#I dont like when people give him short hair but thats more of a personal preference. I gave him that metalhead type hair. I just rhink he
she-whatshername · 1 month
Tyrrish Men Headcanons you didn’t ask for but voted for
We back!!!
Prompt: How they would apologize after an argument
Right to jail for this one lol
The crime: Keeping a secret from you and doubling down on his decision, leading to an argument
How he apologizes: He’s seriously conflicted about the apology. He doesn’t half ass anything and the fact that he’s apologizing for what he thinks is just trying to protect you tears him up inside a bit. You hear a knock at the door and when you open its Xaden with his hands on either side of the frame, head down and not looking you in the eyes. Eventually he lifts his head and you just see the internal anguish he’s going through because he wants to keep you safe but doesn’t know how to do that without keeping secrets
He uses your full name when he begins to speak, no nicknames. That’s when you know its real.
You pull him into your arms before combusts with emotion and he just MELTS into you. He’s now muttering full apologies into your hair, your shoulders, anywhere where his face is just pressed against you.
He wants to kiss you, but he’s scared of the rejection you may give. When you finally initiate the kiss, its over, love. He picks you up with ease and hauls you into your room for a more personal, intimate apology
Ooof, a tough one.
The crime: Takes it a little to far when teasing you. You walk out on him after he makes a joke about the stance you make before you fight on the mat. He knows that you’ve been working on it, and he knows that you’re not sensitive when other people say stuff, but you are when it comes to him.
How he apologizes: The man is chasing you dow the moment he realizes what he says. He doesn’t apologize though until he’s away from everyone else and its just you two. You still push him away and ask for space, he lets you have it. The next day however he’s finding you the moment you leave your dorm room, asking to walk you to breakfast, class, you name it.
His apologies are genuine and on point. He knows what he did wrong, he knows why it was wrong and he actually puts the effort in to change his behavior.
And if anyone does say anything about your fighting stance, he’s on them in an instant. “Cut that shit out, she’s standing just fucking fine.”
Absolutely nothing, why are we even writing something. This angel could do no wrong, lol
The Crime: He yells at you. Ugh, and it hurts to write this one out!!
Yeah, I know. He is the level headed, sweet one of the group and that is absolutely true however I think Bodhi is the type of person to lose their cool every once in awhile. He is Xaden’s brother cousin after all. Like he’s got pent up emotions he doesn’t let out in a constructive way and it takes one moment to cause him to just lose it. And his fear of losing you or anyone else is projected as anger. He doesn’t mean it, but it happens.
So, he snaps at you. You’re tasked to stay behind while Bodhi and the others go out on patrol and you’re trying to convince him to let you go, saying that you’re needed there and you’re strong, which you are. However the back and fourth you both are having reaches a boiling point and Bodhi steps into his ‘wingleader’ voice and snaps with a “ I said no and thats final! Fuck, can’t you just take orders for once!”
How he apologizes: The moment it leaves his lips, and the second he sees you jerk your head, and take a step backwards he’s immediately apologizing. “Gods. I’m sorry. I’m, so, so sorry, love. I just can’t…I can’t…It can’t be you.”
He’s kind of short circuiting like Xaden but he’s much more of a waterfall of words whereas Xaden is all emotions behind the eyes.
He’s just embarrassed and ashamed he lost control like that in front of you.
Like, Bodhi would probably drop to his knees and start crying if you dont step in and tell him him to come into your arms.
“I dont deserve you.” He mumbles in your embrace. But you hold him still anyways. You’ve known him long enough to tell he’s genuinely sorry and you can see his fear through his anger
Is he off the hook though? Absolutely not. You give him a stern talking to about his behavior and he’s agreeing with everything you say.
And yes, you do get to come on the mission
And yes, yes. You best believe he puts a bouquet of flowers in your room or, better yet, hand them to you in front of everyone. Because, let’s be real Xaden learned that move from the Durran side of the family
Another precious one
The Crime: It’s not Liam’s fault, but I think it would be him not making time for you, and not seeing how much that hurts.
If we’re thinking of the Basgiath days, he’s Violet’s shadow, which means he puts her and his loyalty to Xaden above you. And that hurts.
You’re waiting for him in the hallway to talk to him and when you finally get ahold of him he’s distracted. His eyes are scanning for Violet. You tell him he needs to choose to focus on you or you’re walking away
“Please don’t ask this of me.” He pleads to you. But he’s still not making the eye contact you want. You’re done and leave him in the hallway.
You actively avoid him for a few days, even when he does manage to find the time to go look for you.
How he apologizes: Honestly, give one up for Violet who senses something is amiss and drags him to your room, pounding on the door to get you to open up so Liam can apologize. She takes it a step further and walks into your room and does her homework on your desk, saying she’s not listening so Liam can both apologize to you and keep his eyes on her.
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kiruyeen · 4 months
rambling abt my danny johnson hcs bc I dont have anything better to do
alright so the fog most definitely changed everyone in it, but while most of them are for worse, Danny for better, actually. not for the "hehe I can mutilate people without worrying abt consequences" part. by all means I believe danny would get bored. of the same methods of killing, sacrifing, stalking for short periods, the same realms, same victims, etc. Danny, as patient as he can be while stalking, is a thrill seeking man, and only human, whether he likes it or not.
but this is a key part of him actually getting to explore who 'danny johnson' is. he spent his entire life putting on masks, physical or metaphorical, that he has no idea who 'danny' is otherwise, and this would give him a chance to explore, since, well, being painfully average isnt any advantage to him here and he has nothing better to do since he cant focus his attention on stalking and studying other people. when theres no one left to study, one is forced to study themselves.
he could actually grow out his hair, give himself stick and poke tats (maybe with the help of the legion, who knows), grow a beard to see if he likes it (I dont think he would), etc.
going from this, if he forms genuine bonds with anyone (especially any survivors) bc yk what else is left to do, he could actually, just maybe, open up about his past and realize oh fuck, that shit wasnt healthy or normal at all. I dont think itd fix him, but itd give him a better understanding of himself. I dont think he would ever upon up about this if it wasnt for the fog.
similarly I dont think he'd form any romantic bonds with anyone if it wasnt the fog as well, I fully believe danny used to cut himself off (more accurately, cut THEM up) as soon as he felt his feelings for anyone would get in the way of his mission. I dont think he even recognizes romantic love anymore. the difference in the fog is, well, you cant get rid of your problems by murdering them here bc they just come back like a boomerang.
he semi-canonly has NPD (as in the devs called him a bit narcissistic once and I stuck to it like a starving leech) and I most definitely believe he has the symptoms, as a lack of a sense of self is common with NPD anyway. I never wanna think too much abt this since I have a deeply set fear of misrepresenting already stigmatized disorders esp due to not having NPD myself but I will say, 1, he definitely has an internal hierarchy but the way he feels abt those above and below him are different than you'd assume, and 2, he would have been a murderer regardless of his npd and the npd has nothing to do with him becoming a murderer, it does influence it naturally yes bc its a PERSONALITY disorder but its not what makes him evil yk. its the ritualized abuse he went through all his life with the explicit intent to make him the way he is.
other, small stuff
so since the entity can and does change a few things with the killers, I love to think Danny has tapetum lucidum in his eyes, like a cat, to see better in the dark, esp beneath the mask's eyes.
the way his costume's... strap.. tentacle... things work is similar to a cat's tail as well. swishing furiously when upset, resting naturally when calm, curling slowly when curious etc. it makes it a little bit easier to guess how hes feeling with the emotionless mask on, for the theoretical audience at least.
he's actually not a fan of physical contact, unless it is to cause discomfort to or fluster someone. he's simply not used to it, but he will tolerate it when necessary. he's likely just touch starved but doesnt recognize the sensation, though.
he would not care enough to label his orientational identity but it'd definitely be pan and somewhere on the a-spectrum.
returning to the only getting to know himself after the fog bit, he'd probably realize hes at least a little bit gender queer. (I also love trans man danny headcanons I just cant seem to make it fit with my other hcs)
alr thats abt it I believe. feel free to share ur ideas as well I love reading abt different interpertations for a character esp when it is the silly sopping wet cat that is danny
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jackmanbj · 8 months
is that ight?
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an: hi guys! im back hopefully for long and just wanna say that this is something that didnt take me long to write because i wanted it to be kinda short for my little return!🤭
summary: jack is ranting to you about his problems and your trying your best to help him not wanting him to give up on anything.
jack had just got home from the studio, his eyes were baggy and his hair was messy.
you were sitting on the sofa waiting for jack, even though it was two in the morning.
“jack hun you look tired…”
“just a little, lets go to bed” jack didnt wait for a response and he started walking upstairs and heading to the bedroom while you followed behind
at first, jack didnt even bother taking off his clothes, being to tired to even more after he sat on the bed “jack hun.. i know you’re tired but you need to undress” you say taking off his jacket
jack groans but eventually start undressing, he keeps on his wife-beater and boxers on and lays down
you pull him on top of you, his head resting on your chest as you scratch his scalp lightly
the next morning when you woke up, jack was already getting ready to go to the studio
“jack.. your overworked, stay home”
“i cant—im on a high right now! my new song just got higher then first class, everyone’s still expecting me to make new music and i cant take any days off, not right now at least maybe in a few weeks”
“jack you need a break..” “well i want to be able to spoil you and i cant do that if i keep taking breaks” “keep taking breaks? baby.. this would be your first break in four weeks.. sit down” you say patting the bed as you sit up
“why do you feel like that?”
no airports and no flights thats how i wanna live my life, is that ight?
“i—i dont even know.. i just feel like i need to work or everything i have is gonna come crashing down.. like everything i worked for is gonna fall apart, i dont even care about all the cars, and the jewelry.. but i want just a little but even with just a little i feel like im wasting so much”
no sport cars and no ice, okay maybe a little ice, we all got a lil’ vice
“jack hun.. you can want everything in the world and you can get it if you can afford it—wanting something and getting it doesn’t mean that your overdoing it, you see people with seven cars but they can get them because they like them, not because they want to have fame for it”
“but i feel like sometimes its to much, and theres even more to it.. sometimes i hate when fans come up to me and want a whole lot of pictures, i dont mind saying hi or asking for one picture but they keep going and i also feel like me and some of the pg are falling out because of me working so much we dont talk alot…”
no selfies just say hi, im so healthy and alive 4L we them same guys equity for my dogs only time you see gang signs.
“jack not wanting people to come up to you a lot is normal it doesn’t make you a bad person and it shouldn’t make you feel bad, not everyone likes that.. and people lose friends, but if its pg dont you think you should schedule a meet up for all of you, or most of you to hang out and catch up?”
jack shifts his body, not facing you anymore “i want to, i do i wanna hang out with them and i want to stay strong with them but also i dont want to stop my working and my music for it”
im looking to change lives i already changed mine
you take his face in your hands making him face you again “jack people have to move on with there lives sometimes.. everyone cant just wait for inspiration they just have to take a chance, lots of people are impatient and want you to release music or your opinion or what you think when they want it..”
the times not stop waiting for the inspiration, they say its a flaw being impatient but…
jack huffs “ok..okay ill take a break from working.. ill take a week long break and ill set boundaries with fans and ill talk to pg..”
i just want peace i dont want no smoke
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cassied03 · 3 months
Okay so to the two people who said they would listen/read my ideas, this is for you two before i go to sleep and expand on a later date.
•So for galra keith I would definitely think that he had a lot more galra traits then the show gave him.
• For example his nails were typically stronger and grew in a curved shape
• For another example, his hair was naturally a dark/deep purple but his first foster family after his dads death dyed it black thinking keith had dyed it young to the purple color
• Speaking of purple, i would also think that his eyes were a deep dull purple/plum color
• moving to the scene where Krolia suggests the name Yorak, i personally think that Keiths dad would have included that in his name after she left earth
• so Keiths full name is "Keith Yorak Kogane"
•In terms of galra, he'd probably be seen as a late bloomer to the blade of marmora because he hasn't grown in his ears or tail, not knowing that his tail was surgically removed by one of his foster familys (theres a very rare chance of a human being born with a tail, and I think the tail wouldn't have grown much because the human body has evolved to not need a tail and half his biology was against the tail)
Now onto the good stuff, ergo the trans stuff
• i'd say he's transmasc who's known since he was a young boy, but that could also be me projecting, who knows
• my big thing was what about periods? because i know that everyones is different, i'd say his started at 15 give or take a few years, but before he ended up leaving earth
• With his period, because Galra most likely dont have anything quite as similar (based on cats, i suppose. With cats all their internal bleeding is reabsorbed), his periods would probably be very light as half his body (might/) will absorb the blood and the other half will shed it out.
• I'd say for the same reason he uses cloth pads, simply for the reuse ability and his light flow would have made it easy to clean
• i also head cannon that him growing out a mullet is the result of him shaving his hair at some point, and regaining enough confidence to grow his hair out while knowing that he could easily cut his hair if he felt dysphoric
• with the chest situation, it can go two ways. with the episode when keith and lance are going to the pool, Keith is shirtless, so that is a point to small-chested keith
• but we could also just, ignore that and pretend that he was in a compression shirt that was meant for trans people to swim in. because if there was shorts with them then im sure there was something for compression (ignoring how the alteans could shapeshift)
•One of my biggest head cannon when it comes to trans!keith, is that only Shiro knows, and that if they're ever overheard talking about it (like shiro lecturing keith about working out in a binder or something), everyone just completely misunderstands the conversation
Keith: Shiro it's fine (Shiro just said he can't work out safely in his binder)
Shiro: No it's not keith, you can't keep doing this. You know why. We're in space, you can't avoid the consequences anymore than you could on earth. (Shiro is talking about Keiths ribs, and how if Keith breaks a rib or something akin to that, then there is nothing in space that can help him as opposed to earth where at the very least he could have fixed his ribs)
Lance or Coran overhearing and thinking that it's just about keiths little pick pocketing habit (another head cannon): Huh, i didn't know Keiths been a pick pocketer when he was on earth.
Anyways, thats all i can come up with right this second, if i feel like i'm able to i'll expand on a couple of my head cannons / thoughts
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silverstzrs · 10 months
"One last dance"
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Gojo love story? fluff? idk atp
This will be a short series cus i have many ideas for it 653 words only??? i'll make the 2nd part longer
The first dance: the sky after the rain
"What's a girl like you doing here?" A white haired man wearing sunglasses and button ups paired with black jeans approached you. Well you couldnt blame him he had probably saw you ask the baratender to make your fourth drink this hour
"This is a club," you responded but the swell in your red eyes say theres something more to the story, the white haired man sat beside you,
"Well those eyes say something else princess, whats wrong?"he asked, well thats a lot for a stranger to ask to a stranger and even more he called you a pet name, but you couldn't hold it in anymore you needed someone to talk to and god sent one to you, who are you to decline anyways?
"My ex left me.." trying to hold back the tears that the man who used to love you had caused, because although he cheated on you, you still loved him those 2 years meant a lot to you and he was the only person you had left."he cheated on me.." you sobbed letting out a few tear drops rolling off your cheeks.
The white haired man takes off his sunglasses to show his sky blue eyes, he took a tissue out to wipe the tears off your face.You felt a warmth in your heart again which felt foreign now after your heart froze to the man you once loved.
"Well then, lets get you to forget him alright?" he replied after wiping your tears away throwing the wet tissue onto the table holding your hand.
"Where are we going?" you sniffed following him closely behind he didnt respond but he pulled you to the VIP dance area which is quieter and had lesser people,
"We are here!"he finally answered has he pulled you into a dance position suddenly, your face was slightly blushing at the act. His hands were big yet it was still warm and soft.
"I.. I dont know how to dance.." you admitted but his hands did not let go of yours he just held it tighter,
"Just follow me!" he reasurred you, smiling at you with a big smile on his face, you completely forgot about your ex at that moment.
The music started, it was werid though.. a club playing classical music? You cant help but think someone may of requested it. The pair dances, you following his footsteps and movements, your foot stepping on his occasionally, but he never let go of his grip on your hands.
Little did you know, he was admiring your efforts to dance along side him, he cant help but jusy chuckle at your mistakes some times. You looked beautiful when you werent crying for someone you didnt belong to, your everything felt so beautiful to him.
Middance, you remember you dont know who he actually is, and you dont ethier so you decided to ask middance,
"Sorry, but I dont think I've ever got your name" you say embarassingly, you didnt even know the name of the person who helped you out of your sadness,
"Oh yeah, I dont think we did ethier" he joked a smile appearing on your face "Satoru Gojo of the Gojo clan, and what's yours princess?"
Satoru Gojo? He was like the male verison of Elsa, had superpowers (of sorts), blue eyes, white hair and came from a rich family background."My name is Y/N L/N" you answered before the music stopped.
Satoru let go of your hand to give you a slight bow, "Nice to meet you princess Y/N", you laughed at the act.
A group of girls walked up to you two, "You two are a cute couple!" they complimented, Satoru looked at them with a smile has you explain the two of you werent dating... yet
Two months after this occurence, he proposed, making you his offical girlfriend now, those girls were truly fortune tellers.
This is the end of part one!
I wrote this at 12 am so dont mind the mistakes!
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miutonium · 1 year
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Saw @mango-mya 's si/oc inspo post (lmk if you want to be untagged its ok!!) and decided to make a seperate post instead since I'm going to ramble about Chloe and I dont want to clog the main post with my infos (anyway the post is here if anyone wants to reblog with their char's oc inspo :3)
Here's some inspo for my s/i oc Chloe! I don't really have a lot of inspo as oppose to others but I do have a bit detail about it and ahshskaja I think it's fun for me to pick on so the rambles undercut! (Like, im not kidding all my points are everywhere hsksksk)
When I was making an early concept for Chloe, I used Ima (Sedusa) as my early reference for her design. There's a lot of unique body figure of woman in PPG but I am mostly attracted to Sedusa's frame and I cannot stress enough that I love love LOVE her design! Her design is the exact opposite of Utonium (curvy and circle as opposing to Utonium's rectangular and sharp edges) so like I wanted her design to be the opposite of him. I love the idea of opposite attracts and I refered to this idea a lot when I build her character. More on that in just a bit.
When I created her, I was working as a service crew/waitress and I wished it theres something that could swoop me from my boring job so I thinkered with the idea that she found love at the dinky diner she worked at. So one day, I discovered Suzanne Vega's Tom's Diner and I loved this song! What's so interesting to me about this song is that it's an acapella so like I'm able to focus on the lyrics and it basically captured the essence of what I want Utonium and Chloe to be except Chloe would be the one greeting him every morning and give him hello kissies and hhh thats basically the catalyst for their story.
For most of her inspo, mainly personality and clothes, I refer a lot to The Nanny's Fran Fine. I grew up watching The Nanny and I always love how her character is someone that's street smart, extroverted, cares about others and charismatic at times so I based Chloe's personality off this. I also refer to Fran's outfits a lot whenever I draw Chloe in other clothing so if you take a hard look at any of my previous art you may recognize some of her clothes that I used as reference.
For Chloe's hair, I want a distinctive short hair for her and P3's Yukari Takeba was my first choice for a cute short hair cut. I love how her bangs just swoops to her sides and the end of her hair just curls outwards its just so cute to me. I added the heart curl design on her bangs because I really want her hair to be the main focus for her design so that when she wears any other clothes, her hair will remain the same and recognizeable. The heart curls that sticks out of her hair was added veryvmuch later during design process and it almost didn't make it. I'm so glad I keep it, I think people mostly recognize her heart cowlick the most.
While I did say Fran Fine is my main inspo, I did have Bojack's Pickles as another of my personality inspo. She's bubbly, energetic and sometimes ditzy and I never mentioned this but Chloe's a bit ditzy and has a valley girl accent. I have not think of a voice claim yet but the voice that I think that would fit Chloe rn is ATSV's Lyla. There's a significant age gap between Utonium and Chloe and I really want to show how both of them came from different generation (Utonium's a boomer while Chloe's more of Gen X so I want to play around their understanding of trends and how they act with their age accodingly hhh)
Overall, what I want to achieve for Chloe's personality and appearance is someone that would compliment Utonium's personality and appearance in the opposite way because like I said, I love the idea of opposite attracts. Where she lacks education, she makes them up for her communication skills. Where Utonium is big on being a book smart person, she is street smart, she knows how to handle things by her way.
I have no intention to make Chloe have a cool career like Utonium because I still want her to be normal. I always make elaborated backgrounds and jobs for my other s/i ocs so for Chloe, I want to relax, I want her to be normal, have a normal job, nothing interesting. I don't want to rely heavily on those points but instead focus more on building her personality.
When I think about it now, I think its good thag I make Chloe normal. She is really the normality that Prof and the girls needed in their family. She doesn't have any special skills, any benefits directly to them nor any interesting history that makes her unique, she's just some woman that just walks into their life yet unintentionally becomes someone significant to the family's life.
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crystlizabeth · 2 years
More Than Anything..
Summery: just some Joel praise..
Paring; Joel Miller x Black!femreader
Warnings: hint of angst fluff
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The incident from months ago almost a year it left a scar within you. Walking through that door watching as the club meet his head. How the blood rushed down his face as he laid there paralyzed, never did you notice how much strength you had in that moment. How it was only you and her in the room, you couldn’t forgive your self for letting her get away how they all ran when more then just you came through that door.
You knew something bad was gonna happen you could feel it so you had gone out after them with a few people, friends. You thought you where gonna lose him that day.
But here he was in the kitchen with you as you helped him through the recipe instruction his hands shaky, you may have not lost him but he lost parts of himself. Memories, the constant migraines, the steadiness of his hands, how it was harder to walk for longer periods of time, that he no longer had his right leg that he had a prosthetic holding him up now, how it was hard to see out of his left eye, and the stuttering god that pissed him off. Those few hits to his head changed his everyday lifestyle he felt weak and unreliable. Then there you when to help him every step of the way of his recovery, with him every time he forgot something whenever he needed just a little help with a walk.
He watched you as you rolled the dough in your soft hands gently putting it on the pan in-font of you. His eyes scanned your face as you finish up as he took in every detail he never forgot.
“God you are so beautiful..” his voice soft.
His deep southern accent made you feel warm as smile came to your lips “Your not so bad yourself Cowboy.” You said turning your body towards him.
A chuckle came from him “Oh dont flatter me sweetheart..” you could hear the hint of sadness in his voice. He brought his hand up to your face feeling his trembling touch on your skin, you place your hand on his leaning into his touch.
“Come here..” you spoke pulling him toward you both of your hands placed on his face, he sat on the stool that stood next to him. Your eyes taking him in how there was a spot on his head where the hair hadn’t grown back, the scar under his eyebrow the gray that laid in his beard and hair.
“I hope that someday you can see just how beautiful you are..” you said softly keeping eye contact. Watching his brows frown his eyes adverting your gaze.
“I don’t understand how you can still look at me like that.. with so much admiration, love.” His voice not coming above a whisper.
You shifted your hands to make him look at you “Because you’re my husband. My man, the love of my life.. I got with you because you’re a great man, you help everyone every chance you get, how you keep going even when its hard you’re a strong man Joel not just that but your incredibly brave and an all out loving person. And even with that you make mistakes we all make mistakes and there are gonna to be situations that we can’t handle thats why we have each other..”
“But more than anything my wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to, that i can give you the life you want. And that, that doesn’t leave a weight on you forever. I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same things to.” You finish bringing his face towards yours, your foreheads meeting.
“I wish i could just be all that you need again..” he frowned feeling all that bottled up emotion hit him.
“You are all I need, you’ve always been what I’ve needed.” You spoke kissing the tears off his face.
“I know its hard. Christ you lost a limb and got major head trauma, what can be harder than that and now having to adapt to it…” you took a deep breath before speaking again “Thats why I’m here it my turn to help you to give you the love you deserve, to help you as you heal..”
He nodded weakly as you brought him in for a kiss, a soft tender kiss. A kiss with so much love and passion. “I love you Miller..”
“I love you, and thank you..” he spoke his hand on the small of your back pulling you closer to him.
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ethanharmonia · 29 days
Another Rant because i have beef with the pokemon fandom
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable then you are free to leave, i am just speaking my own words.
I feel like a lot of pokemon headcanons are kind of almost the same, its a bit cliche, isnt it? with characters having different body shapes/types or changing their race or make them trans or making them disabled when they are all canonically not like that, it makes me a bit mad that people do these kinds of things to canon characters, but i guess its a tumblr/pokemon thing in this fandom to be doing stuff like that. To be fair, if you wanna change a lot of things in a canon character, just make an oc instead.
So why not deep dive into the whole thing?
First off.
Im not being racist or transphobic or fatphobic here, but if you are turning a skinny character for example into a fat character then i think you just have a fetish, or just, make your own oc that is similar to the other? i see a lot of these things with art of Red, i mean wasnt he in MT Silver for a long time? i can tell that this guy is strong as hell physically, being able to survive on a cold mountain, yet people turn him into... okay whatever you wanna put it in but still its weird. While Green/Blue is instead of a good character turned into some twink?? nah, those two would have been a perfect duo and a pair of strong trainers, both with and without pokemon, make them feel like actual men.
Anyways next thing is about well, you probably guessed it, TURNING EVERY CHARACTER TRANS BECAUSE WHY THE HELL WOULD A CHARACTER HAVE THEIR CANONIC/BIOLOGICAL GENDER WHEN YOU CAN TURN THEM INTO THE OPPOSITE BECAUSE OF THEIR LOOKS/PERSONALITY. I see that A LOT on my feed or when im looking at pokemon fanarts, just no matter where i go i see trans stuff, why not give examples like N or Silver? or some other characters? Listen listen listen, JUST because a male character has long hair or has a girly personality does NOT mean they are trans, hear me? and they do NOT look like the opposite gender, let the characters have their biological gender and not change it for your own liking, again, make an oc based off the character and you wont be bothered unless you want beef, I will gladly come to your house and have a talk.
NEXT THING! BLACKWASHING/CHANGING THE RACE OF A CHARACTER THAT ALREADY HAS ITS OWN RACE, AND ITS SOMEWHAT NORMALISED?? Every. Single. Character. Has. Their. Own. Race. And. Changing. Their. Race. Does. Not. Mean. Anything. More. But. Being. Racist. And thats a fact, not a theory. People either blackwash white/asian characters or make them white when they are canonically black, doesnt that sound a bit racist? Like this isnt a headcanon, maybe a bit of TAN could be better cuz yes that exists and its a completly normal thing, but completly changing a character's race cuz you think it will do more of diversity? nah, its just being racist, thats all. and ya might argue with me there, but im just saying. it would be nice to have characters off of different diversities/races and i would want that too, but dont change the color of the skin a canonic character.......
ALRIGHT NEXT PROBLEM ON THE LIST!! SHIPPING!! okay imma just go in short. the pokemon fandom is full of pedophiles and proshippers. if you ship a child with an adult, i wish everything in your house rots along with yourself. if you ship 2 characters that would have the most TOXIC relationship ever, i hope that happens to you irl and suffer. if you ship the male and female protagonists together (who i see as SIBLINGS and not COUNTERPARTS), maybe go kiss your siblings and pets, yeah, maybe even go see Giratina in the distortion world? i think you would be his favourite toy LMAO
Another Point. AUs. I love it when people make their own Pokemon AUs and put their ideas into them, but i feel like some aus are rather cliche. I can give some examples. I see most AUs about Volo (from PLA if ya didnt know), and he is always portayed as this.. evil and stupid character that doesnt care for anything but manipulating people and tricking them, why not just, i dont know, make him an actual good guy but with sense? Make a bit of a twist, make him look like he was actually a good character and not make this cliche act of copy and paste where he is just hahahaha im so evil hahahahha. I dont know, is it that hard to turn this guy to an actual good character? redemtpion arcs exist for a reason. AUs or Your own stories about a certain fandom are meant to be created from YOUR imagination, make the characters feel alive and have personality, female or male character, give them something unique, give them some twist parts in their whole character, make them feel like they are a part of the story instead of just adding them there cuz yes they exist and they should be there cuz idk. CHANGE the PLOT, CHANGE the CHARACTERS, GIVE THEM some sort of SOUL. You have a brain for a reason and you have creativity for a reason too, make something from yourself, something that no one would be able to make, not copy paste something that already exists but with different scenes and stuff, im not a writer myself but i can at least make these pokemon characters have more than just "i exist and thats it" or "im very evil haha fear me". Oh and another thing, MAKE THE GENDER NOT MATTER??? like i get it, theres women and men, but what if there was a story where gender didnt matter, you are a person, make both these genders feel neutral/equal, like we live in this world, why do we judge people based on their gender? nah i take this from arcane cuz the way the characters are represented their and their genders is SICK and i love it.
Oh and uh, love interests uh. My problem mostly comes to women/female characters/girls in pokemon cuz i hate it when people portray them as shy and innocent when men/male characters/boys are portrayed as strong, its cliche, unoriginal, and straight up disrespectful towards women cuz they are allowed to be strong and independant. again, make it feel like gender doesnt matter.
One last thing. Objectifying women. Makes me SICK AS HELL TO MY HEAD that artists draw female characters with such unrealistic proportions like big boobs or big thighs or a non existent waist, like this is offending and disgusting, perhaps the people that do art like that just learned from pron.. who knows?
but yeah hope you rot <3 Anyways that might be all from me, maybe i will edit it as i might have forgotten some points there but uh, hope you enjoyed, if you managed to survive and read all this, congrats! :D
But again, its just my thoughts and my words and no one has to agree or disagree with me.
Have a good day/night, fellow citizens
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ynkfva · 2 months
im gonna answer this questions as my "dr self"
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ib to @55maddox !!
1. In what reality do you live:
Yuri!!! On ice. ive never saw anyone shifting to there and its really amazing
2. What is your name:
Yelena Dmitriyevna Nikiforova. big ass name i know. fun fact: thats where my username came from
3. How other people call you? What are your nicknames, if you have any:
My russian friends and family usually call me Alyona, and my international friends call me Lena. My fans use both, but the media started calling me the "Ace of Skating" 😭🫶
4. How old are you:
Im 15 in that reality. Its SOOOO good being back at 2016. I didnt know i missed those times sm. but i miss tiktok
5. How tall are you:
1,70m or 5'8 (ig not sure tho)
6. What is your skin color:
7. Your body type:
Uhhh idk??? pear or hourglass
8. Your sign/birthday:
im a gemini and i was born in may 28th, in both universes
9. How do you describe yourself and your personality:
Very autistic /hj. i chose to not change my personality, but i dont judge those who do so. im usually quite and i like to read and paint. As much as im a figure skater, i hate off ice training. YAKOV LEMME GO BACK TO THE ICE ALREADY I TOLD YOU IM FINE-
10. Do you have living parents/siblings?:
I do!! Both parents and a brother who annoys the shit out of me. but i love vitya. my parents not so much. i just dont process them cuz of their money
11. What is your gender/pronouns:
Im a female and use she/her pronouns!
12. What is the color of your eyes:
Blue. very blue. like the sky. im not poetic.
13. How do your hair looks like, is it long or short?:
VEEEEERY long straight white hair (or platinum according to vitya). more than one meter of hair. it keeps beating yura on the face when we are training. dont let him know i do it on purpose
14. Do you have any scars/unique visual traits?:
I think not? i do have a mole under my left eye but i dont think thats unique
15. Do you have tattoos or piercings?:
Not yet but i want to do it!! At least a few
16. Signature scent?:
Idk? but its sweet. im terrible with scents
17. Do you have any powers/species abilities?:
Not in this universe
18. Were do you live, how does it looks like?:
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I live in Saint Petersburg!! i really like the city, its a city with sm history and knowing that such great people used to live in there in the past makes my heart warm
19. Is there other people living with you right now?:
Yesss i live with my brother viktor
20. What do you do for a living?:
Im a professional figure skater. very hard but artistic job
27. Is there magic in your reality?:
No :(
22. How much money do you have?:
...a lot.
23. Who are your friends/best friends:
YURI PLISETSKY :DDD hes my everything yknow idk what i would do without him. im also friends with mila
24. Are you older or younger than them?:
Im the youngest on the ice rink 😭😭 but im only one month younger than yura so that really doesnt count
25. Do you have a crush on someone?:
No! Im aromantic :)
26. How did you meet everyone for the first time?:
Okay so theres a lot of someones in this dr. most of the people i met was because of figure skating and viktor already being famous when i started skating but lets talk about specific ppl.
I met yura when he moved to spb and started ballet classes with lilia. he was so cute and determined and i HAD to be his friend. i was doing ballet w him btw
Did you think I would meet yuuri along with yura in sochi gpf? cuz i didnt. not in person at least. i already knew yuuri from name cause im curious and i wanted to know everyone who was competing in senior and his artistic skills were REALLY good (he kinda reminds me of adam siao in this reality). you also thought i would meet yuuri in the banquet. but i didnt. well i DID saw him DRUNK DANCING WITH MY BROTHER and giving him a LAP DANCE but i was too busy filming and taking photos of it to talk to him. i only officially met him when me and yura traveled to japan
i met chris in one of vityas competitions when i was little. im like 13 years younger than viktor remember that. and i. i was jealous of chris taking my brothers attention. and i. i spat on him. yeah.
27. What are your hobbies:
Ballet, reading and painting
28. What do you like to talk about with friends:
We talk a lot about music and ice skating ofc but we talk a lot about everything tbh 😭 we dont shut up
29. What is your favorite food and drink:
(yuras) dedushkas pirozhki 🤤🤤🤤 ONE CHANCE TOLYA ONE CH- *yura's interdimensional slap*
uhhh drink? whatever i have to drink ig some soda. i dont like vodka
30. Your favorite color:
31. Your clothing style:
i dress whatever i feel in the moment. i can dress coquette or gothic it depends
32. Your favorite place to spend time on:
Ice rink :)
33. Favorite sport, if you have one:
Ice skating duh
34. Favorite weather:
Rainy cold gray days
35. Favorite time of the day:
36. Favorite season:
Winter. but russias winter is ROUGH
37. Your biggest fear:
This is too deep to post on tumblr lol i dont even know
38. What makes you very angry?:
When im almost done w the routine and i miss a jump and YAKOV MAKE ME DO IT ALL AGAIN-
39. What makes you very happy?:
Whenever all of my friends have time to spend together
40. Do you have any pet?:
Its vityas but shes also mine. makkachin <33 good girl
41. Do you consider yourself a good fighter?:
I do! I made sure to script that i know how to fight lol
42. Is there any people you dont like?:
I would say jj but he just annoys me. OH. SARAS BROTHER. THAT GUY GIVES ME THE ICK
43. Do you have a favorite song that describes yourself, or just a favorite song in general?:
Gladiator by jann. really one of my favorite songs and it describes perfectly my dr
44. Can you play any instrument or dance?:
I can play piano and cello. i know how to dance waltz but thats it
45. Do you like to take risks and make new friends, or you are more reserved?:
Im more reserved
46. What do you do when you get very bored?
Reread crime and punishment
47. Are you a great leader?
No autism goes brrrrr
48. How is your daily routine?
wake up. hygiene. eat breakfast while watching tv. ice rink. skate. lunch w whoever is at the rink. skate. skate. skate. home. shower. read. sleep.
49. Your favorite smell
That one chocolate chris gave me in 2014
50. A big secret you have/know
yuri on ice fans might want to know what happened to viktors hair. i know.
vitya was celebrating after the banquet with some other skaters, drunk after winning gold in the olympics for the second time. he black out. he then woke up in the next afternoon, after missing his flight back home, with four other figure skater and three hockey players, all of them in the ground, wearing only underwear. his hair was a mixture of vomit, alcohol and dirt from the floor. there were even a few gum stuck to it. he was not the only one.
so he had to cut it yeah
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mayxo-hxh · 3 months
extremely specific queer hisoillu ramblings & hcs. question prompt was: How and when do you think Hisoillu found out they were queer?
i worked around the demi hc so for both of them.
For Hisoka I think it was obvious to him that he wasnt even close to cis and he knew he wouldve felt more comfortable generally being perceived as a man instead of a woman (i hc him transmasc) most of the time despite liking feminine stuff anyways.
i do think kid hisoka, who very much first presented as a lil guy before his chest grew out, had heard multiple slurs thrown at him and was definitely physically and mentally abused for liking "feminine things" when he looked like a boy. and for the very short period of time where he grew a chest and saw the fact that his chest suddenly had him being called a girl no matter what.
its when it clicked with him that "normal" societal cis standards are absolute fucking bullshit and that hes gonna be whatever he fucking wanted. He actually didn't care about having a chest until they grew to their full size and he just naturally grew to dislike /always/ having them yknow. if he had the option to take them on and off when he felt like it, he'd go for it. (hehe. bungee boobs after top surgery)
That was for his trans realization. For his sexuality, well. I think he just thought he never liked people in the first place so sexuality was something he was extremely indifferent to. He saw ppl in love and heard of what they do when theyre in love and he was like. "yeah absolutely fucking not thats not for me. not even close" and the thought of sex just disgusted him because he can never imagine being this intimate with some random person (considering he literally had 0 people in his life that were even considered friends until illumi) i think its obvious. who his awakening was lmfao
illumis was basically, he knew he did not conform to cis standards and that was that. he didnt rlly think of any labels or any possibilities, he just did not give a fuck whether he was called this or that and knew he sometimes wished he was. neither. nothing at all. and his parents had no restrictions on his representation when he started to branch out and discover what he liked to present as (after his short hair teen days)
mw for sexuality. same thing as hisoka basically. he knew he was gonna "have to" marry someone someday because this was the "normal" and what his parents expected but he just felt 0 attraction to anyone and everyone around him. he had a period where he thought it was normal to not feel attraction and people just put up with each other for the sake of either procreation or not living alone, then he thought he was broken because he realized akshually his parents DO love each other very much and hes the "abnormal" one.
unfortunately i dont think hes the type to realize that whatever he had going on for him was normal and completely fine, he was just extremely relieved when he realized he wasn't "broken" when he felt attracted to hisoka. but it probably took him a while to realize it was actual. yknow. that type of attraction. especially since illumi probably never formed any connections to anyone outside his family so when he did start feeling stuff with hisoka it was probably first brushed off as well. oh maybe this is normal when ure friends with someone haha. no illumi not in your case at least
basically in terms of sexuality, theyre the same but perceived their situation in complete opposite ways. Hisoka was completely fine with the thought of being alone but it freaked Illumi out 😭
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hirik0 · 10 months
Back to you part 3
part 1 | part 2
Makarov | 11 pm Liverpool, England | 2 months later
01:00 am Moskau = 23:00 pm Liverpool | Time zones guys... why did i think the need of time zones is a good idea?
Makarov is enjoying his drink in a high priced bar in Liverpool, and that its the same bar Yuri had frequently visiting is pure conicident. And Jack is constanly looking towards him and Makarov knows that his man in England Artyorm is slowly getting iritated by Jack. "Who is this dude thats looking over?", Artyorm asks, ready to get rid of the staring man on a wimps notice, but Makarov just has a pleased smile on his face. "A nobody", Makarov says very unintressed, but he is enjoying this so much, because it looks like today Jack is here with colleuges. "He looks towards us 15 times in the last 5 minutes", Artyorm points out, clearly not buying Makarov a nobody. "I know", Makrov says with a pleased smile, oh that Jack can't even start shit makes this so much better. "So you know who that is", Artjorm says rolling his eyes. "Yes, hes a idiot", Makarovs answers unhelpfull, before emtyinghis glass. "Boss, who is this and is he a problem", Artjorm presses the matter further. "He is an old enemy from before I started my carrer", Makarov gives a simple breakdown of who Jack is with out mentioning Yuri or a gay marriage. "Do we need to get rid of him?", Artjorm asks ready to order a hitman by now. "No, hes not even in our line of work", Makarov says not being abel to holt back his laughing when Jacks phone falls to to ground. His burner phone told him, that a sertain person just posted about his party night in Moscow. The dropping of the phone also seems to calm down Artyorm. "Why hes your enemy?", Artyorm ask clearly not understanding how such a person could do anything that makes him a enemy to a the boss. "Ruined my friendship with a close friend and took this person out of our workline", Makarov explains because Artyorm joint after Yuri left. "You do friendship?", Artyorm asks suprised, only knowing a cold hearted sastistic version of Makarov that helped him to rise the rangs quickly. "In my old live", Makarov answers not minding the implication. Jack is angrly storming out of the bar and Makarov smiles satisfied oh, his was the best idea he had in a long time because what ever Jack trys to do he will look like an absolute ass if he is rude to him.
When Jack is coming back after a short time in he is fuming, starring daggers towards Makarov who is very pleased with the situation. Oh he needs to ask Milena what Yuri said at the phone, to make the other man getting this visibel angry. The other people at Jacks table start to ask him questions, questions that Jack clearly dont want to answer and is it so clear to Makarov that Jack wants to storm over and scream at him. "Damm, must be a hell of a phone call", Artyorm wispers getting cold shivers about Makarovs extreamly good mode. Their work day was shit, Makarov looked like hes ready to brutaly murder the next person that breaths wrong just 2 hours ago and now he's a kid ripping open presents. "Oh I bet it was", Makarov says toasting towards Jack who looks like is is ready to comid a murder by now. "YES my husband is leaving me", Jacks sudenly screams, hearebale for the whole bar, its clear that Jack can barely hold is rage in check. Makarov smiles just grows bigger oh, this must be a gigantic hit for Jack massively overblown fragile ego to have attmidet this so publicly. Artyorm makes a digusted sound clearly not having a good opinion about gay people. "He married your old friend", Artyorm states his face still showing digust. "Yes", Makarov simply confirms in a tone to signal the topic is over with this, Artyorm opens his mouth as if he wants to say more on the topic, but stops himself.
Yuri | 1 am Moscow, Russia
Yuri is drunk and enjoying the music, looking much healthier then two months ago, slowly building back up muscels again, having goten a hair cut he likes and he stoped crying himself to sleep 2 weeks ago. He is partying with a old friend Milena and her friends who are celebrating a bacherolette party today. Milena, who inharied her late husbands money is giving him another glass of a very colourfull shot. He emptys the shot, midly gaging at the teribel taste that gets worse with every shot before looking at the groupe of Milenas friends dancing or what they call dancing. "Im not drunk enough for what ever they are doung", Yuri says when he looks at Milena again. "Are you saying the soon to be bride cant dance?", she asks him playing to be disapointet in him. "Well not after 7 Magaritas", Yuri states his opinion getting her to laught. "So you meet Vladimir again with the both of you living in the same city again?", Milena asks him sudenly of course knowingthe answer alreadywho else would have given Yuri her number? "Yes, I meet him at 'the box ring' again", Yuri answers giving her all the information she needs. "Oh, did you see Vladimir fight?", Milena ask him getting a suprised look from Yuri. "He still does that?" She nods as a answer no need for the both of them to talk about his in a full club in Moscow. "You have a 'ticket' right?", Milena ask him refering to a entry card to the pit, making Yuri chook on his drink being sudenly reminde that Makarov gave him one of his whore cards. Being to busy planing his way to force Jack to sign the fuckign divorse papers. "He gave me one yes", Yuri answers cant stop his face from blushing and now Milena knows that there must be more to this then Yuri is telling her. "You got on from him personaly? I thought he only ever gives them to 'dates'", Milena says confused, also a bit disgusted. Seriously Makarov need to get his shit together if he want Yuri to stay. "Its only for 'dates' if you give it back, allegedly", Yuri recalls what Makarov shoutet after him while he put on his boots. Milena breaks in a drunk giggel, tears are runnig down her face and she needs to hold her stomach, Yuri giving her a dipleased look just makes it better. "Im.. Im laughting over Vladimir not you", Milena pants out when she gets it back together. "Vlad was speachless when I asked him the about the 'dates", Yuri says before emtying his drink. "No a speachless Vladimir and I missed it, shame", Milena says pouting. Yuri is again looking at the other people they are here. "You think they are done?", Yuri asks some of the woman barely able to keep on their feet now. "I think they are, the bride looks like she is about to fall asleep on her feet", she agress graping her own half full glass, to finish it. Milena looks at her phone how did the other woman get this wasted already at barely 1:30 am before a notification from Instagram is poping up. "Oh, shit Makarov commeted on Instagram", Anna say and Yuri is moving clsoer to her, so they can read it together.
Sombody took the news really bad and embarrassed themself.
They both grin at each other over this comment, till they see the soon to be bride fall over her own feets landing on her ass on the way to their table. "Time to get them home." Yuri can hear how defeated Milena sounds, this will be so not a easy job. Herding a group of clearly drunk woman to their hotel.
3:40 am | Moscow, Rusia
Yuri is done. They needed nearly an hour to get the bachlorette party to the hotel, he needed to carry the Bride for the last 10 minutes. The other woman stayed in row after Milena told them she will not bail them out of prison if they get arested. He just finished his late shower, in Milenas penthousen guest bathroom. Just a towl around his hip and in a drunken thought he craby his phone, taking a picture in the mirror. He then chooses the contact that is simply an M and sends the nude. He is not even sure if Makarov has the phone this number belongs with him or if he's traveling with another burner phone. But drunk Yuri is of the opinion it dont matter when Makarov is seeing it, but that he will see it. He puts on a old T-shirt and a pair of boxers before leaving the bathroom. "Your divorce phone has a missed call. Its from Mr. 3 minutes", Milena tells him, refering to his phone with his british number he is mainly using to talk with his lawyer. "Oh god, why did he called me?", Yuri asks cunfused Jack didnt spend one thought to him for 10 months, why does he start now. He puts the voice mail on speaker, knowing he will have to inform his laywer about this.
"Yuri, you really think you can hide behind your Lawyer? Huh, dont get where you sudenly get this confidence from. You really think your old friends want a worthless piece of shit like you back? Milena is only hanging out with you out of pitty and when she drops you will crawl back to me anyway. So you better get back home where you belong. Oh and you really think I will sign this papers just because your Psycho friend is showing up at my favorite bar? Pathetic, cant even believe he does something like this for you." End of voice mail
The first think Yuri notices is how absolutly angry Jack sounds. "Cant believe you married this douche bag?", Milena comments, giving Yuri a full glass of water to drink. "I was younger und dumber", Yuri says sacasticly. "Okey but who does he mean with pscho friend, im pretty sure he told you all of us are psychos at somepoirnt", Milena says before drinking from her own water. "I think he means Makarov, Jack said 'he does'", Yuri concludes and honestly it only can be Makarov anyway because he is with Milena and is not sure who of his old friends are even still alive. "He sound so angry, wich means he could do nothing with Makarov beeing there", she points out with a big smile. "I think my new voice mail on the british phone also pissed him off", Yuri sniggers, knowing exactly what the what the first part of Jacks rant refered too. "What does it say?", Anna asked before taking another sip from her water. "That I can't reach the phone right now and that if you're my soon to be ex husband to please talk to my lawyer and sign the good damm divorse papers", Yuri say with a big grin on his face making Milena laugh.
02:20 am | Liverpool, England
Makarov finally can finish his work day the last important mail, arived 20 minutes ago. He looks at his phone seeing that he got a text from Yuri 40 minutes ago. Yuri never used this number since he gave it to him in a stalker way, broken into Yuri appartment and leaving a note with his and Milenas phone numbers there. Yuri never aknolege that this happen so why did he now? Makarov feels himself blush Yuri send him a nude. Yuris, nacked chest with water running down, only whereing a towel. And Makarov cant look away, being fully captured. Thinking back to the day 2 months ago when Yuri layed in his bed ogeling. The time the tought about what would happen if he didnt ask Yuri for breakfast, how they all turn him on so much, how he got off on them. And now? Now he had something new for these kind of thoughts he try to squish every time they pop up. "God fucking damm it, Milena was right, I'm having a bi-panic because of Yuri", Makarov curses in to the thankfully empty room. The worst is Yuri just send a picture nothing else so what is he suppost to do with this? Well the not helpfull part of his brain is clearly has a lot of ideas, telling him to look a the picture again. He looks at the picture again, noticing more details, how Yuri is bitting his lower lip, his eyes half closed, how the towel is low in his hips. How easly the towel could slip down because of gravity or Makarov could cause it to fall to the ground, how this would make Yuri grin dirty at him through the mirrior. Makarov is half hard, just from a few thoughts. Oh hes fucked, when the fantasys of the photo and the memory are merching to one big dirty fantasy. He wants Yuri in his bed again so badly and he will do what ever is necessary to reach it, by all means necessary.
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teadrop-12 · 5 months
heehee thank you for giving me hcs of my blorbo :))) can I ask hcs for your favourite hedgehog Rudy?????? I wanna hear abt em :)))))
Hiii bella omg yeah ofc!! i have a lot of them locked n loaded omg
so i said before like my main hc of ejen ali is that rudy is a trans girl. and that still stands. she/her rudy but only with a few people she knows wont give her shit for it
again i know i draw and depict rudy as being femme but in actuality nothing really changes. shes the same exact person with the same blunt personality and spiky hair shes just a girl now
has a bunch of skills like sewing and baking. absolute dogshit at cooking though
shes bi, i've always had the hc she's bi, even before the tgirl hc came along. like the reaction she had to kim was the same she had to Ali i rest my case
i think she's got a guy pref tho? like she thought she was straight until she had her first crush on a girl
ALSO!! shes on the aro spectrum, specifically demiromantic.
really good with animals and kids, babysits on weekends sometimes
Roza is genuinely like her sister, like her cool older sister thats basically rodrick from the live action diary of a wimpy kid movie
she's not in a band but to blow off steam she plays the drums sometimes
theres a boxing bag in her room she uses that too rudy knows boxing
her and bulat are the besties of the agency. they met each other when bulat came to the academy and they have been each others ride or die since
while she was in the infirmary and her arm completely healed she would sneak into the kitchen and bake for the remaining agents anonymously
she thrifts and gets a lot of grundge and trad goth clothes, but she cannot be bothered to dress up unless shes with a date or at an event then she wears formal Baju Malayu (im so sorry if i got it wrong i just searched for malay formal wear and the one i saw her wear is just like that so i dunno)
like think hot topic, or gothic lolita clothes.
kinda clingy with people? i dunno how else to describe it but its like if shes with a friend or something and they abruptly get taken away for something else she'd be a tiny bit jealous or something
moons like her little sister i think, like theyre always bickering and stuff n tease each other but if anything happened to her she would be mad
she can't really take compliments well. like from anyone.
very indulgent hc, shes got a crush on Alicia.
im sorry these hcs are so boring
an actual menace to society, she should be put down/j. but srsly, she is a known prankster in canon before ali and alicia came and she became so much more tough
i think she would have had rabies. at least twice. one as a kid once recently
as a kid she actually had really long hair but she got it cut rlly short bc she wanted to style it like Djins
accidently called one of the mentors "mom" once but that mentor said it was fine and flattered
despite having a huge crush on alicia, she is also her biggest rival. Like luz and amity except theyre both amity except alicia amity is luz does this make sense
calls ali and khai cringe for liking a card game like WAUriors but in actuality she has a whole collection for herself.
ok here are some heavy hitters (TW su1c1de mention)
Remember that thing with my dos hcs? with dos being unknowingly cloned? that clone was rudy, but because she was a child, they couldn't wait for her to grow up so when they tried to terminate her, rudy caught wind of this and ran away, which is how she got homeless until she was around 2 or 3?
if thats not the case, I do think something more sinister happened in which MATA was involved with the fact she has no family left.
given the fact they hid ali's mother dying from him for about a year or two after he joined MATA, i dont doubt that they hid something about Rudy's origin.
I like to think when she first joined MATA she did know Aliya but she doesn't remember her so she can't put her finger on why Ali's so familliar to her
When she was younger she was kinda the older sister to the other kids there, like she would pickpocket some extras for them or find some sort of shelter and stay outside if there wasn't enough room for everyone.
Agent Geetha is the one she considers a mother bc shes the one that would actually primarily take care of her when she was a baby
When she grows up she actually goes through such a terrible incident on a mission that makes her lose her arm, but she refused to get a prosthetic bc she didn't want to look anything more like djin
like moon, she had strenuous nightmares for months and didn't sleep an entire night once after the incident in s2, and when they finally subsided, after season 3 it all started again
when she's older she actually quits being an agent, but doesn't leave MATA until shes much older, like around 30, and till then she's a CSI for them and still tags along on certain missions but not as common now.
I like to think Geetha adopted her after some years when they got much closer. Sometimes rudy would ask to sleep in her room when shes having a nightmare or something like that.
speaking of which, She calls her Ama or Ami (since Geethas desi in canon I want to think she prefers being called mom in Urdu)
rudy did kind of. like still not completely trust geetha even after she adopted her, but it got much better later when rudy would get really sick and geetha wouldn't stop helping her and she like wouldn't leave her side like she slept in a chair next to her as she was sick.
I do adore the hc we have of Geetha and dos being rudys moms, but i am also loving the hc of like. rudy finds out shes techinically Dos's "daughter" (bc of the whole clone thing) and her kind of realizing that geetha is so much more of a mother to her than dos can ever be and thats also what strengthens their bond.
After she saw alicia crying after Zain died, they always kept an eye on each other. like alicia and geetha are really the only ppl she'd cry in front of.
when she found out dos almost killed alicia she kind of cried there too. because what if she did actually die she wouldn't have met either of them.
after djin died she did actually attempt, but it didn't work and had to see a MATA specialized therapist.
ok i think thats all for now behn!!! super sorry for the boring hcs i didn't know anything new!! but pleaseee send me more hc asks i love them so much!!
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 3 months
my thoughts while watching mha s3 ep 1-11
At the start azaiwa gives a rundown on everyone and I am very grateful (I will forget all)
The cat girls and the kid are so funny, the way they were when we first saw them made me question things
would like to file a complaint against Aizawas smile? I think he's trying to smile.
very aware that deku's eyes are green
i like koda
deku who can barely survive 5%: ONE MILLION PERCENT my boy, thats 200,000 times your limit
skin guys quirk is fire, ok, but why does he look like that
scratch the first part, why is he like that.
anyway, so skin guys quirk is fire, and then theres a guy who made clone of him, who was the one that attacked aizawa
love how one guy;s weapon is a bunch of sharp stuff tied together
steel guy and rock guy are now one of my favouite parings of hardheaded dumbasses (the only one)
hey, uh, why did i just see dark shadow atttack deku
just realised, dark shadow is basically a gist from SP, but different
shoji and tokoyami are a duo i did not expect, but is actually nice.
wait, can froppy taste with her tongue?
oh wow, laser frenchboy is the only one left standing, i need to see him be competent,
i dont consider nomus human
i was really hoping everyone would be ok after this (alive and not kidnapped) but sadly
i forgot the gas villian was a kid, wonder how he ended up here
if there was a traitor, i would say nezu, but i know he's not, its (probably) not almight or aizawa, and if there was, it would be someone who has been introduced well, so thats cementos, midnight, mic, horse-gun-guy and 1B's teacher, but also maybe not.
almights ringtone though "A phone call is here! a phone call is here!" and the teachers being like that about it
"I broght you a present, Its a melon!" i love that and they talk about the sad stuff
rescue misson time, 2 of them, probably at once.
anyway, lots of pros are about to do a thing, and also some not-pros (ua students) at the same time, they will run into eachother.
best jeanist is apparently not just a clothes guy, thats interesting
i need to know who these heros are, i recgonise, like 3,
deku being told he should, try not to get injured for a bit: I'm going to go on a dangerous rescue misson!!!
unrelated but we are at ep8 now, halfway through
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love how everyones starting to hate heros, this'll be fun
whats with twice and the personalites he does, like why.
y'know what, i think the leuge of villans are onto something here, like, maybe dont go attacking highschoolers, but yeah
hey, uh, the guy's calling A HAND, father, should we be concerned?
like, 90% sure the kids are at the wrong hideout
idk why bur i randomly start deciding to play snake
jeanist's quirk i think is just controlling thread, but in this one shot it looks so cool
can we just pause for a sec, and talk about how, almight has smashes named after american places, like why, this is japan
it would be really funny to use magnetism in a crowded place
one for all kinda looks like a nomu
also i am not loving this arc (rescue bakugo) i think it should have been 2 episodes, not like, however many its been
what shigaraki's whos grandson,
oh its almights predecesor, the one with the quirk before him
y'know i would have thought all for one had some sort of healing factor
deku is gonna show up soon, i'm calling it
nope its endevor, i was close (their both a person)
and other people?
i think he's just making up enhancer-things like "spear-like bones" do you know what spears and bones even do? what are you hoping to acomplish
his arm is bigger that the rest of his entire body
love how all that blood dissapears then comes back, like, consistency pls
oh cool, we get a united states smash, as if this isn't TAKING PLACE IN JAPAN, like why is like this (also Tokyo smash sounds cooler then detroit smash)
anway, thats the end of this part, 11 episodes worth of thought, there will be more
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year2000electronics · 11 months
Hi, just being curious, what do you think is the greatest difficulty you’ve faced carrying out the storyline in your ask blogs (aside from potential burnout)?
Is there any time where the asks were not going towards the direction where you’d want them to go, and how did you steer the story back on track?
Do you have any techniques giving out clues or keeping the pace of the ask blog?
[sorry these are a lot. Of questions. It’s just, it’s amazing how you are able to run multiple successful askblogs, and I’m curious how you did it]
OOOH THESE ARE SOME INTERESTING QUESTIONS! really pickin at my old noggin here...
id say probably the most difficult part is like... ok through my tenure ive obviously had some physically taxing moments, moments of people being way too mean, people being way too NICE, people complaining that every single member of a giant ensemble cast doesnt get the exact same amount of screentime etc etc, but id honestly say the hardest part is just. making the medium Work. when i run an ask blog like this, im basically asking people to drive the story forward with no promise of whether their choices even like. Matter. if youre not tethered enough to your asks, it can feel like youre just asking people to put a coin in the slot and letting the story play for another page. you have to play this balancing act of wanting to tell the story you want to tell while also needing peoples' help to get there. thats why an engaging story and endearing characters are so important. i wound up telling people here on my main that y2k would end with a good ending specifically because i got people concerned i genuinely would end it with a Bad End, but still even knowing that people would tune in. so its like. i always have to make sure its Engaging enough. for people to be willing to play this game with me at all. the hardest part of fishing is getting the fish to bite yk.
2. YES ALL THE TIME LOLLLL a lot of the time i will end up either picking an ask from before the topic came up and answer that one, or plant my own decoy ask. basically jingling keys at people HJSSKHASGK. but sometimes even that doesnt work! benrey in y2k has a very touchy complex about his helmet specifically because I DIDNT HAVE SPRITES WITH HIS HAIR. and i thought that his hair was kinda boring compared to what people were probably expecting (its very short and simple i draw his hair like bootleg barney) so i ended up having to answer that little thread by having an explosion and then presenting my own resolution (gordon calm him down :)) i like to think ive gotten better at key jingling though haha. usually the two types of key jingling topics i find work best are either little plot teases or a 'now back to what we were doing' ask, but if you dont want things to advance quite yet, i usually use questions that will elaborate on a character trait or introduce a new character fact
3. dont be me. /j ok actually the thing about this specific medium is like. people will send me asks guessing my twists WAAAAY early on but the thing is i can just. choose not to answer them. hehe. id personally pay attention to how often people are guessing your twists though because like. its BOUND to happen if you lay out clues some people will pick up on them. if theres not a lot of people guessing, then you can lean more into the big sting reveals of like 'NOOOOBODY EXPECTED THIS' but when a lot of people have guessed the twist, i usually make sure to present it in a way that doesnt imply that there was nobody on the right trail or that people got bamboozled. as for the clues themselves. well im about to figure that out myself again! i have some clues i need to lay in bmfe!! dont get discouraged if people pick up on what you thought was really subtle, cos like. literal day 1 of episode 3 someone literally made a powerpoint saying 'LEADING LIGHT IS BACK' and i was like ok i was just on my first crumb DAMN. as for pacing, it doesnt matter if you get the blog done in one month or one year- what does matter is PLANNING. if you know what your goal is, what your landmarks and checkpoints are, youll be able to stagger stuff successfully no matter the length. some of the best-recieved parts of y2kvr were parts i went into the session going 'this is my goal for today' for. the goals dont even have to big, it could even be something as small as like 'get from place a to place b'
SORRY THIS GOT LONG but ty for the question! reflecting on my process is interesting :]
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jaxieus · 1 year
ive written this three times but tumblr keeps messing up and undoing all the writing i did :'(
but i wont let it discourage me! ive got a lot to say about the art i made even though its messy sketches on mspain(t) XD
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i had been feeling burnt out and decided to draw comfort characters ( some that ive not drawn in a long time or have acknowledged but never drew before) and the carebears is a franchise thats been with me for so long i made a whole painting for class about it!
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i made a list and with utter shock i realized that i basically bacame my owm worts enemy! the list grew so much (and is still growing :')) and i only drew a few characters so far
i know ill render these soon but the others will take a while
(but im really concerned about how im gonna tag this without being obnoxious 🥲)
i have like alot to say about these characters i drew because they mean so much to me and i never really could delve into them at school.
theres more i want to say and its under the cut! :D
so this is gonna get a lil personal but hopefully not too much to the point its boring ,:)
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the first character i want to talk about is Ursula. i remember when i was younger being increadibly infatuated with her. i would draw her whenever i could. on chalkboards, the wall, i made paper cut-out of her and digitally drew her on ms paint! she was the first character that a had a desire to be close to in a way. a character albeit evil felt comforting and till this day make me tear up from how beautiful her design is! Ursula was the first female character i felt a strong aesthetic attraction to. (im just kinda a sucker for powerful women)
so i made sure to stay true to her design by keeping her body type and tentacles. basically just switching her hands and head to the carebears design (im still deciding whether or not to keep her hair)
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second has to be Rosalina. she really made me accept and realize that i did have an attraction to the same sex ':) i loved playing as her in smash bros, listening/watching her story in galaxy. i never really 'got' the whole thing but reflecting and growing as a person did make me realize that not just fictional men look great but women too!
her design is based on the carebear cousins because the main thing was the mane! you dont really see a bear with a long loc covering its eye so having her different from the others i think gives good variety
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third King Candy. oka y i recently feel back inlove with him! mostly because of @/ blackthewolf17's drawings of him!! and that made me rewatch the movie and wow! i remember liking his character a while back but i never really appreciated his as a villain! watching the movie and seeing the art made me remember the discussions i had with my fam about liking him and them not really understanding. (its kinda a running theme with a lot of the characters i like)
i wanted the characters the pop out and look recognizable. i kept the crown and collar. his belly badge is a paper covering his original badge! this one shows the crown and a few bits of candy. (leaning into the fact that he doesnt belong)
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next is NME SalesGuy for Four. (such a clever name) this dude is literally a character that i was shocked by his stature! i mean what did i expect? falling for a dude that exudes tall energy but is literally a short king! this dude was there during some cool family times while watching right back at ya!
while looking for references, i found i cb comic and i loved how their legs looked. it wasnt bent like the originals on the cards and i thought they looked really goofy! so i went with that with the design becasue he just doesnt really fit with everyone elses stlye
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fifth Rick Sanchez. man, this old man. has been with me through a lot. i saw a poster if the show before it premiered and two years after, i watched it and ive obsessed over him so much i made people watch Rick and Morty so i could talk with them about it. R&M really got me back onto tumblr because it was my entire personality since the show was at its peak and after. (old men tsk tsk) i made OCs Self inserts and played the mobile game. i literally memorized episodes to recite as i went to sleep. and analyzed frames of my fave episode to get better at animation!
i gave Rick clothes because i wanted him to have some flair. iconic elements of him is his tousled hair, coat and alcohol. (hes drinking 'happy juice')
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Sixth is Coach Brunt. a girlboss of a villain! she took care of and orphan and made her feel like she was her own! shes determined, strong, fierce, fit, has a great voice, money, and kind. what more could a girl ask for?? this was another character that i had seen while watching CS with the fam. (still havent completed it tho)
i did break the rule and give her a tuft of hair also ':/ but i like her BB i gave her.
its a paw punching a heart (maybe too violent)
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Seventh is Johan liebert. i really loved this dude. the series just made me think more about human nature and nurture. i met some cool people becasue of this dude. Johan in a way made me cope with the problems that happened in my life. he really was the character that i also found out i was ace+aro. i just loved drawing him. filling pages of my sketchbook and centering english papers based around him and the lessons i learned from seeing the bad in his character and how people might turnout to be similar and how it can be a problem. (idk if it made sense, but i learned to appreciate humanity more and not be so headstrong and become blinded by my views. but also learning that its good for people to know whats coming for the people that wronged you)
Johans BB is painted on white, so you wouldnt be able to see what he is all about :)
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theres is so much already but eighth is Senpai. this Fker is my worst enemy, just like all the characters i drew soo much of this guy that i thought i was gonna go crazy, there was a pang in my chest when the drawings looked like trash. he was the character that made me want to get better at art and engage more with people. i made a fnf OC to be this dudes father. (it was some of the most wholesome thing i ever drew)
Senpai has a more basic design. he also has his identifying elements like the backpack and mic
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ninth is Saul. my bbg. it started with the character but sadlt turned into a full obsession over Bob Odenkirk and finding all of his shows and movies that he directed of acted in. thankfully im not deep into it anymore. but when i regularly used instagram, you could see the decent into madness for him. i made animations and really detailed fanart. if Sen got me to draw my fave better, Bob made me attempt to perfect it.
his design sadly is my weakest. i wanted to add some fake hair on him. but im sure you can see that i got lazy. a few weeks ago i made versions of the BRBA&BCS cast as Geronimo Stilton characters and (sad excusee) but i didnt want to put more into the design because i became drained from looking at the growing list D;<
his BB is based on themis :)
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tenth is Big Jack Horner. i love this man. i ironically said "he was the hottest character in the movie" on my third watch and man i actually believed it on the way out of the theatre. i wanted to see if anyone liked him like i did and to my surprise people did! this dude has such a great bod, voice, attitude and like many of the characters i like i ask, "is there any proof of death? i dont think so".
i havent drawn him in months and i dont like that i havents so he was the first bear i drew. his BB is a pie but i think ill add his insignia or have him draw on it like Oopsie bear to fit his situation.
like maybe something silly like a frowning face on his BB
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im going to put eleven and twelve together because both play a similar role. my two men of science. ive only recently started to like Medic and Scudworth. these two bring such a great jot to me just like all to kooky men i like as well.
sadly, they both look the same, the only thing differentiating them is the glasses. i love their voices and design.
i ahve yet to give Scudsy his own BB tho.
last thing i want to say is why i chose carebears as the main style.
the franchise has been with me since i can even remember or at least before i could comprehend what it was. i remember seeining either oopsie or good luck bear plush at a carnival and i really wanted it but it was closing and i mean it was probably bigger than me so i couldnt get it and it became an obsession of mine! i loved green and a already had a few at home whats one more? so i tried to drop hints at my mom. well as good as a 5-7 yr old could do with drawings.
theres a lot more to say but i might go one for so long it wont fit here!
this was very long and if you read it thank you very much! im glad i got to comfortably speak my mind (well write it) in my own way that did have structure but felt more personal and less embarrassing that my english teacher asking me to write something about myself and my life. or my Art teacher saying i have the freedom to create something but then talk about it with in a time span because im not the only one that has something good to say about their art.
im not sure if all of it was understandable and might've been really unnecessary but im glad either way.
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
people are so weird about dewdrop so often, like it’s fine to make him like femme stuff and yeah he’s small but so many are like MY UWU BOY SO SOFT like let him live bro!! he’s messy and weird and neurotic and mean! it esp makes me upset when people do that and then hc him as trans, because it feels really obvious that they’re still stuck in the “all trans men are soft bois” phase. there’s a lot of really good dew forcedfem and dew trans stuff, but I feel like if you’re ONLY writing dew like that, maybe you should re-examine why you automatically hc the short, long haired guy as the feminine and trans one. anyways sorry for the rant, ghouls are genderfuck anyways, trans princess mountain supremacy
i know there was a post circulating about this topic a little while ago. and i know there were some good takes and some . . . not so good takes lmao.
there is definitely a boundary between sexualization and appreciation. some people dont know that line. and, like youve mentioned, some people have biases and stereotypes about thin androgynous trans men that dont ever really . . . expand beyond that point. youre absolutely right that if that is seriously the only way you write 'trans dew' (i say this in quotes really bc i think ghouls have a different idea about gender as a whole, but this conversation, like fat female characters, tends to go beyond just ghost when we have it) then i think taking a step back and asking why that is, is important.
like i mentioned earlier, while its okay to have aspects about your characters that are stereotypical, they have to be balanced and incorporated into things that go beyond sexual actions/identity. or what a person is to other people. bc ive read some totally hot, totally well-rounded stuff with forcefem trans bottom dew, like you said. but it can def get repetitive (and a lil sus) if thats literally all someone writes.
bc big, strong ghouls can have cunts too. tiny feminine ghoulettes can have dicks. these are opposite ends of the spectrum kind of examples, but you get the idea. and again, thats not to say 'oh well if people are saying only this kind of trans ghoul gets written, then i need to go the complete opposite direction and write them the other way!' cause like. gender has nuances and has nothing to do with personality, you feel? can the way you express your gender have to do with personality? yes. but yeah, they dont dictate each other.
and, as a cis person, my advice about trans ghouls in general is you should know the hard lines not to write. and you shouldnt act like you know everything. especially when it comes to transitioning, hormones, surgeries, etc. i hope i dont come across that way, and its why i dont ever explore those aspects in my writing. i dont have the experience (and again, i think it works differently as ghouls but i digress)
BUT. everyone has different experiences regardless of body type and whatever junk you got. thus, everyone can feel differently about the way a trans character is portrayed. some people are like 'hell no i dont want to read about any P in V sex' and others are like 'literally give me every dick in the vicinity'. you know? theres a lot of fluidity (hah) to explore, and i dont think one should be discouraged in writing 'trans' ghouls even if they're cis. take valid criticisms when necessary and needed, but like. they're hellbeasts. they arent human anyway haha. i would like more monster aspects, personally (tentacles anyone?)
and yes, i support the trans princess mountain agenda, please continue to spread it hahaha
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