#I feel like I can be me without any gear or judgment in a way
honeykaes · 2 years
…2 years today
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hms-no-fun · 1 year
one thing i'm curious about is if you're currently reading / drawing inspiration from any other contemporary HS fanworks. i know KITTYQUEST just dropped its epilogue like less than a week ago, so it's definitely a big era for Homestuck Fanworks That Have Jade Harley Have Kids lmaoooo
i may talk a big game about how you can't hope to substantively discuss what homestuck *is* without also examining its fanworks, but unfortunately i am myself woefully under-read and out of date. i kinda stopped reading homestuck fanworks after 2020 because. well. at the risk of getting into the weeds of fandom drama. all the ones i really liked stopped updating when the fandom environment turned from passively toxic to aggressively poisonous, and there was at least a 50/50 chance that the creator of any given active fanwork was either with or supported the group of people who wielded that poison.
that feeling is far less prominent now but i am still skeptical any time a new homestuck fanwork gets popular. they have to pass a litmus test first: is this person shitty or weird about the epilogues/hs2? they don't have to have liked either work necessarily, they just have to acknowledge that those works exist, have influence, and are worth talking about, even if they personally don't want to do the talking. god this all sounds so petty, but people lost jobs over what happened. i don't think i can have a positive interaction with anyone who is simply unwilling to have an in-depth conversation about the contents of a text without feeling the need to pass objective moral judgments at every turn, nor do i think i will get much out of the fanworks such a person might produce. so i save us all the trouble and don't bother!
that said, i quite like Kittyquest. i'm way behind on it though, as i am on everything. that Kitty showed up not too long after Yiffy actually inspired me to create Edie, because i love the idea of "Jade's Daughter" being this extraordinarily flexible archetype. it feels like kind of a combo-breaker considering how rigid homestuck's archetypes typically are. i also very much admire Kittyquest's commitment to fleshing out the culture and history of Earth C, especially in the ways it seems to deliberately break from what we've seen of it in post-canon. the lack of worldbuilding the epilogues is one of its biggest weaknesses in my opinion, so i always like it when a story tries to pick up that slack. the artstyle being so divorced from homestuck's yet still somehow indebted to it really encouraged me to try different things with the types of images we started putting into godfeels. what i love about post-canon broadly is just how varied it is artistically, stylistically. i think it's good and compelling and healthy that so much art in this space is willing to play with these things in such constructive ways.
the other contemporary fanwork that really has influence on godfeels is Vast Error. which i am also behind on. but Snowbound Blood is a personal favorite whose tone (at its best) matches the vibes i'm going for in 3.2. the biggest i guess Thing for me wrt Vast Error is how different its universe engine session is from what we saw in homestuck. its logic, its mechanics, its purpose-- the whole thing is so alien, and yet it has Prospit and Derse, it has Spades Slick and other such guys, it has Skaia, so there's clear continuity. if we imagine the universe engine as a procedurally generated video game, these commonalities suggest that there are stable constants in the formula. it was that alongside all the other wildly different fansessions on MSPFA that started the gears turning which would eventually lead to the EWL. the idea of an organization of castoffs from the infinite fanontinuum of alternate sessions, who study the constants and variables across countless UE instances and build squads of sailors who specialize in particular behavioral clusters. oh this session has an overpowered Jack making it unviable? send in the Jills, they'll show him what's what.
i guess if there's a thread here it's that i'm most inspired by what metatextual trends suggest about the hypothetical Ultimate Self of any given homestuck narrative convention. i'm not saying that's a good thing but i guess it has worked out okay so far.
i could shout out other fanworks that i haven't read but i think i would rather hear from y'all. what's out there right now? what's good? i should probably catch up
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viburnt · 8 months
Kirishima E. || Taming
Genre: NSFW
Type: Reading bites
Characters involved: Kirishima Eijiro
Note: This was inspired by a post a saw around on my dash, I believe @dcsiremc was the one who thought of mean brat tamer Kiri. Anyway, buckle up cuz this is a dumpster fire.
Prompt: "Can't handle a little spice?"/Kiri teaches a lesson to Brat! Reader
It wasn't usual for Kiri to be so bent out of shape. Had it been any other day, he'd just go along with your little antics and laugh them off. That occasion was different, whatsoever; agency work had been difficult, his schedule merciless and his lack of sleep too much.
He was, certainly, not having your attitude today.
You could hear his tired grunts as he opened the door of your shared apartment, the sound of his gear and duffle bag rustling indicating he was done with everything.
Kirishima's eyes scanned the room, noticing it was empty and silent without your incessant bickering. He could see some of your stuff misplaced around the floor and couch, clearly you had been there not long ago.
He picked the items up and piled them on the small coffee table, calling your name so that you could come for them. His crimson eyes closed, rubbing his temples.
—Oh, hey! You're home, thought it'd be just me tonight. You didn't answer my texts.— You smirked.
Kirishima looked at you with a stern but flustered frown; the texts in question were a bundle of naked pictures of you laying over one of his favorite shirts.
—Can't you stop being a whore for a day?— He snarkily said, scolding you in a newfound way. The way he said it made your hole flutter. —Get here, right now.
You blinked but shook your head. His commanding felt like electricity, and your stupid horny brain wanted more.
—Psh, are you for real? I was just playing a little.— He heard you nonchalantly say, brushing off his discontent. A brat you were and a brat he was going to get, he guessed.
He stood up from the couch and yanked you by the collar of your shirt, pushing you against a nearby wall.
—You want to act like a bitch today? Fine.— His voice felt different from the loving, tender tone he usually used on you. His knee positioned itself between your legs, pressing your core enough to make you shiver.
It was a thrilling sensation; pulling and pushing to gauge a reaction from him. That was a side of him you were yet to discover.
He grabbed the hem of your flimsy clothing and lifted it with force, leaving you exposed. You gasped for a brief second, feeling his eyes scan the tender skin of your body.
—I'm not even doing anything yet, and you are a mess already.— He mocked, pinching your belly a little; there was a slight pain to it, but the knee between your legs had you distracted from it.
—Come on, Kiri I was just toying around. Besides, it was just a shirt, it can be-
—Shut up.
The words died in your throat, swallowing hard as his hand traveled to your neck. Said hand slowly made its way to your jawline and then, with no warning, tugged your hair.
—Ow, hey, that – you're so mean!
—Say one more word, see what happens.
You stayed still for a second, biting your lip.
—It doesn't suit you to be this big and scary. What are you gonna do, punish me?— You talked back, ignoring your better judgment.
The man holding you didn't allow you a second to drink his reaction, pulling you by the hair until he reached the couch. Compared to him, you were nothing but a rag doll he could drag around; no comparison to Red riot.
He bent you over on his lap, his free hand roughly stripping you from your bottoms. Your complaints fell on deaf ears.
The first hit landed, burning your skin as you hissed in pain.
—Go on, keep talking. You seem to have a lot to say today, what were you yapping about before?—
—Fuck!— You yelped as you wiggled under his touch. —Can't handle a little spice? So sensitive.— He heard you say.
His gaze was daring you, unamused by your snarky attitude.
Landed the second one, this time with a little more force. His rough, calloused hand was leaving red marks on your skin. It was appropriate, if you think of it, a redhead spanking his whore until she was as red as his hair. You would've laughed if you were in a better position, but the next slap had your mind busy.
—What? Too shy to speak up now?— He asked, giving you faux hope. —Tch, get on your knees. Quick.
Trembling, you kneeled between his legs, attentive to his next movement. The belt of his hero suit was soon out of the way, his pants now allowing you access to his cock.
—Make it hard, I'm still not done with you.
You pouted, turning your face to the side. Even if your cunt was dripping from all the excitement, you still had energy to misbehave.
Kirishima grunted, using your hair as a handle once more. Taking his cock out, he guided your mouth to it.
—Be of use, suck it.
Shutting your eyes, you hollowed your cheeks to create some suction. It didn't take long for his girth to harden, considering how many times you'd sucked on it. You knew all the spots that made him whimper, but something told you this time was going to be different from before.
His hips didn't give you time to breathe as they rammed deep inside your throat, making you choke. It was fast, rough, and spiteful. Fat tears rolled down your cheeks, messing up your eyeliner in the process; he was using your mouth for his satisfaction, not yours.
If you had been good, if you had been “Kirishima's pebble”- as he liked to call you-, perhaps he would've come home and relieved his stress with tender love making. Instead, you were a brat today; bound to happen, this was the aftermath of your lack of discipline. Whores are treated like fuck toys, they don't get to pick and choose.
The way you gagged on his cock as you desperately tried to get it out to get some air had his balls clenching. Deciding to test your limits a little more before letting go, he buried your nose against him, his length fully engulfed by the walls of your throat.
He held you for a few seconds like that, watching you beg with your eyes. Your glassy eyes could see him swiftly reach for his phone, the sound of his camera snapping a picture being present.
—Breath, and get on fours.
You gasped for air and coughed as he released you. It was a carnal scene, Kirishima had to admit; you were partly undressed, your makeup ruined, and if he had to guess, your pussy was aching to be split in half.
—I don't think you'll act up ever again after this.
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jayarrarr · 8 months
Fractal Russian Nesting Dolls
What can you say about that phrase about containing multitudes when multitudes actually turn out to be infinites, the way I could go on forever trying to pick apart the gears that make you tick without ever quite being able to fully capture the pendulum swing that goes tock on a grandfather clock that gave us a clause to celebrate a nostalgia we once helped create together before either of us ever suspected we would one day be together. So you call our love language inside conversations, the way we gots jokes inside of jokes inside of jokes inside of real deal deep intellectual explication of our aesthetics both in art and in the partners we choose to layer up with on a winter that arrived in mere hours after we had both been wearing shorts earlier that day. The weather in Houston is completely schizophrenic sometimes, which is not to say anything bad about schizophrenics since we both hate ableism and like Houston, it being my hometown, and it being the place you fell in love with me over daiquiris and the kind of surprise midnight anal that happens when your bodies are writing the writhing scripts your heads will just have to catch up to like an underdog that reminds you sometimes the most intimate thing you can probe is also the place where the trash gets taken out, since home is where you make your best messes, and since some messes are worth getting into for the sensation of cleaning up later. And yeah, that’s a metaphor for an audience of one, since no one will get that one better than her, so here we are manifesting another of them Fractal Russian Nesting Dolls, which feels an appropriate thing to call them, since I am always telling everyone how communism was and remains a good ideology to have and to follow in the objective fact kind of way, and not merely in the value judgment kind of way, and any conversation with me might get there eventually, even my pillow talk, where we will get all dialectical materially and show how hormones can shift thinking until we don’t even know what is and isn’t flirting, since it all feels like the color red.
©2023 by Mike Hilbig
Note from Jen: Mike wrote this for me based on a little comment exchange we were having on the Facebook post where I announced we were an Official Couple™ after he wrote a much longer and more eloquent post on the same topic. And then he asked if I would post it on my Tumblr since he's not really on Tumblr anymore, so here you go.
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sister-dear · 2 years
Q, Y and Z? 👀
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
SO MANY. Lol. Especially from longer stories and series. I tend to plot loosely via vague descriptions of scenes and chunks of dialogue and refine as I go, so there’s a lot of stuff that gets written down and then tossed when it doesn’t end up fitting. There’s one from almost a full year ago now that I’m still hoping to use for a future Built on Trust installment, it was meant for something else and just didn’t work, but it also didn’t work for Built on Trust without establishing some other stuff first, but I still like the scenario. And one from the Sicktember stuff before I decided to go the lighthearted route that I’m hoping to build into a full story for Whumptober. 
Most of them are too rough or I just don’t like them enough to want to share, but I’ll chuck a “meet the colors” scenario under a read more at the end here that wound up getting discarded because I was having trouble getting the tone of it to go the direction I needed. Reading it again, though, I do kind of feel like it might have potential now that I’m not trying to force it to be something it wasn’t suited for lol. 
Y: A character you want to protect.
See the problem here is the characters I’d list are the exact same ones it’s fun to make suffer. Everything in balance hahaha! 
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
I used to sometimes enjoy or at the very least be able to tolerate it, but these days I just can’t. Strikes a little too close to home! One of the few things that’s an automatic hard pass for me. (At least, in a fandom situation. A movie or book genre where you go in knowing that it’s highly unlikely for all of the characters to survive so there’s no point getting attached is a different beast entirely.)
Which is not meant to be a value judgment on people who write and enjoy it! It can be very cathartic in some circumstances, and adds suspense and drama in a way few other things can. 
(Meet the Colors Discarded Scenario)
Four eyes the line of shivering heroes. They’re all drenched, in varying states of miserable, guilty, and irritated. Wild’s starting the process of retrieving what he can of their gear from the riverbed with magnesis. A few of them start changing into different gear to help him.
Four is very, very glad that he got off the raft first. The only thing wet is his feet. 
“Set up camp early?” A hopeful Sky suggests through chattering teeth. 
“I think that’s a good idea,” Warriors agrees. 
(Next morning, something wrong.) Four is the first one awake. He hears first one cough. Then another. 
“There was something going around that last town. Some kind of illness.”
“Yeah. It’s usually minor, but everyone gets it.” 
“We’re not that far from town. We could go back.”
As one, they look over the group. Some of them are obviously down for the count, not up to travel. 
“That might be more trouble than it’s worth.” 
“Looks like we’re riding this out right here.”
Four tries. He really does. He manages one entire day. He wakes up the next morning feeling surprisingly stiff and sore; it’s a lot of work taking care of eight sick people, even when a handful of them are still well enough to help out. 
That next morning though, it’s immediately obvious he’s on his own. 
Four surveys camp of shivering, groaning, coughing heroes. 
He’s going to need help.
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waiqigoestowork · 9 months
Steinway and Sons Singapore - Piano Recording with David Nuss
31st May 2023
A little context / backstory:
I had previously done a recording with Steinway back in 2022 in their production studio, along with pianist Tiffany Leu and soprano Moira Loh. It was done as part of a commercial for the Property Lim Brothers. I was also Moira's intern back in my 3rd year of Diploma when she was also working as a marketing manager in Steinway.
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Fast Forward to May 2023:
Steinway's current marketing specialist, Amanda, contacted me via Email about an opportunity for another recording. I did not expect them to voluntarily contact me now that Moira has left the position, but I guess that they were satisfied with my past performance and kept my contact.
The Project:
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The description of the project through Email was a little strange, so I scheduled a phone call with Amanda to clarify things. Essentially there was a problem with the audio recording from the first session (which was done by the video team), and the client was not satisfied with the end result, so they needed a specialized recording engineer to be there for the re-take. I also asked for a sample of the botched recording.
I was very wary at first. I thought that the client was being picky and difficult, because how bad can the quality of a piano recording get?
TLDR; it was very bad.
It's very likely that the recording had noise because the studio was located in an industrial building. They probably engaged a noise gate and denoiser and had it printed onto the audio recording, which made it sound gurgly and have significantly degraded (unacceptable) quality.
So I took up the job and promised that I could deliver the "clean and professional" level of audio they asked for. It was also very apparent that Amanda was not in any way familiar with the tech side of things, because other than forwarding me a copy of their company tech rider she was unable to advise beyond that.
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Thoughts Before the Job
At this point, I knew I was on my own in determining the quality that I would provide. I was scared because I had not done a project without any guidance from a senior or supervisor, let alone something professional. Even though I accepted the job, I doubted my abilities in and out and lost all confidence I had about myself. I was afraid of judgment and expected my performance to be perfect. I also assumed that everyone knew better than me and would be extremely hard to work with.
Day of the Recording
I used a stereo pair of small condenser microphones to mic up the piano. I placed it rather far from the piano (not close miked), based on the measurements suggested in their tech rider for the distance stereo pair.
I wasn't sure why I was so rigid and followed the "rules" instead of using my brain and experience to deduce the best position for the mics. I suppose because it was my first time doing a professional gig, and following the tech rider was the only structure I could cling to and feel safe. Now that I think about it, I was also partially trying to avoid blame and accountability by sticking to their template.
The client brought his own pair of microphones too because he was disappointed by the first recording session and wanted to have a backup for his own keepsake. I honestly felt a little offended by the whole situation, because I thought that if the client had his own mics why would they even need me?
He taped down two AKG C414s onto the soundboard of the piano. From then onwards I knew that gear does not equal expertise. Although his method would allow him to record clear audio, the stereo image would be pretty unsalvageable and would not be pleasant to listen to. So it kind of made me feel a little better about my presence there.
The recording was pretty straightforward, I followed the cues from the camera team and labelled each take accordingly. For good measure, I let the client listen to the raw files before he left for him to give the green light. I also mentioned to him that there is not much that can be done to the occasional disruption of warehouse noise, and that I would do my best to dampen it without affecting the quality. He was pretty understanding about it and we wrapped it up.
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Post-Production + Reflection:
The whole recording was that of the client's young daughter. It may seem trivial, but it did not occur to me at that point of time that the skill (or age) of the pianist would affect the way it needs to be recorded.
Normally for classical professional classical recitals, a distanced A-B stereo pair would be sufficient to capture the sound and energy of a grand piano.
In this case, because the pianist was young and still a beginner, her note projection was not as strong, and my miking technique was actually not ideal. I did not realise that my gain was turned up slightly too hot, and ended up picking up a lot of floor noise. It was not an ideal environment to be monitoring either, because the sound from the acoustic piano was loud enough to still be heard over headphones.
Either way, I did the best I can to polish the files up, and handed it over to Amanda, and she was happy with it. I did not hear the client's feedback nor comments, but payment was made nonetheless, even though it took quite a while. David, the client, was a close friend to the chairman of Steinway, so I already assumed that he can and will take his time to confirm and make payment, therefore I did pester Amanda quite a bit to make sure that I get my fee within an acceptable timeframe.
Biggest Takeaways:
I am now in control of my own work, and will need to have increased discipline and self conduct.
Stop doubting myself, I am the specialist that they hired and I have the knowledge and skill to execute what I am supposed to.
Do not get ahead of myself. Honesty and integrity goes a long way, do not say yes to things that I know I am not able to do.
People are more understanding than you think they are.
Do not feel bad about asking for payment. (duh)
My own expectations will most likely be higher than the client's, because I know what to listen to and am most aware of my flaws.
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rsp13mediasociety · 1 year
Interview with Brandon Teena-Blog Post #3
                                    March 24, 2023 by Ryan Pierce
                                    “Interview with Brandon Teena”
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I interviewed Brandon Teena about the LGBTQI & BIPOC communities regarding the representation of their communities in film and television. His life story is portrayed in the movie “Boys Don’t Cry” and we wanted to discuss his take on film and television from thirty five years ago compared to today.
Were you able to identify with any characters in the 1980’s and 90’s in film during that time?
Yes I can identify with the movies from back then because some of the movies portrayed women dressing as men, which I always knew I was comfortable with. I can remember watching the movie “Just One Of The Guys.” I was in my early teens and admired that she was able to be one of the “guys” and they accepted her. She made so many friends in the movie and people truly liked her. Even after they found out who she was, her life wasn’t affected by it. Unfortunately that wasn’t the situation for me. I was bullied and shunned from the people I thought were my friends. I didn’t have it easy like the girl in the movie but I could identify with wanting to be accepted for who I am and treated fairly. Just because I dressed a certain way and identified differently than others I should never have had to go through the terrible experiences that I did for being me. After surviving the terrible things that happened to me I remember creating a scenario that I was a character in a movie where my life would have turned out differently and I was accepted for who I am. 
Would you feel comfortable going to see an LGBTQI movie in your hometown growing up?
No to be honest I wouldn’t feel comfortable in my hometown of Nebraska. Growing up during that time was difficult because people were not very accepting of the trans community during that time. If I went to an LGBTQI movie in my hometown it would have exposed me for who I truly am and that is not something I felt comfortable with at the time. When I got older I chose to move away to Little Falls, Nebraska in hopes of starting a new life. Unfortunately things were not easy there and I wouldn't have felt comfortable going to the movies there either. Now that I am in my 50’s I have become comfortable with who I am and I have learned not to care what people think of me and I would definitely go to see an LGBTQI movie. I think back to that time and how unsure of myself that I was because people were so unaccepting of the trans community. Now I would walk proudly hand in hand with my partner into a movie theater without any hesitation. It’s time for people to accept me for who I am without any judgment just as heterosexual couples are not judged for who they are. 
Given the struggles of the transgender community that you are a part of do you feel your community  shares the same struggles as the BIPOC community in regards to film ?
I think that we share the same struggles but in different ways in regards to the way we are portrayed in film. Both of our communities are under-represented within the film and television industry. The roles that both of our communities get in films seem to be unfortunately geared towards a negative reflection and in my opinion there are only a few strong role models. You have to remember there are transgender people in the BIPOC communities so we do kind of have similar struggles in regards to our representation in film. You could even make the argument that transgender people of color struggle even more in being represented in film. I think that our communities as a whole need to have more representation in film and less bias towards us. Film has such an influence on society and culture and if both of our communities can be represented more in film,  maybe  it can educate people and break down those stereotypes that are still seen in film today. They came to me and asked to do a movie about my life. I was very specific on wanting them to portray my life realistically and to show the struggles I went through because of who I am. I wanted it to bring light to our community in hopes of helping someone who may be going through what I did and to maybe break the cycle of the stereotypes.
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The transgender community in films are mainly portrayed as victims or murders. What effect does that have on you as a transgender person?
Transgender people have been misrepresented in movies throughout time. We have faced a lot of prejudice in society and unfortunately the films have the power to reinforce negative stereotypes of our community. I think we really need to start educating society about people like me. We are not some “freaks” as some people think we are. I have a right to be who I want to be and shouldn’t be portrayed as the victims or murders. Look at the portrayal of Buffalo Bill in “Silence of the Lambs.” They make transgender people look like we are homicidal maniacs because we identify as another gender. It makes people subconsciously think that we are unhinged and that is not a fair reflection of our community. His role although it fits into the movie I don’t feel they needed to make him  a transgender in order to play the role. It is very rare that you see a trangender person portrayed in a positive light in films. If they do it is made to be comedic and making fun of our community. They need to start putting transgender people in more serious roles so we can be looked at in a different light. 
 bIn today’s society how do you feel the trans community is portrayed in film or television?
I think that the transgender community has come a long way in film and television from the early years. Being transgender was not widely accepted when I was younger as it is today. I really enjoyed watching the television series, “Orange Is The New Black” because Laverne Cox is a transgender actress who has really broken the barrier for the transgender community in television. She is a strong role model for our community and her presence on screen is really encouraging to get us acceptance and inclusion in our society today. Her television series shows the true struggles that transgender people deal with in their everyday personal relationships and the stigmas that come with it. Even in prison she is insulted and made fun of because of who she is. I admire her because she handles the situation with dignity and doesn’t make our community look crazy. I really hope it can show society that we are just people and want to be treated the same as everyone else. Maybe it can help to educate people on acceptance and give other transgender actors and actresses the opportunity to work on films that have more serious roles that portray our community the same as others. It was an honor to interview Brandon Teena to say the least. It amazed me to see  that through all the struggles he’s been through as being part of the transgender community how strong he really is. He had so many tragic things happen to him and he was able to overcome and persevere  over those obstacles. He really came off with a real sense of pride about who he is today and advocates for his community. Brandon definitely feels that the representations of LGBTQI & BIPOC communities today have improved but still have a long way to                                                        
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Hi everyone! How was everyone’s thanksgiving/holiday? Mine was pretty good and I’m super excited for Christmas! I’ve been rearranging my room and cleaning out some drawers to make room for some little/pet things I’m hoping to get for Christmas.
Also I’ve been thinking if I should call myself part of this community because I’m not really feeling like a fit. I mean I own pacifiers and I wanna get my first bottle soon, along with some tethers and rattles but I don’t know. I don’t mentally regress back into a child I’ve just always felt a little younger then I am and I find the little and pet gear like pacifiers, bottle, collars, ears and teethers to be cute and wholesome.🥰 I don’t really slip I usually just use my pacis when I want something in my mouth or any time at night. I feel like I slip more into a pet space mindset but still not totally. I don’t really do baby talk, well I do when i feel vulnerable and small and helpless over text maybe but not in real life, at least not alone. But then again in real life nobody really interacts with me in my different headspace’s. There was this one time where I had my paci in my mouth and I wanted my milkies but I needed something that was up high and I needed my sibling’s help but I didn’t feel like saying a lot of words so I just pointed to stuff and that made me feel tiny. So maybe I’m just nonverbal when little? I guess the only real way to figure it out is through trial and error because I only do this voluntarily just because it’s fun. But i feel like I can relate more to my puppy space even though I haven’t really tried that in real life either.😅 Because sometimes when I’m with friends i just want to nuzzle there side with my face like an animal would but I never do because well…that’s supposedly weird. And when someone pats my head or calls me a “good girl” I get so excited and I immediately want to pant like a dog! I think the number one reason I haven’t explored too much is just because practicing on my own like baby talking or getting on all fours and barking feels a bit silly and embarrassing, especially since I live with family so I don’t get to be completely alone without judgment often. But I hope I have the courage to try it soon because the idea of being a cute little puppy sounds so fun!
Anyway, I hope someone on here might be able to help or give me some clarity? If anyone has a puppy or any pet space that they have been in for a long time I would love to hear your experiences. That’s my rant for today, felt good to tell someone, bye!🤍🖤
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itians-house · 2 years
Go to the Rage Room and Then Feel Relief
I Destroyed Things like Cups, plates, and objects in the rage room to relieve stress. What do people do in the rage room? I’m telling you my story that how I feel free after going to rang room. So, let’s go and enjoy the reading…
“G’day, are you upset?” my senior said to me one morning. I say, Yes, I am upset and worry today, I thought. I’m scared about my finances, and the packed Los Angeles. And the fact that women earn less pay than people could go on. Fortunately, his inquiry was not in vain. He was wondering if I’ll be interested in trying out something. That may aid me to deal with my stress and tension: rage chambers.
Your heart is racing. Your hands are clenched. Your skin is bright red. Have you ever really been furious that you simply wanted to smash something? You can now, due to rage rooms.
For a fee, you may vent off steam by tossing dishes, shattering laptops, and damaging furniture.
The locations (rage room near me) are known as rage chambers. Rage is a phrase that refers to intense fury. A rage chamber is a private event where people pay to smash stuff. We have some exciting news for you. Anger rooms foster a no-judgment, no-consequences environment in which you may come in, damage things, and then go.
There were no questions. There are no fines or cleanup required. Everything is in order for you. A rage room is a location where you may vent your fury on items without getting in trouble. You can rant as much as you want since each area is secure.
Table of Contents
Destruction Therapy
Rage Room makes you happy:
Doesn’t this study overlook the fact that these rooms are all in good fun?
Are people paying for Rage Room?
How much time do people spend on Rage Room?
Pieces of equipment for breaking the thins in Rage Room?
What can We Break into the Rage Room?
What is the other Name of the Rage Room?
What is Sabotage Therapy Technique?
Destruction Therapy
Destruction Therapy can do alone or in concert with others. Many rage rooms offer date night or party packages, allowing you to have fun with a friend, spouse, or even a coworker! Breaking things down jointly creates a sense of kinship.
Before visiting one on assignment, I’d heard about rage chambers but had never thought of going on my own. Paying money to destroy things seemed irrational at best, and a total waste of money at worst. Even as someone who often attends therapy for a release, I was excited when he advised giving them a try to relieve my tension and stress
Rage Room makes you happy:
The idea is that by allowing yourself the time and space to smash lifeless items and unleash pent-up destructive energy, you’ll be able to release some of the bottled rages that many of us have deep inside but keep buried away in order to comply with cultural standards and, you know, laws. “It’s not like learning tae kwon do or kickboxing,” she explained.
Corporate event planners have also used demolition therapy to create a one-of-a-kind work event. An automobile business, for example, might order that their competitor’s vehicles be sent in to be destroyed. It’s a terrific way to “smash the competition” while also relieving any work-related tension.
Doesn’t this study overlook the fact that these rooms are all in good fun?
This leads to the question: if voicing our rage by ruining objects helps many of us feel as if we’ve lowered our rage, isn’t it a helpful activity to do when we’re at our wits’ end? Or perhaps a worthwhile pastime for a Saturday night out with mates, especially if we’re a group looking to express our rage and blow off some steam? 
There is, of course, a reason why we can’t just let free in ordinary life. You surely don’t want to break your own dishes or have to replace the printer at work. Destructive treatment allows you to follow your destructive impulses in a safe atmosphere. We provide you with protective gear the entire time and offer you complete authority to trash the contents of the rage room we put up for you. You can reduce tension by letting go of damaging conduct in a safe atmosphere where no one else will be affected.
Are people paying for Rage Room?
Before visiting one on the job, I’d heard about rage rooms but had never considered going on my own. Paying money to destroy things seemed logical at best, and a total waste of money at worst. Even as someone who often attends therapy for a release, I was excited when he advised giving them a try to relieve my tension and stress.
How much time do people spend on Rage Room?
Rage chambers, for the uninitiated, are private rooms where clients may spend 30 to 45 minutes shattering objects like glass dishes, glasses, and flat-panel TVs with baseball bats, crowbars, and other instruments that might ordinarily injure you. The typical cost of a session ranges from $50 to $299, depending on the type and quantity of goods you bash.
I Destroyed Things like Cups, plates, and objects in the rage room to relieve stress.
Are you looking for a way to release your anger in a way that best doesn’t lead to unemployment or divorce? Just look at your local anger room: it’s a room designed for people to break things so they can vent their frustrations in a safe and effective way. This concept is also known as “Destructo Therapy”. How it works, go into a safe, guarded room with a bunch of stuff to smash.
Pieces of equipment for breaking the thins in Rage Room?
They wear head-to-toe protective gear, including hard hats, goggles, gloves, overalls, and more. They will then give you a weapon of choices, such as a sledgehammer, club, golf club, whistle, or anything that can destroy things. Once you’re ready, you can vent all your frustrations while breaking each inanimate object. The entire experience is designed to help you connect with your anger and release it appropriately. Typically, most rage rooms offer time limits in 10-minute increments.
What can We Break into the Rage Room?
They can destroy electronic waste such as computer monitors, CPU towers, laptops, keyboards, printers, fax machines, TVs, and any other electronics you can think of. Kitchen items such as plates, bowls, bottles, cups, etc. Some Angry Rooms also offer car smashing services! In an angry dream, anything that comes to your mind is likely to be vulnerable.
What is the other Name of the Rage Room?
Rage rooms, also known as “smash rooms” or “aggression rooms”, have opened up in cities around the world, offering people a safe place to vent their anger — literally. You can throw a plate around the room, hold a sledgehammer on your old computer, or kiss goodbye to a framed photo of your ex holding a golf club. Some rage rooms even offer to smash your car for you.
What is Sabotage Therapy Technique?
Sabotage therapy is a technique that helps you release your anger at the right time and place. Rage Rooms provides a safe, fun environment for anyone experiencing common feelings such as sadness, anxiety, depression, stress, and anger to release those feelings in an acceptable way.
Some experts commented that smashing old items in anger could be a temporary Band-Aid for psychological problems that require expert intervention. Others even argue that anger rooms may actually reinforce negative or destructive coping behaviors in those struggling with anger issues. For example, if you find yourself in an anger room and you are struggling with a particular issue, it may be more beneficial to seek professional help rather than smashing something.
You can Destroy everything in Smash Room:
In an aggressive room, you have the opportunity to destroy something without feeling guilty or even having to clean up after the fact. For example, the Sabotage Club in New York is touted as a “place where people come to smash things.” Rage Rooms usually have a setup with things you can destroy, like furniture or an old computer, and a few different weapons to help you do this, like a sledgehammer or a baseball bat.
Read more about information content a new word has been added to English Dictionary ” Reseper“.
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moxfirefly · 2 years
i was wondering what type of person/girl would each turtle be attracted to? like,,, do they like rock n' roll, or would they like reading? those type of stuff.... thank u, and i love ur work !! 🤍
Hey there! Let’s see…
I feel Leo would be somewhat picky but it’s more so because of his nature to want to have some control over things. He’s kinda independent if you ask me so an s/o who’s somewhat independent themselves would be great. Doesn’t mean they can’t depend on each other though.
He’d like someone who enjoy literature, so they can discuss books and have some cute moments because they would read the same thing together and talk about it for hours. Someone to give him books recs and someone who would love to hear his recs for them.
Sporty or homebody he doesn’t mind. He likes energy though, you can be energetic in your own ways but he appreciates it.
Boy likes to show off so somebody who cheers him own during training would make him all sorts of fuzzy.
For bedroom fun he’d be very happy with someone who is naturally submissive but he does indulge in be a total sub himself every now and then so vers s/o would be great.
Give this man a weeb s/o too, he’ll be a giddy mess if he can sit and binge an anime with them.
Cool and collected but sure of themselves. He won’t say it but he loves an s/o who can handle themselves with a bit of an attitude.
Lowkey (more high key) somebody to baby him.
Loves them pretty fem ngl, like he loves all that make up shit and skirts and heels, but honestly would high key vibe with a tomboy.
Somebody confident but somebody who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable (because homeboy is a crybaby let’s be real)
Which goes without saying, he does need somebody who isn’t judgmental. He’s sensitive you know, he’ll appreciate you being real with him but don’t hurt my boy 🥲
For the seriously big ol brat that he is, he loves to goof around so he’ll for sure be a boyfriend who loves to prank you and pick on you (in a sweet way) so y’all can get into it. He’ll call you a bossy princess and you can call him a green boulder but still kiss ya know.
He likes opposites attracts so you don’t gotta love everything he loves but he doesn’t appreciate you trying. Same he does with you.
Wants somebody he can gossip with. Raph loves gossip and he will deny until his dying breath but homie is a gossipy hoe. Bring forth all the work tea, friend tea, relationship tea, family tea.
High key loves to show off and loves it when it affects you 🥴
With all the body issues he wouldn’t mind someone who’s openly into ogling him, calling him handsome and their big strong man. Gas him up pls.
Sweet but raunchy. Oh how that combo would kill him. He wants to hold your hand in public but fold you like laundry in private.
Sporty, fem, masc, non-binary, anything whatever. Have a pulse he’s easy.
Mikey boy just wants somebody he can have fun with you know? Stay up late and play video games type of love. Share memes and inside jokes type of love. Bake at 3am because the munchies hit hard after banging type of love.
Chill s/o, doesn’t have to be as chill as he is cause you need to sometimes get his ass into gear but he doesn’t want someone bossy or demanding.
I hope you’re ready for the embodiment of love language is physical touch, because he will have a hand or part of him on you. So somebody who enjoys that’s would be aces.
Creative type too, if you paint or draw. Or if you like being a model for him to paint or draw better yet. Music junkie, make him a playlist and he’s yours.
Stealer of clothes and accessories. At some point he’ll be wearing more of your stuff and you of his.
Vers because as much as he wants to fold you over any piece of furniture within sight, he wants you to do the same. You can literally peg him, it’s on his bucket list.
Like minded individual for this one. He’s not opposed to an opposites attract but it’s gotta be like right you know? He loves challenges and he loves anybody who can challenge him but a like minded s/o would be nice.
So somebody who’s into robotics and science and mechanics etc. cause he would love to bounce ideas off of you. You don’t have to be a genius trust me he loves teaching all this shit and explaining more than anything but if you’ve got some knowledge in the fields he’ll be stoked.
Acts of service is his language so expect him to wanna help fix or do stuff for you. Somebody who doesn’t mind this would be great for him. Which kinda goes without saying, he would be really into taking the lead in stuff.
Conversations, boy loves to talk which is something he values in a future s/o. Whatever the topic he’s down for long conversations.
He’s a vers by nature, has his days where he’s more vers top than anything but he does enjoy being at your mercy so be ready to enjoy that and have the reigns handed to you when he’s feeling more subby.
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Draw your swords, pt. 6
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Summary: Losing someone can make you realize what was already there and the Darkling is about to find that out the hard way.
Warnings: angst, violence, swearing, bit of fluff
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five  
Five days have passed and the Darkling had never stopped looking for his wife. His men never saw him rest, sleep was simply never on his agenda. He barely ate at all, merely giving time for the rest of them to gather their strength.
He was restless, constantly questioning how this could have happened. No matter how he looked at it, the Darkling felt guilt consuming him. Without his rage, he worried the guilt would have paralyzed him. Had he not went on a pointless hunt for something that’s likely a tale, she would have been right by his side, antagonizing him.
It’s been hundreds of years since he felt this way, as if his heartstrings are being pulled by someone other than himself. In this search for Y/N, he realized she is consuming. After all, she might have been right – a part of him may actually care for her. He cursed that part of himself over and over again as result.
They’ve tracked her toward Fjerdan borders. Every now and then, they would find bodies on the road, their throat cut or stabbed right through the heart. Sometimes, he found them alive still. He never refrained from calling on his shadows, trying to draw useful information to close in on their whereabouts.
Y/N never saw him use his shadows before. He couldn’t help but wonder if she’d disapprove of the means he’s using to find her. After all, she called him a demon on their wedding night. She would never accept him as he is, he had no doubt about that.
Did she want to be found by him?
The first body they found, the Darkling smiled. He didn’t question it was her hands who have taken the man’s life. There was no concrete proof, but he was certain of it. Every body found felt like her own version of breadcrumbs.
Closing his eyes, he exhaled heavily. If she managed to set herself free so many times to leave what was now five dead men behind, he couldn’t help but worry for her safety. What was the price of each crumb she left?
It wasn’t just the exposure to snow he worried about – and he did worry as she got cold too quickly and he was the one to warm her up before. Who’d warm her up now?
The darkness of the forest gave him cause to worry too – she may have tried to hide it, but he knew she was afraid of the dark. He realized it when her breathing turned shallow and fast their first night together just as she extinguished the candlelight. The next night, he left his candle to burn long into the night.
Something stirred inside him, a beast has awakened. Despite the war his heart and mind waged, he wondered if he’s his own worst enemy. Maybe it was time to let someone in. For too long, he had been alone in the shadows of his past lives.
Why is he repeating the same mistakes?
How can he be afraid when he married a woman who never blinks in the face of danger?
His heart was ice and stone until she came and now the ice has started to melt. All he’s done is hurt and destroy, but he wanted out of the loneliness that clings to him.
She was right, as hard as it is to admit it. He’s a demon, a devil that walks the earth and he cares. Because of her he hopes he might love again and he can’t let anyone take that from him – hope is the only thing stronger than fear. And when a devil falls in love and discovers hope, it’s the most hauntingly beautiful sight. They should fear him as he will go to the depths of hell to protect her.
While his eyes may have been closed, his heart jumped as a bright flash forced him to open them again.
He was never given a chance to be soft. His hands had to be bloody, to have people fear him. Only when they feared him, they wouldn’t hurt him. Now was the time to show them just why they fear him.
“Where?” He growled out, looking to Ivan and Fedyor who were looking at the sky.
“East”, Fedyor replied hastily, ready to follow Kirigan who set off in said direction without a second thought. He didn’t order anyone to follow, but they did.
Ivan and Fedyor walked two steps behind their general, alert as the flash had awakened them from a deep slumber. They weren’t the only ones shaken, unsure what they’re walking into but none showed fear as their general lead them straight to the source. Their loyalty, their belief in general Kirigan runs deep.
Except for David. He was afraid. He didn’t want to be in that forest and he didn’t want to be in danger, but he trusted Kirigan. Besides, Y/N was nice and Genya seemed to like her. So he came along too.
Kirigan walked in strides, the snow didn’t slow him down. His hands formed fists, his face twisted in anger, but his heart pounded in his chest as he had no inkling what he might find. All he knew was that he had to get there, fast.
As if made of darkness itself, the Darkling emerged on what looked like a battlefield. The trees surrounded a small clearing covered in snow that melted under the spilled blood – still warm as it poured from the dead surrounding her.
She’s on her knees, two Fjerdans chaining her up as if she’s a wild animal.
“You think you’re scary, huh?” She spat at the Fjerdan’s feet – a crimson liquid, Darkling realized. She’s bleeding.  
“That’s adorable”, she chuckled maniacally as she held her fierce gaze on the Fjerdan stood before her. They pulled her left hand behind her back and her right hand in front as they tightened the chains that were secured over rope that laid just beneath.
Darkling’s blood boiled. It is fear that brings rage, that hot burning anger that seeks to harm. Once again, he was afraid, not of her but for her.
Four more Fjerdans came from behind the trees, all covered in blood. “Fucking bitch”, one of them kicked her in the ribs and he couldn’t take anymore. He could kill them easily for what they’ve done – he’s killed every one of them he ran into in the past five days without even blinking, regardless if they were involved in her disappearance or not.
“Mister, I’ve seen scary and you don’t have his handsome smile.”
Licking his lips, the Darkling nearly smiles at her remark. There’s no possible way she means anyone else but him. Looking at his Grisha, he found them nearly all in position. They would attack in a minute, swiftly and deadly.
Yet in a moment of carelessness, he missed the Fjerdans realization they’re being watched. Too quickly, more of them appeared. The pitiful human managed to land a few consecutive blows to Darkling’s face before drawing a dagger.
Angry, dark eyes showed the Fjerdan that the Darkling’s brain is in a different mode, that he has switched gears from empathy he had for his wife to cold emotional indifference. Never once has he directed this mode in Y/N’s direction, yet it emerged when he sensed a threat to her life, letting out a part of him that was full on protective.
Grunting, the Darkling’s eyes narrowed at the human who dared to sink the blade into his heart. Despite his immortality, he could still hurt. The pain of a stab wound felt just as it would if here as fragile as the human before him.
But he’s not human at all.
Connecting his hands, the Darkling lifts his head as he summons the darkness that spills from every corner of the forest. “Foolish”, he sneers, “Attacking me in the dark?” The Darkling smirked, walking past the petrified Fjerdan, allowing his shadows to administer a thousand cuts for his transgression.
As he walked toward the middle of the circle, his shadows followed, aiding his Grisha in taking the rest of the Fjerdans so quickly that Y/N gasped.
Looking around in shock, she found Kirigan kneeling beside her.
“You have a knife”, she coughed into her shoulder, “A knife in your chest.”
“I promised”, he gasped for breath as he pulled the knife from his chest. “That I would protect you and I intend to keep the damn promise.”
On the brink of tears, her lips quivered before she laughed. “I thought you’d let them kill me.” Better to laugh than cry, she thought.
Frowning, he shook his head. “That would be too easy”, he waved David over who stood at the tree line, wide eyed. “If anyone’s going to kill you, it should be me.”
Even with tears blurring her vision, she giggled at his stupid remark. She had tried so hard to free herself.
It wasn’t the first time she had been captured by enemies, she knew what to do. But there were so many of them. Each time she freed herself, they would descend upon her. She managed to run, twice, each time they dragged her back kicking and screaming.
Despite his words, Y/N didn’t believe Kirigan would come for her. She had to be her own hero and she tried. In the end, she used everything at her disposal – everything.
Feeling the chains drop, Y/N glances at David, “Thank you.” The ropes were cut as well, but she didn’t move. Truth be told, she wasn’t sure if she could stand on her own and asking for help would wound her. Rubbing her bruised wrists, she reluctantly looked at Kirigan.
“Here”, Kirigan offered his hands. Truth be told, he wanted to carry her, but he knew her pride wouldn’t allow it.
Hissing, she forced herself up despite Kirigan’s offer. “I am perfectly capable of walking on my own.”
He’d have asked her again because she trembled when the wind blew. Her hair was matted with blood, her face red and not from blushing. He could see the damage they’ve done more clearly now as she bent to take a deep breath as if the simple act of breathing hurt her.
Staring at her, he nodded despite his better judgment. Her breathing was ragged, dragging her feet as she walked. She felt his eyes on her, it unnerved her. All she could do is hope her legs don’t give out, but it felt as if they would betray her any moment now.
“Go and make camp ahead”, he ordered his Grisha to speed up as he realized her stubbornness would kill her. Stepping before her, he wrapped an arm around her waist. There would be no asking her for permission this time, he’ll not allow her to deny his help. Hoisting her up in his arm, he held his breath as she cried out in pain.
“I’m sorry”, he whispered, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
How could he not bring any healers? How could he have been so stupid?
Groaning, she sent him a stern glare yet found no anger in his. His eyes are like the ocean - they have the potential to destroy, yet when the waves reach the shore, they dissipate, leaving soft designs in the sand as a gentle reminder of its presence.
Leaning into his embrace, Y/N let out a gentle sigh of resignation. She’s been caught in the riptide and for once, she doesn’t want to fight it.
“I really thought I’d die”, she admits reluctantly.
Feeling him stiffen as he held her in his arms, Y/N frowned. Perhaps she shouldn’t have said that, or anything at all. This isn’t what they do, they don’t bare their hearts open.
“And when I faced death”, she continued regardless. Tilting her head to look up at him, she let out a shuddered exhale. A shy smile adorned her lips as their eyes shared a gaze so tender, an outsider would believe them to be in love.
“I thought how silly it is that I don’t know your first name.”
Snorting, Kirigan raised his eyebrows, “Really?”
“Yes”, she breathes out.
Looking at her now, the Darkling couldn’t believe this is his wife. The woman who infuriates him so often seemed so small, so fragile in his arms. Her gaze held remains of the horrors she was cast into and yet he never saw her as earnest before.
“I married you and I don’t even know your name.”
Licking his lips, he stops. Truth be told, no one actually knows his name. His name was long forgotten, a piece of his soul he had left behind in the fold. He promised himself he’d never utter it while he lives. He had promised he would never be that man again.
Unfortunately for him, he seems to be breaking his promises lately.
He promised her he’d protect her and he failed, just as he promised himself he’d never care for her and yet he does.
“Aleksander”, he mutters, still unsure if it’s the right decision. He placed one of his greatest secrets in the hands of a woman who’d see his world burn. He gave her power she never should possess and yet he’s not afraid. No one could make him fear anything after the ordeal he was put through since she decided to tear down his defenses.  
Smiling softly, she closed her eyes. Resting her head on his shoulder she felt satisfied. It may be small, but finding out his name felt like a victory. She was born to play this game, it was her destiny. He is her destiny.
Waking up, she found herself wrapped in several blankets inside a tent. Grunting, she struggled to sit up on her own. It seemed to be dark still, but she had a blue light lantern lit inside. She may not know who left it there, but Y/N was thankful. Despite her fear of dark, she found it odd she did not fear Aleksander’s darkness at all.
When his shadows nearly encased her in the clearing, she didn’t fret or worry. She smiled.
As contradictory as it may seem, she wished he was with her now. Her entire body ached and still, she was more bothered by the empty spot beside her. Shaking her head, she bites her lower lip. Would it be so bad if she showed a sliver of vulnerability for a single night? Would making a small concession such as this truly take away her power?
Before she has a chance to change her mind, she’s already outside of her tent. The cold chilled her to the bone, biting every inch of exposed skin. Teeth chattering, she looked to the tent next to hers as it was the only one so close – seemingly intentional.
Trying to open it in the cold seemed impossible as her fingers shook violently. Feeling faint, she wondered why she couldn’t just stay in her own tent for the night. Surely it would have been a better idea than to admit she’s scared to be alone.
A warm liquid trickled down her lip and she nearly laughed at her own idiocy. The darkness and cold and her own injuries have all been fairly good reasons for her to just sleep and try to recover and she still tried to find her husband who showed so much disdain for her in the past.
Just as she was about to give up, a familiar head of hair peaked through.
Shivering, she wipes the liquid from under her nose with the back of her hand. Looking at it, she realizes it’s blood. There’s a slightly dazed look in her eyes, the blood loss suffered over the past days leaving its mark.
Looking up at Kirigan, her lips tremble and she sways slightly as her legs threaten to give out. “I didn’t know who else to go to”, she mumbles meekly before collapsing into Kirigan’s arms.
No…Aleksander’s arms.
Pulling her inside, he wrapped her in his arms as she shivered. Covering her with blankets didn’t seem to help either, but he had confidence it would soon enough.
She closed her eyes, clinging to him and selfishly, he smiled. It brought back memories of the night she climbed atop of him to warm up, he assumed. She didn’t know he was awake then, but she did now. She trusted him enough to seek warmth and as her shivers stopped slowly. That’s when the Darkling realized he would never deny her anything she asked of him.
“Fuck”, he whispers under his breath and her eyes open.
He looked at her in a haunted way, a shadow of a bruise marred his jaw and she reached up to touch it, her chest aching when he nuzzled into her palm. They have never been quite as tender with one another, never so intimate. It felt surprisingly nice.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?” She asked, feeling so emotionally raw. Physical pain and lingering fear of impending death must have weakened her for a short while. Surely, she can allow herself a few moments of humanity?
He caught her wrist and pulled her hand down to press flat over his heart. “Here.”
Drawing a shuddered breath, her eyebrows knitted in worry. That’s where the knife was, she remembered with guilt. He could have died for her. Hating him requires too much energy; one she had little to spare. For the night, he can just be her husband and she will just be his wife. What harm can it do?
“Why did you come for me? Didn’t you say you wouldn’t fight for me?” Her confidence wavered as he sighed, brushing his fingers along her cheek. Not only did he come for her, but he murdered men for her.
Blinking slow, half in a daze as a low-grade fever began to grip her too, she had no more strength to deny how beautiful he is or how disarming his charm is. He may never love her, but she could…she could love him. If she ever fell for him, she knew she’d never be able to unlove him. She wouldn’t want to and that…that felt oddly comforting. For once, she was too tired to listen to her mind that preferred to set the world on fire rather than care for him.
As her eyes closed and her face relaxed, he stayed awake. He didn’t understand it, but he embraced the warm feeling spreading in his chest as she fell asleep.
“I’d burn this world for you.”
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard​
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kojinnie · 3 years
Why you should NOT date AOT boys...
Headcanon on what kind of headache you're bound for when dating the AOT boys, and why I advise you NOT to date them! Enjoy, loves!
levi - eren - armin - reiner
part two here | erwin - zeke - jean - connie
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He's an incredible man with a lot of talents and he'd be doing real good at his job, that dating him would give you a huge sense of pride. However, this man suffers from being emotionally constipated. He'd always keep you in the fine line of "are we or are we not?", even though you’ve been seeing each other for a long time. He’d never say “I love you” or any type of flashy display of affection. His love language is acts of service and quality time, so if you’re the type to wanting outward reassurance of how someone feels about you, Levi’s not gonna be the person to give you that. 
This problem stems from his deep, unresolved insecurity about the nature of relationship. It’s not just the “Am I good enough?”, he genuinely thinks that he is not a good person, and thus the inherent belief that everybody will abandon him in the end  — something he picks up from his traumatic childhood. He’s wary about establishing relationship because he’s afraid to succumb into his own feelings and vulnerability. He fears at certain point he has to feel and suffer the emotional consequence of being left by someone he cares for. He dreads the idea of getting caught off-guard with being fragile.
You gotta be extremely patient and understanding when it comes to Levi, the reassurance needs to come from you, and frequently too. Bluntly saying, “I’ll stick around” or “I’ll accept your shortcoming” is really soothing for Levi, because although he never shows it, he really thinks he does not deserve you.
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If you wanna be frustrated in a relationship where you constantly feel like you’re in an endless coaster, then dating Eren gotta be your poison. Sure the honeymoon phase was intoxicating, sure he makes you feel like the prettiest girl in the world. The morning text, the playful neck peck out in the public, the butterflies you feel in your tummy when you catch him staring at you even from afar with those oh so enthralling green eyes. But once the honeymoon phase over, Eren is quick to get bored. Especially if you’re an unproblematic, matter-of-fact type of person. Eren likes to fight, he gets thrilled by it, and he’s high with the rush of adrenaline. He likes it if you’re jealous, if you sulk, if you argue. He likes you to be ‘childish’ because then he gets to be the adult, the savior, the knight in shining armor. It grinds his gears. If you’re unfazed by his antics, if you’re easy to forgive, if you’re chill, Eren will think that you’re not really into him, and will exit the closest door out before his ego gets bruised even further.
Eren is sort of babied by people around him – his parents, his friends, and constantly being compared to his older brother doesn’t help either. He realizes that he got saved a lot of times by a lot of people. And this creates a deeply rooted insecurity with him that turns into an incessant impostor syndrome. The constant thought of not being good enough and the idea that all the achievement he’s ever got was the result of someone else’s help really crush him. You can shower him with praises and reassurance, but he would completely dismiss it, because he thinks your compliments are not based on objective views and that he does not deserve it. He painfully seeks for approval from any authority figure that (he thinks) does not have any emotional connection with him. And it can be really hurtful when he constantly dismisses your sincere compliments while desperately chasing from others who don’t care about him.
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It’s really hard to hate Armin. He’s a really nice man through and through, but what is his strength can also be his deepest weakness. He’s too nice and unsure about a lot of things. He knows he is knowledgeable, but he often doubts himself for being too ‘text-book smart’. Which is a valid cause, because at times he would get very oblivious to how relationship works, and treat feelings like it’s a quantifiable system. It will literally take years for him to finally get down and say how he feels about you, because all these times he was so busy filling the check-list in his mind to convince himself whether you truly like him or not, even though you couldn’t be any clearer with your intention towards him.
He is perceptive with what you think and how you feel, unfortunately this does not materialize into any action as he doubts his own intuition when it comes to his significant other. He fears that his own sentimentality has affected his intuitive judgment and thus deems it invalid, which is completely untrue because every hunch he has about you has always been accurate! That’s just how much he understands and knows you from years of quietly observing and taking each of your word into account.
He really relies on you sitting him down and telling him in details how you feel and the things you expect from him. He will do it, in a flash with no hesitation, but really, he just needs that verbal affirmation that he is doing the things that you want, and it’s not just based on his assumption. So, if you like sweet surprises, impulsive dates and expect your significant other to read your mind, Armin might not be the person.
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Oh my, truthfully, he is such a sweetheart, and can be completely smitten for the entirety of his life if he has found that one person. However, it’s a treacherous road for both Reiner and you to get to that stage. Initially, when you start to get closer to him, he may seem rigid and uninterested. The first date you had with him probably went awkward and although you really liked him, you were pretty sure he didn’t like you back, until he texted you the morning after, asking for a second date. That’s basically how being with Reiner is, a series of you being sure that he feels nothing towards you, only for his following action to prove the otherwise. He is really awful in displaying his emotion, he tries to be stoic all the time, and it often frustrates you because you cannot really tell how he feels, and you fear that you might have hurt him without realizing.
He may start to open up, only when you open up first about yourself. He thrives in romance with someone who he thinks shares his inner pain, and that’s very important for him, because he is always in a position where everyone expects him to be strong, and to have a significant other that understands his struggle is all he wants. But this gets hard for you, because sometimes Reiner’s sadness can be quite extreme and you cannot match that. Once Reiner realizes that you’re not on the same boat, he may become withdrawn, as he thinks he’s a burden and inadequate for you, and may end up self-sabotaging the whole relationship he has with you.
Although he does not like to admit it, but Reiner often slips into his sadness too deep, that it almost seems like he victimizes himself with his self-hatred. He will be the one to say stupid shit like, “You deserve someone better.” Or “I cannot make you happy.” When in fact you are perfectly willing to be with him all the way through.
With Reiner, you gotta be the bigger person, with bigger gestures and bigger patience. It’s because Reiner needs an anchor and a figure to lean on. In returns he would be the best lover that you will ever have for he is selfless and will be helplessly devoted to you.
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Racking my brain writing for the rest of the boys (Erwin, Jean, Connie, Pocko) because they're the ones we SHOULD date.
Update: Thanks thanks thanks for everyone who read this! I received a lot of love and you dunno how much this encourages me to keep going. Anyway, 2 things:
- My Masterlist
- Talk to meeee ♡
[ON-GOING REQUEST EVENT]: Kojinnie's 200 Followers Celebration - 24/7 Writing Event
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tsukishumai · 3 years
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x gn!reader wc: 2.1k+ summary; impatience is definitely not a virtue, and just one look at Ushijima Wakatoshi, you knew that there’s no way you could have waited until you got home. warnings; MINORS DNI, nsfw, smut, oral m receiving, road head, alcohol consumption, slight voyeurism, the actions in this fic could cause serious injury pls do not imitate lmao 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Ushijima got the call at around two o’ clock in the morning.
The shrill ringing of his cellphone had abruptly yanked him from his admittedly shallow rest. The empty space beside him screams that he should answer, so he quickly grabs the phone and slides his finger across the screen.
“Hello?” His voice was still thick with sleep, and he rubbed at his eyes as he sat up. The sheets pooled around his waist and he shivered when the cold air hit his bare chest.
“Toshi!” Your voice blasts through the speaker, barely distinguishable from the heavy bass and chattering voices in the background. “You answered!”
“Are you alright?” were the first words that had croaked out from his throat, Ushijima already in the motion of putting on a pair of sweatpants and throwing on a shirt.
“Yess, ‘m alright, Toshi,” you spoke with an obvious slur, tripping over your words in very much the same way Ushijima imagines you tripping in your shoes, “But can you come pick me up??”
Ushijima’s keys were already in his hand, slamming the door behind him before he jumped into his car.
“I’m on my way.”
You had sent Ushijima your location hours ago, a habit that he had unintentionally drilled into you once you had started dating. He had never once stopped you from a night out with your friends, nor had he ever given you a hard time for getting drunk at a random bar on a Wednesday night.
But still, that didn’t mean he never worried, and this was the perfect caveat to satisfy all parties.
And it has been your saving grace time and time again, allowing Ushijima to simply check his phone whenever you called for him to retrieve you, and you were too drunk to remember where you were.
The lounge you were in tonight happened to be in downtown, just a thirty two minute drive from your shared home, but the empty streets allowed Ushijima to arrive in only twenty seven.
He rolls the car to a stop as he arrives at his destination, shifting the gear into park and turning on the hazard lights. He shoots you a quick text, and not five minutes later, you stumble out of the corner building, laughing at a joke one of your friends must have said.
You smile widely when you spot him, pointing excitedly at his car before bidding your friends farewell and running to open the passenger door.
“Toshi!” You practically screamed into his car, the volume of your voice echoing in the otherwise silent night air, “I can’t believe you came.”
“You called me,” he answered, “Of course I’d come.”
You drop yourself into the passenger seat disgracefully, shutting the door before reaching over the center console and throwing your arms around Ushijima’s neck. He pretends to flinch when you press a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you,” you say when you pull away.
Ushijima smiles as he pats your head, then reaches over your lap to buckle your seatbelt in for you.
“Your friends don’t need a ride?” He asks.
You shake your head. “No, they’re going to another bar down the street.”
Ushijima tilts his head in confusion, “You didn’t want to go with them?”
“It’s late already,” you respond, watching Ushijima pull the car back out into the street, slowly starting the journey back home, “Besides, I missed you.”
He spares you a glance before reaching over and resting his hand on your thigh. His fingers instantly caress the bare skin, exposed by the outfit you had chosen to wear for your evening out. Your eyes trace the way his jawline clenched in tandem with when he squeezed you.
“I missed you too,” he replies
You lay your hand on top of his, playing with his fingers before moving them further up your thigh.
“No, Toshi, I missed you.”
Ushijima’s mouth felt dry at the insinuation in your tone. “We’ll be home soon.”
You lean over the center console once more to draw circles on his chest, a smug smile growing on your lips when you see his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.
You cup the side of his face as you dip your head down to nuzzle in the crook of his neck.
Beneath your touch, Ushijima trembles as you slowly drag your tongue from his neck up to his ear, whispering, “What if I can’t wait until we get home?”
Ushijima audibly gulps as he turns down the street, nervously asking, “What do you mean?”
Your hand moves to trail down his chest, tracing his abs before you palm the bulging hard cock that rested between his thighs.
Ushijima fights a groan, slowing down his speed as he tries to regain his focus. He fidgets in his seat when you start to stroke the outline of his grey sweatpants, and he couldn’t be more thankful that there were hardly any other cars on the road.
“Y/N, what are you…”
“Is it alright, Toshi?” you whisper as you slip your hand beneath his waistband. Ushijima lets out a soft sigh when your fist begins to slowly pump the entirety of his length, and you smirk at how hard he was trying not to take his eyes off the road. “Can I…”
There was a part of Ushijima that knew this was a terrible idea. That he should pull your hands out of his pants and focus on getting the two of you home safely. But he was just a man, and even when he wasn’t under the influence of your skillful strokes, he could hardly ever tell you ‘No.’
He said nothing, and against his better judgment, he bucked his hips into your fist — a silent urge for you to contine.
Ushijima kept his attention laser focused on the stretch of highway in front of him as you made quick work of his length, pulling his waistband down until he sprung free, lightly slapping against his abs. You wet your lips as Ushijima lifts his arm, giving you access to lower your head onto his lap. The streetlamps that illuminated the roads had been your only source of light, and even in the dim lighting you could see beads of precum dripping down his tip.
Without thinking you dart your tongue out, tracing the underside of the head and running it along his slit. You could feel the slight quiver of Ushijima’s thighs as you closed your lips around his head, lightly lapping your tongue at the angry red tip until you’ve licked up every drop of his arousal.
Ushijima resisted the urge to roll his eyes to the back of his head as you moved your lips lower and lower down his hard cock, barely managing to take in half of him. Your hand wraps around the rest of his shaft, pumping in tandem with the way you bobbed your head up and down.
Lewd sounds bounced off the walls of his vehicle, moans escaping from your lips and spit dribbling down your chin as you took Ushijima in inch by inch. He sucks in a harsh breath through his teeth when your hand cups his balls, massaging them gently in your palm. He drops his head back onto the head rest when he feels your tongue swirl along the underside of his cock, hissing when you start to suck on it.
This time, Ushijima lets out a groan, gripping the back of your head as he softly bucked his hips into your mouth. He could feel every inch go past the soft caverns of your mouth, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as your silky throat massages the length of his cock.
“Fuck,” Ushijima whispers, hand gripping the steering wheel so tightly, his knuckles began to turn white. Ushijima’s labored breathing urges you to bob your head faster, tears in your eyes beginning to form as his thickness invades the back of your throat.
Just five more minutes until the two of you arrive home, Ushijima thinks as he rolls to a stop at a red light. He takes the moment of reprieve, allowing himself to squeeze his eyes shut for just a moment as he fights to keep his composure. He feels himself getting lost in how eagerly you take him all in, your hands grabbing at his thighs like they were the anchor that kept you on earth.
When Ushijima opens his eyes, his heart drops seeing a pair of headlights approaching in the rear view mirror.
His grip on the back of your head tightens, fingers tangling in your hair as he pushes to keep your head down.
“Stay there,” he whispers, grunting when you nodded your head on his dick.
The intruding car pulls up to a stop in the lane to Ushijima’s right, awkwardly positioned in clear view of his window.
The occupants of the vehicle had no idea of the events happening right beside them, unaware of the monster cock that was now obstructing your airways. You could feel Ushijima twitch each time relaxed your throat, taking him further down than he thought possible.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmured under his breath, moving his hand from the back of your head to wrap around your throat, “Keep that pretty little throat full, okay?”
You try to mumble an agreement, but it was difficult with the way he filled you completely.
The light had finally turned green, and Ushijima let the car beside pass before he lets his foot off the brakes.
As the car accelerates, you begin to suck harder, faster, throat constricting and relaxing around Ushijima’s cock, he had no idea where he was any longer.
You could feel him quivering beneath your touch, hips jutting in a broken pattern against the back of your throat. He lets out a strangled moan, and an unevenness begins to settle in his breathe.
“Baby, wait, I —“
Your hand pumps faster as you continue to massage his balls, swirling your tongue until you could feel his veins throbbing against the inside of your cheeks.
“I— I’m gonna —“
Ushijima lets out a low, deep groan as you feel spurts of thick, hot cum against the back of your throat. His hips begin to shake when you swallow his entire load, sucking at him until he was dry.
Ushijima’s arms fall down slack against his sides, his chest rising up and down as his heart races to catch his breath. His head lolls down to the side when you disconnect from his softening erection with a loud pop. You quickly sit up, grabbing a tissue from your purse and wiping the mess around your chin.
Ushijima sighs deeply, reaching forward to cup your face in his hands. He offers you a soft smile, before pulling you in for a gentle kiss.
You grin up at him when he pulls away, and you finally are able to take in your surroundings.
“Toshi, when did we pull into the driveway?” You ask.
He looks out of his car window confused. “I… don’t really remember.”
You giggle as you smack him on the chest, calling him ridiculous as he pulls his pants back up. He tells you to stay where you were, and quickly steps out of the car to run and open your car door.
You gratefully take the hand that he offered, supporting you up out of the passenger seat. He holds your hand until you get to the door, letting go only to turn the key into the lock.
Ushijima is quick to kick off his shoes before kneeling down on the floor to help you with the straps of your shoes. Your heart melts as you watch him perform these little gestures, small and silent ways to let you know he loves you.
He tosses your shoes to the side, and he looks up at you from his position.
You give him a lopsided grin. “Thank you, Toshi — hey!”
Suddenly, Ushijima leans forward and wraps an arm behind both of your legs. He held on tightly as he stood up, and you let out a whiny yelp when Ushijima threw you over his shoulder.
“Toshi! What are you — put me down!”
Ushijima ignored your protests, silently climbing up the stairs two at a time. Though, you had to admit the view of his ass looked almost better upside down.
“Ushijima Wakatoshi, if you don’t —“
But your words were cut off by the loud slam off Ushijima’s foot kicking the bedroom door open. Before you could make sense of what was happening, you were swiftly thrown onto the bed.
Your tongue laid heavy and dead in your mouth, lolling out the side as you watched Ushijima shut the door behind him. He turns to you with fire blazing in his eyes, and his muscles flexed in the shadows as he pulls his shirt above his head.
He throws the thin fabric to the side, not once taking his eyes off your body, deliciously splayed out against the mattress for him.
“You didn’t think you were the only one that gets to have fun tonight, did you?” He asks.
You could feel something tingling at the pit of your belly.
You were in for a long night.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
rbs appreciated <3
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softhairedhotch · 3 years
Can you do like a one shot where reader helps Aaron with his weekly medicine (from the stabbing) and like tries to make him feel better about himself
thank you for the request!! this really stuck with me n so i just had to write it <33
gender neutral reader <3
warnings/content: mentions of stabbing, talk of medication, comfort
word count: 1.4k
Also on AO3!
Everyone knew that Aaron had been stabbed by Foyet, there was no one in the FBI or surrounding areas who didn’t know, the story being spread around as if it were a long-lost legend being told under the moonlight around a flickering campfire. But what they weren’t aware of was the toll it took on him, the weight on his shoulders from all the pain and memories, every sleepless night because of nightmares and the inability to force himself to take his medication. It was a process he dreaded each waking breath and restless slumber, something that shouldn’t be avoided but something he simply couldn’t deal with. It was his biggest regret and biggest insecurity.
When the two of you first started dating, a few years after the event, he kept his need for medicine a secret, hiding the pill bottles as if they were something to be ashamed of. To him they were, and that broke your heart.
It wasn’t long before you found out, of course. It wasn’t an easy thing to hide, him having to remove himself from whatever the two of you were doing at odd times with a defeated look in his eye, coming back a few minutes later looking seconds away from breaking down. You’d grown accustomed to this, putting two and two together but not wanting to bring it up until he was ready to do so himself. However, as you began to stay over at his apartment more often, sleeping over and waking up in his warm embrace, you realized that there were no specific times where he’d leave. He seemingly had no schedule, leaving whenever the thought to do so occurred to him, sometimes going days without doing it, and that concerned you. If you were right and he was taking medication, then he was forgetting to do so until he was in too much pain to ignore it any longer. The thought upset you and you realized that if you didn’t confront him it was simply going to get worse.
So you waited until he had finished a case, shuffling through the door with hunched yet relieved shoulders. The case had been less hard-hitting than others, being solved in two days and many people being saved in the process, but as always it still affected everyone involved. He shrugged off his blazer, draping it neatly over the back of the couch, before slouching across the cushions and closing his eyes with a deep sigh.
With a glass of water in your hand, you walked over to where he lay, sitting on the edge of the couch beside him. “Here, drink this.”
He sat up with his elbow, taking the glass out of your hand and taking small sips. His eyes were still closed, clearly exhausted after closing the case, flying home, and finishing off any paperwork he had laying about in his office. “Thank you,” he breathed out.
“You had your meds today?” You asked, casually. That was the easiest way to approach the situation, a careful but caring question that held no judgment whatsoever. He froze in place, hand tightening around the glass for a moment as the question cut through his hazy thoughts. It was silent for a few moments, his mind catching up and processing the question, and so you reached out to card your hands through his hair, slowly as to not startle him. “Aaron?”
The question settled over him and he opened his eyes slowly, blinking a few times to regain his vision, looking up at you. “Who told you?”
“You did, silly. I put the pieces together.”
It was silent for another few minutes as he stared up at you, eyes full of confusion as if he couldn’t quite believe it. Your hand still softly combed through his hair as you saw the gears turn in his head, him wondering how to approach the conversation. Finally, he breathed out deeply, a small smile tugging at his lips. “You should become a profiler.”
You laughed, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his forehead. “I know, I spend far too much time with you,” you mumbled, moving down to press another kiss but this time to his lips. He kissed back, slow and steady, admiring the way you felt against him.
“I haven’t taken my meds today, no,” he mumbled against your lips after a few moments, embarrassed.
You smiled a small smile, kissing him once more. “It’s okay, honey,” you pulled back, stroking his cheek, watching his tired body lean into the comforting touch. “Where are they?”
“In my go-bag.”
With a nod and a kiss to his nose (in which he huffed a laugh), you walked to where it was, unzipping it and digging through the contents, pulling out a large zip-lock bag full of rattling boxes and bottles. There were way more than you originally thought and your stomach plummeted—how did he keep this a secret for so long and why? You closed his bag up before walking over to the couch once more, tapping his leg as a way to get him to sit up. He tiredly complied, swinging his legs over the side of the couch and moving so that he was at the far end, facing you. You sat on the other end, facing him with your legs crossed, and placed the medication between you. He stared down at it with a gulp and so you reached out to stroke at his knee with a gentle smile.
“So, which ones do you need to take and when?”
He numbly began to talk you through each one, pointing them out and allowing you to read through the name, contents, and dose requirements. He told you when he should take them and after much persuading, he told you when he actually did take them, which was hardly ever. He claimed that he didn’t need them, that they were too much hassle, and that he was fine, and so you leaned over to stroke at his cheek with your thumb to tell him that they were there to help him, that they were nothing to be afraid of. It took a while, but he nodded into your palm, eyes never straying from all the white boxes and bottles littered across the dark leather of the couch.
“Give me a second, honey,” you whispered, standing up to reach for a bag of items you had left on the kitchen counter. Once settled back down on the couch he gave you a curious look and all you could do was smile at him, pulling out the items from the bag: a long but thin colourful notepad that specialized in daily reminders, a large solid black bottle for liquids, namely water, and a few medicine trays. The moment he saw them his shoulders slumped and you were sure he was near tears. “Are you okay?”
He took a deep breath, only then tilting his head up to look you in the eyes. “I don’t think anyone has ever cared about me as much as you do.”
Your smile was sad but still present, hand finding its way back to his knee again, comforting him with your touch. “You care so much for everyone else, it was time for someone to return the favour.”
“I’m glad it was you,” he mumbled, hand clasping over yours and thumbing at your knuckles with a feather-light touch. “I’m always going to be glad it was you.”
You leaned forward using the hand on his knee to press a kiss to his cheek, watching his eyebrows and jaw loosen as his lips upturned into a soft, genuine smile. “Okay,” you started, pulling back, “let’s get this figured out, then.”
And so the two of you went through each box, each bottle, each individual pill, scrawling notes and times and reminders—“Take your meds and please remember to smile, honey” and “Call me if it gets too much” as well as “You can do this, I’m so proud of you”—down, filling up the medicine tray with the correct amount of pills for each day. You showed him how each capsule could be disconnected, allowing him to store a collection of pills in his suits at all times so he’d never forget again, which he smiled at. You promised him that’d he never have to go this alone again, that you’d always be there to be his anchor, his rock, to ground him and remind him that he deserved to be happy and safe, to remind him that needing medication to stay that way wasn’t something to be embarrassed or ashamed about, it should be embraced.
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mandrs-writes · 3 years
41 Reason why I ship Ereri
Eren and Levi is my all-time favorite ship. These two mean the world to me. And while I am not under any illusion that their relationship is canon, they’re canon in my heart and I want to share with you all the many different reasons why they’re so fucking shippable. Here are my 41 reasons 😊
1. Similarities in their past -- both willing to kill for the ones they love
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Eren saves Mikasa by killing two men when he’s just a kid
Levi was trained to kill at a young age. It’s implied that he killed the people that hurt his dear friend Isabel in ACWNR
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2. Momma’s boys -- definitely a parallel between them in these two shots.
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3. Both had to watch their mom die and understand the pain of losing the people they love
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4. Parallels between Levi, Isabel, and Farlan, and Eren, Mikasa, and Armin -- both are looking up at the stars and dreaming of something more
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5. Eren has always admired Captain Levi. Just look how stars truck he is 🤩
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6.The first time he meets Levi, he sees the Wings of Freedom on his back. The framing of this shot shows that Levi represents freedom for Eren
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7. Levi is intrigued and impressed by the fire/determination when he first meets Eren. He is a spark of hope for Levi.
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8. Despite many people claiming this scene is ‘abusive’ it is far from it. While it is brutal in nature, Levi’s aggressive display was the only way for him to save Eren from being handed over to the MP. Erwin knew that Levi would need to show the courtroom that he was strong enough to ‘handle’ Eren in order for the MP to give Eren over to the SC. 
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It’s even explained to Eren after the fact that it was a necessary show of power in order to save him. 
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It wasn’t something Levi wanted to do -- it’s clear he feels bad about how he handled Eren by asking him if he resented him. 
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Despite everything, Eren understands why Levi had to do what he did and admits to not being resentful towards Levi, who ultimately appears relieved by that admission
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9. They catch each other staring/giving each other eyes 😏 showing that they have an innate interest in each other
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10. Eren is surprised that Captain Levi is so keen to following orders from the higher ups. When Petra tells him about his past, he’s shocked and wonders why Levi would join be in the Survey Corps. Eren definitely shows interest and curiosity in this scene and appears to want to know more about his mysterious Captain
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11. They’re super cute together 🥺 Just look at theeeem
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12. Levi is caught smirking at Eren when talking about him being creepy. Okay buddy 😏 
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13. Levi sees that Eren is a monster and still accepts him anyway. He doesn’t judge or condemn him for being the way that he is. In the visual novel “Burning Bright in the Forest of the Night”, Levi even refers to him as “a beautiful monster”
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14. He always gives Eren a choice, allowing him to make his own decisions, and be his own person. He’s only ever encouraged Eren to be true to himself. He’s never tried to change him
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Even when Eren is struggling with accessing his father’s memories and Hange is bombarding him with questions, Levi defends his strange behavior
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15. Levi defends Eren based on his “intuition” when everyone else sees him as a monster needing to be put down. Instead, he trusts Eren, standing between him and his squad. 
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16. Levi visibly panics when he hears Eren transform during the Female Titan arc. He’s clearly worried about him and changes gears to try and save him
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17. Levi feels like he failed by protecting Eren and he is visibly distraught when Mikasa calls him out on it.
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18. Levi makes up for his failure by only caring about saving Eren, whereas Mikasa seems more interested in killing the Female Titan. He has to talk her down
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19. Levi is able to motivate Eren and give him confidence when he’s feeling unsure about himself
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20. Levi helps mold Eren into the person he becomes later in the story. Eren obviously looks up to Levi a lot and learns from him in more ways than one
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21. Levi gives Eren the power/motivation to choose again, encouraging him to believe in himself.
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22. They both have righteous anger
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23. Eren is super determined to impress Levi and is visibly upset when he fails to meet his expectations
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(Just look at the gay panic)
24. Eren unintentionally insults Levi when he calls Rod Reiss a tiny old man. While Levi appears unfazed, Eren visibly panics, clearly showing how much he cares about Levi’s opinion of him
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Also I just love this scene. It’s funnyyy
25. Levi shows concern for Eren on more than one occasion
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26. Levi has a thing for Eren’s ass... apparently
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Just casually kicking his butt
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and talking about it 😏
27. Eren isn’t afraid to stand up to Levi, despite his harsh exterior. This just goes to show that Eren understands that Levi is more compassionate and empathetic than he lets people believe
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28. While Levi is conflicted about who to save with the Titan serum, he ultimately picks Armin. 
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One of the reasons he choses Armin is because of what Eren says about how Armin is good and has dreams, which reminds Levi of the moment that they sat under the stars and talked about the ocean. Levi shows compassion for Eren and his friends
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29. Levi gets upset when Erwin tells him to protect the horses instead of Eren
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30. Even after losing his best friend, Levi comforts Eren and his friends, letting them know that he does not regret his decision, encouraging them to not regret it as well. Despite being in pain himself, he’s a pillar of strength and comfort for Eren and the others
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31. Levi is sympathetic towards Eren’s situation after the Battle of Shiganshina and lets him out early despite his insubordination
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32. Levi is disappointed in Eren after what he did in Marley and shows just how upset/affected he was by him leaving by kicking him on the airship. The scene feels very personal and while I could go on and explain why I think it’s incredibly meaningful for their relationship, snkception does a great job of explaining it. You can read their full post here
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33. Levi is a protective boyfriend
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34. When Eren keeps an important secret, Levi tells them they’ll talk about it later. There’s something incredibly personal about the way he says it that implies it’ll be a private conversation amongst other things
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35. Their height difference though 😍
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36. Levi is obviously important to Eren, since he shows up in his memory shards
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37. Levi is visibly upset when his fellow soldiers talk about feeding Eren to someone else. After everything they’d been through, that’s the last thing that Levi wants.
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Also, I think it’s important to note that when Levi remembers Eren, he doesn’t remember him as a monster, despite calling everyone talking about him that way. He remembers Eren the first time they met, when Eren was helpless and merely human
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38. Despite his promise made early in the story to kill Eren if he ever went rogue or lost control, he tries desperately to come up with another solution, anyway out of killing Eren
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39. When they realize that killing Eren might be the only way, Levi is visibly distraught
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In paths, he is the only one on his knees, he’s so tired, beaten down, and lost over what to do that he’s unable to stand and hold himself up on the airship
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40. There was so much that Levi wanted to tell Eren... what it was, I can only speculate. But something tells me he wanted to tell Eren everything, including his feelings for him
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41. Lastly, they’re opposites. The sun and the moon, summer and winter, fire and ice, yin and yang. Eren is fiery, energetic and passionate and Levi is cool, calm, and introspective. Their dynamic is truly beautiful and I genuinely believe Levi is one of the few people who understand Eren completely and accepts him without judgment
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mermaidxatxheart · 3 years
Better Together Chapter 2
Pairing: Poe x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of lackluster sex, paranoia, Poe being adorable. Probably swearing.
A/N: my works are not to be reposted on this site or any other site without my knowledge and permission. Reblogs are, of course, welcome. If you'd like to be added to my tag lists, please send me an ask and let me know which tag list you'd like to be added to.
Series Master List
Chapter One
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Chapter Two
You slowly blink your eyes open in the darkness of the room. Bryce’s big arm is snaked tightly around you, self satisfied snores reverberate softly in your ear. Your entire lower half aches as you stretch and try to sit up. Bryce holds you tighter, pressing his chest into your bare back. His hand snakes up between your breasts as he clings to you.
Carefully, slowly, you roll him over, easing his hand off your skin. You place it back on his chest and slide off the bed, gathering up your clothes. You quickly get dressed and head for the hangar to meet Poe.
You’re feeling off this morning. You wish the commissary is open for some caf, you wish you had been able to sleep in; you wish Bryce had… well. Nothing you can do about that now.
Your go-bag previously stored in the ship, you head there now, trying not to wince with every step.
“Hey, partner.” Poe greets, smiling wide. His smile falters when he sees your empty hands. “You didn’t bring me a caf?”
You groan, walking towards the on-ramp. “I didn’t even bring me a caf. Don’t start.” You mutter.
“Well, lucky for you, I have a friend in the commissary staff.” He says, grabbing you by the back of your shirt and stopping you in the entryway.
“If you have something to say, just say it.” You complain, closing your eyes. He’s way too happy this morning, being awake before the birds are.
“Boy, you’re a grump this morning.” He teases, covering your eyes with one of his big warm soft hands.
“Poe.” You whine.
“Hold out your hand, gorgeous.” He says ever so softly in your ear, his breath on the outer shell making you shiver, making you wish last night had been more satisfying.
Shakily, you hold out your hand, palm up. He leans in close around you, broad chest pressing into your arm and, Maker, he’s so warm. He sets something circular and heavy in your palm and waits.
“Open those pretty eyes.” He prompts. You do and there’s a big cup of coffee balancing perfectly in your hand.
You smile slightly to yourself, grateful to your friend, and you try to shake yourself out of this slump. “Thanks, Dameron.” You step further into the ship, changing your grasp on the cup. “How’s your head?” You ask.
“Just fine. I didn’t end up drinking last night.” He studies you as you head for your bunk. “Okay, what’s the matter with you?” He asks, following after you.
“Nothing. Just tired.” You dig your bag out and rifle through for your favorite sweatshirt. Space is cold and you naturally have a lower body temperature.
“Didn’t you see your loverboy last night? Shouldn’t you be in a better mood?” He teases and you feel your shoulders tense against your will.
“I’m fine, Poe.” You toss over your shoulder, pulling the thick fabric on.
“Oh, did Mr. Prick not live up to the hype?” He continues as you head for the cockpit.
You want to tell him to let it go, that it’s none of his business if you didn’t… but there’s no way to say anything without giving everything away.
“That’s exactly it.” He surmises easily and you do your best to hide your quickly flushing face. “Yikes. If only there was someone who warned you that he wouldn’t be worth your time.” Poe ponders and you roll your eyes.
“If you’re done poking fun at my anticlimactic sex life, maybe we could get going? It’s gonna be a long week together.” You prompt, sliding automatically into the co-pilot’s seat and leaving the pilot’s seat open for Poe.
“I have so many questions.” He sighs.
“If you value keeping your tongue in your mouth, you won’t ask them.” You warn and he groans. “We need to do flight checks.” You half rise out of your seat before he catches your arm.
“Nya already did them.” He says and you roll your eyes.
“Right. Like I’m trusting my life to her.” You scoff and head out of the little room to check on everything yourself.
Nya is probably the worst person on this Resistance base. Maybe even in all the galaxies. She’s rude, condescending, petty, moralless, and you have a sneaking suspicion she’s not really here for the cause. She hates you, and you hate her. No way in all seven hells are you trusting your life in her hands.
You shimmy down the engine hatch, checking all the gauges, valves, pumps, and anything else that she might have tampered with. You’re excruciatingly thorough. Just as you’re about to finish, Poe’s exasperated sigh reaches you.
“Done yet?” He calls and you roll your eyes, taking just a little longer to properly annoy him. “Y/N, do you trust me?” He asks and you sigh.
“Probably against my better judgment.” You admit.
“I was with Nya when she did them. My name is on the list.” He says and you head back over to the opening and extend your hand.
“You promise you didn’t let her ample… personality… distract you?” You ask as he easily hauls you back up to him.
“Promise.” He holds out his index finger and you press yours to it.
“Okay. I feel better.” You nod and he chuckles, draping a muscular arm around your shoulders.
“Good, now let’s get going. Oh, and if you need to… take care of business,” he pauses to wiggle his eyebrows at you, “I won’t judge.”
You smack him in the chest, hard. “Fuck off, Dameron.” You slide back into your seat and start the engaging sequences. He laughs quietly, rubbing his chest where you hit him.
“Landing gear.” You say you assume pointlessly. Poe Dameron doesn’t need you to remind him to extend the landing gear, and yet here you are.
He doesn’t respond, doesn’t look at you, he hasn’t even blinked for the last five minutes.
“Poe. Landing gear.” You repeat, a little louder. Still nothing. You grumble and start to lift out of your seat to reach across him and flip it. Naturally, that’s when he starts to move.
“I’ve got it.” He huffs, lifting your arm out of his face and toggling the switch.
“Clearly.” You roll your eyes. “Lost you there for a second.” You hint and he glances at you, his skilled hands flying over the console now without thought.
“Sorry. Daydreaming, I guess.” He rolls his head, easing some tension out of his neck.
“About being anywhere else?” You tease.
“Absolutely. I can’t stand being here with you. Don’t know how you stand being around yourself.” He huffs, glancing out the window, trying to ease the ship down without knocking into too many branches.
“Unlike you, Dameron. I don’t have a choice.” You reply.
The unanswered question of his daydream is dropped as he lowers the ramp and stands up. “Come on, partner.” He says, grabbing his bag and draping it across his chest.
You follow, grabbing your holopad, and double-checking for the third time that you have everything you need. Following Poe, you slip easily into work mode. He closes the ramp after you and waits while you pull up your coordinates on the planet.
It’s densely covered in trees as tall as the clouds, so big around the base that fifteen men could stand holding arms outstretched and probably not be all the way around. Thick foliage covers the ground, threatening to trip you even if you’re careful of where you step. Bright flowers are scattered in the green light cast down from above. Massive branches are over your head, big and sturdy enough for both you and Poe to lie down on. Gnarled, twisting roots rise up from the ground, sprawling across the floor. Roots from one tree can end up ten or fifteen feet away, and they seem to follow you, creaking and creeping up behind you.
The air is muggy, damp with condensation from the water being evaporated under the tree canopy. After just a couple minutes, you feel like you’re drinking the air rather than breathing it.
Focusing, you pull up the map construction on your holopad and hold it up, scanning the area surrounding your ship. You glance at Poe, already seeing little droplets of sweat gathering at the edges of his dark curls. He’s looking around, head on a swivel, hands gripping his rifle, as you work.
“Alright. Pick a direction.” You nod, letting him know you’re ready to begin.
“Left.” He says, stepping in front of you to cross your path.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t need saying again, but we know nothing about this place. Try not to touch too much, and for Maker’s sake, don’t lick anything.” You roll your eyes and that charmingly cheeky grin is back.
“I make no promises, gorgeous. You know I love to lick things.” He smirks and you just wanna smack him again. You could have done without the innuendo.
You follow him to the left, which is actually east, scanning and recording. Every so often, you stop to pick a flower for a sample. It goes into a sealable bag to examine back at the base. If you’re going to live here, you need to know as much about the local plant life, what’s poisonous, what’s okay to eat or smell.
You wipe your hand across your forehead, already feeling your shirt sticking uncomfortably to your shoulders. Poe doesn’t complain, so you don’t, either.
A creaking behind you makes you halt and half turn. It’s been about an hour since you left the safety of your ship, and so far, only giant bugs to report.
“What is it?” He asks, turning to look at you.
“I just thought I heard something.” You shake your head, brushing off your own paranoia. “Probably just one of the branches settling.”
“They’re massive, aren’t they?” He peers up at them. “Try not to get crushed by one.” He jokes, but it’s half-hearted. The good mood from takeoff is quickly wearing off.
He turns back around to keep moving forward, but you catch him just in time. “Poe!” You wrap your hand around the front of his shoulder, pulling him back against your chest before he can walk right into a butterfly the size of an eagle.
“Thanks.” He lets out a breath, squeezing your fingers reassuringly.
“Ever hear the story of how Makimbo walked into the flight path of a moth and it got stuck in his ear for three days until the medics could get it out?” You start and Poe stops again, slowly turning to face you, beautiful brown eyes wide in disbelief.
“You’re shitting me.” He says finally and you laugh, feeling better now that you’ve shaken off some of the silence.
“Nope. Walked right out the door from the dorms as a moth was flying to the light and flew right into his ear canal. Swears to this day he can still hear flapping in there.”
“Unbelievable. Only Mak could do something like that.” He shakes his head, turning back around.
“Can we take a break? I think we should have some water.” You say, your legs throbbing. They were already sore from your time with Bryce, but hiking through this impossible forest is killing you.
“Yeah, of course.” He says, coming back up to join you. “Feeling okay?” He asks, watching your eyes as you ease down onto one of those gnarled roots. It’s almost at chair height.
“Yeah. I probably should have just gone out with you to the bar.” You sigh, unscrewing your canteen.
“Probably would have had a better time.” He agrees, and you’re nodding before you can even think to stop yourself.
“At least my legs wouldn’t hurt this much.” You admit and he groans.
“Please tell me he’s not a ‘lay back and let you do all the work’ type.” He rubs his face with a handkerchief.
“There’s nothing wrong with a girl being on top.” You huff.
“No, yeah, of course. One of my favorite positions.” He holds out his hand to stop you. “But not for the whole time. And especially not if she doesn’t finish.” He says vehemently. “Always knew he was a selfish prick.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Something isn’t right. “Poe?” You start quietly. Your voice is barely above a whisper.
“Sorry, I know you don’t like when I complain about him.” He waves and you’re trying so hard not to panic. You feel eyes on you, dangerous and intentional.
“Poe.” You say with a little more urgency. He finally looks at you, confused. “There’s something behind me. I can feel it.” You say, barely moving your mouth.
His eyes scan diligently over your shoulders. They search every inch of the exposed woods behind you until he shakes his head. “There’s nothing, sweetheart. Just leaves.” He says, sounding very sure. “Come sit by me.” He says, scooting over and patting the spot next to him.
You quickly cross to him and he wraps his arm around you, despite the uncomfortable heat. “I feel stupid, but I swear I felt something watching me.” You sigh, leaning against him.
“Maybe an animal.” He says, not dismissing your feelings at all. You’re grateful that he doesn’t tell you it’s nothing, but offers a possible solution. “If the bugs here are giant, can you imagine the predators?” He shudders, but you tilt your head.
“Actually, if the bugs are so big, there shouldn’t be any predators.” You frown, your anxious stomach settling a little bit. “Because size is equivalent to speed, the bigger they are, the slower they are. So, if the bugs can’t outrun the predator, they die off.” You press your lips together, feeling like you’re rambling.
He turns to look at you, appreciation in his eyes. “You’re pretty smart, you know that?” He says and you grin.
“I do. It’s about time that someone else sees it.” You reply and he laughs.
“Alright, noodle legs. You ready to keep going? We should try to find somewhere to camp soon. The days on this planet aren’t exceptionally long.” He says, and you nod, putting your water away.
“You’re right, let’s get going.” You stand up, picking up your holopad once more. Poe shoulders his rifle, head turning every which way as he leads you through the trees.
“Tell you what.” He starts after an immeasurable amount of silence.
“What’s that?” You croak, your voice sticking in your throat after not being used for a while.
“If we do settle this planet, we’re gonna need some serious air conditioning. My curls are not holding up in this heat.” He says, purposely messing up his dripping locks.
You laugh, flinching away from the flying moisture. “Agreed. But if there are no predators, as we’ve theorized, it could be pretty perfect.”
He turns to glance back at you, his forehead wrinkling in concern. “How are you feeling?” He asks again.
“I’m fine, why?”
He takes you by the arms, his big hands burning into your skin as he guides you to sit down. “You’re really flushed.” He comments, holding his bare wrist to your forehead. “And very warm.”
“It’s a million degrees out here. Of course, I’m warm, Poe.” You look up at him, appreciating his concern.
“Am I flushed?” He frowns.
“Who can tell? You’re perfectly tan all year round. How do you do that, by the way?”
He cups your face gently and tilts it up to him to see better. “I do this thing called going outside.” He says, gently pulling your lower eyelids down.
“See anything?” You ask, only half teasing.
“Nope, no soul in there.” He replies, letting go of you all together and suddenly you miss his hands on your face. They were warm and comforting and you felt safe.
This forest is messing with your head.
Another creak behind you has you up and moving around Poe. He catches your arm, making you slow down.
“Sweetheart, we should eat. It’s been all day. I didn’t realize how much time was passing.” He says.
You shift from foot to foot nervously, looking behind him. Your eyes scan the foliage, looking for any sign of movement. You don’t want to stop, too wound up to eat, but you know he’s right.
“I’ll keep you safe.” He promises. You acquiesce and let him guide you down to the ground and back against the base of a tree.
“I don’t know why I’m being such a weirdo.” You sigh, digging into your pack for your rations.
“Maybe you’re sensing something I’m not.” He shrugs, sitting across from you. From down here the ferns and other ground plants tower over you, creating its own little world. “Maybe it’s the idea of being somewhere new, unfamiliar. Maybe it’s the thought of being the only two people on an entire planet, so certain noises you would hear from other people, you shouldn’t be hearing. There are a million reasons. But don’t brush them off. You have a good gut instinct, Y/N. Use it. It might save us later.” He reaches over and squeezes your knee soothingly.
“Thanks.” You say, feeling a little better. You eat slowly, looking around, but mostly watching Poe. His dark hair is disheveled, curling into his heavy-lidded eyes. You’re grateful to Leia for pairing you with him. She could have picked anyone, and she picked the one person you get along with best. It’s easy to get along with Poe Dameron. Easy as breathing. Even when he’s being difficult, pushing people away after everything he’s seen, he has never once tried to push you away.
“You’re staring at me.” He comments and you drop your gaze instantly.
“Sorry.” You mutter, rubbing your forehead. “Just thinking.”
“About what I look like naked? Don’t feel bad, everyone on base has wondered.” He grins and you laugh.
“Sure. We’ll go with that.” You nod, pushing the rest of your food back into your bag. Your stomach is too tense to really eat anything.
He knocks his knee against yours. “Tell me.” He prompts.
“Just thinking about how we’re friends.” You shrug and he waits patiently for you to continue. “You… you don’t always… make things easy for other people. You argue with Mak, or Hana, or Setti. You sometimes seem to enjoy pushing them away because you do it so often.” You stumble over your words, not wanting to really screw things up. “But you’ve never done that to me.” You avoid his gaze for as long as you can stand it before finally looking up at him.
He’s smiling. “You’re funny.” He says eventually. “I did try doing that to you. At the very beginning. And sometimes it’s easier to have people be mad at me; to take all of it in and feel that instead of… other less pleasant things. And yeah, they get pissed at me, call me a jerk, or whatever name they like. They storm off and hate me for a while. And it feels good.” He nods, clearing his throat and looking around, away from you. “But not you. Never you. I’d pick a fight with you and you would stand your ground, fight me back until I was the one storming off. Then you’d show up at my dorm, or in the woods, or wherever I happened to be hiding, give me a cup of hot chocolate. You absolutely floored me that first time, telling me I could fight you all day long and you’d be there every time, not letting me lose myself.” He inhales sharply, disguising a sniffle. “I think you knew before I did. You just see through me, constantly.”
You're quiet for a long time, thinking over his words. He never says it out loud, never admits that he could use help. Never gives his nightmare a name. But you feel it, weighing on his soul; and yours. “Poe.” You start and he looks up at you expectantly. “I only said those things because you had my favorite book in your bag and I wanted it back.” You say quietly and he laughs loudly, grabbing your arm and pulling you into his lap, hugging you tight.
“Can’t push you away, no matter how hard I tried. You’re too stubborn.” He sighs, rocking you from side to side as you let your forehead rest in the crook of his neck. “Sometimes, I wonder if the bullshit I say will do it. Like the sex talk, or the time I told you I masturbate five times a day just to see what you’d say.” He chuckles, his breath skittering down the back of your neck. “You didn’t miss a beat, just said ‘I believe you. You look like the type’ and moved on.” He grins.
“I just thought you were a really open person.” You admit, pushing back from his chest, seeing his eyes shine with laughter. “We should keep going, you weirdo. There are some cliffs up ahead, I think. We can probably find a cave to sleep in for the night.”
“Agreed.” He pushes you to your feet, and you pull him up right after you. His hand lingers in yours for a long second before he takes it back to adjust his rifle position.
Chapter Three
Everything Tag List:
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