#I don’t think that movie Oscar worthy lol
wanderingpages · 10 months
Bf just looked at me and was like “Barbie was a comedy??”
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taylortruther · 6 months
I just listened to him on i think smartless, the podcast, and seems like he’s maybe just opened up a bit on his career qualifiers. The hosts even asked why he would do something like roadhouse and open himself up to injury etc and he was basically like well it’s to push myself. That’s what all my roles are; pushing myself outside my comfort zone. He also said he totally wants to do a rom com but he never gets offered them because people don’t think of him as funny lol. As someone who’s been a fan of his since before Taylor when I was a teen I do agree that he is himself in promo. Some of that is a bit try hard but also he’s really just a bit zany, eccentric in ways. I do think he’s maybe stopped chasing that Oscar and actually means it when he says he’s just doing what pushes himself and I think you can see that in his more recent filmography of the last five years or so. It’s know varied and less serious and prestigious. I think this happens wjrh a lot of actors who are pursuing some specific dream award or prestige or critical acclaim and then either achieve it or realize it might not come and they either work on themselves or have a revelation that the work itself has to be the prize and only they can decide what’s worthy of that. Made me happy to see for him that he seems to be there professionally cause personally…well lol
anon it took me way too long to realize you were talking about jake and not travis 😭 and yeah, i agree, jake is kind of an oddball. not in a truly outlandish way, but i think he can be both dry and zany for reaction, and it can be offputting.
i agree with your assessment of him completely. he's at an age/point in his career where if the prestige comes, it comes. if it doesn't, he's at least doing a variety of things. and i would love to see him in another romcom, love and other drugs is one of my all time favorite movies - i frequently wish it had touched more on his character's self-loathing, because he portrayed it so well.
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georgiapeach30513 · 11 months
I hate to say this because we know there’s a subsect of crazy qanon conspiracy ppl on here…but im kinda wondering if someone is like out to get Chris or has he been like blackballed in HW somewhat?
I know it sounds insane but the reviews that came out for PH had ppl saying he was miscast and that he wasn’t giving enough and xyz, meanwhile Emily is the sole person whose getting nearly unanimous praise. The supporting cast is sometimes not even mentioned but IMHO everyone was solid in their roles.
But Chris was really darn good in this and I’m surprised that his performance has been downplayed by the critics. I’ve seen ppl praise actors for way less. I’ve seen actors get noms and awards recognition for way less.
I think you may know what I’m getting at. like, I personally am a big fan of Emily so her getting praise isn’t surprising because she can act and do things with a subpar script. But there were moments in this film where I felt she was kinda struggling while Chris was basically solid throughout it all. His Pete never really wavered. Always solidly douchey but surprisingly showed vulnerability at some parts where it actually worked. He showed emotion, and his rapping skills were actually better than the guys who made the actual video that scene was based on. LOL.
I think future filmmakers need to watch Him in this role if they ever consider him for other things.
Again, I’m not trying to make up things or sound delusional but I’ve wondered for a while why nearly every other big name mainstream actor and many not so big names and more indie actors nowadays gets accolades but CE consistently gets passed over. It’s almost like he’s being marketed and set up to never get higher than where he is. I don’t mean just for Oscar’s Emmy’s or SAGs - I mean even like Saturn awards or xyz platforms where actors can get nominated for roles they’ve played.
Snowpiercer - critics and fans alike have hailed this as one of his best roles to dates. But go on Wikipedia - Tilda swinton and some of the supporting cast got nominations from diff platforms (not Oscar’s or Emmy’s but maybe smaller awards) and the only person left out was Chris. I was virtually shocked he was being overlooked for even small awards.
Hopefully this doesn’t come off as me saying he’s snubbed for awards. I think he definitely needs to let go and give more to really open ppl’s eyes on his ability. But I am saying I’m surprised at the latest developments - where he’s putting out a solid performance that’s worthy of praise but is getting zilch from the ppl who “matter.”
I have had these thoughts myself. I by no means think he is the best actor in his age bracket. There is one that I have talked about that I think is genuinely amazing, and Sebastian will continue to do amazing things because he allows himself that vulnerability. He continues to hone his craft, and work with children speaking on acting. Sebastian has remained very humble but also had humble beginnings. Chris really hasn’t. He’s lived a charmed life and sometimes it makes you jaded.
Now, I do think this is a solid performance from his. I will continue to sing his praises for Defending Jacob, Snowpiercer, What’s Your Number and several other movies where he’s the light in the movie. But there does seem to be a bit of a disconnect throughout his career, not just recently, when it comes to critical praise.
I don’t know that Chris wants to be a critical adored actor, but judging by some of the roles he’s taken, he does want to be respected. And of course when we do a job, don’t you hope people acknowledge your skills? I’m not saying Oscars, but even just a moment of, he did so good! 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows.
As for Emily, she’s fine. In my opinion people give her more credit than she’s worth.
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
I’m so happy for Tom. I really didn’t think he would get a critics choice nomination of all things but here we are. Hopefully this is only the start lol
For some reason, I always felt like Tom had a chance. 😃
I think people put way too much stock on what critics say. 🤷🏾‍♀️
A good piece of art is a good piece of art period.
Look, when I saw that "Blonde" STILL got Oscar nominations when critics (AND audiences!!) didn't even LIKE that movie, I knew that it doesn't always matter how much critics liked a film. The Academy must have felt that Ana still did an acting job worthy of an Oscar nomination! 😃
I'm glad Tom is getting the last laugh. Regardless of what ppl felt about the series, I don't think anyone can deny that Tom did an awesome acting job. And THAT'S why he's received a "Best Actor" nomination! 🥰
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evansbby · 5 months
I think the funniest twist in Chris Evans career has been him not being invited to any official award shows whatsoever. Like at least before, he'd be at some event like the golden globes or whatever but now? My man is dry asf, like he's not at any award show and its clear that a) no one's inviting him because his work these days sucks ass and b) his work sucks now!!. BUTTT what's even more funnier is his desperation to actually attend these awards. He tries so hard to produce and act in films that he believes will earn him an 'oscar' (cough cough the gray man, the pete and ana de armas films i don even know the names of) but they're all so shitty-his validation goes hard.
I actually think you’ve got it wrong 😭 the way pr works is if you’ve got a movie coming out, THEN your management makes you go on award shows, talk shows, pap walks, all of that. he hasn’t got any movie releasing rn which means it’s his downtime. and tbh seems like he’s never been the type to enjoy being seen everywhere on the internet. Honestly like he’s got a good management team and trust me, I think if he wanted to, he’d be at all these award shows but like… he doesn’t need to be? He’s not nominated for anything and I doubt he’d want to present awards either unless he HAD to. He was at the vanity fair party so clearly he’s still being invited to things.
Also I really don’t think Chris tries to be in movies that will earn him Oscar’s. I think he knows very well that the gray man etc are not Oscar worthy movies 😂😂 honestly I think he just got typecast as a marvel superhero actor and so he doesn’t offered get the Oscar bait type films to begin with lol. I long ago accepted that his current movies are sadly trash like they are pretty bad but I lowkey think he knows this too (unless he is blind). Tbh and maybe I’m wrong but it really seems like he’s taken a huge step back from acting bc he knows he’s not gonna get anything Oscar worthy (I mean he could but he doesn’t look to be trying like I mean look at seb he’s everywhere) tbh the vibe I get from him now is complacency. Which is okay bc he’s had a good career so oh well. I think he’s settled down and just wants to start a family now.
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scottxlogan · 2 years
Random Thoughts
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Random thoughts. As much as I am an X-Men fan I’ve been thinking lately about X-Men Apocalypse and how that film did such a HUGE disservice not only to Oscar Isaac, who in my opinion was HORRIBLY wasted in that film, which blows my mind given that he’s such a talented actor. Like seriously how could you not want to showcase him and let him run with being such an iconic villain and deliver a story for him to sink his teeth into? *sigh*, but that’s not what I’m in the mood to talk about right now. My BIGGEST complaint about that film is the characterization of Scott Summers. It’s something that’s troubled me from when I first saw the film. 
Now let me preface this by saying that I have nothing against Tye Sheridan. Before Apocalypse came out I went and saw Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse to familiarize myself with the actor because so many people were talking about how he was such a fantastic actor and how he would be PERFECT for Scott. I was skeptical, but willing to give him a chance because Scott Summers is my favorite character. Has been for a very long time. In Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse the character Tye Sheridan plays is so much like Scott that I was hyped to see him in the role until the movie finally came out and I realized that the character he was in X-Men Apocalypse aside from crushing on Jean Grey was most certainly NOT Scott Summers. (For those who want to see Tye in a Scott type character, I’d recommend the film that I mentioned above as he was more Scott there than he was in Apocalypse.) Scott is NOT a bad boy, rule breaking, smart mouth snot. I’m sorry, but that’s never been Scott. He’s not the ‘cool dude’ or Alex’s hip little brother who is edgy like Alex is in the First Class films. 
To those who don’t read the comics, I’ll just toss this out there. In the comics Alex is the younger brother and Scott literally gets brain damage saving his brother from the trauma of jumping out of the plane when their family is being attacked and their parents ‘died’. It’s such a tragic, interesting back story that leads to the ups and downs of Scott through the years with psychotic ‘father figures’ who experiment on/torture him, force him to use his powers for evil purposes until Charles saves him. The bond between Charles and Scott is one of the strongest ones in his life even if Charles has become a bit of a tyrant over time in how he manipulated Scott to do this bidding, but that’s another story for another time. Scott’s young life before the X-Men was loaded with pain and trauma where Alex was off adopted by a family and Scott was the obsession of a madman who for some reason was obsessed with the idea of breeding the perfect genetic mutant with him and Jean Grey...again another issue here lol.
That being said though Scott is shy, awkward, a lot of people have speculated autistic as well and there’s so much about Scott in his social awkwardness and his inherent self doubt/loathing as a teen that defines the man he becomes in the future. His rise from the shy, awkward kid too afraid to admit his feelings to Jean Grey or feel he was worthy of the role of leader that Charles bestows upon him to the strategic powerhouse he becomes is lost in Fox’s lame attempt to make someone that might be marketable to an audience who thinks it’s fun to see a a bratty fun cool guy who can come up with mischief. Now I love Scott. I do, but he is neither a bratty fun guy or a prankster. His sense of humor...well, really isn’t most of the time. It doesn’t fit who he is. Bobby was a prankster and a practical joker, but Scott is very serious almost to the point where he knows he’s not the popular guy that people gravitate to. He’s not the fun guy who is the life of the party, but rather he’s the guy who gets the job done and saves the day. He’s the guy with plans for his plans, etc. and he fights for his people with all that he has taking what he’s learned through the years and applying that knowledge to doing right by mutants and humans alike. 
In a lot of ways Scott’s almost like a blend of Charles and Magneto as he’s evolved into his own man. I cannot stress enough that there is so much to LOVE about this guy, who by his beginnings had what could’ve led him to be a villain as that’s the kind of backstory he had, but regardless of the struggles and angst he became a hero and a leader. His story is so inspiring and really gives the character depth which is why he’s my favorite. Fox NEVER got that.
In the first three X-Men films, they minimized Scott’s appearance to showcase Logan, but James Marsden was a fantastic casting choice (height aside). He brought so much to the character with what little was given to him to work with. His performance is always overlooked, but James expresses so much emotion without the benefit of his eyes, which is a difficult task for actors. Some popular actors who were offered the role in Apocalypse originally turned it down for that very reason of not being able to use their eyes. James more than delivers and is very underrated. Now, none of the first films will give a casual non-comic reader the full story on Scott, but I hope that those who haven’t seen the first films take the opportunity to at least look at those films and that Scott to see a glimpse of who he is and not the character with Scott’s name and his powers that doesn’t display who he is. Now I know some people liked the version in Apocalypse, but it’s so disheartening to know that those who never read a comic or saw the old films will ever understand what makes Scott so great. He’s truly the underdog that ended up saving his people and becoming one hell of a leader. The complexities of his relationships are another dynamic of what makes him great. 
There is so much to love about Scott and it makes me sad when I see so many fans who never were able to see that because Apocalypse was their first and only view of him. They were truly cheated and to this day it always makes me want to flood the blog with information and reference to Scott so people can see just how amazing he is as a character. Heck, even X-Men Origins which has a lot of problems in it did a better teen Scott than Apocalypse is so if someone wants to see a teen Scott that shows signs of who he will become, I would recommend that film as well for that alone. Like I cannot stress enough how much I hate that so many fans will never know how great he is. I literally went back and forth with a professor about how great Scott was, but with Fox not delivering it was so hard to share to only a film goer why my favorite character is so amazing since all people see is what little inaccurate crumbs that Fox gives. *rant over* Sorry it’s just sometimes I feel like letting this out because I hate how Scott gets overlooked or changed because those in charge don’t care enough to give the guy what he really deserves in a story especially in the film world. I do hope that the MCU does better. 
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wronganswerforehead · 7 months
Dune Part 2: Initial Thoughts.
Watched Dune Part two and I hate to be a contrarian, but it was just OK to me. Below is my non-spoiler take on the movie. Please excuse any grammatical errors, I'm just jotting down my thoughts.
Let's start with the positive! Here's What I enjoyed:
Cinematography and technical aspects. 
We live in a world where bad and downright comical CGI has somehow become the norm. Dune circumvents this with a combination of beautiful practical scenery and effects and technical mastery that I don't think I've seen since the Pirates of the Carribean. It allowed me to be fully immersed in the world, and I truly appreciated that.
The performances of Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Javier Bardem, and Austin Butler. 
While I don't think anyone turned in an Oscar worthy performance, I do think that these 4 did really well with the material they were given. Zendaya gave a performance that was both nuanced and in moments quite fierce. Chani’s love, skepticism, and anger were all portrayed wonderfully. I absolutely loved the fluency in which she spoke the Freman language and the chemistry she had with Souheila Yacoub. With that being said, I have some notes lol. Some of the lines were both written and delivered awkwardly, her signature “scowl” became repetitive, and her eyes tended to be kind of dead in some emotional moments. But, I think that with more roles/experience under her belt, Z can become quite the force if she wants to be. Overall, I really enjoyed her performance.
Rebecca played a very believable momma bear and puppet master. She is, in my opinion, an underrated actor. There was never a moment where her performance left me wanting more. 
Javier brought effortless humor to this film. Although I will say, the humor combined with the weird pacing made the religious zealot aspect of his character less believable. It kind of felt like when we got to those parts, he was still joking. 
Austin plays a psychopath really well! No notes lol.
And now, what I didn't enjoy:
Timothee Chalamet
I know this is a very unpopular opinion, and I’ve TRIED to understand the hype, but I just…don’t. With that being said, he was good when it came to playing the “boy” Paul Atreides, but when it came time to be a fierce leader/Messiah, nothing about his portrayal was believable. Everytime he yelled or raised his voice, it completely took me out of the movie, almost to the point of laughing. Also, jumping from Zendaya, Javier Bardem, and Souheila Yacoub speaking the Freman language to Timothee speaking it, was jarring to say the least. Overall, it was an ok performance, but I feel he gets a TON of grace because of CMBYN. And I’ll leave it there.
The Pacing
It was rough, I can’t lie. One second, you're in a fast-paced action sequence, and then the next thing you know, the movie grinds to a halt via jump cut to a different, seemingly unrelated, scene where everybody is whispering.  Also, the quickness in which everyone, including the non-believers, rallied behind Paul contributed to the pacing issue. Everything either happened too fast or too slow and it never really found a balance. This movie jumps around a lot and sometimes it’s sloppily done and confusing.I know that there is a lot that has to be fit into these movies, but I feel like this aspect could’ve been handled better. Ultimately, I think it’s why the movie ended up feeling really long and sometimes repetitive to me.
Lack of Explanations
For starters, I don't like it when movies spoon feed you. BUT, in cases like Dune, where there’s a ton of pre-existing lore, I think it’s necessary to offer some explanation for the audience members who haven’t read the book. Introducing certain themes and items without any explanation whatsoever, will leave a lot of moviegoers confused and feeling like there may be a plot hole. For example, Chani’s blue scarf. If you haven’t read the book, you will have absolutely no idea why it suddenly appears halfway through the movie. You can make guesses based on prior scenes, but you’ll probably be wrong because the real reason is never introduced in the movie.
Overall, it was a decent experience. But to be honest, I don’t think it being placed in the same category as great sequels, such as the Dark knight, is warranted. I think this movie is getting a ton of grace simply because of the names attached to it and the general lack of well made action movies. It’s in the right place at the right time.
Well, that’s it for now. Hope you enjoyed the read!
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diabetes-365 · 2 years
Hey tumblr friends, fellow diabetics. I just watched a rather mediocre movie with well known actors, and although the movie was far from Oscar worthy, it got me thinking about my life with diabetes.
The movie is Spiderhead, don’t bother lol. Chris Hemsworth and Miles Teller, idk who roped them into it - or how much Netflix was paying them, but here I am posting on tumblr at 2 AM about it haha. (No major spoilers ahead).
The movie is about drugs given to inmates and tests done on them. In this day in age, they convey that effect on a phone - a simple swipe of the finger and the test subject (a person) is given whatever dosage of this drug, and it effects them immediately, and if too much is given, it can be lethal.
My phone, has an app that’s connected to a device on me (CGM), that displays blood sugar numbers every few minutes. In the very near future, my Omnipod PDM, personal diabetes manager, will be integrated into that app, or a separate app, and everything will be done a phone. One, single point of failure. To me - it’s scary to think about.
Also - crazy coincidence - but the other day I just so happened to run into someone the other day at a coffee shop - who’s literally working for Omnipod and that future that I just mentioned. He said he was a developer working on the software - being a product manager myself for software, and someone who’s literally wearing an Omnipod, I had a bit of a chat with him. I actually told him my fears too, about a single point of failure, and ya know - what if someone hacks my phone?!
There will be a future where your blood glucose level AND your insulin management, happens from one device. To me that seems inevitable. And to me, that’s terrifying. Imagine someone hacks your phone and cranks the insulin dosage up, or does the reverse and turns it off. Accidentally or maliciously. I don’t know about you - but thoughts about this type of thing comes up frequently for me.
Not the hacking of a device per day, that shit can and probably will happen - but what comes up more is…the fragile mortality us type 1 diabetics have because of our dependency on insulin, and devices.
Now granted this movie is in the future (it appears so), and it’s ridiculous in nature…but it still somehow finds its way to fuck with my brain.
It’s almost the same way a zombie movie fucks with me. As a type 1 diabetic, I would be - barring any zombie bites to the group - I would be the first to die. Even if we made it to a pharmacy during Armageddon - there’s simply only enough insulin for x amount of time, and when there’s no more, I die.
I know, I KNOW, this is fucked up to think about. But when your life is run by numbers every single solitary second, and your only alive because this solution inside of a vial - you think about things differently.
I mean, when I hear a electronic beeps out in public, I’m not sure if it was me - or if it’s just a noise of a chicken fryer, or a truck, or something else. I’ll literally check my Omnipod JUST to be sure I’m not in any danger.
Granted - I’m extremely and utterly privileged in my life that even when something goes wrong with my pump or CGM or blood sugar - I’m most likely able to fix the issue myself, or get assistance before I’m in a true near death scenario. Despite that, I still have fears.
I mean for fuck sake I’m watching a futuristic movie about drugs in inmates and all I think is…yeah I know what that’s like. The prisoners in this movie are “free” to roam the premises, they can play video games, ping pong, nothing is locked, but things are fhat way because they agree to the experiments.
Diabetic life is kind of similar - in that we are free, we can run marathons, climb Everest, do incredible feats - but we are bound to this ever present threat. A threat on our very lives.
I’ve spoken on here many times about how - how I do feel strong, despite diabetes. I know right now it seems like I’m being incredibly morbid, pessimistic? Idk.
I have always been real on tumblr, and that’s what I’m trying to be. I do feel at times, incredibly fragile because of this disease. This movie made me feel a button press away from death, and when I stop and think about it - it scares me. Like if someone truly wanted to, they could snatch my PDM without me noticing, get passed the code, and then destroy me.
I suppose, life’s fragile for anyone really. I’m just up late at night talking about someone killing me, and yet tomorrow I could get t-boned by a semi truck while driving to the grocery store. Ok yeah, definitely being morbid, but just being real.
Technology has saved me though. Insulin’s mass manufacturing, Omnipod, and CGM’s. It’s really incredible what’s even changed since I was diagnosed in 2011. Things have gotten smaller, better, easier to use, and I now have more information than ever at finger tips too.
So what are your thoughts? When you watch zombie movies or futuristic movies, does your min run wild with what you’d do or where’d you go? Does your mind jump to - how much insulin is in your fridge right NOW?! Or am I the only one losing my mind lol.
Just…don’t hack my phone, or my PDM, and I’ll sleep better at night. 🤣
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thebigshotman · 1 year
(Before continuing on to the movie review this week of “Annie Hall”, I feel I need to state this. Yes, this is a Woody Allen film. Yes, he is, without a doubt, a scumbag of a human being. However, I throughly enjoyed the movie. This is because separating the art from the artist is a very real thing people can do, no matter how influenced by the artist’s life the art was. I and everyone else in my class did the same thing.
As my professor said before the screening: “This is a film class, not an ethics class; take your scorn elsewhere”. So please do not come to me with anon hate about the fact that I enjoyed this movie. It will be immediately deleted as if you never sent it. (I know most of the regulars around here know not to do that, and know what kind of person I really am, but you never know who might see this 😬)
Anyway! With that disclaimer out of the way, the review is under the cut for those interested! Thank you all for being respectful and chill 😊)
Another week, another movie in film class! Last week’s “Godfather” didn’t give me much to talk about, but good golly did this one! This week we watched “Annie Hall” by Woody Allen, and it was a romantic comedy. Romantic comedies are something I usually don’t watch very often, with the sole exception of “Pretty Woman” and a couple of others. But this one had a lot of tricks up its sleeve to keep me interested!
The movie is about the relationship between Alvy Singer-Allen-and the titular Annie Hall-Diane Keaton-as it rises, falls, rises again, and eventually breaks up amicably. Alvy’s other relationships are also explored briefly to hammer in the point that he seems to be unlucky in love no matter what. We see this relationship out of order, with their awkward first meeting only coming about a third a ways in. We also break the fourth wall pretty frequently, with fantasy sequences woven in here and there by all characters and frequent asides to the camera by Alvy. In the end, they meet each other one last time for dinner, and the whole thing ends surprisingly poignantly with a metaphor involving love and eggs. Trust me, it was way better than it sounded 😂
The screenplay definitely deserved to win an Oscar, as it’s very tightly written and very funny, if odd and cringe worthy occasionally. What didn’t win an Oscar but was amazing, though, was the cinematography, done by the same dude that did “Godfather” funnily enough. It really captured what it must be like to fall in and out of love against the backdrop of a big city. The fantasy sequences and asides, very unusual for a romcom, also make it stand out from a crowd and keep you guessing what strange-but-realism-driven thing would happen next. The movie line scene with a cameo by Marshall McLuan (you can look it up if you want) was a highlight!
I’d say it’s a combination of what “Scenes from a Marriage” and “Ferris Buller’s Day Off” must be like…but I’ve never seen either lol
Keaton deserved the Oscar for playing Annie, bringing just enough of her real self into the role to make her realistic but enhancing everything when needed to make her the prototype “manic pixie dream girl” she is. Some of my classmates thought Alvy was annoying, what with his constant griping and distinctive voice, and I can definitely see why, but…I saw parts of myself in both of them. My positive qualities in Annie’s free-spiritness and definitely my negative ones in Alvy’s anxieties and overthinking. So I can’t bring myself to hate either, or their performances. They truly captured the “nervous romance” of the tagline!
So, yeah! Overall I really liked this movie! It did a lot of things I didn’t expect a romantic comedy too, and in a good way, too. The burden of how horribly its writer/director/lead actor forked up over the years weights heavy on it, make no mistake, but I think despite that it’s aged decently. If you can find it for free somewhere I recommend watching it! Just, y’know, do what I did. As for me, I will be watching it again as soon as I can find that aforementioned free source lol
Next week is “Network”, the origin of the famous “mad as hell” rant! Definitely a very big change from a romcom, but as someone going to school for media and a news reporter myself I can’t wait to see how it is! I’ll be sure to let you all know. In the meantime, hopefully I’ll be on in a few hours to get to threads.
La dee da la dee da…seriously I loved Annie. See you all soon!
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My mission if there’s ever a 70s day at college is to dress like her in this gif 😁
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bisluthq · 1 month
Yeah I don’t know why people act like this streak of bad movies is a new thing for Saoirse 💀 her filmography has some REALLY good movies but it also has some of the worst movies
literally lmao. I think - not to pull out old fans/new fans clout but like I do think a lot of new fans got into her with the Gerwig movies and then watched like Brooklyn and Hotel Budapest and Hanna and Atonement and like those are very cool movies and they figured it’s mostly gonna be like that but… saoirse makes some really shit movies sometimes. I wouldn’t even call this a “streak” of bad movies relative to Saoirse’s past output because like since Little Women she’s made Ammonite (which was bad but far from the worst movie I’ve ever seen lol like it wasn’t a great film but it also wasn’t a bad film, it’s legit the definition of a film that exists and like it gave some pretty funny and iconic moments in promo in terms of me asking if straight women are okay so I am fine with it existing, and like a few of the sex scene gifs are hot like the whole scene isn’t but with no sound and out of context they looked sexy), she cameo’d in The French Dispatch (sad it was only a cameo but she looked super sexy and that was a very cool movie if you like Wes Anderson, which I do - not a way to get into him but solid Wes Anderson flick), See How They Run (which wasn’t like Oscar worthy but was a fun movie and had a fun storyline and she was good in it) and Foe (which was absolutely awful 😂😂💀💀😫). She’s apparently excellent in The Outrun, Blitz… we’ll have to see about but it’s a really good director so idk what went wrong if something DID go wrong, and Bad Apples (which sounds hella weird but w/e maybe it’s better than I’m giving it credit for from the premise).
That’s really only ONE super bad movie? In 5 years?
and if I’m honest like the dialogue is so bad it’s kinda funny and so I might rewatch it at some stage. Same for Lost River, which I’ve seen several times, and it never stops being a bit funny to me lmao. Also tbf I think a lot of people did that because they liked Ryan G like it’s a dope cast but maaaan that movie is ass lol. Whereas you’d have to pay me money to watch Violet & Daisy, the horrible Stockholm syndrome movie and The Host. Those aren’t fun, they’re just actively bad movies.
How I Live Now, Byzantium, MQOS, On Chesil Beach and The Seagull are all super mid movies. Not bad, have some things going for them - Saoirse bring one of those thing in like all four - but aren’t like showstoppers.
Her GOOD movies are: Atonement, Hanna, Brooklyn, The Way Back, Lady Bird, Little Women, I’d strongly argue The Lovely Bones but I know it weirds some people out so I won’t go super hard for it. I do think it’s a great movie though.
I also dunno why people are so harsh on Sersh because they’re usually also fans of ATJ who - in a much shorter career - has made some equally dreadful movies and Margot who, again, has made ass movies. People also love to go off about Zendaya and I agree she’s very talented but again plenty of mid to ass projects there.
allllll actors fuck up sometimes.
shit like MERYL STREEP has been in bad movies. Y’all ever watch Before and After (with her and Liam Neeson where their son kills his gf)? Don’t. It’s a really bad movie.
everyone makes bad movies sometimes 😂💀😫
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georgiapeach30513 · 8 months
I think the whole ghosted thing is honestly an overreaction. It wasn’t a great film at all but it’s def not razzies worthy.
Ana de Armas has had two movies get razzies nommed and then she still went on to get an Oscar nom for the same movie LOL.
Hollywood is such a weird place sometimes.
I don’t think it was great. It had issues. So I’m not surprised. But it’s not that serious. Have fun with the nomination. It’s okay to make fun of yourself
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joe-moi · 11 months
Jq has some acting chops but Oscar worthy? I don’t think mister devil horns sticking his tongue out is ever getting an Oscar, but who knows lol. I don’t think people take him seriously enough to put him any movies that would he Oscar worthy.
Jk could get a nom for Fargo, it is an acclaimed show so who knows.
I definitely see Gaten winning a Tony within the next 10 years. He’s just so fabulous.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Because let me tell you there’s a lot of actors. I never thought would win an Academy award. I watched Dudley do right and George of the jungle and then I watched Brendan get an Academy award this year.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Do you think Tom could have a successful career if he based himself in London and did more British films? I don’t think we’ve seen the full extent of his talent personally. I feel Tom is not an actor to be underestimated. He just has to make the right choices for roles. He’s great in Cherry and Chaos, it’s the films themselves that lacked luster.
When you say "base himself in London" and do "more British films", are you saying basically him leaving Hollywood completely?
And what exactly is your definition of "success"?? 🤷 Because to me, Tom is already very successful. He has shown that he can do blockbuster lead roles, action roles, but also low-budget serious films/series/tv movies, theater, etc. So, I guess I'm not really understanding your question? If you would like to embellish more on what you're asking, feel free to send me another msg in my inbox. 😊
I'll agree that SOME of Tom's role choices over the past few years have been some that maybe I personally wouldn't have chosen for him, but like you said, he was always amazing in whatever project he has done, and to me, that's what matters most. When you can stand out as being the best part of a movie, then that's a GOOD thing, not a bad thing imo lol. Personally?? I think Tom's career is just fine?   🤷 I'm not exactly sure why some fans seem to harp on his career so much, or seem so disappointed in his film/role choices. To me he's doing fine! 😊 He's probably one of the most successful and promising young "leading man" actors of Generation Z (regardless of what British GQ tries to say lol 😅🤣), he's made a TON of bank money with the Sony and Marvel films and franchises, and he's well-liked and well-respected in Hollywood (which is actually a HUGE plus and will carry you far) and is basically a household name at this point. So I'm not sure what more people want from him!? 😅
I know there are mixed reviews/feelings about Chaos Walking, but I personally enjoyed it! I didn't view it too seriously... I just watched it like a light-hearted sci-fi YA movie that was just good fun. Kind of like watching "The Maze Runner" or "Divergent" franchise or something. I didn't expect anything deep or "Oscar-worthy" out of it in other words. Sometimes, some films are just good FUN, and that's okay! Not every film an actor does has to be some Oscar bait, or Oscar-worthy performance. Some scripts just speak to an actor and they want to do the role or work with a particular Director... plain and simple! 😊
But please, embellish on what you meant if I didn't quite understand your question.
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
Sorry super busy with the festival and work but yeah… idk. I am going to try to be as spoiler free as I can. Also I hope you actually get this because it’s gonna be long and I’m on mobile rn! The film as a whole was enjoyable and I thought the storyline was interesting, but I do think Harry’s performance was lacking. Overall he did a fine job, and his physical acting was good, but some of the line deliveries were… bland and very “I’m-just-learning-how-to-act”. He was just reciting the lines not actually putting proper intonation behind them. I think he could improve and do better in future roles (hopefully / maybe). His character is very much a himbo, and while I get why Patrick falls for him, I actually don’t get why Marion does aside from Tom is pretty. But that could be because we get to hear Patrick’s internal monologue. The film does do a good job and showing how all these characters are flawed and products of their time, so I think in that sense it was quite well. And as Harry mentioned I do see how they showcase the parts of ourselves we don’t always like. Really my biggest issue with the film is Harry’s acting. I think it’s also more noticeable because the rest of the cast was very strong. Linus Roache as the older Tom did an excellent job showing the bitterness, resentfulness and pain of a what that character would be feeling in the later timeline after going through his whole life, which really juxtaposes with H’s performance. I was sitting next to a press person and me and the girl (also industry) next to me where talking about the fact that we were disappointed in H’s performance and the press lady quietly laughed (rude but oh well) and while she couldn’t agree with us out loud we could tell she was like… yeah I’m definitely talking about his performance in my article. Also unrelated but apparently she had been promised a ticket for in conversation with Taylor Swift and then they took it away. So I just want to point out how much of a mess TIFF has been with tickets this year (and every year) because all of us industry people were complaining too! Now to talk about the actual conference part. I wish the moderator had asked Michael Grandage more questions as the director of the film but that’s coming from me being in the industry and wanting to hear from the filmmakers. I get marketing wise people care more about the actors. We were all also a bit disappointed that we couldn’t ask questions since in other TIFF screenings you often can but this was being recorded and showcased live so it wasn’t for us in the theatre. I did think Harry did a much better job talking about this film that what I saw him saying in Venice for DWD. You can tell he did care about this story a lot. He definitely put lots of thought into it. (Or they talked to him after Venice haha). He was a sweetheart and even blew a kiss to one of the people in the front row (I really wish I had moved closer once the film ended but I didn’t want to be craning my neck during the actual film so I had sat in the middle of the theatre). He definitely was looking at us in the audience though and subtly interacting. It’s funny though because they did ask for us to stay in our seats during the press conference and a bunch of people not only left when the film ended but also midway through the press conference. It does always happen but it is still always rude and bothers me. Don’t come to a screening where the filmmakers are going to be talking afterwards if you can’t stay! Oh and some poor person’s phone went off in the middle which my friend told you could be heard in the live stream lol. Anyways there’s my opinion and experience - E
ah interesting! honestly, i wasn’t expecting an oscar worthy performance from him, he is obviously just starting off so im gonna keep my expectations low lol, give him the chance to improve, im very curious about the movie now!!
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astranva · 2 years
It kind of bothers me that if blonde actually comes out, Ana might be considered for an Oscar. Not bc of the movie content, but just because I don’t think she deserves it lol. There are so many actresses that have been acting for way longer and have been in SO MANY Oscar worthy roles but haven’t gotten their well deserved award, (Amy adams for example), and it just seems unfair for Ana to receive one so soon when she’s only been “famous” for like the past 2 years and has only been in like 2 decent roles. Even if her performance in blonde is good, she just hasn’t done enough to deserve an award that prestigious yet, in my opinion. It’s like a slap in the face to actors who have been working for that for so damn long. Like Jessica chastain is one of my fav actresses and she JUST got her first Oscar when she’s been in dozens of amazing roles.
the academy is obsessed with “biopics” (i know blonde isn’t one but it’s a portrayal of an actual person…you get me) so i think they might consider her. i get you, i really do.
i agree with you so much, but i don’t think she’ll win it honestly, that’s if she even gets a nom. i think for best actress, the competition might be between cate blanchett for Tar orrrr michelle Yeoh for Everything, Everywhere All at Once (i have a feeling this one will have many noms idk)
if blonde could win anything, i think it might be costume design or cinematography or stuff like that. ana might get nominated but i don’t think she’ll win tbh idk
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allamericansbitch · 3 years
Lol I love marvel movies, but no they're not Oscar worthy. You can appreciate and enjoy them for what they are, but they're just not those kinds of movies and that's totally fine. They don't need to be, you're allowed to love them without needing some kind of justification for it in the form of best picture at the Oscars lmao. People gotta chill.
Exactly! My friends like them and I just wanna hang out so I tag along to them, I enjoy them. They’re funny. I don’t think they’re revolutionary, plot-wise and they don’t do anything new or interesting but they know what formula keeps people interested so they stick to it.
It’s like that famous director said, I forget who it was specifically, but he was saying superhero movies aren’t bad movies but they aren’t deep or moving like films are. They’re like roller coasters, adrenaline rushes and that’s it. And then a bunch of people were angry at him and i was why are you booing him, he’s right.
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