#I forget how popular these two are but that was like 3 years ago right.
cupiidzbow · 9 months
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can. could. could I be their thir-(gets shot by a sniper)
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joeybsversion · 1 year
Joe Burrow x Reader
You and Joe try to work things out
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“Dear Me,” you scribbled into your journal, humming along to the soft music at the coffee shop. “He’s leaving for the NFL, you still have one more year of college. Let him go. He will find bigger and better things than you. Let him find a nice girl he can bring to games. There will be someone he can be happy with. Yes, he’s sweet, and caring, and handsome, but he is also grown up.” You set your pen down, taking a sip of your coffee, hoping it would help the lump in your throat disappear.
The door of the coffee shop quietly swung open. You glanced up, as you always did out of curiosity. You know what they say, curiosity kills the cat. At that exact moment, you were the cat. Joe walked in, with confidence, in a jacket you had gotten him a few months ago. He smiled at strangers around him, and then gave you the same smile. That’s when you realized, you were now a stranger to him.
You quickly flung the front cover of your leather journal shut, stuffed your pen into your purse, and did anything to make yourself look busy. Two hands quickly met the top of the table you were sitting at.
“Hey.” Joe cleared his throat.
“Oh, hey.” You looked down, doing your best to make sure he couldn’t see the tears that had formed in your eyes as you wrote about him just moments earlier.
“Writing?” He asked, pulling out the chair across from you and taking a seat.
“Studying.” You lied.
You sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. Both of you searching for the right words to say. You hadn’t seen Joe in nearly 3 months now. And it had been some of the most emotionally draining 3 months of your life. Neither of you really officially ended things, but you both knew. “Goodbye.” “I love you.” “I’m sorry.” “Good luck.”
“Can we talk?” Joe croaked out.
“I don’t think there’s really much to say.”
“I’m sorry.” He reached over and grabbed your hands. “Please, just give me a minute. I need closure.”
You hated that word. Somewhere in the back of your brain, you hoped he would promise you a future and things would go back to the way they were. But here he was, confirming that things were officially over.
“It’s been 76 days. I’ve spent every single one thinking about you.” He brushed his thumb across the top of your hand as he spoke. “I thought I knew what I wanted. Becoming an NFL quarterback. Being the most popular, most liked person in the room. I thought those things would make me happy. And they did….temporarily. But you,” he paused, clearing his throat, “You’re the only thing that could make me happy forever.”
You choked out a little half laugh, half sob. “Please don’t say stuff like that. We both know it’s not true.” You shook your head.
“Please don’t play the victim and act like I’m the bad guy.” Joe scoffed, the tone in his voice quickly changing. “Don’t forget, you’re the one that said things weren’t going to work.”
“What was I supposed to say when you said you were leaving?” You pulled your hands away from his. “Don’t leave? I love you?” You questioned.
He shrugged and let out a frustrated breath. “I don’t know. Okay? But I thought you’d say something.”
“I’m sorry.” You swallowed the lump in your throat, the anger in his voice was making you nervous.
“Do you want to try again?” He asks barely loud enough for you to hear him.
You can’t answer, your throat is too thick with emotion.
“If you want me to beg, I will. If you want me to jump through flaming hoops, then bring them on. I’ll spend every waking hour I have until I have to report to training camp proving to you how badly I want you.” He looked away, blinking back a few tears.
You felt your own lips start to tremble. His words are painful and beautiful at the same time.
“Every word is the truth. I want you back. I can’t imagine starting this new journey without you.” He said. “I fucked up letting you go. I still love you.”
You swallow a sip of coffee, hoping the caffeine will fill you with the right words to say. “Even though I have another year of College left?”
He smiles. “My rookie year is going to be chaotic, and busy. It’ll be better for both of us if you’re busy too, dontcha think?”
He makes a fair point.
“We can make it work. I know we can. The question is, do you want to try again?” He pauses. “Do you want me?”
You can see the fear that you might reject him in his eyes. His hands are trembling on the table. His breathes are shallow and quick. The one thing he is confident about though, is wanting to make things work with you.
“I want you.”
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theglamorousferal · 7 months
So if you’re new to the Danny Phantom fandom whether that be because you have joined us via a crossover, the new graphic novel coming out or just somehow got hooked into this fandom there are a few things you should know.
90% of content you will see is purely fanon lore.
I’m gonna divide this into two different sections, going over what is canon and then the most common things from fanon.
So if you go by the show, we have at least three different kinds of ghosts. We have ones like the Fright Knight who is a spirit formed from the feelings and beliefs of people surrounding the thoughts of Halloween and we have ones who were once humans like Sidney Poindexter and Desiree. There are also some who are the product of two different ghosts like Box Lunch. We technically also have the Ancients, but we don’t know anything about them except that they existed many years ago and then they enclosed Pariah Dark in the Sarcophagus of Forever sleep.
We know that a high concentration of ectoplasm introduced very quickly can causes human to turn into a half ghost. This happened with Danny at least 3 times, and the accident Vlad had (as well as Jack in an alternate timeline). Danny was changed twice by the portal and then once by being blasted by a bunch of ectoplasm.
In canon, the Fenton parents are very loving parents with just a bit of absent mindedness to them that leads to them missing the obvious signs that something is up with Danny. Every time in the show that he is exposed to them, he is accepted by them entirely. Even when in an alternate timeline where his parents never got together, he is accepted by them.
In canon, Jazz started out not knowing how to help Danny, Tucker and Sam, but it is shown in the show that she trains to be better later on. She still calls the ghosts by things she designated them as though, not how they would like to be called.
In canon, Vlad is awful. He regularly tries to Hamlet the main character. He tried to ruin/kill Jack to get with Maddie and make their kids his kids many, many times. He cloned a child, gaslit the clones into thinking he cared for them and then planned to melt them down to have his “perfect son”. In canon of the show, Vlad is not redeemable. (This sorta changes a bit in the graphic novel, but it’s a toss up whether that is actually considered active canon or if it’s its own canon now.)
In canon, Tucker is a genius after he was forced to sit through 12 hours of study programming. In canon, he is the reincarnation of a Pharaoh. He can speak a made-up language, Esperanto, and can hack into nearly every piece of tech he comes across.
In canon, Sam is obsessed with all things goth and so has tomes about magical beings and artifacts. She is athletic and is always ready to throw down. She only has plant powers in the episode “Urban Jungle”.
Now onto the Fanon, at least the most popular headcanons that I have come across.
The most common thing among the fandom is that Danny is half-dead. Some have him a ghost possessing his own corpse. Some have him be Schrodinger’s boy. Some have him have lower vitals or just no vital signs altogether. He is said to have died and not come back all the way or right. Common things have him be cold to the touch, a lower heart rate, and him forgetting to breathe entirely.
Probably the second most common headcanon is that Danny is the Ghost King after having fought and defeated Pariah Dark in single combat. Ways he takes the throne are varied, everything from him being forcibly put onto the throne and unable to go to the human world, to having to name Jazz or Maddie as regent until he reaches either human or ghostly majority, to him taking the throne but it being more of a figurehead thing. Most stories will have him have a plethora of titles and names he goes by. Along with this he now has a lair inside the Zone, most have him taking over Pariah’s Keep and some do have him have his own new lair.
Another popular headcanon is Ancient of Space or the Balance Danny (going with AGIT, the balance actually is now canon). These lead to things like Danny having an eldritch form. Something that is obviously “other” and hurts to perceive.
Both of these result in an OP Danny and probably around half of them will have him stuck at 14 and/or functionally immortal.
Another very common DP headcanon is Bad Fenton Parents and that their research caused the GIW’s formation. Alongside that come the most common type of fic you will come across which is where Danny has been captured by either the GIW or his parents and then is vivisected. Majority of them will have him vivisected by his own parents. Many of them will have them be varying levels of neglectful, from just not noticing things about their kids to straight up forgetting they were there and Jazz having to take care of them both.
In most fanon, the GIW are actively trying to genocide an entire species. This is closest to a canon thing considering that they did try to nuke the GZ, which would have resulted in their universe also collapsing. The things that some people write/draw for the atrocities the GIW and Bad!Fentons are things that I bring up to my therapist frequently. Be prepared for descriptive gore.
There are a few characters that have spawned in fanon that are widely accepted as canon characters now. The main one is Wes Weston along with his brother Kyle. Wes Weston was a background character that we see for about 3 frames in one episode, but he looked similar to Danny and had green eyes and the fandom latched onto that. It started out with someone claiming the A-listers would think that Wes is Phantom because he’s athletic, had the same build and green eyes. From there, the fandom has decided that he also is the only person to figure out that Danny was Phantom and tries frequently to expose him. Kyle Weston is Wes’ older brother, in the same class as Jazz and he doesn’t believe that ghosts are real and is played for gags a lot.
Another major piece of fanon lore is ghost cores. This stems from a remark Frostbite said talking about Danny’s core temperature and the fans took it and ran with it. In fanon there’s all kinds of different types of ghost cores, usually an element or an aspect of existence. Many have Danny possess an ice core, in some he has a space core. Others take his “death” into consideration and believe him to have an electric core. Commonly people have Vlad have a fire core. Usually cores are an orb that a ghost can retreat into to heal. If the core is shattered, the ghost is ended and no longer exists in any capacity.
Similar to cores is obsessions. These are essentially the purpose of the ghost, their drive and purpose. Skulker’s is hunting, Ember’s is recognition etc. Most give Danny a protection obsession, but will sometimes give him a space obsession.
Something that has gained traction in the last few years (to my knowledge mostly since the pandemic) is liminality. Liminality is where people are contaminated with ectoplasm due to overexposure or ingestion of it and it gives them ghostly abilities. Different people have liminality give people different abilities. Some have glowing eyes, lengthened canines and pointed ears. Some have enhanced senses, strength and speed as well as extra durability. Some have eyes that reflect like a cats and night vision. Some even go so far as give them at least one of the major ghostly abilities.
How someone becomes liminal differ depending on if the writer wishes to have it just be main characters or if it’s the entire town. If it’s just main characters then usually their frequent exposure to ghostly things as well as close proximity to it makes them liminal. For the whole town people will usually have the portal give off essentially radiation or when the town was pulled into the GZ be the cause.
Frequently Sam, Tucker and to a lesser extent Jazz are given extra abilities. Sam usually has residual powers from her time possessed by Undergrowth, Tucker usually has some form of techno Nancy and Jazz usually has some sort of empathetic ability, if not that she get’s the basic extra strength, speed, durability and senses.
There are some lesser known ones that should at least be mentioned in case you come across them. One of those being ghost hunger. This is where ghosts or liminals thirst for ectoplasm similar to how vampires thirst for blood. Another common thing is that ghosts socialize by fighting. That most of the fights are ghosts greeting the baby ghost. The last thing is that the main characters are known as Team Phantom.
I’m probably going to think of more later and I’ll post when I do, but this is the basics that I could remember on the fly. I hope this helps people!!
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Popular. | N.JM | PART 3
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— Prologue: “Tell me how I can fix this” + “You can’t. Everything is temporary, this was merely one of those things.”
— Summary: Revenge becomes love? Old faces become new faces? Where you enroll back to your old school where you got bullied, to get revenge on Na Jaemin but he cannot recognise you.
— Genre: Popularboy!najaemin x goodgirl!y/n. Revenge plot with romance and smut. Mention of bullying. Plot twists. Very sensitive subjects no minors. School sex(?) exhibition. Jaemin’s obsessed with y/n. Enemies to lovers (kinda)
— Notes: Popular — The Series Masterlist.
“Let me get this straight, Y/n.” — “And I’m not straight at all so this is going to be hard.” Yunjin said matter of factly right after.
The voice of your best friend Yunjin was rather bleak and still trying to figure this all out. Yunjin is a young girl who you knew since a very young age. The two of you grew through all the odds; thick and thin. And even the situation that happened two years ago at the school. It caused your mental health to go down the shit hole and what more you suffered a lot. Yunjin was the only friend you had by your side through all of that and ever since you enrolled back into that school she’s been trying to peruse your judgement to turn away and forget about revenge.
But you can’t forget about the pain they caused you. You won’t ever feel at peace unless you put them in their place and show them what their actions did to someone like you.
“You’re invited to the party with the people who bullied the shit out of you?”
When Yunjin found out on message that you’re going to a party tonight. Ningning’s party you left out purposely for her but somehow your best friend managed to find out! And what else? Yunjin is now forced to see you change in your bedroom looking through your closet.
The two of you recently became roommates so you guys feel a lot closer than before. None of you have a bedtime schedule or whatever. But that doesn’t mean Yunjin will just let you walk into a party thinking you can do whatever you want.
“You. You are going to a party? Y/n you hate parties! You used to call them the gateway of slackers who don’t do anything to contribute to society.”
“Y/n are you even listening to me right now?” She terribly sighs seeing you picking out different dresses.
Okay that was the old you, the old you who didn’t care for popularity at all. You sigh throwing back the summery flowy dress. This won’t fit Ningning’s dress code: you need to look expensive like you’re someone rich daughter. You can’t go to a party sticking out badly. You need to stick out in a good way. You’re already getting unwanted attention because you’re the new girl. You might as well look nice and presentable.
“Yeah well… what do you think of this?” You force a smirk turning around with a red dress putting it in front of Yunjin who stares at you with an eye roll.
You’re now trying to change your best friends worrisome nagging. You need her help, you don’t need her to be worried and mothering you right now. It’s why you moved out.
So you can escape your own mother’s advice. You don’t need Yunjin doing the same to you now.
“Makes you look like slightly older than you already look, pass.” She didn’t approve of that red dress and it was quite an old dress. You throw it away on the floor sighing.
Instead you found that your best friend opens her wardrobe now and brings out a white dress that looks quite expensive. Yunjin always had the most expensive taste but what can you say? She was like a sister to you. The sister you asked for but never got. The girl turns to you putting the dress in front of you and pushed it on your chest with a smile.
“Go wear this, show them what you’re made of.” Yunjin now said slightly more encouragingly even though she spend the last hour and a half saying to you how bad of an idea this was and that you should’ve moved on and lived a happier life.
You wanted to say no, this was her dress. You couldn’t accept something this big and precious to Yunjin. But your best friend gave you a stern look when she saw your expression that she already knows you’re about to reject her dress.
“No, no, close your mouth and go change.” Yunjin said with a laugh and pushed you towards the bathroom so you change in peace. “Ugh fine fine.” You grumble with a little smile that you appreciate her so much. She does a lot for you.
You don’t know what you’d do without Yunjin.
The moment you step out wearing this slit on open white dress you feel like a princess out of a fairytale. Yunjin looks back at you for a moment, she couldn’t recognise you. You look different when you’re dressed up and happy. For once you look like you are determined and you feel great. Yunjin gave a little smile before pulling up in front of you.
With hands going around your neck Yunjin gave a small golden necklace around your neck to make the outfit stand out more. She loves styling you up you can tell.
You smile putting a hand on the chain at your collarbones where it rests. “Yunjin, this is your necklace.” You said with a sigh.
She rolls her eyes. “I know. I’m only letting you borrow it. Don’t worry.” She smirks and now passed you matching white heels. “You can’t go without heels.”
You knew she was right, you cannot pass up on those heels before you start to leave for the party. You have a ride coming in less than a few minutes and it’s a taxi you’re taking to the location that Ningning sent you formally.
You just pray you don’t get lost. But you doubt you will since the party will be probably loud and obvious.
Your eyes glance back at Yunjin once you were done putting on the heels and you are standing by the door, with your purse as you saw that Yunjin was smiling ear to ear watching you look very beautiful. Your hair was done in a neat bun and everything. You look glammed up and ready to go, which scares Yunjin too because well she doesn’t trust them lot of people. Not after what they did to you.
But who has the power to stop you? No one but yourself.
“You need to call me.” Yunjin firmly tells. She’s so protective it can make your heart beat so much faster.
You chuckle nodding. “Got it. I’ll call you once I’m outta there and in there. You happy with that?” You tell your friend hoping she was now feeling less stressed or worried. Yunjin smirks at your words and you and her make a last eye contact before your taxi pulls up to your house waiting for you to get in.
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The taxi driver pulls up on the empty dark road. You get out carrying your purse in your hand and you take your phone out texting Yunjin that you arrived at the location.
Music was coming from the direction where the house was. It wasn’t even a house to you considering it looks like a villa. You sometimes forget that Ningning isn’t exactly from a decently normal family background.
You were always slightly envious because of that. You never got invited to the parties she hosts because back then, you were a nobody. No one, just a problem. Maybe even a nuisance.
Your thoughts are running wild so you try to calm them and just tell yourself why you’re here and what you’re here to do. You’re here to dig up something, anything. That something can be anything. Just a weakness to destroy Ningning enough so you feel satisfied. You pray you don’t have to take too long to be at this party but then again you’re here to build a name for yourself in the process.m
Maybe sparing a hour or two hours at this party won’t be so bad, you thought.
Slowly you bring yourself to the party where it all begins. You are in the spotlight. The moment you came there was people staring you down, whether it was the design of your clothes, your posture, your heels or your hair; people were judging you from head to toe trying to find a flaw. You see these cliques take dressing like it was the hungry games. You thank Yunjin for giving you expensive clothes for tonight to wear otherwise you wouldn’t of last. You’ve always been low maintenance. Preferring comfortable clothes and shoes. These people don’t understand comfort. They bleed beauty from inside and outside.
They were eying you with hunger or admiration. You can’t tell what they are thinking but you chose to move forward.
People always think the rich parties are amazing but now that you’re at the party seeing it and experiencing it; you have to say you’re left with a clump of nothing in your stomach. Everyone is too concerned with their so-called-status and you are left watching people get drunk and dance around to the disco music. The house was so huge you swore it can fit an entire country of civilians in this house the host owns. So many people would be begging on their knees and selling their soul to stand on these floors, to walk and hangout with them no matter if it’s fake friendship or not. To you you’re doing it for revenge but others would die for this.
And you’re here left wondering why? You see some kind of sadness in Ningning. She was a perfectionist. Wanting and striving to be the best one and if anyone was better than she was, it would be the end of the world for her.
Coming across the pool where the main attraction was happening. You see ningning sitting on the sun bathing chairs with black bikini set, sunglasses on her head when she saw you.
Ningning’s expression sours when she saw you but of course she cannot let her jealousy get to her when she saw what you’re wearing. You look beautiful and it’s definitely ruining her night.
God why must you get on her nerves so much?
“Y/n you arrived.” She said with a bland tone watching you come closer and you gave her a small nod with a short awkward smile.
Now that you’re thinking about it you see Chenle with swimming trucks on. The beautiful young boy sitting on the poor edge dipping in his calves and legs soaking inside the pool water, he saw your eyes on him and he smirks at you with a handsome expression as he pulls the black glasses away. The hair was lightly damp and you feel your eyes moving from Ningning to Chenle side to side.
These two are always together so you kept a mental note of that. If Chenle disappears then Ningning is gone too.
“New girl you’re on everyone’s eyes so far. I can understand why. You’re glowing tonight.” Chenle comments as he lifts the lemonade in the glass sipping it with the purple small straw.
You feel your mind wander off when Chenle gave you a compliment. That’s so uncommon you weren’t sure how to feel hearing it. It was both nerve wrecking but you’re glad — it means it’s working whatever you’re doing right now.
You’re gathering popularity little by little. Chenle sits up with a phone in his hand now pushing it in front of you as he smirks. “Mind giving me your instagram so I can post you on it? I have a feeling we will be getting along.”
You see Ningning giving you a glaring side eye. You look back at the black phone that looks like the grandest new addiction phone you ever saw before. You put on a small smile nodding. “Alright.” You thought this was working out perfectly. He’s posting you on his story and at this point you feel like the amount of followers he has they will double to your account.
Writing your account on the search bar on the app you find your account and you press the follow button. Giving the phone back to Chenle who smirks seeing your username.
“Thanks.” He grins. “I’m getting a drink Ning. You want something?” He now shouts turning to the girl laying down with a scowl.
“Martini, Lele!” She demands as her best friend went away to gather the drink she wanted meanwhile you’re now stuck sitting with Ningning in silence by the pool.
What do you even do at a party now that you think about it?
What do you speak about too? You don’t drink. You never danced. You’re not the type to even attend parties but now you’re having to pretend like you know what you’re doing over here so you don’t seem too suspicious. But you’re so stiff.
Everyone here was dancing moving their bodies to the music letting their worries out of their heads but you, you can’t let loose like that. You can’t have fun in this setting. It’s just not your scene I guess, never was but you came for another reasoning than to have fun.
Ningning’s glare made you even more on the edge. “So Y/n. What do your parents do?”
‘Ah she’s trying to dig information to use against me.’ You thought. Of course she is.
“Business.” You say quick trying to makeup a lie on the spot. You can’t have them thinking you’re from an average background family otherwise it would make them think less of you.
They thought of you less in the past because of it so why say the same answer when you know the truth? You decide to make a white lie. Not like they will try to figure out more than that.
Ningning’s body stands up and she now sits next to you as she became intrigued when you said business and she raised her eyebrows up. “Oh really? What type of business?”
You clear your voice. “Fashion business. They do it overseas too.”
You’re going based on the fashion you’re wearing tonight. You’re thanking your best friend Yunjin for majoring in fashion right now.
You fake a smile. “How about your parents, Ningning?”
The girl starts to now boast. Of course why wouldn’t she? Ningning is proud of her family jobs and so much more it’s why she had do whatever she wanted in this house. “My family are doctors.” She smirks watching your reaction and you gave a small nod. They must make a ton of money you thought. And they probably don’t have any time for Ningning at all. It was kind saddening for you. “Everything you see is out of my family’s money.”
“But don’t let it get to you. This is their money not mine.” Ningning’s condescending tone really put you in a tough spot as she makes you laugh a bit under her breath to lighten the mood at least.
The girl was flexing you knew it but what can you do? You’d flex it too if you were in her position. Ningning smirks seeing your small laugh but she looks back at the pool area which was more of a lounging thing. Silence became a thing until Chenle came back with the martini and a beer of can in his other hand that he was sipping from casually. He sometimes looks like the most ordinary guy but you knew that deep down, Chenle was probably the most outstanding guy you can meet. He was lavish.
Chenle coos to Ningning handing her the martini. “Here you go.” He sat down sipping the beer but now you stood up. “I need the toilet. Do you know where it is?” You ask the girl with a short smile.
Ningning looks back at you as she sips the martini slowly taking the olive on the toothpick off as she bite into it. You hate to admit it but she’s quite beautiful when she isn’t glaring at you, especially while sipping the martini.
“Ugh. It’s upstairs on the left. You’ll see it immediately just keep your eyes open.” You slowly nod while listening to Ningning giving you directions, you walk away going inside the house leaving them two now.
As you walk upstairs your eyes slowly look over scanning the different rooms. Your hands brush over the single handed doors peeking in. You see multiple study rooms and the bathroom like Ningning said where it was but you don’t actually need the toilet. You look away and quickly brush over a specific door on the right corner going inside it.
The room smells of perfumes and you sniff around. Ningning’s perfume was overflowing the entire room you can definitely tell this was her room now, you don’t even need anything to clarify it.
Your body walks around the bedroom and you go over to the computer desk turning on the pc. You realise that there was in need of a password and you turn your head to the side when pushing your elbows on the side suddenly catching your eye was a picture frame.
“Hm… password.” You thought as you search around the bedroom now for anything can be the password. You see it’s quite obvious to figure it out once you think in simple ways.
9 out of 10 chances of a password being a word you keep close to you around all the time so the chances of remembering it was higher. You need to find a word that was very close to the girl otherwise you won’t find the password
You pick the picture frame up thinking. It was a picture of Chenle and Ningning at a private beach house with fireworks in the background they set up in the past.
“Don’t tell me…” you say having a moment of realisation as you put the picture back down on the desk so you can type the password you are taking a wild guess what it could be.
You press the words ‘Lele’ in the password bar and then pressing enter you see a green check appear and you smirk ear to ear finding yourself to be quite smart for a moment.
“I’m a genius.” You whisper to yourself proudly for a moment as you start searching her files for anything you can use against Ningning. Anything.
Who would’ve guessed Chenle was her password? You think it was a lucky guess of yours from earlier. You search her computer until you bring yourself to go to the delete trash bin app on the computer. You found nothing saved but perhaps, perhaps the trash bin has something right?
And you were right. People never empty their computers thinking no one would get on them. Well Ningning you are in for a catch, you thought deeply. The pictures you see in the trashbin was something forbidden.
You grin downloading the pictures on your phone. You airdrop them up on your phone and then you slowly start to take all of them in.
Ningning is going down after this, you vow. There’s no way she will recover from this at all.
Then outside you heard the steps coming up the stairs. Your eyes widen in panic as you slowly turn around listening but the music downstairs was muffled and the footsteps got more and more closer. You start to slowly shut down everything and you move out the chair.
Your feet slowly walk out of Ningning’s bedroom and you creep inside the bathroom door as soon as possible but then a hand stops you from going there. The smell of a wood musk inhaling your nostrils makes it flare. Your eyes widen as you look up and the man stopping you was looking down at you with a wide grin.
The sight of you was heavenly. You look beyond beautiful tonight and you found yourself feeling small when trapped by a long hand stopping you going to the bathroom.
“There you are, Y/n. Where are you off to?” The deep voice strikes you. Jaemin was staring you up and down and you look at him with a scowl. “Toilet. Why? Am I not allowed to go now or what?”
“No, no of course not. I know what to not ask a lady.” He smiles laughing while he pulls his hand back and you want to already leave the party at the sight of the annoying clingy man back again.
Thank god you got what you needed. You try to now leave past him but Jaemin grabs your wrist pulling you back in front of him where he can see you for a little longer.
He can’t get enough of you, and tonight he wants to savour it more. “Y/n what’s the rush?” He says with a small chuckle seeing your annoyed gaze again.
You sigh. “Jaemin what do you want?” Jaemin smiles when you asked him this finally. He waited to tell you what he wants right now.
“I want you. Come dance with me?” He now offers giving you his hand forward and you stare at him in a slow moment of thoughts.
You don’t know how to dance.
“I rather not.” You state blankly.
Jaemin comes forward slowly closing your bodies gap while begging you as his voice drops to whispers. “Please? Why won’t you dance with me.”
You try to avoid him as much as possible but it’s quite hard when he’s pleading you in that voice it makes you weak slightly. Weak to your knees. You can’t tell if it’s because he sounds attractive when he’s begging you, or if it’s the heels you’re wearing.
“Jaemin, I can’t dance.” You murmur in soft embarrassment.
He smirks hearing you admit it. Is this why you rejected him? He was expecting you to say something more life-ending. “That’s okay, princess. I’ll help you.” He reassures and it somehow made you feel better.
It shouldn’t make you feel better. But it did and does make you feel so much lighter than before.
Pulling you back on the dance floor downstairs. He and you were in the crowd slowly dancing, it takes you a while to loosen up but he wraps a hand by your waist pulling you closer while his fingers brush against your bare back. You feel your breath being held in and you don’t realise it while he was dancing and moving your body along the moves. You and him are overtaking the crowd and as he was grinding by your body keeping you close as if he was possessive of you at the same time he wanted to show you off that he was dancing with you, he is the one dancing with you and no one else.
He didn’t want anyone else to see you but at the same time he didn’t want you to be hidden away from the world so what he does is to show you off while having his hands all over you while he teaches you to dance.
“That’s it Y/n, You’re getting it.” He told you against your ears as Jaemin’s face were brushing on your cheek while holding your hips on the side while you are dancing back and forth.
Jaemin saw your eyes waver from his eye contact and he twirls you around suddenly, bringing you back to his chest while holding your hand with a small smug smile.
He saw your surprised expression with a heavy sigh coming out of your mouth. “You look beautiful tonight by the way.”
You heard his voice tell you with sincere honesty and you smirk a little hearing it. Jaemin slowly adds. “Is it for me you’re looking this beautiful?”
“Keep dreaming.”
“It was worth asking.” He laughs a bit as you really cut him where it hurts the most but he doesn’t mind it. He finds your short blunt responses to his flirtatious comments to be very entertaining. Never once did he think he would become so obsessed with a new girl like you, but here he is.
He’s clinging on the bare minimum moments with you, like a lost puppy right now.
You slowly pull away from the dance. You saw Ningning eyeing you from across the dance floor as she’s dancing with Chenle now, somehow you feel like she’s burning the entire city down to ash when you’re around Jaemin.
In fact it’s Jaemin around you. You don’t really find yourself searching for the boy because he always finds you.
“I’m getting a drink.” You say while turning around going to find somewhere to find a glass of water anywhere at least.
You leave Jaemin at the dance floor while you do this you walk to the groups of people crowding the area without many thoughts you find your heart pacing super fast and your breath was caught in your throat when you walk bumping into another man and his partner arm in arm. They spill their drink over your dress and the other girl was also getting drinks spilled all over her dress while screaming. You let out a soft gasp.
Shit, you thought.
Yunjin’s dress was completely wrecked now. Stained by the alcohol drink spilling over it and you look over at the girl and the man who look quite pissed off right now.
The girl glares. “You did that on purpose didn’t you?” She shouts catching the people around attention and you stand there shaking your head about to say no but the girl pushed back pushing you against the wall as she was going to slap you over but then in the process of pushing you her nail got stuck to the necklace.
You gasp a bit catching the necklace on the floor while you push the girl away so you can grab the necklace on the floor. You can’t lose the necklace, not the necklace that Yunjin gave you.
Her boyfriend reacts when you pushed his girlfriend away to grab the necklace and when he approached you to go and do something worse, you thought he was going to hurt you badly, but the hand raising to hurt you was grabbed by a shadow overlooking in front pushing between the man and you.
Jaemin stood there grabbing the hand and pushing the man back to the ground before he looks over at you on the floor with spilled drink all over you. He kneels down grabbing your arm helping you slowly up. “Y/n are you okay?” He asked in concern.
You look back at the angry man and the woman too when he asked if you’re okay. You are but you’re completely overwhelmed. You’re shaking and right now you feel like old memories are coming to haunt you.
He feels you shaking in the hold. Jaemin pushed away when the people at the party started gossiping and recording. To take you away from the spotlight he brought you outside the house party now and sat you down by the nearby stairs in the front garden of Ningning’s home.
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The tears running down your cheeks as you wipe them away. You can’t believe you’re crying right now in front of your own enemy.
You hate it, crying. You always hated it but what you hated the most was showing your tears to someone else it felt so pathetic.
You don’t even know why you’re crying? Maybe it’s because you know how much this dress and necklace met so much to Yunjin and she trusted you to wear it out tonight and you ruined it. You feel like it’s your own fault for not looking where you were going and Jaemin sat down next to you by the stair as he looks at you wiping your tears from your eyes with the back of your palm.
You look even more beautiful when crying. Jaemin was distracted by your beauty but he was checking you for any injuries.
“Y/n are you hurt?” He softly asks you.
You don’t reply as you’re looking at the broken necklace now too. You ruined her necklace. God you are going to be the worst friend ever when you return back home to your roommate.
He slowly moved a little closer. “Y/n why are you crying? Are you hurt? Show me where it’s hurting.” He demands now a little from you as you shake your head in response. “No… I’m not hurt.”
The boy hearing your words feels more relieve to know you’re okay but then why were you crying? He thought you were maybe scared or shocked by the fight earlier. You didn’t deserve it after all.
Your hair was slightly messy now and he moves strands of it behind your ears while he watches the tears staining your cheeks, just like how your dress was stained by the drinks dropped on you.
“Tell me how I can fix this?” He now asks you. He didn’t want to see you like this and it’s not even close to what he was feeling.
Seeing you cry like this makes him look for ways to destroy everything in his way right now.
Your voice between the sighs as you calm down slowly while your tears pushing back to your ears so they don’t fall out. “You can’t. Everything is temporary, this was merely one of those things.”
You try to sound tough and that this wasn’t bothering you. You don’t want to show that you are stressing over how you ruined this dress and it’s not even your dress. It’s your friend’s dress.
And you ruined it.
“If it was temporary why are you crying y/n? It must be important to you if you’re crying.” He says softly with a little smile while he puts an arm around you so you can now rest your head on his shoulder while he is running his fingers down your arms slowly. You knew Jaemin was right. If it was temporary you wouldn’t be crying like this.
You slowly whisper. “This dress and necklace, someone gave it to me. Someone that is very special to me.”
Jaemin listens to your words and he slowly nods. “Is that really why you’re crying so much?” He chuckles a bit he found you slightly cute when you cry over these things.
He found your empathy to be surprisingly… beautiful.
“How much do you need? I will give you.” He now said bringing his arm back while he faces you and your reaction falters at his words.
He will give you money to get your dress fixed? You can’t believe he would do something like this for you. Jaemin looks at you as if he was serious, serious on his words he just told you and you have no choice but to accept this.
“It’s okay Jaemin you don’t have to.” You state bluntly you don’t want to owe him anything but Jaemin ignores your words despite hearing you say this. He won’t accept a no as an answer.
Jaemin leans closer putting his finger softly against your lips shushing you up immediately.
He smirks pulling back his finger as he saw your silence. “Y/n I want to do this for you. It wasn’t even your fault what happened back there so let me repay you with that?”
You look at him with glistening eyes. They’re glistening because you cried so much and Jaemin liked staring at them. Your eyes were so big he could see his own reflection in them and you were so dreamy looking.
“Fine, but I don’t owe you anything.” You say with a mumble.
Jaemin smirks. “No but you might owe me a kiss?”
He saw your glare at him and he sighs. “Come on not even one? I protected you back there Y’know.”
You roll your eyes. “I didn’t ask you to protect me.” Jaemin chuckles. “No you didn’t you’re right, but that’s what a gentleman does.”
You wanted to throw a sarcastic comment but you’re so drained right now and Jaemin saw right through your disguise seeing how low on mood you are. He grabs your hand slowly comfortingly rubbing it with his thumb and he gave a kiss at the back of your hand.
“Cheer up. I’ll buy you a new dress, new necklace. You won’t have to worry.”
“Thanks… but you still won’t get that kiss.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! Reblog this fic and follow me for more on my pinned masterlist!
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eris-snow · 7 months
9. 𝐏𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐧: 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐭
Tags: bakugoux fem!reader, juxtaposition, angst,fluff
Revelations uncovered and questions unanswered. Sometimes, when you move two steps forward, you move 3 steps back.
Country to popular belief, Katsuki has done many stupid things before.
He once created an entire backstory to back up one of his egotistical lies. What’s stupider is that everyone believed him. Another time, he’d played the knife finger game and gotten his first scar on his index finger. And then, there was Deku, which was just a huge bombshell of bad decisions all ending with a ‘you fucked up’ at the end.
But sitting in a hero dropout’s house in a crusty living room was not what he expected character growth would do to him.
Just saying.
“How did you find the log?” Saito asks, shifting the packet of Doritos out of the way to make space on the beanbag. Katsuki and you sit stiffly on the couch, as if held at gunpoint.
The apartment was poorly decorated, and not exactly the cleanest, but Saito’s down-to-earth character and overall demeanour was enough to smooth the edge Katsuki was on.
“I found a yellow thread. Led me to the back of the library.”
You frown at him. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“You didn’t ask.”
Not rising to the bait, you reply. “Found it on my first day. I tried to show it to people, but they’d just forget. I placed it back where I found it and gave up after a month.”
Saito glances between the both of you, before nodding in understanding. He turns to Katsuki, “So you’re the Savior,” and then turns to you. “And you’re the Target.”
“Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious.” Katsuki mumbles. You nudge him, and he gives you a scalding glare, but he bites back the rest of his statement.
“Can you help us? Tell us about you and…your friend?” Your tone is neutral, but there’s hope behind it. You’re so close.
Saito looks directly at you both, and Katsuki can almost see a hint of Aizawa in him. Tired, worn out by life, and beaten down.
For as tall as the man is, he sure likes to make himself look small.
“I can tell you what happened. But speaking from experience, the phenomenon must be broken by you two alone. I can’t help you with that.” Inhaling deeply, Saito closes his eyes. “The cause of your invisibility is not based solely on a Quirk; this is far greater than that. It’s a phenomenon. The science experiment on Quirks those decades ago was like wood to the flame, and when it went wrong, everything did.”
Saito shrugs. “Kenji and I dubbed the phenomenon Reset, ‘cause of how far back it put our friendship. Hurts to think that I didn’t…” He trails off, before starting again. “We spent a year picking for clues, and that log has all our research in it.”
“Were there more pairs?” you ask. “Like us?”
“Allegedly,” Saito replies. “But Reset doesn’t happen just for the sake of it, kid. It chooses; it’s specific. I tried tracking down most of the pairs—wasn’t helpful. Most were dead.”
He let that statement hang there for a while; just to let it soak up the silence it left behind.
“We talked about what would happen after we got out of this mess. Kenji told me he wanted to start an agency together, and I agreed. We hit off the moment we stepped foot into that class.” Saito’s expression is fond. “We were like brothers. Sure, we didn’t go through a war, but we were close. That smart alec was always smarter than me, faster than me—he would have made a fine hero.”
Katsuki and you suck in a breath in unison.
Time to rip off the band-aid. Katsuki closes his eyes.
“So he’s dead.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“He faded away.”
Well, he might as well have compressed the room with a piston, because now the tension is really thick.
“I was on track to debut right after graduation. There was an internship and heroes—they still wanted me. But after that? After watching my friend fade in front of me like that?” The man shakes his head and pulls his hair. His voice fights to keep steady. “If I couldn’t even save my best friend, what kind of hero would I make?”
Katsuki has heard those words before. It’s the same words he repeats to himself every day, 24/7, like a broken recorder.
No wonder this guy dropped out.
Your face is fighting to keep expressionless, so when your eyes start to water, you wipe them away.
Katsuki had to be strong on the battlefield. He has to be strong now, even if it’s on a couch in a pigsty.
Strong not for himself, but for you.
With slowed breaths, Saito looks up at the both of you and swallows. His eyes are rimmed red. “ There was an article I found about the experiment the day Kenji faded away, but it looks like he got to it sooner.” the man’s eyes are hollow.
“It was on the guy’s Quirk used for the experiment: Undetected. The person who wielded the Quirk was able to make people invisible, but at the price of taking away his senses, bit by bit. It starts with your eyesight, and when you’re fully blind, it starts to take away your hearing, and so on. Can you imagine being cut off from the world like that? It’s horrifying.”
What a curse of a Quirk.
Bile rises to his throat, and Katsuki forces himself to stay on task. “So can we fix this? Or are we fucked?”
Saito smiles sadly. It looks as if he went through the entire cycle of grief and he was at the last stage: acceptance. “Even though it might seem random, Reset happens for a reason. You must see the unseen and find what has been lost. Do that, and you will break the phenomenon.”
You look close to tears. “Please don’t play word games with us now—”
“The breaking of the phenomenon is different for every pair. Tailored by the strings of Fate herself, customised and thoughtfully crafted. What I was going to do with Kenji isn’t going to work for the both of you.” With a shake of his head, he continues. “The faster you do it, the better. How long have you known each other?”
You’re wrecking yourself inside out, so Katsuki scoots a little closer and answers for you (even if he was dreading the reply). “3 and a half months.”
Saito’s lengthy frame curls into itself even more as the man lets out a depressing sigh. “The day of the science experiment was November 16th. I met Kenji again on the same day, 15 years back. Guess what day he faded.”
Saito doesn’t wait for an answer that doesn’t come.
Fate has a cruel way of tying her strings.
“It was exactly one year later.”
Katsuki sucks in a breath, and beside him, you completely broke.
The day he pulled that curtain and locked eyes with you…
Katsuki funnels through his thoughts and grasps for the date.
November 16th.
The world must have stopped turning.
With a crooked, shattered look, Saito cracks his last statement. “Your days are numbered. Use them wisely, kid.”
Katsuki finds the last unwashed mug in Saito’s cabinet and digs out the coffee powder from behind capaciously placed condiments. If he’s going to get through this rationally, then coffee is a much-needed requirement.
There’s a creak in the floorboards, which makes Katsuki’s eyes snap to the doorway to meet cobalt blue.
Saito lets himself into his own kitchen. “You look like a startled cat.”
There’s no reply.
Flicking the tap on, running water gushes out of the tap as the lean man grabs a sponge. Katsuki pours boiling water into his cup, and watches it simmer.
“Where’s L/n?”
“On the balcony.”
Katsuki whips his head to Saito, teeth bared, eyes flashing.
“I told you to watch her—!”
“And I told you she needs to be alone.”
Annoyance creeps up his spine at that remark.
“You don’t know L/n,” Katsuki says, and there’s venom infused into it.
Saito doesn’t respond immediately, choosing his words wisely. “I’m not here to argue with you.”
Katsuki’s glare is sharp as he tears a hand through his hair. Irritated with himself, he rips his eyes away from the hero dropout.
You’re going to die.
The thought repeats, and his blood is cold.
You’re going to die.
“How do I save her?” Katsuki says, voice low, dumping the coffee powder into his boiling water. “See the unseen? Find what has been lost? There are two parts of this wannabe Shakespeare, and we have nowhere to start.”
Blue eyes flicker to red, and all the sounds left is the sound of the fan in the living room.
“I don’t know,” Saito admits.
Katsuki’s fingers curl into fists as a wave of helplessness, uncertainty, and anger courses through his veins. He’s frustrated and so, so tired of running around in circles.
When one solution presents itself, another problem lands right on his lap with vague words strung out by a toddler who thought he was smart. You’re not a means of passing time anymore.
You’re important to him.
And he doesn't want to see that horrified, let-down expression on your face ever again.
“Kenji was my first friend, ever.” Saito’s voice is thick, like he’s trying to push back a wave of tears. “And when he finally told me about his situation, all my memories came back to me. I felt horrible for forgetting somebody like him,” Saito shrugs. “We may not be related by blood, but we were brothers. And I failed him by being too late.”
Katsuki’s coffee sits untouched, as heavy silence hangs between the both of them.
“We had to go back to the tree we used to sleep under in the nearby forest. I’m sure you know it. The one the government cornered off.”
Katsuki brushes aside the memory of Deku’s outstretched hand and the sound of running water.
Focus. He needs to focus.
”There was something we lost there.” Saito continues. “To break the phenomenon, we had to find Kenji’s watch.”
The words pluck the air as Katsuki blinks.
“To break the phenomenon,” he repeats slowly. “You had to find a watch.”
Saito looks at him dead in the eye. He’s not joking. “Yes.”
See the unseen, find what has been lost.
With a scoff, he utters frustratedly. “What kind of significance can a watch hold—”
He stops short when he sees the sorrow deepen in the man’s eyes.
“You have no idea.”
Whatever importance that watch held, it was evident even after more than a decade’s worth of grieving, it was still tearing him up inside. And by the looks of it, it was a story that Katsuki did not want to be told.
“Oh, and one more thing.” Saito turns off the tap and returns the last plate to the dish rack. “That yellow thread you mentioned? It’s a guide, so follow it.” Katsuki gets a bitter smile, and a pat on the shoulder.
“Mine was blue, but that isn’t the point. It led me too.”
Your fingers are numb on the cold railing of the balcony.
The temperature is rising, albeit still being cold, but you don’t exactly care for your body’s shivering or the sting in your chest.
You wish you could numb your brain, too.
Light footsteps shuffle against the concrete, and in the next second, you find Katsuki standing next to you, red eyes focused on an invisible point off in the distance.
He doesn’t say anything, and you don’t either.
He does, however, lean in closer to you, warmth radiating from his body.
Wordlessly, you do the same.
You were going to die in less than a year.
If Katsuki could move boulders, defy the odds and save the world, Katsuki could break a stupid phenomenon.
You know he can, and you know he will because as much as he likes to deny it, he has a good heart.
Suddenly, you really want a hug right now.
A glance at Katsuki is all it takes, and with a slight nod, he lets you in.
It feels almost too sinful to be in the embrace of the one you used to love, that it rekindles your feelings with a spark. You extinguish it and squash your hope.
Survival first, feelings later.
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lynx-of-skies · 9 months
Order #1 : Caramel Milk Boba, and Iced Coffee with Cupcakes
Note : Wooo! First order of the day- well more like night but oh well!
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How he protects you
Scholar!Albedo is not one to get into conflicts, often taking long paths to class just to avoid any fights and to continue on with his studies.
As a straight A student and one of the most popular student in school, a lot of admirers and fans of him quickly notice how you are getting "special treatment".
Albedo giving you waves in the hallway, saying hello whenever you walk up to him, blatantly ignoring the girl talking to him, or sitting down next to you during lunch, not so much as glancing at the jocks asking to hangout with him.
So, a few of jealous admirers decided enough was enough, and had created a devious little plan to get you out of the picture and away from Albedo.
Walking down the empty and echoey halls of the university, even after being here for a year it's still kinda hard to navigate, it was like a labyrinth in it's own right. Class has ended a long time ago, but where was your dorm again? Was it a left turn or a right turn? Wait- did you walk pass the hall to the dorms?
Sighing, you headed to the chemistry room. Why? Because Albedo always stays after class to continue to conduct experiments in the Chem. room, and whenever you get lost in the maze of the halls, Albedo always offers to lead you back to the dorms.
Soon enough you found the hallway to the science rooms but just as you took a turn-
You were slammed against the wall, looking up you saw a group of 3 girls. All of them looking pretty pissed and furious, the one who slammed you against the wall spoke up.
"Well well well, guess who decided to show up? The little stray wondering around the school, listen here you little shit. You better stay away from Albedo got it? We both know he's better than you, and he shouldn't hangout with a fleabag like you."
The girl sneered down at you, her nails digging into your arm, making you wince a little, the other girls snickered at the sight. The other two girls walked up to you, "We're going to give you a lesson you'll never forget, so your little pea brain doesn't forget our little warning." Two of the girls held you in place while the leader readied herself to punch you. The girl lifted her fist swinging it down-
"What's going on here?"
The girl's fist stopped a inch away from hitting you, looking to the the right was Albedo staring at the scene in front of him. The girls quickly pushed you away, putting their hands behind their back, acting like nothing has happened.
"Albedo! Uh- nothing going on here. Just some friendly banner!" The girl gives you a look, 'Agree or else you'll regret it'. Averting you eyes you shuffle a little, fidgeting with your clothing, looking down at the ground.
"Y-yup! Just some friendly banner is all..."
Albedo looked at you, there was no emotion in his expression, just a pokerfaced student. After a few seconds of silence Albedo started walking over, "I see...well then, I hope you can explain to me why you have this?" Albedo quickly pulled out a small can of pepper spray out of the girl's purse, looking at her with a death stare. The girl gasped, trying to get back from Albedo.
"T-that's just for self defense-"
"-But as per stated by the rules of the university, pepper spray is not allowed regardless of it's purpose. The university has no track record of any violence nor assault in it's hundreds of years of teaching. Well, until now, hitting another student? You know, I believe in an eye for an eye, I will be more than willing to do the same thing you were going to do my friend here. Go on, hit them, I dare you."
Albedo darkly stared at the girl in the eyes, being dead serious, the girl backed off, as well as the other girls.
"I-I'm telling the headmaster about this!"
The girls then ran off, leaving you and Albedo alone in the hall way, Albedo looked over at you.
"Are you alright? They didn't harm you did they?"
"I'm fine...but..aren't you worried they're going to get you in trouble?" You commented, looking at Albedo in concern.
Albedo chuckled, a small smile appearing on his face, "No, I'm not worried in the slightest. After all, why would the university's Golden Star threaten someone? That just doesn't make any logical sense."
How his crush developed on you
Scholar!Albedo is heavily focused on his studies and schoolwork, rejecting every admirer who confesses to him with no more then a sigh.
After all, what's the point of having a partner in school when school work takes the majority of the time? At least that's what he thinks.
Since freshman year in college he's been working on majoring his Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and minoring his Visual Arts, it's been 2 years now, and now he's a Junior, he's done countless of rejections...
...But why does he get nervous around you? Why can he barely speak to you clearly when he can speak in front of the entire class with no problem? Why does he get all fuzzy and warm inside just from you laughing? It appears Albedo must conduct some experiments to get to the bottom of this...
After long day of classwork, experiments, presentations and essays, Albedo was just ready to take a small break for once. Normally he's not one to take breaks, but maybe today he could take one, just a small break.
Entering the library, Albedo and the librarian, Lisa, giving each other a nod of acknowledgement before continuing back to their own devices. Albedo sat down at a quiet table in the corner, opening his sketchbook and grabbing his pencil, he began to quietly sketch. No more than a minute later a boy walks up to him, his face flushed and his body language being nervous. Albedo mentally sighed, it was going to be one of those days huh?
"U-uhm...A-Albedo? Can I ask you something?"
Albedo stopped his sketching, looking over to the boy, "Yes, what is it?" The boy took a second to take a breath, presumingly to calm himself down Albedo guessed.
"I-I...I like you a lot! A-and I was wondering if w-we could da-"
"-Apologies, but I don't feel the same way. I hope you understand, but I'm putting my studies first."
"O-oh...that's alright..I just needed to get this off my chest..." The boy quickly walked away, Albedo could just sense the heartbroken and gloomy aura around the boy as he walked. Albedo just continued on with his sketching, when suddenly a pair of hands covered his eyes from behind him.
"Guess who!~"
There it was, that voice of his friend, "[Name], you are the only person who are friends with me that does this...."
"Aw! But it's fun doing it this way!" Albedo's eyes were uncovered, allowing him to see the culprit. You. One of his closet friends in the university. Energetic compared to his introverted and reserved self. You plopped right next to Albedo, "Sooo, are you finally taking a break? It's about time!"
"Yes I am...what are you doing here? Normally you would be hanging out with that musician Venti." Albedo raised an eyebrow, looking over at you.
"Wellll, I wanted to see you! It's been awhile since we've hung out with each other! I missed you!" You gave a bright smile at him, it wasn't any different then any other smile you gave him. But this one...this one struck a cord in Albedo, his heart begun to speed up. His hands becoming clammy and the feeling of butterflies bubbling up inside him. Albedo was lost in his thoughts—Why was he feeling this way? Why does he feel all warm and fuzzy inside? What was happening to him? Was he sick? No that can't be-
"-bedo? Albedooo?"
Albedo snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at to you, coughing to clear his throat as well as his mind.
"Uhm- yes? A..apologies, I...spaced out for a moment..."
"Uh, anyway, I have to get going! See you next time! Bye!" Then you left, leaving Albedo behind in the library not before Lisa pulled you over and gave you a scold warning about being loud in the library. In the meanwhile, Albedo was mumbling to himself, his gaze focused on you, as you sheepishly smiled at Lisa, "I need to test out new experiment regarding this...feeling..."
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Hidden Talents
Idol!Venti always had a nack for trying new things, playing a new instrument or trying a new hobby, he's open to pretty much about everything.
Being part of 6reeze, Venti loves trying to get into new hobbies that his other Idol members were into. Trying out cooking with Aether, playing video games with Xiao and Scara (even though Scara can be a sore loser), watching mystery movies with Heizou, and writing poetry with Kazuha.
But other times he likes to scroll through the internet for find things that catches his eye, after all, watching singers was what got him into singing in the first place.
After scrolling and scrolling through Pinteresting, Venti ended up looking at a video that hit him with a wave of inspiration, he quickly got up and bolted to the main entrance, he's sure he saw some craft store near by the apartment.
You were walking around the apartment, looking for a certain 6reeze member, as their manager it was your job to makes sure they didn't do anything reckless. Speaking of which, apparently from the bank a purchase of a bunch of craft materials was made and it was extremely costly, all high product materials. It wasn't hard to ask around the other band members if they made such a purchase.
Walking to Venti's room, you knocked on the door but heard no response, opening it you saw the room with no Venti in it. Looking around you noticed he left is laptop open, sighing you closed the laptop. Walking back out of Venti's room, grabbing your phone and texting Venti.
'Venti, where are you!? Did you make a purchase recently?'
'Oops! Yeah I did, I'm on my way back from the store now actually! Brb.'
Sighing you walked to the main entrance, waiting for Venti to appear, just as you went to unlock to door Venti opened it, holding 3 bags of something from the local crafts store. Giggling a little Venti gave you a smile stating, "Before you get all mad at me spending this money...can I do something first?" After thinking a while you nodded and Venti giddily hopped his way back to his room, closing the door. After a few hours Venti comes out of it, holding something behind his back with a smile.
"Soooo, I knew you were going to be upset with me spending a lot of money- but I made you this!" Venti pulled the thing from behind his back presenting it to you. It was a little crocheted plush of your favorite animal! Taking it, you held it, it was perfectly made, incredible for a beginner!
"Woah...you made this? Have you crochet before?" You asked, looking over at Venti.
"Ehe~ Nope! This is my first time! Hehe~ I guess those sewing lessons with Kazuha kinda helped!"
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How he protects you
Idol!Kazuha is crushed on by many, MANY, fans of his, something about a quiet, well mannered guy draws people to him, who would've known?
The rest of the 6reeze members often have to deal with their own fans and work. Some handle it better than others, some..worse (*Cough* Xiao-Scara *Cough cough*) but then again, this was in the job description, being an Idol means having a lot of fans.
And having a lot of fans will get you some....more unsavory ones...which will try to cause harm to others.
But being an Idol, Kazuha couldn't just threaten them, that would but a negative reputation on the group, Kazuha would just have to try another method to protect you...
Today was a peaceful day, the wind was a gentle breeze and it was a perfect temperature to go outside. Deciding to go outside today, 6reeze put on their masks and headed out. You however, was dragged along with them, Venti had to beg you to come along. Saying, "this was the only chance for all of us to hangout with each other!"
Walking down the sidewalk to the nearest Cafe, a handful of undercover bodyguards followed closely. Even though the 6reeze members were wearing masks to hide their identity, one can never be to careful can they?
"Ooh! Ooh can I get one of those little bunny cake pops?! Oh! And a sweet tea!"
"Black coffee, no sugar got it?"
"Hm...I'd like a vanilla latte, hot please. Xi- I mean....Shade, what would you like?"
"Nothing. I'm good"
"I'd like a iced coffee."
"I would like a hot caramel latte"
Watching as the 6reeze members choosing their coffee you mentally sighed at the poor barista having to take their orders. Once the order was finished, you took out your card to pay, the barista gave you a sympathetic look before taking your card. Once everything was paid for and you were given your card back, you and the 6reeze members (and the bodyguards) went to the park. Some of the members just sitting down on a bench, while some others were admiring the landscape.
Unfortunately, you're gonna need to take off a mask to drink something so it was inevitable that people will recognize them. For just being in the park for 30min in a isolated area, a crowd has already formed. As the manager you and the bodyguards blocked other people from getting too close from the 6reeze members.
"Apologies but the 6reeze members are not meeting with any fans currently-"
Just as you were going to finish your sentence a fan grabbed your wrist and pulled you down to get you out of the way, causing you to collapse to the floor. Kazuha seeing this, quickly helped you up, checking for any injuries with a concern look.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, come on, I'll call the limo to pick us up"
What was suppose to be a relaxing hangout day turned into chaotic in a blink of an eye. The 6reeze members entered the limo with you as well, somehow being able to avoid the paparazzi that was scouting the area.
Later that day, the 6reeze members made a post.
'To those who forcibly push, shove, or pull others to see 6reeze. We do not condone this kind of behavior and will be avoiding those do such things. We want to provide a friendly environment in our community, and this kind of behavior will not be welcomed'
How his crush developed on you
Idol!Kazuha had wondered how a relationship with a celebrity would work in his early days. Would they have to keep it a secret?
But once Kazuha had gotten a hang of the idol life, Kazuha realized that having a relationship with someone would be a complicated process. Having fans knowing about their idol having a relationship with someone would make them upset if they didn't like the 'ship'.
But when ever he's with you, he can't help but smile, it was like his whole world lit up whenever you're around, and the other band members picked up on it. Venti giving Kazuha a teasing smile and raising his eyebrows whenever you weren't looking, Kazuha just faintly blushed in embarrassment before the blush disappears just in time when your turn around.
At was at first a manager-celebrity relationship, which turned to a friend-friend relationship, was it now a crush-friend relationship now?
Never did Kazuha thought that he would become an idol, but after creating the 6reeze band together in high school, they made it in the idol world after an Idol company scouted them. Of course being idol has some downsides, not having a regular life, being hounded by paparazzi in public, having to constantly practice dancing and singing.
But, even with all of these cons, the only pro that Kazuha was more than willing to have, is you. You just made his world, being the person that motivates him to push himself to his limits. You were just so sweet, when you guys first met Kazuha thought you were going to be one of those strict managers, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Afterall, you guys were friends, and friends motivate each other to do their best!
"Sooo, Kazuha. What are you thinking about hm?"
Kazuha looked up to see his band leader, Venti, leaning down with his hands behind his back behind the couch Kazuha was sitting on.
"Just thinking about our manager, why? Do you need something?"
"Nope, just curious~", Venti walked around the couch and sat down next to Kazuha.
"You know...I've noticed you've been spacing out a lot more than usual. Is there something bothering you?" Venti asked, looked over at Kazuha, Kazuha shook his head.
"No, I'm fine. It's just that..I've noticed that I've thinking about [Name] recently-"
"-Oh!~ Does someone have a crush on our manager?~"
Kazuha's cheeks flushed red at Venti's teasing, averting his eyes, "N-no! It's not like that, we're just friends..."
Venti looked shocked for a moment, he wasn't actually expecting a reaction like that from Kazuha, he thought Kazuha would just chuckle and wave it off.
"Hm...Kazuha, just how long have you been thinking about them? What do you feel when they're around?"
"Well, I'm not sure how long I've been thinking about them but...maybe a few weeks? And when I'm around them, I feel more motivated than usual, and that I want to try my hardest." Kazuha softly smiled at the thought of you cheering them on during rehearsals.
Venti just sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning back and flicking Kazuha on the forehead. "You know...despite having the best senses out of us I'm surprised you still haven't figured it out."
"Figure out what?"
Venti sighed loudly at this, gesturing over to you who was busy working on your laptop with headphones on.
"Look at them and tell me you don't have a crush on them!"
Kazuha looked over at you, his eyes softening and a small smile appearing on his face. You looked up from your laptop, waving over at Venti and Kazuha with a smile before working again. Kazuha could feel his cheeks heating up a little as you smiled.
"....I beileve you're right Venti...I do have a crush on them..."
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book-place · 2 years
Guilty Conscience
Warnings: tasm spoilers, mention of character death, panic attacks, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Peter Parker x sister reader
Request: Hey, I have a request! who knows a oneshot where Peter Parker's younger sister feels guilty for Uncle Ben's death for having participated in the whole event up close and feeling that she should have done something (even though she is only 12(?) years old and really couldn't have done much about it) and starts to pull away from May and Peter because of this (and also because Peter started acting weird due to his "spider problem") and, after she arrives one day shaken from school due to an anxiety attack related to it all, Peter just tries to reach out and comfort her? (oh and if you can make it be TASM! Peter Parker I would be so grateful lol) Well, I hope you can understand what I mean and my idea itself lol English is not my first language, by the way, so... sorry if I missed a spelling issue or something! ps: I love your oneshots! your writing is really amazing and i'm glad it reached me here from brazil <3
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: You’ve never felt more alone then you did after your uncles death
A/N: Hi :)
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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You rattled off a long sigh, letting your eyes slip up to the building in front of you. The intimidating, cold building stood there like a prison, waiting for its next guilty occupant. In this case, you.
But at the end of the day, it was just a school, and perhaps you were the only one who felt like a prisoner in the place of learning and popularity. You doubted it, though.
As much as you tried to ignore them, it was practically impossible to miss the way people would send you long glances- some with pity, others with amusement- before turning to their friends and beginning whispering to each other. As if you weren’t right there.
Though you had only been pulled out of school for a week, it felt as though it had been an eternity. An endless cycle of pain, guilt, and grief.
The best you could do was act as if you didn’t hear anybody or notice the way students parted in the hallway all around you.
You pretended as if this was just a one day thing, that it would go away as soon as the final bell rang. But you knew that it would last a good month before it fully faded from people’s memories and they stopped caring.
So far, you hadn’t yet figured out if you were longing for or dreading for when that time would come. To finally have people stop making you the center of attention, or to have people forget the reason you hadn’t been in school. The person it was because of. When that time comes, would they forget about him all together? Everybody? Would life just carry on as if he were never there?
You had begged your Aunt May to let you stay out for another week, but she insisted that the best thing that could be done for you was to send you back into the real world. She said that she would be doing it with you, going back to work on the same day.
And though she didn’t say it, you knew that she meant that you had to move on, learn how to live a life without your Uncle Ben. The only father figure in your life. One of the people you loved most in the world. And as of a week ago, the only person you felt like was still on your side.
For some time now, your older brother, Peter, had been distancing himself from not just you, but your entire family as well. And that stung.
The two of you used to be as close as siblings could be, rarely ever arguing, always getting along.
Your aunt always claimed it was the age gap, you being twelve and Peter being seventeen, but you always secretly thought it was because he wasn’t dead set like all the other teenagers at seeming too cool to hang out with their younger sibling. He actually cared about you, and wasn’t afraid to show it.
But then he was distancing himself, and you felt alone.
Sure, you had May, but you had never been as close to her as you were to Ben or Peter.
Though everyone avoided you like the plague, the hallways felt too crowded. Too stuffy. Too loud. Too bright.
You hadn’t even realized how much your breathing had picked up until dark spots had begun to dance in the corners of your vision. Only then did you feel the tight squeeze in your chest and the way your hands were shaking uncontrollably.
It wasn’t until you began swaying back and forth on your feet, stumbling through the hall slightly, did you realize that you really had to get out of there.
No longer caring about the whispers that would go around, you barged into an empty and dark classroom, closing the door behind you just in time for you to lose your balance completely.
Helplessly grasping onto the wall for support, you slipped down until your knees were touching your chest, breathing becoming more shallow and rapid as you gasped for air.
Your hands flew up to your hair and you began tugging at the roots, ignoring the sting that came along with it, the same way you were ignoring the way salty tears had begun to leak out of your eyes and make their way down your face.
That was how you spent the next thirty minutes, rocking back and forth with no thoughts other than everything that had happened to you within the week, everything you had lost, everything that would happen.
When you had finally managed to calm yourself down, you had decided that staying at school for the rest of the day would be pointless.
So, you slipped out of the building undetected and began your long trek home.
It was what you needed, you supposed, to have the comforting noises of the city drown out all the thoughts in your head.
You of course avoided the streets that reminded you of that night, the very ones that you were also mentally avoiding.
Now your problem has become physical and mental.
By the time you got home, at least half of a school day had passed, but you couldn’t care less.
You quickly shrugged off and discarded your backpack, throwing it down beside your shoes before trudging up the stairs, trying to make a beeline for your room before a voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Y/n?” Peter asked, peeking his head out from his own room as his eyes widened in surprise at seeing you.
You froze like a deer in headlights under your older brother's gaze. He was supposed to be in school as well.
His eyebrows furrowed, automatically taking in the way your hands were shaking slightly by your sides and your disheveled hair, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
A scoff escaped your lips before you could stop yourself and you rolled your eyes slightly, turning on your heel and stomping the rest of the way to your room.
“Hey- what? Y/n, wait!” He called, pushing off of the wall and scrambling after you, pushing on your door just in time to stop it from slamming in his face.
“Go away, Peter.” You demanded through gritted teeth, not even looking at him as he spoke.
“Not until you tell me what’s going on.” He insisted, brown orbs sweeping over every inch of your face as if that alone would inform him of what he wanted to know, “You can talk to me, Y/n.”
Your jaw clenched as you whipped around to glare up at him dangerously, watching as his eyes widened in surprise at your actions, “That’s rich coming from you.” You hissed.
“Why aren’t you in school?” He continued calmly, not losing his patience with you. He never lost his patience with you.
“Why aren’t you in school?” You shot back, giving up on trying to close the door and turned back into your room, stiffly sitting on your bed with your back against the headboard.
“It was too hard,” He admitted softly, shuffling after you slightly and coming to a halt in front of where you sat.
Despite yourself, your muscles relaxed slightly at his words. You weren’t the only one feeling that way.
Hesitantly, he sunk onto the mattress near your feet, “You’re not alone, Y/n,” He spoke softly, slowly reaching out and grabbing onto your hand, squeezing it lightly.
Angrily, you shook your hand out of his grasp and brought it to your chest, where you crossed your arms.
A flash of hurt went through his eyes at your gesture before he spoke up again, “Please just tell me what’s wrong. I want to help you.”
“You want to help me?” You seethed, something finally snapping inside of you as you sat up on your knees so that you were eye level with him, “Well then where were you last week? Where were you when Uncle Ben died? Where were you as I sat in the middle of the street and screamed for help, to useless to do anything other than that to try and save my uncle?”
By then, tears had once again begun to roll down your cheeks in waves of sorrow, and Peter felt his heart break more than it ever had before.
He had been so caught up in his own grief and everything going on after getting bitten by that spider that he hadn’t even been able to see you, his little sister, only twelve years old, in so much pain.
“I’m so sorry,” He breathed out, tears of his own springing into his eyes as he drew you into his arms and to his chest.
This time, you didn’t fight him as you melted into his hold, grasping onto his shirt tightly as you sobbed along with your elder brother.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” He kept repeating, burying his face in your hair as he spoke, “It wasn’t your fault. I promise you it wasn’t. Okay?”
You nodded against his shoulder, sniffling slightly as you hiccuped a little bit while your tears finally subsided.
“I’ll be better,” He whispered, “I won’t leave you like that ever again, you hear me? I promise.”
Two promises. Two of the biggest ones he possibly ever has or ever will make, but he meant them with every bone in his body.
We Are Groot 🤎- @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @irethepotato @femalemarvelself @mukbee @its-hell @ip747 @i-writes-things @popfishjr @mitsuki-murakami @mythixmagic
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ampleappleamble · 4 months
15 lines of dialogue
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
tagged! by @dragonologist-phd like ten thousand years ago! (i didn't forget or deliberately shun you i promise, i'm just very very forgetful and tired all the time ♡) and more recently by @solas-backpack-mug for the same thing! i've been thinking of re-editing and possibly continuing Anthem Infinitum, my PoE1 novelization starring Best Girl and the Gods' Favorite Punching Bag Axa Mala, so honestly this prompt couldn't have come at a better time. here's her Greatest Hits:
all of these quotes are from Anthem Infinitum, because my other fics don't feature her as prominently (if at all). i may have goofed up some of the formatting somewhere between copy and paste. [...] indicates excised surrounding narrative text.
1. "I lost my academic standing, my career, my… everything. So now I'm here. Because it was this or killing myself, and with my luck that would probably just piss off Berath."
2. "No need for thanks. Couldn't leave another kith outnumbered like that. Wasn't right." [...] "Could have done without the extremely blatant goading, though, friend."
3. "Excellent. I was worried I looked like a weird asshole for a minute there."
4. "…I don't know if that's the best or the worst mixed metaphor I've ever heard."
5. “Knowledge seeks freedom, we say in Ixamitl, and the freer I can make it, the better.”
6. "Ha! Since becoming a Watcher with her own castle who offers to help everyone she meets solve all their problems, I do seem to be quite popular, yes," [...] "…I jest, of course. In any case, the friends I do make, I tend to keep. And cherish."
7. "Never tell me how to feel, Kana, never again. Or by the Beast, I'll show you fucking hostile."
8. "Smells like a kraken took a shit out here and died," [...]
9. "I may be forgiving, but the Doemenels aren't. He sticks around too much longer, they're gonna 'stick' him."
10. "'Trust is a double-edged sword, gift and burden both to friends and allies.' My father taught me that one."
11. "Can I please just go put some gods damned pants on," [...]
12. "Don't go around pinning all your trust on any one person or institution completely, Aloth. Not even me. You'll regret it, trust me."
13. "I don't need to be coddled, Aloth," [...] "What I need is to quit moping and get off my ass so I can actually do something that at least makes me feel like I still have a little control over my life."
14. "I wonder– will it piss off the gods, do you think, ruining two priests' days in a row like that?"
15. "You may be content to issue Hollowborn until your shriveled womb drops out of your skirts," [...] "but I will not permit you to stand between these people and the truth!"
and That's Our Axa! ™️
thus far, her alternate dimension counterpart/ex-fiance Vaargys has exactly one (1) written line of dialogue, so we will be skipping him. i plan on featuring him prominently in flashbacks during Axa's time in the White March, which will probably be the next six or seven chapters of Anthem Infinitum, so look forward to it! ♡
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n0madsbase · 5 months
I (don't) like him;나는 그를 좋아하지 않는다
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Pairing: Sangha x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.4k (got a lil carried away)
Genre: One sided!enemies x lovers
Warnings: Bashing sangha (sad), there’s only one bed 😱, (i can’t remember any others)
Author’s note: I got bored and wrote something not sure if i should continue it? don’t even know if the story makes sense 😼, Mentions of twice (tzuyu 3)
About: No matter how many times you tell Doy that you hate (deeply dislike) his best friend Sangha he just seems to believe you're the perfect match!
“Doy i mean it seriously stop trying to make it work”
It seemed no matter how much you whined and moaned to Doy about not wanting to be around or even instigate a conversation with his best friend. Sangha he just didn’t want to listen
“C’mon it’s been almost a year and I want my two best friends to be best friends, maybe even more than friends!!”
I give him a stern look knowing that he knows that not only was I not looking for a relationship at the moment but he had to audacity to want me to go on a date with the person he knows that I don’t like and haven’t liked since, well since I could remember
Park Sangha randomly just appeared in my life one day during high school taking over, whether that was becoming the most popular guy in school or becoming my classes president only a month and a half after transferring or just being the most insufferable and cocky person ever to exist. Yet it seemed I was the only person to see his true colours.
“What’s that face for?” Doy questions as if he didn’t just recommend that I date Sangha of all people. “You know why” I reply back “No I actually don’t, since you still won’t tell me what problems you have with him and he just doesn’t seem to know what he could've possibly done to you in high school.”
I thought that after graduating high school I would never see Sangha ever again, I believed that I would be happy and Sangha-free in College only to be mistaken seeing him on campus on the third day. I refused to believe that I saw him chalking it up to a look alike or something like that, only to be mistaken yet once again when he appeared sitting near the back of my business class
After seeing him I just made a mental plan to avoid him as I was starting over from high school and the campus was huge and I only really ever saw him in my business class, in the library or sometimes even in the coffee shops near school, specifically the one closest to my dorm building, I stopped going after seeing a familiar set of black hair working there three months into the school year.
I really believed I could escape him but my plan came crashing down when I became friends with Doy, meeting him by chance in a record store, finding out we had the same interest in music. A friendship quickly sparked between Doy and I and I slowly began to forget that I was trying to ignore a whole other human on campus until…
8 months ago
I was at a small gathering in a random students house that was off campus that Doy had managed to bring me to telling me that he would like to introduce me to his friends as he believed that if I was friends with him I would fit right in with his friends
I met his friends jiwon who was also called One, Kangsu and who was also named Rivr and Junho I thought that that was it until Rivr asked One “Have you heard from Park yet?” about 40 minutes in since meeting them
“Park?” I questioned
“Oh yea sorry we have one more friend coming he’s on his way” Doy replies to my question before a ping comes from his phone signalling that he got a notification. He reads the message before standing from the couch that he was sharing with Junho and I “He just sent me a message, he doesn’t know what house we’re in so i’ll try find him” Doy says before leaving me alone with his friends
“If you could give a name to your favourite kitchen appliance, what would it be?”
I hear Junho ask as I see Doy disappear from my vision, I laugh before beginning to have a conversation with Junho about kitchen appliances
About 10 minutes goes by before I hear a familiar voice belonging to Doy “Finally found him, he was on a whole other street” I let out a little giggle and fix my hair wanting to fix up a little before meeting another one of his friends. I would say I enjoyed the company of his other three friends and I could see me becoming close friends with them the same way I am with Doy, so meeting people like him makes me happy
I smile politely and wait as Doy sits only for my smile to drop quickly. There could be no possible way that he was standing in front of me, the one and only Park Sangha my face bitters as his face lights up “Y/N?? No Way I thought I’ve been seeing you on campus but I didn’t know if it was you or not since you would never react to any greetings- how are you!?” Sangha excitedly asked like we’ve been friends for years or as if we were old buddies
“You know each other?” Rivr quizzes. “We went to the same high school- we were even in the same class” Sangha happily replies to his friend
“Wow Sangha nice to see you too” A fake smile is on my face and my voice is dripping with disinterest not wanting to continue to converse with him. His smile drops a little but it doesn’t fall completely but before he could reply I begin to speak again. “I hate to be a bummer but i’ve to go now tzuyu texted she forgot her key so…” I let them finish the sentence in their heads before Doy speaks up “Don’t you want to catch up with an old friend??”
“Trust me we weren’t friends” I throw out into the air before getting up and leaving before he could respond for the both of us
After that seeing Sangha’s Face was a daily occurrence
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Around 2 days had passed since my conversation with Doy happened. I left him unanswered, annoyed that he wouldn’t drop the topic. I was currently sitting in the living room of tzuyu and I’s shared dorm room waiting for tzuyu to bring up our jjajangmyeon we ordered earlier when I get a text from Doy
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Ugh what a douche leaving me on read. Just then my head snaps up as the door is opened and I see tzuyu coming in with our order
“Finally i’ve been craving this all day” she says quickly coming to sit with me on the couch and setting the food out on the the table
“Doy invited me to go to busan with his friends, do you think i should go?”
“Is Sangha going to be there?” she’s questions knowing that i didn’t like him one bit she didn’t even know why but she knew that it had to be a good reason, I told her the second I got back to our shared dorm when I found out Sangha had been friends with Doy all those months ago, she wasn’t even locked out I just wanted to get away from him
“Apparently not, he’s going back home according to Doy”
“Okay then def go Busan is amazing” she smiles widely talking about the city
“Maybe i will then”
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
I check the time on my phone shivering a little with the cold morning air of Seoul and look up searching to see if I can see a familiar mop of blonde hair in the train station, before looking back down and opening Doy and I’s shared chat spamming him with another few messages warning him the boys and him will miss the train if the don’t make it in the next five minutes
I hear a horn before seeing a familiar black car belonging to Doy
I signal for him to find a parking spot and hurry up knowing he could see me through his dark tinted windows, before the passenger window is rolled down only to see Junho and Doy not looking panicked at all
“What are you doing, park before we miss our train!?” I urgently say, “Did Junho not text you, we’re driving there instead?” I burn holes into junhos head who is sitting in the passenger seat “No he didn’t” I say firmly as I had been stressed for the past thirty minutes about the boys missing the train for no reason, Junho lets out a quiet “my bad, i got distracted deciding which snacks to bring for us all”
“Did you get me sour patch kids at least?” I asked the blue haired boy, “Yep, sitting in my bag.” He points to it sitting between his legs on the floor of the car. “I forgive you then” I happily say walking to the back of the car and opening the trunk and placing my overnight bag in it, i see a figure sitting in the back and assume it’s either One or Rivr and make my way to the drivers side before opening the back door of the car about to ask where the other boy is if it was one of them
Only to see none only that Park Sangha sitting behind the passenger seat
“What the fuck is he doing here?” I question agitated still standing outside with the car door open
“I told you not to lie to her”Junho says in a sing-song voice almost mocking Doy who was sitting in the drivers seat
It was about an hour and a half into the four hour car journey, but it wasn’t that bad, Sangha didn’t attempt to speak to me only giving me a small polite smile after I entered the car which was only because Doy convinced me get in with the bribe that he would buy me anything I wanted from Busan if I just got in the car. The car had been mostly silent only the light tunes of the radio playing quietly in the background.
I’ve been texting tzuyu the whole time before stoping as I felt bad as we both woke up early to help me pack and I was keeping her up further with texting her about my current dilemma
Everything was fine and everyone was minding their business doing their own little thing before i see a hand with a bag of my favourite candy being placed between the drivers and passenger seat coming from junhos hand. But just as i go to reach for it I see another hand coming out of my peripheral vision reach to grab it the same time as me
We both grab it which leads to his hand awkwardly being placed over mine before I rush to pull my hand back, i see junhos head turn “Oh yea sorry forgot you both are weirdly obsessed with sour patch kids” he laughs and teases before ultimately giving the bag to Sangha before bending over again to reach into his bag to pull out another pack and handing that one to me
This ride was going to be the death of me
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
I let my body stretch as soon as i exit the car, the journey wasn’t that bad and it was nice and calming i just listened to music and looked outside seeing all the beautiful views for majority of the journey, on the way i found out that Rivr and One had taken Rivr’s car that’s why they weren’t with us, they had already checked in and were waiting for us as they left earlier
We all walk into the lobby of the accommodation we got before Doy begins to talk to the old lady receptionist about our rooms, I zone out only zoning back in when the old lady says “And i’m assuming the lovely couple is sharing a room?” she points at Sangha and I while asking and before i could kindly tell her that i would never think of dating the insufferable piece of jerk beside me Sangha says “Yes we are” and with that the old lady hands him the key and begins pushing us towards the small elevator at the end of the hallway I put my finger up to speak but the doors of the elevator shut before i get to
I immediately turn to look beside me and complain “What would you say we were dating?!?” he begins apologising “I’m sorry i don’t know why i did that- i just” he sighs “She reminded me so much of my grandma and i guess my brain just automatically went to respond yes immediately”
“I’m going back down to get a new room” but before i get a chance to press the level 0 button I feel a hand grab my wrist, I turn and give him a stern look before he apologies again and drops my hand.
I enter the room first and immediately notice there’s only one bed other then that it wasn’t that bad the bathroom looked decent as I saw it when entering fully into the room “There’s only one bed?” Sangha says “You don’t say!?” I say my voice dripping with sarcasm
“I’m seriously sorry i don’t know why i said we were dating”
“I’m going back down to get a new room” I begin walking to exist the room but before I can i’m trapped between the wall and Sangha “Move” I say shocked that he abruptly did this
“I’m sorry i just- i can’t let you go”
I stare at him confusingly “Move before I..” I blank before saying anything that comes to my mind “…before I..I- I don’t know but it won’t be good!!”
“I’m sorry but i can’t move..”
“Sangha let me go, what’s your deal-“
I’m cut off by an abrupt kiss to my lips, my eyes widen with surprise and my body freezes stunned that this was really happening. I stare with winded eyes before i realise what’s happening and before i could think it through my hand raises and within the next few seconds Sangha’s whole head has turned from the slap I have just given him
I gasp in shock at my own action and begin talking “I- I, I’m sorry? i think I don’t know, Why would you just-“ i’m flustered and stuttering through my words before i hear a light chuckle coming from the man that still had me pressed up against the wall
“Are you sorry or not?” Sangha teases
To be continued?
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skyborneveggie · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
(I was not tagged, but I saw @rose-of-pollux post this form a few weeks ago & it looked fun)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 38 works under my username on ao3. I also have 17 anon-ed fics from a fandom I no longer wish to associate with, and a handful of fics on ff.net that I didn't like enough to transfer to ao3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 29,645 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now only feeling inspired to write for The Man from UNCLE TV show. Though I did post a Good Omens fic this year, & I could probably persuade myself to write another oneshot or two for that.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Idyllism (2016) [Rory & 11th Doctor; Gen but pairings if you like]
The Falliable Pillar (2016) [Onesided Kyouya Ootori/Tamaki Suoh]
1991 (2019) [Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo]
Child's Play (2018) [FrostIron; unfinished & probably will remain so]
Me Paenitet (2011) [Onesided Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood, Onesided Astoria Greengras/Draco Malfoy]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do always try to thank the person for reading. I usually only forget if it's a comment on a very old fic.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is extremely hard for me to answer. Out of the 50+ fics I've written, probably only 5 of them are not angst. My Good Omens fic Aeternum has the most gutting descriptions, but I have always felt that the absolute sucker punch at the end of Provocation (X/1999) hurt the most to write, & to reread.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh undoubtedly my MFU contemporary High School AU, The Puzzle.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have never gotten hate, but I have gotten backhanded compliments that I personally find hilarious. I made a post about it before here.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I... have attempted to write smut, but I don't think I necessarily succeeded. I have written several sex scenes with undetailed descriptions, and the one time I did attempt to be explicit the comments and I both agree that it came out sounding rather clinical. So I dunno if either of those situations really count.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written several crossovers, but I wouldn't consider any of them crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, I don't think any of my fics have ever gotten popular enough for anyone to want to steal haha.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I used to translate my own fics into Spanish wayyy back when I first started writing, but I haven't done that in ages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it sounds like fun! Would love to give it a shot some day.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin. I am like Smeagol; I'm "interested in roots and beginnings." And how much closer to the root of contemporary fandom can you get, than with these two silly beans?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I would love to finish my 2019 Good Omens fic Temporalia because I think there are some good ideas & beautiful passages in there. The problem is that my interpretation of the characters has changed, & is no longer consistent with some of the details I wrote back then. I'd also like to complete my 2018 FrostIron fic someday, just for the sake of finishing it. It was entirely plotted when I quit on it, and I still have all my notes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I am good at writing turmoil, inner confusion, and despair. I try to wring every ounce of angst out of descriptions, letting the character's distress color their perception of their environment, and I think I'm pretty decent at it. I also think I'm pretty good at expressing complex emotions without being too direct, though sometimes I worry that I'm too indirect & that I'll leave readers confused.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOT, I am extremely impatient when writing scenes where things actually happen. Also dialogue, I always feel that my dialogue either just does not sound realistic, or does not sound like the characters.
Another huge writing weakness is that I am incapable of writing anything longer than short story length, & have abandoned every attempt at a longfic after the 2nd chapter.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done this in the past for characters who canonically do this. I know it is standard practice to italicize all foreign language words when writing, but I personally find this VERY jarring. I generally leave foreign dialogue unitalicized & formatted indistinguishably from the primary language dialogue. But I think I may be the only one with this pet peeve, because I have received a few complaints about my lack of italicization from readers.
I could go way more in depth as to why the italics on foreign words annoy me, but I don't think anyone would be interested in hearing that rant 😂
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. It was 2008. That fic has been scrubbed from the internet lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Provocation (X/1999). It was the one and only time I'd ever written something and then thought "Ah. Yes. This is an absolutely perfect execution of my vision."
Tagging @theniftycat, @tenok, & @lunetta-suzie-jewel if you like, or anyone else who wants to do this. (@andorianimpostor I'm not sure if you write fic or not, but I thought I'd tag you in case you do)
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warabola · 1 year
💜: top 5 favorite npcs
Oh man the absolute hardest right off the bat. There are so many good NPCs in Fallen London.
Feducci - I'm not as obsessed nowadays, but you can thank Feducci for me being here in the first place. When I first got into the game, I was enamored with Tomb Colonists on sight after one stabbed me on the road randomly-- and despite learning the reality later, Feducci was the character I needed to know everything about. I wasn't here for elections but I heard about the end of his term and it cemented my love for the game.
Cornelius - Complicated. I am so sold on any interesting tomb colonist, but despite my excitement to meet him, I somehow managed to hit a glitch during the Railway that actually got Cornelius onto my board without ever having spoken to him. I still don't know how I did it, and FBG Support doesn't either. But his responses on the board make me laugh so he stays, and I also adore a guy who's into weird stuff.
Furnace Ancona - Feels like it's self explanatory. I've helped with unionizing efforts and management, and it's not easy. That alone makes her peak character. Her story is just so good and I wish there were 100 more places I could talk to her. I want to look at her character design all day.
Jovial Contrarian - He was super popular in the fandom when I first joined so I thought I wouldn't be into him? Jokes on me, I love an argumentative person any day.
Tie between The Manager, His Amused Lordship, and The Bishop of Southwark - First is thanks to Heart's Desire, the real world tie-ins, his love story.... and just how weird he is to the player character, honestly. The other two feel obvious because they're just good? Reggie said hey we're breeding creatures here and tackled me and I haven't been normal about him since. The Brass Grail is up there as one of my favourite stories. HAL is just great.
Honourable mention to the Sigil Ridden Navigator and the Cladery Heir as my favourite Sseas characters, the Fatalistic Signalman and Clay Conductor in Sskies, and the Crimson Captain for being my Main Companion despite having so little story, I so hope he gets more story.
🏵: what accomplishment are you proudest of in the game?
Actually a very difficult question! I'm a fairly recent addition to the fandom, having only joined maybe two years ago? And I'm terrible at optimization in lieu of forgetting what I was doing and instead wandering around after the lastest story I find interesting, so I don't have many unique or impressive achievements. That said, I have finished 3 ambitions and one ending of Seeking. And I have every renown to at least 40!
Honestly, I'm more proud of making an interconnected story between my own characters and friends' characters, but that's not really in game.
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izusakyo · 5 months
rant on queer representation & media in asia
ranting about something that happened a bit ago on twitter but i felt it was important to continue it here. i do want to add a disclaimer that i am not an expert in queer studies nor on my history/politics in asia before we begin.
if you’re on twitter, you’ve probably seen those “who’s the most influential/famous yaoi/yuri ship” polls that went around like crazy. if you haven’t, you could probably guess what it was about.
two of the ships for the yuri/GL polls were lumity (owl house) and bronseele (ggz + hi3 + hsr. admittedly, the OP specified hsr while using a pic from an older game). and y’all, i thought this shit was going to be a friendly lil game, but certain people made this shit serious. saying lumity had more impact “because they showed pride flags” and “it’s disney’s first queer main couple!” or something, and then basically insinuating bronseele flops bc they weren’t as openly queer, didn’t hold pride flags, etc.
completely ignoring the facts that 1) the pic the poll OP used was them kissing, 2) they’re canon in the older games, and 3) them kissing predates lumity/owl house show by many years.
but anyway, i wanted to go more into the fact that acting like bronseele (or any queer characters/ships from non-western countries) wasn’t impactful to you as a westerner is really ignorant to queer people elsewhere. but specifically using bronseele as an example since being queer still isn’t legal in China, media censorship is Real there, and yet hoyoverse STILL passed bronseele canon (& so many other queer coded characters) into their media over and over despite the GOVERNMENT LEVEL challenges.
disney and hoyoverse are both companies that suck and i’m not bootlicking either of them. they both have a LOT of work to do to be better as a company. but praising DISNEY of all companies for queer rep when they’ve always had more freedom to do so earlier (and just chose not to to appeal to its more conservative audiences) yet chose not to, is certainly a choice. and disney still has yet to have a queer main character in its main movies.
i’m not dismissing lumity fans, nor am i dismissing how impactful they might’ve been to you (because even as a non TOH fan, i do see how impactful they are! bc ultimately they still are a queer couple consisting of the MAIN character in a popular disney show). but dragging down foreign queer content and queer ships bc they don’t fit YOUR criteria of “is it actual representation” is weird, especially when you ignore the socio-political barriers in said region/country.
same thing with Alice Osem*n making claims that “yaoi”/Asian BLs are fetishistic and lumping all Asian queer media together. the superiority complex is crazy.
like i’m so sick of western/yt queers thinking they’re the spokespeople for the entire queer community + queer content, forgetting how other people in other countries still have to go through legal loopholes in order to simply have their queer content PUBLISHED (or even further, having the right to exist as an openly queer person). and that even if we all had the same rights, the way queer content is delivered and expressed would STILL be differently because the LGBTQ+ community is NOT a monolith.
you can absolutely detest a ship all you want. but don’t put down others because it doesn’t fit your narrow-minded narrative.
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moonlightheretic · 9 months
Hello again!
It's been a while! I haven't really been in the writing sphere since last May. I finished my long fic at that time and posted the final chapter with much relief. I immediately launched into my next project which was due in August and never really....looked back.
Actually, I ended up forgetting about it almost entirely.
I had projects lined up, one after another up until Christmas.
I know it's no excuse, but 7 years of planning and writing The Heretic sort of flew out the window. Hell, I haven't even written anything DA or Fan fic related in the last 6 months. It never crossed my mind again, until very recently when I had someone binge it and nearly comment on every chapter. While the fic has 2000+ hits over its 7-year posting schedule, I have never thought of it as popular or well-received. In fact, it might be quite low in terms of engagement for how long it's been hanging around on AO3. It did have its handful of regular fans which I am immensely grateful for! But after about a week after the final chapter's posting, it sorta died as I expected it to. Which is why it has stayed forgotten in the recesses of my mind until about a week ago.
First of all, I was incredibly impressed that they binged it in 2.5 days It is really not meant to be read that way since I throw so much information out at the reader, plus the twists and turns, and for the fact that each chapter's length is more like two or three in terms of word count, it is really meant to be read, slept on, thought about and then pursued again. Ideally.
Regardless I was overjoyed and grateful that it had engaged someone to that level of commitment. I've never had a reader binge it before! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it truly made my December!
I suppose my point is, that without the reader, I wouldn't have been brought back to it. I would have continued on forgetting. It was sort of emotional going back through it. Those 7 years flooded back and I finally gave it the credit it deserved.
While writing it in the back of my mind, there was a bit of disdain for it, considering it was my first fic, it must automatically be bad right? I have no experience in the area and it is the first time, therefore it must be bad. But I really don't think that way anymore. I don't think it is bad. I think it could be improved like anything else and I am actually rather proud of it now. It was a piece of fiction I made for fun, why do I need to be so critical of it? If I enjoyed my time writing it, that's all that matters.
This whole week I have been in a sort of strange state of delayed mourning. Like I am depressed that it is finished. I never processed those emotions back in May, I was way too busy completing a massive three-year-long Cosplay project for a competition in August, and every scrap of time was dedicated to EVA foam and glue. Then my health took a turn. So to say the year as a whole was wild would be an understatement. So here I am, in the dark depths of late December mourning over something with no tangible form. Others have suggested I write a sequel to dispel my melancholy. But honestly, I am no longer the same person who wrote it. That person died when she posted the last chapter and I have no idea why. I don't think I could even convince myself back into the headspace. Plus, a sequel would be sort of ....well, I don't want to say impossible, but it ended the way it did for a reason. Don't want to reveal any spoilers here.
For now, with all of this said, I think I will just enjoy it. Maybe I will try reading it from start to finish in 2.5 days too. Haha! But I do want to throw some encouragement to other writers here on Tumblr. Don't ever doubt yourself. Even if it is your first fic, your first drabble, or one-shot, never doubt yourself and your work. Just have fun. <3
Going to post this here, because going forward I am proud to share it.
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flea-n-friends · 1 year
My Thrift story
Hey there, fellow thrifties! I've been in the thrift game for a while now, and I can confidently say that about 70% of my apartment is decked out with thrifted treasures. But it wasn't always like this. In this blog post, I'm here to spill the tea on how I went from a Shein shopaholic to a thrifting girly. Get ready to dive into my thrifting story!
Chapter 1: The Shein Warrior Saga
About two years ago, I was absolutely obsessed with online shopping, and when I say obsessed, I mean OBSESSED! I was ordering clothes left and right, I practically lived among the cardboard towers. My delivery guy probably wanted to fight me , and honestly, I can't blame him. Living with my boyfriend at the time meant enduring his constant eye rolls, especially when my oders were from Shein.
Chapter 2: Berlin Thrift Adventure
My boyfriend and I used to make regular trips to Berlin, and on one trip, we stumbled upon a thrift store. It was the first thrift store I found genuinely nice. You see, most of the thrift stores I knew felt like they sold clothes straight out of grandma's closet. But this one, oh, it was different. Looking back yes it was overpriced and yes it was commercialized but still, it was cool enough to get me hooked. I think what pulled me in the most was that there were pieces that were really unique and that you couldn't get online.
So for me that meant: Goodbye, basic bitch fashion!
Chapter 3: The Thrift Lifestyle
As I got deeper into the thrift game I learned new perks:
Quality Over Quantity:
Vintage clothes are made from natural materials, not mass-produced synthetics like Shein clothes. Also, I doubt that Shein items can least a decade.
Pushing Boundaries:
You never know what you'll find, and when you fall in love with a piece, it challenges you to get creative and incorporate it into your wardrobe. This has pushed me out of my comfort zone often.
Saving Money:
Thrifting might have gained popularity, leading to people having the audacity to charge 90 euros for a shirt that somebody wore in the 70s, but there are still hidden gems out there. Where you can get a good deal.
Chapter 4: My Thrifting Evolution
I initially started thrifting for clothes, but it didn't stop there. Now, I've embraced thrifting for furniture too. Since moving this summer, a whopping 70% of my furniture is thrifted. Thrifting has evolved into a full thing in my life. Even when I'm on vacation, I can't resist checking out thrift stores in other countries. It's amazing how my mindset about spending money, quality, and the environment has transformed.
I hope this little journey of mine has inspired you to give thrifting a shot because it's actually pretty dope. If you're curious about my thrift finds, check out my Instagram. I've got posts dedicated to both, furniture and clothing.And don't forget to hop over to TikTok where I show you some easy thrift flips. Thrift on, guys! 🛒🌟
#ThriftLife #VintageVibes
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holidays-events · 2 years
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The GIF Calendar: March 2023
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3.3: Music fans, get ready! After a six-year hiatus, Grammy-winning artist Macklemore debuts his third solo album, Ben. Also, don’t forget to hit the theaters to check out Michael B. Jordan in his directorial debut of the next film in the Rocky series: Creed III (also, step into the ring…er…our official page for the film).
3.6: We’re celebrating the start of Purim, a two-day holiday celebrating the survival and strength of the Jewish people. Join in the celebration with festive meals, carnivals, and gifts!
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3.8: We never need an excuse to celebrate women worldwide, but we can do *even more* celebrating this International Women’s Day. Started by the Socialist Party of America over a hundred years ago, this global holiday is an excellent way to celebrate the great women of the past, like trans rights activist Sylvia Rivera and feminist activist Gloria Steinem. To quote Beyoncé’s line in the chorus of her 2011 hit song: “Who run the world? Girls!”
Also happening on this date is the Festival of Love, the Festival of Colors, the Festival of Spring: It’s the Hindu holiday of Holi! Honor the eternal and divine love of the God Radha Krishna with community and colors!
3.10: Horror fans rejoice: the next installment in the popular Scream series, Scream VI is here! This time, our heroes face off against Ghostface in the Big Apple (and, yes, we have an official page for this movie too).
Also, don’t forget to listen to pop star Lana Del Rey’s new album Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd because it’s out today!
3.12: Cinephiles, it’s the most important day of the year: it’s the Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars! First presented in 1929, this ceremony celebrates the best of filmmaking — and we’re all excited to see who wins this year.
But before the show, don’t forget to fix your clocks because Daylight Savings begins!
3.14: It’s the best time of the year for college basketball, March Madness! The 2022–2023 NCAA Division I men’s basketball tournament begins today and concludes on April 3. Who do you have your money on?
While you pick your favorite team, why not enjoy a slice of pie to celebrate the mathematical holiday, Pi Day!
3.17: St. Patrick’s Day, the world’s favorite Irish holiday, falls today and honors the Patron Saint of Ireland. Enjoy the day with some four-leaf clovers or with a corned beef sandwich — and remember to wear green or you will get pinched! After you celebrate the holiday, check out the new DC Extended Universe film Shazam! Fury of the Gods, where the original cast is joined by Lucy Liu and Helen Mirren (who you can get a glimpse of on the official page for the action flick).
3.20: C’mon get happy! This International Day of Happiness, don’t forget to acknowledge the things that make you happy and how important it is in your life. Better yet: Celebrate this holiday every day!
3.21: Happy Nowruz! Also known as the Persian New Year, this festival celebrates the beginning of a new year on the Iranian Solar Hijri calendar. World Poetry Day also happens today, so celebrate by reciting a limerick or coming up with a haiku.
3.23: Prepare yourself for a cuteness overload as National Puppy Day arrives today. Celebrate pups by adopting a new dog, treating the one you already have, or maybe just petting a new friend while you’re out and about!
3.24: After four years, Japanese kawaii metal band BABYMETAL returns with their fourth studio album, The Other One. Also returning is our favorite assassin, played by Keanu Reeves, in the long-awaited John Wick: Chapter 4 and, yes, there is an official page full of GIFs from the entire franchise.
3.25: Today the world gathers together for Earth Hour, a day to honor the globe by turning off non-essential electric lights for one hour, from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Join in this last Sunday of the month as a symbol of commitment to the planet!
3.31: This Transgender Day of Visibility, make sure you are uplifting and highlighting trans people and their stories. Then, fly to theaters to check out the new movie Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves based on the popular roleplaying game. Follow a group of thieves as they stop a great evil from taking over their fantasy world!
Happy March from Tenor! What are you most looking forward to?
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #102
(taken january 17th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given? I worked extremely hard in art class making an anatomically correct heart out of clay that I painted and then put in a shadow box with a poem I wrote dedicated to him as the background for Jason once. I think I gave it to him as a Valentine's Day gift. I sometimes wonder if he still has it.
Whatever happened to the first person you ever loved? I have no idea what he's up to these days. It's probably better that way.
What is the biggest difference between you and your best friend? I am very emotional and he's barely at all. Or at least, he doesn't know how to show it.
Do you currently have a job? No, but I'm kinda regularly looking online... and it's stressing me out.
What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I don't remember, but something good. My mom's brother gifted her a vacuum cleaner once when she mentioned all she really wanted to buy for herself with the inheritance was a quality vacuum.
Could you win a staring contest with someone? Absolutely not, eye contact is extreeemely uncomfortable for me.
Name the last video game you’ve played. Girt and I are still playing Silent Hill 2. <3 We're in the prison area now, so making real progress.
Name someone who has changed your life for the better. The psychiatrist I went to for many years since my partial hospitalization program. I only ever left him because my insurance changed and he doesn't take Medicaid.
Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? Yeah, in German.
Do you ever get carsick? No.
Did you used to watch Blue's Clues? I sure did, I loved it. I got so emotional when Steve's actor published that video a year or two back addressing our generation.
What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I just... wouldn't. Especially if I didn't know the person very well, because I don't know their living situation or if they have access to (hot) water, etc. Also as someone who has difficulty showering enough out of self-worth issues, I just don't think it's a good idea. I guess MAYBE I would if it was someone I was very close to and they were going to like, an interview or something, but I can't even imagine how I'd manage to do it.
Which movie’s musical score is truly memorable? Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron stands out.
What’s your favorite scene from the movie Titanic? I don't really remember because I've seen the movie only once a very long time ago. The last scene is super memorable though, where Rose throws the necklace (I think it was a necklace?) Jack gave her into the ocean. God did that movie make me cry, I remember that well. It's funny, I actually saw it while in the mental hospital and pretty much everyone was crying, like goddamn what a choice for mentally ill people at their worst lmfao
First kiss: quick, sloppy, and forgettable or passionate and memorable? It was quick and painfully memorable.
What is your favorite band's most popular song? Ozzy's is pretty obviously "Crazy Train," and I'm going to assume "Du hast" is Rammstein's because it was featured in The Matrix.
Are you listening to music right now? Yeah, I have "Little Dark Age" by MGMT on. Girt got me into it a long time ago.
Have you ever made the opposite sex cry? Yes.
Do you say the "H" in the word “herb”? No. I did for a very long time though, until I learned considerably late that it's silent.
What have you thought about most today? Girt and how he's coping. He's talked more with me today and seems a bit more perked up, but I'm still worried. I wanna see him really, really bad. This question prompted me to decide I'm bringing him lunch tomorrow btw lmao
If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be: Probably like a little toy computer and a mini model of my iPod. OH and don't forget a pill organizer lmfao
What type of food do you eat at your grandparents? My grandma tended to make all the things I didn't like, honestly, lmao. Though granted we saw each other super super rarely.
I find the thought of childbirth… fucking TERRIFYING and disgusting. "It's a miracle!" no bitch that is horror beyond our comprehension
What sea creature scares you? GIANT SQUID
What was the last thing to make you cry? Thinking Girt was going to leave.
What serial killer do you find most disturbing? Gotta be honest, I don't know nearly enough about like, any in order to give you a proper answer.
Who knows a secret or two about you? Jason, Girt, Mazzy, Tez, Mom... Really any of the VERY few people in my real, face-to-face life who know I RP. I guess the Joel situation I got in as a pre-teen could been seen by some as a secret, especially when SO few people know, but it's not something I'd deliberately hide anymore if it was relevant to share and haven't felt the need to conceal it for many, many years. I'll fully admit I was a backstabbing snake.
Where is your sister right now? I would assume they're home now.
Does anyone regularly tell you they love you? The two very regular people are Mom and Girt, but I feel like Mazzy and Tez do it a notable amount too.
Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? I have multiple, but I am ACTUALLY considering taking them down, amazingly. I really, really am thinking of lessening the decor in my crowded room and making it a more nature-based, peaceful location that I can go to to feel safe and relax soundly.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates.
Do you share your bedroom with anyone? My snake Venus' terrarium is in there, and Roman almost always sleeps with me. He sometimes roams to other places in the house to snooze during the night, though.
What’s your crush’s/boyfriend/husband’s name? Donald Jr. but I've always known him as Girt.
And their occupation? He's worked in a tire factory for like, a decade.
Do you think it’d be cool to have your body mummified after you die? No, honestly. I completely respect the cultural reasonings and even find mummies super fascinating, but for me PERSONALLY, I'd be very grossed out by the idea of it being done to myself.
Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes; I'm buying Girt lunch and bringing it to him at work, and I'm going to try and stop by the tattoo parlor to drop my deposit on my tattoo and get the appointment date!
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? To a degree. Sometimes they're just too excruciatingly ordinary/expectable, but I do very much enjoy a well-written love story.
Would you or do you allow your children to watch television? Yes I would, though especially when young, I would try to set limits. If I have kids, I really don't want them to face a technology addiction like I have. I want them to take adequate time to be present in the real world that is directly before them, experience this one trip they've got on Earth.
Can you read music? Not well anymore. Some things, sure, they've stuck with me, but not a lot.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month? Honestly, way too much. I have been very bad with fast food lately and it needs to stop.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house? Not with my current one yet. He prefers coming over here.
Is your mother diabetic? She is, actually. Runs in the family. Her sugar level is VERY volatile so she can't mess up/miss those meds. It frighteningly regularly goes so low that she has to take emergency measures like glucose tablets and stuff.
Are you? No, but it's something I really do need to watch. I don't think I'm considered pre-diabetic anymore, my doctors keep track of that stuff closely and have told me I'm good right now, but I know I'm still at high risk for it just by genes, personal history, and lifestyle. And I do NOT want it. Diabetes has either affected or straight-up taken too many people in my life.
Would you like to learn how to make ceramic pottery? Eh, not especially. I mean, I'm not AGAINST it, but I'm just not very interested.
Ever sang someone to sleep? No.
What was the last TV show you were hooked on? Lol Girt and I went on a nearly full-day binge of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives the other day when he was here. We have streaks where we just let the episodes keep going and going and going... lol. It's interesting stuff though and always makes us way too hungry.
Have you ever started a book and never finished it? Yeah. I remember in specific I once got pretty damn deep into this MASSIVE book that was a story about a guy who adopted/raised a baby fawn or something like that but I just like... randomly stopped. I do think I tried reading it at too young an age though, it was pretty advanced, even for me at the age I tried it. I just found it with some googling: The Yearling. Apparently it's a classic. Maybe one of these days I'll try it again.
Do you have a favorite drummer? Who? Not talent-wise but I definitely have a bias for Rammstein's Christoph Schneider because he is a fucking PEACH
What about a favorite guitarist? Who? Again, talent-wise I really don't know, but I make it obnoxiously obvious I adore Rammstein's Richard Kruspe because he is one of the most charmingly chaotic and adorable human beings ever sobs I'm not supposed to be into 50 y/o men help
Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? I feel like this would surprise people that know how overly invested I get in some things/people, but I don't and never have. Never even read any. Nothing against it, it's just not my thing.
Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? ^ oh, got ahead of myself
Have you ever thought somebody was plain-looking, but found them attractive once you got to know them better? I initially thought Jason looked kinda weird but then through just loving him he became THE most attractive person on the planet to me when we dated, like genuinely.
What specifically about them made them so beautiful? Look man it took me years to get OVER this dude, I ain't doing this lmfao
What is your #1 dealbreaker with friendships? For a friendship... hm. Being manipulative/gaslighting me over things is a very strong contender. I could also never, ever be friends with a person who thought they were better than everyone else. Well, I could never do that AGAIN. Been there, done that, no seconds please.
Are you interested in fashion? No.
Do you like Led Zeppelin? I enjoy some songs, yeah; "Kashmir" is fuckin legendary with one of the best riffs ever and I also *technically* love "Stairway to Heaven," but it's my #1 trauma-associated song that I physically CANNOT listen to so haven't for many, many years. My mom absolutely adooooores Zeppelin.
Have you ever seen a real-live cop chase? IIII don't think so? Maybe?
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