#my beloved mutuals who care and understand me
honeykaes · 2 years
…2 years today
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mars-ipan · 6 months
you want me to sleep ? when there's playlist ????
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valodia · 7 months
Actually turning off anons cause like most of the time i get anons they dont provide context for asking questions and i dont understand whats going on. Im neurodivergent and if i dont have a whole thing of context i dont get whats going on sarrey. And if i dont get whats going on i take it as an attack even though i suppose its not always intended, im too stupid i cant tell the difference sarrey.
#lodia sayings#i have stupid bitch disorder terminal and it makes me uninteractable tbh.#socially is the main way i feel disabled bc i feel like i never get whats going on or what ppl are talking to me about (or if they do i don#care a lot of the time. when its like small talk at work or something but whatever.) so anyway i never know how to interact.#i read something online the other day that said that a way autism displays in children is if they dont know if they should say hi or hello#they get stuck and dont interact at all.#and you know what real and still relevant at almost 28 yrs old.#like.#today years old i still get anxiety from having to greet ppl bc idk if im gonna time it right etc. or if its appropriate. sometimes ppl#glare at me and i feel like i shouldnt even be speaking to them.n#those are interactions at my WORKPLACE.#hell world tbh i wish i didnt have to be self depending so i could quit social interactions at work#i was watching videos from this person whos autistic and they cant work bc their quality of life is too bad when they do and i was like yea#well theyre disabled for real meanwhile me no bc i can hold a job.#but i realized they had the 'choice' in a way bc they can depend on their partner which i cant. meanwhile if i quit work i just starve.#nevermind that i dont know how long i can do it and my quality of life is atrocious n have a breakdown about it everyweekend etc. so i gues#yea thats where im at rn idk what to do etc. this person cant even get disability aid what chance would i also have like lol#long tags#sarrey..#btw i welcome asks interactions etc from my mutuals are they are beloved and interact w me in a way i understand n i feel ok asking for#clarification if not.
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nymphie66 · 11 months
"God Bless America"
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Part Two
Part Three
Author's notes: This is my first fic on this blog, so wish me luck.
Soldier boy x f!reader; Warnings: Dark fic, we're ignoring the roe v wade turnover, mentions of abortion, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating.
Description: You fall pregnant with your team member (boyfriend) Soldier Boy's baby. He's obsessed with you and would love nothing more than to lock you down in a suburban home. Unfortunately, you're a modern woman and fed up of his whoring ways - and a supe at that. So instead of panicking when that test comes back positive you decide to remind Ben of what freedom America has granted you
Five times he had called you, and five times you had hung up on him. The wind was blowing in your hair as you drove down the highway, pop tunes blasting as you sang your wretched little heart out to them. You drove a classic open-top chevy, something that only Vought money could buy, the only upside to them exploiting your powers. The positive pregnancy test was stuffed in your bag, and you smiled as you remembered taking a picture of it and sending it off. It had been 36 hours since you went MIA, though Vought didn't really care, they knew a certain someone would sort you out.
That certain someone was desperately trying to get ahold of you, after receiving the picture of your positive pregnancy test and the words "guess you'll have to break it to your whores that you are more fertile than you think"
The other women meant nothing, Ben had assured you, simple blips in his dedication to you. You understood, to begin with, that he was a man with a large appetite, and you didn't mind. Your relationship had blossomed on this mutual understanding, that each had insatiable desires that sometimes required external satisfiers. That was until a few months in when Ben had restricted that understanding. Asked you to be his and only his. Which you complied with, as long as he did the same. And he did- or at least he swore he did. And you believed him, because who wouldn't believe America's golden boy?
You were happy, genuinely happy. Lost in the belief of love and adoration until you called Ben's hotel room and another woman picked up. Though after her voice all you could hear was your beloved's harsh scolding of her for picking up and the sound of a body flying across the room. That's when you knew, when the belief broke, and to think you had the test right there in your hands, that you were daresay excited over your next chapter with him.
He had always told you, how good you would look with his baby, how nobody else was worthy of carrying his child. You used protection, even if he didn't and were never worried that his lustful promises would come true. But then they did, nothing is perfect after all.
You threw the phone across the room, your abilities causing it to smash through the bedroom wall and then the next one. A heart once filled with joy and love suddenly soured into hate and revenge.
That's when you sent the picture and the message, and quickly hopped into your car, speeding down the highway, screaming to whatever heartbreak anthem was playing, your phone incessantly ringing.
Eventually, after perhaps the tenth ring, you decided to pick up, and in a sickly sweet - yet slightly psychotic, voice you answered him.
"Hello, Ben, Honey, whatever is the matter?'
"Are you fucking out of your mind woman!? Why the hell weren't you picking up!?" He was pissed off and that only widened your smile.
"So sorry honey, I was just preoccupied, you know its not safe to use a phone whilst driving."
"Well you better be driving your ass over here, we have much to fucking talk about."
"I would hate to third wheel though, I mean it wouldn't be fair to- ha! do you even know her name?" There was a silence which confirmed your suspicions, at least he had maintained that they meant nothing to him. "Anyway, I have to go I'm almost at the clinic."
"Clinic? You're going to get a scan? I want to be there I want to-"
"A scan?" You laughed cruelly, eyes on the road as you overtook various civilians. "No, no Ben, I'm getting an abortion, honey."
"The fuck you are that is my child-"
"And my body! Isn't it amazing what women can do in the modern age? As much as you can whore out your body to any woman with a pulse, I can get mine sorted out by a lovely doctor with a warm smile." You wish you could be there to see his face, as his world crashed down around him just as yours had moments ago. You knew how badly he wanted a child, how badly he wanted a child with you, and you could take that all away from him. "Just a simple procedure and our chemical mishap can be erased. God bless America."
"If you even fucking step foot in that goddamn clinic I will make you regret the moment you ever even fucking spoke those fucking words to me." Ben threatened down the phone and you felt a chill go down your spine, he was more serious than you were. But the enjoyment you got from tormenting him, from hurting him like he had hurt you outweighed any form of sense and you decided to take it a step further.
"Ben you're so right. I won't step foot into a clinic I swear." You put an extra essence of dumb innocence into your words that continued into your next sentence, ignorant of Ben's sigh of relief over the phone. "I'll just go to another man's bed - a real man's, and have him fuck that baby out of me.``
You heard a crushing noise before the line went dead, and you laughed happily. In reality, you had no idea what you were going to do with the foetus, but you knew that first, you had to get a check on your health. Who knew what you and Ben had created, hopefully, nothing like homelander but you wanted to check. Which was what brought you to a nondescript hospital, in an average town, and checked in under the boring cover name Vought had given you for such a scenario - that of needing medical attention whilst laying low.
The lovely doctor with the predicted warm smile told you everything was fine and that you were 12 weeks along, close out of the danger zone but not too far gone that certain options were ruled out. You could do whatever you wanted.
You thanked her and as you gathered your belongings, you couldn't help but put a hand to your abdomen. The thought of life inside you wasn't as repulsive as previously thought, in fact, the more you thought about it the more you assured yourself that you could handle a baby, Ben's involvement or not. You were going to keep the child - but he didn't know that.
Which is why when you left the hospital, you felt a sudden arm around your waist and cuffs placed on your wrists - power subduing ones, and you were quickly shoved into the back of the van. The encounter lasting no more than 20 seconds.
When you managed to look up at your assailant you weren't surprised to see him, Ben. His hair was ragged, his suit had evidently been hastily put on and his eyes were wild. It was one of the few times you actually found yourself scared of him.
You scampered to the back of the van, until your back hit its cool metal walls and there was nowhere else to go. Ben chuckled, darkly as he approached you, a lopsided grin on his face.
"I knew you wouldn't baby, I knew it." He said though it was more reassurance to himself than anything. You looked up at him with a fury, unwilling to submit to his arrogance.
"I still can Ben-" Your words were quickly cut off by his gloved grip around your neck as he hoisted you upwards towards him. You choked and pried at his hand, but it was no use. He was much, much stronger than you.
"It's cute that you think you have the privilege of free will in this situation." He laughed and he relaxed his grip on your neck, not enough for you to be comfortable but enough that his grip would still leave a mark. He jerked you closer towards him, your foreheads resting against each other. "I know I've been bad, baby, I do. And I'm sorry - you hear that? I'm fucking sorry. But I'm here now. Here for you, and for them."
With that, he placed his free hand on your stomach and looked down as he did it. A genuine smile on his face. You continued to struggle but you really were no match for him, not when you were like this. He looked at you and you tried not to recoil at his evident pride and satisfaction that he had you, right where he wanted you.
"We're going to have a happy family, baby. Just you wait."
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violetasteracademic · 1 month
Why do you think elain is a better fit for azriel than gwyn?
Hi anon!
I've said this before, and don't mind saying it again and again million times; I ship story and theme, not characters. I'm not particularly quiet or shy about the fact that I absolutely love Gwyn and Lucien, and I've been met kindly and with respect from my mutuals who absolutely despise those characters or at best find them boring and don't care about them. So- I hope this doesn't come off as sarcastic, because I truly don't mean for it to be, but I don't think I even have the words to express how little I sit here comparing Gwyn and Elain as women and why one of them might be more "right" for Azriel than the other. I don't consider Gwyn as she pertains to Azriel, because I don't believe that she does pertain to Azriel. The story and themes I imagine for her are beyond Prythian, and it literally thrills me to think about what might be in store for her.
I am a huge Twilight of the Gods believer, and I think Gwyn and the Valkyrie are going to play a huge role in it. I actually ship Gwyn with Fenrys, in a borderline this is not a crack ship I really seriously believe it kind of way, and Fenrys is my second fave ToG man to Dorian. Whenever my bestie wants to make me cry randomly (in a good way), she'll send me blinks throughout the day. Iykyk.
And I love shipping Gwynrys (just made that up, open to work shopping for better ship names 😂) because they thematically and story wise make sense to me and excite and deeply move me.
They both are twins who had to witness the other half of their soul be murdered in front of them, then were horrifically SA'd afterwards. They both responded to that trauma with absolute silence- Fenrys remaining in his wolf form because he could not bring himself to speak, and Gwyn remaining silent for five months after returning to the library. If they ever met and discovered they share the same tragic past and they both overcame it to be strong, loyal, and beloved friends- omg. I just got chills typing this. They could stand to connect on that deep level that Feysand shares, that Rowaelin shares, that I obviously think Elriel shares. They could see that depth and pain within in each other in a way no one else could understand, then would be the first to volunteer to stand at the front lines in a war against the gods.
I process SJM's couples as being deeply and thematically connected, and I see that with Gwyn and Fenrys and truly believe side characters who haven't gotten their HEA's will do so in the new series. They had complete arcs that became very cherished by the fandom, and though their emotional and character growth in service of the main characters were complete, their story simply didn't feel quite finished.
Anywho. Now I'm turning this into a Let Me Tell You Why I Ship Gwyn and Fenrys seminar 😂 but honestly, I couldn't say that I don't think Gwyn and Az aren't right or good for each other. They could be if these were real people and we were trying to matchmake character traits. I just don't know what they would be together in the story as it stands now.
Whatever their story would be- it would have to be dripping with more sexual tension and angst and longing than Azriel and Elain have. It would have to be more powerful and more interesting than the Cauldron being wrong, going up against fate, and discovering that the Cauldron has in fact been corrupted. Their partnership would have to do more for the women of the world (as both Nesta and Feyre did in their stories with restoring female High Ladies in Prythian and warriors in Illyria) than what Az and Elain stand to do- get to the bottom of the corruption done by the Asteri, which is likely why unhappy and poorly matched mating bonds exist in Prythian, and fix it. Thus freeing not only themselves, but every woman who stood to be a pawn or an object and forced into a lifetime of misery with a man she didn't love lest she risk violence or spend the rest of her life wondering why she didn't love her mate and if she made a mistake.
I don't personally vibe with or agree with the (admittedly few, I stay out of the G/wynriel space not because I hate the idea of the ship but to protect myself from the conversation surrounding women's birthing abilities making them viable love interests) ideas I've heard about Gwyn and Az. That she will save Illyria- absolutely not. That belongs to Emerie. That she will be a sidekick in a new Nesta POV book. That sounds terrible to me. SJM has spoken on how freaky and hot Azriel's spice is going to be, and I'm supposed to just not want the woman's half of the POV because she's a side character in Nesta and Azriel's story? No thank you. No one has presented a story that I would want to read more than Azriel and Elain's, or a story that I believe makes any sense and is worth erasing all the work put into Az and Elain as far as this year 2024 in HoFaS with confirming the problems with the Cauldron.
Look, I'm still pretty new. I joined this online fandom, my first time ever doing so, this spring after HoFaS left me spiralling with thoughts and ideas of the future of SJM's books. Then I started writing fanfic. Then I started analyzing the text to comfort people who had the same experience as me- being someone who couldn't wait for Az and Elain's book and came online to a shocking, Elain hating bloodbath.
I do think that this shipwar is a very strange phenomenon born of an extreme dislike for Elain, whether people want to admit it or not. Elain and Azriel have all the same elements Feysand and Nessian had to set up their romance, but suddenly narratives that have never happened in the history of SJM have been created to explain it away. The "just lust" narrative literally does not exist in the SJM codex. It's not a thing. But it's a thing now for people who don't like Azriel and Elain together to try to erase Elain's existence and convince the world how it is completely impossible for her book to be next or for her to be with Azriel simply because they don't want those things to be true.
I do not care about whether or not ships are even canon. I could go on and on about all my favorite non canon ships, and times I thought the canon story was dead ass wrong 😂 It just so happens that when it comes to Az and Elain, I ride SO HARD for the canon text. People who ship G/wynriel will likely continue to ship them, and that is what fandom is for. I don't mind that they exist. I do wish everyone, on all sides, was kinder.
To me, the only love triangle exists between Azriel, Elain, and Lucien, which is why most of my theory or analysis posts center around them. I think Gwyn was an incredibly successful (maybe too successful) red herring. My opinion is that the bonus chapter was meant to re-touch on and shine light to her powers, and also create little question mark so it wasn't too obvious Elain and Azriel are endgame when she still hasn't formally rejected her mate since she hasn't had her book yet. Instead, it lit a wildfire for a group of people who were already primed and ready to erase Elain and replace her.
Maybe Gwyn and Azriel as characters removed from this story and put in a different one would be great together. In fact, I'm certain they would. They are great characters and I'm sure they could be written beautifully. I prefer what Az and Elain have got going on, but that's personal preference. I think Gwyn already had a complete arc, and I loved it, and now I'm crawling out of my skin with excitement for Elain's story.
I hope that sort of answers your question. I'm just not really interested in pitting Gwyn and Elain against each other for Azriel's attention, and I don't believe the books actually created or intended that.
Pleaaaase let me know if there are any fellow multiverse shippers out there 🙏 cause we are thinking too small focusing only on ACOTAR!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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My name is [BRUTUS] and my name means [HEAVY] so with a [HEAVY] heart I'll guide this dagger Into the heart of my enemy
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Something about having absolutely no choice in who you marry. About being literally forced by the law to spill blood - to accept this stranger as your husband over a man you truly care for or accept the fact that the man you love might die because you put him in danger. Something about risking becoming the wife of a man you've never even seen before a few minutes prior because you know anything would be better than putting your beloved in harm's way. Something about the trust inherent in that decision and in the way she speaks of it after. Truthfully, T'Pring doesn't know the captain and she doesn't know Spock. Either one of them could have taken her as their wife but she does know Stonn. She knows that Stonn will remain by her side no matter what. They made a plan together. They have an agreement which T'Pring believes will be upheld even though the plan changed with the arrival of Kirk. Stonn will always be there, always, and Stonn will be hers. Something about the language used around T'Pring: Ownership, subservience, non-personhood. T'Pring is an object that Spock can win. She cannot reject him, she has no say in the matter other than having Stonn 'claim' her instead. Even when Spock leaves after being very clearly rejected by T'Pring he says "Stonn, she is yours." as if despite her clear rejection he still owns her and is must formally 'give' her to Stonn. But the language T'Pring uses around Stonn is a break from that: "There was Stonn who wanted very much to be my consort, and I wanted him." Stonn who wanted very much to be HER consort and she WANTED him. The language here is very particular - It's not, for example: "Stonn wanted me to be his wife" - he is HERS. And she WANTS him. There's a mutual affection there and a strong trust - a trust which seems to be well founded since Stonn (though silent) stands by her side at the end of the episode. <- That might seem small but if Spock would reject her for 'daring to challenge' (again, the language is not 'because I don't want you' but more of an implied disgust at her having the AUDACITY to reject him) then it's not a stretch to assume that it'd be considered an insult in the TOS Vulcan society to NOT choose Stonn as her champion after a prior agreement. Anyway T'Pring was a woman in an impossible situation within a society which saw her as more of an object than a person and she wanted Stonn and Stonn wanted to be hers and she trusted that he would understand if she had to publicly pick someone else to ensure his life would be spared and he did understand.
#amok time#T'Pring i s....T'Pring she....-puts my head through a wall-#PLEASE read under the cut for my rambling about T'Pring in amok time pleasepleaseplease#tired of 'T'Pring is evil/a bitch' and VERY uninterested in 'T'Pring is a girlboss'#T'Pring is a person in a society which doesn't think she has the right to make her own choices who's in [love] with a man who [loves] her#back in what I'd like to think is implied to be a slightly subversive way in its mutual and fervent nature (whether the writers thought#this was a good or bad thing - who knows. We know better RIGHT??)#and yes I will stylize T'Pring's hair differently every single time I draw it HEHEHE#star trek tos#Spock#T'Pring#also of COURSE something something spock/kirk & stonn/t'pring parallels: To keep your beloved safe you have to force someone else to kill#theirs - not BC you hate him (you don't) but you don't love him either and why does HE get to have you even if you don't want him?? Why doe#he get to 'give' you to the person YOU chose?? It's not a hatred on a person level (which I wanted to portray with the 'brothers') portion#but a sort of societal embodying.#I will think about T'Pring not wanting to be 'the consort of a legend' every damn day !!!#They really could have laid it on thick in making her evil guys...T'Pau even makes a comment about Spock's 'vulcan blood is thin'#but all T'Pring says is that Spock is a legend and she doesn't want that for her life. She wants Stonn.#And you're gonna sit there and you're gonna tell her that she's wrong!??? Spock doesn't even want to be with her!! Why is she so hated!?#CAN WE FREE MY GIRL??? She did all that but it's being read in the worst faith possible!!#comix page#bea art tag#star trek art#She literally says the word 'FREE'...she's TRAPPED!!!
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makiandcheese · 1 year
i wanna share the genshin impact ships i enjoy and why (mostly rarepairs)
Rosaria/Kaeya - undeniable trust and friendship turned romantic interest. though capable of forming a relationship, their occupation and circumstances prevent them from fully pursuing it. Even if all factors could ignite mutual interest, the fear of ruining the friendship they harbored would stand in the way. What's important in a lonesome city is the same stranger who is looking for the same comfort you seek. Frequent liar or not, he's quite the personality to have around.
Jean/Diluc - everyone says they are exes turned lovers however I view them as the failed chance at love. They are friends who knew each other since they were learning to walk type of friendship. The first love you never forget. If they were given the chance, they could say what they want to the other. "You look even better after you became a stranger to me, pretty woman"
Yelan/Ningguang - The what could've beens. similar to jealuc but in ninglan it's focus is more on the one-sided, unrequited type of love. (using Beiguang for this example) watching the one you love fall for someone you know she deserves hurts. It hurts because you know you could've been with her if not for your own issues. thankfully she will never know you love her since that love will die with you
Rosaria/Jean - oh god where do i begin with this. The "outcast" meets the city's beloved individual. For someone who feels they never belong, its confusing to have the city's hope make excuses to see you. Rosaria and Jean's relationship begins with jealousy due to the nun and the idol deaconess' relationship. What makes Barbara look at Rosaria the way Jean always wanted? Filled with concern and trust that only families have for one another. Giving that to a complete stranger is agonizing.
Lisa/Jean - coworkers to lovers <3. A workaholic learning the simplicities of life from the reliable, easygoing, gentle person. When she'd forget to take care of herself mentally, she'd be there. Unknowingly providing comfort with just her presence alone.
Beidou/Ningguang - Two people who rule and have a significant influence on the community. Bickering and arguing over the smallest things yet loving each other for the same reason. What makes these two so wonderful is the fact that they both witnessed each other overcome difficulties in their own manner. They both achieved goals that brought them together in some way. Competing with which one would make the other prouder.
Venti/Zhongli - centuries have gone and past, and yet home always had the same eyes and breeze. When it comes to gods, the only one they could consider as equal are the same immortals who suffer with them. Why does meeting each other again bring so much comfort and pain? How many friends did they watch come and go like sand through the wind? Thankfully, they can overcome these uncertainties together. Until they could no longer control the corrosion within them.
Surcrose/Rosaria - When your curiosity leads to people questioning your character, the person you gravitate towards is someone similar. Sucrose would have a lot on her mind and would desperately need someone to talk to. Rosaria always wanted to learn more about the world but never had the guts to say it out loud. The mutual silence between them could be a conversation. "I have something on my mind, but I have difficulties saying it" and "Take your time. No rush."
Kaeya/Albedo - Understanding your past from the product of the past can be an interesting combo. Kaeya and Albedo are two perspectives of the Khaenri’ahn existence. The truth is never black or white, in fact, the truth is always relative. Messing around with your coworker because of mutual origins grives a sense of comfort in the city where everyone knows everyone.
Ganyu/Keqing - coworker who has false impressions towards each other. A tender and careful love formed from the desire to protect their city. Patience is a virtue especially for Ganyu. However, with all the years she had lived, days with Keqing always felt like love personafied.
Xiao/Traveler - what cannot be may be. One's duties always hinder relationships, but there will always be someone stubborn enough to reach out. Someone once said that unnecessary suffering is not a proof of strength. Relying on others is difficult but if it's with the person they love, one could only hope that they're not a burden. Thankfully, they don't give a damn about your stubbornness and go out of their way to talk and spend time with you. Since you know that these times wouldn't last.
Ayaka/Yoimiya - The different lives we live shouldn't turn us into strangers. In a life where expectations are laid upon you, finding freedom and happiness incarnate is like grasping sunlight. Ayaka knows she has her duties but spending time with Yoimiya makes her forget the time. Grief and loss often isolate us from relationships (including socioeconomic circumstances). Thankfully the eternal shogun's antithesis stays by your side.
Itto/Sara - Our beliefs do not align, but if someone talks shit about the other. Someone will be getting punched or electrocuted. Being a Yokai in human society always leads to discrimination unless you are equipped with power and unimaginable influence. Seeing each other's most vulnerable sides in the most unexpected times always led to curiosity. Curiosity leading to interest. And interest leading to fondness.
Al Haitham/Kaveh - Unconventional ways of saying "i love you" almost always lead to someone's wrinkly forhead. If turning himself into Kaveh's personal screaming outlet would let him relax, Al haitham would gladly do it. What happened in the past has long gone, and what's left is to continue. Is it so difficult to let him love you?
Candace/Dehya - Every neighborhood child's first loves daring each other. Duty is always the priority. Traveling the world will come one day but not today. If that is someone's belief, then someone will bring the world to them. Even if it's small material gifts, its treasured dearly. Just make sure not to come home bruised and covered in wounds. Else a medicated scolding (and some kisses) would be perscribed by the village's resident guardian.
and that's all folks tell me what you think.
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seriousbrat · 8 months
let sirius (and james) be mean
Obviously in SWM both James and Sirius are atrocious towards Snape but I think it's pretty revealing how mean they also are to their best friends, especially Peter:
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And while I think James possibly grew out of his mean girl phase to some extent Sirius didn't, at least not fully. To be fair he's usually not outright rude unless he dislikes someone-- mostly, he's dismissive or impatient especially when someone says something he perceives as stupid, as well as being overall insensitive to the feelings of others.
In the prequel they're both fairly insensitive and rude to two terrified Muggles lol, I mean who cares and it's funny but there are examples of Sirius being something of a mean girl later on as an adult. obviously, the famous one:
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and yeah you can defend this by saying he was stuck in grimmauld place and frustrated, bla bla bla, I do get it and I still love him and don't think it makes him a terrible person or godfather but objectively this is an incredibly mean thing to say to Harry.
Other somewhat minor instances that nevertheless paint a wide picture:
OotP (I'm leaving out his interactions with Kreacher bc those are self evident)
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he's also kind of dismissive towards Harry's feelings at certain points. A good example of this is the stiff "one-armed hug" and gruff goodbye he gives him when they leave for Hogwarts after christmas, or this earlier conversation:
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Also, how he talks about Regulus. obviously it's somewhat justified since Sirius believes him to have just been a Death Eater, but he specifically calls Regulus stupid rather than just saying he was a bad person. This is interesting because it can be inferred that Regulus was not stupid at all, given that he figured out the secret of the Horcruxes. imo Sirius was too dismissive of his brother to actually know who he really was.
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(and bonus him being snippy with Harry)
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like this is probably true but it's still rude lol, as is this from OotP which has definite mean girl vibes:
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so this on its own doesn't seem especially mean but it does come after Sirius has basically dismissed every single thing that Ron has said lol, even raising his hand at one point to shut him up. It's not the worst but imo does indicate his impatience with "stupidity" which we also see in SWM:
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and James has this too:
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imo this shared feeling of superiority and mutual delight in their own intelligence were big factors in his closeness with james.
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ALL THIS TO SAY, Sirius was mean lol ESPECIALLY as a teen. my rude scorpio child. So I think when writing teen Sirius it's an important part of his characterisation (and James's) for him not only to be rude/disdainful to people he hates but also just generally. It's also why it's extra ridiculous that he's portrayed as dumb in fanon seeing as he's very often dismissive and judgmental to those he perceives as being of lesser intelligence.
And this isn't a criticism of Sirius at all, I love him and tbh his mean streak is one of the things that make him so fun to write for me. He's a beloved character and I understand the desire to paint him in a positive light, but he wasn't perfect. As others have said the friendship between the Marauders wasn't something idyllic and aspirational, it's a warning story to Harry. Furthermore, kindness towards Kreacher being something that helps them find the Horcrux is also a lesson for Harry.
Sirius's insensitivity to the feelings of others was what got him killed, his insensitivity and disdain for peter led in part to James and Lily's deaths too. it doesn't make him a terrible person, just a flawed one.
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atenea14 · 1 year
A rough day. Sanguinius x reader
The events here happen before the Nikaea council. English is not my first language so there might be mistakes.
Warnings: Sex pollen, Dom!Sanguinius x sub!reader. Slight breath play, power play, bondage. 
Summary: A mission goes wrong ,as a result, Sanguinius and you end up affected by sex pollen.
Word count: 3k
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You’ve been with the blood angels for a while now and you feel lucky, they are one of the few legions that are amicable towards their human crew which permitted you to easily demonstrate your abilities as an incredible psychic. Thanks to your powers you got to meet the higher ups within the legion including their beloved primarch and formed a good coworking bond with all of them. As the good war buddy you were, you went with them in some of their battles. That’s how you ended up in your current situation.
- Y/N you are required in the front line. - Dante approached you in a blink. 
- I thought the battle was done?- You are really fed up with the orcs so more fighting doesn’t suit your mood. 
- It is but Lord Sanguinius requires your help to quickly investigate the subterranean tunnels the orcs have made. Let’s go.- You just silently followed him through the tunnels until you got where Sanguinius was. 
- I’m glad to see you well Y/N.- Sanguinius greeted you, always well mannered, always perfect. 
- The sentiment is mutual, my lord.- You smiled at him waiting for his instructions. He smiled back before speaking again.
- There are some locked compartments and brute force won’t open them, I have no idea what the orcs made but I want you to try and open those parts of the tunnel.-
- I’ll do my best.- 
With that you got to work and managed to open the passages. Sanguinius and his men moved fast to investigate it all, but they didn’t find anything interesting at least under a human view. Within no time you arrived at the most hidden corner where you could see a small box. After some failed analisis and a discussion you were asked to force it open. When you did it a gas cloud exploded in your face, Sanguinius quickly covered you and embraced you, acting as a human shield, getting himself fully exposed to the unknown material. 
- I swear I can not stand those xenos, are you alright Y/N?- Sanguinius asked but you were too dumbfounded to immediately answer, you don’t get angel wings protecting you every day. 
- Y/N?- Sanguinius tried again. 
- I feel fine… I think.- Sanguinius examined your face and looked at Dante. 
- There are some vials left in the box, grab them and get them analyzed immediately, also escort Y/N to the red tear and get her to the medicae.- He turned to look at you once more. 
- I want to profusely apologize Y/N, this is my fault for wanting to rush things and not following the protocols.- You gave him a strained smile and told him it was ok, it’s not like you have it in you to accuse him when he looks at you with so much concern. 
- Just remember you have been exposed to it too my lord, please take care.- With a nod he gently pushed you towards the squadron who would accompany you. 
It’s already been an hour and you are waiting in the medical bay for someone to explain to you what have you been exposed to. You felt good so you were observing your surroundings when you heard the door open, to your surprise it was Dante. It cheered you up to see a familiar face so you eagerly greeted him but a feeling of uneasiness quickly invaded you once you registered his somber face. 
- Is it that bad?- You impatiently observed him sit down next to your bed. He looked directly into your face and he started speaking with a really soft voice. 
- Lord Sanguinius and you have been exposed to what we… have vulgarly called sex pollen.- He paused to let the information sink in but you just looked at him with a really confused expression.
- I don’t understand, I… feel good, maybe it doesn’t affect me?- Dante hold your hand with his.
- Your metabolism is slower than ours so you may not notice the effects now but you will soon. I’ll say it bluntly Y/N, you will feel an extreme need to have intimate relationships and the longer you don’t submit to it the more undesired chemical imbalance you will have on your body, we are working on an antidote but it will come late. On the other hand lord Sanguinius is already under the influence. What I’m about to ask you is not something I’m happy about.- You interrupted him. 
- I… wait a moment.- You used a couple of minutes to think about all the events that have involved you this day.- But Dante… I do not wish to… and if I did wouldn't that be considered heresy?.- You started rambling and the blood angel interrupted you to try to calm you a little bit.
- Y/N, whatever happens next won’t be your fault nor will be considered heresy given the circumstances plus all the matter is being confidential and only de indispensable people are aware of the situation.- You just looked at each other for what seemed an eternity until you broke the silence. 
- What happens if I refuse?- Dante took a deep sigh before answering. 
- Sanguinius' well-being will be in danger. I can’t tell you exactly why but the undesired chemical reactions I told you about may trigger some deeper problems in him. It won’t be your situation so at least you don’t need to worry about that.- Dante dropped all formalities and while that used to comfort you today it brought the opposite effect.
- Would it be that bad?- You put extra emphasis on the word that. Dante seemed to think about it for a moment before answering. 
- Look, no one here wants to force you to do anything, let alone Sanguinius. So I want to reiterate that anything will be your fault. But yes, it would be that bad.- He also put extra emphasis on the word.
- How is Sanguinius now?.-
- He is struggling to maintain control so being near him is not safe. That’s why I want you to have in mind before you answer that he may end up losing control and he surely will be rude.- You only had one question left before you answered. 
- What will happen to me if I try to fight the effects of the poison?.- 
- Since it’s a recently discovered substance I cannot give you any answer to that.- 
- I understand, I will do it.- Dante looked genuinely surprised.
- Are you sure?- You faintly smiled at him. 
- I’m already down the rabbit hole aren’t I? Plus Sanguinius is way more important than me so it only seems to be one correct answer.- Dante stared at you intensely. 
- Attach this to your wrist, the button is an alarm, if the situation goes south press it and I will interfere.- 
Dante gave you a reassuring squeeze to your hand and helped you get out of bed. In a moment you were left alone in front of Sanguinius' personal quarters. 
- My lord? Is Y/N, I am entering.- The room was dimly lit and Sanguinius looked upset. 
- You shouldn't be here, who brought you?.- You ignored his questions. 
- I have been explained the situation so I’ve come here voluntarily, my lord.- He looked troubled. 
- NO, Y/N. You have to leave. I don't have much restraint now.- He wasn’t looking in your direction. 
- I won’t, I’ve been told your health is at risk.-
- And what about yours? I could kill you.-
- You are more important than me plus sooner or later I will be feeling like you are right now.- 
- Y/N I…- You approached him and touched his arm. 
- It will be ok Sanguinius, I know you wouldn’t harm me.- 
Unknowingly you provoked him an electrical and addictive feeling with your touch making him lose all restrain left in him. Suddenly he picked you up and threw you into his bed making you gasp and igniting a spark in your body, all your nerves were on fire and your rational mind became foggy. You just wanted him, and he just wanted you. 
He kissed you while his hands roamed all over your body until they grabbed your hips. You returned the kiss with equal fervor and hung your legs around his body trying to have as much contact as you could. He went to kiss your neck and sunk his teeth a little bit, enough to get a couple of blood drops out of you but your pained hiss seemed to bring some focus to him. He paused for a moment and softly caressed all the parts of your body he could and started undressing you.
- Is not fair I’m the only one naked my lord.- 
- Then undress me.- 
You found yourselves fully naked and you climbed onto his lap kissing him fervently, he pulled your hair and it made you moan. You started moving your hips against him almost unconsciously and tried to push his chest so he was fully laid back on the bed. Instead he grabbed your waist and made you both roll, making you gasp. He pinned your wrist above your head with one of his hands while the other grabbed your face. 
-You are not the one in charge here darling.- 
He intensely looked into your eyes and the hand that was at your face went directly to your center, rubbing it in circles making close your eyes because of the sudden pleasure. 
- Look at me Y/N. Look me and tell me who do you belong to.- Between heavy breaths you answered.
- I belong to you.- He pinched your clitoris. 
- That’s not the proper answer Y/N.- You felt suffocated, you barely couldn’t move since your arms were held with one of his hands and the rest of your body was trapped under him. He entered one of his fingers in you, then another one making it really difficult for you to articulate any words. Sanguinius let go of your hands and grabbed your neck slightly restricting your air flow, you were in pure pleasure, your body was more sensitive than normal because of the pollen and Sanguinius was making you go crazy.
- I’ve asked you something.- He squeezed your neck a little bit more before releasing all the pressure allowing you to fully breath. 
- You, my lord. I belong to Lord Sanguinius.- 
- That's my girl.- With that he retired his hand off your clit and before you could whine he slowly started pushing his member into you making you see stars. You were sure your moans could be heard in the nearby hallways but you didn’t care at the moment and Sanguinus was enjoying them. 
- My lord it’s too much, I can’t.- You were overstimulated and Sanguinius was big, you didn’t think it would fit in. 
- Bear with it, it’ll bring you pleasure. I’m almost fully in.- You whimpered, the stretch was almost painful. He fully stopped once he was completely buried inside you, giving you a moment to adapt and he took that moment to caress you and squeeze your tits and pinch at your nipples making you lose focus on the stretch and allowing you to relax. 
- That’s it beautiful.- He started rocking his hips throwing you into a pleasure spiral, you were getting close and he noticed it. You embraced him while he started to fuck you faster, you were a moaning mess and when your started to clench at his member he roughly kissed you suffocating your moans while you were cumming. You were dumbfounded and were barely able to focus on anything else than your pleasure. He started touching your nub again overstimulating you while not relenting his pace. He was enjoying all your whines and whimpers and complaints about not being able to stand it but he was unforgiving. All your body was on fire and you started feeling a pleasure like never before. He bit you on your neck enjoying the ecstasis your blood gave him, the pain was enough to send you over the edge again and you squirted all over him while he came inside you. He slowed down his thrusts until you both came down from your highs and he slowly pulled out of you making you whimper. You looked at each other breathing heavily but none of you knew what to say. 
- Are you alright?- Sanguinius was the one who broke the silence. 
- Yes my lord.- He looked at you with an expression you didn’t know to decipher. 
- From now on just call me Sanguinius.- He spoke to you with a really soft voice. You nodded and he moved from above you getting out of the bed. 
- We should get ourselves cleaned, you can use my bathroom while I go talk with Dante.- He reached to touch you but stopped himself in the air, turned around grabbed his clothes and got out of the room.
You were left alone in his bedchambers a little bit confused. You wanted to bathe but everything in there was huge compared to you. Slowly, you moved to the edge of the bed and realized that all your body was sore. Once you made it to the bathroom you confirmed your thoughts, almost everything was out of your reach. The noise of a door opening startled you and you quickly turned around to see who entered. 
- It’s me Y/N.- 
- Sanguinius…- A rush of self awareness invaded you since you were still naked.
- Y/N… I’m sorry I…- Sanguinius was looking at your body and you knew he felt sorry for all the bruises he had caused.
- It’s okay, I just feel a little bit sore but that’s all.- He studied you for a couple of seconds. 
- Don’t you want to bathe? Do you wish to leave?- 
- I do want to bathe but everything here is out of my reach so I should leave to the common showers.- Sanguinius seemed troubled. 
- Or… I could help you if you wish.- 
- Sanguinius what happened today is none of our fault so you don’t need to compensate me.- 
- I am not, I just want to take care of you.- If he wasn’t a primarch you would have thought that he was looking at you with love, but it was Sanguinius after all and he is always compassionate so you just pushed your thoughts away and shyly nodded at him. Without thinking too much about it you stepped closer to him and to your surprise he picked you up and embraced you. You just stayed like that for a couple of minutes until he softly left you in the bath. The rest of the shower was spent in silence while you both tended to each other. Once you were done, Sanguinius helped you dry your hair. You stepped out of the bath before Sanguinius and realized that not only had the bed sheets been changed but also were clean clothes for you to use. A shame feeling invaded you making you feel really self conscious making you freeze in the middle of the room until warm arms embraced you. 
- Please do not feel bad, just one of my sons entered here and he already knew of the situation. No one will judge us.- Sanguinius' touch had a calming effect and his words comforted you. You timidly smiled at him and put your clothes on. The situation was kind of awkward so once you were done you just headed for the door. 
- Where are you going?- You froze in your tracks and turned back to look at him. 
- I… to my bed?- 
- Do you wish to be alone?- You didn’t comprehend why he was asking you that. 
- It’s not like I can stay here Sanguinius.- It was his turn to not understand you.
- Why not?- 
- It wouldn’t be proper.- Sanguinius faintly smiled.
- I think we are already past that point.- 
- But it wouldn’t be the same as before. We are not under the pollen influence anymore.- Sanguinius thought about it for a moment. 
- If you want to leave I won’t stop you but if you want to stay it will be okay too. Forget about everything. You owe it to yourself to do what you are comfortable with right now.- 
- I don’t want to be alone.- Sanguinius looked softly at you and smiled. He extended his hand and you walked to him, he picked you up and placed you on his bed. He lied beside you. With his words resonating in your head you found the courage to attach your body to his and hug him. He embraced you with his arms and kissed your head. Your breath slowed down and you fell asleep within minutes. The whole situation was confusing but you knew you’d be alright. 
On the other hand Sanguinius was worried, he was already infatuated with you but now there might be no coming back. You were his and his alone. With everything he had to do for the imperium he knew he owed it to himself to keep you under his wings.
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doumadono · 4 months
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Warnings: graphic descriptions of self harm, pro hero Shoto, established relationship, mentions of depression and negative thoughts, blood
Synopsis: even as a pro hero who faced countless villains and saved innumerable lives, Shoto realized nothing had prepared him for the battle he was about to fight — one involving one of the most important people in his life
A/N: this story was commissioned on my Kofi page by @aethien11-blog - I'm sharing it with their kind permission 🌸 If you like my writing, please consider supporting me via my Kofi page
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The night had draped its shadowy cloak over Musutafu, casting an eerie stillness over the bustling city. The only sounds were the distant hum of traffic and the soft rustle of leaves as a faint breeze blew through the trees. The city skyline glowed faintly, a haze of light pollution against the pitch-black sky. 
Todoroki Shoto stood on the balcony of his high-rise apartment, the chill night air biting through his casual clothes. His dual-colored hair, a stark contrast to the darkness, swayed gently in the breeze as he gazed out over the city he had sworn to protect. 
Shoto had just finished his shift and was savoring a quiet evening with his beloved girlfriend. Todoroki brought a steaming cup of tea to his lips and took a sip. He reflected on his life, recognizing it as fulfilling and stable.
It had been years since he graduated from U.A. Now a pro hero, Shoto was known for his unwavering dedication and unparalleled control over his quirk, a perfect balance of ice and fire. He had faced countless villains, saved innumerable lives, yet nothing had prepared him for the battle that was about to unfold very, very soon.
Celeste sat in the living room near the balcony, a gentle breeze wafting in through the open door. She was engrossed in a book, her amber eyes skimming the pages. The rustling of leaves and distant sounds of the city provided a soothing background.
Feeling the weight of her boyfriend's gaze, she raised her head, her eyes meeting Shoto's. A soft smile spread across her face, filled with warmth and affection. "Hey there," she said, her voice as gentle as her smile, and second later, she returned to reading her book.
Shoto and Celeste had met shortly after Todoroki graduated from U.A. High School. Shoto had already begun his career as a pro hero, and Celeste, with her healing quirk, often assisted heroes in need of medical care. Their paths crossed frequently in the field, and it wasn't long before Celeste noticed the deep, unspoken pain behind Shoto's stoic exterior.
Intrigued by the quiet hero who always seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, Celeste made an effort to get to know him. She saw the shadows in his eyes, the haunted look that spoke of past traumas and inner turmoil. 
As they spent more time together, Shoto gradually opened up about his troubled childhood, his complicated relationship with his father, and the emotional scars that still lingered.
The more Celeste learned about Shoto's past, the closer they grew. Her empathy and kindness slowly chipped away at his defenses, and he found solace in her unwavering understanding. 
Their bond deepened, built on a foundation of mutual respect and shared vulnerability, and before long, their friendship blossomed into a deep and loving relationship.
Celeste had been a constant source of warmth and solace in his life from the moment the two met. Her quirk, a powerful healing ability, had earned her respect and admiration in the hero community. But it was her unyielding spirit and genuine kindness that had captured Shoto's heart. She had a way of seeing through the facades people wore, helping them find their true smiles. She was a constant source of cheerfulness, radiating light and positivity wherever she went. Her laughter was contagious, and Todoroki found himself cherishing it immensely.
Yet, in recent weeks, Shoto had sensed something was off, a gnawing worry that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He had noticed cracks in her facade. Moments where her smile seemed way too forced, laughter that didn’t quite reach her beautiful eyes. He had attributed it to stress, the pressures of her own hero work weighing heavily on her shoulders. 
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This evening was different. This evening, the shadows seemed deeper, the silence heavier. 
Inside, the apartment was dimly lit, the soft glow of a single lamp casting long shadows across the room. 
Shoto felt a knot tighten in his chest as he called out her name upon returning from his hero shift, his voice echoing through the seemingly empty apartment. "Celeste? I'm home." 
No answer. 
Panic started to creep in, an unfamiliar and unwelcome sensation. The silence that greeted him was unusual. Normally, Celeste would be bustling around the kitchen or reading a book on the couch, always ready with a warm smile. Concern tugged at him as he moved quickly through the rooms, his heart pounding louder with each step. 
The bathroom door was slightly ajar, a sliver of light spilling out into the hallway. Shoto approached cautiously, his breath catching in his throat as he pushed the door open.
Celeste sat on the tiled floor, her back against the cold porcelain of the bathtub. Her usually vibrant brown hair, with its distinctive patch of bright red, was disheveled, cascading over her face like a curtain. She wore a long-sleeved sweater, even in the warmth of the apartment, but it was pushed up to her elbows, revealing the fresh, angry cuts marring her skin.
The bright red streaks on her forearms stood out starkly against her pale, delicate skin, deep and raw. Blood trickled from the wounds, mingling with older scars, and pooled on the pristine white tiles, creating a macabre contrast. Each breath she took was shallow and shaky, her chest heaving with the effort.
The razor blade was still clutched in her trembling hand, its edge stained crimson. More blood dripped from the blade, joining the spreading puddle beneath her. Her amber eyes, usually so full of life, were distant and hollow, tears streaming down her cheeks, mixing with the blood on her arms.
The sight was harrowing: streaks of blood had smeared across her skin where she had wiped at her tears with her hands, creating a grotesque pattern of red on her face. Blood smeared her wrists and fingers, and small droplets had splattered against the walls as well, painting the room in a chilling tableau of her anguish.
The room was silent, save for the occasional ragged breaths Celeste was taking. The sharp metallic scent of blood hung heavy in the air. 
Shoto’s world narrowed to that moment, the sight of your pain cutting deeper than any villain’s attack ever could.
"Celeste..." Shoto's voice was a broken whisper, his heart shattering at the sight. He rushed to her side, dropping to his knees, gently taking the blade from her hand and tossing it aside. “What have you done?!”
She looked up at him, a flicker of recognition breaking through the haze of her despair. "Shoto... I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "I didn't want you to see this." Tears streamed down her cheeks, her mask of cheerful indifference shattering. “I’m sorry, Shoto. I tried… I tried to be strong for too long… I’m just too tired.”
He pulled her into his arms, the warmth of his inner fire contrasting with the coldness of her skin. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you let me help you?”
Her sobs were heart-wrenching, each one a dagger to Shoto’s heart. “I didn’t want to burden you. You’re always so strong, so perfect, so busy. I didn’t want you to see how broken I truly am.”
Shoto’s grip tightened, his voice fierce and filled with emotion. “You are not a burden. You are the light in my life, Celeste. I’m here for you, no matter what. We’ll get through this together.”
He reached for his phone with one hand, the other still holding the girl close. With a calmness that belied the storm inside him, he called for an ambulance. As he spoke to the operator, he kept his eyes on Celeste, his thumb gently stroking her cool cheek.
The minutes stretched into an eternity as they waited, Shoto whispering words of comfort and love, his heart breaking anew with each tear that fell from her eyes. 
When the paramedics arrived, he stayed by her side, refusing to let go even as they bandaged her wounds and prepared to take her to the hospital.
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The hospital corridors were a blur as Shoto Todoroki sprinted through them, his heart hammering in his chest. He could barely breathe, his mind consumed with the fear and urgency of reaching Celeste. 
When he reached the ER doors, a group of doctors and nurses blocked his path, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.
“I need to see her,” Shoto demanded, his voice trembling with barely contained rage.
“I’m sorry, sir, but you can’t go in there right now,” one of the doctors said, raising a hand to stop him. “She’s in a very serious condition, and we need to stabilize her. She lost a lot of blood.”
Shoto’s eyes flared with a dangerous mix of anger and resolve, his control slipping for the first time in years. “You don’t understand. I need to see her. Now.”
“Please, we’re doing everything we can —”
“Do you have any idea who I am?” Shoto’s voice was a low, menacing growl. “I’m Todoroki Shoto, one of the top pro heroes. And if you don’t let me in, I swear I will tear this place apart to get to my girlfriend.”
The sheer intensity of his anger and desperation caused the staff to falter. They exchanged uneasy glances, clearly aware of the volatile nature of his quirk and his reputation.
“Let him through,” came a calm but authoritative voice from behind. An older doctor stepped forward, his gaze steady. “He needs to be with her.”
One of the younger doctors shook his head, concern etched on his face. “But sir, she’s lost a lot of blood and is very weak. She needs rest.”
The older doctor walked closer, his eyes narrowing with a scolding gaze. “I know exactly what happened,” he said firmly. “I’ve just come from her room. What she needs now, more than anything, is the support and love of her close ones. This is a challenging time for her, and having her close ones by her side will aid in her recovery more than solitude ever could.”
The blockade parted, and Shoto pushed through without a second glance. He burst into the room, his eyes immediately locking onto Celeste’s fragile form lying on the hospital bed. The sight nearly brought him to his knees. Tubes and wires were attached to her, machines beeping steadily as they monitored her vitals. Her complexion was sallow, and her wrists were heavily bandaged.
He couldn’t shake the image of her on the bathroom floor from his mind, the raw pain in her darkened eyes haunting him. How had he missed it? How had he not seen the depth of her despair? He had faced monsters and menaces, but this — this was something entirely different.
He approached her slowly, his heart shattering with each step. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. “Celeste,” he whispered, his voice breaking. 
Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at him through a haze of pain and sedation. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over as she struggled to speak. “I’m sorry, Shoto. I’m so sorry.”
He sank into the chair beside her bed, holding her hand tightly, as if afraid she might slip away. “Why didn’t you tell me how much you were hurting? I could have helped you. I would have done anything.”
Celeste’s voice was a fragile whisper. “I didn’t want to be a burden. I thought… I thought if I kept smiling, it would be enough. But the pain… It was too much. I couldn’t see a way out.”
Shoto’s tears fell freely now, his chest aching with profound sorrow. “You’re my everything. Seeing you like this… it’s tearing me apart. I need you with me. I need you to fight through this.”
She squeezed his hand weakly, her eyes filled with regret and longing. “I didn’t want to hurt you, Shoto. I love you so much. I just didn’t know how to cope.”
He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to her hand. “We’ll find a way, together. I promise you, Celeste, you’re not alone. We’ll get through this, no matter how hard it is. Just… don’t leave me. Please.”
Her tears continued to flow, her fingers trembling in his grasp. “I’ll try, Shoto. I’ll try for you.”
He lifted his head, his gaze fierce and determined. “Not just for me. For us. For our future. We’ll face this together, and I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”
As the night wore on, Shoto remained by her side, refusing to let go of her hand. The hospital room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the soft beeping of the machines and the quiet sobs they shared. It was a moment of profound vulnerability, a testament to their love and the battles they would face together.
In that sterile, white room, amidst the beeping machines and the scent of antiseptic, Shoto vowed to himself and to Celeste that he would never let her face her demons alone again. 
After ensuring Celeste was asleep, Shoto quietly left her bedside. The rhythmic beeping of the machines and the soft murmur of hospital activity were the only sounds as he made his way to the nurse’s station.
“Excuse me,” Shoto said, his voice low but firm. “Can you tell me where I can find the older doctor who allowed me to see my girlfriend?”
The nurse looked up from her paperwork, a sympathetic smile crossing her face. “That would be Dr. Hayashi, the head of the emergency ward. His office is down the hall, third door on the left.”
Shoto thanked her and followed the directions. Reaching the office, he took a deep breath before knocking. A calm, authoritative voice called from within, “Come in.”
Todoroki entered the office, finding Dr. Hayashi seated behind a cluttered desk, reviewing some files. The older man looked up, his eyes filled with a gentle wisdom. 
“Dr. Hayashi,” Shoto began, bowing slightly. “I wanted to thank you for letting me see my girlfriend. And I also want to apologize for my outburst. I know I should have contained my emotions better.”
Dr. Hayashi waved off the apology, a hint of sadness in his eyes. “No need to apologize, Mr. Todoroki. I understand your reaction all too well.”
Shoto hesitated, sensing a deeper story. “You do?”
Dr. Hayashi nodded, his gaze distant. “Some time ago, I lost my daughter under very similar circumstances. She was suffering in ways I hadn’t fully grasped until it was too late. Even as a doctor, I was not allowed to see her when she was brought in. I couldn’t hold her in my arms when she was dying.”
Shoto felt a pang of empathy, the weight of the doctor’s words settling heavily on his heart. “I’m so sorry for your loss,” he said softly.
Dr. Hayashi offered a sad smile. “Thank you. That’s why I insisted you be with her. I know how crucial it is to have loved ones close during such a challenging time. It can make all the difference in their will to fight and recover.”
“Thank you for allowing me to be there for her.”
Dr. Hayashi leaned back in his chair, his expression one of quiet resolve. “Take care of her, Mr. Todoroki. And take care of yourself as well. You’ll both need each other’s strength.”
With a final bow, Shoto left the office, his heart heavy. He returned to Celeste’s side, more determined than ever to help her heal and to never let her feel alone again.
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The days following Celeste's hospital admission were a blur of consultations, therapy sessions, and quiet, somber moments. The hospital had kept her under close watch, her condition monitored by a team of specialists. 
Shoto visited every day, his presence a constant reassurance, his hand always ready to hold hers.
Finally, the day came when she was discharged. A psychiatrist had outlined a comprehensive treatment plan, emphasizing the importance of ongoing therapy and support. 
Shoto had listened intently, absorbing every detail, his stoic demeanor masking the turmoil within.
Celeste was waiting in the discharge area, her small bag by her side. She looked up as he approached, offering a tentative smile.
"Ready to go home?" he asked, his voice steady but soft.
She nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and trepidation. "Yes."
He took her bag, carrying it effortlessly as they walked to the car. 
The drive home was quiet, the hum of the engine filling the silence. 
Shoto's eyes remained fixed on the road, his hands gripping the steering wheel with controlled tension. 
Celeste glanced at him occasionally, taking comfort in his presence despite the lack of conversation.
The silence was not awkward; rather, it was a shared space of reflection and understanding. Words felt unnecessary, and the quiet was a balm to Celeste's frayed nerves. She watched the city pass by outside the window, her thoughts a tangled web of emotions and memories.
As they pulled up to their apartment building, Shoto parked the car and turned off the engine. For a moment, neither of them moved, the weight of the past days pressing down on them.
Shoto finally broke the silence. “Let’s go inside.” He got out, walking around to open her door. 
She stepped out, taking a deep breath of the familiar air. It felt strange to be back, as if the world outside had continued while she had been suspended in a separate reality.
Shoto unlocked the door to their shared apartment, holding it open for Celeste, who stepped inside and took a deep breath, absorbing the scent and warmth of home.
Inside the apartment, everything was as they had left it. The familiar surroundings felt both comforting and strange, as if everything had changed while remaining the same. 
Once they were inside, Shoto set down the bag of her belongings from the hospital and turned to face her. His eyes, usually so guarded, were filled with a mixture of concern and pure sadness. “Celeste,” he began, his voice steady but soft, “we need to talk.”
She nodded, her eyes meeting his. “I know.”
Shoto let out a sigh, "But first, you need to eat something. You've lost weight, and with the strong meds you're on, you need to stay strong. Come on, I'll make you some soba with peanut sauce."
Celeste sat on the high stool at the counter, her eyes following Shoto’s movements as he prepared the meal. He moved with practiced ease, boiling the soba noodles and mixing the peanut sauce with care. The kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma, a blend of savory and nutty scents.
As he worked, Shoto glanced over his shoulder at her. “My mother and Fuyumi want to visit this weekend. Do you mind?”
Celeste’s face lit up with genuine happiness. “I’d love that, Shoto. I’ve missed them.”
He smiled softly, returning his focus to the meal. “Good, I’m glad to hear that. They’ve missed you too.”
Within minutes, he set a steaming bowl of soba with peanut sauce in front of her. “Eat up,” he said gently. “You need your strength.”
Celeste picked up her chopsticks. “Thank you, Shoto.”
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As evening approached, Shoto suggested they sit on the balcony. 
The city was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, the sky painted with hues of orange and pink. 
They sat side by side, the silence stretching comfortably between them.
Finally, Shoto spoke, his voice a low murmur. “Celeste.” Shoto took her hands in his, his thumb gently brushing over her knuckles. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened,” he said slowly, choosing his words with care. “I know you were trying to protect me by hiding your pain, but it’s not something you should have to bear alone.”
She sighed, her gaze fixed on the horizon. Celeste’s eyes filled with tears, and then she looked down at their joined hands. “I didn’t want to hurt you, Shoto. I thought if I kept it to myself, it would be easier for everyone.”
He lifted her chin, making her look at him. “Celeste. Your pain is my pain, and I want to help you carry it. We’ll face this together, but you have to let me in. Promise me you won’t hide from me anymore.”
A tear slipped down her cheek, and she nodded, her voice trembling. “I promise, Shoto. I’ll try to be more open. I don’t want to go through this alone either.”
He pulled her into a gentle embrace, his heart aching with a mixture of love and sorrow. “We’ll get through this, one step at a time. You’re not alone, and you never will be.”
She sobbed against his chest, the dam of her emotions breaking. “I’ve been so scared, Shoto. So scared of disappointing everyone, of showing weakness. I thought… If I kept smiling, it would be okay. But it’s not.”
He listened intently, his heart aching at her words. "I’m sorry I didn’t see how much you were struggling. I thought… I thought you were happy. And when I started noticing… It was too late.”
She clung to him, the warmth of his body a stark contrast to the cold despair she had felt just days before. In his arms, she found a glimmer of hope, a promise of better days to come.
He held her through her tears, his own eyes stinging with unshed tears. “We’ll face this together. Please, let me help you.”
For a long time, they sat in silence, Shoto’s arms wrapped protectively around her. The gravity of her pain settled heavily in his heart. He knew this was only the beginning, that their journey would be fraught with challenges. But he was determined to be her anchor, to show her that she wasn’t alone.
They sat there, holding each other as the sun dipped below the horizon. The future was uncertain, and the road ahead would be challenging, but they faced it together, bound by love and a shared determination to find their way through the darkness. In each other, they found strength and hope, a beacon to guide them through the storm.
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The days that followed were filled with small, tentative steps towards healing. 
Shoto made sure she attended her therapy sessions and took her medication. He was always there, a silent pillar of strength, offering his unwavering support. Todoroki watched her closely, always attuned to her moods. He learned to recognize the signs of deterioration of her mood, the moments when her smiles didn’t quite reach her eyes. In those times, he held her close, whispering words of comfort and love.
One day, after Celeste felt well enough, Shoto’s mother, Rei Todoroki, and his older sister, Fuyumi, came to visit. They brought handmade mochi and other sweets, their faces lighting up with joy when they saw Celeste looking better.
Rei was the first to embrace her, pulling Celeste into a gentle, warm hug. “It’s so good to see you, dear,” she whispered, her voice full of genuine relief. “We’ve missed you.”
Fuyumi followed, hugging Celeste tightly. “We’ve been thinking about you every day,” she said softly. “I’m so glad you’re feeling better,” the woman added, stroking Celeste’s brown hair gently.
Dark-haired girl smiled, a little overwhelmed by their warmth. “Thank you both. It means a lot to me.”
They all settled in the living room, the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee and tea mingling with the afternoon air. 
Shoto sat beside Celeste, his hand resting reassuringly on her knee.
Rei sipped her tea before speaking, her tone soft like a summer breeze. “We won’t ask you about what happened,” she said gently. “We know it’s hard, and we don’t want to bring you back to that dark place.”
Fuyumi nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. “Just know that we’re always here for you, whenever you need us. You’re part of our family, Celeste.”
Celeste’s eyes shimmered with tears, but they were tears of gratitude. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”
Rei smiled warmly. “Now, let’s enjoy these sweets together.”
As they shared the mochi and other treats, the room filled with laughter and light conversation. The support and love from Rei and Fuyumi were like a balm to Celeste’s soul, reminding her that she wasn’t alone and that she had a family who cared deeply for her.
Celeste began to open up more, sharing her fears and insecurities, and slowly, she started to find her way back to herself. The scars on her body, though a grim reminder of her struggle, began to fade slowly.
Their home became a sanctuary, a place where they could face the darkness together. Each day was a battle, but it was one they fought side by side, their love and determination lighting the way forward. And in the quiet moments, when they held each other close, they found solace in the unspoken promise that they would never give up on each other.
For Shoto, the love he held for Celeste was a beacon of hope, guiding him through the challenging times.
And for Celeste, Shoto’s unwavering support was a reminder that she was never truly alone, that even in her darkest moments, there was light to be found.
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abrahamvanhelsings · 4 months
for the ship asks: joplittle? i know i'm opening pandora's box with this
if someone already asked, then going for any other ned ship you might also like? choose freely my friend
AUGH my beloveds!! ill try not to make this a whole essay so ill point out a couple of things that i love about them at random
the way they interact with each other on screen has me obsessed. i wrote a post a bit ago about how we don't see them talk much together but they have a lot of potential anyway, and then @cinematicnomad made a great point about the fact that they DO interact but a lot it is nonverbal. honestly that opened my eyes to so much little things i hadn't noticed before. that they communicate through glances and gestures and that they understand each other, know each other well enough to have that kind of interaction... they may be background characters and we may not see the progression of their relationship much, but we can tell that it happens, and that they become close. you can tell that being in that precarious situation together, where crozier's alcoholism is affecting the entire expedition but it also has to be kept a secret, and they're the two people who know, and who are responsible for crozier/everything else, that really created a very tight bond between them.
speaking of tight friendships! we can tell that it happens bc edward, famously, is SO happy when jopson is made lieutenant. everyone at that table thinks it's deserved, and is happy for jopson, but edward is a beam of sunlight in that tent. genuinely can't stop smiling. it's so so lovely to me that he can't contain his own glee bc he's so glad and proud. get you a man who applauds your successes like edward little
there are so many ways their personalities fit together so well!! they're both extremely diligent in their duties, but it plays out differently in them both, and they both have different weaknesses. they're the type of people who are generally quiet and unobtrusive but steadfast and loyal, but where jopson tends to go sharp as a knife under pressure, edward always worries that he is doing the right thing (that's also bc for a large part of the expedition they have very different responsibilites and cares, but nevertheless). they're both guarded where it comes to showing their inner feelings, but it feels to me that jopson can provide a firmness, the assurance that edward needs to remain confident in who he is and what he does, whereas edward (once you've cracked him like an egg) has a warmth to him that can fold around jopson like a blanket, to let go of that tightly-controlled professionalism. each other's safety blankets, people who can mitigate the other's shortcomings, and provide space for their better qualities and their feelings to come to full bloom.
lower class/higher class dynamic is a weakness of mine. any fic that has thomas being a steward/valet to edward in any capacity with the victorian slow burn mutual pining/mutual 'he is to good for me' has me on my knees
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evilminji · 4 months
OKAY. *slams open door in manic about to have opinions*
MAYBE i am binging so, SO much unhinged bnha fics? Have already sent this to all my mutual and is not ENOUGH? But everyone is focused on these BABIES and not the MOST unhinged of them all? You COWARDS!!!
That's RIGHT! Ya girl has been hitting the "yandere/obsessive/possessive" behavior tag on Ao3 and is REFUSING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT! I have THOUGHTS DAMN IT! AaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA-!!! *Flips table*
Why the FUCK everyone focusing on BABIES?
I get it, don't yuck someone else's yum. To each their own. I respect that. But ALSO? What lvl of unhinged could they POSSIBLY HAVE? They are FIVE. SMOOTH FACED TODDLER BABY BOYS! A CHILD!
Like? Listen...
You know how Quirks are basicly evolutionary advantages? Random protections that are hit or miss? I have touched on this before in my naruto WIP (that i never posted but shush), but there must exsist a theoretical opposite of killing intent.
A sort of loving/peaceful intent if you will. A SAFETY intent. Or, for the purposes of THIS scenario and slightly to the left of that, a "love me" field. Which? Unlike what the perverse might believe or suggest? Just makes the target... love you.
Not sexually desire.
Love. Care about. Emotional connection.
And, yeah, maybe i've just been reading too many fics where shigiraki do what shigiraki does, and he is his unhinged obsessed lil self. Too many unhinged yandere fics where i darkly mutter "you are forgetting their Core Character Motivatioooooons! Just write an OC!"
Because you can twist a characters personality WITHOUT forgetting who they ARE. Thats what makes it INTERESTING, after all. Seeing how it could go so very, very wrong. How a good emotion, taken too extreme, can corrupt! N it's not just "oh that means violence n cursing right? Immediately jumping to cruelty?"
Its the obsession. The need to consume. The manipulation and care in which they try and maintain the illusion. It isn't one crack and "whelp, fuck it I guess!". Every character is different! Breaks under the strain of 1000% loving someone, DIFFERENT. And it brings up FASCINATING dynamics n potential quirk reactions?
Cause a emotional quirk WILL work. Even on people who supposed "dont have any" emotions? Because thats not how the human body FUNCTIONS. They HAVE all the necessary components. They just have a disorder. The Quirk would be forcing their body to MIMIC "feel-Y.exe" and their body would go with that. How THEY would process that data? What would it FEEL like to THEM? Whole different story.
But they WOULD feel "love" in what ever capacity THEY understand it.
You don't want to hurt your BEST FRIEND do you? You love them. Your BELOVED SISTER? This CUTE CHILD? She seems so NICE. Or maybe it's a precious and to be protected PET? She doesn't know what she'll get, "love" is nebulous and multifaceted. Could be platonic, familial, romantic. The love of a comrade. But it's never failed BEFORE. (Not, that I imagine, she being a well adjusted young lady, would feel morally comfortable USING said quirk in such times of peace. On anybody.)
We're all friend here, right? No need to be aggressive! Hurt anybody! Let's all put our weapons down, yeah?
But! This runs into a PROBLEM. The fuckin Yandere. Your bog standard sociopath. Those to whom this love field/targeting/ray/what-have-you is either so completely foreign too or NOTICEABLE as to be ineffective. Or to whom "love" is AGGRESSIVE.
Who's concept of "love" would actually make the problem WORSE.
I bring this up? Because I am FACINATED by the concept of AfO falling in love.
He... he would be COMPLETELY unhinged about it. The very act would unlock LAYERS to his deeply fucked up, highly obsessive, mind games and bank vaults, squirrel brain.
But I don't think he'd ever WILLINGLY fall in love. Or even be capable. Might be a brain chemistry thing, honesty. But the very reason his CLINGS to his his brothers quirk? Is because his brother was HIS. They were connected. It was... the closest thing he understood to love. And he is unhinged even to this day about it.
So like? If he spooked some poor soul? With a "love me" quirk? And she, in terror, tried to blast this Scary Supervillian into Not Hurting Her? She would have NO WAY of knowing that she just made a HUGE fucking mistake. Like... conceivably, the WORST mistake.
Because all it would take? Is her NOT instantly dying. No reflexive "how dare you use your Quirk on me". And? The altered brain chemistry starts to kick in. He's suddenly getting?? All these NICE happy brain chemicals that his body has been fuckin STARVED off? Fascinating new sensations? Elevated mood?
It's fake. He KNOWS it's fake. :) But that doesn't mean he won't murder her if she STOPS :)
Looooove yoooou~♡
Does it shift in to real, deeply deranged, love? Impossible to tell. Someone for the LOVE OF GOD call All Might. But?? He's just such an unhinged MESS it's fascinating to explore how emotional quirks would even react to him? Fascinating to think about how he would REACT if he had a SECOND "little brother" scenario. A person he CARED about. But this time... WORSE because it was in a way he could somewhat comprehend AND he had FAR more power then before.
Would it derail everything? Would he be able to focus on his Machiavellian plans while being able to fold them into them? Would he fuckin CONSUME THEM like he did Tomura? Ultimate form of love, after all, to become HIM.
How long could she, the hypothetical Quirk holder, keep that Quirk ACTIVE? Fear is a powerful motivator.
Just?? Why are there not more fics about the Ultimate Creep, BEING CREEPY AND UNHINGED??? He's VERY GOOD AT IT. Has had a LOT OF PRACTICE. LET AfO be deeply insane, 2XXX!
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years
BRO I LOVED THE SIZE KINK YOU WROTE BASED OFF OF MY POST😩🙏🙏 literally been constantly reading it i’m so obsessed. I literally have so many mlm ideas from angst to nsfw so I can spam your inbox if you want (or dm’s if you wanna be moots)💀✋
BUT LIKE- imagine male reader soldier x male yautja where the reader had been off radar for a few months with their mate worrying only for the reader to return with new scars and a mechanical arm because he lost his real one during war😩
And then on god the yautja would be pissed asf because he was worried the reader was dead 😭✋
Return to Him
Pairing: Mai'tuiudh (Male Yautja) x Male Reader
Word Count: 2063
Summary: Four months isn't a long time to be away from home. Yet, everything that has occured during that time made it seem like years. Years since you last saw Mai, your beloved. You wished to see him, to ensure to him you were alright. Just a bit beaten up and newly scarred. This Yautja isn't liking the unfamiliar feeling of worry. That doesn't stop him from feeling that way. Nothing would.
Author Note: This one made me think a bit. I'm not used to these kinds of requests or prompts, not complaining though! Loving the prompts! Also, to those who requested something. It's going to take a little bit to get to those. Christmas time is very busy. I have three families to visit and my brother came into town after moving away four months ago.
I'm so glad you enjoyed that! I was a little worried since it was out of my knowledge. You can do whatever you want. I don't mind being mutuals. I will let you know that I'm bad a responding though, lol. I'm up to anything you want within reason, of course! Throw them at me.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
A ding behind him made the Yautja whip around in his chair to find a disappointing screen. Mai snarled lowly to himself and banged a fist against the armrest. He had set up a diagnostic to search through your government’s database for anything on you. It came up empty handed, nothing new about your location.
He felt his spine bristle at the thought. Where were you? A few buttons were harshly pressed on his dashboard. The ship you sometimes called home hummed louder before changing directions. Mai abruptly stood up and marched out of the room.
If your government doesn’t know where you were then, he was going to search for you personally. Earth may be large, though not as massive as Yautja Prime, that wouldn’t stop him. This Yautja wasn’t going to coward away at a challenge. It was in his blood to hunt. That’s what made him, well, him. He was a fighter and would never think about backing down from a challenge.
Though, it would take time to reach earth without eating up his low fuel reserves. To hide away from detection from your government’s space program, he flew into Neptune’s gravitational pull. His ship was pulled in and forced to orbit. Mai had to play smart, be a hunter without distraction. That’s the only way he would be able to find you without getting caught. That would ruin the double life you live. One Mai’tuiudh will never understand. The Yautja shook his head, tresses swaying as he passed through the short hall to the sparing room.
To pass the time, Mai’s going to work off some pent-up steam. Your time away from the brute has caused some unnecessary stress on his weary bones. He needed to relieve himself of it.
His muscles rippled, fist meeting reenforced leather. Mai’s mandibles pulled close. A hunter’s focus craved into his face. Eyes keen and moves precise. The hit was probably harsher than it needed to be against an unalive object. Yet, Mai’tuiudh didn’t care. If that’s what helped relieve the stress within his bones. Then, that’s what needed to be done. He needs to a take stop at his mother ship anyhow for supplies and whatnot. Check in so no one thinks he’s dead.
That would mean he’ll have to leave for about two weeks. Space travel wasn’t always the quickest, especially with low reserves. Plus, Mai will be forced to make rounds around the ship. He may not be an important figure; it was customary to check in hunting brothers and sisters. Find out who’s dead and who lives. Everything that make’s living as a Yautja, Yautja.
When your feet hit dry, dusty soil, you cringed. Dust from the vehicles stopping behind you blew over to you. It forced you to close your eyes and hope for its quick pass.
Once it had left, you carefully made your way to the back of the unsuspecting black SUV. The driver was swift to hop out, scrambling after you. “Sir! I can-can get th-hat for you,” the rookie stated and attempted to move past you. Your uninjured arm shot out and stopped him taking another step.
Without a single sound, you stepped up to the tailgate and simply opened it. The rookie shifted his weight frequently and arms straight at his side. His eyes were on you though, flickering all over the place on the view before him.
On the other hand, you slung the mildly heavy bag on your shoulder. It pulled at the muscles on your other… arm. Your face scrunched up at the sudden pain but not a noise made it past your lips. Years of training and all make a fine soldier. You just got to beat the human out of him.
The rookie stood there, eyes watching as your tired, used body limbed past him. One of his arms hesitantly reached to grasp at you but one side stepped easily dodged the rookie. He just stared at your leaving form, gaze dipping down at the unmatched color on your right hand. Then they were locked onto the back of your camouflaged jacket molded to your shape.
Your apartment’s door slammed heavy behind you, the noise causing you no disturbance. Even the headache swallowing you barely increased at the sound. Instead, you let your bag slide off of your shoulder and on the ground. It made a soft noise, the only one in your quiet apartment.
It hadn’t been that long since you’ve last stepped foot in here. Not longer than four months. Yet, with all that has occurred within that time frame, it felt like years.
One thing after another happened out there, facing the enemies your country makes you fight. The demons. All for what? Losing amazing people or causing unnecessary trauma and bodily harm on the soldiers that defend this nation. You sighed, shoulders sagging before shuffling into your room and flicked on the light.
Nothing had been moved. Light dust had settled on everything you owned. The room was still in the state as long before. Clothes thrown haphazardly on the floor; bed unmade; empty glass of water on your nightstand; one curtain open will the other was drawn to the halfway point.
Wait a minute. You rubbed at your eyes with an uninjured fist. The bed. It was in a different position than you last remember. What you remembered was the long body pillow was across the top of the bed, against the headboard. It had been moved to be parallel with the long part of the bed. At first, you were on verge of freaking out. Your brain taking a few extra seconds to realize what that could mean.
One: someone broke into his apartment, acted like a complete fool, and slept in your bed. Or two: Mai slept in your bed, to probably smell your scent. You did leave without much of an explanation. The base called and you were shipped off that same day. A single message of you being safe was all you could get out to him. Mai’s probably searching for you or waiting close by. It all depends on if he found out what you were doing and where you were.
With a heavy sigh, you stripped yourself down to just your underwear. A chilling breeze washed over your skin, causing you to shiver. You simple tipped over and landed face first on the bed. The sheets were cool to the touch. A deep breath brought a faint scent of Mai to your noise. Your body relaxed completely at the scent. Next, you were out like a light bulb.
Through deadened sleep, the slamming of your porch sliding glass door snapped you groggily away. Your head shook to rid away some of the tiredness still within your bones. The blankets that once covered you had been kicked off sometime during sleep. You were on the verge of getting to check what had made that noise. That something had different plans.
The door to your bedroom was forced open, crashing into the wall. It probably left a mark that you could worry about later. Military or not, you were exhausted and currently in pain. You just stared through the darkness at what had made that noise.
Heavy, familiar pants could be heard before you. It took a long moment for you brain to realize what that could mean. In the meantime, the blob form standing in your doorway launched at you.
Large, calloused hands wrapped around your wrist from what you could feel. The heavy frame pinned you on your back, arms pinned above your head. Heat rolled over you. The calming smell of him filled your lungs. Something warm and felt like fingertips grazed over the naked skin of your chest. You didn’t fight, not just because of the exhaustion. No, it was due to the fact you knew who it was.
As you longed to bring the Yautja into a kiss, your arms were trapped. That’s when you finally noticed the pain burning in your right shoulder. “Mai, let go please. You’re hurting me,” you demanded and started to wiggle underneath the fully armored male. An extra added fifty pounds from his armor and biomask.
The Yautja reeled back his mighty head, tresses slapping against his armored chest. Then, Mai quickly lifted his body weight off of you. The air around you tasted strange. Not in a bad way. It unnerved him nevertheless though. Mai tilted his head, biomask scanning over your frame.
Multiple new injures, most fully healed. Where had you gone?! Then, Mai caught sight of something that wasn’t normal, that wasn’t there before. His hand grasped at the metal attached to your right arm.
It was cool in hold. The gears inside pitched a high noise as they moved within. Mai brought his face close and took in its smell. The skin on upper, inner mouth crinkled at the horrible smell. Not that you could see though with his biomask.
Since he had released you, you brought a hand up to his face and shivered at cold metal. “Take it off,” you ordered of him. Mai listened without hesitancy. The tubes connected to his biomask hissed as they were disconnected. It was ripped from his alien face thrown off to the side on the bed.
Without another second apart, you wrapped both of your arms around him. All of your strength was used to keep him like that. Not that Mai’tuiudh was complaining. Not with you in his arms. Instead, he buried his mandibles in the crook of your neck and licked. Mai groaned at your missed taste. Your last message to him had him… worried. A feeling that wasn’t very Yautja. That didn’t stop him from feeling that way without you being at his side.
To be honest, it felt like the fullest of hunting grounds with you in his arms. Your warmth against him; hearing your heartbeat; smelling you. He wouldn’t let you go, even if this position was making his back due to the strange angle and added weight.
Mai pulled his head back to stare you in the eye through the darkness. “What happened to you?” You knew immediately what he was reference towards and turned on the light on your nightstand. This lit up your newly marred skin to him. The scars were a fresh pink. Mai’s pupils narrowed down and scanned over them, hands coming up to stroke them.
“Careful, they’re still sensitive,” you said, sounding distant. The memories were still fresh but you didn’t want to think about them. Your hand carefully caressed a tress as a distraction.
Next, he motioned with his head towards your metal right arm. Before he could ask about that one, you beat him to it. “I’d rather not go into detail. Let’s just say I lost a fight,” is what you told him. You still couldn’t believe what had happened. Your arm gone. Missing. Replaced by metal.
Anger dribbled into Mai’s system as he stared down at you. “Why did you leave?” he hissed out and forced himself all the closer. You sighed, head falling to the side.
“I was summoned for an operation. It was sudden. I had little time to get ready, let alone send that message to you,” you explained and relaxed your sore arms. Mai changed his position. He forced your legs apart and shuffle closer, bottom of your thighs resting on top of his. His chest to yours, face reburied into the crook of your neck. A growl vibrated your ribcage.
Sharp claws bit into the flesh of your skin. The pain barely noticeable over the already existing one. “Worry isn’t something a Yautja feels.” Mai paused to somehow shift even closer into your body. “You made me worry if you were dead or alive. Don’t do that again.” He stopped again, the gears inside of his mind working. “You know what, you won’t be given an opportunity. You’re staying with me, all the time.”
“What?!” you shouted and wiggled against him, but unable to escape. “You can’t do that Mai! I have a life here, a job, all that stuff.”
It was like he wasn’t listening to you. “Mine,” he snarled into your skin and tightened his hold. There was a chance of freedom at the moment. You were stuck for better or worse.
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lucien0-0 · 2 months
— 𝒦𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝒩𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒 ★ Comfort.
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Hello, how are you? I hope you are doing well! This is the first time I’m posting something on Tumblr; I usually post on Wattpad, but only in Portuguese. English is not my first language, so I apologize if it’s not very good.
Notes: We don’t have any notes, just a lot of cuteness and Nanami being adorable.
Kento Nanami x Fem reader
Summary: The reader had a difficult and frustrating day at work, but she doesn’t need to worry too much; Nanami will always be there to comfort her.
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As a Jujutsu sorcerer and someone who has worked in offices, Nanami knows perfectly well how exhausting work can be and how much superiors demand from their employees. So, when you came home looking sad and disheartened, he could understand that his beloved was going through the same thing he had experienced.
The blonde man immediately noticed the moment you arrived and hugged him hurriedly, your slumped shoulders and tired sighs escaping your beautiful lips. This made Nanami embrace you warmly and give you a quick kiss on the forehead.
“Did you have a tough day?” he asked, still holding you in front of the door, waiting until you felt comfortable enough to step back. He would hold you for as long as you needed.
“Yes. I feel so useless; I had a deadline to meet, why couldn’t I just get it done? I should have tried harder.” Seeing the person he loves most in the world blaming herself for something that wasn’t her fault made Nanami’s heart ache. He pulled you even closer to his chest, wishing to erase those negative thoughts from the mind of his wife, who he knew worked so hard.
“Darling, don’t say that. You haven’t even been sleeping properly because you’ve been pushing yourself too hard at work, so don’t blame yourself. You were overwhelmed; it’s normal for things like this to happen when we’re exhausted.” Nanami placed another kiss on your forehead and stepped back just enough to look into your eyes, which always captivated him. To him, his wife remained as enchanting as the first time he saw her, and his love for you grew stronger with each day they spent together.
“I could have done better; I know I could.” You were feeling mentally and physically drained. The harsh words you had heard from your boss—who had simply dumped all the work on your shoulders—had pushed you to your limit. The overtime was wearing you down, but in your quest to prove your competence, you had ignored the signals from your own body. Being in Nanami’s arms was your refuge. His comforting words made you feel like you could finally rest and vent your frustrations.
“You did the best you could; don’t push yourself beyond your limits.” He held your face in his hands and gave you a lingering kiss on your lips. Nanami was a serious and reserved man, but when it came to his wife, nothing was too much to show how much he loved her.
After dinner, you both lay down in bed, feeling safe and relaxed. Nanami hugged you, resting his chin on your head as you snuggled comfortably against his chest.
“Thank you for being here,” you whispered, your exhaustion evident in your voice, but you didn’t sound as disheartened as before, which relieved Nanami, who deeply cared for you.
“You don’t need to thank me, but please never belittle yourself. Hearing you say those things makes me sad. I love you more than I can express. You are the most hardworking and dedicated person I know, so never doubt that.” Nanami hugged you tighter, making you smile. The love Kento showed warmed his heart.
“I love you too, and my love for you is infinite. I promise not to speak like that anymore.” The feeling of mutual love was unique and comforting, something indescribable and unparalleled, as sleep gently enveloped them.
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Hello Everypony :3
finally doing one of these, lol
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💙About me!💜
Welcome to my blog for,,, everything! No sideblogs around here we die like men/j
My name is Oliver, but you can also call me oli! (ive got other names too, but that's the main one, check my pronouns page for the whole list!)
Xe/Void/Fox/It/They pronouns but get silly with it, i dont mind!! (except she/her)
We're a system! We dont talk about it a lot but sometimes it comes up yay!!
important post you should read!
I write and draw tho i am better at writing, lmao
@inky-drawings is my lovely girlfriend whom i love very much<333
@azamonvoid is my sib from another crib whom if i dont see soon heads will start rolling<3
@lmanburgseulogy SUPER AMAZING person (cough im copying part of the intro from bug), also my twin o7
@willthemicrowave AMAZING DUDE. Tem you're super cool
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cc!Wilbur and/or cc!Dream Team supporters. If i ever post about them its the characters.
-> also, if you see me reblogging from someone who supports them, please warn me!
Anyone who engages in discourse, esp syscourse. I do not care, let people live. Any interaction about it will be ignored and/or deleted. This isnt the place for it.
People in poppytwt/blr. I understand some people write it or engage in it to cope, but it personally just makes us uncomfortable. Thank you.
Just in general hateful people. Transphobes, terfs, homophobes, misogyinists misandrists ect ect. It is not that hard to leave people alone, and if you can't, get out.
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✨ (main) Fandoms!! ✨
Hermitcraft/Life series!! My faves are Grian, Etho, Impulse, Zed, Jimmy and Mumbo (not in that order)
-> i engage in shipping the characters, quite a lot,,, if it makes you uncomfortable this ain't the place for you lol
DSMP! my mains are sbi (especially twinsduo you will always be famous to me,,,,), and sometimes feral boys!
-> i dont care most of those people are problematic now, my au just took a general outline of the smp then rewrote everything. There is barely any connection w/actual canon
SCU/Slimecicle cinematic universe!! Blame @alliumsmybeloved for this/j
Hollow Knight! Quirrel, Hornet, Hollow and Ghost are my faves!
-> nothing much other than i hate the traitor lord with a burning passion, lol
and many, many more!! Including percy jackson, portal, ect - these are just the ones im hyperfixating on the most lately!!
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⚠ Terms and conditions? ⚠
I'm ok with flirting but ask first just to be sure!
autistic silly little guy. Sometimes i get too much, feel free to tell me if i exagerate and get weird!
-> be nice about it tho, please,,,
send asks send asks!!! They're so silly i love em<333
i do take requests on doodles, headcanons, snippets ect!! It just takes me a bit sometimes to answer!
I have a dsmp/hermitcraft/qsmp/ect au im working on, my magnum opus/j, go check it out it's @the-caladrius-au RAAHHH
I write about the characters, never the ccs.
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💬Tag guide!💬
#Oli talks! -> silly tag for everything of mine, rambles,art, writing, reblogs (sometimes,,,)
#shift talks! -> like the above but for shift, one of our other alters :3
#Olis faves -> fav posts and/or posts i want to look back on!
#Oli writes -> pretty self explanitory, for when i write :3
#Oli draws -> for my art n doodles!
#Mutuals my beloveds -> Moot tag!!! For asks or when i talk with/about my mutuals! (if i forget to put it in a post with you, feel free to tell me!)
#nonnies my beloveds -> anon asks
#Beloveds! -> posts about/with @inky-drawings and/or @azamonvoid
#higgs Field au and #HFAU -> posts about my dsmp x Hermitcraft rewrite au
#the multiverse system -> stuff about our system!
#the horrors saga -> the horrors,,,,,, I just wanna write,,,,
#Twinsduo crumbs -> any and all Twinsduo content because I'm normal about them (lie)
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-> if i forget to tag things properly feel free to remind me!!!
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[plain text under cut]
Hello Everypony :3
finally doing one of these, lol
💙About me!💜
Welcome to my blog for,,, everything! No sideblogs around here we die like men/j
My name is Oliver, but you can also call me oli! (ive got other names too, but that's the main one, check my pronouns page for the whole list!)
They/It/xe pronouns but get silly with it, i dont mind!! (except she/her)
We're a system! We dont talk about it a lot but sometimes it comes up yay!!
important post you should read!
I write and draw tho i am better at writing, lmao
@inky-drawings is my lovely girlfriend whom i love very much<333
@azamonvoid is my sib from another crib whom if i dont see soon heads will start rolling<3
@lmanburgseulogy SUPER AMAZING person (cough im copying part of the intro from bug), also my twin o7
@willthemicrowave AMAZING DUDE. Tem you're super cool
cc!Wilbur and/or cc!Dream Team supporters. If i ever post about them its the characters.
-> also, if you see me reblogging from someone who supports them, please warn me!
Anyone who engages in discourse, esp syscourse. I do not care, let people live. Any interaction about it will be ignored and/or deleted. This isnt the place for it.
People in poppytwt/blr. I understand some people write it or engage in it to cope, but it personally just makes us uncomfortable. Thank you.
Just in general hateful people. Transphobes, terfs, homophobes, misogyinists misandrists ect ect. It is not that hard to leave people alone, and if you can't, get out.
✨ (main) Fandoms!! ✨
Hermitcraft/Life series!! My faves are Grian, Etho, Impulse, Zed, Jimmy and Mumbo (not in that order)
-> i engage in shipping the characters, quite a lot,,, if it makes you uncomfortable this ain't the place for you lol
DSMP! my mains are sbi (especially twinsduo you will always be famous to me,,,,), and sometimes feral boys!
-> i dont care most of those people are problematic now, my au just took a general outline of the smp then rewrote everything. There is barely any connection w/actual canon
SCU/Slimecicle cinematic universe!! Blame @alliumsmybeloved for this/j
Hollow Knight! Quirrel, Hornet, Hollow and Ghost are my faves!
-> nothing much other than i hate the traitor lord with a burning passion, lol
and many, many more!! Including percy jackson, portal, ect - these are just the ones im hyperfixating on the most lately!!
⚠ Terms and conditions? ⚠
I'm ok with flirting but ask first just to be sure!
autistic silly little guy. Sometimes i get too much, feel free to tell me if i exagerate and get weird!
-> be nice about it tho, please,,,
send asks send asks!!! They're so silly i love em<333
i do take requests on doodles, headcanons, snippets ect!! It just takes me a bit sometimes to answer!
I have a dsmp/hermitcraft/qsmp/ect au im working on, my magnum opus/j, go check it out it's @the-caladrius-au RAAHHH
I write about the characters, never the ccs.
💬Tag guide!💬
#Oli talks! -> silly tag for everything of mine, rambles,art, writing, reblogs (sometimes,,,)
#shift talks! -> like the above but for shift, one of our other alters :3
#Olis faves -> fav posts and/or posts i want to look back on!
#Oli writes -> pretty self explanitory, for when i write :3
#Oli draws -> for my art n doodles!
#Mutuals my beloveds -> Moot tag!!! For asks or when i talk with/about my mutuals! (if i forget to put it in a post with you, feel free to tell me!)
#nonnies my beloveds -> anon asks
#Beloveds! -> posts about/with @inky-drawings and/or @azamonvoid
#higgs Field au and #HFAU -> posts about my dsmp x Hermitcraft rewrite au
#the multiverse system -> stuff about our system!
#the horrors saga -> the horrors,,,,,, I just wanna write,,,,
#Twinsduo crumbs -> any and all Twinsduo content because I'm normal about them (lie)
-> if i forget to tag things properly feel free to remind me!!!
23 notes · View notes
orionsangel86 · 5 months
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You know, I thought we were done with the ageism in fandom thinking that its purely for teenagers? Because it doesn't help anyone to have the attitude of this (now blocked) anon. People don't stop having passions and being fans of things just because they get older. Fandoms thrive BECAUSE older people put in the effort to MAKE them thrive. Do you really think that 100k word perfectly written epic fanfic that you adore so much was written by a 16 year old? Because I guarantee it was more likely to be written by a 35 year old mother of 2.
That amazing cosplay of your fave character you saw at a recent comic con that took phenomenal skill and probably a good deal of expense to look perfect wasn't put together by a 17 year old high schooler, it was perfected through years of passion into a hobby that more than likely required a full time job and a savings account to afford.
That amazing fanartist who has the BEST art of your OTP that captures their likeness in a really gorgeous style? They weren't born with that talent. It takes years to develop a personal art style, and capturing a persons likeness in art is a skill that has to be nurtured. The best artists are the ones who've had years to develop their skills. They aren't school kids. I have had mutuals on this site for a decade now and I have seen how much their art has improved and become absolutely beloved. These are people who at their youngest are in their late 20s now. Most of my mutuals are in their 30s, some of the best fanfiction writers I know are in their 40s and 50s. The meta writers I know are also in my age group. Hell, do you think teenagers run AO3? You'll be surprised just how many "old people" make the best fanworks. If you removed them from fandom spaces, I guarantee you would remove most of the talent, because no offence to you kids, but that talent is something that is nurtured over time, and time and aging go hand in hand i'm afraid.
The people who make fandoms what it is, the ones running events, pouring themselves into analytical posts, providing the best fanart, coming up with the amusing memes and textposts that go viral? Do you REALLY think they are all school kids? Fandoms are made up of PEOPLE, and newsflash assholes, people AGE.
This attitude always amazes me. There isn't an age limit in fandom. This isn't fucking Logan's Run (bet you the kids won't understand that reference) and honestly if these kids genuinely think they need to give it up and quit at a certain point in their future I just pity them.
Fandom thrives because of the older people that have nurtured it for years and carved out a space where younger people can enter in comfort and safety. Which are only possible BECAUSE older people built online fandoms and continued to put in the work to keep them going. If we all had to stop caring and leave fandom at some specific cut off date, the fandom landscape would be a vastly different space - and probably a lot worse for being predominantly run by hormonal teenagers - heh, I guess it would be a lot more like TikTok and we all know how dreadful TikTok has been for fandom so far. If nothing else that alone proves my point.
At the end of the day, no one can stop the passing of time. Even the horrible children who send adults nasty anons. Eventually, they will be the "fandom elders" and receiving their own anon hate from a future generation of brats, I personally can't wait to be the very old lady laughing at them when that day inevitably comes.
40 notes · View notes