#the people I get to interact with daily
honeykaes · 2 years
…2 years today
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iinryer · 21 days
i have GOT to stop “View Post”ing filtered posts. like. girl. you filtered it for a reason. we know exactly what’s going to be there and that it’s going to piss you off
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adastra121 · 5 months
Ais: Leander and I are no longer friends. Leander: Whoa, okay, time out, that’s a horrible way to tell people we’re dating.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 7 days
Are your future bad kids like. Living in one house together or is the friendship more casual wrt to work and stuff?
oh absolutely not they mostly have their own spaces! fabian is flying around in the seacaster mansion, adaine has an apartment around the area riz's detective office is, kristen is still based in elmville so she can keep an eye out for her siblings. fig gorgug and riz technically share a house but fig moves between like five different addresses whenever she feels like it and riz spends about equal time at his offices and at everyone's places. the thing is I don't think the adventurer circles are that big? and when you grow up with that you eventually keep running into the same people. and also the bad kids still definitely spend every single holiday together regardless of what any of them individually has going on
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grumpyoldsnake · 10 months
One of these days. One of these days, I will figure out what the hell makes the tipping point beyond which either a) there’s socialization that I feel insulated from and kind of numb about and too tired to pursue, or b) socialization where the very notion of so much as expressing one (1) internal thought or emotion suffuses my whole body with adrenaline and blaring Nope instincts.
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milekael · 2 months
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FIRST BATCH OF CHARACTER PROFILES!! This one has our main characters and the rest of their coworkers at the precinct!!
OC insanity under the cut!
SO after making these I made two little info sheets for the sake of reference! The first one is their ranks and some sense of line of command...
Note that there is still people in middle of this line- mostly more officers lol but those are bg characters to give the sense that there is people working here. These are the story relevant people.
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And the second one.... is me being consumed by the madness. Is me and hubris thinking I can and should have made a relationship web explaining in general terms how everyone gets along.... It did get out of hand but at least I have a bunch of character info!!
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stayatsam · 1 year
like sure i think it's a good starting point of the "we're (trans) just like you! (cis)" for inexperienced parents and friends of trans people. it gives them a foundation to go on that trans = human, baby steps
but i have to stop there before it reinforces that cis = default and that trans (not cis) = becoming default (want to be just like cis people).
i didn't start T or get top surgery because i wanted to look like a cis man. yes i wanted to be more masculine, the look and sound and feel that's typical of cis men, but i still want to be trans and associated with transness.
stealth is painful for me to be in when im not out to people. i don't want to be assumed to be a cis man i want to be seen as a trans man, and i want the "we're just like you!" be likened more to "we're both men even if our experiences are different" i don't need to pretend to be a cis man for me to be a man
separating my masculinity from my transness reduces my personhood to a black hole of total alienation
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I’m sorry I just gotta say after your most recent post, I find that your head canons and personal stories for ocs and whatnot are top notch. Especially due to your wording. Love your stuff man your creativity always makes me smile /gen (I really do get a smile when you post, my friends always ask me why giggle and flap my hands when I visit tumblr!)
[P:S] your way of writing reminds me of Clown’s social media posts. If I were to find a couple words to describe it I’d go with “Whimsy”, and “daffy”!
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slasherscream · 2 months
really wish people would read blog rules more, it makes running blogs like this very low reward and you feel like a machine if people aren't commenting and aren't even abiding by one of the, honestly, very few and politely phrased rules i even have
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#then i'm left trying not to respond like a bitch when the rules are there in the first place so i don't have to have negative interactions#with the people who come to this blog#like keeping it 100 you write for yourself but you write for ENGAGEMENT and COMMUNITY#and these days in fandom there really is no community#for any fandom across the board#people see something and move on#that's bad enough at killing fandoms#but the fact that a creator can have really only one super hard rule and it gets disregarded every day#day in and day out! and i really mean it this rule gets broken in my inbox DAILY man!#i write for a lot of small fandoms or smaller characters i love the characters i'm happy to do it#but i have an adult job. college. friends. family. my own original creative projects#and even if i don't respond to the asks where people are blatantly violating /again/#one of my FEW rules#it's exhausting to even see it !!!#it makes me not feel like a person#who cares what the girl behind the screen asked me not to do? right?? but i'm about done#i'm only at my breaking point because i've had this blog now for what three or four years??#and no matter how i phrase the rule people break it#no matter how many reminder posts#it's exhausting because it's an every day daily thing#idk maybe i'll feel better abt it in the morning but i'm getting exhausted tbh#exhausted as in this blog might be going BYE BYE i wont delete i think you'd have it up until tumblr goes away but i am getting pissed off#TRULY pissed off bc it's been years of me asking cmon now
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radykalny-feminizm · 4 months
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kyrri0 · 8 months
i don't think kanan is good at being alone. he's someone that really greatly benefits from constantly being around other people.
he grew up in the jedi order, a whole community in the same building, he would always be around other younglings, and later on constantly with his master.
and then order 66 happens, and he's (understandably) not doing well, not helped by the fact that he's actually alone with his thoughts for the first time in his life. not that loneliness alone fucked him up but it cant have helped, and probably also created an association between being alone and literally the worst time in his life, being hunted and catastrophising that he'a going to die.
then he meets hera, and he's living in a tiny ship in close quarters with someone else, and he's not alone anymore. he sees hera's conviction to make change in the galaxy and it starts to pull him out of his alcoholism and his despondency and it makes him better. it reminds him that hey its not all terrible doom ahead of us, there are people who believe in a better world, and he wouldn't have reached that point on his own (considering a new dawn is like 7?? years after o66, he was coping he wasn't living). and then again with ezra, he grapples with inadequacy but he's not left to basically sit and brood about how much he sucks. it is partly out of necessity beacuse ezra is depending on him, but also that the expectation of him to do better does make him better, because he doesn't let himself fall into a deeper spiral and it pushes him into believing in himself, and that aids in his ability to actually do the thing and work on himself.
and after malachor, he distances himself. at the start of s3 hera talks to him like he's a stranger, almost, because he stopped opening up and stopped letting himself be part of a family and he made himself alone, and got so bad that bendu had to force an emotional realisation out of him. trauma can obviously manifest and affect people in different ways, and it is realistic that kanan is extremely emotionally affected by everything and doesn't just bounce back like nothing happened, but i do think its significant that when kanan's mental health is terrible the show makes it a point of telling us he's been isolating himself. he's deliberately separating himself from his family. it is a textbook sign of Not Doing Great, but i think it also reflects how well kanan copes when he's on his own. there are people who do perfectly fine or after prolonged periods of not really interacting with people, but i dont think that's kanan. when he's alone he's clouded, he gets lost in his emotions, and its important that other people are there; it reminds him what's important and what he's capable of.
basically i think when he gets left alone for too long it gets much easier for the self doubt to creep in, and he starts contemplating the hopelessness of existence, then he spends 5 minutes with hera and realises his last 2 days worth of brooding was decidedly Not Normal.
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devil-acid · 8 months
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bfish · 5 months
i’ve been thinking of you recently and you showed up in my notifs today and i didn’t know you were from palestine, i’m so sorry for what the world is silently witnessing and encouraging. sending love to you ❤️
kept forgetting to reply to this orz thank you my darling :( i hope youve been well ? sending all of the love back !!!!!
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daily-mees · 9 months
@50c14lly4nx10u5 here is pfp-inspired mees as thankee for doing a blog spam <33
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[ID: simple pen doodle of a mouse with a smile wearing the broad round hat of a splatoon character i have not identified. the rest of the mouse is coloured in that character's clothing colours too. the mouse has triangle feet, big ears, a pointy nose and little whiskers, and its ears are pointed like the character's. behind the mouse is a circle filled with a blurred non-binary flag. end ID.]
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emmetrain · 9 months
OOC;; Please manifest Ultra Recon Squad on Pokemas next.... I am already dreaming of having Emmet and Dulse at the Lodge. Dulse friends list being all nerdy, and if it was my smolmet, Emmet's friends list is just--- literally everyone.
"Why do you find this villain super exciting, Emmet?"
Em vc: GOSSIP : ) I think Unova and Alola mini-villains are daaaaatiiiing. 🎵🎵🎵
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Tuvok Things
#autistic Tuvok#he knows (old) Vulcan sign bc he was taught by that monk he was sent to#the monk was already an old man and Tuvok by canon's time is in his 90's-100's so I'd wager it's a biiit outdated#luckily his family is telepathic - unluckily most everyone else he interacts with on the daily isn't#I think being nonverbal was something he experienced more when he was younger and became overstimulated more easily bc he didn't know what#being overstimulated was or what signs to look for - what to avoid etc#I love Tuvok he has a whole little personality arc#tfw you express your emotions 'wrong' no matter where you are#or who's judging you#st voyager#st voyager art#Tuvok#Tuvok art#I hold him very dear to my heart#I think he worried that he wouldn't be a good father for a long time#but after having one child he and T'Pel looked at each other and were like ACTUALLY.....Can we get three more of these things???#I'll bet people who work with him think that he must get along smoother with Vulcans - but no.#Vulcans also consider him strange and socially inept - just in a different way#and he doesn't care!! anymore!!#Forever thinking about the fact that Tuvok is lonely yet doesn't seem to know how to make friends#Tuvok: (is lonely) ............ -goes to read in the corner and just let that simmer-#WELL let me rephrase - he KNOWS....it's just....so MUCH#ugh...#heheh I dunno if I explained it right but yeah -nodnod-#Tuvok is the type of adult who was a punk but looks at punk young people now and is like -disappointed sigh- kids...#His son Elieth is trying to tell him why it's okay to stim yes even in public and Tuvok is only half listening bc he's distracted by#a piercing which he was NOT informed of........=_=....#Tuvok is old and he can be wrong sometimes as a treat <3 so he can have the experience of his kids being like D AD!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!#also they're wearing some sort of formal garb for an event of some kind#Me: uugaahah lights to BRIGHT makes me antsy and a lil mad!!! -dims them- aaa just like Tuvok ~
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