#I found out this is a swallowtail
todayisafridaynight · 5 months
not to make people believe in me and my work ethic but im lowkey a liiiitttttleeee stoked to share the fics ive been cookin lately..
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toksidermy · 11 days
hi i'm awake and caffeinated and now the entire world has to deal with me :)
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
some times i see people talking about the Earth and climate change saying things like "now i know it is difficult to deal with utter hopelessness, terror, and visiting the thoughts of death"
and it's like wow I am so deeply sorry about the suffering. but...concern. Concern. Tell me, am I missing something important? Why do I feel a sense of hope for our planet? Am I a lonely fool? Have I been consumed by naïveté and misguided optimism?
That would be weird. It feels weird. It feels like I would be well suited to despair. My natural temperament is Mortal Terror making my body crushed for a thousand years at the bottom of the deepest trenches of the ocean. I've thought before "I can't live any more. This exceeds the tensile strength of the human spirit."
And then? After irreversible catastrophic failure of the soul, there is...what?
We try to imagine the future where we fight to save our home and it is very painful. The resistance feels so small and the machine of death feels so vast. But something's missing.
Everyone else is missing—the plants, trees, bugs, beasts, and creatures. Hello? Are the other humans seeing this? Nature wants you to know that she is not a princess in a tower. Look! Look at the chaos moving through every cell! Iterating! Adapting! Becoming! Thriving! Watch the pollinators tirelessly at work, observe the mycorrhizal network in the forest floor distributing the rich fruits of decay and photosynthesis for every inhabitant! Pay attention! We belong here too. They feed and shelter us, give us the very air we breathe, and in return we plant and propagate, cull, thin, and burn, shape, trample, till, shepherd and sprout seeds. Our species can look toward the future, to the world of our descendants. We can call every plant and animal by name and teach our children to use and care for them responsibly. We can feel this anger, pain, and grief on behalf of the family of Life, OUR family, and we can love the smallest beetle and the humblest moss.
Look at it! This thing is nothing like me, it does not benefit me, it has no use or purpose for me, but LOOK at it! Look at its intricate structure! Look at the marvelousness of its behaviors and biological functions! Look at its uniqueness throughout the whole universe! Look at it, and see its infinite value!
I saved a baby tree from the scorching hot gravel of a parking lot. I watched it grow and thrive in the hands of its caretaker. Many more followed, trees and herbs and flowers, rescued and carefully placed in cups and old tubs that once held yogurt and sour cream. This is so strange, I thought. They're everywhere, offering themselves for free, and no one thinks to take them. Everyone thinks transplanting a tree is hard and that nothing grows on the edge of the pavement but weeds. But it's so easy??? This is weird. Plant Nurseries Hate Her: Get Free Plants With This One Weird Trick.
I protected an old barren garden patch where nothing had thrived from being mowed and weed-whacked, and transplanted little plants that I found. I marveled at the bees that came. Chicory bloomed, then asters and goldenrod. I shed actual tears over a spicebush swallowtail. I ordered some milkweed from the internet, and the monarchs came for them. Less then twenty-five bucks for a divine experience like this. Wow, everyone else really needs to know!
I started volunteering at a nature center, and was allowed to transplant flowers where they sprouted in inopportune locations. I collected tons of seeds all fall and winter long.
There is much, much more, all of it bigger than I ever would have imagined. But this spring there were more birds, in number and in species, than I'd ever seen in my back yard before. Chickadees, swallows, finches, nuthatches, jays, cardinals, warblers, sparrows, woodpeckers of every kind...I remembered just a couple years prior when all I ever saw out there was a couple grackles or starlings or robins, with the occasional sparrow. Those birds come in flocks rather than couples now. And then the bumblebee arrived. An American bumblebee, endangered now, a queen. For a few days she was always out there, would fly out and buzz around me when I came out to tend to my now-innumerable plants. It's nesting time for them. She chose this place I was creating. She saw that this place would take care of her.
A week ago, I discovered wild strawberries growing in my Mamaw's driveway. I found lyreleaf sage growing beside a gravel road. I've become a master of transplanting; I took several of each home. Yesterday, I saw a tiny, metallic blue bee, an Osmia mason bee. Today, I saw an oriole and a strange, very fancy fly. I see something new almost every day. Every day I am being irreversibly changed as a person. How did I ever fail to see how much this matters?
I said I feel hope...do I feel it? I don't think it's a feeling, I think it's a practice. It's being part of our communities and our ecosystems. Nature's interconnectedness is both reality and example: to survive, we take care of one another. And when one member of the community helps another thrive, it creates a cascade that increases the thriving of all. Just by existing, you help us all survive.
You can only take care of so many plants before you have to give some away. You can only hold so much knowledge before you have to give it away. I gave seeds to a dozen different flowers to my next-door neighbor and she invited me inside and wouldn't let me leave without food, and we talked about plants and trees. A family friend lets me have goats' milk and heirloom vegetables in exchange for help around the farm, and I listen to him talk about trees, bugs, and soil and learn so much I feel like I'm about to explode from knowledge.
Being a caretaker is unavoidably a community-oriented, community-forming thing. You can't grow plants all by yourself. Your garden will make too many tomatoes. Share them. Your milkweed will make hundreds and hundreds of seeds. Spread them. Wild blackberries invite you to take and eat. Your lonely retired neighbor invites you to talk and keep her company. Once you grow delicious fruits or little oak trees, you always have a reason to greet someone and say, "Look, it is a gift!"
We're not alone. We are not separate. We take care of each other. Every species, every individual. A single action of caretaking creates a cascade effect of thriving. A single unapologetic love for a creature creates a blossom of curiosity and fascination in everyone surrounding. It's so powerful.
As my chemical romance says "I am not afraid to keep on living"
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morbidsmenagerie · 5 months
Making Better State Insects
So at some point I stumbled across a list of State Insects. Honestly I wasn't even aware states had "state insects", but as I looked down the list my disappointment grew. A vast majority of states had selected the European honeybee (which is not even native) as their state insect, with monarch butterflies and ladybugs being the two runner ups. I thought this was a damn shame because there's so many interesting insects in the US, so I'm making a better official new list of state insects.
For this list my criteria are:
Insect must be native to the state
No repeats
Insect must be easily observable to the naked eye
I also had general guidelines of picking insects that were relatively common (based on inaturalist heat maps of observation) and picking insects that were cool or interesting. Some of these insects I picked because I thought they were important parts of the areas culture and experience (lovebugs, toebiters, and periodical cicadas) and some insects I picked just to raise awareness that they exist in the US.
I also don't think I gave anyone huge L's, no mosquitoes, louses, cockroaches, ect, because my goal of this list is to get people interested in their native insects and I want it to be fun to find and observe your state insect.
Also some states get gold stars for picking state insects that already meet these criteria and are cool so they get to keep theirs. Some states also have "state butterflies" or "state agricultural insect" which for this list I'm ignoring, you can keep those I'm just focused on state insects. Slight disclaimer also, I've only ever lived in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and South Carolina, and all these states are keeping their original state insect. So all the insects I'm choosing are for states I haven't lived in. Also I'm not including photos in this post just for my own sanity.
List under the cut!
Old: Monarch Butterfly
New: Giant Leaf-footed Bug (Acanthocephala declivis)
Leaf-footed bugs are cute, they're big, they're stanced up, the males have big back legs, you've probably seen them. Being true bugs they have piercing mouthparts and suck plant juices.
Four-spot Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata)
Alaska gets to keep their old state insect, it's a cool dragonfly and apparently was partially chosen to honor bush pilots who fly to deliver supplies in the Alaskan wilderness, so really cool!
Two-tailed swallowtail butterfly (Papilio multicaudata)
Arizona also gets to keep their state insect. Kind of a shame because Arizona has a lot of cool species, but it did meet my requirements and they get points for choosing a different kind of butterfly.
Old: European honeybee
New: North American Wheel Bug (Arilus cristatus)
One of the largest assassin bugs in the US, these guys are appreciated by gardeners for their environmentally friendly pest control. They also look badass.
California Dogface Butterfly (Zerene eurydice)
Endemic to California and on a stamp! Again, kind of a shame because there's a lot of cool insects in California, but I respect this choice, especially since California was the first state to designate a state insect (1929).
Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly (Hypaurotis crysalus)
Same deal as California, the state's name is in the common name, unique butterfly found in the four corners region. Just get a stamp or something soon!
Old: European Praying Mantis
New: Cecropia Moth (Hyalophora cecropia)
You picked a state insect no one else had but went with a nonnative mantis? Here's an insect that'll make you stand out and it's a native species. Lesser known than some of the other giant silk moths, the Cecropia moth is the largest native moth and has some truly stunning colors.
Old: Convergent Ladybeetle
New: Periodical Cicada (Magicicada septendecim)
Cicada's had to be somewhere on this list and Delaware was one of the main hotspots for brood X, one of the largest broods of the multiple staggered brood cycles. Hey, they have a lot of history in America. Accounts go back as early as 1733, with Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin making a note of them.
District of Columbia
Old: None
New: Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
The Entomological Society of America is trying to get the Monarch Butterfly added as our national insect, so I think that's reason enough to let DOC claim it.
Zebra Butterfly (Heliconius charithonia)
Florida gets to keep their state butterfly, but the populations that have existed in Florida are in steep decline. Ideally I would want being the official state insect to come with some protections, hopefully people can get invested in reintroducing them.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Horned Passalus Beetle (Odontotaenius disjunctus)
Also called bess beetles or patent-leather beetles, these cute guys are important for forest systems because they eat decaying wood, helping to break down felled trees. They're cute beetles that squeak when disturbed.
Kamehameha Butterfly (Vanessa tameamea)
An endemic Hawaiian butterfly named after a ruling dynasty of Hawaii. Their population is under threat, as with a lot of native Hawaiian species, so I think this is a good state insect to build protections and activism around.
Old: Monarch Butterfly
New: Ice Crawler (Grylloblatta sp. "Polaris Peak")
Look Idaho, I have to admit that even though I've traveled extensively through WA, OR, CA, and NV I've never stepped foot in Idaho and I don't intend to. Your state exists in a weird liminal zone, not really the pacific northwest but not really whatever Montana is either. Your state isn't even all in one time zone. So look, I really wanted ice crawlers to be on this list, but they're exclusively found on mountains in the pacific northwest and Sierra Nevadas. Normally I would've given them to Washington or Oregon, but those states already have state insects that work for them. So your state gets ice crawlers, and they do exist in Idaho in the panhandle. It's not an L, ice crawlers are amazing extremophiles that crawl over snow in high elevation mountain peaks. They exist in their own unique order and theres only one genus in the US, with different species being region locked, sometimes onto specific mountains. Their thermoregulation is so delicate, the warmth of someones hand holding them causes them to over heat and die. They're cool, unique, and weird, and let's face it so is your state. At least I didn't take a cop out by picking the potato bug.
Old: Monarch Butterfly
New: Red-banded Leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea)
Leafhopper done Chicago style.
Old: Say's Firefly
New: Common True Katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia)
I wanted to give you Say's Firefly. I really did. But when I looked on Inaturalist not A SINGLE OBSERVATION was listed for the species in Indiana. I'm even going to post pictures.
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So even though this is extremely funny I'm giving your state the Common True Katydid instead. Large, loud, and easy to spot, these guys can frequently be heard chirping in trees. Not only do different populations have different rates of chirp, but the rate of chirp is also so predictably dependent on temperature that you could make an equation to tell the temperature based on chirp rate.
Old: None
New: Westfall's Snaketail (Ophiogomphus westfalli)
Really cool clubtail dragonfly that's almost exclusively found in Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Rainbow Scarab (Phanaeus vindex)
A kind of true dung beetle, they play an important role in removing waste. And although they don't roll waste like the stereotypical dung beetles, they are extremely pretty.
Viceroy Butterfly (Limenitis archippus)
This is fine.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Lovebug (Plecia nearartica)
Look, one of the southern states was going to get this one and Louisiana has a majority of the observations for them. Although annoying, it's things like having to scrape thousands of flies off your car that makes the Southern experience. Embrace it!
Old: European Honeybee
New: Brown Wasp Mantidfly (Climaciella brunnea)
I really wanted these guys to be somewhere on the list. Neither a wasp, mantis, or fly, these are predatory neuropterans related to lacewings. They have raptorial front legs (resembling a mantis) and their coloration resembles paper wasps that they live alongside. Weird, unique, and wonderful!
Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas phaeton)
This butterfly might've been picked for the resemblance of the state flag. It's in decline in it's native range, so hopefully more awareness and consideration to state insects will help push conservation efforts.
Old: Ladybug
New: Hornet Clearwing Moth (Paranthrene simulans)
Hornet mimic moth, the caterpillars feed on chestnuts and oaks. All lepidopterans (moths and butterflies) have modified hairs on their wings that form the "scales" that give this order their name. For this moth though, parts of it's wings don't have any scales so it more convincingly resembles a hornet. Underneath the scales, butterfly and moth wings look pretty much like any other insect's wing. Cool!
Old: None
New: American Salmonfly (Pteronarcys dorsata)
The biggest salmonfly in North America. They make excellent fishing bait, and several fly fisherman use salmonfly lures to catch trout. Their nymphs are also an important indicator of water quality, with them being one of the first species to disappear in the presence of pollution or contaminants.
Old: Monarch Butterfly
New: American Giant Water Bug (Lethocerus americanus)
Also one of the ones that had to be on the list somewhere, and the Inat heatmap says Minnesota. Toebiters are part of the experience, and they are cool and ferocious looking.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Eastern Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus)
Click beetles have a cool adaption that allows them to launch themselves in the air to avoid predators. This makes an audible sound, hence their common name. The Eastern Eyed Click Beetle is one of the largest and most striking click beetles in the US, with large false eyespots on their thorax.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus)
A soldier beetle that feeds on aphids and small plant pests, these beetles also eat pollen and nectar from flowers. They don't harm the flower, and though their common name reflects their preference for goldenrod flowers, they're also an important pollinator of the prairie onion (Allium stellatum). This is a native species of onion that grows from Minnesota to Arkansas.
Old: Mourning Cloak
New: Western Sheep Moth (Hemileuca eglanterina)
Mourning Cloak butterflies do technically work for my criteria, but I wanted to showcase some more regional insects in this as well, as Mourning Cloaks are found throughout North America and Eurasia. The Western Sheep Moth is an absolutely stunning giant silk moth, found throughout the western United States. Although not as big as some other silk moths, the bold orange and black coloration on these make them absolutely stand out.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Blowout Tiger Beetle (Cicindela lengi)
A tiger beetle with unique patterns, these guys are active predators and are particularly difficult to spot because they run extremely quickly. They seem to be pretty cold tolerant and exist from Colorado up into Canada.
Vivid Dancer Damselfly (Argia Vivida)
This damselfly was picked as Nevada's state insect because it's widespread throughout the state and matches the state colors, silver and blue. That gets my seal of approval!
New Hampshire
Two-spotted Lady Beetle (Adalia bipunctata)
This is fine.
New Jersey
Old: European Honeybee
New: Margined Calligrapher (Toxomerus marginatus)
A pretty hoverfly, they strongly resemble bees in both looks and behavior. Larvae feed on common plant pests such as thrips and aphids, while the adults sip nectar and pollinate flowers. These helpful attributes make it something the Garden State can appreciate!
New Mexico
Tarantula Hawk (Pepsis grossa)
New Mexico wins the official state insect list by a landslide. Not only is the tarantula hawk a super cool and formidable insect to showcase, but New Mexico's state butterfly (Sandia Hairstreak) was discovered in New Mexico. No notes 10/10!
New York
Nine-spotted Lady Beetle (Coccinella novemnotata)
A native species of lady beetle that's been in decline in recent years, New York is one of the last remaining states where they've been spotted. I also appreciate that New York designated a specific ladybug species instead of just saying "Coccinellidae species".
North Carolina
Old: European Honeybee
New: Eastern Rhinoceros Beetle (Xyloryctes jamaicensis)
A large native species of rhinoceros beetle. They breed in ash trees, and are under threat due to competition from the Emerald Ash Borer.
North Dakota
Old: None
New: Nuttall's Blister Beetle (Lytta nuttalli)
As with all blister beetles, these guys have a chemical defense. Unlike the more famous Bombardier Beetle thought, instead of being black and red they are iridescent red/purple and green.
Old: Ladybug
New: Bald-faced Hornet (Dolichovespula maculata)
Look, when the one thing everyone knows about your state is that it sucks, it's time to lean into it. Bald-faced hornets, everyone knows them, everyone has opinions about them, and they get a lot of attention. I don't think I have to explain this one anymore.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Giant Walking Stick (Megaphasma denticrus)
The largest insect in the United States. Being a native walking stick, they're less damaging than the imported invasive walking sticks that are heavily controlled.
Oregon Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio oregonius)
Oregon in the common name and in the species name, and also has a stamp!
Pennsylvania Firefly (Photuris pensylvanica)
Pennsylvania in the common name and species name. If fireflies weren't already on this list I would've made sure to include them somewhere.
Rhode Island
American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus)
When I saw this on the list I was worried. American Burying Beetles are one of my favorite insects, but they're extremely endangered now. I also thought they existed more in the midwest, so I was worried I would have to change this one because it violated the "native to the region" rule. But! To my pleasant surprise, not only did their historic range extend to Rhode Island, but there is actually a carefully maintained wild population on Block Island. They estimate between 750-1000 individuals live there, making it one of the few remaining places where the American Burying Beetle still exists. Excellent work Rhode Island!
South Carolina
Carolina Mantis (Stagmomantis carolina)
This is fine. I wanted to give South Carolina the Palmetto bug but they're actually not native.
South Dakota
Old: European Honeybee
New: Golden Northern Bumble Bee (Bombus fervidus)
"Save the bees" should really be focused on native pollinators, many of whom are in decline. There are a lot of species of native bee you can feature as a state insect, with the Golden Northern Bumble Bee being a particularly large and striking species.
Old: Firefly and ladybug
New: Black-waved Flannel Moth (Megalopyge crispata)
Seriously look them up, these guys are adorable.
Old: Monarch Butterfly
New: Rainbow Grasshopper (Dactylotum bicolor)
It was really hard to pick an insect for your state. The Texas Unicorn Mantis was a contender but I eliminated it because it's really only found in the southern part of Texas, so it was between the Rainbow Grasshopper and the Eastern Velvet Ant (or Cow Killer). I went with the Rainbow Grasshopper because it's more wide spread and common, and occurs everywhere except the east part of Texas. But the Eastern Velvet Ant only occurs on the east part of Texas, maybe you should get an East and West Texas insect? I also thought more people have probably already heard of the Eastern Velvet Ant than the Rainbow Grasshopper, which is a shame because they're super interesting to look at.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Mormon Cricket (Anabrus simplex)
Mormon Crickets are not true crickets, and instead closer related to katydids. Their common name comes from an early account of Latter-day Saint settlers in Utah. In 1848, a swarm of Mormon Crickets decimated the settler's crops, so the legend goes that they prayed for relief from this plague of insects. Later that year, a swarm of gulls appeared and ate the crickets, thus saving the crops. This is recounted in the "miracle of the gulls" story. To recognize their contributions, the California Gull is commemorated as Utah's state bird. I thought it was fitting then that the Mormon Cricket be recognized as your state insect.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Long-tailed Giant Ichneumon Wasp (Megarhyssa macrurus)
A pretty wasp with an extremely long ovipositor, these wasps are common in deciduous forests across the eastern United States. They can't sting, and instead use their long ovipositor to stab into tree bark and deposit eggs on the horntail larvae that burrow into the trees.
Old: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
New: Giant Stag Beetle (Lucanus elaphus)
A large stag beetle native to the Eastern United States. Although not as well known as their similar looking fellow stag beetles from Japan, these guys are a lovely chocolate brown instead of solid black. Like most stag beetles, they breed in decaying wood.
Green Darner Dragonfly (Anax junius)
I imagine this was chosen because it matches the flag.
West Virginia
Old: European Honeybee
New: Appalachian Tiger Beetle (Cicindela ancocisconensis)
This tiger beetle likes hilly terrain. As with all tiger beetles, they can be hard to spot because they run across the ground in search of prey. They are fast! But this can make it more rewarding when you finally catch up to one.
Old: European Honeybee
New: Phantom Crane Fly (Bittacomorpha clavipes)
Don't believe old wive's tales about crane flies drinking gallons of blood, they are nonbiting. Those striking black and white legs are hollow, and are held out when they fly, making an extremely distinct sight that's been likened to sparklers or snowflakes.
Sheridan's Hairstreak (Callophrys sheridanii)
This is fine.
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cosmal · 1 year
cake — send me in a character and a prompt and i’ll write you a blurb!
eddie munson + ditzy!luna lovegood!reader asking him to be her first kiss?
kissing bugs
summary you bring eddie some kissing bugs.
content eddie munson x fem!lunalovegood!reader
note okay so indianapolis does have kissing bugs but I made everything else up lol. also luna lovegood reader is so fun ily harms.
There’s a knock at Eddie’s window. And before he even has time to get up, there’s a knock at the front door. He doesn’t put a shirt on, he has a feeling he knows who it is.
Opening the door, he’s delighted his suspicions were correct. You stand on his front step, a pair of tights and a rain coat that’s stuck into the waistband. You sport your favourite rain boots, yellow rubber caked in mud.
"Hello, Jesus," Eddie laughs and doesn't mean to. You take your boots off before he can ask you to and he's kind of surprised.
"Teddie," you pant, smiling so wide he worries for your cold cheeks. "You won't believe what I found."
Eddie has several suspicions, most of them are exciting though he leaves room for error. He lets you in through his door before your teeth start to clack or his nipples freeze off. He's regretting being so naked.
"What'd ya find, pretty?" he asks and doesn't miss your excited hum as you sit down at his kitchen table. You leave your coat on as rain drips from its plastic hem. He doesn't have it in him to mind, you look too excited and he can always mop it up later.
You pull a jar from the inside of your jacket, dry compared to the rest of you, and place it on the table. It's taped over the top. holes poked through the paper. "Look!''
Eddie gets closer and crouches down. Bugs. Of course, it's bugs. "Where'd you find them?" He reaches out to push your hair away from your eyes and wipes a smudge of mud from your cheek. He laughs to himself, you're a mess.
You're so excited, Eddie can't believe it. Actually, he can, but you've never been this elated over bugs before. Not even when you found those two swallowtail butterflies. Eddie, do you know how cool this is?
"Out behind Mr Nick's house," you tell him. There's a hint of sheepishness to your voice and Eddie knows why.
"Mr Nick's?" Eddie splutters. He has to sit down. "Y/N, that's on the other side of the forest. Did you bike all the way there, and back, in the rain?"
"Well, I saw them out there the other week but I ran out of time!" you tell him. You're exasperated suddenly and Eddie feels bad for tamping down your excitement. Though worrying for you comes like second nature to him now. "I had to go back, Eddie. They only come out before it rains."
"I would've driven you," he says and means it. Two hours for the last trip he took you on. Not for bugs, though he thinks he probably would, a special edition comic book in Indianapolis.
"It's okay," you smile. God, still smiling, Eddie thinks. "I've got them now."
Eddie picks up the jar to inspect them. There are only two. A thirty-minute round trip in the rain for two bugs. Eddie loves you. "What are they?"
You grin like you're happy he asked. "Kissing bugs," you tell him, knuckles rapping on the wood of the table. "They're kissing bugs, Eddie."
"Oh," he says. "Cool!"
You hold them up to the light proudly. "I know they're no spittlebugs, I still haven't found any of those. But these are supposed to be really lucky."
You place them back down and look Eddie in the eye. "Well, they're," you clear your throat, "they're supposed to bring love. You're supposed to give them to someone you want to kiss."
Eddie feels a bit dizzy for a moment. Who are you giving kissing bugs to? Who do you want to kiss? "Oh," he tries to act nonchalant. Stern face and slumped shoulder, spread legs. "Who are you gonna give them to?"
You bite down into your lip absentmindedly and slide the jar over to him. "Eddie, why do you think I'm here with a jar of bugs and not at home?"
"You always show me your bugs," Eddie says. He imagines you giving them to someone else and doesn't like the outcome. Last time you'd shown the group they'd all wrinkled their faces up. Except for Robin, for some reason. God, you're going to give them to Robin.
"Eddie, I'm giving them to you."
Oh. "Oh."
"Is that okay?" you double down.
One of the bugs flies against the wall of the jar and it cracks gently. Eddie blinks quickly. "Yeah, totally." He feels like an idiot. "Wait, you wanna kiss me?"
"Yeah," you giggle. Eddie feels it in his chest like a punch, quick and bruisable. "Please, Eddie."
"Wait, me?" What the fuck is he doing?
"Yeah," you nod, raincoat squeaking. "It'll be my first and I trust you. But only if you want to"
Eddie feels really lucky suddenly. A warmth creeps up his chest and swatches his cheeks. "Yeah," he says and can't believe he is. Not that he doesn't want to kiss you, because god, does he want to. He just never saw it happening this way. "Yeah, c'mon, sweetheart."
"Sweetheart," you say under your breath as he takes you by the hand. "Where're you taking me, Eddie?"
"The couch," he says. "Gotta make it comfortable for my pretty girl."
Eddie sits down and waits for you to take off your coat. You push yourself into his side and turn outwards so your knee rests over his. He takes your elbow and holds you close. "You okay?"
"Yeah." You nod.
"Yeah." You nod again
Eddie laughs and leans in. You lean in too, unthinkingly, like two opposite ends of a magnet. He tilts his head first and he swells when you close your eyes, waiting. He kisses you. It's quick and he leads, he doesn't expect much, and even if he did, he's too busy trying to make it feel okay for you. He's distracted by your soft lips and your breath up against his cheek for him to feel anything for himself selfishly. The soft hiccup he feels from the bottom of your throat when his tongue swipes your bottom lip has him pulling away before he does something reckless.
Your eyes open up, a crush of soft eyelashes that flutter as you focus back in. You're still so close Eddie feels like he could count them.
"Was that okay?" Eddie can't stop himself from asking.
You nod like you can't open your mouth again and Eddie likes it more than he should. He doesn't like how his stomach flips. "Yeah?"
You tuck yourself into his side and fold in on yourself, resting your head on his shoulder. "Thanks, Teddie," he hears you say.
"No," he says, trying to act unaffected, "no, it's no problem."
There's a silence that Eddie doesn't like. He thinks he's disappointed you. "Do you think we could do that again?"
Eddie freezes. "Yeah," he scrambles, "yeah, of course, we can."
"You're not gonna find me more bugs the next time you wanna kiss me, right?" he laughs and throws his arm over your shoulder. He's had you like this before, though this time it feels a lot different - better.
"I don't think so," you laugh.
"Good. You'll catch a cold."
You push your face into his neck and breathe in. "I think the kissing bugs would go extinct, anyways."
Eddie roars with boyish laughter. You're right, with the amount of time you spend kissing him after now, they would've gone extinct within a month.
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fishnets-fingers · 1 year
Forbidden Hours
“Sounds like someone’s projecting,” he says, voice laced with honey.
“I’m not projecting anything.”
“Sounds like what you’re saying is that you’re jealous that I have the confidence to partake in intercourse and you’re a bumbling virgin-“
“I’ve read all of the volumes of the Kamasutra. I know my way around when I need to engage in coitus for reproduction,” she cuts him off.
“Oh, sweet sweet Princess,” he whispers, using her title condescendingly. “Sex is more than just reproduction.” He strides towards her.
PAIRING - spy!harry x princess!y/n
a/n - happy first day of 2023! this is my first time writing historical fiction. it’s loosely inspired by a movie, particularly this scene. it’s not historically accurate in the slightest. you can read more about the chola dynasty here. don’t know how many parts this would have but i’m hoping to write more of these two’s dynamic. if you have any ideas, let me know. as always, like and reblog. feed back is not only appreciated but much welcome. happy reading!
Word Count - 4.2k (not proofread)
நிழல். Shadow. That was his nickname among the royal heirs. He was quiet, swift, inconspicuous, and nimble - camouflaging himself in vast rooms and gathering intel. There wasn’t a room in the kingdom he couldn’t weasel himself in; whether that be up on the roof, scaling walls, or hidden in the dark - where candle lights don’t flicker.
Growing up as the son of a British sea merchant, Harry learned that there wasn’t much for a young boy to do in the cramped quarters of the ship. He’d lost his mother the moment he took his first breath. There wasn’t a lot of maternal warmth in his life but that wasn’t to say that he wasn’t loved. He was loved in a different way, his father kept him close during the wuthering nights at sea often pointing out constellations in the night sky to remind him that life had far more in store for him than the fervent passing waves of the sea. But he was also a man that did not believe in making mistakes, so whenever Harry got in trouble, he was asked to scrub the deck floor clean until his hands bled. He learnt his way around a sword from the crewmen. Travelling to different ports of the world also meant learning different forms of combat and gathering information from people of different cultures. Stewing in a ship with ten men for months meant no entertainment, so he began sifting for stories and used their weakness and strengths against them to gain favours.
He docked on Chozhamandalam when he was twenty and was greeted with a red swallowtail flag with a pouncing tiger on it. He grew to love the people of Kaveripattinam - the bustle of the markets, the chortle of the children running about, the welcoming people, and the way art was particularly celebrated in this small port town, and the princess he set his sights on his third day of being docked there. He’s heard of royalty. Lots of royalty. Cruel rulers. Compassionate rulers. Ostentatious rulers. Modest rulers. Heard. But he’s never seen one in the flesh. Until that day.
A crowd gathered near the temple, murmurs of visiting royals spread like wildfire, and when he’d caught wind of it, he couldn’t resist. Ten soldiers walked first clearing the path, two on horses and sheathed swords followed, then came ten men bearing the weight of a palanquin. It wasn’t an ordinary palanquin, this particular one was grandiose, shimmering in gold and stained glass but the insides were draped in silk to obstruct the view of the onlookers. The Queen Mother exited first, greeting the townspeople and that’s when Harry saw her - the Princess Regnant, the one third in line to the throne. He found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the way her lips curled up in an inviting smile. Harry has seen many a sight in his life but none would compare to the way the royal blue silk saree draped around her body made her skin shimmer; it reminded him of how the first light of the sun would glint and glimmer on the steady ocean water. Her eyes were dark, like the deepest part of the sea where light does not enter. She was adorned in gold, hair piled up into a tall bun that was decorated with jasmine flowers. Their temple visit was brief, the Princess joined her grandmother thanking people for their well wishes before being escorted into the temple premises. It was her eighteenth birthday, so a feast was prepared for everyone in town. As the crowd dissipated to head to the town hall for the royal lunch, Harry lingered wanting to catch sight of the Princess again. He managed to climb a peepal tree that towered over the south entrance of the temple. He saw her again, only this time being told off by the guard as she tried to reach over to pluck a blooming lotus from the temple pond. She huffed in response settling down on the step, so the water lapped at her feet, guiding a tadpole trapped in a water bubble on the lotus pad back into the water.
Three years later, he’d made himself a name in the kingdom. His path stumbled with the Crown Prince a month after arriving. He soon became his confidant, even earning a spot in his army. The Crown Prince, Vikram, was a skilled warrior often going off on conquests under the King’s orders to further expand the country. The youngest Prince, Karthi, was sent to the island of Lanka to study apothecary and healing. And the middle heir, Princess Y/N, was known for her wisdom and strategic wit. She often presided in important meetings with the King and his counsel and implemented many strategies that helped triple the wealth of the dynasty and the well-being of the people. The first battle Harry rode alongside the Crown Prince, he was tasked with bringing home a note sent by the prince to his father detailing his plans on the war spoils to the King. Harry was entrusted with carrying secrets and messages to royalty and trusted members of the Crown. His knack of gathering information also came in handy and now was a spy for the royal heirs three years later.
Soon enough the nickname Shadow was bestowed upon him by Prince Karthi. There wasn’t a single room he couldn’t get into - even the castle. But the tower he was currently scaling was one he never had before - Princess Y/N’s chamber. It was forbidden to talk to her without supervision but in the dark of the night, he supposed it did not matter. His job description came with breaking rules and this particular information needed for her to be in the know sans protocols.
He hitched his leg up over the stone bannister and lurched his torso up to the terrace. Princess Y/N’s tower was away from the main dome of the royal vacation castle and he chalked it up for safety but now standing at her balcony, he understands why. The view was unbelievable - the vast expanse of the ocean was at his feet, calm waters painted silver with the full moon; it also overlooked her personal garden filled with coral jasmine, hibiscus, marigolds, and wildflowers. The ocean breeze carried over the fragrance of the flora straight to her room. It was well known that the princess was an avid gardener; he heard through the grapevine that oftentimes she’d sketch out the garden’s landscape plans and sometimes even join the workers to tend to the flower beds. Princes who came to court her from neighbouring territories would almost always bring a sapling of a flowering plant to gain affection.
One could get used to the view, he thinks, as he leans against the bannister one more time - the sounds of tides crashing over the shore soothe his nerves from his climb up. Being born with the golden spoon ain’t that bad. If the burden of duty came with such lavish living quarters, someone sign me the fuck up, Harry takes in the scenery before him before pushing off from it. His body instinctively makes his way to her, like a moth being drawn to a frame, or in this case a spy being drawn to the lavish canopy bed bathed in the buttery glow of candlelight. He stops in his tracks for the second time by the sight of her, not by the opulent beauty that she radiated when he first laid eyes on her but with fondness.
It’s not the Princess Regnant who’s fast asleep on her bed but Y/N. The same Y/N who bristles every time he’s in the room with her siblings. The same Y/N who straightens up her back and holds her chin up high when he cracks a joke to try and force a smile on her face.The same Y/N who looks away when he catches her eyeing him up as he hands over the sealed scroll sent by one of her brothers. It’s almost as if Harry is seeing her for the first time without any filters - except for the sheer white netted fabric that hangs around. She looks small without all the jewellery and silks. Hair raven and straight and long - longer than what he had anticipated - now that her hair has not been pinned up in a bun or bushed away from her face with intricate braids. She looks vulnerable - almost her age - a twenty one year old with a bare face that is not made up immaculately. She has dark circles under her eyes, and Harry deduces that it’s from reading all the books she has strewn over - opened - beside her on the satin sheets. Her lips are curled downwards; she frowns in her sleep and Harry has to try and fight the urge to reach over and smooth out the crinkle between her eyebrows.
He clears his throat, hoping she’ll wake up before he ends up touching her and landing himself in prison. She twitches in response, her steady deep breaths interrupted by a sharp inhale. He clears his throat again, louder this time, followed by, “Your royal highness.”
Y/N’s eyes flutter open, and she jolts up when she sees a tall figure standing beside her. “Who?” She asks, voice hoarse, eyes darting up over his broad chest.
“It’s me, Princess Y/N,” Harry answers.
“Mr. Styles.” Hand coming over to rub the sleep from her eye. “What are you doing here? In my chamber? You’re not allowed,” she states.
“I apologise, your majesty. I’ve been riding for five hours, ma’am. From the estate in the hills. Couldn’t risk having someone overhearing this for the sake of protocol,” he explains.
“So, was I right?” Y/N questions, shuffling out of her bed. Harry moves behind so she has the space to stand upright. “Are the governors convening?”
She gets no reply, making her flit her eyes up at his jade embers to find him staring at her body. Harry could make out the full curves of her breasts and hips with the flimsy white gown Y/N was wearing. Her nipples pebbled from the cold winds from the sea and peaks out the cotton fabric. She rolls her eyes, and snaps her fingers in front of his face to catch his attention. “I could have your eyes gouged out this instant, Harry Edward Styles! There are guards on the other side of this door.”
“Apologies, Princ-“
“You’re full of apologies tonight, aren’t you?” Y/N folds her arms, shielding her chest from his gaze.
“Sorry, Prin-“
Y/N laughs. “It’s far too late for formalities, Mr. Styles. Plus, they only apply to people who follow protocols and walk in through there,” she cocks her head to the carved wooden door. Considering you broke into my room by climbing my balcony, I reckon you can give it a rest. Call me Y/N.”
“Yes,” Harry nods. “Y/N,” he adds. Testing out the way her name rolls out of his mouth. He can’t help the way his dimples carve in his cheeks as the corner of his lips tug upward. I like it, he decides. He likes the way saying her name feels on his tongue, it’s rich and velvety and he wants to keep saying it again and again. “Please call me Harry.”
“Harry, tell me what you saw. Don’t leave out any details,” she orders, walking over to her desk.
Fucking shit, Harry shakes his head. How was he supposed to concentrate when the candles she was lighting only made the silhouette of her body more prominent. She could clearly see the swell of her bum and he’ll bet his entire fortune that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath other than that flimsy gown. He shamelessly lets his eyes rake up over her and his heart flutters when he meets her expenatant eyes, quill hovering over a parchment, urging him to vomit out what he knows.
“Yes. The Hill estate,” he clears his throat. “You’re right. Five governors held a secret meeting at midnight at the Bull temple. You know, the one that was destroyed last monsoon by a landslide.”
Y/N scoffs and lets out a chuckle of disbelief. “Of course, they pick the most obvious spot. Were you able to get a good look at who these governors are?”
“Yes. Do you want me to list them out?”
“Please,” she says, writing down each of the names that Harry listed. He walks closer to where she was hunched over, writing. Harry’s not surprised to see the elegance in her script.
“Impressive. Nice handwriting,” he comments.
“Hardly something to be impressed by, Harry.”
“Well, Y/N, it’s better than mine.”
“If you had tutors from all over the world, I’m sure your script will look just as impressive,” she adds.
“Of course.” He nods. “The meeting. The governors are unhappy with the decree to build schools using the tax money they’re collecting.”
“Of course they are,” she mumbles. “They’re all for taxes when they can use it to fatten themselves up but ask them to spend it on the children of their districts, they are suddenly unhappy with the new system implemented.”
“That’s not all.” Harry opens a silver box and pops a date into his mouth.
“Help yourself,” Y/N comments, shaking her head at his lack of etiquette. Harry’s face flushes with pink and he can feel the tips of his ears getting hot.
“It’s a long journey back here,” he tells her, avoiding her eyes in embarrassment and on cue his stomach rumbles.
Y/N eyes soften. “There are fruits in the basket. And here.” She walks over pulling out a glass jar filled with jujubes from the drawer by her bedside and brings it over to him.
“You have gummies in your drawer,” he notes, smirking at the half eaten jar of sugar coated coloured candy.
“I have a bit of a sweet tooth,” she tells him with a shy smile. He props himself on the table and she makes her way to her desk, watching him eat.
“Harry,” she calls out. “You said that’s not all,” she prompts.
“Your Uncle was there,” he tells her quietly, not wanting anyone to hear.
“My Uncle?” She asks, alarmed. “Can’t be.”
“I saw him, Y/N. He came in shrouded in a black cloak. He’s sired an offspring he said. Claimed that his son had a right to the throne. That’s as much as what was said before they dispersed.”
“You’re positive?”
“Are you implying that I’m being dishonest?”
“I’m not implying anything,” Y/N snaps. “I just want you to be sure.”
“I saw him with my own two eyes, Y/N. I was taken aback too. Both Princes speak of him fondly.”
“Seems like there’s a conspiracy afoot,” Y/N says, almost to herself.
“I’ll let Prince Vikaram know immediately,” he informs.
“Don’t. He’s hot headed. God knows he’ll come charging to the capital and stick a knife in my Uncle’s throat. I’ll take care of it myself.”
“What are you going to do?”
“That’s below your pay grade, spy. I’ll handle this myself. I’m heading to the capital tomorrow for a meeting with my father and the court. How long would it take for you to sail to Lanka alone?”
“Almost a week,” Harry answers.
“Okay. I want you to set sail to Lanka five days from now. I’ll have a scroll delivered to you at noon by the docks. Hand it over to Karthi. Father will want him back in the capital. Keep mum about this and you’ll be rewarded handsomely.”
Harry nods. “Don’t want gold coins this time. I want a house. Close to the sea. One with space for a yard.”
“I’ll see to it.”
“Thank you, Y/N. I’ll set sail five days from now to Lanka. It’ll also be nice to pay the old man a visit too.”
“Your father’s there?”
Harry nods.
“How is Merchant Styles? I heard he’s retired” Y/N asks.
“He took to Buddhist teachings. Become a proper monk now,” Harry chuckles.
Y/N laughs, one that’s laced with mockery.
“What’s so funny?” Harry asks, standing up abandoning the food.
“Nothing,” she gets out between peels of laughter, wiping her the tears that threaten to spill.
“With all due respect, Princess. Spit it the fuck out,” he huffs out in annoyance.
“It’s just funny. Your father practises a faith that preaches restraint of the senses as one of its precepts and then there’s you.” She bites down on her bottom lip to stop herself from breaking out into a fit of laughter.
“I don’t quite follow,” he crosses her arms.
“Of course you don’t,” she chuckles, straightening up and tilting her chin up.
“You always do that,” he points out. “Pretend you're better than me. It’s obvious you hate me when I’ve been nothing but friendly.”
“You’re not my friend. You’re Vikram’s friend. And Karthi’s. I don’t know you. And I know for a fact that I’m better than you,” YN's eyebrow raises in arrogance.
“What makes you so sure?” Harry takes a step towards her.
“Because, Harry Styles, you’re the proverbial whore of the town. I don’t go around screwing everything with a pulse,” she smiles arrogantly at him.
“How did you come upon this piece of information?” He asks her.
“News travels fast, especially with handmaidens. So, that’s why it’s funny. Your father practises self-restraint and you are on a mission to contract a venereal disease.”
“Sounds like someone’s projecting,” he says, voice laced with honey.
“I’m not projecting anything.”
“Sounds like what you’re saying is that you’re jealous that I have the confidence to partake in intercourse and you’re a bumbling virgin-“
“I’ve read all of the volumes of the Kamasutra. I know my way around when I need to engage in coitus for reproduction,” she cuts him off.
“Oh, sweet sweet Princess,” he whispers, using her title condescendingly. “Sex is more than just reproduction.” He strides towards her.
“It is. That’s what the textbook says: It's a womanly duty to service the man and bear his children. It’s sacred,” she insists, taking a step back.
“I’m surprised for someone with such progressive morals… Your view on pleasure seems archaic,” he takes a step toward her again.
“Books do not lie, spy. They have the whole truth.” She steps back again, bumping into the edge of her teakwood desk, trapping herself.
“What do your precious books say about the way your body sparkles when you reach a satisfying end?” He goads, taking a final step forward and invading her personal space.
“You are forbidden to come this close to me, Harry.” Y/N reminds him in futility. Feeling his hard chest against her, thighs rubbing up against him, she can feel his hard muscles straining against her and his warmth radiate, crawling its way into her skin.
“Call out to the guards then,” he reminds her, dropping his head down to nose at her temple.
“I will,” her voice is feeble. “You’ll be cut into pieces and thrown in the ocean.”
“I’ll take my chances,” he smirks, as his lips circuit down the shell of her ear. “I don’t see you telling me to stop.” His tongue laves at her lobe, teeth coming to clamp down gently and tug.
Y/N squeaks feeling his action go down straight to her core. “I know how to defend myself.”
“I don’t doubt it for a second.” He stops, pulling back to look at her. “You don’t need to fight me,” his voice rings with sincerity. “Just tell me to stop and I will, Y/N.” He looks at her, searching her face for an answer.
“What else?” She murmurs, after a few moments, looking up into his eyes.
“What else? Things that haven’t been mentioned in books,” she clarifies.
His eyes shine with mischief as he simpers, dimples dazzling. “Where do I start, Y/N…” he trails off, fully pressing himself against her chest. God, she’s so responsive, he marvels at the way her chest heaves against his, heart stammering a staccato against his own racing heart. She’s soft and warm and she smells heavenly. His lips find its way to the base of her jaw, dragging up and leaving open mouth kisses on her smooth skin. “When you find someone desirable, you feel the heat pool in your belly and spread like wildfire across every nerve ending of your body.” He kisses her cheek, a hand going to intertwine with hers.
“Have you felt that?” He asks, feeling hot puffs of her breath against his neck. Y/N shakes her head. “It’s not very noble to lie, Princess,” he whispers, lips moving against the column of her throat. “I see the way you fuck me with your eyes.”
“I do not-“ her voice cuts off as Harry suckles on her jugular, feeling her hammering pulse underneath his lips. She lets out a whimper that goes straight to his fattening cock. Y/N’s mouth falls open dragging in breaths of fresh air, her free hand bracing against the desk to hold herself upright. “I do not fuck you with my eyes.”
“Really?” He says popping off, his calloused fingers come to caress the agitated spot. He was careful not to leave a hickey but he loved the way her skin turned a baby pink in response to his ministrations. “I guess I must have imagined all those times you looked me up and down?”
“I guess you did, Harry,” her chest heaves as she tries to maintain composure. It wasn’t right to be doing this with Harry. It wasn’t right to be doing this with anyone outside the sanctity of a marital bed but it’s exhilarating, breaking rules. She’s not sure if it’s Harry or it’s just the thrill of doing something that might get her in trouble with her parents. They trust her. Trusted her enough to let her move out of the capital and to the port town with her grandmother because she wishes to live by the beach. And here she was enjoying herself with a plebian. A foreigner. A spy. She met him when she was eighteen as her brother’s friend and he was handsome. Chocolate brown curls, smatter of freckles on the bridge of his nose, a perfect smile, dimples, and an alluring set of mossy green irises. She’s heard stories and rumours of his sexual escapades and as much as she detested hearing those stories, she detested the fact that she’s been comparing the princes who had come to ask for her hand in marriage to him. But all she could think of was how strong his arm was wrapped around her waist, pulling her even closer to him.
“Stubborn,” he smirks up. “See what you do to me?” He presses his hard cock against her pelvic bone, watching the way her eyes darken as she realises, the sight smirk of hers doesn't go unnoticed by him. “You’ve been driving me insane since the day I saw you on your eighteenth birthday. Went back to my quarters and touched myself to the thought of you,” he confesses. “You’ve been in my dreams ever since.” He cups her cheek, thumb moving back and forth across her lips.
“Are you going to kiss me, Harry?” She asks, looking up at him.
“Have you kissed anyone before?” He questions.
She shakes her head. “My handmaidens have kissed the people who were courting them. They told me how to do it and helped me practise on fruit.”
“That so?” He smiles, lips ghosting her Cupid’s bow. “You know kissing is pretty easy, Y/N,” he declares. “But it’s also powerful” he tells her, lips moving against hers. “‘A kiss may ruin a human life.’”
“Oscar Wilde,” she says, recognising his quote, surprised by his knowledge of poetry. She gets on her toes, pulling her intertwined hand out of Harry’s, and running it down his chest, she can feel the way his muscles ripple underneath the fabric of his shirt. Her chest heaves, belly clenching in anticipation as he lowers tilts his head to the side, noses squished and her mouth opens in anticipation.
He presses his forehead against hers savouring the moment. “And I’m sure that if I start kissing you now, Princess… I might never be able to stop,” he tells her, breathing in her intoxicating sweet floral scent. He concedes by kissing her eyelids and he’s fighting the urge to not run his hands down her body and up her thighs to see if she’s wet for him, but he steps away wanting to be respectful.
Y/N can’t hide the disappointment in her face when backs away from her. His hands come to cup her cheeks, smearing a tender kiss on her forehead. “Never met anyone who has me on a chokehold, Y/N,” he confesses. “I shall bid my goodbye.” He brings her hand to his mouth and kisses her palm, pressing it to his cheek.
“See you Harry,” she smiles. “You’ll be given the scroll at the docks at noon five days from now,” she informs, standing upright; snapping back into the person she was before being pushed up against the desk by Harry.
“Princess Y/N,” he bows, popping a piece of jujube in his mouth before making his way to her balcony. He gives her a salute one last time before climbing down the tower during forbidden hours, like he always does. But this time, he’s rappelling down the side of the stone structure with butterflies in his tummy.
part two
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jovial-thunder · 2 months
More IRL Lego Lancer!
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We played the Tomb of Delios one-shot by Katherine Stark. Some NPC comp / sitrep spoilers ahead.
I used the backs of old trivial pursuit boards for grids, egg cartons, poster tubes, and a big Roomba box + insert for terrain.
I coated the cardboard with this flour and glue paste recipe I found on youtube.
I found a bunch of cheap-ish large lego octogons and walls online for the modular buildings, then greebled them with misc urban details I collected from my local bricks & minifigs bulk by-volume bins.
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Our PCs were a Swallowtail artillery (callsign Bandit; an SSC plant in the union auxilliaries), Störtebeker striker (callsign Roadkill, silver-nanite kintsugi'd mechromancer), and Black Witch support (callsign Egret, disgraced princess (gotta be one of my favorite genders)).
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The elite cataphract ended up playing trapdoor spider for most of the game; hiding in a magical healing forest (thank u support o7) and grappling PCs back into the forest with it.
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Its scariest turn was popping out, structuring the Bandit and destroying his siege stabilizers, and lassoing it back into the forest. Egret came to the rescue and finally did the cataphract in with perimeter command plate/impact lance/crit thrown tactical knife overwatch combo.
The Swallowtail never took any voluntary movement after deploying its siege stab round 1, but between rainmaker knockback, the aforementioned trapdoor spider incident, and allied ferrous lashes, and a few rams, it was pingponged around the map pretty significantly.
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"Come out Rainmaker, I just want to talk."
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The final threat to the objective was when a bastion clambered up onto the pipeline to contest them. The Störtebeker (whose mini was having trouble standing up on the pipeline) pulled an indiana jones and just shot it down.
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For the pre-battle narrative section, I made two 4-step clocks out of lego and a minimap as the party visited various districts of the city. Both were totally unnecessary but I think added a lot to the IRL experience.
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All in all, it was a lot of fun! Things that worked well/could be improved on:
The aforementioned mini stability. I should add more baseplates to the minis to making moving and standing them up less finicky.
As cool as the egg carton bottoms are, having flat surfaces is just better. Going to stick with the tops going forward.
The grid ground floor worked great. I should trace more grids onto the egg cartons and larger boxes. I also made a few measuring sticks out of dowels and that was super handy.
Witchdice on phones continues to work well for PC character sheets.
I made a handful of status tokens that we could put next to mechs. They were handy for consumable statuses like lock-on, but less so for memorable ones like exposed and hidden.
We needed more little indicators for misc systems like Javelin Rockets and Iceout Drone.
It was fun to be able to follow up "how do you want to do this" with "you may now destroy the mini".
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unbizzarre · 10 months
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Cetegandan concept sketches
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Wanted to try my hand at Cetegandan clothing. Not sure how Gem differs from Haut, though I'm leaning towards Gem being more flamboyant, space-grabbing and structured (left and right) whereas Haut is flowy-er and layered, with some lab attire with a both aesthetic and practical bent.
In general clothing styles try to evoke imagery of flowers, petals, and delicate layering. I'm playing around with incorporating butterfly shapes in the silhouette. (see swallowtail sleeves on far left). While the garments are light and flowy, very little skin is left showing. The clothing style is an elegant synthesis of Grecian drapery and certain elements from historic Japanese, Chinese, and Korean garments. My muse was also inspired to create a similar feeling to some of my favorite Star Wars costume design sketches I've run across. I also really enjoy having folds radiating out from a central point, or folding out like petals above and below a belt/waistline. Will probably do more studies to further explore the variety of ceta styles I've imagined.
tbh i imagine cetagandan womens clothing is actually a bit less colorful. maybe more whites and creams. But I just had fun messin about with butterfly colors
these specific designs pull from and synthesise shapes I found in
Roberto Cappuci Haute Couture 1987 "angel of god" or "Andgelo d'Oro" (angel of gold) depending on which pinterst image I reference
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this dress by Issa Hesso from the Rebirth Collection
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starwars concept art I enjoy:
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like fuck me this guys so good
you can find more by searching: iain mccaig padme amidala concept art
overall pretty happy with how these turned out :D! Feel like I successfully captured the space-elf-fairy vibes I was going for. If you notice any cannon clothing details I left out, or have your own creative ideas on how you imagine cetagandan cloting to look, feel free to leave a comment! I love hearing other people's insights :). Particularly curious how ceta clothing may have changed between occupation time period and modern miles-era ceta clothing. Given their heavily artistic bent I could imagine fashions may change wildly year to year decade to decade. But also given how long they live, perhaps the mainstream styles is actually less malleable? If so what are the common themes that are preseved?
thanks for reading!
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mirai-e-jump · 6 months
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Beautiful Catalog Vol.1 ft. Kamen Rider Ryuki Cast Members Suga, Matsuda, Hagino and Ryohei Interviews & Photoshoot (pages and translations below)
Publication: December 16, 2002
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Takamasa Suga (Ryuki) Interview
"We're enchanted by his soft and gentle smile~❤️❤️❤️. Maybe it's because he plays the role of a handsome man (?), but the image of Shinji Kido, played by Takamasa Suga-san in "Kamen Rider Ryuki" makes us feel relaxed when we see Suga-san~❤️❤️❤️. Shinji seems like an honest and hardworking guy, but we wonder, what does he and Suga-san have in common?"
Suga: For one thing, when I think like this, I really get into him, which I guess is all that there is? There are many things I can learn from him. Hmmm~, the same goes for his honesty, and also for his strength.
"Suga-san is also very laid back, yet he seems to have a strong core ❤️. You originally took lessons at a training school to become an actor, right?"
Suga: I've always loved and admired movies. When I was 18, I saw Iwai Shunji-san's movie "Swallowtail" in theaters, and when it was over, I was really shaken up. For awhile, I was in agony over what this feeling was. As time went on, it became clear to me that I wanted to express myself on that screen, and so I entered a training school to study acting. But, it wasn't interesting at all (laughs). I spent about a year wondering if this was the kind of expression I wanted to express. One day, I was sent to a movie set as an extra. I quit the training school because I realized that important things can only be learned on site.
"And? And? What happened after that????"
Suga: I had some free time, so I was given the opportunity to perform on stage. It was right around the time that I was introduced to my current agency, so that's how I ended up here (laughs).
"What was it like auditioning for Ryuki?"
Suga: I just wanted a job. I felt like I was grasping at straws. I was approached by my agency and accepted, but at first, Kamen Rider didn't really sound appealing (laughs).
"Eh~?! When you were a child, weren't there any heroes you admired?"
Suga: I only watched baseball, so I don't remember watching shows like that. I was a (Yomiuri) Giants fan, and it was around the time that (Masumi) Kuwata made his debut, so I think I remember saying, "Kuwata is the future!" (laughs)
"We wonder, what was Suga-san like as a child~?"
Suga: I was mischievous. My family owned a sushi restaurant, and I was always running around the store (laughs). There were many shops in the neighborhood. There was a grocery store next door, a soba noodle shop across the street, and a Chinese restaurant next door, as well as others. It gave off a downtown kind of atmosphere, you know?
"If you were to start a family, what kind of father would you want to be???"
Suga: In my family, both of my parents worked at the restaurant, so we rarely went anywhere as a family. That's why I hope I can create an environment where we can be together.
"Would you participate in the housework?"
Suga: I'll leave the housework to them!
"Would you cook?"
Suga: I don't do it.
Suga: Not at all (laughs).
Suga: Well, when the time comes (laughs).
"I see. If it were Suga-san, I'd do anything for him ❤️. However, Suga-san is very fashionable and has a serious image, doesn't he? The outfits for this gravure photo shoot were also Suga-san's personal clothes, and even during talk shows, he wore a turban and a red western hat as his personality shines through⭐. Where do you find these Western styled clothes?
Suga: I'll wonder around Daikanyama, Harajuku, and Aoyama, and think things like, "Ah, I found something!" I don't decide what I'm going to buy today, I just go out on a whim and buy what I think looks nice. I'm not particular about brands either.
"Do you have any fashion references?"
Suga: There's nothing in particular. However, I do read fashion magazines. There's also alot of women's magazines, such as "Figaro," "Vogue," and "High Fashion"……I like women's fashion. The shapes and styles are beautiful.
"I see. The secret of Suga-san's cuteness may be because of the fact that he's honestly attracted to what suits his sense of style. His face is as beautiful as any girl's ❤️. I like girls who wear this kind of fashion when I walk with them! I wonder if he has any particular fashion preferences?"
Suga: That's not really true. I tend to dress up in various styles. But, I like girls who dress up and take care of their appearance. I think that's definitely more attractive as a woman.
"Well, who's your favorite actress?"
Suga: It's Kuroki Hitomi-san! My family loved Takarazuka Revue, and I thought she was beautiful from her Takarazuka days. I still admire her. She's both elegant and attractive, isn't she?
"I see, so older women are okay ❤️. I'm sure there are many mother fans whose maternal instincts are tickled by Suga-san, do you have any message for them?"
Suga: Please take care of your children! There's no exceptions (laughs). I think that Ryuki depicts a world that's truly profound even for adults, so please be sure to look at the content carefully.
"The show is coming to an end and the Riders are fighting a brutal battle. If it were Suga-san, what reasons would you have for fighting?"
Suga: Hmm, when I listen to the other Rider's reasons for fighting, I nod in agreement. It's a reason that only that person has. I think that's the theme of Ryuki as well. It's not about what's right and what's wrong, but since there's many different Riders, I think I've also asked questions like, "What is justice?"
"For example, would you fight for your family?"
Suga: I think so, if it were for family……I think I'd fight for someone I care about and want to care for.
"We know you're extremely busy right now, but what do you plan on doing after Ryuki is over?"
Suga: I'd like to try designing clothes. Also, I'm thinking of going to learn Japanese dance. After that, I'd like to get a license for a large motorcycle. There are so many things I want to do…..
"Finally, some words for the fans!"
Suga: I always do things at my own pace like this, so please continue to support me!
"Of course~ I hope you'll keep being Suga-san, and continue to move forward without losing that current freshness!"
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Satoshi Matsuda (Knight) Interview
"A sharp gaze, and a tight body reminiscent of a wild beast. Satoshi Matsuda-san has a cool, wild, and mysterious feel to him, just like the image of Akiyama Ren (Knight) who he plays in "Kamen Rider Ryuki." However, he keeps quiet (laughs). When the hair and makeup artist said to him while setting his hair, "You have more than one whirlpool, don't you?" he responded with, "The official record is five." He also has an outstanding talent for winning the hearts of those around him! And when he smiles, it's so cute, your eyes will become dizzy~💙💙💙. There seems to be quite a gap between Matsuda-kun and Ren's character, but the actor himself feels no discomfort at all. He's an actor 💙. But still, it's tough having so much work, isn't it?"
Matsuda: I think one Kamen Rider is tougher on a schedule than having multiple jobs (laughs). Filming for the final scene of the movie version took a full 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. and ending at 6 a.m. the next morning. After that, we were taken to a hotel, slept for 20 minutes, and then started filming for the TV version at 7 a.m. Filming would continue until 5 p.m. It really made me think that I was going to die (laughs).
"Normally, Matsuda-san is said to be the mood maker on set, and yet he was in such low spirits?"
Matsuda: No, I was in really high spirits. I was just going with the flow. I would fall asleep while in a standing position and wake up to the sound of "Test!" (laughs).
"Such a hard year is finally coming to an end, and we wonder what the end of Ryuki will be like~"
Matsuda: We don't even know if Ren will survive or die. But, even if the name of the show was "Kamen Rider Knight," I want to make sure that the story comes to an end, and I want to do my best to finish the story as Akiyama Ren.
"Despite his tough schedule, he made his debut as a singer with the maxi single "DISTANCE" on December 4!"
Matsuda: I was originally scouted as a singer. After 3 years, I was able to release a song with confidence. And, I think I did a great job~. We recorded 3 songs in 3 days, but we had to shoot Ryuki in the mornings, and the second day's shooting in particular was the scene where Knight screams in agony (laughs). There are no singers like that. Everyone was telling me to take care of my throat and use a humidifier instead of a heater (laughs). On top of all that, I couldn't even eat. I was told that if I put solid food down my throat, it would make my voice noisy, so I wasn't allowed to eat within 2 hours of it. I got through it with things like jelly drinks.
"Oh no~, you poor thing~!"
Matsuda: There's a bonus video on the CD that includes an interview with Manager Kawaguchi right after we finished recording the 3 songs. I was so careless with my manager that I was already dizzy. Since I was dealing with my manager, I let my guard down, so I was alittle unsteady~. I don't think you'll ever see such a burnt out look anywhere else, so it's quite a privilege (laughs).
"You released your personal DVD & Video "Colors" at the same time as the CD~. It also includes footage from the recording process. If you want to see Matsuda-san's true face, then there's his column "Matsuda Lab," which is currently being published on his website. It's a collection of hilarious and interesting writings, which set him apart from the plain diaries that are found on other talent's websites."
Matsuda: It's just for fun (laughs). When people who only know me as Akiyama Ren saw Matsuda Lab for the first time, they were shocked, and I still get emails saying, "I was surprised."
"It's certainly a surprising true face, and it's completely exposed. Apparently, he now types it on his computer, but before that, he'd write it on manuscript paper and have it retyped."
Matsuda: I would get very angry if I got even one punctuation mark wrong, so the person typing was very nervous (laughs).
"You pay attention to every detail 💙. If you join the fan club, you'll be able to see more in depth (?) columns and special videos. I'm curious. We heard that you used to always respond to fan letters and e-mails, but the support of your fans is a source of energy, right?"
Matsuda: Energy's also a big part of it, so I'd like to know what you are looking for from Satoshi Matsuda. There's another "me" who's controlling "Satoshi Matsuda," and he wants to know your opinions (laugh). These days, I don't have much time to reply, but I do read all the letters and e-mails.
"I think there are alot of fans who are older than you, but how old would your lover be?"
Matsuda: It doesn't matter if they're 30 or 35 years old. My grandmother is eight or nine years older than my grandfather, and because of that, every couple in my family has an older female member. I'm not particular about it either.
"Well then~💙. So, have you ever thought about what kind of family you want to have?"
Matsuda: I don't really feel like it. But, there are moments where I'd like to get married. I like seeing happy families at events. And yet, I can't imagine myself as a father. I wonder what it'd be like to become a second generation, when I myself haven't mastered anything yet.
"I think you're abit like Ren in that he's stoic 💙. When you were a child, who was the hero that you idolized?"
Matsuda: Hmmm, there was no one there. I was just a kid who fished outside all the time.
"Your hobby is still fishing, right~?"
Matsuda: To be honest, I want to hide a fishing rod with me on set. If they found out, they'll probably say, "Are you serious?!," but it's frustrating when filming finishes first thing in the morning and there's a good fishing spot right over there. But, my rod is long and stands out. It's a 50,000* yen rod with a reel that costs 40,000-50,000 yen, so it feels like a professional grade weapon for catching fish (laughs). (*over $300)
"He specializes in black bass, with his largest official record being 52cm (20.5in)! Ama~zing! When I asked him to give a final message for the fans, he thought for a moment before answering with……"
Matsuda: Some people seem to think that singing is a side job, but I'm doing my best in singing as well. I can't say which is most important, acting or singing. I hope that people will watch and listen to my performances and judge them for themselves.
"Never cutting corners! So cool~💙💙💙. What else would you like to do in the future?"
Matsuda: I'd like to try radio. With the same spirit as Matsuda Lab.
"We're sure it'll be fun! We'll warmly welcome your efforts that make use of your unique character, and of course, your looks 💙."
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Takashi Hagino (Ouja) Interview
"His eyes, with their intense shine, are truly those of Ouja! Once you've caught a glimpse of him with those eyes, you'll be captivated~💜💜💜. Takashi Hagino-san starred as Akira Suzumura in the cult classic show "Choukou Senshi Changerion," and also appeared in "Kamen Rider Ryuki," which was produced by the same Producer, as Takeshi Asakura. His blonde hair matches the mood of his role, and with a leopard print shirt, and slim black pants……it's too intense, isn't it scary?"
Hagino: It's really scary. Nah, I'm kidding, I don't actually know (laughs). I don't mind if people think I'm scary.
"He has the sex appeal of a man, but also has the innocent smile of a boy~💜💜💜. That's how he attacks when his prey is distracted~ (laughs). We wonder if Asakura, a brutal murderer and escaped prisoner, has anything in common with Hagino-san."
Hagino: I think there's some. When you've been doing it for a long time, you become influenced by the role you play. When I'm tired, I'm like, "I'm irritated!" (laughs).
"There it is! Asakura's famous line (?), "I'm irritated!" How does it feel to play such an intense role?"
Hagino: Regardless, it's alot of fun. It's not a role I get to play very often, so I want to enjoy it even more until the end. I don't want to relax in my private life right now, rather, I want to finish the story in the same way that I've been doing it so far. I want to keep the tension, and perform with a sense of urgency. In the meantime, I try to watch the news and live a normal life.
"I guess you could say you've broke new ground as an actor, huh~?"
Hagino: As a job, I was enthusiastic and thought, "Let's do this!" But it was my first time playing such a role, and I didn't have any hesitations about how I was going to do such an amazing role, but strangely enough, I was able to play it quite naturally from the first day. So I'm not sure I can call it breaking new grounds.
"That's true, your performance suggests that you've had plenty of experience. Given your career, we wonder, are you like the older brother on set?"
Hagino: Until now, I've often worked on set with senior actors, and there weren't many people younger than me. That's why it was interesting to see where I stood on set this time around. Suga-kun and Matsuda-kun are really good kids, and I've become inspired by the younger people. I've learned alot from their youthful energy and the way they use it. In my role, I often interact with Ryohei-kun, who's the same age as me, so we have alot of fun together.
"As a fan, it's very moving to see Hagino-san, who used to play the role of Akira Suzumura with all his heart, grow like a snake, shedding its skin, and happily playing the role of Takeshi Asakura. What has the reaction from viewers been like?"
Hagino: There was an episode called "The Girl and Ouja," and since then, I've been getting an incredible amount of fan letters. Until then, I had received letters from people who said they liked, "scary things" and "bad guys" in a cult like way, but when they said, "I saw a different side of him, even though he is a bad guy," the number of letters increased rapidly.
"So, what kind of hero did Hagino-san himself admire during his childhood?"
Hagino: There was no one in particular, but I think I had a desire to become a hero. When I was a child, I genuinely thought that helping the weak was heroic, and I admired it. Doing things like helping girls even if they're elementary school students. In my role now however, I bully girls (laughs).
"Even so, for some reason, Hagino-san always plays "unusual" heroes, right? He's so handsome, that maybe he plays untraditional heros without any complaints?!"
Hagino: I think the roles I've been given to play are wonderful. Both Akira Suzumura and Takeshi Asakura are honest with themselves. I'm not saying that heroes need to be honest, but I think that it's very important. There's something in me that's attracted to that part.
"We wonder what kind of child Hagino-san was~?"
Hagino: I was naughty. But, I studied for entrance exams and went to cram school (laughs). I liked being called "boy." There are pictures of me studying until midnight, and of going to school with dark circles under my eyes. I'd get so excited when it came to studying, that I'd suddenly realize it was 2 a.m. (laughs). I was like, hey, I'm pretty amazing. I liked doing those kinds of things (laughs).
"Kya~! That's just like Hagino-san 💜. What kind of father do you think you'd be if you had children?"
Hagino: I can only imagine, but I think I'd really love it. After work, I'd feel like going home right away.
"Would you let your own child watch Ryuki?"
Hagino: That's……They can watch it, because it's their own father (laughs). If they complain, I'll just slap them. I'm just kidding about that last part (laughs).
"By the way, you also tried your hand at singing for the first time with the CD, "Kamen Rider Ryuki Song Collection", right?"
Hagino: It was alot of fun! I was able to experience recording for the first time in my life, so I was very satisfied with it (laughs). The voice training and the production process were also interesting. Also, I was really nervous. The engineers and everyone else were professionals, so I knew I had to do it right. But, I'm not a professional singer, so I had no choice but to do the best I could, but when I actually tried it, it was alot of fun.
"Does this mean, you'll debut as a full fledged singer?!"
Hagino: It's not like I said to myself, "I want to be a singer!," but it was an experience that I'd like to do again if I get the chance.
"As expected, you'll continue to focus mostly on acting in the future, right?"
Hagino: That's right. I want to play various roles in various situations. I want to play roles that I've never played before, and I want to play roles that I have played before.
"I see. If the current Hagino-san were to play Akira Suzumura, I'm sure we'd see a new side to him. Now then, some final words to the fans!"
Hagino: As long as you enjoy it, that's the most important thing. I'll do my best, so I hope everyone enjoys watching.
"We had a great time during the interview with him, with his skillful storytelling and sexy beams bursting 💜. We hope he'll continue to entertain us more and more as an actor and singer (?)~💜💜💜.
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Ryohei (Zolda) Interview
"Kya~! He's sooo~ tall~! Furthermore, his handsome and chiseled face is so cool that it makes us dizzy~. That's because Ryohei-san, who plays the role of Shuichi Kitaoka, a talented lawyer known as Zolda in "Kamen Rider Ryuki," is an active fashion model with a career spanning about 7 years~💚."
Ryohei: In the modeling world, there are people taller than me, but in the entertainment world, I'd say there's only Abe Hiroshi-san (laughs). I don't mind it anymore, but I used to have a complex about it.
"He has long, slender legs, which we think is one of his charming points. Although he has experience from appearing in commercials, this is his first real acting job!"
Ryohei: I've always liked Kamen Rider and other heroic show, and when I was a child, I would wrap myself up in the curtains around my house and say, "Henshin!" That's why I was genuinely happy. You'd never think that you can become a hero, or that you yourself can transform, right?! When I got the role, I was just so happy, that I couldn't stop cackling.
"When he's silent, he looks just like Kitaoka, cool and mature, but when he speaks, he gives off a playful, boyish look that's very cute~💚💚💚. But, you couldn't "cackle" once filming started, could you?"
Ryohei: I think that acting is the same whether it's a regular drama or a tokusatsu production, the creators are always on site, and they're always trying to produce high quality work, so you can't go to a production site just to have fun. There was such a sense of urgency on set, that I felt my back tense up.
"Your schedule was tough, wasn't it~?."
Ryohei: There were times when I didn't perform, so it wasn't that tough. It was a relief for me since I had no experience in acting, but still, I was always nervous whenever I entered the set (laugh). If I go in every day, I can stay in the mode of my role for a long time, but after a 2 week gap, I'm back to my normal self. It was quite difficult to get back into the role. I also tried to imagine how Kitaoka would spend his time off screen.
"What are some similarities and differences between Ryohei-san and the lawyer Kitaoka?"
Ryohei: The movements and gestures are as close to mine as possible. I don't usually talk like him though (laughs). When I first received the script, I thought he was a lawyer, had money, and was a slick guy who could do anything. I hadn't heard that he was suffering from a disease, so I wanted to make him come off as arrogant, obnoxious and unpleasant.
"I see. Kitaoka, a confident man who carries the shadow of his illness, is attractive, but Ryohei-san, who is friendly and talks about many things, is also wonderful~💚. Did you ever feel confused on set?"
Ryohei: To be honest, I never ever knew what to ask. I saw various cast members coming in later and asking the Director questions about things they didn't understand, and that's when I realized that it was okay to ask questions. Since then, whenever I have a question or an opinion like, "Isn't it better to do something like this?," I'll say it as much as I can.
"The setting is that, "Riders are fighting each other!" There are alot of different actors in the show, which is interesting as a viewer, but isn't it also exciting when on set?"
Ryohei: Even though they're younger than me, there are some people who are my seniors when it comes to acting. There's so many different styles and personalities, and it's both instructive and stimulating. I realized again how interesting acting is, and I also realized how difficult it is. It's so deep that when you look up, there's no end to it. I always try not to make mistakes the next time, but when filming finishes, I find myself regretting something again, and the cycle repeats itself. But, I wonder if it'd be bad if that stopped.
"I wonder, what's the difference between modeling work and acting? When I looked at the gravure photoshoot earlier, I saw that your poses and facial expressions were so perfect, and I felt that this is what you'd expect from model!💚💚💚"
Ryohei: It's been a long time since I've done a gravure shoot, so it felt really good. Modeling is all about having fun in the moment. Once I enter the studio, I look at the atmosphere, the photographer's personality, and the clothes they're wearing, and I instantly think about how I want to act. It's an instantaneous decision. As an actor, you spend alot more time developing your character, so it's a great feeling of fulfillment after you're done. There's differences between the two, kind of like short distance running and long distance running, but the sense of accomplishment is the same and both are enjoyable.
"When it comes to future activities, we wonder, what are you thinking about~?"
Ryohei: Regarding roles, I'd like to play a variety of roles without refusing any that are presented to me. It could be a murderer or a comedian. I think that my current popularity was gained as a result of the popularity of tokusatsu, and not because of my ability. From now on, I want to work on closing the gap that has opened between my popularity and my ability. I don't want to let down my fans, so I want to do various things to improve my skills, and I want to acquire as many things as possible as an actor. In that sense, I'm very "hungry."
"Kya~! (starts clapping) Now that I think about it, Ryohei-san also has experience as a salaryman. Now that he's had alot of experience, his words carry alot of weight to them, anyway, tell us about the type of woman you like and your views on marriage~!!!"
Ryohei: I don't have a specific type, but my type is the person I'll fall in love with (laughs). Marriage is about your partner, so I hope to meet someone who has similar values to mine.
"We're curious, in Ryuki, what's going on with the relationship between lawyer Kitaoka and his male secretary Goro-chan?"
Ryohei: It's a mystery, isn't it? (laughs). Since we don't see much of Kitaoka's private living space, we can only imagine how they live together. Personally, I think that maybe Goro-chan is a live in worker, and that they each have separate rooms and are living a normal life.
"With some mysteries remaining (laughs), Ryuki is finally coming to an end, huh?"
Ryohei: I don't know how things will turn out myself, but please look forward to more drama towards the conclusion, as well as the future of Shuichi Kitaoka and the Kitaoka Law Office!
"We're really looking forward to what Ryohei-san will do after he plays Kitaoka~💚💚💚."
85 notes · View notes
izvmimi · 8 months
cw: fluff. college au!nrc. reader wears a dress and heels. multiple original characters are mentioned (without names but with traits) and will likely show up in later fics! ~2.3k words. a/n: one mention of the word 'pale' and to clarify pale is not a specific word for pale or light-colored skin, dark-skinned people can be pale in the sense of looking grayed out or ashen.
It is your first ball at Night Raven College - really your first ball ever - and you have no date. The simple fact doesn’t upset you, after all, you are only a first year and are acquainted but not close to many in your year or even your house, but it does feel a bit awkward to know that you are the only one out of your friends who won’t be going with an escort.
You’ve always done well on your own however, and while your goal is to look striking on arrival at first, you plan to blend naturally into the background, exchange a few words with your friends, and disappear back into your dorm by the end of the night. As you make sure to add the finishing touches to your makeup in the vanity mirror, you consider that perhaps the neckline of your dress is a little too low, wondering if you should pin the wings of your cape to the front to preserve a bit of modesty. The dress is a deep forest green that is almost black, shimmering like diamond in the light, and the clustered rose-shaped emerald jewelry dangling from your ear is heavy. You look expensive, and you are expensive, having blown quite a few of your savings on this outfit. You rarely offer yourself anything nice, so you try to keep the price out of your mind as you apply black lipstick, then opt for a wine red instead. As you rise, stabilizing yourself on high stilettos, your slightly awkward gait aided by the high slit of the side of your dress, you wonder if you’re representing Diasomnia a bit too well. 
For someone who hates attention, you far too often look like you’re trying to garner it. You consider sending a text to your friend in Octavinelle or your friend in Pomefiore but you imagine they’re trying to coordinate with their dates. The mermaid particularly is probably sucking face with Rook so intensely it will be hours until she remembers her phone.
Perhaps you should have asked…
You shake out the thought. He did not ask you and you would have looked ridiculous if you asked your upperclassman to take you to the ball, no matter how much attention he gives you. If he had wanted to, he would have asked, you remind yourself as you reach for a black lace clutch. Malleus doesn’t exactly keep his desires to himself and is not exactly used to being told ‘no’.
When your door swings open, you are nearly shocked to see Malleus himself, enough that your heart almost stops. His appearance is not usually this startling to you (unlike most of the student body) and for a moment you wonder if he might take offense, but he’s still busy taking in your presence just as much as you’re taking in his. He looks… handsome, you have to admit (as if it were hard to admit, as if it weren’t terribly plain to see), dorm uniform exchanged for a swallowtail coat in brilliant golden and green hues, obsidian studs shiny enough to see your reflection in adorning his pointed ears. He bows when he sees you, as though he’s picked it up from an old movie. You almost find yourself mimicking a curtsy before you remind yourself that you’re in modern times and he has no reason to be standing outside your door like a haunting. 
“Malleus, what are you doing here?”
You pause and wait for Lilia to appear out of nowhere to tell you be nice in that teasing lilt of his, but Lilia is nowhere to be found; in fact, all of Diasomnia is quiet, it seems, appearing that everyone has headed off to the ball already. 
“I didn’t see you leave so I wanted to make sure you were going,” he asks. Before you can tell him that it wasn’t necessary, he adds, “you look breathtaking. I’ve always loved you in dark colors.”
Your heart skips a beat as you think of something witty to say, but you can come up with nothing more than, “you look nice, as well.”
Nice. He looks far better than nice, a voice tells you in the back of your head. Ignoring it, you step forward then turn to lock your bedroom door. Fiddling with the handle so that you have something to look at while you buy time, you say,
“I’ll see you at the ball later then.”
When you don’t get a reply and look up, Malleus is tilting his head. “Are you sending me off?”
Yes, you are, but you can’t bring yourself to say it. You clear your throat. 
“The festivities have already started probably,” you say, quickening your pace. Walking too quickly, you stumble on unsteady heels and he catches you by the arm; the very sensation of his fingers on your upper arm, despite the cape that covers it, seems to drive electricity throughout your body. You curse under your breath, hoping that he cannot hear you. 
But he’s fae. Of course he can.
“If you are going to be so upset about tripping, you should probably be more careful,” he says. It’s direct, not rude, and he’s smiling. The glittering emeralds in his suit buttons add to the fact that his outfit likely costs more than your life. 
“I’m not upset!”
He takes your hand and places it around his elbow.
“Let me accompany you.”
Arguing with him gets you nowhere usually, Malleus is both patient and hardheaded at once, you’ve learned in your short time together, and you still cannot understand why he’s taking such interest in you. It’s the greatest mystery of your life and yet Malleus consistently finds a way to act as though he, Housewarden, soon to be graduate, soon to be King, is somehow not too good for you. 
“You know, because of you, no one asked me to the ball.”
Malleus continues his stride, slowed naturally to match yours, the clatter of your heels loud as you both amble down the halls. He doesn’t look down towards you, smiling to himself as he looks forward, a gentle glint of green in his eyes.
You move in time to the music in a slow waltz, your hands resting on his shoulders, and Malleus looks genuinely happier, something a little more than the amused smile he keeps on his face per default. With every turn, you hold your breath, only released when Malleus reminds you to breathe in a gentle voice, pressing his cheek against yours. 
Your cheeks are warm again, and it’s not because of the remainder of the attendees who watch you with interest, but because Malleus really seems to act like you’re the only one in the room. His face is cold against yours, and his hand grips your fingers more gently than you’d anticipate from someone who supposedly crushes rocks for fun.
“Everyone’s looking,” you whisper. 
“They usually do,” he replies.
You can’t argue with that.
You twirl longer, light on your heels, but self-consciousness starts to weigh heavy on you as you catch more and more glimpses of the curious body of students that have started to gather close, wondering if the rumors are really true, that Diasomnia’s most terrifying student is in love with a first year. You try not to look and toss your head away from the biggest crowd of people, but just in the corner, you can see your friend disappearing suddenly and you move to leave and follow them, but Malleus quickly reminds you that Vil is close behind. Just as he says, Pomefiore’s diva is right on their heels, and while your heart still breaks for your friend, Malleus reminds you that you’re much more likely to be interrupting whatever emotional conversation they’re likely to have.
They and Vil have some complicated history, you’d say not unlike yours. 
But as you look up to Malleus, you remember that it’s not that complicated. You simply have to accept his attention, even if you don’t see yourself as the impossibly cute human he seems to imagine as the apple of his eye.
“My feet hurt,” you whisper suddenly, leaning in close enough that you can smell his perfume. He really went all out today, you think, trying not to let the scent linger in your psyche.
“Would you like to be carried?” he asks. The deadpan in his voice is in sharp contrast with yours, as you shout his name.
“Malleus, are you for real?” 
He blinks.
“It would solve the problem, would it not?” 
You shake your head, exasperated but unable to be truly annoyed with him, and take a single small step back. He looks at you curiously, as one would an abstract piece of art, then lets his hands rest at his side.
“I’m going to go check on my friends,” you say. He pauses but nods slowly, and watches you go. 
The first person you go visit is the lady in a burgundy dress that somehow only accentuates her burgundy hair. She’s in a dip with Rook once you arrive to that section, and almost doesn’t notice you approaching until you wave. Rook sees you first, bringing the mermaid to a standing position quickly enough to make her dizzy, and waves excitedly in the way he greets everyone, out of proportion to their own energy.
“Ah! Bonsoir, Mademoiselle L’astucieuse! Where is your shadow, Roi de Dragons?” he asks. You narrow your eyes at him, then face your friend who giggles at his flamboyant greeting before letting her hazel eyes set on you. 
“Are you fleeing Malleus? I saw you looked a little too in love over there, so I expected you to start running soon.”
“No,” you murmur, but that’s exactly what you’re doing. “Actually-” you pause, then motion to Rook, “can I cut in for a second, I need to borrow her.”
Rook looks surprised but steps back, perhaps to look for Vil again, and you take your friend’s finely manicured hands and engage her in a dance. Moving in close, you whisper,
“I saw ___ leave.”
She stops. 
“Wait, why aren’t we chasing her?”
You turn in time with the music. “Vil’s following her.”
“Oh,” is all she responds. The two of you move again in time, and you can see that she’s distracted again, looking over your shoulder.
“You already are trying to leave me for Rook,” you whine. 
“Actually, it’s more Malleus standing there, aimlessly, like an NPC.”
A chill runs down your spine, and you turn and he’s there, waving, two drinks in hand. Part of you feels guilty, and the other part of you looks desperately for the rest of Diasomnia to occupy him. 
You love Malleus’ company, terribly so, but something about what you feel for him is too much, all at once. And he seems to know everything - the fact that you’d wait for him to take you to the ball, that if he asked to kiss you, you would accept without hesitation, although you can’t really verbalize those feelings right now. You’ve read the history books. Faes are not meant to like humans. Plus, faes live longer. You might as well be livestock or a beloved pet to him. 
“Go back to him,” your friend whispers.
You blow air from your nose, whisper ‘fine’ and twirl her one more time before motioning Rook to come back and reclaim his date. 
Malleus reaches out to offer you something colorless in a martini glass and you’re surprised to realize it actually is just water. You blink.
“You look like you’re pale. I want to make sure you stay hydrated,” he asks. He drinks water as well, then takes your hand again. You hesitate but then let his hand envelop yours. 
Something warms in your chest as though the drink was enchanted, but perhaps that’s the magic of the love you’ve been holding in.
“I’m surprised no one’s interrupted us,” you joke, smiling. 
“Well, Leona seems to have gotten over us,” Malleus muses, chuckling to himself. 
You frown. “You act as though Leona wasn’t simply annoyed by your existence in the same universe as his.” You remember that Leona does have someone he likes - you can tell even if he no longer stays close with you, but as you peruse the hall, you realize he’s not there. You hope he hasn’t messed up his chances there as well. She’s far more patient than anything he can ever pull, you think.
Now that you’ve satisfied your thirst, you look over to the refreshment table, letting Malleus’ pinky link with yours as you peruse the elaborate cheeseboard, the fruits, meats and finally most importantly to you, pastries. As though association conjures him into your mind, when you look up, you see that Trey is leaning at the other edge of the table, chatting up his Savanaclaw sweetheart, who looks stunning in cascading waves of blonde hair draped over the straps of a steel dress. Trey is trying excessively hard not to look at her chest, and you giggle, but then it reminds you that your own neckline is bare. 
Not too far off from his other dorm-mate, you can see Cater kissing the hand of a pretty redhead in one of the most elegant golden dresses you’ve ever seen. She looks smitten, but her gray-green eyes sparkling and the heart tattoo on her cheek has the thought running through your mind that Cater might have bitten off more than he can chew this time. After all, you know her well.
“Here,” you say, pinching your cape together with one hand and handing Malleus a small cupcake. You mean for him to take it, but he bites into it, fangs and all, and the dollop of cream that ends up on his nose nearly drives you into cute aggression. 
“Sorry,” he whispers as you reach up to clean it off with a napkin. You give him another smile and he grins. 
“Another dance?” he leans in, and for a split second you envision yourself kissing him, then pull yourself back to reality. 
You don’t say no though, because you can at least give him a dance, even if you can’t give him yourself.
It would be a bad idea for the both of you.
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silencedrowns · 1 year
Wig Seller Masterlist
Some people on were asking if I had a post about this and I didn’t, so I thought I’d make a big master post of wig companies I like! It’s in alphabetical order, with information about them listed afterwards. Currently I have fifteen brands on this list, but if I try and am really impressed by another, I’ll add it. I hope maybe one of them has that hard to find wig you’ve been searching for! I have the color samples for Arda, Assist, Classe, Coscraft, Cyperous, Kasou, and Swallowtail and am willing to help you check if a color from them is correct or not.
Japan only brand, so you’ll need a shopping service. Wide range of colors, including some that are hard to match in other lines, and a lot of base styles that I like more than other brands. Sells both wefts and lace front pieces. Lace hairline wigs are also available. Fit is medium (not particularly large or small). Price is higher. Swatch book not available.
Alice Garden/aiyaya
Amazon wig brand selling lolita/natural looking wigs. The variety is not good but if they have something that looks like what you need to wear with very little styling, you won’t get something as nice for the price! Styles are all very natural looking. Fit is on the smaller end of medium. Price is low. Swatch book not available.
Aoi Wig
Taobao brand doing character wigs, so a shopping service is required. These are hands down the best character wigs I’ve ever worked with. If you don’t want to do a ton of styling and they have the character you want, you literally cannot go wrong here. Fiber isn’t the world’s most durable but will hold up for multiple wears, and the price is good enough to make up for it. Fit is slightly small but larger than most taobao wigs. Price is a bit high for taobao but is still dirt cheap for what you get. Swatch books not available but the photo color is exceedingly accurate.
Arda Wigs
American based. One of the most common brands for a REASON! Wide range of colors in a wide range of styles. If you have a larger head or a lot of hair, this is your new best friend. They sell lace fronts but not individual lace pieces. The big problem with them, however, is the stock issues. Colors run out quickly so sometimes you have to compromise on which style you buy, or place an order from one of their sister sites in another country that actually has the color you need. (OOPS this is no longer an option anymore! Luckily there are a lot of Arda wigs secondhand online.) Nobody has as much hair in their wigs as they do, which can actually be a problem in some styles; be prepared to pluck lace fronts and use thinning shears. Fit is LARGE; they have the largest wigs in the market. Price is a bit high but not exorbitant. Swatch rings are available for both their fiber types
Japanese brand, ships worldwide but EMS/fedex only so you’ll probably want to group order. Nobody in the market has as many colors as Assist; between their premium and basic lines, they have over 600 colors! DO NOT TRUST THEIR PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY TO PICK COLORS; you need to buy their swatch books or ask a friend who has them to help you choose, because those photos can be criminally inaccurate. If you ever order from them, buy a bottle of Face Cover Glue and watch it change your life as “wig sticks away from face and face framing pieces move out of place” become a distant memory, and I adore their contacts! They sell wefts and lace pieces in their premium line but not their basic. Price varies; Premium line is a great price for what you get, but Basic is incredibly cheap (but not quite as good quality). Fit is small; based on how they fit my clients they’re the smallest of the Japanese brands and if you’ve ever found taobao wigs too small, assist will probably also be too small for you. Swatch books or rings are available and also required.
Blue Beard
Taobao character wig brand, so shopping service is required. Blue Beard wigs are all affordable and decent. You won’t ever get a bad wig from them, but I’ve found that their wigs tend to require a lot of maintenance. Wide range of characters! No wefts available. When you find stolen taobao wig photos, more often than not they’re stealing from Blue Beard. The photos are all color accurate, but you’ll typically need to do a lot of styling to make the wig match the photo. Price is great for what you get. Fit is medium to small. No swatches available.
Japanese brand that requires a shopping service but oh what a brand it is. Classe has a wide range of colors but where it truly excels is in the range of extra styling supply options. You can buy lace front pieces, yes, but you can also buy stand alone skin top pieces in center whorl or long for parts. No brand is as flexible with what you can do with their wigs, not by a long shot. Make sure to check out their styling blog! Even if it’s all in Japanese, the diagrams are clear and the techniques are genuine life savers. The fiber is beautiful and the website’s color suggestion feature where the desktop version tells you a list of characters they’d use this color for makes picking colors a lot easier. You’ll pay a lot for them, but what you get will be worth it. I’ve been using them a lot lately because no other brand’s fiber is as easy to make behave like human hair. Naturalistic wig stylists and cosmetology people, this brand is for you! Fit is up to 59cm (!!) and is roomy in the hairline coverage to the point some people have to trim the ear tabs a bit shorter, although it’s my personal comfiest fit. (Upon further testing: Classe’s fit is going to be perfect for you if you’ve ever tried an Arda lacefront and found it somehow a bit too big in the cap but too skimpy in the ear and hairline coverage at the same time.) Swatch books are available and affordable.
Based in the UK but ships worldwide despite being way too unknown outside Europe. Coscraft is an absolute gem of a site with a wide range of colors (more than 80!) with plenty of unusual color options that aren’t found anywhere else that doesn’t need a shopping service, a decently large variety of base styles to choose from, and wefts and separate lace front pieces and stick on skin tops in every color. Unlike every other cosplay brand on the planet, their lace front pieces come in dark brown lace for darker skinned cosplayers and not just beige! (The skin top pieces are only in beige so far but hopefully they will work on this.) Also for some reason they sell ridiculously inexpensive corset coutil so for all the craftsmanship people, new source acquired! Even if you’re outside of Europe, Coscraft is so nice that it’s hard to believe their prices. When the pound is up vs your currency, they’re shockingly affordable. When the pound is down vs your currency, the quality per money feels straight up illegal. This is my current go to cosplay wig site for a reason. Fit is larger medium; it won’t be too big or too small on most people. Color swatch ring is available.
Japanese cosplay wig source that theoretically ships EMS outside Japan but I haven’t been able to get that to work for years so shopping service it is. Pour one out for Cyperous; they’re clearly in decline but as one of the original heat resist brands, they’re still here and still worth ordering from while you can. Nobody has as beautiful and delicate blondes as Cyperous; their Milky and White Milky are the best blondes I’ve ever used. They have a nice selection of lace wigs and the much rarer lace bang wigs as well as regular wigs, and wefts of course. No other brand I’ve seen has synthetic wigs that photograph as much like real hair as Cyperous. They can tangle a lot as a result but it’s worth the upkeep. I have no idea how long they’ll keep limping along, but look them up before it’s too late. Price is high but reasonable for what it is. Fit is a true medium. Swatches used to be available and no longer seem to be, but the photos are pretty accurate to my ancient swatch ring and newer wigs.
Five Wits Wigs
Five Wits is the most criminally underrated of the American wig companies because most of their stock photos suck. They really, really, really suck. The photos are somehow incredibly color accurate but represent the wigs as pulled directly from bag and plopped onto someone’s head or a mannequin without even combing them in a flattering way. I wrote them off until I got to see their booth at a con and realized quickly that these wigs are wonderfully made with beautiful fiber that typically photographs like a dream (how do they get such bad stock photos?!) and is so easy to style! Five Wits mostly stocks character wigs, but many of them are versatile enough to use for tons of other things and they offer wefts for some of their colors. The owners are friendly, the service is great, the actual wigs are beautiful, the price for what you get is wonderful, but those dang stock photos keep people from noticing why Five Wits is one of my favorite suppliers! Price is great for what you’re getting, especially for an American brand. The fit is larger end of medium (very few people find it too big or too small). They don’t carry swatch books but every single stock photo, despite being terrible, is an incredibly accurate depiction of the color so feel free to judge colors accordingly.
I almost hesitate to put Kasou on here considering that one of the problems with them is that their shipping when it’s from their Chinese warehouse is occasionally “good luck getting your wig”, and I disqualified another past favorite of mine for this, but Kasou squeaked onto this list for two reasons: 1) their fiber and wigs really are spectacular and 2) they have the ONLY Jolyne Kujo pre made wig that I don’t hate. Order from them with confidence that whatever you get will be nice, but keep in mind that there are enough people who’ve had issues with wigs from their Chinese warehouse that you want to give yourself months of lead time if you go that route. They have a decent if slightly expensive price range, medium cap fit, and they do offer swatches. I NO LONGER RECOMMEND KASOU. I still stand by their products being nice, but there have been too many extremely expensive packages lost in the mail with them refusing to refund/replace among cosplayers I know for me to put them as a recommendation. If you order from here, do it with caution.
L-Email / wig-supplier
Not everyone needs premium wigs for heavy styling all the time, and that’s where L-Email comes in. This Chinese-based seller that ships internationally will sell you decent character wigs and decent base wigs for an incredibly affordable price. Nothing from here is going to be spectacular, but if your budget is low and you’re willing to put in a bunch of effort to make up for that, what you need is just a plain wig without tons of styling, or you want a character wig that’s a bit easier to upgrade with extra styling work than other brands because the hardest parts are typically done for you, L-Email is a great option for you. They’re just all around decent, and sometimes that’s what you need. Fit is medium, prices are pretty affordable especially if you go in with friends for shipping, and there aren’t swatches but the photos are typically pretty color accurate.
One of the absolute oldest wig companies based in America; every cosplayer active before 2007 has bought at least one Sepia wig. They’re still here though, and now they have some heat resist lace fronts! Their range of fantasy colors is pretty atrocious but if you want some beautiful natural colors, you could do worse than shop here, especially considering there’s at least one more expensive brand (that I’m not putting in this list) that sources lace fronts from Sepia and resells! Fit is medium, price is medium, I haven’t bothered to see if they have swatches because I’m an ancient cosplayer and have the typical Sepia color codes memorized.
If you’ve heard of this Japanese (shopping service required) wig brand before, it’s probably because the canon wigs in My Dress-Up Darling all come from Swallowtail. There’s more reasons than flexing about how you have the canon Shizuku-tan wig to consider Swallowtail, though! They have a massive color range with a lot of colors I’ve seen nowhere else in the world, and while the fiber isn’t the world’s most durable and is a bit shiny for my tastes in some colors, they’re affordable enough to be a competitive option even if you have to use a shopping service from outside Japan. They offer a full range of wefts and lace pieces and clip ons and a wide variety of base styles. The fit seems to be pretty true medium, and they definitely offer swatches (in the most chaotic ring setup I’ve ever seen. You’ll want to resort that one fast.)
You can get a lot of decent lace fronts perfect for minimal styling on AliExpress, but Sylvia is my hands down favorite. If you need a natural looking lace front and you don’t want to spend tons of money, this seller is where you should be looking first. There aren’t any swatches or wefts, true, but the wigs have so much more lace than any of the American or Japanese cosplay wig brands, the caps run much larger than most taobao/aliexpress brands (comparable to Kasou or Five Wits), and there’s still plenty of hair to do more basic styles. The fiber is a bit thin and shiny, but it still photographs like a dream, and dollar for dollar you won’t find a better balance between quality lace front and budget friendliness than here. The hairlines are so natural that I have a few from here that haven’t required a single hair plucked to just… melt into my skin. There’s a reason this is my go to first source if I want a lace front and it’s not going to be heavily anime styled (like JoJo or Dragon Ball or whatever). Color stock photos are incredibly accurate; you can trust that what you see is what you’ll get!
since people have sent me asks about this: I do not recommend Epic Cosplay at all anymore. Their construction quality has drastically decreased in recent years to the point I keep getting people asking me to help fix Epic wigs that are literally falling apart, which is enough reason to not want to order from them, but they’ve also had a decade plus pattern of labor rights abuse and employee mistreatment including racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and pregnancy discrimination.
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violetsiren90 · 6 months
All I Haven't Said | Namjoon/Reader
💜 Chapter 3: Part 1 💜
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Table of Contents: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (part 1), Chapter 3 (part 2)
Pairing: idol!Namjoon/f!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU; idol AU; chapter fic; strangers to lovers; a bit of idiots to lovers, tbh; slow burn; eventual romance; eventual smut; angst (life is messy & hearts are complex); OT7 featured
Summary: You found your soulmate - or rather, he found you. Turns out he's an idol of much acclaim who needs you for very real and unglamorous reasons. What could become of two hearts so used to giving of themselves when they are confronted with needing each other?
Chapter Word Count: ~6k
Chapter Warnings: This fic is 18+, as is all my work and my page as a whole; Talk and depictions of cancer, its treatment, and the symptoms of both; implication of some disregard for personal agency by entertainment industry; character experience and description of disassociation; flashbacks of a distressing situation; soulmate skinship; cursing; conversations surrounding soulmates and sex; character experiences an emotional breakdown; light embarrassment; CONFLICT (you knew it was coming, right?), there is plenty of fluffy stuff too I PROMISE 😂😅
Author's Note: Wow. It's been a minute. If you're still reading this story, thank you for sticking with me, and I apologize for the stretch of time between updates. For the longest time, I just couldn't get this part right...and then it was far too long, so I split it up, and I'm still editing the second, and (potentially) third parts. I got several messages from readers who were worried I might have abandoned this fic, and let me assure you, far from it! I am not a speedy writer, and struggle with doubting if what I'm putting on the page is good enough, so sometimes it takes me a minute to update, but let me assure you, these characters are so special to me and so alive in me, and I ask thank you for your patience as I work to tell their story! Thank you for your lovely words of encouragement and feedback on the story - I appreciate each and every one of them!!
P.S. If you want to join the tag list, drop me a comment or ask!
P.P.S. If no one has told you yet today, you're loved and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
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"I needed the light of your energy, I looked around, devouring hope."
~Pablo Neruda
Chapter 3: My Windows Ache
    "Hey, Di."
    "How dare you ghost me for the forty-eight most interesting hours of your life?!"
    "Well, I was low-key occupied..."
     You sighed, settling down on a shaded bench in the garden grounds of the hospital to which you had escaped for a little privacy and an important phone call or two.
    "Uh oh. That was your 'things are complicated' sigh," Diana prodded.
    Your eyes tracked a swallowtail as it flitted from azalea to azalea.
    "Well, things certainly aren't conventional or straight-forward, that's for sure. But where's the fun in understanding the basic parameters of what you're getting yourself into on a life-altering scale, right?"
    "Ummmm...what does that mean? You met him, right?"
You could barely hear your sister's question over the crinkle of plastic in the background.
    "Yeah, I did. We bonded too."
    "Oh mah gah!!" Diana choked out amidst sounds of crunchy chewing. "So what's he like?"
    You thought for a moment.
    "He's kind and intelligent. Obviously extremely resilient. His presence is impressive, but he has something about him that's very disarming. He's kind of clumsy and at moments almost...shy? Like, I don't know what I expected, but there's this sweetness to him that you wouldn't anticipate from someone in his position."
    "As a cancer patient?"
    "As an idol."
    You sighed again.
    "I don't know...he's..."
    Diana let out a strangled sound and uttered an enthusiastic string of words you couldn't make out.
    "I have no idea what you just said. Could you please decide whether you want to talk to me or consume an entire bag of Doritos?" 
    "Hey, it's dinner time here!" she whined, "And I said," her voice quickly changed to take on a smug sing-song tone, "That last sigh was your smitten-kitten one..."
    "It was not!" you cut her off sharply. "And get every single idea of Namjoon and I as a couple out of that scheming head of yours because he's very much taken. I'm meeting his fiancée for lunch today."
    "What? He's engaged?"
Diana let out an exasperated huff.
"Why didn't they tell you about this right off the bat? You're going to be the soulmate of a married man? What does that even mean? This is bullshit."
    You had a hard time disagreeing with her there. It was, in fact, bullshit that Namjoon's team had kept his relationship status a secret. Would it have changed your decision? Probably not. This had been about saving Namjoon's life, not some bizarre attempt at matchmaking. But having a third person to consider, and so intimately, as part of the equation for the rest of your earthly life felt like something you should have been made more immediately aware of. Navigating your boundaries with your soulmate had already been complex enough without introducing the prospect of being a fixture in his married life. When Namjoon had breached the prospect of meeting her, he had been taken aback at your surprise - he, like you, had assumed that Hybe's representation had disclosed everything of significance.
    "So it's a good thing I came here as a lifeline, not a mail-order bride," you reminded your sister, "And that seems to be working, by the way. His vitals are already stable. They stabilized overnight, in fact. And his white blood cell count was way up this morning, which is good because I guess he was experiencing immunosuppression from the chemo."
    "Oh, nice," Diana murmured.
You had to remind yourself that she was young and excitable, and not to be annoyed at the disappointment that he crept into her tone. However, never one to be down for long, her voice brought its usual bright mischief through the speaker as she posed her following question.
    "By the way...how was bonding?"
    She had said it with an inescapably salacious undertone, which is why, you told yourself, heat had begun to creep up the base of your neck. You stammered, switching the phone from one ear to the other as you bought yourself time to reassemble your decorum. 
    "Ah...I mean...it was...intense?"
    "Ooooohhhh," Diana trilled, only making you more uncomfortable as the heat spread from your neck to your cheeks, "Intense, huh? Like in a good way?"
     You squirmed uncomfortably where you sat, thoughts of Namjoon's pleasure-stricken face and the strength of his hand and how his skin felt against your own hitting your hippocampus like a flash flood.
    "It was fine, okay? And it worked - so that's what's important."
    "....Okaaay..." Diana drawled skeptically.
You scrambled for another talking point.
    "That kid visited. The one who came to the States - Jungkook. And another one of the members too - Jim...Jimin? I'm still trying to get their names straight. Some of them don't go by their actual names on stage - Namjoon is RM...but you knew that. Anyway, I digress. Both the boys were really sweet. Seems like they're all very close. I'm supposed to meet the rest of the members at some point next week at dinner. They wanted to have a sort of 'last supper' for us since we're probably going to start rejecting food soon."
    "That's cool, you get to meet the whole team! Oh my gosh, you're just going to casually have dinner with BTS...this is still so unreal!"
    "Yep," you affirmed, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth.
Namjoon had hit you with a couple of whoppers last night, but this was one you were actually looking forward to. You told Diana all about your first two days in Seoul - about the impressive hospital and its kind staff. About meeting Namjoon, and his condition. About how everything was still so fresh and new. About how so many things were still unsettled, so many questions unanswered.
    "So are you nervous?"
    "About what?"
    "Meeting his girlfriend."
    You had been so wrapped up in filling Diana in on it all that you had actually forgotten about the impending lunch date. As you pulled the phone away from your ear to check the time, your stomach lurched. 
    "Shit, I better get going. It's almost eleven-thirty." You sprang up and started quickly back toward the building.
    "That wasn't an answer," Diana scoffed, "But, hey, sis?"
    "Yeah?" You pressed the "up" button on the elevator.
    "Don't be."
    You smiled.
    "Love you, Di."
    "Love you too. And so does anyone worth a damn."
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    After deciding that you smelled like outside, you showered quickly then slipped into caramel-colored corduroys and an off-white tee. You rummaged around the small suitcase Matt had brought from the hotel for you in search of a sweater. After several exasperating minutes of unsuccessful digging, you heaved the bag of laundered clothes that had been returned to you by the hospital staff this morning, having gone through much of the what the Hybe staff had initially pilfered from your luggage in the last two days.
You grumbled in relief as you pulled out your dark green cardigan and slipped it over your shoulders, wondering what the hell the hospital laundry services had done to stretch it out so badly. But, you didn't have time to fuss - so you bunched up the sleeves and headed to the opposite end of the hospital's outdoor grounds where you suspected Namjoon and his guest were already waiting. 
    The hospital grounds were extensive and beautiful, sporting a garden that extended from the western wing, and a lawn punctuated by traditional pavilions to the east. He had pointed out the one he had reserved to you last night - tucked away in the shade of the large gingko trees flanking the little man-made stream that delineated the border of the grounds.
As you made your way toward the shady spot you chided yourself for being so uneasy - everyone surrounding your soulmate had been as lovely and warm and welcoming as he had been, and the woman he loved would likely be no exception. After Namjoon had disclosed that she was a musician like he was, you had done a bit of online recon before going to bed that night.
Her given name was Kim Hyung-seo, but her stage name, by which she was well-known, was Bibi. She was four years Namjoon's junior, but seemed nearly as ambitious. From what you could tell, she seemed to share a similar drive for artistry and honesty in her musical process as her future husband, and though her tendency for loose-canon candidness had landed her in hot water more than once, her earnest sincerity had engendered her to the hearts of her peers and fans alike. In an industry that seemed to often censor and restrict women, Hyung-seo didn't seem to give much credence to the rules. You liked that. You were actually kind of excited to get to know her a bit and ask her about her art - you had always been a woman's woman, and being in the company of strong feminine energy was something you found deeply empowering and grounding. You anticipated that your soulmate's girlfriend was someone you could respect, and you allowed yourself to venture to hope that feeling would be mutual.
    You trotted up the steps of the pavilion and took in its contents. The center had been fitted with a low, round table bearing a colorful and mouthwatering spread of gogi, bibim guksu, gimbap, and banchan. Cushions had been placed on the floor for seating, but none bore the lunch companions you had been anxious not to keep waiting. You were about to take your place at the table when a figure moving near the creek caught your eye.
You moved to the far side of the structure, to see your soulmate deeply engaged in conversation...with a duck.
He was standing near the edge of the water, his tall figure clad in silky modern navy blue hanbok. The top was untied and hung loosely over a white tee - the only contrast to the deep muted tone apart from his cognac loafers. He wore a dark beanie pulled low on his head, which was bowed in affectionate greeting to a juvenile Gadwall who had paddled away from his family to sample the little bits of starchy fluff that the stranger had sprinkled onto the water.
You pressed your palms against the painted wood, taking him in with a smile as he crouched down, extending a bit of bread between his fingers slowly toward the curious little water foul.
This man, you were learning - this erstwhile underground rapper, this leader of men, this brilliant intellectual and genius artist - this great, powerful, impressive man could be called out of his poise in an instant by the sweet and tiny things of the world.
You watched as he waited patiently, the little duck swimming in to-and-fro circuits and drawing closer and closer to Namjoon with each pass, until finally it was close enough to snatch its prize from him and scuttle off quickly to rejoin its mother and siblings. Namjoon chuckled, smiling fondly as he watched the duck make his way back down the creek.
This man, you thought to yourself, could not possibly be real.
    "So you're a Kpop idol and a Disney princess, huh?" you called, causing Namjoon to startle and rock back on his heels, landing on his posterior in the damp grass.
    You slapped a hand over your mouth to repress the laughter that threatened to bubble up at the site of his large well-dressed figure tipped back haphazardly on the creekside. He huffed a sheepish laugh as he stood, swiping at the back of his pants.
    "Give a person a little warning?" he chided lightly, approaching you where you leaned on the railing.
    "Sorry," you chuckled, "I didn't want to scare your little friend."
    "So you settled for scaring your soulmate? I see how it is." 
    You smiled and ducked your head.
    "Sorry," you murmured, flicking your gaze back to his.
He looked up at you, fixing you with his warm brown eyes and bringing his hands to grip the railing on either side of yours. Suddenly, you felt shy. You shook yourself.
    "Hey, hang out with the ducks and you'll end up with a wet tail," you teased.
Namjoon's eyebrows drew together in mock disgust.
    "Yikes, you're almost as bad as Seokjin hyung," he remarked disparagingly.
    You shrugged, smirking.
    "I have no idea what that means, but whoever Seokjin is, he must have a superior sense of humor."
Namjoon was opening his mouth to respond, but was cut short, as the tiny motion of your shoulders had slid one of your hands just a centimeter down the railing and barely flush with his own. The slight contact was enough to send sudden little tingles of comfort shooting up your arm and across your chest. In a millisecond you felt yourself relax where you hadn't realized you were tense. You could have imagined it, but you thought you felt Namjoon press his hand just a fraction more into yours as he swallowed and heaved a deep sigh.
You reminded yourself for the hundredth time since you arrived that this was biological. Clinical. The means to an end. Damn, he felt good though.
You found yourself snatching your hands away to push up your cardigan sleeves and then stuff them into your pants pockets where they would stop confusing you. You distracted yourself from Namjoon's subtle look of disappointment with an apology.
    "Sorry about your pants," you rocked back on your heels as you looked out over the little ribbon of water rippling over its stony bed behind him.
He glanced over his shoulder and brushed himself off again before waving a hand in dismissal. Your eyes focused back on the blue silk.
"I didn't realize this was a fancy lunch. I feel under-dressed."
    "You look nice," Namjoon rebutted, as he glanced over your attire. Then his brow pinched as his eyes halted on your torso, flitting over your arms and shoulders. "But isn't that -"
A voice behind you caused you to turn.
Standing at the top of the steps was the woman it belonged to. She was tall and beautifully slender - her svelte figure draped in a slinky chrome dress with a triangular cutout that displayed the smooth skin of her upper abdomen. Her glossy raven tresses were styled away from her face in a high ponytail, drawing sharp attention to her sultry features. Her smoky eyes glanced over your form with a lazy intensity, lids half-raised over dark irises, and her pouted lips pursed in appraisal. You wondered just exactly how many ridiculously beautiful people traveled in Namjoon's circle.
She stepped toward you, her chunky pink heels marking her confident strides on the floorboards, before bowing and extending a small hand with sharp white acrylics and icy sliver rings.
    "I'm the girlfriend!" she hummed, her deep, velvety voice matching her features.
    You bowed in return before shaking her hand politely.
    "So nice to meet you," you smiled, "I'm -
    "The soulmate," she cut you off, glancing over your shoulder at Namjoon, who still stood outside the pavilion, "of that weirdo." '
Namjoon circled around to the entrance of the pavilion before joining you with a wry smile. He introduced the two of you formally, before being the first to take a seat at the table. Hyung-seo joined him, shimmying her cushion closer to Namjoon's as she used a pair of chopsticks to load her plate with selections from the spread. 
    "Oh my god, I'm STARVING," she gushed, staring at Namjoon impatiently as he took a bit of kimchi fried rice and a few slices of samgyeobsal.
    "My stomach feels like it could take some real food for the first time in a while," he said with eager enthusiasm, glancing up at you with a smile of gratitude. 
    Hyung-seo tapped her chopsticks against her plate as she watched you survey the dishes before you. You took some kimchi fried rice and carefully ladled out a small bowl of doenjang-jjigae. You pulled your hands into your lap and watched the steam rise from the fragrant broth.
    "Ah, unnie..." Hyung-seo began before Namjoon shushed her and lightly tapped her knee.
You glanced between them in confusion. Namjoon merely smiled at you, and you smiled back, glancing down from his warm gaze to your plate.
    "Oh for the love of god, would you take a bite?"
    You looked up rather startled at Hyung-seo, who was leaned forward, her desperate eyes tracking your movements, and the chopsticks clutched in her right hand hovering over a plump, sweating mandu.
You blinked, fumbling for your chopsticks as your soulmate admonished the woman next to him. You took a heap of fried rice onto your chopsticks and brought it to your lips, looking questioningly between the two across from you. Hyung-seo groaned in impatience, her head lolling back.   
    "In Korea, the eldest eats first," Namjoon offered in soft explanation, his features trained in apology.
    As realization washed over you, you all but shoved the rice into your mouth, hoping to swallow your embarrassment with it, followed quickly by Hyung-seo, who popped two mandu into her mouth consecutively. Her eyes rolled back as she let out a groan of appreciation. You watched Namjoon carefully savor a piece of samgyeobsal. He smiled a dimpled smile. You smiled to yourself as you tucked into your fried rice. Namjoon's fiancée watched you both. Her cheeks were full, but she wasn't smiling.
Your little trio ate in contented silence until your visitor, having satisfied her belly, fixed her eyes on you with a different sort of eagerness. The time for questions had come, you realized. You set down your chopsticks, taking a drink of water.
    "I'm sure there is so much we'd like to know about each other," you offered with a smile.
    She pulled her lips into a brief grin, sipping from her own glass as her eyes trailed over you. You cleared your throat.
    "So, I read that y-"
    "How does it feel?" she interrupted, starring at you raptly. You blinked.
    "I'm sorry?"
    "When he touches you." She licked her lips. "I heard it's like cumming. I heard it's better."
Namjoon slid a large hand over her thigh. You saw it squeeze.
    "Jagiya..." he murmured.
    You glanced at him and gave him a reassuring grin which he returned, though not as readily as before. Not the start to the conversation you had hoped for, but she was living up to her brusque reputation. You let yourself laugh a little at the question, and saw Hyung-seo's mouth curl up a bit at the corners, though it didn't reach her eyes.
    "It's nothing like sex, actually," you mused, trying to be as forthcoming as possible without abandoning politeness. "Strange, I guess, because it is all about physical exchange and contact. But...it's more like...nourishment? I don't know...I haven't had long enough to think about it."
You had had quite long enough to know that it was ineffable, but in the most intoxicating, magnificent way - and a hell of a lot better than most of the sex you'd had. This, however, wasn't the time and place for descriptions of the bond that could be ripped from the pages of drugstore romance novels.
    You found yourself turning to Namjoon with a questioning gaze, as if to ask if he had anything to add. He nodded in response, not meeting your eyes.
    "Yeah, it's different," he murmured succinctly.  
    Hyung-seo hummed in assent, chewing on her lip, her gaze still roving over you. You decided to try again.
    "So how did you m-"
    "How do you do it?"
    You stifled a small sigh that threatened to escape your lips.
    "Do what?"
    "Use the bond. Like, do you hold hands, or...or what?"
    You looked to Namjoon who murmured something in Korean that sounded like a warning. This wasn't going as you'd hoped. Her questions were natural ones, but not the first you thought you'd be asked, and not so pointedly. In fact, they were ones she should probably have put to her partner. Had they not spoken since you arrived?
    "The bond works with any physical contact. When I first got here, I had so many questions myself. The hospital personnel were very informative while helping us navigate our questions. I still know very little, but as someone whose partner is bonded, I'm sure they would have someone who could better answer these types of questions than I can," you offered.
It was the opposite of forthcoming, but you were absolutely not prepared to launch into a conversation about you and her fiancé spooning in your undergarments. The trajectory of the exchange had to go elsewhere, so you resolved to take the wheel.
    "Is there anything you'd like to know about me? Maybe I could tell you a little about myself. My job in the states wasn't glamorous, but I loved it. I was -"
    "A social worker, I know," she murmured with a sigh, and Namjoon's head snapped toward her.     
You could feel your confusion pulling into a frown. In your beat of silence, the woman in front of you gave into another impulse as she placidly launched into an answer of your unasked question.
    "You're a social worker from the West coast, oldest of three kids. Your father died when you were ten. You graduated summa cum laude, and chose a career in women's services. You support your mother's living - you have been, long-term. Your brother is an engineer and your sister is in nursing school. You've never committed any crimes, but you were arrested once in college at some political protest about immigrant rights. Your blood type is O positive. You don't seem very good with your money, but you've never asked for financial assistance. You've never been married." 
    Your ears were ringing.
    You blinked as you tried to focus, grappling for something on which to stabilize your composure. This isn't how this was supposed to go. You felt your control slipping as the words pierced you in echoes that knocked you back down each time you reached out to steady your mind. 
    "Your father died when you were young..."
    "...You support your mother's living..."
    "...You don't seem very good with your money"
    Your mind whirred as the silence closed in, and for a moment you were suspended.
        Diana and Henry weren't pillars, you thought - they were tiny little babies as your mother clutched them on either side of her prone, shaking form as shovels of dirt were shifted back into the gaping hole that held a pine box covered in flowers. You looked down at the flag in your hands, and then up at the white flowers, still fresh and blooming, being caked and sodden with damp soil. You felt something rising up in your chest - something that never reached the surface. You turned from the wound in the earth as Dianna reached out and tugged at your arm. The babies looked afraid. You couldn't see your mother's face from where it was buried in her skirts. You tucked the flag reverently under your arm and took the little hands.
    Somewhere outside the amniotic sack of your mind, you saw Namjoon's figure stand. You heard his garbled voice speak to the woman beside him. He was angry, his voice pitched low. Hers in response was sharp and high.
    You took a deep breath and exhaled. Your chest was beginning to labor and your inhaler was on the fifth floor of a building on the other side of the property.
You willed yourself back into this world you had chosen. This place which, like the others you had inhabited, would discover its new tenant didn't take long to adapt. She was built to withstand.
    "Namjoon," you called softly, as you looked up at your soulmate. His eyes snapped to yours, his face showing subtle but unmistakable signs of distress - eyes reflecting remorsefully and jaw flexing.
You smiled at him gently, reassuringly.
    "It's alright," you insisted, your eyes not leaving his.
You saw his shoulders sag, and his head bow. His hand came up to scrub over his face. You realized then that she was looking at you. Hyung-seo's expression was apprehensive, her eyes scouring your face.
    "This must be an extremely difficult thing for you, whatever the reason," you offered earnestly.
    She regarded you in silence, her eyes flickering like the flame of a candle.
    "I would say, 'I understand', but I don't. I have no idea how hard it must be to fall in love with someone only to watch them suffer at the hands of disease, and to suffer so greatly and to come so close to losing them that you turn to finding a person who can save them, and who - if they are saved by - they will need and desire for the rest of their natural life. A person who isn't you." 
    Her eyes quivered as they held you in their gaze.
    "I know I'm supposed to be a saving grace," you continued, having gained your ground, "But I know I could also look a lot like a threat. Trust me when I say that you can be open and honest with me about how you feel. This is a difficult situation where we're going to feel burdened by things we shouldn't. Namjoon and I discussed this."
    You smiled again at your soulmate, who was watching you with relief and something else in his features. You wanted to call it admiration, but you had only known him for two whole days.
    "Whatever fears you're carrying that make you feel like a burden in this moment, could I ask you to set them aside? For a chance to get to know me in the real way that you deserve? This isn't a trap. Or a cage. We've all chosen to be here."
    You regarded Hyung-seo in the silence that followed. Her eyes had fallen from your face - they glanced over toward where Namjoon stood, barely raising toward his figure, when she suddenly dropped her face into her hands and began shaking with sobs.
    You let out a sigh of relief too soft to be heard by the others.
    "Fuck...." Hyung-seo choked out against her palms, "I'm such a piece of shit..."
    Namjoon moved to place a hand over her back and assure her she wasn't. You wondered what she felt when he touched her. Your heart ached with pity for her. Namjoon drew her into his chest and held her as she cried her makeup off. He stroked her hair as her regarded her with weary, worried eyes. You couldn't help but feel that you were encroaching on a private moment...expect that you were a part of this as much as they were. Was there a lifetime of this feeling to be endured? You sighed again.
    "I'm gonna give you guys a minute," you whispered as you clambered to your feet.
    Namjoon nodded silently over the woman in his arms. 
    You watched scattered leaves from the boughs overhanging the far side of the stream spin as the were swept away. Your eyes tracked one in particular, twirling as it sailed around a protruding rock and under an arching root, only to be stopped as it was doubled at the middle by a thin, swaying reed. You found your feet moving to where the water rushed around it as it billowed helplessly on both sides of its obstruction like a flag of surrender. You slipped off your shoes and rolled up your pants. You waded into the cool, clear water and, reaching out, tugged the little leaf free. You watched as it sailed on, disappearing around a bend in the waterway. You glanced back up at the pavilion. If you could have been sure it was the right move, you would have left altogether, but you wouldn't want your sudden departure to be taken the wrong way.
    You sighed. You pulled your phone out of your back pocket as you waded back out of the stream. Dead. You were bad about keeping it charged, and your conversation with Diana had drained its aged battery. You wished you had a book. Glancing about, your eyes caught a fairly large patch of clover flowers a few yards down the bank, and crossing the soft grass, you sank down in its center.
You smiled weakly to yourself as you plucked one of the little white buds near the base of its stem. You and your siblings would spend hours at the park under the shade turning sprawling patches of the puffy blooms into garlands, crowns, bracelets, and rings. You picked another flower and tied its supple stem into a knot just under the other flower's head. 
    By the time Namjoon came to join you, sinking down across from you in little clover patch you had fashioned yourself a crown and a necklace, and were working on a garland to send to Diana. You set down your handiwork to look up at him. He was regarding you with soft, somber eyes and a little smile that looked like one he didn't have the energy for but couldn't help besides. He picked a flower and twirled it between his fingers.
    "I'm so sorry," he murmured, "If I would have thought that things would go that way, I wouldn't have insisted on her meeting you before she left. She's going on tour and I thought...well, I thought if she just met you her anxieties would be eased."
    You nodded thoughtfully.
    "Thank you for your patience and kindness. She was out of line saying those things to you like that...you were...that was everything she needed to hear, I think."
    You cast your eyes down as you tied off another knot in the garland.
    "Is she okay?" you asked quietly.
    Namjoon sighed.
    "She's...embarrassed. Ashamed of herself. She wasn't in any condition to finish that conversation, so I suggested she go home."
    "Understandable," you assented, nodding again.
    Silence hung between you for a moment before you raised your eyes to his again.
    "Namjoon...there are some things I think we should discuss."
    He nodded earnestly, his eyes falling, brow creasing and tongue pressing into his cheek.
    "I know we haven't had much time," you continued, "And we have literally the rest of our lives...but, I think we should be on the same page about what we've been told about each other. I think it will make this whole process easier? I don't know. There are some things you assume you'll have to tell someone at a certain point in knowing them - some things that are...deeply personal..."
    "Aren't things between us already that way? Deeply personal?"
    You looked up and those half-lidded brown eyes were looking right at you in a way you weren't prepared for, in a way that flooded your veins. Soulmate. You wanted to touch him. You wanted to feel him and what he brought to you. You wanted him to feel it too. But you didn't know him, and he didn't know you, and he needed healing, which is why you were here. He loved someone who loved him whose lives you were disrupting. This feeling was basal, you knew - came with the territory...but you were going to need some strong boundaries if this was going to function. You were going to need honesty, for a start.
   "They are," you relented slowly, "But I have questions that I need answers to. Your trust in me is clear, and I appreciate that...but...I need time to get my footing here."
    Namjoon nodded in assent.
    "I get that. So, what do you want to know, specifically? I'll answer any question you have."
    You nodded gratefully.
    "Thank you. Do you think I could take a little time to think about what I want to ask? I'm kind of still processing everything that just happened."
    "Of course," he was quick to answer, "Whenever you want to talk, just let me know. Did I say how sorry I am?" he asked smiling weakly as he looked up from where he struggled to knot the stem of one flower around another, suddenly looking down again when its stem snapped between his fingers.
    You huffed out a little laugh.
    "Yes, you did," you did, you answered, offering him a rueful grin.
    He picked another flower only to realize he had cut its stem too short for his purposes. He tossed the little blossoms back into the grass.
    "Can you make me one?" he asked pathetically, pouting at the garland in your hands.
    You chuckled as you tied off the one in your lap and leaned forward to slip it over his head. He adjusted it around his neck, looking down at it with a pleased expression.
    "You know...if you can believe it, we actually got lucky in there," he smirked, his forehead creasing as he raised his brow.
    You gave him a look of confusion. His eyes trailed over your torso again before flitting back up to yours.
    "She didn't notice that you're wearing my sweater."
    You froze. Then you blinked down at the giant green cardigan that had, in fact, slipped down off of one shoulder. Then you gaped at him.
    He snickered.
    You scrambled to yank the sweater over your head, even as he laughed and protested, you blustered apology after expletive after apology.
    "Shit, it was in my laundry bag!" You whined in explanation as you shook it out and began to fold it in your lap.
    "Stop, just keep it on," Namjoon insisted, still clearly amused at your state of panic.
    "I have one just like this. Like, identical but obviously smaller. I just assumed it had stretched out in the wash..." You extended the sweater toward him.
    He shook his head.
    "Just give it back later, you'll be cold." He looked up at your exasperated expression and started laughing again.
    "Stooop..." you whined in embarrassment, and when he only laughed harder, you tossed the sweater in his face. As he balled it up with a smile where it fell down into his lap, his smart watch trilled. He glanced down at it.
    "I've got labs scheduled now," he sighed.
    "Hopefully they'll bring more good news," you offered, at which he nodded. "I seem to be getting the job done, if I do say so myself," you teased, leaning back on your hands and offering him a smug look.
He nodded, tongue in his cheek, then pushed to stand - with effort, you noticed - and extended a hand down to you. You didn't realize what the little smile on his mouth was for until you accepted his hand with your own, by habit, and were nearly knocked back off your feet as the bond surged through you like a wave of mind-numbing euphoria that left you unable to process information outside of what was sent coursing through your every cell from where he touched you.
    You blinked up at him as you got your wits about you, and he was looking down at you through little slits in his barely-open eyes, head tilted back and mouth hanging open - little smirk still tugging at its corner. You pursed your lips, trying not to grin back.
    "You did that on purpose," you chided, trying and failing to train your features in a scowl.
    His smirk deepened.
    "What? I was just being courteous..."
    You rolled your eyes.
    "I'm feeling a little weak, I think it would be best if you helped me back to the room," he muttered slyly, turning to head back toward the building.
The smile that was dimpling his cheek and creasing the corners of his eyes did something to your stomach that had you yanking your hand out of his grasp.
    "Yeah, right," you huffed, forging a few steps ahead of him, "You're putting a lot by your poorly reputed coordination to think you could walk while I was touching you." 
    He let out a laugh behind you. It was loud and bright and had you biting back a smile to match it.
    "What happened to getting the job done, sweater thief?" he called after you teasingly.
    Shit. Yeah. Boundaries. You were going to need them.
Well, they met! Next part to follow soon.
Thank you for sticking with me here!
Tag list: @butterymin @little-dark-empress @aretha170 @kamilamb @jlee97 @thephotoend @callmenoona25 @felicityroth @softforyoongles @berlianv @honneypies @deadrose287 @n0pesir
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
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Showing off some cool butterflies and moth here.
Photo 1: Privet Hawkmoth I encountered chilling on the brick wall on my front porch one afternoon. First one I’ve ever seen and I haven’t seen another one since.
Photo 2: Imperial Blue Butterfly. I encountered a swarm of these while walking one day. The upper surface of the wings is a semi-metallic baby blue color. The butterflies were swarming a wattle tree alongside black ants. Turns out this species used these ants as ‘babysitters/guardians’ for their eggs and caterpillars with the ants protecting the eggs and caterpillars in exchange for a sweet nectar the caterpillars produce. The little ‘tails’ on the end of the wings were being wiggled about and it seems this is a defence thing to fool potential predators into thinking the rear end is the head.
Photos 3 & 4: A female Orchard Swallowtail butterfly I raised from a caterpillar. I released her after ensuring she was good and ready to be on her way after emerging. I managed to catch one of the females emerging from her chrysalis on video so if you’re interested in checking that out I can @ you in a post of it.
Photos 5 & 6: A Female Dainty Swallowtail butterfly I also raised from a caterpillar, again released once she was ready to go.
Photos 7 & 8: A Male Orchard Swallowtail butterfly again raised from a caterpillar and released once he was ready. From the same group as the other caterpillars I collected which was 6 individuals. 1 didn’t make it past a pupa and of the 5 remaining 4 emerged female and this guy was the only male.
Photo 9: A Granny’s Cloak moth I found in my garage. Apparently these moths like to come into sheds and garages during the day to rest.
Photo 10: I believe this is a type of Grass Dart. I like these butterflies because the way they position their wings reminds me of tiny fighter jets.
a nice collection of leps
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Hello may I ask a quick question do you write for Male reader like for example a Male Akaza reader x Portas d Ace. Or like Gray fullbuster with a long lost Twin male Reader who is a master thief , and con artist but the council blames gray for his brother’s misdeeds?
Hello, my dear one, I do write male readers but I’m still pretty fresh at it so please forgive me. Looking over your request and what you sent to me I decided to take the easier of the two, just so I can practice a bit more. I hope you like it!
-Unlike the other members of the guild who were all panicking, demanding to know why the guards were apprehending Gray, accusing him of crimes, Gray was calm, as he knew that he never did any of what the guards said he did, stealing from obnoxiously wealthy nobles, mocking the guards, trespassing, and breaking and entering to name a few.
-Everyone was stunned when the guards provided photographic proof, showing a young man wearing a beautiful black suit with a swallowtail jacket and a black flat cap on top with pristine white gloves, swinging away from the royal palace on a zip line.
-The man in the photo was undeniably Gray! It looked just like him!!
-A few others, the more levelheaded members, were able to show proof of Gray’s whereabouts during these crimes, including video records and multiple witnesses including those not in the guild.
-The head guard was beside himself, there was no denying the proof of the alibi, that whoever committed all these crimes was not Gray.
-This led to an investigation, thinking it was someone using transformation magic to make themselves look like Gray, which brought up the question if he had any enemies who had this type of skill. Gray himself, just to solidify his innocence, was placed on house arrest with magic seals cover it, sealing his magic, but when the thief hit that night, they had the proof that they were two separate people.
-Each lead led to a dead end as it was pointless to ask others about this phantom thief because everyone just pointed out Gray if he was nearby.
-Natsu was a little less than helpful, but helpful enough, getting Gray a hat and a pair of sunglasses with a mustache attached, to disguise him, but that just made him look even more suspicious.
-Then more reports of this thief’s activities started to trickle in as he started to leave reports, showing that these nobles had been stealing, embezzling, bribing, extorting, and other illegal activities, condemning them as criminals and it was found that the stolen goods, mostly money and things like supplies, medicine and food, were being given to the less fortunate, to those who needed these things.
-While what he was doing was noble, Gray didn’t like it that this thief had been getting him into trouble and Team Natsu- Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Juvia, planned to lay a trap to catch this Gray look alike since the guards were having so much trouble.
-Little did they know that this thief was two steps ahead of then and was able to anticipate their trap, easily avoiding it.
-You found it amusing, seeing these guards and guild members trying to catch you, their attempts always futile and you were beginning to get a bit bored, wanting a bit more excitement.
-You were not expecting, however, to run into your big brother, after so many years. You could remember the last day you saw him, both of you crying as a group of thieves kidnapped you, snatching you from your brother as you had both been playing, thinking they could ransom you, but when nobody came, not even your brother, they took you in and raised you until you surpassed their skills of petty theft and turned yourself into a legendary thief.
-However, after witnessing greed and the cruelty of those with wealth and power, you made the decision to become a vigilante, stealing back from the rich to give to the poor and exposing the crimes of those in power.
-It felt good to do things like this, using your skills to help others, but old habit die hard and you couldn’t help yourself teasing the guards, but now you wanted to see your brother.
-You played along with the Fairy Tail members, falling into their ‘trap’, allowing Gray to entrap you in ice, you weren’t worried at being hurt, because they just wanted to catch you, not fight you, at least the others, Natsu wanted to fight you but Natsu wants to fight everyone.
-You felt the ice melting and you felt an anti-magic bracelet being slapped on as the ice melted, leaving you completely unchanged.
-You smiled, brushing your suit off, “Well now- that was a bit brisk.” Juvia was owl-eyed, looking between you and Gray, a faint blush on her cheeks, “There’s two- there’s two Gray-sama’s!” you laughed softly at her, taking one of her hands in your own, bowing at the waist, pecking the back of her hand, “Y/N, at your service, my dear Juvia~”
-Gray was stunned, hearing that name before he finally looked at you, as he hadn’t even realized the possibility of his twin being behind these crimes, mouth agape, “Y/N is-is it really you?”
-There was a tiny part of you that wanted to be mad at him, but after doing your own digging, you discovered why Gray never came after you, so you couldn’t be mad, “In the flesh, big brother!”
-Instantly the others were all gawking, shouting out in unison, “BIG BROTHER?!” leaving only you and Gray to stand in silence before he stepped forward and went to embrace you before you shouted, “What happened to your clothes?! There are ladies present!!”
-Gray looked down, finding that he was only in his boxers now, “Ahh crap!!” before Natsu shouted at him as well to put some clothes on.
-Erza questioned why you were stealing from others and you explained yourself, telling her what you were stealing and what you were actually exposing, something she did find admirable before Gray grabbed you by the front of your jacket, yelling at you, “You got me in trouble!!!”
-Your laughter filled the alleyway that they had ‘caught’ you in as you were shaken back and forth before Lucy asked you what you were going to do next.
-You smiled over at her, causing a blush to rise to her cheeks as you were very suave, taking one of her hands in yours after you were free from your brother, “I plan on staying by your side.”
-Natsu and Gray were both quickly chasing you, both yelling at you while Juvia was gushing about another love triangle while Erza and Happy were trying to calm Lucy down as she was bright red and flushed, the four of them watching you be chased down the street.
-Gray and Natsu chased you into the night, losing sight of you about halfway and were half dead in the morning at the guild, looking run ragged as they walked in.
-They were not expecting to see you, stuffing your face, sitting next to Wendy and Lucy, talking about books with them. Their jaws dropped as they turned white in shock, pointing at you and you beamed brightly, “Hiya big brother!”
-This caused a guild wide shock as everyone who didn’t know learned that Gray had a brother, as they didn’t even pay attention to the ‘Gray’ that was already at the guild until there were two Gray’s there all of the sudden!!
-You bowed at the waist, giving a dashing smile, “Y/N Fullbuster, at your service. Thank you all for taking care of my big brother!”
-Despite only being nine in the morning, a huge party was started, celebrating your arrival and reunion with your brother, who caught you in a headlock, messing up your hair which just made you laugh.
-Natsu beamed over at you, “So what are you going to do now?” you grinned, holding up a request, “Well, as the newest member of Fairy Tail, I’m going out on a mission~” his and Gray’s jaws dropped open as you showed your mark on the side of your neck before a second roar of cheers rang out, celebrating the newest member.
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 5 months
no choice but to love you pt. 9
The hour that Bruce wiggled into his otherwise busy schedule seemed to fly by. He talked with Janet and Tim off and on and managed to hammer out some joint expectations for Tim’s future – private schools, not boarding schools and agreeing to let Tim continue to work with his tutors.
Personally, Bruce thought a five year old was a little young for private tutors, but Tim seemed generally positive about them and he could read and write very well for his age.
Just as Janet had predicted, Tim warmed up to Bruce after he selected a picture of a brontosaurus to color. To Janet’s surprise, he sat on the floor beside the table, uncaring of how it might ruin the lines of his suit. She didn’t partake but she did hand them both juice boxes when they took a short break to get to the really important topics, like favorite colors and favorite insects.
(Red and the Black Swallowtail, for future reference.)
(Seeing his subtle confusion over such an incredibly specific insect, especially after Tim hit him with a full infodump, Janet explained that Tim had only recently found out that New Jersey had a state butterfly. He took it to heart and repped it just as any Gothamite repped the Gotham Gaslamps. Otherwise, his favorite was the taxi cab beetle.)
It was hard not to be ridiculously charmed, Bruce found. Tim shared well, but as Bruce noted before, he was a very particular child. Polite, of course, but particular.
His crayons had to go back into the box just so, but anyone could use them as long as they didn’t break them or put them away. Tim explained that he could sharpen the crayons, so Bruce had to give them back if he wanted them sharpened. He had a system and that was understandable. Jason also had a system when it came to his books and his reading pile.
“Talia has dinner plans tonight,” Bruce mentioned as Janet gathered the coloring books back up and Tim slid the last of his crayons back into their box. He knew that he was rushing things a little bit here, but he’d honestly had fun and didn’t want this little delightful boy to leave.
If Lucius wouldn’t skin him for it, Bruce would have told his assistant to cancel the rest of his meetings for the day.
“Usually I would just throw some sandwiches together for Jason and I – Alfred has Wednesday evenings off – but maybe we can arrange something so the boys can meet,” he finished. Dick wouldn’t be visiting until the weekend, but he did speak with his first son this morning about Tim.
Bruce hadn’t appreciated the derisive laughter, but after all the safe sex talks he’d given Dick, he couldn’t really defend himself. He should have insisted on a condom although at the moment he would say otherwise.
Janet straightened, pulling the tote bag back over her shoulder. She looked surprised.
“Tonight?” she asked. “That’s pretty soon, but… Well, I guess there’s no use putting things off, I suppose. Do you have a place in mind?”
“Jason won’t go for anything fancy. There’s a diner on West 84th that he really likes. I could send you the directions?” he offered. He intentionally didn’t mention the threat of gossip rag reporters hanging around the higher end dining establishments of Gotham. He knew that this wasn’t Janet’s first rodeo, even if there was a baby on board this time.
And besides, Louie’s Diner was a great place to take kids.
“As long as they have chicken tenders or chicken nuggets,” Janet said. “Or fries. Tim isn’t usually picky, but sometimes…”
“It’ll be a lot going on for one day,” Bruce finished, correctly assuming the path of her thoughts. It was disheartening, but… “We don’t have to.”
“No, no,” she said thoughtfully, raising her arm to let Tim slide in under it. He plastered himself to her side and she looked down at him consideringly. “He’s in good spirits today. We can try for a nap at home and it’ll be fine. Will you nap for Mommy, Tim?”
Tim nodded against her hip and turned to bury his face against her. She pat his head consolingly.
“I’m not sleepy, but I’ll try,” Tim mumbled. “I want to meet Jason. And I want chicken nuggets.”
“They have chicken tenders,” Bruce said when Janet glanced at him in askance.
“Do they have honey mustard? It has to be the honey kind,” he dictated, peeking out a bit.
“I know they have mustard, but I don’t know if it’s the honey kind. Jason likes their barbecue sauce,” he offered. Tim’s face screwed up a little.
“That’ll do, I guess.”
Bruce mentally resolved to call ahead and ask. If they didn’t have honey mustard, he’d just text Janet and find out what Tim preferred and bring it himself.
Janet pursed her lips. It was a toss up whether she wanted to laugh or continue worrying. “We’ll plan on meeting tonight and I’ll let you know if anything changes, okay?”
“Sounds great,” Bruce agreed and reluctantly showed them out. Emma stopped the mother and son to ply Tim with more little candies. Feeling very normal, Bruce watched them as they departed.
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bonefall · 10 months
Dragonkin Family Tree
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[ID: A tall family tree on a minty green background. It starts with Whitefang and Dragonclaw, and goes down for 6 generations. Mates of the family are marked with blue backgrounds.]
It's a total wasted opportunity that the other Clans very rarely struggle with the idea of legacy, a major recurring theme of WC. ThunderClan shouldn't be the only Clan who has anything interesting going on.
SO here's a noteworthy tree for RiverClan! If you want to see the entire RiverClan Family Tree, it's over here. I've also hit several of them with the gib beam-- I will refer to Duckfur with They/Xe exclusively, and Rainstorm and Rushfish are He/They/Xey.
The Dragonkin is a family plagued equally by strength and scandal. In Lake RiverClan, they've produced several of the strongest and most respected warriors, but are also known for producing headstrong codebreakers.
Whitefang and Dragonclaw
In the Broken Era, Dragonclaw was the largest warrior in RiverClan, and among the strongest.
But as an apprentice, Dragonpaw was terrified of water. There was doubt that she would be able to stay in the Clan, after all, she was the child of a prey-stealing rogue who had been found drowned.
She didn't have RiverClan blood, and what use did they have for a roguekit who couldn't swim?
Whitepaw spent all his time with her, helping her overcome that fear, despite only being an apprentice himself. That was how they came to fall in love with each other.
Later, when his niece Leopardkit revealed herself to be afraid of water, Whitefang was put on the case to build her into the ferocious warrior she could be.
Whitefang died while his kits were still apprentices, and Dragonclaw died while trying to drive out WindClan a second time.
Duckfur and Greenflower
Greenflower was hotheaded and passionate, jumping to conclusions and ferociously sticking to them.
Duckfur was more practical... and opportunist. More interested in how swaying power could benefit them.
Sedgecreek was attracted to Greenflower for her passion and confidence. It would also be the reason they fell apart.
When TigerClan rose to power, Greenflower was an immediate supporter. She voided the Queen's Rights, revealing that Duckfur had honor sired the kittens Sedgecreek had given birth to.
Sedgecreek at first believed this was an effort to keep the family safe. She slowly realized that, no, Greenflower really did believe it.
Terrified and worried for her children, Sedgecreek kept quiet through most of TigerClan, not involving herself in the rebellious activities. After it had passed, the arguments started up.
She learned quickly that it was a sore topic for Greenflower, most conversations ending in fights, though she would grudgingly admit TigerClan went too far.
Duckfur was more open to discussion. Sedge valued their friendship, but sometimes became frustrated by how they didn't seem to have much of an opinion of their own.
During the destruction of the Forest in the Journey Era, Swallowtail grew close to a ThunderClan warrior, Rainwhisker. VERY close.
Sedgecreek had tolerated Greenflower's beliefs in the hopes of things returning to how they were, trying to fix their relationship, but now with their baby on the line...
When Greenflower snapped and disowned Swallowtail for claiming Queen's Rights, she was Reverse Uno Carded by Sedgecreek. That was the LAST straw.
On becoming leader, after the sudden death of Leopardstar to a rogue, Mistystar chose Sedgecreek as her deputy for this reason.
Seeing the tide of power pull in a new direction, Duckfur decided it was best to follow their friendship with Sedge over 'having Green's back.'
Beechfur and Swallowtail
It's ironic that Greenflower would complain that Swallowtail wasn't like her brother... both of them were actually in HalfClan relationships.
Beechfur was just quieter about it... aaaaand eventually ghosted Gorsetail when they settled at the lake.
Much like Duckfur, Beechfur is a bit of an opportunist. He isn't heartless or incapable of compassion, but he will often do things just because he wants to. And he loves his parents too much to want to change Clans.
The relationship between him and his sister Swallowtail became strained after Greenflower disowned her. There was a permanent rift in his family that he wasn't sure how to bridge.
He ended up staying on Greenflower's side, feeling she was alone without him, keeping his hypocrisy secret.
Eventually he found a mate in Graymist, siring many tragic children. The only who went on to have their own kits was Sneezecloud.
Meanwhile, Swallowtail mourns Rainwhisker nearly every day. She adored him, she would have left RiverClan for him, if he had not died in the WindClan Civil War.
Beechfur still being close to their other mother feels like a kind of betrayal, honestly. She feels hurt that Beechfur saw Greenflower treat her so badly, and yet still has a good relationship with her.
But she has her children, and her Mi.
In summary of personality;
Beechfur is passive and a bit selfish, but does care for his family in spite of the rift that formed.
Swallowtail is forlorn and bitter, but very loyal to the family that stuck by her side.
Sneezecloud, Rippletail, Rainstorm
Sneezecloud identifies much more strongly with his cousins on his mother's side, especially Mallowtail who is his best friend, probably because of the fact both families have a lot of tragedy.
For Ripple and Rain, growing up wasn't always easy. It was known that their father was from another Clan, but no one would ever tell them anything. That's the downside of Queen's Rights.
Not to mention antagonism from Greenflower, in spite of the various people trying to protect them.
Rainstorm learned to march to the beat of their own drum. It bothered them, but they found no happiness in trying to please people who treated them poorly for no good reason.
Acting overaggressive only ever landed them in trouble.
Meanwhile, Rippletail was always desperate to prove himself, be the best warrior he could be and serve RiverClan well. Quickly, he became one of their best warriors.
There were times where cats would predict that one day, him and Hollypaw would be opposing leaders of their Clans.
But, his life was cut short on a mission to bring back the water to the lake.
WIP material; Either Rainstorm claims Queen's Rights and their children are born around this time, or Rainstorm adopted them from Rippletail because of his death.`
In terms of personality:
Sneezecloud is confident and rough, in spite of having a moss allergy that gives him a permanently drippy nose.
Rippletail is ambitious and focused, but still knows how to cut loose, especially for his sib
Raincloud is relaxed and goofy, chronically unable to be intimidating.
Hallowflight, Rushfish
Into this came Lizardkit and Rushkit.
They were lucky to be born in a time better than the one their parent was born into. The two of them didn't struggle nearly as much as Rippletail and Rainstorm did.
But struggle, they still did. Lizardtail got it especially bad from Mossyfoot and Troutstream
For more on Lizardtail and how he gets his Honor Title, Hallowflight has a summary!
Rushfish has a very restless personality. They cycle through all sorts of interests, know a little bit about a lot of things, and think boredom is a form of torture.
Harelight, Dappletuft, Softpelt
When the Impostor rose to power, many of the cats in their family were suddenly coming under scrutiny in a way not seen in years.
Softpelt accepted this, but Harefur and Dappletuft did not. The two brothers immediately began plotting with the rebellion, as soon as they learned there was one.
Hare watched as Dappletuft died fighting against the Impostor, and Softpelt died defending him.
He was not even allowed to bury his brother, or sit vigil for his sister, Mistystar sent him back into exile.
When the impostor was revealed and it was shown that Hare had been correct all along, the only way she could apologize to him was allow him to go into the Dark Forest for the final confrontation.
Along with her, Mistystar and Harefur became known as Lights in the Mist. For this, Harefur became Harelight as an Honor Title.
He wanted to be able to accept how proud Hallowflight was of him, and his mother Lakeheart too... but... it's hard.
It's hard that they just accepted their punishments, and let Mistystar put Dappletuft in a shallow grave.
The generational strain upon the family continues.
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