#I feel refreshed. Like I'm being seen and heard like never before
rainingmbappe · 5 months
"what if people are different emotions of the universe" i literally had to set my phone aside for a couple seconds because that sentence was just too beautiful to handle, are you purposely trying to give me insomnia? (just kidding i love your posts) with oppenheimer saying "i hope they cannot see the limitless potential living inside me to murder everything", he's a supernova creating, exploding, shatterer of worlds.
and the pretty girls are the pretty stars that shine bright. my love for football is as strong as the Great Red Spot on Jupiter (with wind speeds that can go up to 432 km/h, i'm a pathetic nerd).
your sky pics are like nebulae's i absolutely love them, never stop posting them please.
what if that grumpy old man in the streets is that asteroid that flies straight in our direction to kill us all, or what if the cute little kid that radiated absolute positivity was the sun?
i can't even enfjsfbjdhw why didn't i think of this before, this struck me so hard. i think if you were an emotion of the universe you'd be the everything and the nothing of it all. 99% of empty space but you're everything at the same time i don't even know how to explain it. everywhere and nowhere at the same time you understand me while i feel like it's completely normal because we were meant to understand each other. i never took you for granted don't worry, it's just a feeling that's quite indescribable, that transcends words.
yk I cherish your asks for a little while before replying to them and releasing it to the world
i swear when I wrote that I was 5 minutes away from sleep and was delirious. I didn't think I'd have an impact of this level on you. Wow.
I love every word you wrote. God Ive reread it so many times I can recite it back to you. Humans have risen to consciousness like no other species. Out of the 8.7 million, you and I have risen to question the universe. Almost like letting the universe understand itself. We constitue it, we are it. We look up and marvel all the time but. If we just take a moment and look within and realize, we are a little fragment of thr thing we marvel at. We're not any less complex are we? All of us, we offer such a unique experience to the universe.
You, for instance, I think are those little things about the universe, that if they were just slightly off, none of us would come into existence. The numbers that just make sense and any other wouldn't. The forces that are just perfect. The numbers that keeps everything stable, gives us our means to exist, the constants that never vary. Carl said "we're made of star stuff" and it's been quoted to death at this point but. The beauty and simplicity of it is staggering isn't it?
This is a bit off topic but. Have you listened to the song star by mitski? I heard it literally yesterday and I started sobbing uncontrollably at 7 in the morning.
"That love is like a star, it's gone
We just see it shining
It's traveled very far, I'll
Keep a leftover light burning
So you can keep looking up
Isn't that worth holding on?"
I cried. I cannot convey through mere words the emotions that song struck me with. Isn't it so true for all of us. We carry so much of that leftover light burning. Id really love it if you heard it, its become extremely personal extremely quickly and I want to share my love for it with you.
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hoshifighting · 3 months
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— Synopsis: Jihoon, a shy guy, really wants to talk to you一the new pretty neighbor一but finds it a difficult mission. To help him out, he send his robot friend, Beep Boop, to make the connection as he watches through his window. Surprisingly, you adored Beep Boop, and his creator, Jihoon. — WC: 3.3k — WARNINGS: Fluff, social anxiety, isolation, potential overthinking, Beep Boop is a great buddy! [Issue Club Serie] — This is part 1 of Shy!Woozi. Check the Part 2
Jihoon stretched out on the bed, hearing the telltale beep of a reversing truck. The driver seemed less than careful, and the sound grated on Jihoon's nerves, pulling him out of his drowsy state. With a sigh, he finally opened the window, curious to see what the commotion was about. His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed the window next door, previously closed for months, was now open. A moving truck was pulling away, leaving behind an air of change.
Jihoon’s mind wandered back to the previous resident, Miss Kim, who used to play the piano beautifully. He remembered the rainy nights when he was alone at home and Ahjussi would bring him kimchi, the warm, spicy smell filling the room. It had been a shame to see Ahjussi move to the countryside.
Curious about the new occupants, Jihoon went about his day, keeping an eye on the movement next door. The cool day felt refreshing, and the sunlight streaming through his window warmed his room. He picked up a poetry book, one he had started but never finished, and sat on his soft bed, losing track of time as he leafed through the pages.
Before he knew it, he was holding the last page of the book. "Yeah, it looks like I'm going to have to read it all again," he murmured to himself. Why were poetry books always so short? He didn't even understand most of what he had read.
But he knew the reason for his distraction. The open window in his room gave a clear view of the house next door. He could see newspapers scattered on the floor, evidence of a fresh start, and a newly painted wall. And then, there was you.
Your hair fell insistently over your face as you painted, your hands methodically rolling the paint onto the wall. Jihoon watched, intrigued. You seemed so focused, so immersed in your task.
Jihoon bit his lip, the internal struggle playing out on his face. Should he say something? Should he offer you help? From his window, you could clearly see or hear him if he did. He wished he had more social skills, the confidence to simply say, 'Hi, if you need help, I'm Jihoon, your new neighbor.' But no, striking up a conversation with someone he had never seen before, especially a girl, felt impossible. What if you thought he was weird? Or worse, what if you thought he was coming on too strong?
Feeling stupid for not being able to start a simple conversation, he sighed. After all, the architecture of the old houses in this neighborhood meant the windows were ridiculously large. You could see practically everything in your neighbor's life if you didn't have good curtains.
Jihoon was pulled out of his self-banter when you turned around, facing his window. He quickly hid himself against the wall, leaving your line of sight. You frowned, confused, then resumed your painting. But in his hasty movement, Jihoon noticed a treasure—his robot, a project he had worked on for college. A big friend that could help him interact with his new neighbor, at least as a conversation starter.
Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen, putting supplies on the counter, when you heard a bell—not your doorbell, but some kind of chime. You frowned and opened your front door, only to be met by a robot with a humanoid shape, dressed in a big pink hoodie. Instead of a head, it had a large tablet displaying cute, animated emotions.
You looked around, unsure if you should talk to this... thing, or if it might explode if you said a word. Tentatively, you spoke, "Hi, big friend... how can I help you?"
The screen on the robot’s head displayed the word 'Welcome' and then a cute basket extended from its torso. Hesitant, you picked it up. As soon as you did, the robot turned around and rolled away on its wheels, heading towards the sidewalk. You stood there, paralyzed in your doorway, clutching the basket and trying to make sense of what had just happened.
"Um, thank you?" you called after it, not knowing if it could hear you.
The basket was filled with cookies一cookies that you can easily find in the market, but the intention is cute一, a small note tucked among them. You opened the note, which read:
"Hi! I'm your neighbor. I hope you enjoy these cookies. Welcome to the neighborhood! - Jihoon"
Jihoon doesn't know how many times he wrote and rewrote this, trying to make it beautiful and presentable for you to read.
You looked back at the robot, now waiting patiently at the sidewalk. Smiling to yourself, you felt a warm sense of welcome.
Back in his room, Jihoon watched anxiously from the window, biting his lip again. This time, though, it was out of nervous anticipation. He saw you reading the note and, after a moment, a smile spread across your face. He exhaled a breath he didn't realize he had been holding, feeling a bit of the tension ease from his shoulders.
Maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all.
The house was coming together nicely, and installing a few essentials was a breeze. Some furniture would come with time, but you had to admit, you were struggling to put together this wooden bench for your backyard. The sun was beating down on your skin, and you had already rebuilt the bench a couple of times, each time more frustrating than the last.
Beep beep
You heard the now-familiar sound. Glancing up, you saw the robot again, its tablet head showing a curious expression. You scoffed, feeling almost embarrassed that even the robot was witnessing your struggle with the instruction manual.
Before you could say anything, the screen changed, displaying a tutorial on how to assemble the exact wooden bench. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Wow, this would help a lot. Thanks, buddy," you said, genuinely appreciative. But then you glanced up at the scorching sun. "But the sun is brutal today. I hope you don't overheat or something."
You quickly opened the umbrella and positioned it over the robot, casting a nice shadow. "There you go, some shade for you. Now, let's get this bench sorted out."
Following the tutorial step by step, you began assembling the bench correctly this time. The robot beeped encouragingly, its screen displaying a thumbs-up emoji.
"Okay, piece A connects to piece B, and then this screw goes here..." you muttered to yourself, feeling more confident with each step. "This is actually going pretty well."
The robot beeped again, displaying a smiley face.
"Thanks for the help. I don't know what I'd do without you," you said, wiping some sweat from your forehead. "I guess I should also thank Jihoon, right? He really knows how to make a good first impression."
The robot nodded, or at least it looked like a nod, with the screen displaying an animated head bobbing up and down.
You laughed again, feeling a strange sense of camaraderie with the machine. "Tell Jihoon I said thanks, okay?"
The robot beeped once more, its screen now displaying a "You're Welcome" message before it turned and rolled back towards Jihoon's house.
You wondered who was controlling this super kind robot. Jihoon must have seen you struggling with the bench all morning and sent the robot to help. You chuckled at the thought; he probably wasn't the best with assemblies himself. But it was endearing how you found yourself listening attentively to the robot, even asking if it could replay part of the video. When Jihoon replayed the part, your impressed face was priceless. You couldn't help but laugh at yourself, and Jihoon laughed too, watching from his window.
The umbrella part? That was pure instinct. You just didn't want the poor robot to overheat in the sun. Jihoon found that incredibly thoughtful. He mused that it was something only a woman would think of, a gentle touch he always admired. He wondered if you would do the same for him, considering his pale skin burned easily under the sun, but he brushed the thought aside, not wanting to dwell on it.
Days passed, and you missed your robot friend. After a particularly rough week, you found yourself sitting in your front yard, on your now fully assembled bench, drinking a cola. The night was calm, the neighborhood quiet. Then you saw it—a cute pixeled face approaching.
Beep beep, it sounded.
You couldn't help but smile. Tonight, the robot was dressed in a tiny blazer with a red tie.
You laughed, "Well, don't you look elegant tonight! Any special occasion?"
"I'm curious to know the person behind you, buddy," you continued, "all dressed up and everything."
To your amazement, the robot spoke. With a robotic yet clear voice, it said, "Hello, I am here to keep you company. Jihoon thought you might like that."
Your eyes widened in surprise.
"You can talk!" you exclaimed, still processing the surprise.
“Yes, technology is getting scary, isn’t it?” the robot replied in a robotic voice, but with a hint of playfulness.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re too cute to be scary. I think you need a name.”
The robot made a giggling sound, a funny robotized laugh that made you chuckle. 
“How about… Beep Boop?” You suggest. 
“Beep Boop,” the robot repeated, its screen showing a happy face. “I like it.”
As you sat on the bench with Beep Boop, you couldn't help but wonder. "So, Beep Boop, why did Jihoon send you to talk to me?"
Beep Boop's screen flashed a thoughtful emoji before responding. "Jihoon thinks you look cool. But... he's weird."
You frowned, tilting your head slightly. "Weird? How so?"
Jihoon, watching through the robot's camera, felt a sense of anxiety.
Beep Boop continued, "He finds it hard to talk to people. Especially girls."
Your expression softened. "Oh, I see. Well, everyone has their quirks. He's kind to send you over, though."
Beep Boop's screen displayed a nodding emoji. "Jihoon says he likes watching you build things. He thought you might need a friend."
You smiled, feeling empathy. "That's really sweet of him. You can tell him he can come over whenever he feels ready. I'm not the type of person who's going to judge."
Jihoon, on the other end, felt a rush of relief.
"Do you think Jihoon likes cola?" you asked.
"Yes, Jihoon likes cola," Beep Boop replied.
You stood up, grabbing a plastic bag from inside and placing a few cans of cola in it. Tying the bag to Beep Boop, you patted the robot's head. "Here, take these to him. Maybe it'll help him feel more comfortable."
"Thank you," Beep Boop said, the screen displaying a happy face.
"You're welcome, Beep Boop. Tell Jihoon I appreciate him sending you over and that he can come by anytime."
As Beep Boop rolled away with the bag of cola, you watched with a smile. 
You affirmed that everything was fine, but a part of you couldn't help but find the whole "Beep Boop" thing slightly funny. But honestly, you found the idea rather adorable. It was intelligent of him to create such a robot—amazing, actually. 
Even though you hadn't seen Jihoon face-to-face, you thought he was pretty cool. From the glimpses you'd caught of him through the window, he looked quite handsome. And through Beep Boop, you learned that he liked music, had finished college, and worked remotely, which explained why he rarely left his house.
On the other side, Jihoon had been mentally preparing himself. You had been so kind with Beep Boop, and he couldn't imagine you hurting a mosquito. You were careful with the robot, even hugged it sometimes, and the little pats on its electronic head and the goodies you sent through it—Jihoon appreciated every gesture. 
Why should he hide himself any longer? 
He saw you arriving home today, your bag slung over your shoulder as you entered your house. He waited for a moment, then saw you in your bedroom after your bath. Breathing deeply, he opened his window.
"Psst!" he called out, trying to get your attention.
You turned towards his window, seeing Jihoon there, ready to talk, for the first time. His skin glowed softly under the moonlight, his blonde hair swaying gently in the breeze. His elbows rested on the windowsill, and you noticed his cheeks were blushing. You smiled and approached your window, leaning on it.
"Jihoon?" you asked, and he nodded shyly.
"Nice to meet you, Jihoon," you said, tilting your head.
Jihoon's feet were shaking anxiously where you couldn't see, but he managed to speak. "I, um, wanted to say hi in person. You've been really nice to Beep Boop and... and me."
You chuckled softly. "It's nice to finally meet the person behind Beep Boop. You're pretty amazing, you know? Creating such a robot."
Jihoon blushed deeper.  “I hope Beep Boop wasn’t too weird. I just... I didn’t know how to introduce myself.”
“Beep Boop was great. Very helpful, actually. And pretty entertaining.”
"Thank you. It was a college project, but I'm glad it's been useful. I just wanted to make things a bit easier. And maybe... I thought it would be a way to talk to you.”
You both lapsed into a comfortable silence, just looking at each other. Jihoon started to feel the anxiety creep back in, wondering if he should close the window and hide away again. But then you broke the silence.
“You’re so pretty, Jihoon,” you said softly.
Jihoon’s eyes widened in surprise, his heart skipping a beat. “R-really? Thank you. You’re... you’re pretty too.”
You smiled warmly, feeling a flutter in your chest. "You know, you can come over anytime. You don't have to send Beep Boop every time. I promise I don't bite."
Jihoon laughed nervously. "I’ll keep that in mind. And thank you for the cola. It was really thoughtful."
"You're welcome," you said, your smile widening. "It's the least I could do for my new friend."
Jihoon’s heart swelled with warmth. He felt a sense of relief and happiness he hadn't felt in a long time. "I'm glad we're friends."
"Me too," you replied, feeling the same warmth. "Goodnight, Jihoon."
"Goodnight," he said, and as he closed his window, he couldn't stop smiling.
You watched him disappear behind the curtains, and you were happy that he felt comfortable talking with you, even if it was only for a few minutes. 
You decided to take things slow, making sure Jihoon never felt pressured. The next day, as you watered your plants in the garden, Beep Boop appeared once again. Seeing an opportunity, you approached the robot with a smile.
"Hey, Beep Boop," you said warmly, "can you tell Jihoon something for me?"
Beep Boop's screen displayed a curious emoji. "Sure, what do you want me to tell him?"
You leaned in a bit closer, knowing Jihoon was likely watching through the camera. "Give him my number," you said, reciting it carefully. "Tell him he can text me anytime."
Beep Boop's screen showed a thumbs-up emoji, and you glanced up at Jihoon's window, giving a thumbs-up yourself. Almost immediately, you felt your phone buzz with a notification. Smiling to yourself, you knew it was Jihoon.
From that point on, you made an effort to bring out the best in Jihoon, genuinely wanting to hear more about him. The idea turned out to be a great success. Jihoon slowly began opening up, and now he would even give you a good morning through the window when you both opened the wooden shutters at the same time.
Of course, it took courage for Jihoon to start with the Beep Boop thing, but your kindness had helped him more than he could ever express. Now, you found yourselves often in each other's company, albeit separated by the window.
Today, you were reading a book while Jihoon wrote letters for his songs. You both leaned on your respective windows, the quiet filled with the sounds of children playing in the street and birds singing. Occasionally, you would steal a glance at each other, sharing brief smiles. The windows were close enough to allow for light conversation without any problem.
"What's your book about today?" Jihoon asked softly, not wanting to break the serene atmosphere.
"It's a collection of poems," you replied, looking up from the pages. "They’re really beautiful, but sometimes I get lost in the metaphors."
Jihoon nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "I know what you mean. Sometimes, when I'm writing lyrics, I have to take a step back to make sure they actually make sense."
You chuckled. "I'd love to hear some of your songs someday."
"Maybe one day," Jihoon said, his cheeks reddening a bit. "When I’m ready."
You both fell back into a comfortable silence. The connection you were building felt natural and unforced. Every now and then, your eyes would meet, and it felt like you were communicating more through those glances than words ever could.
After weeks of talking through windows, exchanging messages, and of course, through Beep Boop, it didn't take much time for the inevitable to happen.
You found yourself standing face to face with Jihoon at your door right now. There was no robot this time, just Jihoon nervously holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
"Jihoon, you came!" you exclaimed, feeling a rush of happiness to see him standing so close to you.
Jihoon chuckled nervously, handing you the bouquet. "I, uh, brought these for you. I wanted to say thank you for being so patient with me."
You took the bouquet, the sweet scent of flowers filling the air. "Thank you, Jihoon. You didn't have to bring flowers, but I appreciate them." Stepping aside, you gestured for him to come in. "Come on in."
Jihoon hesitated for a moment before stepping into your home, his eyes scanning the interior briefly. "Your place is nice," he commented softly.
"Thanks," you replied, closing the door behind him. "Can I get you something to drink? Maybe some cola?" you added playfully, remembering how you had often sent cola through Beep Boop.
Jihoon chuckled again, a bit more relaxed now. "Sure, cola sounds great."
You led Jihoon to the living room, where you offered him a seat on the comfortable couch. As you fetched two cans of cola from the fridge, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It was surreal to have Jihoon in your home after all the conversations and moments shared through windows and messages.
Handing him a can of cola, you sat down beside him. "So, what made you finally decide to come over today?" you asked curiously.
Jihoon took a sip of his drink, gathering his thoughts. "I... I wanted to see you face-to-face. It's different, you know? Talking through windows and messages is nice, but... being here with you feels... real."
You smiled warmly at him. "I feel the same way, Jihoon."
He nodded, looking down at his cola can for a moment before meeting your gaze again. "I know I've been a bit... hesitant. But I really enjoy talking to you, and I want to get to know you better."
"I'm glad you came," you said sincerely, reaching out to gently touch his hand. "I've enjoyed getting to know you too, Jihoon."
He smiled shyly, his cheeks turning pink. "Thanks for being patient with me."
"You're worth the wait," you assured him softly.
Jihoon's smile widened, and for the first time, you saw a glimmer of confidence in his eyes.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
to celebrate this blog's monthsary, i have a lil gift for y'all :D hoping y'all love it, and hoping i'll see you guys more on my blog! cheers (✿◕‿◕✿)
celebrating your monthsary with them
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miles morales 1610
oh, to say he'd been anxious for this day was an understatement; he was both happy, excited, nervous, kinda sick in his stomach as he realizes it's been around 30 whole days since you agreed to be with him. 30 whole days. usually, from what he's heard and seen, not a lot of high school romances go on after 14 days, 21 if they really wanted to push it--and to see that you still loved him the same way he loved you, even as he constantly falls for you more and more everyday... man, oh man, do you put butterflies in his stomach.
he went all out this time and stayed up the whole night painting something for you. i like to think miles hasn't traditionally painted on canvas and with paintbrushes for a hot minute, so he kinda was stumped when he realized that he would have to refresh himself on how to do it; but it was for you, so of course, he'd make it perfect and made it scream: 'i'm in love with you, please, never forget that my love for you is here. it'll only get better from here on out as long as i'm with you'.
when he handed the painting to you, he looked disheveled and tired, but he smiled widely as he handed it to you. he used graffiti on some parts because he knows how passionate you are about it just as he is--that's another reason he wanted to be with you in the first place, you understood him and love him and his passions as well. he painted all your favorite things on it, scenes of his favorite memories with you, as if the photos themselves were placed on the painting... he thought of you the whole time he made this.
"happy monthsary, love. sorry, i know i sound so corny right now... but i just really, really love you and... and i wanna keep loving you, every day, week, month, year--every lifetime after this."
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miles morales 42
like his counterpart, he would have been a little skeptical at how long you've been with him--how come you haven't gotten tired of being with the same boy every day? how do you still find room in your heart to think of him as someone special? how come you still light up his world every single time he looks at you, sees you smile, and feels you hold on to him? ...you've got him questioning how long he can keep being in this paradise with you and being so damn smitten with you in every way possible.
he hasn't felt such a warm and meaningful connection with someone he truly adores for the longest time–and he wants to let you know you are the most important person in his life apart from his mom and uncle aaron.
i think he'd take you out on a date, and that'd be a total shocker to you since usually, miles hates going out when it's not discussed between you two in advanced; but this time is different, this time marks the beginning of a new month for you two, a new beginning in your relationship as you continue to be with him despite how difficult he can get.
he shows up at your doorstep with lilacs wrapped in a pretty bouquet, and looking at you with such soft eyes and an adoring smile on his face, he mutters a thank you for being with him for this long; for remaining humble and kind towards him even if he can be a handful all the time.
"happy monthsary, mi cielo. i might sound like a total dork right now, but... i love you. and i keep finding myself falling for you over and over and over again whenever i see you, hear you, and feel you close to me. i promise, i will never make you feel lonely or sad, so long as you'll let me. because... i really love you."
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gwen stacy
you have given gwen so much relief over the time that you were there for her before you two got together, and albeit she was extremely nervous and anxious about being your girlfriend and opening her heart up again to someone near and dear to her heart, she truly cherishes you and is beyond grateful that you never changed her or forced her to bury that fear just to feel like everything's okay.
she will admit that she often feels scared and that breaking up would be good for the both of you, but she also feels like she wouldn't be the same without you. you've changed her life for the better in so many ways, she doesn't really wanna leave you, instead, she wants to protect you and make sure you're safe–but actually, you end up doing that for her, too.
she's eternally grateful for you since, in your own ordinary, little ways–without even knowing it sometimes–you save gwen time and time again from her own insecurities and self-doubt; and as you stay with her for a whole month, never once neglecting her or her needs, she feels more reassured that you do love her, that she is doing okay, and that you wouldn't just leave her out of the blue.
she'd show her appreciation by sitting with you under the stars in a spot in the park or by a more secluded area only you two know about and just... admire you as you're admiring the stars, and eventually her when you feel her gaze on you.
"i don't know what i did to deserve you coming into my life, i know i messed up a lot in the past, but... maybe the universe is kinder to me this time. maybe i can love without having to think anything bad'll happen, and... i always want that person to receive all my love to be you, and only you."
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pavitr prabhakar
he'd actually keep count of all the days you two have been together; like, every day you are with him is never erased from his mind. i think pav would have amazing memory, and actually, there's never a day that went by for the past month that didn't have you two in it. be it the good and the bad, the calm and the chaotic, you two are always together, and he can recall each and every thing, great and small, that made him feel happy with you.
though he says being spider man is easy for him, loving you is much easier. it comes to him like how breathing comes to him, it feels natural, not forced, and like it was always meant to happen for him to feel like he's really living, that he's alive.
your love gives him more of a reason to keep trying as spider man as pavitr, even though you had only been with him for a month, he can picture living every day for the rest of his life with you. i think what he'd do to express that would be through him whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he holds you close as you two are bonding at his place or yours--just in each others' company.
"i can't believe i'm literally the coolest guy in all of mumbattan, but i'm dating the one person who makes me feel like all of this is worthwhile; that it all means something to be... me, and it's to be with you. thank you, love, for being my purpose. you'll always be my purpose every day."
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hobie brown
now hobie doesn't like labels, but... he is quite a sentimental guy, believe it or not. when he realized today was the exact day you two agreed to be reciprocate each others' feelings, he felt a little tingly about it, a little warm, a little fuzzy, a little... well, a whole lot actually, a whole lot brighter about what's to come in the future.
hobie wants you to know, even though he tries to express it so many times over the 30-ish days you two have been together, that he loves you not only for how you look, how you smile, how you fight, how you speak, how you laugh, how you do everything... but also how you've grown on him, how you've practically become his everything.
he's a very chill and low-key guy, but he really wants you to know that even without a label, you're not just "somebody" to him. so, he's been collecting small mementos of scraps from battles, sanded them down, and polished them to look prettier and... made you a promise bracelet.
"now, i know i said i don't believe in consistency, but you're the sole exception, love. this bracelet i made for you, it... it means more than what words will allow. it'll hold all the promises i've ever made you and will continue to make, and every time i'll see it on you, you'd best believe i'll make them all come true. such as this one i'm about to make right now: to love you forever and ever, in an inconsistently consistent way, just the way you love it."
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miguel o'hara
he didn't realize it had been a whole month since he admitted to you that you've been the only one he's loved for the longest time. it actually scares him a little, how no universe has collapsed ever since you agreed to date him, almost as if... this was supposed to happen; he was allowed to love you.
the thought of you loving him also scares him a bit, knowing that he can be scary and intimidating a lot of the time, he hopes you never felt the urge to hide from him or leave him be; he hates to admit this, but he can't be himself when you're not around. you have provided him with so much relief from all the pain and sorrow he's experienced for the longest time, and to lose you would... it would be like losing everything he's worked so hard to keep.
your love is worthwhile to him, a warm, nurturing, humble kind of love that he is scared to lose. you try to reassure him all the time that he deserves it, and he still struggles to believe you, but seeing as how you've kept loving him for a whole month and never left him once... he wants to thank you for it.
he doesn't exactly have a fancy gesture for it, other than create a whole ass ring for you that acts like his watch. he wants you to know that with this ring, he is just one call away. he wishes he gave this to you the moment you said yes to him, but better late than never, no? he can feel himself crumbling as he fumbles over his words, just kinda hoping that... you'll kiss him to shut him up and spare him from the embarrassment.
"um... sorry that i... i never really gave this to you before, b-but i'm here to give it now. it's a ring i made, it works like the watch, but it's way more compact, and, uh... you can call me on it anytime if you need me. i'm just one call away, if you need anything... i'll be here waiting for you. waiting for you to, to... to call me because... i want you to need me to help you, because... because i truly love you and would dedicate my everything to you."
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spider noir
he'd wake up at the crack of dawn to prepare you a whole day of pampering and affection, because he's also kept the details of this day down to the last letter in the front of his mind, every day.
peter is very intricate about how he wants everything you experience today to have at least some semblance of how he feels about you. he never thought you'd stay with him for this long, he's dreamed of loving you for a lifetime, and now... maybe it'll come true, he can show you all the love he's held back for so long in fear you'd leave him not long after he confessed to you.
he'd buy you flowers of all kinds, he'd open doors for you, pull back your chair when you're going to sit, and... just do all sorts of little gestures of love for you to make sure you're not only happy, comfortable, and safe--but that you feel that what he does for you is a choice for him; a choice for him that he will always choose because he wants you.
he'd try his hardest with aunt may to cook you up a wonderful candlelit dinner, and when aunt may leaves you two alone to talk and reminisce such happy memories and a successful relationship so far... he realizes just how much of a little boy he feels when he looks into your eyes; a full-on blush coming on form the tips of his ears down to where his collarbone starts and a goofy grin plastered on his face as he tries to tell you all that he's longed to tell you.
"...thank you, my dearest, for... for bearing with me. it's no easy task to love a man when his name is peter benjamin parker, trust me, i'm very aware of how hard it is. i hope you... i hope you know just how much i adore you, every single day, you are all that fills my mind. i want to give you the happiest life, the best kind of life i can offer you as your lover. so please... if you'll have me for many more months, years, even... i'll show you just how much love a man like me can carry for the most perfect person in the world, who's sitting across me right now and watching me blush as red as a tomato and grin like the happiest guy in the world, which i am right now."
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tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fiannee @maxoloqy @luvstarrstruck @pixqlsin @zalayni @q2ie @thee-fantastic-mrfox @solecitoszn @yuridopted0 @fictarian @jrrantss
618 notes · View notes
megxplryxb · 6 months
How Can it be Over When it Never Really Started?
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Pairings: Colby Brock x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight mention of smut, Kat and Sam's break up is discussed (no sides taken), No mentions of y/n
Notes: I haven't written for Colby in over a year so please be kind, I know i'm a little rusty.
The Las Vegas air was hot and sticky as you reluctantly opened the car door, removing yourself from the refreshing air conditioning of your BMW. The car locked with a beep as you tossed your keys into your handbag, rummaging around for a clip to tie your hair back, already feeling uncomfortable in the warmth of the desert. Dry gravel crunched under your converse, the hot sun already kissing your skin as you approached the entrance of an all too familiar house.
Everything looked as it did the last time you’d been here. The overgrown bushes at the side of the house still needing to be trimmed, the walls still screaming for a fresh coat of paint and the lights you’d all hung up for Christmas still dangling from the trees in the yard. But while things looked the same, the feeling was completely different. It was strange, quiet and sad. Any other time before today, you’d have walked in, skipping through the house, singing and dancing, looking for Katrina, but she didn’t live here anymore and that’s exactly the reason why you were here now.
Kat and Sam had broken up three weeks ago, ending their seven plus year relationship which came as a shock to many. While it was mostly amicable, she just couldn’t bring herself to return to the house she had shared with her ex boyfriend to pick up the last of her things. So instead, you had volunteered to go, wanting to make things as easy as possible for her.
It had been a rough couple of weeks for your best friend, the break up hitting her hard and she'd never felt more alone. Kat had been staying with a friend for the last couple of weeks, tying up some loose ends before she left Vegas in the rear view mirror once and for all. You arrived yesterday, driving to Sin City to help with her move back to LA, knowing that she needed you now more than ever. Break ups were never easy and you wanted her to know she didn't have to go through this alone.
Taking a deep breath in, you pressed the ring doorbell, stomach in knots as you waited patiently for a response. Sam knew you were coming, you’d organised it with him yesterday to make sure it was ok, not wanting to completely blindside him upon your arrival. Of course he didn't mind. It hadn't been easy for him either and you were sure he was just as heartbroken as Kat.
“Hey, I’ll be right down.” You heard a familiar voice say through the speaker, your eyes widening upon the realisation that it wasn't Sam. Fuck.
“Oh hey, yeah cool, take your time.” You reply, moving back from the door, tugging at your bottom lip nervously, a sudden feeling of uneasiness creeping up on you.
There was a slight shuffle on the other side of the door before it opened and you were met not by Sam but by his best friend Colby, who you'd slept with two months ago.
“Hey stranger, long time no see." He smiles, pulling you in for a hug, wrapping himself around you. His scent was intoxicating, warm and comforting and you hated how much you had missed being in his arms.
“Hi.” You blush, reluctantly pulling away from him, avoiding his gaze until he closed the door behind you.
“You could have just walked in y’know, like you always do.” He teases as you shake your head, shrugging. “I didn’t really know what to do honestly, I guess it’s just kind of weird now that Kat’s gone.”
“Hey, you know you’re always welcome here, right? That’s never gonna change.” Colby states but you’re not sure even he believes that. You’ve seen how break ups go, how it damages not just the couple but the friends involved too.
“How is Kat? I texted her a couple of times but she hasn’t really been responding.” He frowns, biting his bottom lip. You could see the sadness in his eyes, he was hurting too. You all were.
“She’s doing ok. I mean, she’s devastated obviously but she’ll get there, it’s just going to take some time.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine what they’re both going through right now. Sam is so quiet, he’s not really talking about it much.”
“Where is he anyway?” You look around, noticing the place was oddly quiet.
“He kind of chickened out last minute. I think he was afraid you were going to murder him, so he went for a run.” He jokes but you know he’s also kind of serious.
“Why would I do that? I mean, he just broke my best friend’s heart, it’s no big deal.” You reply sarcastically.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I kind of want to kick his ass too.” The black haired boy smiles and you can’t help but notice how utterly beautiful he looks right now.
“He knows I don’t hate him, right? Like, I wish I did because it would make things a hell of a lot easier but, at least he was honest y’know? He didn’t string her along or cheat on her. I’m just sad it didn’t work out for them.” You admit, holding back your tears.
“I know, I am too, it fucking sucks.” Colby sighs, throwing an arm around you, trying to pull you closer to him but he feels how reluctant you are to lean into him.
“I better get this stuff packed into my car. We’re heading back to LA in the morning.” You say as Colby nods his head, the corner of his lips turning downwards, leading you to the kitchen where Katrina’s things are laid out on the dinning table. There’s not too much left, just some clothes and shoes, bits of make up and unopened post and a framed picture of you all at the beach from last summer when Sam and Kat were still happy and you and Colby hadn’t blurred the lines of your friendship.
“That was a good day.” Colby chuckles from behind you. His hot breath hitting the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Yeah it was. They looked so in love here.” You frown, running your fingers over the picture.
“They were.” Colby agrees, holding the other side of the frame. “You looked so beautiful that day.” He whispers, causing you to shake your head.
“Yeah right.” You laugh, rejecting his compliment.
“I’m serious. Shit, I remember seeing you in that bikini for the first time too. All of the guys were looking at you and that douche bag asked for your number, remember?” He quizzed, causing you to chuckle. You remember it like it was yesterday, the guy strutting towards you while you sunbathed with Kat. He’d been so cocky, certain he was leaving with your number until you ran to Colby, kissing his cheek. Pleading with him to go with it and pretend to be your boyfriend. He did it without a second thought, arms draped over your body, nuzzled into your neck, placing little kisses on your shoulder until the guy got the hint and left you alone.
“Of course I remember, you wanted to kill that guy.” You tease, turning to face Colby who looks at the picture once more. “Yeah, I did. Fuck, I was so jealous.” He curses as you furrow your brows, a little surprised by his admission.
“Why?” You ask, your breath hitching as he takes the frame from your hands, placing it on the table.
“You know why.” He insists, his lips hovering over your own, backing you into the table as your heart fluttered.
There had always been something between you and Colby, an unspoken attraction that neither of you dared to explore until two months ago. The timing for anything other than a friendship had never been quite right, one or both you seeing other people. But he had always been flirty with you, sharing subtle touches or glances when no one else was looking and for the longest time, that had been it. That was until New Years Eve, at a house party hosted by Jake and Tara. Colby had been by your side all night, getting your drinks, laughing and dancing and when the clock struck midnight his lips were immediately on yours, like he’d been waiting an eternity to kiss you. It only took you a moment to kiss him back, his hands finding a home on your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck, ignoring all the whistles around you, your friends screaming that it was about damn time.
Not long after, you arrived back at the house, the kiss not being enough for either one of you, both of you needing more urgently. Colby had quickly dragged you upstairs, undressing each other before you even reached his bedroom, lips never parting as he pressed you into his mattress. It wasn't what you thought it would be like, it was slow and sweet and Colby took his time with you, afraid he'd only get one chance at this. The next morning you awoke in his arms, limbs still tangled under the sheets until you managed to wiggle your way out without waking him, leaving before you had to have an awkward conversation about the night before.
"Colby, I can't do this right now." You sigh, shaking off your thoughts as you move away from him again.
“Do what?” He asks, raising a brow.
“Do this, whatever this is..” you state as he lets out a deep breath.
“Are we ever gonna talk about it?” He questions, folding his tattooed arms across his toned chest.
“What is there to talk about? It was just sex, wasn't it?" You shrug, causing him to scoff and you swear you can see a look of hurt on his face.
“We both know it was more than that.” He states, staring at you, almost begging you to be honest with yourself.
“When has it ever been more than that for you, Colby?” You argue, taking aim at his long list of conquests.
“When it was with you." He answers honestly, leaving you shocked. “That night when we kissed, I thought that was it, you know? That me and you were finally on the same page about us. But when I woke up the next morning you were gone and I never heard from you."
"I wanted to save you the trouble of telling me it was a one time thing." You admitted, lowering your head, embarrassed to look at him right now.
"That's all you thought that was to me? Do you not know me at all?" The boy asks as you let out a nervous laugh.
"Yes, I know you Colby, which is exactly why I left! I've seen your countless one night stands walk out that door the next morning, hoping that you'll call them again and you never do! You just move on to the next one and I'm not judging you, that's who you are. I just didn't want to be one of those girls that expected more from you." Colby looks at you, shaking his head, a prominent frown on his face as he walks closer to you. This time you don't move, frozen still as he cups your face.
"But that's just it, you're not like those other girls. There's always been something between us, more than a friendship, more than just sex. You make me laugh more than anybody, I don't have to pretend to be someone else when I'm with you. You've seen me at my worst and you got me through it, you Kat and Sam. Baby, I was an idiot for so fucking long, dating people I shouldn't have dated, being friends with people who I didn't even like. But I know what I want now and I want you. I want everything with you." He confesses, as you try to hold back tears.
"Colby, I..."
“What, honey? Tell me what you want?” He asks, his face inches away from yours and you could easily kiss him right now.
You know exactly what you wanted. When it came to Colby Brock, you’ve always known.
You’ve wanted it before he ever put his lips on yours, before you ever let him take you in his bed all those weeks ago and before he ever muttered that you were his as he came deep inside of you for the first time.
You wanted him, all of him but you knew that was something that just wasn't possible right now. Just as you were about to speak, the front door opened and closed with a gentle bang, footsteps approaching the kitchen as you quickly broke apart.
"Hey." Sam spoke, removing his headphones as you placed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes moved to Colby, who he knew would chew him out for this later.
"Hi." You greeted, moving to give him a hug.
"I'm sorry, I totally just interrupted something didn't I?" The blonde boy questions as you shake your head.
"Yep." Colby nods as you shoot him a look.
"No you didn't, honestly. I was just leaving." You reassure Sam but Colby takes your hand. "Please, don't go, we still have things to talk about."
You bite your lip, eyes focused on Colby as he pleads with you to finish your conversation.
"I really need to pack Kat's stuff."
"Hey, it's ok, I'll take Katrina's things to your car and leave you guys to it." Sam says as you give him a thankful nod. Once he's gone, Colby moves towards you again, his hands finding yours as you look into his ocean blue eyes, trying not to fall deeper than you already have.
"Colby, you know how I feel about you. Jesus, I was never good at hiding it." You joke, earning a small laugh from him as his fingers circle your palm. "But, right now, Sam needs you, like Kat needs me. We can't be together when they're like this, still heartbroken and lost." You state, beginning to choke up.
"Why not?" Colby questions, raising a brow.
"Because if we're together and one of them eventually moves on with someone else, it's going to get messy. They'll fight about it, they'll ask us to take sides and then we'll fight about it and probably break up and both be miserable too! Everything's just too complicated right now, not to mention we'd have to do long distance because I'll be in LA and you'll be here and–" You ramble on as Colby places his forehead on yours.
"It kind of sounds like you've already thought about this a lot." He teases, as you wrap your arms around his waist.
"Being with you, is all I ever think about." You whisper before he captures your lips with his. For a moment, you finally give in to him, melting into his touch as he deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue over your bottom lip before he slides it into your mouth. He swallows a moan from within you, pressing you up against the counter as you grab his shirt, trying to pull him impossibly closer.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful." He groans, placing wet kisses on your neck as you throw your head back. Suddenly, your phone vibrates in your pocket and you know it's Kat checking up on you. You had asked her to call you to make sure you didn't accidentally end up in Colby's bed upon your arrival and you were sure you would have ended up there if not for your best friend saving you at the last minute.
"Colby, shit, it's Kat." You whine as he finally detaches his lips from your skin. Once you told Kat everything was ok and that you were on your way, you hung up, both of you attempting to catch your breath.
"I really have to go." You state as he nods his head, pulling you close once more.
"Look, I know you think things might get complicated but that's only if we let them, right? I want to try and make this work, I want to be with you no matter what happens between them. I've honestly never felt this way about anyone before and I don't want to lose you." He confesses, kissing your hand as your knees almost go from under you.
"I don't want to lose you either." You reveal, a tear sliding down your cheek as he wipes it away.
"So, can we do this? Me and you, like officially?" He asks, grinning like an idiot as you shake your head.
"Slow down Mr. Brock, you haven't even taken me on a proper date yet." You tease as he kisses you again. "Oh, so it's like that huh?"
"Yeah, it's like that." You chuckle.
Well lucky for you I'm coming to LA next week, so how about I take you out then?" He suggests, as you wrap your arms around him.
"If we do this, we take this slow ok? Start with a couple of dates and see how things go?" You suggest as he nods in agreement.
"Sweetheart, we can go as slow as you want, just give me a chance to show you how happy I can make you?" He begs but you already know the answer.
Yeah, Colby Brock was a risk worth taking.
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sweetbottletops · 9 days
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Tell her how you feel or release an entire album about your feelings for her in a language she doesn't understand? Easy choice.
Ch 101
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Hime-chan is me when a chapter drops. "Ehhh? Again?"
Her relationship to music is interesting. Maybe she's in that phase where being the first find the next band before they make it big is really important. She might even be pleased if people were like "never heard of them" to start off unlike Aya who just felt alone.
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Me looking at the lack of GL getting picked up by publishers.
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A new parent just dropped. And it's a wine mom on a fancy couch. They rich.
Hime has upper-middle class parents and a brother it looks like. A record player and fancy speakers. But no instruments. Her family are music collectors?
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I do like how Agu is all "F'it. I'm using the real names for Soundcloud and Spotify and let the publisher figure it out."
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Koga is publishing her music! The earlier viral video wasn't something in her control, but this is and she's doing it. Just like Aya wanted before she was hit by that rizz nosebleed.
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Even if Hime-chan hits refresh all day she can't be faster to the gun than being someone's muse.
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Her family are definitely collectors if not producers. Aloud Records? That'd explain why she takes her music activities almost like a job and is on a talent hunt. It's a family business.
If Narita is the yuri protector then Hime is the music side of it. I don't think she'd get in the way of Koga's muse. That'd be counterproductive. Plus she's seen them.
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1 by Me to Her 1. Song 1 2. 24h Radio 3. Tourist 4. F.....
When Aya learns English she's going to know. Any time now. Very smart, Koga.
Koga's grand gestures in each volume are evolving along with her: 1. The Radiohead cover (hidden identity) 2. Song 1 (?) performed on the stage (to only Aya) 3. Released an album (public identity)
We are breathing down the neck of that pre-release concert art. You know the one.
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aishangotome · 3 months
[Gilbert] Choose Your True Love: Part 2
Part 1
Gilbert: You... might die?
The blood drained from my face at the outrageous announcement made with a refreshing smile.
Emma: W-Why?
Gilbert: Because you've caught the Emperor's eye.
Gilbert: Do you know about him?
Emma: ...I've heard rumors.
Gilbert: Then you should understand. That man's hobby is killing people.
Gilbert: I think they'll be here soon.
Before I could ask "What?", a part of the ceiling suddenly fell down.
Several men fell through the gaping hole.
They were all dressed in simple black clothes, their faces covered with cloth.
In their hands, they held swords with unfamiliar shapes, and they exuded a sharp murderous aura, though not as much as the Emperor.
Emma: I can't believe this, but...
Gilbert: They're the Emperor's personal special assassination squad.
Gilbert: While I was out of the room, they were busy doing some handiwork on the ceiling.
Gilbert: I'm amazed at how much free time they have. They should spend their time on something more useful.
Emma: ...Who are they here to assassinate...?
Gilbert: Us, of course. Who else could it be?
Emma: "Us"?
Gilbert: Heh... They're fast, aren't they? Did he give the order the moment we parted ways?
(...He's insane.)
Gilbert didn't seem surprised by the sudden visitors, and he drew the sword he had been wearing under his mantle.
(He used to carry a sword.)
Gilbert: If you run around like a chicken with its head cut off, you'll really die, so be prepared.
Gilbert: Roderich.
Roderich: I'll take care of it.
Roderich, who seemed to have been waiting in the corner of the room, rushed into the assassination squad with a sword in hand.
This might be the first time I've seen him, Gilbert's close aide, fight so seriously.
(It's like a small war.)
The opponents seemed to be quite skilled, as some of them slipped past Roderich and came towards us.
Gilbert dodged their silent attacks, swung his sword, and blood splattered.
Emma: ...Ah...
The Gilbert I knew used a gun, but he didn't seem to have one now, as he painted the room with blood using only his sword.
Neither Gilbert nor Roderich hesitated to kill.
I was reminded of something I don't usually feel - that we live in different worlds.
(...This is nothing like the Obsidian I know.)
The cruel scene drained the warmth from my body, leaving me cold and frozen.
As I hugged my shivering body, Gilbert suddenly put something over my head.
I realized it was his coat when I smelled the familiar scent of medicine.
Gilbert: I told you not to run, but you don't have to watch.
Gilbert: You'll break.
Only my vision was blocked; my ears and nose were still keenly aware of the battle.
I couldn't bring myself to take off the coat.
How much time had passed since then?
The sounds ceased, and an eerie silence fell over the place.
Finally, I made up my mind and tried to take off the coat, but suddenly my feet left the ground.
Emma: Wah!
Gilbert: Stay put.
(Am I... being carried somewhere?)
Gilbert: Well, that was a disaster.
Finally, my feet touched the floor.
Gilbert took the coat off my head and put it back on himself.
Thanks to his black military uniform, I couldn't see any blood, but he smelled the same as the Emperor.
Emma: ...Are you alright?
Gilbert: Hm?
Emma: Are you hurt...?
Gilbert: Oh, no. They were just inexperienced assassins in training, even if they were a special forces unit.
Gilbert: You can't survive in Obsidian if you can't kill at least that much.
Emma: ...
Gilbert: That look on your face... Was that your first time seeing something like that?
Emma: Yes... I live in Obsidian, but I've never seen an assassin before...
Gilbert: Really?
Emma: Is it... a daily occurrence?
Gilbert: Yeah, it's a daily routine.
Gilbert: It's been happening especially frequently lately.
Gilbert: Maybe the Emperor is holding a grudge against me for voicing my opinion about the Rhodolite invasion the other day.
Gilbert: He loves to chop off the heads of people who oppose him.
(No way...)
It sounded like a joke, but after actually facing the Emperor, I understood.
He's a monster in human skin, and that fact has seeped into my bones in a short amount of time.
(...Come to think of it, Gilbert's mother and brother also opposed the Emperor...)
Gilbert: Heh... You blocked his path too, didn't you?
Gilbert: We're the same. That's why I think you were targeted.
Emma: ...
(I finally understand why Gilbert in the past is always on edge.)
(And also...)
When I looked up at his face from up close, I saw dark circles under his eyes.
It might be difficult for him to even sleep properly right now.
Emma: ...Gilbert--
The moment I reached out my hand, a deathly scream shook the window.
(What now?)
. Part 3 | YouTube SE in JP
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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zylophie · 10 months
Furina meeting someone in fontaine who somehow doesn't know them... Sounds refreshing and fluffy!
꒰⌗´͈ ᵕ ॣ`͈⌗꒱৩ — furina
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : x/modmafuyu is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : Furina meeting a fontainian(reader) who doesn't know her.
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff(mostly), bittersweet
✿ — ⊜ CW : Nil
✿ — ↠ NOTE : Hi hi Anon~ Thank you for requesting~ I had a lot of fun making this fic and I hope you'll enjoy reading it ! I know you wanted fluff but I accidentally made a bittersweet ending. Hope that's alright!<3
Timeline would be Furina still acting out her role. So that this fic would not go too far out of character.
Just a warning, 4.2 spoilers.
[h/c] - hair color
[e/c] - eye color
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
Extra: if you would like to request, click here and read the writing rules for each writer !
✿ — ♭ ⁿᵒʷ ᶜᵃˡˡⁱⁿᵍ... : ...No one
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Furina
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A petite girl was seen running out of the Palais Mermonia in the Court of Fontaine. As she took off running as far as her legs could take her.
"...Miss Furina, I do hope you know the prophecy will come sooner or later. Even if Fontaine hasn't experience any deleterious flooding.. yet.. We must act fast to ensure all our citizen are safe and won't live in fear. Who knows how long till they believe in those 'rumors'"
"I do know that! ...I promise I'm doing something useful to help everyone."
"I can clearly sense that you are hiding something from me. Please, just tell me what is it that you are covering up."
"I-I'm telling you! I'm not hiding anything. I am your archon, could you PLEASE stop doubting me?!"
'How much longer..'
pant pant pant
'So lonely..'
pant pant pant
'Please let this show end..'
The petite girl collided with the ground due to exhaustion. She began looking around, upon seeing no one, she felt a little relieved to see that no one had spotted her being in a mess from earlier.
..Well probably except for the Chief of Justice.
'..Way to go Furina, if he wasn't already suspicious of me, he definitely is now..'
As the girl slowly picked herself up from the ground and continued to wandered mindlessly, wanting to get her mind off things for a bit.
Furina strolled leisurely while admiring the scenery upon her. She usually doesn't have time to be curious and as carefree while playing the role of the archon.
'Where am I anyways? I've.. Never been out of the city before'
As Furina came across a sunny and bright view. Where the sun is beaming while waves crash into one another, accompanied by golden rocks.
Although it is an unfamiliar surrounding, Furina only felt comfort feeling the breeze of the atmosphere as she slowly trotted over to the sea.
'What is this place? I've never been here but it feels really easy to relax..'
As Furina slowly took in the sunlight and windy zephyr and sighed. If only she could adventure and explore the world even more..
Being lost in thought, the petite girl did not notice someone in the distance sneaking up behind her.
'..It's really hard being an ar-'
Furina out of instinct, quickly lifted her arms into a defensive pose to shield her from whatever is coming after her.
"Ahaha! You should've seen the look on your face."
As Furina slowly opened her eyes, she saw a unfamiliar [h/c] person with [e/c] eyes. Realising they were a fontainian, she immediately cleared her throat.
"What look? I was preparing to attack you, you're lucky I took the flight response or else I would've seriously injured you!"
Furina folded her arms looking really displeased with whoever scared her.
"Ahaha.. Sorry, you just looked a little bit depressed. Anyways, I'm [name], nice to meet you. Now, may I ask why such a beautiful lady was looking quite down?"
"Mhm! I've heard my friends say that the hydro archon was really pretty. At this rate I might mistake you as them!"
[Name] looking quite content with their response, giving a close-eyed smile.
"Ahem! A-Anyways, to answer your question. I was simply dreading about my workload. I'm fine, don't worry about it."
"Oh really? Guess it isn't a big issue. I'm glad."
'They're glad? I'm just some stranger though, I'm not sure why they're that relieved..'
"So, how's the beach? Pretty relaxing huh? I usually come here after I run my errands."
"Oh.. So this is called a beach, I've never seen one my whole life until today. It really isn't that bad at all to spend a day off here."
Furina then turned her view back to the waves, wanting to treasure this moment before returning to her dull stage.
Suddenly Furina felt something. Only to turn to see [name] placing a rainbow flower in her hair.
"Eh?! What's up with the sudden flowers?! Forget that, how did you even get them?!"
"I did mention I run errands, and that is when I go flower hunting to find beautiful flowers to add to my garden. I decided to give this rainbow flower to you as a gift. It's fitting for a beauty like you~!"
"Also, just want to ask, do you work for the hydro archon? You called me a mortal, surely the hydro archon must've have cute colleauges!"
[Even-More-Fluff Ending] - Optional to read
"Do you not know who the hydro archon is?"
"..Not really, I live on the country side, but I do hear adventurers say that she is dazzling and charismatic. Although it fits into your description.. Surely I'm not talking to the hydro archon."
"...Yeah you're right, I'm not the hydro archon ahahaha! I-I'm her coworker. Yep, pleasure serving under her!"
'God damnit Furina! What are you doing?!'
'Maybe they are the person I can confide in.. However I know that's impossible, but it does feel nice to not need to put my guard up as high..'
[Bittersweet Ending: continuation of Even-More-Fluff Ending] - Optional to read
When Furina returned to her office in Palais Mermonia. She sat in her chair recounting her recent encounter with [name]. Hoping to see her again.
So she began having meetups with [name] more frequently. Of course, this caught onto Neuvilette's attention since Furina never leaves the city much. So he decided to follow her on one eventful day.
Only to see the archon with a mortal. He didn't know much about this other person that was with Furina so he decided to interrupt their conversation.
"Miss Furina?"
"Huh?! Neuvilette?! W-What are you doing here?"
"Well the hydro archon has been frequently leaving the city for quite a while so I wanted to check it out. Whose this other person you're with?"
"W-wait.. Furina?! You're the hydro archon?!"
[Name] stared in disbelief, immediately apologising for their rude behaviour towards her.
'Well there goes my identity.. Oh well it was pretty fun while it lasted."
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jennay · 1 year
Dreaded Sickness
Hi!! I love your writing so much. It's so refreshing to see some fluff. I was wondering if you could do something where the reader has a cold or the flu, and Noah takes care of them. I've been a lil stuffy lately and feel like this would be super cute. 💕
Word Count: 1800ish
Noah Sebastian x reader
No warnings.
Noah Master List
An: hope you enjoy this! I tried not to sound too cliché. Let me know what you think💜
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Being sick was your worst nightmare. You took vitamins regularly, washed your hands constantly, and wore masks at work.
You avoided touching door handles; if you ever heard someone was sick, you would avoid contact with them.
Noah found it humorous and often teased that you needed to be put in one of those plastic hamster balls, and he would carry you around.
He'd never seen you sick for the three years you had been dating, so it was all new to him when you left work early and texted him: I'm dying.
He saw you this morning when you left, and you looked ok. He assumed you got the sniffles and were overreacting, but when he saw you in the bedroom with the blankets covering every inch of your body, concern rushed to his core.
"Oh, babe." He whispers, sitting at the edge of the bed; his hand falls to your shoulder. A frown on his lips when he hears you struggling to breathe. He gently sets his hand on your forehead, gauging your body's temperature.
Your eyes flutter open at his touch, "Hey." You quietly groan while pushing yourself into a seated position. What a mistake that was; your body feels heavy, and sitting up feels like a chore. All the blood rushed to your head, making you feel like passing out.
Noah wraps his tattooed arm around your body, bracing for the impact of you against his chest. "What happened to you?" He asks, running his fingers through the ends of your hair.
You sigh, "I feel like shit, and everything hurts." You gently pull out of his arms and collapse back on the bed. You pull the blankets back to your face and close your eyes.
"Are you just stuffed up?" He lies beside you on the blankets, propped up on his elbow to observe you. You look a little flushed, your lips are dry from breathing through your mouth, and your eyes are a bit puffy from rubbing them.
"I don't know." You whisper, turning on your side to face the wall. You feel his hand rub your back soothingly.
"Do you want to try a bath? I can get it started." He offers.
"I don't think I can walk there." You softly say. "I don't even know if I have control over my limbs right now."
Noah chuckles, "Good thing I've had lots of practice carrying you around." He sits up and walks over to the bathroom that connects to your room. "I'll be right back."
You hear the water turn on, and Noah hums while waiting there. You're grateful for him and don't want to be rude, but part of you wants him to let you sleep.
You can only imagine what he's filling the tub up with. Bubbles, bath salts, bath bombs…there was a wide variety to choose from, but knowing him, he would overdo it. You were too tired to care. You hear the water turn off, and his footsteps gradually get closer.
"Ready?" He asks, slowly pulling the blankets down your body. "Do you want me to carry you?" He doesn't give you time to answer before he slips an arm under your back and the other under your legs, pulling you to the edge of the bed.
It always surprised you when he picked you up without an issue, no groans, no sighing, and no complaints.
You wrap your arms loosely around his neck, "It's so cold."
He frowns, feeling your body shiver against him. "I know, babe. It's only for a second." He brushes his lips against your forehead. "You're going to be ok. I promise. I'm here."
Noah lowers you to the floor, and a groan escapes your lips as the cold tile chills your skin. He removes your clothes, flings them aside, and then offers you his hand. You cling to him as he guides you into the bathtub.
You sigh as the heat wraps around you, soothing your aching body. You were reluctant to do this, but you're thankful Noah convinced you.
The water feels smooth and gentle, with lavender bubbles and elderberry oils nourishing your skin.
Noah squats beside you, his brown eyes sparkling with happiness as he watches you rest your head and close your eyes. He feels proud of himself for giving you some relief.
He loves seeing you happy and relaxed; it makes him happy, too. He thinks about how lucky he is to have you in his life. He never thought he'd find such a connection with someone, but here you were, constantly making him realize the amount of love he could truly feel for someone. “Do you need anything else?” He wonders aloud.
You shake your head slightly. “No, but can you stay in here?” You ask him softly. "I feel like I'm going to fall asleep, and I don't want to drown." You think about how lucky you are to have him in your life, how much easier life has been with him by your side. The comfort he gives you, how much love he shows you.
You think about how he always knows what to say or do to make you feel better, to make you laugh, to make you smile, to make you feel safe. You think about how he’s everything you ever wanted, everything you ever needed, everything you ever dreamed of.
He sits on the tile and leans back against the wall, “Of course.” He says without any hesitation.
A smile pulls at your lips, “I’m glad you found me.” You whisper.
He chuckles, watching you sink deeper into relaxation, “I’m glad I found you too.”
He smiles at you with a nostalgic look in his eyes. “Do you remember the first time we met?” He asks you, thinking about the moment that changed everything.
You had caught his attention on Instagram with a video you recorded singing. He wanted to collaborate with you on a duet. He sent you a message and asked you politely. You replied and declined him firmly. You told him that his music wasn’t suitable for your voice and that you didn’t have the experience he was looking for.
He didn’t give up, though. He kept sending you messages and trying to persuade you. He complimented your voice and your style. He told you how much he admired your talent and your passion. He said he had a perfect song for you and would love to hear you sing it with him.
You resisted his charm for two more months, but he was persistent and persuasive. You finally agreed to give him a chance, but you warned him that he would regret wasting his time.
The moment he saw you in person, his life changed.
You walked into the studio with a confident smile and a casual outfit. You wore jeans and a T-shirt that showed off your curves. You had your hair in a ponytail and sunglasses on your head. You looked calm and relaxed like you did this every day.
He was stunned by your beauty and your charisma. He felt his heart skip a beat and his mouth go dry. He greeted you warmly and introduced you to his producer and his bandmates.
They were all friendly and welcoming. You shook their hands and complimented their work. You made them laugh with your jokes and your wit. He could tell they liked you instantly.
He led you to the recording booth and handed you a pair of headphones and a microphone. He explained the song he had written for you and played a demo for you. It was a romantic ballad with a catchy chorus, the complete opposite of what you'd heard from him. You listened attentively and nodded along. You liked the melody and the lyrics. You told him it was a beautiful song and you were honored to sing it with him.
He pressed the record button and signaled you to start. You took a deep breath and sang the first verse with your powerful voice. It was sweet and soulful, full of emotion and expression. He joined you in the chorus, and you felt yourself melt at the sound of his voice. You harmonized perfectly and felt a spark between you.
The song ended, and he clapped his hands enthusiastically. He praised your performance. You had a few hours of goofing off but also moments of seriousness.
You followed him to the control room, where he played the song for you, and you both listened with admiration. It sounded like magic. You felt proud of what you had created together.
Noah admitted to you he had been following your Instagram for a long time and that he was a big fan of your voice. He said he had always wanted to work with you and was glad you finally agreed. He said he had enjoyed every moment of singing with you and that he felt a special connection with you. He asked you out the next day.
"I thought I was going to pass out." Noah laughs, "Can you believe that was three years ago?" He asks you.
You nod, "Best three years of my life. Thanks for continuing to try." You softly say. You slowly sit up in the bath and blink your eyes a few times, ready to get up, a yawn falling from your lips. "Can you hand me the towel?"
Noah stands up and grabs the towel, reaching for your hand to help you step out. He wraps the towel around your body and leads you to the room. "Go sit." He says, pointing to the bed; he walks away to the dresser and grabs you some fresh clothes, bending down in front of you. He starts at your legs and walks to your top, sliding your shirt over your body. He gently kisses your nose, making you giggle. "I love you." He quietly says.
"I love you too. Thank you for being so thoughtful."
Noah shrugs as you get back under the blanket and curl on the pillows. "You make it easy." He tucks the blankets under your body, making sure you won't get cold. He sits next to you, crawling in bed and pulling you close to him. He kisses your temple, "I want you to get some rest, OK?"
You nod, "I'll try to sleep, but don't go too far, please." You softly say, snuggling into his chest. "I'm scared I'm not going to wake up."
Noah smiles, melting at the idea of you needing him. "You're going to be ok, princess. I'll be right here when you wake up." He closes his eyes, getting comfortable beside you, drifting into a peaceful slumber.
He hopes that when you wake up, this nightmare will be over, but until then he will lay here keeping you safe in his arms.
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squishmyster · 4 months
Crazy, he calls me
Cooper Howard could be described as a husband, father, and a prolific actor but what happens when it all starts crumbling under his feet and one of the only things to give him fresh air is you. His co-worker and one of his closest friends. Will everything including your relationship fail or will it be the one thing that survives even a nuclear fallout.
Authors Notes: HELLO ALL THIS IS MY FIRST FIC SERIES...very much a slow burn...ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRTICSIM IS WELCOME AND I HOPE YOU AAL ENJOY!!!! OH AND ITS IN THE FIRST PERSON.... Warnings: Mentions of dying parent! Prologue~~~ Reunion MASTERLIST
Chapter 1~~~ Give Me the Simple Life
The First time that I met Cooper was during the war while I was a medic. We never really said much except a few polite waves and hello's that then turned into polite conversations and heartfelt talks. After the war, we came across each other on the set of A Man and His Dog. 
Arriving earlier than planned to the studio I get out of my car and walk to set I can't help but feel a little sad seeing how this is the smallest role yet but no matter how much I've done as an actress a gig like this is just what I need right now low stress and good pay. Even if I have money saved up I have to pay for my sick parents' medical fees and if I don't work I'll be bankrupt by the time I'm thirty. So I put on a smile, straighten my back, remind myself that I haven't been doing this too long, and make my way inside politely waving and saying hello to anyone I come across. 
After a quick debrief we were told to wait for the rest of the cast and crew to get there. As I was sitting off to the side nursing a very bleak coffee I started people watching taking note of who was talking to who. Looking between small groups of people and watching their mannerisms. That was until my eyes landed on him the man of the hour himself Cooper Howard. Smile shining, eyes bright and full of life. I couldn't stop myself from starring taking in all his dashing features and then we locked eyes it felt like my breath was stolen from me and all I could do was give him a small smile and wave before taking a sip of coffee in my hand which I quickly regretted forgetting that it tasted like burnt rubber and sugar.
Before I could even look up I felt a small tap on my shoulders and heard the voice of the man I was once very close to. "Hey, long time no see".  Looking up at him I smile and give him a slight nod. "Long time no see Cooper, how's life treating you?". seeing him up close is almost refreshing, to say the least after having not talked or seen him after his honorable discharge from the military... it feels like I found something I lost a long time ago. "Hm well... life's been pretty good to me so far, especially since I get to spend a lot more time with my daughter Janey, and what about you?". 
Hearing the light that comes to his voice at the mention of his daughter I smile and can't help it when my mind tries to envision him being a dotting father. Slightly embarrassed I down the rest of my coffee and take a glance looking for a nearby trashcan to discard the cup leaving Coopers lingering glances along my figure and the slight smirk on his face go unnoticed. " That's great I'm glad to hear things have been going well for you... as for me well things are great". Deciding it wouldn't be appropriate to spring family problems on him seeing as it's been years since we have seen each other I keep my answer short and sweet with a billion-dollar smile to match. 
Standing as poise as possible I place the empty paper cup on a table close by and straighten out my dress making sure any visible wrinkles like radium in face cream. "Well-". Before Cooper could say another word we were being called to go to get ready to shoot for something that should be a nerve-racking day being my first time around most of these people but I didn't feel nervous if anything I felt excited and maybe it was because I finally have Coop back in my life but I'm gonna disregard that and just say the excitement is no different this time than any other time I've been excited about a movie I'm acting in.
Saying our goodbyes Cooper gives me a charming smile before turning to leave while I grab the almost forgotten cup and throw it away in the nearby trashcan. After an hour in the hair and makeup chair, my mind drifts to my mother and how she's doing even if it feels like a worthless thought seeing as she's lying in a hospital bed dying and not having been able to see her the past couple of weeks has been harder than I thought. Wishing I could be with her and at least hold her hand through this horrid time. I keep thinking about how I'm failing her by not being by her side and it honestly feels like I'm screaming into a void of emptiness and it's starting to swallow me whole. Holding back tears I try and remind myself that I'm doing this for her no matter how hard it is. Once I'm done with hair and Makeup I head towards the set, push down all former emotions, and plaster on that award-winning Hollywood smile and poised look I'm known for having.
After a long day of shooting, I can say I'm very happy to be out of those hot Western clothes especially since it's a surprisingly humid Tuesday in California. On my way out of the studio, I say my goodbyes my smile is not very forced anymore since I could just go home, check on my mother, and then relax before starting all over again. As I reach my car I hear someone call out my name causing me to turn around but seeing who it was made a smile hit my lips and I lean on the car while he gets closer. " Hey, Cooper... did you need anything?".  
He had a slight jog in his step and once he reached me his smile turned wider and he gave me a quick up and down. Sliding one hand in his pocket he pulls out a cigarette case and lighter putting the bud of the cig to his lips with a flick of his thumb light he puts both the case and lighter in the chest pocket of his black suit." Yes I do actually... your number i hate that we lost contact and well isn't this a perfect time to catch up". Hearing him I feel a little shocked and I can't help but think it's not a perfect time for anything in my life and it takes me a few seconds longer than normal to answer.
Noticing the hesitance on my face Cooper makes a face of his own one that almost resembled disappointment or at least that's what it looked like to me so before he could say anything I did. " I wouldn't mind that". Just like that we were exchanging numbers and saying our goodbyes and once I got home I thought about the day I had. Thought about Cooper way more than I'm willing to admit and after doing it for longer than seemed sane. I called my mom we talked for a few hours before I turned in for the night my dreams filled with nothing but stars.
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Thanks for reading from Squish<3
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fyrewalkwithmee · 8 months
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Thin Walls Pt. 2
Special Agent Dale Cooper x reader
A/N: I'm sorry this is so long but it's all setting up for part 3.
word count: 1.9k
WARNINGS: angst, mean Cooper, flirting with minors, pining etc etc.
Thank you for reading, please let me know if you're enjoying the story, part 3 coming soon!
Chapter 2, For the sake of the case...
You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and relaxed. A nice change from the instant stress that had plagued you since you started the case in Twin Peaks. Your night of pleasure had helped you drift off into a well-needed deep sleep and you were excited to meet Agent Cooper, who would be waiting for you at your usual breakfast spot. You dressed, secured your badge and gun, and headed downstairs to meet your partner. You turned the corner in the reception, surprised and a bit concerned to see no sign of Dale or your morning coffee. It was unlike him to be late or break routine. You began to walk closer when you heard a familiar deep voice come from behind you.
"Good morning agent". you turned to find a tired-looking Cooper holding 2 cups of coffee and a baggie that you assumed contained some kind of breakfast treat. "I thought we would head straight to the Sheriff's station to prepare for the interrogation" You gave him an odd look, "Is everything okay Agent Cooper?" you asked suspiciously, "Yes. Why wouldn't it be?" he mumbled avoiding eye contact, his mind seemingly somewhere else. He started for the exit. "You just seem like somethings bothering you and to be honest with you Coops, you look like hell." you spoke with an amused tone, trying to put him at ease. He clenched his jaw at the nickname, something you had grown comfortable calling him over the past months and that he secretly loved. You neared the car and Dale unlocked the driver's side, stopping to reply to your observation. He lifted his head, finally making eye contact with you. His eyes were dark and something was hiding behind them, a look you'd never seen on him before but intrigued you nonetheless. He looked like he was going to say something important but decided against it replying with a dry, "I'm fine, okay?" he then swiftly slipped into the driver's seat. You were left standing outside the car confused and slightly aggravated by his blunt reply. You weren't sure what had gotten into him but you would find out. You needed openness and clear communication between the two of you now more than ever… for the case's sake of course.
His behaviour didn't shift at all during the ride to the station. Not when you commented on how beautiful the pines looked in the morning sun or when you jokingly compared an old married couple that were arguing in their front yard to Lucy and Andy from the station. All you got from him were faint "hmms" and nods of acknowledgement, you were becoming fed up. you didn't like this side of Dale but more than that you didn't like that something was bothering him and he didn't feel comfortable discussing it with you. You trusted each other with everything, that's why you worked so well together. Before you knew it you were pulling up to the station and you decided to just be upfront with your partner,
"You need to tell me what the hell is going on with you." He seemed taken aback by your forwardness, "Do I now?" he said almost teasingly, that dark look causing the tension in the car to rise. You felt a jolt of arousal shoot down your body. You knew it wasn't the time or place but there was something about how mean he was being compared to his normal demeanour that ignited a new level of want inside of you. You crossed your legs and shifted a bit hoping to extinguish the faint burning sensation. This seemed to affect him in some way as his hands clenched harder around the steering wheel and he looked forward, releasing you from his spell. "We're partners Dale if we can't talk to each other who can we talk to? We need to be completely honest with each other for the sake of the case." He scoffed ever so lightly at that last part, "If you really have to know, I didn't sleep very well last night." you were quick to reply "Is that seriously why-" but were interrupted before you could finish, "I kept hearing the strangest sounds coming from one of the other rooms."
You were quiet now, not liking where this was going. Dale leaned forward closer to your face as if to tell you a secret and whispered, "And they kept me up all night long". Your eyes widened and he gave you an amused smirk, "but thank you for your concern, agent." He snapped out of his cheeky and mildly flirtatious manner and exited the car, satisfied with his reply. You were flooded with embarrassment feeling completely exposed and not in the good way. All of a sudden you felt like you were glued to the chair and couldn't get out of the car. How were you going to face him knowing he was aware of your dirty little secret? Your mind raced with questions. What did he hear and how much? Was he ever going to look at you the same? how could you be so careless? To be fair you had made a habit of pleasuring yourself while on cases to relieve the stress but it had never been an issue until now. The walls of the old Great Northern must have been too thin to conceal your enjoyment. What were you to do?
Your panic was interrupted as two young girls walked past the car, they were deep in discussion and you saw their demeanours change when they locked eyes with you through the windshield. That must be Laura's classmates you thought all signs of your Dale predicament leaving your mind and your detective instincts taking over. You were reminded that there was a dead girl named Laura Palmer in a town called Twin Peaks and you had a case to solve, justice to serve. you got out of the car, took a deep breath and walked into the station. You tried your best to remain professional but your usual tactics of interrogation didn't seem to work on the young women seated in front of you. After almost half an hour of grilling the pair, you had gained no new insight on the night Laura died. You told the girls to stay where they were and left the room, meeting Dale and the sheriff outside. "They're not budging", you uttered, visibly disappointed. Harry could see you were down and an empathetic expression fell upon his handsome features. "It's okay detective you can't win 'em all" he spoke gently putting a comforting arm around your shoulder. He looked to Dale expecting him to give some further encouragement for the agent he so obviously felt deeply for but Dale's eyes were on the interview room door. Without saying a word he strutted past the two of you opening and slamming the door behind him.
“What is up with him today?” the sheriff asked bewildered, “I'm not sure” you muttered quietly looking down at your shoes, “Maybe you should talk to him. If he's gonna open up to anyone it's you. I'm gonna go grab us some coffee.” You thanked the sheriff with a smile and crept your way towards the interrogation room. It was common for you to watch Dale do his thing when you weren't in the room with him. You were always trying to learn as much as you could from your partner. Dale was standing behind the table across from the two girls. His arms were outstretched domineeringly with two hands leaning on either side of the desk. You could just make out the shape of his muscular back through his shirt as you watched him lift one hand and grab the chin of one of the girls. “What the hell is he doing?” you thought stepping closer to the small window. The girls were giggling at something he said as he casually rolled the sleeves of his shirt up, allowing his strong forearms to be on display. “Is he flirting with them?” you were beyond confused, not only was that way out of line and character for Dale but those girls were just children, barely seniors. You felt a wave of anger wash over you and another emotion began coursing through you getting stuck in your throat. Jealousy.
The students oggled at him like he was a God. You caught one of their eyes and tried to soften the irritated expression that covered your face. The girl made a comment to Dale and nodded towards you. All three of them looked over and Dale leaned closer to the girls, saying something that sent them into a fit of girlish laughter. At this point, you stepped away from the room having seen enough. It wasn't long before the door opened and the girls skipped away, bidding Dale a playful farewell. As soon as they were out of sight you pushed him against the wall,
“What on Earth was that?” you spoke venomously, “Whatever do you mean agent?” he smirked with a teasing glint in his eye. “Your behaviour towards those girls was completely inappropriate. You know what could happen if the bureau finds out an agent was flirting with underaged suspects.” Dale’s eyes flashed rapidly down to your lips and then back up to your eyes and suddenly you were aware of how close your face was to his. You backed away slightly but Dale moved forward so now it was your back against the corridor wall. “You're not…jealous, are you detective?” you scoffed at this, attempting to hide the fact that he could see right through you. “Don’t be ridiculous” you reply as he took a step back straightening his posture, “Great. I was only doing what I had to. You know for the sake of the case.” You internally grimaced at the way he punishingly mocked your earlier conversation. “Besides, don't you want to know what I found out?” The sheriff walked towards you balancing three cups in his hands, “what did you find out?”.
You entered his office as Dale began to explain, “The girls say that Laura may have been seeing an older man and was a part of some kind of club. The man in question, Benjamin Horne.” “Interesting” added the Sherriff, “Well let's call him in for questioning.” you blurted, excited about the new progression. “No.” Dale shut you down promptly, “We need to be sneaky about this. He can’t know that we’re on to him.” There was a moment of silence as the three of you thought about your next move, and then it hit you.
“He’s having a private party tonight at the hotel. We can get to him then.”
“Won't he recognise us?” questioned the Sherrif, “No it has a masquerade theme.” Dale turned to you “That’s perfect, great work agent! Sheriff get Lucy to organise some masks, tonight we party.” he exclaimed, his usual enthusiasm returning for a moment as you smiled at one another. You quickly headed for the car and discussed the game plan for the night for the whole ride back. It seemed that through all the excitement you and Dale had slipped back to your normal selves. As you reached the doors to your separate rooms Dale stopped you and asked “Agent, how did you know about the party if it's a private function?” You felt a mischievous fire ignite in your stomach. If Dale wanted to play dirty, you would too. “It was the strangest thing but Mr Horne went out of his way to invite me personally. Isn't that sweet?” You watched Dale’s face fall as you went to unlock your door, “I'll see you in an hour Coops.”
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bengiyo · 11 months
If It's With You Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Amane helped Ryuji study for his exams so he could avoid extra classes, all the while nursing his crush. We learned about Ryuji's sense of duty to the restaurant coming from his devotion to his deceased father, and we had a touching moment where Amane paid respects and promised to help Ryuji at the father's shrine. Amane got to share a meal with Ryuji's family and got to bask in their warmth, something he hasn't ever been able to really experience (sorry, Grandma). We left at Amane confessing that he likes Ryuji before running off.
Man, I love Ryuji so much. He's just so serious about things. I like that he's trying to put together a timeline to understand what has happened.
I love that Amane is such a menace because you can see him already sliding behind that smile and trying to ease the tension, but Ryuji hates when Amane starts to mask.
Yes, fuck school! We have gay problems to solve!
Oh fuck yes, Ryuji, my man. He is the best boy of the year holy shit. He is confused and asked Amane what he wants from the confession so he can decide what to do next. This is actually so special because we know Amane fucks. Even if this is his first romantic attraction in a long time, this is a gay boy who has ideas about male intimacy.
Amane didn't let me down! He said let's see that dick! He also has feelings!
These boys are so brave. They are facing their feelings and each other so earnestly. I don't think I could have been this forthright as a teenager.
Now, Ryuji, please share with the audience this confession you're holding.
"I never thought of dating, or being in a relationship like lovers or something like that with you... The truth is I can't imagine it. But... I myself... think that liking you might be good. I won't act like nothing happened, and it won't be like before. Now I know you like me. So... please... make it one-sided for a while," just healed something in me holy shit.
No, but Amane is so valid for being overwhelmed with feeling. Sometimes "I see you" is better than "I love you, too."
We're going on a fireworks date in three weeks!
He broke it off with his hookups but hasn't seen or heard from Ryuji in a while. That's so hard when you're a teen.
I hate being allergic to watermelon. It looks so refreshing.
Whoa, Amane has cake.
I am so curious about the Grandma.
We didn't get stood up!! I knew Ryuji wouldn't let us down!
I'm going to be thinking about this scene at the shrine for a long time. This has been an incredible year, but Ryuji is taking us places I've only wished for in the quiet of my heart.
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tinytinyblogs · 1 year
It's Called Love
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The demon has set his sights on you and will stop at nothing to have you.
Stray kids masterlist here
Seungmin watched you from the shadows, his eyes following your every move. He admired every little detail about you, from the way your hair fell around your face to the way your shoes tapped against the floor. He had been on Earth for years, doing nothing and watching nothing interesting. But then he laid eyes on you and everything changed. He had never felt so excited in his life. He was a demon, and he had seen many things, but nothing had ever captivated him like you did. The demon wanted to hold you close, to listen to your sweet voice, and to keep you all to himself. He was selfish, and he wanted whatever he wanted. And what he wanted was you.
He would do anything to have you. He would drag you into his world, even if it meant taking you away from your own. He would not let you go. He knew that you were different from him. You were human, and he was a demon. But he didn't care He is only interested in his own needs and desires, and he will not hesitate to step on others to get what he wants. He loved you, and that was all that mattered. That night, Seungmin saw how cruel the world could be. He saw how people treated you like dirt, even though you were such a kind and gentle person. He saw the tears well up in your sparkling eyes as you ran home, crying as loudly as you could.
Seungmin felt a burning rage inside of him. He didn't know how anyone could be so cruel to someone as sweet as you. He didn't know how the sound of your crying, which had once made him so satisfied, could now make him so angry. Seungmin gave those who made you cry a lesson. He made them scream and cry in terror, as they relived their worst nightmares. He had a grin on his face that made him look even more crazy, and his clothes were stained with blood. He felt justified in what he had done. He headed to your place, knowing that you would be taking a shower to refresh yourself after crying so hard.
Seungmin wondered what your reaction would be when you saw him. He knew that you would be surprised, but he didn't know if you would be scared or angry. He hoped that you would be happy to see him he is resigned to the fact that you will never accept him for who he is, so he does not even try to win your approval. When you saw him, you were stunned. You froze in place, your eyes wide with terror. You had never seen him before, and you didn't know why he was in your apartment. "Who are you?" you asked, your mind racing. It was the stupidest question you could have asked, but you couldn't think of anything else. "Oh, the one who likes you a lot," he said. "No, it's called love." The sound of your voice is like a balm to his soul, and he feels a sense of peace and contentment when he hears you.
The demon had an angelic figure and voice. His voice was smooth and soothing, and it seemed to wrap around you like a warm blanket. "They call me a demon," he continued. "Because I am." In a blink, he was gone. He was no longer in front of you, no longer in your sight. You were starting to think that you had imagined the whole thing. But then you heard a voice. "I'm here to check how my lover is doing." The voice was right behind you, so close that you could feel his breath on your neck. You turned around as fast as you could, and there he was. Being so close to you made him lose his mind. He couldn't believe he had waited so long to act on his feelings. He was a fool for waiting. Your scent took him to cloud nine, and he felt like he was in heaven, even though he knew he didn't deserve it.
He was standing there with a smile on his face, even closer than before. You could see every detail of his face, and you shivered. "And I think you're doing fine now, right, Y/N?" The way he said your name made you shiver even more. You didn't know what to say. You were scared, your body remains motionless, as if you are unable to control it. You can only sit in silence, savoring every word he says. He loves it when you have all your attention on him. "Well," he said, leaning closer and erasing the space between them. "I never knew that seeing you this close could make me want you even more."
"I should have come to get you sooner," he said, laughing in a way that made him sound even more insane. "Waiting made me feel like I was going crazy even more." He didn't touch you, but you couldn't move away from him. You were under his control, and he had you focused on him only. You couldn't think straight, and it was hard to let out a word. "Why?" you asked, but your voice was barely a whisper.
He finally put his hand on your cheek, creasing it as he held your small face in his palm. "Sometimes I wonder, too, why this human are so interesting," he said. He made you feel so small and weak. You wanted to scream, but you knew it wouldn't do any good. He was a demon, and you were alone. "But it seems like it's because you're you," he continued. "And all I need is you. Together, we're going to make this world a fun place, love."
That night, he took you with him. He finally had you in his possession. No one saw you after that night. No one knew where you had gone, because Seungmin would never let anyone take what was his. He led you through a portal into his world. It was a dark and twisted place, unlike anything you had ever seen before. But Seungmin seemed to be at home here. "Love is interesting, isn't it?" he said. "Being in love with you could be this sweet. My love, you're not going anywhere. Welcome to the demon world."
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masterjedilenawrites · 10 months
Hello! Is it okay if I can request Crosshair being father figure to self conscious and scared reader?
Hope it's okay that I'm using this prompt to continue the next part of my "Protecting a Princess" story!
The Bad Batch & Princess!Reader | 2k words
Content: Reader feeling some emotions, handling weapons, disappointed Hunter, Crosshair comforts in his own way
Also yes, the Marauder is a magical Mary Poppins bag of a ship with endless space for whatever emotional moment needs to play out.
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You had cried yourself to sleep, waking up an undeterminable amount of time later with swollen eyes and an aching chest. But these men never seemed to sleep.
They were a bustling mess of activity for hours. Tech was picking over the droid parts, disassembling them all across the ship in some sort of vague effort to "better understand them." Apparently they were different than other droids they'd seen, though you didn't understand how as Tech brushed off his team's questions, unable to talk much while he was working. Hunter and Echo paced around the cockpit, throwing out all possible explanations for the odd series of events they'd encountered so far in an effort to identify which could make the most sense, and to figure out what they could possibly do about it. Wrecker couldn't seem to decide what to do, flitting between various activities such as working out, disassembling some weapons, and pulling snacks out of hiding spots from around the ship. Only Crosshair stayed quiet, keeping to himself in his own bunk as he slowly and methodically cleaned every piece of his rifle.
You wanted to cry again, and the longer you held in your tears, the worse you felt. You knew it was only a matter of time before it all came exploding out of you, and that seemed far too dramatic than what you actually felt. You felt embarrassed, for sure. Guilty, even. You didn't like being thought of as a silly girl who got into trouble because she wouldn't listen. That was juvenile. You were better than that. So you would not be throwing a tantrum, thank you very much.
You were also scared, though you weren't quite ready to admit that one yet. A simple trip to the capital had already turned into a mess, full of missing stations and experimental battledroids. Were you really prepared to handle any of this? Were you really the best person for this task?
Try as you did to hold them back, the tears still needed to come out. You didn't want to risk doing it in your bunk again. The boys had left you alone before, but now you could see Hunter glancing over at you every so often. He wore a look you recognized from your parents, one that said We need to talk. You'd definitely need to release another good cry from your system before that happened.
There didn't seem to be any private place to do so on this ship, other than the tiny refresher in the corner. After much debating on whether you could get away with steeling yourself in there for a moment, you finally slithered to the edge of your bunk.
But you were surprised by a figure jumping in front of you. Crosshair. He'd dropped down from his bunk and was now standing in front of you, another toothpick between his teeth. He seemed to be considering something, probably how pathetic you looked with red eyes and bedhead.
"Let's go for a walk."
You blinked up at him, not sure if you heard correctly.
"A walk?" Even with Tech's project out of the way, there wouldn't much room on the ship to walk around.
He didn't provide clarification, instead turning heel and started picking his way through Tech's mess of parts on the ground. You got up and followed him, partly out of curiosity, partly because you didn't want to have to interact with Hunter instead.
Crosshair had made it to the back of the ship. There was a little ladder that led up to the gunner's nest. He crouched down and released some kind of latch on the floor, sliding a panel backward and then shifting the ladder to then descend downward. He took a brief look back to see if you were coming, then he started climbing down.
You inched up to the edge of the opened floor, watching as his silver hair disappeared into the darkness. A part of you wondered if you should trust him. You hadn't always thought such things, unfortunately. You were far too trusting for your own good. Though, to be fair, you'd had no reason until recently to believe anyone would take advantage of you. But then you yourself took a glance behind you, saw Hunter at the opposite end of the ship, still eyeing you down with intent to reprimand you again at some point, and you decided you'd much rather follow Crosshair into the dark bowels of the ship.
It was a quick climb down, and by the time you made it, Crosshair had turned on the strip lighting along the baseboards. It was a cargo hold, by the looks of it. You recognized a few of your own trunks, stacked haphazardly right by the ladder. Elsewhere were a few other crates and boxes. There was also a mess of wires dangling from the ceiling, a bag of some kind of snack that had made its way onto the floor, and what looked to be a pile of books atop one of the crates.
Crosshair walked over to it and perched himself onto the crate next to the books. He drew one of his legs up and kept the other dangling off the ledge. It looked like a position he often settled in, so you figured those must be his books.
"I didn't know you were a reader," you said quietly, taking only a few steps forward.
Crosshair took out his toothpick and rested his arm across his knee, playing with the pick between his fingers.
"And I didn't know you were a scaredy-cat," he said in return. It wasn't malicious or taunting, so you were able to take his words and mull them over without breaking. You did hang your head, though, and that prompted him to continue. "What are you so afraid of?"
Your hands found the hem of your cloak, fiddling with the edges like he was with his toothpick. "I... I don't know. I've never felt this way before."
You looked up at him. Though his face was contorted in its usual scowl, somehow it looked softer, more encouraging. Or maybe you were just getting better at reading him.
"I used to get in trouble for running from home. Sometimes that castle felt like more of a prison than a home. I wanted to explore, climb trees, find new views. I'd feel bad for a bit but then I'd sneak back out again. This feels different. It's not like a fun adventure I'm making up for myself. This is real. My people... they're depending on me. I can't let them down."
"Then why did you leave the ship earlier?"
The million credit question. You lowered your head back down. "I was being stupid."
"Yes, you were."
You risked a glance, expecting Crosshair to hold a similarly disapproving look as Hunter. Instead, you found the same stoic but gentle face that was there before.
"It was stupid to not have a way to defend yourself. You could've at least taken a stun grenade from Wrecker's stash."
You blinked at him in surprise. That was all he was concerned with? Not that you left in the first place, only that you weren't carrying a weapon?
"Oh," you said dumbly, not knowing how else to respond.
Crosshair flicked the toothpick away and got off the crate, moving over to another one and popping open the top. He rummaged around inside for a bit before pull out a small hand gun.
"Here," he said as he tried handing it to you.
"Oh I don't know how to use those things." You put your hands up so you wouldn't have to touch it.
"No kidding," he smirked, amused. He gestured for you to lower your hands, and then maneuvered the weapon into one so you were holding the grip and pointing the barrel downward. "Now aim."
He was pointing toward his stack of books. You looked at him in alarm.
"You want me to fire it in here? Isn't that dangerous?"
He huffed a little in annoyance. "No, I want you to aim. Get comfortable holding it. Feel how it sits in your hands. The less scared you are to touch it, the easier it'll be to actually use it."
You gulped, still nervous but trusting his advice. You raised the blaster up, pointing it toward the books. Crosshair walked around you and gently tapped your other arm.
"Hold with both hands. Don't lock your elbows."
You did as he said and found your new position a little more comfortable.
"Line up your sights," he instructed next, pointing out the two notches along the top of the blaster, one at the front and one at the back.
You adjusted your grip and sights in different ways until you could steadily hold it and see the target lined up at the other side.
"Squeeze the trigger," came the next command.
You panicked again, looking over at him with wide eyes.
"Never take your eye off the target," he said sternly, pointing your chin back the proper way. "And it's a dead blaster. Tech took the firing mechanism out for repair and forgot to put it back in."
You sighed in relief and worked on getting yourself back into position. After a beat, you sucked in a breath and pulled the trigger. The blaster made a little clicking noise but nothing else happened. Still, you pictured the stack of books in front of you bursting in response, and though it was a little scary to think about, you also felt proud of your imaginary efforts.
"You don't need to hold your breath," Crosshair huffed. "But we'll work on that."
You offered to give the gun back but he shook his head.
"I'll find the firing pin and get it working again. Hunter may not let you be by yourself ever again, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't know how to protect yourself anyway."
You nodded slowly, thinking it through. You supposed you wouldn't have felt half as bad as you did, had you not tripped pathetically over yourself in that forest and had instead fought back until your protectors came. Though it only took care of half the problem - the other being your naiveté as you navigated this strange new galaxy - it was the most comfort you'd been given amidst the chaos.
"Thank you, Crosshair," you said in a quiet but sincere voice.
The tall clone just brushed you off. "It'll make my job easier is all."
You slipped the gun into your belt, just underneath your cloak. And then the two of you climbed back up into the main deck of the ship. Not much had changed in your time away. Tech still had a mess, Wrecker was still searching for things to do. Echo was still in the cockpit. Hunter, though, was emerging from that room and heading your way. You were about to address him, figuring if you started with an apology then his speech may not be so bad. But then you noticed he wasn't looking at you, but at something behind you.
You turned to see Crosshair's lips pursed as he shook his head at Hunter. When he caught you looking he stopped, picked out another toothpick from his belt, and sauntered away.
You looked back toward Hunter, who seemed to be deciding whether to listen to Crosshair's signal to let it go or not. His eyes settled on you and that seemed to do the trick. His shoulders relaxed and he gave you an apologetic smirk.
"Alright, boys," he called out. Then, with a respectful nod your way, "And Princess... Whatever's going on, we need to figure it out before the Senate hearing. If there's some sort of trap in Coruscant, I don't want us taking her highness there unprepared. So we're going to stop by to see an old friend. Lay low for a bit while we find answers."
The others on the ship nodded but otherwise kept at their previous activities. Hunter turned toward you with a final message.
"Don't worry, Princess. We'll still get you to Coruscant, safely and on time."
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Protecting a Princess Tag: @arctrooper69, @nekotaetae, @flowered-bicycles
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[JP] Galileo Galilei: Destiny in Motion
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This post contains a detailed spoiler.
Not 100% accurate. I didn't proofread this one, so there may be grammatical errors.
Translation under the cut.
(Mitsuki's POV)
Fate moves just as time follows the present.
Like me and someone else I have yet to see.
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My blurred vision gradually became clear.
(Huh? Where am I?)
I suddenly found myself standing in a dark hallway.
(This is the hallway I passed through when I time slipped from Louvre. How did I end up in this place?)
I probably fell asleep.
I was looking around, thinking that I might be dreaming when一
???: "Come. Come here. Take my hand."
(Who is it?)
A husky voice I'd never heard before reached my ears.
Strangely lured by it, I walked forward and saw a bleak-looking prison cell.
???: "Why did this happen?"
(There's someone inside the prison cell.)
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???: "Why do you only believe what others tell you and not check it out yourself? Why don't you try to see it with your own eyes?"
???: "Why do people refuse to face the truth?"
He said it in a quiet voice, but it sounded as if he was trying to squeeze out some unwanted emotion.
Then the sound of footsteps approached, and a dignified old priest-like man arrived.
Priest: "A heretical scholar who denies God's teachings一wait, no, a filthy heretical monster."
???: "Don't tell me that's why I'm一"
Priest: "There should be no such thing as a sinful monster. May you burn in the fires of God."
The old man glanced one last time at the speechless man and left.
???: "I hate them. I hate all of them."
???: "It's all because of this blood."
???: "Ah, but this is how hatred is created and how this world gets distorted."
(What am I seeing?)
I don't know if it's just a dream or if it really happened, but一
(I can feel this person's emotions so painfully.)
A heart-wrenching lamentation, and yet his wistful eyes were as beautiful as purple crystals.
Mitsuki: "-----!"
I opened my eyes and saw the familiar canopy of my bed.
I looked outside the window to see that it was morning and knew I was just dreaming.
(That was a weird dream. I followed the voice and ended up in a place I didn't know.)
(Someone was angry一no, someone was sad.)
I tried to remember, but the memory of the dream faded away.
That evening一
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I came to the city's university to deliver a Blanc to Isaac, who has recently been working late.
(I don't come here often, so it's refreshing. It reminds me of my school days.)
I felt nostalgic despite being in a different country and time.
I decided to walk around the school building, when suddenly...
(Hm? What's that?)
Something caught my eye, so I entered the classroom.
On a table positioned near an open window, an old-fashioned telescope stood on a pedestal, pointing up at the sky.
(Did someone use it in a lecture? Maybe I should tell Isaac if they forgot to put it away.)
Even as I thought about this, I couldn't help but become curious.
(Sorry, but only for just a little bit.)
As I looked into the lens, the moon appeared in front of me, floating faintly in the evening sky.
Mitsuki: "Wow, cool."
???: "What are you doing here?"
Mitsuki: "I-I'm sorry!"
I looked up in a panic, hearing a sharp voice.
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(Eyes like purple crystals...)
I was drawn into his beautiful eyes as our gazes met, and at the same time, I felt a strong sense of déjà vu.
(I think I've seen his eyes somewhere.)
Man with purple eyes: "You don't look like a student."
Mitsuki: "Oh, I'm sorry! I was visiting the university on an errand, but I saw this and got curio一"
Man with purple eyes: "You're in the way. If you’re an outsider, leave."
He cut off my words sharply.
(Right, I shouldn't have entered the classroom without permission.)
Feeling sorry, I bowed my head and stepped toward the classroom door, but the sensation I had felt earlier bothered me, so I looked back at the man.
(Why do his eyes look so familiar?)
At that moment, a shooting star appeared in the sky.
Mitsuki: "A shooting star!"
Man with purple eyes: "-----!"
The man's eyes widened slightly, hearing my sudden outburst, and he looked up at the sky through the window.
Mitsuki: "Oh, there's that cloud over there again."
As I approached the window, the man also turned his gaze in the direction I pointed.
We both looked up and watched the sky. Then, I heard mumbling from next to me.
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Man with purple eyes: "Beautiful. Even in this day and age, I still find myself looking up at the stars."
("This day and age?")
I looked at him, suddenly curious about his words.
His mood and facial expression softened slightly as his eyes, searching for stars, gazed intently at the sky.
(I wonder if he likes the stars.)
But when he noticed my gaze, he became cold again.
Man with purple eyes: "You still need something?"
Mitsuki: "N-No."
(I know, I was being rude by staring at his face.)
Even as I thought this, my chest thumped, and my cheeks grew hot.
Mitsuki: "Um, were you waiting for the shooting star?"
Man with purple eyes: "Yeah."
Man with purple eyes: "If my observations are correct, I can see a meteor shower this time of the year."
Man with purple eyes: "I was going to wait and watch the moon, but I'm lucky to see it at dusk."
The man answered my question as he gazed toward the sky again.
Though, it was more like a monologue than a conversation.
Mitsuki: "I haven't seen a shooting star in a long time, not since the meteor shower in 20XX."
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Man with purple eyes: "20XX?"
Mitsuki: "Oops, I misspoke."
Man with purple eyes: ".............."
When our eyes met, that strange feeling came back again.
(I think I know this person after all. His voice also sounds familiar.)
Mitsuki: "Um, have we met somewhere before?"
I asked boldly, and the man raised his eyebrow.
Man with purple eyes: "No. If you want someone to talk to, find someone else."
Mitsuki: "That's not what I meant. I just had a feeling."
(Good job on saying such stupid things, Mitsuki.)
I looked down, feeling embarrassed, as the man let out a sigh.
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Man with purple eyes: "I'm not denying your statement without any basis."
Man with purple eyes: "I'm an astronomer. I'm temporarily working at this university while I'm traveling."
Man with purple eyes: "I've only arrived recently in this city, so I’ve never met you before."
He explained his story like he was proving a theory.
(Then I guess we can't have met.)
Mitsuki: "Have you traveled that long already?"
Man with purple eyes: "Yeah."
Man with purple eyes: "It's a long journey, like the stars in the sky."
Despite his words, the man lowered his gaze slightly, and his eyes, which previously reflected the sky, faded behind his delicate eyelashes.
(His eyes have a faraway look in them.)
His wistful eyes were as if they were on a never-ending journey.
The image of the distressed man in the dark prison cell passed through my mind for a moment.
(Was that the dream I had last night?)
(But why did I suddenly remember it?)
I felt confused by the scene that suddenly came back to me.
I was speechless, and before I knew it, the man was staring at me.
Man with purple eyes: "............"
Mitsuki: "U-Um..."
Man with purple eyes: "What's that sweet smell you have?"
He took a step closer to me, his purple eyes captivating me so much that I almost forgot how to breathe.
*Bell chimes*
Man with purple eyes: "-----!"
The sound of the college bell rang out, and we took a small gasp.
Man with purple eyes: "It's late. You should go home."
Mitsuki: "Okay. I'm sorry for bothering you. Excuse me."
I hurriedly back away from him and turn on my heel.
(For a moment, I thought he was going to bite me.)
I have no idea why I felt that way.
I don't understand the strange déjà vu, the dream, or this pounding in my chest.
Before leaving the classroom, I turned around one last time.
Mitsuki: "Um, my name is Mitsuki. What's yours?"
Man with purple eyes: "............"
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(I don't really know why, but I want to know about this person.)
Holding only this thought, I stared straight into his clear purple eyes.
For the first time, he showed me a look of hesitation.
Man with purple eyes: "Galileo."
Mitsuki: "Eh?"
Galileo: "The same name as the astronomer condemned for seeking the truth."
His wistful eyes looked like the eyes I had seen in my dream, or so I thought.
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After Mitsuki left the classroom, Galileo muttered to himself.
Galileo: "Why did I foolishly and honestly give my name when I could've used a false name?"
However, there could be no "Galileo Galilei" here in 19th-century Paris.
He reconsidered the fact that he just happened to have the same name as Galileo Galilei and thought that the girl would think so, too.
Then he remembered Mitsuki's eyes on him.
Galileo: "Those eyes look like they are earnestly seeking the truth."
Unable to resist her unexpected sincerity, he uttered his true name.
At the same time, it was also true that he felt an inexpressible urge to smell Mitsuki's scent, even if it was only a little.
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Galileo: "She was a strange girl, the things she said and did, and that scent. If we ever meet again一No, let's not. As long as I continue this journey, I will never see her again."
That's right, as long as the divided destinies do not intersect again.
Muttering this to himself, Galileo put the lid on the telescope lens.
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(Mitsuki's POV)
I was lost in a dream again tonight.
???: "Come. Come and take my hand."
---------Flashback Ends---------
(Is that voice really Galileo?)
The sad man I saw in my dream, the cold man I met in reality, and now the voice inviting me一
(What kind of person are you really?)
As time chases the present like the stars in the sky, my destiny and his begin to intertwine.
-> Francis Drake's Story
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
a grow with the flow fic for your monday
Now that they have the space for it, Keyleth and Vax have a room dedicated to their podcast. There is a recording space with a comfy couch surrounded by more plants than a botanical garden, and out of view of the cameras, a pair of desks where they edit film and audio, work their socials, and do all of the other things that come with being professional podcasters. The walls are a cheery yellow, and today, the sunlight streaming in through the large window behind the camera is just as bright.
Vax sits beside Keyleth, completely unaware of what today's subscriber-only special is going to be. All she's told him is that it's going to be a game, a puzzle of sorts, and he's always down to make a fool of himself on camera.
Keyleth runs through their standard intro before asking him, "Are you ready?"
There's a mischievous twinkle in her eye that he so rarely sees there. "I have no idea."
"Perfect. Your challenge for the day is identification." She gestures to the large, covered wicker basket sitting on her lap. "We mostly deal with green plants here on the podcast and in our home, but you know that I also love flowers."
"I do know that." Vax rarely comes home from the grocery store without a small bouquet to refresh the vase in the living room.
"I'm going to test your knowledge of some common flowers. Starting with..." Ignoring his quiet, "Oh no...," she pulls out a single stem of a purple flower, its thin, curling petals stained with yellow toward the center. She hands it to him. "What is this?"
Oh, he is definitely going to look like a fool. He searches every memory he's ever had of flowers. "Is this...an iris?"
"Ding ding ding!" Vax sighs in relief. "Good job! Next one."
She pulls out a long-stemmed puff of gold, and Vax knows this one. He takes it from her with an easy, "This is a marigold."
"And you thought you'd be bad at this!"
Next up is a poppy, and followed by a rose. He's feeling confident until the flower after that, with sparse, narrow pink petals and a large center. After a good thirty seconds, he frowns. "I got nothing."
She clucks her tongue. "That is an echinacea flower. But four for five ain't bad!" She kisses his cheek, which is worth the fuck-up.
He surprises himself by recognizing the gardenia, but he's never even heard of a nemesia before, much less seen one. As the game goes on, Vax finds himself distracted by Keyleth's hands, which seem to vibrate with some kind of frenetic energy. There's something else going on here, something besides a game of identifying flowers, but he has no idea what it could be.
She tells him there are only three flowers left, and he gets aster right, but not narcissus, and when he finally correctly identifies the tulip, he has a rather large bouquet in his hands, a riot of colors and aromas. Keyleth congratulates him on a job well done—his performance was middling at best, but he did do better than he would have predicted—but she's still buzzing, and Vax knows there's more to come.
"So...there's a round two, so to speak."
"A round two?"
"Those flowers are...a code of sorts. A puzzle for you to figure out." She pulls her feet up onto the couch, settling in to watch him struggle.
A code? They're flowers. Vax knows that there's some kind of meaning system behind flowers, like lilies are for peace or something, but he's far from well-versed in it, and he's pretty sure Keyleth doesn't know much more than he does. Both of them like flowers that are pretty and smell nice; they're simple folk.
"I don't think you want me to know what these mean," he says, thinking out loud, "because I don't think you know what these mean."
"Fair enough."
"But you picked these flowers for a reason."
She nods. "I did."
"Okay." If he felt foolish before, he feels doubly so now. Keyleth and their entire audience are watching him struggle to put together pieces he can make neither heads nor tails of. "I'm going to assume you gave them to me in a specific order."
"Excellent assumption." She's sitting back comfortably in the corner of the couch, but her casual posture belies that same high-key energy he's dying to understand. Her smile isn't nearly as blasé as he knows she'd like him to think it is. This puzzle is something big.
"Okay, let's work this out." He takes the iris and lays it on top of the basket, which now sits between them. "Iris. Then...marigold." He lays it just beside the first flower. "Is it...the names?" His eyes flash to hers, and instead of an answer, the corners of her smile curl up further. He's got it. "Okay. Iris, marigold. I-M." The poppy was next, then the rose. With each letter, he lays the corresponding flower onto the basket. "I-M-P-R...oh fuck, what was next?" He fumbles through the remainder of the bouquet in his hands before finally announcing, "Echinacea, right! Then it was the gardenia...I-M-P-R-E-G—"
He cuts himself off, eyes going wide. His head snaps to face Keyleth's, who has completely lost any pretense of nonchalance. She's grinning bright, already half-laughing as the realization sinks into Vax's bones like sunlight in the winter. "No fucking way." She nods enthusiastically. "No fucking way!"
And then the flowers are everywhere, basket tosses aside as he throws himself on her, babbling incoherently as the tears come fast and hot. She catches him easily, wrapping her arms around his neck as he sobs into hers. "Breathe," she laughs, running a hand up and down his back. "You're going to pass out."
Shaking, he straightens up, wipes at his eyes. "I can't believe...how long have you known?"
"Three days. It took this long to put this together." She tucks his hair behind one ear. "I couldn't keep it from you any longer."
"Another baby." He feels like he's going crazy, like at any moment, one of the twins is going to shake him awake from this dream he's in. "We weren't even trying!"
She laughs again. "I know!"
"We're just really good at it!"
With a roll of her eyes, she warns him, "Vax'ildan, we are on camera."
Fuck, he'd forgotten. He turns to grin stupidly at the camera. "Hi everyone! We're having a baby!"
Keyleth tucks herself into his side. "Obviously, you all will be watching this many months down the line, when we're ready to announce, but..." She interlaces her fingers with his. "I wanted to have something we could share, if we wanted to."
Vax understands that the responsible thing to do is to wait to announce such incredible news, but he feels like he's physically going to burst if he doesn't climb onto their roof and shout it for all of the neighbors to hear. "This is...fuck, Kiki. This is unbelievable."
Normally she's shy about showing physical affection while on camera, but today, she takes his face and pulls it to her own, kissing him with a ferocity she so rarely displays in front of others. He smiles against her lips—what a dream, this woman, this family, this life. He hopes he never, ever wakes up.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 9 months
Found this welcome theory video that i found interesting: https://youtu.be/9Lz6OcILeSc?si=tcPnCX3QC4JmAyC-
Thoughts :3?
(functional link to video)
i tend to avoid youtube coverage of welcome home because i'm petty, but fuck it, it's a new year and i've never actually heard of this youtuber before. i'll give it a shake. liveblog under the cut:
"y'know if it wasn't for the unsettling mysteries, the feeling that somebody is always watching you, and the mold.... i'd wanna live in the neighborhood" that's exactly why the mold and paranoia's so scary babeyyyy
"update number two" Tch.
i'm less inclined to call the writing in this update character development so much as it is just character establishment. especially since before the july 22nd update (bc that's what this video is about) all we knew about the other neighbors was what the WHRP was willing to tell us. i feel like i'm preaching to the choir though.
ok i laughed at the grindset alpha male howdy joke
"now i wanna move onto eddie bc i wanna make a connection between [eddie and howdy]" :D OH DO YOU NOW.
i do love the energy in this video, very infectious. i too have recommended people welcome home solely on the basis that they would have the hots for eddie and y'know what i haven't been wrong yet.
I WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING ABOUT HOW LIKE. almost all of the characters have that backstory element of having coming from somewhere else before settling down in home, but i see the point about howdy and eddie specifically dealing with stuff that comes from someplace else as like, an actual job. putting a pin in it.
i'm not Sure how i feel about the idea that the world of home/the world in which home exists is Within our world? pretty much from the beginning i assumed it was running on re:creators/deltarune dark world rules (i.e. it is a world that was born from human thought and its existence is dependent on/influenced by our world, but at the end of the day it does exist on like a separate plane of reality) and i still stand by that. barbieland in barbie 2023 is a more apt comparison though.
"possession route" Tch.
ok actually i can't tch at that because i have talked about it in my own posts. TL;DR: i think possession/haunting theory could work but only if it's anything other than actual literal ghosts. as soon as you try to make it FNAF 2 i sleep.
don't have much to say about Real Poppy Lover Hours except emphatic smiling and nodding. although i will say i have seen people use "oh she's more like a mom/aunt/etc.!" as an excuse to sideline her in fanwork bc for some reason some folks think that her having a motherly personality means that she can't be shipped with anyone? even though all of home's residents are adults who aren't even related to each other? that's a gripe for another post, though.
...actually now i want big sally. note to self to draw that later.
i do like the examination of whether or not sally referring to the audience is meant to mean anything. personally i think it's just a bit of wordplay/red herring action but You Never Know!
i misheard "girlboss bossgirl slay" as "girlboss boygirl slay" for like a split second. still fits tbh.
IT'S FUNNY THAT THEY MENTION THINKING THAT THE WHRP IS A SINGLE PERSON bc i do have an ask about that right after this. i'll save my thoughts for that response though.
it's funny that "was the majority of the gang being some form of queer/disabled/nd/etc. planned in-universe" is a question at all bc at the risk of sounding like an asshole it feels so obvious to me that it very much was not. the interview is definitely playing into those themes though.
"them <3" yeah
again. extremely refreshing to see a welcome home video from someone who actually likes welcome home instead of the clicks that covering it will give them.
he always knows when to show up, huh.... huh.... i've been trying to break away from being so self-referential ever since welcome home and consequently this blog blew up but. huh...
do i think he's a service dog? i think to answer that question we would first have to answer the question of whether or not he's even a Dog or just Shaped Like A Dog. the laws of his reality say he is a dog, but we can at least guess that even even those can't be trusted. i think it's possible that he may see himself as in service to wally, that he worries about what will happen if he doesn't butt in, but i don't know if this is an objective truth.
"[wally] being so mysterious i don't think is like, him wanting to be mysterious. [...] there just may not be that much about him." and then relating that to how typically protagonists in puppet shows have more subdued personalities than their co-stars so they can be more relatable to the audience. Teehee. (this is positive)
oh there's something kind of poetic about the idea that each bug video ends bc wally's snapped out of his dissociation by one of his friends calling his name when paired with the idea that he's disassociating in part due to his connection with the audience isn't there. being reminded of one's own personhood through your connections with others, and how that has the potential to become more bittersweet the more wally continues to risk it in the process of regaining a sense of purpose as The Audience Surrogate. oogh. that's just me waxing poetic though.
oooh that whole passage about the idea of remembrance and the pursuit of a "correct" story and tying that back into how welcome home in-universe has been almost universally forgotten and the themes of living as a disabled or mentally ill or queer person. beautiful connection.
"hmmm, how much agency do you have in your life actually" AHEHEHE. HEHEHEHE. HEHE.
conclusion: Good Video. thank you for sending it.
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