#I gave her that princess Luna type hair
valorianknights · 3 months
Azrael, Angel of Death
Just my take on Azrael for Hazbin Hotel. I think Charlie deserves a loving but misunderstood Aunt.
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I figured that the exorcist Angels' helmets were designed to mimic her helmet, since she is known as the harbinger of Death.
I also drew Emily cause' she's the best girl!
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I'd like to think that since Azrael's duty to guide souls from the mortal realm into the spirit realm, she's akin to a reaper. When she takes the souls from their physical bodies, she also goes through their memories to create a soul scroll, which acts as a human's "Life in review" or "Record of existence". Azrael then takes this scroll, along with the soul, to the Hall of Divine Judgement. Where the Council of Archangels and God will Judge the soul. After the sentencing Azrael casts Instant transmission on the soul and they spawn in either Heaven or Hell.
Human souls never retain their memories of divine judgement since they're too overwhelmed with their lives flashing before their eyes.
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denzartriste · 1 month
Vague My Little Pony bedrock bros au/ideas fuck this is unhinged behaviour, i drew good art to accompany it as i explain the mental illness (tw for major character death)
Going off the assumption that either anyone reading this doesnt know about mlp plot-wise or just doesnt know that much about it plot-wise. So im gonna say the few things that is kinda important to this au, if you know what the things are skip it its a lot of words:
Changling - Hivemind Bug like creatures that are kinda pony shaped. They can do magic(they have a horn), fly (they have wings), shapeshift, and their main thing is eating love. <- eating love is a legit need for them, like food - without eating love they will starve (this episode shows that, starting at around 7 minutes (theres also a banger song at around 17 minutes, but thats my bias talking)) The way they eat love is by shapeshifting (into someones thats loved) and then feeding off that love. They can also shapeshift into just a random pony that doesnt exist. Also this is what a changling looks like, btw. Easier to show than explain v
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And the hivemind part is a bit iffy? I mean they say its a hivemind but in the episode i linked the changling (forgot their name because im a fake fan :( ) wanted a friend the second they were hatched so who knows. This isnt that serious this is me making bedrock bros angst from mlp world
Anyways! In my au/idea-for-angst, changlings feeding off of a person's love can harm the person they're feeding off of. I don't know if its like that in canon, which is why i'm saying its an au thing
Tantabus - In canon it's only in Princess Luna's dreams, but canon is dead i shot it, so thats not important. But the reason it exists is Luna felt guilty and made it so that it would give her nightmares (oversimplification, but it's fine) Photo example of what it looks like v
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Pony - There are four types of Ponies. Earth pony (no wings + no horn), Pegasi (Have wings but dont have horn), Unicorn (no wings but have horn), Alicorn (Royalty. Have wings + have horn). Ponies also have cutie marks, which is just basicly a magic tattoo they get when they discover their talent/passion
Jeez wow that was way to many words already
Time for more words. I have two versions of this au/idea, but im gonna start with the one i drew things for.
Tommy is a changling (his wings are too damaged to fly with) and Techno is an earth pony. Tommy is a pretty young changling who Does Not like being a changling. He wants to be a pony, but at the same time he wants people to love him for being him. it's contridictory.
He doesn't take form of anyone specific, the first thing he sees are two disks resting on a bench and he decides that can be his cutie mark. He's never heard music, but he thinks he wants to.
He meets Techno, a potato farmer with apples coated in gold and Tommy didn't know that was possible, and turns out it's just a decoration and he did try to eat it but does it really matter if Techno gave him some love for it?
Techno keeps loving him, and maybe he realized something was wrong when standing for hours started to feel draining when it never had before. Maybe he realized something was off when Tommy's main was growing wrong - jutted out, the hair stiff - and maybe he shouldve realized when Tommy barely hid a gag when he ate anything techno gave him.
It takes time. Techno has a job, but he can't do it anymore. He's tired - it doesnt seem physical until he needs to close his eyes for longer. It doesnt seem like a big deal until silent acts of love towards Tommy make him need to take a nap.
It doesnt seem like a big deal to Tommy, until he realizes that this is why it's so hard to feed a big group. This is why he was allowed to leave alone, because the town is too small and they thought he was smart enough to feed off not just one person.
It doesn't seem like a big deal to Tommy until it's been months, he is full, and Techno stops opening his eyes.
It doesnt seem like a big deal until Techno's last muttered words are that he knew, and he should have done something diffrent, but-
Techno, who's cutie mark is a sword going into his skin - Techno, who's real and true and is able to love. Techno, who may as well have been born for this and who regrets this.
Techno, who stops, either because he physically cant say more or because he mentally cant. Soon enough, his chest stops rising.
Techno didnt like flowers that much, but he didnt mind them and liked the smell of the golden ones outside of his home. He wore it in his main. And tommy, a changling without much of a main or tail, wraps himself in golden flowers and sits close to Techno. There's no use pretending anymore, but he still does.
Tommy makes a Tantabus for himself, he closes his eyes not unlike Techno, and he lays down.
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And he dreams.
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And the flowers around him wilt.
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And he can't hear anything from the hivemind - he hasnt been able to for a while now. He doesnt know how that happened, why it happened, or if it was always like that.
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
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It Had to be Witches
Dean and Sam are on a hunt at Rowena’s request. When Sam is out of commission, Dean has to work with you.
Warnings: Unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!) male oral receiving, fingering, mention’s of witchcraft, brief mentions of ritual style murders, brief mention of animal sacrifice, Dean is a sad boy.
Word count: 3567
All written and proofread (poorly) by me. All mistakes are my own. Please don’t copy or repost my work. Likes are great and I’ll love you forever if you repost and comment. Thanks for reading.
Sam and Dr. Philips examined each of the women’s bodies. Carved into their limbs were runes consistent with the ones Rowena described. She said she was sending an expert who lived in the area but the boys hadn’t made contact yet.
“The other agent who was just here asked the same questions. Don’t you guys talk to each other?” Dr. Philips covered the bodies. Some of the women he knew personally.
“Different departments. You said he was just here? How long ago?”
“She. Her name is Diana Luna. She’s down at the evidence locker. All the women had the same necklace. She went to check it out.”
Sam thanked the doctor and set off to find you. First he called Dean. “Looks like Rowena’s story checks out. Her expert was just here. The bodies were marked with runes and all of their tongues cut out. And, get this, they all had the same necklace. Maybe a coven?”
“Of course. Of course it’s witches, Sam. Look, don’t go far. I’m on my way.” Sam was sitting on a bus bench reading coroner's reports when you approached him. Due to the nature of the case, Rowena insisted the elder Winchester carry out the task at hand. “Use Sam as bait.” she instructed.
“Agent Cornell? I’m agent Luna from the Lansing office.” You extended your hand. “Director Macleod sent me.”
“Yeah, I bet she did. Bring me up to speed.”
“Sure. I’ve got what you’re looking for right here.” You blew a very potent powder in his face knocking him out. You put the lankier Winchester into your truck and sped back to your house. Getting his dead weight up the stairs was a task but you did it. “Sweet dreams, Sam.”
Dean searched the entire town square for Sam with no luck. He tried his phone again and it was going directly to voicemail. Sam could hold his own against any witch but Dean was still worried. As he unlocked the door to the Impala, he heard you call his name over his shoulder and turned his head to see who was speaking. You blew the dream dust into his face rendering him unconscious.
He was heavier than he looked. You shoved him into the back seat and pried the keys from his hand. Baby growled angrily when she started but you had her purring for you in no time. You drove him back to your house and dragged him inside where you intended to tie him up. Rowena coached you on all their tricks. You took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and divested him if anything sharp. With his wrists and ankles bound in a pretty decent slip knot you splashed his face with water to wake him.
“Morning, handsome.” he smirked as you wiped his face.
“Big mistake, sweetheart. I’m guessing you’re the one we’re looking for.”
“Pretty and dumb. Rowena was right and you would be guessing wrong. Her name is Teresa Wilson. She came seeking asylum with our coven a few months ago. Said her whole order was obliterated. Turns out, she wasn’t exactly who she said she was.”
His face split into a cocky grin, “They never are. What do you want with me?”
“You need to help me find her. Rowena gave me a locator spell. When I cast the spell, I’ll need your fancy bullets. Problem is…”
He laughed heartily, “Problem is you can’t touch ‘em, am I right, sweetheart?”
“You would be correct.”
“And what’s in it for me?”
You took a step back just out of his reach just in case, “If you help me I’ll let your brother live.”
He strained against the ropes veins bulging in his forearms. “If you touch one hair on his head I’ll rip you apart myself. You hear me, witch?���
Your nails dug sharp into the meat of his cheeks so he would look at you. “Relax, baby. Your brother is safe. He’s asleep upstairs dreaming of puppies and rainbows as we speak. But if you don’t help me, he’ll never wake up. And, Dean, when I kill someone, it sticks. No resurrections for Sammy this time.”
You’ve never seen a human man snarl before. It was pretty cute. Rowena warned you not to be mesmerized by his sweet face and his Disney Princess eyes but you couldn’t help it. The man looked like he would, in fact, rip you apart. And, Hecate help you, you wished he would. You traced a finger along his sharp stubble covered jaw. His eyes turned up to look into yours, throwing daggers at you. “Anyone ever tell you how cute you are when you’re angry?”
“All the time. Get to the spell so I can take my brother out of here.” he growled.
“It’s not time. If I untie you, are you gonna be a good boy or do I have to hit you with my knock out dust again?” You couldn’t take your eyes off of his perfect lips smiling at you.
“Sure, mommy, I’ll be a real good boy.”
You knelt in front of him and parted his knees slightly to undo the first knot. “Such a smart ass.” He growled low in his throat when you peered at him through your lashes. His dick grew painfully hard against his jeans as you slid your hand up his legs to maintain balance. Of course you noticed though he tried to squeeze his thighs together to hide his arousal. “Do you like me like this, Dean?”
Of course he did. You were just his type. A little bratty but you had a good heart. Rowena told them about you. The little warrior for the Grand Council. They constantly sent you to do their dirty work and you did so without question like a good soldier. No wonder Rowena paired the two of you. You were the female version of him. “Like what?” His voice was low and dripping with need.
“On my knees for you. Looks like you do.” You winked at him but he looked away embarrassed.
It had been a long time since he felt a woman wrapped hot around him. Everything in him wanted to follow your siren song and happily crash. He couldn’t do it. This story always ended bloody. “You couldn’t handle it, sweetheart.” He peered down at the bulge in his pants. So did you. Your core heated at the thought.
“Is that a dare or a double dare?.” He spread his legs and licked his lips inviting you to take what you wanted. You shook it off and focused on the task at hand. “Well in any case, I made you dinner. Pot roast, potatoes, peas and carrots. Eat if you want.”
It did smell amazing. His stomach growled remembering that all he had was coffee this morning. The living room and kitchen were well lit and warm. He felt at peace in this place. More so than the bunker where it could sometimes feel clinical and cold. “You got a pretty nice place here. You all alone?”
A sly smile played on your lips, “Just me.” You sat the plate down in front of him with a cold beer and a bottle opener. The oven timer dinged and, when you opened the door, the aroma of cinnamon and spice wafted through the air.
“That pie?” He sounded choked up.
“Apple. I have an orchard in the back. Rowena filled me in on how to keep you happy.” You sit it on the windowsill to cool while you ate. “I can’t have you bashing me over the head and running off before we kill this bitch.”
He shoveled a fork full of potatoes and gravy into his mouth humming in appreciation. “Why me? You had Sam here. He’s much better at this witch stuff than I am. Why drag me out here?”
“You’re more reliable when making difficult decisions. You’re what I need. Another beer?” He nodded breathing in the soft floral scent that wafted off of your skin as you moved.
You didn’t offer any further information and Dean thought that was probably for the best. If he got in his head about the situation he would lose his nerve and that can’t happen. That’s how people die. As of late, Sam has had a lot on his mind. Dean would have to shoulder this burden. At least Sammy was getting some rest.
The two of you shared a comfortable silence only marred by silverware hitting ceramic. “Well that was delicious. Thank you….umm…I don’t think I caught your name.”
“I didn’t give it to you. I’m Y/N. But I wouldn’t mind if you kept calling me sweetheart. Pie?”
Dean's heart beat hard in his chest at the thought of calling you sweetheart “Maybe a little. So when do we do this thing?”
“Eat your pie then meet me outside. I have to prepare.” You slipped out the back door down a dimly lit path to your cauldron. You threw in the mandrake and tobacco. Last was the chicken that you had to slaughter. You grabbed a hen from her coop and stabbed her with your athame. It made a terrible sound which sent Dean flying through the back door ready to fight.
“What the hell was that?”
“Chicken.” You allowed the rest of its blood to drain and discarded the carcass. “periisti. lates. Ego te quaero. I vestrum adprehendet vos.” You chanted over and over until a glowing beacon appeared. “We have to follow it.” The orb circled the two of you then floated towards the Impala. You retrieved his keys from your pocket and started off for the car.
“Whoa whoa whoa. What are you doing?”
“Following the orb.” He grabbed your arm as you started to slide into the driver’s seat.
“No one drives my baby but me. You sit shotgun.” He impatiently waited for you to scoot over. When you reached for the radio he slapped your hand away. “Are you serious?!”
“What? There were other decades besides the 70’s.” He bit his lip and flared his nostrils letting out an unsettling growl. “Driver picks the music.”
“You are a child. Just drive. The spell won’t last forever” you huffed.
“So, just you huh? No boyfriend? Girlfriend?” You didn’t answer keeping your eyes trained on the orb. “Yeah me neither. Maybe later we can grab a drink.”
“My god. Can you keep it in your pants until we’re done? It took a left!”
He sped up taking off after it, “I see it. So that’s not a no.” That was all the invitation he needed. The truth was you would have given it up the moment those green eyes stared into your soul.
“It’s not a no. Let’s focus.”
Baby ate up miles of dirt road before reaching the highway. A couple of miles ahead the orb sped for an exit into town. You were led to the motel where the boys were staying. The door to their room was wide open and there Teresa stood bathed in the light of the orb. You bid it a job well done and sent it on its way.
Teresa, caught off guard, quickly muttered a spell pinning Dean to the wall, sending the gun skittering away. You faced each other down while Dean struggled. “She’s a kid!” he groaned in pain.
“I’m nineteen thank you. You don’t have to do this Y/N. Come on. We’re sisters. We share the same DNA. Let’s take them on together.” Tears welled in your eyes. You may have been blood but you weren’t sisters. She grew up far out of the Grand Council’s reach while you were their trained lap dog.
“Only half little sister. You’re hopped up on enough stolen magic to power the entire city. The Grand Council sent me to take you down. Adiuro te in nomine Hecate. Adiuro te in nomine Dianae. Tuae vires cum luna decrescant.” you chanted. She fought back but the binding spell was powerful. She didn’t have enough magic to hold Dean and fight you so she let him go. When he regained composure, he dove for the gun.
Without warning, Teresa gained the upper hand. She held out her arm and used all of her might to pull you towards her. Blood stained tears fell from your eyes as you struggled to breath. With every last ounce of strength you had you doubled down on the binding spell long enough to hold her so that Dean could put her down. The blast of the shot filled the small motel room filling your ears with a high pitched whining. You collapsed onto the floor where Dean scooped you into his arms.
“Hey, Y/N. Wake up. Stay with me. Shit.” He carried you to the car and gingerly set you down next to him. The drive back to your house felt long. When he got you inside he placed you on the couch and called Rowena.
“Is it done then?” she asked in her thick Scottish brogue.
“Yeah but your girl’s unconscious. She’s breathing but she used a lot of magic. A lot. I don’t think you’ll be calling on her anytime soon.”
“Keep her warm, Dean. I’ll be there soon.” The line went dead. He sat on the floor in front of you and brushed your hair from your eyes.
“Sweetheart, you need to wake up. We were supposed to grab that drink, remember?” He pressed his lips to your temple lingering there for a moment when he heard Rowena’s laugh trill behind him.
“I should add matchmaker to my long list of talents. Out of the way, Dean. I’ll get your girl fixed right up.” She patted his hand and pushed him aside.
His face flushes hot burning all the way to his ears. ”She’s not my girl.”
“Of course. Now, what seems to be the trouble, dear?” She placed her hands on your head. Her eyes glowed as she spoke over you. Your lashes began to flutter and you woke up. “There she is. Good as new.” You and Dean exchanged a look. “That appears to be my cue to go check on Samuel.”
“Thank you, Rowena.” your voice was hoarse barely above a whisper.
“Not at all, dear.”
Dean pulled you into his lap rocking you gently, “You scared the hell out of me, sweetheart.”
“I had to stop her. She hurt too many people.” You felt guilty for ending her but even guiltier for letting her go as far as she did. Guiltier still for not pushing harder to be in her life. “It was my fault.”
“Hey, no it wasn’t. What? You think you should have been a better big sister? You didn’t lead her down this path, Y/N.” You rested your head on his shoulder “All these years and all the stupid fucked up shit Sam and I did, I blamed myself. I took on that burden. Alone. It’s a lonely awful place to be. I’m begging don’t do that to yourself.” He held your face in his hands forcing you to look at him. He wanted to kiss you. You would have let him if he leaned in. Instead he brought you back down to his chest just to hold you. He saw so much of himself in you. You were headstrong and self righteous but your intentions were altruistic.
You melted into his arms so lost in him that you didn’t hear Sam and Rowena slip out. Dean offered his brother only a small nod to let him know you were ok. He had several texts from Eileen anyway. Happy to see his brother didn’t have to spend another night alone, he went back to the bunker.
You sat in silence for a while when you started yawning. “Shit. What time is it?”
“After midnight. I should get outta here.” You untangled yourself from his grasp but didn’t stand. His hands stayed respectfully at the small of your back. You locked eyes with him. Your core tingled as he brushed errant hair from your forehead.
“Or you could stay. We haven’t had our drink yet. Though, you don’t need to get me drunk, handsome.” You kissed his jaw and down his neck working your way to his collarbone. A soft moan escaped his lips when you nipped at his neck. “I mean you enjoyed me on my knees and all.”
“As pretty as you looked,” his voice was low and gravelly, “And, I mean you looked gorgeous. We really shouldn’t.”
You genuinely pouted your lips backing off of your ministrations, “Why not? I want to. And you clearly want to. You’re a fucking legend, Dean. Show me just how legendary you are.”
He arched a brow at you and smirked in the way that only Dean Winchester does. “Flattery will get you everywhere, sweetheart.” Finally his lips were on yours. The force of his kiss took your breath away. It wasn’t predatory or greedy. It was slow and sensuous bordering on hunger. His whole body was hungry for you. Dean Winchester was hungry constantly looking for something to fill the hole inside him. For the moment, that was you. He felt like he was floating and was suddenly very warm. If he stopped kissing you he knew he would just stop breathing. He couldn’t bare the thought.
“What are you doing to me?” His chest heaved. “I feel like I’m on fire.” Surely this must be a spell or enchantment. He pulled you back in for more but this time his hands strayed from your back. They traveled to your hips then under the hem of your shirt to feel your flesh warm against him. He had to feel you. To be inside of you. Deft fingers unbuttoned your jeans. Without breaking the kiss he stroked your clothed core working up a rhythm that flooded you with arousal.
“Touch me, Dean. Please” you cried. Pushing your panties aside his fingers explored your dripping pussy. His pace is maddening. Your hips snapped fucking back hard. “Fuck, Dean. So good. I need your cock. Want you to split ne open.”
“You’ve got a filthy mouth, Princess. Come for me and I’ll give you what you want.” And so you gushed around him moaning like a witch on fire. When your heart slowed to a normal rhythm you stripped naked. Before he could get undressed he took a moment to kiss and touch every inch of you. If this was only for tonight he wanted to savor you. “God you’re beautiful.”
“So are you.” You pulled him up and undressed him, never once breaking eye contact. His cock was red and weeping just aching to be touched.
On your knees in front of him you took the whole burning thing in your mouth. To Dean, you were the most stunning creature to exist. You swirled your tongue around the head while you hollowed your cheeks sucking him in deeper still.
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart. Fuck that feels good.” His hands grasped the back of your head keeping you steady while he fucked your face. It started feeling too good like he would blow his load in your mouth. He had to feel your sweet cunt. “Let me feel you, baby. Fuck I need you.” You pulled off with a pop and climed into his lap. Both of you whimpered when you sank onto his length. The stretch was exquisite. Your pussy held him so tight. You ground your clit over his pubic bone while he fucked into you with a brutal pace. “You feel so good. M’not gonna last. Come for me, baby. I need it.” Your twat fluttered around him, milking him for all he was worth. You kissed once more fighting to hang on to the last tendrils of tenderness and warmth that you could.
“Stay. Please. Just for tonight” you whispered.
He tightened his grip on you. “Of course, sweetheart. All night.”
He hated to leave you but the sun rose like a beacon calling him away. If he didn’t leave then, he wouldn’t have ever left. Last time he stuck around and fell in love, he had to learn the hard way that he could never have this. Maybe he would call you the next time he swung through town. Maybe you’d spit in his face for bailing. He brushed the hair off your forehead and kissed your temple. “Bye, sweetheart.”
You woke when you heard the Impala roaring to life in your driveway. He left a square of paper with a phone number scrawled in pencil “I’ll always answer. -DW” You put on your robe, went down to your cauldron and threw it in with a few bundles of sage and some witch hazel to sever any feelings. On the next full moon, you’d do a cord cutting to make sure it sticks.
“See you around, handsome.” In his eleven hour drive back to the bunker, any feelings that you have would slowly fade. The two of you would go back to being too afraid to feel and far too afraid to fall in love. Dean wouldn’t hear from you again. He wouldn’t really remember where you lived. But, every time he drove through Michigan, he’d feel a twinge in his chest. And, no matter how many rituals you did, you’d feel him too.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
I dunno lmao how about the reader is at a sleepover and her friends dare her to late night text Neville as a joke (little do they know she has a big fat crush on nev) later in the night when everyone is asleep he responds and it ends with them meeting up later and fucking 🥴
hfeber I'm sorry I really wanted an excuse to mention pothead!neville again but I'll redo this if you don't like it.
It was another Friday night which meant (Y/n) was with her girls doing the usual, sleepover and blazing up. They always did this as a hooray to celebrate getting through the week no matter how tough it was. They all had their duties, Ginny would get the booze, Luna would get the food, Hermione would take care of the playlist, and as always they'd send (Y/n) to get the weed from Neville.
All of the girls knew about her obvious crush on the boy and were constantly encouraging to make a move. She was a beautiful girl and Neville would be lucky to have her. However, being filled with her own anxiety, she never would. The interaction between them would always be the same. Neville would greet her, she'd tell him what she wanted, and he'd send her on her way leaving her with some sort of ambiguous yet flirty phrase. Even though he did this (and gave her discounts on the regular) she was still not sure of where she stood with him. As a weed dealer it was his job to be nice to people so they'd come back to him. 'It's good for business' is what she told herself but her heart didn't care, it still would race anyways.
In typical sleepover fashion, the girls were encouraging each other to do stupid things that they'd all regret the next day when they were alone dealing with the consequences. That didn't phase them any, that was tomorrow them's problem. So far Ginny had sent Harry a nude tease, Hermione had blocked Ron to get a reaction out of him, and Luna had given herself a cartilage piercing, (Y/n) obviously encouraging all of them. The laughter from their reaction to Harry's freak out had started to die down as they all looked at each other.
"Hey (Y/n)? I don't think you've done anything tonight." Ginny coughed out, passing the bong to Hermione who was whining for it.
"O-oh um, maybe Luna could give me another piercing?" she stuttered out, praying to the gods that they didn't bring up anything to do with him. But as if they could hear her thoughts, Luna piped up.
"I think you should text Neville." she said, giving the girl a knowing smirk. (Y/n) sighed, relaxing her shoulders. That was all? Her and Neville texted occasionally although a lot of the time it was just her being on his way to buy from him. She pulled out her phone, opening her phone scrolling to the contact 'Nev the Plug' and beginning to type out a message.
"What should I say, just hi?" she asked, hitting send on the message before her friends could say anything, She lifted her head as she heard Ginny speak up.
"Oh no, no, no! You've gotta be a bit more bold than that! After that little stunt you made me pull? Ha!" she said, scooting next to the girl. They all hovered over her phone to stare at the screen. "You've gotta send anything we tell you."
"W-what?! That's ridiculous. Plus I doubt he'll resp-" she was cut off from the ding as she stared down at her phone. Everyone cooed and poked at her teasingly at the message.
'Hey cutie, what's up? Why're you up so late? Try to get some rest love💗
"Oh come on, he clearly likes you! 'Hey cutie'?!" Hermione said, scoffing as she stared at her friend. (Y/n) shrugged sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck.
"He always calls me stuff like that." she mumbled, looking away from them.
"Okay type this, are you ready?" (Y/n) nods, looking at Ginny, hovering her thumbs over the screen. "Nothing really. You know Nev, you're usually giving me weed but I wish there was something else you'd give me."
(Y/n) looked wide eyed at the words she had just typed, reluctantly hitting send. She prayed that he wouldn't respond for a while, squeaking as the notification sound went off. They all looked at her, pushing her and encouraging to open the message. She sighed when it was simple.
'Oh yeah? And what would that be exactly?'
"I-it's not too late to go back guys! I could say something nice like, yknow, a hug!" she tried to persuade them, groaning as she saw they weren't budging. "Hey! Give it back!" she screamed as Ginny stood tall, typing out a message quickly before giving her phone back to her. She gaped at she saw the words on the screen.
'You. I wanna feel you deep inside of me. Wish you'd fuck me all night long.'
"Ginny I would never say something like that!" sure, she had thought about it briefly. If briefly and every night were the same thing. She'd slide her hand into her underwear, wondering what it'd feel like if they were his finger or even better his..
"Yeah but you sure would think it. You're not all that innocent. I mean look at you, smoking from the bong to knock some edge off of your nerves." Luna said as it was simply a fact and not reading her to filth.
Eventually as they all began to drift off the bed, the embarrassment disappeared as they all began to fall asleep, exhaustion hitting them like a brick. She had even forgotten about the text until her phone dinged. She looked around her making sure her friend's were sleep as she read the message.
'Sorry it took me so long to reply. Was making sure my mates left. How bout you come to me now and I can do just that? I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you, pretty girl?'
She swallowed harshly, nerves flooding her. She could ignore it. She could turn her phone right back off and act like she never received the text and tell him the next morning that it wasn't her, that it was her friends. However, was she really going to turn away such a great offer?
She sighed, slipping on her slippers before she sparked the blunt and began to walk towards Neville's dorm.
She stood outside of the large wooden door, wondering exactly what she'd say when he opened the door. Well, what do you say to the cute boy who deals you weed who you just so happen to be fucking in a mere few minutes. In her free hand, she knocked on the door lightly, shrieking when it was ripped open. There Neville stood looking way hotter than usual. Maybe it was the weed or maybe it was just her, but the sight of him stood there, shirtless in nothing but a pair of pajama bottoms with his shaggy hair all messy did not help the pooling that was happening between her legs.
"Hey. Figured it was you, you always walk really loudly when you're blazed. 'M surprised Filch didn't get to you before me." he chuckled, pulling her into the room. She took in the familiar scent of weed and flowers, both of which Neville grew within his dorm. It was ironic to think that the guy who always had bud on him was also the guy who'd sit there for hours, tending and caring for his plants. She looked up at him as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest.
"Come here love. You look so pretty tonight." he rasped out, trailing his large hands down her back side and under her dress. His hazel eyes widened slightly as he gripped at her bare ass, pinching it some. "No underwear? What a naughty girl you are." he chuckled out, lifting her dress above her head. (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest self consciously as he continued to stare at her. She didn't know if it was her fuzzy mind or her nerves but it felt like forever that he had been staring at her.
"I-I'm sorry. Is it not what you were expecting?" she whispered softly. She felt the tip of his thick fingers lift her chin up as the other hand uncrossed her arms.
"No it's just, bloody hell you're gorgeous. Are you sure you wanna do this...with me?" he asked, saying the last part softly. She mustered up some courage, stepping forward as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down some. She placed a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away with a soft grin.
"Nothing would make me happier than having you fuck me senseless right now."
Neville growled, lifting her up as he pinned her against the door. He sucked on her bottom lip before leaning in, kissing her deeply. She moaned softly tangling her dainty fingers in his hair as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Their tongues danced around in sync, Neville's rapturing hers as it pleased. He sucked on her muscle before pulling away, a trail of saliva connecting their lips. He sat down on the bed, pulling her into his lap.
"You don't understand how long I've wanted to do this. I've been dreaming of this moment every night and now that it's here, merlin, I'm a lucky bloke." she smiled at his words, looking away as her face heat up. Her thoughts started to get to her though, was he only interested in sleeping with her?
"U-um actually Neville, I don't think it's right for me to do this without telling you. I um..I really like you. I don't think I can do this if this is all that'll be of us. I don't want to just be your 4am bootyc-" she was cut off by a familiar pair of soft pink lips on her own as he grasped her face, stroking her cheek gently.
"Can't you see that I'm mad for you, princess? I wouldn't just be up at this time for anyone. I absolutely adore you. I don't go around giving discounts and free weed to every girl that comes to me." He trailed his hands up and down her waist before gripping it tightly. "Then again, you're not just some girl." he mumbled, beginning to trail open mouth kisses down her neck, stopping to bite and suck along her collarbone. (Y/n) began to whine and moan, rubbing her cunt along his lap. The fabric of his crotch region was completely soaked through due to her messy cunny dripping and oozing all on top of him.
"S-sorry. I was already horny and when I'm high it just gets worse. So sensitive." she muttered, hiding her face in his neck. He chuckled, grazing his thumb against her slit eliciting a whimper from her lips.
"What a messy little thing. Your pussy's dripping everywhere. As much as I'd love to taste it, I have no clue when my room mates will be back so we've gotta make this quick." He felt as she tensed in his arms, rubbing her back soothingly. "Don't worry love, I'm still gonna make you feel good." he slid two fingers in her, surprised as they went in easily. She felt her face heat up as she looked away from him sheepishly.
"C-couldn't help myself. I was so horny earlier but I couldn't make myself cum. Wanted you to." she stuttered out. She looked down as Neville lifted her slightly to pull out his cock, gasping at the size of him. His cock was long and fat and in its current state, rock hard. She eagerly crawled hovering over him, sinking down on him quickly. They both moaned in unison, feeling overly sensitive due to their cloudy state.
Neville gripped at her hips, guiding her up and down along him. After a while, he got impatient and wrapped his arms around her waist, jack hammering his cock into her. She shrieked out a moan, scratching and digging her nails into his back.
"S-so good Nev! M-more. Deeper!" she moaned, crying out as he bit and sucked along her neck. (Y/n) sneaked a shaky hand between her legs, beginning to rub at her clit until she felt a large hand remove hers, replacing it with his own.
"Let me take care of you, baby. I've got you, relax." he spoke. She could barely make out what he was saying as her eyes filled with tears of overstimulation. She met his thrust eagerly causing the boy to let out a long moan. He gripped at her hips harder, thrusting impossibly hard as he felt her clench around him. "Go head pretty girl, cum. Cum for me, petal." he said through gritted teeth, feeling his own release coming as well. She began to whine, chasing the orgasm she'd be craving.
Finally as on que, her orgasm came crashing down on her in one big wave. She felt herself drown in the feeling, stars dancing across her vision. She gasped, crying more as she felt Neville's warm cum, spill deep inside of her making her feel impossibly full. (Y/n) leaned into his embrace, relaxing as he soothed and cooed at her.
Meanwhile back at her dorm:
"That little minx! She actually went through with it." Ginny said in disbelief as they looked down at her phone. (Y/n) had snapped them a picture of her head on a chest- which couldn't be anyone but Neville- with the caption 'I have no regrets💖'
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
May I request headcanons for the RFA + V & Saeran as yanderes? Also, I feel like your work is really underrated, and I wanted you to know that I love you and your writing so much! I hope you have a wonderful day/night :)
warnings: mentions of violence and death.
of course you can sweetie! thank u for feeding my yandere obsession mMF YES. Oh my gosh thank you???? I’m so glad that you enjoy my writing!!! T_T that means so so much to me, and I hope you’re enjoying a beautiful day/night as well! this ended up being a little long sorry HAHAHA - luna xx
• You were both at a local tavern together with the rest of the RFA to celebrate another successful performance of his
• People who were fans of his came up every now and then asking for pictures and autographs and of course you didn’t mind
• Both of you actually enjoyed when his fans would come up because it showed his constant growth and that he was getting closer to his dream every day
• But with his popularity rising, so was yours
• You didn’t have fans necessarily, just admirers that thought you were rather pretty
• One of those admirers happened to be at the tavern and they approached you, a slight tint of red on their cheeks
• “Hello! I really don’t mean to interrupt but, I just wanted to say that I think you’re amazing with all of the help that you do with those amazing parties.”
• You were touched, and while you thanked them while giving them a brief hug you hadn’t noticed that Zen’s mood darkened instantly.
• They had long walked away from you both, and after about an hour Zen gave you a kiss to your forehead while smiling that same sweet smile
• “I’m going to go get some air for a moment, princess.”
• “Are you okay, Zen?”
• “Oh of course, I just wanted to go have a smoke.”
• You disapproved but allowed it anyway, giving him a peck on the lips as he walked away
• You had no idea that he’d singled out that admirer of yours, luring them outside into the alleyway
• He was on them, arm pressed against their neck in the shadows as he pinned them to the wall, eyes dark with jealousy as he growled at them
• “Who gave you the right to talk to MC, hm? Looks like you need to learn a few things...”
• When he came back inside you noticed that his knuckles were slightly bruised, but he still had that same smile that you’d always felt safe with
• “You’re okay...right Zen?”
• “Of course, princess. Nothing to worry about.”
• The epitome of a yandere
• You had decided to drop by at his college to bring him some home made lunch since he’d been a little stressed
• He was sitting with his study group outside on the grass, all of them furiously writing down their notes with their books open
• “Yoosung~ I brought you some stew! You’ve been working so hard.”
• His face instantly lights up as you stroll up, holding out his lunch as you kneel down next to him
• “MC! This is so sweet! Thank you so much!” You were met with endless quick kisses to your face, earning groans and playful complaints from his group
• You kissed the top of his head then walked away, and as soon as you were out of sight his friends just lay it on him
• “Honestly though Yoosung, I’m super jealous. MC is very caring, I wish I had someone like them.”
• yandere mode activated
• He asked that specific friend to help him with a certain subject for just another hour while everyone else packed up
• While they were walking to their classroom together to put away their books Yoosung suddenly grabbed them by the neck and dragged them into an empty classroom
• “You think that you can talk about MC that way? Understand that they’re mine, and don’t you ever forget it.”
• He choked them until their eyes rolled into the back of their head, only letting go when they’d stopped struggling so much
• They were left there, passed out on the ground while Yoosung walked away and went home
• There you were waiting for him, dinner already set out on the table as you grinned at his entrance
• “Honey you’re back!” He smiled, dropping his book bag as he opened his arms for you
• “My precious MC.”
• She was always rather protective of you
• Working at C&R showed her both the good and bad sides of people, especially those involved with business
• So when you’d both gotten to finally have that coffee shop together she’d noticed that the owner of the entire strip was getting a little...too comfortable with you
• They had even mentioned to Jaehee now and then how fun it would be for all of you to “hang out” and that was enough to get them on her blacklist
• You were oblivious of course and that was okay because she was going to take care of it
• “MC, would you mind going shopping for some supplies for the shop? I forgot to grab a couple of things, I’ll meet with the landlord myself to discuss any changes of rent, so don’t worry.”
• Of course you didn’t mind, but you were a little discouraged because it would take you at least an hour to get everything that was on the list she’d handed you
• And, that’s what she was planning on obviously
• She drove to the leasing office after making an appointment with the owner a couple of weeks prior, long hair shaping her face and chest as she purposely tugged down her shirt a little more
• Within minutes the owner was interested, though was still making comments about you and how “sweet and innocent” you were, almost as if describing a toy
• That was enough to make Jaehee grab them by the shoulder and toss them to the ground, hand pressing hard into their chest as they gasped for air, eyes empty as she stared them down
• “MC is not a toy, and you shall treat them with proper respect. They are my partner, and are not open to being with anybody else. Is that understood?”
• The owner was terrified, and just to make sure she didn’t come to them again offered to have you both not pay the rent for the rest of the lease until it was renewed
• “Jaehee! I don’t know how, but we suddenly have enough money to take that trip you wanted to go on! I guess profits have been really great this year!”
• She only smiled, coming up to you from behind and wrapping her arms around you into a warm, yet tight hug
• “It’s all because of you, MC. Without you I would still be lost. Never forget that I love you, and I would do anything to make you happy.”
• Also another yandere type man
• He’d invited you along on a business trip in Dubai, and of course you were excited to go just because you were going to be with him
• After a meeting he’d offered to take you to the beach and you were beyond excited, leaving him in the sand as you ran for the ocean
• He watched fondly as you stripped off your bathing suit cover and waded in the water
• He had never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life, and he was thoroughly proud of himself for deciding to take you along with him during a trip
• That is until you were walking back up to the cabana he was under, his brows furrowing as he noticed that you were crossing your arms over your body
• “MC? Is everything alright?”
• You slowly shook your head, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around your body as you sat down on his lap and leaned against his chest
• “I just felt a bit uncomfortable...when you’re done with that glass of wine, can we go back to our hotel?”
• It was then that he looked up in the direction you were walking from, a couple of men staring at you as they chuckled and laughed at themselves while making inappropriate gestures
• He immediately grabbed your shoulders, gently pushing you away so  you could meet his eyes
• “Did they touch you, MC? At all?”
• You shook your head, but he knew that they came pretty close to it from how violently you were shaking just from thinking about it
• While you were resting in his lap he brought up his cell phone, texting the head of his body guards a couple of orders before placing his sunglasses up on his head to look those men in the eye
• Within minutes those two men had been discreetly grabbed and walked off the beach, their eyes full of fear while Jumin smirked as they walked away
• Later that night after you’d fallen asleep in the hotel room he slipped out of the room, adjusting the tie as he took the elevator down to the basement with his escorts
• He was led to a private room, those two men from the beach sitting on chairs in a dimly lit room, faces contorted in fear as Jumin emerged from the shadows
• He gave a heavy sigh, shaking his head as he rolled up the sleeves of his suit, leaning in close as he clicked his tongue
• “You gentlemen have no idea who you’ve messed with. You’ll never see the light of day again.”
• By the time he was back up in the bedroom it was day light, his clothes a bit rough but not enough for you to notice due to the groggy feeling you had from sleep
• “Jumin? Where did you go, honey?”
• “Just an emergency meeting, kitten. Don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe.”
• You hadn’t even noticed the slight hint of blood on the back of his neck...
• He’d noticed that you were feeling a bit off for the last couple of weeks, and he’d finally decided to address it with you
• That’s when you told him that you were dealing with your ex partner, who’d recently began to message you non-stop
• The breakup had been extremely messy, and now they were asking for you back
• His eyes clouded over as he asked you to see your phone, and of course you obliged
• He was happy to see that you’d mentioned endlessly that you were with somebody else, going so far as to send a picture of you and Saeyoung so that they would get the hint
• “Can you just block them, Saeyoung? I don’t want to deal with it anymore.”
• He beamed at you, bringing you in for a soft kiss as he hugged you close
• “Of course. Anything for you, MC.”
• And he blocked them of course at your request; but he also decided to take a step further
• He’d found the location of your ex, slipping out in the middle of the night while you were fast asleep
• Bringing Vanderwood with him stating that it was a mission from the agency, he had reached your ex within a few hours, breaking in quietly
• “Why are we really here, Luciel?”
• “Shut up Vanderwood. We’re here to get rid of filth.”
• Your ex slowly woke up to see Saeyoung standing over them, eyes wild as he leaned in close and let out an unhinged giggle
• “You should have left MC alone when you had the chance.”
• Within moments Saeyoung had grabbed them and dragged them out of bed
• He grabbed their head and twisted quickly, a horrifying snap resounding through the quiet bedroom
• “Luciel are you...Luciel?”
• Vanderwood looked shocked at how quickly he hadn’t hesitated, Saeyoung standing over their lifeless body as he looked at his long time partner in crime
• “You do not speak a word of this to MC. Do you understand?”
• Vanderwood agreed without question, and with that the two men drove home in silence
• When you’d awoken Saeyoung was in bed with you, shirt off as he slowly ran his fingers up and down your arms
• “Good morning, Saeyoung. I haven’t heard from my ex for the past few hours; thank you for blocking him.”
• He kissed you softly, running his hands through your hair
• “They won’t bother you anymore, MC. Don’t worry.”
• He smiled.
• The two of you had gone to a gallery where he was showcasing his work, the area extremely crowded since he never hosted such events for himself
• His arm was around you all night, except for a brief moment when you’d separated to go use the restroom
• On your way back you were bombarded by reporters, asking all sorts of personal questions while you tried to decline
• V kept his life private for a reason, and while it was very much public information that you two were together, both of you agreed that the public didn’t need to know every single detail about you
• That’s why when he’d noticed the commotion he was immediately engulfed with rage, shoving through the crowd as you tried to protect your eyes from the endless flashes from the cameras
• “Please everybody, back off! Give them some room!”
• He almost snarled, brows furrowed as he took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around you to hide your face
• One particular reporter happened to trip over someone’s feet, shoving you even further into V as you yelped from the contact
• All it took was for V to look at them, and instantly they stumbled backwards, promising that they never purposely tried to hurt you
• Later that day when you’d decided to visit Jaehee to talk about what happened, he took it upon himself to contact that reporter offering an exclusive interview
• The address that the reporter found themselves in was enough to make them regret taking up the offer, waiting outside of an abandoned building
• Before they knew it they were knocked unconscious, V holding an old rusted pipe as he tossed it aside and grabbed the reporter
• He dragged them inside, tossing them into a deep hole that was filled with old rusted metal pieces
• Some were jagged enough that they’d gone right through the reporters limbs and chest, puddles of blood pooling around the now lifeless body as V wiped his nose
• “That will teach you to touch my darling MC.”
• He picked you up from Jaehee’s after taking a shower at home, smiling at you from inside the car as you slid into the passenger seat.
• “Feeling better darling?”
• You nodded, leaning your head against his shoulder as you sighed with a small smile
• “I love you V. Thank you for understanding that I had to get away for a bit.”
• He returned your smile with a slight chuckle
• “I love you too, darling. Glad I could make you feel better.”
• He had taken you on a date at the local botanical gardens, the two of you holding hands while he explained every type of flower’s meaning
• It was the perfect day, the sun shining on the two of you as you lazily strolled around
• He thought that absolutely nothing could ruin it
• That is, until one of the employees accidentally bumped into you while holding a few roses, one of the stems brushing against your arms
• “Ouch!”
• You’d cried out, a couple of thorns from the stems sticking out of your skin as you hissed and reached to pluck them out
• “Darling! Oh darling, are you alright?”
• Saeran was immediately fussing over you, and while you were distracted tending to your small scratches the employee immediately looked down in shame and panic
• “I am so so sorry! It was an accident!”
• When you weren’t looking Saeran glared daggers at the employee, taking notice of their name as he told them to leave you two alone
• “Are you sure you’re okay, MC?”
• You looked up with a small smile, shrugging your shoulders as you grabbed his hand
• “I’m fine, Saeran. Oh, did that employee leave already? I wanted to tell them that I was okay...”
• After so much reassurance you both continued on with your day at the garden
• Saeran mused that he had to use the restroom so you promised to wait at one of the benches under the shaded trees in the garden
• While you thought that he was on his way towards the employee’s only sections, having snatched a hat from one of the employees when they weren’t looking and making his way towards the break area
• There he’d found the employee that had bumped into you, standing at their locker; alone.
• He was behind them in minutes, shoving them into the lockers and pressing hard as he let out a deep menacing giggle
• “Found you.”
• He was back to you within twenty minutes; asking that you two finish the day with some ice cream before going home
• Of course you didn’t object, and while you were riding in the car you had heard a slight bump in the back
• “What was that Saeran?”
• “I’m not sure, MC. Let me check and see if something might have fell in the trunk.”
• He pulled over, leaving the stereo on as he got out of the car and opened the trunk
• When he was sure that you weren’t looking he leaned in close, the employee looking up at him with tears in their eyes and duct tape over their mouth
• They were bound by utility wires, squirming in fear as Saeran grabbed the tire iron and grinned down at them
• “Didn’t I say to keep quiet? We’re almost home.”
• With one hard swing the employee was unconscious, Saeran tossing the iron back into the trunk and slamming it closed
• “What was it, Saeran?”
• “Oh, nothing my princess, the spare tire just came loose. Let’s go home, darling.”
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duchesschameleon · 3 years
Your top five (or ten of it’s easier) favorite characters and WHY you like them?
can I just say I LOVE this question? and there are so many more characters I could have used. but off the top of my head, here are my top 10 in no particular order! under a read more because I am long winded
hermione granger (harry potter)
okay, I was raised on hp and it still means a lot to me and shaped me into the person I am today, regardless of what the stupid author says. hermione was one of the first characters who really embraced and celebrated her smarts that I interacted with and I have ALWAYS wanted to be like her and aspired to be her. I’ve been hermione countless times for halloween and she was the first character I cosplayed. I love her and for that reason, she’s a fave
luna lovegood (harry potter)
the other hp character. because luna has always been unapologetically herself and didn’t care what others thought of her. it was luna who made me realize that I’m 100% a ravenclaw and her creativity and the way she sees the world has always amazed me and now I see or think of her and feel at home
percy jackson (percy jackson & the olympians)
I love percy so much because he is so freaking funny and also so damn loyal to his friends. his loyalty, the way he sticks by his friends, and the strength he finds from his friends has always been something I love and admire. not to mention, I just love his narration and how badass he is without screaming it from the rooftops
belle (beauty and the beast)
belle has always been my favorite disney princess. whether it was because of her brown hair (which didn’t actually match mine until I was seven but I digress) or her love of books that matched mine, I always loved her and always will. her sense of adventure, fairness, imagination, and determination keeps her cemented as my favorite
macey mchenry (gallagher girls)
macey is a feminine girl with a “couldn’t care less” attitude when she comes to gallagher. by the end of the series, she’s a fully fledged badass who cares about her friends and the people she loves. macey still enjoys makeup and traditionally “girly” things but now with the love and support of her friends, she’s become more and she is self confident in a healthier way. macey’s growth is amazing and it makes her one of my favorite characters in the series. she isn’t born into this business, she didn’t start at gallagher at 12 like everyone else, but with support and nurture and people paying attention to her she can do so much awesome stuff. and I love that so much.
auden west (along for the ride)
along for the ride is my favorite sarah dessen book and a large part of this is auden. shockingly, she’s another bookish girl who grew up quickly, is incredibly smart, and lacks social skills. I have a pattern and type, I know. but I met auden when I was in high school and seeing how auden was able to merge two parts of her life, the book smart overachiever and the social life she started to gain in colby with eli, gave me hope and was so fun to watch auden experience her childhood and see how people can change right as she finished high school. I’m probably explaining this poorly, but auden’s growth and transformation and her transition to college has given me so much hope and her story will always have a special place in my heart.
phillipe de clermont (all souls trilogy)
a true family man, a planner, a strategist, a hilarious man. phillipe is here because I just love him so much. I don’t see myself in him, I only tangentially relate to him in that family means a lot to me, but I love this man as a character and he will always be one of my favorites in the all souls world
samwise gamgee (lord of the rings)
samwise gamgee is just the best man. he wants to live in the shire, marry rosie cotton, and take care of a garden. what a life, what a man. samwise is just so great and arguably, the true hero of lotr. frodo is great and definitely the hero, but we all know frodo doesn’t destroy the ring without sam. sam’s loyalty and how much he cares about frodo is just the best and I love him SO MUCH
nathan scott (one tree hill)
local man simps for his wife. that is nathan scott from mid s1-end of the show. nathan loves haley and once he realizes he actually likes her, he changes so much. a large part nathan makes this list is because of his AMAZING character growth and how much it is organic and makes sense and it sticks. he doesn’t fake anything just to get with haley, he really does change and become a better man and I love it so much. and he’s just…he’s got a good head on his shoulders and he’s amazing. and he’s proof that who your parents are or how they act doesn’t necessarily mean you will be like them. nathan is one of the best people despite the tire fires his parents are. and I could go on and on about this man and why he is one of the best people in the world. nathan scott is the best scott. always and forever.
brooke davis (one tree hill)
for how shitty the one tree hill show runners were, they wrote two great characters in brooke and nathan. brooke goes from bitchy cheerleader to amazing woman with true depth, morals, and heart. she’s incredible and so strong and takes zero shit from anyone. brooke knows who she is and she lives her life the way she wants to, she doesn’t care what others say. she doesn’t care what is being done in the fashion industry, she will not have size zero models. she is amazing and incredible and filled with so much depth and love and humor and I love her so much. she’s amazing.
ahhhhhh thank you so much for this question!!!!! I loved this!!!
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chaptersofnow · 4 years
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the royal kiddos of Chrysalis, Cadance and Shining armor
Flurry Heart, Skyla, Instar Pale and Crimson Sweet
Bios under the cut
Name: Flurry Heart Nickname(s): Age: 26 Pronouns: She/her, They/Them Identity: Nonbinary Lesbian crush/relationship: Dating Pumpkin Cake Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Skyla, Crimson Sweet, Instar Pale Special Talent: Magical blacksmith, Love magic Occupation: Princess Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: Heavy metal, wrist bands, doing make up, teddy bears Dislikes: annoying men, people who think she isnt working hard as a princess Bio: Flurry Heart, oldest child to Shining armor and Cadance and heir to the crystal empire. she was an absolute sweet heart,  curly pigtails absolutely beloved by the kingdom. However when she entered her teen years she went into a hard goth phase and never got out of it. a real 180 on her personality. none the less she still works hard to work on her hobbies often, keeping up with her princess duties and making her family proud. At the end of the day she happily cuddles up with her girlfriend Pumpkin as they show each other funny pictures on their phones and watch stupid movies until they pass out. Growing up Flurry heart and Cozy Glow were good friends,when Cozy Glow had to come along with Celestia and Luna for trips to the empire for Flurry heart to cantorlot the two got to spend time together. it took a bit of warming up as Cozy glow was a few years older than the royal princes, but when the two started hanging out they were best friends. Cozy glow would often sneak her to cool places, steal snacks from the royal kitchen and so on. Cozy also was the one who introduce her to heavy metal saying quote "I don't know if you'll like this you seem like the type to like classy music like the nutcracker of sumthin'" the next visit  Flurry heart had dyed her whole mane black and had on the messiest smudgiest make up. it was a real kicker to watch this 15 year old walk is like she was hot shit. Cozy glow gave her more CD, taught her to style her hair, put on makeup and the whole thing. When they got older Flurry returned favor by custom making Cozy Glow her armor when she was officially made a guard of cantorlot. Flurry heart tries to not let the comments of the citizens and visiting dignitaries get to her, and it helps to have her parents supporting her . She met her girlfriend Pumpkin Cake when the mare began to take on Sugarcube corner deliveries herself, like Flurry heart recalls knowing her when they were real little, and seeing her at gatherings where pinkie brings the cake twins to come have fun. but they never really got to talk. but with the constant deliveries and Flurry Hearts development for a sweet tooth Pumpkin cake was around often. at some point the two started dating and Pumpkin moved to the Crystal empire and lives with flurry heart. Pumpkin works in the royal kitchen and Flurry heart is a black smith specializing is creating magic infused armor. 
Name: Skyla Nickname(s): Age: 24 Pronouns: She/her Identity: Agender Bi pony crush/relationship: Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Flurry Heart, Crimson Sweet, Instar Pale Special Talent: Love Magic Occupation: Princess Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: keeping on schedual, looking good, being looked up to, tradition Dislikes: not receiving recognition for her work, physical labor Bio: Second born to the empire, Skyla is defiantly the most cookie cutter princess of the four crystal heirs. She takes after her mother but is a lot of uptight in keeping tradition, making sure everything is set to be on scheduled and so forth. she may have picked this up from her aunt twilight more or less. while her family around her tries to keep her grounded and calm she can't help but get in a big tilly over not having control over things. its gone from not being able to control her pretend play dates as a filly to making sure the daily happening don't get off course. Her older sister Flurry Heart, while working hard and still making sure to get her work done, is a lot more laze in things and is ok with letting things slide if they don't go according to plan. Which tends to lead Skyla to try and follow after her and fix these things even if they don't need to be fixed. Skyla puts on a nice happy face for the people but all her siblings know she holds quite the temper when no one is looking, especially when Flurry tries to tell her to calm down. Flurry was originally the one being trained to take over Cadance's spot as queen of the empire one day, training in the use of her magic. However when Flurry found her true calling as a black smith the honor was passed down to Skyla who has happily worked hard to catch up. Skyla see's herself as bearing a torch for the future of the empire and that she has to be perfect and so must everything else around her. Fearing things to be able to fall apart at any moment. after the big war against darkness Skyla had begun to realize for a few years, realizing no great danger would ruining the kingdom. But after the Queen Erroria incident where her and her family had been captured she has brought back up her walls and has become more uptight then before. 
Name: Crimson Sweet Nickname(s): Stripes Age: 11 Pronouns: They/Them Identity: Nonbinary Girl crush/relationship: Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Flurry Heart, Skyla, Instar Pale Special Talent: helping  people make friends Occupation: Princess, student Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: friends, beetles, small notebooks, the beach Dislikes: Mirrors, thunder, rotten food Bio: Oldest of the two kids born after the marriage of Chrysalis to the crystal family. a marriage made out of many years of apologies, forgiveness and new found friendship. After Chrysalis accepted the friendship of twilight and equestria she spent many years making up for what she did, so her people and everyone else. She was blinded by anger and sadness, when she ruled she truly believed the only way to feed her people was to take their love, and when shown a new way she felt foolish for never realizing and having let her people starve that she denied the change at all. After the Hive came to accept her as their own again she led beside Thorax and his council. Thorax had always been too young to rule all by himself so with a queen with years of experience around to help him things in the Hive improved in new ways. now with her relationship with the Hive repaired Chrysalis slowly made progress to apologize for what she did to Candace and Shining armor. it took awhile to move past the day she invaded and tried to ruin their wedding, but in time over years of forming bonds they had a new wedding. introducing Chrysalis to their family. Chrysalis still lived in the Hive and though their wedding was official for the time it more stood for political alliance between the two, as chrysalis wasn't ready to let thorax stand alone as leader yet. Her staying ended up being what saved the colony, when the war of darkness arose through equestria the entity tried to reclaim the changlings once again as is minons. Had chrysalis not been there to protect them they would have surely been corrupted once again. After the war ended Chrysalis felt safe leaving Thorax as ruler, chrysalis now lives in the crystal empire with Cadance and Shining armor. over the years they have had two children, Crimson Sweet and later Instar Pale. Crimson sweet is still of the younger royal kids, they are quite rambunctious and love to run around with all the other kids in the kingdom. they love to eat and their favorite thing to do is make picnics, they take outings with their school friends almost every week. Bringing along cute snacks that Pumpkin Cake has made for them. 
Name: Instar Pale Nickname(s): Age: 10 Pronouns: He/him, Any Identity: Genderfuild bi pony crush/relationship: Parents: Cadance, Shining Armor, Chrysalis Sibling: Flurry Heart, Crimson Sweet, Skyla Special Talent: Studying Occupation: Royality, student Location: Crystal Kingdom Likes: cool weapons, books with cool covers, drawings, collecting things Dislikes: loud noises, making decisions, strangers Bio: Youngest of four, Instar is the quiet baby of the family. Growing up in a family as big as his everyone around him babied him, saying he was always so sweet and cuddly. Which led to an amount of coddling that turned him into a very antisocial pony. he struggles to talk to new people and wont go anywhere unless he is with someone he knows so he can duck behind them to avoid conversations. hes a total hypochondriac, believing to be constantly sick and feeling weak all the time dispute his health being fine. Instar likes to spend time with Flurry heart and shining armor the most, Flurry heart because she is quite and they get to just sit around listening to music and reading. and his father because he gets to sit on the side line and watch him work. Instar doesn't think they'd make much for a guard but they love to read all about the different weapons, armors and Technics taught through history and the country. watching his father display these things, or Flurry heart MAKE them is right up his ally. If you do manage to get him to talk to you he is an info dumping machine and will talk your ear off about some obscure history thing he's learned recently.
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Prisoner Of OTP-Love: Sunset Shimmer x Scourge The Hedgehog
Credit for My Little Pony goes to Bonnie Zacherle
Credit for My Little Pony Friendship is Magic goes to Lauren Faust
Credit for Sonic The Hedgehog goes to Sega
Credit for Archie Sonic The Hedgehog Comics goes to Archie Comics
I had to edit this drawing today, because I needed to put my tumblr name on it, as well as edit out Sunset's third arm that wasn't being held by Scourge.
I mean it is possible for some humans to be born with more than two arms, or only being born with one.
and besides that one error I made on this drawing, I also had to edit the ends of Sunset's hair to have some yellow.
I believe that if I remember right,
this was inspired by Shadow Meets Equestria Girls,
it's a crossover and it's on Cryil Smith VA's Youtube Channel,
their channel and works is one of many Youtubers,
I want to be protected from the video/episode stealing shisno.
I really REALLY can not stand those toxic-youtubers,
you do NOT re-upload a episode of Helluva Boss on your channel,
to share it, if your gonna share it, put it in a link to someone.
I’m still not okay with finding out what that youtuber today.
and there is a reason why I put Redacted instead of their real youtube name.
when I was first looking up Helluva Boss, it was to see if episode 6 was out yet, but then I found that there was another episode stealing jerk.
if a youtuber is gonna re-upload a video from another youtuber,
it should only be if the original is off of youtube.
it’s because of most toxic-youtubers, that half of other youtubers
who don’t know where the original videos come from
and don’t bother checking the description below more carefully,
that the original ones end up getting false reported,
and if I had to guess, if you don’t inform that you have a youtube amv you made and uploaded on both youtube and at another video sharing site, and a person sees it over at the other place first
and then see it on youtube, it is possible they will not think they are the same person and will falsely report the video.
that might of been the reason for what happen to one of
the Undertale Amvs. either the person who false reported saw the sub version of it by a person who got permission, or they saw it on another video sharing site and then didn’t bother to ask before jumping the gun.
 later I am gonna write about how the Toxic-Youtubers
need to be stop, because of their taking episodes or amv and gmvs
without permission of the other youtubers that end up the victims.
right now I’m just going to post some drawings up on here.
I don’t think Sunset will end up in Shadow Meets Equestria Girls,
at least not to my knowledge.
too bad she couldn’t stop Discord, Celestia and Luna
from turning Cozy Glow, Tirek and Chrysalis to a stone statue.
could of used the Element of Empathy during that battle.
I still love the last episodes and all the other episodes of MLPFIM.
but if characters like Discord, Celestia, Luna, Star Butterfly, Scrooge McDuck (from the ducktales reboot) , Pink “Rose” Diamond,
and Mr Death’s girlfriend Miss Life from Adventure Time series
(worst Mom Ever of all time.)
do a Anti-Hero move, and end up hurting others who for what they believe is the fully the right thing to do.
no matter if Discord had turned Cozy bad or not,
it is possible that the reason why she was trying to get rid of the magic,
was because of how Unicorns (even if it’s not all Unicorns)
treat Earth-Ponies and Pegasus as second class citizens.
the only ponies that seem to higher in rank than Unicorns,
would be Alicorns.
in theory, the Bat-Ponies might be treated third class citizens,
seeing as no filly or colt or equine of the bat-ponies
have ever made much appearances or went to Twilight’s school of friendship.
let’s turn to the Buffalo in MLPFIM,
we know that the earth-ponies took over their lands and planted apple trees.
but it is possible that the Buffalo weren’t the only ones who lived in the land that would then become Equestria II.
before they were driven out, Tirek’s family ruled the land that would then become the new equestria.
and the three wendigos are possibly from the Equestria I,
before Equestria II was founded.
I believe that the wendigos are the spirits of the original sirens
that Stygian met and when he went to get help,
the three original sirens end up tricking three little filly sisters
those being Adagio Dazzle (the eldest sister)  Aria Blaze (the middle sister), Sonata Dusk (the youngest sister)
the siren gems end up bonding to the three young fillies,
and transforming them to sirens, while the originals
become the wendigos.
wendigos go after ponies with negative energy/magic,
the dazzling’s use to do the same until their power was taken away,
but it returned to them when they re-learned how to sing,
and it appears their powers might of changed a bit.
 find the magic is one of my favorite songs that is sung by the dazzlings.      
when the three of those sisters
(and yes they are really sisters in canon)
were tricked by the original sirens who then became wendigos,
Stygian did not see this and because of him and Starswirl and the others, innocent fillies that were overcome by the power that was given to them by the wendigos, were banished from equestria I.
over time the Wendigos frozen the land beyond healing,
and all ponies moved to another land, taking it over,
and driving it’s original ruling family and half of their people
to a new place, possibly underground.
the only ones that were left, was the native animals
such as the bugbear, chimera, cockatrice and other monster type animals.
the animals that weren’t originally from the land that would become Equestria II, were brought from Equestria I by the ponies.
the other natives of Equestria II besides Tirek and maybe even the changelings,
would be the Buffalo.
before earth-ponies became crystal ponies,
they took the original Queen Changelings Crystal Empire,
this was long before they become what they look like when we are first introduce them, in theory, I think they look like their reform selves
but possibly in Crystal form.
I wont force other fans to believe that theory,
but I see it as headcanon.
the earth-ponies that would become crystal ponies,
were welcome into the crystal changelings home,
but then were exiled by them and without the crystal heart,
they slowly became corrupt and starve.
over time the earth-ponies that took over their rightful home
became the Crystal Ponies, maybe by Princess Amore’s Grandmother.
I guess it could be possible that Amore didn’t know how the Crystal Ponies and her grandmother had founded the Crystal Empire,
not knowing it was the original home of the changelings,
and without the power of the crystal heart to share their love that would then in return feed them, they would slowly become the changelings that we end up introduce to.
I also have a theory that Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
and Rainbow Dash from the human world, might really be the original ponies from Equestria, from the first season of when Nightmare Moon returns.
like what if when any pony finds out the truth about the history of Equestria, they were taken to that magic pool, cloned
and then banished to another portal to the human world
or the mirror to the human world was open by Alicorn Magic.
the only one who possibly didn’t have a human counterpart,
was Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer, well they might have in the fanon.
but we know that most of the humans we see in the human counterpart world, aren’t seen in Equestria.
what if Trixie from the human world, was really the original Trixie
who had used the Alicorn Amulet and after everything seem to work out in the end, Trixie was taken by Celestia to the magic pool,
cloned and then the real Trixie was banished to the human world.
even if most of the humans from the human world,
would be originally born humans, most of the humans could turn out to be ponies who were banished by at first Starswirl and then later Celestia.
at some point Celestia stop that kind of banishment,
and started to turn ponies into stone instead.
I think that half of the pony statues we see along with Discord,
were real ponies once, who perhaps were the original elements of harmony along with Celestia and Luna.
but they were betrayed by Celestia,
and when Luna found out the truth of what happen to their friends,
it gave her the final push (besides the other being jealous that their subjects seem to love Celestia more than her.)
to give in to the negative side of Alicorn Magic,
and transform into her dark half.....which is Nightmare Moon.
the Statue Pony that looks like they are holding a stroll,
might be the element of inspiration.
the book of the elements of harmony, was perhaps rewritten,
to hide the fact there was more than just six elements.
to hide this truth, Celestia took the elements that she and her sister could not use, and destroyed them and threw their shards into the human world, where they would end up in a cave
and then grow into a new tree of harmony for the human world,
and later their power will be given to Sunset and her friends.
Rarity was original suppose to be the element of inspiration,
but because of the word might not be understood,
it was changed to generosity.
it is easy to explain the element of inspiration,
it’s like you get a idea that inspires you, like drawing a fan art
or writing a fan fic or writing a story or drawing that doesn’t have to do with fan art or fan fic and or if you write a song or poem.
that is what is the true element of inspiration is like.
Trixie being the element of forgiveness in Princess Trixie Sparkle,
is awesome.
in theory if she ends up meeting Starlight in that fan series,
I think they would still end up becoming friends because of the bond they shared in the canon.
if my theory ended up being true, and not just a fan theory.
if the shards of the lost elements of harmony were destroyed by Celestia, then thrown into the human world and ended up in a cave,
and then grew into a new element of harmony tree, or what appears like a broken tree crystal rock thing.
then those broken shards would have some of the original powers of the elements that are still in equestria, in them which would grow each of all the elements, first the ones that are needed by Sunset and her friends, then when the time comes the lost elements would grow from that crystal rock tree stump.
one of those who might be the ones who represent the lost elements of harmony.
might be Trixie, Moondancer, Starlight Glimmer, Wallflower Blush,
Juniper Montage, Maud Pie, Vinyl Scratch possibly.
those who are the Neo-Elements of Harmony,
would have to be Smolder, Yona, Gallus, Sandbar, Ocellus
and Silverstream.
and if Cozy ended up forming a friendship and deep bond with those six.....she might of became someone who represented the element of empathy.
and those who represent the lost elements of harmony
might be Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara,
Silver Spoon and Silverstream’s brother.
there is always the comic series of MLPFIM,
and maybe Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis
will be given freedom in the comic series...maybe, I don’t know.   
anyway I hope some of you like this drawing that has a ship
of Nicolette x Fiona and Scourge x Sunset.
 even if this was partly inspired by Shadow Meets Equestria Girls,
it is still possible that Sunset might not end up in that fan series.
but it be nice if she was, and Scourge fell in love with her.
if anyone can reform Scourge and understand why he became the way he did, it would be Sunset Shimmer. 
in this drawing Scourge captures Sunset, that is why he is the only one smiling and she is not too happy,
but it also hints that they will fall in love. 
and it is Scourge and Sunset’s love and bonding with each other,
will help Scourge reform, he will still be himself,
but be a bit different too.
well that is how I view it anyway.              
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Even Truth Lies in the Thicket
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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The following days were a blur. I played countless melodies on countless instruments, just to please the countless guests Lady Elowyn entertained. All sorts of Ladies and Lords came to congratulate Elm, all asked questions of the shy Astria and how he managed to get her hand.
I ignored their conversations as much as I could. I was shivering through each performance, not from fear, but something colder in me, trying to tell me something. I ignored it, my music quality was more important than silly fear.
I think it had been a week since the announcement. I had played almost every hour of every day, my fingers and arms and lungs hurt. I had never realised how much pain plucking strings and blowing flutes could cause. I had been dressed in fine silk dresses and velvet suits for each performance. It was Lady Elowyn’s way of showing me off, as well as her newly high status.
It was just after dusk, the sun had turned the sky a deep purple, stars dotted the sky. The windows were open, allowing the cool breeze in and billowing the curtains. I was curled up on my bed, the pillows creating a small nest. Lady Elowyn let me rest properly for the night, after noticing the blisters on my fingers and the darkness under my eyes.
“I forgot you were mortal, your music seems so much more ethereal for such a weak creature,” she had said, guiding me to my rooms.
“Why should we take care of such a weak creature then?” Dale sneered from his perch by the window. “Wouldn’t it be less of a hassle to enchant the instruments?”
Lady Elowyn ignored her son, he continued to glare at me as we passed.
I had used the rest of Elm’s balm on my fingers, the pain made me hiss but the bumps had started to ease. I cradled my hands as I tried to get some rest. The fire in the grate burned slowly, the logs charred ash.
A rock bounced off the side of the bed, flying in from the window. I was too tired to investigate, fae threw rocks at mortals all the time.
Another rock, round and red. I knew who was throwing these stones. These red pebbles came from Locklan’s family estate, scattering the paths that wound through their maze and gardens. Locklan wanted something from me.
I could hear him climbing the vines and bricks of the house, he was not a very good climber. His red hair and wide smile popped into the window frame. His amber eyes glowing.
“Heard the songbird was given a rest, how’s the preening?” He shimmied himself onto the sill and propped his feet up on the frame. If this was a different story, he would be prince charming coming to save the princess locked away in the tower.
I tried to smile. “My hands hurt too much to brush my hair, and I have no need for vanity.”
“So I’ve heard, songbird,” Locklan gazed around the room. He never minded the mess, his family thrived in mess and chaos. His family’s mansion was always littered with drunk fae from revels and all the ruined extravagance that came with them.
I still felt embarrassed, Lady Elowyn would faint if she knew another fae had seen the state of my rooms. I pulled my feet under me and cleared my dry throat. “Why are you here?”
Locklan rolled his head to face me, his eyes narrowed, he smiled smugly. “You know, dear songbird, so why chirp and question?”
I did know, but I also hoped tonight would be different.
Locklan stepped into my room, swinging his legs over the seats under the window. He offered his hand to me, the fire made his silhouette glow. “Come along, little song bird, time to take flight.”
The sinking feel in my gut had left, now replaced with hatred and need. I took his hand gently, he was careful with my blisters. Locklan helped me into a long coat and tall riding boots, I didn’t realise how sensitive my hands would be after playing for a week.
We stuffed pillows under the embroidered quilts, creating the illusion that I was sleeping. Locklan climbed out first, using the thick wisteria vines as foot holds. I took my time, I was not taught to climb out windows, I was raised to perform.
The grass was soft under the boots, silencing my mortal steps. Locklan moved like wind, silent and flowing. He held the cuff of my coat and led me through the immaculate gardens of my own home. I never had time to admire the flowering gardens of Lord Bryn’s estate, the large and colourful flowers blurred around me as Locklan hurried through.
He pushed through the surrounding wall, thick rows of aspen trees and twisting ivy, holding my cuff tightly as he dragged me through.
We emerged into a clearing, where Opal and Evora waited patiently. Opal was fluttering, her moth wings, stirring up the leaves under her. She squealed with joy and took me in her arms.
“I’m so happy to see you! It has been ages since we last talked,” Opal smiled brightly, holding my face in her hands. She was wearing a black dress with fluffy skirts and thick slippers with ribbons that wound around her calves.
“Hush Opal, we don’t want to alert anyone!” Evora whispered, her dark green cloak matched her dark skin and eyes and covered her entirely, masking her ethereal beauty.
Opal pouted and took my hand, careful of the blisters. “Of course you wouldn’t worry about not seeing her, how many times as Harper played in the palace halls?”
Evora looked guilty. “Just because she’s played in my home doesn’t mean I could talk to her, I was crowded with suitors and questions at every turn!”
Opal wanted to retaliate, Locklan made a show of ruffling his coat to get our attention. “As much I love to reunite with our dear songbird, if we keep this up we won’t be back before dawn. And Lady Elowyn will have her head if she finds out that her songbird has left their cage.”
He was right, but he didn’t have to say it like that. We all followed him out of the aspen forest and into the thicket that surrounded Folkshire. Opal fluttered next me, then seemed to blink out of existence. The first time she did this, I almost screamed, I never expected her to turn into a real moth. Her family were luna moths, able to change their appearance from fae to moth instantly. Opals teal and green wings fluttered silently around my head, she seemed happy. I could faintly hear her voice giggling.
I watched Locklan closely, his transformation was always fascinating. His pace quickened into longer strides, he seemed to shrink in on himself as he leaned forward. His snout grew from his face, ears from his head, and soon he was a red fox trotting through the fallen leaves beside me.
“I wish I could morph, all the fae who morph get up to far more fun than me,” Evora huffed next to me, she seemed far to close.
“It is rather fun, until you get caught in a fox trap,” Locklan said, voice clear from fox jaws.
The fae who could morph themselves could still talk, that’s how you got stories of talking deer and foxes in the darkest parts of the woods. It was the fae, happy to create some stories to weary travellers.
Evora couldn’t morph, she didn’t have the power to. Only very few fae could, that’s why Locklan and Opal’s families were so well regarded.
We walked silently for a while, the forest was cold and silent, I pulled my coat tighter. To other travellers, we would be seen as two young girls following a fox and being pestered by a large moth. No doubt that would create stories of a clever fox guiding lost girls to the town.
The thicket grew denser, the trunks of the trees were thicker, their branches lower. I didn’t know what type of trees they were, I guess they were magic of some sort. They had dark green leaves and even darker wood. I’ve heard stories of the woods eating people, making them turn in circles, or making them walk for days on end only to emerge with having no time pass at all.
I never liked the thicket. I don’t like these trees.
Evora held tightly onto my coat. She wasn’t touching me exactly, and my arm kept trying to pull away from her. But I knew that if she let go, I would be lost. The magic of the thicket was far stronger and older than Lady Elowyn’s, only the fae born in Folkshire can navigate it. We climbed over fallen trees and through paths I would never have been able to see. Locklan led the way, Opal’s wings gave off a soft glow.
I knew Evora could see. That’s another thing the fae have over humans. With their senses being almost double mine, they have no trouble walking around in the dark.
We climbed over one last log. Months ago, Locklan had wedged one of his red pebbles into the wood, the pebble acting as a marker for us. We had broken through into a clearing of sorts, the magic trees had thinned out and I could see the cobbled road a few metres ahead.
Locklan sniffed the air, his whiskers twitching in the wind. “This way, not far now.”
Evora and I followed, Opal fluttered higher, desperate to see the lights of the little mortal town. We weren’t going into the town, not tonight. We traveled along the cobbled road, I could see tire tracks and hoof prints. I remembered the old horse ranch that was just on the outskirts of the town. My heart ached, it ached for something I never had.
With the thicket on one side, and the mortal forest on the other, I could see the difference in trees. The enchanted thicket seemed darker, impenetrable and untouchable. The thicket looked haunted. The oaks and pines on the mortal side looked harmless, leaves rustling in the wind, branches swaying slowly.
We kept walking, following Locklan as he guided us through the outer parklands of the town. I heard the sound of laughter, the smell of a campfire and melted chocolate. The sickening need in my heart hammered away, the greed ugly.
Locklan circled the camp first, then beckoned Evora and I forward. Evora whispered under her breath and blew, the air shimmered around us. She had used some sort of glamor, some spell to keep us hidden from human eyes. We huddled behind a fallen oak tree, it’s trunk thick with moss. Evora and I watched the group of mortals with wonder.
They sat on weathered stumps and chattered around the fire. Two sat close, one holding a spool of wool while the other knitted a blanket that was draped over both of them. One was leaning forward and gazing at the flames, they seemed distracted by the flickering heat. There were two others, one held a bright red ukulele and was laughing through jokes.
I knew who the one holding the ukulele was. It was me. It was the fae child they switched me with.
They had the same hair, face shape, eyes and even skin tone. But they looked nothing like me. They had clear skin and eyes that glowed in the light. Their hair flowed like silk and they held themselves with such confidence it made me feel fake. They looked like my reflection, but maybe they were the better version of me.
The mortals around them might not have seen it, but Evora and I could. I could see their pointed ears and teeth, the black slits replacing round pupils. They were fae, but they disguised themselves to look like me.
The mortal holding the spool of wool chuckled slightly. “Come on Harper, there’s no way Caroline’s jokes are that funny.”
The girl next to the fake Harper scrunched her nose. “And what would you know about humour?”
The spool holder smiled. “More than you, morgue girl.”
Caroline stood up, Spool Holder did as well. The knitter beside them made a startled sound and pulled the Spool Holder back down. The Spool Holder mumbled apologies and sat back down, smoothing out the blanket their friend was knitting.
Fake Harper stood up and smiled. “Come on guys, no need to be mean. We’re here to have fun. Let’s enjoy the time we have before school starts again and we are all flogged with homework.”
“Says you, Straight A’s,” the boy staring at the fire said, he seemed unimpressed. “You hand up your work the day after and it’s bloody perfect. You have no idea how long I’ve spent on essays.”
Fake Harper looked uncomfortable, they swung the ukulele under their arm and smiled. “Well, I have no control over you, but I have control over the mood.”
They plucked the strings, I cringed at their melody. The ukulele was in dire need of tuning but Fake Harper sang a crude song anyway. The group laughed and smiled and sang with him. Evora frowned next to me.
“They are nothing like you,” Evora said.
Locklan had prodded my side and pulled at my sleeve. He wanted us to leave. I tried to pull Evora along with me, but I couldn’t touch her. She seemed frozen in place, hands still placed on the mossy log.
I followed her gaze, she had locked eyes with the boy who had been staring at the fire. He seemed angry, or scared, or entranced by Evora’s beauty. Locklan had latched onto Evora’s sleeve with his jaws and pulled her away, dragging her out of her trance and through the oak and pine.
We ran quickly over the leaves and cobblestones. Locklan didn’t slow down as he leapt over the log we crawled over before. He didn’t slow his pace through the thicket either, not even stopping to check if we were following. I couldn’t see Opal, I hoped she was behind us.
Locklan stopped when we were on the fringes of the aspen forest that surrounded Lord Bryn’s property. Evora and I struggled to catch our breaths while Locklan shifted to his human form. His brow was knotted.
Opal appeared, she stretched her arms and wings. “Why the hurry? What went wrong?”
“He saw Evora, or Harper,” Locklan said. “I don’t who he saw, but he saw us.”
“Who did?” Opal questioned.
“The boy watching the fire,” Evora said, she sounded startled. “I don’t if he really saw us, or if he just heard Locklan in the leaves.”
“Do you think he could have seen you?” Opal asked, eyes wide with fear.
“Surely not, my glamor cannot be seen through by mortal eyes,” Evora said, still, her voice shook.
We had ventured out at night countless times in the past few months. These only started when I was bought by Lady Elowyn, before I was her property, I belonged to a market worker who used my music to attract customers. All of his woodcarvings were horrible, so he used my music instead. My melodies attracted Lady Elowyn and she bought me from him.
It didn’t take long for Locklan to notice me at revels, he pestered me with questions and jokes in an attempt to befriend me. Then he introduced me to Opal, who then brought Evora into our ring.
When Locklan learned of my Switching, he spent days trying to find my Fae Switch. Then we started sneaking out to see them. I have seen Fake Harper laugh riotously with their friends down a dark street, ride their bike over a large rock and go tumbling into a stream, throw stones over a frozen lake and then step onto the ice themselves, unafraid of the frozen waters. I’ve watched them and the friends I should have march down the street in coloured flags.
Every action they did, they looked exactly like me, but their wide smile and glowing eyes and pointed ears meant I could never be like them. I felt guilty for the humans my Switch had befriended, and knowing that they would never like the real me made me feel worse. I would never have that human life, of eating bright coloured ice cream that stained your tongue and singing loudly around a campfire. I could never have that, I never will.
Tonights adventure had shaken us, that human boy looked straight at us. None of us knew if he actually saw us, but the prospect of his knowing there were other people in the woods would create suspicion. From what I could remember, the boy watching the fire was called Flynn, he never talked much but followed Fake Harper even if he hated them.
“There’s no way he could have seen us!” Opal said. “Evora’s magic is too strong to be seen through by mortal eyes. There is nothing to worry about.”
Evora nodded, most likely to reassure herself. “Opal is right, he must have been looking at the shadows the fire created. My magic is not weak.”
Locklan crossed his arms, he didn’t seem convinced. “Well, if your so convinced that we were not caught, how about we all retire for the night. I heard there is a tournament tomorrow so Elm can prove his strength for Astria.”
Locklan was right. I have been watching Elm practise his sword skills in the garden today, I could tell he was anxious. Elm was not a knight, but he was skilled with a sword. I hoped he had enough skill and strength to win tomorrow.
Opal took my hands again, her wings kept her above me slightly. “We can’t follow you home, Harper, but we will see you tomorrow if you’re there.” She wrapped her arms around me, fluffy hair smothering me. “Sleep well, the stars will watch you rest.”
Opal often said that. With her mother being the Royal Astrologer, Opal often said whimsical things about the stars and planets. Opal would sometimes predict the future with the stars, sometimes she got it wrong, but she tried anyway.
She fluttered back, letting Evora say goodnight. She couldn’t touch me, but she tried anyway. Her dark eyes kind as she said goodnight. She left with Opal, heading towards the palace in silence.
“You shouldn't look at her like that, songbird,” Locklan said, his gaze careful. “Princesses don’t fall for mortals.”
“It’s not that Locklan, it never was,” I lied, thankful my mortal tongue could. “She seemed to  be startled by that boy, he seemed to have shaken her.”
Locklan sighed. “Sometimes magic is weak when we don’t focus, something could have shimmered through.”
“Did you do anything?” I said, walking towards the ivy and aspen wall.
“I was under the log, watching the Fae Switch sing their horrid tune. I only noticed the boy look over when he didn’t look back to the fire,” Locklan admitted.
He couldn’t lie, not even slightly, so I knew he was telling me the truth. Locklan helped me through the ivy barricade and through the gardens. He didn’t have too, but he did. He followed me back up the wisteria wall and into my bedroom, helping me out of boots and coat.
“Can you manage the rest?” He said softly, gesturing to my clothes and the bed. The fire had died out, only warm coals left, my room was cold.
“I’ll be fine Locklan, I’m not as weak as you think I am,” I didn’t mean to be harsh, but I hated being insulted by fae.
“I never meant it like that, you know I would never insult you,” he couldn’t lie, I knew he was honest. “I just wanted to make sure you’re all right. I know that sometimes our adventures leave you desperate for reassurance.”
He was trying to be kind, but his words still stung. I swallowed the hurt and smiled. “I’m fine Locklan, truly.” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly, his coat smelled of woodsmoke and cinnamon. “Thank you Locklan.”
He hugged me tightly back. He let go slowly and creeped back out the window. “Goodnight, little songbird.”
He was gone, and all was left was silence. I closed the window and flipped the latch, keeping them locked for a while. I changed into something less tight and buried myself under the heavy quilts. I only had a few hours until sunrise, then a few sparse hours before I was needed.
I tried to sleep, but the face of the Fae Switch flashed in my head. Their perfect face taunting me. I could never be them, I could never be that perfect.
All I saw was the gaze of the boy by the fire. Flynn. His eyes were cold grey, he had startled Evora. He had seen something. 
I couldn’t sleep, I tossed and turned in the blankets. My fingers ached, my head pounded. And my gut kept trying to tell me something. Something was wrong, or something bad was about to happen. And I know I would see it coming, only if I knew what it was.
The sun had peaked over the horizon, turning the sky pink and my room gold. I rolled over again, burring myself under the covers. Desperate the get some sleep, desperate for some rest.
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docholligay · 4 years
Mako, a birthday cake
The temptation to make this sad was OVERFUCKINGWHELMING, but given that this is FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY, I did not. 1400 words, holds to my Au things of Pluto as Luna-type informer and transformation rings. 
The days were in that awkward space between warm and cold, summer and fall. Mako had never cared much for this time of year. Decide what you’re going to do and just do it, instead of trying to be both things at once. How something could flip so fast had never made sense to her, but that’s the way of early September, whether she agreed with it or not. 
Mako could admit to herself that she didn’t like change in general, least of all when she didn’t know what to expect, and the last few years had been full of nothing but, and maybe that was why she foud this mushy time of year so much more frustrating. She was a daughter, and then she wasn’t. She was a student a Mizumoto, and then she wasn’t. She was a normal girl, and then she was a Senshi. 
You could have told her she was the secret princess of Mulgravia tomorrow, and she would have believed it, however unhappy she was. 
They were tied together by the past, so she’d been told, even though Mako had no memory of ever having been Jupiter. If she were the sort of person who thought about these things, she would have wondered who she was, if she was Jupiter or Mako, who Jupiter had been. But Mako was a person who believed in the summer and the fall, and not both, as so she simply pictured herself, but in the sort of dress that might have been suitable in an ancient court. 
Mako didn’t like this time of year, but she did like to bake. Baking, you see, had a certain amount of inalienable law. Yeast rose. Sugar browned. Eggs lifted. And so she stood in her tiny corner of a kitchen, book flipped open to the recipe she knew by heart but found comfort in the reading of, mixing together a cake. 
Her life was between seasons now, but the cake would do what it had always done. 
Usagi expected that they were all friends now, had expected it from the first time Mako picked up the transformation ring, felt it buzz in her hand, since the ring had glowed bright and twisted itself from a plain band into a gold rose with a sparkling green leaf. Since Pluto had told her that made her Jupiter. 
She didn’t feel like Jupiter, and she didn’t feel like a friend. 
The other three girls had been working together for awhile, and they bounced off each other with equal parts love, and annoyance, and loving annoyance. Mako raised above their heads in height, feeling equally separated from them in her heart. She wanted to believe it, that there was this inborn thing that would give her friends, that would potentially give her a family, something that couldn’t be so easily taken from her. But it seemed too easy, and it was too easy, and she hadn’t simply fallen into the group the way Usagi might have believed. 
But things changed, in September, however much it might frustrate Mako to live in the times in between, and so she was making a cake. It was more than a cake. It was a gesture. There was a birthday, today, and Ami had said she wasn’t sure she was going to do anything at all. Mako’d told Ami that if she wanted a party, all she had to do was offhandedly mention to Usagi that her birthday was coming, but Ami blushed and shook her head. A party was probably a little much, Mako thought, for a girl that seemed to say little, the one who simply cuddled a cat in the corner and listened to Rei and Usagi bicker. 
Sometimes she thought Usagi might be a little much. 
But the more she thought on it, the more it bothered her not to have anything at all for Ami, however little she knew her. It wasn’t right, to spend a birthday with nothing but a book, not even a cake to mark it, and if Mako could have seen the mirror of her own life, she might have recognized the sad girl who had spent the last few in that way, staring back at her. 
But in truth, as she put the simple vanilla cake into the oven, she saw only Ami, shy and retiring, but seemingly kind, without a cake. And she saw herself as the one to rectify it. 
Maybe it was that Ami, in that, shy, retiring, kind way, was the most approachable. Usagi was all the subtlety of a firework, and maybe equally likely to blow up in Mako’s face, however bright pink the sparkles. Rei was a cactus in the shape of a human being. Ami was a little like coaxing a timid cat from under the stairwell. With cake. Her simile was breaking down a little bit, and so she cast it to the side. 
What were Ami’s favorite colors? She couldn’t even begin to guess, as she mixed up a rich chocolate filling. At first she thought blue, being as she was Sailor Mercury, but then she considered that Sailor Jupiter was green, but her favorite color was pink, so it was just as likely that Ami’s didn’t quite match either. The question still wasn’t answered, too many colors in the spectrum, when her cake was cooled and filled. 
In the absence of knowing, she chose white, and trimmed it in simple chocolate at the edges, sprinkling bright colored candy confetti over the top. It wasn’t a masterwork, exactly, but it was attractive, and it didn't presume that Mako knew anything about Ami except that it was her birthday. Maybe she might have preferred a strawberry filling, Mako tried not to think, and she had only picked chocolate because Mako liked it so well. 
She set it in the cake box, simultaneously deciding that it no longer mattered and worrying that she had made a grave error. It wouldn’t be the first time that her attempted kindness had been met with rejection, that her way of blustering into things had been met with nothing but a stone wall. Maybe Ami wanted to spend her birthday alone, maybe she didn’t like birthdays, maybe she didn’t want a giant of a friend who clunked her way down the street, who secretly dreamed of being delicate and elegant. 
Mako thought about it long enough that the Mizuno apartment building appeared before her, and then the idea that if she turned back, she would have wasted the money on the cake ingredients. In tandem, they were enough to bring her to the door, enough to force her to ring the bell, and enough to have her stand silently as soft footsteps came forward. 
The door cracked open, and a puff of blue hair and wide glasses came from the crack of it. 
“Hi,” Mako smiled brightly, “I--Happy birthday!” she raised the cake box, just a little bit in front of her. 
“Makoto.” Ami stepped back a moment, puzzled. “For me?” 
“Unless there’s someone else here with a birthday.” She said, instantly regretting the snideness of it. 
An awkward laugh from Ami, an adjustment of her glasses. “No, just,” she giggled nervously,” me--” 
“I was only kidding,” Mako nodded, “I made this especially for you.” 
Ami straightened her back, smiled, and looked up. “Do you want to come in?” 
Mako had only ever been to the shrine, where they held meetings, but suddenly she forgot to be self-conscious. “Yeah, please!” 
The house was neat as a pin and seemed barely lived in, no art on the walls, the couch neatly arranged, a whiteboard on the wall that seemed to pass as communication between Ami and her mother. Mako sat the cake on the edge of the long counter that encompassed a kitchen that looked as if it haas never seen the kiss of flour or the spill of salt. 
Suddenly, she didn’t seem the loneliest girl in the world, after all, and this gave her strength to be bold. To be herself. 
“I hope you like chocolate.” she beamed. 
Ami nodded timidly. ‘It’s my favorite, I think.” 
Outside, the temperature fell, the leaves began to brown, and fall seemed to decide that it had finally come, bringing the cozy warm fires and softness of sweaters, people gathering close where they had once stood far apart.
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gunloyal · 5 years
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kinda dumb but heres my mlp headcanons!
you can read my garbled text below! sorry its so repetitive lol i kinda rushed it!
HI i'm not the first one to do this (duh) but i wanted to do my own! some info abt the ponies; Theyre all different types of ponies sent from different parts of the pony...earth? To this magic school so they can become the defenders of equestria and stuff! The series surrounds them becoming friends while going thru character arcs and stuff. The villains are all the same but are being sent out by one being or something so the final villain/season revolves around testing the truth of their friendship!! Also they like......live there so theyre all like stranger roomates! also theyre all modeled a little differently so none of them look the same Twilight Sparkle -shes still a unicorn(at first) -shes very hipster and standoffish at first. -She has a really bad memory regarding things from the past, but easily remembers things from the present onward (this is important for her character arc) -she wears her hair up most of the time in a messy bun/ponytail, but sometimes she lets it down -guess what guyz!! she cant see at all lol so yeah..she finally gets the glasses she deserves (if ur wondering yeah she had big dorky glasses as a kid) character arc -shes princess luna!! thats why she has such a bad memory from the past. Princess celestia made this entire school a thing because she wanted to give her sister a redo since twilight messed up so bad in the past and she thinks giving her a chance to experience friendship will help prevent repeating the past. -cus of this i gave her a new cutiemark bc her old one doesnt represent that moon princess vibe! -also she has a really big horn since shes royalty! This also gives her a reason to become an alicorn once she finds out shes princess luna. AND IT EXPLAINS HER NAME FDHJSKF (shes the last to get her character arc) Rarity -shes still very prissy and loves fashion but loves to dress her friends up -her hair moves really pretty in water bc shes a MERPONY! heck yea -she has a mole under her eye -she hav hooves on land and a tail in water (like h2o just add water vibes) character arc -shes originally very standoffish and doesnt want to accept spending time with different species of ponies, but when her sister (Sweetie belle who is also a merpony) becomes friends with a pegasus(scootaloo) and an earthpony (apple bloom) she learns to be more accepting and earns the generosity element (Shes the second to have a character arc) Fluttershy -shes a flutterpony! so she is very very teeny -her hair is a lot longer and covers one eye (until her character arc) -she's super meek and has a very big head and ears and really skinny legs! very cute aah character arc -She used to be really scared of everything until she gets in an intimidating situation with like a dragon or something and then she realizes she has the power to talk to animals in both a strict but loving way. She learns to stop being as meek and rarity makes her a little hair clip so she can get her hair out of her face and........boys..........get this.......she has heterochromia. (shes the third to have a character arc and this starts her love for animals and gets her the kindness element!!) Apple Jack -shes a regular ol earthpony :~P -she wears a handkerchief in her hair instead of a hat bc hats are hard to draw and i think she looks cuter in this lol. -freckles..........everywhere -she wears her hair in a bunch of different ways!! country girl i love eeyouuuu -she doesnt speak a lot in the beginning :/ shes kinda standoffish and she has a very lovely country accent and i love her (also she has clydesdale hooves hehe) character arc -applejack deserves a good arc and they keep focusing on her stupid parents............I WANNA SEE MY GIRL GO THRU TROUBLE!! okay get ready -she is very scared of being tomboyish bc she doesnt want to be made fun of by her friends so she hides her tomboyish nature and how STRONG she is bc/ she doesnt want to seem boyish. she forces herself to act really girly but a situation occurs or something and she is forced to show her strength and come clean to the others. she is really scared but because she tells them the truth she gets the element of honesty and the others are like "were glad u told us because youre our friend and u shouldnt have to hide anything from us!" yeah anyways i love her and from that point on she is more tomboyish but still girly! (shes the fifth to get her character arc) Rainbow Dash -shes still a pegasus! -i love her so much but people think she's annoying and always make her buff and calm but i did the OPPOSITE i made her SUPER PUNY and SUPER FAST and MORE ANNOYING because i LOVE HER!!! -she fluff up like a bird when she's upset! -because she's smaller she has bigger ears and wings >:] -shes very conceited (At first) and bosses people around (even tho shes so puny) character arc -she's a really selfish character before hand but then everyone gets into some sort of danger and she risks herself just to save them!! bc of this she gets the loyalty element and cares a lot more about everyone else afterwards and is still annoying but is able to stop herself from being so selfish! (shes the fourth to get her character arc!) Pinkie Pie -shes a crystal pony! -when she first is introduced she forces herself to be regal and in her crystal form -she cant let herself laugh around the other ponies bc she doesnt want them to see her as silly/not good enough/not serious -she has a really 80s spunky vibe and wears roller skates -yeah she still has that twitch thing but instead of it being her tail its her little hair curl coming from the top of her head -gummy is a croc she finds and decides to keep (after her arc) character arc -in like the second episode or something, a curse is placed on the characters where they all look different, but pinkie isnt affected, and after seeing everyone laughing and struggling with the temporary defects, she starts laughing and reverts from a crystal pony to her normal state and her hairs all poofy and its real cute and shit.........she gets the element of laughter and everyones like "whyd u hide ur happiness?" and she says she didnt wanna get judged and god.......its jsust real nice (shes the first one to get an arc) anywayz this took a long time to write for no reason and its just SO MUCH if u actually read this i love u!!! this was inspired a lot by jenny nicholson's next gen ideas!!!! 100% creds to her for the inspo<3 i changed a lot of things but i still based some ideas from her!
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What is your political position on My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic?
I feel like a leader shouldn’t have to outlive their friends in order to stay in power. Imagine the mental toll it must take in order to become queen of Equestria. You live hundreds of years, or even indefinitely until you find someone to replace you.
We know that when you come into power, specifically royalty status, you are made into an alicorn. However, that is not when that physical process begins. If that were the case, Cadence and Luna would have gone through the same transformation. Taller legs, longer hair, and slimmer neck. So what do queens get that princesses don’t?
For the answer to that, we need to look at Nightmare Moon.
When we first see Nightmare Moon, we notice two things: one, she has the same body type as Celestia, and two, she still is a “princess,” albeit a banished one. So Celestia, Nightmare Moon, and Twilight Sparkle all have something in common.
And before you say that Luna has flowing hair, so she must be exactly like Celestia, we were told explicitly that that effect was a spell, not an actual feature of being a queen specifically. Luna’s hair is still short, or at least compared to Celestia’s. Her and Cadence’s height difference to both Twilight and Celestia (slimmed necks, a few inches taller but not huge) can be boiled down to their princess and alicorn status. And since Luna and Cadence have been princesses a lot longer than Twilight has, that means the body change is just part of being a princess, not a queen. Perhaps just getting used to the magic distribution, maybe.
I think that this height difference and elongated lifespan have to do with magic. You see, it stands to reason that a queen has to deal with more magic than a princess, and raising the sun, which is a lot bigger than the moon, takes a lot more power, which is probably why Celestia was chosen to be queen in the first place.
So it stands to reason that since Nightmare Moon gave herself a lot of power in the transformation of Luna, and both Twilight and Celestia were given the power of being queens, that the key to this royal physical change is a change in magical DNA, which is started by being turned into an alicorn, and then “unlocked” when it is shown enough power, or magical stimulus.
The gene is out there in order to prepare the new alicorn for queen status, but will lay dormant unless a powerful amount of magic is present.
So yeah.
That is my political stance on My Little Pony.
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Please don't read if that triggers you!
It has been like a millennium since I have sent you any sort of things about a character (or in this case, characterS) but as I recently revised the story of this very fucked up pair of twins, I decided to show them to you. They are specifically characters in an RP of mine with my friend Jade which is a crossover between Evillious Chronicles and Drakengard 3.
Here's a bit of context:
The Intoners are beings that can use the power of song, but their true purpose is to destroy the world. The original Intoner was Zero, who became an Intoner after the Flower, some sort of being that the Gods created to destroy the world, took root inside of her corpse and effectively 'revived' her as an Intoner; also, Zero wasn't always called Zero, previously she was named Rose (which wasn't her birth name, as she has no birth name), but she changed her name to Zero after she became an Intoner (it's unknown why). After Zero tried to kill herself when she realized that she'd eventually be forced to destroy the world by the Flower, the Flower, sensing her hostility towards it, birthed five beings from her as sort of 'backups' in a sense to ensure it would succeed in destroying the world: One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. These beings are all in some way like Zero, as they were created from fragments of her memories, personality, and resemble people from Zero's past; e.g. One resembles a rebel girl who Zero was tied up next to as she was left to die in town's square of some village as punishment for her crimes of murdering hundreds of people; Five resembles a nun who Zero had killed at some point before she became an Intoner; etc. The Flower did this on purpose to make Zero hesitate in killing them, which...on paper it would seem to be a good idea, but Zero's not the type to hesitate in killing anybody, unless it's someone she cares about (which, the only people she cares about are not even really 'people', their dragons), and she don't give two fucks about the other Intoners at all, so, yeah.
'HERS' is a acronym for 'Hereditary Evil Raiser Syndrome' and its a fictional disease in Evillious that when your infected you become compelled into doing violence, as the goal of anybody whose ends up with HERS is to destroy the world and everybody in it; well that's an oversimplified explanation of it.
The Climb One is a ship that the last Earthlings from the Second Period used to escape their dying planet.
The First Period was the very first world in Evillious, which heavily resembled our world; the Second Period was a virtual reality created by the people of the First Period which also heavily resembled our world. At some point the First Period died (it's implied that a nuclear war happened there which is why everybody there died) and thanks to Behemo the Earthlings on the Climb One were taken into reality and they found the ruined First Period planet and on its ruins was built the Third Period (which was a world of its own). Oh and the humans from the Second Period are referred to as Earthlings in order to differentiate them from First Period/Third Period humans as they were originally not even 'real'.
Sickle is a robot built by an Earthling named Luna Hazuki and eventually he becomes a god and takes the form of a bat who observes the people of the Third Period.
Medora is another OC of mine from my RP with Jade. Her story is a story for another time ^^'
Aurende is an original kingdom of mine, not a country that's canonly in EC.
Why are Lumina and Eliora Romanian? I dunno I found out Lumina means sunshine in Romanian and just went with it; it's an insignificant detail anyways that's not exactly very relevant to Lumina and Eliora's stories but is just there.
Alright the context dumping is done with ^^''''' go onto the Evillious Chronicles and Drakengard wikis, they can give you a lot more less simplified context for this stuff but I think I told you the bare minimum you need to understand whats going on? I hope I gave you enough context to understand ^^'
But anyways on with th character info and Lumina and Eliora's story!
Name: Lumina
Aliases: True God Twins (With Eliora)
Lumi (By Eliora)
Lumina Ardelean (Full Name)
Hypocritical Strawberry (By Sickle, Mockingly)
Age: 1,045+ (On 499 E.C.)
Looks 18
Height: 163 cm/5’4’’
Weight: 49 kgs/110 lbs
Cup Size: C
Bust/Waist/Hip: 84/59/85
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Classification: Human (Till 529 B.T.)
Earthling (Till 528 B.T.)
Race: Romanian
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Gold
Born: 546 B.T.
Died: Varies
Status: Varies
Sexuality: Bisexual/Demiromantic
Relatives: Unnamed Mother (Deceased; Died In Childbirth)
Unnamed Father (Deceased; Died of Alcohol Overdose)
Eliora Ardelean (Younger Twin Sister)
Flower (Creation)
Zero (Flower’s Host)
One (Creation Via Flower)
Two (Creation Via Flower)
Three (Creation Via Flower)
Four (Creation Via Flower)
Five (Creation Via Flower)
Medora Aurende (Prototype Intoner)
Occupation: Creator of The Flower And Intoners
Affiliations: None
Favorite Food: Chocolate-Strawberry Sundae
Loves: Eliora, Revenge, Inducing Suffering In Others, Chocolate, Sundaes, Sweets, Strawberries
Hates: Alcohol, Her Father, People Who Hurt Others, People Calling Out Her Hypocrisy, Faeries, Her Father’s Girlfriend, Five
Weapons: Magic
Background + Personality: Lumina is a prideful but vengeful girl, whose been irreversibly scarred by the events of her and her twin sister’s childhood. Her mother died giving birth to her and her sister, which caused her father to blame her and her sister for their mother’s death, giving him an excuse to constantly beat her and starve her and her sister. Lumina did her best to protect Eliora from their father, taking most of their father’s beatings. Due to their father being an alcoholic and his alcoholism only causing her and Eliora to be abused even more horribly and brutally whenever he was drunk, Lumina developed a hatred of alcohol, especially beer and wine, which her father drank often. Her father eventually got a girlfriend, who also often abused the two girls, and ironically, this girlfriend heavily resembled Five, the youngest Intoner sister, which caused Lumina and Eliora to often be uncomfortable whenever she is in Five’s presence later on.
Lumina one day discovered her mother’s diary and found that her father had in fact heavily abused her mother when she was alive, like he did to Lumina and Eliora, and that her mother had been a way for him to take out all his anger and pain, and her mother believed that that was ok, because this way she had a meaning, this way her ‘worthless’ life had a meaning. Lumina realized her father was not upset about her and Eliora’s mother’s death because he was in love with her mother, he was upset because he had lost his main coping mechanism to deal with all of his problems, and so had replaced her mother with her and Eliora. Lumina became enraged by this revelation and confronted her father about it, but only found herself battered to near death.
The next day, her father died of an alcohol overdose, and she and Eliora ran away and ended up on the streets. From there they were constantly beaten yet again, except not by their father, but by people they had never even met before.
Lumina continued doing her best to protect her sister from the abuse and often took care of her, leading to the two sisters becoming starkly different in their world view;
Eliora’s world view will be stated in her info, but nonetheless here is Lumina’s world view:
Lumina, sick and tired of all of the pain she went through because of the world, developed a hatred of the world and a desire to destroy it all and start again, as well as to punish humanity for being ‘sinful’ creatures, believing that starting from zero again was the only way to end the cycle of abuse. Ironically, Lumina found herself also enjoying watching other people suffer, as she believed that other people deserved it for being ‘cruel, sinful humans’, which made her no better than her abusers and only showed she was a hypocrite in what she believed, as she began actively inflicting harm upon others just like how she had been hurt.
Eventually, Lumina and Eliora by unknown means managed to sneak into the Second Period, where Lumina ended up unknowingly being infected by HERS, which only served to make her desire to destroy the world stronger; Eliora, however, remained uninfected. Lumina and Eliora then snuck onto the Climb One, where they would then end up in the chaos somehow reincarnated into Gods and trapped inside the Climb One with Levia and Behemo, who questioned who they were until Behemo recognized them as the two homeless girls he saw often wandering the streets. Lumina and Eliora would manage to escape the Climb One within a few years thanks to their bodies being intact, and they soon found that they had become gods, which gave Lumina an idea; they enact a plan to destroy the world. Despite Eliora’s hesitance, Eliora went through with it and so the two sisters began their experimentations which would eventually lead to the creation of the Flower and the concept of Intoners.
One of their prototype Intoners was Medora Aurende, a princess of the Kingdom of Aurende, who was later deemed a failure due to not being strong enough to destroy the world, and so the twins disposed of her, leaving her for dead in a forest in the Beelzenian Empire.
Eventually, the Flower was finally complete along with the concept of Intoners, and the twins enacted their plan to destroy the world. They went to the city of Alicegrad in the country of Holy Levianta and infected a human who had been left for dead in the city square named ‘Rose’ with the Flower, and she was soon revived and turned into an Intoner. Rose changed her name to Zero soon after. Eliora began to become more and more hesitant and concerned with Lumina’s plan to destroy the world, but in response, Lumina slapped her and told her
“I’ve protected you for your entire life, you know. It’s time you repaid me a bit by helping me destroy the world that hurt me so much. And this will only serve to benefit you anyways; after all, this world hurt you so much too, despite my attempts at protecting you. Why wouldn’t you want to destroy it as well, Eli?”
Eliora afterward meekly nodded and never questioned Lumina again out of fear of what she’d do to her if she dared to question the plan again, even though Eliora could tell the Flower was slowly growing out of their control.
Lumina’s overall a very hateful, vengeful, hypocritical woman who at this point constantly contradicts herself, claiming that she wants to break the cycle of abuse whilst continuing to harm others. Yet deep in her heart, it seems she does genuinely still care for her sister, although it appears as time passes she slowly becomes more and more obsessed with hurting other people and punishing humanity for its sins as she gradually succumbs to her HERS instincts, and her care and empathy slowly wither away; even her love for her sister and feelings of kinship with Zero is slowly dissipating; until all that remains is her hatred of the world and humanity overall. Sickle mockingly calls her a ‘hypocritical strawberry’ due to her hypocrisy and strange obsession with strawberries.
Name: Eliora
Aliases: True God Twins (With Lumina)
Eli (By Lumina)
Eliora Ardelean (Full Name)
Pitiable Strawberry (By Sickle)
Age: 1,045+ (On 499 E.C.)
Looks 18
Height: 161 cm/5’3’’
Weight: 48 kgs/108 lbs
Cup Size: C
Bust/Waist/Hip: 83/58/84
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Classification: Human (Till 529 B.T.)
Earthling (Till 528 B.T.)
Race: Romanian
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Gold
Born: 546 B.T.
Died: Varies
Status: Varies
Sexuality: Bisexual/Demiromantic
Relatives: Unnamed Mother (Deceased; Died In Childbirth)
Unnamed Father (Deceased; Died of Alcohol Overdose)
Lumina Ardelean (Older Twin Sister)
Flower (Creation)
Zero (Flower’s Host)
One (Creation Via Flower)
Two (Creation Via Flower)
Three (Creation Via Flower)
Four (Creation Via Flower)
Five (Creation Via Flower)
Medora Aurende (Prototype Intoner)
Occupation: Creator of The Flower And Intoners
Affiliations: None
Favorite Food: Chocolate-Strawberry Sundae
Loves: Lumina (Or So She Claims), Dancing, Chocolate, Sundaes, Sweets, Baby Animals, Children, Dragons, Books, Reading, Singing, Zero, Strawberries
Hates: Seeing People Suffer, Her Father, Her Father’s Girlfriend, Five, The World (To A Much Lesser Degree Than Lumina), Alcohol
Weapons: Magic
Background + Personality: Most of Eliora and Lumina’s backstory was covered in Lumina’s info, so most of it will not be stated here except for any parts unique to Eliora.
Eliora is a meek, weak-willed girl who does as her sister tells her, secretly wishing to deviate from her sister’s will but being unable to as she is blinded by her ‘love’ for her sister and by what Lumina constantly tells her about their plan with the Flower and Intoners being “for the best”, that it’s “better for them to destroy the world here to stop humans from continuing to sin and hurt each other”, that “humanity is a sinful, malicious race that should be annihilated along with this cruel world they created”, even though Eliora knows deep inside that Lumina is merely manipulating her and forcing her to go along with what she wants.
Eliora’s world view is vastly different from her sister’s, as Eliora, who often could only watch as her sister was beaten and hurt constantly, found herself believing that revenge didn’t do much but perpetuate the cycle of abuse that she and Lumina suffered from, and so believed that the only way to end the cycle was to help abuse survivors not repeat the actions of their abusers. But Lumina heavily disagreed with her and forced Eliora, whether through physical harm or threats, to go along with Lumina’s plans and act the part of an ‘evil god who wants to destroy the world’.
Eliora also feels as if she’s indebted to Lumina for her protecting her from most of abuse of their childhood, and so feels obligated to help her even though she really believes that what Lumina’s doing is wrong.
Sickle pityingly calls Eliora a ‘pitiable strawberry’ due to her strange obsession with strawberries just like Lumina and because she’s a person who is very pitiable.
Whenever Eliora is able to, she often spends her time dancing, singing, or reading, loving all three activities immensely and secretly wishing she could have become a dancer or writer or singer or something of the sort rather than a mere instrument in her sister’s plans to destroy the world, and hopes that in some other life she could go follow her dreams rather than be forced to help her sister.
Also unlike her sister, Eliora is a very empathetic person, and despises killing and hurting others, although pretends as if she does enjoy such activities in order to please her sister.
So yeah, that's Lumina and Eliora's story. *me torturing my characters again and again goes brrrr-*
For reference here's their official designs (btw I probably should redo their arts considering their older as I made them back in April so yeah- oof) as well as sketch I made of them I may never finish but who knows:
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Left girl is Lumina, right girl is Eliora ^
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Oh, wow.
Okay. You’ve really edited and revised a lot of the story. The girls are looking really good, too. Angst can be a good device to help you channel your emotions in a healthy and constructive way. I think you’re building a really fun universe that just works for you and all of this design, planning and care takes a lot of time and effort. Never discount that work you put into it.
They are foils of each other.
They suffered but they handled it differently. That makes for an interesting arc for the both of them as they try to make sense of reality.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
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Fandom: Sailor Moon (Crystal)  – – [Rewrite of season 2, AU-ish in that there’s new OCs and the fusion of plots from the manga, crystal and the og series]
Pairings: Eventual OCxOC, Usagi x Mamoru
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel
{If you’d like to be added to this OC’s taglist, let me know!}
// Story Masterlist //
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Ch.2: Sailor Hemera
"Watch where you're going!" A seemingly enraged girl called after a boy who had bumped into her because he'd been too engulfed in a gray book. "Not even an answer!" the girl scowled but sighed after a moment.
There was a light pitter-patter near her and when the girl looked down she found a purple cat beside her. The stark golden crescent moon on the cat contrasted with her dark fur.
"Luna, remind me again why I'm the only one who got to remember Sailor Moon, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask existed?" the girl asked, huffing as if she were still angry about it. Now, it became more of a mystery.
"Because you, Azula, are exceptionally different," Luna articulated with refined elegance.
The girl, Azula, shot the cat a look. "You're sticking to that because you still haven't figured it out, either, huh?"
"Eh," Luna gave a tilt of her head.
Azula shook her head and watched after her friend, or rather ex-friend, Mamoru, who didn't even notice her anymore. A month ago Sailor Moon, or Usagi, had made everyone forget that the Sailor Scouts had existed. No one remembered any attacks from the Dark Kingdom. The scouts themselves didn't remember they were Sailor Scouts reincarnated. Usagi Tsukino didn't remember she had been a princess in her previous life. No one remembered anything...except for Azula Keena.
Azula had been a close friend of the scouts because she had managed to find out their identities. She proved herself useful with her tech abilities and quickly became a strong asset for them despite not having powers like them. One year older than them had her situated in the same school as Mamoru Chiba, although she was a year younger than him. They were friends, had been, but now he didn't remember her. In fact, he didn't remember anyone, not even Usagi who had been his grand love from a previous life.
But despite everyone losing their memories, Luna, Artemis, and Azula remembered everything. The memory wipe was not efficient with Luna and Artemis but neither had an explanation as to why Azula remembered as well. Fact was she shouldn't have. It was impossible. Yet here they were. Since then, Azula tasked herself with making sure there were no more enemies to deal with since Sailor Moon and the Scouts were out of commission. But she also tasked herself to simply look after everyone even if they didn't notice it.
"I may not be one of their scouts but I think myself as a guardian," Azula said confidently as she and Luna walked down a street after school. "A silent guardian."
"Job's taken, I'm afraid," Luna said quietly but Azula still heard and gave the cat a curious look.
"Luna, exactly how many scouts are there? Usagi made it look like it was only her, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako. But I've always been curious if there were more."
"That information is not necessary right now," Luna replied calmly. "So there is no need to even talk about it."
"Hm," Azula smiled to herself and continued walking.
They came across the local arcade of the district and walked in. The teenage boy behind the counter gave her a wave. Motoki was always the type to greet you with a big, wide smile. "Azula, your father said he would be taking a business trip tonight so it's going to be just you and Keiko tonight."
Azula gave a small nod. "Thanks, I'm sure Keiko's gonna love the fact she gets to babysit her dear old step-sister tonight."
He laughed. "Keiko doesn't treat you bad."
"No, she doesn't, I just like teasing her." Azula turned her back and leaned against the counter.
Her father actually owned the arcade - which made it easier to sneak into and use the underneath grounds for their secret Moon base - and he was usually in and out of the house attending to it. Azula's parents had been divorced since she could remember and she had lived with her American mother in America until her passing. At seven years, Azula had been taken in by her father in Japan and was introduced to her step-sister, Keiko Keena. Keiko wasn't actually related to Azula but they didn't care. Both girls had been an only child within their original families and wanted to experience having sisters. And after Keiko's own mother had passed away, Azula's father grew to see Keiko as his own. The were a small, complex family but nonetheless a family.
"Not again!" a girl cried in despair when she lost at the Sailor V game. She dropped her head over the controls, her long blonde hair falling down.
Azula motioned Motoki to watch her school bag for a minute while she went to the crying girl. "Usagi? Let me guess, the computer won? Again?" She laughed.
Usagi Tsukino was no stranger to losing to automated computers. She raised her head for a minute and gave a nod. "It keeps beating me."
"You might wanna try 'beginner'," Azula teased, prompting Usagi to drop her head on the controls again.
"You should be nice to your best customer!" she heard Usagi's muffled voice a second later. Azula looked down at Luna, both amusingly shaking their heads at Usagi.
"C'mon, Usagi, don't you have homework you're going to forget about or something?"
Usagi jumped from her chair like a bed spring. "I HAVE MATH TO DO!"
"There it is," Azula's voice was barely heard beside Usagi's loud shout. The blonde girl scrambled a quick goodbye, not even noticing her own cat, and ran out." Hard to believe she was actually a refined, Moon princess in another life," Azula remarked afterwards. Luna groaned beside her.
After a couple of minutes Azula and Luna left the arcade and were subjected to a sudden heat in the air that hadn't been there earlier. Though it was strange, as it really wasn't time for heat anymore, neither made a comment about it. Instead, Azula opted for a lunch on her own. Luna wasn't surprised by it though since nearly every day, at the exact hour, Minako Aino, Makoto Kino and Mamoru Chiba all ate their lunches, separately, but there. Azula just liked watching them all, even if it was from afar. Fruits Parlor Crown was a nostalgic place.
"There is no rule that you cannot speak to any of them," Luna would say just before Azula walked into the restaurant.
"Usagi wanted to be normal and I'm trying to respect that. Everyone wanted to be normal. The only reason I talk to her is because you're with me and, well, kinda awkward," Azula sucked in a breath and greeted Motoki's younger sister, Unazuki, the waitress before finding an empty table.
Just like each day she would come in, Azula pretended to do her homework while she ate. This was the only times where she could more or less learn what went on with her friends without actually talking to them. She knew it was probably strange but she really didn't want to compromise their memories. She already carried the burden of remembering everything that happened and, while Luna and Artemis did keep up at the base, she felt like it was her responsibility to be on the look out for anything potentially dangerous. She was the person, after all, that remembered everything - that had to count for something right? She wasn't just like any ordinary person.
"What's...that…?" Unazuki's voice pulled Azula from her mathematics book. The young girl was pointing at the glass window where they all saw a black cloud literally floating.
Azula's eyes widened in alarm, and frankly fear. She got up from her chair and stared in bewilderment as the cloud floated past the cafe in broad daylight. Everyone else in the cafe were doing the same thing.
Luna rushed out the door without even warning Azula.
"Luna!" cried Azula before running out herself. Her red, flaming hair bopped as she hurried down the stairs to get to the street.
There was a loud scream down the street and it was of course due to the black puff of cloud. It had captured someone, apparently, and had everyone else around running away from it. Azula skidded to a halt and gasped at the sight. The black cloud, which now began to look more like a shadow, had entangled a young woman with black thunder that kept the woman still, but in pain.
"I need the Shadow Crystal!" the purple-black cloud demanded.
"It talks?" Azula was frazzled but Luna skipped that part and went on to the concern stage.
"Somebody's got to help her!"
Azula turned sideways to find Makoto a couple inches behind her. From further behind Azula spotted Minako and Mamoru apart from each other. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me…"
"We're going to have to call Usagi!" Luna warned Azula, but both knew that even if they did do that Usagi would not get there in time to save the poor woman.
The victim screamed as something was pulled right from her chest: a shining white crystal with freckles of gold.
"A white crystal!?" went the black shadow, obviously angry at the results. "You have wasted Senka's time, puny human!" the black thunder around the woman vanished and the woman dropped to the ground. The white crystal slowly lowered until it returned to the woman's body. "I shall try another one!" and the cloud suddenly moved in the direction of Azula.
"Luna I don't suppose you could grant me temporary powers…?" Azula took a step back.
"I'm afraid not…" and Luna truly lamented it. She was sure Azula would have made a fine Sailor Scout.
"Yeah…" Azula gulped.
"Halt!" went a new, feminine voice that froze the cloud for a moment. "You shall not go any further!"
Azula, and the others, followed the voice up to the top of a parked truck across the street. There stood a woman with long, straight brown hair and stark, golden eyes. She was dressed in a long-sleeved body suit tucked underneath a pleated, light brown skirt with golden hemlines and matching short, golden boots with light, brown laces. The top part of the body suit exposed her middle with light, brown thick strings running across. There was a golden jewel piece going around her forehead, reminding Azula of the tiaras the Sailor Scouts wore, only this one had a golden sphere at the center. It matched the golden sphere necklace around her neck.
While everyone stared in awe, Mamoru felt a sharp jab at the side of his head.
Young Prince Endymion had wandered from the castle and came across a lonely field of almost dry grass. It was strange because as far as he knew everything on Earth was full of life and cared for. Something was wrong.
He stepped over the long weeds and keenly looked around for anything more suspicious. Suddenly, he crashed into a wall - an  invisible wall. He had to shake his head just to see if it had been his own illusion. He reached out and came across a wall, indeed, that rippled upon his touch.
"Halt," a female voice commanded.
Endymion turned to find a woman, similar in age to him at least by appearance. Long, straight, brown hair billowed in the wind that wasn't there a minute ago. Dressed in shades of gold and light brown, she held out a golden sword towards him.
"You must not pass," she warned. Endymion looked around just to make sure the woman was talking to him and not someone who perhaps followed him. His generals were no stranger to doing that. "Yes, prince, I am speaking to you," the woman read his thoughts and gave a small smile. "I know who you are, and I know you must be very confused but I cannot allow you to get any further."
"Who are you?" Endymion finally found his voice and began to demand. He knew every possible fighter in the Kingdom and he had never seen the woman before.
The woman lowered her weapon and got down on one knee. "I am Sailor Hemera, an honorary Shadow scout of light and day, protector of the barrier between the Earth Kingdom and the Shadow kingdom."
"The...Shadow kingdom…?"
Sailor Hemera's golden eyes raised up to the Prince. "The Shadow Kingdom led by Queen Nyx and her daughter, Princess Reign."
Could that be the same woman he just saw? And if so, why had he seen that vision all of a sudden? Mamoru wasn't sure, but he definitely wasn't leaving now.
"Step away from the nice girl or suffer the consequences," the mysterious woman ordered calmly of the shadow.
The shadow cackled. Apparently, the woman had been funny. "And just who do you think you are little girl?"
The woman, who seemed young in appearance, regarded the shadow with pure disdain. She somersaulted off the truck and landed gracefully on her feet. "An honorary Guardian of Shadow, I am the Sailor Scout of Day and Light! I am...Sailor Hemera!"
"A Sailor Scout!?" Azula nearly fell backwards. Luna too was gaping.
"You are from Shadow?" the cloud, Senka, suddenly grew interested.
"And you are from the Shadow Dominion, are you not?" Sailor Hemera raised her head. "I knew there was a reason why I was awakened. You want the Shadow Crystal, don't you?"
"I am Senka, created by the Trinity Guardians. I am the Queen of the Shadow Dominion and I will find my Shadow Crystal!"
"The Shadow Crystal was never yours!" Sailor Hemera reached to her forehead where the golden circle suddenly sprouted headband fabric, forming a clean, clear headband altogether around her head. "Glimmering boomerang attack!" she flung the tiara towards Senka.
"Watch out!" Makoto had yanked Azula backwards as the boomerang whipped in the area. Azula nearly fell back if Minako hadn't rushed up to help keep her steady.
The boomerang went right through Senka but she groaned like it had actually hurt her. Gold power swirled within her shadow form for a couple of seconds. "I am not strong yet!" Senka cried and vanished into thin air.
Sailor Hemera caught her golden boomerang and easily placed it back on her forehead.
"I-is she gone?" Azula asked just as Sailor Hemera turned to leave.
"Yes, but she wasn't defeated. Senka will return and look for the Shadow Crystal again."
"What is that? A-and who are you?"
"Sailor Hemera," Mamoru spoke before the woman could. Everyone turned to look at him but he was busy staring at Sailor Hemera herself. She seemed startled by his determination that it was her. No human should have that much recognition of her and yet here was this one…
"You should all be careful," Sailor Hemera warned deeply and made her getaway.
Makoto and Minako went to see how the victim was doing but Azula remained in her spot unable to do anything. She looked down at Luna who was just as concerned as she was, then they both glanced at Mamoru. He had remembered? No...that couldn't be it. But then why was he staring at the Sailor Scout the way he was?
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bgn846 · 4 years
The Niflheim Experiment Chapter 3
Did you know that I missed you? I don’t think we can keep this a secret anymore.  I want to be with you and I want everyone to know about it.  
 Ignis hummed in response and smiled sweetly.  His boyfriend continued to run his fingers through Gladio’s hair.  It felt so good.  
“Babe, don’t ever stop.” Gladio sighed contentedly.  A quick gasp from someone else nearby made Gladio snap his head up.  Blinking around stupidly he realized he wasn’t at home.  Ignis hadn’t been there at all, Gladio had been dreaming.  Groaning he laid his head back down and took a deep breath.
A full five seconds later he cried out in a panic, “What the hell happened?”
Aranea soon appeared in his field of vision and smiled.  “Uh – I was giving you a scalp massage and you freaked out.”
“You called her babe!” Luna chimed in excitedly.  She was sitting to his left and had also leaned in closer to look at him.
Soft blades of grass tickled his fingers as he took in his surroundings.  He was yet again lying down somewhere.  One thing of note, was his pillow, it was warm and kept moving.  Tilting his head to the side revealed it was Aranea’s lap his head was settled on.  “How did I get here?” He asked trying very hard not to blush.  He’d endured enough cringe worthy moments in the past twenty four hours to last him a lifetime.
“You don’t remember?” Aranea asked with concern.
“Uh – sorta.” Gladio took a moment to reflect and was rewarded with some interesting memories.  “I went nuts didn’t I?”
“Yep, you woke up suddenly and started shouting about needing to stretch.  Loqi had to pull over when you kept trying to open the car door.” Aranea offered.
“Then when the car stopped you threw yourself out and collapsed on the side of the road.”  Luna finished.
Gladio wished the eos would swallow him whole, he was doing all these super embarrassing things and it was terrible.  “Astrals, why me?” He whined in distain.
“We all needed a rest, don’t sweat it.  Besides it gave us a break from the wonder twins.” Aranea huffed.
Luna waved her hands to get his attention. “You called her babe,” she repeated again.   “Did you two get up to something before I joined the party?”
Nearly choking at the idea Gladio worked to explain his comment.   Aranea beat him to it. “He was most likely dreaming about his boyfriend.” With that simple statement she went right back to scratching his head.
Luna went white as a sheet at the comment.  Great, now Gladio had to deal with this on top of everything else.  He didn’t take Luna for the type to get put off by him having a boyfriend and not a girlfriend.   Gladio’s mind was reeling; he didn’t know what to say that might make things better.
“Who?” She finally asked still visibly shocked by the idea.
“Uh – well.” Gladio didn’t really want to say for fear of the repercussions.  If she wasn’t happy with him dating a guy, then he didn’t want her casting Ignis in the same bad light.
“It’s not Noct is it?” Luna whispered with wide eyes.
Okay, that question made sense, he could at least clear Noct’s name.  “No! Not the prince,” he sputtered.
Luna sighed with what seemed like relief, and promptly collapsed on his stomach.  “You scared me Gladio, I thought maybe Noct hadn’t told me because he was scared or --.” She never finished the thought. “For the record, even if it was Noct I would still be happy for you.”
“You were scared!”  Gladio yelped, “I thought you were going to hit me with a stick or something.”
Laughing brightly Luna pinched him in the side.  “I’m not like that!”
“Hey, so where are the others?” Gladio asked once his heart rate had returned to something closer to normal.
“They went to go get food and gas.  There’s a little outpost a couple miles from here.”
“Where are we sleeping tonight?”
“Nowhere.” Aranea answered with a blank look.  “We’re driving straight through to Insomnia.”
“Really?” Gladio asked hopeful.
“Sure, so long as the shitbox Ravus bought lasts.” Aranea huffed, “Sorry Luna, but your brother can be a total dick sometimes.”
“I’m aware of that,” she answered softly, “he means well.”
“I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you both since the empire attacked.”  Gladio offered.  “I’ve been away from my family and friends for a week tops and I’m a total wreck.”
“We’ve adapted.  I think Ravus still has some things to work through, but I’m hoping this trip will force the issue, as it were.”
“Speak of the devil, I see the car.” Aranea chimed in.  “Hopefully they brought back some good food, I’m starving.”
Lifting his head again Gladio could see a trail of dust coming closer.  The car seemed to be traveling pretty fast which was odd.  Soon it got close enough for Gladio to hear the tires on the side of the road.  From his position he really couldn’t see much.  The sound of one car door slamming was also unexpected.  Aranea had indicated that both Loqi and Ravus had gone out in search of supplies.
“Is something wrong?” Gladio asked quickly still unable to get a good visual.
Luna had stood up and was making a face.  “Where’s Loqi?”
“I kicked him out.” Ravus huffed as he walked over and dropped two bags of food at their feet.
Aranea spoke up before Luna had a chance. “Excuse me? What did you do?”
“He was behaving like a ruffian so I kicked him out of the car.”
“We need to go back and get him!” Luna shouted.  “What if he gets mad and tells the empire where we are!”
“Nonsense, he won’t do that.” Ravus said with an air of authority.   “He was screaming about punching me in the face.  I believe he wishes to do that before he makes other plans.”
Luna looked like she was about to punch Ravus herself.  She was pissed. “Ravus, if this causes trouble for us I’ll stop talking to you.”
“Luna, we’re two miles from the outpost.  It won’t take him that long to walk here.”
Needless to say the next thirty minutes passed far too slowly.  The mood was tense as they all waited for any sign of Loqi.  Finally, right after Aranea announced that she was going back to get him, he showed up.  He seemed composed but it was clear he was angry.
Gladio thought for sure he would try and pick another fight with Ravus.  Instead Loqi completely ignored him and strode over to sit next to Luna.  He was slightly sweaty from walking in the afternoon sun.   Nudging the bag near his feet Gladio stared at Luna.  She picked up on his hint and retrieved a bottle of water from it, promptly handing it over to Loqi.  The kid took it with a small nod and proceeded to guzzle most of the contents.
For the next hour Gladio was treated to a show of sorts. The food was doled out and Loqi focused all of his attention on Luna.  He was flirting, hard.  Ravus thought that leveling death glares at the blond would make a difference.  It did nothing.  Loqi continued on like he wasn’t even there.
Luna wasn’t sure how to handle the advances at first, but after ten minutes she was giggling and enjoying the attention.  Gladio had assumed, based off her reaction from earlier, that she liked Noct.   However, watching her eagerly encourage Loqi made him wonder; maybe Luna wasn’t as invested in Noct as he’d thought.  Even Aranea raised an eyebrow at the pair as they sat on the grass and laughed.
For the first time since his rescue, Gladio was able to stay upright without support.  Granted, he teetered a few times but a quick shove from Aranea righted him.  Despite the apparent difficulties Ravus and Loqi had with each other, they had managed to bring back some good food.  They spent another hour lounging and stretching out their legs.
Ravus disappeared at one point.  Gladio assumed he didn’t want to see Loqi fawning over his sister anymore.  The young shield was surprised he’d not yelled at Loqi about already.  If Iris was getting hit on by someone Gladio would definitely be trying to put a stop to it.
As he sat and pondered, Gladio began to wonder how much time brother and sister actually got to spend together. Ravus was the high commander or something in the empire’s army.  Or at least he was up until a few days ago, before he helped him escape.  Dwelling on the truth Gladio sighed heavily, he hadn’t been helped.  He’d simply been part of their plan.  He wasn’t complaining, but it still felt weird to not be in control.
Luna instantly picked up on his mood swing, even though she was still neck deep in Loqi’s smothering attention efforts.  “Gladio are you alright?  What’s the matter?” She asked quickly.
Raising his hands to indicate nothing Gladio remained silent.  He didn’t trust his emotional state at the moment.  Crying again wasn’t entirely off the table if he tried to explain himself.
Pouting, the princess took a breath out through her nose.  “I know something is wrong.”
“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” Gladio tried.
Opening her mouth to speak again, Luna was cut off by Aranea.  “Honey, let him be.”
“I don’t understand why you men can be so stubborn!” Luna blurted.   “I’m so sick of having to deal with everyone bottling their feelings up.”  She balled her fists up and stared intently at him, as if to make him talk by sheer will power alone.
“I’m sorry Luna, I’m – I’m not – I don’t --.” Gladio didn’t know how to explain himself, but he certainly felt like he was under attack, and not from someone he expected.
“Hey! Leave him alone!” Aranea vehemently interjected.  “You don’t know what he went through before we picked you up.  The poor kid was chained to a floor and Versteals scientists were experimenting with different daemon strains to turn him!”
Luna’ eyes went wide.  “I know what they did to him!  I healed him remember?!”
“Don’t.” Aranea warned.  “You didn’t see him like we did.  It’s not fair to Gladio to brush that experience off.”
“I’m not doing that!” The princess yelled.  “I’m only saying he should talk about his feelings, it will help.”
Gladio felt bad seeing the two women get angry over his lack of action.  “Please stop fighting,” he tried, “I’m sorry, I’ll try to be --.”
“NO!” Aranea fumed. “You will not apologize.  You’ve done nothing wrong.” She added with her finger menacingly pointed at his chest.  “Be angry if you want or don’t say a word. That’s your choice and your right.”  
Gladio did agree with Aranea, but he couldn’t help it if he wanted to avoid conflict.  Their group was small and clearly there were unspoken tensions still lurking under the surface. Choosing to follow her advice he stayed quiet this time and waited.
Luna tried once more to defend her actions. “I didn’t mean anything bad.” She offered quietly.
That comment seemed to set Aranea off even more.  “What the hell did you mean by it then?  Yelling at someone to speak their mind when they’ve clearly told you they aren’t comfortable? You seriously expect me to believe that you didn’t mean anything bad by that?”  She was pissed now and had raised herself up on her knees to be higher than Luna.
“I didn’t yell at him!”
“Could’ve fooled me.”  Aranea spit out. “Six! You’re more like your brother than you realize.”
Aranea’s statement hit too close to home as Luna immediately went into the silent treatment mode.  Gladio had seen that a million times with his own sister.  Swallowing hard he worked to tramp down his emotions at the memory.  They were going to Lucis, he had to be patient.
“Wanna know what I’m sick of -- this bullshit.” Aranea growled.   “Let’s head out, we’re wasting time.  Loqi quit making Ravus jealous and help Gladio back to the car.”
Gladio whipped his head around to look at the blond so fast his neck cracked.  Instead of defiant fury he was met with a smirk.  The kid didn’t have long to enjoy his moment.  Luna’s hand smacked his face a second later.  Hard.   Yelling in frustration the princess stood and stormed off in the direction of the car.    
“Um – they won’t leave without us will they?” Gladio worried.
“Fuck them.” Aranea hissed.  “I’ll get you home one way or another.  Don’t stress about it.”
Groaning softly Gladio tried to stand up on his own.  Thankfully Loqi was there to catch him when his knees buckled.  “You’re getting stronger.  I can tell.” Loqi offered while supporting his body.
“Not fast enough.” Gladio lamented.
“Like Aranea said, don’t stress it.”
“Easy for you to say.” Gladio grumbled. Loqi snorted in response as they hobbled along.  “So you like Ravus?” Gladio asked unable to squash his curiosity.”
“I like a lot of people Gladio.”
“So that whole show you did with Luna?”
“That was no show, she’s cute, I had fun.  I’m gonna have a hard time rebounding after what Aranea said, but I have faith in my abilities.   Luna will forgive me.”
“Cocky little shit.” Gladio murmured under his breath.  He could feel Loqi shake with a burst of laughter.  Clearly the kid enjoying being this way, he took pleasure in getting under peoples skin.  “Don’t mess with me.” He added with conviction.  “I can’t handle it right now.”
“You’re recovering, that’s cruel.  I’d wait until you were better.”
Gladio knew that if he had Ignis by his side, his boyfriend would easily be able to deflect anything Loqi threw at them.  Ignis was good like that.  He had a sharp wit and a sharp tongue.  “Thanks.” Gladio offered as they approached the car.  Which hadn’t left without them, thank the gods.
Loqi simply nodded and worked to situate him comfortably in the car. This time Gladio was sitting behind the passenger seat.  Ravus was already installed in the driver’s seat.  Luna was sitting next to him and staring out the windshield blankly.  Gladio couldn’t tell if she’d come to him for assistance or had merely stalked over and said nothing. He wouldn’t put it past Ravus to disagree with her tactics.   Considering her outburst it seemed as though Ravus’ lack of communication was a sore subject.
Aranea roughly sat down in the middle seat and reached forward to hit Ravus in the shoulder.  “Do you need directions?”
The man simply shook his head and waited for Loqi to get the back door closed before he started the car and drove off.  A pattern of sorts developed as they continued with their journey.  Ravus made it a point to stop every two to three hours for breaks.   It was at one of these pit stops that Gladio noticed the sun beginning to dip low in the sky.
“Are we stopping for the night?” He asked.
“No.” Came Ravus’ clipped response.
Gladio didn’t think it was worth digging into the subject more.  They had to know driving at night was dangerous, right?  They must have been aware of something because Aranea made Luna switch seats with her when they got back on the road.
Luna had made a stink at first but Aranea shut her up just as quick. “If we see daemons I need to get out and fight fast. Gladio and you will be safer in the backseat together.”
Pretending to already be asleep he ignored Luna as she clambered into the back seat.  He didn’t want to talk about anything with anyone right now.  It didn’t take long and they had to stop.  Unable to prevent the nearly suffocating, anxious feeling in his chest Gladio focused on breathing instead.  He couldn't help this time and that really bothered Gladio.  True to her word Aranea hopped out the car and easily dispatched the thing blocking the road.  Loqi paid close attention but stayed put.
Once Aranea returned Loqi quipped that he had the next one.  Gladio soon realized that whatever was blocking their path dictated who got out of the car.  He knew it was going to be a hard fight when Aranea, Loqi, and Ravus had to go tackle it.
During one of these harder battles Luna leaned over to him and rested her head on his shoulder.  “I’m sorry Gladio.  I didn’t mean to make you feel bad earlier.”
Relief flooded over him.  Gladio didn’t want Luna to be mad and this admission helped calm his nerves.  “It’s okay, I’m guessing that you have similar issues with your brother?”
“Yeah,” she sighed, “He holds so much inside and it’s not healthy.”
Deciding that admitting to the truth might not be so scary Gladio took a deep breath.  “Honestly Luna,  I was worried I was gonna cry if I talked about how I felt earlier.”
The princess pulled away and leaned up to look directly into his eyes.  “Oh – Gladio I’m so sorry, I should’ve been more sensitive.” She paused and then scrunched up her face.  “Is that why Aranea was getting snippy with me, she knew didn’t she.”
“I guess, she seems to understand more than we give her credit for.” Gladio answered solemnly.
“Loqi’s still a dick.” Luna added with a huff as she resumed her position on his shoulder.
“He does like you, so be prepared for round two.”
“Hmmm – maybe.” Luna grumbled.  “Are they done yet?  I can’t look otherwise I get overwhelmed with worry.”
Peering out into the dim stream of light provided by the headlamps, Gladio could see the trio walking back.  They were a formidable team.   However, by the time they’d finished their night drive the three fighters were practically covered in dirt and daemon goo.    
“We have to stop somewhere so I can get cleaned up.” Loqi whined as the sun started coming up.
“That’s what you get for going all crazy in the last fight dumbass.” Aranea added dryly.
“So worth it.”
“Neanderthal.” Was Ravus tired reply. Loqi only smiled wider and turned to Gladio to waggle his eyebrows.    
Gladio shook his head and hugged Luna closer.  She’d fallen asleep after the last fight and was resting comfortable against his side.   Their trip had been nothing like he’d expected and Gladio hoped things would continue to work themselves out.  He didn’t like it when they all fought.
Ravus turned slightly in his seat to stretch and caught sight of his sister in Gladio’s embrace.  “I appreciate your efforts to make my sister comfortable Gladio but it’s not necessary,” he sighed.
“I’m already in a relationship, with another dude, there’s nothing to stress over,” Gladio mused softly.    
Unable to see his expression Gladio assumed what he’d said had done the trick when Ravus merely uttered a surprised ‘oh’.  Loqi reached over the seat to give him a fist bump and continued to try and pick off dried bits of dirt from his clothes.  Wondering why Aranea hadn’t chimed in Gladio tried to check on her.  She was fast asleep with her head smashed into the side window.
Ravus soon pointed to a sign for an outpost nearby and began heading that way.  Gladio assumed they’d have to endure one more night of driving after this before they reached the outer limits of Lucis.  They were inching closer to home and Gladio could hardly wait.
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redderanddeader · 4 years
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(cataloging all my characters cause I swear to fuck I had more variety but alas) 
1. First Character I made, face #11. Miranda Morgan, Collector and Trader 
2. Made another one when, for some godforsaken reason, Rockstar turned my first face ugly (I logged on after about a year and her face looked totally different from the one I made). She’s “Miranda” in her early years- heavier, less good at things lol. She’s a bounty hunter (but not a good one). Also face 11 (they are the same person, natch)
3. Jesse Luna, son #1. A soft boy but tough when he needs to be. Fucking excellent at catching wild horses. Gonna go into Trading one day but can’t resist that Madam Nazar and got his Collector bag first. Face #19
4. Teddy Bell (both were sent to live with other families), son #2. Soft cause he was raised spoilt. Dumb of ass, good of heart. Aspires towards owning a moonshine shack for the aesthetic.  ALSO face 19 (well they are brothers)
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My next group. 
5. Belle le Fleur. Bad Ass Bounty Hunter. Kicks 90 different kinds of ass. I thought maybe if I made an ‘unattractive’ character I could make them be without honor somehow. It was working, then she gave all that up to save the girl from ugly old Tumbleweed man (every time). She’s working her way down though. Face #16
6. Jackson Cody. Feral with a heart of gold? Same theory as with Belle, but he’s a fucking cinnamon roll. Also working his way down. Also face #16. (One day I’m gonna clean him up and he’s gonna marry Belle and they WILL live happily ever after) 
7. Lucky Rose was from a Western au I was a part of and I had to make her, my beloved adopted dotter. I love her so much. She looks like a sweet little princess but she’s my only bab who WILL pull out a gun and shoot a motherfucker in a race (only if they shoot first) and then laugh over your corpse as she crosses the finish line. Yesterday some brawny player decided to sit on her horse and she beat the shit out of him right in front of God and everybody right there in Blackwater. Have I mentioned I love her? Face #3 because. 
8. Cayo was a challenge I did with my nephew- we were each going to make a character to honor my dad, who would have been such a bad ass in the Old West. He is def a bad Mo-Fo - my first to reach low Honor and working his way through Sam Finch’s stuff. Number 19 AGAIN. 
(omg I’m samefacing my boys the way I do when I draw HELP) ANYWAY
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OK. So then I forced myself to do some things different. 
9. Helene Boucher, who is the Rhodes Bounty Hunter lady’s sister (headcanon ok?). Father started out as a butcher, then spent a spell in California mining for silver where he found a pocket that made him quite wealthy. He quit while he was ahead and turned his earnings into a meat processing plant in New York. She was sent to Europe to be educated (as they’d given up on her rebellious sister) and came home to save her kin from the dirty nasty Wild West. Only her sister didn’t need saving... Now she’s working on being a Bounty Hunter herself though she spends a lot of time playing piano at Moonshine shacks and might end up doing that too. Face #4
10. Billie is the daughter of a scam artist preacher Missionary and his kidnapped woman wife. Her mother was among the first wave of Koreans who came to the United States via Hawaii. The missionary had gone to try and convert the native Hawaiians to his hair-brained version of his religion and ended up being run out but taking a souvenir in the form of a person (I don’t like him either). Unlike literally everyone else in the Old West, he failed at gold mining AND converting natives and headed east to the “more civilized” new England. When her mother realized she was pregnant, she escaped to Saint Denis, finding work at a restaurant, leaving Billie to roam the streets, dressed as a boy (for her protection). Billie pickpocketed, to bring money home for her mother, and it often landed her in jail, which angered her mother- who wanted better for her. When her mother remarried and was finally secure and happy, Billie took off to find adventure and get into trouble and stuff. Face #15 
11. Antonio started as an attempt to make a certain celebrity, but when he got in the game looked nothing like what I wanted so I wiped him and started fresh. (ironically, people tell me this one looks like three different celebs, none are the one I was aiming for). Anyway I have no backstory for him other than he’s Italian, just a whole Himbo, and left New Jersey to find a wife but only seems to find trouble. Due to his always being matched with villianous bastard types, he is the lowest level honor I have. He has to do each Sam Finch quest numerous times cause he is JUST. SO. DUMB. I love him though. Face #2
12. Max is the son of an Japanese immigrant who came to Chiapas, Mexico, to grow coffee, and a Mexican woman (she lived on a neighboring farm). They eventually came to America and tried to run general stores across the Heartland but did not feel very welcome there and did not do well. They ended up in Saint Denis where they run a successful restaurant and Fish market. Max did not have a lot of supervision and was often bullied, but when he hit puberty all the work hauling fish nets made him huge and people quit pickin on him. None of this had an effect on his character. His momma taught him well and he is def my one character who will die to protect someone calling for help. People think him dull because he keeps his mouth shut but he knows four languages and is incredibly perceptive. I might make him a moonshiner for funsies. Face #20
(wow why did they get so much backstory? Trust me they ALL have a novel’s worth I was just inspired to get it all down while it was in my head.) 
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