#I don't even ship many rarepairs
randomuzerthelozer · 8 months
Hear me out okay, please hear me out
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Please think about them okay, I swear I promise it could work okay..
It's like uhh "GRR I hat u" and Latte is like "L" and then they makeout
They could be like a old married couple, or like even unlikely friendship or whatever
Idk mabye you could shove enemies to lovers in there too
Y- You guys like that right?
Please please please hear me out okat
(Ingore how goofy the art looks it's kinda vaugly old, also this is NOT a anti Broomer x Chalky post)
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veinsfullofstars · 2 months
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You can't tell me their first meeting didn't go something like this.
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Dark Meta Knight and Daroach in a recreation of the Princess Mononoke "You're beautiful" meme. Original screenshot below the cut for comparison. Top panel - DMK hovers against a starry sky facing forward, his wings breaching the edges of the panel and spread to make himself look more intimidating. He glares down, one angry glowing eye visible in the visor of his mask, gripping the handle of his sword in both hands as if to stab downward, subtitled "I'll cut your throat! That'll shut you up!" Bottom panel - Daroach lies on his back at a slight angle on a nighttime grassy plain, his body and cape breaching the panel in places, his paws palm-up at his sides, his wand dropped beside him. He looks upward, unperturbed by the several sharp points of DMK's sword hanging over him, eyes half-lidded and brows lifted in interest, mouth drawn open in a smile and blushed at the ends, subtitled "You're beautiful..." Of course, every metal and/or shiny surface is lightly touched with rim light and sparkles. END ID.)
Started 03/26/24, finished 03/29/24.
Original: Princess Mononoke (Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli, 1997)
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laugtherhyena · 4 months
Sometimes i remember how long it took for Dra to get a full translation and think, wow, if it had a more speedy english translation back in the day (sorta like the one Sdra2 had) and i had my first experience with the game be as intended i don't think i would be writing -2+2 today
#putting this in tags because idk. my self-conscious bitchass tells me that this may ruin the fic for some people#but.#-2+2 started as a hatamori oneshot#the idea i mean#and then i started going “hey wouldn't it be cool if” and the ideas kept piling and piling#and i was like you know what i should make this a bigger thing#and it became a story focused narrative rather than a ship fic#but in it's core it's still the story i started writing out of thinking about my weird little rarepair and going#I NEED TO SHOW THEM MY VISION‼️‼️#and I get to write them living and being nice to eachother#going back to what i was talking about in the post. if my first impression with Dra had been with the full translated game#rather than learning about it from random Wikipedia pages. biased posts and massive spoilers#i am 99% sure i would be an ayakane shipper#cuz like. c'mon#they have so many moments in canon it's crazy#but nooooooo your girl here had to do a fucking 180 and become attached to hatamori instead#and i MEAN attached because when i got back into the another series last year i lost interest in all the ships i liked back in the day#EXCEPT FOR THEM#THEY'RE STILL MY FAVORITE PAIRING IN THE ANOTHER SERIES#and it's wild to me because at this point i don't even remember why i started shipping them to begin with#anyway. if you went through all these tags and feel disapointed don't worry#-2+2 is never gonna get to a point where they're gonna have a love confession and kiss in the mouth#because i want the focus to be the story and the characters rather than the ship itself#but it's still me writing it at the end of the day#so yeah.#hyena ramblings#dra#dra -2+2#danganronpa another
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ezralva · 6 months
Wdym there's only 8 Chousou/Higuruma Hiromi fics on Ao3 and actually only 1 fic that focused on them (thankfully in english) 😤
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protect-namine · 2 years
dottonari interaction is interesting because dottore (boattore) is so arrogant but polite and tighnari is equally so snarky and skeptical but just as polite. so we have two scholars who would both go behind the akademiya's back for the things they believe in and they're both pointing at each other going, "shouldn't you, as a scholar of an institution we both don't think highly of, display more common sense than this?"
they're both "per my last email"-ing each other in real time it's so funny
also I think it's just neat to see a non-fatui character talk to dottore like that and dottore just. leaves?? tighnari tells him no and dottore just goes, "okay that's fair, I gotta go now, have a nice day." like ??? at what point in dottore's life was he like this. boattore is so polite. arrogant and lacking in compassion, but not malicious. and sooooo courteous.
also according to selfishtorre, nahida's bargain would have only worked on selfishtorre so we can assume boattore wouldn't have killed off his clone-mates, and neither would webttore. maybe not out of sentimentality, but some rational acknowledgement that the clones all have a purpose for being.
anyway, given tighnari's thoughts on karkata and life in general, I wonder what his thoughts are on cloning and the different lives each clone has. technically a clone is their own person, you know? although the original dottore deliberately made them, the clones themselves lead their own lives (and are encouraged to do so, to have different "perspectives" from each other — hence why selfishttore implies that dottore can't find peace with all his selves and they never get along).
man I just want boattore and tighnari to just sit and talk..........
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decepti-thots · 2 years
3 for valentines!
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
Oh I have LOADS. I love making pairings up and I am friends with OTHER people who ALSO love making pairings up so. A lot of my ships are like. I made three other specific people ship it and we are the entire fanbase, LOL.
Some that I actively think about, though... Minimus/Nightbeat, that's one for sure, that's like me and two other people lmao... Trickdiamond/Flamewar, I am in LOVE with that ship, it's so funny to me, I adore them conceptually. Oh, also (IDW) Elita/Windblade, ONE DAY I will reread the IDW Elita stuff so I can write that, haha. I want! Very tense antagonistic UST for them!! Rodimus/Riptide! I adore that one, they'd be SO FUN. And Minimus/Rung is a big OTP for me I go nuts for them. honestly i have a bunch of weird minimus ships, so...
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claracivry · 2 years
Hello Clara! I've got a little question for you, since I'm very curious about it: what do you think of Eddie and Steve as a couple? Do you like them together? just wondering, I swear I come in peace, too many people fighting over silly stuff like this lately, I feel the need to clarify ahahahah
ps: I love your whump fics by the way, I had to tell you!!
Hi, anon!!
I'm glad you like my whump fics!! It's my favourite genre and brings me so much joy, I'm glad there's other people enjoying it :)
Now, my thoughts on Steddie 😬 I come in peace too! Please don't shoot! I hope I don't get cancelled and lose all of my readers but. When I first saw the show, I didn't see it. As a metalhead who doesn't date, I saw Eddie and was like "hell yeah why be into boys or girls when you can be into heavy metal 🤘🤘🤘🤘"
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with the ship, but there's something about the shipping community that bothers me, is almost aggressive? Like going "if you don't like this ship you're either blind or homophobic!!!" is something that I profoundly dislike, like it's okay to have your ships but don't step on other people?? I think the fact that you have to say "I come in peace" in this message perfectly illustrates that. There's a lot of discourse and I hate discourse so so much. So yeah, that bothers me.
If you read me, you probably see that I love gen more than any ship. I wrote that much about umbrella academy because it was a bunch of siblings and ships were never central to the story or the fics. I sometimes love a very popular ship (Geralt and Jaskier in the Witcher) and other times I don't see it/ship it (Johnlock from way back in superwholock times). Is very rare for me to get reeeeally into a ship, so when the whole majority of fics is eaten by ships, it kinda bothers me, too.
And this was a thing before Eddie in this fandom, too! I would go to try and find some Jonathan whump and it would be all Harringrove where Jonathan was mentioned in one line. If all the whump fics are about feelings and romance Imma be pissed, I can tell you that. And this happens a lot with Steddie, I will see a promising fic about Eddie being sick and it'll be all couples fluff and romantic feelings. Does everything have to be romantic?
Also, I am a little petty bitch. Seeing gen fics getting two kudos and something very similar get two hundred because it has Steddie bothers me. I don't think it's fair. And again, the discourse, like you said, the fighting, is annoying. We write content because we want to have fun, right? It's not supposed to be a lesson in morality, Jesus. (That's why I love rarepairs, there's usually zero discourse)
Without all the drama, I think Steve and Eddie could be cute. I like the notion of Steve never having thought of boys in that way but being unable to tear his eyes off Eddie. I like the poor guy x rich guy thing, and how they could idk explore what each other's lives have been like. And let's face it, they're hot. They're friendly. Could be nice but sadly, the whole... vibe around it just bothers me.
And also, the fact that there's so little whump without Steddie. Like I said, petty little bitch.
So yeah, them as couple? I don't ship it, but the couple is cute. But the actual shipping community has ruined it a bit for me. If there's anyone out there who feels this way too, I would love to chat!
Thanks for asking, hope you don't mind my long and non-shippy answer! And I sure hope people continue to read me despite this :/
Clara out ;)
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Welcome to Danganronpa Rarepair Week 2024!
This event begins on June 16th and ends on June 22nd!
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Day One (June 16th): dreaming/soulmates
Day Two (June 17th): summer outing/school dance
Day Three (June 18th): self care/caring for the other
Day Four (June 19th): killing game life/mastermind au
Day Five (June 20th): gift giving/peace
Day Six (June 21st): found footage/local mystery
Day Seven (June 22nd): fashion/decorations
More information on the event under the cut!
The rules are the same as they usually are, but I'll reiterate them!
1. For organization, use the tag [#danganronpa rarepair week 2024] and [#dr rarepair week 2024]! Tagging me is optional, but it's the best chance of me seeing your content. Please also tag the characters involved in the ship and a ship name!
2. All forms of media are allowed! This includes digital/traditional art, stories, edits, and cosplays! However, using others' content is prohibited, and I will block you.
3. Incest and Warrior of Hope ships are prohibited, as well as anything involving Haji Towa. This is mostly for personal comfort. Any entries of these sorts will not be interacted with.
4. NSFW (heavy gore and/or pornography) is allowed, but it will not be reblogged here. Mild gore/implied NSFW will be reblogged. And please tag these things appropriately!
5. Please keep in mind that this is for rarepair content! Don't get me wrong, many mainstream ships are great, but I think that many rare ships also deserve a week to shine. And instead of making tons of individual weeks, I made one collective week for them.
And remember to have fun!!! I'm glad that so many people enjoyed the event, and I can't wait to see what people come up with!
6. There is no deadline for this ship week! Please feel free to do the prompts even if you miss the days!
Are cross-game ships allowed? Yes!
What counts as a popular/disallowed ship? I made a list, which can be found here and will also be reblogged at some point as a reminder.
Do I have to stick to one ship for the whole week? No! You can if you want to, or you can submit multiple ships, as long as they're rarepairs.
Is implied NSFW/a fade to black scene okay? Yes! As long it's not explicit, you're good.
Are any characters besides the WoH/Haji Towa banned? No! The main game characters and manga/anime exclusive characters are welcome.
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py-dreamer · 4 months
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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takaraphoenix · 4 months
Polympians Event!
Clarifying right off the gate: This does NOT mean exclusively Percy x poly Olympians, it means any god/Percy ship.
EDIT: I made a sideblog for the event: @polympians-event
EDIT 2: Here's the link to the AO3 collection!
What is the Polympians Event?
What I have in mind is an open event for any and all god/Percy ships. You ship Percy with only one god? Fill the prompts with only that ship! You sail many different god/Percy ships? Fill each prompt with a different ship, if you want! A full Percy/Olympians poly ship, OT3 or any poly constellation? Primordial gods, titans or non-Olympian gods? Any god(s)/Percy ship goes!
I've seen, in recent years, that god/Percy ships have gained quite some traction and I love that, so much. But while there are bigger ships that do have their own events, there are also the tiny rarepairs that don't get these chances, and even with the bigger ones, not everyone has the time/energy to participate in all their ships' events. So one blanket event, where the biggest of god/Percy ships and the rarest of god/Percy ships are equally welcome.
Are there rules to this?
Yes, but only the most basic. No ship bashing or harassment of other participants. The event is open to all god/Percy ships, which means people will participate with your NOTPs too. Don't like them? Don't read them. Instead, focus on the new content to your own ships! If you can't be a civil, normal person about this, then this event isn't for you.
Whether you want to write smut or not is entirely up to you, but you ought to tag appropriately!
What's the plan?
I chose the dates of the Lightning Thief quest for this event! Meaning it will run from May 28th (Percy waking up at CHB) to June 21st (Percy returning the Master Bolt and Helmet).
That length works out well for there to be 12 prompts, and you would have two days to post each prompt, plus an additional 13th prompt on the last day, to keep with the theme of the Olympians.
I'll get an AO3 collection started to which you can submit your entries on AO3 and, if there would be interest in it, I could start a sideblog specifically for this event to which entries (with proper ship tags so you can filter out your NOTPs) will be reblogged as a signal boost.
What are the prompts?
May 28th/29th: Roman
May 30th/31st: wedding/marriage
June 1st/2nd: The sea does not like to be restrained
June 3rd/4th: family focus
June 5th/6th: jealous/possessive [god]
June 7th/8th: role-swap AU (god!Percy/demigod![god])
June 9th/10th: Modern AU/no powers
June 11th/12th: metamorphosis/shapechange
June 13th/14th: godly gifts
June 15th/16th: Aphrodite ships it
June 17th/18th: Percy accepts godhood
June 19th/20th: yearning/pining
June 21st: Mythology
And because I'm bad at phrasing short prompts, here some explanations on what I had in mind with them, though you are of course free to interpret them in whatever manner you read them!
Roman: could mean the Roman aspect of the god, a Roman!Percy AU, or whatever else you want to make of it!
family focus: Are Percy and the god married with children of their own? Percy as step-parent to campers? The god meeting Sally, Paul and/or Tyson?
metamorphosis/shapechange: the gods have a track-record of turning people into animals or plants. Does this mean full animal, or catboy/other hybrid? Is this angst or fluff?
godly gifts: magic powers granted to Percy, or literal physical gifts to court, or something else?
Aphrodite ships it: Aphrodite as wing-woman, hyping and helping, can also very much include Aphrodite/Percy since she would be her own biggest shipper
Mythology: could be a mythological AU where Percy takes on a role from the past, or specific elements of a tale that recur, anything
Let me know if you're interested so I know I won't be hosting this just for myself!
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t00thpasteface · 3 months
regardless of what i do/don't draw/write or how much i draw/write it, never let it be said that i'm not committed to the rarepair/crackship grindset. idk how many of yall reading this even know what i'm talking about here but if you've ever seen that post that was like "thinking haha what if i jokingly shipped them is your last chance to get out btw" that post was about ME busting my ass to create a horrible skyrim crackship between two characters who never met in canon (teldryn x serana) as a way of coping with how my waifu was about to either tie or lose op's poll tournament
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theheirofthesharingan · 3 months
Hello, may we know what are your thoughts about ita/saku
I dislike ItaS*ku. A lot. Detailed answer below the cut.
I don't understand this ship and it's the only Itachi ship that makes no sense and that I cannot tolerate. Everyone else he's shipped with acknowledged him in some way, understood him to some extent, and thematically they were compatible. Even if I see Itachi and Sasuke's relationship as perfectly, strictly platonic, I understand why people see the potential for more in them and why they want to explore this in their fics or art. It's the same with ShiIta and KisaIta and the rarepairs like KakaIta and ItaDei. But ItaS*ku is a pairing that makes zero sense to me.
Itachi is perceptive, thoughtful, puts his own needs aside, takes up the responsibility when he does wrong and tries to change his approach, doesn't need and ask for other people's help, and has self-respect. Sakura is the complete opposite but in a bad way. She isn't perspective, is selfish, her own needs come first - the world can go to hell, and has no self-respect. They aren't a match in any way. Their "polar opposite" isn't endearing under any circumstances.
She has a "girlboss" like personality or that's how she's presented. She's badass, a quick learner, strong, powerful etc., but she's not compatible with Itachi just for those reasons. To make them work as a ship, Sakura's characterization would have to change enormously. She'd have to be completely ooc for that.
In canon too, she saw Sasuke change his mind about Itachi, and while Naruto and Kakashi at least acknowledged it, Sakura never bothered to know about the truth. He, too, never acknowledged her presence except for a scene in one of the movies. In canon, never. She was nonexistent to him and he was just Sasuke's enemy to her. Why would I really ship them together.
With Itachi's other ships there's love, understanding, and compassion, and/or at least some thematic relevance which Ita/Saku entirely lacks. It's not the case of 'she's too good for Itachi' as many of her fans want to claim in regards to both Itachi and Sasuke. She's not a bad character and I like her, but ItaS*ku doesn't work as a ship.
I'll be tagging this post properly, so if anyone comes here with flaming response they'll be blocked. In case you read it this far, feel free to ignore if you ship these two characters or are a Sakura fan.
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fallingdownhell · 4 months
As someone who loves poly relationships and rarepairs, I got something.
May I request a poly between Childe and Ayato with a reader who's a baker? Reader's always making goodies for the boys, especially when they're at work. They want to make sure their lovers are in good health and shape, so they spoil the boys a lot.
Why is this so cute? I never really thought about this ship, and now I can't get it out of my head. Thanks for that, anon xD Pairing: Ayato x Reader x Childe Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; general headcanons; fluff Word count: 824 words Enjoy<3
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well, first, let's get the obvious out of the way. Even with you involved, it would take a long time for Ayato and Childe to get along to the point where they don't fantasize about killing the other constantly
I mean, one is a Fatui Harbinger, so it's basically in his job description, and the other is the Head of his Clan, highly respected by his people, and expected to lead them fairly
and yet still, both have fallen madly in love with you. So for your sake, they try and get along, and over time, a genuine bond seems to grow out of it, which makes you all the more happier
since Childe has a lot of travelling to do with his job, it was mutually decided between you three that you would move in at Ayato's estate, and Childe could always come and visit whenever he has free time
Usually, when the Ginger comes around, you spend all of your time either with him alone, or with all of them together. In your eyes, Ayato has you all to himself most of the time, so when Childe is here, you spend as much time with him as possible, to make up for when he was gone
even knowing your job as a baker, the boys discover your passion for baking very early on. Whenever you got some free time to spare, you like to spend it in the kitchen, trying out new recipies that you found
sure, it's part of your job, but they are genuinely happy that you get to live off of your passion. With Ayato gifting you a small shop in Inazuma City that you can design like you want, and Childe declaring few of his underlings as your workers, you're fully equipped to open up a shop of your own, something that you've always dreamed of doing
the boys are just happy to see you all happy and smiling, gushing to them about the plans you have, what you want to put on your menu, etc. They are all smiles when they listen to you, clinging onto every word that leaves your lips
even with all the baking you do at work, you still often come home and head directly to the kitchen, baking some simple cookies or such for your boyfriends, loving when you see their faces light up when they eat your baked goodies
sometimes, Thoma also comes around, drawn in by the smell of it, and he always offers to help you with it, so you can make even larger badges. Wether you take him up on the offer or not, he respects your decision
Childe also likes to help you out from time to time. However, Ayato is no longer allowed in the kitchen. He "helped" you one time, and he put so many weird ingredients in the dough, the brownies tasting so weird that you'd banned him from the kitchen. He sulked about it at first, but came to terms with it. In the end, he still gets to enjoy your baking, so he can deal with it
when Childe tells you that he has to leave again soon, you sometimes bake him stuff that's a bit more durable, so he has something to enjoy during his journey back
days spend with the two of them are either one of two things. They are either the most exciting days you've ever experienced in your life, or they are spend just relaxing and cuddling, trying to make as much of the company you get to share while it lasts
You've experienced many adventures with them, as they are often taking you out to explore the islands of Inazuma, or even to other nations where you get to try as much food as you can
they love to see your face brighten up with excitement and since they both have a lot of money to spend, they love to spoil you by buying things for you. Wether that be food, a shop, juwelery or whatever else it is you wish for. Just say the word and one of them will buy it for you
Gift giving is a big love language for both Ayato and Childe. Childe always brings many presents when he returns from another trip and Ayato surprises you with a gift at least twice a week. It's just how they express their love to you
generally, they treat you very gently and with care. They are both powerful people, but they'd never want you to be afraid of them. They don't care if others think of them as weak for that. For you, they'd gladly be percieved as such if only you are happy
overall, I'd give this relationship dynamic like a solid 7,5-8/10. With both Ayato and Childe, you are very well taken care of and loved. What more could one wish for when having them both as your loving partners?
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Welcome to Critter Rarepair Reccs!
Hey y'all! Welcome to Critter Rarepair Reccs, a recommendation list aimed at fics written for ships that are largely under-represented, appreciated, and loved in our fandom! Now, let's address the elephant in the room first; rarepair is a misnomer here, knowingly. Some of the ships eligible to be recc'ed on this list might not be ones you'd consider a rarepair! So, the more proper welcome would be-
Welcome to Critter Underloved Ship Reccs
For brevity's sake, the URL is staying, though.
Now, it goes without saying, but before we get into the details here, let's get one thing clear: this blog is dedicated to spreading love and appreciation to fanworks and their creators. Ship hate of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a block.
With that said, let's talk about the criteria for an underloved ship and why we're defining it the way we are.
Definition & Explantion
There is one qualifier for a ship to be eligible for this list: less than 100 fics were written for it and posted to Ao3 during 2023.
We landed on this metric for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it casts a very wide net for pairings while still narrowing the field a fair bit. The gulf of works between flagship pairings, endgame pairings, and some of the larger side/non-canon pairings is significant. Secondly, we wanted to take a look at how the fandom is currently, which is why we pivoted away from using the Wildflower System ( @cr-summer-wildflowers ) of excluding any pairing with more than 500 fics total. There are a number of pairings that were extremely popular at one point in time, but these days get far less love and attention. Let's take Widofjord for example. They have almost a thousand fics total and were in the Top 10 relationship tags for Critical Role on Ao3 for a long time. But last year? Only 27 fics were written for them. They have, functionally, become a rarepair.
So, to be fair to ships that exist in that same, nebulous space, we're looking at totals from last year, not lifetime.
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For illustration purposes, here are charts (compiled by the wonderful @spottedenchants ) showing how many fics were written for each PC/PC ship last year.
Ineligible Ships
Which ships, then, don't qualify under that definition? It's not a terribly long list. PC endgame relationships, primarily, a handful of non-canon pairings, and some prospective endgame ships. For simplicity's sake, we'll break them down by campaign.
Campaign 1: Perc'ahlia, Vaxleth, Pikelan, Perc'ildan
Campaign 2: Shadowgast, Beauyasha, Fjorester, Widomauk
Campaign 3: Imodna, Dorym, Ashrym
If one of these pairings is secondary or background to a fic, that's alright! But the fic shouldn't focus or center on them. It's also worth noting that polyamorous ships that include one of these pairs are also alright! Shadowidomauk, for example, only had 61 fics written for it last year, so they're in the clear! The same goes for Dashrym, as another example, as they've only ever had 36 fics written for them.
It is also worth noting all accepted submissions must be respectful of character’s canon sexualities; for example, we will not take fics that feature an M/F pairing of a lesbian character, even if said pairing fits the “rarepair” criteria.
The caveat to the above would be queerplatonic fic! There will be an option on the submission form to specify, to avoid confusion due to Ao3’s lack of a designated QPR relationship tag!
So when does the list open for submissions?
Very soon! February 7th, next Wednesday! The opening theme with be Fluff, and that list will be posted a week later, on Valentine’s Day, February 14th! I hope we’ll see you then! 🩷
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Rarepair Nominations are Now Open!
Alright everyone, it is time! I realize I'm posting this at what is likely an inopportune time, as it's the middle of the week and my posts aren't even showing up in tags yet, but that's okay! I just wanna go ahead and make this form available. I will leave this open until Sunday (May 5th) so get your choices in there.
Invader Zim Rarepair Nominations
Do not nominate ZaDR (Zim/Dib), ZaGR (Zim/Gaz), ZaTR (Zim/Tak), ZaSR (Zim/Skoodge), DaTR (Dib/Tak), TaGR (Tak/Gaz), or RaPR (Red/Purple). These are all big ships in the fandom, whether we take into account past or present shipping trends, and so they are the ones I am disqualifying. Everything else, I will take.
What is considered a "rarepair" is totally at your discretion! It could be two characters who literally only showed up once, or it could be two major characters who nonetheless don't have near as many fanworks as one of the big ships I listed above. I will not be policing what ships are nominated. If it's not one of the above, I'll take it!
Only nominate pairings (two characters), no OT3s or more, please! Perhaps if this goes well we can do a special OT3 bracket later on.
When writing in a pairing, please actually write their names, for example Zim/Keef instead of just ZaKR. This is so I can know for sure exactly which pairing is getting nominated. If you just say ZaZR, I have no way of knowing if you mean Zim/Zim or Zim/Zita, as a random example. So just use the names, please.
You have to nominate at least one pairing, but you can send in up to five different pairs! One pairing per line.
Do not spam the form! I won't be requiring logins because I want people to have their anonymity, so I am requesting that you be reasonable, please. Only fill it out once, and if you happen to have more pairs you want to send, then I can't stop anyone from sending in a new form with those different pairings. But please don't use it as a way to duplicate ones you've already sent in. I intend to seed the bracket so I want the numbers to be accurate to what's actually being nominated.
No ships are off limits! If it's two Invader Zim characters who have appeared at some point in the show, movie, or comics, you can send it in! I understand this may mean some unpleasant or disturbing ships could be nominated and become part of the bracket. It comes with the territory. But Invader Zim is a dark show and the fandom has always embraced more twisted, grotesque themes. I will embrace it as well. So please do not send me requests that (insert badwrong pairing) be disqualified. If the presence of problematic ships in this bracket will bother you, please do not take part in the tournament.
You're more than welcome to start a good clean wholesome rarepair tournament of your own if you like :)
But yes, I think that's it! Go ahead and send in your nominations, and please share this far and wide. We can get wild but ultimately I want us to have fun here.
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dennisboobs · 10 months
i don't understand why so many people strawman charden shippers and make us into your obnoxious anti-macdennis adversaries when a good chunk of us also ship macdennis too. and even those of us who don't aren't looking to like.... dethrone macden as the Best Ship or something. i don't know a single charden shipper who actually genuinely believes that charden is going to be made "canon". most of us enjoy the fact that they won't. personally i just really enjoy their specific friendship dynamic, and extrapolating that into something else that i like reading/writing about/creating for is all i care about. you don't need to pick on rarepairs just to feel better about shipping macdennis. you're shooting yourself in the foot. it's 2023 and it's time to grow the hell up, stay in your lane, and utilize your filtered tags if it really bothers you that much.
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