#I felt like I had did something and I ain't even in no beef with nobody lol
uzumaki-rebellion · 5 months
I've been out on an Indigenous retreat doing some ceremonial work with elders and finally got to log on today and my goodness, I have never seen a hit dog spiral like this from a celeb in so long.
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imdead770 · 5 months
yours and soda's first argument
Sodapop Curtis x Reader - First Fight
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Authors Note - So sorry for not writing this sooner, I don't really have an excuse, I just never felt like it. Enjoy!
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• The fact the two of you even fought is crazy to me
• I think Soda is pretty good with communication
• Like he comes to you if he's hurt, you go to him, there's no secrets between either of you
• But there's one thing we all know
• Just because Sodapop has a partner doesn't mean the girls will leave him alone
• Maybe one of them go a bit too handsy while you were coincidentally at DX
• Poor Sodapop has no idea they're flirting because he's just like 'okay, they're touching my arm, weird but you do you'
• Then she gets more handsy
• And the thing that made you mad is Sodapop didn't do shit about it
• This random girl was practically feeling him up and he was just smiling and talking to her, trying to get customer service points
• I'd be mad too
• You know Soda would never cheat on you
• But still, if some random guy had his hand on your bicep you'd say something about it
• At least lean away
• But Sodapops just sitting there, all smiles.
• So eventually Soda comes back to the Curtis house where you often are, all excited to tell you about what Steve did today
• Only to be met with you
• His first thought is 'aw, she had a bad day'
• Which is so sweet holy shit
• But back to the beef
• You, obviously, confront him
"Hey.. how come you were letting that girl touch you like that?"
• He's gotta think for a second because he doesn't even remember any girl
• Then it clicks
• Shit, she was flirting??
• Aw fu-
"It ain't anythin' important"
• Right when he said it he regretted it
" What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"It's nothing."
"What, you let hot girls feel you up and then come home to me all sunshiney?"
"It's not-.."
• This idiot
• His swore his brain wasn't working
"Why ya' gotta be so jealous?"
• Oh shit
• He could've sworn he heard a snap in your nervous system
"Look, darlin', I didn't-"
"Can you shut up for one second? What the hell do you mean?"
• He can't even respond
• He's still internally slapping himself on the forehead
"Are you gonna just stand there?"
• You just rolled your eyes (understandable) and walked off
• The moment you left he slapped him in the forehead with an audible 'pow'
• After that, if you're like me, you kept your distance
• Cause, for a good reason, you're pissed
• Sodapop goes to Darry for advice
• And of course Darrys response is
"Are you stupid?"
"I dropped outta school, Dar', course I'm stupid."
"Yeah but I didn't think you were that stupid"
• He tells Soda to give you your space
• And Soda tries, he really does
• But he just can't avoid you
• He's literally head over heels for you and he's supposed to just ignore you??
• So eventually he finally manages to track you down
• This man is practically on his knees begging you to forgive him
"I'm so sorry, I ain't never do it again, it was stupid I know-"
• If I were in your shoes I'd start laughing
• Or maybe you're still mad
• Or you're smiling at the apology, depends on who you are.
• But it's practically impossible not to forgive him
• He said "I'm sorry" at least 500 times by now
• He sounds like Eminem at this point
• So either you're
A) "I forgive you, Soda"
B) To stubborn to forgive so you just kiss him
• I'm personally a B but you do you
• It's the sweetest kiss ever
• Pure wattpad fanfiction kiss
• Soft and sweet with both of you smiling into it
• Especially Soda
• He hasn't tasted you in like.. 1 day
• That's practically an eternity
• In summary
• Arguments with Soda rarely happen
• And if they do they last for 3 days max
• Normally with Sodapop knocking at your window with some roses and his award winning smile
• And no matter how big the problem is
• You always end up making out
• Gotta love Soda
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egg-emperor · 5 days
How does it feel seeing so many newbies/tourists in the fandom drooling over Robotnik after the movies came out (and made him Skinny), when you've been simping over Game!Robotnik/Eggman long before it was cool?
Oh goddd you don't even know lol. I remember the day jimbotnik was first shown in the trailer thing, posted about it on here then about how empty I felt as I was already sad about it being live action and not CG voiced by Mike Pollock from the start. Then being shocked when people were saying "omg he's hot now, why did they make Eggman hot" and I was like EGGMAN ALWAYS HAS BEEN HOT!!!! and I've been saying that for years!!!! Was a strange feeling being the only opposite, finds game Egg hot but not the movie
Hell, I felt the same when the Boom design was revealed and people said the same then of "they made him hot" like he wasn't already, often just because he wasn't so fat. Don't get me wrong, not taking shots at those who got into the series through movies/Boom and now like game Egg. I'm glad you came to like the beautiful best game canon Egg no matter your introduction, this ain't about you, we have no beef. Though you really should've realized sooner, shouldn't have taken Jim Carrey to do so, you were decades too late smh XD
But the people that were very blatantly, shamelessly, and openly acted like game Eggman is ugly in comparison literally just because he's fat compared to Boom/movie, or bald and has a big nose unlike the movie etc- which are all absolutely gorgeous features- I was judging those hateful people very hard for only liking him when they take literally all his key features away and openly disliking and putting down game Eggman. Especially all the blatant fatphobia that people didn't try to hide or outright admitted to
Now I'm a lot less vocal about my personal distaste of jimbotnik because everyone knows it. Many got the wrong idea thinking I had something against them if they like him so I just try not to speak on it anymore. Obviously people can like what they want, can't say I understand the appeal of it in the absolute slightest but you do you so long as you're not being an asshole towards the reason your beloved movie version exists, the gorgeous perfect best original! You better respect the roots 🔫
I'm also proud to have desired Eggman carnally and to have been simping over him way before it was cool lol. Long before official simps like Thunderbolt/Stone/Starline etc existed and years before both Boom and the movie versions existed. I didn't need a what's widely regarded as a "conventionally attractive" version to exist to recognize Eggman's true beauty, of being a fat and bald old man with a big nose because those are genuinely all features that make me 😍💜💘 Unironically!
I don't care how weird and crazy and unbelievable it may be, I'm just enlightened and powerful in ways they can't comprehend. Honestly I don't really feel like it is considered cool still because it seems it's still considered very weird and unbelievable to find game Eggman hot completely unironically in comparison to jimbotnik and Boom. And I actually like that, still makes it feel more special and exclusive that way XD Like y'all can have them, more of the handsome fat bald evil bastard old man for me hehe
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passionxwrites · 11 months
Best Thing (3)
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"That crazy bitch back outside of your fine ass neighbor door."
Noli looked up as her best friend Drita let herself into Noli's apartment using the key she had been given for emergencies, once again. Drita was one of the first friends Noli made once she moved to California and they had been attached at the hip since. They met at a gas station due to some weird ass man harassing Noli because he could tell she wasn't from around the area and Drita quickly swooped in and scared his ass off. Her exact words were, "I'm here for every black queen I see in distress."
Drita stood at 5'11 and was every bit of the stallion that she loved to call herself. She had curves that would make a grown man cry and she flaunted them well. Her skin was a dark shade of brown reminiscent to the beautiful Kelly Rowland and she always kept her hair (thanks to Noli), lashes, and nails done.
They immediately clicked and Drita ended up helping Noli get a job as a bottle girl at Diamond Dazzlers since she already worked there as a dancer. Drita was also Noli's first Cali client and had pretty much moved up to being her brand ambassador after basically being her walking billboard.
"Damn again, this her third time this week," Noli spoke shaking her head as she gave Drita a hug before walking into her bedroom.
"Girrll that nigga got something serious between his legs if she out there acting a fool like that. You need to be trying to get a piece cause we both know that man is feeling you."
Noli rolled her eyes because here Drita was talking about this so called crush she felt Erik had on Noli for the umpteenth time. Every time Erik came around and they were together Drita had to throw in her ten cents about how Noli needed to let that man "wreck her shit," as she so eloquently liked to put it.
"Say that shit again and I ain't going to this stupid ass party with you no more," Noli snarled as she peeped her head from her walk in closet to see Drita splayed across her bed like she owned the damn place. Drita swiftly lifted her middle finger and went back to scrolling on Tik Tok deciding not to pay her aggressive friend any mind.
"Girl whatever, ole country ass."
Noli chuckled and shook her head as she flipped through her clothes trying to find an outfit for this party Drita begged her to go to. Apparently one of the "niggas with all the money," from the club was throwing some big ass mansion party and wanted "all of the bad bitches," in attendance. After finally flipping and yanking clothes she deemed ugly off of her hangers she settled on a pair of black leather shorts, a black bralette, and an orange and black biker jacket. She quickly flung her clothes on the bed and pointed Drita to her "beauty sanctuary," which was really just a guest room that she turned into a mini beauty salon until she finally saved enough money to open a real one.
"Alright sista, what look we going for today," she asked while fluffing out Drita's wild blown out hair.
"Just give me a cute lil low knot bun for right now, I'll be back Saturday once my damn wig finally get delivered. Girl, do you know it was supposed to be here yesterday and yet I haven't seen UPS yet!"
"They like to take they sweet ass time but that’s fine, I can squeeze you in Saturday before I do Melissa's hair for her birthday photoshoot."
"Melissa extra ass does a birthday shoot every year. This not even a milestone year for her," Drita exclaimed while rolling her eyes in annoyance and continuing to aggressively click away on her phone.
Noli just shook her head at her best friends antics because although Melissa was indeed being extra, the two girls did not get along. Melissa, also known as Montana at the club, was a 23 going on 24 year old that had been working at Diamond Dazzlers since she was 18. The beef between her and Drita quickly began after Drita caught Melissa giving her boyfriend at the time a dance in the private room. They had been at odds ever since. She remembered Drita angrily stomping up to the bar yelling about how she knew Melissa was fucking her man.
"Well she's paying me to not only do her hair but also an extra $300 to go to the photoshoot and keep her touched up during the process."
"Good! Bleed that bitch dry," she said as she sat there with her nostrils flared and face turned up in anger.
~~~~~ The pair had only been at the mansion party for a solid 5 minutes and Noli was already getting agitated.
I should have stayed my ass at home.
"Girl fix your damn face and lighten up. Looking like somebody gave you something sour to eat." Noli turned her head in Drita's direction while deepening the frown on her face.
"You know I hate parties and I only came cause I didn’t want you to come alone but if one more nigga walk up and grab my arm like he know me, I'm gone defend myself!"
Drita could only laugh because she knew the type of person her girl was. Noli only went out if she was going to work or Drita was dragging her out of the house to some party. Noli was the true definition of a home body and spent the majority of her time cooped up in that apartment or walking around target like she was crazy. It was so bad some of the employees knew her by name.
"Cry me a damn river Magnolia-"
"Bitch I know you didn't just call me that!"
Noli hated her government name with her entire soul. She had never heard of anyone else with the name of Magnolia besides the damn flower and could not understand for the life of her why her parents felt the need to name her as such. She remembered asking her grandmother why her name was Magnolia Mae Jenkins and her grandmother simply stated they named her that because she was their flower. Her brother however, in his asshole teenage years, liked to tease her by saying they named her that because she would never get out of Mississippi.
"My bad, it slipped but come on lets go to the bar and take a couple of shots. You need to loosen the hell up."
Drita quickly snatched Noli by the arm and led her across the spacious dance floor to the open bar and ordered 4 shots of Don Julio.
"2 for me and 2 for you sista." Noli grimaced but downed the two shots anyway figuring Drita wasn’t going to let her off the hook with this party so she might as well force herself to have some fun.
Baby this some Fenty I don’t do no Vicky Secrets Please don’t take no pictures of me bae Its giving sneaky We can't make no flick You gone get mad at try to leak it This pussy like a perk Give him some He started geeking
The girls instantly looked at each other and squealed immediately getting hype as their favorite Ken The Man song began blaring from the speakers of the DJ. Noli grabbed her girl's hand and made haste getting to the dance floor to show her ass which she rarely did in public but this was a special case. Noli was so into having fun shaking her ass that she didn't bother to move once she felt someone move behind her to catch everything she was giving. As the song began to end she finally leaned back up after being bent over showing out for so long and her back made contact with a quite muscular chest.
His cologne smells familiar.
"I didn't know Ms. Noli the home body had all this in her," the voice whispered huskily into her and Noli quickly snapped her body around to face the man that had been lucky enough to catch what her mama had gave her.
"Erik, what are you doing here," she questioned in astonishment at the fact that he was the man that was all up on her and also at the fact that she could feel he was indeed working with something serious between his legs like Drita had assumed earlier.
No wonder that girl is stalking him. Hell, I would too.
"Well for one thing this is a free country but also my homeboy is the one throwing the party," he smirked at her face which probably still held and ample amount of shock. That smug attitude of his was like a bucket of cold water and she quickly rolled her eyes before turning to walk away.
"What the fuck ever Stevens," she muttered as she began taking steps to go find Drita who had conveniently disappeared once Erik got behind her. However, she didn’t make it far before she felt him wrap his arm around her abdomen and pull her into his embrace.
"I'm actually done playing these cat and mouse games with you," he spoke into her ear as she stood halfway frozen at his very close proximity.
"I haven't been playing any games with you," she claimed as she pulled herself away and faced him.
"Yes you have. You've been playing them since you moved into that apartment across the hall three years ago and I played the long game with you but damn you are stubborn. Admit you like me Noli."
Noli stood completely still in her spot as a million thoughts ran through her mind on where all of this could even be coming from. Liking Erik? That was just crazy talk, nonsense! Or was it? She always thought he was cute from the first day she met him but he was a nonchalant asshole and she vowed to leave those type of men in Jackson after she boarded her flight. Then her mind went back to all the times Drita claimed he had a crush on her and she internally cringed.
Drita just cannot be fucking right. I'll never hear the end of it!
"I- I gotta go find my friend," she quickly muttered while turning on her heels damn near running away before he could pull her back into another confusing haze of emotions.
Erik only smirked once again while shaking his head knowing this was going to be hard but he was definitely up for the ride.
~~~~~ Okayyyy, so sorry for taking so long to update! Life has been lifing but I finally got it out. I definitely tried to make this part longer than the previous two. I hope y'all enjoy!
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innerslumber · 1 year
I went to the Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit and wanted to share for anyone who has not seen it. I am under the impression that the installation changes from location to location so I wanted to show this snapshot in time. I fully admit to being biased in what I will post so if you want to see a particular character, please let me know! Apologies ahead of time for my crappy photo taking skills.
Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
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Okay, see that picture above? Yeah. That's it. I looked through the whole exhibit and only saw that ONE wall display of Deadpool. Is it possible that I could have missed something? Yes. But do I think I did? Not really.
Which makes me basically think, what the hell man?!?! Where's Deadpool?! If you got space on the wall for freaking Morbius then where is my Merc with a Mouth??? Also his reading material of choice? 👇👇👇
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Did @vancityreynolds commission this particular art installation? Because this is exactly the kind of shit he would pull to troll Chris Evans.
The ONLY saving grace from my disappointment was that as I was approaching the wall art of Deadpool, the sweetest and most adorable child voice says: "Look! It's Deadpool!" with happiness and glee. Then his (who I assume is his mother), said: "Oh. My. GOD." with the disgust and disdain reserved for a forgotten box of takeout that got shoved so far to the back of the fridge that it became its own ecosystem and is now declaring independence.
The sheer willpower I had to apply not to burst out laughing was monumental. Knowing that Deadpool is out there corrupting our youth to the horror of their probably sensible parents brought me so much joy. It was just enough to overcome my sadness that this exhibit had no section for Deadpool.
But you know what wasn't going to let me down? That's right, The Gift Shop. Because Deadpool ain't gonna be showcased in the legitimate exhibit space but oh no, capitalism don't care about optics! There's shirts! There's magnets! There's hats! THERE'S COOKBOOKS!
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And of course it was going to be a chimichanga recipe! Did we ever have a doubt? I will say this looked better than Captain America's Beef Tongue Terrine recipe that was also in the book. (Sorry Steve...)
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Oh and speaking of more Deadpool and Captain America synergy, remember I mentioned hats? Yeah. Just a whole ass display of beanies that only came in two designs. Like...this was a CHOICE, okay? It can't be a fucking coincidence that they only had these two options.
Honestly by the time I was done my 5th lap of the gift shop, I wondered if this is how Cameo Chris Evans felt watching Free Guy and seeing Ryan Reynolds just do whatever the fuck he wants with the shield.
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I mean, I know I sound like a whiny punk ass but not even a single comic cover of Deadpool? 😭😭😭 Omg the fangirl tears I would have wept at seeing a Spider-Man/Deadpool cover! Did Ryan and Andrew kissing at the Golden Globes mean nothing to you, Marvel?!?!
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Fuck No! I love that museum, okay? They do awesome work. This was obviously an oversight done by the person I blame any time Marvel shits its pants: Kevin Feige. Maybe also the Russo brothers.
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Uhh...well I got these.
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Look how adorable little Cap is!! 😍😍😍
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Shut up, Ted Lasso! It was worth it! I already have a bunch of stuff with your mug on it so I wasn't going to buy more! Now this is me, walking away into the sunset with my precious cargo. Sayonara motherfucker!
(And sending vibes to the next location for the Marvel exhibit to show some damn Deadpool. Don't let me down!)
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hey so you replied on my sideblog about being anti goncharov at aliciadreaming. you mentioned you didn't like wakanda forever? I was wondering if there's something problematic in the movie? besides the whole Queen Ramonda dying? I'd like to understand if there's more problematic elements. thanks so much for your time!
It was mostly a preference thing for me, personally. For one thing, it felt more like a Marvel movie thsn the first one did. It irritated me SO MUCH that we spent so much of the movie with the Black people having to defend their home from POC when the US military was RIGHT THERE, AND was THE problem for Namor.
That he went to beef with Wakanda instead of the real enemy got on my nerves and though some will say, "But that's realistic," okay, AND??? This is a movie. Let us have fantasy. Let us have THE fantasy that is them working together in the first place instead of half the movie being them at war. Especially because now, Idec if they're an alliance, I'm already against them because they attacked a great nation when a shitty nation was right there and actually a threat to their people.
Then, and tbh this is on a petty note. I didn't think Letitia was that great. She was surrounded by powerhouse performances that took small fragments and made them award worthy moments. She was the lead and, to me, the least. It could be because I don't like her, but usually even people with goofy politics, I can say, "They might be good at what they do, but I don't like them," and I feel like she just didn't give what everyone else gave, which was very crucial considering that she had so much surrounding her onscreen and had such big shoes to fill as the lead in this franchise.
I don't feel like she did it well, and I don't like her enough to defend her like I would if she wasn't a dummy.
So, it's not that it's problematic and I'm not even off of Black Panther, I will still be at the theater first day or first week of the next one, like always, if I'm alive by then. I just didn't like it, personally. But, hopefully the next one changes my mind. This one disappointed me. And the community spent months acting like I slapped they mama for saying so, but as you know, I don't be caring.
It had delightful elements, but as a whole I ain't like it.
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Day 4: "Getting the ick" Part 21
All eyes are on you as you stand on the ceremony in the challenge stage...The other Islanders wait in stunned silence... Alfie has the sparkling engagement ring in his head...He and everyone else is still waiting for you to respond...
Eddie: WOW, a ring, You guys really were serious...
Finn: Doesn't get much more serious that...
You think to yourself { is Finn realizing that all of this is too much for him all the history and baggage you and Suresh have? Is that why he's been crackin' on with Kat?}...
Kat: Guess someone was stepping out, not stepping up.…
Suresh finally picks his jaw up off the floor, hiding his embarrassment from the others...
Suresh: Ariellea? Is this for real? Were you ever going to tell me?
Ariella: Yes, Of course I was going to tell you...There was just never a good time...Everything went wrong before I got a chance to ask and then I just never wanted to even think about us again...
Suresh: I guess we both kept things from each other...Just wish you'd have told me...
Ariellea: I was upset with you, sorry if I didn't want to start chatting about rings! Telling you wouldn't have changed anything...You still did what you did...
Suresh: You don't know that...Maybe it would have been different if you had said something...I felt the same way, you know!
Kat: I didn't see a ring in your suitcase,babe
Dana: Yeah to be fair, if you liked it then...you know...
Dana holds up her hand and points to her ring finger...
Dana: Should put a ring on it...
Kat: Exactly! As melty as it is, at least the girl had the balls! Who's got time for waiting around!
Suresh: Just because I didn't give you a ring, doesn't mean I wasnt serious about us...
Alfie: Clearly not as serious as Ariella was... Right?
Ariellea: I was all in with you...I thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together...And I didn't care who asked who...But then I realized you weren't the person I thought you were...I didn't know who you were...
Suresh: Well looks like I wasn't the only one keeping secrets...
Ariellea: There is a difference between yours and mine...Yours broke my heart and our relationship...I had everything planned out...Down to the day and time what we both was going to wear...Then it all just fell apart...
Suresh: I just... I don't know what to say to you...It all could of been so different...I would have been a great husband to you...
Alfie, Finn and Kat laugh under their breath...
Suresh: What's so funny?
Ariellea: Seriously guys now is not the time
Suresh: Guys, can you please stay out of it, yeah?
Suresh turns back to you and doesn't know what to say...
Eddie: I guess it's all even now? No more beef..
Ariellea: What do you mean all even?
Eddie: Well, you both hid things from each other, it's all in the past... Surely that's that? Even stevens...Surely now it's all is forgiven, right?
Ariellea: Someone has changed their tune..
Dana: What does that mean, Ariellea?
Ariellea: Oh just before the challenge, Eddie here bad mouthing Suresh and trying to get his graft on again..But I put him in his place and shoot him down...
Suresh: Well, thanks for standing up for me..
Ariellea: You maybe a ares sometimes, but I wasn't about to let him talk bad about you and you not be there to defend yourself...
Kat: Eddie, babe , life ain't that simple...The two things don't compare, do they? Ariellea's secret was nice...Suresh,if you've gotten cheated! It doesn't matter if Ariellea kept it secret... Proposing is still a sweet thing to think about doing...The other thing...not so much l...
Finn: To be fair, Ariellea and Suresh could be married right now... Telling me that would have been a good thing?
Suresh: I'm done talking about this with everyone...It's got nothing to do with any of you!
As Suresh leaves the challenge stage he turns to you...
Suresh: My answer would have been yes...I want you to know that...
Before you can say anything he paces off towards the villa... Everyone else starts to leave as well, Now it's just you and Finn...
Ariellea: You know we need to talk right?
Finn: Yeah I know we do...This has all been a lot...why don't we catch up in a bit, ok?
Ariellea: Yeah, I guess...Finn leaves and head to the villa as well... Your left standing there thinking { so much for a drama free day}...You head in yourself and go to the bedroom and lay down on your bed trying to wrap your head around all the craziness that has happened today so far...But it's far from over You still have to chat with Finn and you know Suresh is going to want to chat as well...You lay there think { this is not what I signed up for, this is not how I pictured my summer going this is supposed to an experience of a life time but nope not for you, sometimes you wonder...why even am I still here I should just go}...As your sitting alone in the bedroom Kat comes walking in...
Kat: What are you doing?
Ariellea: I needed some time to myself and my thoughts...
Kat: Have you talked to Finn yet?
Ariellea: No, I'm getting ready to here in a minute...I guess you got what you wanted, huh?
Kat: What do you mean?
Ariellea: Most likely this chat is heading in one direction...He gonna call it a day with me and explain why...And then run to you...Oh and just so you know...He be my sloppy seconds for you...
Kat: What do you mean sloppy seconds?
Ariella: We had sex last night Kat...and this morning in the shower...Now please leave I'm done talking to you...
Kat leaves the room and you lay there a little longer...You get up and head outside to look for Finn, you see him sitting by the pool...You walk up to him and sit down beside him...You look at him, he studies you face and eyes...
Ariellea: So, we need to talk?!
Finn: Yeah...
Ariellea: So explain yourself, why was standing up there looking like a fool? All the while you and Kat are flirting in front of my face?
Finn: Look, I'm sorry I didn't plan for this to happen...Kat and I just have that spark we bounce off each other we have some strong chemistry...
Ariellea: And we didn't? All the bullshit you feed me was a lie...I was letting my guard down with you...We had sex for f**k sakes...And I don't give that up to easily...
Finn: Again I'm sorry, I thought I could deal with all you baggage and history with Suresh...There is clearly more between Suresh than I know about...It seems like stuff runs a lot deeper between you than maybe you even realize...And I don't want to get in the way of that... I know there is feelings still there on both ends..But that's for you two to work out...You are a beautiful, special woman, I never ment to hurt you like this...You need to figure where your heads at...But for me right now I want to try and gives go with Kat... Again I'm sorry 😔...
He get up from the pool and leaves you there with your thoughts and feelings and tears in your eyes 🥹🥲😭...You get up and walk of to the swing seats and sit there and replay over and over Finn's words..As your sitting there still crying you see a Suresh walking over to you...you try to dry you eyes best you can...Suresh stops in front of you...
Suresh: Hey...
Ariellea: Hey Suresh...
Suresh: I think we need to talk about this ring-shaped baggage of ours...
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar error, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1339
| published : 14 november
| request : could i request an imagine w/ sukuna where itadori’s best friend is just so welcoming of sukuna and tries to include him when they do things? like they’re just hanging out and she goes “sukuna would you like to try this” and she holds up a piece of food to his cheek so sukuna can try it and it just warms the curse’s cold dead heart bc she’s genuinely trying <3
| barista’s notes : i kinda went a little off track with this imagine ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ but i hope you enjoy your order of a cup of black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request) and that you have an amazing day! please come back again soon ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ
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“You know, I think curses spirits have emotions”
“Mother, what in the world are you talking about? They don’t have feelings, they kill without remorse and try to gain power from their greed”
“Y/N dear, how are curses formed?”
“Negative emotions that results in cursed energy leaking from the bodies of humans”
“See ‘emotions’ is in the sentence dear”
“‘Humans’ mother, you forgot the word ‘humans’ was also in the sentence”
Back then you had no idea what your mother was suggesting or saying at that time. Curses having emotions? What was that all about? You knew from previous missions that some curses were intelligent from being able to take hostages to some being able to talk but other than that you still couldn’t comprehend what she was trying to communicate to you.
“You know the Legend of Sukuna?”
Looking up from your book, you stared at your mother - who was sitting on the opposite end of the room with a cup of tea in her hands - with a somewhat nonchalant but surprised expression on your face wondering why she brought up such a topic that was feared by most jujutsu sorcerers
“You used to tell me about it when I was younger, why are you bringing it up now?” you asked curiously, as you closed your book before gently placing it on your lap.
“We all know that the curse was a human before his fingers became cursed objects, don’t we? How do you think he felt when he was killed?”
You were about to answer her before you shut your mouth completely, not sure on how to even answer that question. How could you? No one knows the whole story to even come to a conclusion for that question, you have to interrupt the story in your own way to make one yourself? Wouldn’t he have been enraged when he was killed, annoyed at the fact that he lost in a way? Or was he unsettled? 
“Personally from my perspective, I think he would have been vexed at the fact that he somewhat lost, you mother?”
“I think the same as you, but I have a small feeling that he was upset for some reason, I’m not sure why though”
You still have that assumption till this day. However, you were a little more open about your mother’s thoughts and took them into account sometimes when you were debating on the subject on your own. However, there was a slight shift in your opinion once Itadori Yuji unexpectedly came into your life.
The first time you meant the boy was when Gojo came back with him carrying him and Fushiguro back to Jujutsu high, confusing you completely on what was going on. For someone who was sent to just retrieve a cursed object, Fushiguro looked completely beat up and that worried you completely on what he had encountered during his time away. However, Gojo just couldn’t read the room.
“Yo Y/N, what is my favourite student doing at a time like this? It’s quite late you know,” he greeted you with a smile, before plopping Fushiguro on the ground.
“Sensei, now’s not the time to play with me, what the hell is going on?” you muttered annoyingly before using reserve curse energy to heal some of Fushiguro’s wounds.
After some time of your playful teacher explaining what was going on, you came to the conclusion that the boy ate the cursed object that Fushiguro was supposed to collect causing him to become Sukuna’s vessel as a consequence.
“So what you’re saying is that Fushiguro failed to get the object in the end,” you commented as you pointed at your close friend, leading to Gojo giving you an ‘okay’ sign telling you that you were technically correct.
“Was that all you got from the whole explanation Y/N?” Fushiguro irritatedly asked, causing you to lightly giggle before apologising to him.
However, after that night, you made the decision to become friends with the teenager as you didn’t want him to feel completely isolated on his situation right now - he did leave everything behind to come to Tokyo - and with everything that was going to happen to him, you wanted him to live a happy life with people surrounding him before his execution after he ate all 20 fingers. What you didn't realise was this friendship would lead to you guys to have a sister and brother type of bond.
You and Itadori did everything together from going on missions together with Nobara and Fushiguro to randomly going out to do some shopping or showing him around Tokyo. As time went on, you decided to fully take in your mother’s opinion. You slowly included Sukuna in some of the activities that both of you would be participating in - usually this would involve you asking for his opinion on something, even if he sometimes gave a rude response.
“Do you think Sukuna is a pork or beef type of guy?” you randomly asked, as you lifted up your chopsticks that held a piece of cooked beef to Itadori’s cheek. “Sukuna, would you like to try this?” you kindly asked, leading to the curse to take a bite of the meat before his mouth disappeared like it didn’t appear in the first place.
“I never really asked, but why are you so kind to Sukuna? I mean he is a curse, after all, ain't sorcerers like you supposed to like, hate them?” Itadori asked in a confused tone, causing you to look up away from the meat that you were cooking to the boy that had asked you that question. 
To be honest, you weren’t so sure how to answer his question, just like the same situation that you were years ago when your mother asked you that question. How could you answer this time around? How could you answer this question now?
“Personally from my perspective, I guess I took in some consideration towards anyone’s emotions,” you casually answered, before going back to the meat that was cooking on the grill, leaving Itadori confused yet somewhat understanding what you were trying to say.
Sukuna on the other hand was confused about what you were trying to interrupt to his annoying vessel as he sat quietly in his Innate Domain. Ever since the beginning of your friendship with Itadori, you had been nothing but kind-hearted toward him making him wonder what your intentions were from the start. However, over time he began to discover that’s what you were naturally. You were naturally just a kind-hearted person that was trying to become acquainted with him. You were generally trying.
It was hard to recall the last time he had someone to confide in - if there was anyone he even confided in at all - you were someone that took his emotions into consideration, you always question his reason for power, greed and destruction, instead of assuming that he was born with his sadistic nature. He still remembers that time you were able to somehow get close to him during his fight with Fushiguro and heal Itadori’s heart with no issues at all - making him intrigued on how powerful your reserve energy was. However, he remembers what you said to him as your hand was placed on top of the wound on his chest.
“Listen, I have no idea what caused you to become the man that you are today, I have no idea what pain you went through before your death 1000 years ago, I have no idea what you are feeling right now and I’ll try my best to understand” you quickly stated just as your curse began to revive his heart, “but right now, there is no way in hell am I going to let you kill Itadori, you got that Sukuna!”
That. That caused his cold empty heart to suddenly become warm.
Your kind-heartedness was the reason he began to reach out to you.
He wanted to cherish that trait of yours.
You were kind-hearted.
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 years
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass) || Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round) || Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger) || Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 7: Stick To Your Guns
Get a grip on yourself // Get in shape for tonight // Take a look at yourself or your dreams // You're losing sight...
You got to stick to your guns // What's right for you, ain't right for everyone...
Soundtrack: “Stick To Your Guns,” Mötley Crüe, 1981 [click here to listen]
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Time passed.
Claire’s sessions with Gillian progressed well. For five mornings a week, ninety minutes at a time, slowly they untangled the path that had led Claire to despair, to addiction, and to The Ridge.
Claire started keeping a daily gratitude journal. For Gillian had helped her understand that she had so very much to be grateful for. Almost every entry featured Jamie – something he’d shared with her, or something small she’d done for him, or a few chords he’d played on his guitar, or a new memory she’d timidly shared – thanks to his quiet, patient encouragement.
Afternoons were for Group, and for recreation. And now that the summer was in full swing, she was volunteering in the garden. It was Glenna’s pride and joy – and grew a healthy range of herbs and fruits and vegetables to be harvested at various points through the summer and served in The Ridge’s kitchens. And Glenna’s passion quickly rubbed off on Claire – who had never gardened in her life, but absolutely relished getting dirt under her fingernails and harvesting from the plants she’d tended to so carefully.
Together with Marsali and Jamie – and a shy newcomer, Elias Pound, barely out of high school but terribly addicted to painkillers – she continued to prep and clear the dining room each evening. With Gillian’s encouragement, she took Elias under her wing, guiding him through The Ridge’s process much like others had when she had first arrived.
And when Elias quietly shared that he wanted to be a doctor – she’d started giving him pointers on what to study, how to focus his energy, and how best to mentally prepare himself for what that life would be like. A life certainly without pills.
Her medical skills had come in handy a few times, too.
There was the evening when Glenna had cut a deep gash in the back of her hand as she’d sliced corn off the cob for dinner. Claire had expertly and calmly sutured the wound, with Elias’ diligent assistance. To the applause of the small crowd that had gathered, watching.
And there was the morning when Geneva had been stung by a bee and had a terrible allergic reaction. Dougal had burst into Claire’s session with Gillian, seeking urgent help. For all that Dougal was opinionated and in charge, he clearly knew when to step back – quickly doing as Claire bade, following her down the hall and bringing her adequate supplies to stop the swelling.
And of course there was the lunch, one rainy day, when Rupert had eaten his roast beef sandwich a little too enthusiastically and began to choke. Swiftly Claire mobilized, and with a few pushes of his diaphragm the half-chewed sandwich spewed all over the table. Everyone in the dining room had cheered.
She had a purpose.
She belonged.
She’d proudly told Uncle Lamb all about it (for patients at The Ridge received phone privileges – one thirty-minute phone call every three days – once they’d been there for two weeks). And Lamb certainly shared her joy.
“You just sound healthier, my dear.” He blew his nose into the receiver. “Excuse me. Claire – I feel awful saying this to you, but I think you’ll understand now. You were so desperately unhappy for such a long time, but you didn’t want any help dealing with it, and I felt utterly paralyzed – ”
“It’s all right,” she reassured him, twisting the phone cord in her free hand, watching through the windows as a few people played volleyball on the lawn. “I wasn’t ready to hear any of it. But now I am.” She paused. “Lamb, I’m so, so sorry. I’m sorry for what happened, and I’m sorry for how bad it got, and I’m sorry for disappointing you.”
“Oh, lovie. There’s nothing to be sorry about. I – ” His voice choked. “I’m just so glad you’re off of those stupid pills, and I’m so glad that you’re getting the help that you need.”
“I’m lucky to have really good people here, who want to help me. To build new habits, and to break the old ones. Did I tell you I’ve really gotten into gardening?”
“Yes! You’ll have to tell me more about it the next time we talk.”
“I will. All right – our half hour is just about up. I love you.”
“Oh I love you, Claire. Stay well.”
She hung up and sighed.
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Dedicated to @princessstevens she had a great idea 👀☻
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Waiting to Get Home
Bethany slouched in the black leather passenger seat of her boyfriend's white Porsche Cayenne S, looking out the window at her own flat expression in the side mirror. The car was his baby and he'd just gotten it washed. She could tell he thought he was somebody now.
His hand flexed on top of the wheel, Monaco watch on full display and elbow resting on the door like a.. like a..
Who was she kidding. Like himself.
He thought he was the shit because he was the shit in his coke white hoodie with the white gold chunky necklace on the outside falling on his collarbone. His white skully hid his dreads but showed off glittering diamond studs. His white pants tucked into his white Chelsea boots left Bethany to admire his style like damn.. He wanted to be like her so bad. They were matching today. She clutched her stomach and grimaced, her blush painted almond nails digging into her faux fur white jacket.
"Get your ID out," Erik said.
Bethany continued to hold her stomach. The pain from her cramps had long passed but she didn't like that he hadn't acknowledged the fact that she was in pain and cramping up to begin with. She wanted him to mention it.
"Where's your ID? Come on. Get it out."
Erik turned into the gate, following behind a red Toyota onto the Alameda military base.
"My stomach hurt," Bethany whined, with another grimace, her glossy bottom lip protruding. Erik still ain't look her way.
"I'm sorry your stomach hurts. Get your ID out, okay?"
What? No belly rub?
Bethany frowned at Erik's side profile as he looked ahead and to his own window, driving up to meet the guard. She already had her driver's license in her pocket but had purposely waited to take it out. She had no real reason other than she wanted to... because she could and Erik couldn't do anything about it.
He was looking at her now in irritation, his mouth a straight thin line and his eyes on hers. Finally, some attention.
"Here." Bethany stretched her arm and then her body over Erik's torso as he frowned, accepting the weight on his body. "Erik, move, damn," she groaned, her 20 inch bundles flowing in his face as she pressed down on his thigh for balance. She handed the guard her license and fell back into her seat with a sigh as the guard fought a smile. He wanted to laugh, but he could see Erik's stone face staring forward. Erik's brows then raised toward the guard as if to say "get me out of here" and the guard, nodding him on, handed back the ID's, including Erik's military ID.
Snatching the ID's from Erik's hand, Bethany ignored the quick turn of his head as he nudged the car forward slowly. He was glaring hard at the side of her face, but she was looking at the picture on his ID, unbothered and entertained.
"I don't get why some people gotta look evil in all their photos," she teased, her lip twisting in judgement. When she felt him refocus on the road, she looked through her window again as SWV's Right Here started to play on XM radio.
There were people walking about in tan camouflage and hats. There was even a group on the grass across the street who were doing some sort of military drill.
Erik drove into the parking lot of the commissary and parked in a middle spot, bypassing the disabled parking spaces. He threw it in park and pulled the key out, checking for his phone.
"You gone make me walk," Bethany sighed kissing her teeth. "Fine, whatever."
"You the one who get mad when I park in the accessible space! Where I'm supposed to park Bethany?"
"I said whatever," Bethany snapped. She didn't know why she was being a bitch, she didn't actually have a problem with where he parked, she just felt icky and gross and wanted her period to end.
He sighed staring at the side of her face.
"Ew.. nigga," she muttered almost inaudibly opening her door quickly to climb out. She slammed it louder than she meant to scaring herself because she knew Erik didn't play about his car. She didn't need to look at his face to feel that his eyes were big. She scuttled across the street in her three inch heeled white boots, walking through the store's automated entrance.
She got to the produce section and grabbed the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions before Erik pulled up beside her with the shopping cart. He walked around the basket to stare in her face as she dropped the items in.
"You Gucci?"
"Yeah, nigga! I'm fine," Bethany's head bobbled as her lip twisted. She sashayed away to grab some apples and grapes, turning back briefly. "Push the basket!"
When she turned to grab the bag of grapes, she felt like she was on a high. It was risky to keep going off on her man like this, but it gave her such a rush. Plus, she felt touchy and irritable. He was always a bit more patient when he knew it was that time. She'd never get away with yelling at him like this otherwise.
"Ew, I don't want them bigass oranges get the mangoes," Bethany frowned watching Erik grudgingly put his grapefruits back. He loved them, but Bethany claimed that her nose was sensitive on her period and that the grapefruits stank. "Brand spanking new apartment. Penthouse, nigga, and you wanna bring that shit in and stink the place up."
Erik swallowed his lips causing his dimples to sink as he moved away to grab some capers and salad dressing. He wasn't entertaining her shenanigans.
Watching him stealthily from the corner of her eye, Bethany grabbed for a watermelon making sure it was nice and heavy.
"Eriiik," she whined watching him turn back in annoyance. She pointed to the watermelon and he rolled his eyes but came to get it for her.
She didn't really want it, she just liked to watch him lift things. He did it effortlessly like it was nothing, sitting it in the basket.
She smirked, twisting the sapphire ring Erik got her last Christmas on her finger as she walked toward the next aisle.
"Push that for me."
Surprisingly, he didn't say a word. He followed her with the basket as she filled it with the things they'd need for the next month. Cleaning supplies, toilet paper, a dish brush, aluminum foil, sandwich bags, among other things. "Get it all," he'd said in the car. That was exactly what she planned to do. She grabbed AA and AAA batteries, a swiffer, some tampons.
"What are you doing," Erik sighed as she inspected packages of ground beef.
"I'm just looking." Turning the packs on her hand, she checked the dates.
"Don't neither of us eat beef babygirl. What you doing," he asked again calmly.
"I can't look?.." Rolling her eyes, she sat the package down and picked up shrimp instead, placing it in the basket.
"Yeah you PMS'ing," Erik muttered pulling the basket over to the juice. He loved him some CranApple.
"Don't talk to me like that," she snapped, her hand in the air for emphasis. "Don't nobody say nothing when you bitter and ugly."
"Woooo," he sighed walking away.
He'd be back.
Bethany left the basket exactly where it was for him to come back and push as she went to snatch down some Chips Ahoy cookies, BBQ chips, boxed brownies, oatmeal cakes, and fudge cookies. She dropped the armful into the basket and went back for sour cream and onion chips and onion dip. When that was in the basket, she just needed ice cream.. and whipped cream.. and cake mix, she'd passed that.
"Bethany stop." Erik reappeared almost causing her to jump. His voice sounded tired. He was holding pasta, rice,  beans, and more vegetables, some of them frozen. "You can't eat all that shit, you gone make yourself sick." He dumped the groceries in the basket pulling out her fudge cookies and brownies.
"Uh uh!" She took them back, sitting them back in the basket. "Don't touch my shit," she whispered.
"Bethany shit. You don't screen my purchases. I'm grown and last I checked, I could afford to buy my own groceries! Do you run my checkbook?"
"Aight," Erik nodded moving the basket to let a family by. The mother was trying to get at the Apple Juice.
"Aight shit. Do you run my checkbook?"
"Watch your mouth," he warned staring Bethany in the eye. There were two children right beside her.
"Huh? No... You don't! I can buy my own damn groceries."
"Bethany," he warned again, eyes stern as he grabbed the basket pushing it to the next aisle in the opposite direction of the kids.
"Eat my ass," she mumbled grabbing the CranGrape before following. He waited until she got close to whisper in her ear, tryna get her together quickly. Usually it would work, but she was on something else today.
"You ain't finna embarrass me in this store," he whispered in her ear before backing off.
"I haven't begunnnn to embarrass you. I haven't starrrrted. I can really do some shit if that's what you wanna see. I'm just here getting my shit. You ain't eating it, what's the problem? All up in my basket like damn. You good? You Gucci?"
"Oh I'm great," he said chin high. "But you finna be crying if you don't calm the fuck down. I suggest you keep walking and chill the hell out," he whispered.
The audience in the aisle gave Bethany something to prove. He didn't run shit, she did. The store was always crowded, but today people were paying attention and Bethany had the time to prove some shit. Stepping forward, she put her fingertip against Erik's temple pushing his head.
"Don't TELL me to calm down like I'm a child."
His eyes widened again and he refocused his eyes on her face, his expression calm with another strong warning. There was unmistakable fire in his eyes though and she saw it clearly, but said fuck it.
"I'm not your fuckin child," she said mushing his head again.
"You making a scene, stop," he mouthed, lip tightening over his teeth.
"I don't give a damn!"
She quickly dropped a big pineapple and a strawberry soda in the cart so they bounced and fell over and she faced him again.
"..You showing out," he mumbled shaking his head.
She didn't even drink sodas, but he was irritating her so it was the principle.
"Okay? And? You ain't gone do shit," she shrugged. "Yeah you!.. Move out my face and push the damn basket, nigga. Tuh," she scoffed swinging her bundles as she turned.
She didn't get two steps away before there was a smack loud enough for everyone in a five mile radius to hear. The crash of it reverberated off the airwaves, like a balloon pop. It was a pop with its own echo. It made everything around her stop, people frozen in their spots staring at her, watching her closely for her reaction.
Her face was hot. She found herself frozen, eyes wet from the fast tears welling up in them. Within a second, one dropped down her cheek. She was fuming, trembling with shock and humiliation. She wanted to go off on everyone who was watching her but she couldn't yell like she wanted. She couldn't even talk or else her voice would break.
"Keep walking," Erik mouthed pointing firmly to the right.
She wanted to cuss him out, her chest rising and falling fast but when she opened her mouth she squeaked, from holding it all in. Her ass was on fire. He'd really spanked her! She was about to cry cry. Turning on her heels, she abandoned Erik and walked into the next aisle.
"So damn dramatic," he muttered.
Pulling the basket, Erik rolled his eyes and put the sodas back on the shelf along with the brownies and fudge cookies before following after her.
"Put it back," he called when she picked up a jumbo bag of candy.
Bethany stomped and crossed her arms over her chest resigned. She wouldn't talk to him any more today, she didn't care what he said or asked.
Sniffling she followed as he pushed the basket getting everything that was on the list they'd come up with together. The whole reason they'd come was to get what was on the list. She knew, but still. She was grown.
In the frozen food section, she looked at the ice cream and opened the glass door to grab a tub of rocky road.
Erik bumped her out of the way and pushed the door back shut with his shoulder.
"You lactose intolerant. Keep walking," he said, a threat in his eyes.
She started to come back at him, but he raised his hand so she covered her ass with her hands and stomped ahead, followed by the basket.
"Get in the line," Erik nodded to the que of baskets. One was called to a register as he rolled up.
Bethany refused to look at him. Instead, she scowled at the magazines and gum.
He didn't try to talk to her again.
"Next," an old Asian lady called from register 7. Erik wheeled the basket down and started unloading the groceries onto the belt on his own bit by bit as Bethany stood with her arms crossed.
The Asian lady only looked at Bethany once before choosing to ignore her.
Erik filled the conveyer with items and waited for it to move before he finished. The young white boy bagging the groceries was quick and stacked them onto a dolly to push while Erik surrendered his military ID and credit card.
As soon as the sale went through, Bethany rushed out of the store, speedwalking back to the car. It was locked and she had to wait for Erik and the white boy to get there with the groceries. Still fuming, she tapped her foot, the heel of her boot impatiently colliding with the ground.
Erik finally emerged from the store and she rolled her eyes at him. He led the boy to the car and unlocked it when they were close.
Without delay, Bethany opened the passenger door and climbed in, purposely slamming the door. She hoped he was mad about it. She had to sit slowly, gingerly because her ass was still stinging. She was still shaking. Her knee bounced quickly, she was so angry.
She watched through the side mirror as Erik tipped the boy after he'd loaded the groceries in the trunk.
Erik climbed into the driver's seat of the car and didn't look at her nor did he speak to her. He simply started the car and backed out of the space looking left and right.
The radio popped back on playing Soul II Soul's Back to Life, but silence stretched between the two partners as Bethany's tears slipped down her full cheeks.
Erik sighed pulling off of the base and turning onto the highway, still staring forward.
Bethany couldn't believe he was ignoring her now. Did he not hear her crying? Did he not see her? She began to sniffle hard again so that he could hear it, her chest raising as she sniffed.
"Keep crying, I'm a give you a real reason to cry," Erik threatened, irritated.
Bethany swiveled in her seat, shook.
"YOU HIT ME," she shrieked, watery eyes wide.
"I did," he admitted. "You were asking for it."
He spoke so matter of factly that Bethany was stunned speechless. She'd been bratty with this nigga for as long as they'd been together and he'd never spanked her. She was just playful! But then, she'd never gone that far. Frowning, she picked up her jaw quickly. He couldn't do this to her. She was the princess. Who the fuck was he?
"Nigga, not even my daddy has hit me," she stressed.
He sighed deeply, patience near gone.
"Well I'm ya daddy now."
Bethany gaped.
"Sit the fuck in that seat and don't say shit to me until we home. I got something for you since you wanna make a scene."
Bethany groaned and tried to the door handle knowing it was locked. No way would she actually attempt to exit a moving vehicle on the highway, she just needed a way to rebel without making things worse for herself.
"Didn't I say sit-" Erik trailed off.
"I AM! Where I'm a go!"
She knew she was digging herself deeper and didn't know how to stop. Sliding back down in her seat, she crossed her arms and whined, her face in a squished pout.
"I'm on my period," she whimpered. He knew she was PMS'ing, it wasn't her fault.
"You still talking," he mumbled.
She gasped, kissing her teeth. She couldn't do nothing without it making things worse.
"Fuck this," she grumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes.
"You got the right one today babygirl," he scoffed.
Erik didn't respond. That's when Bethany knew she was about to get it like never before when they got back to their new penthouse. She needed to plan her escape.
All that space.. she made up in her mind then that if he wanted to punish her, he'd have to catch her first. Her pussy started to tingle at the thought. It was so fucked up.
She glanced up at him and his face was still stern. She wondered if he was hard.
Risking a glance at his white pants, it was an affirmative. She could tell by the way he was sitting.
She sat antsy in her seat staring out of the window the rest of the ride.. waiting to get home.
The End.
@muse-of-mbaku @imaginewhoever @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @blackpantherimagines   @vikkidc @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku   @drsunshine97 @purplehairgawdess   @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @fonville-designs @they-call-me-le @theblulife   @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent
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cslupus · 5 years
Hello! It's Lupus. Here to put the chronic into the Chronicles. I don't own anything by C.S. Lewis but I believe he would smile on fanfiction and that he fully intended the reader to finish his world. I don't own anything by Tech N9ne. The italics are lyrics from his song "Einstein".
Christmas day. Topeka, KS. 2414 Se Colorado Street. Dale's house
"So, fucking Egypt, right? Yknow, I was there and damn it, I wanted to try some of that local hashish." John said this while gesturing with the hose of the hookah in his hand, half remembering to finally take a hit. He blew the next words in clouds, "It was back in late 2011 to early 2012 and they had that revolution, right? Well..." John paused to take a drink from his tall natty light and coughed. Scarlette sat inconspicuously at the end of the couch, a worn and gorilla taped hookah hose in hand as everyone listened to the man sitting cross-legged on the floor. She'd been at job Corp for a year and a half and was finally free to smoke. She was lit as fuck and did her best to follow along. He continued, "So I found some guys who put me in contact with a dealer. And this wasn't something like here in the states where you go to the place, take it home and, yknow. No, this dude led me and about 3 other guys to this fucking warehouse. There was literally this big ol' switch breaker, like 'Egor, flip the switch' style thing that they pull down to turn on this one bare bulb hanging over this circle of chairs. At this point I'm thinking, yknow. 'Yeah, I might die, but fuck it. Yolo. Let's see where this goes.' and besides, they already had my money. So we go and sit in these chairs and they break it out and we're passing it around when one of the guys there starts to speak. He said," John paused. The look in his eye had shifted to a sadder gaze. "He said he was with the Egyptian guard or military or whatever. I don't remember his rank, just that he gave orders. He told us his rank and he told us his job during the revolution. Keep in mind that this shit just happened, like, within a year of him telling this story. His job was to tell the armed soldiers guarding some building what to do. The protests were crazy and a few times, yknow, his men got nervous, and he got nervous. He finally ordered the men to fire into the air to scare the crowd back, and so they did and the crowd dispersed. Just a couple days later they were back, and after a bit he had his men fire in the air again and the crowd dispersed and backed up, but slower this time. And sure enough, a day and a half later, they're back. So he has them fire into the air again. But the crowd isn't dispersing. He's telling us about fucking hundreds of people calling his bluff and his superiors were putting pressure on him and then, for whatever reason, he looked ME in the eye, dead in the eye, and said 'So I ordered my men to fire into the crowd.' and the only thing I could think right then in that moment was 'I am so fucking high right now.'"
The room was quiet. This quiet was comically broken with the sound of someone sucking the last icy bit of fountain drink through a straw, and everyone suppressed their laughter until finally Scarlette let hers go. The rest of the room followed suit. The tension broke and Dale, the host, slid over to Scarlette and asked her to pass the Playstation controller. She handed it over and he proceeded to put on some YouTube. Music filled the spaces left by people trickling towards the kitchen where the liquor was.
If you got scratch nigga, get the fuck up Throw your hands up, if you hella fucked up Einstein, tech n9ne, two triple zip Crack a jaw, whip 'em all, if they wanna trip Ladies with the bar codes, meet me after this
Maybe you can show me, the meaning of abyss Everybody on the wall momma is a bzzz Had her at the budgetel stroking on my dzzz This ones for the psychos gang bangers and sluts Bumbs holding the pipe those college graduate fucks
Scarlette stepped out onto the front porch to smoke a cigarette.
As she untangled her ear buds, a second person came outside and lit a clove cigar.
"Sup, Eddie." Scarlette said. She looked at him and noticed his clean cut appearance and his absence of cornrows. "You look nice. Your hair is really short, though. Beard looks good."
"Thanks, clove?" he offered the little black pack over and she saw a lighter and a chillum in it with 3 black wrapped cigars and three little nugs of weed in the cellophane of a cigarette pack burned shut.
"Everything's coming in threes. Nah. I don't want one after that hash."
"Three cloves. Three nugs. Three days."
"So it's true. You're going to London to live with your dad." replied Eddie.
"Yeah, got the ticket with my Job Corp. money."
"You went for culinary, right? Are you sure they'll take your certification in the U.K.?"
"There's plenty of places that pay under the table. Skill is skill and I have it. I'll start there." she said a little defensively. She didn't like to talk about her reasons for moving, but the truth was, she felt called. London was calling and she was going to answer. She just was.
"I wish you'd reconsider." Eddie said sadly. "Do you at least have some money left after the ticket? Probably just a couple hundred dollars. What if things don't go your way and you end up homeless?"
"I'm sorry, Eddie, but I'm..." she was cut off by a series of gunshots from a few blocks over. "No, seriously! Who the fuck gangbangs on Christmas?"
"Keep it classy, Topeka." Eddie replied. The put out their half smoked deathsticks with reluctance and headed back inside.
Kc mo roll Kc mo roll What do we say to haters off top Haters got beef they thinking we got We gon' get postal if it don't stop You can get ghost or you can get shot
Scarlet sat down on the sofa and looked at her novelty yo-yo/mp3 player she was given as a fare well gift from her Job Corp. friend, Sylvester.
"I wanted to, just, curate and give you the best techno and trap and dubstep playlist ever, but a bunch of shit went down at my house I had to deal with, so I ended up not having time and I was just going to give you the yoyo and let you put on whatever juggalo shit you wanted, but then my buddy gave me acid. While I was peaking, I suddenly decided to work on this list, so I'm just ripping songs off of YouTube based on how they made me trip and, if they didn't make me trip right, it was like there was this lion, this fucking golden ass lion, looking in at me through a door in my chest and it'd growl. I'd feel it growl. It was insane. But I did fill it for you. So, it's all techno. Pretty random. Glitch Mob, Timmy Trumpet, some Diplo. Give it a chance before you delete it all."
She didn't say anything but she'd been seeing a huge lion in her dreams climbing the rocks on top of Echo Cliffs as the sun's rays slanted beneath a great, black stormcloud. Then it would look at her and she'd realize something so shocking it would wake her up but she could never remember what shocked her awake. She rolled her ear buds around the yo-yo and put it back in her bag. She headed into the kitchen to find Eddie.
"No dude," Eddie said, red cup in hand "you should not learn how to crip walk. You shouldn't even say crip walk. Say C-walk. And don't do it."
"Man, I do not, for the life of me, understand why a dance should be off limits. I just don't." said Tommie. "Man, I don't give a fuck, I'm graduated! Oh damn, sup Scarlette!"
"Sup. Shit, I'm graduated, too." she said as she grabbed a cup.
"From Job Corp. Not the same. Come back when you been to college, then law school." Tommy said as he leaned forward and smiled arrogantly.
"Man, chill out you cocky motherfucker. You ain't passed the bar yet. You are not a lawyer yet. You're a juris doctorate having motherfucker. Let Scarlette have hers, man. It takes nothing from you." said Eddie.
Scarlette glared at Tommie and poured herself some soda. She didn't really feel like drinking tonight, not after her mom's drunken bullshit earlier. She was thinking about being home as little as possible until her flight. She had lots of people to visit and say goodbye to, so it felt doable.
London, U.K.
Tears flowed down her face as she picked through what was left of her belongings on the terrace outside her father's flat. Her father's girlfriend, Debra, didn't like Scarlette and exactly one week after Scarlette started her hotel job, Debra planted a chequebook in Scarlette's trunk and claimed it had been stolen. So, without a word, Loren took his daughters belongings and put them outside while she was at work. He'd never been a brave man.
Scarlette made her way down the water-stained concrete stairs, out through the courtyard, and on into the streets. She walked aimlessly, hungry but too cautious to spend anything. She thought of all the groceries she joyously bought for herself just days before. They'd all be eaten up by that treacherous bitch and her lapdog boyfriend. More tears came. She sat on a swing and cried as hard as she'd ever cried.
When she finally stopped, the world stopped with her. It was dead silent. No horns, no machines, no people. She heard herself breathing hard so she knew she wasn't deaf. Suddenly, a great shadow crawled slowly over her from behind. She looked up and saw the buildings, streets, everything, peeled up in a big wave and curling over her. She didn't understand. She didn't think. She ran.
She ducked between pedestrians, having to take great care to avoid them so they'd stop knocking her down. It was like they couldn't see her. She eventually found an alleyway and ran down it. She leaned against the wall to catch her breath. To her left she saw a window, with a man staring out at her, though it wasn't a man exactly. He had sharp features, a pointed beard and ears, and two small horns coming from his forehead. She began running again.
This happened over an over. She'd see something utterly impossible, run away, stop to rest, and see something else. A half man half horse, a dancing tree, a squirrel the size of a medium sized dog holding quill and parchment. She couldn't run anymore, but she pushed herself down a narrow corridor back to the street where she saw a boarding bus. She barely made it, almost payed the fare til she realized she still couldn't be seen, found a seat and hoped to not get sat on.
After sneaking onto busses for a while, she found herself near the center of the city. She realized how tired she was. Thoughts of food again tormented her, til she finally got off the bus to track down some fish and chips to steal. She walked with purpose and rounded a corner to come face to foot with a giant. She whimpered as she began running again.
She ran across a vacant lot and saw a tree sprout, grow big and robust, fill with apples, the split in two and decay right in her path. She tried to go around and felt her foot snared by an ancient prehensile root. She struggled as she found herself falling down a sinkhole. She felt dirt in her mouth as the Earth swallowed her and her screams. Roots scratched her face and arms. Soon she felt light through her eyelids and felt leaves along with branches. She was still falling. No matter how she tried, she couldn't keep hold of any branches. It was all she could do to cushion each collision with each ever larger branch. All too soon, she ran out of branches. She fell a whole story and a half and landed on a small boulder jutting from the flowing roots that gripped the ground with her shin taking all of her weight. She both felt and heard her bone snap and, with a wet pop, rip through the skin. She was on hands and knees. She didn't feel anything until she foolishly tried to stand. That's when the world spun out of control. She stumbled to the ground; the pain in her leg was so intense she could almost hear it. She vomited and collapsed into unconsciousness.
Not far from her, in the brush, waited a watching satyr. He nimbly negotiated through the tangled roots of the great old tree and picked up Scarlette's bag. He looked around where he saw objects from her bag fall with her and gathered what he hoped was everything. He briefly examined the contents. He picked up her phone, thinking it was a very dark mirror for scrying, and he almost let out a yelp when the screen lit up. He put it back and donned her purse with the strap across his chest, leaned down, and lifted Scarlette up in a dead man's carry. He was a simple satyr who only did simple magic, but he knew great magic when he saw it, and he knew the High King at Cair Paravel would want to make this his business.
If you wish to read more, cash me on Fanfiction.net and wattpad
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warlockboyfriends · 6 years
like.... ive been salty over toa since the beginning, but mostly kept my mouth shut. ngl, i was excited at first but after finding leo was coming back i totally lost interest (i had a real big beef with boo & how it ended). i decided that i was just gonna ignore the series & pretend it didn't exist.
to me, it really felt like toa was forced & fan service-y. i really felt like the pjo books should've ended with hoo. yes, its great that toa has lgbt rep, but i really feel like... thats it? as i got older i realized ricks writing really ain't that good. he lacks consistency & isn't that good at writing relationships (both platonic & romantic).
a lot of my anger is coming out now bc of jasons death. its not that he died that i'm upset with tho. its that his death had no meaning. im on the side of people who feels that his death was just for shock factor & feels like a writing cop out to make your story seem interesting (and to make up for the fact that he didn't end up killing leo for real).
i remember the fans making comments about how nobody really died in hoo except for like a hunter & octavian. i guess rick heard that and went "yeah ok i'll kill somebody". but i think he missed the part where the fans weren't necessarily upset no one died, its that the battle of gaia was built up to be something bigger, badder, more terrifying than the battle with kronos. but it ended up being underwhelming & boring.
rick killing off known/important characters isn't new. but he did them well (i will argue about beckendorf tho). octavians death felt so unnecessary & nico letting him die felt wrong. octavians character also lacked depth. we knew nothing about the guy except that he didn't like greeks bc??? we didn't even get his last name for peteys sake. not that i wanted some deep, emotional back story for him. i just didn't know anything about him except that hes mean. it was flat and he made for a poor villain. and while he wasn't the main villain, he was still a key character in getting the greek & roman demigod camps to meet.
to sum up what i was trying to say (bc i know im a mess at writing myself); rick had a bad base for toa bc of how rushed hoo was. the ending of boo was disappointing & trying to build a good story on that was going to be difficult. fans complained that hoo wasn't up to their standards & rick half listened to their complaints. he tried to fix hoo through toa, which might've worked? but he tried doing it in a sloppy way.
im probably being a little too harsh but im kinda just a bitch. lemme know what yall think bc i really enjoy communicating with the fandom. also sorry my writing is so yucky & disastrous. ironic that im roasting rick over his
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annaphoenix1994 · 3 years
Colter - The Aftermath of Genesis
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Arthur interrupted Pearson's quiet thoughts with a cough, seeing that Pearson had been waiting for the fire he had created to pick up. "We're gonna starve to death up here, Mister Morgan," He spoke.
"We're okay," Arthur assured, rubbing his hands together.
"We have a few cans of food and a rabbit. For what, ten, twelve people? When I was in the Navy-"
"I-I do not wish to hear about what you got up to in the Navy, Mr. Pearson," Arthur replied, not interested.
"We were stranded at sea for fifty days-"
"And you unfortunately survived..." Arthur teased.
"When we ran away from Blackwater, I wasn't able to get supplies in!" Pearson explained.
"Well when government agents are hunting you down, sometimes shopping trips need to be cut short!" Arthur replied, watching Pearson carry the pot to the brewing fire. "We'll survive...we always have...and if needs be, we can eat you, you're the fattest," Arthur continued with his crude humor.
"I sent Lenny and Bill hunting and they found nothing!" Pearson argued, soon being joined by Charles Smith, who was gripping his still-injured hand.
"Well, Lenny's more into book learning than hunting," Arthur chuckled, holding his palms to the fire. "Bill's a fool. Unless those mountains are full of game that wanna read, ain't no wonder they found nothin'!"
Arthur really did not want to go out and face the snow again. For once, just once, he wanted to stay inside and not do anything else.
"Enough of this," Charles intervened. "We'll go find something. Come on, Arthur."
Arthur grunted as he was once again chosen for a task he didn't want to do, but he knew someone had to do it and he didn't want Charles to go off by himself.
"Wait a second, hold on," Pearson said as he made his way to his make-shift butcher's table, retrieving a can of salted Offal for them to take. "Here, you're gonna need something to eat out there!"
"Assorted, salted offal," Arthur read from the can. "Starving would be preferable."
"Come on, let's go."
"You can't go huntin', look at your hand!" Arthur protested.
"I can't stay here listening to you two," Charles replied. "Look, if there's game in those hills I'll find it and you can kill it."
"You need to rest, Charles!"
"You think this is rest?" Charles argued. "Come along."
───※ ·❆· ※───
Valentine, New Hanover
Minnie scarfed down a shot of harsh whiskey. She was never one to drink cheap liquor, but with the past couple of days being so rough, she didn't care. As long as it burned her throat and had her craving more, she wouldn't protest.
Her father, Jameson Barlow, had a cabin just north of Citadel Rock. It was small, quiet, and comfortable - somewhere for her to go when her actions got the better of her. She felt selfish for calling her father's home her preferred hideout as her father was the complete opposite of her: an honest, working man who made honest money. He knew who she was and what she was capable of, but he knew he couldn't change her ways. He swore to never tell her, but he never properly accepted the money she would gift to him as it was stolen. Instead, he stored it in a chest under his bed, promising himself to never touch it, even in an emergency.
"You want another?" The bartender asked his regular customer.
"Nah, I'm good for now," Minnie replied, embracing the burning sensation coating her throat. "I wouldn't mind some of that beef stew, though." She added.
"Sure thing, ma'am."
She nodded and took a few peanuts from the small bowl as they were available for everybody, setting aside the shells as she ate. She couldn't help but see a couple of men in the corner, pretending to play Dominoes, scouting her out. She hid a sly smirk as they must have thought she was stupid. Everybody knew around here that the O'Driscoll's wore a green vest or scarf and most of them lacked common sense.
She knew they were after her.
"Thank you." She smiled at the bartender as he brought over a fresh bowl of stew. Her stomach growled as she had gone without a whole meal for a few days, only relying on small game and wild berries to satisfy her hunger.
"No problem, Miss." He replied while setting down a glass of water for her as it was complimentary with every meal.
She soon finished her meal, requesting another shot of whiskey as she knew she was going to get in another fight sooner or later.
"See you around!" She said almost too loud, alerting the two O'Driscoll's who had been watching her.
She tossed a couple of coins down on the counter before slinging her coat over her shoulder while her spurs jingled as her heavy boots collided with the wood floor. She nodded in greeting at everybody she had come in eye contact with as she walked out the door, even the two O'Driscoll's who were after her, using her sly grin and short wink as a 'fuck you' to them as she passed by.
Instead of mounting her horse, she turned to the right to the small alleyway that ran towards the back of the buildings. "Where you goin', Miss?" One of the O'Driscoll's said.
She turned around slowly to study them. At one point in her life, she was a secret agent for the Pinkerton Detective Agency, specializing in hand-to-hand combat, security, and weaponry. She had also posed as a spy to expose crude companies such as the oil industry and acts of the mob in the surrounding areas. During one of her assignments, her supervisor, Andrew Milton, conspired against her as she "knew too much" about the industry and attempted to have her killed. After figuring out the plan, she had turned against him and the Pinkerton Detective Agency and robbed Andrew Milton before running from the law, becoming the well-known Minnie "Bandit" Barlow.
"Ain't none of your business where I'm goin'," She replied.
"Is too!" One of the O'Driscoll's replied, his hands on his gunbelt. "You're a wanted lady, Miss Barlow!"
"Don't know what you're talkin' about, Mister," She chuckled, shaking her head.
"Oh, I think you know. You're a wanted lady. About eight thousand for your hide! And I don't know about you, but I could do with a good chunk of cash like that!"
Minnie scoffed, "Yeah? And I could do with gettin' in a good fight. I need to burn off some excess energy!"
"That's it! Get her!" The man said as they both clenched their fists, lunging at her. She ducked from one's punch but received a punch to the side from the other. She groaned at the sudden pain and hunched over before delivering a blow to the man's groin, buying her time to take care of the other man who was well on his feet. She blocked his punches as she grabbed his left wrist, using her small fist to target his major pressure points throughout his torso, such as his jaw, solar plexus (under the sternum), and kidneys. The man groaned as she used items around her for her advantage, such as using the saloon wall to slam his temple before he slumped to his feet in defeat.
The other man finally stood to his feet before attempting to deliver another punch or grab to her, but she was too fast. She used her knee to bury into his sternum as he gripped her thigh and calf as he attempted to take another breath. She then delivered a strong punch to his nose, upwards towards his face, making it bleed almost instantly before slamming him into the wall as well. She blew a piece of her stray blonde hair from her face as she shook her fist, staring at the two men lay before her. "You jackass, you got your blood all over my knuckles!" She snarked before kneeling down to the men, "What're you bastards doin' here?" She questioned.
"I-I..." He gargled.
"I-I can't hear you!" She mocked as she gripped his collar.
"We were told to kidnap you and take you to Colm!" He cried. As much as she loved to be feminine, she also took pleasure in putting the fear of God into a man when she needed to.
She chuckled, "Colm O'Driscoll? Yeah? Well, you tell him just where he can find me, but you and I both know he won't!" She hissed, gripping the man's collar harder, pulling him closer to her. "I'll do the same thing to him like I just did to you two!" She warned.
"You and your big and bad words!" He taunted.
"Big and bad words, huh? Want me to brand you as we do to livestock? Is that it?" She questioned as she pulled out her massive hunting knife.
"Better than dyin' by the hands of you!" He cursed.
She nodded her head before taking the tip of her knife and poking it through the sensitive skin just below his left eye socket. It was a small cut, but big enough for any lawman or government agent to recognize within the region: A snake eye - a well-known mark done by only the hands of Minnie Barlow.
Resembling the Pinkerton Detective Agency's popular slogan: We Never Sleep, hence putting a small cut just below the eye socket as it took longer to heal, keeping the victim awake.
"Sometimes, snakes are just within your sight," She whispered as he groaned at the new pain. "If you don't mind, I'm just gonna take everything from ya here and be on my way!" She taunted as she looted his pockets. The man took a deep breath as she let go of his collar, his torso thudding against the mud. He didn't give up, though, as he wrapped his arm weakly around her leg as she stood, trying to stop her from leaving.
"Let go of my boot!" She warned as she jerked her foot from his grasp, using her spur to gouge him in the arm before walking out of the alleyway towards her broad buckskin Quarter Horse, nodding at the local townfolk who had just seen what had happened.
She would be lying if she said her adrenaline wasn't pumping. She took a cheap thrill in running from people who were after her, whether it be government agents or local gangs, she enjoyed it far better than doing honest work for the government as she now felt the government's work was more crooked than being an outlaw.
Her horse loped along the trail as she purposely took the long way to her father's cabin, eager to see him after a couple of weeks. She continuously studied the area for any threats as she neared her destination, wanting to avoid any harm to her father and his land as he had always worked hard to keep his home as private and secluded as he could.
"Pa!" Minnie said as she slowed her horse, dismounting at the hitching post as he had slowly walked through the front door with a pipe hanging loosely from his lips.
"Evenin', darling," He croaked. "How are you?"
"I'm doin' well, pa," Minnie smiled as she stepped up onto the porch, engulfing her father in an embrace, finding the smell of his tobacco comforting. "I brought you somethin'," She added as she pulled out a money clip from her pocket as well as a tin of cigars.
"Thank you," He smiled as he sat down in the rocking chair, releasing a cloud of smoke. "If ya don't mind, put it on the mantle and bring out the whiskey! You look like you could use a drink!" He chuckled.
"Sure thing!" She nodded as she walked into the cabin, seeing that a small fire had been lit in the hearth. She walked closer to the mantle, seeing that her father and mother's wedding photo was still presented in the middle of the hearth. "I miss you so much, ma," She whispered as she picked up the frame, flipping it over to see her mother's handwriting on the back: JAMESON AND EMMA BARLOW - 1837
She smiled as she looked up at the bust of a buck that was mounted above the mantle. A small six-point buck that her mother had killed a few years ago and had gotten so excited at her first kill as she was never the one to hunt, but to always provide, hence why her father called the location "Six Point Cabin." It was his way to always remember her as it was one of the many exciting moments of her life before she passed.
"I hope you're keepin' dad sane in this cruel world," She continued, putting down the frame before looking at the photo of her as a child: MINNIE ANNA BARLOW - 1867
"What the hell happened?" She chuckled as she degraded herself before putting the photo back on the mantle before returning to the task at hand. She grabbed the bottle of whiskey as she walked out back onto the porch, taking a seat in the rocking chair beside her father.
"What took ya so long? My throat was gettin' dry!" He joked as he reached for the bottle.
She giggled, "Just looked at momma's photo you got on the mantle and got to missin' her," She frowned.
Jameson nodded, "I miss your momma every day. Tuberculosis was real bad back then - still is," He explained as he took a sip of the whiskey, grunting as the strong liquor coaxed his throat.
"I understand," She frowned, looking down at the toes of her boots. "If I could've done anything to prevent it, I would've!"
"Minnie, darling, there wasn't anything you could've done. That disease affects older people the most. It's progressive and there's no stoppin' it. Stop blamin' yourself for it. I did and now I feel more at peace," He explained, lighting his pipe once more, taking a long drag before continuing. "You know, I met a feller a while back when I had to go to Saint Denis, some Indian feller who was hoping to find peace within his tribe - met him on the train. We had got to talkin' and your momma's passing came along. He said that she was lucky. I looked at him like he was crazy and made him explain. He said that most people don't know when they're gonna die, nor do they have that closure or time to find peace before passing. He said that she at least got to find peace and be with us before she went as comfortably as she could. That's when I opened my eyes and realized that I needed to stop blaming myself for it and to embrace her spirit and energy as she is looking over us,"
Minnie wasn't one to have a soft heart for regular people, but when it came to family, everything she was known for was unknown. She held back a tear at her father's explanation, taking note that she may have to do the same in order to move on with her life. She loved her mother unconditionally, but she could never let go of the guilt she felt she had to carry when her mother got diagnosed with Tuberculosis. Minnie was known for being so strong and relentless but felt helpless when she watched her own mother pass away in her arms in her now father's cabin in eighteen ninety-six.
"Do you remember this fella's name? I may need to pay him a visit. Seems like he has tons of wisdom, not much more than you, of course," She teased.
Jameson chuckled, reaching over and patting the top of her hand with his own, reassuring his daughter, "Rains Fall was his name."
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darkfairy-tales · 4 years
Into The Unknown
Description: In a place as confusing and as unknown as Charlottesville, when love blossoms will the love stand strong against the dark secrets and dangers the small city holds? Or will it be just another sad broken story.
"The less you know, the better it will be for you. As they say some things are better left unknown for you."
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Chapter Two
"I don't know where he came from okay! I mean who would have thought Charles could be found in a bookstore. A Damn Bookstore." Michael complained to John after telling the older what happened. "Well Charles is everywhere." Albert stated. Maria was upstairs in her room. With Mary who was looking after her. After she had fainted, Michael was the one who had picked her up and took Maria to her own room. Putting her down on the bed pulling the blanket over her. And all of them, except for Mary who decided to stay beside Maria, gathered in the living room to talk about what exactly had happened in the bookstore. "He is going to come back. You know that right?" John asked sighing. "Yes but he can't really do anything anyway." Michael shrugged nonchalantly. "Guys the thing we should be worrying about is what we are going to explain to Maria" Albert reminded everyone. "We should just tell her the truth." Eliza, who had sitting quietly listening to everyone, said. "But telling her is risky." John said. "Then what do we tell her?!" Albert said, his face red out of frustration, ruffling his hair. "I will tell her. Me and Mary will." Eliza stated standing up. Other agreed though hesitant. Eliza gave them a firm nod as she walked upstairs in Maria's room where both Mary and Maria was.
Eliza opened the door slowly, peeking in. "Hey." she greeted both Mary and Maria who was talking about something she couldn't understand as she didn't heard much. Maria looked like she just woke up. "H-hey." Maria greeted back weakly looking a bit pale while Mary just nodded looking back at her. "How are you feeling?" she asked approaching them and sitting down on the bed beside Maria. "I am fine.. at least better. So can anyone explain to me? About the guy... and everything." Maria asked shivering at the thought of what had happened earlier. Eliza took a deep breath in as she started speaking. "Maria this city is not as you think it is. It is more than just a city. This is a place where natural and supernatural meets. What you saw earlier. As in the man you encountered. He is Charles, a vampire." Maria's breath hitched. Vampires couldn't exist right! They were supposed to be just myths. As her mother had said. "You are.. kidding right?" She asked turning to Eliza nervously. "I wish I was. We are not humans too Maria. Me, Mary, John, Albert and Michael we are werewolves. A pack. The woman you met at your college's reception, the one who suggested you stay with us, she is John's aunt. She knew you were new and you didnt got a dorm and that you weren't under anyone's protection. She feared for you. That is why she sent you to us. She wanted us to protect you during your stay in this city. Every supernatural creatures who lives in this city follows a strict rule to keep away from each other and not cause a war. We have to mind our own business. Vampires and werewolves as you might have heard are the worst enemies. And today Michael punching Charles was just... You know what I mean. Consequences is yet to come. Charles is a vampire with a high status. I can just tell he will do something." Eliza sighed worried. "This.. this is just too much to.. to process." Maria stuttered out
All her life she had been told that vampires nor werewolves existed. All her life she had grown up believing that vampires and werewolves were just myths. And now this. "We will give you some time. To take in all this. And think. If you need something or so just call any one of us out. Or come downstairs if you want." Mary said smiling with a look of sympathy. Maria blankly nodded. Mary and Eliza walked out of the room closing the door behind them. Maria jumped when her phone rang, surprised. She looked at the screen and realized it was her mother. She took a deep breath in and accepted the call. "Hello honey." She heard her mother's soothing voice say. "Hey mom" she said. "Are you okay honey? It is just that I really had a bad dream last night about you. And I felt like something was up. You are okay right? And safe?" Her mother asked. She sighed staying quiet for a while. What was she supposed to say? 'Hey mom I was attacked by a vampire but it is okay, a werewolf saved me.' She totally couldn't say that. She then spoke up when her mother's voice called out again. "Yes mom. I am fine. Everything is going great here. I made friends. And they are protecting me from everything. I mean you know, looking out for me." She said which was partly the truth. "Okay then honey. If you have any problems just call us okay. We would come to take you back." Her mother stated, sounding a bit worried. Maria thought for a while. Nope. She totally wasn't going to make her parents come to this weird city where their life might be threatened. "Yes mom. But you totally don't have to come here. As I said everything is going fantastic." She assured her mother. Before her mother could say anything else she continued. "Anyway mom I gotta go. My friend seems to be calling me to eat. Bye. I will talk to you later!" She said ending the call.
Maria sighed putting back down her phone. She couldn't keep talking to her mom and lie about how everything was okay. She was never the one to lie like this especially to her parents. 'It will be fine. I will handle this problem by myself like a good adult.' she thought to herself, giving herself a determined nod. She changed her clothes and tied back her hair into a ponytail. She then went downstairs to see Mary and others sitting around, talking. "Hey guys." She said. "Hey you fine now?" Albert asked. "Yep I am totally fine. And really hungry. So who is going to helping me with cooking!" She asked with a big smile, making the others look at her in confusion because this is not how someone who had been attacked by a vampire acts. But Eliza quickly stood up. "Come on. I will help you. Even I am hungry. For something spicy." She said making Maria smile. "Then how about hot. A little bit spicy beef stew?" Maria asked. "Well I am up for beef stew. We already have some beef on the refrigerator" John said nodding. Others agreed too. "Okay then let's go start cooking" Maria said as she walked towards the kitchen with Eliza on tow.
After some time the stew was done. "Finally. My stomach was starting to growl." Michael said with some overreaction. "Shut it. Your stomach ain't growling. You are fine." Mary said slapping away Albert's hands which was trying dip a bit on the hot pot of stew, wanting to get a bit of taste. "You are burn your hand big idiot!" She scolded turning to Albert who poked his tongue out at her. Maria laughed at the way they were acting. They almost seemed human. Almist normal. She shooked her head as she helped Mary serve the stew for everyone. While Eliza was pouring some water. "Who wants to have a competition on who can finish their stew first!" Michael said looking at everyone mischeviously. "Welk if you out it like that...." John mumbled before he started eating hisnstew with ni furthur words. "Yah that is cheating." Albert said as he shoved a spoonfull of his stew then groaning when it accidentally burned his tongue a bit. "Fuck that was hot. Ouch." He moaned at the sting. Eliza shooked her head passing a glass of water to him. Everyone started eating trying to finish their stew fast. All of them with a mischevious look. "The loser will do the dishes. And clean the kitchen." Maria said mindlessly making everyone look at her then they all started shoving the stew into their mouth.
"Bwahahaha our cutie john is going to clean the kitchen and do the dishes." Mary said laughing making John, who had lost the 'competition', grumble. "Don't laugh." He said wiping his mouth with a tissue grumbling which just made Mary laugh harder. "It is okay my friend. Just for one day. You gotta clean the dishes and kitchen." Albert said patting John's shoulder giving him a look of fake sympathy. "Maria choose one more person. I cant do all of the work by myself." John said pouting almost like a kid making Maria and Eliza cringe visibly. "Okay fine. Stop pouting. I choose....." Maria said trailing down looking around. "Albert!!" She said laughing when Albert groaned face palming himself. "Well well." john mumbled smirking. "Phew I am saved." Michael said pushing his hair back relieved. "Now guys go go go! Clean!" Eliza said pushing the two guys towards the kitchen.
"I will go up now. Call me if you guys need me." Maria said smiling to Mary. "Can I join?" Michael asked. She thought for a while after nodding. "If you want to." She said. Both of them started walking towards the stairs which led to upstairs. Maria opened the door to her room inviting Michael in. "What are you planning to do now?" Michael asked. "Well I don't know. I haven't planned anything actually." She said wondering what she can do. "You dance?" Michael asked. "How did you know?" Maria asked turning around looking at him. "Just assumed. I just felt like you do." Michael said shrugging. "Wanna try dancing together?" Maria asked, blushing afterwards. "Well if you don't mind of course." Michael agreed. "I have this one song.. I really like. Well it is a korean one. I came across to it on youtube." Maria informed. "Oh? I am curious now. Title of the song?" He asked. "Moonlight." She answered as she pulled her phone out searching for the song in her playlist tapping on it as the soft song started playing. "What is it about?" Michael with his brows furrowed. Maria smiled extending her hand. Michael grabbed her hand softly pulling her close. As the slolwy started swaying their bodies to the sound. "It is about a werewolf. who falls for a human girl. But he can't approach her because he is scared that he will end up hurting in the end." She said closing her eyes as she led Michael lead her in the dance.
Michael didn't say anything after that focusing on dancing. His arm around her waist as they swirled around. He couldn't understand the language of the song yet he could almost feel it. It was almost like he could somehow feel the song. As the song came to an end Maria opened her eyes. Her face reddened when she realized how close she was to Michael. They eyes meeting when she looked up. As cliche as it was she felt as if the time stopped as they didn't said a word yet kept looking at each other. Michael breathed out. He felt warmth creep up his heart. A warmth he never felt. As he looked at Maria who was blushing. 'A werewolf falling for a humam girl.. I think I am falling for a human too.'
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Oh.My.God it took so much time to finish! My training started :( so yea it is taking some time.
I hope you will like this chapter too. Please don't forget to leave a heart and reblog and share this story with your friends.
I will try posting the next chapter soon. Love you all. Bye Bye. 💙❤
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yasbxxgie · 7 years
Since the heyday of hip-hop, one man has been broadcasting the music videos, the culture and the people in the community all throughout New York City. His name is Ralph McDaniels, and his show, which has aired on public television since 1984, is called Video Music Box.
McDaniels knows everybody. He and his company, Classic Concepts Video Productions, made music videos for musicians like the Notorious B.I.G., Public Enemy and Wu-Tang. Legendary music video director Hype Williams got his start at Classic Concepts.
The man widely known as Uncle Ralph has stories we want to share, so occasionallyon The Record he'll pick a classic video and take us behind the scenes. Today we go back to 1994, just before the release of Nas' ground-breaking, career-making debut album, Illmatic. The second single from it was "It Ain't Hard To Tell".
Illmatic is now considered a classic — a masterwork of story-telling, lyricism and beat-making. By the time it was released, in April of 1994, word of Nas' skills had spread all over the music industry. "It was such an anticipated album, and he delivered," says McDaniels. "It was like Derek Jeter — 'I know he's gonna get the hit' — and he hit it out the park with that album."
In the early to mid-'90s hip-hop was at a creative peak, as regional styles were maturing and bleeding into each other. Rappers from New York, who had become used to critical and commercial supremacy based on their lyrical prowess, were confronting the force of California gangsta funk and the seduction of Southern gothic tales. The narratives in hip-hop songs made in the Rotten Apple then turned darker; the sonics were nostalgic and mournful.
"I call it street corner rap," McDaniels says. "It's definitely crack-era rap, too. He's talking about all of the little moves: the boosters coming with the Gucci and selling you stuff, girls setting you up in the club. All of the things that are happening, it's not fantasized — it's all real in Illmatic."
The winter before Illmatic was due to be released, executives from Nas' record label asked McDaniels to make a video package they could send around the media to drum up coverage of the album. The shoot went so well, the 20-year-old Nas asked McDaniels to direct his upcoming video.
Ralph McDaniels: "Nas is from Queensbridge. Nas approached [his record label] Sony and said, 'Look, I want to get this guy Ralph McDaniels who does this show Video Music Box to do a press kit for me. I want him to come to the projects and talk to my friends and all that kind of stuff.'
"So I went out to Queensbridge projects — I was familiar with the area, been out there before. Marley Marl, from the Juice Crew, is from out there. I went to LaGuardia Community College, which is not too far away from there in Long Island City, so I definitely was familiar with the neighborhood.
"I had been familiar with Nas, and he had a big buzz. It was probably the biggest buzz in New York City about this guy named Nas — Nasty Nas, or whatever they called him at the time. So I went to Queensbridge. I got up with him. We shot some stuff with his mom, with his brother, who was also in another group, and we began talking about his project.
"We got all his producers together that were on Illmatic. It was Large Professor, who was the original guy to really work with Nas, and he's also a Queens resident. Q-Tip, another Queens guy who just knew that he had to work with this guy Nas 'cause he had heard some of his lyrics. Pete Rock — classic artist. Pete Rock and CL Smooth made some great, classic albums. L.E.S., who is Nas' DJ and also his friend from the neighborhood. He put some tracks down. DJ Premier. I had worked with him on Gang Starr projects and was good friends with him as well.
"Sony got them to come to Sony Studios, and we did interviews there. And then we started doing this press kit. And it came out so natural because Nas said, 'This is what I want. I want it to feel like when I'm at home watching Video Music Box.' Guys just talked like they were talking to their friends. It was very natural, the conversation. The press kit was very real. It was real comments about Nas; it wasn't overhyping it, or anything like that. It was how they really felt about Nas.
"So that went so well that they said to me a day later, or two days later, 'Ralph, can you do a video for the first single for Nas, "It Ain't Hard To Tell"?' And I said, 'Sure! Yeah, I'd love to do it.'"
McDaniels and his crew shot the video all over New York — just nowhere in Queens. Viewers from outside the city assumed that the scenery in the video was Nas' neighborhood. But, for good reason, they were wrong.
"I went and talked with Nas about it, and he said to me, 'I don't want to shoot in Queensbridge.' I said, 'Alright, that's fine.' I've dealt with that before with artists. They may have some beef at the time in their own neighborhood — they really don't want to get embarrassed. You know, bring a crew out there, something happens ... it's the projects. Anything can happen.
"So I said, 'Alright, no problem. Let's shoot it in the band shell on the Lower East Side, where they shot Wild Style. We'll shoot over there and we'll shoot in Brooklyn.'
"We shot a major part of Nas' 'It Ain't Hard to Tell' in Coney Island. You don't see the rides, but that's where we shot it at. Under the boardwalk, by the beach. So people — for years — thought that was Queensbridge, if you didn't live in New York City.
"It was wintertime, snow out there. Nobody was out there, which was what made it great, so we didn't have to worry about people getting in the shot and all that kind of stuff. In hip-hop, winter gear is always cool. Big North Face jackets, or Triple F.A.T. Goose, or whatever it was. Hats to the side, you know. Cool boots, Timbalands or whatever it is now. Winter gear is always cool for hip-hop."
McDaniels says he wanted to make a smooth, visually appealing music video, to match Nas' fluid delivery and pretty face. But as hard as he tried to avoid trouble, an inopportune gunshot on set inserted an element of Nas' street roots into the final product.
"The thing about Nas when I first met him was — I see this good-looking kid, definitely going to appeal to women. We want to get some good shots of him where women can see who this guy is.
"The guys are gonna hear his lyrics, and the song was very melodic. I wanted to create this kind of flow with the visuals. Everything kind of flowed into each other. We weren't trying to make it hardcore in any way.
"Even though there is a scene that we shot at this club on 80-something street with a friend of mine, Maria Davis. Jay-Z used to hang out at her club. Nas, Jay-Z, all these different people used to hang out there.
"We shot this scene at her club, and she was like, 'Ralph, I don't want no problems. These kids be comin' in here, and they be actin' up.' And I'm like, 'No, Maria, this is gonna be cool. This is something for the record company we're shooting.' And she's like, 'Alright, I don't want no problems in here.'
"We're shooting this whole little scene, and I'm standing on the stage and I'm kind of, like, directing the cameras. Nas is performing the song. And one of Nas' boys shoots off a gun. In the club. He was literally standing right next to me, 'cause my ears are ringing. I saw the flash but I didn't see who did it.
"The club clears out, like 'Aaaaah.' Everybody's running, falling over each other, they're clearing out. I said to myself, 'Why did he do that?' 'Cause I knew it wasn't somebody else — it was somebody that was down with [Nas].
"There's a scene in the video where there's goose feathers of somebody's jacket flying. [Eds: Starting at 1:46.] I think it's just because they were running and probably just cut their jacket open by mistake, but that's when that happened. Because people are running!
"In the video — because I'm having this flow going on — the goose feathers are flying. Which, as a hip-hop person knows, either somebody just got shot, or somebody just got stabbed, and their goose feathers are flying in the air. Hip-hop knew what that was.
"So much for it being a flow and a nice video. That was our hardcore scene. I called Nas all night.
"I was like, 'He's gonna pick up this phone.' I called him from 12 to like, six in the morning. And finally, around nine, he picked up and was like, 'Yo Ralph, I'm so sorry man. I'm so sorry [for] what happened.' I was like, 'Yo, that was your crew that did that, man! And he was standing right next to me!' Nas apologized for it, and we continue to still be good friends."
0 notes
4/20 oneshot. #Erik × OC, Erik × reader, smut
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Erik heard the distinct sound of flip flops clapping linoleum and turned to catch the fleeting view of Erin's ass jiggling in her Ralph Lauren grey briefs before she disappeared into the kitchen where his boy, Jabril was unbagging shit he'd bought from the Walmart ten minutes away. “Boy! Why you ask me what I wanted if you wasn't gonna bring it. Where my chips at,” he heard Erin challenge. He could imagine her face. Her even brown skin, round youthful cheeks that made her look like she was still stuck in her teens, dark black eyes squinted in eternal annoyance, a snub nose, and curved lips. The top was skinny but the bottom was fat like his.
In his head, she was staring Bril down, using her age to pull rank since she was the slightly older twin. She was probably wearing a satin bonnet, smacking her scalp with the heel of her palm or digging in something with them long ass nails.
Jabril made his way out of the kitchen and  tossed Erik an Arizona Iced Tea, hopping over the back of the couch to fall into the cushion. He cracked open his Mountain Dew and Erik started the game, Street Fighter. “Get ready to get fucked up nigga,” Jabril smirked grabbing the second controller.
“Nah, run this fade,” Erik quipped choosing his fighter.
“Y'all dumb,” Erin muttered from behind.
You stomped into the living room, slowing up and sliding your feet in your white slides when you recognized the guest with broad shoulders sitting on your couch across from the TV and next to your brother. His best friend from uni. You'd recognize that nappy headed egg dome anywhere.
“So you remember his drink but you can't remember chips,” you frowned, lip twisted. “You put a nigga over your own blood.. My mouth was set. Why you couldn't just get my chips, nigga?”
“These fuckin chips..,”Jabril groaned, pressing buttons on the PS4 controller. “What you tryna get liposuction for if you just gonna eat chips?”
Your eyes flashed to the back of Erik's head for the briefest of seconds but he didn't seem to care. You hated when your brother exposed your business in front of people.
“That's cool, you don't wanna get me my chips. I got you next time you want me to get yo ugly bum ass scrub ass in the club.”
“You bugging, shit..” Jabril blew through his mouth and chucked the controller so that it skidded a few feet away.
”I'll be back,” he grumbled heading back out.
Erin dropped onto the couch immediately in Jabril's place, staring at the paused game before picking up the controller.
“Let's play,” she said and the game sparked back to life. Erik didn't question it. If she could play, great. If not, he'd just beat her ass and take the win.
“King's Court,” the game announced. Erik chose his fighter. “Sagat. How dare you challenge the king?” Erik assumed Erin would choose a woman just because she herself was a woman, but she chose Ryu. “Ryu. Go beyond the battle!” The battle started. “Your words are not needed,” Sagat said with folded arms. Ryu assumed his fight pose, “This is the path of my destiny!” Round one. Erik attacked out of the gate with a kick and two tiger uppercuts which connected. His attacks were relentless and Erin had to block or run the risk of dying quickly. Erik refused to go easy, she'd picked up the controller so she had to take that L.
“Fuck you,” she sighed, eyes glued forward. “Do underestimate me, I want you to.”
In all of her ducking and guarding, she found an in and hit him with a couple Hadoukens and a Tatsumaki Senpukyaku kick. “Tiger Uppercut. Break Him Apart… Hadouken. Hadouken.” They were neck and neck. Erik was completely focused on not losing, his eyes glued to the screen. If he wasn't careful, she'd kick his ass and he knew her. She'd rub it in his face then he'd have to act like he didn't care and like he let her win. He hit one more combo and it was enough to deplete her HP. “K.O!” Sagat stood over Ryu laughing. “Round 2. Fight!” The game went much the same way. It was close, but Erin took the win. Erik nodded in acceptance, determined to win it all as Erin sat cocky on her side of the couch. She won round three and Erik was annoyed by the way she pursed her lips in pride all smug like she did something. He nodded again as the game went to round four. The air was tense as they both pulled combos out of their asses. Erik's win.
“Kiss my ass,” he remarked and the final round began.
“I'm a kick ya ass real quick and then my brother can get it next,” she replied running her mouth.
“You talk a lot of shit for someone getting hit with three combos. How bout you block them bitches first,” he said as Sagat kicked the hell out of Ryu. She came back with a couple of combos of her own, but in the end he got the last hit and the victory, throwing the controller onto the couch and jumping up to celebrate. “Got that ass!”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes and crossed your legs, your arms folded over your chest in irritation. You couldn't believe you lost, you'd been so close to the win. That could've easily been anyone's game. You looked back over to Erik who'd dropped back onto the couch and was still glowing with his win. His dimples were deep, his close-lipped smile proud. You could see him feeling himself. When he returned your stare, you wrinkled your nose and stuck your tongue out. It was childish, but it expressed exactly how you felt at the moment.
“You asked for the L, I just gave you what you asked for,” he shrugged pretending to dust off his long black jersey shorts. They had thin red and white stripes up the side.
“You ugly,” you muttered watching his smug grin widen showing off his straight, white, teeth. They looked like veneers. “Steve Harvey lookin ass motherfucka-”
“Says the little ass girl still playing in glitter. Look like you tripped holding the school supplies. Like today you said fuck it I wanna look like a disco ball," he smirked at his own joke. "Tell Jabril to bring some Chinese food when he come. I want shrimp fried rice and egg rolls.”
“I ain't telling him nothing! You tell him,” you snapped, pulling your phone out. You texted Jabril, but not because of Erik. You wanted Chinese too. To the order, you added beef and broccoli and egg foo young. You knew when Jabril opened it he'd be annoyed, but you didn't really care. He wouldn't have had to go back out if he hadn't forgotten your chips in the first place. You'd told him twice and he'd forgotten.
A text came through from a nigga you mess with.. Mario telling you to come by. You wondered how long you could ignore him and leave him on read before he got irritated. Only then would you see him because the sex was always better when he was mad or annoyed. Without that it was just ok. "Who blowing up your phone," Erik asked knowing it wasn't Jabril. Jabril hardly texted back.
"Mind ya big headed business, peanut headed brick bodied ass." Erik's eyes went wide with clear humor as he stared with a stupid grin.
Erik kicked off his white Jordan's and Erin nudged them with her foot so that they fell over. “Chill,” he smirked moving them to the other side of his legs. “You a sore loser." She smiled sarcastically and his eyes went to her five thick cornrows. They were all neat, but they also looked like they were gripping the hell out her edges. "Your braids so tight it's making my head hurt just looking." She stood casually and walked away heading past the bathroom to her room as he watched her round ass sticking out like a bubble. Her briefs were squeezing her cheeks so tight it cut the oxygen from her brain, that was her problem.
She left her door open and Erik wondered for a moment if he should walk in there. If anything just to see inside. He'd been to their place many times, going in Bril's room but never in her room. That was always off limits, he thought as he walked slowly toward her door. Standing in her doorway, everything was white and crisp for the most part. His eyes searched for what his nose smelled spotting a Glade plugin. It smelled tropical. She kept the good shit for her own room. He watched her rifle through her drawer as he walked in taking a seat in the chair in front of her vanity. It was a solid white leather cushioned chair and it spun. Neither of them said a word and she didn't look over or acknowledge his presence as she turned her music on and sat on the tall white shag puff located on the floor adjacent to him. It was as big as a beanbag chair would've been. Her neck, chest, and thick chocolate thighs glowed as if blessed jointly by moonlight and stardust. He talked a lot of shit, but she did look otherworldly sitting there. His eyes shot straight down to the bulge that was her coochie as her legs fell open as if he really weren't there. He eyed her, gauging her intentions from her vanity chair. She wasn't paying him any attention. He turned back and forth, touching the keys on his phone to read over missed messages, passing up the ones he'd already seen and determined to ignore. He had a roster of his own and was extremely choicy in who he dealt with. Some he texted back, some he left on read.
“And you ask me who I'm texting. Who's got your attention," you asked causing him to look up. You slipped off your slides and rubbed your feet on the soft white plush rug you bought from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. "Yeah I'm in your business."
"Networking," he smiled, turning an inch back and forth on that swivel chair. You both knew that was a lie. "What you smoking?"
"You can't smell it? Strong as this shit is.. Blue Dream." Lining the honey berry backwoods with the sativa you wrapped it into a neat blunt and sealed it with a small amount of saliva and a lighter, taking a puff and letting it coat your mouth smoothly with blueberry sugar as you exhaled.
"Let me get it," Erik said reaching and you passed the blunt watching him take a smooth puff and look you in the eye handing it back, smoke draining from his lips. You knew he was a heavy smoker. You could tell from the light darkness of his lips. Taking your puff and allowing it to mellow out your head, you passed it back to Erik to hit. Back and forth for the next few minutes, you passed the blunt in calm, comfortable silence as your playlist continued.
She said, "What if I tell you all the things I've done? Would you run away from me?" I told her, "Baby, we all got bags full of shit that we don't want. But I can't unpack it for you, baby."
"Why you ain't got a boyfriend?.. I get why Jabril ain't got a girl, he get really awkward around women and do stupid shit." He shook his head as if reminiscing. He didn't have to tell you your brother was awkward. He'd always been that way. You suspected he was gay and still confused about it. Part of you felt that he had a thing for Erik, but unlike him you were respectful and wouldn't expose him. "What's up with you though," Erik asked staring with his head slightly to the side as if you were an enigma. The smoke leaked from his mouth and you took the blunt putting it to your lips. The sweet taste of mixed berries.
"Why something gotta be up," you said before taking a pull. He looked fascinated, curiosity lighting his deep eyes as you gently blew out. "Where do I start," you sighed smiling at the bed, memories of your past casual sex encounters flooding your mind alongside the sativa. "Sex should be like.. this," you say taking another puff and letting it flow through you, correcting your energy. The taste lingers. "I want euphoria like when I smoke and feel it take me high. I wanna be smacked like when the indica have me layed out. Ain't nobody made me feel that good without me having to train them like a puppy and even then.. it's not natural. It's too constructed and I need something smooth organic."
As Erin spoke, lost in her thoughts, Erik crept closer to her, crawling next to her on the floor, his eyes scrolling the smooth skin of her jaw and cheek. He slowly rested his fingers flat against the warm skin of her neck. She didn't flinch. He pressed his fingertips into her soft skin ever so lightly as she kept talking. "Most men.. they don't get it. It's something they're not built to understand and I'm convinced it's because they don't have a vagina.. but they simply can't fuck correctly. It's like they're either unfocused and completely selfish in sex.. or they're scared of me and my body so sex can be bori-"
"I can fuck you," he blurted, his filter broken through. She looked at him then, confusion on her face as she searched his eyes looking for an alternative meaning in his words.
"You heard me." It had been a thought on a few occasions but he'd never spoken on it or expressed interest in her out of respect for Jabril. She was his sister and he knew it would cross an unspoken boundary. Right now though, he was relaxed and feeling good.. energized to an extent. He'd deal with Jabril later.
"You sound confident," she said questioning with unspoken paragraphs in her eyes. He didn't need her to recite them when he could read the lines and between them.
"Whenever I get high.. I like to eat pussy.. from the back," he shrugged. She offered him the blunt with no comment and he chuckled. "What's your safe word?" He gently took the blunt and puffed it, letting it fill his lungs.
"Don't stop," she mused. He smiled, his dimples peaking through.
"And if you truly need me to stop?"
"You'll stop." Her eye contact was even.
"I like you." He blew another cloud of smoke.
"Every man does."
Passing her the blunt, he leaned in to blow the last mouthful of smoke into her mouth. She pulled it in and he leaned back a bit to stare at her curved lips, the bottom one heavy before their lips connected. He held her chin, kissing her more deeply as she returned the energy with equal fervor, her eyes closed and head tilted to get closer. Her lips tasted like the honey berry backwoods and her tongue was like water moving in his mouth. He trailed to kiss the side of her neck, testing her sensitivity and reaction. His tongue swirled on the thin skin followed by his lips pressing firmly into it. Her hand floated up to rub at his jawline, her painted nails dragging through his beard, drawing him closer. He had the greenlight.
You bit your lip as his tongue slid over your neck. You could feel how slick and wide it was. He had control over it too. You were close to pulling him to your bed and undressing him so you could ride him. You felt like twerking on the dick and the teasing was making your nipples hard. You wondered what he was packing. Taking another puff, you hold it and exhale pulling him to the bed and ashing the blunt. You straddle his thighs, laying him back and he watches you pull your fitted white beater over your head slinging it across the floor before removing your bra and doing the same with it. Flipping you over onto your back, he gets on top and sits up tugging off your grey Ralph Lauren briefs. "Hands and knees," he says stripping off his shirt to expose his Herculean build. He's pure eye candy, peanut head and all but he won't drop his pants just yet. You get in position, shaking your ass in excitement and anticipation. His hands massage your ass cheeks in circular motions and up and down before jiggling them. It's got you wondering how long he's been wanting to do it. He'd never given you a clue. When you felt his warm, wet tongue on your center, his hands still massaging your ass cheeks it was like finally this is happening. His tongue stroked and flicked up and down from hole to clit and back as you twerked, reaching back to lift one cheek to make room for his face which was buried in you. His tongue entered your pussy and your back arched as you could feel its length.
"Oh shit," you chuckled with a gasp. He was really about it. "Erikk..," you smiled in pleasant shock turning to get a glimpse of his bicep sticking out behind you. Then he slid his tongue to your clit and enveloped it with his lips, and you almost cried in joy feeling the heat and the pressure. He alternated dragging that blessed tongue from your clit on up and back down and when you nutted he licked you clean like a plate. He didn't know what he'd just started. Lion Babe played over your speaker.
Can I be sexy please? It's the best remedy. Bring it close, next to me. Go ahead, set it free. Can I be sexy please? Take it off, lemme see. We should touch, candidly. Tell me what, tell me what. Tell me.
"Stop.. let me taste myself off them soupcoolers," you said pushing his head and rolling over. He would've kept going if you'd let him, but you wanted dick too and he wasn't getting off the hook. He dove onto you and you wrapped your arms around his thick neck.
"Where y'all at," Jabril's voice shouted from the living room. You could hear him walking toward your open door. You'd forgotten about the Chinese food.
"Don't come back here, I'm.. menstrating.. hard, very hard so much blood," you yelled scrambling from under Erik's heavy body. You rushed to close and lock your door. He knocked on it and you rolled your eyes looking to the amused Erik. He just held his lips in and smirked.
"That's nasty as fuck," Jabril fussed, "You need some water or something?" Oh now he wanted to be helpful. Helpful twin brother.
"I have water. It's- I'm sorry but can you go back out and bring me some chicken soup, chocolate ice cream, midol, and jumbo pads? Thank you! Love you!"
"Where Erik go," he asked still not leaving. You looked dead in Erik's laughing eyes. "He got a phone call and walked out." It was believable since he'd done it before.
"He left his car?"
"Aight, calm the hell down you ugly as shit."
You waited until you heard his footsteps walk away to open the door. He was gone. "Shut up Erik," you sneered, your frown cracking into an irritated smile as you watched him laugh now free to make sound. The room still smelled heavily of the Blue Dream. Your head was like a feather.
"Come here," he said leaning back to pull on the band of his his shorts yanking them down with his own briefs. His meat popped up and stood to attention. His finger curled beckoning you closer and that was the only invitation you needed to mount him.
Erin bounced on Erik's shaft with his hands under her ass for an assist. She was on fire, her eyes burning into his with clouded lust. He grabbed her by the neck pulling her close so that he could suck on her neck while she rode. She was finna make herself nut again and he was finna let her. She cried out with her release, her motions slowing. "Keep fucking me," he commanded in her ear, thrusting up and holding her tightly in place, forcing her hips to meet his. Her second wind came and she continued riding him like a cowgirl. She ain't know how to act at that point, moaning loudly in his ear. "Mm, fuck," he muttered as she jumped, putting her whole weight and then some on him and his dick, jumping with no breaks. "Either you on the pill or you wanna get pregnant," he gasped grabbing her ass so hard her cheeks spread. She was in another world it seemed. The friction was cosmic and he listened to her yell as she climbed to her orgasm yet again.
Lifting her off of him, he grabbed her chin to kiss her and she shoved her tongue in his mouth for him to suck. He guided her head to his still tall dick, holding her mouth to it. "Suck," he commanded and she pulled it into her mouth with all her juices covering it. "You nasty BITCH," he smirked. She was so nasty and he loved it. The dudes in her past had played themselves opting out of such sloppy treatment. He watched, entranced as she glyucked and slobbed on him like an addict, saliva all on his thighs and on his nuts. She was like him, not wanting to stop, her eyes on his. "I want that pussy," he whispered pulling her head up to kiss her again. He could still taste her mixed with berry. She straddled him again thinking she was finna ride. Nah. "Stomach.. get on your stomach.. arch your back," he ordered. Once she assumed the position, he reached to grab the blunt, relighting it and taking another puff with a french exhale. It was bringing him clarity. He leaned on the bed to hold it to Erin's lips and she took a hit before he slid into her from behind and started his pump. She moaned as soon as he slid in, smoke pushing out and she cussed. His forearm rested on the top of her ass as he hit the blunt while fucking her at the same time. He could hear the front door open before she heard anything and he kept stroking until she tapped the bed signaling for him to stop. He thought about it. The door was locked.
"Nah," he whispered speeding up. He grabbed the tails of her fat cornrows in his fist and began to pound into her as she slapped the bed in vain. She whimpered grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed to bury her face. Her muffled cries soon mingled with the knocks on the room door and Erik kept quiet.
"Butterface," Jabril called tapping on the door. "Erin.. Sis.. You okay?.. You sleep?"
Erin was busy getting fucked into the mattress. She was trying her hardest to contain herself, reaching back to touch Erik's thighs as if that would stop him but Erik was making it hard. He pushed down on her lower back whispering in her ear. "I dare you to fight back.. Take this dick. Take this dick." Jabrill finally walked away from the door and Erik tried to snatch Erin's pillow of protection, leaving it to her when he held tightly to it. "Tell me when you bout to come," he whispered in her ear and she reached back to grip at him. "Tell me," he said firmly listening for her uneven voice. It was good enough. He felt her clench tightly around him as she came. He closed his eyes until she relaxed enough for him to pull out and nut across her asscheeks. He exhaled, feeling depleted and refreshed all at once. Grabbing Erin's pillow from under her, he threw it and stood to grab her briefs, wiping the nut off her cheeks. They were technically supposed to be ruined by her fake period anyway, lying ass. He fell across the bed and took another pull of the blunt, blowing smoke into the air. When Erin finally sat up, she retrieved her blunt taking a puff and blowing it in Erik's face. She wanted another kiss and she was being aggravating because of it. He ignored her and let her lean down to peck him on the lips.
"How am I supposed to get you past my brother," she mused looking to the door. He was still looking at her titties.
"Think of something," he said flippantly.
"Duh.. dumbass," you squinted standing to throw on your pink and orange floral cloth robe. He sat up on his elbow watching as you closed it, kissing his teeth now that the view was gone. You rolled your eyes and put on your best sleepy face walking out to grab the pads and midol for appearance's sake. The bathroom light was on, you could tell from the bottom of the door. Quickly, you scooted back in the room and yanked Erik from the bed, picking up his clothes and marching him as quietly as possible out of the front door, throwing his stuff at him and closing the door in his face. He had this expression like he was so amused when the door closed. What was so funny? You spun and Jabril wasn't behind you. You sighed in relief. He rounded the corner twenty seconds later while you were grabbing your Chinese food.
"I texted Erik and he ain't hit me back YET," Jabril groaned grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "So about you and this nigga," he said suddenly causing your blood pressure to spike. "I go out three fuckin times.. three.. and then I get back and you sleep.. that nigga left. Y'all fuckin weird. Next time y'all going out yallselves."
Rolling your eyes, seconds passed and you relaxed but then there was another knock on the door causing your eyes to widen. You tensed hoping it wasn't noticeable and when your eyes met Jabril's you shrugged. He went to look through the peephole and open the door. Erik walked back in coming into the kitchen.
"My bad, I had a long call. A really long call. Someone needed me," he said reaching over you to grab his food. His hidden free hand grabbed your ass through the robe and you stared at his face that gave nothing away.
"You ain't wanna be alone with my annoying ass sister," Jabril said and you didn't care about the insult you were just glad his dumb ass bought the story.
"Let's play the game," Erik said heading back into the living room. He sat on the couch next to Jabril and the game fired back up. You hung back and watched as they went head to head. It was a close game.
Then Jabril did a double take looking to the side of the couch and to Erik's socked feet. "You left your shoes bruh? Matter fact, where was you at?"
"Walking around..," Erik shrugged. "Talking and walking. You know when you just tryna to help somebody.." He pulled a combo distracting Jabril back to the game and that was it. The two of you had gotten away with it.
You released a slow breath and headed back to your room, but before you could get there Jabril spoke again.
"Y'all know I'm not that damn blind right? Y'all can lie about a lot, but y'all both smell like that fuckin weed. It's a distinct smell.. If y'all wanted to smoke without me y'all ain't have to lie about it. He left because of yo bleeding ass. He too nice to say it though."
"Wooow, Bril really," you groan pretending to be mad and offended. Erik laughed from his spot and you went in your room, closing the door to laugh from your bed.
@muse-of-mbaku @imaginewhoever @whoramilaje @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @blackpantherimagine   @vikkidc @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku   @monogamous-nympho @drsunshine97 @purplehairgawdess @trevantesbrat @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @fonville-designs @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent
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