#my precious beautiful moon goddess
wackyharpy · 8 months
Merchant's Daughter (Part 1)
God! Aemond x Human•Fem! Reader
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Summary: In order to ease the wrath of one of the Gods, the girl among humans is chosen to be gifted to him.
Part 2
To find more stories — masterlist
A/N: I'm inspired by a lot of things, by Greek mythology, by Beauty and the Beast story. Especially credits go to @flowerandblood. Some of her fanfics planted a seed of the idea for this story. I hope, you'll enjoy it! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated :) And English isn't my native.
Warnings ⚠️
Mention of death, typical treatment of women those times, she/her pronouns
Once the world was different. Humans shared it with other supernal beings — children and creatures of Gods who ruled those times. Back then miracles filled the surroundings — here and there ehoes of satires' and nymphs' wild dancing could be heard in the dead of night, taken by the wind from the concealed domicile somewhere in the forests or fields, and brought straight to the towns where mortal people resided.
Fishermen spread legends of beautiful women with colorful fish-tails whose voice could enchant one and become the death of him. Sailors told about orphic castles barely visible in the fogs of the sea.
Humans were always weak and foolish, bonded to their towns and houses, lived their short mortal nugatory lives. They couldn't comprehend the broadness of the world, the depth and beauty of it.
Gods tried to take care of them, their miserable children. They gave them lands, rivers, domestic animals and fish. They taught them how to cultivate fields and grow crops, how to exploit fire. At times, humans got punished for their sins, Gods abhorred misbehavior of their gawky children. Frequently, they didn't even cast a glance at them, being immersed into their divine scandals and disputes. They didn't invite any humans to their heavenly palaces, nor did they marry earthborn men and women. Some Gods and Goddesses might have laid with beautiful representatives of the human race. Still, nothing more.
It was so only until one moment.
The calm day didn't foreshadow anything violent. Until the evening, when the sunset was painted in scarlet. Something terrible happened in the heavenly palaces — one of the Gods blood was spilled. That night the residents of the town near the sea didn't see the moon. Instead, the night sky was pitch black as the abyss of Chaos which the universe emerged from.
The God of Murk and Affliction lost his eye to his nephew — the God of Joy.
But, little Lucerys escaped the wrath of elder Gods and remained unpunished. After all, they couldn't harm him in order not to cripple him or knock all the joy out of him that he shared with mortals — such was his endowment. The issue remained unresolved, and angry Aemond was forced to live with one eye since then.
In a century, he met his nephew again, above the sea. There was no way to escape the God of Murk and Affliction that time. The little God was hopeless. And Aemond put his nephew through tortures, through his revenge which he had been nurturing in his dark heart for many years.
That evening the residents of the town near the sea saw a scarlet sunset once again. And in the hour of the owl, claps of thunder rumbled in the pitch black sky. The storm of madness swept across those lands — the herald of the victory and death simultaneously.
The sudden sadness and fear filled the hearts of people. The God of Joy was dead. His two eyes, cut out of the sockets, turned into two precious stones with yellowish glow. Still, there are gossips that they can be found at the bottom of the deepest sea.
Since then, there was no joy as such on the earth, people no longer took it for granted. If they wanted to be happy, they had to find things that could bring merry into their miserable lives.
But darkness and fear remained, more diseases developed among people, life became tough. Servants of the God of Murk and Affliction began residing together with people, punishing them for their indifference they showed on the day Aemond lost his eye. Nobody stood for him at that time. Everybody thought they would get away with it. Though, the Gods, humans, and other beings are paying off for their negligence now.
Plague, Doom, Pain, Fear, and Sorrow are terrorizing people. They have infiltrated into the towns' walls, they are hiding in the shadows, every now and again preparing to attack a poor mortal soul.
The Gods and supernal creatures are trying to avoid the lands where the God of Murk and Affliction lives, being well aware that they can meet their death in the form of Vhagar — Aemond's monstrous beast, so enormous as a mountain.
Many centuries passed in the town near the sea. One day the Goddess of Wisdom bestowed the place with her presence and shared a piece of advice with people.
Opt a young maiden girl, and gift her to the God of Murk and Affliction. As a mighty man he is, he won't refuse to satisfy his carnal needs with an innocent mortal girl. It may sooth his wrath a little, and he may order his servants to stop terrorizing humans. At least, not frequently. One girl isn't a big price comparing the whole humanity.
And so was it. The government, the judges, and the public presented the most beautiful virginal girls to the heavenly court. The choice fell on the youngest of merchant's daughters — a poor being who was soon to be sent to the remote lands, right into the hands of the ruthless God.
The day her family was preparing her to the long journey, she was silent and pale. It seemed that all liveliness faded away from her eyes. Before going out to the carriage, her mother sat with her in the chamber to conduct a woman talk.
Be obedient. Do what He orders. Be flexible. It doesn't matter that he's a God, still he's a man that isn't deprived of needs that even humans possess. Your feminine power isn't between your legs, first of all it's in your mind. Use your head in the right way, and who knows, perhaps, even the God of Murk and Affliction will fall on his knees in front of you. The doings that a man and a woman perform in the bed chamber aren't always about pain, it may bring a great satisfaction and fulfillment for both of them.
At that time the words of the woman had no sense for the girl. But she only nodded, believing her mother. After all, the merchant's wife was known for her acute mind and wisdom. And beautiful curves of the body that all her daughters inherited.
Then, the girl settled in the carriage, and she with the convoy, consisted of several men, set off to the remote lands.
The journey took long days when they finally reached the dense woods. It seemed that places there were deathlike, shrouded in impenetrable thick fogs.
The carriage stopped and soon its door was opened.
"We've arrived, my lady. We won't go further, we are to leave you here," the servant of her father stretched a hand to her and helped her to get out.
Her nose immediately caught the moist raw scent of dead leaves and moss. The space around was dead silent. The sky was grey and cloudy — no signs of the sun, moon, and stars. Here and there hollers of ravens were heard. Vultures were circling above the trees, probably looking out for a half dead prey.
Shivers ran across her spine, the breath caught in the lungs.
The case with her belongings was stated at her legs. The girl turned to look at the servants of her father. They only gave her a sad smile and nodded, turning the convoy back.
She was left alone in these cursed lands. Abandoned by the whole world.
The girl looked around trying to figure out what to do next, and having no idea where to go, who to search for, she took her case, and just went further into the mist.
She couldn't tell whether she'd been walking for hours, but soon enough she noticed the outlines of the high fence which was visible in the distance. When the girl reached the gates, she stopped and placed the case on the ground. Beyond the large fence, the grim castle stationed itself. She felt that something tugged in her stomach, and stuck in the throat. Fear. Pure terror washed over her body. The sudden feeling of millions of eyes watching her prickled the petite body. But there was no one around her. At least, she thought like that.
All at once, the heavy front doors opened and she saw a tall man going down the stairs, directly on the lane bestrewn with gravel. He must have been the one who was going to meet her.
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Little Everyday Offerings: Aphrodite Edition 🐚✨️
A lock of hair. (I cut my own, so that makes it easier, but after your next haircut, try taking a piece home and leaving it on your altar. It's a powerful piece of yourself, your femininity, and your beauty.)
A spray of perfume/drop of perfume oil. (This one is super easy if you have a statue/idol or medal you can anoint. It's quick and easy and is easily incorporated into morning routines, rituals, or devotionals.)
A flower (Particularly roses, *especially* red ones - RIP Adonis. Myrtle and apple blossom are also symbolic of Aphrodite. Whether you find them on a walk, buy them for yourself, or receive them as a gift, leave one for the goddess!)
Fruit or berries (Quinces have become her symbol due to the "golden apple" myth of Paris, but any fruit you happen to be eating, a slice can be offered to Aphrodite. Especially figs and apples.)
Water/Moon water (With intention!! Intention is everything. Remember, Aphrodite was born from the sea foam, gifts of the water and the sea are precious to her.)
Seashells (Especially abalone shells, but anything you find along the shores will hold its own power. I have heard stories of worshipers of Aphrodite being asked for specific shells by the goddess/getting a sense that one in particular will be appreciated, so listen to your intuition when choosing which one to leave her, or simply offer the prettiest one you find back to the sea!)
A kiss, with or without lipstick (I think this one speaks for itself. Very good for medals and pendants especially, when on the go. For a statue or idol, I would place them at the base of the statue, near the feet. Above all be respectful, this is a goddess you're speaking to. If you get a sense that you should not offer a kiss, DON'T.)
A sentimental piece of jewelry (It's best if this is a piece you dont intend on wearing. Perhaps something that belonged to a loved one, or something from your childhood that was special to you - I left her freshwater pearls from my very first pearl necklace that is now much too small. 💔)
Milk, honey, or sweets (Make sure to only leave these for a short time, to avoid spoilage. If milk sours, flies are attracted, or honey crystallizes within a few hours on your altar - well first check the milk jug 😄 - but otherwise you may want to take special care to honor the goddess soon, and consider cleansing and protecting yourself and your space.)
Hope this helps! I've been actively honoring and worshiping Aphrodite for about a year now, so I'm not a priestess or anything of that ilk, but the goddess has blessed me and seems pleased enough with my work. If anyone has anything to add, feel free, and feel free to correct me if it seems I'm misinformed. This is just what works and has worked for me. The most important thing really is just to be respectful, Aphrodite isn't all love and light, and can be quite temperamental and even vengeful, which makes her a powerful patron. Best of luck and blessed be!
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thetypingpup · 1 year
xiaojun being the type of person that likes it when you stroke his hair as he's going down on you, petting him little a good little puppy and he whines in your folds when you tug on his hair to tug him closer to you, feeling his tongue lap you up -- guess who ;>
sorry i'm on something of a siren!xiaojun kick today so this is gonna be siren!xiaojun too 😅
he's also the type to lean into your touch when you stroke his hair or caress his face and smile against your folds oh my heart🥺 when it's just you and him in the sea cave, with only the moon and stars above to bear witness to your illicit endeavors, he couldn't be happier that he gets to have you all to himself. having you completely bare like this, splayed out over the rocks that trace the edge of the pool, elates him like nothing else. imagine feeling the perpetual curl of his lips against your sensitive flesh, faced with the ecstatic glow in his eyes whenever you look down to meet his cobalt blue gaze. he's just so enamored with you he can't stop grinning, especially when you bestow such affectionate praise on him.
he adores pleasuring you, beams with pride whenever he does something that makes you feel good, wanting to show you how much he loves you with pleasure. so when you indulge in his efforts, stroking his hair like a precious pet, he leans into your touch and lets his eyes slide shut to savor your gentle caress, smiling so brightly it brings a twinkle to his eyes. the lapping tides make the water ripple around him noisily, but all he can hear are your sounds of pleasure. the fresh scent of the sea surrounds you both, but the only aroma he hones in on is your arousal. the cool tides wreathe around him in a familiar embrace, but the only embrace he sinks into is the plush warmth of your inner thighs, and the silken heat of your innermost depths. the silver light of night beams down from above, but all he can see is how it illuminates your skin with an ethereal gleam. fuck you look beautiful. the sight of you, completely naked and perched on those wet rocks, is simply divine, like a goddess offering herself on an altar and allowing him to worship. how he managed to get you all to himself is beyond him, but he thanks the moon above everyday that he has the privilege of loving you like this.
"fuck, that's it." you moan, letting your head roll back as you relax into the rolling tides of the pleasure he gives you, "you're so good at this, xiaojun. so fucking good."
and he whines, mostly to himself, but you can hear the vibrations of his muffled squeal of happiness. he loves when you say his name, especially when your sweet voice moans the syllables so erotically. he keeps going at the same pace, pressing open mouthed kisses to your clit, with his tongue sweeping over the prominent bud with every kiss. he keeps his mouth flush against you the entire time, his nose buried in your heat, as he doesn't need air to breathe. he can keep pleasuring you like this for all eternity if you let him, needing only the gentle waves that lap at the gills on the sides of his neck for sustenance. in truth, his passion for you is so intense, so all consuming, that he wishes it was your essence he could use to sustain himself instead of water, just taking you in and feeling an aphrodisiac rush of ecstasy with every breath he takes. such a thought arouses him beyond belief.
he feels you getting close, and he clutches your trembling thighs with webbed hands. you trade the motions of your fingers smoothly sliding through his hair for rough grasps at the roots, trying to hold yourself in place as your pleasure begins to mount. you meet his imploring gaze, knowing he's wordlessly begging you to let go for him, to let him make your pleasure swell and crest until the waves crash against the surface. clutching his hair, you roll your hips against his mouth, grinding against his nose, gyrating your hips at the same tempo as his lapping tongue. waves of pleasure roll back and forth throughout your body, the heat rising more and more by the moment. your moans turn to whines, climbing in pitch as your ecstasy gets more and more intense by the moment. when it all comes to a head, you grab onto his wet hair with both hands, letting your release flow right onto his waiting tongue. you ride out your orgasm on his face, the silver light above turning blinding white before your eyes slide shut, supreme, heavenly euphoria overtaking your entire body in surges of bliss.
once you let go of him, he pulls back, albeit slightly and a bit reluctantly. he knows how sensitive after you cum, so he doesn't want to cause any pain, but damn what he wouldn't give to just have his mouth on you again. you take him in, his elegant countenance, his unreal, aquatic beauty, and feel your heart race. not only at his supernatural allure, but the way he looks at you with such reverent amour, has you smiling down at him. the afterglow of your orgasm is incredibly pleasant, a serene sense of calm relaxing your whole body. tension is a distant memory. right now, all you know is delighted enjoyment. you slip off the rocks and into the water with a soft splash, right into his arms, and he instantly wraps his arms around you and holds you close. the coolness of the water further soothes you, especially since you have him to keep you afloat. your eyes give him the praise you can't find the words to give, far too lost in the aftershocks of bliss. but he knows what you want to say, and he savors your wordless affirmations, as well as the tender caress of your warm hand upon his face. he leans into your hand, eagerly accepting your praise, his lips softly pressing against your palm.
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chaninfused · 9 months
ALWAYS IN THIS TWILIGHT • BC • a fallen goddess and every piece of herself she'd given to her beloved; angst; a somewhat toxic dynamic; fantasy; mentions of war; brief descriptions of gore and blood; 793 words.
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If Chan would ask you for the sky and every little star in the infinite cosmos, you would hand them to him in a breath’s spell.
Yet, there he was, earnest and sincere as his eyes fluttered once, twice. Hesitant, perhaps. Regretful, like those of a man who had spent a fortune on the most joyous night of gambling.
You wanted to laugh, or cry, or both.
‘Your eyes, only.’
He was asking so little of you.
“I’m sorry.” Chan slumped to his knees at the foot of your shrine, fingers digging into the dirt as he brought his head low. He was a broken willow tree, and you, his torn moon.
“My love, don’t be,” a voice that was everywhere and nowhere at once, a declaration for the universe and a murmur only he heard. You reached a phantom hand to lift his chin from his dampened palms.
His shoulders trembled like leaves in a cruel wind, his tears a silent river that wreaked destruction in its path toward you, killing the ever-living essence in your ethereal existence.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” the words that left his lips were a mangled prayer that seemed to be deaf to your speech. There was nothing for him to be sorry for. Hadn’t you ripped your beating heart out of your chest for him before?
“Dearest…” you traced his features with the ghost of your fingers, watching his darling eyes flutter shut for the first moment of respite in years. His face—beautiful, broken, human—was one you knew from a thousand centuries past, when you first fell to the mortal realm and found yourself imprisoned upon this holy hill.
Chan was the human king who chased your fallen star, then with his many knights and subjects, erected this grand shrine for you to live in. He was kind, and his golden heart made him precious even to one forsaken such as yourself. You loved him, and by some heavenly jest, he loved you in return.
That was his sin—loving you, who had been banished from heaven, a love greater and mightier than the wildest storms. A love of which your kin deemed you undeserving, for your palms were tainted black with the divine blood of another.  
Yet, when the sky hailed with fire and heaven opened its doors to reclaim you, Chan stood in defiance, a sword of earthly steel in his grasp and a cosmic fury in his gaze. In the cage of his mortal flesh, your immortal heart beat, lending him the strength he so brazenly sought.
The war that ensued from his rebellion was one of a thousand centuries. For as long as he lived a human with a god’s heart, you were tethered to this realm. And he fought to keep it that way.
When your brethren stole his sword-wielding hands, you gifted him yours, divine so that he may strike with the force of every sun and every moon. When they severed the legs by which he stood before them, resentful, you offered him yours so that he may rise forever unhindered. And when they pierced his chest and he bled crimson rivers, you poured your blood for him, oceans so that his heart may never again grow athirst.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I can’t—”
The words that refused to leave Chan’s lips were heard by the heart of yours that beat in tandem with his.
‘Forgive me for my selfishness, for I cannot part with you. Forgive me, my love, for I cannot see you anymore.’
You brushed your thumbs over his closed eyes. His lashes were adorned with shimmering tears, strokes of liquid stars across his cheeks. Your most beloved’s vision had been taken from him by those seraphic hands, and there was no doubt in your mind as to what you had to do.
You touched the phantom of your forehead against his and closed your eyes, speaking a song of a thousand angels, “Go.”
“Wait! No—! Please, don’t—”
Chan’s eyes snapped open, and he attempted to push you away. Barely, softly, because he could never think to use any real force against you. But it was too late. The vision that he now gazed upon you with was that of a god, vast, boundless, true.
It made him double over, anguished beyond comprehension.
“No, no! Take it back, please! Y/n—!”
‘I don’t wish to do this to you anymore. You’ve got nothing left. You'll become nothing—’
You pressed your lips against the heap of his soft curls to silence his rampant mind. In truth, you could only smile, for you found no greater joy than in giving yourself away to him.
“Go and end this war, my love.”
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ryin-silverfish · 4 months
Lotus Lantern: The Summaries, Part 1
I grew up watching the Lotus Lantern TV shows, both of which have a special place in my heart. However, this particular tale is kinda one that thrives in operas and modern media adaptations, while the written texts of the story remain mostly out of reach for average audiences, being compiled in an 1957 book named 董永沉香合集.
As such, I've decided to make an informal summary of all versions of Chenxiang's stories from this particular book and maybe some more, for anyone wanting to learn about Lotus Lantern beyond the TV show.
This series is a WIP; each post features the summary of a single version of the legend. For Part 1, it will be——
Chenxiang Baojuan("The Precious Scroll of Chenxiang",1847/1907)
-This story took place in the Han dynasty. Son of a rich landlord, the scholar Liu Xiang(刘向) was on his way to the imperial examination (which didn't exist in the Han dynasty, but okay), and decided to stop at the temple of the Lady of Mt. Hua(华岳娘娘) for prayers.
-However, she was attending a party in the Celestial Realm, and her attendants——ghostly judges and pawns——didn't know how to answer when Liu asked if he'd succeed in the imperial examination, so they just threw him a blank wooden slip (used in divinations).
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-Feeling cheated, the scholar angrily swept open the curtain covering the goddess's idol, and was instantly charmed by her beauty, so much so that he wrote a poem on the walls asking for her hands in marriage.
-As King Zhou's story in FSYY has told us, this was a very bad idea. The Lady of Mt. Hua was not amused upon her return, and went after the scholar with a sword in hand, but was also instantly charmed by his good looks.
-After a quick confirmation from the Old Man Under the Moon(月下老人) that their relationship was, in fact, Fated to Be, she used her magic to create a beautiful mansion, then, a huge storm, to force Liu to seek shelter there.
-She proposed to him inside the mansion, and Liu Xiang was like “I'd love to, but I gotta go to my exams and take care of my parents back home, so…later?”
-The Lady took it with characteristic grace, by which I mean she kicked him out of the mansion, then sicc demonic tigers and snakes on him and forced him to come back.
-Anyways, they married each other, and the Lady gave him three treasures as tribute to the ruling emperor: a luminous pearl, a pearl belt, and a crystal bowl, before sending him on his way to the imperial examination.
-Unfortunately for Liu, a corrupt minister saw those treasures and wanted to take them for himself, so he falsely accused Liu of stealing and threw him into prison.
-Just when Liu was about to be executed, his divine wife saved him again by whipping up a storm; Liu cleared his name in front of the emperor, and all was well…but not for long. 
-The brother of the Lady of Mt. Hua is a guy called True Sage Xuanmiao(玄妙真君), but later, the text also referred to him as Erlang Shen.
-While at the Peach Festival, he teased He Xian'gu(何仙姑), one of the Eight Immortals, about her (nonexistent) husband, and she mocked back: "Well I don't have a husband, but your sister sure does! That's why she isn't at the party."  
-Xuanmiao got really mad, rushed home to fight his pregnant sister, and sealed her under Mt. Hua. She gave birth while imprisoned, and sent Chenxiang to his father via a ghostly official/Yaksha. 
-After learning about his mother's imprisonment, 12 years old Chenxiang left to pursue studies of the Taoist arts. He met the Gold Star of Venus, who led him to some divine pills and peaches that granted him superpowers. That wasn't quite enough, however, and when he went to fight Erlang, he was soon losing and being chased around.
-Luckily for Chenxiang, the White Crane Boy(白鹤童子), a divine messenger, was passing by and helped him get reinforcements; the "Eight Cave of Immortals, the Great Immortal of Penglai, the Mystic Lady of the Nine Heavens, Fourth Sister of the Hundred-Flowers"(八洞仙人、蓬莱大仙、九天玄女、百花四姐). In return, the True Sage summoned legions of celestial soldiers, Sir Thunder and Lady Lightning(雷公电母), and the Four Heavenly Generals (Ma, Wen, Zhao, Guan, not to be confused with the 4 devarajas).
-The battle became so heated that it alerted Guanyin, who went and informed the Jade Emperor, causing him to send the Gold Star of Venus down there and order both sides to quit fighting. With that taken care of, Chenxiang cleaved open the mountain and saved his mom, but the imprisonment had done a number on her: her form was skeletal, her hair was a mess, her gaze was unfocused, and she was more or less catatonic.
-It would be really depressing if the story ended here, so the Mystic Lady of the Nine Heavens gave her a magical pill that returned her to full health, and the family went on to enjoy their happy ending.
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satanachia666 · 4 months
Self-Care: Satanachia's Rose Ritual 🌹
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I created Satanachia’s Rose Ritual to attract the best things in life through self-care, which includes self-worship for many of us. This ritual involves calling upon Satanachia, blessing/charging rose body oil, and anointing one’s body with it as an act of self-love, self-empowerment, and self-worship. Anointing the body with rose oil helps the practitioner connect with and embody the beauty of a rose. Feel free to perform Satanachia’s Rose Ritual for self-love, healing, confidence, beauty, and attracting the most compatible people and opportunities possible to yourself. Be sure to choose a gemstone pipe that corresponds with your intention, or burn the herbs another way if you don't want to use a pipe at all. I deliberately left the ending part more open-ended so you can either do this ritual on its own or adapt it into part of a larger ritual. 
Items Needed: 
Black Candle for Satanachia
Rose oil, love oil, or any other (preferably floral) body oil you enjoy
2 pink tealight candles - 1 for Satanachia, 1 for yourself
Rose incense (or another floral incense if that isn’t available)
A gemstone pipe packed with herb
A sweet, floral, or pleasant drink you enjoy 
*Optional: A cauldron or bowl filled halfway with rose petals
🌹Satanachia's Rose Ritual
1. Light the black candle and say the following invocation to Satanachia:
Hail Satanachia!
Demon of the Moon, love, beauty, creativity, and freedom!
Grand General of Hell!
Infernal patroness of the planets and cosmos!
You are the dark and demonic muse of magic, pleasure, liberation.
By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____
and this sacred planetary hour of ______,
please join me in this ritual so I fully connect with you in body, mind, and soul.
Satanachia, I hereby attune to your infernal spirit his moment and onward.
May your power and wisdom shine within me and through me.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
Then focus on invoking Satanachia and feeling their presence within/around you.
2. Light a pink candle and dedicate it to Satanachia as a fire sacrifice:
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve lit this pink candle in your honor.
Please receive this burnt offering as a sacrifice of fire.
May this fire burn as brightly as your brilliance and passion do in my life, this world, and the universe at large.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
3. Light the rose incense and dedicate it to Satanachia as an air sacrifice:
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve lit this rose incense in your honor.
Please receive this burnt offering as a sacrifice of air.
May this smoke grace my physical and mental space with your inspiration and enlightenment.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
4. Hold the gemstone pipe filled with your herb of choice and say:
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve packed this precious herb into this ______ pipe in your honor.
Please receive this burnt offering as a sacrifice of earth.
May the magic of this herb bring me prosperity and healing.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
5. Pour the drink into the chalice and hold it up as you dedicate it to Satanachia.
Hail Satanachia!
I’ve poured this libation of _____ in your honor.
Please receive this infernal offering as a sacrifice of fire.
May this libation inspirit me with your intuition and love as I drink and digest it.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be!
6. Thank Satanachia and state your ritual purpose:
Hail Satanachia!
Thank you for being so present at this ritual and in my life.
I have summoned you here to call upon your infernal powers of love, beauty, and healing:
Please bless and empower me with self-love so I find pleasure and fulfillment in my being.
By your infernal powers of the _____ moon in _____ and this sacred planetary hour of ______, 
I honor and love myself as a goddess.
I recognize my power and embrace it to the fullest.
So mote it be!
7. Light the second pink candle and dedicate it to yourself by saying:
I light this pink candle in honor of the love I have for myself. 
As this pink candle burns, my self-love increases and I embrace the pleasure myself.
May my beauty and confidence shine like this flame and the infinite embers of Venus.
By your infernal powers of the ______ moon in ______,
please heal, cleanse, and empower me with self-love.
Thank you, Satanachia, now and forevermore.
So mote it be! 
8. Hold the rose oil in your hand as you say:
Hail Satanachia!
You possess the infinite love, beauty, and healing powers of all the roses in the world.
Please cleanse, bless, and empower this rose oil with your infernal spirit.
Please cleanse, bless, and empower me as I anoint myself with this rose oil.
By your infernal powers, I embody the beauty of a rose.
I adore and appreciate myself, and attract compatible people who adore and appreciate me.
I flourish and bloom in my own way, at my own pace.
I love myself for who I am in body, mind, heart, and spirit.
As I anoint myself with this rose oil, I fully embody the beauty of a rose.
So mote it be!
Anoint your whole body with the rose oil. Feel Satanachia’s powers of love and beauty healing you through the rose oil. Visualize yourself glowing with Satanachia’s energy as pink light.
9. When you feel charged up with Satanachia’s energy, thank Satanachia:
Thank you, Satanachia, for the love, healing, help, and empowerment you’ve given me. So mote it be!
10. From this point on, you may do other magical or ritual activities. If you want to end the ritual right then and there, just ground and center yourself, then bid Satanachia farewell:
Thank you, Satanachia, for all of the love, healing, help, and empowerment. This ritual is now finished, but its results are complete, high quality, and eternal. So mote it be!
11. Optional: After you’re completely done with the ritual, scatter the rose petals somewhere outdoors nearby or somewhere special to you as an infernal offering to Satanachia.
Again, feel free to combine this ritual with other magical activities or rituals such as Satanachia's Shower Spell, Satanchia's Full Moon Ritual, or Satanachia's Venus Empowerment Ritual.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you deserve to love yourself and find joy in being your authentic self. You also deserve to have people in your life who wholly appreciate you and support you. I hope this ritual helps you feel good and attract good things into your life. ❤️
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fvllingcamellia · 6 months
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— you're beautiful. even now, i can't help but admire you. your skin... i would love to touch it again. to feel... to even just look into your mesmerising eyes, and it would be enough for me. sometimes i wonder if you'd take me for another adventure? especially to the ocean. how i miss the ocean, it was so long... the glaze of moonlight reflecting off the water surface so you'd shine like the brightest star in front of me. i witnessed the birth of a goddess, like there was aphrodite emerging from the sea foam just to steal me once again with her lips for the night. you're poetry. i exist to consume and admire you. — suguru ended his monologue. snowflakes falling down on his long black hair. he didn't mind the cold. he was willing to withstand whatever may happen. he just wanted you. you were his priority in this moment. the most precious thing that he could keep to himself. but of course, he needed to go. his time was up. there was no point in staying here more since there was no answer.
— angel, i hope you will forgive me one day. i tried everything for you, but each day, the world proves to me that everything is not enough. whenever you are, my soul will find you so we can be together as we promised to ourselves. — and he only placed white lilies on the snow that covered the cold marble with your name engraved on it. it was getting colder, the wind swayed the trees more than earlier. the moon was shining brightly right at the place he was in. suguru looked up at the sky, a slight smile appeared on his face.
as he was walking away from your grave, he knew one thing.
he was forgiven.
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moonsorchid · 7 months
Rewatching ep.29 of Love Between Fairy and Devil
Part 1 - I tried to include my comments in one post, but again so many things happen in this episode
(spoilers ahead)
So we learn that DFQC didn’t drink the elixir that would prevent him from feeling Xiao Lanhua’s pain while she was in the cave. And we also get this wonderful speech: “Since we are to be husband and wife, we must stay together until death do us part for better or worse. Even though I cannot bear this trial for her, how can I let her suffer alone?”
At this point, they haven’t said “I love you” (as far as I remember, correct me please if I am wrong), they have barely shared any intimate moments, yet their love for each other is so deep and beyond conventional relationship milestones, that they are willing to go through all this suffering.
Awe Xunfeng, now you make me feel bad for saying all those bad things for you. You have a heart, I may like you from now on.
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He truly worries for her (I did not remember this at all) I am sorry, Xunfeng :(
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Xiao Lanhua remembers their moments together (their first kiss in the prison, how DFQC was cooling the dew water for her, how he kissed her underwater, how he saved her from the immortals, riding the dragon, DFQC making petals flow around her, trying to get her pin, teaching him how to smile, kissing on the bridge, watching the sunrise together) to endure the torture. I am melting
Can I just say that I love Shangque? His devotion and kindness to DFQC are admirable
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I loooooove this scene where they acknowledge her as their Queen
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Ok, Xunfeng, I take it all back. I love you, now. So happy he accepted her as his Queen. *I have a goofy smile on my face*
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Uff, such a powerful scene when DFQC enters the room - the signs of exhaustion obvious on his face and the way he walks – and approaches her. His touch is so tender, the way he looks at her so sweet. I am dying, I love them so much
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They are back in the palace and everyone kneels in front of their Moon Queen. So proud of my babies!
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Look how happy Shangque is!!! So cute!
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And what a shock for Changheng to realize that the Goddess he was engaged to is in fact Orchid.
How fast did I watch this the first time that I don’t remember her saying this? Poor Danyin :( I love her character development.
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Ok, so Ronghao claims that the Moon tribe was the one that killed the 3000 heavenly soldiers. And the Emperor is like yes, I believe the prisoner, without investigating further, and I am going to start a war without any second thoughts.
Pausing to appreciate his calmness and beauty.
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Um, excuse me, Ronghao, but you just started a war
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Do you know how much I love sweet puppy dragon? He just gave Jieli a key to all his savings. I mean he is the purest, most innocent person in the world. He knows her, he knows what she’s like and yet he opens his heart (and his savings) to her, fully aware she might steal them and never look back. Because he wants to see the good in people. The cynical part of me thinks he is naive, but another part of me believes he is precious.
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Haha Jieli is already thinking about opening a store with him. They are so cute together!
I mean look at how happy he is! 
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See you in part 2 (hopefully soon, because I miss them already)
Also, you can use my post as a drinking game for the words "love" and "cute" :D
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jellyfitzjelly · 3 months
Please do write that fanfic of Ruyi and Ling Yunche. Both of them deserve the whole world 😭
Anon sorry for leaving you hanging I swear I am working on it! It's an AU where Ruyi marries Yunche instead of Hongli! Here is the beginning of my fic! I might actually post it as a standalone... Under a cut because it's long lol.
Ling Yunche looks between the doors of the Cold Palace every night when he’s on duty, and watches the fairy crying in the moonlight. She reminds him of the beautiful and tragic fox demon of his hometown’s folk song, condemned to cry forever under the moon with no possibility to join her human lover in the underworld. He misses his village so much. The capital is big and foreign to him, and the palace is a whole world contained within high red walls. He is blessed to have his sweetheart and his childhood friend here with him. They form Yunche’s own world, a cocoon of familiarity and warmth.
The beautiful, sorrowful girl looks terribly lonely in comparison.
He hears the other guards talk about her. She’s an Ula-Nara, the precious daughter of a powerful Manchu family now fallen. Her aunt was the lofty empress of the Forbidden City, but she is now locked away in her palace and disgraced. They say the favorite son of the Emperor wanted to marry her, courting his parents’ wrath. The Emperor was so enraged he ordered to have her thrown in the Cold Palace, even though she does not belong here. Yunche finds her lover a very weak man. Who wouldn’t feel chivalrous looking at that delicate face? And yet he lets her rot here, bending like tall weed in the wind to his parents’ will and marrying the women they have prepared for him. He should have eloped with her, he reasons, and escaped the capital. She must be heartbroken to have placed her love in such a fickle man. He always makes a prayer for her to find a better man, though he grimly knows that beautiful women have tragic fates more often than not. His Yanwan is certainly not as beautiful as this fairy, but she is his and she sings like a goddess. They have loved each other since they could remember. Her father was a joyous though incompetent man, spoiling her rotten when he was still alive. Yunche chases away the memories, not wishing to start thinking of his own parents, buried in his hometown. He has grown up a wild child with no parents to love him. But one day, he promises himself, he shall have a family again.
If the heavens have eyes, they will grant this beautiful girl a family too.
He watches her every night, hearing her quiet sobs. This time though, she turns around and in the semi-darkness, the moonlight is reflected in her eyes like precious jewels. Yunche should do the sensible thing and close the doors lest the girl starts screaming, but his hands refuse to obey him. The fairy approaches him slowly, the simplicity of her attire highlighting the porcelain of her skin and the delicate features of her face. It is as if the statue of a goddess had suddenly gained a life of its own.
“Who is this?” the beauty calls quietly.
“I am Ling Yunche, guard of the Cold Palace!” he whispers back. “And you, beautiful fairy, who are you?”
She looks at him, blinking in obvious surprise. He wants to smash his forehead against the heavy doors, cursing his foolishness.
“Beautiful fairy?” she repeats, confused, her brows furrowing.
“Oh, forgive me! You must be a ghost, rather than a fairy,” he jests to hide his mortification.
Her chuckle is a delightful sound, and her smile is as sweet as honey and as bright as the sun in summer. What possessed her man to abandon her?
“I am Ula-Nara Qinying, daughter of Naerbu.”
“So it is true? You are the woman the fourth prince wanted to marry?”
He sees her face contorts in hurt, and he curses himself once again for his blunder.
“Hey,” he continues, eager not to leave her with a dreadful impression of him, “if you need anything, call for me. I shall do what I can.”
“Thank you, Ling Yunche,” she smiles.
After that they speak leisurely when he is on duty at night, and familiarity has yet to succeed in making her startling beauty fade. He shares his cheap wine with her, and tries to make her laugh. She must be a fairy in disguise, he muses. She loves music and poetry, though she cannot dance; she loves to embroider swallows on her younger sister’s handkerchiefs; she likes to look at the moon when it is full. He never knew such a woman existed. Regularly he wonders how unlucky she is to have given her heart to such an ungrateful man. He never visits her, nor enquires after her. He lives his luxurious life, and has forgotten his sweetheart.
Finally, she is allowed to go back to her parents. She still looks heartbroken, but she gives him a smile as she thanks him for taking care of her. He does not see her again, though he regularly dreams of the fairy sobbing under the moonlight.
Yunche is promoted a week later, and he tells himself that perhaps her man is not so much of a cad as he believed him to be.
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 year
[PPA Masterlist] [corresponding PAC]
🐶The Moon’s Message to Your Inner Child ★ Concept Affirmations
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concept🐶The Moon sees my heart and whispers words of comfort. The Moon knows all of my secrets and gently pushes me to float higher than my sadness. Under the Moonlight I pray to the Moon Goddess that my Life be made easy. The Moon Goddess tells me I need only to remember that I am a jellyfish. Full of calm and grace I remember my true form. I forgive myself for having forgotten my true Self. By the ocean I utter prayers for myself in the past and make wishes for myself in the future. The Moon sees my heart and whispers words of comfort for me in the present.
moonchild🐶I am a sacred child of the Divine Feminine. I am loved and protected by the Divine Feminine. When I connect to the Moon, I feel her pearlescent energy enveloping all of my being. Her presence is calm and harmonious. The Divine Feminine Moon guides me gently. She is always patient with me as I learn to make peace with the chaos in me. When I connect with the Mood Goddess I am reminded that I am a divine child of the Cosmos. I have been born here to be loved, to find Love, to be Love. I love myself. I forgive myself. I console my inner child. I am there for my past self. I am present for myself now and always. I manifest a beautiful moonstone crystal. My pearlescent moonstone crystal is precious to me. It helps me connect to the Divine Moon Goddess effortlessly. I am surrounded by a protective bubble of pearlescent moonshine. I am safe. I work creatively. I am worthy. I walk confidently. I am a sacred child of the Divine Feminine. I am a Moonchild.
swimming🐶Under the Moonlight I swim in the ocean of calm and grace. My world is kind and easy, gentle and merciful. Life is in easy mode all the time. Life is indisputably easy at all times. I float through Life effortlessly like a beautiful graceful jellyfish. I am a jellyfish. I float with serenity towards my highest intended destiny. Manifestation comes instantly undisturbed by fear or worry. I keep swimming in the face of adversity. Overcoming adversity is a piece of cake. Adversity is only a fun challenge. I am a jellyfish and it is all an underwater Game I am always having fun with. Every night I sleep knowing Life always works out in my favour. Under the Moonlight I swim in the ocean of calm and grace.
innocence🐶I was born with innocence as beautiful as the moonlight’s iridescence. The world I was born into honours my innocence as beautiful as the moonlight’s iridescence. My innocent heart guides my way in this mortal world. I have the best intentions for those I come into contact with. I honour my innocent heart. I maintain the iridescence of my heart well into adulthood. I am celebrated for the beauty of my iridescent heart that still dreams of beautiful things. My innocence is free from manipulation. The innocence I carry in my Soul is uncorruptible untarnished unfeigned and forever remains pure of Light. My iridescent innocence makes me a good person. I am strong of heart and character. I am incorruptible. I was born with innocence as beautiful as the moonlight’s iridescence. I am eternally light of heart.
dreams🐶When I was born into this world I dreamt of beautifying all that I touch. I was born with beauty in my Soul. I was born to beautify this world. I express the beauty of my Soul with all that I do. I express myself courageously. I paint with beauty. I write with beauty. I sing with beauty. I dance with beauty. I compose with beauty. I create with utmost beauty. In everything that I put my Soul into there is moonlight beauty. Moonlight beauty of the most exquisite kind. I am moonlight beauty. My dreams as beautiful as the moonlight. All that I envision for myself protected in the embrace of the moonlight. All the good I wish for the world made manifest by the blessing of the Moon Goddess. I dream moonlight dreams. When I was born into this world I dreamt of beautifying all that I touch.
abundance🐶By creating beauty my Life is naturally abundant. I am moonlight abundance. I am moonlight gentleness. I am moonlight prosperity. My Life naturally gets more and more abundant as I express myself with beauty. As I live innocently with good intentions I am blessed with eternal good luck and protection. My Life is easy beautiful and abundant. Free of worry. Free of fear. Free of anxiety. I know I am abundant. I always have abundantly more than enough. Everything in my world always ends up with a positive outcome. I am blessed and protected at all times. Life is full of positive things to be grateful for. I have the strength to positively and optimistically overcome adversities and I gladly learn from those challenges. I look at the bright side whilst maintaining empathy and worldly realism. I have compassion for all situations in the world. I see beauty in all Human experiences. I strive to beautify all that’s ugly in my world. By living in beauty my Life is naturally abundant.
Root Chakra🐶My root chakra is open balanced and healthy. I have a healthy sense of being. I have a balanced sense of belonging. I am open to this Human experience. I am willing to participate in this Human experience. I am excited to grow in this Human experience. I am well aware of the fact that I chose to be born on this Planet in this passage of time. I have a purpose. I make peace with this whole being born thing. I grow in Love. I live in Love. I expand in Love. I AM LOVE. I was born to love. I was born to be loved. I make peace with the hardships of living. I forgive myself always all the time. I realistically see the good in all my experiences. I learn optimistically from all my experiences. I healthily prioritise myself. I love myself genuinely authentically and in balance. As I love myself I learn to love the world. As I forgive myself I learn to forgive the world. I came here to love and be loved. I have a place in this world. I am safe to walk the Earth. I am protected and provided for by Mother Gaia now and always. I am grateful for Life. My root chakra is open balanced and healthy.
Sacral Chakra🐶My sacral chakra is open balanced and healthy. I am a creative being. I am the co-creator of my Life. I effortlessly create a world of my ideals. I release resistance. I cease to resist. I follow my gut instinct. I listen to my intuition. The elements of nature and people exist to assist my healthy manifestations. I manifest effortlessly ever so magically. My entire being is fun game and joy. There is always time for enjoyment. I delight in Life’s little and big offerings. I take pleasure in living. I am healthy balanced and kind. I am polite and respectful. My needs are equally as important as the needs of others. Other people’s needs are equally as important as my own. I am free from temptations. I hold myself strong in the face of temptations. I am free from the temptations to trespass other people’s autonomy. I am free from the desire to harm others. Life is joy and I respect my Life as I respect other people’s lives. I enjoy Life. My sacral chakra is open balanced and healthy.
Heart Chakra🐶My heart chakra is open balanced and healthy. My heart chakra beats in green always at all times. My heart is open to experience Love. My green heart is open to receive Love. When in full capacity my green heart naturally turns to pink. I vibrate in pink heart chakra. My pink Love vibrates and envelopes me in gentleness and ease. Love is easy breezy. Love is unconditional and giving. I am healed from disappointment. I am healed from betrayal. I am healed from heartbreak. I trust myself. I trust my heart. I trust my intuition. I trust in the benevolence of the Universe. I make peace with uncertainties. I am at peace with unexpected results. I face differing outcomes with a courageous heart. I try again. I always have the strength to try again. I am optimistic to try again. Everything works out in my favour. I go to where the Love is. I go to where I am celebrated appreciated and loved. I cherish myself. I am friends with people animals plants and rocks who cherish me back. I am in tune with the natural rhythm of the supernatural world. I am in tune with the faery realm. I am in tune with the ocean. I am in tune with the air. I am in tune with fire. I am a child of this world. I am nurtured and loved. I love Life. My heart chakra is open balanced and healthy.
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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gemmaswriting · 19 days
I've had a really shitty day - any chance of some happy family Anidala to look forward to?
Bless you! I'm so sorry you've had a crap day. Here's some happy family Skywalker fluff!
The moon’s soft glow filtered through the soft, gauzy curtains, casting gentle patterns of light and shadow along the bedroom walls. The evening’s cool air carried the scent of meadow flowers and the sounds of water lapping distantly against the shore filled the room with a soothing rhythm. It was a peaceful night, one of those rare moments of stillness that Anakin Skywalker cherished more than anything. Especially lately, when his nights and days were filled with the chaos only children could create.
Unable to help himself, the Jedi Master smiled from the bedroom’s doorway. Hell, if he was being honest, he was grinning. He couldn’t help himself. Padmé lay in their large bed with her back against the headboard, her beautiful dark curls spilling over her shoulders exactly how he liked. Tonight she wore a simple, loose robe over her silky blue nightdress – a favourite of Anakin’s actually…
But it was her expression, so relaxed and serene that made him smile. She was so happy. They were so happy. Luke and Leia, now nearly five – force, when exactly did that happen? – were nestled on either side of her, their small bodies curled up close. Luke clutched his favourite stuffed bantha, his blond curls tousled from play and sleep, while Leia had snuggled up with her precious companion, the little one-eyed animatronic droid he built for her birthday gift last year.
Everyone needed their own droid companion in his opinion. Padmé had Threepio, Leia had Lola and Luke was already making moves to steal Artoo away from him. He felt a little hard done by, actually.
“You look comfortable,” he murmured from the doorway, folding his arms as he leaned his shoulder on the framing.
Padmé glanced up from where she’d been watching the twins sleep on either side of her. He could hear the quiet hum of whatever holo-show she’d been half-paying attention to. “My arms fell asleep about a half-hour ago,” she smiled softly, “but I can’t make myself move them.”
“They’ve had a big day,” he nodded. “I can’t believe they’ll be starting school in a few months.” Luke and Leia were still babies in his eyes, sweet, helpless little infants who needed their parents for everything. But somewhere along the line they’d shot up into two remarkable, incredible children. How did he get so lucky?
“I know… It’s making me feel incredibly old…” Padmé sighed but her smile never dimmed.
“Well you know, you are the oldest person in this house…” He chanced a wink, loving the outrage that poured into her force signature. Anakin couldn’t help but grin as she glared, carefully lifting her arm from Luke’s back to toss a soft pillow at his face. In the spirit of being a good husband, he let it smack his face before tumbling to the floor. He probably did deserve it.
“That is not nice!” Padmé scowled, “You’re making me feel like an old crone!”
“You’re a goddess in my eyes,” he said.
She rolled her eyes. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”
Letting his attention drift back to his sleeping children, Anakin felt like his heart might burst as he watched his son’s chest rise and fall with every breath. How was it possible to love something so much? “They’re perfect. A perfect mix of us… I never thought… I never imagined we’d have this.”
Padmé shifted slightly, careful not to wake the twins and reached out her hand in invitation. Anakin accepted at once, crossing the room to sit on the edge of the bed beside her. “There was a time where my faith wavered,” she admitted. “But we’re here, Ani. We made it and the galaxy is a better place for it.”
Anakin’s thumb brushed over the back of her hand, gentle and reassuring. He didn’t like to think about that time. Those days which tested him to his very limits in the battle against darkness, a battle he’d come painfully close to losing. “So did mine,” he whispered. “It was my love for you that kept me in the light, Angel.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, simply watching their children sleep as they reflected. It was these quiet, intimate moments that Anakin treasured the most – moments where they could just be a family, free from the weight of the galaxy’s troubles. He kicked off his boots and shifted, leaning back against the headboard and beside Padmé, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed so contently, his heart throbbed.
Anakin pressed a soft kiss to her hair, enjoying the soft floral scent of her. “Do you ever wonder what they’ll be like when they’re older?” he asked quietly.
Padmé smiled, her eyes half-closed. “All the time,” she replied. “I wonder what they’ll love, what they’ll dream about… who they’ll become.”
Anakin’s gaze drifted to Luke’s peaceful face and then to Leia’s and he felt a sense of awe. They had come from him… He hadn’t thought something so beautiful could ever come from him and yet here they were. “Whatever and whoever they become,” he murmured, “they’ll be amazing. They’ve got you as their mother, after all.”
Padmé laughed softly. “And you as their father, Ani,” she added. “That’s quite the combination. I only hope the galaxy is ready for them.”
Anakin’s smile was soft and he tightened his hold on her slightly. “I try be the father they deserve,” he confessed, a vulnerability in his voice he wasn’t fully comfortable with.
Padmé turned to face him, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. “You don’t have to try, Anakin. You already are,” she said firmly, her brown eyes meeting his blue ones. “You’ve given them so much love. So much joy. You’re everything they could ever need. Everything I could ever need.”
He closed his eyes briefly, letting her words wash over him. “And you,” he whispered, “are everything I ever needed.”
She leaned up and kissed him softly, her lips lingering on his for a long moment. When they pulled back, they both turned their gazes to the twins again, content to just watch them sleep for a little longer before the dreaded move to their own rooms.
Luke shifted slightly in his sleep, his little fingers clutching his stuffed toy tighter. Leia, as if sensing her brother’s movement, snuggled closer to Padmé, her small body pressing against her mother’s side.
Anakin chuckled quietly. “I don’t understand how they’re so big. I swear they were just babies yesterday.”
Padmé laughed softly, nodding. “I know… they’re growing up too fast.”
“We’ll just have to cherish every moment,” Anakin whispered. “Even the tantrums and force-throwing of toys, I suppose.”
Padmé nodded. “Every single moment,” she agreed.
As they settled back into the pillows, Padmé’s hand found Anakin’s again, their fingers intertwining. Luke and Leia slept on, their soft breaths filling the room with a gentle, rhythmic sound. The moonlight danced over them all, casting a warm, silver glow across the room.
And in that quiet, peaceful space, Anakin knew that, no matter what the future held, he was always going to have this — their family, their love, and these simple, beautiful moments that made life worth living.
He was a lucky man indeed.
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thegleamingmoon · 1 year
Mayakkum Pozhudhae
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Amidst the soul-stirring tunes of the melodious Veena,the comforting Yazh,the robust Mridangam and the sweet Kuzhal. The royal girls danced merrily around but it was a certain someone that caught the eye of the youngest Chozha prince that was Vaanathi,the beauteous Kodumbalur princess.
Dressed to dazzle in golden and white silk she shone like a precious diamond in the sparkling moonlight like the gem of a lady that she was.
Lost in her own world she danced with a state of calm and happiness that he cherished to see her in. Her grace and beauty was no less than a goddess herself.
She was his beloved goddess indeed. Who had descended on this earth from the heavens above for him,as he liked to put it.
She charmed him to an extent that he thought his heart would not be able to bear.
Oh how was he even supposed to start for Ilankai,when his heart refused to leave his dear one in Pazhaiyaarai?
As Vaanathi went forward with the arati plate for sending the prince off,he took a step back, almost prowling like a tiger on the inside,his gaze towards her turned more intense from before as if she was his most prized possession.
She came more forward, though unable to handle his scorching gaze on her all this while and the fatigue from all the dancing,she fainted as the prince caught hold of her by her waist in time.
A gasp left her lips while the plate fell from her hand producing a deafening sound when met with the floor and the lamp started spreading rapidly all over the place. Worry gripping his being,the prince picked his dear one in his arms. Thus preventing her clothes from catching fire.
Suddenly,there was water being splashed at them to put off the fire, bringing the half-conscious princess into realising the proximity between her and the prince who did not seem to care about the world at all as he twirled her in the air with a passion that was mirrored in her eyes.
She stuttered, unable to speak out. Her voice sounded alien to her own self.
Smiling he placed her down,still gripping her waist firmly with one hand as he cupped her face with another.
Gathering himself,he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering a little longer than they should.
“The light to my sun is you,are you not, Iniyavale? And yet I love you like Sakoram loves the moon.”
Spellbound,the princess hid herself in his chest. Tearfully managing to whisper out the dearest wish of her heart.
“Marry me. Will you,Mannava?”
And who was he to deny his darling queen?
Tags : @vibishalakshman @thatacademic @thelekhikawrites @yehsahihai @whippersnappersbookworm @nirmohi-premika @rang-lo @chiyaanvikram @hollogramhallucination @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @nspwriteups
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doodle-pops · 1 year
Hi Mina,
Can I ask a question as to what the nicknames the Ainur would use for their S/O?
Thank you!
a/n: It seems that all the Ainur loves to call their S/O, little one :)
Nicknames the Ainur Uses on their S/O
little one, dove, angel, little bird, my little ray of sunshine, happy cloud
little one, angel, sunflower, sugar, sweetness, pumpkin (used it after hearing mortals consider it a nickname)
little one, beautiful, buttercup, darling, dearest, boss (uses it whenever you attempt to boss him around)
little one, pearl, pebbles, darling, my love, my moon (because you pull him to you)
warrior goddess/god, kitten, angel face, sweet lips, little one
vixen, foxy, kitten, peaches, honey, feisty, Bambi, little one
sexy, angel, kitten, sugar, little one, lil demon (when you're mischievous)
baby bird, dove, little bird, sunshine, daisy, chick (he uses that when you require his attention like a parent bird to their baby)
little one, moonlight, my moon and stars, starlight, precious, pumpkin, moonflower
little one, feisty, little fish, pearls, my treasure, my siren, sweet pea
little one, dearest, kitten, angel face, sweetheart, doll, dollface
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alinefrank · 2 years
Namor x MayaFem! Reader
I have to clarify a few things before you read:
I’m not Maya but I tried to be as respectful as possible by integrating different details of the culture.
I don’t speak Maya but I used a Spanish-Maya translator from the Mayan Intercultural University of Quintana Roo who helped me to be able to make the reader speak Maya, I apologize if there are any mistake.
Since English is not my first language, I use DeepL translator so that the text is in English, I apologize if there is any grammar mistake or if there are parts that are meaningless. Let me know if you see something.
DISCLAIMER: The protagonist is Mayan by birth and speaks Mayan as well as English (although in the original version it is Spanish but it is translated, anyways), the name of the reader town is not mentioned because I didn’t think of anything.
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I couldn't stop thinking about him.
That bothered me.
A long time ago I was no longer an inexperienced child who got excited when she felt butterflies in her stomach, even then I should have protected and cared for my people, but I have grown up and I should have learned to do it without distractions.
It was probably the times I dreamt about that man that caused me to not be able to get him out of my head.
Or even the insatiable desire I had to go swimming in the sea, with the slightest desire for him to be there.
It was ridiculous, this situation.
Even the council and my warriors asked me what had happened that afternoon, but I could not explain the situation logically so I simply played it down and gave them no further details.
I could not let a man who proposed to me to be his queen in such a disrespectful way, come and affect my thoughts day and night.
Even the goddess Moon had abandoned me and was not watching over my dreams and my rest as she let that underwater man break into my mind and play with it at night.
A few weeks had passed since that meeting and the day had come to commemorate my birth.
I could no longer think of that Namor.
I shouldn't.
People were laughing and dancing in my honour, families had cooked delicious dishes and offered them to me, it would be disrespectful not to give them the attention they deserved.
The atmosphere was festive, it had been that way for a week before the big day.
I was surrounded by my council as I watched children run and dance all around, couples enjoying each other's company and warmth as musicians brightened up the night.
As the moon was about to reach its highest point, out of the undergrowth, he appeared.
Namor was in front of my people and in front of me.
Behind him were some of his soldiers, they were blue and had a strange mask on their faces, all carrying weapons that looked lethal, very similar to ours.
The people were startled at the sight of the fish men and began to panic, with just a wave of my hand, I shushed them.
The jungle went completely silent.
All that could be heard was the crackling of the fire and the footsteps of one of the fish men, a woman wearing beautiful orange headdresses and animal bones.
“K'uk'ulkan, máako' u Talokan, taalak u solicitar junp'éel múuch'tambale' yéetel le ko'olelo' Ix chel" ("K'uk'ulkan, lord of Talokan, has come to request a meeting with Mrs. Ix chel").
This one walked to the front, he wore a beautiful cloak with finely made embroidery, it seemed to contain threads of gold, on his head was a beautiful arrangement resembling that of a feathered serpent as his name described it and precious jewels covered his chest.
He raised his hand and some of his men left at the foot of my throne, bread, chocolate and brandy, together with some jewellery made of Jade and some beautiful flowers that I had never seen before.
His audacity was impressive.
It was beginning its courting process on the day when all my people were gathered, praising and celebrating me.
Something that deep down inside made me tingle.
I got up from my seat, and walked down the steps that separated us, he offered me his hand as he looked at me like a hungry animal, I took it and headed towards my people.
"K'aame'ex le yu'ulabo'ob yéetel ma' cha'ake'ex u máansik utsil!" (Welcome the guests and don't stop enjoying yourselves).
It took them a few seconds to integrate.
A little girl ran up to the woman who spoke when they arrived and after saying something to her that I couldn't hear, took her hand and led her to her family.
When I saw this, I turned and my eyes went to Namor.
"Follow me, let's talk somewhere more private."
He nodded and started walking beside me.
My council looked at me worried and waiting for some indication but I just nodded my head and headed home.
"Teech ka wilik ki'ichpam" (You look beautiful).
Namor wasted no time in scanning my figure.
My voluminous black hair fell down my back adorned with the snake-like headdress I wore at important ceremonies, my gold jewellery and our star mineral, Jade. My white suit contrasting with my skin tone and my two wristbands shining with the light of the fire that illuminated our path.
When we arrived at my enclosure, an underground Cenote away from the hustle and bustle, I turned to him with the intention of reclaiming his boldness.
"Your people and mine are in danger."
My blood froze and my claim was forgotten.
"You can't come, with guns and warriors to tell me that my people and my territory is in danger, I need an explanation, now!"
"A few days ago my people discovered a machine 150 kilometres off your coast, they were extracting that mineral that you love so much and that has kept our people safe."
My heart froze.
"My people finished that thing, but if they have more, it will be a danger”
"Wa ku kaxtiko'ob asab, ku talo'ob in lu'um yéetel tia'alo'." (If they look for more, they will come to my land and yours.) I told him understanding the seriousness of the matter.
"Yaan k k xu'ulul yéetel leti'ob" (We have to finish them off).
"Ma'" (No)
I said forcefully
"Bin tuméen leti'ob chéen k ts'áabal ti' talamilo'ob, acabaste yéetel le amenaza, Teene' yaan in meentik k'ek'eno' wa ku tal waye'" (Going after them only puts us in danger, you ended the threat, I will do the same if they come here).
His gaze darkened and he clenched his jaw, his mouth didn't say it but he disagreed with me, it was obvious he wanted us to attack together.
"Ma' u páajtal k p'atik vuelvan" (We can't let them come back).
"Ba'ale' mina'an je'el u páajtal k bin in ch'a' le, lelo' ya'ab talamilo'ob, utia'al a máak yéetel utia'al utia'al u mía" (But we can't go looking for them either, that's too much danger, for your people and for mine).
"I didn't think you would allow the audacity of those men," he said to me with disguised annoyance.
"I allowed your insolence about bringing me premarital gifts to my village, with all my people present, even though I told you I did not accept your ridiculous offer."
His face changed from the scowl he maintained, to a half-laugh of pure coquetry.
"I apologise for making my first proposal in such a hasty manner."
"I should punish you for daring so much, when I already told you no."
Deep in my breast, that act of rebellion fanned the flame I had longed to quench.
His shoulders slumped and he said nothing for a few seconds.
"Come with me to Talokan," he begged, "Meet my home and see all that surrounds me.”
I hesitated for a second
"You live under the sea and I can't hold my breath that long" my excuse seemed to have worked as it took him a few seconds to regain his speech.
"It's true, you couldn't go like that, your bones wouldn't resist the pressure of the ocean, you would die of hypothermia and your lungs would collapse" he said as he brought his face dangerously close to mine.
"And how do you think I will meet Talokan?" my eyes connected with his and one of my hands rested on his chest.
I felt his breath on my face and if I did not wish to marry him and believed him to be a barbarian as he had repeated to me for the last few weeks, my attitude did not conform to this and neither did the urge to attack his lips.
"In suut ta wo'olal sáamal ken le k'iino' ka'ansaje' táan hiding u, Taas wéetel le loolo'obo' tin kíinsa'ab tu táan a trono ka conociás in wotoch ti' le ka le ujo' ilumine k beel" (I will return for you tomorrow when the sun is setting, bring with you the flowers I leave in front of your throne and you will know my home when the moon illuminates our path).
His voice hypnotised me and noticing the dangerous proximity, I tried to move away, but a strong hand grabbed me by the waist.
"I will bring no soldiers or weapons, it will just be you and me at the place where our meeting was first interrupted" his way of speaking was appealing in every way.
It took me only a second to realise that maybe it wasn't wrong once in a while to go back to my youth and escape from the council and go to the beach.
Satisfying my more primitive senses such as the desire for adventure was something I had put aside a long time ago.
"I'll see you there," I said.
He smiled and shook my hand to return to the celebration.
It was a lot easier to escape the council than I thought it would be.
All my people were tired of the celebration and security had been reduced so that my soldiers could spend time with their families.
I took those strange flowers and wrapped them in my white dress, heading for the beach as the sun began to turn orange.
When I arrived I dropped them on the beach and waited only a few seconds.
As promised, Namor came out of the sea and walked towards me, holding a mortar in his hands.
"Ma' tin wóotaj in meentik a pa'atik" (I didn't want to keep you waiting).
"K'uchen chéen jump'íit ka'ache'" (I arrived just a little early).
He gave me a smile full of innocence and began to crush the flowers while explaining why doing this was essential for me to get to know Talokan.
"Will I become the same as your men?" I asked with the mortar in my hands, holding it to my lips.
"Its effect will allow you to go to Talokan, you will become a mutant like me but the moon goddess gave you the role of protector and I will not prevent you from fulfilling it, no matter how much in love I am with you."
Her words reassured me and provoked a slight smile on my face.
"I trust you, K'uk'ulkan" and I took the mixture she prepared for me.
When I finished it, he wiped the corners of my lips and held out his hand.
"Ko'ox" (Let's go) he encouraged me.
Our hands intertwined and we both stood up, just as he said, the moon illuminating our field of vision and giving a pearly hue to our brown skin.
We walked together to the sea and when we reached the shore, he turned to look at me and wrapped my hands in his.
"If for some reason you don't feel comfortable there, let me know and I'll walk every ocean on the planet so I can please you".
My heart did a flip and I just nodded gawking.
When our feet stopped touching the sand, we began to swim into the depths.
My lungs began to itch and I wondered if the mixture had worked, but as I was about to return to the surface, I felt a change, my skin burned for a few seconds and the lack of air was no longer a problem.
"You're ready to visit Talokan," Namor admired.
We descended and descended to a point where the sunlight no longer reached, my body was unharmed, Namor made a movement with his hands and a swift current appeared.
"When he held out his hand, I didn't hesitate for a second and it was the best decision I could have made.
We moved quickly and aggressively to some extent, my head was spinning and being the first time I was here, I felt disoriented.
When I finished, I regained my stability and that's when I saw him.
A beautiful city lay before my eyes.
The magnitude of it was incomparable.
The first thing I saw was a beautiful throne that had the teeth of a shark as an ornament, which made it look big, terrifying.
"I brought the sun to my people" Namor, who at some point stood behind me, approached my back and grabbed me by the waist, with that grip, he made me turn around and appreciate everything around me.
"Jats'uts" (It's beautiful) really, there was no word to describe what I was seeing.
"Yaan in ka'ansik teech tuláakal" (I will teach you everything) he took my hand again and we swam together.
The people of Talokan greeted Namor and showed him their respect, it was clear that he loved his people and cared for them, some of his warriors greeted him and exchanged information about how everything had remained peaceful.
"I hope you don't mind if we move a little away from the centre, it's just that I want to show you something, a little more private," we swam a little more in a quiet silence.
When we reached what looked like stairs, Namor came out first and held out his hand to help me out.
I walked out of the water and smoothed my dripping hair and the dress tightened around my body.
"Le wíiniko'obo' Talokan, tu beetaj le ba'ala' teechi'" (The people of Talokan, made this for you).
He extended to me a beautiful costume typical of the city.
"Kin ts'áik ti' teech kúuchil utia'al a ts'áik ti' teech" (I'll give you room to wear it).
Namor withdrew and I was able to get rid of my wet clothes and put that work of art on my body.
When he returned to where I was, he praised the way I looked and guided me through the building, which was lit with a dim light that gave it a cosy aura.
We passed a beautiful frame that divided the two rooms, and as we entered the second room, I noticed how the walls were filled with beautiful paintings.
It took me a second to realise something.
It was our history painted on the walls.
The first was the meeting between our versions as children.
Then there was the image of him flying in front of me.
The third was the journey through Talokan that we had made just a short while ago.
The fourth was our wedding, my face was painted red.
And the last one was a beautiful painting divided in half where one half was representing his village and the other half mine, in the middle of it, we were both with a baby.
"Ta boonaj wáaj le ba'ala'." (Did you paint this?)
I turned around so I could see him, his eyes were shining and it took him a few seconds to react to my question, when he did he nodded embarrassed.
"Kaj in pintar tu ya'ab k'iin paachil" (I started painting it a long time ago).
He stood next to me.
"How did you know this would happen?" the trip to Talokan was something that had just happened.
"I didn't know, I just wished for it."
His breathing was calm, he stroked the painting and turned to look at me, noticing that my attention was focused on the last phase of the story.
"Ba'ax ku yúuchul." (What's going on?)
"It's just that, you and I are not a couple, yet" my fingers ran across the painting and for the first time in many years I felt embarrassed and wanted to run away.
"But we will be," he said confidently, bringing his face close to mine.
"How can you be so sure of that?" I leaned closer to him and the atmosphere felt magical again.
"I know that you too feel how our hearts dance in the same tune from the first moment our eyes connected," his strong arms wrapped around my waist.
And that's when it all came crashing down.
I kissed him.
And it was the best decision I could have made.
Our lips connected and all the stars in the universe shone brighter.
My hands caressed his chest and his hands rested on my back, he began to caress me in a loving way and I felt everything I had repressed the centuries I have lived, was released.
"J-oken ti' teen a pixan" I said breaking away from his addictive lips. (Give me your soul.)
"In wíinkilililil, pool yéetel pixan le a tia'al tak u u yáax súutukil le ku kaxanta'al k wicho'ob" his words made my heart flutter. (My body, mind and soul are yours from the first moment our eyes met.)
It was a fact.
I was in love with Namor.
The sun was beginning to rise and we went back to the beach.
We got out of the sea and he came closer to me to kiss again, or so I thought.
"P'úulech tin wéetel" he took my face and looked at me eager to hear an answer. (Marry me)
"Forget the colonisers and forget the war, if you ask me to, I would never raise a weapon again, unless it is to protect you" his voice showed the purest sentiment.
It was laden with love.
"Ma'alob, ts'o'okol k beel" (All right, let's get married).
And for the first time in my long life, the idea of marriage didn't seem so overwhelming or terrifying.
He kissed me again and I let myself go.
The rhythm he was keeping enveloped us in a harmonious dance.
"I must go," I said to him once I broke away from him.
"I'll be back in a few days to talk to the council and your people.
I nodded and we said goodbye.
He returned to the sea, but not before seeing me once more so that he could sink and disappear from my sight.
I quickly made my way back to my village.
When I arrived, everything was quiet, the bad thing was that the council was gathered in my house, waiting for my return.
"Ko'olelo' Ixchel, yaan u ts'o'okol waye'" (Lady Ixchel, you are here at last).
The older one, looked at me and invited me to sit down, clearly the clothes I was wearing were somewhat different from ours and my hair, totally wet, gave a sign of where I might have been.
"Yaan ba'ax u k'áat ya'al k." (Is there something you want to tell us?)
"K'uk'ulkan, máako' u Talokan yéetel teene', k tukultik u ts'o'okol k." (K'uk'ulkan, lord of Talokan and I have decided to get married).
I said it without further ado, for if I had decided to accept my future husband's proposal, I had to start with the preparations. And contrary to the reaction I expected, everyone present was overflowing with joy.
"We are happy that you have found your partner, great lady," said one of the wisest women in this community, she was like a mother to me.
And just imagining my mother and how happy it would have made her to know that I was finally getting married, I got a lump in my throat.
"Leti' yaan u taal ichil ichil jump'éel k'iino'ob tsikbal yéetel tuláakal To'one'" (He will come in a few days to talk to all of us) I cleared my voice and regained my posture.
I was going to marry Namor.
Yes, there will be a third part.
TAG LIST: @deliciousfestsalad @clea-strange-is-the-way @neenieweenie @queenotaku23 @avsphroeg @agustdeeyaa @aniia-x3 @littlet-holmes @caldodemazapangourmet @meanlilbean @valkyrie9
Thank you very much for your support
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meebochii · 2 years
[FE17] Birthday Wishes
[Vander] All my life, I could only offer birthday wishes to you as you slept. I am... overcome with emotion.
[Clanne] Happy birthday, Divine One! I hope I can wish you happy birthday every year from now on!
[Framme] HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't believe I actually get to say that to your actual face!
[Alfred] Today we celebrate the day of your birth. I hope we can do it again next year, and the year after!
[Céline] Happy birthday. I've been walking the Somniel for quite some time hoping to say it in person.
[Boucheron] Today's your birthday, isn't it, Divine One? I was looking for you so we could celebrate.
[Etie] Congratulations on another year, Divine One. Your muscles are growing along with you!
[Chloé] For your birthday, I think you'd look precious with a cake or some flowers.
[Louis] Today marks the day of your birth, yes? Allow me to celebrate it with a pot of tea.
[Jean] After the war, we should have a big birthday party for you. I hope you enjoy today anyway!
[Yunaka] Zappy! Happy birthday! We should get everyone to throw you an enormous party!
[Diamant]* It's your special day, Divine One. Let's have a proper toast and celebration! Are you free later?
[Alcryst] Happy birthday, Divine One! I'm so sorry that someone like me is celebrating your birthday...
[Amber] Happy birthday, Divine One... Yes! I managed to say it on the actual day! Way to go, me!
[Jade] Happy birthday, Divine One. In the story of your life, I'm honored to be a supporting character.
[Lapis] Happy birthday! If we were in my home village, you'd get a special treat... sweet boiled grass!
[Citrinne] Happy birthday! This calls for a celebration. I must prepare a cake... and so, so many gifts!
[Saphir] Relax - I won't make you fight on your birthday. Take it easy, eat some cake. You've earned it.
[Ivy] I've counted the days until I could wish you a happy birthday. Now, I... seem to have done it!
[Hortensia] Hey, isn't today your birthday? Yes, I was right! Happy birthday!
[Kagetsu] I am excited to celebrate your day of birth! I am so grateful that you were born!
[Zelkov] Please accept my sincerest birthday *wishes,* Divine One.
[Rosado] Happy birthday, Divine One! You're especially cute on your special day, naturally.
[Goldmary] Today is your birthday, isn't it? Happy birthday. Hmm... How old are you now, exactly?
[Anna] Happy birthday! Today is very special - I'm making a one-time offer to celebrate for FREE!
[Lindon] What do you think of a birthday firework show? I could go all out for a truly grand display!
[Timerra] Happy birthday, Divine One! We'll celebrate you properly later with a big ol' meat roast!
[Fogado] What a beautiful day it is! It feels like the whole Somniel is celebrating your birthday.
[Merrin] I'm grateful I get to celebrate your birthday with you, Divine One. May you live a VERY long life!
[Panette] Happy birthday, Divine One! I'm sure you can play hooky from patrol duty, just for today.
[Pandreo] Haaaappy birthday, Divine One! There, I said it. I was kinda nervous, actually.
[Bunet] Today is your birthday, Divine One. Please, let me have the honor of baking a cake for you.
[Seadall] Happy birthday! Beneath the moon and stars tonight, I'll perform a dance that celebrates you.
[Veyle] Getting to celebrate your birthday WITH you is like a dream come true. Let's do something fun!
[Mauvier] I feel much gratitude for your birth, Divine One, for you are why Lady Veyle and I are here.
[Marth] Alear, happy birthday. I hope it is pleasant and peaceful, always.
[Celica] Happy birthday, Alear. May the Goddess Mila protect you.
[Sigurd] May you know good fortune in battle, especially on this, the day of your birth, Alear.
[Leif] Happy birthday, Alear. May your year ahead be a joyful one.
[Roy] It's your birthday, Alear! I hope this next year is great!
[Lyn] Happy birthday, Alear! May you be blessed by Mother Earth.
[Eirika] Alear, please let me wish you the happiest of birthdays.
[Ike] Today's your birthday. I have nothing clever to say, but I do want to wish you a happy birthday.
[Micaiah] Alear, happy birthday! This year will surely be a great one for you. I can feel it.
[Lucina] Happy birthday, Alear. I am so glad we can celebrate your special day.
[Corrin] Happy birthday, Alear! Isn't it nice to hear that or to wish it for someone?
[Byleth] Happy birthday, Alear. I would happily give you celebratory flowers if I could.
[Tiki] I hope you have the very best birthday!
[Dimitri] May the coming year be full of good health and good fortune, Alear. Happy birthday.
[Claude] Hey, happy birthday! How about I let you in on a little secret as a gift, Alear?
[Edelgard] Happy birthday. I hope you'll continue guiding us for a long time, Alear.
[Hector] It's your birthday, isn't it? I'm not great with words, so let's skip to the celebration!
[Soren] I hear today's your birthday. You were born in a favorable season, Alear.
[Camilla] Happy birthday! I hope, no matter your age, you will always guide us as our Divine Dragon.
*dialogue may be different when not s-supported
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
I keep playing Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS)
The Like enemies are the worst
I hate them
Yona is such a sweetie
They wrote Sidon and Link's relationship to be romantic in this and added a girlfriend to Sidon for deniability
Yona even calls me Sidon's 'true companion'
The people making tutorials for every little thing have my heart because I am dumb of ass
I cant be the only one who avoids the depths like my life depends on it
Its not even the depths, the chasms just make me almost have panic attacks
Anyways there is a chasm under Zora domain
Its free on enemies and has a forge
Im terrified of the dark
Also there is Zora statues
Why is Link dick sucking height for everyone
Sidon, Rauru, Ganon
I mean
I dont write porn someone else do that for me
I write sad Link
Not that sad Link cant suck dick I just cant write it
I would go to the Tulin air temple but there is an ice spider there
Also the boss bokoblin marches are so scary wtf
I saw group of black bokoblins paradin around and immediatly dipped into the ocean
Cant follow me
I was excited for pirates
But no its just monsters
Uhhhh quick tip dont sleep in the middle of killing the Lurelin village pirates
You bet your ass Im spending my precious time fixing up the village with Bolson
Its so fun
Im helping
I love these types of quests
In going to Hestu after this
I dont want to
I so dont want to
I hate the depths
But I need bombs and theres a lot of them here
Stop making me go down there
Let me be
Back to rebuilding
Im sure I was doing something but I cant remember
I need more space for meals
Roman is now 4*-5*-4*-3* horse and I love him so much
He looks like Epona and has flowers in his mane
Ive gotten like 9 memories
I love the animation for Link gaining hearts or stamina
Why cant the musicians walk
I love Mastro
His little ya yahs
Their band is really good
Makes me want to run in the woods
Anyways more great fairy!
Why is there no great moose
Why do I have to pay the great fairy
They gave Link so many slutty slutty outfits
Making Link wear the hylian hood when he opens a memory looks funny
Why doesnt Master Sword ever talk to ME
Why does it only talk to Zelda
Maybe there was a mix up because goddess Hylia only talks to Link
Im going to write Zelda-Link fanfiction about this
Typhlo ruins being visible is kind of strange
Wait I can have a whip
Okay I admit I like the vehicles
All great fairies opened
Stable Trotters play so beautifully
The scales on the great fairies clothes are so pretty
Sidon's avatar has scared me so many times
Can I please get the ancient saddle back
I slayed
Got all the rewards possible from the hideout
Rauru is dumbass a little bit
Ganondorf is so hot here
Ganondorf is a liar but my god
Sonia is so beautiful my god
Zelda looks kind of like Sonia's daughter and I wonder if Ganon thinks she is
The Zonai clothing is stunning
Why does Ganondorf have to be so evil
Slip resistance is like the most useless thing in this fucking game
Because it does nothing
Even on level 3
The Dream Homes are so cool
They cost so many coins
But Im so excited
Its so cute
I got a kitchen too
And a study
And weapons room
I love it
Is it time for Gerudo town clearing? Yes yes yes
I hate this sandstorm and love the desert so
The Lightning Temple is so cool
The puzzles are hard, I have so little brains
Boss battles are so hard
The Lightning Sage is majorly hit
Why is Demon Ganondorf so hot
Is this like a traditional shield and weapon of the Lady of Gerudo?? I thought it was just Urbosa
Btw Urbosa is my favorite Champion and I adore her
Simple lesbian brain
Once again Zonai Zelda is the prettiest person in any room
Please Can I Marry Her
Why does Zelda have tear tattoos? Like did she just get them to complete her fit
Why cant we see the faces of the Sages
Me every time they call Zelda the Sage of Time
Riju is adorable
She's grown so much
I intended to write a long fic about BOTW with my interpertation of Link and all
But then TOTK released
I do keep thinking about it
There is so many ideas and headcanons I have
I do miss dressing Link as a girl
He has slutty outfits but like let me explore Link's gender
I so had a crush on Riju in BOTW I was just dumb and in denial
I want to write a desert civilization inspired ny the Gerudo and also real desert civilizations
But idk where to start
Oh I need to take a picture of Mattison for Hudson
I love Patricia
*feeds fruit to her*
I love that Padda also loves her despite her puns
I really like the custom they have of the vai coming to live and grow in the city after certain age
I love the thunder helm
Haha you cant touch me
Its 3.30am rn
I should sleep soon, the sun wakes in like an hour
Impa, staring at me publicly in Gerudo town: I did not expect to see you here
She has the same energy as Yoda
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