#I didn’t even notice her little peg leg the first read
flownwrong · 2 years
a fic! would you believe it! i sure don't!
after a year of not finishing anything, i summoned this up in an hour. thanks to @kleynfroy for encouragement.
hunnihawk, 1.4k words, additional tags: sad :( photos :( also sad :(
read under the cut or on ao3
It takes BJ three lines in his letter to notice Hawkeye above him, holding something over his head with a grin that gives no hints whatsoever.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” he says, wiggling the something triumphantly. He’s rough around the edges, straight out of post-op and close to zero sleep, a sight so familiar it’s comforting.
BJ looks. It’s a Polaroid camera. Before he can say anything, Hawkeye snaps a shot, without even bringing the thing to his face. BJ waits for Hawkeye to fiddle with the release catch, the cutting, then snags the positive right out of the camera once the hatch is open, turns it over. His own face stares back at him with a smile he didn’t realize he was wearing, radiant through stark shadows of the black and white film.
Hawkeye swings himself over the photo, studies the paper upside down. He claps his hands. “A veritable Betty Grable!”
BJ snorts and drops the picture in the envelope laid out on his cot. “I’m getting a second opinion on that.”
“Well, you’ve got the legs for it, anyway,” Hawkeye says, spinning and landing almost in BJ’s lap. He just manages to miss the letter.
“To what do I owe the honor?” BJ asks, scribbling his way back to California with Love, Betty Grable. See Million Dollar Legs enclosed.
“North Korean artillery. Private Land figured he didn’t need any more ambulance shots for his scrapbook, so here we are.”
BJ hums as he licks the envelope shut. “Did you already take photos of the whole camp, or just me and the nurses’ shower?”
“Well, the horse didn’t feel pretty and asked me to come back tomorrow, so I had to settle for second best.”
BJ flings a pillow at Hawkeye’s grin, but it lands on the other side of the tent. Hawkeye’s already at the door, camera in hand. BJ never seems to quite catch up.
“See you later, darling!” Hawkeye vanishes, not without sending him a mock kiss over the stale air.
War is a grind, as always. The camp buzzes, blurry in the cycle of blood and bandages and rotgut-tinged evenings.
There’s a new photo on his cot almost every day without fail, though. Peg must know this camp now almost as well as he does.
BJ studies the latest pile accumulated over the week between letters. There’s Klinger’s new violet evening gown, Radar with his fanfare so off-key it must come through even on photo paper, Margaret shading her eyes from the spring sun with one hand, the other raised in a cheerful salute to San Francisco. Hawkeye’s little thoughtful report home.
Most of it, though, is BJ.
Like the one of him shaving, mid-laugh, eyes just off camera on what must be Hawkeye cracking one of his first jokes of the morning.
Or the one of him in the O Club, Father Mulcahy’s face frozen in horror as BJ dips him low with the crowd cheering behind them.
The latest, which Hawkeye must’ve dropped off while he was on post-op duty, is of BJ filling Charles’s pillowcase with lunch leftovers, face scrunched up somewhere between concentration and hysterics.
Hawkeye waltzes into the Swamp, camera at the ready.
“Hello, sailor,” BJ greets, rising to meet him. “What’s this one?” He points at Hawkeye’s chest where another piece of photo paper is sticking out of his pocket.
“That’s between me and Dad, Beej,” Hawkeye sing-songs, spinning away as BJ makes a grab for the picture.
“Come on, you’ve seen mine, show me yours!”
They do a full circle around the tent, furniture and garbage screeching under their feet until Hawkeye knocks face-first into the heating pipe with a cartoonish “Ouch!”
The picture floats in a graceful spiral down onto the ground and is in BJ’s hand before Hawkeye can finish ooh-ing and aah-ing in pain.
BJ takes a look. This one is so dark he can’t see anything at first. Then, the lines slowly arrange themselves into a scene: it’s the Swamp, and BJ is in his cot, sleeping soundly, face half-hidden by the covers. What gets him, though, is Hawkeye—right in the corner, neck crooked at a weird angle to get in the shot, eyes catching the weak dawn light and crinkled at the edges in a smile that’s nowhere to be seen on his tired face.
BJ stares for a full thirty seconds, trying to put his finger on what’s so odd about the photo, until it dawns on him. Hawkeye is there. It’s the only shot he’s seen in weeks since they got the camera where Hawkeye’s there.
“How come you’re in this one, Hawk?” he asks and raises his eyes. Hawkeye’s face is blank in a careful, drawn way.
“It’s for Dad,” he repeats, as if that’s explanation enough. “You put some in your letters, why shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah,” BJ says, “but how come I’m in all of yours and you’re not in any of mine?”
Hawkeye sighs with exasperation BJ thinks he has no right to feel and drops down on his cot like his head weighs a ton. “I don’t know if you noticed, but you’re kind of my best friend, Beej.”
BJ squints, feeling lost. “Well, yeah, Hawk, and you’re kind of mine, if you noticed.”
“Look, Beej,” he says, staring a hole into the dirty floor. “What do you figure happens when this whole thing blows off?”
BJ frowns. “We go home. I get to see my family, you get to see yours.”
“Yeah, yeah, you get to kiss your wife and hug your daughter and I get to have a drink with Dad. We go back to work and we write each other for a bit until we don’t need that, too.” As he speaks, his voice gets quieter and lower, grainy like the pictures. “You get to have the life you should have had all along. And I—well, I get to keep the photo. It’s not that difficult.”
“Okay, if that’s how you want it, but—why?”
“Why what?” Hawkeye snaps, his head now up, and BJ sees nothing at all in his eyes but bone-deep tiredness.
“Why—why just one? Why this one?”
Hawkeye barks a sharp, sudden laugh that falls just short of making BJ flinch. “God, Beej,” he says, “I love you, but you can be a real jerk, you know.”
“I don’t follow, Hawk.”
“Oh, BJ, but you do. Some days I swear to God you’ll follow me everywhere, no matter how I run.” There’s a film over his eyes, but the pain comes through, cutting better than some of the knives they use.
“Oh,” BJ says, as it falls into place. “Oh, Hawk.” The photo is still in his hand, and he can’t seem to lower it, stuck in the movement.
“Yeah,” Hawkeye says, not blinking. “Yes.”
The PA comes to life. “Attention all personnel! Wounded, two for the price of one! Get yours in triage!”
The sound of running feet makes it hard to think through the all-encompassing static of his brain.
“I’m sorry,” he finally manages, when Hawkeye has one foot out the door. “For what it’s worth, it doesn’t change anything.”
Hawkeye turns and smiles, a bland, desperate thing. “No,” he shakes his head with a chuckle. “No, it doesn’t.
“Come on, cowboy, before Charles steals the fun cases. You get to break some hearts, you get to fix some.”
The door screeches on half-rotten hinges behind him, half-open. BJ gets running, but turns back before he can make it to the ambulance. The camera sits forgotten on Hawkeye’s cot. He grabs it without thinking.
In the scrub room, seven hours later, as they drop boneless onto the bench, Hawkeye grunts, a different sound of pain than the one BJ knows. He fishes something from under his hip and stares, jaw gone slack with exhaustion.
“What’s this doing here?” He turns the camera in his hands like he’s forgotten what it is.
“Oh, you know.” BJ feels about his neck, more for something to do with his hands than for any real kinks. “Thought I also get to keep something.” He takes the camera from Hawkeye’s limp hands, skin red and raw from days of gloves and scrubbing, but warm.
He takes the shot without looking. Waits a beat before tearing it out, doesn’t look at Hawkeye as he smoothes the snagged edges. When he does look up, right next to him, Hawkeye’s temple is all gray, and his eyes are tight at the corners, his mouth curled up at one side, warm and disbelieving. “That must’ve been the last of the roll,” he says, low.
In the picture, though, in the picture—there’s Hawkeye, the one BJ hopes he can keep.
He’s smiling right at the camera, all teeth, and it’s loud, and brilliant, and eternal.
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Baratie: Home to Chefs, Strays, and the Occasional Sword Goblin - Part 2
We’re back!
First chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
It’s a new day, and how is Sanji going to explain this kid to the rest of the Baratie? Let alone the geezer? How is he going to handle... childcare...? [3884 words]
Waking earlier than normal, Sanji realized that it wasn’t the threat of an earthquake that was shaking him awake as in his dream, but Asido jumping up and down on the empty side of the bed. The boy bounced about, wide a-fucking-wake, making Sanji feel exhausted already.
“Don’t do that,” he warned halfheartedly. Asido threw his legs in front of him and landed on his rear, bouncing himself still. “Sleep good?”
“Kinda,” the boy replied. “Are you gonna bring me back to Mom today?”
“I doubt it, but I am going to see what the hell it is I’m dealing with,” Sanji said. “Let’s get you into clean clothes, alright? Time to meet the geezer.”
“The who…?”
“Trust me: I want this as much as you do.” Sanji cringed inwardly at the idea of leaving his newfound nephew in the care of Zeff of all people, but he also figured that there wasn’t much he could do with such a small child… and, well, the asshole raised him, didn’t he? Though to be fair, he had been older than Asido back then… “Hey, kid, how old are you again?”
“Four and a half!” the boy proudly proclaimed. “Mom says I’m more like I’m six because I’m so big and smart, but Miss Cosette thinks something else, even if she never says it.”
That caught his attention. “Miss Cosette…?”
“Yeah! I used to stay with her when Mom was at work,” Asido said. He allowed himself to get dragged to the bathroom and washed, after which he was allowed to fish fresh clothes from his bag. “Mom said that Miss Cosette needed to get back to her other job, which was why we were going on our trip. What did Miss Cosette do?”
“She’s a cook,” Sanji nodded idly. “She’s so skilled and talented that I’d trust her with this restaurant if I had to, and she doesn’t even have fancy training.”
“Well yeah… all her food is yummy.”
“It really is—just a few lessons in haute cuisine or some time abroad and she could even be amazing… and I don’t throw that sort of compliment around all the time.”
“’Cause you’re a cook too!”
“That I am.” Once Asido was fully clothed and looking presentable, he brought the boy out into the corridor and knocked on Zeff’s door. “Oi, we have a visitor.”
“At this fucking hour?!” Yeah, it was a good thing they had a floor to themselves. Zeff threw open the door, all scowls and a thousand different threats ready on his tongue. Instead he looked down, saw Asido, and blanched.
“Eggplant…? What did you do…?”
“Blame. My. Sister.”
“That lass has plenty of explaining to do normally,” Zeff grumbled. He noticed that Asido was staring at his peg leg and chuckled lowly. “What’s your name, little azuki?”
“Not azuki, it’s Asido!” the boy insisted.
“It’s a bean—get used to it, ‘cause he won’t let it go.”
“How do you know?”
“Hasn’t dropped my plant-based nickname yet.” Sanji pushed Asido in past the door and shut it behind them, making sure no one coming up the stairs would see or bother them.
“He’s my dad—it’s what dads do.”
“It is…?”
“It’s what you aim for, anyhow.”
“So…” Asido looked at Zeff. “You’re my grandpa…?”
“No.” Sanji was getting exasperated at this point. “He’s my dad, not your mom’s dad. It’s… complicated.” He then pointed over towards the window, where the sun was beginning to rise. “Hey, why don’t you watch out for ships? This room’s always been good for that.”
“Uh… okay…” The boy dragged a chair over towards the window and stood on it, pressing his nose into the glass. Zeff gave Sanji a critical look and stepped to the side.
“What the fuck is going on?!” he growled, his ire punctuated by a coughing fit.
“Listen: I wasn’t consulted, or warned, or nothing. Here.” Sanji took the letter out of his pocket and let Zeff read it. “Now you know about as much as I do, which is frankly not very much at all.”
“Here—now we can be on the same page.” Zeff grabbed a newspaper from underneath a stack and shoved it out towards Sanji. “I don’t care if it is about some wastes of cum… just read it already.” Sanji looked down at the paper and Zeff tapped on it.
Ah—it was worse than he feared. Reiju was not just forced into a marriage for Judge’s power grabs, but a money grab as well. Whatever, whomever, the poor idiot was, there was no way he was prepared for the sort of shit their family was going to put them through. Sanji skimmed the article and frowned.
“Reiju’s just the first,” he noted. “Ichiji in the fall, then Niji next spring, and Yonji next winter. He’s pairing them all off.”
“Thought he realized how big of a mistake it was when the bastard tried doing that with you.”
“Tch… don’t remind me.” Sanji dropped the paper on the sidetable and exhaled heavily. “The kid’s not even five yet. I don’t know what my sister’s been doing, or who she’s doing things with, but she helped me get out of there, and now she needs the same thing for her son. I need you to watch him while I get our meals together, but I’ll make sure to find a sitter so you’re not ruining Chopper’s timetable.”
“Wouldn’t want to make the reindeer upset, would we?”
“No, we don’t.” He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll… be back, alright? We can talk about this some more.”
Zeff grunted and allowed Sanji to leave, with the latter returning with their food in almost record time. Sanji found that Zeff had Asido sitting at the table with him, watching the boy stumble over reading the comics section out loud.
“Put that away for now—it’s time for breakfast,” he said. Asido looked up from the paper, his eyes wide.
“Uncle Sanji, I’m reading about a superhero! He’s from the North! Like us!”
“Oh yeah?” He raised an eyebrow and glanced at the newspaper—of fucking course Zeff would have him reading that shit. “Sora, eh? That’s been running since I was little. Used to be you could find a Northern kid by just shouting his motto into a crowded street, but it’s so popular that now everyone can read it.”
“That’s pretty cool,” Asido grinned as some fruit-laden oatmeal was placed in front of him. “I wonder if I can read it from the beginning…”
“I’m sure we can find the compilations,” Zeff chuckled. He threw Sanji and shit-eating grin as he ruffled the boy’s hair. Not even twenty minutes and the old man was already sabotaging the entire thing. “So, the azuki and I agree that the first thing we need to figure out is what we’re doing with him today. Any thoughts, Uncle Eggplant?”
“Ha, ha—he’s staying with me,” Sanji replied. “I already have Patty and Carne on their maintenance split-shift in the main kitchens, so I can just use the day to get to know my nephew a little better. There’s a lot that letters can’t tell you about a person.”
“That’s true!” Asido piped up. “Maybe that’s why Mom wanted me to stay here, so I can know you better!”
“I’m sure that’s a big part of it,” Sanji said, forcing a chuckle. He and Zeff exchanged a quick look—getting answers from Reiju was going to need to become a priority. “I’ll show him around, and then keep him while doing paperwork, but I will need a little bit of time this afternoon to make a snail call.”
“I can’t stay with you all day, every day,” Sanji explained. “As much as I’m going to enjoy hanging out, the geezer can’t watch you when I’m working; I’m going to get you a babysitter.”
“Oh…” Asido shuffled his oatmeal with his spoon, pensive. “Like how Miss Cosette watcheded me for Mom?”
“A little different than that, but you’re correct—I already know exactly who to call for a recommendation.”
“Not the long-nose brat,” Zeff groaned.
“Do I have any other friends nearby with small children?”
“Last time those lads of his were over, I had to reupholster four booths in the dining room.”
“Part of the process is going to be asking if they’ve grown up at all these last couple years,” Sanji deadpanned. “Just let me do this, alright?”
“We’ve got plenty of comics to read in the meantime, eggplant,” Zeff said.
“Don’t you take that tone with me, old man,” Sanji barked. “Either magically find someone else who can recommend a sitter, or do it yourself and risk Chopper keeping you locked up here for another three months before physical therapy.” Zeff grunted and glared at his son, knowing he was right, though not wanting to give him the dignity of hearing it out loud.
“This is a large undertaking, brat,” Zeff warned. Sanji scoffed at that.
“I know, but this year is about what needs to get done, not what I’ve been chasing,” the younger man said. He waited until Asido was finished with his food before clearing their plates. “Come on, azuki—got to introduce you to the morons before it gets too busy. After that, I’ll show you around the place.” A sinking feeling plopped inside his guts. “How are you with directions?”
“Pretty good, I think,” the boy nods, dutifully following. “I don’t really get lost, but Mom and Miss Cosette were always there too.”
“Well, it’s pretty hard to get lost here once you know it for a bit, so don’t worry,” Sanji said. He led the boy out into the corridor and down the stairs. At least it didn’t sound like he was working with someone of the Mosshead’s caliber… but then again, the kid wasn’t even really old enough for school yet.
As expected, the very moment that Sanji walked back into the kitchens, all the attention was diverted to him and, subsequently, the child poking out from behind him. Daily prep froze immediately, all eyes filled with questions.
“Listen up, assholes!” Sanji scowled. “My nephew got dropped off last night while I was wrapping up with closing. He’s gonna be staying here for a while, so don’t freak out if you see him wandering around.”
“‘Nephew’, huh?” Patty smirked, raising an eyebrow. He stared at Asido, then glanced up at Sanji, and looked at the boy again, sizing up how much of this he believed. “We’re not as stupid as you think, kid.”
“He is my uncle!” Asido snapped, his brow furrowing in what was a frightening accidental imitation of his only relative on the ship. “He looks like Mom! But taller! And different hair! They have the same eyebrows! He’s not lying!”
“Hey, calm down,” Sanji said gently, placing his hand atop Asido’s head. The boy realized he was not behind his uncle and then retreated, glaring at Patty as he poked his head out cautiously. Sanji then shot Patty a pointed look of his own that tore through the other man before turning his attention back to the kitchen at large. “His name is Asido and he hasn’t been away from home before—be nice or I’ll feed you to the Sea Kings. That goes for all of you.”
A muttered chorus of “yes, chef” was heard, to the point Sanji figured it was going to do for the time being. He passed off his tray to the dishwasher and ushered Asido out into the dining room. Sunlight was fully illuminating the space now, making it feel leagues different than it did the night before.
“Don’t worry about them,” Sanji said. He brought Asido outside and took the opportunity to suck down his morning cigarette. “A lot of those morons have been here since I was a kid—they’re nothing special.”
“Are you sure? That one guy sure did look at me funny.”
“He looked at you funny because you look like me, but you and I both know that it’s because we look like your mom as well. They’d know better already if they’d seen her.”
“Then… why didn’t she stay?” Asido looked up at the ship’s height, eyes growing wide. “Whoa, wait, we were that high up?!”
“That we were,” Sanji chuckled, glad for the topic shift. He pointed at a balcony, where he could see Zeff settling in with his book. “See where the geezer is? All the way up there?”
“Wow! Grandpa Zeff looks really small!”
Sanji smirked at that and filed the name away for another time when the geezer was being particularly obstinate. “We’re going to make our way back there, alright? This ship will be your home as long as you’re with me, and I want you to feel comfortable wandering around in it. Now, how do you think we get back?”
The two then spent the next few hours wandering around the interior of the Baratie, with Asido learning the layout of the ship and Sanji coaxing him through their adventure. The blond described the different kind of ships and boats that were moored there, the sorts of customers that would come to eat there, how he and Zeff made it a wonderful place where people would come from miles around, just to have a meal. He put thoughts of caring and comfort into the boy’s head, because if Reiju could not, then who would? The boy was taking the entire situation in-stride, and his uncle was going to make sure that something good came of it.
Eventually, Sanji left Asido upstairs with Zeff and returned to the kitchens to get together a lunch for the three of them. When he arrived, he was met by Patty and Carne commiserating lowly in the corner, the pair looking at him suspiciously.
“What the fuck do you losers want?” he snapped while tying his hair back.
“Nothing—I was just telling Carne about your guest,” Patty shrugged. “Since when do you have a sister?”
“Since always, not that you two are allowed within five hundred kilometers of her,” Sanji deadpanned. He wondered why they hadn’t read it in the papers, why they hadn’t figured it out by that point, but then again… it would involve them reading and he wasn’t entirely certain either man could do that without it being related to a recipe. “She lives in the North Blue, and, wouldn’t you want a kid to not grow up in that frozen hellscape if there was a chance for otherwise?”
“It’s just… convenient, is all,” Carne shrugged. “He supposedly looks like you…?”
“Yeah, because my sister and I look a lot alike… you know… like siblings often do.” Sanji considered throwing both men overboard, but he really wasn’t feeling like adding a senior staff shortage to the list of things he wanted to deal with at that current moment. “I’d appreciate if you both took what I say as fact for once, because it’s looking very likely you’ll be watching him grow up as well.”
“You make it sound like your family sucks balls,” Carne noted.
“Why do you think growing up with you two as babysitters was preferable?” Sanji quipped. He had them there, and they didn’t even fight back after that—for all they hated about each other, there was a twisted version of respect that lingered in their fractious relationship. “It’s alright—I got a new family now, and the kid is going to be part of it.”
Patty and Carne both shrugged and went back to their discussion, this time it being about one of the newer hires. Sanji proceeded to put together some lunch and brought it up to Zeff’s room, the older man having announced with that shitty grin of his that he figured out a way to get all the collection books of Sora, Warrior of the Sea. Sanji didn’t have to ask to know that the geezer was doing it just to fuck with the Vinsmokes, not like he was really going to complain.
After lunch was done and cleaned up after, Sanji locked himself in his bedroom, knowing that one of the last things he wanted to do with an audience was contact one of his crewmates. They had dealt with enough of his fucked-up family issues, so why was he so nervous about this time? He stared at the transponder snail for a bit before sighing in resignation—if he didn’t do this before leaving the room, he never would, and he possibly wouldn’t get relief until Chopper came, which was a long time to be juggling more than he could properly take on. Dialing Usopp’s number, he waited for the other end to pick up as the snail buzzed. A tiny voice broke the wordless wait, brimming in overconfidence while still stumbling slightly over the words, the snail copying a bright expression.
“Sogeking Projectiles and Explosives—how may I direct your call?”
“Merry, darling, it’s Uncle Sanji—I need your dad.”
The small child gasped, presumably dropping the snail. “Dad! Dad! Dad! It’s Uncle Sanji!”
“Oh, shit!” Usopp fumbled to pick up the snail and the one on Sanji’s end grew exasperated. “Hey—I didn’t think you’d be calling so soon.”
“Let’s just cut to the chase: I’m in the middle of a jam and I need your help.”
“My help?” There was shuffling on the other end of the line and Usopp’s voice dropped—he was hiding. “What can you possibly do that would require my help?”
“It’s more of who you have who can help me.”
“I need to borrow one of your lads, maybe all three. Soon as you can. They can take turns.”
“Why do you need to borrow them?” Usopp wondered. “Do you need repairs done around the place Zeff doesn’t want Franky overembellishing? Some extra hands serving and dishwashing?”
“I need a babysitter.”
The transponder snail went quiet, peering suspiciously at Sanji. The blond’s eye twitched as he tried to keep it together.
“I know you have them watch your spawn—I need a babysitter.”
“Since when?”
“Will you stop looking like you’re the cat that caught the fattest fucking canary and just send them over? I’ll let them stay for free, I’m that desperate.”
Usopp whistled. “That is a tall order, but I’m afraid I can’t. Sorry. They’re prepping to head out on their own adventure soon. If you’re in that desperate of a need, I’ve got a houseguest who I think might do a great job.”
“At this point, I’m not in a position to be picky. I can’t take him for too long, and it’s safe to say that Zeff’s not supposed to have him, which leaves me in a tight spot.”
“What about the other chefs?”
“I barely trust them with allemand, let alone an actual child.”
“I did not understand that, but send me your coordinates, give me three to five business days, and you’ll have yourself a temporary live-in babysitter that’s great with kids until you can find a permanent solution.”
“You sure you’re not just dumping an unwanted houseguest on me? I’m not getting a weirdo, am I?”
“No.” Oh, there was a laugh in there.
“…it’s not your father, is it?”
“No, no, just trust me, alright? And if you don’t trust me, trust Kaya.”
“Can I get that in writing?”
“Alright, fine, I’ll give this rec of yours a chance, but it’s on you if this doesn’t go well.”
“I, Usopp, World’s Greatest Sniper and Chillest Bestie, solemnly swear it’s no one I wouldn’t leave my own kids with, and that’s a fact.”
Sanji sighed dramatically. “Alright, fine, I’ll give you our coordinates, and you’re getting a new Vivre Card when you do show up, so that we don’t have this issue anymore. You’re worse than Luffy.”
“Tell the literal toddlers wandering around to stop stealing and eating my shit and we’ll have a deal.” The two exchanged location information and confirmed that it looked like Usopp could be there late the following afternoon if the winds stayed favorable. “Oh, and Sanji…?”
“This, uh, kid… where’d it come from?”
“It’s, uh, probably too long a story for the snails to handle.” Yeah, it was a private snail network, but there was a decent chance that their communications were constantly being tapped. A location, he’d give up, but that just meant that he’d be ready for trouble on the receiving deck, not sending trouble to where he couldn’t fight. “We’d be here for a while.”
“Fine—I’ll hear the story when I get there—fucking asshole. To think I’m giving you a babysitter.”
“Yeah, yeah; see you soon, Usopp.”
“See you then, Sanji.”
The transponder snail fell asleep and Sanji knew that the call had ended. He leaned back in his desk chair and silently stared out the window.
Late tomorrow.
It still did nothing in regards to the mystery of where in the hell Asido came from, let alone what he was going to do with him. The kid was much too young to be in the kitchen—shit. What sort of schooling did he have up until now? Was struggling over reading Sora, Warrior of the Sea right where he should have been, or was he ahead? Or behind? Fuck… way to make it complicated, sis.
After checking to make sure that there was a News Coo resting on the eaves, Sanji went into his desk and pulled some paper and a pen out—at least he wasn’t going to take this laying down.
‘I got your package. It’s a shame that you couldn’t hand it to me yourself, but I understand the sort of time crunch you’re in. Guessing by what the gossip columns are saying, you’re extremely busy and Father would notice if you were gone long enough to visit properly. If you can, then you should. Visit properly. Call me sentimental, but I’d like that. I’ll make some manju with all these azuki beans you gave me—the geezer probably won’t stop laughing. He hasn’t yet.
‘Not that I don’t appreciate you thinking of me, but it was very out of the blue to get the azuki. When you visit, you’ll have to explain your reasoning behind it, how you came across them. Funny as this might sound, I don’t get to see them every day. One would think how I am, I’ve procured plenty… but you’d be surprised. You gave them to me, however, and I’ll use the experience wisely.
‘I hope to hear from you soon.
‘Oh, and congrats, I guess. Hope he knows what a prize he’s got. The only one of my siblings that’s not a complete psychopath? He lucked out.’
Carefully, Sanji stuffed the letter in an envelope and addressed it to his sister. He tapped on the window and the News Coo hopped over, squawking as he slid it open. It took the letter and payment before flapping off, presumably to wherever his sister was being detained.
At any rate, at least she would know that her son was safe.
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padpasimp · 2 years
The body horror in this newest chapter alone
Casually ripping your own robotic vein out, pouring the fluids out into a wine glass, just to drink it sophisticatedly seems like a mood
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Fic: Dieter's Wild Ride
Read on Ao3
Fandom: The Bubble
Ship: Dieter Bravo x you (female)
Warnings: Ummm where do I start? Soft!femdom, sexy lingerie, mention of bi and poly practices, facesitting, cunnilingus, (non-derogatory) pet names, (rough) pegging, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, cum eating (times two, even), rough PiV sex, squirting, bit of aftercare with affirmations and cuddles.
Words: 4,050
Summary: You and Dieter enjoy a hot session. This is porn without plot. Enjoy.
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The thing about Dieter is that he’s kind of a nonchalant asshole, but behind that indifference is a shy, insecure man starving for tenderness.
Or a good pegging.
He hunted you for a long time. Flirted, coaxed, nagged. Gave you little presents that you threw in the trash in front of him. He got off on it, you noticed. You knew of his reputation and didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of giving in too easily. Besides, you could see that there were layers to him, and you wanted to peel them open, one by one. Break him apart, like slices of a clementine. Devour him piece by piece, not just be a quick fuck, never to be seen again.
When he finally stopped pretending, and showed you how vulnerable he really were, you agreed to go on a date with him. The rest, as they say, is history.
His confident chase turned to a submissive nature when he finally knew he had you. He loves being told what to do in bed, and loves you on top, whether it’s to ride his dick or, like now, his face.
You’re grinding down on him, holding onto his hair, swirling your hips, chasing the dizzying high and the fast fall, Dieter’s tongue on you and in you, his lips sucking your swollen flesh, his nose rubbing your clit.
“Good boy,” you keen when you start to climb, “that’s it, make me cum, that’s a good boy…”
Dieter whines underneath you, renewing his efforts, nearly choking when you push against him as the orgasm builds up and up and up to finally explode through you. Dieter goes on suckling your clit softly to lengthen the intensity of your release, supporting your legs when you start to sag. When you no longer can take it, you pull his hair to jerk his head back.
“Enough!” you bark, lifting yourself off of his face so that he can roll to the side. His eyes shine in ecstasy from having been used as your personal fuck toy. You should’ve known from the start that he was a sub, he practically screamed for permission since the first time he flirted with you. You missed it, though, because of that unpolished and distant front he put up. He was an interesting paradox: cocky motherfucker with zero interest in his fellow man on one hand, emotional little boy in need of a firm hand to guide him on the other.
You slump down on your back, closing your eyes and exhaling in a deep, satisfied sigh. The bedding rustles and Dieter’s scruff prickles on your thigh.
“So beautiful when you cum on my mouth,” he murmurs between the kisses. “So gorgeous. So good to me. You’re gonna be good to me, aren’t you, my queen?”
“Patience,” you tell him without opening your eyes. “Let a girl catch her breath.”
His only response is a low hum as he kisses your thighs, squeezes your soft flesh, finds his slow, wandering way up your belly. His stiff cock prods at your thigh, wheedling for attention like a spoilt child. When his lips reach your breasts, you grab hold of his hair and pull him away from you.
“I told you to wait,” you remind him sternly. His eyes are round with adoration and excitement. He is like a puppy that doesn’t know how to contain its excitement, that has the eagerness to serve but still doesn’t understand the mechanics of servitude.
“Sorry, ma’am.”
“Make yourself useful and go get my cock.”
He jumps out of bed immediately and returns within moments with the harness and its latex appendage. Knowing the pleasures the item can bring him when maneuvered by you into his tight asshole, he holds it reverently and hands it over to you like an offering.
“Good boy,” you praise him and stick your finger between your legs, drag it through your soaked folds to collect the slick, then offering the finger to him. Dieter immediately opens his mouth and accepts your finger between his lips, sucking it like it was the best lollipop he ever had.
“Thank you, my queen,” he murmurs, licking his lips when you pull your finger out. Sitting up, you put on the harness and cock your head as you regard Dieter, whose wide open eyes are round from expectation. Not only does he love seeing you wear your cock, he also goes feral from your sexy dominatrix lingerie you’re wearing, that’s barely lingerie at all but crotchless panties, straps and buckles criss-crossing your thighs and stomach and around your breasts in a contraption that resembles a bra but certainly has no cups at all. It’s not anything you though you’d ever wear but with Dieter, it only feels natural.
You feel the same tingling of butterflies in your belly and tightening of the groin that you expect him to experience. You may not be about to have your erogenous zones massaged until your mind is blown, but the mental satisfaction is just as orgasmic. The way he surrenders to you, falls apart with your cock in his ass and your hand on his cock over and over again, how he shivers with overstimulation but still begs you to keep going…
You’re getting ahead of yourself.
“How do you want it, Alejandro?” You use his birth name, the name that he as a young, edgy man starting a grunge band decided was too Latino, too pretty for the career he had in mind. He has been Dieter Bravo for so long that nobody barely even remembers he used to be Alejandro Gutiérrez Ortego. You didn’t of course know him back then but as soon as he told you, you started using Alejandro in certain situations.
When fucking him is definitely one of those.
“From behind,” he now replies, his voice slightly shaking. You cup his chin and smile reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, my sweet boy,” you let him know, “I’m going to be so good to you. Okay? Just do as I tell you and you’ll be okay.”
He nods and you give his chin a little squeeze.
“Get it wet, Alejandro. Suck my cock.”
You stroke his wild hair as he takes the latex phallos deep into his mouth, almost choking on it right away in his eagerness to start salivating.
“Careful,” you admonish him with a light little slap on his cheek. Dieter looks up at you with a mischievous grin and you have to smile back.
“We have plenty of time.”
“Yes, my queen.”
You can almost hear him purr on the dildo as you stroke his hair. Dieter always responded well to the kind of soft, gentle pets one would give a restless animal and now he slows down and takes it easier. You watch him take the latex into his mouth with devotion, admire how easily he just casts off sexual conventions. One of the things that you found so intriguing with him from the start was the non-normative approach he had to sexuality. You knew from the start he was bi and poly, but sometimes you think he’d fuck anything in any way just for the shock value.
When the dildo is dripping, you gently push him away.
“Get on all fours.”
He lets go of your cock but begs for a kiss first, one that you don’t mind giving to him. You taste yourself on his tongue and your pussy clenches around emptiness as you’re reminded of how well he ate you out.
As he scrambles to take the position, you reach for the lube. The dildo may be dripping with saliva and Dieter may like it rough, but you’re not going to shove this up his ass without proper lubrication. With practiced hands, you lube up your cock before taking your slick hand between his thighs, touching his much bigger dick struggling to defy gravity as it reaches up towards his flabby belly. His flat buttocks flex when you start to tease his asshole with your other hand, working lube into the tight ring of muscles to prepare him. He exhales in a groan when you work your hand up and down his cock, making it so slick you have to keep a firm grip. The length of it is a familiar, yet still tantalizing one: the veins, the seam, the bump of the head… the six metal balls of the frenum ladder, the two of the reverse Prince Albert. Male genital piercings were a first for you when you started having sex with Dieter, and the amount of them was almost intimidating. Once he fucked you with that studded cock of his, however, you knew you would never go back to a penis without piercings.
You press your thumb into his ass, drawing a pleading whine from him.
“Good boy, Alejandro,” you shush him, swirling your other thumb over the head of his dick. “Getting all ready for my cock.”
“Please, my queen,” he whimpers. You feel him quivering in anticipation. He’s always so impatient, so lust-driven, always focusing on the next thing that’s going to make him feel good. Sex with him is a constant chase for the next level and it has taken you a lot of time to teach him how to enjoy what’s going on in the moment. For Dieter, the moment is just a stepping stone to the next climax, but he has improved.
“What have I told you?” you ask him sternly, pulling out your thumb and instead slapping his buttock. He flinches, more from surprise than pain.
“Be in the moment,” he repeats dutifully, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. You stroke his ass cheek gently.
“If I get any more lip from you…”
“You wont!” Dieter immediately assures you, knowing from experience that you’re not bluffing. You’re fully capable of fucking him until he’s ready to explode, then just pull out and walk away, only to return and put his cock in a cage for the next few days. You hum your approval as you bend down and trail little kisses up his spine. Your cock between his thighs, Dieter pushes back a little, a wistful sigh escaping him as he feels the latex against his skin.
“Soon,” you promise him. “Just enjoy my hands first. Does it feel good when I touch you like this?” You run your fingers over his three frenum piercings. He swallows audibly.
“And like this?” Your thumb swirls around his tight, slick hole.
“Yes.” His voice is more strained now.
“Good.” Without warning, you take your cock, line it up against his ass, and start to push it in. Judging from Dieter’s loud exclamation, he wasn’t expecting it at all.
“Relax and breathe,” you tell him as you squirt on some more lube. The blunt head of the dildo slips in and Dieter groans, dipping his head down between his shoulders.
“Yesss…. Yes, that’s good, fucking put it deeper.”
You smile at his keen hurry.
“Ask nicely,” you remind him in a tone, and hear him gulp.
“My queen, please put it deeper. And spit on it.”
You squeeze one small ass cheek. Dieter has never been afraid of bodily fluids, humiliation, or being freaky.
“I like hearing you beg, Alejandro. Do it again.”
And he does, by God, does he beg. When you finally oblige him, spitting at his asshole before invading the tight canal even further, he thanks you profusely. You settle into a leisurely rhythm, adding lube to glide easier, and watch Dieter’s shoulders tense and lax with each stroke inside his ass. His spine moves with you and when you go all the way down to the hilt, you see his skin rise in gooseflesh and he moans loudly.
“Please, my queen, rub my dick, please, I w-want your hand on me.”
“Oh, Alejandro,” you coo as you trace your fingers over the flat angles of his ass cheek and hip, finding his balls and cradling them. “Of course. I will make you feel so good.”
You bend down and pepper his back with kisses as you take a firm yet gentle hold of his cock and run your thumb over the head. Dieter misses a breath, then lets go a long groan.
“Y-yes, yes, please…”
You work him slowly as you kiss his back, everywhere you can reach, your hips undulating very lightly, more massaging his prostate than fucking his ass. He’s rock hard in your hand, your fingers are sticky with precum, and his moans are getting more and more breathless yet growing in strength and loudness.
“My queen, can I, can I cum?”
You smile against his skin, your lips curving on the topography of scars and moles and freckles, letting him feel it.
“Yes, you can cum,” you allow. “Such a good boy for asking my permission, you can cum, cum in my hand, that’s a good boy.”
Your voice grows lower and more heated for each word and Dieter whines, a shiver ripples through him as he spills over your hand with a sob.
“Thank you, my queen, thank you, that’s so good – oh!”
You do not let him come down for even a breath but let go of his cock, grab his hips, and slam into him. You assault him with your cock, going hard and fast, just the way you know he likes.
“Such a tight little asshole,” you pant, stroking one ass cheek before taking a new grip of his hip. “You feel my big cock in your tight hole, Alejandro?”
“Y-yes, so b-big,” Dieter stutters. You watch with satisfaction how his hands fist into the sheets. “Don’t stop fucking me, my q-queen, please don’t s-stop fucking me!”
“You will come for me one more time,” you rule silkily, yet with the steely command of a sovereign. Dieter’s head bobs up and down, rapidly, his knuckles are white.
“Just fuck me,” he grunts, and you push him down on his belly, hands on either side of the small of his back for support as you buck into him, again and again. Dieter moves under you, meeting your thrusts halfway, humping the bed to provide friction for his hard cock wedged between his soft tummy and the sheets. He reaches back for his ass and pulls his buttocks apart, whining at each of your deep, strong strokes. You look down to see your cock disappear into him, always so fascinated by how a hole so tiny can take something so large. It’s as incredibly as the idea of a man as unimpressed and nonchalant as Dieter falling apart so completely.
“You look so pretty like this,” you praise him, panting from excitement and effort alike, “with your asshole taking me so well. My good boy. My pretty boy. You can cum whenever you want to, baby, just cum for me.”
Your pussy is dripping wet and your blood is rushing in your ears, throbbing in your clit. You need him to put his cock in you when this is over, you have to cum on that dick, need to feel the little bumps of the piercings against your g-spot, holy fucking shit, you can almost feel it even now…
Leaning over Dieter and growling when you see sweat drip from you onto his back, you grab the back of his neck and brace yourself on his shoulder with your other hand.
“Cum – for – me – now!” The words are accentuated by hard thrusts and it works; Dieter is bucking underneath you, yelling as the orgasm makes him tremble. You stay inside him, absolutely still, your sweaty front draped over his broad back, skin sticking to flushed skin. Panting, you kiss his neck, pull his hair a little to make him raise his head from the mattress, whisper your praise into his ear before biting it, enjoying the ripples of post-orgasmic running through his muscles.
“Oh my God,” he whimpers, “oh my God, fuck, shit, oh my God…”
“Alejandro, that was beautiful,” you let him know. “You’re so beautiful when you cum, my sweet boy.”
“Thank you,” he whines, his gaze unfocused under heavy-lidded eyes, jaw hanging slack until you stick your fingers in his mouth and makes him suck his own cum from them.
“I need you to stay hard, baby,” you now tell him, the suction on his fingers making your pussy clench as hard as if he were sucking your clit. “You must stay hard, and you must fuck me. I need your big fat cock in me, Alejandro. Can you do that for me?”
“Mm-hm,” he nods, biting your thumb hard enough to make you flinch. You pull out your fingers and start to inch out of him. Dieter hisses and you caress his back, knowing how hypersensitive he is at this stage.
“I got you.” Gently, you slide out, leaving your hand on his buttock to stay connected.
“You okay?”
He rolls over a little gingerly, but his face is serene. “I’m perfect. Thank you.”
You smile and start to take off the harness but Dieter stops you.
“Leave it on. Please. I like seeing you with your cock, you look so sexy.”
You smile and let the harness stay on as you crawl over him, letting him feel the length of the dildo against his tummy when you kiss him.
“Speaking of cocks…” you murmur against his lips, “you need a little help with yours?”
He’s slackening but you know that not much is needed for him to reach full stiffness again.
“If you would, my queen?” he breathes and you smile again and peck his lips once more before moving down. Wasting no time on teasing, you lead him straight into your mouth and taste the salty musk on him. Dieter groans before muttering something filthy. Your pussy clenches expectantly when he grows big and hard in your mouth. His size is enviable and the first time you had sex with him you were initially worried that he wouldn’t be a good lay. Men with big dicks rarely were, thinking that size was everything. You had been wrong: he knew how to use it, employing not only his member but also hands, mouth, whichever part of his body was needed. He wasn’t afraid to use toys or additional people to achieve satisfaction. It was exciting but as your feelings for each other grew, it took a lot of communication to continue inviting other people into the bed you had started to share for more than fucking. Him wanting a threesome was not a criticism of you, him loving your cock didn’t mean you weren’t enough because you had to put on a cock to fuck him. Dieter was complicated and at the same time incredibly easy. It was just a matter of cracking him open and showing him what was inside. And inside him was love for and commitment to you, first and foremost.
So you keep the cock on, despite it having served its purpose for you, and you suck Dieter’s dick hard again, changing positions as soon as he’s hard enough to fuck you. For all your teachings about being in the moment, you are in a terrible hurry now. You want it fast, hard, dirty, and from behind – like the first night he fucked you. His signature move that works so well for you as his piercings rub against your g-spot.
He enters you with a sharp snap of his hips against yours, your breath catching in your throat when he splits you open and stretches you out. Holding onto your hips first, he quickly moves his hands to the straps of the harness that provide a better grip and allow for more control. Hard, quick thrusts that seem feral and out of control assaults your hungry pussy, but Dieter knows exactly how deep to go, how fast, how to move you with him. He has you building up in no time, the delectable pressure that invades your entire pelvic area but mostly inside your pussy, that one spot, that spot that is being sawed perfectly by the barbells on the underside of his cock, pushing and rubbing and Jesus fucking Christ –
Your voice goes up as you scream out your climax, your pussy convulses, Dieter pulls out and reaches down to slap his cock against your squirting sex, wetting himself, your thighs, the bed.
“Again,” you whine and he pushes into you immediately, fucks you steadily, knowing exactly what you need. He glides so easily now, lubed up even more by your juices, and has to focus to not slip out, knowing from experience how frustrating it is for you when the stimulation takes even the tiniest break.
You squirt again on his cock, his low voice growling in excitement over the gush of liquid wetting his cock, but you barely hear him over the blood rushing in your ears, your banging heart, your own wails of pleasure.
“One more, my queen?” Dieter pants and you moan something affirmative and drop down onto your trembling forearms. The third time takes a little more and you reach down to rub your clit. The smell of your sex and sweat invades your nostrils, your skin is heated and sticky, your pussy is starting to feel sore but you still want it, one more crazy explosion before complete bliss.
“Fuck,” Dieter curses behind you, “it’s like fucking a jar of mac and cheese!”
The soggy, squishy sounds of him fucking you do indeed resemble that of mac and cheese being stirred but you’re too deep in your insane pleasure to laugh at the awful comparison. When you cum a third time, your legs give way underneath you and you land on your stomach, panting and shaking on the cold wet sheets. Dieter doesn’t slow down but keeps fucking you until he empties himself into your spent pussy. Despite your burning body you can feel the wet heat of his spend inside you, spreading, seeking, dripping out when he pulls out.
“Fuck,” you hear him grunt and then he turns you over and dives down between your legs, licking up his cum oozing from between your swollen lips.
“Alejandro…” you whine, exhausted, when his tongue passes over your clit. Before you know it, he’s licking you to one last, toe-curling orgasm after which you curl up on your side, pressing your thighs together as you moan. Dieter comes up and collapses with one arm around you.
You wake up over an hour later, still hot and sticky where your skin touches Dieter’s, but chilled everywhere else. You roll over carefully, grunting in discomfort from having slept on the dildo. Moving slowly, your muscles sore and uncooperative, your take off the harness and cast it aside before curling up and nestling close to Dieter, whose movements are equally slow and labored when he wakes up.
“My queen,” he murmurs and kisses you, his lips landing on your nose instead of your mouth. “I love you. You’re so beautiful and strong and so good to me. You are more than enough for me.”
“I love you too, Alejandro,” you smile softly, meeting his sleepy, brown eyes. “You are an amazing person, kind and giving and trusting me to take care of you.”
“And you know how to dick a man down,” he adds cheekily. You chuckle.
“You know how to give it to a girl until she can’t walk.”
A shiver runs through you and he notices, pulling you into his embrace to warm you. You become aware of how much both of you smell and how wet the bed is. It’s part of the rough and dirty part but while Dieter gets off on it enough to start another round on the soiled sheets, you yourself would prefer a shower and clean sheets. Besides, you’re famished.
Still, you stay in his arms for a little longer, your thumb absent-mindedly stroking his arm, letting him enjoy his nap, you yourself enjoying the afterglow, the affirmations you always exchange after your rougher sessions, or the ones shared with other people.
Dieter isn’t what he seems. He’s not who you thought you’d end up with, but you’re glad you did. It’s a wild ride, for sure.
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
mommy kink anon here! i was thinking about something smutty, maybe some pegging, id love to read what you do with that! xx
+ mommy kink with breastfeeding please!! + Needy h waking reader up and and begging to be full
Good Morning. Harry/Fem!Reader Words: 2.1K Warnings: Mommy!Kink, Sub!Harry, MummyDom!Fem!Reader Summary: After a very nice dream, Harry wakes up very horny and needy.
Letting out a little sigh as I reached up to rub my eyes, I did a big yawn and a stretch before opening my eyes and looking down at Harry. Running my fingers through his hair, I reached for my phone while holding him close.
Harry was suckling on one of my breasts with his eyes closed while he held on loosely to my other boob with his hand.
“You’re awake early, baby,” I whispered as I saw the time on my phone. “Did you have a bad dream?” I asked as he whimpered again. Watching as Harry let my boob go as he shifted on the bed, I smirked as I felt his hard cock graze my thigh.
“Mummy,” he moaned while moving closer to me, rolling his against my thigh as he let out cute little moans.
“Ahh, I see. You didn’t have a bad dream. You had a very good dream,” I teased while stroking my hand down his chest till I got to his cock.
“Mmm, it was about you,” Harry said while looking up at me. I smiled as I could see how lost he was in his subspace, his pupils wide and his eyes looking right at me.
As I moved over on my side, I propped my head up on my arm while I kept stroking his cock slowly. “Tell me about your dream,”
Harry squirmed, his hands fidgeting on his stomach as he tried to resist touching himself. “We were in LA I think and you were playing with me, Mummy,” he explained slowly.
I hummed and let go of his cock, stroking his chest instead. “How was I playing with you, baby?” I asked, smiling when Harry grabbed my hand, holding it with one hand while running his fingers over my lines, knuckles, and bumps. I also noticed how his legs had spread slightly.
“Do I have to say?” Harry asked quietly before pulling his bottom lip in and biting down on it. I cocked my head slightly, my eyebrows furrowing. “Why don’t you want to tell me? You know you can tell Mummy everything,” I told him.
Harry blushed and dropped my hand so he could rub his eyes and cover his face. “Cause you’ll get ideas and tease me, and you tease me enough already,” he pouted.
“Baby!” I pulled his hands down and stroked his cheek. “Tell mummy how she played with you in your dream,” We looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Harry whimpered, turned over on his side so he could press his face down into the pillow, partially hiding his face.
“Was in the living room,” Harry started quietly as he closed his eyes. I kept silent as I reached down to stroke his bum softly, smirking as he instinctively spread his legs more and pushed back into my hand.
“I was so hard, Mummy, but you wouldn’t let me touch or anything. And you kept touching yourself while I was begging you to let me do it but you wouldn’t,” Harry whimpered. “But I really wanted to, it wasn’t fair, I was asking really nicely too,” he pouted.
“I’m sure you were, baby,” I smiled. “Is this when you woke up?” I asked.
Harry shook his head. “No, Mumma, not yet,” he licked his lips and brought up one of his legs more as I stroked my fingers over his crack. “Y-you made me fuck you with your dick. And I did, was a good boy and made you cum. Mummy, please,” he whimpered as he rolled over completely on his stomach and stuck his bum in the air.
“It makes Mummy so happy to know you were a good boy for her even in your dreams,” I told him as I pressed a finger over his hole. “And that Mummy doesn’t even have to be awake to make you a whimpering, leaky little boy,” The loud whine Harry let out went straight to my pussy, making me even wetter.
“Please, Mummy, want you to fuck me, please! I’ve been a good boy for so long and I didn’t touch myself even though I really wanted to and I didn’t wake you up, I waited like a good boy,” Harry rambled, spreading his legs further apart.
Easing a finger in, I was surprised to feel how open Harry was after our little play session last night. “Must’ve fucked you good for you to be this open still,” I smirked as I pulled back, ignoring the loud whines from Harry.
“Please, so empty. Want you inside me, please Mumma,” he begged as he looked back at me. I patted his back as I got off the bed and headed over to our little dresser. Opening the top drawer, I looked inside with a grin. I had quite a selection of dildos to pick from. Grabbing my favorite harness, a dark purple faux leather one, I was about to reach for a dildo when I heard Harry coming over.
“Mummy? Can I help you put it on? Please?” He asked sweetly as he dropped to his knees, looking up at me even sweeter. I smiled and ruffled his hair before shaking my head.
“No, baby. You just keep your hands to yourself and look pretty,” I told him, grinning as his face dropped, looking very disappointed. “Don’t look so sad when Mummy’s about to fuck you, darling. If you want to help so bad, you can go get a bottle of lube and get on your back on the bed,”
Harry got up right away and rushed to do as he’d been told while I turned back to the selection of dildos and grabbed one of our medium sized ones. Putting it into the harness and securing it, I slipped my legs through the holes, pulling it up to my hips.
“You look so pretty, Mumma,” Harry said as he looked at me from the bed. Wrapping my fingers around the dildo, I gave it a few strokes before walking over to the bed while securing the harness properly.
Harry’s cock twitched against his stomach when he moaned - watching me as I got closer to him with wide eyes. “Faster, please,” he begged, his hand moving for his cock before he caught himself and grabbed onto the bed instead.
Settling on my knees, pressed right up against his crotch, I leaned over him and grabbed his face so I could kiss him fast and hard.
“Please, I need you,” Harry whispered against my lips as he lifted up his legs to his chest. “I don’t want to wait anymore, please,”
Giving his cheek a little kiss, I pushed his head to the side before moving my lips down his neck. Finding a nice little spot, I swiped my tongue over it before putting my teeth gently to his skin and started sucking gently while biting him softly.
“Fuck,” Harry groaned while wrapping his hands around me, digging his fingers into my back. Smirking, I sucked a little harder before biting down on his skin with more force, dragging my teeth over the forming mark before pulling away.
“That should bruise very nicely. Want everyone to see you mine,” I told him as I reached for the lube.
“Mmm, yours, mummy,” Harry licked his lips as he reached up and pressed down on his new hickey.
Pouring some lube onto the dildo, I rubbed it in before putting a little more lube onto my fingers. Bringing my hand down between us, I circled my fingers around his hole. “You ready?” I asked while looking at him.
“Yes! Please, I’m ready, been ready for so long, please,” Harry said loudly, trying to push back onto my fingers.
“You really sure? Like really really sure?” I asked while moving one finger over his hole and pushing ever so slightly.
Harry let out a little sob as he nodded. “Mummy, please!” he cried. “I’m ready, I promise, please. Need you,”
Taking pity on him, I slid two of my fingers into him gently. “There we go, that’s better isn’t it?” I moved my fingers back and forth slowly, spreading them slightly as I did. He looked so breathtakingly beautiful like this. All spread out. Looking so trusting, free, relaxed. Like my Harry.
Pulling my fingers out, I double-checked that the dildo was still well enough lubed up before grasping it. Lining it up with Harry’s hole, I made eye contact with him as I started to slowly push in.
“Fucking, fuck,” Harry moaned as he squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands over his head, pushing on the wall to steady himself. Biting my lip as I pulled back just a little, I moaned as I pushed back in - the tight harness rubbing against my clit so so nicely.
Moving so that I had my hands on either side of him, I hissed as Harry attached his mouth to one of my nipples while fondling my other boob eagerly. “S’ a good boy. Taking Mummy’s cock so well,” I moaned, snapping my hips back and forth.
“Love your cock, Mumma,” Harry mumbled as he moved his mouth over to my other nipple, giving it the same love as the other one.
Putting my hands on his chest, I pushed his head back on the bed so I could straighten up a bit as I started to pound into him quickly. I was so close to cumming, I just needed a little more friction on my aching clit.
“Can I cum, please? Please, need to cum,” Harry begged as the speed and the force behind my thrusts got faster and stronger.
“You know the rules, baby. Mummy cums first,” I panted, giving him a slight smirk as he grabbed onto his legs, holding the spread open for me as I let my eyes close. God, I was so close. Holding onto Harry’s hips tightly, I did one hard thrust, grinding my pussy against the harness - moving the dildo even further into Harry as I finally came with a breathy moan.
“Fuck,” I chuckled as I opened my eyes again and looked down at Harry. His cock was dripping and looked so hard, desperate for some touch and release. “Come here,” I said and leaned down, meeting him halfway before pulling him into a hard, needy kiss.
“You want to cum, baby boy?” I asked as I started moving my hips slowly again. “Fuck, yes, mummy, please,” Harry replied quickly before giving me another kiss. “Please,”
I straightened back up again, grasping his hips tightly once more. “Alright, you can touch yourself,” I told him while I started to fuck him fast, hard and deep again.
Harry’s hand had moved to his cock as soon as the words had come out of my mouth, moving his hand fast as he moaned and whined.
“Gonna cum for mummy, baby? Look so pretty with mummy’s dick in you,” I panted as I made sure to thrust in as deep as I could every time.
“Mumma!” Harry gasped loudly as he arched up into his hand and shot his cum all over his chest.
I continued to do a few smaller, slower thrusts as Harry let go off his cock and dropped his legs down on the bed, resting over my thighs. “Good boy,” I murmured as I started to gently pull out of him. I stroked his thigh as he whimpered and whined. “Shhh, it’s okay,” I told him softly. Shuffling off the bed, I quickly loosened the harness and let it slide down before I got back up on the bed.
Crawling over to Harry, I kissed him softly while pressing down on his hickey with my thumb. “I love you, baby,” I whispered against his lips while stroking his cheek. “Love you, mummy,” Harry said sleepily back. “Nap?” he asked between our little kisses. “It’s like 9 in the morning,” I laughed quietly. He just pushed his bottom lip out and whimpered.
“Alright, alright. Get the blankets,” I sighed and gave him one more kiss. Watching with a smile as Harry rolled over and grabbed the blankets off the floor, I opened my arms for him. Harry grinned as he snuggled into my arms, covering us both with blankets.
“Mmmm, sticky cum cuddles. My favorite,” I grimaced before letting out a loud laugh as Harry blew a raspberry against my neck. “Go to sleep!” I said as I gave his hair a little tug. “Yes Mummy,” Harry replied happily.
Wrapping my arms tighter around him, I closed my eyes. “Brat,” I whispered. When Harry let out a little fake snore, I grinned and hugged him tighter. I was in love with an idiot.
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cirruslypumpkin · 2 years
Oh boy....
So I found series 4 of Rainbow High at my local target today. While each doll is very beautiful, the attention to tiny details is exquisite...we need to talk about quality control. 
Honest review that nobody asked for below, with pictures. Its a little lengthy so its -read more-
Let me start by saying this isn’t my first series of Rainbow High. I have a Jade and Ruby from S1, Sunny and Poppy from Jr High, and Heather and Natasha from Shadow High. Plus other ones I’ve bought and customized along the way, so this isn’t the first time I’ve been the “lucky” one to get the factory defects. (My heather is one (wonky eyed/easy fix) Jr High Sunny, Jade, ect) So yes, I’m no stranger to the quality control issues on the dolls and I’m not just talking the face ups, but wonky eye sets, off colors in the hair, ect.  Here I am excited like everyone else for series 4, I legit want pretty much every doll in it (much like the Shadow High series) its just given todays purchase I’m not sure about that. These dolls are retailing for 29.99 each, which means getting two of them is going to run you around $64 dollars (with tax), the whole series even more. I’m not a doll collector connoisseur at all, in fact I get dolls I think are pretty and they will either sit as displays or eventually be customized into whatever strikes my fancy at that time. I however, am a believer in if you are going to hype up and then charge a $30usd price tag for a doll it shouldn’t already come with cracked and stained limbs. Odd wrist pegs, shirts that are almost to tight to actually fit the doll, strange marbling in the plastic and so on. Lila Yamamoto has been my biggest want from this series since I first saw them and of course she is the one I picked up for myself and grabbed a Delilah for my mum. 
Now the good:  She is stunning in person, truly a beautiful doll and her face sculpt is gorgeous. Her eyes look bigger than a normal rainbow high but that could honestly just be from the sculpt itself. Personally not a huge fan of the band-aid on her nose but I do get the style and will be making her some street fashion/ kawaii lolita clothing to go along with. The tiny details on her 2nd pair of shoes are amazing, each belts charms are also lovely done and while the clothing is mostly spot on (yes I like the strange sparkle skirt >.>) her as the doll is something else. 
Another good point, I was actually able to purchase her even though the target I was at had very few of each doll (less then four.) Her first outfit is actually a body suit which I’ve seen a few others talk about on here so I wont touch on it too much, it does require you to remove the hands in order to get it or the other shirt on and off though. 
Now the BAD (and boy there's a bit):
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(sorry for the blurry photo)
This is Lila Straight out of box and her shoes have been taken off. At this point I did notice a strange sheen on her face and a small (at least what I thought was small) crack on her left knee. A few random threads here and there nothing to crazy honestly. 
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Though upon closer inspection this shiny stuff that I thought was just on her forehead is also making a little twirl under her eye. Again nothing to crazy, I could probably fix it with acetone and be okay. Also noted her left bottom lashes weren’t full put on, the band-aid is a little wobbly with the paint job, but those lips look amazing! Now lets change her!
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Okay here’s where things started going wrong. Now I’ve had a few dolls recently from the RH series with dents/holes/chips in the legs but nothing like this. Its like the mold was either damaged (her upper right thigh is slightly warped) or the mold didn’t go together properly. Then there was the large cut on her left knee. Now this doll comes with the extra legs for a flat foot option. I think personally that's stupid and a waist of money/time, MGA give your female dolls ankle joints like you did River so you can just avoid this!!!!
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Here you can see that cut much more clearly now on her left knee. Now normally I wouldn’t worry about this because RH has only had 1 set of feet for their girl dolls till this line. However, Lila is one of the dolls that I am going to have to pull those legs off and replace if I want her to wear the flat foot shoes and that cute is deeper than it looks. (My Sunny Jr High has almost the same thing on her right leg) 
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Anyway, lets continue. So Now I’m genuinely like...huh wth? That right leg looks a mess, the left one is also splitting slightly at the seam and has a hole near the knee joint. Then there's this random black stain on her calf that I have no idea where it came from. Yes Lila does have black shoes however, they are crocs and she has white socks that don’t even go as high as the stain on her calf so again...weird. It just seemed at this point that the more I looked at her actual body the more I found wrong with her. From stains and that weird sheen on her chest to a hole in her right upper arm, things where just going down hill fast on my hopes for my purchase. 
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Keep in mind I’ve done nothing to this doll other than take her out of the box and undress her. Where all this damage had come from and stains was and still is a mystery to me. 
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The icing on the metaphorical cake of wtfkery with her is this odd lenght of wrist joints. Why MGA did this I have no idea and it doesn’t exactly make putting her hands back on any easier either. Also a side note, if you plan on taking those gloves off her hands, good luck ever getting them back on, with time and patience and some tweezers, maybe. Again another stain and this time on the flat feet which had been packaged in a bag with her lilac stand so no idea how black got on there. (At this point I’ve tried to remove the stains with pure acetone just to see if maybe they where a paint oops and nope, actual stains so time for the acne cream. UGH) 
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Anyway this ranting of mine has gone on long enough. Despite all her flaws do I still like the doll, yes. However if each one of the dolls is going to come this banged up I’d expect the price point at 25.99 or even cheaper. She looks more like a potentially well maintained second hand doll (body wise) then one I just bought and took out of the package. Now my theory is they just dropped Shadow High now Series 4 and then the Storm Twins and Ainsley slated to come out this year as well....that's a lot of dolls in a very short amount of time. It has me curious about a lot of things going on with the series and MGA in general. Plus quality control on these can’t be good when its been a month since Shadow High released to the day (April 25th) for me at least since I got Lila today 5/25/2022, and that's what 6 dolls in Shadow series and 6 in series 4. That's TWELVE DOLLS in a month!! That's insane! I just hope for my sake and anyone else looking to get any of these dolls that quality improves on the actual doll bodies and not just their clothing. 
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natsukitakama · 3 years
Headcanon : Control feat Floch Forster
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"Well since some writers claim that Floch would be rough in bed then how about smut Floch with a fem soft s/o, she’s not exactly a tease person, she’s just incredibly shy, needy and sensitive who gets embarrassed easily. I’m really curious if Floch would be rough or gentle with her if his s/o is soft and shy but when she’s naked, she gets embarrassed and cover herself"
Author note : Gotta admit I’m a little bit curious too, I mean the big boi got a huge switch energy. Like I can’t totally picture him being a 100%DOM or a 100%SUB maybe it’s just me but I feel like he is a switch a big one. I wrote a headcanon + a tiny scenario.
As usual I apologize for taking so long I hope you’ll enjoy it ♡
Also I don’t know what to do with my life anymore lol was it nasty enough ? Was it good ? I need to write more caliente headcanon I’m still insecure about it lol
Warning : NSFW / SMUT / Mention of spoil from season 4
SMUT : mention of spanking, mention of spitting, mention of rough sex, a little bit of hair pulling nothing bad
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Sex with Floch is difficult, there’s nothing wrong with neither of you.
Since his return with Shinganshima, he kinda lost a part of him. He was never the tender one but this event surely broke what was left of his kindness.
It doesn’t mean he would act violently toward you, but he became easily frustrated and not in the good way. Meaning sometimes he will get angry easily, he tends to be violent each time someone doesn’t agree with him. He became a monster but he hasn't known that yet.
Now, he was really in love with you and knowing your personality he couldn’t really be too rough on you.
A part of him really enjoy being rough on you, knowing he was corruption you a little bit more each time he was thrusting into you. It fascinated him the way you would bend at each of his command, opening your mouth when it told you so, screaming begging when he gave you an order. Instead of being rough for the thrill of it, he was rough on you because he loves seeing you getting all red from pleasure not being able to talk because he was fucking you dumb.
Since back in Shinganshima he couldn’t control anything, he would be in control now especially in his sex life and since you were just co compliant with him. He couldn’t just leave this opportunity.
The fact that you were so shy around him even though you’ve been naked in front of him a lot of times never felt to tease him to be a little more rougher on you. Your personality just triggers his « dark instinct »
Now, we must not forget that in the beginning Floch was and would remain a switch, which mean sometimes he needs to feel you taking care of him. To put it simple Shinganshima broke him, and since no one tries to bring him back, he works on his own to not just fall apart.
Some times he needs comfort, some times he needs to be in control. Especially for sex, during a period, when he felt especially « weak » or at least fragile, he would put extra roughness on you meaning he’ll tend to bend you over a desk or anything for that matter as long as he can bend you over, moving your ass up spreading your legs widely so he could get a nice view of your ass and leg.
He might even went as far as to took a bunch of your hair and pull it so you would scream at the pain, and while your mouth would be widely open he won’t hesitate and spit into your mouth.
He also tends to put extra slapping at your ass just because he feels like it
You’re lucky that he is hitting all the good spot, cause the man is too lost on his own pleasure to even notice that well he is particularly rough. But don’t worry, you two got safe word just in case he is too lost on his feeling.
Or, when he feels cocky or just because he is tired from his works. Floch would just lay down on his bed, hands behind his head as you’re looking at him expecting to be taken by him. Then he will just narrow one of his brown eye and say « what ? You’re expecting me to take care of you ? Naah it’s not how it’s work (scuse me sir aren’t you the one who broke me last night ???) you want me y/n then take that cock cause I won’t put a single finger for you ».
But when he feels lonely or sad, or just because you feel like you needed to put him at his place. Spank him, edge him, overstimulate him, make him beg for release and that fucker would even cum harder than usual (little bastard). There’s one thing he might be against, it’s pegging, like a finger or a two why not but a whole toy in his butt ? You’ll need to be a little more convincing for this one (read : fuck him dumbs until he can’t even remember his name and he won’t even whine)
But to do that you’ll need to be extra confident with that, cause even though he is a switch don’t forget that he is most and foremost a jerk, so basically he won’t let you have his way with you easily especially if you tend to be super shy.
If you think that fucker won’t tease the hell out of you for being cocky ? You don’t know Floch.
« Well well what do we have here ??? And here I thought you were innocent Y/N »
« S-Shut up Floch »
« Make me. »
Damn brat *cough cough*
Anyway, if during foreplay or even in the « it » of the moment you felt insecure or sad, use your safe word, Floch isn’t really good at reading people and he might think you were acting extra shy as usual while in fact you were feeling bad over something. Then proceed to explain to him what’s wrong.
He is the stupid worshipper. Always like « Huh ? You think you’re ugly ? Are you stupid ? Of course you’re hot look at you ? I thought you were smarter than y/n » damn buddy it hurts coming from you. Also the dirty worshipper.
« Such a nasty hole you are y/n look at it all clutching around nothing waiting for me to fill it entirely. Fuck you’re wonderful y/n »
« Mamama look at those legs they were made to be wrapped around my hips »
« Damn it y/n you sure know how to suck a cock »
« Look at you taking my cock so well, I swear your swallow me without a blink of an eye what a good slut you are y/n »
Yeah that’s his praise
I’m sorry
He’s doing his best
So yeah he might be a switch if you’re too shy to dom him, well all he has to do his to take the leas right ?
Now if we’re focusing about your first time not just with him, like if you’re a virgin that would be another story.
A part of him want to be extra rough on you like he will corrupt you, you know ? Not really a kink of him but the thought of it got his dick hard as rock so safe to say that he is not against the idea of fucking you dumb.
But as the thought was starting to drive him crazy he realized that for a first time, knowing your personality being quite shy and embarrassed easily he might not be the best idea to just jump into you. Maybe taking your time together would be for the best, so both of you would learn about each other’s body, sweet spot, what to do or not do.
He won’t be too vanilla because that’s not how he is especially now that he joined the yeagarist, in fact his return from Shinganshima changed him into a cold man, mentally instable but somehow strong when it came to follow his belief, but still as I stated before he always needed control but also need a way to get out of his nightmare. So being rough with you in bed sound like a perfect way to escape his reality, of course it’s not healthier way but it’s work so he won’t complain.
Now that being said, even if it won’t be your first time together I can’t see him forcing you into things that make you uncomfortable. He is a dick, but he cares about you. He might try to convince you to at least give it a shot, especially if he felt that the reason that you’re refusing it’s just you being shy (even if he told in his own way that there no need to be shy round him). But he felt that something scares you, he won’t force you and won’t even bring it again.
I don’t feel like he is into gun play/ arm play for that matter, not into blood play either. He is surrounded by blood and weapons all the time, sex with you is supposed to be a safe place where he can escape his old demons so no gun for the baby.
In conclusion, the fact that you are shy angel won’t stop him for being you so it’s up to you to tell him what’s good for you or not.
I know for a shy person it’s difficult to talk about the sensitive subject but remember that communication is a key, he might be a dick and sometimes you’d feel like you can’t talk to him like he is an ass (he is but hey you love him) like he didn’t care about your opinion but that’s not true, you are important and probably the only thing that matter to him (aside from saving paradise but you includes so) so don’t be afraid.
Tiny scenario because it took me forever to post it as a compensation :
« Fuck yeah you feel amazing y/n »
For some reason today Floch was particularly generous with you, not that usually he is not. But today he felt like spoiling you. At first it started with multiple hot make-out session everytime you two were alone. Pushing you against the near wall or holding you against his firm chest, it’s like his lips couldn’t leave yours for like one minute. One of his hand was behind your neck keeping your head firmly against him as the other left for your ass to grab it. Your body was caught between his body and the wall, so all you could do was putting your arm around his neck and just enjoy his warmth as he was greedily kissing you. After all, you hadn’t got the chance to see your boyfriend for a while, to be exact after your mission in Mahr and the capture of Eren you barely caught a moment together to share a kiss. He claimed that there was nothing against you and that he was just very busy since the situation between Mahr and Paradis was still tight.
So, his little greediness was welcomed, you couldn’t help but starting to feel touch starved. You were missing him to the point that you started to wear some of his coat just to be able to catch some of his warmth. Of course you didn’t say anything about it, knowing your boyfriend you wouldn’t see the end of it. After kissing you for like the tenth time, Floch finally moved a little to be able to see you from your entirety. Lips swollen slightly open as you were taking your breath since he barley left you time to take a breath, hair a little messy for the way he was grabbing it firmly, cheeks all pink (probably because you were both embarrassed and turned on by his action). It was definitely a view that was worth it. Since his return from Mahr, Floch hasn't had time much to his dismay to mange some quality time with you, hell he couldn’t even remember the last you two has gone on a date together. Knowing the situation, and what was about to happen with the yeagarist he won’t be able to take you on a date before a long time. So he felt like he needed to take every occasion to have his way with you, kissing you, stroking your body, feeling you against him cause who knows when he’ll be able to have you close to him again ? He was starting to feel angry and eager;
Alongside, let’s be honest the yeagarist didn’t do anything to help him. All the time, he could hear them whining about some soldier who apparently wasn’t on their side, or about the fact that yeah some of them have spent a couple of days in jail. They were starting to get on his nerve, most of them were just spoiled brat who never went into hell and here they have the guts to complain about their condition ? What a shame. He started to feel his shoulder getting heavy. His muscles too were sore, his patience was slowly disappearing worst, he started to have nightmares again. It all started because he wasn’t with you, because he barely spent time with you. He needed you. He needed you right now.
« Floch a-are you okay ? Y-You keep staring at me »
« Do I ? Sorry you just looked amazing all fucked up because of him »
« I-I’m not fucked up »
« Yet. »
A race and a couple of clothes on the floor later, here you were bending over his bed. Face down with a hand firmly against your neck, ass up all good for Floch as he was grinding against you as if it would be the last time that you two would have sex. You were used to Floch being rough against you and to be honest you didn’t mind it since he was hitting all the good spot, and the way he is grunting each time you were clutching against him was music to his hear. Also the dirty talk didn’t help. But today was different, for some reason the foreplay lasts longer than usual, you noticed that Floch took extra time kissing each inch of your body, stroking everything that he might forget. He also ate you out longer than usual putting extra time to make you cum multiple time before he could even put the head of his dick in you. You didn’t mind though, it was good to be spoiled by Floch without even begging for it.
« I could spend my life between your leg y/n but now it’s time for the real fun, come on I want you on four for me. Spread those gorgeous legs of yours for me cause I can’t spend any minute without being in you »
As he was thrusting into you senseless, you felt that he was slowing down but still keeping a firm rhythm against you. Then you felt your body moving, so you could be face to him, he moved his own body too bringing your ankle around his head as your legs were now on his shoulder. The light coming from the windows highlight his toned chest and his arm muscles, his hair were a mess from all the time he put them in place. Even after getting intimate with him multiple times, getting naked in front of him was still something that embarrassed you. He knew that. So it was no surprise for you that you hear him chuckled at your state before slowing down putting your knee at your chest, so he could kiss you again for like the hundred time.
« You felt like heaven babe I’m not kidding I can die now it would be perfect. So tight and warm for me »
And then as if nothing happened, he roughly starts to thrust into you. Floch’s head was now in the crook of your neck as he was breathing heavily, your hand were now on his hair grabbing it each time he was hiding your sweet spot. His movement were kinda slow though as he was taking time to thrust deeply into you reaching whenever spot he was looking for, you swore you could feel his head on your stomach or maybe it was just you losing your mind. It didn’t help that you suddenly felt his hand between your leg touching you, stroking you, teasing you so you would approach your climax quicker than him. No doubt that Floch planned to either edge you or overstimulate you, knowing how he spoils you before, he might overstimulate you until you would be nothing but a mess.
How long would you last before loosing your mind ? That’s what Floch was about to know.
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enbyprentiss · 4 years
Genre: Smut, just straight filth practically no plot
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: sub!Spencer, Dom!Reader, use of nicknames mommy and puppy (this isn’t exactly pet play or age play, i just think the nicknames are hot lol), masturbation (male), oral (female receiving), pegging, degradation and praise, sweet aftercare
this fic is heavily inspired by some of the asks on @sparklinspence blog so follow them if you don’t already (you must be 18+ to follow!!!)
After a long day at work, Y/N walked in on her boyfriend frantically rubbing his flushed, red cock against one of their pillows, whimpering and whining out for her. Her boyfriend that she didn’t even know was back from a case.
Hearing her footsteps made Spencer look up, “I-I’m sorry--”, he began to ramble while halting his actions.
“Ah-ah. You want to act like a desperate little puppy, go ahead.”
“N-no, please! Want you!”
“Oh, really? Is that why you broke the rules?”
“I-I’m really sorry, mommy! Please, please, please?!”
“Look at you. I haven’t even touched you and you’re already a mess.”, she chuckled, “Get off the pillow and stay there.”, she gave in to his pleas. He nodded and did as he was told while Y/N began to shed all her clothes. But, it wasn’t until then that she noticed the purple plug in him.
She laid on the bed in front of him, spreading her legs apart for him so that he could see the way she was glistening already. He couldn’t help but stare in awe until Y/N’s word broke Spencer from his trance, ‘Well, what are you waiting for? Go, ahead. Lick my pussy like the stupid, pathetic little thing you are.”
The degradation made his eyes glow even brighter before he got to work. He lapped her wetness up to her clit, brushing his tongue up and down while she brushed her fingers through his hair. He started teasing her entrance, prodding and pushing his tongue as far as it would go which, elicited moans to pour from her lips. And desperate to make her cum, he circled and sucked on her clit.
“Oh--fuck, yes! Such a good boy, puppy.”
Spencer sat back up, Y/N still running her fingers through his curls while he tried to lick her left over cum off of his chin. She kissed him briefly before pulling away and getting off the bed, making him whine out loudly. But that quickly changed when he saw what she was getting.
“Get on your back.”, she ordered while putting on the strap-on.
“Yes, since you want to be so full like a greedy little slut.”, she gestured to the plug that was currently occupying him. Though, that didn’t last long as she sat before him and pulled it out slowly, making him moan out shamelessly.
Y/N kissed him softly, eventually traveling downward marking all across his neck and chest while she lubed them both up. He grew impatient quickly, whining and squirming on the bed.
“Do you want it or not?”, Y/N partially scolded.
“Yes! Yes, want it!”
“What do you say?”
“Please! Please, want it so bad, mommy!”
“Good boy.”, she cooed before slowly pushing into him. The new feeling made him whimper and scrunch up his nose, arching his back slightly. She set a steady pace, brushing against his sweet spot with nearly every thrust, making him moan over and over again, begging her to touch his cock. Y/N eventually gave in, gripping his flushed cock and stroking back and forth slowly.
His moans eventually turned into mindless babbling, “Aw, you’re just my dumb little puppy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, yes! I’m your little puppy!”
“Such a little mindless slut, huh?”
“Mhm! I’m your stupid slut, mommy!”
She picked up the pace so that every stroke of his cock matched to every thrust and now Spencer was covering his mouth with the back of his palm, trying to quiet himself down. Y/N yanked his hand away and noticing the way his cock throbbed in her hand, she slapped him just hard enough to make him cry out, “Do you want to cum, baby?”
“Yes! Please, need it!”
“Say you’re sorry first.”
“I’m sorry, mommy! Won’t break the rules again! Please let me cum!”
“Ok, puppy. Go ahead.”, as soon as he was given permission he came all over her hand and his own tummy while panting. Y/N pulled the dildo out, not wanting to overstimulate him. 
She got up to get a wet rag to clean him up a little, along with a lollipop from their secret stash and some water. She wiped him down gently while he sucked on the cherry flavored sweet, occasionally taking small sips from the glass. Y/N covered Spencer’s pretty pink cheeks in kisses while trying to convince him to get up and shower.
Eventually, she succeeded and washed his soft brown locks and scrubbing him down gently. She picked out his favorite, softest pair of boxers and her favorite pair of shorts when they got back to their bedroom. She tucked them both under the covers, stroking his hair with one hand while reading to him softly with the other until he fell asleep against her bare chest. Y/N whispered little ‘I love you’s and sweet nothings to Spencer’s sleeping figure even though she knew he couldn’t hear her, before falling asleep herself.
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Want Me
This is, a lot more than anything I've ever written, but I hope you like it.
Master List
When Chan had told Stays he had a gift for them today, you had anticipated something like the valentines date. Maybe even Hyunjin’s surprise appearance. What you definitely weren’t expecting was your boyfriend to basically strip in front of literally the whole world.
“Oh. My god.” Your reaction was subconscious, and totally not something you wanted your roommate, Sungmi, to hear. Your eyes were the size of saucers as you stared at your phone.
“What’s up?” Her interest was piqued the second you made a sound, and being you, you did the one thing you could think of.
You threw your phone as far from yourself as possible.
The two of you watch it sail across the living room and land safely in the dirty clothes hamper neither of you had moved from the hallway to the washer.
“Uh, you good?”
“Wow, look at that laundry!” You exclaim, “Someone should go do it.” You can’t even jump up from the couch when her hand is wrapping around your ankle, pulling you onto the floor.
“Was it Chan’s performance?” Your face immediately goes crimson. “No,” You lie, poorly. “What performance? I didn’t even know he was performing. I should go do the laundry.” You’re talking like you’re the flash, and while she’s attempting to figure out what you said, you attempt to wrench your leg from her grip. Unfortunately her brain power is faster that you can get your arms under you, though you do manage to yank her off the couch with you.
“Get back here!” She huffs, yanking you closer to her and somehow managing to sit on your pelvis. “You saw the Wolfgang performance didn’t you?” She demands, but your answer is more struggling to knock her over. “I’m not going anywhere, Y/n.” She drops forward, pinning your arms by your head, and if she were literally anyone else, you would probably think this was super hot.
“Curse your shockingly strong legs.”
“Nine years of waterpolo.” She explains.
“Really? Damn, I should start playing.”
“You’re stalling.”
“No I’m not.” You lie, again. She rolls her eyes, dropping her head a little more to knock her forehead against yours. “Ow.”
“Be honest with me.”
“I am.”
“No you’re not.” She bonks your head again, “Stop lying.”
“Will you get off me?”
“When we’re done talking.”
“Then yes, I saw Chan’s Wolfgang performance.” She nods, letting go of your hands to sit up properly and crush your pelvis a little more.
“I thought it was pretty hot.” She confesses and you feel something bubble in your chest. You can’t help the slight twitch in your brows and of course she notices. “Ah! Jealousy!”
“I’m not jealous.” She taps your forehead, aggressively enough to hurt a little. “Ow.”
“You can’t lie to a Psychology major.”
“I’m not-” She raises her finger again and you relent. “Alright, fine. Maybe I’m not a huge fan of someone telling me they think my boyfriend is hot to my face.”
“Did you think it was hot?” Your face grows warm and you have to bite back an embarrassed smile.
“I’m not answering that.”
“You don’t have to. You’d be stupid to think otherwise.”
“Especially when he was in the white shirt.” You admit, and she nods.
“You should see if he’ll wear something like that next time you two decide to get all hot and heavy.” Your face flushes again, not really wanting to discuss your sexlife with someone you’ve only actually known for about seven months.
“Um yeah, totally.”
“Oh my god. You guys don’t do stuff!”
“We do stuff!” You defend, immediately regretting it.
“Oh really? Ever used handcuffs?” On him, or me?
“I don’t have to answer that.”
“So that's a no. How about, have you ever sent him a nude?” Oh, if only you knew.
“Get off me.”
“Another no.” She grins, “I’m shocked, he seems like such a feisty boy, you’d think he’d do stuff.” “Seriously, get off.” There’s no humor in your voice now. It wasn’t her place to tell you about your own boyfriend, and you were getting sick of her forcing her way into your love life.
“Oh come on Y/n.” She doesn’t get another word out before you grab her leg and wrench her sideways. Instead of just tossing her onto the floor, you find yourself slamming your hand into the floor by her head, now leaning over her.
“Stay out of my love life, do you hear me?” You practically growl, “I don’t need your help to please my boyfriend.” Her eyes go wide at your words, and you instantly become aware of your positions when a smirk paints itself on her face.
“My, my Y/n. I didn’t peg you as someone who’d be on top.”
“Clearly.” You reply. “Now are you quite done?”
“Have you ever topped him? He seems like the kind of guy who wouldn’t like that.”
“Once again, I don’t have to answer that.”
“You should try it. Something tells me you’ll like it.”
“Shut up.”
“I hate you.” It had been hours since your rather sexually charged conversation with her, and here you were standing at her doorway seeking advice. You hadn’t stopped thinking about what she had said, but in all honesty, Chan was your first, so you had no clue what you were doing most of the time.
“Oh? Is that why you’re looking all lost and confused at my door?” Her voice is sickeningly sweet as she looks at you in the mirror. “What up?”
“I need advice.”
“Wear black, it looks good on everyone.” Her gaze shifts back to her reflection, where she’s curling her hair for a date.
“About Chan.” Her attention turns back to you in an instant and you’re tempted to run back to your room.
“In what sense?”
“What you said earlier.” A wicked grin spreads on her face. “Have a seat darling.” You trudge over to her bed, sitting on the trunk at the end to watch her. “First off, tell me this, who initiates sex usually?”
“He does.” You admit quietly. “Babe, if you want my help, you gotta be able to talk about sex without turning into a tomato. I mean, how are you sexually active and still blushing like a virgin. Next you're going to tell me you only do it missionary with the lights off.”
“Well…” Her mouth drops open in horror.
“Oh my god.” She gasps. “No wonder you’re all annoyed these days. You’re not satisfied.”
“Hey, he gets me off,” You defend, “And he’s very good at it.” You practically swoon just thinking about it. She raises her hands in surrender, but smiles at your answer.
“Have you ever asked him for oral?”
“How the hell do I bring that up in casual conversation? Just “Hey babe, you did wonderful today, do you want to eat me out’.”
“Well if it works.”
“Okay, have you ever worn lingerie for him?”
“No, but I did buy something to wear a few months ago.” She nods, approving.
“How come you’ve never worn it?”
“Between Kingdom and the fact that he lives with seven other men, there hasn’t exactly been a time and place.”
“That’s fair. When do you guys usually do it? What’s it like? Just broad details.”
“He tells me he wants to spend the night. I usually get a hotel room, since my parents are still sending me money for rent, and we arrive at separate times. Its usually really sweet and slow.”
“And after?” She prompts.
“We shower, and cuddle. He usually leaves first cause he has practice or something.”
“Ever done it in the shower?” You shake your head, shoulders slumping as you realize how lame everything sounds.
“I really like him, but I think, especially since you said he seems like a kinky type, what if he’s not as into me?”
“I don’t think that’s the case.” She turns her chair towards you, setting a hand on your knee. “I think you’re both too nervous to broach the subject. I know this is your first real relationship, and it might be his too.”
“So, what should I do?”
“Start simple.” She turns back to her mirror, “You should book a room, and jazz it up a little. Rose petals, candles, maybe that set you bought. That way its obvious you want him.”
“That's not a bad idea.”
“Even better! I will go halfsies on one of the fancy hotels with you. I know one that has these huge bathtubs so you can take one together, and the shower has a stone floor, so its not slippery. Oh! We can get you a pretty silk robe, so you can do the dramatic reveal.”
“This sounds like a lot. How about for now, I just do the candles and the set?” She laughs, clearly embarrassed by the way she fiddles with her necklace.
“Sounds like a plan. You can do the big one for your anniversary.” You nod, agreeing with her.
“I can do it tonight, he’ll probably want some stress relief after that performance.” You offer her a sly smile, jumping up to leave the room.
“Where are you going?” She calls after you.
“I gotta go buy some candles.”
Hey lover, come meet me. *Y/n shared her location*
You glanced over at the message again as you adjusted the black lace garterbelt. Sungmi had been right, black did look amazing on everyone. He had read the message, and if you were lucky, he was too busy driving over to text you back. You slid the black skirt up your legs, loving the way it stopped just under the edge of the thigh highs. The last piece was a simple t shirt, it was a little ripped and hung off one shoulder, just giving a slight peekaboo of the bra you had spent way too much money on. If Chan didn’t combust from seeing you in this, you were going to have a fun night.
Carefully you moved your things out of the main room, tucking them in the closet for safe keeping, and began lighting the candles. The sweet aroma of vanilla and lavender wafted through the room as you shut the lights off. You settled on the edge of the bed, taking a few risque selfies to show Sungmi and maybe send Chan later.
And then you waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Three hours, that's how long you’d been waiting before you finally texted him again, having run out of excuses for the man.
“Sorry babe, I was working. Do you still want me to come to you?”
Not really, after this long, the wonder had worn off, and you just felt stupid and hurt. Of course he wasn’t going to come if you asked.
No. Its fine.
Actually, I want to talk to you. Are you still at the studio?
You set your phone down, turn the lights back on and begin blowing out candles. You don’t bother changing, just grab your sneakers and your bag before heading out, tucking your key and phone in your bra as you leave the building.
With some take out in hand you make your way to the JYP building, not at all surprised to see several lights still on.
“Woah, hel-lo Y/n.” You instantly smile at Jae’s greeting, which is followed by Brian’s whistle. “You look like a full course meal, girl.”
“Hey boys, what had you here so late, its past midnight?”
“Oh we were just-” Jae glances over at Brian who clears his throat.
“Just working. What about you?”
“Chan’s still working, so I brought some food.” You shrug, heading towards the elevators, “Have a good night.
“You too.” You have to bite your lip so you don’t laugh at Brian smacking Jae’s shoulder, earning a whine from the taller boy.
The lights from the studios are all off when you arrive, but you can see the glow of the computer shining from Chan’s. You knock as you open the door, making him jump and yank his headphones off when the light from the hall hits him. His face lights up in a smile when he sees you. Of course, he’s wearing super tight jeans and a black button up, neither of which were not helping you relax.
“Oh hey baby, I didn’t know you were coming.” He stands to greet you, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
“I texted you.” You tell him, which has him looking guilty.
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear it when I’m working.” You smile reassuringly at him.
“That's okay, I know, that’s why I just came over.” You hold up the bag of take out, “I also brought food since you forget to eat when you start working.”
“You are the light of my life.” He sighs, kissing you properly this time as he takes the bag. Your heart flutters from his words, some of the butterflies in your stomach coming back from the dead. You sit across from him, stealing his work chair as he spreads the food out on the table and digs in. It takes him a few minutes to notice that you’re just staring, and he finally stops eating to say something, “You okay? How come you aren’t eating?”
“I already ate.” You lie, but he sees right through it, setting his chopsticks down to look at you properly. You watch his eyes rake across your body, finally seeing the lace stockings and the matching bra.
“That’s not it. You’re disappointed.” He realizes, “You looked the same way when you saw I.Ns grades.” He explains before you can even open your mouth to answer. “I know its not our anniversary, and your birthday already passed.”
“Its nothing babe. I just had a stupid idea for tonight.” The words come spilling out of your mouth before you can stop them. He looks at your outfit again and a cheeky smile begins to grow on his face.
“Were you-? But you never-” He lets out a deep breath, followed by a small giggle, which doesn’t make you feel better.
“I should head home.” You spring up, heading towards the door. “Enjoy your dinner.” He catches your arm before you get too far, pulling you back to wrap his arms around you.
“What did you have planned, baby girl?” Your heart flutters at the pet name, and the low tone his voice had taken on. “You wouldn’t have gotten all dressed up like this for nothing.” HIs free hand trails down your side, coming to the edge of your skirt, where his fingers find the skin just above the top of your stockings.
“Maybe I just wanted to make sure you want me as much as I want you.” You confess.
“Baby girl.” His voice is soft now, “Of course I want you.” His lips brush the skin of your neck as he speaks, sending shivers across your whole body.
“Then how come we never do anything interesting?”
“Like what?” Your confidence grows as you turn to face him, looping a finger through the choker he wears.
“Maybe I don’t want to do the same thing every time we fuck.” You can see from the way his eyebrows hike up that he’s startled by your words, hell, you were startled by them. “Maybe I want to see you.” Your other hand moves up to his face, trailing your thumb over his lips. “Maybe I don’t always want to be in a bed, in the dark, on my back. Maybe I want to be in charge.”
“I don’t think you could handle that baby girl.” He bites at your thumb as he finishes his sentence.
“Try me, Chris.” You challenge. His hands come up to your cheeks, pulling you in for a searing kiss. For a few seconds, your brain forgets what you had just challenged. He doesn’t help as he pulls away from your lips, his trailing across your cheek and down your neck.
“Sit.” You order, pulling away, trying to keep your breathing steady and not let on how affected you were.
“Excuse me?”
“Sit. Down.” You order again, shoving him lightly towards his computer chair. He backs up slowly, collapsing into it, eyes never leaving you.
“What are you doing?” He asks as you turn away from him.
“Proving a point.” You declare, the click of his lock emphasizing your words.
“Oh?” You turn back to him, finding him relaxed as ever, watching you with his legs spread wide. You saunter towards him, standing between his legs, hands on the arm rests. “You really think you can handle this baby?”
“If I impress you, you’ll save your work and we head over to the hotel.”
“And if you don’t?”
“You save your work and we head over to the hotel anyway.”
“You might regret that, baby.” You push on the chair, sending it back until it connects with his desk.
“Oh really?” He asks, as you push his knees together slightly so you can straddle his lap. Your fingers trail from his shoulders down to the buttons on his shirt, popping them open one at a time.
“You talk too much.” You tell him, leaning forward to press kisses along his neck. Just as you hit his pulse point, he hisses, hands coming to rest on your thighs. “Ah ah ah.” You chastise, pulling away from his neck. “No touching.” You pull his hands away, dropping them on the arm rests instead. “Hands to yourself.”
“Oh you are in for it when we get to the hotel.” He groans as you nip at his skin.
“That’s what I’m hoping for.”
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princehairsupremacy · 3 years
Omg I've just read the request that i send to you and it IS SO FUCKING AMAZING. Can you do a second part? Pleasee?🥺 (it was the one about Harry having a crush and y/n sat on his lap)
I love it soooo much, you're great
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Part 1
Word Count: 8.3k
Watch me do a Harry POV to do something different also read part 1 first but it isnt really needed if you dont want to !
I used she/her pronouns in this btw♡︎
No this is not the pegging fic and no i didn’t exactly finish it
Warnings: smut; bit of choking, spanking, unprotected vaginal sex, oral (f receiving), face riding, masturbation, dry humping?, edging, dom!h but also some of sub!h, idk touching?, handcuffing, degradation, sucking on fingers, swearing, handjob, fingering
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You stopped your hips and looked back at him. "I think we should leave." You stood up and Harry stood up right after you, following you as you both basically speed walked to the exit of the event. Hopefully, this was going to be a fun and different night together, definitely different from your usual nights together anyway.
Is this actually happening? Is she actually taking me to my car after practically fucking dry humping me in public? I’m dreaming. I’m dreaming. I mean, I have to be, this would not ever be happening otherwise. She’s not interested in me, but this seems like a good dream so far.
Shit shit, I can see my mum, she cannot see us leaving like this together. I grabbed Y/N’s arm and dragged her over a different way. “My mum’s there and she’ll stop us and have questions about us leaving.”
“Oh okay, can we even get to your car this way?” I looked around and slapped my forehead, the only way to my car is past my mum and that is not fucking happening. “Come on, we’ll find something. Maybe she’s moved somewhere else.”
I peeked around the corner and saw her turned away, talking to some other guest there. “If we walk really fast we can get past her without her seeing us.” I moved my hand down to hers and started walking, smiling when we walked past my mum and she didn’t turn around.
“Harry!” Fucking shit. I twisted my head around, oh no my mum had spotted us at the last minute, why me? “Oh, Y/N. Come here guys.”
I sighed and turned around, quickly letting go of Y/N’s hand when I realised I was still holding on to it. My mum narrowed her eyes but thankfully didn’t mention it. “Are you guys leaving?”
“Y/N doesn’t feel well and I drove her here so I was going to take her home and get her in bed.” She looked at Y/N and pursed her lips.
“Looks fine to me.” She brought her hand up and pressed the back of it against Y/N’s forehead. “No temperature. Why are you guys really leaving?”
“I told you, Y/N doesn’t feel well, okay?” She slapped my arm lightly and I flinched, stepping back from her. “Ow!”
“Don’t lie to me. You were holding her hand.” I pressed my lips together and she raised her eyebrows, shaking her head at me. “Just go, I don’t want to know anymore.”
“Okay, I’ll go.” I’m gonna fucking kill myself, I want to die now, immediately. Well, after I do what I plan on doing then I want to die immediately. My mum turned around and I grabbed Y/N’s hand quickly, walking away with my head down in shame. “I hope I die today or never see my mum again.”
“It’s fine, you’re a grown man. Everyone does it.” I don’t want my fucking mum to know, regardless. Oh god, and she knows it’s Y/N, I’m never going outside. I’m never taking the risk of seeing her ever again. “Just forget about it.”
We stepped outside to the car park in the front of the building and I scrunched my face up, where did I park my car. “Shit, do you remember where I parked?”
“Uh, yeah? Over there.” She pointed to the right and I looked over, oh it is over there. I’m so fucking stupid sometimes. “How do you even forget where your own car is and I remember?”
“Just forget about it.” I grinned at her and she let go of my hand, starting to walk towards the car herself. “Don’t leave me, wait!” I speed walked to her and raised my hand up, opening it up and waiting for her to take my hand again. “Y/N, hold my hand.”
“Hold it.”
“Just hold it.”
“No, shut up.” I huffed and dropped my hand back down to my side, pouting like a little fucking kid as I walked to car beside her. “Oh stop with the little sad face, that’s not getting you anything.”
“Oh, I’m not getting anything? So you just want me to drive you home and then I’ll go to mine?” She gave me an aggravated look and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly. “Um, ow.”
“Deal with it, you giant baby.” I pulled her closer with my hand and stopped us, leaning down and puckering my lips.
“Give me a kiss.” She raised her hand and pushed my face away, looking at me with disgust. “Hey, give me a kiss. You’re just rude now, give me a kiss.” I brought my hands up to her face and she pushed them away.
“Harry, we’re in public.” I stepped back, oh, forgot about that. No one knows about us yet, forget about my mum, because this is just happening today and now. It’s private. It’s not even a relationship. Yet? “Sorry, I’m just not really wanting to do public affection like that right now. Let’s just get to the car.”
“Okay.” I gave her a smile to hide my sadness about the slight rejection and let go of her hand since she obviously wasn’t comfortable with that at the moment. “No pressure, you don’t have to do anything.” She smiled at me and walked in front of me to the car.
I jogged to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for her before she could. “Already trying to score brownie points...” She grinned at me as she leaned down and sat in her seat.
“Not trying to score brownie points, ‘m just a proper gentleman.” I closed her car door and walked to the drivers side on the right, quickly getting in and buckling my seat belt. I pressed my foot down on the brake pedal and inserted my key into my car, twisting it. I let go of my keys and moved my hand to my gear, switching it to ‘drive’. I quickly released the parking brake, moving my foot to the gas pedal and pressing down on it gently, starting to move out of the parking space.
“You look hot when you do that.” My eyebrows raised and I looked at Y/N for a second before turning back to the road and focusing on what I was doing.
“I look hot while turning the car on?” She licked her lips and shrugged her shoulders, moving her hand to my thigh. “No affection?” She moved her hand slowly up and down my thigh, squeezing it once or twice.
“You don’t just turn the car on when you do that.” I placed my hand on top of hers on my thigh and stopped it. “Let me touch you, Harry.”
“While I’m driving? I’ll crash.” I nudged her hand off my thigh and her shoulders slumped, she crossed her arms and moved her legs away from me, staring outside the passenger window. “I can touch you though. If you want.”
She spread her thighs a little and I let go of the steering wheel, trusting myself to be able to drive with one hand. My hand landed on her thigh and she kept staring out the window but I noticed her thighs part even more. “Quickly.” Quickly? I’m trying not to crash.
“Okay. Do you want me to take your underwear off or just-“
“I’ll just take them off, Harry. Don’t worry.” I gulped as her hands disappeared underneath the loose part of her dress and she pulled her underwear down her legs. “Oh, where am I meant to put them?”
“Um, your bag? Wait, you don’t have a bag. Give them to me.” I opened up my hand and she placed her underwear on my palm. I looked down at my hand and cleared my throat, quickly raising my hips and stuffing them in my pocket, dropping my butt back down onto the seat when I got them in.
“Hey! You didn’t say you were going to be a little pervert about it!” I gave her a little smirk and I moved my hand back to her thigh, rubbing it up and down her inner thigh. “If you’re going to touch me just do it already.”
“Not with that attitude.” She gave me an irritated look and I smiled back at her. “Obviously joking, ha, I will touch you.” I slid my hand under her dress and tightened my hand around the wheel when I felt her wetness on the pads of my fingertips. “Fuck...”
I started to rub slowly where I thought her clit was but I literally can’t see anything and I’m guessing I didn’t get it my first time because she grabbed my arm and turned towards me. “Up.”
“Oh, sorry.” I move my middle finger up and she nods so I start to rub in slow circles, that was embarrassing. I dragged my middle finger back down and slowly moved it into her, I guess me turning the car on really did turn her on as well? But what about it? That’s what I’m not getting.
I moved my ring finger into her too and she grabbed my arm again but I don’t think she was stopping me this time, just looking for something to grip onto and going with my arm. “Move your fingers, stupid.”
“I’m sorry, I’m trying not to crash while I’ve got my fingers in you!” She dug her nails into the skin of my arm slightly and I winced. “Okay, okay.” So mean for pleasure. I mean, I don’t mind much.
I pulled my fingers back until just the tip of them were still inside then moved them back in, repeating this action and over time moving my fingers faster. “That’s better...” Her nails dug into my skin again, at least this time it was out of pleasure and not utter annoyance.
I quickly looked around at the cars around us while we stopped at a red light , once I’d shifted to the right gear of course, everyone seemed to be oblivious to what was happening, thank god. I looked at her while I could, first looking at the way my arm was moving and then my eyes wandered up to her face, her head was pressed against her seat and she had her mouth open with her eyes almost falling shut. I fucking wish we weren’t in the car right now, I want to fuck her so badly.
I turned back towards the light and they were already yellow so I shifted the gear from what it was on and pressed down on the gas pedal when it turned green, moving my fingers faster and hearing her let out a little moan and then she slapped her hand over her mouth. “No, don’t hide them.”
She dropped her hand back down to her side and I shifted my hips, at least there’s not that much more driving to do, I don’t think I could survive that.
I took the left into my street and quickly parked the car, I’ve never really been good at parking honestly. I slowly pulled my fingers out of her and she frowned but widened her eyes when I looked her in the eyes and put my fingers in my mouth and sucked them. “Harry you can’t just...do that.”
“And why not?” I grinned and unbuckled my seatbelt, showing her the cheeky grin on my face before getting out of the car. I frowned when I saw that she had already got out too when I was going to open her door for her again.
“Too late, sorry mr. gentleman.” I rolled my eyes at her antics and grabbed my keys out of my back pocket, walking to the door and sticking the key in the lock, twisting it and unlocking it, I walked in the door and held it open and she walked in, it seemed I was pressed up against the door as soon as it had shut, there were like no seconds in between the door shutting and me being against it.
“Woah there.” I grabbed onto her shoulders and turned us around, making her be pressed up against the door instead. “I don’t think so.”
“What, you’re too insecure to let me take a little control?”
“I just prefer to be in control, y’know?” She shrugged her shoulders and softly grasped my hands, bringing one to her shoulder and the other to her neck.
“Be in control then, Harry.” I stepped closer to her and closed my fingers around her neck, pressing my fingers into her skin, I like her but I also want to hurt her and fuck her until she can’t do it anymore and she’s at her breaking point, is that normal? Maybe. “Let yourself do what you want to me.”
“Trust me, I’m going to do that.” I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers, this kiss made it feel like time stopped when I done it, my heart was pounding in my chest and my knees were getting weaker every second. I could only focus on the fact that her lips felt so soft against mine and how I was already addicted, how I wanted to do this forever.
It felt like just raw emotion when we were kissing, we weren’t kissing because we felt like we had to, we were kissing because we felt like we wanted to. I’m not sure if my mind was tricking me with this moment right now but if this were to be a dream, I would be devastated to ever wake up from it.
I pulled back a little for some air and opened my eyes to sneak a peek at her pretty face before moving back in. I took my hand away from her neck and brought it down to her hand and I swear my heart skipped a beat when she intertwined her fingers with mine. Now just didn’t feel like the time to have my fingers around her neck, this moment felt too sweet for it in my opinion.
I think my whole body was tingling at the moment and I pressed myself against her, making sure to keep my lips right against hers. I felt her fingers go under my shirt and lay against my stomach and my heart stopped for a moment, her fingers were cold...
I gasped against her lips at the feel of her hand on my skin and groaned when her nails scratched my stomach, just the feeling of her was amazing, I didn’t ever want her to leave me now, I need her. My stomach was in a knot every time she’s around and a few years ago I started to notice some beautiful little details of her that I hadn’t even thought about before.
She smelt so good, no matter what, I didn’t care, she smelt good, it was one of the first things I noticed. Then I started to notice how jumpy I’d get when we touched or even accidentally touched but I didn’t want her to let go at the same time, it was the strangest thing to me when I first started feeling it but now I understand, I was starting to develop feelings. It was like in the movies when the best friend finally realises he’s in love with her and she’s the only one he’ll ever need.
My skin crawled with goosebumps as I felt her start to unbutton my shirt with her delicate fingers, how long had we been kissing now? Not long enough. Whatever perfume she was wearing right now was bloody intoxicating, I took every opportunity I could to take a deep breath in through my nostrils because the smell was just that addicting to me.
I brought my hand up from her shoulder and laid it softly on her cheek, stroking her skin with my thumb. I had no fear over my growing crush on her because now I knew she felt the same, hopefully it could only go up from here.
She pulled back and took a deep breath in, pressing her hand to her chest and giggling. “That was the best kiss I’ve ever had, H.”
“Let’s do it again then.” She parted her lips and I leaned back in, moving my tongue in through her parted lips this time. I tilted my head to the side and she tilted hers the opposite way. I started to move backwards towards the bedroom, trying to kiss her at the same times but this is not as easy as they make it look in the movies.
I kept walking backwards and then suddenly tripped over something, almost landing on my ass in front of her. I looked down and spotted a stray wire, I let out a frustrated noise and kicked it away. “I wish you fell, that would have been so fucking funny.”
“Ugh, that’s so rude.” I gave up on trying to kiss her and turned around, still keeping her fingers intertwined with mine as I entered the bedroom. I sat at the edge and she got on my lap, giving me a sweet smile. “I can’t believe this is happening still.” I said it in such a vulnerable tone, I never really sound like that.
“Aw.” I couldn’t imagine what it’d be like if everyone know what we were doing, especially our friends, they were always betting on us getting in a relationship or at least hooking up. It was annoying and it made me blush but I also crossed my fingers at the same time when they mentioned it, I wanted it to happen for so long and now it is. “It’s happening, baby.”
She started to grind her hips and my eyes snapped down to my lap, I did not expect her to do that already. I reached my hands up to her face and pulled her face down so that her lips touched mine again, I needed to kiss her again. Her lips were already swollen and plump from the time we kissed before but I didn’t care, her kiss was so addicting.
I nibbled at her bottom lip and she pressed her hips down harder against mine, making me shudder and let go of her bottom lip that was caught between my teeth. “Fucking hell, keep doing that.”
“That feel good?” I sucked in a breath through my teeth as she finished unbuttoning my shirt and pushed it down my shoulders and off my arms. She licked her lips and leaned down, sucking one of my nipples.
“Shit. Shit. Shit! Please.” I desperately pleaded her, her hands grabbed onto my belt loops and she tugged at them. “Love, stop.” She immediately stopped what she was doing and leaned back with a concerned face.
“Sorry, did you not want me to do that?” I grabbed onto her hips and shifted her onto my thigh.
“No, it was good. Just wanted to move you onto my thigh.” I pushed her hips forward and her mouth dropped open in realisation. “Go on, pretty girl. Go and get yourself off with my thigh.” She gave me an unsure look but moved her hips against my thigh anyway.
I felt like I was fucking aching for her touch, my body was yearning for it and screaming at me to be selfish and focus on my pleasure but I knew I was always coming second to her. “I want to make you cum until you feel like you can’t fucking do it anymore.”
“I want you to do it too.” She choked out, too focused on moving herself against my thigh. I flexed my thigh and she let out a pleasurable noise, that’s the exact sound I want to hear if I ever see the gates of heaven honestly, utterly perfect.
“Why don’t you take your clothes off, love? It’ll feel better.” She got up and started to take off the leggings she had on while I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my trousers, lifting my hips up and dragging them down my legs. Pink lace, pink lace. She’s wearing pink lace. I’m fine. I’m okay. I’m alright.
She sat back on my thigh, right on my tiger tattoo. Fuck, she’s hot. The skin of her thighs was glistening from sweat and it just made her look fucking delicious, her exposed thighs were simply beautiful. Every part of her was so fucking beautiful, I had a new greed for her body that kept developing more and more as we continued.
Her skin glistened and glowed under the pale light in my room that I’d put in, I could stare forever. Her hips rutted against my thigh and I felt that my eyes really were tricking me, she was getting herself off on the tiger tattoo in pretty pink lace. 100% a dream.
“I can’t do this anymore.” Her hips stopped and her eyes widened when I said it. “I need to get my tongue on you.” I watched her shuffle off my thigh and she turned around and bent down as she grabbed her underwear and pushed them down her legs, giving me the ultimate view of her ass. “I’m gonna grab something, you can wait here for me.”
I stood up and she grabbed my hand pulling me towards her. “You leaving me all alone, H? Can’t guarantee I won’t do something bad.”
“Just sit on the bed and fucking wait for me, be a little patient. I’m not even going to leave the room.” I gave her a warning look and then walked past her, to my drawers where I kept my stuff...that I like to use.
“What’re you getting there?” I pressed my lips together and didn’t answer her, she can wait and see. “Harry, what are you getting?”
“Fucking hell, just wait. You’ve waited 1 minute, probably less.” I opened the drawer and grabbed the fluffy red Gucci handcuffs I owned, I hope she likes these.
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(in case you’ve never seen the handcuffs)
I held them up and then turned around. “How do you feel about these?” She covered her mouth and giggled a little bit, shit, did she not like them? Did I just fucking embarrass myself? “Oh, I’m guessing that’s a no, I’ll put them away. Forget about it.”
“No! Don’t put them away! I just didn’t expect you to have fluffy red handcuffs, but I don’t mind them.” I walked over and grabbed her wrists with my left hand. “You going to cuff me, Harry?”
“Yeah, ‘m gonna fucking cuff yeh. Move back then get on your hands and knees for me, okay?” She furrowed her brows together but moved back, I don’t think she was getting what I was going to do today. I crawled up on the bed towards her when she finally turned around onto her hands and knees and kneeled beside her. “Give me your hands.”
She leaned back onto her heels and held her hands out for me, watching in curiosity as I raised them towards the headboard and cuffed her hands together. “I thought you wanted to, in your words, get your tongue on me.” She leaned forward and grabbed onto the headboard, resuming her position before except her hands were now in a different place.
“I will, I’ll just be under you.” Her head quickly turned towards me and I gave her a cheeky grin before getting behind her, parting her thighs. “You already wet for me?”
“Yeah...” I brought my hand to her ass and squeezed it softly, such beautiful skin.
I laid down under her, my face was below hers and she looked down at me. “Come on, get on m’face.” She moved forward on her knees until she was right above my face and I grabbed onto her hips, pulling her down onto my mouth.
I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, pressing the tip against her clit. I heard that it’s good to just do the alphabet until you find what get’s her thighs shaking and her letting out some moans.
Okay. A. B. C. D. E
Oh a reaction for e. Let’s go with e then.
I moved my tongue in an e shape a few times then flicked it up and down, I looked up and she was watching me, she finally let out a moan when I moved my tongue in an e shape against her clit. Her thighs pressed against the sides of my head and I reached my hands up, grabbing onto her ass.
I moved my right hand back slightly and then brought it back down on her ass, slapping it. “Woah!” She pushed her hips down on my mouth and her thighs squeezed around my head a little tighter. Fucking suffocate me if you have to. “Do it again.”
I brought my hand down on her ass again, but harder, way harder this time. I wanted to hurt her...but in a good way! “I like that.” I lifted both of my hands up to her ass and made her move her hips, she tightened her grip on the headboard and started to grind on my tongue on her own. I hope I can do this again and again and again and again.
I sucked on her clit softly and she moaned my name, yes, boost my ego baby. “Shit, Harry. I feel it.” I sucked on her clit harder for a few seconds then pushed her away from my mouth. “What’re you doing, you asshole?”
“I’m doing what I want.” I sat up and she sat herself down on my thighs, her arms resting on my shoulders since her hands were still cuffed behind me. I raised my hand up and pressed it against her throat, my 4 fingers gripping the right side of her neck and my thumb pressing into the skin on the left side of her neck.
“I want to touch you, can’t you let me out the handcuffs for a minute?” She could beg and plead all she wanted but I was going to do this my why, I was going to do what I pleased, unless she told me to stop. “Please, Harry.”
“No, I’m doing what I fucking want with you, don’t ask me to do anything. Fuck, I just want to get my tongue on you again.” I let go of her neck and brought my hand to the neckline of her dress, thank god it was strapless. “Can I move this down?”
“Yeah.” I gripped the neckline with both of my hands and pulled it down until her chest was exposed, groaning when it was revealed that she didn’t wear a bra under her dress. “Can’t you take the rest of your clothes off, H?”
“You’re in my lap, I can’t exactly do that right now.” She raised her hands and brought them over my head then moved herself off me and I raised my eyebrows, she just loves testing me, huh? “Wow, real smart.”
“I know. Take your clothes off, you can do it now.” I rolled my eyes and smiled as I grabbed onto the waistband off my boxers and caught her stare.
“Maybe I shouldn’t take them off, since you think you can just tell me to do it.” She huffed impatiently and leaned forward, grabbing onto my boxers herself. “You can’t just-“ She pulled them down until they were at the middle of my thighs and then leaned back. “Come here.”
“I’m sorry-“
“Come here.” She sat back on my thighs and avoided eye contact. “What made you think you could do that? I didn’t tell you to.” I grabbed her chin and tilted her head up so she was looking at me. “Tell me what made you think you could just do what you want.”
“I was just getting impatient, I know I shouldn’t have.”
“What a bad fucking excuse. Might as well actually take them off. Hurry up.” I let go of her chin and she grabbed my boxers again, pulling them off my legs. “Are you listening now? I might un-cuff you if you use your mouth right.”
“I’m listening, Harry. I’m sorry.” She’s such a talker, I wonder if she sucks as good as she always does in my dreams. She always leaves me satisfied and I leave her satisfied, always good fucking dreams than I hope I’m going to re-live right now. “You said you were going to use your tongue on me.”
“Can’t a guy change his mind when the person he’s in bed with is a fucking brat?” Admittedly, I did honestly want to use my tongue like I do in almost every dream I have but...I can’t just let her think that she can do something when I didn’t tell her to do it or I told her not to do it. “You said you were listening so why the fuck are you questioning me, anyway?”
“I didn’t want to question you, I was just looking forward to...never mind I’ll-“
“No, just don’t. I can’t even be bothered anymore, that’s how fucking annoying you’re being. Get off my lap and lie on your back like a good girl would.” She got off me and I bit my lip at her obedience, this is still a little strange at times but I’m not going to stop it, I’m enjoying myself so much. “You don’t get to come again, because of how much you’ve pissed me off.”
“What? You don’t have to do that, Harry. I’m sorry. Don’t do that again, please.” She had a pleading tone to her voice and I rolled my eyes, she can take what she gets. “Please don’t, I said sorry?”
“Talking is not making this any better, be quiet or I’ll have to put something in your mouth to shut you up. But you don’t even deserve that, the most you deserve is getting to suck on my fingers.”
“Can I?” I should’ve expected her to say that. “Please?” She probably doesn’t deserve it actually...but I just really want to see this, badly. I placed my index and pointer finger on my right hand on her lips and she opened them, letting me move my fingers into her mouth slowly.
“You just love having something to suck on, don’t you? You love sucking on whatever you can get from someone, baby? Lay back like I told you to now.” She grabbed my arm and slowly moved onto her back, I looked down at her body and shivered. Mine. “Need my fingers back, love.”
She shook her head and I pulled my fingers out her mouth myself. “You better start doing things when I tell you to. You’re a brat. That’s what you like to be though, isn’t it? A fucking annoying brat. You want someone to be in control of you but you don’t make it easy for them. You don’t deserve me touching you right now, do it yourself.”
“W-what?” I pushed her thighs apart and grabbed onto her hand, making her move it down her body until she got to her lower stomach. “You actually want me to do it myself?”
“Yeah, I want you to do it yourself, so do it.” I let go of her hand and she started to move it down herself, stopping for a moment. “No reason to be scared or anything, you can do it in front of me, I’m not going to judge you or make fun of you. Don’t have to if you don’t want to though.” 
“I can do it. I can.” She moved her hand down and then stuck out her middle finger, pressing it down on her clit and then moving it in circles. What a sight.
“Easier than you thought, innit. Just keep going, you have to listen to what I say though.” She nodded her head and closed her eyes, keeping her finger moving at a slow and steady pace. I can’t believe it took me so long to realise that I love her.
I love her so much. I want to be with her in every way. I want to be with her through every emotion I ever feel for the rest of my life. I want to be with her when I’m sad, I want to be with her when I’m happy, I want to be with her through it all. I want a family, but if she doesn’t want that, that’s okay too, I can live with it. All of it’s going to be for her now. Just for her.
When I touch her, I feel my face burning up, she teased me about it but I don’t think she knew it was because of her. It’s like I’m an obsessed teenage boy who just discovered that he’s into people, I can’t stay away from her. I really do need her. She may tease me but she’s always been so sweet to me, even when other people weren’t, she was.
She always helped me out, even helped me out with my crush, I don’t think I actually liked them, just couldn’t accept that I liked her yet and just tried to pick someone else to focus on instead. It didn’t work, she was around me so much constantly. I wonder if she felt the same.
Was she as obsessed as I was? Was she not able to sleep because she could only think about me too? Probably not. Imagine staying awake because of some boy with curly hair, that’d be pretty weird. No one would have thought about me like that, especially her.
I want to be good to her.
“Harry...please touch me, feels better.” Need to be good to her.
“Yeah, I can do that. I’ll do it. Move your hand.” She lifted her hand away and I licked my lips. Right, fuck...what am I doing? Well I know what I’m doing, I think. Doing her. “Do you want me to touch you or do you want me to...”
“You’ve suddenly gotten shy? Do what you want, Harry. Actually...I haven’t got to touch you since we started this. Will you let me?” As if I’m going to tell her no, that would just be pure stupidity.
“Yeah, of course.” She sat up and I moved beside her, this is really weird now. Like...I thought about it? But now it’s actually happening? I just didn’t think it would happen. This moment is very surreal for me. I don’t even care if we stop right now anymore, just want her here with me. How it should be. “Of course, no pressure to do this-“
“Harry, I asked.”
I remember the first day I realised I liked her, I was 14 or 15, I really was starting to notice her then that day it just clicked in my mind.
I looked at her and I knew. That day...she also asked me to kiss her for the first time, but not for the reason I would’ve wanted.
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11 years ago, Harry’s room.
Mum let Y/N come over today, it is summer, there’s not much of a reason for her to say no. I looked over at her and saw her scrolling through her phone and I let out a puff of air through my lips out of boredom.
“Oh, what is it?” I looked over at her on her spot on the floor, I laid back and let my head hang off of the edge of the bed, keeping my eyes on her. “You look weird when you’re upside down like that, stupid.”
“Thanks a lot. I’m bored, don’t you want to do something except go on your new phone? What on there could possibly be more interesting than me?” She grinned and I groaned, she definitely had something to tell.
“Well, you know Aidan?” I nodded my head and closed my eyes, Aidan’s a nice guy but he’s nothing compared to me. But I, of course...am not trying to make a move on Y/N. “Well, he gave me his number and we’ve been texting non-stop, I’m really excited about it, he’s such a good guy.”
“Pfft, I’m better. I’m sure anyone would rather hang out with me than Aidan. I’m a good guy too, I’ve always treated you good, haven’t I?” She raised an eyebrow and I slapped my hand over my mouth, why do I sound jealous? “Please, I just want you to hang out with me when you come over.”
“You really are needy. Fine.” She clicked the off button on the side of her phone and stood up, walking over to the side of the bed. I felt something on my stomach and lifted my head up, she laid her head on my stomach. Made me feel funny. “What are we going to do then?”
“You want to go out somewhere, we could go in my back garden? Treehouse?” Her head perked up and she slapped my stomach lightly. “Um, ow?”
“You’re a genius, treehouse it is then.” She stood up and I forced myself to sit up, raising my arms and stretching my back to try to get it to maybe crack, it fucking hurt getting up after being it that position. “C’mon lazy, get up.”
“I am, I am. Fucking hell.” I grabbed my shoes that were just beside the bed and quickly put them on, getting up and following behind her as she opened my door and made her way out of my room. “I swear you walk around this place like you live here sometimes...”
“I basically do.”
“That’s very true.” She reached behind her and grabbed my hand, I felt my face immediately heating up and she didn’t even react as she dragged me behind her while she walked down the wooden stairs. “It’s just the treehouse, it’s not going anywhere, you don’t need to hurry.”
“I want to hurry though, I like the treehouse.”
“Do you use me for my treehouse?”
“Yes.” I gasped and she squeezed my hand tightly, making me let out a yelp of pain. “Don’t act like you didn’t know that the only reason I hang out with you is for Gemma and your treehouse. I’ve always liked Gemma better than you by the way.” I rolled my eyes and pulled on her arm so that she stopped.
“If we run anymore I’m probably going to get a stitch. Also, I’m much better than Gemma don’t lie, you always hang out with me when you’re here.” I could just imagine that sharp pain in my side, fuck no, it’s the worst, I’ll do all I can to avoid getting a stitch.
“I hang out with you so that our friendship can build up and I can break your heart so much you’ll never forget me, baby.” Friend-zoned and called baby in the same sentence, okay. “Nah, don’t worry. Still love you.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek, quickly turning back around and dragging me out of the house to the back garden with her.
She just kissed my cheek. She just kissed my cheek? I brought up to my cheek and held it there as we walked out of the door to my garden. I got to slap myself, got to wake up. I raised my hand and brought it down onto my cheek, groaning when she turned around at the slapping noise and I learned it wasn’t a dream and I’ve just embarrassed myself. “Did you just slap yourself?”
“I felt something on my cheek, thought it was a fly or something, I hate them.” She raised her eyebrow to show that she was unconvinced and let go of my hand, walking away from me to the ladder that led to the treehouse.
“Whatever, let’s go up.”
“Wait! I need to go up and...clean...” She gave me a cheeky smile and grabbed onto the ladder, quickly moving up it. “Wait! Stop!”
“Nope!” I went up the ladder after her, quickly realising I had to stare at the ladder as I went up because she chose to wear a dress today. “What’re you hiding in here?...” She made her way into the treehouse and I went in after her. “Is this a diary?”
“No! Don’t read it!”
She opened up the first page and started to read it aloud. “I’ve been feeling different about her lately-“ I grabbed the personal little diary from her quickly and closed it, squeezing the edges tightly and probably causing some damage from how tightly I was gripping it. “Aw, have you got a little crush on someone, Harry? Who is she that you’re talking about?”
“None of your business!” I placed the book behind me and crossed my arms. “Just leave it alone...”
“Hm, alright...have you kissed anybody yet?” Should I lie or tell the truth? The truth is a little too embarrassing but I don’t like lying to her.
“Uh, no. Have you?”
“No...the reason I asked is well...I don’t want to go out with Aidan without even kissing anyone, so I was going to ask if...could you kiss me?” Woah woah woah, did she just actually ask me to kiss her? Pause, this can’t be right. “Please? It’ll feel like it’s over as quickly as it started, promise.”
“Yeah, I can totally kiss you. Just because you asked.” I should totally not be getting butterflies right now. “Let’s do it quickly. If we wait, I’m not going to be able to do it.”
“Right, okay...” I crossed my legs and sat in front of me, copying the way I crossed my legs. “Come here, then.”
I lifted my hand up to her cheek and leaned my upper body forward towards her, this is so normal. I closed my eyes and pursed my lips, just moving forward until I felt her lips against mine. Fuck.
I think I’ve figured out what the butterflies mean.
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“Harry, are you alright? It’s like you’re somewhere else.” She snapped her fingers in front of my face and I turned my head to look at her. How the hell did I drift away while this was happening. “Do you still want to do this?”
“I still want to, I just went somewhere else for a second, sorry.” Her hand landed on my thigh and I stared down at it, I think it just actually hit me what we’re doing, she’s going to try and...get me off? Ew, can’t believe I just said that, sorry.
“Okay.” Her hand moved up my thigh and I turned my head towards her again. “Relax, there’s no pressure to continue anymore.”
“I just need you to kiss me, I don’t feel pressured.”
“I can do that.” I lifted up to her cheek like I did that first time and leaned in towards her, pressing my lips against hers and moving my hand down to her throat but I didn’t squeeze tightly in case she didn’t want it.
I felt her hand close around my cock and I pressed my fingers into the skin of her neck. She pulled back from my lips and moved to my neck as she started to move her head, twisting it when she moved her hand up. “Uh-“
She started to suck my skin between her teeth and I moved my hand to the back of her head, keeping her there. “Fucking h-“ Her hand started to move faster and I squeezed my hand around her throat tighter, I could barely see anymore, my vision was so blurry from the pleasure.
She pulled back from my neck and I let go of her throat, instead choosing to grip the bedsheets because I don’t want to hurt her too bad. “You can’t even speak, can you?” She reached up and wrapped her fingers around my throat like I did before. This is new. But a really fucking good kind of new. “You look a little pathetic, I’m touching you and you can barely speak. I don’t even have to try, do it?”
“No...” I mumbled back my response quietly and she smirked, I’ve never really been the one without power but this is...good. So good.
“Are you not going to speak up? Imagine people knowing that the Harry Styles is actually pathetic and likes to be choked?” Is she degrading me? Why don’t I have a problem with it?
“I’m not ashamed.”
“No? Would you beg on your knees, H?” She stopped moving her hand and let go of my cock, making me whine. “Would you beg for me to touch you?”
“What?” Beg on my knees? She’d probably laugh at me.
“Would you beg on your knees?” She tightened her hand around my throat and I swallowed harshly, what the actual fuck is happening? “Are you nervous, Harry?”
“Pfft, me? Nervous? Nope! I’m just...unsure...about what is happening.”
“It’s okay to be the vulnerable one sometimes, Harry, but only be the vulnerable one if you’re comfortable with it.” She released her grip on my throat and I reached up, laying my hand over hers and making her squeeze my neck tightly again.
“I can be the vulnerable one...well...I can try my best to be the vulnerable one.” I kept my hand over hers and stared at her straight in the eyes, she needs to know I’m being serious since I’m not serious most times, which can cause problems.
“Have you thought about this before? Thought about someone telling you what to do instead of telling them?” I swallowed and contemplated whether I should tell her or not, she wouldn’t embarrass me surely? Then again, it turns out the she rather enjoys humiliating me so I don’t know. “Hurry up and tell me before I stop what I’m doing.”
“Yes! I-I thought about it before but I was too scared to try it or ask someone to try it so I just didn’t...can I touch you?” I reached my left hand out to her and she slapped it away, not harshly but it left a little sting. “Damn!”
“You didn’t even wait after you asked your question, I was going to say no, by the way. You probably wouldn’t have fucking listened anyway.” She squeezed her hand around my neck when she said those last three words and I whimpered at the feeling of pleasure I was getting from the pain. “Oh you like that?”
“Yeah...just let me fucking touch you.” I grabbed her arm and she let go of my throat from shock. “I can’t wait anymore, I was enjoying myself but I’m not patient, I’m not waiting on you any longer.” I pushed her back down onto the bed and crawled over her. “You can just listen to me now.”
“No, you can’t just- I was enjoying myself! Do you know how fun it is making men be the ones begging to be touched?” She pouted her lips and I smiled, too bad.
“How do you expect me to listen when you can’t listen yourself? I’m going to do what I want.” I rested my middle and ring finger on her lips. “Suck ‘em.”
“Fucking do it.” She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, I moved my fingers onto her tongue and she wrapped her lips around them. “Good girl.” I brought my other hand to her cheek and smoothed my thumb back and forth on her skin.
I pulled my fingers out of her mouth and she smirked at me. “That what you wanted?” The small smile I had on my face dropped immediately when I heard her sarcastic tone, she’s trying to annoy me. “I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?”
“Fuck, just be quiet.” She wrapped her legs around my waist and I grunted when she pulled me down on top of her. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’ve gotten impatient waiting for you too, get on with it.” I placed my hands flat on the bed and lifted my upper body up. “Are you going go fuck me now?”
“No,” She raised her eyebrows and I looked down between our bodies. “Was going to touch you first but you just don’t deserve it anymore. Well, maybe I’ll just keep going until you’re begging me to give you a break.”
“Please...” She said it so quietly that I almost didn’t hear it.
“Didn’t quite hear you, what’s you say?” She clicked her tongue and looked away from me so I moved my hips forward and bit my lip when I felt my cock against her pussy. “Tell me what you said, love.”
“I said...please...” She pleaded and moved my hips forward again and moaned softly in her ear. “Fuck me...”
“I need a condom.” I moved back from her a little bit and she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“No, no...I’m on the pill.” I sighed and bit my lip, is it worth the risk? “Please. Need you to fill me up, Harry.” Yup, worth it.
“Okay, okay. I can definitely do that for you.” I looked down and grabbed my cock, moving my hand a bit before positioning myself. “Are you ready for this?”
“So ready.” I pushed into her a little bit then let go of my cock, bringing my hand to her waist and looking back at her face to see her with her eyes shut and her mouth hung open but nothing was coming out of her mouth.
“Shit, you feel good...” I leaned my head down into her neck and sucked at her skin, starting to move my hips slowly. The room was starting to get darker because it was almost night now but the light that was shining onto her skin made her look so good, it felt surreal that she was letting me touch her when she looked this good.
“Harry, go faster.” I gave her neck one last kiss and lifted my head up and drew my hips back, I looked at her eyes that were brighter because of the light and noticed that she was looking back and forth between my eyes and my lips. I thrusted my hips forward suddenly and she let out a moan that I think she wasn’t even expecting to come from her. “Well, that was definitely harder.”
I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers before starting to move my hips again, moving them harder than I was before, I want her at my mercy. “You going to take it like a whore, baby?” What the fuck did I just say. “I mean-“
“Say what you want, it’s not going to scare me.”
I took a deep breath and spoke again. “Take it like a fucking whore.”
@marlananicole @kiwi_isgolden @kiwiisgolden @repostcentral @stylessugarhigh @i-love-superhero @spirittp3 @chrrychemtrails @iamnotsocool @partr1dge @nearlyheadlesslouise @bxtchboy69
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Home (Sequel to Vision’s Powers)
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Estimated Reading Time: 18 minutes
Word Count: 4,912
There was actually a lot that could have gone better in the situation you were in. You could have moved your feet a little quicker or maybe steadied your breathing so help your balance; but to your dismay, it proved useless. While Bucky swung unimaginably hard fists at the punching bag a few feet away from you, Natasha took you by surprise once again, knocking you off of your feet and onto the mat with a hardy slap. Your back hit the floor and sent a wave of discomfort through you. You were sweaty, thirsty, and worst of all, you were getting frustrated with the work that you were doing. Once again, you and Natasha had decided to stay late to practice your training. The consistent thwacks to the poor punching bad to the left of you echoed in the room. Bucky was barely breaking a sweat.
When your head hit the mat again, you let out a hardy groan and turned your head upwards to face Natasha. She had a light gleam of sweat around her face, but she still looked stunning. The black t-shirt she was wearing clung to her skin and her grey shorts dangled from her hips. Had it been any other situation, you may have been able to admire how she looked and how effortlessly she landed her punches and attacks. Alas, your line of sight was blurred from your eyelashes catching your sweat. It may have been a signal to stop, but your determination was a force to be reckoned with. You knew that Nat was able to see that, so you also knew she was just pushing as hard as you were willing to go. Even so, a break wouldn’t have killed you.
“Always keep your eyes on your opponent,” Nat stated. “Never look away.” Nat offered you her hand to get up and you took it. As she pulled you off the ground, you grimaced at a new pain in your lower back and groaned standing up. She dusted you off and gave you a once over before nodding. “You okay?”
You nodded and reached around to hold the lower portion of your back. “Yeah, I think I probably pulled something. I’ll be fine, but do you think we can take a but of a break for now? I should probably put some ice on this so I can be better by tomorrow.”
Natasha’s eyes furrowed and she gestured to your back. “Do you want me to take a look?” She asked. She looked concerned.
“If you could, I’d appreciate it,” You said and turned your back to her.
Nat gingerly took ahold of the back of your shirt and lifted it up. It was a little nerve-wracking, feeling her small movements, especially facing away from her. Even so, you had been through the same situation a week prior to this with Vision. Perhaps you were getting more comfortable being the newest Avenger, and the team was finally beginning to see you as an equal. With that thought in mind, you made a note of the fact that Natasha had offered to do this herself; you didn’t even really have to ask. That must show some amount of trust if she’s checking you for injuries. She placed a palm on the small of your back and pushed lightly. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel comfortable. Your breathing hitched and you controlled a sigh.
“Does that hurt?” She asked.
You shook your head and chuckled. “It doesn’t feel great.”
She hummed a bit and placed her hand on your side. It was a shocking feeling at first, and if you were honest, reminded you a little too much of the Vision situation that unfolded last week. She pushed her hand into your side and her fingers curled a bit. Of course you didn’t mean to, but you jumped and let out a surprised noise.
“Sorry,” Natasha said. “Just had to see for myself.”
She must have been talking about your pain, right? You smiled and pulled down your shirt, turning to face her. She had a small smirk on her lips, but she looked more curious than devious. “See my pain?” You joked, trying to feign some sort of innocence in hope that she hadn’t figured out your little weakness. “That’s a bit sadistic of you, Nat.”
You heard Bucky chuckle to the left of you. He never missed a beat with his punches, so you decided to stay about fifteen feet out of range of the wildly swinging punching bag. Nat glanced over at him but redirected her attention to you. “Tony mentioned yesterday at the monthly debrief that you and Vision had worked on an experiment together,” She said. “Remind me to tell Tony that it’s time to include you in those meetings. It’s only fair.”
Your heart dropped. You had known that of anyone, Tony would have been the one to tell. He was just that petty. To be honest, the fear of them finding out had slipped your mind until now. You knew that Vision knew (obviously) and so did Tony, but when you asked Tony not to tell, it would have been hard enough to keep that a secret for him. Tony loved to have his fun at the tower, especially if there wasn’t some world-wide-threatening catastrophe in place. However, with a “weakness” of the sort, you felt as though you couldn’t afford to have the rest of the Avengers know about something as childish as that. Even so, you noticed that Natasha didn’t say anything. There was still a chance that, maybe, by the grace of the Gods, just maybe he hadn’t told them. You made sure not to keep that hope to close to you. It was unlikely.
You chuckled nervously. “Yeah, they needed help,” You said. It was inconspicuous enough.
Nat chuckled and wiped off dust from the sides of your arms before giving you a look-over. Besides your hunched stance because of the discomfort in your back, you looked fine. Sweaty, but fine. “Don’t worry about it too much. Everyone has something that can knock them back a few pegs,” Natasha teased. She winked at you and folded her arms. You felt your heart sink once again. Guess Tony told them after all. “Besides, it’s cute. Actually, if we wanted to use it during your training to help you build up a tolerance to it, we could.”
Of course, Nat was all business and little play. Her and you had a very close bond and you knew that she wasn’t someone to push past a friend’s comfort-zone. You appreciated it but chuckled nonetheless and shook your head. “So, I guess everyone knows at this point?” You asked.
“Yeah,” She said chuckling. “Pretty much.”
           After your training with Natasha, you decided to go back to your room to hopefully shower and relax. Your arms and legs were sticky with dried sweat, and you felt completely exhausted. As much as you loved working with Nat, you knew that she tended to push you to your limit. It was necessary, but it still left you feeling drained.
You threw your bag of equipment to the side of your bed and collapsed into your sheets. You planned to stay there for a few minutes before going to shower; if you spent any more time on your feet, you were sure that you’d probably end up falling in the shower. That is certainly the last thing you needed now that your secret was out to the rest of the team. Fucking Tony. You groaned at the thought and rolled over to face the ceiling of your room with your arm draped over your eyes. Okay, so they know your secret. Now what? You stumbled through possible reactions and encounters that could take place because of it. You didn’t think they’d kick you off the team because of it, but it was still embarrassing and, to you, felt a little unbecoming of a superhero. Were you considered a super-hero at this point? Were superheroes ticklish? You chuckled at the thought and tried to imagine the big and mighty Thor rolling on the floor laughing with glee. It was a little ridiculous, but it made you giggle.
About an hour had passed since you had gotten to your room. You finally managed to get up and take a shower and resumed your original position of lying on your bed with your phone in your hand. To be honest, you had started to get hungry and remembered that you hadn’t eaten since lunch. Probably not the best course of action. You glanced at the time and grimaced: 8:27. It wouldn’t be too late to have dinner, but Natasha always advised you against eating after 8. It always made training less bearable. However, since your blood sugar was getting low, you stood up from your bed, your muscles still exhausted. It took just about everything in you to open your door and walk to the kitchen.
The last thing you had expected was to see Vision and Wanda in the kitchen together, Wanda cooking in a large saucepan. From where you stood, it looked like she was making some sort of fried rice, and a ton of it too. You took a step into the room and smiled at Wanda, who in turned smiled at you. The kitchen was brimming with the smell of fresh cooked onions and garlic and plumes of pillowy steam wafted up from the food. “Hey, (Y/N),” Wanda spoke. “Can you do me a quick favor and hand me that bowl of peppers?” You nodded, but before you were able to take it, she made a small noise which sounded surprised. “Actually, never mind,” She said. She had a smile on her face and with her powers, the small bowl of chopped green peppers floated towards her and finally spilled over into the sauce pan. “I forget I can do that sometimes.”
You chuckled. “Anything that I can help with?”
Vision at the opposite end of the island in the middle of the kitchen smiled and waved at you, “Hello (Y/N).”
“Hey, Vis,” You responded and waved.
“Listen, I’m sorry about Mr. Stark. I did my best to dissuade him from telling anyone. I didn’t expect him to say anything at our conference. I hope you can forgive me.”
You appreciated Vision’s apology. To be fair, it wasn’t even Vision’s fault, it was Tony’s. That being said, you weren’t mad at Tony either, nor were you at Vision. “Don’t worry about it,” You said, waving off his apology. “What are you guys doing in here? It’s a bit late to be making dinner.”
“We can ask you the same question!” A voice that you immediately recognized as Steve said from the couches in the corner of the room. You glanced over to see Steve, Natasha, Tony, Sam, Peter, and Thor pressed up against the couches, the light of the television screen lighting up all of their faces with a dim blue light that was ever shifting. “We were waiting on you,” Steve said, resting his arm on the back of the couch.
You smiled but became suddenly aware of your presence in the room compared to all of them. You felt meek and a bit shy suddenly. You opted to take a stool at the kitchen island rather than try to find a seat for yourself in the middle of everyone. “I’m surprised that Bucky isn’t here. Is he okay?” You asked, looking to Natasha for an answer. Just an hour ago or so, he had been with you both in the training room, knocking the hell out of those poor punching bags. “Should I go try to find him?”
“Don’t worry about it,” A voice said from behind you while a hand placed itself on your head, messing your hair around. You spun on the stool to see Bucky’s smiling face. “Glad to know that someone missed me,” He said. You felt good for a bit, knowing that you made him feel good. His black leather jacket stretched around his body and creaked with all of his movements. Maybe he had gone out for a drive or to go to the bar; it had become his main place to be since finding his own apartment. He put his hand down and looked at the rest of the group.
You turned away from Bucky to get a look at everyone else. They were all in casual clothing, a sight you normally would not have ever gotten to see. Under usual circumstances, everyone would be dressed in their “super-hero” attire, consisting of flashy colors, hard metal shields and weapons, and especially form fitted so everything went where it needed to and they wouldn’t have to worry about anything but the fighting. Seeing everyone in pajamas, sweats, and t-shirts certainly was not the first thing you expected to see. Even so, it felt homely and welcoming to see everyone relaxed. There were several bright red (courtesy of Tony, of course) leather couches and a dark wood table set in front of the three seater, and a few recliners in the same color sat in a large “U” shape around the flat screen television. You recalled the first day you arrived at the facility:
           You had arrived hand in hand with Natasha who had been giving you a guide around the tower. Your past was not something that you were ready to discuss with anyone, all they had known is that you were found during a series of raids in Russia. Natasha had been assigned to work undercover for a terrorist organization. You were grateful, but to be honest, you weren’t necessarily ready to deal with your past either. Your raggedy clothes had been stripped away and replaced with a clean and ironed out t-shirt that Steve had offered you. You were in no position to say no, especially considering that your clothes were just about ready to fall off. After the tour and getting your first shower in weeks, Natasha had lead you to the room you were in now: the living room. You both sat there for hours, watching Disney movies and bad rom-coms while eating take-out. Natasha had been the first one there for you, and even helped you begin your training. She was the person you trusted the most, and every ounce of you was grateful.
           Currently, Natasha was sat on the left side of the couch furthest from the television, Steve on the right side. On the other couch furthest to the back wall, Peter sat on the ottoman in front of Tony and Sam, while Thor sat comfortable in his own recliner. There were also three more recliners available, but you made a point in your head to save those for Bucky, Vision, and Wanda. But…where would you sit? I mean, you thought, I don’t mind sitting on the floor. The floor was completely clean, of course. It wouldn’t make for that much of an issue. However, scanning over the room again, you noticed a wide gap between Steve and Natasha. Natasha glanced at you and smiled, patting the open space with her hand. She gestured to come over to her with her head, and you gladly did so, making sure to be quiet and polite about sitting down. Honestly, it didn’t seem like anyone was paying much attention to the movie, whatever it was. Everyone was either chatting or on their phone. Maybe they had done this…for you? You had never seen them gather like this, and Steve did mention that they had been waiting on you. Even with that thought in mind, you pushed it off and stared straight at the television. There was a subtle fear in you over making eye contact with the others, so you kept your gaze away from the others faces.
           Peter was too lost in a one-sided conversation with Thor to notice your presence in the room. You watched how his hands flailed when he was excitedly speaking and how he barely ever broke eye contact except to think. It was admirable, especially for someone his age in comparison to everyone around you. He seemed to be speaking about this new experiment that Vision, Tony and him had been working on, but something about it seemed a little too familiar. Something about his words made your ears perk up, until…
           “Yeah!” Peter exclaimed, nodding eagerly. “I thought it would have been painful, it just tickled.”
           You froze and looked at Tony, who was smirking. He shifted his gaze to you and bumped his eyebrows. In reaction, you immediately cast your gaze down to your knees and felt your face heat. You guessed that it had been possible that Tony did need more “test-subjects” rather than just yourself…but did he need to be so obvious about it?
           “Oh, uh, that reminds me,” Tony said. Peter instantly hushed. “(Y/N), you worked on the experiment with us. Did you enjoy it?”
           The fact that no one paid any attention to Peter’s indirect admission into being ticklish made you a little bit more comfortable, but it was still embarrassing. Your eyes darted to everyone in the room as they looked at you with soft smiles. You nodded and let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah,” you said. “It really wasn’t painful. Ah, pretty much just what Peter said.”
           “Oh?” Tony said, jerking his head up. “Did it feel weird or anything?” Tony shook his head with each word he spoke with pursed lips.
           You knew exactly what he was trying to do. You went through the list of scenarios that were in your head, mostly possible outcomes of different responses, but some were images of you being scorned, excluded, or mocked because of this little weakness of yours. You cleared your throat and nodded with a nervous laugh. “Yeah, same as Peter, really,” you said. Tony looked at your to further elaborate on your answer. “Just tickled.”
           Next to Tony, Sam let out a rather loud groan and threw his head back onto the back of the couch. A pit immediately grew in your stomach; these were the kinds of reactions that you had been hoping to avoid. “Tony, leave the kid alone. She doesn’t need you being a creep on top of everything else.”
           Tony put his hand to his chest in mock surprise. “Me?” He asked overzealously. “Come on, this place could use a little excitement.”
           “She’s had enough excitement to last her a lifetime,” Natasha chimed in from next to you. You smiled at her, but she stared directly at Tony. “Plus, her skills in combat are getting impressive. I imagine she’d be able to take you on.”
           Once again, the pit in your stomach grew and your heart rate spiked. There was no rhyme or reason why you would want to take on any one of these people in a fight. Natasha was the only person you had sparred with in the past few days, and thus, the only person you felt comfortable even beating in a fight. Your mouth spoke before your head was able to catch up, simply because of the panic. “No, no,” You said, your hands up in defense. “I don’t think I-”
           “Sure you can!” Thor chimed in with a grin from his recliner (that he looked way too large for). “We’ve trained and battled warriors even smaller than you across the nine realms. Some of them put up a very good fight.” It was supposed to be a compliment, so you smiled at him in thanks.
           “What do you think, (Y/N)?” Steve asked. You looked over to Bucky and watched his eyes dart between you, Steve, and Natasha. It was normal for Bucky, Steve, Nat and you to have lengthy conversations in the training room but truth be told, you had never participated in a larger group discussion with them. The feeling in the room felt devious, but you kept your cool and did you best to steel your face the way that Natasha had taught you. “Think you’d be able to take us in a fight?”
           You smiled and gathered up the courage to be apart of the conversation, rather than the shy feelings that you displayed. “I think I’d rather fight next to you guys than against you.”
           “Good answer,” Bucky said with a smile and patted your shoulder.
           “Kiss ass,” Tony remarked. You chuckled but decided to ultimately ignore it.
           Once the energy of the room had died down, you returned your gaze to see exactly what movie had been put on for you. Maybe if you had had time in the last few years to sit down and watch television, even just the commercials, you would have had an idea of what it could be. A large gymnasium filled to the brim with teenage girls was on screen, the camera focusing on a particular one who seemed nervous to be there. There wasn’t much point in asking what you were watching; no one was really paying much attention anyways. Peter went back to excitedly explaining his latest science project and how a test that he had coupling the project was coming up in a few days. He was confident, but a little on edge. He mentioned how studying would probably help him---
           Your thoughts were cut off by a quick jab to both of your ribs, and your body flung backwards into the couch to guard yourself. A little giggle escaped your lips and your elbows flew to your sides. You looked behind you to see Bucky with a rather devious smirk as he leaned onto the headrest of the couch. You didn’t even notice him stand up, let alone get behind you.
           “Had to test the waters,” he said, his smile not leaving his face. “Oops.”
           “Lot worse than we thought, huh?” Steve said and smiled at you. You looked up at Bucky who was hovering directly over your face, barely even a foot away. Your stomach fluttered with nerves and you turned away to make sure he wouldn’t be able to see the blush on your cheeks. Before you could utter out a response to this not-so-sudden attack, you felt fingers on your side give a light squeeze. You squeaked, pushed further into the couch, and fell into a short burst of giggling before opening your eyes to see Steve’s hand inches from your torso. “Guess so!” He exclaimed, laughing.
           There wasn’t really much time to be able to compose yourself between Bucky’s little attach and Steve’s. Soft giggles already flowed from your lips and your eyebrows furrowed up into a worried look. Your body smushed itself into the couch as far as you could possibly go and pinned your arms to your sides to prevent anymore attacks. With your hands in front of you, you attempted to steady your giggles, however, your words were interlaced with the subtle shake of mirth. “Wait, wait, wait, this isn’t a great idea—”
           Peter turned to face you from his ottoman and laughed, giving your knee a squeeze which didn’t do anything to help your cause. If anything, it just made you jolt and your giggles get louder. He smiled at you with raised eyebrows. “I’m just glad I’m not on the receiving end of this,” He stated.
           “Don’t get your hopes up, boy genius,” Tony said, standing up from his seat. “Just because we have a new victim doesn’t mean you don’t exist anymore.”
           Peters face flushed but he chuckled. “Trust me,” he said. “I’m grateful.”
           Between your nerves from having three people tickle you, it took you a second to register what Peter had just conversed about. Had something like this happened before? To be fair, it was easier to imagine Peter getting tickle-attacked here than anyone else. After all, he was still a bit childish. Granted, so were you so… that didn’t necessarily leave you in a good spot.
It was interesting though; when you had first heard of the Avengers, you saw them on television when you were younger. Watching them fight side by side against the Chitauri was inspiring, but this was years later. Of course, you never would have guessed that you would have been part of the team yourself. Let alone, you never would have guessed that the Avengers were actually quite playful.
The confusion slipped your mind as Bucky fluttered his fingers on the side of your neck, which automatically renewed your giggles. You scrunched up your shoulders and grabbed at his wrists, which ultimately did nothing. It was also a very strange sort of tickle, considering that one hand, or arm rather, was completely made of metal. He had cold (literally) and calculated movements, and his fingers fluttered up to the back of your ears. You squealed and held your hands up to your ears in a less than desperate attempt to stop the attack. Had it been another situation, a noise coming like that from an Avenger would have been embarrassing, but your mind was too busy focusing on the feeling.
“Bucky!” You shouted, dissolving further into your laughter, and sinking further in the couch.
Not slow enough for your mind to register what was happening, a new squeezing tickle sparked to life on your left side and you hunched over. You let out a small involuntary scream and hunched your body towards the left. You realized that Steve had taken it upon himself to help Bucky out, and really, you shouldn’t be surprised. The zapping sort of feeling in your sides and the light fluttering on your neck were almost too much to bear, and your laughter hitched. You debated on taking your hands away from your ears and neck, but that would only help Bucky. However, if you didn’t, then that would just give Steve more of an opening. Instead, your body took control, and slid down even further until your head was placed a few inches on Steve’s lap. You curled in on yourself as Steve moved his hand to your right side, which was now exposed. Bucky’s fingers switched to what he could get at in your position, which happened to be your ribs. You rolled onto your back in a feeble attempt to stop their fingers, but it only made them switch to your stomach. Once again, your laughter hitched. Deep belly laughs mixed with squeals echoed over the sound of the television. There were few thoughts bouncing around your head as you were tickled to pieces. Don’t kick Nat. Can everyone hear the movie over me? PLEASE don’t kick Nat. How long have they been going? How long are they planning this? Was anyone paying attention anymore? Guard yourself. If this was an enemy, you’d be screwed. Oh god, please don’t let Natasha use this in training. This is embarrassing. Who’s that laughing? Why is this…kind of fun?
“Guys, PLEHEHEASE!” You begged. You could hear a few scattered chuckles over your own laughter, but it was hard to focus on who they were coming from.
“Alright, alright,” Steve said, stopping his movements and resting his palm on your forehead. Bucky stopped as well. “I think she’s had enough for one day.”
You were grateful for the air that flooded its way into your lungs. You were panting, but scattered giggles escaped from your lips. To be honest, you didn’t care much about the fact that your head was resting on one of the founding members of the Avengers. If anything, he was the one who decided to tickle you, so he had to deal with the consequences that came with it. When you opened your eyes, the team around you were in giggle fits themselves. Bucky was still peering over at you from behind the couch, his arms hoisting him up on the back rest. He had a wide smile on his face. Scattered conversations here and there let you know that most of the attention was off of you at this point, which you were kind of grateful for. You pushed yourself off of Steve’s lap and playfully pushed Bucky’s head out of the way so you could sit up. He laughed and ruffled your hair, before finding his own recliner and sitting down. Steve let out a laugh and looked you up and down.
“You look like you just got out of training,” he said.
Grateful for the playfulness of his tone, you laughed at what he said. “I feel like it too.”
Next to you, Natasha poked you in the ribs. Your defenses automatically went up again before she placed her hand on your shoulder. It was her way of telling you that you could relax now. At least, that’s what she did during training. “Welcome to the real Avengers.”
“Real?” Sam said from his seat. “If I remember correctly, we’ve saved the world too many times to count. That’s real.”
“Lighten up, hotshot,” Tony spoke. “We can still be the Avengers without having a stick in our ass. Maybe you need the America dream team over there to teach you how to do that too.”
“You touch me and I’ll kill you,” Sam said with a smile on his face.
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe this place was a lot more familial than you thought. And maybe, just maybe, you could find this place becoming a permanent home for you.
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beatleszeppelin · 3 years
You're A … Inexperienced Ch. 4
Chapter Summary: You spend every waking hour of the next day hoping for Daryl back, you don't know if you'll be mad, sad, scared or happy when he returns. But when you are notified of his return, and you find out he's hurt, things go a bit further, or should I say a base further?
Category: Friends to Lovers, Mild Smut, just a good ol’ time
Paring: Daryl x reader (second person)
Warnings/Includes: General Walking Dead grossness, Smut, swearing, use of weapons, non-graphic hunting, mention of past child abuse, (let me know if you see anything else)
Word count: 2.5k
Chapter 4: I trust you.
“Carol,” You yelled getting her attention.
She smiled back, a sympathetic look, but endearing and all knowing. “I heard what happened last night with you two.”
“Did he tell you?” The inquiry slipped immediately from your lips.
“On his way out he did,” the corners of her mouth pulled back into a smile, and she patted your shoulder.
“Went on a run, early this morning. Daryl stopped and talked to Carl and I on his way out the gates.”
“What did he say happened,” You begged, wanting to know the true reason he’s left you high and dry last night.
“Not very much, most was implied.” She held her arm out, guiding you to a near by table. You both sat together, and pried on the other’s interactions with the elusive conversationalist.
From what you gathered, he left this morning in a hurry, and he left mad. Mad at himself for fucking it up with you, whatever he thought it was. He didn’t tell anyone what he was doing in detail, but he didn’t take much water and nearly no food. He should be back today, based on Carol and Carl’s sleuthing.
But the day went on, and lunch and dinner came and went, and he didn’t make an appearance through the gates. You took the day off from whatever tasks you were supposed to do at the farm, with the animals, and crops, to instead take over a full day of gate work. You didn’t read a book, or draw stupid little pictures in the margins of other peoples papers that were left. You looked out, on guard, watching the shadows change on the road ahead.
Sometime after the shadows left, and the ground turned fully dark, your eyes fell heavy from the lack of sleep you had been allowed the night before. So you turned in. Sleep didn’t come easily, thinking of Daryl out there, mad at himself. He could have run away, he could have left for good. He could be out there hurt, or worse. The thoughts wracked your head, until you woke up the next morning, you don’t remember falling asleep, but you must have sometime early this morning.
You got up and dressed with no effort, for maximum efficiency. The first place you hit was the gate, it was a shift change, so you spoke with Carol on her way in.
“Do you know anything, has he come back yet?”
“You haven’t seen him yet?” she asked as if his whereabouts were seemingly obvious.
“No, I didn’t even know he was back, where is he?” You begged.
“He showed up at the gates late last night. He’s in the infirmary, he got hurt on his run yesterday,” She said, without too much concern, but it didn’t stop you from walking to him, but she did add, “he’s fine, by the way,” while you were still in ear shot.
You walked to him, but by the time you noticed you were running. You couldn’t tell what you were feeling as you braced yourself to see Daryl in whatever state he may be in. You were mad at him for leaving, but happy about his return. Sad that he felt the need to leave in the first place, and scared about his injuries.
You opened the door to the infirmary, walked into the rows of cells and stark white bed sheets that have so regularly been changed. Your quick lope took you to Daryl’s cell, the one that you heard Hershel’s voice and quite grumbles coming from. His monotonous pained breathing served as a compass, guiding you directly to him, without any consideration to which direction your feet were moving.
You stood on the other side of the bars, seeing into his room much like he must have seen into yours just a few nights ago. Hershel was tending to bandages wrapped around Daryl’s abdomen. There was no blood, though. His bare chest was wrapped up, around his ribcage and over his shoulder. He lay on his side, another wrap encasing his knee, was propped up with a throw pillow someone must have retrieved on a run.
As he lay there looking up to you, you stand in the doorway, sorting through the files in your head of possible things you could say to him.
“Welp, I’ll be back to see you later, and remember to take it easy on your body. No strenuous activity.” Hershel picked up and saw himself out, patting you on the back as he left.
Seconds long pause lingered over the heads of both of you, but was broken when you simply asked, “What the fuck?”
“‘m sorry,” he tucked his chin down to his chest.
“I really don’t care if you’re sorry right now, I just want to know what you did, and maybe why?” You said genuinely.
“Didn’t mean to hurt you, an’ when I did, just thought I should leave, always better out there.” He mumbled.
“What do you mean hurt me? You thought you hurt me. Look at you, laying here all wrapped up,” You couldn’t fathom him leaving because he thought he did something wrong, when what hurt you most was the fact that he had left in the first place.
“I knew what you’d wanted, but it didn’t happen, an’ I thought you’d be mad about it.”
“No, I wasn’t mad about whatever happened while you were in my cell, I was mad about everything that happened after. I didn’t want you to leave.” You paused for a breath, “I thought you left because of something I did, and it turns out you did. And what did you mean what I wanted?”
“Well,” He raised his chin, and his eyes kept darting in between your and the floor. “You wanted to fix me, but you can’t change the unchangeable.”
You felt disheartened, his words hurt, not because what he was saying was with mal intent, but because this is what he genuinely thought. He thought that you wanted to sleep with him to fix him, to some how change this broken man that sit before you, but he couldn’t be more wrong. He wasn’t broken, not to you, not to anyone here but himself. “I don’t want you to change; I just don’t want you to have only bad memories.”
“What if we try again, an I still don’t like it?” He said, voice breaking.
“We only try when, or if you want to. I’m always down.” You said, finally walking into the cell, and siting on the stool Hershel was on before.
“And what if I never want to…”
You cut him off, “have sex?”
He raised his head, and then nodded slowly.
“Then, we’ll never have sex, and I will be happy being with you, because you are my friend, and I love you.”
He reached out and grabbed your hand from you lap. And he simply held on to it.
“I do have one more thing to ask of you,” he looked, “how did you get hurt?” His face turned red again, he cleared his throat. “Was out, on my bike. Just riding. I was mad, at myself, at the world, so I was going fast, yeah?” You nodded. “I saw a walker, I tried to stop, but I’s on a patch of sand, and I slid, and fell off.”
You laughed and shook your head, then you pulled your hand out of his for a second, and he subconsciously reached out for it again feeling the emptiness. You grabbed the blanket from his bed, and draped it over his his body, stopping just before the curve his waist. You were scared to touch his bandages, not knowing how much pain he was in. You sat back down, and took his hand in yours, and his shoulders visibly dropped at the connection. “So what did Hershel say?”
He brushed his hair down into his face with one hand, you quickly undid this gesture by pushing all of his hair back behind his ears. “He said I’ve got a dislocated knee, from where the bike fell on me, and I slipped a rib, probably from sliding.” You smiled at him, sympathetically, causing him to bashfully add, “t’s nothin’ bad though.”
Days later, maybe a week, when Daryl could walk (with assistance), you took him out on a makeshift date. You planned where you would take him, a field, outside the walls, with a pond right next to it.
You drove his bike, he sat behind you holding on to your waist, one leg bent, with his foot flat on the pegs, the other straight out, as to not bend his hurt knee. You rode around for a while, you thought he needed it, before circling back to where you wanted to take him. “This is it,” you said as you arrived to a flat spot of land, encompassed by weeds that danced in the wind.
“What’re we to be doing here,” he asked hobbling off of the bike, he’s normally so comfortable on.
You pulled a blanket and some bread and jam out of the saddle bags on the bike, that he was still leaning on, as a crutch. You laid it down. And set the food on top. Then you walked back about ten feet to where Daryl leaned, and slowly eased his arm over your shoulder, seeing as to not hurt his ribs. Then you helped him walk over to where you planned to spend the day with him. You dropped his arm, and it hit his side with a wince.
He held his side, and not so gracefully slid his leg out from him, so it wouldn’t catch any weight on his way to the ground.
“What does it feel like?” You gestured to his leg once he had hit the earth.
He shrugged, “Dunno, like it’s tight when bent, an’ hurts anytime ya put weight on it. Can’t use crutches neither, cause those’d hit ma ribs.”
“You really fucked yourself up didn’t you?”
Breathily, he laughed.
You ate, breaking bread with your hands and passing the jam jar between you. The pond
was enchanting, just as the lake that you bathed in before was. This was safe, though. It was close to the fence, and you each had weapons at the ready.
“Been thinkin’,” Daryl said, with a mouth full of bread.
“Yeah, what about?” he caught your attention with his tone.
“Said, we could try again, right?”
“Right.” you replied, instantly knowing what he was talking about.
“What if, I know… What if the part that I don’t want ta… ‘s there anythin’ else?” He said chewing on his lip to mumble through the words.
“What?” You said scrunching your nose up.
“The whole putin’ yer,” he mumbled so you didn’t catch all of the words, “jus doesn’t feel right.”
“So you’re talking about trying stuff up until the second or third base, not going all the way?” You asked trying to understand.
“Yeah, somethin’ like that.”
You scooted over to him on the blanket, and held your hand up to cup his face. Once you did, and he eased into the touch, you ran your thumb over his cheek. Your fingers were spread, to make room for his ear, under his hair. You looked at his eyes, and he looked everywhere but yours. You leaned in, stoping for a second to whisper, “First base,” and then went in for a soft kiss. It wasn’t quick, but it didn’t last long before he bit your lip, the way he always does his own. Pulling back a little you said “Check.”
You unbuttoned your shirt, but left it on, billowing open in the light breeze. You let him have his fun, as you watched him, poke and prod you in likeness to a child studying a bug. He grew more and more comfortable with the actions, as he encompassed your body with his hands like a sightless person would use a walking stick.
As his hand fell down over your shoulder, your bra strap slipped down, causing him to freeze and wait for your cue. You just unhooked it, and slid the other strap down to match. He withdrew his hands, and started chewing on his thumb. “Would you like me to take it off, I mean it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
He nodded, thumb still in place.
You slipped it off through your shirt sleeve, and watched him take his vest off, and lay it down on the ground. You then helped him pull his shirt off over his head, which you and Carol have been taking turns helping him do, since his accident.
“I would say second base has been accomplished, what about you?”
He sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth and mumbled an “mmm hmm.”
“Wanna try third or shall we wait for another day?”
“What exactly is third?” He asked.
“Hand stuff.” You said blatantly, awaiting his reaction.
He thought for a second, nodded, and said, “trust you.”
His words made your stomach bubble, it was excitement and it made you feel like you were about to throw up. You pushed those feelings down, and hooked your fingers in his belt, pulling him in for a kiss. This time, unlike previously, you didn’t lead it. His lips met yours and neither of you moved without the other.
You did however take the lead when you reached down and rested your hand on his leg. You slowly moved your hand up, and his breath hitched. “Are you okay, does something hurt?” you paused.
“Nah, just needed a sec, good now, though.”
Through his pants, you felt that he needed no time to get ready, so you got straight to work. You undid his button on his pants, unzipping as well. He halted all movement; focusing on breathing and staring at your hand slowly working itself up and down. He shut his eyes tight, and moved your hand.
“What, was that too much.” You asked, needing him to tell you what he wasn’t liking.
“It’s a lot, if you touch me ‘gain, I’m gonna…” his face was red and he grabbed his dick tightly.
“Open your eyes,” you coaxed.
“Can’t need to concentrate.” “If you need to, just do it. I’ll take it as a compliment.” You said moving his hand away. “May I?” You asked.
“I trust you.” He said barely above a whisper.
You finished him off in a matter of seconds, his pants were down mid-thigh, and you pulled his rag out to clean him up. He pressed his index and ring finger to the bridge of his nose, acting as a shield from his bright red face; he radiated chagrin.
As his heart pounded, and his breathing was still accelerated, he leaned on you, and whispered “I trust you, and I love you.”
And you could have spent the day there in that position, with him breathing heavily into your neck. And his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist. And although you got home later that day, and went to your separate sleeping quarters, that doesn’t mean this was the last time, it was only his first.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
I Reject You (Ransom Drysdale)
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Summary: Ransom has a friends with benefits relationship with Y/N recently learned that she is pregnant with Ransom's pup but rejects him as the father because of how he treated her when they were together.
Notes: GIF is not mine, slight smut, fluff, A/B/O dynamics, mentions of human trafficking, mentions of depression, implied sexual assault (if any of these trigger you, please do not read. Take care of yourselves.)
Here you are exactly where you promised yourself you weren't going. As soon as you saw Ransom sitting in your office chair, you knew where this was headed. He picked you up from your job and drove straight to his house.
Your body shakes when he lazily thrusts into your soaked cunt as you both are laying down on your side. Leaning your head against his collarbone, your mouth falls open when he rubs your clit when his thumb.
You follow his hips when he pulls out of you, leaving just the tip in before drilling into you hard and fast. "You are such a slut for my dick aren't you? No matter how many times you say you never want to see me again. You. Are. Mine. Omega." He whispers into you ear and you were starting to see stars.
A sharp gasp leaves your lips as you cum for the fifth time today. His knot pops open and his seed decorated your walls. He pulls out of you and you lay on your back, mustering up the strength to get up but he grabs your chin roughly so you could look at him.
"No one can make you cum like I can. No one." You pull away from his grip and swing your legs over the edge of the bed. You curse at your body for trembling. You needed to get out of there and quick before he notices something is off.
You noticed a different abouf a week ago and went to the doctor. Only to find out that you were pregnant by no other than Ransom Drysdale. The trust fund playboy. There's no way you were going to tell him the baby was his. You needed to end whatever this is and you needed to end it now.
"You smell different," he says, trailing his nose along the curve of your neck. "Is your heat starting?" He asks and you choose not to say anything. What is there to say to a man that calls you a cumslut one second and is worried about your well being, the next?
You stand on wobbly legs and slide on your underwear while in search for the rest of your clothing. "When I talk to you, I expect you to speak." He says, standing from the bed and you jump into your dress pants. When you reach for you blouse, he rips from the your hand and tosses it across the room.
Attempting to get the blouse, a growl emits deep in his chest and you still your movements. You don't meet his eyes but you could feel the anger blossoming in his gaze. He grabs your throat sharply and lowered his head until his blue eyes met yours.
"Speak, Omega." Chills rolls down your spine at his command. "There's nothing to talk to you about." "You could have just said that. You didn't have to ignore me." "I didn't peg you as the sensitive type, Drysdale." You snark, and he allows you to pull his hand away from your throat.
"You're not going to shower before you go like you normally do? What, am I that bad of a person?" "There's nothing normal about this, Ransom. And to answer your question, yes, you are." You walk across the room and button up your blouse.
"What's up with you? You've been acting bitchy all day." "Wow, you talk like you're a ray of sunshine." "You know what, you want me to speak. Fine, I'll speak. Don't talk like you give a shit about me because you and I both know you don't. The only thing you care about is getting your rocks off like a horny little bitch."
Oh your hormones are going to get you in trouble. The omega in you was trembling with fear of what Ransom was going to do to you. He snarls and before you could even think about running, he turns you around and shoves into the nearest wall. His eyes glowing a dreadful crimson as he growled in your face.
"You got a death wish, omega? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to." He snarls and you instinctively expose you neck to him. Your arm maternally drapes over your stomach protectively and he noticed. His eyes lost their glow and he stares down at your stomach with wide eyes.
He takes a few steps back and you could hear his anxious heart pattering in his chest. "Is it mine?" "No," you answer a little too quickly and he raises his eyebrow questionigly. "You're lying," he says, taking a step toward you with his eyes glazing over your mating gland.
"Absolutely not," you snap and he takes another step towards you. "Stop, Ransom. Please don't," you whimper as he blew warm air over your sensitive gland. Something else stirred inside of you that wasn't your omega part of you. It was something more dominant and heavy.
Your hand comes up and in between your neck and his face. Your gripped his face and shoved him as hard as you could with surprising strength. You sent him flying across the room. He initially landed on the bed and bounced off to land in the corner.
A deep, protective roar erupted from your chest and something happened that you dreaded for most of your life. Your eyes were glowing. Your eyes didn't shine a normal golden color. They glowed like a broken mixture between crimson and ogate from an unspeakable past trauma.
"What the hell are you?" He asks as your eyes restore to normal. "Baby," he adds, his features softened. "Stay away from me. And stay away from my pup." You threaten, before sliding on your shoes and walking out the door. You wave down a taxi who drives you back to your house.
"Hey, I stopped by your job and saw you- Y/N, are you okay?" Your mom asks as her eyes settle on your trembling frame. "He found out." You croak, she motions you to sit on the couch and you comply. "He found out about the baby?" She asks. "He found out," you repeat, watching as she realizes what you really meant.
"He saw your eyes?" She asks with disbelief. "He tried to forcefully claim me and I bellowed at him to protect my pup." "What are you going to do? Do you want to leave?" She asks, running a comforting hand down your arm. "I have no idea, Mom. I don't get it. I thought I wasn't able to get pregnant."
"This is a blessing, honey." She says and you shake your head. "It would have been a blessing if the father was a decent human being, but he's not, Mom. He treats me.." you trail off and your mother purrs sadly, resting your face on the sides of hers. "He's a terrible person, Mom. But I need him and I fucking hate it."
"I know, honey. We don't need to figure everything out right now. Take a deep breath." You take a deep breath and a series of sobs escape your lips. You're screwed and everyone knows it.
Ransom bounces his leg nervously in his Beemer as he parks outside of Y/N's house. He could smell her, she's in deress and she's feeling an immense amount of sadness. He doesn't even know what he's doing there. It's not like his presence would help anything. She hated him and he doesn't blame her.
He would always call you names and insult your intelligence to keep you rilde up so he wouldn't know how it was to be loved by you. He started to fall for you when you would talk back against his misogynistic tendencies. He loved how your nose crinkled just before you were about to snap on him.
You have guts and you stood your ground, regardless if you were an omega or not. He respected that about you. But now he wanted to show you that he was willing to change for you and that he treated you like shit because he was scared of what your love could to him.
But he knew you. You would tell him to fuck off and leave because that is what he was good at. He had a plan to get you to trust him, but if that doesn't work. He has no idea what to do with himself. With a deep breath, he hops out of his Beemer and stalks towards the front door.
He knocks firmly and he heard footsteps ascending to the door. His heart races in his chest but he swallows it down. The door opens and he meets the gaze of a very angry mother. "How dare you come here?" "I need to see her," "I think you've done enough."
"She's carrying my pup, I can't just leave her." Ransom's explains, desperate to be given the benefit of the doubt. "I've heard terrible stories about you. You trust fund, prick. My daughter made a mistake and I'm sure she'll learn from it without your help." She snaps.
"Did she say that?" "She did," "You're a terrible liar. Just like your daughter." He sighs when she growls defensively at him. "What happened to her? To her eyes?" He asks. "Please, I want to be in her life. She makes my heart tingle and that scares the hell out of me, so I tried to push her away by.."
"By treating her like trash. You have no idea how to deal with women, do you?" She asks and he shakes his with defeat.
"Come in," she says with a sigh. Ransom walks into the house much smaller than he's used to. That's what a family house looks like. The entire living room is the size of his walk in closet. But he understands why Y/N would call it home. "Stay here, I'll be right back." Y/N's mom says before disappearing down the hall.
He sits down on the side of the couch where your scent is the strongest. His eyes fall to the shut door closest to the kitchen. Your scent dripped from the room and it took everything in him not to burst in there and pull you into his arms.
Y/N's mom returns with a thin stack of newspapers. The looked to be a few years old by the font and the faded lettering in some places. The newspaper crinkles in his hands as he read the headline on the first page.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIM FOUND AFTER 7 YEARS. Below the headline was a picture of a young girl with bruises litering her face as she pulled the blanket close to her.
The most heart wrenching part about the picture was how hollow her eyes looked. It was like looking into a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it. Whatever she experienced ruined whatever childhood she had left. Ransom's eyes scan over the article and flipped through the rest of the pages, growing angrier the more he read.
"How long ago was this?" Ransom asks. "Five years ago. She was twelve when she was taken." Ransom shakes his head with disbelief and sets the newspaper on the table in front of him. "Can I see her, please?" He asks desperately.
"She hasn't moved since she came back from your house a week ago. She barely talks and eats. Hopefully you have better luck than I do." She says, motioning for the door.
Ransom stands up and opens the door within a few strides. Goosebumps littered his skin when he inhales Y/N's miserable musk. Tears threatened his eyes but he wiped them away quickly. She already been through hell and Ransom made it worse by treating her the way he was. She deserved better than him.
"Y/N?" Ransom starts but Y/N doesn't move a muscle. Her bed covers were draped over her entire body, leaving a small opening above her head so she could breathe. Her breathing was barely audible, she could easily be mistaken as dead. The room was dim from the closed curtain and lack of light.
Not knowing what to say, he decides he was going to stay there with her. Maybe.. hopefully.. his prescence is enough to comfort her because he has no idea how to do that as he was never comforted as a child. He was just told to suck it up and stop being a baby. He's a Drysdale. And Drysdale's aren't weak.
He shrugs off his peacoat and pulled off his cable knit sweater. He stepped a little closer to admire her nest but notice the lack of his scent. He drapes his cable knit over the headboard of her bed. Not wanting to push his luck, he walked away from the bed and slid down the wall a distance away from you.
He smiles when he hears you purr softly in your sleep as you notice his scent. "Baby, I'm going to stay here with you, if that's okay." Ransom says and you continued to purr. Guess that wasn't a terrible sign.
Later that night, Ransom left your house to grab a week's worth of clothes plus an assortment of clothes you could add to her you. You still haven't said anything but your vile scent of shame and sadness has lessened.
When Ransom came back, Y/N's mom offered him the guest room but Ransom claimed it was too far from her. So she pumped up an air mattress for him. He's spent every day in the room with Y/N without saying a word. One day, Ransom came back with sushi for lunch to see you out of bed.
You froze when you saw him down the hallway after closing the door to the bathroom. "You came back earlier than I expected," you say and a sigh of relief leaves his lips. You both stay in your spots and stare at each other, waiting for someone to make the first move.
"I'm not good at comforting people. But I am good at telling people what I know. And I know that I feel like absolutely shit for how I treated you. And I know what happened to you when you were younger. Why your eyes are the way they are." He starts. "The fact that you can stand up for other people despite your past makes you strong. A strong mate and a strong mother." He adds.
He sets the sushi on the counter and you shove your hands into the pockets of your sweatpants. "We're not meant to be parents, Ransom. This could be the worst thing that could happen to us." She explains. "Or the best thing. I don't know about you, but I've been looking for a change. And then I met you and that was the change I was looking for." He explains.
You eye him suspiciously, unsure of where this verbal affection came from. "Why are you saying these things? Did my mom put you up to this? I told her I would be fine." You say, walking down the hall and into your room. "She didn't put me up to this. And no, you're not fine." He says, leaning against your door frame.
"Baby, we're in this together." "I don't trust it. I don't trust you. I've seen what you're capable of and the way you treat people. And I will be damned if I let you treat my pup like that."
"Your pup?" "My pup," you repeat, placing a hand on your stomach. His gaze falls on your stomach and he nods to himself like he's making a decision in his mind.
"Mark me," he says, taking off his pea coat, cable knit sweater and tank top underneath that. He sets on the air mattress and nears you slowly. "What? No." "I'll honor the bond. I'll be yours and only yours. I won't mark you unless you want me to. Just please, mark me."
"This is insane," you start and takes your hand to place on his cheek. He inhales the scent of your pulse point on your wrist before placing your hand on his mating gland. You shake your head no and he sits down, pulling you into his lap and burying your face into his neck.
Your inner omega takes over and you wrap your arms around his neck. "Alpha," you whimper. "Oh, omega. I'm so sorry, baby." He whispers. He stares up at the ceiling as he tries to hold back his tears but it was no use. He always thought that he was fucked up because Linda never showed him any affection as a kid.
But to hear about what you experienced as a kid. The fact that you had nothing and you had your will and autonomy stripped from you. Ransom's autonomy was the only thing he felt like he truly had. He rubbed circles on your neck and you sigh into his. He learned that from a Google search he did but you didn't know that.
You pull away from his neck and cupped his cheeks, pressing a warm kiss on his soft lips. You were desperate for each other's touch, but it wasn't in a sexual way.
It was more like a tending to an internal scratch. Your eyes fluttered closed and he lifted your chin to deepen the kiss. Your tear stained cheeks rubbed against his and his tongue swiped against your lip, begging for access.
You glady give him the access he needed and his happy hummed vibrated your chest. He pulled away slowly and held you gaze before exposing his neck to you. You couldn't believe your eyes. The Ransom Drysdale was exposing his neck to you. Submitting to you. Maybe he wasn't bluffing after all.
You ghost your fingers over his mating gland and he sighs at the touch. You look to him and he nods, encouraging you to continue. Your tongue darted out to moisturize your dry lips and press a kiss to the sensitive skin. You purr as you inhale his musk of honey and crackers, his favorite childhood snack.
."Y/N, please." Giving him one last look before sinking your teeth into his neck, his mouth falls open and you bite down harder until you could taste the metallic drops of his blood.
You lick away the droplets of blood escaping the wound before pulling away. You lick away the blood from your lips and expose your neck to him but he gripped your chin and shook his head.
"You have to want it." He says sincerely. You barely recognize the Ransom in front of you. His ogate eyes dilate as they met your Y/E/C eyes. And in that moment you realize that Ransom was just as broken as you were. He truly was yours.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 9
Dabi X Reader , Bakugo X Reader
Words: 3214
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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You drank all day. Then took a nap, ate some pizza, and then continued to drink some more.
“Fuck Endeavor!” Dabi threw a pillow at the TV.
“Yeah fuck that guy! Small dick Energy!” You giggled at the sideways glare Dabi gave you.
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about the size of my old man’s dick.” You and Dabi were lounging on the couch, your legs in his lap, empty beer bottles littering the coffee table. You were watching some trashy special on TV about Japans top heroes, and having fun roasting them all. Dabi chuckled as he rubbed circles into your calf. “I have to say… I didn’t think you’d still be conscious at this point. I had you pegged as a light weight.”
You snorted as you sat up to look at him. “Who the fuck you calling a… *burp* light weight?” You sat up too quickly and had to squeeze your eyes shut to keep the room from spinning. His hand came up to steady you and you leaned into his warmth. “I’ll have you know… I am a drinking queen!” You giggled and started singing Dancing Queen at the top of your lungs but replaced the word dancing with drinking.
He rolled his eyes at you before shoving you off of his lap and onto the floor. You landed with a loud thud, but you just continued to giggle. “Aren’t you a Siren? Isn’t your singing supposed to be… I don’t know…good?”
Gasping you held your hand to your chest in mock horror. “How dare you insult my singing. If I wanted, I’d have you on my knees in seconds.”
He smirked at you, “Wait, what does that even mean? Did you mean you’d have me on MY knees in seconds or you’d be on YOUR knees in seconds? Because those are two very different things.”
“UGH! You know what I meant!”
You gave him a pouty look to which he just chuckled in response. “I don’t think I do doll. Why don’t you show me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I refuse to fall for your perverted mind games. I’m too smart!”
Dabi got an evil glint in his eyes. “Too smart huh?” He pushed himself off the couch and held a hand out to you to help you stand up on wobbly legs. “You’ve made some bold claims tonight princess. You say you’re a drinking queen. You say your smarter than me. You said you could have me on my knees in seconds… I just don’t know if I believe you.”
You swayed a bit as you jabbed a finger into his chest. “Bring it on bacon bits. Let’s make it a competition.”
“Okay fine. But it’s only fun if we put something on the line. What are we wagering?” His hand started to travel down your side to grip your ass.
Slapping his hand away you stepped out of his reach. “Nothing sexual! Keep your hands to yourself.”
He watched as you tapped your chin in thought. Obviously you were taking this competition thing very seriously. You looked cute in your drunken state. Your hair was askew and your cheeks a rosy shade or red. Suddenly your eyes beamed, “I know! Truth or dare!”
“Uh what?” Dabi quirked an eyebrow at your antics. “Did you forget that we are adults?”
“Oh come on, don’t be such a buzz kill!” You rushed over to the kitchen and started pulling out cups and beer. “We used to do this at UA all the time! It’s so much fun, come on!”
Dabi groaned as he approached the table that you were currently setting up for beer pong. “Oh come on… I was hoping it could be sexual.” It was his turn to pout now. “We could always play a quick round of strip pong. What do ya say?”
You paused as you set up cups, “Hmm maybe later. I know as soon as my clothes start to come off you won’t want to play games anymore.” You gave him a taunting look, “At least not any innocent ones.”
He raised his hands up in defense, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I am more than capable of keeping my hands to myself.”
You snorted as you set up the last cup. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
He took his spot on one side of the table. “I’ll tell you what… I’ll compromise. For every cup we make we have to answer a question. If I win, we move on to strip pong. If you win or if I can’t manage to keep my hands to myself, I’ll do whatever silly little punishment you can think of.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Sounds good to me.” You cracked you knuckles dramatically. “I hope you’re not a sore loser.” You were really confident for someone who was on the verge of passing out. But if you were being honest with yourself, you knew you were better at drinking games the drunker you were.
Dabi gave you a borderline evil smirk, “We’ll see how cocky you are when I make you play bare ass naked.” He threw a yellow ping pong pall at you, laughing as it smacked you in the face. “I’m sure there’s a some joke I could make about you liking balls in your face… bu-“
You tossed the ball and he watched as it sunk right in. One cup down, five more to go. His surprised eyes met your emotionless ones. You winked, “Drink up bitch.”
He scoffed as he yanked the ball out of the cup before downing it’s contents and flipping it upside down. “Alright… let’s get this over with…what are you gonna ask me?”
That was a good question. What were you going to ask him? You could only imagine the kind of secrets he had. Visions of all kinds of illegal acts and debaucheries crossed your mind. You were enjoying your little daydreams when he cleared his throat. “Any day princess…”
You tapped your chin, “Hmmm. Okay. Why did you leave the League?”
He groaned, “I thought you were gonna ask me something stupid like my favorite color… but no, of course you’d come out swinging.” His eyes looked a little nervous. “I technically never left, but I also was never really an official member. I’ve always done what I wanted. The only person I answer to is me.” His fists clenched, “But if you’re asking why I don’t really associate with them anymore… Well I may be a bad guy but even I have my limits.”
You knew that was probably all you were going to get when he squared his shoulder off and sunk a cup of his own. His eyes gleamed as he repeated your orders from earlier, “Drink up… bitch.” You stuck your tongue out at his before chugging your cup and loudly slamming it back onto the table. “Such attitude tonight? Makes me want to bend you over this table and-“
“Yeah yeah, bend me over the table and fuck me stupid… What’s your question?” Your cheeks flushed. From the embarrassment or the alcohol you weren’t sure.
He growled, “As soon as we finish this stupid game, I’m going to do just that you little brat.” His lips twitched into a brief smile. “So, I’ve been reading those really fun articles about you today and I noticed something… They never mention your hero name.. What is it?”
Your eyes grew cold and your arms came up to hug yourself. “I don’t have one.”
Dabi bristled at your short answer. “What do you mean you don’t have one. You graduated from UA, you worked at hero agency for a few years. Granted you were probably the only real hero in the entire building… but there’s no way you don’t have one.”
You shrugged, which earned you a glare. “Sorry, but I really don’t. When we picked names in school… Well I never really thought I’d actually graduate. Katsuki and Izuku had to talk me out of dropping out almost every other day. So, I didn’t take it seriously. After I got hired, they made it very clear the public would never know who I was. I was a spy. Spies don’t have hero names. They have code names. Mine was Helen.”
Dabi almost flinched at the amount of malice in your voice. Your happy mood disappearing fast. But his curiosity weighed heavy on him. “Why Helen?”
You tossed your ball and watched as it bounced off the table and into a cup. “That’s two questions… and that’s also two cups.” You wanted to change the subject, “My two questions are… Do you secretly like Shoto? And Why do you pretend that you don’t secretly love Shoto?”
“Ugh, Shoto’s a fucking brat.”
You strategically decided you were hot and removed the hoodie you had been wearing, leaving you in a tight tank top and a pair of his boxers. “Oh? I thought you liked brats?”
Dabi leaned on the table as he looked you up and down. “You’re playing a dangerous game there.”
“No… I’m playing beer pong. And in case you didn’t notice, I’m winning. Now answer the question.” You were having so much fun teasing him. You felt safe with an entire table in between the two of you. This was one of the first time the two of you had opened up to each other. Sure, it was because you were both drinking and only because you were playing a very juvenile game. But progress it progress.
He rolled his eyes at you as he gripped the ball in his had. “He’s my little brother… I don’t have to like him. I used to hate him actually. In my head he was the reason our dad was so awful to me. He was my replacement, the golden child.” He was quite for a little while. You could tell he didn’t really want to keep going. He was already more vulnerable then usual.
He knew if he wanted you to open up to him, he needed to offer the same courtesy. “Even now, I see the weird relationship they have and it pisses me off. My dad was awful to us, Shoto included. So, it makes me mad that he’s trying all of the sudden to make up for it, and even more mad that Shoto’s letting him.” He finished drinking his beer. “We’ve talked a lot recently and… at the end of the day he’s my baby brother. Sometimes I wonder if I had stuck around if things could have been different for him.” He finally made eye contact with you and sighed, “So to answer your question… I guess I like the kid a little bit.”
You squealed and clapped your hands. “I knew it! It’s almost impossible to not like him. He’s so adorable, and strong, and nice, and smart, and-“
“STOP! First you talk about my dad’s dick, and now you’re raving about how much you love my little brother… I’m literally right here?” His nose scrunched up in disgust. He shot his ball, it bounced off the rim of a cup and your hand was quick to swat it away. “FUCK! How did you even do that?”
“HA! No question for you. I’m too fast. My reflexes are too fast for you!” You giggled before chasing the ball that was now bouncing away towards the kitchen. You were already unsteady due to the alcohol but the second your socked feet hit the tile in the kitchen they slipped out from under you.
“Oof…” You landed hard on your ass. A few moments of silence passed before you rolled over and started laughing. You felt tears streaming down your cheeks and you clutched your stomach. You honestly could say you hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time.
You felt two strong hands lift you up from under your armpits. “Maybe we should call it a night soon. I have a feeling if I don’t stop you now, you’ll hate me tomorrow when your heads in a toilet.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes and laughed even harder. “I WIN!”
He picked you up and turned you to face him. “I know you’re drunk… but you still have three cups left before you win.”
“NoOo I win! You touched me! Your hands my contact with my armpits! Physical contact was made… I WIN!” You started poking him in the chest. “I win. I win. I win. You lose. I win.” You danced in a circle resulting in you falling into his chest.
His arms wrapped around you tightly, “That’s got to be cheating… You fucking wiped out on the kitchen floor. I still had questions I wanted to ask. This is bullshit.” His hand reached down and rubbed circles on the sore spot on your ass.
The alcohol was starting to hit you hard. You leaned into his warmth and could feel drunken slumber start to drag you under. “I’ll make you a deal. You can ask me one question. But you have to do the punishment I decide no matter what.”
He had no idea what you had planned and by the look in your eyes he probably wasn’t going to like it. “Fine. I’ll do it… Why Helen?”
You froze. You knew he was going to ask. You didn’t want to talk about it, but then again you knew he probably didn’t want to talk about his family. You were torn. You wanted to lean closer to him, to absorb his warmth, to let him hold you. But you also wanted to push him away, to stand on your own feet, to show you’re not weak.
His hand came up to cradle the back of your head, holding you to him, deciding for you. You took a shaky breath. “Well I don’t know how much Greek mythology you know… But there was a woman… Helen of Troy. She was supposedly the most beautiful woman in the whole world.” Dabi’s fingers ran through your hair encouraging you to continue. “She had powerful men fighting over her, on their knees begging for her love. She was the reason the Trojan War started. Most people think it was the Trojan horse that lead to victory over Troy… but in reality, it was her. She brought destruction to an entire country… just by being pretty.” You let out a long breath and felt some of the tension in your shoulders start to bleed out. “So, I was Helen. I was a pretty face that brought destruction to men.”
His hand rubbed up and down your spine. “Well they got one thing right… You are beautiful.”
A shaky chuckle left you as you gripped his shirt. “And if we’re being honest… You are more than capable of destroying anyone you wanted to. You’re just a badass, you are a beautiful badass and that’s nothing you should be ashamed of. Wear it like a badge of honor.”
Your next words were barely louder than a whisper, “I’ve done a lot of bad things.” He didn’t say anything, to which you were grateful. He just continued to rub your back. “I have no right to be mad about those articles… because I did those things.”
Dabi leaned away from to make you look at him. “It doesn’t matter what you did, because you did them with good intentions. I’ve done way worse and believe me when I say I did them all for the worst reasons possible.” His thumb brushed against your cheek. “They took advantage of you. They were the one’s giving the orders. They are the ones responsible, and they are the ones who will ultimately pay the price.”
You blinked back your tears. “I just feel so stupid. I believed so much in the hero system, I was so blind to what they were doing. How many of the people that I apprehended were innocent? How many of them just had interesting quirks they wanted to study? How many of them just didn’t agree with the system? How many voices did I silence?”
“You’ll drive yourself crazy if you think like that. People like us fell through the cracks and that’s not our fault.” You just nodded, done talking about it. There was nothing he could say at the moment that would make you feel better. Only time could fix this, if it could even be fixed at all. Dabi squeezed your cheeks together. “Now why don’t you tell me what this punishment is, because you looked really excited about it earlier.”
You nodded and pushed away from him, wiping your tears. “Yeah. Okay…” You took a deep breath pushing the painful thoughts out of your mind. “I want you… to prank call… Shoto…”
He immediately wanted to deny you. To say hell no. But you had just had a raw moment with him, and he had promised. “… Fine.”
He pulled out his phone and scrolled until he saw Experiment #4 and hit dial. What was he supposed to say? He had never done something like this before. Was he supposed to block his number? It was really late would his brother even answer?
You poked his shoulder and mouthed, “Put it on speaker.”
He rolled his eyes but complied. A few rings later and Shoto’s tired voice interrupted his thoughts. “…uh…hello?”
Dabi began to panic. The only thing he could think of were the immature jokes he’d heard when hanging out with Twice. “Your mammas so stupid… When I told her she lost her mind. She went looking for it…”
You lost it. You bent over in silent laughter. Not only at his ridiculous joke, but the look on his face was priceless.
“… My mamma? We have the same mother. It’s a little insensitive to say she lost her mind Touya. Wait is this code? Are you guys okay? Cough if you need help.” You herd rustling in the background. “Izuku get up I think Y/n and my brother need help. He said my mamma’s so stupid, when he told her she lost her mind, she went looking for it. I think it’s code.”
You couldn’t help it you let out a loud laugh, Shoto was as clueless as ever. Izuku took the phone from his boyfriend. “Sounds like a dumb joke to me babe. Hey Dabi… did y/n put you up to this?”
Something about hearing Izuku’s serious voice made Dabi uncomfortable. He sounded like an angry father who had just been woken up but his dumb children. “Uh… yeah…”
“Great tell her she’s hilarious, and next time she wants to wake someone up at three in the morning to call Kacchan.”
The line went dead and Dabi scoffed, “He really is an idiot I swear.”
“As far as I’m *hiccup* concerned all you Todoroki’s are.” You yawned and stretched. Your eye lids were getting heavy.
Dabi scooped you up and you immediately nuzzled into his shoulder. “One for your room, twice for mine.” You had never been in his bed until last night, but his bed was considerably more comfortable than your own. You held up two fingers. “Anything my drunk destroyer of men wants.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602 @pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop @bakubby99
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whereisten · 4 years
True Love
A Jeno fic that’s a part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: You, an employee at an entertainment company, are immune to the charms of their biggest star Lee Jeno.
Pairing: Rockstar! Jeno x female reader
Genre: romance, drama, fantasy, suspense
Warning: alcohol use, smut mention, stalking, manipulation 
Word Count: 4.3k
(A/N: Hiya! I’m so sorry for the delay! It’s been so hectic lol! Thank you so much for your support and patience! Hope you enjoy! And shoutout to Krys for keeping me sane and for all of her love and support. I love you! :D)
To everyone in the world, Lee Jeno was the epitome of perfection and rock royalty. He was a gifted musician from the very young age of five, having specialized in several instruments in his childhood. However, his heart gravitated to the guitar. He became a trainee at LCF Entertainment and along with four other trainees, they became the world famous rock band, Temptation.
He was ranked in the top 23 in World Magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive this year. He was a walking and talking Adonis with a heartwarming smile.
Jeno was a man of many talents but he certainly didn’t let it get to his head. He was a humanitarian, a UNICEF ambassador, fostered shelter animals, was the proud owner of three cats even though he was allergic, a great family man (funding his siblings’ college tuition and providing for his parents so they could retire early), etc. He did it all and he had it all.
How could anyone be immune to his charms?
People wondered who would be the queen that would reign beside him when he settled down. Frankly, one couldn’t be anything short of a supermodel on the verge of sainthood. So many hopeful contenders were discouraged from pursuing him.
Jeno’s dating life was non-existent, the paparazzi dreaded to inform.
But you were an employee of LCF Entertainment so you knew the truth, as well as the true nature of the famous Lee Jeno. He was basically like any other young man with an inflated ego. He was cocky, a huge flirt when the cameras were off, very picky, and demanding. But no one ever dared speak a word of his true nature to the paparazzi. And you always wondered why. Someone had to bring him down a few pegs.
You were the staff photographer and videographer, in charge of capturing Jeno’s good and “relatable but still unbelievably glamorous” sides. When the camera was on, that was when you felt at ease.
It didn’t help that Jeno liked you either. Although you’d been working with Temptation and the individual members for a few years now, it was only recently that Jeno really was set on it pursuing you.
When you switched off the camera after the recording of Jeno’s backstage vlog, he sat comfortably at his makeup chair and proceeded to ask, “Y/n, will you go out with me now?”
You answered immediately, “No.”
Jeno gave you a sad puppy dog face. “Why not?”
“We’ve gone over this. I would get fired.” You wanted to spare his feelings so that was what you always said when he asked you out.
Jeno groaned. “You would not. I wouldn’t let that happen.”
You snorted. “You think you have that kind of power, Lee?”
He liked when you called him by his last name. “That’s because I do have that power, y/n. The new company building is funded solely out of my earnings from my last solo album.”
You whistled. “There’s that humility I’m always reading about in O!What Magazine…”
Jeno smiled. “You read articles about me?”
“I do when my name is in the article, boss.” You started packing up your equipment, ready to call it a day and head home.
Jeno got out of his chair and stood over you. He smelled of Dior Sauvage, cologne from his latest brand endorsement. He wore his stage clothes from his solo concert rehearsal. A sleeveless jean jacket top that parted down the middle to show his abs. Along his abs, silver chains dangled and added a nice glimmer effect when he was on stage. The entire team was thrilled to see how the audience would eat it up.
He whispered into your ear, “Y/n.”
Truthfully? He was attractive. You’d always had a little crush on him but it was of a shallow nature. You liked him for his looks. Not so much for his personality. You’d known too much.
If Jeno had been any other regular guy, you would’ve been open to a one-night stand.
But Jeno wasn’t just any regular guy.
You tried to hide the fact that shivers ran down your spine. “Stop.”
He chuckled. “But I can see you through the reflection, y/n...You're crossing your legs…”
You’d hoped he wasn’t that perceptive but it turned out he was. You hid away the fact that you were turned on. Your panties were damp but you’d be damned if he ever knew that.
You met Jeno’s perfectly lined eyes as he looked at you unapologetically. Everyone else from the staff already left. Jeno’s manager was waiting downstairs to take him to the radio station J-423 for his upcoming interview.
You were breathless now. “Jeno, you’re going to be late-”
He pulled you into him and kissed you, easily slipping his tongue into your mouth and working magic against yours. You couldn’t help but return his kiss. His mouth was paradise and you wondered what else he could do with it.
He let you go after a few minutes and cupped your face. “So are you going to deny that there’s something going on here?”
You tried to catch your breath as you wiped your lipstick off of Jeno’s mouth. “No, I guess not...But this is where it stops.”
Jeno frowned. “Y/n…”
“I know where I stand. And you know it, too. And Jeno, I don’t like you that way...I’m sorry.” You caressed his face and grabbed your things, leaving Jeno with an unreadable expression on his face.
As a member of LCF Entertainment, your ultimate goal was profit. That was what you had to know from the very beginning. There was no such thing as LCF Family or truly prioritizing the idols. Everyone was after themselves. Whoever brought the most money to the company would get the most attention and special treatment. And that was Jeno.
And you, an aspiring film director, were thankful to be on his team because this experience could open doors for you in the future as a director. Sure, Jeno was a diva and he couldn’t stop flirting with you, but the experience wasn’t all that bad. And yeah it was frustrating that the media and the public perceived Jeno to be the nation’s sweetheart. But in the end, he wasn’t hurting anyone.
He was only hurting people’s wallets.
Temptation’s merchandise always sold out quickly but Jeno’s individual merch was always the first to sell out. And it was the first to get resold for twice and sometimes even triple the price. The fanbase was very merciless and selfish with each other. However, the scalpers were the true evil. That was less money going to your company, after all.
Even though frontman Jeno was the most popular member of Temptation, it was Temptation’s drummer Xiaojun that you had a massive crush on for a long time now. You even accumulated a secret collection of his merch. You were two photocards away from completing your Xiaojun album photocard collection.
Xiaojun even admitted to liking you back but you both kept it a secret from everyone else in the world, especially LCF. You two weren’t about to compromise your jobs. However, since Temptation was the biggest moneymaker in the game and the boys had been with the company for quite some time now, their dating ban was lifted.
Which explained why Jeno had been asking you out all week, not caring who listened and it freaked you out.
If Jeno’s fans ever found out he asked you out, they would pin the blame on you.
A week had passed since you told Jeno you weren’t interested in him. You felt bad for hurting him but you were also worried about his mood. He had the power to get you dismissed. You refused to believe he would be so cruel.
And up until this point, you were right. You were still employed and Jeno spoke with you like any other day, talking about camera angles and new concepts for upcoming shoots.
The end of another work week and Xiaojun surprises you on your way to the bus stop.
“Y/n,” Xiaojun pulls up beside you in his Porsche. He looked so elegant in a pale blue sweater and blue jeans. His face was concealed by a mask so he could leave undetected. But you’d recognized those eyebrows anywhere.
“Hey. What are you doing here?”
“I...I think we should finally talk…”
He smiled. “About dating.”
You nearly dropped your phone out of your hand from the shock. “Really?”
He said, “Get in so I can drive you home!”
You nodded fervently and got into his passenger seat. Was this really happening?
On the drive home, Xiaojun told you he wanted to take it slow and have indoor dates with you first. You couldn’t agree more. He even surprised you with a brand new pair of AirPods after you told him that your brother took them from you.
The first of many gifts, he told you.
You got home that night and screamed excitedly into your pillow so as not to frighten your roommates
It has been a month since you and Xiaojun started seeing each other. You were on cloud nine. He would visit you at your apartment and would play with his dog Bella. Bella loved you a little more than she loved Xiaojun so you two would always bicker and end the night in each other’s arms.
Jeno noticed the spring in your step as you filmed his cooking vlog. He was showing his fans how he cooked breakfast for himself when he had down time. He was in a plain white T-shirt and a pair of drawstring trousers. He looked relaxed and for many, delectable, as his hair was wet from a shower. He was trying very hard to get your attention once again.
He anticipated you averting your eyes and stuttering at the sight of him but nothing. You whistled while you adjusted the tripod’s position.
“What’s got you so happy?” Jeno asked.
You nearly jumped at his question. You decided to be upfront. “I’m seeing Xiaojun.”
Jeno’s cool facade nearly cracked before your very eyes. “Oh?”
You apologized. “I’m sorry, Jeno. I should’ve told you that I liked Xiaojun…”
Jeno was furious. What the hell did Xiaojun have that he didn’t? Jeno was more muscular, taller, more talented, wealthier, more attractive...He was superior to Jeno in every way and everyone else knew it, too.
He honed his acting skills and replied evenly, “Why are you apologizing, y/n? So you like someone else...I’ll live.”
You realized maybe Jeno didn’t like you as much as you thought so you felt relieved to hear his dismissive tone. “Right. Good. I just...thought you should know…”
You and Jeno continued the shoot. He acted like nothing had happened and even behind the scenes, he joked with you and asked you which of the female trainees he should ask out. You berated him because female trainees were not allowed to date and he knew this very well. Jeno was back to his arrogant self and you were relieved.
You got a text from Xiaojun that he was finishing up a filming schedule with his bandmates. You wouldn’t be able to see him today because the schedule was running overtime.
He told you to go to dinner with some friends at Osaka Moon. His treat. He was good friends with the chef, apparently. You were on your way to the restaurant to meet your friends.
You were shocked at how down-to-earth Xiaojun still was after achieving so much fame and then he would do things like this. It gave you whiplash but you were having the time of your life with him.
However, you noticed him across the street. Xiaojun always wore different wigs and masks for his disguised outings with you.
But this time, there were no disguises. His side swept blonde hair and his thin framed glasses. There was no mistaking that it was him.
Was the filming for the show at the Downtown Hotel?
You were about to call his name when you saw another woman wrap her arms around him and squeeze his ass. She had long wavy brown hair and a slender frame. She could’ve been a model or a singer. They both entered the expensive hotel. Very bold of him to take her out so publicly when he was still intent on hiding you.
You felt like someone knocked the breath out of you. You shook your head in disbelief.
Immediately, you dialed Xiaojun’s number and there was no answer. You called four more times and nothing.
Son of a bitch, you thought.
He played you. You should’ve known he was no different than any other dickhead A-lister.
You decided to call his bandmates. It turned out that the filming they’d done today wrapped up over two hours ago.
Haechan had no idea where he was. Jisung didn’t either. Jaemin was equally perplexed. Last but not least you called Jeno.
He answered. “Hello?”
At this point, you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore. “Jeno…”
“Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“Do you know where Xiaojun is?”
“Not specifically...he did mention he had a reservation at the Downtown Hotel…”
You sniffled. “He did?”
“I thought he was meeting you…”
“No, he wasn’t…”
“Oh...Oh, shit, y/n. I am so-“
“It’s okay...Thanks Jeno. I’ll see you on Monday…”
You told your friends to have dinner without you and to make sure to spare no expense because your so-called boyfriend was buying. You told them Xiaojun finished at the last minute and wanted to take you dancing.
A total lie so you could wallow at your local bar.
You sat right by the bar and downed a few glasses of beer. Just to feel anything else besides the betrayal you felt.
A half hour later, you were even more buzzed now. A young man sat beside you at the counter.
He started, “Hello, gorgeous.”
You looked at the young man. He was stunning. Another face that belonged on television. Another one of those who was capable of seducing you and tossing you away the very next second.
You flipped the bird. “Bite me.”
The young man scoffed and tried again, “Feisty, aren’t we?”
He got closer to you and you began to feel uncomfortable. “Please leave me alone…”
“Tsk tsk. A beautiful girl like you in tears? You need someone who will bring your smile back.”
“And you’re the man for that job?” Someone interrupted.
You were shocked to find Jeno here. He looked gorgeous in a black leather jacket and dark jeans. His hair was slicked back the way you liked it most and wow, you may have had one too many drinks...A few customers recognized Jeno and started whispering and taking their cameras out.
“Jeno?” You nearly lost your balance as you got up from your chair.
Jeno grabbed you immediately before the other guy could.
The stranger said, “Why do you get to put your hands on her? Just cause you're some pretty boy with mediocre music...I’m sure she’s nothing compared to who you’ve bedded before-“
Jeno socked him in the face and escorted you out of the bar. The stranger cursed you both out as you left. Jeno led you quickly into his manager’s car that he borrowed for the night. You felt a little dizzy.
Jeno fastened your seatbelt.
You smiled at him. “Thanks.”
He looked at you in concern. “Are you okay?”
You shook your head. “Why are men scum, Jeno?”
Jeno sighed. “I’m so sorry about-“
“Don’t say his name...I...never want to see him again...God, now I have to sell all of his merch…”
Jeno frowned in confusion and continued, “I’ll take you home…”
You didn’t want to face your roommates. “No...Can I…Spend the night with you?”
It took all of Jeno’s might not to get out his car and raise his fist in the air. But he composed himself. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, wanting to forget all about Xiaojun and have one thoughtless night with Jeno. “Yes.”
Jeno drove you two to his penthouse suite. He was cautious around you and you were ready to shrug away your inhibitions.
Jeno helped you remove your coat at the entrance. “Take a seat. I’ll get you some water.”
You sat yourself on the couch and opened your legs wide, exposing your panties underneath your skirt. “Jeno, fuck me right now so I can forget his sorry ass.”
Jeno hesitated then but seeing how irresistible you were...He couldn’t help himself.
He asked again. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. You were buzzed but not that buzzed. You wanted to spite Xiaojun. You wanted to acknowledge the part of you that longed for Jeno for so long, too. You’d be stupid to deny that you fantasized about a night with him.
You hesitated before but now you said, why the hell not?  
You and Jeno made love that night. Jeno was over the moon that you were finally in his arms. Sure it was a rebound but the look in your eyes when he was inside you had to mean something. There was a promise there and Jeno held onto that glimmer of hope.
Jeno took you home the next day and he was very cool about the whole night. Right before you returned home. you reminded him about how this was a one night stand and thanked him for a wonderful night.
You were resolute in dumping Xiaojun and simply going back to work. Thankful you only ever worked for Jeno anyway. And as expected, Jeno was his usual self: cocky, flirty, sending his food back for random reasons.
Xiaojun came under the fire for going to a hotel with a potential prostitute. The identity of the woman he was seen with remained a mystery. He tried convincing everyone that the woman was not a prostitute but he couldn’t remember how he met her or what she looked like. That night and along with how crazy Xiaojun sounded caused the company to encourage him to leave. Xiaojun’s contract with LCF Entertainment was terminated.
The week after you and Jeno made love...You started catching feelings for him. Every glance. Every fleeting touch. It drove you mad. And suddenly that one night stand was something you wanted again. And again. And again.
You accompanied Jeno and his manager as he attended a gallery opening. You were in charge of his photos for his social media. He looked extremely dapper in his red suit. You just wanted to rip his clothes off and make love to him in front of all of the guests. Becoming a work of art yourselves.
These thoughts you’ve been having used to scare you but now...you owned them. Tonight, when you got him alone, you would tell him how you really felt. You hoped you weren’t too late.
Jeno’s manager excused himself to get some refreshments. Jeno observed a painting while you took some more photos.
“Stunning,” you said aloud.
Jeno’s eyes grew at your words. “Wow, y/n...All the years we’ve worked together and you’ve never made a comment about my looks…”
Your face grew warm then. “I’m feeling a little bolder these days…”
He grinned. “Is that so?”
“Jeno, I won’t beat around the bush…I haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night…”
“I know I said it was a one night stand and...You’ve moved on…”
Jeno started, “I haven’t…”
You were shocked to hear it. “Really?”
He moved closer to you and moved the camera away from your line of sight. “What are you saying, y/n?” His voice was dangerously low.
“I’m saying...that I want to be with you, Jeno.”
Jeno’s smile looked so gorgeous then. He was the true work of art at the gallery. “Well, y/n, I’ve made my feelings abundantly clear for a while now…”
He kissed you then. And the cameras started flashing.
You were on cloud nine. You finally released your suppressed feelings for the rockstar before you.
You’ve been together for two years now. He made you feel safe and loved. He showered you with gifts and trips to the most beautiful parts of the world.
As for the response from netizens and the company? Jeno had all the power and he could handle a few naysayers. Your job as his photographer and videographer remained intact. And you were well on your way to transitioning to your own film projects: your dream.
You and Jeno had become a couple to root for. They called you The Prince and The Pauper Turned Princess. You hated your label but whenever you looked at Jeno’s eyes, any anxiety or anger quickly faded.
Jeno had a solo performance in your city tonight and you were seated in a private booth. He was performing so well, moving from instrument to instrument. Driving people to tears with his long low notes. And then he surprised everyone with his announcement.
“Before I perform ‘Changed Your Mind’, I want to give a shout-out to the woman of my dreams, y/n, who is here with us tonight.”
The stadium roared in excitement and many heads turned to you. Your eyes never left Jeno.
“Y/n, I love you so much. We’ve come so far, baby. And I want us to never stop. Which is why…”
He got down from the stage and was escorted by security down to the crowd. He ran his hands past adoring fans as he made his way to you.
He entered your booth with his camera crew and security close by. “Y/n, will you marry me?”
You cried out, “Yes!”
Jeno picked you up and spun you around. You kissed passionately. The crowd’s roars thundered now. It was a celebration. You didn’t care that all eyes were on you now, as well. All you cared about was Jeno. And he loved you more than anything else in the world.
You truly found your soulmate and you couldn’t be happier.
Jeno finished his show and was backstage cooling down with a bottle of water.
“Good job tonight,” a woman said as she stood at the door of Jeno’s dressing room.
“Thank you, sis. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Jeno’s older sister Yeeun sat on the couch of the dressing room. “How does it feel to have her in your clutches now?”
Jeno smirked. “Pretty damn great.”
“And I’m here to collect my payment, little brother.”
Jeno sighed. “Really? It’s been two years.”
Yeeun looked at her manicured nails. “I’ve been busy.”
Jeno laughed. “Screwing over taken men? I’m sorry, I meant screwing taken men?”
“Nope. That task was a one-and-done deal. How is that poor boy doing these days?”
“Xiaojun? He’s back at school getting his master’s...He’s happy.”
“Has he tried to contact y/n since then?” Yeeun asked.
Jeno chuckled. “No. Why would he?”
She smiled at him. “They were sweet together. And you tore them apart because you couldn’t take no for an answer, could you?”
Jeno rolled his eyes. “And what about it? I have a right to get whatever I want. Do you know who I am?”
Yeeun sighed. “Yes, you repeatedly tell the family group chat who you are every week. And we all take it because you pay us well…”
Jeno and Yeeun had conspired against you and Xiaojun. Jeno stole Xiaojun’s phone and Yeeun charmed Xiaojun to join her for a night at the hotel. Jeno planned for you to go to Osaka Moon so you could see Xiaojun and Yeeun together.
Jeno watched you as you broke down in tears, calling each of his bandmates. He made sure he was far enough away by the time you called him. He played the part of a concerned friend very well. He had to take up acting, another field he would surely dominate. And with you as his director? It made him hard just thinking about it.
Jeno didn’t coincidentally find you at the bar. He’d been tailing and that stranger who hit on you was only an added bonus. Jeno could play the unsuspecting hero and you would eat it up. And that you did. He was satisfied to know that you wanted to sleep with him. He didn’t care about being a rebound.
Even so, he wasn’t going to take any chances. So after you left his penthouse the next morning, he took the bedsheets you came on and the strands of hair you left behind and got to work.
Did you really think Jeno amassed such success and wealth all on his own? He had a little help from his family and their friends from Hell, of course. Jeno’s family came from a long line of Satan-worshipping witches. Jeno was the youngest of the descendants.
Human sacrifice was only a small token of the Lee family’s appreciation to Lucifer. So Jeno’s deception of Xiaojun was almost nothing in the list of gruesome things Jeno has done to reach the top of his game.
Yeeun was able to literally charm Xiaojun with her own special concoction. Once she and Xiaojun had sex, she wiped his memory of that hour and left him alone at the hotel. Confused. Disoriented. Worried.
As for you? Well, you were the most irresistible creature in this world. Your immunity to his charms was only the first step in his growing feelings for you. You were brilliant and talented at your craft, always capturing his best features on camera. You were gorgeous. He was surprised you didn’t become an idol at LCF yourself. You were warm and sweet and giving. Even if the company was cutthroat, he saw how you’d be with your coworkers and the other idols. You were just a pure, loving girl. And he desperately needed you. Desired you. Craved you.
He simply had to call you his.
With your samples, he was able to create the perfect spell to make you his.
That was what Jeno called true love.
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utterlyinevitable · 3 years
pb let me *redact* Tobias challenge 🥲
not me turning your tobias thirst asks into a 3-part mini series 😂🙈
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Pairing: Ethan x F!MC (Becca Lao) x Tobias Carrick Rating: Teen+ Summary: Ethan’s still pissed at Becca for her Tobias stint when he was in the Amazon. What happens when the narcissist joins the team? Trope: Angst; Broke Up; Ethan’s POV; Fighting; Jealousy
A/N: the toxin plot didn’t happen in this universe btw.
Part 1  |  Part 2
Godly Sins: 3. Parting Wrath of Hera
That evening Tobias and Becca spoke late into the night about anything and everything. Well, everything that didn’t involve Ethan, June and hospital drama, nor their two brief wanton stints - truly getting to know one another and starting fresh.
As days and shifts and weekends rolled by, the sparkle they’ve shared began blooming into a friendship.
It was rather inevitable, really.
Two people who shared an indubitable attraction, forced to spend all their time together out of their boss’ sight - It was kismet.
Meanwhile, Ethan Ramsey had been ignoring them both for weeks outside of Diagnostic Team mandated functions - even then, interactions were brief and mediated by Harper. He’s been on edge since Tobias joined the team as Bloom’s nark, presumably. Or at least that’s what he told himself - convinced himself that nothing good could come from whatever this was.
Oh, how things go horribly, horribly sour.
Becca was sitting in the office waiting for the daily Diagnostics Team meeting to start, busying herself by scrolling through social media over eleven times in the last five minutes.
Steps away, Ethan sat at his desk, keeping a cold shoulder and looking over files he purposely keeps on his desk for awkward times just as these. The air between them stiff and stale, as heavy as it was months ago when they had their falling out. They should have acclimated to the unrelenting suffocation of being left alone together - the third shadow accompanying whatever was left of them.
But they hadn’t. Never really could once she realized Ethan would never forgive her for forming a survivalistic attachment to his biggest adversary. Rebecca Lao wasn’t going to let a man’s misplaced pride stifle her. So, she refuses to stroke his ego by hiding - even through the rancor of being alone with him, and the twangs that erupt when they’re this close. She’s not going to idly hover outside, biding time until Harper or Tobias or Naveen or a nurse, or anyone else enters the office first. She’ll sit and she’ll wait for work to begin.
And Ethan Ramsey will sit at his desk and pretend she’s not there. He’ll pretend he can’t smell her perfume, or hear the tapping of her nails to her phone or the heel to the floor as her leg jitters. He’ll pretend she’s nothing more than a ghost of the past lingering in the cornerstone of his conscious, like all the others. He’ll convince himself he’s angled away from her just enough to keep a peripheral eye on the door in case there’s an emergency, even if that line of vision is really just of her.
If Tobias noticed Ethan staring blankly ahead, he didn’t dare attempt to feign interest. The olive-skinned addition sauntered straight over to Becca, hands full and a thin, satisfied smile at home on his lips.
He set down a large coffee and sandwich wrapped in white paper in front of her. Ethan could just about read the stickered logo from where he sat. But he could see the undoubtable way Becca’s eyes lit up.  
“Is this from...”
“The one and only,” Tobias had a cheeky grin - a kind of unbridled simper.
“That was fast.”
“Said I’d buy you breakfast, and I did.” He pulled out the chair closest to her and sat with his signature nonchalant grace. “Did you think I’m not a man of my word?” His hand was waving, palm up, towards the small feast before her.
“More like a flubber.”
Becca’s playful tone matched his in the most complimentary way.
Ethan caught the shining smile they shared - one that could only indicate an inside joke. One that could only mean they were spending too much time together. One that could only mean they were getting along.
Then Tobias plucked a strip of bacon off her sandwich.
And that was when something snapped in Dr. Ramsey.
They weren’t meant to be comfortable. They’re meant to suffer. That was the whole point of constantly pairing them together. These two flawed and moralless people were meant to be a punishment. Just for a while. Just until...
They made a house out of crushed stones.
They flipped the script on how this was meant to play out, and Ethan vehemently resented them for it.
As soon as Harper entered the office, Ethan bolted to his feet and rattled through the meeting. Swift, succinct and blinded by the need to be alone. Alone to plot what comes next.
He was gruffer with them for the rest of the day, and this time they noticed. The scorn seeped through Ethan’s characteristic distain like nuclear waste. Neither Becca or Tobias were guilty of whatever Ethan was holding them accountable for this time - a scapegoat for his repressed feelings. Then why did Becca feel guilty? She did nothing wrong - then or now. This is a natural progression to the seeds he sowed by banishing them.
Ethan will just have to live with the consequences.  
The consequences came two weeks later. Powerful and damning and freezing Ethan in place, right in the middle of his office. Right in front of them. 
Tobias and Becca were perched on the diagnostics’ couch. Becca’s hand is in his and he’s rubbing gentle circles of adoration to the soft skin. He didn’t stop his ministrations as the air around them, once a glorious heated serenity, now turned icy. The chill wafting through with the large presence of their past.
“I don’t want to know,” he grumbles as he pulls himself out of his stupor and storms towards his desk.
The words of her off-handed response were as hard as a lingering look into Medusa’s eyes. “Yes you do, Ethan. So ask.”
The contempt. The exasperation. The overall vile irksome in her tone… It was baiting him. She was baiting him to lose his temper. To acknowledge it all. Ethan didn’t mean to say his inner thoughts out loud, didn’t mean to revert on the divine separation he’s put between them all. And he certainly didn’t mean for her to mistake this moment as an olive branch. However decrepit it is. 
Ethan didn’t ask. Just shakes his head and tries to fall back into his ignorance. 
He hears the creak of the couch as the pair stand up and the shuffling of two people moving as one. Ethan’s trying so hard not to watch them - trying not to assess their every move and read too much into it. The pair move towards the door when he speaks -
An authoritative statement pegged directly at her. Eyes devoid of feeling, blue irises creeping down the Marianas trench.
“It is unethical to be involved with a colleague.”
Ethan Ramsey was foolish. Especially so to believe he could have the last word - the last victory of battle in the war he started. For Rebecca spun around with such purpose, the skirt of her dress catching on the wind. Her hands at her sides balling, sharp nails grazing palms.
A rueful snort escapes her, “Thought it was only unethical if there’s a power imbalance?”
She had him there. With the forced team democracy Tobias wasn’t technically a superior. Never mind that they aren’t together. Not really.
If he was a better man, Tobias would intervene and set the record straight. He’d position himself in the five feet between these two Edenbrook legacies instead of behind her. Watching. Decoding every tell tale in the tableau.
The way they were glaring at one another, well... The suspicion that floated as his reasoning to send the basket all those months ago was more than confirmed. And Tobias Carrick just realized what he’s just gotten himself into.
“There will be no fraternizing within my team,” Ethan’s voice strained to keep calm. Tried not to bellow the rule he’s kept in place when it comes to Rebecca Lao. His ears beginning to redden and the vein of his neck protruding. 
Becca huffed a dry laugh, folded her arms across her chest and looked away. Towards Tobias.
In a few seconds many things happened. Becca’s eyes locked on Tobias, shooting him a look that could only mean one thing. Tobias smiled just for her. Ethan’s heart shattered. And Becca turned back to Ethan.
Her once copper eyes now almost entirely black. “Define fraternizing.”
That had Ethan sputtering and Tobias’ sly smile broadening.
“Because friendship is one thing,” she continued. “Sexual intercourse, another.”
That got a rise out of both men for very different reasons.
“Either way, the nature of my relationship with Tobias is none of your concern.”
They’re staring one another down. His sapphire eyes darker than she’s ever seen - all the hurt they’ve caused one another swirling between. Becca can feel the regret in the tension of his shoulders and the stiffness of his jaw. But for what, she doesn’t know - doesn’t want to. The longer she stands here, looking at him for the first time in months, she fears she’ll see every facet of pain she’s caused, and every reason to back down. And that’s too much to bear. Even after it all there’s still a part of her that loves him, always will. 
She’s strong as stone before him, refusing to waver.
Tobias itches to say something, anything. Something that wouldn’t just cut through the tension... 
“If it makes you feel better we’ll disclose to HR.”
Ethan’s neck could have snapped with the force of the swiftness as his head whipped towards his rival. Eyes narrowed and sizing Tobias up - decoding every subtext of the phrase. Every little bit of their unknown closeness. 
With his steely gaze stuck on Tobias, Becca found the strength to pull away. Turned her back on Ethan and began walking out - not a single glance thrown back over her shoulder for either man. Tobias less than half a step behind her. Leaving Ethan with one final look. 
As Ethan watched them walk out, he deflates. A knife stabbed straight to the heart he wasn’t sure he still had. Red blood that beat because of her. 
For her. 
As soon as they were out of earshot, down the corridor and away from any lingering ears, Tobias spoke; 
“Ever going to tell me what happened between you and Ramsey?”
“A mistake, apparently.”
He squeezed her hand and that’s all that was said on the subject.      
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