#I don't really care for Woz so
indigitalembrace · 4 months
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"By the way, showing me a corpse or comatose body or whatever is going on wouldn't change my mind. It'd make me more determined to prevent more of that. I really, would've loved to help you find a better solution to all this. But something tells me no matter what I say you're not going to see a person behind my eyes. That's a shame."
"...Why should you care if I walk myself in circles 'til the end of time anyways if I'm 'so trapped' in here with you...Nevermind. I don't really care."
he seems a lot more frantic in her pacing.
Rfu axsd gvrdhij, fp fzbsew. Z dwg'h kazns rcl nedmkgkted. Q gsmxi wighvw ko pnfk Dznqmc. Ehk uvmwc av bmvodx r diguvk. Uo ghi kazns t vlfrn ktb anjt… anfmbme jxwez gutesu be hmks? Eh. Poc wwv xztpxf ntp. Hmez, Z prs pxgzmrnb mc kkp tw wscxke pba vovn ease av sbtfkxu kqezzgx. I lbr ttie nhf ybd dmxdcr, rfbxf rec. Bcm hyxe hm vodx rfbxf dx, rnl lsrevd ux ontp. I ptjv uvev mfrigel asix woz… B'a ehk edxb jnie phk cheg vhk. Snk ib aoj uvev t zfgx, lwgu kbde. Bas fgcy etm kh jtwi hybj miwbvlj ia mc cxk hqf rzx. Z tphixak ib pcleu hiidvg eabnfrecy, jnh Z prs i ycfe woz mvzgbivz hytk, ib lsvfj. On vclkje basix rrm isfice wnh kavrm pvf clsb voe'm ceios r lkozr hf yrdm tkrr. … Z fmtf phl mir pv clsb ewbx yiu, Locmze. Igr kart ehb'k wf. Jclh yhcd amwce, nocer phl?
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[FILE_CORRUPTOR.exe has been opened. Selecting target...]
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what's your favorite machine
aouuuu tough choice but it's always rotating between four major things: The Arquebus, Pierre-Jaquet Droz's little writing freaks, the Difference Engine, and the Apple 2 (hnbl. mentions to the TRS-80 and Apple LISA)
The Arquebus (which I'm using as supercategory to the Wheellock and Matchlock) has a very interesting vibe in that it feels incredibly baroque (tracks given they're contemporary!) but it also highlights an era of weaponry that is kinda underutilized both aesthetically (everyone wants to fuck the renaissance or enlightenment but no one cares about the baroque period! sad!) but also in terms of like, gamemaking or storytelling given that the long reload times of the Arquebus in addition to the fact it's a hand-canon that's reloadable makes it very useful for keeping pikemen and cavalry relevant while introducing guns into the setting. But if nothing else harquebuseers are very lovely as a middle step between medieval pikemen and more modern musketmen.
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Regarding Jaquet Droz's automata, i'm less focused on the dolls (though let it not be forgotten, i do appreciate them) the mechanism is what fascinates me most. I think the appeal is more obvious with the Difference Engine, but the fact that it's a programmable machine that uses clockwork to operate makes me stare in both awe and envy. Like, it kinda relates to my thoughts on the Coalbrookdale Locomotive, which looks like it operates off of clockwork as well, and that combined with the Automata suggest the shape of things that could make for a nice setting but i like a lot due to fiddlybits and precise motions and stuff. It's all nice.
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When I was little, there was a museum in town that got a replica (i guess? the original was never built only ever drafted.) of the difference engine and I was lucky enough to see it in operation. It's really hard to express what it's like, but I think i would relate it back to the Jacquet Droz automaton in that they're both pinnacles of clockwork. I don't really know how to express my fascination in these without going back to like pocket-watches or the fine engraving on things, but it's a combination of the complexity of the thing, how elegant it seems while in operation, and then presentation- especially with the difference engine which is simply itself, it is an object that imitates nothing else and is a monolith in doing so.
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The Apple 2 is sort of exemplary of the genre of retrocomputer I love. Like, it's not the only one, and I wouldn't say it's my favorite computer in specific (toss-up between the Sinclair Quantum Leap and the LISA if we're talking form factor) but the Apple 2 feels very friendly in a way. Like, I don't own an Apple 2, but I've used an Apple 2 before, and they're incredibly easy to get started with. Add to it an admiration for the Woz, the wedge-shape that I think is, while understandably abandoned, sadly underutilized. It's just a little thing that is all-in-one and lives on your desk. Literally what else do you want out of life.
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idk there's more and if you asked me at a different time i'd give you a different answer, but machines yeag
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
this is really just a vent because I don't really have anywhere else to go. I was programmed (military, woz) and I've started to remember more recently. I've been so dissociated all the time, I keep crying when normally I can't cry at all. any time I'm not distracting myself I feel so dysregulated. I've never felt so off before. I've never felt this out of control before. but I've also never remembered this much before.
it's like everything is shifting and my dissociation makes me so dizzy. I don't know who I am anymore and I don't know how to make this stop. I don't know if I want to continue healing and going to therapy because I know it will get worse before it gets better. most of the time I just want to give in to all the programming and do what they made me for. I'm tired of fighting it.
It’s alright to tell your therapist what is going on. Slow the pace a bit. You heal at the pace you and your system can manage. Your therapist should be understanding.
I encourage you to focus on grounding and working towards what you can do to stay present. Assure yourself and others they are safe.
Vent on. We’re here and will listen.
Take care,
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Ikki: Umm guys...
Touma; What is it, Ikki-kun?
Ikki: I don't know what to do?
Aruto: Spill, Riders always help each other out.
Ikki: *sends a video of Sougo in golden garb laughing all the while proclaiming he was king of some city.*
Touma: Aaah, that's probably my fault.
Emu: Touma-kun? Why?
Touma: Sougo visited the bookstore one time and they wanted him to play the king of Camelot...
Takeru: Wasn't the King of Camelot wearing western armor?
Takeru: Why is Sougo-kun wearing something different?
Touma: The kids wanted him to wear it?
Touma: I don't really know myself.
Kento: He did not care about the accuracy of the costume and simply picked out the clothes with a lot of gold in it.
Touma: Kento!
Kento: I was there when he picked his clothes.
Ikki: Is that why he came to the bath house announing the arrival of the king and keeps ordering Tamaki not to help him because as king he needs to things on his own.
Geiz: I think it's one of Sougo's pranks.
Takeru: Again?
Geiz: If he were blinded by the illusions of grandeur, he'd have already asked Tamaki-san, I quote, You could be a good minister for commerce.
Tsukuyomi: We have been kinda predictable with how we react to his pranks of becoming king.
Geiz: It doesn't help that he has Woz to hype him up.
Tsukuyomi: So far, he hasn't pulled that prank on us.
Geiz; Don't jinx it, Tsukuyomi.
Kadoya: What are you going to do now, Hojo?
Kadoya: You let him off the hook the many times he has done this.
Emu: Shut up, decade.
Oh dear. Even Mama Emu has his limits when it comes to his babies... poor Sougo's gonna get in trouble with Mum.
And Touma's gonna be in trouble too. Book Jesus he may be but that compares not to the wrath of the Mom Friend
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randomsloredrops · 4 months
Random's Lore Drops - MY NAME IS METTATON-
That's right, you heard the title. I can't really make anything else creative so here's mettaton lore drop ig
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So, Mettaton. Aside from My name is Mettaton and I am here to say, with the power of NEO I stand in your way, I'm not sure what to say. Which is why I shall resort to my ultimate source. The Undertale Wiki (i don't have the ability to play through the game and i'm not spending twenty hours to find lore on one character), so time to uhhh CUE THE READ MORE
k thanks cameraman, anyways. Mettaton, or 'Hapstablook' (according to game files for the house) is a... Ghost, possessing a box. He is also the cousin of Mad Mew Mew/Mad Dummy and Napstablook... oh, and also the first dummy you encounter (did you know that there's a ghost in that dummy? and mad dummy (specifically mad dummy form) says that the ghost in that dummy was their cousin, so by extension, it's napstablook and mettaton's cousin). Mettaton, as we meet him, is a TV Host for DRAMA, ACTION, BLOODSHED, and always goes for the ratings. He does actually show some semblance of care for other characters, despite the self-centered act and all, such as Alphys (in ruler mettaton route), and obviously Napstablook (because they're cousins and napstablook don't know that). His initial attempts to kill the human were because Alphys wanted him to, and that's it. He listened to her plan, and the reason he fights you as the boss before Asgore was just (according to the wiki) not to let Asgore take your SOUL and "be seen as a hero/savior to humankind" (wild aint it?). During all of his challenges, if you fail, there's always an excuse as to why he can't hurt you. The first one is in the quizzical quizzes that he gives you at his first meetup, where he just doesn't kill you even if you fail all the questions, and that the show has lost all dramatic tension and he dips. In the cooking show, if you fail, commercial break starts out of nowhere, and if you win, he reveals that the cake was already baked, letting you run off scott(the woz)-free and dipping. The bomb room, if you don't deactivate them in time (a little under three minutes), alphys defuses the big bomb. If you defuse the bombs, alphys defuses the big bomb. Either way you're safe. In... oh god it's actually called UNDERTALE the Musical (room with tile puzzle), mettaton deactivates the fire wall if the puzzle is done, and alphys deactivates it if you don't finish it in time, also he fights you anyways but it's resolved the same way. Now, in GENOCIDE, we have a semi-different story aside from, y'know... he gets fucking one-shot. He stops you in the genocide route, saying that you aren't just a threat to Monsters, but to humanity as well (he doesn't know you erase the timeline but he knows that you'll wipe them out), then states that he can't be a star without an audience. That, and that there are some people that he wants to protect, before showing off his sick-ass true form. If you kill him before you can finish the number of kills in the CORE and Hotland, he'll state that he knows you were holding back. And that you weren't TRULY evil, and if you were trying to be... you messed up, and that he can rest now, knowing that not just humans, but Alphys will live on, and thus, aborted genocide (leads to leader alphys ending). And if you actually do the genocide route, he'll just go 'guess you don't want to join my fan club?' and fucking die. but yeah, imma be 100% real wichu chief, boss, head honcho, leader, jefe, other variation of boss, mettaton surprisingly isn't just the character i thought he was. He has... lore (don't they all?), but, more than just the lore i expected from him. Anyways, 2 AM drawing time and then i'll schedule it for morning when i'm done drawing the Mettaton art.
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dziedznuts · 1 year
uh intro ig??
you can call me maggie or maggs, whichever one you prefer :)
i use she/her pronouns!
i am quite literally brand new to tumblr and i have no clue what i'm doing
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Basic Info n Boundaries!
i'm 18 yrs old and i'm bisexual
i’m a cis woman but i really couldn't care less about gender/pronouns/terms/whatever
my dm's are open if you wanna chat, just don't be creepy please n thanks!!
my ask is also open!! pls talk to me i prommy i don't bite
honestly just don't be weird or creepy. also no political or discourse heavy ppl please, but other than that i'm probably chill with you :))
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i have a lot of interests that i will never stfu about so very very sorry if you came here for anything in specific but my main interests are:
youtubers/streamers/content creators? (jschlatt, jack manifold, scott the woz, etc etc)
music! my favorite bands/artists are: Arctic Monkeys, TV Girl, Foo Fighters, Los Campesinos!, Glass Animals, and more!!
video games (especially nintendo games omg i love nintendo so much fdjkfdjfskl)
sports but ESPECIALLY hockey (let’s go red wings!!)
books n reading
crochet and crafting!
under the cut: other info and tagging system :)
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Other Info!
i'm always open to talk to ppl, especially about shared interests!!
i tend to use gendered terms (i.e. girl, dude, bro, babygirl, etc.) pretty gender-neutrally. please let me know if i call u something that you are uncomfy with!!
i don't use sideblogs or anything, so this blog will be very random and unorganized and will probably change over time as my interests change :))
uh yeah i think that's it!!
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Tagging System
Personal Tags:
#dziedz thoughts - literally just... random posts that don't really connect to anything el oh el
#dziedz irl - posts about my irl life, venting or sharing or just showing cool pictures i take :)
#dziedz liveblogs - self explanatory hahah
#dziedz jamz - music + vinyl collecting posts
#fluffernutter! - pictures of my lovely cat, fluffy :3
#dz's digital hugs - positive/mental health focused posts :)
Gaming Tags:
#dziedzcraft - posts about minecraft
#nintendziedz - posts about nintendo games (usually mario or pokemon heheh)
Other Tags:
#dndziedz - d&d posts
#dz’s theatre - posts about theatre… mostly me complaining about being a stage manager el oh el
#dziedz wings - hockey posting
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
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… How Geiz deals w/ everyone but him having magic time powers.
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what's your favorite scott the woz lore episode??
i'm going to be real with you fizz i have been only somewhat interested in scott the woz since about one week ago today & that in turn is only because he's the winner of mashup week, a soundcloud mashup tournament you've never heard of. all the same my answer is probably it's a bargain bin christmas because i'm basic or something /lh
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frankierose · 3 years
30 Days of Buffy Challenge
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25. Woz or and Tillow
Oh my fucking god, I'm not choosing I don't care. The three of them are perfect (well, not really) and amazing and I love them so much okay????
Oz. My boyfriend forever. Currently sighing lovingly and sadly over him because I wish Seth Green didn't leave the show. :'(
Tara. Literally we would be best friends. We are so similar. I love her. So much. She's so nice and underrated and I LOVE HER.
WILLOW.... I could (and have) talked about her for hours. She's so complex and so wacky and also so sweet and have I said how much I love s1-s2 Willow? I don't think I have, but truly she was so adorable then. All of them were!!
The gradual evolution of Willow and Oz's relationship, the gay bonding over witchy-ness with Willow and Tara... It's all so good. SO I'M NOT CHOOSING BETWEEN THEM.
Was this post just me gushing over my favorite characters? Yes. Sometimes it is necessary.
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I just need to vent a bit, I'm really emotional right now.
My sibling and I loved Technoblade's content, it was comforting. They always loved saying "I miss Technoblade" if he wasn't uploading. I always made fun of them, I called them a simp. I know I haven't felt anything near his family, but I wish I still had that. It was so normal, now those words feel tainted.
We had been watching Scott the Woz lately. They dubbed them their "temporary favorite white guy" and we said "when Techno uploads, Scott better watch out"
Today I offhandedly said "Techno uploaded" and they were estatic.
I didn't read the title.
I can't believe it, it felt like a sick joke. We heard his father's voice on the phone and something in me broke. He was gone.
I didn't even know him personally, and I'm crying. I feel guilty for bullying my sibling for missing him. I feel like I shouldn't have ever.
I thought he was getting better, but that wasn't the case.
I know no one cares, I know his friends and family will never read this, but I send my dearest condolences. I'm sorry if you don't want it, but it's all I have to give right now.
I can't speak verbally right now, I shocked to my very core. I have no words that could possible articulate how devastated all of us are.
But as many are saying, as he said himself, "Technoblade never dies." And he never truly will, for you only die when forgotten.
If there is a God, I hope he's in heaven like he deserves.
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Chest Kiss - Sougo - Tsukuyomi - Geiz (kiss either Sougo's chest or Geiz's chest) lol
Hm, this one has the potential to be so fun. However I can only imagine Geiz being the one kissed here, since for reasons of narrative appropriateness I feel like Sougo shouldn't have a chest worth kissing, just kind of a dish rack with skin. Anyway, this story got really goofy. narrative convenience
"What were you two doing out--Geiz, your shirt."
Geiz blinks dizzily, blood dripping from his nose. "Did I win? What about my shirt?"
Tsukuyomi gapes at him for a moment before collecting herself. "Win what?"
"We were, we were trying to figure out which one was stronger." Sougo sounds just as dizzy, the golden armor dissolving around him as he staggers over to a bench and sits down. "You know, between Grand Zi-O and Geiz Majesty. And then there was a guy."
"Another Kaixa." Geiz sits down next to Sougo, apparently unbothered by the fact that his nose is continuing to bleed onto his shirt. "And he did some kind of, he did a thing, a mind thing, we started fighting each other for real. So Sougo punched me in the face."
"To be fair, Geiz punched me in the stomach." Sougo's regaining himself a little more quickly than Geiz, probably because he hasn't taken any blows to the head. "But we, we got it together, we took him out. The guy."
"Another Kaixa."
"Yeah, that one."
Tsukuyomi scowls. "Well, we'll...we'll ask Woz about him later. Sougo, don't just sit there, help me get Geiz's shirt off, it's covered in blood. How hard did you punch him?"
"Pretty hard." Sougo grabs Geiz's left wrist and unfolds the cuff so he can undo the button on the sleeve.
Geiz's eyes are slowly starting to focus again, and his nose has finally stopped bleeding. His forehead wrinkles. "Why are we taking my clothes off? This doesn't really seem like the time to--oh, shit, is that all mine?"
"Whose else would it be?" Tsukuyomi frowns down at his shirt buttons as she undoes them. "You were in your suit, full helmet and everything. Although I guess this answers a question I've had, I've always kind of wondered about what happens to our clothes when we transform." She unrolls and unbuttons Geiz's right sleeve and pulls it off his arm. "I guess it would be a little strange if we were just naked in there."
Sougo tugs Geiz's other sleeve off. "I always figured it was contextual."
Tsukuyomi and Geiz both turn to look at him, saying in unison, "What?"
"Well, you know. Woz says our lives are ruled by narrative convenience even more than most Kamen Riders. So wouldn't it make sense if we're wearing our day clothes inside our suits when that would be more interesting dramatically? And then other times we've got, like, arming gear on underneath them? Geiz got hit in the face, so it's more dramatic and exciting for his shirt to be all bloody when he drops his suit." Sougo pauses, looking Geiz over. "I think you should take your undershirt off too, it's also got blood on it."
A little more staring from Tsukuyomi before she says, slowly, "That's...that's a really good point, Sougo, I hadn't considered that. Also what do you mean, there's no blood on the under--"
"No, I definitely see blood, Geiz should take his undershirt off."
Geiz eyes Sougo sidelong. "You just want me to be shirtless, don't you."
Sougo's expression is suspiciously guileless and innocent. "I mean, it's not a bad side effect."
"You're ridiculous." Geiz peels off his tank top and drops it on top of his bloody shirt, and then says, "Ow, ow, be careful," as Sougo half-tackles him onto his back on the bench.
"Come on." Sougo grins down at him. "Admit I'm the strongest Kamen Rider."
"I thought that was a different guy."
Tsukuyomi snorts, covering her mouth to hide laughter. "You two know we're in public, right?"
"Come on, we're just behind the store, nobody's wandering around back here. We'll be--oh, wow, did I leave that bruise?"
Geiz looks down awkwardly at his own chest and the dark bruise spreading across one of his pectorals. "No, I think that one was Another Kaixa. At least I'm pretty sure."
"Well, on the off chance that it was me--" Sougo ducks his head and kisses the bruise, which makes Geiz both wince and laugh ticklishly. "I'm very sorry."
Rolling her eyes, Tsukuyomi bends down and kisses the same spot, and then straightens up and says, "Both of you, get up. Geiz's face is still covered in blood, and you shouldn't just be making out in public like this anyway." She gathers up Geiz's shirt and tank top. "Anyway, I'm the strongest Kamen Rider. My hand turns into a sword, and my suit is nicer-looking than either of yours."
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fluttering-by · 3 years
The character ask thing - Woz please! :)
You know me well! Thank you so much!
Favourite thing about them: Just how loud and eccentric he is. I think he came around during one of the worst times of my life, when I'd lost someone I was so close to, and I felt really alone, and my own self worth was really low, and I hated myself and the one person who always made me feel better no matter what had died, and then suddenly I've got this very loud character proclaiming "REJOICE" at every bloody thing, and I think especially the revelation of Shiro Woz and the realisation that oh my god, we can all have our own Woz, was really meaningful to me back then because I could pretend to have a person who'd be proud of me no matter what I did. I stopped thinking "I'm so pathetic for not being able to do xyz" and instead started thinking "I got out of bed today, iwae!" or "I ate a meal today, iwae!" and he was just that important to me at the time, he came at a time I really needed someone like that.
Least favourite thing about them: I feel like he as a character wasn't allowed to have that much of an impact to the show, which is really sad because it's like, he didn't get as much development as he should have? He got to be a part of the family for a bit only to just be abandoned (apparently that's something a lot of my favourites have in common, it's very typical actually), it feels like he wasn't so much treated like a character but as a plot device who nobody was allowed to care about or be cared about by him aside from waga maou, even though there was plenty of scope for it? He got to be a part of the family, he had that conversation with Shiro Woz about how he has friends now, and then he was just left behind and didn't seem that bothered? Whereas maybe him kind of coming away from being 'waga maou's retainer' to actually developing some kind of self respect and considering Sougo a friend and then being hurt about the ending? I don't know. I just feel like he was barely allowed to be impacted by anything and it was frustrating and really soured what was otherwise a really nice ending.
Favourite line: "Happy birthday!" I'm sorry but that was brilliant. Although, when he asked Uncle for some more apple pie. Or at the end of the film where Woz was the first there with a plate. See it's bits like that that make the ending and the blatant disrespect towards his character hurt even more!
BrOTP: Woz and Uncle I forget his name, Junichiro? Something like that? They just seemed really close, he was like the only person who ever had anything nice to say about Woz and their few and far between interactions were bloody precious!
OTP: I don't really ship him with anyone? I don't know, I don't even think it's that I don't think that much about him as a romantic, I just don't really ship lightly and nothing was jumping out at me.
NOTP: I don't think I dislike him in a relationship that much to warrant really having a NOTP?
Random headcanon: Woz is part AI. I don't even remember where the headcanon came from, that's the issue with having memory problems, but it was always a headcanon I had? I know that there were rumours at some point that ended up not being true, and I'm sure I had the headcanon before then. Not AI like HumaGear though, but like a sort of clockwork steampunky AI. I mean he's definitely not human, you know?
Unpopular opinion: I don't really remember the popular opinion of Woz? Memory issues strike again. So I'm not sure if this is actually an unpopular opinion or not? But I think I read once about how the intention was to have even more versions of Woz, and if that's true, and even if it's not, I thoroughly enjoyed the concept of multiple Wozes and so wish that had happened.
Favourite picture of them:
So my actual favourite photo I cannot find for the life of me, it was on my old phone but it broke and I lost it. But it's one in a photobook or something where both Wozes are sort of reaching out to each other? And it's really dramatic and I loved it and I'm so sad I lost it.
But my second favourite photo and one I can actually post is this.
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Just because I mean how soft does he look?? He looks like the less scary Woz, which I mean, shows what we know. I mean how many of us looked at this photo and though "ah yes, Woz but more terrifying"?
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dabigmek · 3 years
Boss Nailz studied the burning drop pod, he was fascinated by what he had just witnessed during the battle. Mek Bignutz strolled over, cutting torch in hand ready to start salvaging.
"Dat woz awesome," said Nailz. "Da way it slammed onto Goffgitz Boyz and den all da beaky marinez piled out ta finish off da remains."
"Sure woz boss." Answered Bignutz, not really listening, disassembling the advanced machine in his mind, planning ways to use the various parts to kill something with.
"Wotz it called?" Queried Nailz.
"A space trukk I fink," said Bignutz shrugging his shoulders.
"Wotz dis bit do?" Asked nailz, grappling with one of the drop pods hinged doors.
"It shoots open ta let da beakies out."
"An dis bit?" Continued Nailz interrogation.
"Da rocket booster, makes it go fasta dan a mad flyboy on speedsquig juice."
Nailz nodded intently.
"An dese yella and black stripes on da doors?" Nailz raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Wotz dat for?"
"Dems da 'careful now' marks, ta make sure da beakies don't trip when dey comes out da space trukk."
Nailz thought about this for a while.
"So, dey jumps in a little trukk dat is in space. Dat trukk is shot at da ground fasta than a really fast thing with a special reason ta go fast, all da while deyz been shot at with da biggest gunz and when dey finally slams into da ground in da middle of all da ardest enemies, dey needs help not to trip and urt demselves?"
"Weird boss, I know." Answered Bignutz.
"Can ya build me some a dem?" Asked Nailz, "but without da girlie stripes?"
"Wiv extra spike bitz boss, no problems," said bignutz dropping his welding mask with a grin.
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asknarashikari · 1 year
So kari, Idk if you received this ask and another, but internet was glitching when I first attempted to send this. XD, so I'm sending this again.
???: a god of destruction, eh?
Keiwa: wha-
???: Don’t mind if I do.
*the mysterious figure slams something on to Keiwa’s chest as he felt something being drained from him
???: With the power of the god of destruction, I’ll be unstoppable!
Keiwa: *collapses*
Tsukuyomi: We’re too late…
Geiz: Dammit, its going to be hard to defeat someone with Bujin Sword’s powers.
Geiz: With all that teleportation.
Sougo: Shouldn’t we inform Ace and the others?
Woz I’ll shall take care of that, Waga Maou.
At the Desire Lounge, Woz suddenly appeared in the middle of the room with an unconscious Keiwa in his arms.
Woz to Ace and the others: We don’t know what happened.
Woz: But what we do know is that someone took his powers as a Rider and is now wreaking havoc across time.
Woz: *stops the movement and words of the Riders present*
Woz: I implore you to let us handle this.
Keiwa: W-wait *gives Woz something*
Woz: A Ridewatch
Woz: A Tycoon Ridewatch
Keiwa: I had heard that would be a great help.
Woz: Very well, I will soon depart, but I have some questions.
Geats cast react? (Tsumuri, Win, Ace, Azuma, Sara, Neon, and Sae are present)
Win: Why is it that when your senpai are involved, it's always some kind of universe-ending shit?
Ace: Hell if I know. But if it was a really big deal, they would've activated the Shit is Going Down Again groupchat...
Azuma: Has it ever occured to you that the existence of that groupchat was a bad sign to begin with?
Sae: I don't find it reassuring that the groupchat wasn't activated, to be honest...
Tsumuri: It is troubling that Keiwa-san's powers were stolen. Only the former management can revoke powers like this, and they're gone...
Neon: *fretting over Keiwa* Yeah, if they can steal Keiwa's powers, who knows what else they're capable of!
Sara: *also fretting over Keiwa* When I get my hands on them... I wanna beat them up myself!
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
I love to hear your thoughts on the Shadow's story in SA2 and Ark itself since you mentioned you don't care for it too much. ^_^ Oh, I saw you also Followed me, thank you so much!
Oh, I'm still catching up big time with making new mutuals, it's one of the things I promised to change about this blog back at the start of the year and it's been quite quite a ride so far :P
I've talked several times in the past about SA2's achievements in terms of character development and stuff (with skull we talked about Amy's sense of justice just by looking at a hero side cutscene screenshot, lol) but the big irony here is that I have little to say about what I personally think of the story itself. It's a fine story, I won't sit and discuss plotholes for like an hour, but at the same I can't connect with it on such a level like many other Sonic fans can do.
Although one thing I can say is that I love Shadow's personality there. They nailed him straight from the get-go and watching every cutscene featuring him is an absolute delight. The only other instance I can say I enjoyed his character as much as SA2 is –funnily enough– Sonic Forces.
So, sorry to disappoint, but I don't have much to say about the drama that happens in the game. Even when I replay the story I end up focusing most of my actual time with the game on the Chao Garden (I get REALLY invested there lol), and besides the whole Knuckles-Rouge subplot the rest of the game makes me go "It's fine" *cue Scott the Woz reference here*
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
So today on wild, baseless theories...
... What if Woz is actually Ouma Zi-O.
#Kamen Rider Zi-O#like#maybe he's deliberately creating a stable time loop where he killed and replaced Sougo or something#or just that it's actually Woz who becomes Ouma Zi-O rather than Sougo#and he just used/is using/will use Sougo as the 'starting point' so that Sougo was then history remembered or something#this of course is pure wild conjecture w/ no basis#i don't even really think this is what's gonna happen#it doesn't seem to me like Woz' behaviour is really leading up to this specifically#it's leading to something#he's a manipulative bastard and I want him to stay away from Sougo#though I guess at least Sougo seems to be aware of how awful and manipulative Woz is being on some level#not surprised by the 'Woz betrays Sougo' thing/possibility#and kinda don't care--well i mean i care to the degree of 'wow Woz you jackass this is kinda interesting for the plot' but...#well#personally--and this is completely from my perspective--i CANNOT see any part of their 'relationship' in a positive light rn#so i'm not like 'how could you?!?!?!?!?!'#i dunno i could be misunderstanding but it seems like people are super shocked/upset and personally i just can't really get why#but that's just my personal point of view no one is required to share it at all#i'm not trying to say people are wrong to feel that way at all please don't think i am#for context of how nuts this is and for anyone who read this far/skipped to the end of my tags#this is from the same brain that thought 'what if Sougo was the child of a Geiz and Tsukuyomi from an alternate timeline?'#(which is EXTREMELY unlikely but a wild idea all the same no?)#(not to say I exactly ship Geiz and Tsukuyomi--kinda going OT3 route here again)#(which is good I missed a solid OT3)#(admittedly Build kinda had one but I was more invested in the family)#last question hey how many tags do you think tumblr is gonna cut off this?
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