#I wanted to create a safe place on my blog for myself and in turn I think I also made it a few others safe places
honeykaes · 2 years
…2 years today
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doumadono · 25 days
This is a turning point for me. I've been silent for too long, but I can't stay quiet anymore.
I'm going through writer's burnout, and it has hit me hard. I've been writing on Tumblr and Ao3 for nearly eight years now (with about 1.5 years on my private blog, doumadono). Over that time, I've written more than 400 stories across various fandoms, created the Sinful Sunday event and a series that many people like, helped many with numerous emergency requests — so many that one masterlist wasn't enough to cover them all.
But all of this has brought me to a place where writing no longer feels like a joy, but rather a duty. In my effort to make everyone happy, I lost myself and took on too much, accepting even the most twisted and difficult requests. It made me anxious and unwell whenever I thought about writing. This is why I haven't been posting much these past few weeks. I missed the breaking point and let myself reach a place where I was seriously considering quitting writing altogether and closing both my Tumblr and Ao3 accounts.
There's something else I need to address. I feel completely detached from Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer. I no longer feel comfortable writing for those fandoms. From now on, I'll be focusing mostly on My Hero Academia. Even though the manga recently ended, both the manga and the anime hold a special place in my heart. I’ve fallen in love with the story and its amazing characters. This is what feels right to me at this moment. That doesn't mean I'll never write for Demon Slayer or other fandoms again, but not now, not at this time. Maybe in the future — who knows?
Some of you might know that I've been dealing with a flood of hateful anonymous messages. Even though I’ve grown stronger and no longer consider them relevant, it still hurts to read such nasty words. This is another factor why I need to take a break.
So, what's going to change?
Sinful Sunday will no longer cover requests, and the event won't be as regular as it used to be. From now on, I'll post some sinful pieces specifically written for this event whenever I feel it's right. I'll write only for the characters I feel attached too.
Emergency requests will be limited to two slots and will no longer have a 48-hour window to be fulfilled. Once both slots are taken, emergency requests will be closed until I manage to clear the current asks in my inbox.
As of today, my ask box has been completely cleared. I won't be replying to any past asks, regardless of their origin or topic.
Commissions will remain open, as nearly all the requests have been fulfilled.
Regarding the following projects:
The Kvitravn series will be completed this year, but I can't provide a specific date just yet as I'm still working hard to bring everything together.
There's also a new series on the horizon featuring Dabi in the lead role, with a psychiatrist!Reader as the other main character.
As for Kinktober, I made a hard decision it will not be held as an event on my blog this year at all.
As of now, I want to focus on my own little My Hero Academia based AU that I created with my best friend @crystalwolfblog , and this is something that brings me a lot of comfort nowadays, and it's what I want to focus on. I’ll likely create another blog to post everything related to this AU, to keep things organized (the blog will be linked to my pinned post). This little AU was and is my safe haven for the past year and half, and since it contains all of my favourite characters, I want to focus on it fully.
The time for purification has come. I need to rediscover my purpose and find joy in writing again. To those who understand and have stuck with me since the ThePaperPanda days — you’re amazing and adorable, and I can never express how much I appreciate you, guys 💞
I want to share one last thought. This isn’t a statement, but rather a plea to readers: please respect writers, no matter the content they choose to explore. Writing is not as easy as it may seem; it requires a significant amount of time and effort, often taking up our personal time to craft a story. Don't send anon hate. Spread love instead! The least you can do to show your appreciation is to leave a comment, even if it’s just a word or two. For you, it’s a small gesture that takes less than a minute, but for the writer on the other side, it may be a much-needed sign that their work is meaningful. So if you enjoy an author’s work, don’t hesitate to leave a comment. It truly makes us writers feel like we’re on cloud nine.
Love you all, Marcianna
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revehae · 1 month
two days ago, this blog turned two years old. well, that’s if you ignore the fact that i accidentally deleted my blogs this january. in spite of that, so many of you are still here with me and have been supportive even when i was quite literally losing my marbles. you guys have been patient through my periods of inactivity and reread my fics with the same amount of appreciation for them as you had the first read - if not more. and for that, i say thank you.
but i’m also saying goodbye.
just kidding! i was being serious for too long and so i felt the need to potentially strike some fear into someone’s heart for fun. anywho, no, i’m not actually leaving. not yet, anyway. there is so much more i want to do with this blog and so many ideas i want to share that will most likely carry on to the following year. so yeah, you guys are still stuck with me.
am i taking the two-year anniversary of a mostly k-pop tumblr blog teeming with dark, degenerate fantasies that ought to get me stoned by stubby, hairy ogres way too seriously? perhaps. but i’ll never forget what this blog means to me. i’m in a place now where my trauma is no longer something i feel suffocated by or bound to, but when i created this blog, i admit that there were still large parts of me that felt like i was “broken.” this was only possible because i found safe places where i could acknowledge it without fear of being judged, blamed, or attacked.
i realize not everyone has those places. one of the greatest delights i have is being able to own a blog where people with similar experiences as me are able to confront their pain in a way that makes them feel safe, comfortable, and most importantly, in control.
i went through periods of time where i wouldn’t even leave my room because i was so terrified of being subjected to the same nightmare again. i couldn’t go out in public, because when i did, i was constantly worried that someone was out to give me. this affected my relationships with my friends, family, myself, sex, the world - everything. it is a hell i wouldn’t even wish on Trumpington McDonaldton. or would i? just kidding. not really, considering his track record. but, back to the point, i know what it’s like to live in the dark. i know how unfair it is that someone can swoop in, ruin your life, and never, ever face consequences. meanwhile, you are staring at the consequences of what someone else did every single day. i know what it’s like to blame yourself. i know what it’s like to wish that things were different.
but i also know that as unfair as it is, as painful as it is, and as hard as it may be to accept, no one is going to single-handedly fix you. you have to be your own healer. you have to put the work in to build yourself back up and bounce back stronger than ever. i know firsthand how intimidating that can be, however, in my experience, the first step was not hiding from what i’d gone through. in a way that i originally never thought would be possible, writing and reading noncon fics was one of the most helpful ways of doing that. everything about this blog has been extremely cathartic for me. and the best part about it is that many of you have told me it’s cathartic for you as well, which fills me with a glee words cannot describe.
now, of course, my blog is not limited to Traumatized Individuals who had their brains rewired in the worst way possible via some negative experience - although i doubt you’re not still somehow traumatized if you religiously read my content. if you aren’t a victim of SA, you aren’t going to be crucified for reading noncon. it’s okay. don’t worry. but still, i will always support and stand up for those that are, even if they don’t cope in the same way as me. because not reading is also okay. there are so many different ways to cope with SA; i’m just happy to provide one of them to those that seek it out.
again, thank you all! thank you to those that have been here since the beginning. thank you to those that followed me this week. thank you to those who leave nice messages in my inbox, and reblog, and leave comments. thank you to my dearest sweet mutuals. thank you to those who followed me here from lisired and didn’t unfollow me when you realized i’m a little bit insane. thank you to those that read my fics over and over and never get bored! let’s heal together everyone. but let’s also be depraved and Scare The Hoes. and if you read all of this, i love you and i hope you get everything you ever wanted in life.
- with all of the love in the world, revehae!
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notmyprey · 2 months
Hi! Uhm I’m new, I love your blog! But I’m just nervous I’ll be judged by others that I like this stuff
Hey I am so so sorry about how long it took me to get to this. I have been thinking this over quite a bit, since this is in fact a very serious thing. (I also have been really busy, which hasn't helped in the speed at which I answer asks)
Firstly, thank you! I am always so happy when people find my art/content as entertaining as I do!
Secondly, in regards to the judgment.
Unfortunately, no matter what you do, someone will judge you. But when you want something enough, when you care about something enough, you will find places and groups where that judgment lessens. I have found my place here, a place where, although no one knows my irl name, they know me by a name I answer to. Although no one knows my face, they do know a truer face of myself than many do in real life. People here know me and often know a more freeing part of me.
I think being here, on Tumbler, has been so freeing and overall rewarding. I know you may be scared of the judgment, but there are ways to lessen it. (I will give tips on how to do this later on)
Although our community has its faults, it is kind at heart and truely is trying to do what they think is best to keep others safe. Although many disagree with the methods, it always comes back to the fact that we want to have a safe place to express ourselves. This, our community, in reality, is a decently safe place.
That being said, I know the fear of harassment is very real. So if you guys want my tips on how to avoid harassment, here are some things I've found:
Dont post political views (outside of DNI lists) on your sfw vore blog. This often can lead to people who dont agree with your view on said matter to seek you out for hate. I have seen this time and time again, I whole heartedly recommend a dedicated blog to that stuff, or even creating a new/separate account for it.
Dont spam tags. This is basic, but often overlooked. Make sure you tag your posts right, or people may block you because you did post something triggering and they saw it.
Dont reblog Willy nilly. This can lead to mishaps, such as accidentally rebloging a post from an nsfw blog. Try to make sure you are rebloging from people you know are safe.
Dont threaten, even jokingly, anyone unless you make it 100% clear it is a joke. This goes for your friend, others, and even people who are mean to you. This is often overlooked, but can easily come to bite you in the ass when your words are used to make you look violent and sporadic.
If people criticize you, even unjustly, try to at least think about where those words may be coming from. I have someone call me a pedo in the past, and although I am very ace, I understand it was probably coming from a place of hurt. Whether it was their hurt or someone they knew, it was probably a subject that was important, and if they see any of the same trends as when they/another was hurt, they will point it out. Dont get angry and aggressive, no matter how much you want to. If you need to, step away.
If troll annons start invading your ask box, either turn off annon or stop answering. Answering annons like that too often only fuels the fire, trolls, not haters, but trolls specifically feed off of your reaction. There is nothing for you to often grasp onto in those moments since the face you are talking to is faceless. So, either scarcely answer trolls, or dont answer them at all.
Dont get involved in community discourse when possible. Unless your hand is forced or it is an unavoidable matter, it is best to stay out of discourse. If you still want to know what others thing/help in a muxg safer way, often, I will message others I trust about their views on the matter (or if they are involved asking if they are doing ok), but rarely anything beyond that. Its difficult, seeing people you know be in the rough situations, but often stepping in when not necessary leads to more problems than it does help.
Please note that these are just some of the things I do that help me. Other people may have their own way of keeping harassment away from their blog, but this is mine.
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captainseamech · 3 months
Not to be rude or anything but... you have too many verses for a canon muse. I get it, High Tide is your lovely character, but having a verse for a fandom that is dead like Treasure Planet?? Not to mention the ones you have that I rarely see you use like your horror verse for example. If you want to interact with your mutuals from different fandoms, either make a multimuse blog or an OC to shove 100 verses in. Not a canon character.
//I'm well aware I have a ton of verses. I'm well aware that I don't use all of them. I'm well aware that they may cluster when I just post about those verses, but that's the reason I tag them so you could blacklist. That's the reason I stress myself to organize my verses in one big post and copypaste the tag letter by letter so it's easier to be blacklisted.
It may be annoying the way I isekai High Tide into different verses from different fandoms all the time, but I think a lot of times of a way to make him fit in the scenario without changing what he is too much. Hell, I even feel a bit stressed when I'm trying to adjust this big mech in any possible scenario.
I know it's annoying and I apologize for that.
But I have a strong connection with him since I first created this blog and I thought the idea would be nice, you know, a challenge on making him fit without looking too much out of place. I'm aware the majority of my mutuals knows jackshit about TF and that's why I toss him into fandoms THEY know, that's why I created my own backstory to him using canon snippets shown in the media. The formula is always the same, he's just in a different scenario.
But I guess I'm not allowed right? Since it's annoying. Also I do have a multi, and I should use it more often indeed. I'm sorry.
If you don't like the way I jingle him around different universes, it's fine. I may be turning him into a jack of all trades or whatever the correct term is. But don't tell me to change. You're free to blacklist all the fandom related tags or even unfollow me if you don't like.
Just. Don't tell me what to do in my own safe space. Thanks.
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Lady and the Merc
Axe Woves x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count- 4.6k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ only!), mutual pining, feelings, cheeky Axe, tension, flirting, fluff, takes place in the Gins for Hire episode Notes- I know a max of like 10 people will care about this fic but Axe gets no love on here and I've been thinking about him ever since he came back in the new season! He’s just so fine omg so I couldn’t help but write this!!! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates​ is my update blog to stay up to date on when I post! Feel free to follow that too and turn on post notifs!
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It created a great commotion when the Mandalorians showed up on your planet. Amidst the glam and the colors that illuminated your planet, the mercenaries stood out, and many gawked as the leader and his two top trusted companions entered the palace. You stood at the Duchess’ side, her right hand as you had been your entire life, while she explained the need for protection on your planet.
“And acting as liaison between our peoples,” she gestured to you as she introduced you by name, “She will make sure you have everything you need and keep communication between our people open.”
You stepped forward as your nerves flared; the leader was even more handsome up close. “I look forward to working with you,” you extended your hand for a shake, “And I personally want to thank you all for coming to our aid and keeping our people safe.”
“The pleasure,” the leader took your hand, but instead of shaking it, he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it tenderly, “Is all mine,” he gave you a wink as you felt your skin burn under his touch, “And call me Axe Woves.” Behind him, the other two equally beautiful Mandalorians rolled their eyes at his antics.
“Axe Woves,” you breathed his name as you fought to keep your composure under his gaze.
Axe smirked, “It sounds beautiful on your lips, my lady.”
“You can just call me by my name,” you repeated it back to him as your nerves felt like they set your body ablaze. And it only got worse when he echoed your name back with a small bow.
This was going to be harder than you anticipated.
The Mandalorians settled quickly on the outskirts of the city. They made themselves comfortable in the lush grass as they set up camp in the sunshine and fresh air. You made several trips outside the city to bring them provisions and make sure they were comfortable, and every single time you encountered Axe Woves, you left feeling flustered. You hid it well, though, and you never let it show just how much his charming smile made you weak in the knees. Somehow, however, you had the feeling he was aware of the effect he had on you.
A few weeks passed, and things were luckily quiet. When you came out for your visit, you found Axe leading a training practice. Instead of disturbing him, you decided to sit down on a crate and watch quietly. His voice was fierce as he commanded his people, but it was never harsh. You could tell he knew what he was doing, and that he cared about the safety and wellbeing of the other Mandalorians. And while you barely knew him, you had the feeling that Axe Woves was an honorable man. 
And then he made eye contact with you.
“That’s enough for today,” he said to the others who quickly dispersed to rest while he strutted over to you, “Enjoy the show today, my lady?” Axe took your hand and gave the back of it a light kiss: his way of greeting you every time.
You swallowed hard before you answered, “I’d heard stories of Mandlorians, but it’s an honor to see the legends in person.”
“You are too kind, my lady,” Axe replied with a charming smile. But, you thought you caught him falter just for the briefest of moments. Was he secretly just as flustered as you were?
Breaking past the nerves, you asked a question that was on your mind for some time, “Would you teach me a few things?” you took a breath as Axe’s eyes went wide for a moment, “I’d like to know how to defend myself if the time ever came.”
Axe smiled brightly at you, “I would be honored to teach you, my lady.”
“Block. Block. Perry. Good!”
Sweat lined your brow as you kept up with Axe’s instructions as best you could. He started you off easy, and you could tell how much he held back so as to not hurt you. But, you picked up his tips and tricks quickly and his lessons quickly escalated. 
“Find your opponent's weakness,” his smooth voice went right to your core as the adrenaline rushed through your system, “Stay sharp.”
“Got it,” you huffed as you prepared yourself for another round.
Axe came at you again with a grunt. He swung at you as gently as he could as you raised your arms and used them as a shield to block his attack. You blocked three hits before you swung back, catching him on the shoulder.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed as you rubbed your hand.
“Beskar, darling,” Axe smirked, “Toughest in the galaxy.”
You ran your eyes up and down his figure before you met his eyes again. And the satisfied grin on his face told you that he knew exactly what you were thinking. But, before you could say anything, Axe lunged at you with more force and pinned you back against the wall.
All the breath was forced out of your lungs as your back slammed against the cold wall while Axe pinned himself against you. You were trapped, but the nerves that pulsed through your veins weren’t from fear. He had never been this close to you before, and your breath trembled as you felt his exhale on your skin.
Your eyes went wide as you found yourself helpless against his strong body. And before you could stop yourself, a soft whimper escaped your lips as his leg brushed against your core. But, it wasn’t until Axe’s gaze gleaned down to your lips for a brief moment that your world really felt like it was spinning. 
“Have I found your weakness, Axe Woves?” you asked breathlessly.
Axe’s grip on you softened as he breathed your name. His hand gently cradled your face as he slowly leaned in closer to you. But, just as he showed the brief moment of vulnerability, you turned the tables on him. You swung your leg around his and kicked the back of his knee, causing Axe to collapse.
In a flash, you pushed him down onto the ground and straddled his waist, “Got you,” you sounded so pleased with yourself.
“Well done, darling,” Axe grunted softly after getting the air knocked out of him, “You’re a quick learner.”
“I have a good teacher,” you replied with a wink of your own.
Axe couldn’t help the way his face lit up. But, as much as he liked the view of you on top of him, he wouldn’t admit defeat. Just as quickly as you moved, he grabbed you and flipped your bodies over so that he laid on top of you and had you pinned on the floor.
You yelped as your world flipped and you found yourself on your back with the Mandalorian on top of you. Heat rushed through your skin as he shifted his weight overtop of you and before you knew it, a soft moan escaped your lips.
“You look absolutely beautiful like this,” Axe murmured as he leaned forward, his lips hovering just over yours, “What do you think my weakness is?” he asked softly.
Caught up in a whirlwind, it took you a moment to reply, “A person who bats their eyes at you.”
He let out a heavy breath, “Not just any person…” 
But, before anything could progress further, the sound of someone clearing their throat called both your attention.
“Koska,” Axe exclaimed as he pushed himself off of you, “I was just showing the lady a little self defense,” he explained as he extended a hand out for you, “And she did exceptionally,” he faced you with a wink as you took his hand. 
A soft smile lit up her face as she let out a short laugh, “Whatever you say,” Koska waved her hand, “You’re needed outside when you’re done,” she added before she left and gave you privacy again.
Axe looked disappointed as he helped you to your feet, “Duty calls, my lady,” he kissed the back of your hand, “Until next time then?”
You were left breathless, and you knew it wasn’t just from the sparring, “I look forward to it, Axe Woves.”
“As do I.”
“My lady,” the droid called from the doorway to your suite, “Axe Woves is here to see you.”
“Thank you, let him in,” you replied from the shadows deep into your suite.
The droid retreated and Axe walked past him, closing the door behind him. It was late into the evening, and the moonlight illuminated your room beautifully. But, he couldn’t quite see you from the entryway.
“You wanted to see me, my lady?” Axe asked as he stepped further into the room to look for you, “Is everything alright?” concern laced his voice as he found himself worried that something happened to you. 
“Everything’s fine, Axe,” you replied as you emerged from the shadows in the back of your suite, “I just wanted to see you,” your tone dropped as you crossed the room and came into full view. You were full of nerves, but you did your best to hide it and keep the air of confidence. 
Axe’s eyes went wide and his breath hitch in his throat as he took in the sight of you. “Well,” he exhaled, “What have we here?” his tone dropped as well as he closed the gap between you. He set his helmet down on a nearby table to free his hands. 
You were dressed in a silvery blue robe. Only in a silvery blue robe. A very sheer robe that Axe could see your entire figure in the moonlight. And it didn’t escape his notice that your robe matched his armor almost perfectly. 
“It’s just like you said,” you batted your eyes, “I wanted to see you,” your voice was hushed. 
“You look lovely,” he groaned softly as he rested his hands on your hips.
Your skin felt like it was on fire under his gaze. Maker, he was so handsome in the moonlight. Even as your hands trembled, you reached for his shoulders and slowly pulled him closer. “Axe…” you breathed as you pressed your chest against his beskar. The cool of the metal contrasted the warmth of your skin and goosebumps erupted all over you. 
A short laugh escaped his lips as his eyes ran up and down your figure, checking you out in a very unsubtle way, “I believe you are trying to seduce me, my lady,” his grip on your hips tightened before he ran his hands up and down your sides. 
You glanced at his lips before you looked back into his eyes, “I am,” your voice was just a whisper, “I know,” you paused as the facade slipped for a moment, “I know I’m not the first, but…”
“What makes you say that?” he cut you off with a sly smirk. Axe let go of you only for a moment so he could remove his gloves. And when he grabbed you by the chin, both of you felt that jolt of electricity as skin touched skin for the first time. 
You knew he knew what was on your mind, and you knew he just wanted to hear you say it. But, when Axe Woves looked at you like that, you were weak, “Because,” you paused, drawing it out for a few moments to tease him right back, “You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever met,” you let out a shaky breath when he laughed softly, “ And I don’t care about anyone else… I want you tonight.”
Axe’s response came when he crashed his lips against yours. He swallowed the moan you let out as he dove his tongue past your lips, immediately deepening the kiss. You surrendered to him as you clung to his broad shoulders and let him guide you back so that you found yourself pinned against the wall. 
“Then you’ll have me,” he groaned softly against your lips, “My lady,” Axe’s voice dropped before he kissed you again. This time, his hands roamed all over your body, caressing every dip and curve as if he was trying to memorize you from touch alone. And the taste of you was already seared into his memory, and Axe found himself already addicted to you, “You taste so good, my lady.”
“I’ve got you,” he groaned as he bucked his hips against your body. 
Slowly, Axe hooked his fingers on the edge of your robe. But, he paused and looked you in the eye before he moved any further. You breathed heavily, your chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. But, you knew what he was asking even without the words needed. You knew he still just waited for your permission before going any further. 
“Please,” you breathed, “I want you to.”
With a soft groan, Axe obliged and tugged gently at your robe until it opened, baring the skin of your chest to him. He let out a low growl as his eyes ran down to your chest, “Actually,” his voice was low as his eyes blew black with desire, “You look even more lovely like this.” 
You gasped as he cupped your breast and his thumb flicked your nipple. Your eyes fluttered shut as you slammed your head against the wall and arched your back into his hand. Axe groaned as he shifted his leg so that his thigh rubbed against your pussy and at the same time he grabbed your other breast with his free hand.
Maker, you looked so beautiful like this, moaning and sighing under his touch. Axe knew he was smitten with you from the moment he saw you. But to see you like this, writhing with pleasure under his touch, Axe knew it would be hard for him to leave you. 
“That’s a good girl,” he groaned as one of his hands trailed down the front of your body, “You feel so good already, my lady,” Axe hissed as he felt the warmth of your pussy under his palm.
The moan you let out echoed in the room as Axe pushed a finger inside you. Waves of pleasure ripped through your body just from his one finger as he crooked it inside you and instantly hit that sweet spot that drove you wild. “Fuck… Axe…” you cried out as you clung to him.
He growled your name as he slowly added a second finger inside you. For once, he had no words, and was lost in the beauty of you lost in pleasure. Your warmth engulfed him as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, his palm rubbing at your clit every time he fully buried them inside you. 
Your hands ran up Axe’s shoulders and buried in his hair. Every time his fingers reached your sweet spot, you gave his hair a soft tug, making him hiss in pleasure. His cock strained between your bodies as you rocked your hips in time with the thrusts of his hand.
“Cum for me, darling,” Axe groaned as he rested his forehead against yours, “Let me see how beautiful you look when you lose control.”
“Axe…” was all you could whimper before your climax hit. You blinked your eyes open for just a moment before your entire body trembled and you came apart under his expert touch. Your scream threatened to alert the droids outside before Axe covered your mouth with his own.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmured against your lips, “And as much as I want to hear those pretty screams… I don’t want any company right now,” Axe pulled you against him as he slowly pulled his fingers out of you, “I want you all to myself,” his growled before he kissed you again.
All you could do was moan as you surrendered yourself to Axe Woves. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as you pushed yourself off the wall and turned your bodies around, “The bed is this way,” you whispered between kisses.
“I’m at your service, my lady,” Axe grinned against you as he let you take the lead.
The two of you barely separated as you led him deeper into your suite where the bed lay. Your robe flowed around you, framing your nude figure in the moonlight beautifully. Axe wanted to keep his eyes open, to memorize every inch of you, to not miss a moment of your beauty, but he also couldn’t help but close his eyes and just enjoy the feeling of you against him.
He barely even noticed when you reached your bed until you pushed him down onto his back. You quickly climbed on top of him, straddled his waist in nothing but your bare skin and the robe that only clung to your shoulders, outlining your body. 
“Got you,” you beamed at him with satisfaction. 
Axe let out a soft laugh as he caressed your hips, “It appears you do, my darling.” 
Your heart skipped a beat as he looked up at you. Axe looked so handsome against your silky sheets illuminated by the moonlight. Even through his armor, you could see the way his chest rose and fell with his heavy breaths. And underneath your bare cunt, you felt how hard he was; you let out a soft moan as you rocked yourself against him and you savored the hiss he let out as his back arched up towards you.
Axe whispered your name as you lifted yourself up and fumbled with his pants, desperate to free his cock. You paused and met his gaze, and when you did the universe seemed to freeze for a moment. Lost in the other's eyes, you both somehow knew that this was more than just a one night need for release. This was more than just flirting and teasing. There was more behind your eyes, behind your words, behind your actions.
But the need was too great to dwell on it right now. The moment you freed Axe’s cock, you let out a heavy breath as you stroked it a few times.
“Impressed, my lady?” Axe asked with a cocky smirk.
You mirrored his smile, “About as impressed as you are, I believe.”
“Touche,” he laughed for a moment before he gasped.
You lined yourself up with the tip of his cock and slowly started to sink down on it. Both of you moaned loudly as you took Axe inside you inch by inch. The stretch was more than you anticipated, but having cum once helped get you ready to take him. And the way Axe held you and looked up at you with pure adoration made your heart pound in your chest. 
“Fuck…” you huffed as your hips met Axe’s and you leaned forward, resting your hands on his chest. 
Axe took the moment to wrap his arms around you and pull you in for another heated kiss. He groaned against you when he felt you squeeze his cock. Between the feeling of your wet cunt around him and the taste of you on his tongue, something ignited within him. Axe used all his momentum and flipped your bodies over so that you laid out on your back, the robe framing your nude figure perfectly.
He thrust into you once before he paused, “I lied,” he grunted as he thrust again, “Now you’ve never looked more lovely,” Axe’s breathy voice went right to your core.
“Fuck!” you cried out as you clung to his shoulders.
Axe wasted no time in pounding into you while murmuring soft praises in Mando’a in your ear. Your screams were music to his ears as he thrust into your wet pussy over and over again. Your hand found its way to the base of his scalp again and you tugged at his hair as you lost yourself in him. Tears filled your eyes as his cock filled you over and over again.
“Darling,” Axe murmured in a breathy voice. He held onto you as he thrust his hips against yours as if he was afraid of letting you go. 
“I know,” you whispered.
With a grunt, Axe bit your shoulder, making you moan loudly. Both of you clung to the other as sweat lined your bodies. As he felt his own climax quickly approach, Axe snaked a hand between your bodies and rubbed at your clit.
“Cum with me, darling,” he groaned, “Let me feel you cum on my cock.”
“Fuck… Axe…” You were too lost in your pleasure to form any other words. But he didn’t have to wait long and with just a few more thrusts of his cock, you came hard.
Your scream drowned out Axe’s growl as his orgasm hit right after yours. Tears filled your eyes and your legs shook, and you felt Axe spill himself inside you as his breathing became shaky against your skin. Together you rode out both your climaxes until you were both a trembling mess.
Axe collapsed down on top of you, his warmth radiating through the beskar as he held you tightly. You whimpered as you wrapped your arms and legs around him, holding him as close as you could as his cock softened inside of you. A shiver ran up your spine as you felt his release drip from your pussy.
He must have felt it too, because Axe pushed himself up with a strained grunt, “Hold on, darling,” his voice was soft as he slowly pulled out of you with a hiss. When you whined at the loss of him, he gave you a soft look and cupped your face, “I’ve got you,” he repeated his words in a softer tone.
Axe made quick work of using the top sheet to clean you up before he laid down next to you and gathered you back in his arms once more. You both laid together in the comfortable silence for some time, as if you both knew that the world waited for both of you beyond the door and you savored the time you had together while you could.
“Axe?” you broke the silence.
“Yes, love?”
“I know you can’t stay the night,” your voice shook, “But don’t leave yet. I don’t want to feel cheap if you left now.”
You heard him let out a single laugh as he squeezed you tighter, “We don’t want that now, do we, love?” he paused, “I’m not leaving you yet.”
You let out a relieved sigh as you closed your eyes and just let the feeling of Axe’s embrace warm you. A few moments went by before you spoke again, “Do you think our people could ever be allies?”
“We both want what’s best for our people, my lady,” he replied, “But I wouldn’t say it’s out of the range of possibility.”
Silence fell over both of you again as time moved on. This time, though, it was Axe who broke it, “You were right, you know.”
“About what?”
“You weren’t the first to seduce me.”
You furrowed your brows, “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because,” he took your hand and moved it over his chest where he covered your hand with his, “You are the first to do something else…” The look in his eyes made your heart flutter as you knew what he was trying to tell you. 
You let out a deep sigh as you shifted to meet his eyes, “Axe, I…”
“Wait,” he cut you off with a finger to your lips, “I know,” his gaze was sharp as his eyes bore into yours.
You knew why he didn’t want to say it. It wasn’t because he didn’t feel for you. You knew he did. You knew from his actions and the way he held you. Neither of you could stop the feelings that bloomed between you, but Axe could keep your heart safe if for some reason he never returned to you. 
“I should get back to my people,” Axe reluctantly got up and grabbed his gloves and helmet. You stayed on the bed, wrapping the rode around your body as you watched him. Your heart ached, but you knew this was how things had to be. He knew it too, and he paused and looked at you longingly for a moment before he leaned forward and kissed you deeply once more. Breathing your name against your lips, Axe whispered, “I…”
You smiled sadly, “I know.”
As much as he cared for and was loyal to his people, Axe still found it hard to leave you behind. Reaching down into his boot, he pulled out a small knife and handed it to you, “I’ll be back for this… my lady…” and for my heart.
“I’ll keep it safe,” you whispered as you held the small knife against your chest.
Axe pressed his forehead against yours and both of you closed your eyes and took in a deep breath, “I have to go,” he breathed before he forced himself away from you. 
“Be safe,” you called out to Axe’s retreating form.
“You too, my lady,” he turned over his shoulder before he walked out your door.
It was soon after that other Mandalorians arrived on your planet and Axe and the others left with him with the mission to retake their home planet. You only wished you had the chance to see him one more time before he left. All you were left with was his small dagger and a holo message he managed to send:
“My lady, I’m sorry to leave suddenly, but we aim to retake Mandalore and the time to move is now. I promise you though, the moment the planet is ours… the moment I’m able to return to you, I will. Until then, you have two things that belong to me, keep them safe. And I’ll tell you what I couldn’t say when I return.”
You sighed as you clutched Axe’s dagger to your chest.
“You miss him,” the Duchess said.
“What?!” you were brought back to the present by her voice jolting you from your thoughts.
“That handsome Mandalorian,” she clarified, “I can tell you liked him.”
“I…” you stuttered, trying to find your words, but none came to mind, “Yeah,” you finally admitted. 
“Don’t worry, my dear friend,” she placed a hand on your shoulder, “I have a feeling you’ll see him again.”
“How do you know?”
“I saw the way he looked at you,” he winked, “He’ll come back to you.”
As if on cue, fanfaire blared through the elegant room and a droid announced the arrival of a Mandalorian. You looked at the Dutchess and your face lit up as the two of you made your way to the front of the crowd to greet your guest. And your heart nearly exploded from your chest when you saw Axe Woves again.
He met your gaze and smile before he announced to the room, “Mandalore belongs to Mandaloirans once more!”
Cheers erupted in the room.
“And I am here to propose an alliance with Plazir-15.”
The Duchess stepped forward, “We would welcome that, Mandaloiran Axe Woves.”
He bowed to her before his gaze fell on you.
She glanced between you and him before he spoke elegantly, “I’ll leave my trusted right hand woman to talk details with you.” She gave you a sly smile and a wink. 
You felt a wave of embarrassment as she retreated back to the crowd, leaving you and Axe facing each other. You fiddled with your fingers for a moment before the emotions overwhelmed you and you launched yourself into his arms, “Axe,” you breathed as he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly, “I was worried I’d never see you again.”
“I told you I’d come back to you once we had Mandalore,” he said in your ear, “And I have so much to tell you.”
“Well then,” you smirked, “Why don’t we go somewhere private then?”
His face lit up and he slid his hand in yours, “Lead the way… my lady.”
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holybibly · 4 months
hi!! i’m a writer myself and despite having mdni on my blog, i still get a lot of minors trying to with my work. i regularly have to check my followers for ages in their bio and i’ve even had minors come in my inbox telling me that i’m ’overreacting’ for not wanting them to read my writing. it’s gotten to the point where i’ve just turned off anon altogether, partially because of the weird people in my inbox and partially so i know i can be safe and not respond to minors by accident.
i guess what i’m trying to get at here is even though you have mdni on your blog, how can you be sure that the people in your inbox aren’t minors. there’s nothing physically stopping them from coming on your blog and sending sexual asks and you seem to facilitate these asks by responding in an equally sexual manner. i hope i’m not coming across as rude, but i just don’t see how you can be sure that you’re not engaging with minors when you respond to anons in a flirtatious and sexual way. if you somehow do check their ages, great! but since they’re anon, i don’t really see how that’s possible…
So, hello. Well, the wording of the question is rather crude to begin with, don't you think? And frankly, I'd prefer to take such questions to DM posts, but if you want to talk, you're welcome. 
First of all, don't you think it's a bit unfair? Accusing anonymous people and then asking a question anonymously? I don't think it's very nice, or do you think I'm going to declare a witch hunt and go on a bashing spree? That's so stupid. Or do you just not like me? Because that's what it sounds like. In general, I don't mind you having an opinion, but by sending a message like that, you knew I'd respond to it. 
Secondly, I know this is going to sound awful and you can totally throw a bunch of shitty comments and posts at me, but let's be honest, even if we check the age of our subscribers and readers every time they subscribe to us, when they ask us questions, comment, reblog, etc., where is the 100% guarantee that those people didn't lie about their age when they created their blog on Tumblr? 
Go to any porn site; age verification is just a tick in the box. These are the horrible realities we face every day. The internet is a place where it is very difficult to verify anything, and unfortunately, there are consequences.
I am in no way supporting the sexualization of minors, and I am certainly not engaging in depravity, although you make it sound that way. 
But I do know that there are many people who can't talk openly about their desires, sexual or otherwise; people who doubt their sexuality and self-acceptance; people who are judged for being different; people who are shamed for being too feminine or masculine; for having problems with daddy or mommy; or simply for being too quiet and shy. Not all of us are going to come out for manifestos and parades. 
And in this case, the only option for them is anonymity. I repeat, I do not support the sexualization of minors in any way, and if you want to accuse me of encouraging such things, I suggest you look at some of the profiles of authors on AO3 who openly use sex scenes with minors and even children in the text of their work. 
I don't know your social circle as a writer, and since you're asking this anonymously, I can't even check your work, but I think the problem is not whether I answer anonymous questions or not, but whether I talk to my bunnies at all. Every time I get messages like this, I think about it. You call me weird, angry, triggering, and now a lecher. Not directly, but the context is clear. 
I've never written messages like that to anyone; you know, it's not nice. I've never intended to offend or hurt anyone with my replies or FFs. But apparently everyone around me, for some strange reason, thinks I'm some source of universal evil while trying to retrain me and change my character and disposition. 
I really hope you are happy with what you are doing. 
Bunnies, I'm sorry. There will be no updates for a while. 
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thatonebirdwrites · 7 months
I still plan to finish my TLOK: Shared Moments series -- especially Book 3.5 and 4 at least, but I simply cannot do the pace I did last year. I can't. My health is too poor and my heart too broken. So let's talk about it.
For this post in particular, I want to discuss how parts of the Korrasami fandom broke my heart.
I also will talk about how Supercorp fandom is helping me heal. I want to be clear here. This post is not about pitting these fandoms against each other. Both have their flaws, their beauty, their awesome people, and their mean people. I love them both. This is simply my tale of how one broke my heart and how the other helps me heal that.
I also preface that there are wonderfully beautiful people I've met in the Korrasami fandom, some who have become friends over the span of the last year and a half. The kindness and care from @snazzy-korra and the Korrasami friend I talk to on Discord has been life-saving in different ways. I'm forever grateful and highly appreciative of these people's kindness and support and for the kind readers who left kind comments.
I also wish to be clear that I have always been honest in my end-notes about the fact that I have a disability, that my health might slow me down, or I may share an anecdote about my life (my disability impacts my life heavily, but it also is not all I am) to explain why I wrote a scene the way I did. Folks seemed to appreciate learning about the inner workings of the writer's mind and the research I've done. So it's why I tend to have detailed end-notes.
So when readers, who acknowledged these end-notes and commented about my bravery at being a disabled writer, turn around and viciously attack me and pull out every single ableist argument about how the character, who became disabled in my story, is now less than?
That is fucking personal.
That is them directly telling me that they don't see disabled people like myself as their equal in dignity or respect. They don't even respect me as a person worthy of being treated with kindness. Instead, they remind me yet again of how they view disabled people as less than.
Where they wanted the disability written out of the story. They wanted erasure, and thus it felt like a stab in my heart.
Because in the end, such arguments are rooted in a fear of this simple truth:
Anyone can become disabled at any time.
Some people fear that truth. Likely because they would have to face the fact that the horrid ways they treat us disabled people could be how they end up treated if they become disabled.
So instead of fixing society and the systems harming us disabled folks, and creating instead accessible and equitable and kinder systems that help all people thrive -- they instead demand erasure. Demand that people like me cease to exist in their space. That our stories not be visible.
It went beyond a fight in comments to direct messages/asks and at least one tumblr blog directly harassing me (referencing my writing as the reason). It felt like my few places where I felt somewhat safe to share my writing had been broken into and trashed.
It's sad and heartbreaking in so many ways, because these people are refusing to see the absolutely beauty and wonder that is disabled people and our creativity.
[Yes, I know the tools that can help protect me like comment moderation, but again, the point of this post isn't about fixing my behaviors.
Because my behaviors weren't the problem. It's about a very real problem in fandoms, where AUs that involve a beloved character becoming disabled turn into an avenue to cause harm to that author. (Instead, of just not commenting and not reading it.)
If this isn't pointed out or ever talked about, then how do we learn and grow and find ways to repair the fandom to be kinder? To call out hurtful behaviors and support those harmed by it? Why should we let folks suffer in silence, when we can talk about it and better support one another? To build better habits and encourage others to build those kinder habits with us?]
Becoming disabled is not a bad thing. It doesn't have to be. We are still beautiful, wonderfully creative, and awesome people who deserve the same love, respect, care, and dignity as any non-disabled person.
Ignoring or running from the pain doesn't make it go away, as I did that and instead it ended up tainting what had been a deep love.
Acknowledging the pain and/or grief and choosing to heal is what alleviates it. The Korrasami fandom introduced me to fanfiction. I'd never written fanfiction in my life before I decided to write How Was Those Three Years to dig into how those years were like for Asami.
I'd never read so much fanfiction before either. I didn't realize the wealth of creativity and wonder that is hidden in the corridors of AO3. It was a beautiful sight to behold. I discovered this truth through Korrasami.
Writing Korrasami helped me rekindle my writing again. Even with my poor health, even when I struggle to get out of bed, even as I lost my ability to do things I used to love to do, fandom helped me re-establish my writing habits. I was writing again. The one thing I love to do the most.
At least my health hadn't taken away my writing and art. Isn't that a beautiful thing to discover? I found a way to grieve what I lost but still rejoice in what I can still do. But at the same time, I've never been more hurt and shattered by a fandom than I have daring to write an alternate universe story, where I learned that the limit of people's care ends at the moment they perceive your disability.
Where you cease to be a person in their eyes.
Where you become less than.
Thus, I truly struggled on how to move forward for months, where writing became harder and harder to do.
I didn't want to lose the joy I had found, but I didn't know how to safely heal either. And I like sharing my stories. The act of sharing them was part of how I redicovered my joy of writing again.
It was here on tumblr, where I found a niche that helped me heal.
It all started with a continuation to one of @fazedlight's ficlets, which randomly appeared on my 'for you' page.
I hadn't even finished Supergirl yet at that point, but the AU in that ficlet, where Kara decides to trust Lena and reveals she's an alien due to the alien detector? How utterly fascinating way to rewrite that scene.
I'm not even sure why I felt the need to write that continuation, but it's like my fingers had a mind of their own. I felt so inspired, and after a few months of being trapped in that well of feeling utterly broken, it was like glimpsing sunlight for the first time in months.
And I found I couldn't stop. I started to write other little ficlets based on GIFs about Supercorp. I started reading fanfiction about Supercorp. I realized Lena Luthor is really just a morally grey Asami Sato, and Kara Zor-El Danvers is basically Avatar Korra. So of course it was easy to write them. I already had practice with Korrasami.
I then went and watched the last three seasons to finally finish Supergirl, and was horrified by just how bad the writing was in 5 and 6, that now I wanted to write my own fix-it fic.
But I was scared to do it. I'd already had my heart broken by Korrasami. I already had a big project there I need to finish for my own sake, because it's so, so important to my own heart.
But at the same time, should I dare to share my stories again? Put myself out there in a different fandom?
Because I can't stress enough how I had seriously considered deleting my AO3 account due to how hurt I was over Korrasami (my two Korrasami buddies kept me from doing that, and they might not ever realize their influence there. I'd downloaded all the fics I'd written and gave myself a due date to decide.)
I was scared to share my stories, and I needed support to decide if I could do it again. If I dared to do it.
Then I discovered thanks to @luthordamnvers and @snowydragonscave a server for Supercorp shippers, and Holy shit.
It was okay to be disabled there.
People from all sorts of walks of life were there. They were supportive (and such enablers, my heavens).
I wasn't seen as less than.
People treated me like a human being.
It gave me courage to start posting the stories I'd written about Supercorp to AO3, and then holy crap.
The comments from Supercorp readers welcomed me as a new writer. They were encouraging. (Sure, there was mean comments here and there, but they weren't so horrifically personal in their attacks like the few hurtful Korrasami readers.)
I wept over those comments. Those people may never know how healing it was to read kind and encouraging comments. These people welcomed me, a stray writer into their shelter, and gently and tenderly offered support, advice, and constructive criticism in ways that uplifted the author.
Sure, it's possible I'll get viciously attacked for who I am again in the Supercorp fandom, but right now, most folks I talk with in the Supercorp fandom have been kind. Mean comments haven't been so acutely personal in their attacks, and it's a reprieve that allows space to heal.
My first love - Korrasami - will always be my first love in terms of ships. This is a truth. Supercorp is second in line, but I feel, right now, it's a little safer for my heart to write Supercorp.
I do promise to finish Shared Moments, but it will take longer simply because I'm still healing.
Parts of the Korrasami fandom broke my heart, but a good portion of the Supercorp fandom is mending it back together.
That's a beautiful thing too.
The stories I write are imperfect. I know I mess up a lot. But I do hope that people walk away from my stories having learned something. Or at the very least walk away with some semblance of hope.
Because in the end, in a world that seems hellbent on reminding marginalized people of how our lives are disposable, choosing hope becomes a radical act in liberation.
Our stories deserve to be told. Deserve to be cherished.
So in conclusion, never underestimate your kindness toward others. You may touch them in ways you may never fully know.
Thank you for all my readers, who have been supportive and kind. You're helping a broken writer heal. I will forever appreciate and treasure all of you.
Thanks for reading.
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turnerside · 5 months
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Taglist ೃ⁀➷ Masterlist ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Habit tracker
༻ Intro ! ༺。
☁︎‎‎‧₊˚ ౨ৎ⋆ 。This blog will be used as a personal diary to chronically overshare online. And since my life is so chaotic, let’s make it a delightful show for the audience !
★ I am an idealistic twenty year old girl who wants to become an auctioneer. 
★ I am from France and currently study art history and archeology with a major in contemporary art! I also have an art practice mainly based on embroidery, textile experiments, installation, drawing and photography.
★ Warrior of PTSD and currently still healing myself to grow. Looking to conquer my femininity 
★ Music enthusiastic 
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༻ About the Blog ༺
★ I created this blog because I recently turned 20 and realized, being an adult now, that I am not yet fully satisfied with myself. I can do way better and I know I will. There is still a lot to work on but I am confident about the path I still have to climb. I know I am not alone in this situation, that’s why I want to attract other people in search of growth. I need to break this visceral unhealthy cycle I was stuck in.  I also have an ambition to improve my fluency in English and deciding to start this blog is the first step in that direction. 
★ This blog will take you as witnesses of my commitments to hold myself to them, as we encourage each other to reach our goals. I want to dive into my flaws in order to heal them peacefully. I am determined to embrace my IT GIRL self: I am now a prototype of this girl, but from this day on, I will grow into her more and more.
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★ This blog is mostly for myself, to record my path as I am moving forward; but I would also be very grateful to interact with other thoughtful and longing girlies! Flow my washing machine heart (askbox).
★ Let's become the best version of ourselves together <3
˚୨୧⋆。This blog is heavily intimate, no hate or no shaming will be tolerated, please let’s make it a safe place. ˚୨୧⋆。
-a huge thank to my proofreaders- -this blog stands for Palestine- 
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charbles · 1 year
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Hi everyone! My name is Charlie! I'm 20 years old!! I go by ANY pronouns!
I'm here to post about FNAF and make friends >:]
I have a tendency to spam reblog my mutuals if I see their work, i am not at all sorry for that, My mutuals are LOVELY PEOPLE. I WILL NOT BE SWAYED ON THIS >:[
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OK, Hi! these are very important! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read them! PLEASE!!!
Please do not send me NSFW/NSFW related asks, They make me really uncomfortable and I know I have minors following me, so I do not want to expose them to that.
Please ask me before using my art and PLEASE credit me if you do!!
If I think of more I will add more, If these rules and boundaries are not met, I will block you and i really don't like blocking people!! Anon hate/ Anon horny is NOT tolerated, You will be blocked on sight.
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I DO take art requests! Though I will most likely follow the design based off of the Fazbear Funland AU if I'm not given a direct design direction!
If a character is asked a question, I will most likely draw a response for that character! I think ask blogs are fun, so if that's what you're looking for, boy howdy do i have news for you :]
If you have a question for me or about the Fazbear funland Au then like go for it? Honestly I love talking and interacting with people, It's a lot of Fun!
I will sometimes pass questions to @galacticaldisaster if they have something to do with Fazbear Funland, specifically if its a character that he writes for!
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Fazbear Funland is an au and timeline rewrite made by myself and @galacticaldisaster which takes place after Pizzaria Simulator and entirely in a Theme-park managed by Fazbear Entertainment!
Starting off as a humble family business, the concept of dinner and entertainment was one that Fazbear Entertainment was not willing to let go of following a couple of the owner's "missteps". Refining robotics as we know it allowed them to create a truly safe and fun place for kids and grownups alike without the burden of being reminded of just what foundation this entertainment empire was built off of; a madman who lost himself in grief, his lunatic son, and his pyromaniac business partner.
The past having been watered down to mere stories, they've been turned into selling points for the guests to this theme park, with only a select few believing in them; fun-hating conspiracy theorists… or fanatics who will do anything to learn the full story…
We Assure you! Nothing will catch on fire this time! :]
ᶠᵃᶻᵇᵉᵃʳ ᴱⁿᵗᵉʳᵗᵃᶦⁿᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᶦˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ʳᵉˢᵖᵒⁿˢᶦᵇˡᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃⁿʸ ᵐᶦˢˢᶦⁿᵍ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿˢ ᵒʳ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ.
Summary written by @galacticaldisaster, please enjoy this Advertisement by Faz ent themselves
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My Art Tag -> #myart , #my art
Mutual Tag -> #[name of mutie] moment
My Talking Tag -> #charlie chats
AU Tags -> #fazbear funland , #funland database
Anon tags -> #Anon Q, #Anon HC , #Anon req [i forget to add these alot oops]
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crying-fantasies · 8 days
Within you
If Sideswipe relationship with his human is based on "Take my breath away" then Sunstreaker's part of the story is based on this song (I still don't remember who started the whole "Streaker likes David Bowie" but the first blog I found talking about that was @rocksinmuffin if my memory is correct).
Within you and the whole Labyrinth movie was created before I was even born, first time watching it as almost a baby gave me the impression this song was centered in how the goblin king was mad at Sarah, maybe even hated her, again, I was a child, one very messed up by Disney and the idea of "married happily ever after", so imagine Amy flabbergasted face when my cousins translated the son for me, like "so he hated her this whole time and still wanted to marry her?".
Just to then hear him say "How you turn my world, you precious thing".
I didn't get it, nor David Bowie's acting, but then I watched it again as an adult after realizing my love for Henson's work back again, just to be smacked in the face by the whole deep meaning of a suffering man as Jareth, while not telling her that he loves her, still does tell how much it hurts him to love and court her (incorrectly, mind you because it's obvious Jareth is suffering to give the message) but don't have the very same love back for him.
Creativity crashed onto me while my niece was watching the labyrinth, asking myself if the brothers each should've a different lover, but with the fact of split sparks gave another deep meaning, of course everyone can love someone different, but the idea of twins courting the same interest seemed more interesting for me as many others did before (and also, two boyfriends).
Within you was the right decision for Sunny.
Sunstreaker affection for his human partner started from disgust because organic, of course, but Sunny, no matter what he says or how he acts, loves his brother, so if we want Sunstreaker to interact with a human then Sides needs to be in the picture.
It starts small, a little "oh, now he is bringing strays, great" that soon morphed to him smacking Sideswipe's helm when he almost dropped you "Do you want to clean organic insides from the floor?!" but still being very gentle by his own standard to grip your clothes and put you on a safe enough place, cleaning his digits afterwards as if you carried some disease, what an idiot.
Taking time he gets familiar with your presence, but then there is this itchy thing on his spark when he sees you, the itch keeps going, silent like a mouse surrounded by cats, but growing like mold, like a forgotten seed trying to catch a glimpse of sunlight, when it does, he makes double takes, going through the many levels of grief (because how could such a perfect being like him feel even an ounce of affection for a fleshie?) and currently in the stage of depression before noticing the way Sideswipe looks at you while scoping you away from your old computer for things to finally connect and make sense.
Also sending him back to the stage of anger morphed into rage (directed mostly to you due to his own reason of not really hating his own brother).
Sunstreaker anger reaches new levels that has everyone looking twice when his usual sour but accepting EM field twisted to such hatred, Ironhide almost got to the decision of getting the human away, "just let him deal with whatever is his problem" he said while trying to make you go with Ratchet's group of humans but choosing not to interfere when Sideswipe gave him the most woeful optics he has ever see once noticed what he was trying to do.
Later on the thing gets worse and Sunny is splashed in the face in the same way Blurr did (the world doesn't move around me FUCK) Just tht he did when he was finally separated from Hunter and got a very needed moment with his own thinking.
Does he get a very hard moment on it? Yeah, it's even pointed that he suffered from it since he feels bad for Hunter and not having the strength to at least say goodbye, tell him "hey, we did it", and dealing with his feelings on that matter, Sunstreaker couldn't, and that makes the fact of him trying to put himself straight the most painful as every other autobot, while not saying out loud, still can't easily trust in him again.
Sunstreaker is trying, but only time will tell if it's even worthy to try and heal a wound that is sure to leave a permanent scar.
Sideswipe loves Sunstreaker, they're brothers, they'll forever have one another, and Sideswipe has you, if only for a bit, and Sunstreaker also has to make amends with you, maybe to at least talk like decent people in company of one another, he will take whatever you throw at him because he knows Sideswipe liked you, just to realize his brother now loves you, Sunstreaker doesn't only see it, he feels it, near enough to his brother again to feel that tingle now tremor inside the bond.
He knows it's great, he feels it and his own spark resonates with the same feeling, he is happy for Sideswipe even when the idiot has yet to talk to you directly about the courting, but no matter how much Sideswipe tries, Sunstreaker doesn't know how to have a normal chat with you, or at least have you not reacting like you are about to kill him.
"You look great today"
"As if"
Your story with Sunstreaker is full of hatred directed to you for things you never did to him, the brothers fear such feeling will never fade away as Sunstreaker tries to seat beside you, looking at his pedes, trying to make small talk, say things he knows would rock the world for anyone, when words just don't work because Sunstreaker is always the one being fanned over and not the other way around, actions fade easy as all you center on him is that he is doing it a certain purpose to make you cry like before.
"I move the stars for no one", Sunstreaker could be showing you the beauty of late Cybertron's most intricate pieces of art and you would be thinking if he is going to make an offhand comment for you at any moment, not realizing he is letting you see them through his own databank, displayed for you to see in one of the most intimate displays of affection a cybertronian can do for a loved one, free vision to his precious memories, Sunny would try to give you ride once the war is over, trying to sound as soft as he can push his vocalizer and too close to imitate a purr with his engines, door open and inviting, he knows you had a long day shift, you're slow and the strange coloration under your eyes is too evident, he hates it, as it shows you're exhausted, but no matter, you keep walking, in any other occasion Sunstreaker would have abandoned you there for make him look like a fool, whatever, but he can't, he wants to, all he does is get into root mode and walk slowly next to you, commenting that Sides will never stop pestering him if something happened due to your foolishness and he was near the place.
"Your eyes can be so cruel", Sunstreaker, being like he is, guided by your rejection continuously, returns your hatred if only to protect himself, because how could you do this to him, "just as I can be so cruel", but he does understand, his anger more similar to a sad mech that is just a click away from scoping and shout at you to stop it, because you're hurting him.
Within you is a song about love, longing, but also heartbreak, Sunstreaker fits good in here.
"I can't live within you".
It will take time, a very good amount he hates with all of his being because every moment you stay in your stupid bubble of self-preservation the brothers have a day less to cherish due to your stupidly short lifespan, but apparently all has it's own reward for him, as one day he does shout at you, this time, however, is to tell you, he may have needed real psychological help with all of his trauma, but while pouring his inner hell to he last person he wanted to see him like that, he finds your gift in front of him again, patched up, offered more than a peace symbol, more like a proposition.
"I, I can't live within you"
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Do the sisters ever have days where they find themselves in a sudden depressive state? Like they are going through an existential crisis from just having to watch as the world evolved while they remained the same? I know that they’ve been around for a long time and they must’ve become numb and indifferent to the events of their past at some point, after all, there was nothing else they could really do but just stick around and essentially… flirt, fuck, eat and repeat. But I really reeally wanna know what your thoughts would be on them having a mental breakdown… maybe in front of mc, prompting mc to have to take care of the sisters, give them a little tlc?
I don’t know if you’d agree, but I have a feeling that Kate would be the one who struggled the most with her immortality. I’ve read on a lot of other blogs dedicated to the Denali coven that Kate was actually somewhat resentful of Sasha for turning her, and I couldn’t help but find myself agreeing with the idea that Kate was in fact forced to be changed instead of accepting her fate willingly. During Kate’s human life she dedicated herself to protecting a Slavic noblewoman and was willing to give up her life to keep her mistress safe. There is no doubt in my mind that Sasha and Tanya fed on that noblewoman and any other guards protecting her, therefore meaning Kate failed at her job to protect and defend. She was probably so distraught by the fact that she couldn’t do the one thing that was expected of her… now all of a sudden she’s something that she didn’t want to become in the first place, she is confused and afraid, and she has a painful burning sensation in her throat and she has no idea why. Kate was forced into a family that she didn’t want to become part of… just so that Sasha could fulfill her desire to be a mother with children of her own (although that’s at least what I believe, I don’t know what you’re opinion is about why Sasha created the sisters).
Ever since the death of their mother I’d think that the sisters would have trouble seeing through the black and white of immortality, they felt lost without her, and I’m sure in someway Tanya felt abandoned by Sasha due to her decision for creating an immortal child, fully aware of the consequences that would occur if the Volturi found out. I feel like after Sasha created Kate, Tanya thought that she no longer was good enough for her mother, despite everything they’d been through before Kate was in the picture. She didn’t understand why Sasha wanted another child so badly when Tanya had first thought that she was all her mother needed… they had such a strong bond between just the two of them. Tanya saw Kate as her replacement in many ways, which created a hostile relationship between the two when they first met… so to see Sasha later create Vasilii (the immortal child) it was like a knife to the heart for Tanya.
And as for Irina… well she’s the baby. I don’t think Tanya resented her little sister, I have a feeling that she might’ve pitied her when they first met. A poor little human peasant who only wanted to be loved by a family of her own (I know we don’t know much about Irina before she met Sasha and her sisters but I think that she was probably raised in a family where she didn’t feel appreciated or loved, or perhaps had no family at all). Tanya and Kate quickly grew fond of the youngest member of their nomadic coven, so I don’t believe they’d have any difficulties with accepting her into the family. Well all know the sisters saw Sasha as if she were their real mother (although Kate in my opinion had some conflicted feelings about her relationship with Sasha). I feel like Irina really looked up to Sasha and when she found out about the immortal child the way Irina saw her mother became distorted… she didn’t know how to feel about her mother’s crime, and I’m sure like Tanya she’d feel a little abandoned, maybe somewhat angry?
Idk these are all just my own personal opinions on the trauma they experienced before meeting Carmen and Eleazar as well as mc… but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this as well and get more of an insight on what you’d think would cause the sisters to have a mental breakdown? Also do you think they’d try to shut mc out instead of allowing mc to help them through it… maybe even lash out, especially Kate since I’d think that her poor mental state would provoke her temper. I’m also curious about your thoughts on Tanya and Irina too, I really want to know what you think on all of this.
I know this is a lot of information that I’m giving you but I’m dying to know your opinions please!!
First off: Absolutely love that enthusiasm, my goodness!
It´s always very inspiring to see people showing such passion for a topic. ❤️‍🔥
So, after looking up their origin stories/backgrounds again (except for Tanya, didn´t need to do much looking up here for obv. reasons, hehe), I can say that the following is considered canon:
Tanya Denali:
the only sister who´s actually related to Sasha -> Sasha was her great-aunt
was turned because Sasha longed for company
was the closest to Sasha, and thus, affected more strongly by her death
didn´t understand her mother´s reasoning for keeping the immortal child secret from them, until the Volturi decided to spare them because they played no part in any of it
was left traumatized and, as a result, abides by the Volturi´s laws without exception
started sleeping with men to deal with that feeling of loss and emptiness
was the 1st to feel remorse for killing them and gave up on sleeping with human men for a while
until the loneliness returned
the loneliness grew unbearable to the point she actively searched for ways to prevent the killings
found it in the vegetarian lifestyle
took male vampires as temporary companions as well, but mostly humans (very likely because of their warmth, I´ve read that somewhere)
also, can we all just take a look at THIS:
"She was also intrigued by Edward Cullen, mostly because he showed no interest in her advances despite the fact that he had no partner."
Tanya fucking Denali loves a fucking good challenge confirmed
She´s so hawt
...but fucking look:
"Tanya never gave up her lighthearted pursuit of Edward, which is one of the reasons the Cullens did not settle in Alaska with the Denalis."
girl is a THIRSTY mf, my goodness
imagine some chick being SO thirsty for your ass that the only way to get rid of her is by moving to a whole different state
I´m wheezing
that´s hilarious
(and hawt)
I can imagine it vividly
"oh heeeeey Eddy, hahaahaha, SO funny seeing you here again, you come here often, pretty boy?"
*twirling that hair, batting those eyes*
the Cullens: "ffs, here we go again"
the Cullens being done af with Tanya Hornali confirmed
LMAO, I can´t
wtf is wrong with Eddy though, honestly
dude could´ve had it all
(I volunteer)
aight I´m done simping now, soz
(but yall see now why I view Tanya as a horny mf most of the time? it´s a FACT 🫠)
Kate Denali:
was a bodyguard, and thus, very loyal and protective
traits she still possesses as a vampire when it comes to the ones she holds dear
was guarding her mistress on a caravan when Sasha & Tanya attacked
Sasha decided to spare/turn her because she was impressed by her courage and determination AND the physical resemblance to her 1st daughter
quickly became loyal to her new family
scarred for eternity by the loss of her mother
her respect for the Volturi's authority kept her from questioning their motives (which I´m interpreting as she did think about questioning them, our brave warrior)
just like Tanya, she took male humans and vampires to bed to distract herself from feeling that pain
was very eager to try the vegetarian diet when Tanya suggested it because she felt remorse for killing the human men she was sleeping with
Irina Denali:
human life: a pretty peasant girl living in a small farm community
like with Kate, Sasha turned her because of her physical appearance - she wanted another "sister" for her daughters
didn´t understand her mother´s decision to create an immortal child
she (as well as her sisters) did understand her mother´s decision to keep them in the dark about it though, in the end (to save them from meeting the same fate she did)
which proves the love was genuine on both sides
like her sisters, was left traumatized by her mother´s death
like her sisters, took male vampires and humans to bed
like her sisters, felt remorse for killing the human men after sleeping with them
switched to the vegetarian lifestyle because of it
Imo, in order to fully understand the sisters, we have to understand their roots: Sasha.
I think what we can take from their backgrounds is that Sasha was actually very selfish/manipulative, even if she truly loved her "daughters". (I do think she´s a very interesting character though, and I´d have loved to see more of her and the sisters during their time together.)
With that said, I HC Sasha as a woman who knows exactly which words to use/how to act in order to make a situation work out in her favor. That doesn´t mean I see her as a cruel being, quite the contrary. She was simply driven by that longing for companionship and love, and was absolutely ready to use whatever means necessary to achieve those things. (Sounds familiar? 😏)
While her methods might have been questionable at best, her intentions were genuine.
With that said...I believe none of the sisters were turned "willingly". But I also don´t think any of them resented Sasha for it. It was more that, as soon as they opened their eyes to this new world, they found themselves confronted with love and devotion so honest that there was no way they could ever resent Sasha, their mother.
(I totally get why people would think Kate resented her at first though, you hit the nail on its head there. I also know there´s stories out there where Tanya dislikes Kate at first because she´s not the center of her mother´s attention anymore (I think I´ve read one of those even), but I don´t think that´s actually "canon". However, that doesn´t mean it´s not valid ofc! I think it´s quite impressive to see people coming up with an idea that burns itself so deeply into people´s minds that it basically becomes their own canon. 💯)
But also, I think Kate might have viewed Sasha as her new "mistress" to protect. I´d like to think that, just like with the gifts some people develop once turned, someone´s characteristics will only sharpen and become more prominent in their new "state". Kate is loyal and protective by nature, so I think those were her first thoughts when she opened her eyes (especially because those were probably her last thoughts as a human as well). Of course there was fear and confusion as well (I really love your thoughts on that), but, as I said, I think Sasha had a way with words:
"Shhh...it´s alright, my love. There was nothing you could have done. You were so brave, my little warrior..."
Combine that with Sasha´s motherly/doting nature and all that fear and confusion slowly morphs into determination to protect her new family.
As for Irina:
I fully agree with you that, out of the three of them, she most likely looked up to their mother the most. I think that, while Tanya might have been closest to Sasha (probs also because they were actually related), Irina was the one who sought that love and comfort only a mother could give most often. She truly was the baby of the family, in every sense. Something that is also reflected in her reaction to her mother's death.
Which, I find that moment very interesting because we get three (3) very different reactions here:
Tanya: detachment
Kate: denial
Irina: grief
Ofc that is merely how I myself interpreted it, but I think that´s very on par with their personalities.
Tanya was the 1st daughter, the eldest, and she very likely acted as such even before her mother´s death. I´d like to think that, whenever Sasha wasn´t/couldn´t be with them for whatever reason, Tanya sort of "covered" for her by taking over as the caretaker, the pillar of strength. And I think that´s exactly what happened here as well. She tried to maintain a strong front for her sisters while also realizing that she would have to step up as their new leader. As such, she couldn´t afford to be seen as weak or breakable.
Kate literally couldn´t bear looking at Sasha for more than two (2) seconds. Ofc there´s the loss of her mother, which is a tragedy in itself. But I think there´s more to it. This comes back to me stating she also viewed Sasha as her new "mistress" that she´d sworn to protect, no matter what. But she failed. Again. She´s reliving history and she´s dealing with it by pretending it´s not happening. It can´t be happening. Not again. Not after all they´ve been through. What sense did it have then? Her failing to protect her former mistress?
(Yes, I´m kinda implying here that I think Sasha made Kate believe the failings of her former life were a "necessary evil" in order to find her true destination/duty/family. Having her believe that was the only way to prevent the guilt and shame from eating Kate alive.)
Irina...oh my. Just look at her. All that anguish and sorrow. She was the only one to call out for their mother, and also the only one to show her true feelings on the matter - no facade or anything to cope with things. Just immense grief. She´s always been the most emotional out of the three of them imo, and I believe she had the hardest time coming to terms with her mother´s death. Canon says it was Tanya who struggled the most, but I think she just had a different kind of closeness to Sasha. Tanya and her were like partners in crime, whereas with Irina, it was more motherly I think.
With that said, I don´t think the sisters resented/disliked each other at any moment. (Or, at the very least, we don´t have enough source material to prove that fact either true or false. Same with Kate resenting Sasha for a while.) Their shared love for their mother forged a bond so strong that falling into this family dynamic just came naturally to them. Sasha was their anchor, their source of balance.
And now?
Now MC is that anchor. She can never replace what their mother has given them, ofc. She can´t replace Sasha. But she´s brought back that balance they so desperately needed to feel somewhat whole again.
They say time heals all wounds, but I don´t think that´s true at all, especially when time has no meaning to you anyway. The loss of their mother has scarred them for eternity, so I believe that this pain of having lost Sasha will never fully disappear. But it will get more bearable. Bit by bit. Day by day. With the help of MC.
With all of that said... (now we´re getting to your actual question 😅)
I do believe the sisters have moments/days where they just...spiral, but not because of their immortality (watching the world change as they remain the same). In fact, I don´t think that affects them at all - unlike the Cullens. I´ve always seen the Denalis as way more chill and easy-going. They don´t believe in hellfire or damnation like the Cullens do, and they don´t see the reason in mourning something they can´t change anyway either (their immortality). For them, the glass is always half full, so they simply try to make the best of every situation.
I fully believe they have depressed days, though. As I´ve stated above, that pain never fully goes away, so there´s gonna be moments where it´ll be like a slap to the face for them. All of a sudden, they´re brought back to that moment, forced to relive the event that has left them shattered. I think each sister has her own way of dealing with that as well:
Tanya: seeks the company of a human (old habits die hard)
Kate: excessive sparring session in the woods (a lot of trees won´t remain standing)
Irina: leaves the family for a while to be alone with her thoughts and feelings ("a while" could be days/weeks/months, all the same to her)
But NOW?
Speaking of old habits die hard...
MC has become their fixed point, so rather than shutting her out or even lashing out at her, they´ll do the exact opposite. Which means:
Trying to have sex.
It´s how they used to handle their feelings, so it´ll be like a chain reaction. As soon as that all-too-familiar pain rears its ugly head, they´re gonna try and drag MC to the bedroom. Or perhaps they´ll try to make do with here and now, wherever they get a hold of her.
...Emphasis on trying:
Right so, originally, this was meant to go here. But I got so inspired that I decided to move it to AO3 right away.
It´s not much, at least not in terms of word count.
However, I will say this:
This is the first time a work has managed to make me cry.
Thank you so much for your ask, dear nonny. It...sparked some things. ❤️
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bihanarms · 1 year
Here's chapter 2! If you want to read the first one, don't hesitate to go to my blog ;) Feel free to correct me or suggest some ideas, happy reading~
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Chapter 2 : Dilemma
Do not be fooled into thinking that las plagas are merely tools for creating powerful bioweapons. Their true value lies in their ability to control.
No matter how hostile the subject, a single
injection can turn anyone into a faithful servant. Who needs spies when you can turn yesterday's enemy into today's ally?
Can you imagine if Saddler had that much control?
Six billion loyal servants at his sole command.
There would be no opposition, no war.

Maybe for the first time in human history,
the world would know peace.
But I know how Saddler and the others have
oppressed the people of this island for
generations. I know how he treats them.
That's no way to live.
And because of that, I won't let it happen. »
A drop of sweat fell on the right side of his notebook.
Luis released his pen with a trembling hand, his pulse abnormally high. All that he had witnessed on this island was too much, and he could not continue to work and support these atrocities without doing anything. Being a mere spectator to all this was destroying him bit by bit, day after day...But where to start?
He had already figured out a way to remove the parasite from a body until a certain stage, but most of the inhabitants of his former village and this island were at an advanced stage, and nothing was possible at this level of infection, except... execution.
The best thing to do was unfortunately to get out of this place while he still could, safe and sound, to save his skin.
"I'm going to blow myself up," Luis sighed with a completely overwhelmed voice, his arms hanging on both sides of his desk chair. He took a deep breath before raising his head and trying to regain his composure.
You’ve got a new notification, the sound came from his computer.
He hastily slid on his chair to reach his keyboard.
There was actually a solution...This woman named Ada Wong had just replied to his email. She came from an organization whose name he vaguely remembered and offered to get him out of this island safely, in exchange he gave her the sample called the amber he had recovered.
But could he trust her? In any case, there were few options...
Count on me, I'll bring you the amber, but you'll get me out of here, right? Ah, and if you could take a pack of cigarettes on the way... any brand will do.
With his right hand on his lighter and his left hand on the end of his lips holding his last cigarette, a cloud of smoke emanated from his mouth...
Who to trust?
His eyes suddenly opened wide, and a snap of his fingers resonated in his brain. What about (y/n)? How could he forget about her? Months had passed since then, months spent in her presence, learning more about her, personality, tastes, etc... Even though the mystery surrounding her face had still not been solved, he had become attached to her in a unique way. And as he had felt it from the beginning, she was much more than a mere woman his ego dictated he should conquer.
They trusted each other, or... was it really the case?
Luis replayed the scenes in his head, but he had never heard her express her opinion on what was happening on this island. He had tried to fish for her opinion on Saddler several times, but she had never been receptive to it, no negative or positive answer. Her response was limited to "these are things that do not concern me, Luis. My job here is to protect people like you and your work."
The poor researcher had such a tormented mind, a real headache settling in his head. He really didn't know who to believe...
Knock knock knock
His heart skipped a beat.
"Just a minute! Just a minute!"
He rushed to his notes, hiding them in drawers, closing all the tabs on his computer, and hurried to open the door.
"What? No nickname today? You seem stressed. Something's bothering you," (y/n) said gravely.
Her tone was drier than usual. Something was wrong.
"Everything's fine, cariña. What brings you here?" Luis forced a smile.
(y/n) briefly scanned the room before turning her attention back to Luis. "Hope you are ready for big trouble. You have two hours to meet me at this location. And if I don’t see you here exactly in time, I'll come back to drag you out. »
Normally, Luis would find her authoritarian attitude a bit thrilling, but all he felt now was fear. Was Saddler ordering (y/n) to eliminate him because he suspected his betrayal? Would she take care of him in the village? After all, (y/n) used to work for Saddler before becoming his friend, from what he knew.
"See you in two hours then," Luis replied, trying to appear calm, even though he was anything but.
He closed the door and slumped against it. In any case, the place that the charming military woman had indicated was right next to where he was supposed to meet Ada.
Why not see what was waiting for him there?
hope you liked it !! chapter 3 will be out soon, be ready~ and dont worry romance’s coming back in the next chapter :p
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 months
In general, I understand why you wouldn’t want minors reading smut and I agree with putting warnings out there but you just seem OBSESSED with it. Like more than any other blog I’ve ever seen. To the point it’s really off putting.
They’re going to read it regardless. I completely agree with refusing to write certain triggers or things because I’ve definitely seen some disgusting stuff out there, but I just don’t understand why you’re so worried about the age of your readers or requesters. A 13 year old could create a blog and say they’re 30 so unless you require proof of ID you really didn’t prevent anything.
It seems like just more stress on your part. I used to follow you a long time ago but like every two days you’d post about how you were blocking accounts that didn’t provide their age or have anything posted. It’s just got annoying so I unfollowed and recently came across one of your posts again and nothing has changed.
I think you’re super talented and I’ve always wanted to request something from you but it honestly gives me anxiety so I turn to other blogs that don’t make me feel like I’m doing something wrong even though I’m not a minor. I’m not comfortable doing it off of anon and I don’t want my age and info out there either, even if it’s just for you. It feels like getting a background check just to request something.
It’s your blog and you have the complete right to do whatever you want and I don’t have to follow you either. I know all of that. I also know this is going to come off as rude and I really don’t mean it that way. I guess I’m just trying to understand your thought process around it. Maybe it could open my eyes more and I could see it from your perspective and be more understanding about why you push this so much.
Hiya darling,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and being honest with me, I appreciate you coming to me with this and letting me explain my side on this matter. While I understand that it can be frustrating and off-putting to see reminders about what I have on my account it's needed.
Firstly, my main concern is protecting both myself and my readers when I put those mature posts out on the internet. The internet is a tricky and very weird place, and as a content creator who deals with adult material, I have a responsibility to ensure I'm not inadvertently providing explicit content to minors. This is not only a personal ethical stance but a legal one in many places of the world. 
I understand that minors might still find ways to access adult content, not just mine but many others, despite my and many other people's efforts, and I know that it's virtually impossible to prevent it but by setting clear boundaries and rules on my account, I am doing my part to discourage that as much as humanly possible. It's true people lie about their age, but having an age in their bio or not accepting anonymous requests creates a deterrence.
My old (since I have not posted about it since) about blocking blank accounts were always about filtering out any accounts that could be seen as bots, that be porn bots or just random bots that flood Tumblr, and stopping people who solely make accounts just to steal work from hard-working authors such as myself and many others who put content out into the world for free and end up having it stolen from people. Putting those posts out was about maintaining a safe and responsible space for me and others who lurk on my account. It also helps me interact with people who respect these boundaries and understand them and why they're in place in the first place. 
In regards to the stress it might seem to cause to many others, I find that being upfront and putting these kinds of things in place reduces my stress when it comes to posting. It allows me to focus more on creating content without constantly worrying about the age of my readers. The transparency on my part (and those who abide by the "rules" - I guess) helps create a more comfortable environment for those who follow and interact with this blog. 
I understand that not everyone is comfortable sharing their account when requesting smut, which is why I offer to hide your @ whenever people send me requests. Which this has worked for people in the past and still to this day. I would never judge someone for sending me something, as I've always prided myself on keeping a safe space on my account so if for some reason you don't feel comfortable or it gives you anxiety I deeply apologise.
While not everyone feels okay with adding their age on a bio, it's important to me and many other authors on Tumblr so that I and readers all feel safe sharing content intended for those over age. It's crucial that I feel I'm not contributing to the exposure of explicit content to people underage. 
Finding a balance between the concerns I have are a challenge, I and many other authors struggle with it all the time. I realise it's not the perfect solution for everyone but this is the only way I feel comfortable. 
Some people may read adult content regardless of barriers that are set in place, and I respect that people make their own choices, my policies are a way to set a standard and communicate that I'm taking my responsibility seriously, making an effort to guide my content to the age-appropriate audience, therefore I'm morally and legally covered. 
I'm sorry if this causes you anxiety as that is never my aim in life, but please understand that it also causes me anxiety when I don't know the age of people requesting adult content. Imagine how uncomfortable it would be for a 20+-year-old to find out that her explicit writings were asked for by a minor. This is a situation I - and other authors - want to avoid at all costs, both for ethical and peace of mind reasons. Without these policies in place, I would have to consider stopping writing adult content altogether to ensure I'm not inadvertently harming anyone or breaking any laws. Without these things in place, I would have to consider stopping writing smut altogether to ensure I'm not inadvertently harming anyone. 
Thank you for taking the time to reach out. I hope I got my points across without coming across as bitchy as I don't want that to be the case. 
Kind regards,
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thefallennightmare · 8 months
I just wanted to come on here and thank both you and @thescarlettvvitch IMMENSELY. I struggle and have struggled for what feels like my entire life, with depression, anxiety, and the list goes on and on… But, Just Pretend means so much to me. It has been my saving grace for the last few months. It’s my safe place and the amount of times that I have gone back and reread the entire thing from start to it’s current chapter, or have even gone back just to reread my favorite chapters and favorite bits, is more then all 10 fingers and toes combined lol. Music has always been something that I turned too and would submerge myself in to take me away from it all and block out all the overbearing things surrounding my brain. But lately, Just Pretend is now what I reach for when I need a place to escape to drown out the noise. Although, it’s Angel and Noah’s world, in a sense, I feel like it’s also my world too. It’s my safe place and I know that if things are feeling a little too overwhelming, I can always open the tumblr app and can count on Noah & Angel to clear my head for a bit, or for hours on end. I cannot put into words or express my gratitude enough to either of you to measure up to how much Just Pretend has helped me through these last few weeks. I absolutely meant it when I said that both of you could be writing novels that sell out and are hard to keep stocked on the book shelves every week at all the book stores. The way you both are able to write these stories and fully encapsulate all the emotions and every single character, no matter how big or small their role in the story is, is absolutely astonishing. I just wanted to leave this in your inbox because I know you both have posted about how this week has been a bit rough for the both of you. But just know, that your work has saved people and granted them happiness and a sense of purpose when they needed it the most. I will always be here to continue coming back to read Just Pretend and drown myself out in Mochi, Angel, and fruit basket citrus sock smearing Jesse’s world. Thank you again, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. I cannot wait to see what you both have come up with for the next two chapters.💗 Also, sorry this was so long!🫣
Oh wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Anon you have rendered me and @thescarlettvvitch speechless.
First off, I want to say you’re not alone. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. It’s not easy. Some days(like this past week) are really hard. So to hear that Just Pretend helps you through yours makes me fall to my knees. I’m so so glad our story can be a positive outlook on life when the darkness seems to pull you under.
My work saved people? Our silly little story about Noah Sebastian saved people? I’m just at a loss for words because we NEVER thought it would be like this. In the best way possible. You guys say it all the time that Just Pretend is the best Noah fic on here but I still don’t believe it. We just thought it would be something fun to do together. We never imagined it would turn into something so magical and life saving.
I truly believe this is what Noah meant in the Rock Sound interview. Bad Omens has brought together so many different people with different backgrounds and who are going through their own struggles and find peace in the things Bad Omens created and what others create for/ because of Bad Omens.
With all the negativity Bad Omens is getting right now, I would love to show them this. Tell them that this is what their music is doing to/for their fans and the people that support them through and through.
But then again, I truly hope Noah never finds this story 😂
Again anon, thank you so fucking much from the bottom of our hearts. You guys don’t understand how comments like this brighten our day and make this whole writing thing fucking worth it. We absolutely love you all.
Thanks for being here. And enjoy the rest of this wild fucking ride that is my blog.
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iturastudioswingsmp · 7 months
It has come to attention that Wilbur Soot has done an act of cruelty towards someone, Shelby if I remember her right, and hurt her. My condolences and comfort goes out to her, even if I don't know who she is, she shouldn't have gone through such an thing. As of now, I will be making changes to this blog.
This will no longer be a DSMP based blog. I don't want to be accommodated in a Fandom with so much hate and toxicity, although this side of the DSMP Fandom is far from that. It is a safe corner of the DSMP that I think other corners need to grow to be.
This being said, I won't be deleting any of my posts as they are not connected or relevant to any of this, but any further updates on comics or ideas will no longer continue, and my apologies go out to all my followers who followed for this content.
Alongside that, the Poll I ran about a week ago will no longer be relevant and will be completely ignored. This blog will now become a WingSMP blog, filled with lore drops, ideas and, of course, some tickle content that will still be SFW, as I want this to be just as safe as it currently is.
Production of the WingSMP discord will begin and will be announced when possible. There are still 3 gods in the WingSMP, and the people who will serve as those gods have been chosen. (And yes, the WingSMP will be a thing one day, just not any time soon due to the lack of gaming equipment. I only have a phone.) Anyone is free to create their own WingSMP characters once the bounds are announced and explained.
And what will happen with Dsmp!Itura? She will become a part of the WingSMP now. I know I said in an older comic that OverWing!Itura and Ex-Dsmp!Itura weren't related, but that will now change to them being sisters. And she will no longer be known as Dsmp!Itura. She will be known as Bound!Itura (which I will elaborate when I start sharing the lore).
This all being said, I am not ashamed of the friends I've made here. I am not urging any of you that do write and draw DSMPtickle content to stop what you are doing. I am merely disconnecting myself from the Fandom in the hopes of creating one of my own that, hopefully, will draw attention to many interested people.
I should also note I am NOT ashamed of being in this fandom. I'm ashamed of what the fandom has become, and of the people who influence it turning out to be bad people. I will still continue to like art and read fanfics from here, but I won't be making any more of my own.
I'm sorry I had to leave this side of the DSMP as quickly as I had joined it. Just know you all made this place a safespace for me, as it will continue to be so.
Regards, Itura.
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