel enter.
"You have a family?" You asked. You were genuinely surprised by the revelation. He didn't strike you as the family man type.
"I did have a family, but they are long gone now" he replied, the corners of his lips lowered slightly.
"I'm so sorry" you apologized profusely to him. You regretted even bringing it up.
"It's alright, you didn't know" he replied as he placed an assuring hand on your shoulder. His touch sent shock waves through you and not in a good way, it was like your body was telling you to stay as far away from him as possible.
Like yesterday you were stuck in the same room however Miguel had permitted you to walk around instead of being stuck in the cage. You asked him if he could give you anything to do so that you wouldn't be bored. There wasn't much you could do, robots did most of the work here and he wasn't going to let you run errands where others could see you.
The device on his wrist rang and he knew he had to leave much to his dismay. You may have brought up all those memories he had tried to suppress but at the same time, there was something so warm and welcoming about you. Like with you he could experience it all over again.
You were once again trapped in that cage. You were growing restless, only complying because he said he would send you home once he had all the info he needed. You had no more information to give him so why would he still refrain from sending you home? You began to question if he was even telling you the truth.
As Miguel had finally trapped another anomaly and was about to head back LYLA popped into view.
"Miguel, I wanted to talk to you about something," she told him in a slightly concerned tone.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I've been seeing frequent irregularities in your heartbeat and blood pressure," she explained.
"I'm fine" he tried to shake her off but she refused to be ignored.
"No you're not, whatever feelings you have towards that anomaly are not healthy for you," she told him. Instantly striking a cord in Miguel.
"You have to send her home," she sternly insisted.
"It's none of your concern!" He snarled.
"Yes it is, you created me to keep you in check when you couldn't do so yourself. You may not be under the effects of rapture anymore but it's still my duty to look out for your well-being. That'll always be my highest priority" she argued.
"Do you not believe that I deserve at least one good thing in my life?" He asked her.
"I know you've been through a lot Miguel and I'm not saying you don't deserve anything good but I'm telling you it's not right to keep her, for both of your sakes… if you try to pursue this it'll end disastrously" she warned him. Her words felt like a knife being stabbed into his chest. He knew he should let you go but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"Tell me, do any of your calculations predict a chance of either of our universes collapsing if she doesn't return? If there is then I'll send her home" He asked.
"It's not about that Miguel, It's only been two days and you're trying to pursue a woman you, by all accounts, should never have crossed paths with. Do you think she has feelings for you all in the span of two days?" She said, if she'd been programmed to yell then she would have just to drill it deeper into him.
"Just tell me the calculations!" He snarled.
"You're acting like a child Miguel, she's got her own family to look after, surely you understand that" she scolded like a parent trying to deter him from doing whatever he was going to do.
"You're withholding information from me, tell me now or I'll shut you down the moment I return!" he yelled as he instinctively tried to swipe at her but his hand phased through.
LYLA's expression soured as he threatened her, she knew at that point no amount of explaining bring him to his senses. His behavior was something she'd never seen from him.
"The results came back 0 percent, she has no canon events tied to her…" she said
"But I will still warn against trying to pursue her" she continued, trying to give him one last chance to stop himself. Unbeknownst to him she managed to make the cage you were in malfunction, hoping you would figure a way out, the morning was the quietest time at the spider society.
The cage shut off all of a sudden, you contemplated leaving the spot you'd been confined in but eventually you did. Slowly walking to your jetpack to check on the damage as you hadn’t been able to since you ended up here. Your finger traced over the dents. Luckily no internal damage from what you could see, however, you would need to pull it apart just to be sure.
You considered trying to make some grand escape, however, you didn't know how to get home. That device on Miguel's wrist seemed to allow him to traverse the different dimensions. There must have been another way to get you home, but that wouldn't be an easy feat.
"(Y/n) What are you doing?" You heard Miguel ask you with venom dripping in his tone. You pretty much jumped at his words.
"I… I was checking my jetpack to make sure it wasn't too badly damaged" You stuttered as you stood up and faced him, your heart racing.
"You weren't trying to escape, were you?" He asked you, suspicious of you.
"No, even if I wanted to I don't know how I'd be able to get home" you tried to prove your innocence.
"Speaking of which, when are you going to send me home? I have no info you need so why hold onto me" you continued as you looked directly into his eyes, something about how he was looking down upon you terrified you. That intense gaze was cold and calculating, trying to predict what your next move may be. Then they softened.
"Soon" he simply responded, turning a full one-eighty from what he was like a moment ago.
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bean-bean2000 · 5 months
The Hacker - Part 13
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, angst
Status: Ongoing
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When Bucky returns from the mission, you decide to stay behind in the kitchen while the others greet him in the garage.
If he wants to act cold then hot, then I will too.
You're making yourself some brownies and hot chocolate in preparation for your night-in watching the newest episode of your favourite TV show. As you're busy baking, Bucky walks into the kitchen and sits on a stool at the bar.
You don't say anything, let alone acknowledge his presence. You see his brows furrow as he watches you.
Another minute of silence goes by before Bucky breaks "Hey, we did good out there. You really helped guide me. Sucks we couldn't find the paper documents we needed."
You shrug your shoulders "Yeah, it is what it is."
Bucky coughs and fidgets in his seat "Um, so what are you baking?"
"Brownies." you reply dryly.
"What for?" he asks, trying to make conversation with you. Truth is, he missed you while he was gone and felt bad for the way he acted during the mission. He knows he was dry with her and wants to apologize so they could go back to the way they were before.
"Because I want some." you reply dryly again.
Bucky has had enough entertaining it "Okay what the hell is going on? Why are you acting so dry around me? Did I do something wrong?" he asks, raising his voice. His fist is clenched in anger.
You drop your whisk in the bowl angrily. "What is MY problem? Are you fucking kidding me? Ever since I got here you've been the perfect guy. Always there for me when I needed, consoling me after my nightmares, listening to me when I needed to vent about my trauma... and then suddenly you're cold with me then your acting hot again. I don't get it!" Your emotions explode.
"Why does it matter to you? It’s not like you care anyway!" Bucky says. He cringes when he hears the harsh tone in his voice and the hurt look on your face.
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU BUCKY!” you yell back.
“I thought you.... I guess I was wrong. Just forget it. It's my fault for assuming there was something here when clearly you feel nothing for me. Let's pretend this never even happened. We’ll avoid each other for a while and just stay colleagues.” You drop everything, walking out of the kitchen and locking yourself in your room.
Bucky says nothing. He is shocked at her confession.
He doesn't run after you, fearing you may hate him more if he bothers you. He decides to give you your space.
The next day you go straight to Steve's office.
"Hey cap, listen don't book me on any missions with Bucky anymore, please. I don't feel like explaining just please respect it." you plead with him.
Steve is shocked at your sudden appearence in his office and he notices your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.
"I... yeah. Sure, no problem." he says, deciding against asking you what's wrong and respecting your wishes.
You nod and quickly walk out of his office and go upstairs to yours, locking yourself inside once again.
Steve walks out of his office and goes straight to the gym to find Bucky.
He's doing his workout when Steve punches him in the arm.
"Ow! What the fuck Steve?" Bucky yells, rubbing his arm in pain.
"What did you do?! Cyber just requested to not have any more missions with you! Care to explain, dumbass?" Steve says angrily.
Bucky knows he fucked up bad when Steve curses.
"I.. I don't know man. Yesterday when I got back from the mission she was acting so cold towards me so I confronted her about it and she exploded on me. She was saying how she doesn't understand why i'm so hot and cold with her. I fucked up and asked her why she even caares and she admitted that it's because she likes me. Before I could intervene, she started rambling saying to forget about it and ran to her room." Bucky explains.
"You really are an idiot. Are you serious?! You didn't run after her? You haven't spoken to her since? Nothing?! Dude, she admitted she LOVES you. You clearly love her too. Even though you won't admit it to yourself, I know you, I see the way you look at her. Why didn't you say anything?" Steve questions.
"I... I was going to but I'm scared. If I can hurt her like this before even telling her how I feel about her, how badly will I hurt her if we end up dating? I always fuck shit up, Steve. I can't ruin what I have with her. I think it's best if we just keep our distance for now." Bucky says, running his hand through his hair.
"You are not being serious right now. How will you ever know until you try? What could you possibly do to hurt her? I know how much you care for her and that you would treat her like a queen. You’re being selfish. She is already hurting because you’re shutting her out. You need to man up and figure this out." Steve says and he walks out of the gym angrily.
Bucky stands still in the gym processing what Steve said. He doesn't know if he can do it. His mind is racing with a million questions.
What if she only likes me on the surface? Has she truly seen who I am? She knows about my past.... she hasn't run away from me because of it... Do I take the chance and talk to her? Isn't she better off getting hurt now before we get too involved and end up hurting each other worse than ever?....I haven't felt this way for anyone in years...Do I just take the chance?
Bucky sighs heavily as he removes his gear and exits the gym.
Steve is still fuming following his conversation with Bucky. He's whispering to himself angrily: "How can he be so stupid? I can't believe it... he does this after everything....." As he's walking back to his office angrily, he gets an idea.
He goes upstairs and knocks on Cyber's office door. He can hear music playing and the LED lights on.
He hears a small "Who is it?".
"It's Steve, Cyber.... can we have a little chat?" Steve says gently.
"Yeah... come in." you say.
Steve gently pushes the door open and takes a seat beside you.
You look at him expectantly, waiting for him to start the conversation.
“So I just wanted to talk to you about Bucky…” Steve starts.
You feel your heart beat faster at the mention of his name and your anxiety rises. “No, Steve I really don’t want to right now… I’d rather just keep some space between us for a while…”
“No no I understand. It’s just that I’ve known Bucky since we were kids… I know how he thinks and why he does what he does…” Steve begins.
“Steve, I don’t mean to be rude or anything but I don’t want to talk about him right now… I don’t know what’s going on but something has changed. He doesn’t speak to me anymore or look at me the same way…”
Steve presses his lips together in a straight line, contemplating what to say as you continue your rant.
“I’m processing a lot and i’m finally starting to feel like myself again… I’m going to be honest with you… I thought Bucky and I had a thing going… i don’t know maybe it was all in my head but.. I guess it was naive of me to think anything more than a friendship could happen here….”
Steve shifts in his seat wondering if he should say anything….
He sighs “Hear me out….I want you to know that he doesn’t tend to express his emotions as well as he does through his actions… Just give him a chance, he's a stubborn old mule.” He sighs heavily and gets up from his seat.
“I just thought you should know that…” he says as he leaves.
You sit there dumbfounded.
What did he mean by that?
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