#I dont understand people who think I am in the military
x22817 · 1 month
Hekate is not a military dog. I am not former military. Everyone assumes we are military.
I dont mind it. People give us space. It means we are rocking the scary dog vibe with a calm, cool, and collected nature.
It takes a real veteran to tell we are certainly not associated with the military in any way.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
YAMATO NEW NAKAMA PLEASE 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️LUFFY PLEASE!!!!
#do kaido and big mom end up in the same hole??? lmaoo yamato get luffy!!! hell yes!!!#now a military trial for all the beast pirates come on!!! everyone to udon jail#APOO IS STILL ALIVE???. FUCK OFF!!!!!!!#i understand law is not on a state to be a medic but marco.... pick up some slack....#toko :((( no fucking way they are coming out of the hole..... they aren't.... the better not....#HIYORI!!!! no reunion??? :((#tama first girl to adopt a mother... also why do they have the same eyes... also is nami not enough for you.... or luffy.... your uncle...#hiyori girl dont kneel.... thats your 8 year old brother.... tama backstory omg.... tama dont cry omg.... she's gonna make me cry too...#izo is dead for real.... he was shown on the dead people highlight reel.... omg.... kinemon looking like a proud dad...#that hiyori and momo reunion.... i need more... what was that....#episode 1078#talking tag#watching one piece#who tf is that talking to the cp0...#hawkins is alive.... oh now he regrets it.... now he is dead... well.....#can't believe izo is dead... marco saying he cant believe he is alive... WELL YOU FOUGHT TWO TIMES AND THEM DID FUCK ALL WHILE IZO DIED????#i am so mad at this man you dont understand. HIYORI DROPKICKED MOMO AJSHAJA YEAHHH!!!#luffy and zoro waking up at the same time... it started with them too... oof#in my bliss of luffy winning and gear 5 and all i hadn't realised my pink haired samurai hasn't appeared in a while... i fear the worst....#i love how luffy having a meal is animated like a fight... omg zoro too... using his three head technique...#nami being the first to hit momo akdjaks. well deserved also#yamato not bathing or eating for zoro and luffy and hiyori bathing zoro ajdhskjs. omg this looks like sanji is jealous FA-#nami having to think hard about who bathes where lmao sanji and brook need an execution#OTAMA WHAT ARE YOU DOING AJDHSJSHSJ ME ASF ALSO SORRY. also where tf is robin. DID THEY TAKE HER??? oh nvm there is another group...#kid you are so right he is annoying. kill him. come on!!! SAKAZUKI DIE!!!! they just wanna make me mad atp... ALSO WHERE IS ROBIN??#episode 1079#why is there a country with a giant picture of sabo in their clock tower lmaoo#luffy looks so little beside yamato omg.... omg soul king brook ft kozuki hiyori rock version.... AND I DONT GET TO HEAR IT????#robin with her poneglyphs of course.... AND BROOK OWES HER TWO MORE!!!!#MOMOS GRANDFATHER???? AND HE TOOK CARE OF TAMA WHO HAS ORICHIS LAST NAME!!!
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sk3l3t0n444 · 3 months
i wish i wasnt so scared of everything
#i wanna protest and shit but im a pussy and scared of getting in trouble#and i have no way of actually going to one and i dont even know where there is one#i wanna make a fucking difference in the world but how do i even do that#i can barely order my own food how tf am i going to fix the world#and i know that there are others who want to fight for the same things i do so im not alone#but i cant help but feel alone when the only people who feel this strongly about wanting to change the world seem to only exist in history#i know that there are people out there who feel the same way as me but they all seem to have that military mindset#yk thinking of people not as individuals but as an amalgamation of humans#to really make a difference you have to challenge everything they dont want you to challenge#if you see all people as a whole you see the same thing rich fucks do but if you see people as individuals with lives you are challenging it#we arent just disposable like rich white men think we are#we have to treat each other like real human beings and not as part of a statistic#humans werent meant to have this big of a society because at the end of the day we are mammals#you dont see wolves being in packs of millions you dont see any animal doing that and we are all just animals#so if we want to make this big fucking society work everybody has to have the same ammount of power#but with greedy fucks cant let that happen or else theyre just another brick in the wall#anyways im done rambling#i hope you guys understand at least a bit of this is you cared to read
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fairuzfan · 6 months
hello!! I don't know if this is appropriate (pls do not feel obligated to answer) but i was wondering what were ur thoughts on the israeli grass-roots movement Standing Together. I first found out abt them through a tumblr post that shared this substack article (https://theconnector.substack.com/p/if-its-not-helping-then-shut-the). the article immediately put an extremely bad taste in my mouth towards the movement and its founders, but i dont know if i'm being overly-critical of them.
Hey thanks for sending this in. No worries, it's totally ok. I was actually debating whether or not to publish this, mostly because I was afraid this would distract from Gaza, but I decided that it's imperative to stop normalizers from squeezing their way into the movement. Remember, the demands of the Palestinian people begin and end with liberation. Everything else is irrelevant and pointless to the cause.
So first off — I don't think you're being overly-critical of them at all. The first red flag of both this article and the group themselves is that they often exchange "Palestinian" with "Arab" and "Israeli" with "Jewish." That right off the bat shows me they have no respect for Palestinians and see Jewish people and Palestinians as mutually exclusive categories. I've spoken on this blog before about how racist it is to assume no Palestinian is Jewish and vice versa and this group really illustrates the forced division they imagine within their own goals and wording.
The article itself is quite anti-Palestinian in its erasure — it talks about avoiding words like "genocide," and "apartheid," and "ethnic cleansing" because "they are serious people trying to actually get something done." I really don't understand why not using those words makes you a serious person. If anything, it erases a description of how to define what it happening to Palestinians.
The whole redefinition of "peace" in this article and group is just calmness. These people are not advocating for peace in which families are reunited and land is given back — they are advocating for a muted version of the status quo of the current political system, just with less obviously fanatical governments. Peace cannot be attained when the people directly affected cannot have a say in defining it. They won't even say the word "apartheid." It's not some scholarly word with no meaning — it has actual consequences and effects on people (click). Palestinians are tried in military court. Their movement is monitored and restricted. It means that there are different legal systems for different people (click)! If you reject that this exists, then you're not interested in making the lives of Palestinians better — you're only interested in making your own life more comfortable.
As soon as you remove our ability to say words like "genocide" and "apartheid", you remove our ability to determine what happens specifically to Palestinians based on racism. By only saying "Palestinians are getting killed" an Israeli can come in and say "well so am I, by Hamas! Let's work together to end the killing" when it ignores that this is a systematic effort to completely wipe out all trace of Palestinians from the world.
It's like saying, "Don't say you have arthritis, say your joints hurt. And well, that happens to everyone, so let's just find a way to stop all our joints from hurting!" Then you work with people who fundamentally don't understand your pain and symptoms, oversimplifying your situation to the point of malicious universality. Sure, everyone's joints hurt, but my joints are hurting because my immune system is attacking them, not because of old age. You can't help my arthritis the same way you can wear a heat/cold patch to sooth your joints — there are other problems you're ignoring that all work together to cause me systematic pain and might cause bigger problems in the future if left untreated properly.
Similar symptoms don't mean similar causes and ignoring that is fundamentally ignoring the root issue and attempting to trivialize Palestinian's suffering. As soon as you take away the words to describe our situation, it doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Now, basically, the... weirdest part of the article is this excerpt:
People like him in Israel are very aware of how the left here is talking about them, and it’s not helping. “You can call me a colonizer or a settler,” he declared, “but I’m not going anywhere. And neither are the Palestinians.” When people chant, “Palestine will be free,” he said, “we Israelis hear, ‘without you.’ In the same way that a lot of Palestinians hear the ministers in Bibi’s government speak and think they want to do the same thing to them.” The problem as they both see it is that we are caught between two polar opposites. “Hamas believes in Greater Palestine,” Green said. “And on the other side we have people who believe in the idea of Greater Israel.” Indeed, that concept is in the charter of Netanyahu’s Likud Party. “Both sides have very problematic governing bodies,” he added. And the status quo of maintaining the occupation and managing the conflict has been exploded now.
Well, first off, Hamas is not the only one who believes in "Greater Palestine." Palestinians around the globe have been fighting for that since 1948. Second off, it's quite odd that you would center yourself in the wake of the ongoing slaughter of 10,000 people, with no end in sight. Right now, I would assume you'd be advocating for an end to the mass killings first and foremost, but you seem to be more worried about your right to stolen land.
Third, this completely erases the violence done to Palestinians the past 75+ years in favor for a "peace" that will only allow citizens of Israel comfort in their lives. Sure Palestinian citizens of Israel might have more comfortable lives, maybe (although I doubt it). But what about Gaza, which has been ravaged by Israel? What about the people in the Occupied Territories, whose economy depends on Israel, which controls it? What about the millions of refugees around the world who can't so much as see the place where they grew up because they've been exiled? The colonization of Palestine by Israel is not so old — there are people STILL ALIVE who participated in the massacres of Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 and walk around without facing any real consequences for that. My great-grandmother had seen both and she only passed away a couple of years ago. Where is the "peace" for her? Where is the "peace" for millions like her who still dream of going back to their childhood home?
This group AND the article tries to cloud your view into illustrating two opposing groups with equal power. They aren't. Palestinians, unfortunately, endure systematic oppression both within Gaza and throughout Palestine. Each and every time they try to resist peacefully, they've been shot, abducted, or imprisoned. The Great March of Return is one such example. BDS is also an example, yet that has constantly been outlawed by American governments. There have been a plethora of Palestinian artists, writers, and filmmakers who have been silenced or killed for advocating for a Free Palestine. Most recently, this included Heba Abu-Nada who was an award winning poet and writer who was martyred on October 20th after getting shelled by an Israeli missile. Ghassan Kanafani also was assassinated last century. The list goes on. Palestinians have no hope of "changing the system from within" because that internal change will always depend on the mercy of the Israelis that pretend to ally themselves with the Palestinians. Someone in Gaza cannot leave their refugee camp and go back to their ancestral home because no one in this group is advocating for that — and remember, the right of return is an essential part of the demands of the Palestinian people and we cannot ignore that for a forced "peace" that favors calmness over actual justice.
Now as we examine the group themselves, here is their mission statement/goal:
Standing Together is a progressive grassroots movement mobilizing Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel against the occupation and for peace, equality, and social justice. We know that the majority have far more in common than that which sets us apart and only a tiny minority benefits from the status quo. The future that we want-peace and independence for Israelis and Palestinians, full equality for everyone in this land, and true social, economic, and environmental justice — is possible. To achieve this future, we must stand together as a united front: Jewish and Palestinian, secular and religious, Mizrahi and Ashkenazi, rural and urban, and people of all genders and sexual orientations. As the largest Jewish-Arab grassroots movement in Israel, we are committed to creating an alternative to our existing reality and building the political strength to make this transformation possible.
Yet again, they are separating "Palestinian" and "Jewish," reinforcing this dichotomy that's so harmful. AND they're interchanging "Palestinian" and "Arab," which erases the diversity within Palestinian society. A group that makes the distinction between "Palestinian" and "Jewish" shows that they are not interested in the restitution of Palestinians but rather solidifying their own position within society by emphasizing a false dichotomy between "Palestinians" and "Jews" with no potential for overlap.
They mention "true justice" but "true justice" doesn't exist if there are no reparations towards the people who have been exiled and displaced, murdered, and tortured the past 75+ years. Justice is not an abstract concept — it is adhering to the demands of the people most impacted by systematic oppression, which is the Palestinians.
Looking at their leadership, there are only a couple of Palestinians with the vast majority of them being non-Palestinian. Sorry, but I'm wholly uninterested in "peace" and "equality" movements that are not made up of majority Palestinians. It's only common sense that you would expect such a movement to be led by Palestinians themselves — but this group seems to use Sally Abed as a token Palestinian who furthers their narrative of wanting "peace" in Israeli society. And even looking at their action items, you can see they make a point about emphasizing safety for the *Israeli* citizens above all else, stating that their far right government does nothing to serve the citizens of Israel. They claim it will also bring safety for Gazans, but how? You can advocate for a change in the government, yes, but if the people in Gaza are subject to getting their rights taken away based on the whims of whoever happens to be in power then no amount of "internal" activism in Israeli society will help them. They will always be at the mercy of the people who have a vested interest in erasing the people of Gaza and the West Bank so that they may take over their land.
Please remember, the civil rights movement of the 60s and the BLM Movement of this century were led by and FOR Black people of the United States because they were the ones making the demands for a change in their circumstances. Because at the end of the day, the people who are the most oppressed deserve the right to decide how their future appears and should not be dictated by the oppressor in any way.
This group tries to make a separation between the "Israeli people" and the "Israeli government." Right away, I have to laugh. They act as if the colonization of Palestine is too old for anyone to remember its origins — no. I had family living in Palestine as recently as '67. Maybe *this* generation didn't choose to settle in Palestine, but the previous generation did. And the generations before that. Before 1948, Israel didn't even exist. Hell, before a couple hundred years ago, BORDERS didn't exist. Not to mention, mandatory conscription means that most civilians will have been directly part of the suppressing forces, making them liable for the material effects of colonization. Why are people so resistant to the idea of undoing colonialism and its effects? I cannot think of any other reason than because they have a vested interest in keeping those borders up, in emphasizing nationality because they're one of the groups of people that is benefited from the establishment of a "Jewish State."
So in that, unless you call for an end to the idea of the "Jewish State" in Palestine, then I cannot think of you as a sincere advocate for Palestinian rights — this group especially plays at normalization of a muted version of the status quo rather than actual justice and reparations. The "Israeli advocates" within this group will benefit first and foremost in their own activism — therefore it's hard for me to view them in a positive light.
All activism for Palestinians should center around giving Palestinians reparations, as well as giving reparations to all indigenous victims of colonization. I think this group only tries to muddy the waters to make people forget what they're fighting for. I honestly do not understand why liberation scares you, if it means that no nation-state will have complete and total power over you and your family.
"Free Palestine" is an anti-colonial movement. Such a thing is possible — but you have to try to make it possible. Those against the unending liberation of all people are one of those who have the most to benefit from the continuation of colonization.
Right now, your main concern should be the people of Gaza and the people of the West Bank, and ensuring their safety and longevity in the face on continued erasure. "Peace" is all well and good but who exactly gets to define that? Who gets to benefit most from it? Unless you can unequivocally answer "ALL Palestinians," then you're not an ally — you're only interested in helping yourselves.
Remember — the fact that we even had to fight for our rights is itself an injustice. At the very least, ask the people who are most affected what they want before you listen to Israelis who have a vested interest in keeping the state of Israel alive.
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riordanness · 3 months
Why do many people hate piper? (I want to read the lost hero but am hesitating because of the amount of hate jason and piper get)
rant time (with slight spoilers, you’ve been warned)
piper mclean is a daughter of [redacted] who hates fame as her father is an actor and tries to downplay her appearance a lot to seem less noticeable or whatever. she cuts her own hair and wears ratty clothes etc. a lot of people take this as a “not like other girls” trope, but i’ve never seen it that way as piper doesn’t really say anything super negative about other girls except a general observation that the aphrodite kids are a bit shallow (which tbf, haven’t we all thought that as some point?). i honestly love piper and always have, and i think she’s a really great representation of all teen girls going through their stage of not really wanting to be girly but understanding the why and how of what it means to be a girl
jason grace is a son of [redacted] who is trained from the age of like, three, to be a military soldier and leader, and has, from as far back as he can remember, incredible amounts of responsibility on his shoulders 24/7. therefore he is very rules and regulations oriented, doesn’t have the most risky personality, and tries to always do the right thing. therefore a lot of people think that he’s a super bland and boring character, but i truly think he’s absolutely amazing and very deep, and as the oldest child in my house who grew up w a lot of responsibilities and stuff, i think rick nailed that weird feeling of always having to be good enough perfectly.
anyways, hope this helped?? a little?? ilysm and thank you for asking, and i hope you read heroes of olympus, bc it. is. so. GOOD. i love love love the entirety of that series, and each one of the seven demigods have such a special place in my heart. much love, anon!! <33
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ylskquevmxv · 1 year
British insight for those military men fics
Coming from a British person
Use this for your angsty british backstory
Will include:
-insight to healthcare and low income situations
- opinions on the royal family (all negative)
- british food
- talks about home life and low income
• none of them would care for the queens death. They would not be mourning, they would not be sad, they're not tories. If anything theyd be glad and wishing death upon the rest of them. The monarchy sucks the only downside is that we have Charles and camilla now. Diana rest in peace
• to add on to this they wouldnt care for the coronation they would most likely insult it, they probably hate the entire royal family like almost all of the entire uk does. I am repeating this again but they are NOT tories 🚫nuh uh🚫 stop painting, price, gaz and ghost as people who love the royals while soap hates them 💀💀 they all hate the monarchy
• they most likely wouldnt drink fancy tea Pg, Yorkshire, tetley etc are their go to because that's what most of the uk drink especially low income houses as it's the cheapest. Taste of home I guess.
• also they're not out here eating beans on toast whenever they get the chance💀 they're probably eating an entire meal because they're giant men??? Like beans on toast is what parents give to their kids because it's cheap and fills them up, the only time they're having beans is with:
1) breakfast
2) jacket potatoes
3) sasauge and mash
4) Gregg's bean and sausage pasties
• also soap probably eats beans too?? I've seen fics where hes wholeheartedly against beans like??? Hes Scottish?? I know he ate beans as a kid, no one grows up and decides to have a mohawk otherwise
• they're all meat and potatoes type of men (like all british men) that's it. That's the facts
• fries =/= chips
• also british people are like really lazy when they speak
"would you like a cup of tea?"= "fancy a cuppa?"
"I'm just not in the mood to do that" = "cant be arsed"
"How are you?" = "ya alright?"
"Should we get some Chinese/Indian/Italian/etc food?" = "you want a chinese/Indian/italian/etc?"
• we tend to just drop words off In sentences because the person were talking to probably already understands what we mean and because like I said we're lazy
• British accents also vary so much!!! Even if you're from the same street you'll probably have a different accent and we also swear a lot, we also use a bunch of mixed slang as thete are people from everywhere over here (poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, india named from just my class)
• Irish travellers are also really common so their would probably be a few in recruitment  idk why people dont add Irish people to their fics ?? maybe they fear putting Scotts and irish people together (watch big fat gypsy wedding for more insight I used to love that show)
• Aussies understand us pretty well (shout out to my uncle Andy) a lot of our language dialects are pretty similar and our humour is both pretty dry and blunt
• also British people dont care for like anything?? Even tho we have free healthcare most of us just slap a wet paper towel on it and call it a day. The most reaction you'll get is a room temperature ice pack
• british teeth are also something that Americans dont really understand since we have free healthcare but I'll they to simplify it. our Healthcare is free and so is dental care but only if you're younger than 16 except for check ups etc and unfortunately alot of us are born into low income households whose parents are a)mentally unwell b) physically unwell c) involved with drugs or are just simply neglectful so that means a lot of us arent taken to the dentist and by the time we are old enough to take ourselves we would have to pay for it and some of us just dont have the money for things like braces
• also I really want to see someone include chavs/roadmen in their stories because i think it would be funny plus some of them are really nice and genuinely curious when asking
• there are things called council houses/ council estates and they arent the nicest places to live and are usually not in the best shape but it's a place to sleep, most of the people who live there are usually people who live on benefits and are really lovely (might be biased I used to live in one tho), you usually have to top up on gas and electric every so often via a card (gas) and a key (for electric) usually able to get these topped up from you local corner shop
• alot of the nosies we make are as if we're cave men
*throws paper ball into trash*
Anyone in a 5mile radius: WOOOOO
• we also make up chants alot?? Idk why but we're just a musical country usually has something about your mum, your nan, a nonce, or one of the many other british wonders *nonce = pedo
• our beauty standards are a lot less extreme like theres obviously beauty standards but there are a lot more regular looking people on tv over here rather than supermodels ?? I've been to America and some of the people on tv you'd swear they were made in a factory for hot people only. Let people be regular
• British tv has a commercial every 15 minutes or so and our commercials dont offer lawyers or medication, some our commercials have songs, silly gags in them or are terrifying (check out: money supermarket, the antibiotic song, the meerkat adverts just to name a few)
• our eggs are orange not yellow
•our sandwiches have butter on them (not all but most) + brits arent much of foodies we just eat to survive really especially during the cost of living
• our drinking culture is a big thing over here, a lot of us start drinking around 13
• we have stores like asda, tesco, lidl, aldi, iceland, sainsburys and big Tesco, corner shops are really common depending on if they're owned by a large company or not some of them arent in perfect shape and are run my people from other countries but they have good stuff so who cares about how they look
• you have to be 16 to buy an energy drink and 18 to buy alcohol/ cigarettes
• outside cats are a thing, they're not homeless they just come as they go
• for some reason people are really classist?? Because how dare the poor be alive, and I'm not talking about just rich people being bad to the poor if you have bad living conditions expect to be made fun of by other low income people 💀 you'll be lucky if yoire funny because otherwise you will just be getting bullied.
•our weather is pretty much grey, our grass is almost never fully green and usually patchy, our summers are so hot they cause wild fires because we have no humidity and no air con, our winters are a hit or miss either too cold or a regular day
• tv shows that most of us call soaps: eastenders, coronation street, emmadale and hollyoaks
• some uk shows, naked attraction, snog marry avoid, friday night dinner, bad education, plebs, come dine with me, him & her, some girls, the Keith lemon show, gavin and stacey, not british but Derry girls, inbetweeners, anything with philomena cunk in it, the great british bake off
• Some documentaries (ish) for those who love information: old people homes for four year old, emergency, educating greater Manchester, educating Cardiff, poor kids, anything with stacey Dooley or louis theroux in
• it's kinda hard to describe the uk to someone whose never witnessed or experienced it.
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drdemonprince · 8 months
Loved the mini post about ABA!
Do you have any advice for what I could do to help Palestinians, practically speaking? Beyond a social media post.
My opinion is that while it's understandable for us to be asking that question, it's the wrong question. There is nothing than an individual person sitting halfway across the world with no immediate contact to the genocide can do.
I think it's because of our deeply individualistic, capitalistic, colonialist conditioning that we even believe that we could do something like that. I see so many people casting about for a way to resolve their feelings of anxiety and grief and to feel impactful in the face of such a cataclysmic event, and there is nothing at all wrong with the desire to make a difference, but I think that because we have been trained to see such matters in such personal terms that our way of responding to it ends up in practice being an elaborate blend of self-martyrdom and hubris that doesn't help anybody. speaking from my own tendencies that ive had to learn to root out here.
Part of the horror of this event that we have to grapple with is the incredible, uncontested power of nation-states, and how little impact any individual person has within the existing political system, and how much of that is by design. We are even barred for the most part from sending money directly to Palestinians because of the power that both nation states and credit card processors wield in our lives, and how consistently they oppose Palestinian liberation.
The things to do that I think matter are small, and will mostly enrich you and the people around you and help slowly build the social conditions that will make it possible for humans to break free of this state of being. Things like reading about the history of Palestine. Speaking with people around you about Palestine. Really deeply learning about nationalism, leftism, anarchism, critiques of nation states, communism, and the like. Nothing that can be incapsulated in a post. Nothing that will be finished in a day, a week, or even a year. Nothing that will make the horror of the present moment go away.
I think we need to actively push against the instinct in ourselves that this is a problem we can address in a post or a single donation or a call to a senator (who, let's be real, is deeply in the pocket of the Israel lobby and is also invested in America's military strategy that involves having a robust base in Israel and therefore will not listen). We can throw some money toward the humanitarian organizations that seem the least corrupt and the most likely to actually get some of that money in the hands of Palestinians, if we want, and offline we can take steps that cannot be posted about on here to slowly dismantle the authority of the state we are living under. But we are not going to fix this.
There is nothing that any one of us can personally do. We have to grieve. We have to accept how powerless we are so that we can envision and then work together to demand something better. Liberalism wants us constantly staying busy with small meaningless little attempts at feeling productive and virtuous.
But there is revolutionary power in just admitting to ourselves that we feel really fucking bad and that genocide is happening and that an entire history and culture is being erased. And we can do everything in our power to preserve that history. By reading, talking with others, sharing the stories of Palestinians, amplifying their calls, and following their lead.
I hope I dont sound too harsh here, I dont know you and I don't know your positionality related to all of this. so I am responding more to the general trend I have seen in how people handle this stuff and how brainwashed we have been to approach these massive death events as if they could be solved by us sharing the right infographics and calling the right people. We can't. And the only way we can move forward is by admitting to ourselves how unconscionable the entire political world is that facilitates things like this happening. There is no answer that will resolve the terrible feelings. There is nearly nothing we can do in the short term.
In the long term, we can be the kinds of people who understand why things like this happen, who know who our real enemies are, and who our comrades are, and we can work together to build the kind of massive fight necessary to topple something like this. If protests sound appealing to you, great. If starting a book club with your friends is feasible, that's wonderful. If all you can do is just self educate for an hour or two a week and then decompress, that's useful too. The most that you can do might be very little relatively speaking, and that's okay, none of us are the main character in this, and it's actually good for us to realize it. You will have to determine for yourself what you can to do bring yourself forward and better understand the present moment and the movement that we need. But you do have the ability to discern that. Just keep learning, keep building community, keep refining your vision of the desired future, and create room to grieve.
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rise-my-angel · 10 months
I am here for your takes on Dani. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought her x Jon smelled of hot garbage. Like at best she was meh, and then when the two of them met I was just like "oh no....you're an entitled bitch". And now that its been years since I last consumed GoT, my thoughts have fermented into "oh no, she really is a conqueror" "oh no, everyone loves her because 'pretty badass lady'" "oh no i'm the fandom minority again". Anyway, where was I. She and Jon had no chemistry. The end.
The *only* way putting them in a romance even makes sense in concept is when you realize Benioff and Weiss gave Jon the Young Griff arc. It's why they gave him a Targ name, beacuse if they call him "aegon" then they can fufill that part of the books without ever having to establish Young Griff as his own character. He is the supposed son of Rhaegar Targaryean and Elia Martell, he goes to Westeros with intentions of using his better claim to take the throne and intends initially on marrying Dany, and it's theorized heavily that Dany will see his claim as a threat and the Burning of Kings Landing will come down to Aegon against Dany.
Jon Snow has nothing to do with that. He is a moral opposite to Dany as a charecter, and we've seen him time and time again be at strong odds against people with her morals. But by giving him the Young Griff arc, it means putting him into the romance spot when it makes no sense for him.
Hey I put a read more beacuse I cannot shut the fuck up about how this relationship is just rape and abuse but beacuse Jon's a man we think he wants it.
All of season 7 Jon is so out of place because he doesn't belong anywhere near Dany's Iron Throne plot, and he's being forced to interact romantically with a charecter that clearly he does not like as a person and is uncomfortable with.
But, Dany is the sacred cow of the GoT/asoiaf fandom. You love her and if you critizize her for villanious actions or morals then you are using bad faith towards her. While I personally don't like her, I don't mind other people liking her but I despise that her stans all refuse to allow any conversation about her being a morally bad person. A person who enjoys cruelty and death, enjoys creating fear and is smug when she can control others. That is not a person Jon would love, let alone even respect.
Their entire relationship wreaks of abuse, of Jon being forced into this and knows he cannot leave it without risking his and his families lives. Remember when Tyrion gave a very small level critisism of her actions and she angrily accused him of treason and siding with his family instead of her? Well what do people think would she have done, if her attraction to Jon was refused? Someone who she took all the defenses away from, all the power from, and could have killed at any moment (dont make an ygritte comparison mimi dont make an yrgitte comparison this is a different anti jon x fandom female fave charecter post).
I don't care how the show frames it, or what the intent was. What we got on screen, was Jon Snow being held prisoner to an immoral, cruel, military conquerer. And when that woman was attracted to him, she essentially forced herself into his life and gave him all but no choice. The Jon bending the knee scene and..the uh...boat...scene...later...uhhh....anyways, those to me feel so out of charecter. You cannot convince me Jon did any of this willingly. He is clearly trapped in this situation and cannot leave and is only with her beacuse she is violent and bloodthrirsty. But beacause Jon is a strong, capable man, it's not talked about as if he's the victim and that is insane to me. (Oh my good god the ygritte comparisons are almost laughable send help).
I don't consider a lot past season 5 to be canon, but if I am forced too, then I refuse to accept Jon was a willing participant in that relationship.
Jon's parentage reveal will always be about the revelations of his mother, and the understanding and acceptance of WHY Ned raised him the way he did. And how it was both his parents, his mother and his adopted father who loved him and kept him safe. The very fact that Young Griff's entire story is based around whether or not he truly is Rhaegar's son as opposed to that being a twist reveal is beacuse HE is the charecter whose Targaryean links is the important one. Jon's story is about him as Stark, and is always shown to be the moral opposite of Dany.
Their relationship in the best senario is not canon, but if it has to be, then there is no world in which Jon is there of his own free will. He is being forced into this relationship against his will. But considering his other love interest was another charecter who essentially forced him into a relationship against his will, and we were supposed to root for that tells me all I need to know.
Dany is a sacred cow charecter, and her stans are unreasonable in defending her. When you can like a charecter and critize them for their actions. Ned Stark was an idiot for ever trusting Petyr Baelish, Catelyn Stark's spiteful attitude and neglect of Jon Snow is was abusive behavior, Theon Greyjoy was a moron who ruined his own life for a father who long since abandonded him. Bam all charecters I love and there are some major flaws that I refuse to defend them for but thats also what makes them good charecters. Their flaws arent writing flaws, they are personal flaws for them as people.
Dany is not allowed to have personal flaws she is always to be justified even with incredibly bad faith defenses, but when she is flawed it's the writings fault not hers. Dany is a cruel, sadistic, controlling, military tyrant who enjoys watching her subjects fear her and her dragons. And she forced Jon Snow into a relationship with her beacuse otherwise then he is against her and we already knew she has no use for people who dont support her to be alive.
Jon Snow deserved better then to have both his love interests be domineering, controlling, abusive women who forced him into a romantic and sexual relationship.
Also, I mean, incest being normal is only a learned trait from Targaryens supporting their own blood purity. Jon was not raised to think incest is normal. Dany thinks its normal beacuse she and Viserys both were raised to think that, and Young Griff thinks marrying Dany is normal beacuse he too was raised with the mentality that Rhaegar would've been raised with. Jon finding out Dany was his aunt would've had Jon looking right at Sam and just
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ladygoth · 2 months
The first thing that comes to when thinking about my icks in Ghost/Cod fanfics is usually the innocent and crybaby persona given to the oc/reader. Like, these are grown ass military men who I highly doubt would take advantage of someone they'd consider "innocent" and no one their age I would imagine would want to date someone highly sensitive and avoid them without any communication. Don't even get me started on the pedophilic undertones in those writings too...
At this point, I think some people are also just scared of aging the fem oc/reader and making them mature just because "aging" in beauty standards is looked down upon. They need to stop feeding in to that standard. Aging and maturing is normal and should be looked more as positive than negative. These men would date someone more close in age, that's all I'm saying.
Another thing that comes to mind is just certain wording in the fics. I usually push through and just read but once it becomes too much by putting words like "cunny," "pillowy walls," "sweet nectar," "member," etc. then I am OUT OF THERE. It's worse when they make the characters say the most cheesiest or cringe worthy lines, like no one just says these things in person unless their socially distanced from society and/or addicted to reddit.
This will be too long so I'm just gonna end it off by saying that the misunderstanding trope is overated. Please people be more creative. It's just as bad as the whole "it was all just a dream" trope. It's extremely lazy and I feel we can do better than that.
All love, be sure to rest well and drink lots of water! Have a good day! :)
cod fanfics has a lot of underlying pee door philly a! i have something "nice" to say to them but i'll get mass reported. and with the sensitive oc this is what i mean a lot of people are afraid of making "mary sues" thus they make them into incompetent cry babies, most of them think them having a reader that is mature and knows their shit is too perfect lol.
and i agree with what you say. and sometimes i use member because i dont want to use the same word over and over again, when it comes to writing those smut i turn into azealia banks thesaurus
the misunderstanding trope is funnily over-rated, i can understand some misunderstandings but sometimes it gets onto a modern family level when it just happens all the time. and thank you, i hope you have a good day and drink lots of water as well :)
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discar · 2 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 13 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
HIMBO: Aloy, did you ever meet up with Talanah again?
Zo: Where did this come from?
HIMBO: Kotallo and I were talking about Carja in the Clan Lands. I assumed they'd be killed on sight, but he says they're not.
Marshall Kotallo: They are hardly welcomed, but as long as they do not cause trouble, most outsiders are allowed to walk free.
FlameHairSavior: Her life would still be easier if she stopped wearing her Carja armor.
Marshall Kotallo: Tenakth armor is complex, and her lack of tattoos would give her away.
FlameHairSavior: She doesn't have to dress like a Tenakth, but even Oseram armor would be better.
FlameHairSavior: Anyway, the thing with Talanah got a little... tricky.
FlameHairSavior: Turns out she was looking for an old love, who was looking for HIS old love.
FlameHairSavior: She was supposed to be dead, but wasn't.
FlameHairSavior: What? No, the other woman was supposed to be dead.
Marshall Kotallo: Did your friend kill her? Perhaps change her mind at the last moment and send her into exile instead?
Zo: That idea seems to have come to you far too quickly.
Marshall Kotallo: [ShiftyEyes.png]
Marshall Kotallo: I will admit, not all Tenakth stories are about hunting and besting your foes in combat. Sometimes there is romance.
Marshall Kotallo: Usually involving fighting machines together.
HIMBO: Huh. Kotallo, remind me to show you these “romance books” I found. I think you might like them.
Zo: They're the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
ForgeLordAleMaster: [ForumWeaponLiteralSubjectChange.png]
FlameHairSavior: She didn't, she was pretending to be a man, and was serving in the Carja army. She was thought killed in an attack.
Marshall Kotallo: Why you people would cut off half of your population from serving in the military, I will never understand.
HIMBO: None of us are Carja.
Marshall Kotallo: Fair point.
FlameHairSavior: Anyway, she got captured, Fashav offered her a place as a soldier, she took it. She's been serving ever since.
FlameHairSavior:Then her fortress got captured and she got thrown into the prison.
HIMBO:But you cut through the enemy like dry grass, overthrowing an impregnable fortress by yourself.
ForgeLordAleMaster: AGAIN.
FlameHairSavior:  I had help! Talanah and her... whatever he is were there.
Zo: So Talanah's old love found his old love alive. Did they reignite their relationship? I am hardly an expert in Carja customs. What would be considered the right move in this situation?
FlameHairSavior: I have no idea what the Carja would normally do. The woman insisted she's Tenakth now and the Carja is dead. Talanah isn't sure how she feels about her old love any more. She's big on loyalty, so she might take him back, but I'm just not sure.
Marshall Kotallo: Varl, how would those romance books you found handle this?
HIMBO: I think about half wool have the protagonist pick the mysterious wandering heroine who arrived to help in the hour of greatest need.
ForgeLordAleMaster: HA!
Marshall Kotallo: And the other half?
HIMBO: The protagonist picks all of them. Everybody is happy.
ForgeLordAleMaster: ...DOES THAT WORK?
Zo: NO.
Marshall Kotallo: Sometimes.
ForgeLordAleMaster: HA!
β: im glad i dont have to worry about any of that
β: romance is weird and complicated and stupid
Zo: Don't be so sure.
Zo: Based on what I've read about your mother and observed about your sister, once you start going outside approximately ninety percent of the people you meet will fall in love with you.
Zo: I believe the term is “you'll have to beat them off with a stick.”
β: definitely never going outside then
FlameHairSavior: [ForumWeaponDisapprovalEye.png]
FlameHairSavior: Thanks, Zo.
Zo: ...oops.
Chapter 13 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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hey tumblr! hot tip!!! if you see people criticizing your fav actor/creator/celeb etc for a lack of support for Palestine and want to get big mad abt it:
ask yourself, deeply and truly, why this makes you angry. really. why does that make you angry? look in the mirror and ask yourself why.
Don't pull out the following terms: "keyboard warrior", "what have YOU done lately besides be high and mighty on the internet?", "double standards", "this is The Internet(tm) Of Course Words Matter More Than Actions", etc. because uh
you dont know who I am. you don't know what I'm doing. at the same goes for anyone and everyone on this site. sure, maybe they're the soyjak sjw you're picturing, marinating in sweat and dorito crumbs while they sip boba surrounded by plushies and obscure pride flags, wallowing in self-centered hypocrisy
or maybe they're not. maybe they shaved all their hair off because they had too much on-camera recognition and feared being followed home by cops, like had happened to their peers.
maybe they've been manhandled and shoved by security and police recently.
maybe they're endangering the scholarships that are their only reason to live rather than stay silent on their college's ties to the military-industrial complex.
maybe they lie to their parents and family friends and ANY older friends about where they are in the evening because they know that the truth could destroy those relationships
maybe they're Jewish and struggling to understand how their community can be so unable to see the reality of the situation
I'm not saying I'm doing The Most Ever, or even that I'm doing a lot. I'm not, not by my community's standards, not in comparison to my friends and peers, and especially not currently as im dealing with finals. I'm just showing up and doing what I can, even though it isnt much.
and I'm not going to assume that anyone saying this bs ALSO isnt doing anything for the movement
maybe you are! if so, thats great!
but fucking think before you speak because you have literally no idea who you're talking to or what their life is like. even if you're doing The Most Bestest Possible Ever for the movement rn, online and off 24/7
you have no right to pass judgement based on what you ASSUME about a stranger.
you have no right and no reason to think that anyone who "complains" online is thus inactive irl, in fact that makes literally no sense.
if you're really about genuine activism and radical action and support of this movement. why are you being a dick to people for speaking out?
and if you're not. if you just think that we're a bunch of whiny hypocrites looking for a reason to get on your high horse....
then man you are just a waste of life im sry idk what to tell u. get off tumblr, do some research, change yourself. "get better soon bestie" or something idk i dont even have words for that kinda brainlessness.
I'm just saying, I don't think the cops, or the president of my university, or the security and event staff at (REDACTED) would call me a "keyboard warrior" lmaoooooo
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My Choice
You told me
That you were afraid
That you would be lonely forever
Not alone
Not alone
But always lonely
You are afraid that
Even when you
Are surrounded by people
That no doubt
Love you
That you will be
I will be honest
I don't get it
Maybe I am just
Of understanding
Or you don't know
The right words
But I have to ask
Is it a choice?
I choose to be lonely
Most days
I choose not to tell you
About the relatives
That have passed
My grandmother
Who loves you too much
Wanted me to invite you
To her mothers memorial
I told her that it would be weird
To invite you
To a memorial
Of someone you never knew
She responded
“But he knows you”
She wanted you for me
She thought I would need you
I chose not to invite you
I choose not to tell you
When my days are getting
Bad again
I don’t tell you
What the bad days were like
I choose not to seek comfort
Even if I might “need” it
I chose long ago
To learn how to cry
Without looking like
I ever cried
I chose to hide what hurt me
In the ripped out pages
Of an old journal
Hide my emotions
Behind phrases
In my speech
And in my poems
“It’s not your fault”
“Everyone thinks they are a monster”
I hide everything that hurts
Behind the second time
I ask you
“Are you okay?”
I choose not to name
My emotions
I chose when i was
10 years old
To never let anyone
Know anything
They didn't need to know
To like me
I don’t tell anyone
About when I was 8
And believed that God
Indeed made mistakes
And the school counseling
I had
Just to get me to stop crying
Every time I was reminded
That God didn’t want to take
Responsibility for his mistake
I once tried to express myself
Through clothes
Way of speaking
And when I couldn't figure out
Who I am
My mom said
"Do you have to?"
Now I choose
Not to express myself
My clothes
And speech
Are plain
I don’t tell anyone
About my favorite band
And how each member
Feels like a part of me I lost
I don’t tell anyone
My favorite stories
Or how the one thing
That ties them all together
Is I choose you
I choose me
I choose them
I choose
I don’t tell anyone about
When I was 15
Waiting for my last friend
To join the military
And forget me
So that there would be one less
To miss me while I walk away
From all of this
I don’t tell you
The things I’m not
Brave enough
To write in this poem
I choose to let my hands hover
Over you because
I am scared of my hands
I choose to back away
When your hands reach for me
Because I keep forgetting people
Are warm
And the reminder
Shocks me
I dont think being lonely is bad
I pray that no one
Gets to fully understand
Who I am
How is your loneliness
I don’t want to
Stop being lonely
I want to be lonely forever
I don’t know if its because
I find comfort
In my barriers and loneliness
If it's like what I fear
It might be
That I’ve known this loneliness
For so long
That I am now 
Too scared
To leave it
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haberdashing · 8 months
i get where your last post about nuking gaza off the face of the earth is like...coming from. but just beware people using it to be like "yeah! jews control the media!" bc that's not a good take either... i think the take away should be listen to many different journalists from many different agencies and dont just trust one source of news as your only source. and if you find yourself responding with "so that's why the other side is the sole problem!!" then you are being swayed. there are many bad actors in this with biiiig focus on the United States, the British, and specifically Netanyahu's right wing government, but also shout out to UNRWA, the EU, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iran for throwing their influence in the ring. Like I don't like the IDF either but I feel like that last post might have nazis secretly loving it for it's "jew media control" conspiracy vibes.
Oh absolutely!
In fact, I've been considering making a post about my thoughts on Israel, and I think this ask might be the impetus I need to get that going. (For better or for worse.)
Israel, as the country, is clearly in the wrong here. This is literal war crime. This is literal genocide. Israel and its allies are on the wrong side of history.
The Israeli people, by and large, are not to blame for this.
There are a lot of parallels with the American government, actually. Including how normalized the military industrial complex is, how pro-military propaganda is rampant throughout society. So if you're an American citizen like I am, you understand that those in the low levels of the military are by and large victims of the system, too.
Now imagine that the right-wing kooks who claim that our society is under attack, literally... could point to actual wars on our soil only a couple decades ago, could point not to one terrorist attack twenty years ago but an ongoing regime of them, could claim that every historical instance of antisemitism fits into this same pattern and that antisemitism and criticism of Israeli society are one and the same.
And, oh yeah, imagine that everybody who turns eighteen gets drafted in your society. Not some slim fraction like the Vietnam War draft that still gets maligned here (and rightly so), but everybody. (Barring, presumably, those who get excluded for medical reasons?) You have two choices: serve your country in the military, or go to jail. And everybody talks about military service not only as a duty and an honor but as a coming-of-age experience that everybody knows about and looks forward to.
A few brave Israelis do choose jail over the draft, but the vast majority don't. And with that societal conditioning, can you blame them?
Of course, this doesn't excuse the atrocities. But it does help explain them.
And naturally, Jewish people outside of Israel are even less able to take down this system, even less culpable for the harm it causes. And yet Zionism and antisemitism still get conflated. And yet pro-Palestine rallies still include literal Nazis, which makes them hard to approach for... well, anyone who doesn't want to associate with Nazis, but especially literal Jewish people, who might already be assumed to be pro-Israel just because of that fact.
A bit of the Israeli propaganda does seep through to Jewish culture even outside of Israel, admittedly. My mother is living proof of it. I've only ever heard her comment on the horrible things the Israelis go through here, not the atrocities of Gaza. Because those are her people, in her mind, and the Gaza residents... aren't.
And yes, the Israelis don't have a great lot in this either. But it's still a far sight better than that of Gaza residents right about now.
And that "her people" reference? Not entirely rhetorical. I've been to Israel, as has my father, though it's been over a decade in both cases. We have family friends from there. We have friends of friends who are there. Heck, two friends-of-a-friend that I know about, or people at similar levels of not-quite-connectedness, are in the IDF.
Obviously not all Jewish people are connected. I bet my college friend from rural Mississippi would have a different experience, despite also being Jewish. But my mother still keeps in touch with temple friends who can be a close-knit bunch, and there's ties to Israel, including the Israeli military, in there.
So where does that leave me?
I've been wondering that more and more as the days go on.
Am I honor bound to talk to my mother about this, to get her to recognize the war crimes and the genocide being committed by "her people" in Israel? Even if I try, I doubt she'll turn against Israel entirely. But do I still have to try?
Is it okay to wish friends-of-a-friend in the IDF well, even while condemning the actions of the IDF as a whole?
Can I speak up in favor of Palestine without being seen as a traitor to my fellow Jews, and without keeping company with those who see the current situation as a vent for their antisemitism?
How do I, a Jewish American, thread the needle between condemning Israel and supporting my pro-Israel Jewish friends and family?
I don't know. I don't have an answer to this. I really wish I did.
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goldmanguyperson · 7 months
(post features potentially triggering and general uncomfortable content under the manifesto section)
small byf i probably shouldve put earlier: I might sometimes post musings about sexual ideas and i will be horny on main sometimes, but i will always tag it properly. i also have exclusive tag “#gold goes crazy on main” that you can blacklist if you dont wanna blacklist the more general tags for your own reasons
if i sound mad in here its because i hate how this kind of stuff is dealt with on the wider internet. sorry
If your dni has an identity that i identify with on there then know i am not not interacting with you out of respect, i am not interacting with you because you are a fucking asswipe. Be a better person. People who believe they know more about me than me, or use trauma as an excuse to be bigoted and stay bigoted, do not have my respect.
If i block you, it’s because of the above. or i just found you annoying
intro post for NERDS!
im gold just call me gold. Or, my other names include tank and any model/(appropriate) nickname of tank, plane, or nuclear bomb (aside from fat man or little boy or enola gay for hopefully obvious reasons). i will respond best if it is very clearly directed at me or is one of my favorite vehicles/bombs: tsar bomba, kv-1, molodets, locust, chaffee, whatever whatever
my pronouns are he/him (normal caps), He/Him, and HE/HIM. i stole pronouns from god and HIM from the powerpuff girls
trans and gay full of autism adhd yum
im a shapeshifter otherkin and bald eagle therian. but really i can be anything. i have experienced a whole range of nonhuman stuff, cuz shapeshifter. if i post in a more specific tag know i am not attempting to like… invade, or anything. i mean for one i think thats stupid and for another i do actually be feeling that way
i am plural. im fuckitgenic. you dont get to know how traumatized or not i am, cuz i dont even fucking know either. I don’t even think it’s that relevant. I am because i am, we are because we are, trying to look back into this life to see why it turned out this way is, in our opinion, just not fucking worth our time.
You probably wont see my headmates here as they struggle to form words for outside use, but you still might.
headmates you might see include:
The Eagle (he is a bald eagle)
The Nothing Beast (a big jet black dromeosaurid-like monster with back spines. actually quite nice. speaks in all caps)
Sputnik-1 (introject of the satellite). Profile is @satellite-one!
Bear (a spirit bear. might come off a bit mean. Bear is often just trying to protect us, but Bear also struggles with friendly or respectful communication)
Bat (We don’t know much about him. he hides away a lot)
Alan @amcomputer
if you start complaining about “uehhh but i have to know if youre traumatized to know how valid you are!!!” im going to skewer you like a shrike. we do not take kindly to prescriptive labeling.
i am posic (Perception of Object Sentience, Individuality, and Consciousness). I don’t believe objects speak to me and i dont believe they are externally alive, but i feel like they should be. it happens especially with military vehicles and nuclear missiles. when i look at them i feel a similar sense of life i feel when i look at an animal. is it weird? Oh yeah. It is. i have thought about this a lot and i can expand on it in another post if wanted.
im also objectum and conceptum tbe american flag is my boyfriend im sorry… I hate the government and i hate borders and i understand it would be better for countries to not have influence over material reality and all that shit (i am an anarchist. winning) but countries as a concept beyond reality are really important to me please understand. nationalists hate him (me) actually
carrd (mentions nsfw topics)
neocities (wip)
#shut up! the eagle’s talking! - essays and personal experiences
#this is chrome ball radio - My headmate Sputnik’s thoughts and feelings.
#gold goes crazy on main - mentioned above. though not actually just plain horny stuff, more for musings that may be sexual and have to do with me personally and I GUESS I LIED!!! ITS HORNY
#and that eagle? well. hah. It was me - just stuff about eagles. Any kind. i love eagles
#falconer hood experiences - Dreams that i have. theyre crazy. you will want to read
manifesto (sort of like a dni + its opposite but i actually explain things to ease my anxiety and autism)
Almost anyone is welcome here. But if you believe that you know more than other people do about their own identity then go away. Disgusting shit. Begone
that being said you cannot change your race. racial emotional limbo should only belong to people who are mixed race. You can find ways to participate in another culture without being the race often associated with it. many people would be much happier to show you their culture if you weren’t trying to identify as the race associated with it. Begone
I cant believe this is something that needs to be said anywhere but if you are an apologist for imperialism, capitalism, or authoritarianism, or are otherwise a supporter of any of this shit, fuck you. Begone
go away if you indulge in zoophilic or pedophilic content. hope it’s obvious why. indulging in lusting after real ass living beings who cannot consent is fucking weird as shit. Begone
transage is fine. its not about pedophilia, that is a 4chan smear campaign cuz they thought it was fucking weird. it is about age regression and trauma and that kinda shit. Also the things we associate with certain ages are socially constructed and so like idk, fuckin whatever dude. Begone
if you think age regression is bad then you do not know what it is. it is also not pedophilic in nature, it is often about comfort and often is a trauma or anxiety response. Please research and talk to real people before assuming something is bad just cuz it sounds weird. Begone
mspec lesbians are cool. “contradictory” labels are cool. my (real physical person) boyfriend is every letter of the queer alphabet and every person who hates a contradictory label will face our combined wrath. Begone
medicalism die begone. scientists do not know everything and often even science itself goes against “medicalist” beliefs. Minds are actually super crazy and weird and science understands this. If you are happier, or more at peace, and more able to understand and work with yourself because of a label and the support that comes with it then it is a good one.
^ includes “not supporting” endogenic systems by the way. Begone
creating headmates is fine (i think most of my headmates were accidentally created) but tulpa terminology is based upon a pretty heavy series of cultural appropriations of Buddhism (have you ever heard of “chakras are connected to your organs”? yeah. thats not true. thats a western idea that comes from the kinda colonial concept that we can force an eastern religion into the originally western conception of science as almighty truth that everything must tie to to be considered real by anybody, and the western idea of tulpas are mainly from this version of buddhism). Asian religions and cultural practices are already a really big target for western cultural appropriation, maybe we shouldn’t add to that, okay? i mean i wont tell you to go away like i have for the others here. and i actually wont tell you that its absolutely not okay because this is a pretty complex little cranny of reality. but i do ask you to perhaps be a little more conscious of how this stuff all connects
it is okay to be wrong
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nervousron · 1 year
Chronological Lazlow Jones quotes and facts from Vice City, up to GTAV
22 year old radio intern Lazlow covers his eyes and hides in the corner when ladies enter the recording booth without their shirts
“Im 100% rebel. I got kicked out of school after the 12th grade, man” (for non-american readers, this would be university)
“Dont sell out. I never will”
“I am the master of darkness - that’s why my name’s Lazlow”
“Remember, Im going to be famous one day.”
Lazlow’s V-Rock Radio job application was sent in hand written calligraphy with a bouquet of flowers
Lazlow was in high school band
“I flunked school cuz im parkour”
He is pro gun and conservative
“How is that fair? I mean Im white, middle-class, very erudite -um, yknow, whatever that means- but people just respond badly to me, i don't understand it”
“-and you keep saying ‘im from the streets’, Yknow what dude? Everyone has a street in front of their house, that doesn't make you cool”
“Its kinda been a dream of mine to sleep with housewives…”
“I love your strap, you’re a great guy!”
Lazlow was tricked into joining the military briefly
Lazlow’s mom sent him to inversion and conversion therapy
“This is the west coast. I’m only into lesbians, man”
Lazlow breaking into tears when a caller continuously encourages Lazlow to shave his bush so his dick looks bigger
“Hanging upside down to sleep doesnt make you cool, or alternative. I know because I tried it”
A guy called in saying he moved from Hampshire and Lazlow told him his english was good and asked if it was hard getting used to the language
As of gta III Lazlow is married. As of IV he is divorced, balding, and has a mustache. His wife left him for his best friend after he brought home a heavily drugged woman for a threeway.
He used to look at his best friends dick when he was sleeping.
(About the Brittish)“I think they were speaking English before we were. I mean, the people here were speaking Cherokee and Shoshone.”
Lazlow gets upset when a man implies spanking kids is okay. He gets even more upset when he realizes the man doesn’t have kids and just wants to be spanked
“My father was strangely silent my whole childhood, which y’know, explains a lot”
“So you would MILK your grandmother like some kind of TEAR COW?”
Lazlow pushed a hotdog salesman’s head into a pot of boiled hot dog water and tried to drown him. This was a very cathartic experience for him.
“You stick your hand down a stripper's panties, yknow, and you discover a pair of balls. Well guess what baby? The bitch is back. But im not a bitch, Im a man. Uhh-”
Lazlow was regularly caught kissing men backstage at concerts in the 80s
Lazlow mentions its easier to spike women’s drinks with GHB in Liberty City than Vice City
“Go play sudoku and die peeing on yourself”
“You’re not my type. I prefer unconscious chicks or milfs with stretch marks”
Lazlow has tried blogging, being in porn, vinewood, working glory holes, and taking "facefulls of pills" to be happy.
“dude. Can you really not rub your junk and talk about schools. Dude. dude.”
“And you just wish that ONCE you could share a bed with someone who wouldnt get creeped out by the pictures of my ex wife on the nightstand”
“You can catch an STD! From a Him/Her!”
Lazlow bites strangers when he’s mad
“Im a RAGING heterosexual”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Y’know, I’ve worn some panties. Its not weird if a chick asks you to do it. Then its hot”
He begs strangers on the street to watch him windmill his dick online.
“This mustache once got me laid. Yeah, Yeah.”
“Isnt there one where theres a cup and two girls…”
He accosts Fred Armisen in the street. Fred is somehow much worse than Lazlow.
“DUR DUR DUR text message. EL OH EL”
“You’ll NEVER get to experience the 80s”
“For once, Lazlow is not getting bummed. I’M doing the bumming”
in Episodes From Liberty City, Lazlow’s mother and step-father pay for his radio show and he lives in their home. He hates his step-dad and new step-sisters
“Im the g-spot of radio”
“I’m here to stay. Like the national debt. or syphilis.”
Lazlow’s brother is a tv producer
Lazlow promised $2 to a man to follow him down the street with a saxophone to set atmosphere for his radio show
“I’ve really gotta spread my scent right now. And by that, I mean pee”
Lazlow’s step-dad is a mortician
Lazlow is pro choice, but only because he doesnt want to be a hypocrite
Lazlow’s sister was supposedly kidnapped. He claims he did not personally murder her.
“Nicaragua. Which is a company that sells nicotine… water”
“Do have a second for gay rights?” “Okay, a second. Sometimes five minutes if I’m drunk and nobody’s looking”
Lazlow makes his intern follow him with a camera and pretend to be paparazzi. It backfires.
Lazlow got hairplugs some time between IV and V
Lazlow invented podcasting
“It’s not molesting if they’re ugly. Trust me, i’ve been doing it for years”
“Molesting is when they’re human and cant complain, or dont like peanut butter on their junk. Those sheep wouldnt have complained if they COULD have. They were loving it!”
Lazlow’s intern tells everyone at the gay bar that Laz wants to get railed by three guys. Lazlow, not understanding spanish, is very excited by the attention.
Lazlow knows space facts off the top of his head
Lazlow Wants to cum in zero G
He has a grandma fetish
Lazlow talks about his experience of getting pissed on by groups of strange men
Lazlow is "Left wing", but only because he doesnt want to be fired
Through tears “I dont understand valleys or clouds, it sounds like a nursery rhyme”
Lazlow told the press Michael "molested (him) into cutting his hair"
Lazlow got roofied at his Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting
Through tears “Tony? Can we hug? Please? You shouted at me a lot… And Tony? I dont think you can say ‘Gay Tony’ anymore, it’s not PC, the internet will go crazy”
Lazlow spins records at kids birthdays
“He wants me to beatbox, i’m gonna fuckin get LAAIIDDD”
“One more scandal will ruin me. I’m WOKE now”
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arkay-vingt · 8 months
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Buddy, I am observing the effects that different religions have on people. It's not that the harm done by Christian hegemony negates any harm done by Muslims, it's that the SCALE of harm done by Christianity is much larger than the scale of harm done by Islam. Y'all are using the word hegemony incorrectly. Yes, Islam is the second largest religion. And Christianity is the largest religion. Even if there were more practitioners of Islam than Christianity, that wouldn't be proof of a "Muslim hegemony." That's not how hegemony works. It's when a small group of entities, such as the United States or the European Union, has political, economic, and military predominance over a larger group of entities. Did you think hegemony meant "tyranny from the majority," like how most reactionaries criticize direct democracy? There are much more Muslim majority countries than Christian majority countries, I'm sure. That doesn't mean there is a Muslim hegemony. And the occurrence of bad things in an Islamic country doesn't prove "Muslim hegemony" any more than a black person participating in a violent protest proves "black supremacy." You also cannot talk about things like human right violations in countries such as Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan without talking about how United States foreign policy has affected said countries. The current state of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan are in fact a result of Christian hegemony, and the US military's belief that they are on a mission from God to rule the world. And that's not hyperbole, they GENUINELY act as though they own the world and the universe.
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And I don't think I need to remind you of the British Empire, where the sun never set on Christian hegemony.
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Western culture will act as though they are enlightened and secular, but like how I cannot separate myself from the privilege I experience due to living in a country in the imperial core, we also cannot separate the history of modern imperialism from the Christian doctrine. Missionaries, Manifest Destiny, the divine right of kings, all of it created modern conditions.
So no, I still don't think there's such a thing as Islamic hegemony. Just like how I don't think "reverse racism" is an issue. And you know what else? The existence of the Saudi government or the Israel government doesn't negate the decolonization efforts done by Jews and Muslims across the world.
You seem to think any critique or pushback against any religion or cult is invalid/pointless (?) due to christianty's greater global influence. Yes Christianty is nearly an imperial power in its own right, but to say to those who challenge or have suffered under the oppressiveness of other faiths "dont worry about it, at least they're not christian" is such a fucking condescending cop out. Comparing it to reverse racism is insulting and really shows how little you understand of how much suffering is caused by religous oppression beyond christianity.
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