#I don't think you're a terf if you do this
thepoetrytheorist · 1 year
Casual Transphobia in the Queer Community in the Internet Age
If you are queer, please read this.
I can't believe I need to say this to the queer community in 2023, but I'm noticing a trend of transphobia in both online and irl queer spaces that is much worse and much more pervasive than when I was a baby queer in the late 00's.
I feel like we need to address casual transphobia more as a society. Of course it's important to discuss rampant transphobia, but we can't fully "fix" rampant transphobia without first talking about how normalised it is... even in our own community.
For background, I'm a 20 yearold anthropologist who happens to be trans. More specifically I am a genderfluid transmasc who identifies as genderquantum. My masculinity and femininity are inseparable. My pronouns are she/he. My gender can shift so rapidly that it's best not to assume which one I am feeling at any time. I am man and I am woman, and it is wrong to remove either of those from my identity.
I've also done extensive studies and research on human relationships and interactions. Why we act the way we do and what inherent societal norms are behind that.
I expect cisallohet's to misgender me, even in close and intimate relationships. It's quite normal for straight men to say to me "I understand that you're a trans, but I'm attracted to you as a woman." That sucks, but it's expected.
It's normal for my cisallohet friends to exclusively use he or she instead of mixing them up. I had to stop using "they" as a pronoun because I recognised that people refused to call me he and would just use she or they.
At the same time though, it's easy to expect the opposite from the queer community, when in reality... it can be quite the same. Quite a few lesbians have approached me and said "I'm sorry, I'm attracted to you, but I'm worried that it invalidates your identity as a man and mine as a lesbian." I've had gay men say to me, "but you're just a woman, so you wouldn't understand." These are all people who know my identity is genderfluid. These are all people who have been in the queer community for years. These are people for whom boxes are so important that they feel guilt when you exist outside of one.
I've even had bi and pan people say "but I see you only as a woman" "but you identify as a man!" "...but you're nonbinary right?" All of which are wrong, all of which misgender and misidentify me. All of which feel violent.
This is exactly the same if not worse than when straight people do it. It's exclusionist. It's misgendering.
And it happens to more than just genderfluid or other gender deviant people. It happens to mono binary trans people as well [people who identify exclusively as trans men or trans women].
We are being told "I'm sorry, but I only see you as your birth identity, and it makes me feel bad when I'm attracted to you" "you can't possibly understand my experiences, because you're not really a wo/man" "I'm sorry, but your identity as trans brings me discomfort in our interpersonal relationship since I have not come to terms with my own feelings towards real trans people."
To me, most of the issue is that in the age of the internet we feel as if we have to conform to the exact dictionary definition of our chosen label. We can't just be sapphic, we have to be lesbian. Bi means two, pan means all. And it's just bullshit. It's bullshit! You can have experiences that don't exactly conform to your identity. It's natural, it's normal, it's human. It doesn't have to change who you are.
You don't have to be a 5 star lesbian or 5 star gay man. You don't have to change your perception of the world to respect others! It's ok to befriend transfolk. It's ok to be attracted to trans folk. It's ok to pursue a relationship with someone who you genuinely like even if it doesn't quite match your identity.
It is not ok to make us feel bad for challenging your perceptions of yourself and the world around you.
Obviously I'm just one person on tumblr, I can't hope to make a difference with one essay textpost thingamajig. But if you've read this far, please examine yourself and your actions. You don't have do suddenly be the world's best trans ally, but please please please treat us with human decency and kindness.
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Reductress is just spreading terf rhetoric now
The "joke" is that nonbinary people are somehow escaping from violence by being trans that we can opt out of fearing violence and don't fear violence when walking at night....
Like just yuck as a transmasc nonbinary survivor whose actually aware of the stats of violence against nonbinary people this just disgusts me...
Also I'm betting they have talked to zero Black trans enbies or men or women of colour about how being seen as "scary" puts them in danger from racist white people & or they're just assuming all enbies are white idk it's disgusting... There's just so many layers to the bigotry and white fauxminism of this "joke"
They've previously made posts like this so idk if they've got terfs on staff who keep trying to slip this in to pipeline people or people who think certain trans people they dislike facing violence including sexual violence is funny and that those trans survivors are lying and shouldn't be beleived.
They're priming their audience to disbelieve and mock nonbinary trans survivors. They're literally pushing the "people transition to escape/opt out of patriarchal violence like a fun game" terf talking point which isn't reflected in the stats of violence against trans people who face higher rates of physical sexual and domestic violence than cis people
Just "it's a coin toss!"
As a survivor fuck you
Like the comments section is full of transphobia and people going "har har they think they're in danger they're delusional " or spouting transphobic BS and a trans man whose talking about how he fears violence walking at night being called 'female' and misgendered like well done you've curated a comment section full of transphobes and people who think trans people aren't who we say we are fucking yikes
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None of the transphobic comments have been deleted reductress seems happy to leave up comments calling trans men "female" and saying that trans people are a danger to children
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maddy-ferguson · 15 days
it kind of sends me that even though they've been the main enemy on tumblr for like 10 years now people on here seem to have no idea what terfs actually believe????
#and like i say: brf slt#the other day i reblogged a post and someone in the tags said something like you guys think anything feminist is terf ideology when terfs'#beliefs are very specific and rely on like beauty standards and stuff. and i'm sorry but that's literally the opposite of what terfs as in#radical feminists who are ''''gender critical'''' think? people call ANYONE who's transphobic a terf i think that's why people don't#actually know what they think lmao#like the beauty standards thing? you're thinking of conservatives? and transvestigators i guess lmao#radfem or terf ideology: anyone can dress/act however they want if you're amab (male) you're a man if you're afab (female) you're a woman#and you can't identify out of that thinking that you're not a woman because you're not stereotypically feminine#(i'm not saying that's how trans men/afab nonbinary people know they're not women i'm repeating their arguments)#or that you're a woman because you're feminine is regressive and akin to 50s gender roles#gender: sexist stereotypes that everyone should ignore that should be abolished sex is an immutable biological reality#conservative transphobes are like: sex is an immutable biological reality and if you're a female and not feminine you're not a good woman#if you're a male and not masculine you're not worthy of being called a man. and you're probably gay and that's bad. gender comformity is#a must gender roles 4eva#like what they have in common is transphobia at the end of the day obviously but it's a different way of getting there lmao and i don't#think its productive to act like theyre the same? like know thy enemy idk do you want people to be able to identify 'terf rethoric' or not😭#terf rhetoric in quotes because people call anything terf rhetoric!!!!! and i don't think that's productive at all it's actually very#antifeminist and annoying as hell lmao#calling every feminist argument terf rhetoric is very alienating to anyone who cares about women......calling every transphobe a terf is#just kinda stupid? people call far-right politicians terfs like be serious they despise cis women too😭#also if you argue with a terf (radfem) and say like why do you think women have to wear makeup or they're not real women!!! they're gonna#be like i literally don't believe that. round one and already tapped#anyway
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noctomania · 1 year
TERFs are truly some of the people I'm MOST embarrassed by. Reminds me of a younger version of myself but added in a huge heap of toxicity and audacity to think I'd have any authority over someone else's personal expression.
Go find a hobby. Go learn about rocks. Go start a band. Build a community center or host a game night in one.
Just play. Tap into being a creature. You are no better than me nor i better than you. You just insert yourself where you were not invited nor belong.
You've removed yourself sofar from everyone else thT you're just in a corner talking to yourself.WAKE UP.
you're not a feminist if you think you can tell people what to do with their bodies point blank period Full stop.
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levil0vesyou · 4 months
Literally what are you still doing here!!! What do you want!!! Just unfollow me!!! What, you didn't notice you're the one mutual I deliberately didn't refollow with the new main??
What do I have to do to get your terf ass to finally fuck off
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twelfth-dykector · 2 months
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
hey fun thing. fun thing I'm experiencing lately. is that the case which every terf journo in the fucking UK is freaking themselves about FINALLY being able to put on the front page - trans woman convicted of rape sent to women's prison - is uhhhhhhhh. really close to home? emotionally? for me? and it's on every fucking newsstand????
(obviously transparent as fuck every time that everyone's suddenly so concerned about the wellbeing of women in prison when all the same publications are usually in the CRIMINAL SCUM PRISONS ARE TOO SOFT TRAIN but OKAY. OKAY. since you suddenly care so much about female prisoners shall we uhhhhh idk address the rate of sexual assaults by guards? police? other cisgender prisoners? maybe rethink the whole 'prison' thing as a whole? oh this is just about how you think trans women are scary again? cool. cool cool cool.)
#red said#the commonality. not to overshare. is that i was raped in 2013 by someone who then went to court in 2015-16 following another incident#and that was a wake-up call for her about her increasingly bad drug and alcohol use and blackouts (which was what happened in both cases)#and so she started self examining on that and partway through the case she realised she was trans#and the thing is i know this bc despite what she did we were still friends by the time it went to court#i was a supporting witness because my experience was used as evidence that it was a pattern of out of control behaviour#anyway it dragged on for a while. even longer bc she was a us national in the us military so the civil case was dropped but#there was also a military investigation#which i didn't have to provide evidence for in the end but i was on the hook not knowing if i would need to for like. another 2 years.#anyway the transition aside there's a lot else about this case which resonates with my experience during that time???#and it sucked a lot going through that case and i would prefer not to have to think about it every time i pop to the fucking supermarket???#(also this is gonna sound bad but the thing i resent most about that whole affair was that during the case and her early transition#she leant on me for support a LOT? so i was doing all this trauma reliving and giving witness statements but also before and after that#she called me almost every day to talk about the toll it was taking on her. and i was like. i think you're right to talk about this#and i think you need support right now#but i also think. it's fucking wild that you think I'm the person to offer that when i just told you you assaulted me in a drunken blackout#like. my big Sick Trauma Feeling memories from that time are a) court and b) Oh No My Phone Is Ringing Again#anyway. this is a big trauma dump that may be misinterpreted which is why i don't talk about the case that much?#but this is part of why i hate terfs so much. the insistence on treating an individual's shit behaviour as condemnation of All Trans People#makes it Really Fucking Hard for those of us who've experienced individual shitty behaviour from a trans person#but recognise that that's just a statistical probability based on how many people do shitty things in the population at large#to talk about harm we've experienced without being coopted to a genocidal narrative
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sureuncertainty · 6 months
at least now i've gone through an important tumblr rite of passage, watching a longtime mutual become a radfem :/
#the thing that really got me was that they were talking about their morality ocd triggering them about it#bc of the way tumblr and the internet in general has this black and white approach to things#and one of those i guess was 'transphobes = bad' which like. is not what i'm ever talking about when i say that things have more nuance#that said i DO think that the way this website prioritizing hating terfs over supporting trans people is kinda gross#but anyway this person was so anxious about it and it just was depressing bc i related to that#they were SO afraid of losing friends or being cancelled over it and i was just like damn i wonder if all terfs are that miserable#but they acted like they just had no choice but to believe this 'thing' that they constantly alluded to but never talked outright about#which i am pretty sure now is just that they're a radfem or at least believe in a lot of radfem ideologies#and honestly? i go back and forth between genuinely feeling so bad for them and being like well that's what you fucking get#i wish i'd had the courage to talk to them about it but whenever i thought about it i got immeasurable anxiety#sorry for the very long tag ramble i just haven't been able to talk about this and it's been eating ME up too for a long time#i just feel horrible. i know in the past they've mentioned too how they want people to tell them why if they unfollow/block them#but i can't. i cannot. and then i'm afraid of just feeding into their victim complex by doing this#i just can't win. and it's like. i'm trans i am literally affected by their bigotry that they're acting like is just not even a choice#ALSO I REMEMBER HOW THEY MADE A POST ONCE ABOUT HOW PEOPLE IRL DON'T TALK ABOUT TRANS STUFF#LIEK IDK WHAT PLANET YOU ARE LIVING ON MY DUDE BUT I HAVE LIKE 5 TRANS COWORKERS AND EVERYONE IS VERY NORMAL ABOUT THEM#like maybe YOU live in a bad area#but you're just a really loud minority#anyway. yeah. just. oof.#still feeling some kind of anxiety about it#win rambles
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dootznbootz · 4 months
There's something so specifically infuriating when someone uses one of your experiences or your demographic in an argument, especially if said argument is about spreading hatred or is just so wrong. They "speak on behalf of the ___" to say such fucked shit.
"You're not thinking of the ___!"
"I literally am ___. You saying that adds nothing as you do not speak for me or for other ___. Shut up."
#I really really hate it. It angers me in such a specific way that just skldjf ksdl#...#vent below. idk. I'm really sorry#Mad rambles#Terfs will be like “oh think of survivors! 'MEN' can share women's spaces!” like shut the actual fuck up. SHUT UP. Shut your damn mouth#A terf is so much more dangerous than a trans person. Me. a tiny cis woman is so much more dangerous to a terf than a transperson is.#Because I will obliterate you. How dare you say you speak on MY behalf? As if I don't know what I'm fucking talking about.#as if you're “protecting me” by spewing such bullshit? by treating someone as a danger when they're not?!#Especially when they believe it's a fucking TRUMP CARD. Like mentioning it means they're right!!! when obviously they're not!!!#Or when they think the fact that I'm cis will make me agree with them! I'm cis simply because I am. I'm not better or worse because of it#being cis doesn't mean I'm fine with bullshit though!#I really hate feeling almost as if like...idk I'm “known” for talking about this but it's just so so infuriating. people will act like they#know when they don't. Obviously every experience is different and terfs who are survivors I hope you find peace and my heart goes out to yo#but you also need to get your fucking head outta your ass. Saying such things isn't the way to heal and you're hurting others with it.#It's NOT about hating men or trans people! the “men are always violent/women are always victims” mentality needs to fuck off#as if it's just the script of life and that it's inescapable no matter what. that it's the truth even if circumstances say otherwise.#...I'm going to possibly block the epic tag for a bit. I have the name of the saga blocked but like... It's just genuinely upsetting.#my story got picked apart too on how it wasn't actually that bad. that I'm actually the fucking worst. “Men are just like that sweetie”#BULLSHIT!!! Gender doesn't dictate a person's morals. Being good and kind does. It doesn't matter what form that takes!#not even saying HE'S good and kind as he's horrible and wonderful at the same time but about this stuff? Do what you want but#I DO think you're insane if you see it as otherwise and it makes me wanna lock my door. You're not a bad person probably but also 🙃#I get that there's history but there's also the fucking TEXT.#I don't know. I'm really sorry#tw trauma#tw sa mention#I'm not necessarily against reblogging this (I don't care) but don't post with tags. please
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ghost-of-someone · 1 year
literally just saw some radfem bullshit on my dash, & then when I went to their blog to block them not only was it full of anti-trans half arguments & accusations of other people being childish, but one of the very first posts was about how a certain show would be better if one of the main characters was a young woman instead of an old man because they "don't like old people"
#there is no point to this other than i'm pissed and tired of having terf bullshit pass my dash#i feel like i'm gonna have to get that eye thing because i don't super vet the blogs i interact with casually#so as long as they're not immediately anti queer i usually don't notice#and then i've got fucking radfem shit in my 'based on your likes' feed#all because i interacted with feminism stuff that - without the anti-trans lens - seemed totally fine#& like terfs are already shitty people but i feel like the anti older person sentiment just further highlighted the fact that#terfs are just shitty hypocrytical people who play the 'poor me boo hoo you're all childish' card & act like they're so fucking superior#& that any trans folks are terrible#and then turn around and spout all kinds of bigotry#but it's okay i guess because they've got a vagina <3 (& experience the exact same kind of misogyny that tons of us do but they're special)#ALSO#I learned what 'moid' means and you guys are fucking assholes#men are not just mindless sex freaks you fucking cunts#& the fact that you think that just shows how warped your sense of the world is#you 'hate the patriarchy' but aren't interested in actually dismantling it#how could you when you don't even view half of the people involved as really human!#fuck off#terfs and radfems aren't welcome here and you can all kick rocks#i try my best for this to be a queer friendly space and i want that to be clear right fucking now#if anyone who follows me has bothered to read this please let me know if i've accidentally reblogged something from the 'drop the t' crowd#i am not the golden standard queer or whatever the fuck the term is#but i dont ever want someone to think that i'm part of that crowd
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sodafrog13 · 6 months
man the irony of trans inclusive spaces still supporting harry patter is beyond me
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dogin8 · 1 year
Bonkers to think that people have bad opinions just, all the time
anyways remember kids, fucked up bigoted beliefs NEVER come from a point of good intention "But we need to keep X group safe" shut up "But this is a slippery slope" Nope.
No matter how much a bigot might Think they have good intentions "The reason I'm homophobic is because of [bullshit non-violent non-hateful motive]" they're fucking wrong or lying.
The reason your average bigot is bigoted is because somebody smarter than them, better with words than them, more influential than them and more determined than them, will benefit from their bigotry.
The reason a british transphobe is transphobic is not because of some well intentioned fear for the safety of cis women, it is because the government WANTS them to be transphobic to facilitate genocide.
The reason a french islamaphobe is islamaphobic is not because of some well intentioned fear for the safety of women, it is because the government WANTS them to be transphobic to facilitate genocide.
The reason a United States xenophobe is xenophobic is not because of some well intentioned fear of terrorism, it is because the government WANTS them to be xenophobic to facilitate imperialist war.
Anyways despite the language above ^ being very 'this is always the reason' I am going to acknowledge that there are some bigots who don't pretend it's for good reason and there are some bigots who do so regardless of government bodies, BUT they're still doing it cause some Jordan Peterson type dickwad has told them to.
Bigots aren't well intentioned, They have never been well intentioned, I will always support explaining things to people when you have the chance to safely and properly do so, but Never give a transphobe the benefit of the "oh but maybe they actually just care about the safety of cis women" because whether they genuinely believe that or not it's fucking bullshit and shouldn't be treated as anything close to 'well intentioned'.
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"don't buy hogwarts legacy because it funds transphobia" and "don't buy hogwarts legacy because it's basically an antisemitism rpg" are both incredibly valid arguments but it also just looks like a bad game
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deanpinterester · 10 months
WUH okay i think it’s finally time to download shinigami eyes
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haarute · 2 years
it's great to see everyone collectively becoming more aware and calling out terf nonsense on sight but also ngl chief living through tumblr during 2012-2018 and seeing not just jabs but also just horrid takes on men on the daily and this just being Normal did a lot of irreversible damage on my person and my own issues
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
TW abuse talk
Hey, remember that era of tumblr when it was completely acceptable and social justice-y to say: let us describe our perfect gay trans nonbinary world which we were going to build, our utopia. What would we do about rapists and abusers you ask? Well we will just kill them! Easy solution!!
#this was circa 2016-2017 and it messed with me#i kept thinking 'but that's not a solution! it's just saying edgy things that make people say 'yeah!' without thinking of the details#and no btw these people weren't terfs....they didn't really like the word queer which is why i didn't use it but they were mostly trans/nb#the idea that only terfs don't like saying queer and think it's a slur is SO new on this website you don't even know#anyway the problem with this argument is people want to counteract it by talking about marginilised men and stuff#when in reality it's ethically wrong to enact this kind of implied vigilante justice on anyone#and arguing that way inadvertantly makes it seem like being assaulted by a marginilised person should affect the victim less somehow#in reality none of this is about caring for victims at all or about prison reform or harm reduction#it's because the people who wrote it can't fathom the idea that anyone who abuses can possibly be helped#btw this was right in the middle of the 'if i have bpd i can't be abusive' toxic waste era#bpd DOESN'T mean you're automtically an abuser and it's a very stigmatised label that some don't even think should be diagnosed at all#but.........there was this idea that anyone who abused is subhuman and should be killed#so it made people really really really want to downplay times when they harmed someone else....for some reason!!!#i am glad these ideas are dying down and hopefully it will encourage people to research abolitionist ideas for themselves#i know that there are serious difficulties helping people who abuse in particular in the sphere of domestic violence#but we HAVE to do better than 'idk kill em!'
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