#I didn’t miss it this time let’s goooooo
sleipliir · 4 months
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Goth boy on WORLD GOTH DAY! 😘🖤🖤🖤
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satorusugurugurl · 4 months
I Think He Knows
Summary: When your novel takes off and becomes a best seller, doors of opportunities open for you. You can work on the series you have dreamed about all your life. And you’re also given the chance to stay in a tiny cottage in Europe for two years to help with inspiration! Your best friend, Geto Suguru, shatters at the news. How could he possibly tell you how he feels when you’re leaving him? His opportunity appears right before him when you confess that your editor thinks a change of scenery will help with your not-so-steamy romance scenes. They’re lacking a particular spice because you’re a virgin. So, Suguru does what any best friend would do. He offers to teach you how things work. Will you cross that line as friends? Or will you both say goodbye?
Pairing: Geto Suguru x FAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,505
Warning: Language, suggestiveness, mentions of sex, mentions of death, depression, insomina
A/N: BestFriend!Suguru series is now our Saturday special!! Let’s goooooo!!! 😈💚
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Tweleve
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Fifteen years ago, you and your family moved to Tokyo from the countryside due to your father’s job. You were so nervous, walking into your kindergarten class and holding your bag as your homeroom teacher introduced you to your new classmates. Everyone stared at you as you were ushered towards a table with two boys. One stuck his tongue out at you while the other colored with crayons.
“Oooh.” You said in awe, looking at the picture the dark-haired boy was coloring. “That’s pretty! Did you draw that?”
The crayon stopped moving as the dark-haired boy looked up at you for the first time. His dark eyes widened as he looked you over, a rosy flush dusting his cheeks. “I uhm,” his eyes darted back towards the paper, “yeah, I drew it.” You leaned in, your eyes sparkling in awe, as your classmate sucked in a deep breath as you got closer.
“So pretty!”
Swallowing hard, the boy continued coloring. “I-If you want it, you can have it when I’m done.” His voice is so timid that you almost don’t hear it.
“Eh?! Really!?” You smile, revealing a missing tooth. “Thank you—uhm, what’s your name?”
“Thank you, Geto!”
“You’re welcome.”
That day marked the beginning of your friendship with Geto Suguru! You two have been inseparable ever since that day. You were having play dates and attending the same middle school, high school, and college! You even lived in the same apartment complex, just two floors separating you.
Suguru never once gave up on his passion for drawing, trading his crayons and construction paper for oil paint and canvas. You didn’t have an artistic bone in your body. You did, however, have a way with words. You were constantly losing yourself in characters you'd create and worlds you built, and you never thought of sharing them with the world until Suguru pushed you to do so.
You took his advice and submitted your novel to several writing competitions, not expecting anything to come from it. Boy, were you shocked when you won first place and were allowed to publish your novel! The publishing company loved the story, your characters, and the premise of it, so much so that they signed you on for a whole saga.
That was great! Your characters would finally be given the chance to shine. Their stories would be told! There was just one issue that you kept running into while working on the sequel. Your high-end fantasy novel was a romance between the princess of your series and her knight. You ended the first book with a very intimate kiss and confession. The whole purpose was to have readers wanting more, and they wanted more.
Your reader wanted more Ilaus and Oaklynn, more kisses, sweet whispers of nothing, and steamy smut. The readers wanted to see the lovely, innocent princess and her hot knight getting freaky. Which you were all down for! You wanted them to get to that point as much as your readers! You wanted Oaklynn to be face down getting plowed by Ilaus more than anyone else! You had written their story and made them suffer; they deserved to be happy with each other.
So why was writing sex scenes your kryptonite?!
You anxiously watched Nanami Kento, your beta reader and editor, scroll through your phone and read the latest pages you had written. His face was stoic, unreadable as his eyes glimpsed over the screen. Your leg bounced as he put your phone down, his eyes focusing on his mug before he sighed.
“Oh my god, you hate it.” Anxiety settled in your gut. “It’s terrible! I knew it sucked.”
Nanami winced, his eyes not meeting yours, and he brought his mug to his mouth and took a sip. “Why did you call his penis ‘his raging meat stick’? Like it was a slab of salami?” Your friend watched you slam your head gently against the table. “And for her, you called it her fairy cave?” This time, your friend didn't wince; no, the bastard chuckled.
“This isn't funny, Nanami!”
“I know,” he took another sip, “look, it's not bad; I just think if you're going to write a sex scene, you need to refer to the genitals as genitals and not lunch meat and damp mystical caves.”
“L-Like use the word penis?”
“Or cock, dick, not meat stick.”
“Shh!!” you reached over the table, covering his mouth with your hands. “We're out in public!!”
Nanami pulled back away from your hands. “Oh please, we know Gojo and Sukuna. They are more foul than that.” He had a point; the two could make grandmothers cry with their colorful vocabulary.
The first half of your novel was easy to write—lots of action, passionate kisses, and dialogue. The middle had hit you with a brick of writer's block. This was your first time writing anything remotely spicy other than making out with tongue. The scene you were stuck on right now wasn’t even a full-on sex scene! That made it so much worse! They were pleasing each other in a tent with just their hands! It's a simple mutual masturbation scene.
But using a meat stick and a fairy cave would not cut it. And the next couple of chapters were due to your agent in a week. If Nanami pretty much flat-out told you these scenes sucked, there was no way in hell you would be turning this in to your agent.
“Fuck, Nanami, what am I going to do?”
“Scrape it and rewrite it.” Feeling your gaze on his, Nanami breathed out a breathy huff. “Look, it's not terrible, trust me; I know you're capable of more.” Your trusted friend chuckled as you puffed out your cheeks.
“Oh yeah, scrape it; maybe I'll use a hot dog instead of a meat stick this time.” What were you going to do?! There was a week to turn the poorly excused terrible smut you'd written into something that would please Nanami, your agent, and the publisher.
Nanami patted your shoulder as he collected his stuff. “You know, sometimes our own experiences can help.” Great, now you were frustrated and a blushing mess!
“I-I can't do that!”
“Well, then read some erotic novels for inspiration if you have any questions if you don't want to use your personal sexual experiences.”
“That’s not what I me—”
“Look, let's meet on Tuesday for lunch, and you can show me what you have then. I gotta run to class; I’ll see you then.”
With a heavy heart, you watched your friend rush out of the café and return to Campus. Nanami was full of good ideas. Using one's own experiences was a good muse. It was something you would do if you had any experience. The number one reason you had so many issues writing smut seems like this was because you were a complete and total virgin.
That was the sole reason why writing sex scenes was your kryptonite. Because you had zero experience, writing about something you had no experience in was hard. So Nanami’s advice, while appreciated, was utterly useless. You had no experience, and there was no way you were hooking up with some random person to inspire you.
Oh well, you had a lovely long week to try and fix the monstrosity you had created. It wasn't like your agent would call you out of the blue! Yeah, you had a week! A week! It was all good!
A bag slammed on the table as you packed your laptop and notepad. With a squeak and a jump, you turned to see your agent staring down at you—a look of dismay and stress plastered over her face.
“U-Utahime?” Her expression remained the same as she adjusted her baseball hat. “H-Hi, what's up?”
“Meat stick?”
“Fuuuck.” you cried out, throwing your head back.
“I come in to give you good news, and I hear that Nanami is saying you're struggling with the sex scenes?” She sips her coffee anxiously, her foot tapping against the tile floor. “You told me it was a romance? And you can't write sex scenes?!”
You hushed her, standing up and putting your index finger against your lips. “Shut up! Please! I'm working on it; I'm just struggling!” Utahime laughs, crossing her arms over her chest. “I'll fix it! I promise you’ll have a super spicy mutual touching session by next week!” she gives you a skeptical look, one you're pretty sure was on your face as well. “B-But what good news do you have?” Your agent and friend relaxes as she grins.
“You know that cottage that you saw online? The one in Europe that inspired your book?”
“The one that I can't find? Yeah, I know it.”
When you graduated high school, you and Suguru had stopped at a bookstore while shopping for supplies. You were grazing through pictures of European castles when you saw this darling little cottage. It looked similar to the cottage in Sleeping Beauty. It was made of stone in the woods beside a river where a water mill ran.
The cottage was gorgeous; it got your creative juices flowing. You imagined characters living there, and it was honestly the inspiration for your book. You desperately searched for it. Wanting to learn more about the cottage that had inspired your fantasy world, you couldn't find a lick of evidence. You had been under the assumption that it was either destroyed or didn't even exist. So you had given up on finding it two years ago.
“Well, your lovely agent made a few calls and sent out some photos, and she found it.”
“Shut up bitch.” Utahime just smirked, pulling out her phone. “Oh my god, oh god! Are you serious?!” Her phone slid across the table, the screen illuminated by the cottage that inspired your novel. “Ahh! Oh my god!”
“I also got in touch with the owners of the cottage. And when I told them a best-selling novelist was in love with their cottage, which they just so happen to rent out, they offered for you to stay there.”
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!”
“Maybe staying here will get your creativity flowing! Help you with the next few novels.”
Your body was vibrating in excitement. “Oh my god, yes! A week here would be great!” A low ‘uhm’ from across from you drew your attention from the phone to your agent. “Or a weekend?” she shook her head.
“They offered it to you for longer than that.”
“Seriously? How long are we talking?”
Utahime’s smile was wide and warm. “You’re gonna need a few bags.”
The second you left the coffee shop with a coffee in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other, you bolted down the street. Your meeting with Utahime went so well! You couldn’t wait to tell Suguru all about it. By the time you reached the apartment complex and his door on the third floor, you were panting.
Glancing at the handle, you luckily didn’t find a tie on it, meaning he didn’t bring home some chick, so it was safe for you to come in if you wanted. He did that for you after you walked in on him eating some bimbo out on the kitchen counter. Knowing it was safe, you unlocked the door with your spare key and headed inside.
The smell of paint was strong, meaning Suguru was in the zone and probably had been for hours. Meaning he hadn’t eaten. He was so lucky to have you as his best friend in the whole world, or the man would have starved.
“Suguru~!” Stepping through the apartment, you followed the sound of alternative music toward the spare room, which he’d turned into his makeshift studio. Stepping inside, you didn't find him, but his easel had a new canvas.
Quickly rushing forward, you stared at it, and your heart sank. Suguru had sketched out an aquarium, the base colors down, and a girl stood in front of the tank. The colors hadn’t been placed on her, but you knew who she was from the ruffled sun dress she wore to the braid that cascaded down her back.
“Riko.” Her name tore at your heart as you reached out to touch the sketch of the girl who had been taken far too soon.
Before you could touch the canvas, a creaking floorboard had you pulling away, rushing far for the easel. Your best friend walked in, a fresh mug of water in his hand, while he scrolled through his phone in the other.
God, how he had changed in the fifteen years you’d been together. His hair was longer, pulled in a bun; his bangs hung in his face. Suguru’s left arm was inked with a dragon; it swirled around the head of it tattooed on his shoulder. His lip was pierced along with the cartridge of his ears, and he was wearing his black gauges. That boy you met in class was now a man who was shirtless and covered in paint.
Suguru finally looked up; seeing you standing there startled him, causing him to spill water on the floor. “Fuckin’ hell!” He yelled, putting the mug down to grab the edge of his tables covered with tubes of paint. “You little fuckin’ shit.” His words held no heat as you placed his food and coffee down.
“Oh please, you’d starve without me. I tried calling you when I came in.”
“I was in the kitchen.”
“No, you weren’t.” You sat on the table inches from where Suguru stood. “I walked through there; you sneaking a girl down the fire escape? Not wanting me to catch you doing something indecent again?”
There was always a playful, teasing tone between the two of you. Especially now that you were older and he was a man whore. His dark eyes narrowed as he grinned, slotting between your legs as he sipped coffee.
His eyes trailed over you. “Why would you be jealous if I was?” You shook your head as he pushed your hair back. “Damn, I was just talking to Satoru.” Suguru rolled his eyes as you whistled. “You would like.” He ruffled the top of your head.
“Nah~ I’ve seen you go down on a girl.” He opened his mouth again. “And no, I’m not jealous; I just don’t wanna see you going at it.”
“Yeah, he said we’re all going out tonight; something about that sushi train place.” He pulled out the sandwich you brought him, taking a bite. “Said we had to celebrate.”
“Oh, we do.” Suguru swallowed the mouthful of food. “Because I got some great news today.”
“Really? Did Nanami like your new pages?” He stepped away, grabbing the mug of clean water as he stepped back in front of the canvas.
“Well, no, but that’s a whole other situation.” The excitement buzzing in your chest could no longer be held in. “Utahime found the cottage!”
Suguru perked up, knowing exactly what you were talking about. “Shut the fuck up, she did, where?!” He’d helped you search for your inspiration for hours; he knew how badly you wanted to go there.
“It’s in a wooded area in England. Super pretty! The owners have read my book and offered to let me stay there!”
“Well, that’s gre—”
“For the next two years!!”
Glass shattered, leaving both you and Suguru in stunned silence. Your best friend was pale, the color leaving his cheeks. His eyes were distant as you looked down, seeing the water spreading over the floorboard, sliding under Suguru’s bare feet.
You were the first to move, not to pick up the glass but to grab Suguru’s face gently. He was as still as a rock; he only got like that when he had flashbacks to that night. Seeing that he was painting Riko must have meant he was stuck in that moment from your second year of high school.
He shut his eyes tight, leaning into your touch, cluing you in. It wasn’t a flashback. He took a deep breath before lifting you, putting you off to the side, away from the glass. Something wasn’t right with Suguru; you knew it from his lingering touch and the lack of light in his eyes.
“What time did you get up?” You asked as you bent down, helping him pick up shards of glass.
“Are you going to leave?”
“I asked you a question first. What time did you get up?”
“Three this morning. Are you leaving?”
Peering up, you found his eyes focused solely on you. “I’m uhm—I’m waiting for Utahime to contact the owners.” He gritted his teeth, his eyes returning to the glass on the floor. “It’s not set in stone yet, Suguru.” You gently nudged his hand with yours; those words had him relaxing a bit, like relief was washing over him. “Why were you up at three?” He stood up, tossing the broken glass in the trash.
“About Riko?”
Riko Amanai was a person Suguru didn’t like talking about. He went to therapy for what happened, but her death left a mark on him that probably would never heal. He had his good months and his bad months. Between the canvas and the nightmares, you knew he was going to have a hard time this month.
You didn’t push him; you hated to pry that part of his life. That didn’t mean you weren’t there for him, though. If he wanted to talk to you, your door was always open. There had been many nights when he would show up and ask to stay in bed with you. Those were the nights when nightmares were too much to handle when he had too much on his mind. Those were the nights you both stayed up, talking about life, your novel, or his work. They were also the nights you both fell asleep in each other‘s arms and got some of the best sleep of your lives.
“I’m going to grab the broom. Just stay here.” Suguru grabs a white sheet and covers his newest canvas up before heading out of his room towards the kitchen.
Great, you just had to go prying into his trauma. What the hell is wrong with you? He would’ve talked about it with you if he wanted to talk about it. It was wrong to dig into what was happening in his mind. You worried so much about him, and sometimes you forgot you had no right to question him.
Despite your prying and prodding questions, Suguru was still warm to you. He wrapped an arm around you and plopped down on the couch with you while he finished eating breakfast and drinking coffee. He showed you some of the paints he wanted to get the next time he dragged you to the art store. Suguru acted like everything was normal when you both knew it wasn’t.
He was masking; he often did when he didn’t want to talk about what was going on in his mind. Or when he didn’t want to worry you. You could easily see through his façade, but you weren’t about to ruin the rest of his day with your questions. You lay there on the couch with him, listening to him talk about his paints and the commissions that he had received.
The mundane conversations lasted until four o’clock. The two of you freshened up before heading downtown to meet your other friends for your not-so-celebratory dinner. Satoru had invited almost everyone you knew. Nanami, Shoko, Sukuna, Haibara, and Yuki cheered when you two entered.
You were pulled towards the bar by Shoko and Yuki, who squealed over how lucky you were to have found your cottage. Suguru snatched a beer from the bucket on the table, chugging it as he sat beside Satoru. The white-haired man hissed out a sigh, his arm wrapping over Suguru’s shoulder as the two watched you closely.
“I can’t believe they offered her to stay there for two years.” Satoru purred out. “Like fuck, it’ll be weird not having her here.”
“Please shut the fuck up.”
Satoru pulled his dark sunglasses off, glaring at his best friend. “Who pissed in your cereal?” He paused, pursing his lips together. “Oh right, the girl you love is leaving you. I have an idea; tell her how you feel!” A handful of gyoza is shoved into Satoru’s mouth.
“I can’t. You know I can’t.” Nanami glanced at the two before him, gulping down his beer. “If I tell her, it’ll be like I’m holding her back. I can’t do that.” As he steals another glance at you, confusion, doubt, and anxiety settle in Suguru’s stomach. “If she wants to go, she can go.”
Thankfully, after his little rant, the conversation drifted from you and focused on school. The whole night, no one brought up the cottage, nor you leaving yet. As you assure them, nothing is set in stone yet, but finding out where your inspiration was was enough to drink to.
The happiness that seemed to radiate off you made Suguru feel bittersweet over the whole situation. He was happy for you. He knew how much finding that cottage. He spent his free time looking into it for you. But he could never find anything. He desperately didn’t want to go either. You were his best friend. You had been for fifteen years, and he was utterly in love with you, but he didn’t want to cross that line.
Now that there was a possibility that you would be leaving, he regretted all the chances he had to cross that line, and he never took it. That’s why he slept with so many girls who shared attributes similar to yours. Some of them had your eyes, others had your hair color, and there were just some of them that looked similar to you. It was a way to cope with being unable to tell you how he felt. But at least he didn’t ruin your friendship.
Between the lack of sleep and the new fear of losing you, Suguru needed something more potent than beer. He shimmed over to the bar, ruffling your hair as he passed you. As he leaned over the bar, waiting for his drink, Nanami squeezed in next to him.
“I think I know why she might be leaving.”
“Huh?” Suguru’s pierced brow lifted in confusion. “Why would there be a reason for her to leave? She’s always wanted to go to that cottage.”
“She offered to stay there to help with her writing. I may have called Utahime and given her a heads up about the pages I read today.” Nanami sipped his drink. “We both agreed that change of scenery might help with her writing.”
“The fuck do you mean?” A twinge of anger flashed over Suguru’s face. “Her writing is the best. There’s nothing for her to work on. She got published, for God's sake.”
Nanami chuckled nervously. “There’s no doubt that she’s a talented writer. While her dialogue and kissing scenes and her world-building are superior to other authors, I’ve read for. Her romance scenes are atrocious.” When Nanami saw the look of bewilderment on Suguru’s face, he nodded. “By romance, I mean sex scenes.”
“Well, she’s never had a boyfriend; I don’t think she’s even kissed someone.” Nanami makes a humming sound of understanding as a revelation overcomes Suguru. “Do you think if her sex scenes get better, she might now want to leave for as long as she said?”
“Maybe. But it’ll take a miracle for her sex scenes to improve.”
A miracle that Suguru was willing to provide. If he could help you, maybe, just maybe, you might consider staying if you’re given a chance to leave. And if he’s lucky, perhaps he would finally find the strength to tell you how he felt. Downing his drink, he rushed back to the table, grabbing your hand.
“Hey, can I talk to you?”
Your eyes glitter, making Suguru’s heart thunder. “Sure!” He drags you through the crowded restaurant, pulling you outside towards the alley. “What’s up?” God, you look so pretty with flushed cheeks.
“Nanami told me about the sex scenes”
“That traitor!” You pout, tilting your head back with a grumble. “Fine, go ahead and make fun of my usage of deli meat for describing genitalia.” The teasing never comes. Instead, Suguru's musky, earthy smell crowds you as he slams his hands on either side of your head. “S-Sugu?”
“I have a proposition.” His voice purrs out, making your heart race spike. “You’re struggling with the sex scenes. That’s why you’re thinking of leaving, right?”
“Y-yeah, and?”
“What if I help you? If your sex scenes get better, do you think you might not need to leave for two years?”
Heat begins to fill the tiny space between your bodies. You feel your exhaled air mingling with the others. Fuck was it the alcohol?
“I-I mean, maybe I wouldn’t need to leave for so long. Maybe just a week.” There’s a gleam in your best friend's eyes. “But how are you going to help me?” His mouth inches closer, and you can feel the heat as he leaves an inch away from your lips.
“I can teach you.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe
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wlntrsldler · 8 months
now i see daylight | part ii: treacherous
song: treacherous by taylor swift
series description: set after lust conquers all, jamie returns to richmond and takes accountability for treating you like shit.
warnings: language-- it's ted laso, what did ya expect?; bff!sam, touch starved jamie and reader, A LOT OF ALCOHOL, richmond himbos
pairing: jamie tartt x f! reader
word count: 2054 words
series masterlist | main masterlist
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When the whistle was blown for full time, the cheers in the arena were deafening. You couldn’t hear yourself think and everything seemed to slow. You stood behind Roy, clutching your camera, as you watched the sea of red and blue storm the field. You were only snapped out of your thoughts when Will jumped on your back, hugging you from behind. 
“We’re moving up!” Will screamed behind you, beaming from ear to ear. “Come on, Y/N, let’s celebrate!” 
You placed your camera on one of the seats under the tent and tossed a jacket over it. You followed Will into the middle of the field where all of the coaches, players, and fans were celebrating. 
“Dani Rojas you legend!” You yelled, running toward Dani. He grinned at you, picking you up by your waist to spin you around. “I am so fucking proud of you!” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he put you down, holding you by your shoulders. “You will come to the after-party, yes?” 
“Wouldn’t miss it.” 
You made your rounds with all of the players. Most of them were so excited, they couldn’t say anything but, “Let’s goooooo!” Colin threw an arm around you and walked you over to Sam, who you still hadn't seen because of the chaos. When Sam saw you, he ran to you, smiling so wide you were sure his cheeks hurt. 
“Y/N! Can you believe it? We are back in the Premier League!” 
“I believe it. I knew you guys could do it.” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he hugged you tightly. “Are you coming to the after-party? Please tell me you will. I can pick you up.” 
You tutted, “Samuel, I will be there but you are not driving tonight. You deserve to get absolutely trashed.” 
“Agreed, mate.” 
There was that accent again. You turned around to see Jamie, glowing under the lights. Ever since the day he cornered you in the hallway, he made do with his promise. He didn’t bother you again unless it was for work. You’ve been more courteous to him. You no longer ignored his “good mornings,” or “how are ya’s,” but you still kept your distance. However, your resolve was slowly fading. Being around him again made you remember why you were so drawn to him in the first place. With him being a different version of himself now, it increased that attraction tenfold. 
Sam looked between the two of you and smirked, walking away discreetly. He’s noticed the small smiles on your face whenever Jamie would come around. You tried to hide it, but Sam knew you too well. 
You turned your body to look at Jamie, shyly looking at him. Jamie met your eye, eyes twinkling in a way that you haven’t seen since the last night you shared with him. He had a boyish smile on his face. You pursed your lips, trying not to let a smile slip, but you were unsuccessful. Jamie’s eyes got brighter, which you didn’t realize was possible. 
“Great job, Jam.” 
Jamie let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding at the sound of his nickname leaving your lips. He bit his bottom lip, stretching his hand out for a handshake, “I appreciate it, Y/N.” 
You rolled your eyes and smacked his hand away. You walked toward him and pulled him into a hug. Jamie froze in your arms for a second before melting into the hug and burying his face in the crook of your neck. You didn’t realize how much you missed him until you felt his arms tighten around your torso. It was like you finally got a taste of the thing you were craving for months as if there was nothing else in the world that could’ve made this moment sweeter, better. 
Your hand made its way to the back of his neck, where you cradled the back of his head, fingers softly tugging on his hair. It was muscle memory, how you used to cuddle him on his couch all those months ago. Jamie sighed into your skin, his warm breath awakening you from the trance you were under, causing you to pull away. 
Both of your faces were flushed when you pulled apart. Jamie cleared his throat, looking down at his feet, before vaguely motioning somewhere as if there was something requiring his attention. You did the same, leaving to go in the opposite direction as him. 
You turned around and saw Keeley with a smirk on her face, arms crossed with a knowing look. “World must be ending, I suppose?” 
Blushing, you shoved her lightly, “Shut up.” 
In true Captain fashion, Isaac rented a giant party bus for all of the players and a few special guests, including you, Keeley, Roy, and Will. The bus was taking all of you to a club in London that Isaac bought out for the night to celebrate the win and promotion. Roy, who should know better now that he was a coach, denounced his coach-ship before he stepped foot on the bus, stating that tonight he was “going to have the fucking time of my life!”
When you walked into the bus with Sam, you were hit with the sound of a club beat. Players were already a few drinks in from the bottles of beer and liquor scattered around the bus. Jan Maas was holding onto the pole, laughing as he fist-pumped to the song. Richard had a bottle of red wine in his grasp, which you later saw had a sticker on it that said “Property of Richard Montlaur.” Colin and Isaac were in the corner singing into a bottle of gin when “Hotel Room Service” by Pitbull started playing. 
Sam was pulled from you by O’Brien who made him take shots. With you both being the last two the team was waiting for, the bus lightly jerked as it began its journey to London. The entire team cheered, raising bottles in the air. 
You laughed as you tried to make your way around the bus, trying to find a friendly face that wasn’t too far gone. You knew all of them would regret this in the morning. You turned to your right and found Jamie and Dani sharing a bottle of tequila, laughing at something that you’d later learn was not that funny. 
“Y/N!” Dani yelled when he saw you. He scooted over on the leather bench, leaving a space next to Jamie for you to occupy. “You are here!” 
“I am!” You replied, shaking your head at how far gone the boys already are and you’ve barely even left Nelson Road. “How you guys feelin’?”
“Fuckin’ fantastic,” Jamie replied, taking another sip from the bottle. He handed it to you, which you took. You drank some and grimaced when the strong taste hit your tongue. 
The two boys laughed as you passed the bottle to Dani. Dani stood up, holding onto the pole that Jan Maas was holding earlier, and began to make his rounds in the bus. He kept offering the bottle to anyone he saw. You couldn’t help but laugh at how they all took the bottle from Dani, despite not liking tequila. 
“‘M glad you’re here.” 
Your attention focused back on Jamie, who was staring up at you. His eyes were clouded, eyelids droopy. You playfully punched his shoulder, “How are you already drunk?” 
Jamie furrowed his eyebrows, “You and Sam were so late. We had to get started without you lot.” 
“We were thirty minutes late.” 
“A lot can happen in thirty minutes.” 
You snorted. It made Jamie smile. He bumped your knee with his. You looked at where your bodies touched. Your breath got stuck in your throat. You swallowed, “I guess I need to catch up.” 
“Damn right,” a lopsided smirk graced his lips. He dug behind him in the ice bucket and pulled out a bottle of Clase Azul. He handed it to you, “Go on then.” 
“Menace,” you replied, grabbing the bottle from him. Your fingers brushed, sending shocks throughout your entire body. “You know I can’t say no to good tequila.” 
“Yeah, that’s why I bought it,” he shrugged, opening a beer. “I bought it for you. Nearly broke Bumbercatch’s arm when he tried to open it earlier.” 
“Jamie, this is an expensive bottle of tequila.” 
“Yeah well, Coach wouldn’t let me buy the whole team PS5s as a sorry, but he didn’t say anything about buyin’ you expensive liquor.” 
You were sure that Jamie was only saying this because the alcohol was clouding his better judgment. He probably won’t remember this in the morning, or at the very least, he’d wonder whether or not this was real life or just something his mind made up. You opened the bottle and took a long swig from it. 
As good as the tequila was, you still grimaced, frantically searching to find a chaser. Jamie, who remembered your drinking habits, held out a cup of Diet Coke. You downed the entire cup, sighing in relief when the taste of tequila was masked by the sugary drink. “Thanks, Jam.” 
“Missed you callin’ me that,” he admitted, a look of longing on his face. “Missed you in general, to be honest. Been hell without you in my life.” 
“Jamie,” you started, turning your body to him. “You’re drunk so I suggest you stop talking.” 
“Am I makin’ you uncomfortable?” Jamie asked, concern on his face. He sobered for a moment, blinking back as if he was trying to figure out what he just said. 
“No, no,” you assured him, placing a hand on his thigh. He tensed under your touch, letting out a shaky breath. You were really close to each other now. “You’re not making me uncomfortable. I just don’t want you to say anythin’ you’ll regret in the morning.” 
“Don’t think that’ll happen,” he said, nonchalantly. He took a sip from his beer, trying not to move too much in fear that you would remove your hand from his thigh if he did. Hesitantly, he started drawing figure eights with his pointer finger on your hand that was touching him. He let out a breath when you didn’t pull away. “Been regrettin’ not saying anything to ya. Should’ve told you how I felt that night. Or any night after that, really. I was just bein’ a prick ‘cause I was hurt that Richmond let me go.” 
You stayed silent. You didn’t know what to make of his words. Was he talking about the night you told him how you felt? Surely not. What does he mean by tell you how he felt?
Jamie continued, “And the thing was, I knew Richmond had no say in whether or not I was goin’ back to Man City, but it still hurt, I guess. Woke up to a text sayin’ I had to go back to Man City from my agent. Not even a text from Ted, or Keeley, or you. Thought I didn’t mean nothin’ to any of ya, so I just shut everyone out.” 
“And it’s real shit of me to do, ain’t it? Especially how I treated ya. I don’t blame you for not forgiving me or giving me a second chance.” He stopped drawing on your hand. He drank from his beer again. You looked at him. He had a small and nervous smile on his face. Testing his luck, he brought a hand up to touch your face. “Shame I fucked it all up really ‘cause you’re the only person I ever actually wanted to spend the rest of my life with.” 
“Come on, party animals!” Isaac yelled from the front of the bus. Somehow the top five buttons of his shirt became undone during the drive. He slung an arm around Will, who had a tie wrapped around the circumference of his head, “Let’s get iiiiiittttttt!” 
The bus erupted in hollers as players trickled out of the bus. Sam, who was giggly under the influence, found you next to Jamie. Jamie, seeing that Sam was there to walk you out of the bus, waved goodbye to you and caught up with Bumbercatch. You held the Clase Azul bottle close to your body as you threw on a fake smile, walking off the bus with Sam.
part i: don't you
part iii: daylight
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unloved-cadillac · 2 years
Tamaki getting jealous of his s/o hanging out with 1A kids and snatching her up and running away with her
C/n: back on the Suneater train let’s goooooo. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Stealing Her. (Tamaki x Reader)
In UA, it’s always best for the first years to watch the third years train so they could pick up on fighting techniques and how to handle themselves in villain situations. But they didn’t say you had hang around them all the time.
Y/n was the star of the first years. She was kind, sweet and really strong. She could easily take on 10 villains at a time. But her demeanor was so motherly and she always looked out for the young ones.
Tamaki hated it.
She was always with the first years, teaching them and showing them her quirk and Tamaki had to sit back and watch. At first it was cute but now they were taking up all of her time. All of their time together.
“Y/n, show us how to hit someone so they’re out cold.” Mina says and goes into a fighting stance. “Yeah! And show us how to knock the air out of someone!” Ochako says making Kirishima flinch and Y/n laughs.
“Geez the girls are tougher than the boys.” Mirio says as he sits next to Tamaki. “Yeah. But they’re all greedy for her attention.” He grumbles and Mirio looks at his best friend. “Oohhh sounds like someone’s jealoussss.” He teases and bumps Tamaki’s shoulder. “I hate to admit it, Mirio but I am. I haven’t been with her for weeks.”
Mirio nods in understanding then hands Tamaki a package. “What’s this?” He asks and Mirio gets up, stretching as he does. “Something to help you out. Use it wisely.” Is all he says before jogging to Y/n and the first years. Tamaki opens the package and chuckles to himself.
“Oh hey Mirio!” Mina says and Y/n turns to see him. “Hey kiddos. Learning a lot from Y/n?”
“Enjoying listening to her?”
“Good. Now stand back.” He says and gently pushes them away. Y/n looks at them and Mirio and chuckles. “Why? I don’t under-WHOAAAA!” Y/n is suddenly scooped up by someone and gone into the sky. “Was that Hawks?” Kaminari asks and Mirio chuckles. “Nah. Hawks has red wings. Those were black.”
In the sky, Y/n looks up to see her kidnapper. She laughs. “Honey, where are we going?” She asks but wasn’t expecting an answer cause Tamaki couldn’t talk. Instead they flew to one of the mountains just a few minutes away from the dorm and laid her gently on the ground before sitting next to her.
“Wow,” she says as she looks at him, “a crow. Not bad.” Tamaki lays his head on her lap and breathes out, transforming back into himself. “God, that took a lot of energy.” He croaks out and Y/n runs a hand through his hair. “Mind telling me what that was about?”
He blushes as he looks away. “We haven’t..hung out in a while. I was missing you.” His voice was mumbled but Y/n heard him clearly. Suddenly, she laughed and quickly laid on top of Tamaki. She kissed his nose, then his cheeks, his forehead and finally his lips.
“Mm.” He hums against her lips. Pulling away, Y/n smiles at her boyfriend who now had flushed cheeks. “You’re so cute. Turning into a crow to take me away from them cause you missed me. I love you.” She whispers and he touches her bottom lip with his thumb. It’s silent until Y/n’s phone vibrates. She takes it out of her pocket and shakes her head.
“We need a day off,” Y/n says and looks at Tamaki, “just you and me. We’ll finish train. Go back to my home, eat and watch movies. I owe you that. I’m sorry for neglecting you, my love.”
Tamaki smiles and kisses your forehead. “No. I was being dramatic, that’s all. They all love you. Almost as much as I do.”
“Almost as much as you?”
“No one could love you as much as I do.”
“sobs I WANT HIM.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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nattinatalia · 1 year
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, claybornharlow, and 7,556,345 others
yourusername Miss Mia Harlow made me add in some purple in my hair and I’m not mad about it. Her and her daddy’s favorite color 💜
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jackharlow 😍😍😍
jackharlow godayumn my wife is sexy as hell 🤤
yourusername ☺️
jackharlow let me put another baby inside you
yourusername Absolutely not, we can practice though 😉
druski you two are probably sitting next to each other commenting on here when you can literally say it face to face 🙄 we don’t need to witness y’all being annoying.
jackharlow She’s working dumbass.
druski Damn your hot piece of wife is working and you’re not with her? Okay, proceed on flirting on here.
yourusername 😭😭😭
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Liked by mamamaggie, yourusername, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, and 8,567,345 others
jackharlow All little man wanted to do was buy his momma some flowers.
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yourusername 🥺 My sweet boy.
yourusername He learns from the best, thank you for raising him how to be a loving and caring little man. I love you 💜
mamamaggie That’s my grandson 😍
urbanwyatt When EZ starts buying flowers for his crushes, he’ll forget all about y/n
jackharlow Don’t worry baby, he’ll forever be mommas boy.
yourusername He better 🤞🏼
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Liked by mamamaggie, yourusername, jackharlow, yourbestiename, urbanwyatt and 2,300 others
claybornharlow Mia is over for the weekend and she demanded we bake pizzas 🍕 whatever my niece wants, she gets.
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jackharlow 😂😂😂 She has you wrapped around her finger.
claybornharlow Calm down, you’re just the same.
jackharlow No lies were told, I’m a yes man when it comes to my wife and children.
druski damn no shame at all
jackharlow Happy family, happy life. Simple as that.
cozane Why does her pizza look different from the one you were eating? 😭
claybornharlow Because she wanted a challenge, who’s pizza comes out better. The difference is, I didn’t call for help, she did 🙄
yourusername She didn’t call for help, she called to check in 🤭
claybornharlow Yeah and during the checking in you kept telling her what to do. So not fair.
jackharlow 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Mia knows how to play us all.
mamamaggie She really does, she’s your daughter after all.
yourusername LMAOO
mamamaggie That you my son, are as slick and sassy as they come, and your daughter is exactly like you.
jackharlow & I take pride on that 🥰🥰
Liked by urbanwyatt, yourusername, jackharlow, neelamthadhani, claybornharlow, champagnepapi, and 7,986,345 others
djdrama It was only a matter of time and that time is now!!!!!!!!! Jack is always a beast when it comes to his craft, working with Y/N made me realize how much they both balance each other out. This joint album is out of this world, never before seen and I can’t wait till you all listen to the finished product, for now, here’s a snippet of two songs…
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yourusername I’m shyyyyy but excited 😜
claybornharlow Can we spoil something?
djdrama MORE?????? Sure why not???
jackharlow 👀
claybornharlow I may or may not have produced two tracks in this album.
yourusername These Harlow men are out of this planet 💪🏼 😎
urbanwyatt 🔥 🔥 🔥
yourbestiename Oh man, I’m hyped!!!!!! I know you two are gonna kill it.
cozane 💣 💣 💣
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, cozane, selenosunni, and 7,345,976 others
jackharlow Nothing could ever top this ❤️
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yourusername 🥺❤️ we love you
urbanwyatt I can vouch for that, nothing beats your family.
cozane not Mia leaving the crust of the bread on the side 😭😭😭
jackharlow She got that from you 🙄
yourusername “uncle avatar says it’s nasty so I don’t like it.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ thanks for that Copey
cozane Anytime 🤣🤣🤣
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, cozane, yourbestiename, selenosunni, and 9,246,984 others
yourusername When you see me, know my man is always besides me, and when you see him, know that’s mine 🫀🤞🏼
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jackharlow For life 🤞🏼💜
yourusername & Beyond that 🥰
druski Mark your territory, let them girls know.
yourusername You play too damn much 😭
urbanwyatt My parents
yourbestiename I love this team 💪🏼 get it mama
djdrama 🔥 🔥 🔥
champagnepapi Ok so drop the album already
jackharlow 🔜 💿
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
Curtis Parents hcs let’s goooooo
I don’t know why. But Mrs. Curtis was definitely a spring or summer baby.
Her name was Carolina but she went by Lina! Or CC. Me. Curtis called her CC when they got married
I like to think she was kind of a petite woman-she had the thickest hair imaginable. She was seriously beautiful (I mean…look at her kids)
She had this waist length, wavy, golden hair and these bright green eyes. She definitely had a more doe like look.
She used to love eye makeup. Mr Curtis used to call her Bambi because she looked so deer like sometimes with her eyes lol
She loved sundresses and bright colors and often wore a white dress with yellow flower prints on them. That was Pony’s favorite af least.
Mr. Curtis was definitely a load taller than her
He canonically looks like Darry-I’m imagining him to have these grey eyes-or maybe brown! Maybe even heterochromia honestly! One brown eye and one grey eye.
He used to be a shop class teacher at the high school! He had Darry in his class actually. He taught Darry how to start woodworking and the tips and tricks, hence why he roofs homes now. He feels like he’s with his father when we’ve he goes
He was definitely bigger in build and looked SO scary but he was the goofiest man ever
Take Soda, put him on steroids and you have Mr. Curtis. He was def a favorite teacher and the school mourned when he died.
The two met on a blind date! Mrs. Curtis wore her yellow dress and that’s how they ended up finding each other
They’re interfaith! Mrs. Curtis was Jewish and Mr. Curtis was Catholic.
Their first date was to a fair and out for dinner. They go to fairs a lot, and they had their first kiss at the top of a ferris wheel I’m calling it
Mr. Curtis had a LOT of pet names for her.
He’d call her Daffodil a lot because she had one in her hair when they first met 😭🙏
Bless his heart
Neither of them had big families-Mrs. Curtis was raised in a modest house-she didn’t have much growing up but it taught her to be a hard worker
Mr Curtis was honestly the same-except he had it a lot worse
He didn’t get to eat often so whenever his family was eating he would say his stomach hurt at dinner all the time and would wait for everyone else to have their fill before saying he would “try to eat” (this was a plot to make sure everyone was fed before him)
Darry learned this from him tbh
Their wedding was suuuuuper fun tho-they both have big extended families and they were able to throw a really big ceremony for them
Mr. Curtis BAWLED when she walked down the aisle
She even had a daffodil in her hair
Nrs. Curtis got pregnant with Darey on their honeymoon. They were pretty young when they had him-they’d canonically be at least in their early 20s
They were so confused when Darry popped out with blue eyes 😭
It was her idea to name him Darrel too. She thought he looked just like him, even as a baby
Aftee him they wanted another baby (Mrs. Curtis got HORRID baby fever) and they had one-but unfortunately that baby didn’t make it.
Soda was a rainbow baby by default-they told him and he thought that meant he was born rainbow
She did NOT wanna name him Sodapop but Mr. Curtis was very persuasive
By the time Ponyboy came along she gave up and let him name him Ponyboy 😭
Mrs. Curtis worked as a kindergarten teacher! The kids called her Miss Sunshine a lot because of her hair and the bright colors she wore
She was super good at music! She used to do club performances when her and Mr. Curtis were dating (just singing and playing piano) and Mr. Curtis immediately fell in love with her
She taught Darry and Pony how to sing and play piano. Soda had n interest lol
She also loved nature! Mr. Curtis did too-he was like a big puppy who just constantly needed attention and to be outside lol
They went brid watching a lot too!
Mrs. Curtis had a super sweet and soft voice and Mr. Curtis had the thickest accent ever 😭
Mr. Curtis was a lot like Bandit from Bluey. That’s the best comparison I can make-he was super goofy and fun loving but he was always putting his kids before anything else
When the Curtis brothers buried their parents they put daffodils on both their graves. They can’t look at daffodils anymore without tearing up or crying
That’s all for now! Should I do a pt. 2?
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nonbinarytoast · 2 months
Listening to episode 44 of malevolent (live listen)
Arthur stay still while your organs put themselves back please
Arthur is so salty, I love him.
Awwwwww John, look at you taking care of your boyfriend!!!
Yorick is weirdly autistic coded and I love him for that
… what the fuck is going on
“Not when. If.” John I love you but Arthur is a human and will die at some point.
Oohh. Oohh no. Oh god. Stop. Stop it Arthur. DONT CRY. IM NOT MENTALLY PREPARED.
Three days is not more than enough Arthur your organs have to rearrange themselves.
Oh Oscar’s note again. Oh fuck. Imagine if it has blood on it and he can’t read it. That would be so fucked up.
“It still doesn’t feel like the right time” yea, literally. It’s not the right time period.
“Neither. I am Yorick!” Damn, another transgender allegory
“Something feels… like we’re missing something.” Don’t die again. Don’t you dare.
“WHY DIDNT YOU—“ “let it go, let it go, she’s dead” not Arthur calming his boyfriend down ‘this isn’t you’ style
“You know that I love you too. And I couldn’t do this without you.” “I know.” “But I don’t recall if I told you… how proud I was of you. For finding your way. Without me, without anyone. It must’ve been difficult to fight for who you were. Who you are.” MMMMHHHHHHH IM GONNA CRY OMG
Fuck you Yorick
Yorick drowning is strangely satisfying to me even though I think he’s funny and a good character like shut the fuck up man
Arthur don’t you dare drown
Aaaaawwwwwww they’re all laughing and happy. This is great. Let’s never do anything ever again ok guys?
“I may have pulled my… stomach.” Arthur go to a doctor for fucks sake
“If your okay with it” Arthur I love you but you need stitches and John being comfortable is not your concern right now
I do appreciate that Arthur is going with it and doesn’t care that John made a deal without his consent. Arthur knows that John was desperate and understands and I really like that.
What the fuck does “day of wrath” mean?WHAT THE FUCK DOES DAY OF WRATH MEAN?!?!?!
ALEXANDER!!!!!!!!!!! THE BOY!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!
“Owls don’t eat people, boys” god he’s talking to them like they’re a fucking polycule
“I for one am glad you’re here Alexander. Between this one never shutting up and this one always with me, I appreciate a companion who seems to enjoy the silence” I love Arthur so much he’s such a babygirl
First episode where something didn’t immediately try to eat them let’s goooooo
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baddest-batchers · 5 months
spoilers below the cut~
• Crosshair’s. Shaking. Hand. While they were approaching Tantiss. My heart was in my throat. Then his attempting to Plan 99 I was about to scream‼️ But thankfully Hunter & Wrecker vetoed that shit real quick thank u for ur service boys and for saving Crosshair 🫡😭
• OUR GIRL RELEASED THE ZILLO AND THE ZILLO SAID YEET! The way it chomped that one guard lmao
• Echo & Emerie = sick af brother sister team-up. They got shit done‼️‼️
• Echo calling Omega Havoc 5, I love them sm
• The three of them releasing the clones 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
• I had a hunch Nala Se was going to die. That was kinda sad tbh but she took Rampart with her so she’s such a g for that
• CX-2 cutting off Crosshair’s hand made me shake and cry. I literally could not believe what I saw. And during that entire sequence I was still thinking he was Tech, too. 😭😭😭😭😭
• Hemlock is a sick bastard. That mf was going to recondition our boys or throw them away. FUCK I WANTED TO PUNCH HIM SO BADLY.
•Hunter spearing CX-2. My heart dropped and now it’s just empty because it wasn’t Tech. Why did they waste so much time on him during the rest of the season then?? To string us along and make us think it was Tech????? JENNIFER I’M IN YOUR WALLS.
• I absolutely love how none of the boys held back. They were in it for better or for worse.
• Crosshair being so afraid he’d accidentally shoot Omega 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
• the score, Omega running to her brothers I was crying i replayed that scene 10 times 😭
• Omega looking at her brothers then to Crosshair’s hand and then running to hug him sent me into full on ugly cry. We got their hug guys 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 plus a little group hug guys im so unwell over this shot
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• the entire ending was so bittersweet. Like DBB said, it was full of hope. The rest of the boys got to watch Omega grow up and that was what they so desperately deserved after all they had been through.
• We got DILF Hunter too guys 😭 and Omega is a pilot, like Tech 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 their hug was just so sweet and then her keeping Lula and Tech’s goggles on her ship 🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
• I definitely think there might possibly be another show announcement coming with how it ended, I mean pilot Omega for the rebellion???? LETS GOOOOOO PLEASE
• I’m equal parts happy with this ending and sad. I think it was such a waste of time and narrative to have so many scenes with focus on CX-2 and 1. Not reveal him. 2. Not have him be Tech. Like that would have been such an insanely good story line to have followed. But nope ofc not 😔. My heart is empty because we didn’t get Tech back but then again there is still a chance he’s alive, right? Right????? I will die on this hill of delulu. But all in all, it was a good ending to this masterpiece of a show. My heart is forever changed by the Bad Batch and I will love them for a long time to come.❤️🖤
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devilsrecreation · 17 days
i need to hear more about tamka and pua and their father-son (? correct me if im wrong) bond.. /no pressure
I talked a little bit about them in my Tamka hc post but here are some more!
- Nobody in the Pridelands have any idea how Pua and Tamka are related. They’re either really confused or straight up don’t believe it. Pua’s a humble, smart, wise leader who puts up a good fight and Tamka…is, well, the opposite: a cocky dumbass who goes down the minute you hit the top of his head 😭
- Pua loved Tamka as soon as he hatched from his egg. It was impossible for him not to. He was so innocent and full of spirit, just like his mother. And he reminds his son of that every chance he gets
- Tamka’s silliness was both funny and annoying. Pua would always laugh when Tamka tried to climb on his snout but his habit of trying to spar with/death roll his father’s tail wasn’t as much fun
- As mentioned before, it was Pua who first discovered that rubbing his son’s tummy made him fall asleep (a nod to Tamka’s “sure, I mean, it works on me!” comment in “The Zebra Mastermind”). Baby Tamka was being fussy and Pua was feeling frustrated since everything he tried failed to work, not to mention this wasn’t setting the best example to his float. So Kuimba suggested he tickle their son’s tummy with his tail and when he tried it—boom. It worked
- Tamka still remembers the lullabies Pua would sing to him and the other hatchlings, especially the ones at him. He loves them so much he sings them when he has hatchlings of his own
- Tamka used to sleep right next to his mother, but when she died, he started sleeping next to Pua. Up until his dad’s exile, Tamka would always be found snoozing away anywhere near him. Tamka still misses those days
- When Tamka was a kid, he would sometimes overhear Pua weeping late at night (the times when his closest friends died, to be exact). He cried the hardest when Kuimba and Piga died. Tamka usually isn’t very good at reading other animals but he could absolutely tell his father was pretending everything was fine when it wasn’t. But he always assumed his father knew best so he didn’t question it much
- Their reconciliation since the incident in the Dry Season was a somewhat slow process. At first, they were both upset/disappointed for different reasons: Pua because he couldn’t believe Tamka went through with something so stupid and Tamka because Pua always seemed to dismiss him and love the other hatchlings more than his own son due to having to raise them all (not true at all but it certainly looked like it). Pua was heartbroken after Tamka pushed him away, but decided to give him some time and space. Tamka eventually starts to miss talking to his father and finally decides to talk it out with him. It was a very long and emotional talk that ended with the both of them hugging, along with apologies on both ends. Pua teared up, Tamka was bawling his eyes out
- Despite taking more after his mother, Tamka DOES inherit Pua’s confidence, darker colors, and determination. Not to mention he sometimes has that same gentle smile Pua has.
Seriously, same energy
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- Pua gives his son even more examples why they’re more similar than he thinks, such as the fact they were both banished from the float and how they both meet/mate with beautiful females that are 10x out of their league
- Speaking of females, Tamka once went to him for advice about how to court Erevu. Best he could do is tell him to keep doing what he’s doing cuz he must be doing something right if she likes him back. He loves her btw, thinks she’s perfect for his son
- While Pua has no idea how he managed to win Kuimba’s heart, he does remember how they met and how he fell in love. It’s Tamka’s favorite story
- While they have reconciled, they still have misunderstandings every now and then. The first time Tamka saw Pua hanging out with Kongwe, he thought they were a couple. He goes through a whole process where he thinks his dad was trying to replace his mom, tries to make himself a third wheel, but then comes to accept the relationship if it makes him happy. Pua had to explain to him how it was purely platonic (lmao oh Tamka)
Pua was everyone’s dad figure but most importantly, he was Tamka’s
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wormbloggign · 8 months
Glenn Chambers wore plaid pants with red and green, and a pink dress shirt, His belt bore a buckle with the PRT logo on it. His hair had changed too, parted neatly into what I assumed was ‘geek chic’, and the glasses had changed as well, with thick, round frames. An ID card hung around his neck. He didn’t fit any of those particular archetypes.
i love how shit his fits are. this man CANNOT dress. let him micromanage every aspect of your persona.
“Go, and hurry,” Glenn said.  “Tell them to fix it and cast another prototype before the run starts.  These are toys, they’ll be in the hands of children and collectors both.  The people who are buying these are fans.  What’s it going to say if their most immediate association with Esoteric is the broken toy sitting on a shelf?  It’s going to convey that he’s flimsy.”
ok thats just poor organisation, you'd have the base construction and elements of the doll figured out WELL before you start working on its visage. glenn has dropped in my opinion of him
“I asked to speak to you because I wanted you to know about the damage that’s being done.” “Ah, this is about the butterflies.” “It’s about a lot more than butterflies.  It’s the whole mindset.  The attitude of the heroes.  I’d talk to Chevalier, but he’s too busy.  I’d talk to Rime, but she’s recovering from being shot three times.  You’re the only other person I’ve met so far who really seems to be in a position to know what I’m talking about.  Besides, as far as I can figure, image and PR seem to be at the heart of the problem.”
she's back to her favourite pastime. (i genuinely love everytime she does this)
“The focus isn’t on lethal or nonlethal,” Glenn said. “It’s on whether we can trust you to keep on the path you’re walking. If you start taking shortcuts now, what happens a year down the line? If we decide you can go all-out in one specific situation, does that open the door for another?”
genuinely good point, good to see glenn is trying hard to properly vett new capes
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taylor goes so hard as a monster i really do love it
“Until I turn eighteen,” I said, feeling a little hollow.
that's less than a year, you can handle that.
Chevalier approached.  “You murdered two people.  Three, going by your admission while in custody.  Two PRT directors, one major hero.  When Dragon and Defiant suggested we bring you on board, we were divided.  It was Glenn who offered the compromise that we ultimately agreed to.  This compromise.” I glanced at Glenn, who shrugged. Glenn?
glenn wanted an excuse to integrate hexagon tiling into NEW PRT advertising didnt he
“That’s why you’re waiting two years?  You think that it’ll take that long to vet me, before you can give me actual responsibility?”
two years? didnt she turn 17 around the time coil did his big bombing run? did she just forget?
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that's genuinely horrifying, thanks
Mail from all around the United states.  From strangers, from fans. Words of support.  Criticism.  Death threats.
this is functionally the first time the general public has had the chance to communicate directly to her. yeah i expected as much
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hes bumbling 🥺🥺🥺
aishas doing great actually
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lisa is lisa-ing
Atlas died.  I wanted to let you know.  Tattletale had him, but he wouldn’t eat or move.  We asked for him, and we found a place for him.  The guys say they think they know a good way to make a mold.  They’re covering him in brass. A way of saying you’re still with us.  Take care of yourself. -Char
MY BOY ;-;
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silly goofy, rachels going through it.
overall, taylors polycule miss her and the others have their own thing
Withdrawing a notepad, I started sketching out the designs I was thinking of. Alterations to the costume, weapon ideas, tools and concepts.
!!!! !!!!
The costume Defiant and Dragon had given me was theirs, not mine.  The fighting style that had been dictated was Glenn’s and Chevalier’s. This, this would be me.
im gonna have to draw her new costume too when it get out arent i.
(we are pretending like im not incredibly excited about this development)
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kimryowo · 9 months
Our Not-So Happy Ending
prologue - part ii.
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“Off With Your Head!” Riddle shouted as a collar appeared around Grim’s neck, only making the cat scream more.
“MYAH!? What are you doing!?!” He exclaimed angrily.
Y/N watched as the collar magically appeared, so this place really was full of magic! How exciting! This was so thrilling, and it was such an amazing dream too, she might not want to wake up just yet!
“The Queen of Hearts Rule Twenty Three; ‘One must never bring a cat to a formal affair.’ Your very presence is a violation of order.  You will vacate these premises immediately.” Riddle ordered.
Grim was not happy by this. “But I ain’t a cat either! Don’t try to collar me! I’ll burn it right off!” He tried to activate the blue flames, yet, it didn’t work. “Wh-What gives!? My fire ain’t workin’!”
Riddle only looked at the feline with a scrutinous expression. “Until I deign to remove that collar, you won’t be using any magic. You’re naught but a pet cat now.”
“M-MeoWHAT!? I ain’t nobody’s pet NOTHING!” Grim shouted angrily, stomping his little paw on the floor.
Y/N giggled as she saw the feline throw a tantrum, this was so bizarre! She’d never seen a cat walk on two legs, talk or was able to use fire like Grim has.
“Oh, you’ve nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet. The collar will disappear once you’re removed from campus,” Riddle said with an eye roll and scoff.
Azul laughed heartily, “Haha! Good show as always, Riddle. Your signature spell locks down any magic. It’s quite handy. I’ve just GOT to have it— ah… I mean, I’ve just got to have respect for it.”
This time, it was Crowley’s time to look disappointed. “Enma! Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar!? Now discipline your— What’s that? It isn’t yours?” 
“I’ve told you repeatedly that it isn’t mine!” Enma said with a frustrated scowl.
He seemed to ponder for a moment before he turned to face the young girl. “Okay then, Y/N, is this your familiar?”
She stared at Grim before looking at Crowley, shaking her head, “no sir! I’ve never seen that kitty before!”
“Oh…” Crowley seemed a little disappointed upon hearing the two human’s responses. “Is that so?” He cleared his throat, “then I shall have it expelled it from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner. My, but I AM kind… Someone take this away, please.”
Grim began to shout even more, didn’t his voice get tired? “Noooo! Let me goooooo! You fools better remember my name! ‘Cause I’m gonna go down in the annals of magic history! Just you wait!”
Enma watched as Grim began to be dragged off somewhere before his eyes caught Y/N’s ones. She had been so enamoured by the whole thing that she’d been in awe the whole time.
“I feel kind of sorry for him,” the boy whispered to her, and she nodded. 
“Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation had concluded!” He said as silent fell over the room. “Hm? Come tot think of it, I don’t see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere…”
“And that surprises you?” The boy with lion ears asked sarcastically, “dude’s a total recluse.”
“Wait a sec… Did anyone even invite him?” The boy with red eyes inquired.
The handsome boy sighed, “if you’re that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself.”
The red eyed boy hummed, “maybe… but I don’t know him too well either…”
Whispered erupted from the crowd of new students and Y/N and Enma listened intently.
“Draconia..? Like, Malleus Draconia? That Draconia?” One student muttered quietly.
“So it’s true? He really does go to school here then?” Another added.
“Yikes…” One mumbled.
“Ah, just as I’d expected.” A new voice said, it was a boy with a deep voice. “I figured I’d come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an offical ceremony.”
Someone wasn’t invited? Well, that was no good! Nobody deserved to be left out! If Y/N ever met this Malleus Draconia, she’d be sure to perform the best show ever to make him smile!
“You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub.” Azul stated.
“I mean, you must admit, he’s not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with.” Riddle added.
The boy with the deep voice just sighed shallowly, “no matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn’t sulk about this…”
Y/N watched as the people of said House Diasomnia began to follow the short boy, presumably back to  where this Malleus person stayed.
“Well, you two. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I’m afraid that. you will not be attending Night Raven Academy after all. Surely you realise that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy. But, worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you home safely. Now, step to into the gate, and visualise the place you whence you came.” Crowley advised.
Y/N saw Enma let out a sigh of relief. She watched as he stepped up first, thinking of wherever it was he came from.
“O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!” Crowley bellowed, his voice ringing throughout the room.
Yet, the Mirror gave no response. So, Crowley cleared his throat awkwardly, “l-let us, er… try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul—“
“There is no such place,” the Mirror stated blankly. 
Crowley was shocked, “what?”
“There is no place in this world where this soul belongs. None.” The Mirror says.
The headmage thought for a moment, trying to find a reasonable answer for this conundrum. Perhaps Y/N would be sent back to her home then. “Y/N, it’s your turn.”
With a happy skip and nod, she stood inside the gate, visualising Phoenix Wonderland, her family and her friends.
“O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!” Crowley recited, secretly hoping that this time it would work.
Yet, “there is no such place,” the Mirror repeated blankly. 
“But, how can that be? My, but today is a veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena!” The headmage exclaimed. “This has never happened throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am something of a loss. Tell me, from what lands do you hail?”
Enma remained silent, as if he was unsure of the answer himself.
So, Y/N answered, “Shibuya, Tokyo!” 
The eccentric man hummed, “I’m afraid I am not familiar with such a place. I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet… This mysterious homeland of yours eludes me. Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we? We can even try to find where it is Enma has come from as well.” 
What? He had no idea where Tokyo was? Well, this was a dream after all, so it kind of made sense… right?
The walk to the library was short and silent. Crowley seemed to be thinking about how the two mysterious humans came here — or how to get them home.
Arriving in the library, he pulled out many geography books and maps from various shelves, sprawling them out on a table, reading them for a few minutes.
Those minutes were long and silent.
“Just as I’d suspected,” he said, placing his hands on his hips, “nothing. Not even your homeland is listed on any map from any point in history. Now, are you QUITE sure that you come from such a place? That it wasn’t some sort of lie or jape, Miss Y/N? Because, if so, the only explanation is that you’ve come from another planet. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension.”
Y/N let out a squeak of surprise, “eh? So… so… you haven’t heard of anywhere like Miyamasuzaka Girl’s Academy, Scramble Crossing or even Phoenix Wonderland!?”
“Both of you, show me everything you have brought here with you. Do you have some form of identification, a drivers license perhaps? Or even a… shoe? You do seem a tad bit… empty-handed,” the headmage commented.
Fishing through her pockets, Y/N searched for her phone. Yes! She still had it! The only thing was that it was completely dead. She let out a whine and pouted a bit.
“That’s fine, we will charge it soon enough, Miss Y/N, now, what about you Enma? Do you have any sort of identification?” He asked.
Enma did the same as Y/N, however, came out empty-handed. “As you’ve said, I’ve got nothing.”
“Well, this is quite the predicament. I cannot have people with no aptitudes for magic bumbling about my magic academy. And yet, as an educator, I am loath to expel young people without a cent to their name, or any. ability to contact their guardian… Truly, my grace is boundless. Hmmmm… Ah! There is a vacant building on this campus. it was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago. With proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough. Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you both to live there for the time being. In the meantime, we will investigate other ways to send you home. Dear me, but I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say.” Crowley praised himself, “well then, I shall take you both to your dorm straight away. It is an older building, but it has plenty of… character, one might say.”
Would Y/N even wake up soon? She was missing home more and more now, would she even be able to access the SEKAI? She would only have to hope.
Arriving at a falling apart dorm wasn’t something Y/N expected per se, “uwah!! Everything is so messy!”
“Uh, you want us to stay… here?” Enma asked the man.
“Isn’t it delightful?” Crowley said chipperly, “right, scoot inside now. There you go.” He pushed the two magicless humans inside the falling apart dorm. “This should keep the elements at bay for the time being. Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourselves. But, don’t let me catch you wandering the campus! Ta~!” 
Then, he left. 
He was eccentric and funny, Y/N actually thought about Tsukasa. She missed her friends, this dream was going on too long too! When would she wake up? 
“It’s like a desolate snowscape. Only with dust. I don’t even see a clean place to sit…” Enma muttered as he brushed the mountain of dust off a chair.
They then heard the rain hit the roof of the ramshackled dorm.
“GWAH! It’s pouring out there!” A familiar voice exclaimed as the door opened to the dorm, closing behind the figure.
It was Grim!
“Bwahahah!” He laughed maniacally, “the look on your faces were priceless! Like a bat that got blasted by a water gun. As if I wouldn’t just. sneak back onto campus the second I escape pryin’ eyes. You all got no idea what I’m capable of! I ain’t givin’ up on goin’ here just cause I got kicked out one measly ol’ time. And if you think otherwise, you don’t know Grim!”
The girl let out a laugh when Enma began to scream for guards playfully, which resulted in her mimicking him.
“Hey! N-No! Bad humans! BAD HUMANS! Ain’t you gonna ask what. I’m doin’ here!? That’s what you people do, right? Talk about feelings and stuff? Just what kinda humans are ya, anyway? It wouldn’t kill ya to listen to me! Right!? I was born to do this! I’m a magical prodigy who’s got the makins’ to become one of the greatest mages who ever lived! So, I’ve been waitin’ and waitin’ for that black carriage to come for me. And yet… Hrmph!! That Dark Mirror’s got no eye for talent! That’s why I took the initiative and came here myself. You humans don’t understand what a mistake you’re makin’! Not letting me in is a great loss to the world! Mrraooo! C’mon, scoot over! I’m getting dripped on here! Bwah! Another hole in the roof!? These flamin’ ears are like my trademark, y’know!? I can’t let ‘em get doused!” Grim ranted.
Y/N was still fascinated by him being bale to speak but he was a cute kitty too! She’d never seen one like him either.
“Guess I’ll go look for some buckets, want to come Y/N?” Enma asked, looking at the girl.
“Un! Okay!” She nodded happily.
“I dunno why you don’t just magic those holes away. You could have it fixed in half a jiff. Ahhh, right. You can’t use magic at all! Pfft..! Man, you guys are useless.”
That seemed to irk the boy because he scowled. “Then why don’t you do it?”
Grim laughed in surprise, “heh? You want ME to help YOU? Ha! You got the wrong idea. I’m just a stranger takin’ shelter from the rain. You ain’t the boss of me. If ya’ had some cans of tuna to trade, well, that’d be another story. But I don’t work for free.”
“Yikes, the leaks are getting really bad. We really should find those buckets,” Enma suggested to himself.
And so, the trio then went into a hallway. As they stood in the ramshackled hallway, they could hear all kinds of unpleasant sounds like creaks and tapping.
“This place really freaks me out,” the boy said, Grim nodding.
“Yeeheehee… Bwahahahaha… We haven’t had visitors in ages! Oh, I’m just itchin’ for new friends! Ahahah!” There was a ghost!
“Gh-Gh-Ghosts!” Enma exclaimed with a shriek.
Y/N only gasped, hiding begin Enma — as if it’d do anything to protect her.
“Hey, keep it down over— AAAAAAAH! GHOSTS! GHOOOOOOOOOOSTS!” Grim screamed loudly, his voice going an octave higher.
“All the people who used ta’ live here got scared of us and ran away.” Another ghost said.
“We just want a new ghost to play with! What do you say, buddy?” The previous ghost asked with a cheeky grin.
“Help me!” Enma shrieked.
Y/N saw as Grim shivered, were they afraid of ghosts? She wasn’t, what she was scared of was the dark.
“EEEEEP! I’m a master sorcerer! I ain’t afraid of any dumb ghosts! Myahaaaa!” Grim exclaimed, shooting fire towards the three ghosts.
“Nuh-uh~! Not even close.” Another one said.
“Over here! Over here! Ahahaha!” The first one cackled.
“Argh!” Grim hissed, spraying more fire everywhere. “They keep disappearing and reappearing!”
“You’re gonna set the whole dorm ablaze!” Enma scolded the feline, who only snapped back.
“Shaddup! I don’t need any lip from you!” 
“Beat them, and we’ve got a can of tuna with your name on it!” Enma told the cat, knowing what the answer would be.
“Myah..!? Hmph! I’m Grim, Master Sorcerer! How come I can’t even hit one of these little—“
The ghosts simply laughed at him, they thought of this as a game.
Grim only grew more frustrated. “Hrmph! Ganging up on us… Yer just a buncha’ cowards!”
“Did I say one can of tuna? I meant two.” Enma continued to taunt Grim.
Y/N let out a shriek, these ghosts were spooky!
“You… humans! You tell me which way the ghosts are!” Grim ordered.
“Un! Okay!” Y/N exclaimed. 
“To your left,” Enma chimed in.
Grim followed the instructions of the two humans and aimed his fire left, hitting a ghost who yelped. “Aaaah! It buuuuuuuurns!”
“Ha, got one! Keep it up, just like that… And lets clear out the lot of ‘em!” Grim said determinedly.
They soon began to call out directions, though, Y/N would say something and then Enma would say the opposite.
“Rrrrrgh! My fires not hittin’ anything! What’s that? You’re sayin’ you want me to listen? I can’t listen when you’re both saying different things! Huh? ‘Behind me’?” Grim asked, turning around.
“BOO!” A ghost shouted.
“MYAH!! O-Okay…. that one was pretty good!” Grim yelped.
Eventually, with a hand covering Y/N’s mouth, Grim had cleared the room of ghosts.
“Nice! That actually worked! Hey, humans! What should I do next? Give ‘em the works? Hehe! Can do! MYAHH! EAT THIS!”
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the0retically · 7 months
JRWI What If: Intergalactic Gameshow:
That was a wild ride and I adored it so so much here are my thoughts :)
- This is just friends being unhinged and playing D&D I adore this
- “Her face shows disgust ‘Gillion I hate babies’” ICONIC LETS GO ASTER
- BABY JAY FERIN?????? JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- This is utter insanity I love it
- God Gill is having Such a bad day he just cannot get out of this situation with baby Chip and baby Jay
- I love the bit about Jesus and Vyncent sharing the whole story of the Bible
- Vyncent being able to see the others health bar??? That’s so cool what the heck
- Aster giving so much lore because Mythborne didn’t continue is so so fun
- :((((((( this trio is so sweet, I love them, they’re like the perfect group for this, they’re so fun
- They’re just unhinged
- :((( I miss the pretzel noises
- God I love aster and gill they’re friendship is so nice
- Asters crying noooooooo it’s ok girl!! Chess isn’t everyone’s strong suit!
- I love the bit of Charlie lowering his volume and yelling to create the image of his characters doing chaos in the background
- Oh?? Charlie why do you want just a little bit left?? HAHHA HOLY SHIT HES BLASTING THE ROOMBAS INTO THE GOLD COUNTER
- ???? An mvp??
- “What’s squid game?” “It’s an undersea thing”
- Wait they’re talking about the voice and if it’s recognizable to any of them and Aster asking Gill if he knows any bastards that would do this and Gill giving a thought and saying Chip and Bizly just smiling, IS IT CHIP??
- “Actual psychopath interactions” yeah that sums up aster and gill
- OH?? People from their backstory’s in the audience!
- “How many chips in the audience? Just one” “ok didn’t know what type of hell this was”
- “Is Connor in the audience?” “No he’s dead, you can see his bofa shirt under the pile of rats staring at you” “I set the audience on fire”
- “…..the wet thorny people?? I’m still working on a team name” ok gill
- “We’re all banging and Aster” please??
- Oh these questions are starting out Rough
- Gillion just believing he’s in hell is actually so sad, he’s just Given up
- “Aster, do you wish you had more screen time?” “In this??” “In general” OH MY GOD????? BIZLY
- I miss Aster :( she’s amazing Mythborne come back pleaseeee
- He’s just putting the roomba in the briefcase??? GILL PLEASE
- “‘I love big prizes’ and she slams big” ASTER, god they’re probably building a monster to fight and Aster is building a big fast dumb and ugly?? creature
- “Oh my god did we just create Jesus Christ??” VYNCENT PLEASE
- “Up next will be this creature” “oh no!” Charlie has such bad luck with this
- Aster is cracked she’s so cool
- :((((((( I miss Gillion :((((
- Gill and Vyncent debating the trolly problem mid fight is So them I love it
- 16 out of 40??????? Vyncent oh no
- The flavor of all of their attacks is amazing
- The JRWI theme coming in for this team attack is PERFECT!!!!! I love this podcast so much :)
- The glitching…….bebo what’s that about
- :(( “see you in 5” they’re not seeing each other again but I love their friendship so much
- This goodbye is gonna make me cry??? I love it so much, it’s just so sweet, that trio is amazing and I love how immediately they were friends with each other
- “Thanks for playing” BIZLY IM GONNA CRY
- This was so sweet and amazing
- this was so so so sweet
- every pc in the campaigns is the epitome of “do you think we’re friends in every universe?” “I’d like to think so” because they are, they’re always going to be friends no matter what universe they’re in and who they are
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
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It’s nearing 11 pm, and you’re snuggled under your sheets, drifting off to sweet sweet dreamland when, slamming the door open with a bang!, Koga storms into your room, a vein throbbing in his forehead. Still dishevelled from sleep and dragging his blanket behind him, he looks pissed as hell.
“Your boyfriend’s here. Again.” He grits out. “Fucking…do something about it.” He then turns and storms off, presumably back to his room.
You think he should be used to this by now.
Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you trudge out of the room, rubbing your eyes sleepily all the while. A cold draft circulates through the living space, and you shiver as gooseflesh prickles over your skin. Ah, someone must have opened the window…
The loud shout disorients you, so you’re caught off guard by the tackle that follows soon after.
Your face is smushed into a leather-covered chest as you’re pulled into a bone-crushing hug and you breathe in the scent of motor oil and tuna, underset by something distinctly…metallic. You don’t mind, though. It’s a comforting smell, one that you’ve come to associate with him.
“You’re hereeee! I missed you!” Strong hands plant themselves on your waist and you find yourself being lifted off the ground. You involuntarily dig your fingernails into broad shoulders as you’re twirled in the air. An embarrassing noise escapes your throat, and Madara laughs.
Someone clears their throat politely behind you two.
“Ahh, my bad!” Madara flashes Tatsumi-san a crooked grin as he places you lightly back on the ground.
Tatsumi-san smiles blandly at the two of you, a cup of steaming tea in his hands. “Ah, didn’t I ask Mama-san to stop climbing in through the window before?”
“Sorry, sorry,” Madara laughs sheepishly. “I was just soooo excited to see Y/N-san…”
“Mm, I understand. But you should be more considerate of others. Poor Koga-san, he must have been very disturbed.” Tatsumi-san tsks, shaking his head disappointedly.
You smile slightly. That’s a bit much, don’t you think, Tatsumi-san? Of course, he’s right too. You still remember the first time Madara broke into–sorry, visited–your dorm room. Vividly.
You and Tatsumi-san exchange a single look, before you’re both bolting into Koga’s room at the sound of the scream.
“Oi, what the fuck!? What d’you think you’re doing?” Yelling echoes from behind the closed door, followed by multiple crashes and grunts.
“Koga, are you oka…y…?”
You slam open the door, then pause in the doorway, and the sound of skidding against the wooden flooring lets you know that Tatsumi-san only just avoided crashing into your back by a hair's breadth, instead hitting the wall behind you. Still, you have no presence of mind left to turn around and check if he’s okay, not when the sight in front of you is so…bizarre.
“Y/N-saaaaan! Hi!” Madara-kun waves brightly when he catches sight of your gaping form, despite the fact that Koga is desperately attempting to brain him with his guitar.
“Y’know this motherfucker, Y/N-senpai?” Koga sounds aggrieved. “Is he one of yours?”
“Then get rid of him, already!”
“Y/N-san! Let’s goooooo!” Madara chirps, and you splutter, forcibly yanked away from your thoughts as you feel yourself being picked up once again.
“Madara-kun…!? Put me down!”
“No can do!” He says cheerily. “I have something to show you! Let’s goooo!”
“No, wait, don’t let him take me–!”
Tatsumi-san just laughs in the face of your cries for help. The betrayal!? Hello? Where’s your loyalty, you mint-haired bastard!? You seethe. After all the times you’ve helped him with Mayoi-chan too…! “Have fun, children. Don’t stay out too late.”
“Don’t worry, Tatsumi-saaaan! I’ll have Y/N-san home before 10, I promise!”
“You’d better,” Tatsumi-san’s eyes harden into flinty chips but his serene smile never leaves his face which, in your humble opinion, makes it all the more threatening. “Or I will make you regret it.”
What the fuck. You’re not a child with a curfew, jeez. If you want to stay out late with your boyfriend, you’re perfectly entitled to do you, and you tell them as much to two very different reactions.
“My apologies. I didn’t mean to demean you in any way.” Tatsumi-san dips his head in acquiescence.
Madara-kun deposits you on the floor with sparkling eyes. “Waaaaah…Y/N-san is protecting poor Mama from their scary roommate… We should make out, ahahaha!”
His hands find their place on your waist and his eyes search your own for the answer to his unspoken question. Whatever he finds seems to satisfy him, because he tugs you closer until the two of you are nearly chest to chest.
Your bare toes brush against the tips of his leather boots. He leans down to nudge his nose against yours, and your eyelids flutter shut. You can feel his hot breath against your face as he presses his lips to yours. It’s minty. He brushed his teeth before coming to see you, and the thought makes you smile a bit.
You push up against him, winding your arms around his neck and tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth. He lets out a muffled whine against your mouth that turns into a gasp when you bite harder. His fingers fist in the fabric of your tank top.
Someone clears their throat behind you.
Your eyes fly open and you shove Madara-kun away from you. Problem is, he’s built like a brick shithouse so this action doesn’t achieve anything except cause him to look at you in confusion.
You blush when you notice Tatsumi-san standing there. His normally polite smile looks a bit strained. His eyes scream, Let me die. You smile awkwardly.
“Please refrain from making out in front of me next time.” He says flatly. “God is watching.” He points to the cross propped up on the mantle and you flush even deeper. Sorry, Jesus…?
Madara-kun looks between the two of you, before a lightbulb seems to go off in his head and he slings you over his shoulder once again. You decide maybe it’s time to admit defeat and let yourself go limp. Really, there’s nothing left to be done…and there are worse ways to be carried, you suppose. At the very least, he’s gentle about it. “Well!” He announces to the room at large. Tatsumi-san looks like his soul is leaving his body. “Y/N-san and I are going to go make out now. Bye-bye ☆!”
WC: 1k words
i just wrote 1k words in less then 2 hrs i swear im normal about him!? anyways i just think the kogatatsu dorm room is SO FUCKING FUNNY so i just had to include it lmfao. this was sooo self-indulgent and i rlly should be working on my reqs but this fic grabbed me by the throat and wouldn’t let go until i wrote all 1087 words of it cries. THE TITLE is a pun cause like yk ‘break up, make up’? well this is ‘break in make out’ AHAHAHHA get it? im sorry that was soooo stupid but I SWEAR it made sense in my head qwq. anyways enjoy <33 smooches u mwahh
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ur hostess is in pieces
alr y’all. the final wungo wednesday. i’m not exaggerating when i say this ep broke me
quick intermission before we start: this is in two parts bc there’s a lot in this ep. i split it roughy halfway through the ep
also this is a rewatch so some of my initial feelings r gone, but i’m doing the commentary based on my initial reactions so that’s why i double back in my opinions
obvi spoilers for bsd anime and manga, y’all know this, time to go cry
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aww we don’t get the op song? buts it’s so good
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ah yes. aku u look lovely.
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bram by boiiii yessssssss. spit out the facts
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JDJDJHHE AYA BABY :&:$$;$:783$
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he cares so much omfg my heart me brain by fucking life is gonna explode
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omg yes, fukuzawa is slaying so hard rn. go girl go. get this bitch
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yo it’s mr russian man. he looks wonderful as ever. how’d he get out tho…
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fedya shut up. ur bc is complementing u admire how cute he is calling u “so damn awesome.” idc wat y’all say i will love nikolai till the day i die he’s so cute shdhdhdhjd
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see???? adorable clown man i wanna hug him
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ok present night here:
did anyone else thing this explanation was lame?? like cmon. i feel like this is a bones thing like asagiri would’ve done some rlly weird shit and then create another weirder character to make it work but it would work bc it’s bsd. y’know? idk @/ebiichan pointed a lot of plotholes out to me go check her out
ok back to live reaction past night
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i’m a simp but i mean. how could i not. jus look at him. jus look. he’s my lil cutie baby
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ok but fedyas face. bones what r u doing. u can draw pretty ppl ik that why won’t u let fedya have it
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who’s that man?????? shakespeare????
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i jus drew u being badass cmon crome back i miss u 😢 😭😭
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does kolya not call fedya dos-kun in the anime? or is it jus this one time bc he’s so surprised???
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omg ranpo fainted????? wat happened??? he seems off??
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ok this is rlly funny bc he didn’t even have to ask bram. like jus tell aya to ask him. he’s her father ofc he’d save the world for her
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YES CHUU MY BOI. ily my smol king so glad to have u back djdjdjejdi
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ok guys look at fedya. he’s so pathetic. bones y did u make him so pathetic.
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oh he said sayonara? is it rlly forever? also prettyzai bc y not
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right present night is back for another segment:
i didn’t take a pic but fedyas last words were in latin. and they were the words that in the bible, jesus said 3 days before he got resurrected. so maybe fedyas gonna come back??? idk i’m delulu
and that concludes the end of the first segment!!! link to the next one below:
prt 2
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eonsadrft · 2 years
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Let’s goooooo ~~
NAME: N or Noir
PRONOUNS: he / him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr ims aaaaaand discord, if we interacted you can ask for my discord
NAME OF MUSE(S): hahaha... Let’s start:
FFXIV: fandaniel, my OC WoL, and other OCs in general
Yu-gi-oh: Pharaoh Atem, Yuugi, Seto Kaiba, Slifer, even the damn Kuriboh
BSD: Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Edogawa Ranpo and an OC
DRRR!!: Izaya Orihara
Pokemon: (N)atural Gropius Harmonia
Undertale: Sans, G!Sans (AU)
D. Gray Man: Allen Walker
Kingdom Hearts: Roxas, Sora, Vanitas
MysMe: 707
OFF (Game): The Batter
GenPact: Diluc (discord only), this man, the WANDERER
And probably many more but I didn’t write them on tumblr, yup.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   Holy fuck if I start I don’t shut up. I started RPing with my close friends when I was... 10? 12? When I finally can use a PC? When I started to use Tumblr I was like... 16?? And from that I’ve been going and leaving time to time, trying characters, memeing around, knowing people... I think I improved my writing a lot thanks to this hellsite.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: discord, tumblr, skype (once), msn (god ol’ times), twitter (I don’t like it).
BEST EXPERIENCE: The people I met. I know I lost contact with some, or I’d never talk with them anymore, but the RPs I have done with them have been the best. I loved all my RP partners and I’ll always miss them.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: people who doesnt trim posts or reblogging a lot of ooc stuff? I guess I like to have my blog clean just as my dashboard. When I come here is to read or write cool shit or watching some fanart but nothing more.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: COMEDY. I’m a total meme okay sorry. But if I have to choose, I’m between angst and fluff. Angst is the best to make the character improve (or not) and fluff...... sheesh, I just love writing stupid romantic stuff for my baby muses. For me they all are like a babies to me. Smut I write it rarely, and if I do I prefer in private. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: MEMES- Okay but plotting when there’s an idea goes perfect, so both, yes both.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: depends on the mood of the day, I like to write more or less the same length as my rp partner? I like to share what my muses think most of the time.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I dunno, I remember long ago it was in my nights, lately it has been in my mornings, but my mood swings a lot lately so I can’t choose.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): mostly no... but at the same time yes. They are more exaggerated than me. They did things I would never do. I think my empathy helped me to understand these characters and write my own interpretation. I like masterminds but I’m not that smart... but one thing I would love and you will always see in my muses are the chaotic vibes they give from afar. Always. That’s a part of me I give to them.
tagged by: @erabundus ( thank youuuuuuu ♥ ) tagging: dunno imma just tag ppl I have in my drafts (I don’t forget about our threads I swear and if you did this oh well just ignore the tag sdjkfhsdk) @al-hazen , @praeteritus-memories​ , @abyssmalice​ , @mcwscollective​ , @scarletooyoroi​ , @vixlenxe​ , @dcndrohina​ , @mrcyclopsfan​ , @visionkept​ , @saints-sorrow​ ....... and you if you’re reading this, oh my I have a lot of followers please tag me if you’re doing it and wanna show ♥
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Flori teleported back to Cormac’s villa and shouted for Kennedi,
“C’mon, let’s go! I want to get out of this firey pit where constantly exposing your crusty feet is somehow socially acceptable!”
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Kennedi hugged Cormac goodbye.
“It has been lovely to see you again,” he said warmly.
“Has it?” asked Kennedi sincerely, “Because, I’ll be honest, for me it’s all felt a bit... uncomfortable. Like there is something huge and silent between us that stopped us from ever having a real conversation.”
Cormac grimaced, “You know I’m not one for confrontation...”
“Cormac, this is likely the last time we’ll ever see each other. I don’t want us to part with things unsaid.”
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Cormac shook his head, sighing, “I did not think anything needed to be explained - to me the betrayals are clear. You killed our brother. I wanted peace and a chance to build bonds. You murdered him and ran, leaving me with your mess to clean up and the rest of our family to care for. You chose vengeance over your family.”
Kennedi listened to him speak, stunned and ashamed, “I... I’ve never thought about it like that.”
“Well, that is how I think about it,” replied Cormac resignedly, “Mae was always so passionate about family and diplomacy above all else. Within a day of her death, you’d betrayed both of those values.”
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“No, I... I didn’t betray Mae, I did what she wanted,” Kennedi insisted, with a hint of uncertainty in her voice. “She wanted Max dead,”
“She was grieving!” Cormac exclaimed, his anger finally coming to the fore, “She wasn’t thinking clearly! She was vulnerable and she needed you to support her, not leave her entire family to go off and kill!”
Kennedi shook her head silently, “Wow. Given these feelings, I’m surprised you didn’t punch me in the face when I showed up at your door.”
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Cormac chuckled, his anger disappearing as quickly as it rose, “The thought crossed my mind, I won’t deny... but, no. You are my sister. I love you and that comes before anything else. The past is the past - there is nothing to be gained from rehashing it all now. I’m sorry I even said anything.”
“You shouldn’t be. It has been nice to have a real conversation with you,” Kennedi replied. “And I am sincerely sorry for not taking greater care of the family - taking greater care of you. I’ve missed everyone so much - even Sloane, if you’d believe.”
Cormac smiled sadly and hugged Kennedi again, “We’ll all be together again soon enough.”
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Flori whined again, “Your majestyyyyy, can we goooooo?”
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