#I failed one test and now I’m convinced I’m failing it
multifandomlover01 · 5 months
Not Technically Mine…But Still Unequivocally Mine
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (not AFAB specific)
WC: ~2.9k
Warnings: reader is undercover bait, very scummy suspect, very uncomfy situation and dialogue, touching, Spencer is concerned for her safety, biological male reaction mention, strangulation mention but not depicted, the b word is used to describe the reader, he spits on her too
Summary: (based off a post by @hereforhalstead and fic semi-requested by @ribbongrll) Reader has to go undercover as bait to lure in a suspect, and Spencer is not happy about it. He’s very protective and almost caused the mission to not be completed
Note: I envisioned post prison Spencer for this so it’s like S13-15 (JJ and Luke are in here), also third person and idk what’s happening with the tenses. Also a bit repetitive? Bit annoying?
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Spencer absolutely fucking hated it whenever he had to be in a club or a bar for a case. It didn’t matter how much time he had to spend in the building. He got anxious and overstimulated very quickly. The only thing that made it worse was when some guy flirted with his equally as anxious female coworker (who was also his best friend who he was also in love with). Every time a guy would flirt with her while she just stood there, uncomfortable and silent, his heart broke. He’d glare at the guy and if he still didn’t take that hint, say something. Luckily, this usually took care of any further interaction.
Apparently the only thing worse than some guy flirting with his best friend/crush was her being bait for a suspect. She was his exact type, physically speaking and personality wise. Spencer almost immediately objected when he saw the form fitting and revealing dress that JJ had helped her pick out. But he doubted he’d be able to convince Prentiss and Rossi to ditch the plan. It was the best one they had. At least Spencer got to go undercover with her as her date…although he didn’t know if this actually would make the situation better or worse.
He didn’t even notice that his hand was brushing against hers the whole ride. He also didn’t notice that he was sweating a little bit.
“You’d better not do that in the club…you’ll give us away.” She teases and he doesn’t know what she’s talking about until he is suddenly physically aware of the perspiration.
He chuckles. “I won’t. Don’t worry.” He takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and dabs his face and neck.
They arrive at the club. He gets out of the vehicle and helps her out. He suppressed a groan when she tugs on her dress to futilely get it to cover more of her thighs. He gingerly grasps her hand and leads her inside.
“Remember…be your shy sweet self but not too reserved and reluctant because we need-”
“The suspect outside, yes, I know, Spence. We’ll be ok.” She chuckles as she looks at him.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He frowns.
“You think I want to get hurt.” She furrows her eyebrows.
“Of course not.” He shakes his head, smiling some. “But it’s my job to protect you and…I don’t wanna fail.”
“I have to let him get me outside, isolated and alone so that JJ and Luke can apprehend him. You can’t protect me once I’m on my own with him.” She states what he was trying not to think about. She was right, though, of course.
“Just…be careful, ok?” He squeezed her hand.
“I will, don’t worry.” She squeezed his back. “Hey, I’ve done better for longer on my field training that you have, remember?”
“I remember when you had to help me pass my test to still be qualified to carry a gun and be in the field.”
“And now you don’t even need my help. You’ve gotten better and I’m proud of you. There’s always room for improvement…even for me. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
Spencer still wasn’t sure about this whole situation as they took a seat at the bar at the club. There was only one seat available. Spencer thought about letting her take it as the lady while he stood but then an idea he liked struck him. He sat down on the bar stool, took a hold of her waist and hoisted her up into his lap. He held her tightly to him as he had his arms wrapped around her waist.
“What’re you doing?” She asked, slightly confused by his behavior.
“I’m your date. I’m being…friendly.”
“That’s not why.” She huffs slightly.
“Alright…I’m protecting you, then.” His breath tickles her ear.
“Do I have to be in your lap?”
“I would say that…yes, you do.” He said rather definitively.
They ordered drinks (he made sure to order her a virgin cocktail so she had no actual alcohol in her system, not only was this regulation for an undercover agent, but he knew the last thing he wanted was for her cognition to not be at 100%). They sipped their drinks as she remained in his lap.
Spencer remained vigilant to his surroundings when she had to be more subtle about it to maintain her “oblivious” undercover role. He was grateful that it made sense for a girl’s date to want to ward off any potential girl stealers. He was not so grateful that the suspect did not care about that (even if the whole point of being bait and undercover as a couple was to lure him in to apprehend him).
It didn’t escape her notice that he’d tighten his grip around her whenever any guy got particularly physically close to her for whatever reason (even if it was as innocuous as standing beside her at the bar to order drinks) even if they didn’t even glance at her, let alone talk to her.
“You can relax some, you know. The suspect is going to be much bolder. You don’t have to spike your poor heart rate over every little thing.”
“I care about you. I won’t have you getting hurt.”
“We went over this. I’m perfectly capable of-”
“I know, I know you are, ok? It’s not…it’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“Excuse me…” An overly charming and soft voice says, cutting Spencer off.
Their eyes immediately flit over to the man that had suddenly appeared. Spencer’s blood runs cold when he realizes that this is the man that matches the descriptions that the bartenders and patrons had given.
Spencer tenses, gripping her hips tightly as he holds her to him.
“I was just at that table over there and couldn’t help notice this…vision of loveliness right here.” He smiles as his hand rests on her knee. She cringes. Spencer’s blood boils.
“Don’t touch her.” He says in a dangerously low tone.
“Oh come on…I’m not gonna hurt the little lady. I’m merely…admiring her.” He steps ever so closer.
“Back off.” Spencer says, or rather…he grits it out. His grip on her hips tightens and she’s starting to wonder if they’ll bruise if he grips any tighter or if he does so for long.
“Oh come on…don’t be such a hard ass. What do you say, darling? How’s about…you and I…ditch this guy and I’ll show you a real good time.” Spencer wishes he could punch that stupid smirk off his face and break his hand as it slides further up her thigh. She’s squirming in his lap, pressing back into him (which doesn’t help another situation).
“You won’t. She’s clearly uncomfortable. You should take a hint and piss off.”
While she is in actuality very uncomfortable around this man, she knows she needs to get him outside.
“Well I…” She forces herself to scoot a bit off of Spencer’s lap and closer to the man. Spencer doesn’t loosen the grip on her hips and pulls her back against him.
“See? The lady here does seem interested.” His smirk hasn’t disappeared as his fingers are now at the hem of her dress.
Spencer has to fight between his instinct to get her as far away from this man as possible and his recognition of the mission. He just glares at the man. Reluctantly, he keeps his mouth shut.
“That’s it…listen to your girl here. Come on, honey. He seems like a real fun guy but…I promise to show you a night you’ll never forget. You’ll feel things you’ve never felt before.”
She scoots off Spencer’s lap a bit and he reluctantly loosens his grip. The man wastes no time sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She lets him lead her away. Spencer’s knuckles turn white against the bar counter as he sees the bastard caress her and then sees his hand move lower and squeeze her ass.
He just prays that she can keep herself safe with her training. She couldn’t wear a wire or anything. But he had one to inform JJ and Luke that they were on their way out to them. All he had to do was wait. He heard the confirmation that they’d made it outside and had been spotted by the agents placed there in the alley.
“Guys…tell me what’s going on.” Spencer murmurs into the mic.
“She’s fine. Just sit tight, Spence.” JJ tries to calm him down. It doesn’t work.
“Don’t tell me to just sit tight, JJ. I…I can’t just sit tight knowing she’s out there with that monster. You’ve got eyes on her. Please tell me she’s ok.” Spencer says pleadingly.
“She’s handling herself, man, ok? She’s capable.” Luke now tries to assuage Spencer’s fears. This also is not successful.
“That’s also not what I asked, Luke.”
Spencer hears Luke sigh. “He’s got her up against the alley wall, ok?”
“Well what’s he doing to her?”
“What’s he doing?” Spencer insisted.
“Well he’s…fondling her…kissing her neck.”
“Jesus Christ…when are you guys gonna apprehend him? What if he hurts her?” Spencer is starting to get very concerned.
“We have to wait.”
“For what?! For him to strangle her?!”
“We need to wait until there is probable cause for an arrest. She’ll fend him off and he’ll push too far.”
“But how far? Does her dress have to be ripped? Does she have to be humiliated coming back in here?” Spencer was getting angry at his friends. They knew how much he cared about her. He didn’t often get like this.
“Just another minute or so, then we’ll go, ok?” Luke says, hoping again that this’ll calm him.
“Ok…only that…no longer. You can’t leave her with him for longer than that. Please…please protect her.” Spencer says softly.
“We will, Spence. We promise.”
“Thank you.” He sighs in relief.
It is indeed only another minute or two before go time, with JJ and Luke revealing themselves to the suspect. He is startled when two FBI agents with guns come out of the shadows. But before he can get angry and lash out at them, he turns that anger towards his potential victim.
“You…bitch!” He seethes, spitting in her face, causing her to gasp. This causes Luke to push him against the wall as he handcuffs him.
“Alright. That’s enough, buddy. We’re taking you in now.”
“You set me up? This was a set up?! I didn’t do anything! You pigs set me up!” He yells as Luke wrestled him over and into a squad car down at the end of the alley.
JJ comforts her briefly as she stands shaking slightly against the wall.
“Go back inside. Spence is quite anxious to see you.”
She chuckles. “Yeah, I bet.”
She wanders back inside the club, tugging her dress to get it back in place, wiping her smudged lipstick off, wiping the spit off as well.
Spencer is out of his seat like a rocket and bounding towards her the second he sees her enter the door she’d exited out of. He doesn’t say anything as he engulfs her in a tight embrace.
“I’m so glad you’re ok.” He whispered softly in her ear.
“I’m always ok.”
“You don’t have to be. It’s ok to not be ok.” He caressed her back.
“I know. But I’m ok.”
“What if…what if I’m not?” He holds her tightly to him. He buried his face in her neck.
“Why would you…not be ok? I’m…I’m fine.”
“You don’t understand, hon. This whole thing…has been near torturous for me. Watching that man…talk to you…flirt with you…touch you and knowing he was…” He’s shaking now and he doesn’t even realize it.
She caresses his back. “Hey…hey…it’s ok. I’m ok. It’s all over now.” She whispered softly.
“I just didn’t want you to get hurt. If that monster had hurt you…”
“Why don’t we get out of here, huh? I think we should go.”
“Fucking finally.” He groans as he wraps an arm around her waist and swiftly makes his way with her to the front exit of the club. He takes a nice deep breath once he’s exposed to the cool night air. He didn’t even realize how suffocating that environment was to him.
He helps her back into the vehicle as it’s brought around and still keeps her close to him as they head to the hotel to decompress for the night.
Once in the calm peaceful safety of the hotel room, he grabs his sleepwear from his bag and then gets hers for her as well. She had retreated to the bathroom to remove her makeup and take the dress off. Spencer enters the bathroom without knocking. He gets an eyeful of his best friend in her underwear and his face turns red.
“Oh um…I’ll just…leave these here. Sorry.” He puts her sleep wear on the counter and turns quickly to leave, shutting the door behind him.
He changes outside the bathroom in the room, still very embarrassed about his faux pas. He should’ve knocked. He just had so much on his mind at that moment that he’d completely forgotten to do it.
He occupied himself with a book as he sat up on the bed. His head lifts when he hears the bathroom door open. As beautiful as she’d looked in that dress and makeup, she looked infinitely more comfortable in her sleep wear and with no makeup. And because she seemed so comfortable and relaxed now, she somehow seemed even more radiant to him.
“Hey.” He says softly as he smiles at her. “Feeling better?”
“Much better. Thank you.” She smiles back at him as she sits on her own bed.
He looks over at her as she gets her own book out to relax. She goes to put her earbuds in her ear and he stops her. He knows she’s going to listen to music.
“You don’t have to put those in. You can just…play it from the phone.”
She looks over at him. “Really? You’re sure? I dunno how you’re gonna feel about some of the music.”
“It’s fine. I’ll listen to whatever you wanna listen to.” He shrugged. He very much wanted to relax and listen to music together with her instead of it seeming like they were doing it separately.
“Ok. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, though.” She chuckles as she puts her earbuds away and turns the volume up on her phone to prepare to play her music.
“It can’t be that bad.”
“You say that now.” She smirks as she presses play.
Classical music starts to play.
“What do you mean you warned me? That’s just Mozart!” He exclaimed.
“For now.”
“Oh for now.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “What’s next…Wagner? Don’t get crazy now.”
“Oh you just wait, Reid…just you wait.”
“Don’t tell me you have Hans Zimmer on there. That’d be really crazy.” He joked.
“Something wrong with movie and tv soundtracks?”
“No, not at all! I love them too. I’m merely amused at what you consider crazy.”
His smile falls when metal music starts playing. She laughs at his confused expression.
“I told you I warned you!”
“Now I’m concerned about what you consider relaxing.” He raises his eyebrows.
“I can always put my earbuds in.” She offers, pointing to them.
“No…no. It’s fine. Then I’d just be concerned for your hearing.” He shakes his head.
“You’re awfully concerned about me a lot of the time.” She notes, pausing the music.
“Of course I am. You’re my best friend. I care about you.”
“Well yeah but…how much?” She queried.
“What do you mean?” He cocks his head.
She scoffs. “You know what I mean, genius. Now answer the question.”
“Well…um…I suppose that…the answer is…a lot.” His gaze is averted from her.
“Spencer…look at me please.” She requests softly.
He obeys and his gaze lifts to meet here. “Yes?” He asks softly.
“Enough to almost blow our chance of catching that scum?”
He chuckled sheepishly, remembering what he’d done. “Yeah…that much.”
She puts her book down and stands up, going over to his bed. He looks up at her as she stands in front of him. She smiles down at him as she reaches up to cup his face. He smiles back up at her, letting her touch him. He wasn’t bothered by her touch.
“You were really scared, weren’t you?” She asks softly.
“I was terrified.”
“Even though I can handle myself?”
“I know you can. That wasn’t the issue. The issue was…” he trails off and his gaze averts briefly.
“I couldn’t rationalize it in my mind. I knew you could handle yourself but that didn’t seem to matter. I was still scared. I couldn’t calm down. All of my nerves were on edge.”
“But why? If you knew I’d be fine…why worry?”
“Because…I care about you…because…because I think I love you. No…that’s not…I-I know that I love you.”
“You love me? Really?” She smiles.
“Oh absolutely.” He smiled back. “I think I have for quite a while now, I just…I just didn’t know how to express that to you. I could never…find the right words.”
“You couldn’t find the right words?” She chuckles lightly.
“Believe it or not, no. But I’ve…I’ve never been very good at expressing my feelings.”
“Well…the great thing about feelings is…you don’t necessarily need words to express them.”
“You don’t?” He looked at her quizzically.
She shakes her head. “No. You don’t. Actions work just as well.”
She cuts him off for the first time ever by leaning down to kiss him softly. He smiles softly and presses into the kiss. He’s waited so long to feel her lips against his. And it’s just as wonderful as he imagined it would be.
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priyajoyyy · 7 months
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Clarisse la rue x repunzel!pesephone!fem!reader
Reader spent their entire life hidden away in a tower to protect her from the outside world wanting her for her powers, its only when a certain daughter of ares finds her scared and confused, that she finally gets to see the outside world like she always longed to.
Toxic parents, yandere!parents, oblivious!, Clarisse being stubborn, overprotectiveness, cannon typical violence, readers not got the best survival instincts 😭, reader is blonde, more to come maybe
Gods had a weird way of protecting people. And while you could confidently say they your parents were never intending to harm you or your siblings. They definitely went about it in weird ways.
Of course you never realised this, being locked away in a tower your entire life was all you even knew. You didn’t understand that your life wasn’t normal.
You didn’t realise you weren’t the only child your parents had hidden off in magical locations to protect them from Zeus and the dangers of the world in their own twisted ways.
And so you stayed where you were, waiting in your tower for the days that your parents would come and visit or the few creatures of the forest you had befriended came to your window.
With not much else to do but paint or read everyday in the same walls. Your hair growing and failing to ever stop, getting to the point of it being constantly in the way.
Clarisse was beyond confused.
She was 150% sure they had come the same way they had 100 times before. She was convinced. And yet there had never been a giant tower int he middle of the path all the other times they had taken this route.
Her brother suggested that maybe they took a wrong turning, surely they were just lost.
But Clarisse refused to acknowledge the idea she could even being wrong, no she was curtain they came the right way.
Besides they needed somewhere to camp out for the night anyway, so she took off towards the tower.
“Clarisse what are you doing?” Her brother shouted after her, the girl from the Hermes cabin turning to give him a look of annoyance.
The two followed after the girl, watching for a while as she searches around for some sort of entrance before giving up and turning back to them.
“Come on, we need to find a way up” Clarisse tells the two, not being able to find any sort of entrance other than the window near the top of the tower.
“Why?” The blonde girl asked in annoyance, “can’t we just go find somewhere to settle for the night?”
“Yeah clarisse it’s getting late, we can find our bearings in the morning” her brother added.
“This is somewhere to settle for the night” Clarisse stated plainly, rolling her eyes when the two stared at her in confusion, “it’s a giant tower in the middle of nowhere with no doors…no one’s living up there”
“I don’t know Clarisse…I mean this is meant to be a satyr trail, surely someone’s up there” the boy tried to reason.
“Aren’t you curious?” Clarisse asked, “I know we came the right way, this part of the route is blocked off, there is literally no way we got lost”
She was right, this small section of the trail was hidden away, you could only get in and out through two small entrance/exits, covered by plant life to hide it off.
They had been through the secret path a million times and never once was the tower there.
“Well how do you expect we get up?” The girl asked in defeat.
Clarisse looks around for a moment, before grabbing the bag off of her back and pulling out two daggers and holding them up to the two.
“No” the elder boy stated, to which Clarisse turned and made her way towards the walls of the tower, grabbing onto the vines to test their strength, “no no no Clarisse stop it right now”
The girl ignored him, stabbing the dagger into the wall inbetween the cracks and using both of them and the vines to begin to pull herself up the wall.
“I swear to god Clarisse get down right now!”
“I’ll see if there’s another way to get up once I’m up there” Clarisse calls down to them as they stare at her dumbstruck.
“I’m gonna kill you when you get down!” he called up to her.
“I hate your sister” the blonde said to the boy nonchalantly, collapsing to sit on the floor and wait for the ares daughter to be done you her adventure so they could get to bed.
“Tell me about it” the boy replied glaring up at her as she made her way to the top.
Clarisse made her way up, using the, surprisingly strong vines and plants growing off of the tower as her main support on the way up.
Once she made it to the window she pulled herself up on to the ledge, looking down to see her quest mates sat on the ground talking, rolling her eyes at the sight.
She quietly forced the shutters of the large window open, stepping on the flower bed as she climbed through into the room.
You hadn’t heard anything while Clarisse had been climbing up the walls, busy in your room painting as she entered into the main room of the tower.
Your hair was laid around the different rooms, leading through doors and hanging from ceilings in an attempt to keep it out of your way, something Clarisse stared at in confusion as she quietly wondered around the room.
She was clearly wrong about no one living in the tower, there were candles and lights lit across the room, and a fire lit int he fireplace.
The kitchen was full of food and everything was relatively clean. And not to mention the yards and yards of hair laid across the place.
That’s what confused Clarisse the most, surely no human had this much hair.
She was shocked out of her thoughts when she stepped backwards, tripped on some of said hair and fell onto the floor, alerting you in the other room.
You heard the noise and turned around quickly, your hair curling round you slightly causing it to tug, getting caught underneath Clarisse and yank on your head slightly. Making you squeak in shock.
Clarisse heard this from the other room, her eyes widening as she looking towards the doors that someone clearly resided in.
Both of you grabbed your weapons, Clarisse clutching one of her daggers, and you running to grab a vase off of a cabinet. Inching your way towards the door that separated the two of you as Clarisse stood up.
Clarisse started to walk up the stairs towards the door as you walked down the hallway, both of you stopping at the door before Clarisse decided to push through it suddenly.
You screamed as the mystery girl collapsed on top of her, hair covering your face as you flailed about, trying to get her off of you as she try’s to find the dagger that she lost on the floor.
“Get off of me” you grunted, pushing the hair out of your eyes and attempting to push her off of you, “who are you?”
Clarisse finally finding her dagger, held it to your throat, causing you to stop fighting back, breathless and staring at the weapon in her hand with wide eyes.
“Who are you?” Clarisse retorted, glaring down at the girl as if she wasn’t the one breaking and entering.
“You’re in my home” you say back in shock, frowning at how the knife gets closer to you.
“And I’m holding the dagger…see how this works?” Clarisse tells you with a smirk, flipping it in her hand as she kept it near your throat.
“I-I’m y/n…” you replied slowly, not knowing what to tell her. Looking at her with wide eyes as she huffs in realisation that it wasn’t the most helpful question to ask.
“Well why do you live here?” Clarisse asks noticing the way the girl looked confused and adding, “I mean you’re in the middle of the forest in a tower with no doors…”
“And I mean what’s going on with your hair, it’s so long” Clarisse continued, “and who uses a vase as a weapon?”
You didn’t really know what to say to any of that, looking at her blankly.
“I…don’t know” you answered eventually, adding in a small voice, “can you please get off of me”
Clarisse sighed, getting up slowly but still holding the dagger pointed towards her as she did.
“Why are you in my house?” You asked meekly, staring at the dagger in fear. Clarisse rolled her eyes noticing your wariness, putting the dagger down to her side to try calm you down.
“I’m not gonna hurt you unless you try anything ok?” Clarisse stated, “I was just looking to see if we could stay the night in here, I didn’t realised anyone lived here or anything”
“My friends, well not really my friends but, well they’re just outside” Clarisse told you, “why are you in a tower by yourself exactly? And seriously what’s going on with your hair”
“I just live here…I don’t know what you mean” you answered, “and I guess it’s just my hair…my mum says it’s special”
“Your mum? Special how what do you mean”
“I don’t know it just is” you said, “w-wait, no, I’m not meant to tell anyone that”
Clarisses eyebrows furrowed at that, looking at you as though you were an idiot causing you to blush at her.
“Why can’t you tell anyone about your hair…” Clarisse asked.
“Mummy said not to” you said hesitantly.
Clarisse smirked at that, only seconds ago you said you couldn’t tell anyone and yet here you were continuing on with the subject.
“And mummy is?” She asked condescendingly, something you didn’t pick up on as you went to answer.
“Ummm Persephone…” you responded simply.
“What?” Clarisse asked in confusion, looking at you like you were mad. Sure, she knew you couldn’t be mortal, but a demigod?
She supposed the flowers and plants in full bloom in autumn made sense by that, it didn’t quite explain the hair but she was sure it had something to do with that.
“You’re a demigod?” She asked in confusion.
“What?” You replied, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked at her, “what’s that?”
Clarisse stared at you for a moment, you felt like she was scrutinising your entire existence as she looked you up and down.
Suddenly she grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the door, you stumbling as she continued down the stairs towards the main room of the tower and leaving you stood in the middle.
You watched her as she made her way to the window, opening it again and shouting down at her ‘friends’ she told you about earlier.
“It’s all safe” Clarisse shouted, before turning back to you, “do you have any rope?”
You looked at her in shock that she was just inviting people inside your home, speaking when she sent you a look of annoyance, “no?”
Clarisse looked around the room for a moment before settling on your hair that hung around the room, turning back to you with a new look in her eyes.
“You sure?” Clarisse asked, leaning down to pick up your hair and hold it up for you to see.
“W-what? No you can’t use my hair!” You told her, rushing forward to remove it from clarisses hands leaving you stood right in front of her.
She looked down at you with a smirk, taking the hair back, “come on, they won’t hang from it or anything, they just need something to hold for leverage to get up”
You rolled your eyes with a pout at that, looking up at her before walking towards the window, looking down at the two on the ground, who were now beyond confused at the blonde girl appearing.
You leant over to reach the walls of the tower then, Clarisse running over to hold on to you as you stumbled slightly, “be careful!”
You blushed feeling her hands on your hips, shaking yourself out of it and leaning down to touch the plants and vines attached to the stone.
Clarisse watched as the plants grew, covering the side of the wall all over and bits of vines hanging down for the two at the bottom to hold on to.
Once it was fully grown you turned back around to Clarisse, underestimating how close you both were when you did so.
You smiled up at the shocked look on her face, proud of yourself for figuring out a solution to the situation, hearing clarisses brother begin to scale up the side of the wall as you and Clarisse faced each other.
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog @l0veshellarcelia @asvterias @ashisabitgay
Wanna rewatch tangled now 🤩
Pretty sure this is shit but oh well
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jhuzen · 1 year
married life [m.reader]
this is me taking the first step in creating the househusband hcs of our tall hsr men for us gays and bi kings. happy pride ansismdkf (i mean to say that also in haitham’s post bUT OH WELL). anyway, i still hate luocha. otto trauma so true so real (honestly, his only saving grace in mhy games is ayato because he’s not blond). today, we have ourselves some househusbands.
𖦹 househusband hcs with gepard, sampo, jing yuan, blade, dan heng, caelus and old man welt, no luocha but i’m open to be convinced why i should start loving him, mostly fluff, domestic stuff, modern au though… aren’t they more modern if they can travel the space? huh. normal world au then. forgot to add that ceo reader is implied
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He’s a very reluctant househusband at first, actually. He’s one who firmly believes that relationships are a team effort (and they are and should be), and thinks that it wouldn’t hurt for the both of you to work together. Of course, you encourage him regardless, and with both of your career-oriented selves, you were basically the couple that could foster a ten or so children and still be financially sound.
Serval is the one who convinced Gepard to lay low a little in his job and relax for once. You’re making a decent income a month — enough for you to be the only one working and still have a comfortable life together.
You have to thank your sister-in-law and her craftiness. She wasn’t Gepard’s sister for nothing. She knew your husband more than anyone and knew that he was too down bad to even refuse in entertaining the thought of not taking care of you. All she had to do was do a little convincing.
“If I were [Name], I sure wouldn’t mind coming home to a nice meal like this every night,” she’d muse with a hum while she ate off of Gepard’s cooking. He came home early that one night and thought to surprise you. Of course, Serval just had to taste test since she’s looking out for you, her beloved brother-in-law. “Also wouldn’t mind being taken care of by my own spouse…”
Gepard quickly folded. What if his sister was right and you wanted that kind of life? But it’s not like he also wants to quit his job just like that. So he made a gradual decrease in work until he can finally have a schedule that can commit as a househusband and occasionally help when he’s needed at work as a consultant.
Your beloved husband is a bit mid from the start — basic in cooking, in chores, but it’s his perseverance that pushes him up to S-tier househusband status. He will really go out of his way to learn recipes that you suddenly brought up in the middle of a conversation and will execute it to the highest standards. He will become a lot more meticulous in his chores around the house.
If he can, he’s definitely the type to drop by and join you in lunch. He’s a lot more free now, and if there’s nothing else to do in the house, he’ll take some lunch and go to where you work and just eat lunch together. Everyone is looking at the windows of your own office in envy while they watched you get spoon fed by your cute husband (they don’t know how embarrassed Gepard is since you technically just coerced him to feed you so people can see you on purpose).
So very attentive to you. He wakes you up early (even earlier if you have meetings where you have to discuss things to be extra prepared) for work. Your lunch is just top tier, but the plating is too cute — with the slightly uneven shapes to create cute animals. He’s the kind to even put a note in your packed lunch every time without fail.
He knows how hard you work and only wants the best for you. And when you recognize his efforts, he’s quick to get flustered from your compliments. He will fold like a wet cardboard. He’s too weak.
“Dear, please,” you could only laugh at your beloved’s winsome attitude. Currently pressed against the marbled counter of the kitchen, you can only shower him in a plethora of love-filled kisses as you expressed your unending gratitude. Your lips left tiny pecks from his cheeks down to his neck, only serving to fluster him even more.
You pulled back but not before leaving another quick kiss on his nose, “What’s got you all knotted up, love? No one’s watching.” You cooed, leaving your poor husband whining at the thought of earlier — when you so cruelly asked him to feed you in front of your subordinates while you busily ‘worked’ on your projects.
But somehow even with the unbridled embarrassment that you brought to him, Gepard couldn’t help but feel the elation engulf his entirety at the prospect of you showing him off in your own mischievous ways. Even with your busy schedule, you were more than willing to let him come inside your work and take the time off just to let him join you for lunch. He’d already heard enough drama around the neighborhood to be grateful that you can still balance your work with your marriage.
He was grateful to have you as his partner for life. And even then, he wouldn’t mind having to visit you just to feed you. It was certainly a rare thing that he’s heard partners would suggest, so to be given a privilege as seeing you everyday at work was something he would cherish more than ever.
A kiss on his temple knocked his fleeting thoughts off the rail and pulled him back to reality, blinking at your curious smile, “…Shield for your thoughts?” You inquired with a gentle tone, eager to pry just what has got your husband so spacey all of a sudden.
He only grinned before pulling you in for a proper kiss and murmured against your lips, “Just thanking my lucky stars for having you as my husband.”
Now it was your turn to be flustered.
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Your friends still think you’re a legend for even managing to wife up the untamable Sampo. But somehow, you pulled him in and he was more than willing to be a househusband. For more reasons than one.
But let’s get out the pinnacle of his reasons out of the way — it being, him living so comfortably? Financially supported by a handsome guy like you? Sign him up. He’s more than willing to take care of you while you take care of him. He’s a sleazy guy, after all. Wouldn’t wanna get married to a broke man. Kidding.
Anyway, he mostly sells the story of getting married just for benefits for laughs. But really, you’ve somehow managed to actually trap him as a prisoner of love. He’s a huge simp for you and actually considers your high-end job a bonus. A really good bonus. But other than that, you’ve got Sampo completely wrapped around your finger. And he’s a very eager househusband.
A surprisingly good househusband. He’s meticulous in his work and can cook. But what really sells him is how well he can budget and actively get discounts just by smooth talking the vendors in the market. You once went with him, telling him to go nuts and buy everything that he needs, and you came home with only just a good half of your money spent. He was scarily good and from then on, you made an oath to take notes from your husband’s amazing haggling skills.
He’s a very resourceful man. If you need anything, he’s there to lend a hand. He’s always there to fix equipments that break down. Really, you rarely get issues with the things at home, because the moment he senses that there’s something wrong, he’s already on the case. Your husband is a jack of all trades.
All he requires is a small fee of some attention and loving from you. Seriously, he will mope around and will let you know that he’s upset that you forgot to give him a goodbye kiss earlier when you left for work.
You wake up much earlier than he does, but please wake him up. He wants to cook you breakfast and see you off like a loving househusband that he is. He will sulk if you so much as even think of leaving him without waking him up. He’s a big drama queen and unless you make up for it once you get home, he will continue to walk around the house with a pout on his face.
The only way to make this man completely crumble underneath you is to spoil him. He’s working so hard with the upkeep of your shared home! If you take him out on surprise date nights, he will melt. Shower him with lavish gifts from all the money you saved up, courtesy of Sampo’s extreme bargaining. He will latch onto your arm the entire night like your pretty little arm candy (even if he’s taller than you).
Oh, right. You will get sudden visits from Natasha or even Seele and Oleg, just to check up on your married life. They’re mostly just there to whack some sense into Sampo if he’s being difficult to you. Suffice to say, they’re always surprised when they come visit your homely abode that’s clean and has a refreshing atmosphere. Seele plugs her ears every time you say it’s all because of Sampo that your house is even remotely presentable. She’s in denial.
It was a grueling day, leaving you completely vulnerable to the throes of exhaustion. You ought to take some vacation days, maybe go on a different country with your husband for a treat. Surely, he’d like that. You noticed he’s been working just as hard as you at home. Speaking of which — the reason for your home’s unfamiliar silence was in fact the lack of singing from your lively husband. You were so used to hearing his voice that the silence felt incredibly deafening when you were alone.
“Love? You home?” You called out, glancing at the shoe rack by the door to see his outdoor shoes in the same place and the indoor shoes missing. He’s here. You pursed your lips, brushing off the peculiarity and headed to the joint dining room and kitchen, seeing a nice still hot meal sitting on a nice plate. But it was the only thing on the table, no other plates or even a husband waiting on you with a smile. You peered at the food to see a card beside the plate, scribbled with a sad face.
“…What.” You sat the card back down before finally poking your head in the living room, seeing your husband watching another sad show while screwing in some panel from what you can only guess a part of your heater. You sauntered up from behind him, before grabbing his face and tilting his head up to meet your gaze.
He made no noise and had it not been for his evident pout, you would’ve only been left wondering what you did to make him so sulky again. You sighed before leaning to press a kiss against your lips. You could feel him finally smile against the kiss.
“So you still love me?” He asked, insinuating that you felt otherwise for not even giving him a kiss goodbye earlier.
“Not like I have a choice,” was your only cheeky response.
“Wha— Hey!”
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Out of everyone, he is probably the most eager one to be a househusband. He is so ready to retire. He’s been moaning about it at work constantly, about how he’s just ready to settle in somewhere nice and be taken care of. And when you decided to finally tie the knot with him, you didn’t even have to ask twice, that man is already turning in his resignation and is already making your shared home even cozier than ever.
He’s a very languid man, but that does not mean he’s going to flake out on chores. He can do them all efficiently just for the sake of getting them out of the way so he can keep relaxing after. That, and of course making sure that you come home to a clean home. Aeons know how stressful it is to come home from work and seeing your own home completely cluttered. Jing Yuan has suffered the same thing before he met you.
Jing Yuan loves you through his cooking other than sleeping in with you. He creates the greatest dishes for you. Often are you eating your lunch with so much pride. Your subordinates would come inside your office during lunchtime to pass some papers and they would see you just completely enjoying life with your husband’s cooking.
He likes to greet you with a nice warm meal after your work. And he’d just watch you eat his meals with a fond smile while you continue to talk about each of your days with each other. Of course, occasionally, he’d open his mouth and you would have to feed him as well. Yanqing would sometimes come home to such a sight and never has he seen a more domestic scene than before.
Another one of his much favored ways to show his love is through after work massages. You’d come home and be completely smothered with love just by his touches. Sometimes he’d give you a nice neck and shoulder massage while you’re eating and talking about your day. Or you could both be lounging on the sofa and he would absentmindedly massage your overworked hands.
However his most favored time spent with you is when you’re on a day off and that he would successfully persuade you into staying a little bit longer in bed with him. Just sleep until the afternoon, with limbs tangled against one another. He loves spooning his husband that takes care of him so dearly. Just feeling your back pressed against his chest while he’s nuzzling his nose into the nape of your neck. Bliss. Utter bliss.
The two of you scream old married couple. Just two old geezers enjoying their lives. It’s really such a relaxing relationship. Being married to Jing Yuan is like a vacation from your problems and him being married to you is an adventure without the nauseating exhaustion.
Yanqing is inadvertently your child the moment you got married to your husband. And suffice to say, you were far more content in your life than you could ever imagine. Never have you felt the genuine happiness swell within you the moment you came home to the two of them cooking together. You still have a slightly motion blurred picture in your phone and neither of them know about it.
Overall the most chill househusband. But even in his passivity, you can feel the radiating warmth of love for you. He just… loves you so much that he’s more than willing to take care of you and the little family that you and him have created. He will wait for you by the door with his half-lidded gaze completely fixated on you with so much adoration. He’s lucky to have you.
You were used to the hectic mornings you often faced upon waking up. It was always a rush job in the morning, speeding through all your morning routine before finally leaving for work. But today was not that day. You could tell from the way the sunlight hit your eyelids. You always left just before the sun could even come up, but right now, you had other plans.
You wanted to prepare a nice breakfast for your husband. He had been working so hard all the time, taking care of you and Yanqing with no days off unlike you. You figured you could get the day started and surprise the both of them with some of your cooking prowess. Suddenly filled with the motivation, you sat up, ready to face the first hour of your time off work for a few days.
However, your plans were soon foiled when a strong arm hooked around your waist and immediately pulled you back down on the bed without even breaking a sweat. You sighed, looking off to the side to see one golden eye peering at you sleepily. Lips turning up into a smile, you shifted to fully face him.
“Can’t even let me make you some breakfast in bed, huh?” You teased with the same fondness as the very first day you and him got married.
A quiet grunt was all your lover gave, only to follow it up with his own gruff response a minute later, “While that sounds nice, I believe I can also reap benefits just from canoodling with my husband for let’s say… until the afternoon.”
Your hands were tied at that point, and with one last charming smile from your dozing husband, you dove into his arms, letting him press some kisses on your face before falling asleep, with you following after.
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No one in this world knows how you managed to charm and marry Blade in the first place. Even his family considers you a miracle worker for bagging the hard to get man. You could only reminisce of the times he would give you the cold shoulder when you tried to ask him out. You were cringe but Blade somehow liked it.
Regardless, he’s one of the reluctant househusbands at first. Blade doesn’t like the feeling of not going out and making money like you. He believes that as long as he can, he will contribute to this relationship. It’s really adorable. And you were supportive of what he wants, but when he realized no one can take care of you while you’re busy being the breadwinner, he decided that he’ll take one for the team and take care of everything in the house instead.
He is meticulous in cleaning. Your house is always sparkling clean the moment you arrive at home. He’s constantly on the hunt for any dust that could taint your shared humble abode. He once read that an unclean house can cause sickness to the occupants, and he has never let a single dust touch a furniture ever since then. Your health is his priority and he will do everything in his power to keep you healthy.
You know what? Screw it, he wears his apron without a care too. He goes out of the house in a pink frilly apron you gifted him as a silly little joke and he’s not ashamed of it. Even Kafka’s incessant teasing isn’t enough to deter him from wearing it. You gave it to him and he loves it. That’s all that matters.
Surprisingly loved by your neighbors. In contrast to his gloomy disposition, he’s always seen around the market and with people’s tendency to draw closer to mysterious handsome men like him, let’s just say he’s managed to unintentionally charm your neighbors. Everyone calls you lucky for getting him, everyone calls him lucky for having a good husband that provides.
Really, he cares so little about the money you make. All he needs is your love and attention. It is imperative that you give him calls on certain times of the day, let him know that you’re still alive at the very least. It’s not like you can’t make do on such a promise either, you loved calling him just to take a break from work for a little while. Even just hearing his quiet grunts of agreement while you gossiped about your subordinates was enough.
He wakes you up… like really early. Super early. Like at least a few hours before you call in for work. His reason? To get enough time with you before you go to work. It’s adorable. You two could be just lounging at the balcony, sipping coffee or tea while you both watch the sunrise.
Speaking of which, with him comes a package. His aforementioned family. Kafka and Silver Wolf’s visits are a must. They are a part of him and now they are a part of you. Kafka could be dropping by just to chat and gossip with you (somehow both of you know a lot about people’s own businesses) or Silver Wolf would just barge in and hog all your game systems (she says no one plays them since you’re both old men so she gets the privilege). Either way you’re already used to it, and one guest room is always at the ready.
Getting married to Blade is honestly the best thing you’ve ever done in your life. You still don’t know how you pulled him, but with him resting on you while the both of you watched shows, showing you his vulnerability tells you that doing so is not an accident or a mistake.
“…Would it kill you to step back a little? It’s hard to cook.”
“But you’re so warm. So soft… so…”
Quite possibly out of all the forms of affections that you’ve expressed towards him, Blade finds your nosy hands cupping around his chest from under his clothes the least practical. Especially when you’re doing it while he’s cooking your breakfast before you’re off for work.
He flipped the omelet with ease despite his claims of difficulty just seconds ago. Of course, it wasn’t as hard when he’s standing still. But on times where he had to go get some things, you in your sleepy daze had to trudge behind him like a shadow just to persistently warm your incredibly cold hands.
Regardless, other than the difficulty in moving, Blade finds it even harder not to burn the kitchen down as his concentration dwindled with every kiss you pressed against his neck, unrelenting and incredibly soft, so filled with love in every individual peck that met his skin. His face turned a rather dark shade of scarlet while you busied yourself with him.
“Keep this up and you’re going to be late.”
“At least it’s extra time with you~” you cooed.
Blade only sighed before leaning against your back, using his free hand to softly knock into the side of your head as his form of half-assed discipline.
Well. Maybe he wouldn’t mind that extra time too.
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He’s not so much as a reluctant househusband. In fact, he relishes in the idea of just staying home and doing his work there. He likes the comfort of being able to sit things out for once after having to look after his two gremlins for friends. However, he does want to make sure that you’re always safe when you’re working.
After a lot of reassurances, he finally decides that you can handle your own. He will compensate for it by taking an extremely good care of you and your shared home. And this man does not play around. He’s sort of like Blade, excelling at everything that needs to be done not just because, but it’s to keep you safe. He cooks you healthy meals and scrubs any dirt off the face of the world.
Easily one of the greatest househusbands in the list. Dan Heng has the right temperament and while he’s often aloof to most people, when it comes to you, you could already feel how he seems more lenient, a little softer on you.
He does all his work efficiently to get them over with as fast and as best as he can so he can have time to visit you in your work. If he knows he has time, count on your beloved husband to come and bring you some freshly cooked lunch in your office. Almost everyone in your company already knows who he is. He’s the elusive husband of the big boss, coming in just to bring you some lunch.
Speaking of which, might wanna keep your subordinates in check. Dan Heng is a looker, and the fact that he’s just as considerate, combined with his mysterious nature, people are bound to be more attracted to him. Though honestly, none of their little admiration could measure up to Dan Heng’s love for you.
In his eyes, you are the only one important, right next to his own family with Himeko and the rest. And he will do all that he can to make sure that you’re alright in any aspect of your life. However even with that dedication, it’s also your job to keep him intact. He focuses so much on you that he sometimes forgets to wind down.
Taking him out on something with a serene atmosphere usually does the trick. Bring tons of books to entertain yourselves, and if the stories get too old, you chat about things you have yet to tell each other. Dan Heng really appreciates the effort you put in, investing your time in him despite the fact that you’re running a conglomerate, but even then just a little gesture from you is enough for him to know how grateful you are for his own efforts as well.
Old married couple 2.0. March said so herself when she decided to barge into your home to show you her pictures from her recent travels. She and the raccoon are tied at the tally of visits. Often they just crash just to make sure Dan Heng hasn’t driven you insane yet with his very… unromantic nature. Safe to say March still couldn’t believe that dear old Dan Heng was the first to pop the question in tying the knot.
Speaking of unromantic, your husband does come off as one, often giving you practical solutions than giving you any words of comfort when you’re stressed. And perhaps it’s because you understood that’s his way of romancing you that you and him ended up married in the first place.
Exhaustion was more of a friend than a foe after having to bury yourself in the tower stacks of paperwork. It’s times like these that you had to wonder if running the family company is even worth it.
“I’m too tired to driiiiive,” you whined, looking at the spreadsheets in exasperation.
And as if he had a sixth sense, a knock on your door was heard and you gave the green light with little regard for the person behind the door. You then looked up and almost cried at the sight of your beautiful husband, with two coffees in hand.
“Come on, I’ll take you home,” it was all he had to say to prompt what little motivation you had left in your system, letting your sluggish self spring back to life. You bound to him with a grateful smile on your face and greeted him with an embrace.
You took one cup from him and graced him with a kiss on his cheek, “Hang on, let me get some take home work. I need to at least finish a good third of this.”
Your poor husband was a lot more worried than he could let on with his stoic face — seeing you on the ropes, completely hard at work and barely functioning at the sheer exhaustion was almost enough to tempt him into stopping you from bringing home your work. Alas, he supported you regardless and only thought to compensate for your extra work with an even better dinner.
“Anything you want for tonight?” He asked, thoughtful as always.
“Mmm… chicken fried rice?”
“Chicken fried rice it is.”
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Not a single soul expected for this man to get married. Everyone thought he’d just end up on the streets willingly, constantly rummaging through trash can after trash can, falling in love with one and settling down with it in his own odd way. Surprise surprise, he is now a househusband that digs through the high end trash cans placed inside your shared home.
Quite frankly, if Caelus was being honest, he also did not expect to trip into you and quite literally fall in love. And for you to reciprocate it. He always thought you two were just the best of friends, with you supporting his hobbies with little to no judgment. So imagine his surprise that he keeps feeling every time he wakes up right next to you (and right next to his five foot pillow of a trashcan, but it’s a separate affair on its own).
Moving aside your husband’s very odd addiction of living the life of a trash panda, Caelus is actually a pretty decent househusband. His specialities are mostly the meals he makes for you. They’re always so delicious and is often the highlight of your day even without him around.
He’s very active around the neighborhood and is always armed with the latest news around town. The other stay at home spouses love him. And you were quite surprised to find out that he’s far more connected in the very place you both live in than you could ever be. When you’re free, you’d sometimes accompany him to the market and somehow end up staying very late because a lot of people recognize him and seem to want to chat with him.
Caelus parades you around as his beloved husband and people are just dropping jaws when they realize you have definitely been interviewed in one of those famous magazines about businesses and all that jazz.
Surprisingly, just like Sampo, Caelus is your man when it comes to spending wisely and learning how to haggle. He knows his way around almost everything and even you couldn’t help but be proud of yourself of fishing out such a dashing man that is wise in finances. Good man, honestly.
One fact about him that you like are his skills in caring for children. There’s something so wonderfully domestic whenever you would come home early and see him playing with the children — Hook and Clara, if you can recall. He’s mostly just babysitting for them on days that he’s not completely hammered to death with housework.
His favorite thing to do with you is grocery shopping at night. Just the two of you cruising around every aisle, more often than not, you’d push the cart with him in it getting gradually buried by every item you decided to purchase. It’s a good way to spend some time together while getting something productive done. And perhaps coax you into buying a little more food than you and him intended in the first place. Dan Heng always advices you not to be too swayed by your husband antics… but it’s clearly not working.
Caelus is a silly little man, with his weird eccentric jokes and his equally strange fascination for all things related to trash cans. But it’s probably because of this that you found yourself enamored. He is your respite in the suffocating world of your workforce. He pushes you in situations you never thought would be fun unless he was with you.
“If you loved me, you would’ve gotten ten more boxes of cookies.”
“And if you loved me, you wouldn’t be willingly burying yourself in that cart instead of helping me pick between chocolate or strawberry milk.” You quipped back with a snarky grin, not even bothering to look at your childish husband who continued to be sprawled out in the cart at ten in the evening while you shopped.
Caelus pouted, you always did make good points. It’s why he could never win an argument against you. Or maybe he could… if he wasn’t so completely smitten at the sight of you. You were always seen as the dignified boss of your company, dressed in three piece suits that could suffocate anyone and their wallet.
But here you were, dressed in a loose shirt (likely one of his just judging from the fit) and some pair of joggers that you haphazardly threw on.
Absolutely breathtaking.
He lent out a hand to reach for the carton of flavored milk that you finally chose, adding it onto the pile. He waited until you were at the end of the cart, getting ready to muscle your way through pushing an incredibly heavy cart, courtesy of your husband.
Caelus looked up at you, “Don’t I at least get a kiss for helping out?”
“Cae, I’m dying from pushing you. How ‘bout we entertain that incentive once you got out of the cart and started helping me, hm?”
Maybe he’s just a simp, but how could he deny his demanding husband’s whims?
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This old man is the definition of a reluctant retiree. Well, it’s not actually a retirement for him. He still gets to be the voice of reason, only that he won’t actually personally animating. Who’s to blame? You. To be accurate, this old man officially decided to step down from his hands-on job as an animator so he can be a househusband. You’re a priority after all, and only the heavens know how bad you need to be taken care of.
Welt joins the ranks of a godly househusband. He knows his way around almost every single thing that needs to get fixed. His cooking? Top tier. His housework game? Absolute perfection. Floors are swept, counters are wiped and dusted, sheets and clothes are washed and pressed. He is perfect.
And on top of that, he still manages to balance his work from home as the consultant for any new anime that is about to be produced and can still care for you without even breaking a sweat. Old man Welt is always pulling through.
So let’s get this out of the way — actual old married couple. Not just vibes. You two are old men who look at the screen with squinted eyes. Well, only Welt does that while you laugh at him and then proceed to forget where you placed your own phone despite being on it just a few minutes ago.
Regardless, you live a much more balanced life, just two husbands cruising through life with little worries. You live on a good neighborhood, living comfortably and get a lot of visits from yours and Welt’s friends/family. Most of which are from the trio and Himeko. You and Welt always host these family dinners on weekends where everyone is free. Life is good.
However despite all the glamour of living a comfortable life in this marriage, there is one glaring difference between you and Welt — mostly it’s the fact that you have worse time management than he does and often gets the short end of the stick, always pummeled to death with your paperwork that could leave anyone in a fit of raw despair. Welt looked at your work the one time you left to answer a phone call from office and shuddered at the heavy load.
Welt is essentially your clock when it’s time to unwind from work. You have a tendency to overwork at times and it’s something that Welt always makes sure to keep an eye out for. He just wants what’s best for you, and oftentimes, what’s best is for you is to finally get some shuteye after suffering through another overnight that you pulled.
Also, there is an unspoken rule of not letting any man with long blonde hair inside your home. It’s just a house rule. The top of all other house rules in fact, as it takes the most priority in fulfilling.
Regardless, Welt is so… househusband-shaped. He knows what to do as one and does a damn good execution of it all. Maybe it’s because of his compassionate self that you were quick to fall for the old man. He didn’t even have to try and show off, all he had to do was be himself and you’d still give him the world with every penny you’ve earned from your job.
A taut frown tugged onto Welt’s lips as he squinted on the labels from the spices that Himeko sent from her recent overseas trip. Not that he didn’t trust his good friend’s tastes in any form of flavor, it’s only that he wanted to make sure none of it had any ingredient that could probably send you into an anaphylactic shock. Yes, he is this meticulous when it comes to you.
Alas, his cautiousness grants no extra clear sight in viewing the labels and he struggled, holding them in different proximities. Are the characters really that small intentionally or are they so incoherent because they manufacturers made an error in the sizing the font before printing it on the packaging.
Fortunately for him, you came into the rescue as you plucked the packaging from his hands. Welt didn’t need to look up to see the same smug smile plastered on your face whenever you’d catch him doing the same thing to his phone. Well, he loved looking at you so he did it nonetheless.
“Having trouble again, old man?” You teased and Welt only had to sigh in response. “Is this from Himeko’s package?”
Your endeared husband nodded, “Of course. I had to see what else she gave us. And I’m looking over the ingredients so I can keep you out of the hospital as best as I can.” He turned to the stove and lowered the heat. “Now kindly read it for me, dear.”
You only nodded, flipping over the packet, “Sure thing.”
There was a silence that followed, with Welt expecting you to run your mouth about the ingredients already. He looked back to you…
…And saw you squinting at the same bundle of text that he’s been staring at.
Welt scoffed, playful and light in nature, “And you call me old.”
“It’s the manufacturer’s fault…!!”
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sanzusslutt · 5 months
Whatever it Takes
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Pairing: Teacher!Nanami x Student!Y/N
Warnings: This fic contains explicit content. Minors please get away now. Praising, fingering, clit play, clit licking, smut, Y/N is female, mentions of the words cunt, pussy, and other namings of the female body part, Nanami is hard and mention of squirting.
Summary: You would do anything to stay in your handsome professor’s class
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*knock knock*
“Yes?” The professor called. Knowing full well it’s his non great but potential student that he is been tutoring since the start of the semester.
“It’s y/n, professor! May I come in?” You said cheerfully. You weren’t exactly one of the worst students. You could be one of the top student but with a professor that hot and handsome, you couldn’t help it when he asked you if you’d want to take private studying lessons.
“Of course you may. I’ve been thinking about calling you here myself to be honest…” he said, looking troubled about something.
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You knew what troubled him. The not long handed exam paper on his desk that belongs to you. It’s not like you did horribly on the test, but how concentrated can you be when your charming teacher is sitting on his desk, rolled up sleeved that are about to tear apart from the muscle of his arm, blond locks falling beautifully on his forehead, brown glittering eyes looking around the classroom and eventually ending on yours, yellow tie loose around his pretty neck due to those two damn unbuttoned buttons of his shirt. How can you not look at him?
“How did I do on the exam?..” you questioned as soon as you got inside the classroom, closing the door behind you.
“Not well.. especially for the time we consumed on studying for this, it’s not good.” He exclaimed, looking at you and then back at the paper again. “I can’t do more anymore, y/n” he sighed, looking back at you with a disappointed look.
“I will do better on the next one, I’m sure of it!.. please don’t stop the privet lessons, they’re honestly so helpful..” you tried convincing him, hoping he would take pity on you and continue the lessons. That was not the problem tho..
“I’m not talking about the lessons.. i have to fail you y/n. You haven’t had any improvement since we started the studying sessions, how can I keep you in my class with those grades?” He explained, watching your pretty eyes get from pleading to glooming..
“Oh.. no.. professor you can’t fail me!. What will I tell my parents if I fail after all they did for me?..” you said, hoping you could change his mind.
“Y/n, I’d be more than happy to keep you in my class but without improvements, it will be really difficult..” Nanami explained. Every word falling from his lips was like a stub straight to your heart, fearing you wouldn’t have the chance to be alone with him anymore. Meaning that, all your made up scenarios of him, coming closer to you inch by inch, his hand on your waits when he explained a problem you couldn’t understand, his face so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your neck, his palm from your waist slowly coming down to your lap and going upwards towards your-
“Y/n.. I warned you, if you haven’t improved till next semester, I will not be able to have you in my class..” he exclaimed as he placed his palm on the hand you subconsciously settled down on his desk, keeping your composure as you watched your dreams fall one by one.
“Is-.. isn’t anything I can do about it right now?..” you asked, not letting the last spark of hope go off. “I’ll do anything to stay in your classroom.. please, I’ll improve I promise, I’ll do better..” you’ve never begged anyone to stay with you or for you to stay with them. But here you are, begging your stunning teacher to stay in his classroom.
“Anything?” He questioned. His eyes darkened at the question, leaving you with a sense of wonder.
“Anything.” Your tone came out harsher than you expected but your point was perfectly made.
Nanami got up from his chair, coming towards your smaller figure, placing his hand on your face and with his thumb on your chin, he gently lifted upwards your head, making eye contact as he looked down at you. His eyes were dark, like the eyes of a predator looking at his pray. Except, you weren’t a pray or a victim. You were there with full consent and excitement of what may happen. Your hand stayed glued to your professor’s desk, using it to hold your composure and not fall down the cold floor as your handsome teacher caressed his thumb on your bottom lip.
He stared at you for a couple minutes before he finally closed the distance between your faces, leaving you with your eyes widen and a giant exclamation mark on your head. The kiss started as slow, sensual. But as the minutes passed, it became more passionate, more intense. As you thought it couldn’t get any better, he placed his other hand on your waist, sending chills down your spine and a bubbling feeling inside your stomach.
Your little head was up to cloud nine, your thoughts messed up as you tried to comprehend that it was your mesmerising teacher that was kissing you. The one you constantly thought about, the one who you mercilessly touched yourself at night thinking about, who could make a mess in your panties in only an hour of tutoring without even touching you, this person was now kissing you.
Your head started getting dizzy as your professor’s tongue explored your mouth and his hands found perfect place on each side of your waist. The grip he had on your sides became harder as the moment heated and the feeling inside your stomach became unbearable. He was there to fix that though..
In a matter of seconds, you were picked up on the air by his strong and muscular arms that found place under your thighs. Your hands immediately circled around his neck, trying to keep your balance as his hands gripped your thighs hard enough to leave nail marks on them. That was the least of your concerns in your already fucked up little head.
He gently placed you on his desk, caressing softly the fat of your thighs as he slowly came closer and closer to the visible stain on your panties. He took a moment to look at your pretty, messed up face as he broke a kiss, mesmerised by your state, your puffy red lips, your full of lust eyes, your light shade of red cheeks and the saliva connecting your lips together. The lips that drained all the sanity from your brain just a moment ago, now found place on your neck. Licking, kissing, sucking, only making your state even more pathetic than what it already was.
The soft moans that fell from your lips was like music to his ears. A music that he was already drained to. A melody that could wake up any part of his body faster than anything. He composed himself, bringing you closer to his muscular body by the hard grip on your waist. His hands then, found place on the fat of your ass, on which he lifted up your skirt a little to grip. His lips found their place on your neck again but this time he slowly motioned downward with every kiss. Your head fell back as he started unbuttoning your shirt, kissing every part of your, now marked, neck till your soft breasts. One of his hands found place on your boobs while the other untied your bra, letting your boobs fall free and setting it down beside you, along with your white shirt.
It was now visible how impatient he started to get as he begin to harshly unbuttoned and removed his shirt, leaving his perfectly made body on full display. His lips were on yours once again, his hand travelling from your ass to your thighs and stopping near your arousal. You were embarrassed of him seeing the mess you’ve become for him and the wet stain on your panties didn’t really help covering that up. Nothing could actually help you cover that but the only thing in his head was to make you more of a mess than you already were. Easy enough..
The moment his thumb slightly touched your cunt, a moan fell from your lips so unholy that all the blood from his body seemed to went straight to his cock. His head went blank in seconds, not actually believing that just a moan of yours could get him so fucking hard and impatient. He HAD to hear that again. The moment you actually thought about the ungodly moan that came through your throat and the embarrassment hit you like a truck, his thumb started doing circling motions on your clit, making it impossible for you to contain your control.
“Oh god, darling.. I wanna hear that again..” he mumbled as his fingers slightly pushed aside your panties and finally touching your naked cunt, giving him exactly what he asked for. His fingers begun with an excruciatingly slow pace against our clit, trying not to lose control and fuck your brains out at that exact moment.
“Professor.. please..” you plead, wanting way more than that but too embarrassed and brainless to say it.
“Please what, darling?” he quickened the pace of his thumb, making extremely difficult for you to think, let alone form, an actual sentence.
“I-.. I want more.. please..” how could he resist your teary and pleading eyes while you’re asking for more? Your eyes widen as he pressed the outside of your cunt and slowly entering you with only his middle finger. You sensed your body giving up on you as you laid on your back on your teacher’s desk, giving him better access to move his finger inside you.
His pace stared off slow, wanting to save every moment and every moan that left from your lips for the rest of his life. The mesmerising sight that unraveled in front of him, seemed untrue. You, laid on your back on his own desk, hair spread across your face and on the wooden surface beneath you, your glossy eyes looking back at him, your bottom puffy lip between your teeth trying to stop the ungodly sounds, your breasts perfectly placed on each side of your enthralling body and your arousal coating his fingers and the desk under you.
He would be a liar if he said he didn’t imagine having his fingers deep inside you. But you being his student, he knew he could never actually be in that situation. It wasn’t right. Yet in this moment, the only thing in his mind was you. You and everything about you that makes him feral. 
Although his slow pace, even the thought of his fingers being inside you and having him above you, was enough to make you see stars. As his pace begin to quicken, he adds another finger, making you moan in response from the friction and your mind was quick to blur any thoughts you previously had. You were a mess only from his fingers. He began to move faster and hit that sweet spot inside you endlessly. Your sounds only becoming louder, making his patience running thinner second by second.
“You’re doing so good, darling..” he said as he lowered his head to finally get a taste of you that he’s been so eagerly craving.
Everything was starting to get too much for your little brain and body to handle. His praises, his voice, him hitting repeatedly that spot inside you, those brown eyes looking down at you, it was all too much. And as you thought it couldn’t get any better, he added his tongue to the mix. The sound that escaped your lips, will forever be craved in his mind. He begin to lick and suck your clit as he abused the sweet spot inside you, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
You coated his fingers with your juices as they moved in and out your wet cunt. The feeling of the tip of his fingers hitting that sponge spot inside of you, made your moans even louder than before, leaving him with not other choice but to place his hand on your mouth and muffle the unholy sounds you were making before someone could hear.
“You’re such a good girl.. letting your teacher fuck that sweet cunt with his fingers.. would you cum for me, darling?” His voice was so smooth but the demanding tone couldn’t be hidden.
“Yes!.. please!.. I’m gonna cum please don’t stop, professor Nanami!..” that was his last straw. His name falling off your lips and you begging to cum? How could he resist such a request when you’re such a good girl for him?
“Go on then, dear. Come on your teacher’s fingers.” He demanded as he abused once again your clit with his other hand.
And with that, your back arched against your teachers desk and you felt everything that was building up a moment ago, being spurted all around. Your orgasm hit you like a train as he continued to pump his fingers inside of you a little longer. He stared at you as you tried to catch your breath, hair messed up, your eyes glossy with tears falling at each side of your pretty face, mouth hanging open, lips red and swollen from the bitting, your neck marked all over, your breasts moving up and down with your breathing and your pussy spamming and spurting liquid as he removed his fingers.
“You did so good, darling.” He praised as he licked your arousal from his digits.
He waited for you to catch your breath and help you put your clothes back on when you saw the tent formed in his pants. He made you cum but you didn’t have the chance to even help him a little with the problem that you created.
“I didn’t get to make you cum, professor..” he smirked to your confession and his next words made your heart jump.
“Don’t worry, darling. You’ll have the chance next time if your grades become better.” he exclaimed as he walked you out of the classroom.
Next time.. Your wishes are finally fulfilled and you’ll make sure to get your grades up as you impatiently wait for that next time..
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trinidaddy888 · 10 months
Fridge Mission
Lucifer needs your help. Beelzebub has been eating everything from the fridge and Lucifer trusts that you can stop him. You try and give Beel something else he can eat. >;)
Rating: Explicit 18+
Characters: Beelzebub, Reader, MC
Ship: Reader x Beelzebub
Genre: Smut
Tags: Smut, gender-neutral reader (but reader wears a bra lol), race-neutral reader, oral sex, vaginal fingering.
A/n:  This idea started as a joke months ago every time I get the Obey Me notification. This is the first smut I've ever written and published, so please be nice. This took months only because I kept getting embarrassed by this and didn't think it was being written well. I decided that I no longer cared if it would be good or not and wanted to have fun writing this and test the deep waters of smut. Check it out on AO3.
“I need your help,” says Lucifer. 
You and he are in his den, one afternoon. Earlier, he texted you and asked you to meet him to discuss something important. He did not clarify and you hoped he would now that he’s right in front of you.
“Help with what?” you ask, curious as to what he could possibly need help with. He is one of the greatest, most powerful demons in Devildom. What could he not handle himself?
“Well,” he starts, “Beelzebub has been eating all the food in the fridge. Every day at 12 pm or 6 pm he is in front of the fridge, eating everything he can get his hands on. It’s taxing on our food budget and some days we are left without dinner.”
You remember the days when Lucifer opted to order take-out meals for you and the brothers rather than welcome a home-cooked meal from whoever was on cooking duty for the day.
“Are you sure, I can convince him to stop?” you ask, “Once he gets to eating, it’s hard to stop him.”
“Beelzebub has grown attached to you and I feel that you can be his voice of reason. He has certainly failed at listening to my requests to stop. I believe that a more trusted friend, one that he has a pact with, can finally stop him. Please prevent Beelzebub from eating everything.”
“Well,” you say with a shrug, “I’ll try my best. I doubt I’ll do anything useful to stop him, but I’ll try my best.
You stand by the fridge, checking your watch. It’s 5:57 pm. Beelzebub would be in the kitchen soon and you’ll have to stop him. You have no plan. You figure that the best way to stop him would be to find the cause of the problem. But is there a reason behind him devouring the whole fridge at the times Lucifer mentioned? Beel is the Avatar of Gluttony so there could just be no discernible reason for his cravings.
“Hey,” say Beel, interrupting your thoughts.
“Hey,” you say back to him, “How’s it going?”
He towers over you. Most of the brothers do but his height even outmatches Lucifer’s.
“Uh… Fine,” he says, seeming confused by the conversation, “Do you mind moving out of the way?”
“Why?” you ask, feigning innocence, “Do you need something?”
“I’m hungry,” he says. He wasn’t being pushy, he just stated it as if it was a fact. “I just want a snack.”
“A snack or the whole fridge? Lucifer told me what you have been doing.”
“A whole fridge’s worth of food is a snack,” he says with a shrug.
“Don’t you think you should leave some food for me and your brothers?” you ask, raising an eyebrow, “Satan has to cook dinner and needs the ingredients.”
He moves closer, placing his hand against the fridge, arm stretching over you.
“I can make you move,” he says, something dark in his voice.
You realize that he's trying to seem threatening, but you know him well enough and trust that he will not hurt you. Still, there was something sexy about the way he said it.
“Then make me,” you challenge.
He stares you down, quietly and you stare right back up at him, crossing your arms.
He sighs, backing off. You can swear you see him blush but you’re not sure.
“Fine,” he says, defeatedly, “you win.”
You smile.
“Hey, I have snacks in my room,” you offer, “Human world snacks and I’ve been meaning to repaint my nails. Why don’t you join me?”
His face remains neutral but you see something light up in his eyes.
“Okay,” he gives in.
In your room, you sit him down at your desk and bring over a side chair to sit next to him. You already have the tools, nail polish and nail polish remover for the manicure set on the table. You grab his hand and start to remove his nail polish with a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover.
With his hands in yours, you notice how big his hands are. The first time you realized how big they were was on your waist when you and he cuddled once. That was the night you shared your room during a Devil Dish Bake-off binge with some snacks.
That night made you see him less like one of the youngest brothers with a hefty, destructive appetite and more like a soft, tender demon. After you both shared so much over the months since the Belphie incident, you also became closer as friends. Friends. Which is why you can not think of what it would feel like for those large hands to explore you.
“So,” you begin, waving away the intrusion of curious thoughts, “As the Avatar of Gluttony I know you can’t resist eating a lot, but Lucifer told me that your urge to eat everything out of the fridge was fairly recent. Do you know why?”
“I get extra hungry when I’m trying to distract myself from something,” he says, avoiding your gaze.
“What are you trying to distract yourself from?” you ask, switching to filing his nails, “And are you still hungry?”
He’s silent. He gazes at you and then looks down at the hand that you were manicuring.
“I can’t say,” he finally says, “It’s a secret. And, yeah, I’m still hungry.”
“Yeah, and it’s a secret that affects the whole House of Lamentation,” you say pointing the nail file at him, “Now spill it.”
“It’s a secret about someone… I want.”
“Oh, that’s juicy!” you exclaim with delight, “Who? Someone I know? Come on, tell me.”
He looks up at you, eyes smoldering
“It’s you… That I want.”
“Me?” You are perplexed. You stop filing and are now gawking at him. “What about me could possibly drive you to eat an entire fridge’s worth of food.”
“It’s something you would not like the answer to, trust me,” he says looking down at his hand again. And you noticed that his cheeks and ears were red.
You think for a moment. Lucifer’s plea to stop Beel from eating everything swims in your mind. Maybe you don’t want to know but you have a mission.
“Whatever it is,” you say, “I can handle it.”
“Fine. It’s… Well, you’re human and you smell good, so it makes me… Well, this is hard to say out loud…”
“I make you hungry?! I know you all threatened to eat me at first when I got here, but damn! If cleaning out a fridge is what it takes to stop...”
“No,” he cut you off, now looking right at you, “You make me horny.”
Silence fell between the two of you. You were in shock. You?! But you’re human. Surely there are many hot demons out there that he wants to fuck, instead. 
“Are you sure? You feel that way?” you ask slowly, “When did this start?”
He moves closer to you, staring with intensity.
“I think it started when we shared your room that one time,” he says, “We cuddled and the smell of you drove me crazy. I thought I wanted to eat you but...” He trailed off. The rouge shade of his cheeks deepen
“You thought so, but what?” you ask, urging him to continue.
“I got a boner,” he croaks.
“Oh…okay,” you say, voice high pitched, “I guess this is context for why you avoided me for a week after we cuddled. I thought I made you uncomfortable.”
 And it is context for what you felt when you both spooned. You thought it was a candy bar in his pocket.
“No!” he exclaims, “I just didn’t know what I would have said to you if we were left alone. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship with… my needs.”
He looks embarrassed. It’s kind of…cute.
“Nothing you say will ruin our friendship,” you reassure him.
“Yes, I promise. Besides, I can’t say I’ve never thought of you that way, either. I mean, look at you. You’re so ripped.”
“I do work out a lot.”
You laugh. “It shows.”
“I think it’s my turn to file your nails,” he says, grabbing your hand.
He starts filing your nails.
“I wonder about you guys here in the House of Lamentation. Besides Asmo, do you guys get laid? Because if so, I’m not aware of it.
“I can’t speak for everyone else, but for me, it’s been a while. Lucifer made a curfew for us ever since he caught Mammon gambling at casinos late at night.”
“That sucks,” you say, and you really did feel bad for him and his brothers.
“What about you?” he asks, voice lowering a couple of octaves.
“Honestly, not since I left the Human World. And everyone besides the angels and Solomon has been a threat to even consider getting with them. It’s sad because I thought demons would be good at things like that. Maybe I have those expectations because I’ve never had good head from a human before.”
“Want to change that?” he asks. He is staring at you, his gaze longing and lustful.
Your heart thumps. Did you hear that right? His expression is serious and deep with longing.
“W…What?” you sputter.
“I said, do you want me to change that?” he repeats, voice husky and moving even closer.
Shit. You have been dreaming about this since coming to Devildom and the offer comes so easily from one of the hottest demons in Devildom? You can’t possibly pass up the opportunity.
“Yes,” you say breathlessly.
He gazes at you, with deep passion and pulls your hand to his mouth and kisses it. He traces his tongue from your wrist, to your fingers, stopping to lick them. His tongue is gentle but firm. His mouth felt so good. You bite your lower lip and close your eyes, imagining if it would feel just as good if he did the same to your cunt.
He rolls his chair over to you and his mouth is covering yours, tongue brushing over your lips until your mouth falls open. He kisses you, mouth hungry to taste all of you. And you let him, running your fingers through his honey-orange hair. His lips are surprisingly soft for someone as strong as him.
“Can we take this to my bed?” you ask, pulling away.
Wordlessly, he does as he’s asked, promptly lifting you to his chest and carrying you to your bed. He puts you down, your back resting against your bed frame, and climbs over you.
He kisses you again, tongue exploring your mouth even further. His kiss is powerful but gentle. You’ve never been kissed like this by a human or anyone before this. You lean into him, your tongue, following his lead, allowing yourself to taste him. His tongue brushes over your bottom lip before he bites it. It stings a little but in exactly the way you liked. His kisses travel to your neck, tasting the salty-sweet flavour of your sweat, licking, sucking and biting to his heart’s content, enjoying the taste. You can feel your pussy revel at the feel of his touch, wanting and wishing for more.
He pulls away for a moment, to undo your button-down shirt which you shrug out of throw onto the floor. His large hands grace your back and unhook your bra band. Your bra slides off to your waist, revealing your bare chest, much to his delight. He takes in the sight, smiling devilishly. You wonder what he was thinking.
He takes one breast to his mouth and fondles the other with a free hand. He fondles them, gently.
“Rougher,” you demand. He grabs them, kneading them with his hand and squeezes your nipples between his index finger and thumb. You whimper at the sensation and push your chest harder into his hands. He squeezes harder, testing which pressure gathers a moan from you.
You moan and with the other breast, he traces his tongue over the edge of your areola before flicking over your nipple. He bites and tugs your nipple and then sucks. His mouth is warm and wet. You haven’t had your tits sucked since being in the Human World and experiencing it now after the long absence of touch was nearly enough to make you unravel. You feel your body shudder from pleasure and you realize that you’re panting.
 Your clit aches to be touched, too. You move your hand to your pussy and start rubbing your clit with your fingers, trying to please the parts of your body that ached for attention.
He notices your attempt to please yourself, says, “Here, let me,” and he frees his hand from your breast.
He licks his fingers and slides his hand under your pants, finding your clit. There was no clumsy fumbling to find its exact position. He just knew. You wonder if it was that your previous partners were just that bad. Or did Beel’s thousands of years being alive give him an edge?
“Oh,” he smirks, “You’re wet, that fast?”
You cover your face, feeling embarrassed.
“Yes,” you say, “It’s been a while. And you’re doing… a good job.”
He grins up at you and moves his face down to your breast again to suck.
He uses his index and middle fingers to play with your clit. His hands are rough and your body invited the texture. It was a simple motion and it did the job, eliciting breathy gasps from you.
His lips move south, kissing your solar plexus, down to your navel. You ravel in his kisses, feeling like your body was born for his mouth.
He stops kissing your body to look up at you and says, “I want to taste more of you. Can I?”
You nod, wordlessly.
He smiles and moves to pull your pants down. You adjust to make it easier for him to do this and watch him throw your pants to the floor. He kisses your tummy and then stops to tug at the waistband of your panties with his teeth and pulls them off.
He kisses your thigh and moves one of his thumbs to your clit and rubs. You gasp and press your body into his touch. His kisses lead up to your upper inner thigh and he pauses to take in the sight of your cunt, captivated by what he sees.
“You’re gorgeous,” he says, desire in his voice.
You blush and say, “Thank you.”
He leans in and puts his mouth on your throbbing clit and starts to flick his tongue on it. His tongue is firm and wet. He starts slow, circling the outside of the apex, teasing you. You breathe deeply.
With being wet, his index and middle fingers slide into you easily. You take them in for a few inches, noticing how large his fingers are.
He passes his tongue over your clit and curls his fingers inside you. You feel the pressure on the front of your vagina, on your g-spot.
He licks and pumps his fingers inside you slowly. You figure that he was testing the motion that you would like
“Faster,” you command.
He does as he asks and starts sucking, too. With that addition, you feel yourself unravel. You grip the sheets, moaning. Uncontrollably, you grind into his fingers and face, yearning for more.
You look down and realize that he’s looking right up at you, eyes lustful. It was as if he was enjoying looking at you respond to him. You’re so lost in his eyes that you don’t realize that you are approaching a climax.
You cum, feeling your body flooded with pleasure. You scream through the pleasure. You feel a dampness on your cunt and see your wetness on his face.
You see him start to remove his face from you.
You put your hand on his head, fingers entangled in honey-orange hair and pull him closer to you.
“No!” you exclaim, voice breathless, “Don’t stop!”
He does as he is told. He licks, sucks, licks, sucks and fingers you until you cum again. You scream, voice starting to feel hoarse. You lay back, panting. He comes up and sits next to you. He stares at you, eyes focused.
“Are you okay?” Beelzebub asks.
You catch your breath and finally are able to speak.
“Yes,” you say grinning, “I’m excellent. Thank you.”
He grins back at you.
He leans in and kisses you. You can taste yourself on his mouth.
 “We should do this again,” he says when he pulls away.
“We should…” you start and then come to a realization. “Wait! I didn’t get you off! I think we can start on your turn.”
“Well,” he says with an amused grin, “We can take a shot at it, if you want.”
You grab him by the collar of his tshirt and pull him closer in for another kiss.
And then suddenly there is a knock at the door.
“Dinner is ready!” you hear Satan shout.
You look down. You realize that you are completely naked and your thighs are covered in your own slick and thank the heavens that Satan is one of the few brothers in the House of Lamentation that actually knocks.
Beelzebub frowns. “Damn.”
“Hold on, Beel,” you say, surprised at his dismay, “Are you actually disappointed that food is ready? Weren’t you very hungry half an hour ago? What about the fridge you wanted to eat all of?”
“Well,” he says smiling, “I found something else to eat.”
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ranposbabe · 10 months
pairing: Albert James Moriarty x Fem!Reader
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summary: Albert’s favourite wine is spilled and now he has to clean it up :(
warnings: smut, erotic content, unprotected sex!!!
The hour was late and Albert was still yet to return to your shared bedroom.
Everyone in the Moriarty manor decided to celebrate a recent victory taking down a nobleman that had been troublesome for quite some time.
However you couldn’t find it in yourself to join the celebration as you remained tired throughout the day and had returned to your room rather early. William did the same to correct some students test and Herder…
well he’s Herder, putting something together you assumed.
When it comes to celebrations of course there is all sorts of alcohol.
Of course it was Moran who didn’t hesitate to start the drinking early.
How could Albert refuse ?
You found yourself laying just in your undergarments along with one of Alberts white dress shirts that practically engulfed you. The buttons all open exposing your body underneath as the room had a tendency to become quiet warm with the heavy sheets even with the window slightly opened. A book.
Of course the calmness couldn’t last long.
The door practically swung open as the head of the manor walked in causing you to practically throw your book away in such sudden fright.
“Are you tipsy, Albert ?” You sigh, watching his every move as he walked in confident yet a slight trip to his step. His blazer out of sight he always looked fine in his suits.
Tightly gripped in his hand was a new bottle of his favourite wine half empty of course.
“Of course not, y/n.” He smirks. A familiar glow in his emerald eyes. He runs his hand through his typically combed back hair and a few loose strands fall over his forehead making him appear messy and desirable.
“Come to bed, beloved.” You pat the spot beside as if you were trying to convince a child that it was bedtime.
“You’re more so the lord of wine rather than lord of crime.” You roll your eyes, rubbing your hand up and down his back in a comforting manner.
“What’s this ?” He simply asks.
His eyes practically glowed at the sight of you his darling Wearing nothing but your undergarments along with one of his dress shirts. Overcome with tiredness you failed to even button the shirt, your stomach on view. Just like how he liked it.
“I didn’t think you’d notice.” You simply state.
“I’d be a fool not to notice.”
For a small intimate moment he presses his lips against yours before going back to taking a swig from the bottle.
Such a gentleman.
“”We’ll I’m sorry my lips don’t taste like wine, Albert !” You scoff at the sight an amused glow in his emerald eyes.
With a smirk on his wet lips Albert turns towards you and in an instant cages you in one arm
Suddenly Albert tips the expensive bottle and the warm red liquid splashed your belly and rolls down your side, staining the silk sheets.
“Albert !” You jump, your attempts to sit up fail as his arm keeps you still. He towers over you, quite the intimidating sight.
“Louis helped me change these sheets just this morning !”
His tongue pressed flat against your stomach licking up whatever was left of the wine like a starved man.
You gasp at the feeling of Albert licking the scarlet liquid from your belly and suddenly that familiar tingle starts riling up inside of you.
“I’ve missed this.” He whispers to himself.
It was only then did you realise he wasn’t as drunk as you originally thought he was.
He always had that certain smirk on his lips.
His tounge invades your mouth, wine spilling and running down your chin
“It seems you need cleaning kissing down from your lips to your neck.
“I don’t recall having wine splashed on my neck ?” You groan, Albert’s wet lips pressing against under your jaw all the while his fingers effortlessly grasp at your underwear. He playfully slaps at your hips silently telling you to raise them. You comply shimmying slightly while whines escape past your lips due to the lack of contact. But as soon as Albert removed your clothing he was quick to return the warmth of his touch.
He licks a long stripe of your cunt taking his time like he would sipping his wine.
His emerald eyes roll to the back of his head as you grind your cunt against his scarlet stained tongue. His brown locks feel so soft as they slip through your fingers as you grip at Albert hair holding him in place as he satisfys himself by enjoying his meal.
You learned quite early on to never interrupt Albert while he was in pure bliss.
But the cravings that rise inside of you make you suddenly wanting more. You practically have to pull Albert off of you to gain back his attention.
He always had his priorities straight.
“I’m here, my love. I’ll have your legs shaking in no time.”
You don’t hesitate in helping Albert remove his clothing while typically you would admire Albert in his nicely fitted suit, in this moment of time you’d rather see it be removed…more often.
The lamp by your bedside leaves the room in an orange glow makes Albert’s skin glow as his dress shirt is finally remover. A wave of greediness washes over you as you run you hand up and down his glistening body from his nice shoulders till just above his suit pants.
It doesn’t take long before his pants are removed and you’re suddenly too shy to look despite knowing not only the captivating appearance of his aching cock but also the sensation that it caused inside of you.
“I’m taking you now, y/n.” He assures, his hand massaging your waist. His eyes flickered down to the sight of your wet cunt, eagerly wanting to dive into his desert. You’ve both enjoyed the pleasure of love making to eacherother for a long time and yet on every occasion you’re both suddenly filled with giddiness and relaxation which come from the complete trust you both hold deeply for one another.
“Then take me, Albert.” You smile, no longer being able to hold back.
You’re connected not only physically but emotionally too. The pleasure not only feels good but Albert’s smile as he stares deeply into your eyes make you more than content.
He takes you just as good as he always has. Albert practically does all the work and yet with the pace of his thrusts you understand that he prefers it this way.
You don’t mind. The only sounds evident in the dimly lit room was your gasps of pleasure and Albert’s groans that sounded like music to your ears. Though the sound was of skin slapping was becoming much more louder.
“Don’t be shy now. You know how to use that voice of yours.”
If they hadn’t already, your ears had blushed red at his constant teasing. Yet really you couldn’t get enough of it despite how embarrassed you may of seemed.
His thrusts were deep as one of his hands rested by your hand holding himself up as his other was stained with scarlet, groping your left breast, clear determination evident on his soft yet toned features.
He soon presses soft little kisses between your breasts. He always shows the same affection with both of your breasts. You had to laugh at how considerate Albert was towards them. Your highs come when Albert leans up and presses a considerably slow kiss against your lips, purposely avoiding tongue making you wanting more. He couldn’t whether your lips were bruised or simply stained by the wine. Either way he liked the sight.
His eyes glow with not only lust but also with admiration as he brushes strands of hair away from your forehead, his touch being so gentle compared to his thrusts.
He doesn’t pull out he remains inside of you. He doesn’t hesitate to move on with the constant kissing onto your neck.
Albert was practically addicted to the sight of your newly bruised neck being mixed with the staining shade of red wine.
“I think the celebration is over.” You breathlessly sigh, running your hand through his dark hair.
“On the contrary.” He doesn’t hesitate to continue his attack on your neck.
“I think it’s just starting.”
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celestiaras · 10 months
‧₊˚✧ ❛[ he makes for a great dog ]❜
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ft. vox akuma x gn! reader — luxiem, nijisanji en
╰₊✧ vox “i ain’t a bottom” akuma actually makes for a great dog if you put a muzzle on him┊0.8k words
contains: smut!! dom(ish) reader & sub(ish) vox┊established relationship with a side of hate sex if you squint, fighting for dom, pet play (leashes, muzzles, pet names), bratting/brat-taming (?), riding to mating press, unprotected sex, slight edging/teasing, mild pain play, biting & bleeding, breeding, hair-pulling
➤ author's note: would it be too out of character to make him whimper? i started his and completely fell off, who let me write smut┊inspired by (clip) & (clip)
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“fucking bitch,” he snarled, his sharp teeth bared behind the muzzle you wrestled onto him with his heavy breathing dampening the metal wires.
“aww, that’s not a nice thing to say to the one who has you on a leash, now is it?” your voice remained surprisingly steady when vox was rutting into you like the feral dog in heat you were treating him as.
“do you think that you can boss me around just because you thought it would be cute to cage my mouth up? you have another thing coming for you.”
you giggled when he choked on his words with a simple roll of your hips, tugging on the leather strip to force him to make eye contact with you, “be a good mutt for your master, okay? i’ll give you a treat if you obey me~”
“shut the hell up,” his tone dripped with venom even though he felt like he was going to lose his mind— trying to nuzzle his face into the crook of your shoulder but unable to kiss you, to taste you, to run his tongue over every inch of exposed skin, but he couldn’t because of this stupid muzzle.
his inability to use his mouth led to him being rougher with his hands, pressing into your skin harshly enough to leave bruises with small crescent indents being made from his black-painted nails. he was too tempted to just remove the silver cage since his hands were free, but that would be losing this stupid bet he made with you and he was far too proud to admit defeat.
all he had to do was keep it on before he could come, but it was proving to be much more difficult than he thought— especially with how good you felt like his cock was made to fill you up and how sexy you looked with the domineering bedroom eyes, there was rarely anything more fun in the bedroom than having to grapple you in order to protect his reputation of being a top. is being driven to the point of madness from lust really worth making a point out of pride? he so badly needed more stimulation that you just weren’t providing him with the sole purpose of teasing him and you were damn good at it, softly kissing him and being all innocent like you weren’t testing the limits of his patience by keeping that cage on him for as long as you possibly could.
the cold metal pressing into your skin was admittedly uncomfortable, but it was worth it to see the big bad demon reduced to such a needy mess. he was so sure that it would be a simple task that he could handle with ease, saying that he would be your pet and submit to you if he failed this bet. who would have known that he would have overestimated his own abilities against you so wildly?
“how about… how about we take this stupid thing off? it isn’t as fun when you restrain me, right?” he was getting desperate enough to try and compromise with you, trying to convince you that this silly little game wasn’t worth withholding pleasure from the both of you.
“hmm?” you tilted your head at him in mock confusion. “you aren’t having fun? i’m having the time of my life right now, seeing how cute you are as a bottom. who would have thought that all it takes for the great vox akuma to submit was a muzzle?”
something in him snapped when you said that and that was his breaking point, using his demon strength to break off the muzzle with one hand with small bits of metal flying off to the side while he flipped you on your back like you were lighter than air. his action caught you off guard when you suddenly found your legs hanging uselessly over his shoulder while he animalistically rammed into your hole like you were the last souls on earth.
you hissed in pain when you felt him sink his fangs into the flesh of your shoulder then soothing the pain by licking at the fresh wound he inflicted, the metallic taste being sweet on his tongue. you didn’t even feel the knot in your abdomen unravel until it actually happened, leaving you to see white as your lover chased his own long-awaited high while riding out yours until he painted your insides white leaving you feeling sticky and full.
vox finally stilled and panted from loss of breath at the abrupt exertion of energy, but he’d never felt so much relief from so much pent-up frustration. however, his victory was short-lived when he felt your hand snake into his raven locks and pull him off of you, making him groan in response as his eyes rolled back.
you clicked your tongue at him in disappointment even though you knew that this would happen from the very beginning, “what a bad dog you’ve been, i wonder what punishment you should get for disobeying me?”
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goldengleams · 7 months
Could you do #16 with the loml Jamie drysdale, but with reader waking up from a nightmare next to Jamie?? Sorry I hope this isn’t too specific!! I love you writing 🫶🏻
hold me | j. drysdale
I’ve survived midterms and now I’m on spring break!! I’m clearing out my inbox to make room for another blurb night coming up! Hope you enjoy🤍🤍
In which Jamie holds you close after a nightmare.
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It was late when you finally climbed into bed beside Jamie, who was already fast asleep. He had gone to bed two hours before you did.
It was Sunday of midterms week, so for most of the weekend, you had been holed up at the library of your college or in your dorm room. Your stack of notecards had grown practically tenfold over the past week and you were sure that your screen time was a heinous number that you refused to look at. It was only this afternoon that Jamie had managed to invite you over for dinner and had convinced you to stay over due to your exams later in the week.
You were always grateful for Jamie, but even more so this week when he could sense your stress from miles away. Now, as you cuddled up next to him and fell asleep, you were reminded at how special he truly was.
Even though you had tried to quiet your mind before you went to sleep, but a few hours later it proved to be no use. After a jarring dream where you imagined you woke up late and missed your exam, you jolted up in bed. Jamie’s arms broke away from you quickly as you sat right up.
“Go back to sleep,” you managed to say to Jamie through your heavy breaths and the tears escaping your eyes.
“Babe, what’s wrong?”
You simply shook your head, “Just a bad dream.”
“Hey,” Jamie whispered, sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. “It’s alright, it wasn’t real.”
“Yes it was,” you cried, hiding your face in your hands.
“Was it about your tests?” Jamie asked quietly. His hand had started rubbing your back, encouraging you to calm down, which had helped your shuddering body.
“Mhm, I failed the chemistry one,” you chuckled humorlessly.
“That does sound scary,” Jamie said gently. “But you’ve been studying nonstop, and you still have a few days, right? You’ve got this babe, you’re the smartest person I know.”
You looked up to find Jamie offering you a soft smile. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and wiped a tear from your cheek.
“There’s my pretty girl,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“And your tired girl,” you yawned, already shuffling towards your side of his bed to fall back asleep.
Jamie quickly followed your lead, pulling you in close to kiss you goodnight and help you get the rest you needed.
- 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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yun-fangz · 1 month
Hihi if it’s okay, can you do a small drabble where the reader is pegging shy subby Jongho for the first time and giving him a lot of praise 🥹 your hcs are perfection and I’m so glad to see a fellow sub!Jongho enthusiast
Forever boy | C.JH
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Mdni, 18+ content ahead.
Pairing: Jongho x Fembodied!Reader
Wc: 1.5k
Warnings: sub!jongho, dom!reader, mommy kink, pegging, fingering (m rec), mentions of overstimulation, praise, pet names (both rec), reader kind of gets a high, slight body worship, brief mention of wanting to eat jongho out, a little overstim? jongho is insatiable at the end kinda
A/N: thank you anon so much for sliding in and i apologize so much for the time it took to finally sit down and crank this out. I hope you enjoy as a fellow sub!Jongho enthusiast. I would still like to partially dedicate this to one of my first friends here @tiny-fantasies, the person wh put the sub!Jongho agenda in my brain. Love you lots x
Everything is under the cut!
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Jongho looked absolutely beautiful right now.
Cheeks and chest flushed as he stared up at you with the widest and shiniest eyes ever, god you could just eat him up. You cooed at the way he was writhing underneath you, his pretty pink cock bobbing at each press of your fingers against his sensitive walls.
With each small twist of your wrist, your fingers pumped in and out of the boy at an easy pace, stretching him out for what’s to come.
Jongho had brought up the idea of you pegging him a while back, after a crazy marathon of sex. He shyly admit through his post-sex haze that he thought about it multiple times, even sometimes fingering himself when you were gone just to test the waters.
It took you a while to prepare, wanting to get the perfect things to make it an enjoyable experience for the both of you. That led to you now, slowly opening Jongho up to take you for the first time. His tiny puffs of air and small whines were like music to your ears, the beautiful sound of your baby making you want to do nothing else but absolutely ruin him.
“You’re doing so well baby” You spoke softly to him, seeing how your words went straight to his dick, causing it to bob again against his soft tummy. Keeping your eyes on his waist, you watched as he slowly and subtly started rocking himself against your fingers in an attempt to get you deeper. A small smile comes to your face as you look back up at his face, noticing how his previous flush seemed to have spread even farther across his chest.
“You think you’re ready for me angel?” you inquire, your free hand rubbing up and down one oh his sides. You feel as he shudders underneath you and whines, nodding his head.
“Words, cub.” You press softly.
Embarrassment floods Jonghos pores as he opens his mouth to speak, only for a moan to escape his lips as you press against a nice spot inside him.
“Y-yes.. mom-my please” He manages to get out, letting out a quiet sad sound as he feels you pull your fingers out. You coo at him softly, wiping your hand on the towel you set nearby before rising to gather yourself in your strap on.
Jongho watched, eyes wide as realization struck him that this was real and happening. Instead of feeling some kind of dread, he felt his cock dribble out more pre-cum, feeling the warm and sticky substance drip down onto his heaving stomach.
Once you’ve settled yourself in, you move and reposition yourself in between his legs, watching as his hole flutters around nothing. You groan internally at the sight, one day maybe you could convince him to let you eat him out and feel the way he’d flutter around your tongue.
Clicking open the bottle of lube, you lather yourself up with a generous amount, dragging your palm up and down the toy in an attempt to warn up the viscous liquid. After what you deem is enough, you rub the excess off along his entrance, teasingly pushing against his rim occasionally. You watched as he pushed back in an attempt to get you inside, whining as he failed each time.
Feeling bad for the desperate boy, you quickly wipe your hand once more and line yourself up with him, staring into his deep brown eyes.
“I’m gonna go in now, let me know if anything hurts and I'll stop, ‘kay?”
“Y-yeah,” Jongho manages to heave out in a heavy breath, jaw soon going slack as you press against him, the toy opening him up slowly. Slowly but surely you bottom out, watching as Jongho���s eyes hazed over. You could practically see all rational thought fly out of his pretty little head.
You stay like that for a moment, praising him softly.
”You’re doing so well for me, cub, taking me so well.” You say, hands brushing up and down his reddened torso, giving his cute and pert nipples little rubs each time you pass. You watch as each flit of your fingers coaxes out a tiny and breathy moan from him, throwing him even further into the abyss of pleasure.
Slowly, you pull your hips back and bring them forward in a shallow thrust, nearly moaning out yourself as the sound of a wet ‘thwock’ meets your ears. Jongho is fairing no better, feeling all air escape his lungs as the toy rubs against his walls. An embarrassingly loud moan slips out of his lips and immediately, he bites down hard to prevent another from coming out.
Taking it as a good sign, you brace yourself as you give another shallow thrust, watching as the shy boy beneath you slowly begins to shake. Beginning to gain a little more confidence, you begin to give deeper strokes, listening as his muffled whines gain volume.
Reaching out, you press your thumb against his bottom lip, tugging on it to release the poor thing from his teeth, letting out a pleased hum.
”Let me hear you, my pretty little cub, I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.” You whisper softly. As if to emphasize, you give a single harder thrust and hear as he lets out a louder cry.
“You like that?” You ask, delivering the same thrust once more. Watching as his head falls back into the pillows, his eyes screw shut as pleasure takes over all his senses.
As much as Jongho wished, he couldn’t even think about forming a response to you, let alone any words. All he could do was lay back and moan as you delivered sweet thrusts against him, pushing even closer to his high. It wasn’t until a particular thrust had Jongho seeing stars, feeling electricity run up and down his veins. He let out a particularly loud moan, softly clenching down on the toy.
“Ple-ase…” He whined out, his voice cracking as he spoke the one word. He didn't know what he was asking for, his brain too fogged up to even comprehend he was even speaking. It didn't matter though, as you were able to get the message, rocking your hips in a way so now the toy pressed against that spongy spot with each thrust.
“Did I find your sweet spot bear?” You cooed, a hand reaching out once more to caress the soft curve of his check. Leaning down, you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, kissing your way down to his neck, nipping at the soft skin beneath you. You listened as his moans grew needier, occasionally babbling out nonsense as you delivered thrust after thrust against his prostate.
Jongho could feel himself tumble closer and closer to his release as you continued to abuse that little spot inside him, sending constant waves of energy straight to his poor and reddened cock. A steady stream of precum now flowing onto his stomach. He felt so good, feeling as tears threatened to spill over his puffy cheeks.
“‘M- ah, momm- mhm, ‘m c-close” he whined, feeling a familiar stirring in his gut, only much stronger. He felt you push yourself upright once more, hands quickly finding his sensitive nipples and rolling the buds of each one in your hands. The overwhelming sensations had Jongho nearly thrashing against you, crying out loudly.
“Come for me baby. you’re so perfect, taking me so well. My handsome cub.” You quickly fired praises at him. That seemed to throw Jongho over the edge as he let out a near pornographic moan, releasing hard all over his stomach and chest.
Jongho had never come so hard in his life. White flooded his vision as his release took over in heavy spurts, thick ropes of his cum sticking onto his misty skin. He didn’t realize tears began to fall as you shhed his shaking form, showering his face in small kisses as you rocked your hips softly, riding out his orgasm.
“You did so well for me, cub. So so well” you cooed. Brushing his sticky bangs out of his face, you slowly pull from him, hearing as he lets out small whines of overstimulation. Jongho doesn't know what hormonal monster took over him as he grabs you before you’re able to pull out completely, wincing as the tip of the toy catches his rim.
“nononono” He whines. Confused, you halt your movements as you stare back at him, watching as his eyes screw shut it in what seems like embarrassment. It's silent for a moment or two as Jongho tries his hardest to pull himself together and say what he wants.
“need more” he says so quietly, so quiet you almost miss it. A wave of arousal floods you as his confession has you clench around nothing. God, this was so hot.
Slowly, you begin to push back into him and watch as his head hits the pillows once more, a hoarse moan leaving his lips.
“Is my pretty cub going into heat?” You tease, watching as his still hard cock jumps against his puddle of cum. All he does is let out an extremely embarrassed noise, rocking his hips back against you. Taking ease on the boy, readjusting yourself to a more comfortable position.
“It's okay baby just lay back, I'll take care of you”
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© 2024 yun-fangz All Rights Reserved.
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writingsfromhome · 10 months
If you Love Something II
A/N: okayy I’m finally going to stop overthinking and just post this one. Please note the tw in part 1. Thank you all SO much for the comments and love on the original…hope this one meets ur expectations. It’s definitely more focused on the lost daughter relationship rather than you and Harry so p dense but...here it is 🫣
Age 36:
“Dinner’s almost ready,” Harry informs me over the phone. “I went with chicken noodle soup.”
“Mmm,” I close my eyes. “I could use something hot and hearty right now. I’m freezing my ass off.”
“I didn’t need to make dinner for that.”
“So come here, warm me up,” I crane my neck to the left again. “Stupid delays.”
“I can come get you."
I’d mapped it out before calling Harry, it would take him too long to get here. “That’s alright. Doesn’t make a difference.”
The screen on the platform showed 6 minutes…for the past 15 minutes.
“I’ve either been living in the longest minute of my fucking life,” I mutter. “Or this line is taking the piss out of all of us.”
Two dozen of us had gotten off the last train when it announced it was out of service. Now the number on the platform had tripled waiting for the next one.
“Patience,” Harry says. “Is a virtue.”
“Easy for you to say in the warm flat with the chicken noodle soup.”
“It’ll be yours soon.”
Soon. I sigh and try to release the anxious energy with it. “Thank you for taking care of dinner.”
“Of course.” He replies. Like it was that simple. But being with Harry was like that nowadays.
Despite all the catching up we had to do with the 17 years we had lived separate lives, emotionally it’s like we picked up where we last left off.
I’d be lying if I said it was smooth sailing the whole year we’d been together. There had been a hard few first months where both of us felt unnerved by the peacefulness of the relationship. We weren’t used to such an easy quiet.
I’d tried to self-sabotage first by going awol and working longer hours than I needed to. I think I was scared Harry would wake up one day and realize too much time had passed and he didn’t like who I’d become so I minimized our time together. Until Harry called me out for it.
But then he went off the rails, and for a few weeks I’d been an even bigger ball of anxiety. Ultimately I had to give him the hard truth even though the last thing I ever wanted was to convince someone to stay with an ultimatum. But I’d told him, he had to at least attempt sobriety if he wanted us to work.
There were a few sleepless nights, I didn’t know if we were going to make it. But one morning he asked me to go to an aa meeting with him.
Going together, being in the same boat as a group of people gathered in the back room of a dusty church finally gelled us together. For good. He’d been sober since.
We moved in together 7 months ago. Even though it doubled my commute time—tripled with delays, I had never been more sure that I was exactly where I needed to be.
We held space for each other. Even the heavier bits; we knew what they were. What it was like to hold them on our own. We always joked about how our loads had halved despite taking on half of the other’s. Because just like our venn diagram of love, our venn diagram of hurting was the same.
“Oh god, I better not be hallucinating.” I nearly jump up and down when the twin headlights of the next train peek in the distance. The platform board still says 6 minutes.
“You’re cutting up what?”
“Nothing! Train’s here!”
“I’ll pick you up from the station.” Harry says before I hang up.
I spend the remaining 15 minute ride going over the lecture I’d given tonight.
3 years ago when I applied to be a lecturer I didn’t actually think I’d get it. But in the 10 years of my career I had collected, I had done exceptionally well. It was ironic with all the bullshit life threw at me, I had somehow channeled it into a determined work ethic. After failing many math tests in high school I had found a love for it in uni—it made me work hard, get out of my head with its constant thoughts. Harry now took to calling me a masochist for teaching something mathematical.
In reality it wasn’t that mathematical. I taught Management Econ which was a snorefest on paper but I tried to be engaging and include a whole host of ways to teach—I knew not everyone excelled with a textbook.
It had made the course popular, it went from being offered once a semester to 3 times this year because the waitlist spoke for itself. It was one of my proudest accomplishment—getting students motivated and interested. And because it was mostly first and second year students, they were still eager and not jaded by the uni system.
That was how I spent my evenings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Otherwise I worked for the city the same hours Harry worked his creative exec job at a major firm in the city. Sometimes we met up for lunch. It was the little things like that, making time to see each other in the middle of the day even though we woke up and fell asleep to each other, that made this relationship feel so secure.
It felt like coming home each time I caught sight of his face, and knew his smile was just for me.
My thoughts drift to our daughter. She would have celebrated her 18th birthday a few weeks ago. I always lit a birthday candle for her, this year Harry and I bought a cake and a symbolic drink for her. Our baby was old enough to drink.
“Do you think she takes after her parents?” Harry had asked.
“I think she grew up alright.” I always imagined her to have. “I hope she has no reason to drink herself silly.”
“Being 18 is reason enough.”
We talk about her often. She slips into conversation as easily as inhaling. It keeps her with us.
When I spot Harry’s car at the station I nearly weep.
“Your cheeks are so cold,” Harry says after a peck hello. He holds them both in his heated hands and plants exaggerated kisses on each cheek.
“Please sir,” I kiss his mouth and continue in what Harry called my Oliver Twist accent. “Take me to the chicken noodle soup. I hunger.”
Harry responds in the same accent (although it wasn’t as good as mine) and pretty soon I’m forgetting the 20 minute delay, the lecture with 100 technical difficulties, and anything in between.
After dinner and completing my 20 step night time routine I crawl into bed beside a cozy-looking Harry.
“Whatcha reading?” I peek at his book. I can’t believe he was the reading-before-bed type. In a way it was so different from the 17 year old guy I knew. It was also a reminder that even though we knew each other through and through, there were still so many habits and stories and quirks to discover.
“It’s a boring as hell sci-fi novel, don’t ask.”
“Then why are you reading it?”
“I accidentally joined a book club at work!?”
He tells me the story of how he told some people he enjoyed reading, and then being unable to say no when they bought this month’s book for him and presented it to him a week later.
“I bet you that’s their ponze scheme. It’s like an MLM, the latest recruit has to guilt the next joinee. You’ll be doing it soon.”
Harry laughs and holds his book out to me. “That actually brings me to my next question with this very generous gift, do you like reading?”
“Nope.” I push the book away. “I also don’t like book clubs.”
He tosses the book down lightly. “Damnit!”
We laugh. I cuddle into his side and lay my head on his chest as he finishes his chapter. His heart beat is steady, like the life he’s helped me create as we committed to each other. I listen to it as it lulls me to a calmer place.
“So how was work? How’s your students this semester?”
“Work’s good. Same old right now. Teaching was interesting. It’s the second week of classes so still seeing a lot of people come and go. You start to see the regulars by week 3.”
“Full class?”
“Almost,” I tell him. “A few empty seats. There was one girl who was obviously watching tv the whole time, another guy that fell asleep halfway, and this other kid kept looking at the door like he was physically trying to decide whether he would stay. Weird lot.”
“They won’t be there next week.”
“You think she’s starting uni? I wonder what she’s decided to study.”
“Mmm, I always think it’s something creative like you.”
Harry squeezes his arm around me. “I think she’s a masochist like you.”
We talk more about her, about the upcoming weekend, and as sleep visits we drift away still intertwined like most nights.
“Does anyone know why?” I ask the lecture hall. Just like I predicted, most of the people I knew wouldn’t make it were gone. Now there were just under 60 students in total. What had surprised me was the guy who looked nervous the second week stayed. He’d been joined by two friends who only showed up in week 4. He was probably the designated note taker.
A girl to the left puts her hand up and I point to her. “The growing gap between upper and middle classes?”
“Yes.” I give her a reassuring smile. Until I started teaching, I forgot that most answers they gave were questions. “Anyone else?”
The girl beside nervous guy puts her hand up. “The ageing population, it skews the demographic from what was initially projected?”
“Exactly,” I try not to show favourites but that was beautifully said. Maybe she didn’t need to come to all the classes.
“That would also affect the workforce,” a guy sitting in the front pipes in. I smile, pleased that a discussion was forming.
A few others join in and I nod at each point. I loved this job.
After class is over I always got a few stragglers asking questions. The nervous guy comes up to me.
“Um professor,” he hitches his backpack and glances back at his friends. “For the assignment due next week, can groups of 3 be okay?”
I glance at his friends, it was supposed to be in pairs but what the hell. “Sure. But I’ll need extra stuffing in the assignment to make up for it.”
I say it with a joking tone but he’s so wound up that he takes me seriously.
“Of course. We’ll increase the citations and make sure to include more research-“
“Philippe,” one of the girls is suddenly a few feet away.
“Thank you.” He says, finally meeting my eye. I smile and he relaxes. I turn to his friends, to acknowledge them but they stare at me like I’d grown a second head. One of the other students asks her questions and I turn my attention away—weird.
“Mid-terms?” Harry asks. I’m reading a textbook while I stand over the simmering pot. We had accidentally ordered 4 times the tomatoes on our online order last week and with three still left I’d decided to batch make spaghetti sauce. It had been a long time since I made it from scratch.
“Kind of.” I push the book aside. “Someone in the department wants to update the textbooks and they left notes in the old one for what needs updating. They asked me to take a look.”
“That’s cool,” Harry walks over to me. He smelled like cologne and outside, the way he usually did right after he came home on chillier days. “That he wants your opinion?”
“She actually,” I poke him. “And it is! I can’t believe I get paid to lecture about one of my passions.”
“Economics,” Harry makes a face like he smelled something bad.
“Makes the world go round,” I smile sweetly.
“Remember when you liked things that were cool like Harry Potter and Coldplay-“
“I still like them! If I recall you’re the one who motivated me to do well in maths.”
“I did?” Harry looks off into the distance but his slow smirk is evident that he was remembering. He tilts my chin up and brushes my lips. “You’re right. So how about now? Would that still work?”
“Do you want me to stroke your ego right now?”
“Amongst other things,” he muses, his hands drop down to my hips and then lower, giving my bum a squeeze.
“Cut it out,” I scold him but it’s cancelled by the smile on my face. I shake my head and go back to the simmering pot.
“Is that tomato soup?” Harry’s suddenly distracted by the pot. We’d been having a lot of it this week because…well tomatoes.
“Nope, I’m making spaghetti sauce. From scratch.”
“Hey, didn’t you make that one time? When we were kids.”
“Hm,” I think back. It felt like so long ago but something niggles at me. “I think? I used to help my mum—it’s her recipe. Maybe you had dinner on a night we made it?”
“Yes. Dinner at your place, around Easter.”
I remember that Easter clearly but not for dinner. It was a night Harry and I had talked our lives all out.
“Aw. We were so young then.” I wrap my arms around Harry.
“I’m still young,” Harry says. “I’m in my prime.”
I pat his cheek. “Of course you are love.”
“Taylor I can’t really do this right now!” I tell my sister as she whines to me. No matter how old we got we were always somehow 17 and 12.
“C’mon just call mom! Tell her you met him and he’s really awesome.”
“I’m not lying to mom so you can invite your newest loser boyfriend to dinner. Anyway I can’t talk. I have to get to class!”
“I know.” She says weirdly. And I understand why when I walk into class and see her sitting in the front row. Ugh she knew I would try to blow her off!
My sister had somehow taken up the bad habit ever since her mid-20s of having a string of shitty boyfriends. We all blamed it on her longterm bloke breaking it off around her 26th. I don’t think she ever fully let herself heal from that.
After two separate guys were invited to two separate family dinners and both ended in mum or dad exploding over something, they were banned. This new guy, as she insists, was different. Mature. He deserved an invite.
She holds up 9 fingers and mouths, 9 months! That’s a long time!
I shake my head and start setting up my laptop.
“Hiya,” one of the students, Kim, walks up to me as I do so. “Sorry I was just wondering when we’re getting our assignments back? Will it be before midterms?”
Midterms were in 2 weeks for this class. The assignments were in my bag, marked and ready. I tell her and watch the relief spread through her.
I spend the next hour teaching, and before we break at the hour I announce I’d return assignments. As I call them out student walks down to me and pick them up, leaving with a smile or a frown.
“Philippe?” He had stuck to his word and his group had gone above and beyond. It was a beautiful paper, albeit overly-sourced. But I appreciated it.
“He’s not in,” one of his friends comes down to get it. She looks at me in that same way again, with just as much fear as curiosity. It’s odd.
“C’mon then,” I shake the paper I was holding out. “I don’t bite.”
“Oh sorry,” she grabs it from me in a rush I nearly get a papercut. She doesn’t even look at the grade, turning quickly away before halting, pivoting halfway, changing her mind, and running back up the steps to her seat. That group of kids were weird. Maybe they were on drugs.
I catch eyes with Taylor and she raises her brow. I shrug and continue handing out the papers.
I don’t expect the girl to come up to me after class. Her friend stays hovering behind, close to my sister who I know must be desperate to have sat here the whole lecture.
“Um ‘scuse me. Professor?”
“Yes?” She was the last person in the small line that had formed after class.
“I had a question about the assignment? You um, you said we missed the equations for our answers but they’re um-“ her hands are shaking as she flips the pages to the last page. “They’re on the bottom here.”
“Oh,” I did remember they were missing it but my pen marks were all over the back of it. “I must have missed that, bloody hell sorry about that!”
“Yeah um, do we get the extra points?”
“Of course but I-“ I glance back at Taylor. She’s talking to the friend. I had to get her out of here before she said something ridiculous. “I have office hours after my Monday class. I’ll have it remarked by then and you can pick it up?”
“Um, okay?”
I quickly shut my things down and grab my sister, getting her out as quick as possible.
“I’m a professional,” she reminds me. “Jeez. Anyway Y/n listen it’s the longest I’ve been in a relationship since, well y’know. 9 months! It’s different with this guy. He works like you! A cushy office job. He’s serious. Please!?”
I hadn’t seen Taylor since last month’s dinner when she had tried to convince me to get on board with this guy. She’d been pleading for a month. “Fine.”
“Oh I love you!” She squeezes my arm. “Text me when mom gives the okay.”
I sigh. I’d really got myself in the middle again.
I retell this to Harry when I get home.
“She’s persistent. But 9 months is a new record.”
“I know!” Harry knew all about her string of boys, I’d caught him up months ago. “Anyway I can’t believe she sat through the whole lecture.”
“Maybe this is the guy. The One.”
“You don’t believe in that do you?”
“Yeah?” He squints at me. “Of course I do?”
“So I’m The One?”
“Baby do I even need to say yes? I knew it as soon as I saw you when we were 14. You confirmed it when you kissed me on the roof that day.”
“I can’t believe I did that. I had my first drink that day by the way so I might’ve been drunk.”
“You were not drunk when you kissed me,” Harry points his fork at me.
“Look at you getting all worked up,” I tease.
“I’ll get you all worked up,” he mutters into his plate. I grin as I stretch my leg out under the table and run it up his leg. He grips my ankle when it gets too high and the look he gives me across the table sends my heart racing.
“Oops,” I drop my foot and go back to eating.
We put on a movie after, something we can zone out to. It doesn’t take Harry long to get bored and nuzzle into me, and it doesn’t take much longer after that before the movie is just for show and we’re tangled in our sheets.
There were 17 years of experience Harry showed up with now, and it was another one of those things that made catching up on lost time all the better.
In the first half hour of my office hours, the girl walks in. I should remember her name but I just associated her group with Philippe. I was surprised he wasn’t here actually. He seemed to be their spokesperson.
“Hi come in!” I wave her into the tiny cubicle-like room I borrowed for a few hours every Monday. “I’ve got your assignment here all done.”
“Thank you,” she hovers over my desk and I hand it over. Her fingers fidget with the strings of her hoodie and I seriously consider the drug angle. Or maybe her and her friends had serious anxiety issues. I didn’t miss that part about being a teen.
“You wanna flip through one more time? I try not to make mistakes twice but…”
She sits down tentatively and buries her head in the paper as she flips through.
“It’s alright,” she says. Her expression is so serious it nearly makes me laugh. She had pretty hair—blunt cut bangs that I remember rocking in my early 20s, but on her they hide the expression in her eyebrows. Maybe that’s why she always looked so sullen. Her lips are painted a pretty mauve colour and it complimented her green eyes.
“I really um…your class is really interesting.”
Kids saying that was like injecting pure joy right into my veins.
“I’m so glad you’re enjoying it,” I smile at her. But it still doesn’t crack a smile on her end. “It’s dense material but that’s nice to hear.”
“Yeah, I didn’t know if I was gonna keep the class.” It’s subtle but she inches back in the seat. The more she talks the more she relaxes back. “But I heard it was worth taking. And people were right.”
“Are you in your first or second year?” I ask.
“First,” she tucks her hair behind her ear. It’s covered in piercings.
“How are you liking uni so far?”
She meets my eyes for a second before they shift away. “Yeah it’s nice? I’ve never lived away from home but I have some friends here that I’ve known since before so it helps. It’s really different, less structure but I like the freedom.”
Wow, she really spoke a lot more when she was comfortable. But I find it endearing.
“That’s really nice. It’s good to have a support system, especially with such big change.”
“Yeah,” she agrees. Her eyes dart around the desk as she goes silent. I wait for her to get up and go but a minute passes and the room starts to feel even smaller.
I could ask her if she needed anything else, or maybe continue the conversation? Did she want me to ask about her? No, that would be weird.
“So um, was that your sister in class last week?”
Okay, didn’t see that coming.
“It was! My baby sister, although she’s not really a baby. Did she tell your friend that?”
She nods again. “She was talking to her.”
“You have any siblings?”
“An older sister yeah.”
“So you get it,” I say. “You love them, they get under your skin, you’d do anything for them, and the cycle continues.”
For the first time she smiles and my breath catches. For a moment…no. No, I was imagining things.
“Yeah. My sister and I were close growing up, but she’s the one person that really knows how to get under my skin. I swear she does it on purpose sometimes.”
“Probably,” I want to say something funny again. I just want to see her smile.
Back off, my inner voice says. Don’t do this again.
Some years back, when I was still in the throes of alcohol, I had followed a girl at the mall for nearly an hour. She had looked so much like my sister but with brown curly hair. I could have sworn it was her—my daughter. But after an hour of drunk stalking she had met up with her mum, a direct clone of her.
I couldn’t be obsessive again. Nobody knew about that phase. Not even Harry.
“D’you have any kids?” She asks. I don’t expect the question and it throws me off what with the thoughts looping in my head. She watches me, waiting for an answer.
“Um,” I usually answered no. To anyone who had asked in the last 18 years. But for some reason I nod today. “Yeah. One.”
I imagine it, I must have. Her face draws in for a second before she looks down. “Does she ever come to your lectures?”
“Oh no,” I feel the prick of tears and try to blink them away without being too obvious. “I’m not sure she’d find them interesting.”
“Oh.” She finally stands. “Maybe when she’s older…but I’ll see you on Thursday I guess?”
“Yeah,” I watch her go and realize she’d forgotten something. “Don’t forget your paper hon!”
She stiffens by the door before coming to get it.
“Sorry, it probably makes me a bad prof but there were two female names on the paper. Which one’s yours?”
“Bridget,” her voice cracks.
“Bridget,” I try to match the name to her face. It fit. “That’s lovely.”
She scurries out and I hear someone say “well!?” Outside followed by a “shh!”
I shake my head and try to focus back on my work, my heart racing an unusual amount.
It takes a couple days but I confess to Harry. He’d decided to meet up with me after class on Wednesday to eat out. We didn’t go far from the uni, a pub a few roads down. I actually spotted a couple former students there and they’d waved at me warmly.
“You’re not crazy,” Harry holds my hand on the table. “A few years ago I realized the volunteer interns we took on from the nearby school? They were the same age as her, teens? And I used to check up on them all the time, make sure they were feeling comfortable, until one of the guys on the team told me to quit being so weird and find someone my own age. I don’t know if it came across that way but…I got lost in that.”
“Oh Harry,” I squeeze his hand. “I didn’t know that.”
“I’ve never told anyone.”
“Me too,” I pop another chip into my mouth. “But really I’d kind of pushed those memories out of my head until the other day. I can’t explain it, when she smiled it just felt like I knew her.”
“Yeah. Maybe she just looks like Taylor?”
We finish dinner while Harry tells me about a story about some friends of his I knew. We reminisce about our old friends as we wrap up and head out into the brisk November air.
We’re near the station when I gasp and clutch Harry’s arm. Standing outside one of the nearby pubs, smoking with her friends, was Bridget.
“Harry! That’s her!”
“What? Who?” He’s so oblivious as he whips his head around.
“Hushhh!” I nod towards the northwest side. His eyes scan the group. “Red beanie. We have to walk past just look at her okay? Tell me if you see it.”
Harry laughs to himself, “This feels like we’re in high school walking past a crush.”
“Is that how you walked past me?” I tease.
“I did.” He looks at me in that way that still gives me butterflies. It never got old.
“Stop making me want to jump your bones out here. I have a reputation to uphold!”
“Hey I’ll still have a job to support us,” he whispers as we near closer to the group. “Feel free to do whatever you feel.”
“You’re a bad influence.” I whisper back. By now we’re a few feet away and I sense Harry slow down beside me.
Bridget’s nodding to whatever her friend is saying. Philippe is waving his drink around as he responds. We almost pass by unnoticed when someone completely different calls my name.
“Hey professor! Can we buy you a drink?”
I turn and spot a group of students I taught last semester. They were all friends, always battling out their wits during group discussions. It made my class lively, even distracting at times. But I tried going with the flow of whatever group of students I got.
“Hey kids!” I say. Then I have no choice but to acknowledge Bridget and her friends. “And more kids! Is this the new spot to be at?”
I sounded so lame but shite! We weren’t supposed to get caught.
“It’s always been popular,” one of my old students says. “Can we pick your brain? Buy you a drink? We can buy one for your friend too.”
“I uh,” I glance at Harry but he’s frozen solid. I look to what he’s looking at and it’s Bridget. They’re locked in some silent conversation and her friends eye each other. “Harry?”
“Huh?” He focuses on me, flushed and just as confused as I had looked on Monday.
“We’ve gotta get him home,” I pat Harry’s arm. “Our alcohol metabolizes differently at our age.”
“You’re not that old,” Bridget says. She seems to be surprised she said it at all and her eyes widen. “I just mean you look younger than my parents.”
“We’ll take that as a compliment.” I smile up at Harry who still looks a little lost.
“Miss aren’t you going to introduce your male friend?” One of my old student goads.
“Don’t assume,” the other chides.
“Aren’t you a nosy lot after a few drinks.” I missed dishing it back in class with them.
“Oops!” They laugh.
“Anyway. This is Harry.”
“You can call me Mr. Professor,” Harry jokes and it’s a crowd pleaser. God they were drunk. Harry leans into me, “I can see why you like teaching. They’re an ego-booster.”
“Not in a 6pm lecture on a Thursday night.” I whisper back. He hides his laugh.
“Are you guys heading home?” Now it’s Philippe. I’m surprised he was getting involved in the conversation. He was usually the quiet nervous type.
“We are. Need a good night’s rest so I’m not falling asleep in your lecture tomorrow.”
“We wouldn’t mind,” Philippe goes for joker but his face flushes. It’s cute.
“Philippe you take way too many notes during class for me to believe that.”
His two friends, Bridget and the other girl, look at each other wide-eyed before losing it. And I watch Bridget’s face transform again and I get the same feeling. I look up at Harry and he’s transfixed.
I tug his sleeve and he looks at me, swallowing like he was parched.
“Weird right?”
“Yeah,” he whispers but his mouth turns down ever so slightly.
The girls are too busy cajoling Philippe to say goodbye to so we make our exit quietly. We don’t talk much on the train ride home but Harry simple holds his hand out on my thigh, palm up, and I lock my fingers into his. Even when we didn’t have words, we never stopped staying in touch.
It’s exam and holiday season before I know it.
I was actually looking forward to Christmas this year. It was the first that Harry was going to join with my family. Taylor’s bloke was also showing. He had been a hit with my parents and even I could admit he was the better of all the guys she’s every brought over.
It’s the last 30 minutes of the last exam I was facilitating this year. I announce the time left to the group. There were only about 15 kids left.
Bridget is one of them. I watch her tuck her hair behind her ear and bite her lip. She’d been pretty quiet the remainder of the semester, and I tried not to let my eyes wander to her too much.
After that night, bumping into her with Harry, we hadn’t spoken much about it. The hope that was initially so buoyant turned crushing as we faced the reality that the odds were slim to none. That our wishes were just pennies tossed in a fountain, sinking to the bottom of the pool.
Dreary winter days pass by and Harry and I try to keep the seasonal depression away with regular outdoor dates, cozy nights in bed, and seeing friends as often as we could.
On Christmas we go to my parents’. It’s a loud affair as my grandparents and a few cousins join us. After dinner I go up to my childhood bedroom, it’s now a guest room but some of my things still lay around. I open the window, it was cold so I drag a blanket out and sit outside. The street is quiet, I see families in a few open windows and I watch the festivities through them. I feel a mix of nostalgia and an ache that goes even beyond that, like I was missing something.
“Y/n?” Of course Harry would find me even though I’d left the door closed and the window tilted.
“Here,” I say.
“Ah,” he struggles to hoist himself out. “Some things never change.”
“You need help?” I watch him climb on all fours.
“I’m steady,” he grins as he crawls to me. I open the blanket and he gets in.
We sit in silence for a bit.
“It was getting really loud downstairs wasn’t it?” I ask.
“I think your grandma’s in love with Taylor’s guy.” Harry says so bluntly that I burst out laughing. He joins in.
“I feel like old people get to flirt with whoever they want because it’s always harmless.”
“Maybe that’s the case with older women,” Harry grimaces. “Can’t say the same thing about old men now can we?”
“Jesus!” I laugh and then laugh even harder when Harry says: “it is his day.”
By the time I wipe my tears Harry’s gazing down at me.
“Sorry,” I lean my head against his shoulder. “You have to stop being so funny.”
“Nah,” he kisses my head. “Have I never told you how much I like your laugh?”
He had. On a night many years ago on a roof like this.
I go to remind him but he’s pulling away. I watch as he shifts to face my slowly. He pulls something out from behind him and my brain only connects the dots as he starts talking.
“Y/N, this is something I wish I could have done 18 years ago but only feels incredibly right to do now. Especially out here.”
“Harry,” I gasp. When did he get the ring? When had he planned this?
“We somehow found our way back to each other again y/n, and you know I love you more than ever before.” He clears his throat as it clouds with emotion. “Some 18 years ago I told you I knew you, because the first time I ever laid eyes on you my heart knew. You were something special. And I never ever want to spend another moment apart again. So Y/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honour and finally be mine? Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” If I wasn’t sitting on a roof I would launch myself at Harry. I settle for pulling his face down to mine and kissing it. “I’ve always been yours Harry. But yes, of course yes!”
He slides the ring on and it fits perfectly.
It was perfect.
When we go back down my mum knows right away, and if it was loud before it’s absolute chaos as everyone descends on me and demands to know how he proposed and how the ring looks.
“On the roof? When there’s a perfectly pretty tree here?” My grandma asks. Harry and I exchange a look then, trying not to laugh all over again.
We ring in the New Year with friends, as fiancés. I can hardly believe it. Apparently most of our friends knew Harry was going to propose and they all toast to us and our happiness.
Somewhere in mid-January, I drop by my parents’ house to drop off some groceries. That’s when my dad hands me a letter that had been mailed home.
“It came for you, I dunno who thinks you still live here but it looks handwritten.”
I take it from my dad as I say one last goodbye. I barely make it to the tube with wobbly legs. Because somewhere inside I know.
It’s a long and agonizing 2 hours that I wait for Harry to come home. He finds me sitting in the dark; the sun had set while I waited, and I’d been too busy staring at the feminine scrawl on the front of the letter to turn on the lights.
“Hello-y/n, what are you doing in the dark?”
Harry drops his things where they are when I look at him. “Y/n are you alright? Say something.”
I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I just push the letter forward.
He walks towards it. It’s like he hits a brick wall when he puts the pieces together, he halts a foot away.
“What is that?”
“Is was…” I try to swallow so my voice doesn’t sound so hoarse. “My dad gave it to me. It was sent to the house.”
“Is it…”
“I was waiting for you.”
Suddenly he’s in motion. He puffs his cheeks out and lets out a noisy sigh. Then he paces the floor one, two, three, four times before standing in front of the couch.
“We should read it.” I say.
“Yeah,” he deflates into the couch. I want to join him but it feels like my arse has been glued to the chair.
I inch it towards me and Harry nods. He wanted me to read it.
My mouth is parched. I can barely make out any sounds as I open it up. It’s three pages folded in two, the paper itself isn’t anything very special, it’s typed up so it’s literally just ink on paper. And yet it’s worth a whole goldmine.
“Y/n and Harry,” I read before my voice breaks and I bury my face in my hands. Our baby girl had written to us. She had reached out.
“C’mon love,” Harry’s suddenly beside me and his hand squeezes my neck. The touch gives me enough strength to stand with him. He sets me down where he just sat and leaves again, returning with water and the letter.
“Can you read it?” I ask.
He settles in beside me, we touch along every edge of us. The letter sits in between us like our love, our hurting—it’s where it belongs. He begins to read in his soothing voice.
“Y/n and Harry,
I hope it’s okay I’m calling you that. I don’t know if it’s proper but ever since I found out about you two last year that’s what I’ve been calling you.”
Harry lets out a shaky breath and I intertwine my arm through his. He kisses my temple and continues.
“When I turned 15, I asked my mum about you. I started to wonder where I came from. I knew I was adopted for as long as I could remember but it didn’t mean much to me for a long time—I had a mother, a father, and a sister. I had a family so why did I need to know where I came from?
But over the last few years it’s been like an itch I couldn’t get to. See when I was 15, what set it off is that my sister decided to look into her birth parents. They were separated, her father lived in Tokyo and her mother lived in Wales. It took her a year to convince our parents to go to Wales. I went with and I found myself in the home of a woman who looked just like the girl I grew up with. The whole time it ate away at me. I wanted this ending too.
I asked my mum and dad when I turned 15 but they were weird and evasive. I turned my skills to the internet but I didn’t really know where to start.
I felt the missing part more and more as I turned 16. I used to fall asleep thinking about you two, if you were alive, what you looked like, where you were, what you did.
I love my parents. They’re wonderful and amazing, they are supportive and never made us feel like we were anything but theirs. But I wanted to know my background.
On my 17th birthday my parents gave me a letter like the one I write today.” Harry stops reading and takes in a deep shuddering breath. “She got the letter.”
His shoulder shake and he pinches the bridge of his nose. I clench my teeth so I wouldn’t cry too. I wanted to finish this letter. I wrap my arms around him and hold him.
This was unbelievable, what we’d dreamed of. Her words, in our hands.
“Here.” I take the letter from him and continue. “Let me read it.”
Harry stays hunched over, so with my hand on his back I continue, “in it you told me how much you loved me. How much you loved each other, your families, where I came from. And Why you had to give me up. For a better life. I saw the picture of you, and I felt broken and complete at the same time. I realized I was the same age as you in the photo, I had to meet you but I was terrified. And I didn’t know how.
I spent a year agonizing and looking through every google page I could find about you. I learned a lot! But I needed to meet you.
I don’t know how to do this. I’ve made decisions that may not have been the best but I’ve left my number and a picture of me when I was 5 in the envelope.
I hope you call.”
With shaking hands I turn to the third page that has one of those polaroids taped to it and a phone number in the same handwriting as the envelope.
“She’s beautiful,” Harry says while tears continue streaming down his face. I can’t even hide mine anymore.
She was beautiful indeed. She had his eyes, and her curly locks in a deep brown frame her chubby face. She had my nose, she looked a little like my sister as a baby. A scatter of freckles over her cheeks confirm it. She was ours. Our baby had reached out. We knew what she looked like.
“We need to call her,” I say. “We need to meet.”
“Yeah,” Harry wipes his face. “We…we need to do this carefully. It’s delicate right?”
I wanted to call her right now but what would I do but cry into the phone? No, I had to wrap my head around this. Harry was right. “Right.”
“She’s out there,” Harry turns to me. “She wants to know us. Y/n she wants to meet us! She saw the picture I-“
“I can’t believe it,” I whisper. “Our daughter wants to—did she leave her name?”
We open the letter and flip over every piece of it but her name is nowhere.
“Maybe she didn’t want us looking her up?” Harry offers.
“Maybe she has an awful digital footprint.”
Something about it makes us laugh and we can’t stop. But pretty soon it shifts back into tears and we’re left holding each other on the couch, tender and content and anxious.
Our daughter had made contact. Would she like us? Would she be mad at us? What did this mean for us?
The thoughts continue to spiral the rest of the evening. We don’t make much of an effort, we reread the letter and try to get dinner in us. We face each other as we try to fall asleep, whispering questions into the darkness. The darkness doesn’t answer, it grows heavier as does the night, and we fall asleep for the first time in our lives knowing the weight of a decision so long ago was a tiny bit lighter.
It’s a few days later. All I’d been thinking about was the letter, when I woke up, at work, during my commute, during breaks, when I went to bed.
It sits on our dining table, we glance at it as we pass by. It becomes part of the decor, three pieces of paper and an envelope. It’s so much weightier than that.
I come home from my lecture on Wednesday, a slight buzz of anxiety humming in the background. It wasn’t unusual for Harry and I to get busy at work and not talk the whole day but today Harry had been radio silent. He hadn’t answered my texts or phone calls in a very un-Harry way.
I walk in to Harry sitting on the couch in the dark, staring at the coffee table. On it sits the letter.
“Hey,” I don’t even take off my jacket. I slide next to him. “Is everything alright?”
“Hey,” he whispers. He stays frozen sitting forward, elbows on his knees, head cradled in his hand.
I wait for him to speak, to say something about what was going on. I rub my hand over his back and he glances up. I tip forward until our foreheads touch. “What’s going on in that brain of yours? Let me help you.”
“It’s a lot,” he whispers. It tears me in two.
“Hey,” I remind him. “Just one day at a time. Let’s just talk about today.”
“I want to call her so bad,” he leans away and buries his head in his hands. I wanted to call her too, I’d been waiting for Harry to give the cue since I knew I could be rash and impulsive about something like this. But something was going on with him.
“We will.”
“We gave her up. What if she hates us?”
“She wouldn’t have written us that beautiful letter, or sent a photo, or left her number if she did.”
Harry sniffles and then asks what he really wanted to, “what if she hates me.”
“Harry look at me,” He unfolds slowly and I make sure he’s looking at me. “You’re her father, you’ve carried her with you for the last 18 years. You love her. She wants to know you. Why would she hate you?”
“I’ve fucked up so much!”
“You’re not your mistakes.” I remind him. I get teary eyed as I feel the echoes of his insecurities. I’ve thought about it too: what if I didn’t meet her expectations? “She’s not going to see you and see every good and bad decisions you’ve ever made. She’s just going to see her father—her biological father, and see where she got her eyes from and her hair from and every other quirk she has.”
“You’re not worried?” He asks, looking at me with grief.
“Of course I am,” I confess, tears leaking out of my eyes damnit. “I’m so fucking worried. But my curiosity overtakes that, my love for her is what I’m focusing on.”
“I love her,” he says.
“That’s all that matters.” I cup his face and press a reassuring kiss to his lips. “That’s all she’ll care about.”
Harry untangles himself from me and my heart sinks. He paces the length of our living room a few times, running his hand through his hair.
“We really should talk about the letter,” he says.
“Yeah. I know. I want to call. Badly.”
He pauses. It’s like all the anxious energy drains out of him at once. He sits back down beside me.
“What do we do?” I ask
“How about Saturday? She’s probably going to be home then right? No school—if she’s in school.”
Two days. Two more days of agonizing over the letter.
At this point the letter is memorized, seared into my brain like I had an exam on it. I want to know the person behind it.
When we wake on Saturday it’s a cloudy day. I don’t take it as a bad omen.
We sit with our phones out after breakfast, just staring at everything before us.
“You should do the talking,” I tell Harry. “I’m too nervous.”
“I think you should.” Harry says. “She sent the letter to you.”
“Only because that’s the address my mum gave…gave her mum.”
It hits me again in another wave I try not to drown in. She was eighteen, she’d lived a whole life with a whole family. There was everything of her we’d missed out on.
“Please Harry?” I was already overwhelmed with the realization. I just couldn’t.
He watches me, must hear the desperation in my voice, and slowly pulls his phone forward.
It rings, and rings a few more times. When it goes to voicemail he turns it off.
“I didn’t think that was an option,” Harry says and we laugh. It feels good.
“It’s only 10 maybe she’s asleep. Try one more time?”
He pulls my phone and tries again but it still goes to voicemail.
We sit there, unsure of what to do. We agree to try again later, in the afternoon.
But around half past 12, while Harry’s working in our spare room and I’m scrolling through my phone, it rings. I don’t think much of it and pick it up automatically.
“Hello?” It’s silent on the other end. “Hello?”
I wait, but as I do it dawns on me. Who called me?
I check my phone screen and swipe through as I say hello again. I match the number. It was her.
I run to Harry but the phone is still silent. I wave the paper with the number saying hello again.
“Is this…well you never gave us your name. But we got your letter. We’re so gl-“
The line goes dead and so does my heart.
“You called her again?” Harry whispers, his brows furrowing as he stares at the phone.
“She called.” I think about calling her back but that was pushy. She was backing out of this.
All of a sudden I feel myself giving out. I catch myself against the wall and slide down.
“She’s backing out. It must be…too much for her.”
Harry stares at a spot on the ground, a million thoughts flickering through. Finally it settles on acceptance. He sighs.
“We can’t force her to talk to us,” he says softly what I already know. But his words are like a saw to my resolve and I just start crying. He gathers me in his arms but the grief feels endless. It felt like she was slipping away again; I’d lost so much and I lost her again. She had been so close. How could she do this? Why did she reach out if she wasn’t ready?
Questions without answers. More of them piled on top of the lifetime of questions I’d built for her.
I know Harry feels the weight of them too. We carry them together. That’s the only reason I hadn’t broken yet.
But I come close to it that day. We don’t hear back from her. And we don’t try to call her back. It didn’t feel right.
It killed me she was so close. And something changes inside.
For weeks I feel like I’m on autopilot. It’s like my first semester of uni all over again.
Harry tries his best to keep me together but he struggles too. It makes me feel worse I was taking the bigger hit, not being there for him as much as I wanted. But life feels like a a million blankets covering me.
I try to keep my usual momentum for my classes, but I’m always exhausted after. It pulls me deeper into my sadness, something I loved made me so tried.
It’s a Thursday at the end of the semester and I’m marking exams during my study hours when there’s a light knock on the door.
I’m surprised to see an old student.
“Bridget,” I wave her in. “Come in, what can I do you for?”
“Hi professor-“
“Call me y/n, I’m not teaching you anymore am I?”
“No,” she says with a stiff smile. The last time I saw her was in February, I’d spotted her with Philippe and a few other friends at a local coffee shop. She had been explaining something to one of her friends from a textbook.
Now her hair was short and more pronounced with waves. I wonder if she styled it, her longer hair had been pin straight.
“I had a question?”
You already asked it, I want to joke. But she was usually wound up so I knew it wouldn’t land well.
“What’s that?”
“Um, well.” She perches on the chair and I wait patiently for her to continue. “Are you taking any applications for TA next year?”
I wasn’t expecting that. She always found a way to take me by surprise. I stare at her for a few seconds, trying to remember what year she was in.
“Aren’t you in first year? If I do TAs they’re usually 3rd or above.”
“I know,” she tucks her hair behind her ear. “But seeing that one of my majors is in econ and my gpa is really high, and I did well in your class, I wondered if you would consider me?”
I hadn’t done TAs since my first year of teaching. I found I liked the work because it got me more familiar with the class.
“What’s your other major?” She had said one of them was econ.
“Sociology, I’m pre-law.”
Ambitious. “Why TA for my class?”
She balks as she meets my gaze. There’s something that flits through her face that I can’t quite read before she drops eye contact.
“Um, I really enjoyed it. I did really well. I think you’re super smart and would learn a lot by TA-ing for you.”
“I don’t give special lessons to my TA,” I let her know. “You’d typically attend some of the classes, mark assignments, and maybe teach exam tutorials, and have office hours of your own for students.”
“I’m okay with that.”
“Why should I pick you?”
She pushes her shoulders back, “I’m responsible, dependable, I submit all my assignments on time and have experience teaching.”
“I used to tutor when I was in high school. I didn’t really get an allowance so I found a way to support my hobbies.”
“What are your hobbies?”
She blushes a little, was she still nervous? “I love reading, books are expensive.”
I nod. For Harry’s birthday I’d told him he could get any books from Waterstones and it had been over £100 for 3 only.
“I also enjoy cooking. And um, it’s been a while but my friends and I sometimes go to like. Do you know comic con?”
“Yes,” I’d seen things online.
“Yeah we liked to dress up for that sort of thing. We used to make our own outfits and usually the cost varies depending on what you’re making and how realistic you want it and…” she trails off as I smile. She was really enthusiastic about it. I couldn’t help it.
“Tell you what. Leave your number with me and I’ll think about it. I haven’t had a TA for the last few semesters but I am going to take this into consideration.”
I laugh. “Yes. Really.”
“Um…” she starts to fidget again. “Can I leave my email? I’m getting a new phone soon so I-“
“Sure. Anywhere I can reach you.”
I expect her to get out a pen but she says it verbally and I type it out.
“Um, are you alright?” She asks out of the blue after I type in the last letter.
“Alright?” I raise my brow.
“I mean, you seem…I just heard, um.” She tries to backtrack but I ask her again and she spills. “Some people just said your last few classes seem scattered. Not that people don’t like you. I just…that’s what they were saying. And I don’t know if having a TA would help? And I just wanted to ask if you’re okay sorry I shouldn’t…it’s none of my business.”
God, this girl was so awkward. But she was sweet for caring, I think. “You’re not applying for the role because you feel bad that I seem…scattered right?”
She blushes. “Sorry. I think I said too much.”
I want to laugh but it strikes me that my students had noticed. I’d let it affect their learning. It didn’t feel very good.
“Life’s hitting me hard recently,” I tell her simply. “But I’m alright. Thank you for reaching out Bridget.”
As I finish up the semester I think about her. It wouldn’t hurt to have her TA for one of my lectures, see how she does. I didn’t care for TAs as a lecturer but something about her is compelling and I find myself emailing her in the middle of the night in June. She responds back a few minutes later,
Thank you!!! You’re the best. I’ll do whatever you need just tell me I can do anythingggh
Sent from iphone.
I laugh to myself as I put my phone away and go back to bed. My guesses were she was drunk at a party.
Harry’s asleep beside me and I reach out to touch his back but think better of it. He’d been busy at work with a project nearing its deadline and I didn’t want to accidentally wake him.
I turn around and try to drift off, thinking about my daughter, about how Harry and I hadn’t really talked much in the last two weeks, about my teaching, and my new TA.
Age 38:
It’s a depressing summer. The air of dashed hopes still hangs around Harry and I. It’s less thunder clouds and more of a fog.
One weekend morning, it’s one of those mornings that start off heavy. I can’t get out of bed, but I hear Harry pattering about doing his weekend morning thing. I hear the dishwasher turn on, and soon after he walks in with our laundry folded in a basket. I feel awful as I normally do, but not awful enough to get up and do anything about it. I think I’d have to feel less awful, to do that.
I don’t expect him to get in beside me once he’s finished putting everything away. He smells like laundry and shampoo, I must smell like rot and decay.
“Y/n,” he says gingerly. I just look at him in response. I felt too heavy to even reply. He sits up and calls my name again.
“Mm,” I say.
He sighs. Despite months of this Harry’s been nothing but understanding but this morning seems different.
Suddenly I’m being pulled up by my shoulders and I find myself sitting up in bed.
“Y/N,” Harry says again. I fold my arms as the duvet slips down and the cool air raises goosebumps. “I love you, which is why it’s so hard seeing you like this. You have to get on, my love. We have to move forward. It’s been months.”
All I could remember after our daughter hung the phone up on us was when I almost got to hold her. Right after she was born, I almost got to hold her but they took her away. And that piece of me that followed after her was nearly returned. It was that almost that was a death blow.
“It’s hard,” I feel myself tear up. It was hard not to these days.
“I know baby,” Harry scoops me into him. “I know. It’s hard for me too but we have to get better. We have to live our lives. She’ll come back to us, I just know it. She’s scared, we’re hopeful. Fear’s gonna keep her away. Hope keeps us patient.”
I cry into his shirt and he rocks me.
“I’m sorry,” I say into his shirt.
“It’s alright,” he grips the back of my neck.
So for Harry, for us, I try to get back to myself. I start to pick up my outdoor hobbies, I try to keep conversations going with Harry, I reintroduce my multi-step night routine. I look forward and re-light the candle of hope, even though I ache to blow it out before it can burn down to its wick.
My wounds inside stay tender.
We had booked our wedding for November and as the days approach we find ourselves with one thing on our mind.
Harry and I finally talk about it.
“I always thought she’d be there at the wedding once she reached out.”
We’re sat in an outdoor space near King’s Cross, coffees in hand as we people watch. We’d just come back from a cake tasting and neither of us felt like going home with such a glorious August day. Kids splash in the water sprinklers and couples sit around arm in arm. I touch shoulders with Harry unconsciously.
“Me too. I think that’s what’s kept me from mentally committing to the fact that the date is coming closer.”
“It can’t be forever,” Harry says. “She reached out. She just needs time. She’ll call again one day and we’ll meet her.”
“I know.” I lean my head on his shoulder. This was a realization I’d also been slowly digesting. I’d waited 18 years, what was a few more months, another year? Her baby picture lived on our fridge, at least we were one step closer.
And the love, I had to remind myself in these moments. Hold onto the love.
“I can’t stay for this class,” Bridget tells me. It’s the second week of classes and there were still 10 minutes until it officially started.
“Is everything alright?”
“Not really,” that’s when I notice her nose is red and her eyes are too. ��My um, my parents had to put my dog down. She…she wasn’t feeling well yesterday and the-they found cancer? And she was in a lot of pain but she never showed it? And-“
I put my hand on Briget’s shoulder and lead her to the exit. There was no reason for the whole class to see this.
“Sorry. I’m-“
“Don’t apologize.” I rub her shoulder. “I understand. Take the time you need I have this covered.”
True to her word, Bridget had been a loyal TA over the summer. I considered it a trial run not expecting much but she had shown up, aced marking, and I’d gotten good feedback from the students at the end of the semester.
I’d also taken to her. She’d join me during my 2 hours every Monday and when no students would come she would loosen up. She’d told me all about the dog she grew up with, she showed me costumes her friends and her made, I’d asked her about the books she was reading and the classes she was taking. It was like having a younger sister again, except I was mature enough to appreciate her.
“I didn’t even get to say goodbye,” Bridget says and this statements seems to be the breaking point. She curls in on herself, shoulders shaking. I don’t even think, I just pull her into me like I would for Harry, for Taylor, for any of my friends.
“You have a lifetime of memories with her,” I hold her. At first she stiffens up and I almost let her go but she only breaks down further and wraps her arms around me. Tighter than I expected.
“I wish I said goodbye,” she says into my shoulder.
“I know hon,” I squeeze her against me, something maternal washing over me. “I know.”
After a minute or so she regains her composure, wiping her face with her sleeve. When she looks at me she looks so much younger, her face grief-stricken and regretful.
“I’m sorry-“
“Don’t be.”
She seems to want to say something more but whatever it is, she swallows it and takes a step away.
I don’t see her for two weeks and I miss her.
When she walks into the lecture the first week of October I try not to rush her but I’m overjoyed seeing her face. It had become so familiar to me.
She smiles shyly when she walks up to me and I pull her into a hug. This time she doesn’t stiffen.
“How are you?” I whisper. Students were still trickling in so I use the time to catch up.
“Okay. Better than that day I cried all over you sorry again. I went home last week, thanks for letting me take it off.”
“Of course. You forget I’ve been doing this without a TA before you. I can hold down the fort.”
She cracks a smile, her dimple making a rare appearance.
“By the way, week 10’s lecture is supposed to be cancelled.” I tell her later during office hours. “But I wondered if you wanted to hold a tutorial that week for some of the material?”
“Really?” A light comes on in her eye. It’s fiery and bright with excitement.
“Yeah! You know the material! I’ll leave you with slides and you can go about teaching them.”
“I’d love to!” She grips her laptop close to her. “Wait why is it cancelled?”
“I’m getting married that week!”
The light dims. Or maybe I imagine it.
“Oh! I thought you were married already?”
“No,” I’d referred to Harry as my partner any time he was brought up. “We’re getting married in November. You’ve met him actually, kind of, that night we ran into you and some students at the pub. Last year?”
“Oh yeah I remember,” she says but her eyes are somewhere else. “So you’re getting married?”
“Yes Bridget,” I laugh. “Married. Tying the knot. You alright?”
“Yeah,” she blinks and she’s back. “You never mentioned the wedding. Do you have a dress?”
“Yeah! Just finalized the tailoring last week. Most things are ready, we’re just finalizing the rings!”
“Cool!” She fidgets with the hem of her shirt. “Is it in London?”
“Yeah, it’s not too big but we didn’t want people travelling too far. This is where Harry and I were born and raised so this is where we want to marry too.”
“Wow,” she seems lost in thought and she stays pretty quiet the rest of the time. I didn’t realize my news was that surprising.
Maybe I still didn’t have Bridget completely figured out.
“Harry I can’t pick them up! I need to get home and then head back out to class!”
“Y/n it’s on your way home!”
“Not really! It’s a 30 minute detour. Why can’t you do it?”
“Because you can still get to him right before he closes. I won’t be done here until after he closes. I’m sorry love!”
“Agh and why can’t he do tomorrow?”
“He’s off until Saturday! We need it today.”
It’s the Wednesday before we marry and our rings are still at the jeweller’s. He’d finished them last weekend but we’d been so busy with other things we hadn’t had time to pick it up. And now it was either today and be late for class, or the day of the wedding.
I had gotten delayed at work and missed Harry’s texts explaining the situation. I’d only responded while on the tube, but going out of my way for 30 minutes meant I’d be 30 minutes late to get back to class. And since I’d left marked assignments at home that the kids needed for next week’s tutorial, I had no choice but to head back.
The idea hits me at once.
I hang up on Harry and ring Bridget. She picks up right away.
“Bridget, I’m on a crazy tight schedule. I’m going to be late to class by half hour at least.”
“Oh no. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah it’s just wedding thing but can you do something crazy? And feel free to say no okay?”
I explain to her that if she rode to my flat, Harry would be there by then and she could pick up marked assignment. She can delay class by taking them up.
She’s silent but eventually I get a yes. “Okay. Can you text me your address?”
“Yes! Yes. Thank you Bridget. I owe you your trip fare and lunch or something. I’ll text you now, leave as soon as you can!”
I call Harry again and confirm he’d be home by the time she arrived. Everything works out.
I get the rings, and have to head home so Harry can try his on. The jeweller was expecting both of us, and let me know he couldn’t do adjustments if I didn’t text him by today. Just my luck!
When I get to the flat I tell Harry not to read his inscription but to try it on and thankfully it fits.
“Hey,” Harry calls out as I try to rush back out the door.
“What?” I was out of breath and frantic.
“Slow down,” he pulls me into a lingering kiss and despite being breathless before, I get some air into my lungs when we part.
“Sorry, so hectic.”
“I know I’m sorry,” he strokes my cheek. “I would have gone if I could make it. Also don’t be mad.”
“Be mad?” I let go of the door handle. “What did you do?”
“Your TA stopped by, Bridget. I forgot she was coming so I didn’t have your papers ready. I invited her in and she was in the living room looking at our pictures and she stopped in front of the baby picture. Of our daughter.”
“Okay,” did Harry tell her our history? I get antsy. “And?”
“Well she asked if that was our daughter. And I didn’t know what to say, if you’ve said anything to her? I panicked?” Harry runs his hand through his hair. “I just changed the subject.”
“Okay, that’s not bad. What’s the bad part I don’t get it?”
“Well. I changed the subject and told her she should come to the wedding.”
My jaw drops. “Harry.”
“I know! I know I’m sorry! I know she technically works for you, she was a student, all that! You’re so fond of her though maybe it’s not a bad thing?”
“Harry that’s…she was my student! I’m a prof at that school I…is that even allowed?”
“Yes? I panicked and googled it.”
I groan, “I swear you’re getting worse the closer we get to the wedding.”
The other week he had tried to buy out a whole bakery in case there wasn’t enough cake for our guests.
“You can tell her we have a full guest list? I don’t know what came over me! She just looked at me with those puppy eyes and she asked about the picture and I tried to talk about something else but the only thing on my mind-“
I kiss him. Just to shut him up. I was getting really late.
“This is like that book club you were tricked into joining all over again-“
“Hey I really like that book club now! It might be a good thing!”
“We’ll talk later.” I shake my head at him. “It’s fine, it’s not a big deal. It’s weird but what’s one more guest?”
“I also said plus one.”
I let out a long exhale and then kiss Harry again. I didn’t want him spiralling while I was gone.
“Baby don’t worry, it’s okay. I’m fine with it. We’ll talk when I get home?”
I mull over it on the ride to uni. But I can’t find a way to uninvite her without it being awful. I text our wedding planner if we could squeeze in two more seats and she gives me the thumbs up.
I did have a soft spot for Bridget, and technically I’ve known her for over a year now.
During office hours, we get a few people in for the first half hour. Then we’re back to just the two of us.
“Thanks for taking over today,” I tell her. “I really appreciate it.”
“That’s alright. Happy to help out.”
An awkward silence slithers in.
“So my partner invited you to our wedding.”
“Yeah! I didn’t know if that was serious am I…?”
She looked so hopeful I couldn’t shoot her down. “Yes! I have a couple people from the faculty coming. And some colleagues from my day job. You’ll probably have to sit with them but?”
“That’s fine!” She’s chirpy Bridget again. “I’d love to. That would mean a lot.”
I watch her as the smile stays on and she gets out her phone, typing away. Maybe her friends, her plus one.
I realize I’m not entirely against it. It had happened, and I was okay.
I stare at myself in the mirror, smoothing down my dress in a nervous habit. I never thought I’d get married twice, I always thought after Tatum I was done with marriage, but Harry would always be the exception.
I feel a flutter of nerves thinking about him. Walking down the aisle to him. We started talking on a rooftop one day, we had just been two kids.
“You better not cry,” Taylor threatens as she walks into the room. She had gone to fetch lash glue after my teary eyes loosened an edge.
“I’m not,” I say weakly.
She stands beside me in the mirror, “They’re all waiting downstairs.”
Just 30 minutes ago this room had been a chaotic mess. From my mum, to my friends, to the wedding planner. I’m kind of glad my lash came loose, I’m able to ground myself in these few minutes of silence.
Taylor talks about our family downstairs as she fixes my face. I get up with her help and she beams, but her eyes look misty.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Why do you look sad what happened?”
“Oh my god calm down, I just can’t believe you and Harry are getting your happy ending! I’m just…emotional.”
“Aww,” I cup her face even though I want to squeeze my baby sister against me. But my white dress, although not entirely traditional, would be ruined for the ceremony.
A ping on her phone—mum. We rush out. It feels like getting caught when we were younger and quickly getting away from the scene of the crime. I grip my sister’s hand until I stand in front of the doors leading down the aisle.
I don’t remember walking, it felt more like floating. Even if there was a chimpanzee and a talking dog in the pews I wouldn’t have noticed. My eyes are locked on Harry’s teary ones, they anchor me as I glide towards the man I’ve never stopped loving. Who always saw all of me.
When he reaches for my hand I grasp it and I know I made the right decisions. Even the painful ones. After all, I wanted to be nowhere but here.
“Y/N,” Harry reads his vows to me and I try not to cry as he sweeps me away with his delicate words about our love story.
“To be so deeply known by another, without even saying a word, shouldn’t make sense and yet with us we have a language that goes beyond words. A brush of your hand or a look in my direction, it can be enough to unload whatever burden I’d just been carrying. I promise to do the same for you, and to never end this dialogue between us. To love you and to cherish you forever.”
Harry couldn’t keep the tears in and they slide down his cheeks as he reads his words out to me. I reach out instinctively and brush his tear away and he laughs because I was doing it again.
“You’re can’t make me cry in my makeup,” I tell him and our guests laugh.
I had sat and thought so hard about my own vows. In the end after 50 versions, I’d settled on short and sweet.
“Harry, when we first spoke on the rooftop of that party in high school,” I say at my turn. “You told me everything you wanted. One of them was to make the world a better place. And I don’t know if you still want those things as much now as you did then, but one thing is true. You’re made my world a better place. I can’t imagine doing life without you. I love you with all of my heart, there’s no equation that could calculate how much.”
Harry grins at me and my breath catches. My man, he was my Harry.
We finish our vows with a kiss and a lot of noise from the crowd. When we turn to everyone I’m struck by how lucky we were.
The absence of our daughter was tough but when it came to love we had an abundance of it. I see it in every smiling and shiny face in the crowd. It’s like photographing a sunny day with one of those old school films, the sun is covered by a dark spot but the rays still wash everything in gold.
Harry squeezes my hand and I look up to him. He’s already looking at me.
He holds his hand up and lets out a whoop before he pulls my face towards him again for an even longer and borderline inappropriate kiss. I feel myself start to blush in front of the crowd.
We start down the aisle and this time I beam at every guest I catch eyes with.
My mum and Harry’s wave with tear-streaked faces. My friends from high school shout out, always the biggest supporters of our relationship. I catch eyes with Bridget, forgetting for a second she was here. Philippe is beside her, but what’s surprising is her blotchy face. I didn’t take her for someone who got emotional at weddings. I throw her a wave and she smiles through the tears.
Whoever ordered weddings to have a small break between the ceremony and the reception deserved a billion dollars. Harry and I spend the quiet moment doing our outfit change but afterwards we hold each other and let the moment sink in. The day sink in.
“We’re married,” Harry whispers when I tell him we should get going so we weren’t late.
“We took the long way to get here didn’t we?”
“Yeah,” he tucks me under his chin again and even though we would be late we just sway together for a little while. Our own private first dance, before the one for our family and friends.
“We did it all quite backwards actually.” I look up to him.
“Yeah, but we were never ordinary.”
“No, and I don’t think anything we’ve ever done is either.”
“Including our kid. I really wish she were here.”
“We’ll tell her all about it one day,” I promise him. His face eases into a loving smile, the fact that we’d made it to a place again where I can comfort him about this said a lot. Said we’d make it through everything, despite.
“I don’t want to do life with anyone else y/n, I have everything I need right here.”
“Remember that day at Whole Foods?” I remind him. “The first time we bumped into each other.”
“It’s a core memory,” Harry remembers. “I feel like the sun never set on that day. Getting to see you after all those years…it’s cheesy but it felt like coming home.”
“Yeah,” I nod. “Me too. I recognized you by the back of your head did I ever tell you that?”
“Stared at it enough in maths, of course you did.”
“That’s probably why I did so poorly that year remember,” I laugh. “Just staring at the back of your head.”
“That’s why I never sat anywhere but in front of you.” He swipes lightly down my nose and I smile. “Now I get to see every angle of you whenever I want.”
“Oi,” I slap his chest. “Save it for tonight.”
He brushes my cheek. Under his gaze I’m stripped naked. There was nothing to hide with him, ever.
“I understand how long it took you to get ready,” he says in his deep silky voice. My stomach flips. “So I can’t do anything right now. But y/n, our wedding night will turn into a wedding dawn, and then to day again. I promise you.”
I tip-toe, even in my heels, and brush my lips along his cheek. In his ear I whisper, “I don’t expect anything less.”
I step away, feeling unravelled by the look of desire in his eyes. I’m sure I had the same look of want. But before we can give in to what we wanted to do, I open the door to our suite and embrace the gust of cool air.
“You should get some air too,” I say and he laughs, following me behind.
“Bitch!” Taylor comes up to me on the dance floor later that night. We had dinner, Harry and I had our first dance, there’d been toasts and tears in between. I was finally letting loose as the wedding party crowds the dance floor. We had been taking pictures all night, after this next glass of champagne I was going to call it quits on photos lest anyone captures anything that’s not an elegant bride.
“What?” I turn away from Harry to face Taylor. She’d been running around all day making sure my wedding day was perfect and seeing her just warms me with love. I squeeze her against me despite her protests. “I love you Taylor. Thank you for everything!”
“Ugh c’mon,” she wriggles out. She’d never been very affectionate.
“Where’s your bloke?” I look out for him.
“He taking a call. Anyway don’t change the fucking subject!”
“What subject!?” I ask as someone dances past me, fluttering their fingers in my direction. I blow them a kiss.
“C’mere,” she’s annoyed I’m distracted. She drags me off to the side and I hold a finger up to Harry as he watches us. “When the fuck were you going to tell us about her? And you invite her to your wedding and everything and nobody knows anything!?”
“What?” I was drunker than I thought or Taylor was making no sense. “Wha?”
“The girl you just took a photo with? Don’t act stupid Y/N jeez I can’t believe it. You hid it from me when it happened but why are you still hiding…”
My sister grows more upset as she talks, I realize it was serious. Taylor rarely allowed herself to get this worked up in public.
I put my hand on her shoulder but she shakes it off. I think hard about who she was talking about. Who had I just taken photos with?
Some of Harry’s friends took a picture lifting us up, then there was a photo with my cousin but that can’t be who Taylor was talking about. There was Andie, a few other friends and their partners, then Bridget and Bridget and Philippe.
“Wait what are…who do you think that is? Taylor I work-“
“Your daughter! Why are you still acting fucking clueless!”
“What’s happening?” Harry walks in mid-way into the conversation.
“God you too!” Taylor turns to him and hits the back of her hand on his chest. He rubs the spot and stares at her like she’d gone crazy.
“Me too what?”
“Harry?” His mum walks up to us, her brows pulled together the same way Harry’s does when he’s confused.
“Who’s that girl? With the brown hair? Purple dress?”
She’s eyeing Bridget who’s laughing with Philippe.
“Bridget?” Harry glances at me and Taylor grows more pink.
“Bridget? That’s her name?” Taylor blinks away tears. “Really y/n? I get when it happened I was a child, you and mom kept it from me. But she’s, you invite her to you-“
“Invite who?!” I shout. What the hell did Taylor think.
“Y/n,” Harry puts his hand on my lower back in warning.
“Your daughter?” Taylor says with teary eyes and a look of betrayal on her face. “That’s your daughter isn’t it? She looks just like…”
“Jesus I thought the same thing,” Anne looks at all of us. “Harry?”
“That’s not-“ he stops talking and we all look over at her. I had to say, right now she really could be. With her hair curled and wearing what she’s wearing. She could be family.
“She’s my TA. I’ve known her for a couple years guys I’ve bloody taught her. That’s not our daughter. She wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight? Harry invited her last minute.”
They all turn to look at me. Taylor looks miffed, she bites her lip as she looks at her one last time.
“That’s weird. Nevermind.”
She leaves like she didn’t just make a big scene. Anne covers her hand with her mouth and shakes her head. “I’m sorry loves, I didn’t mean to upset anyone-“
“You didn’t do anything,” I reassure her. Taylor did. And she couldn’t even say sorry.
“Don’t worry mum,” Harry pays her arm. She fades into the crowd and Harry stands in front of me so all I see is him. “She’ll get air, she’ll be fine.”
“But how could she just cause such a big scene like I’d hide something like that from her? On my wedding day! And then leave without even apologizing ugh! She is still such a brat sometimes!”
“I know, she’ll apologize later just let her be.” He knew Taylor enough. He knew her at 13 and he knew her now. That’s exactly what she would do. “We’re getting you a shot.”
“That’s the last thing I need! I’m already kinda tipsy Har.”
“This won’t tip you over c’mon. Shake it off.”
He leads me to the bar and we take a shot. I nearly spill half of it, it was awful whatever it was. I lose Harry as we get back to the dancing and end up behind Bridget instead. Philippe noticed me first and slows his dancing, which signals Bridget to turn around.
“Y/n!” Her smile is so bright it hurts to look at. It dims as I just stare at her.
It would be crazy. It was a big fat coincidence. She had a mum, a dad, a sister, she told me all about them. Her childhood dog and the time she twisted her ankle playing football in year 4. She wasn’t who we wanted her to be.
“Are you alright?” I read her lips. There’s only ringing in my ears. “Hey! Y/n!”
Philippe is suddenly on my other side and I’m being led to a chair. He disappears and Bridget pulls a chair beside me.
“What’s,” my voice sticks and I clear my throat. “What’s going on between you two? He’s your date?”
“Philippe?” Bridget’s brows draw together and I can’t stop looking at where they meet. I knew her. I didn’t know her. I was too afraid to ask. “No just friends.”
“That’s not the way he’s looking at you.”
“What?” She tucks her hair back. “No we’ve been friends since high school. It’s not like that?”
“What would you do if he got a girlfriend?” It was a random conversation to have, here and right now but it helps me from tumbling anywhere else. Especially into a pool of what-ifs.
“I’d,” she shrugs but a flicker passes through her face, for a second her jaw clenches. “Be happy for him.”
“I’m not! Why are you asking?”
“You two like each other. I see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. Why did you invite him tonight?”
She shrugs, picking at something on her arm. “I dunno. He’s good at being a plus one. He always supports me? He’s always been there for me.”
“Sorry,” he shows up with a glass of water. “I swear the guy behind the bar was ignoring me.”
“Thank you Philippe,” by now I didn’t really need the water but I hold the icy glass in my hands. “Let’s see the pictures you took. I want them in my inbox or something soon. We don’t get our official photos for months.”
“Oh yeah here,” Phillipe hands over his phone after opening the photo. There are a couple of all of us, and then a few with just Bridget standing between Harry and I smiling.
I look between all three of us and feel something in my gut. But it’s too scary and big to unpack right now. I shove it away. I couldn’t do this. Not today, not tonight.
“You look beautiful Bridget,” I touch a lock of her hair. “Did I already say that?”
“Yeah,” she smiles awkwardly. “You said that before the photo.”
“You do. And so do you Philippe. Thank you for attending my wedding.”
“Thanks for inviting us,” Bridget looks at me wide-eyed, like she’s about to say something but when Philippe’s hand lands on her shoulder she looks down.
“What?” I ask anyway. Her eyes dart like prey to me, to Philippe, and down to her hands. I grab her hand and force her to look at me, like I could read something in her eyes. Like I would know. “Bridget.”
She looks up and her eyes well with tears as we look into each other’s eyes. My throat feels tight like I was having an allergic reaction, it travels down to my chest, I inadvertently feel myself squeezing her hand.
“I’m so-“
“Bridget,” Philippe’s voice cuts through whatever Bridget was going to apologize for. I look up at him and he’s burning a hole staring at her that hard. Over his head I see Harry.
“Oh look I see my husband,” Harry’s spots me too, relief in his features. His eyes stay on my face as he walks towards me and his eyes keep my steady. I want to tell him something, but everything that just happened was so non-verbal and unreal that I think I made it all up. I must be because this was insane and there was no explanation other than I was drunk, and sadder than I realized. “Gotta go kids. Have fun. I think I need another shot.”
I remember the rest of the night in snapshots. I forget myself later, giving myself up to Harry after that. We actually make it to dawn in a mixture of love and declarations, filthy words and I love yous, laughter and deeper conversations. It’s everything we were. It’s just like he promised.
Life moves on and I don’t bring anything up to Harry. I couldn’t, either I’m wrong and get his hopes up, or he thinks I’d gone insane in my sadness.
I feel like Bridget avoids me the week after, I return to class and she sits there, even takes questions after class, but she makes an excuse of studying during office hours and I barely get a few words with her. The week after she has an exam and she skips out after class.
I’m antsy. I want to know more about her; from her. I’m tempted to find a way to access her profile, get more info via the school. But I wait.
Harry notices, as we prep for our honeymoon booked over the holidays, he continues to ask if I was alright. And I try to convince us both I was.
About 3 weeks after the wedding, it’s a Saturday afternoon. Harry’s making lunch and I’m sitting in a pile of our books trying to decide what can be donated.
“Can you get that?” Harry asks.
“The door?” He says just as there’s another knock. I’d been so entranced in the book I’d randomly started reading a passage of I hadn’t even heard.
I scramble to get it before the next knock and nearly stumble back when I find Bridget at the door.
“Hiya,” she says with an awkward wave.
“Hi…Bridget. What…come in what’s going on?”
“Sorry? Now that I’m here I should have called first.” She comes in and I go further in, waiting for her to follow. She hesitates before peeling her wet boots off.
“Harry? We have a guest,” I announce as I take her further into the home. I guess she’d already been here once before. “Bridget what can we do you for? Did you need something?”
“Bridget!” Harry pops out of the kitchen into the adjoined living room when we get closer. “Nice to see you again! I’m nearly done lunch, did you want to stay?”
What was it with Harry randomly inviting Bridget to things that were not pre-discussed.
“Um, I no. I probably shouldn’t. I just, came by to talk?”
“Sure,” I lead her to our dining table. “Is it about school? Did something happen?”
I sit across from her and Harry mumbles something, turning the dials down on the stovetop before sitting beside me.
Bridget’s eyes dart everywhere, from me to Harry, to the pictures on the wall, the kitchen, the books all over the floor.
“I was just doing a clearout,” I say to fill the silence. “Hey you like books right? Look through that pile there later if you want any of ‘em.”
“Actually,” she tucks her hair behind her ear. I feel Harry tense beside me. “I have a book for you.”
She leans down to where her tote rests and pulls something out. She lays it on her lap first, where we can’t see it. When she looks up to us she has tears in her eyes and her chin quivers.
“Please,” she whispers before pausing. My stomach drops as I take her in. Her face is blotchy and her hair hangs around her face, hiding half of it. She’s definitely cried before coming here, and I almost feel like deja vu as she places the book on the table. “Please don’t hate me.”
She slides it across to us. It’s just a simple leather hardcover, about 30cm by 30cm. The thing in my gut, the suspicion or the intuition, it turns into a cackling ball of energy and moves up to my sternum. I put my hand over it, and then move it to Harry’s leg. He’s frozen like a statue, staring at the book.
“Please open it?” Bridget says with tears streaking her face.
When Harry doesn’t make a move I pull it the rest of the way towards us. I open the first page to a few baby pictures.
I’d never held her in my hands, never even saw her. I’d pushed her out into this world, into another’s arms. But somehow I know who this is.
“Bridget,” I don’t even look at her. I start to frantically flip through the pages. The baby grows, 2 months, 6 months, 1 years old. Another girl joins in some photos, she always has an arm around the other child. I flip and flip and flip and even though I’m expecting it the photo stops my breathing.
I stare at the clone, or the original, of the photo on my fridge.
I’m frozen until another photo is slid towards us. It comes into view: two teenagers on Halloween night. The guy is dressed like the girl, the girl is dressed like the guy.
I throw my chair back and in the time it takes to walk to Bridget she stands too.
“I’m so sorry,” she sobs but I just do what I wanted to do the second she was born.
I hug her. I hold her to my chest the way I never got to over 19 years ago. She belonged here. She never got to be here.
She was finally home. My daughter.
“Bridget,” I cry into her hair. Harry’s hair. She had Harry’s hair, his eyes. She got my nose and everything else. I was holding my daughter. She was in my arms, finally.
She really did look like Taylor as a baby.
“I’m sorry,” she cries again. “I was so scared and I screwed up and-“
“No.” I say fiercely. I push her out of the hug so I can grab her face. I wipe her tears and I nearly cry again. How many tears had I missed? Over skinned knees, playground taunts, first crushes and friendship breakups. How many tears had I missed? “Don’t say that. You’re here. You’re—Harry!”
I turn to him, why wasn’t he here?
He’s sat exactly where he was before. Frozen, staring at a spot between the picture of us and Bridget.
I let go of Bridget and move back to him.
“Baby,” I touch his arm and he springs up. Tears coat his lashes.
“‘Scuse me,” he brushes past me and heads out into the hall. Away from us. I want to go after him but I don’t want to leave Bridget—our daughter, alone.
“I’m sorry I knew I would ruin things I-“
“Please,” I want to go after him so bad but I go to Bridget and pull her into a gentler hug. When we part I keep hold of her shoulders. I never wanted to let her go. “He’s just processing it. He’s fine. He’s not mad at you I promise. Promise.”
She bites her lip, it reminds me of Taylor. She was a bit of everyone I knew and loved. She was the love that Harry and I always had. She was ours.
“I just got so scared when I tried to reach…I didn’t mean to deceive you. I didn’t. I felt terrible every day.”
“It’s okay,” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “There’s nothing to be sorry about-“
“But I saw you,” she cuts me off. “After I finally called you back and then just like, ghosted you. And every time I saw you at school it was like…I knew I was to blame. And it made me want to tell you even more but I got more scared any time I came close to it. I almost said it at your wedding—it would have been so stupid. Philippe stopped me.”
“I understand,” I did. I also didn’t care about any of it. She was here. That’s all I cared about. I wanted to know everything about her, I needed Harry here though. “Look Harry…your…Harry. I’m just going to check on him. You stay here and just…”
I trail off and leave. I had to be sure he was okay.
He’s not in the bedroom, or the office. I try the door to the toilet and it opens, he’s sitting on the edge of the tub with his head in his hands.
“She leave?” He asks in a hoarse voice.
“Oh baby,” I crouch in front of him. “No. She’s still here but I just wanted to check on you.”
“I’m pathetic,” he buries his hands in his hair. “I’ve been waiting my whole adult life for this and all I do is freeze. Her first impression is of her dad just freezing and then running away.”
I try not to laugh at his dramatic retelling. “Har you know that’s not true. She’s known you before this. It was a shock-“
“You were fine.”
“You know I…always suspected. Especially after the wedding.”
He looks up at that, finally. “You never said.”
“Harry, I felt crazy. Saying it out loud would have forced me to check myself into the psych ward. We all react differently, it doesn’t matter though. Our baby girl is here. The day we talked about!”
He takes a deep breath, and then another one. I guide him to stand and he looks so limp and sad that I squeeze him in a hug. “She doesn’t care how you reacted. She just wants to know you.”
Harry sighs again, he splashes his face with water and we walk out. I was nervous for him.
We walk back into the living room and my heart sinks when Bridget isn’t there. But her things are?
A few steps further and she’s at the stovetop, stirring a pot.
“Oh sorry,” she steps back and nearly throws the spatula into the pot. “It was boiling a lot and-“
“Bridget,” Harry ignores most of what she’s saying and she freezes at the sound of her name. He’s a foot away from her now. I watch him raise a hand to her face and then drop it. His face is a cross between heartbreak and awe as they drink each other in. I wait in anticipation.
“Hi,” she finally says shyly. But it breaks the ice. Harry pulls her into a hug and she returns it tenfold from the looks of it. I can’t tell who’s crying, but I give them their moment as I turn the dials off on the stovetop.
It was just a regular Saturday, except it wasn’t. Our worlds exploded with our past and was putting itself back together again, all the old broken pieces were being mended back together with love. My chest drowns in it, I can barely breathe. In Harry’s arms, there’s no denying she’s ours.
“Thank you,” Bridget says as we tuck into dinner. Harry’s lunch prep had gone cold as we’d all sat down and talked about how Bridget found us (looking me up, finding out I was teaching a course she was interested in, forcing her friend Philippe to take it to see if I was who she thought I was), and going through her album. I found out more about her sister Louisa and her parents. It was weird seeing pictures of them, in my mind they were the people that took my baby as their own and for Bridget they were mum and dad.
We finally decide to do something about food when our stomachs rumble. Harry goes back to cooking, showing Bridget what he’s doing until she leaves to take a call. I recognize Philippe on the caller ID.
I take Bridget’s place but I’m more of an extra weight tied to Harry’s back as I hug hun from behind. We don’t even have words on what this all means to us. For now, just touching each other keeps us grounded, it keeps is in what was happening together.
Bridget comes back from the call when we’re nearly done.
“I just want to say I am sorry—and I know you said not to be,” Bridget says quickly before I can get a word in. “But I never meant to deceive the both of you. My plan was to take your class, leave the letter and then talk. I Googled you so much it felt like I knew you. Yet when we spoke in your office that day, you felt familiar but In a different way than the person I studied. I just liked you so much, and I wanted you to like me. I was scared maybe you wouldn’t. So I just screwed the plan and messed up everything.”
“Hey,” Harry hands her a tissue and she takes it. Under the table he squeezes my hand. “It’s in the past.”
“I know. Still made me feel awful. And I couldn’t tell you but I also couldn’t stay away. I applied for TA and, it felt like having a friend and a sister and a mentor all in one. And I…I screwed up. I took it too far. And then you invited me to your wedding—I got to attend my parents’ wedding! It was so absurd. I couldn’t stop crying.”
Sounded like me. But I don’t say anything. We listen to her attentively.
“I only told my sister. I wanted to tell you two before I told my parents.”
I think about my parents. Harry’s. I didn’t want to overwhelm her but I couldn’t wait to introduce her to everyone that already loved her.
“I just hope…no, I know I hurt you two a lot. I didn’t mean to. I am really sorry about it all.”
“Bridget,” Harry’s hand comes down on hers. “What’s done is over. There are so many things we wish we did differently but ultimately it’s all done. All that matters is you’re here, now. You’re our daughter we never got to meet and you’re finally here.”
Harry’s voice cracks on the last word and he sits back and laughs away the tears. “Sorry. I’m a mess today aren’t I? Your first impression of me is a crying mess.”
“That’s not my first impression,” Bridget laughs but her eyes also fill with tears. “That night at the pub. When I saw you two together I nearly bloody fainted! When I looked you up y/n, there’d been an old wedding registry with another bloke. But then seeing you two together?! I just couldn’t believe it—I thought I dreamed it. And then I nearly cried because my bio parents were somehow together?? And the way you just stared into my soul it felt like you knew who I was.”
I laugh, remembering but also knowing exactly what look Bridget was talking about. “He does have a piercing look doesn’t he?”
“Yeah. It could gut someone!”
“That makes it sound awful!” Harry laughs. “Don’t say that.”
“It nearly gutted me! I really thought oh shite—“ Bridget freezes and looks between us like we were gonna scold her for swearing and I nearly leap across the table to hug her again then. “I uhm, I thought you knew who I was.”
“We thought it then,” I let my eyes roam over her. I realize I’d always been a mother, despite not having my daughter. Holding her earlier had awoken an instinct in me and now every time I look at her I feel a rush of love and something fierce. I wonder if Harry felt it too. “But we thought we were mental!”
Her phone chimes as we laugh. She flips it around and then tucks it into her purse.
“You need to take that?” Harry asks.
“No it’s just Philippe. He was at the wedding? I was just talking to him, I hadn’t texted him in a while he wanted to know how it went.”
“Philippe,” I say with a knowing smile. Bridget blushes and Harry asks what he’s missing out on so I fill him in.
“He sounds like a good lad,” Harry comments.
“A good lad?” I repeat. “Are you hearing him?”
Bridget laughs behind her hand and I can’t stop staring at her. I have to force myself to go back to eating.
“He is. I might have told him about how I felt?”
“Wow,” I put my fork down. “You’re confessing an awful lot lately.”
She blushes even deeper. And suddenly I’m grateful of the weird and layered way she’d come into our lives. Despite hiding the truth, it had allowed us to get to know each other as people first. Without any baggage or give me any inclination to fit who I thought she should be onto who was in front of me.
I got to know her for the young woman she was first, so did Harry in a way. And I would be forever grateful for that despite all the pain in between.
“Sorry,” I get up. The affection was overflowing from my cup. “I’m going to give you another hug because I just can’t believe all this.”
“Ohh,” Bridget stands to meet me and we wrap our arms around each other. Here was a girl I already knew, here was my daughter waiting to be known.
“God, she really is our daughter.” Harry quips from his side of the table. He explains when Bridget looks over at him, “y/n is known to be a big touchy person, I’m kinda like that too.”
“Oh my god,” she smiles at us. “I’m like that too! My sister hates hugs. My dad’s 2 pats on the back man, 3 if he’s feeling a lot. I always wondered if…”
She trails off. It seems to hit all of us all over again every so often. For me it’s when she talks about her mum and dad and it’s not Harry and I. The reminder that she went 19 years becoming her own person that we now were catching up on.
For her, it seems it was realizing all the parts of us that were in her.
“You got Harry’s hair, and eyes.” I comment.
“I did! I realized that as soon as I saw a photo online. But I do look a bit like you.”
“You do! I should show you some younger pictures of us and our families. You’ll see more similarities.”
“Wow. So you have a younger sister. How about you Harry?”
“Older sister. Seems we all have sisters.”
Bridget and I make eye contact, remembering a conversation we had what feels like ages ago about having sisters.
We continue our dinner, swapping stories and filling her in on anything she wants to know. She leaves after, claiming to have to get back home, she had an exam on Monday to study for.
When she leaves Harry and I can’t stop talking about her. Or gushing would be more accurate.
“Did you see the way she laughs?” I’d tell him. “Pure you!”
“The way she tucks her hair back,” he would retaliate. “Just like you. You did that especially back in secondary.”
We talk until we’re exhausted, crawling into bed just staring in wonder. There were still so many details to figure out, so many things to cover, it could drown a person thinking of it all.
But like an anchor in the sea, Harry and I fall asleep with hand clasped together. We keep each other buoyed amidst it all.
It was going to take time for this all to sink in but all I’ve ever had was time, and questions. I think I was finally getting time and answers.
Age 39:
Harry’s pov: Having our daughter in our lives is simple and complicated at the same time. At first there were a lot of things to untangle but as time went on, the knots loosened until our lives became their own knots, tangled into each other.
Meeting her parents, the people I met once many years ago, was likely the strangest part. They already felt so familiar as soon as they greeted us in a warm embrace, as if we were there own children. I guess the last time they saw us we were.
“Oh look at you,” Bridget’s mum had squeezed us tight. Her dad had pat us three times and we took it to mean as much as a hug.
In my mind they were always the age they had been then. They were probably around the age we are now. Seeing them sport greys and fine lines, it was like stepping into a time portal.
Lou, Bridget’s sister, eyes us for the first little while before warming up and sharing all kinds of stories—especially the embarrassing kind with us.
When Bridget meets Y/n’s family, I can tell they’re loud and overwhelming at first but we’re all surprised when Taylor embraces Bridget and takes to her immediately.
She brings out old pictures they had of Y/N and I, but every time she says, “your mum and dad…” when she talks about us through the pictures, I notice y/n protesting less and less.
It makes me feel funny, I keep thinking I was going to wake up and find out it had all been a dream.
“This feels very full circle to me,” y/n’s mum says. She’s watching Taylor talk about her baby bump—she was 3 months along. “I saw Bridget as a wee baby when they handed her over to her parents. I remember running late to hospital and making it to the room just in time to see it. I blinked and now she’s in my living room!”
“Sometimes I feel the same way,” I confess.
My family is slightly quietier but they all fuss over our daughter. They ask a million questions and when it’s all over we take Bridget for ice cream. It’s a pseudo-recreation of a life we never had.
Bridget eases into it too. At first she had bouts of disappearing on us. No more than a couple days. But we give her space, understanding it was overwhelming.
Every time I see her, I see her mum—y/n. I was never there when y/n gave birth. We had to drive up from London when we got the news and by the time I got there the dust had settled.
I never even had the potential of seeing her. I’d always been more sympathetic of y/n; her loss had been physical, mine was slightly more abstract.
Even though I’d spent every year since regretting that I wasn’t there to at least glimpse her, I’m glad now I hadn’t been there to see her. If I had to live the last 18 years with this feeling in my chest I don’t think I could have lasted that long. I don’t know how y/n did it. It’s a concoction of deep unconditional love, and tenderness, and recognition, wrapped in a shell of protectiveness. It took me a while to sort through it all but I had a conversation with my parents one night at dinner Y/n and I had visited. And they’d laughed because they had told me that was simply what being a parent was.
“Maybe she regrets it,” I had said the second time she ghosted us. Really it had just been over a day where she hadn’t gotten back to us. But I couldn’t help the overthinking, being tuned into any potential of loss with our daughter.
Somehow, y/n was the cool headed between us two in these moments. Maybe it was being a mum, maybe it was knowing Bridget beforehand, but she was very in sync with her.
“She needs space. The last thing we want her to be is overwhelmed too. Now don’t overwhelm yourself love, at least she’s in our lives.” She’d say.
It takes us the start of the summer and all those meets later for Bridget to finally feel at ease.
We invite her on a road trip, we were renting a place in the Cotswold for a few days and told her to bring Philippe. When she doesn’t even hesitate to say yes Y/n tells me we’d done it: she was finally more comfortable than overwhelmed.
“Y/N made me a better man,” I say after a couple drinks. We’re all sat around a fire outside the house. Despite it being a warm day of hiking the night had cooled significantly and we’d decided that boozy hot cocoas was the way to go. “I’ve lost my ways a lot of times as an adult. But she’s always been my north star. Even when we got back together she led me to being sober and getting my shite together.”
“Oh…” Philippe looks down at his drink. “Are you…”
“No,” I laugh, Philippe was the most-conscientious teen I’d ever met. “I got sober to get my life in order. But…it’s in order now. I haven’t done anything crazy for over a year now.”
A little before our wedding I decided I wanted to end my sobriety. It had been a thought for months, and I had waited before giving in. But I really felt more in control of my life. I faced my life decisions head on, I confronted my past with y/n’s help, and I didn’t think I’d lose control again. It had been a shaky first week but I was right. It was a proud moment for me.
“You two really have something special,” Bridget comments.
“They do,” Philippe adds. “I can’t believe you got your happy ending after so many years!”
“Yeah,” y/n says as I lay my hand on her thigh, palm up. “Y’know what they say about loving someone and letting them go.”
“I guess you did that with me,” Bridget says so quietly we almost don’t hear her. But out here in the countryside we do.
“We didn’t want to,” I remind her.
“No I know.” She smiles, it’s a bit sad. Philippe tugs her closer. I could see how much he cared for her in that small gesture. “I’m not saying it like that. I hear your story and I just imagine how different my life would have been if I was raised by my, by you two. I wouldn’t have this life. And I really like this life.”
She looks at Philippe and I feel y/n squeeze my hand. She often said they reminded her of us when we were younger; the kind of love you’d do anything for.
“But you two loved me enough to let me go. To let each other go. It’s fucking sad but it’s beautiful. Life’s weird.”
“Here here,” Y/N raises her nearly empty cup of hot cocoa. “Life’s weird, sad, beautiful, but lately my life’s been full of so much love. I wish I could sell all the excess, I think I could solve a lot of world problems with it.”
“Wow,” I lean over and kiss the top of her head. “That’s one hell of a speech.”
“I have a speech,” Philippe stands, a little tipsy, and clears his throat. Bridget rolls her eyes but they shine for him. “Bridget you’re the love of my life. Since we were 13. But Harry and Y/N, I think I love you too. Ever since we were 15, I’ve watched Bridge struggle for answers about her past. And you two have given her all the answers, welcomed her—and me actually, into your lovely life. I’ve watched her become old Bridge but even more confident. I’m falling harder for her these days. And I can’t thank you guys enough.”
“Aw Philippe come here,” y/n lets of my hand to walk around and give him a hug. How quickly strangers became family.
Bridget grumbles about being left out and joins the hug. Soon I join in too. I want to create a mold of this moment, I think as I squeeze them against me, I’d make it out of plaster and let it dry. Any time we wanted, we could always find our way back to this moment here.
Age 40:
Y/N and I watch our daughter cross the stage. Beside us are our parents and in front of us sits Bridget’s parents and her sister. She has a whole army cheering for her. This was the first milestone event we could all really show up for, and show up we did.
“I can’t believe this,” I was so proud of her. I know the kudos went to her parents, and herself, but I beam with pride. Honestly Bridget could spin in a circle in front of me and I would be a proud dad.
“We need to get photos,” mum leans over and says so seriously, as if we hadn’t planned on getting a million already.
We have a framed picture in our hall, Y/N and I on our wedding day, our daughter in between us. Her graduation photo is definitely making it. She makes fun of this wall, calls it the Styles hall of fame, and I never mention it but she always lingers a few second longer in front of the photo of the three of us.
I do too.
“It makes me so sad you won’t be so close to me anymore,” my mum tells Bridget later. We’re all piled in our flat, drinks and celebratory cake in everyone’s hands.
It reminds me of mine and y/n’s 40th birthday, we had gathered our family and friends here and it was some of their first times meeting our daughter. Today is more intimate, and focused on Bridget.
“I know it makes me sad too, but I’ll be here often, visiting Philippe.”
“Only visiting Philippe?” I raise a brow.
“Is there someone else I’m supposed to be visiting?” She mirrors my raised brow.
As Bridget’s gotten more comfortable, me and her could banter for hours if you let us, it’s one of those things that brought us closer together—having the same sense of humour. It’s allowed us to have just as deep heart-to-hearts, a handy joke always close to the surface.
Y/N always says seeing me like that, thoughtful and silly, reminds her of the boy she fell for. I can’t deny that I’ve been feeling closer to my 20 year old self than my 40 year old self lately.
“She’s too cheeky,” Bridget’s mum says. “But I have to say I’ll be glad to have her back.”
Lou, Bridget’s sister, was moving to Wales. Apparently she wanted to know more about her background, and take a trip with her bio mum to visit her bio dad.
I think Bridget was moving back to Coventry to keep her parents’ loneliness away; she said she would commute to Birmingham for school. Even though she got accepted into law schools in London, going to a uni close to her parents just showed me how close she was to her parents. It was a bittersweet feeling.
“I’ll have somebody to watch cricket with again,” her dad says.
“Ohh,” Bridget throws her sister a side-eye. “I love cricket…”
We all laugh at her complete lack of concealing her true feelings.
Later that night, it’s just Bridget’s parents and us. The kids are on the balcony talking.
“I know we’ve said it before,” I say after a long silence. We’d just been watching the kids talk and laugh outside. “But I want to say thank you again.”
Bridget’s dad shakes his head. “It was the greatest pleasure of our lives getting to raise those two girls.”
He looks over at his wife and they smile at one another. Seeing them interact, I’m grateful that somehow fate had led us to them. While Y/N and I were figuring life out, while I fucked up a lot of things, she was raised on a steady and stable foundation.
“She’s incredible,” I murmur. “She’s gonna be a lawyer. She’s going to change the world.”
“She sure will,” her mum says. “We should be thanking you two. For giving us Bridget. I know it wasn’t easy, you told me you thought about her nearly every day. But we can’t imagine our lives without her.”
We sit in a comfortable silence, looking out at the kids until they notice and start to ask questions through the glass.
“She’s happier,” her mum says smiling at Bridget and Lou exaggerating their words through the glass. “She stopped being like this before she left for uni. We thought we lost her but…I think everything worked out for the best.”
Y/N glances at me. Her eyes crinkle when she finds me looking at her first, her eyes steady me as she says what I was thinking, “I think so too.”
Age 45
Your pov: “When did she say she would be here?”
“6?” Harry says for the tenth time.
“It’s 6:20 do you think something happened? She hasn’t texted has she?”
“My love,” Harry puts down the cutlery he was arranging on the table and holds my face in his hands. “They’re driving from Coventry, they probably hit some traffic.”
“Maybe I should call her?”
Harry sighs and squishes my face.
“Don’t! You’ll make more wrinkles.” I warn.
“I love your wrinkles,” Harry kisses my forehead right where the pesky wrinkles had been growing deeper over the last few years despite the additions to my night routine.
Harry always said our wrinkles were just the stories of our lives showing through. I told him to get himself undereye cream.
“You don’t think I’m aging handsomely?” He strokes the moustache he started growing last year. At this age, even I couldn’t deny it made him even more attractive.
“Well it’s no good if you’re ageing handsomely and I age like a troll.”
“I will love you if you age into a troll.”
“But will you love me if I turn into a worm?”
“Do you even have to ask? I’d buy you the best soil and keep you in a beautiful pot.”
“You wouldn’t take me fishing?” I ask. He sighs. Last year while we were taking a trip up north for Lou’s wedding, we’d gotten into a fight and when I asked him the question while he was still stewing he said he’d take me fishing. It had, ironically, broken the iciness of his anger and we’d laughed about it so hard he’d nearly had to pull over.
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” he wraps me into his chest nearly suffocating me.
I’d spent half my life with a lot of difficulties, but life now felt easy compared to it. I had the privilege of getting older with the man I adored, got to watch my daughter flourish as an adult and a lawyer, watch her get married to the love of her life, and all the while live comfortably in the heart of this city I called home.
When Bruno starts barking though, I gasp and push myself off of Harry, “that’s them!”
Bruno continues to bark as I rush to the door. We’d got him a couple years ago as a pup and I can’t believe it had taken us that long to get a dog. He filled our lives with laughter and long walks. We loved him.
“Down.” I say to him. I open the door and hold my hands out while Bruno runs in circles beside me.
“Ahhh sorry we’re late!” Bridget steps into my hug and I tug Philippe’s hood so he can join. Bruno goes for Philippe when they walk in, he’d gotten obsessed with him after Philippe took care of him while Harry and I took an anniversary trip last year.
“Where are my hellos!?” Bridget says to Bruno and he barks, standing on his back legs to paw at her leg.
I hadn’t seen the two of them since March, that was 6 months ago. It had been their wedding, and they’d gone on a month long honeymoon after that, after which Harry and I had taken time off to road trip around Europe with Bruno, and then time had just zipped by.
After a hearty dinner, Harry and I carry out the birthday cake we’d been hiding.
“You didn’t have to do this!” Bridget fans her face but we treat it like we do any special occasion, plus making up for all the ones we’d missed. We get photos and exchange presents, she cries reading the cards and the whole time she says she had a present for us.
It’s a small bag, Harry and I guess that it was something for Bruno but when we take out a box it doesn’t sound like much when we shake it.
“Is this a prank gift? There’s nothing in it?” Harry asks.
“Open it!” He was making me antsy.
“You open it,” he hands me the box. Bridget and Philippe stare intently at my hands.
I undo the bow and slowly open the box. There’s a small square of tissue paper, and then a piece of paper. I remove both but something catches my eye.
I flip the paper over and stop breathing.
“Is that-“ Harry stops talking too. We stare at the piece of paper in our hands. It looks so much like one I had held 28 years ago. But it’s not.
“Bridge,” I look up at the couple. The parents-to-be.
“We’re having a baby,” Bridget says. Philippe and her are gripping hands and I throw everything off of me to launch myself at her.
“A baby!” I hear Harry say and joining us. “You’re having a baby! Y/n!”
“I never thought we’d be grandparents,” I look up at Harry.
“Those wrinkles were coming in for a reason,” he teases.
We never did have any other kids. Quite frankly, neither of us wanted any. When we first got together we were just starting to get comfortable with the reminder that we had a daughter out there and we could talk about her freely with each other. It felt like having a third person in our little family.
After Harry proposed, while we planned our wedding, we talked about it but we never thought it felt right. We both had first marriages where a lack of conceiving had just put a strain on the relationship we didn’t think we needed. We’d also felt like it was betraying something, before we met our first child.
When Bridget did reach out, it became about catching up on lost time. And then with her in our lives we knew what we suspected all along. We had each other, and that was enough. Bridge was our bonus. And getting to be aunt and uncle to our nieces and nephews it was enough. It was a full enough life.
We never even dreamed in our 20s we’d get to be parents and now we would get to be grandparents! I never realized until this moment that I wanted this. Really wanted it.
“Do you know the gender?” Harry asks.
“No,” Philippe answers. “We were thinking of doing one of those reveal parties? But not for a couple months.”
“Wow,” my hands drift down to Bridget’s belly and I remember I had something. I leap away from the group and find the box in my closet, it’s painted pink with random collages from old magazines. It hosts old diaries, photos, a hospital bracelet, and an ultrasound.
“This was you once,” I show her the picture when I get back. “I carried you like that once upon a time.”
She takes it with teary eyes, holding it close to her face to make out the shape of her. She hands it to Philippe and grabs my hands.
“I’ve thought about it before, but when I got pregnant I couldn’t wait to tell you-“
“She kept telling me I had to make a trip out to London just so she could give you the news.” Philippe interrupts, eyes scanning the ultrasound still.
“No really,” Bridget laughs. “I did. It’s like I got this new perspective.”
She puts my hands on her belly and covers mine with hers. I feel everything at once then, all the heartbreak I ever went through to get here.
“I can’t imagine giving this baby up. And it’s barely 3 months. What you were willing to do to give me a better life-“
She breaks off and Philippe squeezes her shoulder. I watch my daughter try to gain control of her emotions. I remember when I was pregnant with her, anything would set me off.
“It must not have been easy. After carrying me like this for 9 whole months. Thank you-“ she looks up to where Harry’s standing. I barely register his hand on my shoulder. “Thank you as my mum and dad, for making the hardest decision I can imagine ever making, so I could have something you knew you couldn’t provide.”
I reel my tears in, save them for later that night in bed while Harry holds me tight against him.
Right now I kiss my daughter and tell her what a good mother she will make. I tell her and Philippe how proud I was of them, how excited, how wonderful this was.
Age 46
The day we meet our granddaughter is seared into my brain. We get the call at 8:35pm, Harry and I were staying in a B&B in Coventry despite Bridget’s mum insisting we stay with her. We’d been here all weekend, booked it all week, not wanting to miss Bridget’s delivery date.
“Y/N she’s here,” her mum whispers into the phone. Her voice is filled with joy and giddiness. “She’s here.”
“We’re coming,” I say. Harry’s already at the door and we rush out into the night to see our granddaughter.
She has the perfect little face, and when she finally wakes up I gasp when I see Harry’s eyes looking back at me. I turn to him, to see if he noticed, but he’s teary-eyed and gazing at the baby in awe. I soak it in for a second, imagining this exact look if we’d kept our baby so many years ago.
Bridget’s parents had given us the room, to give us a moment alone, and I can’t be more grateful. Bridget encourages us to hold her and as her soft body is pressed into my body I let out a sob and hand her over to Harry. I excuse myself and step outside the room.
Lou’s kids sit on the floor outside, playing with whatever toys are spilling out of a miniature backpack. I focus on the flashy colours, trying to calm down, counting the number of toys falling out.
My life was a 180 from 10 years ago. This moment would go down in our history books as one of the best days of our lives.
But I can’t deny the bittersweet. The experience threatens to push me into the bitter past of not even getting to hold Baby Bridget. But with it comes an undeniable sweetness of getting to experience this now.
I take a deep breath and walk back in. Harry and Bridget stop mid-sentence and turn to me. Bridget’s face is streaked with tears, Harry’s looks concerned but I smile. He sits with the pink bundle to his chest and I ache.
“Don’t look so obvious you were talking about me,” I try a joke.
“Are you alright?” Bridget asks.
“May I hold her?” I ask in return.
I sit on the edge of the bed and she’s placed in my arms; she’s perfect. Just as perfect as Bridget must have been.
“She’s got Philippe’s hair,” I gently stroke the wispy blonde strands.
“She’s got my eyes, her grandpa’s eyes.”
I look at Harry. And he catches the stricken look on my face when Bridget tips forward and whispers to her baby.
“Look baby, this is your mumma’s mum, and your mumma’s dad. You’ve got his beautiful eyes. Say hi to grandma!”
My throat tightens. “Bridge.”
She leans away, her eyes dart between us. “I know I call you Y/N and Harry. It made it easier at first but…you are my mum and dad. Even though I have another pair. You are my mum and dad. And I want her to know you like that.”
“Oh love,” Harry leans down and kisses the top of our daughter’s head. She keeps her green eyes trained on me, grasping my hand that’s wrapped under her baby’s.
I mouth a thank you, my voice couldn’t pass through the block in my throat. She squeezes my hand and it sets the baby off. Remembering when my nephews were this young, I just hand her back to Bridget knowing she only wanted her mum.
Harry and I stay in the waiting room. We couldn’t go home, even though we had spent our allotted time we had inside the room, we stay there.
We watch Lou’s kids as Bridget’s family gathers in her room. We stay as they fall asleep, draped over us. I remember when Taylor’s kids were this small, they would fall asleep anywhere.
We talk in whispers, I don’t remember what about exactly. Mostly how excited we were. How there was so much to look forward to. How different our lives looked a decade ago.
“One day we’ll tell our grandkids,” I remember Harry saying. “We’ll tell them all about us, how we met, how our love burned so bright it shone in the sky. We lost each other but our love was always there to guide us back home.”
“We’ll see them grow up, all the memories we missed.”
“We’ll change diapers.”
“We’ll change diapers,” I giggle, half-delirious by the lack of sleep. It was probably 2am and I was tired.
When I gaze up at Harry I remember him holding our granddaughter. I replace her with Bridget. For a minute I allow myself to imagine how that would have been.
“I think you would have made an amazing mum if we did things differently,” Harry whispers into my hair.
“You too.” I whisper back.
“An amazing mum? You think?” The edge of his lips tug upwards.
“Harry,” I warn. We had kids sleeping on us we were trying not to wake.
“I love you.” He says in response. “To the stars and back.”
On our drive home I can’t stop looking at him. I always wondered how it would be like to grow old with someone; when I was younger and watch my own parents celebrate anniversaries. And then when I was older and my first marriage was so rocky.
But thinking about it now is like a simple mathematical equation. You take two lives, two individuals, and you bracket them in love. You add an exponent—the decision to continue choosing each other. And you get a lifelong commitment. No matter the situation, no matter the challenges or the changes, you choose to choose each other.
His side profile lights up by an oncoming car. For a second he’s the same boy I feel in love with, a few more gray hairs, a few more wrinkles, and a moustache. But he’d always be the boy I followed out to the roof, who held my hand in our high school hallway, the one who turned an I into a we when I got pregnant, I see the man I had coffee with after a run-in at the Whole Foods, I see the broken heart from a harsh life sitting on the steps of a church, I see a bookworm, I see a father, a husband, and now a grandfather. I see the one person who knows me like the back of his hand. The one I am home with always.
“What is it?” Harry asks as we pull into our b&b. “Have you been asleep this whole ride or have you been staring at me?”
“Staring at you?” I ask. “You think I was staring at you the whole ride?”
“Well you were really silent. And facing me
“I was thinking.”
“About me?”
“Why are you so desparate!? Do I not show you enough love regularly?”
“I could always use more,” Harry looks half asleep as we reach our door.
“The people are right: you give someone a hand and watch as they take the whole arm,” I tease.
“When you gave me your hand, I made you a wife.” Harry retorts.
“Ooh,” I poke him. “I have to say that’s a good comeback for being half-asleep.”
Harry grins back. “You keep me sharp.”
“And you keep me happy. Now open the door so I can stop freezing out here!”
We walk into the warmth of our b&b.
For so much of our lives, our past decisions haunted us. We let so much go. Now life was repaying us, returning it all back, with interest.
In a small b&b in the middle of a town called Coventry, two lovers crawl into bed. They’d just become grandparents and they carry an exhausted buzz about them as they try to fall asleep. They’re both thinking of the other, of their daughter, of the tiny bundle they held in their arms today.
Some 20 minutes away their daughter lays in a hospital bed, an exhausted buzz putting her to sleep. She dreams of her mother who gave her up, how she had found her parents in the end, and dreams about the kind of mother she’ll be.
A few doors down lay her newborn daughter, she doesn’t dream of much, not yet, but she’s in for a lifetime of love.
Most of life is what we made it. Y/N and Harry loved deeply enough to make it.
TAGLIST: @quinnwritezz @unknownnbihh @dilfhrrys @umadirectioner @hermionelove @anonymous-91 @meganxfddf
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 11 months
The MHA Fandom and How Minoru is written in Fanfics:
So today I wanna talk about a somewhat controversial topic. Let me preface this by saying that I am no means a Minoru Stan. I’m pretty neutral about his character but I completely understand the hate he gets due to his actions.
However, a pet peeve of mine is how people write Minoru in such a negative light that it becomes OOC, especially when they write Katsuki in an extremely positive light when both of them have done extremely shitty things. Let me break down some stereotypes that fanfic writers fall into when writing Minoru:
Homophobic/Quirkist Minoru: Something that is constantly done in MHA to villainize a character they don’t like is to make them either homophobic or quirkist when they aren’t in canon. Focusing on the homophobia part, Minoru’s a victim with this alongside other characters such as Neito and Inko. A lot of authors will write Minoru as this homophobic asshole who sprays out slurs and will bully whichever character(s) has come out. With Minoru, the idea that he’s homophobic comes from him being a sex obsessed person who’s always lusting after women. The thing is, Minoru displays absolutely no homophobic tendencies whatsoever in canon. You know who does? Katsuki. In one of the light novels, he asks Ejiro if he’s ‘into that’ with a disgusted tone when it was revealed Ejiro wore a dress once. Minoru on the other hand has never said anything negative about the LGBTQ+ community. For fics to have Katsuki be the one to defend the LGBTQ+ community and have Minoru be disgusted by it screams “let me villainize Minoru so Katsuki can look good”. In regards to whether he’d be quirkist, that’s also a resounding no. In fact, he apologizes for calling Mezou an octopus after hearing how he’s been discriminated against and tells Izuku that it was his bravery that inspired him rather than his quirk. Minoru also canonically has self confidence issues with his own quirk not being as flashy as other people’s so he’d be more empathetic towards someone who doesn’t have a quirk. Katsuki meanwhile bullied and suicide baiting someone who didn’t have a quirk because he saw him as beneath him.
Coward Minoru: Now, in canon, Minoru is more fearful than his classmates. However, fanon would have you think that he’d abandon his classmates to save his own skin. Canon once again disproves this. During the USJ, he was panicking, for a good reason mind you, but inspired by Izuku taking action even when he was afraid for his own life, he ended up aiding Izuku and Tsuyu in stopping the villains. During the Final Exam, he did initially cower against Midnight. A few moments later, he gathered the courage to not only go against Midnight, but to save his partner Hanta from her clutches. This proves that despite his fear, he wouldn’t leave someone as a result of it. You know who would leave someone? Katsuki. In the Final Exams, Katsuki refused to work together with Izuku to the point of admitting that he’d rather fail. It took Izuku sucking up to him to actually convince him to work with him. When it came time to rescue Katsuki, Izuku knew that he hated him so much that he’d never accept his hand, so he had Ejiro reach out to him instead. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have Minoru as a teammate than Katsuki.
Now, does this mean I think fanfic writers HAVE to write Minoru in their fics? Absolutely not. Are fanfic writers not allowed to expel him? Again, no. Alongside Katsuki, Minoru’s the easiest character to expel. He’s constantly groping and harassing the female students. All an author needs to do is have one of the girls become so fed up with him that they report him to a teacher. Boom! Problem solved, and it didn’t even involve jumping through hoops to make a character look worse than they actually are. Another way you can remove him is have Shota expel him during the Q.A.T. Minoru, despite his fantastic score in the side step test, scored below the guy whose electricity based quirk can’t help him with any of the exams, the girl with an earphone jack quirk that faces a similar problem, and an invisible girl who struggled to do a pull-up. Shota could look at this, somehow notice him being creepy to one of the female students during the exam, and expel him for these reasons alone. If you wanna remove him from the story later, you can either have one of the girls get the teachers involved or you can say that Minoru decided to drop out of the hero course after experiencing the War Arc or something along those lines. Seriously, it’s not hard.
In conclusion, while I’m not a fan of Minoru, it bothers me how much people will butcher his character just to have a reason to shit on/expel him where there are perfectly reasonable ways of which they can shit on/expel a canon accurate Minoru. It also annoys me when people choose to make Minoru a worse person while simultaneously making Katsuki a better person despite both characters having done some shitty things. While it is Fanfiction and people can do whatever they want, it’s bad writing if you have to change someone’s personality to make them look bad to prop up another character, especially one that isn’t a good person. There are better ways of writing a Katsuki positive story that aren’t lazy and/or cliched.
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hittoki · 6 months
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[ CHAPTERS.06 ] く stupid heartburn ₊☆
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Y/N flipped the page of her chemistry detention packet—Ms. Jeon’s new way to torture her—and huffed. More and more equations to balance. As she got to work on the first problem, she heard the door to Mr. Ko’s room open and a group of boys filtering in.
She looked up, down, and then back up at the sight of her two peers. Their dejected faces made her want to laugh. Y/N subtly pulled out her phone and opened twitter, telling everyone on her private account about the news.
She noticed that Riki chose the seat behind her and smiled. Y/N caught his attention when she turned to face him. “What’d you guys do to get in detention?”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Gunwook and I were breaking up a fight between Yushi and Woonhak when Ms. Jeon walked out of her classroom. I guess, to her, it looked like we were also involved so she gave all of us detention.” She looked at the two boys who started the fight, their hair slightly disheveled.
“What about Dohoon?”
The boy raised his head at the mention of his name. “Dude, let me tell you. I was filming the fight—like, got on the ground to get a good angle and everything—and I just heard Ms. Jeon scream, ‘Stop!’ at the top of her lungs and nearly shit my pants.” Y/N chuckled at his scared face. “Anywho, she pulled me up by my ear and took my phone and then gave me detention.”
“Now you know how I feel.” Dohoon frowned, patting the girl’s shoulder.
Gunwook scoffed. “What did you do to get detention this time?”
“Breathe,” he looked back down at his work, snickering. “No, I’m being serious. Ms. Jeon was looking at my test and she was pointing out that one of my answers was wrong. All I did was exhale and she thought I was giving her attitude.”
Gunwook watched as Riki and Y/N talked, seriously not in the mood for lovey-dovey stuff. He didn’t know why he was so annoyed, but he hoped that ignoring it would be best. As soon as the bell rang, he collected his bags and started walking downstairs, toward the dance practice room.
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Gunwook laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He thought about earlier, how he felt when his best friend and (self-appointed) rival flirted. I’m not jealous! If anything, I’m upset because she’s trying to infiltrate my friend group…Yeah!
Worlds above, an angel laughs to himself. “Silly boy.” While Gunwook was still thinking of the girl, the angel, who went by the name of Cupid, aimed his arrow at the boy and released it.
The boy clutched his chest, breathing heavily. “Stupid heartburn,” he unlocked his phone, which opened up to Y/N’s profile. Though he was alone in his room, his cheeks burned out of embarrassment. “Mom! Do we have heartburn medication?!”
“It’s in the medicine closet, Wook-ah. Don’t die on me!”
Not too far away, Y/N walked up to her mother’s desk. “Mama, do you have anything for heartburn?”
The girl’s mom smirked. “What, did Cupid get you?”
“Don’t be crass. I think I’m just dehydrated.”
She sighed. “Yeah, go look in my purse. I think I have Tums in there.” Y/N thanked her mom and immediately went searching for the chewable.
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★. . description 𓂃 cupid sees the true feelings of individuals and pairs them together based on these feelings. he never makes mistakes. however, y/n is convinced cupid has accidentally shot his arrows at her and the class president, park gunwook.
★. . taglist 𓂃 @junityy @heartsswon @junnysbae @2ynjns @callanton @gh9sty @spjhyn @leehanascent @chaerybae @gyvnexe @lilacgyuvin @nanasdream @chweverni | open! (send an ask or reply to this post to be added)
★. . author’s note 𓂃 update after 22 days…rip 💔 guys i just had my act and i think i most definitely maybe sorta kinda failed 😭😭 “oh the math should be stuff you’ve done in middle school” OH WHAT THE HELL NO IT WASN’T!!!!! I’VE NEVER SEEN THAT STUFF BEFORE
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writingmonet · 18 days
Fives Psychology, part one: heir of the Dominoes
Okay, this may be very, very long, I’m high in caffeine and my brain won’t shut up about this since yesterday. Is this necessary? Only for my sanity. Also, it doesn’t seem to have been written? This is a huge shock for me, considering how popular Fives is (and how underrated Echo criminally is). This is part one. Part two will focus on Rex, Tup, the chip and Echo's return Arc.
Let’s begin chronologically, with Clone Cadets.
SW's chronology is a mess but this episode can easily be placed in 21 BBY at the very early stages of the war. Fives is a member of Domino Squad.
What this episode learn us?
First, Fives closest brother is Echo (he’s his twin, fight me).
And that means a hell of things for us. As @dominosquadsupremacy as pointed out in her own analyze of the episode, Fives and Echo are the closest. Echo wants to change squads? Yeah, sure. But not without Fives. Fives want to change squads? No prob’s as long as Echo’s here. But for that, they have to convince General Shaak Ti.
And guess who speaks for advocating their cause? You guessed it. Not Fives. Fives is not the one talking when he and Echo request to learn of the squad. It’s Echo. It’s Echo who makes the points and Echo who answers Fives' questions when he has one.
Now, Echo does has a reputation of shyness among the fandom, to whom I agree to, toward strangers. Within his squad? Hell no. Echo is the one who calls Hevy on his behaviour. He is the one who engage himself in a physical fight with Hevy because he can’t stand being mock by his older brother. Echo has traits that Fives will display later, but for the current time he does not. Some may argue that this is because the writers didn’t had plan Fives to “die” as it was for Echo and has Hevy was already dead (since this episode is shortly before the infamous Cutadel Arc but was created after Rookies). And you’re probably right by pointing this. But it doesn’t dismiss my point. Quite the opposite I dare to say. Following the “death” of Echo, Fives in his own, was the one who changed of behaviour, encouraged by his closest brother’s death. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let’s return to our Clone Cadets.
Something I forgot to add is Domino Squad's common ambition: being an ARC Trooper. They all want that, and this will be relevant in the episode ARC Trooper.
During the infamous (absolutely not foreshadowing) fail-test, Fives and Echo are together (as they already were in the beginning), Echo even making a joke at his brother (perhaps to light his mood) assuring him that he’s on his side. It’s a recurring theme among them, being at each other’s side. Wherever Fives go, Echo go. And vice-versa. Until the end of times (sorry, wrong universe.)
Anyway. When they decides to let Droidbait (DB) behind, injured, Fives and Echo are making the decision with Hevy. Cutup is the one staying behind (and does this imply that, if Cutup had survived he would have seen that Echo wasn’t dead? I may overthink it, but for the sake’s of tragedy, let’s say yes). When the test is stopped, F&E exchanges a look (and honestly, Colt was right to be mad at them).
After that, they don't reappear until the end where, Fives and Echo are again at each other's hips, and while Echo takes the Citadel first, he's shortly followed by Fives and the others who cheers.
To the first who tells me that Fives has NO display characteristic traits in this episode, I’ll ask him to rewatch the first 5 mins. Fives get mad at Echo. Since the beginning Fives tends to be angry in stressful situations (as they all are), even toward his twin. Later, more anecdotally but still, he calls on Cutup about his famous girl lie. Again, Fives (I think but this time it’s nearly impossible to be 100% right) is the one stopping Hevy from engaging in a second fight, against Bric (which he would have lost, let us be honest).
To summarises in a nutshell
Fives closest brother is Echo
Fives let Echo do the talking to advocate their opinions, their well-being and ambitions at General Shaak Ti where Fives appears more reserved in front of, more hesitant.
Echo answers Fives doubts and questions. Some might say he's Fives guiding voice.
Fives already has anger (like Hevy and Echo I say) but it's Echo who physically hit a brother
Echo always tries to lighten the mood, not only to Fives.
Being an ARC Trooper is Domino Squad's whole goal. That's what they want.
In addition, while Echo is mainly spoken bout here, the influence of the others, especially Hevy, cannot be denied on Fives. Hevy is the one who considers themselves as just a number when he clearly thinks of himself as an individual. Hevy does not let his brothers down, thanks to 99.
And speaking of Hevy, I present you the Rookies episode.
Now here, this episode is mark by 2 majors events
the appearance of Rex in Fives and Echo's life
The death of all Fives' brother except one
Let us talk about Hevy first. Hevy who dies in a very heroic (but avoidable) way, if only the device had worked properly. Hevy sacrificed himself. We do not have, unfortunately, Fives' reaction to his death, but to say that he was unaffected would be madness.
Because Hevy displays many traits that Fives will also later. They're both bold, impatient, and headstrong. They value their brothers above the republic. Hevy stayed in Kamino to not let down his Dominoes brothers, to ensure their success. He died to protect his brothers, both died doing their duties He also was a man of action, much like Fives.
Much like Hevy, DB and Cutup death has impacted Fives. To honour them he painted a Rishi Eel on his helmet, which he did not change.
Now I think the Rishi is a symbol that represents Domino as a whole. It was the first and only mission they ever did together. It was the last time they were together, free from Kamino's suffocating walls. It was also the place where Fives met Rex.
Rookies introduce us to Rex and Cody meeting the Dominoes. That is major. not only because Hevy, in a few hours, managed to make an ever-lasting impression on Rex, but because Rex decides to take Fives & Echo when he shouldn't have. That's right! Cody presents himself as their new boss. Not Rex. Now, perhaps Cody was simply the boss because he was the superior of Rex. But again, at the end of the day, Rex takes the twins and not Cody.
Fives is not extremely prominent in this episode, but even from day 1 hos closeness to Echo was here. Echo checks on him regularly. Fives do not mock him unlike Hevy & Cutup at the start of the episode (and as they did on Clone Cadets). Echo stops firing in a middle of a fight because Fives is touched, and Cody has to remind him to keep firing.
And, at the end of the day, it's the two of them together. They only have each other's left after Rishi and yet we already see the seeds of Fives changing.
Episode 3: ARC Troopers.
We learn and observe multiple things during this episode. Now, I'm going to analyze this deleted scene, who can still be considered as canon.
Fives is impatient to be an ARC Trooper. Frankly, I guess why. He's been in the 501st so long (we know that this episode happened in 21 BBY too but SW years seem to be longer than ours) and it's frustrating not being able to achieve what was his squad dream is (is: because Echo remains).
They have Hevy's name and iconic canon on their armour. They mourn him, like they mourn Cutup (when Fives tries to make a joke but Echo reminds him that it was Cutup who was good with the jocks, not him) and DB too (even the writers won't state it). Their meeting with 99 also taught them that Hevy let his medal to 99 (I headcanon that this medal is all that remains for Echo to his brothers, along with his and Fives' medals).
Defending Kamino is defending the place where them, as a squad, have grow up. They have no love for the Kaminoans (I mean, who has?) but they'll defend the place no matter what
99's death. Here we can see that it's Echo who reacts the most strongly to 99's death. Again, Echo seems to be the impulsive one, who tends to react strongly to emotions and events (hugging 99's in his arms, screaming his name shortly before that). Fives doesn't. He's growing impatient with his lack of evolution and clearly is ambitious and mourns his brothers but he's not as emotional as Echo can be toward 99's death.
At the end of the day, they are named ARC Troopers to which Echo's first reaction is surprise, while Fives' one is pride. They did it. They accomplished their squad dream: being the best of the best.
Now, it is time (as it always is in stories) to deconstruct all of that.
One simple method for that: Echo's death - Fives' closest brother and twin.
Now this essay lead me to the question of: was Echo's fake death always wanted? From what I understood (by comparing to other clones' deaths and Filoni's comments) it appears that yes.
That led me to the other question of why? Pure tragedy, like Filoni likes? Probably. Continuation of Fives legacy? It may have been the wish in TBB, and - writing-wise, this is my favourite option, although she's imperfect and would deserve a writing commentary on his own, I digress.
I'm gonna spare you all the details but Echo's death is a echo of Hevy one. Death for duty, duty for protecting his brother. As seen in the previous episode, Echo tends to react emotionally, harshly and strongly when one of his close brother is in danger. When he run toward the shuttle I bet that the only thing he was caring for was getting Fives outta here.
Wanna an anecdote? What is the common point between the Citadel Arc, Umbara Arc and TBB final in s3? Matt Michnovetz. He wrote those arcs. And, while Echo is never explainly mentioned in Umabara you can feel his ghost on Fives' changing character.
Fives did not take well Echo's death. I do not invent. First of all his reaction, is strikingly similar to Echo's one at 99's death (a violent scream of the name and, should he have time, he would have stayed with his brother but was forced to walk away). Fives pass the rest of the following episode looking behind him as if his twin could reappear and this was just one, big joke.
(I don't want to end up a wall decoration)
Now on Umbara. The episodes are complex so let us be focus. First there is this quote of rex who might appears as anecdotical but who bothers me.
Rex: good to have you back
Fives: just like old times
So this means that between the Citadel (s3) and Umbara (s4) Fives wasn't with the 501st, as Rex lieutenant? Like old times means that they were doing missions together with Echo, but they didn't for a while? Where was Fives all this time? Did he request to take missions solo? I do not know but this imply that, at some point, Fives was gone from Rex's sight and only came back for Umbara, and this seems to have been the first mission they were doing together just like old times.
Now, Fives has an extremely changed demeanour during the arc who reminds us of Hevy and Echo, and he clearly has some left-to-deal issues.
Fives spoken advocation for his brother's well-being - like Echo
Fives strong and commanding leadership - like Hevy
Fives fighting all authority and calling Rex - like hevy
Fives deciding that "screw up that, I'm outta here!" - much like Hevy improvised plan in front of a desperate situation in Clone cadets, in their final test.
Fives clearly struggling to not go physical with Pong Krell to defend Rex - unlike Echo here
His outbursts of emotions, anger and frustration, are very reminders of himself and Echo as well
His closeness to clones like Rex and Tup and Jesse and so on may come from a psychological need to always having someone on his side, like his twin. I'm not sure Fives knows how to remain without anyone on his side (but this is part 2 mostly, so I leave it here)
Then there's this quote:
Where's the honour in marching blindly to our deaths?
Fives saw DB, Hevy and Echo sacrificing themselves knowing that they had no chance to get out of this alive. They walked blindly to their deaths, and Fives never forgot that. If he can stop his brothers from doing so, he will. Pong Krell saw clones as disposable. Rex was too stuck in his commanding-book nature to react. Fives had enough. I think he threw the book and the rules (if he ever respected them) the moment Echo went out of his life. All his actions on Umbara are a mirror of his dominoes brothers and the consequence of Echo's death on his psychological mind. He's Fives ghost and this ghost will never be able to leave him in peace as long as his brothers are threatened and cast aside. Fives is done with commanding officers like Tarkin and Krell who don't care for his brother's lives ("he is the one who never realizes the cost").
An appreciable detail is the animation. On Umbara Fives look clearly exhausted, as if he hadn't slept for a long time. We can see the progress of the animation here and it's all more fantastic if we consider that, yes, Fives probably didn't have a single good night of sleep since his twin's death.
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Personally I only have a face like that when I didn't get my week of goodnight
Okay, this is long enough and I need to go. Don't hesitate to give me your arguments if you think I'm wrong, I would love to discuss it with you. Sorry if this is incomprehensive to you, I wrote that in like one hour and I'm too lazy to do a second lecture.
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galactic-magick · 1 year
You’re Not Scary, Johnny: The Spot x Reader
Summary: What if Spot’s family didn’t leave him after the accident? In other words, Jonathan had a spouse and baby daughter and goes to see them for the first time since becoming The Spot.
Words: 1.8k+
Warnings: Some swearing and vague mentions of suicidal thoughts
Author’s Notes: The baby daughter is not specified to be biological or adopted bc I wanted to keep the reader gender-neutral! Also thanks to Julia from The Spot discord server I’m in for suggesting the name Dottie! (haha get it like spot and dot)
Jonathan wasn’t one to immediately give up on anything.
After all, he was one of the top scientists working on Alchemax’s toughest project, full of initial failures and screw-ups. He had numerous opportunities to quit during his lengthy years of schooling and career, but he never did. He was always incredibly self-driven, and having a family in edition to that motivated him to succeed even more. He married you—the most wonderful person in the universe to him, and had a beautiful daughter named Dottie he couldn’t wait to raise with you.
That is, until he woke up on the Alchemax floor that dreadful day, surrounded by debris from the destroyed collider.
He remembers seeing his hands first, ghost white with a couple black spots on each. But they weren’t like a bruise or mole that stayed it place—they were fluctuating and pulsing like dark matter. Convinced he was just seeing things, he tried to rub his eyes, only to feel nothing and instead see his fingers come out through a hole on his leg.
He screamed in terror, pushing his gangly body off the ground and stumbling towards the nearest reflective surface he could find.
“No, no, no-” his voice shook, looking at himself for the first time.
He turns away, too horrified to look any longer. He couldn’t go home to you like this, let alone live any sort of life at all like this. He scans his gaze over the rubble, running to the first intact thing he sees. “I can- I can fix this. There has to be a way to fix this!”
Jonathan wasn’t one to immediately give up on anything.
He got to work searching for anything salvageable from the labs and collider, theorizing and writing equations and running tests for weeks, not that he realized it had been that long. His mind bordered on madness, obsessing over every single detail that could possibly fix him.
“I have to fix this, I have to fix this…” he muttered to himself over and over, voice cracking. Every test and experiment failed day after day, nothing worked. He didn’t want to give up, but maybe this was something not even his genius intellect could fix.
Jonathan wasn’t one to immediately give up on anything—but now he had to.
He slumped onto the floor, wailing into the void of the abandoned building. He screamed and cried as much as he could without having tears, begging to anyone who could hear to be put out of his misery.
His face fell to his hands, or at least what was left of one. His thoughts returned to you, with your sweet eyes and smile he adored so much and the heartwarming memories you’ve shared over the years. You’re his everything, his other half, and everything he’s ever wanted. He thought about holding your daughter for the first time, wanting to give her the world and more.
He couldn’t go back to you like this. He couldn’t even look at himself, so why would you? His daughter would surely be afraid of him and he’d lose everyone he loved in an instant. He couldn’t put himself through that, he just couldn’t. You probably think he’s already dead, might as well let you remember him as he was.
You never thought you’d have to deal with being a single parent. You and Jonathan have an incredibly healthy relationship and marriage, so you figured you’d be together forever. You never thought you’d have the unthinkable happen to you, having to go on after the death of a husband.
Each day gets harder and harder, and everything that was fine or even good before becomes a struggle. You know pretty soon your emergency savings will run out and paying rent will be a problem, and you’ll have to start picking up overtime at work and have to spend less time with the baby. You’re more alone than you’ve ever been in your life, and you still don’t even know for sure what happened.
No one dares stand up to Alchemax, not even after a disaster like this. You had asked Jonathan multiple times to consider somewhere better to work, but he assured you it was the only place he could do the full extent of his work, which you understood. Still, if he had left this wouldn’t have happened to him.
He wouldn’t be dead.
All you want to know is how he died. Was it painful? Was it quick? Was it peaceful?
Every night you lie awake, the questions racing through your mind. Most days you’re thankful that Dottie is not a fussy baby, but sometimes you wish she was so you’d at least have something to distract you.
It’s been a few months since the accident, and Jonathan is still crippled with fear. He refuses to look at himself, covering himself with layers of clothing to get around the city and avoid seeing his own skin. He tries to keep ignoring the voice in the back of his mind telling him to go home, muffling it with the anxiety of being seen by the one person  who could completely shatter his soul.
But if he did go to see you, at least he’d finally know. He wouldn’t be left wondering his whole life what you’d say and how you’d react. He might not have the both literal and metaphorical hole in his heart aching for closure forever.
He knows you’re usually home by the hour, the baby probably down for a nap while you have some free-time. He approaches the door of your shared apartment, hand hovering next to the door. He knocks quietly, and hears you shuffling towards it.
“Who is it?” your voice is like honey, and his heart wrenches.
“Please don’t—please don’t freak out, okay darling? It’s Jonathan,”
The door swings open faster than he thought possible, and you fling yourself into him.
“Holy shit I thought you were dead, I-” you sob into his chest, your tears blurring your vision enough that you can’t see him clearly. “They said—they said everyone in the building died from that explosion-”
You pull away slightly, looking him up and down.
“Why do you have so many layers on? It’s super warm out,” you reach up to pull off the mask and glasses over his face, but he stops you.
“There’s something you need to know before you do that,” he says. “I survived, yes, but not without enormous cost. The explosion left me severely deformed,”
You try to fight his grip on your hand, attempting to reach up again, “Johnny, you know I will still love you no matter what. Please just let me see you-”
A wave of deep concern washes over your features, “What happened?”
“I-I tried to fix it, but it can’t be fixed. I’m a monster now, I don’t even look human anymore. Somehow my body fused with a black hole I was carrying during the explosion, and now that’s all I am...just holes,”
You do your best to take in and process his words, but you know you won’t truly understand until you see it for yourself.
“I’m going to look at you, okay?” you tell him sternly.
He sighs in surrender, awaiting the inevitable. You start by taking off his gloves, interlocking your fingers with his white ones. He hums at your touch.
“I’m still here, Johnny,” you assure him. Next you unzip and slip off his jacket, revealing his torso and arms covered in black spots. It’s certainly strange, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t, but it doesn’t scare you. The spots look like splotches on an artistic painting, and you already love them.
You decide to wait to take off his pants and shoes, and instead bring your hands to his head. You remove his hat, smoothing your palms over his completely white and bald head. Of course you loved his gorgeous hair before, but you’ll get used to this.
You hesitate your fingers around his face, waiting for a sign of approval.
Jonathan nods, but he grabs your hands once again, “Darling, I literally don’t have a face anymore. You’re not going to see what you want to see,”
“I don’t care. I want you no matter what,”
You rip off his mask and glasses in one go, met with a deep black hole staring back at you.
He sighs again, turning away from your gaze, “I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore. You don’t deserve a life married to someone like me,”
“Johnathan,” you scold him. “When I married you I promised to love you no matter what. For better and for worse and all that shit, okay? Sure this will be an adjustment, but I want to adjust with you. I’m just happy you’re alive,”
You watch as his face spot fluctuates in size and shape, and you decide to interpret that as his new way of expressing emotions. You appear to be right, because he quickly pulls you into a tight embrace and whimpers into your shoulder.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he mumbles, his body shaking as he holds you closer and closer, to the point you feel yourself going through a couple of his spots. “But what about Dottie? She’ll cry every time she sees me,”
“You don’t know that,” you say, rubbing his back, tracing your fingers around one of his spots. “Her first word was ‘Dada’ you know. I talked about you a lot to her while you were gone,”
“Mmhm. She can crawl now too. I’ll go get her from her crib, this is usually around the time she wakes up anyway,”
Jonathan slowly releases his grip as you slip out of his arms, bracing himself for whatever might happen. He looks like something from a horror movie, of course she’s going to be afraid. He may have lucked out with you wanting to stay with him, but there’s no promises his daughter will feel the same.
You come out of the bedroom holding her, a bit bigger than the last time he saw her. You place her gently on the floor so she can crawl around, and she doesn’t even seem to notice Jonathan at first, more interested in the toy next to her. She grabs it and sits upright, and then finally sees him.
To Jonathan’s surprise, she doesn’t seem phased by his appearance. She simply cocks her head slightly to the side and stares at him.
“Dada!” she finally babbles, giggling to herself.
“She...she recognizes me?” he asks, in awe of her cute little face.
She continues to giggle, repeating his name over and over. She rolls forward onto her hands and starts crawling towards him, grabbing onto his leg. Jonathan leans down to pick her up, and she flails around happily, settling into his arms and poking her hands into his holes on his face and chest.
“How is she not scared of me?” he says, completely dumbfounded.
“Because you’re not scary, Johnny,” you smile, wrapping your arms around the two of them and kissing his cheek. “You’re family. Spots or not,”
Dottie squeals as if in agreement.
“I suppose so,” he hums, resting his head on top of yours.
Jonathan would never give this up for anything.
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Pussy...I Got A Guy For That
I honestly haven't intended to be away from writing for as long as I have and I know I have messages, requests and prompts still to respond to (and I will) but this pesky finger is still making typing a literal pain so please bear with!
But for now, I'm sorry not sorry for the terrible pun in the title and have no idea where this idea came from but...
“What d’you mean you need to drop it off now?” Melissa hisses into her phone.  This was not part of her plan.  “I’m at work!  What happened to tonight?”
“Look, if you don’t want it I can find someone else?”
“No!” she’s quick to reply.  “I want it, I just…can you drop it off at the school?”
Creeping through the halls with a pet carrier, Melissa finds herself shaking her head.  How the hell had she talked herself into this?  Returning to her class, who it seems have made good on their promise of staying quiet on the promise they get to see the contents of said carrier if they behaved. 
She places the box down behind her desk where it can’t be seen from the door.  “Okay,” she sighs, turning to look at her class.  “Two at a time.  Five minutes each.  Oh, and Miss Y/L/N comes by, one of you guys miaows to cover, ‘kay?”
Jacob is practically vibrating with excitement when he appears in Melissa’s classroom as she lines her kids up to take them to lunch.  She had messaged him to ask whether he would look after the kitten at lunch, knowing you would start to ask questions or come and find her if she was absent.  Once he got over his initial shock at her messaging him in the first place he had quickly agreed. 
“Where is it?” he asks excitedly, clapping his hands together.
“Behind my desk,” she hisses.  “And keep your voice down!  It’s meant to be a surprise!”
He’s barely listening as he practically runs towards the pet carrier, immediately kneeling down to coo at the little creature within. 
Melissa shakes her head.  The thing is barely four inches tall and it has everyone at its beck and call.  “I owe you!” she tells him as she starts to lead her kids off. 
“Consider the kitten cuddles payment!” he grins.
The red head rolls her eyes, turning her attention back to her kids.  “Any of you tell Miss Y/L/N if you see her at lunch you already failed your next test, got it?”
“Seriously, the kids are being weird today.  This one kid just keeps miaowing at me,” you say as you slide into the seat next to the red head, smiling as she pushes a fork towards you and motions for you to dig in to the shared lunch she made. 
Melissa lets out a forced laugh.  “Probably just a phase.  Watch, she’ll start barking at Barb next week.”
After lunch, Melissa managed to convince Barb to hide the kitten in her room for the afternoon knowing the kindergarten teacher had a free classroom while her kids were in music. 
A message from her friend telling her she had better come black and clean up the furry little creature had her stomping her way through the halls.  She was beginning to think this whole plan had been one very bad idea. 
“Hey,” you smile as you rest your shoulder against the doorframe of Melissa’s classroom, enjoying the sight of her with her glasses perched on her nose as she looks at something intently on her phone.  You hear the miaow and straighten up.  “Sorry, I didn’t realise you still had kids in.”
“I don’t” she replies, looking almost guilty as she pushes herself up from her chair. 
You frown as you hear the miaow again, watching as she produces a cat box from behind her desk.  “Oh no, did someone find a stray?”
“Not exactly,” says the red head, placing the box in her desk, the wire door facing you and revealing one very cute ball of fluff. 
You look up at her, only just managing to tear your eyes away from the adorable kitten.  Now it’s your turn to frown.
“You’ve befriended every cat on the block and when you video call your parents it’s the cat you’re more interested in seeing than them so…”
“Oh my god,” you whisper.  “Did you get me a kitten?”
She shrugs, leaning against the edge of her desk, thumbs hooked into her pockets.  “So maybe I did?”
You’re not sure quite when the tears began to gather in your eyes.  “You…you actually got me a kitten?  This kitten?  This cat is ours?”
She catches you as you launch yourself at her, hugging her tight. 
“I can’t believe you did this!”
She knew you’d be excited but she didn’t realise you’d be quite so high pitched with it.  She not sure she’s ever seen you like this.  There is sheer, childlike joy on your face.  “It’s a cat,” is all she can managed in response.
You shake your head, releasing her enough to pull back and meet her eyes.  “It’s not just a cat!”
She sees the tears in your eyes and immediately reaches to wipe them away.  “I thought you’d like it.”
“I do,” you’re quite to assure her.  “I just…I never expected you to…You don’t even like cats!”
“I didn’t say I don’t like them,” she mumbles.  “I just said they were little furry assholes.  Speaking of which, whatever comes out of that thing you clean up, because let me tell you something that small should not be able to smell that bad!”
You let out a wet chuckle.  “You got me a kitten.”
She shrugs, trying to act like it’s no big deal.  “You wanna meet the little guy before you thank me?  You might not even like him.”
You open the cat box, gently coaxing the little kitten forward until he lets you lift him up.  “Look at his little nose,” you coo as you gently boop him, laughing as his tiny paws come up to playfully tap at your fingers.  “And his teeny tiny paws!”
She watches as you baby the tiny creature, smiling fondly at you.   
“I see the cat is out the bag,” says Barb, smiling as she approaches, tickling the kitten’s exposed belly where it lays in your arms. 
“You knew?” you ask.
“Who do you think is gonna tell me ‘I told ya so’ when this turns out to be a terrible idea and that thing pees on the floor and scratches the furniture?”
You turn to face the red head, pouting as you hold the kitten towards her.  “How could that little face do anything bad?”
At home that night Melissa charges you with getting everything set up for the kitten while she makes a start on dinner.  She had managed to earn another tight hug and bring tears to your eyes once more when she revealed she had been collecting and hiding away things for the kitten for weeks.  Those same tears had spilled when you told her you just had to tell your parents that they already knew.  Or at least, they knew she was getting you a kitten, having already asked them whether they thought it would be a good idea. 
Leaving her sauce to simmer, she pokes her head around the door to see you lying flat out on the floor, nose to nose with what she has been informed is your furry son.  You look utterly adorable, and though she’d never admit it, that was why she had finally caved and found a guy who could get her a little furry guy.  She’d lost count of the number of times you’d be out somewhere, only for you to abandon her in favour of making friends with a random feline who had crossed your path.  Thankfully, on such occasions you’re usually too preoccupied to see that while she’s standing a few feet off with her arms crossed, it’s the fondest of smiles on her face as she watches on.  She has a reputation to uphold, after all. 
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annie-creates · 7 months
Stupid test mark
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader (platonic)
Genre: fluff
Words: 800
Note: This request probably took me longer than it shoud have but I hope you'll still like it. Thank you so much for trusting me with it.
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The school year was nearing it’s end, which meant the professors put twice as much pressure on you. You could hardly count all the assignments and tests in the last few weeks. You wanted to do good, even better since you studied at the school of evil and it’s students were notoriously known for bad grades and behavior. You wanted to get all the best marks and shove it down the good students’ throats. Your striving was deemed half useless by the grade you got in deadly potions class however. You did your best to study and prepare for the exam, but apparently your best still wasn’t good enough to get at least a C+.
It was all you could think about when you read your books long into the night or absentmindedly rummaged through the food on your plate. Even your skin got paler than usual thanks to the lack of sleep and nutrition. Something the Evers picked on you for. As you went from one class to another, you could hardly pay attention being too concerned with what other grades and classes you could screw up in. You didn’t want your overall mark to drop even more, yet every time you tried to focus on your studies the C- was right in front of your eyes, mocking you and reminding you that you failed and will never be good enough again.
“Y/l/n!” Lady Lesso slammed her cane into your table startling you. “Would you mind paying attention in my class!?”
“I… I’m sorry miss.” You were too intimidated to even look her in the eyes, opting to point your sight into the table instead.
“Eyes on the blackboard.” She warned you, not in the mood to have to reprimand you again.
You did what she said, keeping your eyes on the lecture even through the stinging feeling in them. The last thing you wanted was to disappoint your dean. You already felt like a failure, you didn’t need anyone else to think so about you too. You wanted people to be proud of you, to say “this Never made it in life”. You wanted to be adored and admired, not made fun of and picked on. This all swirled in your mind so loudly you didn’t even notice the ring bell announcing the end of class.
“Y/n?” Lady Lesso called out to you with a noticeably lighter tone. “You seem to be quite unpresent today. Mind enlightening me on why that is?”
“I’m sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. I didn’t want to get distracted in your class.” You tried to avoid any confrontation.
“Nonsense. You are one of my best students and you always pay attention, what got you so unfocused?” Lesso pressed you a bit.
“Well… I got a really bad grade from my potions exam. I studied really hard, but turns out my best isn’t good enough. I’m a failure.” You admitted avoiding her sight.
“Oh my. Do you think I’m bad at my job?” The dean challenged you with a pointed look.
“Uh, what? No, of course not!” How could she think that based on what you said?
“Then where do you get the audacity to say that the best of my Nevers is a failure?” she folded her hands over her chest.
“Um… I… I don’t…” you were at a complete loss of words.
“Don’t you ever think about saying such bullshit again.” Lesso put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” You apologize for like a third time in the last five minutes.
“You are one of the most talented Nevers I’ve seen in a long time. You could be the reason Evil strikes a win once again. I know that’s a lot of pressure for a young mind like yours, but I wouldn’t be saying it if I wasn’t convinced you can handle it.” Lady Lesso declared with a deep look straight into your eyes.
“I… thank you Lady Lesso.” You didn’t really know what to say to all the expectations she had from you, but you hoped to live up to them.
“There’s no need to thank me. You have great things ahead of you, things some stupid test mark can’t take away.” She winked at you, building your confidence up. “Now, I want you to forget about some foolish potions class and focus on the things you have coming up. I have no doubt you’ll be graduating this year on the top of your class with the progress you’ve made.”
“I will. Thank you.” You nod with a sincere smile and leave her class much more enthusiastic.
If Lady Lesso thought you are the one to do great things in life, who were you to say otherwise? She surely must know what she’s talking about.
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