#I don’t know as long as they’re in my hoodie id still probably think it’s cute
chifuyuzu · 3 years
leap of faith — sano manjiro x reader.
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word count — 1.3k.
genre — fluff fluff fluff, i love sweet mikey.
contains — cursing, timeskip SPOILERS present, reader is gender neutral.
description — sano manjiro is in love with you, and he realizes how much he loves you at the ass crack of fuckin' dawn.
author's note — hey besties, this is my first published fic here, kinda short but mikey brain rot is heavy. i hope you enjoy this cute fic before i rip your hearts out with some angst in a few days :^) reblogs and likes are always appreciated! and please give me feedback in my inbox! hehe, enjoy.
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“it’s late.”
you know. but you still wanted to hear the sound of his voice before bed.
“mm… i missed ya’, is that a crime?” your voice echos through the receiver, the sound of your duvet crinkling in the background as you shift in place. sano manjiro was a busy man. always has been, always will be. being the leader of a biker gang was never easy—let alone some “new age” criminal organization.
you didn’t understand why manjiro persisted to play this game of russian roulette with his life. but it was never your place to overstep, especially since this was his life. it was all he knew, all he understood. you’re not sure what he’s doing, or if he’s even allowed to talk on the phone at this hour, but you still wanted to hear him. just so you know he’s alive and well.
you hear him chuckle, the sound of his feet scurrying against whatever floor his sandals were clacking against. the background noise that accompanied him earlier has dissipated; you realized he probably went outside to hear you better.
“your crime is loving a fool like me way too much. don’t think you’re sane.” he’s right. you’re actually crazy for even pursuing him. there was a lot of push and shove in the beginning, both parties scared of being hurt and getting hurt. but you were always there, even when manjiro went through whatever darkness was eating at his soul.
“crazy for you.”
“you love me.”
a pause. eerie enough to send shivers down your spine. why wasn’t he responding? did something happen? did you smother him too much? is he regretting—
“marry me.”
… not what you were expecting. especially not over the phone.
“sano manjiro, did you just propose over the phone? what kind of shitty rom-com are we in?”
“is that a no?”
“... never said that.” you wanted to marry him. but you wanted him to put that lifestyle behind, for the sake of the family you might have in the future. kids, dogs, cats, etcetera. you wanted him to be in, one hundred percent. but you knew he was too deep into this world to run now—especially since he’s so well-known as the ‘invincible mikey.’ you still longed for a happy home with manjiro, and a normal life.
“maybe you’re right. it’s not my style to ask you this over the phone.”
“try again later. when you’re really ready.”
the gag is, he is ready.
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manjiro hurries home, blond locks hidden underneath a thin, black hoodie. he’s shaking, like a pomeranian in the presence of fireworks. his hand meets the left side of his chest, back pressed up against the grey colored wall of your shared apartment as he slides down to sit on the floor. it was four in the morning, and manjiro was about to shit himself.
he gulps, eyes peering around for you, double checking that you were fast asleep before he makes a phone call. his fingers tapped the back of his iphone, impatiently waiting for the other caller to answer. though it was the crack of dawn, he still needed some moral support.
“mikey? fuck you callin’ for at this hour? haven’t heard from you in mo—”
“ken-chin. i’m proposing.”
a loud ‘flop’ rang through the receiver, accompanied by the bedsheets seemingly slipping underneath draken’s feet. it was a huge bomb to drop, especially when the duo has been separated for months on end. manjiro hears more shuffling, followed by a few curses. “you’re fucking lying. the one you’ve been one since—?”
“yeah. i’m crazy as hell. but i love them. head over heels. i’m a goddamn simp.”
“why the hell am i the first to know, man?”
“you’re m’best friend, even if i need to stay away from you. and, also… you’re not the first to know. i asked them already.”
“you WHAT? don’t fuckin’ tell me you did it some dumb way like over the pho— you did. you’re impulsive enough to do it like that, too.” regardless of how long it’s been, draken still knows and understands manjiro like nothing ever happened.
“yeah… not romantic. but i can’t see myself with anyone else. i trust no one else. but i… am…”
“scared? man, you’re the head of a criminal organization. ‘course you’re scared. you don’t want the love of your life… to get hurt…” his voice trails off and manjiro’s heart tenses even more. the memories of the past still felt fresh. all the people they lost in tokyo manji… could never be replaced. not in a million years.
but the living must live.
“i love y/n. never felt like this before. i’d quit everything. but i would have to make sure they’re safe and whatever future we have together is secure. i know i promised takemichi that i’d protect everyone and that future he worked so hard to save… but what about mine?”
manjiro really did sacrifice everything for his friends. being the type of person who carries everyone else’s burdens takes a toll on his mental. he felt selfish for wanting to leave it all behind. but maybe being selfish was beneficial once in a while.
“do you think i’m stupid?”
“mikey. you’re not stupid,” draken sighs, shuffling again in place. “you just want to love someone and be loved in return. nothin’ stupid about that. what is stupid though, is you proposing over the damn phone.”
he’s not wrong. it was a spur of the moment decision that could drastically change his life forever. but with you, he doesn’t care. as long as you’re his, forever.
“how do you think i should do it?”
“well. i guess, tell me some sappy shit. how do you feel about them, and whatnot.”
“i don’t think i could ever imagine me with anyone else. a lot of people have tried to grab my attention but i only have eyes for y/n. sometimes when shit gets real hard…” manjiro takes a deep sigh, fingers threading through his hair, tilting back the hood to let it fall onto his back. “i think of y/n and i remember that even in this shit world, someone is here for me. someone cares about me. they make me feel like i’m not alone anymore.
i have dreams ‘bout us, y’know? me and y/n… kids running around. a little mikey clone. pissin’ them off because we want little flags on our meals. going to the park and letting kids be kids. maybe i’ll teach ‘em at a dojo like gramps did for me and my siblings. maybe i’ll teach ‘em about bikes—with your help, of course.”
draken laughs, letting his friend continue his little speech as he gets comfortable in bed again. don’t think i’ve ever seen mikey like this, ever, draken muses.
“man, we can own a whole zoo if we wanted. chifuyu could hook us up, in secret, of course. still have to protect everyone,” manjiro is grinning from ear to ear, head resting against the wall. “i wanna grow old with them. honestly, i didn’t think i’d make it to my twenties. more so, i didn’t want to live past twenty-something. but now… things are different. wanna be old and gray. see grandkids terrorize our children. die together.”
the tension in manjiro’s chest has faded away, only left with warmth that only you could bring him. his free hand reaches into his pocket to fumble with a small box, snapping it open to reveal the engagement ring his grandfather handed down to him.
he wasn’t the marrying type. but for you, he was.
“that all? you sound good like that, man. make an exception and let us come to the wedding.”
manjiro wants that more than anything. his friends, you... all safe. all happy. but again, the fear creeps up. he doesn’t know what to do with himself if any of you get hurt.
“... how do i tell y/n that?”
“you already have.” your voice makes him jump, knocking the velvet box out of his fingers and onto the hardwood floor. his face pales, followed by a huge lump forming at his throat when he sees your figure emerge from your shared bedroom.
“i-uh… i thought you were a-asleep.” manjiro mumbles, earning a huge laugh from draken on the other side. he hears him say something along the lines of ‘my cue to leave. good luck. send me an invite.’
“i was waiting for you.” 
he’s sweating now, a small bead forming at the base of his neck. his phone is now at his side, the screen flashing from draken’s caller id to the lockscreen photo of you on your first date together, a few years back. your eyes zone into the box, though.
“i was going to do this… better. god, i fucked up, huh?”
you’re laughing now, rubbing your tired eyes before you join him near the wall, picking up the box. “what makes you think that, dummy?”
now he’s confused. you wanted him to ask when he was serious, but in his head, serious meant rose petals, candles, someone singing celine dion in the distance.
without a word, you slip the ring onto its appropriate finger, holding up to the small rays of sunlight that peaked through the window from the approaching sunrise. manjiro’s hands fly up to your face, holding his whole world in his hands. his eyes are shiny, on the brink of tears. you nudge your noses together, foreheads connecting tenderly. your hands hooked onto the hem of his hoodie, bringing his frame closer as you whisper a soft ‘yes.’
“yes, i’ll marry you.”
manjiro’s lips curl up into the silliest grin you’ve ever seen him sport, before he presses a soft kiss to your lips. now he’s kissing you quite desperately. as if he’s trying to make sure you’re real, that this isn’t a dream. you feel his words vibrate against your lips, “gonna make you so happy, i promise. i love you. i love you so, so much.”
“forever yours.”
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dynyamight · 3 years
bkdk … 12 ? ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
12. “I think we need to talk."
The moment Bakugou opened the gym doors, and smelled rain in the air, he knew he had to book it back to the dorms.
Slamming his feet on the pavement floor, he forces himself to run out. His muscles ache all over, and his arms barely want to stay up, pumping at his side. But, he rather try and make his way to his room dry, than have a downpour soak him to his bones.
By the time he reaches to the safe, dry front steps of the dorm building, the rain finally begins. Lightly, the drops splatter slowly to the ground.
Catching his breath, Bakugou stops by the rails, holding onto one side as his muscles cramp. His thighs are burning, and his arms want to fall off entirely. But, he let's his mind focus on the pain.
He's had a rough fucking week, and for once, his mind was elsewhere.
“It’s starting to rain now, isn’t it.”
Bakugou jolts, quickly facing up to that familiar voice. That voice that haunts his dreams, ingrained deep into his mind. That voice that makes his heart race just a little quicker. That voice, from the one and only.
That forgetful nerd.
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to spook you.’ Midoriya says quickly, offering an apologetic smile. He’s sitting on the front porch, holding onto a book close to his chest. “You probably thought you were the only one out here, right?”
“..You don’t have to apologize.” He breathes out. Despite the haywire of his nerves, exploding his insides, the words roll off his tongue easily. It's oddly the same phrase he's used each time they've met. "S'not like you personally screwed me over."
"Ah, my bad—"
"What did I just say."
“I—" Midoriya weakly chuckles, shaking his curls. "I guess I can't help it. I promise I won't forget.”
No matter how many times Bakugou hears that, it always sounds so genuine, so real. Rather than an empty promise. "I'll hold you to it, Deku." He mutters, regardless.
"What does that—" A light shines through Midoriya's gaze, and immediately he smiles. "Wait, you know what. I swear that's not the first time someone has said that to me. Deku."
Chills run down Bakugou’s spine. That's never happened. He's never slipped up. Fuck. “..Really?”
“Yeah, it sounds so familiar. But, I don’t remember exactly where I've heard it before.”
Both disappointment and relief flood his whole entire body. He doesn’t know what he would do if Midoriya would remember all his terrible attempts, though a part of him did yearn for recognition.
However, maybe it was for the best. Give them a fresh start, every time. Fucking hip hip hurray.
Hell, maybe this was the world's way of sending him all the karma that he has built up. It decided to pick the one person he deeply cares about, and make both of them suffer.
Bakugou looks back at the book Midoriya held, something in his mind reminding him about one of the first talks since the incident. “Is that Catch-22?” Bakugou asks, pointing it out.
It takes a moment for the question to visibly register through Midoriya's brain. But, when it does, Bakugou can tell by the way Midoriya’s eyes widen and the wide grin on his face that grows, “You've read it?”
“Nah, just heard about it. A lot.” He doesn’t need to explain himself further.
Leaving his seat off the bench, Midoriya rushes up to Bakugou’s face, eagerly leaning in. “I highly recommend it! It’s a literature masterpiece, the best of its genre!”
For a moment, Midoriya looks up to Bakugou’s gaze, eyes bright in interest. However, the next second, he looks away, with a feeble laugh as he scratches the side of his head nervously. “In my humble, personal opinion, of course..”
“What does it even mean?” Bakugou asks instead, holding tight to their conversation. He refuses to let it go for even a second. “Catch-22.”
“Oh. Uhh, the best way I can describe it,” Midoriya lifts his chin in thought. His gaze drifts up, as if he was wracking through his brain like it were a couple of shelves, “is that it's a dilemma from which someone cannot escape from, because of a set of contradictory rules.”
Bakugou scoffs. “Give an example. I’m too fucking tired to decipher whatever the fuck you just said.”
“Okay, okay!" Midoriya laughs, "It’s like job applications. How can you gain any experience for a job, unless you get a job that gives you experience?”
“Like, how in order to apply for a loan, you have to prove to the bank that you don’t need one?”
“Yes! Exactly that.”
“That shit has a name?”
“They’re hard to find, but even in everyday life, we can find ourselves in our own catch-22’s without realizing it! Isn’t that crazy? For all we know, life itself could be one!” Midoriya rambles, growing louder and louder, to the point Bakugou swears he can hear his voice echo.
Though, Bakugou doesn’t mind. This alone is possibly the most Midoriya has said to him, with all encounters combined.
Surprisingly, a blush forms over Midoriya’s cheeks. “I didn’t mean to babble on like that.”
“How do you get someone to remember you,” Bakugou starts, before he can stop himself from asking, “when they keep forgetting who you are every time?”
Midoriya stares.
Quickly, Bakugou coughs, “Ain't that a catch-22?”
For a small moment, all he can hear is the rain, pattering down the pavement around them. But, then, Midoriya hums, tilting his head, lips pursed. “Yeah, it most definitely is. Though, I've never heard of that one, before.”
"Yeah well," Bakugou shoves his sweating hands into the pockets of his hoodie. “That’s the fucking dumpster fire I’m in.”
“With all respect, does your person have medical reasons why they keep forgetting?” Midoriya asks slowly, immediate concern filling his expression.
“Not that I know of." Bakugou admits, "But, I wouldn’t put it past them. Or, they might be plain stupid.”
“That's rude!" However, the accusation sounds fairly weak, when Midoriya's chuckling.
He feels the corners of his lips upturning. "What's 'rude' is the damn bastard not remembering anything, other than random, trivial shit." Bakugou huffs. "Which changes, daily."
"And, you say nothing works? Not even telling them?"
"Yeah. 'Cause they'll fucking forget the next day."
"Have they ever wrote about you?”
Bakugou does a double take. When did Midoriya ever— “Wrote about me?”
Nodding, Midoriya gestures behind him, to the backpack beside the bench. “Personally, I've been using lots of sticky notes, planners, and journals to jot down things I need to remember.”
“Again, my memory's a bit distorted, so in order to tell my future self what I need to know, I write it out for me to read, the next day. Maybe that’ll work for your person?”
Writing. So that the next Midoriya can read it and remember. “..Would it work, if I wrote it?"
Midoriya furrows his brows. "I think it would be better if the person wrote it out for themselves. You know, so that it helps to jog their memory."
Suppressing the immediate heart drop he feels in the pit of his stomach, Bakugou exhales a big sigh. "There's a lot of shit the fucker needs to remember. His purpose. His quirk. His dream. Lots of important shit."
"Why not start with you?" Midoriya smiles, reassuringly. "They're bound to have a diary entry all about you."
Immediately, Bakugou's irked. "I ain't writing material."
"I think you are. Good writing material." Midoriya confesses, never letting that dopey, wobbly smile drop, "I don't know your name, but everything about you is unforgettable, to say the least. I bet even someone like me will recognize you next time."
But, you don't. Bakugou thinks, feeling the tug at his heart tighten, choking him from the inside. You never do.
From the pocket of his gym shorts, Bakugou starts feeling his phone vibrate, before it rings. Despite that, Midoriya's jump causes him to be just as startled.
Rubbing a hand to his neck, Midoriya weakly chuckles, "Sad. We were just starting to get to know each other."
Bakugou doesn't respond.
'ALL MIGHT.' The caller ID states in bold letters.
"I gotta go." Bakugou states firmly, holding tightly around his phone. "I need to take this call."
Midoriya's smile fades, but quickly it's picked up. "Yeah, no worries. I've probably been keeping you outside for too long."
Bakugou curtly nods, "You have."
And yet, even when the ringing persists, loudly telling him to walk away, leave, he stays. Because, Midoriya just looks like he doesn't want him to go.
He doesn't want to go, either.
"I never got your name." Midoriya mentions quietly.
Why would I give it, if you won't even remember?
Yet, that freckled, doey eyed face Midoriya's got never brings out the rationale, spiteful side of him out. Because, no matter how many times he has to say it, he'll do it again, and again. In a heartbeat.
"Just call me Kacchan."
Visibly, Midoriya's taken aback. Though, with the phone call on its last few rings, he finally steps off to the side, giving Bakugou space to walk.
"I'll see you around then," Midoriya waves off to him, "Kacchan."
A personal hell. Bakugou's living his personal hell.
When he walks inside the dorm building, the emotions suddenly hit him hard. Every day, he has to keep putting up with this crap.
Midoriya greeting him, talking to him, and saying goodbye, like a damn fucking stranger.
It kills him, eating away at his brain, knowing Midoriya's unable to look at him, and see nothing, but a stranger staring back.
When looking at Midoriya meant the world to him.
With a swift thumb swipe, Bakugou slides the phone call open. He clears his throat. "What now old man."
"I think we need to talk." All Might's voice crackles. "Privately. The sooner, the better. It's about the quirk that's been affecting young Midoriya."
His entire body tenses, halting him still. "..What about it.."
All Might sighs, long and tired. "The authorities found some intel about the culprit behind the memory loss. And, well.."
"Well, what?" Bakugou snaps.
"Midoriya's in deeper trouble, than we thought."
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jeontaehui · 3 years
nananananana (210331 VLIVE)
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taehee bites back a grin as fans enter the live. “hello everyoneeee,” she greets softly, her cheekbones lifting into a soft smile. “i’m in the practice room once again.”
“i was just learning a dance actually, it’s my break right now so this’ll probably be short,” she mentions. “and then i turned on vlive without asking permission— well, i did ask permission after i... turned it on,” she giggles. “she’s gonna say yes anyways. no one can say no to me,” the comments section blows up after she sent a sly wink to the viewers. she knew her effect on them one way or another. 
mark lee i love you HELLO THE TITLE?? IS THIS A SPOILER???
lee donghyuck’s long hair i only entered the live but i feel like crying T—T why must she be so cute
taeyongbub taehee in the practice room is so attractive??? wth???
taehee tucks a few strands behind her ear asking, “did you guys have dinner already? have you guys eaten?”
mataechan what did taehee eat today?
hyuckschurros PIZZA !!!!
“aw, pizza? i’m craving now,” she shortly puts on a pout before a smile shows itself once again. “i haven’t eaten but i think i’ll have........ um,” taehee seems to think for a moment as she looks up the ceiling, trying to remember what jungwoo said she’d have at the dorms.
“i can’t remember,” she shrugs, proceeding to continue reading the comments.
jungwoo tehet are you going to dance again?
aussiechan TAEHEEEE !!! come home to australia :(
“the dance that me and my teacher did today was to party favors by tinashe! i have to practice some more to get it right but i’m,” she stands up and dusts off her track pants, placing the phone on the floor in front of the mirror, “going to show you guys the part where i’m most confident in.”
she disappears as she goes to the side to play the music, and the strong beats of tinashe’s party favors fills the practice room. she adjusts her pants around her waist and runs a hand through her black hair, ruffling her bangs for a moment before getting into position.
she dances. no matter how hard-hitting the choreography is, taehee knew well how to control her own body, and gracefully yet powerfully sync her movements to the beats.
taehee marry me she’s so hot what the heck do i do
markcity i’m single for this reason only
from the corner of her eye, taehee sees her dance instructor imitate the part where she got the dance wrong during their practice, causing her to lose focus and burst into laughter.
ncityinthehouse everyone, the duality of miss jeon taehee
“unnie is laughing at me right now!” taehee giggles. her eyes glance to the side then back to the screen. “yes so, until there did i memorize the dance. i’ll try to post on instagram the full version of it. oh!” she claps her hands excitedly, a habit nctzens took note of before she says an idea.
“since it’s a wednesday today and! the end of the month, you guys can comment whatever you guys want me to do or any question you want to ask and i’ll answer them.”
“i’m going to scroll with my eyes closed and whatever my finger lands on will be picked,” she cutely asks if the viewers got it before briefly explaining what she just said in english.
“i’ll give you guys maybe 30 seconds? is 30 seconds enough? okay, ready and start!”
taehee bobbed her head as she counted the numbers in her head. “30! okay, i’ll close my eyes now.”
juhfahm skincare routine?
merrymark give us a phone tour :D
twiceyeon please watch switch to me by dahyun and chaeyoung !!!! <3
“from twiceyeon,” taehee reads, putting her emcee mode on. “please watch switch to me by dahyun and chaeyoung! ohh i think i’ve seen this on my recommended but i haven’t had the time to watch it— sorry, chaeyoung-ah,” she winces.
you can hear keys being tapped on taehee’s phone screen as she typed the title on youtube’s search bar. the music video appears a few seconds later and she immediately clicks on it.
“oooo dahyun-ssi is very pretty,” taehee says. her expression quickly changes when she sees the twice member use her foot as she played the piano, her hand going up to cover the giggles that escaped out of her. “this is so cool,” she beamed.
“oh sexy!” taehee exclaims after chaeyoung appeared. “i really like chaengie’s short hair.”
she compliments the set when the scene changes, a summer pool vibe replacing the vintage set-up at the intro. “the dance is cute too,” she mumbles.
she smiles at chaeyoung and dahyun’s playfulness in the music video before moving on to compliment her best friend again. “chaeyoung is seriously so pretty... whaaat!”
taehee continues to watch the rest of the video as she moves to the beat, occasionally letting out a chuckle or two at the adorableness of the duo.
“hold on,” she grabs her earphones and plugs them into her phone. “(it’s) to avoid copyright,” she smirks.
taehee finishes the music video with a grin on her face, “the music video was very cute! did they perform this on stage? i think the stage set and the fits would’ve been pretty.”
“speaking of music videos, baekhyun hyung’s new album just dropped yesterday! have you guys watched the music video?” taehee shuffles closer to the camera to read the comments. almost everyone was saying that they did, in fact, watch the music video and really enjoyed it.
“i never said this directly to him but i really am a fan of his, seriously,” she dictates. taehee breaks into a grin as she giggles again, the viewers watching how her eyes twinkled while she talked. “‘bambi’ is really great— it’s immaculate. you guys should stream the whole album and recommend it to your family and friends. baekhyunie hyung never fails to deliver (good songs).”
bbhubblegum taehee promoting baekhyun and other artists better than sm pt. 74628392
going on her phone, she mumbles, “and i really like the choreography of his songs.” there was an adorable pout to her lips as she spoke, much to the amusement of the viewers.
then she looks up from the device in her hands and her eyes hold a certain glint in them before she playfully squints. “just be quiet about this though. i am never gonna hear the end of this from him,” she shakes her head with an amused chuckle, recalling all the times baekhyun teased her and the ‘admiration’ she has for him.
“you’re my only bambi bambi,” taehee sang effortlessly. “it’s a perfect night for you,” her tone was a little softer this time.
“okay so that was our first request? dare? of the live, let’s get to the next one right away!”
taeheeroar do you listen to the neighborhood?
wooyoungification do you want to collab with anyone? if so, who?
“the next one is.... wooyoungification! ooo wooyoung-ah hello,” taehee says, prolonging the last syllable of her sentence. “they asked, “do you want to collab with anyone? if so, who?”
“well,” she clears her throat, furrowing her eyebrows as if she were in thought. “there are a lot of great artists out there. taylor swift is already my answer by default but,” she giggles again, “if i have to think of people outside sm, i think it’d be nice to have a collab with stray kids’ 3racha. they’re their producing unit if i’m not mistaken. it’d be fun to work with them.”
“i also had this dream of having a collaboration stage with the other dancers outside nct, like blackpink’s lisa or seulgi unnie. would you guys want that?”
midzyseason this isnt good for my gay ass
reveluvbar can taehee just take over sm
taehee hums, “i think i never mentioned it before but i wanna try doing drama ost’s too. i don’t watch as much dramas as i do before, but when i was still learning korean, they helped me so much.”
“i watched ‘guardian: the lonely and great god’ a lot and i really liked ‘stay with me’. hopefully, i can collab with punch too.”
taehee unconsciously moves her lips to the side, forming another pout and thinks again. “from sm, i think kai hyung? not counting superm, okay?” she beams.
“kai hyung and,” then a snort escapes taehee before she could even stop it, “baekhyun hyung.”
she puts a hand to her chest once she recovers from her mini-giggling fit before holding it up and swearing it was the truth. “these two were the ones that came to the top of my head, seriously.”
beansprout lolll remember when kai used to “complain” about taehee ever only talking about sehun cause he was the one she was closest to in exo when they first met ?
sodangerous it’s so touching how taehee looked up to exo while she was still a trainee and now they’re like family
taehee nods and bites her bottom lip, asking herself, “why do i feel like a youtuber?”
she smiles to someone off screen and quickly glances back to the camera, “next question!”
asteroidsung what did you get for renjun’s birthday?
“what did i get for renjun’s birthday? i just gave mine literally yesterday. i know it’s summer but i gave him a hoodie that i thought would look cute on him,” she smiles. “it was pink.”
“i was with haechanie when i bought it.”
chenlezoned hyuck said he’s gonna marry daegal next month
“hyuck’s gonna marry who now?!” taehee exclaims, “DAEGAL’S A MINOR!!!”
dreamtopia BYEEEEEEE
themissingpuzzlepiece everyone at haechan marrying daegal:❓❓meanwhile taehee: 🌋🌋⁉️
boohoohyuck sending my prayers to lee haechan
just then, taehee’s phone suddenly rings and her eyes widen at the caller id displayed on the screen. “wow, this dude’s timing is really! spot-on.”
she puts the speaker on, “donghyuck-ah, what’s this i’m hearing that you’re marrying daegal?? are you leaving me and chubs already?! oh and you’re on speaker.”
fullseun don’t you just cry on the inside when markhee calls hyuck by his real name or fullsun
you hear haechan’s boisterous laughter first before he could answer taehee’s question. “i talked about that on vlive,” he said, “where are you?”
“i’m doing vlive.”
“but it’s almost midnight.”
when taehee makes no move to answer, haechan goes, “are you in the practice room again?”
“so?” taehee answers sassily, causing the boy on the other end of the line to groan.
“noona, we talked about this already,” haechan whines. “then we can talk about it again later!” taehee shrugs exasperatedly. “noona....” the former warns, as if he was scolding a child. “i’m just on a break,” she gives in, “i’ll go home soon.”
“promise?” taehee rolls her eyes, though it was clear that she was grateful for haechan’s concern by the soft smile she held on her face. “i promise.”
taehyuckles i know i wished for a taehyuck live but this will suffice Gosh they are so cute !!!!!!
“you haven’t said hello to czennie,” taehee reminds him. “czennie, hello!!” he greets sweetly.
“anyways, i just called you because you agreed to playing a few rounds with me but i’ll just wait for you until you get home,” taehee winces at his statement. she might have forgotten. “oh right, i’m sorry. just a few more minutes?” haechan hums affirmatively from the other end.
“get home safely, noonaaa,” after they exchanged their goodbyes, taehee hangs up the call.
“yes, okay! everyone that was lee haechan on the phone with me and i think i can do,” she turns her back to look at the wall clock in the practice room, “three more comments.”
yangqied taehee’s an idol in the day, pro-gamer by night
“okay, so our next question is: are you friends with aespa? yes! i am friends with aespa,” she beamed.
“i actually saw them the day before their debut stage. my time slot in the practice room was after theirs and so we met there,” taehee recalls. “they’re very pretty! and they look cool when they danced to ‘black mamba’. i wished them luck on their debut stage,” she chuckles.
taehee closes her eyes and proceeds to swipe at the screen, “next question is... oh! i dare you to post on instagram. okay, let me find some photos and show you guys so we can all vote.”
“i’ll send them on bubble but i’ll show it here too in case you guys don’t have a subscription. that’s okay.”
markerlee tb to when taehee sent her pcs to bubble... she really said fuck capitalism !!!!
“okay, option 1: this one,” she brings her phone up to the screen, showing a picture of her with the bird filter on mac.
kunniekunkun this one’s cute!!!
moloism markhee pls post ur photos with the mac filters im begging you
“orrrr this one,” she faces her phone towards the camera once more. she was sitting on the pavement with the view of the orange-pink sunset behind her, a mask concealing half of her face.
the127thsense everything just screams girlfriend material to me
deryqueen taehee, i am free this friday. i repeat, i am free this friday.
solhyuck i think you should post these as a set on instagram!
“what should i post on instagram? everyone choose between 1 or 2!” taehee tells them in korean, before switching to english. “you guys pick between the first one and the second one, and i’ll post it on instagram.”
oncezenni 2
flamboyanthyuck the second one!
ohmajesus i like the first one
iamjeno second pleaseee
“mm okay, most of you are voting for the second one so i’ll be posting that first thing tomorrow! and then i’ll just send the other one on bubble,” taehee puts her pinky finger up as she speaks, making a promise to the viewers.
“how many was that? two already?” a pout subtly makes its way on taehee’s lips and a few of her hair strands fell in front of her face, causing her to push them back as she huffed. nctzens found it adorable!
takeoffbesttrack can i kiss you.
“can you kiss me?” taehee presses her lips on the tips of her fingers before lightly tapping them on the screen. “i,” one of the corners of her mouth raises to a smirk, “kissed you.”
mahaecries GODDDD
tenvely you will be the death of me
taehee giggles after seeing the comment section blow up and her dimples peek out from her cheeks.
“i’m gonna have to end this soon, guys. this is the last one, okay?”
haecity can you go live with markhyuck?
snoopyscoop do you have any more funny stories with jungwoo?
taromilktea did you see sungchan when he debuted as an emcee?
“did i go see sungchan when he debuted as emcee? nooo,” she frowns, “but i did call him on facetime.”
“he said he was nervous but i told him he’d do great! and he did, right?” taehee’s frown was quickly turned into a proud grin. “i watched a replay of it on youtube the day after. he was very cute.”
“i told him to just think of it like he was talking to us so he’s more comfortable, and he told me it helped a lot so i’m relieved,” she nods. “i sent him churros too!”
taehee shuffles closer to the camera and brings her knees close to her chest while she talks, “please support him! i know sungchanie’s glad to have received this opportunity that’s why he’s been practicing diligently.”
taehee reads a few more comments and smiles at the funny ones. the humor of nctzens never fail to make her smile. the memes they send during menpas are so hilarious that she can’t help but reply to most of them.
taeheespresident i guess she’s gonna end the live now? :(
jungwootehet it’s nearing 1 am and i still have school tomorrow...... whoops!
“i’ll have to go now guys, it was nice doing all this with you,” taehee softly mumbles.
“i like this idea of having you guys comment what you would want me to do ‘cause i’m able to connect with you guys more, i’ll try to do a live again soon.”
“the weather’s nice here in korea— well at least for me,” she chuckles, “it rained recently but it might be hot? in other places so please remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water.”
“also wear your masks and keep social distancing! we’re not only trying to protect ourselves but we have to stop the spreading of it all so,” taehee gives another small smile at the camera as she reminds the people to be careful, “stay safe.”
after a few beats of silence, taehee speaks again. “okay so, until here is taehee’s nananananana live!” she sings while doing the infamous choreo of ‘go’.
empathy127 I KNEW IT WAS FROM GO !!!!
“good night! or good morning to those who are starting their day right now,” she adds, “goodnight! we’ll see you guys soon.”
taehee does her infamous ily hand gesture and winks at the camera before waving bye and ending the livestream.
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i-call-me-clarence · 3 years
Life’s a Cemetery (Dig It)
Kevin and Jack get their hands dirty on grave duty. 
Rated G 
Suptober Day 6: Cemetery Boys
Fic below the cut
“You sure you’re good?” Dean asks for the third time. 
“Kevin is here, and if anything happens we have angel blades and silver bullets,” Jack answers, making a little wave motion at Kevin who’s silently asking him how much longer he’s going to be on the phone. Kevin rolls his eyes and goes back to leaning on his shovel, refusing to start digging until Jack joins him. Jack doesn’t want to keep him waiting any longer, “Dean, I’m sorry, but I have to--”
“And you’ve got the iron poker, right? And the holy water?”
“We still have everything in the pack you left us.” 
“But did you double-check? A real hunter always double checks, triple even--”
Before Jack can respond Kevin is taking the phone from Jack’s hands, “Believe it or not the ex-god and current prophet know what they’re doing. Bye.” and he hangs up the phone. 
Jack gives Kevin an apologetic shrug of his mouth as Kevin hands back the phone, slapping it into Jack’s hand. “He’s protective.”
“He’s turned into a helicopter parent. If I wanted that I’d just go back home.” 
“But that would put your mother at risk.” Jack tilts his head in confusion.
Kevin rolls his eyes and tosses Jack a shovel, “Come on. Let’s get this done before the sun goes down.” 
Three hours after sunset and they’re still digging. Jack started feeling lightheaded thirty minutes ago, and it’s gotten to the point where he needs to sit down. 
“I’m sorry, I have to--” Jack ends up thunking down on his butt before he can finish.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kevin asks warily, stopping his digging and leaning against his shovel, “Is the talisman wearing off or something?” 
“I--I don’t have a talisman,” Jack’s body is shaking and he’s starting to feel nauseous. Perhaps he should have listened to his body hours ago when it screamed at him to rest. But Kevin had kept going and he’d said he wouldn’t dig alone so…
“You don’t have an energy talisman?!” Kevin gaps at him and drops his shovel, “Are you kidding me?! You do realize you’re basically human now?” 
How could Jack forget? Being human was so difficult that it was impossible not to be reminded of it constantly. Even when he slept. He didn’t use to sleep as a Nephilim...or as God. But Amara’s taking care of that now. Letting Jack have a ‘normal childhood’ as she’d said. Something she was envious of and didn’t want Jack to miss. ‘Even Chuck let himself have one. After he invented the concept.’ when she’d told him that it was clear she was hiding a deep sadness. Jack had decided after his childhood was over, he’d take over as God again so she could have one too.  
“How are you even standing?!” 
Kevin looks at Jack, taking notice of the way he was starting to sway a little. Before cursing and getting down on his knees next to Jack. 
He grabs a hold of both sides of the necklace his talisman was supposedly attached to, “I’m going to regret this,” Kevin groans, before taking off the necklace and holding it out to Jack. A green light pulses from Kevin’s chest, swirling around his arm, before being sucked into the little medallion hanging from the golden chain in Kevin’s outstretched hand. 
Jack quickly takes the necklace, seeing the sudden strain in Kevin. As soon as he has it, Kevin lays back with a dull thud as his body hits the earth. 
“Oh my god,” he gasps, suddenly breathing very heavily. “Worst part about that talisman,” he pants, “After you take it off, you feel every bit of exertion. All at once. Oh, I’m gonna die.” 
Jack puts on the talisman and instantly feels better. Better than he’d felt since turning human. He wonders what would happen if you kept the necklace on all the time--
“And if you’re tingling from the charm and wondering ‘why can’t I wear this all the time,’” Kevin says in a deep mocking voice that sounded suspiciously like Dean, “Just look at me after five hours. Imagine a week, or even just a whole day.”
“It kills you?”
“It kills you.”
“I can finish this alone.” 
“Yeah, but first,” Kevin tried to sit up, grunting in pain, “Help me out of this damn hole.”
It had been an hour since Jack started digging by himself, making a grand total of eight hours. Just a constant monotony of stab scrape shovel. At least Jack felt pretty good with this talisman, and at least they were almost done. 
Stab, scrape, shovel. Stab scrape shovel. Stab--THUD!
Jack gasps in surprise, and Kevin leans over the opening of the hole to look down at Jack equally surprised, and elated. 
“Oh my god,” he laughs, falling back on the grass, “We finally did it,” Jack hears him say. And then he groans, “But now I have to move.”
“If I were still God I could read this. Or create new eyes that could,” Jack notes, scrapes the remaining dirt off the coffin with his hands. 
“If you were still God we probably wouldn’t even need this spell. And if we did, you could just teleport the tome out without all this bullshit.” 
A reneged sector of angels, lead by the angel Inias, had decided to declare war on all remaining prophets. They thought they could use them to find a way to spy on Amara and overthrow her from, well, Goddesshood. This was the grave of a prophet, and inside was a tome they were buried with that held a spell to make prophets invisible to angels and demons. Probably how she lived long enough to die of old age. At first Jack had been sad, thinking this would mean he wouldn’t get to see Kevin anymore. But Sam said he was pretty sure that he could rework the spell so any angels or demons that gave of their blood in the ceremony would be able to still see prophets. 
Jack hopes so.
Kevin leans his head over the grave again, wincing. “Wow, now that you’ve uncovered it, those sigils are really bright.” 
Jack agrees, though what seemed like blue glowing sigils to them wouldn’t appear at all to normal humans.
Jack opens his mouth to say so but is cut off by his phone ringing in his pocket.
“Is that Dean again?” Kevin asks tersely. 
Jack checks the caller ID and nods.
“Hand it here,” Kevin says, lunging his arm forward and down.
Jack hands over the phone and Kevin rolls back over with it, out of sight.
“Dean?” Jack hears him say. “Bring burgers and water.” A pause where Kevin must have been about to hang up because he says, “Oh, and get your asses over here.” and Jack hears a beep from the call ending. 
“Here you go,” Kevin dangles his arm over into the grave, phone in hand.
They eat inside the impala--Kevin mostly chugs water at first--with the engine idling and cabin lights on. Kevin and Jack are both filthy, but Dean doesn’t mind. ‘Part of bein’ a Hunter’ he’d said. Back in the old times, Cas or Jack would clean everybody up. But seeing as they were both human now, he and Kevin were doomed to be dirt-covered.
“How did it go?” Castiel asks from the front seat, mouth half full of burger, “You didn’t run into any problems?” Castiel had been wearing his regular suit before he’d left but was now wearing a space cats hoodie he’d gotten for himself when he took Jack to Hot Topic. He must have brought it with him in the car.
Kevin stops chugging water to answer, “No ghouls, no cops, no cemetery keepers or grieving loved ones, though that last one would be unlikely seeing as she was buried three hundred years ago. Where’s my burger?”
“Got you four,” Dean grins and waggles his eyebrows. 
“I may just be able to eat that many.”
“Yeah and I’ll finish whatever you don’t. That goes for everybody.” Dean continues.
“Didn’t you just get back from a dinner date?” Kevin asks suspiciously, “Actually, if you didn’t, don’t answer, I don’t wanna know.”
“We did just get back from dinner…” Cas starts slowly. “It was, uh...fancy.” 
“Too fancy,” Dean grumbles.
“Ah. Small portion sizes.” Kevin nods, but then pauses, “Aren’t you supposed to have fifteen courses or something?”
“Yeah well, we got a call three courses in to deliver some emergency burgers.” Dean shrugs, “Prefer the burgers anyway.” 
“Jack, are you wearing an amulet?” 
Jack jerks as he realizes he forgot to take it off, “Uh oh,” he says, setting down his burger. “I think I’ve made a mistake.”
“What’s happening?” Dean asks looking around the cabin, panicked.
“Jack left an energy talisman on too long.” Cas sighs, looking sorry.
“Ohoho buddy,” Dean says into the air,  smiling but also looking kind of sorry too, and even more so when he meets Jack’s eyes. He pauses. “Yeah bud, uh, that’s gonna be a bitch to take off.” He frowns.
Jack grabs the golden chain--
“Woah, man, what are you doing?” Kevin gasps after having grabbed Jack’s arm and stopping him from taking off the talisman. 
“Will it kill me?” Jack asks everybody, suddenly nervous.
“Well, no,” Dean begins, winces, “It’s just gonna hurt like a bitch.”
“Then shouldn’t I get it over with?” Jack asks, confused.
“You might pass out,” Castiel warns gently.
“You’re probably gonna wanna go with the passing out,” Kevin says, putting a bracing arm on Jack’s shoulder “It’ll suck less.”
Kevin nods at him and Jack takes that as a sign it’s time to take the talisman off. He lifts the chain up and off, and then something strange happens. 
A green light swirls from both Jack and Kevin’s chests and swirls into the amulet. 
Both of them double over. 
“Woah! You kids alright?” Dean asks, lunging a hand over the backseat to touch Jack’s back, as Castiel quickly spins out of the car and back in at Kevin’s door, holding him up, checking his eyes and tongue, he goes to stick his finger in Kevin’s ear to take his temperature before remembering he can’t do that anymore. 
“Kevin? Are you okay? Jack! Jack, are you okay?” Castiel asks urgently.
“Goddammit,” Kevin sighs, “Twice in one night, oh man I’m really gonna die.” then he looks at Castiel before reassuring, “Really, it wasn’t that bad.” Kevin turns to Jack, “How do you feel?”
“...Not that bad,” he answers truthfully.
“Hot damn.” Dean is smiling, leaning back into his seat, “Well now we know that’s a thing!” 
“It could potentially save lives,” Castiel agreed. “I’ll have Sam tell the other hunters...though this may just be a situational occurrence between a prophet and a Nephilim. Who knows really.”
“It was still pretty cool,” Dean defends. 
Castiel gets back into the car. 
“And I’m not denying that. Why do you always jump to conclusions?”
“What are you talking about ‘always?’” Dean grunts back and starts up the car, pulling out of the cemetery parking lot.
Kevin and Jack tune Dean and Cas out. 
“That was pretty cool,” Kevin says.
“Yeah,” Jack frowns, looking at his friend. “We’re going to perform the ceremony when we get back.” This may be one of the last times he ever sees or hears him again.
Kevin puts a hand on Jack’s shoulder, “It’s going to be okay. Even if we have to do it by proxy for a little while, I won’t stop being your friend. Okay?” 
Jack smiled, putting a hand on Kevin’s shoulder too, which may have been weird or awkward but seemed like the thing to do. 
Kevin smiles at Jack before patting his shoulder and saying “I’m going to pass out now.” 
Jack nods and Kevin immediately drops his head back onto his seat and starts snoring. 
Jack leans back in his own seat, feeling exhausted as well. Dean and Cas have stopped arguing and put the radio on low, laughing at j=okes here and there as they talk softly. 
The running engine and metronome light of street lamps going by, and the familiar classic rock playing all seemed to be in some sort of competition with who could lull Jack to sleep first. The sound of the impala won. 
The End
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clouditae · 4 years
First Love | 03
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Yoongi x reader | 18+ | college au | tattoo artist au | angst | fluff | swearing
Word: 2k
You first saw him in the multi-purpose room. Later learn his name, and on your third year, as he becomes your neighbor, you discover his lifestyle. Knowing your crush on him was nothing but that, you wanted to find the courage to look for love. Asking your friend for help, you’re pointed in the direction of the expert. Your neighbor, Min Yoongi
Chapter Index
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You stare down at your phone in confusion. 
[5:29 pm] Jerk: Multi-purpose room. 9pm. 
“I thought he didn't want to meet in public?” you mumble, locking the screen to your phone before hopping into the shuttle. You take a seat at the front, sitting by the window. You can’t help but wonder what it is that he wants today—especially in the multi-purpose room where people hang out all the time.
 As the shuttle takes off, you watch the people pass by as the vehicle makes two more stops on campus before driving off campus and heading towards your dorm. The ride is rather quiet, with two or three people sitting further in the back as you listen to the melody of the song playing through your earphones.  
By the time you reach the dorms, the sun is gone, and you only have an hour to grab dinner before the dining hall closes. You're not expecting to study for so long, but with your first big exam coming up, you need to study as much as possible. Exiting the shuttle, you make your way straight towards the dining hall. After doing your usual routine: ID, food, sit and eat, you’re making your way towards your room. You check the time on your phone and can’t help but let out a sigh as you read the time. With only an hour of time to prepare before you throw yourself into the social world, you enter your room to lie in bed, your feet dangling off the edge, and charge yourself. 
“You’re going to bed already?” Ari asks, as you collapse face first on your bed. Your reply is a mumble, resulting in her saying, “What? I can’t understand you.”
You sigh, turning your head to look at her. “He wants to meet in the MPR,” you say again. 
“Oh. Ew. You have to socialize downstairs?” You let out a whiney moan in response. “What time are you supposed to meet him?” she questions. 
You can see her look of disgust as she stares at you. “Who does that?” 
“Apparently him,” you tell her. “Can you text him for me and tell him I died?”
She laughs. “You think he won’t just come up here and drag you out? He is our neighbor after all.” 
“He is not that dedicated to helping me.”
“Helping you, probably not—no offence, but getting help from Hoseok just to help you? He’s beyond dedicated,” she informs.
You push yourself up, only to slide off the bed. “Hoseok is helping Yoongi just so Yoongi can help me because I asked Hoseok for help?”
You can see the slight look of confusion on her face from the way you worded the question, but she tells you, “Yeah. I told him he doesn’t have to, but he insisted, so you have to go through with this.” 
You want to tell her to have Hoseok stop. He shouldn’t have to go through such lengths just to help you, but when you remembered the excited look on his face when you asked for help, you can’t ask Ari to stop him. You run your hands through your hair. “Fine,” you mumble.
As nine creeps closer, your heart and mind race until eventually, it’s time for you to go downstairs. 
With all the courage you can muster, you leave your room with Ari giving you the thumbs up. That courage immediately dies when you reach the bottom step to the first floor. All you have to do is walk out the door, walk past the first floor laundry room, and past the mailboxes. Then you’re standing at the doorway to the MPR. When you finally exit the stairwell, the laundry room next to you with the sound of both the washers and dryers running, you can hear the large group of people. 
You feel like you’re going to throw up. Who knew that socializing would freak you out this much. It’s ridiculous. 
Taking in a deep breath, you make your way towards the doorway, but that doesn't stop your racing heart. When you enter the room, you’re not expecting this many people. Usually the room has a few people scattered around all doing their own thing, but this place looks like it’s supposed to be a club with how many people are dancing and chatting with each other. Some even have red cups in their hands. You can't help but wonder if they’re drinking alcohol since it isn't allowed with plenty of underage students. That doesn’t stop them though. It is college after all. 
“You got this,” you whisper to yourself, fists clenching as you enter the room. You’re so lost in your own anxiety that you don’t even notice the blasting music until you’re standing in the outskirts of the crowd, watching them dance. They all look like they’re having fun, and you wish you can have fun like them, but you’ve never liked parties all that much. Too many people in one place, all clustered together scares you. It makes you want to leave, and it drains you trying to speak with a few people. Even now, as you watch a boy approach you, you feel yourself draining and fighting the urge to leave. 
“Hey,” he somewhat yells over the blaring music. 
“Hi,” you force out. 
He’s rather tall, his brown hair slightly gelled backed, wearing a green hoodie and black jeans. He looks pleasant and extremely friendly. 
“I know this is so random of me to come up to you, a complete stranger, but my boyfriend is forcing me to introduce myself.” He sticks his hand out toward you. “I'm Christopher.”
You shake his hand a bit skeptical. “Y/N.” You shake your head. “Why is your boyfriend forcing you to introduce yourself to me?” you can't help but ask. 
He smiles awkwardly. “I'm trying to become an RA next year, so he's forcing me to practice my bright personality and be more friendly.” 
You nod. “Ah. Okay.”
Suddenly another person appears, a big expectant smile on his face. “How did he do?” 
“Uh… he was friendly,” you tell him. 
It seems to be all they need to hear as they chat to one another happily, seeming to ignore you after that. Giving you a sign to walk away, you quickly slip away from the excited couple and make yourself go deeper in the room, but still in the outskirts. 
Your eyes wander around the crowd, but there is no sign of Yoongi. Why did he tell you to come if he isn't even going to show up himself? You don't want to give him the benefit of the doubt, so you wait. 
That was the dumbest thing you've ever done. After standing around for almost an hour, staring at everyone like some creeper, your ball your hands into a fist. You’re fuming. “That jerk,” you whisper. Without much thought, you’re heading for the exit. 
You’re going to give him a piece of your mind when you see him again. What did you ever see in him in the first place? He’s a jerk who clearly only cares about himself. He's probably with some girl in his room. That only makes you even more mad. 
You quickly walk around the room and leave, leaving the happy and social crowd. You stomp your way past the mailboxes, past the window that shows into the small room that only contains a round table and several chairs where students study together or alone, and pass the door to the dorm supervisor before reaching the door that leads to the stairwell and the student dorms.
You pull out your ID, pressing it against the chip card reader. With the sound of a beep, you pull the door open and step into the stairwell. 
You walk up the two flights of stairs until you reach the third floor and make a right towards your hall. Before you can pass the doorway that leads to your hall, a voice calls out, “Not sociable at all.”
You jump, turning around to find the culprit. Sitting at the third flight of stairs that lead to the roof, Yoongi looks up from his phone at you, his elbows propped on his knees. After your heart slows to a normal pace, you glare at him. “Where were you? Why tell me to go to the MPR if you weren’t even going to show?” 
“I told you to arrive at the MPR so that I can see how you interact with others and how you act in a party.” He stands up, walking down the stairs until he reaches the last step. He stares down at you, hands in the pockets of his gray sweats. The way he stares at you makes your heart race. It’s ridiculous that even though you hate the way he acts since you’ve met him a month ago, your heart disobeys your thoughts and races whenever he looks at you. What are you to do? What are you supposed to do when your feelings for him still linger even though you know who he is?
He takes that final step, being one step closer to you, and forcing you to step back. He cocks his head ever so slightly  to the side. “Do you have social anxiety?”
You try to not look as shocked as you do, but you know your eyes are wide and mouth slightly open as if he caught you stealing. Are you that easy to read? How could he know? 
“What makes you think that?” you question, trying to play it off like you don’t. It isn’t working.
He crosses his arms over his chest. “A friend of mine has social anxiety. He glances at doors when he’s desperate to leave. In the MPR, I noticed you kept glancing at the door and your lips were slightly moving as if you were talking to yourself.” 
“And that gives you the idea that I have anxiety?”
“My friend does the same thing. He’ll talk to himself to keep himself from running out of that room. He doesn’t like being by himself. Everyone is different, but if I’m wrong, and you don’t have social anxiety, tell me now so that I can correct myself,” he tells you. 
“Correct yourself how?” you ask, voice not as confident as it was before.
“If you don’t have social anxiety, you’re going to a party so I can see how you flirt with people,” he answers, brow raised. 
He knows. The way he’s staring at you with that expression that just says he knows you do. If you deny his allegations, you’ll eventually end up at a party full of people trying to flirt. They’ll judge you harshly, and that is not what you want. You cross your arms over your chest, mimicking his stance. 
“Okay, so I have social anxiety, what does that have to do with anything?”
He sighs, “It means that I have to teach and evaluate everything myself. Lessons will be more private rather than me watching you and telling you what to do differently.” 
You stare at him for a moment, processing the words he just said. “Private?” you whisper. 
He nods. “We’ll be in my room a lot more that we both like,” he finishes, walking around you and down the hall towards his room. He leaves you there in complete and utter shock.  
What are you going to do? What in the world are you going to do?
You don’t have to do this. 
No one is forcing you. 
But if you were to quit, would Hoseok’s feelings be hurt because you quit?
You couldn’t do that to him.
The sound of laughter brings you out of your thoughts. You turn around and walk down the hallway and enter your room. Ari looks up from her phone, a leg dangling over her bed. 
“If I feel uncomfortable at any moment, I quit,” you tell her, with every ounce of courage you can muster. 
She nods. “Any ounce of discomfort, you quit immediately, and I kick Yoongi’s ass.” 
You let out a breath. 
You’re in for a rollercoaster.
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jlalafics · 4 years
Could you please reblog your lesbian!Peeta story for me
Sure! I hope this is the one you’re thinking of!
“You can shut off the lights now.”
Delly Cartwright, Peeta’s friend and business manager, looked to her and gave a sympathetic smile.
“You did well for a new business owner, Peeta,” she continued. Gathering some of the go-backs, Delly started to head over to the racks. “You opened a record shop. It wasn’t exactly going to be busy every day, but from a business standpoint, you did well for your first week.”
Peeta gathered her golden locks into a ponytail and took the broom next to her to sweep up.
“I guess you’re right,” Peeta replied.
She had fair sales for her opening week; it had always been her dream to open a shop of her own and her love for vinyl clinched her decision to open a record store. There was hope of expanding to a used bookstore, but it seemed that it would be awhile before that would happen.
“Don’t you have a husband to get home to?” Peeta asked her friend. “Thom must be annoyed that you’re spending all your time with me.”
“Thom wouldn’t have a full-service coffee bar if it weren’t for his wife’s business savvy,” Delly retorted. She pushed herself onto the wood counter. “He can sacrifice time so I can help out one of my best friends.”
“Really though.” Returning the broom to its place, Peeta met her friend’s light eyes. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” Suddenly, Delly’s mouth formed into a smirk. “I mean it wouldn’t hurt if you had a partner to support and help you out. I met this great girl at Thom’s bar—”
“You know what—” Peeta lifted her petite friend off the counter easily, placing her by the front door. “—I think you should go home. You’re obviously exhausted.”
“You win this round, Mellark,” Delly declared with a chuckle. “We’ll see you for Sunday brunch at our place.”
Stepping out, Peeta watched her friend get into her car and drive off before walking back into the store.
Sighing, she let herself admit that she was lonely.
It had been two years since her last relationship and about six months since her last date. Her brothers were both in long-term relationships; Dean, her eldest brother, married to Olivia, his college girlfriend, with two kids and one on the way while Rye, the middle child, engaged to Johanna, one of Peeta’s closest friends and her former roommate.
While she, the youngest and only girl, was still single.
Peeta wasn’t looking for just anyone.
Whoever she was had to be more.
So, for the time being, she would just have to focus on getting the store up and running.
Locking up the store, Peeta buttoned her rust peacoat and headed towards her bus stop. Her place was fifteen minutes away—just a few blocks—but the fall season had caused the city to go dark once it hit six in the evening.
“Hey girl!”
The group of guys from the bar across the street called out. There were a few catcalls and she ignored it, speeding up her pace towards the bus stop at the end of the block. Her heart stuttered in nervousness as she heard the footfalls heading towards her.
Suddenly, one of the guys was standing in front of her. “Where you heading, sweetheart?”
Peeta didn’t reply, only taking in a description of the guy…mid-twenties, dark beard, medium height, sharp dark eyes wearing a grey hoodie, black tank, and dark jeans.
So, basically any random guy.
Dean was a cop and he had always taught her what to do if she was in a situation like this. However, it didn’t seem to be helping as she found herself surrounded by the rest of the group.
So, Peeta went for Rye’s method and fully rushed at the guy in front of her, trying to knee him in the groin.
He pushed her and Peeta was knocked down, the back of her head hitting the concrete.
There was the pain of impact…and then darkness.
“Miss Mellark…can you open your eyes?” Peeta blinked, her vision blurred and the white light causing her eyes to close again. “Take your time.”
She followed the kind voice, allowing herself to adjust before opening her eyes once more.
“There you go,” the voice said gently. “You gave us a scare when you came in.”
Her vision cleared and the warmest set of eyes greeted her. Almond-shaped and dove grey, the eyes were set in a heart-shaped face along with a pert nose and rose lips, her skin was a soft olive and her raven hair was tied back in a neat braid.
“Where am I?” she asked as the bed was slowly elevated.
“You are in the hospital,” the woman in the blue scrubs informed her. “My name is Katniss and I’m your nurse. You were mugged; the perp got your credit cards but left the rest of your wallet since there wasn’t any money. Can you tell me your name?”
“Peeta. Peeta Mellark.”
Katniss looked at her in confusion. “Your ID says Pieta Mellark.”
“When I was born, my parents tried to teach my brother Rye how to say me name properly, Pee-et-ta, but he couldn’t get it and kept pronouncing my name as Pee-ta. So, it kind of stuck.”
The nurse chuckled. “I like both your names.” Katniss looked over her chart and then to her. “We’re just making sure that you’re CT scan comes out clean and then we can release you. Do you have anyone that we can call? Your family?”
“I don’t want to worry my parents and they’re an hour away, and my brothers have families,” she explained. “Once I’m released, I’ll just head on home.”
“Your name fits you,” Katniss remarked. “Pieta means compassion. A lot of people would milk themselves getting injured, but not you. You’re more concerned about everyone else around you.”
“Give me a day or two and I’ll be at home, feeling sorry for myself,” Peeta replied. “Your name is a plant.”
The nurse grinned. “How did you know?”
“When we were all kids, my parents took us camping,” she explained. “And my Dad told me that if for some reason, I got lost in the woods then I just needed to find you to survive.”
Katniss blushed, her cheeks flooding with color, and Peeta found herself breathless in the prettiness of it all.
“I suppose that could also apply to non-camping situations,” Katniss responded. “Get some rest, Peeta, and I’ll check up on your results.”
“I’m really alright, Haymitch,” Peeta assured her business partner on the phone. “They kept me overnight for observation, but they didn’t see anything in the CT scan.”
“We should install cameras in the front,” the man insisted. “You could’ve been killed or assaulted!”
“Well, they checked if there was any trauma down there and everything seemed right as rain,” she assured him. “My vagina is perfectly intact.”
There was a cough and she turned to see Katniss standing before, a black bomber jacket over her scrubs and her hair down in long waves.
“I really didn’t need to hear that,” the man muttered. “Just call me when you get home, okay? Also, get an Uber and put it on our business credit card.”
“Ah…you should probably call about that,” Peeta replied. “Some of my credit cards are missing.”
“I’m right on it,” Haymitch responded. “Go home and get some rest. I’ll open the store tomorrow.”
“Thanks.” Hanging up, Peeta stuffed her phone into her jean pocket before turning to the woman. “Getting off?”
Katniss looked to her in confusion. “Excuse me?”
“Work. You off from your shift?”
The blush invaded her lovely face and she nodded quickly. “Oh yeah! Just heading out. How about you?”
“Yeah, just needed to check in with Haymitch, my partner,” Peeta explained.
“Oh.” Katniss’ expression dropped. “Why wouldn’t your boyfriend pick you up?”
Peeta snorted at the idea.
“Haymitch is my business partner.” She looked to the woman beside her. “You heading home to your boyfriend?”
The woman shook her head. “I’ve got some leftover pasta and A Walk to Remember on Netflix, but that’s about it.”
“Would you want to join me for a cup of coffee?” Peeta found herself asking. “Thom, my best friend’s husband owns a coffee shop a few blocks down. It will be on me—or on Delly, my best friend—your coffee, I mean…”
Shit, Peeta was going about this all wrong. She didn’t even know if Katniss was into girls.
Her head snapped up at Katniss’ response and Peeta smiled. “Okay.”
They headed onto the sidewalk in front of the hospital. It was a beautiful morning, chilled but brimming with potential to be a gorgeous day of clear skies and temperate weather.
“How long have you been a nurse?” Peeta asked as they headed down towards Thom’s coffee bar.
“About three years,” Katniss said. “Got this job right out of school. My mom was head nurse at the hospital before retiring a few years ago and I guess nepotism worked in my favor. I might actually be a really crappy nurse.”
“No, you definitely aren’t,” Peeta argued. “You have a natural empathy.”
“How so?”
“When I woke up, I was scared as hell,” she told the woman next to her. They stopped at the crosswalk and Peeta met Katniss’ gaze. “But, when I heard your voice, I knew that I would be okay. You made me feel safe.”
“That’s a lot to put on a girl,” Katniss said quietly. “But I’m glad that I could help.”
Their eyes met and it was like a magnetic force that Peeta found her hand tucking back a tendril of Katniss’ hair behind her ear. Her fingers lingered, feeling the softness of her dark waves and Katniss’ breath caught at the gesture.
Her hand covered Peeta’s and the sensation drew a sharp gasp from Peeta’s mouth.
It had been a long time since she had felt like this.
Stepping towards Katniss, she waited to see if the woman would retreat.
However, Katniss remained still, her mouth parted and her eyelids going half-lidded as Peeta close the space between.
The kiss was careful, her mouth slanting over Katniss’ gently. The feeling of her soft lips caused a groan to draw up from the pit of Peeta’s stomach and escape between their mouths.
It was scary but exhilarating all at once and Peeta never wanted to let her go.
However, Katniss hummed against her lips and reluctantly she pulled away.
“I probably wasn’t supposed to do that,” Peeta told her.
Katniss looked disappointed. “Oh, okay.”
“I mean not without taking you out on a date first.”
Katniss let out a relieved laugh. “Well, we just cut out the needless tension of the first kiss, didn’t we?”
“I guess so,” Peeta replied, taking her hand. “So…”
‘…would like to stay indefinitely?’
“Would you like to have coffee first and then dinner later?”
“And, between then?” Katniss asked, her thumb caressing the top of Peeta’s hand.
“Whatever we want, I have all day.”
I have forever for you.
“Okay.” Katniss beamed. “Let’s start with the coffee.”
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lilypixels · 3 years
...............all of them.....?
It took me an hr to do this....🥲💀
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Uhhh cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Probably quiet and smart lol I did my school work and was friendly with everyone so I was a favorite and heard all the nice things 🙈
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
I kinda like bottles more but like the glass ones with the caps that could slice your fingers-
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
I’m for all but sports lol
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Shows cause I’m the type to watch an hr long episode vs hr long movie idk why but I’m rarely in mood for them
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Drop the beat (ie songs that are upbeat and I like most)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Hmm...I guess lanyard?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Skittles or twizzlers
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
I had lots I had to read in school but only ever finished a handful lol my favorite I think was maybe Macbeth? I would say Odyssey but I don’t think we read the full thing cause I remember being disappointed about something like that...
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Sitting with my legs bent up in seat with me in some way
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
Converse and some nice but cheap sneakers from Walmart
18. ideal weather?
Not too hot, not too cold, mild like before/after a rain (most the time), idc if it’s raining or sunny but as long as temp is comfortable I’m fine
19. sleeping position?
On my side most often
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Phone and notebook
21. obsession from childhood?
Oh gosh uhhh I guess my like of dolls maybe? Or obsession with anything ✨unexplained✨ like ghosts, aliens, cryptids, etc
22. role model?
Kim Namjoon lol just kidding (sorta)
23. strange habits?
Ok I know I have some and my friends would be more than happy to point them all out but hm let me think...idk if these count as habits but I’ll never place a mirror facing a bed (this is more superstitious I guess than habit,,,) I can’t stand my food touching, if I have a tray like in cafeteria I have a certain spot for everything and uh my mind just went blank-
24. favorite crystal?
Moonstone, lapis lazuli, and I feel obligated to say garnet cause it’s my birthstone
25. first song you remember hearing?
Circle of Life maybe who knows xD
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Walk or clean,,I’m more active and about with warm/nice weather
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
...stay inside where it’s warm
28. five songs to describe you?
Not this again😭 uhhh idk you tell me ajdbd
29. best way to bond with you?
Indulge me when I go off about things I like or learn 😔✊ I know I’ll talk your ear off and I’m sorry but know I don’t often talk about these things with people so once I start it’s hard to stop,,and it makes me really happy when people do listen to me about these things and send me related items every so often or even look into it themselves to learn more 🥺
30. places that you find sacred?
For some reason this feels like a trick question...um cemeteries and anything with ages of history I guess
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Oof do I really have a true outfit?? I have shoes for this which are just black platform sneakers I call stomping shoes
32. top five favorite vines?
I never,,,watched these,,,
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
State Farm and McDonald’s, always
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Uhhh that one with the ginger dude (I think it was someone’s yearbook photo??) I don’t remember much else about the meme but it was on ifunny, or whatever the app was, a lot
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
Easy, tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Dude these questions really testing my brain power here- for senior prank someone put cereal in some bathroom sinks I think
41. last person you texted?
My mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I’m gonna say jacket since I wear those often
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie or cardigan
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Usually whatever shirt I’m wearing that day and some pj/lounge pants 🤷
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I-what kind of question is this? How does one even answer this?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
What comes around goes around lol (yes I’m a heavy believer of karma)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Lol who knows, probably something dumb me and my siblings were doing or something we watched cause there’s been plenty times of that xD
51. current stresses?
Homework vs free time e-e
52. favorite font?
I like the gothic looking ones but it’s usually not practical to use so idk
53. what is the current state of your hands?
My hands...? They’re fine ??
54. what did you learn from your first job?
How to care for babies and little kids, how to put on a diaper lol
56. favorite tradition?
I can’t remember a particular one off hand but I’m trying to start few new ones like decorating cookies for Halloween uwu
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Uhhhhh like personally or...? Cause we’ve overcome homelessness before, um finishing assignments idk😭 oh maybe bullying?? That’s all I can think of since I still struggle with a lot,,
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Alright let’s do thisss: creativity (mostly in writing sense), I can bake/cook, I have amazing organization skills and many work places have used that lol (bonus is I don’t mind, I actually really enjoy it, very peaceful), surprisingly good balance all things considered, I’m a quick learner
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“I’m too tired for this.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Good question good question🤔 I don’t think I’d last in any of them/have a terrible side character role so 💀
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“Life’s too short to hold grudges.”
62. seven characters you relate to?
Dude this is gonna get embarrassing I can feel it🤠
Itaru, Iori, Sogo, Belle, Simeon (obey me), Nozaki (he’s clueless about romance irl and doesn’t know when someone has a crush on him yet can write romance well enough and yeah it’s me lol), and uhh Swindler/Ordinary Person in Akudama Drive (still can’t believe no one really has names in that anime but the way she gets wrapped in everything felt like something that’d happen to me lol)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Like nightclub...? I’m skipping this ajdbd
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Probably the Barbie site, me and my sister played all the dress up games almost daily istg
65. any permanent scars?
Appendectomy scars and then looks like I have one on a toe but it’s possible it still might heal...
66. favorite flower(s)?
Nightshade, foxglove, baby’s breath, bellflowers, roses
67. good luck charms?
I don’t think I have any...
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Let me think...I read something once about flowers having ears(?) but like not ear ears just something about having a part that picks up sound waves
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
Lolll animal print I think
72. worst subject?
Physics...the worst science
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I don’t remember, it probably happened when i was 6. I do remember losing one of my front teeth during my birthday one year and I was happy since the tooth had been loose for some time xD
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Chips I guess or just like fried in skillet
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
A succulent probably
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Neither ew
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
They are both about equally terrible
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
I am on pc side now
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts I guess
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology, it’s too fun and chaotic lol
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Uh,,,I don’t have many fears but I guess one would be falling from a great height? So I would get scared of crossing a bridge and it collapsing or riding a plane and it falling easily
88. your greatest wish?
World peace🥲
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom maybe...?
90. luckiest mistake?
I honestly don’t remember but something I do remember is I out semicolon instead of period and turned out to be correct grammar lol
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Sunlight or fairy lights, I don’t require much either way and prefer more natural lighting
93. nicknames?
Lassie, twinkle toes, Ash, poody butt (by 3 yr old I sometimes watch and play with lol he means it affectionately; I call him monkey butt and it’s catching on slowly instead)
94. favorite season?
Starting to be fall just a little more but I like transition times most
95. favorite app on your phone?
Let’s go with twitter
96. desktop background?
It is a moriarty and gang pic
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
2: mine and my moms
98. favorite historical era?
Ooo tough one but I’ll say renaissance as some of the coolest things came from that time
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aleator · 4 years
day 02 - college au (thor/tony)
Tony has no idea what to do with a friend like Thor. He’s not even entirely sure they’re friends--they live in the same dorm, on the same floor, but if that’s all it takes to be qualified as a friend then Tony has a lot more friends than he realized.
At least once a week Thor locks himself out of the dorm building and texts Tony to let him in because he forgot his ID card. Last week Tony had to tell Thor he’d heard him...taking care of himself...in the shower earlier and could he please remember this is a shared bathroom, and Thor had just laughed and patted him on the back. He’s pretty sure Thor and his roommate have two guinea pigs hidden in their room despite the no pets allowed rule, and yet he always listens every time Thor asks him to smuggle a giant Tupperware’s worth of salad out of the dining hall.
So when Thor knocks on his door one day and says, “You’re in engineering, right?” Tony just stares at his shirtless chest and says,
“I took physics for the lab credit,” Thor continues on, not waiting for a real answer, “but I’m having some trouble. Can you tutor me?”
And Tony, like on every other occasion, can’t seem to say no.
He at least gets Thor to put on a shirt, as disappointing as that is. But there’s no way Tony will be able to tutor Thor in anything if he’s shirtless the whole time, so it’s a sacrifice that has to be made.
“Can you do that one again and write out all the math?” Thor asks, tapping his pencil against the edge of his notebook. The  two of them are sitting on the floor of Tony’s room, books and papers spread out around them
Tony sighs and gets a clean piece of paper, going through the problem step by step and explaining it all to Thor again. Thor looks thoughtful, absently chewing on the end of his pencil, and Tony hopes even a sliver of this is getting through to him.
It takes them a couple hours, but they finally get through all of Thor’s physics homework. The way Thor smiles at him when he thanks him for the help, like Tony’s literally saved his life, is probably the reason Tony agrees to help him again the next time he has homework.
The next week Thor knocks on Tony’s door with his shirt still on and a pizza box in one hand.
“You take bribes, right?” Thor jokes, and the two of them sit on Tony’s floor again and eat pizza while Tony explains Thor’s homework to him.
The week after that Thor confirms Tony’s guinea pig hypothesis by bringing one over in his hoodie pocket. They have to keep stopping in the middle of doing equations to dig little Tanngrisnir out from under Tony’s bed or dresser as they let him roam free.
And so on it goes, Tony helping Thor study physics at least once a week without Thor even needing to ask anymore. They actually text outside of lockout incidents and Tony texts him to make sure he’s coming over, actually enjoying the time he gets to spend with Thor.
It’s nearing the end of the semester when he actually runs into Thor in the science building, having dropped off a last-minute paper in his advisor’s office. Thor’s talking to one of the physics professors while a girl Tony recognizes as Thor’s friend Jane is standing around waiting for him.
“Hey,” Tony says, stopping by Jane to see what’s up. “Everything okay with Thor?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, they’re just discussing some test.”
Tony nods a bit, then looks back at Jane with a furrow in his brow. “Wait, you’re a physics major, right? Why didn’t Thor ask you to tutor him?”
“Tutor him?” Jane repeats, looking amused. “Why would I need to tutor Thor?”
“So he doesn’t fail?”
Jane snorts. “He’s top of his class. I don’t think he’s worried about failing.”
While Tony stands there and silently tries to process this conversation, Thor finishes his own conversation with his professor and makes his way back over to Jane.
“Hey!” Tony exclaims, frowning. “You’re not failing physics?”
Thor freezes, expression comically alarmed, and Jane sighs. “I’ll leave you to whatever this is,” she says. “See you at dinner, Thor.”
Jane turns and starts to walk away, leaving Thor and Tony staring each other down. Thor doesn't say anything, so Tony just prompts him with, “Well?”
“To be fair, I never said I was failing,” Thor replies with a shrug, like this is all no big deal.
“Then why did you have me tutor you all semester!”
Finally Thor glances away, looking somewhat sheepish. “You’ll think it stupid.”
Tony squints suspiciously at him. “Try me.”
“I wanted to spend time with you,” Thor admits after a long pause. “None of my other ideas were working.”
“Making me bring you salad was your big idea?” Tony says, because he can’t quite wrap his head around what’s happening here. “So you...pretended to be bad at physics to get me to hang out with you? Did you...did you Mean Girls me?”
Thor shrugs again. “I don’t know what that means, but I assume yes.”
Tony laughs, the sound bubbling up slowly from his chest, unable to believe he’s been tricked into thinking Thor’s dumb for the sake of--what, being friends?
“You could have just asked me if you wanted to hang,” Tony points out.
“Actually, I wanted to ask if you’d go out with me, but I obviously failed at making that leap,” Thor says with far more confidence than anyone in his position right now ought to have, and it takes Tony aback for a moment.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” Thor asks more plainly, a hopeful smile on his face. “No physics involved.”
“I don’t know, the physics was kind of hot,” Tony says and smiles too when Thor laughs. “But yeah, I’d like that. Even without the physics.”
Maybe being friends with Thor isn’t so bad after all.
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yutaya · 3 years
Iron Fist Week Day 7: minor character/missing scene
Albert is a man. A man... with a van.
He's proud of his van. Sure it was a bitch and a half to get certified and sometimes trying to drive three freaking blocks in this city when he's having a bad enough day can threaten to put his blood pressure through the roof, but he's ground out an honest living for himself with it. That's no mean feat, in this neighborhood.
Plus, Al likes his job. It involves a lot of visiting every nook and cranny of the area, meeting loads of people at varying levels of talkative - it's a job that requires someone personable, and Al doesn't think it's too immodest to say that he fits the bill.
Staring down a fully loaded armoire, though, Al can admit to himself that there are times he's less fond of this job than others.
By the time he's got the thing down on the sidewalk, doors and drawers bound shut and with an initial layer of wrapping to protect it from pedestrian traffic while he sets up the loader, Al has mentally added two upticks to his pain-in-the-ass fee.
"Woah, can I help you with that?"
Al pauses in his transferring long enough to take a look at who's spoken. It's a white guy, 20s, a little scruffy but looks comfortable, and, most importantly, seems genuine.
Al smiles at him. "I appreciate the offer, but these need to be moved in a specific way to prevent scuffing."
"Oh." Al goes back to loading the armoire. "...Would you show me?" Al pauses again. Looks back at the guy. "I'm Danny, by the way," he adds, and smiles beatifically.
Al blinks up at the sky. Had the sun shone more brightly for a second, there? He turns back to wrapping the furniture with blankets and bungee cords. "You need to move a lot of furniture, Danny?" he asks while he works. Engaging in friendly conversation with strangers is second nature to him, at this point.
Danny, who has the courtesy to remain standing out on the street behind the van as they talk, bounces a little as he replies. "Yes, actually! My girlfriend and I have been redoing her apartment."
"Wow, big project. Hey, if you guys need stuff moved around, I've got you covered. Back and forth from the storage unit, delivering your new stuff from the store, bringing your old stuff wherever it's going... My rates are fair and, as you can see, I'd actually take care of your things." He pats the carefully cushioned furniture from his current job in indication.
Danny laughs a little, looking at it. "At least that isn't a piano, right?"
"Hey man, pianos have wheels. I can walk them right up the ramp."
Danny eyes the ramp Al uses with the handtrucks. "Isn't it too skinny?"
Al laughs again. "What kind of piano are you picturing, a grand?" As if anyone who owned one of those would be hiring Al to move it. As if anyone who owned one of those would be living in this area at all.
Danny shrugs, unbothered. "I haven't seen one since I was a kid. Maybe it seemed bigger back then." A beat passes, and then Danny continues talking, the oversharing sort of babble symptomatic of the sleep-deprived. "Anyway, we'll definitely call you for help with our stuff. And you can show me all the right ways to handle everything! I'm probably going to be doing a lot of rearranging furniture and stuff since Colleen is out at Bayard all the time now; she keeps talking about helping the community during the daytime - Colleen's my girlfriend, she's the best - and, I mean, she's right, of course, plus, we just got back to the city and I am not used to not having to do something -" he cuts himself off, lighting up. "Hey, could I get a job with you?"
Al startles. He can usually recognize when someone's coming at that angle. Granted, they usually don't seem to stumble into it by mistake.
"The shop down the street is hiring," he offers. "On the corner."
"Thanks! I'd like to work for this business, though."
Al pauses. Revaluates "Danny". There are only so many reasons someone would be looking for a moving job specifically, and in this neighborhood, the most likely scenario is one that Al has been very carefully steering clear of for 30 years.
"I appreciate the interest," he repeats cautiously, "but we're a small business. I'm afraid we don't really have the means to hire right now." It's a bit of a risk, revealing a vulnerability like that. Luckily, Albert is overstating it a bit; it won't be that easy for any of the triads to put financial pressure on him, and, well. He's stubborn. He swore a long time ago that he wouldn't go there.
"Oh, that's not a problem!" Danny says brightly. "You wouldn't need to pay me. I'm more looking for the experience, you know? I've never had a normal job, and Colleen thinks it'll be good for us to start over."
The alarm bell clanging in Al's head rises to a shriek, then falters. If this is a ploy, it is astoundingly poorly executed. If this guy is in with any sort of organized crime, he can't be more than a fledgling recruit. Al feels a moral obligation to try and steer him better, even if his self preservation instincts disagree.
"Look," Al says, watching Danny's face carefully. "I'm running an honest business, here. I'm not interested in having our name attached to anything. And, if I could offer you a word of advice?" Danny, who mostly just looks confused, nods. "Don't go saying that stuff about working for free. Depending who hears it, that's a good way to end up either severely taken advantage of, or in a coffin. Anyone you might be trying that hard to get a resource for won't be happy about you overplaying your hand."
Danny still looks confused. Al mimes swinging a hatchet. Danny's eyes go wide with clarity.
"I'm not with the triads," he says disconcertingly earnestly. "I'm the Iron Fist. I'm sworn to defend the city from people like them."
Well, at least this is an interesting conversation.
"If you're not with the triads, why do you want this job?"
"I guess I'm looking for something new. For fifteen years, I had one purpose. Now, it's done. Now, I need to build a new life, and..." His voice dips in a certain way with the next words, a way that makes Al's stomach sink with the familiarity of it. "...keep a promise to a friend."
Al looks at Danny, a pit in his stomach and memories in his heart. Resignation settles underneath his skin.
"You have a résumé?" he asks. At least Danny doesn't seem inclined to just throw things around, like some other shipping companies that Al could name. Royal Al Moving provides quality for its clients, thank you very much.
"I don't think so. What is that, equipment? I could buy some."
Al stares at him. He'd been expecting either an agreement to email or bring by a copy later, or a conversation along the lines of 'do I really need one?' followed by a verbal listing off of previous work or even just ability.
"Do you have any previous experience?" Al tries again. "Had any jobs before?"
"Yeah, I have," Danny says, and doesn't elaborate.
White people.
"What about ID?" Al asks, despite knowing full well he'll probably pretend not to notice if anything seems off about it.
Danny laughs a bit, seemingly unphased by his own complete lack of knowledge regarding ordinary job application/interview etiquette whatsoever. "Oh, I definitely have that. Had to fight really hard for it, too. It was almost all gone, but once everything got sorted out, we made, like, 10 new copies of everything." Danny pats around at his pockets, not appearing to notice Al's incredulous expression. "I don't have any of those with me right now, but... Ah ha!" He pulls something out triumphantly. "Business cards! I'm pretty sure my brother thought I was just going to destroy them, but my friend Jeri said it's important to always have one. It might have gone through the laundry, though, sorry."
Assuming this day can't get any weirder, like a fool, Al takes the card.
Even worn and slightly crumpled, the obnoxiously expensive quality of the original card is still clear. There's embossing and gold foil, for god's sake. The Rand Enterprises logo glints up at him almost mockingly even as the three dimensional lines of the border rise and fall under his thumb. Either seems unnecessary and frankly tone deaf for a Humanitarian Aid company, let alone both. Then again, maybe they reserve this version of the card for the executive level, those who hobnob among the elite, who need to make a certain type of impression on the too rich in order to convince them to donate well.
Because that's another thing this card reads, right there in plain English: a 9pt bold 'Daniel Rand', and under that, 'CEO'.
'What,' a little voice in Al's head wails semi-hysterically, 'the fuck?'
"Is this a joke?" Al asks out loud, vaguely surprised by how calm he sounds given the way the voice inside his head might be having a meltdown. "Am I on Candid Camera?"
But, no, wasn't he just thinking that this card is way too expensive - and thus definitely too expensive to be a prop?
"Hey, I know that one!" Danny Rand says cheerfully. "Joy and I used to watch it together!"
'Joy,' the voice in Al's head supplies. 'Joy Meachum.
'Well, at least this explains why he said he doesn't need money.
'Wait, why is he looking for a job in the first place? Is he not CEO? Did they kick him out or something? Did they disown him for wearing a hoodie with holes in it? Is that what he meant earlier when he said the thing he was doing before is over now?'
Al has never felt more rueful that he doesn't pay much attention to celebrity news.
"So," Al tries to find a way to word this that isn't 'have you been cut off or what?' "Why is Danny Rand looking for a job here?"
By "here", Al means a lot of things. This type of neighborhood, in general. Chinatown, out of all of them. At a low-wage position in a manual labor business with very little room for growth, if they're really getting into it.
"I like your name," Danny replies. It's far from the kind of answer that Al was expecting, but he finds himself unperturbed. Maybe he's hit a point where nothing is surprising anymore. "It reminds me of a friend. He was more of a Big Al than a Royal one, but I saw your logo and it seemed right."
(Al still pays Danny, because he refuses to be a shady business and because if he's finally getting around to setting up an employee system, he's needs to make it one that will work for anyone he might hire in the future, too. They won't all be Danny Rand. Danny keeps finding ways to immediately give it back, because he's literally a billionaire.)
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vlogsquadssquad · 4 years
Secure 2
summary: Charlie confesses his feelings and reader has to decide if that's what she wants, or if another guy has her *attention*
a/n: i’m honestly BLOWN away at part 1′s feedback. y'all really loved it so Ive been working on this all day, I hope its everything youve been waiting for! thank you to my new followers, ive been writing for a bit for fun and no one was reading my stories but after the reaction for the last story I was so motivated to write. I have A LOT more ideas and even an idea for a part 3 with smut and maybe even reader having to tell the boy she didn't choose the bad news, who knooowwsss. send me in suggestions! 
warnings: language, alluding to smut at the end.
mood board:
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my life has been the most fun lately. ive been hanging out with David and he really gets me to let loose. he's always trying to top his last video which is so fun to be a part of. even if we wait around the house all day. tonight im alone though. I told him I needed to get some writing down for the last song of my album. I want it to be about being happy with yourself and secure with who you are. that you don't need another person to define who you are. but im having trouble putting that into words that rhyme. maybe I should just see what David is up to.
- daveyy (:
hey, I know I said I was busy but my mind is too cluttered and im curious what the vlog squad is up to 😉 >
< hahaa nothing actually. im by myself at the house tonight. really boring. watching movies ive seen dozens of times.
oh no! your friends realize they were too cool for you? >
< probably lmao. what are you up to?
trying to finish this last song but I can't think straight >
hey would you wanna come over? its ok if you're too busy being alone watching 50 first dates lol >
< how'd you know? 😅 id love to. chipotle?
- end texts -
“hey, loser” I say as he walks in with our food and... is that ice cream? “wait, did you get ice cream?” 
“yeah, I got your favorite flavor!” he says with a smile. my heart aches at the kind gesture. “wow your house is so nice” he sets the food on my counter as he glances around. 
“thank you, im really into interior design... and nice houses” i joke as i examine the ice cream David got for me. he chuckles as he gets my food out of the bag and sets it up in my living room. I put on a movie to watch but we end up muting it and just talking instead. our conversations just seem to flow. “what's a memory that stands out to you from your childhood?” I ask him. “there's so many things,” he puts his arm around the back of my couch as we sit sideways to face each other. we finished eating forever ago. “probably just all of high school. I learned so much, from my friends and my teachers. nothing academically, obviously.” he laughs. I smile to him and run my fingers through my hair. he watches my movements and for a moment its quiet.
“I think you're really smart.” I say finally. “I love how you push me, you're always there for me, and you just come up with the best ideas. you're so creative.” 
“wow. what did I do to deserve your kindness?” he asks with a slight laugh.
“I can think of a few things.” our conversation became much lighter after that. after a while we went into my home studio and he helped me write. the night was filled with jokes and endless laughing but also had serious moments too. I shared very personal details about my life. but the best thing of all was that there was no camera in sight. it was just friends being friends. no clickbait. no underlying purpose for the long stay. it was perfect.
-- next day
“hey y/n could I come over and talk?” Charlie asked over the phone.
“sure, I don't have anything planned till tonight.”
“ok be there in 20.”
“what's the sudden emergency?” I ask as he walks in the door.
“there's just something I've been wanting to confess for a really long time and i’m not sure-”
“its ok Charlie, what is it?”
“I think I'm in love with you.”
my heart dropped. Im frozen in time. I don't need a relationship right now and I sure as hell can't lose my friendship with Charlie.
“I don't know what to say...”
“say you love me too!” he moves closer to me “I know you do! you always want to be around me, have me close to you, we talk all night. I know you feel it.”
I look at him with a blank expression.
“I honestly don't. I've never thought of you that way, and I'm really enjoying being single. for once in my life I'm not letting the pressure of having someone on my arm get to me, I don't need this right now, I-”
“what..? y/n. don't do this.”
“I'm not doing anything it's just the truth.” I look to the ground as his eyes fill with tears. “I think you should go.” I say.
-- DAVIDS POV, that night
- y/n/n 😋
you're still coming to my party tonight right? >
< I wouldn't miss it! so proud of you! ❤️
tonight was my party to celebrate my new show. I haven't told the fans yet but this vlog will be my announcement. we start filming for it on Monday and I've never been more excited. its exactly what I've been dreaming of all my life.
the party started to kick off and all my friends slowly started showing up. Charlie was going to perform his unreleased song tonight and everyone was already talking about it. 
“hey have you heard anything from y/n and Charlie? are they dating?” Ilya comes up and whispers to me.
“no man, I haven't heard anything. I was with y/n all night last night and I wasn't exactly begging her to give me details but we did talk for hours about random stuff and she never brought him up or texted anyone. I don't know they might not be.” I say with hope shining through the cracks of my voice.
“I can just ask Charlie?” Ilya offers. he's such a good friend when it matters.
I nod and then head to get something to drink. y/n still wasn't here and I was getting antsy.
just then I hear Natalie let someone in. I peak around the corner and see y/n. she looks drop dead gorgeous. i’ve never seen her dressed up like that. I think she saw right through me and asked if she had something on her face. 
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“no, no, I just have never seen you dressed like that. you look great.” I look to the floor. no way she and Charlie aren't an item. they both love music and they're both flawless people. they're a match made in heaven. 
“well, thank you, cowboy.” she says in a funny southern accent. she was so weird. she came in for a hug and she smelled exactly like when I first met her. I put my hand on the small of her back and for a split second I felt her push more into me. 
“so where can I get a drink?” she asked as we pulled apart.
“a drink?” I ask
“yes, i’ve had a bizarre day and I need a drink.”
Im about to ask her what she means when I hear Charlie from behind me 
“hey, babe, you're late.” he says to y/n as he pulls her into a hug. she almost looks uncomfortable. “hey Charles, how are you?” 
“i’m great, i’ve had several drinks and im thinking much clearly-er now”
“I can smell that” she chuckles
I hand her her favorite drink and ask her if she finished the song. after a short conversation Charlie pulls her to the couch where some other friends are doing karaoke. she's basically sitting on his lap and laughing. I grab my camera and record a little outside trying to not think about it.
I honestly think drunk Charlie has forgotten about our conversation from earlier. which i’m relieved because sometimes I just need good ol Charlie and not this new one that was in love with me. sure he's a little touchy but we were always close like that. 
“alright I promised David I would perform an unreleased song tonight. come on I want you to hear it.” he grabs my hand pulls me up. I have a gut feeling I don't want to be here for it.
David set up the mic outside and everyone found a seat. David sat next to me with camera in hand. 
“alright alright” Charlie starts. “hopefully I don't forget the lyrics since i’m a little buzzed.” the audience laughed. “but this song means a lot to me, and I wrote it with someone in mind. someone who has changed my life for the better and made me a better man.”
oh god, please don't say my name 
“y/n. you are everything to me. I wouldn't be able to be who I am today without you.”
everyone looks to me as the music starts. a love song. i place my head in my hands and David nudges me. “you ok?” he whispers.
“can you please get me out of here?” he nods his head and stands up. Charlie is looking down at his guitar lost in his music. I feel bad leaving but how could he not take no as an answer? I follow David out the door and my head is down in shame. he closes the patio door and turns to me. “what is going on? I thought you guys were dating?” 
“oh god, not you too.” I groan. “just please I need to be anywhere but here right now. fast.”
“okay. let’s go.”
we go to his garage and he looks at me. 
“you said fast!” he shrugs as he opens the passenger Ferrari door for me. I laugh with my head thrown back “true. but im going to need a jacket or blanket.”
“here, use mine.” he took off his hoodie and handed it to me. I hopped in the car and we were off.
“anywhere in mind?” he asks as we pull out of the neighborhood.
“nope,” I smile. “im kinda hungry though”
“alright,” he turns the car at the light. “then we’re gonna make this worth our while. I know an overly expensive place with great burgers.” 
I laugh at him as my hair blows in the wind “yes! lets spend all your money!” I lift my arms and scream. David just laughs at me. we speed down the highways. ive never felt so free. 
we finally arrive to the place and get seated.
“so do you wanna tell me why we left my party now?”
“i’m sorry by the way. I didn't mean to drag you from your party but...” I look down and pick at my napkin “Charlie confessed his feelings for me this afternoon.” David looked at me confused. 
“isn't that a good thing?” he asked.
“not if I don't feel the same way.” I sigh and David looks surprised. “I was very clear about my feelings- or lack of. but he had been hitting on me all night and then the song. I know he was drunk but im really worried for my friendship with him.” 
“I can't believe my ears.” he said almost laughing. “you, y/f/n, don't like the guy who seems like he was sent down from the heavens for you?” 
“nope. he just isn't my type I guess, I don't know. I never really thought of him that way and I don't want to.”
“wow, no one will be up to your standards will they?” David laughs as he takes a drink.
“the right guy will be.”
perfect timing. the waitress comes over with our food. we thank her and get eating. he was right. best. burgers. ever! 
I moan as I take another bite.
David looks me up and down with his cheeks full of burger and chuckles. “okay, y/n, calm down. it isn't no Charlie puth.”
I gasp and throw a fry at him playfully, laughing. “no... no it is not!” we both laugh harder. as we finish up David pays despite my best efforts and we head to my house so he can drop me off. the car ride was fun, we listened to all the hits and sang our hearts out. we got tons of funny looks, but nothing mattered. I grabbed his vlog camera he threw to the side and recorded him singing and then popped myself into frame and had the camera aimed at both of us. our hair was crazy and the night was wearing down on us but it didn't matter. we were just happy to be alive. 
as we pulled into my driveway and David put the car in park, I looked to him. “you wanna walk me to my door?” 
“already on it.”
he came around and opened the car door for me and walked me up to my door. 
“thank you for tonight. it was like out of a movie. I really needed it.” I was talking softly now since it was the dead of the night and the only thing heard was the crickets. 
“anytime, y/n.” David also said softly. he kept looking to my lips which made my heart beat faster every time. I know I said I didn't need a guy, but he just looks too good. 
“and congrats on your show, I'm really proud of you.” I step closer. 
“thank you, congrats on staying single another night.” he joked but had his hands gently placed on my forearm. 
“its still early.” I whisper closer to his face now. I can feel his breath and he can feel mine. my heart is going a million beats a minute and the butterflies in my stomach are in a tornado.
“I can't write a song about you, but I can buy you more expensive burgers.”
I laugh leaning my head on his shoulder. “that's all a girl needs anyways.”
he laughs too but gently. I look up at him and his eyes are locked on mine. he places a hand on my cheek and then lower to my neck. I take a sharp breath in and connect our lips. his lips are soft, sweet, and gentle. I pull my arms up around his neck and deepen the kiss. I feel his hands slide down my back to just above my ass. I move my head to the side and open my mouth gently. he knows what to do and opens his mouth too. I feel his tongue dominate my mouth. he retracts and I close my mouth only to bite his bottom lip and then pull away. I let go and we put our foreheads together breathing heavily. 
“I could do that again.” he says.
“wanna come inside?” I whisper, my hands now playing with his hairs at the end of his neck.
“best party ever.” he laughs and I pull him inside. I don't know what im supposed to tell Charlie. the heart wants what it wants?
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timefirewrites · 4 years
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Taglist (ask to be added/removed): @black-lakritz-dragon​​ @marewriteblr​​ @spacetimewraithwrites​ @emmaschoutenwrites​
ID under the cut would’ve prefered to put it here, but the post is already super long, sorry
[ID: thirteen google presentation slides, all written in the font comic sans, black text on a white background.
1. Title: “Gay Space Pirates", subtitle: “thats it thats the story”
2. Title: “What.” Text:
Okay so, everyone is queer
Literally, there’s not a single cishet character in this story
I’m not sorry <3
Most of the cast are non-humans, but the ones that aren’t are super diverse
Transfem muslim gal, intersex nerd with vitiligo, nonbinary overweight dumbass, I’ve got them all
There are also some disabled and mute characters
Oh, also they’re all neurodivergent because I said so
3. Title: “Setting!”, Text:
So, humans discovered aliens are real
and joined their Intergalactic Union
(which is definitely not evil)
That happened about 300 years ago and humans are now vibing all over the galaxy
Sounds great, right?
Well, for most humans, sure, but the ones who had to stay behind on Earth because they couldn’t afford space travel don’t like it as much
The situation on Earth is kind of shitty, and some people want to leave
4. Title: “pLoT??”, Text:
Neb is one of those people
They got an amazing plan to “borrow” a spaceship and never look back
Problem: Neb didn’t account for a robot to suddenly accompany them
The plan kind of fails real bad, but in the end the two escape from Earth
And immediately get picked up by space pirates
Fortunately, they don’t get killed
Because those pirates could really use an extra pair of hands or two, for their biggest mission yet
Which is retrieving a weapon apparently powerful enough to destroy the universe before someone else does
Nobody knows what it actually looks like though
5. Title: “Neb”, Text:
Nonbinary, aro and ace (they/them)
has idiopathic hypersomnia (basically means they sleep a lot)
also chronic migraines
pretty impulsive and says what they think
has a hard time trusting others
dreamt of going to space for as long as they can remember
On the right side of this slide is a picrew image, showing a person with brown skin, dark brown eyes and black, curly hair. They’re wearing a red bandana as well as a torn yeans jacket and have multiple scars on their skin. The background is the nonbinary flag.
6. Title: “Ahdia”, Text:
Transfem, bigender and pan (she/they)
mechanic of the ship and the only one with a sense for fashion
happy go lucky and just overall fun to be around
pretty laid back, but would absolutely hunt you down if you hurt one of her friends
proud holder of the single brain cell this crew has
On the right side is an image as well, it shows a woman with fairer, but still brownish skin and brown eyes wearing a black hijab and a long-sleeved light blue shirt with clouds on it. The background is the trans flag.
7. Title: “Cap”, Text:
intersex, queer (they/them)
First time they show up, they’re holding a soda and pizza
likes organization in theory
wants to appear like a badass, but is too chaotic for that
needs to wear glasses, but doesn’t bother
Captain of the crew that picks Neb up
certified mess
Again, an image of the right shows a person, this time with dark brown skin and vitiligo, dark brown eyes and long, black dread-locks. They have some silver piercings in their ears and wear a dark purple hoodie. The background is the rainbow flag with the brown stripes on top.
The next three slides feature two columns each, each with an own title.
Title: “Com”, Text:
AI of the ship
shy and nervous mess
wants to visit all kinds of planets
loves taking care of plants
panromantic and ace
uses she/her, but doesn’t really care about gender
spends most of her time watching trashy romance movies
Title: “Coal”, Text:
The robot Neb befriended
Realized they were self-aware not even a day ago and already got anxiety
easily overwhelmed by everything
Has no idea what to do with themself
someone tells them knitting is a thing and they never do anything else ever again
Title: “Laser”, Text:
genderfluid, uses he/him or she/her
weapon specialist and tired of it
suffers from chronic neurogenic pain
speaks in a very monotone voice
writes poetry, but nobody is allowed to read it
canonically wears crocs
Title: “Lifo”, Text:
gender? no thanks (uses fel/fels pronouns)
tiny, but deadly
lost an arm and half a leg and replaced them with robotic parts (same for fels spine)
usually very loud, but can be completely silent if fel wants
cook of the ship
loves collecting trinkets
Title: “Nova”, Text:
He’s absolutely enormous, huge, colossal and every other synonym for really big you can think of
looks like he can kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll
licensed medic and mom friend of the crew
I lied when I said Ahida is the only one with a brain cell, Nova knows what he’s doing too
loves painting
Title: “Mer”, Text:
Don’t tell anyone I said this, but Mer is my favorite
if the name wasn’t clear enough, his species is aquatic
he’s beauty, he’s grace, he’ll punch you in the face
killed a man and will do so again
don’t cross him, he will get his revenge and you will regret your actions
seems like he has everything under control, but really doesn’t
11. Title: “some of my favorite lines”, Text (in no particular order):
“What’s up with your display?” Their voice sounded more steady now, which was good. 
“I do not understand.” Their voice on the other hand just sounded confused. 
“Oh, right. You probably can’t see it. You’re currently displaying an error message. Which just reads ‘error’. Not very helpful.” 
“Fuck. I didn’t deactivate it.”
“We could just go in and race to the top.” 
“What? No. Why would we do that? We can’t afford to get caught, we need to make a plan, Coal.” 
“You said you wanted an adventure. Plus, I do not think we could create a plan, seeing as we know next to nothing about its defence and security.” 
They said that because of them? They were just rambling earlier, not really thinking about it, just talking to fill the silence. 
“Okay. But if anything goes wrong, it’ll be your fault.”
“Uh, I don’t think so? Better not touch it, though.” As Lifo said that, Cap could see fel fighting against the desire to do just that. At least Com would be happy. 
Chapter 13 - they did surgery on a grape Neb
“Oh. I’m the ship. Nice to meet you?”
Whatever the hell was going on, they didn’t sign up for this.
“I am fine.” Perfectly fine. Mhm. 
Coal nodded, then just stood around? 
"You're outnumbered now! Coal agreed to watch Love On A Foreign Planet with me. So, uh, get moving, Fishsticks."
They settled on two things they were pretty sure were edible: a soda labeled “SpacePop: the best soda in the universe” with a “multiple sunsets on Madoras” flavor and some leftover pizza. (They were pretty sure Madoras didn’t exist, they never heard of that planet before. Maybe they shouldn’t drink that soda after all.)
“I’m Laser, my gender is a burning trash can and my pronouns depend entirely on the mercy of the universe.”
12. Title: “Homegrown memes”, this slide is filled with six different memes.
A windows error message, but the title and text is just screaming. The two options are “AAA” or “AAA”. It’s labeled “Coal”.
A photo of two people in wedding clothes. They’re labeled “Laser and Lifo”, in the background is a person falling from the sky, labeled “Com”.
Spiderman (labeled “Mer”) is holding a screen labeled “dealing with a breakup like a normal person”, in the next frame that screen is being thrown away as spiderman looks at a pc being held by someone else labeled as “commiting murder”.
A person is being kicked into a lake by someone else. They’re labeled “Coal trying to figure out what to do now that they’re self-aware”. The person kicking them is labeled “the plot”.
The “is this a pigeon” meme, but the guy is labeled as “Cap”, the butterfly as “wearing a hoodie and truly horrendous shorts” and the caption now says “is this formal dress attire?”.
The last meme is a chart, with five rows and two columns.
Row 1: Regularly says fuck: Coal, Lifo
Row 2: has sworn of saying fuck, but said it at some point: Cap, Neb
Row 3: has not said fuck before, but can if so desired: Laser, Ahdia, Mer
Row 4: has not said fuck before and refuses to say it: Com, Nova
Row 5: legally cannot say fuck: also Coal
13. This slide is an image of Earth as seen from space. Above it white text reads “the End”. /end ID]
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Somebody To You: 16
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Friendly reminder to please Like and/or Reblog. It helps more than you think! :)
Word Count: 4,322
Click Here For Previous Chapter & Other Completed Stories
PLEASE let me know what you think
Zoey never considered herself to be a city girl, but the longer she lived here, the more accustomed she became. Of course, there were perks she missed living in the suburbs. Yards, gardening, a better sense of security. She missed those nights where she could sit on her back porch, listen to the crickets chirping, and watch the lightning bugs dance around the lawn. Hearing the trees rustle in the darkness was a calm she could never quite replicate.
But city life was exciting. There was always something to do or something to see. People were on every corner and energies were always high. It was never boring. Downtown LA was bustling with people, especially for a Sunday afternoon. Andy had taken her on a little shopping spree after brunch. He said he wanted to buy a whole new wardrobe to ‘reinvent himself’. She hadn’t planned on buying anything, but he wasn’t having that. They stopped in a bunch of little boutiques, trying on all sorts of dresses, bathing suits, and shoes. There were so many hidden gems in the way of local small businesses in the area. And the store owners were always kind.
“I can’t wait to bring my sister out here one day,” Zoey held up a cute graphic tee, “Katie would love these shops.”
“Do you two talk a lot?” Andy asked.
Zoey re-folded the shirt and placed it back, “I try to, but not nearly enough. I miss her.”
“Didn’t you say you weren’t really close growing up?”
“Yeah. We didn’t start getting close until right before I moved. It made leaving harder. She’s getting ready to start college soon. I think my parents are starting to freak out a bit that she’s moving on campus. Empty nest syndrome.”
“Little bird’s gotta learn to fly,” Andy spoke, earning a nod from Zoey.
The two decided to grab some crepes to go and ate them on a bench, watching strangers pass them by on the street, catching up on all their work stories, and talking about how awkward her date was the other day. Nancy’s friend was nice, alright, but clearly hadn’t been in a relationship before and had no clue how to communicate with women. He had potential if he found someone with patience, but she just wasn’t prepared to baby someone at the moment. She recalled Harry getting a kick out of it when she told him about it, but Zoey just felt bad. She made sure to let him down gently.
Eventually, they got on the topic of Zoey’s birthday coming up in three days. She had already told Andy that she wanted to go to the beach, but he made it a point to remind her that it was a birthday, therefore they needed to celebrate all day. They discussed having dinner at a nice restaurant with all of her friends, bar hopping afterward, and ending the night with a karaoke club. She started to get excited, especially since she just bought the perfect outfit to wear.
“What about Brett? Is he invited, or are he and Rory not speaking?”
“I didn’t tell you?!” Zoey exclaimed, turning towards him and swallowing her mouthful of crepe, “he asked Rory out last night! They’re official.”
“No fucking way!” Andy exclaimed, covering his mouth, “Bitch! Imagine the babies they’d make!”
“Cute little foreign babies!” Zoey cooed, laughing. 
“Does Harry know about them yet?”
Zoey pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows, “I haven’t told him yet, so probably not.”
Andy went wide-eyed, an interested smirk stretching across his face, “Wonder how he’ll react when he finds out.” 
Zoey shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her food. She didn’t know. She was getting these weird mixed signals from Harry. He’s been back in England for a week now and even with the dramatic time difference, they’ve talked more this week than they did when he was on tour. She’d attribute that to him finally having some time off from work, but she knew that he’d been in the studio and had a few meetings, so even that wasn’t necessarily true.
But the increase in communication wasn’t what she was confused about. It’s the conversations themselves. At first, she thought Harry was handling the ‘Rory situation’ pretty well. He had confided in her that he wasn’t sure he wanted to be with her to begin with, which she had suspected. He had told Zoey about how his friends keep making jokes about how they think he likes her. At first, Zoey laughed it off. Her and Harry? That would never happen. She just simply wasn’t his type. And he made that very clear.
But then there would be moments. Subtle. But enough to catch her attention. A tone in his voice, an expression on his face, an extra-long silence where there didn’t need to be. Maybe she was reading into it after what he told her. Maybe she was reading into it because she secretly hoped it was true, which killed her. He was her best friend. She finally met someone whom she could be herself around without feeling uncomfortable. Someone she could confide in about anything and everything, and that meant even more to her now that Jess was gone. 
She didn’t want to jeopardize that by saying or acting on some stupid puppy love crush she had on Harry fucking Styles of all people. He doesn’t like her like that. And even if he did, how could they even attempt to make that work? Especially after he and Rory had a thing. What, so now they’re just swapping sexual partners? Even if Zoey was fine with her friend dating and sleeping with a fling of hers, it doesn’t mean that Aurora was. She couldn’t risk ruffling her roommate’s feathers. She didn’t want to lose her friendship or make things awkward at home, either. So, for now, she’d just keep her mouth shut while this little phase passes.
The two finished up eating when Andy checked his phone and suggested they start heading back to her place to get ready for work tonight. “Get ready? We’ve still got three hours before we have to leave!”
“Yes, but you need a shower and I want to show Nancy and Rory these clothes I got!” he shot back.
“Alright, alright! Fine!”
The ride back to the condo was like any other ride between the two friends: filled with painfully tone-deaf singing and dramatic dance. Nothing was out of the ordinary as the two rode the elevator to the twenty-second floor and discussed the predictions for the turnout at the bar tonight. Nothing seemed different as she punched her code into the front door and stepped inside. Except, instead of the typical scene she’d see, she walked in to see Nancy and Rory standing in the middle of the living room with huge smiles on their beautiful faces, surrounded by several large rolling luggage. One of which she noticed was her own.
“What are you doing?” Zoey asked them, turning to see Andy’s eager grin. Her eyes furrowed, confused, “What’s going on?”
“We’re taking you away for your birthday,” Nancy’s smile grew, stepping out from behind the luggage and walking towards her. Aurora followed closely behind.
“What? Where are we going?” Zoey asked, her heartbeat rising.
“That’s a surprise. ” Nancy grinned.
Zoey laughed skeptically, eyebrows raising, “This is a joke, right?” Everyone shook their head no and she asked, “What about work? What about Binx? Where are we going?”
Andy spoke up, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her into a hug, “I had our manager put in vacation time for us for almost a month now. We’ve had this planned for a while now.”
“And don’t worry about Binx. Brett’s going to watch him while we’re gone,” Aurora grinned, “We think we packed everything you’ll need, but if Nancy and I forgot anything, we’ll just get it while we’re there. Now come on! We need to go before we’re late!”
Overwhelmed, Zoey shoved the new clothes she just bought into her suitcase, double-checking her pockets to make sure she had her wallet and ID on her. Quickly, she grabbed a hoodie and they were off, making sure to grab Andy’s suitcase from his car before getting into Rory’s and heading to the airport. 
The whole way she was trying to make guesses as to where they were going, but none of them faltered. They had managed to get to the airport, check their luggage, and go through security with her being none the wiser. She wasn’t allowed to look at her ticket. Nancy was always beside her, holding onto Zoey’s documents and explaining to TSA agents and any airport employee they encountered that she was going on a surprise birthday trip, asking them to please not ruin it for her until they got to the gate. Most of them got a kick out of it. Finally, when they reached the gate, there, above the seating area, with Nancy recording her reaction, is where she found out where they were going.
Zoey gasped, her hands shooting up to her mouth and her legs giving out, she crumbled to the ground, tears forming in her eyes, “Rome?!” Her friends stood around her, laughing, smiling, and tearing up at her reaction. “You’re taking me to Rome?!”
Andy put a hand out for her, “You better get your ass up off this dirty-ass floor,” he choked, pulling her to her feet.
“Are you serious?” She repeated, holding onto him for support.
“You said you’ve always wanted to come here,” Aurora reminded her, wrapping her arms around her friend, “You deserve it.”
Nancy came over and they all had a group hug, onlookers staring at them with smiles on their faces when they realized what was going on. “You guys, this is crazy!” Zoey laughed, wiping the tears that ran down her cheeks.
“Well, it’s a long flight. A little over seventeen hours,” Nancy warned her, “and because of the time difference, we technically won’t be arriving until tomorrow night around 5 PM. But we made sure to bring a bunch of snacks and games to play while we’re on board.”
“And bitch, we’re in first class!” Andy squealed, jumping up and down.
Zoey’s eyes widened, her mouth dropping again as she processed everything that was going on. “How the hell did you guys manage all of this? I have a passport? How did you get me a passport? Does Harry know about this? He had something to do with this, didn’t he?”
“We had help to get your passport,” Aurora admitted, “We had to snoop and call your parents to get all of your documents.”
“My parents know I’m going to Italy?!”
“And I’m a little offended you think Harry must have had some involvement in this! What, we couldn’t do this for you on our own?” Nancy feigned disappointment.
“No, I’m sorry, I just-”
“I’m kidding. He totally planned this,” Nancy laughed, “It was his idea to do this. We all just helped make it happen.”
“You guys!” Zoey smiled, pulling them into another long hug before they found a few empty seats in the corner of the seating area before they got ready to board. Zoey took the opportunity to Facetime Harry. It must have been a little before midnight, but she could bet that he’d still answer. And just like she suspected, the screen enlarged just in time to see the dark surrounding of Harry’s room illuminate when he switched on the lamp on his side table. 
He rubbed his eyes and squinted. When he saw the expression on Zoey’s face, his mouth stretched in a smile, “Surprised?” he asked.
Zoey shook her head, there was no hiding her grin, “How could you keep this a secret?”
“Because of that look, right there,” Harry pointed at her face, through the screen.
Nancy leaned over Zoey’s shoulder, “I’ll send you her reaction. It was amazing!”
“You’re going to be there, right?” Zoey asked, her eyes hopeful.
Harry nodded, “Yeah, I head out in the morning. It’s a short flight for me. I’ll be there before you land.”
“Okay. I’ll let you get some sleep then. I’ll see you tomorrow!” she grinned.
“Safe travels,” Harry smiled.
Just before he could end the call she managed to say, “Oh, and Harry? Thank you.”
Harry nodded, winking before the call went blank. It was hard for him to sleep after that. He was too excited. She still had no clue what was to come.
Nancy wasn’t kidding. The flight was long. Excruciatingly long. Even in first class, it was hard to get comfortable. Her legs felt like jello and she had no feeling in her butt anymore. Her neck was so stiff that it was hard to move it. She had read an entire novel by the end of the first half of the flight, and she and Andy had gotten bored of playing cards. There was nothing else to do but sleep.
And sleep, she did. Until the discomfort of depressurization in the cabin made her ears painfully pop and woke her from her sleep. She looked out of the window to see a large city in the distance, slowly coming closer and closer. A chime throughout the airplane sounded, waking Andy beside her, and the pilot’s voice had announced their descent into Rome, followed up by a few other languages. 
Quickly, Zoey’s exhaustion was replaced with exhilaration, excitedly staring out the window as the plane collided with cement and sped down the runway towards their gate. They couldn’t get off fast enough. She thanked the pilots and the flight attendants on the way out, skipping down the hallways with her friends, grabbing their bags, and heading out to the car rental lot to pick up an SUV for the weekend, which Aurora gladly drove, as she was used to European roads, having traveled to Italy a few times before.
The air in Italy was different. Cleaner. Less pollutant. It had a faint smell of lemon and roasted coffee that felt so dreamy. Rory plugged their destination into the GPS and Zoey pressed her nose against the window, staring out at the scene. The architecture was grand. Old. Historical. Beautiful. Her heart skipped a beat whenever she recognized something from the endless hours of research she had done on the history of Rome. She was simply mesmerized. 
They rode for twenty minutes as the sun began to cast a golden glow across the sky, still brightly illuminating the streets below, the streets lined with tall cypress trees and stone walls that separated property lines from large estates to which you could barely see from the road when they finally pulled up to a grand, cast-iron gate. Zoey watched as Rory looked at her phone, punched a code into the call box, and the gate slowly started to open. 
As soon as they pulled into the white gravel driveway, they noticed the vineyard that stretched the length of the grounds on either side of the driveway that separated them leading up to a huge water feature that sat in the center of the wraparound drive situated in front of a massive seven thousand square foot elegant Italian villa. 
“Holy shit,” they all muttered, clamoring out of the car and gawking up at the building. 
“This whole thing is ours for a week?” Andy exclaimed, dumbstruck.
“That’s what Harry said,” Aurora said, opening the trunk door.
One by one they began to pull their luggage out when a whistle caught their attention. They turned to see Harry standing barefoot on the stone landing wearing wool cream-colored pants, a white tank top with an unbuttoned white short sleeve shirt over top, and yellow sunglasses. His arms were outstretched and he smiled, shouting, “Finally! Took you long enough.”
The four of them ran up, dropping their bags to give him a huge hug, shouting out various greetings and shouts of thanks.
He turned to Zoey, grabbing the handle of her suitcase with one hand and wrapping an arm around her shoulder with the other. Her heart fluttered at his touch. He looked and smelled different in Italy. It suited him. Harry’s arm pressed down on the end of his ponytail as he pulled Zoey closer to him and he said aloud, “Now, we are going to make this the best week of your life. But to do that, we have one other surprise for you. So if you’d be so kind as to follow me inside…”
“...What is going on?” Zoey asked, suspiciously following the singer with her friends behind her, Nancy, again, filming her reaction.
Harry grinned as he took her hand, leading her into the home. Everyone took in the scene, gaze scanning the beautiful Tuscan terracotta flooring up the Venetian plastered walls lined with beautiful Italian paintings and artwork and the elegant staircase with wrought iron railing. He noticed she took a deep breath and turned to him.
“Is that food? Are you cooking us dinner?” Zoey asked.
Harry had them stop just before entering what she could see was the kitchen and said, “Well, it’s funny you should mention that. Yes, I’m cooking. But I had a little help. You can come out!” he shouted.
And he watched Zoey’s face change from confusion to absolute shock as she screamed, letting go of his hand and running to her little sister. “Oh my God, Katie!” she screamed, pulling her little sister into a tight embrace, both of them beginning to cry as they looked each other up and down and wiped each other’s tears, muttering incoherent words of sentiment to each other. 
Harry knew how much Katie meant to her, but to see it firsthand almost felt like a privilege. And to think, he almost didn’t think to invite her. She only just turned eighteen. It took a lot of convincing for her parents to let her go. He had offered to pay for the entire trip, but her parents didn’t care about that. He had to Facetime and call them several times, promise to keep them updated at every point of the trip, make sure Katie called them every night before bed, send a general itinerary of the week's events, and give emergency numbers to all in attendance, which everyone was glad to give. He picked Katie up from the airport himself, arriving only two hours before the rest of them.
“You knew, too?” Zoey breathed, finally pulling away from her little sister, her words shaking along with her hands as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. 
Harry felt a lump in his throat begin to rise as soon as he noticed Zoey’s chin quivering from the emotions and Katie nodded, explaining everything that Harry had done. 
Zoey shook her head, overwhelmed, and took a deep breath, motioning towards her friends. “Have you met these guys yet, then?” When Katie shook her head again, she introduced the three, “This is Andy. He’s my amazing friend and coworker. And these two are my roommates. Nancy and Rory.”
The three of them pulled the shy Katie away from her older sister, giving her hugs and showering her with compliments while Zoey turned her attention to Harry. He noticed her red, puffy eyes and grinned, pulling her into a tight hug that she could sink into. It’s only been a little over a week, but it could have been longer for all he knew. Facetime was hardly enough. 
When Zoey pulled away, she walked back over to her little sister, running a hand through her sister’s long brown hair and smiling. Seeing them side-by-side he could see the similarities in their features if he looked hard enough. 
“Alright,” Harry announced, “We have about fifteen minutes until dinner is done, so how about a quick tour of the villa while we wait?” Everyone cheered words of approval, grabbing their bags and following Harry as he walked through the house, “There are seven bedrooms here and a few convertible offices, so everyone gets their own bedroom with more to spare. There are three bedrooms on this floor and four more upstairs. Katie already claimed her bedroom down here. Nice choice, might I add,” he winked at Katie who held onto Zoey’s arm as they peaked into Katie’s room which overlooked the vineyard. “I left the master bedroom upstairs for Zoey since it’s her birthday week. I also picked a room upstairs, so everything else is up for grabs.”
As they roamed throughout the house, everyone began picking rooms. Andy had picked a bedroom adjacent to Katie that had a walkout to the oversized Mediterranean terrace that housed an outdoor seating area with a firepit and a grapevine covered trellis with hanging outdoor chandeliers overtop of a long outdoor dining table, while Aurora and Nancy picked the last two bedrooms upstairs with Harry and Zoey, leaving their bags in their rooms before visiting the two large living rooms, the library, formal dining room, chef’s kitchen, and more. Finally, dinner was ready. Everyone helped take plates, utensils, and glassware out to the table on the back terrace while Harry carefully brought out the large serving plate filled with Chicken Tetrazzini and two bottles of wine tucked in his arms.
They each filled up their plates as Harry passed the wine around. “You’re legal to drink here,” Zoey grinned, filling up her sister’s glass.
“Oooh! You’re going to have so much fun while you’re here!” Andy cooed, smirking at Katie. “Don’t tell your mama on us!”
“Definitely not!” Katie assured her, taking her first sip of wine, and smiling.
Dinner was wonderful, and the view made it even better as the sun began to set. The villa sat up on a hill, overlooking miles and miles of beautiful land with an abundance of pine, fig, cherry, pear, and apple trees. The pool sat yards away with lounge chairs surrounding it. She couldn’t have dreamt up a more beautiful place if she tried.
After dinner, Harry made up a fire in the firepit and everyone sat around with their glass of wine, laughing and enjoying each other's company. One by one they began dropping like flies, heading inside to take a shower or get some rest until there were three left. Harry sat with his back against the view of the yard while Zoey sat opposite him, Katies’ head resting on her lap, sleeping, as her big sister braided and unbraided her hair. 
Harry grinned adoringly, “You’re not what I expected.”
Zoey snorted, looking up from her sister, “What does that mean?”
He shifted in his seat, cocking his head to the side, her face illuminating in the reflection of the dancing flames, “Well, you’re a bartender. And for some reason, whenever I think of a bartender, I think of a badass, tattoo-covered, wild child, tough girl. And I don’t mean to stereotype, but you’re nothing like that. I mean, yeah you can handle yourself. But you’ve got no tattoos, you’re so sweet, and you’re almost like the mom of the group, always making sure everyone else is happy first.”
“I think most bartenders are like me, we just have to put on a tough act in front of customers so they take us seriously,” Zoey said before grinning, “And I do have tattoos.”
Harry’s eyebrows furrowed, “You do? Where?”
She winked, taking a sip of her wine, “Don’t worry about it.”
His mouth dropped, inadvertently scanning her, wondering where her tattoos could be hidden and what on earth they could even be. He hadn’t pegged her for the type to even have a tattoo, let alone in a suggestive spot. 
He watched as Zoey raised her wine glass to her lips once more, taking the smallest sip. The way that the light illuminated her features gave her a romantic and sultry glow, hitting the highs of her cheekbone and accentuating the shadows and curves of her collarbone. He decided he’d had enough wine and would end it there for the night. 
“We should get to bed before jetlag gets us,” Harry suggested.
Zoey nodded in agreement, lightly shaking her sister awake. Harry put out the fire and reminded Katie to send her parents a quick text as they sent her off to bed and the two began to climb the steps, his arm over her shoulders, turning off lights along the way, passing Nancy and Aurora’s room before reaching Harry’s next. They stopped for a moment as he backed up to his door, slowly dragging his arm off of her shoulders. Apart of him wanted to invite her in. He didn’t want the night to end, he wanted to stay up for a few more hours and talk. He still had so much he wanted to tell her. But the more he looked at her, the more he heard his friends taunting him in the back of his mind. ‘You love her’ ‘You’re blind’ ‘By the end of this trip you’ll realize it.’ They weren’t right. He couldn’t let them be right. 
“Night,” he grinned, opening his door.
Zoey’s expression looked uncertain for a moment, hesitating which caused Harry to freeze, almost in a panic, before she blinked and smiled, looking up at him, “Night. See you in the morning.”
He watched as she disappeared into her room, closing the door behind her, achingly wondering what she was thinking about.
Zoey leaned her back against the closed door, closing her eyes tightly and sighing before standing up straight and flipping her suitcase open, pulling out the contents and placing her clothes in the proper drawer or hanging them in the closet before putting her toiletries away in her en suite. Anything to distract herself from the absolute embarrassment she almost just made of herself. How much wine did she drink to think that it might be okay to kiss him?
Taglist for Somebody To You:
@thurhomish , @stilljosiegrossie , @odetostep , @apples2019 , @stylesmioamore
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jlalafics · 4 years
Could you write some lesbian!Everlark please?🥺
Anon, I really enjoyed writing this. I hope you enjoy reading.
Summary: Peeta Mellark has an instant connection with a savior in scrubs. 
“You can shut off the lights now.”
Delly Cartwright, Peeta’s friend and business manager, looked to her and gave a sympathetic smile.
“You did well for a new business owner, Peeta,” she continued. Gathering some of the go-backs, Delly started to head over to the racks. “You opened a record shop. It wasn’t exactly going to be busy every day, but from a business standpoint, you did well for your first week.”
Peeta gathered her golden locks into a ponytail and took the broom next to her to sweep up.
“I guess you’re right,” Peeta replied.
She had fair sales for her opening week; it had always been her dream to open a shop of her own and her love for vinyls clinched her decision to open a record store. There was hope of expanding to a used bookstore, but it seemed that it would be awhile before that would happen.
“Don’t you have a husband to get home to?” Peeta asked her friend. “Thom must be annoyed that you’re spending all your time with me.”
“Thom wouldn’t have a full-service coffee bar if it weren’t for his wife’s business savvy,” Delly retorted. She pushed herself onto the wood counter. “He can sacrifice time so I can help out one of my best friends.”
“Really though.” Returning the broom to its place, Peeta met her friend’s light eyes. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” Suddenly, Delly’s mouth formed into a smirk. “I mean it wouldn’t hurt if you had a partner to support and help you out. I met this great girl at Thom’s bar—”
“You know what—” Peeta lifted her petite friend off the counter easily, placing her by the front door. “—I think you should go home. You’re obviously exhausted.”
“You win this round, Mellark,” Delly declared with a chuckle. “We’ll see you for Sunday brunch at our place.”
Stepping out, Peeta watched her friend get into her car and drive off before walking back into the store.
Sighing, she let herself admit that she was lonely.
It had been two years since her last relationship and about six months since her last date. Her brothers were both in long-term relationships; Dean, her eldest brother, married to Olivia, his college girlfriend, with two kids and one on the way while Rye, the middle child, engaged to Johanna, one of Peeta’s closest friends and her former roommate.
While she, the youngest and only girl, was still single.
Peeta wasn’t looking for just anyone.
Whoever she was had to be more.
So, for the time being, she would just have to focus on getting the store up and running.
Locking up the store, Peeta buttoned her rust peacoat and headed towards her bus stop. Her place was fifteen minutes away—just a few blocks—but the fall season had caused the city to go dark once it hit six in the evening.
“Hey girl!”
The group of guys from the bar across the street called out. There were a few catcalls and she ignored it, speeding up her pace towards the bus stop at the end of the block. Her heart stuttered in nervousness as she heard the footfalls heading towards her.
Suddenly, one of the guys was standing in front of her. “Where you heading, sweetheart?”
Peeta didn’t reply, only taking in a description of the guy…mid-twenties, dark beard, medium height, sharp dark eyes wearing a grey hoodie, black tank, and dark jeans.
So, basically any random guy.
Dean was a cop and he had always taught her what to do if she was in a situation like this. However, it didn’t seem to be helping as she found herself surrounded by the rest of the group.
So, Peeta went for Rye’s method and fully rushed at the guy in front of her, trying to knee him in the groin.
He pushed her and Peeta was knocked down, the back of her head hitting the concrete.
There was the pain of impact…and then darkness.
“Miss Mellark…can you open your eyes?” Peeta blinked, her vision blurred and the white light causing her eyes to close again. “Take your time.”
She followed the kind voice, allowing herself to adjust before opening her eyes once more.
“There you go,” the voice said gently. “You gave us a scare when you came in.”
Her vision cleared and the warmest set of eyes greeted her. Almond-shaped and dove grey, the eyes were set in a heart-shaped face along with a pert nose and rose lips, her skin was a soft olive and her raven hair was tied back in a neat braid.
“Where am I?” she asked as the bed was slowly elevated.
“You are in the hospital,” the woman in the blue scrubs informed her. “My name is Katniss and I’m your nurse. You were mugged; the perp got your credit cards but left the rest of your wallet since there wasn’t any money. Can you tell me your name?”
“Peeta. Peeta Mellark.”
Katniss looked at her in confusion. “Your ID says Pieta Mellark.”
“When I was born, my parents tried to teach my brother Rye how to say me name properly, Pee-et-ta, but he couldn’t get it and kept pronouncing my name as Pee-ta. So, it kind of stuck.”
The nurse chuckled. “I like both your names.” Katniss looked over her chart and then to her. “We’re just making sure that you’re CT scan comes out clean and then we can release you. Do you have anyone that we can call? Your family?”
“I don’t want to worry my parents and they’re an hour away, and my brothers have families,” she explained. “Once I’m released, I’ll just head on home.”
“Your name fits you,” Katniss remarked. “Pieta means compassion. A lot of people would milk themselves getting injured, but not you. You’re more concerned about everyone else around you.”
“Give me a day or two and I’ll be at home, feeling sorry for myself,” Peeta replied. “Your name is a plant.”
The nurse grinned. “How did you know?”
“When we were all kids, my parents took us camping,” she explained. “And my Dad told me that if for some reason, I got lost in the woods then I just needed to find you to survive.”
Katniss blushed, her cheeks flooding with color, and Peeta found herself breathless in the prettiness of it all.
“I suppose that could also apply to non-camping situations,” Katniss responded. “Get some rest, Peeta, and I’ll check up on your results.”
“I’m really alright, Haymitch,” Peeta assured her business partner on the phone. “They kept me overnight for observation, but they didn’t see anything in the CT scan.”
“We should install cameras in the front,” the man insisted. “You could’ve been killed or assaulted!”
“Well, they checked if there was any trauma down there and everything seemed right as rain,” she assured him. “My vagina is perfectly intact.”
There was a cough and she turned to see Katniss standing before, a black bomber jacket over her scrubs and her hair down in long waves.
“I really didn’t need to hear that,” the man muttered. “Just call me when you get home, okay? Also, get an Uber and put it on our business credit card.”
“Ah…you should probably call about that,” Peeta replied. “Some of my credit cards are missing.”
“I’m right on it,” Haymitch responded. “Go home and get some rest. I’ll open the store tomorrow.”
“Thanks.” Hanging up, Peeta stuffed her phone into her jean pocket before turning to the woman. “Getting off?”
Katniss looked to her in confusion. “Excuse me?”
“Work. You off from your shift?”
The blush invaded her lovely face and she nodded quickly. “Oh yeah! Just heading out. How about you?”
“Yeah, just needed to check in with Haymitch, my partner,” Peeta explained.
“Oh.” Katniss’ expression dropped. “Why wouldn’t your boyfriend pick you up?”
Peeta snorted at the idea. “Haymitch is my business partner.” She looked to the woman beside her. “You heading home to your boyfriend?”
The woman shook her head. “I’ve got some leftover pasta and A Walk to Remember on Netflix, but that’s about it.”
“Would you want to join me for a cup of coffee?” Peeta found herself asking. “Thom, my best friend’s husband owns a coffee shop a few blocks down. It will be on me—or on Delly, my best friend—your coffee, I mean…”
Shit, Peeta was going about this all wrong. She didn’t even know if Katniss was into girls.
Her head snapped up at Katniss’ response and Peeta smiled. “Okay.”
They headed onto the sidewalk in front of the hospital. It was a beautiful morning, chilled but brimming with potential to be a gorgeous day of clear skies and temperate weather.
“How long have you been a nurse?” Peeta asked as they headed down towards Thom’s coffee bar.
“About three years,” Katniss said. “Got this job right out of school. My mom was head nurse at the hospital before retiring a few years ago and I guess nepotism worked in my favor. I might actually be a really crappy nurse.”
“No, you definitely aren’t,” Peeta argued. “You have a natural empathy.”
“How so?”
“When I woke up, I was scared as hell,” she told the woman next to her. They stopped at the crosswalk and Peeta met Katniss’ gaze. “But, when I heard your voice, I knew that I would be okay. You made me feel safe.”
“That’s a lot to put on a girl,” Katniss said quietly. “But I’m glad that I could help.”
Their eyes met and it was like a magnetic force that Peeta found her hand tucking back a tendril of Katniss’ hair behind her ear. Her fingers lingered, feeling the softness of her dark waves and Katniss’ breath caught at the gesture.
Her hand covered Peeta’s and the sensation drew a sharp gasp from Peeta’s mouth.
It had been a long time since she had felt like this.
Stepping towards Katniss, she waited to see if the woman would retreat.
However, Katniss remained still, her mouth parted and her eyelids going half-lidded as Peeta close the space between.
The kiss was careful, her mouth slanting over Katniss’ gently. The feeling of her soft lips caused a groan to draw up from the pit of Peeta’s stomach and escape between their mouths.
It was scary but exhilarating all at once and Peeta never wanted to let her go.
However, Katniss hummed against her lips and reluctantly she pulled away.
“I probably wasn’t supposed to do that,” Peeta told her.
Katniss looked disappointed. “Oh, okay.”
“I mean not without taking you out on a date first.”
Katniss let out a relieved laugh. “Well, we just cut out the needless tension of the first kiss, didn’t we?”
“I guess so,” Peeta replied, taking her hand. “So…”
‘…would like to stay indefinitely?’
“Would you like to have coffee first and then dinner later?”
“And, between then?” Katniss asked, her thumb caressing the top of Peeta’s hand.
“Whatever we want, I have all day.”
I have forever for you.
“Okay.” Katniss beamed. “Let’s start with the coffee.”
 *I have more, but I wanted to keep this short and sweet. Let me know if you’re interested in more.
Pieta or pietà means compassion or pity in Italian. The word is most known for the Christian art depicting the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus, mostly in sculpture.
Thanks for reading.
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twisted-lies · 4 years
hi kokichi! id appreciate a kin match up! i’m adding this after i’ve written the whole thing, and it turned out a lot longer than i’d plan. if this is too much for you let me know and i’ll shorten it as needed! thanks for running this blog, and i hope your day - evening - night is going wonderfully.
i have a light and cheerful personality. i’m also shy, so i mainly speak when spoken to. ive had the same group of friends for as long as i can remember. i can’t say we’ve gotten so close we know everything about each other anything like that, but when i’m with them it’s just a comfortable place i can relax. my position in the group would be the ‘baby’ of the group. i don’t really like being called a baby, but i can’t think of a better term for that haha. but, everyone in the group is very nice to me. i get a lot of physical affection from everyone there, and they’ll buy me pretty much anything. of course, i’ll attempt to return the favor when i can. but not having much money myself, i’ll usually make them something. i’m messy with most things, so it doesn’t turn out as good as i’d like it most the time but they still seem to appreciate it.
outside of that group, i consider myself pretty friendly. i invite girls i think would have fun with us to join our group outings, as well as people i think just need a friend. it isn’t uncommon for me to get denied though, and i’ll continue trying unless they told me to stop asking all together. besides that, i get overwhelmed in social situations easily if im not the one leading them. i can also be really emotional, i don’t handle yelling well and failure of doing anything is really overwhelming for me. i find crying in front of other embarrassing, but it’s not uncommon for me to do that.
i have pretty negative sides to me though. i can occasionally be kind of manipulative and spoiled. i love getting gifts, it makes me feel like someone really cares about me. i keep every gift i get and i kind of hoard them. but, if there’s something i’ve had my eye on for a while that’s where i can be manipulative. most people would do anything for me if i act nice to them or smile at them, sometimes people feel bad after seeing me cry. as a result they’ll usually buy me a gift out of pity, appreciation, even sometimes just to get me away from them. of course, i appreciate these gifts all the same but every time i look at them i feel guilty. this is usually when i’ll take what money i have and buy them something i know they will enjoy. while the usual reaction is feeling guilty i will admit i’ve kept some pretty expensive gifts while not doing anything in return.
as first impressions, people mostly see me as child like and emotional. the emotional part is pretty true. i cry easily, especially when i fail something or can’t meet my own expectations. the hardest things for me to deal with are goodbyes. even if it’s just someone moving a town over i get really close and attached to them the second i hear they’ll be leaving soon. every time someones left, it’s been pretty abrupt. i’ve been told it’s probably because they don’t want me to be sad, or they don’t wanna see me cry. but it just hurts more. sure i’ll cry, but at least i’ll get too legitimately say good bye. even if i barely know someone, everyone is pretty fine with being affectionate with me. some people treat me more like some cat than an actual person, which can make me uncomfortable sometimes. the most extreme case is being pulled onto the lap of someone i just met, in a diner no less. it was embarrassing, and i’m sure it looked ridiculous. while i’m very short myself, sitting on top someone whose only a few inches taller than me probably looks awkward. i put a fair amount of effort into my appearance, usually going for a ‘cute’ loook above anything else. this usually includes big hoodies with thigh highs or a cardigan and a skirt. people have told me i have delicate features, but i’m still confused if they meant it as a insult or compliment. for now my goal is to improve myself, i understand that i won’t always make the best choices and that i’m not that good of a person sometimes. so i’ll work hard to be a better friend to those i know and welcome people who may be lonely.
as for my interests, i enjoy technology. that’s vague, but what i mean is everything i do usually happens on the internet. i have my phone on me at all times, and sometimes i’ll digitally doodle and stuff like that. id like to make an app one day, maybe an app that’ll help people like me. i’m kind of a scatter brain so an app to help people stay organized would be great. i know there are many like that out there but i would like to make a unique one. i also like building PCS, they’re expensive though. i’ll make/help someone make them if they bought all the parts for it. basically, anything to do with tech i’ll love. i also play in band, percussion to be specific. i also collect things such as old knickknacks, but that’s mainly because it’s a family tradition. i also learned how to clean fragile things like that. i’m unsure on whether or not this will help you, i’m an INFP when it comes to MTBI personality types.
wehh, this ended up so long im sorry about that.
I kin assign you with...
Kokichi Ouma
Firstly I thought of Kokichi Ouma, Kokichi is usually presents himself as cheerful and happy infront of the others. He probably has the same friend group for a while basically like DICE. His appearance was made to look more like an innocent like child or in your case "baby" If he's with the right people he could probably get a lot of affection, which is something he overall just craves as well. He probably could also buy you something if you ask him, most likely not just doing it out of the blue. He tries to make friends sometimes and ends up getting denied easily though, Shuichi being an example towards the very end of the game. Though of course he didn't really stop trying until after the 4th trial I believe. He could probably get caught off guard if he isn't the one starting a conversation which could overwhelm him, but he won't show you that. He usually ends up crying when yelled at even if it's crocodile tears, he could also just over exaggerate it so you don't know if it's real or fake. He definitely has a manipulative side, using his innocent looking looks to his advantage to try and get what he wants, which he usually can end up succeeding. He can definitely be seen as child-like as well. If someone he knows is leaving he'll probably do his best to spend time with them before they do leave.
Chihiro Fujisaki
Secondly I thought of Chihiro, Chihiro is definitely a sweet and cheerful person. Though they can be pretty anxious at times. They'd probably tend to stick to people they know just so they'd have some sense of comfort. Theu definitely would be called baby by their friends and they'd probably buy them a few things. Chihiro obviously doing their best to give what they can back to them. Even if it was something after they cried. They'd probably also give Chihiro a lot of affection to make sure they know their loved. They're pretty friendly and if they build up enough courage they'll probably talk or invite someone to hang out with them. Chihiro can get overwhelmed easily and especially in social situations. They're pretty emotional too and can't really handle being yelled at and probably get upset over their failures. Chihiro doesn't exactly like crying infront of others though it's not uncommon for them. Chihiro can definitely be seen as child-like and emotional and probably can't handle goodbyes very well. Chihiro loves anything to do with technology! Whether it be coding or just straight up making something all together if they're able too.
Ibuki Mioda
Lastly I thought of Ibuki Mioda, Ibuki is definitely more of a cheerful or happy person she'll like to stick to people she knows, but will definitely branch out and try to be friends with anyone she thinks need it. She'll also be pretty persistent about it untill she's told to straight up just stop. She probably recieves a lot of affection and gives a lot in return. Whenever someone gives her something she'll do her best to return the gesture with a small gift or something she makes up on the spot. Though some of her attempts can come out pretty messy. She definitely can be seen as child-like as well due to small outbursts she may get. Ibuki will hate staying goodbye to people and will get clingy or really affectionate and probably be upset for a while once they actually leave. She probably also takes a good amount of time into her appearance due to multiple piercings and her hair. She also loves music and will do pretty much anything she can that will revolve around it. She's also probably a hoarder of things.
I hope you're satisfied with your results!
You don't have to worry about it being long, I've had multiple about this length or longer so it wasn't a problem! I hope you have a good rest of your day, evening, or night as well!
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picturetoburnnn · 5 years
Sweater Weather | C.H. x Reader
word count - 2.4k+
warnings - insecurity i guess?? idk
propmt - I was hoping you could do one where you’re cared to wear values clothes? Like you see Sierra and crystal wearing Michael and Luke’s clothes but you’re nervous that claim won’t want you to? (theres more but for the sake of length i’ll tag the request here !!
a.n. - long time coming!! life majorly got in the way, i did my best to get this done as fast as i could while still keeping the quality. accidentally got carried away. hope yall love it 
ps we are pretending calum still has his curls in this fic because that was my favorite
tags - @songforhema @asht0ns-world @lukesflaredpants @sunflowerxcal @star-gazing-calum @cxddlyash @emomack @merryblueberry02 @kinglyhood @caswinchester2000 @babe-babylon @irwinkitten @1delicate-fangirl dm me to be added!!! 
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“You always look so cute in my clothes,” Luke whispers with a smile as he presses a kiss to Sierra’s temple. Sierra smiled giddily, bringing her sweater paw hands up to her face. The couple looked adorable cuddled up on the couch, sunlight stumbling over their figures with a throw blanket haphazardly thrown over their laps.
I frowned, looking down to my feet. 
Cal’s clothes probably wouldn’t even fit me.
“Hey,” Calum slung his arm over my shoulder. “You okay?” He asked, big brown eyes full of concern.
“Yeah.” I plastered on a fake smile, meeting his gaze. “I’m good.”
“You sure?”
“I’m fine, Cali,” I chuckled. 
He didn’t look convinced, but relented. His arm fell from my shoulder to my waist as he tangled his feet with mine on the loveseat.
The open windows blew autumn air into the living room in Ashton’s house, a gentle chill filling the air. Luke, Sierra, Michael, and Crystal were all lounging on the sofa, leaving Ashton with the recliner chair (“Fine by me, thank you very much,” he huffed).
The end credits rolled, leading just about everyone to a stretch break. As Crystal stood, I couldn’t help but notice how she wore Michael’s sweatpants.
He’s never even offered to let me try on one of his shirts. He probably doesn’t want me to. 
 Calum stood, stretching his arms behind his head, shirt riding up to show a tiny bit of his adorable tummy. He leaned down with a groan, placing his hands on the couch’s backrest on either side of my head, boxing me in. “I’m gonna step outside for a smoke break, okay baby?” 
“Okay,” I whispered, smiling at him.
He gave me a quick kiss before standing up, motioning for Ashton to come outside with him.
“Do you know if we have any more blankets?” I asked the two couples. “It’s kinda chilly in here.”
Luke answered, “I think the rest of Ash’s blankets are in the wash, but I’ve got one of Cal’s old hoodies in my car. I’ll go grab it for ya.” 
“Oh no, really, it’s not a big--”
“Nah, I’ll go grab it.”
Before I could say another word, he’s out the door. Idle chatter filled the room until the singer’s return. He dropped the green Empathy hoodie in my lap, mumbling a quiet “Here you go.”
“Thanks,” I grinned up at him, trying to hide my worry. How would Calum react to me wearing his clothes? Would he be mad? I put my arms through the sleeves and pulled it over my head. Guess I’m about to find out.
A few minutes pass before Calum and Ashton come back inside. I sat on the loveseat, scrolling through my phone when I heard the back sliding door open. I looked up, and my heart fell.
Calum was staring at me, shocked. I knew he didn’t want me wearing his stuff. I tore the green hoodie off my body faster than I’ve ever taken anything off before, muttering a small ‘sorry’ as I dropped the ball of fabric on the sofa. I stood up quickly, rushed past Calum into the hallway, made a sharp left to the bathroom, and locked the door behind me. The ground swayed beneath me as I slumped down, my back against the door as I balled my fist against my mouth, trying to silence the impending cries.
I wasn’t about to cry in front of my boyfriend and his friends. 
Of course I wasn’t supposed to wear his stupid shirts. They’re HIS, not mine. What made me think otherwise?
“Y/N, baby, what’s wrong?” His lovely voice drifted through the door. 
“Go away, Cal. I’m sorry,” I whimpered, tears choking me.
“Sweetheart, open the door.”
I shook my head, even though he couldn’t see. 
“Y/N.” Calum’s voice sounded more desperate than anything I’d ever heard.
Perhaps it was that exact desperation that led me to silently twist around and unclick the lock. Within an instant, Calum was standing in the doorway, looking down on my crumpled form. He knelt down, moving to put his arms around me. 
Silently, I pushed his arms away. The gesture was sweet, but suffocating. 
“Can you please take me home?”
“Tell me what’s wrong, baby,” he pleaded.
“I wanna go home,” I whispered, hands shaking as I wiped my tears.
A deep sigh. “Okay,” he relents. “We can go back home.”
He walked me silently to the car, waving off the concerned questions from our friends. The drive was a silent one, leaving me to break the quiet. The clock on the dash read 4:46.
“Can you please take me to my place?”
Calum all but slammed on the brakes. “W-what? Baby, all your stuff is at my house.”
“I just… I really think I need to be there tonight,” I sniffled.
Calum nodded, but I could see it hurt him to do so. 
Great. Not only did I wear his things, I also hurt his feelings. God, what a mess I am.
He pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex. “Are you sure, Y/N? Do you want me to stay with you?”
“No.” I shook my head, sniffling again as I opened the door. “I’ll be fine.” It didn’t feel as if I were moving as I climbed out of the car.
“Hey,” he called before I shut the door. “I love you.”
I nodded, then swung the door shut.
Calum called Ashton on the drive back home. 
“So what happened?” His best friend asked.
“She isn’t telling me!” Calum exclaimed, one hand on the steering wheel, the other rubbing his forehead.
“But she asked me to drive her back to her place. The only times she stays there is if I’m out of town and you’re taking care of Duke. She always stays with me.”
“And you didn’t do anything that you can think of?” Ashton’s voice held no malice, but Calum felt the underlying implication.
“She won’t tell me. I don’t want to press her, I’m sure she’ll tell me when she’s ready, but I’m worried about her. I was so happy to finally see her wearing my stuff, but she whipped it off and ran to the bathroom. She seemed on the verge of a panic attack when she finally opened the door for me. I love her, man, and it hurts she won’t tell me what’s wrong. ”
“I don’t know, Cal. I’ll see what I can get her to tell me.”
Calum’s heart ached. Why couldn’t she just talk to him? He loved her, just wanted her to be okay, but she shut him out? What was wrong? What had happened? What thought wormed its way into that pretty little head of hers and made her shut down completely?
It was almost eleven p.m. when my phone rang, lighting up my nightstand in the black. I picked it up, not even checking the caller ID, desperate for some distraction from this empty feeling inside. 
“Y/N,” Ashton sighed in relief. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”
I swallowed. “I’m fine.”
“No you’re not, girl, and it’s okay. Tell me what happened.”
And the floodgates opened. I poured my heart out, everything that went through my mind came rushing past my lips before I could think twice. 
“I was just cold,” I choked out. “I wanted a blanket, but Luke said all he had was one of Calum’s sweatshirts so I put that on. Crystal and Sierra are always wearing Mike and Luke’s clothes but Calum’s never once even mentioned it to me so I figured he didn’t want me to. I was afraid to put on the stupid hoodie in the first place, but I did anyways cause I fugured ‘what’s the harm,’ right? He comes back in with you and he’s looking at me as if his entire world just came crashing down around him. I knew I shouldn’t have worn that freaking green sweatshirt. It’s his, not mine. I didn’t need to be wearing it - I shouldn’t have been wearing it. But I did, and he looked so upset that I panicked and almost accidentally threw myself into an attack. He’s right to not want me wearing his stuff. I’d probably just stretch it out and make it unwearable for him.”
Ashton was silent for a moment. “You really think that?”
“Yeah,” I coughed out between cries. 
“Y/N…” Ashton breathed. He went on in the calmest voice he could muster. “He was… overjoyed to see you in his clothes.”
I could have sworn I stopped breathing. 
"Honestly, he’s never been more in love than he is with you. And I know for a fact that all he’s ever wanted is for his love to tell him they’re his in the subtlest ways. That includes wearing his shirts. It’s something he’s wanted since the beginning of your relationship, when he realized he loved you.”
A beat of quiet. No sounds could be heard but the ticking of the clock on the wall. 
“You still there?”
“I’m so stupid,” I breathed. 
“No, you’re not. Just a little oblivious. He’s worried sick about you, though. He told me you’re at your place instead of his?”
“If it’s because you think you cause him difficulties or struggles or are the source of his problems, I can guarantee you that is not the case. I‘ve never seen him happier than he is when he’s with you. You brought him joy when he was in his darkest spots. He loves you, Y/N. And I know you love him too.”
I stayed quiet, thinking about what he just said.
“I gotta go.” I hung up the phone right then.
Hours of contemplation later, I finally came to a conclusion. Grabbing my phone, I ordered an Uber, sliding on my shoes and scrambling for my keys. 
I waited for just a few minutes before I got the notification that the car had arrived. The driver was kind enough to understand that I wasn’t in the mood to talk, and offered the aux cord to me. I kindly refused, thanking them for the offer.
“Let me know if you need anything,” they said softly as they began the drive to Calum’s.
I bounced my leg up and down in anticipation. Was he mad at me? Would he understand? Is he upset that I didn’t understand? 
I spent the majority of the drive trapped in my thoughts. I didn’t process the vehicle pulling up to the curb until the driver gently said, “Miss?”
That snapped me out of my reverie, snapping my head to the window. “Oh, thank you so much. Sorry about that.”
I put a ten dollar bill on the center console. “For you,” I smiled quickly, and was out of the car before they could argue. 
I braced myself against the cold, crossing my arms and rubbing my biceps. In the rush to get here, I forgot a sweater (yet again). As I stepped onto the porch, I knocked before I could think about what I was doing. As seconds passed, I started second guessing myself. This was stupid. He probably isn’t even awake. 
Before I could turn around, the door flung open. “Y/N?”
His hair was a tousled mess, as if he had constantly been running his fingers through it - something I always knew he did when he felt stressed. His eyes were shadowed by dark circles that hadn’t been so prominent earlier in the day. 
I flung myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in his shoulder. After just a moment’s hesitation, he reciprocated. 
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled into his sleeve. “I should have come home, I’m sorry.”
His hand ran over my hair as he gently shushed me.
I pulled away, snifiling. 
“You catching a cold, angel?” His hands held my face as he looked me over.  “Let’s get you inside, sweetheart.” I nodded, crossing the threshold with him hot on my heels. 
The door shut. “Wh-”
“I thought you were mad at me,” I blurted, spinning to face him. “For wearing your sweatshirt. “That’s why I acted like that. I thought you didn’t want me in your stuff, that you were upset at me for it. I threw it off and ran because you thought I’d stretch it out and make it unwearable again. I was cold and that’s all Luke said he had so I just took it, y’know? Ashton called me and told me I was wrong, though. I wanted to say sorry for jumping to conclusions.”
Calum stared at me for a minute before letting out a breathy chuckle that eventually turned into a full belly laugh. 
“Okay,” I say only half-jokingly. “I poured my emotions out there and you’re laughing.”
“Baby,” he wheezes. “Why would you ever think I’d be mad for something as small as that?”
“I don’t know,” I say quietly in my stubborn voice, pouting. “That’s just how my brain works.”
Calum puts his hands on my arms, smiling at me. “Y/N. I love you. Very, very much. I would be eternally happy to let you wear my sweatshirts any time you want. I don’t think you can possibly stretch them out more than I already have. And if you do, then so what? It’s just a hoodie. You, my love, are much more important to me than that.”
I blushed, hands covering my face as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “I cannot believe you,” he giggles, resting his chin atop my head.
“Hey!” I cried, but was muffled by his chest. “You’re the one who laughed as soon as I told you!”
He sighed dramatically, pulling away but keeping his arms tight around my waist. He looked me in the eyes. “I guess that was a little rude. I’m sorry angel. Can I make it up to you with some snuggles?” He gave me his best puppy-dog look, big eyes and all.
“Yeah,” I smiled, leaning up on my tip-toes to bring my face closer to his. 
“Yeah? Pretty girl gonna forgive me for laughing?” He ghosts his lips over mine. 
“Only if you give her a kiss.”
“I can do that.”
He presses his lips against mine, and everything feels like it’ll be alright. 
Twenty minutes later, there’s a John Mulaney show playing on the television, a bowl of popcorn between us as Calum’s feet tangle with mine. My head rests on his shoulder, his hand on my thigh. 
And I’m wearing his hoodie. 
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danetobelieve · 4 years
It’s The End Of The World || Orion, Ricky, Winston. ft Lydia
TIMING: the night of 12/06/2020 (12th June) LOCATION: Abandoned Warehouse Rave on the docks PARTIES: @3starsquinn​, @ricky-corderbro​, @danetobelieve​, @inspirationdivine​ SUMMARY: Rio, Winston and Ricky attend an end of the world rave. Ricky is jet lagged. Winston is stressed and makes bad decisions and Orion throws up. Lydia makes a new friend. 
Winston wasn’t really feeling like going partying. Actually, going raving at the potential end of the world was apparently what everyone else was doing and when Todd had excitedly explained that they were going to be invited to a rave that he was playing at, well Winston hadn’t really been keen to go. But after a few drinks and some arm twisting, Winston had been convinced to go along with their other friends. They’d gotten dressed and were stepping out of the taxi that had dropped them off by the warehouse near the docks and Winston was nervous. They’d pre-gamed a bit before and they were tipsy, but that didn’t change the fact that they had seen some shit with Rio. They knew what needed to be done to resolve this and they weren’t going to be involved. They couldn’t change what might happened and honestly Winston had never felt more helpless. “Todd told us to just say we were here as his guests and show him our tickets and he’d let us in,” Winston adjusted their glasses a little, “all ready?”
Orion’s anxiety had been through the roof. He wasn’t sure if he had found the time to mention this to either of his roommate’s, but he hated parties. He had been to a few now. All times dragged against his will by Athena to some frat house where he proceeded to find the farthest bathroom from the noise and hide out. He had gotten so little sleep the last few weeks studying everything about this demon language that he wasn’t even sure he could stay conscious at this party. He had already dozed off in the car multiple times on the way here. It definitely didn’t help that Rio barely knew this Todd character that Winston and Ricky were friends with. He just hoped that the two of them weren’t like Athena was at parties. She usually stuck around for about ten minutes before ditching Rio. He wasn’t sure he was equipped to handle that here. “I’m sure this goes without saying, but I am definitely not.” Rio sighed, yawning and rubbing at his eyes. “I think I need… a drink. Or several.” Rio found himself saying, the exhaustion and stress getting to him. Rio had never been drunk before, he had never even had more than a couple of sips of alcohol. This was going to be a long night.
One very early and very long plane ride and one incredibly hellish layover in LaGuardia later; Ricky was back in the US, back in White Crest, and apparently on his way to a rave that Todd was DJing at. Truth be told it wasn’t the thing he wanted most to be doing right now; a long bath and about three straight days of sleep sounded a lot better. But even though he was still adjusting to his human body after a straight week and a half in his true form with his extended family and was still trying to figure out how to move with legs instead of swimming, he was happy to be home with Winston and Rio. Even if they were crammed into the back seat of a taxi. “I need something with caffeine or I’m going to pass out. I haven’t even had time to unpack yet; I wore these clothes on the plane, and I am not nearly awake or put together enough to make it through tonight without some help” They all fell out of the cab and Ricky stretched, sauntering up to the door with a smile on his face. “Hey. Cordero, Dane, and Quinn. We’re here as guests of the DJ.” He held out their tickets and waited for them to be let in, turning to his friends as the walked into what felt like a solid wall of sound, even to Ricky’s terrible hearing. “Well. To the bar?” 
As a large and very muscular bouncer led them through to the warehouse which had been brightly decorated in UV paint, Winston headed straight for the bar and probably would’ve made it if they weren’t accosted by a number of scantily clad men and women who attacked Winston with paint similar to that which was decorating the walls in patterns of eyes, spirals and cascades of colour that shone brightly in the darkness. The music was booming and before Winston knew it they were as brightly coloured as the walls, their t shirt was ruined and they definitely needed a drink now if they hadn’t needed one before. “Three actually six jaeger bombs please and like a vodka coke,” Winston passed the bombs round to their friends and swallowed them with a grimace, gross. They immediately regretted their drink of choice and tried to slam away the taste with copious amounts of vodka coke which some how made it worse. “Uh, maybe this wasn’t a good idea?” 
The group was ambushed by some fanatic painters. Orion’s hoodie and jeans were sacrificed to their whim, and though Rio mostly let them do their thing, he was very adamant about his sleeves remaining down as they trailed their brushes across him. They compromised by spending extra time on his face and neck, which only slightly stressed him out knowing that he had no way of knowing what they had drawn on him. He was totally lying; it really stressed him out. Even more reason to drink. Winston ordered a concerning amount of shots at the bar and Rio tried calming himself down. This was what he had wanted, right? “I uh- can you just make me something super sweet? Like really really sweet.” Rio smiled nervously, pulling the fake ID that Athena had procured for him out of his wallet. The bartender barely gave it a second glance before shuffling off to make their drinks. “Is this where I die?” Rio found himself asking aloud, taking a moment to glance around the place. It was packed wall to wall with glowing, dancing people. The music was deafeningly loud and it was way too hot for the hoodie that Rio refused to take off. Rio didn’t waste any time when the bartender brought the drinks over. He slammed the first shot as quickly as he could, immediately coughing and clearing his throat. “Oh my god ew! Oh god this stuff tastes like battery acid. Why would they make this? This was a terrible idea.”
It was only because he’d let Winston and Rio enter the warehouse before him that Ricky had enough time to react to the glow paint artists, whipping his shirt off and tucking it into his back pocket before they covered him with geometric designs that pulsed in time with the flashing lights. He pounded the two Jaeger bombs that Winston had ordered him, wry smile crossing his face as it looked like Rio might die from the alcohol content, “Only the first two taste like battery acid. It’s when they start tasting good that you gotta start worrying about how fucked up you’re getting.” He ordered himself a vodka soda and looked around the crowd, sipping his drink. This might not have been exactly what he’d wanted to do on his first night home but he was getting enough appreciative looks from appropriately handsome men to make this night potentially worthwhile. “This was a great idea, Winston. Don’t even second guess it. We’re supporting our bro, getting drunk, and getting his on by crowds of people who appreciate the fact that all three of us are studs. Should we go say hey to Todd? Least let him know we’re here jamming out to his set?” Finishing his drink he ordered another one, tipping the bartender heavily as he started to wind his way through the crowd and up towards the DJ booth. 
The crowd pulsed and throbbed as everyone danced. Winston could barely help themselves from getting into the mood. They were pretty drunk now, two jaeger bombs and the vodka, not to mention everything they’d had before. Grabbing Orion’s hand, Winston dragged their friend slowly through the dance floor. “Battery acid is exactly what I imagine these taste like, but they’re also going to make this way more bearable way faster.” It was hot and Winston couldn’t imagine how Orion could stand being in just a hoodie but they weren’t about to push the matter as they slowly made their way through the crowd of sweaty bodies that were doing their best to move along to the thrum of the bass and the blare of the drums. “It’s going to take us forever to get towards the stage,” Winston was sure that being on Todd’s guest list meant that they could do this the easy way, but right now they were too drunk to really think clearly and honestly, if they were going to do this then they might as well enjoy themselves, “Ricky you gotta go first and clear us a way you beefcake.” Winston giggled tipsily, unsure if their friends had even heard a word they said over the roar of the crowd and the hum of the music. Maybe slightly against their better judgement Winston was starting to enjoy the end of the world. Why not have a good time? Right?
Winston and Ricky was the only solace that Orion had right now. They were grounding him in many ways. Mentally, they were keeping his anxiety from completely spiraling. Physically, they were the only reason that Rio hadn’t ran from the place as soon as he stepped foot inside of it. Right now, the only thing Rio could focus one as how hot it was. He was sweating, and kept pushing his soaked hair out of his eyes with the hand that wasn’t being dragged through the dance floor by Winston. “He is a beefcake isn’t he?” Rio giggled, shutting himself up by taking a long sip from the fruity drink the bartender had mixed him. It tasted way better than those shots had. Rio took another drink. People pushed against them as they pushed onward and Rio found himself ducking and dodging flailing arms as they danced to the music. How did they think with how loud the music was? The dim lighting, trippy glowing colors, deafening music and crowd was making Rio dizzy. The place was disorienting enough,  but Winston’s hand dragging wrapped around his was making Rio’s head spin all it’s own. Another drink. “Do you think Todd hates me?” Rio found himself asking, a question he would usually never ask anyone aloud, especially mutual friends of the guy. The alcohol was working way too quickly. Another nervous drink. “Don’t answer that that was dumb. Let’s just find Todd.” Another drink. Oh no, he was almost out already. That wasn’t a good sign.
“Oh jesus. You guys are already drunk?” Ricky slammed back his drink as they made their way through the crowd, effortlessly parting the sea of people with his aptly-described beefcakeness, “That’s me. Dumb of brain, thicc of heart and ass.” He made sure he had an eye on both Winston and Rio at all times; this definitely didn’t seem like either of their scenes and he wasn’t about to lose them to a random drug trip induced by someone random ravegoer. He almost missed Rio’s question, and it was only because he’d turned around to check on them that he was able to read the other man’s lips, “What? Of course not. I don’t think Todd is capable of hating anyone, like biologically. It’s in that man’s blood to just love everyone and be the chillest of chill bois.” As they passed by a smaller secondary bar on their way to the DJ booth Ricky ordered a couple of shots and pounded them in quick succession, “It’s harder for me to get drunk.” He explained as he set the small glasses back on the bar and gave the bartender a nod, “We got more blood than you guys.” Eventually he muscled, smiled, and danced them a path through the dancefloor up to the booth where Todd looked like a) he was having the time of his life and b) he was on about seven different drugs. This close to a bank of speakers it was impossible for Ricky to hear anything except the bass so he just waved and shot Todd a smile and a thumbs up; those were pretty universal, right? 
“Hey, we’re not all build like a brick shit house Ricky,” Winston replied with a giggle as they sipped their drink through a straw and gently squeezed Rio’s hand. They could barely hear anything that Rio was saying, but they were pretty sure he’d just said something about Todd hating him. Which was absurd. “Of course Todd doesn’t hate you, Ricky’s right, he couldn’t hate you if he tried.” They flashed them a reassuring smile and had to admit that they kind of envied the amount that Ricky could drink. He seemed like he was having a good time on his own without needing to be drunk. It took them slightly longer to get over to Ricky and Todd, as they were separated in the buzz and hum of the crowd. Left with just Rio, Winston was eventually able to pull them close enough to Todd to wave from the crowd and grin, but despite the potential impending end of the world, Winston had to admit that they loved this song. “Fuck, this is actually pretty fun,” they said dancing in place, hand still clutching Rio’s fingers, “I’m probably just really drunk.” 
Orion felt a little bit better, with the assurance that Todd didn’t hate him. At least as far as Ricky and Winston are concerned. Rio was way too aware that he wasn’t sober. Or maybe he wasn’t nearly as aware as he thought he was. Was that possible? Was drunk Rio capable of being faux aware of being drunk without actually realizing just how drunk he was? Did any of that make any sense? The confusion made Rio giggle. Rio knew his tolerance was going to be awful considering he hadn't drank before, but he had hoped that being a hunter might give him at least some semblance of an advantage. But Winston was clearly just as bad off, because he was suddenly dancing along to the music, a song that Rio wasn’t familiar with. There was a noticeable difference now. Even drunk Rio could tell. Before, moving through the crowd together it just made sense that the two would hold onto each other so they didn’t lose their way. Now… well the two were standing next to one another and Rio’s fingers were still in Winston’s grasp. “You’re definitely drunk” Rio laughed, watching them dance along to the music without moving their feet. It was more swaying than anything else. “I think I’m drunk too.” Rio admitted. Was two shots and a mixed drink normal for someone to get drunk off of? Despite his internal monologue telling him not to, Rio found himself starting to sway in rhythm with Winston, trying to play along with him. If he tried to focus on the music he might be able to ignore how the only part of his body that he could focus on was the hand that Winston was holding onto. “I’m uh- I’m glad I came here. With you and Ricky.” 
It was a semi-familiar sensation to Ricky to stand on the outside watching other people. It hadn’t escaped his notice that Winston had grabbed Rio’s hand when they’d started working their way through the dancefloor, and it definitely didn’t escape his notice that the hand holding hadn’t stopped when they’d reached the DJ booth. He watched as they both drunkenly started to dance, a wry smile across his face. It wasn’t the strangest pairing he’d seen. Honestly it sort of made a strange sense. Ricky started to dance with a guy who’d been giving him a meaningful look while he kept an eye on his friends. Nothing wrong with cutting loose and having fun but he didn’t want either of them to end up the meal of some rave-stalking monster. Which in White Crest was a distinct possibility. The song made a smooth transition into the next one in the set, expertly guided by Todd’s skill, and Ricky leaned in to take the sharpie offered by his dance partner, quickly scribbling his number on the back of the man’s hand before moving back to stand near Todd. He was still close enough to keep an eye on Winston and Rio but not so close that he was infringing on whatever moment they were about to have. 
The world was spinning. But gently. Winston lumbered around, convinced that they were the most graceful dancer that had ever lived. The music slammed, pulsed and pounded. Todd was so good at this Winston thought as they slipped closer to Orion for a moment before prancing away (okay maybe it was more like a stumble). Their head felt thick and Winston wasn’t sure that they were that drunk. Then the world took a turn and Winston fell into Orion. Their hands coming apart for a moment and Winston couldn’t help but grip Orion’s surprisingly muscular shoulder. It wasn’t that he was Ricky ripped. There were no muscles glistening at obtuse sizes. Rio was just toned. The muscles were there but they weren’t for display or pretention (Ricky). Orion always kept everything covered up, always wore long hoodies or jeans or whatever and Winston wondered why in that moment they weren’t dying from the heat. But they didn’t care, they couldn’t let go, not for a second. Sure they’d used Rio to keep themselves standing, but it was more then that now. Winston’s breath caught in their throat as they looked into deep hazel eyes. Biting their lip, Winston felt the Earth stop spinning for a moment. 
Orion had finally relaxed. The music was still too loud. People still crowded around Rio’s personal space. And it felt like Rio may have a heat stroke at any moment. But he had pushed all of that to the back of his mind. Because he was having fun. With Winston, dancing here and definitely drunk. He didn’t even care about how dizzy or lightheaded he felt. Rio was convinced that Winston’s hand holding onto his was the only thing keeping him from floating off into space. When Winston practically fell into Rio, something else finally clicked into place. This was what Rio wanted. Rio knew that things were different with Winston. That the way he felt for them was different than his other friends. But Rio had never looked further into it. Had never wanted to. It made sense. Winston had it all. They were smart and talented. They were passionate about things and had a lot in common with Rio. They were really, really pretty. In spite of the alcohol and music drowning out his senses, Rio’s feelings for Winston were overwhelmingly clear in this moment. And that was terrifying. “Uh- you okay there?” Rio asked, trying to sound concerned but way too busy processing. Plus, he was pretty sure he was also laughing at how clumsy Winston had been.
Giggling, Winston felt someone brush past him. They must’ve been big because Winston was pushed closer to Rio. they basically had their arms drunkenly wrapped around their ‘friend’ at that point and Rio’s lips looked so soft. The world swirled and Winston was having the best time. Despite the odor of sweat and the sticky floor. Not to mention several drinks which had already been spilled on them making them smell of stale beer, Winston couldn’t help but admit to themselves that Rio might be the best smelling thing that they had ever encountered. Their eyes were captivating and Winston couldn’t help themselves. One second they were just looking into Orion’s eyes. Then they weren’t sure what they did. They weren’t sure why they did. They weren’t even completely sure how they managed to do it but they were stood staring at Rio one second and the next Winston was kissing him. Gently at first, their lips just brushing against one another, Winston could feel the other breathing and they couldn’t help but close the gap between them, pulling Rio close as they embraced him. 
Orion wasn’t sure who initiated it. Right now, Rio wasn’t sure how he was able to keep himself from toppling over. All he knew was that one minute the two had been dancing and laughing and now they were kissing. Rio fumbled his way through it. Intoxication may actually be working in his favor, helping to make up for the lack of experience and general awkwardness that under normal circumstances may have sent Rio spiraling. This was his first real kiss right? Sure, Winn had kissed him in acting class but that had been during a scene. It was in character. It wasn’t real. This was real. And it didn’t take long for Rio to forget any fears and melt into it. He ignored the added heat and welcomed Winston moving in closer, Rio wrapped their arms around their neck as if letting go would end the moment. Rio was desperate for this moment to not end. Who cared that they were in public and that a million people could see them? Who cared that Rio usually hated PDA. All he cared about right now was this moment with Winston.
Honestly. Winston had never really dated a lot. It wasn’t that they weren’t interested, it was more that other people weren’t necessarily interested in them. Which was fine. Winston had been busy for a long time, working on a million and one different projects. Always too busy to pursue someone who would just reject them anyway. But suddenly, in that moment Winston knew that they had been missing out. If every kiss felt like this then Winston was sure that there was something here that they should’ve been doing way sooner then this. Holding Rio tightly, they kissed them until they couldn’t help but pull back for air. There was a feeling of elation, of intoxication … fuck Winston didn’t know if they were just drunk but they wanted to kiss Rio again and so they did. Why not? What did they have to lose at the end of the world anyway? 
If the world truly was ending, this was exactly how Orion wanted things to go. With Winston, exactly like this. And Ricky... speaking of him, where was Ricky? The urge to scope the place out for him was distracted when Winston kissed him again. “Holy... Woah” Was the most poetic thing that Rio could manage to mutter once the two had pulled apart again. Rio was gasping for breath, a mixture of the heat and making up for the oxygen Rio had deprived himself of while making out with Winston. This was exactly what Rio had wanted, and Rio couldn’t help but be... happy. The thought made Rio’s stomach twist. The other shoe has to drop soon right? Something would have to go wrong. It always went wrong. Because the world wasn’t ending. Even if right now, Rio would have been perfectly fine with that. For the longest time, Rio had thought that the kiss had sobered him up. He hadn’t felt more grounded since they had arrived and he hadn’t been thinking this clearly in days. But it all came rushing back to him now. Rio was dizzy, sounds around him were nothing more than a loud buzzing and the contents of his stomach swam, threatening to force themselves back up. “So sorry- I just I have to uh- bathroom. Need bathroom.” Rio tried stating clearly before abandoning the attempt completely and rushing off into the crowding, desperately trying to push his way through before he completely lost his cool. And his dinner.
Winston was convinced that they were in heaven. They couldn’t breath but they didn’t need to breath. They had everything they needed and if they could have made a moment exist and last for a life time then Winston would’ve wished for this moment to span for centuries and millenia because in that second they realised all at once just how strongly they felt for Rio. He was so smart, and so kind and he cared so much about doing the right thing that he had rejected his birth identity and his own family because he couldn’t do what they were asking of him. Winston had never met anyone who was so good and pure and kind and Winston didn’t know how to deal with these feelings. “Oh, of course, sure, no … worries.” With that, Orion was gone and the kiss with it. Winston felt panic crack in their stomach and turned to look for Ricky. But he was gone. Either with someone else or the jet lag was too much. Catching Todd’s eye, Winston made it clear that they were heading out and decided to give Orion some space. Texting them that they were heading home, Winston left the club, much drunker and much more ashamed then they’d been when they came in. 
This was terribly macabre, and thus terribly White Crest. Beach balls painted white to look like eyes decorated this distasteful establishment, and even with ear buds in the music pulsed too loudly to be comfortable. Although if the world was ending, who cared about ear health? It was nothing in comparison to a banshee scream, but still unpleasant. Quieter, gentler music appealed to her more, but the talent at play here was undeniable. Her eyes drifted to the stage, as the DJ announced the end of his set, and another began. She squeezed through the crowd, under sweaty arm pits and past leering men, hurrying to meet him. He’d caught her eye last time, too, but she hadn’t been able to get close then. Now, there were no friends to squeeze through. “You’re Todd, the DJ that performed the last set, right? You were incredible.” The artistic potential rolled off him like waves in high tide. She looked him over, a smile curling over her features. Oh yes, he would do ever so nicely. Lydia’s stomach rumbled. “You look like you might like some company.”
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