#I feel like I’m misssing something
Personal beef with one aspect of the game only: confused why the game seems to want you to gain Titus’ approval. It threw me for a loop when you’re given the option to invite him to be a cop.
This guy and his whole posse cold blood murder Harry and Kim both just for interrogating them. They admit to letting the pretty women go for crimes. They almost start a war because Titus has a thing for Klassje.
Like?? And I’m supposed to invite this dude to kick it with my organization? Hell no! I almost didn’t shake his hand, but thought it would be needlessly impolite in the circumstance. I think that guy is a loose canon.
I have a hard time reconciling the way Harry seems a little…fond? of him at the end.
Love to hear some other takes on this.
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livwritessometimes · 5 months
So High School - Charles Leclerc
: Charles Leclerc x singer!reader
: Everyone thinks that y/n’s new single is about Charles…..is it tho?
: author’s note: wanted to try something new so here is my first smau….enjoy <3
: Masterlist
Yourname added to their story!
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| landonorris replied to this story
-> 👀
| user788
-> wait is this what i think it is…MISSS Y/N tell me you’re not doing what i think you arrrrr
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liked by charles_leclerc and 100,987 others
Yourname: My new single So High School is out now. Go Stream!!
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jamieinloverera: I knew it, you had been too quite for way too long
username y/n ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!
charles_leclerc: What a song! Congratulations @/yourname
-> User54: Okk I see you Charles 👀
-> Y/nforlife: Stay in your lane driver boy, y/n is mine
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liked by user6555 and 14,987 others
F1updates: Charles Leclerc was seen celebrating his podium at the Australian Grand Prix with singer/songwriter Yourname.
The two seemed too cozy for someone who claims to be just friends…
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liked by charles_leclerc and 180,987 others
Yourname: Cause I feel so high school when I’m with you <3
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charles_leclerc: I love you
-> Yourname: I love you too Charlie
User565: I KNEW IT
carlossainz55: Congratulations
*liked by yourname*
landonorris: Finalllyyy, now I don’t have to deal with your pda alone
-> yourname: you know you love it
scuderiaferrari: ❤️
*liked by yourname and charles_leclerc*
User4777: Charles new what he wanted and he got it ✊🏻 when will it be my turn 🥲
*liked by charles_leclerc*
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k-n0-x · 6 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid-Chapter 3·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N: Hii everyone! Sorry this chapter is a little later than usual, burnout happened, school happened, the whole shebang! This chapter is a doozy though, hope you all will love it <3
The sun rays peek through your window and the birds’ chirps awake you from your slumber.
Or maybe it’s the snoring of a drowsy Adam, who was lying beside you, though you’ve inured yourself to his unconscious noises for ages.
You get up from your bed, just to almost have your legs give way under you, thanks to the fact that you had to be pounded by your husband, as you promised to him.
Last night felt like a chore. You feel really bad for thinking it, but it really did. 
You’re not an expert, but sex should feel enjoyable, by all sides involved, but with Adam, it feels like an obligatory activity.
You spend the next 25 minutes brushing your teeth, showering and getting ready for the day. Since there’s nothing to do at home (well, there’s nothing to do at home) you decide that this is a good time to be productive.
You head into the kitchen and scrutinise each and every ingredient that graces your pantry.
“Hmm, maybe this would work…”  You grab flour, eggs, milk and a frying pan…
The smell of buttery pancakes drifts throughout the kitchen. You sit down in your chair and take a bite of your breakfast.
The pancakes themselves were lovely; the consistency was just right and the flavour was something to die again for, courtesy of Heaven’s always perfect ingredients.
‘Perfect’ Heaven.
Up until a few weeks ago, you would have believed that sentimental saying that you hear being thrown around on multiple occasions, but now, those words seem like direct opposites of each other, an oxymoron even.
The mere thought of it sets an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
You shakily finish one pancake, and neatly leave the rest in the microwave. 
You have more pressing matters to get on about today, and pancakes aren’t one of them, though you want it to be. 
“Welcome to Heaven, how can I help?” The Saint looks up from his logbook with a face coloured with surprise when he recognises you.
“Y/N! How’ve ya been?” 
“I’m doing good,” you smile up at the angel behind the pedestal.
“So, what can I do for the wonderful wife of Adam, hm?” St. Peter clicks his tongue and finger guns.
“Well, Peter, is there a chance you could show me the list of Heaven’s recent residents? There’s a certain person I’m looking for…” Realisation hits you like a truck. Would this information be classified? You wouldn’t know until-
“Yeah sure, here!” The Saint passes you a page with written names and dates.
“This is a list of  Heaven’s newest angels from up to a month ago. I hope you find who you’re looking for!” 
“Thanks Pete, you’re a Saint,” 
“Well, I am Saint Peter after all, ah bye-bye!” 
Well that was easier than anticipated. 
Now you need a private place to mull it over…
You walk through the brightly lit heavenly streets and bump into someone, sending you and your papers flying.
“Oh my, misss, I am ssssso ssssorry,” The person bends down to collect the papers.
“No, no it’s fine, sorry-” your voice gets stuck in your throat. You take a close look at the person collecting your papers.
The person, or, you should say snake, was sporting a smart coat, top hat, and eyes in his hair?
He was familiar. Where have you seen him before?
Your eyes dilate in recognition.
He was pixel perfect to the mural that Charlie showed you the other day.
“Excuse me for asking, but are you Sir Pentious?” 
The snake demon, or angel, looks around before leaning in. 
“Depends on who’sssss asssking,”
“Oh uh,” you think for a moment. How do you explain that you know he was a demon, without seeming like a stalker of sorts. 
Clearly, this isn’t the subject to have casually in the street.
“Here, let me explain over tea and cookies, hm? My treat!” You grab the hand of Pentious gently and head to the nearest café.
“And ssso, thisss Adam guy just sssnapped me out of existence, and now I’m here, but without my egg boisss,” Pentious explains while indulging himself with a Pain un Chocolat, eyes welling while doing so.
“Huh, I see. So Charlie’s plan does work,” you mumble to yourself. “And I apologise for my husband, by the way,”
The snake pales, his skin now ashy.  “He’ssss, your husssband?” he instinctively pushes away from you in his seat.
“Yes, but don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I just promised Charlie that I would help her with the hotel and redemption and all that…”
“Oh I sssee. Here’ss my card if you need anything more,” He produces a card and hands it to you, and you accept it graciously, despite it having a slimy residue on it. 
“Great! I have to go now but it was nice meeting you,”  you shake his hand and leave the café.
“So, what’s it like having sex with the first man? What are your orgasms like?”
“Angel, don’t torment the poor girl,” 
“Whaat? Just askin’” Angel groans and puts his phone on the countertop of the bar.
Apparently, Charlie has gone AWOL, along with Vaggie and Lucifer, the three people that deserve to be the first people aware of the gratifying information you are holding.  
This tension is getting you antsy, but you answer your newfound bestie’s question.
“Overrated to be honest. Not meaningful in the slightest,” Your blunt answer stuns Angel and Husk for a moment.
“What’s this about orgasms?” You turn back to the entrance of the hotel.
The one person whom you didn’t want to hear you say that, was standing in front of you, holding about 10 shopping bags, his daughter and his daughter’s partner  following suit.
God, what must he think? You want to slam your head into the table, but you refrain yourself.
“Uh Dad?” Charlie taps her dad’s shoulder.
“Maybe let’s refrain from talking your way into the sex life of guests? Anyway, how are you, Y/N? I hope everything’s alright?” Charlie inadvertently snapping you out of your apparent embarrassment.
“Oh yes! Not just alright; absolutely amazing actually. I have important information to tell you so forgive me for my impromptu visit, but it clearly cannot wait,” you practically jump out of your chair, bursting with energy. 
My, you haven’t felt this emotion since…
Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
“Well, I did some digging and…” you grab the crusted card from your bag.
“Well, congratulations to you, Miss Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell, because your dream is a reality!” You flourish the card to Charlie, and she takes it.
She blinks. 
Everyone else blinks.
“Uh, what is this exactly?”
You groan. Fun police much? 
“Sinners can be redeemed, I found Sir Pentious in Heaven just this morning,” you concede, impatiently tapping the card.
“Wait really? You aren’t just messing with me?” Charlie’s eyes practically shone with stars.
“Angels aren’t known for that darling.” 
As soon as you say that Charlie squeals and jumps up and down, ecstatic.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyooouuuuuu!” She gushes and hugs you extremely tight, constraining your lungs, but you really don’t care.
“This is a pleasant surprise,” You pull away to have Alastor behind you, with that ever-so-familiar-yet-unpleasant grin. 
When did he get here?
“Seems like out little Morningstar is becoming quite the entrepreneur,” Alastor places a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, as though they are father-daughter.
Father-daughter, where the daughter’s biological dad is directly beside them. 
“Hey, hey now, get your slimy claws off of my daughter, would ya?” Lucifer asks the Radio demon, half laughing.
“Oh? The same daughter you’ve abandoned for countless years on end? The same daughter who had to build this establishment by herself, with no support. The same daughter I’ve been faithful to, in comparison to you? I’ve stuck through thick and thin with her. Hell, I probably fit the Dad position by definition,” 
The room is loud with silence; you could probably hear a pin drop.
Alastor’s voice carries those words in a seemingly defensive manner, but you can tell that those words don’t hold any meaning to him.
It seems like you’re the only person to realise that, because with the slam of a door, Lucifer exits the room, leaving an aura of pure anger and jealousy behind.
“Charlie, maybe you should give him a breath of fresh air-” Vaggie tries pulling her back.
“No! Vaggie, he needs someone to be there with him. God knows what he will do and what if-” Charlie is in a craze to get to the door. 
“I’ll go,” you say abruptly. Without question, you go through the door.
“Hey, it’s really hot out here, you know,” you stand at the garden door, as the king gazes out on Hell’s not-so-perfect landscape depressingly.
“Alastor was just pulling your leg back there, he just wanted to piss you off,” you stand beside him, keeping an appropriate distance.
“I know. That’s not the problem. The problem is that-” his voice hitches.
“Go on,”
“The problem is, is the fact he’s not even wrong; I left Charlie with nothing, she had to support herself before help came along, I barely was there for her throughout all of this, until the very last moment, when she didn’t even need me anymore,” The King of Hell rambles, and fidgets with a small yellow thing in his hand. A bird of some sorts.
A duck? 
“I can’t do anything right,” he continues.
Okay, you have to stop getting sidetracked by meagre things. 
“Lucifer, listen. Yes, you may not have been there for her before, but you’re here now, and you are ready to help. Yes, I know it’s scary, yes I know it’s hard, but I have an inkling that Charlie would love to start having a bond with her father again. Also, you know her and how she is; she isn’t the type to shut you out. Just try to put some work into it, okay?” 
That felt like more of a ramble, than advice, but it seems to suffice for the King of Hell. 
“Thank you. I really know why Charlie has taken a liking to you…” he trails off, continuing to fidget with the rubber duck. He squeezes it, and it plays a short, spunky tune. 
“And see? Atleast you’re doing something small for now, you should take it easy. By the way, that’s the most adorable rubber duck!” You gush at the plastic fellow, earning a smirk from Lucifer.
“Oh? Changing the subject are we?” The fallen angel teases.
Well, that was out of nowhere, but you just go with the flow.
“Yeah, and what? That’s a fuckin’ cool duck, so I apologise for acknowledging that fact,”
“Ah well, I have better. By the way, why are you talking about orgasms to that porn star- I mean Angel, back there?” 
Oh yeah. That happened. 
“Gee, why does everyone want to know the juicy details of my life? But really,he was just interested in my sex life, that’s all,” 
“Interesting. You know I slept with 2 of Adam’s previous wives?”
“Don’t even try,” you give him a playful shove.
“Eh, worth a shot,” 
You and the blond-haired demon go back inside, giggling about some disastrous function you went to when you were younger, and how you may or may not have been the leading cause.
Thankfully, the only person in the lobby was Charlie, who jumped to hug her father the second she saw the two of you, making them both cry and profusely apologise to one another.
Yeah, maybe it’s a good time to go. Maybe quietly too this time. 
You open the portal, and you are back in Heaven again, in front of the pearly gates of the place you call home. 
As you open the door and turn into the living room, you nearly jump out of your skin.
“Hey,” The sound of your husband’s voice rings through your ears.
“I ate your pancakes from this morning,” 
“Alright. I’ll make dinner soon, but I’m tired right now,” you pave your way to your bedroom, when Adam pulls you back.
“Where were you even?”
“Places,” you try to pull away, but the First Man doesn’t relent.
“Where? You weren’t in Heaven, were you?” 
“Alright fine. I was in Hell, cleaning up the mess you and your little play soldiers made by the way,” 
“Were you not there the other day? Why are you so attached to this-” Cogs turn in Adam’s head.
“You were with him, weren’t you? You fucking slut,” Adam’s hand swiftly slaps you across the face. A small cut of golden blood streaks down your face.
“What the fuck? Of course Lucifer is gonna be there, you dumbass?! Why do you think I’m gonna sleep with-” You dodge a flying porcelain jug that was headed in your general direction.
“That fucking demon, thinking he’s hot shit and- and all, just fucking whoever he wants-” The Angel starts storming around the living room, just throwing random shit about, like a kid having a tantrum, making colourful insults while doing so.
You sigh and go into the kitchen to make dinner; hopefully Adam would have blown off enough steam by then.
“Oh and- You better not go back there again, you got it?” 
“…Fine,” You slam the door behind you.
Clearly, you have to be more furtive about your visits to the underworld.
For now, maybe you should cook some dinner, and a warm bath.
Your back really hurts.
Word count- 2264
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kirk-says-wah · 5 months
-👹🛐 anon
I know I’m sorry it’s taken me so long 😭 but I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Yh James is really going through it poor baby 🥺 and Dave well who knows maybe he was doing something. I feel like he would’ve acted differently if he knew what was happening
And yh at least Lars and Kirk are finally getting closer. Maybe more will happen between them now 👀
I know I’ll be definitely trying to answer a lot more requests and hopefully update my fics a little more frequently. Life is a bit shit rn but I’m doing my best ❤️
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asexualjedi · 2 years
Just spiraling being like 🤪🤪🤪 what am I doing with my life I miss art I miss making videos I miss making coming and animation do I really want to do law. And logically I don’t really think I would want to move away from everyone I know to move to where I would need to be to do film or tv and animation. So like. 🔫🔫 accept it. And like I think helping people is something I’m very passionate about and will make me happy and I think if I just did art and comics I would feel bad about like big things like prison abolition and how terrible people are treated in our justice system is would bother and upset me and at least I can feel productive. But idk idk what to do. I just don’t know what is my anti drepressants or what. But truly working for the knife by Mitski whenever I watch tv or see cool art I get really depressed and yearn to be doing that stuff and idk what to do??? Like did/do I define my identity to much to being an artist but idk. I want to make things I misss working with people to make things and I know as a lawyer I will collaborate a lot. A lot of what u do seems so not fun and miserable and idk idk. But I’ve spent so much money and also i going to law school allowed my friend to have housing for foreseeably 3 years. Do I just get the JD and end up completely turning around and doing fucking. Like?? Entertainment law but in my head that’s always just disneys evil lawyers idk.
#I don’t know how much of this is my depression and how much is like a real genuine I#thing bc I’ve always had problems with like since I was like 8 or even younger as long as I can remember I’ve had issues with regret being l#like after making a choice freaking out like I’ll never be able to do the other choice was this the right one like even for shit like I took#this summer camp instead of another and I’ve been able to manage as good as ai can but with this such a big decision#idk#like it was easier when I decided not to bc o to like a big art school bc that was saving money right and I could still take art classes#and major in it#here I’m loosing moneh spending so much money and i technically could do art but I don’t have time and law school mental illness I have no#inspiration motivation#and like I know I have been trouble with motivation creation like was my most depressed and mentally I’ll in high school and freshman of#college but I also created my most art then I was drawing all the time and happy and also very depressed it’s hard to explain#and now I. like. I haven’t done art in so long since last summer#and people’s housing is on me know. and ive already spent so much#money specifically im so lucky my dad is paying for my school BUT my dad is paying for my school I both want to drop out incase im#wasting his money and also I can’t waste his money I must get this degrrr#but will I be happy#idk I accidentally didn’t take my anti depressants mayeb yesterday and this morning#I took them this afternoon but I’ve also been depressed lately that’s. ahhh#I’m haha#girl help#Kelly talks
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leyyvi · 2 years
You know what I’ve been thinking about lately? Chapter 16? In paychecks where Levi shows reader the unsent text of him asking to confirm the dinner??? I’m cryinggggg
And then when he gets all heated saying he doesn’t fuck his friends 😭😭😭😭 I just-
I just love this little man too much 😭😭😭
I think I may pass away when they actually kiss
Idk if I’m being hormonal, but I misss him so much recently :(((((( like 😩
Sorry for my rant 🫶🏻
😭😭😭😭 I typically don't like the idea of a m*n yelling at me but like... something about pwasoi Levi who never yells at you finally airing his frustrations out from how deeply he feels for you I'm kcdkdkdkdjfjdj it makes me very soft for him. I miss him too so much, I'm really trying to finish this chapter up soon ugh it's actually frustrating ME at how long it's been chdfndjdjdjfjfj
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
ik you're sleeping but i wanna talk about my fav enstars songs unit wise cus I love talking about songs
fine: The Tempest Night (very original i know /s) and Neo Sanctuary
Ryuseitai: their music is not my style. but Ryusei Hanabi. so so feel good
Eden: how do i choose,,,,,it may not look like it but Eden's music is the one i dig the most i love LOVE EDM,,,,,sigh. Eden's Psyche Butterfly.
Crazy:B: Honeycomb Summer,,,, even though all of their songs are bops
UNDEAD: both Nightless World and FORBIDDEN RAIN. but like. in different ways. to me Nightless World is Fireboy and FORBIDDEN RAIN is Watergirl (both gender neutral). do you get it
Ra*bits: sorry Ra*bitsP I don't vibe w their music at all. FALLIN' LOVE=IT'S WONDERLAND
Akatsuki: earlier i liked Kengeki no Mae before i got to know of the imperialism,,,,so Akatsuki Iroha Uta it is
Knights: sorry they aren't my type as well,,,,Mystic Fragrance or Knights the Phantom Thief
Switch: Romancing Cruise or Omoi no Kakera. their music is so *chef's kiss*
Double Face: =EYE=
Fusion Units: YORU NI KAKERU!!! closely followed by Artistic Partisan <333
this turned out too long LMAO im sorry
THE THING IS i don’t want to rank my favorites by unit because i’m literally biased and half of my favorites are just crazyb songs and like. none of them are akatsuki for ex.
anyways you don’t mind if I judge your taste!! right (it gets suuuuuper long)
fine: yeah no you’re totally right!! I respect you. I went and listened to the first few seconds of neo sanctuary and I feel like it’s a song I could definitely like?? pending judgement. I’ve got owaranai symphonia stuck in my head recently though,,,
Trickstar: …what song is that? (< clearly not a TrickstarP) I only know I really like rebellion star and I looove playing the beatmap of infinite star
Ryusetai: girl I know like One (1) song of their by name and it’s like comet HALATION or something and the only reason I know it is because of the last event
ALKALOID: HELL YEAH VERMILLION!!!!!!!!!!! but let me add kiss of life because it was like the first alkaloid song I listened to and I was like HOLYFUCKINGSHIT THIS SONG BANGS!!!!! set off my era of learning abt alkaloid and the main story. (living on the edge gets a mention as the honorary aira center song)
Eden: hey EDM and eden sound kinda similar dontcha thi(gets shot) ANYWAYS. I keep hearing about psyches butterfly but I’ve NEVER LISTENED TO IT !!!?!! sorry i’m basic but , THE GENESIS SWEEP !!!! don’t ask me how I remember but that song was the FIRST beatmap I played on eng.
Valkyrie: HEY ETERNAL WEAVING LIKER!!! I loove the little talking parts in it and the spam of notes at the start. also acanthe has my heart
2wink: LITERALLY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i’m a liiittle biased towards play tag cause I keep pfcing it and also LEMON SQUASH CHEERS (bc crazyb!!)
UNDEAD: PERSONALLY i’m in love with valentine eves nightmare cause it was the first undead song that made me like them (THE GUITAR SOLO!!!!! DO YOU HEAR IT))x nightless world is fun to play but a not really my thing.., I hear forbidden rain is really good though.
Akatsuki: you are speaking a Different language and I have no idea which akatsuki song is which. help. sorry tbh they all sound the same to me.
Knights: OKAY phantom thief isn’t too bad!! IT SHOULDVE WON THE POLL BTW im partial to silent oath cause its my event grinding song b I don’t actually like it that much. HAVE U HEARD PROMISE SWORDS THOUGH AAUUGUGHHHHHHH I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS ABOUT IT THAT MAKES ME GO DHJFKGNGKFFNFJ (aaand. grateful allegiance it’s the one ingame song I like rn)
Switch: SHUT UUPPPP OMOI NO KAKERA IS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD /lh . I Like switch a lot but also their music AND THE FUCKING DANCING is BYE. the ONLY one I like is Magic for your switch. natsume’s “shunte utsumuiteru my girl” HAS BEEN PLAYING ON LOOP IN MY HEAD THE WHOLE DAY HELP
MaM: Nods. but I mean,,,, as a solo unit his solo song should count too right???? so I’d have to say see you again is my favorite, sorry
Double Face: YEAHHHH THE VOCALS THE STAGE THE OUTFITS THE DANCING EVERYTHING IS CHEFS KISS !!!!! Stippling has my heart though <333 (god. the piano)
Shuffle Units: NEVER SHUTTING UP ABT MY ATOZ AGENDA!!!! I don’t get what’s so good about moonlight disco help. (also i’m gay so noir neige)
Fusion Units: YES.
HAHAHHA IMAGINE. MY RESPONSE BEING LONGER THAN YOURS. ok thank u this was super fun to read and reply too!! even if it took like three days. oops. anyways
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lgbtqiadnf · 2 years
Me and My Husband <dnf>
HAI!! Hello :) I said I'd post by the end of the month but spring break is here so might as well post yk? BTW this was supposed to be a one shot, but like this is taking too long so here is technically, "The first part," well, its the first 5 pages !! (outta 10 pages + this is a wip) also I'm doing this bc I miss my bf sm XP I get to see him SOON THO! Not like how dteam say soon too!! OKAY KLETS BEING!! <chapter 1>
Sorrow is how Dream felt, 
Something was missing, no, not Patches, she was tucked in, 
No, it was her uncle, Sapnap, he was on a so-called business trip and wouldn’t be home, 
What was missing?
Dream sat on his empty bed, staring at his unlocked phone as if he was waiting for a notification,
 “Papa?” Patches knocked on Dream's door, “Yes, honey?” Dream turned off his phone, putting all his attention on his daughter, 
“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?” Dream scooped her up, putting her in his bed, “I miss him,” Patches voice was squeaky, “I miss George too, he’ll be back, he just went to his old home for a couple weeks,” Dream brushed his hand through her hair,
“I want da home,” She was sobbing, lightly, “He’ll be home, I promise,” Dream tried to calm her down, “What if he likes his old home more and doesn't want to come back,” Dream was a bit taken back by her overthinking, “He wouldn’t stay there, he loves you too much,” Dream smiled, hugging Patches, 
“Does he love you?” Dream was reminded of the many times he begged George to tell him, ‘I love you,’ “I would guess, I’m your dad, he’s also your dad, and like,” Dream blushed, “Do you love him?” “Yes, of course!” Dream giggled, 
“I love da too, I love you too!” Patches smiled, showing off her imperfect teeth, “Do you wanna try and call him?” Dream suggested even though there was a high chance George was busy, “YES!” Patches shot up from Dream's bed, “I text him first, then we’ll see if we can call him,” Dream smiled and got on his phone,
He texted George, “Why does da’s name have a heart and flower emoji next to it?” Dream put those there as a joke, “Because,” “You and da are married, right? Like Lucy's parents?” Dream and George weren’t married, they weren’t even dating, they just shared custody of Patches, “Uhm, yeah, me and George are married!” Dream joked to make Patches feel better.
After a couple minutes, Dream got a reply to his, ‘Hi, patchy misses you,’ “he said…’Hey, I miss her too, tell her I said that,’” Dream read out to Patches, “Can I have your phone?” Patches put out her hand, “sure,” Dream handed her his phone, 
A couple seconds later, he got his phone back,
‘DA!!!!!!!!! I miss u so muxh!!!!!!! Whn r u comig home????????? Pa misss u lots to! :( he told me u 2 r married!!!! Why did u not tell me:(‘
“Honey, what?” Dream narrowed his eyebrows, “hm?” Patches tired eyes made her more guilty,
“I was— honey, me and George aren’t like Lucy's parents,” Dream didn't want to ruin her mood, “well yeah, you and da don’t act married in front of people, oh my god! Is that you and da married a secret!” “Yes, even from George, it's a secret,” That confused Patches, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to tell him,” Patches hugged Dream, “Its okay, just don’t go off telling Geo—“ a notification came from Dreams phone, 
‘PATCHY!!!! Hi, patchy:) I missed you too :( I promise I’ll call when I’m no longer busy !! Tell your father I miss him, but not as much as I miss you!! And sorry for not telling you about me and your father :( We just didn’t understand our feelings at first? Yes, me and your father are in fact married!!! Tell your friend Lucy she can come to our wedding!!!!’ 
“You and da are married! Oh my gosh! Yay!” Patches giggled, but all Dream could do was blush, “Yeah, honey! Now, why don’t you go to bed, its late, you don't wanna miss uncle Saps arrival, do you now?,” Dream tucked Patches into his bed and planted a kiss on her forehead, she shook her head, “Okay, goodnight, love you,” Patches smiled, waving, “Night, love you too,” Dream waved back and left his room.
Dream stared at the stupid text message George sent for Patches, ‘Hi, it's your “husband” why tf would you lie to patches about us being married?’ 
‘I’m not lying?’ Georges boldness was thick
‘Yes you are? Wdym?’ Georges cocky behaviour made Dream feel less sorrowful, 
‘Don’t be idiotic, Clay, you know exactly what I mean,’ 
‘Idiotic? What the fuck? George this isn't something we should joke ab with our daughter, daughter, George, not some random person online,’
‘Clay? Is that you? Or some random person?’ 
‘It's me, are you even George? Or are you some random idiot,’
‘Nope, still George, your fiancé :)’ 
‘Okay, George, stop, we can’t lie to Patches!’ 
‘Stop telling me I’m lying, I'm not lying, you’re just forgetting!’
‘George, there's nothing going on between us, were just friends’
‘Friends? Funny, you’re so funny, are you sure you don’t remember? When you first adopted patches, and told me I had the opportunity to share custody? You don’t remember what you said?’
‘I just said, you and I could share custody of her, nothing else’
‘Yeah, that's it, sure, I remember something you said but ig you forgot :(‘
‘What did I say?’ 
‘Smth like “omg George I can't live without you, I need you so bad, please bare my child with me and be my fiancé!!!!!” I think that's what you said, always could be wrong tho 💀💀💀💀’ 
‘Do I need to provide the video you sent?’ 
George sent him a video of Dream, seeming not sober, George had screen recorded their facetime call, “George, please, marry me, I need you so bad, I can’t live without you, I seriously can’t, it hurts to not see you every day, please George, come to the US and come to me and your new daughter,” Dream slurred, on the edge of tears, 
“My new daughter? Marry you?” George's tone was so sarcastic it wasn't funny anymore, “Yes, marry me, we could be a family, us as the dads of Patches,” George could hear Dream smile through the phone, “Patches is my new daughter?” “Yes, our daughter,” “Okay, I’m down to get married but like are there any benefits?” “Free editing, for like, a kiss or something?” “Anything else?” “There's more, I’m too tired to tell you,” Dream on cue, yawned and rubbed his eyes, 
“Okay, tell me them later, go to sleep, bye goodnight, ’babe’” George laughed at the little bit he did, “Why are you being such an idiot?” Dream laughed at Georges laugh, “I’m not, your the idiot for marrying me,” George rolled his eyes, “go to bed, Dream, I’m literally hanging up if you don’t,” “Don’t leave me,” “I’m hanging up, bye,” “No you are—“ The screen recording ended, leaving Dream was left starstruck, 
‘Got the evidence you need?’ Dream could just imagine the stupid grin George was wearing, 
‘I was obviously drunk, George,’ 
‘Drunk or not, you proposed, I said yes (kinda) and we are now I guess ‘legally’ fiancé,’ 
‘No, if this is true, then I’m breaking up with you, I’m not getting married to you,’ 
‘Okay...you’re telling Patches, I won't be home for weeks and I don’t wanna ruin my coming home day by telling her we aren’t married,’
‘I don’t wanna make her feel bad!!’ 
‘No, its fine, just ruin her mood, it’s cool :)’ Georges text made Dream scoff, 
‘I can't do that!’ 
‘Well, we either get married (we would fake it or whatever if you don’t wanna actually make a commitment or like you can marry someone else and they’ll be my replacement, Patches will have a mom!!! Omg!!!! Or another dad, whatever you want ofc) or we break up and she is heartbroken! Choice is yours :D’
‘George you’re insane! Clinically insane, I’m going to need like a day, no 2 days to think ab this!’ Dream groaned, he didn’t want to make her feel bad but a fake marriage? Was George mental? Fake marriage was the first thing he could really think of? 
‘I gave you 2 options, take as long as you will, you will have to make a decision,’ 
‘Fuck you,’ Dream turned off his phone, he no longer felt sorrow.
Guilt? No, no that isn't it, it was a nicer emotion,
Happy? Not quite, what was it?
Dream felt an emotion he never seemed to feel, it felt nice, really nice.
The next morning, Dream had ‘slept’ on the couch, in reality, all he did was sulk and miss George,
 “WAKE UP!” A loud scream entered his ear, “Quackcity is here! Pa! Quackcity!” Patches held Quackity’s hand, she was wearing a dark purple shirt with a minion on it, George got it for her, and light purple leggings, “oh my god, look, my name isn’t ‘Quackcity’ its fucking—“ “OH MY GOD! HE SWORE!” Patches pointed at quackity, “This fucking kid,” he whispered so only him and dream could hear,
“Why did you let uncle Quackity in?” Dream asked, tiredly, “He let himself in,” Patches smiled, “Yeah, and I picked out her fit! Rate it," "7,” Dream couldn't help remember George with her shirt, it looked like the one George had, “7? Only? Patches, teach this guy a lesson," "Okay, when you mix blue with red, it makes purple, when you mix yellow with blue it makes green!” Patches joyfully talked about this new concept of colours, 
“Don’t tell George, he’ll get scared,” Dream joked about Georges colour blindness, “Does Da not like colours?” “How can he like them if he can't see them?” Dream tried to explain, “Why can’t he see colours?” Patches voice had a hint of sadness, “He got into a freak accident and then one day he woke up and couldn’t see colour,” Quackity joked, “No no, Uncle Quackity is lying, he just was born that way!” “Just like how I was born with white spots?!” 
Patches pointed at her multi-coloured skin, the contrast of dark brown and white made her look very unique and special, “Yes, just like you and your white spots, and your white heart too!” Patches had a small white spot, which looked like a heart on her forehead, it was her favourite one, “Does Da have hearts in his eyes?” Dream laughed, it would make George look like a cartoon if he had hearts in his eyes, “He does, but you can only see the hearts when he looks at Dream,” Quackity nudges Dream's shoulder, “Isn’t that right, Dream?” 
Dream cleared his throat, “Hm, I don't know?” Quackity laughed, “Yeah, yeah, he doesn't know!” Patches looked confused like she didn't get a joke that they both got, “When is Da coming home?” She asked to switch up the conversation, “In like 3 or 4 weeks,” “That's too long! Can’t he just come home early,” Patches groaned, throwing herself on the couch, “No, it’ll be like he was never gone!” Dream enlightenment made Patches sad, “No, I do notice he’s gone,” 
“George's existence is too hard to forget, without him around, you really notice how much quieter and nicer it is!” Quackity smiled as if he was given a Nobel prize, “Ignore him! He’ll be back and he’ll bring you something as well!” Dream got up and took Patches outside, Quackity followed behind, “A gift?” Patches joyfully spoke, “Yes, a gift!” Dream brought her to the front lawn, “Now why don't you and Quackity play out here, Uncle Sap is coming back today!” Patches lit up, at her favourite uncle was coming back, “SAP! Oh my gosh! Can I wait outside until he comes?” Patches sat down on the green grass, Quackity joining her, 
“He’ll come later in the evening, so I don’t know if you want to stay out fo—“ “NO! I wanna stay!” Patches jumped up, cutting Dream off, “Okay have fun,” Dream smiled, and went back inside.
Dream couldn't get that stupid question that George asked out of his head, Fake marriage? Act like George’s husband just to make our daughter happy? Dream got flustered at the thought of what George and he would do if they were acting, hold hands? Sleep in the same bed?...kiss?! Oh my god, All these thoughts made Dream want to scream, 
Dream opened up his phone and messaged George, 
‘Are you busy?’ 
A reply came back, instantly,
‘No, why, does Patchy wanna talk!!!???’
‘No, I wanna talk,’
‘Oh, well, then I’m busy,’
‘No, you aren’t, idiot,’
‘Got busy, sry’
‘Its ab the fake marriage thing,’ 
‘Make your mind up?’
‘Yea,' Dream hadn’t made his mind up, he just wanted George's attention,
‘Oh, okay, so like, what do you wanna do?’ 
‘We should get married,’ Dream regretted every second of that message, from typing it out to full-blown sending it, 
‘Married? Fr?’ 
‘Yes, fr, I wanna get married to you:)’ 
‘Fake marriage, right?’ Dream could hear George's shaky voice saying that message,
‘It could be real if you want it to be,’ Dream wrote slyly,
‘No, no, fake is fine, plus like if we got married and you wanted to marry someone else, we would have to go through the whole divorce process, I'm too lazy for that,’ 
‘Why is it always me who wants to get married? Do you not wanna marry someone in the future?’
‘Idk, I don't meet anyone so like me dating someone is highly unlikely too,’ Dream laughed, 
‘But why am I the one getting married?’
‘Idk, I'm just saying it,’ 
‘Oh mhm, so like...wanna get fake married?’
‘Yeah, sure,’ 
This felt like some twisted dream Dream was having, it was he was going to wake up right as George came back and they did the full song and dance, he didn't want it to be a dream, he wanted to wake up and George was still his husband, even if it was fake,
HI! Its me again, Clay/Cat boy, WE"VE COME TO AN END </3 not the story but the chapter XP <3 Hope you enjoyed (FEEDBACK VERY APPRECIATED) BYE NOW <3
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bigoleglory · 2 months
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Missing your laugh something fierce today, what I would give.
Anywhooo, what I did hear was that your beautiful brain got all that extra oxygen annnnnnnd you MIGHT even eat another Sammy??? Woahhh hold the phone people wow!! Fuckkkkk yes.!
Groceries and the sunset came delivered right on time baby!!! Incredible universe we live under🌸♾️🖤
Costco blankets are hands down unmatched. Especially in the snuggle department.! Soooooo you woke up , did some shit AND ANDDDD took a freaking NAP? Misss wonderful, excuse me, I know you have great eyebrows and everything but, whooooo is you. Other than this wonderfully made nobody could ever duplicate , single human being that takes NAPS.!!? Annnd they be helping!
Might try it who knoooow.!
Uhm. That , sounds like an actual Saturday filling the love buckets of not just yourself, but those who care about you and who you care about as well! I think that’s my favorite part about your day, getting to see that little perfect ball of sunshine for a few hours , 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Today was honestly a really really good space to be in. My head doesn’t hurt and my heart is so calm, not freaking jumping out of my chest, I’m in the present moment and I’m soaking in all the sunshine, been at my grandpas shop for a couple hours now, gonna hit burlington and rossy ross on my way out,
Headed to get some rad dad for myself!!! Fingers crossed for No LINE!!! Lol I’ll still wait.
Hahahahaha , I fucking laughed soooo, soooo hard reading that, all alone in my car, I laughed so hard!
These stupid ankles for surrrrre the best part.! Besides my heart.
When I was reading the something to look up at , my mind immediately….. 🫠♾️🤍then I read the ankles part and died.!
Took some pictures for you, not posting them elsewhere. Who saysss that! ?? Whoooo thinks that!!! Weakkk as fuck here
YOU.! And the way your magical brain works TO THIS DAY, is at an all time top tier level and I love it madly..
All in all, I hope your Saturday sunshine day, has given you every single ounce of feel good energy because THERES ALOT OF IT OUT HERE AND I HOPE YOU GET WAYYYYY MORE THAN YOUR “fair share” lordddddd knows your worth every single drop.!
ALSO… I set timers for 555 now.. have been for months.
Thank you for that.
Been seeing 888 a fucking ton, and 222 as well. Not exactly sure but not looking endlessly for answers either.
Ya knoooow, if your tummy doesn’t want another DUNNO Sando.. postmates is always a simple, very simple text or post away from contactless drop off it that’s what it takes. Might even be a hoodie in the bag for keeps.
Daydreaming again, I do that VERY , very often.
I don’t want to stop. Makes the minutes go by easier, not faster, but much easier
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tokyomanjihoe · 3 years
milf!reader x Mikey ? 👀
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title: simmer - s. manjiro
simmer - mahalia ft burna boy
warnings: 18+ content so minors DNI. beach resort au, milf! reader, afab! reader, no pronouns used lifeguard!mikey, peeping tom! mikey, slight age gap, mention of divorce, mention of kids, skinny dipping, public sex, pool sex, oral (f recieving), dom! reader, subby! mikey. not proofread
tagging: @wakaslut @kazuwhora @dejwrites @misss-chrisss @gabzlovesu (if you want to be tagged lmk!)
a/n: took some creative liberty bc this was such a fun concept to write for, and i hope i pulled it off well for you anon!
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you snuck through the darkness of the resort, slippered feet lightly padding on the sandy pavement as you made your way to the pool. when you reached the edge of it, you slipped out of your shorts and tiny bikini top, and stepped into the cool water.
in the privacy of the dark night, you breathed a sigh of relief, submerging yourself in the water until it caressed the bottom of your chin. some may call you a bad parent for letting your child sleep in the resort’s nursery, but you deserved a break. you loved your daughter, but there was only so much you could take without a timeout, and if skinny dipping gave you that peace, who could blame you?
propping your arms up on the edge of the pool, you leaned back and relaxed, putting on a show for the poor employee you knew was watching you from behind the foliage. it’s not like you could really blame him. you knew how attractive you were, choosing to emphasise it with mini dresses and rompers paid for by your ex-husband’s alimony payments. but after a couple minutes of idling , you stopped, quickly becoming bored of the feeling of his eyes on you.
“you gonna come out yet?” you drawled, head swivelling to face the bushes you knew he was in. “i’m getting bored of this game, you know. you’re not really subtle with it.”
silence followed, and with a response from the peeping tom seeming more and more like a fever dream, you heaved an annoyed sigh. you had come here tonight hoping for this weird game of cat and mouse to grow into something more, but with one party unwilling to play ball, there was nothing more you could do.
pushing yourself onto the ledge, you sat there for a second, water dripping and collecting into a puddle underneath you. you were just about to leave when you heard rustling in the foliage, and the sound of soft footfalls linger in your ears until he stops beside you. turning your body, you look at him with amusement coating your gaze and a sly smirk painted on your features. 
he certainly didn’t disappoint, you thought to yourself as your eyes travelled up and down his figure, gaze catching on the black strands of hair falling into his dark eyes. he stood almost lazily, a laidback confidence laced into his stance, and if it wasn’t for the lust and slight shame hidden in his stare you would have believed the faux air of nonchalance he exuded.
“there you are,” you hummed, eyes narrowing playfully at him, “weren’t you taught that it’s rude to stare at strangers, hm?”
he opened his mouth in an attempt to speak, but you wouldn’t let him, slightly raising your voice to drown out his excuses.
“especially when they’re naked. you’ve been a very naughty boy, haven’t you?”
at this, mikey’s mouth snapped shut and in the place of flimsy excuses came the red hot heat that lit up his cheeks and a wave of arousal that had his cock stiffening in his uniform shorts, the material becoming a little to tight for comfort. you chuckled darkly at him, aware of the growing tent in his shorts while an idea popped into your head.
“i won’t report you, so don’t worry. i just have a… problem that needs fixing. can you do that for me…” you paused as you waited for his name.
his voice was low and rich, the slight timbre enough to send shivers down your spine. you smiled at him.
“do we have an agreement, mikey?” you drawled, playfully pulling out every syllable of his name, turning them over in your mouth.
he kept his end of your deal, and he did it so well.
your hands were currently tangled in his hair, black locks spilling through the gaps between your fingers and you tugged, pushing his face further into your wet cunt, his body sprayed out on the slippery poolside tiles. he was mind-numbingly good with his mouth, collecting your arousal on his tongue as he suckled on your clit, fingers crooking inside you at just the right angle. it left you breathless, his eagerness to please you, the vibrations of his desperate whimpers adding to the stimulation everytime you bucked your hips into his mouth.
“f-fuck mikey, right there” you moaned as he explored your walls, fingers brushing against the spongy spot that had your back arching slightly off the tile beneath you.
everything he did, every time he flattened his tongue against your folds, or strengthened the muscle to flick at your clit, it all built up, the band of tension growing tighter and tighter in your abdomen until you were on the cusp of your climax. you were missing one more thing, one little push that would send you over the edge, and that need was fulfilled when he abandoned licking over your folds and concentrated his efforts on your clit, flicking and suckling at it until you came, the grip on his hair tightening as his fingers fucked you through your high.
when you came down, sweaty and breathless, your eyes fell on mikey. your arousal glistened on the bottom half of his face in the wavy reflections of light from the pool. he licked his lips, eyes closing in bliss as he tasted you once more, and you smirked, crawling in between his legs and unzipping his shorts.
“it’d be unfair if i didn’t reward you, wouldn’t it?” you hummed seductively, lust filled eyes catching his heavy gaze. “relax, i’ll make you feel good.”
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gabzlovesu · 3 years
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giyuu x reader
warnings: morning sex, clit pinching, creampie cuz yeah why not?
a/n: i'm really burnt out but this was at least something? i'm sorry that i'm ending this event with mediocre content :(
✧ WEEK OF SINS EVENT MASTERLIST ✧ ╰ You can find all of the event information and other works here once they have been posted!
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Waking up horny is a different kind of unbearable pain – at least for you. It usually ends in three ways: you give up and suffer in silence, you silently pleasure yourself while Giyuu is fast asleep next to you, or you patiently wait for him to wake up and help you.
Fuck it. You didn’t feel like choosing one of these options today.
‘All he needs is a little nudge’ is what you think to yourself as you scoot over and grind your ass against his crotch. He must’ve been awake because not even a second later his hand stops your hips.
“Go back to sleep.”
“I can’t. Pleaseeee.”
“No Y/N, I’m trying to rest.”
This man was always resting. He never did anything, and every single bone in his body was lazy. Maybe there’s another way you could convince him. The hand holding your hips still is guided into your panties that could hardly stop the juices leaking from your cunt. “Are you really gonna let me suffer like this, Giyuu?”
You can hear him stifle a groan as he chokes out his answer, “Yes…”
“Fine, I’ll just do it myself.” You coat his fingers in your slick and draw abstract shapes on your clit. The pressure from both of your hands is a pleasant feeling that you weren’t expecting. You can’t help but roll your hips in sync with his fingers, causing him to curse under his breath.
“Y/N, if I fuck you it’s not gonna be the way that you want.” You were fine with that, you just needed him to help you untie that jumbled knot in your core and that’s all that mattered right now. Instead of responding, you just keep going, hoping he’ll get the hint.
“Alright, I don’t wanna hear you begging later.” Giyuu tosses the covers back, the cold air nipping at your skin and making your nipples harden instantly. “You’re so needy and impatient, but I guess I’ll just have to fix that.” He shoos your hand away, insisting that he continues without your help.
Since you wanted to rush him, he would take his time rubbing light, painstakingly-slow circles on your clit. For every ten seconds that passed, he seemed to have complete only one rotation and it was driving you insane. “Giyuu –
“The answer is no. And I told you I didn’t want to hear you beg.” The delicate strokes are replaced by the sudden pinching of your sensitive bud. Only when a rush of ‘i’m sorry’s fell from your lips did he let go, chuckling softly in amusement.
He pulls your panties off, and you can feel the wet material slide down your leg and leave goosebumps in it’s wake. Giyuu prompts himself up on his elbow and hoists your leg to allow access. That’s pretty much all the work he intends on doing right now.
Even though he’s fucking you from the side, he still hits your sweet spot at the right angle and he can see how your breasts jiggle with each thrust. If only he could see that pretty face of yours, but hearing your soft moans, going an octave higher the more he rams into you, is enough to satisfy him. And there was the fact that your neck was exposed for him to kiss to his heart’s content.
He was a little sad that he couldn’t fuck you in all the different ways that he normally could or paint your face white like he wanted, but emptying his load into your tight cunt kept the mess to a minimum, which meant less work for him. Lazy sex wasn’t so bad in his eyes…
WANT TO JOIN MY TAGLIST? CLICK HERE! taglist:@angwritez @misss-chrisss @hungrynessforfics @dejwrites @rinhoes @iloveitblackbhna @protectpancakes @fight-me-bitch @nneedynymph @indiecursor @po3ticb3auty @nanaminshousewife @rxxicole @gemimaya @thenerdyrebel @luffysthickwaifu @svlims @4ngrysgf @daichisbunnybaby @urwifey2 @picayunne @kurtaclangobrr @kookieflvr @woahhajime @novaresque @syomi @chrolloderulo @vivisspamm @dabilovesme @erentoes @kutosznn @queenmjp @sweeneyblue1 @tyga-lily @jeanslove @getoswhore @thicksimpx @cosmicyeager @sakurashell @38riku @tonaken @korathefairy @waytoohornez @muzanskimono @wiserebelpartypie @hellavile @g0revixen @yeagertv
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dejwritesarchived · 3 years
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sculptures, chapter eight.
↠ characters: ran haitani, mentioned in story all the other bonten members.
↠ warning: profanity, smut, slight dc, mentions of gangs & yakuzas,
↠ pairings: ran haitani x [black fem coded] reader, rindou haitani x fem!oc, kakucho hitto x oc, slight oc x reader,
↠ timeline: timeskip, doesn’t really follow anime/manga
↠ chapter summary: it's time to discuss business that could push bonten further into riches. (y/n) and ran spend time together, which ran begins to questions his feelings for her.
↠ a/n: *pats self on back for finally updating after years* but seriously thinking about moving this on ao3, but i'm not sure yet.
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[ &. playlist + aesthetic ]
[ &. previous + masterlist + taglist form ]
— tags: @misss-chrisss @indiecursor @maydayaisha @po3ticb3auty @gemimaya @massivelynervousprincess @erentoes @hufflefluffwh0re @todo7roki @littlemochi @xngelsau
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RAN EYES STARED AT THE IGNORANT MALE IN FRONT OF HIM. He couldn’t believe he had to sit here and listen to him talk especially considering his words of disrespect a couple of days ago. Shuya Sato stood in front of Bonten members in one of Shao’s mom's restaurants. His eyes going towards Ran gave him the most charming smile that Ran wanted to slap off his face so bad. As he sipped at the brown alcohol in his glass, he loosened the red-colored tie around his neck waiting for the first official meeting with members of Sato yakuza and Bonten to start.
But it was quite different. Shao mentioned to them that they wanted Karma and Kakucho’s fiancé Aisha at the meeting also. Occasionally the two women were dragged into Bonten activities unexpectedly, but never in a planned way.
“I would like to formally introduce myself, I’m Shuya Sato. Shao’s half brother, actual heir of this yakuza.” Shuya respectively bowed in front of his guests before continuing. “Shao has updated me on everything about you guys. I’ve grown to respect the way you handle things.”
It seemed like Shao and Ran had the same puzzled expression on their faces considering that Shuya didn’t say that beforehand.
“Would you cut to the point already, I’m growing bored,” Mikey huffed as his eyes looked at Shuya.
Shuya stared at Mikey before sighing and going to grab the iPads from across the room. He handed each member of Bonten one. Ran’s eyes were beyond confused as he stared at an art museum.
“Stealing artwork isn’t particularly our cup of tea pretty boy,” Sanzu uttered as he toyed with the rings on his fingers.
Shuya's teeth got caught on his lip as he rolled his eyes before speaking. “Who are you guys' biggest enemies right now?”
“We have a lot of enemies,” Kakucho pointed out as he looked at Shao then at Shuya.
“I mean, don’t we all,” Shuya answered. “But there gotta be some competition you’re trying to take out, right?” Shuya questioned.
“Dude, could you just get to the point here,” Shao uttered from the back as he was waiting for his brother to explain the same plan he told to him.
Shuya rolled his eyes. “I wanted to give a dramatic speech but anyway I got caught up with you guys' slightly amateur work.”
“Excuse me?” Mikey asked. His head tilted to the side to glare at Shuya.
Shuya let out another sigh due to him being interrupted once again. His large hands shoved into his nicely tailored slacks before he’s speaking again, “Your work is amateur. If you guys worked smarter, the police wouldn’t constantly be snooping around you guys all the time.” Shuya bluntly admitted. “Now gentlemen and ladies,” he motioned to the group in front of him.
Ran could see the pissed-off looks from every one of his colleagues. Even Karma looked like she wanted to chew the guy’s head off.
“I want to make every one of us in this room rich,” Shuya flashed a smile before picking up an iPad swiping something on it and showing them a picture of a sculpture. “This sculpture right here beholds the whole Yakuma yakuza reserves. I’m talking about funds for drugs, guns, stocks, hush money, and the list goes on,” He explained.
Ran would swipe to the picture of the heart-shaped sculpture that displayed signs of a broken heart syndrome. It was a unique sculpture and he would even say that [Y/N] would be satisfied with it. Perhaps she would be interested in seeing the whole museum.
“It’s quite smart to hide their funds in a museum, but how the hell would their funds be in that fuckin’ thing?” Mochi questioned. “How’d you know it’s in there?”
“Let’s just say, when you’re in between the legs of the daughter of the boss…She tends to kiss and tell,” Shuya winked.
“You’re disgusting,” Aisha says as she was sitting on Kakucho’s lap, her face scrunched up in disgust.
“I know,” Shuya huffs. “To answer your question Mochi, it’s a flash drive carved inside it that has account numbers of each bank account where money is stored.”
“Why should we trust you saying that they left their funds in that silly sculpture?” Ran asked as he leaned forward.
“I’ve been planning this heist for months now, I could have hired a team to do it myself…but here I am telling you guys,” Shuya sighed, staring at him. “Plus, my brother in the back said that this could push all of us to the top of Japan.”
“You called us amateurs and now tell us you want to steal a sculpture that the Yakuma yakuza is going to know is gone. This is going to get too messy and I don’t think it’s right to associate us with this heist,” Mikey confirmed.
The wicked laugh that left Shuya’s mouth made Ran roll his eyes in annoyance.
“I didn’t invite your other subordinates if I didn’t plan this correctly.” Shuya sighed.
He’s pacing back and forth now before he’s back talking, “Karma here is going to be our hacker, assuming that she can make fake security ID cards to get in the museum and hack the security system,” Shuya motioned to the woman who would only shrug her shoulders.
“That’s easy work right there. Of course, I can do that,” She says, letting out a laugh.
“And Mikey, I’m not dumb. I went to NYU,” Shuya affirmed.
“And dropped out,” Shao added.
“Oh shut up Shao,” Shuya said as a knock was heard on the door. Shuya’s lips curled into a smirk and Ran didn’t like the look. He watched as he unlocked the door letting [Y/N] in.
What was she doing here?
As Ran watched as she walked next to Shuya, Ran began to piece the pieces together. His heart quickened in his chest. He tried to push her further away from his Bonten lifestyle. But Shuya and Shao tugged her right into it. He was more upset at Shao than Shuya. It was something to expect from Shuya, but Shao. Why would he agree to this?
“She’s going to create a replica of the sculpture. My lovely friend [Y/N], Shuya's arms wrapped around her shoulders as she nudged them off to take a seat.
“The only problem we’ll have is safely transporting both the real and fake one to be able to make the switch successful,” Shuya says. “And when we do, that’s when you come in,” He points to Aisha. “You own a bank or two, we’re gonna have to transfer every single damn penny in the accounts to different accounts. Bitcoin, fake charities, hiding it in plain sight to cover our tracks,” Shuya explained as he looked at him. “We wait a couple of months before splitting it in half between Bonten and us,” he motioned to him, his brother, and [Y/N].
“And if these plans go to shit?” Mikey questioned.
“We’ll take the full blame for it, Bonten wasn’t involved,” Shuya admits. “However, it’s not going to go to shit because I planned it so well. From having some of my brother and I men working in the museum to even paying some cops under the table.” He adds. “All we need to be sure is to transport the replica to and from the museum safely without getting caught. Which due to us doing it at night, we won’t. [Y/N] has already started the sculptures, but we’re not doing it until two weeks from now.”
“But that’s all for now folks, try not to get in any problems with the Yakuma yakuza,” Shao adds. “Hypothetically if shit hits the fan they’re going to come to us ten times harder,” he sighs.
When the meeting was over and many Bonten members left, Ran stood up and approached Shao who was searching for the keys to the restaurant to lock up the place. When he felt Ran’s presence in front of him, he glanced up. “Before you lecture me about tugging her into this, it wasn’t my idea.”
“You could have talked her out of it or talked your annoying brother out of it. Are you fuckin’ insane?” Ran questioned. Even though his words came out as a whisper to keep the conversation private, his tone was still assertive.
Shao’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion at Ran’s tone. “Firstly, tone it down. Secondly, if you knew (Y/N) as I do, you would know when she puts her mind to something, she’s not going to let it go until it’s done.” He explained. “Stop trying to make it seem like I pulled her into our dangerous world all alone. You knew what you were doing when you accepted to be her model for her project.” Shao answered.
“Excuse me?” Ran questioned as his fist clenched tighter.
Shao’s next words which were going to be very harsh were interrupted by his older brother. Shuya would push the two apart, “Nope. I’m not having you two arguing weeks before this plan. I take full responsibility for asking her if she wants to do it. She could have said no, but she didn’t. Maybe, you should talk to her yourself.” The eldest Sato brother suggested.
“I swear to fuckin’ god if she gets hurt—”
“You’re killing us both, this isn’t the first time we’ve been threatened. Spare us the cliche line and go talk to her.” Shuya interjected.
Ran would push past the two to exit the restaurant, which was just his luck he saw (Y/N) leaning against his car waiting for him. He walked towards her rubbing the bridge of his nose, “I don’t want you involved in this,” Ran sighed as he looked at her.
“It’s not your decision to make,” [Y/N] commented as she looked at him.
“Then enlighten me on why the hell you’re doing this? Is it money? [Y/N] you know I can give you that,” Ran stared at her and he even could feel his hands shake at the words that tumbled out his mouth.
Perhaps he feared something would happen to her.
“I know you would, but it just wouldn’t feel right. You’re already a model for this freakin’ project, I can’t take your money also.” [Y/N] says as she takes a hold of his hand. “But I have my reasons.” She only says.
“And those reasons are?” Ran asked.
“I would rather show you,” She says as she gives him a sly smile. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she looked at him, “Do you know the way to my university from here?” She questioned.
“I believe so,” Ran said as he watch her let go of his hand.
“Let’s go, I reserved the art room for us at my university. I think it’s time you step into my world for once.”
“What?” Ran questioned as she was climbing in the passenger seat of his car.
SCHOOL WASN’T RAN’S THING, THIS ATMOSPHERE WAS EXTREMELY FOREIGN TO HIM. His eyes scanned over the artwork on the walls as they were walking down the halls of the art building, he was in awe at his new surroundings while [Y/N] was dragging him by the sleeve of his shirt. When they got to the art room that she reserved, he watched her unlock the door and motioned for him to step in. When the lights flickered on and Ran saw the replica of the same sculpture they were supposed to steal in two weeks.
“Holy shit,” Ran uttered in amazement. “It looks just the same,” he added as he circled it.
“I know right, it didn’t take that long considering the size. But, I think it’ll be a good stand-in for the original.” [Y/N] says as she lets out a sigh. “I was afraid to move it, so Shao suggested keeping it here.”
“But isn’t someone going to see it?” Ran questioned.
“I reserved this room for a month to do my final project. When the janitors come in here and clean, I just put a Lil blanket over it.” She motions to the closet.
“So, this is the room where we’ll be doing my sculpture of you. I’m sure you won’t have any problems navigating around campus when I tell you to meet me here now,” (Y/N) says as she would grab a hold of one of the aprons and tug it over her head. She reached behind herself to tie a knot with the two strings.
Ran sat on one of the stools watching her walking around the room. His head prompted on his hand as his lilac hues seem to follow her walking back and forth like a lovesick fool. “So, it’s really okay for me to just be naked in this room?” He questioned.
“There aren't any cameras in this room. Plus, technically I’ll be covering your lil friend for the sculpture.” She motioned to his crotch.
“Those silly Greek statues just have it all out though,” Ran pointed out, gaining a chuckle from her.
“You said it yourself that it wasn’t little Ran. I don’t think my professor wants to have your dick plastered in her mind when she sees my sculpture.” (Y/N) says as she grabbed another apron and gave it to him. “Today, you will be my student,” she joked.
“What? I’m not dressed to work with you,” Ran says.
“So? Just take off the jacket.”
Ran stared at her before he took off the suit jacket. He also unbuttoned the vest portion of it, throwing it on the coat rack. He soon rolled up his sleeves to the white button-down shirt he had on. He took the apron out of her hand and put it on quickly. “If the guys see me like this, they’ll probably laugh.” He joked sitting back down on the stool.
“Just wait until they see the sculpture,” She chuckles at his statement before she’s going to the supply closet to pull out stuff. “Originally, we were going to start the sculpture of you. However, I had to order more plasticine.”
“What is that?” Ran questioned. Similar to when she asked questions about Bonten, he was curious to ask questions about her world. After all, he currently is, according to her.
“It’s a type of clay used for sculpting. I mean, I could use other clays, but that’s the preferred one for sculptures.” (Y/N) answered as she tugged containers of stuff. “I’m assuming you never took a pottery class before?”
“Does it look like I took a pottery class before?” Ran asked.
“Fair point, just thought gangstas have other hobbies,” (Y/N) pointed out as she had her back turned to start making clay. “Do you have other hobbies?”
Ran stood up to stand near her, he stared at her as she was mixing the substance. “I don’t know, don’t think I had time to have hobbies growing up. Other than being a delinquent with my brother.” He answered.
“It’s not too late to start you know,” (Y/N) pointed out as she glanced up at him. “My mom was pregnant with me when she got into pottery,” She adds. “She didn’t know anything about art, just thought it would be fun to pick up that hobby.”
“And then she gave birth to an artist,” Ran pointed out, causing her to smile.
“Something like that.” (Y/N) says.
As the two continued to talk and soon the mini pottery lesson started, Ran would listen to (Y/N) explain to him what he had to do. She sat across from him as he was sitting in front of the pottery wheel. “Don’t push your foot down too harshly or you can mess up,” she says. “If you feel the clay drying up, add water.” She adds.
Ran teeth grazed alongside his lip as he was listening. He was nervous that he was going to mess up. But she was sure to remind him that it’ll be okay. Artists mess up all the time.
“I’ll help guide you through,” She gave him a smile that caused his cheeks to grow hot when he looked at him.
“Uhh, okay. I think I understand now,” Ran responded.
When the two started the pottery class, subtle jokes were being made and low laughter was exchanged. Ran found himself staring at (Y/N) once in a while as she was trying to focus on the pottery project in front of her.
“You’re going to mess up if you keep staring,” She pointed out as she met his eye contact.
Ran’s foot eased up on the paddle that increased the speed of the pottery wheel. (Y/N) glanced up at him with a confused look, “What’s wrong, Ran?”
“I appreciate you letting me step into your world.” Ran commented.
“Please, it’s the least I can do now that I’m a part of yours.” (Y/N) answered.
“But why?”
“Why what?”
“Why be a part of my world? It’s dangerous, you can get hurt,” Ran said. “And I would hate for that to happen,” He answered truthfully. “I know you said you wouldn’t accept my money, but I just can’t wrap my head around what would be the reason.”
“I’m moving to Berlin after I graduate.” (Y/N) blurted out. She found herself looking at the mess of a pottery piece they were attempting to do.
“Berlin?” Ran questioned.
“I was offered a position. I just thought this job could help me be set for Berlin and other things I want to do about my art career.” She admitted.
For some reason, Ran felt a dagger puncture his heart. His throat went dry and his words instantly became like mush in his brain. Berlin. She was moving to Berlin. He got so caught up in the moment that he forgot that she only got tugged into his chaotic world due to school in the first place.
“Congratulations.” was the only thing that could stutter out of Ran’s lips.
“Ran, I know. I should have told you before Shao and his brother, but I was just searching for how to tell you.” (Y/N) admitted. “Considering the circumstances of what happened that night when we went out, I already knew that it would hurt you.”
“We kissed and it felt real, a little too real.” (Y/N) answered. “As if it could have happened if alcohol wasn’t involved.” She soon adds.
“Well, would you have wanted it to happen if we weren’t drunk out of our minds?” Ran asked.
Silence overcame the two once again before they could hear someone coming into the room, (Y/N)’s eyes instantly landed behind Ran. Automatically pushing herself out of her seat to clean her hands.
“Professor Jackson, I didn’t know-“
“Here is one of the best students in my class, I had a feeling she would be spending her free time here.” Professor Jackson bragged. She had a young man standing next to her.
His hair was long, dyed two colors. Black and blonde, the back of his head were blonde and the rest was jet black. He had the notorious look of a rich boy that was in a band. His long strands were tucked back into a man bun giving the duo a good look at his defining features. His eyes were as dark as a cup of coffee. His plush lips only formed a subtle shy smile. He wore a cream-colored sweater and some light-colored jeans, followed up with a pair of Converses. His fingers were decorated with silver rings and multiple finger tattoos.
“I didn’t know you had a guest with you (Y/N), I should have knocked.” Professor Jackson said.
(Y/N) cleared her throat before motioning to Ran who was washing his hands at the sink. “That’s my model for my final project. I just was letting him get a feel of our world,” She says letting out a nervous giggle.
“Oh, well that’s wonderful.” Professor Jackson replied. “And this is the newest student in the art program Asahi Hasegawa, he’ll be shadowing you for a day or two next week.”
“Shadowing?” (Y/N) asked.
“Yes, he has shadowed every graduate student I have, except for you. He could help with making clay for your lovely sculpture of that very handsome man next to you.”
Ran couldn’t help but smirk, giving the older woman a smile which she returned. His eyes soon went towards Asahi who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with both Ran and (Y/N). Perhaps, he was a bit shy.
“Well, that would work. I can’t wait to work with you Asahi,” (Y/N) says to him to gain his attention.
When he looked at her, he only mumbled a soft you too as his face grew red as a red delicious apple. Professor Jackson pats him on the back before laughing, “Well, I just wanted to show him the private art rooms, please continue what you two were doing.”
Professor Jackson left with Asahi not far behind her like a small puppy following its owner.
“You know it seems like attractive men just stick to you,” Ran jokes as he goes to wash his hands.
“You think?” (Y/N) sarcastically asked.
“Yes. Me, The Sato’s, and now your little student.” He chuckles while drying his hands. “Speaking of the Sato’s, you can trust them, right? It’s just if shit goes left…Bonten will cut off ties with them with a quickness.”
“Of course. Three days ago, I witnessed them fighting.” (Y/N) answered as she was cleaning the mess they had made. “And it wasn’t like bickering or something. They were going to kill each other.”
“And you don’t think Shuya is going to backstab us with this plan?” Ran asked. “Cause’ if he does, I have no choice but to handle him myself and if Shao gets involved, I can always get Sanzu or Rin to handle him..”
He watched as (Y/N) stared at him, her lips parting to question what he just said. “I don’t think he will because right after they fought each other, they headed to another district to collect some money as if they didn’t nearly just kill each other. It’s as if they put their differences aside to make sure their family name isn’t tarnished.” She answered. “I just think their brotherly love is much different than yours and Rin,” she adds.
Now it was time for Ran to be silent. As he leaned against one of the counters staring at the woman in front of him.
“You’re quite close to them now? I would hate for either one of them to steal you away from me,” Ran admitted to her. His bluntness jabbed at (Y/N) harshly.
“I’m not yours.” (Y/N) answered quite quickly.
“Not yet.” Ran add.
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herdecisions · 3 years
favourite writers/fics 😭💓
“fics” = I’m personally referring to... any fanmade written material; drabbles, headcanons, fics, etc.
drabble (around 100 words) -> ⚡️
ficlet (less than 1000 words) -> 📝
headcanon -> ✨
one-shot -> 🌟
fiction (more than one chapter/expected to have a part 2 at least) -> 📚
longfic (more than 5000 words) -> 📑
text/sms style -> 💬
alternate universe (AU) -> 🌈
missing link/link changed :( -> 🚫
@/atsymu, @/veenxys, @/lovelyiwa, @/iwas-baby, @/yuichi-ro, @/misss-chrisss, @/lace-bun, @/chihirolovebot, @/sukunababy, @/kumzume, @/sunarc, @/semifilms
—Fics: Safe-For-Work—
Attack On Titan
Multi AOT “HOW TO KNOW IF THEY’RE IN LOVE” 🚫—by @/sunalma
Armin x Reader “armin with dimples” ⚡️—by @/ygrvie
Multi Danganronpa “SLOW DANCING” ⚡️—by @/chihirolovebot
Byakuya, Nagito x Reader “byakuya and nagito (separate) x sick! reader” ✨—by @/chihirolovebot
Byakuya x gn!Reader “pulling away for an instant, and then devouring each other” 🌟—by @/chihirolovebot
"haikyuu and when you ignore them" ⚡️—by @/escapenightmare
Multi Haikyuu x Reader “how they kiss you p.1” & “p.2” ⚡️—by @/demxnscous
Haikyuu x Reader "guess I'll just sit in bed alone.." 💬—by @/semifilms
Haikyuu x Reader "YOU PRETEND YOU DON'T LIKE THE RING" 🚫—by @/sanmiya
Haikyuu x Reader “being a girl sucks…” 💬—by @/semifilms
Haikyuu x Reader "HAIKYUU BOYS TEACHING YOU HOW TO DRIVE" —by @/bbysamu
Kuroo, Bokuto, Atsumu, Suna x Reader "Random Emotional Things the Haikyuu Boys Have Said" ⚡️—by @/todoroki-sweetheart
Tsukishima, Suna, Sakusa x Reader “learning that you didn’t like him at first” 📝—by @/luvbub
“Bokuto and Kuroo working at Dairy Queen ft. Tsukishima” 🚫—by @/satischerry
Osamu x Reader “bully samu would watch all of yns favorite movies when she's away” 📝—by @/sugawarassoulmate
Suna (x Reader) “dad Suna being emotional cause his daughter got lots of cards for Valentines Day & as a result was working really hard on a special one to give, but turns out the special one was actually for him” 📝—by @/augustinewrites
Suna x Reader "suna has never shared his bed with anyone before" 📝—by @/tetsuphobia
Suna x Reader “”that escalated quickly”” 📝—by @/yeonniesblog
Tsukishima Kei x Reader “”do you love me?”” 📝—by @/katsuchans
Jujutsu Kaisen
Multi JJK “Super Bowl Sunday w/ the JJK boys and men” ✨⚡️—by @/fanficbrainrots
“Ranked: Realistic Body Counts of the JJK Guys” ✨—by @/sandsorghum
Tokyo Revengers
Mikey x Reader “”you need to get laid boss”” 📝—by @/crewella
—Fics: Not-Safe-For-Work—
Attack On Titan
Multi AOT “AOT boys & their lingerie preferences” ✨⚡️—by @/6oldie
Armin x Reader “Armin who has you wear cute dresses all the time but doesn’t let you wear panties whenever you go out with him and his buddy Eren 💕” 📝—by @/arlertbabe
Armin x Reader “u and Armin are in a yatch on ur way to a aphrodisiac isle where its gonna b ur vacay” 📝—by @/maries-gallery
Armin X Reader “armin being called baby boy” 🌟—by @/dumbdemonslayertexts
Armin X Reader “dear, you [ part I ]” 📚—by @/temptedbysyn
Eren X Reader “each Eren’s s*x tips?” 📑—by @/ficsforeren, @/the-princess-button, @/smfics
Death Note
L x Reader “dom!L x bratty!sub!reader L & the reader get into an argument and reader says something along the lines of ' i faked every orgasm I ever had with u' (a very obvious lie), and L decides to punish her” 📚—by @/simplysober
Multi Haikyuu x Reader “accidentally walking in on you changing” ⚡️—by @/kira-fluff
Multi Haikyuu x Reader “crush me like a butterfly” ⚡️—by @/hyeque
Atsumu x Reader "do it for me" 🌟—by @/kenzumekodma
Kita Shinsuke x f!Reader “he claimed he’d be ‘out of your hair’ for good, so why does it feel like he’s always watching you?” 📑—by @/kurosukii
Kenma x Reader “Kenma x attaboy!! 🍑” 📝—by @/sugarawassoulmate
Semi x Reader “Your Biggest Fan” 🌟—by @/sunarc
Yamaguchi x Reader “UH HARD DOM YAMS?” 📝—by @/introloves
Jujutsu Kaisen
Getou x Reader “SWEETHEART” 🚫—by @/s-ugei
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cham-chammity · 3 years
Drunk Striker (Fanfic Oneshot)
Background info (TW: mention of suic!de):
In my AU or whatever you wanna call it, Striker was raised by his dad (Buck) and his aunt (Cassandra). Striker's mother died at childbirth, so Cassie helped her little brother Buck raise Striker. Buck suffered from Depression and a Panic Attack disorder (Striker inherited the panic attack part). Because of this, it lead to Buck commiting suicide about a year and a half prior to Striker joining I.M.P. Striker's parents were only 16/17 when he was born, so partially due to the shorter age gap he was very close with his dad. My oneshot takes place around the two-year anniversary of his dad's death.
The taste of hot, straight whiskey burned Striker's throat as his lips met the one of two newly opened bottles of alcohol he purchased. He let out a relieved breath, as the western imp hadn't drank good whiskey since he last left Wrath. He also needed a distraction from the gut-wrenching memories trying to re-surface themselves in his head, memories he knew he'd be sobbing himself to sleep if he didn't force back down.
Taking another swig, Striker plopped down at the kitchen counter and took off his hat. The one dim light above him illuminated a sickly yellow glow, causing the bottle in the imp's hand to look like an old bottle of piss. Striker smiled at the thought, Blitz definitely would say something like that in the current situation. Speaking of his boyfriend, his small smile turned into a frown. Blitz wouldn't be home for awhile since he insisted he go spend the night out with Barbie. She was barely out of rehab; the twins hadn't seen each other in months. But that wasn't the driving reason why he told Blitz to go out for this particular evening. He didn't want Blitz to see him like... this. Striker needed to stay strong for Blitz, he couldn't let his mate see the weak, sad, drunk side of him. Blitz would probably just tell him to man up and push through it. Striker was strong. He can handle these things on his own. He didn't need comfort. Just a few drinks and sleep and he'll be good. Right?
Striker sat there taking in as much of the burning liquid he could handle, like a parched cactus in the dryest possible desert. Blackout drunk wasn't his go-to--nor his favorite--way out of these things. But it did the job. Sure, he knew how unhealthy it was, but at least he wasn't one of those 24/7 drunk-ass rednecks that did it thrice a week.
Striker was barely finished with the first bottle when the sound of familiar footsteps approached the door to their apartment. The door swung open and Blitz loudly barged in (per the usual), catching Striker comepletely off-gaurd.
"Hey babe, I'm back! You will not believe what-- whoah, why is it so goddamn dark in here?" Striker hissed and squinted as Blitz turned on the brighter kitchen lights, adding to the throbbing headache Striker could feel coming.
shit, Striker thought to himself. He isn't supposed to be home for another hour.
"You're back early, though' you'd be out for another hourer.. ssso." Blitz cocked his head in concern as Striker spoke. His accent was thicker than usual. He also doesn't normally do the hissy s thing unless he meant to or was drunk. And judging by the nearly-empty bottle of whiskey along with Striker's distraught appearance, he was definitely drunk.
"Babe, why have you been drinking? Alone? Basically in the dark?"
"Ssssno big reason, juss... ta pleasure mahselfss' all."
Blitz stood in thought for a moment. Striker never drank 'just because'. He always had good reasoning behind it, so something definitely was up. The crimsom imp walked over and sat down next to his mate.
"I came home earlier because I'm worried about you. You've been acting... off the past few days. You've hardly been eating, you're quiet, withdrawn... and I can tell you're tired as well. Now I'm really glad I came home early seeing you're trying to pass yourself out with a bottle of alcoholic-looking piss."
Striker sighed and lazily rested his head on a propped up arm. "Yeah, you're right ah guess," he muttered softly.
"So tell me, what's wrong?"
Striker sucked in a sharp breath at the question. "Iss nothin' ah can't handle on mah own. I'm alrigh'. I'll prolly juss go on n' hit the hay fer t'night."
As Striker stood from his seat, a blotched hand grabbed his arm yanking him back down on the stool he was sitting on.
"I said no, Striker. There is clearly something wrong and I need to know what it is. I'm not going to let you shove it under the rug. And you definitely, by the looks of it, can't handle it on your own."
Striker looked at the floor, feeling nothing but shame for his weakened state. "Ah can't let ya see me like this though. Ah need ta be strong fer ya Blitz..."
A hand gently angled Striker's head up as calm, yellow eyes met tired, blown-out ones. "Hey, who was it that said no matter who you are, everyone has something deep under the tip of the iceberg?"
Striker took a moment to think before responding. "Ah did?"
"Yes. Who was it that said no matter what, there is going to be something dark in everyone's past?"
"Ah did."
"And who was it that said they'd help me heal those deep wounds and be there for me and stay with me every step of the way?"
"Ah did."
"You did, Striker! And you still continue to help me. But here's the thing, babe... our relationship here is a two-way street. I'd be quite an ass of a boyfriend if I wasn't here for you as much as you are for me. You are the strongest, bravest imp I know. You've always been strong for me and I know you always will. And just becuase you're vulnerable, doesn't make you weak."
Striker sat in stunned silence for a few long moments, before finally giving in.
"Mah dad. Two years ago t'day. He uh.. he passed." Blitz listened as Striker slowly slurred out the words, the crack in the taller imp's voice ripping a tear through his heart. He'd never seen or heard Striker close to crying before, let alone actually cry at all. "We were..." A long pause. "We were very close." Blitz wrapped his hands in Striker's and gave them a tight squeeze. "Ah misss him sss...sso goddamn much."
And with that, Striker broke. He finally let out the loud, ugly sobs he'd been gulping down the past hour. Blitz embraced him in a tight hug and wrapped their tails together, gently rocking his mate side to side while softly stroking his hair. Striker's shoulders violently shook as he took in harsh gasps and let out heart-wrenching sobs.
Blitz felt tears brimming in his own eyes at the sound of his lover's painful grief, the sharp claws tightly gripping at his shirt causing him to hug his lover tighter.
Neither imps knew how long Striker cried for, but once his sobs calmed down to quiet cries, Blitz helped walk him back to their room. He was pretty tipsy after all.
Blitz helped Striker strip down to his boxers as he did likewise. They both lied down on their bed and Blitz cradled his lover in his arms, placing a soft, gentle kiss on Striker's forehead.
"I love you so much, Striker," he whispered in his ear. "I'm always here for you, as you are for me. Don't ever forget that."
Striker gave Blitz's hand a tight squeez in response. He was too drunk and tired to muster any words, as well as his soft cries blocked any other noises that dared escape his mouth. But the hand squeez was more than enough for Blitz. He held Striker tightly the rest of the night, the taller imp fading in and out of crying spells before eventually entirely passing out.
Blitz refused to fall asleep until all he could hear was the soft breathing from his mate in his arms. As Blitz was finally able to drift to sleep himself, he was thinking up of some hangover breakfast ideas to make for his partner in the morning. Or afternoon, that'd work too. Striker needed the sleep after all.
I originally post my fanfiction on my Wattpad (@cam-illeon). Hope y'all enjoy!! I might do a Drunk Striker pt. ll
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sleepysailorghost · 3 years
There are a lot of reasons why it's better for Boone to walk behind the Courier.
Tactically, it doesn't hurt. He's trained as a sniper, and ED-E alerts them of any dangers ahead of them. The Courier can dispatch any enemies with their six guns, plasma rifle, or cowboy repeater. What they don't take down, he takes out with his rifle.
At least part of it is an attempt to assuage the guilt he feels. He had seen the Courier injured before, but he didn't think he would have to see them nearly die. In hindsight, he probably should have-he was cursed, after all.
The Courier had told him he wasn't cursed. That no one was punishing him. He didn't know if he believed that yet.
He didn't hear anything when the Courier had slipped down the cliff. He agonized over that day-wondering if he had heard something and just ignored it. A shuffling of rocks, a scream or shout. But there had been nothing.
He had just kept walking, the Courier's chirping little robot at his side. Even he didn't know when he had noticed the Courier's absence.
When he had finally found them, it had nearly been too late. All his field medical training seemed to go out the window when he saw the Courier laying broken in the ravine. He had used so many stimpacks on them, they nearly died of stim sickness.
But they didn't. Hard to kill, or something. He tried to pull away after that, tried to piss off the Courier so they'd hate him.
They didn't hate him.
Maybe they just didn't know how.
The Courier drags him all over the Mojave and he follows and watches their back.
He doesn't know how that became how he feels now. He's never been good with emotions anyway.
It isn't something he knows how to handle, so he decides to ignore it. He doesn't want it. The Courier is his friend, not Carla. And for him, it was only ever Carla.
Watching the Courier's back desn't keep them from being taken from him, not any more than it prevents them from getting into trouble. He was behind them when they were knocked out and taken away.
But he was there when they returned and he helped them put their peices back together. It would be easier to just let both of them fall apart. It would be easier to deprieve themselves simply because it's too much work to do anything else. Too much work to eat or drink.
Instead, he makes an effort. It isn't easy, but he isn't alone. In time, they grow to being two individuals who want to live. They always were a bunch of problem solvers.
Once, after he and Arcade had convinced the Courier it was safe to rest for a time, Arcade had said something to him.
"It's rotten work, taking care of them."
"Not if it's them. Not to me."
Arcade smirked at them like he had won something in this exchange. Boone ignored him. Whatever Arcade thought that admission-that he cared about the Courier-proved meant nothing.
He was just trying to keep his friend alive.
The Courier has gone to meet someone from their past. They've gone somewhere he can not follow, just as they had been kidnapped away to the Sierra Madre, abducted to the Big MT. Only, this time he's chosen not to follow.
Whatever the Courier finds-if it ends up being the home they had forgotten-he'd rather they didn't have to worry about him.
When the Courier does return, they run to him and grab him in a hug faster than he can react. They burrow into his chest in a way that would have been intrusive if it was anyone but them.
"I misssed you!" they mumble into his armor. "You won't believe-"
But before they can finish, their little robot is beeping so frantically to get their attention. The Courier's arms drop and they take a step back from him, seemingly embarrassed by their affections.
As the Courier and ED-E engage in a conversation Boone can only half understand, he looks out into the desert to compose himself. That's when he sees it first. A glint of something out in the sands.
Initially, he has no idea what it could be. His eyesight's sharp, but not that sharp. It doesn't look like Legion, so he doesn't shoot it.
The Courier is so proud of their new name. It's taken from an Old World battle, and someone had given it to them.
Boone thinks its a mouthful. It takes some time for him to adjust. He had been so used to refering to them as Six or just Courier. Eventually, he decides to just shorten it to Tie.
It's not because he's stupid, no matter what Arcade says. Antietam just takes too long to say.
The name wasn't the only thing Tie had brought back with them. Their bounty-hunter attire is retired in favor of a blue duster with an Old World flag on the back. It certainly makes them stand out against the Mojave.
The Glint he had sighted back in Novac didn't disappear. It followed them. Boone is fairly certain it's a person, but he can't gage their intent or why they are following them. He's fairly certain it's non-hostile-they had plenty of opportunities to kill both of them.
New Vegas looms large in front of them. There's business to be settled here, he knows, but it isn't his.
Instead of tracking down the man who stole their life and shot them in the head, Tie seems happy enough to serve as errand runner for Freeside.
Maybe that's why they had originally became a courier. The reason why doesn't matter much to them any more.
No matter how silly or monotonous a job seems, Tie is willing to complete it. They do a day's work for the Van Graff's and Boone can't help but stand a little closer to them after the attempted bombing.
The King certainly appreciates their work. He tells them as much, bringing Antietam to his room to discuss some task or another The King sent them out on.
He sits down on his stupid bed-what kind of a bed is that-and insists the Courier do the same. Boone stays standing, frowning a mile a minute.
"Darlin', could ya ask your soldier boy to wait outside a minute? I think we oughta have a discussion without an audience."
Boone has seen Antietam face hoards of Legion assassains without fear. He's seen them struggle to recover after whatever they saw in the Sierra Madre. Right now, he doesn't think that they want to be left alone with The King.
"Body guards work better if they're in the same room." Boone says, and leaves it at that.
"I guess, if the Courier trust ya that's enough for me." The King looks him sharply in the eye.
"Thank you." Tie says, but Boone knows that was for him. If his blood wasn't full of rage, he might be smilling right now.
When they return to their room at the Wrangler-not without Beautrice and Old Ben trying to offer their services to Antietam-the Courier says "You're not a body guard. You know that, right?"
"You didn't want to be alone with him." Boone says in response.
"T-That's not-I didn't want to be seperated from you."
And then they pretend that conversation didn't happen. They go to sleep, and their room at the Wrangler only has the one bed. It's not all that awkward, and Boone was just thankful that Tie wanted to sleep. in the morning, they get up and head off on some other grand adventure.
This time, it's investigating what's wrong with the water at the NCR Sharecropper farms. The Glint darts closer to them than it normally strays.
Close enough for Boone to get a decent look at it. It's a man. He moves a little like a Legion man, but he doesn't look like one of Caesar's. His duster is the same as the one Tie brought back back from the Divide.
Tie never had told him too much about the Divide. He sort of expected that. They didn't speak about the Sierra Madre or the Big MT, or even about their trip to Zion unless he asked.
Small talk has never been his strong suit. Arcade, the nosy guy, would be much better at getting this sort of stuff from them.
"Your duster's new." He says casually.
"Yeah. Ulysses gave it to me." They respond.
"Ulysses...What's that guy like?" He asks.
Antietam thought for a moment and then answered.
"He's the strongest man I've ever met. Eyes like a hawk, really skilled in hunting and tracking."
Boone hugged his riffle a little tighter. It was a massive weapon, one lovingly assembled by Tie. He puzzles over that, and then decides that was what he meant. Antietam had lovingly assembled the Anti-Material Rifle for him, handing over dozens of caps to the Gun Runners for peices and parts for it. Any time he started to run low on ammo, Tie handed him another box of .50. They didn't have to, but he always appreciated it.
"Huh." Strongest man they've ever met, huh? An incrediably stupid idea forms in his head. "Hey, Tie, do you think I can carry you?"
"W-What? Don't be stupid-I'm carrying a bunch of gear right now."
"I could do it. Who do you think carried you out of the ravine?" He answered defensively.
"I'm not saying you couldn't do it. I'm saying you shouldn't." Tie settled their beret, and then fixed their pin in their hair. It glinted a little in the sun. "Who are you trying to show off for? There's no one around."
They were heading into a vault. Boone hated vaults.
Dwellers themselves were alright, but if there was a vault where people worked together and Vault-Tec didn't shoot them in the foot by drugging them or something, it wasn't in the Mojave. Boone still thought about the spore-creatures.
This vault isn't any different from other vaults. It's partially flooded, and Tie's geiger counter keeps on beeping.
"Alrright, I'm going to dive down now." Tie says as they stand over a flooded section of the vault. They loved water, always seemed so transfixed and mystified by large bodies of water. Only, they didn't seem to like being in the water all that much. Boone had asked once, and the Courier had just said "Have you ever been buried alive?" and left it at that.
Antietam is not very good at swimming. It's not all that surprising-most bodies of water are too tainted for swimming.
They strip down to their underclothes, all lanky limbs and scars on show. Handing their beret and duster to Boone and removing their boots, they strap on their rebreather. The spurrs of their boots clack against the ground as they wade into the flooded chamber.
He hates waiting for the Courier to reemerge. Anything could go wrong and they would be unable to defend themselves. Eyes on the water, watching for any disturbance, he thinks about something else.
He hasn't seen The Glint since they entered the Vault. Maybe it didn't follow them down here. He'll bring it up when the Courier resurfaces. It should be any second now, but that doesn't stiffle the feeling that they've been down there too long.
Shit. Maybe they ran into an issue with their rebreather. He knew that was a peice of junk. He drops TIe's clothing and is frantically taking off his boots when the Courier rises from the water.
"Christ, Tie. Don't scare me like that."
Antietam drops a handful of ammo on the vault flooring.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to. I found a lock box at the bottom, but I knew I couldn't get it back up to the surface so I popped the lock. " The Courier wrings a little water out of their hair. "Should have done this part last, huh? I'm soaked through."
It's when they leave Vault 34, sick with rads, that he brings up The Glint. He's looking directly at The Glint.
"Do you see that? Do you ever feel like something is watching you?"
"Yeah? I got you, don't I?"
"That's not what I meant."
As Arcade treats their radiation sickness, Boone watches for The Glint.
It was better if he did this alone, he reasoned. He felt uneasy leaving the Courier, especially while they were sleeping, but he knew that there was little threat of anything getting into their room at the Wrangler.
He was facing the real threat: whoever was following them. That, and however sore Tie was going to be if they woke up and found him missing.
The Glint was on the roof of a building adjacent to the Wrangler. His focus on his quarry is stedfast. The Glint doesn't move.
The Glint turns out to be a man, as he had thought. The man isn't anyone he recognizes, but he recognizes the duster the man is shrouded in.
This must be Ulysses, he thinks, although his evidence is shallow at best. Ulysses-if this is him-is sleeping with a hunter's awareness. The Mojave night is warm, and Boone walks away from that roof.
He isn't sneaking. If the man wakes, he wakes. He's fairly sure that Ulysses is no enemy of the Courier, not with how fondly they had spoke of him.
A few days later, the Courier leaves without warning. Leaves of their own volition-not abducted-this time. Comes back in an Old World suit, eyes red from crying. Before he or Arcade could ask what's wrong or why they left, Antietam is pulling the researcher into a hug, muttering some story.
Arcade removes the Courier, holding them at arm's length.
"Hold on, I can't understand you when you're muttering like that. You did what?"
The Courier can't meet Arcade's eyes and is definitely avoiding Boone's gaze.
"I said, I went to go settle things with Benny."
"Ah, yes. The man who shot you in the head. Well, he doesn't appear to have finished the job. You aren't hurt, right?"
"No, it didn't come to that. I'm alright." They find something fascinating in the dirt of their nails. "Reputation might have taken a hit though."
"What did you do, Antietam?" Arcade was something like the Courier's brother, and he often had reason to be concerned for them.
"Tried to seduce Benny."
Arcade looks at Antietam for a second, like he's sure he's heard wrong.
"Sorry, run that by me again?"
"I tried to seduce Benny."
Arcade inhales deeply, and then sighs. He rakes a hand over his face.
"Why? Where did you even get that idea?"
"I thought it was the best way to get him alone! I wasn't going to do anything!" They still aren't looking Arcade in the eye-too afraid to see disappointment. "It didn't work anyway."
"What were you going to do? Talk to him? He tried to kill you!" Arcade says. And then he snaps. "It's your life anyway. Just don't come crying to me when you make a mess of it. Although it seems you already have."
Boone does not say anything. He just doesn't know what to say. This was not a situation he had ever anticipated. He's mainly just shocked by the Courier's actions, and by the blinding fury of his own jealousy. That's probably a thread, but he's doing his best to not pull at it.
"Arcade.." Antietam tries, but Arcade responds with a quick. "Just go to bed, Courier. We'll talk in the morning."
Dejectedly, the Courier climbs into the Wrangler's lone bed and tries to sleep.
"Trying to seduce the man who shot them in the head. What will they think of next?" Arcade mutters , more to himself than to Boone. "It's late. You can take the floor."
In the morning, Antietam wakes up in bed with their brother and their fight the prior evening seems less severe. They get up, get dressed and head over to Mick and Ralph's for odds and ends. New Vegas was a grand place, sure, but it wasn't somewhere Antietam could live. All the lights hurt their head, for one.
Another gift from Benny, packaged in lead wrapping paper. As the Courier steps out they are accosted by Vulpes Inculta. He isn't dressed as he was as a Nipton, but the Courier's reflexes take over and they draw their sixgun.
"Patience, Courier." He says, and then bestows the Mark of Caesar upon them. Antietam instantly feels worse for it, craving a bath if only to wash this man off of them.
The Wrangler doesn't have such amenities, but it does have Boone and Arcade. Two of their favorite people, and the support Antietam happens to need at the moment.
Already, a plan is forming in their head. Barely a step outside of the Wrangler, blood pooling at their feet, they turn and reenter the building.
James Garret tries to get their attention-maybe for work, maybe because he heard of Benny's rejection. It doesn't matter to them at the moment. With the mark burning a hole in their hand, they climb the stairs to their room.
"Antietam, your hands are looking rather empty. Did you forget your caps or something?" Arcade says, smiling at the Courier.
Antietam doesn't say anything, walking up to the table and dropping the medallion. Arcade examines it, eyes wide.
"I got the Mark of Caesar."
"How? Why?"
"They just gave it to me because they're impressed with my work."
"You have killed a fair number of their men."
"Yeah, we're a bunch of problem solvers."Boone chimes in.
"Yeah, we are. Anyway, that's not all. They invited me up there-to their fortress-so I can meet with Caesar." Antietam was smirking. Pointing a finger at Boone, they asked him. "Say, what do you think about wiping out the Legion's Fort, huh?"
"I'd say we're outnumbered." Boone responded, a grin growing on his face despite their very apparent outnumberedness.
"But we've got the element of surprise?"
"Sure, we'd have to be something awfully stupid to try and attack the fort with three men." Arcade added.
"We can probably stop by McCarran on the way, see if Col. Hsu can spare any men for the attack. First recon hasn't left for Forlorn Hope yet, yeah?"
"You head out to McCarran and they'll keep you there all day. "
"I can run errands for Hsu if it gets us men." Antietam responded. "I took care of their messenger, so we should be have some time."
The Courier stretched, and then got to work preparing for their trek across the Mojave and their upcoming battle with the Legion.
It was stupid, and he had a million other things to do, but Boone had an idea. He looked over at Antietam, who was currently comparing different side arms. They put Cram-Opener to the side. Really, they weren't much of a melee or unnarmed fighter, but Little Buster had been something like a friend to the Courier.
"Tie?" He asked, and they looked over at him, putting down their weapons. "Remember how I said I could pick you up?"
"Yeah, but I-"
"You aren't carrying any gear right now." He stepped forward, pulled his friend into a secure hold. It wasn't all that difficult, even if he and Antietam were about the same height. "Told you I could do it."
"Yes, you're looking exceptionally virile." Arcade said, narrowing his eyes at the duo. "Put Antietam down so they can get packed."
Boone rolled his eyes, but put Antietam down.
It was a fast enough walk to Camp McCarran. Hsu, for once, didn't have a grocer's list of errands for them. He was mostly surprised to see them.
Antietam explained their situation and their plan to attack the fort.
"The mark of Caesar? You never cease to surprise, Courier." Col. Hsu never referred to the Courier by name. For what reason, Boone didn't know and didn't really care. "Regardless, we can't spare the men. We just diverted some of our forces to Bittersprings, and the First Recon left for Camp Forlorn Hope this morning. Even if we could, we shouldn't place military troops in the hands of a civilian."
The Courier had fought and seized Nelson from the Legion. Had the NCR forgotten that? But the Courier bites their tongue.
"Yes, I suppose that would be the case. I guess we'll have to take care of Caesar ourselves, huh? Alright, I'll be back to collect the bounty on that-there is a bounty, right?"
"I'm sure we can rustle up something." Hsu said, although it was evident from his tone that he did not think he would see the Courier again. "Goodbye, Courier. Thank you for everything."
"So that was a bust." Arcade said as they exited McCarran.
"It was a long shot anyway. Couple of hours walk to the fort." Antietam said, settling their bag on their shoulder. They had dressed for a fight, assassain suit concealed by their duster, beret on their head, and Arcade's pin in their hair. "Yeah, I recon it's probably about several hundred men against the three of us. Uh, that's the thing. Y'all don't have to go with me. It's likely that we would die or worse and I-"
"And what, leave you to take on the Legion by yourself? I'm going with you, and if we go down, we'll take as many of them with us as we can." Boone said. In a quieter voice, he added "And if you get captured..."
His voice trailed off, but they both knew. Arcade was walking ahead of them a little. Antietam nodded, a consent to things that were too awful to say aloud.
"I'll do the same for you." Either that, or die fighting like hell to get him out. "It might not come to a direct confrontation. I've got a couple packs of C4. Could lay those around the camp, set 'em off. I have some stealth-boys too, if you wanna try that."
"How much?"
"A dozen packs of C4, and 4 stealthboys. Not exactly a surplus. Could stop and get mines too. Didn't think to bring any."
As they walked, he scanned the horizon, looking for any sign of trouble. He knew Ulysses was following them, but he didn't anticipate any fight with him.
All the confusion and jealousy of the prior night had been forgotten in the wake of the Courier's plan to attack the Fort. It certainly had been a wild day.
They reach the Fort via the Cottonwood Cove waterway. Arcade elects to stay behind at the Cove and to send reinforcements if they don't return in time.
But miraculously, they survive. Caesar is dead, and the Courier is victorious. It's almost certainly the heat of the battle getting to his head, but Boone wants to kiss Antietam. Badly.
He settles for picking the Courier up and spinning around. They're both laughing, a rich thing in the air between them, half drunk on victory.
Someone's voice cuts through their reverie.
"Say, wouldn't you let a guy loose, baby? At least before you start macking on each other?"
Shit, had they forgotten someone? He thought they had cleared the camp. Weapons drawn, they quickly find the speaker. It's a man in a checkered suit.
"Oh, if it isn't my baby! Come to rescue me, huh?" Despite the heavy bruising on his face, he smirks and it's almost half charming. "Told them you'd come for me. Just couldn't get enough of me?"
"I didn't know you had left Vegas." Tie says quickly, shutting him down. The man's face fell.
"So what was all that then? Business as usual?"
"Just about, yeah."
"Tie, you know this man?" Boone asked.
"Not really. This is Benny, y'know the one who shot me in the head. What are you doing here, actually?"'
"You gonna untie me if I tell you? What kind of a name is Tie anyway?"
"A good one." They said, feeling their energy level begin to wane as they spoke with Benny. They just didn't make guides on how to speak with your would-be murderer who you tried and failed to seduce. "I'll think about it. Why are you here?"
"Those bullets must have scrambled your egg pretty good." Benny said. "What's it look like? I got captured sneaking into the fort."
"You want me to take care of this guy for you?" Boone said.
"Oh, come on, baby! You can't still be sore at me."
"Where's the platinum chip?"
"Caesar's got it. Or had it, considering he's probably worm food now. Baby, you don't know what-"
"Stop calling Tie your baby." Boone snapped.
"Bye, Benny." Antietam pulled a switchblade from their pocket and slashed his restraints.
"You're letting him go?"
"I don't care any more. Let's get the chip and loot and then head back to McCarran."
"What kind of bounty do you think Hsu rustled up?"
"None, probably. Still, we killed Caesar. Won't end the Legion, but it's a blow for sure."
"Sounds like what Ulysses would say. C'mon, let's get back to Arcade before he calls for the cavalry."
ED-E beeped cheerfully, and Boone smiled a little. Just a little.
As they walked through the river, Antietam stopped and then wrapped their arms around him.
"Thanks. For everything, y'know?"
"Yeah, sure, Tie."
Wounded and tired, they made their way back.
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dis--parity · 3 years
[text- Alexandra🌻 / time- 2:30am]
Good evening beautiful. Hope you’ve been well. I missed you. Keep remembering of our time in New York. Hope you’re doing well and I need to see you soon.
P.s. I sent you an envelop with my apartment keys. You’re welcome anytime~ 🌹 please surprise me?
[end of text]
[text- Alexandra🌻 / time- 6:30am]
Alexandraaa I miss you terrible mah bed is empty and cold and I hate wakE up Disapointed. I misss our mornings An our evening and our nightZ and yoU
[end of text]
[text- Alexandra🌻 / time- 3:45pm]
I’m so sorry Alexandra. I think I drunk a bit too much yesterday, or the thing i tried had a weird reaction. Please call me when you see this.
I’m so sorry please don’t hate me? 🥺😭💞
[end of text]
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『🔧』 “Oh, geez...” Two-thirty in the morning? Why couldn’t she have stayed up just an hour later to catch this? It’s not like she had any powers of portention on her side - the benefits of blind affection didn’t stretch quite so far as that. She’s not used to seeing poor Adalina like this, not at all - but she knew what she was getting into when they spilled their hearts to each other in that New York hotel room. But this... this was something else.
She held her head in her hand for a moment as she read over the two texts over and over. Having a key to her apartment was nice... she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was trying to suggest something by so easily giving her access to her place of living. Was this some kind of gateway to moving in? Or, was it simply a profound gesture of trust? Either way, hell, she’ll take it when she found it.
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Well... there wasn’t any time left to panic over it. She didn’t need this weighing on her mind this afternoon. She hadn’t seen this many panicked texts asking for forgiveness since that clarinet incident, only this time it actually meant something to her! That, and the texts were actually directed to her. Only one thing left to do but call her... she paced around her room as the phone rang, taking in deep breaths in anticipating of her picking up.
“H- hey, uhm-... it’s me. I got your texts. Hey-... is everything okay? If there’s something you wanna talk about, I’m listening...”
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