#I didn’t know you could smile
shalomniscient · 8 months
crawling out of hiatus hell to sob on main about the chenyu vale world quest………… save me beast yuri save me
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possiblyfunny · 3 months
Hey, look guys, more art-
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I’ve been wanting to draw him like this ever since I first saw him smile, but my will to draw eluded me until now! This started off as a doodle, so, please excuse the messiness. I drew this to de-stress.
“Fire” Red belongs to @creatively-cosmic. They have a blog called @themissingnumbers, which is really good! Go check it out if you want to see more.
[Sketch + Colored Version below the cut!]
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#Not my greatest work but it’s what I made :)#Hope you don’t mind the lack in quality- haha#I’ve made better pieces#but I still like this one!#I feel like I’m getting better at drawing his hair lmao-#I just kinda messed around with this one but I really wanted to draw him smiling#Fire smiling makes me happy :)#He deserves to be happy#and I hope I can help him attain that happiness.#Even if my help is the equivalent of Baby Steps lmao#Gotta start somewhere!#I could not find the font used for the hidden text for the life of me#but I found a similar one!#Hope Starry and the Mods are doing well!#And I hope we get to see more Happy/Hopeful Fire in the future :)#His smile is precious-#(Bonus!: Y’know what I really wanna see? Red smiling. And not the creepy wide/crazy/manic smiles he usually has.#I mean a true honest-to-god genuine smile. Now THAT would be a sight for the history books. Red deserves to smile too.#Just like everyone else does.#That might be my next goal aside from befriending Leaf—getting Red to smile.#Is that probably going to be extremely difficult? Oh most definitely! But I think he’s worth the effort.)#(Bonus-Bonus!: I wanna give Red a hug so bad-#but I also feel like he’d bite me or something if I tried :(#Maybe he’d just let it happen? Or cry. Or both—who knows?#Red deserves some gentle treatment. He’s been through a lot too.)#I wonder who I’ll get the will to draw next? Hopefully I’ll do them justice!#Long ahh tags Jesus Christ- Didn’t know I could max them out.#Missing Numbers#Fire Red Yuuji#My Art
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sassycordy · 8 months
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
hi hi hellooo! Aleksi's remix of Let Me Down Slowly came up on my youtube recs and it instantly reminded me of your amazing fic and I knoooooooooow I said it a million times but thank you so much for writing it and sharing it, it's so fucking good!!!!!!! 💖💘💖💕💖💖💘
now imagine, pining-idiots-that-haven't-realized-they-are-in-love Allu and Olli are probably enjoying their well deserved breaks from all the stuff they did in 2023 (and most likely with their partners by their side), but I like to imagine that they still make some time for at least one video call once a week, or that they exchange dumb texts daily because they miss each other so much 🥺💕
maybe Olli grabs his guitar one night and comes up with some beautiful riff that he sends to Allu, but this time Aleksi decides that they have to finish it together side by side (clearly an excuse to see Olli again because oooops, he realized he has Feelings™ for his friend and bandmate) and well, Olli had to travel to Helsinki anyway (to make sure the new posters were shipped correctly, or to sign a legal document or some made up bullshit), soooo why not stay at his just-a-friend-i-swear's place for a few days?
they would have the Moment Of Realization late at night, around 2AM when Allu is finally done with the remix and Olli is already asleep on the couch (is he really asleep, though? or just enjoying the moment with his eyes closed?). Allu would not resist the temptation of brushing a curl off Olli's beautiful face, and maybe caressing one of his cheeks while he can, not forseeing that Olli would be very much awake, so now they're both holding their breaths and staring at each other with so much love 💖💕💘
maybe they finally dare to get closer and share a shy little kiss after all those years of pining, or maybe they feel like they can't do it, not while they still have a significant other, and leave the studio confused and unsure of what to do next 🥰
anyways, it's already late over here and I used my last braincell to daydream about this 😅 have a lovely lovely day 💖💕💘💖💕💘
OH MY GOD???!!?!?!??!?! 😭😭😭😭😭
this made my stomach do the thing because akdjshfksjfdkf I've honestly spent the entire Christmas break thinking about the two of them constantly checking their phones and not really understanding why they feel so disappointed when there's no new text from the other or why they feel a pang of jealousy when the other posts a holiday greeting in the group chat (=a selfie with their gf with a cheesy Christmassy/NYE edit and a text "Happy Holidays from us!")
amd aaaahhhh imagine soft Olli playing softly on his soft guitar AND THINKING OF ALLU THE WHOLE TIME DJDHFGFFJFF I meaaaaan may I remind y'all that yet again this is not just something the delulu made up but instead it's something that actually for real happened with the Let Me Down remix 😭 obviously we don't know if Olli had the riff ready and Allu just happened to need one and it came up in a conversation, or if Allu asked him to make him one, or if Olli just sent the riff to Allu who was so inspired (and in love (with the riff! or at least that's what he convinced himself then)) that he made an entire remix based off it 🥺 my point here is that it's TOO EASY to imagine them doing exactly what you just derscribed 🤧💕
and yeah, I have also been imagining their first kiss and how terrifying it would be for the both of them 😭 I mean, I want to assume that the "deep talks" they've had over a glass of wine or a bottle of Mountain Dew (again, something we know for certain they done, not just something the delulu has decided is canon!!) they have also discussed sex and/or sexuality and came out as bi to each other, so it's not the fact they're both dudes and about to kiss each other that's messing with their heads rather than the fact they're both in relationships skgjdjfksjfsjfjdjf fuck why am I so invested in this 😩
bonus points indeed if they only ALMOST kiss before they snap out of it and aaaaaaaaaa poor confused boys!! because this whole time they've been like "I don't actually like him that way, and even if I did nothing could ever happen because we're friends and co-workers and he's taken" but then they realise they were having an undeniable Moment(tm) and the other was actually about to kiss them back too so they're like ???????????????? oh god 😭
thanks for this, I feel so validated once again 🙈
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swedisheek · 1 year
his ass is NOT mentally stable 🙅‍♂️‼️ (just legitimately teared up and felt awful about qsmp eggs)
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snowywolff · 1 year
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Nobody talk to me this is all I’m going to think about for the next week
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theloveinc · 2 years
Nah here’s a little bit of shit that would happen in the short king bakugou house
Bakugou would be in the middle of a little meeting with a few other hero’s discussing the villain take down that just happened a few days ago and he keeps hearing his cell phone go off. He would ignore it and just put it on silent but it keeps lighting up and before he knows it his office phone is ringing. It has to be important if it’s wENT OFF 10 TIMES IN THE SPAN OF 5 minutes. When he looks down it’s his only boy callin his phone.
“What do you want son I’m in the middle of a meeting”
“Aye pops, ma and you got some good ass toliet paper in y’all’s bathroom-“
“- what did I tell you about saying ass, your ma gonna get mine and your ass if she catches-“
He would go silent for a second and then his face would do that ugly ahh scrunched up face parents do when they are getting on to you in public.
“If you don’t get your ugly ass out of my damn bathroom, now I done told you to stop going in there when I’m not home-“
“This shit nice tho fr pa, real comfortable and elegant. Ma did good decorating in here. Aye you think mama still got that good smelling shit she got you for Christmas- that perfume shit. We runnin a bit on the low side on the air freshener”
Then two would literally be arguing and deku and todoroki is just staring at him like what is going on.
Or stuff like bakugou in his at home office signing some papers and his son comes in with his phone on his forehead with the flash recording him and asking him dumb questions and bakugou has the “😒😔” expression like- “what the hell you want, son. I’m clearly busy”
“Damn pop you be smellin like you haven’t bathed why your ass smellin like that?? Ma gonna send you through a car wash if she smells you like that”
“You would know cause you use the same shit I do, brat. Always going through my shit- you act like you don’t got your own bathroom! Your own room!”
“I like your shit pops- you be getting all them women with that shit fr fr”
Y’all’s son and bakugou are like father like son fr fr cause they don’t know personal space. He will always be all up on bakugou 24/7 and your son takes after his mamas height so he’s taller and a bit heavier than bakugou. He’s always telling him to get his fatass off of him. They literally can be on the couch and next thing you know his son is leaning on him or bothering him in some type of way and bakugou just acts like everything’s fine.
He won’t ever do it to his mama tho, he knows she doesn’t play. None of the kids do it hell bakugou don’t do it. Surprisingly I see their mama being the strict one and bakugou kind of being the fun dad who is always throwing them around and talking so “MEAN” to them. Bakugou is always warning them he gonna tell their mama if they don’t leave him alone. If bakugou ever gets onto them they will immediately go back to their mama which makes you laugh but make bakugou SO FRUSTRATED LIKE DAMN WAS IT THAT SERIOUS??
Y’all’s house is so fucking big cause y’all have so many kids. Even if some of y’all’s kids go off to college they will always soME HOW be in the house eating out of y’all’s fridge. Bakugou will purposely make a bunch of food even if most of them move out cause he knows them little bastards come into the house when him and his wife are gone and just steal a bunch of food and will EVEN SHOW IT AND BRAG ON THE RING DOOR BELLS OR THE CAMERAS IN THE HOUSE. the will get real close up to the camera and brag about how much shit they stole or that they gonna need some more of SOMETHINT cause they took it all or they will do a little dance HELL EVEN FART OR BURP IN THE CAMERA CAUSE THEY FIND JT SO FUNNY AND YOU JUST GLARE AT BAKUFOJ LIKE WHERE DID THESE KIDS GET THIS FROM
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(missing paragraph of me screaming)
Like son not just calling but FaceTiming him to SHOW him posing in your bathroom. Taking a tour of everything and using your hand soap on camera to make bakugo even angrier JRHSIDJKDBFKD. Propping the camera up to dance and shit and bakugo is incapable of hanging up😭😭😭 and having to hide his razors so his son doesn’t start breaking them when he doesn’t even need them. 
and bakugo not realizing his son and him are so alike🥺🥺😢😢 little old men together struggling to change the TV channel or something, sitting buttcheek to buttcheek together all confused w the exact same expression on and needing to call one of the girls to help them figure it out. They fight so much but deep down they’re really so similar and they’re touchy YESSS. Together and with you. get mad about the same things, like when a hero messes up on TV or the store is out of their fave brand of rice dhfjaskdjf🥺
AND I LOVE STRICT MOM AND FUN DAD BAKUGO… like he tries so hard to keep things in order but he’s so bad at it bc he doesn’t feel like his own mom. he just can’t. Mitsuki is so glad ur around to keep her grandkids in check but ajfhskjdj it fits so perfectly to think about him being the lazy dad with all your kids surrounding him watching tv and eating your special mom snacks cuz he’s already mean to villains all day.
(He’s like: “everyone gets one handful. One.” And then the whole bag is gone CLOWNNNNN) rjjfkfk and him being nervous when they snitch on him even tho WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO LIKE ???. Like you said, you’re just laughing and bakugo is honestly surprised like. You’re not gonna bust his butt for getting snappy? NO
(tho seriously king, why are u letting ur own children turn u into a child???) 
ARGHSGSHEHIDGEJEBR THO everything here took me out AND I just wanna eat this. I’m sorry my thoughts are so incoherent but this literally deserved it’s own post FR LIKE IM JUST SO GIGGLY OVER THIS this household is such a PARTY LOL but it seems so nice, too. Probably even end up with 2-3 kids you didn’t actually birth too. Kids friends in rough circumstances or something and bakugo hardly even notices. Just yells at them to clean the spilt soda (he’s long since given up on trying to stop them from drinking) in the fridge too $5$2@4$&3&4)28475&: I LOVED THIS THANK YOU ANONNNNNNN❤️🧡🧡🧡❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚
(Also how much money are we putting on one of your kids flashing their bare butt to the camera? Seems like a bakugo activity to me LMAOOO and you know he’s constantly checking the tape too🥺😩😩)
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So what if I decided to write an angst Ronance fic based on “we fell in love in october” and “october passed me by” 👀
Thinking about “I met you at the wrong time”
Nancy Wheeler struggling with comphet? A weird ambiguous relationship post Vecna that eventually breaks off because Nancy isn’t ready to be serious and Robin is tired of having her heart broken?
Robin mourning what could have been? Watching Nancy with another girl across campus months later? Thinking she missed her shot? But still being hopelessly in love with her?
A quiet little meet cute? A year later, it’s a chilly October, they run into each other at the coffee shop, and Nancy is absolutely glowing, she’s finally let herself just exist as she is and be happy in her identity—and Robin is still heartbroken, but she smiles anyway, and wishes Nancy well—because she loves her, and she wants her to be happy, truly.
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tvrningout · 10 months
i’m home and we are gonna write some fluff but gimme a minute bc this day took it out of me despite it being short 🥲
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skoulsons · 10 months
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t0rturedp0etry · 10 months
#& ── the darkness‚ it has me . . . 𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗈𝗇 .#& ── i can’t control their fear‚ only my own . . . 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗑𝗂𝗆𝗈𝖿𝖿 .#& ── win‚ because you don’t know how to lose . . . 𝖽𝗋𝗂𝗓𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺 𝗍𝗋𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗇𝖾 .#& ── i could set this world on fire and call it rain . . . 𝗀𝖺𝖻𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗅 𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗒 .#& ── how long before a legend becomes a god or forgotten . . . 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖺 .#& ── the world isn’t safe for a girl like me . . . 𝗓𝗈𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇 .#& ── he didn’t know what he was doing but it was coming naturally . . . 𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗈 .#& ── do the universe a favor and don’t hide your magic . . . 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗅 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖼𝗎𝗌 .#& ── more deadly: your stubbornness or your loyalty . . . 𝗆𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖺𝖾𝗅 𝗐𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗅𝗈𝗐 .#& ── here’s the story about a little guy who lives in a blue world . . . 𝗉𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗎𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗏𝖺𝗇 .#& ── magic is science we don’t understand . . . 𝗃𝖺𝗇𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 .#& ── if witchery is a sin‚ they’re going to burn smiling . . . 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝖾 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 .#& ── the weight of an empty life will lessen at the moonlight . . . 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖺𝗌 𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗁 .#& ── a charming young man capable of being terrible . . . 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗅𝗅 .#& ── still bitter seventeen‚ searching for an exit . . . 𝗉𝖺𝗎𝗅 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗒 .
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waugh-bao · 1 year
It isn't deranged! I love his crow's feet too. You can see wrinkles, but then when he smiles big you can see exactly where those wrinkles came from. I think we should all be happy to have evidence that we have smiled a lot.
My own deranged take is that I love his adam's apple. His neck and throat do it for me whether its baby Charlie or 90s Charlie and then the adam's apple bobbing around when he talks. Do I usually notice that in men? No. But for some reason with Charlie...
Well, now I've embarrassed myself but I'm still going to hit that ask button!
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bubblegumbeyotch · 1 year
#spent some time with ***** yesterday#god…. this would be a lot easier if he was just a totally unrepentant asshole and i could just cut him off completely#because it’s so fucking hard to get over someone when you still see all of the little things that you loved about them#we had a really good time together yesterday and it almost reminded me of old times before any of this stupid shit even happened#i had to keep stopping myself from holding his hand or touching him excessively but it just feels so unnatural it’s so hard#he also always compliments me when he sees me which is really sweet but ugh#like yesterday we took a picture together and after he was like#’you have such a beautiful smile’#and that was sweet right but also made it feel like my heart was collapsing in on itself#and we hugged for a looooooong time and i think we both know it’s because we still have so much attraction for each other leftover#and this is kind of the only way we can express it without fucking up the boundaries we already set#but jesus it’s hard#like god it’s so hard to be around him because i feel like i have to be cold and distant because otherwise this happens#like despite everything i can’t help how much i still love him#and that’s why i can’t talk about it because it feels like everyone expects me to hate him and want nothing to do with him#when the real issue is that yes i am still very mad at him but i wouldn’t be nearly as mad if i didn’t love him#in conclusion: fuck this stupid baka life#personal
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coffee-at-annies · 2 years
The Isles getting Horvat could push the Pens to finally do something huh?
The pens are almost certainly doing something as we speak. I wouldn’t be surprised if GMRH has been working on a trade or several for a while. They likely have people they have their eye on and people they’re talking to. He’s almost certainly up to something but he’s not going to say what and the beat reporters have admitted they no longer have the access they once did so there’s not even rumors for them to speculate on.
Trades can’t be made overnight. Logistically they’ve gotta m a nightmare. On the Pens end of things, where do they have the cap space for a new boy? Do they even have worthwhile prospects to give up? Do they instead sell off all of their draft picks in a panic to shore up a team that everyone thinks is going to lose in the first round again, if we even make it to the playoffs (we’re making it to the playoffs).
So. Let’s look at the logistics. If we’re gonna armchair gm let’s do it right. Money in money out. We know pens don’t have cap space for a new player without sending someone back, maybe 2 people. Who do we trade? Petry would make the most sense with the second highest cap hit on our team at 6.5 mil and 3 years left in his contract. We can’t. He’s got a modified no trade clause (m-ntc) and a 15-team no trade list. Should we trade Dumo the way people have been calling for for months? He’s in the last year of his contract and costs 4.1 mil so it makes sense. We could probably get someone good for that money and if he doesn’t bounce back he’s gone from his new team in free agency. Except, oh yeah, he also has a m-ntc and a 10-team no trade list. Goodbye Arizona and dreams of Chych (presumably). That is, of course, if Arizona wanted to take him off our hands, which he’s played some of his worst hockey this season, I wouldn’t put it past teams to straight up not be interested. Back to the drawing board, who do we trade? Do we move our defensive futures in POJ or Ty Smith? Do we trade our cheap 7th D in Frieds and Chad? Rutta is cheap, on ltir, and here for 3 years so there’s no point in speculating about him. Petterson gets a pass bc he has 3 years left and is our best D. Tanger can’t be traded.
It doesn’t look good about trading a defenseman so let’s look to forwards instead. Everyone who has been complaining about Dumo is also talking about Big Jeff Carter, but oh look, another no movement clause, this one a full no movement. He’s not going anywhere unless he decides to and at that point he might as well retire instead. Next on the list of names people like to bring up is Kappy, but he’s currently injured. The main question is has he improved enough that other teams want him? That’s for the GMs of other teams to decide. We can’t sell what other people aren’t buying. Heino? He’s making league minimum, so you could throw him into a package but he’s not freeing up enough cap space on his own. Same with DOC and Poehling. Brockstar is on a cold streak but he’s 2.75 mil, signed for another three years, and versatile enough to play on any line. I think he’s worth keeping. I guess there’s Teddy. Third line has looked bad and moving him up didn’t fix it. There was at least 3 separate scoring chances last game that should have gone in for them and didn’t. Teddy’s only 2.2 mil and in need of a new contract so he’s definitely movable, but he’s also 80% of our penalty kill. We traded off ZAR and Simon last year because they were extraneous defensive forwards who couldn’t score and then we spent the month after the trade deadline unable to keep the puck out of the back of our net. I’m currently living in fear that he’s trade bait and hoping and praying that I’m wrong.
Trade a goalie you say? Desm*th may suck but he’s cheap. Where else are we going to get a league average backup goalie for 1.8 mil. And yes Desm*th is league average he’s maybe a little worse at goals expected but for what we’re paying him we are getting our money’s worth. Keep Dusty up and trade him you say? Well Dusty is cheaper and one of the best goalies in the AHL but that would require us to trust Dusty enough to let him start and for him to do good enough to earn the spot. That isn’t going to happen unless Desm*th gets injured again and with our injury luck on goalies going into the post season these last couple years, I’d rather we have depth at goal than selling off parts we don’t think we need for little return. I don’t like Desm*th but unless he gets a lot worse, he’s not going anywhere.
So that’s my main problem, but not the only one. What return do we get? Who is on the market? Who can magically fix everything wrong with the pens and is cheap enough to fit under the cap. You, me, and everyone on social media want Hexy to make a move. I’m certain he’s working on it. What move is he making? Who are we giving up? Who are we getting back? Are we selling just sell? Are we buying just to buy. I don’t think this team as it currently is makes it out of the first round of the playoffs. However I’ve seen trades for the sake of trades and we moved Hagelin for no reason and did not get noticeably better. Trades for the sake of trades can sometimes work out but most of the time they don’t. GMRH knows what he’s doing and keeps his cards close to his chest. He’ll make a move when he’s good and ready, and not a minute sooner.
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stephantom · 1 year
what didn't you like about it, out of curiousity?
Hmm I’m gonna have to think on it it some more and come back to you when I’ve managed to articulate something
#I will try to get back to you later anon#I didn’t hate it. there were scenes that made me laugh and smile#but I think the prevailing feeling it’s left me with is… confusion/frustration/dissatisfaction? about the message insofar as it had one?#hmm and I think also because it made me remember how much I disliked and felt alienated by barbies growing up#not bc of the body image issues which the film makes some effort to engage with#not beauty standards but FEMININITY standards#and the movie doesn’t acknowledge that aspect of barbie as a cultural influence/reflection at all#except for maybe Allen if you squint??#the assumption is that you want to be barbie at least to some extent. you want to be pretty.#but you’re too stressed to accomplish it or you’re too angsty to embrace your desire to be pretty#the angsty teen goes from wearing all black (and pants) to a purple skirt by the end. the girly makeover subtly signifies healing.#(I know that could just be me reading into it… but is it?)#it’s the way it holds up a specific kind of person as Woman and universalizes her struggles and calls them All Women’s Struggles#while conflating them and largely ignoring actual economic/legal/political issues faced by women as a class#and the whole ken storyline… ehh idk I need it to be more internally consistent or something. to have a coherent message and not just#‘it was like I was in a trance where I thought I cared about the Zack Snyder cut of the Justice League’ as a joke about… what?#male-dominant interests being somehow inherently toxic? cool women not being into nerdy boy stuff?#it’s the old men are from mars women are from venus thing#sigh. girl power. lol I don’t know!#sorry this rambling is all I have for you right now#I thought the critique in youtube by verilybitchie touched on a lot of good points tho so maybe that’s somewhere to start#on* youtube#but it’s ok if you liked or loved it. I saw it with my sister who was super psyched for it (which is why I wanted to like it too)#and she’s great so
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lilnasxvevo · 1 year
Pointless headcanon of the day:
Shen Yuan was a pretty good artist. He liked drawing, a lot. He never actually posted any of his fanart because that would be tantamount to actually admitting that he liked PIDW, but you can rest assured that he drew Luo Binghe a lot, just for himself, just for fun. Sometimes he’d draw scenes from the book that struck him, sometimes he’d draw alternate timelines. Often he drew Binghe happy just because it wore on him to see Binghe powerful-but-miserable chapter after chapter.
When he transmigrates, he’s not really surprised to see that none of the character designs he went through for Binghe hold a candle to the real thing. He’s almost supernaturally pretty, which makes sense. Part of him wants to draw the real thing from life, very badly, but the rest of him shouts that part down by pointing out that it would come across as really, REALLY creepy.
One day post-canon, Luo Binghe falls asleep in the sunlight next to Shen Qingqiu, his hair unbound and warm and shining, his face completely at peace, and Shen Qingqiu cannot let this moment just pass by. He gets up quietly and fetches some paper and a piece of charcoal, and begins to draw.
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