#I don't know why she was bisexual. Not even I had came to terms with my sexuality at that point. (SECRET!!! I STILL HAVEN'T)
tevanbegins · 2 months
My beloved Bucktommies, hear me out for I have rambled about some important stuff ahead related to Tommy's comeback situation for S8:
Let's not forget that the Access Hollywood interview with Lou Ferrigno Jr. and Oliver Stark would never have been arranged if Buck and Tommy's love story wasn't meant to be long-term, or continue developing further into the next season. It was a small but still a very crucial piece of press.
Why? Because it's not like it was done right after 7x04 when the hype around bi-Buck was at its peak. Instead, it was done during the second-half of the season, that too when the Bobby-focused episodes were airing. Plus, it was a major TV network interview, not some random podcast/youtube interview!
Also, they could have only had Oliver out there if the showrunner or PR team thought Lou as Tommy was inconsequential to this storyline. They evidently wanted to create buzz not only around Buck's bisexual arc but around his romance with Tommy as well, with this press. Why do all of that if the character was going to disappear shortly?
I am not clear about how it all works but I am sure Tim and his team must have discussed Tommy's future when they decided to extend Lou's contract beyond the pre-decided 4 episode appearances last season. Because why even bother showing that tiny dinner scene with Tevan in the finale if they didn't want to show us where the relationship stood?
And don't let the naysayers get into your head and compare this with the happy Buck-Natalia scene from the season 6 finale and how she was written off after that. Remember that the writers supposedly wrote that episode as a possible series finale given the uncertainty around the show's future after Fox cancelled it. But then ABC picked it up and the writers had to resume the storylines from where they had left them off.
The actress playing Natalia refused to come back, probably because I am assuming she thought her part was done and the show was supposed to end and so she took up other work. Plus there was the whole strike thing too in between. She was just a supporting character and her contract extension may not have been under consideration while they were filming season 6, because they didn't know for sure at the time if another network would renew them for a new season. And because of her refusal they had to scrap that storyline later.
The situation is quite different with Lou. The season 8 renewal announcement came early when the first-half of season 7 was on air. Therefore, Tim and the writers have had the luxury to put some plans in place for the upcoming season in advance because the renewal was official. And this must include whether or not they wanted to keep Tommy around post season 7!
And if Lou agreed to do 2 more episodes last season, I believe he must have agreed to be there for season 8 too — because if the last two episodes of S7 have served any purpose, it has been to tell us that Buck and Tommy are going strong and even the firefam approves of their relationship, deliberately cementing their relationship status as they move forward into the upcoming season.
So this can't have been all for nothing. The only reason Tommy wouldn't be in S8 is if Lou himself declined or if the filming dates were clashing with his other projects, none of which seems to be likely given the points I have discussed above. Besides, we all know how deeply invested Lou is in playing Tommy and passionate about his storyline with Buck. He wouldn't quit a role that's clearly so important and dear to him just because of the BoBs' stupid vendetta against him; he has big dreams for his career to let this childish hate towards him get in the way of a good opportunity. And he knows and sees how much we as his fans love, support, and appreciate him!
So to conclude, I have faith Tommy will be back! He has to be!!! 💫
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: video gamer Steve who is very very private & constantly has competitions with his friends/followers. But one day he does & q&a and someone asks him about his ring/necklace (or something that is noticeable) & he talks about his partner. & Eddie who is a well known musician who talks about his partner Steve. And somehow their fans put it together that Steddie are together. Then they do a really cute q&a on Steve's channel all about their relationship & its really cute
MY LOVE!!! Honestly, if Liam didn't watch so many gamers on YouTube, I would be so clueless. I never got into video games (because I'm so so bad at them you guys it is actually embarrassing) and I never really watched streamers on YouTube or anything. But I know that some of them have like a cult following and so I am picturing Steve to be one of those here. Please don't ask what games he would play because this is a choose your own adventure part of the story. - Mickala ❤️
Everyone made fun of Steve for how much he talked with his hands. Even on camera, his hands were constantly in the frame, moving and emphasizing his passion for whatever game he was playing for that stream.
He should have realized that wearing a ring on his usually bare hands would have given him away.
It was his first livestream competition since Eddie proposed on their trip to the Maldives.
He was still a little high off of, well, everything, and he wasn’t thinking clearly.
He ignored the first question that popped up.
who got you that ring?
He shared some basic personal stuff with his fans and followers, but he kept most things private, especially his relationship.
But then questions kept coming in.
usually the girl wears the ring right
If you’re taken I might have to unsubscribe
The last one made him pause.
It’s not like he was an idiot, he knew that there would always be a handful of people who followed him because he was attractive. He didn’t mind, especially because some of them would message him and explain that they ended up getting into games because of him.
“Okay, wait. Sorry guys. Um. I wanna address something before we start the actual stream.” He held his hand up, looking over at the ring Eddie proposed with. “I share a lot with you guys. I came out about a year ago during a stream as bisexual, and it really shouldn’t have been much of a shock, but it caused a bit of a…thing.” He grimaced. “And I guess most of the reason that I came out then was because my boyfriend had come out as well, and it felt like something we could do together without actually doing it together. Most of you know I was just gone for a week on a much needed vacation. I was with my boyfriend, and he proposed while we were there. I said yes because he is the only person I’ve ever wanted to spend my life with.”
Steve put his hand down, sighing.
“I understand if that makes some of you unfollow me, but I do hope you look at yourself and try to come to terms with why that is what makes you unfollow someone you enjoy watching. Anyways, the ring is beautiful, and it's a simpler version of one he wears every day, so it means even more.”
He felt relieved, but also a little stressed, and knew he’d be calling Eddie as soon as this was over to talk to him about everything.
“Let’s get gaming!” He gave his best smile to the camera.
“Yeah, we had a nice week off together, alone, and I finally got to propose. I don’t think we left the bed for 24 hours after that,” Eddie laughed.
The interviewer laughed too, used to Eddie’s jokes and blunt answers.
“I’m glad you got to spend some time just the two of you. This has been a busy world tour for you and Corroded Coffin and you’re only halfway through!” The interviewer, Hannah, stated. She smiled at him when he nodded. “Anything new planned for the second half of the tour?”
“We can’t give out secrets, Hannah, you know that,” Eddie smirked. “But Gareth did say I should tell you about one thing.”
Gareth definitely had a crush on Hannah and had pouted endlessly about being scheduled for a different interview at the same time as Eddie’s interview with her.
“Oh?” she leaned forward, eyes gleaming.
She maybe had a crush on him, too.
“He actually wrote a song that’ll be on our next album. He doesn’t usually get bit with the writing bug, but someone’s inspired him,” he winked at her, smiling at her blush. “Anyway, it’s been added to the setlist for the second leg of the tour and we’re all really excited for everyone to hear it.”
Eddie felt his phone vibrating in his pocket multiple times. All the guys knew he was in an interview and couldn’t answer a call, so who the hell was calling him?
It was easy enough to ignore through Hannah’s next question, until it started again.
He reached in his pocket and checked to see who it was, eyes going wide when he saw ‘Stevie’ with a picture of them on their vacation lighting up his screen.
Steve never called twice in a row unless it was an emergency. He knew if Eddie didn’t answer, he was truly busy.
He felt his heart racing as he looked back up at Hannah, who instantly seemed to catch on to something happening.
“We’re going to a commercial break, but when we’re back, Eddie’s gonna share a few hints about the next album!” Hannah said, immediately shutting the mics off and gesturing for him to get up.
Eddie took off his headphones and stood, walking out of the room as he answered the phone.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“I’m sorry to bother you, I just-”
“Hey, no, it’s not bothering me. I was just in a radio interview with Hannah so we had to cut to commercial break before I could answer. What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned that something terrible had happened.
“Fuck, I forgot that was right now. I’m sorry. Call me back when you get to the bus,” Steve seemed like he was trying to rush off the phone.
“No, Stevie, wait. What’s wrong?” his tone was firm enough to let Steve know he wasn’t going to let this drop.
“Um. I just had a livestream thing. And like, people asked about the ring, so I told them I was engaged and some people just didn’t take it that well and then I went online and some people have apparently put it together that the Steve you talk about is me because of something I mentioned about my vacation and something you posted about the vacation and so I think everyone’s gonna know and I’m sorry,” Steve was panting by the end, speaking a million miles an hour literally taking the breath from him.
“Okay, well, we knew this would probably happen eventually, my love. I’ll just call the guys and we can talk to Chrissy about it if it gets picked up by the media. No reason to panic,” Eddie tried to calm him down while watching through the window to the recording booth where Hannah seemed to be introducing a song to kill more time.
“But I ruined our plan!”
“No, love. People ruined our plan. And it’s okay, anyway. We’ll figure it out.”
“But your fans will be mad that it’s me. I’m just…me!”
“You’re not just anything and any fan of mine who says or thinks that, isn’t a fan,” Eddie sighed. “I love you, and we will figure this out. Whatever we gotta do, okay?”
Steve let out a long breath before responding.
“I love you too. Tell Hannah I said hi?”
“Of course. I love you so much, okay? ‘Til death and beyond.”
Steve let out a small laugh.
“You’re not allowed to use those lyrics in the vows. But I love you so much, too.”
“We can discuss that later. I wrote you a very metal love song that I fully intend to use some of in the vows. Okay, bye!”
He hung up before Steve could argue and walked back into the studio, mouthing an apology to Hannah, who just waved it off with a smile.
Everything would be fine.
“The lighting isn’t ideal, but it’ll be fine,” Steve was pacing, double checking his set up while Eddie watched.
He tried helping, but kept being told not to touch things, so he ended up just sitting on the hotel bed.
Steve had traveled halfway across the country to do this, his stress was at an all-time high, and Eddie didn’t need to get his head bitten off.
“Five minutes,” Steve said, shaking his hands nervously.
“Come here, sweetheart,” Eddie said, waving him over to the bed.
“No, you’ll distract me.”
“Yes, which is exactly what you need for a minute. Come here.”
Steve sighed, but went over to him, dropping onto the bed and resting his head against Eddie’s shoulder.
“What’s got you so worried?”
Eddie sighed.
“But specifically.”
“I just don’t want you or the guys to lose fans because of me,” Steve was playing with the edges of the hole in Eddie’s jeans absentmindedly.
“Sweet boy, we lose fans because we endorse a certain amp brand over another. We’ll be fine.”
“This is bigger, though. I’m just a nobody who got lucky on YouTube playing some games,” Steve whined.
“And I loved you before that. If they don’t want me to be happy, they aren’t real fans anyway. You’re my future, not whatever woman still thinks she has a shot with my gay ass,” Eddie said.
“But it isn’t just you who suffers.”
“None of us suffer. We lose some homophobic, idiotic fans who shouldn’t ever have claimed to be fans at all. None of us want people like that around.”
Steve’s alarm went off to signal one minute before the livestream started.
He jumped up and pulled Eddie up with him.
They’d already gone over everything together, discussed it with Chrissy and the guys, even Steve’s manager, Robin, about how this would work.
Steve would pretty much act like it was any other livestream, but Eddie would be there for the first five minutes or so so they could do a quick explanation of things.
Eddie would do a phone interview with Hannah in 30 minutes while Steve was gaming, covering a bit more and answering some questions about their relationship.
Then they’d both have a night off to decompress in the hotel before Steve had to fly back home and Eddie had to head to the next tour stop.
Hopefully, the buzz would die down relatively quickly.
Steve did his normal intro, but Eddie’s hand rested on his knee out of sight, squeezing once when he heard his voice start to shake a little while introducing Eddie.
“There’s been some rumors about us, and we just wanna be completely honest about things so that the rumors stop,” Steve continued. “First of all, we’ve been together for almost four years. Way before I got anywhere with YouTube, before Corroded Coffin had even released their first album. And we were friends long before that.”
“Even though I had the biggest crush on him in high school, I didn’t admit I was in love with him until we both moved to Chicago. Wasted years,” Eddie shook his head.
“Second,” Steve smirked, looking over at him for a moment. “The week off in the middle of his tour had been planned for Jeff to go home and be with his family for his wife’s birthday and daughter’s graduation.”
“Anyone who thinks Steve threw a fit about needing a vacation and made the band take a break is just saying so out of spite that we had to move around one of the tour dates to make the week off work. It’s not up to you to come up with a narrative,” Eddie added, brow raised like he was chastising children.
“And finally, most importantly, what either of us choose to share is up to us. We do not owe anyone any explanations. Our relationship is ours. Being public figures already takes away a lot of our autonomy, and this is something neither of us will budge on. We are willing to share our happiness, but we are not willing to let everyone become a part of our life together.”
Sometimes, Steve said things in such a way that Eddie couldn’t do anything but stare at him in awe. He loved him more than anything, and sometimes the only thing he could do was kiss him.
He did so now, not exactly forgetting they were live streaming, just not really caring.
Steve tensed for a second, but then relaxed, cupping his cheek and smiling into the kiss.
Eddie pulled away and looked back at the camera.
“On that note, I’m gonna leave Steve here to his gaming. If you aren’t nice, I’ll ban you from Corroded Coffin shows for life,” he waved before standing and leaving the camera’s view.
Steve rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly as Eddie walked out of the bedroom, blowing kisses back at Steve the entire way.
After that, Eddie made random appearances on Steve’s live streams, and Steve flew out to a handful of shows to support Eddie.
It’s not that they were hiding before, but they just hadn’t felt like they should have to try to.
Now they didn’t.
Steve even did a Q&A with the band on tour while playing games with them.
They were all pretty terrible at it, complaining most of the time about how D&D was so much easier than this. Eddie didn’t play, but he sat next to Steve and braided his hair while he kicked their asses, asking them all the questions that popped up from people watching.
When he got to one for him, he smiled and kissed the top of Steve’s head.
“This question is for me. How did you know Steve was the one?” The guys all groaned, but they were smiling. “Well, I knew he was the one back in my first senior year. I tripped on the step into the gym and Steve was the only one there. He helped me up and smiled at me, and I was a goner.”
“He’s lying to you all,” Steve said without looking away from the game. “He knew when I made him homemade banana bread. His exact words were, ‘I’m gonna marry you so hard someday, Harrington.’ and then six months later he proposed.”
“Both can be true,” Eddie pouted.
Steve paused the game and turned to him, kissing the tip of his nose.
“Every moment I have with you proves you’re the one for me,” he said before turning back to the game and leaving Eddie silently shocked.
“This is the last time we come on this thing, Steve,” Gareth said.
“Yeah. You broke him,” Jeff agreed.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!bisexual reader x Tess
Summary: Tess can have any girl in Jackson, but she wants you, Joel's girl and the only way that can happen is the three of you getting into an arrangement
Warnings: queer!Tess, bisexual!reader, smut, mentions of threesome F/F/M, dirty talk, jealous!Joel, a little bit of voyeurism, lesbian sex, scissoring, smut with no plot
A/N: besties I don't even know where that came from, I mean, I don't even like Tess in the show let alone find her hot but I had a real dirty dream about it and the idea got stuck with me all day long
1.7k words
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Tess and Joel weren't a couple, they were partners in crime or, as they liked to call, at work.
You and Joel were a couple, sort of, you were in love with him, he might be in love with you, but he wouldn't admit it, however he made clear you were his.
Tess wasn't in love with you and you weren't in love with her, but she was in love with your body and after a night of drinking and flirting with you, she got the balls and went to talk to Joel: she wanted to share you with him.
He laughed. Truly laughed not believing her words at first. He thought she was joking, but when Tess didn't flinch a muscle and waited for the answer, lips didn't even twitch in a smile, Joel swallowed hard. The woman was dead serious.
He didn't understand why she wanted his girl, you were his. It was established from the beginning, from the moment he lay eyes on you, he knew you would be his, and you wanted to be his. Tess never had any problem finding herself some pussy, she often did it easier than Joel if anyone asked - not that he would admit it out loud. Even when they were back in the QZ, and now in Jackson? Of course it was a smaller community and women didn't seem so desperate for easy sex like they were in Boston, but he was sure Tess could get as many drunk girls at the bar as she desired, women who claimed to be straight but died of curiosity to try things with another woman, or even some bored housewife who would like to live a dirty fantasy. So why his girl? Why you? It was a big no.
Tess sighed and licked her lips, staring at Joel "come on, don't you really wanna see your girl with another one? We can get to an agreement… you watch. Or participate" she suggested.
And that caught Joel's attention.
So the two of them began discussing their agreements.
Joel would have to be present at all times it happened, he could either watch it or participate in it. Tess came to the point of telling Joel he could stick his cock in her if he didn't stop her from doing anything she wanted with your cunt.
And you stood right there, a few feet away listening to everything those assholes were talking about you as if you weren't in the room, or worse, as if you were their little pet.
A part of you got infuriated at that audacity, they discussed who would fuck you, on what terms they would fuck you without even asking your opinion, assuming you would just go with it. However, another part of you couldn't control the warmth in your lower belly, it was so outrageous, so dirty and yet, you felt a slick warmth in your panties. You couldn't believe yourself when you saw how turned on you got at those two motherfuckers wanting to use you as a sex doll.
But they did it, and against any better judgment you loved every minute of it.
And it became a regular thing, usually weekends, when things were calmer, work wasn't so demanding and the three of you could enjoy yourselves.
However, Joel came up with another rule: Tess didn't sleep in the same bed as the two of you did, rule of course, she often disrespected.
It just made sense to her: if Joel got to sleep with his boner poking your ass, she had the right to sleep with her pussy rubbing against your thigh. And you? Always slept safely between the two of them. You couldn't say you didn't like your arrangement, cumming with Joel was good, but it was also good with Tess, it was different, her touches were different from his, there was something about being with another woman and something about Joel watching the two of you. You knew he liked it, no matter how hard he tried to hide and pretend he didn't, it just made him hard in an obscene way and he couldn't get enough of it. Even if the sting of jealousy still bothered him, the lust was bigger and it always topped that.
He knew your heart belonged to him and no one else's, no matter if Tess made you cum as hard as he did, she wouldn't be the one you clung to at night, nor the one she would bake apple pies like a cute and docile housewife, and he liked that. At the end of the day, no matter if you were shared in bed, you were still his, his girl, his everything, and Tess couldn't get a hold of that.
He woke up in the middle of the night still a little confused as the sleep haze made his memories of the night before blurry. Or it was the amount of alcohol he had, but he didn't care, as soon as the images of you whimpering, legs spread as Tess ate you out at the same time you had his cock shoved deep into your throat, he smirked. Or when you switched positions and ate Tess out - you were quite inexperienced at first, but with time you got the hang of it. You had even confessed to Joel you enjoyed doing it, and you understood why he enjoyed burying his face into your cunt so many times during the week.
He loved the finally fuck you while you were on your knees, your hands gripping Tess's hips to keep her in place as you flicked her clit up and down, suckling on it and loving the way her pussy gushed and her juices soaked your chin.
Joel wasn't so sure about the deal in the beginning, but now he couldn't deny he enjoyed seeing you unleash yourself and act like a sexually free woman. It was hot, Joel really loved it.
What he didn't love was when Tess still intruded after everyone was satisfied and stayed in your shared bed. He watched her, hair sprawled all over her face and groaned, displeased to see her so close to you.
His hand on your stomach pulled you closer to his body, enough so Tess would raise her head and roll her eyes "I'm not gonna bite off any slice of her, you know…" she said annoyed to which he only scoffed "she's mine, you had some now get out" his voice was a grumbling purr and you finally stirred, groaning on your own as the two of them didn't shut up.
You rubbed your eyes "why can't you two just stay quiet? I didn't hear any of you complain when I made you cum… at the same time" you said.
"Because she won't leave when it's time for her to leave" Joel groaned like a jealous child.
"I haven't left because I'm still horny" Tess immediately replied and looked down at you, her hands going for your hips, stroking them softly "we could go for a second round, couldn't we princess?" She licked her lips and looked at you, but Joel's hand immediately snapped hers away from your skin.
"Come on Joel, wouldn't you want to see us rubbing clits together? The way her slippery pussy rubs against mine, our clits hard and wet, all of that… what do you say, Joel? And you, Y/N?"
You could tell Joel was a little jealous and a little bothered, but you felt another wave of lust hitting you. Enough to sit straight in bed and turn on the lamp on the nightstand.
You bit your lips and smiled "mmm I think I'll like that… would you like to watch, Joel?" You asked him, going for his neck, kissing it as your hand caressed his cheek, feeling his scruffy beard under your touch.
He sighed a little annoyed, though the way you opened your legs immediately caught his attention. Joel sat straight in bed, pulling you to his lap, if you were going to fuck Tess you would do it while rubbing against his cock as well.
He positioned you on his lap, helping you keep your legs wide open while Tess came closer like a predator. The man's fingers went down your naked body, finding your pussy lips and spreading them.
He couldn't believe how wet you already were, and it would definitely make him more jealous if he weren't already turned on by it.
"Mmm take a look at this pretty cunt, your pussy is so pretty baby, your clit drives me crazy" Tess praised, kissing your thigh and spreading herself for you to see.
You bit your lips, watching her pussy, it was so soft and her clit was big, which you found out it was a huge turn on for you. Joel's digits found your clit, rubbing it gently, using your wetness on it, making it harder and slippery.
You whimpered as Joel held your lips spread apart, at the same time Tess came closer. She was a lot better at scissoring than you were, so she always took the lead.
Approaching you, she placed her leg on top of your thigh, enjoying the fact your hips were up thanks to Joel's lap.
Her clit finally touched yours. It was hot and wet and it sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine. You moved your hips slowly at first, Joel's hands helping your pick up your pace as Tess rubbed herself against you.
If you were wet before, now you were simply soaked. The obscene sounds of your both cunts against each other's, the way your clit was rubbing against Tess and how you moaned as your orgasm approached filled the room.
You wanted to speed up the pace, not getting enough friction, so you tackled Tess back, pushing her against the mattress as you got off Joel's lap and climbed on her, fastening the pace, riding her pussy as fast as you would Joel's cock.
You were so full of pleasure, the knot in your lower belly was intense, and the moment you felt Tess's legs shake and how wet she immediately got once she moaned louder, you let it go yourself.
Cumming on top of her, you could feel your juices mixed running down her thighs.
Looking back at Joel, you smirked. His cock was rock hard, and he needed your attention now.
You would have a long night ahead of you, it was always like that when you were Joel's and Tess's fuck doll.
A/N: 😳🪭
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thenightling · 8 months
Demisexual and Queer language
There's been some heated "debate" about the word demisexual and if it is necessary.
I admit there are certain words I don't really think are necessary but I sort of like the sound of, like Pansexual.
First, to be clear, Bisexual didn't originally mean "excluding nonbinary and trans." It wasn't a strict attraction to the binary. It wasn't transphobic or nonbinary-phobic. And most self-identified bisexuals, even now, do NOT heed these newly added restrictions.
Bisexual was a third option when, once upon a time, there were only two options.
Late into the 90s (and even now) there are still some gay folk who think bisexuality is a myth and you have to be attracted to one or the other, men or women, but cannot be potentially attracted to all genders / either gender.
For a lot of bisexuals the term means attraction to your own gender and all other genders. And that's what the "bi" actually means. I only like the term pansexual because of its connection to the Greek Pan.
There was even the weird stigma and notion that bisexual meant you were horny for everyone. Into the 2000s you saw this in pop culture even with beloved characters like Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and as recently as the AMC Interview with The Vampire TV show version of Lestat, where bisexual felt like code for "Horny for everything" and even physically abusive and dominating. Odd that the 90s movie depiction of Lestat felt less... negative-stereotype-y.
Anyway, for a lot of older Queer folk "bisexual" was still a new term as recently as the 90s. When David Bowie came out as bisexual in 1972 a reporter mistakenly took that to mean he had the sex organs of a man and a woman. (Source: the 1993 book "Bowie: In his own words.")
Bowie was so stigmatized by America's obsession with him being bisexual that he walked back into the closet until the mid-2000s when he came back out and admitted he had only gone back into the closet because he was sick of American reporters asking him about it. And he admitted it felt like no other country did that, just America.
And when Vincent Price's daughter found out that her father had been bisexual she ran to Roddy McDowall and confronted him by asking "Why didn't you tell me my father was bisexual?" and Roddy responded with "We didn't know the word. How can you deny something when you don't know the word?"
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Based on Roddy McDowall's response about Vincent Price, there are probably a lot of older and historic Queer folk who were actually bisexual but the moment they had any same-sex attraction the title of "homosexual" was pinned to them.
Language evolves for a reason. The acceptance of the idea that someone could be attracted to more than one gender is why we have the word bisexual. Demisexual has always existed, we just didn't have a term for it. Yes, there are a lot of new terms in the LGBTQAI+ spectrum. And change can be scary. This is why a lot of folk have started to positively use the term Queer, to keep things simple while also taking back a word some used to slur-like capacity. The 1963 novel The Man who fell to Earth by Walter Tevis had a line "He walked like a queer." and in the 1970s that line was changed to "He walked like a homosexual." I half-imagine that if Walter Tevis was still alive he would acknowledge the character Nathan Bryce's internalized homophobia (the character whose internal monologue uses the description) or drop the description entirely but it is interesting to note that the original wording would be more accepted today than back in 1963 when it was first published.
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Howdy! Could i make a request for arsenal Roy harper from young justice?
Lian is adamant that reader is her uncle Roys boyfriend.
Reader teases Roy about it everytime it happens (for this, I'd prefer that Roy is coming to terms with being bisexual, and reader is also bi)
Pairing: Roy Harper x male!reader
Summary: Roy is babysitting Lian when she once again refers to you as his boyfriend. shenanigans ensue
A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAA Finally I have written something again and hopefully I will manage to do it more in the next time. I will probably work on my Roy Harper Requests first because...well...he's my husband. Thank you for everyone who's supporting me :3
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Roy Harper was leaning against the kitchen counter, watching Lian, his niece, bouncing around the room with boundless energy. Well…he called her his niece. At some point he just got tired of the whole ‘Yeah i got cloned and that clone had a child with an assassin’-talk. But he liked Lian. He really did.
"Uncle Roy!" Lian's voice cut through his thoughts as she came to a skidding halt in front of him. "When is (y/n) coming over again?"
Roy raised an eyebrow, trying to suppress a smile. He almost hated how easy the mention of you made him smile. "Why, Lian? Getting bored of me already?"
Lian giggled at that. "Maybe! And besides, I wanna show them my new art project."
"Your art project, huh? You know I’m really not sure if (y/n) has time to come by today. You know how busy he is with Uncle Dick and the whole crew”
Of course Roy loved Lian. He loved hanging out with her, even if babysitting was not on his usual agenda. But the thought of you being out there on a mission without him made him…he wasn’t sure. He didn’t like it.
Lian's eyes widened innocently. "He’s there without you? I thought he was your boyfriend.”
Roy nearly choked on the glass of water he had been drinking, caught off guard by Lian's bluntness. At this point it shouldn’t even surprise him anymore. Lian did mention it a lot. He had no idea what made her so insistent that he was dating you.
It wasn’t even realistic considering you were way out of his league. (he would never say that outloud)
"Well, Lian," and of course in that exact moment you had returned to Will’s apartment because who are you to say no when the little girl begs you to come by. Roy was hoping you hadn’t heard anything but his hopes weren’t high. "I don't know about being Uncle Roy's boyfriend, but I do like spending time with him."
Lian's face lit up with excitement. "See, I told you!" She pointed at Roy, triumphant. "I knew it!"
Roy rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a warmth creep up his cheeks. "He said he likes hanging out. He also likes hanging out with Dick and Will and Kaldur.”
You chuckled and draped an arm around Roy's shoulders. "He’s right, Lian. Cut your uncle Roy a break. We’re just good buddies.” you looked over at him, giving him a quick wink. “Even though I do like hanging out with him the most.”
Lian rolled her eyes dramatically, clearly unconvinced. "Sure, just good buddies. Like I believe that."
Roy groaned playfully. "You're impossible, you know that?"
You just chuckled. “Wonder who she got that from.” he lightly hit Roy in his side with your elbow. “Surely not from Roy Harper who never manages to keep his mouth shut.”
“Hey!” He gave you a playful pout.
“To be fair, Will isn’t better so it might just be the Harper gene.”
“Oh wait, I can show you the picture I drew!” Lian grinned and skipped out of the room, leaving you and Roy alone. 
Roy sighed, looking at you with a mix of exasperation and affection.
"You know, one of these days, she's gonna get it into her head that she's some kind of matchmaker."
You laughed, leaning in to bump your shoulder against Roy's. "Well, can you blame her? She's got a great judge of character. Can’t blame her for wanting me in the family either. Do you have like…arrow family game nights"
Roy's gaze softened as he met your eyes, not being able to hold back from giving you a soft smile. "You're something else, you know that?"
You winked again. “I’m gonna take this as a compliment, Arsenal.”
The way you looked at him made his heart skip and it was hard to deny that he had some feelings towards you. 
You knew of course. Or at least you thought about it. You were the last person to just assume Roy’s sexuality especially after the guy apparently had been frozen on ice for some time and now had to pick up on all the stupid shit you do as a teenager. 
Like figuring out your sexuality which you thankfully already had behind you. And you were really glad about that. Because you know how hard it is. Especially if you have literal world ending scenarios to worry about.
He opened his mouth to say something when Lian raced back into the room.
“Here, Uncle (y/n)! Look!” she said and held up a piece of paper to you.
Roy leaned over your shoulder to also catch a look at it. His breath hitched in his throat.
It was the usual colorful and stickman drawing you would expect of a small child. It took you a few seconds but you eventually managed to recognize the figures in the picture. The small one and the big one were Lian and Will. There were Oliver and Dinah, and Chesire on the other side. And on the far left of the drawing were two figures that were unmistakably you and Roy, holding the others stickman hands and having a few hearts drawn around each other.
You moved to kneel down in front of Lian. “This is really beautiful.”
“You like it?!” her eyes were basically glowing.
“We like it, right?” you looked up at Roy.
Roy was a bit speechless for a moment, hoping no one was able to see the faint blush on his cheeks. “Yeah…yeah it’s nice.”
“Yay!” she excitedly started jumping around in a circle.
That’s when you heard your front door open. “What are we being excited about?” Willa asked while walking in.
“I draw (y/n) a picture! He likes it!” Lian said with a wide grin, running over to her dad.
“Really? That’s–” Will stopped when he looked at you and Roy. “...are you two crying?”
And you were TOTALLY NOT getting really emotional over the child’s drawing of you.
“No.” both you and Roy said at the same time.
“...ooookay” Will slowly nodded. “Well..eh…thank you for babysitting, Roy.”
“No problem.” Roy awkwardly looked at you.
You looked at him at the same moment before looking at your watch. “...I know this really great Italian place. Hungry?”
“Are you paying?”
“Aren’t you using Ollie’s credit card? Isn’t he like a billionaire?”
Roy looked at you for a moment. “...good point. Let’s go.” 
With that Will watched you two leave the apartment after you both said goodbye to Lian.
“...they are going on a date, aren’t they?” he looked down at Lian.
“No. They are just very good buddies.” she giggled while going back into her room to get another picture she drew for her dad.
Will just decided not to question it.
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thehomophobe · 1 month
"Best. Masseuse. Ever.", the period comfort fic, I forgot to mention that Chica also gives the best massages since she knows about muscle aches and what soothes the pain.
The reason behind Monty and Moon's bitterness towards each other is that Monty made an insult about the twins in what he thought was "private". Turns out Moon overheard that and in return for that, stole Monty's sunglasses, then his bass. After Monty found the thief, the two bickered and then the rest is history. Their relationship was born out of triviality rather than jealousy like Monty with Freddy.
Here's a nice incorrect quote: 
Roxy: The door's locked! (Y/N) give me your credit card. (Y/N): Sure, here. *Gives credit card* Roxy: *Puts credit card in her pocket* Cool, now Monty bust down the door.
Roxy's prone to spend money on your bank account. What do you mean get a job like a normal human? She's already a big star.
A while back I said that Sun writes his own scripts as a way to grieve over his original job. They're very private, only the bestest of best friends get access to his book of plays. Which is obviously, you. The notebook consisted of little pieces of dialogue to actual script writing include scene changes, action captions, etc. He usually writes children's plays but some are a bit more thorough and deep and has themes like “death” and “intimacy”. He loves gushing to you about it. (A real theater kid)
Moon likes to watch horror movies. I know I said he'll make snarky comments about the plot during movie date night, but he really enjoys them. Helps find new way to scare (Benison) intruders; recreating iconic horror movie scenes like The Ring (he crawled out the vent like the girl crawled out the tv), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (he ran around with those finger pointer things and recorded chainsaw sounds), Carrie (he filled a bucket with red paint and dropped it, Sun cleaned up the mess) as well as others. Will also say some iconic horror movie lines. "I want to play a game." As he shows up with red spirals on his cheeks.
Claire has such bad luck when it comes to love. She got catfished, dumped, cheated on, sexual assaulted once. Her love life was horrible. 
Lorelei knows how to sew. She sewn a heart with the bisexual colors on the back of a bomber jacket and gave it to you.
The mini Music Men are named after musical terms. The main three that hang out with DJ the most are named Alto, Tenor, and Soprano. (And they're all treblemakers ha ha 😏)
Sylvester married his wife Julia a while back. Before he quit his job at Circus Baby's Pizza World, Ballora said something to him. "If you ever cause Julia pain, I will find you and send you to your death." The strangest thing about that was Sylvester never mentioned his wife's name on the job, nor does Julia even work remotely close to the place.
Claire can't see without her glasses. At all. Please don't take them she's been through enough already.
Bonnie had ADHD, so it was really hard for him to focus. Freddy's the only one that helped reduced it. 
Sylvester and Bonnie were good friends back then. Bonnie would call Sylvester "old man" and they would bowl together on his [Sylvester] free time.
Foxy once mistaken a map bot for a worker, to which led to a little argument before, Sylvester had to tell him that wasn't a worker and walk the old man out of there. Foxy also pulls up reading glasses when reading small print, just to emphasizeshis old man demeanor.
(Y/N)'s personality is chill and carefree, maybe a little too carefree. But she gets shit done, and will bite back if her or any of her friends get hurt. That's why she and Vanessa don't get along well. Sometimes she screws with her on purpose.
Hey Nessa, you have any tampons? 
Y'know cuz me period just came and I--
Ok! ok! Yes I have...that.
*This happened in the locker room.*
Also (Y/N):
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Also also (Y/N): If I had a nickel for everytime someone thought I was a guy, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
To this day, Monty still doesn't know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator. Which is really bad...😬
Freddy likes Hallmark movies, probably because his life is like one.
Benison's dyslexic. He also has a phobia of pregnant women. Idk what traumatized him so badly to have a phobia of it but yeah...
Claire's aesthetic is light academia. Lorelei's aesthetic is goth and/or pastel goth. Benison's more casual/beach wear. (Y/N) and Sylvester are minimalistic.
Lorelei believes in nihilism.
Sun gets nervous when it comes to undressing and nudity. Even though he doesn’t have a dick, he still puts a towel or a blanket to cover down there. You have to tell him that all bodies are beautiful and he has literally nothing to hide. Monty and Lorelei have a cousins relationship. Somehow the two end up together causing whatever chaos they can do. They also bicker but it’s a good time.
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Mixed Messages Pt. 3
[Swiss has thoughts. Not suitable for younger audiences. Previous part here.] Below the cut.
Growing up, Swiss knew little of his demonic nature; He knew his mother had come from somewhere far away, but, so, too, had his father in a sense, the man having abandoned one swamp for another in leaving behind the Pine Barrens and traveling south to the humid hell that is Florida.
It was not until he was much older, already having found his bearings in the musical world in his own right, that he learned the truth.
But knowing what he was did little to impact who he was... until it became clear it was something he had to hide.
The more true to yourself you can be, the freer you are, and Swiss found the burden of hiding such a big part of himself from the world akin to a prison cell.
Dating, already a nightmare, became even harder to navigate, because what would happen if he brought some girl back to his place and she found out he wasn't human?
What if they had kids and the baby came out looking like Beelzebub?
How would he explain that that was... normal?
"You looked like a perfectly normal baby." His mother had reminded him when he came to her, fretting over his identity, "Very fat though. Such a fat baby. With a very big head."
"Very reassuring, Mom."
"Hmm, you never did quite grow into it..."
His father also tried to assuage his worries, but it was pretty clear he didn't quite understand what they were actually talking about, because...
"I'm just saying, it's okay if you like men. Heck, your old man-"
"Pop, I like women. I'm talking about my identity as a demon." Swiss had sighed, furrowing his brow when his father raised an eyebrow, "What?"
"Are you sure? That you don't like men?"
"I'm not gay, Pop."
"I don't like men!"
"I didn't either, but your dad was a real babe back in the day!" his mother called from elsewhere in the house, "It was the moustache. That lovely thing is why you're here actually-"
So yeah.
Not much help there.
And then he got scouted for the Ghost Project.
Honestly, that should have been where a lot of the confusion ended for him.
Finally surrounded by people who got it!
...But nobody could relate to the struggle of finding out about being a ghoul later in life, because all of them had been summoned, save for Mountain, but a dude who was alive when beekeeping was the new fun thing to do aside from churning butter and a guy who grew up in modern America have very little in common in terms of upbringing.
Still, it was better than nothing.
Mountain could fill in the blanks for him, at least to an extent.
Like how his magic worked, how to keep his tail under control, horn maintenance...
"Who is that?"
There are some things Mountain could not help him with.
"That's Dewdrop."
And Dew was one of them.
Of course, there had been some resistance, on both ends, and, ultimately, Dew kept him at a distance.
At the time, Swiss wasn't sure where he stood in terms of his sexuality, and Dew...
Well, Dew had his own, figurative, demons to face.
But a small part of him still...
"You love him, don't you~?" Rain had teased while they cuddled one night, Swiss' face pressed again Rain's chest, "I see how you look at him."
Swiss had been embarrassed, perhaps even a bit ashamed to admit it, that, yes.
"...Yes, I love him." he confessed, "But I love you, too... Is that... is that weird?"
"I wouldn't say it's weird." Rain hummed, petting Swiss' hair, "It's different, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. You've got a big heart, and have a lot of love to give."
"Yeah, but, is it... Do you... Am I..."
"Honestly, I like him, too." Rain admitted, "I don't know if I love him just yet, not the way you do, but I could."
Swiss can recall lacing their fingers together while Rain spoke.
"We'll take it slow."
Well, well, well...
"What happened to taking it slow?" Swiss chuckled in Rain's ear as he cuddled closer to the reclining ghoul after Dew drifted to sleep between them, thoroughly exhausted.
"We're still taking it slow, just on an emotional level." Rain said, flicking Swiss' nose lightly, "Something tells me this..."
He trailed his hand down Swiss' arm and pressed a kiss to Dew's hair.
"This is the easy part." he sighed, "...You think he would let me dress him up?"
"Baby steps, love."
"Something nice and lacey..."
Dew glances over his shoulder at Rain as they're getting dressed after the show, hands hesitating as he gets to his pants.
He'd managed to shuck his pants and get the lower half of his uniform on before Rain had even made it to the dressing room earlier, the other ghoul having stopped by the one Swiss was sharing with Aeon before making his way over, but now there's no way to avoid him seeing.
Dew peeks at the soft lace hidden beneath the coarse fabric.
He... he hadn't been sure what to do with them after Rain let him borrow them.
You don't... you don't normally return underwear, right?
That had been his thinking when he initially took them off that night.
But, of course, it would be a shame to show them out, now wouldn't it?
They felt expensive.
And, well, if he didn't wear them, then that would be a waste of money, right?
All this to say... he hadn't packed nearly enough underwear for the trip, and while he could easily get more or risk using a hotel's laundry service the next time they stopped at one...
He just likes how they feel, okay?
They cup his junk nicely, and they breathe a lot better than his boxers do, and quite frankly they hug his ass in a way that makes his minimal behind look a bit more... plush.
He's never really cared about that sort of thing, but now that he knows this, it's become sort of a vanity thing for him.
He likes it.
The only problem is...
"Everything alright over there?" Rain asks, already tugging on his sneakers, "We have to leave for the bus soon."
"Yeah, yeah. Uh, how about you go ahead?" Dew waves him off, "I won't be long."
"I can wait." Rain says, sitting down on one of the uncomfortable folding chairs the venue tossed in the dressing room, "It's better if we walk back together anyway, that way nobody gets left behind. Buddy system, ya know?"
Dew swallows, "Yeah, sure."
"Well what?"
"...Are you going to show me your panties or not?"
Swiss doesn't question it when Dew rushes the bus, haphazardly dressed, red in the face from thinking he'd miss it -not like they could leave without their lead guitarist- nor is he at all surprised to see Rain saunter in not but a moment later.
What he is surprised by, however, is the wadded up ball of black lace Rain casually presses into his hands as he leans in for a kiss.
"You can keep those."
Swiss lets the fabric unfold, "...Holy shit."
"I already told Dew he could borrow another pair." Rain shrugs, "I'm thinking something blue. Maybe I'll get you a matching set..."
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all-risejd · 1 year
Lagom (adj.) - not too little, not too much, just right
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Buddy Matthews (now billed as Murphy) real name Matthew Adams had exactly one (ONE) regret when it came to his abrupt departure from WWE. And that regret was named Dominik Mysterio (Gutiérrez). Don’t get Buddy wrong the messiah storyline with the Mysterios was frankly amazing, it wasn’t the boy's skills or future in the business, it was the fact that Buddy didn’t have a chance to know Dominik. There was something about the boy (and in age he was very much a boy to Buddy) that drew him in. Made him want the boy. The problem was, he didn’t realize it was want until he was being released. Which, of course he’d figure out he was bisexual when he was thirty-two. He’d given up hope of accidentally running into Dominik again, then his girlfriend Rhea Ripley (real name Demi Bennet) got paired with him in a story line and well, things were starting to look up.
Author's Note(s)
rachelarcher: First, and foremost, I DON’T EVEN LIKE BUDDY, but you all took it too far. Surfing my Twitter, what did I spy, but an image that made my heart sick for Buddy. I need you all to understand that while I like Buddy as a wrestler and his technical skills are amazing, his interpersonal and relationships (with both male and female superstars) since 2015ish has bothered me. So, in my anger that I now felt emotionally upset for someone I don't even like, I wrote this. Second, this demanded I write it, and do it quickly so it is delaying a ABO Pirate Fic where Damian is an Alpha Vampire Pirate who likes to kidnap poor little omegas (Liv, Dom, and an OC). ALSO the time line is fucked, because what is time.
allrise-jd/hannahdiana: I need the ABO Pirate Fic so stop fucking this up for me.
“Dominik Mysterio.” Rhea echoed, eyes going slightly wide as she looked at her boyfriend of almost four years, “You have a crush on Dominik Mysterio.” She clarified, “When we got together, you mentioned you were figuring out your sexuality a little late, but…” She looked him from head to toe, “Ok, ok, you have a crush on Dominik Mysterio, and that is… that is actually really cute.” 
Buddy let out a sigh of relief, “Did you have to say his name so many times, like…” He flung his hands upward, not sure what to do about his own feelings, “Like… you're ok with it?”
Rhea blinked at him, “Matt, I love you, no matter who you are crushing on, I promise.” She reached forward, where she was turned to face him on the couch in their living room and squeezed his hands in hers, “I honestly think it’s adorable, and now for some really interesting news.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him, “Your girl is about to be in a long term storyline with your crush…” 
It took Buddy a moment to work that out, “You're going to be in a storyline with Dominik?”
“I’m going to be his angry goth antagonist, and then kayfabe girlfriend.” Rhea elaborated.
Buddy groaned, dropping his head onto the back of the couch and let out an even more aggressive growl, “My life is a horrible sham.” Rhea let out a loud laugh, before pressing her forehead into his, then stood ruffling his hair, before she headed out of the living room leaving Buddy to suffer angrily. “Why?” He called after her, struggling over the words she’d said, “Why are you in a storyline with him???”
Rhea tilted her head back into the living room, a wicked smile on her lips, “Because the Judgment Day wants him.” She cackled as Buddy’s face turned red at the implication - fucking Damian Priest was going to get to be buddies with Dominik Mysterio and he couldn’t even get the boys phone number from his own girlfriend. He let his head fall back against the couch bemoaning his fate.
An angry Dominik Mysterio was kitten level cute, he marched into the gym where he was scheduled to meet with Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor, and Damian Priest. They were less than a week away from Christmas, and everything with the Judgment Day had taken off astronomically. “You ok, mate?” Finn asked, as he took stock of the boy, Dominik’s face was red, his eyes red as well, and he was sniffling. 
“Fine.” He bit out, very obviously not fine. 
Rhea let out a long sigh, “Is everything ok between you and Maria?” 
His face went hard, suddenly, “We broke up.” Rhea flinched at the tone, before she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him to her chest. Dominik ducked into her space even more, and curled his arms around her, breaking down completely. Damian and Finn join the hug, both a bit stunned - as far as any of the group knew Dominik and Maria had been together since sixth grade. Eventually he wiggled away from them all, still sniffling, “I… we should still train.”
“Nope.” Damian declared, “No can do, no training, we are going to get ice cream and go to the hotel and eat it in one of our beds.” Damian moved to gather up their bags, “Finn, wanna call Vero and see if she’ll meet us with the smell-good-break-up candles, like we used when I got dumped by Allie.” Finn was texting before Rhea had time to really focus on what was happening. 
Finn and Damian took the lead, which they typically did, so Rhea focused on him, bumping her shoulder into his, “Hey, does that mean you probably aren’t ready to go home for Christmas?” Dominik turned to look at her, wide eyed and panicked, like he hadn’t realized how close to Christmas they really were, “I’m offering to let you stay at my place, with me and Matt, er, Buddy, for Christmas.”
Dom’s eyes got even wider, “He doesn’t hate me?”
“No.” Rhea said a bit harder than she intended, “I think you might be the only part of the Mysterio-Messiah storyline he misses.” Dom’s face did something that Rhea couldn’t read, so she continued onward with her offer, “You should come over and stay the holidays, no pressure, it’ll just be us, and you can mend your broken heart over alcohol and Australian holiday foods.” She assured him, squeezing him to her side and nuzzling into her shoulder a little bit more. 
Dominik was quiet for a few minutes, before he cleared his throat, “That sounds like a way to hideout, my parents are going to be pissed, I already bought a ring and everything.” Oh, Rhea’s heart broke for the boy a bit more. The thing was the more she worked with Dominik the more she saw everything Buddy saw about him: he was fast on his feet, loyal, dedicated to their craft, funny in the quiet moments, and careful - so careful he was willing to take bumps that he probably shouldn’t. Not that Rhea was going to tell Buddy that, he’d get insufferable .
“Hideout, mend your broken heart, eat good, work out even better.” Rhea offered enticingly, “It’ll be worth it.” 
They met Damian and Finn at the SUV, the pair climbing into the passenger seats (Rhea in the front, Dominik behind her), she did the math in her head, figuring out how far ahead Florida was, then sent Buddy a quick text, I need to call you in about twenty minutes, ok? She immediately got a Sure, babe, ILY , back. When they reached the hotel Rhea politely excused herself - Finn was going to meet Vero to bring the candles and Damian was carrying all the bags and groceries in a very exaggerated I’m-A-Man-And-Don’t-Need-No-Help way, Dominik was trailing along behind Damian, sniffling still.
Rhea had barely watched them climb into the elevator when her ringtone for Buddy sounded (his theme, he’d set it himself), she picked it up, “Hey, sweetface.” She murmured, as she answered, he quietly returned the sentiment, “Dominik and his girlfriend-”
“Brokeup, I read online.” Buddy sounded almost excited about it, Rhea rolled her eyes. 
“Yes, don’t so so fucking happy.” Rhea grumbled, bothered, “As I was saying, Matthew,” He hissed hearing her use his legal name, “Dominik and Maria broke up, so I’ve asked him to come home with me, to our house, for Christmas.” Rhea was smart enough to move the phone away from her ear, because Buddy let out a whoop of excitement, “I’m a little concerned with how excited you are about me bringing another man home.”
“Don’t be like that.” Buddy grumbled, “I want a chance to talk to him, to let him know that I sound like an asshole, but it’s just a joke, that I still want us to be cool…”
“Cool…” Rhea trailed off, “More like you wanna kiss his stupidly cute face while smashing him up against our fridge.” Or maybe that was her? She was a little unclear about specifics, right now. “Anyways, so he’s going to fly home with me after our show at Madison Square Garden.”
Over the phone, Rhea heard a series of odd noises, before, “Should I cook? Should I make the guest room up? Should I… I’ll get a cake, oh I should get the stuff for Nachos, we can do the Australian and Mexican infusion… And I’ll get all the ice cream, like every possible type. When are you landing? I need to clean our house.” His voice was getting progressively more alarmed, Rhea was enjoying this a bit more than she probably should, “Oh god, the porch… I need to pressure wash-”
“Matt,” Rhea cut him off, “It’s not that serious… When you said you had a crush on him I should have taken it more seriously… he just doesn’t wanna be alone -” 
Buddy cut her off again, “Demi, he doesn’t have to be alone, we can keep him, now when are you landing? This house is an absolute disaster .”
“We just had it professionally cleaned, Matt.” Rhea snapped, “This is not… look, clean the porch if you want, the guest bedroom you can make up, absolutely DO NOT go buy extra food, his favorite ice cream is Ben & Jerry’s Chocolatey Love A-fair , so buy like eight of those.” Rhea grumbled into the phone, “And get him a set of matching Christmas PJ’s, like ours, he wears the same size as me.” 
“Oh, I shouldn’t clean the house but I should get him matching pjs, why don’t we just show our hand ahead of time, let him know we both want him in our bed-”
“Stop.” Rhea ordered, “I hate you, I love you, I’ll text you the landing times, I’m hanging up.” She didn’t let him respond, choosing to hang up and silence her phone. She slid her phone into her sweatpants pocket, and looked around, then let out a long sigh. Maybe taking Dominik home was a horrible idea, if Buddy was this anxious right now, it was only going to be worse when they got home. 
“Hey, Dems, you coming?” Vero called as she caught sight of Rhea standing in the hallway. 
“Yeah, coming!” Rhea called back and rushed to join Finn and Vero, Finn was weighed down like a pack mule.
“Breakups are fucking the worst.” Vero hummed, as she pushed the button to the eleventh floor.
Rhea blinked, “We chose Damian’s room?”
“He has the hot tub.” Finn shrugged, “Man always gets a room with a hot tub, you got your swim gear?”
“Let me stop by my room.” Rhea pushed the ten, she and Dominik were both on the tenth floor. Finn, with Vero, were staying on the third floor. She hadn’t expected the married couple to follow her off the elevator but they did, she ducked into her room quickly and grabbed her duffle bag and suitcase - she didn’t want to try to rush to her room after a long night of ice cream and tears. She did a quick sweep of the room with Vero’s help (the Brazilian thankfully found her cell phone charger and SWITCH). 
The trio headed back to the elevator, and headed for the eleventh floor. By the time Vero was knocking on the door, Damian answered in his tiny swim trunks, “Oh, good, Rhea you brought your shit.” She rolled her eyes, tossed her luggage into his room, and looked around, “Dom is in the hot tub, with the first tub of ice cream, Uber Eats is hella speedy around here…” 
Rhea rolled her eyes, as she dug through her belongings to dig out her red bikini. She moved to the bathroom, to change into her suit, realizing already that Vero and Finn had changed clothes as well. She wiped her makeup off quickly, left her work out clothes on the counter, and moved back out of the bathroom. The voices of Vero, Finn and Damian danced to her.
“- the candles help, trust me,” Vero was grinning and lighting candles around the edges of the balcony. Finn had moved to sit on the edge of the hot tub, his own tub of ice cream in hand, Damian was floating in the hot tub taking up way too much room, and Dominik looked miserable, sitting in the warm bubbles eating his chocolate ice cream with his mullet pulled up into a ponytail no doubt done by Damian. Rhea pushed into the hot tub next to him, grabbing the extra spoon Finn offered her. 
“Can I have some?” Rhea asked, as music started up from Damian’s phone which was connected to a floating speaker, she rolled her eyes - of course Damian would turn Dominik’s break up into a way to blast the rockstar lifestyle from the eleventh floor of The Langham Hotel, like he was freaking Ozzy. 
“‘Course, Dems.” Dominik offered, sounding downtrodden.
She took a spoonful, and steeled herself, “Dominik, do you wanna sit on my lap?” He looked at her confused, “Damian’s taking up all the room, Vero and Finn are about to be stupidly loved up, realistically Damian is going to start trying to commiserate with you about how much girls suck, all the while his legs are going to be floating dangerously close to your shoulder while you are trying to eat, if you sit on my lap I can protect you from Damian’s freakishly long legs, and we can share ice cream?”
Dominik pouted a bit, but climbed onto her lap, she immediately wrapped one arm around him, and sighed out in relief, “Did you know I almost got married before uh, before Matt and I got together?” Dominik shook his head, “Yeah, he was an Indie wrestler I came up with in the UK, but… it turned bad, and he kept my dogs from me. Damian actually broke into his house and got them back for me, but we were together for years.” She hooked her chin over his shoulder as she angled another bite of ice cream into her mouth, careful not to drop any into the hot tub (they’d learned that hotels billed for that sort of thing when Rhea was getting over her ex). 
“I just… I thought I was going to marry her.” Dominik sniffled, bringing the back of his hand up to wipe at his eyes, careful not to drop any ice cream on himself or the water.
“I promise, Dom, this door closing is going to open an even better one.” She promised, bravely kissing his shoulder, “And I talked with Matt, he’s excited to have you over for the holidays, he’s going to make the guest room up for you, and we are going to spoil the shit out of you.” She realized how the promise sounded a bit late, after it was already out of her mouth, but that was going to be fine, she supposed. Dominik relaxed into her, and started eating his ice cream largely in silence again.
“Dom, when Allie left me-” Damian started, and Rhea had to hide a snicker, everything she’d warned Dom about came to pass, he relaxed more and more into her, until they were largely just listening to a combination of ‘80s rock and Mexican rap. Damian was the first one to slosh his way out of the hot tub, reminding them all they had to work soonish, he showered and took over the larger of the two beds (another thing that Finn complained about loudly, Damian always got rooms with a King and a Queen, somehow). Vero and Finn were the next two out, showering together and dropping into bed with Damian.
Rhea half the time wondered if Vero knew Damian was her husband’s boyfriend, or not. She didn’t bother to ask. There were enough things in this industry for Vero to accept, adding that on top wasn’t worth it as far as Rhea was concerned. Finally Rhea coaxed Dominik out of the hot tub, and coached him through a shower, she showered after him, then herded him into the open Queen size bed, pushing him under the covers, before crawling in with him, and tossing her arm over him.
“Buddy might hate me for real if you sleep with me.”
“Dominik go the fuck to bed.” She ordered, as she pressed her face into his shoulder, and tangled her legs around him, “I don’t think Buddy is going to mind this one bit.” She assured him, even as she nestled down more, “Stop thinking, go to sleep.” 
By the grace of God, Rhea would swear, they made it through the most awkward home-invasion themed Christmas montage for the continuation of their storyline, before heading back to Tampa (well, she and Dominik headed for Tampa, Damian wanted to hang out another few days and fly back with the SmackDown crew, while Finn and Vero left for Brooklyn). They flew with the RAW crew, but managed to convince Candice to trade seats with Dom, so the pair were together, and Candice could be next to Johnny and Quill. 
Dominik hadn’t had the easiest time telling his parents he wasn’t coming home to Las Vegas or San Diego to spend the holidays, that he was going to Tampa with ‘friends’ was bad enough, but Rey had figured out that ‘friend’ was either Rhea or Damian hellaquick, and had grown a bit more upset realizing that it was Rhea (he’d tried to talk Dominik out of running to Rhea and Buddy’s house, but Dominik had stayed firm on his choice, Maria was going to come to Christmas in San Diego, and he wasn’t). 
Realistically Rhea should have asked someone from NXT or AEW to check on the wellbeing of both Buddy (he might have lost his damn mind, it was probably her fault, she wasn’t sure) and the house. But she’d taken it on faith that things would be a-ok. She clearly should have reconsidered her previous opinion of Buddy’s cute little crush, because the yard looked better than she’d ever seen it when they pulled up in the Uber. She climbed out and would swear until her dying day that the patios and porches had never been that clean - it looked like the wooden deck had a new coat of paint on it. Biting her bottom lip she sent a very silent prayer to the heavens, please do not let this go stupidly off the rails .
Buddy, subtle as a brick wall, threw open the front door in gym shorts and a green t-shirt, his feet bare, both Luna and Barry around his ankles, “Welcome home!” He called, over-loud, the man winced himself, so Rhea tried her best not to cackle at how absurd this all was. She caught Dominik’s arm and steered him toward the steps, Buddy hugged her first, kissing her cheek and forehead, before he turned his attention back to Dominik, tentatively he pulled the younger man into a tight hug, Rhea watched them carefully as she bent down to pet her puppy dogs, Dominik (much like he did with Damian) melted into the larger man accepting cuddles and comfort. 
Rhea wasn’t counting, but when they’d been hugging for almost five minutes she stood, cleared her throat, and promptly pried them apart, “I wanna show Dom Dom the house, Matty.” She tangled her hand in Dom’s and yanked, “Bring our luggage in babe.” She left Buddy standing on the porch, dumbstruck, “This is Luna, my oldest baby.” She introduced the smaller of the dogs, Dominik still holding her hand, bent down to greet the dog, “And this lug is Barry.” Rhea watched as Barry basically headbutted Dominik, the younger man snickered but kissed Barry’s odd shaped head all the same, then she was dragging him back to his feet, and toward the living room. 
Rhea when Buddy had first brought up Dominik Mysterio had been very vocal on the fact that Dominik Mysterio was not her type . The problem, however, was the more time she spent with Dom the more time she realized he was her type - a man who had to hide half of who he was, had a larger than life laugh, and struggled to understand his role in the Industry they worked their asses off for? Not to mention he was sweet, dedicated, and downright patient with her when most people weren’t (Rhea was a bit of a perfectionist, Dominik was not, but he cared enough about her vision that he worked until his lines, his moves, his promos were good enough for her to consider them ok ). So, yes, she too had developed a crush, an attraction, an innocent little infatuation on Dominik Mysterio - not that she was going to tell Buddy that anytime soon, he would be insufferable in his gloating about being right…
“Ok, so this is our living room!” Rhea announced, as she tugged Dominik into the room, the white carpet, and couch, were offset by the deep black walls, and the gaming system, and the less than PG paintings that sort of decorated the house more than anything. “You can game with us later!” She added, with a smile, “And this is where we keep our belts.” It was a tall display wall with every belt they’d ever held, Rhea lowkey wanted to put Dominik’s one half of the tag-team championship up there, then realized how unhinged that thought was for the moment, tucking it away, she cleared her throat, “And now the kitchen!” The tour went pretty fast, it was only a four bedroom, with one bedroom being turned into a home-gym, their master bedroom, and two guest bedrooms, although one was shoved full of Buddy’s AEW merch and gear. Rhea showed Dominik to the larger guest room , the one that shared a bathroom with the Master bedroom. 
“Once you get settled, just come find us, I guess he’s still outside with the dogs?” Rhea hummed, unsure. 
“Ok.” Dominik shot her a warm smile, before she could walk away he pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing her to his chest and kissing her cheek, “Thanks for letting me hide here.” He whispered against her skin, goosebumps seemed to erupt all over her body, she swallowed nervously, if they were both stupid about their crushes on Dominik this week was going to go down in flames, and he was going to go running back to San Diego before she could get him lunch. She patted his side as he let her go, he turned to start unpacking, so she ducked out of the room, intent on finding her actual boyfriend and writing a game plan, because they were going down faster than the Titanic, if they didn’t get on the same page. 
Rhea found Buddy exactly where she left him, standing on the freshly painted patio (he could claim he cleaned it all he wanted, but that was some bullshit), looking down and talking to himself. From just behind him in the open doorway she could hear Buddy talking largely to himself, "What the fuck was that, just hug him? Hug him for five minutes? No hello , no hey , Dominik how's it going? No hey, sorry about your bitch of a girlfriend, I didn't really like her when we were in that storyline-" Rhea frowned, she hadn’t thought about how much Buddy would have know Maria, the man in question was steady winding himself up, his voice getting harsher with each sentence, “No, welcome to my house…” 
“Hey.” Rhea cleared her throat, which had Buddy jolting as he whirled to look at her, “No need winding yourself up, love, he’s getting comfortable in the guest room.” Buddy turned to look at her, biting his bottom lip and pouting a little bit. “Come on.” Rhea reached for his hand and tugged, “You promised to cook for us.” She prompted, he nodded his head, before he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her lips sweetly, “I love you.” Rhea reminded him. 
“I love you too.” Buddy hummed, “So, can we keep him?”
Rhea rolled her eyes, “Let’s get through the weekend.” 
“That’s not a no!” Buddy called out excitedly, and ducked into the house. Rhea giggled as she followed him, hopping up onto the counter, as Buddy started pulling out ingredients, it wasn’t long before Dominik joined them, now in his own pair of basketball shorts and a Naruto t-shirt on.  Rhea patted the counter top next to her, Dominik gave her a questioning look, so she patted it again, he hopped up next to her, just as Buddy turned the radio to an oldies station. “Thank you for being willing to spend Christmas with us on short notice.” 
Dominik looked up at him with wide eyes, through his fringe, “Uh, thanks for inviting me.” Dominik offered, “I know it was super short notice, and I know we haven’t really talked since…” Dominik trailed off.
“I got released?” Buddy breathed out, “It’s fine, things were messy at the time.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m glad you're in The Judgment Day, although from the outside it looks hilarious.” He offered, “We joke about it some at AEW, like, think about it... the rich kid, the transfer student, and two dudes in their forties who like to build lego houses…” That made Dominik giggle, “Not that any of those things are bad, I too build lego houses…” He hummed, and resumed putting everything together to make nachos. 
“Well, we can spend all week hanging out.” Rhea encouraged the two boys, linking one of her hands in Dom’s and reaching for Buddy with the other, pulling the man in to kiss her, “Which means, candy, video games, gym days, and late night movie marathons, we can be bad moshers!” She encouraged, “Just for a bit, and I’m totally telling Finn and Damian about that.” She looked at Buddy who snickered. 
Dominik’s gaze darted between the hand of Rhea’s he was holding and Buddy who shrugged, kissed Rhea’s lips, then ruffled Dominik’s hair, before Buddy went back to focus on the chicken he was cooking for the nachos. Rhea, meanwhile was just pleased that Buddy was playing it fucking cool . She, meanwhile, tilted to lean her head on Dominik’s shoulder, so the pair could watch Buddy cook. Before long, Buddy was making plates, asking what they both wanted, vegetable and toppings wise, before handing a plate first to Rhea, then Dominik, then he made his own plate. 
They trio ate in the kitchen - Rhea and Dominik remained seated on the counter, while Buddy leaned against another counter, across from them, the group eating in near-silence. After, Dominik offered to do the dishes, only for Rhea to wave him off, “We have two pre-dishwashers,” She then called the dogs, and ushered the group into the living room promising, “I’ll grab them later, let’s play!” Dominik ended up smashed on the couch between them, the three playing a very violent and aggressive game of Mario Party. Rhea declared nap time when they finished two consecutive games (to her amusement Dominik had won them both ), she immediately curled into Dominik’s side, and made herself comfortable.
“Can I uh, nap time too?” Buddy asked, going for casual but failing.
Dominik flicked his gaze to Buddy, his eyes wide where Rhea was cashed out against his chest, “This is ok?”
“Yeah, man, I love how comfortable she is with you.” Buddy explained, “I’m not, like, mad at you and Rhea’s TV work, I’m mad that everyone thinks you and Demi are messing around behind my back. I’m sure if she wanted to kiss you or sleep with you, she’d tell me.” Buddy shrugged, “And we’d figure out what that means, like… if she’s serious or… you know it’s just a crush.” Rhea, who was pretending to be asleep could feel herself getting embarrassed for Buddy, obviously he was relaying his own feelings there. 
“Oh.” Dominik sounded confused, still, but she didn’t move. “Maria broke things off with me because she thought I was cheating on her with Demi.” Dominik explained, “Even though I explained to her multiple times it’s not like that, no matter how pretty Demi is, or what we are doing in the ring…” He shrugged, careful not to jostle Rhea, “I hadn’t tried to contact you since this started, because I… like I didn’t want you to be mad at me you were the first person to be real with me during the Mysterio-Messiah thing, and I don’t want you to hate me.” Dominik’s voice was tinged with sadness. “I’m sorry for crashing here… I know holidays are meant to be spent with loved ones.”
Buddy hummed, Rhea felt the boys shift, and settled, she peaked up to see Buddy had wrapped his arm around Dominik’s shoulders and was now pulling the boy closer to his side. She moved with the pull, so she and Dominik were both sort of sprawled against Buddy. “Story lines aren’t worth getting that mad over, like I said I just tend to react to the fans and it comes out wrong.” Buddy admitted, “Now let’s take a nap, and…” Buddy paused, “I never really liked Maria, but I do like you.”
“That’s good.” Dominik yawned, “Thank you.” Rhea felt her sleepiness start to pull her under, so she relaxed into it, Buddy and Dominik had talked, they could talk more later. Naps were good. 
Christmas Eve the following morning had all three of them rushing to the mall, because while they had sent gifts to family (Buddy and Rhea had things for one another), they didn’t have gifts to exchange between the three of them. They rode together, promptly hid their faces, and rushed to get gifts and supplies, the trio giggling whenever they caught sight of one another, it took Buddy an embarrassing amount of time (in Rhea’s opinion) to realize that both Rhea and Dominik were wearing his hoodies, since he was larger than both of them. When he did, however, he walked straight into a glass door, cursing under his breath when he realized Rhea had seen him. 
Dominik bumped into him in Spencers at the checkout line, Buddy was relieved his gifts had already been wrapped up, the teenager behind the counter was eyeing them both like he recognized them but also like he had so many questions, “So, uh…” Dominik looked at him, “There is this corset with red roses, I want to get for Dems, I think she’d like it, but I’m not sure of her size…” He looked at Buddy pleadingly. 
“Sure, Dom, let’s…” He nearly froze when in his excitement that Buddy had agreed Dominik grabbed his hand - Buddy knew that he tended to do that with Damian and Finn (Rhea had explained it was trust based). Dominik yanked him towards the back, where the corset in question looked amazing, and like Rhea deserved it along with the red pleather jeans that Dominik had already tossed over his arm, and a pair of chunky black boots. So, Dominik knew her pants and shoe size, but not her cup size. “Let me…” Buddy pulled forward around him, and rifled through until he found the right size, “There you go, Dom.” 
“Thanks, Matty.” The younger man blushed, but nodded his head, “I’ll see you in a bit?”
“Uh, sure.” Buddy nodded his head and headed out of the story, nearly colliding with Rhea who was watching through the front windows again, “Are you stalking us?”
“Stalking? You’d like that.” Rhea muttered, “What did you two do in the back?” She whined, Buddy grinned, relieved the woman hadn’t seen what Dom had picked out (it would go really well with the new leather jacket that Buddy already had under the tree for her, and the cute black skinny jeans that he’d bought her earlier). “Did you get Dominik the thing I told you?” Rhea demanded as she tilted to look up at Buddy.
“Yes, you menace, I got all four of the Wonder Woman Lego sets that were available for purchase, and I got his matching pajamas, and before you hit me I got him Wonder Woman boxers, socks, and two different shirts, and a bath bomb.” Dominik ducked out of the store with two of the larger bags, “Hello, Dom, are you ready to head out? We still have to put the Gothic Tree up and decorate it.”
Dominik looked between them, “I need to get one more thing.” He bit his lip, “Is that ok?”
“Sure, Dom Dom.” Rhea felt her tone softened, “Want to meet us at the SUV?”
Dominik frowned, “No we can all go together.” With that he headed them toward the Christmas Kiosk, “I just, we always get new ornaments for the Tree at Abuelo and Abuela’s house, and since I’m not there… Could I get an ornament for your tree?” He looked at them with a sad look on his face, “I can take it when I leave-”
“If you put an ornament on our tree, you need to add another one next year.” Buddy said, before his brain caught up, Rhea watched as Buddy turned red and Dominik blushed pretty pink, maybe there was something she was missing. 
Instead of pushing she nodded her head, “Yeah, what Matty said, if you add an ornament, you have to do it every single year.” If possible, Dominik grinned wide, and headed for the ornaments, looking through them until he found an Astronaut. “I’ll write Mexican on it, since everyone tags me with that on TikTok.” He chuckled a little harder, Rhea grabbed an ornament with three cookies that had name places, intent to write their names on it, forever remembering the year she brought Dominik home for Christmas, while Buddy grabbed two different ornaments that looked like the dogs at home. 
Buddy paid for them all, even though Dominik pouted about it, Rhea had just shrugged and handed her ornament over, smiling. Buddy urged them back out to the SUV, they had to stop by the storage unit so they could get the Gothic Tree out and the ornaments they had combined when they got together. Dominik, adorably, did his best to help them load everything, grabbing all the boxes they pointed out they needed. 
By the time they made it back to the house they were hungry, so Dominik offered to make them sandwiches, while they wrapped their gifts, then after lunch Dominik wrapped his gifts while Rhea and Buddy sorted through the boxes to find all the pieces and parts of the black Christmas tree. He rejoined them and the trio worked together on putting the tree together, “So, can we watch Christmas movies tonight? Or do you not…” Dominik frowned, “I’m sorry I keep asking for stuff-”
Rhea, on a stroke of genius, cleared her throat, “We always watch Christmas movies,” She elbowed Buddy, “And we build a fort and sleep in here, in our matching pajamas.” She nudged Buddy who handed him one of the wrapped boxes, and shot him a tentative smile.
“Thanks! When do we put these on?” Dominik held the box protectively.
Oh, no. Rhea felt her heart thunder, she knew that Dominik liked praise, but… was he not getting enough positive reinforcement, had she failed in their kayfabe relationship? The boy in question was leaning into Buddy, the pair looking down at the box of ornaments, sorting through where to start, she watched the pair for a moment, thoughtful, before nodding her head, Buddy was right and it was about time she told him - but, more than that she could see how perfectly Dominik could fit. 
“Put them on when you want, Dom Dom. I’m going to put the MistleToe up!” Rhea declared, yanking the offensive plants from one of her shopping bags. Both men turned to look at her like, where did you get that? , she shot them a blinding smile, as she moved to hang the first little bundle over the entryway into the living room from the hallway, before heading for the kitchen to do the same, and then the hallway on the opposite side leading into the living room. She kept her eyes on the boys, gazing at the pair who worked well together - rethinking all their ring chemistry she’d seen. Dominik was amazing with ring chemistry, he could literally work with anyone (even Brock Lesnar who’d accidently hurt him the first time they worked one another).
“Hey, Dems, can you come help?” Buddy’s voice drew her out of his thoughts. “We have fluffed the tree.”
She gazed at it, “Missed a spot.” She slid around them to fix a branch that had left a hole, Dominik sputtered about it, but Buddy openly laughed, “Once we do this, and eat everything we made for dinner, then can we play truth or dare before we start watching Christmas movies?”  
Buddy shot her a look that told her that he knew exactly what she was up to, but Dominik looked so pleased and ready, “That sounds like fun.” He offered, diplomatically, “I’m too old-”
“You're not too old.” Dominik nearly knocked into his side, turning sharp to eye Buddy, “You're never too old to have fun, please?” Dominik pouted, Rhea watched Buddy crumble in front of her very eyes. Rhea grinned sharp and happy, she could make her man's dreams (ok, and her dreams) come true, they had four more days to change Dominik’s relationship status, and somehow get the boy between the sheets. 
Everything on the tree, cookies made (thanks, Buddy, Rhea thought as she eyed his lack of diet in the face of Dominik’s breakup), the group had changed into their matching PJ’s - black onesies with white Christmas trees and the red bedazzled ‘Merry Fucking Christmas’ splashed across the fronts of their chest, a fort had been successfully erected in the living room, and the first Christmas movie was on (Christmas in July). Buddy had practically rearranged the living room, Rhea snapped a shot of them and posted it on Instagram with the caption, ‘ Christmas with both my men! Latino Heat and Australian Fireeee!’, then she took all their phones and put them in one of the stockings they hadn’t used. 
“Are we going to play truth or dare, now?” Buddy asked, amused, as both Rhea and Dominik sat down on the floor, knees touching. Dominik had pulled his mullet up into a bun again (Buddy thought that was probably Rhea’s way of teasing him, he'd made the mistake of telling her that while he loved the mullet also found Dominik absolutely adorable with his hair twisted up in either a ponytail or bun - both of which Dominik did more and more the longer it got). 
“We are.” Dominik agreed, “Can I go first?” He asked, looking at the pair, who nodded, “Ok, Dems, truth or dare?” 
Rhea blinked, “Truth?”
Dominik gave her a very pointed look, “Why did you really invite me to Christmas?”
Rhea glanced at Buddy, “Because we wanted you to be here.”
“Both of you?” Dominik turned to look at Buddy.
Rhea tutted, “You only get one question,” Dominik pouted, “Matty, truth or dare?”
Buddy rolled his eyes, “Truth.” He gave Rhea a pointed look.
Rhea cackled, “Why did you want Dom to come to our house?”
Buddy flushed, then looked at Dom, “Dems wants me to tell you the whole truth, like a brat, so…” He scratched the back of his neck, “When we were doing the Mysterio/Messiah thing, I uh, I thought you were very cute.” He breathed out, “You sort of inspired my, uh, my bi-panic?” He said questioningly. Rhea nodded and made a humming noise for him to continue, “So, I might have mentioned that to Dems when she started working with you, or like with the Judgment Day started working with you.” 
Dominik blinked rapidly, “I inspired you're bi-panic?” 
Buddy nodded, unashamed, “That’s ok, right?”
Dominik was blushing very pretty, in Rhea’s opinion, a smile working its way on his face, “So… you have a crush on me still?” Buddy nodded, Dominik turned to look at Rhea, “Dems do you have a crush on me too?” The wheels were obviously turning behind his pretty dark eyes. 
“It’s Matty’s turn to ask a question.” Rhea countered, avoiding the question.
Buddy laughed, “Dems, truth or dare.”
“Dare.” Rhea decided, savagely.
“Kiss Dom.” Buddy ordered, then backtracked a bit, “If you're both ok with that?” 
Dominik blushed but nodded his head signaling that the was fine with it, Rhea rolled her shoulders, “I do have a crush on you,” She grabbed the front of his onesie and yanked him forward, to press a quick chaste kiss to his lips, she pulled back, “Now Dominik, truth or truth?” She didn’t let him answer, “Do you like us?” This was something Buddy was nervous about, he was worried Dominik would only be interested in Rhea.
Dominik laughed, “So… Matty, you weren’t my bi-panic, you were my bi-confirmation. I was so mad that Aalyah got to kiss you, and I had to work with you and couldn’t really like, talk to you about my feelings, cause I was scared you were like the other guys in the locker room and had this phobia of queer, and I obviously like Dems, it’s something that apparently everyone has picked up on.”
Buddy shot him a soft smile, “Well, not a phobia, can I kiss you now?” He asked softly.
“I want you to know, Dom Dom, that we both want you, we want you to be with us, dating us both.” Rhea explained, “I want to keep you, Buddy wants to keep you, and this only works if you want us, too.” 
Dominik seemed to think about it, “Yes, but , this can’t be like a rebound thing for me. Maria and I were in love once but since I started being on the road all the time, we fell apart. Honestly we were headed toward this break up months ago, but like… I don’t want this… to be like awkward, I don’t want just a few days getting to explore whatever this is you are both offering…” 
“Not a rebound.” Buddy offered, quickly, “We would like to keep you.”
“Possessive, I like it.” Dominik wiggled a bit then refocused his attention on Buddy, “Kiss?” Buddy caught the front of Dominik’s pajamas much like Rhea had, and yanked Dominik in, to kiss him on the lips, kissing Dominik with a promise for more later if he wanted it. Rhea clapped her hands together, a smile on her face, this was both a Christmas Miracle and absolutely the best New Years gift ever. When they broke apart, Rhea climbed over them both to kiss Buddy, then Dominik, grinning warmly at them. “Can we watch movies now and cuddle?” Dominik asked, seriously. 
They pulled couch cushions and blankets and pillows around, to create a comfortable enough place to lay, Buddy stretched out in the center, Rhea laid near the couch, her head on Buddy’s chest, Dominik laid on the other side, his back to the pair, but curled up to Buddy, head resting on Buddy’s arm, so they could all watch the TV, Rhea handed the remote to Dominik, so he could cue the next movie up. Rhea let her arm drape over Buddy’s waist, and hooked her hand over Dominik’s hip, pressing her nails into his side, while Buddy coiled the arm under Rhea around her more and pressed his other hand to Dominik’s heart, so the boy was in a neck-lock of sorts. Happiness settled and the three rested together.
Christmas morning they woke up still a pile of messy arms and legs on the floor of Rhea’s house (Buddy had moved in with her and if Rhea had her way Dominik would be moving from the Mysterio house in Las Vegas to join them immediately). They hurried to use the bathroom, washed their hands, and then made breakfast together, Dominik had commandeered the radio so they were listening to some Spanish Rap, which had Rhea bobbing her head along and Buddy sort of swaying. 
“Breakfast, then presents, then let's lay in bed and do nothing !” Rhea called out excitedly as Buddy moved to set the table for breakfast. 
Dominik laughed, “So, before we lay in bed and do nothing, I think we should talk.” Both Buddy and Rhea pouted, “Hear me out, I was just in a very vanilla relationship for years .” He folded his arms over his chest, “I like you both, I’ve always felt a connection to you, Matty, and sparks literally flew with you Dems, but… I’m still a bit unsure.” They frowned, “Unsure about how fast we should move… don’t get me wrong, I’m down for the physical side of things but… I wanna…” He frowned. 
“We can move however fast or slow as you want, right Dems?” Buddy elbowed her. 
“Right.” Rhea agreed, “You're speed.”  
Dominik grinned at them both before he giggled, “Christmas morning time!”
The morning of the twenty-sixth Dominik got a phone call that had them all on edge - Maria wanted to know where to send his belongings, since they’d been sharing an apartment in San Diego. Buddy took the phone and gave her their address in Tampa. Maria didn’t seem too bothered, she promised to send everything straight through. It was Rhea who offered a soft sad smile, “How about you just stay here for now, and lets put together some of your Legos, yeah?” 
“Ok.” Dominik looked a bit miffed, “Can we maybe… can we build Legos in bed?” It was an odd request but Rhea nodded her head, and Buddy hummed his agreement. The trio tumbled into the big bed, still in their onesie pajamas, and somehow managed to assemble the ‘invisible’ jet that was made of clear blocks. Once that was done, Dominik dropped into Buddy’s lap, and cried - the first time Rhea had really seen him shed tears, she moved closer and rubbed at his shoulders, while Buddy held him tightly. 
Dominik eventually seemed to cry himself out, while Buddy rubbed his fingers over Dominik’s long hair, playing with the ends like Rhea had liked when she had longer hair. Rhea nuzzled into Dominik’s side, her arms around his middle, while Buddy shifted them slightly, so he could nudge Dominik’s chin up with his fingers, “Hey, baby?” Dominik blinked his tears away, “It’s ok, you know? To hurt and be sad about you're relationship with Maria ending, it was a long part of your life, and we understand how you must be hurt - we’ve both been through bad breakups.” He motioned between himself and Rhea, “So, you take all the time you need, we aren’t going to change our minds - I’ve had a crush on you for years, and Dems is obsessed, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.” 
Dominik let out a wet little giggle, “Thanks, I needed that.” He breathed, then looked at Buddy with huge pleading eyes, “Can I have a kiss?”
“You don’t have to ask for those, sweetface.” Buddy promised, ducking to kiss his lips softly, when he pulled back he studied Dominik’s face, Rhea, too was watching him carefully, “You know, Dom Dom, I think maybe for now kissing, holding hands, cuddling is probably the best course of action, we can figure out the more physical stuff later.” 
Dominik nodded his head as Rhea wiggled to be more between them, “I want cuddles too!” She demanded.
Buddy laughed, “Great, now there are two of you, my needy little babies.” He grumbled, before adjusting so they could both stretch out over his chest, he kissed both their heads, as Rhea pulled Dominik into a soft, sweet little kiss. Buddy wrapped his arms around them both holding them to his chest, before he cleared his throat, “I hate to suggest this, but for now… maybe we just keep this between us. Dominik can move in slowly over time, when y’all come off the road, you can come here, and we can unpack him a little bit at a time.”
‘Good idea, Matty.” Rhea hummed, “That gives you time to get him a dresser and a lounger for our bedroom.”
Dominik blushed pretty, “I get to stay in the bedroom too?”
“You're ours, we are yours, of course you get to stay in the bedroom.” Buddy chuckled, “Where else would you sleep, baby?” Dominik shrugged, while Rhea traced his face with her fingertips, “Now I believe we agreed to do absolutely nothing productive for the rest of the break… but after this nap, can we please, please, change out of these hot ass onesies.”
Rhea grumbled, “Fine, I guess…” 
Rhea had suffered through yet another messy taping for the Mysterio drama that was unfolding on WWE regularly. Buddy met both of them outside the restaurant, or rather Dominik ran headlong into Buddy out of the restaurant when he was ‘running from the cops’, Rhea after she pushed through the camera crew found the pair, and let Buddy usher them both into the rental he’d picked up. Rhea had clocked the look Rey sent at them - and wondered if maybe he was upset that Dominik was moving in with them (had moved in with them) or was upset that Rhea and Dominik were less than PG behind the scenes. The more Dominik had gotten over his grief when it came to his relationship with Maria (he blamed himself for failing her somehow), the more handsy he had gotten with them both, and the more he opened up to them, sharing everything with them he absolutely could. 
Which brought Rhea to her biggest problem as of late - the girls locker room. If one more person accused her of cheating on Buddy she might just take their heads off, with her bare hands. She was not cheating, she was just traveling with one of her boyfriends while the other boyfriend stayed around Jacksonville or did small time house shows across America (taking Luna and Barry with him). Again, not the world knew that, although she’d been dropping not so subtle hints, case in point, she tagged a lot of things with her Latino Heat and Australian Fire. 
“So, what do we want to do for Valentine’s Day?” Buddy asked, softly, as he eyed the pair that had both climbed into the backseat, he looked at them through the rearview, watching them casually. Dominik and Rhea shared a look, the pair shrugging, “Alright, so I guess I get to choose.” He turned the car on, buckled up, and shifted it into gear, steering them out of the parking lot and towards the center of town. If they weren’t going to pick then Buddy was going to check something off his to-do list. 
Coney Island at night was lit up magnificently. Rhea chuckled as she realized where Buddy had taken them - she knew he’d never managed to get to go, in all the times they’d been in the city for road shows or other things he’d never managed to go, Dominik made a funny noise, “Uncle Eddie brought me here a couple times.” He offered, sounding a little excited and a lot relieved. “This is going to be great!” He added, already trying to unbuckle and escape the SUV. 
Buddy climbed out, trailed by Rhea and Dominik, he offered his arms to them both. Rhea slid to his left side while Dominik took his right, the three moved toward ticket sales, once more Buddy bought their admissions (Rhea wondered if Dominik was getting a bit irritated by how often Buddy just paid for everything, the man liked to spoil his princesses ). With their wristbands on they headed into the park, Buddy stiffened for just a moment as Dominik’s hand slid into his, instead of resting their arms together, Rhea on his other side had already laced their fingers together. 
From the midway they scouted out the best path to the Cyclone, which had apparently been one of Eddie’s favorite rides. They headed first for the Soarin’ Eagle, but soon realized they’d have to break up into a pair and a single rider - they agreed quickly to alternate out who was the single rider. From Soarin’ Eagle they moved onto the SlingShot, then the Steeplechase, before making their way across what amounted to a kiddy-land, although they did stop to ride the Ferris Wheel and the Coney Clipper (one of the few rides they could sit altogether), before they headed into the line for the Cyclone. 
Maybe it was because it was February, but the lines weren’t terribly long, so they got to ride the Cyclone three times in a row before Rhea was begging for them to do literally anything else . They cut back across the kiddy-land, and through the rides they’d already rode, across the midway a second time, to reach the rest of the rides. The Astro Tower had them all screaming, loudly, hands held outside of the harnesses on the ride, Dominik screaming out a very shrill, “Ohhhh, Shit!” As it dropped them from the heavens. 
Buddy was the one who tugged them into the line for the Thunderbolt, and honestly, Rhea was starting to get a little worried about the age of all the coasters Buddy was apparently obsessed with. They rode it four times, before Rhea managed to talk him into riding the Tony’s Express. After that Rhea begged for them to play games, and Dominik managed to win them all three small little rewards at Ring Toss, Rhea won them all prizes at Whack-A-Mole, then Buddy won Rhea and Dominik huge stuffed Hippos (Rhea’s was purple and Dominik’s was blue) at a bean bag toss game. 
“Can we eat here?” Dominik asked, eyeing both his girlfriend and his boyfriend.
“Come on, there’s an Italian place, uh… Al Cavallino?” Buddy pointed at the sign, as they moved towards it.
“Let’s get it to go.” Rhea hummed, “I wanna uh, I wanna go back to the hotel.” There was a flirty lit to her voice, one that had Buddy and Dominik quickly ordering three massive pizzas, and rushing out of Luna Park, back to the SUV and toward the Mandarin Oriental. It was on the steep end of the price scale that they tended to use when it came to picking a hotel, but Rhea had splurged a little because this was a big night . 
With everything that had been going on, they’d been traveling more and more, and with Buddy now doing regular house shows for AEW and still picking up his special contracts, they had had to enact a two week rule - they saw each other all three every two weeks even if it was only for an hour. For all that Buddy could be upset that Rhea and Dom were always together he was relieved that his little monsters had one another on the road, he was ok traveling on his own, he’d always been good at the road (which irritated both Rhea and Dom). 
The Premier Central Park Suite, on the forty-second floor overlooked the park (obviously) but was also decorated elegantly. The entry into the room was into a sprawling living room, where a curved couch sat around a coffee table, across from that there was a table made for four. Dominik dropped the pizza on it, while Rhea set about getting the beer out of the mini-fridge. The bedroom was huge, with a California King size bed, and a small lounge-chair against the impressive floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the beauty that was Central Park in the large and sprawling city. The bathroom was pristine, with a huge tub and a deep sink. The closet was packed full of Buddy, Rhea and Dominik’s belongings (mostly Buddy’s because he’d arrived a couple days before Rhea and Dominik). 
They changed into lounge clothes which equaled boxers for both Dominik and Buddy, while Rhea donned a pair of black underwear and a t-shirt that belonged to Dominik. Rhea grabbed her pizza slice, folded it in half, and started to eat, sitting criss-cross on the fluffy white couch, Dominik joined her with both their beers and his own two slices of pizza that he’d made some sort of a sandwich out of. Buddy just grabbed his whole box of pizza and his beer, dropping onto the couch next to his lovers. What was the point in working his ass out in the gym if he couldn’t eat a whole pizza when he damn well wanted it. 
The thing about Buddy, in Rhea’s opinion, was he was easy to read. There was a way he looked, when his hunger changed from wolfing down a whole pizza full of gross things like anchovies, to devouring Rhea or Dominik. She and Dominik had barely finished their first slices when Buddy’s gaze turned a bit heated, a bit more focused, his pupils expanding, he licked his lips, and Rhea resigned herself to the fact that they’d finish eating later and they would probably need a shower (or two). 
Rhea also knew how to get Buddy’s attention, she stretched her arms over her head, yawning, before she moved toward Dominik, licking the side of his face, “You know what I think?” She offered the boys, “I think we’ve kissed a bit, we’ve made out, we’ve gotten each other off through our clothes… it’s about time we did moooore.” She whined a bit, which was enough, Buddy didn’t give either of them time to reach, before he tossed his pizza down (he’d be upset about that later, it missed the table and hit the nice carpet), and yanked both of them into his lap, Dominik nearly clipped him in the balls, but Buddy didn’t slow down, instead he pressed forward, licking his way into Dominik’s mouth, forcefully biting at the boys lips, tasting every bit of Dominik’s mouth before he turned his attention to Rhea and gave her much the same treatment, she sighed into him, melting closer. 
When they broke for air, the pair had been kissed soundly by Buddy for the better part of thirty minutes, whenever he broke for air from one kiss, he’d gulp down some more then lunge forward to kiss the other. “Making out is good.” Dominik giggled, his lips kissed red and bruising quickly, “But you know what would be better?” He asked as he pressed forward and started biting at Buddy’s neck, the man was still kissing Rhea like his life depended on it, “Mutual orgasms sound better, don’t you think?” Buddy inhaled sharply, broke his kiss with Rhea and looked at Dominik seriously. 
Dominik, however, had moved to focus on Rhea, tugging on her shirt, to get it over her head, even as the younger pair shifted on Buddy’s lap, so they were more facing each other, Rhea giggled, “Do you have an idea?”
“Yeah, actually I do.” Dominik began, “But uh, it’s more of a fantasy?” 
“Wanna tell us?” Buddy asked, softly, ducking to kiss both their shoulders.
“Can I just uh, show you?” Dominik ventured, blushing pretty, the red running down his cheeks to bloom across his chest and down to his happy trail, that disappeared into his boxers, which were tenting up, showing his interest. Dominik waited for both of them to nod, “Ok, Matty, can you uh, can you sit on the table for a moment.” He motioned toward the coffee table, Buddy huffed clearly aware of where this was maybe going, but did as Dominik asked, Rhea and Dominik were both shuffled onto the couch, for him to move, “Alright, Mami,” Dom looked at Rhea, sweetly, batting his eyelashes, “Off with the clothes, please?” He tugged on her black underwear. She laughed, loudly. She shimmied out of them, while Dominik stood and slid his own boxers down, awkwardly.
Buddy watched them, his boxers tight. For a moment Rhea and Dominik just looked at each other, they’d taken to sharing a locker room on the road, and had seen flashes of each other naked, but like they’d agreed back at Christmas, none of them had moved past kisses and cuddles with a side of hand holding. Rhea was toned and athletic, Dominik was starting to gain more muscle, but still had soft love handles from the weight he’d gained between Football and deciding to join the WWE for real. Dominik’s gaze wandered over her, but not for long, he drug his eyes back upward to where Rhea was studying him, a bright smile on her face, and eyes gleefully full of what could only be called mischief and desire. 
“Dios,” Dominik breathed out, “I wanna eat you alive.” He brought his hands to rest on her hip bones, Buddy tracked the movement, a smile starting to pull at his lips, Dominik pulled Rhea back toward the couch. She jerked her head in a nod, before dipping forward to kiss his lips, fingers shaking Dominik moved his right hand, letting his index finger trace a path from her collarbones downward, to her shaved pussy lips, he groaned into the kiss when he felt how wet she was, the scent of her arousal spiking as he did it again, “Let me taste you?” He begged, when she broke the kiss, he pulled her hand to his lips and licked them hungrily, he turned to look at Buddy, moving his fingers free of his lips, “Can I taste Mami?” He asked, slowly.
“Go ahead, baby.” Buddy grinned sharply, “Taste you're Mami.” He added, a bit darker.
“Thank you, Papi.” Dominik whispered, as he gazed at Rhea, eyes hooded with want. 
“Lay back.” Rhea ordered, shoving his shoulder harshly so he dropped back onto the couch, with the curve it was kind of awkward but they made it work, “I wanna taste you too, can I Papi?” She blinked innocently at Buddy, who chuckled darkly but nodded his head, waving his hand in a do as you please sort of motion. Tentatively, afraid that Dominik might change his mind, Rhea fisted his cock, pumped it twice then rubbed his precum off with her thumb, pushing it into her mouth and loudly moaning around the taste. A wicked grin lit up her face, as she climbed up and over him, Dominik caught her hips to help her situate her cute cunt over his mouth so she wouldn’t smother him (although Dominik probably would have willingly agreed to that), she froze over him when he slid his tongue over her clit the first time, “Oooh.” She hissed, before wiggling a bit, to encourage him, she stretched her body over his, using her right hand to balance herself on his upper thigh, before moving to hold the base of her cock with her left hand, she nuzzled his cockhead with her lips and, as he took a stronger lick between her pussy lips, the moment she sucked his cockhead into her lips, he flicked his tongue hard against her core - chasing the sweet honey like taste of her wetness. 
By the way Dominik was moaning, Buddy knew he was in heaven. From what they knew about Dominik, he’d always had an oral fixation, it was further proven as he greedily locked his lips over her swollen clit and sucked, grazing his teeth along her tiny little bud, flicking his tongue in a rough pattern - then he’d slide his tongue down further, slipping into her tight little hole, tasting her pure sex, before he’d double back to his sucking of her clit. Rhea, meanwhile, was caught between begging Dom for god only knows what and purposely trying to choke herself because the feeling of Dom cockhead against the back of her throat made her nearly feral with want, she bobbed her head up and down testing out different twirls of her tongue and grazes of her teeth sometimes sucking harder, Dom hips bucked up driving his cock deeper into her throat as she ground her hips down, pushing her cunt against Dom face in need. He responded by fucking his tongue in and out of her cute little pussy, nuzzling her red and sensitive clit with his nose. 
Buddy watched on appreciatively, not sure how long they teased each other before he slowly eased himself down to his knees, groaning in frustration as he drove his knee into the pizza he’d dropped earlier (for a moment his mind focused on the fact that they were going to have to pay to have this room cleaned), he refocused on the beautiful sight before him. Rhea was devoutly bobbing her head up and down eager to take as much of Dom cock down her throat, while Dom was greedily eating her pussy like his life depended on it. Buddy didn’t bother to take his boxers off, only pushing them down enough to get his cock out, he spat in his hand to lube himself up with it the best he could, before edging forward, pointedly ignoring the pizza issue. Both Rhea and Dominik froze for a moment when his hands landed on them, so he pushed Rhea’s head down to get her to refocus on the delicious looking cock in her mouth. As soon as she resumed bobbing her head up and down, Dominik refocused on his sweet treat. 
Buddy spat into his hand a couple more times, then rubbed his hand between the pair, wetting down Rhea’s ribs and Dominik’s stomach with his saliva, before he pushed forward and slid his cock between their bodies seeking friction. He grunted as he set a slow rhythm, then ran his index finger down Rhea’s spine, dipping between her cute little ass cheeks, rubbing hard over her asshole - the girl let out a pretty noise as Buddy sunk his finger into her tight wet cunt, Dom hummed and turned his attention to just her clit, nibbling and sucking happily. Buddy pushed his index finger in and out of her, finger fucking her while Dominik teased her clit, he added a second finger even as he brought his other hand up to his mouth and sucked sloppily on his fingers. 
“Hey, Dom, spread your legs for me, baby.” The younger man did as Buddy commanded, careful not to jostle Rhea, “Sweetface, drool down his cock for me.” He continued to lightly fuck his hips forward, while scissoring his fingers inside of Rhea the powerful woman  whimpering her pleasure even as she did as he asked. He grinned darkly as her drool ran down Dom’s shaft and over his rather nice sized balls (Buddy sort of wanted to suck on them, but that would have to wait). He caught the drool with his free hand and proceeded to smear it over Dom tight puckered asshole, “Is this ok, baby?” Dominik made a muffled noise of agreement, so Buddy worked his middle finger in first, the boy gasped even as he bucked into the feeling, once Buddy could thrust that finger in and out without resistance, he set an even pace. 
Rhea was starting to wiggle and whimper a bit louder, so Buddy pulled his fingers free of her hungry cunt, he knew exactly what his little mosher needed, “Dom, put your fingers in her.” Dominik clumsily did so, pushing two in and nibbling a little harder on her clit if her grunt and moan was anything to go by. Buddy ran his sloppy wet fingers from her pussy to her tight asshole, he worked the first one in even as he added a second finger to Dom, his hips started bucking his cock harder between their bodies, he could feel the heat of his pending orgasm rushing up his spine, so he slowed down a little bit, not wanting to cum just yet. He focused on the task at hand - soon he was working two fingers in and out of both their tight little asses while Rhea hungrily bobbed her head up and down Dom’s cock, now that Buddy was largely in charge he grinned.
Not that he minded the thought of watching the pair fuck from the corner chair, it was just their first time and he wanted to be as much a part of it as possible, an idea forming in his head, taking root and growing fast. “Tug on his balls, sweetheart.” Buddy could feel his own balls tightening, “Add another finger, Dom.” As both listened - Rhea rested her full weight against Dom which made the pressure on Buddy’s cock increase beautifully, and took both hands to his balls tugging and pinching slightly as she pushed herself until her nose was buried in his pubes. Dom has moved his free hand to coil around Buddy’s leg, to squeeze his balls from behind and Buddy couldn’t help but buck a little harder when Dom pulled just right the boy had also added a third finger to Rhea’s now stretched cunt. Buddy couldn’t help but add a third finger to stretch them even more - that was what did it both his younger lovers explode.
Rhea’s whole body went tense just before her cunt convulsed and her orgasm flooded Dom’s face and mouth. Dom came hard, his hips jerking up bucking his cock far enough down Rhea’s throat the woman gagged around him, but didn’t move off as he started to cum down her throat, Buddy sort of hoped she choked on it in the best way possible, Rhea liked to be in charge as far as the world was concerned, but Buddy was the one who held her down at home. Buddy’s rhythm faltered, he felt his balls draw up tight, his own release surged forward flooding the pair his cock was trapped between. He leaned forward, resting his head on the back of the couch, before he pulled his fingers free of the beautiful sweaty pair, he brought them to his mouth to lick them clean, even as Rhea gingerly moved off Dom, the pair both wiggling to sit up, facing Buddy who was still on his knees. Buddy couldn’t help but groan, seeing how wrecked the pair were, and how coated in his cum they were. He was still cumming when Rhea started to rub his cum into her skin, Dom after a moment of hesitation followed her lead, Buddy’s cock twitched eagerly watching them, he wanted more. 
Buddy managed to get his boxers off, still ignoring the pizza situation under his knees, he continued to kneel before them, eyes going between the most beautiful woman and the most darling man he’d ever seen. “I wanna taste you both,” Buddy declared, “God you look like a porno, sort of smell like one too.” He inhaled deeply, the scent of their spent sex going to his head. “Dems, would you let Dom Dom fuck you're ass?” He bit his bottom lip and watched Rhea weigh her options, slowly she nodded, “I… god I wanna keep you both, forever.” He breathed out, his cock was still twitching, little dribbles of cum were dropping onto the floor between his knees, “Dom, baby, sit on the edge here, in front of me, Dems you should just be able to slide him in, I stretched you out nice, didn’t I?”
“Matty, you know I like you in me, always.” Rhea cupped his face, bent forward to kiss him sweetly, like she hadn’t just choked on Dom’s cock for the better part of the last hour, Buddy felt the heat bubbling his stomach again, “I really like knowing you like being inside me.” Rhea breathed out against his lips. The invitation was there, so Buddy grabbed her harshly by the back of her short hair, yanking her into a kiss that was more teeth than tongue, biting at one another, threatening to bust each others lips with the force, before Dom let out a noise of pain, and wiggled forward, inching into the kiss. It took a minute for them to navigate a three way kiss, more tongue than teeth this time, but once they had it Dominik’s moans turned from whimpers to pleading little noises. 
Buddy, eager to get on to the next part of his plan, pulled away from them, licking his lips, before he nudged Rhea down the couch, so he could slide Dominik into position, “Did you like my finger Dom Dom?” He asked as he forced Dominik’s legs open, and yanking him toward the edge of the couch, Dominik nodded his head frantically as Buddy cupped his neck, squeezing slightly, before running his palms down Dominik’s chest, pausing to tweak his nipples - the boy let out a mewling noise, as Buddy slide his dominant hand downward, fingertips gliding over Dominik’s soft skin, before he pointedly ignored Dominik’s cock, and slid his finger back inside of the younger man, Dominik let out a airy moan. 
“More?” Dom pleaded. 
Buddy nipped at Dominik’s thighs, Rhea let out what amounted to a frustrated growl, before Buddy laughed, he pulled his mouth away from Dominik’s left high, a beautiful hickey left in its place, “Dems, come sit on Dom Dom’s cock for Papi.” When Rhea started the whole Who’s Your Papi?, neither one of them realized how much Dom would enjoy calling Rhea Mami and Buddy Papi , had both Rhea and Buddy referring to each other in the same manner. 
Buddy knew deep down that he’d probably started to push both Rhea and Dominik further than they wanted to go for their first time, but neither of them were saying stop . Rhea complied, as she moved to brace her hands on Buddy’s shoulders while Dom held his cock with the hand not currently twisted in the couch cushions. Buddy bent down a little, doing his best to ignore how his knee slid on the pizza box, to watch Dom’s now hard cock (it was a nice cock, almost eight inches, and decently thick - not as thick or as long as Buddy’s, but delicious looking and he personally couldn’t wait to suck it down) push against Rhea’s tight puckered pink ring, before finally his cockhead slipped in. “Oh, fuck, Dom .” Rhea let out a pleased noise as she lowered herself down his cock, Buddy grinned as she took the initiative to impale herself to the base, once there she sort of rocked her hips, experimenting, “You feel so good.” She promised Dom, looking over her shoulder to lick at his jawline.  
Dom pitched forward, wrapping his arm around her stomach, kissing up her neck, “So goddamn hot.” He breathed out, hot against Rhea’s throat, he moaned out loudly when Buddy started to pump his finger in and out of Dominik’s tight hole, Buddy growled when either of them tried to move, he needed to work Dom back up to three fingers again. 
“There we go, so pretty.” Buddy licked his lips, “Rock your hips, Rhea, as slow or as fast as you want.” Then he surged forward, plunging his tongue into her cute little cunt, licking up to her clit and biting down just hard enough for her to cry out, burying both her hands on his hair. She rocked her hips violently forward chasing his mouth, which caused her to bounce up and down Dom cock, while Buddy searched out the boy's prostate. “Gonna milk you both.” He murmured as he pulled away from her clit, “Dems rub your clit baby, I wanna eat you.” With that he plunged his tongue into her cunt, and started a fast in and out, she felt her hips flex but did as he asked. Dropping her hand between her thighs and rubbing her clit slowly. 
Buddy let his tongue slide down to where Rhea was split open on Dom’s cock every now and then, at times he hungrily sucked Dom heavy balls into his mouth, he lapped at the younger mans asshole where it was stretched around three of his thick fingers, then pushed his mouth back up to suck her pussy lips and fuck her with his tongue while he stroked his cock and tugged on his balls with his free hand, focused on using his fingers inside Dom to abuse the younger mans prostate to the fullest of his abilities. This time when Rhea came it was all over Buddy - he pulled her off Dom at the last minute so his streams of hot white cum could mark his face, throat and chest alongside Rhea’s own delicious cum. 
Buddy angled himself upward, stroking hard and fast, so he could coat Rhea’s clit, pussy, and asshole alongside Dom’ now limp cock, balls and asshole. The younger pair spent, dropped back against the couch exhausted so naturally Buddy took his time cleaning them off with his tongue, once he had a mouthful of all three of their releases he kissed Rhea who let out a pleased noise at the taste he did the same with Dom who groaned his cock twitching gallantly. Buddy continued his tongue bath until both seemed to regain their brains. Together Rhea and Dom pushed him backwards, he took the hint, and shoved himself onto the coffee table, letting out a pointed sigh when he felt his pizza box creak under his weight, before flattening. They hungrily worked on cleaning the mess from his chest and neck, Rhea was the one who settled between his legs (she let out a noise that let him know she’d found his smashed pizza slice and he’d be hearing about it later, but he refused to dwell on that). She pushed his thighs apart, at first he wasn’t sure what they were up to until Dom’s mouth closed over his cockhead, the man was balanced precariously on the couch, hands on Buddy’s upper thighs for support so Rhea had room to work. Buddy grunted in eager anticipation as Rhea pulled his ass cheeks apart and surged forward with her tongue. 
Buddy let them have their fun, reaching down to fist the base of his cock, as Rhea licked into his own tight picker - flicking her tongue in eager and hungry, Dom was bobbing up and down on his cock, at times hitting Buddy’s fist hard enough Buddy was worried he was going to bust his lips open, Dominik started to hum as he was able to swallow more and more down. Rhea tugged harshly on his balls which had him crying out in pleasure even as Dom’s mouth slammed into his fist again, this time the younger man paused to inhale sharply before experimenting with swallowing around Buddy’s cock, making him let out what amounted to a high pitched keen. Tentatively Buddy ran his fingers through Dominik’s longer hair, before holding his head in place, and bucking up slightly, Buddy tested out bucking up, just as Rhea moaned loudly. When he looked down he could see her hand between her thighs, moving fast and he grinned with the realization she was fingering herself - he groaned as he felt a slick finger prodded at his asshole, a finger Rhea had no doubt coated with her own slick. These two together, they might actually be the death of him. 
Dominik, now more comfortable, set an impressive pace. Bobbing up and down with abandon while Rhea moved to suck and nibble at his balls, she had managed to get three fingers coated in her slick into him, and was now pressing them harshly against his prostate. His own clenches on the base of his cock were coming hard and fast and all too soon he was seizing up. His cum flooded Dom mouth, choking him, as he pulled back Rhea replaced him, sucking down wave after wave - her fingers still assaulting his prostate. Buddy was fairly sure he was spent, and had no more cum to give his lovers, when they moved as one, giving him a beautiful sight. Rhea pawed his mouth open and the pair sloppily made out, as Buddy leaned forward, moving himself around so he could see his cum dribbling down their chins, he ducked forward, nearly kneeing Rhea in his haste, to lick his cum off their chins, before lowering himself to the floor in front of Rhea, so he could angle his mouth under their joined lips, to catch the stream of cum. After a few beats of his heart, Buddy licked up their necks, and shoved his own tongue into the mix, biting at both their lips and gripping the back of their necks. 
Of course, Rhea couldn’t just let them languish in their afterglow. “I desperately love you both,” She started, as she moved to stand on shaky legs, “But I have pizza sauce on me .” She gave Buddy a rude look, he ducked his head, “And I think it’s forever stained the carpet, they are going to think we killed someone.”
Dominik, who had been panting, burst out laughing. “Matty, you really wanted that pizza.” The trio looked at the smashed pizza box on the coffee table, grease stains leaking out of the flattened cardboard. “You can have some of mine?” Dominik suggested, even as Rhea moved to drag him to his feet, “But Mami’s right, we should shower, you’ve got pizza sauce all over you…” 
Buddy groaned, “Fine, shower fun, then we eat, then we play some more.” The younger set giggled, as they took off in a run toward the shower, pushing and shoving playfully at each other, Buddy took a few minutes to catch his breath, he wasn’t as young as them and multiple orgasms while nice, wore him out, especially when he had two devilishly sexy little monsters eager to please him. They’d probably have to talk about this , about their dynamic, about their change in physicality - but all of that could wait until tomorrow. He stood, bones popping, and cackled to himself as he took in the sight of the pizza slices he’d been eating previously smeared across the white cashmere like carpet, and smashed into the table top. Shaking his head fondly, he headed for the bathroom. Tomorrow was a new day, tonight it was Valentine’s Day and he wanted more of his little Nightmare and his Luchador. 
Keeping their relationship a secret absolutely sucked, but it had been the right decision, Rhea thought. The first time anyone saw them out as a trio (pictures of her and Dom, her and Buddy were pretty common), was Hall of Fame. The fact that they arrived together (even thought Buddy was a released WWE SuperStar), the fact that Buddy sat with Dom and Rhea, the fact that he was barely more than a half step away from either of them until of course the moment they had to walk out on Rey’s hall of fame speech , those were clocked by hell - everyone.
“So, you are living with them?” Angie’s voice was colored with confusion.
“Madre, you knew someday I was going to move out of our house.” He hummed, “So, yes I live with Dems and Matty.” He offered, “And I pretty much have since Christmas.” He admitted a little quietly, “Look, I know you think it’s weird, but trust me when I say Matty and Dems are exactly what I needed after Maria and I separated-”
Rey cleared his throat, “Dominik, the rumors fly around here…”
“I promise the rumors are wrong.” Dominik promised, “I liked you're speech, Jefe, a lot.” He moved to hug Rey, but the man stepped back eyeing him ruefully, “I know it doesn’t make the most sense, me crashing with them from the outside looking in-”
“I didn’t raise you to be Eddie.” Rey finally said, “He coveted what he couldn’t have too.” From their distance Buddy and Rhea watched as Rey glanced meaningfully past Dominik at Rhea, the boy turned his head to follow his father’s gaze. 
Dominik laughed loudly, “Jefe, I don’t covet anything.” Dom motioned them both over, so slowly Rhea and Buddy made their way, moving to stand on either side of him, Buddy’s arm going around his lower back while Rhea took his hand, “This isn’t exactly how I wanted to tell you this…” Dominik gazed around them, “But seeing as you are both here, and I don’t know when we will all be in the same place again, I’m not coveting anything, remember when we were doing the Mysterio/Messiah storyline?” Rey nodded, slowly, under his mask it was hard for the Austrailians to tell how he was reacting, “I was so mad about Aalyah, and you never asked why, it was because I was jealous .” Angie’s face turned from confusion to a blinding smile, Dominik leaned forward, focusing on his parents, “I was jealous of Aalyah, of her getting to kiss Matty.” Dominik motioned to the man next to him, “I’m bisexual.” He added when it looked like Rey wasn’t going to catch on.
“That’s fine, son, but that doesn’t explain… this.” Rey motioned to them all three.
Rhea laughed, a smile blooming on her face, Buddy flushed a deep red, “We are a couple.” Dominik deadpanned, “Like, I’m dating them both, and they are both dating me, and each other.” 
Angie looked between them, “Dominik… it’s not how we were raised, but-”
“But we are glad you are being honest with us.” Rey finished for his wife, then looked at Buddy, “Let us break the news to Aalyah, I’m not sure she will be prepared for you to attend family dinner this Sunday with us… but her new boyfriend is quite charming, here's to hoping he doesn’t remember you're storyline…” With that Rey kissed Dominik’s cheek, waved at the Austrailians, then took Angie’s hand after she hugged the trio, and led her away so they could greet more SuperStars.
“Can we get pizza now?” Dominik asked the pair on either side of him.
Rhea giggled, “We should take it to go.” 
“Hey, now, wait a moment.” Buddy huffed, “Every time we get pizza I never get to eat it-” That had the younger pair laughing loudly as Damian approached them looking confused, Vero and Finn following behind him. “Hey, how about we all go out to dinner together so I might actually get my pizza-”
“If you weren’t such a horny bastard man, you wouldn’t have this problem.” Damian teased, pulling Buddy in to ruffle his ginger hair, “Fergie, Vero you in?” The married couple nodded fondly, “Alright, I got the biggest rental, let's go - oh, and hey, my room has a hot tub!” 
…The End For Now
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rapunzelforlorn · 11 months
A heartstopper AU where Nick Nelson is an out and proud captain of the rugby team and a bisexual icon while shy art nerd Charlie has only ever liked girls before.
(Idk how to tag fics but this is PG-13.
It was the first day of class and Truham School for boys has announced new form groups. Charlie stared at the room number scratched onto the back of his hand for what felt like the millionth time today. He made it to the classroom door and took a breath. He knew none of his friends were going to be inside, they had already compared schedules. Elle was at Higgs now anyway. Charlie entered the classroom and said hello to the teacher.
"Charlie Spring!" Said Mr. Lange.
"Happy new year! Let's see, where did I put you on the seating plan... ah, yes, you're over there next to Nick Nelson, he's in year eleven only a year older than you."
Charlie nodded and headed to the back corner Mr. Lange had pointed to. Nick was already seated and was busy looking out the windown as Charlie approached. He looked at the seated boy; tall, broad shoulders, athletic type, with strawberry blonde hair that fell over the top of his head as he ran his hand through it. His attention was drawn back to the classroom as Charlie pulled out the chair, and set down his bag.
Charlie didn't know very much about Nick at all other than he was the captian of the rugby team and that he came out as bisexual last term. He remembered a random year 8 walk up to him, Tao, Elle and Issac during lunch
"Did you hear? Nick Nelson is gay! What a lo-"
Elle rolled her eyes. "I heard he was bi, actually"
The kid ran off before he heard her.
The weeks passed and Charlie found himself looking forward to form every day. He and Nick had been getting along really well and Charlie just felt so comfortable around Nick even though he couldn't figure out why. One day, Nick's pen exploded ink all over himself and Mr. Lange assigned Charlie to go with him to the washroom. It was an unlikely paring but Nick had somehow become Charlie's friend.
Charlie was going to lunch when his phone buzzed. He looked down at a message from Beth. Beth was a very popular year 11 whom he had met a year ago in the hall outside the band room. Since then, Beth would text Charlie and ask to see him regularly. Charlie still wasn't sure why she wanted to see him sometimes, especially when she didn't ever seem to want to hang out with him or even talk to him in the halls, but she was beautiful so Charlie would always find the empty room and there she would be. As soon as he closed the door behind him Beth was right there hands on his face, pressing him with kisses. Charlie pulled back, hesitant.
"Hello to you too."
Beth rolled her eyes. "Hey. I missed you." In between kisses.
Charlie pulled back again, farther this time.
"What do you want Beth?"
"What? Can't a girl miss her best boy?"
"I'm not your best boy, Beth. I'm not your anything. You won't even look at me in the halls and I'm tired of only ever seeing you in empty rooms while you snog the soccer player of the week at the front gate."
"Oooh someone's mad today." Beth said with a fake pout and another eye roll.
"I don't see why you're upset, you get to kiss me too, after all. Besides none of them kiss like you Charlie Spring."
Charlie held back the rage.
"Well I'm tired of being your guy on the side. Last year you told me how much you liked me but you didn't want your parents to know you had a boyfriend. It seems you're not afraid after all, you just don't want to be seen with me."
"Charlie its not my fault my friends think you're odd. It's not so much you, but your friends are all reaaaally weird. And you're in the band so like, you're a little odd."
She scoffs at the end of the sentance but then exclaims "heyyy!" When Charlie pushes her off him and opens the door. With the door open Beth jumps back and before she can protest Charlie says
"Don't text me anymore Beth. This thing between you and me? It's over." He leaves.
Nick walked down the hall searching for Charlie, he was sure his locker was down this hallway. Nick stood a head above everyone else so it didn't take him long to spot Charlie's dark curly hair half way down the row or spot a slender arm reach up and pull drum sticks out from inside.
Charlie plays drums? That's really cool, Nick thinks as he takes a deep breath before getting closer. He and Charlie had gotten considerably closer this term and Nick was trying to assure himself that the sensation that came over him anytime he was near Charlie was strictly platonic- just the excitement of making a new friend. Last year when he told the boys on his team that he was bisexual, a few of them had reacted poorly at first, and the teasing grew beyond typical banter. It wasn't long though before Nick's friends and the coach rallied and put a stop to the bullying, from students on and off the rugby team. Since then, he'd been navigating being out with the support of his friends and mother. His father wasn't around at all and his brother David was a dick about it still, but David was a dick about everything all of the time so it didn't bother Nick all too often.
"Allright?" Nick asked as he arrived at Charlie's locker.
Charlie looked up at Nick and smiled. Nick couldn't help but smile wide back and he scolded himself internally as he needed to stop this crush on Charlie Spring. The devishly handsome musician with long curls and the brightest eyes Nick had ever seen. Charlie is -straight- Nick hissed to himself. He's one of those artsy boys that girls love because he's quiet. They think it's mysterious.
"Alright." Said Charlie.
"You play the drums?" Said Nick. "That's cool. So listen uh- me and my mates were talking and. Do you uhm. Do you wanna try outfortherugbyteam" it all came out at once.
"Do I what?" Said Charlie, processing Nick's one syllable question.
"Try out for the rugby team? We have enough players for the team but we cant compete without a reserve."
Charlie smirked and raised his eyebrows.
"A whole school full of boys and I'm the best reserve, Truham has to offer? I dont think I'm the right type" he said with a flourish of his drum sticks.
"Aw come on, we're not your typical team!" Gesturing back to himself. "Loads of different types can play rugby! And I've seen you in PE. You can run really fast!"
"I'll think about it." Charlie said.
"Just come to practice."
As he walked away Charlie watched him go before blinking and realizing he'd kinda been staring. Nick had such a beauty to him that was still unmistakably boyish. Charlie blinked again. Beauty?
I really wasn't planning on writing all of that the post started with the promt and then I kinda immediately wanted to write it??
I haven't written anything in like 7 years and I haven't ever in my life posted something like this so please be nice 🥲 if this gets even 1 note I'll definitely write part 2 cause it was fun but I let my dinner get cold so I thought that would be an okay place to stop/pause. I hope yall like it and hopefully I tagged it all properly.
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ep2nd · 6 months
And had time-
Comment/Reblog who I should do next<3
Aphrodite and Hephaestus Cabins
Doc- Defines Mad scientist. Was responsible for the Accident of 1999. We don't talk about it. Half his body got destroyed, pulling an iron man and barely living. Actually was granted one of his dad's Workshops. Creates world destroying machines, and that's why Hephaestus keeps a close eye on him. The only who can get into contact with him is Ren and Mumbo. Given immortality at some point. Old.
Eret- Old leader of Aphrodite cabin. In college. Gives amazing fashion advice. Bisexual ICON. Better at wearing sunglasses than Apollo, but don't tell him that. #Traitor. Like Silena Beuragaurd, but wasn't forced to... just did it.
Fwhip- What is the sun?? Man hasn't seen it for long time that's for sure. Gem reminds him to eat and you know- live. Loves to teach Zedaph engineering and science stuff. He and Wilbur started a Salmon cult. Loves messing with Jimmy. Not strong for a Hephaestus kid.
Iskall- Lost an eye. His father gifted him a new one for his birthday- great parenting guys. Leans more to computer and software engineering. Lives with Stress.
Joey- Aphrodite Cabin head counselor. A love Aura like every second of the day. FLIRTS. In love with Xornoth, they don't reciprocate. Older brother of Scar. Horrible at fighting and please don't trust him with fire. Man has been spotted countless times without a shirt. Clung to Pete like a leach- only person he listens to probably. Bromance with Sausage. His dad hates him.
Keralis- Best fliter. Has a charming sense of aura. Best Aphrodite kid at telling others emotions. Empathy levels are high. No one understands his relationship with XB, not even each other do. Became an interior designer. Comes to camp to help with any building projects.
Mumbo- Really smart. Man can build and fix anything he touches. Humble little thing. Covered in soot 100% of the time. Came to camp with Grian and Scar. No Grians not letting go he's kinda stuck now. Went out on a quest and almost died- saved by Doc. Doc took one glance and said- "wet cat" and officially takes care of him as his guardian. Brings him to their father forgers during winter months.
Sam- New leader of the Hephaestus cabin. Helped design a prison, requested by the gods. Only Hephaestus kid who weilds a Trident, designed by him. He really likes Poseidon, kinda wished he was his dad. Hangs with Punk.
Zee- Great inventor. Understands any machine. Thinker and tinker. Always planning a new build, seeing the possibilities. Disappeared one day, still missing.
Scar- Oblivious beautiful boy. Joey's younger brother, loves his brother very much. Has very powerful Charmspeak. Got away with so many crimes. Step-mom and Dad separated, his Step-mom took him away. That's why Joey and him didn't go to camp together. And they tend to keep that a secret, their dad and step-mom wouldn't allow them to be with each other. Joey teaches him things he shouldn't be taught. SCAR PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON.
Skeppy- Great skin. Wears Jewlry 24/7. Walking diamond. Man is great with people. Bads personal emotional support friend. Love his mom. They talk a lot. Loves shipping his fellow campers. Literally the Fandom in person.
Netty- Great at fashion. Married Martyn. Finishing college. Loves dresses and skirts. Sassy when she wants to be. Always has the gossip and news, even when she wasn't there.
TFC- Another Hephaestus kid granted immortality. An incident made him lose a leg. Spends his days mining ore for his father's forges. The only person to be able to freely move throughout Labyrinth. Met Deadelus personally. On okay terms. Loves to help out other Demigods.
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theguardianace · 10 months
things of note that i think are fun.... nene and rui had major questioning phases pre-wxs about being aroace. i'd imagine nene being really confused why everyone around her seemed so interested in dating and romance and the whole amatanormative feel of dramatic media and such. it's in so many plays, and people get in so many shipping wars/draw suggestive art for games. it's hard to ignore as a theater kid and gamer. she didn't get it and felt isolated. she came across the term aroace online but had a hard time accepting that she might be that, but eventually silently embraced it. rui on the other hand knew full well he was not like other people. he's not the kind of guy who would pick and choose a crush that isn't there. being aroace and a middle/high schooler made him feel even more lonely and alienated from his peers. he agknowledged the fact he was aroace pretty easily, but it took him a lot longer to accept that isn't a bad thing at all.
emu and tsukasa had NO clue they were aroace. did not occur to them at all. emu had to be told it was a thing and she went "huh? OHHH THATS ME !!!! :D". skipped teh entire questioning/am i broken stage and went right to "hehehehehehe". (though other people don't believe her that often. emu is so full of love. how could someone like her not fall in love with other people? she's too young. she hasn't met the right person yet. it's just a phase. her siblings started off as ignorantly aphobic, but then realized the fault of their ways and learned.). my hc for tsukasa is a bit different than other peoples, but i am fully convinced he thought he was bisexual for teh LONGEST time. "guys and girls can both be good looking, so i must be bi! yeah the extent of my feelings is "they're cool" ... what do you mean that's not what a crush is". it was a shocking revelation to him that people actually want to kiss/have sex for real. he's accepted being aroace and actively embraces it, though he still feels connected to teh bi label. he'd like the concept of tertiary attraction and probably label as bi aroace, to honor both.
i like to think that tsukasa accidentally came out first (accidentally meaning he simply forgot to tell them and then was surprised when they were all surprised). emu was like !!!!! omg samsies and nene laughed and came out, too. wxs were the first people rui ever said the words "aromantic asexual" out loud to.
i personally think aroace polyshow never actually labeled themeselves as such, but BOY do tehy act like they're all married. they just care about each other soooooo much. its platonic its queer platonic its romantic its everything all blended together. if its them, they can do anything. with the shared knowledge of being aroace, they all also sort of feel more comfortable being openly affectionate, yknow? there's no risk of misinterpretation of intent- they love each other. they love each other in a way that they cannot describe and most people wouldn't understand. they are tied by their love of shows and their love of each other. emu is really physically affectionate and they all feel safe cuddling with her. rui lightheartedly flirts and half the time i dont think he even realizes he's doing it, the other half he's just trying to be silly. nene excels in the silent acts of love, making sure the stage is clean and there's always a few snacks backstage and honeslty just being there for everyone.
they have game night/sleepover every once in a while, usually during planning stages of shows. there's also a high likelyhood one goes to another's house at least once a week for some reason.
oh also they never do romance plays ever. it was a revelation tehy only came to after coming out. it just... never occured to them to do one. and now that they all know none of them can fall in love they actively try and avoid it. they've re-written fables to be about the power of friendship, or re-imagined the tale to the point romance wouldn't even be on anyone's mind. it's not a theme the audience ever picks up on, but at the same time they do? they don't realize the pattern but nobody ever comes out of a show with that interpretation. their shows are a hit every time, too. ("story" doesn't mean "romance", after all).
wonderlands x showtime isn't a romance. it's a love story.
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piffany666 · 4 months
Hey fellow dennys. So I know I've made a lot of posts before about denise and her personal life/backstory but I'm a sucker for efficiency so this is essentially just one big post about pretty much everything there is to know about denise!
Ok so. Denise was originally born and raised in brooklin. Her dad was originally from Japan (making denise half japanise) and Her mum was also born and raised in brooklin. Denise's dad wasnt around a whole lot since he still worked in Japan so denise grew up idolising her dad since she didnt have a lot to go off of in terms of what he was really like. Denise learned basic Japanese in hopes it would bring them closer but what's the point if they never saw eachother long enough to talk? Denise was 8 when her dad finally told her and her mum that he'd been cheating on denise's mum and now had 2 kids back in Japan. Denise's mum took this to mean denise wasnt good enough for him or wasnt "worth sticking around for" so from this point on denise's mum kinda resented denise. Exept for her appearance. Denise has very vivid memories of her mum asking her to come up to her mum's gossipy girl friends and theyd always make really uncomftrobel comments about how simalare she looked to her dad. Theyd always say how gorguse her eyes looked and how lucky she was to have all the "good geens" from both her parents. Denise didnt understand what they ment at the time but after growing up she realised they where infantilising her. Denise hit her "rebellious" phase when she refused to cut her hair and let it grow over her face. She'd throw tantrums anytime her mum wanted to get it cut. Denise new her mum only really liked her at this point because of how simalare she looked to her dad so she essentially decided "you don't get to see my face if that's all I'm good for!" So that's why she grows her hair out to cover her face. It was all originally to spite her mum but now it's just cos she got used to it. Based on fan art in gonna assume that denise met Sarah and clemintine when she was about 10.
Gonna give an angsty explanation to this image:
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Ok so: 10 year old Denise had NO IDEA how to make friends but she did kniw that her mum always gosipped and ralked shit with HER friends so she thought "that's how it's done?" So she just walked up to these 2 and started talking shit. They didn't understand what she was saying but despite that eventually a beautiful friendship was born:
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But like I said denise was labelled a "difficult child" so she just kinda ran with that. She'd do anything her mum didn't want her to do even if denise herself didnt want to do it. This caused denise to not really know who she was or what she wanted for a long time. Then came highschool....Her mum told her not to date anyone....so she dated a guy who she hated and who kinda hated her as well:
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(Art by @rozeliyawashereyall )
Denise's mum told her not to smoke or drink so you can guess what she began to do. At this point denise began to distance herself from clemintine and Sarah but eventually...after some time...she broke up with him and started hanging out with them again. I think after that point she met Sophie and Mariah. I like to think they became friends with the others while denise was ignoring them so when she eventually came back thats when they where introduced. It was around this point denise started to really consider what she wanted out of life. She realised she was bisexual (and preferred women) she realised she wanted to be an artist. She looked up to Vivian Westwood and began to watch animes such as; hellsing, NANA, full metal alchemists, soul eater and ouron high school host club. Her mum still didnt approve of who denise was but she no longer based her whole personality on that. She did art in collage got a degree (during collage she had an on and off again relationship with the same guy she dated in highschool but this time she didnt ignore her friends). The last time they broke up was because he cheated on her with her ex roomate stole her cat and her motorbike (after that she moved in with the other dennys) Which brings us to now. Denise is an art collage graduate who wants to start a band and become an artist all while working the night shift at dennys.
@rozeliyawashereyall (wait till after your nap to read this and sleep well)
@rustycopper4use @lunaritychuwolf @ghostfrog28
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coraniaid · 11 months
Other scattered thoughts on The Zeppo (that sadly don't give me an excuse to use R):
I get that it's part of the point of the episode, and it is a funny joke, but it still kind of annoys me that ... not just that we don't get to see the episode from Buffy's perspective, but that the background plot of this episode doesn't really make any sense in the wider continuity of Season 3. It just feels like it would have worked better in Season 2 or Season 4 to have this sort of unscheduled apocalypse (and indeed, Doomed in Season 4 does much the same thing). This season is meant to have an arc villain with a long-term plan that he's been working on for a century. We heard him say (in Lovers Walk, just a handful of episode ago), that this year was "too important" to let somebody like Spike cause random trouble in town. But he does nothing at all to stop a group of demons trying to literally open the Hellmouth? It kind of makes it hard to maintain suspension of disbelief or think of the Mayor as an actual serious threat. (Yeah, I know that this is just me being annoyed that the show isn't even trying to be the exact sort of show I wish it were. It won't be the last time that that bugs me.)
Weirdly enough, I like Cordelia and Xander's dynamic a lot more this episode than I think I did for the entire time they were an item. They do actually feel like they know each other and even think alike (both going for the Jimmy Olsen reference, for example), and however much she prides herself on being mean Cordelia is notably the only person this episode to actually talk to Xander like something approaching an equal (albeit an equal she doesn't like much). And am I imagining things, or are there hints this episode that Cordelia's family is already having money trouble? Why has she suddenly decided that owning a "shiny car" isn't actually important? Why do we not see or hear about Cordelia's car this episode?
"Two guys rassling ... but not in a gay way!" I mean, between this and Season 1's "he's a very attractive man! how come that never came up?" and Season 2's "I don't trust Oz with her [...] he's a senior, he's attractive" and "No worries, I can handle the Oz Full Monty" from earlier this season and Season 4's "I totally get it now. Can I have sex with Riley too?" and Season 5's "It's understandable. Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled" and so many more things the writers have had Xander say it really is something of a crime that the show never actually comitted to the idea that Xander is bisexual. Of course, to do that, the writers would have had to recognize that bi people exist, which is admittedly something of a stumbling block.
"I like the quiet" is one of those lines that (much like Giles's "she's a hero [...] she's not like us" in The Gift) seems to get weirdly misunderstood by large parts of the fandom.
With Jack casually raising his old buddies from the dead with their old personalities and memories intact and Oz accidentally eating a (mostly) human being while a werewolf and it being treated as a punchline rather than murder this episode isn't exactly great for tonal consistency with the rest of the show, huh? (I did warn you the instance above wouldn't be the last time the show's refusal to take itself seriously irritated me.)
Next up (assuming Tumblr's still around when I get to it): Bad Girls.
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woltourney · 1 year
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Tahri Nhupuju (@tahri-nhupuju) v. Amor Valentine (@lunadivino)
Tahri Nhupuju:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Tahri Nhupuju, she/her
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Canonically all of them, but Warrior is her main one.
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Phoenix, Light
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Born in the depths of the Black Shroud to a minor Keeper clan of little note, Tahri had little contact with the outside world aside from the odd hunter or trader, and a notable encounter with some shipwrecked Lominsan sailors. Thanks to them and their boatswain, when she came of age and realized that while her clan had a fair few skilled hunters they lacked warriors to protect them from Gridanian aggression, she set out to Limsa Lominsa to learn the art of the Marauder. The rest, as they say, is history. Backstory aside, Tahri considers herself a staunchly traditionalist Keeper, and as such she doesn't believe in "diurnal nonsense" like monogamy, patriarchy, or straight people. She's always been an absolute unit, and was a natural fit for the marauders' guild, especially once her Inner Beast awakened and she learned how to use her boundless passion and love for her friends and family to fight. Quick fun facts about Tahri: -She is 6'3".-She is technically bisexual, but has a typically Keeper view of men: good for if you want kids, sure, but otherwise not very interesting.-She Is Well Aware Of The Effect She Has On Women, and is usually quite cocky and suave with her romantic interests, with one notable exception… -Thancred and Urianger were the first Scions to notice Tahri and Y'shtola were catching feelings for each other during the ARR patches. They themselves figured this out in Shadowbringers, and only get together in 5.3. -She is extremely whipped for Y'shtola, and often volunteers as test subject for many of her magical experiments. -She struggled to "get" magic for the longest time, until Blue Magic provided her with the "shortcut" of using instinct and intuition for magic. -She is autistic, even if I don't know if Eorzea has a term for that. -Despite being far from a studious, scholarly woman Tahri has a special interest in history. -She can deadlift all the other Scions combined. This is not a hypothetical. Alcohol and a bet was involved.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. Usually, I'm not the best when it comes to bragging, so I asked some of the others for their input: Tataru scoffed at the question, stating that -and I quote- "As a tall, autistic, extremely muscular, bisexual catgirl himbo" I was "extremely marketable to tumblr's large demographic of sapphics". I don't quite know what a "himbo" is, but I trust her judgement when it comes to market research. Alphinaud suggested that I recite the many titles, accolades, and honors I've gained from a lifetime of heroics, but that's just embarrassing, and I assume most other warriors of light would have a similar list of accomplishments. Shtola said that people would vote for me "if they know what is healthy for them" with that dangerous look in her eyes. Urianger said that there aren't that many prominent Keepers around, and certainly not many that still follow the old ways, so that would help me stand out. Thancred informed me what a himbo was. I now have mixed feelings about what Tataru said. Riol said that I should win because I look out for the little guy, and never forget about my bonds with minor characters like him and the other non-inner circle Scions, or the Crown Gemworks crew, or Vath Deftarm. I think that's enough testimonials, and I would like to thank my friends for saying so many nice things that I never would have thought of myself. I'd also like to say to the voters that I will do my best to keep Shtola from doing whatever she was planning to do if you don't vote for me.
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. Yeah. The above response wasn't just made for fun, I want to clarify that Tahri can't think of anything to brag about herself with because she genuinely has so much of her self-image tied up in the idea of herself as "the warrior of light" that she fails to see her own strengths at times, because that's just "the bare minimum" she has to be to be "The Warrior Of Light". Her self-sacrificial nature is something she struggles with a lot, as she tends to minimize her own wants and needs in favour of helping others and keeping others from worrying about her. Also if anyone wants to see more about her, I want publishes a couple of fics featuring her on Ao3, which are tagged with her name. Do make sure to read the tags to avoid spoilers though! And speaking of spoilers, her blog is not a spoiler-free zone, so be aware of that.
Amor Valentine:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Amor Valentine (they/them)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Au Ra (Xaela)
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. ARR: Lancer/Dragoon; HW-present: DRK main, MCH for yeehaw
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. N/A
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Amor is just a guy carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders despite it all. They care deeply for their friends and family, have a special interest in chocobos, and are full of love for the world they protect. Though a force to be reckoned with in the heat of battle, in day-to-day life they can be quite timid. A traumatic childhood event left them an orphan with no memory of their past, but they were found and raised by a Duskwight woman in Dravania, near Tailfeather. Amor was considered a strange child by most Tailfeather residents (#UndiagnosedAutism), but they ignored it as best they could while focusing their attention on the chocobos their mother would catch and train. On their 20th nameday, they left home to explore the world and hopefully learn about their past, and oops! Hydaelyn's chosen! They then proceed to become the Champion of Eorzea and save the world a bunch of times, with varying levels of enthusiasm. Though always willing to do whatever is needed to protect the realm, they are prone to becoming weary of it all. At best, they'll grin and bear it. At worst, they can become resentful and bitter towards their position in life (see: DRK). Thankfully, spending time with loved ones helps mitigate this negativity. They are taking a well earned rest after the events of Endwalker, but are prepared to dive back into the fray should the world need them. They are fond of foraging when they have the opportunity, and their special interest in chocobos lends itself well to breeding and competing at the Gold Saucer. Sometimes, they give in to the irresistible urge to run around open landscapes before rolling around on the ground.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. Umm… a vote for me is a vote for the eorzean autism alliance :)
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doueverwonder · 11 months
Can I hear more about your OC's? Doesn't matter who, it can be any
okokokokok so this is going to be SO disorginized but i'm gonna talk about my hre oc bc the only canon character i truly hate is hre i want to punt the child
her human name is Adelheid Dietrich but she regularly just goes by Heidi. Her first name means Nobility, and her last name means Ruler of the people; very fitting name for how much power she held in Europe for so long.
Her parents are Gaul and Germania, she very notably was never very close with her mother, and very close with her father until the the last few years of his life. (The Saxon wars, and Heimeric's own refusal to convert contributed to the deterioration in their relationship but that deserves it's own post) I don't have her exact year of birth pinned down yet, but sibling wise she is between Austria and Switzerland. Roderich being a few years older, and Aldrich being a few years younger. Heidi is only 1 of 2 girls in the family and was fiercely protective of Belgium, even as adults, if anything happened to Bel she would regularly blame herself for 'letting' it happen. She had decently rocky relationships with most of her siblings, but would get in screaming matches with Denmark over the most insignificant things. Reasonably bitter because she did end up substitute mom for about half her younger siblings, specifically Netherlands, Belgium & England. And she should not have had to do that. Eldest Daughter Syndrome(TM) personified. Would get into an argument with Dan, Nor, and Swe not long after their father died that would consist of "Everything i've done to keep our family together and this is how you thank me? 'No'? Just because you don't want to? Do you know all i've given up? I didn't get a childhood. But it's fine. Do what you want." v much a The things she said weren't right, but the emotions she was having were definitely there.
She was terrified of death. Just from the moment she gained consciousness she couldn't think of anything worse then running out of time. And tbh that's probably what drew her to Christianity, and kept her there, the idea that death wouldn't be the end, and it would be a happy after. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life" She's sold before the missionary can say anything else. That didn't stop her from being independent to a fault, which is where Lutheranism came into play; she was tired of being under Vatican's thumb (for lack of better term) so the moment the Reformation came around she was on board with that too. But all of that isn't to say she didn't have a complicated relationship with religion especially after a relationship--that i'll get to in a minute--constantly held it over her head as the whole reasoning for why she shouldn't do certain things; and it always worked because nothing scared her more than the idea that doing something would send her to Hell.
Anyway on romantic relationships; she was super queer. Would probably identify as bisexual in the year of our Lord 2023. She only ever had 2 notably relationships with other personifications; the first was with Czechia. It was very secretive, they were young, and dumb, and swore they would love no one but each other. (I actually wrote a little thing about them here). It somewhat obviously did not work out, because Heidi was scared of someone finding out about them, and after almost a century of being together she thought someone was getting to close to figuring it out; Adéla tried to insist it would be fine. Heidi panicked came up with a plan, and got Adéla to agree to it without telling her what it was. Within a couple months not a single person thought Adéla and Heidi were together... no they were too busy talking about how Clemens (Vatican) had supposedly broken his chastity vow and 'you'll never believe who for.' That was the end of her relationship with Czechia; it wasn't supposed to be. But it was.
Her second one was also a 'secret' but everyone knew about it. (so side note on my Vatican oc; remember he was born to represent West Rome and his land claim diminished as his children came along. Until eventually he picked up the title of the papal states then Vatican/Holy See). They met long before their 'romantic' relationship started, when Germania brought his at the time only daughter along to Rome and Vatican decided he just had to have her, and the sons of Rome usually get what they want. When they were very young they had a psuedo-relationship that really just happened because it was the first time they thought someone was cute and the other person thought the same. When she slept with him to cover her and Adéla's tracks, it was calculated. She had to have proof, and she had to have one or two people who she knew would talk have an inkling that it happened so rumors would start. What she didn't count on was him still having some of those feelings from hundreds of years earlier, she assumed he'd moved on completely. His children had to have come from somewhere. But now that Czechia didn't want anything to do with her she thought 'fuck it' and went along with a relationship that she didn't really want, but by now wasn't going to refuse either. And they would just stay that way, off and on, usually just sleeping with each other not much actual substance, but not so little that either would leave. They were just Stuck.
Jumping forward a bit to her death, she and Germany had a little less than a month overlap. He was born July 12th, 1806; and she died August 6th, 1806. She was already very sick when he was born, but asked to see him every day without fail. Austria told her eventually that he was sending Germany to live with Prussia, deemed he would be safer anywhere but Vienna. She argued with him over that, for a long time; insisted she wouldn't trust Brandenburg or Prussia to rear a child if they were some of the last people on earth. Austria got fed up, told her Germany was his son and he would do whatever he wanted with him. She argued back Germany was her heir, and she believed her heir should be raised in Vienna, not Königsburg, not Berlin, not Potsdam, Vienna. The argument stood until her death two weeks later, Austria to this day wishes he hadn't told her.
Everyone in the house knew about Heidi's fear, there wasn't a single person in Europe that didn't know about it. They all waited for something to register, for it to kick in that she more than likely wouldn't be making it another month, much less another year. But it never did, August 1st she got better, and for a solid two days she was even out of bed; it was during this Austria and Prussia caught her giving Germany a little speech.
"Now, you'll be taking over my job. I'm not promising it's an easy one because it isn't. The ones under you are insane, every last one, constantly fighting and they're changing all the time; every time you turn around someone new will have shown up, or someone else will have disappeared. I hope not too many disappear on you, but eventually you get used to it, and not in a sad way, in a "maybe they're off living their own life without the responsibility of thousands of peoples lives now". Unfortunately the annoying ones stick around the longest, your father is one, your uncle Gilbert is another. Saxony, Bavaria, Hesse, Brandenburg etc.. you'll have to get used to them, I don't think they're going anywhere. I know your parents are worried for you right now, but I'm sure it's completely unfounded and they're just dramatic. You'll be just fine... I wish I could stay to watch you grow up, i'm sure you'll be in charge of this whole continent eventually. You have to promise you'll make your family talk about me, don't let them be too sad about it, I want to be known as the interesting aunt not the one who died when you were a baby. Can you promise me that Ludwig?"
after those two days she got bad again though, worse than she was initially, and three days later she passed away. The moment they were waiting for never came, she didn't seem scared about the end; she put in her will someone has to make sure whoever killed her knew that she wasn't scared.
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shiki-stars · 9 months
Sailor Moon - Thoughts (S01EP13-EP22)
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01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
spoilers! regarding| jadeite's downfall, who the following antagonist is
May all the magical goddesses bestow upon me their smartest magical girls and manifest in me the ability to get through my second semester of college. Please Mizuno Ami, lend me just two braincells.
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Jan. 2
Sometime I forget Luna is a cat. Just look at her. So cat-like. Lovely.
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When that projection of Jadeite appeared I thought it was so cool, until I deemed it kinda silly.
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SAILOR SOLDIERS INVENTED FEMINISM REAL. (What is that team chant though TwT it felt so awkward LMAO, the way they silently go into a little fighting stance.)
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I don't. It's. Queen Beryl should've listened to Jadeite. He found out the identities of the sailor soldiers, let him tell you. Get this incredibly important information and then sentence the man to "Eternal Sleep". Jadeite has been for the most part useless and arrogant but he got such imporant pieces of information that Queen Beryl should've utilized because everyone is blind as hell. But whatever. I'm not as pressed about this as my wording makes it sound I promise. It's silly. As silly as "Eternal Sleep" is being put into a large ice shard then electorally teleported somewhere. Dear lord, I love me some good matriarchy.
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I thought the Dark Kingdom had uniforms but turns out it's just the Shitennou who had uniforms, which makes sense. I don't think the Shintennou was ever mentioned when Jadeite was the major antagonist, he was called commander a few times if I remember correctly, but the existence of other members on par to his status in the Dark Kingdom was never mentioned.
Nephrite being an astrology boy is funny. Zoisite is very girlypop and he reminded me of Asmodeus from Obey Me.... The moment they started bickering I put in my notes, "Nephrite and Zoisite sleep together on the weekends to relieve stress." But I take it back as I have since learned that Zoisite already has a lover.
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Nephrite manifested a forest and a mansion with a struck of thunder and the episode is bombarded with bisexual lightning in his official introductory episode. What an entrance. And then he gets lobotomized.
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Usagi not understanding why Naru calls Rui, "Rui-nee-san", geniuely does not make sense realistically. Because not only is it super common for "nee-san" and "nii-san" to be used between close friends (even strangers, though in a slightly different sense), Usagi herself uses it for Motoki!!! Every time she addresses Motoki, she says "Motoki-onii-san"!!!!! So realistically, Usagi should've connected the dots after Naru remained her that she (Naru) was an only child and had a different surname than Rui. Usagi should've understood then that Naru calls Rui "nee-san" as a term of endearment. BUT THIS WAS ALL A PLOY for Naru to explain the relatioinship between her and Rui which would've been unprompted otherwise so we could feel for the upcoming conflict.
Wondering if Tuxedo Mask has a time limit regarding how long he can stay transformed, which would explain why he always dipped after doing the bare minimum.
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That ^ was episode 14, and in episode 15 it would technically be made known to us that Mamoru himself doesn't even know he's Tuxedo Mask (more or less confirmed in episode 19). Having finished season one, we still don't know the details of how Tuxedo Mask came to be and why he gets a headache when Usagi transforms. I hope it gets explained at some point because I'm very curious TT.
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Speaking of Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru, you find out he's IN COLLEGE. I won't talk about this too much right now, mostly because I'll probably make a post solely about this topic later on, but you bet I was shocked and in disbelief. I am aware of the changes from manga to anime, and I believe there are also major changes from the 90's and Crystal versions of Sailor Moon? I'll do more web surfing when it comes time to do so. Ultimately though, the "analysis" will be based/on account of how Usagi and Mamoru's relationship is protrayed in the animes. Allow me to preface that the goal of the post won't be to bash anyone for shipping them! As far as I can tell, there is a little bit of discourse surrounding the ship, and I simply wish to explore the opinion of others' and come to my own conclusion which I hope anyone who reads it will respect just as I would respect theirs even if we were to disagree.
Rei's been crushing on Mamoru for a couple episodes at this point, and at the time I noted that if Rei asked Mamoru directly if he was Tuxedo Mask, it would've cut the series down by 100 episodes. Clearly, I was wrong. I will say, Sailor Moon did surprise me by its speed of progression. I had anticipated it would drag on much longer since it was around 230 episodes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And it turns out Zoisite can also do illusion message magic. Jadeite isn't special.
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Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mars each have merch now. So, Tuxedo Mask is popular and well-known enough to get merch made but not popular enough for any of the girls at Usagi's school to know who he is? A little background, this was episode 19. All the girls in Usagi's school were sent a love letter, allegedly from Tuxedo Mask (it was sent by Nephrite), and none of them but Usagi knew who Tuxedo Mask was. Fast forward to a scene at Game Center Crown within the same episode, Mamoru is playing a crane game, trying to get a Tuxedo Mask plush. Naru knows about the exisitence of Sailor Soldiers, so it's not preposterous to assume the girls at school do too. You'd think Tuxedo Mask falls within that category of known/famous superheroes? Especially with his mysterious look, he should theoretically be popular with teenage girls. Or is it because he retreats so quickly that no one even sees/notices him? Then why does he have a plush? Why would companies make something with no demand??
I've rambled for too long. None of this matters??? I'd like to get a Sailor Mars and Sailor V plush from a crane machine.
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Also, fellas, is it more gay to kiss a homie on the lips or more gay to buy a pack of expensive limited edition drawing pencils and splitting it with your friend while you guys are in high school, on the path to becoming pro animators, making a pinkie promise to not use them unless asking the other first and it can only be used for special occasions so that they can draw anime that will "never disappoint the dreams of children"?
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It's 5AM. I didn't realize I've been working on this for so long... (since 1230AM). I'm going to give shorter comments about episode 22, then hopefully go to bed (update: I went to bed at 7AM).
There are so many things I could say about Naru and Nephrite, but since their situation continues in episodes 23 and 24 I will save it for the next part. What I will say right now is that the whole thing infuriates me. Even more so when I can't tell if that's what was intended or if it actually wanted me to feel sad for the outcome. I am sad. In a disappointed way. More on this in 23-27.
And. Well. Don't kiss a minor. Don't kiss someone under the influence. Don't kiss a minor who is under the influence and barely conscious. Can you tell I'm not happy about the kiss? I have genuine hatred and icks for this episode.
Be safe. Drink water. Get up and stretch if you've been in the same position for a while now. This is a threat.
01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
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Beige Stars - Divder @/saradika-graphics Purple Hearts - Divider @/cafekitsune Purple Heart Fairy Lights - Divider @/benkeibear
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